Watch What Crappens - RHOA: Baby Got (Kenya) Back

Episode Date: November 5, 2019

"The Real Housewives of Atlanta" is back, and more importantly (or should we say Moore importantly), Kenya has returned to the fold. Love her or hate her, she makes for good TV — and by th...e end of the hour, Kenya is back at it again. Check out our sleep-deprived recap of the season premiere! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride, Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap-ins would like to think it's premium sponsors! Just sayin' okay! Kristy Wawardy-Dawardy! Jamie, she has no last name-y! Watch what crapens would like to think it's premium sponsors! Just saying okay?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Kristi Wawardy-Dawardy! Jamie, she has no last namey! Zip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelone! Nobody sucks at us like Amy Tsakarellis! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters! Aaron McNickalis, she don't miss no trickle-ists! Megan the Slayer Taylor!
Starting point is 00:00:44 Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow we go high-low Megan Berg you can't have a burger without the bird Ain't no thing like Allison King Hot dang it's Jessica dang He makes a squee richi-dee Sarah Greenwood she only uses her power for good Hannah God I love that banana Anderson
Starting point is 00:01:01 Higher than high res it's Lauren Perez Avonigilober Lisa Walent Now that's what I call wallentainment the Bay Area Betches Betches and our super premium Patreon subscribers Give them hell miss Noel always ready for Nicole pass already one day your Rachel's in the next day you're out She ain't no shrinking violet Kuchar. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender Yes, we can with how Lee Carolyn carol, and an an an an ancy season to sisto. We grant the grant master. Let's get racy with Miss Stacy.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Incredible edible Matthew sisters. And... Mina kuchi kuchi kuchi. Watch what crap is. Watch what crap is. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happened? What happened? Kids, what happened? What happened? What happened? Kids, what happened? What happened?
Starting point is 00:02:07 What happened? What happened? Kids, what happened? Kids, what happened? What happened? What happened? What happened? Hello, and welcome to Watch or Crap Ins.
Starting point is 00:02:17 A podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker, the real houseware of Kitchen Island, and guess what, Ronnie, I think a new episode is gonna drop this week. I think I'm gonna drop it on Wednesday, maybe tomorrow. I don't know. Who knows? But there's a new episode for the first time in three months. So go subscribe on YouTube because it's fun. And joining me is the wonderful and hilarious Ronnie Carram from the Rose Pricks Batch Rose podcast. What's going on Ronnie?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Well, hello, hello. This is going to be a particularly crazy episode I anticipate because we are here today to recap real housewives of Atlanta and both of us have just flown into the country from different parts of the world. Ronnie, you just flown for Mexico, right? Yeah, I was in Mexico for one of my besties, 50th birthday, which I cannot believe were that old. I mean, he's that old. I'm not that old yet. No.
Starting point is 00:03:14 But I kind of love having old friends. It's just so freeing. So we did that, and that was super fun. So yeah, I've been pretty much drunk much drunk for three days four days. Yeah And then just got back in watch my shows on the plane and you know before and here I am ready to rumble Wow I am directly off the plane from Thailand I I have been traveling for 20 more than 24 hours probably about 26, 27 hours, and I got off the plane
Starting point is 00:03:46 and I watched the real house rise of Atlanta or some sushi, and here we are. So that was my way of saying, I have not slept in 24 hours, except some like a few like dozofs here there, but I have a little cup of coffee here, and I'm ready to dive into this Atlanta season premiere, but first, but first, in the words of Julie Chen.
Starting point is 00:04:05 This week, we are continuing to travel. We will probably be just as loopy because we are going to Florida, which is just as exotic as Mexico and Thailand. We are going to Florida this week for two big Florida shows. First we're going to Tampa on Thursday and then for Lauderdale on Friday. Tampa we're covering the season premiere of New Jersey. If you haven't seen that trailer, it is positively bonkers and we are so excited to be recapping it. So you have to be there to hear what we have to say, who knows what we'll do. And then the next day in for Lauderdale, we are covering the latest episode of Real Housewives of Dallas. You never know who's going to come. We got friends in those parts.
Starting point is 00:04:45 So please come and join us there. Get tickets at And then here are the rest of the shows, Indianapolis, Chicago. Those are both next week. Wow. Two shows in New York, St. Louis, Philadelphia, two shows, Denver, finishing out the year in Seattle.
Starting point is 00:05:01 And then we pick it back up again in January with the Golden Crappies here in Los Angeles, California. Then we go to Detroit, Columbus, Ohio, two shows in Austin, then Houston. We're going to be in the Birmingham, Alabama area. Then Big Show, New Orleans. This is going to be big and crazy and we were pretty much all going to be wasted. And then we're heading to Lawrence, Kansas, which is in the Kansas City area, then Omaha, Nebraska Salt Lake City. And guess what? It wouldn't be a Tuesday if we didn't have more shows to announce, but guess what? It's not Tuesday yet.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So tomorrow, tune in. We've got three new cities or three cities that we are announcing. Very excited for all of them. Whew. It's a lot. We have a big roster don't we? We sure do I'm looking at my Airbnb receipt Am I supposed to check out of an Airbnb? Don't you just leave what the hell are you supposed to say check out? I don't
Starting point is 00:05:55 I'm gonna charge another god damn day for it's these motherfuckers You know what Mexico? I'm about to come over there and punch you in the face. Not not the country. Just this Airbnb person. But yeah. Well, my naran tree's post. I thought you do just leave and put the key back in the lock box, etc. This shady ass is like you want to pay cash. It could be a little cheaper. No, sir, I do not. And also I didn't get the place I pay for either. And I'm on your scam because I read an article about it in vise and I know you just scam to me, okay? Deco Yeah, well, you know what? Feel if he if you know what you do if he if he pushes back you say listen
Starting point is 00:06:33 I am a pop culture Podcast and I am going to unleash the wrath of my audience on you sir So you better shape up or ship out and that is the night the lights went out. In Mexico. In Mexico. Okay, so here we are. Yeah, what a fun, what a fun life just traveling all over this place. That's for damn sure. Oh, and I also should mention an amazing crap in the world ran into one of our listeners in the airport at Foucait. So how about that? Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome. So Adam, this guy, Adam, who we met at the Dallas show,
Starting point is 00:07:11 very lovely. So when I was in Bangkok, he was in Bangkok also. And so he messaged me. So I knew he was in the area, but that it was coincidental that we ran into each other at the airport, actually, in Bangkok. So but still so awesome. Isn't that so cool?
Starting point is 00:07:25 It's a still-fine people who listen to crap ends and love Bravo all around the world. What a cool world that we live in that that can happen? Yeah, it is. I was in one of the activities that was planned for this trip. He was like, we're going on a boat. I was like, a boat. I don't want to go on a fucking boat.
Starting point is 00:07:44 You're not going to make me go on a boat. I refuse to go. I'm going to stay here. You know how I am. And so of course I went on the boat. It's like, why even complain? So it turned out to be a river, a river writing thing that I saw in Mexican dynasties. They had their anniversary on this beautiful river. Right. We, it was so much fun. And I was like living in my Mexican dynasty's dream, you know, except like the poorer version of that. I wasn't like all, you know, rich and covered in flowers. But I did get some cheapo flower headbands that we could wear so I could feel rich.
Starting point is 00:08:17 And yeah, it was a very bravo time as well. Why did great, great videos. Yeah, I saw your great videos. It was beautiful, yeah. You were Yeah. You put up videos of like on this lovely river boat situation with flowers in your hair and I put up a video of an enormous lizard walking through swamp water. So that's what's going on with our social media content. Yeah, you never know what you're going to find.
Starting point is 00:08:42 And by lizards you mean Kenya Borg. Kenya is back. Yeah, you never know what you're gonna find. Um, and by Lizard, you mean Kenyabor. Kenyabor goes back on a... Yeah. We have to talk about this at some point. Yeah, it was a really good comeback for Atlanta. I felt like it was a very solid first episode. I mean, so I did. So much has changed on Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:08:58 It's crazy. Like it just all the plotlines, considering they really only stopped shooting for what two weeks. I mean, yeah, what was the timeline between the reunion and shooting? Everything changed. I mean, poor show. I know, pass her baby and she's already broken up with a hot dog guy with soccer. We're all shocked. Can you already broke up with her damn boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Shocker, another shocker. Or can you just back? Yeah, although she hasn't broken up with him yet on the show so that we're leading to to that I thought it was like a fine hour. I was like very happy to see them Like there was like that that thrill of seeing all these people back on screen because they are such like Bravo legends You know when when the when the real house sides of Atlanta come on. It's like oh like these are like You know when you're sitting here watching some of the smaller shows, like, okay, and then these women come on and like, oh, yeah, the heavy hitters. But that being said, I was, I thought
Starting point is 00:09:53 it was like a little bit of a, you know, it was like fine. I was very happy to see Kenya back, but it was sort of like a, you know, we're sort of getting like a running star. We're not quite, we're not quite up to full speed yet in my mind. It was like a lot of babies for one episode. I mean, like everyone's either pregnant, just had a baby, hired someone to have a baby or like is buying gifts for a baby. Like, I don't know. It was like a lot of baby for me. And you know, I don't do well with baby. Um, well, I love a baby, you know, I'm a little different than you in that way. Like, I love a baby. I don't necessarily need them in my face at all times. You know, I'm the kind of uncle that's like,
Starting point is 00:10:27 hi baby, you're so cute. Let's take a picture for Instagram and I get the fuck out of my face. I'm like that kind of baby lover, but I love a baby, but it is kind of like going away from your hometown for maybe, I don't know, two or three years, and then going back to the Sunland Park Mall, and you're thinking, well, my God,
Starting point is 00:10:42 this is just like high school, but I'm not in school. And then everyone has a baby. So wait a minute. How long have I even been gone? How is this possible that everyone like has soccer mom hair and babies, all of a sudden? Exactly. And the thing is, I just, I've very rarely felt like babies on reality TV, especially Bravo,
Starting point is 00:11:01 has really been a particularly compelling content. So the fact that there's like really so many babies and pregnancies all in like one, like all at once, it's like a lot. Like for instance, I love going to friendly isn't getting my peanut butter cup Sunday, but I don't know if I want to go in there and have like six Sundays lined up. Although I don't want to come in there,. There we are getting being different again. You know, but say I don't know. As I started to say that metaphor, I was like, actually, I think I probably would be okay with that. I know you just described like my favorite day of all time. But I mean, come on, Ben.
Starting point is 00:11:35 There was a girl named sincerely. I mean, can you can you even top that in any other show? It's like welcome back. There's a new villain in her name is sincerely. I know Her name is an adverb I don't know how I feel about that, but it did make me think of that song in the 80s remember that one. I was like, uh, I'm Sincerely yours I think I sang it wrong I don't know it's not ringing any bells really but I'm very grateful for it. I'm grateful for the song because I'm going to look it up later and jam that to it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 And I'm just also grateful for sincerely. And I'm also grateful that she did her big scene at the OLG, which is just hilarious. It's like anything they can use against candy. And it is fishy that all this shit is always going down at candy's restaurant Yeah, exactly. I was I was I Loved that we went to OLG when when we were in Atlanta a few weeks ago because I really felt like I was like living in that scene I was like, oh, I know exactly what table they're sitting at now. I know exactly where they are I understand this I know I understand the dynamic of this entire. Yeah, they're not sitting in the fucking bar-rock basement
Starting point is 00:12:46 That's for sure. No, there were the most whole they're actually there was yes, they were at like the high profile Like one right at the door. Yeah People just like their pictures all their shooting a scene and like on the menu. I understood all of it And I was like the candies all fake humble because she ordered the candies black and salmon, but she didn't call it candies black and salmon. Yes. She just called it the black and salmon. And I was like, well, look at you acting humble while you're sitting in your own restaurant
Starting point is 00:13:13 eating a dish named after you candy. Come on. Well, does she have to say her own name if it's her own name? Yes. Yes. You have to say candies black and salmon. You can't just say black and salmon. What if it just comes out as regular black and Sam, and I want Candies, Black and Sam, and please.
Starting point is 00:13:28 If I had a dish called like Ben Mandelker's Cheeseburger at a restaurant, I can't win it, and I was like, oh, I'll have Ben Mandelker's Cheeseburger, that would be weird. No, that would be fucking masturbating properly to your menu name, which you deserved. You earned that menu name which you deserve you earned that menu name I don't I would not feel comfortable I would I'll probably say I probably just like get me the burger I don't think I'd even order the one that has my name on it yeah because you're you're really you could be humble you know that's what I was saying like candy's only fake humble she's ordering the name of her own thing but she's not using the name of her own I want to go into O.L order Rondles Black and Salmon. No, I like the there was something I really liked. What was the thing that I really liked? Was it the cornbread? I liked the cornbread quite a bit. You like the cake. There was the oh no my shrimp and grits were really good actually. I like I liked my thing
Starting point is 00:14:27 I mean, but everything else is a little fine It was bread and cheese and mayonnaise and shit like I'm in the mac and cheese was weird and the fact that they only had like They did not there's no diet coke was weird Well, that is kind of funny. That's Balzy. I'll give you that candy. It's Balzy not have a guy a diet coke Yeah, and like the the dank vibe of the downstairs eating area It was also a problem. Yeah, dank and not unlike the hipster way where people are like dank Not that what yeah, people say dank you've never heard that No, I like straight hipster real humble still
Starting point is 00:15:02 I'll have the dank black and salmon please The dank salmon. thanks. Okay, so we start this episode without music playing and it's very quiet. We hear some birds and we hear a dog barking and of course we're over at Kenya's house and she can use one of those people who has a baby so now she talks like this and She's very her all-out-and-every-seeing. She's like hi. I'm Kenya. I'm different now This is Kenya 2.0 and it's because I have a baby and it's changed there Shut up. You're still Kenya shut up and stop walking around saying hi, baby. Oh my god. Look. It's my baby Hi, baby. Are you crying baby? Are you trying to turn over? It's like she's trying to convince
Starting point is 00:15:45 herself that that's a real fucking baby, you know? Like in her mind, she's such a fucking narcissist, sociopath, it's probably just like an oven mitt in her mind, you know? She's trying to get she's trying to convince everybody. Look, I got a baby. We know. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I just don't like, I just don't like when people get all quiet around babies. But she's not even around the baby. It's even her when she's in her bedroom room session. She's like, can you believe it? I have a baby.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I have a baby. And then they cut, then the songs that they're playing, Trixi Monocles singing, I'm that bitch with that bag. I'm that bitch that's gonna beat your ass. How are you playing the song during Kenya's whisper? I have a baby scene. I don't know, but you know that Kenya is a sort of person who like she, you know, like when the baby naps,
Starting point is 00:16:39 all of a sudden it's like the fucking Chernobyl quarantine around the house. Like, you know, if you were gonna go over the house You have to like meet in the driveway and be let around in some back door because the baby's napping because I have had friends That do that and it drives me absolutely nuts. I just I'm I'm not buying Kenya's mother love like I feel like Kenya's Pro I feel like she just puts that baby in the shoebox the shelves that I'm to the bed when the cameras aren't there I just I just can't imagine Kenya being that loving to something I feel like she just puts that baby in the shoebox and shows that under the bed when the cameras aren't there. I just can't imagine Kenya being that loving to something.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Well, that's true. It is weird to see her being loving towards something, but I feel like she loves her baby, but I feel like she's showy about... I mean, we see this. It's like time and time again on these shows. I'm honestly in real life, but especially on these shows. I mean, Megan King Edmonds and then Kenya. Who else? It's like, oh a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby a baby It's a no it's a wonderful amazing thing. It's a miracle of life. It's a milestone
Starting point is 00:17:34 And it's probably one of the most important and wonderful things. It's not a miracle. It's like pooping But you know what though? Get some sperm in you and it's natural, you know like it comes out of it It's a thing. It's a miracle. It's a it is a miracle. It's a miracle. It's a wonderful thing. It's not, you know, like it comes out of it. But here's the thing, it's a miracle, it is a miracle, it's a miracle, it's a wonderful thing, it's not a unique thing though, okay? So you're not the first one, all right? We've been around here for a few thousand years. It's like miracle whip, okay?
Starting point is 00:17:53 It's everywhere, everybody's doing it. Like you just go to the store, you get some miracle whip, you know, it's like having a baby, you just pop out a baby. It's like a shell branch, yeah. Everywhere. I mean, some people call them babies, I call them consequences, you know, like it's like all
Starting point is 00:18:06 Them happens. Yeah, I call them like gooey accessories Okay, so despite all of my late might still probably drunk negativity Let me just add really really am I know this is gonna be shocking It's gonna sound like I'm fake just trying to be positive But for real really happy to see Kenya really cute really happy. Yes. I can't believe it Oh, but the baby is cute. Oh, no, the baby is cute. Yeah, the baby said well shit She paid a lot of money for that baby a better mother fucking be cute when you don't pay that much money for a baby a better come out cute Well, Mark is cute and Kenya is really pretty.
Starting point is 00:18:46 So like that baby has a good advantage going in. Yeah. But yes, I it is weird to hear you say how much that how happy you are to see Kenya because this is what I was preaching all last season. How I just wanted to Kenya back. So I was delighted and I was even more delighted that we didn't even have to see Neenie this entire episode. What a treat.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, that really that was a treat. But I, you know, I don't love Kenya, but God, it was really good to see her back. So there you go. I don't know how much more I can go on about it, because I'm probably going to change my mind in about two minutes. But for right now, glad to see you, Kenya. So far, I'm actually kind of cracking up that she's whispering this whole episode, because I'd love when people try to pretend they've changed You know, and it's the Bravo year for change everybody on every Bravo. So is on their 2.0 or 3.0 version So let's just keep it going Bravo. Yeah, Kenya's Kenya's going strong. We've Kenya 2.0 So yeah, so she's doing this whole thing like I have a bit can you believe it? I have a baby and
Starting point is 00:19:42 Then we see a bunch of montages sort of gets reacquainted with who Kenya is in case you've been under a rock. So we see a bunch of montages of her, like yelling at people, and then she starts talking about how she kissed a lot of frogs. She gets to where she is. And so we saw, you know, flashbacks of Walter and of Matt. And, you know, it's sort of worn my heart all those scenes. It did me too, because she's like whispering in her mommy mode and then they cut to her in her megaphone going, shut up you dumb hoe. And then you know, cutting back to or cutting to the reenumber she's yelling at Kimsel CX saying, hey, why don't you worry about your daughter you pinp out for John Legend take
Starting point is 00:20:22 his ha ha ha. Why don't you worry about that? And that cussed back to her doing baby voice. Come on shoes, here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:21:17 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So right now the big issue is that, you know, Kenny goes, you know, I felt like I had a fairy tale ending, but some things are just not exactly like you thought it would be. I'm like, no one really thought this would be a fairyytale ending for you, right? Like, did you really believe you were having a fairytale ending? Like it was pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:21:48 This was never, never gonna last. Based on the fact that he was totally unwilling to even like come to Atlanta for like the whole year. Yeah, I remember when she had a closet, like she had like four pairs of old Navy shorts in the closet with the tax still on to make us believe that he lived there. I was like, you're not even committing to your proper right now. Okay. Kenya. Yeah. And I still want
Starting point is 00:22:09 to find that article, which was probably just a rumor since it never really took off, but there was some article that a friend sent us that said that he, one of the reasons why they got divorces because he had a secret life with like a whole family, whatever on the side. I don't know if it's true, but I'd love that as a rumor. I love that for her as a rumor. whatever on the side. I don't know if it's true, but I love that as a rumor. I love that for her as a rumor. Yeah, so Kenya. Oh, so she's like, yes, well, I thought since the baby was born,
Starting point is 00:22:33 that we'd spend more time, you know, in the same city and the same, no Kenya, you were with the man. You even named your goddamn baby Brooklyn. You knew that that man was never gonna leave Brooklyn, okay? Yeah, true. So, please, and YouTube Porsche, it leave Brooklyn, okay? Yeah. True. So, um, please, and you two, Porsche, it's like, I just feel like Dr. Lourdes needs to come
Starting point is 00:22:49 in here and yell at everybody. It's like, you knew what you were doing, okay? Stop with the victim. You totally married a person who didn't live there on purpose and went through a lot of trouble to get pregnant. So it's not like that was an accident. So stop pretending, you know? It is kind of funny that these two women came on to Atlanta at the same time. They've been like bitter rivals for so long and yet their storylines are so so similar. So we now go over to Portia's house and she also has a baby with Dennis. But now everything's like it's like black and white and like slow mo and now it's sad because Dennis is gone and we hear these like ethereal voiceovers from where like audio clips from Portia saying
Starting point is 00:23:34 things like you know Dennis we're gonna be together for ever and then she's hold it it's like really really depressing. This scene is so, so depressing and they really add on to the drama, especially like with their 10 types filters where So, you know, credit, credit work, credit steel. But she's so poor she even when she's depressed. She's like, don't cry baby. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on baby. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on baby. Rock up, hold on, hold on, hold on, baby. And then we get a shot of our new character at least for this episode. She was a big character. Unwine with that. Wait, with Tasha K. Oh, Unwine with Tasha K.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Who has a vlog. And on the vlog, she goes, since she really has known Dennis for years and has been sleeping with Dennis this whole time. And I was like, but who are we talking about we haven't actually sent anyone's name and then I had to realize that like sincerely was the name of a person Um, and she's like poor shit. There's a possibility you might be a single mother trust and believe this relationship is over God, that's just so unkind. I mean, I know I'm one to talk But I might did you hear the last five minutes? That's a god. That's just so unkind. I mean, I know I'm willing to talk, but I might have to do you hear the last five minutes of the talk. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I'm a total like, okay, and he keeps her baby in a little box under the bed. Okay, I'm a hypocrite, but still, all I could think of, wow, this is very unkind. I'm wind with Tasha K. Okay. I, yeah, I'm wind with Tasha K. I'm wind with Tossike. Okay. I, yeah, unwind with Tossike, unwind with Tossike. You can't unwind. You can't unwind a bell, okay? Tossike. Don't you want to unwind? Wine, I would wine.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I don't want to unwind with her. I want to get more wine, so I want to wine, but that actually sounds worse. Yeah, who unwinds? It's like, what do you a rehab blog? Like, set up Tossike? Hey, Josh, okay. Unwind. We don't like the met we don't like the word play in your name. How about that?
Starting point is 00:25:50 I don't. You need to be more specific. Unwind. Unwind. Nobody wants to unwind. That's just stupid. I get that you're trying to say unwind, but people unwind with wine. So why are you talking about unwind? It's like stop judging me while I'm listening to your blog. You're blog. Your blog. Tasha K, your, your blog name is a movie, a strip of logic. I don't get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:10 You're a black hole of logic over there, Tasha K. So, so Dennis has moved, just moved out like a dare to go. And apparently when Dennis moves out, everything goes to shit because the entire house, and especially that bedroom just looked like a disaster. It was like, Miss Havisham had come in. And then on top of that, like, Portia's mom walks in with this, like, this sort of like light purple wig that kind of looks like soft serve, but also like Elsa from Frozen.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I was just, I was like, what is happening in this household? Why has everything fallen apart here? It looked like Ursula the Sea Witch. To me, like Ursula the Sea Witch is like going to be nice for a season. I mean, the mom's always been nice. I just made that look, you know, purple hair. Who does that? Yeah. But her mom is so beautiful and she's just making ribs. She's, she got some takeout ribs for Portia, but she's like plating them, but she's eating them. She's I love her mother. She doesn't get enough airtime on the show, but Portia tries to explain her story to us what's been going on with her. And she's like, it's been five, five days since then it's left. We were arguing about something
Starting point is 00:27:19 I found in his phone that I found to be inappropriate. Okay, thanks for the follow-tick speak, Portia. And she finds out that he's being unfaithful while she's carrying their chat. Portia, you almost beat the shit out of somebody. It candy's party who was like hooking up with Dennis or was rumored to be hooking up with Dennis. Did he ever stop hooking up? Like, why would it change just because you're pregnant? Like, come on.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He famously has other women's names tattooed onto his body. Like, this is a hot dog king. I mean, what are you expecting? I'm sorry that you were sad and at the world, like, you know, that you had pearly expectations, but I don't know if that's a thing, pearly expectations, but you have them. You've made them if they're not a thing They become a thing for you, but um the signs have all been there and on top of that Ronnie
Starting point is 00:28:10 I think in real life according to her Instagram it looks like they're back together again. So who knows with these two? Yeah, it's just always gonna be like that, you know, I mean you're dating a man with mom Bode number five lyrics on his baby like get over your guy who looks like he could be a minion, okay? Yeah, oh my god, you just made him so cute. Well, he I mean, he is sort of a little cute little minion type, you know? Yeah, he is. They still sell those in every airport. I mean, those minions are very popular. I'll give them that. So yeah, so she's like, I can't sleep because he usually helps me with the baby. So that tells me that he's actually staying with you in Buckhead, which is a huge step because he wouldn't do that last year, remember?
Starting point is 00:28:51 He was like, I'm not living with you. I want to live downtown and my thought passed. So I don't know, but these rumors were crazy. And we've, we heard about these a long time ago because you know, we have this little thing called L Internet. So we've already know all these things. So, they weren't as shocking as they should have been seeing this show, but it's still crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Like, the rumors are that he's into like, Beastiality and I don't know, they kind of glossed over it in this episode. You can't just say Beastiality and then just move on like nothing happened, okay? I mean, detail. I was surprised that that just sort of got thrown in there. I actually had not heard the bestiality part. So when that just sort of like dropped casually into a conversation and then there was like a laugh
Starting point is 00:29:33 and then they moved on, I was like, wait. Wait, did someone talk about, why are we talking about bestiality right now? How did that happen? Yeah, I mean, it's an odd storyline, but I mean, this is an action-packed episode as far as I'm concerned. Well, I guess it's super action-packed because then we go over to Candy and Todd and little
Starting point is 00:29:54 Ace. He's growing up before us. He is like obsessed with soccer and he really wants to play soccer with Todd. Like, really, it's like the most exciting thing for him. And so he pretty much spends the entire scene being like, someone plays soccer with me. Let's play soccer. Let's play soccer. Let's play soccer. Yeah. He's like, I can play soccer better than you. And I think everybody believed that. I think that that was total truth. So, Cappy is calling Shadina the surrogate for her child, Lady carrying their child. And Ace is like, Do you have my sister? Which is really cute. So Shadina is like, Yes, I do. I'm baby sitting here for you.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Shadina has such a good attitude. If I was carrying somebody else's baby, you better watch a fuck out. I'd be over at that house every day like laying on their furniture, eating everything in their fridge, like driving their cars around. I would be taking such a advantage. I mean, Candy literally has a guest house. She should just put Shadina up in there and then just, you know, take care of it. You know, like take, she can always be around Shadina because Candy was saying she was like, say no, Rally, you know, I, this is a weird process. I can't be neither for and excited for the first kick or the first bump showing or my boobs be like, up with milk. I'm like, yes, you do miss out on those things, but like I feel like most of my friends who get pregnant are like,
Starting point is 00:31:25 I have fucking Sanatica to sleep in this angle, at the peel of the time, I'm exhausted, I'm lightheaded, I'm hot, I wanna eat sushi, I wanna drink wine, but I have to unwind right now. So like... This fucking baby, this fucking monster inside of me is kicking me in the ribs, and my boobs are filling with milk, like I want a fucking slur-
Starting point is 00:31:45 Like a, you know, Slurpee-Campuchino or Jotha machine like what the fuck? Yeah, I was like that's you just seem like a very romanticized view I think I've not I know there are a lot of women who actually really enjoy the process of being pregnant But I feel like the majority of women that I know are like get this fucking thing out of me Yeah, I know it's called privilege candy. Enjoy it. She's like, God, this sucks. It's like having a baby, but not having to go through any of the pain of it. You know, I know.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Congratulations. They're doing it right. I miss being able to not sleep through the night. Yeah. Um, so Todd's like, well, you know, it's cool because now we're in the, we're in the year where if you, if you don't, if you're unable to carry it, well, you know, it's cool because now we're in the, we're in the year where, if you don't, if you're unable to carry it, at least you have options, that's kind of dope, right?
Starting point is 00:32:31 Um, which, I mean, if anyone knows how dope life can be, it's fucking Todd. I mean, that guy is just hooking up, that guy hooked it up in life. He really did. I also feel like secretly he has probably disconnected or like somehow got rid of the lifetime channel in that household because if Candy just turned on lifetime just once she would never ever go near a surrogate. Oh yeah, or even seen that Amy Polar and Tina Fey movie where she where Amy Polar was carrying the baby and she was doing what I was saying earlier. She's just like laying on the couch, totally taking advantage of the situation.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Um, is that what? Yeah, baby mama. God, what a, what a wonderful film. I, I saw a movie on Lifetime called The Surrogate and it was about, um, a, a very, um, let's just say a, a lady who did not have great boundaries like him to being a surrogate What if a lifetime movie was just about should be it. It's like a perfect surrogate Like the most boring movie ever should do not Lifetime execs have a lot of notes. I'm sorry. This isn't really working for us. Could you try to kill Todd?
Starting point is 00:33:43 But I can't do you want to take hand, just place one? So then speaking of pregnant, yeah, Eva, it's pregnant again. I board. I'm bored. Boiva. I'm bored. Okay. She's gradually, she's under baby, totally bored with you. And now she's doing this. Like, oh, well, it's my choice. I'm going to get whatever house I want. And I'm the one who loves rentals, but we're not going to rent anything anymore. But God, that was fun. God, I love rentals. I love them. Remember last year when I didn't get furious at all for people talking about
Starting point is 00:34:16 how I have a rental? Remember that? Like, even why are you going back to this space? It was like a stupid storyline to begin with. And like, it was a scandal that no one really cared about except for you and I guess Marlow. So but why are we going back to the same trough? Let's move forward. So you got a baby, it's your first baby, it's in wedlock, it's exciting. She's Eva's been filling in for Portia on Dish Nation. So that's been cool and then they talk about rumors. You know, it's just like, you're pretty, it is, but they're, I don't know, I feel like she's just kind of skating along on this show, just collecting money for not really doing anything, you know. She does, like, I think what any of us do, it's like, hey, I have a contract for
Starting point is 00:35:01 a couple of years. I'm gonna have a baby now. You know, I'm just going to have all my babies now while it's being paid for. I don't know. And then Mike is saying, you know, or Michael is saying, you know, last year was rough because you never know when you're going to be the victim of false allegations. What false allegations? They were saying that you were poor
Starting point is 00:35:18 and you were living in a rental. You'll survive this, you know? Yeah. I know. I'm curious. Well, was there another accusation in there? Or no, that was just it. Right? That was it. Yeah, it was just that she's Marlow saying that she was poor, that her car was a rental or I don't know. I don't remember. Yeah. And then Eva, Eva's like, how dare
Starting point is 00:35:37 they call me poor? You know, this is the kind of stuff you get your ass beat for in the hood. I'm like, well, what's Lane who you're going gonna be in right now? Yeah, exactly. That's funny. So, so then we go over to Cynthia who is in her kitchen and she's poured a glass of wine and put it on a tray and she can bring it into Mike who is the other member of Chihil. And so we get a very, they decide to like make a fancy, they have like a tray cam. The camera's sort of just sitting on the tray. So we're like, it's as if we're on the tray itself, that's the occurs it into Mike. I just wrote this down. I don't know why I just was like, I kind of feel like this might be the most exciting part of the scene. So let me just really make sure you're not about that. You're like Richard Link Ladder did a really great job directing this wine, this wine shot going in.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I know that wine shot produced by the music video for Ray of Light. So, so she brings this wine over to Mike and he's like lying in bed or on the bed. Did you notice that Cynthia has a queen size bed? Like, I'm not here ashamed the size of a bed because I also have a queen size bed, but I'm also not a celebrity and also... I just feel like if you're on a real house house of Atlanta, you should have a king size bed or greater. I feel like it too, but one of the things I've always really respected about Cynthia is just her love of a bargain because when you look at the difference between the price and the kingside It's like what the fuck? How does it go from twin size to full to queen and everything's maybe a hundred dollars apart and then you go to king and suddenly it's like okay That'll be five hundred extra dollars at least, you know, and you'll never be able to find sheets properly
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, you have to get a whole different style of sheet. Like, oh, yes, you have to get a new class of sheets. Yes, you have to change it. I like that Cynthia's like, no, I will pay for a queen. Thank you. That's what I'll pay for you. Well, maybe she, I bet she probably bought the queen initially because she's like, it's just gonna be me, no one else in this bet.
Starting point is 00:37:39 It was actually probably like a moment of like, extreme empowerment, but now she has Mike. I think she probably had a queen with Peter too, right? And they probably had a twin. I don't know. A bargain lover loves a bargain forever, you know? I think it was with Peter. Then he probably got like a roll away bed.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah, a couch. He was probably a couch a lot. Let's face it. Yeah, they had one of those murky beds. That's what it was. I like a trundle, like a good trundle bed. But he said it was a California king. Yeah, you check out a California king.
Starting point is 00:38:11 He pulls it out like, uh, that's a Murphy bed. And it's a throne. Oh, so she's of course doing her Cynthia thing where she's like, well, this is amazing. Uh, we're getting engaged, right? Because I'm 50, see I'm not getting angry. He's like, oh, geez. Can I just? Is that could you please stop going on Instagram and posting pictures of yourself in wedding dresses?
Starting point is 00:38:32 I saw that. She goes, oh, you saw that and then they show the post and it's like sit there literally in a wedding dress and in Huge letters. She tags him, you know, right in the middle of the yes he saw it Cynthia, okay, he tagged him. Yeah. And so the big issue that she's dealing with is similar to Kenia's, which is that They're long distance and you know his job and all his opportunities as a sportscaster out here in LA And then she says but in Atlanta she has to stand at Atlanta because she goes quote, like everything is going really well with businesses and career and stuff. I'm like, I know that's code for like, she's basically on a TV show. She's not going to give up a TV show. I was like, what are your businesses, Cynthia?
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah. Because the fact is, well, it's not out. Well, we haven't heard about the backpacks and she's not running the wine store. Mal is. We find out later that she's making Mal run the most exciting wine store in the world. Hi, welcome to my male welcome. This wine. We've got wine.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I'm not sure why I have a Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Grigio, but we have a bottle of something back there. If you want to look at it, it's nice. Um, yeah, and when we go to that wine shop eventually, no one's in there. Yeah. It's the Confitment. It's the Confitness of Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Oh, so yeah, Cynthia's already thirsty as hell, which we get to later as well. But, you know, Cynthia's just going with it. And he's basically saying he is going to propose. But he wants to do it on his own time. They have to figure out where to live. And so, I mean, good luck guys, you know. Yeah, good luck. Good luck on this situation. I don't trust him. There's something I just don't trust about him. He's just too smooth for me. But also he's an Atlanta husband. And like, really, it's a members game. It's like you just don't trust Atlanta husbands
Starting point is 00:40:27 I mean really I think at this point does it ever really work out, you know so far I don't think we have a great track record. No, I think it's all not so not so hot We have Neenie and Greg but they got divorced so I don't want to hear it from you people Okay, I know they got back together and blah blah blah, but they still got divorced So this shows us I mean have the best track record. Candy and Todd or technically together I mean together that's true candy and Todd yeah and who else Eva well so far Eva you know Eva so far so good Eva and then I'm just you know Tanya Tanya and her man, but that's grasping, you know, I know. I know this.
Starting point is 00:41:06 A cabo Kim fields. That's really grasping. That's really, really grasping. It's like grasping with a full. No, the Sean snow. Okay, okay. Okay. You're trying to win a point.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Lisa Wu Hart will. In a game. You know, Lisa Wu. Yeah, Lisa Wu. Lisa Wu now. Those was on theu. Just Lee Savu now. Uh, I was on the show. I don't know about how about Kim Zolci, I can Croy Bureman. If that was ever forever couple, I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, when a mouse starts separating his eyelashes for you, that's love. Okay. So I'll give them a couple. I like a couple that looks like a ham and cheese sandwich. Okay. So we're look like the color of cold cuts. Oh my god. Guess where we are. What a kawinke We're at the wine cellar now. Oh my god the belly wine cell I said that we did not go there on our Atlanta trip. We didn't know existed to be fair Yeah, we didn't know so we must have missed all those lines waiting to get in So she's like okay now here's what we need to do. I'm gonna need a list of what's not selling So we don't get it again, okay, we're not gonna get the wine that's not selling I was like oh my god
Starting point is 00:42:15 This is like watching a Joan Collins TV movie where she's just got it all together and she's like running her business You know just walking past people like I didn't like, fix that. Yeah, I like pseudo business talk. All right, inventory, synergies, plans, and revenue. Go. I love Cynthia's business plan of not reordering things that aren't selling. I mean, so far, I'm in it. So I think they're gonna have a pretty empty inventory then. Because as far as we can tell no one's there because Kenya comes over and she's like, wow, so if you had a lot of customers yet, it's gonna be like, oh, well, so no, yeah, it's awkward.
Starting point is 00:43:01 It's candy goes, well, I'm just looking at the wine. I know that one is five dollars in the grocery store So you might want to move that down to a bottom shelf And then they can't even bear to be in there any longer so they go across the street to a cookie place called Hope cookie. Yeah, let's go to a business with people in there, okay? Yeah, and almost immediately in there, okay. Yeah. And almost immediately, Kenny has scammed some free cookies for her upcoming Barbie party. She's like, these cookies are so good. She's like, oh, thanks so much with all these flavors. Oh, yeah, could you give me some cookies for my daughter's birthday?
Starting point is 00:43:35 Ah. Yes, she sure does. So she's going to have a Barbie party with life-sized Barbie dolls. And Cynthia's like, yeah, good luck with some of these girls, you know, mm-hmm and Basically, they're just talking about how Dini they of course it goes straight to Neenie because the last time all the girls So Kenya was at the Seagrass launch for Cynthia Bailey P.G. P.G. Bailey Bailey. What was it called? Maybe that's what it was P.G. P.G. Bailey Bailey I think it was marketed by this savander pump. Yeah, peachy peachy. Jehilt to hell
Starting point is 00:44:13 You've betrayed my peach But it's a fan to pump us We shall not carry this brand of peachy peachy belly belly and Tom Tom instead will carry Vandy Vandy Raspberry Raspberry So we get a little clip of the Neenie stuff Neenie being all mad that Cynthia lied about inviting Kenyan and all of that stuff That happened at the end of the season and we got a hit clip of what a hypocrite Neenie when Mimi and fight a Kenya's ex the let's see a cable guy or a tow truck guy. What was he? To try. To try. To try.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Neon invited Walter to her wedding. Right. And she was saying, if I have an event, I'm not going to worry about what you're thinking. Why would I care where Kenya more things? So she's pointing out that Neonie's a hypocrite, which we already know, but it's still fun to rewatch. Yeah. Well, Neonie will never see it that way because I'm still I'm still pretty traumatized when the Atlanta reunion this year where Neenie was just such a nasty She was vile that she really was vile and when they confronted her with her hypocrisy
Starting point is 00:45:18 She would just like float her eyes and like do a smirk and I was just like, oh my god You get this one off the show, but of course they brought it back Yeah Um, so then then we move over to the portion Dennis stuff and This is where sent to you it's like well, have you seen the stuff in the press about Dennis and Portia? I saw something about drugs Girls peace-geality or whatever that is and can you just like wait a minute? Does he want want to watch animals do it? Or does he want to do it in the duty pew on a puny poo?
Starting point is 00:45:48 Because that's wrong. That is wrong. And Brooklyn the baby's just watching like, I'm too young to understand what this is, but still even I know this is a little fucked up. I love that Brooklyn really has the personality of her name. I've lived in Brooklyn for a long time.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Love Brooklyn. But her face is just'd lived in Brooklyn for a long time. Love Brooklyn. But her face is just like, that's what her face is. And that's just like Brooklyn as a city. It's just as a burrow. You know, it's like, welcome back to Brooklyn. Yeah, welcome back. Yeah. We should also mention that Cynthia mentions yet again that she's 52. Like every year she has to make a big to-do about her age. So two years ago of course, famously was 50 synth. And then last year was like, I'm no longer 50 synth, but now I'm 51.
Starting point is 00:46:34 And now this year, it's like, I'm 52. And I don't have time for games, because Cynthia and Nini are not talking. So like, child, at this age, nothing should be hard for me. Not even friendships, because I'm 52. Yeah. So Kenya's like, please stop posting pictures in a wedding dress, okay? You look really thirsty. She's like, I am thirsty. Yeah. Yeah. I like that she was honest about. She's like, I am a thirsty brush. Kenya's can his essentially saying listen stop pressuring Mike to propose to you to give him some space you know let him just do
Starting point is 00:47:08 it can you evolve people can you evolve fucking people and then we go over to Miss Diane with her purple hair with the ribs eating all of porcish ribs then Mal I'm sorry Lauren comes over por Porsche's sister comes over and she doesn't have a key, which is hilarious to me. Why doesn't she have a key to Porsche's, she moved her into that house, she helped her find that house, she's probably paid the rent on that house multiple times. And you're not going to get fucking Lauren a key? Come on.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Nope. Nope. And she's also like, Porsche's assistant sort of I guess she was and they quit they stopped doing that either way Diane was like really excited to road test her new Observation which is well if you look around it's like a it's like a morgan here You know all the flowers about 200 flowers. Hey Lauren. I was just telling your sister. It's like a morgan here You know that on the flowers? Yes, mother.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Oh, good. So then we get another depressing portion, poor sister pressing. And you know, I don't really blame her. Don't necessarily want to watch it though, either. I don't know. I mean, just to wrap up. I mean, just to wrap up.
Starting point is 00:48:21 She's obviously like genuinely depressed. She was talking about how she will like she goes upstairs to change clothes or something and then it's like 10 minutes later and then it's like an hour and then two hours and all of a sudden It's like six hours and she just hasn't changed clothes So that's like sad. She definitely looks sad. She looks drained. She looks exhausted But for some reason I also felt like she looked younger which may Say something about Dennis, you know, like I don't know. I thought she actually, I thought she looked great to be honest. Well, listen, as someone who's very angry, I feel like anger is very good for your skin.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Yeah, I'll say that. I don't know why, but I think it works out because it's constantly like adrenaline keeps coming because you get mad at something, a stupid thing you get upset about about it and then it just keeps you alive. There's something about it Tears are very moisturizing Tears are moisturizing and just the adrenaline coursing through you constantly. Yeah. Yeah So then we go over to Cynthia Evide, oh, I'll do this. Oh, LG scene with candy Yes, so they they also down at the first table in the restaurant
Starting point is 00:49:27 and for those of you who haven't had the honor of going to OLG, when you walk in, there's this whole waiting area, but there's this long table that's right there. That's, I don't know if it's like a walk up table or whatever, but it's like, it's like not like a real table. You know, it's like a table you can sit at and eat at, but it's like on stools, you wanna eat at the seated tables, but they sat there because obviously
Starting point is 00:49:48 it's like right there in the window and you can see because everyone was just like this entire scene was circling around them taking photos and like staring at them from other tables, etc. Yeah, the big thing in this scene was a evo ordering. Yes. She was like me ordering basically because this is kind of how I ordered there. I ordered a ton of stuff too. She's like, I want the mac and cheese, sweet potato, sweet flake, collard greens. Can I get just a few green beans, catfish strips, and they're just
Starting point is 00:50:16 looking at her like, bitch, are you, you're the model? Yeah, she was definitely going into town. Oh, the sides. well, actually the mac and cheese was a little disappointing, right? I mean, is mac and cheese ever disappointed? It wasn't the best mac and cheese I've ever had now. But I think that I, I had that. It was still pasta cheese butter and cream, so. I mean, at the end of the day, here's my issue,
Starting point is 00:50:40 which is that I have very strong memories of that strange spin-off where candy and Todd went on like a trip to Colorado and they brought the whole family and there was like one episode where they made this big dinner and I think one either Mama Joyce won't be answering me this huge huge thing of mac and cheese and it looked so good and I like I wanted to have that mac and cheese ever since then and then when we had mac and cheese at O.L.G. it was like fine but yeah it's kind of like loopy mac and cheese where it's it's made all day and then they just kind of scoop it in and so maybe you just have to have it when it's fresh out of fresh yeah probably whatever yeah so then Cynthia gets fried green to I just wrote down their order because that's really all I'm here for Cynthia gets fried green tomatoes and then The waiter says okay, so are you okay with the goat cheese and stuff that comes on it and even it's like yes
Starting point is 00:51:32 We're okay with it. I wish she doesn't want to put it on the side This is my order not you're not part of it by the way just so you know I wrote down candy ordered the salmon I actually made a note of it. I was like that's what Ronnie got Yeah, and it was delicious, but I did not get the, and it's not black and salmon. It's glazed salmon. How could I get that wrong? I thought I was actually a little overcooked personally. Um, yeah, we have that discussion in the restaurant. Like, is this overcooked or should Sam should salmon be medium? Because I personally don't trust a medium salmon. I trust a cut salmon. I don't want a gooey salmon yeah and
Starting point is 00:52:05 then I was like do you smell mold so then they're talking about no it wasn't mold it was dank down there but it wasn't mold it was just like depressing and cave like a sex dungeon so so anyway they're like talking about candy and the and the surrogate and stuff and like candy has to start figuring out names for the new kid and Cynthia's like, oh, why don't you name your new kid, chill. I'm like, Cynthia, I mean, why on earth would anyone like,
Starting point is 00:52:40 that one's so enamored with chill. She's so enamored with it. It's ridiculous. Cynthia is just grasping onto with chill she's so enamored with it it's ridiculous Cynthia is just grasping onto any hashtag she's already come up with until she finds anyone to commit to for this year because she has not come up with a new hashtag this year it's not right I did I just feel like maybe Cynthia thinks that she and Mike are like like Kate Middleton and Prince William or something like that like this could be a nationally televised like like
Starting point is 00:53:07 Sensation and I just feel like no one truly cares. Yeah, they're very like Kate middle chill it's in Kate Chittleton So then the waiter's like oh, hey, I have a drink for candy It's from sincerely who's at the bar. Just happens to be here eating today. The girl named sincerely just happens to be over there guys So sincerely comes over and she's like hi, I don't want to interrupt you, but Do you mind if I take a seat here and she sits down with them? I'm like, don't say you're just interrupt at that point Yeah, did she even sit down? I think she was standing. I love that she just came. I think she just came out because they were at the standing, not the standing table, but the stool table. And I think she just kind of came over and even didn't even stop eating.
Starting point is 00:53:56 She's like, Oh, geez. Here we go. You know, she's already used to these tricks. Just jump again for a quick story of mine and then leaving again. So she's like, hi guys, I'm sincerely, I don't want to keep my cousin talk soon sitting at the bar. So I just want to make this quick. Just saw you over here. My sister best wishes. Best wishes is waiting for me. So I'll make this quick. Yeah, guys, I've got a call waiting here from TTYL, so hold on. What's that? I was talking to my cousin warmly. So by the way, I think that maybe what she did,
Starting point is 00:54:36 she didn't sit down. I think that what she, if she did not sit down, you know what she probably did, she probably stood by the stool and put like a knee on the stool as if she was about to get on it But she never fully committed to it. So she sort of had like a knee up on it sort of making the gesture like she was sitting down But still standing at the same time. Yeah, she had to get back to her conversation with this email was thumbtiped So she's like just wanted to take an opportunity to mention to you guys Listen, I don't know if you've been on the internet
Starting point is 00:55:04 Opportunity to mention to you guys listen. I don't know if you've been on the internet But apparently there's a story out there about this girl on a blog that's apparently a mistress to Portia's fiance Dennis well. I am the mistress You may have heard about me on that famous sobriety vlog unwind with Tosh decay and even it's like oh, yeah, when you said sincerely I said oh It just keeps eating and then we get another clip I said oh someone with someone else with a ridiculous name. Uh-oh By the way, so it looks I didn't even bother looking up because I just couldn't be bothered but Hence me not bothering to look it up.
Starting point is 00:55:46 But according to the headlines, it looks like sincerely as a cast member of Wags, Atlanta. Oh, okay. Well, that makes sense, because she's seen very comfortable. I think that's a show on E, right? Wags. Wags, you know how I know what Wags is, because it comes on sometimes after housewives,
Starting point is 00:56:04 for whatever reason, my YouTube TV just starts playing Wags. Wags, you know, I know what Wags is because it comes on sometimes after house-wise for whatever reason my YouTube TV just starts playing Wags and it's one of the most obnoxious things I've ever listened to because I don't change it, you know, I'll just like start vacuuming. Well, you know, it's not vacuuming but doing something else and that shows really... I'm not having a fun game and we have like $90 million. I want to kill that. Yeah, you just know that it's going to be bad because I like wag's what stands for is wives and girlfriends of sports stars. So first of all, okay, you know what I hate in an acronym?
Starting point is 00:56:41 I hate selective uses of like words. So wives and girlfriends that gives us the W.A.G. and hate selective uses of like words. So wives and girlfriends, I get to us the W-A-G and then it goes up sports stars. It should really be waggoss and it's waggs. They're not going to include the U of and only one of the S's. Yeah, and also waggs. It's just not a flattering name. My meanwhile, you used to have a dog named Wags and she hated that dog because it was just like always happy licking her ankles and she hated her ankles being licked. My cousins had a dog named Wags, but Wags was a really great dog. He was like a
Starting point is 00:57:14 golden lab. He was a great dog. Now that's it. Now he, you know what, now that's a good example of a Wags, that one. Maybe not your Wags, but that one. No Wags, her Wags was a great dog. She just didn't like it She got it from my cousin and she just didn't like it because it was too nice and like medium desperate Which is kind of wax, you know, it's like these like a lot of desperation Well, I guess it's not desperate because they richest fuck. I mean those are some of the richest people on TV. That's for sure Sidebar on my multiple flights today people were really into watching that dog movie with Milo Ventimilia.
Starting point is 00:57:48 It's called like was that like a dog's purpose or a dog something another? Oh god I know I'm gonna watch that show and then I know I'm gonna watch that movie when that's one of those things and I'm like, eh! But I know I'm gonna watch it on a blatant sob. But every single dog movie is the same. Okay there's a dog, the dog dies and everyone's up crying. Sorry spoiler alert but you know it's gonna have to have a dog movie is the same. Okay, there's a dog, the dog dies, and everyone's up crying. Sorry, spoiler alert, but you know what I mean? I was gonna have a dog movie.
Starting point is 00:58:07 The episode of Dog Movie, where it ended like on a fairly like mundane note. No, the dog always does. Yeah, the dog always does. And those movies are made especially for the airplane. And people wind up crying. I mean, the girl next to me was like bawling, and they got another flame, and a new girl watches the movie. So I essentially watch it twice because I can't help but watch other people's movies because that's how I am
Starting point is 00:58:28 So I watched the steepen movie twice and and then the second girl was just like losing it and then the second girl She went from that one to some random movie with Chrissy Metz from This is us we're Chrissy Metz is like the mom to this kid who is like playing on a lake and where Chrissy Metz is like the mom to this kid who is like playing on a lake and Ice Lake and the ice breaks and he's like on his death bet the entire movie So someone was bawling the entire movie. Why did people do this to themselves on airplanes? I don't know. I do it though. You know I do it. I've solved on so many airplanes Because that's where I watched things that I would normally never what like bohemian orhapsody I knew that it's like AIDS diedids die, you know, wow, fun, Aids death. Um, and so I wouldn't watch it. And then one day
Starting point is 00:59:10 on the plane, I watched it and saw like a fucking baby on the plane. I shook the whole plane seat. I was sobbing. So, I, I, I mean, I watched Coco on a plane. And that's when I'm not watching anything remotely emotional on the plane ever again, because I was actually I also watched the Ruth Bayer Ginsburg document around a plane and that also made me cry. So I just cry. Well, I mean, I know it's inspiring stuff, but no, I didn't see it, but it looks, I don't, it doesn't look hard. Well, so it's, you know, she's a, no, there's no spoiler. It's not a spoiler. It's her life. Okay. She's a widower So when her husband dies. It's like really sad. Oh, I don't know. I love when husband's die I just think of it like a milestone part in a relationship
Starting point is 00:59:56 I didn't have a dog also Yeah, to her dog wags now if they killed a goose bater's dog, they have wags then I'd lose it But I'm totally fine with the husband bite man That's not nice. I'm just saying things to say things, okay? Okay, so the point is sincerely is here and no one really cares It's like the most non-event scene ever to the point where we had to start talking about Ruth Bader again Yes, okay Ruth Bader Ginsburg shows up and she's like I've never met Dennis a day in my life
Starting point is 01:00:30 Dennis my life my life do you mind if I take a seat? so I feel like I'm not offering Ruth Bader against Frick's the first thing you do you know even like covering her sweet potato souffle. She's like, you do touch this skin burger,
Starting point is 01:00:50 lose her hand, all right, lady? Lady said, I just want you to know, you may have had some rumors. I did not sleep with Dennis. I was doing my job as they Justice on the Supreme Court of America. I have a feeling that this all has something to do with a hateful vindictive ex. And I don't want that stigma of the destruction of a beautiful black family. It's like okay sincerely thanks for stopping by, just sincerely. Thanks for stopping by just sincerely. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Thank you. Thank you. So I mean, this, I mean, this even so obviously, like set up because as when this really leads, Eva's like, well, now we have something to tell Porsche. I was like, OK, all right. Yeah. So they're going to tell poor, they're
Starting point is 01:01:42 trying to figure out how they're gonna tell Porsche and Even it's like let's just go to our house and tell her, you know, and I'll say that can be cosine to tell her and candy's like Oh God, is this supposed to make me look good because I already said all this shit last year And now here we are in my restaurant. This shit's already happening again to Porsche, you know Yeah, no like well, candy do you think that he's been faithful and she's like portion, you know. Yeah, they're like, well, Candy, do you think that he's been faithful? And she's like, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know well enough, which is her way of saying like, hell yes. Yeah, they keep asking her questions. Even it's like, well, I don't believe it. And Candy says, which stuff to be the reality? No, I don't believe
Starting point is 01:02:17 he's fucking dogs. Okay. And even like, well, what about Coke? And she's like, I don't know, but I've heard that on the streets. Okay, like I'm not going to argue with that. And then the cheating stuff, she just takes a big lung slurp. Yeah. Um, so then we go over finally to this Barbie party, which is basically a coming out party for Brooklyn. Um, and so everyone's getting dressed in a Barbie theme of their choice. So everyone's getting ready. Porsche doesn't even want to go, you know, because she's in an depression, but she's going
Starting point is 01:02:51 to go because she's building her relationship with Kenya. And she probably wants to sort of like build in a new mom, me alliance with her too, you know, they'll be like a lot of scenes of like, oh my god, my baby drooled, my baby drool too, you know, that kind of stuff. Remember when I, remember when you screamed in a megaphone in my face and then I grabbed you by the hair and dragged you across the floor and almost went to jail? Where are mothers now?
Starting point is 01:03:13 Like what? Okay. You guys know that Pritzens are full of mothers, right? I like that everyone on this show just pretends that once you're a mother, nothing counts anymore. It's like all that is gone, because now I'm a mother. Well, mother's used to fucked up things. This one you get truly crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Yes. Yes. You have just graduated to the next level. No, your crazy has just begun. Yes, everybody comes dressed like Barbies, different kinds of Barbies. And let's see here. Cynthia comes as thirsty bride Barbie, which I guess you just find her hashtag after all. I was nervous because when Cynthia got out of her car, it was took so long because like her
Starting point is 01:03:54 foot comes down and he was just like, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh, bruh. And I was like, please don't let this be Neenie. I'm like, I thought it was Neenie too. I was saying, except we hadn't seen her yet. And I was like, I don't want to have a NeNe moment. I've been joined as non-NeNe moment. But it wasn't NeNe at all. It was actually Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I was like, wow, she came. Tress is Justice Barbie.
Starting point is 01:04:19 So then, let's see, they're talking about babies because, you know, that's what we're doing right now. So then Kenya, they announced, you, they announced you welcome Kenya more and her baby Brooklyn in a tiny little pink Barbie car So Kenya's dragging the car along going come on baby baby come on in your car Just in case people can't figure out that that's not an oven mitt. It's an actual baby Just with bearer Ginsburg pushing it from behind. Okay, we're almost there It's not an oven, it's an actual baby. Tickin' yes. Tickin' yes. Just Ruth Baderkins, but we're pushing it from behind. Okay, we're almost there. So, so they're all there and everything.
Starting point is 01:04:53 And this is when we get to see Kenya's first, in my mind, unless I missed it. Her first true moment of classic Kenya shade, because she's talking about Portia being there, and she's like, it is extremely embarrassing to know the she's talking about Porsche being there and she's like it is extremely embarrassing to know the internet is talking about your baby daddy like the entire world that is so embarrassing I would never go out so my hat's off to her which is her way of being like she should be embarrassed right now. Yeah and obviously you're not reading that many blogs because your husband's been in them constantly as well.
Starting point is 01:05:28 So your next bitch. Yeah. So then you can tell that Kenya really is close with Portia now because she goes, that's like his portion here is that portion up, but no, it's Kenya talking to one of the gays and this fucking Kenya This is the real Kenya more right here when she was no no no no no no you can't just pick up my baby Mark would have a fit having another man holding his baby. Oh Fuck you. How about you? You just made me come to this party and buy your goddamn baby a gift Okay, and now you're gonna say that no man can hold your baby. Oh fuck off lady How about how about if Mark had such feelings But other men holding his baby. He actually shows up to these events. Yeah, how about he actually comes to the actual, you know
Starting point is 01:06:12 Baby Brooklyn instead of the bro Brooklyn, you know, it was it was on top of that it was a gay It's not like some guy who's like it's not like will trying to win over you know like trying to we'd still his way back on to the show Okay, it's just a guy It was a pleasant good looking gay just wind a hold the baby just to be nice to Kenya and by the way Where was Kenya's where was Brandon by the way where was Brandon? Oh good question actually Resident gay, I don't know. She doesn't need him to fight for her yet. So she left him at home on his own shoe box under her bed So Porsa and Eva are talking and Porsa's like, wow, where's your, where are your kids? This is where you're supposed to bring the kids. And she's like, well, you
Starting point is 01:06:53 know, I was scared to bring the kids because these group events can be kind of crazy. And she's like, um, it's a kid event. And since he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, I totally get why she wouldn't do that. She told me she was going to bring her kids. I mean, she's never really been around Kenya before. Mm hmm. But if you listen, if you brought your kid around Neenie, then and survived, it's okay. That's true. But I also thought it was funny that they put this right after the scene where Kenya wouldn't let somebody hold her baby
Starting point is 01:07:25 And then she can be of course gonna get all offended well Listen you're worse. You wouldn't even let somebody hold your baby Kenya. You're right So then we but then also they start talking about sincerely and They're talking about that the sincerely conversation and Kenya walks by and over here is part of it So they tell her and can you make a joke she's going to go tell Portia and like no, no, no, we don't want to talk about it with Portia now because it's a party for a kid. We don't know if it'll turn into a scene. It's like, okay, we are committing that we are not going to bring it up today.
Starting point is 01:07:57 It is committed and set in stone. Plus teller. Let me. Let me tell her. Then we also find and then had you heard of this, I don't want to act like totally crazy, but it struck me as odd. There were spaghetti tacos at this party.
Starting point is 01:08:13 Is that something I never heard of that before? I mean, I've had that at my house before, but I didn't know it was like something people actually sold. Like, it actually makes sense. I can see it being a perfectly good taco, but it just seems strange. It's like having, you know, to me, I just see as like having like a slice of bread in a tortilla. It's like, what? Oh, I've had that too. You know what I really like to get? I
Starting point is 01:08:35 like to get enchiladas with a side of flour tortillas and then roll the enchiladas up in the flour tortilla. That's my classic move. So it's like a double leg. It's like a two-dualaird. I'm talking about a stole that idea later on, but it started with me. Okay, so thank you. It's like when I was in ninth grade and I'd wear like a turtle neck
Starting point is 01:08:55 and then wear like a flannel over it. Yeah, layers. Yeah, totally same thing. So the lady, yeah, spaghetti tacos, like wacky kid food, which basically just means that can you pass a taco truck and a spaghetti factory today and got shit for free? Exactly. So Cynthia's, you know, we see all this, all this like stuff going on at the party and kids playing and having fun and looking cute. And stuff going on at the party and kids playing and having fun and looking cute. And Cynthia's like, Ciao, I thought it was hard to hear from Mike, but I can't even imagine Keny is going through. I mean, I can imagine having to host an important event like this and have it do all by myself with
Starting point is 01:09:36 a baby. I'm like, well, I don't know if this was really the most important event. They were in like a strip mall. I was like Barbie games. Yeah. Cynthia's like, how does one do this? in like a strip mall. That's like Barbie games. Yeah. So he's like, how does one do this? So then Kenya and Porosha are talking and alone and Kenya is like, can you believe this? We both have babies. And so they're bonding over the fact that they're both horrible people with babies so now
Starting point is 01:09:58 they're not horrible people anymore. And they're having a baby cradle off. They're both sort of like, who can cradle their baby like for the camera the best Yes, and can you as starts crying she makes her self cry and she's like I have love for you Portia. I do I just can't think about the past anymore. I have to think about our baby girls So yeah, so basically, so they're talking and they're bonding and Porsche is like, you know, it's really funny because, you know, earlier, Eva was even saying that she doesn't even want to bring her kids around.
Starting point is 01:10:37 She's afraid to bring her kids around, because she hears that you want to sick them in an oven and make them into a pie. And then Cynthia was like amen. I agree Yes, Cynthia was a manning her. She said and can he goes what? She's like, um, well, you know, I mean even just an energy person She goes well she can take her energy and not come to any more of my events. Oh good Yeah, I don't know if this event would make me want to come to any of your events anyway in the first place. Yeah, I mean the event where you're afraid gay people are gonna murder your baby you asshole. So she's like for even a question me bringing her kids around is a full on attack on my character and me as a mother. Like Kenya, they just showed a clip of you, you know, calling someone a
Starting point is 01:11:25 whore. And then come on, get over yourself. She goes, what does she think? What does she think I'm going to do? Take off my ponytail and beat her kids with it. I'm like, yes, that's actually exactly what she thinks is going to happen. Um, so Kenya is like, let's just stay positive. Okay. So there were rumors about this girl, right? That Dennis was sleeping with and Porsche said, oh God, sincerely, from the blog. Yeah, and so, yeah, I like, first of all, that Kenya is being messy under the guys of being bringing positive news. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:57 So, to Porsche. So, she's like, yeah, no, no, but that's a good thing. It's a good thing here. Wait, let me get the ladies, because I don't want to miss I don't want to say the information wrong because I just heard her from them So she of course goes and finds the ladies and it's like hey, will you come with me because I Gay Porsche some information like what oh man
Starting point is 01:12:16 And for us is like yeah bring those shady bitches in here. I'm ready to read baby and tell So she brings all the girls and candy's like can we just have to talk when you're not gonna say and candy's like stop cursing in front of the children I am a mother now baby baby are you still a baby still a baby baby so basically so candy Candy starts explaining what happened and the moment she says LLG just even say LLG but portions are like Oh, she's already stopping. I mean, like of course happened on LLG of course. So for every back at LLG and Candy's like, I know that's what I was thinking. Like, what does this happen in my place of business?
Starting point is 01:13:01 She's like, say now, I was like, when you arrange this conversation, can we please not do it at OLG? And then we had a little G anyway. Yeah, do it at the wine place, you know, that needs something to happen in there. The Bailey wine seller. Yeah. So basically, they tell her, but Portia is not surprised. She doesn't care. And she's still mad. She She's like well, that's great that he wasn't fucking sincerely, but he was fucking somebody else who I just found in his sex messages So fuck everybody, okay, can I go home now? Yeah, and her name is all the best I couldn't come up with anymore. I was like wow how else do you say goodbye to people? Missing you?
Starting point is 01:13:48 Confused in Dallas? I don't know. All right, everybody. That brings us to the end of a nice long real house was of Atlanta recap. Thank you so much for being with us. This should be a pretty fun season. We'll be back tomorrow with some below deck. Later in the week we will have a married to medicine recap and then we're going to be traveling around recording some live shows and stuff. So we'll have those up a little later in the week. So you know, we had a little late start on this Monday but we're going to pack you with some entertainment this week. So thanks so much for being here. We're going to get ready to get packed with NRK, man. Sorry for assaulting you on the way out of this podcast. Bye, everyone.
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