Watch What Crappens - RHOA: I Know This Much Is Drew

Episode Date: April 28, 2021

On part one of the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion, Drew tries desperately to come for Kenya and fails miserably. Later, she and Ralph dodge questions about Tampa and their marriage, and t...hen the whole hour culminates with someone aggressing LaToya with Vitamin C. Scandal!Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me is the wonderful and incomparable Academy Award winning for his documentary about following a squid around a puddle.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's Ronnie Carrham. What's going on Ronnie? Hello Ben. How are you doing today? I'm doing good. Just finished my Oscar speech. It took me about three days to get that out. So thanks for asking.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, you know, listen, congratulations. I'm so glad that the Oscars this year decided to have your speech be the final one of the evening instead of best picture, which they decided to put as the third category of the evening instead. Wow. I don't know if you saw it. I know you don't generally watch award shows, but those Oscars were not. You know what? The most grating sound in the world. Most people will say the dentist. Like when you go to the dentist and then you hear that squealing of teeth being grounded. I mean,
Starting point is 00:01:54 that is pretty bad, especially when you see like the smoke of your teeth coming up and you smell it. Oh, it's nasty. Actors talking. Okay. That is the word that I cannot with actors talking. I don't need to hear it. Okay? All of you be quiet. Talk on the boob screen. I don't like actors talking. So it's very difficult for me to watch the awards. It was the most actors talkingest Academy Awards of all time.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Because first of all, they decided for some reason to have Steven Soderberg produce it. I mean, here it is a year of strife where everyone has gone through just like the most emotions. And instead of giving us escapism, they give us Stephen Soderberg, you know, the man who brought us the movie traffic and, you know, the color orange for every single shot he's ever shot, you know, and like, was shot on like beta max tape. It was not, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:46 I was surprised that there was not an orange filter or a blue filter over the entire ceremony. I mean, they took out all the music, they took out all the clips, they put best pictures, third to last, and they just let people talk and talk and talk. And it was beyond miserable. And I was hopeful at first, but then when Lordeern, who I love, I love Laura Dern,
Starting point is 00:03:07 but she gets up there and she's very actory. Laura Dern is like an actory actor. You know, that's why I can't, because I love her too. I love Laura Dern the actress in film. I don't love Laura Dern talking actory. It can't. Well, Laura Dern, so this year about the nominees, the actors, the presenters presented like a little anecdote about each one of them.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And so when Lord Dern was presenting Daniel Caluah, I think his name is the last name is Caluah. I always forget how to say it, but she's like, Daniel Caluah, the bravery you show, you showed on screen. It's something I will never forget and I will take with me for the rest of my life. And I want to thank you. I want to thank you for sitting there and being in a seat because you were showing that people can sit in the chair. I was like, Laura, what are you doing? What is happening?
Starting point is 00:03:51 I think this is like going on for 10 minutes. But that being said, my octopus teacher won the Oscar for Best Documentary. I was actually a little surprised. And obviously we are very attached to that movie. And if you watched my octopus teacher and you loved it, you may not realize this, but we actually recapped that entire documentary. We did an exhaustive detailed recap of my octopus teacher
Starting point is 00:04:16 back in think in October. So go. I'm patting up on a sea of October. I'd like to thank you. It's an honor for you for me to be up here receiving this award It would be nice to have enough to fill my eight arms You know I'm on my way to becoming an egot which sort of sounds like octopus a little bit if you think about it Egotopus, you know what I'm saying? Thank you so much
Starting point is 00:04:40 It also sounds like a slow word for gay octopi, which I really don't appreciate. Listen, you could win an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, an Atoni, and there still would be more tentacles for me to fill my arms up with the wards. So thank you in advance to the four other awards I will be receiving, the Clio, the People's Choice Award, the American Comedy Award, and the N NAACP Image Award. Thank you in advance. The Paddy LaPone Award for being Paddy LaPone. Yay. Yeah, so go check that out. We had a lot of fun with that.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Also, we are so excited that next week, Real Housewives of New York comes back. Like, we are so excited that we decided that we are going to, we're gonna celebrate its grand return by doing a top 10 list. And if I thought about it, I would have made a little music for this segment. So I'll just go,
Starting point is 00:05:36 fill in Giovanni. Mmm, top 10. Yes, we are doing the live show to cover the premiere episode. We're gonna do that on May 6th You can get your tickets at Just go find the ticket link at watch what crap and calm and come see the show. It's gonna be really amazing Okay, it's gonna be five on the internet but But the top 10 the top 10 that we're doing is
Starting point is 00:06:02 for the top 10 most underrated Rony cast members because you know we lost to Rinda, but we now have Ebony Okay, so we got this is a big switch up. It's causing us to think about you know Rony cast members and their contributions to the show so Ron and I have both Written up our top 10 most underrated Rony players and every day leading up to the premiere, we are going to read off another notch on the list. And so today we're starting with number 10, our number 10 most underrated Rony player,
Starting point is 00:06:39 Ronnie, who do you have at your number 10? Oh, and also go vote for these because Ben's gonna have a choice and I'm gonna have a choice. So go on Instagram, we'll have something up on our stories every day once we've announced these here. You can go vote and then we're gonna tally them up at the live show on May 6th, okay? So today, my number 10, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:58 You know, my, and so this is obviously the least underrated in my book, right? Yeah, because these are the least underrated in my book. Right? Yeah. Because these are the least congratulations. You made it onto a top 10 and you're the, you know, like the worst of these. But my, my worst is Alex McCord. I would say Alex McCord, you know, I hear that she's underrated a lot.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I don't necessarily find her underrated. I, I did enjoy her, but I think it was time for her to go. She was a very early housewives thing where they were like, hey, what if we just have normal, non-rich people who aren't like fabulous and stuff? And I didn't really approve of that. So I was glad when she and her Herman muster shoes clombed on out. I actually really, I think that Alex McCord is very underrated and I think that she brought an awkward thirsty outsider energy that I really, really enjoyed.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I will always remember her photo shoot on the beach where Kelly Benzmone, you know, snapped photos of her and she walked down that beach like an awkward animated Fava Bean pod. So that to me is very underrated. My Fava Bean pod. Yeah, I mean, I'll give you that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So, but you know what, I'm gonna have more to say about her on a future episode. I mean, I just prefer my outsiders outside. You know what I mean? Like it's in the word. You're an outsider, go outside. Okay, I don't want outsiders inside. Okay, I'm inside because you're taking up booth space.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Go outside. I'm not sure she would be able to hang with the current cast of Roni, but I think that her contributions to the early seasons of the show were really invaluable. I mean, let's not forget, I was at the first episode when she and Simon just like lurked outside the mat. They were in the lobby of the mat on opening night of the opera season, but they didn't
Starting point is 00:08:58 actually have a ticket to go and they just lurked in the lobby. I mean, that is like one of the most amazing things, right? Or when he was always like, you listen, you're not gonna take shit from these people. Or you go into that party and you tell him off, and then she'd come into the party and she'd be like, you listen to me. They'd be like, oh shut up Alex.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And then she'd end up back outside. You know, she didn't even get to have a fight because no one would even give her that. You know, and then she'd call Simon right away. Like, I stood up for myself. I need to be self-proud. Yeah, I, I think Alex McCord is special, And then she caught Simon right away like I stood up for myself. I need to be self-proud. Yeah, I, I think Alex McCord is special, but I'm gonna, you'll be hearing more for me on that front.
Starting point is 00:09:30 My number 10, I was really hoping that she'd be higher on the list, but like, she truly is just number 10. There's just something undeniably number 10 about her Cindy bar shop for me. She really is. I wanted to be like, she is the most underrated. She was funny, she was Cindy Bar shop, but I think back about her, I'm like, she really did nothing. She was really a friend of at best.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And you know, her whole thing that she would do is that when she was gonna be the voice the people like Bethany, she would just go, I mean, really? Like that's what they always just cut to her saying that. And I just, I think I needed more from her. Or every time they would cut to her in her diary room session, she'd be like, these women, are you kidding me? Like seriously, with these women? Like what am I even supposed to say to that?
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah, it was, she, I mean, she was put in a difficult role of having to be the new Bethany and she just she just wasn't up for it And she had a her personal story. She was a fajazzler who had like children. I don't know it was She was fine. I do give her credit I do credit her with the vajazzle because I've never heard of that you know and It's it's kind of one of those I'm trying to think of a business that's similar. Like, if you had a friend who was like, I'm going to open one of those fruit bouquet things. What are those? Edible arrangements.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Yeah, and you'd be like, that's like the worst idea I've ever heard. But then you see that they're still open and you're like, wow, my friend really wasn't as lame as I thought. Yeah. I feel like that Cindy bar shop. I mean do we still see when was the last time you saw a jewel on a vagina? I mean I've asked me about last time I saw a vagina. That's the bigger question. Me too. So edible arrangements probably is not the best comparison. Edible arrangements could also be the name of her Vajazling business. So the good news for
Starting point is 00:11:23 Cindy bar shop is she will, I do believe she'll have a chance for redemption because I believe we saw her in the trailer for Blow Dexailing, which by the way, our Blow Dexailing recap this week will be on the bonus episode. We're sort of, you know, we had Atlanta on the bonus for a few weeks, but the reunions on. So we're just sort of shuffling things around.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And for this top 10, obviously chime in on our Facebook and everything, but we are going to put up. So for the number 10 spot, Cindy versus Alex, we're going to put that up on Instagram vote. And again, the the outcome, the, the final slots of this top 10, we will be revealing live at our live show. Next Thursday, so go to slash watch for crap and so if I take this for that to see how this all winds up, okay. So here we are with some real house wars
Starting point is 00:12:18 of Atlanta or everybody. Yeah, so it's the big reunion. Big old reunion, we got a Bordella themed reunion set to, you know, for the dungeon. And you know, what's funny about this is that, you know, they're really like leaning into candy's dungeon, polo and this night with a stripper. And they're acting as if it did happen in some sort of,
Starting point is 00:12:41 you know, sultry velvet covered, you know, or like brothel, you know, sultry velvet covered, you know, or like brothel, you know, and it was just like an Airbnb in South Carolina somewhere, like a very, like, wayfare furniture, you know, like gather signs. It's like, it was nothing like this set. Well, it kind of made me sad too, because the below thing was definitely the best episode, the
Starting point is 00:13:05 best, maybe set of episodes, but definitely the best episode, that one episode, but it's like the whole reunion is built around that one episode. And it just made me kind of sad for the whole season because we should have had more than this like candy selling her sex toys basically party. Yeah, it's just like, I mean, Bolo literally is the only person holding up this season. It's very sad. You know, but, you know, and on top of that, they couldn't get Bolo for the reunion.
Starting point is 00:13:38 What's Bolo doing that he can't appear on a Bravo reunion? I'd like to know that aside from actually, he is appearing on a Tyler Perry show now, right? About strippers. Yeah, that's Tyler Perry. Oh, well, there you go. Listen, if you are, if you've got muscles, you're gonna be on Tyler Perry show, okay?
Starting point is 00:13:54 And sure, that's it. That's also a big issue, just get whatever you want, okay? If you wanna be president, I'll vote for you, okay? There's some things there's a way that God blesses you that people cannot bless you. So if God has given you know a leg for a penis then you should be we should all as other human being support that and say You know what you're the chosen one okay? Bolo so now
Starting point is 00:14:16 We didn't have Bolo's cheap Chanel knockoff costume in a glass case and other artifacts from that time as a glass the glass case like the you know kind of like Smithsonian the Smith's Honey and Smith Smith's I was trying to think I was trying to come up with the good like awful pun to the Smith Honey and it was really good. Yeah and so we got a lot of that and yeah, it was awkward and then candy. Okay, candy chose to wear a mistress outfit Which is basically who would choose to wear candy vanties like a unit hard A unit hard and tight story. It just sounds very uncomfortable. I know, it was, it was, it was a lot. So we have the usual thing where Andy is just sort of like roving from room to room, like,
Starting point is 00:15:10 hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, what? And so Marlo brought cupcakes for her and Andy, but she's gonna share if people are nice to her, which for me, by the way, that's all the motivation I would need to be nice to Marlo. If she has cupcakes, I'll be like, Marlo is a saint. I don't know why she's not a part of this cast motivation I would need to be nice to Marl. If she has cupcakes, I'll be like, Marlowe is a saint. I don't know why she's not a part of this cast.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I think we should all be friends with her. She's Odo Nipology and I will take my cupcake now. Thank you very much. Yeah, and I really like that Marlowe is admitting her LIPO and like talking about like, hey, I got LIPO and now I have cupcakes. You know, there's no hiding it. You know, like we talked about this a little on the other recap.
Starting point is 00:15:46 It's like Adele loses weight, people give her shit. She cheated, she cheated. Whereas Marla was just like, yeah, I got that shit sucked out of me, and I'm gonna add more, guess what? Later I'm gonna get it sucked out again, okay? It's a circle of lipopo people. Yeah, commit.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Exactly. Yeah, so then Candy is really surly. She's like, why are you here? I'm not friendly in the morning. She basically kicks them out. The camera crew out. And so then he sees, did you catch when he saw Ralph on the hallway and he goes, hey, wow,
Starting point is 00:16:13 how good to see you in the hallway of the reunion? And Ralph's like, oh, hey, Andy. Andy just passes his face in front of the camera, like, oh, full on, muppet face right in the camera. So good. It was like that. Like that. Giff or Giff, whatever. Of Jill Zarin, kind of rolling her eyes,
Starting point is 00:16:35 the snarking to the camera. Yes, exactly. So, yeah, they all just kind of like they get on stage and everything and Kenya is saying how she's not looking forward to seeing Portia or Drew and then yeah they all take their seats and Andy sees Candy dress all burr last night. Whoa, this is the most submissive I've ever felt in a reunion. Um, yeah, was you like, good down on my knees, Candy? So then, um, hi, hi, I'm Andy.
Starting point is 00:17:07 There's a lot of highs, okay? I think I've written the word high down about 30 times. He's like, hi, I'm having fun. Ladies, I can't believe that last year, this reunion was on Zoom. Wow. I liked the Zoom reunion personally. I like when Andy could mute them. So, um, he's like, he's like, slamming her laptop down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And he's like, I am leaving slid down. And he's like, well, I'm so glad we're doing this in person. I don't think we could social distance from this drama if you wanted to. I'm like, what drama is that? Is that like the time that Mal brought over three glasses of wine for Cynthia instead of four? Like, what drama is in this season? Yeah. I am Mal. Hi, I'm Mal. Hey, you know what? I spent a thousand dollars on stuff I stole out of Cynthia's wine, wine Bailey seller. Yeah, I didn't get invited to Bolo. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Hello, Mr. Zangel, did you bring your whopper? And Cambie's like, yeah, props don't really work under unions, okay. Last time we had props, there was some assault charge. So yeah, I apg's, which is Porsche, and then, and then and now let me welcome to the stage Chocolate and then that's Kenya and she's like in the words a big free I did not come to play with these So Mrs. 50 Wakehouse on hill. Cynthia, how's that whole, I have a wakehouse thing going.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Have you made up with your countertops that you were fighting with earlier this season? We'll talk about your tourlines, Cynthia. Have you petitioned Netflix to change the haunting of Hill House, to the haunting of Chill House, yeah, whoa. Well, ladies, last year the pandemic had everyone staying at home, leaving more times with your family and your feelings and your refrigerators.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Right. And so then we talk, it's like the weight gain section. Yeah. Everyone talk about how fat they got. So, um, so, why is this like, why are they talking about this? Like, it's so in the past past. Like when did everybody just say, oh, you know what, COVID-19 is over now and now we're all thinning going to parties. Did something happen that I'm not looking at? I'm still currently gaining.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I mean, I need time before people just decide we're all thinning going out again. So many used to be like, Ronnie, COVID is gonna be over in three months, call neutral system, okay? I can't just have this like, oh, everything is gonna be over in three months, call neutral system, okay? I can't just have this like, oh, everything's okay now, no one's wearing masks anymore,
Starting point is 00:19:49 and we're all thin again. Yeah, that's not right. I had a donut this morning, so I'm clearly not ready to adapt to life outside of my kitchen. So I had two tiny twist pretzels, and then guess what I did. I wrote them down on my my fitness pal, calorie counting.
Starting point is 00:20:06 And now guess what's happening. My stomach is saying fuck you. Tiny twist pretzels. I never even heard of those. I did have ice cream. I also had fish food last night. I've been eating ice cream and donuts a lot. It's bad.
Starting point is 00:20:19 This was not an entrance for you to make me hungry. I feel like you're doing that on purpose to keep me fat. You're like an audio feeder. know that's gonna happen okay well I won't talk about that I also had a salad I had a delicious salad oh my god I hope I have some yogurt ranch in the fridge thanks me I was plucking greens off of out of my gal planter. So that's a lie. I did none of those things. So yeah, this is the everyone gained weight thing and Andy's like, well, I gained at least
Starting point is 00:20:53 10 pounds. And Kenya said that she gained over 30, but now she's back down to 150, partially because she also got her, her, her, her boob implants taken out. And Andy's like, why do all the ladies think that you have an enhanced bottom? I'm like, why is he asking this question now? Yours, this has been like, for years and years, people have been saying this about Kenya's butt.
Starting point is 00:21:16 And now, now is what he wants to finally to ask it. Yeah, I'm sure that they've talked about it before, especially during the donkey booty or whatever. I mean, because that's the season we're left with, okay? This is just what it is. It's like, hey Kenya, let's talk about whether your buds real or not. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And Kenya says that as proof that her butt has got, that her butt is real, she's lost weight in her butt, which, okay, you can still lose weight around the parts that aren't the implant, but okay, like I don't care. Yeah, it's like fine. So, hey, is Ralph a personal trainer? This is Judy from Judy Town is asking,
Starting point is 00:21:52 because his body is amazing, must be nice to work out with someone like that, whatever you want to. So, she did. And her answer, yeah, her answer is like, yeah, his body is amazing, and it's definitely helpful to have someone in the house that's health conscious. No. Now this is a thing when you see hot people like this. They're great onto you.
Starting point is 00:22:10 It's like, they're so hot. I don't want you in my house with your fucking protein shake fart. Get out of here. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, you're eating that, Ronnie. It's 3 a.m. and we're in bed.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yes, I fucking am. Okay. Ralph, what you're doing about it? You're like, why you have that? Why you have that? Why have that? Why are you doing it? Why? Ralph, you were in Tampa. Stop. Imaginary Ralph yelling at me. We'll have my donut. Um, so yeah, it's still going on about the wait. And you know, a candy lost weight because she was motivated because she's filming the shy and she's like she said that she'd looked like a front big anti-antivis on TV. So then Andy asks
Starting point is 00:22:51 Porsche, hey Porsche, did you really ask your assistant to get you a whole ham? She's like, whole ham. And she's like, yeah, I'm just on a vegan for a diet. So when I cheat, who cares? And he's like, yeah, I don't need hot dogs. I was a good one, guys. I'm like, oh, God. Yeah. I'm right, Andy, with the hot dog jokes.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So then we go to Port Porsche's social justice segment. Um, and Ante is really have to say, you know, in Ante's favor, he really is just giving it all of his acting and news, news space in this reunion. He's very like, okay, let's transition from hot dogs. Porsche. Like he does like a very serious kind of cross-eyed look straight into the camera. Let's talk about social justice.
Starting point is 00:23:51 I am so proud of you for using your platform for not only sheets, but social justice. How's that going? And she talks about the movement and the progress and some of the not progress that we've made. And voting and how Biden was voted in and how voting matters and stuff. Yeah. And Kyle from Los Fielis, California says, Drew, it was fun watching you and Drew become friends.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Said no one except for this person, most of the list, has she inspired you to get involved in any other causes? And Drew is like, yes, well, yes she has. I was involved in the Senate PSA, so I guess they shot like a PSA of some sort. Okay. What a bad answer, Drew. So no, she hasn't inspired you at all, Except to show up for a cast-filming thing. Yeah. Bad answer.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Come on, shoes. Here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on. Some days, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia,
Starting point is 00:25:16 and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:25:46 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So why doesn't Kenya support the greater cause and porous of journey rather than talking bad about it? Well, I never said I don't believe in what she's doing Andy, but she excluded me from the PSA and if you're talking about being a bigger person for the cause, that is contradictory. Yeah, and so Portia is like, well, doing what I'm doing comes from a humble place and the cause is bigger than me and whatever she has to say about me is not going to stop anything
Starting point is 00:26:21 that I'm doing. And she does her full on Porsche the preacher thing, you know, like she goes in a full Porsche preacher voice, which is cracking me up. It's like she gets mad at Kenya. And she's like, It comes from a humble place. It comes from me,
Starting point is 00:26:34 giving up myself to give to the world and the cars. Okay, okay, Porsche. She just tells Kenya she's a bitch, okay? Yeah. And Andy's like, so why not include Kenya? And she's So, okay, okay, porza. Just tell the Kenya she's a bit, okay? Yeah. And Andy's like, so why not include Kenya? And she's like, well, why would I include someone who speaks so hatefully to me? And then, so, Kenya, of course, takes out and spins it. And it's like, well, her actions are showing that she just doesn't care about all of our
Starting point is 00:26:58 lives after all, you know? Kenya's lives matter. Kenya's lives matter. Like, Kenya, please. And porza's like, well, while you speak from the curb, you know. Kenya's lives matter. Kenya's lives matter. Like Kenya please. And Porsche's like, well, while you speak from the curb, what have you done, man?
Starting point is 00:27:11 And she's like, do not question my activism. Do not question my activism. And then they start screaming about who's the most activist-y. And Kenya's like, okay, well I am very proud of what you're doing and that you went out there. And he goes, did you hear that? She's just proud of you.
Starting point is 00:27:30 And poor she's like, no, this bitch has been coming for me and disrespecting the all season. And so I'm not just going to pretend that that one nice thing she said negates all of the other things. Right. And then Kenya's like, but what you like, she's like reiterating that Porsche didn't buy her on the PSA and Porsche is like Listen, those are petty things and Kenya's like well, well, you made it you made it petty, you know
Starting point is 00:27:52 Which I mean I feel like Porsche isn't titled to not invite Kenya to the PSA because Kenya's terrible tour But I do love the way that Kenya can spin something I love the way that Kenya is is is somehow making herself the victim of Porsche here. When Kenya was so violent or I love this. That makes me very happy. She's using like an all-lives matter thing in this fight. It's so stupid. It's like, oh really?
Starting point is 00:28:17 You say only black lives that you lack matter? Not all black? Kenya. Come on. How could you take a black lives matter fight and try and spin it into a personal, your mean to me fight? See, I love the patty-ness of it in that moment.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I love the villainy on display because I was thinking about like, what would college teachers do if she were in this situation? She would say, I would never do that. You know, I'm so sorry, I just felt really hurt. She would just try to like, be soft and nice or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And Kenny is just like, no, I'm going to turn myself into the victim here somehow, which I just really like. Which by the way, something we can look forward to is that the housewives All Stars is filming right now. And Kenya and Kyle and Countess LeWan and Cynthia and Ramona and Teresa and maybe Melissa are all shooting together in Tricks and Kekos. So.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And it looks like it might be some kind of competition show where like people get kicked off because Teresa was on Instagram today back on a plane. So people are like, oh, what a supposedly Tamra's on her way there. Or Jill Zarin, which... But apparently you have to, it's gonna be for Peacock. So, I don't, I mean, listen. I love my Bravo Wall Stars. I don't know if I'm getting Peacock for this. I have to say.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Of course you are. Yes, you are. Or you can use my login because my ass is getting Peacock for it. All right, fine. Fine, yeah, I will be watching it. For sure. So, listen, there's some things that I agree. Like, fine. Fine. Yeah, I will be watching it. For sure. So listen, there's some things that I agree. Like there's too many channels, there's too many things
Starting point is 00:29:49 you have to pay for, blah, blah, blah. I'm getting this. I will pay for my housewives. Wow. Okay. Hey, is there an organization, Porsche, that people should know about? And so Porsche tells us about until freedom.
Starting point is 00:30:03 As you talked about how she went to Louisville for the anniversary of Brianna Taylor's murder and how they still have not indicted the officers involved. She's like, you know, she's talking like, you know, this is the one year anniversary of Brianna Taylor getting killed. You know, they haven't even undited the officers and then he's like, right, right. Hey, switching gears. Okay, let's talk about Dennis. I'm like, okay, that was a pivot. And she's like, he said, so you threw him out three times this year, what's going on with that?
Starting point is 00:30:36 And she's like, well, I don't remember really. I mean, one was just a casualty of being in the pandemic, you know? And he's like, is he still buying you purses? No, oh, sorry. Yeah. So then she just basically talks about how she's tried to go on a date and it was, was it Tanya? It was Latoya.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Oh, it was Latoya. Maybe it was Tanya. I wrote Tanya, but then I was like, did I meet, did I mean? Tanya? Tanya. So I'm assuming Latoya. Yeah, so it looks like this guy was way too, she lied about his age basically. So then Andy is like, Gennia, in your half a century on this earth. Wow, that was still exciting words.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Who says that? He's gonna call her ma'am next? Ma'am, ma'am, ask you a question, ma'am. Ma'am, I'm gonna ask you this first as an early bird special before it's your bedtime. Okay. Do you have to go to the bathroom if so, you can hold onto my arm while I walk you across the stage.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You've been many things but this season you were a world-class detective. Is it time for you to finally excel? Hey did anybody remember she was in waiting to excel? And she's like my first movie role. Everyone's like yes we know. You roll everyone's like yes, we know And you're more waiting to exhale I'm looking you up Let's see. It's a 54 second clip on YouTube. So that's something. Oh wow good for her So yeah, so she talks
Starting point is 00:32:28 He brought that up to make up for the old lady comment, I guess. And then we see Kenya Montage, which is mostly her crying about divorce and alimony with Mark, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And so she says that they're still in court, but she won soul custody. And she's like, I take my vows very seriously, Andy, so I still wear my ring. You just want to show off a diamond. Let's be honest. So yeah, they filed for divorce. And Andy asks about the,
Starting point is 00:32:50 does Mark still want Alimony? And she said, Mark now is claiming that, that she and her lawyer incorrectly interpreted New York law, but he's not asked for Alimony anymore. And, and then Andy's asking like, was like, why was Kenya mad at Latoya for talking about the Alimony thing to the group, but not Candy because Candy was also gossiping about it. And Candy is basically like, well, Latoya brought to people who don't care about her.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So she didn't want that to be out there to people who don't care about her. I'm like, you know, you did mention this on National TV, to an entire country of people who actually care very little about you. So you may want to rethink that. Yeah. And he's like, it might be worth noting that Porsche came to your defense. What do you think of that?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Smaller bite, possibly still in implant. We'll get to that later. And she's like, well, I would like to say thank you, Porsche. And Drew goes, Oh, and I did too. I can't be heard offense to that was mean to you. Okay, Drew, you're officially trying too hard. Okay. And also she's got a battling shoulder with Kenya, which was making me crazy the whole time. I was like, I just want to hear what their shoulders have to say, because can you had on like a big first shoulder. And then Drew just had
Starting point is 00:34:04 like on a big ruffle shoulder and every time they went at each other it was just like a fight of the shoulders. Yeah, yeah. Drew was just really annoying me this reunion. I think that like, I think the fight, the Christmas present thing just kind of soured me, undrew, you know, I'd sort of been going back
Starting point is 00:34:23 and forth on her, I was thinking, oh, she's been a pretty good addition to the show actually, or she's fit right in. And, oh God, I'm really not feeling Drew right now. She's doing that thing where she's just desperate to find something to be completely furious over. That's the times. It's like, she's just, and I think that that's kind of one of the worst things in our times right now.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Like, there's so many legit things to be furious about. When you find somebody who's just like, that's their whole personality, like they just want to be miserable at every little thing, that's kind of drew, you know, everything that comes up, she's like, how could you do this to me? And with the one hand, like, as a mother do that to me? And what's the one? As a mother, especially in the face of, I think, what I believe are more flagrant offenses by her very own husband, but whatever. So we'll get to that. So why did Portia speak up on that? Oh, about the divorce thing, whatever, whatever, this doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Basically, she's saying why did you? Yeah, Porsche is like, look, Latoya was crazy. So I'm going to speak up for Kenya. Like, you know, she's a bigger evil, basically, Latoya. Yeah, and Candy's, start ways in, you know, Andy asks Candy about the situation with Mark and Kenya. And she's just like, look, you know, if Kenya's not happy with them,
Starting point is 00:35:46 why is she just sticking around in this limbo for now, what's for most the marriage? And Cynthia's like, everything that Kenya does is for the betterment of Brooklyn. And he just wants to fight on it, which is just crazy. Basically, the women are like, this guy is not so you should get out of this situation. And Kenya gives this sort of like a,
Starting point is 00:36:10 oh, I just don't understand this. She's like, well, if it weren't for the pandemic, then we could be together physically and find out if it would work. And I'm like, that's, you, if it's not even working when you're not together, if it's not working when you're not together, like, isn't that enough?
Starting point is 00:36:25 And also, why can't you be together in the pandemic? You are literally married. There's nothing that's preventing you from being together. Well, they weren't even together before the pandemic, which is why that answer is so stupid. It's like, are you thinking that we forgot that you guys refused to move to each other's town?
Starting point is 00:36:42 Give me a break. And she says that she's mad that he's fighting for all the wrong things in court. It's like money or whatever, or then we get to the real meat of it. He's fighting for the kid not to be on TV, for Brooklyn to be able to be on TV. And that's why she's really mad.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Well, she's mad because he's not fighting for custody or time or child support. He is more concerned about Brooklyn being on the TV show because I think what is being implied is that he's taking a swipe at her storyline potential on TV. Right? And it's like, if he really cared about the daughter, he would be wanting to have that time and wanting, you know, to have that custody, but he cares less about the daughter. It's not about protecting the daughter. It's more about just finding a way to get at Kenya.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Right. And Andy's like, well, don't you think that could be taken as him just wanting to protect her? Because a lot of people don't want their kids to have their pictures on the internet or whatever. And she's like, no, it's his ego. Everything that triggers him or ego driven. Like, yeah, I think that's. I mean, you're also Kenya. Also Kenya, but you're even getting buried to this idiot in the first place for a story line is ego driven. You know, like literally everything is ego driven.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Everything is, but a broken clock is right twice a day, even a broken clock is. So basically, Andy's like then compares them to Portia and it's like, you know, it's sort of funny when you look at them and they're communication and how they're go-bearing thing and then how you guys are. And so then he goes, I'll just say this. I am married, and that is my husband, and you can't compare two people's relationships, which of course has literally nothing to do with anything.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah, it doesn't. But see, that's why Kenya, that's what I've said from the very beginning with Kenya. It's like the second, she just wants to get married so she can have those certain things. Like, I'm a married woman. Have dare you speak to me like that. What she did from it's like this her first fight after being married was like, well, as a married woman.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I mean, if I if I remember correctly, don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember one of Fadre' favorite hobbies was to come at Kenya for not being married or having kids, right? So yeah, our most famous read was the whole. And you, you know, relying on a man who is coming into a cup for a pizza. Waiting for... Yeah, what a Fadres' most a file, but also still iconic and hilarious moments of a reunion was about that. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, I mean Kenya has definitely had it coming her way and rather than using that to learn and and set a better example. She's like, okay, now it's my turn to do it.
Starting point is 00:39:40 So I Hey Lauren from Georgia has a theory Your relationship with your mom is why you enter into destructive relationships. Wow, wow, that's bombshell, bombshell take right there. Who would have thought? Yes, and Kenya, you know, of course, knows that. And Andy asks if the mom has made any effort. And actually the mom has, she sent Brooklyn toys and clothing and cards. And Ken, you go, that's the form of acknowledgement, effort. And actually the mom has, she sent Brooklyn toys and clothing and cards. And Keny goes, that's the form of acknowledgement, Andy.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Yes, it's literally acknowledgement. It is also so- And I'm actually surprised. I am surprised, but I'm not, because it's so passive-aggressive, like literally just skipping over Kenya to be like, I know that you exist. I know you have a child,
Starting point is 00:40:21 and I know I can just as easily reach out to you as I am reaching out to this child, but I still choose not to. So obnoxious. Yeah, it is. So Andy's like, so Drew, why would you talk about Kenya's relationship when your husband was winning wins
Starting point is 00:40:39 in the Apple for three days? And she's like, I don't talk about her marriage. I mean, the shoulder, tell them. The shoulder's shoulders like she started with our marriage before she even met her. Okay. And she's like, what? No, I didn't. And she said, yes, you did. You called us strays walking into a party. Okay. That's girl. I mean, that is a reach. That is a reach. And it's not about the husband, right? And Kenny is like, it was a joke with Cynthia, right? Cynthia and Cynthia is like basically asleep. Like, what? Huh Kenny was like, it was a joke with Cynthia, right? Cynthia and Cynthia was like basically asleep. Like, what? Huh? Jill? Yeah. 2020. Yeah. Every time they cut
Starting point is 00:41:11 the Cynthia's face, she was doing that thing where she's kind of modeled, squinting with her lips parted and nodding, but her eyes are watering. Yeah. Like she's falling asleep. Yeah. Pretty much. So then, so then Drew tweeted out, the definition of stray, not in the right place separated from a target. My family is all under, it's all together under a roof. Girl, you good?
Starting point is 00:41:34 A Keny, it was like, that was uncalled for, and your family is not under the same roof. Your baby daddy is under the roof of a jail. Oh my God. Which is like, A, it's actually inaccurate, but B, I just, it was just like,
Starting point is 00:41:50 I was like, okay, this is where we're gonna go in it. I love a villain, I love a villain. Yeah, it's two stretches. Drew saying you talked about my marriage when you called us Dres, when you didn't know us, which is a complete reach. And then Ken, Ken can you're reaching for We want to move. What can I say about ruse?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Prince and ruse got it. I'm gonna go with that So of course Drew is like excuse me That's the thing because Drew is just so easily baitable, right, which is why it's so funny. When Kenya says that, I mean, she knows it's a stretch, but she just knows she's gonna get such, like a like a huffy reaction of Drew, and she's like, shoulder, let's go.
Starting point is 00:42:37 You know, she's so mad. It's like, you call that a stray. Yeah. It's like the real housewives of Notre Dame. So, guys, I have to take this moment and apologize Because I made a huge mistake last week and this recap it I just I owe you more guys. I owe you more last week Ricky, I think his baby is
Starting point is 00:43:01 The baby's father, right? And I was like, what is Arata? What is that fire bowling shirt that says Arata? I was looking for it online. I was like, well, I hated this shirt so much. It's Prada, okay. I'm a dumbass. I'm a poor dumbass who shops at old, maybe.
Starting point is 00:43:19 How am I supposed to know that that says Prada? And what if fancy people have to do things like turning a P into a small E just because they're rich? I don't get it. And also, shouldn't Prada note better than to try to make a guy fee-erry shirt? Like, I'm sorry, you may be Prada, but you're trash right now.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah. Money can't buy a club. So sorry. Yeah. Well, I'm glad you cleared that up because I just blindly co-signed. I was like, I'm rada. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:44 I don't know what I was talking about. So Drew, we come back from commercial and Drew's like, you called me a stray. And Kenya's like, you're obsessed with my marriage. And Andy goes, do you listen, this has been a big day of apologies. Do you want to apologize for calling her a stray? And Kenya's like, I I apologize and Drew's like, well, you could have said it to my face. I had to watch the show to see you talking about me. That's fake.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Drew, you're getting on the real housewives, okay? Stop with this whole thing about people not being real and not being, you know, and people being fake, okay? I'll tell you what's fakeery. You and Ralph sitting there with smiles in your face is if you're running for Congress, okay? That's fake. Yeah. So so Kenya is like oh really and then Drew because Drew is like telling her off I'm like waving her finger around
Starting point is 00:44:33 rolling her head and Kenya is like oh really head roller like she starts rolling her head back at her and she's like yes you can add the finger snap to. So then we go to Kenya. We've had a lot of comments on the costume you wore for Halloween and Bravo apologized. I apologized and we see apologized. You'll play yogurt apologized, which was weird. I didn't even know, but you know, they're sorry. So come on, let's talk about it. So Kenya talks about, you know, she got a. So come on, let's talk about it. So Kenya talks about, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:07 she got a lot of it's real online from a lot of people and she didn't understand the anger at first because the head dress is part of her heritage. So she didn't understand and she tells us that she has family members from West Virginia and she has on set live-on reservations so she You know so she then said that she spoke with an organization
Starting point is 00:45:33 Illuminative I believe and They explained to her why I was so upsetting and she says I was actually sort of impressed by the way that that she handled this like at first I was like oh gosh. She's gonna try to sort of like be like, oh, it's my family, but I thought she would actually kind of, like she addressed it, I think pretty head on here, and she said, I was expecting more of a like, I've never felt lower on the Totem Pool land here.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You never saw anything. I thought she was, because when she said like, oh, well, it's part of my heritage, I thought she was gonna just kind she said, like, oh, well, it's part of my heritage. I thought she was going to just kind of apologize, but not apologize. But I think she actually was very upfront and really good about it. And she says it was offensive because it wasn't supposed to be a costume and customs are not costumes.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And she thought she was honoring something that was beautiful and full of strength, but she wasn't. And that when people wear costumes like that, they feel like they're being mocked and she said it was a bad mistake on her part, especially since she has this heritage and she should have known better. Yeah, my note on this whole thing was surprisingly good apology. Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, I was like, wow, that was, yeah, like pretty good kid. Yeah, really good. I actually was like more people should when they when they mess up like that
Starting point is 00:46:48 They should just apologize like that because it it showed that she had learned a lesson actually to me It showed that she was like oh, I see what I did like oh, I oh, I did this I learned what I did wrong. I've understood it and now here. I'm saying wanted to wrong like it just I was like that was good Yeah I've understood it and now here I'm saying I wanted to wrong. Like it just, I was like, that was good. Yeah. So then, uh, Porsche is all prepared to be like furious, right? So she's, she comes out swinging. She's like, it's interesting that you want forgiveness immediately,
Starting point is 00:47:13 but you never extend forgiveness. You know, you brought up the underground railroad again. And that was a teachable moment for me. And that was terribly irresponsible of you. Okay. Porsche, I'm sorry, but that shit was funny. And that shit is gonna be brought up till the day you got it. Like, they'll play that at your funeral.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Like, no matter what amazing work you do in your life, the shit was hilarious. And it also cemented you as a classic housewife. So... Yeah, I agree. I felt like this was, I did not feel like this was the same situation. Um, it was, it did not feel like this was the same situation. It was a moment where it was an idiotic moment on her part and she will always be embarrassed
Starting point is 00:47:51 by that and I'm sorry that she'll always be embarrassed by it, but that's just something she's going to have to live with, right? But that's not like, but it's like that's going to be something that will be brought up over and over and over again. Now she's trying to turn it into a thing like, oh, here I messed up and you've been throwing my face for years to come and then you mess up once and you expect all sorts of forgiveness, which on a large scale, on a sort of a broader scale, yes, that is classic Kenya, that she will just drag you to the mud over and over and over again for one small thing and we'll never forgive you. But I don't think the underground
Starting point is 00:48:29 railroad example is like, I don't feel like that's the one. Right. And she said, and years later, you bring this up to shame me and I work with Black Lives Matter. And it's like, not really. She was just making fun of you in an interview, you know. And Kenya's like, well, you never acknowledged the fact, oh, now this was where it comes good. The shark mint, because Kenya's like, you know what? I see your contradiction. You never acknowledge the fact that you posted your sister
Starting point is 00:48:55 wearing a Native American outfit and drew dresses in Native American for Halloween also. So whatever, which is so like gross, like so hilarious, cause you know that shit's true too. Yeah. And and Portia's like, all I know is that if it was me who wore what you wore, you'd be like roasting it.
Starting point is 00:49:15 You'd be roasting me just the way you're, you know, bringing up me and my sister right now. And she goes, when someone turns and decides to be better, let them be better, which is funny, cause that that's what she's not doing with Kenya, right? So then true pipes in, true shoulder pipes in. And it's like, listen, we wore that at a family reunion. It wasn't even Halloween. We all did it as a celebration.
Starting point is 00:49:40 It wasn't some party city costume. Wait, what? Yeah, she said that they can we take about 10 minutes to discuss this found me reunion first of all. Ah, and Kenny that goes, oh please, the hashtag was Halloween stop flying. I need to find this photo. Yeah, Drew said it was like some family relics
Starting point is 00:49:59 or something that they were wearing to honor the ancestors. I don't know what it is, but I need to find the photo and that way I can exert my own judgment. Yeah, well sure it's been deleted, maybe someone on the internet got it. So then welcome back. We're gonna have the newest house husband, wow. So Ralph is there.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, oh, smile. And fittingly hiding behind that shoulder hump thing. Yeah, and Andy's like, wow, you two came in hot to this season. And like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And Andy's like, you've been to any good beaches lately. Oh, oh, and so we get clips of them mostly is about the, you know, the Tampa thing and then them fighting on their anniversary and old daddy clips of meeting the sun and he's like, wow, really powerful. So what's the father sun dynamic now like with old daddy and Drew's
Starting point is 00:50:58 like, well, it's growing, you know, Josiah just celebrated his 10th birthday and his dad actually came to town, which was great. It was the first time they'd seen each other since we filmed that. I said go. So, yeah, not great still, right? But then they talk about, um, why was it that was important? Yeah, basically wise it on TV. And he's like, so for those of, for those who say that that was too personal to put on TV, Andrew says that she knows a lot of single
Starting point is 00:51:25 mothers and that they talk about how to deal with the bio dad in the situation. And she thought she could inspire other people who were in that same situation. Yeah. And then Andy asks, um, Candy, you know, basically, like how, like, uh, how did she process it, given her history of block and Riley and, you know, Candy just said that she really appreciated that they were, you know, they were open to share with old daddy and that, like, that it seems like they're catching Josiah before he builds up a wall the way Riley has built a wall and then, and then there's some conversation about Riley getting money from block, um, and how like,
Starting point is 00:52:04 Riley got Riley asked for that money because she felt it was her money and that's why she got it, etc. Yeah, she did get it, which is good. So then Drew's like, you know, and Kenya, why did you retweet that tweet about my son's scene being crammed? And Kenya goes, because it was a family thing and it should have been private, you know, and she's like, but as a woman on your platform It was irresponsible to retweet that it was It was below the belt. I mean, I was shaky. I cried as a mother. We try to make the best decisions as a mother I Was like this is what the tweets said. The tweets said, this conversation
Starting point is 00:52:46 and Drew's son is so cringy. Let that baby go play Minecraft or something. That's what I said. This was not like, that child is destined to a path of drugs and crime. And we'll do no good. And Drew is a failure as a mother. And I hope Josiah reads this one day.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Let's retweet until Josiah sees it. That's not what the tweet said. The tweet was like, oh my God, this is so awkward to watch this poor little kid. Like let him go play, you know. And then she goes so low, you know, she's giving this whole sobbing monologue. As my mother, I'm trying to do the best I can
Starting point is 00:53:18 to protect my child from the trauma. You need to look at your trauma that your mother gave you. So you can let, you know, it's like, okay. So now you're gonna go low about her mom abandoning her over this stupid like of a tweet. It was a fucking break, Drew. And she's like, Drew, you're making me take Kenya's side, which is extremely rare.
Starting point is 00:53:40 I mean, you're really an asshole. And I love the way Kenya handled herself during this, because Drew is like, you know, let's sort of what you said. You need to look at the trauma you've experienced and what your mother didn't give you. And if we're going to go low, let me know because I can go low.
Starting point is 00:53:56 And then Kenna goes, my opinion does not change. He's just like, I like, do you realize you're talking to me? I'm Kenya Moore. Like you're literally like, you're a flea right now You're not going to impact me. Yeah, so Drew keeps it up She's like you want that's And candy's like yeah, maybe we shouldn't put things about each other's kids on social and Kenya goes I didn't I didn't. It wasn't negative about the kid. You retweeted it. And she was I can't believe you did something so low. Please. Just play all of Drew's clips back of the shit she said about Kenya and
Starting point is 00:54:33 the dad who's not, you know, all the shit that she said and so low and gross. Which is fine. It's a house wash. So I'm not really even judging her for that, but God hypocrite. And Kenya goes, I apologize to you about that. And if that offended you and it did, I apologize. Would you accept that? Which was a surprisingly rare Kenya apology. Kenya's like, you know what? I'm just going to she's just actually being more annoying. It's not worth it. I'm going to give her an apology. And Drew says, you owe me, add my son an apology. And can I go, oh, okay, okay. Yeah. Then don't put it on TV.
Starting point is 00:55:11 I mean, if you don't want people to talk about it, then don't put it on TV. Exactly, okay. You don't get it for a radio. And it wasn't a bad, we, the tweet was not mean about Josiah. I think everyone has been very pro Josiah. I think even people on the internet, it was just saying, this is cringey.
Starting point is 00:55:25 Like, like, why let the poor kid just, he doesn't want to do this. That was my opinion too. He's too young for that shit. I don't think that he should have to go through that on TV. I didn't like it either. Yeah, I don't remember what my opinion was. It's going to change just like every week. So whatever I said on the podcast, I don't know where it was.
Starting point is 00:55:41 But I just think, I just think it was not a bad tweet. I just don't think it was bad. And I think that Drew is using it. Typical actress using it as an example to just like have a scene. Just to be totally histrionic, right? And she's like, it's a lot to put your life out on the line for people to see it.
Starting point is 00:56:01 I'm so disappointed in you that hurt me to my core. She's saying this as if these women have not been doing this for years, talking about like, it's a lot, it's a lot, but your life out on the line. You're talking to women who are like iconic reality stars here. Yeah, and Ken, you guys, how many times have you come from my husband and that's the father to my child?
Starting point is 00:56:20 And they're like, where she goes? But she's talking about her kid. She's, well, he's the father to my kid. She's typical Kenya. Like anything tangentially related. Yes. And Drew's shoulder is like, I will never forgive you for that. Understand me, I will never forgive you.
Starting point is 00:56:39 And Kenya just like, that's fine. Okay, Drew. Okay. Kenya's shoulder, the ruffles are just completely, or the feathers are just completely unruffled, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something in mind, you know. Something don't get me wrong. Terrible person, but this is the Kenya that I love that I felt like she was too exhausted
Starting point is 00:57:08 to show us the season. And now she finally has like summoned her and is back. And I'm hopeful for, I'm hopeful to see her use it against Ramona in Dr. Cigakus, which will be a disaster. Oh God. Okay, so then we go to the Tampa discussion. And Andy's like, so did you think he was with another woman?
Starting point is 00:57:31 And she goes, well, he's never really given me a reason to think he's been on Faithful Andy. He went to Tampa for three days. That is the reason. Didn't tell you. You went to Tampa. And she said, and she said at that time that he leaves. Like, that's whenever they fight, he leaves.
Starting point is 00:57:48 And she doesn't know where he goes. And then he just comes back a day or two later. So it's not like this was the first time that he's done it either. Like, so to say that he's never given you a reason to think he's been a faithful is just crazy. And so the Andy's like, okay, drumroll please. And they actually have like a drumroll. And he's like, who or what was in Tampa for three days. And then Ralph is like, have you
Starting point is 00:58:11 noticed that when Ralph talks, he does almost like action, like what do you call it? Like a he-man figurine. He like his arms, his shoulders go out. And it looks almost like he's like, he's like closing symbols, but he's like not closing symbols. Like when he talks, his hands go in and out, you know, but he has pointy shoulders and his hands go in and out. It'd be fun here, for this to scrap, is not a man, because it's just, I can't, it's hard to describe.
Starting point is 00:58:38 A very visual moment. Over here, like doing good amps. Right. So, so he's like, Andy, I need to get away. I mean, the beach is my place of refuge. And candy says, so you pass by other beaches to get to Tampa, which he doesn't, he doesn't answer that by the way. Not only does he not answer that, he doesn't really give an answer to any of this. And he also doesn't explain or is, and neither neither is he nor is he asked about why he had surveillance equipment up for Drew. Yeah, he never answers it.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And he says, well, he didn't even tell you the hotel drew and she's like, well, but he did show me hotel receipts. And then he showed me lunch receipts where it showed that he was just eating lunch for one. I was like, yeah, but what about dinner receipts? Like, why is this specifically luncheon or pet accord? I don't know, I'm just gonna put it out there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Listen, he showed her his activity rings on his eye watch or her apple watch to show that he went running. It's like so what? So he went running so he could possibly have the energy to fuck somebody else. Paul Angabout. Andy was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:59:43 He's like, well, why run to the trip club instead of taking an Uber? And you could see for a moment, Ralph is like, oh, I think that's hilarious, Andy. That's hilarious. He goes, no. Yeah, there are no strip clubs in Tampa. And they're like, what? He's like, what's the strip club capital of the world pours up?
Starting point is 01:00:04 And then Ralph says, I didn't go into any strip clubs. I spent the entire time by myself, no other women. And I think, listen, now I actually believe very much so that Ralph is straight. But I think as gay men, we are very attuned to scenes and movies where someone says, I wasn't with another woman. I wasn't with another woman. And you know another woman and you know all us gay men are like Yeah I was just like waiting for that to drop. I was like he said women. He only said women
Starting point is 01:00:36 But no, I think it's true doesn't either way, I don't really have I don't really have a gay But you know what, I don't really have a gay dar. I like the worst gay dar. I mean, unless it's super obvious. But even then, sometimes it's super obvious. And it's like, oh, and this is my what, girl. Oh my God, I just don't know. The point is, the reason why I bring it up is not to try to insinuate that he's gay,
Starting point is 01:00:57 because I don't believe that at all. And I'm not trying to even say that with any sort of stigma. But the insinuation is that like, his argument could be easily pressed and guess so many old, like, could fall apart so easily. And then no one presses him and it's all kind of like, ha ha ha ha ha, oh Ralph. I'm like, this is fucked up.
Starting point is 01:01:18 This is fucked up what's going on. He's not giving any sort of evidence to anything and he's just smiling like a politician and Drew is just smiling like a politician and Drew is just, you know, Drew, the queen of saying, why don't we keep it real, is just co-signing all this bullshit. When meanwhile, she bothered us for an episode and a half with a stupid conspiracy about Latoya and profit lot, when her very own husband has done things that are 40 times more suspicious than anything
Starting point is 01:01:45 that she claims to be. Well, she only wants people to keep it real when it's them, not when it's her, because she's totally fake. So, Katty's not buying this. She's like making faces and stuff. And so, Andy calls her out and she's like, listen, it's not for me to buy it,
Starting point is 01:01:58 as long as she buys it, you know, what do I care? And Andy goes, what would your reaction be? And she's like, I take away every manager parking spot at the restaurant so I force him to work out like what do you think yeah and uh... synthia is like you know it might get it you know he's like a rules car so if you went to Tampa for three days then I get to go to Tampa for three days but of course neither of us would do that because if we can escape for some of our three days we have higher standards than Tampa so uh... sorry Ralph sorry to throw in a bus like that,
Starting point is 01:02:25 but had to be said. And Ralph was like, well, I apologize that I struck an herb and I'm never gonna leave again without true knowing where I'm going. So he'll still run off to Tampa. He'll just be like, I'm going to Tampa now. Bye. And he's like, well, you have a hard time now
Starting point is 01:02:44 because everyone knows who you are, Ralph, everyone, and the entire world knows who Ralph is. Is a country of private eyes. So then Ralph is like, you know what, you know what? Here's the thing, Drew had time to clear her mind. Like look where you guys went. You had Bolo with his whole situation in South Carolina, you know, so it's like, oh, so that's what it,
Starting point is 01:03:05 so you're comparing that. He's like, she had a trip to clear her mind, just like I had a trip to clear mine, you know, she had her trip with a stripper and I had my trip with at my, at the activity rings where I just ran by myself. I went running to the beach, that was a far away beach.
Starting point is 01:03:27 So you had a stripper, I had a stri- steak among hotel tapracies for. She got, you know, thrown down on a coffee table. I got thrown down on a coffee order that I was like, I want that latte. So Cynthia's like, yeah, but the the difference is is that you knew where she was You know and he's like well We know it was interesting when Drew was recounting the night in the dungeon when you watch that episode were you upset and he's like, uh, yeah
Starting point is 01:03:59 I was because she told me about it, but then I saw it and that's completely different and Then we get a good question. Someone from Amish County wants to know, Drow, why do you keep making references to other women keeping husbands when your husband is only hanging on by a thread of stripper thread? A genius thing, if you will. Can you thank you for your question. Yeah. And Ralph and Drew have these big fake smiles on their face, just gritting through their teeth. Their teeth are just like, so Drew says, well, we've almost been divorced
Starting point is 01:04:39 a few times. And the key for us is counseling every Monday, except for those Mondays where Ralph is out of town somewhere and I don't know where he is, but it's basically like he's there in counseling because I know who's watching me, right? Well Drew, you said that one of the women, you wouldn't name a name, but you said that one of them women were giving your husband a gooly eyes.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And Ken, he goes, I know you're not talking about me because I only said one comment about it in an interview or something. And then Drew of course starts saying, you with my husband, I mean, you just continue it. And then yesterday even you said, my husband was wearing your favorite color. She's done it more than once and they tried to rip us apart. To try to tell us apart and let the record show that the woman who put those cameras in my house was not any stripper from Tampa. It was Kenya herself.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Yeah, she's so ridiculous. She your husband is hot, okay? If you don't want people to say your husband is hot, don't marry a piece of ass that spends two hours a day in the gym, okay? He does that to be considered hot. Exactly. We're not the same. You, he does that to be considered hot. Exactly. We're a lot of the same. You should be proud.
Starting point is 01:05:47 I should be like, that's my man. You can look, but he's mine. That's what you should be doing. And they try to compare this to the Apollo situation when Kenya was blatantly going after Apollo to try and pitch Fadre off. And that was Super City of Kenya. And they show the clips and stuff. And that was Super City of Kenya. And they showed the clips and stuff. And that was Super City of Kenya,
Starting point is 01:06:07 but this isn't the same thing. And Drew doesn't get the same, Drew doesn't get the same respect as Fadrewood. Sorry Drew. Yeah, I'm sorry. So there are a lot of tweets saying that Drew should stop referring to her marriage as perfect. It is perfect. It's perfect for me.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And then he's like, all right, well, Ralph, thanks for coming. And Ralph's like, all right, well Ralph, thanks for coming. And Ralph does little prayer hands like, bless, thank you, thank you. I was like, Ralph, you. I was so disappointed with this entire segment. I felt like it was treated almost like a joke. Everything was sort of silly.
Starting point is 01:06:36 And I don't think we got to the bottom of anything and it really bothered me. Because it was like, I was like one of the few burning questions I had from the season was what the hell was Ralph doing in Tampa and why was he putting why was he spying on his wife. It's actually pretty amazing how quickly drew fell from grace because drew was we were excited about true and that's like bye. Yeah. Yeah, we have a break time in Cynthia calls
Starting point is 01:07:04 Mike and Andy's checking on Latoya And Latoya has a kidney infection and goes look give me a Working I give you she goes a hug and he's like He's just like oh, I'm sure someone as desperate as you will try to hug you. Okay, bye. Yeah. So then Drew is going off to Porsche who really just wants a break and doesn't want Drew in her dressing room, but Drew is just there going off.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And she's like, oh, and then she's coming for my husband. I mean, where do you even get that? You know, and then, and Porsche goes, well, she was, yeah, but I was defending myself. You know, and then she apologized, which is crazy. I mean, she's got about 14 more apologies for me. And Porsche just goes, uh-huh, mm-hmm, well. Like, my dash or her, her, her, her, her, anyway. So then Latoya calls up Kenya and goes,
Starting point is 01:07:59 Kenya, one of Drew's assistants just barged into my room and held the camera in my face. And they were like, Drew's Siddora heard you were sick and gave me vitamin C Vitamin C she's trying to be funny and it's not funny to me I was like this is my little way I can't be on this show because she just brings the worst can't like I cannot I actually think Latoya is Terrible for the show she's too thirsty and this is like the the caliber of of drama she brings Is that someone gave her vitamin C and she wasn't, she didn't appreciate it. I didn't understand this at all.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And I guess hearing you say it back made me understand it a little bit more. I guess it was just that they came in with the camera in her face, which was fucked up. It was probably like some Instagram or something. But I thought for, well, wow, I thought it was just a vitamin C and I didn't get it. I don't say still don't get it.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Like, oh, we're gonna prank. Oh, hey everyone, today on my Instagram we're gonna see what Latoya does when I offer her vitamin C. I'm guessing it was a camera in the face thing. So Latoya comes out on the stage and Andy's like, oh, well, well, well. And she's like, yeah, well, you know, I'm getting better, I'm feeling better. I'm just happy to be here with all my girls, except for SpongeBob over there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:12 And Drew's like, wow, biggest fan came out swinging. So Latoya says, yeah, I'm just trying, you know, I'm not feeling well. I've got this cold. And he's like, cold. I thought you had a kidney infection. You have COVID, don't you? We're all going to get like, cold? I thought you had a kidney infection. You have COVID, don't you? We're all gonna get COVID, right? She was cold, kidney infection, UTI infection.
Starting point is 01:09:29 You name it, I am going through it, Andy. That's like, what? She says, and then her glam barber came into my room and said, Drew Snora said you were sick. So here's some vitamin C. And you crossed me and that really hurt me. Maybe she was upset because this this this glam person gave her like an old vitamin C album like the graduation song or something. She's like, I told you I do not like her music. How many times have to tell you that Drew? I do not like vitamin C, okay? I was not what I choose to listen
Starting point is 01:10:03 to from my graduation. I did not get this. So then Drew was like, well, I didn't know that that was happening and, you know, Ralph did no either. And that is why that person is no longer here, okay? I was like, wow, so someone just got fired for offering vitamin C. What is happening? Messy ass, Messy ass glam squad. They are truly the messiest people on earth.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah. So Latoya's like, great lie, Drew. And she says, I stand by my truth. And she goes, well, at least your dress better, you know, and I credit myself for Drew stepping up her fashion game. You look better today, Drew. You look much better. Latoya taking credit for Drew stepping up her fashion game when Latoya is dressed like she just fell through her crow's nest or something. I was just like some feathers and and Drew looks like she's about to climb up to a bell tower. I actually liked what Drew is wearing from this angle. I think I saw some of the photos and I was like I didn't like it. I thought Kenya actually looks really good.
Starting point is 01:11:01 But the point was this, these two squabbling, it was not what I was here for. And then Drew's like, pipe down, pipe down, boo, pipe down, and then Natoya says that every day was a nightmare. I don't remember. I was petty peach list, petty peach list. Petty peach list. Oh, I missed that. And that's where we got some. Oh, I missed that. And that's where we got some.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Yeah, this, this first reunion ends with that fight. The vitamin C versus I helped you dress better. Vitamin C personal space violations. Now I have that song in my head. Where is vitamin C anyway? And why is she not on a real house live show? She should be on like orange county, I think Well, you know what you'll have to take that up with Andy call vitamin C Let's talk about your boobs
Starting point is 01:11:57 For someone in vitamin C it looks like you are sporten some double double D's. Please welcome vitamin C. Hi vitamin. Just alright everybody. From up here to the end of real housewives of Atlanta reunion part one. We are going to move over to our bonus episode now where we're going to talk below deck sailing for those of you who need to fix hint. Not a whole lot happened on that one this week, but the preview for the rest of the season was pretty great. Go over to Instagram to vote for our number 10 housewife and get your tickets for our Real Housewives of New York Live recap on May 6th. Go to to find the ticket link.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Guy, guy. Yeah, talk to you on the next one. Bye, everyone. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Asli Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Itchels. Danace. Danadoo. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no last name-y.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's a little bit loony. Juni, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! There ain't no problem that Sarasolvia can't solve you.
Starting point is 01:13:30 The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto! Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Let's give them a kiss, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us ten Cs of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weasler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:13:51 She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Mina Kutikuti Kutikuti. Give them hell, Miss Noelle.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily sides. Shannon, out of account in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music, download the
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