Watch What Crappens - RGIP: Masking Envy

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

We start with a mini cap of Below Deck Med before diving into The Real Girlfriends in Paris (24 minute mark), who start to show cracks as their trip to Cannes ends. A clique hurts feelings, a...nd one person refuses to mask it. This week's bonus episode features very heavy opinions on movies we haven't seen. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cr Well, hello, and welcome to Watch What Corruptions! A podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on ye-o-robs. I'm Ronnie, that's been over there. Hi, Bane. Hi Ronnie, how are you? What's good today? Oh, everything is good today. Won't the Lord just make things good for all of it? All of us am I right? No, apparently not. I'm about half of us report, half of us are rich as we learned today on the real girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:01:13 In Bali. Yeah, you know, some people get to wear the pink jacket. Some people don't. It's the cans and the canned knots. But intended. the canned knots. What intended? The canned knots. Yeah, that, you know, just a trip to a store can really set a person off. Okay. I think Jack can really make you remember welfare. Geez. Yeah. It's called welfare, not cry fair.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So that's real house. That's real girlfriends of Paris. Thanks for joining us. That's over now. So instead we're going to do below deck. Just kidding. But this week we had so many recaps. We are going to talk about below deck a little bit first because we just can't cover it all. OK, it's like in a twin size sheet.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Just can't cover it all. But also come to take a seat. That's on Monday nights. We had a great night last night talking to everybody. Really fun show. That's on Spotify Live, which is an amp, DM load. So go get that Monday night 7pm Pacific. Also our video recaps and bonus episodes are all available
Starting point is 00:02:17 over on the Puyangong. It's a French site. Compatriot. And you just go there and search for what happens. That's us. Okay. Also, speaking of winter, winter is happening. I don't think I just speak of winter.
Starting point is 00:02:32 But winter is happening. You thought about it. We're going to throw this podcast, recovering house of dragon, house of the dragon. So go check that out. Go subscribe to it. Okay. It's on the soon feed. Subscribe.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Also, winter is house-synning. That's gonna be our bonus episode this week. Winterhouse premieres can be on our bony. So we have a very crowded schedule. It's not normally gonna be on our bonus. I don't think, but you know, Bravo, I think because Bravo Conn is this week that they are like overloading their schedule and there's literally a million shows. I mean, I mean, there's so many shows that we can't even get to all of them, but you know, which is really fun for us as Bravo Watchers, but for Bravo recappers, David, it's a little bit, I feel like I've been strapped to David's palaton. And he didn't look
Starting point is 00:03:21 at me the tools to get off of it right now. I just keep battling and battling. Yeah. So that's us. You're just supersizing supersize and everything. Everything's super size and it's a reunion and it's like a lot. So, but, you know, but excited. So below deck med was one of the supersize things. So, we're obviously not going to do a full recap, but we're going to talk about some of the stuff that happened. There were some things that I thought were very funny and some things that made me extraordinarily
Starting point is 00:03:56 med, which is very on brand for below deck. What upset you, Synerbine? Well, the thing that really upset me was i could not stand how uh... basically there be a bit of the screw group of people on board including uh... it's uh... uh... like a pervie photographer who we've met before and a dot
Starting point is 00:04:17 no grows hey listen protect your daughters seriously this what what parents are these that are like oh yes or go have fun on a yacht without a fucking creep He's like clothing optional Gross, okay working isn't that hard and don't tell me that's work. That's disgusting. Okay Yeah, and his photos are his photos are very generic. It's basically just like Make it waves. Yeah, it's just a fucking purve with a telephoto lens. You know, anyone can buy those, okay?
Starting point is 00:04:47 He has a cannon store in every town. I don't wanna fucking hear it, okay? Get a job. Get a job. So he's brought these ladies on. One of them is a dominatrix. And you know she's a dominatrix because she's got bangs and braids,
Starting point is 00:04:59 which is pretty much like, you might as well just come on board wearing a full leather harness at that point, you know. And that girl, she does have really harsh hair. And I think that she like, I feel like she would be working at that key. Like I feel like she's, and that's not putting that key down. I just feel like she has work at that key. She's like one of those people who's like, it's not hard putting it together. Like who putting it together like who's mean to you like wait a minute but I don't want to put this thing
Starting point is 00:05:29 together it's like it's not hard putting the floor together like evil and rude so maybe I feel like you get a job don't make it a like yeah because I'm already terrified of you that said I think she's a dominatrix because she has enough self-respect to at least want to hit the old man. You know what I mean? I, um, I see her, I can see her working at IKEA, but I can see that her big thing is that she just refers you to another section. Like, hey, um, I'm looking for like a blue sofa that maybe sits to, oh, you should really speak to bathroom. But no, but you're in the sofa, you're in the sofa, and you're in the sofa. Yeah, you should speak to bathroom.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Like, she doesn't want to deal with me. Yeah, she'd just be like, you know, you need an Audrey Hepburn art. It's over there. It's like, oh, God. Have you thought about a 12 by 9 foot picture of New York that's black and white with one building in color? No, you should Anyway, so she has post her goals. She's very she has great posture
Starting point is 00:06:35 She does because she's probably like just so sick of being touched by gross people You know how you stiffen up and you're like, yeah, it's like that It's like she knows that she's about to be pinched on the butt, and she's just like stiff. So they come on, and they're just like, you think they would be like, oh my God, can we do this naked? It's like, yeah, I mean, you could. But then you're going to encourage Kyle to do it too, and do you really want that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And so one of the guests is a clean freak and she said on her sheet that she wants her room clean at all times. And so one of the things that happens is that there's a picnic and Natalia goes on the picnic with the guests as well as some of the deckeys, etc. And before she leaves, she tells Kyle, hey, I'm going, I'm going, but you have, like, could you do like the VIP suite? Or something like, can you clean it? Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:31 And that was, and they're on that beach for hours. And Kyle doesn't do it. I don't know what Kyle is doing. He's like, he's like moving glasses around. He's making beverages. I feel like Kyle is a sort of person who does busy work. So that way they don't have to do the annoying work. And he like makes, as in he makes himself look really busy moving like glass, wear around.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And so the guests come back and not only do they come back, they come back, they immediately get onto the swim toys. It's like 5.30 or 6.30. The VIP still hasn't been done. And so then Natalia has to go do it. And then, and even that, I was like annoyed, but then Kyle goes up to the guest and says, oh, sorry, sorry, you even wasn't ready,
Starting point is 00:08:10 the head of housekeeping was on the beach with you guys. So I apologize for that, I'm dead ass serious, I apologize. He throws her under the bus for not doing the thing that she said, you have to do this while I'm on the beach. Yes, and I don't remember there ever being a delineation between Head of house there was in what is that she says though you don't have to do housekeeping because What cuz you folded a shirt? I mean I did see him fold a shirt by the way that looks like very sloppy folding sir
Starting point is 00:08:41 Okay, and I can just tell by the way that you're doing, it's just kind of flinging it around. It's like a very casual fold. This is a yacht. I don't need a casual fold. I need a proper fold in this shirt. Chris. Yes, Chris. And then he wore a sports bra to their BDSM thing.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I just can't with him. So, yeah, I don't remember there being a delineation. There wasn't. She said that. She only has to do service. And that's all tile ever has to do ever. It's like, as long as you have a decent pancake and some good eyeliner, all you're required to do is service.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like, when did that fucking happen? Yeah, because she's like, she's like, coil, we never had, we both do, we both do housekeeping. So I don't know what you're talking about. Like, we're both in charge of it I was on the beach. There's what there's two people manages on better coil and she's right It doesn't matter even if there is a head of housekeeping like how do you just let the master? How do you let the VIP just sit there uncleaned like how is that not the priority?
Starting point is 00:09:40 I was longing for the days of drama interpretation, you know in high school because That's when it's kind of what we do now like where you just play all the characters You take a script and you play all the characters and I just would have taken Natalia's monologue because I really loved it What the fuck all you really crawged my gears you pissed me off as what you did First of all, don't say he had a hair escaping wouldn't they to do your cabin? That's two of you on the boat you've been achieved Steve you've been achieved Steve between the two of you the one of you could have done it Tom management do it better and don't say head of hair escaping couldn't do it You were also responsible for hair escaping and there's no head of hair escaping so don't go blaming me
Starting point is 00:10:19 You said had a house keeping coil. I just would love to have done that on seventh grade. I feel like I would have won awards because I really felt the rage. I was like this is what it's like to live the character. Yeah and I feel like you also would have done it in a really dramatic way. Like you would have been like there is no house that housekeeping. There is no there were two people you know like full on the boat like sir you don't need to sing in dramatic interpretation seriously now there was also something very dramatic happened which is at
Starting point is 00:10:57 the top of the episode oh wait but we have to give Kyle's ending because that was also oh yeah yeah yeah of course of. Kyle's one of those you can see coming from a mile away. Now, granted, we did see the trailer with Kyle losing it in Natalia. And I'm surprised it's taking this long, but you see Kyle, he's that one who's always there. If you go, hey, is that one who's just supportive? All I do is love women. And then the second he gets a chance, he just like screams and yells at the top of his
Starting point is 00:11:24 lungs at a woman You know, that's just him you see him coming So he's like you didn't hear the full story and if you think you're gonna come for me Look you come for everyone else you hardly be stuck in which doesn't make any sense by the way I'll put you in your place trust me. I'm not gonna eat your bullshit. You're 24 years old me I'm not gonna eat your bull shit your 24 years old heck mature I'll switch that bitch off into seconds I was like whoa on a housewife show that would be considered a murder threat sir yeah it's really and then he goes not on my watch
Starting point is 00:11:57 don't don't come for me okay don't come for me because you know if you come for me you also come like from Frank so that's already rude. It's a hate crime. Not on my watch. You're not in charge of anything, Kar. Now I'm out of the lead of you for my watch. All right, can't even see it. He used to be the war people on my Apple watch, but not anymore. Not on my watch. Look, I've completed my non-activity rings, babe. Right? Don't mess with me, cheer. completed manon activity rings bad wrong miss with mcg.
Starting point is 00:12:30 I just prefer his strange sound. Did you hear his strange sound? It was probably my chair creaking. I forgot. No, I heard like Skype go. And I felt like the Skype say not on my watch, not on my watch. Skype is finally sick of me yelling into its fucking face. Oh, I know what it was because I called you on Skype before and then it didn't go through, but then you called and so I just switched over to your call. Oh, yeah. I think you other call was the thing you a long voicemail. Yeah, Skype is super weird because you were calling and I heard you calling from the other room,
Starting point is 00:13:00 but not on the computer. It still had me on the con. I don't know. I don't, I'm just learning about the question. Skype skype is that stew that you're like, well they're here. So, Scott, why don't you clean the VIP already? So then the other thing that happened was two boomers still using skype, by the way, everyone else. I'm like, oh my god, see you on sale. Hey, do you want to make a meeting on Blue Jeans? And we're like, oh, Skype. That's where our podcast always held like, no, no, no, no, no. 10 years in and we still are like,
Starting point is 00:13:33 we're gonna hold on to antiquated technology. We're not boomers, only mentally we're boomers. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, so last week's episode, end of the storm, storming away from Natalia because he was mad that she was scolding him because that's like her thing the second at the season is scolding. She also happens to be right almost every single time I've noticed, but so he like goes
Starting point is 00:13:55 into the bathroom and he's like, he's ranting to Z and he's like, it's ridiculous. Well, I mean, like, she doesn't, she yeah, does it be like that? It's not appropriate. I'm a bitch and like, it's a sort of everyone in public, like, she doesn't, she, yeah, is it me like that? It's not appropriate. I'm a person and like, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sort of everyone in public. Like, it was not what. So he's like, all mad and Z is like, it's crazy because I'm like, disappointed, but I have to console him.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Look how disappointed I am. It's like, Z, you're smiling. And I, yeah, you're actually laughing now and shaking your head and writing down, I love storm on a whiteboard. Where'd you get that from? Oh, just a full of my disappointment. It's how I cope. He's like, I'm so mad. I'm gonna go get him so hard trying to lift him up on my shoulders. What a great, but then the other thing is, after me, he's like, oh my God, then Courtney gets emotional.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And he's like, well, my happiness for Courtney outweighs any disappointment about the situation. I was like, oh, Z, come on. Z, come on, you're on a reality show. You can be mad. So then the other thing that happens is Natasha, finally FaceTime's report friend, after like countless texts, she's like FaceTime in him off in the corner,
Starting point is 00:15:09 and then Dave comes up. What every boyfriend loves, by the way. Anyone who's felt like completely ignored and like you haven't been texting them back, which I doubt that that's true, but we know that that's how he feels from his texts, being like, hey Dave, we don't, if you, K. So we know that he's feeling some sort of way. Everybody loves getting that call at two in the morning
Starting point is 00:15:31 from your drunk ass, like, make up all over your face, sweating like, oh, I'm just going to say hi. I'm like, uh, from a loud multisally. And so Dave comes up. Dave comes up he's like, come on, let's dance. Let's dance. Dave, I'm saying hat and my dogs. I'm saying hi to the dance. I'm saying hat and my dogs can't you see? I'm holding a poodle in my hand right now. I thought that was a phone. Oh Dave, did you say something? Also Dave knew exactly what he was doing, right? He knows he's sitting there FaceTime and Girl Boyfriend. So he comes to just throw a wrench in it, which I thought it was. I mean, but I've liked Dave a lot better since he kind of back down.
Starting point is 00:16:16 But this is such a young move to be like, well, we're talking right now. I mean, to him, to him, that's like yelling into the foot. Well, you're dancing to me right now. He's literally already reenacted Cinderella with her. He's like, because she's like, I have to go wee, back my feet. It's wet. I hate wet, I hate wet feet. And he's like, you can wear my sneakers. He's literally putting his shoes on her feet like Prince Charming Gross you're gonna get athletes, but with like a slight hint of glaze on it Also Dave might as well have just come up and hit that face time with his dick He's like he's like well at earliest, can I get my sneakers back? It's
Starting point is 00:17:10 really awkward dancing of my socks on. Here you go, Dave. You can have your shoes. I love them. What are they called? New one balanced. Oh, Dave. Perfect for you. Um, so what else happened? Well, then the boyfriend loses his mind. And the boyfriend is like, go fuck yourself and hangs up. So then she goes running up to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And she's like, balling and losing her mind. Then Kyle comes down there and he's like, Lisa, you have to get rid of men in your life. No, you don't need any man anymore in your life. Except for me, but everyone else, you like, anytime the man ever says, make sure to make you feel bad you say fuck off okay because there's no man who's ever worth it except of course Frank
Starting point is 00:17:53 I love you Frank and I think the only other thing for me that was very funny to me is I've oh there wasn't a deck and read Like reads one of those like I'm just a small damn boy who doesn't know nothing from nothing I can't like everything that happens. He's like my mama wouldn't approve of that one Just shut up also doesn't he look like the guy from below deck down under who is similar he's like i'm just a country boy and we're like you're from Maryland sir what's that guy he's like if you took every white twenty two year old man and put them together you get him he's like the most generic white guy of all time i have to look up
Starting point is 00:18:41 his name because i know people are hitting their steering wheel. Oh, oh, Culver. Culver. Culver, yeah, it's Culver. Culver. He's got to have to have to have Culver with that. He's like an uncool Culver, you know. But at least he can throw lines. And he did say to Captain San, he kept saying, okay, now remember to pull up those lines fast, he goes, yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I mean, man, I mean,'am. World-odd. Don't worry, Maddie. In my class they called me the Sir Wind. So they just give up Sir Wind. It's just it. I also enjoyed about other things that I just remember from this episode that I really enjoyed was that when provisions were coming there was there was provision chaos and tallio was getting so mad because there was no room for anything and they just keep showing everyone pulling up these
Starting point is 00:19:27 provisions in the dock and then it cuts the captain sandy and she's just like on her binoculars. I'm like you're in a port right now there's nothing to say. Are you just buying on people in their own dollar rooms? What do you look at in your binoculars? Captain Sandy is addicted to Captain Busy work. You know, like you're in the captain. You are a captain. Oh my goodness. When they're like, well, I'm really worried because this is my first time. It's a, you know, Lee Dickhand or a boason or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And she's like, don't worry, you got it. It's like you're through time. He's like, but does that kid know how to throw the ropes? She's like, he comes from a long liner tug boaters. Tug boating is in his blood. I was like, wow, that's something that that kid's gonna be playing for the rest of his life at every job. I'm sorry, I just need to show you a video on my phone.
Starting point is 00:20:21 It's my letter of recommendation. He comes from Techboat blood. Like, sir, this is Bank of America, okay? He's gonna like have a petition to someone about like the inheritance of his family fortune. He's like, we have pure talkboat blood. And those boys are back months. Yeah. Talked about dynasty. talk about blood and those boys are bastards.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Tell you both right, honesty. There you go. Why are you looking at me with binoculars? Sorry. Catch you've got good pores, tugboat pores, we call them. Long, I am a good tugboat, pores. They had to be super strong to deal
Starting point is 00:21:02 with all that tugboat pollution. Peace. Peace. That's it. Not everyone can live that tugboat lifestyle, but if you got that tugboat blood, they say in life there's two types of people. Those who got tugboat blood and those who don't. So congratulations. You can donate to other tugboat people. Those who got tugboat blood and those who don't. So congratulations. You can donate to other tugboat people. Sure, it's nice to be appreciated, sir. Back home, they used to call me tugboat blood. But here, you're gonna, that blood's gonna circulate with pride, son.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Rub a tugboat, am I right? Oh, give you a choke. All right, Kyle. You know, I'm fucked. I'm dead. I see. We are. OK. It's like I made a tugboat cake. It's shiny and red. OK, Dave, you can put the mirror glaze down.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Can I just yell at one more person before we dive into the gap? Please. That girl, that fucking girl, who's like, I have to have my room clean at all. Shut the fuck up. It's always the girl. It's always the person he's not paying for the trip. He's like, what I mean? How's keeping 24? I said, good a fucking job. Okay. Like right now you're getting naked for some old man who's
Starting point is 00:22:17 disgusting me. You do not get your room cleaned. Okay. If there's just a metaphor, is the old man making you feel dirty? This is your choice. And get out of that room, get off this, but man, it's just... No, but... I can't suggest what. Also, okay, let's just like, you know what,
Starting point is 00:22:33 let's speak some truth bombs. What the fuck was up with that beach that they had a picnic on? It was like, Pockmarked, and they're making jokes that was like the moon. That's not where I want to have my picnic. Moswell just called it spring- Dangle Beach for crying out loud. How about a smooth surface for once?
Starting point is 00:22:49 I'm out, they'd never go to a good beach. I mean, we really, you really start to appreciate a decent beach after watching this show. I mean, did you all grow up on Fire Island? Are you just used to walking on gravel and that's your beach? Because that's the most painful beach
Starting point is 00:23:04 I've ever been to okay for more Racism and one and anyone can go to the pop I said for crying out loud. I've been waiting for it all season Yeah, and then covert the covert the second tugboat Looks walking on these I yeah This is like the moon, because you know, NASA defaked all those moon images, right? Look there. He's like, look, that's the American flag over there.
Starting point is 00:23:33 I was like, is that really a per se? All right, are they selling the beach? What's happening on this beach? Well, no, it just says this spot for Dominate tricks is only, oh, gotta put my foot in my mouth again. I always put my foot in my mouth again. I always put my foot in my mouth again Todd roll. I met roll Todd. Damn it. And they made those poor girls hike up a mountain to just get naked and take pictures I'm like just what every nude model wants fucking swamp ass right before a photo. Thanks guys. Yeah, it was very humid this episode
Starting point is 00:24:00 Everyone was was steamy and sweaty. Oh, and Jason left. So It's for all you Jason heads out there. Sorry. For all you Jay heads. Jay heads. Yeah, exactly. Not to be confused with Jay. Yeah. All right. That felt good. Well, let's go to a different part of the matter. I'm going. I'm telling you. I worked finance and you and you and you you're not gonna get my jokes Celebrity beef you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court I'm Matt Bellaside. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the hosts of WonderZoo Podcasts, Dis and Tell.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity view, from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Let's commercial. OK, so let's move on over to the real girlfriend's impatley. Yes, they're also hanging around the Mediterranean
Starting point is 00:25:48 because they're still in Cannes, but specifically they're at Margot's, Margot's Chateau. And it's the next morning, they're still some mess up from the Bachelorette party and people are gathering around the breakfast table. This show, I think more than any other show, has really captured what it's like to go on a trip with friends, lots of awkward silences,
Starting point is 00:26:14 and still air, and people not really ready to socialize in the morning. All the real housewives are always pretending it's like that, but they've already been in glam for several hours. But this show, they don't have that budget they're like wake up we got a shoot girls like okay they're all miserable so this margo person I'm starting to just see what she does to stay thin she doesn't eat okay she only has lolly props have you Have you noticed that? She's got a lollipop in her
Starting point is 00:26:47 fucking mouth and every scene. This is a secret. No, she has lollipops. She has both. She alternates between lollipops and cigarettes. I mean, I'm circling her code Jack. Yeah, I'm kind of in admiration of that. I like that. So she's doing that. Everyone else is pretending to eat breakfast. We're not all of them. We're pretending, but definitely Victoria is, because Victoria is like, oh my God, I'm a cool girl. Look at me eating breakfast. Okay, watch for that. And she eats like a biopark Chris on sandwich. I'm obsessed with what everybody's eating because I'm like, you know, trying to trim it down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:26 And so I'm not eating anything that I want to. So I see a full Chrisont sandwich sitting there with one bite taken out of it. And I'm filled with rage for Victoria. Like I can't forgive her. Yeah, I'm filled with rage too, because then I went out and got a Chrisont and I have a happy Chrisont.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I'm like, two people right now that I couldn't finish eating. After you asked her to eat it after that. To me, you have a croissant. You're like, what's the best kind of breakfast? I'm like, oh my god, it's so hard eating out of the thing. You're like, oh my god, croissants. Like, what's the best way to eat a breakfast sandwich?
Starting point is 00:27:55 Is it a croissant? We talked about bagels, English muffins, all the different kinds of breads. You know, I finish that conversation and just start up poking myself in my eye. I'm sorry. Can I tell you something else? I'm so sorry. I'm not medicated for ADD but I should be. My mom, this is just a random story of a woman who was following me the other day. So I ran into this woman and I thought where do I know you from? Where do I know you from? And I finally said, did you used to work for the ophthalmologist? And she said, I
Starting point is 00:28:30 sure did, but I had to quit. It was so stressful. One day it was time to go home and a lady came in and she had a tortilla chip in her eye and they had to do surgery all night and I had to sit there and wait. My mom was like, who gets a tortilla chip in their eye? Like, that's the dumbest tragedy I've ever heard of. And I was like, you know, I'm going to buy like that, right? Like, what? Stats themselves in my eye with the tortilla chip coming down the stairs. I like to definitely imagine Margo getting a croissant in her eye just have it like walking into the ophthalmologist the full croissant like sorry
Starting point is 00:29:11 I Was you don't know how hard it is to have a rich dad Their croissant but um, you know I was gonna say something about Chris Trump tonight. Oh, I just derailed us. So sorry. So the back of the back of the first, I was just gonna say, I was just gonna say, Chris Trump's, yeah, this show is making me, this is the second we can row up, got in a croissant because of this show. I feel like there's all
Starting point is 00:29:36 these billboards that are up around Los Angeles for this movie smile. That's out. And all the billboards say, once you see it, it's too late. That's why I feel about Chris on straight out. Like I see your Chris on on the show, it's like it's too late, I'm already all right. I recorded it. I wasn't even looking at my phone. I already see postmates is on the way. Well, as I used to say in Weight Watchers meetings, digestion begins with the eyes. say in Weight Watchers meetings, digestion begins with the eyes. Well, yeah, apparently if you're eating tortilla chips. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Someone like that a little de-seriously. Yeah, I know that late. I was like, was he in front of my Weight Watchers meetings? Ask her if Janelle was her Weight Watchers coach. So it's not either way. Good morning. And by the way, speaking of people not doing their jobs properly,
Starting point is 00:30:32 where's Richard? Because this house is a goddamn mess, sir. You're only asked to work like four weeks a year, okay? The rest of the time, you get to party it up and you know he has friends over in like plays five courts on the piano and they just singing get front on that dad's wine. I mean, Richard hasn't cleaned shit. Okay. I love his accordion out like Judy Tannuda, RIP. So she basically, well, I like, by the way, I firmly believe that Richard
Starting point is 00:31:02 wanted to want it to clean that all up. And I think the producers don't allow it. Like, no, we got to get our shot to show how much these girls raged last night. And we all know that goes went to see the 10 to 45. Right. Like that's the vibe of this show. They all go to bed at 10, 45. They got some ping-pongs out of the little tissue box. I mean, we saw they played their two games and then they sat at the dinner table. They did those games at like 730 pm. Then they sat at the
Starting point is 00:31:28 dinner table and they just sat there and talked for like two hours, very quiet and with pregnant pauses and then they went to bed. Yeah. We're just like, no, we're going to make it look like they raged. Yeah. So, Anja is like, oh my God, should I wear my TRH to breakfast? And Emily goes, isn't that bad luck? That's it. Is that a new tradition? It's like, hey, what people do that? I hate when people suddenly declare things
Starting point is 00:31:58 as good luck or bad luck. I was like, that's not part of general superstition. You can't say that. It's like, oops. You tripped on the way to the mailbox. That's 12 years of lost mail. No, Emily, you don't get to make up a new superstition because you want to the full of the air.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Also, it's such an American thing to say, like, isn't that bad? Like that you wore your crown to breakfast. You know, if we're all better, we're still better. Like, fuck you queen. It's bad, man. Meanwhile, the queen's just better, we're still better. Like fuck you queen. It's bad laugh. Meanwhile, the queen's just sitting there with her,
Starting point is 00:32:26 you know, corn flakes. Well, at the time this was filmed anyway. Okay, so on, on you say, well, it's a thing. All right. Yeah, rip. It's like an all right thing in two minutes. I know, I'm not even gonna ask about Julie Chinita because I hurt my heart and I was like, no,
Starting point is 00:32:43 it can't hurt your heart more than the croissants. You don't need to be hurt. Well, I saw, that was the last few. I'm shocked that you're telling me. I'm completely shocked. But yeah, I saw someone post a clip of Judy Cheneuta and I was like, how interesting. I haven't seen Judy Cheneuta in a while,
Starting point is 00:32:58 but I didn't watch it because I didn't want to feel like old. Because you know how you watch those old jokes. I was like, I still love the comedy channel and watching Junior Tannuta and Elaine Boosler and then the jokes seem really old now like hey, can you can you tell how a woman has a boyfriend? Because there's not lipstick on the milk card or something like that. I don't know those jokes. Anyway, I watched it to avoid the awkwardness But you just brought it to me wrapped in a gift. So thanks. I wanted to really force this on you. I wanted a force I love Judy Tunuda. I think she'll be so happy that we're wedging in her RIP in the middle. I'm gonna want to use that we're wedging in her RIP in the middle. I'm gonna want to use.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Who? Because of course, this news is not good for me. I'm not like hearing about death on the show, okay? Yeah. And then I get a text while I'm talking to you about Judy Teneuta and the Queen, and it says, Amstel Lansbury died. You're the only one I know who was the first one.
Starting point is 00:34:01 No! All right, this is the first one. See, now that's a big one. I'm out of here. How's that possible? Wow Wow, Ronnie. I'm that that was that was a big one right there. I know all the why? Why is it a gay icon? So it's died during our show For a better check in on she's a turner like Literally, it's a gay icon. It's like oh Ben and Ron you're recording Tom to knock off another gay icon Queen Elizabeth Olivia Newton John Angel landsbury.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yeah it's not fair. So RIP, Angela, what are the people are like what are we listening to? Why are we here? Okay we've got it from Chris sauce to potential ships in your eye. Oh, I just got a text. Angela lands very dyed when her car drove off the road when she was going out to get a croissant. Well, now this show really is really it and packed. That's terrible. Well, RIP, everybody. Yeah. Thanks for listening. No.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Anyway, also RIP 2, Casey. I hope she's okay in America. There, that's the transition back into the show. Didn't you think Casey was going to come back in? Like, I'm like, I'm back. It totally worked out today and here i am yeah because they put her in the previously is there like previously case that i got a back to america i think oh social be back
Starting point is 00:35:34 but no they were like that's okay that she's got so uh... anyway on the does where her failed to breakfast and immediately gets her heel stuck in the uh... patio the patio. The patio place. Emily's right. Emily was right. And she's like, wait, get your foot out. Oh my God, I feel like you're like Cinderella, like right now.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Like, fuck nuts. And then Ania tells us, in French, they call it Bethlehem party in Antelma, Dividejune Fie, the burial of the life of a young woman. That's what they also call reality shows about a group of young women from America Hey France could you get like a easier name for a party? I know I come to my burial of the life of a young woman party So dramatic like with batswrap party here. I feel like in England it's Hens party. And then like France is like, the death of the woman from a virgin state, when she was
Starting point is 00:36:30 once beautiful in Pioh and had potential, but now it's just an old hag. You're like, wow, France. Party. Lighting up, yeah, lighting up over there, France. So on me, it's like, are you kind of audition gonna audition for made of honor by helping me Emily? And she's like, Oh, yeah, did I pass? Because I was just going to your wedding to expand my mother's interior design business. And now I'm made of honor. I can't stop whining. So they all sit down around the table. And then Margot walks in and she just has a cigarette
Starting point is 00:37:02 dangling from her mouth. Like, she's just there, like a lollipop, but it's a cigarette. And she's like, I feel so hung over. Wow. I actually puke this morning only half of it got in the bowl, unfortunately, because you know, it was me. And the audience is like, are you serious? Yeah. That's where I'm at.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I puke this morning. I have at. I peep this morning. I have someone. So Emily is Sir Richard brings Emily a bowl. And she said, Oh, you know, is every batter? And is Bonebroth, which seems a little weird. But I guess she's feeling a little under the weather, which becomes the plot of this episode. And I'll just like that literally looks like
Starting point is 00:37:46 long water. And Marga, they're like, wow, it's good for your body. And victory's like, oh my god, you're like a raving about this like a bon water. Like I need it. He needs to. Oh my god, that is like disgusting. I'm done trying new things this morning. disgusting. I'm done trying new things this morning. Yeah, we know it's so weird. That bowl of bone broth just asked for my number. Isn't that crazy, guys? You should probably face that bowl of bone broth away from me because it's like a begging to come down my drop. Since you called dibs on a ball of bill and broth, I've decided I'm going to turn away from you this morning because I don't want to distract it away from you.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So let's see. So Margot, who cares? Nothing happens on the show, really. And I really love the show. But sometimes I read my notes, I'm like, why? But why? I keep thinking it's leading to somewhere, but it does it.
Starting point is 00:38:49 So they decide, oh my god, today, that's all we're black and pink, and we'll go shopping. Ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah, Victoria was all about that, because I was just like, so what colors is everyone wearing? And Victoria goes, black and pink.
Starting point is 00:39:01 I was like, okay, chill, chill. I think that bone broth had a little effect on you there. Whoa, okay. Okay, final scene of Greece. Like what's your hang up? So Margot is gonna take the girls to see the city because they only saw it on casino night, but they haven't seen the beach and the day of that. So lunch on the beach and we're gonna see how much magic the city has. launch on the beach and we're gonna see how much magic this city has. Yeah, so they get into the van and an Emily's Emily sees Onja shoes. She's, oh my god, I love those shoes. What are they? That's amazing. And Victoria's like, oh my god, Onja has like the most incredible wardrobe I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I love this taffeta. Oh my god. It's like Victoria, did you just throw a glass of wine at her shoes? I had to do what happened. I was triggered. I was triggered. I was triggered. And on you say, well, I've never bought anything retell on my life. And my old manager thought that I was stealing it. And I was like, have you ever heard of Woodbury Commons outlet mall? And I'll just like, like oh my god literally would bury commons like literally is unreal like that is like the crazy yes i only do oh well i only do my shopping at barnie's warehouse sale or second but with new tags i just i don't walk into a store and buy things retail that would be a shanda which means to service all we find yeah there's like a big thing I was like yiddish it
Starting point is 00:40:27 means disgrace okay so this is one of those episodes that proves something that we all really have known forever but this is like proof when people brag about all their sales and stuff they're really crying inside like every time I hear somebody like I don't buy retail I hear like a little wrang inside like every time I hear somebody like I don't buy retail I hear like a little inside of them you know and uh this is proof so roll it yeah roll the footage oh them going into the store yes they go into the store oh that's my vlog is about Agdolala on Sparrow, okay, I'm gonna go on the murder of my next story, Maverick. Yeah. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Um, so they, um, they drive to the store, but before then, Margot was like, hey, guys, there's the can film festival. Oh, and that's where it's a hotel where I fucked a guy and I was hanging out the window only half of me, of course, because that's kind of my brand Yeah, there it is the Carlton. I wasn't fucking Carlton from fresh brins But he did do the dance which was weird. So anyway, now we're at a store the window And I'll do goes wow getting rammed with an ocean view of the odd just even jealous of this
Starting point is 00:41:39 You know, I know girl, you know and Marga's like yeah, but the guy was know, I'm like, I know. Girl, you know, and Marga's like, yeah, but the guy was, uh, and she goes, yeah, devil deck. It's like that sometimes. So then they go shopping and it's kind of my reaction in every city I go to. Like, it's all the same. It's like, there's the chilies, but you know, that's in boxing. Yeah. Yeah. There was something kind of language about this whole kind of, this whole journey into Cannes because it's clearly off season because that's when this show I guess could afford to shoot. And so they're just walking around this empty city and they go into sort of an empty store and it's quiet.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And they're just like not even playing music in the background of the scene. It's just like, oh, wow, this is dirty. This is, oh, this is nice. Do you guys like this? That's nice. Oh, look at that. Oh, do you like this color? I like that color. Hey, guys, over here, look. Oh, that's nice. Yeah. Cool. So on you see this pink coat. She goes, oh, my God. Should I try on that pink coat? Just for fun. And I'll just like, oh, my God. Yeah, do it. So she's like, yeah, I'm not sure if this is my color.
Starting point is 00:42:45 You know what I mean, which is a joke because she's wearing like bright pink from a photo. And so the guy who works there hates them, but COVID has really hit retail. So yeah, who are there any sales? Is like everything for you. So she gets a cut and he's like, oh, it's your color. I'm like, is that just a French thing that everything is making fun of you? I think so.
Starting point is 00:43:11 It sounds like it's like, oh, look, it's your color. God of God, I find the one pink in the whole entire store. Good bye, kitty. I knew, I knew I see I'm going to tell my boss. It was a good idea to stock trash color because stupid Americans come into buy it So I'm gonna say I come from a long line of bargain hunting outlet shopping It's in my blood when the Jews left Egypt out of Exodus. They went straight to Philean's basements Okay, I like that she's working on our cat skills routine. So the best part about this is like so basically she is like, she really wants this, but she
Starting point is 00:43:50 is poor. She doesn't have the money. She's trying to save up for some ridiculous wedding at the ritz, which doesn't even make sense why she's still going for this thing. And she knows she shouldn't be spending the money on this code. And so then she and Aja are like maybe going split it, and they're like, himming and hog about this. And me, while Victoria is like, oh my God, Marco, look, cash mirror hoodies.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Let's get to, you know, like the juxtaposition of them just easily buying cash mirror hoodies, while these two girls are going in halves, these on this one code. It was amazing. They're matching purple hoodies. Oh my God, man, you should've like, totally, and then the one
Starting point is 00:44:30 might get totally matched. And then back to on, you're like, oh my God, is the coat better on you? Or is it better on me? Oh my God, we can split this coat, we shouldn't buy it. And I'll just say, you know, maybe we should just go back and sleep on it
Starting point is 00:44:42 because we don't really need it. I mean, you know, it's just a pink coat. And I'm just like, yeah, but I love pink. And then the music, it's really dramatic. And Ajay says, I have a pink coat back home. And Anika's, I don't. And I don't. No, I just like, sir, you should draw my, I love that the music's like, it's like, sir, you to drama. I love that And I was like, can I have it?
Starting point is 00:45:26 And I was like, you just know you can't have it. And like watching her stare at it and be like, sir, would it be possible to slice off one of the buttons and then my friends and I could share it? We could hold it alternatingly on the right back to our house. That would be good enough for us. I mean, well, babe, look more cashmere. Let Let's get five of them and just throw out two, babe. Yeah, I mean, look, I obviously remember it too. I don't remember ever having a moment where I'm
Starting point is 00:45:57 like, oh my god, I can't get the pink coat. I mean, I don't remember that moment. I just went to the thrift store, you know, but hey, to each their own. Now, I do remember having that feeling sing a persona to the window. I haven't been feeling that. We all have our things. By the way, Aja, you have to give props to Aja because Aja fully recognized what was going on with Ania
Starting point is 00:46:20 and she switched gears from like, this looks so good to like, oh, you don't need this, this is a piece of shit. It's actually garbage. This is actually one of the worst cuts I've oh you don't need this is a piece of shit it's actually garbage this actually one of the worst cuts have ever seen in my life like people who were are actually cursed and they are like they're they're banished to you know like a a basement in a castle
Starting point is 00:46:36 out of darkness she like is like no this is bullshit you don't need this on yet i thought that was actually really it's like the color of hammer rise hey wait i'm still waiting to get to toe. Well, not that good. Not that shade So yeah, she starts getting really upset So then Marga those who is completely oblivious to it is like, okay, let's go have lunch on the beach Just like my family's favorite place to have lunch on the ocean and can which we basically on soon and can which we basically all it's time for commercial it's time for a crap and commercial Tori is like oh my god this is so cute this is like
Starting point is 00:47:13 they should just call this babe beach because I'm like babe and so there's order it does like a love a British waiter who is so over them and he's like So what would you like to have and so they're ordering and Margot's like do you have like Lai Chi? Why I think he's like, I don't know what that annoys me so much, but it really does annoy me because it's's always those girls who are like, I need Lai Chi. So Emily is like, so there's like ginger there's like something with fresh ginger. So I'm going to be like, does it come with you? Because he's like a ginger.
Starting point is 00:47:57 No, it doesn't mean the same thing over there. Emily, okay, it's like very hurtful over there. It's different. America, we're like ginger. That's a person with red hair because like ginger from Gilligan's Island We're there. It's like bullying campaigns are set up, you know for poor Be while the waiter is like oh, I see you've already ordered the stupid beverage which comes with stupid That's you get it rather be a ginger than a stupid lychee
Starting point is 00:48:25 That's you get it rather be a ginger than a stupid lychee beach. Wait a second, I just cut wood. You're my boss already. How did that happen? I don't know. I just fell into it. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre.
Starting point is 00:48:43 I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. I went to the managre. cow. Sad gets everywhere. So they order and then they start doing that thing. You do, I feel like when you're in your 20s and then drop because you're so tired of it, where you're like, let's talk about positive things. When you're in your 30s, you're like, fuck that. I had a shitty day working. I fucking hate everybody and your friends are like girl Let's just get wasted, you know, but in your 20s. You're like, oh my god Let's think about when we're back in Paris. We have the whole world in front of us guys. We could do anything Yeah, and Victoria's like babes. I'm just trying to be as present as possible on this vacation because it's been like a much needed break from work like
Starting point is 00:49:27 It's been really stressful at Chloe Collette and I'm just like I'm not gonna lie as soon as we get back I'm gonna have to create three entire looks in four days that not three pieces before looks from scratch at 60 miles per hour on two different dreams going towards each other going towards Buffalo towards Buffalo too. I'm gonna have a long way to take guys. I'm just trying to stay present. Yann, it looks like we're like moving production to Elena. So like the quality is gonna be like not gonna lie so much better, and then the like fabrics. And on you're just looking at her,
Starting point is 00:49:59 like, please kill me, you know, and she says, when Victoria has something to say, she speaks for a very, very, very long time, like very, very, okay, I have three axles right now. I think I'll explain to you how long, a matter. New York, New Jersey, and Parisian, very, very, very, so do you want to just leave the work at home,
Starting point is 00:50:24 maybe Victoria? And Victoria. You want to just leave the work at home, maybe Victoria? And Victoria is- Do you want to maybe treat your work like a pink jacket and leave it behind? Okay, thanks. So then Margot is like, guys, she tries the positive thing again. She's like, guys, it's like so super rare
Starting point is 00:50:40 that people like have this kind of like friendship. So like, I really feel it. So like I really feel it. Like I really feel it you guys. And I'll just says does anyone have any resolutions for stuff? And so Marcos like resolutions like, okay. Like I wanna see my project, the slip dresses, through to the end.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Like I really wanna be as financially independent as possible for my father. And that's like a massive, all in cats, goal of mine. And even if it means for a little bit like changing my lifestyle, I will do it. So that's my resolution. Wow, you're going to get there. You're going to get there. Yeah, I can see it down. I feel it. I've like I can see the really on top of this right now. By the way, I forgot to mention earlier when Margo was ordering her meal. I thought this was so funny because the waiter who was so over them was like, okay, what do you guys want to eat? And she's like, I'll do the tune and the waiter is and trumps. Yeah, yeah, the two the red tuna marinated. Okay. Yeah. He's like, I'm not gonna deal with this slow ass order.
Starting point is 00:51:50 I love when waiters do that. They just are over you. They just finished your order for you. Yeah. So then Anya is time for her resolution. So she's like, well, personally, I have a lifestyle that I can't afford. But when a building is burning and you say, oh my God, I have to jump to the other building. The person with the safety net, like their jump won't be as good. And I'm not saying that somebody who has a safety net won't jump onto the next building. It will just be much, much more slowly and they might not make it. It's like, okay, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:52:22 and they might not make it. It's like, okay, wait a minute. So you're mad, in your example, your mad that she has a safety net, so she's probably gonna die of a high jump or burn to death on the bill. I mean, good lord, I didn't see that in you. What, I have a question, what if the person who has a safe net
Starting point is 00:52:40 is wearing a slip dress, can they jump better then? Yeah, no. But what if the building that's burning is owned by the person with a safety net and a slip dress? Do they still get the insurance payment? Or is it just their dad trying to control them? What if you've written a business plan for the building, will it stop burning itself?
Starting point is 00:53:04 Or what if it's only a half business? What if it's just, can I put a slip dress on the building, will it stop burning itself? Or what if it's only a half, is it? What if it's just, can I put a slip dress on the building? Okay, I think you're getting lost in the metaphor here. Okay. She's like, I have no net, and I've never had a net. And I've always been with people who've had diamond-incrusted nets. Margot's looking at her like.
Starting point is 00:53:20 That would actually be really painful. Cause if you're falling from really high up and you fall on diamonds, like it could cut you, it literally happened to me as a child. Like I was falling off a tree and our garden, like, it was just diamonds and it hurt. Like it's not as comfortable as it sounds. That's why when I was getting fucked halfway out the window at the Carlton, I said, don't push me any further, because there's no diamond across the net found out there. I was literally getting fucked by a diamond. It's crazy. And I was, I was wearing, I was wearing netting.
Starting point is 00:53:53 That's where I get that. That net, net thong. That's where I, so, fish net. She's like, yeah, like diamond encrested net. nets, like seriously, okay, that's not your resolution. Like if that's the case, then your resolution should be, my job, my resolution is to be really rich, so I could afford the lifestyle that I project, right? So, it goes like, well, I don't think
Starting point is 00:54:18 Anya believes that I really am struggling right now with the toxic size of having a safety net as she likes to call it. And I feel like she genuinely believes like money equals happiness. And I'm somebody that's already learned that that's not true. So.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah, like with my dad, it's like a whole thing. It's like manipulation. Like I'll get yelled at and he'll say, you need a job. And the next day he'll give me a Chanel bag. It's like a control mechanism for him I'm like I'm like a puppet. I'm like well Like a puppet who doesn't do anything Okay, you're only a puppet if you get a Chanel back and then don't Look for a job after like you can still look for your job You know, you know, what is he making you do?
Starting point is 00:55:05 You have your own apartment. He's not making you work for the family company or get married to somebody rich or do any of the things that they say controlling parent rich parents make you do. You know, what is he making you do? You do nothing. You do nothing. Well, my relationship with my dad is like,
Starting point is 00:55:22 it's like complicated because like we're really close, but it can be toxic. And he'd like, yeah, he pays my rent and he funds my life Which I'm trying to be an off of by talking about it a lot But and he has some controller for me and I think he enjoyed that like He got some mental come over and he'll turn my refrigerator off and then I'll go like three weeks before I realize I can just turn it back on again Like that is pure manipulation He's so controlling like I can't even it back on again. Like that is pure manipulation. He's so controlling.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Like I can't even like open a window without him trying to tell me to lift the window up first. It's like I can't even get my groceries out of outdoors fridge without my dad saying, why don't you use the indoors fridge? That's a really refrigerator. And she's like, yeah. And like I don't even know if he realizes he's doing that. I don't know if I'm going to cry right now. Am I crying?
Starting point is 00:56:09 Am I crying? Is my lollipop crying? Not anybody. But a lot of people expect me to be just like this trust fund baby, but you still have different issues. It's a lot. It's like a lot. And Ania is smiling like this.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Fuck off and dies smile. It's like a lot. And Anya is smiling like this. Fuck off it by a smile. She's like, okay, we shouldn't have a safety med. So you'd be splattered all over the sidewalk right now. Okay, I'm talking about being poor. And you're crying about being rich. I was like, I was in the middle of my sob story. I, yes, I did get a fine lean spazement joke out, but that's not enough for me.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So I just want to remind everyone, I grew up with the most wealthy kids. That was raised on welfare and food stamps by a single mom. Have I been the most responsible, making sure I was a stable nine to five and had an income? No, because I'm too passionate about the things I love to do. And I would never do something I'd be bored doing like having a job. So, you know, it's a lot of stress. I mean, here's the thing on you. I mean, now here's the thing. On you, I feel like what Ony is going to is very real,
Starting point is 00:57:08 but I also think there's value in maybe having a job. If you can have one, if you can get one, she's like, I'm one I go and rent a shadow and sell everything in the shadow and that's gonna solve everything. I'm like, well, why don't we start like a Starbucks? I don't know. Well, okay, you have to work.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Listen, I moved out. I moved out. I moved to like follow my dreams at a very young age and didn't have any money. And guess what? I waited tables like every fucking day, okay? And it sucks. It sucks.
Starting point is 00:57:40 So what are you gonna do? You have to do that. Like, I don't, I don't get this. This is hard for me to get. Yeah. And also, I lived in LA in New York my entire adult life. So I'm just used to everybody being richer than me. Like literally everybody is richer than me, okay? Yeah. So she's crying and she's like, you know, like there's no option for failure. As unfortunately as beautiful as met you dresses, it's the same for him.
Starting point is 00:58:03 And my whole life to see people around me who have things and they don't have to struggle for them. It sucks. I get it. But no one's going to just be like, okay, you're worthy now, so now here, you're rich. You have to get a job. The rich people eventually have to work, even if they're handed their job, I mean, not the margos of the world.
Starting point is 00:58:22 But you know what I mean. Work, gotta work. Yeah. Yeah, you know, so it's okay, like, try for Uber or something. Lift, postmates, whatever, do something on the side. It'll be okay. So basically, it's just a big wind up to say, like, oh my God, my whole thing, it matters so much.
Starting point is 00:58:40 They're basically teeing us up for probably whatever this event is that she's having. It's probably gonna be like, will it work out? And then she'll, she'll do well and she'll be fine. Although actually on this show, maybe not. I mean, they did, they did send Casey back to a whole other continent. Like, maybe this show doesn't have a happy ending for her. I guess we'll find out.
Starting point is 00:58:59 Yeah, this is produced by the same guy who produces real housewives of Dallas. Okay, he's not seeing anybody up for a happy ending. I can guarantee that. Dallas is just like, go, he just throws you in the pool. Yeah. So Emily hasn't been listening clearly because she responds with some generic praise. You are literally one of the most strongest and like most inspiring girls I know. Like I literally look up to you and I like I like want to be you and I'm whatever you were saying.
Starting point is 00:59:30 I'm sure it was great. I want to be just like you except for the poor part. She says she's poor, that's so gross. Oh my god, Leetje! So Victor, you're saying, oh my god, it's like such a strength to know that like Paris is the place that we can like live our dreams and not like lowering your standards is like rising to the occasion. And every single time I see you, you're rising my shirts usually on stairs because you like Can't look right in the elevator with all the rich people but still like your rising I Summarizing on the service elevator you use I'm on so I just need to make my own safety net you need me need to get a damn job That is the safety net the safety net is called McDonald's, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:25 You need to get a job. Here's the suggestion, listen, you love giving tours and you're really good at it. She charges, like, didn't she say she charged it's like $500 a tour. You need a lot of those tours. You need to be doing five of those a day. So get you an ad in the paper and start
Starting point is 01:00:41 after a little flag. Get your little flag and stand in front of the pyramid at the Lou and be like Bonjour tours over here To see it to see it will be fine. Yes. I mean, you know, do you so but she knows how to command the dollar Just you know, not a no, I don't know, but do something don't cry to rich people. They're not gonna help you unless it's a They're not unless it's a tax break. Unless you can get yourself to be like Anya in need LLC or whatever, charity, you know, whatever, they're not gonna give you money. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:13 The go-go concept. So now they're back in their vans, and they're going back and Victoria's like, babe Margo, thank you so much for showing us the talent today. I think this trip is like a great way to start the year and I wanna start the year. Like when I'm at work, this is what my plan is. When I'm at work, I'm at work and when I'm off,
Starting point is 01:01:36 I'm off bips. And I'll take off so little. And so Margo's like, oh my God, are we all getting all my grown-in again? And then I was like, stop, no, just said no, no, I just don't have it. Mark goes like, yeah, but you tested negative, huh? And she's, yeah, yeah, I just said, like, I mean, I tested positive, like I had it, like we all had it, like we all did, right?
Starting point is 01:01:58 I mean, it's every single pandemic, right? It's like every, even pants have it. Like that's just such a pandemic, like even cooking utens right? It's like every, even pans have it. Like that's such a pan-delech, like even cooking utensils. It's like crazy. Oh, that's not good. I just got to attack. Oh my God. I'm the head of the CDC now.
Starting point is 01:02:14 That was amazing. So, she's like, some margos like, yeah, well, Emily, I'm gonna be straight up. I just wanna say one thing, and I don't mean to attack you in any way, which of course we all know means that this is about to be an attack, but it just made me like crazy uncomfortable
Starting point is 01:02:36 that you took a flight with COVID. And I'm like, what, I tested negative. I mean, if you want me to email you my PCR, I mean for crying out loud. And mercilessly. No, it's just that there's like a 10 day quarantine. Well, I apologize, but like I had to do what I had to do and like, if you were in my position, like with the grandfather's basically like raised me, you might feel different. Like I'm sorry that Sonia Raquel loan me her private plane herself to go back to New Jersey, but that's just the way it was. So this is typical Bravo, where you're like, what?
Starting point is 01:03:17 What happened? Did she? Because she sounds like she's fucking lying, right? She feels like she's like, well, I tested positive, but you know what I had to get on the plane because I'm not gonna miss my grandfather's funeral. Like a fuck, blah, I'm not gonna do that. And then they called her on it. So now she's like, yeah, but then before I got on the plane,
Starting point is 01:03:35 then I tested negative. So I'm not really sure what's going on. She's got that. The old three day COVID, you know? Yeah, something felt felt fishy. And but then Emily's like, I wouldn't have gone on a plan with COVID, I don't think. And I was just like, okay, well, I'll change the subject.
Starting point is 01:03:55 How is your, how is processing a ramp other death? Was it good ceremony? She's like, which about justifiable? It was her grandfather. So Mark was like, oh my God, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm so sorry, I'm so I'm sorry. No, no, no, I feel awful. No, I should never brought up how you're aligning us
Starting point is 01:04:13 about COVID. I feel so sorry, I'm sorry. And she's like, I just don't think about my grandfather and I know cameras, please, please, no cameras. So, Ania's like, yeah, well, she explains it. She tests, oh, Ania, sorry. Ania's is like yeah well she explains that she tests oh on you sorry on is like well she explained that she tested positive and then she tested negative so she was able to go and I believe her frankly because she's rich and you never know how many free things her mother can get me
Starting point is 01:04:40 I heard mother is actually filing like the filing. So I just want to get to the first level. So now it's rising up. It's like the filing space and escalator. So then now Emily realizes she has an opportunity to do the classic bravo thing, which is kind of wallow and pity. And she's like, I have not once been consoled. No, I've been consoled. Not even consoled. Wait, I think I just said that.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I have not been consoled. And I'm not looking for consolation. I just, I have not once been addressed about the death of my grandfather upon arrival and it's very interesting how the only comments I get are why did I fly home with COVID? I'm like, well, I just asked how you were doing. Yeah, because you're a dick who flew with COVID. That's why. Yeah. And when you do that, you put everybody else at danger of being dead. You dumb dumb. Yeah. So Victoria is in her room and Margot brings her sweats because they're gonna wear their matching cutts.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And Victoria's like, well, today was a rollercoaster. And Margot's like, yeah, personally, I feel like terrible because I guess it was like my timing about the whole flying with COVID thing. But you know when she tested negative I mean to me that's bullshit but like what am I supposed to say you're lying? I mean she basically said that right also by the way when margo came in she goes can I sit down for a second? I'm like brain dead. So, you went shopping and ate on the beach. I'm like brain dead from today.
Starting point is 01:06:30 It was a lot. I'm like, yeah. Leachies are hard. What people don't tell you is like leachies are hard. So, Victoria is like, well, the thing is, I'm only like tested positive and she like took a flight to Miami and then she like took another flight to New York and partied and then came back to Paris.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Like that's like multiple flights and she kept taking her mask off and she was like oh my god the trick to not having to wear your mask is like keeping food in front of me or keeping a bottle of water open and then the flight attendant had to ask her like five times to put her mask on. So yeah, Emily's just fucking lying at this point. Yeah, good luck to whoever sits next to Emily when she inevitably brings on a quote unquote service dog. That's a great day in the size of a love seat.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Okay, because that's going to be happening soon. It's a service dog. I have anxiety. The service on the dill Oh, God, bring it. Mark was like, I have a father that travels all the time with immune issues and who got COVID on. He got COVID on a plane in particular. He goes from a plane.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yeah, the plane itself had COVID. It was a disaster. I didn't know there was plane COVID, but this Boeing had COVID. Have you ever heard of plane cop before? It was awful. My dad was a disaster. I didn't know there was Blaine COVID, but this Boeing had COVID. Have you ever heard of Blaine Cop before? It was awful. My dad was on it. So she's like, yeah, I just can't believe someone would do that. And Mark was like, yeah, I think it's just that she's like super young. And like when I was super young, I made stupid fucking mistakes at 22, but like, is that an excuse to go on a commercial flight with COVID? No.
Starting point is 01:08:11 So she can read the news. She's not 12. And you're going to email me your fake papers and pictures. Our intentions are only to educate her of like, Hey, that's not really right, babe. Like if you don't want to get COVID, if you see COVID in the club, just turn your back to it. Okay, like that's what you do.
Starting point is 01:08:36 And then you can go on a plane. I'm gonna get COVID, babe. Like even to COVID, I'm hot. So patient, patient care out. Yeah, this was a misfire because it's like so hard to attack somebody going through that. You know, it's like someone's grandpa just tied and you can't even if you're right. That's a tough situation. Yeah, you can't come after them because they're going to be like, well, my grandfather
Starting point is 01:08:59 died. So yeah, misfire. Yeah. And then we had a commercial break and I saw this commercial for some weird ass old El Paso commercial. I don't know if you saw it, but I was like, I have to mention this. It was one of the most bizarre commercials. It was like a hip hop commercial and it was families gathered together and I get the
Starting point is 01:09:21 whole thing is that old El Paso is selling a hard taco shells in the shape of little boats. So you can put your fillings in them, but they don't fall over. And so people were having such a good time that they're slamming the table with their hands and then the shell shakes, but nothing falls out of it. But there's a hip-hop song going to. It's like, Old El Paso shells that don't break.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Thand and stuff, Old El Paso. I was like, I love that real girl friend's doing so badly that these weird ass commercials can afford to advertise on it. It's just the old El Paso hip hop want to be commercial and the pillow guy. And there was a better than bullying commercial too. So it was great. Out. So now they're kind of going outside to gather for dinner or whatever and it's cold and Rashad brings him all drinks and stuff and he's like this is Dikki that's sunrise and one of them because oh my god it looks like sunset. It's probably Emily. It was Margot who said that.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It was Margot. This has been declared a sunset by the Bikogo Concept LLC. I know. I don't know, I thought that was so funny too. Because at best it was like, no, but it's called a sunrise or at worst It's her just correcting her servant and be like this shall not be known as a sunset. You stupid idiot They just look totally different. Richard So on you is saying oh so Victoria you mentioned a Chloe Colette party. What's our attire? I soon were invited
Starting point is 01:11:01 Ha ha ha and she's like yeah, it's gonna be like a lunch party. It's a launch party, rather, for the summer collection. Lunch isn't allowed, you know, that was a misstep. So please, nobody eat lunch. Like I'm in enough trouble at work. And it'll all be handmade by me. And I just got like all the looks validated by Jenny. And I can't wait for you guys to like see me in my element
Starting point is 01:11:26 because like I've seen you guys and like it's gonna be crazy for like you guys to like see me in my element. Oh my god, it would be crazy to see you in an element. Not the car, like my element, making clothes. Sorry that I'm poor and we think of Honda elements as those cars that you could just host down the insides. Yeah, so babes, my mom's going to be there and like my mom's never seen my work. I mean, she's after she saw some of my brother's work. She was like, I don't think I want to see my kids work anymore.
Starting point is 01:12:02 She's lived, she's lived elsewhere, you know, for whenever I've had stuff to show. Anywho, and then on is like, oh, is your wand involved? And Victor is like, yes, I mean, for me, what I struggle with, and what I think is a blessing and a curse for myself is that I see through people no matter how they mistreat me,
Starting point is 01:12:24 and I just try to show them love. Like, that's my burden and that's my blessing. I just can always show people love when they reacted to me throwing wine in their face. And Margot's like, yeah, well, I think you like to fix broken people because you were broken, but that can break you. Okay. Look at all the like broken repair people littered across history. Okay. Like people who repair things, they die young. That's a study and it's true. And this CON situation, like you've shown him nothing but love. I mean, you gave him french fries, were they on his head? Sure. But you know, sometimes you don't get the right placements for french fries.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Eating is hard. That's why I only have cigarettes and lollipops. Okay, because I'm fixed for your brokenness. Yeah, but like it sucks when like I try to come from a good place. Like I saw red and I'm like a so embarrassed that I got to that place only one other time. When I found out my husband was cheating on me and Emily's like, as much as I sympathize with Victoria,
Starting point is 01:13:37 if I pulled that shit, it's Sonja Raquel throwing shit at somebody I would be fired. And so you're an intern. She's the designer. OK. I know. So I'm just, I'm going to be so excited. She's so indignant. You know, she's like, goodbye.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Did that. It's like, sorry, they called you out on flying with COVID, but you did it. OK. Drop it. Yeah, you're, you barely have a job there. So I was like, every person comes with their own trauma and background and you can't fix that.
Starting point is 01:14:10 You're letting him have too much power. And, you know, I can't quite tell if you have a diamond and crescent safety net because you're both poor and rich at the same time, like you're privileged, but poor from Texas too. So I don't know, I don't have a final read on you right now. So I'll just say, if you'd like to buy some champagne, please come to my event.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Thank you. Bye. Yeah. So then Victoria's like, yeah, it just like shows that like, there's like a deeper like unresolved hurt there. And like, I need to deal with it. Uh-huh-huh. And Ania says, well everyone's so working progress. And so they're like, oh my god, you guys,
Starting point is 01:14:51 this is like so emotional. So they decide to end in positivity. Victoria's like, I just wanna say like a bimbs that like the amount of love and like of the safe space we provide for each other is like everything Yeah, I feel like we've really bonded on a whole new level and I feel like you guys will be part of my life for the rest of my life Somehow, but I mean not so much a part of my life that you actually get to stay a few extra hours here But like you'll be part of it in some way. I'll be like, oh, those are the girls who never got to meet my dad.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah, you'll like always be part of my life. Like Emily is gonna be behind like a plexiglass kind of window for most of the time, but like she'll still be there kind of, you know? Like I'll see her. It'll be cloudy because those windows are pretty cloudy, but you got it. So now it's nighttime, it's 12.40 pm and Emily is talking to Aja, they're in their room
Starting point is 01:15:51 and just giggling. Yeah. And Emily's like, Emily, who's just found herself in fashion, goes, um, what color is this? I'm just like, uh, gray. I think it's like green. It's gray. It's like green gray. It's like you're gonna do great. You're gonna take over the whole fashion with the street. So, I just like Emily's basically saying, she's like really cold. I'm chronically cold.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Oh my god. It's just like been one uncomfortable day. She's like, well, why don't you wear your white puff? Because beauty is freezing. That's what I say. And they like laugh. And then we see Victoria in a Jason room, and she hears cackling. She hears them laughing. And then I just, she's, I'm just talking about like a pun.
Starting point is 01:16:40 They're making a joke about because beauty is, she's like, oh, I thought beauty is pain. Pain, pan, like bread, because bread and French is spelled the same way as pain. So they're like joking about that. And then I just started like laughing about how Victoria tried to do a pun about pain and pan. And they're like kind of like laughing because it didn't work out well. But either way, Victoria, here's her, she hears laughing and she hears her name. So she gets really insecure really quickly.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yeah, so I thought everyone was in bed because I wanted to hang out with everyone. And then I hear like everyone hanging out and hearing my name, it doesn't really feel good to know I'm left out. I just wanted to spend time bonding together, especially because I don't get time with them because I'm always Working like thank God from Margot So she goes to Margot's room and tries to get her to party with her But Margot's like hold on. I'm getting up Hold on. I'm getting
Starting point is 01:17:40 Because like hold on. I'm brain dead. I have so much stimulation from these all white walls and this one sad pillow on my bed hold on So Let's see so then it's the morning. Yes the morning now and there and Margo's doing an Instagram like look at my view. So I kept it's like showing off your torture chamber Yeah, I was like, yep, it's like showing off your torture chamber. I know. So you think like, okay, like that's fine. So there's, you know, it was whatever, nothing really happened last night. And then we find out that Margot and Victoria are flying out separately from camp because they want to have some alone time together. And I was just like, because they're a little girl gang. And basically,
Starting point is 01:18:21 the other four girls are going to the airport, and they're all a little salty. And well, most salty and most of them are salty because I was like how come I wasn't invited to stay behind for a few more hours and get to meet her dad like that's bullshit. Yeah, she's a fucking rude. I thought that we were all getting closer but then here she is solidifying a click and Margot tells us yeah my dad's coming today and like, you know, Victoria's, I got really close to us. So I extended an invite and like, I know the girls have lives to get back to LOL. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:18:54 But seriously, they can't come. So Emily was like, yeah, I didn't know they planned to stay longer, but I'm not surprised they're close. I mean, I'm not offended. I'm not close to close to me, I'm not offended. I'm not close to their family. Do I expect an invitation to stay longer? Like no.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Corino. By the way, I love Margot. I'm sorry, Victoria, talking so much about all the work she has to do. And they've got this thing happening in like five days. Bids, I gotta do like three looks and scratchin' four days. And oh my god. Because like when I'm working, I'm working when I'm off. I'm off. And like babes, I just never
Starting point is 01:19:29 get to spend time with you guys because I'm always working. And then she takes an extra day off. Yeah. Well, that was just an intense. Yeah. She has an intense deadline. She's like, oh, another day in Cannes. Thanks. Yeah. So then we're back in Bali and Ajay comes home and her boyfriend has like cleaned the whole kitchen and made her bed kind of and then she's like, Oh my god, look, I've never been cared. Look what he did. And then she pans over the apartment and the living room's just a fucking mess. There's stuff everywhere. I was like, well, baby steps, you know, Alex, it's like, I don't want to look too in love. Well, it's also, this is also the big return of Ajakam because that was missing in Can. And so we couldn't really see how clean the apartment was because it was mainly like a
Starting point is 01:20:14 swiftly rotating in pan and camera that was shaking and suddenly like very up close to the nostrils and then in like a couch cushion. Look at all this, look at that, there's a flower in a vase. Oh my God, I'm like, please hold your camera steady for one second. I'll show. Please. So we see Emily at work. And she's like, this is my first real fitting. Like, oh, really? Yeah. Like I haven't done a proper fitting with you guys. I can't wait. So a girl, a model comes in in a sweater dress and they're like, Oh, these sleeves are a bit long. And I'm gonna say oh my god, I hold on. Never fear Emily's here. Checked out the pin.
Starting point is 01:20:47 She put the pin in. Yeah, she put like one pin in. Oh, no, I gotta put it in a pin. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, here's that. You should be all good. You should be good to go on a fashion show in the next three to five days.
Starting point is 01:21:01 So Margot is meeting her new business partner, her old friend Maria. So Maria looks like she hates Margot's guts. Margot's like, oh, you're still not working. I'm not good to see you. You have a lollipop where there it is. Yeah, Maria is the perfect person to collaborate with for my slip dresses because she's so talented and she's also been the one I've dragged to free drinks many times before when I've had other ideas.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Like the time I was going to come out with my own breakfast cereal called Margot O's. Like she was really good with that. And then the time I was going to come out with bridge chairs, they were going to call also Margot O's, which didn't really make sense, which is why they didn't really take off. She's just great. One time I thought of this idea where we could like, you have like these little pieces of paper, but they already have sticky stuff on them, so like you could write stuff and then put the piece of paper anywhere you want and it would just stick.
Starting point is 01:22:00 But she said it's already been done, which like I never seen that. It's like sticky paper, whatever. I was also going to call that Margot O's. Finally, she had to sit me down and said, I can't keep calling things that it's never going to take off. So she tells her, she's like, oh my god, you're never going to believe this, but like, here's my idea. Slip dresses. You know, I love slip dresses.
Starting point is 01:22:23 I'm really like, oh, yes, I can believe it can work because I know you and you have a very rich father. So, you know, your friend, you wear slip dresses, so you know what slip wearers want. Yeah, you know what they want. Yeah, tell me. She understands. She can get into the mind of a slip dress wearer. I'm like the profiler running this. I can just understand a slip dress wearer. I'm like the profiler running this
Starting point is 01:22:45 I can just understand a slip dress wearer. So she's like yeah you know what like oh Maria guys okay but you know you have to have a brand you have to know what you want and she goes yeah I do it's like first of all summer, winter, bikini. You can wear it over bikini. You can wear it to a cocktail party. You can wear it as a jacket. Could use it as a handkerchief. That's a hat.
Starting point is 01:23:13 They're bikini. They're basically like ice skits. You're your girl. Who is that? Who are the other slip dress girls? She's like, um, 18, how old are people when they die? Like 40, like 40, 18, like 40. We're just like more like 14 to 40, maybe 14 to 18, maybe I don't know. So Margot's like, yeah, I feel like this slip dress is something I can see the final product
Starting point is 01:23:44 of much quicker than the other ideas I've had and I've always wanted to create a slip dress since I was like 18 like those sketches are in my iPad. Yeah All those The lip dress sketches I got It's hilarious so then sad music and Victoria is walking through the park with the ring that purse and She waits and waits for you. Yeah. She looks crazy. Okay, first of all and then he shows up just looking like is it Liza day like what is happening? He shows up in this like light purple texito
Starting point is 01:24:24 With sequined trimming all over it and a bright pink purse. I like a sweater. Yeah, big circle purse. I love it was yeah, this because it was like a matching jacket and pant, but there was like a sweater and he like has his best like a powdery face on, you know, they sit down together and they're so hilarious. It just how dramatic they are with each other because Victoria is like,
Starting point is 01:24:47 hi, baby. And he's like, hi, so we have made. And so they just are like, he just looks at her dramatically. He sort of does this thing. We kind of puts his head back and lowers his chin and says his face is basically saying, you have something to say to me stupid beach. Should I have vice-round to avoid wine in the face beach? He does that like slow eye closed-pout thing. Or like you close him, you just keep looking at the person like, my eyes are blinking very slowly, what you have to say to me. So she doesn't, she just takes his hand and looks deeply at him like somebody just died.
Starting point is 01:25:24 And he's like, well, I guess I will start. I was surprised when I got your text. When things happen, I was like, she's going to text me or the day after. But what made you want to text me now? And she's like, babe. Babe, I just spent a weekend with girls who are not pretty and I just was like, I can't do this, I need to be with pretty people. I felt so guilty and ashamed and embarrassed that honestly coming to the day, I didn't
Starting point is 01:25:58 know how you were going to react so I made sure I don't bring any glasses of wine whatsoever. Well, you know, having drinks on it, my face wasn't nice and feeling, you know, what was to reason? And it kind of shakes the sad like, what did I do? Babe! To be honest, it didn't feel like we're on the same team anymore like the hurt in the pain for my ex-husband getting brought up I thought I just never thought I would hear it coming out of your mouth babe well all of
Starting point is 01:26:34 it is happening so fast like that she's like yeah but like the moment I like saw that drink and like picked it. I saw red. Me too. Very red because cranberry in my eye. Red is never good color on you. Don't you think that's a little too easy to put everything aside. We've been to everything together. All the friendship, I didn't know alcohol on your face.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And you said a lot of things that upset me, babe. And but like I keep it cute because you know it was you, babe. I feel like he's more mad that she wasted the alcohol, honestly, because he just keeps going back to like, but the blink, you threw a blink. Like thank you for standing up for your real friend, Belvedere the Grey Goose. Okay. Yeah, he was not mad about the fries. He was glad. He's like, I'm glad you like eliminated the carbs from the table, but the booze, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:27:29 And she says, you know, it's because they were so close and, you know, he brought up her going off on her ex-husband. And if that was the stranger, she'd be like, whatever, but the only time she's ever reacted like that was one time. And she never knew that she had that side of herself. And now she sees all the work she has to do on herself. And he's like, I get that. And you have to understand my position. I was sad, Victoria. I was sad. It was sad for you.
Starting point is 01:28:04 But it was sad for me. And I really felt like shit. You did attack me. You did. I felt sad. And she's like, I hear you. Is that, but how can I have insurance that I could be safe around you? Where is the little And she's like, well, I can promise you that after this reflection, I'm like putting the work in and I'm talking to my therapist and I can understand when I get triggered, like it can't be projected onto anyone else nor can French fries. Well, looking back at this, it was unfair for me to make that comment. I mean, hilarious, but unfair. So I apologize. I love this, it goes.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Yes, you see these birds, you see them fly. Look, any kind of hugs there, and it goes, you know where they're going? To America. That's where you're going to go, if you'd lay one more finger on me. She's all being in my name. Oh, deportation threats. Glad to see you. Crazy kids are back together.
Starting point is 01:29:17 It's one of those birds, Casey. The one bird they won't let come. It's like the amade. I didn't call the puff. Please, I'm not going to do it. The one bird they won't let come. It's like the amade. I didn't call the wolf. Perfect. Bird, bird-refactors not allowing her to be within your flock. Count on my crate.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Hey, is that bird carrying an Nintendo switch and its feathers? Why does that bird have green eyes shadow on? Well, that bird certainly isn't messy nests. Oh, all right, everybody. Well, thank you so much for being with us here today. We will be back when, God, I guess Thursday with some double real housewives day. We've got Salt Lake City and Beverly Hills followed by Southern Trump on Friday and a bonus recap of Winter House.
Starting point is 01:30:04 It's going to be a big day Thursday. Oh my goodness. Big, big day. Big day. Join us on Friday, I guess this winterhouse. So join us for all that good stuff. We love you guys. Thanks for being here.
Starting point is 01:30:17 Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Saboni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Dew. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchles.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickles. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. Jess saying, okay, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Montellan.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. The Bay Area Betches Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Always the wiser, wisers Allison Weasler Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva Don't get salty with Christine Pepper better do what she says is Elva in Rikaz
Starting point is 01:31:19 Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall We will we will Joanna Rockland you my favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a good hobby, it's Lauren Hobgad. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto. Give them hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke!
Starting point is 01:31:46 Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Addfree with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself
Starting point is 01:32:07 by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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