Watch What Crappens - RHOA: Not Without My Daughter w/Rae Sanni

Episode Date: February 16, 2021

Special guest Rae Sanni fills in for Ronnie to talk Real Housewives of Atlanta this week, and we spend nearly two hours breaking down the latest episode. We're talking childcare, gay fantasie...s, and leftover pork. Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker, also the Game Brain podcast. If you are a big board game nerd like I am, go check that out. And joining me today is not Ronnie Keram. Ronnie Keram is without
Starting point is 00:01:16 internet iced out in Texas. He is he is reenacting the final scene of the shining. So while he is there trying to live in candlelight, et cetera, we have brought back one of our favorite people, one of our favorite guests, Miss Raysani. How's it going, Ray? Ooh, thank you for having me. I'm good, I'm good. I'm glad to be talking to you and in bed getting high. So that's nice.
Starting point is 00:01:44 You can do, you can be doing all of those things all at the same time, you know. That is true, but I think that you deserve my most alert brain. Okay, sure. Is there anything you want to promote? Do you want to promote on the show? I promote healthy getting high. Do it for self love. That's where I'm from. But also, I have a podcast coming. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to give the title of it yet. But beyond the lookout, we have a podcast coming. Me and my co-host, Jockies, from our other podcast, The Challenge, somebody upgraded us.
Starting point is 00:02:19 So, be on the lookout for that. And then I have a podcast in my own coming in March. So, be on the lookout for that. It then I have a podcast on my own coming in March. So, be on the lookout for that. It's gonna be just general pop culture podcast, you know, me talking. People who like me talking, you'll like that, I suppose. It's called getting high in bed. And listening to crap ends.
Starting point is 00:02:36 That's what it's called. Exactly, basically. It's like an alternate podcast version of crap ends. It's a reaction podcast to your reaction podcast. Yeah, it's very meta. It's very much like Simulacrum postmodern. I learned that phrase from once in college and I used it right now to remind myself that there was some education coursing through me at some point in my life before I gave
Starting point is 00:03:03 myself over entirely to Bravo. Well, you just saying simulacrum just like fired off my synapses and just made me realize that simulac the milk is fake milk. It's a copy of a copy of a copy of milk. Oh, shit. That is simulac. Simulac, wait is it simulac? That's what's called. I wait, let me make sure. Simulac is a simulac. Wait, is a simulac? That's what's called? I wait, let me make sure.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Simulac is a simulac from a milk. Right, so, yeah, simulac is infant formula, and so it's fake breast milk. It's a simulac from breast milk. So anyway, so we are, this is a no apology zone, okay? Unless we say something that we have to apologize for, but this is a no apology zone.
Starting point is 00:03:56 But today we are talking real housewives of Atlanta, and here we are gonna give a big old disclaimer right now because Ronnie is not here. Unfortunately, for many people in the audience, rampant appreciation for Kenya Moore is gonna be an issue for this episode because you are a Kenya Moore stan. I like Kenya.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I like, I think that she serves a vital role.. So you know, this may be a very difficult recap for some people Maybe very triggered or the greatest recap for some others, you know, if it ever gets too thick, then we'll just pretend Ronny is here and saying she sucks saying she sucks. Fake laugh. What have you thought about before we dive into this episode here, what are your thoughts on Atlanta so far this season? When everybody was saying they didn't like the season, I was confused because I just enjoyed them being. You know, like Atlanta is like one of those shows that not actually a lot
Starting point is 00:05:07 ever happens. They're just so dynamic as people that we don't notice. And so it was just very interesting to see people actually get, you know, sad, like feel the weight of the fact that nothing happens on this show. But I also, I think also too, getting to know new people when nothing is going on and everybody in a pandemic is hard. Like, there are several reality shows that I didn't start when I should have because I didn't feel like getting to meet new people. And so I think that might also have contributed to it. But I like it.
Starting point is 00:05:43 I like that we're done with focusing on Cynthia for so long. And I want to see some strippers ultimately. Yeah, I do too. I mean, yeah, this season has been a little up and down for me. I understand it was shot in a pandemic. And honestly, shot pretty early on in terms of like when productions were gearing up and understanding how to shoot in a pandemic.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I think it's like the first episode, first few episodes were a little slow, but then there were some good episodes and there were some slow episodes. It's been very up and down, but I think I agree that we've moved away from the big Jail Super Spreader event and that has helped and now we've had this is like the third episode in a row of this vacation where I mean This is the closest that Atlanta's ever come to summer house. I mean, they're just all stuck in a house Yeah, I'm doing nothing like doing nothing But I'm actually it's like you said I was I was appreciating this episode that all that has happened is they've sat around and groused about how they didn't get lunch yesterday But it's sort of working for me now. But like, isn't that absurd?
Starting point is 00:06:48 Like, we are literally having an emotional breakdown at dinner table. So because yesterday somebody didn't get lunch. Isn't this show amazing? Isn't this show amazing? Well, that's like a very real thing too. Like, I would have, I would have a major breakdown if like I was in a house and I was on the impression
Starting point is 00:07:09 that there might be lunch coming because every vacation I went with these people, there was always some sort of lunch that was prepared on the menu. And I know I could go get some cold cuts from the fridge, but I know that there's a better lunch coming. And then I find out that there is no lunch coming and no one told me there was no lunch coming and the
Starting point is 00:07:25 person who did know that there was no lunch coming is Kenya who got her own lunch. She got her own crab cake and honestly, you know what if this happened on New York, it would be Ramona. She didn't get a crab cake. She got a crab cake, oh boy. A Popeye with fries. And she on purpose ate it in everybody's face. Yeah, which is a very Ramona singer thing to do. And I think that if it were in New York, we'd all be like, oh my god, this is classic Ramona.
Starting point is 00:07:52 But because it's Atlanta, everyone's like, fuck, Katia. And it was really, it was really, really obnoxious. And I would be furious. But I'm thinking, I don't even know what I said last week about it. I'm probably fully contradicting everything I said last week. But now this week, now that I've had some time to think about it, it's kind of an amazing paramove. But also yes, it was to me it was very clear that it was a paramove because when so I know
Starting point is 00:08:18 everybody thinks Kenyans laugh is fake, but I actually think it's real. And so when they were like, what you got in there? And she started giggling. I think she was just being funny or trying to provoke a reaction. I don't think Kenya was like, I'm hungry. No one else is hungry. I think Kenya was being a dickhead for TV. And she probably was. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:45 She knows that she has to. Right, she knows her role. So why is everybody acting like she isn't playing one? Anyway, that's not for not everyone in the audience is to buy that logic, that's fine. She's a dickhead on TV, that's what they're showing us. But like, it was- We've already lost half the audience just by praising her crab cake maneuvers.
Starting point is 00:09:08 But it was just, now I'm not saying this as somebody who would be supportive. It was rude as hell. But it just seemed to me that she was being a dick for cameras. She literally after getting confronted by Tanya in the house, she specifically took the food to sit next to candy. Like she was being a dick. And you don't do that to Candy, you really don't.
Starting point is 00:09:32 No, she was trying and she was laughing. Like I don't think that that was a Kenya being, and we saw as we'll talk about over the course of this episode that she really does care about candy spilling and like has said things and so I don't think that that was a real asshole move. Well maybe they were all mad because maybe they were mad because I knew she was trying to do something to get a reaction out of them. Yeah. And they were like, fuck this girl because she's
Starting point is 00:10:02 getting a reaction but we're not getting any any food Yes, exactly. I'm I'm not upset with people for being upset with Kenya That would have pissed me the fuck off do you eat and they're my fucking face? Yeah, and it seemed to me that she thought she and candy were having TV fight then realized that she was having a real fight with her friend Yeah, that's I think that's a good a good call So this this week's episode opens up with Marlow and Kenya. They're still fighting because Marlow is doing this, like, what was me thing of like, why does this have to go on so long?
Starting point is 00:10:33 We're always going out and it's exhausting. And Kenya is not having any of it, you know? And so the last thing that we saw was Marlow getting up from the table and everyone be like, Marlow, don't leave, don't leave, don't leave. And then we had two weeks off because we had Super Bowl last week. And now we're picking up. It's like, will Marlow be leaving the dinner table?
Starting point is 00:10:52 And we see her and she goes into the kitchen and she's like, oh, yeah, I'm not leaving. I'm just getting some ice. I'm like, you made us wait two weeks to watch Marlow get ice. Two weeks for that. Two weeks. Two weeks for Marlow to get ice. Watch weeks for that. Two weeks. Two weeks. Two weeks for Marla to get ice.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Watch the stripper only get ice, next week. That's how we're jumping. Oh, I'm excited for the stripper situation for many different reasons. But anyway, so Porosha tells us, you know, she's like, you know, there's something deep down in Marla that urns to be friends with Kenya. And I hate to see her hurt since Kenya doesn't give a fuck, you know, there's something deep down in Marlow that yearns to be friends with Kenya. And I hate to see her hurt since Kenya
Starting point is 00:11:25 doesn't give a fuck, you know, about her. And I don't know. Does, do you think that Marlow has, like, yearns for Kenya's approval? I do. I actually do think so. I, I don't think that Marlow, like, looks up to Kenya. I think that Marlow genuinely doesn't understand why Kenya doesn't want to be her friend. But it's like Marlo, do you know you?
Starting point is 00:11:49 Wait, it was so weird to me that Marlo was so cool as to why Kenya would not want to be her friend and Like they showed us clips that would express why she wouldn't want to be her friend It was such a bizarre thing. And I like Portia a lot, but this episode, she seems like such a shit stirred to me, which I normally like, but it seemed malicious. And, which I also normally like. Yeah, which I also normally like,
Starting point is 00:12:20 but it didn't look like, oh, it was for good TV to me. It looked like she genuinely wants everyone to hate Kenya and like here you are being like I genuinely hurts me that Marlow Is hurt by Kenya as if Marlow isn't a terrorist herself Marlow has been a terrorist without a peach on this show for Years and I know she doesn't want one but like come on want one, but like come on. You know, the person who are all our only new friends, they're very new friends. Wow. And they're only friends around being friends with Neemie in opposition to Kenya. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So, um, uh, so then Kenya is like, well, the only reason that you have that room is because you don't know how to talk to me. Ha, and she's like, so you go, I don't have that room. I have this room and I'm like laughing that you think the living room is an upgrade over the, the, the actual bedroom that she's like, she's like, so go, I don't have that room, I have this room. And I started laughing that she thinks the living room is an upgrade over the actual bedroom that she's in. Like an actual bed. I was looking at the bed and I looked at the sliver of cash because ultimately it's not a full bed, it's a sliver.
Starting point is 00:13:18 And how is that any more comfortable than the room you got? Yeah, I'm not about sleeping. Like if I have the choice between my own bedroom and the living room, even if I push two couches together to make it a little bit more space, I don't wanna be in that communal area where people can walk in and they'll wake me up
Starting point is 00:13:39 and I'll get cranky. And you know that there's a camp that producer who's walked through like Knox over something. I don't want any of that. Oh, yeah I mean that even when we saw like Kenya making food for breakfast for Brooklyn for breakfast and she was like Oh, I didn't even see you there like I'm so mad if some lady at 7 a.m. came Started cooking things and I was trying to sleep. Go to your bedroom So Kenya starts doing this whole thing about how she was so you know
Starting point is 00:14:04 She's so bothered because Marlowe attacked her any chance that she can any chance not six years ago not five years ago not four years ago not three is like we get it we see where this is going not one years ago I'm like did you you do remember that you walked into Marlowe's like launch, like, Marlowe, like, I don't believe that Marlowe had a real company, but let her have a fake opening for her fake company and she marched in with like that drum and she's gonna complain to, she's the victim of Marlowe's taunts. Wait, time out though. Why the Kenya send that band to Marlowe's?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Kill you more, hair, hair. I don't, honestly, I don't remember at this point. I don't remember what set her off. Because Marla was at Lake Bailey shitting on Kenya's marriage. Oh yeah. Well, it was Marla wrong. That's the other question.
Starting point is 00:14:55 See, isn't this funny? How I'm already trashing Kenya, even though I just said how much I like her. That's the joy bravo. I just wanted to point out, as we will see Kenya point out herself, she's always called out for her behavior but no one's called out for the things she's reacting to. That's all.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Um, by the way, I'm going to say that like, I fully think Kenya's in the wrong episode. I fully fully believe that. I fully fully believe. I think that Kenya has a reason. I think she's in the wrong on something. I also think that the reactions are outsized. Okay, so yeah, so basically Ken is like, she's done with Marlow or whatever. And Marlow's like, you read me to death, I can't even outread you.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'm saying, it's funny, I entertained it. And Ken is like, you always fuck with me, but no reason. Which I think is funny, because I don't And Ken is like, you always fuck with me, but no reason, which I think is funny, because I don't think that it's without a reason. They're both like, they lack, I don't wanna say they lack self-awareness, because I'm not sure if they lack self-awareness. No, they, they, well, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I say I can't tell. But the point is they, they conveniently leave out parts of their own, you know, victimhood. Every time, when Ken is, when, when, when, when, when, when, when, whenudd. Every time we can't win Marlow, Marlow's like, what would I say about you? Would I say about you? You're your buttest fake?
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yes, that's fucking annoying. That is fucking with someone. That is fucking with someone Marlow. So Cynthia's like, well, you know, I love you guys, and I just want for you and Marlow to get to a place of respect. And Marlow's like, well, you know, I love you guys. And I just want for you and Marla to get to a place of respect. And Marla was like, moving forward, I will not mention your name in a petty way,
Starting point is 00:16:30 which I think is an important stipulation because going forward, she will absolutely mention her name in a petty way. And then she'll just say, I said I wouldn't mention it in a petty way. And I wasn't being petty. I was being truthful. You know, that's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, I mean, yes, but like, I mean, I love it though, and that's all I want from that. So they kind of just like drop it because it doesn't really get any traction. I don't know if they made any progress, but you know, Marlow was playing this, you know, foe. Like, I'm exhausted from this. So then they're like, we're just like,
Starting point is 00:17:04 we can play a game and so Kenny is like, are we gonna play a game? And so Kenny is like, oh, I forgot about the game. Okay, on the count of three, we're gonna run to our rooms and go to sleep. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Starting point is 00:17:15 And everyone just like stairs are like, die, please die. We've done nothing for two days, give us a game, give us anything, give us shoots and ladders Yes, and so Portia the genius She comes up with something to do which I think is very very important and commendable Let the aunties be the aunties and you know play some nice games like never have I ever so shit, you know Yeah, she's like have you ever played never have I ever I played it in jail. It was so good Is that what you learned I have her, so I'm sure. Yeah, she's like, have you ever played Never Have I Ever? I played it in jail, it was so good. I was like, what was that?
Starting point is 00:17:48 Was that what you learned? I think you've never played Never Have I Ever before 40, that's absurd. Second. And she announced it with the excitement of this. I found out this cool new game, guys. Yeah. And then, and it's like, well, what does never have I ever
Starting point is 00:18:06 in jail look like? You know what I mean? Never have I ever been in jail. Oh, wait. Oh, here we are. Never have I ever murdered a woman to take her baby. I mean, Porsche has to keep all four fingers up. I also like, now I don't know what it's like to be in jail.
Starting point is 00:18:24 But I just feel like I imagine if I'm in jail, I don't know what it's like to be in jail, but I just feel like I imagine if I'm in jail, I don't know if I'm wanna be playing Never Have I Ever. I just don't know if I'd be in the mood for that. I don't, I'm not in the mood for it. I don't wanna discover some crimes, you know, and then accidentally be an accessory after the fact of some shit.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Let's never play Never Have I Ever. Yeah, exactly. So they decided they're going to go get changed into pajamas and are going to reconvene in the living room slash Marla's bedroom. And then we see this shot of Cynthia packing up leftovers from the pig, because there's that big old roast pig. It was a zip lock bag.
Starting point is 00:19:03 And she was piling pork. Now listen, it she has a zip lock bag. And she has a pile of pork. I mean, now listen, it looked delicious. It looked delicious and I understand the impulse, but I think that Porsche had a really strong point here where she's like, we're out of town. Like, you can't be picking up meat when we're out of town. Pack it up. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Like, they're gone for five days and we're only on day two so you gotta keep roasted pig in the fridge for three days and then another eight hours just to it later for Mike. Eight hours on a bus with no air conditioning with that stanky pig just smelling up the whole place. It's called like go the grocery store when you got home. That's huge, so country. I make it again. There was a lot left over and I feel like. There was a lot.
Starting point is 00:19:52 But also like let the crew have it, you know. Yeah. Good point. I didn't even think about that. But yeah, let the crew have it. The crew is probably not allowed to have it because it's, you know, like COVID protocols. Although COVID protocols in the show are so hilariously like There was literally like someone literally got murdered with a face mask gone yelling
Starting point is 00:20:15 So maybe COVID doesn't mean much. Yeah, I don't think so so So that's what they're like What'd you say? Facials on a mask. A mask would have been helpful. Yeah, so the women are just like, they're gathering now, they're in the pajamas, they're gathering in Marlow's bedroom, and basically they're all waiting for Kenya.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Where's Kenya? Where's Kenya? And one thing that's been going on with this episode I've noticed is that there's a lot of this black and white security cam footage. Yeah. I don't know what, but I don't think it's security cams. I think they just stylistically tried to make it look like that. Like this is like a house of scandal or something like a sliver, you know. So we see Candy.
Starting point is 00:20:59 She goes up to find Kenya. So we see her on like this black and white footage and she goes up to's door and Kenya's like, why do you have a camera up here? I don't know. There's a reality show that's been shooting downstairs. We are at work and you didn't tell anybody you were done shooting. Kenya's like, dude, no, she's like, do you know how this show works? She's like, I walked up here and they followed me because it's a reality show. But Candy was like, because she gave her the courtesy
Starting point is 00:21:39 of being like, I came here without a camera. So don't even be rude to me when you be in food. Okay. Yeah, Candy had her no nonsense face all like she was pissed because she knew what was going on. Candy's because Candy wants to go sleep to by the way. That's the whole thing. That is what's not being spoken. She wants to go to sleep, but she has to shoot a scene. Yes, Candy is always about your basic human needs. I'm hungry, so if you're eating, I must eat. I'm sleepy if you are sleeping, I was sleepy and I fully understand it. I love her for it.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah, she's like, you ate lunch today, I didn't have lunch today and you're getting to go to sleep before me. I do not approve of this. But Candy does this whole thing how she has no one else who can sleep with Brooklyn and, you know, big stuff. I believe that back in the way. I do believe that. But, you know, I think later on though, like yes, she has no one else to sleep with Brooklyn
Starting point is 00:22:36 because she had the nanny there, but I think that Ken, you can't use point later on, stands as well. So, so it can be like, so she's like, you're not gonna come down, okay, whatever. So she goes back downstairs and she tells the group and now they're all pissed. We're kind of getting a retread of the big Wendy
Starting point is 00:22:54 and Ashley fighting for the tonic. Yeah, and it's so, and here's the thing. It's fine that people are annoyed about it. Okay, I'm not a mom, I don't have kids, I don't know what it's like to be away from your child. But I find it very interesting that everyone who was anti-wendy last time is suddenly pro-porsche.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah. Because they hate Kenya. That's fun. I didn't notice that. Oh, go. I haven't checked in on the chatter today, so I didn't see that that's. Oh, go notice that i haven't i haven't got a check on the chatter today so i didn't see that that's go notice
Starting point is 00:23:28 i love that that's hilarious yeah i understand that the circumstances were slightly different but i do think i think that canya is a dickhead for not mentioning it and i like and for what comes later but i also think that the reactions are outsized in general. Yeah, in general, you know, it wouldn't be Bravo if it weren't that way. So now they're all pissed, right? Because Porsche could have brought PJ, Candy could have brought Gle- uh, I must have Gle-E's, Blaze. Um, I'm sure that Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's,
Starting point is 00:24:00 Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Gle-E's, Donut. Yeah, candy loves glaze anyway. So, you know, I would bring a glaze donut. Um, I'm sure there was like another baby in the next. She's a child. She has a glaze of baby too. Come on. She loves it. Glazed with sprinkles. She's like, look at my beautiful cake baby.
Starting point is 00:24:21 She loves it, you know. Sprinkles are going to be the hot and no accessory. It'll be the new thing of fashion soon. Next season, Doreet is going to walk to a party with the smuckles on her hair. Come on, Shooz. Here comes one right now. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I'm Matt Bellasai. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the hosts of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle
Starting point is 00:25:02 between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Beaver, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown, alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Beaver's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can lace an ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So Candy is...
Starting point is 00:25:39 So she tells everyone everyone's pissed and Portia's sort of like she has money and she can afford nannies And even if you can't you know like afford anything else you can afford some, you know common sense or whatever And she's just I know that was a dickhead thing to say. Oh, you can afford nannies Well, I actually think that I mean can you can afford nannies? I think at least for one night or or I think that she could have, I think, listen, I always end to dangerous territory when I talk about mothering, right? Like, she should've got a, got a, Nanny,
Starting point is 00:26:12 but I kind of think she could have gotten a second Nanny. If someone says you can get a Nanny to somebody at work, you know what I mean? Like, I think Keny was a dickhead for not telling them because portion of them did eventually have to find somebody to watch their kid, but there's something to be said for the fact that I don't have a mom, a sister, a baby father who could watch the kid. And she has that chef cousin. She has that chef cousin who comes over. Okay. And you just decide that your you just decide that your cousin can take care
Starting point is 00:26:47 of their kid for five days. I have decided that. I've decided that she's literally a chef. She could like cook a nice meal. She has that lovely, like that adopt her aunt, who we haven't seen from. You're, we're now punning off a three year old for five days on an aunt who doesn't see the child regularly.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yes, yes because you know what because because Kenya I listen. I am I am pawning off that baby because Kenya has the Kenya is going she has to work. She has to yes she has to work I understand that. I'm saying that it's not without context that she brought her kid on the show. It's not like she can yes, I'm sure she was somebody who didn't even think about the other woman. I think she was being very selfish and I think that she should have said something.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You know what I mean? But Portia is acting like she has no other, or Portia is acting like Kenya could have done what Portia did, which is to leave her child when that child has a grandmother who's active, a father who's active, and an aunt who's active, let alone whoever else Kenya hires. I mean, Portia hires. Kenya don't have those things. And I think it's valid for context. Is it excuse or behavior? No, but it's appropriate context, I think. I mean, I think you raised some good points. I don't know why I shouldn't call up Kyle Richards,
Starting point is 00:28:07 because Kyle Richards is a great mother, and don't you dare mommy shame her, okay? Yeah, it started to feel very Beverly Hills by the end of this first segment. I'm sorry, we've taken so long to get through it. No, it's fine. I mean, it's an interesting thing, right? Because I think that everything you're saying
Starting point is 00:28:23 is actually very valid. But I also think that, you're saying is actually very valid. But I also think that when Candy later on is like, get to Nannies, that's what I did. I have the means to do it, I was able to do it. I think that there is something about Candy's pragmatism that I also find is appealing, but I'm not a mom, so I don't understand. I know by the way, I'm not gonna also
Starting point is 00:28:44 just write off the thing that, like, write off the huge part about that's which is that it is your child, ultimately. And- And five days is a long time. It's not, it's not like a two day trip or three days. The five days with a three year old is a long time. True, although, you know, there's some mothers that I've met who would be happy
Starting point is 00:29:06 if they could have 10 days without their three-year-old. So, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, like, I don't know. I'm sure one of those mothers, thank God I don't have a kid. I'm not having any kids any time soon. So, as has been well documented on this podcast, I would be a terrible parent.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I would basically be like, don't speak and I'm leaving for a week. And here's your new father in the nanny form. Yeah, it's like, I'll be looking at a newborn like, why don't you just go read or something? Why do you keep crying? Like go write a novel, do something, you know. Well, yeah, I mean, it'd be interesting to hear with the mothers think about this because there's like, there's so many like, elements of mothering that I just don't, that like I can't even speak on, you know, right?
Starting point is 00:29:55 Like because I think that there are probably a lot of mothers who would probably say something that Kenya's being too precious about this all. Like, like, like, come on, you know, like, it's not though, she would not be the first mom in the world who had to leave their kid for three or four days with a nanny or someone else. That would not be, and by the way, the, the, the punting off the kid to like their aunt or her chef cousin, that would be only when the, that's only when the, the main nanny
Starting point is 00:30:23 isn't doing her thing, you know. But, uh, and on top of that, Portia did say, brought up that she did bring her baby to Greece with her nannies and there's never an issue. And her mom. Her mom was on the trip. Yes, just not on camera. I found that out online. But so Portia didn't leave. Portia didn't leave her kid with a nanny. She left her kid with her mom. All right, that made you make fair points.
Starting point is 00:30:52 If I'm correct, I'm willing to accept that I have that information wrong. And if I'm wrong on that, I apologize. I'm sorry. But it's different leaving your mom with a kid, leaving a kid with your mom in a, in Greece, while you're still on the trip. As opposed to leaving your child behind, while you're in a different state, and you don't have anybody who is not on your employee to wash the kid.
Starting point is 00:31:21 The lesson to be learned for Kenya is make more friends. Yeah. Yeah. Make, be learned for Kenya is make more friends. We can't be good. Make be a better person and make more friends. Because guess what? Yeah, yeah, because now, now watch. And I'm gonna watch me. I'm gonna get, I'm gonna email Ben, you, I love you, but you're insensitive to mothers.
Starting point is 00:31:39 I'm gonna get that. I'm gonna, that's what I'm gonna get asked because of Kenya, because Kenya didn't make friends. That's what's gonna happen You know it I'm somebody who would love to be Kenya's friend, but I don't want to watch her kid for no three days hell no How about Mark looks after the kid. How about that? That's a novel idea. He's the father That's what I was thinking when she talks about it we're candy later, yeah. Yeah, all right. So yeah, so everyone's mad.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Well, let's also not forget the other component of this, which is that she brought her baby, I didn't tell anyone, right? Yes. Which I think is a pretty obnoxious thing given that we have a bunch of moms of little tots in this group. So, so Portia's like,
Starting point is 00:32:29 you know, I've been really even killed this whole trip, but there's a baby upstairs, and I have a baby, and where's my baby sleeping? Where's mine? Where's yours? Where's yours? Where's yours? Where's yours? Not with you. So they all like sort of like get, they all get like whipped up into a frenzy and angry.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And, you know, like, you know, Portia says everything that we've just basically been saying and now she's like, I can't play the game tonight. I can't play the game. I'm not in that place. And I'm like, so you felt like cool playing, never have I ever in jail.
Starting point is 00:32:55 But this is actually worse than jail. This is, this is really like, Jell's the game. Can you be absent is worse than Jeff? Yeah. Yeah. But also like, I can't imagine that it would have been very fun with Kenya.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Either like, Kenya is just gonna pretend she's never done anything. Just like she keeps pretending she didn't get a fake butt. Girl, I love you. That butt is not real. It is, it's not. It's like someone took a cushion from the back of a sectional and just stuff that in there Come on it would have been boring with her anyway
Starting point is 00:33:33 So so now candy's crying because she's talking about how when she facetimes with with blaze that blaze will like start to cry when she hangs up And you know all that stuff so they're all just like really, really getting annoyed. And then Drew, now Drew, I've actually kind of let Drew the season, but she's annoying me now. Thank you, okay, good. Really annoying this episode. I liked her up until last episode. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Same. And so she's like, well, I thought the girl's trip was supposed to be fun and I thought we'd turn up. But if we're gonna sleep then you can just take me back to Atlanta. I'm like, please don't tell me that Ralph is more fun than this, okay? Exactly! Like girl, please But also just like you just joined the cast
Starting point is 00:34:14 Exactly I appreciate you, I appreciate your initiative and enthusiasm But girl, you are so new. Like what do you do? Like she's really saucy for somebody who's auditioned. I mean, at that point, it seems like they had four
Starting point is 00:34:33 or five people auditioning to be on the cast. You're auditioned, too. I liked her sauciness. I just felt like it was misdirected. Like I want her sauciness to be about something like more powerful. I like more happy Like Yeah, I think like what she's
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, like what? Wigs keep it to the wig girl wig Keep it to the wig Keep it to the wig Keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the wig, keep it to the I don't need you to like, you're not saying anything newer and insightful here. That's like, for me, it was just like, why are you beefing the way high school girls beef? You know what I mean? Like, it's like, this is fake and y'all not doing it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 And I'm just like, come on, just, this is a show. Do a show thing. Yeah. Also, like you're a reality show and you're wanting like genuine relationships. These people have been cobbled together. I mean, what's her face? Fallen is like flittering around in the background.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Like, and you want like authenticity from her? We were literally introduced to Fallen by Portia being like, oh, I was invited to this girl's house. And we know each other. Like, that, like, why are you looking for a real best friend? She gonna find out that she's not gonna have no friends. She's gonna lose it. Who's your friend on this show?
Starting point is 00:35:55 You don't know them yet. By the way, why can't Fallon take care of the baby? I'm just putting it out there, Fallon. It's a different villa, too, with that. She's a whole different villa. I'm gonna be coming up with nanny alternatives that will make Kenya feel comfortable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I agree. I'm, although the husband, the husband's little sketch to me as now, but I see where he going. I like Salinas. It just gets Sal and something to do. It gets her a story line. She's just like the third string like friend of, and I don't know. I don't know what's going something to do. It gives her a story line. She's just like the third string, like, friend of,
Starting point is 00:36:25 and I don't know. I don't know what's going on with her. You know crazy, they're benches so deep that they have third string. She has literally, I mean, yeah, it is funny that you can really see the audition process. I think that they just didn't have time to do large amounts of filming to make sure you'll see who like it's like okay this is gonna be our new cast member this will be our friend of
Starting point is 00:36:50 they like we just have to film with everyone at all times so we are gonna have Marlowe Tania, Fallon and Latoya all along this trip it's like it was absurd it was absurd so the next morning, Drew faced times with Ralph. And he's like, check out the progress. Look, look at the boxes, by the way, we closed. And we're moving already while you're down there. Absurd, absurd. You don't call me while I'm on a fucking girl's trip
Starting point is 00:37:18 to tell me we have a house now, Niga. What are you doing? No, he's so great. He's awful awful and Drew likes to talk about marriage a lot She likes to use men against women a lot dude. Yeah, man won't even let you know that y'all bought a house Girl, please Can we come in to Tampa? He went to Tampa for I didn't tell you you had to coax out the Tampa lie, okay? I mean and then he spies on y'all in y'all house Those are his cameras in this house that black wife footage is from Ralph's cam
Starting point is 00:37:56 Why is he vaping Kenya and candy through Ralph cam dot net so So he didn't like so he doesn't he didn't even tell Drew that movers were coming. And she's like, well, I thought the movers were coming at the end of the month. And he's like, oh, well, you know, moving companies are really, you know, he speaks like very like in your face. You know, like, I feel like he's, it's like, it's like, it's like selling something. Yeah. He's selling something.
Starting point is 00:38:22 He feels like, you know, not quite a motivational speaker, but something like Yeah. He's selling something. He feels like, um, you know, not quite a motivational speaker, but something like it. He carries that energy. He's always convincing. Yes, it's almost like, it's like a little preachy, but also cart like car commercial. And he's, it's almost like, you get to get down here because the deals are great, right? So it's like crazy, Eddie's. And so he's like, well, you know, moving to somebody's are busy. So, you know, you got to get in, what you got to get in.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Like, that's not how it works, actually. This is not the soul house. Exactly. You can tell this moving company what day you want them to come. Because they'll, you'll pay them for a service and they'll provide it on the date that you need like what the fuck isn't it sketchy as hell this man is moving his house while his wife is gone.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yes, it is sketchy and also you can negotiate the closing date to accommodate all that shit with the movers, etc. etc. it's really not that difficult. No, he just wanted, I think he's hiding stuff. I think maybe he's moving things like, oh, the cameras. The surveillance system, exactly. Yeah. He's getting rid of stuff that she don't know is there.
Starting point is 00:39:35 That's good. She's gonna come home to the new house and be like, oh my God, actually, I really love this. And I love that you put a teddy bear in every room. That is so cute. Oh wow, do you want a baby? Why is there a baby monitor in here? Oh, I love that you put these here.
Starting point is 00:39:52 So then we have Taney and Porsche are talking about how Breonna Taylor's like whether or not there could be charges against the officers or could be happening that afternoon. And then we go to Cynthia who is concerned about showing Mike the view of the beach. So that's always exciting when they face time. They have. I'm glad that that is how boring their relationship is because Peter was interesting, but he gave
Starting point is 00:40:23 your girl stress. So I'll take a boring scene on the beach with Cynthia of my just keep it short. Yeah it was short thankfully it was short. So then Candy pulls all the women into into a room. I think it was actually Marlos meant into into a room. I think it was actually Marla's really really. Or her dressing room. It was my love's checking room. So she says that she's going to make a surprise, you know, they're going to be doing a surprise dungeon style, bachelor at party for Cynthia, and she got them all costumes like sexy costumes. And I like Tanya. Tanya is just always so happy with everything because she picks up her bag
Starting point is 00:41:05 and she says hold her back with my name on it like this is the interesting because what she's not happy with is interesting to like when she told the uh what's it called was she told the uh chef the james beard award winning chef to pick out the port for her you know what tania is so nice or at least appears to be so nice that i i gave that to her i said you know what she deserves to have a plate made for her
Starting point is 00:41:37 i'm gonna let some i'm gonna let her have a plate made for her because she is just lucky beard award winning barbecuer. You know what, if it were Ramona, we'd be praising this moment. We'd be saying, it's a classic moment. Can you just like make me a plate of this? What did she call it?
Starting point is 00:41:53 What was that racist thing she called for? Why? Ramona? Yes, she was she called them the help. Oh, no, she called them servants. The servants. Oh, look at these servants. She's like literally such a monster.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And like, but she just like goes to the other side that you just have to just be like, how does this woman get through life? How? How it's amazing. Tania didn't call him a servant and so I'm perfectly okay with it. I take your back. So, so Don Juan is sending Bolo the stripper. So Bolo is at the heart of this stripper controversy
Starting point is 00:42:26 that we are about to embark on. We've been pretty much waiting for all season long. So, so yes, so they're Bolo's coming and they're not going to say anything to just to Cynthia, whatsoever, which is pretty easy. Yeah, well Cynthia you this whole episode, but it was. She was on the beach showing Mike like Seagull wasn't. No, I just feel like she's been like edited out, maybe not, but like, she's not really eating. She was snacking from her bag of pork. She was just in the corner. You know what, we should have been, you know what,
Starting point is 00:43:01 that bag of pork was not for Mike. That was like her lunch. She was like, I don want to get stuck without lunch tomorrow She didn't want to say it was for me on camera girl. I love a bag of meat now Thanks giving I always have a bag of turkey. So I'm at it. Just don't blame it on your man It's for you. It's for you. Yeah, yeah, cuz porcelain had it right like you're not like there's still like two more days left on this trip You're not back like, there's still like two more days left on this trip. You're not backing this up for Mike. So, um, so now Candy and Candy are talking about logistics
Starting point is 00:43:30 for the day or whatever. And Candy goes, okay, and that babysitter, she better be here all night. And I got love when Candy gives that stern, like mom. She just gets all mom on you, like, like, like, you better have that room cleaned. I love stern candy because it takes forever to for her to come out But when she comes out she don't go back in She's like no, we gonna be stern
Starting point is 00:43:58 Stern it's like she's not bitchy. She's not mean she just stern. I love it too. That's why I love about Candy is that she's like, I love that she's so fun and sweet and then, but like you cannot cross her. You cannot, she knows exactly what she wants at any given moment. And she, some people online say that like, who Candy's the master manipulator and she controls everything and she, she's the puppet master and I'm like, good.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Well done. Some people say that. That's what puppet master and I'm like good. Well done. Some people say that. Hmm. That's what you guys are. I'm like power to her. Read it up. Yeah, I gotta go investigate that. I think puppet master is like a compliment when people are like they are the puppet master. I'm like, well, that says a lot about their ability to read people and their intelligence.
Starting point is 00:44:41 So well, candy is if we're being honest, and this is a tender we don't have to go on, but candy really helped Tamar win big brother. By the way, candy was excellent. For the show. You know, I stopped watching that season. I at a certain point, I don't remember why, I just remember feeling like it was not working for me anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Ha ha ha, fair enough. But Candy did a lot of strategy. She's really, really good. And she's very smart. She is smart. So, Candy is like, well, I'm not going to, like, I can't work someone 24 hours a day. And Candy is like, well, they'll bring two of them next time, which is exactly what my dad or my mom would say to me about, like, anything. Be like, sorry, I can't do the dishes, I have to, you know, I have to go out. Well next time bring two of them. It wouldn't even make sense, but I'd be like, okay.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah, okay. It was such a mom thing to say. Bring to my staff. Oh, that's why you shouldn't forgot. Woverblow, you know, I love it. Oh, so, you know, she's like, because Kenya's like, I have to do that to be around everyone, you know?
Starting point is 00:45:48 And so then Kenya's like, well I can't think of everything. I don't have 16 assistants like you, ha ha. But she does have one assistant. And I think one assistant can take on a lot of mental burden. I you know what I think is like a gift, or not a gift in a curse, It's a gift, but it's also like
Starting point is 00:46:08 Kenya's weapon too. She's very, very hard and doesn't seem to be vulnerable to people or respect vulnerability. And I think that because she's like that, people don't see her as somebody who needs help or it's like in trouble and could just get her shit together. And I don't, I think that a lot of this episode, in addition to Kenya being a dickhead of something, is people not giving her any, I guess, empathy or sympathy. In addition to the fact that her attitude was horrible. She also just presents as someone who doesn't need anything or doesn't want anything or isn't vulnerable. And so I don't think people are really taking into account that she might need somehow, right? She might need some help, but she could also have emailed everyone and be like, listen,
Starting point is 00:47:00 guys, just don't have anyone. I have to bring my baby. You will never hear me say that she was right for that. Yeah. So yeah, so Candi's basically like sounds like an excuse, which is like more like stern mom, Candi. And Candi is like, well, it's my life. And Candi's like, oh, okay. And she goes, well, you can't do that to me.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And she's and Candi is like, I can, because you keep doing stuff all trip. And then so they go out and they sit outside and Kenny just goes, this is my thing. You've been in the morning. Just any time a person starts with, this is my thing. I know it's gonna be good. And then you've been a noi. You've been a noi. It's like it's such, it was actually such a hilarious. I don't know is that a read I'm not sure if that was a read or not. It was just kind of like a statement that was so Simple and so true right like yeah It wasn't a read it was just girl. You're not gonna fuck out of it
Starting point is 00:48:02 Not like you're being a bad you're being rude. It's like you're annoying the fuck out of me. You're being, it's not like you're being a bad, you're being rude, it's like you're being annoying. Like it's almost like, oh wow, okay. And she's making me feel good because I was like, oh, they're real friends. This is a person who intends to be constructive, not to shit on somebody. She's literally in there like, let me be honest and make this shit better.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Girl, you being annoying. Yeah. So she's like, okay, you're the one who set up the trip and you set up a private jet and you didn't tell anyone. You clowned everyone and Kenny just starts laughing. No, she told somebody, she told Drew. Oh, Drew, right. So by the way, Drew who is all about keeping it real all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:48:41 who then was like, well, I heard. We'll get that later. We'll get that later, right? So then, then Keny is like, yesterday we were sitting out there and here you come with a plate of crab cakes, french fries, as if we ain't hungry. And I'm like, what? You know, you know, how Keny her voice goes. She hits a false all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:00 So then, I love Keny's voice. So Keny is like, she's like, well, everyone could have gone themselves a separate lunch. How is that my fault? Which is a very mom thing, by the way, because that is like the, I don't know what your household is like growing up.
Starting point is 00:49:14 But mine was like, I'm hungry. I want a snack. Well, there's cold cuts in the fridge. I'm like, my household was like that too. I truly was confused. I was like, it's rude to sheet ordered, but I was like, why didn't y'all just make yourself food? Like, why didn't, like, there was food in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Go make lunch. Yeah. So, as a candy goes, listen, you're the host of the situation. No one knew what was going on. I didn't care about a private jet, but I would have loved a crab cake. Okay. We too candy. I want a jet, but I would have loved a crab cake. We too, Candy.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I want a fucking crab cake. Listen, you know me, I would have lost my mind if I did not get a crab cake. Although I probably also would have just ordered one at that point, but like, fuck it. I'm getting a crab cake, and I'm ordering also as a shit, and I'm not getting anything for you, Kenia. That was also what annoyed me so much.
Starting point is 00:50:02 It was like, okay, Kenia did a dumb fucked up thing? Okay, bye Let's accept that why aren't you women problem solvers? Tania if you are hungry eat It is called problem solving you are the executive of a tech company Uber eats. She's so sweet. So Kenya's basically, she's, then she's talking about Marla when saying how like she's attacked her at every opportunity and you know, Candy, why don't you call those people after things they do since you want to say you have my back so much.
Starting point is 00:50:39 And Keny's like, uh, she does that thing where she like pulls back. She's like, until her head, like a cat that just got square in the face, you know, like, girl thing. It's a, it's like, oh, so like, the silent. It's like, it was like, yeah, I agree to some extent. I don't agree with her making that leveling that accusation at candy. That's fucked up. Candy always has you back
Starting point is 00:51:05 She always has you back and never comes at you without genuine intention to correct the behavior that needs Correct me But I do think it's interesting that whenever people point out what Kenya did wrong They never point out what Kenya is reacting to I think that that's a valuable point And it's how I've watched her whole career on the show. She's an instigator for sure, but she also instigates in retaliation to things that people have done intentionally instigating or not and it's never mentioned in the conversation. That's all. I'm not saying and not a dickhead, just that other people are dickheads too and she reacts to them, but no one else will fall down.
Starting point is 00:51:45 She's a dickhead, but not a dickhead in a vacuum. So Candy is like, although she might be a dickhead in the vacuum, if she plays around with her vacuum. She literally likes, she's like, I got the dust bus from my hair. So I don't know why she would do that. So Candy is like, did you just question it? If I have your back really?
Starting point is 00:52:06 And I was excited because for a moment I thought that we might get cry Candy, which we got a little bit of earlier. You know when Candy cries, it's like a car. You're favorite impressions. No, she didn't give it to us. I know, we got a little bit later, but I think it was a serious part. So I should be talking about the kid. What's your what's your what's your angry candy? How's that sound? I don't have an angry candy. I pretty much just have
Starting point is 00:52:32 like candy when she's crying, which is like, but and then that's really like it and then like, you know, I was doing the candy voice modulation for years and years, but I've kind of like, you know, just had to move on from that. All right. Well, candy's so angry, so few far in between anyway. So it's probably not an impression worth getting down. Well, I mean, when she gets really angry, she just says, like her voice just goes up there, right?
Starting point is 00:53:01 She's like, I know. Then what you said was some bullshit. Yeah. I write right now. I just really like her laugh. When she does that thing, it's like, I can't even do it. I mean, the whole thing with candy is you can never really do her voice because it modulates and changes so much. That's always been the joke with her voice. So, um, anyway, so I guess she's basically like, like yeah, it last night you went up to your room
Starting point is 00:53:31 and that was just straight up rude and can he's like rude for disappearing? Can he's like, yes, that is rude if you're the host. I was just like, I was like, you are so dense in this moment right now, bitch. You are the host. Now, I know she's the host in quotation marks because it's a production. But yes, if we're all playing with this premise for the episode, you don't get
Starting point is 00:53:55 to disengage from it just because or at least notify people. Yeah. So Kenya now, Kenya goes into her whole thing. She's like, I don't have a village right now. This is a big thing village. The village is like her concept that she's brought to the strip. She's like, you know, it's been really stressful, and I told you that. And I said, Candy, I feel like I'm not keeping it together.
Starting point is 00:54:15 And Mark is really making my life really hard right now. And I don't feel like I'm keeping it together, you know. And Candy is like, listen, I like Mark, but you can't keep letting him, you know, lay candy is like, listen, I like Mark, but you can't keep letting him, you know, lay down the law from New York. And what is she even have to put that disclaimer about like, like a Mark girl, don't know body like no one. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I agreed to. I was like, why did you say that? Just say he can't lay it down the law. And you know, she's like, Ken is like, she's like, she says, I just said that she's like five times in a row. She's like, she's like, she's like, she's like, you're just living in Los Angeles. I get excited.
Starting point is 00:54:52 No, when I get excited, I start speaking quickly. I wanna speak too quickly. I can't get my words out. So then I start saying, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, but you know what? Almost like a stutter. It is, but it's okay because I took a linguistics class once and I asked my professor about seeing like, and he said that it is commonly believed in linguistics community that like
Starting point is 00:55:18 is just a filler word, just as we have other filler words and good. And so people have all this snobbery about saying like, it's a natural thing that comes out of our mouths. I personally think like is better than because if it wasn't like filling that space, would do it. I don't know if you want to hear podcast. Yes, exactly. Just you and Ronnie going, uh, the whole time,
Starting point is 00:55:47 the sound off. The Dree East Kristen. A podcast, seriously. Um, like I just literally said um, and response to you. It's okay. I wish I could be more articulate. I wish, sometimes I listen to people talking on podcasts
Starting point is 00:56:03 and I'm like, wow, they get, they're entire thought out without saying like, and then I listen to me be like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, oh no, what you are hearing is that they have a good editor. I promise. Oh shit. Yeah, you're right. We don't edit anything really. Yeah, every once in a while I'll edit a little thing here or there but- Most reality TV podcasts don't edit, but if you listen to the daily, or, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:27 what are these newsy ones? Yeah, there's a dramatic lack of likes, and you notice. Well, you know, the thing is this, I don't have a village, okay? I don't have a village to edit out my likes, okay? It's just me and it's Ronnie, and Ronnie's caught an ice storm right now, okay? So it was just me and it's Ronnie and Ronnie's caught an ice storm right now. Okay, so it's just me and I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:56:47 Next time higher Two mics to hide your life, okay Get it to bring to Anyway, so basically surprise surprise what's to say fuck faces, exerted control over Kenya through the child, which we all knew was gonna happen. Like, no surprise there. Right. Which is also, I think, an important factor as well,
Starting point is 00:57:14 like not to continue giving her excuses, but like if your husband who's very toxic would use custody as a means of torture or whatever, being on TV and having to buy two nannies round trip for a girl's trip is not something that would look great for her in court, or at least I don't think she thinks it would look great for her in court.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I'm not saying it's right, or it's fair, or that. That's true. That we should respond to Mark by giving in to him, but I think she's probably trying to be careful on TV as well. So this is the part where Ronnie would say, oh, come on, give me a break. The only reason she could hire another nanny,
Starting point is 00:57:51 the only reason why she's not doing it, is because she doesn't want to look bad for the court case. This is all a ploy just to get the kid from Mark, and that's all that this is. And that's it. That's Ronnie, that's Ronnie. And I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that being true.
Starting point is 00:58:03 So Ronnie, it's true, but I'm fine with that. I'm fine with that being true Yes, Ronnie True, but I'm not mad about it. And then he'd say yeah, she sucks That's what he does when I when I go on a monologue that's too long he'll just go at the end of hell go Yeah, she sucks I'll do it for you. Okay, please do So ultimately the scene ends with Candy telling Candy to have a banana, which is again, very momlike. Because Candy is like, when are you gonna feed me?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Oh, yeah, get a potassium in baby girl. So then Candy calls all, it's like with all the women in the kitchen and she does a classic Candy More apology, which is not really an apology. And she goes, she's like, I'm sorry, I didn't have any lunch and for going upstairs. But that crab cake was really fucking good. What can I say? I thought she was trying to be funny.
Starting point is 00:59:07 She was doing a thing that I've done and do often, where I laugh about the thing I've done bad, while I'm apologizing to make sure you don't hate me as much as you should. I understand that, and I actually got that I understood where that was coming from, but I feel like She was definitely not reading the room. So
Starting point is 00:59:29 Definitely not. I mean Porsche looked like she wanted to murder So then that we get to this sequence of them working out and Latoya Latoya is gonna be leading this work. They're gonna do shots and work out and really the most important part about this is that we got the real housewives of Salt Lake City song. I don't know if you are familiar with this piece of music, but it goes like this and they have not played it on Salt Lake City in like six episodes and I was kind of getting upset because I made such a big thing about it on the Salt Lake City episodes. And here it is, it is resurfaced on Atlanta, the one of the major shows of Bravo.
Starting point is 01:00:13 So I gotta say, that's huge, huge. Yes, they were upgrading the music. They were like, look, Salt Lake City's almost over, it doesn't get nearly the ratings. Like, we're about to put it on our premier Sunday show. Like, it wasn't, so Bravo wasn't fucking you over, Ben. They were listening to you. You, you, you, feedback was heard.
Starting point is 01:00:33 They wanted, you wanted more of it. You got more of it on a bigger stage. Look at you. Look at you. They wanted a, yeah, that's right. You know what, you were absolutely right. I got more of it on a bigger stage. So, um, uh, so now they're all doing their shots,
Starting point is 01:00:48 and they're working out, and Drew is sitting with Porsche. And Drew, she's telling Porsche, I just found out that we're all, when we're closing on this house, and we're moving this house while we're not home, and it's just like, I'm away from my kid, and I'm here, and it's a group that's like not keeping it real blah blah. She's like going off. My theory is this, I think that she is really pissed at Ralph.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Like she is furious at Ralph about this whole thing. But she's determined to do this whole like we did therapy and it's her better and I'm not going to be the one that's going to start the argument. I'm not going to be the one. I'm like I'm going gonna be the one that's gonna start the argument. I'm not gonna be the one, I'm like a young good behavior. So she has this ball of anger that might be compounded by the fact that her foot is swollen again.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And so she's frustrated. So rather than Amonette Ralph, who deserves it, she's just gonna be mad at the girls. I love that you have given her an interior because I didn't even consider what the fuck she might be bringing like whatever bag She might be bringing because all I saw in this conversation was annoying You're being annoying the girl apologized people are over it like who cares who cares like and it was it also felt to me again I said at high school earlier, it felt to me that she
Starting point is 01:02:06 was trying to establish a friendship with Portia by shitting on Portia's enemy. And I hate, it feels so childish to me, and I hate that. It's like, let us establish our own relationship. Let's not make connection over our hatred of somebody else. And every time that I've done that with somebody, that friendship doesn't end up good because a foundation of negativity is not going to result in positive. Yeah I think you're right I think that she was on some level trying to be like oh my god these girls are ridiculous am I right? She wanted to keep key with Portia and I'm like again you're auditioning for the show you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:02:45 Like it just felt, it felt weird for her to be going to the center, peach holder and like trying to, I guess, hyper up or whatever. I think that she thought she had an angle with Kenya because her whole thing was, was like, oh my God, like these girls were all angry at Kenya last night and now look, they're being friends with her, doesn't that make you mad, Portia. But the thing is that Drew just got here,
Starting point is 01:03:08 these women have been dealing with Kenya for a long time, they knew how to deal with her. And they know it just isn't worth it. Take just to still be pissed off. They'll just do their sheepers. They're not saying. Yeah, they just, and like, it's, so Drew is like. Yeah, she's like, she's your scene.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah, she's your scene. She is going, she's barking up a tree that doesn't even care, as opposed to the trees that you care. What, Parcha was literally being like, was literally being like, girl, that's a relationship that don't matter. Okay, so why are we trying to make it matter Drew? And it didn't, and you know what,
Starting point is 01:03:42 Drew swung and she missed, and so then she tried again, and then she tried add a little sizzle to it by saying, I just thought that since you were the Black Lives Matter leader that you would like lead, like you would sort of like care about genuine relationships. And Portia was like, hmm, she's like, well, that's a Black life that does matter.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Just our relationship doesn't matter. Bye. Sorry, I got ahead of myself. But yeah, like, I know it's okay. But yeah, like, No, it's okay. But, you know, she like, I mean, I think Portia did some instigating this episode, but I don't think it was in that, like, I just drew what's looking for an ally in something that she doesn't have an ally in because Portia and Kenyus fight is 7, 8, 9 years old.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Was it 6 years? Oh, 5 years old. Was it six years? Oh, five years old. No, six years is when Marlow started attacking. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. It was five years, and then four years, yeah. So like, all of that trying to impress Porsche by shooting on Drew just, by shooting on, can't seem to weird for Drew to take on.
Starting point is 01:04:44 It just was like, who are you? You just got here, yeah, exactly. So then the women gather inside to watch the announcement of the charges or lack thereof against the officers against Brianna Taylor, which was, God, it was sort of sad, you know, cause I mean, I feel like everyone that day sort of knew like, yeah This is the way it's gonna go, of course, right? This way it always goes
Starting point is 01:05:10 But you know, but like I think it was Drew who said it like he sort of hold out hope and just knowing The disappointment that they were about to face was like like and it and it's so crazy because like There's so much more to it when you think about the fact that the the AG is a black man and he had said and done all these things and it was it was it was painful to relive you know yeah it was disappointing and absolutely and and you know you and we saw like really raw emotion from them. We saw Porsche crying and saying how she just doesn't feel Like she belongs in this country. She's on borrow time because if something could happen to her nothing and nothing
Starting point is 01:05:53 Nothing there will be no justice and there will be people who will look you in your face and tell you why you deserve it Every time and that's and tell you why you deserved it. Every time, every time. And that's the most painful part. Like, there's always a victim blaming angle to these things. And here was a scenario in which you feel like, OK, here's a woman. She's literally sleeping in bed.
Starting point is 01:06:19 And they came up with, or at least discussed, I don't want to say anything definitively, but there were all these explanations for why she deserved to be dead while sleeping. And so that was like very, very hurtful because even the thing that they tell you, oh, go to bed, sleep in, tuck in, you'll be safest at home, she wasn't.
Starting point is 01:06:42 And there's nobody who is to answer for it. It's so frustrating. It was, it's like a, it's, it is a huge travesty and it is, it is an injustice and it is, it is, it's not something that should happen ever and it actually happens unfortunately all the time. True of it. And then in the middle of my fucking good time TV show,
Starting point is 01:07:01 it's that. In the middle, yeah. And then right in the middle, right in the middle. It was like literally in the middle. It was like there was a half of the episode that was about Kenya being trash. Then there was a minute in the middle. We talked about Brianna Taylor. And then the other half of the episode is about Kenya being trash. It's sort of just like fell right in the middle. It was like, look look there's Kenya doing funny walks while she works out for a little I look oh Kenya's joking about you getting my crab cakes and say her name
Starting point is 01:07:36 But at the same time you know what it was right in the middle of all the fun and games but unfortunately like should happens in the middle of fun And has to and you can't look yet. Like, it's good. Hopefully, hopefully, get through to some people who, you know, maybe, may have been impacted in a way that they hadn't been. You mean Kelly Dad? You hope Kelly Dad was watching it.
Starting point is 01:07:56 She's already impacted. She's black. Black. I gotta sleep. No, they have us to me. I often wonder, do you think the other housewives watch other shows, like other friends? I think they do.
Starting point is 01:08:11 I think they do. I've talked to other housewives and they'll like, they'll say things, they'll be like, oh, well, they do on that show. They definitely keep tabs on their competition. Got it, got it. Which I love so Now it's nighttime and after all that Brianna Taylor stuff. It's time to get ready for strippers But first we're gonna go out to a restaurant so
Starting point is 01:08:37 Look at Robloco teasing us literally like what are you doing? You told we were getting you told we was getting a story You told me I'm good dick today and it was valid time day and you're gonna be no dick Like what are you doing? We were getting, you told us we was getting a stream. You told me I would get dick today, and it was Valentine's day, and you were giving me no dick. It was the truest Valentine's Day experience of all time. It was a full-on cock cheese. There was actually like, there was a full-on cock outline on Bolo at the end of the episode I want to point out.
Starting point is 01:09:03 It was, I'm not saying that I went and looked on the internet to see if I could confirm visuals or understand what more of the picture, but I've got to say it was. You're not even like, into guys. You know, you're not even like, whatever, you know. You were just, it was just something. It was just to understand a human anatomy, okay. I just wanted to see how he might compare to ridiculous. Okay, and that's you might you might just switch over from podcast or to physician who measures dick. I'm I'm gonna be a dick length physician.
Starting point is 01:09:36 That's all I'm just exploring. I'm gonna start a podcast about dick length and encourage certain people to send in And encourage certain people to send in I don't have a sick are urologists there to measure you as well or do they just no They do things that are not sexy at all No, I guarantee that any any gay porn that involves a doctor and a patient none of those doctors are actually arologist And guarantee I guarantee, I guarantee that. I guarantee, oh. The doctors are fucking your patients.
Starting point is 01:10:09 What the? No, those doctors in the gay porn, those doctors, they're always like weird physical therapists types. Not something that physical therapists are weird. I'm saying that they play some sort of like physical, they have to always like, oh, a doctor, I pulled a muscle in my inner thigh when I was working out.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And then now I have to ignore all ethics and everything that I learned in that school and just blow you to get your thigh good. Yeah. I love it. The point is this, I'm really looking forward to seeing where Bolo's career goes. So I also love that he named himself after like a Texas tie. That's fun. Oh, I thought, be on the lookout, but Bolo might be better. Be on the lookout is probably what it is, but what I think of is a guy and a big white cowboy hat and like a little turquoise Bolo with strings. That's what I think of.
Starting point is 01:11:03 I was like, oh, that's fun. That's how I know you've been podcasting with Ronnie so long. You went Texas. Texas. Bolo. Be on the lookout. I didn't know that Bolo stood for Be on the lookout. I think I just think it's out of the way. Just be botto. Be on the dick out. They were Bogo. Bogo. He's just a wireless. Bogo.'s just a wireless Bogo he just like Jag one or something I don't know
Starting point is 01:11:31 I think isn't Bogo isn't that or isn't that like on their plane you have to like use Bogo wireless. Oh that was that go go Well, that's funny because go go is actually what Bolo does I learned Bogo from pay lessots when I was a kid. They had the Bogo sales, the buy one, get one free. You know you're right, yeah, Bogo, but I feel like I also heard Bogo in a new form recently. And I don't remember what it was.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It almost sounds like a type of porn to be honest. Like, did you set Bogo at Bogo porn? And this is making dance called the Bogo, but because I had a Brooklyn accent growing up, we called it the Bogo when we were growing up. You know the Bogo. So he I had a Brooklyn accent growing up, we called it the Bogo. When we were growing up, you know the Bogo. So he's like, you can fingers in the air and you kind of do a... Well, we...
Starting point is 01:12:12 As a white man, I learned about that when they went to Carnival in last season. Interrupted. Yes, actually. They did the Bogo. And fun fact, it's Carnival and Animal Crossing today. So it's all full circle. I am going to weave in some Animal Crossing into our profane discussion of supers and. I've never played Animal Crossing like,
Starting point is 01:12:35 is there, you know, is there like a little animal? Or like, you know, it's like, it's arranged. It's like you have an island, and you have like, there are like animals that live on your island, and you give them gifts, and you build things. And there's like, truly no point in the game. But it's like tied into the calendar.
Starting point is 01:12:55 So like, like, why is your pet torquing on Carnival? No, no, they're not actually, no, they are twerkin. So today was an animal crossing is called festival. And so because it was festival today, an animal crossing, a peacock named Pave came to visit the island.
Starting point is 01:13:16 And he was twerking. He was twerking. I was like, is that the, is that the bogeo? Wait, time out. So instead of having to get beautiful carnival outfit, the peacock name probably already had carnival feathers. He was born with them. Yeah, he looks like one of the floats, but you do have to get the carnival outfits. Like, I had a carnival outfit that was shiny and out of head dressing and I set up a whole, it's like a whole thing.
Starting point is 01:13:45 I love it. A lot of it. That was missing was below. Oh my God. My little animals would have scanned a lot. I don't know if I would want all that dick around my pets, you know? Well, the fun thing about animal crossing
Starting point is 01:14:00 is that if you're lucky, some of the animals they'll ask you to customize a greeting greeting so when they see you they'll greet you by saying something I can't get too profane, but I have there's a there's a cat on my island that when she sees me She goes I'm high on cocaine And then I have there's a octopus that comes up to me and says, I have 50 girlfriends, okay. And then I have another, I have two different octopuses. And the other octopus is, I've made him gay.
Starting point is 01:14:34 And so whenever he talks to me, he always adds girlfriend, everything. So it'll be like, what a wonderful day, girlfriend. But also genius, he has eight dicks now. That's fantastic. This is, I mean, like this is what you've been playing. I'm lacrosseing for so long. This is how you you find new enjoyment. It's like by just forcing these creatures to say weird things to you repeatedly. I love it. I love it. I have a gorilla that I'm
Starting point is 01:15:01 thinking about making. I want to make him, I think I was making him gay as well, but I wanted to be like stud after every time we speak. So he's like a pervy, like gorilla from Grindr, you know? Is there a gorilla like, you know how like, there's some like classifications, like bears, otters, that kind of thing. Is gorilla a thing like a huge dude, like just a dude who's like nine feet tall
Starting point is 01:15:27 and like six feet wide. Do we call him a gorilla? I'm sure, I'm sure, yeah, I think that the thing is with gorillas that it could start to go into a racial territory that's not good. And then there's already issues, and they can't get me in there with that. So we're just gonna move that animal.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I was saying, I was like, oh, Rafa, are you asking this white man to call man gorilla? I was like, um, how do I like yes and this? It's okay. It's okay. So, uh, so Bolo, I'm gonna write. So, um, uh, so we were talking about Bolo and now, uh, but okay. So. How awful that we psyched Wade from Breonna Taylor into that conversation. I know. Okay, there was a hard boundary between Breonna Taylor
Starting point is 01:16:13 and Gorilla. That's Gorilla. Not black people, Gorilla. No, no, no. No, no black people, Gorilla. I was just talking, I was just saying. We're not out here being Katherine and nothing now. Okay, I wish.
Starting point is 01:16:24 You're not a rush. Catherine and nothing now. Okay. Hard hard boundary hard boundary Which is bulldozer production company's name Beyond the lookout for it What did you say I think you just made me choke on my tea. Oh. No, they're good. It's good. Um, so, okay.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Um, so now, okay, so, so Drew and Tanya are talking and Drew's just asking Tanya about, like, Drew realized that she's never talked to Tanya before in her life. So she's like, so, who are you? And where are you from? You seem Canadian. And Tanya's like, you know, I've, Tanya's talking about she has a life partner
Starting point is 01:17:08 and she doesn't want to get married and her worst nightmare is to plan a wedding. I think this is in here because the rumor is that Tanya sleeps with Bolo, right? Oh, yes, it is. The rumor is that Tanya and PortiCiCiBabolo together. Yeah, be on the lookout for this development. But also, I think that was also interesting
Starting point is 01:17:32 because it was kind of in response to the whole cookie lady nonsense from last year. Oh yeah. And the rumors that Kenya's terribly, admittedly, terribly tried to bring on to the show is that that Tania's has a boyfriend or fiance fiance is cheating on her. Open the cookie lady. And yes, but just in general.
Starting point is 01:17:57 And so I think she was trying to like set the record straight in general about her relationship on camera. Hmm, yeah. So they get to, they go to this restaurant and they all sit down and Drew is like, I have a game. Since we didn't get to a game last night, I have a game. You're all excited. It's called The Realist or The Fakest. And Candy just cringes because she just knows that this is not going to go well. And it's going to, just just gonna, we all cringe.
Starting point is 01:18:26 We're like, no true, true. It was so lame. What a lame introduction. Like it was so lame. It was so corny. It was so funny. And she's like, you guys have been together for a long time and I'm just taking it all in
Starting point is 01:18:39 and like this person has a problem with this person. I'm just taking it in. Take it in. And keep taking it in Drew. Come on. Yeah. She's like, it just seems like you guys are all talking like there's no problem. But then now, but now today everyone's laughing.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Like you were last night, you were all fighting, not everyone's laughing. And I get confused and I'm like, I'm looking to get to know everyone. But sometimes, I mean, Kenya, I'll use you as an example. Just pulling that one there in the air. You just, you want that also is so wack. You're so wack. You're out here trying to be a woman and make sure everybody knows what's real,
Starting point is 01:19:11 but you're couching all of this serious mess in all these niceties or games or whatever. If you thug and you're a woman, stand in it. I don't like how you've been acting and it bothers me that everyone's okay with it now. That's what you need to say. Not this childish. They're real from the fake. She's such a high schooler in these last two episodes and so on. Yeah, I agree. She just should have been direct about it. It was just it sounded like she was trying to sort of lecture everyone to be like you
Starting point is 01:19:44 guys are acting like you're all real butup and then you're not re-up-bubble-bubble. It was just it wasn't it was just wasn't an interesting facetting bombshell And also you off you cut off or undermind your point when you opened with the fact that these women know each other and you don't know them You said oh you've been together for a long time. Oh Oh, no, you said, oh, you've been together for a long time. Oh, like everyone's being a certain way with each other, I need to observe. So then what you've told me is that everything coming
Starting point is 01:20:13 out of your mouth thereafter is valueless, is useful. But you know what, she could, she also could not hold, she couldn't, she couldn't stick to her guns with what she was trying to do. She's gonna do the whole thing of like, let's play a game because I'm seeing a lot of fake read. Da, da, da, da, da. She got a stick to it because then when Kenya is like, well, I feel like you're attacking me.
Starting point is 01:20:33 She's like, no, no, no, it's not like that. I'm not attacking you. Now she's trying to back up and seem like she's trying to have a genuine conversation. This is my problem with so many people on reality TV who actually end up being people's faves all the time and frustrated with me a lot. If you are going to do something shitty or not even shitty, if you're just going to confront
Starting point is 01:20:54 somebody, stand in it. But too many people on reality TV are greedy. They always want to do the thing that'll get you, I guess, attention or notice, but don't want to risk the backlash in case it goes wrong. And so they had, she's hedging this conversation. She has, you know what? But you know what, though, I think it's, I don't know if it's even as deep as that. I think that she thought this would be a cool moment.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And then the moment that Kenya sort of gave her that look, I think that Drew was like, oh shit. It's Kenya Moore. I forgot. This is Kenya Moore. Like, it looked to me like she even Kenya's reaction, which was problematic for a number of reasons, but Kenya's reaction looked to me like not just, I'm not wrong, you know, she was wrong for something. She also was like, who is this little girl talking to me? Exactly. Right. And that's what I love about Kenya actually.
Starting point is 01:21:54 That right there is that like she has, she knows she can just make someone's life hell and it is so, it is so cravin' and so nasty. It's terrible as like a person, but as like a villain on TV, like seeing someone poke the bear, you know, and then seeing that bear look, and you get excited because you know, oh shit, Ken isn't gonna get mad. Like the fact that we have a moment of like,
Starting point is 01:22:16 oh shit, she's gonna get mad, I think that is amazing, because we don't say that about like, Elizabeth Vargas, right? Yeah. We're not like, oh, Elizabeth Vargas is annoying today. Can you imagine there's somebody on TV big enough to make Marlowe cry? That's true.
Starting point is 01:22:36 So Kenya says, um, I have been nothing but nice to Drew. And this is how she returns the favor by coming from me so hard. What is your problem with me girl? Like you have not been nothing but nicer. You've actually Well Drew knows that Latoya was talking about her wig and she knows that Kenya was sort of part I think Drew is on to it to a certain level No, she don't you don't know that. I'm sure she knows that Kenya does. I'll tell you who knows it. I'll tell you who knows it.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Ralph, he's got that camera going real strong. And he probably watching Kenya after she said he was fine and hugged him. He's probably the waiter. It's like, it's like, does not wait to look like Ralph with a mustache on and glasses. Is that a camera in the glass? What oh my god. What if it's Kenya and and
Starting point is 01:23:30 Drew who get on below and Ralph was watching oh No, that's getting actually a little hot so Those are all as much as I love Ralph and as much as most people love Kenya the four of them would be three of them would be three of them. I don't know if we need Drew I think we just need Bolo and Ralph. Yes, I hate that Ralph is hot that drives me nuts. And it's so annoying because Ralph is hot the way that I was raised to find men hot right like he's a handsome clean cut black man who wears khakis and shirts that fit and he has a good job in tech and he provides for his family you know like he's all the things
Starting point is 01:24:14 i'm told i'm supposed to like and he's a fucking dickhead a fucking dickhead god damn that's because he's hot because you can't really be hot and not be a dickhead i think the hardest thing about him is that he just loves driving off of the middle of the night to Tampa. That is awesome. I'm so attracted to Carl and his toxicity. So who am I to be mad at Drew? It's just that Ralph's toxicity is like,
Starting point is 01:24:38 it feels systematic, right? Like it feels like- He's systematically toxic. Yeah. He's foundationally and systematically toxic. feel systematic right like it feels like he's automatically he's he's foundation and systematically toxic car needs two three episodes like two three sessions of therapy you know what I'm saying he needs to like fall in love did you say Carl?
Starting point is 01:24:58 yeah Carl from um... summer house? yeah did you just slip Carl into this? yeah no I just mean I mean that I'm a toxic woman Summer house. Yeah, did you just slip Carl into this? I mean that I'm a toxic woman who's a toxic toxic masculinity, but separately like It's Ralph's toxic masculinity is not attractive because he's systematically toxic. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Even you mentioned Carl the first time No, no, no, no, no, because you mentioned Carl really quickly and I thought, no, I must have
Starting point is 01:25:26 missed heard that. And then you mentioned it, because we were talking about Summer House beforehand. So I'm imagining you were referring to Carl from that. But I wasn't sure, but I just liked the idea that we're talking intensely about Bolo, Drew, and Kenya, and Ralph, and Ralph is like a systematically toxic hot black male That you're raised and as opposed to Carl from some way how did Carl get into this equation here like oh those were to be our
Starting point is 01:25:55 Great An awkward or June because like he would not know what to do with all that Come back. Oh, it's going too fast. It's too fast. So put your weight on your bowl though. I do not have the bowl of weight absolutely. No, that would be, I don't think, but I don't want to think that that Karlin Bolo having some gay situation is not working for me.
Starting point is 01:26:23 No, it's not hot at all. me. No, it's not hot at all. No, it's not hot. But Carl and Ralph, no, Carl and Ralph is not hot. I don't think Carl pairs well. I don't think Carl works in... No, Carl does care well. Because my attraction is his brokenness. It's not, it seems, objectively, the most handsome.
Starting point is 01:26:41 So, yeah, he don't fit well. Bull of a Ralph. Yeah. They work for me though. Drew is cute. She's a little prudish on the outside, but that just means she can be on the inside. That's what it means. Well anyway, Drew, believe it or not, Drew is actually confronting Kenya right now. And she's trying to.
Starting point is 01:27:04 So now Kenya pulls out this thing. Well, last night I go upstairs and my child was there and I made the decision to make sure she was safe in her bed while I was there. And unfortunately for me, I made the best decision for my child at that moment. And as a single mom, I have to make the best decision for my child and anyone who's judging me for
Starting point is 01:27:25 that is really shameful. So I don't know why it's being directed at me. It was very much like, like, again, I'm not going to comment. I can't truly comment on what it's like to be a mother and have a child and like you're really the only one handling it. But I can comment on Kenya and I couldn't help but feel like they're me, they're probably as true to what she's saying, but there's also, she's probably really loving leading into this. She loves leading into this shit. She, she, like there is nothing that Kenya said that is wrong. It's how she said it.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Yeah? Because like she's basically saying, I'm sorry that my parenting requires. You know what I mean? And it was just like, okay girl, everybody's a mom here. Yeah, that's how it's thinking. They all just look almost all of them are looking at her like seriously girl. The only one who's not is Tanya who is just like with the weight just be like, yeah, I'm not looking at her like seriously girl. The only one who's not is Tanya, who is just like with the weight just be like, yeah, I'm starving.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Can we just order some apps like two coconut shrimps, 12 wings, two crab dips, some fried pickles, and Kenya's, so then Kenya takes, this is why I love Edlo the Kenya, right? Because she now, she goes, I don't care, I love it. She goes, oh, so you want me to talk to you that you're being rude about an ask about appetizers?
Starting point is 01:28:47 Like how she just twisted it the stupid. Like you should be so lucky that someone is ordering the apps while you're monologuing. So that way you have something to eat when you're done. I mean, yes, in a practical sense, I know that they were very glad when that chicken and all that stuff came and the fried pickles and all that. I'm sure they were happy when it came, but I would have done the same thing.
Starting point is 01:29:10 It's like, here you are, you guys are having an intervention about something in my opinion that isn't that serious. And then, so you're all going to take your moment to shit on me on camera and then while I'm talking, you get to do whatever. No, you guys decided to make tonight's dinner about me. So we gonna make tonight's dinner about me. But she's also playing this card. Like, oh, I'm being ignored.
Starting point is 01:29:36 I'm like, no, they were listening to you. The most brilliant tactic, the only tactic of villain has in a good argument, in an argument where they cannot win faith on the merits is to martyr themself. Yeah, I know, exactly. I'm saying that's what I loved because you watch it, it's so melodramatic
Starting point is 01:29:59 and so over the top, you're like, oh, give me a break, I'm like rolling my eyes, but I'm laughing. And I'm laughing at it. And like the fact that I'm laughing is that makes, give me a break. I'm like rolling my eyes, but I'm laughing. And I'm laughing at it. And like the fact that I'm laughing is that makes, that's what I want. I want to be laughing. And that's why she gets paid the big bucks,
Starting point is 01:30:13 not as big as candy's bucks, but pretty big bucks, yeah? Mm-hmm. So, so, Tanya's like, well, we want you to be heard, but what we're saying is that, well, we understand the struggle and we didn't realize when you said, by the way, my child is here that that was an apology. And so basically, Tania says that she's not getting sincerity from her. But they showed the apology. Tania accused her of not making one, but she did make one.
Starting point is 01:30:39 They showed him. And so, Candy is like, Candy basically says, you know, that says, that Candy is downplaying everything, and that's annoying. And Candy is like, I've never been without my child, my whole life. You know, she's like, I'm like, girl, girl, you've been, you 50. You 50.
Starting point is 01:31:02 You've been without your child for 47 years girl. That's not the explanation that you think it is. So then so then KDS and now she does this again. So KDS like well when it comes to hosting this trip and she looks over and Porsche you know Porsche is about to lose her mind. So she just focused on her phone. She's being passive aggressive for sure. Yeah, but she's also I think it's her.
Starting point is 01:31:25 I like Porsche in this moment, at all. I thought it was hilarious, because Porsche is just on her phone. And then, Kenyah's like, I'll wait for you to get off your phone since you're preoccupied. I'll wait. I'll wait, which is so ridiculous. And Marla was like, well, this girl's crazy. This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:31:50 And, you know, Porsche is like, no, no, you can go. You keep talking. It's cool. It's cool. It's like, no, like, I'm in a way. I'm in a way so you can all hear me, right? Yeah. Because this is passive aggressive. Well, I agreed with what she said.
Starting point is 01:32:06 I mean, look, here I am to stand for Kenya. My thing is this, Portia has been talking crap the last two episodes, instigating, talking about this, talking about that, talking about this, talking about that. Oh, I don't bring my kid here. I didn't do this. That's not right. She was the main one aggressive about the private jet besides Marla on the bus She was complaining she's rolling people up everything but now here's the time to confront Kenya and she's not saying anything And she's playing on her phone. That's wack as hell in my opinion
Starting point is 01:32:39 But she also knows that there's no point right like nothing's gonna change She but then if if there's no point and nothing's gonna change, then why are we complaining about it? Well, she's venting. She's like, I hate this fucking bus. I think she's allowed to complain. I think she's allowed to complain too, but I think that there's something different from,
Starting point is 01:32:59 oh, let's complain, let's complain, let's complain, let's vent, and then let's rile everybody up in different scenes. She did it after when they were waiting for Kenya. They had that whole conversation. She's done it several times over the course of the episode and last episode. So now, here's the time to, you know, and now we're saying, Kenya doesn't deserve her attention. So then cool, Kenya doesn't do that.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Well, this was, this was, well, I think of it two ways. And one way, maybe she just doesn't want to have the fight right now. She's like, this is, this drew brought this up. I'm, this is not, I'm not, I'm waiting for my own scene. And then part of it is also, she knows, she is like, it is passive aggressive. And why not?
Starting point is 01:33:46 Why not be passive aggressive? Okay, good men. Why not? If I, if I, I just got stuck on us, bus for eight hours while she flew private, she got to go to the sleep, she got to do all this, this, and now she's like, you know what's gonna drive her now, she's gonna do a sob story,
Starting point is 01:33:59 and I don't care for it, I'm just gonna show her very visibly that I'm not listening, and she won't be able to deal with it. You know that's my revenge. So then my thing is if we're doing tip for tat, don't complain when tat comes after tit. If we're all titting and tatting, then we all have tits and we all have tats. Don't then be like, I don't like Kenya's tat when I'm on purpose choosing to tit.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Well, that's it, but I could also be applied to Kenya. I agree. I totally agree, but Kenya's always held to account by everybody. It's held against her by the audience. She's dragged every union. She gets dragged by her friend. She just gets dragged by everybody. And so I'm saying we're all tit for tatting.
Starting point is 01:34:46 So next time push it doesn't get to high horse is what I'm getting at. Okay, that's fine. I think, but I think that Kenya does bring a lot of it about, like given that they all are tit for tatting, Kenya, her delivery is pretty obnoxious. And that's what it is. And I think that's why, that's why, you know,
Starting point is 01:35:05 her ultimately she doesn't really, she doesn't, gender, much sympathy. I do that. She doesn't. Right. So she sort of brings on herself. And this entire argument they have is, is a great example of it. But my, my thing is, okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I'm not saying that Kenny, never once will you hear me say Kenny is appropriate. Uh, well, I wouldn't say, well, Okay, that's fine. I'm not saying that Kenny never once will you hear me say Kenya's appropriate? Well, I wouldn't say well I wouldn't say that Kenya is like good all the time and I certainly think that she has Integated really really fucked up stuff, but I just wanted to be clear that this is the same portion who like like I Don't know that it matters to a lot of people But Kenya was uninvited from a Black Lives Matter party.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Yeah, and I know that she said stuff about Portia being, you know, protesting on camera, whatever. I did not like that at all. I don't care. The situation, the circumstances, you don't question someone's protest or sincerity, especially if you aren't doing that. Cool. I'm there with you. But my thing is you invited me on uninvited me or disinvited me or we're going to leave me out your sister, your family, everybody from something as serious as a celebration of Portia's life as a Black Lives Matter activist. You uninvited me from that. Why would I be generous or kind or sweet to you? We're all tit for tatting that. Like that's all getting...
Starting point is 01:36:30 Yeah, they all are tit for tatting. So here's where Kenya, here's where I think that one of the reasons why Kenya gets a lot of shit. So they're fighting and Kenya is saying, you know, she's calling Portia disrespectful and you know, you like don't judge me as a mother. And saying, you know, like, if you want to have a sister who had in support, then be my mother fucking village
Starting point is 01:36:49 that has set up and be my village. You know, she loves this village thing. Oh, yeah, again, the mother of the architect. She is more of a tactic. But also, she's saying she wants them to be her village to like support her and help her while simultaneously depriving them of the ability to have their own children there,
Starting point is 01:37:08 it just doesn't really add up. And it's hilarious to watch, but if you wanna know why does she get dogged more, it's because she has these bling moments of self-interest. Yes, I'm good with that, but I also don't think she was genuinely asking anyone to be her village. I think she was saying, if y'all are complaining so much help me, but you are not gonna help me so stop complaining
Starting point is 01:37:31 That's what I received from that like Well, but she said Cynthia's like listen from a come she said well, you know from a like she's like What do you put this trip together? You know from a communication standpoint? It would have been nice if you just let the other ladies Yeah have an option. And then, Kenne goes, I don't need to give them an option. So, yeah, she was being a dickhead for that. But for me, I felt like she was already on. The confrontation started and y'all had the little girl
Starting point is 01:37:57 confront her about the thing that Candy talked to her privately about and she had already apologized for. Yeah, no, I mean, listen, I, the tip for tatting, it goes around in circles and circles. I'm just saying, if there's a question why Kenya is the one that always catches it, this is why. I get exactly why. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:38:16 This isn't passion because I'm confused. I'm definitely clear on what is so off-putting and, you know, upsetting about Kenya and her delivery and her arrogance and how Condescending she is. Yeah, but I'm saying that I Don't think that the other women on the cast get called out or pointed out for their negative Okay, okay, so you're not saying that they should be called out instead. You're saying they just should be called out also That was why I agreed with Kenya when she was talking to Candy, you know, on Kenya's balcony. It's like, okay, she was wrong for saying that Candy doesn't have her back because Candy has stuck by her through a lot.
Starting point is 01:38:58 But I think she's perfectly valid and there was a whole crying conversation about Marlowe and how she hurts Marlowe's feelings like we didn't watch Marlowe say foul shit about her mother abandoning her or she's sitting on her husband you know what I'm saying that's all that's all yeah well no that's I okay I understand your point and I will say that Kenya oh Kenya is is really she truly is a monster. Like she is a, she is a crazy terrible monster. And the more monstrous she is, the more I really enjoy her. So when she did say, I don't have to tell you guys,
Starting point is 01:39:33 it was so rude and so nasty. And I was like, thank God for her. Thank God she's here. So then Drew is like, yeah, it was nasty. So, and so just, I I will don't be the fences. That was the most accurate thing Meanie has said about Kenya. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:51 So Drew is like, well, don't be all defensive, which is funny, because Drew is the one starting with the pass of aggressive game at dinner before they even ordered their apps. And Kenya is like, well, I'm defensive because you're constantly coming at me and you don't know the challenges that I have. And Drew is like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:40:07 Kenya is talking over me, so she's not even hearing what I'm saying. She needs to look and address. I'm like, Drew, what are you saying? What are you trying to get at? That Kenya is like shallow, like big deal. We all know this. Drew's just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:24 You know how like, when I think of Drew in this moment, I'm thinking of that quote. Have you ever heard it where somebody's like, you're, oh, you're boxing, you trying to box with me, but your arms are too short? That's what Drew feels like to me. You're trying to box, but your arms are too short. Yeah, she just, if we go up against Kenya as a newbie, you gotta be like Claudia Jordan.
Starting point is 01:40:49 You gotta be able to like really like have full faculties. So then, so now, you're right. It was so nasty and so rude was what Kenya said about Nene and Nene mocked her for it. And Nene was correct to do so. So now the food finally arrived. Things are like, things lift up a little bit because no, everyone's not hungry as much. And so Kenya is like, well, if I was supposed to tell you guys as a host and did not tell
Starting point is 01:41:20 you guys, I apologize, I just about as conditional of an apology as ever. And then she's like, you know, going upstairs to take care of my daughter who I've never been away from ever. Going upstairs, I didn't think it would feel like that. You know, if I had seen you crying, that would have been a big deal to me, but of course I didn't see you crying because I was taking care of my daughter
Starting point is 01:41:50 So they all decided so that can do I thought that was a genuine moment between her and candy though in their real friendship not their TV friendship I think it's true that if she had known candy Individually was obsession. You're fuck about the rest He had known Candy individually with Obsession. He don't go fuck about the rest of the scene. Yeah, she might have been upset. But if I were supposed to have stayed there and that would have made you feel better, then I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:42:13 He does not feel better about that at all. And it's fucked up because she don't care. She does not care. She's like, I got a lot of sleep because I was so full from my crab cakes. So Candy's like, Candy's So, um, can you like? Can you say, can you say, okay, we gotta change up the mood. Time for the drama to be done.
Starting point is 01:42:30 And she's basically like, we've got Bolo to go to. But first, Shemia, she's like, listen. First of all, I'm here. Hi, Shemia. Second of all, if we all just pretend to be happy and laugh, sometimes the laughter takes over to actually manifest itself. So they all start laughing and like, ah, which felt a little colty to me. Like, I know, I do believe that if you start laughing, you will start to feel the laughter and start laughing. But it also felt
Starting point is 01:42:55 like something I'd see on wild, wild country. So I was like, and also it was something that they do in like improv exercises. You know what I mean? Like it was so, it was so, of course, you know, it was so awkward. It was hilarious though, because in the corner of Tanya doing it and taking it the most seriously, and I loved it that. Was Fallon at this dinner? I don't think she was. I don't remember seeing Fallon. Wow.
Starting point is 01:43:21 And what's so bizarre to me is like, why would you, why would you opt out of seeing on a show you're auditioning for? You must not want to be on to show that then. I feel like it's something with the husband. I feel like she wants to be there and then I feel like there, there must be some, some shit going on. Or maybe it's like a COVID thing. Maybe, but I just remember thinking, Or maybe it's like a COVID thing. Maybe, but I just remember thinking, oh, it might be a COVID thing.
Starting point is 01:43:49 If there's something where they have to be close up because there's one other, I don't know, actually. Well, the first one, he's about what? 85 years old. So it's already like a little bit of a risk for her to be outside the bubble. But I don't like the presence of balance, husband. In general, I found that when there is not a male presence on these shows, they're the
Starting point is 01:44:10 best. Like, Roni, there isn't a man in sight. Not that people shouldn't be married and stuff, but I don't want to sound like an asshole in that way. Break up your marriage for my TV show. We've been supporting Kenya Moore for an hour and a half. I think that now is not to be the time to be concerned about sounding like assholes for both of us.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Fair enough. But I'm just saying that I don't like the pall of valence husband in the air. The pall of her husband caused the fight last week. And the pall of her husband is probably why last week, and the Paul of her husband, like, is probably why she wasn't there. I don't like that energy at all. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:44:51 So then they all get on the bus, and then they head back to the house, and then we see, at long last, Bolo, his dick outline, and he's in the last case, like he's about to win a thousand dollars on the game show Even before we even got to the house like got out of the house This was the best moment of the episode for me. Did you see Shemea all gorgeous and like this neon slowly jumpsuit
Starting point is 01:45:17 Just pick up her leg and twerk up pussy next to Portia's No, I missed that I'm pussy next to Portia's face. No, I missed that. That was like when they were... What was on the bus? Yes, when they were getting off the bus, they come to the house. The Shemia just works in Portia's face.
Starting point is 01:45:33 And Portia's like, so let me get my friend out of this. Out of my face, it was amazing. Oh, Shemia has... Shemia's just excited, because she knows what's about to come next. I mean, you know, I didn't even mention Shemia when I said the list of the friends of. So we have Marlowe, Tania, Shemia, Latoya.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Yeah, we had five friends of on this vacation. You can't laugh. It's a lot, but the truth is, you know that for production, it's probably really hard for them to go through the process of getting everyone tested and all the protocols And this way they like they could all be tested and I'll be stuck in a house together and then they can just film and not have to worry about it Yeah, I mean COVID has really really altered the way that like this show and every show will be done going forward But like I mean, I don't know. I enjoyed this.
Starting point is 01:46:25 This didn't seem all that bad. And if everybody has at least some version of the summer house summer in the middle of their season, it's not a bad thing. It's showing to be a good formula to come here. Listen, it's a classic formula. You stick people in a house and don't let them leave. And then their craziness comes out.
Starting point is 01:46:43 I mean, this is what we've been watching for 30 years. So. Yeah, big brother for it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Well, Ray, thank you so much for subbing in for Ronnie. Hopefully he'll get his power back.
Starting point is 01:46:55 This is really good. It's a good deep dive on it. We have not had a good deep dive on it lantern a long time. So this was a really fun. I'm sorry. But no, it's fine. Nothing to apologize for. This was really, this was good. So this was a really fun, but no, it's fine. Nothing to apologize for. This
Starting point is 01:47:06 was really, this was good. So I apologize to all of the Kenya haters for defending her so aggressively, but I don't think she needs an advocate. I would just like her to have one and I apologize to I I'll apologize to I'm sure I've probably somehow offended several people over the course If I was supposed to come downstairs and not be with my child Well, I recorded this podcast then I apologize to you guys Ronnie does it the best Ryan does the left the best. I can't I can't get it But if I you know if I offended you by I don't know calling your mom this-word because I'm better and she is. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and if you're gonna be a villain, I need you to be a beautiful tall rich one.
Starting point is 01:48:29 And she's doing that. So. Well, she's, you know what, we need a villain. She's a terrible person. She's great on TV. And, you know, I think, you know, for me, I appreciate and I laugh at what she offers and not everyone will, but that's okay Not everyone has to, you know, you have to finish episode This is for niche tastes
Starting point is 01:48:55 Neesh Tase and Kenya more You know, you have to it for every studio they make all of the Marvel films or whatever but there's your occasional art house film that you know the budget for the commercial products pay for and that's or the revenue from the commercial pray for and this is what this is a niche art house Kenya Stan this is the breaking the waves of Broadway. Or the... I don't know why that was the indie movie. That came to my mind. I was like, why is it a movie in indie movie?
Starting point is 01:49:30 This is the Jane Campion. This is the piano of Broadway right now. Of crap ends, you know. Yeah, so yeah, we'd love to hear from everyone. Comment on Instagram or on Facebook or whatever. Tell us what you think about Kenya and the season and what not. And Ray, thank you so much for coming back onto the show. Can't wait to have you back again.
Starting point is 01:49:55 I posted it this last. Oh, yeah, you're so funny. And you also make such strong arguments all the time. I always feel like at the end of the episode, I'm always like, yeah, what Ray said. So. Good. Good. I was in model congress in high school.
Starting point is 01:50:11 It's paying off. I was in model nothing. I've never been even close to anything, any concept of it. No model, you and no debate to you, nothing. We had neither of those things. I was in student council, and I was in campus Congress,
Starting point is 01:50:29 but yes, campus Congress, where we voted on these. I was actually in Congress, and I was just modeling one. I was in a Congress that's potentially more effective than real life Congress. That's true. Because we got like candy machines or whatever.
Starting point is 01:50:47 You actually saw something tangible. Happy to vote. We did. We did do that. So anyway, like we've only been saying goodbye for 10 minutes now. So everyone, thanks so much for listening and I catch us tomorrow. Hopefully Ronnie will be back and we'll be talking below deck and then we've got Dallas on Wednesday and oh man, we also have Jersey coming back and Salt Lake City and Summer House and all that good stuff.
Starting point is 01:51:12 So it's a big week. Uh, we'll talk to you the next episode. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:51:44 Juni, she's always supplying. It's a little bit loony. Juni! She's always supplying its Kelly Ryan. Higher than Hyres, she's Lauren Perez! Patricia Murdoch, she wrote. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the burger! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you.
Starting point is 01:52:01 The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors. Nancy's Season Desisto! Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Let's give them a kiss, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD. Always the wisers, Allison Weasler!
Starting point is 01:52:20 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva, Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Mina Kuchi Kuchi Kuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good.
Starting point is 01:52:44 And have a meal without the Emily sides! Shannon, out of account in Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to WatcherCrapins Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today.
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