Watch What Crappens - Project Runway: Real Housewives of the Runway

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

On a very special episode of Project Runway, the designers must make a reunion look for several members of the Real Housewives franchise. Honestly, we're shocked this crossover experience has...n't happened before.For those of you who can't make the 2022 Golden Crappies Awards in-person this year, experience it live digitally from the comfort of your own home at tix to our live shows: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Kids, what happens when they're so wild and rapins? You're not crap. It's for what you don't want to do. Kids, what happens when they're so much that rapins? Hello and welcome to WaterCrapins. Podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just loved to talk about.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I am Ben Mandelker. Joining me is the hilarious and fashionable. Ronnie Caram, how are you Ronnie? Well, how mean? How's it going today? Oh, everything's just great. I'm glad we're doing a project runway recap. It's been a while. It has been a while and you know, the show, the shows latest season launched really when we had a bottleneck of content like so much so that we've had a table below deck and all these other shows. So we weren't able to give it the love that it deserves, but definitely given that the latest episode of Project Runway revolves around designing looks, reunion looks for some of the real housewives,
Starting point is 00:01:38 it was definitely one that we had to cover. So that's what we're going to cover today. Before we dive into that, just a warm reminder that the crappies are coming up. So that's what we're going to cover today. Before we dive into that, just a warm reminder that the crappies are coming up. So go to watch and find links to a variety of important things. For instance, there's the ballot. So you can vote, which is really fun. Also, there are links to tickets. So come see us at the crappies in New York City. January 27th. It's almost sold out, the biggest show we've ever done. We have a lot of special guests. So go get those tickets.
Starting point is 00:02:08 If you can't make it to New York City, we are partnering with Moment House to provide a digital, a live digital experience so you can actually stream it into your own home. So that's extremely exciting. We're really psyched about all that. So definitely participate in some way or another. And then after the crappies,
Starting point is 00:02:24 it's our 10 year anniversary hunky-d tour. And we're going all around the country. The entire list is on our website. It's really, it's too long to get into right now because we got a big recap coming ahead of us. But the shows that are coming up, we got New York, we also have New Jersey sold app, but we have Boston, we still tickets available for Boston. And then after that, we're going to New Jersey. I mean, we are going to New Jersey Boston. And then after that, we're going to New Jersey. I mean, we are going to New Jersey. We're going to Nashville. We're going to Atlanta and we'll be in Orlando.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Those will be the shows that are the following shows. So if you're in that region, go find a friend and come join us because it's going to be a party. Heck yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get back out there. My gosh.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I'm excited. I have to do a Shannon and bring my three spanks Spanks, I know it's gonna be really interesting getting back into the groove of it But I feel like it's gonna be I'm like I'm like deeply deeply excited for our tour runny I'm I it's like it's I can't believe it's actually now it's upon us It really is my goddess, it's kind of terrifying. So everybody, here we are with some project runway. So this is a very special episode.
Starting point is 00:03:34 So we had to jump in on this one because it is the Real Housewives episode. It is the client challenge of the show and they brought in a bunch of Real Housewives and the designers have to design their reunion looks. Mm-hmm, which is very exciting. I'm surprised they have not done this sooner, by the way. I'm surprised they didn't do this in the first season
Starting point is 00:03:56 that Project Runway came back. This is like a real gimmie, this idea for a show. Have you been watching Project Runway the season by the way? Oh yeah, oh yeah, good. Yeah, yeah, I keep up with that. I've been keeping tabs on it. I've I've watched I've watched some episodes not others But I've been keeping tabs, but I'm not really as up on
Starting point is 00:04:16 Like I don't know I couldn't I couldn't tell you oh who is a front runner and who is not a front runner? Right like could you actually tell me who who has been well it actually changed, it actually changes pretty dramatically from week to week. Like today, you saw Anna, she's had a couple of not great challenges in a row, but she's been doing really, really great. And then Shantal was actually kicked off. She got the Christian Syrian of save. And she's been doing great. You know, she's had a couple of mistests but she's been doing great. Chasity's pretty good. Bones, you never really know like whether he's gonna just fail or be great.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Like, you don't know. It's kind of up in the air, I think, the season on who's gonna win. I don't think there's any specific one that's gonna take it all yet. Right. And there's no one there that is like, why are they still here on this show? Why do they keep failing upwards on Project Runway?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Right? No, not really. No, it's been a pretty good season. There are people that I'm surprised were gone like the guy who talks like this and he has like the white bald guy with dyed eyebrows and stuff. It was like, yeah, I'm like professional on Instagram. And people are like, why would you even do project runway, you know, but like I finally
Starting point is 00:05:31 did it. So here I am. And I thought he was going to go far just because, you know, people with that much confidence, they kind of talk you into believing that they're going to win, you know, when they're like, I'm the best. And I thought he was okay, but he just kept making big floppy sleeping bag looking things, which last year led to a win because the guy who won last year at Jeffrey. Yeah, Jeffrey just loved sleeping bags. And he came on this year with Cindy Lopper at one point.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And he's like, hi guys, you know, it's really, like I really didn't think I could do it. Like I was a nervous rock and like I did that So you know why you should like a low-voiced Lisa He's like guys, you know you you could do it and then Cindy Lopper I was like wow look at Cindy Lopper on here not mentioning psoriasis once But then sure enough they had a special segment, which is like Jeffrey, you know what? Let me tell you something you know why I really appreciate this challenge.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Cause the Royaces. Oh, tell me all about it, Cindy. I missed that episode. I forget the episodes that I did watch, but I mean, I have definitely seen some episodes this season, but not enough that I can really remember. I saw, I actually, earlier in the season when there was like that girl who was like a total asshole who was just like sassing off to
Starting point is 00:06:48 Was she sassing up to Christian she was sassing up to someone. I was like, what are you doing girl? Well, there was a guy who was sassing off to Christian and then he apologized and Christian is just bitchier than ever. I mean this year he you know the first year he was super nervous This is his third year, right? You know what, I, I, I realized I confused, I conflated an episode of making the, what about the Tim Gunn and Hyde, this thing that's on Amazon, that's like not very good. I watched an episode of that and there was some asshole who was basically just assassinating up to Tim Gunn. And so I completed that. But I do, I did see, I did see the guy on this who sass off to Christian. And I was like, to Tim Gunn. And so I completed that. But I did see the guy on this,
Starting point is 00:07:26 who sass off to Christian. And I was like, wow, wow, I'm gonna work out well for you. Yeah, but he apologized and it was fine. It's been a really fun season. But here we are, towards the end, so there's not as many crazy people to make fun of and stuff,
Starting point is 00:07:41 but it's still a super fun show. So yeah, Christian's gotten real busy because he started where he was like just real shy, he's like hello designers, you know? And then he kinda got in the swing of it and now he's just like flat out rude sometimes. I love it. I feel like he finally, I think in his second season,
Starting point is 00:07:59 he kind of like got into his groove. And now this season, he is definitely just like, oh my God. You people are driving me nuts. Yeah, now he's very much like, okay, I have fun looking stupid, bye. Yeah, I walk off. So we start with Christian, of course,
Starting point is 00:08:16 everybody comes out on the runway for the challenge and there's big vases of mostly fruits. It's like fruits and flowers. You know, it's basically like next season's cast. Yeah, sitting there waiting. And so everyone sits down next to the vases. They're like, oh my god. And he's like, everyone, take a seat next to one
Starting point is 00:08:33 of these beautiful vases. Don't touch them. God for crying out loud. Get you to see that they're put there in a place for a reason. This is the real client challenge. And these clients know exactly what they want and boy, are they real? I've never heard of anybody describe housewives like that. Yeah, but also like I love how they're just like really leaning into the word real like this is the real client
Starting point is 00:08:59 Challenge as can be a real fun time and they really know what they really want because they are real women. These are real people who are married or were married and are in a relationship. Someone might call them they are real women of houses. See where I'm getting at people, anyone? Basically, of like reading the ingredients list off of a buyer's box, okay? That's how real they are.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I miss those commercials. Remember where it was just like a little girl going sugar, milk, eggs. Wow. They're like, wow, you missing your sodium, Zunga Glankophyte. Brires, it's real. God, I love when that briar's nostalgia kicks in, right? So can you tell I'm hungry? So then basically the real housewives come out and Gina, from O, Gina and Shana from O.C.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Jezel Wendy and Karen from Potomac and then Leah and Luan. And one lady, one of the designers starts going, I am gang gang. And some of them are like, Sean Tal's like, I've never seen a housewives show before and I have no idea what this is going to be. And Chastity's losing her mind. She's like, the grand dom is in the building. Yes. And then bones goes, the grand dom is in the building.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I said that already, quiet. Yeah, bones is like, oh, just wait. I will find a pair of workout shorts that I'll put on my head soon. Just you wait, I will get my revenge. So Chassis starts talking about a caron and it's like has all this regalness and everything. And Christian tells them that they have to design a reunion show
Starting point is 00:10:46 look for the real housewives. So that we got to Anna, who goes, I'm international, so I don't know what a reunion show is. Not sure. And yeah, I'm not looking good for her. And so the Christian tells him, this is the most anticipated look they're gonna wear all year. And then when I was like, yeah, I mean, the reunion look.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So what we, we wait for all year, everyone posts it, and all the magazines. I mean, we're everywhere. Good luck trying to get through a grocery store checkout without seeing your face flattened all over the place. I mean, that's the time. Wait until the who's who of the Watts Watts get onto the fashion page of the penny saver It's a hard page to get on but gosh darn it will get there somehow and
Starting point is 00:11:30 Kirin is like hmm people come for me, so put a smatch on me bitch control And and lia's like yeah We get to go back and read bitches for Phil and we need to look, need to look fucking fierce while doing it. I love Luan and Leah talking about, you know, the importance of the reunion and the reunion look and all the fun things you get to do through reunion, knowing that their reunion just never happens, which is cool. Right. This film before it. Right. So, Shan is like, well, I mean, after my pre-union look last year, I do not want
Starting point is 00:12:07 to look like Nancy Kerrigan again. I can tell you that much. I don't actually know who Nancy Kerrigan is, but that line was rinsed for me by a production system backstage. So I hope it landed well. Great. So, Christians, like, it's going to be decided by your vase is what I wrote. What did he really? What did he really write or say? Nobody knows. I don't know. He said something like yeah, you're working like whoever's in your vase. That's who you're working with. So then they're all oh Okay, thank you. Yeah, I even spelled vase wrong. It's V-A-C-E. So I was like what is it a face? It's gonna be decided by your face
Starting point is 00:12:44 So bones gets shan and then shantal. She pulls out Luann's name and she goes, Luann and Luann goes, oh, oh, I love that. She has a European accent and so, therefore, since I am sort of European, even though from Connecticut, I have to express how much I love her because I know Europe, I've lived in Europe and I know Europe and I understand accents from other, and I know Europe, and I understand accents
Starting point is 00:13:05 of other countries, like, okay, Luan, we get it. You get it. Yeah. So, Leah is with Coral, and Karen's with Chastity, and she's like, um, your energy, it's insane, you're like a ham from Surrey, unforgettable. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Um, and Anna, Anna's like, she reads her thing, she's like, uh, Um, and Anna, Anna's like she reads her thing.
Starting point is 00:13:26 She's like, uh, Gina, I'm like, oh my god, that's me. Oh, I, I thought you were, you were just an assistant. You're, oh, you're on TV. Okay. Nothing could go wrong. Um, and Karen is giving instructions that she's an hourglass and she's confident so she wants it. Her hourglass figure is shown off and then Wendy is telling her designer, she's Christina.
Starting point is 00:13:51 She's like, I got my new boobs and my new butt so I want boom boom. Wendy, geez. Yeah, she really wants to show it off and Christina is like, okay, well my question is actually, do could it be a dress or like kind of be a suit? And so Wendy clearly hates the idea of a suit. It's all over her face, but what does she say? She goes, it can be whatever you want if you think you can make a suit. Yeah, I don't see it all over her face. I thought she was just saying whatever you want, do whatever you want. But no, but I'm saying that Wendy was not being up front
Starting point is 00:14:30 with what she wanted at that moment, right? She was saying, oh, you can be whatever, you can make whatever you want, but it's clear she doesn't want that and she doesn't say it. Like it's so obvious. So, and she's also wearing a suit. She's wearing a glitter suit. And anybody who knows this show,
Starting point is 00:14:47 knows that these designers are gonna be like, like even one of them even says later, like, you know what, she really, she was wearing pink lipstick, so I said we're doing pink. Yeah, like they will look at you, they don't know who you are, they're gonna look at whatever you're in
Starting point is 00:15:02 and think, oh, she likes that. Right. And so, Christian is like, well, clients, they, you know, they think they know what they want, but it's important to sell your idea. So, no, so I'm going to sell my idea by saying, so you want suits that cover up boobies and butts, huh? That's what you're saying, right? And Leah says that she wants to be a sexy Disney, Disney princess.
Starting point is 00:15:23 I'm like, with a knife in your hand. I'm like with a knife in your hand. Like, I don't know what. I don't know what Disney princess you're gonna be. But it's actually, I would like to see her in something like that. Because I think she's always going for like, Tefash, you know, she's like, look at me, I'm Tef. And I would like to see her in a really girly butterfly e dress.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I was surprised that that's what she actually requested. I thought that she was gonna be like, yeah, I want to say that's like cool. And like, just like she can, cool. I thought that's what she was gonna go for. So I was surprised that she requested sexy Disney dress. And Coral's like, I don't do Disney princess. I do warrior regardless.
Starting point is 00:16:02 So she's already, I don't know what to do. Which is way better. Anyway, for Leah for her personality. So then we go over to Shannon and Boone's and Shannon's like, well, I'm telling you, if you measure me, I will go down, celery cleanse. Okay, now look at this, right here, that I'm pinching. We don't want this, okay? And I'm very traditional, but for reunions, we have to wear short dresses.
Starting point is 00:16:24 When I have to have knee here. I can't do too short. Oh, also I need a bra, five bras. Oh, god, my boobs are gonna be hanging into my knees. Also do not show my arms. I'm not a girl who likes to show her arms or stand out. Okay, I like to plant in. I'm not a feather person.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Okay, I don't like feathers. Okay, I just want tight no sleeves about sleeves about the sleeve from point. Oh my god, the salmon. This is what I would like. Okay, because I did I did I did I did bring some cut carrots and some celery and some cucumbers. So what I would like you to do is to find a box in painted black and cut two circles on the side and a big circle on the top and a bigger circle on the bottom and we'll just slide it over me. My hand will go through the little circles and I'll just be wearing a box but make sure there's a compartment
Starting point is 00:17:09 where I can hold my carrots and celery and cucumbers and that will be happy. That's all I want. I'm a very easy client, easy. So Bones is like, you say you don't want feathers but you're wearing feathers on your shoes right now. Okay, what's that? Oh, but why suppose I am?
Starting point is 00:17:24 Look at that! Oh my God, are people noticing me? Well, I-I'm not actually wearing feathers. I did accidentally step on a canary when I was walking over here. It was a very awkward moment. I-I thought it was a small fire that I was trying to put out. It turns out it was a bird, so there's feathers stuck to the shoe, and I-I am too mortified to remove them. I would actually like to apologize to the city of New York because I did not mean to kick that pigeon. I was actually falling backwards because I saw a hot dog stand on the corner while I'm on a celery climb.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So, that was, it was a clear mistake. I saw two pigeons walking together and here we looked to be some sand. It was just a little patch of dirt and it just brought me back to hearing stories about David walking on the beach with some slide and I just had to kick a pigeon I had to kick the pigeon. I said you slide away from that other pigeon he's married By the way, this is my once-pink's I will have three more on runway day And then we cut to Luan doing exactly what you'd think the Wann is doing. Oh, I'm a cabaret star So I'd like something elegant, possessive. And Chantal's like, do you want any texture?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Um, no, no, no. I want to show my assets, and the texture comes from my voice. It's more of a gravely texture, so my address just has to be clean, clean lines, aesthetic and elegant, and Chantal's like, well, clean lines, aesthetic and elegant and Gentiles like, well, my aesthetic is clean and elegant. It's like, oh, good. And you are from Europe, it sounds like or vaguely not from America.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So we like that as well. She's like, yes, yes. So then, Jacelle, we see her season four reunion, like lace suit thing machine. That's more. Yeah. And Aaron's like, I'm just looking at your book and I just gotta say this, I love this
Starting point is 00:19:07 and I love a jump suit. Yeah. He's like, you know what, I've been in the top six times but I haven't watched it. Oh, well, we're winning this thing, okay? And let me tell you why, because I wanna be Barbie but not high school prom. I mean, does that sound like victory or what?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah. And then Gina is with Emma. And Gina was like, I love jumpsuits, I love form, structure, shoulder pads, shine, mostly, you know what here's what you need to know about me. I'm nice. Alright, the other women are scary because they grew up in a place where there's a lot of flies. You know, you know, being on the East Coast is just no flies here, am I right? Yeah, I'm very nice. I'm very, very nice client. Okay. You know what I would like you to do? Okay, why don't you put a sign that says gather and then turn that into a dress? Okay, I just want to gather sign just wrapped around my body. That's what I want. Do the equivalent of a fireplace in the middle of the kitchen, but also the middle of the living room and try and make sense of that in your head and that's how I dress
Starting point is 00:20:07 Listen, I want on top. I want a Satan that says live I want a belt that says laugh and then my skirt just says love You know what the only sign I don't want is just please don't print laundry on me all right because Travis already does that at home And it's really getting old. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or I mean, I don't think she's really unfocused with her vision for someone who runs a clothing line. Will she even says that later? She's like, well, I'm not a designer. I mean, I do have a clothing line, but like, I mean, come on. So, Lee is actually...
Starting point is 00:21:58 Yeah, sorry. Yeah, Lee is actually pretty cool in this one. And I think she's pretty specific. I mean, she wants a butterfly tool dress in green. It was basically what she wants. And can you arrange all the butterflies that would they spell out, fuck you, mom? That would be really cool. So Karen is with Chastity and Chastity has just been to all of Potomac, I guess, during COVID or whatever. So she's like a new fan, you know? And I specified new fan because I look down on that. Oh, because whenever she's like, I'm your biggest fan,
Starting point is 00:22:30 I'm like, new fan, okay, where were you just now? Just out here. Where were you six years ago, rooting for Karen? All right, new me. So Chastity is like, oh my God, I get it because I watch you all the time. I can't say, oh thank you. Oh thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:22:46 She's like so happy to be like the celebrity who's being dogged on. And then Luan, meanwhile, is just like having a moment with her designer. She loves the like her designer's vision. She's like, oh goodness. You see, we found each other. Me, the Cabaret star and you, the street urchin
Starting point is 00:23:04 who just wants to needle and some cloth to make something for once again me, the cabaret star, and you, the street urchin who just wants to needle and some cloth to make something for once again me, the cabaret star, we found each other. It's not the croissant that's important. It's the journey that the door-dash person takes to bring me the croissant. Do you know what I'm trying to say, lady whose name I don't remember? Good, not got to work! So then they all strut out the door and they're like, not good to work. So then they all shred out the door and like, yeah, it's work and then Shannon turned around and she's like,
Starting point is 00:23:28 bam! Couldn't have done that with two other spanks on, but with one spanks, I will take the liberty to do a little move there. Oh, oh, oh, oh and anapolls, like a metallic fabric and already I'm knowing this is going to go wrong because Gina is not a black metallic fabric kind of girl that we know. I also'm like this is going wrong. No, she's not and also when you tell somebody I'm the nice one, right? Like in the reunion I'm the nice one. Well, anybody would say, Oh, white, like, you know, like a light color, like in Westerns, you know, like the black hats and the white hats or whatever.
Starting point is 00:24:14 It's like, but she makes her like a villain, basically outfit. She makes her a total Disney villain outfit. To me, it's more just like the metallics, Like the metallics just to me screams sort of like armor in this sense. And, well, and it's also just the way that Anna says, like, oh, well, you know, my aesthetic is very edgy. And Gina says she is too. Like Gina is the least edgy housewife
Starting point is 00:24:36 in all the franchisees. Like she is, like, she's terrified of like a mug of tea. I don't know, like she sees a dust like a mug of tea. I don't know, like she sees a dust ball. She's like, oh my god, I don't know if I should even say anything to the dust ball because that's kind of scary over there. Yeah, so bones is saying that he loves Shannon,
Starting point is 00:24:54 but she's very conservative and so he's gonna do a boat neck and three quarters of these. And I think this whole thing was really funny because it makes sense, right? To hear that Shannon is actually asking for this stuff every year crack something up because her outfits are just so like, you know, little girl, you know? Like the full sleeves and last year's was just terrible, you know, and I know she feels terrible about it, but it's like, wow, that white really high-collared sleeves. Kind of straight jacket church. Also surprising to learn that,
Starting point is 00:25:25 the Orange County reunions, they have to show their knees. There was something kind of retrograde to me about that. I mean, maybe they all want to, but it's a little clearly Shannon doesn't like that. And it's kind of, I think, very strange, that she's forced to present her body in a way that makes her extremely uncomfortable. I've never even noticed that about Orange County that they're always in short dresses.
Starting point is 00:25:52 I never noticed that either, which is also what's funny, that they have this mandate that I don't know, that either of us have picked up on, but then again, I mean, people don't turn to us for our hot takes on fashion. But I just, I felt like that was, I don't know, I felt like that was so strange considering that other franchises clearly are allowed to wear full on ballgowns. And that's like, I'm sure it just wants a ballgown moment. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:14 She was a, I think she was a deputy-ton. And if she wasn't a deputy-ton, she definitely gives deputy-ton, Cattillion energy. So like, let her have her Cattillion. She lives lady judging the Cattillion energy. You know, like, well, that fork was a quarter of an inch too far from the plate. So I'm sorry, you lose Catillion. Man.
Starting point is 00:26:38 This Catillion. So coral is looking for Emerald Green to do cutouts for Leah, like a cutout dress for Leah, but she says she can't find the Emerald Green to do cutouts for Leah, like a cutout dress for Leah, but she says she can't find the Emerald Green she wants, but then she sees nude fabric. And so she's like, you know, this will be okay. This change of color. I hope she's okay with it. Meanwhile, they show her picking the fabric
Starting point is 00:26:58 and there's an Emerald Green to bolts above it. I mean, it's like clearly visible on camera. I didn't even notice that, but I also thought like, if Leah gets mad about this color choice, I'm gonna be mad because Leah always wears this color. Like she's always in this shade of quote unquote nude. So I was like, I knew it would be fine, but I also was like already getting angry at Leah.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I was getting so ready to color a hippocrypt, but like, I know you call for Emerald, but this is a perfectly fine color because you wear this color all the time. Leah, I was like, I was like already getting angry at Leah. I was getting so ready to call her a hippocrypt. Like, I know you call for Emerald, but this is a perfectly fine color because you wear this color all the time. Leah, I was like already in a fight. You're a premade. Yeah. So eight hours left, designers.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So Aaron's like one thing that differentiates me from the other people here is that I actually do work with clients and I started finding that medium point where costume meets fashion and she's I think she's Barbies that that is where I'm gonna live Can I dance Barbie has any here I can And Christina is saying no doctor Wendy has a new boob job and new butt, but she wants to show it so I'm going to make corset and
Starting point is 00:28:00 pants and Fingers crossed scarf to cover boobs and pants and fingers crossed scarf to cover boobs. By the way, I was, how jealous was Garos Barrow? Because I feel like everyone was making a corset today. You know that Garos Barrow wants to get it right in there with his like corset, uncorseed, uncorseed action. Yes. So then Shantal is stressing.
Starting point is 00:28:23 She's like, I love my client, but this is still not easy. And Shantal's like, well, I want to show her body, but I don't want it to be too tight. I'm like, yes, you do. For Luan. Yes, you do. You want it to be skin. You want it to be skin.
Starting point is 00:28:39 But then we learned that so she's doing some sort of, like a lace corset, but she's also doing a rap dress and she's not feeling good about the rap dress. I'm like, you need to get rid of the rap dress because on Roni, we do not mention rap dresses anymore. We have too much of an association with Barbara and if Luanne ever found out that she had some sort of rap dress on her body, she will lose her mind. Yes, if you dressed her like a Barbara, her enemies, she would not be pleased.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Although they did start as friends, Luanne did bring Barbara to us. So then Chastity's like hammering some beads down on the floor from Karen's fabric. And she's like talking about how she wants to make this regal black feminine silhouette for Karen. And then bones is working on a little black dress for for a shan and everything and Chastity realizes, meanwhile, that by hammering
Starting point is 00:29:32 the beads, the fabric starts to fall apart. So she's going to have to hand so Karen's dress, but she doesn't want to send Karen down with anything too basic because Andy Cohen would absolutely kill her. And that's like the end of that drama, by the way. If you were thinking what's gonna happen with Chastity and the fabric and having to hand sew it, guess what? That's it. That's the end of that.
Starting point is 00:29:55 So I don't know what happens. So Anna's not even trying here. Okay. So she already got like a different fabric. She's like, she wanted ruffles of butterflies and I'm not gonna do those. Okay, so you're not gonna do, oh sorry. So you're not gonna do anything that she asked for.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Not saying. Yeah, and she's like, I'm just not doing those. So Aaron, meanwhile Aaron is feeling very good about his thing because he's like, Jiselle wanted to be Barbie and I love Barbie. So I'm gonna go costume, corset on top, wide like pant, long sleeve top. And since it's Jacelle, a whole bunch of other patterns and crazy shit that will probably make her look terrible because that's kind of her reunion thing.
Starting point is 00:30:33 So then bones is just staring off into space. He's like, I'm taking off my shirt. So he takes his shirt off, just like stairs off. And he's like, you know, I'm just bored. You know, Miss Shannon gave me a very narrow little box to work in and people have put me in the box before and I think that the shame of expressing myself came from a fear of being seen as gay and I bought out of this box. I was like, thanks for your weird shirtless box monologue. Yeah. I know. But like Shannon is inspiring him to go down a rabbit hole of his own closeted childhood, which is funny. Yeah, that was an odd, that was an odd segue into like a personal detail about bones. They put as many monologues as season of why you're sad.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I think that they have like the Barbara Walters producer back there. Like when was the last time you cried? Do it again, do it again, because everybody this year. I don't even think you could get cast if you don't have some kind of traumatizing pain, you know? It's not about fashion, it's about people. So then now is the next day and Aaron is, they're back in the work room and Aaron's saying how the real housewives, they're back in the, in the work room. And Aaron's saying how, the real housewives, they are uniquely them and they don't give a shit. They are highly opinionated and they are always extra
Starting point is 00:31:51 and they need to love their looks. Now let's look at what Anne is doing. Oh God, Jesus, oh that's terrible. Okay. So Kristen comes in to check on everybody and he starts with Chastity. And she's like, well, Karen loves cleavage and sparkle. And she wanted anything but orange or brown. And he goes, so you gave her black. So what's supposed to be new about this new fashion element? Because
Starting point is 00:32:15 right now this is a beaded busier gun. So. And she's like, well, it's what the client wanted. He goes, okay. So she said she wanted a full-beated gown is that what it is. And she's like, maybe, okay, the challenges who is the next-rate fashion innovator and thinkers. So, good luck, bye. And Chastity's like, respectfully, I'm going to listen to my client more than Christian. So which, this is, I have to say, this is looking pretty boring for Karen, you know? Just like a... Yes, you know, I
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yes, I agree. I was surprised. I also was surprised to see in black and if Karen says I'm down for any color except for brown or orange Why are you going black like that's an odd? She basically saying she wants something in color right so then He goes to Anna and she talks about Gina. She says Gina wants structure and she wants it something warm and no lace and no pink. And she mentioned she like shoulder pads. So this whole thing is shoulder pads. It's like big, crazy insane shoulder pads.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Yeah, and in a weird way, I appreciated the drama of the shoulder pads, but it was already looking so non-gina. Like, we could already see this as a train wreck. And then, Christians, like, when were you gonna put underneath? And she's like, well, a pencil skirt, because you're gonna put a pencil skirt? No, it's a pen. I mean, I mean, anyone can make that in 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:33:36 I mean, is there manipulation? Is there a texture? Is there a pleating? I mean, God, for crying out loud. It's like, don't run out of steam now. Bye. And she's like, well, I'm crying out loud. It's like, don't run out of steam now, bye. And she's like, well, I'm confused because I'm happy with it.
Starting point is 00:33:49 So I guess I'll change the pencil skirt into a structured pencil skirt. Oh, okay. So then, Kristen goes to bones and bones is like, well, she didn't really want to show her arms and she doesn't want any crazy style. Like, she likes boring stuff. And she talked a lot about sliced carrots.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'm not really sure how I should incorporate that in celery, but I was like, okay, well, bones, you still have to be you. So my suggestion is take some gym shorts and put it on top of the stress. And that's solved. Yeah. And he's like, well, she did say I could do me.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Thanks, Cee Dog. And he's like, Cee Dog, ill. After all this good advice I just gave you. He's like, he's like, well, how about C pup? He's like, I'm younger than a dog, ill. So then, so then, Christians is going around. And he's suggesting to Aaron that the court, like a court, it can go on the outside of the look.
Starting point is 00:34:41 And then he goes to Christina and he's like very concerned that the look is gonna be covering up way too much for Wendy. And she's like, duh. And where is Christina from, by the way? I keep giving her a Russian accent. Is she Russian? Or from former Soviet?
Starting point is 00:34:56 I forget. Okay. I'm putting her with him, I think it's somewhere with him any at the end. Like a, oh, like a Chachnia or like a, I think it's somewhere with him any at the end like a oh like a Chesnia or like a I think But she I'd love that they're calling this covered up. It's a freaking corset with boobs hanging out How was that covered up because her legs are covered up? She didn't mention her legs and you don't see your butt She's sitting down all you see from sitting down looking at a corset is boobs with these big boobs spelling up
Starting point is 00:35:24 I get it. It's sort of like a different I What do you see from sitting down looking at a corset is boobs with these big boobs spelling up? I get it. It's sort of like a different, I don't know. I feel like it's a different booby presentation, right? Like, I don't know. Like, I sometimes feel like boobs look bigger, not in a corset, but in a different kind of top. Like a corset's almost like these are boobs,
Starting point is 00:35:43 whereas other dresses are like, that it's almost like the boobs are, the fact that the boobs are kind of top. Like, of course, it's almost like these are boobs, whereas other dresses are like, that it's almost like the boobs are, the fact that the boobs are kind of like busting out of a different kind of top almost makes them look larger, right? Cause they're seem like. That's weird, because of course it is literally main to center waist and push your boobs up,
Starting point is 00:35:59 like make a big bowl of boobs. But she was, yeah, I don't know. But it also, by the way, on top of everything else, it doesn't look like a reunion look. You know? It looks a little sturkacy, you know? Like the, yeah, like the kind of the glitter that she, the fabric she's using, I don't think is great.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, it's like two stiff of a fabric. Yeah, well, yeah, I don't know. I think that maybe what it is that all feels very tight and buttoned up and restrictive. So even though the boobs are out, it doesn't have this flow of something that is sort of just loose and glamor, not loose, but like glamorous, it doesn't feel glamorous
Starting point is 00:36:39 and I just feel like the boobs, I feel like the boobs just would feel more presentational if they were framed by a fabric rather than presented like hoisted up like boom here the boobs. I get another fashion gay so really like I apologize to everyone who actually understands fashion and is just like dying by my my hot takes on this look. Yeah and other one I mean I'm wearing an old Navy shirt with three pink wins on it. So then we go to Coral and she's like, well, she asked for a princess with butterflies
Starting point is 00:37:12 and I think maybe that's too much and he goes, you think, oh, and she loves nude. And she's like, well, she asked for neon's and coral green and he goes, oh my god, you're killing me. So you didn't do anything that she asked for it that consists of my housewives, okay? You're gonna have a lot of convincing to do yeah, and Tell her her only other option is addressed me that of teaky torches That's the only way she's wearing this. I'm telling you right now
Starting point is 00:37:37 But I think that like what coral has going for her is that Leah I think wants to see you seen as like Extremely cool by designers. So she's probably going to go with anything unless it looks hideous. And actually now that we see what she's making, it looks so Leah, right? Because you're right. Leah does like that color. And it's like macrame hippie kind of like Leah is always trying to give out, you know, like she could have her sister come in and do some homemade cut bangs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It's like hippie chic. Yeah. So then the models come in and Karen, I just, I just love Karen. Karen comes in in her shirt top, you know? And she's like walking in at, she looks like she's holding in a dookie. She's just like, has that sort of like that,
Starting point is 00:38:18 that very specific waddle. And she's like, she walks in with it. And then she starts just waving at just anyone going, hi, how are you? How are greetings from Surrey County? Have everyone, hello, hello! Aaron tells herself, but I thought about you all that girl. And she's like, most men do, wah, most men do, wah. Um, hey, bones, I have my spanks with me.
Starting point is 00:38:40 I'm crazy. I'm so insecure, let me put them on right now on camera. Oh my god. So, uh, Karen's like, hmm, I've never done black, but I've always wanted to. Here we are in lovely, so accounting! Hold on one second. Better go to my camera man, if we just shoot a quick promo video for Surrey County? Hello and welcome to Surrey County home of so much fashion and designers and look at these skyscrapers Are the glory of Surrey County? Okay, that's a wrap send that over to them You may not know this about Surrey County, but it's where Project Runway is filmed In prison Surrey
Starting point is 00:39:21 Look here Surrey County's own Christian Suriano. Wow so many luminaries coming out of Surrey County's own Christian Suriano. Wow, so many luminaries coming out of Surrey County. He loved the town so much, it's in his name. Christian Surrey County. So Leo's like, wow, this color, this is not what I was expecting. Coral goes, oh my goodness. And then we cut to commercial and we come back and she's like, this is not what I was expecting. Coral goes, oh my goodness. And then we cut to commercial and we come back and she's like, this is epic, thank you. Yeah, of course, I knew that was gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:39:52 It's way better than I could have come up with in my head. So then, so then there's all my hair adjustments and everything. And Wendy, Christina's showing Wendy the look, she's like, she's like, okay, and now we have,ress. Oh, you know why it was runny? You know why I was covered up because it was going to be a dress with trousers underneath. And she's like, Dress, but trousers under and Wendy's like, trousers. She's like, what is this? She's what's it dress?
Starting point is 00:40:19 And it goes on top of the pants. Yes. Dress on top of pants. And then corset, Ringmaster hat and also Parker. Yeah, Wendy's like, um, I thought we were going to show off my legs because I have my legs. Oh, Lord. Um, but Wendy's just looking at her like she's crazy, right? So then we go over to Lou and she's loving it because it's half suit. It's like kind of a suit. It looks like a suit jacket that's tailored and then a court, like a lace corset coming out. So it looks like it's going to be pretty cool. It's cool. It's very much like Victor Victoria, or like, or two face from Batman, like to the left.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I'm in a suit and to the right. I'm in lingerie. And Lohan joined her. I'm sorry, did you mean two face from Real Housewives of Dallas? Because wow, that's true. Well, well done. And Luanne has like a severe mouthpucker. Like when, you know, Luanne has this look on her face when she's like analyzing something where she just like clenches her jaw really tightly and you see all the veins.
Starting point is 00:41:15 She does like the Tom Cruise jaw clench and then she sticks out her know, running around like, oh my god, I love it. I've got to put my spanks on. Oh god, that's a weird sprite spanks. And he's like, get in the get your head in the game, woman. Yes. And then Karen is being very Karen. She's like, you know, not a lot of artists get their clients the way you got me, but you know, I said, I'm going to be your clay and you're going to mold me and you're an artist and I'm the artist production and I'm basically arriving at an effort idea on a seashell. Yes I am. Siri County. You
Starting point is 00:41:54 get me. I never get into a car without wearing a seatbelt because that top just looks like a seatbelt. It looks like a glitter seatbelt. That's true. And she's like, I appreciate your three-week thinking, young lady. And then Gina and Anna, Gina is like, what a reunion dress we gotta have skirts, but I kinda like this. This is terrible. It's just,
Starting point is 00:42:18 she looks like she's wearing a football uniform or like not football uniform, but it looks like she's got a shoulder, like football shoulder pads. They're so big and so, it's so terrible on her if Disney needed a villain for like a football movie It would be Gina like oh really you think you're gonna get that food you think you're gonna get that goal Africa I can't think of any football terms to make it Disney Christmas
Starting point is 00:42:44 It's close enough. Yeah, it just was, it was sort of just like sitting on her in this weird way. There was like a lot of like space around the shoulders and it was awkward and just totally not Gina. I mean, she looked absolutely crazy and she's just trying to make, make it work. She's like, you know what I like that? If not a cocktail vibe, you know, but like full blown war at a reunion. So like, we're all sitting down and catching the attack each other like animals. So this is like, sort of good for it.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah. Yeah. So then Leah is talking to her. She's seeing, she's seeing Gina and she's like, oh my God, this is not good. Why isn't Gina more annoyed with her? That is a disaster. Gina should be pissed. Yeah. And then, um, Christian looks at and goes, hmm, so the top, it's done. It fits perfect. Like he's asking questions as if to say, this is not done and does not fit perfect. Yeah. He's like, you need to figure out the front and also the sides, also the back. Oh, you know what? You should work on the top, but also the bottom. Okay. You're done. Okay. Let me just start this up in case we need a shorter take you suck. Okay, bye Mushrooms here comes one right now
Starting point is 00:43:54 And then the wind comes strutting out of the the dressing room area whatever and she's in it She's like, oh cabaret star coming through. Oh my God, it's so me, my half-series side, my half Cabaret icon side. Wow, it really gets me. It does get her, because it looks like a woman who's taking off her suit. It's like her suit is polygoth. And then Shannon is got basically an old lady dress.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I mean, complete with like dillards, dillards, glitter and feather on the sleeves. The feather, yeah, there was, she's like, oh my god, and his end bones is like, you look so hot, you're so hot. Oh, who me? What? I'm hot. Are you saying that my, that David left me a super hot woman and Bradget one way for a slut on the beach? Is that what you're saying? What's that's crazy? That's crazy. So back to Christina and Wendy She's like, well, it's fit to weird. We could close more and Whitney's like, um, I have to show something because we normally don't wear pants at 3 union and then it's like clip Christina asking if Wendy will wear a suit and
Starting point is 00:45:05 when they sing whatever she wants. And she's like, did you want pants? And she's like, no, I mean, I'm not anti pants, I guess, but they aren't fitted. And I mean, I just want sexiness, you know. And Christina says she wants the pants. She thinks the pants are fabulous. And then she starts crying. And when he's like, Oh God, what did I say? No, no, no, no, no. Oh God, somebody should never told me no. On the first day, I ask you about suit. And it was my vision. I like would see you.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And when he's like, yeah, but remember how I said, I have new boobies and a new butt and I want to accentuate those parts. I'm like, Wendy, that's different from saying, like you're cool with a suit. Like that, you have to specifically say exactly. If she says, are you cool with a suit, you have to know that she's probably going to make you a suit. So you've got to say a dress at that moment. Also, your boobs are hanging out of that thing. It's a corset.
Starting point is 00:46:00 So, um, Wendy's like, don't worry, we'll make it work. I mean when he's so annoyed so then we go to Aaron and he's like, well, you know what? I am Aaron is not very educated What did he say? He says Christina? Christian is not no Christina is very well educated in fashion, but until you work with clients eat is hard to do custom, okay? Yeah, thank you because I wrote X which is what I write for Christian So I got myself confused so Christina runs outside and is crying and then Anna goes with her and then Gina follows them out And Christina's like she is such a diva. I cannot work like this And she's like listen just keep going. You know what, keep that fire you got.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Wait, why are you smoking? You all smoke here since when is smoking back? You don't look like you smoke, but in 10 years you will. Oh my God, I can't believe you all are smoking. What's going on in this crazy city? First, I find out this flies in New York, and now I find out people still smoke cigarettes. What's going on? So then, Gina, so, Jizlle, because of the one he's like,
Starting point is 00:47:06 so, you made a girl cry twice a- I'm gonna be like, I didn't, she quieted herself. Emily says, I thought you went in on her and that's why she's upset. She says, no, a last combo I said, I just got new boobies, so when I saw the outfit, I was like, you know, what about my boobs? And she's like, well, that's why she's crying. You gave no expression.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So outside, you know, it's like encouraging Christina to find like just to find it. And so Christina just like goes and sits on a chair and just cries on a chair. Well, everyone else leaves and hugs, you know, they're all the designers and models are hugging, except for Christina, just falling. And she's like, I'm going to finish the course that I'm going to finish the pants. And I'm going to make it as tight as I can, which was the plan. And they have like an extreme, when she's talking,
Starting point is 00:47:57 she's like crying also in the confessional. And there's just like an extreme close-up of her crying on the TV. It's like very intense. And then all the outs while I was leaving, like, bye everybody, my God, pretty great day, bye everybody. When he goes, bye, oh my God. And then afterwards, Shantal is like, do you need help? Maybe I can give you advice. I don't know, Shantal, I don't know. Yeah. And then she tells us
Starting point is 00:48:22 her sad story. She's like, this is very intense. Reminds me of when I was in school I spent all my time studying and then they show like Like five pictures of her in school and she's always Exasperated it. I don't know anybody who has pictures themselves like give me a picture Looking miserable and I want the picture with hand on head looking sad. Could you get this for me? I'll keep forever. I had breakdown, but we have psychotherapy and I was able to recover.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So I was like, I'm emotional. I went under stress, but I'm also very strong. I'm like, you're not strong at all. You literally started crying when you found out that you were supposed to be making a dress instead of pants for Wendy. Yeah, and so she's on the balcony of the townhouse with bones, I think, right? Yeah, with ones. And he's like, come on, you can do it. Now let's get all that frustration out by screaming. So they both start screaming at the top of their lungs. And it's like six in the morning, by the way. So just give everybody else, you know, the Agitaah lady. So, you know, it's when New Yorker like, oh god, it's another former fashion student
Starting point is 00:49:28 from Antwerp yelling again, I'm just kidding, you're kidding. So, five hours left. So, it's a sewing station and Aaron's like, and I've got them, it's stopped taking people's chairs. And she's like, the chair was here, do you see? It's like, I'm just joking girl. You know, he wasn't joking. He wasn't. He gets like shockingly bitchy this guy. Like, he seems like he's real nice and he'll be like, what are you just lazy?
Starting point is 00:49:56 You're not going to do the challenge. It's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know that like in the time between when she said the chair was already here, he spotted the chair he was thinking of and so he was just like, I'm walking back. I'm just joking. Of course, I wasn't mad at you. The chair's right there all along. So, um, so then, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:15 Jacelle walks in and sees Aaron station and she's like, Sir, uh, nothing's done. Uh, Leah's got a whole damn dress, uh, and I only have scraps. Uh, he's like, girl, girl, you're just looking at the left out here. Is the dress right here. You know, he was probably so mad when she said that.
Starting point is 00:50:28 He's like, got you, got you, got you, got you, girl. So then Wendy and Christina, so Christina, because how was your mood today? Just I should ask you, how's your mood today with the crying? She's not crying. Christina's like, no, I'm not crying, bitch. And instead of dress, you're going to have scarf. And he's like, oh, scarf, like
Starting point is 00:50:54 scarf, the sole purpose of a scarf is literally to cover something up. Yes, what is she thinking? What is she doing? So, and Wendy also has like one of those giant Fanny pack things over her chest. It's like a big Louis Vuitton thing. I'm like, really, you're worried about covering up your boobs, you're wearing a freaking backpack on your chest.
Starting point is 00:51:17 So, Kristen is like, Christina, I mean, is like, is Scarf is going to be very fluid and beautiful. Like that, like my tears in Antwerp. And when it's like, oh, wow, Karen, oh, yours is absolutely beautiful for a non-cabaret star, very, very basic person and lovely. And Gina's like, oh my god, I beg your old, you take that scarf off that dress, that's ridiculous. And she's like, put it in the trash, girl, these take that scoff off that dress. That's ridiculous. And she's all goes, put it in the trash, shah.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And Karen says, it's a battle of widows. The designer wants her in a feed and seed bag. And Wendy wants to be sculpted. Who's gonna win? Mm. The audience. She wants her in a feed and seed bag. So Wendy is just like, she's like clearly hates this,
Starting point is 00:52:05 but she has like this big fake smile on, she's like, clearly hates this, but she has like this big fake smile on while she's getting fitted and all the women are just like laughing at Wendy who is clearly so unhappy. And just, they'll walk up to her and goes, Wendy, this is actually very nice. So I'm gonna need you to fix your face. So, I'm gonna fix your face. And Wendy goes, okay, maybe when I come out,
Starting point is 00:52:22 I can take the squaff off and she's like, okay, Christian goes, let's figure this out. I'm gonna murder you, Christina. Yeah, she's like, Christina, we're not doing bags. We're doing outfits first. I'm literally going to murder you and she's crying. So then, Sontal is talking about how this is such a huge opportunity to put a sure brand to free people, to people who want shit for free. Yeah, so yeah, so then they're all just Gina just looks so matronly. It's just like whatever warrior thing that this is supposed to be it
Starting point is 00:52:56 just looks matronly and strange and it's really bad. I can understand wenty not liking her outfit like I get it, you know, but it's really bad. I can understand Wendy not liking her outfit. Like I get it, you know, but it's not hideous. Like I don't think it's bad. And I think the scarf that she gave her when they ended up putting it on one shoulder and it was like a cape, I thought that was really pretty actually. I was like actually that makes the outfit a lot better. But Gina, Gina looked bad.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I agree. I think that Wendy, it was just that she was excited to be on Project Runway and have this amazing gown that she could wear and she'd be like, it's my Project Runway gown and such, she's getting kind of more of a work, not a work today, but it's like, her outfit was not a reunion look, okay? But like you said, at the very least,
Starting point is 00:53:40 it was nice, like it's something she could wear to something, but Gina just looked like she was, I don't know, she looked like a robot or something from some movie. And so Gina's like, you know, do we really want it to be Lucy Goosey like this? And Bones is like Anna's Fought. Basically, she was really focused at the start, but basically it's just gives me a chance to stay longer Yeah, so you know, so you mean so then my bag Yeah, someone bring my bag my spanks are in the bag as well some cut carrots and some celery because I'm losing 10 pounds today Whether you like it or not Gina bring me some spray tan
Starting point is 00:54:21 She just see Shannon like tripping all over herself in spanks trying to get spray tan or hon? Yeah, she's just running around in spanks. Do I want to lose weight? Yes. Do I think I can do it? No. No?
Starting point is 00:54:35 No? So then we get the Tressemae Harrison-Lon segment, which this is really going overboard these days. Tressemae segment. I mean, it used to be like, wow, you know, hair and makeup, wow, I'm gonna use some lip liner on you from Trust in May. And now it's like,
Starting point is 00:54:51 Hi, you look beautiful, I'm Vincent. Here's our entire product month. It's like, okay, calm it down, Vincent. I know, take a seat, buddy. So they're all like, you know, they're all having a moment getting their makeup done at one point. Someone's giving Gina makeup and is giving the the guy like directions for Gina's look and everything and just cussed her Shannon sitting in another makeup chair just staring with that classic Shannon's look of like, well, no one asked me if I want to have a clean natural look today. like, well, no one asked me if I want to have a clean natural look today.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I guess I see where I stand amongst these women. I guess cap option. I guess the cap I option is not for me being this where I am dressed like a bird going to a funeral. All right. Do I want to clear a patri? No. Am I getting a clear patri? Apparently, yes.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Ow. Ow. Stuck this thing in my eyeball. I wasn't ready for it. Ow! So it's runway time and bones is in a pink toga Some crazy wig like I look more Forward to the second mess just to see what bones is gonna show up in really So Brandon What's his face, Maxwell's like, hi designers, I hope you match,
Starting point is 00:56:08 you get through the past few days without having wine thrown on you, pause for laughter, pause for laughter. Here's our guest judge, Mr. Andy Cohen, who's not gonna say much about fashion, but we'll just talk about how he knows all these women. Okay, welcome Andy. Well, wow, you guys survived working with housewives, congrats. I know Julia Roberts.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So now the time to start the runways show and they put up a thing that says the real housewives, the project runway. So just Ella comes out first and she's wearing like this hot pink jumpsuit with like a long sleeve. And I mean, I actually thought it was great for Jazelle. It looked very, very Jazelle and it was like bright and fluid and fun and you know, it looked like it was right in the pocket. Yeah, he basically looked at her lookbook and just did that, you know, which Works, I mean, it's a client challenge and then Aaron is cheering for himself He's like, yes, yes, and then that starts everybody just going crazy and cheering on the the housewives
Starting point is 00:57:16 And of course he loves himself and Andy's just nodding like he does with his head cut He's like like his big open mouth. Yeah, I love this song. Yeah. Yeah. But Jacelle is also hamming it up. She's just like going to town. She's doing like very aggressive posing. Like boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:57:38 Like she is just, it's not like the blase, you know, catwalks of Milan and Paris. It's like she's like, ugh, like serving looks. So they're all just getting so into it, they're all having a fun time. And then Karen comes out next and I actually liked Karen's dress. I thought later they did say it was patiently
Starting point is 00:57:58 and you even said it was sort of like, it was like normal, right? And but I still thought like for Karen, it was like a very reunion dress. So I thought it was like good, right? And, but I still thought like for Karen, it was like a very reunion dress. So I thought it was like good. I thought it was solidly good. Yeah, lame. I thought it was so boring.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It was boring. It was C-Balboobs. C-Balboobs. It was boring, but I thought for Karen, it looked all right. Yeah. So then when the, I thought looks great, but she moves really weird.
Starting point is 00:58:24 She looks uncomfortable on it. Yeah, she looks very uncomfortable. And bones is doing... And also by the way, Wendy's the profile I thought, or the silhouette on Wendy's, I thought was actually a little strange. Especially in the stomach. Yeah. There's something weird that she did with the stomach.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Like it's very straight, it's that real stiff material and it goes down a little too far. Like, she's trying to hide something. It looks kind of spank-e, if that makes any sense. Yeah, I don't know. I don't have the vocabulary to say what was not quite working with it, but I did feel like the side was just... I don't know. I think that like, I imagine that if you're going to wear something like that, you have to really love it and walk
Starting point is 00:59:10 with confidence in it, because if you're not feeling confident, like you probably, the shapes that your body makes when you're not feeling confident in what you're wearing, like you sort of hunch a little bit more and this and that, and all those things just sort of show and something that that's that fitted in that you know that form Well, you know how everybody is acting like they're really supportive of their designer You know like everybody's really like trying to show it off the best when he has that walk of someone who's about to call the manager That is her pose through this whole thing. She's like, and waiting in line for the manager, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So, Christina's like, I pride, basically. And then Bo, Boone's is doing like, healing hands and wounding for her and everything. So we go from, you know, so we go from Giselle, Karen, and Wendy, who all just ham it up like crazy on the runway. And then it's time for Gina. And Gina comes out and she walks so slowly with like her hands in front of her.
Starting point is 01:00:13 She looks like, like a scared little girl. I was like, oh, this is definitely a change in vibe right now. I did Alice in Wonderland for children's theater with, you know, a dinner theater when I was younger. And this was like a card costume. You know, people have to dress like cards. This is what she looked like. Terrible villain dress.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Yeah, but she's gorgeous as a model. I thought she could really look at some of them. She looked great, but she didn't seem totally comfortable. And she also is not someone who can hammer up on the runway like the previous three women. And then later on, we found out that she was even instructed to go slowly. So it was just everything on the presentational side was just not strong for her. Yeah, she was wearing these weird casual boots like with spandex, not spandex. But you call that? Yeah, I don't know. Weird, weirdex, not spandex.
Starting point is 01:01:05 But do you call that, yeah, spand, I don't know, weird, weird choice, all around weird choices. It was a show at a full lack of understanding of who this woman was. And I understand that Anna or Anna doesn't watch these shows, but I think it only takes like five minutes to talk to Gina to realize like what she's all about
Starting point is 01:01:23 and that this is not what she's all about. Right. So then Shannon comes out and her black feather thing, she's like mother of the dead bride. That's my now. Her feathers made her look a little hairy, you know? It was like they were all, they were just like these little wispy feathers that were just blowing. There were some sort of like fan or aggressive air conditioning that was happening in the studio because the whole rest of the show, like everyone who had a feather feather they were all sort of like Blowing and everyone's bangs were blowing and you could hear For the rest of the show the entire time I was like what did something happen to the AC go out? They have to bring in fans. I don't know what it was
Starting point is 01:01:59 But Shannon with their little feathers. She sort of it definitely gave her sort of an animalistic look on her arms that I feel like no one pointed out. Right, because they were, like you said, there weren't very many. It was just like, wispy little feathers here and there. It should look like a pluck bird or like an older, like an older vulture missing a lot of its feathers. It's really weird. An older vulture, and older vulture with bird permission. Also, the producers are not cool. They put a close up of her stomach for no reason. I don't know why they did that.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I thought later they were gonna come back and say, oh, the stomach wasn't right, you know? But they just showed her stomach. I was like, what the hell? Who hates Shannon over there? I mean, it wasn't like a terrible dress. And bones definitely had some limitations to work with with Shannon, but But also it kind of sucks because it seems like other designers were like, okay, we understand this is what you want
Starting point is 01:02:52 But we're gonna do our thing and You know, maybe this is a moment where we're bones could have pushed it a little more and then maybe even Shawn would have realized like Oh, well, I guess I guess I do look good in a, in a neon pink halter top. How? Right. I think yeah, he actually gave her too much of what she asked for because I think of the client side, he did a great job.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Like, that's basically what she asked for. But for Orange County, you're not going to wear black, right? And that was just got every union. Yeah. Right. Shannon doesn't know what to ask for. So yeah, he needed to probably take the reins on that one more. Also, by the way, in general, for this entire competition,
Starting point is 01:03:29 I didn't feel like there were any looks that were just perfectly over the top, like the way, you know, a lot of times the women come to the reunions, and they have big ass looks. And I didn't really feel like there was anything that was even approaching that. Right, I felt that's kind of why I didn't like jacities because I thought it would be, I just expected more from her. And I thought that they would do crazier things
Starting point is 01:03:51 for the reunion. Like, I mean, Jacelle's was very her, but it was also really unique, you know? Like a big long one sleep. I think in that department, even Gina's would be better than some of them because hers was at least like kind of crazy, you know? Right. At least I had to do a drama. But Jacelle's, I mean, I like Jacelle a lot, and Gina's would be better than some of them because hers was at least like kind of crazy. You know, right? Right.
Starting point is 01:04:06 But Jacelle's, I mean, I like Jacelle a lot, but it also could have been just an interview look too. Why true. So then Leah's next in her crunchy macrame dress, which is actually perfect for her. It was gonna make you think of potted plants. And then Coral is feeling super confident about it and then Lewand does the Charlie's Angels pose.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Just like, oh, finally I've got a I've got a backlit scrim. I can finally do some of my shadow work up and practicing. All right everyone, here we go. Charlie's Angels. Actually that wasn't Charlie's Angels, that was the Eiffel Tower, but whatever, whatever Americans. And he was like, wow! So Luan, I mean, of course Luan looks absolutely stunning. I mean, she looks, she just looks amazing, so she's of course, can rock this look. And you know, it's all like it.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Very cool look, too you I liked it it worked together well yeah it was it was pretty dynamite and and he's like wow she knows what she's doing so then Elaine is like wow I feel like I just got a bit of a roller coaster ride guys She's like I know you feature them on literally every watch what happens live at us once a year So so now it's time to bring out the clients So they do it by franchise. They play like like a sort of a stinger from each theme song So it starts up with Luann and Leah and the ones like you know I'm a woman who likes to dress
Starting point is 01:05:46 classically, but I love Cabaret. And I love glitter and Cabaret and sequence and Cabaret. So she did a Cabaret job, which is my way of saying great. So they love it. And Brandon's like, is that a full body sound? And they show off the back. The detail of the lace was so important. Here is the bridge that marries the power
Starting point is 01:06:10 and femininity, address feet for a countess. So yes, Mima. Thank you so much. And here's your autograph, Ms. Garcia. Congratulations doing whatever you do in your daytime. And Brandon goes, what am I highest scores ever? You know, there is a real understanding of do in your day time. I'm Brandon goes one of my highest scores ever. You know, there is a real understanding of women in your work. Like, well, I would hope so.
Starting point is 01:06:31 I love this man. So nice that you guys let the caterer chime in on the fashion. I love when a man man splains understanding women, two or woman. So Coral and Lena, Lena, Coral and Lena, Lena, the new housewife. She's like, you want cabaret, I'll give you cabaret, honey. My name's Lena, I got a tour of my own. Get her out of here. Lena horn, you've had your moment.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Get out. So, Leah's like, I want to dress and shock people, but like this time I wanted to shock people by wearing something that like they wouldn't expect me to wear mother Well, after they you surprised me, but you know, it is kind of happy with you. I'll feel kind of you And they like the construction, but they were a little worried that the color would wash Leah out and everything At this point is when I really noticed the fans were blonde because it was very much like...
Starting point is 01:07:28 I'm like, is there anyone paying attention to the sound in this episode? Anyone? And Nina agrees and she says it's very monochromatic. Is there a reason you went with Nood? Well, if you're just asking if we're going to do a Nood Cabaret, the answer is no, I'm not quite there yet. I wasn't talking to you, man. And Elaine really liked it.
Starting point is 01:07:50 She's like, that was fashion forward. And I live for Monochrome, or Monochromatic, or Monochrome. So they leave the runway and now it's the OC ladies, Gina and Shannon. So Shannon's first. Both Yikes. Both Yikes.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Yeah, she's like, well, I said I wanted something that's classic and timeless and, you know, I don't want anything much further above the knee and ideally it's something I could wear to a poison concert, if need be, but also maybe something I could wear to the dubros if they ever invite me back to their house, but apparently I'm Persona non-Gradda, which reminds me I could use some grated cheese if someone has any... has a lot going on. I've also been informed that this dress has zero calories, so I would like to say thank you for listening to my wishes, Bones. I feel like I am cream cheese, and I'm wrapped in sabin' at the moment, so in many ways this
Starting point is 01:08:40 is a wonderful comfort experience. Um, so, Bones is like I love her. And with all due, Shannon's not the easiest client. She's like, my hand's keep going! Well, well, I felt like that was aggressive, but you're the boss, so I'm just gonna laugh and smile and pretend I didn't hear that because 30 to 40 negative thoughts on this runway and it's not my fucking dress It's not my money dress
Starting point is 01:09:13 And he's like wow, it's refreshing to see you in black She's yeah, I feel like back is slimming. Yes, so does everybody Okay, and she goes oh and I've never wear my hair up and look, my hair's up, my hair is up! What, I guess she really loved because she got that compliment about her hair and she has not put it down since. I, you know, I do feel like black is rather slimming,
Starting point is 01:09:37 but the funny thing is that every time I show up to a reunion, after nine years, they tell me I can't wear black, I can't wear black and I can't wear it down to the, and then beyond the floor, sort of like a big puddle of black cloth, I'm not allowed! I just have to wear colors, I guess Kelly Dodd is allowed to, but not me! The feathers, the transparent sea, playing with the roozing on the side! I don't know if I lack it or not, I'm just gonna keep saying things. The hair, the spanks that are peeking out from below. So next is Gina, and she's like,
Starting point is 01:10:13 you know what, I don't mind showing my body and I don't mind showing my figure, and she heard me. You know, I am showing my body and my figure behind some kind of weird couch in space. And Andy's like, wow, I love the drama of these shoulders, but I'm not sure that this is really you in there. If I can even see your head, you're sort of stuck behind this giant, giant cloth box. I can't even, are you there, Gina? If you were there, knock on your box three times. This does kind of look like you if you like to make four out of couch cushions. Anna, how do you feel about her look?
Starting point is 01:10:55 And Anna's like, I like it. And she's like, hmm, I think it feels probably made over the top. And I get the feeling that Gina, you had a hard time walking down the runway down the hallway down the staircase. Well you know I was just a little nerve-racked because they say just walk in a straight line you know that's entraumatized. And Brynn's like um this was not my highest score I have to say it felt more gothic than I would expect. And maybe not even gothic just trash. It just felt like trash, a big pile of trash. It felt like trash with feet basically. And Elaine's like, um, Andy, Gina is saying I don't recognize
Starting point is 01:11:38 you. And the three of us are saying, Anna, we don't recognize you. Where's that talented person we've been rooting for? Yeah. And, uh, Jeanne is like, you know what? I think that, like, you know, I think that she thought it was me, and I thought that like, like, and she thought she was making me happy. And then I thought this was her style, and I thought I was making her happy. And it turns out none of us were happy, and none of us liked it. And Elaine's like, yeah, so with collaborations, communication is really key. So I'm just gonna let that hang there in the air and you can sit in the ramifications of you dumb dumb's not even talking to each other about what you want. Okay. Right. So then real housewives of Potomac ladies. So we start with Wendy. And Wendy's like, well, I asked for something to
Starting point is 01:12:21 accentuate in my boobies. I've named them happy and that, I mean, Jesus Christ, how much, how much fuel are you gonna get from these boobs? Well, like she's really trying to drill the song. She's like, they're named happy and yes, happy and yes, in case you didn't get it. See, because happy and yes, those are two components of the word happiness.
Starting point is 01:12:41 And Brandon's like, okay, happy and yes, taking notes. Got it. Actually, that reminds me of a not great Will Smith movie. Exactly. So Andy's like, so are you happy how your Bubbies are showcased? And she's like, I am. But she's like saying it with,
Starting point is 01:13:02 fuck no, no, I'm not happy. And then it's like saying it with fuck now. No, I'm happy. And it's like the scarf. The scarf is decorative. The scarf is stitched and the boning. The boost yay. Does it have boning or no boning? And they're like, there's boning. And then Elaine's like, okay, well, I think this is not the most modern choice of fabric.
Starting point is 01:13:26 The metallic with the hot pink felt dated, but because of your confidence, I was like, is this the most amazing thing? I'm sort of going to end on a light note because I'm afraid if you're going to yell at me right now. I'm happy. He's like, Wendy, you're used to being in control. So how do you feel about this? And She's like, well, it was different. I know it's a competition. So I wanted her to play the strong suit, so to speak. But, you know, I didn't want to say what I wanted. And that's not her strong suit. It's a compromise. I'll just say the word suit again. Okay. One more time. So Brandon's like, well, how would you, how much would you say is your aesthetic and Christina's like, this is compromise, compromise. When he's like, well, how would you, how much would you say is your aesthetic and Christina's like,
Starting point is 01:14:06 this is compromised, compromised. When he's like, I would give it 95, 5 more hoars than mine. So, yeah, he likes. That'll be, and it's like, well, how would you describe your aesthetic? And when he's like, I would wear a gown. And it's like, so you didn't want pants. I wouldn't wear pants.
Starting point is 01:14:24 So it's getting tense up there. And then Andy's like, So did you tell you to bring down for crying out loud? Yeah, he's like, she tell you she didn't want pants and Christina says no. And I asked her about what suit and she said if you can make one, you know? And Wendy just does this head pull
Starting point is 01:14:44 where she's like, excuse me, like I didn't, like I, that's not true. But that is true. But it is true. But it sucks. It sucks. That sucks. That's not cool of her.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Elaine has a great way of approaching. She goes, so you have a different recollection of that conversation. Wendy's like, yes, but it's okay. No, it's not okay, because you just pulled that face like in front of the judges. So, and it did fucking happen. You're not nice.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah, and you're also potentially ruining those women's time on Project Runway because you're not upfront with what you wanted and then you act as if you did say that and you never said it. Right. So, Elaine's like, Christina, you know we think you're talented, but it's important to get
Starting point is 01:15:25 full consent about your thoughts. And when he's like, mmm, so then we go to Aaron and Jacelle and Jacelle says that she wants to be black on Tanbarby with a pop of color. And she's like, I feel like I can sit down at the reunion and cuss a bitch out, Daz, specifically Karen. Ah, look how old she is. And uh Karen's like well I give all the statements about she's that was bad fashion. But this is the best she's ever loved.
Starting point is 01:16:03 You do look snatched. You look like a Barbie, a snatched Barbie, and if you want a spotlight, this is it, baby. You played the smart card and that was color. Well, it was about giving that story, you know, that story in the story is, there is a boy here who has worked with more clients than anybody else on stage. And he dares you not to give him a win. Thank you, end of story, thank you, everybody go to bed. Good night. Aliens like I I I was like, it's like, well, I really love the drama of that one sleeve.
Starting point is 01:16:30 And just all apparently had asked for two sleeves. But I did something that apparently no one else has ever done on Juzel style team. I said, no, I said, I'm very miss like, you seem to be a good duo. You're advocating for your advocating for him. And that advocating for him and that you know It seemed to go well and they're like in love with each other So then Chastity and Karen and Elaine's like wow, I sent some good vibes here with you two Yeah, I can't say well, but I loved about her. She's willing to listen to me and however She put it she put herself into it. Hold on one moment.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I'm just gonna put that in my iPhone here. Let's just do a quick promo for Sir Academy. Welcome to Sir Academy. Home of such luminaries as Nina Garcia and Andy Cohen and the guy with the glasses over there. Welcome. We have it all here. Thank you. Thank you so much. I would like to thank Saraiuses for giving us this said hey that's my line sorry Cindy Lapa oh it's her own Cindy Lapa what are you gonna do like this for us oh so Karen is really talking her up she's like I said pour me into it mold me into it she did I came with blessings from me I mean it's like, but that's just a little safe. It's literally a seatbelt.
Starting point is 01:17:49 She's seatbelted in. This is literally safe. So Brandon's like, yeah, I don't feel like it's new, but you know, if I turn on the TV, you know, like, I would see the grandaum in this. So I guess that's a compliment. Okay. Now, I'm really starting to do this to you, but I do not have the rest of notes here. So I have to go off of you.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Don't you worry. Do you want me to send you what I have left? I think you can probably just... Well, sure, is there a lot? I'll just listen to you. I mean, there's... I'll just email this. I'm going to email this, and then you'll just go off of it. I mean, it's pretty basic from here on out. Here comes the email. Very professional. 10 years in. Very professional.
Starting point is 01:18:33 I know you guys, I'm so sorry. I mean, that's happened to me. I was like, oh, the guy I'm gonna finish project runway in the morning. And for some reason, I just felt like I had finished it. So you just kind of fucked up. No, I mean, I'm not gonna, I was gonna come up with some lie.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Like I accidentally erased my notes. No, I literally was like, oh, I finished this tomorrow, I'm tired. And then I guess I thought it was done. The whole way through this, I was like, but who won this? I don't even remember who won. Because you didn't watch it, you don't shit.
Starting point is 01:19:01 So I've given you notes to give comments on. You haven't even won. I actually given you notes to give comments on. You haven't even watched. I actually love this. I love the idea. I like to, I wanna hear your version of how you think it went. Cause we did a whole New York reunion. Well, I do apologize everybody,
Starting point is 01:19:17 cause this is unprouh. Well, good job designers. Please say the housewives is really pretty difficult. I'm impressed. Adelaide goes, you've given us a lot to talk about. We need to unpack. Hey, that's my life. Adelaide.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Have a sun watch for Happens Live More. Maybe I won't take your lines. My house now, bitch. So then backstage Wendy is like, you know when we were up there, I tried to bite my tongue and be nice. I didn't tell them everything. I was trying to advocate for you. And Christina just looks at me and goes,
Starting point is 01:19:48 and I did that too. I was like, oh, so then we cut to Andy and he's now, like now they're like discussing and he's wearing basically brand and Maxwell's, like his like thick glasses. And I was like, oh, Andy's just trying to out brand and brand right now.
Starting point is 01:20:04 So they were just like, they're just, trying to out brand and brand right now. So they were just like, they're just, they're just, they start talking and Andy love Jacelle's look and Brandon is like, yeah, she look comfortable and confident and the color was spot on. And then, and then with Sean Tall and Luanne, they also really love that one too. Yeah. When Gravodate stores a sequel in a 500, and this was really a departure for her, but perfectly in sync with who she is, I mean, it looks like she could break into a hotel room and fuck a stranger in that thing.
Starting point is 01:20:37 I thought she looked elegant, and modern, and a capriot icon gets out of here. So then, Chastity, for me, was a disappointment to give this very obvious black dress that I've seen many renditions of. I didn't think it looked expensive. It looked the opposite of expensive, which I don't even want to say it, because I don't know the word, but it's not expensive. Cheap, art disgusting, that's a curse word. I don't even want to sit because I don't know the one but it's not expensive cheap off-disclosing That's a curse word. Please don't use that But Andy's like well she was really happy though. So Brandon is like like well, you know
Starting point is 01:21:16 The thing is with Chastity is that she gave us a typical housewife dress And remember the unconventional materials thing. Yeah, that was typical too. It makes me wonder, is she original? So Andy, so then they move on to Gina's dress. And Andy believes. Oh, the unconventional challenge, by the way, was amazing this year. I mean, they did such a good job. Yeah, a couple of them did straw dresses
Starting point is 01:21:38 like out of drinking straws. Wow. And I think that was what, I don't know why I always want to call her Natasha Shantal did this Amazing Boosty a out of straws wow, okay back to the show So Andy is basically talking about Gina saying that should be savage on Twitter for her look
Starting point is 01:21:58 Which to be fair like really all the women always get savage for their looks on Twitter But he goes we're looking for glam not got, and the reunion is the Super Bowl for these women. And if you're going to look at Christina's look, then there's nothing super about ball about that, which is true. Although I don't really, I mean, it's funny. I never think of the arena as like the Super Bowl of it, but whatever. But yeah, either way, I mean, we've said it looks like a football player. So in that way, it is kind of super bowl. Okay. Well, we have to be about the Doritos commercials.
Starting point is 01:22:29 So then Elaine says, speaking of the Super Bowl, I thought we're going to have a Janet Jackson moment with Wendy's looks. Yeah, a daddy doesn't like a nip slip. So happy was going to make me very sad. I see what I did there. Happy, happy sad happiness. But it's funny that that's the part that they don't like about her dress
Starting point is 01:22:48 because that's her outfit because that's all she wanted was to show the boobs and they're like too much boobs. Yeah, I don't like it. And it's like I didn't understand the rob, I didn't understand the scar, especially for somebody
Starting point is 01:22:59 that's going to be sitting down. Like what is she going to do with the rob for crying out loud? Hmm. Emily's watching this from somewhere in the OC like, um, you eat it? be sitting down like what is she going to do with the rock for crying out loud. Emily's watching this from somewhere in the OC like, um, you eat it in a steam room. I mean, do I have to do this for you? Yeah. And he's like, you know, me that didn't look like a happy collaboration.
Starting point is 01:23:20 Yeah. And so Elaine is basically like, yeah, if Christina didn't listen to her, you just failed the challenge. And then Nina turns to Andy and goes I just want to remind you that in the past they have had some beautiful looks don't cancel us please please don't cancel our show We were good. We do good stuff here and then They bring the designers out the women design The women design. Elegant, intelligent, modern.
Starting point is 01:23:47 And that's Chantal. Chantal wins her twice in a row. And so Chantal's really excited, and she's like hugging the wind backstage, and the wind's like, oh, thank you. All the credit goes to you. You are a great designer, and you deserve it.
Starting point is 01:24:00 And if I just happen to be a muse for you, and a source of great inspiration on account of my iconic ability as a cab racing or to bring people together, well, so be it, but this is all you, it's you. Mm-hmm. So bones and, let me see, I just had it. Bones and someone else are also in. Yeah, coral, they're all safe and the bottom is
Starting point is 01:24:21 Chastity, Christina, and Anna. Chastity, you are in. However, next challenge, we really need you to push yourself. You can leave the runway. Anna Lane is like, it's very painful to see two of the strongest designers in the competition up here tonight. Andy, please stop smiling. This is a serious moment on the show. It's really good. Stop smiling, this is a serious moment on the show. It's really good. Christina, it was obvious your collaboration did not go well and your scarf was a little
Starting point is 01:24:52 concealed. Ana, your look was executed poorly and it was not appropriate for a reunion show or any show or even a dumpster bin because it was such trash. Ana! You are out. or any show or even a dumpster bin because it was such trash. Anna! You are out. Yeah, she was, Anna, I'm sorry. I have been a huge fan of your good stuff, not your shit work. And I'm so sorry, it's been getting very, very close and this is the most painful part
Starting point is 01:25:19 of this competition. God, I miss Carly Claus. I hate being the bad guy right now. I miss Carly Claus too. I like when I liked Carly, I wish she was back. I liked her awkward, stilted energy. Yeah. Yeah, I loved it. I thought it was so fun to talk about. But yeah, she's gone. So Anna's crying and thanking the judges and Christians like, oh my god, you're gonna do unbelievable things.
Starting point is 01:25:42 And what I mean by that is wear a mask from the time you walk into the airport and all the way until you get home. On your way back, get out, bitch, you sat. See you never, bye. So ends Anna's run on Project Runway. And that was the episode. Well, I feel like I watched that.
Starting point is 01:26:00 So thank you so much for that. Yeah, you sounded like you would never know that you hadn't actually seen any of the last time. Yeah, like you were like, you just say, I mean, because you can figure it out, right? Like you know how it goes, you know what the key is.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Well, you take perfect notes, you're a good note taker. You get an A plus on note taker. Well, that's why I take like, that's why I'm a transcriber at this point. I need to really like relax because it's too much. It's too much. I'm taking notes on every single stupid thing. I'm like, and then I love it.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I forgot that project runway is still an hour and a half. I thought it changed to be an hour when it went back to bravo. Or was it because it was two hours on lifetime and now it's only 90 minutes? I feel like it's been 90 minutes all this time, but I wasn't sure if later in the season it went down to an hour, but then maybe they made it 90 minutes again for the women. Oh, I don't know, but what a fun sure if later in the season it went down to an hour, but then maybe they made it 90 minutes again for the women.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Oh, I don't know. What a fun episode. It was really fun. I do love Project Runway. It's so good. And it was so great having the housewives on there. I hope they do it again. It will probably jump to Shark thing if they do it again, but I would really love it.
Starting point is 01:26:58 I'm surprised who they sent home a little bit, because I thought Anna's was, wait, which one did Anna made? Anna made genus. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. Yeah. sent home a little bit because I thought Anna's was, wait, which one did Anna? Anna, they sent Anna. Anna made genos. Yeah, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, it made a lot of sense. I got them confused in my head, shocker.
Starting point is 01:27:12 Well that was a fun episode, everybody. Thank you so much for being with us as usual. Go get your live show tickets. Go get them. Get them now. Go to slash watch it. Crappens for those. And we'll see a bunch of you on take a seat every Monday night 7 p.m. Pacific tempi m. Eastern on the green room app on
Starting point is 01:27:31 Spotify Talk to y'all later. Bye Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni. She don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itch-Ols. Dan-O-C. Dan-O-Doo. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-os. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie. She has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. We McLeven. Karen McLellon. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg.
Starting point is 01:28:07 You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weasler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle.
Starting point is 01:28:29 Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Mina Kutty Kutty Kutty Kutty. Give him hell, Miss Noelle.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shining out of a can in Anthony. Let's get racing with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar!
Starting point is 01:29:10 We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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