Watch What Crappens - PumpRules: Katie Goes HAM(mock)

Episode Date: March 27, 2019

TomTom finally opens on "Vanderpump Rules," which means it's time for the cast to head off to Mexico. Unfortunately for Tom Schwartz, he neglected to give his free first class upgraded seat his wife, and thus we have get The Return of Tequila Katie: Hammock Edition. We cover it all on our latest recap! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few, follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. What would crappens would like to think it's premium sponsors? Just saying okay? Kristi Wawerdi-Dawerdi!
Starting point is 00:00:33 Ashley Savoni? She don't take no baloney! Aaron McNickalus! She don't miss no trickleus! Megan the Slayer Taylor! Kelly Barlow! When she goes Barlow, we go high-low. Megan Berg!
Starting point is 00:00:44 You can't have a burger without the bird! Ain't no thing like Allison King. Hot dang! It's Jessica Deng. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Hannah, God I love that banana. Anderson, of a Nagila Weber. Lisa Walland, now that's what I call Wallentainment.
Starting point is 00:00:59 The Bay Area, Betches, Betches. And our super premium Patreon subscribers. Give them hell, Miss Noel. Very grand. The grandmaster. Let's get racy with Miss Stacy. Shannon out of a can an Anthony. Incredible edible Matthew sisters.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And... Mina kuchi kuchi kuchi. Watch what crap bins. Watch what crap bins. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap in The crap in The crap in The crap in
Starting point is 00:01:33 The crap in Watch what crap in Kids what happens when there's so much that crap in The crap in Kids what happens when there's so much that happens. Hello, and welcome to Watch Our Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker of The Real House, where as a kitchen island, a cartoon on YouTube, and joining me as usual is the wonderful, enhancement and lovely Ronnie Karam of the Rosebricks podcast. What's going on, Ronnie?
Starting point is 00:02:08 That's me. Hi, what's going on, baby? Oh, you know, I'm just sitting here. It's Tuesday. We are like a week and a half away from our double header show, Friday Night, Portland, Saturday Night, Phoenix. So everyone, be sure to go get tickets for those. We are excited for both both shows We haven't announced what we're gonna be covering, but we'll probably be announcing that very soon I mean, there's so much good stuff on Bravo that honestly, there's you really can't go wrong So go to watch our to get tickets for those two shows as well as many others But right now let's just focus on that because those shows are next week, yo
Starting point is 00:02:44 And then also get your merchandise there. There's a good bye call, T-shirts, and whatever else you want to make out of that. Those are all available at Yo! So today, I'm Vanderpromp Rules, Katie's an asshole. She deserves everything she's about to get from us. Yeah, Katie, we had some like vintage Katie happening here. You know, she has she's done a good job over the past few years of
Starting point is 00:03:11 Keeping her to Kula Katie on the inside. She has tried to control that beast, but finally After years of waiting it came out and I made me so happy to see her be like that Yeah, this season's theme is pretending not to be alcoholics anymore, which you find kind of hilarious because this is like a big episode where James is obviously lying about how much he's drinking. Then Katie's been lying, like she doesn't drink, you know, she hasn't said she doesn't drink, but she's been keeping it to Keela Katie at bay.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah. So yeah, I was like, welcome back, you horrible monster of a human being because, you know, I don't like when people change their personalities for a while and then they're nice. And then, you know, people are like, why are you being so mean to that person? They're nice. I'm like, no, no, they're not. I have the memory of an elephant. Yeah. Elephants remember shit, right? Is that elephant? Elephants don't. Elephants never forget. According to someone who can get coined that phrase,
Starting point is 00:04:04 Elephants never forget a parent according to someone who can get coined that phrase They don't forget you know, I'm like I'm like dumbo, okay? By the way has anyone ever proven that elephants don't forget you know who don't doesn't forget crows crows don't forget They remember your face. Is that true? It's true. That's why you should never piss off a crow because whoa You piss off a crow the crow is always gonna remember you and every time it sees you, it's gonna attack you, okay? That's a true story. Leap the crow's low. Hey. Hey.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Hey. I met my crota. Gents. Oh my god, my crota. Oh, good. Yeah, crows never forget. And you know, I think, wait, why are we talking about crows and elephants?
Starting point is 00:04:41 Oh, cause you don't forget. Yeah, you forgot why we were talking about them. I never said I would be elephant here. I never I never crowed out on on this. Okay, well, let's just drop it before this marriage ends. Because you don't pay attention to me when I'm talking about Elevator. I was kidding.
Starting point is 00:04:57 The only reason you're still married is because that man doesn't pay attention to you. If he listened to half the shit you said, he would have been out of there a long time ago. I'll tell you that right now. I have to say what I also enjoyed about this episode was not only Katie finally fighting with Tom not on text but just like the the constant neglect that shorts showed for his wife was hilarious to me like all episode long. And you know it's gotta happen like it's not just this episode long. And you know what's gotta happen. Like it's not just this episode. You know what probably happens on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Oh, it was hilarious. Well, that's how I am. And you know what, if you're sitting on the couch doing laundry all the time, what do you, you're not exactly commanding attention, okay? Longer full door on the couch. Like I'm even mad at her for folding-grown laundry. Yeah, understandable.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. So the episode opens up with some tricky monochrome music that was like, oh, it's a beautiful life, beautiful life, which is like not to be confused with the Ace of Base song. It's a beautiful life, oh, oh, it's a beautiful life, everybody dies from that disease called the Holocaust. Now that was not a beautiful life kind of a movie, okay? Please see fans! No, no, but now that I think about it, could you imagine if that's what the Ace of Base song was based off of?
Starting point is 00:06:18 They're like, you know what? Why don't we do a song about that movie? Because it was so good That's my Swedish voice Oh that she wants is another tank she's gone tomorrow Oh that she wants is another Baba Their music is heavily influenced by Roberta Benini Prince Okay guys
Starting point is 00:06:49 This is so we have serious things to discuss today. Yeah, okay. By the way, we're doing this on TV party high TV party And the after play is on crap and so on demand high crap and so on demand and here's the problem the crap and so on demand thing We've record on Google hangouts, right and And it's been pretty reliable, I have to say, thanks Google. But if you click on one of our faces, then it stops switching back and forth when it hears a sound. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. So now I'm having to manually switch back and forth. Well, it's clear in the face again, and I'll go back to what it was. But it doesn't because look, okay, now you talk. blah blah blah blah. Still me in the camera. Did you click on? Are you sure? Did you click on it again?
Starting point is 00:07:28 Do it again. What do you mean? Click on your face two times? No. Who's face is it locked on right now? Why? So, click, did you click on the face again? There's nothing clicked.
Starting point is 00:07:40 But now here, I'll click on my face. Okay. And it should unlock itself. But. Click on my face. Okay, and it should unlock itself, but it didn't it didn't all right Well, this is going to be a crossroad in your life right now It is whether you're going to be the DJ the video DJ the director in the control booth of our of our video on demand Okay, I'm just warning the people who are watching this on video. That's if you see Ben, if you hear Ben talking, but just see my face kind of looking at a wall, that's why. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I think everyone would be perfectly fine with that. Okay, so let's get started. Tricksy Monaco. It's a beautiful life. Oh, oh. Yeah, so then we see Tom doing something that I used to do in my use, which was hang shirts up on the perfect-up rack in the door frame.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Because there was a period of time when I had one of those. It never worked and it just added wear and tear to my door jams. So, you say, I'm going to ruin to many a door with those stupid pull-up things. You can't just start doing pull-ups when you're overweight. You have to wait till you lose some weight and then do pull ups. Or you'll take to end your whole house. I think I have foundation problems from trying to do pull ups like five years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:51 I have never been able to successfully do a pull up. I just have like weird lack of back strength and turns out that having a perfect pull up does not help that at all. It's just, but it was nice having a little thing to hang shirts on after you're done ironing them. Have a little rack turn your living room to the dry cleaners for a second there I did enjoy that I kind of miss having that
Starting point is 00:09:10 I don't have other options for my shirt So everybody's getting ready to go to this Tom Tom opening otherwise known as a glimpse into the genius of the genius of Nicolay! The guy in my show! So everyone's getting ready. And Ariana's teaching YouTube in her mind how to do a fake jawline. And Tom is, you know, dressing like Snoopy. But I don't think Tom watches the peanuts
Starting point is 00:09:40 because in his mind is very sexual. You know, it's like very sexy, the peanuts, the peanuts gang. And I just don't know that that outfit was meant to be sexualized. I wait, I need clarification on how he was sexualizing peanuts. Because I don't think I'm sexy. So he was like, yeah, I'm putting on my white suit and my goggles. My sexy snoopy goggles. It's about to get on top of the doghouse and my shoes.
Starting point is 00:10:05 About to fly his doghouse and my shoes. That to fly his doghouse into a world war one fight. Yes, actually, Katie should have flown. Robert should have been flying a doghouse. But the thing is this though, it's like Tom. The sand of all is totally snoopy because Tom Schwartz is totally Woodstock. Oh, you're right, he really is. Like Woodstock is like, I'm Charlie Brown. They're just all in my head
Starting point is 00:10:33 and I never even really see him. I don't know who Charlie Brown would be in Vanderbure, it's probably Jack's. I think he earned them. Yeah. Except Jack's is like a little too self assured to be Charlie Brown. Jack's is probably like, it's probably like,
Starting point is 00:10:47 like, Linus with his little safety blanket, except instead of a safety blanket, it's probably like a cum rag or something like that. And you just, you know, it's probably, I don't know who to Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown's probably James actually. James fits the Charlie Brown profile of the closest I would have to say. That was so disgusting.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I just left this podcast. What? That I turned him, that I turned Jack. I just left this podcast. What that I turned him at I turned Jackson to like a horny. A blind line. That's disgusting. I'm never going to get that out of my head again. Fine. Jackson's pig pen. I have about that. Jackson's pig pen. And then I think that like, Jack is pig pen. Yeah. I don't know who the woman graft onto to be honest. Like Katie is probably peppermint patty. Let's be honest. Katie is probably Peppermint Patty. Let's be honest. No, Katie is not Peppermint Patty. Peppermint Patty is Arianna Duh. Katie is Lucy. Yeah, Lucy. Then Sally is probably like, is that Stasi Sally? And James is Schroeder. I think James is the most like Charlie Brown to be honest. I think that hit like Shroteer. Shroteer is actually very Tom Sandevol to be honest.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Um, no. I could because I see Tom Sandevol sitting on piano, you know, I'm just plinking, but if Shroteer could actually play the piano, Tom Sandevol can't play the piano. I don't think I mean, maybe he can't. What do I know? I yeah, I don't know. I think we run out of I don't know who would be a good I don't know who's true You know what we're doing right now. We're avoiding talking about this episode. Why why did it affect us? I think we're like very using to talk about what happened on Vanderpump rules I mean I think we're making a very compelling analogy and I think everyone was probably very happy that we finally Finally figured out who Prepperman Patty was truly in
Starting point is 00:12:28 Finally figured out who Preparation Patty was truly in the Vanperm Pruels universe. So anyway, so Tom is like Kristen is all the, Kristen is all the dancers at once. She's just like She's the Christmas tree. Her arms like randomly out kind of shaking her head bouncing her head up and down. She's that weird Christmas tree That's like in a pot and has like three to eight on it. Oh Christmas times here. Ugh. And Lala's a little red-headed girl, but she's like totally evil to everybody. And then Lisa Vanderpump was just, Wawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawaw He did it, he did it! Oh man! So... Actually, Stitch on TV Party says Broken. Waaah!
Starting point is 00:13:09 So, um, okay, so Tom Tandeval is really excited, obviously, for Tom Tom, because his name is gonna be up in lights and stuff, and he's like, you know, dude, ever since I moved to Los Angeles, like I've had singles, I've had doubles, but never had a home run, you know? Like, that was in the band, the band broke up, you know, I have the Mac, I've had doubles, but never had a home run, you know? Like, that was in the band, the band broke up. You know, I have some acting gigs here and there. And they show him in like Peter's movie where he's basically like, it looks like an old like, like, Sega Saturn, you know, like, video game that was on a, like, a little, like, a desk, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:39 He's like, this mission is complete. And then there's, and then he's just like, he's like, I'm never at home run, but tonight's gonna be my home run. Which I think is funny, because it's like your honor nationally broadcast, television show, and you're famous because of it. That's pretty much a home run if you ask me.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Yeah, you know. I like when they showed that movie clip, because it was filmed on someone's balcony in Noho. That was so funny. He's like, I've had a single, I've had a double. And then we see like his versions of like, what being a star almost was. And I was like, no, no, no. Like the role was better than that.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Dude, I was on a scene in the hills. So, um, yeah, I mean, now that's, that's better actually. I see how many home runs do you need to hit before you're finally like, yeah, the baseball player? Well, that's the thing with baseball. You can hit a lot of home runs and still lose, you know? Tell me about it. I'm not opening day today, right?
Starting point is 00:14:34 I think once someone's baseball team is having an opening day today, am I right? Am I right? The way I'm at all, like sports casting. So now, so, so we learned that. So Tom Sandivall and Tom Schwartz, of course course got matching white suits for their opening night and everything so they're all getting they're all Excited and getting ready and everyone's when they're makeup and getting ready for the for the big night at the bar, you know Things like that Jackson Brittany are getting ready, you know sniffing armpits and things
Starting point is 00:15:02 And guess what Katie's doing. It's so shocking to see Katie doing this. I cannot even believe they showed it on television. She's sitting on the couch. Okay. She's doing. She's sitting on the couch staring at her husband as he like, you know, prepares to live a life for whatever he's pretending to do. She's wearing hot pink lipstick and clearly kissed Tom on the lips right before the scene so he has hot pink lips and no one seems to tell him like hey you've got hot pink lipstick on on your big night and she just and Katie in fact doesn't even say anything she's she does this on purpose because she's like fine if he's gonna neglect me then he's gonna have me on him all night long on his night you know that's what she was thinking yeah because, because that's always how she is. So he's, so he's getting ready and she's not mad yet.
Starting point is 00:15:50 So she's doing that thing where she's she's going to just try and be the victim, right, like the neglected wife, but no one's going to buy it. Katie, okay, used up your victim card last year with your YouTube thing to happen when you were 16. Yeah. So this time she's like trying to be a victim and it's really funny because Katie doesn't really know how to be a victim because she's the oppressor, you know, so she just pulls from the baby talk book where she just says everything in baby boy she's like, hey, Papa, Papa, we go party, Papa, Papa, Papa, Papa, and he's just totally ignoring her. And then it continues for this entire episode until the end where she just rips off her plastic face, but it's still her other gross face under that face. And then she's just like evil, but she's just like a monster. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:36 She has like a reverse Halloween mask on. She actually has a human face above top of a master face. Yeah, it's like on speedy-d where they pull off the mask of like the goat man or whatever whoever has been terrifying the neighborhood, but then they pull it off and it's just another goat man underneath that goat man. So meanwhile over at Kristen's apartment, seriously, Carter, we have to start getting ready. Seriously, seriously, Carter is just, you know, playing
Starting point is 00:17:03 video games. He's like, yeah, yeah. Clearly, he's like put in his token amount of like good boy for a time, and now he's just back to playing Fortnite. Yeah, he's like, I apologize to you kind of half-assedly, and the rent is now paid. It's like the second of the month where he knows that she's already paid the rent,
Starting point is 00:17:20 so he can go back to playing video games until he has to apologize in three and a half more weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. paid the rent so he can go back to playing video games until he has to apologize in three and a half more weeks. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So video games will still be here when we get home. Oh.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So you're just going to flopping through in front of Fortnite like. It's time to go. So. It's time to go. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo- And then that dog lats you, that's Dossie down there. I can't believe you didn't hit Kristen. Like, who are you? Hee hee hee. Hee hee. So, um, Jack says like, what the hell happened over at the... Shhh. The restaurant, because I heard like some stuff went down
Starting point is 00:18:16 and Brittany's like, let's just say, law, law, it's a bad ass. I was like, okay, Brittany. How many syllables is Brittany gonna add today, though? Brittany is now underwater. She sounds like someone's blowing bubbles into chocolate milk.
Starting point is 00:18:32 That's how she's talking about it. I don't even know if you're so, Brittany's trying to say. Yeah, she's like, well, I guess that Lala had a bunch of friends in from out of town, and Raquel was talking to them and saying that Lala was being mean to her and using the dad card as an excuse and Jack's like I would have lost it I would have I would have fucking lost it if someone had said that about me
Starting point is 00:18:53 The dad card The down yeah, okay, so then we go over to Everybody talking about this basically and Arianna's like, you know, Tom, like I hate to say it, but like Really terrible things like happened to people all the time and like what are you gonna do like life goes on? You know like some town got flunk around and twister. Did you ever hear it complaining? Did it try to beat up a hostess? No, no, I mean, like people lose people in their lives. People fall in love with people and those people then go and spend $20,000 on a side car. You know, should he things happen? And you know what? Some days you wake up happy,
Starting point is 00:19:38 some days you wake up to realize that your boyfriend is turning into a woman before your eyes and spending all of your house money on a side car. Yeah, sometimes So Aaron is like, you know what? Being angry is a hire. I'm like, yeah, I know that's why we have this podcast I'm like cracking out right now. I'm like, yeah, I know I'm like episode I've got it like going through my veins 1000 if you don't think we're addicted to being angry I don't know what you think of us People have been saying hey why don't you guys go to London and I was telling Ben
Starting point is 00:20:13 I've been reading about like weird laws there like if you're mean to somebody They can like have you arrested or whatever and he's like well, why don't you just not be mean? He was like I was like okay I was like right, why don't we look into doing a London show or something? I was like, you know, you don't have to, you could also just like not say those things. You're like, no, nope, there's gotta come out. I don't want to be the one who would get arrested
Starting point is 00:20:35 by the way. It's Scoopy-D that I was just talking about. No, I will not mask myself. Yeah, and I would be the one who wind up in jail for some ridiculous reason. You know, I'd be like, Ronnie, all you have to do is like, not be mean. Okay, and then I'm the one being like, taken off by like, Sergeant Jema Pembridge. It's a very polite Sergeant.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Oh, so funny. You do come with me, sir? Jema Pembridge. Pembridge. Pembridge farms remembers. Jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-jai-j But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting, hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not
Starting point is 00:21:38 so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong, what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:22:06 You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. Okay, so what's next? I'm... Ritzer. Ritzer episode. Oh my god, I was just about to say, not much happens in this episode, right? But then I read my next note.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And it's everybody pretending they're still working at that restaurant, you know? Like, la la walking around in leather pants. By the way, no real host would ever wear leather pants That's a lot of shaping and Fies so anyway, and she and it comes in it does my favorite she not ha I nearly choked I just choked at my she not I tried to get it out and my throat was said nope Nope, you don't get to have your she-night come out and said, I'm gonna close up on you and you're gonna choke. I thought it was like, I'm sick of this.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Uh-uh. Yeah, so they have like this whole like weird sitcom moment because Peter's like doing something behind the bar and she walks up and goes, my last table just closed, so I wanna like change to go to TomTom, is that okay? And then like Lala comes up behind, like, she's you, she's you, she's like, yeah I want to take
Starting point is 00:23:05 my pants off and Peter's like how about you clean these menus instead and she was like um if she wants her pants off I want my ponytail out so and I'm just like this was filmed in front of a live studio audience which is actually not that we've been For you Where the kisses are his and his and hers three's company Shina Where the kisses are Adam Adam Shina we're not in relationship So then Tom's over there getting on his white suit. He's like Tom's over there getting on his white suit. He's like, b, babe. I hope he can get some romantic shit down in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And she's like, oh, I haven't seen him. She goes into her fucking Katie baby voice. But you know, everybody knows the suicide bombers about to blow when you hear a baby voice. Yeah, always. Yeah, Katie just sitting there, just a lump on the couch. I just wish we could spend more time together. I just feel like I don't get to see you much anymore. Oh, oh, you already left the apartment didn't you? Okay never mind How are even your new underwear stained She has she has underwear munchowsons. She's actually staining her clean underwear intentionally just so she has an excuse to clean them
Starting point is 00:24:44 She has oxy munchowsons. She's give it she has an excuse to clean them. She has oxy munchasons. She's give it. She has munch. Yeah. Munchasin by underwear proxy. Or she's dating Tom's underwear is the show feel like she's able to care for him. Baba, these were clean all along. You've just been making them dirty on purpose.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Katie dead and dearest. Katie couching couchist. So yeah so anyways said now there's like this whole thing because sand of all has this sidecar. It's a really I mean like it's really cool. It's like a white sidecar and has like it's all shiny and he got customized helmets. He got a helmet for shorts. And then he also got a helmet for Ariana that says, dumpling, and then ultimately, they also got a helmet for Katie that says, Bubba.
Starting point is 00:25:34 And so now, Tom's gonna go pick up shorts. So he's in his like, Tom Tom Mobile. And they're like, he's like getting ready. And the music's like all 80s movie, which I really liked, it felt like, you know, like they're going to the prom or something. So, they go, like Tom, Tom's, Tom's, he had to all shows up at the apartment and it's like a big Tom love moment. And the entire time I kept thinking, this is so cute, they're in their white suits and they're white sidecar with their white helmets, but like, in like a minute, aren't they all gonna be totally dirty? I mean, these are the roads of Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Yeah, that's true, but I think they were only going like two blocks or something, so it wasn't that big of a video. Well, they were on a weird route, by the way. I was tracking through the road. Well, wouldn't you, you're in a sidecar. I mean, you can get killed by a person on a bird. I know, well, that was the funny thing was. So first, so then Tom Schwartz is like,
Starting point is 00:26:23 Oh, you got me gloves. I love like, oh, you got me gloves. I love gloves. Oh, you got me goggles. I love goggles. You know, he's excited about everything. And then they like take off. And they were literally like three teenagers on like bird scooters, like behind them,
Starting point is 00:26:38 clearly outpacing them. So then, Kristen, she, they they actually letter into Tom Tom, right? And she shot that she wasn't like blocks, like she was shocked at T.S.A. didn't stop her. Like, no, ma'am, I'm sorry. You're on a watch list. She basically like, she, she brought like a gallon of water through T.S.A. That was like the, the higher that she had.
Starting point is 00:27:01 You know, I've been trying that for years. I know, I know. So I felt like that was at me. So I thank you for that be a lot of people. You know, I've been trying that for years. I know. I felt like that was at me. So I thank you for that. It actually wasn't. It wasn't.
Starting point is 00:27:13 But then as soon as I said it, I always remind that of when TSI did stop recently. I guess I'm so stupid. I always have water in my thing. Like they never find the drugs. That's the best part. Okay. So, because, you know, of course, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:27:25 oh my god, I'm going to jail. They're like, you had water, sir, and I'm like, God, you guys are stupid. Just kidding. If anyone from the TSA is watching this, totally kidding, drugs are bad kids. Okay. So Kristen's like, this is all massively here's still for me.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Now that Lisa's let me come here, like we're totally besties. Like, I can imagine like being at our house and like being by the pond with baby miniature horses. I feel like Kate. I feel like Kristen around miniature horses is like not. I mean, here's the thing. I just have memories from last week on Beverly Hills went or two weeks ago when Denise Richards came over and they let the miniature horses out of the pen and they started running around like creates around the table. I could just imagine like that overstimulating Kristen and either she just starts like flopping around like crazy or she just joins in and then it's just like Kristen and two miniature horses running around the table until they're all
Starting point is 00:28:20 tuckered out. I mean if horses could talk because you know that they would see Kristen walk in and be like, we're a miniature, we're not donkeys, get her out of here. I love the idea that those miniature horses become, become elitist. Like, um, yeah, hanky, hanky, could you please remove this one? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Okay, so then, guess who shows up? Is it the my stroo? My stroo! Stro-nic-a-lan! Oh! It's too bad he arrived after Katie said, looked at the gears and said, it's like moving art. You really would probably have appreciated that. I like the cast.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah, I like the Kati scene. Like when Mavado commercial and she thinks she's fucking poet now. It's like moving art. It's like very Jeff Koon's, but with gravity. Shut up, Kati. So, Sina and Lala. Lala.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Arrive. And Lala was like, did you guys plan to match your outfits? She was like We're met together not to say that because I really don't care. I'm not like a firm relationship Oh my god, she knows she's just in her own show this year Honestly, I love it. They're like fishing she now and she's like, I don't care Just do my own fucking show. What do I care? She's not even know that she's not on camera half the time Yeah, I think that she's not totally fully aware of really what's happening on so Happening so So anyway, so then everyone gathers in the front because they're told okay like the Tom Tom's are arriving But there was some drama because they ran out of gas on the streets
Starting point is 00:30:18 They had to push their their side cards and your askastation and he was gas station. I thought of goggles that match the gloves, they match the shoes, and a side cart that matches the motorcycle, everything, down to the scarves. And I forgot to put gas in them. They also, though, started up heading towards Melrose and then suddenly wound up on the Sunsets trip.
Starting point is 00:30:39 I'm like, this is not a proper route to get to Tom Tom. Okay, like, I was a fan of it. Hey, that cost you a 15 grand, okay. I don't blame him. I would be too. We're gonna cry some slip strip. Hello, the Valley. Yeah, hello, the Valley.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Hello, Burbank, Ikea. Hey, don't tease me with Ikea FOMO. So I really wanted to go to Ikea last night. But so anyway, so they eventually show up and Lisa Vanderpump is like, it looks like the most ridiculous, most preposterous choice ever. And yet, it's perfect. Mini-my-strose. Take it away, Baba Oka-strap.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Baba, dumping. Baba, dumping. So then they open some champagne, everybody's super excited and they go to the outside section and they said it, one of those big tables. And she and she, there's not enough room for she and I or something. Which typical, this fucking cast, of course, is like, take to this chair. You know, Stasi walked right in there was like, can we have two of these chairs removed from this table?
Starting point is 00:31:42 We won't be using. Yeah. Thanks. There's too many here. Nick Elaine, you're almost a maestro, but maybe too these chairs removed from this table? We won't be using this. Thank you. Thanks. There's too many here. Nicolaine, you're almost in my show, but maybe too many chairs at the central table. Let's put them all over there in the corner. Nicolaine is my strobe.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Sheenah is Y stro. OK. Y. So she just goes to a side table with Adam. She's like, I don't think we're going to fit. We're just going to sit over here. We're not a couple, and that's like a couple's table. And I just want to reiterate, we're not a couple look how chill I'm being about like not talking about our couple dim
Starting point is 00:32:09 Which we don't even have And then Vanderpump comes three four S. Well first she says like hello darling Welcome to a place none of you losers will have a job at Happy retirement old cast Welcome to Newcastle Logan walk down here with some our TV shag up, but she says hi and everything But then she tells us right at the daily male party we passed appetizers. I was ignored by car Rejobs and there was no money changing hands, but tonight It's business business. Hopefully a pump like business business business.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It looks like a business. Yeah So they're all ordering drinks. I don't know if you noticed Lance Bass is the background I felt bad that it didn't even give him like a cutaway shot He was just like in the blurred like out of focus part of the of the screen I was like, you know, that's Lance Bass back there by the way So anyways, so focus part of the screen. I was like, you know, that's Lance Bass back there, by the way. So anyway, so.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Lance Bass raised without a bottle because he is constantly thirsty. Okay. You have had enough to drink Lance Bass. Stopping in the background of everything I watch ever. Okay. I was watching Stargate Atlantis. He had the band I could have sworn Lance Bass is in the back. Hey, he's working. He's working. Okay. Where's Chris Krupatrick? Okay. He's not in the background of Tom Tom opening night. Also, why did I say Stargate Atlantis? What a random, it's so old,
Starting point is 00:33:30 and of course I wasn't watching Stargate Atlantis. Don't try to walk that one back. You were watching it, you were watching it. I don't think I've ever, how does Stargate Atlantis work? Cause is it Atlantis underwater and Stargate in the space? I literally don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I've never seen that show. I don't even know why that came into my mind. Is it a real show? Stargate Atlantis? That sounds exciting. That sounds exciting. Babylon, maybe. So, yeah, so Brittany is like, they're all ordering drinks.
Starting point is 00:33:59 And you know, it gays anyone forgot. Previously on Brittany's life, she has an ulcerer. And she's not allowed to have citrus, alcohol, or spiciness, so she goes, Well, I'm just gonna order a chale, I'd like a chale to Kayla shot. And Jack's like, honey, you're stomach, and she's like, well, that's why I'm doing it,
Starting point is 00:34:16 because I can't have all these beautiful mixed drinks, and the doctor said the less beautiful your drink is, the better it is for your stomach. He's like, come on. I don't think you should be having that. You're stomach-sick. But that's what I tell you. That's what I tell you.
Starting point is 00:34:31 That's what I tell you. I mean, I sprained out, but I only have a couple of shots. I'm like, I don't think that's how oldsters work. I don't think oldsters are like, no, as long as you don't rush me, I'll be fine down here. I think it doesn't really work that way. And then Jack's who is now like the nicest person on television, don't doubt it people.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Do not doubt it. Jack's is like, well, you know, we're gonna be getting married and having babies soon. So I just want to make sure she's healthy. She's gonna be my wife, my baby mama. Like shut up, Jacks. And then it cuts back to Brittany, sucking on a lime, which she's also not supposed to have.
Starting point is 00:35:10 She just said she got, she said she got a shot instead of tequila, because there's no acidity in the shot. And then she's sucking on a lime. And literally like going directly to the source of the acid. Like not even, it's like an undiluted acid from citrus. Yeah, so in related pretending not to be drinking anymore news, Lala's like has a cosmopolitan and she's like, oh, this is like, this like has no alcohol, it just has soda water instead.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It's just as good. And America was like, you know what, I'm sick of your lies. That is not true. So the water is not as good. But thanks for playing, lady. Yeah, I had a dream the other night that I went to Rand's house. And it was like really had a really big living room, but a really small, outdated kitchen. I got mad. I'm mad that you even had that dream. I got to. That's in your that's in your subconscious. It is disgusting. It's not fair to be mad at people for their private thoughts, but I'm literally mad at you. Can I tell you what was
Starting point is 00:36:10 made the dream worse? I was running a marathon, and a marathon was taking place inside Rand's house. It was like we're going to run for like it was a half marathon, and we're going to run a half marathon's worth from like his living room dumps basement back up again. So it was on top of being in Rand's house.
Starting point is 00:36:26 It was also a marathon. Marathon. I mean, talk about it night. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Marathon. I mean, talk about it night. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Marathon. I mean, talk about it night. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. Marathon. I like Britney's dream better. In the episode I have to say, now that's a dream I can stand by. Britney's dream is pretty amazing. I also amazing Tom's mom. She's so cute. She has a nice little dress on and she's like, her name is Terry and she's like, oh yeah, I'm so proud, Tom. He's done so many good things now.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Oh God, so proud. Yeah, that's my favorite part of the restaurant. So Vanderpump goes over to everybody and she's, she's like, hello, oh, hello, Kristen. I'm so glad you're here. Tom, Tom, baby, dick of lame. It's an I-Strel.
Starting point is 00:37:17 And Kristen's like, thanks, he's a, what a beautiful job. Like seriously? Well, the roof, the floor, the, the waiters, their job, like, seriously? Whoa! The roof, the floors, the waiters, their outfits, like, seriously. Good work, bro. Good work. Do you have any hay? Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. She's like, hey, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:37:39 What's his it, Chris? And I've already said hello. No, I'm giving you my order. My waiter hasn't been here. I'd like a plate of hay, please Hey now no, I meant hey now I've been waiting for 20 minutes The idea of Chris and go into restaurant ordering hay is hilarious because I can actually see her ordering it And then just taking her face and it does eating hay
Starting point is 00:38:03 You know, that's the worst thing that we ever said with their horse face number when a horse face. That's so weird. And I feel guilty every time you say it because I just egg you on and look, I'm the nice sitting over here. No, this is a separate analogy. Like, so we, okay, so we called them horse face one and horse face two. That was Chris and Katie back in the day because when the show started they were obnoxious in a different way they were really obnoxious about like we're pretty
Starting point is 00:38:28 and if you're not pretty like if like only pretty people work here if you're not then like like sorry like whatever sucks to be used so we're like whatever you're like we're like horse faces we're just like whatever you have to be hot and we're like we're like like a model sticker cubes yeah so like And we're just like two horse faces, whatever, we're just like, we're like, we're very reactive. So we called them that for like two or three seasons, maybe four.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It was fun. And it just was like a funny thing. But I don't know, it's feel like the times have changed and it just feels like really nasty now. And it just so we don't do it anymore. The hay thing is mainly more. Still fun. Still fun.
Starting point is 00:39:03 The thing about the present is we still say shitty things. We just pretend we're sorry for them. Oh wow. I do feel a little guilty. Like how that works. I do. But no, I just feel like the hey thing is this totally separate thing.
Starting point is 00:39:12 It's not saying that she looks like horse face. It's just that like, she has very sort of like giraffe slash, giraffe slash horse personality qualities. You know, like, you know, like, she's actually become more horsey like. I'm not saying that she is a horse face. She just, like, when she fell over it, they keep showing that clip of the horse, I mean,
Starting point is 00:39:32 of her falling over it. And like, the way her legs, like, tumble around each other, it's very much like a hoofed animal, you know. So it's more just about, like, movement than it is like her physical like her pure and pseudo that makes sense. Yes, it does. So now inside the joke with Ben Mandelker. Inside the Ben studio.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Inside the Ben Curious. When you made that joke about the hey, what were you feeling? What were you feeling? Well, I'm just, the horse based joke. You know, it was a multi-layered thing. It's a reference to what we used to call it, and also a reference to the miniature horses. And this is how is that chased
Starting point is 00:40:13 to tristan around the table? All right, darling. That's move on. So the Tom's around. He's like, oh my god, hi, Tom. You look like the owner of Tom Tom and then Katie's like Hey, Baba, you look like the owner of Tom Tom. It's like no falling for Katie, okay? And if someone's ignoring you the way to get their attention is not to start talking to them baby voices
Starting point is 00:40:36 Most fucking of dogs stink up every heart Katie The way your face just contorted and shook on TV Party was absolutely amazing. Um, you're eating it's me, okay? Like, no, well, like Kyle. Well, there's always one, but especially, oh, Katie. Work. So, um, so anyway, so yeah, so yeah, he's totally ignoring her. And Stas is like, yeah, Tom. He gets distracted by pretty shiny things like this bar and Tom Sandeball, which I'm like, ah, that's funny. But also, by the way, this bar is his job and he hasn't had a job for the past like nine years. So like, let's let him get distracted by it because he's never been distracted by anything
Starting point is 00:41:19 that had any sort of semblance of responsibility before. And Tom Sandeball may not be new, but he's certainly a shiny. Well, that guy is buffed more than a high school gym floor. Like he is buffed. I'm jealous. I'm like, where are you from? Where are you from? Or is how does your skin breathe, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:34 Like I'm worried that his skin is suffocating. He shapes his face like, like Harlan Manzo, right? Did you do that? And I look like I'm 97 years old. No, you don't. In fact, this lighting is very flattering on you On here wait till you see the crap and it's on demand. I look like an old man standing out in front of the in front of the house Like you don't kids get up along with your birds and your lives
Starting point is 00:41:55 lives I like worms so So she knows like I don't I wish you were coming with me to Mexico. I'm gonna miss you. What are you gonna do without me? He's like, I'm gonna get a lot done. Like, I'll be able to pretty much do anything I want, really. He's like, I'm gonna have a life again.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And he's like, I'm unfollowing you from every social media account ever. Okay, I don't even want to hear shit from you while you're gone Hey, have you ever gone down to invisible slide on a skyscraper you want to do that? So she did that with Lauren's Robbie. Yeah, it's a funny thing. It worked romantic dates. They really abandoned that storyline, by the way. So that happens with Robbie, okay. You can only take so at first you're like, oh my god, are those abs real or are they
Starting point is 00:42:55 implants? You know, how is he so orange? Do not away. I looked up, spend five minutes with him and it's like get him the fuck out of here, fucking Lauren's Robbie. I looked up app implants today because you mentioned them so much I was like I need to start being able to see what they looked like so I actually did a Google image search on them to help educate myself Yeah, aren't they crazy and someone on Facebook was asking if we really think Jordan has app implants. Yes. I really do
Starting point is 00:43:20 I can't tell any person has abs like that. They're like outside of his body. It's almost like they're taped on You know, I can't I don't I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can tell. No, I can tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can tell. No, I can tell. No, I can tell. No, I can't tell. No, I can tell. No, I muscles, leg muscles, packs. You can do whatever you want now. The world is your oyster, darling. We're almost the same. We're almost the same, halfway into Unpretty by TLC, which I really appreciated. So now, yeah, so they're making this, so now they have Tom and Tom making the rounds. There's Kyle Chan and all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And then Lala's talking about Mexico. And she's like, I am taking my tits out in front of all of you. And I'm jumping in the ocean at which point, like every starfish started swimming towards China. Not really. She has lovely tits. Why am I saying that? Why am I shading Lala's tits?
Starting point is 00:44:20 They're perfectly beautiful. But then Katie goes, I don't want to feel bombarded. It's about enough being an ocean dweller without some hoe jumping in there. It's my boobies! We don't care where golf is. I think it's about our house. Put your shirt on.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You just scared away the guppy I was trying to eat for dinner. So Katie goes, I want to take my tits out. Like the most unsexy declaration of all time. Like, lining that you want to take my tits out. Like the most unsexy declaration of all time. Like lining that you want to take your tits out. Yeah, it's like the minute I finish folding our laundry on the couch in Mexico, I'm taking my tits out and pulling out my inner Lala. And I love how these girls are like, oh my god, that sounds so fun pulling our tits
Starting point is 00:44:59 out. Like you guys are such hypocrites, but at least they address it because like Katie says, the first time that Lala like took off her tits and then we see a clip of Katie being like, well, you could not take out your tits in front of my fiancee. That would be a nice start. And then she goes back she's like, those are different times. Yeah, but she didn't have a private play rightful talk at that time. Yeah, exactly exactly So then Yeah, they're all happy because Christians could be rooming it can be in her own room in Mexico
Starting point is 00:45:33 So like everyone's like very relieved about that and they're like holding hands and everything what happened a Carter Wasn't Carter coming? Maybe there was like some League of Legends tournament that he had to attend Like mine maybe there was like a mind sweeper convention. He's like, ah, babe, I got so far and then I hit that mine. Uh-uh. Spillunker, babe. I gotta stay up.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Dude, crazy. Babe, I wish I could come to Mexico, but there's gonna be kind of a big, dig-dug tournament happening at Chili's down in the Haton Beach. Mexico, but there's going to be kind of a big dig dog tournament happening. Chili's down in the Hatten Beach. Okay. So they get basically there are, are they there yet? Where are we? So this is where some of the stuff I'm out of town. I don't care if I room alone on this trip, but I would have a lot of screws least to room with Chris. Okay. Maybe if the hotel room has a door with the locks from the outside.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It's like, weren't either one that just went on the rampage. You're not the far from Christian, man. Okay. Isn't that how most doors lock? No, you do it lock from the inside. Well, I guess, I guess she needs like a one way. My parents put that on my room
Starting point is 00:46:40 because I was always running away and stuff so they changed the lock around so they could lock me in, but I couldn't lock them out. So I learned how to climb out the window and scale a two story building. That's right. Really? Kids. Yeah. What? What? Because I was always running away from home so my parents changed the locks around on my door so they could lock me in. You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:04 But then you could scale a two story building. What are you doing? I didn't have those skeletons. I jumped out my window onto the roof and then walked down the roof slip until like it was just one story and then I would jump onto the wall like the backyard of wall from the roof. Wow. I mean, it's good.
Starting point is 00:47:24 It was very good. Now getting back in was not very easy I was talking about Romano's window like Accident day I accidentally broke out of my bedroom and climbed off the roof and So see how the snake me back in on the roof and so she had to sneak me back in. So, Lala starts talking about Raquel and everything and she's like, yeah, it ended by getting me I getting very Lala. Am I right, everyone?
Starting point is 00:47:56 But meanwhile Lisa van Pum sits down right behind her and then she's like, Lala, Lala, come over here. Lala, Lala. La la la come over here. La la la. So. So La la goes into this with Lisa and Lisa's like what happened to brunch. Now this is odd because Billie Lee was there. She was in the background so it was weird that Lisa didn't bring both of them together. Oh God, well, it was even seen.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Lisa was probably like, listen, we've already had to pay Billy Lee for three episodes this season. Or we need this money for the Brune closet DJ stand. Do not make me bring Billy Lee and you're... Yeah, so basically, so Lisa's like, well, I heard it things got crazy You know and and long as like what no with me and Billy no no everything was fine
Starting point is 00:48:52 And then you see immediately a flashback of law like on get the fuck out of my face. Oh We got head punch you know And I was like I just I just felt extremely Disrespected but I wasn't aggressive at all Yeah, and she's like well what happened with Jamesy Jamesy Wayansy my little broken wind and she's like James James popped in we had a very civilized
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, yeah, I'm very, very relaxed. Yeah, and I think I had him myself very, very nicely. And we just see, loud me like, fuck you, you had my vagina, and now go fuck yourself. Yeah, I congratulate you, you got a piece of, ahhh, it was like, that's like the office cake, you know? It's like, who's excited to get a piece of office cake? Literally everybody is offered the office cake. Yeah, although I actually really enjoy office cake
Starting point is 00:49:51 That's right, but I also enjoy the law that you know that seat both infuriate me at the same time One of the sad things about podcasting is that we don't have any office cake. It's very sad We don't have a lovely person office chocolate muffin. Would you like a little? I have a little bit of um Grater's dark chocolate from Cincinnati still here. That's what I have So so then Lisa Vannepum brings she know over and she's like Sheena What am I most rely the waitresses?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Tell me how was la la and she's basically like well, I was crazy She yelled at everyone and then like I was like oh my god like I'm trying to hear be here like making out without them Who were not relationship where he's just like my friend? Anyway, she was crazy Like all of a sudden my person we're not dating at all because I'm dating Adam. Well, I really am not dating I'm all because I'm dating on them. Well, I really am not that big. I'm like, I'm not. I'm like, ah, that was a bit cheers really me. And Mama's like, um,
Starting point is 00:50:47 Shishu totally does not have my back right now. It's like really? Because you haven't had Shishu's back. All fucking season, Lala. Enjoy the retrobue Sean. Yeah, wasn't it at the last reunion? The big thing was that she like Lala took everyone on the PJ except for Shina to go to Vegas for something like that. Yes. And just happy because the other girls didn't want her to like Sheena, which is totally happening all over again. So we enjoy you just desserts. So Lisa goes, Sheena,
Starting point is 00:51:17 you're the most professional major. I've ever had. And she's like, fun girl. And Lala was like, oh, so it makes me a question. Band of pumps hiring practices of sheenies like the apex. So, um, so Lisa's like, well, and how is James? She's like, James was very professional. So now Lisa's like her mind is blown because she's like, what James was telling the truth?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Kind of a first for James Kennedy, oozing truthzing on me. Yeah, Momma's like, yeah, well, I guess in hindsight, I should have respectedly savannit prom and not y'all the them in her restaurant. I should have tracked those bitches by their hair outside. Yeah. So then Tom Sandevolge, Tom Sandevolge and Tom Schwartz start to have like a moment where they're getting sentiment
Starting point is 00:52:07 like, whoa, what's happening? We're doing it in Tom Sandevolts. Like, dude, I'm going to make you a drink. He's going to have a drink in his own bar, dude. And Tom Schwartz is like, oh, this is amazing. I only wish my wife were here to see it all. I wish that couch could give up my wife for just one night and Katie standing right there by and like,
Starting point is 00:52:30 Buh-buh. Buh-buh. Buh-buh. Buh-buh. And he just completely ignored her with Brockless such joy really. Actually, he does acknowledge her briefly because he literally says, Buh-buh, where have you been? Which is so hilariously, like,
Starting point is 00:52:48 it's not past progressive, but it's like, was it nagging? It's like, she's been there. She's literally been next in the entire time and like in the back room, like there's only been like two places that she's been. And he's like, whoa, where have you been? It's just knowing how that must have driven Katie Mad just made me like double her life. Well, what, where have you been? It's just knowing how that muscle driven Katie mad
Starting point is 00:53:05 just made me like double. What you supposed to do, we like, oh, Baba, look, it's my new restaurants, my new drinks. La, la, la, la, he's busy, he's at work, it's his opening night, it's not about you, be out. Yeah. But I just have to point out, Hushyna says congratulations because she comes up to the bar and she comes. I have issues with nasal fructose.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Sheena is killing it this season. Sheena is the only person bringing it this season. She's fucking like three gay guys at a time and she's more muppet show than ever. I am for you Sheena. I stand for Cena. But she did move to the west side, which is a huge drawback. I don't go to her house. What do I care? I mean, as long as the camera crew will drive there, what the fuck do I care? I don't know you. So then Tom, so Tom and Tom are having a moment. Tom Schwartz is just like cheering everyone and Kitty's like, I'm gonna go back to the back room.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I'm gonna go and he's like just fully, like not less than anything. She's like, okay, all right, all right, bye, bye. I'm just gonna go back. And where is he? He's like making jokes with jacks. Like, you're not only being ignored, you're being ignored for jacks.
Starting point is 00:54:21 I mean, that's a low blow. Meanwhile, Brittany gives us an insight into how she's gonna avoid having another ulcer flare up. She's like, well see I got here I got like a mini shot here and I got a big shot here and so every time I want like a big shot I pour into a mini shot and have a little bit of that and then I have some lime and then I have a bunch of assages. It's fine. I'm not supposed to be drinking Margarita's now. I'm eating them. See instead of drinking spicy food and acidic food and alcohol what I'm not supposed to be drinking Margarita's now. I'm eating them. See, instead of drinking spicy food, and acidic food, and alcohol, what I'm doing is deep in a hot pepper into tequila,
Starting point is 00:54:52 and then lime juice, and eating that. Hi, they didn't say I was supposed to stop eating acidic food. They said I was supposed to stop eating husetic food. Sorry, my people. Love your high it. I will no longer be eating dreidel's.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Dreidel's hot pot. Bye bye. I'm gonna eat more bagels, but you know what? I don't even know how people eat those in the first place. Who doesn't like a bird? The first time I saw a bag more bagels, but you know what? I don't even know how people eat those in the first place. Who doesn't like a bird? The first time I saw a bagel, I said, there's a hole in your story, mister. What's the difference between a bagel and a seagull?
Starting point is 00:55:35 What? I was asking. Because they still both seem to be birds that have a water. Oh, oh, oh, oh. so uh... yes and now there's like like you know sentimental moments about the bar i just wrote down reflections on the bar et cetera they opened it yeah i don't know this is uh... this is a very self-gradualatory
Starting point is 00:56:01 thing you know which is fine you know you guys deserve it have fun being positive. I hope you can't wait to watch you rep each other apart next week, okay? Because all this happiness is giving me a headache. Yeah, I don't like it. I say congratulations, but please, can we add some booster seats to those bar stools at TomTom?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Because when you sit at them, your chin is resting on the bar top. Like, Nicolaine, what sort of torture do you have in mind for us? It is the most uncomfortable situation. Why would you do that to us? Please make those bars to a taller. Please, I beg, I beg of you, Nicolaine. I met new people at this party last night, which is weird, because I like, where do I know new people? Yeah. But I was about watching crap and saying, they're like, Oh my god, if you're in the top, I can't, I love to, I love to, I love to,
Starting point is 00:56:46 I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to,
Starting point is 00:56:54 I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to,
Starting point is 00:57:02 I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, I love to, no I couldn't I mustn't know I'm not sure about this no how could I possibly be on a little motorized bicycle I love how she was screeching down the road she's really cutely Savannah pup everybody leave her alone about that goddamn dog I know well now I feel like Tom Tom needs to have a sidecar in their menu, right? Oh. How about they do? We must consult with the Sly and Pandy.
Starting point is 00:57:35 We'll call it the Pandy Sly Sidecar. The Slydecar. Get it! So I'll be like, alright, listen here guys. Taste of your pussy drink the sidecar. I gotta tell you I'm fucking a maize right great job Or it's going on the menu that'll cost 30,000 dollars, man I'm gonna put listen you know what I look at your side car. You know what I see a bunch of shit How about you take some rubbing out the hall put it on top of some sawdust and call it a day
Starting point is 00:58:01 Now let me try what you drank. You know it's delicious. It's fucking delicious It's really great. Charlie guy is's delicious, it's fucking delicious. It's actually really great. You know what I'm saying, Charlie guy, it's great great work. You know what, great job, sidecar. Whoa. Hey, sidecar, you car, we are car for sidecar. We're right guys, teamwork.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Sligh the new captain of the new blood debt. She's captain Sandy and captain Lee. We're doing it. We can just keep using our standard captain voice for the new captain on the new below text slide. Right, you know what we're gonna do? You're about to crash this goddamn boat and the side of it.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Actually, it was a great park. You know what I wanna do? I wanna make a cocktail sanctuary, the two anchors cocktails in the middle. And maybe some brands, you know, to go on the side. Okay, so then they're getting ready to go to Mexico now. So Jackson Brittney are at home and he's like I'm responsible, Jackson now. You think we should really be going on a trip when we're planning our wedding? Shut up, Jackson. No one is buying your Donna Reed bullshit, okay? And Brittney's like, well, maybe we can duck with flowers. I want to get wild flowers. Like, wild flowers
Starting point is 00:59:08 can you just get those on the side of the road? Why do I have to pay wild flowers? Which I have to say, you know, even a brook is right. Yeah, even a broken, even a broken clock with a few SDDs is right twice a day. Yeah. Yeah. I you know, he has a fair point, you know, maybe, but she's like, this isn't a democracy. It's a great talk. We're so good. God help us. You know, I read the news and I'm like, it is a bureaucracy in this country right now. It really is. It is. A Britochrisy.
Starting point is 00:59:45 It's like the opposite of a meritocracy. A greatocracy. So now Tom's hands on the black. What's wrong with gluten with Russia? I mean, are we all friends? It's like a Britochrisy car. I think don't get all mad everybody. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Okay. Wow, what a sharp indictment on Yeah, you really all the day You know when I grow up I wanted to be a mule or I love playing with the mules, but I was like, I know Maybe there's something better for me in life Okay move on Wrap it up. So now Tom Tandoval's packing up hats and he's like, dude, packing hats used to be so stressful but now I have this hat box and everything's not stressful anymore.
Starting point is 01:00:37 And Ariana's like, I'm going to go back to doing tutorials to no one in my mirror Okay, so then let's get a mexico, shall we? Fine, I just have a moment where I look through my notes to find that where mexico is because I have all sorts of notes about Kristen saying things like oh not about traveler Kristen also saying to Carter. I just need everyone to be positive on this trip And I don't know why they keep giving me shit. Oh Yeah, Kristen she's like I'm a good traveler. Have we had some snaffles? Yeah, I mean I guess couple and then we get the montage of Kristen just being a fucking nightmare and throwing drinks on every I mean when even blah blah and James are confused about what the fuck you're doing with your life You've really fucked up
Starting point is 01:01:25 Chris didn't yeah, there was also a weird scene where Bo dressed up as a dinosaur which I really didn't understand It wasn't it like didn't make sense to me Yeah, so it's just like being cute and stuff and like he's like I'm a good boyfriend all checks I'm so nice. I'm like you're a serial killer. I still don't trust you two nice I don't trust people that nice, okay? Because you had to take time to blow that thing up. And then Stasi asked like, she was so surprised. I'm like, didn't you hear your boyfriend
Starting point is 01:01:51 in the other room inflating a dinosaur for 25 minutes? Like, what did you think was happening out there? And she asked to work, so she saw pissed off. And he's like, yeah, I'm kind of scared of going on this trip, Stasi. You mean, what if you go all birthday on me, which is a bird now, you know, what if you go a birthday on it? Going all birthday on it.
Starting point is 01:02:12 That's called going on, Stasi. That's like your girlfriend, but that's your girlfriend. Yeah. And Stasi's like, yeah, but we made that deal that if I go a birthday on it, and he'll go down on you and he's like, I'm going to piss her off every two seconds. All of a time. Yeah. So now everyone arrives at LAX and she knows getting out of her Uber with like a bunch of like like pink luggage that's like made out of concrete and say, my morning worked out.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I'm surprised that she didn't have like a little moment where she said, you know, one of the good things is loving a marina Del Rares I'm like sock lost L.I. X. So I can just like wake up and come over here because that's it all my God, I cannot believe she didn't say that because that is such a west side and you know rightly so like you're right there You get to hear those airplanes every night, but you just sleep. Sure. It's so relaxing. I don't know Marina Del Rares people love bragging about how close they are to LA X like it's so relaxing. I don't know. Marina Del Rey, people love breaking about how close they're to LAX. Like it's an accomplishment. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:09 I live by an airport now. Okay. So yeah, oh, and then we get La La. She's like, I don't even remember the last time I flew commercial. I mean, there's usually people here that help me with my thing. This is not.
Starting point is 01:03:24 So I'm like, is there no rich person to blow at LAX? Lala, you're slipping. Okay. You know where the first class door is. Get your lips suckered and get over there, lady. Yeah. Also, like not a charming statement to make. I don't know. Like, um, we thought this is usually and they carry my bags and my passport. I just have to take care of this. Like, you know what Lala? It's like it's not working for me right now. It's not. Yeah. It's like that pretty woman scene where pretty woman goes in.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Julie Roberts goes into my clothes and the lady snoddy to her, but it's reversed. You know, it's like the hole comes in to buy the clothes and she's the one who's rude to the lady. Yeah. Not how it works. It wouldn't have been a good movie like that, Lala. Yeah, Lala's like big mistake, huge.
Starting point is 01:04:05 And they're like, actually, we actually pulled some looks for you and we thought we might sell them to you. And this is the first time you've been in our store. And she's like, you not only sound boring, look boring, you dumb hell. Stupid hell. So Delta Airlines, God bless them. They have a, they know what's up.
Starting point is 01:04:23 They know they're like, you know what? We heard some stories that this season isn't as good as the other ones. So let us help you. So they upgraded Sheena and Schwartz to first. And that's everyone else in the coach. And Katie walks on and sees Schwartz just sitting in his seat and she's like,
Starting point is 01:04:41 trade me. Like with that, it's like maybe supposed to be a joke but it's she's like really, she's like, I deserve this. She was like, trade me. Like with that, like, it's like maybe supposed to be a joke, but it's just like really, she's like, I deserve this. She was like, trade me. I'm your what? Yeah, I'm like, I'm your what? Trade me. Fuck off, Katie. Yeah, it was so obnoxious. I mean, here it's, because she, like, I don't know. Like, I would, I would never, if Dom got a, Dom got a prior to first class you know what I would say I would say send me back a cocktail that's all I would say
Starting point is 01:05:09 Well look in Katie's defense. I cannot believe I'm actually gonna do this. Please If the guy gets a free first class ticket of course he should say babe I got a first class tickets you want to take it? Yes, of course He's a good partner should say no. this is a trip celebrating you in your restaurant. And I want you to have it. But thank you so much for offering that so sweet. That's what a nice couple would do. That's what a nice, that's what a, that's what a men should do.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And that's what a gentleman would do. I actually 100% agree with you. But he doesn't offer because he knows that she'll be like, fuck, yes. I'll take it. And also he knows that she's going to try and take it anyway. Because it's like it's like marrying your little your obnoxious little sister I don't have an obnoxious little sister. I also he didn't realize she was coming on the trip That's the point. Yeah, huh? He didn't realize she was even coming on the trip
Starting point is 01:05:55 So of course he didn't offer it. He's like wait, you're coming to were you at LAX also with us? Are you sure like wait a minute who's folding the laundry on the couch? That long you're just to fold itself. Okay. Honey, do we get a couch sit at least? So then, but then the thing is this though, Katie tries to like wrap this up as she tries to angle it as if this is like another example of him abandoning her. So she's like, you know, I love flying with Tom because we'll watch a movie together
Starting point is 01:06:28 and like sure had phones. And like, but we can't because he decides to take a luxury vacation up in first class. I'm like, oh please shut up, we watch a movie together and sure had phones. Ugh, talk about codependency. Like you have to watch Marley and me for a tenth time. What?
Starting point is 01:06:44 Get your own AirPods by the way, okay? And I'm not watching the notebook with you again with your rose ear wax and my ear Katie. Get out of here. I'm not going to watch another Blake Lively movie with you with like with your wired headphones. Is Blake Lively good or evil? I just don't know the twist.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Oh, look. Blake Lively in a pantsuit, but she also fell for someone. Just having less being seen as make you less being. I don't care Katie. Oh, look, Blake lively and a shark. Who's gonna survive? OK, so she is already washed the mag with you. So she's already a monster.
Starting point is 01:07:23 So we see everybody, what everybody's doing on the plane and everybody's listening to beats, basically their beat Ted phones. And then it shows Sina eating in first class and it's hilarious because she know poor people like us. Like I've been upgraded to first class before and I acted like Sina. Like I could not believe it.
Starting point is 01:07:41 When they brought me hot food, I was like, ah! Ah! Mark, I'm eating believe it when they brought me hot food. I was like, ah! Ah! Ah! Mark, I'm eating food on an airplane. That's hot! To be fair, you know that Shina always acts like she got
Starting point is 01:07:55 special treatment on airplanes. She's like, yeah, I was on an airplane and they gave me a best cough, cookie. Like, it was pretty cool. They must have liked Samia on tape. I totally got upgraded to the seat that's in between two people. Everyone's like not so those are hard seats to get. People were so excited to sit with me that they actually put me in a mental seat.
Starting point is 01:08:12 I was like oh my god. So then we go over to Phil Arosa. Oh that's have a song to sing about alcoholism and after school is this foolishness! So James comes over to hang out with Max and so he comes in to Villa Rosa and he's like, oh I was in Mexico you know and so he and Max are playing pool and Lisa comes by and goes, why are you playing pool? Stop and come and have a cup of tea with me. I'm like Lisa they are like two young men in their 20s.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Like, why would they not play pool? Like she acts as if it's like, they are like murdering someone. Like, why are you doing such a thing? Stop it, it's terrible. I just feel bad for Max and Patti because it's like, their mother is like a big box of glitter, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:01 And it's like they're just, no one ever wants to be a red Max, you're not. It's like James said, yeah, you know, on me's like they're just no one ever wants to be red Max. You're not. It's like James, James said, um, yeah, you know, I mean, Max is a good bloke and everything, but I'd rather be in Mexico. I'm like, you know, how everyone probably says that when they're with Max. It's like, here I am with Max. He's nice, but God, I'd rather be in Mexico, you know? So give Max a break.
Starting point is 01:09:20 What did he ever do to anybody? But work hard. Max is so lovely. And I've always held a story about the time when I was left in the intersection and he was crossing it and the light, the light started to turn yellow for him and he was a good pedestrian and he accelerated
Starting point is 01:09:38 to a fast trot and like have a little wave. And I'm like, you know what, a lot of people in I do not do that if Anything they do the reverse they slow down so it's like you know It's the character ever since thinking about the people's feelings. You'll never make it in this town next By the way like Poor James not only is he not in Mexico. He then has to have sit and have tea with Lisa like nothing against Lisa
Starting point is 01:10:04 But I just think that I feel like spending your afternoon drinking tea instead of being at Mexico partying. Yes, I used to have a friend in high school. I'd go over to her house and just like, do you guys want tea? And we'd always have to sit and drink tea. And it's just like, it just felt sad. Yeah, I think it's like sharp objects. Like if the mom's offering you tea, she secretly wants to murder you or something, you know, like never trust tea. What's so there having to you? And this is no different because Lisa's just going to grill James. It's like, so Jamesy, Ramsay,
Starting point is 01:10:36 d'Ansie, d'Ansie, what's about alcoholism? Let us discuss it. Are you an alcoholic? And he's like, no, Lisa. No, no, no, I haven't been naughty. Good boy, Lisa. I've been a good boy. Did you ask anyone if I was trying to give the treats about not yelling at anyone at work yet, Lisa?
Starting point is 01:10:54 I've been a good boy. I've been a good boy. I've been really good, Lisa. I haven't drunk in at all. All right, how much have you had? Oh, well, I had, oh, that was a trick question, wasn't it? Well, Lisa, I'm a good boy I haven't had anything to drink she's like well how many beers she's like have you had anything to drink he's like
Starting point is 01:11:10 well you mean total or or just the past day yeah goes total I mean since all of this I'm like okay yeah since you've been pretending not to drink anymore James that's what she's asking and he's like I've had one beer this entire time with Mark dad because I just saved it it was congratulations he wanted me to have it Lisa he wanted me to and then they said James are such a fucking iron he doesn't even tell the truth about what he's drinking with his dad they cut her on drinking and James is like it's like a it's like an old studio yes but without calling it purple I thought that was like from last year. Was that from was that like where he was it because they were at Tokamadera Which I also thought was hilarious. He said I wouldn't I had one build my dad. I've talked to Madera. Oh
Starting point is 01:11:54 Okay, so they were just showing the clip from last year. Yeah, yeah So in the games James is like you know, he has you know in his defense. He says Beers go with tacos like crumpets and tea. I mean I had to have one. I had to Like, you know, he has, you know, in his defense, he says, beers go with tacos, like crumpets and tea. I mean, I had to have one. I had to lease up. The shakes go with James Kennedy, like, meat and tacos, okay? So yeah, he's basically lying because he tells us,
Starting point is 01:12:20 he's like, yeah, I haven't even been drinking. I mean, I didn't have a drink today. I didn't have a drink yesterday. I didn't have a drink yesterday I didn't have a drink the day before actually I did I had to drink the day before but you know and his argument It's like listen, bitch. I'm 26 years old. I was having a good time. I'll drink if I want to it doesn't make me an alcoholic and she's like But Jamesy way in Z have you lost your job over it? And he's like, yes Have you lost your friends over it? I'm like, none of those things are real. You're just making things up. Now it's like asking me like, Ronnie, are
Starting point is 01:12:50 you drinking too much? Did you lose your Mercedes-Benz over it? Yes, you did. You're just making things up now. Yeah. So, um, and then James goes, you know what, I bat out at the Tom Tom opening. I don't yell back at Lala and no one sees the good I'm doing I'm like congratulations. You did two things that were vaguely human and now you want like That you want like a giant hug Yeah, he is ridiculous. He's like we never do good good good No, they won't do it. Go straight on the path. I'm like you've done a lot of bad. Okay, get over it You just fucking baby. Yeah, you're crying
Starting point is 01:13:31 My dad was proud. He's a bad a bit. He said I deserve to be a my dad. He said I deserve to be She's like what kind of father is answer What is this name and fill it's like I don't know, but like your father answer Adam Father takes beautiful photos and then jazz his alcoholic son to drink a beer? Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. He's Andre's. So like, that is like telling a sex addict,
Starting point is 01:13:55 who have sex? Who we thought Andre's is a poor moral fiber. Who would have thought based on everything we've seen? I mean, he's living behind the shade that James used to live behind and that Guys apartment all he every does is show up and make James pay for things that he married that woman They're both monsters James needs to just burn it all down. I don't mean literally kill them, but just cut the cold darling I would not have you in my life anymore
Starting point is 01:14:22 You's us and rules us Okay, so let's go to Mexico so Mexico the ball arrived in my life anymore. You, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you trying to have fun. And they're all like, oh, she's talking like, I wish I could talk about myself in the third person. That'd be so cool. Wish. They're all like, ah, but you know if I said that, it would really be just a passive aggressive way of saying, shut up. You sound ridiculous. It was what she was doing. But while we're on the subject, you could learn that. I mean, you are writing a book. If you're going to start talking about yourself on the third person, now it's the time to have a bruise on my face, what's that?
Starting point is 01:15:10 I don't know. I think it's just like an arousass. Rousassha! So now they're at the hotel, Musai, and they're getting towels. And they're having like warm towels. Everyone on the sheet was like, Rousassha! This is like Tuna's out.
Starting point is 01:15:24 We're wrong, she's not cheating on me. But where James did cheat on alcohol. She missed casual Spanish. She's so cute in this episode. She's like, A la, come on down!
Starting point is 01:15:37 The only one that's not about me is that I actually can make enchiladas. So I'm basically Mexican. So they all have these banging rooms. And Katie's giving, Katie's giving Schwartz the cold shoulder. She's basically like not talking to him because she was rage-texing him. The entire flight, which is hilarious. She's been the entire flight fixating on this stupid thing.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Texting him saying like, oh my god, we've gone backwards, we were progressed, like I don't know, maybe we should be married, blah, blah, blah, like going nuts. And so now she's really mad. And at one point, like, and she just pissy bad everything. Someone goes, by the way, if anyone have a set has a problem, go to Schwartz's room and she's like, oh, so it's just Schwartz's room, just Schwartz.
Starting point is 01:16:19 And someone's like, well, you're a Schwartz too. She's like, no, I'm a Lonnie. I'm a Lonnie. And Katie's being, she's being a... The famous Baloney family name. Yeah, so she's being all snippy and Tom's like, Baba, have you been drinking and Lon like, you can't do that.
Starting point is 01:16:34 If she's upset at something, you can't ask if she's been drinking, even though that's exactly what Lala does to James. Has been James. All season long. Have you been drinking James? Yeah. So then everybody goes up and starts looking at their rooms. I have to go James all season long have you been drinking James? Yeah So then everybody goes up and starts looking at their rooms and
Starting point is 01:16:52 Britney's like oh my god, I can't look I wish we were doing this at a live show because I know the two of us would get up and pretend to be pretty clutching the wall Okay up and pretend to be pretty clutching the wall. Because you're like, I can't go near the wall. I can't go near the wall. Unless I can have to go over there and tell everyone I'm next to her that where we're going. I can't go near the wall. Unless I can have to go over there and tell everyone I'm next to her that where we're going.
Starting point is 01:17:17 So we get her backstory of why she has a fair fight. She's like, I was a little girl. I had a dream that I would see Santa Claus at the mall. And then Santa Claus pushed me over the glass rail and over there at the mall. And I've never been able to go near a glass rail again. Oh, dreams are funny. Dreams are crazy. This explains like I like the daddy issues even in her dreams.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Like all the male. All the males in her life just treated like shit. Like Santa Claus throws her up the edge of the mall I can Santa Claus threw her over the edge. I was like did you try to marry him? She's like, that's your matter glass No, Santa Claus, happy night, I, I, I, I Oh, good to see what happens if she dreams of a crampus Hmm, she's of Krampus.
Starting point is 01:18:06 She's marrying Krampus. You know this is how it's gonna end. This is how it's all gonna end. Jackson's just gonna be like drawing Brittany over the edge of something. So put her back in the middle. That's what Krampus does after all. So yes, they go into the room and Jackson's like,
Starting point is 01:18:21 oh yeah, there are multiple places in here where we can feed the hog and the producer is like, um, what does that mean? He's like, you know, sex. Like feed the hog. I don't know. Yeah, I've never heard that. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna recede into silence on that one. I mean, listen, this vlog,
Starting point is 01:18:40 the dog's back is backing his gross enough without him calling it feeding the hog. But I think the reason why they kept that in is because he's like, listen, you got to feed it. It's hungry. And they kept that in to quickly juxtapose over to Schwartz's room. Yeah, I said Schwartz's room where Tom and Katie are walking around in silence. And they're just like awkward tension lingering over them. And the producers focus in on a little pillow that says relax So Katie starts right in on time She goes to the hammock and he's like close or you cranky and she's like I'm sleeping out here now
Starting point is 01:19:20 Well, I didn't sleep out there. It's a mess. You're a man take a part of that place He's like, blah, blah. you're being a wet blanket, you know, I'm like a folded blanket Which is how I like you would you start folding some laundry? I don't know this blah blah. Oh She's like yeah, she's like well, I'm sorry. I haven't seen you much. You don't pay attention to me He's like blah blah. How did you get in here? Were you here all this time? Imagine to me, he's like, Baba, how did you get in here? Were you here all this time? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Baba, I would have gotten you a key card if I knew you were gonna be coming over. So he's sick of her, because he's just read all her texts. Now she's being a bitch, which she always does on their trips. He's right. And he goes, okay, he's like,
Starting point is 01:20:01 this is classic Katie, and I'm not having it. Okay, Baba, you've grown like 70% of our relationships, and then we get a montage of Katie just being fucking terrible on every vacation. And Katie's hair being even worse on every vacation. I'm like, you've got to have it to Katie. She can not only up herself in the Terribleness Department, but her hair can get worse
Starting point is 01:20:20 and worse season to season. It really can. It's pretty impressive. It really can. And so he's like, you're a delirious and you're acting like a fool. And she's like, I have been so patient. The last four months have barely seen you. I'm like, Katie, you're on the couch all day long.
Starting point is 01:20:35 How do you not see him? He comes in, comes out. She's like, well, can I think it's somewhere around here or maybe it's earlier. She's like, you know, like, you know, he comes in from work like after I've gone to sleep and then like, I wake up and he's already off to the gym. I'm like, well, how about you stay up late
Starting point is 01:20:50 or wake up earlier? You could do one of those two things. Yeah. And let's see. She's, so she gets mad. She's just wanting, she's just wanting a big fight out of this. So she does that thing you do, you say to somebody when you're just like, fuck you,
Starting point is 01:21:03 let's just fight and scream and yell at each other and ruin everyone else's vacation. Yeah. She goes, oh, you're right. You're always right. You're right about everything. You're always right. No one else is wrong.
Starting point is 01:21:13 And she's like, and you're right about you. And you're right about me. And you're right about sticking up your friends instead of from me. Yeah. Oh. She goes, how many times have I told you that I miss you? And Tom's like, it's a job. How many times have you told you that I miss you and Tom's like um, it's a job
Starting point is 01:21:26 How many times did you tell me who wants me to get a job? I finally have a job and kid he goes um just because you have a bar now means you shouldn't be able to neglect your wife my kiddy It's literally like he has a job Like that's what having a job is that you have to actually be somewhere else to do work I mean while next door they're being really loud. And you know, Tom's like, should be quiet. We're annoying people.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And you see Tom and Ariana in their hammock next door. And they're like just like listening and like smiling and enjoying it. They're like, ah, now we know around vacation. Yeah. Katie's Katie's going crazy. I guess this is Mexico. But that starts a fight with M2 because she's's like, Oh God, there goes Katie again. Well, I guess he could just be more of an adult and he's like, he is my dog, bro. He just gives her side. I'm just like, God, your side eye is amazing.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Well, because she goes, oh man, he's like, dude, I pay attention more than he does. And she goes, yeah, and you don't pay attention very much. She's like, dude, so Katie's like, stop stop like you tried to fit me into a hat box Tom You tried to pack our helmet so Katie's like stop talking and listen all I need you to do is listen in short says Yeah, but the problem is that I don't like the sound of your voice. It's like I then he goes it's like a Cockroofing of noise He's like a... a cacophony of noise. He's like're in up to use it, but he actually saw it first. She was like, fuck you, Tom, that was my word to use today.
Starting point is 01:23:11 So he goes, he shorts goes, you know what, your tone about everything, your tone and everything about you is just like, oh, okay green pants. Yeah, there's Katie, there's Katie with her good burns. Green pants. You don't sound cute by the way. You sound like a douchebag. And he goes, well, you have the EQ of a 14 year old. But you see, yeah, because we just got here and you don't have the wear with all to just say, well, let's have a nice vacation.
Starting point is 01:23:44 She goes, you don't have the wear with all to just say, well, let's have a nice vacation. She goes, you don't have the wherewithal to be like I'm a shitty husband And he's like, well try being with the same shitty wife for seven years. I was like there you are YouTube Finally, I love when we finally get to see Tom and Katie because they act like this Like you two are full of shit. You abuse each other all day long, okay, and I'm here for you both deserve it Absolutely, then it just ends with to be continued Be safe Not to be confused with gcpy, which is the country's best yoker So that was a really great great weight and that episode it otherwise had been a pretty like
Starting point is 01:24:23 So that was a really great, great way to end that episode. Otherwise it'd been a pretty like Ho-Hum episode and then just ends with a nice bit of classic Tom and Katie. What a return to form. Yes, with every decapitations and next week's Mexico trip. Find out. In the meantime, we will be back tomorrow with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Go get your live show tickets for next week.
Starting point is 01:24:44 Portland and Phoenix, right in a row. Pittsburgh is still for sale, so go get those. We're running low on those tickets, so thank you for buying tickets. Yeah, there's not actually not a lot of Pittsburgh tickets. Go get it, go finish up. Hey, Minneapolis also does not have a lot of tickets. Pittsburgh and Minneapolis are both pretty low.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Okay, so go get your tickets. Everybody, we love you so much. It's been like great. It's been like cremating. Super classic. Bye everyone. Bye. music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Slash Survey.

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