Watch What Crappens - RHOA Reunion 1: Blippity Bloopity Zoom

Episode Date: May 12, 2020

The Real Housewives of Atlanta take to Zoom for their reunion. Will Andy let them off of mute or will they break the internet? For this week's premium bonus recap of the #SummerHouse reunion,... become a member over at **New merch! Isolate and BenRon 2020 Vote Hypocrat designs available at **Crappens Live has been postponed until our country is healthy again. Keep up with our live show calendar at at See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crapens would like to think it's premium sponsors. The Bay Area Betches! Betches!
Starting point is 00:00:33 She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchalls! Let's run some errands with Emily Arons! Nobody sucks it to us like Amy Sokcarellis. Whoops, it's Nancy Oaks. Don't return to center, it's Lauren Fender. Aaron McNickolas, she don't miss no trickle-ists. HavaNigila Weber.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Sarah Greenwood only uses her power for good. He makes a squee, it's Richie D. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters. One day your Rachel's in, and the next day you're out. Sips some scotch with Jessica Troch higher than high res. It's Lauren Perez a No thing like Allison King Megan Berg. He can't have a burger without the bird Just saying okay Kelly Barlow when she goes Barlow we go high low and our
Starting point is 00:01:19 Super premium Patreon subscribers she ain't no shrinking violet kuchar. Oop she did it again, it's Britney Montana. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Let's take off with Tamala Plane. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacey. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Give them hell Miss Noel. Always ready for Nicole Paseretti. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Simple as rocket science. It's Dana Eazy. It's Lordeus, the Lordeus of the Rings. Let's rev our pistons for Amanda and Kristen.
Starting point is 00:01:56 It's a frog's ass watertight. It's Rosen's Seity. No one can do it like Andrea Jewett. Jamie, she has no last name. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. Let's give them a kiss. It's Austin and Marissa. Nancy C. Centicisto. We will, we will Joana Rockland you.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I take the fifth with Janus Smith. We love you guys. Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens! The podcast for all that crap we just love talking about on Yale bros It's me Ronnie. That's been over there. Hi babe. Hi. How are you good house life over there with you Life is great. Thanks life is great. How's it going with you? Are you thinking about it? You're not hearing me Are you thinking about it? Are you not hearing me?
Starting point is 00:03:05 There's just a big delay. Were you thinking about it real hard? How's life? No, no, I had a very quick and snappy response, so it must have been an internet delay. Sorry to make it so like I was contemplating things. Well, that's just the theme of the day because this is Zoom Union Day on Real Housewives
Starting point is 00:03:23 of Atlanta, everybody. Welcome to the Day on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Everybody, welcome to the show. Seriously. Yeah, welcome everyone. Yeah, welcome everyone. Yeah, welcome everyone. Technical difficulty lab and show. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Well, before those technical difficulties start really messing things up. Why don't we do some small business shout outs? Let's do a ban. Shall I start today? Yeah, start it out. Okay, this is for Sarah. Her brother Andy has a company that is super helpful in isolation. He makes a line of relish products that really helps spice up pantry staples. Okay. The main line is a series of red pepper relishes with varying stages of heat, sweet to habanero, which are a great addition
Starting point is 00:04:05 to tuna or baked beans or elevating a grilled cheese. And there's also a corn and relished balsamic pepper spread, like a more traditional cucumber spread. They're all very versatile. And you can use the promo code crap in 10 for those. I don't know what you get, but something. And then people can purchase it through his website Fourth Creek Foods dot com. That's fourth Creek like a Creek runs through it almost a Robert Redford movie
Starting point is 00:04:33 Fourth Creek Foods dot com and have it shipped for free free for orders over four drawers or more K go enjoy Whoa, oh, I had see. She wrote another email that said, sorry, isolation brain. The offer code is for 10% off. So there you go. Most of us. Okay, there we go.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I've got one from Abia Mene, and she is in the, she's in Colorado. She came to our Denver show, which is awesome. And she has been, she's sort of going through it because because you know, she's been working hard to build up her business. So she has a dog training business called Stay Fetch
Starting point is 00:05:12 and it's just her and her training partner, Jessica and Jessica's one who started the business and they are hurting big time, she says. They're doing a remote dog training and which has been easier for them than they thought, but it's still, you know, business is tough right now. So they address all kinds of dog behavioral issues and they do puppy training and they also hold multiple certifications and only use the most humane effective and scientifically backed methods. They also have a supply store on their website
Starting point is 00:05:41 where they sell their favorite gear and treatments and enrichment items. And Abby also hand makes snuffle mats which are a great tool to keep dogs busy while you're on zoom meetings. So since dogs are having a tougher time than most of us realize it's going to be extra hard for them to get for when things get back to normal. So dog training is probably more bored than now than you might even realize. So go check out sit, stay, fetch. It's sit period, stay, fetch period. And the website is All one words and the supplies if you need them are in the store tab.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So that seems like a great, great service for people who have dogs. Well, there you go, everybody. So that seems like a great, great service for people who have dogs. Well, there you go, everybody. So go support your fellow Geraldine's and thanks to everybody who sent those in. So like we said, today is real housewives reunion part one. I'm personally super excited. I've been loving even just the previews of this. I've thought it looks so amazing. Bend your, you've been a little apprehensive about Zoom reunions
Starting point is 00:06:45 in general. Summer houses wasn't great. It was like an office Zoom meeting, I thought. Yeah, I mean, but I enjoyed it. Like I was concerned about the Zoom reunion concept, but I thought the Summer House reunion was really fun. And so I was like, okay, this could work. And I thought that this actually worked really well.
Starting point is 00:07:07 I am still making a very strong plea to Andy Cohen to upgrade his camera. Bravo, send him a high def webcam, please. Because all of these women looked amazing. They had broadcast quality cameras. And Andy is still sitting there on a pixelated Fisher Price webcam. I'm like, what is happening someone someone sent in the camera well it's funny when we put things out there in the universe and this is just
Starting point is 00:07:31 life not really on the show but like when you you know like when you say god i've always wanted a red car and then you see like a million red cars out there because the other day you were saying that you're like oh my god his broadcast quite what we both were you know the at the the AirPods or whatever like come on get it together, buddy And then the very next day and I'm sure he doesn't listen to this show I'm not saying it's because of us. I'm just saying it's funny to see like the very next day He posted an Instagram of him with all of his fancy equipment in that office
Starting point is 00:07:58 And I was like really so you do have fancy equipment and it's still like this come on Yeah, what is I mean, I don't believe it, okay, because I've seen other shows that have like their stars at home broadcasting and they have sharp as fuck webcams, like Andy's, and on the other side. Well, I can see his webcam, but they look like a fancy audio setup and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Yeah. His audio sounds good, his audio sounded good on the reunion, but better than it has been on other things. But you know, it's just, it's like, his webcam is not good, and then he's also got this patchy beard that he has been really, really trying to sell for us, sell all year long.
Starting point is 00:08:35 He shades it off and was like, oh, it's gone, and now it's back again. And he's trying to push that beard, but the problem is that the beard with like the pixelation looks all just kind of like messy and cragly. I'm just like either lose the beard or get a better webcam, but together they are not giving Andy his optimal visual appeal. Yeah, I agree. He's looking rough. And part of it is he's like, I'm a dad now. And part of it is,
Starting point is 00:09:01 you know, I guess all of us being stuck at home, you know It's not like I come sewing up clean, but I don't think anybody expects me to look like Exactly, we can throw I was impressed we could throw these rocks because our wind our our house is not glass yet Because we're just podcasters. We're not like famous people on TV. Yeah, he's um He did show up on a suit though. I'm like, looked fairly cleaned up today. So I'm like, that he did. Yeah. Like, he's like, bitchy mom. Like, can you, we are, I know.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I feel groomed. You be it honey. That's what I want. Yeah. Well, I want him to put his best foot forward. I mean, because here's the thing. Like, our brand is that we are as college students would say, Braggamuffins, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:43 we are known for being just like, flop, two slops, okay? But Andy is like, look at my shoe compartment, look at me in a suit. Hey, here I am standing with my feet out wide again and my pelvis forward and my half-smiled, yeah, I'm handsome. So it's like, you're supposed to be handsome, Andy, at all times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 But, you know, he was all suited up today which I liked so he shows us epic reunions of the past. He's like for the real housewives of Atlanta and known for epic reunions and I know we're having a baby. So it's like a simple it, Charlie. So we see clips of the real housewives of Atlanta reunions being amazing over the years. But now it's quarantine. So of course everybody's stuck at home. Yeah, exactly. So everyone is on their webcam to their phones or whatever. And even it's giving us a tour of her living room, et cetera. They're also showing us a sad.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And she points to the couches and she's like, hey, you know what? This is where the magic is going to happen. Because I feel like the girls are here because we're on these couches. And I was like, oh my God, get like cuter couches. Those are very like, Ikea, I don't know. Even I like that you've moved into a new house.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So I'm not poor shaming anybody. I'm more taste shaming, you know? Yeah, yeah, exactly. There was something very bland. I was surprised overall that the women all seem to have very gray metallic rooms that they gathered in. There was something very bland. I was surprised overall that all the women all seem to have very gray metallic rooms that they gathered in. Thank everyone had a gray metallic room. Yeah, how did that happen? Welcome to 2020. I like candy's room the best that blue. Yeah, ours was amazing. Yeah, I was really
Starting point is 00:11:18 Yeah, so then Kenya is doing a sexy intro. She's like this is a reunion of exposure doing a sexy intro. She's like, this is a reunion of Exposer. Because she's on a towel getting ready. Yeah. And then Cynthia, of course, is with Mike Hill. And of course, Cynthia is at the kitchen island. She's like, Chad, I'm here with Mike Hill, we're to Hill in the kitchen in LA. Have a fun time. And it made me worried for Cynthia because there was a note date next to the stove that says, turn off stove, Miss My Kill. Yeah, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Cynthia, jeez. You have to have a note to remind you to turn off this channel. I know. Was this also an open mic? Like at the time he burned down five different houses because he didn't turn the stove off? Oh, she's like, it's going to be a sheet storm. So then we got to Marla it's gonna be a sheet storm. So then we
Starting point is 00:12:05 cut to Marlo who's in bed reading the Bible. Yeah, and then we see Neenie. Neenie is putting on her 30th pillow onto a bed. I have never seen so many pillows on a bed. She just, she has spot every pillow. She's like, we're going into quarantine. Okay, I am getting every pillow and we saw that big pillow bed earlier this season But I think that it's actually grown in pillows since then Yeah, and needy, you know this is teaching us a lot about them like Nini is a kind of person to wake up and make her bed Who knew I had no idea they say that that's the sign of a successful person Oh, you think she was she makes her bed every morning that That was all for show. They're cameras on she's like look at me making my bed I've got my life together. Oh, I figured it was for so she'd be like here's my maid. Oh
Starting point is 00:12:52 No, no, no, she wants to show she likes having moments where she shows she's like down to earth and grounded. Oh with her Also she probably thousands so could tell us yeah exactly So so they're all, here's the thing, is that they're all dressed up. These women are all glammed up. They have makeup on. They risk their lives to bring makeup people into their houses, do their hair and makeup.
Starting point is 00:13:15 They have these amazing cameras or these elegant, like, looks and dresses and everything. And then we see Andy, like, unshaven, you know, at least again, he's in a suit, but like, come on, Andy shave. Everyone else did. He's like, well, you've always been trailblazers, and now your trailblazers can yourself through our first virtual reunion. And if this isn't the most jacked up version of the Brady Bund, we're the shady Bund! We are! We're the shiny weather. Yeah. Oh. Hey, Nina, you look beautiful tonight. I don't think I'm allowed to ask about your boobs anymore,
Starting point is 00:13:51 but man, I am going to DM you privately, because we can do that now on Zoom and say, what's up with your boobs? Are they new? Are they bigger? How did they feel in it? Anybody? You only have to reply to me.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Anyway, how's your new single going? I noticed that, too, that he didn't talk about anybody's boobs Those weird and if ever there's a night for a question about boobs. It's tonight Wow So he's like so as you new single and it's like um, it's better than most snap snaps right in the camera and Kenya's like a Jesus I don't get paid enough for this. I Know is it better than most I've only heard it once that was during an interstitial on the on this show Yeah, me too, but you know, I'm not at the club. Okay. What yeah? I don't know
Starting point is 00:14:37 I heard it. I need a single really beyond just that one scene. So Kenya She's like I like to I like to look pretty extra pretty when I'm gonna read a bitch. And has Brooklyn in Mark and she's like, oh, you know, Mark's having a rough time. He's feeling hospitals. Oh God. You know, he's probably just the biggest asshole. Like, he's probably the only food courier or food service that the hospital is not looking forward to. He's like, yes, so I'll probably use some food. So you're gonna like, what are you gonna do? You're gonna give me, when are you gonna let me speak to the staff, huh? When are you like, no sir, just give us the food. We're busy. All right, fine. I appreciate it if you ask me. Like, this is what you wear the work today. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Yeah. Like, dissing the nurses outside. So Andy's like, like Cynthia goddess of cheekbones How the virus put a hold on your wedding plans with Jail and she's like well, Eddie I'm hoping for the best with scheduled for 10 20 Lesson fired from this show this week Because a rumor is Cynthia's been canned already. Yeah, and we can kind of see why from this reunion. Cynthia does nothing. She looks like she's lost her will to be a housewife,
Starting point is 00:15:49 and she's pretty much moved to Los Angeles. So yeah, I think this is the end for Cynthia. I don't think Cynthia's the problem though. I think they need to keep thinking. I mean, I've always thought Cynthia was kind of borrousin or in seven years ago, but still, like she's not really the problem. I think you need to get rid of one of the heads of the months.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Neenie. Neenie. I think it's Neenie. Probably. I'm with Neenie too. I'm with Neenie too. Yeah, Neenie just more of a Neenie just Neenie is difficult to watch. That's my problem. So yeah, so she's still hoping for that.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And meanwhile, Porsche is wearing a crown and so Andy's like so how do you compare your crown to Candy as Miss USA crown and Candy is like well if you have to earn one if you can't earn one you buy one Yeah, like your husband Yeah, exactly and Porsche is like you tried it. Well, it's not dusty. I'll tell you that And forces like you tried it. Well, it's not dusty. I'll tell you that So Candy tells us that Blaze just turned five months old and is wonderful and Eva is almost settled into her new house And that baby Maverick is in the 97% hell for everything And like all the women just like roll their eyes. Yeah, like what does that even mean?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Yeah, it's like a baby. So and he's like, well, I thought you guys are doing your own makeup today, but I saw people walking around and he's like, who did their own makeup actually for real? And Candy's like me, I did. And he was like, I have did mine. Yeah, she's like, well, I mean, I did my hair and then someone else did my makeup. I'm like, you're, I mean, your hair is pretty short, you know? You basically had, like, if you have to, that means you had someone in your house.
Starting point is 00:17:32 That's what he's basically asking, who brought someone into your, who broke quarantine or isolation, right? Yeah. So then Abby is talking about alter egos because they've all got alter egos. We've got Minion and Nae Nae, Cynthia and 50 Synth, Candy versus Salt Bay, and Kenya versus Ken. And they're all cracking up at the end of the clip, which ended with Kenya being pretty much verbally abused by Mark.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And they're like, what great clips. He's like, like all those were good times so Cynthia when you became 50 synth How many cents are you gonna add before you retire? Edge is like well, you know what I was 50 synth. I you know, I thought that 50 synth is better than 53 synths So I think that like I think I'm going to retire it and just be 53 That's still my attempt at her doing her laugh. I still haven't noticed her laugh. What the hell, I'm about to cry.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Oh, what? She was like, she was like, she was this very round. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So Andy says, Neenie says there's a different side to you, Cynthia. And she's like, well, she's right, Andy. I've Kitchner Island, Cynthia. I have, I'm side to you Cynthia. Well, she's right, Andy. I'm I've Kitchner and Cynthia. I have I'm in love, Cynthia, but I'm no punk, Andy. I'm no punk. And poor she's like, I don't think having a different personality is you
Starting point is 00:18:55 being a punk and that's not nice to say. And Andy's like, well, who called your butt? I think that was meanie. And then he goes, correct. Neanie is just screaming and yelling and telling everybody off for no reason this entire time Yeah, so it is like well everyone on this show knows I'm not a punk I'm you back me in the corner and I'm gonna give you what I get unless of course that corner is the stove that Mike left on And which guess I'll just get burned again Over and over and unless you're giving me a good glass of wine Andy because I will drink that before I serve it to somebody else So Andy's like well this year we have a new house here you go Eva. Why did you name candy?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Salt Bay Yeah And even it's like well because she dabble salt on everything And candy is like that will salt on everything. Send candy is like, oh, no. She's like, see? No.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Right. I was telling it like it is. And Porsche is like, well, candy just gives her input. And we have to remember why she told me to see about Eva. It's because I was going on a whole rant about Marlowe not talking about Eva's finances.
Starting point is 00:20:03 And then candy said being the gracious wonderful person she is that she she put me up on game with Eva. Basically. Porsche is like really mad at Eva this reunion and I'm not entirely sure I understand why. Apparently there's a half step in the secrets revealed that we don't watch because that's like our one thing every season that we're like, we don't do secrets revealed. And we, not only one of us watch that, but apparently they cut out a whole storyline
Starting point is 00:20:33 about Eva getting caught talking shit about Porsche, which is kind of what Eva's always getting caught doing. And then denying, you know? And so apparently Porsche's really mad at that. Oh, that's also shady for Eva because We're like gosh Eva like we know you're pride in everything, but man you have to do something and so it actually sounds like she was doing something and Producers just cut it out. Well, I think they showed they showed a little bit of it, but they didn't go into as much of a fight as it was I
Starting point is 00:21:00 Would have liked to have seen that because I actually think that Eva's a really good fighter when she fights like she's always really good on the reunions She is so she is she is really good with her reads and I always want to see more of that during the main show And so what happens is that every reunion I'm always like, you know I do like Evon this show man I hope she brings the energy next season and that's how I'm feeling again right now But she does it during the reunion but not during the show because during the show when she's called on it she just lies and says that she didn't mean it that way or she didn't say it and so it very rarely leads to anything. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So then Andy's asking Kenya what she thought about the nickname Ken and she's like, I thought
Starting point is 00:21:40 it was funny. I mean, it's something that only he says so it's special to me I'm like ew like why do you want and why do why are you like allowing his His nicknames to be special to you. He's in douchebag, you know, cuz they're back together now or whatever exactly And that's what we find out. It's so disappointed. They just showed of him calling her Ken is all the ladies saying Yeah, she shuts the fuck up around him because he's mean to her Yeah, it goes factor and she's like it's special Andy, which is just so sad and gross and Nini goes I like Ken because she's the better person and he says what they's gonna better person She goes cuz she knows how to shut the fuck up and Ken he goes well Maybe nay nay needs to learn how to be more like Ken cuz she needs to learn how to shut the fuck up. And Kenny goes, well maybe Nene needs to learn how
Starting point is 00:22:25 to be more like Ken, because she needs to learn how to shut the fuck up too. Ha ha. And Nene goes, Nene is more like Ken, okay? And Nene is coming in to get that ass. And Ken he is like, pick one of your multi-personalities and Nene goes, pick one of your multi-personalities, Ken. I was like, is this really the best reading
Starting point is 00:22:45 that we can do? It's like, you are. You are. Nini, that's Nini, this entire season and this entire read. At least the entire first part of the reunion. She's just doing a UR fight the whole time. Nini, Nini always claims to be the best reader,
Starting point is 00:23:00 but she's really not a good reader. She's a good interview. Like she has good quips and she has good prepared reads I guess in her interviews, but in reunions she just always goes to you are it's like you know what needy you shut the fuck up No, you shut the fuck up. It's like okay, sure. I guess and she says something about the personalities and Kenya says along with my many talents and she goes good for you bitch says, along with my many talents and she goes, good for you, bitch. And then, then Kenya does that thing. If she does that a lot in this show too, she's like,
Starting point is 00:23:28 oh, wow, I'm already called a bitch. Well, I guess we're ahead of schedule. Like she's so offended to be called the B word. Kenya, you're the lady who called someone to see where this year. We're doing nothing serious. Seriously. What was her first time ever having to call someone that?
Starting point is 00:23:43 So think about what the had to mean for her so the nini's like Nini's like I'll always call you a bitch. Nana always wins Yeah, meany just your exhausted. Okay, go to that bed. You just made and relax So we can go back from commercial and he's like well we're back with the shady bun. We are the shady Wow Shady bun. We are the shady bun. Oh wow Wow, the shady bun. That's good. I'm just gonna sit in that moment for a second. The shady bun. Yeah, so hey, let's look at Kenny's terrible marriage. Look at that. Wow. Hey, a lot's going back there, right? Hard to watch, right? Which one? Which let's do some old favorites. Hard to watch. Lots of one back there.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Let's do some old favorites, hard to watch. Lots of unpack there, hurts a bit, right? Boobs. So he was like, so what's changed, Kenya? And she's like, well, we're in counseling now. And Marcus made a complete 360. Which basically means he's back to being exactly the same way he was. Yeah, that means that he went, he rotated
Starting point is 00:24:40 and his exact same angle. But Kenya has set up certain roadblocks and he's dealing with them properly. So she likes him again. She says she blocked him, but then he started asking around for a meeting with her. So he could speak with her again. And then he became more humbled in emails.
Starting point is 00:24:55 So they're back, they're back, baby. Yeah. Because he's fighting for his family, which is all she wants him to do. How about like be a good husband so you don't have to fight for your family? How about that instead, you know? He's also fighting to stay alive right now
Starting point is 00:25:09 because he's a restaurant owner during the Corona 19 crisis. So that's fine. Oh God. So Andy is like, well maybe Mark saw himself on TV and realized what an asshole he was and all this is kind of fake, you know. Um, I'm sure you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I think she's like, yeah, I think, you know, you do see yourself on TV and change. I mean, look at me, Andy. Look how I've risen. Uh, so he's like, well, now that we know the mark was entertaining other women, how would you feel if, if Tania brought the other woman on? Can you? How would you feel? She's like, I never said he was entertaining other women, Andy.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And he goes, you said he was texting. She goes, oh, well, he texted a woman he had dated. So it was an old girlfriend or some rando that he was with. OK, I mean, that's different. Yeah. She asked it be his hoe. And he didn't shut her down in a way that I would have liked that's what it was So like okay, so the question still remains what would happen if Tania brought that woman in front of you
Starting point is 00:26:13 Then how would you feel about that? You know, nope the question didn't remain he just moved on He's like well, why are you allowing Amanda to cast eyes you you know if you do this? If he does this in public, how is it in private?" She's like, well, it's, you know, once the camera stop, if I don't like something, then that's the time to tell him, Andy. That's the time. Mm-hmm. It's time for commercial. It's time for... Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the hosts of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows.
Starting point is 00:27:11 It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this esteemed jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder Yeah. So, and he's like, you know, it's funny because I view you as such a strong woman who
Starting point is 00:27:44 maybe boobs have they been updated? No, yes, no, okay, you're a strong woman and to see someone speaking to you this way it was sad for me. So, so sad that I had to exploit it on TV. Yeah, and Nina is just bored while cutting your cries. She's like, yeah, That's my family and she's like, whatever, lame. Yeah, I can't just start doing beauty pageant crying. She's like, you know it's my family and she's like whatever lame Yeah, I K. Yes, I was doing beauty pageant crying. She's like, you know when it's when it comes to my family And when it comes to someone I care and love I'm not a fighter and I'm I'm not gonna be combative I'm not and he's like, what ever
Starting point is 00:28:16 Andy's just ignored it too. He just ignores her crying and he's like well speaking of not your crying Kissy says Kenya sing fans saying things about you deserve this and this is karma How do you feel about what you said about other people's families and she's like um and you need to ask out listener What they think about what those people have said about me and my relationships And go well typical Kenya. Yeah, and Porsche is like I never I've never spoken about my relationships because I guess Well, I or it's because because basically the person who wrote in aka Andy is saying, like, you know, Kenya had a lot to say about Fadre and Kamesholsiac and Confields and Porsche. And Porsche is like, you know, I never spoke about any of your relationships ever, but you certainly had a lot to say about,
Starting point is 00:29:01 you know, about what I, about me. And Kenny was like, well, you called me name, and you said, no, man, would ever have me. And she's like, and, for sure, she goes, I called your name, because you called me names. And she's like, we don't have to revisit the past. Yeah, and she's like, you said my ex, you said I was my ex's beard. And she goes, well, you said it too.
Starting point is 00:29:22 You said when he gave you your dress back, it was like from one queen to another. And you also alleged that he hit you too well, you said it too. You said when he gave you your dress back, you was like from one queen to another and you also alleged that he hit you too. So you said it all. Well, she was saying that's a Porsche, right? Yeah, a Porsche. And so Kenya's like, which I don't remember that. Oh yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:29:37 So a Porsche's like, well, we're talking about you, NASA. Don't play a victim to be the national victim of battered wives. And I was like, oh my god Yeah, yeah, yeah, porches. I don't try to make me look bad and Kenya's like you already made yourself look bad and so which is a little bit on the Neenie side of it come back and then And then support this basically saying like listen if you want to be a changed person you have to acknowledge your past Which point can it can it's like well you have to acknowledge your past, which point can it,
Starting point is 00:30:05 can it, well, you need to acknowledge your past. And then Porsche just starts going, except your past, except your past, except your past, honey. And then he's like, let me get in here. Let me get in here, guys, let's tap out, tap out. Neenie, Neenie mentioned karma. Neenie, what were you referring to? And she's like, I'm going with Porsche on this one.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Maybe she didn't know, because she'd never been married before, but now she gets what is to be married. Which I guess gives you some kind of protection. You can just be a city as you want to people who aren't married. But once you're married, you better watch out because you're a much worse person for it.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Well, because for years, they were always able to throw it into Kenya's face that she wasn't married and didn't have kids. Like that was like their favorite thing. That was always her, the king in her armor, but now we're the king in her arm, whatever it is. But then, but now that she has, now it's like, well, you never were married.
Starting point is 00:30:57 You didn't have a kid or you're like late to the table. So whenever they get frustrated with her, they just throw that at her instead. Yeah, you're married now, but not long enough to really not shame you about it. Yeah, and then, yeah, so basically, Keny's like, can I say something? I don't think I'd do with karma.
Starting point is 00:31:17 I think it's just that Kenya and Mark were in a long distance relationship and they had a new baby and they had to adjust with how to deal with each other and that's probably why things went down. It was not karma. Yeah. And then Andy's like, so what about when Neenie said, when Neenie told Wendy Williams that
Starting point is 00:31:33 Kenya didn't even use her own egg and he was like, that is so disgusting. And he goes, Neenie, you regret that? She goes, no. Yeah. He's like, well, where'd you hear?, she goes, no. Yep. It's like, well, where'd you hear it? She goes, doesn't matter where I heard it. I hear things the way they hear things
Starting point is 00:31:50 and they speak out the side of their neck, you know. She's like, I've been called bipolar, I don't see anyone apologizing for that. I'm like, because they don't, because it's a pretty accurate read on you. You are kind of bipolar, sorry. And even says, oh, that's so becoming for a grandmother. It's like, this isn't your fight. We'll get to you. It's like sweetheart, baby. This is whatever I wanted to be.
Starting point is 00:32:11 So you're trying to take that plum and turn it into a peach. Yeah. And nobody can help you today, implying that I guess Neenie has been helping her along. And so even like, I was on the red carpet. Well, you were like trying to get on there when I met you sweetheart She basically's like I've been famous longer than you have been which is essentially the same argument of like I've been married longer than you have been Kenya, but now it's like in famed version and you need does not want to hear that Yeah, she's like no one cares about you being on some carpet 17 years ago Okay, I'm gonna just start yelling at each other and we cut to break while they're walking He was like being on it being it, being on the cover magazines, face of a cosmetics line, and Nina's like,
Starting point is 00:32:48 I've been on magazines too. I've been on, I've been in the penny saver, been in the penny saver before, because I was only covering the penny saver. Man, she's like, all you can talk about is top model. Nobody cares. And that was the last time you were on top. Respect your elders.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Respect your elders. And then she starts screaming. Go back to go back to LA and lick bottoms lick the bottoms to stay on top because that's what you do And Andy didn't use them because they won't stop. Yeah They are just like in Sassin because even like listen. You didn't have a camera on you in 2003 not in 2004 Not 2005. It was sort of like a very funny, but sad fight. Yeah, it was and For us to start cracking up. She is, they went on mute, I don't know you did it. And Kenya immediately goes, this is why people call Neenie bipolar.
Starting point is 00:33:35 And then Neenie was just let off mute and she goes, you're bipolar bitch. Another classic Neenie read. So Kenya starts saying how Neenini goes after things that are off limits like kids. And Nini is like, you know, against the whole Buffalo thing. And she's just like, I don't care. I don't care. Which is funny because later on, Porsche gets so mad at Eva for allegedly going after
Starting point is 00:34:00 kids when Porsche's buddy, Nini called Kenya's baby a buffalo or a called Kenya buffalo because of she was pregnant you know. Oh yeah, Porsche has a lot of hypocritical moments in this too. We're saying, have there you make fun of babies. Your baby looks like a clown with ears. Yeah. So they're so terrible but they are so fucking funny. So Nina's someone said oh can you guys that girl over there all that stuff happened with her child And I never brought it to light and she said my baby looks like Mark Well, thank God because we all know where her children are. They're hers because they look exactly like her And then he because to say and you need just sit there kind of not getting it
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, and then she goes hey to shame moment. Yes, she say yeah Sony was like yeah, Permanent. That's what T. She is Meenie's like this face is gorgeous Yeah, she's like this girl and you mad and Kenny goes I'm so flawless and he needs like you wish you was flawless And she goes listen you're out here looking like a white woman in drag Shut the hell up. Oh god, and then you guys your body is spot spits spot booty But spotty because I don't know if I'm looking at a real housewives reunion or a clip from white chicks Andy and Abby like this is so fine
Starting point is 00:35:21 He's like winking at the audience. Yeah, he's having a great time. He's like, well, I can't believe I can do this from my home. So, hey, I remember years ago when Sherei said something about one of your kids and you were very upset, Neemie, why'd you have to, Kenya's kid. And she goes, I repeated what I heard about her kids and she repeated things as well. Which doesn't really answer the question. Yeah, and Ken is like, I never repeated anything about your kids or anyone else's children. And he's like, you keep on fucking with me.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I have more to say. And even because, oh really, you haven't had shit to save for six months. And she's like, you want my turn, bitch? You want my turn? Yeah, you're on my turf. And Eva's like, yes, that's your house. And this is mine. She's, I own my house. I own my house. And Eva like yes, that's your house and this is mine
Starting point is 00:36:05 Just I own my house I own my house and even is like well what happens to your multiple foreclosures You know, it's just I never had a foreclosure because I had never purchased a house before it's like this weird For closure posturing that was happening. It's weird like who's really more poor fight And then I thought you guys said finances were off limit. And even said, I never said shit about finances. You guys come after my finances all the time. And she says, Oh, well, you're definitely bringing them up now. So I guess it's all on the table. And so, yeah, so Eva bases like, I don't
Starting point is 00:36:39 know how someone can purchase a million dollar house with no finances to their name. And, uh, and portions like, wow, so you got a house. Guess what? We all have a house like shut up. And Eva comes in with the good one, the age same where she's like, yeah, you're all older than me too. And Portia goes, you know, spring chicken boo boo. And she goes, yeah, well, you are an age 10. And she goes, those titties are age 10.
Starting point is 00:37:04 She says her titties are socially distancing. This fucking soul. Yeah, they're just screaming. Oh my god. Breaking Zoom. So, is Kenya legally married? So, and Nini, do you still care about that marriage license? And Nini is like shaking her head,
Starting point is 00:37:22 because, you know, she already knows that she's going to lose this one, that Kenya clearly is going to produce the marriage what she does she goes if you ask me politely I might produce a receipt So she pulls out her marriage receipt et cetera marriage certificate. Yeah, et cetera. Oh, St. Lucie a parish of St. Lucie. Yeah, June 10th So that's legal in America too, I guess? Sure. Okay, I don't know. I don't know the law.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I don't know. I was like, is that real? You know, I get all conspiracy. I'm like looking at it close up. Like, is that even real? Then I was like, you don't know what the real one looks like stupid. So why don't you stop doing close-ups? Yeah, and also also who really cares?
Starting point is 00:38:05 Yeah. So Cynthia's like, you know, what the recurring topics in this group is, stovetop safety, you got to turn it off afterwards. No, is that just a me issue, me and Chihil issue? Okay, well another issue is fake relationships. And you know, it's this thing that people have to be with people to be on the show and you need to imply that I was in a fake relationship with Mike which is not not fake at all we have a totally chill relationship see what I'm saying this little joke little joke and then even it's like yeah you
Starting point is 00:38:34 said it was fake with Will and uh sent he goes no no she said Mike I was like she said will to you yeah well Will was everyone knew that was fake yeah Yeah, I love that Cynthia's like, well, I don't believe in calling people's relationships fake. Yeah, because you've had a bunch of them. So I know. I don't blame you. So, and then Nini is like, I have never implied that you're in a fake relationship with Mike. And then they just cut to a headline that's like, Nini says the engagement's fake. And Nini is like, what we're not going to do is direct all the shit at me. What we're not gonna do?
Starting point is 00:39:07 And they're like, oh, meanie, Jesus Christ, we're just talking. She's oh really look what I can do. I can do this if she slams down her laptop. Yeah, she closes her laptop her windows laptop. And so they're like you're looking at I knew it. I only declared those a Windows laptop. I didn't have any judgment or commentary to it. I just stated, all I'm saying is that if you have a Windows laptop, you're in the company of Nini. That's all I'm saying. And you can take from that what you want.
Starting point is 00:39:37 You can take with it. All I'm gonna say is have fun having green text bubbles with Nini. I'm sure that happens too. Well, it's funny that Nini has to be the the first walkoff of a Zoom, you know? Yeah. So they're all cracking up that she just did that. And Kenya's like, you need to come back because you weren't in the episodes and you need the checks, girl. So even I was like, I can't stand this old bitch again going for the age thing and Andy's like well
Starting point is 00:40:06 We are still looking at a close computer screen from Nini Liggs Wow look at that look at all that Fingerprint smudging on those keys Wow, so hey, welcome Tania and Marlow everyone He's like Marlow you're teaching from home how that going she's like Andy all right I say this Ted Turner gives you $500. And another old white guy takes $20. How many dollars do you have left? All right. That's a pretty good old prostitution math. Glad that that's not working out. Hey, here's another problem. I've been working with my nephew, Zon. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:43 A tiny, a tiny dormat is on a train and going 50 miles per hour and a large normal size doormat is going 70 miles per hour in an opposite direction at what time Does Porsche choose the wrong doormat? Thank you. Um the answer is poor people Andy so So and he's like oh nice to cyber see you, and I converted my Hibachi grill into a super computer with Paul's help, and I can see you in Super Daff. Whoa! And even just roll to her eyes at her. And Kenya's like, too many, oh, because Neenie jumps back in.
Starting point is 00:41:21 It's so funny. Like the second that Tanya and Marla start to get attention Neenie comes back and then no one ever talked to Marla or Tanya again Yeah, and he's like so Tanya no run-ins with the cookie lady She's like no, but I did make some pills for cookies the other days Which I fully believe yeah, so she bissy is the Pillsbury doble I have the cast right? Oh, I'll touch my stomach She basically is the Pillsbury Doeboy of the cast, right? Oh, I'll touch my stomach! Wooo! Wooo! So Neenie just back on, she's like, I had to go pee and change my tampon!
Starting point is 00:41:50 I was like, God, you are so... everything. Just get rid of her, get rid of her, got her feet... Did you notice that when her laptop opened up, she had some notes written down on index cards that were like... That like when like, you know, when the laptop opened, you know, that angle, you could see them. And I tried to read them, but like half of them were obscured, but she had totally written notes down. And like, also like, in like, really big handwriting font, like she used like every letter was two lines of index notes. So she clearly had written in her quips or whatever. And so she was ready. She was, she had like scripted, she scripted something. I don't know what it was, but she has scripted for this reunion,
Starting point is 00:42:29 which I shouldn't be surprised at. You know, I'm sure most of these women have shit that they've rehearsed, but it was just funny that she had her two cards right there. Yeah, I have it all closed up and I can't see anything either. The top thing says, you're and then it says, I had to read, it's because
Starting point is 00:42:47 with them everything else is kind of blurry, I can't read it. Yeah. Yeah. He knows. Um, so then Andy asked Candy about taking over the role of bone collector from Shirey. And he's like, no one liked it when Shirey did it. And, um, we see a bunch of clips and stuff. And Candy's like, well, look, I get along with everybody. And so I heard everybody's conversation. So if I don't tell somebody, should I hear it, then I'm a bad friend, but then if I do tell them, then I'm a bone collector, what do you want from me?
Starting point is 00:43:16 Yeah, exactly. So why didn't Eva talk with Porsche before becoming so shady to her? Because the big one of the big controversies in this is that whole really hard to describe fight where Eva didn't bring her baby to Kenya's baby shower thing and then Porsche told Kenya and so candy told Eva that Porsche told Kenya that Eva wasn't bringing her baby. And so Eva was kind of like, doesn't she have other things to do? Like, she just, like, shouldn't she be like, her C-section is barely even healed and she's already talking to Kenya about this stuff. And maybe she should like spend less time like forwarding blogs or something like that.
Starting point is 00:43:58 She basically had like a response that has now blown up, which I didn't think the response is really that bad, but now it's blown up to a whole fight. And push is like, let me tell you something about this raggedy ass foul bitch at the bottom. These bottom bitches turned around and do the most low down thing possible after you try and shoot with them. And he was like, no one talked about your child. Neenie said your child looks like Dennis five times and she does, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:25 My child looks like her father, okay? The question is why your father, just because my husband is way more attractive than yours? Like, what is the problem? Just because my husband seems to actually have a career path and here's cells, hot dogs, and is so-and all the time, what is the problem? And Porsche is like, I will give you we're talking about my God and they're all hiding behind their babies, right like the baby gets them the biggest shield They're hiding behind baby shields. She's like and Porsche Yeah, for my C section like
Starting point is 00:44:56 Thousands of women have gone through oh, okay No, okay, this is not what that's not she didn't come for your C section She said your C section is barely healed that is not coming or shaming a C section That is like making a joke about a time span that's like But she is like trying to rally a mommy army you can see Va and yeah, and you can see even like a little little flustered because Eva's trying to Defend herself, but you can see she's a little concerned that she's going to be accused of being a mommy shamer. Yes. And then this is where Portia totally is a hypocrite because she's like, do not
Starting point is 00:45:32 ever talk about children or I will want you upside the head. I mean, Dennis with that bow. Your baby is a clone with a bid. It's like literally the same insult. And even it's like, I meant it as a read to you, dummy, to you, and then Andy goes, well, it doesn't look great, I have to say. I was like, what do you think that's not? It looks totally fine, it is totally fine, okay? And by the way, I think you're allowed to say, even if there was shady, it looks like Dennis with a bow.
Starting point is 00:46:03 You know what, I think you're allowed to say that. And what, because guess what, I think people say shit like that behind the scene. They're like, do you see that baby? It looks like Dennis with a bow. I think that's okay. I said it a million times, and I think, look, even with just say, yeah, I said it, I was just trying to be funny. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's not a big deal, but she's like, I never said it. I never said, oh, I don't remember saying it. You know, she goes on these whole things that she doesn't have to like just own what you said own it baby. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. At least a Rinna in here. Yeah, plus I also feel like, um, now this may be controversial. I mean, in general, I try not to make you don't want the kid to, it ever to get back to the kid, you know, because if, to think of like a kid, like hearing ridicule from an adult is like heartbreaking. Like that is terrible. Like I would, you never would want that.
Starting point is 00:46:55 But that being said, I mean, it's a, the baby is the baby really going to hear it understand if you say, oh, that baby, that's an ugly baby or something like that. You know, it's like on Se felt. Like that is an ugly baby. It's not like the baby is gonna hear that and be traumatized, you know. Yeah. And she's like, well she does look like Dennis with the bow. I'm part of she goes,
Starting point is 00:47:14 and you look like a stone with lips on it. A thumb. Oh, a thumb with lips on it. I was wondering what a stone was like, what a thumb with lips on it. No, a thumb with lips on it. Thank you. I rerab it twice
Starting point is 00:47:27 So Something happened which I didn't it I Totally forgot this happened, but Eva got as Andy said feedback When she referred to her castmates as little nappy heads and it's like what made her think it was okay to say that And he was like first of all I'm a black woman and one cannot tell me how to speak about the culture that I'm in. And I was actually surprised because the women were pretty, were like, they realized this was like a serious thing and they did not turn into like a ridiculous fight. Because Kenny was like, well listen, you're a light-skinned woman with like quote unquote straight hair and light eyes and it's like difficult for them and like me that is brown like me who has textured hair And I don't think you made it offensively, but you just have to be sensitive and Porsche was like yeah, you do and I was like Wow, like that was really great. That was a great moment
Starting point is 00:48:12 I feel like they just jumped in they were like serious and calm like we don't like about it It's over. Yeah, thoughtful about like yeah, like we're not calling you We're just saying hey just think about this way and you know going going forward Think I was like wow a nice like teachable moment right there and then it cuts to Andy's face And it's like he's falling asleep with his face all the way up against the camera and his eyes are kind of crossed Yes, well because he must have been exhausted from thrusting his chest at the camera the whole reunion Do you notice that every time you talk he would like go like peck first? He's like so and of course you can't see me, but I just did it to my microphone.
Starting point is 00:48:47 If you could feel the rush of wind around my microphone, that was me doing my and you impersonation. He's like, say, dude. I was like, oh, God, and he's gonna fall over. So when we come back, we start in on Nini again. It's like, you never know when she's gonna slam that laptop shut, so let's just keep going in on Nini. So it's like, basically,'s the Neenie apology tour.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah. So yeah, you enter the season with more fraction relationships than you could handle, but with a broken full, broken bag full of olive branches, you took a spiritual journey to try to fix them. So yeah, we see this montage of Neenie apologizing to everyone and even just rolling her eyes during the whole thing, et cetera. And when we come out of it, the very first question that Andy wants to know is, what's
Starting point is 00:49:31 your status with your relationship with Wendy Williams? Because apparently Wendy got mad at Nini called her on Instagram live. And Nini is like, well. This is separate from the show, right? That was a separate thing that happened, okay. So Nini is like, well, we're just two girlfriends having a talk and I just assume it's neutral And Mimi's like this is separate from the show right that was is that a separate thing that happened? Okay, so Mimi's like well We're just two girlfriends having a talk and I just assume it's neutral and he goes what's that? She goes I've it means we're fine like we're fine and which means they're not obviously
Starting point is 00:49:54 And we find out as this goes on way not so Kenya's like well I don't think that's a real friendship. They're not really being honest and open I mean clearly this woman got online and talked about her like a dog Why else would she go under her platform on national TV and say I'm windy Williams the Queen of Daytime TV and you don't come for me She doesn't think anything of Neenie Yeah I wish I had seen what happened on Wendy's show that they're referring to it because it was They obviously couldn't get the footage for it,
Starting point is 00:50:25 so it was hard to understand, but it sounds like Wendy won on her show, I don't know who that is. And basically, Tania's like, I don't think it was that deep Andy, I think that she's on a TV show, and she chose to say what she said. Oh my God, this is the most fun Zoom I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Can I just say that right now? Can I say that? Whoa! Technology! And Candie's like, uh, no, did you watch it? Oh my god, this is the most fun Zoom I've ever had. Can I just say that right now? Can I say that? Whoa, technology. And Candie's like, uh, no, did you watch it? Wendy said that she's an over there person. And she's like, Neenie's like only friends with people who can help her. She's obviously friends with Wendy
Starting point is 00:50:56 so she can feed her gossip that she can make everybody else look bad, you know, and she can show favoritism to Neenie. And Andy's like, well, Neenie. And she's like, first of allenie, and she's like, first of all, when we got back together, the one thing I said to her is, now, we're gonna just talk to each other instead of go on social media about each other.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So I'm not gonna talk about Wendy Williams at all right now. And Keny goes, but she said you're an untelated person. Yeah, exactly. And Keny was like, you know, if it had been anyone else, Neenie would have gone off on them. But because it's Wendy, she doesn't. Because Wendy is got a larger platform and is maybe perhaps more famous. I don't know. But yeah. And Neenie does nothing to basically refute that. Like, Neenie's behavior just sort of aligns with everything that they are accusing her of. Yeah, Nini has been put in her place by Wendy Williams, apparently, and she's just gonna stay quiet for the segment.
Starting point is 00:51:49 She's like, oh, I'll just sit here. I'll call you all dumb bitches in the next segment. Thank you. Yes. So, Ken, yeah, do you think that Nini's apologies were sincere and Ken, of course, it's not anything as sincere, but then Porsche is like, but like, why is it that like you're the only one that's a lot to have a sincere apology?
Starting point is 00:52:07 You say everyone's apologies and insin, insin, insin, insin, insin, except for yours, but then you apologize to me and you're supposed to be cool and then that was clearly insin, insin, insin, so what the fuck? Yeah, and then we see that they're mad because there's an after show with Candy and, uh, Candy laughing about the scene where Porsche is crying with Neenie, her fake tears saying, I love, I'm good never thought you were whatever she was saying. And Porsche is like, why would that bother you to the point, Kenya, where you say you're going to bring receipts to the reunion? And where are these receipts?
Starting point is 00:52:39 I want to see them. What are you talking about with that? Yeah, exactly. And Kenya is like, well, I have receipts. And Porsche is porches like by the way your friendship with Cynthia's a little lackluster Which points like oh, that's right Cynthia's here too. I forgot about that. I mean it's Cynthia lackluster and Cynthia Sort of go hand in hand So Kenya's like here's the receipt are you ready? Well, she called me and Cynthia on the phone and said that you guys were in the news
Starting point is 00:53:05 It was in the news that Porsche is doing celebrity apprentice and Everyone thinks she's she's dumb, but she's making moves and we need to do something about it Porsche's like that's three years ago What kind of receipt is that like what customer service is gonna take that receipt? Exactly and he needs like you shut up bitch Yeah, like that's beyond even is like, you shut up bitch. Yeah, like that's beyond even apple care, you know. Yeah, that is old.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But although, like, shut up bitch. She should have, she turns into Reza. Basically, she like, the time for Candid to air that would have been then. Because I guess that's around when, you know, Portia and Nie had a big fight remember about two years ago which is probably a lines when when this all happened. So that's also probably that's probably another key to why they had that big fight. Remember when when there was a thing that happened a watch happens live or like where Neenie said that Porsche should be fired or
Starting point is 00:54:00 something like that. Oh, no. They fight so much on this show. My brain can only hold so much. Yeah. It's like, yeah, it's like we all talk shit. I'm like, who cares? Yeah. And so Portia's like, well, I'm going to come up with a receipt. OK, let me get a receipt. And she starts swiping through her phone.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And she goes, yeah. I have a receipt on my phone. And I'm not going to read it, rebate them, because I respect privacy at some point. It's like, what? So she goes, this is from Kenya about her gorgeous friend, Cynthia Bailey, and Tanya goes,
Starting point is 00:54:32 is she beautiful? So basically, I guess Kenya was gonna go after Cynthia, but I guess she never did, whatever, but of course she's like, trust, your days are numbered. So, but like, it's pretty clear that Cynthia's already been fired, so it's, yes, I think her days are like not only numbered, but they're like negatively numbered, because I think she's already like done. But either way, yeah, so that's her tea that she has, her receipts, so then it's like,
Starting point is 00:55:03 and you're like, hey, hey, can I see the screenshot? He's even the screenshot. I really want to see the screenshot. Yeah, thanks. Yeah. Um, so yeah, they send screenshots. She has to send screenshots to everybody. That's pretty much that. So we never see them read the screenshots. Well, we never see Cynthia's reaction, right? No, we don't see it. So then Andy's like so Neenie Wiles is on board to make a man's and she's like because it's always important to apologize when you've done something wrong It's like what and then she's like why is everybody mad that I'm in a good place with somebody It's like you you get mad at me when I'm in a good place and you get mad at me when I'm in a bad place like what do you want? What do you want for me? Yeah Yeah exactly and she's like and by the
Starting point is 00:55:45 way she's like and it doesn't matter whether they think my apologies genuine or not it doesn't matter because I know it's in my heart like I think we know it's in your heart too and it's not very good. Yeah so Portia is still like texting or doing something on her camera and candy's like well look we're expecting you to make up it's just that Portia saying life is so hard without you like what the hell was that was that too much wine or what and Porsche's like Well, when I was pregnant, you know, and I knew that Neenie would be there for me the most because you know She was she was always there for me like when we were at up front I was so upset because the dentist and she was there She lifted my head out of the toilet and put a hot dog in my face
Starting point is 00:56:28 Yeah, because because she bass is like you know the read what I when I met what life is so hard because when I was pregnant Like that's when I knew Neenie would have been there for me the most and can't use like but that's when she Dogged you the mouse like what don't you understand she dog do when you would have needed her the mouse, you know And and then he goes no I did not no I did not and even goes Neenie you sent that girl a cease and distanced while she was pregnant and then Porsche of all people goes even shut the fuck up. Yeah and Candie's like look but you know that no one wants you talking to Neenie because Neenie warms her way back in and then she starts
Starting point is 00:57:05 dogging you later. You know she warms her way back in and then she's meet everybody again. It's like a you know, but candy you were like one of the first ones who brought her back into the group. So yeah, but she wasn't her biggest cheerleaders all season. But it wasn't that candy was like groveling for Portia's friendship. She just knew, okay, if I have to like work with this woman,
Starting point is 00:57:28 they're saying she might win. Oh, Neenie back to you. Yeah, yeah. Everybody should talk to Neenie, you know. But I think that like, Candy's point is like a really important one, is that in that like, yes, like, Neenie was there for you at a very important time
Starting point is 00:57:43 and that had she been your friend during your pregnancy She could have possibly been not really supportive friend But the point is that like she wasn't your friend and that's the key there It's not like oh I would like it's not like there was something external thing that took Nini out of the picture and therefore Portia was deprived she was actively Against Portia and I don't even remember what it was about. It was some bullshit at this point. I just do not remember what caused that whole fight with
Starting point is 00:58:08 the text messages. But like the whole point is that the reason why Neenie's friendship wasn't there is because Neenie was being a bad friend and like that's like can't overlook that. But of course Portia does. Well she's just doing what they all do, whether like you'd rather have Mimi on your side than being evil to you and trying to ruin your life. You know, it's like better to have her as a weapon to use against other people. Yeah. Oh, it was the closet thing. It was the closet thing. Yeah, the most recent was the closet thing. So anyway, Candy's like, yeah, you know, Candy says her piece and Portia's like,
Starting point is 00:58:41 well, I called her a low dog dirty bitch too. I'm nobody's victim. And Mimi goes, thank you, thank you, thank you Yeah, she dogged me too. She dogged me too. We curse each other out and we curse each other out And then Andy goes and he's like, he's like wait, say we say it like this. We dogged each other We dogged each other and she goes we dogged each other and he goes thank you He gives us thumbs up to the camera like guys look look yeah we are the shady bunch we are so nini's like you know what they're haters and it's okay for them
Starting point is 00:59:13 to apologize and get away with it but not me and then everyone starts blah blah blah blah start yelling at each other on the camera and he he's like, ladies, can I get in here? Shady bunch, ladies, ladies, ladies. Okay, I'm not gonna get in here. Yeah, shady bunch. And that's the end. That is the end, we'll be back. I wonder how many parts, you think this will be two parts or three parts?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Probably three. Yeah, I think that's gonna be three because they would have said on the conclusion. Yeah, I'm guessing they're gonna squeeze three out of this puppy So we'll be back with that next week tomorrow is Vanderpump rules day followed by Beverly Hills and the New York or Everybody if you're craving some summer house go listen to that reunion recap over on our patreon and find our videos over there We'll be doing another couple this week. And thanks for everybody for being here. We'll talk to you next time. Bye everyone.
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