Watch What Crappens - PumpRules: The Not-So-Distant Pastor

Episode Date: February 20, 2020

We're fired up about this week's Vanderpump Rules as Britney and Jax grapple with how to deal with a controversial pastor. And just when it seems like Lance Bass is here to save the day, flare up on Peter's batting cage birthday. Get ready for some ranting! Get tix to our live shows: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm gonna watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins, a podcast about all that crap we love to watch on Bravo. I'm Ben Mandelker from the Real Housewares of Kitchen Island, which is a cartoon you can watch on Bill YouTube. You may have heard of that website. And joining me on this fine and festive Wednesday is the one and only Aronnie Karam from the
Starting point is 00:01:19 Reds Prick's Bachelors podcast. What's up, Ronnie? Hello, Bob. You look wonderful. I know what you look like, because this is a crap in on demand episode, which is where we not, we don't just record what we're saying, but we like recorded on video too. So go to slash watch or crap ends. And if you support us at that level, crap is on demand, you can watch us. You can see my festive sweater and
Starting point is 00:01:41 my childhood bedroom, because I'm still here in New York, going off to Kansas City tomorrow tomorrow because we're doing a big show in Kansas. We're doing big show in Lawrence fucking Kansas on Friday. We hope you guys all come. We're recapping real housewives of New Jersey. There are tickets to be had. Not a lot of time left. Tell all your friends. Don't worry about coming alone. It's so much fun. We had a great time last summer in Kansas City. You guys were an amazing crowd last time. I remember someone came dressing up... Do you remember this Ronnie? Someone came dressed in a trash bag because we were covering Southern charm. Trash. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:12 So come see us and then the very next day we're going to Omaha, Nebraska to recap summer house. So it's gonna be a great, great weekend in the middle of the country enjoying the heartland and enjoying these bravo shows. Gotta watch to get tickets for those. We will see everyone there, tell your friends, and today, Vander Pump rules. I don't know if I'm gonna get angry over this episode or if I'm gonna start laughing. I don't know where I'm gonna go, Ronnie. Really? Because I was fucking furious the whole time watching it. And thanks, Bravo, for just triggering me all week long It's been a week of just giving me hiling shit my face to scream about
Starting point is 00:02:50 And it's been wonderful. I love Like that's my favorite emotion. Yeah, I've been like on top of my game all week I felt really good. I've been getting so much housework done like I love being furious. I feel so alive Your room looks spectacular by the way being furious I feel so live. Your room looks spectacular by the way it just looks so cozy I want to go over and hang out. Why thanks it's my little watch what crap is office. I hope people can see Bueller last time we did this I was like look at Bueller I talked
Starting point is 00:03:16 about Bueller so many times on crap is on demand and then when it came out because the way that the video works it does is side by, Bueller was cut out of all the shots. So I hope you can see Bueller this time. Or I know poor Bueller, but you know, he loves being here. I'm sure he loves. Yeah, you can see his butt. I just hope that the video test, you can see his butt. So there you go, everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Welcome to Bueller's butt. The most triggering thing to happen on Vanderpromp rules. Okay. So Vanderpromp rules, I am am so so glad that they're addressing this shit with Brittany and Jacks because last year what bullshit they went on they had the girls of Vanderpump rules. They like driving in van. Somehow this is going to make sense later in editing. All the girls of Vanderpump rules came watch it happens live and Andy brought up this preacher shit and Brittany rolled her eyes first. Mad, she was mad, she rolled her eyes and then she
Starting point is 00:04:14 gave her bullshit excuse about her bullshit motherfucker of a fucking I can't even with this preacher. I look okay. I had to grow up with the shit my whole life and fucking over it Fuck you and fuck your fucking religion that says all of this bullshit get that out of my face If you want to do that shit behind closed doors. It's like you've always told me my whole life you fucker If you want to do this shit behind closed doors fine, but I don't want to hear about it I don't want to hear about it in my government. I don't want to hear I don't want to hear about it in my government, I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear about it in my goddamn street. Okay, keep it at home. It's disgusting. You fucking brainwashing maniac. I dare you.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So I was glad that they confronted her. And of course she just got really defensive and angry. And here we are. She's finally getting called on it. Nobody let it go. And good for you, you stupid hooker. I'm glad you got this shit handed. I'm glad you got your ass handed to you on national TV. Yeah, before I watched it, I saw that one of our lovely listeners posted in I think I think it was in our Facebook group, Watch Your Crappens Live and Loving It, that Jacks had tweeted out something along the lines of, well Tom Sandivall has a manager at his bar who tweeted all sorts of racist and sexist shit a few weeks ago and no one's doing anything about that
Starting point is 00:05:30 and he's still working there blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, well, that's a whole other issue and I'm not gonna condone anything that that idiot said, but I will say that I'm gonna make one differentiation between those two. One was written by a fucking idiot in his teenage years who was being just an absolute dumbass teen who thought he was being hilarious and edgy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Don't condone it, hate it, it's not cool. But at least hopefully he's fucking grown and now he's like shit, like now I'm 26 or whatever and hopefully, I don't know. I don't know, you know what? The point is I'm not here to defend like now I'm 26 or whatever and hopefully I don't know I don't know you know what The point is I'm not here to defend him because I'm not trying to defend him the point is that it was a stupid teenager tweeting Versus an adult an adult preaching to an audience and preaching to people who are in a state where they are like when I mean like a mental state where they are like looking for guidance. And this guy is saying, this is what homosexuals and trans people are. And
Starting point is 00:06:29 this is what they're doing to our world and saying and society is going to fall apart. To me, there is actually a big difference. Hate, yes, hate is hate. But like, context is also context. Well, I feel like fuck those guys to max. And that should be off the show. They should be cut off the entire show. I'm sure they will be hired and fuck those guys to max and Brett should be off the show. They should be cut off the entire show I'm sure they will be hired and fuck those guys fuck those guys to and fuck those guys equally in my eyes Fuck yeah, but I'm saying the reason why if somebody if somebody is hiring them Yeah, it should be part of their wedding and expecting us all to just swallow shit because of it fuck you Fuck him fuck all of you fuck fire all of you and fuck Brittany the most
Starting point is 00:07:03 fuck all of you, fire all of you, and fuck Britney the most. Fuck Britney. No one has ever come on a TV show and had so much good will given to her. Then Britney and all Britney does is cry as a how mean people are to her. You're a dirt bag. Fuck you and fuck your mother to how about that? That's where I stand. Yeah, I mean, she's, uh, yeah, I mean, I, I mean, I definitely do subscribe to the theory that Brittany has been the downfall of Vanoprom rules in many ways, but, but I do I'm just saying in this specific instance where Jack is saying, but what Jack, who is the king of the what about isms, right? Like, but what about Tom? What about Tom? What about Tom? What about Tom? So Jack's bringing up Max, who I agree he he most likely will be fired after the season.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I mean, Max and Brett have been essentially cut out. Max had his first interview segment in I think like three or four weeks this this episode. But but like I didn't like that. I was pissed off when I saw his interview segment because I didn't notice that until Danny pointed it out. Yeah. And then you pointed it out because you pointed out the Danny pointed it out. Yeah. And then you pointed it out. Because you pointed out the Danny pointed it out. Um, and so I finally noticed it. And that they even let him back on. I was like, Oh, what is his suspend is his
Starting point is 00:08:12 hateful is his hate filled speech suspension over? Or is that like something we're just going to be okay with now? Get them off the show. But I also think that like Jack's trying to compare the pastor to Max and Brett's stupid ass tweets I just don't think they're the same thing I'm not saying that the hate is like one is like less hateful I'm just saying that one is a preacher who is in a position of authority over you know many many many people and To are just some Jack asses who it doesn't take away what they said
Starting point is 00:08:41 But I just don't think it's the same and they probably will get fired and they should be fired. Yeah, sure. Why not? Let's do it. Well, I don't care about the preacher. He can preach that shit. He can tweet all his hateful crap. All he wants to. But don't hire a preacher and then tell me that you're a supporter of anything and then try and make gay people go to your wedding. If you even are there, you know, it's disgusting. And then to be like, well, they're just a family friend. Well, fuck your family friend. And then, well, we'll start. We'll go through it as we go. Cause at this point, I'm just going to monologue about a bunch of bullshit. We'll get to it when Brittany, when, when all the shit starts spewing from Brittany's mouth, we'll address each shit as it comes out. Have a, she's a good person, though. She likes princesses. She's a fucking monster. And she's the worst kind of fucking monster because she's the monster
Starting point is 00:09:25 She's just so sweet. Why can't people just believe what they want because people believe in what they want Means other people don't get equal right you fucking numb nuts moron and your hypocrite mother who's been married for fucking times What does the Bible say? Yeah, what does it say about that? Fuck you and fuck your mother and fuck you with your fucking in here with your lamb Looking like an innocent little lamb. You're the worst like you with your lamb You know, what is that the line in the lamb the sheep's clothing you and your sheep's clothing? That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah, it's not here. Yeah, I was Clothing I was gonna say that when she when she starts talking about how much she loves princess
Starting point is 00:10:05 Is she's like I love princesses. They are always up against something. They was have to overcome something I was like well do you realize that you're getting married to the big bad wolf because you are yeah Do you realize that you are the something that princesses try to overcome? Do you understand that you accepting this and Bringing it onto national TV is you condoning it, which is hurtful to all the fucking people it's spewing hate against you stupid twat. Do you understand that you're part of the problem here? You are the thing that Disney princesses
Starting point is 00:10:35 are trying to come up against you idiot. But, but, but, let's also, I mean, she did, she did fire the guy. So at the very least there is that. So I mean, some people would not do that so some people would not do that some people Live seconds before because Vanderpunt probably threatened that she wasn't Filmed this wedding and it wasn't gonna be on TV which is all Britney fucking wants anyway Whilst would she marry that loser? I mean I you know I know lies detected so
Starting point is 00:11:00 So the episode begins So, um, uh, so the episode begins. Oh. He. He. He feels great. I know. I'm mad. I'm just going to hang up.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Ronnie is furious right now. I just called somebody a twat. I mean, I even does that. That says fast. Us fast. That's what Vanderbub rules does. It makes us angry. That's the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:11:24 It makes us talk like old English men in a bar I have I mean, I've barely gotten over below deck. Okay, so I think we just are experiencing residual outrage We're just outraged podcasters today. Yeah, it's a day about like outrage liberals. What can we say? You know, it was those liberals those crybaby liberals crying about preachers and sexism liberals, those crybaby liberals, crying about preachers and sexism. Like in melting snowflakes over here. Well, where I am right now in New York, those snowflakes have no chance of melting. It is ice cold. So anyway, so the episode opens up with Ariana walking into Sir,
Starting point is 00:11:59 because she's back at work to combat. It's the classic, classic case of combating depression by working at Sir. Always yes. Working at Sir, making everybody feel better. She's like, yeah, being back here at Sir just sort of makes me feel like I'm at home except there's actually furniture in this restaurant but you know. So oh my god, Dunaham ever ever gonna recover from the best time of my fucking life that we had at Pride. That was amazing. Dana went to a parade for the first time in her life. She had a great time.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So guess what? Dana also came out as bi. We didn't realize this. We thought it was only Ariana. So they're both like, oh my god, we both come out as bi. We're both buy. Okay, buy, buy, buy. Hey, oh, buy. I heard that Lance Bass is friends with Jack's singer of buy, buy, buy, or buy, buy, buy, buy. And then we go to Vander Prumpe and Ken in the car for some bullshit, some typical lease of Vander Prumpe bullshit Where she's like, oh get this, Kenneth, I woke up this morning
Starting point is 00:13:11 Aaaaank Ooh someone's honking at us, is it Kevin Lee? I'm blasted all over sushi on the teon Oh, so she's here, Matty! Turns out the guy who's marrying Jackson Britney has put out all these terrible things about him as sexuals! Oh, really? You just heard about this, Lisa Vanderpap? Really? Your entire female cast was on...
Starting point is 00:13:41 Watch what happens live last year, discussing this. Hello? Yeah. So, can I say, what was that? What happened? There's a preacher. Some of the preacher men. You know, that's something about this. No, it's not gonna spark out. No, not gonna spark out. Not gonna smoke out the pasta. And then we get to some of these tweets. The devil wants to legalize in. Just because it's legal, doesn't make make it right how wicked is our nation becoming now Let me first say you can love people but not agree with this lifestyle or their choices with that being said
Starting point is 00:14:15 There are people that I care for they're gay but I do not condone or accept this lifestyle as it is contrary to the word of God You know what I don't I't, I don't support people who watched the Big Bang Theory. How about that? How about one of my ghosts are preaching that like I like that? I like those people I don't support that lifestyle. Okay. What do you, how do you feel about that? If I said that? I don't give a fuck if you support the lifestyle, sir. Okay, the point is equal rights. The Supreme Court has a law
Starting point is 00:14:42 because of equal rights. Like you get to get married. And so do people that you don't agree with. You stupid fucking hick. Okay. That's the way it is. Not about your religion. You can make it about your religion if you want to, but I don't need to hear about it. Okay. Keep it at home. Keep it behind closed doors. Okay. Adam and Steve. And we know that that pastor probably puts the toilet paper in upside down every single time What do you do you get into a pulpit? Do we get on to the pulpit and and make fun of him for that? No? this is
Starting point is 00:15:14 Yeah, you can disagree with me all I want all you want but I get the same rights as you so god fuck yourself You fat fuck. Okay, so what how do you put toilet paper in the right way? Because I saw it on below deck and I was like that girl put it on wrong, but then I was like was I ever putting it on correctly? It's an age old debate. The question is whether or not you put it on that way when you pull it it come that the paper comes from the top or if it comes from the bottom and there's I say the bottom. Oh, I do the top. I don't really care that much, but I think you know what? I think the top there I don't really care that much, but I think, you know what, I think the top, there's more flexibility
Starting point is 00:15:45 if you're making like the folds, you know. Oh, I don't like it coming from the top because then when people are getting toilet paper, they put their finger on the top and roll it like that. And I don't want people's fingers on my butt. I mean, are you inviting over raccoons? I mean, who's doing that? Well, how else do you get it?
Starting point is 00:16:03 If the paper is like sitting on the top, you roll it like this by touching the paper, whereas if it's coming from the bottom, you pull the bottom so that you're not putting your fingers on all the toilet paper. I do think that if you have pets or jacks, you do want to have a coming from the bottom, because if a pet gets near it,
Starting point is 00:16:20 the pet will do like an exercise by a gun and get everywhere, like a hilarious family comedy like Ram or oh we got a pet kangaroo and look at the mayhem a cause in the bathroom mom which is probably the preacher's favorite movie you know it probably look he's talking to you yeah Kangaroo Sam actually there was a movie Kangaroo Jack I bet Kangaroo Jack does that's the toilet paper in the movie I bet he made the rule about who's supposed to put the fucking toilet paper which way like who made that rules I like I supreme court bunch of snowflake hippie tree hug and hippies
Starting point is 00:16:57 Anyway over at Stasi's apartment Bo oh really you don't want to read more tweets because I've got three pages of them but go ahead I'm trying to keep it in a light place. I'm trying to introduce kangaroos to this podcast and your life. Good luck. And another thing. I'm doing my best to keep this ship afloat right now. You're angry rightfully so. But I need to talk about kangaroos sometimes. So over time. You're going to have a million more chances.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Don't you wear it? I'm going to have a million more chances. I'm going to have a million more chances. I'm going to have a million more chances. I'm going to have a million more chances. I need to talk about kangaroos sometimes. So You're gonna have a million more chances. Don't you worry? I'm not I'm not worried. I'm actually glad I'm actually relieved to not have to relive all these tweets because they're disgusting You know, and I know a lot of you come from families where you hear this shit your whole life But you know what I get I have the right to say fuck you if you have the right to tell me I'm gonna go to hell. I have the right to say go fuck yourself. You stupid twat, okay?
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's that's just called even Stevens you started it even Stevens, which is another show he probably watches so Over at Stoss's apartment, Bo is making some sort of potato thing He's like, hey, it's chef bull yard and I'm making a baked potato and it's a bow recipe. I don't know. He's like really pushing the bow thing hard, which I can't even be mad at because I'm like, I love buns. So then, well, it's super difficult to get behind though, right? Like I've been watching, I'm learning how to do vegan cooking. Thanks, guys. And you're just, so how I learn to do everything pastor aren't you yeah those cows are put on this earth being by man so I've been you know how I learn everything
Starting point is 00:18:38 I go to youtube university y'all so I've been on youtube watching all these videos and some of them are just I mean it's just amazing to see who is gonna make a YouTube video next, right? Cause I'm just picking a lot of random things. And sometimes it's someone, some of them are like shockingly amazingly good. They're so well shot and produced and I'm like, who are you?
Starting point is 00:18:57 But some of them are like some weird guys, like, have you ever used an Instapot? You're gonna learn. All right, well right now we're gonna walk from here to the sink. All right, come on. And then his, like whoever's filming it is follows him to the sink and then you know puts
Starting point is 00:19:18 this shit in there, I movie later and figures out how they're gonna make Charlie and YouTube start teaching people about the Instapot, right? And I was thinking, who is that person on the other end of the camera? Who is that standing camera? It's always the sun. It's like someone's sun.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Oh, yeah, it's because I've seen these videos too. I haven't watched the vegan ones, but I've definitely watched like Joanne. Joanne's gonna show you how to make Sami Nozra's Butterm more Changes. This recipe so good. I love make it for my family. I make it for Graduation. I like it. It's just it's delicious and they have like a cut but then when it comes back It's like you're a go. Okay Here's what you do really important have
Starting point is 00:20:07 Pyrex pyrex is so I can't tell it's it's so good you always have to use it Yeah, okay, and it's just like all these like yeah So it's just funny because I've been watching them nonstop for like two weeks and so I'm like who is the poor sucker that is stuck like Okay, we're gonna make this dream work. Oh, Jesus Christ. We're going to make your instant pot dream come true. Okay, honey. And it turns out it's Stasi the whole time. It's just been Stasi standing there with the phone, like encouraging this shit. You know, Stasi has a camera agency for Pinterest home videos. But, you should really see the videos that come out of the world of board gaming.
Starting point is 00:20:48 If you think that cooking videos have a special quality, has anyone ever wondered what it's like to watch a middle-aged man wearing a train conductor hat teach you about a board game from 45 minutes? Go explore the world of board game videos. As people know, I love board games, and when I want to learn about these games Sometimes you get something that's like sort of professional what always happens is
Starting point is 00:21:10 They've downloaded some sort of like title sequence from final cut or website and so it'll be just like a labyrinth intro Where it'll be like a star and like a track like Board games like whoosh and then after the title's done, you see him, and because we are the luxury of crap is on demand, you can actually see the people who are watching this can see me. This is how they're sitting on the video. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Hmm. Sitting all the way back. All the way back here. They're ahead of now. Oh, all the way in the back. And then it's really fun. We've microphone. Of monotone explanation about rules. And then so last one minute you get like, and I like the game. I'm like, I sat you 45 minutes upon that out.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Yeah, so that's what Stasi's dipping her toes into over there. And he's got like a shirt with his, his anemoji. What do you call it when it's yourself? Like your self-emoji or whatever. There's a mimoji or there's a bit moji. Yeah, so yeah, so basically they talk about that. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the hosts
Starting point is 00:22:28 of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this esteemed jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder-Yah. Watch what crap-ins would like to think it's premium sponsors. Just saying okay? Christy, wow, or d-dawry, d'awry, d'awry,
Starting point is 00:23:25 nobody sucks it to us like Amy Sokcarellis. Jamie, she has no last namey. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Let's run some errands with Emily Aron. You're the Wyndham beneath our wings. Joe Wyndham. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters. Aaron McNickolas, she don't take nobelone. You don't touch the Nikki Morgan letters. Aaron McNickolas, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow we go high-low. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the bird. He know a thing like Allison King. He makes us squee-rachid-ee. Sarah Greenwood she only uses her power for good. Hannah, God I love that banana. Anderson. Higher than high res, it's Lauren Perez. Alva Nagila Webber. One day your Rachel's in.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And the next day, you're out. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium Patreon subscribers. Let's take off with Tamala Plane. Oops, she did it again. It's Brittany Montana. Lisa Wallint. Now, that's what I call Wall Entertainment.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Give them hell, Miss Noel. Always ready for Nicole pass already. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Lordess, the Lordess of the Rings. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. We like her more than a smidge. It's Kelly Cartlid. She's not just a she-la, she's a tan-yella. Itch-o. She ain't no shrinking violet kuchar. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. Yes we can with howley carolin an an an.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yes we should with carry bridgewood. Nancy C. C. C. C. C. Sto. Simple as rocket science, it's Dana E. C. Holy Grant, the grant master. Somebody get us 10 C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Incredible edible Matthews sisters and Mina kuchi kuchi kuchi
Starting point is 00:25:12 Okay, so then Lala comes over and they talk about how they're planning this bridal shower for Fucking stupid face Britmy moron lost every bit of goodwill I had towards that twit. So yeah, Lala comes over and she's literally. So I'm like, I'm like, fuck these from it. No, it's great because we had like an internet disruption. And I was like, I don't know what Ronnie's saying, but I'm just going to let him literally.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I'm going to let him write out this internet disconnection, this, this internet bubble. So, um, uh, so Lala comes over and she's wearing like this crazy visor and a tube top. She's like, skee skew, don't I look like I should be dipping cheese dogs someplace into a batter? I'm like, no, you look like a crazy person right now. That's what you look like. You don't look like you work at the Corn Dog Castle in Disneyland. What are you doing trying to co-op the corn dog castle? The horn dog castle. Trust me, we know what you do is a lot more disgusting than a real job, okay? Congratulations. You won. So Bo has alcohol-free Prosecco. I don't even know what that must taste like, but he has an alcohol free
Starting point is 00:26:25 Prosecco, so he can make her a bo Paral Spritz. I want to groan, but secretly, I kind of loved that, so I don't know what it sounds about me. I can't really get behind it yet, but I feel like I shouldn't get behind it. You know, I'll let it rip. It goes boab. I can't. And at the same time, I'm such a hypocrite as a person that of course I want to be like, I'm going on YouTube immediately. Like I'm getting a birth like camera. That's it. I just kind of feel like I like when you on in a world where there's a Brittany and a Jacks. Am I really going to just savage bow
Starting point is 00:27:05 because you made a stupid pun? Like, aren't there bigger fish to fry? There are bigger fish to fry. Let's get to them. So Ariana is back in the, in the so world. And Vanderpump, she's like, how is it coming back? Did I solve your broken bed in this depression? Did I, did I find a cure for broken bird depression?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Hmm... Hmm... And so, uh, everyone is like, well, Lisa, I have something on my mind. I mean... I don't know how to say this, but Jackson, Brittany... Ooh, Ariana! I know. All about this.
Starting point is 00:27:41 That's because I can read mine's magic! I know what you's magic. I Know what you're thinking eight of diamonds She's like no Jackson Brit me are getting married by a homophobe. Oh, yes homophobe who is holding an eight of diamonds Fuck this magic lady. Oh So yeah, she's she's like I've taken care of it. Don't worry about that. I've sold everything.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And then we see a clip of her calling Brittany and Jacks. And she's like, listen, these homophobic comments have come to light. And I just think you need to investigate it. Which is hilarious to anyone thinks that that's actually what happened because you know Her ass called them like you've made me look fucking stupid I can't believe you ever solved this and we're not filming your fucking TV if you don't take care of it in the next five minutes Call me yeah, and so
Starting point is 00:28:37 For he goes and for his responses well, I did say one comment back in the day But he he like promised me that he was not homophobic. I'm like, oh, never mind, he made a promise. Okay, so I guess all those homophobic tweets that, I guess you didn't see in addition to the one you did see, don't count as homophobia. Cause we know how this works. We've seen it before where it's like,
Starting point is 00:28:59 I'm not homophobic, I love gay people. I'd love gay people. They're just sinners who are tearing down our society and they shouldn't get married. You know, hate the sin, not the sinner. I'm not homophobic at all. Yeah. And he said that in one of his tweets. He said, you know, there's a lot of gay people that I care for. They just should not have equal rights. Okay. And let's stop letting them stop their agenda now. Now, our children's throat, okay? I have to try to change the children.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Yeah, this is weird compartmentalization. And so, and I think actually the read that they have on Brittany is totally accurate, which is that she just wants to stick her head in the sand. She wants to avoid confrontation. And as someone who also hates confrontation, I sadly understand that impulse and I'm working to be better about to say what's on my mind
Starting point is 00:29:46 as opposed to avoiding confrontation. So I understand regrettably what she's feeling, but like, sorry, fire the douche. Yeah, I mean, I don't feel bad. I feel like I feel bad. I feel bad myself that I just feel like you're a fucking adult, and this is your responsibility. And if you're gonna like tell people that you're allies of gay and lesbian people,
Starting point is 00:30:12 and then you hire somebody who openly fucking hates them, fuck you. You're not, and hiding it behind, oh, I care for you, just the same. It's just that you're a sinner. Well, you don't get to say that, fuck you and fuck you. And fuck you're sin. How about that? What do you think of Brittany just like hopping on a plane to go
Starting point is 00:30:28 fuck some dude in Vegas because he was famous from the TV? Get out of here with that. You're fucking fake morals. So yeah, everyone gets that too. And that's why everyone's upset because then we're going back to saucy and lava and bow talking about it and saucy's like, you know, this came out like six months ago. It's not like it just came out. And like we all saw that post. But you know, the problem with Jackson Brittany is that their brains, well, how do you say it?
Starting point is 00:30:55 They don't really think too hard about it. Like, Jackson's smart. He's just not smart. He's not smart. Yeah, I know shit. You know, it's fine, but it's not really about being whatever we'll get to more of it later. So Lala's like, yeah, but like the stuff that he said can't really be taken out of context. Yeah. So I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:31:19 where they're coming from. So we go to low impact training. And I saw the words low impact and I was like, Oh, oh god Katie's learned a new hobby What is it this week? It's like Katie Mac remain some bullshit in her garage, you know, but no it was Jackson Brittany working out Yeah, they're working out in some group class And there's a guy like come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was called it It's a called like lit training or something and there's a big sign in the back that said too lit to quit I was like please burn this place down. Yeah, please. Please. Please die. Please die lit method Yeah, lit method so then after the class
Starting point is 00:31:53 Britain Jacks are talking and Britney's talking about like you know It's just like really hard for me because it's like a family friend and like no one ever thought he would be this well Like whenever I thought that and like I grew up with him I grew up with his daughters and he's like a great Family man like when he found out that his son was gay He sent him off to nowhere and we don't even know we don't talk about that. Yeah son anymore. What a great family man It's all because that's you know the family. Yeah, his son was sent to the farm where he's much happier now Yeah, he's a good family man
Starting point is 00:32:22 So when I saw that he posted all these negative things, I don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable or think I have those same feelings because I don't. Well, you can don't, um, which is just as fucking bad, Brittany. So Brittany's like, well, I was trying to tell her, you know, I know him, Lisa Vanderpump. I know him. He's a good person. You met him chance. You liked him. I'm like jacks like Jacks. Yeah great Jacks you liked him. You have good taste in people So jacks like yeah, you know, I like the guy, you know, look this and I don't care what you pray
Starting point is 00:32:58 Just you know pray pray pray to a cow for all I care. I know it's just like I think that happened in the Bible and didn't work out so well. Um, yeah, he's basically like, don't put it on social media. How about that? That's his answer. Just grateful. Just, yeah. As Jesus said, say it, forget it, write it, regret it.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Um, God. Okay. So, sorry, I was looking, I was looking up something. So the FenderPump and FidipRage, yes. I was like cowbubble quotes and I was like, Ronnie really? Seriously, you're already 30 minutes into this and it's seen too. So FenderPump is back to FenderPump talking to Ariana. She's like, well, if they really knew the extent of the big U.S. tree, I don't, you know, I don't think they would have done that. And she's like, um, it's been for months, you know, like This stuff has been out there and Vanderpump's like, you've known about it for months. Okay
Starting point is 00:34:00 Miss innocent and then we had to flash back on watch happens live of Britney saying like, you know, he said one thing and I say, don't sue there and he said, okay, I won't do that. So I think everything's okay. And Andy Cohen's like well stated and everyone claps. And then they they like rewind it. And we see that while everyone's clapping, Ariana just sitting there like, did anyone, is anyone paying attention to this? What's going on? Yeah, she basically just said, no, if I thought he was homophobic, then it would be a problem, but he's not homophobic. Like it was just disregard every tweet that was just red to you. You twit. I think you're just hoping it would all go away.
Starting point is 00:34:38 I honestly think she's just, it was a sticky situation. It was someone that she knew, but it was also someone that she knew who said something, said many things that were deeply problematic. And her survival instinct was to be like, just like wanting to believe the best of that way, she could just make a go away and like just doesn't want to come like sticky situations in her life. But of course, she's on Vanderpump rules, which is- And she's marrying Jack. Jack is literally a sticky situation. It's like a sticky, or a version of situation. Yeah. So Brittany, uh, Brittany's like, I don't want people to think
Starting point is 00:35:15 just because he thinks that way, that we think that way. And he's like, no one thinks that. Because yes, he did. Everybody's being made to me on social media. lazy. It's I look. Yeah. All right, Brittany, you shouldn't have the right to get married. How do you feel about that? So yeah, Jackson's like, yeah, social media. It's lighting me up about this. Like, this like we're holding a flag that are anti-gay.
Starting point is 00:35:38 It's like, I'm not going to KK rallies, bro. Yeah. Like, wipes is no. So then Jackson's like, you know, Yeah, like wipes his nose. So, and then Jack's is like, you know, he's a pastor. Like, maybe I'm naive to the whole religious game, but I thought pastors were supposed to be neutral. I'm like, I don't even really know what you're saying with that statement, but here is one thing that's definitely true is that pastors,
Starting point is 00:36:01 the church, religion in general, has never been neutral. It's not new to Jack. It's about anything for hundreds of years. that pastors, the church, religion in general, has never been neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral. Not neutral.. Yeah. Full of fun positive stories. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 She's like, I believe in God. So this is hard for me. Of course, I'm referring to a basic arithmetic. It's hard. And then we get a clip of her dad doing a version of Proverbs like, fun to the wife is like, fun to the writer. Guess who else loves finding great wives. Everybody. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's kind of the goal. So Britney's like, well, some people, you know, we're all coming from people believing way different politics. And we do. And there's just stuff you don't talk about. So with something like this is brought up, it's difficult because I don't want to disappoint anyone. Really? Because I live in a family where I was raised very religious and tons of political Shit is brought up that I don't agree with and guess what I say I don't fucking agree with that and you're fucking wrong and you better change the way you fucking talk to me before I walk out of this house You piece of crap now would you please get me another big potato mom. Thank you
Starting point is 00:37:22 Well, you forget that Brittany has severe daddy issues and she just she all she needs to do all she wants to do in life is please please her dad Which is why God you've got four of them just please one okay baby steps Speaking of baby steps we then go over back to sir and Raquel is at a table and she's like this drumberini is very good It's sugary, but strawberry is very good it's sugary but it's very good yeah does she say strawberry me or strawberry me because I was cracking up a strawberry me I wrote it down four times she might have said strawberry me I don't know it's like so hard to tell there's so many layers and complexities when it comes to Raquel So she's like hi Lisa
Starting point is 00:38:11 Did you want to talk to me? I do want to talk to you, but you know what I want to talk to you about I'll tell you the Four of speeds. What? You wanted to talk to me about Frank, because I missed my shit, because I was at Tom Tom with James. I was just gonna go check on him, but... I didn't do think that maybe you were people to serve, and we were relying on you.
Starting point is 00:38:43 Don't you realize that part of the word serve is served slightly differently my mind my thought process wasn't there at that moment to be fair Raquel doesn't actually have a thought process so she's basically like an invertebrate you know She is basically a very pretty jellyfish. Oh, I can't sing. She is of jellyfish with no defense mechanisms and long hair. Yeah, so what was your thought process dumb dumb?
Starting point is 00:39:17 And she's like, oh, no, I was thinking about James and Pride. And then she tells us, Last year, Pride sucked. And I feel like almost like I have to be there to babysit him and make sure he's okay. But I don't want to be only as a band-sign. Rikkel, I'm telling you just now, out of the goodness of my own, Bonnie, there was a bunny in my sleeve.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Anyway, don't go down the same path as your boyfriend Raquel He's on a path Mama, I'm a very responsible person Like any other restaurant you'd be fired you'd be fired. So please, oh, man, we're not thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Go back to your table. You're still going to be written up, which we all know is a very, very severe reprimand in a restaurant that fires no one. So Tom brings a area to see she home. Sushi Burrito specifically. And area. I love it.
Starting point is 00:40:28 She should be. Jackson Brittney. Oh, yes. And she's like, well, yeah, Lisa. Sorry, Jackson Brittney. No, I think I figured that was coming. I know you well enough to know you're going to say you love that sushi burrito. I should have just waited for it.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Oh, also, I don't know if anyone can hear it, but there is a phone ringing in my parents house because of course The law of podcasting at home is the moment we press record the landline starts to ring Incessantly so if you are hearing phones ringing I apologize to people who are listening I'm impressed that your dad hasn't walked in and asked where the tape is yet. No, my dad isn't here right now This I'm telling you right now. those phone, the phone ringing is probably my parents saying Benjamin, what are you doing for dinner tonight? It's like, it's like, you know, like, I'm calling to let you know I'm gonna train. I'll be home at 8 p.m. I'm like, great. So she put Rita mom, get on it, so he tells her that Lisa called Jackson Brittany about the
Starting point is 00:41:26 pastor and that Brittany had said that they she only saw one post six months ago until Lisa brought it to their attention. And Tom's like, do you believe that? I mean, come on. I know that you want to believe that. And she's like, um, I think that Brittany would work really hard to not see more than that. The truth that am I going to get in trouble for that answer?
Starting point is 00:41:49 But it's true. Yeah, I'm not saying, I know you're not, I know you're saying it's Ariana, well she get in trouble. Yeah. But it's true, like that's exactly what I was saying before. And again, I know it because sadly I have those tendencies too. Like I just want things to go away and difficult situations to disappear. But sometimes they don't.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And sometimes it's also like, one thing that I've learned is that, you know, sometimes standing up for yourself or standing up for things is not as hard as you would think. And it's not as sticky of a situation as you would think. Also I think something that's also really important to stand up for, Ikea, I really think, like get a table in there, listen, Tom and Ariana, I know you guys have a thing with your furniture going on, but there was a wide shot in this, in this shot, and wow, I mean, I know they don't have furniture,
Starting point is 00:42:39 but wow, this was like walking into my middle school gym and like they're being a mattress in the middle of it. Side tables, something, come on. This was like walking into my middle school gym and they're being a mattress in the middle of it. Side table, something, come on, something. So she's like, yeah, that's pretty triggering because I'm by, so what are they saying about me? Like what the fuck? And Tom's like, yeah, I feel the same way. I'm here to talk to Jackson about it.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Like I just need to say, what's the deal? What's like yeah I feel the same way I need to talk to Jackson about it like I just need to say what's the deal what's the deal with that well Yeah, and she's like was a bridal shower tomorrow felt And no one said anything What's the deal bro I'm sorry. I'm just gonna keep interrupting you for no good reason with my like side thoughts just read these notes with my like side thoughts to three. Like through these notes, just getting through these notes. You're like literally trying to just express was having a sin scene and I'm on the side like doing like,
Starting point is 00:43:29 oh, it's sandable fell. Think of the blue. What's the deal with Obophobia? I'm like a mom trying to drive kids to school when they're like, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. And like, just keep in driving. We do our math today. We read proverbs 11 13 today.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's my whole childhood coming back. And I know I know it's all coming back, Selene. So, uh, we've been song. It's all coming back to me. No. Ever since fucking, ever since we were competing against Selene Dionne in New Orleans, I feel like she's everywhere in my life. And, uh, I know you're not totally current on, oh, we know you, you saw the Tuxedo challenge on Project Runway,
Starting point is 00:44:08 right? I did. But one, can we take one moment here? Because we have not addressed this on the show. Fucking Sergio, he put the challenge is to make it, to reinvent the Tuxedo. He sends down a white backwards Txito. And then I never heard of the Celine Dion, the iconic Celine Dion texito. I mean, I think he's ready to go to shut up mountain. And then on top of that, he says, on top of everything else, he said he did it. So that way, like, because there's been so much toxic politics in the country right now, He wants to take us back to a time that was great for everyone in the 1950s. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah. Bravo's really just rolling in it right now. I'm not like Bravo's doing this shit on purpose at this point. But I'm determined to also laugh at it too, because I think that's important that we keep laughing at this bullshit because if we don't keep laughing at it, then, you know, we're just going to lose our minds. Yeah, I'm laughing. I'm screaming, but I'm also laughing.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I'm screaming ad laughing, okay? So Dan and Max has covered the Dan and Max's house. I can't believe they're still trying to make Max happen. I'm disgusted with this fucking show, by the way. Get him off the TV. Okay. I don't care how old he was or what he was thinking. Get him off my TV.
Starting point is 00:45:26 He's disgusting. He's also just not interested. That's also big offense. Yeah. It's a big offense. It's not hot enough to be acting like this. So he's like, why do you have a jar of pickle cheese? And say, because I drink it, it's like, I'm done with you people.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I know. I have to say about this scene. I know. Like talk about intellectual curiosity. Why do you have a picture of orange juice? Because I drank it. Oh, I thought it was pickle juice. No, it was. I'm just saying it's like what a question. Like, yeah. Hey, if you see a liquid in the refrigerator in a vessel, chances are it's being saved for a beverage. What does pickle juice do to you? Why do people drink pickle juice pickle juice is actually really good for what's a called What's a called
Starting point is 00:46:13 Muscle cramps is good for muscle cramps. It could lower blood sugar spikes It's people use it on keto because it's good, but it has electrolytes. Oh It's like it is actually, like it is helpful. And it is really helpful. Apparently it's a thing, I googled it. Yeah, no pickles. You know the thing. A lot of articles about pickle juice.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Okay. Also people just like the flavor of pickle juice. And that's allowed. There you go. Okay. So who are you to preach against pickle juice? Right. I'm not, I'm just asking, because to me,
Starting point is 00:46:43 it sounded like an eating disorder drinking pickle juice. But then I looked at that, but I saw all of these articles saying that pickle juice is very healthy. I don't know. I feel like you're going to be on the pickle juice bandwagon very shortly. Probably. Probably. Probably.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Probably. I started drinking pickle juice. That's what happens to me. I hear one thing. Yeah, I hear one thing. And I'm like, hmm, I'm going to have pickle juice now every day for the rest of my life. Like, I'm very easily swayed and brainwashed. I'm surprised you haven't even gone down a, that you haven't really gone down a pickle path yet.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Like, I'm surprised. Oh, honey, I've been losing. I've been losing, I've, I've gained and lost 100 pounds a year since I was five years old. Trust me, I've had my share of pickles, okay. Those are like the weight watchers zero. Homemade Pickling. I sort of feel like, oh, I just, I just, I just pickle some red onions. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:47:24 See you're right Yeah, I feel like you'll be like next week on crap is on demand You'll be like it broadcasting from your kitchen and this can be a Pot with three jars in it being disinfected. I did just pickle some red onions. They're delicious Thank you, so you know me you know me very well So Max and Dana are gonna date now anybody care Do you have anything to say because I'm passing on this scene? So I'll support you and whatever you say No, there was nothing interesting beyond the pickle juice. That was really the highlight
Starting point is 00:47:55 It really was because that's what I wrote down too. He doesn't know what the pickle juices for are you kidding me? So now we're back when now we're over at Katie's house where that's where Britney's shower is gonna be and Katie and Stasi and Lala are decorating so they're throwing like toilet paper or streamers across the the upstairs from bands or to bands or to make a canopy of TP and You know it's Boring it's really boring and then Katie's like, oh my god, look at me with a house. I feel like an adult. Bitch, you're almost 40, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:30 You are an adult. Get a job. Lala's like running a car. She goes, I'm going to write to Brittany from that bitch. I'm like, please stop. Please stop. Please. Just those too much.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Let's go to Jameson Recal. So he's making breakfast and she's like well yesterday He was good at work, but at least it's concerned about my professionalism I let a lot of people down and James is like yeah, well when you come slip up to come see me playing I mean that right there's a fuck up. I mean who does that? Yeah He's just totally playing with this poor girl. This poor pretty jellyfish. He's like, well when you slip up and you want to see me,
Starting point is 00:49:09 even though I was upset, you shouldn't have left a job. You know what? Guess what? Guess what? That's the end of the story. Okay, who does that? Who leaves their job to see me? Okay, I'll go to work. You fucking bitch. I need you to come see me at the DJ. Okay, come see me. Don't get away.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So come see me. All right, I'll come see you. Who the fuck do you think you all that was a Tastage bit work get work good. I found your keys. Yeah, we're laughing, but this is horrible. Requel run get out of this relationship What are you doing? This is called this is called emotional abuse. No, it's not because she does explain to us James moods change from day to day. He's kind of an unpredictable person when I wake up in the morning I have no idea what James. I'm waking up to I mean that sounds as healthy as can be Ronnie Totally totally healthy She's like but then if I stayed at sir you would have been pissed and you would have spied out of control
Starting point is 00:50:04 And he's like yeah, that's true, but then if I stayed at Sir, you would have been pissed and you would have spiled out of control. And he's like, yeah, that's true, but come on. I mean, look, it's pro. Everyone's drinking. I can smell the tequila and the sweat. I need someone there to keep me on track. First of all, we just found out you were drinking at that last thing. It was on camera.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And are you, didn't you just tell Rick L to go to work and not go to see you? And I mean, I was joking by the way. In case I feel like I'm realizing there'll be people who will be like, I can't believe Ben doesn't think that's an emotional manipulation. It is. Yes, I, it is. I was joking, everyone. I'm already mad.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I'm joking, guys. I was joking. But like this guy is playing such mind games. I'm poor Rikkel. She doesn't have the capacity for that. Why are you doing it to her? She just learned how to say strawberry. Reenie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So she's like, um, and also I went to invited a Peter's birthday party. He's like, oh, fuck yeah, fuck yeah. That's great. That's great. I'm back in. But instead I can't bring you. Oh, fuck that. Fuck that that we're having puppy pod you part two. That's what we're gonna do And then we cut to pit Peter the biggest pussy on this show who's like um, I take bingo Grimson Very seriously recall okay I have to say congratulations to Ariana Maddox who is finally off the hook for saying that she takes
Starting point is 00:51:27 Ariana Maddox who is finally off the hook for saying that she takes sketch comedy very seriously. We now have a new one Peter takes being a groom'sman very seriously. Yeah, pathetic. Like you're so sad. What if you get caught off from that group of younger guys Where you're gonna get your line of tail Peter? What exactly? Take being a groom'sman very seriously. Okay, you are not, you know, in a tent in the middle of Sudan saving children's lives. Okay, you're not like, you're not like a doctor without borders. Okay, you're a Grimzman for Jax. Yeah, well he's standing there.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Basically, he's like me at a potluck, just standing there waiting for everyone to leave so I can get the leftovers in my trunk. Okay, that's what he is. And every party he goes to with these people. He's just sitting there waiting for the Dan leave so I can get the leftovers in my trunk. Okay? That's what he is. And every party he goes to with these people. He's just sitting there waiting for the Danes of the world to come along so he can offer them a job at Sir to be on TV. He's gross. So James is like, I'm gonna go turn him to go fuck himself.
Starting point is 00:52:17 How about that? I'm gonna turn him to go fuck himself. And if I do find his keys on the grass, I won't tell him how about that? And Raquel's like, well, what's that going to do? James is like, uh, uh, uh, he's like, uh, so that he doesn't impression of Peter. He's like, oh, hey, hey, hey, James, sorry, I like you, but I can't invite you to my birthday because I'm looking Jackson's asshole right now. Sorry about that. He's like, so what are you going to do? Are you going to go? You're going to go? Are you going to go? And you think, um, no, I don't think I am. He's like, oh, you don't think you are. You're going to spring it on me tomorrow that you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Because just because I don't want you to go, that's why you're not going. But if I was like, yeah, you should go. If you're new to a little bit of gone, I'm like, what is wrong with any of that, by the way? She, if she wants to go and she's not going because you said, don't go, she's making a sacrifice for you. You should be saying, thank you. Thank you, Rick L. Thank you, sweet, sweet, Rick L.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Here is the ice cream that you've always wanted from math class. Here it is. Why does he matter? Like that's, it's called a sacrifice. She's allowed to still want to go to the party. Yeah, but what if I was invited to a party and they said don't bring Ben And I was like going Ben. I wouldn't go. You're my boo. I wouldn't leave you at a part you wouldn't do that to me
Starting point is 00:53:31 That's shitty that she even thinks of going I would I would and the only reason she has Maybe you would but I wouldn't do that to you and she shouldn't fucking go that's your that's your boyfriend Just and the only reason you know those people is because you're fucking James, like, let's not pretend that you just came out of nowhere. Okay. The only reason you have this group of friends or this show is because of James. So no, she should not go and it shouldn't even be a question. And she already did it last year to it. Now that said, James is just a fucking monster. And at this point, you've already given up a year and he did everything
Starting point is 00:54:03 to himself. And that's his own fault for not being invited. So go. But what wears, I have no idea where I stand. Logic, where is the like, what about James who like clearly is dating someone who wants to be on a TV show? Like she's a waitress at Sur now, okay? And then he's gonna be mad that she wants to continue to be on the show and shoot scenes with co-workers and let's try to make something of this. I don't know where I stand. That's the thing about James. You can't really pick one side because the show in general. You should have some loyalty to your boyfriend and not go if he's not invited. That's disgusting for you to even think that. But at the same time, he's not invited because he was like calling women fat and shit. So yeah, I just think that he's holding himself back.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I think it's like he I think what he's yeah to get back to your original point Which is that if someone said you're invited Ronnie, but you can't invite Ben, you know like you know Of course you'd be like well, I'm not gonna go then you know and vice versa But at the same time I also feel like if you want to go that party I'd be like, just go. You know, and I just feel like I just feel like he was not, I feel like she was making a sacrifice for him by saying, no, I'm not going to go even though she wanted to go. And he's making her almost feel bad about it. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah. Well, I don't know. James confuses me because I like James. He's an idiot. So there you go. So now Ariana and Lala are always wrong if you're on his side. Okay. Ariana, Lala, it's all happening. Ariana and Lala are talking to the pastor over at Kiddie's house and we then get a flashback of Brittany texting the pastor. She doesn't even call him.
Starting point is 00:55:40 She doesn't want to speak to him. She texts the pastor basically to fire him. So the good news is that he has been fired, even though the motivations behind it may have been not the best motivations, may have been driven more by the TV show or whatever, but he's fired. So Lala is like, yeah, I think that like excuse you,
Starting point is 00:56:03 like we should walk up to the pastor and say like, hi, I'm Lala and this is Ariana and I chomped her cookie one that one night in the back of a car to defect you. Did you blake? Did you burn her to flames? I was like, you know, I actually would really, that's I would like to see that. Yeah. And they're talking about how no one can question, you know, Brittany or Jack's, but Lala's kind of just going with it. You know, Lala's kind of just going with all the other girls, but Ariana's like, oh Jesus should I just get engaged so that no one can fucking question me for a summer? I'm like, yes, that is apparently part of how it works. It is funny because they do talk about how no one can question Brittany or Jacks and then later in the episode Lala is like a staunch defender of Brittany and be like, the only question you should be asking is how are you? Lala is like a staunch defender of Brittany and be like the only question you should be asking is how are you?
Starting point is 00:56:46 So it just shows also Some of the complexities of the show So yeah, they're basically are talking Lala Lala is the one who says you know What Brittany kind of lives in a world of princesses at unicorns and then cut to a Van full of Disney princesses Arriving at Katie's house Yeah, and then he keeps cutting back to Ariana is there being brought in. She's like, I feel like I had to learn with kid gloves princesses princesses. I feel like she's putting her head in the sand.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So it'll go away princesses princesses. And Stossie's like, get shit faced if you want. Okay. Is that kind of princess party? Yeah. Speaking of princesses, Princess Mariposa arrives next. Bridal shower. And so does she does mom and she know the whole gang is there and We just see like quick cuts of people arriving at this bridal shower and Kristen walks up to the bartender's like Can I get a plastic cup? I don't trust myself already dropped it
Starting point is 00:57:41 And this is where Brittany says my friends know me so well And this is where Britney says my face now me so well I love princesses. They're always like a game something, but then they find their voice and they come out on top and they've happily ever after And then they get their blood test back So Lala's like wow those girls don't break character Well, I mean, weren't you the remember we, actually, when you weren't the one saying this, was that our tour guide, we're talking about Anne Rice. Yes. Carla, when we were in New Orleans,
Starting point is 00:58:14 we took a walking tour of the Garden District and we had a lovely tour guide named Carla. And she told us about one of Anne Rice's erotic pieces of erotica that was like an erotic version of Sleeping Beauty And she's like well, you don't want to know what happened to Sleeping Beauty, but let's just say I was blushing I was like that's I think the fairy tale that Brittany might need to read Yeah, so Vanderpump comes over and They check him with Brittany about this preacher thing I
Starting point is 00:58:45 And they check him with Brittany about this preacher thing. I invented prompts like you're feeling bad to literally Brittany Brittany check. Yeah, yeah, we took care of everything. We're just trying to stay positive. Did I never good? Dileee, sir. And she's like, I'm so proud of her for smiling. It's been so complicated for her firing a family friend. I just wanted to remember the good things and not the bad things Yeah, and then she gives her some lingerie and then Kristen Kristen at one point Kristen goes up to Britney's like seriously. I'm on Pearl Crown watch So if it gets heavy tell me and I'll help you with it Okay, seriously, and I could just imagine Kristen like on the fringes of the party the entire time be like Pearl Crown watch pull crown watch Everything okay everything okay And I could just imagine Kristen like on the fringes of the party the entire time be like Pearl-Cran watch, Pearl-Cran watch
Starting point is 00:59:26 Everything okay everything okay, well, down, well down So let's go over to Tom Tom now Tom there trying Tom still doesn't know all the flowers because you know That's what Lisa does for the restaurant She just brings hundreds of dollars worth of flowers over every day and he's like oh my god He's like best old my god, these like pistol things or whatever. Swords is like, they're lilies. Swords is like learned all of his Vanderpump knowledge. Yeah. So James comes over and to get his check for his work this
Starting point is 00:59:59 week. And so they start talking about this bridal sit right. Oh, no, the perkel, they're talking about rekel while they are removing the pistols of the lilies, which I think is so funny that I mean, I think it's great. It's just these this entire scene is going on and there's like removing the little orange parts of the lilies getting it all over their hands. So they're talking about rekel getting ridden up and Tom Schwartz is like, yeah, I know that that you got written up, but you
Starting point is 01:00:28 know, it is pride and pride is fun stressful from a managerial standpoint. I'm like, what are you talking about? You were standing on a bar knocking into the nickelane fixtures, pouring champagne into people's mouths. And prior to that, you were just like walking up and down the streets all these years. Like, what are you talking about from a managerial perspective? Yeah. And James doesn't even know that Raquel was written up like poor Raquel. She can't even talk about it at anything at home, you know. So then he's talking about how hard Peter works.
Starting point is 01:00:58 And James is like, yeah, I'm, you know, I'm bummed. I'm not even invited to his party. And Schwartz is like, but he buddy cat cuz he's a groom's man Which is crazy. It's crazy and James is like it's bullshit It's bullshit that everyone's on eggshells when talking about break Britney and lot jacks It's bullshit, which is true because Britney and jacks this is exactly what they've done. They've like basically held everyone hostage Brinion Jax, this is exactly what they've done. They've basically held everyone hostage because it could be a big major thing on the show and if you talk shit you're gonna be
Starting point is 01:01:30 disinvited or demoted. And it's just like, I think the reason why I get so disgusted is that Jax did some really shitty things two years ago. He probably still is doing shitty things. And Brinion went through a hard, hard time with it, and he has done that classic thing where he has somehow like, bamboozled her, and they've circled the wagons around their relationship. And anyone who does something bad is cut out. And, uh, it's just, it's to me, it reminds me of so many terrible relationships that I've seen in life and on TV, and it's just gross. It's gross
Starting point is 01:02:05 Well, it's not too worried. She's getting what she wanted her TV wedding Yeah, I'm gonna we'll see where it goes from there. So back at the back at the bridal shower Kristen and Katie Katie sitting outside just all Katie like And Kristen comes out. So's like, great party. So curiosity. Are you doing what I'm doing? Katie's like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:02:31 Are you thinking about doing some macro main? Because that's what I'm thinking about doing. No, I don't like macaroni. Anyway, that you could pretend that you could be a homeowner on 5% of some bar. You don't even have financial access to. you could be a homeowner on 5% of some bar. You don't even have financial access to. So, Kristen's like, uh, you know, uh, for the sacred Brittany, skating over Miami, and Katie goes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Okay, cool. Gotta get back to, uh, Pearl Crown duty. Bye. So then Brittany tells everybody, she's like, well, guys, I have to tell you we had to find someone new to officiate, but Lance Bass is doing it! And no one is more excited than Shina. She's like,
Starting point is 01:03:13 Aaaaah! Is he going to sing too? Because if he does, we can sing together. We can tell you like a good as gold in sync remix. Oh my god! God as gold! You hit it Lance! Look at this gold! Lance! God as It is called Lance.
Starting point is 01:03:25 God, as God, Lance. Oh, Lance. So the bomb's like, well, I just want you to be happy, honey. And I can get up and say a prayer. So, yeah, I definitely want someone up there saying a prayer. Oh, God, for a time. I was honestly, the whole thing was so shocking to me. Specifically, that Sherry did not have her white lipstick on. I was honestly the whole thing was so shocking to me Specifically that sherry did not have her white lipstick on I was shocked
Starting point is 01:03:49 I was like does someone have some white out or anything. I mean those lips are too natural looking I know I was like who's the mom with the lips. Yeah, I was like whoa that's sherry. She's not wearing her white lipstick Weird And right needs a sherrying our mom don't worry. I want someone place in the marriage mom. Don't worry. I want that too And she's like well my mom would probably want to pass her and say to someone who is on the walls of my bedroom growing up But I know she's gonna come around cuz her second marriage was on a cruise ship Disney cruise ship. Did you know that princesses actually can steer ships? so Disney free ship. Did you know that princesses actually can steer ships? so
Starting point is 01:04:26 So then so then key text shorts and so back at Tom Tom shorts is like whoa Lance bass can officiate the wedding and James is like oh, we're good the most guy the guy has popped on the entire world Oh good over cotton Satan and taking weight too long Agreed. Yeah, James sort of has the right read on that one. Agreed. So then Lala is telling us, Brittany is definitely stuck between two worlds. In one, it's bad to be gay,
Starting point is 01:04:54 and then the other world, it's really fun. And it gave pop star officiates your wedding. Then we go over to she and I'm she's like, oh my god. Oh no, sorry, shorts. I just had shots. Tom Sandivall. Well, so basically Tom Sandivall Then we go over to she and she's like oh my god. Oh no, sorry shorts Well, so basically Tom stand-of-all and the guys are talking about like you know like Jackson Brittany had to have seen those posts They keep saying those shorts was acting like such a dumb. You know, I'm so sick of his like I don't What's going on? I don't know anything. He's like could you imagine if this were you like
Starting point is 01:05:24 Finding out all of this in hindsight? Like that would have left a stain. Like come on. Like none of you knew. I'm sure you just found out all about. Well, that's what Santa vote. Well, that's what Santa was saying. He's like, dude, I've been tagging so many posts for like six months.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Like, I know Jackson on the full big, but I know he saw these posts dude Yeah, I think it's me off to be turned up blind. I until Lisa said something like for them to act like they just heard it Dude, it's like bullshit dude. Yeah, so he's like a he's sort of he's a little irritated by the situation obviously So now we go over to Peter's birthday finally at strike zone, which I guess is a batting cage place. So the gang shows up. Peter's there first and then she knows their second. She's like, um, are you here? My or Sourth like, I wish I could have like a shot with you, but I can't. He's like, why not? He's like, I'm freezing my eggs, remember? And then we have possibly the greatest montage since last week's. He's best friend montage. I'm freezing my eggs. I'm freezing my eggs. I'm freezing my eyes. I'm freezing my eggs
Starting point is 01:06:29 I'm freezing my eggs. I can't drink because I'm freezing my eggs I like people don't listen to me or don't care for me to my eggs or Rebus So everybody arrives and Peter pulls Jackson's side and he's like, oh, by the way, in respect to you, like I didn't invite James. I was like, oh, wow. Congratulations, Peter. You get another chance at like hooking up with girls who are way too young for you.
Starting point is 01:06:57 So, you know, so they could use you. Congratulations. You're not cut off for the popular boys yet. Peter was trying to file something into the favor bank You know, he's like I did this for you Yeah, so remember it and just know that it will never come back the other way from Jackson And if you think when you finally get engaged to someone and you want Jackson on invite someone good luck Good luck because Jackson won't invite that person. Yeah, Peter's just trying to stay around in general
Starting point is 01:07:22 So Jackson's like, oh, I appreciate that. I'm not gonna tell you to invite You just don't know what the guys do. You know what it's gonna do is he gonna jump through the walls Is he gonna like you just can't trust him. It's like a public place Oh really because your girlfriends about to start screaming in the middle of it I know also is Jacksonware that James is not the cool-aid man. Just want to make sure Just like last thing he's on TV. Yeah, he's like, he had the last thing. He's like, he's just gonna come in here with a drum and just like never stop.
Starting point is 01:07:53 We'll go back and forth, never stop. It's like, were you watching an energizer commercial right before the scene, Jacks? Cut to James just alone in his apartment doing virtual reality. Like, I have no pray. Swatting at a lamp Yeah, you never know he's gonna come in here and make donuts you were Watching Dunkin Don commercial before this weren't you James and then we get the best scene since Fracing my axe I'm freezing my axe I'm freezing my axe I'm freezing my axe Christian in a batting cage. Wow
Starting point is 01:08:23 Max Kristen and a batting cage wow She goes where's the ball coming from The hole in the wall Kristen You see where that ball is coming from that's where the ball is coming from notice how there's a ball that's shooting at your face That's where the ball is coming from. I need you know what I need I need Mariah Carey pitching and Kristen batting because between the two of them You know the Mariah Carey you know the video Mariah Carey throwing out a ball like the opening the opening pitch
Starting point is 01:08:57 No, no, I didn't even know you're referring to and it was still hilarious in my head It is one of the most amazing clips of all time. Basically, Mariah Carey, I think it was in Japan. I think it wasn't Japan. I could be wrong, but she was invited to throw out the opening pitch at a baseball game. And she takes the ball. And she just like, she throws it in the,
Starting point is 01:09:20 it's like the equivalent of Kristen swinging at the ball was her throwing the ball. I was like, bloop. And equivalent of Kristen swinging at the ball was her throwing the ball was like And then she just waves at the crowd like It's just like I encourage everyone to look up that clip if you have never seen it because it is just one of the best clips of all time So then Kristen really tries to sell her book that's coming out. She's like, I'm gangly, but I'm very sporty too I mean, let's leave real. I'm not someone who gives up on anything whether it's baseball or in love or in life I'm gonna hit a home run. It's like okay, Kristen Your big book about being independent when you're still with your fucking boyfriend. Come on
Starting point is 01:10:01 Yeah, it was like watching spaghetti try to play baseball Boy Fred come on. Yeah, it was like watching spaghetti try to play baseball Good so jacks meanwhile talking to the guys and they're just like joking around and I think it was Tom Schwartz Who's like oh, bro, please, please tell me that you're that your song that your wedding song isn't looks like we made it And he's like yeah, that's our song bro. That's our song Because they're gonna have no please yeah, that's our song, bro. That's our song. Cause they're going to have a ghost. No, please tell me that's not your release. That's not really your song. And then Jackson's like, yes, she loves tonight.
Starting point is 01:10:32 A train, you know, cause we went through hell and back. They're like, no, we get it. And he's like, no, no, cause it's a song about like proving everybody wrong. No, no, we get it. We get it. We just thought, wow, you've got to be kidding. I love when people don't pay attention to their love song, their wedding songs. I remember working with someone and he wanted his wedding song to be that song by James Blunt that was like,
Starting point is 01:11:01 I was like, have you listened that song? It It's better guy on a subway who sees a beautiful woman and doesn't have like the courage to say To get her name and then she like leaves and he never sees her again. I was like that's your wedding song God it's like the in-sell anthem I could be wrong about that by the way. I could be wrong. Oh, I like it I'm staying with that story and I'm gonna tell it to everyone I encounter Even if it's wrong. Well either way, Bo is like see here's the thing is that we're not allowed to say anything and everything that jacks And Brittany don't want us to talk about is written in verse in that song. It's like idiots So then Katie is talking to Damon Stasi and this is like their first hangout time with Dana like really talk talk time
Starting point is 01:11:48 And so Katie's like um I Feel like sir is where you really need to hone your shit talking skills because you're either part of it or you're the subject of that And she's like oh well, I'm the subject of it right now. So she's yeah, we heard you don't wear a bra I'm the subject of it right now. So just yeah, we heard you don't wear a bra Someone's driving up the driveway after see who it is go ahead who's coming I can't wait to see you Fake out. It's probably my parents Probably is my parents, which is why I was getting all those phone calls either way. Yeah, you're not wearing a bro You don't like to wear a bra and then
Starting point is 01:12:24 calls either way yeah you're not wearing a bro you don't like to wear a bra and then and then you just cut this sheena across the like across the birthday party just sitting next to Brett and the her face just like yeah yeah I from Max and Dana's like well last night Max time talked about where we are I like pickle juice also works exclusive and Katie's, what happens when there's a guy? Okay, here's what happens. Sheena pees all over him. And then like, he's her territory now. So good luck because she's insecure.
Starting point is 01:12:56 Like who's fucking talking? Where's your ranch shooter? Can we get that, please? Seriously. Oh god, my parents are home. I just heard the garage. They're home, which means there's a 100% chance because they don't realize I'm podcasting.
Starting point is 01:13:12 There's a 100% chance they're going to interrupt this episode, even though I'm almost interrupting on their behalf. So everyone, praise yourselves. Okay, so Stasi's like, yeah, I wasn't sure about this new girl, but there's nothing like shit talking Shina to boss to bond girls, right? So then Jackson's talking to his guys. He's like, God, we went from having that homophob to having Lance bass and a fucking speedo out there, right guys? And Tom comes over and he's like, hey, Jack, do we have a drink at the back? Come on, I'm gonna talk to you, bro. So he goes to talk to her and Brittney is crying to a table of the girls.
Starting point is 01:13:50 I just can't look at Twitter Instagram right now or Facebook or Snapchat or Angie's list or handy. People are being so late to me. Everyone's out. Just out to leave on that. Everyone's out, just out to get me right, nae-ya-yo! I mean, I was so happy. I was so happy today and I had the best, whoop! Tom, and like, I don't know, it's like, I've been going through shit,
Starting point is 01:14:17 and now people are commenting about my Brottlepap Brottle Show. This is supposed to be the best time of my life. Why do people have to ruin everything? I don't know what Britney is so upset. She's like this is supposed to be the happiest time of my life. I'm like girl you're gonna have a second chance. Don't worry if you think this is your your final marriage You got plenty to go like your mom's already had four The baby lurch is so mean and Stasi's like who gives a fuck Baby I have to ruin everything Britney the real victim in all the real victim in all this. The real victim in all this, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 The lesson to be learned, Brittany, don't post that shit on social media if you don't want people making fun of you. Don't let yourself get fucking treated like shit for years by a man on national television and then stay with him because you want a TV wedding and then expect people to respect you or your relationship. It's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Okay. Yeah. And also the reason why people come down on Brittany, I mean, people did make fun of that ridiculous, you know, princess shower, et cetera. But there are a real reason why people are coming down on Brittany is because they see that she's with this, she's defending this piece of shit and she's with this piece of shit. And that's where the anger really comes from. And it it's this is just all like projected rage about that so ultimately like find a better dude.
Starting point is 01:15:53 Yeah, I think we would lift her up if she found a better dude. Yeah, well, I've never really that much of a Brittany terror downer in general until this. This has really gotten me. until this. This has really gotten me. So Thomas Jackson are having their little talk. And Tom was like, Oh, dude, I'm just curious because like, I've heard a lot about this pastor you guys had. And Jack's like, what are you talking about, bro? What are you talking about? Last past is our pastor. Last past is our pastor. Which is by the way, the funny, the funniest response to that sort of situation, what are you talking about, bro? Lance Bass is the pastor. Yeah, he's like, yeah, I know. What world does that happen? But I'm talking about the pastor you had like three days ago. Like, why did it take Lisa to say something for you to make any kind of change? She's like, I'm not talking
Starting point is 01:16:32 about this. I'm done. I'm done. And he gets, he storms up and walks off all pissed and runs straight to Brittany the Tattole to start a big fight on this night where she's already crying because he's a good guy that one Yeah, instead of just being like yeah, that was a fucking mess We should have taken care of that sooner and we didn't think got it worked out. Why is that so hard to say? Why is it everybody else ruining your time dude? Rewinding everybody else's fucking time. Yeah, cuz when all else fails make yourself the victim, right? so so then jacks goes away Oh, I thought I thought we were about to have a parental interrupt. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:17:09 I heard the footsteps. Could you hear the footsteps? Oh, so Jack's so then Jack's goes over to Brittany and she's crying He's like what's going on and he's like she's letting the trolls get to her right now And so Jack's like, well, guess what? I'm sick of the group. I'm like, guess what? Tom's trying to question us about this past or thing, and I'm like really sick of it. And Brie's like, seriously, Tandoval, seriously?
Starting point is 01:17:36 You have the nerve to say it. Took Lisa Vanderbump to say something. You do not know what I've been going through. And Jack's like, why would you try to do something like this to someone? Why are you trying to hurt someone like that? Why? Yeah. Yeah, and Sasha's like, you were trying to make them look bad.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Sasha's just happy to like jump on on these sort of anti-sand of all thing ever since the the Tom Tom event. Yes, and so is Kristen. And I love that Kristen outs Tom. She goes, is this, I'm trying to get James here. It's like she's trying to get Tom in another fucking fight, fucking Kristen. And so Jack's like, no, no, no, no, that's the pastor thing. And so Tom's like, listen, I was upset about it and I wanted to, and Lala's like, we all were so is she.
Starting point is 01:18:21 We're so glad you got your feelings that Fuck all of you guys on this show everybody starts screaming at him like he's a fucking problem How do you think the people feel who were told this shit by the fucking person you hired to be on national TV? What do you think? How do you think the rest of the world feels fuck you privilege bitches all of you and by bitches? I don't mean the women. I mean all of you this entire feels fuck you privileged bitches. All of you and by bitches I don't mean the women. I mean all of you this entire cast fuck you guys. Yeah and by the way I don't think if lot if if the roles were reversed and Lala was trying to be like um I have to say some more cash shit you know if she were coming to say to say
Starting point is 01:18:59 something because she has done sort of those things in the past. If she had a righteous moment and then someone and someone said something to her like like guess what we all feel that way. And so was she, she would lose her mind and life would be so. And Lala is only doing this because she, it's her wedding next. And so she just wants everyone to have to kiss her ass and not bring up shit from her, you know, bad shit during her season. It's like, oh, we're just going to all allow each other to have this peaceful season Just hire whoever hateful person you want to you know and Tom tells us Tom is explains He's like I was just trying to tell Jack's it like you have to be more aware of these things
Starting point is 01:19:34 You know and then everyone's jumping down his throat and then meanwhile Brittany is like this is my fucking fault I did nothing Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Nothing raw Then we go to Kristen who of course Kristen's got a bug up her ass now So she's just telling Ariana on a kind of nobody do that Yeah, and she's like he was asking a question and then Jack Jack comes over and start yelling at her And he's like, why doesn't matter who we have Marius? Why does the fucking matter? She's a fucking marriage Yeah, she's like, what do you mean? Why does it matter? It's like it's our marriage. And Christians, you only get to know
Starting point is 01:20:07 if anyone's fucking business. Fuck you all, seriously. There is like a really oddly protective thing around Brittany. It's perhaps our last season that just seems to be continuing now. Like poor Brittany. When Brittany is the one who's like,
Starting point is 01:20:21 I mean, I can't. I can't. So Brittany says she's like, I mean, I can't. I can't. So Britney says she's like, we had done everything we can do. I said one comment, okay? One comment and Santa was like, I can show you five comments. And she's like, she's good. I'm sorry. And I did something on my own.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Yeah, you saw that admittedly. You saw that six months ago. What did you do about it? Nothing. You called and kept him. Then just give me a fucking break. You didn't do shit about it and there were way more than when stop pretending you're so stupid. And she was like, oh my god, I have no idea what's going on because I'm like a skull brain man. I'm freezing max. I'm freezing max. Hi, I have a question. Do you guys have double legs because I have frozen eggs because I'm freezing max. Hi, I have a question. Do you guys have double legs because I have frozen eggs? Cuz I'm freezing my eggs. Thank you. So then Brittany's like, I don't know what coming out there you
Starting point is 01:21:11 It means like in January. What comment? Well, what about the transphobic shit? I never saw anything It's like really cuz that's like from 2018 so yeah from 2018 so yeah I chose to believe him and I'm so sorry I didn't go back and look at his comments five fucking years ago all you have to do is look at one with online article which compiles them all and hey that was from you know like every week for six months Brittany so Lala's like the fact that you're asking her to defend herself right now is disgusting. I'm like, okay, Lala, we'll remember you said that next time you charge at someone and ask them to defend themselves, which is like every other episode. And she's yelling, oh, you said,
Starting point is 01:21:56 oh, it took Lisa calling you to say anything. It literally took Lisa calling her. We just saw it on the show. Come on. So then, yeah. And basically, you stand devils like, you know, like, fuck this, like, Jacks isn't standing up for our friends and the community, et cetera, et cetera. And it's bad to have a group of friends where you know, one's allowed to speak up, you know? And sauce is like, literally, you are John snowing right now.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Okay. And Santa Valt, we're not in West R Us. We're in Koreatown. And I'm like so sad that I was like really, like, I kind of felt like that was an amazing quote. And I was like, so sad I was not on the side of it. I was like, that's a great quote. It's a bullshit. It doesn't even make any sense. How is he martering himself?
Starting point is 01:22:36 What a stupid fucking argument. Because when he actually saying that he's being righteous, he's being righteous about something at the expense of like a lovely night. And no matter who he hurts, the sweaty said, he also know always thinks he has to do what's right. No matter who he hurts, uh, yeah. Who do you think having someone so hateful hurts? Everybody who's watching this show. Who do you think supports this show?
Starting point is 01:23:02 People, my god, you're in West Hollywood. You had a pride episode last week. Fuck all of you guys. Yeah, so And then so that of course, Britney is even more like no one who's a real friend would do this to me No one and then and that's when Lala's like how are you is the only question you should be asking right now God, so then How are you? Is the only question you should be asking right now. God. So then, uh, Chris Dayin is still fighting with Arianna. I said, he's a groom. Some of you shouldn't say anything. She goes, so he can't have an opinion.
Starting point is 01:23:34 She's like, no. Yeah. And Arianna's like this group and their high fine decided that for this summer, they have to protect Brittany and all costs. Okay. Brittany's like two weeks away from our wedding. He's our best man. I'm like, you should be so happy. Okay, you're dragging him into the verse sales Kentucky to a fake castle, fake tacky ass castle. Okay, you're not closing that. Then that castle closed and they go bankrupt or
Starting point is 01:24:01 something probably a fumigation issues after his wedding. So then Jackson Ariat, Jackson comes over. And he's like, this is a very sensitive topic. And she goes, yeah, it's a very sensitive topic to me as well as a by woman. He goes, it's a preacher. I thought all preachers were like that. She's like, well, they're not.
Starting point is 01:24:18 And he goes, what did you know that? And at which point then, Brittany is now yelling, I did nothing wrong. So fuck you. Fuck you, say nothing of now yelling. I did nothing wrong, so fuck you, fuck you, saying never mind, I did nothing wrong. Like, why are you so angry right now? Like, this honestly, like, trying to make you look bad, it's already out. It's all over the blogs, it's everywhere. You look bad.
Starting point is 01:24:37 You look bad enough marrying Jacks, but this... All she had to do is say, I know, you know what? I didn't realize the severity of this really until Lisa called I thought it was just sort of like a whatever and now I realize so we got rid of them and like I'm I feel bad for everyone Who was upset and I realized now like that's I have to do we don't have to turn it into a Whoa is me the heart of this the reason why I bring you is really upset is that people were making fun of her princess party That's why and she just took that rage from there and just like put it right onto Tom Sand of all. That's the whole, that's like this is so over the top. Like making yourself the victim of a situation.
Starting point is 01:25:12 Please. That's just terrible. And Jackson, two weeks before my wedding, why was you doing something like that, bro? He's done. There's no coming back from that. He won't be at my wedding. Oh my god. Words I always wish to hear if I'm ever in someone's wedding. You are no longer part of this wedding party. It's like, oh, Laluya. And Brittany, he then deserved to be in my wedding. He then deserved it. I'm about to knock him the fuck out. And Ariana is just in the batting cage. And she goes, I will stand up for what I believe in. And I will speak my truth. And if all else fails, I'll go play softball. Yes, I'm by Wow, well, and that was the end of a of another triggering episode
Starting point is 01:25:55 A place of privilege to just be like well, you know what didn't happen to me Doesn't matter to me who cares if someone says that doesn't affect me how does this affect me fuck this cast man. Well, uh, it was that was that was very cathartic. Another fun episode for us. It was fun time. Yeah, it's a good time. We had to see what kind of fun ship Bravo throws at us for the rest of the week. Okay? Yes. I actually victimized Bravo over there. I feel like things are looking up for us because we got New Jersey and Summer House, which I think the biggest infraction will be that apparently Carl and Lindsey go on the worst day they've ever had on their lives. So we're going to be recapping that, well we're recapping that one in Omaha, New Jersey
Starting point is 01:26:44 in Kansas, Lawrence fucking Kansas, which is in the Kansas City area. Please come join us. We still have tickets available. Go to watch your to get your tickets. We'll have a great, great, great, great time. Memories of a lifetime will be made. And we hope to see you there.
Starting point is 01:27:00 And until then, Ronnie, I'll see you in Kansas. Bye, everybody. Bye'll see you in Kansas. Bye everybody! Bye! See you all later. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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