Watch What Crappens - RHOA: Bailey-Q & A

Episode Date: November 26, 2018

Cynthia Bailey decides to host a "Bailey-Q" on this week's "Real Housewives of Atlanta," and we're here to recap every hot dog, couscous salad, and pineapple turnover cake that showed up. Plu...s, the story behind Dennis's hot dog empire IS REVEALED. #chill See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few, follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crapens would like to think it's premium sponsors! Christy Wowardy-Dowardy! Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger! Just saying, okay. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Back in the Slayer Taylor. Anna, God, I love that banana Anderson. Hava Nagila Weber. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Lisa Wallent, now that's what I call Wallentainment. Hot dang, it's Jessica Dang. Mina Kuchi, Kuchi, Kuchi. And our super premium Patreon subscribers Susie going toe to toe bin! Kelly Grant, the Grant Master! Shannon out of a cannon Anthony! The incredible edible Matthews sisters! Give them ho!
Starting point is 00:01:19 Miss Noel! And Lizzie Drucker, a fun mother f- Watch what crap bins, watch what crap bins Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap bins Lizzie Drucker, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker, and joining me on this thanks post Thanksgiving high is Ronnie Carrom, who can also be found
Starting point is 00:02:10 on the Rose Prick's Bachelor's Podcast. What's up, Ronnie? Well, hello, man. How was your Thanksgiving day? That's a tricky day. I know. Oh my God, it's been so much fun. I'm in bed at my parent's house
Starting point is 00:02:22 because I don't have a desk here. And so I'm just in bed with my mom's golden feather pillows. Yeah, nice. It makes you feel any better. I'm sitting on my childhood bed with slippers on because it's freezing in here. No gold feather pillows, but plenty of random junk around this room. I just am so the teenager when I come home, I just throw everything on the floor. Me too. And I'm leaving in the morning,
Starting point is 00:02:52 so I've got to clean it all up and out. And I'm like, I know, I've got piles of clothing. There's like a random board game. There's just like, there's just like junk everywhere, like total reversion. But I've got weed hidden under the pillows. I'm like, I'm gonna have to do a drug sweep of this house when I leave. I'm playing like Melissa etharidge.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Wait, I didn't do that when I was a teenager. But there was something I think that was, I was gonna say, oh, last time, you know, on our New Jersey episode, I told the listeners that you couldn't be on the episode Because you've been trampled at a Walmart on black Friday and I just wanted to check in see if you're How you're feeling with your injuries Girl that could happen. Have you watched the news every year? You know we're a monster in this country. Everybody, if that's who you are,
Starting point is 00:03:47 just fucking stay home, okay. Yeah. Who does that? It's like Mimaw's trampled at every Walmart in town. Yeah. Mimaw's tram. It's true. They've all gone down.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I'm like, hello, it's called the internet. It's called the internet. And by the way, Oh my God, I'm so excited for Cyber Monday. I'm so excited for it. I already bought everything on the normal days. By the time it gets to be this day, I'm like, I already have everything.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I don't want me to, but what's gonna happen is, I'm still gonna dig around for something and decide that I need it. Yeah, I don't care. I've got two new pairs of these blue teeth headphone things. You know, the China knockoffs, you can buy on Amazon. I get like every knockoff because I'm too cheap to buy, you know, the real thing. But then I have to have three pairs because they keep breaking your turning themselves off. So I'm surrounded by like the lowest rent, Black Friday, ever
Starting point is 00:04:44 here in my house. So I'm from a day rather. I might get ear buds because I had a horrible thing happen to me, which is that on Friday, I went down to the city to visit a friend. And basically for the past week, since I got the little shop of horror soundtrack, it's like the songs are rotating through my brain
Starting point is 00:05:02 on like minute by minute basis. It's just like, it's like shuffle and like nonstop shuffle. And I was like, you know what I'm going to do on the train? I'm going to sit down and I'm going to listen to little shop of horrors to my heart's content. And I was like, I pulled out my little headphones and I was like, ah, it was like the old time of headphones and had like the different jack. And I didn't have the dongle. And I was like, I can't listen to my little shop of horrors. I'm gonna be sitting here on a train for an hour
Starting point is 00:05:30 and 15 minutes with this music going through my head and I can't do anything about it. I have to get ear buds. Yeah, that is a damn these dongle's dongle's okay. With our bonus episode is going to be lit this week just talking about traveling traveling with all these cheap-ass Bluetooth headphones dongles and how excited my Mimaw was when I told her that people were getting trampled at Walmart on black Friday That woman did not smile the entire weekend and I said hey, have you heard of people getting trampled? Who does that? She's like And everybody started cracking up.
Starting point is 00:06:05 They were like, you finally made your smile. Well, I'm very grateful for that. In the meantime, by the way, guys, be sure to buy your watcher crap ins, holiday stuff. People are starting to get their, oh, oh, oh, okay. Stuff and their happy Ramona custom and their Ramona leggings and the photos and videos are amazing So definitely get be go to watch a crap and calm to buy your merch or
Starting point is 00:06:33 Was it crap and smurch dot com is that the alternate yeah crap and smurch dot com people Thank you so much for posting those pictures and showing us. I'm loving seeing this and I didn't realize when I was putting the You know the design on the leggings that Ramona's face is put together on your thighs. So that like when your thighs are closed, when your legs are closed, it's one Ramona face. And then you open your legs and it's two Ramona face. Hey, it's almost like a, it's almost like a mad magazine thing at the back. Like where it, like, you know, where you like fold the pages and like the benign image becomes naughty.
Starting point is 00:07:08 But in this case, when you fold Ramona's face, it just becomes Ramona's face. Yeah, it's a Singapore fold. Okay. Singapore fold. Also, I just have to do some blatant self-remotion, which is that I posted the first episode of the Real Housewares of Kitchen Island on YouTube. Oh, so good. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I made a whole channel for everything. So go watch it and like share it because I wanted to get a lot of views. I mean, I'm just being totally transparent. I just really want to use it. Yeah, it's so good. It's Housewives' kitchen, you know, utensils. Yeah, naturally. It was good.
Starting point is 00:07:43 My niece has watched it four times. Really? Oh, that's nice. Yeah, they only stopped watching it because I wanted my phone back to text. Well, that's really sweet of your nieces to watch that. And the funny part is that in that little video, I have like Lou Ann, who was like personified
Starting point is 00:08:01 by a spatula singing. She sings a song and I just like sang it. I just like made up the tune on the fly because it's like all of like three seconds long. And it's like a nothing tune, but since I've had to like listen to the audio from this so many times while I was animating it, I now get that stupid song in my head too.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm like, we'll be doing something. I'll just hear Luanne going, I found Disconnect, a disconnect, continued bottle of boons, farm or whatever it goes. You became your own earworm. I did. It was an honor. But tonight, let's talk about real housewives of Atlanta. I know. Sorry about long intro, but we haven't talked about a new vape thing to you this is disgusting it's supposed to taste like churros in your lungs but it tastes like cleaning products well that's what I'd expect a vape that tastes like churros
Starting point is 00:08:55 tastes like churro flavored vape and your lungs churro flavored vape can only taste like like ammonia that's what I said. Well, yeah, it just goes to shade, don't eat with your lungs. It's not what your lungs were made for. No, no, they weren't. But anyway, real housewives of Atlanta, thanksgiving is over. We're back to original programming. So Atlanta is back.
Starting point is 00:09:21 I didn't really go anywhere, actually actually because it was on last week. But so this week's episode, we, I think this was the first time we got to see Shamari's opening line, right? Are you still there? Yeah, I'm here. I'm sorry. I took one of my little Bluetooth buds at and went, boom, boom, this connected, but I still have one in.
Starting point is 00:09:44 You guys, I'm so sorry for the day. I'm not drinking. I went, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo It is mocking me as I feel. Hey Ronnie. Hey. Disconnected. These are. Blue, blue. I'm your earbud taunting you. She's like, I may be an open book, but that doesn't mean I'm easily read.
Starting point is 00:10:23 It's just an earbud holding a peach. Boop, boop, boop. It's just rotates. It's like, what? I am the glue for my family and my wig. Boop, boop, boop. Oh no, they've been taken over by robots. Here comes, here comes Rob with the Nintendo robot.
Starting point is 00:10:41 He's like, it's like, I like a fine wine. I only get better in time. And now I want to chill and play excite bike. Like a fine steak. I am aged and Mario Kart, level eight, marshmallow, mushroom. I am sorry, the Cynthia Bailey is in another castle. Oh, hey, that dude could date Cynthia Bailey. Now, since she got caught buying boyfriends, now she's got like an electronic FaceTime boyfriend. And I love that they're just pushing this through as Cynthia's new plot this year.
Starting point is 00:11:23 She's just dating a phone. I mean, that's like the saddest of the storyline ever. And this bitch was married to Peter. She's basically co-opting her. That's what she's doing. The plot of her, she's just gonna fall in love with. She's just gonna fall in love with her digital assistant. She has the digital experience. Real five, girl. Kitchen Island. Digital Kitchen Island.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Kitchen Island. Play Mary J. Blatch for me. Kitchen Island's like her. No. Oh my God. I'm just kidding. Kitchen Island, her digital Her her kitchen island is basically a giant Alexa and for some reason this giant Alexa will not play Mary J. Blight for her.
Starting point is 00:12:13 According to her. Her light. She's like, Hey, Alexa, this is what I call my Alexa Q. No. This is what I call my Alexa Q. No. This is what I call my Bayley. Hey Bayley. Play me something sexy. By the way, I think that we actually are on Alexa by the way. I'm remembering an email. You guys, if you have Alexa, you can download a thing. What does Alexa do? Is it called like a flavor or a taste or something like that? Whatever it is that you download on Alexa, you can download the Acast thing, and you can play Watch or Grab, and do Alexa very easily.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So do that, everyone. Oh, there you go. Stop saying that name, though, because people are not kidding. When you say that name, it comes to life. Everyone in my family has one. And every time we're talking about That I'll say oh so the thing, you know, and then it's like I'm sorry. I didn't understand what you were saying No one was talking to you have her shut up over there. Yeah, I'm you know I am very in favor of Amazon. I love Amazon
Starting point is 00:13:19 But I think it's shady as fuck that they named their digital assistant a very normal name. Like at least Apple did like Siri, you know? But like, yeah. I mean, at this point they could have just called Alexa Joan, you know? It's, I don't know, it's just like... I don't know. Hey, Sarah! Hey, Sarah, play that music for me. I will always let, I bring this up about once a year.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I will always laugh at one of our listeners. We were making a joke once. We're doing podcast and we we said hey such and such play coliope music and this one woman she wrote to us she goes you know I woke up I listen to you guys when I go to sleep and I woke up the next morning with coliope music playing in my bedroom and I had no idea why. That's what I'm saying, because people got so mad because we did it for a whole hour.
Starting point is 00:14:08 I mean, we just kept going like, hey, Joan, play, you know, whatever. And they were like, so fast. So fast. So fast. Should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should, should Anyway, I'm literally not gonna stop laughing. I don't know what is it to be what I'm just giggling this whole time That shit is hilarious. It's Cynthia's dating her Bailey's son
Starting point is 00:14:29 Bailey's Bailey's So we open up with the first scene of real house. Well, that's a bit land-touch out. I know seriously So we open up with candy visiting Dr. Jackie at the OBGYN and offices. And it's like, you know, typical Bravo fair of like, you know, someone wanting to have babies exploring options. Like, we've seen this about a bajillion times. I know, but I love that Jackie's kind of a permanent fixture
Starting point is 00:15:05 on this show. She's always showing up on this show. And Todd comes in and he just says the most awkward things at all times. He's like, hey, Dr. Jackie, the miracle worker. I was like, oh, not a reference you want to use. You know, when you're talking about taking babies out of the freezer, you know?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's already risky. We're already high risk without the freezer, you know. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's already risky. We're already high risk without you bringing, you know, Annie the miracle worker into this. Also, I'm like, maybe not in the mood to think about Patty Duke right now. How about that? No.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You know, so yeah, they basically talk about taking babies out and Jackie gives the highest price she can possibly give to a person. She's like, look at you, Candy. You're looking so cute and slam. I was like, oh, that's like getting a gold medal from Dr. Jackie. Yeah, she's like, Candy, Candy is the new it. So, um, basically, it's also a female version of Hoffman's car. Be picking me up in a couple of seconds. I don't even know what that means, but Hoffman's kit from the car. Oh, Hasselhoff.
Starting point is 00:16:15 I didn't think of that guy's name. Hasselhoff Hoffman. Hoffman's car. I was like, is that a... I didn't know what Hoffman's car was. I thought it was some way it was like a syndrome. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was.
Starting point is 00:16:35 I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. I didn't know what coffee was. Yeah, we're gonna go have a lovely date and I'm gonna find out that he's been sleeping with my mother Excuse me, but the rainman cars here to pick up the miracle worker Excuse me. I'm going to be picked up by a benign older lady with strange glasses and a very curly wig Who's clearly just a lady who just wants to be my friend Jessica Lang, it's like who's clearly just a lady who just wants to be my friend. Jessica Ling is like, I'm just a hot kid! The last of your car told me. For some reason I'm getting frantic voicemails from Terry Gar, I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Oh my god, Hoffman's car. Hoffman's car. Okay, so Candy's basically like say no, right? I had Fabards and I don't want to carry Baby again, cuz healthy. I won't be my boom won't be good for it. So basically She she and Todd are thinking about getting Sargates and Jackie's like well You know if you get a surrogate even though you have two embryos you probably can only inseminate and a surrogate with one of your embryos but you could have to just lie on her like in the Yeah, she was definitely all beeps and squeals this whole episode.
Starting point is 00:18:12 She was like, and I was like, but we have two eggs left. I don't believe in leaving one behind. And then they're looking for a bargain. I love that canty's like the richest one by far on here. And she's looking for a bargain. I love that can't he's like the richest one by far on here and she's looking for a bargain Check he's like that will cost 90,000 dollars per surrogate and she goes My friend she's like my friend told me she got one for two dollars Where your bargain basement baby friends? Yeah, she was like, yeah, I went to Blockbuster.
Starting point is 00:18:48 The last Blockbuster in Atlanta, it turns out that if you rent the, if you rent, it turns out that if you rent Mr. Mom, you literally get a Mr. Mom. She's like, we can't rewind. So yeah, so so Jackie says it's going to cost between $90,000 and $130,000, which of course anyone who knows anything or at least watches Bravo knows at this point. So that's why when Thomas like, we're not going
Starting point is 00:19:21 to leave any eggs behind, we'll just get two surrogates. It's like, what are you talking about? How much of candy is money? Are you really going to leave any eggs behind. We'll just get two surrogates. It's like, what are you talking about? How much of candy is money? Are you really going to spend? I mean, I know it's for your child. But still, yeah, still, what are you gay? Straight people shouldn't have to pay for children like that. Okay. I understand that they do.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I feel like those are gay guy prices. Like straight guys, they're like, you can probably just find somebody to do this for you a lot more easily. Gay guys, they're like, you could probably just find somebody to do this for you a lot more easily. gay guys, they're like, that'll be $150,000. Please. Yeah, exactly. And I was like, would it be weird if I rub this up? Sorry, it gets belly. And candy is like, I just wrote way to fight those rumors, Todd. He's like, can Carmen, can Carmen Carmen carry them and can I rub the babies belly please. The baby's belly awkward. So Jackie, it's about motives and intent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Well, you have Curtis motives or do you have Eugene motives? Yeah. Dr. Gregory intent. Yeah. Hello, this is Lisa Rina. We have an ad coming up. So you better listen to it, baby. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the host of Wonder e's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent tick-tock of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud.
Starting point is 00:21:12 But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder ya. So then we move on to a cigar bar where Eva comes walking in. She like orders like a censor of Moscow mule and a cigar or something like that and Michael her fiance shows up
Starting point is 00:21:47 And they're just like chatting about the wedding and about how Eva's so hands off about it and They're joking about that her mom is calling all the shots, etc. I Get that Eva is famous because she was on the show about modeling But why does she have to walk in every place she walks into like that? Have you noticed she stomps in there? Like she's, you know, at the end of the modeling show
Starting point is 00:22:11 where they're like, boom, boom, boom, boom. Smile, I'm like, it's a cigar shop. You're a mom. That's how models are. Miles gotta do that. You know, she's still an active model. She's still trying to book those gigs. So every moment, every moment is
Starting point is 00:22:25 an audition. These two, I feel like are kind of still auditioning. I know it's her second season, but it was really, it's really hard to stand out on this show. Yeah. So she goes to the cigar bar. He doesn't even show up on time. And you know, she wants to kill him. Yeah. And the guy behind the cigar bar is wearing a butcher apron. He's wearing like a really thick leather apron. This is a scary bar. And then the husband starts talking about what a comedy connoisseur he is because he has Richard prior on final. I guess he's not a Chinese comedian.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I'm a Chinese connoisseur. Yeah, I just shade it all. You think that? He didn't. They're back. Yeah, they're back, you guys. Yeah, so she wants to ask Nini to give a speech at her wedding, which is really just only asking for trouble.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah. Yeah, she's doing this whole thing about how she grew up with with brothers and that that Nini has been giving a lot of advice and that Nini has become the sister that Eva always wanted. I'm like, you guys just met like six months ago. Okay, you need to relax a little bit. What about Tyra? What about Tyra Banks? Okay, the real original sister. Tyra is like, ding, ding, ding. To Eva and Michael. Tyra probably wants to officiate. She just wants to hand each one of the photograph. She was like each one of you has what the other one needs
Starting point is 00:23:48 Just while Ava is walking down my eyes she'll be like no, sorry. You're out. Miss J will just be sitting in the pub Be like oh Cuz that's all he does is make noises like that She's just like standing in front of me are two beautiful people. Eva, you got me saying Eva, damn it Ronnie. Eva, sorry, sorry. Eva, I see a beautiful girl, but a girl who's not confident. Michael, I see a man and I should be looking at a woman. So who goes home? The girl who doesn't have confidence? Or the boy who should be a girl?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Neither of you. You both get to stay. Congratulations, you're married. Wouldn't they say at the end of that show when you get kicked off? Um, I think they would just say, I'm sorry, you're not in the running to be America's next top model. Or something like it would come down to two, it would show a picture and it would be like, Eva, you are still in the running to be America's next top model.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And then it used to be that Tyra would just like dismiss them from afar and then they'd go home. But then like once you got a talk show, Tara started giving pep talks and she'd be like, now listen, you are a beautiful girl. You just have to work harder. That's it. And you're also plus sized. God, they should just do like a let's face it.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You don't have to face for this. Okay. Bye. Wow, you don't look like aviary enough. Goodbye Wow, you don't look like my sister Episode is just let's face it you don't support other women Don't work out on your smiles guy your smiles I'm trying to work out on your smiles, okay? Your smiles. Let's do it. Now guess what today's episode is.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It's all about gocees. That's when we go see Mario. Okay, let's go see Mario altogether, okay? Gocee Go, it's a dance. Okay. So Eva is like, Neenie's going to be the perfect person for my wedding because she's been married before and she's had dresses and children. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Okay, well, you know. She's had very standard life experiences. I mean, I haven't had those things. She's like, cake. She can talk or not talk. Every morning when she wakes up. She knows how to use a fork. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:30 She's like a sister to me. Like you're so off this show soon. You better come up with something better than a late husband and a lame bridesmaid. Okay. She's good. I mean, she's kissing the ring, so she knows what she's doing. So then we go over to Portia and Dennis, who show up at a steakhouse. You know, Dennis, again, she's kissing the ring so she knows what she's doing. So then we go over to Porsche and Dennis who show up at a steakhouse You know Dennis again just just bursting with personality Mr. Hotdog King and
Starting point is 00:26:53 And they they show up and Dennis is like I haven't introduced anyone to my mother in seven years I'm like that's a lie. You probably introduced three different girls worth last week alone Yes, and he does mom, but I had to turn the TV up. And my mom was my mom and dad are sitting behind me playing Canasta. My mom's like, what? I thought you weren't even listening to this. She's like, is he talking right now? You literally just turned.
Starting point is 00:27:19 You literally just turned your mom into little John. What? turned your mom into little john what oh she's she she's on the verge okay so portion is like you keep saying you never introduced anybody what about the last girl did she like her now you know that portion is making it an effort because I've never seen Portia cover her decal atage Yeah, she was wearing a top Yeah, I mean it could have been a napkin also it just we don't really know But yeah, it was shocking it was shocking no decal atage no decal atage
Starting point is 00:28:01 Of my napkin a fitted sheet. Yeah, Portia's got some big boobs. I was like I was going to do even find a top for that. Yeah, I know the tarp. It was a lobster babe. Yeah, I'm giving her credit. I was just the that you do grab whatever was close by. It could have been many napkins. So Dennis's mom Gina shows up and I like that Dennis and Gina match. They both were wearing sort of like an orange, like a dark orange color. And Portia is like, hi Mrs. Future Mom, here's a gift for you, just for fun. And she gives Gina a Louis Vuitton clutch and Gina looks and goes, this is nice. Yeah, it's like, nice.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Not impressed at all. Nice. Yeah. And then Purse ordered her medium well, which I feel like you should never do in front of somebody that you're about to, you know, ask to marry their son. You're supposed to say medium, okay? Do you remember when we were doing that show
Starting point is 00:29:02 and we said medium well and people booed us? Like the entire audience boot us. I actually don't remember that. We don't know what that was. No, what was that? It was a place that was famous for their stakes. We did a show at a place with the stakes. Did we do a play a stake house?
Starting point is 00:29:17 I didn't remember. Did we do a show at this place? Not the actual place, but the town was probably dead. Maybe it was Houston or maybe it's probably Denver. It was a great story. I've like literally have turned it on my Mima. I'm not kidding. What?
Starting point is 00:29:32 I just got to show him your mom. Remember your dog rags and she goes, no, I don't have a dog. Like she yelled at me. I just got distracted because the Marge, classic Marge just started liking up a storm on our Instagram and I've never been more excited. I just got distracted because the Marge, classic Marge, just started liking up a storm on our Instagram and I've never been more excited. I just got all these notifications.
Starting point is 00:29:49 First of all, she liked the picture of you with your nieces, which was an adorable photo. She also liked the picture of Kate Chastain with Bueller, also an adorable photo. She liked the photo of you with Kelly Dodd where you put your face on another Kelly Dodd. And she liked the real housewares of Kitchen Island. So this has been very exciting, the March.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Well, there you go, Ben. You just got all your Thanksgiving wishes and went classic march. I know. So, so Portia, it's time to order. And I just love that Portia's like, she's like you said you're sure does it bone in ribeye I'm like wow you really have pivoted away from veganism like it's one thing to like no longer be a baby vegan But you are she is like she has burned that down Can I just bring out a cow so I can slow right here in the evening. I'm like damn
Starting point is 00:30:42 We're should calm down. She's like drinking a glass of blood. I know. Yeah, she like went full on satanic the second she started eating beauty. That's what happens. I'm telling you. I know. So yeah, the, uh, she's like,
Starting point is 00:30:57 so you worked at the hot dog in Pyre huh? And the mom just stares at her. And she goes, I gotta go work for him too. He's a very busy man. And the mom goes, yeah, I was that's why I was surprised when he told me about you. So I need you to tell me what you did to get some time from him. And then they both laugh really, really hard. For a really long time. Yeah. So those awkward laughs were like they're just porous. Kind of like gauging like is this woman being shady to me right now? Or is she being shaded to Dennis? And what do I do next?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah. And she's like, to be completely honest, it was love at first sight. And the mom's like, oh, the sports is saying like every wrong thing she can possibly say. She's like, love your son's hot dog empire. Yeah. That's your first ding off. Then it was love at first sight because I love his hot dogs ding. And Gina goes, y'all aren't moving to an altar real quick. Are you imporious? Like a marriage, Alta? Like what other kind of altar is it? Like a that. Like I'm in my cold. Because they've been long for a really long time. She's like, no, I'm a very
Starting point is 00:32:12 liberal person. No, not the alt rights. I'm all right. I like to lose that movie. No, not Arthur. I am not a bit. No, not Arthur. I am not a robot. No, not short circuit. How do you even get the short circuit? It doesn't even kind of rhyme, poor sir. But it kind of rhymes with Wally. Oh, well, he said what?, Owl, Wally, Fatty, what? Oh my God, I'm laying face down on the bed
Starting point is 00:32:49 and my head's gonna explode because I'm laughing so hard by veins are popping out of my temples. We're full on politics right now. I don't even know how we have listeners, to be honest. Like, I don't know if anyone's even following us over. It's over. It's over.
Starting point is 00:33:02 You know, it's over. The third lay me a mosque story, they were out of here. Okay,, it's over. It's over. Third lay me a mom story. They were out of here. Okay. So Portia. So they just stand, you know, because Portia's like, let it all out of the bag right. He says, she's like, don't tell me you're in love already.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And it's like a long pause in tennis goes, whoa. Yeah. Portia goes, he told me he loved me. Being third wrong. you're out. Yeah. Um, so Portia tries to change the conversation. She's like, today, today was a nice day outside the where there was good. She's like, don't change the conversation. And also there was a tornado.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And he's like, well, this is the purpose of dating, right? I'm like, for your mother to hate your date over a state. She's a mom's like, true, to find out if you like each other. And so how do you guys feel about prenups? And that's really cute of the mom to be so proud of her mom. I like it when they're roasted. No, prenups, not turnups. Oh.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, I was really, I didn't know that I should even be sad before I got my nipples before they were premiums, but then I got my nipples and I said wow, I'd be so sad if I didn't have these. I'm sorry, I totally interrupted you with that. It didn't even make any sense. I needed some help. Okay, you were like my little crutch. You were like a little crutch Just waiting there in the hallway from you to grab on to speaking of grabbing things Here's another reason why I don't trust Dennis because when his food arrived He got some weird steak that had like weird stuff on it and the waiter's like all right This is a hot plate. So please be careful and the very first thing he did was touch the plate. Did you see that? He liked to touch it with his index finger like oh, let me see. I touch the plate. Did you see that? He liked touching with his index finger. Like, oh, let me see.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm like, what are you doing, sir? Yeah, that's why he has hot dog stands because he can't do like things that require it, feeling in your hand. You know, he can't do like croissant. You know what I mean? Yeah, he can't do our croissant. He has to do like a simple grilling thing
Starting point is 00:35:02 that you just throw them on. That's why he's burned his hand so many damn times. That's why Gina is so mad because she dreamed of Dennis growing up to have a quasand empire and he lost it. She's like, here's my idea hot dogs in a quasand. He's like, God, a mom. Let me just touch this burning plate. No, no, not your fingers. I told him, Dennis, when you heat up that oven to fit in the Quesson, don't touch the bottom of the oven and boom, his hands were in the broiler. I mean the only thing we need to maintain this Quesson Empire is for you not to touch the oven.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Okay. Oh, no. He was so stupid with fire, he will only be able to cook things on sticks. So it led to a hot dog empire. The truth is, Dennis, we almost didn't have you. You were, I want to say, we always said you were our miracle baby, but the truth is we made a deal with the witch and we said, as long as he never touches anything hot before he's 16, he'll go on and have a Quasant Empire. And on your 15, when you were 15 and 364 days years old, you went and you touched the oven! Why does why?
Starting point is 00:36:24 Weenies, weenies need to know that we need sausages you know I'm saying no that I did not know I was trying to go to the end of the woods because you were giving the spell oh oh I thought that was like the jingle I thought that was the jingle that plays when he tries by and as hot dark greens greens and nothing but greens parsley peppers and haveages asparagus watercress of fiddles and Dennis would be the worst sondheim singer ever. Weenies weenies and nothing but weenies sausage is a pepper is weenies and weenies. Weenies here weenies there weenies in the
Starting point is 00:37:00 forest everywhere we go to find the weenies into the woods we go to find a weenie and a hot dog and a hot song. You can't just keep saying we need Dennis. Okay. Then I saw him time. Yeah, you can't don't crush both of your mother's dreams of you to be have a Quasant Empire and to be a good side time singer. That's all she wanted. She wanted a son to sing some time. And make Quasant. I wanted him to sing Folly's and make Quasant. But now here we are, we need some Porsche. She had a dream of opening up a restaurant called...
Starting point is 00:37:37 Into the Quasant. I couldn't think of any Songtime musical. It's very sad. Assassin's. A little song. A little song. Quasant's. A little song music. Quasant company. A little breath music. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:54 She had a lot of dreams. So I think this mom is really cute for being proud of her hot dog empire son, but it's not pretend that Porsche is not making a zillion dollars right now. Okay. Yeah. She's on the top rated housewife rated. She's on the top rated housewife show. She's got a day job too. And she moved in from like two hours away, okay? Let's stop acting like Dennis over here is the one who needs to be writing up a prenup.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Yeah, but she doesn't know anything about toothbrush hygiene. So that's a huge red flag. You can lead a horse to a mansion, but you can't make it by its own toothbrush. No. So then we go over to Cynthia, who is on her deck, speaking, she's on FaceTime with Mike. And she's like, Mike, I'm getting ready, Chad. Get ready to have a Bailey Q not to be confused with barbecue. It's like, yes, Cynthia'm getting ready child. Get ready to have a Bailey queue, not to be confused, with the barbecue.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's like, yes, Cynthia, we get it. You don't have to articulate barbecue. I'm here with my Bailey blower. Broom. Mike and I were, get not in heavy. We're really, things are really taken off. We like each other a lot. We've even combined our names into a hashtag on Instagram called hashtag chill.
Starting point is 00:39:06 See the sea is from Cynthia and the hairless from him. So together it makes chill. I'm like congratulations. What an original hashtag that no one else has used ever on Instagram. Wow, it's really caught up with 14 million tags. I know too. Like look how well we're doing with hashtag chill. This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Look, there's a lady just like relaxing on a summer chair. Look, there's a guy smoking a joint. People long, people seem really interested in Netflix when they think about me and Mike. Strange, but also it makes me realize what her tagline now has another meaning to it She's been a fine line, but now she's ready to chill see oh Yeah, oh you see she's she's good at thinking about branding just not really executing like chill Okay, just Google chill right I'm actually doing I'm on Instagram right now. Oh look hashtag chill 34.6 million posts. Wow Cynthia. You are influencer. You made it. Oh, this is actually she can tell anything now. This is actually a terrible. I'm
Starting point is 00:40:16 looking at the photos that are posted chill and just like lots of basics here. I'll look it up too. It's terrible. Oh, hashtag chill. Let me see. hashtag. hashtag chill. God Cynthia is so sad. And then she's like, yeah, I don't want this to be confused with barbecue. And then the music's like boom. Okay, there's a lady in a thong with a whole pizza. There's a lot of sad ladies trying to look sexy in thongs.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Yeah, there's a lot of that. There's one guy who's sort of hot and boxer shorts. Yeah, but he's pretending to read, but then he's going to write with a ballpoint pen in a blink. What the hell is this? Someone posted a photo of the Eiffel Tower, which I think is kind in the book? Someone posted a photo of the Eiffel Tower, which I think is kind of funny, because it's like chill with the Eiffel Tower.
Starting point is 00:41:09 There's a guy, an okay hot shirtless guy. There's some like, I'm gonna post myself, I'm gonna post a picture of myself in bed at my mom's house doing this podcast right now and I'm gonna put the hashtag chill. Well, the thing is this we were also, oh, God.
Starting point is 00:41:30 This is what I don't like. You know what I don't like? Oh, okay. So it's changed it to cool. How does chill change to cool? That's such a gross word called like cold, a herd. See, here's why I'm upset right now. Here's why I'm upset because I changed,
Starting point is 00:41:45 I was on top for like the hashtags as looking at top, so it's not to change it to recent. And the chill one, it's like a full on racist thing with an N word. And I'm like, you know what? Whoa, okay. So, as you said that before I posted it, Gee-ee.
Starting point is 00:42:01 No, that's not what the hashtag is, just that's someone co-opted it. It's like, that's not right. You're supposed to use it for like a stupid selfie. Yeah, what the hell? I didn't see that. Should I still post hashtag chill? Yeah. I put hashtag chill home recording. What crap is with at Ben Mandelker. Okay. You can see my set up here. This is some fun times. Chill. hashtag chill. Okay. Cynthia, there's our my setup here. This is some fun times chill. Hashtag chill. Okay, Cynthia, there's our support. Yeah. Okay. You got it. You finally won Cynthia Bailey. Oh my God. There you are.
Starting point is 00:42:32 I just liked it. I saw you in the field. That's a great photo, Ronnie. It's like very, like, it's like a mid 90s. It's like a people pile, except you're the only person the people pile. I am a lot of people in my pile. All my muffin tops. I do want to write my faces from laughing. Yeah, do it. Okay, hold on. I want to make mine look like yours.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I got a routine. It's just like a 10 hour podcast. A little to relieve that. Okay, thanks, giving. Get off our asses. Yeah, this is basically it feels like you guys are all just items lost my slipper. My slipper fell off. Okay, I feel like just I just lost my slipper my slipper fell off
Starting point is 00:43:05 Okay, I feel like we're just at a slumber party now everyone welcome to us I'm gonna take hold on I got again to position Photo oh, I can't wait to see it. I wish I could say we were more professional than this on non holidays But not really so if this is your first time, sorry, bye. It was good to talk to you. I'm trying to get a good image. My hair, oh, god, I'm bound by cables and cords. That's the point.
Starting point is 00:43:33 I have a dongle in my bed and a lighter. I'm a monster. OK, hold on. Everything's got messed up. I have to do this again. I know this is bad content for everyone. Just be patient, because this is important to me and Ronnie. Okay, I took the picture and I'm going to post it.
Starting point is 00:43:51 I'm going to say, you're you talk, Ronnie. Let's combine our names, rondelker. But it has to be something searchable like chill. Okay, would you say I have to search it? No, I haven't put it up. I'm going to say podcasting in bed. Is that what you said podcasting in bed? Oh, you were saying what did I put? I put hashtag chill recording at watch what crap ends with Ben Mandlker. Okay. Hold on. I'm on the wrong account also. So I have to not get loud as a count. I'm ruining everything.
Starting point is 00:44:21 It should be the simplest thing and I'm ruining it all. I know. It's okay. But now I'm looking at this hashtag chill. I should have also put hashtag chill in your adventures of Sabrina. What a show. Let me talk about following Satan suddenly like for sure. Okay. I'm saying, I'm saying podcasting for at what crap ends with Ronnie Carrom. Hashtag chill. Hashtag chill. That's all the only hashtag you use, right? Yeah, hashtag chill. I came out way to see.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Okay, tell me when. Did you do it? It's. the internet. Oh, it's so cute. You look so cute. Oh, I love your green. I love that color of the green. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:16 I should have um, oh my god. This is the best thing that happened to me in my whole life. Okay, everybody, thanks for listening. Thanks for listening. That is so cute. Wow, there's so many. I'd like 20 pictures down already. Jesus, people love this hashtag hashtag. Jill, it's like Cynthia Bailey, you know, Cynthia is like hashtag selfie. Okay, so back to the show. So, oh, so they're cheesy. At least we made a Cynthia scene fun for us. I know.
Starting point is 00:45:50 That was really, that was really exciting. I really liked it. We run, you're not in the hashtag, Chilth, feed anymore. I was. I'm like 20 down now. People are posting like a house of fire. Wow. On that, actually. Wow. Cynthia Bailey. Okay. So, um, so Mike is not going to be there for another month. He's going to be there for, he's going to be in Atlanta for his birthday. And he's like, so you're going to jump out of the cake for me. And she's like, I am the cake.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I'm like, hmm, do you want to be the cake? That's right. Who says that? I am the cake? That's right. Who says that? I am the cake. That Cynthia's next line. Some people jump out of cakes. I am the cake. She's gonna choose the worst cake.
Starting point is 00:46:34 She's gonna be like, I am a unfrosted angel food cake. It's like, oh. Some stripper jumps out of Cynthia for his birthday. It's like, whoa. So speaking of cake, we now go over to a cake tasting with Shamari who's going to be throwing a birthday party for her two sons and she's there with her mother-in-law, aka Ma Devo. Yes, and Shamari with the second chick game on screen. she's like, after being on bed rest for two months, I'm throwing a birthday for my twins and my mom behind me because Oh, wow, what a natural beauty. Wow, what a night.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So they're basically, it looks like it's going to be this boring ass cake tasting thing that we've seen a million times. They're in a place that looks like a little gingerbread house, you know, it's like for kids. Yeah. And they're sitting on the go, they're sitting at a little kids table waiting for the ladies to bring a little kid cake. Yeah. And then, Tamara starts shit with her mom in the place. She's like, well, we sure came a long way. Yeah, she's like, since, yeah, she goes, I didn't, like,
Starting point is 00:47:49 when I first met her, like, I didn't feel like she liked me too much. I was like, really? Is it the death stare? She's currently giving you right now. Is that, is that what it was? Yeah, she still doesn't like you. High news flash. And the mom's like, well, I just wanted to make sure you were sincere in loving my child. And she's like, well, I just wanted to make sure you were sincere in loving my child.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And Shamari is like, well, I had my own thing going on before him. And I was not with him for for his name. I'm like, well, you weren't with him for his like classically handsome looks. You know what I mean? Do you think he's classically handsome?. You know what I mean? Do you think he's classically handsome? I don't know. But I think I'm some legend. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:48:30 A legend. What's his face to vote? Legend. The legend. What's his name? I'm blanking out his name, Ronnie DeVoe. The legend. Ronnie DeVoe.
Starting point is 00:48:38 No, he does not have classic. No, his name is Ronnie Hoffman. He came on the off. The Hoffman car. his name is Ronnie Hoffman. He came on the off the Hoffman car. You know, this whole thing was like very odd because they started talking about how like they got off on the wrong foot. The mom didn't really trust Shamari and then Shamari never
Starting point is 00:48:58 came to her woman to woman to explain what she was all about. And she thought that she was after the mom, Ma DeVote, thought that Shamari was after Ronnie's fortune, et cetera. And they were like dropping all this um, expository information so quickly. I felt like I was watching a sizzle reel. Like, didn't you get the feeling like this was a scene that they were like, Hey, we think this woman, Shamari would be really good for the show. How about Shamari takes her mom to a cake shop and then she can tell us about her life. And then they like showed this to executives, and then they decided, you know what, let's
Starting point is 00:49:27 just like put this in the show anyway. Because it was like so much information and so fast, and they were talking about it in like this weird like, aren't we still sort of angry about it, but we have perspective too. I was like, what? Yeah, it's like the story's already happened, but they're trying to remind us that there was drama there, even though yeah, it was a very audition's already happened, but they're trying to remind us that there was drama there even though Yeah, it was a very auditiony kind of a tape and I feel like Not to me. Yeah, I'm sorry. Did you hear that? Don't
Starting point is 00:49:55 Eva is like that as well her scenes. I feel like they're very Like trying they're very auditiony and then she's trying to start drama She really doesn't have drama with people and she's trying to start drama. She really doesn't have drama with people. And she's trying to start drama to keep it. It's kind of like a big audition season, but they need that this year. I think they were fucking out this year. So they're just trying as many people as they can.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah, but it was like weird. She was like, hey, and remember when I was almost on the brink of divorce with your son, remember that? Oh, and by the way, did I ever tell you that we had an open relationship? Did you ever know that? Ma DeVo, and she's like, I thought I was just coming on for a cake chasing.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Yeah, but you know, not everybody goes to improv class. Like at the beginning, she's like, here we are in this cake shop, mom, mother and mom, talking about cake for my twins who I just gave birth to. After we've had such a rough relationship and the mom's like Oh, yes, you mean after my son had those experience with the other women And she's like yes mother then but you know that we had an open relationship, right and the mom is like what? And freeze I do like okay, you're both apples now.
Starting point is 00:51:07 You're both apples. Madvo is so mad. How am I supposed to be an apple? It's improv, mother. What I like about Madvo is that I feel like she has, like, time daily at home here, you know? Like when time daily doesn't have to go out, she sort of lets her hair just sort of flop like that.
Starting point is 00:51:28 I feel like that's what she's got, like a little time daily hair. Ooh, she's like, I've got my time daily hair on. Are we shooting this thing in the cake shop right now, really? All right, that was amazing. Give me five minutes just to get my time daily here in order. It's a little messy right now. It's starting to turn a little Sharon Glass, if you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:51:51 So good. And Samari is like, well, I initiated the open relationship. And my dad goes, Sure you did. Oh my god. But I mean, and she's like, there was a girl interested in, I was bicurious.
Starting point is 00:52:04 And the mom goes, when you open up the doors You let the devil in she goes well he ain't here now and then the ladies are like okay guys your cakes ready It's like you're literally in a kids Gingerbread house right now. I thought it's like a Bailey was gonna walk in did somebody ask for a devil's food cake? So I run a good one ask for a Bailey Katie a a baby food cake. Happy belly of day to you, not birthday girl. So um, uh, but yeah, uh, ironically, or few for the birthday. It's like, yes, and then we got it. You put candles in your head, we figured it out. So this, I like this baker, she's smart because
Starting point is 00:52:43 she comes in and she brings the cake out. And she's like, now you're got twins. So I think what you should have is twin cakes. And she's like, sure, it's like, okay, that'll be $450 for each cake. Thank you. And you can tell Samurai never spends money like that. So many people have gone so broke on these shows, just trying to act like they're rich, you know. And then Samurai goes, we just got mine.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Hundred dollars. Okay. Wow. Smooth. Smooth. So we're right. Yeah. I mean, well, don't forget her for you.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Okay. So, so then there's like a shot of Cynthia opening an umbrella. She's like, yeah, it's like this is as exciting as I'd expect to Cynthia scene to be. Like of course, it's like just like, just like, job. The umbrella is opening up. It's like, this is as exciting as I'd expect it to seem to be. Like, of course, it's like, just like, John, the umbrella's opening up. It's like, okay. And the sound it made, she's like ratcheting up the umbrella, like,
Starting point is 00:53:34 three, three, three, three, three. And she goes, the theme of today's barbecue, or should I say, the belly cue,
Starting point is 00:53:44 is red, white and blue, because fourth of July I was like, oh wow You really you really you really that's genius you've really landed on something there red, white and blue for the fourth of July Welcome to the fourth of Bailey So she has like three little balloons from the grocery stores and she's like guys So she has like three little balloons from the grocery stores and she's like guys Do you think my balloon is tired? They're like oh god just get rid of them. You don't need the balloons Yeah, she only got three balloons for her decor. She has this giant deck They're not even so long The balloons are bored. I love that the lake by the way that lake is you can see the fuzz on that lake. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:54:27 I'm an Austin. This is a lake town. There's five lakes here. I've seen a lake. That is no lake, ma'am That looks like velvet Al G sure so Yeah, those poor balloons they're like, uh, we are here for the balloon be cute. Oh child wrong Get the wrong event. It's a balacue. I'm sorry, man. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Sorry for your inconvenience, ma'am. So the theme of this is not only fourth of July, but it's bring a plus one and a dish. Now, this comes up in the episode a lot today. And it cracks me up Have funny Cynthia is she's never had a party at her home. Mm-hmm. And she's making every it's a potluck Yeah, her first party is a potluck with three balloons Yeah, you know, I've been down that path. Okay
Starting point is 00:55:19 So why love the first thing that arrives is a giant hot dog delivery from Porsche. So, basically, the hot dog band comes with its song. How did that song go again? Winners, winners, winners. Winners, winners, nothing but winners. Winners, winners, nothing but winners. Some were a genius like it was supposed to be Quasong. Quasong, Quasong, nothing but Quasong, Quason, Quason, Quason.
Starting point is 00:55:45 All you want to talk about. Bruce Dennis' mother and son-time are pissed at the same time. I know. They were going to do a collab. So wait, did are we now going to go literally quit this? So
Starting point is 00:56:01 are we going with a story that Stephen Sondheim was actually commissioned to write the Weiner song and he's mad because he wanted it to be a bit of a croissant. Well, you were more than more that the mad that that Dennis adapted a sondheim. Yeah, he's mad. It's like when you finally start giving people license to do your shows and community theater. So they're like, wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:56:22 This song is Green's Green's and nothing but greens. How did it become Weiner's We, weeners, and nothing but weeners. Well, because we all know that clearly Gina was the one who licensed it. And was like, dear, sometime estate, I am writing because I would like to adapt the song into Quasong, Quasong, nothing but Quasong. And then all of a sudden, it's like weeners, weeners. And she's like, well, we'll just never tell the song times that My son turned into a winner song and now he's on national TV Driving around with a winner song
Starting point is 00:56:55 Poor son time Son time arrives to suit to hand them their papers and he's like this is not a lake Burned up Peter shows up she's like hi, I'm here to sing the Quasant song Turn it up. Turn it up, Peter shows up. She's like, hi, I'm here to sing the Quasant song. There's been a change. It's the last Quasant. Okay. Sooner or later, you're gonna be my Quasant.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Okay. So, damn it, Ben. So anyway, the hot dogs. Right when I'm like, I feel so bad for making Ben talk about XX you'll like wait a minute Let's go back to that son-time weener theory You know me. I love a tangent slash game so So the hot so I actually got mad right now when the hot dogs stuff start to arrive I'm not love hot dogs and I'm always down for free hot dogs
Starting point is 00:57:43 And I'm sure all these hot dogs as much shit as we give Dennis for the hot dogs I'm sure they're all delicious but I have to say There is something a little showy about that's like excessive hot dog delivery You know with a potluck everyone brings like their thing Sometimes you might even bring two things, but then when someone brings just like a huge amount of stuff that comes from a restaurant, it's like not in the spirit of the potluck and it's kind of like, I don't know, I owe it, that sort of annoys me. Yeah, first it's over compensating, right? It's like, oh, he's trying to brag for her. And then it's like, oh no, he's just trying to be like,
Starting point is 00:58:21 oh, I'm rich. And then I thought, oh, he's basically just blatantly using Porsche so he can show his food truck on the back. Exactly. Because then it occurred, which is even grosser. Yeah, because then it occurred to me, oh, I see why this is all happening. He is just trying to get us to talk about his stupid hot dog company, whatever it's called.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Does it actually call it the hot dog company? He is doing like the, yeah, it's called like the Weiner King or some bullshit like that. And I think it sounds like weenie empire is something hilarious. We like to empire hot dogs. That's what Michael's trying to play. That's why he doesn't understand comedy. He's like trying to spend an M he's trying to spend a empire hot dog.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Wait, which Michael? Are you talking about Empire records? Oh, no. Is it Michael Eva's assessment? Oh, good. You said he had a record. Sorry. No, why did I think it was empty? I actually feel like I just saw tonight when I was looking at restaurants nearby,
Starting point is 00:59:21 there's something called like Empire Sichuan. It's very top of mind. Weenie Empire. Weenie Empire. Let's just pretend it's called Weener Empire for fun. Because I don't know what it's called. And Kusons. Yeah, he is basically getting free advertising. He's trying to make us think he's really rich, but he's desperate and thirsty for free advertising and it's gross. And I both feel sorry for Portia, but I'm also like, get it, Portia.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Like, I don't know how to feel right now. I don't know how to feel. Yeah, I don't know how to feel either. I think I'm just concerned that he's taking advantage of her. So Neenie shows up. She's wearing the craziest ensemble. The way I describe it is she'd look like she stood in front of a high-powered industrial fan and had people drop rags in front of a high-powered industrial fan and had people
Starting point is 01:00:06 drop rags in front of it and just saw what latched onto her body. It was just like lots of floppy pieces of fabric that somehow were all held together. Well everyone this year in the cast dresses like a zombie from the 80s. You know, old zombie movies where people were like wrapped in the gauze or whatever. Everyone's wrapped into things. Candy shows up and I was like, is that a pirate feeding dress? Because when she has a pirate rough on her shoulder, but then she has kind of a bikini top and I was like, that is totally a mom's feeding dress. When you, you know, you're going to be out and about and you just have to feed quickly and pull it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Yeah, it was a lot of wrap. It was, it was, it was like golden vertical blinds and then she had a fan. Yeah, it was like, it was strange. It was strange. Then Marlow was there and she brought a bedazzled fishing rod. She loves showing up with a prop. She loves a prop.
Starting point is 01:01:04 She loves a boom. She loves the boom. She's basically at the caratop of real housewives of Atlanta at this point. She's just be carrying around a chest. I love the Neemium Marlowe both, and walking with props. And yeah, a diamond fishing run. And she's like, I brought you a gift. A diamond fishing pulse. You could catch a man. Good one. Good one. So then, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:01:27 knee, knee, nose, I was like, polls. So then, so then, um, they are talking and Neenie is telling them that, uh, even invited her to the wedding and everything and everyone sort of surprised at stuff. And Marla was like, well, she's going to need a little personality in that wedding It's gonna be boring without Neenie, which seemed like a fair point Yeah, oh poor Marlow, you know Marlow's trying. I wish I don't know
Starting point is 01:01:56 I wish it would work out better with Marlow She kind of cracks me up. She's wearing Okay, I'm not gonna start going Okay, so Cynthia, you're welcome everybody. I didn't hear what you said because I went to brush some dust off my laptop and this is what I get. I accidentally pressed the Siri button and so it was like, hello, and I was like, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Karma. Yeah. Oh my God. So let's see here. So Cynthia, the queen of using storylines from years past to be mad about now, all of a sudden, so she has something to talk about at her potluck with Rebel Lins, is like, it has come to my attention
Starting point is 01:02:36 that Eva has started rumored that I pills paid will to date me and they show Cynthia and Will's totally natural relationship. He's like, and now triple time stamp. me and they show Cynthia and Will's totally natural relationship. He's like, and now triple time stamp. Just like, that was wonderful. Here's $10. And she's like, I did not pay him. How dare she?
Starting point is 01:02:55 I don't think that she paid Will. I think that she's like, Will is the type of person who's going to flock to a camera, especially she's a super model. So I don't think that she paid Will and I like Neenie's explanation. She's like Cynthia stop Cynthia shops at the dollar store. I know damn well. She didn't pay will to do shit Just imagine that umbrella outside that's been cranking up was donated by the cranky umbrella store, okay? Like she is not paying for shit. She wouldn't even get her first party catered. Okay, she's not that they will. Exactly. Those balloons are definitely dollar store balloons.
Starting point is 01:03:31 She's dating one of the balloons. She's like, just balloon. It's my new boyfriend. We're very serious. We're going to get married, but not in my mouth the wedding. Always the bridesmaid never the invite to the wedding. So Marlos like, oh I don't get it, I don't know just don't where it deal is. And oh by the way I wanted to tell you guys, I know this is a long podcast but I had to remind you guys. Dirty John is on. There's a show called Dirty John.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Oh my god, is it premiering tonight? I did not know I Don't know if anybody noticed but wow. I watched the first 10 second or 30 seconds of it Because it was at the end of my real house. I was a Orange County recording and it was like Connie Britain Walking down a hallway, but then there's flashes of blood and I was like ooh and she's like in life things are crazy But you can always make things like the perfect life or whatever. And I was like, okay, fun. So that's that.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Dude, every commercial was dirty, John. And then they would have another commercial about the actors interviewing about what it was like to be in dirty, John. And then it would be another dirty, John commercial. And then it's some lady swiffer sweeping her floor with a dirty, John swiffer. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:45 How much money did you guys spend on this show? We get it. And that's like Vicky Gunvalsan being like, this is Vicky Govison. You should watch Diddy John. Also Kelly does cook it. Bye. It's like, what? What was that?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Kelly does cook it and I was totally victim of Brooks. Okay. Carry on, get a job. Diddy John murdered me. At least murdered myself a Brooks. Okay. Carry on, get a job. Did he John murdered me? At least, murdered myself a steam. Okay, goodbye. I came out way towards that. Yeah, it was pretty.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I mean, real housewives of Orange County, I mean. Yeah, yeah, no, it was objectively an amazing really an episode. It's amazing. Oh my God, okay, that'll be tomorrow, everybody. Yeah, that's tomorrow. I've got this on, we finished this recap. Yeah. So after the commercial break, we just come back to with Neenie with Marlow and like Marlow's doing her makeup and he's
Starting point is 01:05:33 like Marlow, you have so much makeup put on any put on anymore. We're going to have to put you in a casket. And then Marlow's taking pictures and her bikini top. She's having everybody take pictures of her. Yeah. And so everybody starts to arrive. Candy and Candy reminds us, yeah, go ahead, you do it. No, I was just gonna say that Candy and Carmen show up and I just like that Candy showed up with a pound cake. She's like, sing down, rally, I mean, a pound cake.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Ooh, don't want no cops, don't need no cops. She said, Cynthia said, this is a potlock, but I'm not bringing the tea, Carmen and Jamie for spilling back. Candy for someone who's refusing to spill the tea on Dennis, you've talked about it in every single episode so far with like 10 different people on camera. But she'll soon enough pretending she's not getting fingerprints on anything. Well, I also part of me also feels like my new theory that I'm coming up with right now
Starting point is 01:06:41 is that there's going to be a scene with Porsche and Candy where they're going to get into a fight and Candy's going to be like, well, this is what I heard about Dennis. And then they like went back and they shot the scene with Carmen and Jamie. I think her name was and all these interviews. So they, I think that Candy was being tight-lived and then when it came out that then she recorded these scenes. Okay, it's a great thing.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Oh, okay. That makes sense. Yeah, no, no, that makes sense. No, I was following it. I was just trying to put it together. No, I just realized it was like a puzzle. It was like a really uninteresting theory about post-production.
Starting point is 01:07:12 No, it's not that it was uninteresting. It's just like one of those puzzles that you're doing the puzzle. And you're like, why am I even doing this puzzle? This is a stupid puzzle. It's like a panda bear hugging a baby. And you're like, oh, I just wasted five hours on this puzzle. By the way, I have, oh, I just wasted five hours on this puzzle
Starting point is 01:07:26 By the way, I have to really I just checked in on Instagram right now and I have to give a shout out to feminist coda who already On the photo she go she laughed at the fact that I use the hashtag chill like she immediately got it. So thank you from this coda The hashtag chill is gonna end up being the death of us you watch. Okay. So So everybody is having fun. Shemari um Shemari gets there and they're all automatically making fun of Shemari and how she dresses, which I was cracking up at this cast kills me. I was dying watching this episode. And also did you notice on Cynthia's front right by her front door. She has a giant sign that says dream. It was actually, it was actually her ode to the girl group dream. She was a big fan back in the year 2000. On the, it's it's girls. She folded the girls part in because she was too cheap to get a sign that just had a dream. She's like, Oh, I can
Starting point is 01:08:30 find the dream girls. poster. So I just wanted to say just dream. So I was like, I'm telling you, I don't want to pay for the rest of that sentence. So we are your dream. Anyway, so Shamari. And I am telling. So Shamar is just all about truncated dream girls. I don't know if you're still there or not. I don't know if I'm laughing. You know, I'm cracking up, so I'm moving the microwave from my face, because I'm literally just cracking up
Starting point is 01:09:08 like trailer park asthma breath into the phone. I'm like, I'm like, so I have to say by the way, I was getting really excited. I was like, you know what, I think I'd like this tomorrow right now, because she's like, I brought a roasted couscous vegetable salad.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Yes, and I was like, I love how excited she was about her salad, and that she made that. And then of course, she was like, it was made by my chef. And I was like, okay, now I'm less excited because, A, you don't have a chef. Okay, you have a chef made tool set, okay, which we all get from Target. Second of all, like you probably didn't make it now.
Starting point is 01:09:40 So it was probably, it was probably, Ma, Ma, Devo made it. So stop taking credit, even though you started of all, you don't roast couscous, you'll break your teeth, you roast the vegetables. Okay, Shemari, I'm gonna pick on every little thing you do until you stop talking about bisexual, open relationships and gingerbread houses. Okay. I mean, it's not like she took credit for, for making the salad, she was very upfront that her chef made it, like she took credit for making the salad. She was very upfront that her chef made it,
Starting point is 01:10:07 but she took credit for having a chef. And that's what I object to also. Yeah, she's struggling very hard with that. Like, no, no, no roasted couscous chef. No, so now it's something really weird happened. So all of a sudden, this like murdered out car comes down the driveway.
Starting point is 01:10:28 And we see like a foot, can step out slowly and it's like slow motion like, ooh, someone's showing up now. And it was this woman named Tanya. And I'm like, why is she getting this big old introduction? Is she gonna be trouble? Because when she shows up. No, it's so weird. Like we didn't know who's a Jennifer of you it like who is it you know it
Starting point is 01:10:48 could have been anybody yeah was it like off brand million dollar matchmaker lady was it Lorna left like who is it I literally don't know. Is that, is that Sarah? Is that what's her face? Jennifer Connelly? Jennifer Connelly. Is it flow from Mel's diner? I don't even know that. Is it flow from aggressive? Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:11:21 So yeah, I was like, who is this? It's so mysterious. And then Neenie's like oh That's one of my best customers. I was like it's a customer from one of Neenie's shop and Marlow is just giving her evil looks So I this this woman got such an introduction that I almost started to think like is there another new housewife on this cast that I forgot about like I doubted myself But no, and I'm sure she is. Well, she's, I think she, she is good. First of all, she was very good with her like, she acts sweet, but she got a lot of shade
Starting point is 01:11:54 in there. Yeah. I think she, how, how swans of Atlantis notorious for casting 80 people at the beginning of the season? I mean, look at Portia Mia. I mean, she should have been a full housewife years ago. Yeah. They just keep stringing people along and then deciding at the last minute who's going to get a peach. Remember that season that Shere was supposed to come back and then they filmed a whole season with her and she didn't know that she wasn't getting a peach
Starting point is 01:12:17 until after they shot the season. I mean, this is so. Yeah. It's great. It's great. It's probably what they did to Danielle stop too. Twice now. Oh, yeah. But Danielle great. It's probably what they did Daniel stop to Twice now. Oh, yeah, but Daniel stopped. It's her own grave bless her heart. Yeah, so Yeah, so this woman and I feel like there's I feel like we should know more about her I'm sure people are probably posted on our walls and stuff that but we just didn't pay attention That like oh she's the ex-wife of so-and-so and so-and-so and once did once did such and such to so and so and now has this and that you know Yeah, she must be because meanie is falling all over herself She's like we are so close our birthdays are the same it around are they the same day? They're like around the same time there was like a flashback and we're there was a flashback of them at swag and
Starting point is 01:13:04 They're like oh my god. I'm born on December 13th. I'm born on December 13th Oh my God time it goes. I feel like we are so special. I was like, oh my God, please make this woman a housewife right now And then because back to me and she's like she's talkative. I'm talkative. She's outgoing. I'm outgoing talkative. She's outgoing. I'm outgoing. Wow. This is like a forever friend right here. And Jamari and Marlo were just staring at Tonya from the couches like, die bitch, die. And Mimi catches my mouth. She goes, look at Marlo, such a hater. By the way, isn't that pleasant seeing Mimi be pleasant and fun again? Is it? It's just being horrible.
Starting point is 01:13:46 It's been really wonderful. I feel like she really, I feel like she's really, like at long last, she's had like the correction that she needed and it's really nice. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:59 So then Porsche is driving with Shemia Lauren in her car and they're talking about how Eva is trying to pull up all this drama again. And Shemia is like, Jesus Christ, even when I'm pregnant, is anyone ever going to be nice to me on this show? And the Porsche is like, no, any tougher pickle. That was so mean. That was so, so mean. I could not believe that Porsche eight half for half her pickle. I mean, the woman's pregnant. That was so mean. And she really did almost cry. She's like, I'm pregnant.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I also want to make me cry. You have my pickle. I know also like Porsche was like, oh, now she's me out. I don't know if you heard about this, but Eva was really going in on you. She was really, really, really shading you, but I don't want you to go in there all round up. I'm
Starting point is 01:14:47 like, what the, why would you say that to her? She, you know, I really like Eva, but I think that she me and deserves to know that people are mean to her. She's no, she doesn't, but it does turn out to be really fun. So back at the party, Eva brings in, she comes in stomping in again, like she always says, boom, boom, boom, hello, like slips her hair. She's like, I brought dips and chips and also a pineapple upside down cake.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Oh, I'm a cook. Look, here's pictures of my cast iron skillet. That's so what? I don't. She, I respected that that like she made her own upside down pineapple cake And you know like Cynthia Bailey was like I've never seen one of those at the one dollar store $1 store what am I saying? She's like I love your Bailey pans. She's like thank you. I love your upside down Bailey cake I love your upside down Bailey cake. I love your up Bailey down Bailey cake Bailey.
Starting point is 01:15:50 So then even even says a lot of things that don't really make sense to me either like she's throwing shade all the time, but I'm like, why are you mad again? So she's telling us after last year with Cynthia, because she told Cynthia that she knew about well dating a bunch of other girls. And this was like Eva's first episode, right? And so she goes, I learned after last year receipts are important. Keep your email receipts, your text receipts, your paper receipts, your IRS tax receipts, every receipt you ever get, because we need factual and actuals.
Starting point is 01:16:21 And I was like, what does that even mean? Like you're going to be nice to Cynthia unless you have proof of something. We talking about. I don't know. Well, either way, Nini then introduces Marlo finally, Tatanya and Marlo is like, oh, let's see, those Valentinos, Val, Valenti, oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Oh, that's nice. All right, all right, you know, for me, like I see you got a lot of labels. For me, it's not about the labels for me. And he just starts laughing. I mean, this is a woman who like walked around in like 95 degree degree. Miami heat, wearing some like Versace body suits made of like three layers of a pack of her.
Starting point is 01:16:59 I don't know. She's about to hear my $100 cake. That's all I hear. Well, that's Samari. No, I know. Yeah, that's the kind of idea I mean where it's like people struggling so hard to tell you how rich they are. It's like $100 cake, $100 cake.
Starting point is 01:17:18 So then Cynthia, Portia comes and this is how Portia enters. She goes, comes and this is how poor she enters she goes. She was that's that's like what you're supposed to do to like alert the hot dogs that you've arrived. That's the new like the the sound of the brakes on the hot dog truck. That's like the commercial jingle. It's like, it's like, da, da, da, da, da, I'm loving it, but it's insane. Ah! Weemies, weemies, and nothing but weemies.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Ah! So, Eva's like, Eva even like, oh my god, like, uh, Porsche, it's supposed to be bring a dish and then bring a plus one. Um, like you brought half of Atlanta. Uh, she only brought Shamea and her sister. It's like one extra. Yeah, even it's just, even was just trying to be mad at all times about every little thing and no one is biting and it's cracking
Starting point is 01:18:25 Yeah, because it just makes evil look crazy. Yeah. Yeah, she is crazy. So then they're Then they're joking about I'm making a shift hashtag chill hashtag chill so So Marlowe's like sorry. I missed your show show, Shamari, could you please perform for me? And then Candy is like, oh, well, see? If I were to perform, I gotta be careful because Ron is gonna show up and say, I got bad spacing, Ronnie.
Starting point is 01:18:56 And Shamari says, you know, he just gets that from his uncle and Candy says, so he's a critic. And Shamari goes, no, he's a legend. I didn't, I literally called him a legend again. I didn't catch the guys name, so I'm not gonna comment whether or not he is a legend because maybe he is one, but like I'm getting on the, no, no, no, Ronnie is let Ronnie's uncle.
Starting point is 01:19:22 Oh, oh, oh, oh, I thought she was saying, oh, so he's a critic. Like he got that from his uncle being a critic. A critic. I interpreted it. And I know Shamari is someone. There's like a lot of ways to interpret Shamari because she's multifaceted like that. I interpreted that Ronnie.
Starting point is 01:19:39 You guys the depth of Shamari. Yeah. Yeah. So I interpreted that Ronnie was influenced by his uncle. Okay, now I gotta look up the uncle. Okay, hold on. I got, oh my God. No.
Starting point is 01:19:51 No, I'm doing it. I'm doing it, Ronnie. Hashtag Gull. Do it, and I support you. I'm sorry. I gotta put my microphone down for a second. Yeah. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Hold on. Hold on. Ronnie DeVo. Uncle. We're gonna look right now. I need to vote on goal. We're going to look right now. Brooke Payne has also known as Flo DeVoe. Well, I don't know who Brooke Payne is. You're going to go down a rabbit hole. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:21 A DeVoe rabbit hole. A baby hole. Okay. You will. So he's, I mean, he's, he's someone important, I guess. I don't know. I'm not going to go down the rabbit hole, but I just want you to know that the uncle is someone. He's a legend, Ben. Okay. Okay. Okay. Ronnie Devo was the second to last member to join the new edition after being brought in by his uncle and the group's choreographer, Brooke Payne.
Starting point is 01:20:48 So Brooke Payne was new edition's choreographer and he brought in Ronnie DeVoe. I'm glad we figured that out. All right, well, there he is. He's established. Yeah. So that's why he was talking, okay, but then that makes it funnier because he's a choreographer. And Candy said, he said, the spacing is off, but he didn't. He said the pacing is off because he was talking about the order of the songs. He wants the songs to take you on the journey.
Starting point is 01:21:13 So it's a big, huge mess. Okay. No one's understanding each other here. Yeah. But I'm glad there's a choreographer in the family. Yeah. I love a dance. Yeah. me too, me too. So anyway, I wrote down everyone's squealing and jeering. Okay. So they're on. So now it's time to get now it's time for a party game and Cynthia Bailey made this game up herself. I'm surprised you didn't name it past the Bailey's, but it's actually called past the peach. And basically, you have to answer a question or past the if you have the basically, you have to answer a question or pass the, if you have the peach, you have to answer a question or pass the peach to someone you think they question is for because they're questions in a hat.
Starting point is 01:21:54 It's kind of a convoluted game and the rules don't seem to like they really pan out. It just seems to be a lot of like provocative questions with peach passing, but it was fun. Yeah, it's just a, it's just a way for people to be rude to each other and then they can fight with each other if they feel like it and if they don't, they can just chill out because there's like 30 people.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Hashtag chill out. So, before everything gets started though, Shamia's just like sitting on the couch, all pregnant like, even like, what do you need? And she's like, can I get some more of that dip? So even makes her a plate of dip. And he cuts the candy, being like, see? Now, really?
Starting point is 01:22:32 What's up with that dip? I'm suspicious. Hey. He he he he. It's like dip shade, this season on the real house of Atlanta. Yeah, I was like, I love that they're like cutting to candy giving that that plate of bean dip side eye.
Starting point is 01:22:53 So Neenie goes first and the first question is who in this room needs a makeover and she's like, I'm not gonna answer that, I'm nice this season. So she throws the peach to Portia and Portia's like, that's I only catch weenies. So she throws the weenies and Porsche is like, that's a I'll only catch we miss. She throws the weenies weenies everywhere the weenies. You don't have to do the theme song every time you have the peach Porsche. So then she's like, but some of you all need an extra track. And then, uh, Evis says, uh, no shade here. I'm passing it to Shamari. So they just keep passing it around. So at first it's like, no one's gonna answer, right? Right, and there's like, well, there's a lot of talk
Starting point is 01:23:31 about who is best dressed, because then there's like this weird thing where she's like Shamari and Shamari's like me, and then he was like, okay, okay, okay. And then they're like talking about candy because candy's wearing red on top, and they're like, okay, who wore like red on top, but what's the better shoe with it?
Starting point is 01:23:44 And Eve is like, okay, if we're going to talk about who's the most fashionable, it's candy. Who's the most snatched? It's Shamari. There. I'm like, what is happening here? Yeah. It's basically audition line.
Starting point is 01:23:58 It's an audition. Yeah. So Portia keeps shading Shamari, which cracks me up. Cause, Samari seems to really like Porsche. Cause in one of Samari's talking, she's like, I've known Porsche since high school
Starting point is 01:24:12 and that ass has always been their trust. Yeah. It was like sitting above the desk and then Porsche is like, whoa, Samari's given us Decatur Spinus. Oh, you better work that A to A.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Pump that. So everyone's just making fun of it. It's like how trashy she is. When she say? Boom A to A. It's one of the black songs, the big songs. Oh, I was cracking up because poor Samari. She's just like the new girl and everybody's making fun of how she dresses instead. I know. It doesn't. Samari sort of reminds you of broccoli though.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Anyway, so who's the biggest liar? Marla, so Marla's like, well, in the past it was Porsche, but in the future it's Eva. And then Eva gets up and does half a runway walk. She's like, hello. Why exactly are we a storm? Who stole my golden goose? And then we go to commercial and they're like, hey guys, this is me back and it's not really that big of a fight.
Starting point is 01:25:28 It becomes like, well, I've seen you around town. I don't really know you and you're always acting so fabulous. What's bad about being fabulous? Ooh. Yeah. I lie next to my man. Where do you lie? So, so then Candy's like, oh, she's like she's like okay, I mean Ted Turner like she's whoever
Starting point is 01:25:47 She's lying next to you. She's got a damn mansion for it. Okay, and my million dollars and clothes So she's doing something right so then and the best call back of the night candy takes the peach and gives it to Eva And she's like all right all right I have to give you the peach because you were shading Shamiya the other night and then you fix her the beam dip It was like this is like It's like the the the the bean dip The bean dip tests of like how good of a friend you are Yeah, it was so good because he goes you were shading the shit out Sh she me and then even goes, hey, who made the second layer
Starting point is 01:26:25 of being different for her? So then she's like, look, the other night, all I said, I said, Portia, what friend are you bringing with you? Because it's a plus one party. And then Portia's like, that is not it. You were fired up. And you said something mean about shimmy. And she's like, so what's wrong with that? Okay, the point is after that love and light party and then we see a clip of that where it's like the two chorus girls agreed to not step on each other's lines or whatever. And then they were
Starting point is 01:26:55 kind of mean to each other backstage. Yeah, like no one cares. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, so then, you know, there's this taught, you know, shimmy is like, you know, there's this taught you know, Shami is like, you know after the love and light ceremony You know people were asking me questions and I wasn't being shady yada yada yada yada yada And so it's like a really like uninteresting controversy about another uninteresting controversy. So then Cynthia's like now eva chat I've heard that you've been spending a rumor that I paid will to date me last year and I just want to say that for the record I did not pay will I went to Goodwill to get my balloons. Thank you. I rented Goodwill hunting and
Starting point is 01:27:39 I did a hashtag chill with my kill. How do you like these Apple? And that is not a grammatical mistake. I only bought one apple. So even because I only told you what I know to be fat. And she says, so I pay them and she goes, I do not know that to be true.
Starting point is 01:28:02 But it's happening on this show. I quiet down and just kidding. And didn't they have this fight already on the reunion? I mean, the surprise. Cynthia was paying people. Come on. I don't know. I mean, I think we can tell when someone's really being paid.
Starting point is 01:28:13 I mean, like, for instance, when you have Walter, the tow truck driver who is suddenly dating Kenya, like, yes, that's obvious. I think when you have like one attractive fame seeker who is then now hanging around another attractive famous person I don't know. I believe that that was like a natural like I don't know that you will love him Yeah, I don't know that she paid him, but I think she cast him you know, and it's easy to do I guess yeah I mean like cast him is far whatever like he's hot. Let's let me go try to date him. That's fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:45 That's what dating is not anyway. But basically all casting. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. I'm a very picky director. All right, everybody. I miss a Kubrick. So she's like, I'm not going to pay somebody to date me. So don't ever confuse that ever Now what do you think about those three balloons on the back door welcome mat? Now let me tell you something there are two things I don't pay a lot for dates and mufflers all right And we need actually We need this new category. I used to I've always paid for we need need to now that I got them free delivered to my door I'm not gonna pay a lot for that we need either. I will never pay for a we need again
Starting point is 01:29:31 That's such a funny slogan if you think about it who came up with that I'm not gonna pay a lot for that muffler like what a lazy ass slogan and yet here we are 30 years later residing it Those are the best ones. Keep it simple. Where's the Baili's? What's one is which what what locus? Good. Time to make the Baili. So time to make
Starting point is 01:29:58 time to meet the Baili job. Keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps Baili, keeps the best part of waking up is bathing in the cup. Try that actually works in many different ways. Avoid the barely. Turn that frown upside, barely. It makes five, let's let's. Every kiss begins with barely.
Starting point is 01:30:23 So the candy gets the peach and she's like, here's the freakiest. And he's like, that's you bitch. So then candy starts talking about how freaky Porsche is and Porsche goes, what's my fake number? Speaking of, what's my sleep number? There's a good one. Those people were really on top of their game. Soia says she's not a 10 because she doesn't do backdoor. And can you say, now, you mean you don't do it anymore? I said we tried and we failed.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Could you imagine? No, I don't want to, but Portia has such a big, but my god, that's like that movie where all those ladies went into that cave and then you never saw them again. Yeah, that's not just like a backdoor. That's like a backdoor with an awning and a patio set. That's like a lot of stuff to get through to get into the house. That's a village. That's like, that's like, that's like, there's a deck.
Starting point is 01:31:22 That's like, there's the backdoor and that leads out to the deck and then there's a staircase up to the deck and there's a grill And a bunch of little toys left around you to step over things and You have to look for the light because it's nighttime. There's a bug zapper and then There's a grapple path leading to the mailbox. It's like a half a block away. A couple of newspapers that have been throwing against the fence because it's too far to take them all the way to the front door. The deck is actually, it's in Florida, so it actually has a screen. It's screened in, so there's actually a back door to get to the back door. There's an alligator swimming outside. This alligator waiting to get in. So then the new girl's like my sleep member is 8-9-10 depends on the holiday. I was like,
Starting point is 01:32:17 no, I was talking to you new girl and they just all ignore her. So then Cynthia is like, now that I've talked to my phone boyfriend and now that I've tried to start a fight from a reunion that's been over for a long time already, I will say, please raise your hand child. If you've been in, I know, relationship girl. And then so it's a big pause and she means like, it. They're going to obviously going to call me out. Yes. Samari, sorry, I wrote sham because I do. Wow. I do shorthand.
Starting point is 01:32:52 No. And so that's two. And now I have two shams. So yeah, Samari jumps up. She's like, fuck it. I'm going for it. She goes, yeah, she just like does like a full on like, at least she makes like a why with her body. She's doing the YMCA and she stopped in the Y
Starting point is 01:33:07 And everyone's like oh wow, okay, you're standing up. Okay, sure sure Even goes even goes does anybody else wants some popcorn which is kind of like a lame thing to say I'm kind of sick of hearing people go I'll get the popcorn, but she literally pulled popcorn out of her purse She brings receipts and popcorn apparently. Yeah, yeah, then Portia goes, you know, it's pretty cool that tomorrow is open mind. It's an open relationship, but she's closed mind into stylists, which I was like, that was, that was like something that we would say. So thank you, Port you Porsche I know it's like so stupid, but I kept laughing. I was like that made no sense, but I was cracking up anyway I like that all they care about is that she's just got a terrible style
Starting point is 01:33:55 And it's like this and like and like them saying which is hilarious Neenie was cracking we have for this because Shamiya's or Shomari's trying to be like proud, you know, she's like, no, it was awesome. We could do whatever we want. I could, you know, I was bicurious, so I got to hook up with girls. Then he got to hook up with girls. I mean, it was great. The only thing he would let me do is hook up with another man. And my dad goes, what? Yeah, the only rules, no rules whatsoever the only rules I can't hook up with another man I'm like that's kind of a big rule
Starting point is 01:34:30 You rule and he goes but what about if he has a big chest and a big dick and she goes nope and Everyone starts yelling go for each other and he goes you should be able to get big She's right if you're're going to be an open relationship, you might as well get all the benefits of it, right? Yeah. This was so, so funny. And good for her for just jumping into being like, these ladies are obviously going to drag me for this. So let's do it. And get a cake scene set up with a mother-in-law before horrify the whole neighborhood, you know? Yeah, exactly. And that's pretty much what the episode ended. Yeah, what a fun episode. I can't believe we recorded this long.
Starting point is 01:35:10 I know. This is insane, but it was fun. It was worth it. We're going to be back on Tuesday to talk the real housewives of Orange County Reunion. So we give everyone time to watch in case they missed it on Sunday night. And we are excited to talk about that one. And then, you know, it's the usual thing. So go to watch crap and stuff. That's not a great, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:34 I'm sorry, go ahead. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, weekend and what a great way to finish it up. I'm still in Texas in this bed and finishing it up with my little
Starting point is 01:35:45 Bestie, but I think so hard this late at night was really fun. So thank you, baby. Thank you, baby Go to watch your to get your awesome crappens holiday merch and then go check out real house Where's the kitchen island do on YouTube? It's just just type it into you So good and That's basically it, guys. We'll talk to you in the next episode. Talk to you guys later. Love ya.
Starting point is 01:36:09 Bye. Bye. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watch Your Crappens, Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen to Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts.
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