Watch What Crappens - RGIP: It's Curtains for Paris

Episode Date: November 2, 2022

Real Girlfriends in Paris has drawn to a close with a dramatic drapery installation, a slip dress reveal, and a meltdown on the Seine. We desperately hope this show comes back, but if it does...n't.... we'll always have Paris.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello, bonjour and welcome to Watch Your Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today. Live from a boat going down, listen in the middle of Paris where he is airing out his
Starting point is 00:01:16 frustrations with Victoria. It's Mr. Ronnie Carram. Hi Ronnie. How are you? I've always been nice to you. I've always asked you about yourself. Hi, we're talking about the season, perhaps series finale of real girlfriends in Paris.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And I have to say, I've barely been able to sleep since this show aired because I have, I've been, I've been having nightmares about drapery Satan. Oh my God. I'm afraid that drapery Satan. Oh my god. I'm afraid that drapery Satan's gonna come for me. I'm afraid for myself. Drapery Satan.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Oh my god. I'm afraid those brothers are gonna come for me. Hey, we gotta do your curtains, alright? We just flew in from Jersey. Those brothers... What is your budget for putting up fucking curtains on this? I know. Are people kidding me?
Starting point is 00:02:04 Those brothers were ready for their own spin-off They came in ready like hey, I'm Frank and I'm Sean. Hey, we're from New Jersey, but we're in Paris. Hey, let's go to the hardware store Hey, you MOOC. They don't have hardware stores here. Hey, forget about it. Okay, Bravo. Is that good enough? Yeah, they tried it or their best t-shirts for the episode. Yeah, season finale of real girlfriends in Paris loved the show. Guys, hope you keep it going. Okay. And just so you all know,
Starting point is 00:02:34 we're here for you. Yeah. So even if your show is not long, we'll always be your aunties. So always call if you need somebody to make fun of you to your face. Just give us a call. Okay. We love you Yeah, God, I love this show. I really really do and you know
Starting point is 00:02:51 Well very least you know they always say we'll always have Paris. Well we'll always have girlfriends and Paris So before we get started I just a show based on what my Google search history was while that show was on the air and so far I've searched slip dresses to see what they're supposed to look like. I've searched tiny bowling, just called like duck pin. Kind of thing. Kind of thing. Kind of. Kind of pin.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Kind of pin. I think there's something called duck pin bowling, just saying it right now. Oh, no, I'm going to look at that. I think so. Duck pin. Yes, I've looked up 80 year old rich art dealer. We have duck pin bowling. But I don't think that was the bowling of the other things.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I mean, no, but I think it's just, you know what, get off my ass. Okay, I'm talking about how educated I am now and you're just trying to take it away brick by brick. Okay, get away from my education wall. Yeah. Yeah. It's a wall made of duck pins.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But there is, there is such a thing as duck pin bowling. So there's duck pin and candle pin. It's for it anyway. Well guess what? One can burn down Los Angeles and the other one is safe. So I'm going to the sick with duck pin. Okay, but you go ahead just go ahead and burn down the city. It's burn down your city it's more Parisian to have duck pin can now pin boating you know then candle pin anyway you were saying you were looking up to get it I no longer care okay
Starting point is 00:04:20 so uh there uh yeah I just uh love the show and I learned so many new things on it, you know I looked up how to pronounce how to pronounce Lots of good stuff. So thank you for everything that you've given also eating a lot of croissants because I'm very easily Swade and you guys say Quasant so much that I go get like you know, it's America. So you buy a croissant here You get 10, okay? So a lot of 10 packs of croissants, so thanks for that. You nasty, nasty girls. I loved it. I love this one.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I just, I'm scared for it, you know, this, this morning I put out a tweet about it and I was like, oh, let me add a gift. Let me add a gift to really sell this tweet. And I went, I went on to Giffy. You could write in on Giffy like, hey, I add a gift to really sell this tweet. And I went on to Giffy. You could write in on Giffy, like, hey, I need a gift. I'll be like, oh, like Linda Fiorentino
Starting point is 00:05:14 eating a slice of pizza in Arkansas. And there'll be like a video, it'll be a gift of her being like, oh, there's Linda Fiorentino eating pizza in Arkansas. You type in real girlfriends in Paris. It is like tumbleweeds. I was like, oh, this is not a good sign for the show. No one's making gifts.
Starting point is 00:05:28 People, people's the internet. Make your real girlfriends in Paris gifts, okay? Cause I'm gonna need them for the next 10 years. Well, I think a lot of it too is like the gay friend who's like, girl, you need some PR. I'll make some gifts, you know? I've been that guy. It's like, housewives or whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I've been him, You know, I know. You guys need older gays. You can't just have a Yoann walking around going, hello, and trying to ruin your life. You need the GIF Maker Gays, okay? So go out there and search you some older GIF Maker Gays. That's the most important. Yoann probably deleted all their GIFs.
Starting point is 00:05:59 He's like, no, that's mean to me. Purchug GIFs. I would ruin your gift life in belly. Anyway, this is the end for our real go friends of Paris. I'm really there to recap it. Go to, slash watch or crap, and to get access to our bonus episodes and video and all that good stuff. And also come join us on Monday nights at take a seat on take a seat at Spotify Live. That's our call in show every Monday, seven o'clock on the west coast,
Starting point is 00:06:36 ten o'clock on the east coast. No idea what time it's on in Paris, but it's going to be eight or nine hours from around there. So anyway, use your internet and figure it out. Let's get into this season finale. It starts off. Shachung, shachung, shachung, shachung, shachung, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, Margas getting a text and it says,
Starting point is 00:06:59 your slip dress is already. Ba-dum, ba-dum, I can't wait to show my dad. Du-dum, shap-ba't wait to show my dad. Toom, chop bottom. Anya! It says really big on the screen. Anya! Yeah, Anya is, so yeah, Margot was lying in bed. Of course, her dresses are ready and she's lying in bed.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Anya is now trying to get her dog, Jaja to come walk with her. She's like, Jaja, Jaja, do you want's like, Jaja, Jaja, do you wanna move? Jaja, Jaja, this is not very surrealist of you. Come on, Jaja. Jaja, that dog is like, no, you closed the door on me last episode.
Starting point is 00:07:32 I am not doing what you say. I understand the power balance and civilization. Now I see you, and I'm not walking to wherever you're walking. Okay, I'm gonna go. I am gonna go. I'm a little traumatized. No, no, no, I'm not gonna go.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I'm gonna, I'm fucking traumatized. You can walk to the door by yourself. Hey, you know what, see what it's like walking to the front door of this apartment without me there in my cute first sweater that smells really bad because you have not washed it or changed it and I have one sweater. I like, I'm a dog that owns one sweater.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So go to the door, go to the door. Go to the door, where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going? Why are you leaving me? Why are you leaving me? Why are you leaving me? Why are you leaving me? Josh is like, let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Guess who's getting married at the ritz? I am, because I'm a cute dog, and they let cute dog get married for free there, but guess who's not? You wait, you're leaving? You're actually leaving the apartment. Wait, I take it all back. I take it all back, I'm coming with you. Yeah, the dog's gonna have a nurse break down and leave.
Starting point is 00:08:23 So then, oh, joo! So we go see what the dog is doing. And she's with Alex, who I'm starting to just think Alex is an alcoholic mess and not should ease to run. I mean, that's kind of a normal progression on a bravo show where I really like your boyfriend for about two episodes and then I'm like, run. But he's a little crispy looking.
Starting point is 00:08:45 I've got to say, he looks like when you're at the fair and they have corn dogs under the heat map for too long. Okay. He's like that funnel cake that's been sitting out on display for just a touch too long. He's pretty as a little crispy as well. There's only so much, there's only so much powder in the world for that funnel cake. And most of it has already been snorted by the funnel cake itself. So, I'm like, is there a third carnival food?
Starting point is 00:09:15 We can, it's like a cotton candy. That was fun. No, you don't, you don't top funnel cake. Yeah, I don't. I don't. I'm not the one who needs that. I'm gonna try. So anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:24 And the gay funnel cake world, everybody's like, do not top funnel cake. Right. Oh my God. Girl, you're right. I didn't want to say it out loud, but you are right corn dogs. Do not top funnel cake. Let's let it. Funnel in the name. I mean, the name funnel is things slowly going down a hole and away from you.
Starting point is 00:09:43 going down a hole and away from you. So she's with Alex and he, you know, looks drunk and she's like, yeah, we drank too much. Yeah, I couldn't tell, okay. You drank too much, you smoked too much. You fucking lived too much. You know? They won't even allow you inside the cafe. You're sitting on the, you're sitting like on the,
Starting point is 00:10:03 like the little bump outside the cafe wall. But pigeons, pigeons are afraid to come up to you guys. The pigeons like, oh god, they're back. Alex's eyes are bleeding. Okay, you've had to turn off your ojikam. Turn it off. So, ojikam is definitely one of the, ojikam holds her camp up close and it's a shaky camp,
Starting point is 00:10:25 but we all know which one's the worst camp and it's gonna be coming up. But first we have Vic-a-cam, Victoria-cam, and she's really excited. She's like, okay, so like a male is like arriving like in an hour like, and like I have changed, be outfit like some like 10 times. Like I'm gonna like fix this, face before she was like oh my god
Starting point is 00:10:47 a mela Emily comes across the screen so we got to Emily's apartment she's with her mom and they're hanging out the window yelling down at her brother is you know Jack and Jack who have just arrived from Jersey and they're're like, Ah, here! Hey honey, can you see us? We're up here. Yeah, we're up here. We're up here. It's me, your mother.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Can you see us? We're up here. You're not helping the rest of Americans in Paris right now. Please. They already fucking hate us. Could you guys just calm it down, throw them down a key? I know.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Please, please, please send them away. So they come in and so Emily is like, my brothers don't work with my mom and they're not even in interior design, but they're raising the business. So who better to ask the fly out to Paris and do this? I'm like, maybe people who work with your mom and who work in interior design.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I don't know. You kind of explain that yourself there. Use the internet and search algae lists. Algae lists, list the Angie. List the Angie. Like, isn't there just like, like, Gerard Deppardew or something, we're crying out loud. List of Quig.
Starting point is 00:11:59 So we, Frank and Sean are their names and they're, you know, they're up here. They're up here. Frank comes up and they're, you know, they're a pair. They're a pair. Frank comes up and he's like, I never came to Europe before, but now it came here. And Sean's like, are we meeting your friends? Are they single?
Starting point is 00:12:14 I was like, all right, calm down Ruth Busy. No, no, I'm not. You're not here. You know what's funny? You're not here to make out with anybody, okay? I once saw an interview with Ruth Busy and speaking of flying, she said, do you know how many airport bathrooms,
Starting point is 00:12:32 airplane bathrooms I've cleaned? Because I don't want to step out of that bathroom and then people go in there and say, would you look at the way Ruth Busy left the scene? And that's, I always think about that. Like that like she's like I clean every single airplane bathroom So Frank the bigger one is like stop chasing tail brawl with Pairers are right and then like guys. I'm so nervous There's like so many different windows in the nervous. There's like so many different windows in the world.
Starting point is 00:13:06 There's like so many different openings where air comes into buildings. The possibilities, they're endless, you guys. We do one opening cover. I mean, we could be doing open and darkening the better. You need a cover on that. Like I can't even look at it without a cover on it. Like we're gonna be so rich, you guys.
Starting point is 00:13:24 You guys, you just have to remember, it's different windows here, different interiors. I mean, it's Sonya Raquel. I'm just looking at her like, Sonya who? Sonya Raquel. I'm the little one's like, Yeah, well, you know, if we don't got what we need, we can always go to the hardware store
Starting point is 00:13:42 and Frank's like, this ain't new NYC, bro, then the hardware store. And she's like ain't new NYC bro then the hardware store and she's like yeah there's no hardware stores in Paris but I do want to make flooring dresses which would be hardware oh my god trade mark that oh my god let's fly our cousins in from Jersey to trademark that okay all three of them hey this is Mitch and it's Anthony as Tony and you know what we don't work in trademark and we don't even work for your mother Who better to call for trademark in the bad ass So Frank's like how many windows you got like five so we'll knock that out in a few hours Really you're kind of you know you're not knocking out the windows though right
Starting point is 00:14:25 you know you just don't honestly not sure watching this and no no because they have a meeting so we got to do it like two hours and Frank's like but I'm hungry and I don't know what no time to play okay I'm like are they really setting up the season finale with, we have a two hour, no pun on ended window to put up to rip. It's like, this is what the season's not okay, everyone. They're putting up to rip. We've only got two hours.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I love it. I think it's so fucking fun. I can't believe the show isn't doing well. It's like the ER of windows. You know, they're just like walking really quickly down alleyways like windows, windows, windows, windows windows windows windows Every other reality show. I mean this we always have gussied up things where it's like okay We only have two hours to put on a fashion show. We only have two days to put on a wedding We only have two hours to put up drapes
Starting point is 00:15:18 Just the stakes are so Amazing. Yeah, so then we go to Anja and she is going into this coffee shop and she's like, um, Shasha come on baby. And Shasha just stands there in the middle of the sidewalk like, no, now you want me to go to what a fucking coffee shop what so I can make you look cuter. Oh, everyone's gonna look at you and say, look at that dog and a somewhat dirty two two. You know, no, you can go by yourself. Where are you going? Where are you going?
Starting point is 00:15:45 Don't go in that crappy shop without me. You're just gonna leave me on the sidewalk? So by the way, I have to say, there was a little bit of a challenge here because you have, this scene has Anya, Jaja, and Aja. It's like a lot of like overlap here. It's like the game of thrones.
Starting point is 00:16:02 It's the house of the dragon of Bravo. I know. It really was. Veneer of Renees. Anya, Aja, Aja, Aja. Hey, come in, Eggman. Eric. So they're there.
Starting point is 00:16:16 And Aja's like, oh, this place has espresso martinis. And Ania's like, it's 9 a.m. in the morning. Mom, on New York time. So Ania's like, OK, like, it's 9 a.m. in the morning. Mom, I'm on New York time. So, honey, it's like, okay, well, you know, card, it's just a little thank you, but look at the picture of it. She's like, oh my God, it's you on this card. Wow, more you, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Wow, this card is just big enough to fit 100, no. Oh, it actually has a note. That is so nice of you. Thank you so much. Thank you for offering your professionalism, your friendship, Andrew Labor, which is about $75 an hour. Oh, he doesn't say that.
Starting point is 00:16:56 But you know what, thanks for the card. Okay. And what is this note that says I owe you $75? Oh yeah, you owe LaBouche Rue 75 dollars. We actually got a reverse commission and we actually have to pay them now. You were actually docked for the way you placed the fruit wax. So yeah, this is actually a penalty for not wearing any sort of crustacean remoluskin in your hair. So, um, I was like, well, how do you think you have that went? And I just says it was good, you know, stressful. I mean, I wasn't like
Starting point is 00:17:31 on a timeline. Like, I felt like I was just in like space, like trying to make things work, you know what I mean? It's like kind of my relationship, like I'm in space. I'm like, are you breathing? And he's like, I am. And I'm like, but why do you look like you've been flushed out the tube and you're freezing to death? And he's like, I am. And I'm like, but why do you look like you've been flushed out the tube and you're freezing to death? And he says, that's just how I look. And I think, wow, marriage, marriage is coming up very, very soon. What were we talking about?
Starting point is 00:17:56 Well, I think, you know, like that literally was one of the problems, whatever that was that you were saying. And I did not like, I did not like when you rearranged my table of banquet. I didn't, I didn't want you to change my creative. I wanted you to enhance my operational, so that was an issue for me. And so in Asia, I was like, yeah, well, I think that what would be good was, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:19 for me to impart my skills on to you since, you know, like you have the creative and the curation, but I have the business skills to impart my skills onto you since, you know, like, you have the creative and the curation, but I have the business skills and I have like the real, real business degree. I mean, you, you have a business degree, but you're a business degree is in the shape of a Milton clock.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I think you just took a Dolly painting and wrote degree on it and mine's an actual business degree. Actually, what I wrote on it was the Glee. So, yeah. But you know what, my degree is real. And my goal for this business is to take off and match you to be my business partner. And I was like, oh, okay, that's the first time I've been a little iffy on this. Matt, you need to go out and get his own goddamn job.
Starting point is 00:19:01 First of all, okay. Second, Matt, you's just not a big go-getter, okay? We saw Matt you at the party. Every time you started crying, he just looked very confused and started looking around and showing his wrist to people. Yeah, yeah. Also, you guys are trying to get married, so going into business together
Starting point is 00:19:17 is not gonna be the path that will help that, okay? Matt, you needs to figure whatever comes after watches and go start selling that Okay, cuz watches are also done. Right away watch your in your account and your activity rings watches are over watches are over You know you need to get into Not watches. How about you get into croissants cuz croissants are still cool Listen the past is and I suggest sundials. Straight up sundials for men.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Draperies. Who said that? Draperies say it and come to the dark side. Oh my God, she sold draperies to that client and then they couldn't tell the time because the sun wasn't hitting their sundial. Oh my God. I'm at least ruined by life.
Starting point is 00:20:03 My life. So. sentile. Oh my gosh. Emily's ruined my life. So it ends with Matthew just like on the street with the cardboard sign. It's like we'll tell time for food. We'll tell time for food. Oh, I just read this article in the in the Paris Times today. Apparently Sonya Raquel missed her own fashion show because Emily put a three-preeze around her sundial. Tragedy, mal-caldemage. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Disantel.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood.
Starting point is 00:21:24 How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondering Out. So I'll just like, great dream, I'm not going to help you with that. I should think, oh yeah, don't worry, because I know what I want. I'm not going to help you with that. And she's like, oh, yeah, don't worry, because I know what I want. And there's supposed like a nice discussion.
Starting point is 00:21:49 They're both so mature. They're both like, you suck, and I hate what you did. You too. Let's not work together anymore. Yeah. And I'm just saying how she wants to feel good about, she feels really good about how the event went because she felt like it showed it was a viable model.
Starting point is 00:22:04 And that she and Mattia, you know, could make money and live in Paris with it. So, you know, great. And And so she just feels her concept works and she says this progress coming out of the Mieson Firestone event is what's going to allow Matthew and I to afford our wedding and build the lives we want to live out here. Probably not actually I take it back my entire sentence. We're going to go get married as Sizzler. That's what we're going to do. So then we go to Victoria's apartment and she's straining pillows kind of,
Starting point is 00:22:39 but she's also pushing the pillows into the couch in a strange way. I'm like, is the couch seemed? What are you doing? I was very confused. I rewound it three times. I don't know if it's like a couch cover, but I was kind of obsessed. So then a male comes over and she's got like pinkish hair.
Starting point is 00:22:55 She's walking up and I'm just about to warn you, the rest of this is giggles. Okay, I was about to say, we're going off. It's basically giggles. I mean, you know, it's a lot of like, oh my God, the Victoria tells us, is giggles. Okay, I was here, like, it's weird. Yeah, it's so nice, it's so nice to find the matey with me. It really is. Check, yeah, the build up is been like, oh my god, this is like so cute, you brought me flowers, yes!
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yes! Oh my god, love these babies! They're like, tries? They're gonna like last forever baby! Oh my god, I love these babies. They're like, tries? They're gonna like last forever, baby. Oh my god, oh my god, babe. You know what I love about you, babe? Your name is Amel, which is like one finger slip away from writing smell, but it's like a bell,
Starting point is 00:23:55 which I love that. I love that you turn that, and turn it into something else. It's almost like saying Emily smells, which, you know, like your team, your team, me, which I really like BAM Oh my god what I'm saying right now Yeah Victoria is in that really high pitched you know voice the whole time and it's it's a lot
Starting point is 00:24:15 So she's talking about oh my god the buildup has been so crazy and then they hug more and giggle more And she's like oh my god I feel like like I'm waiting for this day for like ever. And she says, I feel like I'm like in kindergarten meeting their crush for the first time. Like, I don't know how to do with my emotions right now. Oh, hey babe. So you said you like Rose? So I like picked up a few bottles. And this is like my favorite. Have you had this one before? It's like like so cute because like the bottom is like a rose. I mean not the rosés Have anything to the roses, but like the word rose, you know, and like I just like the glad look at it's got a glass top It's like not like a quirk. I just think that's amazing babe and then it all goes
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah, and I brought a bottle of red as well. Oh Okay, well That's cute. I mean, I did just do this whole rest, resay thing, but... Okay, cool. Yeah, she's like, yeah, I know you said you liked red, but I didn't know what kind of red. She's, yeah, I don't really know either. I just went for the bottle and they start laughing.
Starting point is 00:25:18 She's like, oh my god, I like bottles too! So then she tells us that Emma's eyes are mesmerizing and she's got one of the most angelic faces of all time. Not to mention that as though right. Am I right, girlfriend? Go by. So they sit on the couch and they just start giggling at each other and then they start laughing that they're both so nervous, you know, and the male's like, yeah, we both went from zero to hundred real quick, you know, you know, like we've never met, but like we're ready to move in together. And Victoria says, yeah, like hoping it goes well, yeah, so don't kill me. Can I say, I appreciate the fact that we purposely didn't try to get to know each other.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Purpose they didn't try to get to know each other too much. Be a text like I love that. I love like not asking questions about each other like babe I love that. Well that's definitely the way to a lasting relationship if you ask me. No nothing about that. Just fill their entire stories with your own bull shit in your head. So, Emelle's like, yeah, I just don't think you can get some revod of attacks. You know, you call the bats off each other. She's like, oh my god, hell, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Oh my god. Even talking about this scene, I just need a break. Also, we just rebranding Lesbianism. I mean, what the hell? Oh my goodness. So now we have Aja and Bed. And she's just on her phone. I guess maybe she's gonna order something from Postmates or something.
Starting point is 00:27:02 So she tells Alex, are you hungry? Do you want sweet or salty? He's like, uh, so deep please. And she's like, you know, four months and two scorers ago, I never thought I'd be in a relationship in Paris with a guy living off the street asking if you want sweet and salty. For the first time, basically ever, I have found someone who truly cares about me. That's really sweet. Don't offer him more salt. You know what I mean? That's the last thing this guy needs. I'm sorry to put into your relationship. Stop offering him salt. Although she has taught him how to moisturize. I was about to say, you know, she figured out like the into his yang when he's like, I want to all to you. What did you moisturize your face last night? So now they're talking about this boat party because of finale parties like on a boat.
Starting point is 00:27:53 So Alex is like, oh, please tell me to Tanya is bringing Matiu and she's like, um, yeah, you'll have your buddy on the boat. I just love that Alex and Matiu are buds. It's just so cute. It is. Because they seem like an odd pair. Right, they're like the Marissio and PK. So, I was just like, yeah, so we were supposed to do this boat back on New Year's, but then I got the seaword. Um, excuse me, I really don't appreciate that, Jenny, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about COVID. And yeah, our plans just really, they just sunk.
Starting point is 00:28:27 No pun intended. So victorious or pun intended, I guess. That would be a pun intended. So I'll just like, yeah, well, if victorious, bring a girl from a dating app. Oh, by the way, have you opened this package from your mom? Cause like, I know you needed shoes from Germany, which is so I had a friend
Starting point is 00:28:45 from Germany's friend, and his mom did that shit too. She would send boxes and he was just shoes and some cookies and a sweater and some clean-ex and tell Ronnie hello. I did not know. That's funny to me that you had a friend named Sven. I just told they leaned first. It was a leanans husband, you know, my friend, a lean she got married when she was like 20 or something and she made Sven. And he came to New York and lived with me in my apartment in Queens. And he would walk around in his BVDs, you know, his little tidy widies and smoke these gigantic blunts and he'd be like, hey, you want some breakfast?
Starting point is 00:29:24 I made it. I just see you resenting the name Sven. Like your name is Sven and I know it. I just love Sven. He always had a nice big blunt and when I said something funny, he wouldn't laugh, he would just go, I'm laughing my ass into squares over here. Into squares. Well, this, well, Alex's mom, she's like, I'm packing the box.
Starting point is 00:29:52 He's like, all right, I'm in cookies, homemade jam, mom lid, or maybe I should say mom, you lid, laugh, and Aja, he has letter for you. So then Aja reads this letter from his mom and she gives it, she makes it sound so sweet cause she's like, welcome to our family. I wish you and Alex a good time in Paris
Starting point is 00:30:11 and for you a successful stay in New York. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon. Best wishes and Jellica, but you know, that was written like this. Welcome to our family. I wish you and Alex a good time in Paris. If you're successful stay in New York. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Best wishes and a haircut. Fuck with my son and die, bitch. Fuck around and find out the beach. Now is the time when I finish the letter. Goodbye. Oh, but it's cute because I just like, you know, I don't know what's in store for us. You know, his face could fall off at any moment. But what I do know is if we don't last, this is the first relationship to show me I'm capable of loving, being loved, I'm deserving of both of those things. And I can also show a man to put lotion on
Starting point is 00:30:55 his face. So really, we all win. Have you ever found a dead leaf on the street? Now I know you can hug that leaf and it'll be okay. So then we get some French rap. It's like, shoo, sha, sha, jap, jap, jap, jap, boom. I was like, yes, they're really, uh, amping it up for the season finale. I love it. You could meet me into club,, but if you live bed, so then And I like that it's leading up to Margot with her dad And so she's like salute pops down, okay, do you want water? No, do you want like? Anything no, why am I here? Okay, well, thanks. I'm going to go ahead and sit here on the stockp blanket still covering
Starting point is 00:31:51 the dog feet on my couch and I haven't cleaned up yet. Yeah. You should say, okay, well, I want to show you something because Maria and I collaborated mainly Maria. I just sort of showed up in Starbucks when we made slip dresses, and I'm planning to wear them because we're having a boat party with all the girls, and I'm super excited because it's the first time I'll have something tangible that I've actually done, although again, asterisk, because I actually didn't do any of it.
Starting point is 00:32:17 But I have something to hold. You know, like you thought that iPad that I wanted wasn't gonna be worth it? Well, guess what, it is. I made triangles. So, so she starts flowing up to the surfaces and he's like, oh, this is long dress. She's like, um, it's a gown. Um, and look at the back. It's beautiful. He's like, oh, but that one is shorter. And she's like, yeah, dad. What are you supposed to be naked? He's like, yeah, dad, what are you supposed to be naked?
Starting point is 00:32:46 Dad, it's a dress. And goes, oh, well, you can always dream, dad, that's pervy, even for a Frenchman, stop it. Okay, dad, here's the last one. Okay, it's the classic slip dress. Okay, I want to manufacture four different dresses. Originally, it was gonna be eight, but we're down to four now, okay. Well, you should try to know which are going to be
Starting point is 00:33:10 the best sellers. Okay, Dad, I'll just become fucking psychic, okay? Also, there's four. So, I think that's a pretty small sample to do, okay? And so she's like, well, I wouldn't do this one because it could be difficult to do. Okay. And he's and so she's like, well, I wouldn't do this one because it's gonna be difficult to wear. And she and he's like, so to produce it, is it, it's not very expensive, is it? Because it, you know, it looks pretty cheap, cheap dresses, yes. And she says, yeah, well, I probably need $25,000, but I have to just see what I can afford, just
Starting point is 00:33:43 see how many I can manufacture, and I was gonna present to you a business plan and ask for your investment, but my journey is to become completely financially independent from you, which is what I'm telling myself, which is why I didn't have to write a business plan. So that's it. Which is why I'm pitching you in my living room.
Starting point is 00:33:59 So like instead of asking you for money, I'm gonna like try and take some of this money from the 20,000, you give me a month and see if I can be that instead. So She's like I need you to believe in me dad. He's like, I do, you know, sometimes I think country be real and then I look at my bank of France And I see you are very very real Well, this is like the first time I've gotten to this point in a project in my life. What point is that?
Starting point is 00:34:27 Where your friend knows it and then you say, look at what we did. Yes, dad. Well, it's an achievement which is important, you know. And she goes, yeah, so that's my presentation. I mean, because, okay. She's like, okay, well, would you like some champagne to celebrate? I mean Not gonna lie. I feel a little disappointed dad. Okay, the refrigerator is out again. I mean Margot You know, I know your whole life has been a story about falling on your face, but I mean
Starting point is 00:34:58 You're literally making something called a slip dress or you know the slip dress so you know it doesn't mean a lot of confidence. Maybe try independent dress or how about jump dress maybe this? How about there's something called success dress is that something that exists? So she's like yeah you know I'm excited to have a relationship with you where you're not paying for everything. Oh, be my guest, okay. But I'm proud of you. And she's like, yeah, I did a good job. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:33 That's not saying okay. Okay, I'm okay. You are on the right track that I've paid for in Gobbled Stones with money I got from a warhol. You are on the track, right? By the way, now I realize why this data, such a terrible dad, because as a older French man, you're actually not allowed to say the phrase be my guest without bursting into song.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And the fact that he does not allow that, really, I can understand all of Margot's troubles. I know, like where is the Dancing Campedal stick? You lazy fucking family. You literally have Lumiere's voice and you're gonna say be my guest and then just not segue, that's just wrong. That's wrong.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I know, and it's bravo. I mean, I expect Asher to at least pop up and be like be our guest, to be our guest. Oh, it cares to be honest. Boom, down to the tail. So cool. Yeah. It's so good. So now, um, now, I was totally surprised to teach it this.
Starting point is 00:36:37 So now Emily and her family are heading into the Sonya Raquel headquarters, looking like, I don't know, I feel like there's some herbie movie out there where this family bought Herbie and drove around somewhere. Like they just, they just looked like the type that's like, whoa, we almost got here. God, thanks Herbie. Got us here in time. Like there just was a scene of Herbie like going through, driving through the blues and over bridges and through Notre Dame to get to Sonia Raquel and they're walking in now. The first Herbie movie where the card just opens up and spits out the people.
Starting point is 00:37:09 It's the first Herbie movie where Herbie says, you know what, honestly, I can't. Fuck you people. Fuck you. Hey, Herbie, why are you on the wrong side of the road? You got damn it, you know what? I'm starting to realize the rules are there for reason and I'm going to follow them. You know what? I'm starting to realize the rules are there for reason and I'm gonna follow them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Um, so they are walking up to Sonya Raquel and Emily and Emily's like, I'm excited. And their mom's like, hot nervous. And she goes, yeah, cuz you're mom. Frank's like, hey, you got me here. Don't worry about nothing. I'm just imagining all the people who work at Sonya Raquel watching these Ford dumb dumb walking in walking through like, Hey, everyone, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:38:00 Like the last day of shooting, it's like the last day we're getting publicity for our show. Just keep your mouth shut and go through it. You know they're all standing by with little canisters of spackle. Right. So he's fucking walls. So they get into this showroom and I was like, so what do you think? These windows, I hope I measured correctly in Frank's like, Hey, we have an issue here.
Starting point is 00:38:23 How come the window sill is not 90 degrees? It's on an angle. I mean, we can correct it with some watches or something and then V Frank's like, Hey, we have an issue here. How come the window sill is not 90 degrees? It's on an angle. I mean, we can correct it with some washes is something and then Vicky's like, we have washes, do we have washes? Do we have washes here? Huh? Here's what we need. We need a jackhammer and a glue gun. All right. Hey, they got any of those stale baguettes around. We could use that to wedge the sill back into place. Also, I'm still fucking hungry, so thanks for feeding me guys.
Starting point is 00:38:48 All right, and Emily's like, you know what, when I walk into a room, the first thing I see is draperies. And if they want drapes, if they need drapes, or if they have drapes, that's because of my mom. Ha ha ha ha ha we deserve, but it's the hero we need right now. And the mom's like, well, listen, Mr. McGiver over there can figure it out. Once I saw Frank put drapes on a kayak, I mean, he's so talented. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Well, the kayak sink. So it wasn't there. You know, I mean, a lot of holes in it or what. I mean, who know? Frank's like, yeah, you know, you don't know to your try, right? You know who really likes Frank's work? The flight attendance on United. Okay. When he put up a drape in between first and business, they could have wept and they were beautiful. My mother's flown in an Ashley to do this and my brothers are here to save the day.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And then we see Frank just screwing into the... It's making that sound like... Oh! Oh! Oh! Thank you, man. The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely...
Starting point is 00:39:56 The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely...
Starting point is 00:40:04 The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... The window is absolutely... things. It's the sound where you're scaring into something you're absolutely not supposed to be scaring into. And uh, Frank's like, hey, there's wood there. I know it. I can feel it. I'm like, that's not wood, Frank, okay? Oh, shit. Wait, I just got this headline that popped up on my phone. Gigi Hadid has been sent to the hospital because a drapery fixture fell on her head at the Sonya Raquel showroom during a fitting. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:31 It's so scary. I'm so scared for it. I'm like, wow, what a coincidence. Take the other one. All the other one, but not my sweet Gigi. My love So the brother no one pays attention to we're learning is like a bro sounds like concrete and Frank's like shut up and Emily's like is it gonna fit under dreams gonna fit?
Starting point is 00:40:55 He's like of course with the drill bit you had it. Oh God damn we can't find the goddamn drill bit Where the drill bit in this place? Hey Frank you screw it in the dress drill bit. Where the drill pin is placed. Hey Frank, you screw it in the dress, stop it. They're not gonna, you made a hole in the dress. And Frank's like, I gotta move the ladder, hold on. Oh, oh, oh, oh. It starts hopping the ladder, like he's standing on the ladder and just starts hopping it across the wood floors.
Starting point is 00:41:24 You know, I'm like, oh, and the floor is Frank. And then Frank just dropped the entire fixture, just clatter so the ground and I'm like, oh, and then it was like the worst thing that can happen in drapery is to drop stuff and hurt the location. I feel like Draperie Satan is coming for me. The saddest Satan of all, I'm Draperie Satan. Draperie Satan. And so the mom gets on the ladder and she's like, oh my god, look, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I'll get on the ladder. But, Mom, you're not supposed to get on the ladder and she's like, oh my god, look, I'll do it. I'll get on the ladder But mom, you're not supposed to get on the ladder in those shoes Like I'm the mother. I'm not just your mother. I'm also sonia or kel's mother And we do whatever we need to do. We did this as a family. You guys are so amazing. I'm so so proud of you all But ma, what about drapery Satan? Didn't you see the Omen and Nuttin? Remember what happened to the girl when she was trying to change that light bulb? And he came with the little thing, watch out for drapery Satan Ma! Commissions, here comes one right now. So Leah comes in, the lady who works here. She's like, oh, I was told American bus crashed
Starting point is 00:42:48 into building, so I'm glad to see they meant you. So, oh, they look nice. White shear drapes. I'm surprised. It doesn't give so much of a power. It doesn't give so much of a power. Yeah, it just frames the window, right? Let me tell you a little secret. Come here, closer. No, I don't want to come closer. Come closer. No, I can't. Come close her. Here's the secret. Draperies. Oh, for Christ's sake. I knew it wasn't worth going close for that. Now, Leah, not only are these beautiful, there is one downside. These draperies have been possessed by an ancient Beaselbub spirit. So as long as you keep the models about 6 feet away from them, it should be okay.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Just know, the devil is literally in these curtains right now. This is so surreal to think that I started off as an intern, and now I'm incorporating interior design into this internship. I win. I love that arc to think I signed off as an intern. And now here I am still an intern, but I did a little manual labor. Wow. This killed me. My god, Emily God bless you, Emily God bless you.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Thank you for all you give them to the world This was beautiful. So then Emily is doing Emily cam at This was rough. I mean she has that thing up in her nostrils and she Emily orders some sort of long She got like a big green cocktail with like an egg white foam and she's just, she's drinking it and the camera just has this big green scary drink just in the full frame
Starting point is 00:44:33 and we're just looking at this drink and her little eyeballs above it for like 10 seconds. And then she says, Oh my God. It's a yes for me. So then we go to, I'm here in Mat Matthew and they're drinking and she's like, these drinks look a lot like us, Matthew.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And she's having a martini and he's having a beer. I didn't really get it, but they were sitting there and in between them was a big Medusa buck with like big glitter lips in between them. These drinks look a lot like us. They can't afford to be in our hands at the moment. So, uh, so then Victoria and Emelle are just like laughing as they go through the streets because they're in love. And Victoria's like, oh my god, I swear, I was much warmer in my apartment. And they pass this cool couple, impaired like a Parisian cool couple sitting at a cafe
Starting point is 00:45:26 and they're both smoking and they're just staring at the camera like disgusting. I know, disgusting. What is this camel and street art? These guys smoking their face. No, you do it. Let's do it at the same time. I do too. Did you hear, did you, did you see the latest edition of, oh magazine? No, what did I miss? Well, some American put up drips in Sonia Riggale. Ugh. Ugh. Disgusting. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:45:50 So they go into the restaurant, Victoria's like, oh my god, I love this vibe. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. It's like sexy. Oh my god, and look, I love how these tables are like drapery. It's how these tables are like drapery. It's like a big episode for drapery. Big episode for Americans with drapery.
Starting point is 00:46:11 So it smells like, I'd love an espresso, Multini, please. Do you like oysters? It's like, oysters, oh my god, I've only had them twice, but I'm like so down. I'm like so down. Alright, we'll get some oysters. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Oh. And then Victoria order is exactly without expected order. Um, babe, I'll have the lightly spiced tomato and basilicotoni. If there's too much flavor, I may send it back. Lightly spiced. Or whatever, a lightly spiced tomato and basil ricatoni?
Starting point is 00:46:47 And you order it's like a cheese dish right after oysters. Each, so there's a lot gonna be going on for a first date. I would do that, say. I would do that, I'll be honest. I would get the oysters in the cheese. So that's just, I would do it. I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:47:02 And I would have a lot going on, and I'd be okay with it. And you would, you're fine with that. And then you talk about it after a day. You'd be like, oh my God, I pooped. And I'm like, I can't win. Thank God these great creatures here. You know?
Starting point is 00:47:13 You've come out of the bathroom and you need to be like, oh my God, you would not believe it Ruth Busy just did it. Ha ha ha ha ha. Hey. Ruth Busy's ghost is so offended. I know what me so then they get oysters and Victoria's like, oh my god, and oyster. Oh my god. I'm not spits it up into an napkin.
Starting point is 00:47:37 By the way, just my campus too big. I know what you're saying. I just want you to know Ruth Buzzy is alive. Her ghost is... I keep killing people on this podcast. She's pre-ghost. Did you look up Ruth Buzzy because I know you don't have that at the top of your head. No, I just looked it up right now because when you said Ruth Buzzy's ghost is... And I said, you know what? I feel like I would have remembered if Ruth Buzzy had died.
Starting point is 00:48:00 I looked her up. She is alive. And well... And thank the Lord. I love you Ruth. I love you. I well, the Lord. I love you, Ruth. I love your work, Ruth. Sorry for killing you off. How many people have I killed off on this podcast? Who aren't really dead? Sorry, sorry, sorry, every living person that I keep assuming is dead. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:17 By the way, I don't know why this is funny to me. On Google, it says when you do a search for Ruth Buzzie, it says people also search for Joanne Worley Yeah, well that makes sense. Was she on left in? She was on everything. She's Joanne Worley. Okay, but they're similar vibes. I'm an idiot. There's some of their vibes Joanne Worley is more like this and Ruth Busy is more like this, but you know what? I'm sorry. I confused I'm not saying it's more like this, but you know what? I'm sorry, I confused, I confused Joanne Worley for Val Kilmer's ex, Joanne was Joanne Wally Kilmer.
Starting point is 00:48:51 So that's why I was so confused. Okay, I'm upset. Okay, no one knows what we're talking about that way. Okay. These people were older even when we were younger. So these people are like, what the I think even when I made these references when I was 10 because I watched Hollywood squares, people didn't know what I was talking about. So let's see. So they eat oysters and
Starting point is 00:49:15 kick all over those and then you mentioned that she's spinning out into the napkin, right? Right. She's spinning out. She's like, oh my God, like, always supposed to be sexy, but like spitting one into your napkin, babe. And not so much. And she's like, babe, tell me about Manchester. And I'm going to pretend to listen. She's like, she's like, all right, well, I lived in Montenchester until I was 23. And but then I was in a relationship from one of 17 to 23. Babe, was it a guy or a girl? Is it a girl? Oh my god, babe, you knew early on. Yeah, early on. It's like funny when I hear that because I know I'm doing the right thing for myself because I hear that and I feel jealous about it.
Starting point is 00:50:02 And she's like, oh, fucking weirdo. I was just fucking late with most girl talking about it. So Victoria tells us my feelings are growing strong for her. And so she's like, yeah, I was with her until I was about 23 and then I moved. She's like, oh my God. So you were like 22 to 23, that's a what? No, 17 to 23. That's a lot. No, 17 to 23. Oh my God
Starting point is 00:50:28 13 to 23 that's like 15 years. No, are you even listening to me? I am not in I'm not in you Was it weird being into girls in a city named Manchester? Okay, you really don't understand anything. Hey, see, like, all of my relationships. It's like Westchester, but with men. So it's like living on the east side of Westchester. How does that work? Can you ever live on pizza.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Hey, babe. So all of my relationships with have been with girls, that have been with girls have been behind closed doors or even draperies. And I feel like I can really learn from her because about being comfortable in my unskin because she wears it well. Which sounds kind of gross She wears your skin well fucking weirdo I've been living in a well for many for many months now with the male she sends me lotion
Starting point is 00:51:47 Yeah, put the lotion on. Put the lotion on. It's like, I'll just like stop stealing my story line. Babe, I put the lotion on. Babe, she cares me so much. So now that I've heard your story about living on the east side of Westchester with a girl for 19 years, um, I just wanted to talk about myself. So you're coming to the boat party and there's been like a little tiff between my American ex-bought friends.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And she's like, oh no, is it, is it tense now? So what you're saying? Well, Tansos, probably the perfect word to describe it. It's been like holy shit. So Markov added us to our family, humming con. And it's the first time I felt comfortable with these girls and then the energy shifted. And like since then, everyone has been like holy shit. So Marko invited us to our family, humming con. And it's the first time I felt comfortable with these girls. And then the energy shifted.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And like since then, everyone has been like this, like nothing has been like the same. And if you'd come over like three months ago, like we planned, I would probably be describing them to you differently then, but like it's three months later and I couldn't really explain it then. So that's where we're at. So thanks for missing the trip. The first time.
Starting point is 00:52:44 It was like, like, I'm so. So thanks for missing the trip. The first time. It was like, I'm so sad that I'm missing the original description of these girls who I don't know. So the dessert comes and I guess it comes faster than they were expecting because obviously they want them out of this restaurant. And Victoria's like, oh my god, it's here already amazing. Caaa. And it's French toast cut into hearts. And she's like, that is so cute. And I was like, oh my god, this girl is going to freak out the first time she sees the real Emily. He's like, you guys, that absolutely exhausted.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I'm like, orging, oh my, I'm like, I can't, being it me more and get some freets from him. I'm about to say, get ready for some french fries in your hair, ML. So now we go back to ML Lee cam. Hey guys, we're about to get ready. So she's getting ready for, she's with her friend Jackie and she's like, hey Jackie, how you feeling about this
Starting point is 00:53:49 built party and Jackie goes, I'm scared of the water. I'm scared of this pimple. Like, you might want to tend to your friend's phobia, your man, your bound to exposure is something that's very fearful for her or frightening. So then Vicki and the male are doing face masks. We see everybody getting ready basically. And on you, it's in the closet, getting dressed
Starting point is 00:54:10 with her dog who's like facing away from her. I'm like, Josh, are you gonna look at me, Josh? Josh, do you like this dress? Don't look at me. Josh, do you like, okay, I'm gonna wear this dress. Out there, you wear this dress. You don't have my approval. Where are you going in that dress
Starting point is 00:54:27 Josh has just gonna have a little apple in front of his her face like a little McGreet surrealist so I don't know what I'm talking about. So I just got a little lobster in her head I'm ready for party. Oh, you're not gonna come to this one, Josh. How dare you. How dare you. So then Anja is, well, I'm not a big fan of being stuck on a boat. I am wearing a fabulous couture dress that can kind of double as a flotation device if things go awry. So everyone gets there and they're kissing and I, hi, hi, hi, and Victoria arrives
Starting point is 00:55:07 with a Mel and she's like, does this gonna be my first opportunity to be out with a girl in front of my friends? I'm just so excited for them to meet her. Um, a Mel is hot as fuck. Right. Oh my god. I mean, she's pretty anyway, but damn, she cleans up good. I was like, I love you. You're mine now. Where are my skin and the hell? Where are my skin? You can be my first
Starting point is 00:55:36 time with a girl too, a man. Well, yeah. I mean, the truth is, they're honestly, this is actually a very hot cast overall. So Margot shows up on the boat and she's wearing the slip dress and her friends are wearing, she's brought two friends that are also wearing the slip dresses. And Margot's like, we all look hot as fuck if I do say so myself. I mean, this is my dress. I designed it.
Starting point is 00:56:00 And they're wearing my first samples, which I think is appropriate because I feel like that's kind of Marko's vibe just sampling things, moving on. Well, also the colors are all so crazy together through wearing these really bright primary colors. Like standing, they just look like odd. I think you know, like three girls in strip
Starting point is 00:56:21 and slip dresses that are really, really bright. So Maria comes and Maria's a really good friend because Margot's walked around like, oh my god, I did this, I did it with Maria. Maria's like, no, no, I didn't do much of anything. Basically, you know, I mean, everything is everything of something, no, I mean, not to get too deep about it, but what is everything?
Starting point is 00:56:43 What is nothing? I don't know, I'm just here to support. Maria's it, but what is everything? What is nothing? I don't know. I'm just here to support. Maria's smart. She's like, I'm 26 and I'm actually getting paid to do fashion and normally it should take another 15 years before I get to that point. So I'm just gonna let this rich girl pay me
Starting point is 00:56:56 and I'll give her all the credit. I don't care. Besides, Maria showed up with, I think it was like Lara Strong from House the Dragon. So if I were Margot, I'd be careful. Like, don't get Ria's bad side. So then they're like, the boat is leaving and on you's like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:57:12 hey, just notice I forgot I get C-Sick. Well, that. Oh, I'm so sorry, Margot. Oh, it's okay, it's just one dress. Okay, get rid of that girl, throw her overboard. Okay, my other two best friends, these dresses I was okay. It's just one dress. Okay, get rid of that girl throw over board. Okay, my other two best friends lose dresses. I just made Asha by the way mentions she's like I just really getting really caddy in her in her in her
Starting point is 00:57:34 Interviews which I love she's like um Margo pulled off in three days what Victoria claimed to have done in five months so kudos her. And I don't know if they're actually all slip dresses or even dresses or just fabric that's kind of draped over her draperies. Okay. But I do think they're cute, especially like that blueish purple one. Yeah, sign me up. It's, it's cute. I'm like, who's holding your gun to Ozzy's head right now to say, make her say that. Yeah. So Emily is talking to Onya and Onya is like, Oh, is that dress Sonya Raquel? Raquel?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Oh, the other day you wore it. It was amazing. How's the drapery project going? Can you tell I'm just talking because you're really not saying anything back? OK, just pretend I'm a car driving over gravel and make some noise. How about that?
Starting point is 00:58:24 She's like, oh, the installation went perfectly. My mom and my brothers all flew out. I think I'm gonna continue as Sonya till summer. I was like, Masal. And then actually right before that, there was this like really little scene, really little moment where Victoria was talking to a male. And she goes, this bridge right here,
Starting point is 00:58:44 like, that's what I was telling you about last night, which is, you know, that's like a big nothing thing. But what I thought was so funny is that while she's talking about the bridge, you hear Onion the background saying, oh my gosh, look at that bot mitzvah. Look at that bot mitzvah. Like, of course, that's like, of course, she's talking about bar and bot mitzvahs in the background So then onion Ajay or gossiping mouth the bar and on he's like, oh wow
Starting point is 00:59:13 Well, you know, I'm so glad that Mark over our designs. I mean well done She's like, yeah, well, I'm surprised that Victoria hasn't I mean she's the size of our models. She can fit into them Yeah, I was like if I look like Victoria like petite and gorgeous, I would wear my designs as well. I'm like, well, you are kind of the same size. I think at some point so has to break the news to you. So Somargo is she's like, oh my god, like a mellows beautiful. Like so how do you feel? Victoria because it's like so fresh after Gabriel. She then dumped Gabriel. What are you guys talking about? She's
Starting point is 00:59:50 still dating Gabriel too. And good for her. Yeah. Would you dump Gabriel? But we never saw her dumping Gabriel, right? Wasn't she just like, it's gay. It's cool with me exploring. Oh, I thought Gabriel was the ex, but Gabriel's the neighbor, right? Yeah, Gabriel's the hot neighbor. So, Victoria's like, well, when a melon guy in here, it's like a different type of intimacy because it's a girl, and it's definitely lived up to the expectations.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Just this morning, I said, and she said, I mean, really, it's like Somaeans. Yeah, you guys look so giddy about this like I'm so happy like I just really love this Recently fixed refrigerator energy you guys have it just feels really great Who's other passing um Uh or doors around and they have sliders. I feel like you know when you're in Paris. You know that they hate you You're stupid American ass from the store view hamburger. I'm like, know when you're in Paris, you know that they hate you. You're stupid American ass from this sort of you hamburger. I'm like, oh, he has hamburger. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Followed up by chocolate covered a cheat. Enjoy. Yeah. So they all sort of like got they're all sitting around and so now Ajah's like, okay, let's get this going Let's have our second argument of the season. So Ajah's like So as the second elephant in the room, I'd like to address the first. Ever since we left Can, things have been a little awkward. In which way I was like, yeah, I definitely feel that. And Emily, I'm an ML, just stands up and leaves.
Starting point is 01:01:19 It's like, I've seen American, I've seen American television before, let me get my accent right. Let me get to the proper bad incorrect accents. If I'm gonna do the wrong accent, let me do the proper wrong accents. I'm getting out of here. She's like, if you want to see me, you can pay me full wage. All right, I'll be at the bar. So she leaves and Victor is like, okay, go ahead, honey. And so I just like, okay, but like real real. Okay, real talk, honey. And so I'll just like, okay, but like real real. Okay, real talk, real talk. So ever since we left Khan, you came up to me saying like you were saying behind
Starting point is 01:01:51 and that it was too expensive for us to stay behind and you didn't want to impose a cost on us. She's, oh, well, there was a miscommunication about it being about cost. And you know, Victoria starts getting secret because her voice drops to you registers. She's like, yeah, it's not like really about cost. Like it absolutely was not. I just never wanted it to feel, it wasn't a miscommunication. It was straight up what you said.
Starting point is 01:02:17 So, and Ania comes in, she's like, you had said that it would have been more expensive for the five of us to travel. And Victoria goes, I did not see that whatsoever. I would never see that. You did, you did. And it's okay. I wouldn't say that, but you did say it.
Starting point is 01:02:34 No, all I'm saying is like it's too expensive for you and you're poor. Okay, thank you. Okay, next point. And I'm just like, well, I don't think everyone has been honest with each other. And like, maybe we've've held onto a motion. So.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Hey, Margo here. I did feel in my gut like a little weird energy. And at first, I thought it was because I ate cheese that was in my broken refrigerator for a week. But now I think it might be you guys. And so I mentioned that to Victoria. Well, I will say that I truly do do love all of you and I don't understand what's funny Emily. Because Emily is like leaning back in her chair just like with all the confidence
Starting point is 01:03:12 of someone who's just hung their first great. You know, I mean she really is just like leaned back and like laughing and she's like what's funny Emily and she's just I was looking in my friend. And she's like, what's a funny MLA? And she goes, I was looking at my friend. Mm, jeez. Okay, well, I just wanna say that I was like, really excited about Cannes because it was the first time that all of us were spending so much time together and I just didn't feel as connected to you three.
Starting point is 01:03:37 I think as you're like poor maybe and not as pretty. And I was trying to make extra effort to stay with you guys, but like all of you guys were like looking at each other like, you guys ready to go to bed, let's, but like all of you guys were looking at each other, like, you guys ready to go to bed, let's go to bed, and you guys were like, we're gonna go to bed, you're gonna go to bed, and then I walked back to my room, and you're like, not sleeping, and I felt kind of excluded.
Starting point is 01:03:56 We were literally like roommates, and so we were like in our room having a good time like, I mean. And I'm just like, well yeah, you went back to sleep in your room and we went back to our room because we were all sharing a room. Which is funny, too. It's like all three of those were stuck in one room. And on you, on you're like, yeah, and you're immediate response was that you were being left out. Well, I was like, oh, like,
Starting point is 01:04:21 fuck, you know, like I did I do something wrong? Is there like something I'm like not like doing when I was like trying to make an effort? Like, oh, my long, like I was. And I'm like, it's not like that at all. I mean, we were in a room together. Us three, we were in a room. And she just started laughing. Like, what do you not understand?
Starting point is 01:04:43 We all went to sleep in the same room and we're like talking before bed. Like, what do you not understand about this thing, you know And Emily starts trying to talk and Victoria starts trying to talk and Emily's like She's I'm sorry Emily, but like this is my emotions and like how I feel and like I would appreciate it if you would hear me out here We've been here in you babe. We've been here in New Babe. We've been here. And I was just like, please, please, we've been listening.
Starting point is 01:05:09 We've been listening, texting on the side, doing a lot of laughter on text, but we've been listening. And I'm like, yeah, we've been listening. Victoria says, thank you. Yeah, we've been listening. Okay, we've been listening. Okay, you can stop that now. It's like, I mean, I don't get it.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Like, it's not as deep as you're making it. Like, oh, someone's alienating you. Like, someone's being media. Like, I don't even know why you feel that way. Get some drapes. So Victoria is like, fine, it's time to pull out this card. I was like bullied and left out of a lot of things growing up, okay? And I was just like, um, we all have.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And I'm like, oh, all of us went through this traumatic experiences, okay? I just literally dealt with drape resatin'. That was trauma right there, okay? And Audrey says, I feel like jumping to alienation is kind of a stretch, because from the jump, I've tried to get close with you, like I've texted you hundreds of times, okay, literally hundreds. And you don't respond to me.
Starting point is 01:06:10 And she's like, oh my god, today when I saw all those messages from you, I was like, oh, fuck, I'll just send me all these other texts, like all these other times. And then Margo just interrupts, which I was so mad at because I want to see Victoria like get out of this one And so Margo goes, well, I will say she doesn't respond to me at times And I just like yeah, she really goes in spurt Yeah, yeah, it's like no big deal not just like But I didn't I don't know that because of the lack of communication that's happening remember from the text you don't respond to So then on top of that like when we were in can and there were like so many instances where know that because of the lack of communication that's happening remember from the text you don't respond to.
Starting point is 01:06:45 So then on top of that, like when we're in can and there were like so many instances where we're listening to your side of how you're feeling, which is valid and maybe even a little vapid isn't funny, vapid and valid. It's just one letter difference. Yet both are encompassed by you. Anyway, you deserve to be able to speak about your feelings as a name as they are, but I don't feel as though everyone was able to get about your feelings as a name as they are, but I don't feel as the way everyone was able to get beyond an equal level of hearing their feelings, you know? So,
Starting point is 01:07:10 where's the rest of it? Yeah, like we're trying to support you, but you don't even know about the three of us. Like, where's the rep, where's the repress, where's the repress, where's the repress, where's the reciprocity? I wrote repressacity. It's like, what what is that? We're so I'm like yeah, like you feel like an outsider, but like friendship is give and take, you know It's like my brother like he felt like an outsider, but we're like you're literally outside come in Frank And then he came in he was like oh my god, it's warmer in here and we were like Yeah Frank and Victoria says yeah, well all the sudden it's like about Victoria And I don't like like know anything about your lives And I think that's unfair. Oh really?
Starting point is 01:07:49 So do you know how many siblings I have? I'm just a pause. She is. I am literally shaking right now First of all, I knew it's only been a matter of time before someone asked like one of those types of questions like really? How many toes do I have and then? I knew it's only been a matter of time before someone asked one of those types of questions. Like, really? How many toes do I have? And then... But to just to literally have faith. I'm shaking.
Starting point is 01:08:11 And Mario's, I don't. I don't, like, I really don't know how many siblings you have. Do you even have... Are you even real? Are you a hologram? I don't understand. Victory, it goes. I didn't crop with any siblings.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Like, oh, okay, you win. Sorry. There's some articles online about how your brother was on the real world and then, and then the gay porn. Yeah, and porn. But I guess she's younger than him, so maybe she just didn't grow up with him. You know, and so Margot was like, yeah, the thing is Victoria, she's telling us this. She's like, Victoria is reacting the way the situation is being described.
Starting point is 01:08:43 So we're like kind of like living inside the situation, which makes it hard. Civic Troy goes, I've listened to Anya about her marriage is difficult because I mean like not your actual marriage, but like for instance, I know Anya, she loves climbing mountains. She went, she's from Mongolia. She loves pickles.
Starting point is 01:09:10 She wants to be a typist. She, her favorite color is Aqua Marine. She loves doorknobs. She opens doors with doorknobs. That's how she uses doors. I listen. She really starts to spin out. She's like, yeah, like on you smart. It's like, I mean like I know you haven't had a marriage But like then the like listening to you and be there for all of you and then like I'm like trying to do this career And bearish shit and I'm like a struggling and I'm trying to be here for all of you guys
Starting point is 01:09:41 And Margo goes, okay, just take a breath. And I'm always here for you, Emily. I'm always here for you, Emily. You always come to me for career and life advice. I'm always fucking here for you. I'm open with you about it. Margo's like, no, seriously, take a breath. We know that ain't got a breath. Take a breath, take a breath.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And Emily just sings back and smiles and she goes, uh, can we like relax? I was like, no, I don't need to fucking relax. You do. You do. You do. I'm in for them. Emily goes, uh, I think you sound fucking crazy. Just chill out.
Starting point is 01:10:18 And Victoria starts doing the head pop. Like, you want to fight? Like, she starts popping her head like that. And then someone gets in between them fight like she starts popping her head like that Someone gets in between them and she just keeps popping her head Yeah, like I'm looking at you. I'm so looking at you. You know the way those were like make sure that a new french fries me a boy Victoria cracks me up that she's like, oh my god. I'm like the sweetest like her one of five bitch This side has never come out of me. It's like, what bitch, what?
Starting point is 01:10:49 So she's like, if you're seeing straight up that I don't know anything about any of you guys, like that everything's always about me, that I'm always talking about me, is that what you're saying? And Margot's like, please, please, just look at me for a second. Look, look, okay. All right. And Margot's like, she's please, just look at me for a second. Look, look. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And Margot's like, just like, okay, stop looking at Emily. Stop looking at me. Look. Yeah, because she keeps popping her head around Margot. And so Margot's like, yeah, I'm like seeing a different side of Victoria had a night. I mean, I've never seen her eyes like this. And then Emily says you look fucking crazy to someone who's so heated and who looks like she's about to literally jump you. Are you really being a friend right now? I mean, you look fucking crazy to someone who's so heated and who looks like she's about to literally jump you. Are you really being a friend right now? I mean, you know what happened with Yo-A-N. That's fucked up, Emily.
Starting point is 01:11:32 So I just like, listen, this isn't supposed to be like piling on to you, Victoria. She doesn't really, cause that's what it feels like. That's what it feels like right now. I've given up, children, I've given up marriage for this business. Oh, this Jenny story.
Starting point is 01:11:48 That's Jenny. Jenny, Jenny. And you say I don't listen. So, audience like Victoria, no one is against you. Okay. You have to understand that. We're all just looking down on you, not against you. And Victoria goes, I can just, I understand that completely, babe. And Ania goes, well, we have no issue if you want to stay longer and can. Of course, you guys are closer. That's totally fine. And then Victoria totally changes. Like she's like, okay, yeah, like I totally understand that. And Adya says, okay, you know, this was
Starting point is 01:12:21 just about a rift. And we can work on it by talking to each other more, getting to know each other, asking questions about siblings, responding to texts, okay? And Marcus, like, yeah, because like, honestly, the fact that you ask, like, how many siblings you have, and then I was like, oh, fuck, like, I don't even know. You know, and I was working on asking you questions,
Starting point is 01:12:42 but I mean, I guess I'm not great about it. So I apologize greatly, because like you guys are so good at that, you know like I have other great qualities. Can't listen right now, but maybe by the time you ask me about them I'll be able to so I really love hanging out as a group because like it's just so natural, you know Emily is like I mean Emily, you know like you guys are closer to each other. I'm just close to that dog in a weird jacket. Emily likes drapes. I'm close to the victorious nature guys.
Starting point is 01:13:14 It's nature. Yeah. Emily goes, certain friends are closer than other friends. It's like, look, not all the drapes can close on each other together. Some drapes are with some windows and some with other windows. Okay, that's just the way drapes work. And at the end of the day, they're still friends.
Starting point is 01:13:32 We're all still friends and we also care about each other and we're all still look out for each other. Am I right? Well, I just want you three to know that like bringing this up wasn't trying to blame all of you. And I'm sorry if I make things about me. You didn bring this all up they brought it up yeah that's are you and then I love this I hope she's on ten seasons of this oh I know she's great and then Aja Aja does the reality show thing when they don't want to fight anymore they just brushed on the
Starting point is 01:13:57 rug just sometimes sisters fight so I'm gonna make a cheers to my Parisian sisters and then it goes including Casey without you guys. They just like add that in. So obviously in post to all my Parisian sisters including Casey. I just want to say without you guys and Casey, I would not be the same person. I'd like to think that without me, you would not be the same either. Cheers to all of you. And Casey. And Victoria just approved that she belongs on Bravo goes and to being open and honest with each other through whatever tip we may encounter. So it's my fault against it's always my fault.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Like a total little mini-kyle Richards in the making. Yeah. So basically, this is a part where they're like, oh my god, like maybe we fight sometimes, but we're still such close girlfriend. We just all have strong personalities. And like, we bicker because things have gotten deeper and like it's bumpier.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And that's like, that's like almost beautiful. Yeah, and they go outside to go into the bridge together and woo really loud. And Anja's like, yeah, Paris is hard. It's in a place it's not so easy just to make it. Your friends become more than just friends. They become as necessary as your morning custom or your evening champagne.
Starting point is 01:15:21 Wow, deep, deep Anja. And you have four o'clock poop. So Emily's like, I always see Paris as a woman. She's always growing and changing day by day, evolving. Kind of like these girls. And you know what I say to that woman? Draps. You need draps.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Draps. And that's it. They do a countdown. And then on the count of zero, the Ifrot Tower comes to life in Spacos! Wait, wait, and that's the end of the season. I really hope it's not the end of the series. I really enjoy this show. So that's it though. That's it for now, I guess we'll see what happens with it. So thanks everyone for listening this season, and we're gonna be back tomorrow with some real housewives of Salt Lake City. Thanks everyone, talk to you the next one. Bye.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Watch what crap ends, would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-o. Dan-o-C. Dan-o-Doo. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Aaron McNickles, she don't miss No Trick-o-Los. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger.
Starting point is 01:16:49 You're never alone with Lacey Montellon. Let's give a kisserino to Lysalino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve ya. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors, the incredible edible Matthewsisters. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch.
Starting point is 01:17:13 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Erica, 500 days of summer. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Undo your fasteners, it's Erin Casner. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender! My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall!
Starting point is 01:17:32 Better do what she says, it's Elva Enrique! Give him hell, Miss Noel! Can't have a meal without the Emily side! Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil! We want to hang with Liz Lang! Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking violet Coo-tar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members you can listen to
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