Watch What Crappens - RHOA: Drew-d Awakening

Episode Date: December 15, 2020

This week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, we meet our new housewife, Drew Sidora, and a new friend-of, LaToya. It's only their first episode, but we're already excited for big things...Our... Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watcher Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Brava. We just love to talk about, I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me is the wonderful, the joyful, the man who will never leave me for three days about telling me where he's going. It's Ronnie Carrum. What's up, Ronnie? Oh, hello. Yeah, I want to shut up about where I'm going. You know too many details with me.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Me neither. Me neither. It's it's it's at land today. I keep I keep on in say Orange County, but it's at land today. Our second episode we get to meet some new characters and everything. It's very exciting. Before we dive in, is there anything any any announcements to be made? By the way, it is the holiday time. So be sure to get some crap in some March. Get a crap in some I'm actually wearing my little Hanukkah shirt that we have, my happy Ramona Kusher, which I love. Oh, yeah, it's a good, so if you need some hotty gifts, crap in some
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah, go check it out everybody. Yeah, today is Real Housewives of Atlanta Day. Very full week over here. We're just gonna keep steam rolling this on through crazy news, y''all and like you said We have two new housewives. We have a official housewife and a friend of the friend of his Latoya and the official is Drew Yes, and we also Get our first glimpse at the lines our taglines for the season. So we start off with Kenya
Starting point is 00:02:24 Which is if you don't like my shade then step out of my shadow at the lines or tag lines for the season. So we start off with Kenya, which is, if you don't like my shade, then step out of my shadow. Oh, I like that. I think that's pretty good. That was good. I like that a lot. I'm surprised I actually took so long to get to that.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Yeah. And then Candy, a little Candy always helps sweeten the tea. I mean, that's pretty basic. You know, it's pretty base model tagline. It's good for candy. It works. Drew, now Drew's tagline is funny because it's like really quiet, which is fun. She's an actress, so she should know how to project.
Starting point is 00:02:58 But her tagline is like, it just that the levels on it were all wrong, so it's like you could barely hear her and she's like, I was in the game, but now I'm calling all the players. Well, that cell phone, you know, and it's not just COVID, it's always how they've done taglines. You know, like some of them sound like they're on speaker phone. Yeah. Lisa Rina just called in your tagline.
Starting point is 00:03:19 All right, we'll be here. Just leave it on the voicemail, we'll get it. I mean, if nothing compares to Dorenda, this past season of New York where she's like Whoa Derinda She's the elder as in life. Yes, and then we get to Cynthia Bailey I've been through the peaks and the valleys and now I'm headed over the heels Cheels yeah, I was like hmm not
Starting point is 00:03:43 Not ready for that. At least she didn't say like, I'm headed over 50 cents. I'm not headed over the hills and it cost me 52 cents, you know. Yeah, I'm head over hill. I'm head over hills. I wasn't sure if she said I'm head over hills. I'm head over hills. I'm headed to the hills. I couldn't tell what the pun was.
Starting point is 00:04:01 And honestly, I didn't really even care to go back and find out. It's my kill. My to go back and find my kill My kill the pun is my kill. Yeah, that's what I figured Yeah, I'm head over to you. Yeah, head over to his men Porster will young What she say hers is the best she says obviously I may be social distancing, but I'm here for social justice I'm here for social justice I'm here for social justice
Starting point is 00:04:29 Oh, she's gonna center peach Porsche has the center peach. It's also great. It's a crazy small cast this year, right? Why does it look so small? Is this amount of people? Well, they did get rid of will well they get rid of Eva and Nini, but then they took on... Drew... Um, I don't know, I mean the House of Cascades... And they got rid of Tanya too, because Tanya's not a full-time, right? Well she was never a full-time housewife. She just felt like, and in fact I was like, where is Tanya?
Starting point is 00:04:59 She should be in this episode, and I kind of was like, I knew my Tanya! Wooo! Nooooo! I was missing her. in this episode and I kind of was like, I knew I'd tell ya! Oh! No! I was missing her. Yeah, she was coming. She was in the coming next week, sir, whatever. She's good. She should have been at the wine tasting.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! So, yeah, it feels like a small cast, but you know, the housewives cast usually go between five and seven cast members. So what can you say? So we start off with Kenya Leif blowing outside,
Starting point is 00:05:27 which was a non-glamorous look for her, surprising. Enough that the music stops. Well, so Kenya to be Leif blowing on an enclosed patio. You know, it's like it has the glass that comes from the floor to my car mid chest. So it's very kid, yeah. She probably ended up with a lot of leaves on her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And then Cynthia comes over. She sneaks around the back of the house. What are you doing? Ah-ha-ha-ha. And Cynthia's like walks up to the deck, but she's like all like super like tentative because she's afraid of snakes. Because I guess she has a lot of snakes at her house which by the way
Starting point is 00:06:06 be sure to add that to the zilla listing Cynthia when you eventually sell it I'm sure people will love that. So she's brought her a little temporary cooler with sparkling wine in it and she has a toy for Brooklyn which I cannot believe didn't make Kenya extremely jealous because Kenya jealous of everything that baby gets. That's true. It's 93 degrees out, so everyone's hot and sweating. And so Kenya has invited a new girl named Latoya who she met through Kenya.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And we see like a little flashback of Latoya saying she wants to, you know, she wants to set Kenya up with like a bomb ass Nigerian man. So Cynthia is already getting a little jealous herself. She's like, I mean, you just met this girl and you already have her coming over to your home. I don't know what I'm missing. I'm like, Cynthia, that's called being friends with someone. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:54 It's like, you meet someone, you hit it off. You say, come on over. Yeah, and she's a friend of candy and candy is saying that she met her years ago. She's like, she can be a lot. Yeah, I was just kidding. And she sure is. And she met her years ago, she's like, she can be a lot. Yeah, I was just saying. And she sure is. And she tells Kenya.
Starting point is 00:07:09 She's like, so I hear you're single now. We can find some bomb ass Nigerian men for you. Yeah. And Cynthia is like, I love my girl, Kenya. But mama takes some time to warm up to. And then we see flashbacks of Kenya just being vicious and awful to new girls like 2D from Facts of Life and Eva etc. Yes, so Latoya comes over here and she's like, God, it's hot. I have a sweating problem.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I drip and Kenya's like, what's that song? Bring it to me. I like it funky. Yeah, Latoya also says she's like, wow, this is like the new chill spot. And you just, I was like, oh, that's why Cynthia's mad because she had an unsanctioned use of the word chill. Yeah, she's like trying to take her brand away in the first episode. Yeah, throwing down the gauntlet. So, Latoya is like, so, how is it, Kenya being with the Trinidadian man? We're crazy. We're all crazy. Kenya's like well, I was warned that they were cheaters
Starting point is 00:08:08 And she goes yeah, we call them Horner man. Yeah, so what she called that? Horner man. It gives you to know she tries to spell it and they put big letters on the screen. H-O-R-N-E-R They're mad the cheats. Yeah, everything that Latoya says gets like a huge dictionary entry on the screen. Yeah. Some reason. So then Kenya and her biggest lie, yes, says, I'm a great judge of character. I'm like, let's see, we started with Walter in your The dog spray man slash fiance slash that was fake She's got your YouTube movie truck operator. We have the mat. We have Mark. We have Everyone so but she says that she really feels like Latoya and her could be friends and she's just refreshing
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah, because Latoya is gonna come on and do all of her dirty work. Apps, you know, and make. Latoya is so thirsty. So thirsty. So Latoya's like, yeah, 2020's been insane, you know, I'm getting separation and I have children. And then I mean, he served me at home, which is good because I do want the separation,
Starting point is 00:09:20 which leads us to Kenya's separation. And so. Well, we haven't filed yet, but we are separated. Yeah, he is just very angry. I mean, I hope he addresses his angry and let's, well, that's what we call it, a bonka.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Okay, and he's going through to bonka right now. That's a dreamy thing. Kenya's like, to bonka. On the screen. I love that. It's introverted. So Kenya, Kenya is doing this.
Starting point is 00:09:46 She's saying that she doesn't know how Mark didn't react if any papers get filed and he's probably going to like fight with her. And so she has to always stand or toes with him because high conflict individuals want to fight. I'm like, yes, I believe that that's true of Mark. Also of you too. Don't act like you're not a high conflict individual, Kenya.
Starting point is 00:10:03 So Cynthia's like, oh, here's to our future of Joe being Cynthia and my kill saying, okay, so now speaking of piece, I would like you to come to Lake Baby, Latoya, because I've reached out to Black owned wine companies and I want to have a tasting and Latoya goes, oh yeah, I want to see that river. It's like, it's a lake. I just said Lake Bailey. It's like, um, don't you have a stream in your backyard or something?
Starting point is 00:10:30 That's a river. I'm like, are we really gonna go add it over bodies of water? Also, like, well, first of all, Cynthia's also, I've also, I seem to remember, I think I got mad at Cynthia for calling it Lake Bailey because I think I took a stance that it was a pond more than a lake. I may revise that, but either way, I liked that they had this impasse.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Puddle Bailey. Sincol Bailey. Yeah, so now we go to the day after Porsche's arrest. And little PJ Pickle hot dog is the cutest. Yeah. Maybe ever. Of course. So she's walking all around Mrs. Diane is taking care of her and Lauren the sister comes in and they whispered her because she's been in jail over the protest. And so Portia calls and she's face timing them. And the mom of course, Miss Diana's like, now I saw the mug shot. What were you doing with that straight line across your face?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Like Charlie Brown. What kind of mug shot was that? Yeah, Portia's like, I was trying to fix my face to get ready for the photo when they just snapped it. And she's like, my yelp review of the gel, the floors were hard. But I'm catching a fly you know, so she talks about how She's so lucky because she gets to go home to kiss her mom and her baby and Breonna Taylor doesn't get to do that And she got to meet Breonna Taylor's mom and hugged her and she was such a warm person to meet a Palmer yeah
Starting point is 00:12:01 and It's just a nice touching portion scene. And then we go over to dinner with Drew, the noob and Cynthia. So the theme for this episode is that everyone is sweating. Everyone is sweating at all times. This poor, this poor cast has to shoot outside because of coronavirus in sweltering, you know, Georgia summer. So, so, so Drew has a boot on because she heard her leg and she's like, oh, you have some good quarantine sex with that leg on, huh? And Drew is like, yeah, I'm sort of, I don't know. She's like, yeah, he doesn't care. He'll just swing the damn thing out of the way. Yeah. So, So Cynthia tells us who she is. She's a talented actress and a songstress
Starting point is 00:12:48 and they met through Eva and she's like, yeah, you know, the way that this foot happened, it ruptured right after my first line of a play. I was co-star with Leon and here we are standing on stage and my foot just ruptured. Yeah, I would like to know more about that story. Like what happened, what was it weird? Did you hubble off stage? And what play was it? I would really like to know that. But did Leon hold you? Did Leon caress you?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Did you fall in love with Leon? Tell us more about Leon's pain. What did Leon's pain look like? That's what I'm trying to say. So she tells us she's been here a year in Atlanta and she loves it. It's so family oriented, but it also has industry here. She's like, hi Tyler Perry. How you doing? Hope and the work with you. Yeah, I'm like, okay. So Cynthia is, yeah. So she wants to introduce Drew to Kenya because they're both actresses. And Drew is like,
Starting point is 00:13:46 this is the same kind of shady. She's like, have you met Kenya? Because she's acting as well. Lots of roles. I thought maybe you've bumped into each other. And Drew's like, no, we're probably going in different age brackets. Yeah, so she's like, no shade.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Not saying she could play your mom. And she's like, well, older sister maybe. I mean, I see young actors. Well, my good friend. She's like, yeah, I, you know, I encounter like the Megan Goods at my auditions, you know, not so much the Jessica Tandys, you know. So then she tells us that like, I'm an actress, baby.
Starting point is 00:14:20 I've been doing it since I was eight. I was T-Boss and the TLC BioPay Crazy Sexy Cool and I was in white chicks and I was eight. I was T-Bas and the TLC BioPay crazy sexy cool and I was in white chicks And I played myself on the game, but she also she also writes and does music So she's sort of like every annoying person in Los Angeles to be honest like oh, yeah, no, I write I do music I also have an underwear brand. I'm getting into passion and I was just on a TV show It's like everyone out here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:46 So you probably spent a lot of time in coffee shops with a MacBook. Yeah. I'm going to. I say that as someone who did that before coronavirus. I was sitting in the coffee shops with my MacBook and be like, I'm a writer. So she asked how Ralph is doing and that's her husband. And she's like, well, you know, he's been my caregiver and my nurse. We should totally double day. Yeah, let's do that. But marriage sucks, right? It's hard work. Yeah, we need to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:15:14 So that's how... Yeah, and then eight hours earlier and we see Drew, she's like with her daughter, like in bed, and she's like teaching her daughter the ABCs and then Drew's mom walks in Pastor Jeanette and she's like She sings like Lou Am So the mom's there and they're doing like a breakfast and bed type situation for her for the anniversary. And Drew tells us her husband is Ralph a David pitman. He is an entrepreneur in that realm.
Starting point is 00:15:58 She said, oh, in the IT realm, yeah. And she's like, and we have three children. We've been together sick. We've known each other six and a half months And we've been married for six and a half or six years or something basically they bet and then they immediately got married Yeah, exactly she met him on a press tour for TLS what during the TLC movie and You know we see him and at this point I'm like he is so cute
Starting point is 00:16:21 He's he wow. He's just as adorable. What could possibly go wrong, right? So, Jeanette is like, so are you guys going to be worshipping tomorrow on, worshipping on Sunday and Ralph's like, well, we're going to plan to celebrate all weekend. That was kind of our plan. And she's like, oh, well, but just remember, it's because of God that you've been together for six years.
Starting point is 00:16:44 So, a little worshiperino. And Dreet tells us that her mom is Mama J, and she came to help with the kids when COVID happened, and she stayed there. And she's like, and living together is not easy. You know, sometimes we're trying to have husband and wife time, and she'll just walk right in and Ralph is butt naked.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Put a lock on your door. Yeah. And a parent doesn't Put a lock on your door. Yeah. Kind of parent doesn't have a lock on the door. Have a lock on your door and like electricity hooked up to it. So if anybody even touches your door, they get electric keys. Yeah, little zap. And then we see how Jeanette and Ralph don't always get along.
Starting point is 00:17:18 We see a flashback to two months ago of Jeanette being like, I don't usually go off. You have not seen me go off. I was like, oh my god you have not seen me go off. I was like, oh my god, oh, this will be good. Yeah, so she's got the mom in there now fighting with her husband. And so the mom agrees to take care of the kids
Starting point is 00:17:35 on Sunday afternoon if they'll come to church. Yeah. So then we go to Candies and she's picking up mama choice to go to Riley's graduation, but only two people can go, because COVID, you know, it's running thing mom Bravo. I mean, Bravo, really trying to make this COVID thing happen. COVID or as Mama Joyce calls it, COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:17:53 COVID-19. So they're just like talking about how it's Riley. It's like their first graduation, and they're just like really happy. And Joyce is really upset because for Candy's graduation graduation, no the girls from escape went with her, went to the graduation, Candie had to base like leave the tour to get go to her graduation and then like as soon as she got a diploma went right back and they were all mad at her when it happened. And of course Mama Joyce is like,
Starting point is 00:18:20 And I thought it's hard as I worked for that diploma. Can't even think it was my diploma, geez. I know. And then we see, like Candy's saying how she's not sure if she's ready to get rid of Riley, like the let go of Riley yet. And we see some pictures of Riley through the years a little bit.
Starting point is 00:18:40 And then Candy's like, yeah, Riley's a strong personality that I'm proud of. And then the scene just ends. I was expecting a then Candy's like, yeah, Riley's a strong personality that I'm proud of. And then the scene just like ends. I was like expecting a whole thing of like, remember Riley when she was eight years old, like Riley through the years sad music. And I was like, all ready to cry for Riley and they just ended the scene on me. Yeah, this is like so far. This is the second episode and so far I'm thinking, like, really, my honest opinion is just watching this. I'm like, this show needs to really do something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah. I know we're all stuck in COVID. I'm glad they're making an effort, but I'm kind of like getting a little ugged out. All right. Like, hug meaning bored, you know? And man, do they change things up in the middle of the set? Yeah, this episode, like, and then it just comes to life. Like you just need to put them all together again. And then boom.
Starting point is 00:19:25 But first, Porosha's with her mom and PJ and talking about the protest. And Diane's saying how scared she was. And Porosha was thinking about her grandfather and how he protested so much. And you know, she sort of has to like find a new work-life balance. She's got to make up time at dish.
Starting point is 00:19:41 She's got to make up time with her daughter. And then there's like a, you know, then also like fitting Dennis into this situation. And like, what is the situation with Dennis? Do they have a relationship? Are they going to get married? Situation's getting more toxic. Yeah, same thing with Dennis, basically. She's still mad that Dennis lives in the city and with her. So same thing pretty much with there. Yeah. And then we go to Cynthia's house with Chandler, her assistant.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And they're putting out bacon wrapped little weenies. Oh my God, those, I thought they were bacon wrapped dates. I assumed they were bacon wrapped. Whatever they were, maybe they were. Weenies, dates, pebbles, I don't care, I want them all. Anything wrapped in murder. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay all. Anything wrapped in murder. Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay with that if that murder's delicious.
Starting point is 00:20:27 For the enough sugar on it, and it's delicious. Commissions, here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest
Starting point is 00:20:54 and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong,
Starting point is 00:21:14 what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:35 So Kenya comes over with Latoya, and Latoya is like, I mean, with lakes, you can't see the other side. So it's a river. It's a river to have it. What are the odds that Latoya is chewing on? I mean, at this point, she's really is not willing to accept a reality right now, which is that there is a lake in front of her, and it's not a river.
Starting point is 00:21:58 She needs to really, she really needs to get with it now. So they meet Chandler and, you know, Air Kiss and do all that good stuff. And Mike's there. And he's like, I'll just be waiting downstairs. You know, you guys have fun or whatever. And so Latoya comes in and Latoya is hilarious. She's like, wow, let me test your sofa out. Oh, wow, so welcoming.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Are those plastic plants? Yeah, she's like, are those artificial plants? And then can you just like, Cynthia, are these fake rapes like everyone's just wondering how much stuff is fake in Cynthia's house? Is that a fake snake? Actually, that one's real. And, Littory, I guess, oh my god, thank you for the food. So good. I love cold meat balls, really. Yeah, let's toy it. The toy is coming on like very hard. I mean, it was funny, but she is coming on hard. Like, she's kind of tacky, but she's going for it. She's like, I want a spot on this show. But so comfortably tacky. Yeah. You know, she's not like last year. What was
Starting point is 00:22:56 that girl's name? Who came way too hard and tried to start a fight with Ivana? That dinner. Yovanna, yes, that bitch. Yeah, Yovanna was awkward. Like, yeah, that's what I- That's what I'm- But yeah, she's not awkward at all. She's like super comfortable. She's like, I'm just gonna come in and start a fight with people. Yeah, she's like self-assuredly tacky.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah. So speaking of which, Marla walks in. And what was the name Chandler's the assistant? She just like, Chandler opens her, he's like, hi, how are you? She's like, she's brushes right by Chandler. I was like, why don't you say hello to Chandler? So she says hi to everybody and Cynthia's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:23:31 well, I'm gonna sit you by your best friend, Kenya. She's, well, we know how to act like ladies. Don't we, Kenya? And he's like, some of us act and some of us are. And Kenya tells us, Marla has really fallen off. I mean, I don't think she's ever been on, but she's really fallen off, like into the ocean and to a drag net. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So Cynthia warns them all that Drew is coming and then they start talking about, and she's like, oh yeah, you met her at my engagement, the engagement that you almost ruined. And Kenya's like, I feel like such crap that I nearly ruined Cynthia's surprise engagement. Ha! I just wanted to show support. So then we go to Candy. And Candy has bought flowers for Riley. They're at home. And Riley's like,
Starting point is 00:24:25 things I would have preferred money, but this is good. Just kidding. Uh, so Candy is so proud of Riley's diploma. It's so sweet. She's just like looking at it and totally compelling. And it's so lovely. And then speaking of self-assuredly tacky, Todd then pulls out like a wad of cash.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And he's like, here, Riley, you can have a wad of cash, which is like, I don't know what the whole thing, I mean, I don't know. I just thought, what's the difference between a wad of cash and a check? There is no difference, but for some reason, I felt like it just was very ostentatious, and for the camera, it's like, look, I've got wads of cash. And meanwhile, Kayla is eating a couple noodles up in Manhattan, trying to like, in a stalemate with a of noodles up in Manhattan, trying to like like like
Starting point is 00:25:05 like in an stalemate with a rat holding a broom trying to like live her life and Riley's just getting like a big water cash. I think it's because they're always talking about how taught us so cheap with the kids and he refuses to give them any money and so he probably got a lot of shit online and we're like okay here's the gigantic stash of cash now get off my ass Twitter. Yeah but that's what I'm saying it just it, it's so, it was so much like, for the cameras, not really for Riley. Like Riley just happened to benefit from his own insecurities.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I was like, that's fucking dog. Classic talking. Yeah, well I wish my dad would feel that insecure. I mean, we all do. So then we go back to the ladies and they're talking about Riley graduating. And the twirly, the twilight the twilight is like I mean what was Riley's first car anyway a Porsche well my sugar daddy bought me my first car
Starting point is 00:25:50 and Marla goes I want a sugar daddy I've never had a sugar daddy I like Marla and she's like no he was old and he was white but he wasn't a sugar daddy he just bought and then we see clips of her like he bought my home he bought my mother's home he bought my of her like he bought my home. He bought my mother's home. He bought my family's home He bought my cars. Yeah Marlow So Latoya said that she met her sugar daddy when she was dripping and everyone's like ah And then she gets up and starts like sort of like I don't know Wasn't really twerking was just like stripper moves and everything and Mike like is like now out of the basement just like staring at her like
Starting point is 00:26:29 Mike's eyes, his eyes. I'm so sorry that I was hurt. You got like super married about Mike's big, huge eyes. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? And they just kept cutting back to his face, staring at her, jerking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:42 And then Kenya and Latoya have this like really weird moment together where like Kenya's like stop it or something and then she's like fussing with Latoya's hair and it's like sort of flirtatious or whatever and Mike is watching that like like basically kitchen island falls over from his boner. Yeah, Mike's in recovering you guys. I recover. I don't know if you've heard of Chihil the book. But you know what? You can't do that in front of Mike. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:09 I hadn't heard of it, but thankfully Cynthia Bailey propped a copy up right behind the couch so that way we could all see it throughout this scene. Oh, God. Did you see that? It was right behind Drew's head. It was right there. And it's like him shirt like shirtless like grasping something like oh
Starting point is 00:27:28 The the torture of a man who cheats How hard it is for a man to get married who's been nine million ladies I love that Cynthia's propping that up. Let's kind of I think for anybody else That would be the most mortifying book to ever have released the year that you're supposed to marry a guy. But hey, you do you. Yeah, it was just like so blatantly set up for this shoot. Like, it wasn't, I can imagine if you wrote a book, you put it somewhere, you put it, you know, people can see it. But this was like right on camera, on a little table, facing the couch in a way. And I'm just like, okay, maybe Todd isn't so bad with his wads of cash.
Starting point is 00:28:06 So they're still talking about what a sugar daddy is. And Marla's like, well, I have to look up the definition of sugar daddy. And it's like, ding! Cause she looks it up on her phone. So we get another big definition. It's a very definition heavy episode. And the two way it reads,
Starting point is 00:28:21 a rich older man who lavishes gifts on a woman for her company or sexual behavior and Ken is like Why are you looking at me? It's like you want to pull my hair just pull it can you? That's why the hair pulling happened. Yeah, so then Drew shows up with Ralph her husband and Mike and Ralph are friends of course And so Latoya sees Ralph and it starts doing this like, oh, did she bring her dude there here? I'll tell him he needs to leave. Okay. I'm like, Wow, you are really comfortable with this group of ladies, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:28:51 You're just now gonna start kicking people out of a party that you're a plus one from. Okay. And Ken is like, oh Cynthia, where do you get these straights from? Do you visit the local pound? And then Latoya, you know, basically everyone's meeting these guys now, Drew and everybody. So Kenya's like, well, seeing Drew, I'm just kind of underwhelmed. Yeah, and the Bruce is like, but you thought her husband was hot, right?
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's just, well, I mean, her husband was cute. Yeah. So here we go with some Kenya on a husband again. Well, they're made for each other, it seems like. So Kenya also chimes in with her pasts for grushing. She's like, I didn't know it was a guy thing. Ah! What happened to your leg or your knee or your foot
Starting point is 00:29:38 or your ankle, whatever that is? And she's like, oh, it was my ankles. I was doing a stage play. It happened on a stage because I'm an actor So I was on a stage of a play. So that's how it happened. Yeah, and the toy I go is I don't care about that right now I just want wine which is so rude like it is so rude. I'm so tacky And she turns to Kenya and she goes she has a pet on her head. I need wine So then Kenya's like, um, have we ever met maybe playing, you know, young girl friend number
Starting point is 00:30:06 two? Maybe both together, huh? She's like, no, I haven't been on YouTube, but you know, we may have mutual friends and she goes, he's just, I don't know, like maybe some actors. And she's like going to go start residing, do the name game and let's where I go. I'm sorry, I just have to say one thing This is why I don't like you drew and it's like boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom But then it's like you don't like me what it's like because of the game
Starting point is 00:30:35 Because you broke up Melanie and Derwin on the game It's like ah And Drew tells her that like basically a lot of people get mad at her for whatever happened on the game And but she's like I just not imitate life. Okay. I'm not like that So Some Marlos like so so you're working right now. You can get Kenya some jobs Like please get Kenya some new gigs So she goes into the kitchen to get some food with the toya and she tells the toya don't be telling candy your business girl
Starting point is 00:31:07 She used it against you and the toya is like so you're saying don't take her advice and she is well took advice Like as in how to pronounce certain words, but she can't keep a man of Jesus paid her So if you're looking for allocution, yes, but otherwise Keep it all to yourself. And Blatory just cracks up at her. What I thought was really funny. Blatory has found a kidry spirit in Marlow. So the ladies, they all go outside and Cynthia starts telling us that she still doesn't
Starting point is 00:31:40 get why all her why why she does still feels like Mike doesn't get why having all her families and friends at the wedding is important to her. And I think then the rest of the world is saying why don't you get what a pandemic is Cynthia. Yeah. So then the toy is like, oh, we just met. So lady with the cold meatballs and the plastic grapes. I'd love an invitation to your wedding. That would be great. So, now Mike and Ralph have a, a bro on bro talk down by the dock and Ralph is like, yeah, our relationship was utopia at first. It was awesome, you know, because I value
Starting point is 00:32:15 happiness and bro, I was her nurse, okay, I've been her nurse and like, man, her mother law lives with us and she's like, type A and I'm a dominant man, you know? So like, bro, and I'm like, as soon as he starts talking about how he's a dominant man and like how, like, you know, he values his happiness. I'm like, a douchebag, your hot, but a douchebag, should've known, because you're too hot to not be a douchebag.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Yeah, and he's like, yeah, I get so mad that I just have to leave the house, you know. I mean, I've left for days before because I have to take time off. You know, I'll so mad that I just have to leave the house. I've left for days before because I have to take time off. You know, I'll make sure everything's together so that they don't miss me. And by that, I mean, spy on my wife when she doesn't know it with hidden cameras.
Starting point is 00:32:54 But if I'm not happy, that's not good for anybody. And this whole conversation started with Mike going, oh my God, you've been married six years. So were you about to get the seven year itch? When that's all Mike can think about is cheating. Yes. Literally all Mike can think about trouble. There's trouble ahead with Mike.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I'm sorry to say it. There is trouble and there's trouble with Ralph. There already is trouble with Ralph, but like he, the fact that he's like, this conversation is just a justification for what we find out is like really bad husband behavior and just of him like, I'm a dominant man. This is just who justification for what we find out is like really bad husband behavior and just of him like I'm a dominant man. This is just who I am. I need my space. It's just what I it's like it's actually like fuck boy language like he's a
Starting point is 00:33:33 fuck boy who got married by accident and now he's like trying to use the classic fuck boy things but you're married so it doesn't work as well like the classic thing like you're going too fast I I need my space. I need my space. Well, yeah, but I like like two fuck boys are talking about how hard life is and then this is the answer. We'll all pray for you. There's a snake around my ankle. So, um, so now Cynthia's having the woman tasting the wine. So they're all drinking the wine. They're all black owned wines and they're also getting a little drunk and They're all black owned wines and they're also getting a little drunk and Latoya's talking about how she wants to hook any up with someone, etc. Because she thinks that like, you know, you can have fun while you're separated and Drew's like what?
Starting point is 00:34:13 I mean, what bows did you take? You can't have fun like What you can you can have fun while you're separated? Yeah, I think I don't agree with her. I don't agree either. I think that's the first. Yeah, you're separated, then you can start dating. Yeah. Otherwise, and most of the people I know who are married for the second time have cheated. Yeah. Because, yeah, I think that you're allowed to cheat.
Starting point is 00:34:37 It's not cheating when you're separated. I don't think. I don't think, I think at the very least, you can say, every couple can make their own parameters for what the separation will be. And so Drew's separation could be a different separation from Latoya's separation. I think that Drew is just a little feisty about it because she gets separated. Like, she wants up in a separation situation against her will. Like, she goes downstairs and finds out that she's separated. Yeah, she thinks she's separated because she thinks her husband has left her a lot of
Starting point is 00:35:10 times. Yeah, a lot of times she's like calling her husband for dinner and then she realizes that he's gone. And so she's like, oh, I guess I'm separated now. But Latoya is like, but I am separated and I'm going to get him out. So and she's like, well, that's not what separation is. And she goes, well, then tell me the definition of it. And she said, well, if you want to get married, then you, if you want to get a divorce,
Starting point is 00:35:34 then get a divorce. Like if you want to date, get a divorce, you know, but until then you're still married. Yeah. And she tells us, well, that girl's just not all the way there. Okay. She's like, if you think that you're going to get separated and a man is going to wait a year for your ass, you've got another thing coming. Yeah, but I didn't totally, was that what Latoya was saying?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Was Latoya saying that the guy's just going to wait around while she experiments? I think, because Drew says that her definition is that like separated means I need space to see if I want to get a divorce or not, which is fine, it can be that too. I think that for some people, the dating around is actually part of that process, but she's sort of like, no, I need to actually just be separated and think about things. And so it's kind of funny that she's the one saying that like a husband's not gonna wait around a year or was that a toilet?
Starting point is 00:36:30 No, as Drew said, a husband's not gonna wait around a year. Yeah, Drew said that because I think the toy is saying she's separated, but she still likes her, she still loves her husband or something, like she might still get back together with her husband. Right, but it's also funny because I also don't see like someone wanting space and then
Starting point is 00:36:49 like for like a year and then the other the other part of being like, okay, I'm ready to come. Okay, you're done thinking, okay, I'm ready to take you back. Like it'll be that easy also. Yeah, but maybe he left her because he served her the papers, remember? I, you know what? All these hypotheticals I'm getting lost because I can't remember like Who's hypothetically
Starting point is 00:37:08 So it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's just like a stupid argument like everyone has a role Yeah, we'll hear about it. I'm not a million times throughout the season. I'm sure but for now What where's Shamari when you need her, you know, she was Why don't we hear from this was Shamari's thing, right? That they... She had a threesome and then it was like, oh no! Belbiv de Vogue is mad. Oh yeah, she was saying that she's like kind of by her whatever. Yeah, she was sleeping around with the woman or something.
Starting point is 00:37:40 So she basically tells them that she's always breaking up with her husband and she's like just that last week. I mean, we got in a fight and he went into his office to cool off and then I went down to check on him and he was just gone. And you know, that's just like him. I mean, my husband's a runner. So he'll just. Oh, yeah, that's fine. It's just that's what he does. He's a runner. He just disappears for three days, leaving me in the lurch. Sure, sure. And we just screamed divorce at each other all the time. And Keny was like, well, I like respectful communication.
Starting point is 00:38:13 And Drew is, and she's like, yeah, I mean, we'll fight, we'll fight, and then like, then we'll have a day where like, how do we get here? I mean, I love you. I mean, and then we can put aside and have, we can have productive conversations like, so how's your other family doing? Are they good? Great. So Kenya gets up and goes to the ladies room with Cynthia while she says she's going but they just go inside to have their own scene and Kenya's like, well, what do you think of this bunch and Cynthia likes true and Kenya's like, well, I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 00:38:41 I don't know that she's gonna get along with the toy because the has said that she had a cat on her head and she met her wig. And I was like, don't do that. And this is how I said it. Well, actually Kenya said, Latoya was talking about her having a cat. And then Cynthia goes, well, what's wrong with having a pet cat? Which was a reason correct me up. Like Cynthia being like, what's wrong with having a pet cat? Which for some reason, correct me up. Like Cynthia being like, like, what's wrong with a pet cat? I don't know why, I just like,
Starting point is 00:39:09 her like, sudden extreme empathy for cat owners was like really amusing to me. And she said, no, she mad, she's talking about her wig. Ha ha ha ha ha. Um, and Cynthia's like, yeah, Drew's relationship, I mean, that dynamic is interesting. Just, that reminds me of my own situation.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Okay, of course it does, Kenya. Of course it does. Please, can you take the floor about your relationship? We're all dying to know. So she says that she's going to go ahead and file, but the best step is to file for custody first and then she'll do a post-nut and then after that, then she'll file. Yeah. But then on one app, she's like, we're getting along great. And he's been the best. He's been a really good father. We're talking and everything's been great. So it's like the typical Kenya cycle.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah, Kenya is, it's actually very sad to me that like Kenya. It's very sad to me that Kenya feels that she has to stay in this situation or that she has to like oh he's been great he's coming around he's coming around he's not coming around okay he's not coming around again Carly's time and he's not he's a terrible person and you guys are bad for each other and if you're gonna you're fooling yourselves if you're saying you're doing it for Brooklyn because the more you two are together the more damage Brooklyn's gonna be and I'm saying it's my second hot take in the past two minutes, okay. So Cynthia's like, are you thinking that he's gonna fuck you over with Cassidy?
Starting point is 00:40:32 And she's like, yeah, I held you in just for shits and giggles. And she's also snacking on this, which I really appreciate. She's what? She's like snacking during all this, which I really like. She just keeps eating. Yeah. So Kayne is can you say well I think it's the path of least resistance you have to take with him because that's he just likes to help just live how we are with no progress like he just doesn't want to do anything and
Starting point is 00:40:58 since he's like well are you going to tell him I'm gonna tell them. I don't want to just file and jump out of the bushes. Like, hey, foul. Yeah. Let's just head towards disaster. So now we get like some little clips of fun things happening around town. We have Riley asking for her graduation cake and candy telling her that she ate it all. We have Porsche.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Then on the, we have Porsche basically being like, why do you look so good? You're the only one who looks this good coming out of quarantine, to her sister. And then Kenya weighing herself and she's like, so I guess it's like a, it's all about eating in this little montage. Yeah. And then we got a Drew's house. So there's Rose petals on the table and romantic music and candles and Drew's Br- or a Ralph is bringing Drew shots to do before their romantic dinner and
Starting point is 00:41:52 He's like, I've got a surprise for you, baby. It's like, oh my god, I'm so nervous and there's love balloons and roses and Drew's like, well our relationship can be quite Acrobatic and there's chef love has been hired for the night to make a lovely love meal and everything's just going great for this sweet couple. Let's have an extreme close-up of them eating strawberries. The feet, each other chocolate-covered strawberries. I was like, no, stop it. So then they pray, they do a blessing and everything is great.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And what a wonderful, what a wonderful relationship they have. Wow, you know, it almost makes you forget how he walked, he left for three days. So then he starts, he starts this whole fight. He goes, so now that we're six years in, tell me what you think is working and what's not, which is something you would, I would never ask that on an anniversary. You know, anniversary, say, you know, you, you, you, you do the thing, you rebranded as, you know, we've had a lot of ups and downs, but we're here, baby, we made it. Look at this. Let's have sex. Like, that's how you do it. Not like a focus group of what's wrong or not. And then when you get the bad feedback, you then yell at your wife. And then it already started as a fight because he's like,
Starting point is 00:43:05 cheers and she goes, yeah, cheers to six years. And for the seventh, having our wedding. And he's like, wedding, what do you mean, wedding? She goes, well, we have to have something to look forward to. And he's like, no wedding. So if they're already mad, so now they're going to talk about what worked. And she's like, is this a safe zone?
Starting point is 00:43:21 Because when we went to marriage counseling, we did a recipe for marriage. And I was like, was Chef Love your therapist? Is Chef Love an actual character in this? I hope it was Anne Borelle. She's like, okay, now we are making marriage. Okay, and what do we hike and marriage?
Starting point is 00:43:41 Transparency. You put a big dash of transparency, great. Yeah, she's like one important ingredient in our recipe for love was transparency. And that's not an ingredient you put into our love. First of all, get a new therapist because this is not fucking working. Yeah. Yeah, please stop getting therapy at a deli. So, so, Drew's like,
Starting point is 00:44:05 I know what you two need. Chabata. You guys need some side. Unfortunately, there are too many sides with this meal. You guys really need to focus on the untrue. So, you can have potato salads or you can have french fries, you can't have both. So, what's it gonna be, guys?
Starting point is 00:44:24 So, Drew is, she's telling him, like so you feel comfortable leaving and not telling me that you're leaving. And he's like, well, I think I'm a very outspoken person, which I don't know how that is a response to that, but she goes, so they start to argue basically. And she's trying, first she's like, I'm trying not to speak over you. I want to make sure but I just want to make sure Really could you talk over me all the time really you talk over me all the time
Starting point is 00:44:52 So then she's basically like listen when you go for a trip Do you feel like it's important to tell your wife you're leaving and where you're going and then he pulls out this bullshit He goes well you don't understand men and how we work, especially black men. If I leave it's a spur of the moment, it's because I need to get away and I'm making the best decision that I need to make at that moment saying is worse than leaving. I'm like, that has nothing to do with being a man.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Okay, I'm not gonna speak to what it has to do with being a black man, because I'm not a black man, but I have nothing to do with being a man. Okay, like, you can give an update. You can say, oh, hey, I need to go to the beach for three days. I'm not saying that that even that's good, but at least you can like make sure your partner in crime is not worried that you've died.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Well, yeah, I mean, if you're, if it's the heat of the moment and you have to leave, so you don't get too heated and you go for a run or something, that's one thing. Yeah, go for a run, go to the gym, go hang out with Mark and you have to leave and then you leave for three days and go to Tampa, that's not great. If you have to cross a state line
Starting point is 00:45:57 and you haven't told your wife, your partner, whoever it is that's important to your life, that's a problem, that is not, you put the wrong ingredient into your soup and Anne Borella is going to get mad at you. Okay. You're on worst cooks in America right now. So she's like, well, look, I mean, you asked me, you're getting all mad at me, but you asked and that's the answer. You know, I knew this was a set up. And I'm not asking much from you. You left. You didn't take my calls. You didn't text me, and he goes, oh, I didn't, check your messages then.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Check your messages. Yeah, he's also doing this bullshit where he said he has so much pressure on his shoulders because he's the first generation where he's trying to create a true legacy. As if, like, that's not something that, like, millions and millions of other men and women have on their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Okay, people can deal with the pressure of trying to create a legacy and not leave their loved ones high and dry. Yeah, so he's, and also he's gas-sided. He's like, oh, I didn't check your messages. Yes, I did text you. And so she's like, well, what planet do you live on that you can leave and not tell your wife where you went? Like, where were you? And he goes, I told you I was at the ocean. She goes, in Georgia, did you leave Georgia? And he goes, absolutely, I did. She goes, well, if you don't feel the need to tell me where you went, then I guess we could just
Starting point is 00:47:13 end the conversation. Yeah. And he's like, well, me telling you where I am, what does that solve? What does that solve? What does that solve? And that's like his whole thing, which is where his real gaslighting comes from
Starting point is 00:47:23 because it's not, because it's not because it's like it doesn't I'll tell you what it solves. It means that you are giving transparency You're like the whole thing was you were told by the counselors that you need to be more transparent Because it'll make her feel like she can trust you and she can trust you then there's like a foundation of who knows what you know So the fact that he's like doesn't see how him just simply saying that he went to Tampa is the transparency that was prescribed for them is so frustrating. And she's like, my mom's here helping us and she's seeing you act like this. All you have to do is say, I'm going. It's not like I'm going to call you over and over again, nagging you.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Where were you? And he's like, Tampa. She was, oh, Tampa, okay. Yeah, how does that help? How does that help? How does that help? She's like, well, if you said Tampa, then it would help because I would know that you were in Tampa.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And he's like, yeah. That's nothing to do with you. Here's how it would also help, by the way. It doesn't help now, maybe, because he's back. But like, at the time, it would have helped because she might be thinking she's dead, or like he's left me or who knows where, but like her mind probably went in many different directions.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So him just even saying Tampa, which probably would open up a whole other can of worms, because that's what Tampa usually does in general, but like him just even saying that. Tampa is a can of worms. It's a can of worms. But like, that's what's open when you open a can of worms.
Starting point is 00:48:50 It's like all the shit that goes down to Tampa. Yeah, but that being said, like you could at least like have the courtesy to give the woman that you love, like some piece of mine that like, okay, now I'm gonna start to piece this together. Like it's just it was so obnoxious, and that fight that he kept in saying, how does this help? Because it gets better, it gets better. So she goes, okay, so that's the first thing.
Starting point is 00:49:10 So second, do you have a camera in the house that you watch us, that you spy us? Were you spy on us? Were you watching us? Because I didn't know there was a camera there, and you were watching us, and now you're lying about it? Because he's like, no, no no there's no camera what what what
Starting point is 00:49:26 He has a camera and by the way she also makes a really good point Which is I don't know why you have to drive past four beaches just to get to the ocean like why does he have to go all the way to Tampa But he gets the ocean like what like there's like many ocean opportunities If that's what you really really need and he clearly does not need that that was obviously a lot of bullshit like There were like clearly there's something going on with Tampa, right? So, yeah. So now he has a camera on them and she says, well, Ralph has always been big brother. And she says that she found a pick on his phone where she was sleeping and her mom was on the couch and kids were in the background. And she's like, do you, you knew where I was, but I don't,
Starting point is 00:50:02 I don't know where you were. Do you know how lopsided that is? It is so fun. Do you want to make it another six years? Because if you do, you have to stop with the stupid... Putting a secret camera in the house is not a stupid issue. You fucking psychopath. Yeah, and... That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:50:18 And it is beyond lopsided that he monitors them and yet does not allow any information. I mean, he clearly has another family. Let's just put it out there right now. He clearly has another family. He's fucking crazy. And so he's like, you don't have a picture. There's no picture on my phone.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Show me then. Show me the picture. You never saw a picture. And he starts calling her foolish. He starts saying that this is real gas on. And he's like, you have to stop with these stupid issues. This right here has nothing to do with anything that's gonna move us forward
Starting point is 00:50:46 and until you get your head out of the clouds, you're not gonna be able to get nowhere if that's for me or anywhere else. What, this is, she has completely valid issues. It's actually shocking that she's staying with you. Yeah, it really is. I mean, this whole thing. So she gets up, she finally gets up
Starting point is 00:51:01 because he's of course deleted the picture from his phone and he's just calling her crazy, like she never saw it. And she's like, okay, so now you're just gonna lie. So were you watching us or not? He's like, I don't see it, do you see it? Do you see it? Do you see a picture? And so finally she just leaves and goes into a bedroom with her mom and starts crying.
Starting point is 00:51:18 And she's like, oh my God, he's embarrassing me. And I, you know, this is ridiculous. We're not, I'm done. I am done. Well, I hope she's done because this guy is a real douchebag and I feel, I felt personally offended because he was really hot and I was like, he seemed so hot and cute and nice. And then I was like, no, you're a douchebag
Starting point is 00:51:38 and I felt lied to. But what, I mean, I mean, it's crazy. You don't just like walk, I'm sorry, you do not walk out on your family for three days and not tell them where you are. And even though he was saying he was accessible and responding to texts, the fact that he's being so elusive is so shady and wrong.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And if anyone out there does that to their family, you should be ashamed of yourself. You should not do that. Yeah, rethink your ways. Well, that brings us to the end of another real housewives of Atlanta. Everybody, we will be back tomorrow with a little Real Housewives Forge County. Oh, we also below deck too. Yeah. So everybody, thanks so much for being here. We will talk
Starting point is 00:52:16 to you next time. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-oals. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss no trickle-os. Hava Nagila Weber.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's a little bit loony. Juni. Higher than Hyrez. She's Lauren Perez. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. Be mix-o-squee Ritchie D. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you, the Bay Area Beaches Beaches. And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto!
Starting point is 00:53:10 Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Let's give them a kiss, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 CCs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva, Erica 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Mina Kuchikuchi Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily signs. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Timela Plan! She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar!
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