Watch What Crappens - RHOA: She by She-NN

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* The Real Housewives of Atlanta have a pretty funny part one of a two part reunion when Sheree finds an intern that know...s how to use photoshop and Drew finds an intern that knows how to steal a plum or two off the snack table. This week's bonus episode will be a Trailer Trash Southern Charm Preview. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Amazon 5 Star Reviews presents Better Than A Wooden Steak Today's customer review is from a customer that goes by Burt Toast, they write. Ever since this three pack of organic garlic was delivered, I have not seen a single vampire. That cannot be a coincidence. Will update my review of anything changes? Five stars.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Well, Burt Toast, if it doesn't work, at least you get the beginnings of a nice marinara. That's how to make everyday better. Real Amazon customers' real reviews, really. So what if I been so fragile? What if I was so fragile? Who can't this one? I can't this one. There's so much that happens. Well, hello, and welcome to Watch What Happens.
Starting point is 00:00:55 The podcast for all that crap you love to talk about on your brawbs. I'm Ronnie, and I'm with Ben, the gorgeous, talented, and today COVID-icken Ben mantle. Hi Oh my little lamb. I wish I was there to woo you. Oh, thank you. I am here. I'm drinking a nice mug of tea And for people who are watching a video they might they look at my mug. They might recognize something Do you know what that what my mug is? Somebody doing a handstand. Yes, it's a headstand.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Some one of our listeners gave this to me. Maybe I think to both of us, it is a mug of Caroline Fleming doing a headstand on Ladies of London. That's amazing. That's amazing. So good. I'm literally drinking the tea because we are talking tea. I'm all gone wild and crazy.
Starting point is 00:01:44 We did a two-part real housewives of New York episode this week, so that's already out. And this is Atlanta, sorry to be a little late, but we did take Labor Day off. Yes. So that's why we are also having to, because we took that day off, we're gonna have to cut something from the schedule this week.
Starting point is 00:02:03 And guess what wins? It's the show that's on two episodes a week for no fucking reason at all. And even though it's a brilliant show, we're saying fuck you this week. Listen, I have COVID. I'm pulling the COVID card. And that's COVID.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I need to rest, okay. I really need to rest. So we're just, we're putting below deck down on the back burner for this week. It'll be back next week. I apologize to everyone. I'm sorry, but I have to pull the sick card on this one. But also guess what? It's not only COVID. It's also a labor, it's a holiday week, also so many housewives. And when it comes down to it, this show is always going to choose the housewives over everything else because this is our bravo. it. This show is always going to choose the Housewives over everything else because
Starting point is 00:02:45 this is our Bravo. Okay. This week we have New York Salt Lake City, the premier Salt Lake City, which is amazing. Atlanta reunion, which was hilarious. It was. Plus, real Housewives of Orange County, which looks like it's going to be amazing as well. That's four housewives. Didn't even realize when housewives. Sorry. Sorry Yeah, so but I that's but generally I'm sorry For those who were excited to find out what happened to the guy who was have I haven't watched it yet So I didn't see it last I went to sleep before it came on the air last night So even I'm wondering what happened to that poor man who was having a seizure at the end of last week So we'll we'll report back on that.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I'm sure next week when we do our proper recaps. Well, also, like if you're waiting for that Google, like literally in the live. If you care that much, Google it. Is that just a lot of life? Now, I don't care. Because you know what, people die. I don't know him.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I have enough to worry about over here, without worrying about some strange rambulodac. You know what, you didn't feel good, stay home. That's what I say. Now listen, what if he did die? I hope he didn't die. If you really did die, I'm sorry. I hope he's alive.
Starting point is 00:03:52 But I want to say, in terms of life cycles, real housewives of Atlanta, wow, everyone's talking, is this show going to get a reboot? Is it going to get a reboot? Who knows? But what I will say though is that, you know, I personally have been ragging on this season. I've actually ragged on the past few seasons because I think the show has been not as good as it really can be.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's been actually like bad. But that being said, credit where credit is due. This was a funny reunion. This was like this was some hilarious shit that happened on this hour Super interesting about the reboot talk can you went on to Carlos King? Hi Carlos. Hello, Carlos. Hello, Carlos. She went on there and she was basically complaining that they show they cut all of her storyline this year And that she had a huge opening for Kenya more haircare and they didn't show it and it's all productions fault and so now you might notice that all of
Starting point is 00:04:50 the comments online are like fuck production, they need new production, fuck them, production which is very rare to hear in comments but it's so funny that Kenya literally got pitch forks and torches out for production because you very rarely hear people specifically calling for production to get fired. So good for Ken, yeah, because she really got people around that. There was a TikToker who was great and made a TikTok going to Kenya more haircare and showing us that it is still not open. So Kenya, whatever. And maybe it's for the construction, so she has the second floor opening. Maybe it's that.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I mean, nobody really knows. But I just think it's very funny for Kenya to go try and rile everybody up about production and her storyline as if they cut anything good from this season. Kenya, your storyline was cut because you didn't do shit this season, but play with your kid and show up to collect your show.
Starting point is 00:05:46 And fall over. Let's stop pretending that you did any fucking thing this season except act like you were too good to film with anybody else. You went to the hospital two times. I came out with you, but that all said she's still an impressive manipulator that she can get everybody's wild-up and for no reason. Can yet is like, she is like a gift. She is one of the greatest villains we've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:06:13 She is so good at what she does, but I firmly believe that ever since this divorce, she has been presenting a version of herself that will make her life easier in the courts. And so, and I think that unfortunately, that means she has become much less, she is not a compelling reality TV person anymore. She is trying to be very prim and proper sometimes. Sometimes she lets out the classic Kenya, which is where she just goes after someone
Starting point is 00:06:49 in such a great manipulative way. But I think that like, I don't think we're getting the real Kenya. If we're not getting the real Kenya, I don't know why she is here. I love Kenya. I think that she is one of the pillars of this franchise. I think unfortunately, she may need to go
Starting point is 00:07:04 at least until her divorce is all settled. Well, you know, the reunion ended up being good. I had worries because this is the first part of it. Sonia getting out of a limo in New York going, ba-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap-bap. I was like, okay, I'm done. This is done. I almost turned it off
Starting point is 00:07:23 because this is gonna be the show where it's kept. Same. I can't stop trying to make pop, pop, pop happen. I've had it. I had it with the pop pop pop. I wanted Sonia to work. God, last season I really was pulling for her. I even hate Rice Krispies now.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I hate them. Even snap and crackle. Yes. Because they don't do anything to stop pop. Pop's just going. They just let pop do whatever the fuck they want in public. And at some point, you have to be responsible for your friend acting out.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Yeah, well, Sonia, like she, I feel like her time on the show is definitely should be done. And I don't know. I don't know what's in store for this reboot. I'm sure, I don't know. Are we putting this up after, we're putting this up after crappy hour, right? So know what's in store for this reboot. I'm sure, I don't know, are we putting this up after, we're putting this up after crappy hour, right? So we probably will have talked about this.
Starting point is 00:08:10 We probably will have talked this all through. So the point is this, Sonia not doing much to help team no reboot. Okay, so everyone's arriving, everyone's backstage, Andy's like backstage and he's sitting on the stage at like, he's meditating because the stage just set up to look like one of the sound bath that they went to in Portugal. So he's meditating and at this point I'm very, very, very concerned about what this reunion is going to be like. I'm like, oh man, they're
Starting point is 00:08:42 already putting in so much filler, they're not going to anything for us. So then Drew's hair guys, like, are you ready to gather these girls? And she's like, ready to gather them all at one time. That's a co-god Drew can't even fake being interesting for the very first part. We're in trouble. We're in trouble. And then in Marlos room, she's like, you know, I inspire these girls. These girls are happy every day I do this and then we see behind Marla. She has a chalkboard and it's called Xcon affirmations. I am light. I am love Kenya more is Can you list?
Starting point is 00:09:19 It is that mean can you list? Well, it's a it's I've's something that afflicts your fingernails maybe. Candy is old news. You got this live preaching OG. I fully missed that list. I'm so mad. So, um, not people come out on stage. Sonia has a beautiful baby bump.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So everyone's true. It's like, that's a blessing. And he's like, this is a blessing. I said it because I've got two kids. I'm a dad. I know about dad blessing. I can think what things because I'm a dad now. Okay, who picked the color theme for this years? Very what? Mermaid. Half-end. It literally looks like the backdrop of our video right now. It does.
Starting point is 00:10:10 It's like the crap that, listen, we should love it. We should take it as a tribute. Not this season. Not, do not give me a color tribute on this season. What happened? It looked like a piñata through a paper shredder. It looked like a smurf-themed party piñata put through a paper shredder. It looked like a smurf themed party pinata put through a paper shredder.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It was very little. And to that, I say who shreds candy? Who would do that? So here is also a bad sign. Drew Sadori, I guess the number one spot. I mean, I don't even understand how this happens. Someone online posted something that was like, like I wonder if Drew Sadori's back hurts
Starting point is 00:10:44 from carrying the whole season. I'm like, I that was like, like I wonder if Drew Sadoras back hurts from carrying all season. I'm like, I don't think she carried. She did not carry the season, please. Are you kidding? Nothing else, you're not. She doesn't even carry the groceries for the, she even doesn't even carry the groceries. She doesn't pay for for that fake ass chef
Starting point is 00:10:59 to come cook for her for two days in a row. Drew carries nothing. They picked up filming on this season for Drew to say nothing about anything. Please. I bet he thinks, I mean, I don't even know, I don't think anyone carried the season. This is like the time in ninth grade
Starting point is 00:11:15 when we went on a field trip and we went to like a ropes course and everything and we had to learn about trust falls, you know, and everyone stands up and falls backwards and we all put our hands out. We have everyone catches everyone. And then we all did it. And then we're like, Oh, Mr.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Cobra, our teacher, our science teacher, we're like, Mr. Cobra, Mr. Cobra, you do it. Do Mr. Cobra. So he put his hands up and he fell backwards. And I guess everyone thought that everyone else was going to be the whole doing the holding. He felt right through all of our hands and smack onto the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:44 This was like, when I was six years old and I woke up in the back of my parents suburban and the garage. You know why? Because I got really fat at that point. And I at my time, I said, carry me, carry me. And guess what? No one did. And I woke up in the back of the car. That was me. No one. No one carried Ronnie. no one caught Mr. Cobra. No one held anything. No one carried anything. Neither one of us ever trusted anybody ever again. So thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:17 This thank you this season for real housewives of Atlanta. Hey everybody, I'm happy going. Welcome to the season 15 reunion. We're hoping this Algarve Portugal helps us raise our vibrations. Can I get it? I am loving an awareness to start. I did everyone's like, I am loving your awareness. I know. Very long awareness after he was he talking. I love it. You get a catch your opening Sandy's like Kathy great to see you. I'm glad you we weren't two books as busy to join us today I'm sure we cleared this date with Don Juan. Many months ago. Ha ha ha
Starting point is 00:13:02 You're sure hey you look quite refreshed Ha ha ha ha ha. Y'all sure hey you look quite refreshed ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Why you do boo, why'd you get a new boo, but on your forehead? And sure is like well, I was having an issue with breathing. So I said, what do you fix that? Give me a little tweak on my nose and they actually reshape my fibroids into a nose shape. And then they put them on my face, and it was like, how are you so terrified of surgery because you wanted to have constant sex,
Starting point is 00:13:30 but then you got all that surgery anyway. What are you talking about? Well, I then had a sipping sea from my new face and it was great. And Bob revealed a new daughter to me. So then Andy is like, Hey, hello, Welcome, Monty. To what do we owe this transformation?
Starting point is 00:13:47 And she's like, well, I'm trying to get more to sample sizes. Oh, yeah, how you doing that? She's shots, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, shot, she's like, oh, so big, baby. And by the way, she's a little fantastic. And then Drew gives her a judgmental look, like, hmm, I guess some of us are doing a Zemback. Keep your judgment, keep your judgment, drop it with Drew.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Sorry, we can't, all there's 150 pounds in a week. Oh yeah, I'm so sorry that drop it with Drew didn't work for any of us. Yeah, I've heard. In my, I can't believe that's still the thing. Hello, well, by the way, drop it with Drewree. Doesn't even work for drop it with Dree. I saw your 404 errors on your fucking site. Get out of here with your judgment. So Andy's like, Kenya, I don't know how to keep my eyes off your boobs.
Starting point is 00:14:38 And it's a weird treat. You have an under-boob. That's not. Ah, feels so good to talk like this. I've been in my best behavior for four years, and I'm letting it all out again. Bimbs, bimbs, new face, bimbs, new boss, wait, wow! Drew, you're still boring. How's it going with you? And she's like, better, Andy, better.
Starting point is 00:15:00 And she goes, yeah, well, we're gonna get into the specifics of loving vagina later So you and Ralph are in the same house right now, huh? And she's like yeah, it's very awkward It's very difficult. It's very Challenging Andy, but what was it like after you guys got to divorce? La. La. La. La.
Starting point is 00:15:24 La. La. La. La. La. La. La. La.
Starting point is 00:15:32 La. La. La. La. La. La. La. La.
Starting point is 00:15:40 La. La. La. La. La. La. La. La. La. Well, have fun Christmas baby being overshadowed for the rest of your life. Exactly. Have fun having your Christmas presents doubled as your birthday presents.
Starting point is 00:15:51 That's gonna be a thing for you. I said, this is a Hanukkah baby myself. Yeah, that is a true, true thing. So Andy is talking about, okay, so we're immediately going into the segments because as you guys might've remembered in the past 20 whatever episodes, nothing happened. So let's just jump to our first segment, which is Shere's promising segments starting out with Martel leading to fibroids, leading to nothing. Nothing. Mecha, Bob and Maretta, your daughter. So, and he's like, so what's the story with my daughter?
Starting point is 00:16:27 And Shere is like, well, I heard this girl came around and I don't know how they found each other, but that was his daughter. They didn't take a blood test, so who knows. But I didn't ask anymore to tell us because I don't say I didn't care. And oh, you didn't care, really? So you came on National TV just to suggest that that's probably not really even his real daughter, just for fun, because it seems like you care. Who else would say that?
Starting point is 00:16:49 They didn't even take a blood test. It is funny. So then Andy's like, so why don't you tell you? And she's like, they probably knew I didn't give a shit. I mean, I don't know. We're divorced. Is someone that he got together with way before me. So, no, don't care.
Starting point is 00:17:04 She didn't make it into she news daily. Yeah, I'm candy goes. That was pretty crazy though. She goes, yeah, I mean, it was a jerk move for sure. Okay. Well, let's move on then, I guess. So Andy's like, okay, well, I'm speaking on it, both you and Drew, a Q-share of giving more face, specifically Drew's face candy. Because he's actually looking just like, right? So Candy whips out her phone and she's like, let me be clear. I was speaking about a very specific picture, Andy, when I said that Shere stole Drew's face, I just meant in that one specific picture.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Yeah. Candy's innocent, never does anything wrong. And Andy's like, well, that's like a compliment. And Shrek goes, she goes, I'm telling you, that was one of my worst picture pictures. So she thinks I look ugly. She looks like me at my worst. So guess what?
Starting point is 00:18:03 Pookie from Duckey says, Shirei, you say Martell is big dick energy, but do you mind that he's still spreading that big dick all over Huntsville, Alabama? Also, do you have any pictures or videos for verification? And she's like, you know, he's kind and respectful with me, but I did have to pull back because he's got so much mess. And Andy's like too much noise, and she's like,
Starting point is 00:18:29 yeah, too much noise. And can you guys, but don't you care about the revenge porn sherry? She's like, I don't know how accurate anything is, but yes, it was noise. And she's, oh, well, in case you didn't hear, he's threatening to release revenge porn on his ex-ambie. Sure, he's like a classy guy.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Well, Mar-Tug is classier every second. As Shere just ignores it. She's like, well, we still talk and we still hang out and I really liked him, but I like me more. So everyone's like, yay Shere. I love when Shere is like, yes, woman power. She wears, I like him, but I like me more. And everyone's like, girl power.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Meanwhile, she's fucking dating a guy sending revenge porn on the last woman he dated. Yeah, girl power, Sheree. Really killing it over there. But this is the first time that Sheree has actually gotten out of relationship like after only like a year and a half as opposed to like four years.
Starting point is 00:19:27 She's not out of her relationship. She's still dating that guy. She's just saying that's everybody gets off of her ass. That's probably what you can. That's your storyline. You have one interesting thing going on and it's this guy being a total dick bag all over the world and you refuse to talk about it. So first problem with the show, congratulations. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:19:42 So then Andy is like, so statue, a statue from of Liberty in a Thong says, can you, why did you wait so long to reveal that Martel slid into your DMs? Are we still talking about this? And Kenny is like, I didn't think it was serious. If it was casual, it didn't matter then. Then why would you give me the information?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I gave you the information when you said you were taming. I was like was that the cyber the place and Shreya's like well you're supposed to give that information before so I don't go into that direction I mean how am I supposed to know that I should use Google and type in his name I don't know how to use the computer and Kenny was like it was a relevant Shreya. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapence commercial. I want you to picture Steve Jobs tinkering with a computer in his garage. Walt Disney drawing cartoons for his high school newspaper.
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Starting point is 00:20:55 From box office flops like Cats the Movie, to Action Park, New Jersey's infamous theme park that had countless injuries, many lawsuits, and rides so wild it became known as Class Action Park, or Quibi, that short form video platform with an even shorter lifespan. It's a story of a spectacular failure with lots of surprises along the way. Enjoy the big flop on the Wondering app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen to the big flop early and add free on Wondering Plus. Get started with your free trial at Hey listeners, you need to know that Wondery's shocking true crime podcast over my dead body is
Starting point is 00:21:33 back for a fourth season, Gone Hunting. This newest season covers the story of Mike Williams. It was Mike's sixth wedding anniversary when he set off on a hunting trip into the gator-infested swamps of North Florida. He figured he'd be back in time to take his wife Denise out to celebrate, but he never came back. Friends and loved ones feared he met his fate through bad luck and a group of hungry alligators, leaving his young family behind. Except that's not what happened, at all.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And after 17 years, a kidnapping and the uncovering of a secret love triangle, the truth would finally be revealed. Enjoy over my dead body, gone hunting on the Wondering app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of over my dead body early and add free on Wondering Plus. Get started with your free trial at slash plus. So the Nandy says, well, you've given many interviews where you point out that Kenya doesn't have a man.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Do you want to remind Kenya that right now that Kenya doesn't have a man? By the way, Kenya, you don't have a man. And she's like, well, she's saying that Martel gave her a certain energy and it was unfair because she didn't have a man. And I'm saying, well, you know she didn't have a man and I'm saying well You know next time bring a man with you then if you have a problem with fighting without a man And Kenny's like well, I wouldn't want a man that speaks to his wife like that and treats women like that really because you married Mark
Starting point is 00:22:57 And you married Mark when he was speaking to women like that and treating women like that We saw it on television So you might want to get off the hot, get on the lower horse, find a lower horse to ride, man. Okay, you're getting a nose bleed. Those are horses too high. So then Shere says that Roy has all sorts of different women around town.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And then Kenya is like, well, the same could be said about Martel. And then he says, well, I think it's great. That you had this strength within yourself to cut and run, but please tell me you got some dick pics. I'm telling you, I really wanna see some of that shit. So let's just take stock here. We've got Kenya faking relationship with Call Me Kale,
Starting point is 00:23:38 and we've got Sheree faking relationship with Martel, or more accurately, faking not having a fake relationship anymore with Martel. And we faking not having a fake relationship anymore with Martell. And we've got who's Marlow and Scott Lee and Marlow and Scott Lee faking their relations. Drew and Ralph. That's a lot of fake relationships this year, guys.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Also just short and I was, and her fake cousin relationship, because that's not really there. You're not really even cousins but yeah, it's also I Was in LA this past week for a visit and guess what I did I door dashed Call me kill because there is a call me kill in LA, which I didn't know and I got two things to try them out Blanton tasteless. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:26 So there, there's your, your quinoa dish has no taste. Do we not know by now to flavor some quinoa? Your Greek salad was fine, but how can you make a lemon dressing with no flavor? It's literally made out of lemon. Terrible review for Call Me Kale. Also known as Kale Me Kale. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But we like to call, call me Kale. Kale Me Kale. Kale Me Kale. Kale Me Kale. Kale Me Sides. also known as Kelly, Kelly Crazy, but we like to call me Kelly. Kelly by your name. Kelly by. Kelly me. I was eating my quinoa and Timothy Shalamet started fucking an overaged person right in front of my balls. So that's the overage person. So Andy then turns the kidney goes, okay, can you please tell me your divorce is final? And she goes, well I wish I could say that, but Mark recently filed contempt charges against me. Antia, and he was trying to say that I was preventing him from seeing his child. And there was another issue where he cited where Marlow was kicking the door. And he used that, he gets me as well saying I was putting Brooklyn in an unsafe situation.
Starting point is 00:25:27 And Andy's like, well, what's your reaction to that, Marlow? She's, I felt awful. I apologize to Brooklyn for being in the middle of our bullshit. And Kenny goes, I'm sorry you did what? I don't even understand, but you're saying right now. And then Marlow's doing that reunion thing where she just smiles and just is so innocent to the reunions, you know. She's like, well, you don't have to understand Kenya.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You do not have to understand. Well, you are putting your daughter in an unsafe relationship by constantly insisting on bringing your daughter on real housewives vacations. You do not have to bring your daughter, stop pretending you can't afford an Annie, and leave your damn daughter at home. This is not bring your daughter to work,
Starting point is 00:26:09 it's a day every fucking day of your life, and you don't get to go home at 8 p.m. because you brought your daughter, you brought your giant, is excuse every time. Congratulations, you are all so fired. Yeah, because Marlow clarifies, she goes, well, I apologize for Brooklyn being in on our bullshit.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I hate that she was even there. That was her way of saying like, she should not have brought her on the trip. No, because originally she said, I apologize to her for this being on the bullshit. But then she goes back and says, I hate that she was even there. She's like, why are you bringing your child on this trip?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah, and I agree. This is not a trip for children. I don't care if you're like the kid is sequestered off in a room with O'Neal. I don't care if you're like the kid is sequestered off at a room with O'Neil. I'm with you. You get a nanny. Get a nanny. Get a fucking nanny, dude. Okay, and you know who deserves an apology? The Hyatt place who had their door kicked. That's who should have a restraining order. The Hyatt place of Birmingham. There are a lot of people in that lobby who might have wanted to use that door
Starting point is 00:27:06 at some point after they put down their vodka, pineapples and such. So now Kenya's doing this hold, which first just to go back to what Kenya said, he recently filed contempt charges against facing our wisdom alone to see my child. Well, you might want to allow him to see his child then. Hey, not to be on mark side, but I'm just saying that this whole thing she's now trying to pin on Marlowe when that was the first part of it. But now she's like, oh, well, you have to come to court now because you kicked on the door. And so now I am brought to Sabina and just to her Andy, it is her sub-pena. And Andy reads it because Andy's learned to stay on lesson. And there is not a damn thing on this page.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This was up there with the letter that Adriana handed over to Andy that said, like, dear Adriana, I am scared for Marisol is using me. She's doing terrible things to me. She's beating me. And I'm afraid that if I don't get out of this situation soon, I am going to die. Signed Marisol's liver. No, I disagree with you because that was one of the most
Starting point is 00:28:17 amazing moments in housewives for you, the history. This is just Kenya being fucking lazy and lame and not actually bringing anything to the reunion But a blank piece of fucking unfilled out Blank she printed out a subpoena form off legal zoom and tried to pass it off But Andy actually right and he's like it's blank. I beat it It's kind of like when people ask me to write down the all the story lines from this season. It's just blank, you know so right down all the storylines from this season. It's just blank, you know? So, that's lame.
Starting point is 00:28:48 It was like a nice tryback. But it was hilarious. I'll laugh it off. It was a joke. It was a genius. Oh, my assistant must have printed out the wrong one. You don't print out subpoenas. Like, you don't print out, like,
Starting point is 00:28:58 the subpoena is not something you don't go on. You don't go on to and print out the subpoena for court. Like like the subena, it doesn't work that way. And he's like, yeah, I do not accept this, and that's an accident. And Ken gets like, well, she's going to be a witness for me. You can be held in contempt if you're not. And Marlow said, I guess I could just go back to jail. Yeah, you could go back to jail.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And while you're there, you can say why you were calling and texting Mark two years ago. So now I know you're alarmed. Well, during discovery of the court case, I was able to subpoena his phone records and two years ago her number appears in his phone records. And we can't see what the tech say, but I can only see the number. So Andy's like,
Starting point is 00:29:41 so why were you texting Mark? I can also go, I don't remember. I don't remember texting Mark and Ken is like, you don't remember or texting Mark or you asking him about Dernombi? Because you did do that. And I'm like, Ken, you just said you weren't able to see the text messages. Well, she says that Mark is the one who told her, but Mark who also were not supposed to, Mark is an unreliable witness.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Like you can't use Mark as a character witness right now. You know what I mean? She's still a mess. So Andy's like, well, let's bring her back to Sheree. Okay, let's talk about Martel, not paying for your birthday, which is another thing, which was not on camera. So it's another thing that you guys shouldn't even be allowed
Starting point is 00:30:26 to bring up because your season was so fucking lame, you didn't even film this. So Shere is like, listen, if I decide to invite people out for my birthday, that this is my birthday then, and I'm inviting my friends, and Marta wasn't invited guest, and he goes, so you're saying you should take care of it? And she goes, me. She's like, no.
Starting point is 00:30:46 She's just, she's like, I was definitely not trying to say it because, oh, because I thought that's how you're gonna finish the sentence. She's like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Of course, I'm not gonna pay. I'm just saying that he's not expected to pay the whole thing. He's an invited guest. He puts, he puts in his part as much as everyone else. And then he's like, oh, I thought you said you were going to pay a show.
Starting point is 00:31:07 She's so mortified. Yeah. So then he goes, he says, why would I, she goes, why would I pay for my birthday, then he goes, well, you do have a very interesting relationship with bills. I think Candy goes, ah, Jesus. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Johnny and looks at Candy when she says that. So now she has come for Candy randomly. And now it's on. So we see the guy from five years ago, hiring Fadra as his lawyer, saying,
Starting point is 00:31:53 they're gonna open a restaurant and that restaurant was the same concept of mine. And I was like, steak? Was it the steak of it? No, it was OLG. And Candy's like, my restaurant is based on my aunties. So I'm not really sure how somebody came up with my aunts,
Starting point is 00:32:09 but whatever, guys. And she goes, oh yeah. And what about the guy who said he was the one who had the fashions and the fashions that you didn't even bother putting on your website of your business? Because of course, Shere has been taking the court for not paying back. Like, Shere ever paid a bill?
Starting point is 00:32:26 So then Shere pulls out a piece of paper as if she has like invoices or like a log of payments that just a printout of Rwans. Instagram Rwans, Rwans was or Rowan, Rwans was the woman who was helping Shere put up the fashion show last season and Instagram posts was basically like, hey, I paid the guy and then Shere reimbursed me. There's no issue here. And I just love that that was like her evidence. Was it printed out Instagram of someone else that's like, testify got a rap in a very uneventful way that is not legally binding whatsoever. By the way, this is the third person who's whipped out a piece of paper as
Starting point is 00:33:04 evidence. Just sit on filing cabinets. Where are we even bothering? I know. I know. Just have everybody come out. They need to make like filing cabinets with cushions on top. Who was the first person to do this?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Was it Anna from Miami when she pulled out like a Manila folder against Leah Black? I think that she started it, but I could be incorrect. I would love to. Please like and subscribe and write in the comments Who was the first one to bring start bringing pieces of paper to reunions. Thank you very much. So Saray shows her Instagram post and then she's like so There were fashions for the fashion show and he also has the transfer to his bank with proof and receipts.
Starting point is 00:33:46 So don't believe everything you read on the internet except for this, which is something that was read on the internet. But it counts differently because I printed it on actual paper and paper is not on the internet. Katie is like, but half of those the fashions on your runway, half of them are not on your site. It's crazy. So what? Why are you so bothered by she buys you right go mop the nasty ass floors in your restaurant mop the nasty I could confirm those floors were actually pretty dirty. I remember feeling
Starting point is 00:34:14 Those floors were really mop yeah, they weren't even be mopped because it was carpeted which is also sort of a weird thing Think candy goes a girl toe. I'm sure he goes. Oh, really I think Candy goes a girl, so I'm sure he goes, oh really? They're oily. And Candy says, worry about your new drawn on face or whatever you've got going on over there. And so now it's for race to dance up
Starting point is 00:34:32 and like comes for Candy, but no one really believes it. And he's like, okay, sit down. It's just like you could never, she's like showing off her body or face. She's like, look at this, you could never. You could never, you could never. And Candy's like, you're talking about butt shots or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:46 You put all the shots in your face, but Candy's kind of like getting, she's getting messed up on her own words. So she's having these sort of like janky reads, but Sharaz doing janky reads also and everyone's like, okay, you too. He just all sit down. And Sharaz's like, I actually had some of my face filters
Starting point is 00:35:02 removed and then Candy said, then why were you on TV with your face looking all crazy? And then sorry goes not bitch. She goes how do I look now? Small face my face small face starts pointing get can't be and can he says you're a load down 30 nothing as bitch and down 30 nothing as bitch and straight goes bitch face small face you can't sit with me I have a regular face and you have a small face yeah and I also like also in the middle of that she goes she goes how do I look now bitch and Kenny goes you look much better she like yells like an affirmation towards her so Ken is like I won't say it with you anywhere keep tightening up your work and then he goes did you it's like he's like, I won't say it with you anywhere. Keep tying up your work. And then he goes, did you?
Starting point is 00:35:46 It's like, why are you saying big face little face? And Shregg goes, oh, because I was swollen before. But no, I'm not. So Shregg goes, this whole exchange, Shregg, wow, so hard. You can't sit with me, small face. So Andy goes, but don't you guys all go to the same place to get your face done?
Starting point is 00:36:06 What? So anyway, so he goes, okay. So she hands him the paper. So he's like, okay, well, what you handed me is the woman who did your fashion show, saying that you paid your bills and candy guys, come on. Most of those clothes were not even on the website. And so she raised like, well, what do you care?
Starting point is 00:36:25 And Candy says, because you came from my business and she says, well, focus on your business. And she says, but I do. And she goes, then why do you keep having shootings? And you know what? And she brings out more papers. And then Drew goes, not pamphlets. And she is printed out newspapers.
Starting point is 00:36:45 It was like the newspapers. I printed out in seventh grade when I just bought Claris Works, while I didn't bought my parents' body. I knew you were breaking up fucking Claris Works. I wrote it down online. Did you really write down Claris Works? Because, you know, I had a new Mac.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I got a Mac from my bar mitzvah. By the way, that's what I got. It was a Mac and I had Clarice Works. And if you went on the drawing section of Clarice Works, you could make your own little newspapers and I would do my own newspapers. And that's literally what Shreddidge did. Like a Ben Mandelker seventh grade newspaper.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I was called the She News. And it was like a full fledged thing. She actually wrote articles or her assistant wrote articles for this thing. And I don't know why she has not scandered in and put it on social media yet. That was so, so funny. And then, it can be goes,
Starting point is 00:37:32 well, I wish you would print some fashions. And she's like, she goes, look everyone, look at the closet tags. They're $75 versus $9.99 at S-N because they're calling her C-by-C-N. Right. Everyone's dying laughing at those because these newspapers are literally hilarious. Yes. And so he has to go do the doll.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Everyone's talking over themselves. Yeah. And so he's like trying to, first he's like, he's like, laddies, laddies, and then he's there's a little little Leanne lock and bowl that he's trying to hit. And then there's like, he goes up to the gong and bangs it to to get their attention which I'm not sure any of that actually even worked but eventually they Yeah, so she's like how can you compare a store that I've had going for 14 years to your stupid She buys you a website which is not even working and Kenya Can you go? Hey, I'm not even in this newspaper. Why don't Warrant Eye on the Cover?
Starting point is 00:38:25 This is trash. And she's like, well, I thought about it, but I couldn't find a great picture. So everyone starts laughing. She's like, no, no, no, no, no. I mean, there's so many. I couldn't never tell. I was an accidental read.
Starting point is 00:38:37 So then Andy's like, okay, well, I want to point out that the first six pages of the She News are devoted to taking down candy's restaurants and you seem to have put together any bad reviews or any articles that are unfavorable and then the last two pages are devoted to tags, your store 14 years, so which is still going strong and has some fashions from She-In and Ali Express. It's a great publication who said that newspapers were dead. By the way, I would.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I died, but she just went and copied and pasted bad yell for views. And the middle news. I am subscribing to this newspaper. I love the idea of just like a deep dive on shitty restaurants and then some shade on a restaurant. But shit is hilarious. So Andy's like, okay, so did anybody get to keep the merch that Shirei gave in Portugal? And so she brings out like a bag for Drew.
Starting point is 00:39:31 She buys Shirei bag. There's so many props this region. A lot of props. And there's a present inside of it. And it's a clacker that says, and seen. And then Drew starts cracking up. And Candy actually says, wow, Drew, that's, you just said something pretty decent
Starting point is 00:39:52 who's been helping you with your reads this year? Which I might, because. Oh, I thought that was towards Jere, because. Oh, I thought, oh, it was about like, that would make more sense. But somehow in my head it just made more sense to Drew. And he's like, okay, so we're done with the prop comedy. All right. So Drew, despite a year filled with family drama, you stepped it up.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Get it? Through it all. You proved you were good. I didn't get it. Step up. Cause she was in step up, I think. There was a stompy yard. Who is step up? So Andy's like, uh, so we got through the drew segment, uh, Drew's terrible fake video and her fake marriage or her fake everything, everything, everything. Everything you already know. And so Andy's like, he's like, so how should he move it with candy and Todd?
Starting point is 00:40:44 Was it like going to a lemonade sand, but with movie version? And she's like, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I mean, 10 days, that's a very aggressive schedule. But it was top tier. I mean, the food was great. The trailer was great.
Starting point is 00:40:57 The director was exciting for him to do his first movie. He's actually normally works at TJ Maxx. So that was exciting for him. And he was really top tier. And Andy's like, well, um, Candy, what did you feel when you heard Drew say from now on, she's only doing lifetime or above. And Drew's like, oh my God, give me a break. I was tired.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Sorry, I was talking to my assistant. And Candy goes, good luck with that. It's kind of true, but also Drew's totally right about this. And she's like, I came below when I normally get paid. And Candy goes, oh, so what you're saying is you're not going to do independent movies anymore. Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing the past debut at Sundance next year. Also, well, it was on Peacock.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I mean, that's not so bad. I mean, they had this whole big Peacock tie-in for this movie. They're releasing major releases on Peacock. And also, Marlow mentions like, oh, I heard that she only got pay, oh, Sharay says, I heard she only got 10,000 for all of that work.
Starting point is 00:42:01 And Candy's like, we paid her more than that. Wow. 10,000 grand, I believe that. I believe they made so much money and people. This is why people are striking this right here that you make this whole and granted. It was a shit movie. It was not a good movie. I watch the whole thing. But they put this home movie on Peacock. Candy and Todd made a lot of money from that movie. And you're going to give it Drew. Now, Drew's acting was it worth more than ten grand. It was not worth more than $10. It was terrible. Well, maybe Drew got some
Starting point is 00:42:28 points on the backend. Although I doubt it, I don't think Candy and Todd would be the first to get points from a movie that's released on peacock. How do you make any money from anything that's released on streamers? That's a, that's, that was a little thousand or something for the, for the guilds right there. So then Drew changed everything So uh so Drew says trix over. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crappin's commercial I know that was that was that was serious everyone Bob I was like wait a second guys I was listening to this podcast,
Starting point is 00:43:05 they're a recapping real house, I was in Atlanta, and then this podcast that made this really strong point about this movie, The Pass. How would Drew Siddora make a living off of what we streamers are giving them? Drew Siddora deserves to eat. Strike us over, we give it!
Starting point is 00:43:20 So basically, if she was like, look, I believed in what they were doing. You've got this nobody-tod trying to do, asking his friends to come together for a bigger purpose. And I do have a minimum ask through my union. So she got paid union scale, which is, no, she got lower than union. It sounds like she says, I have a minimum and she said she wouldn't below it. She basically was like, I was doing you a favor.
Starting point is 00:43:41 It was for the TV show. And I knew that it might get onto P-Cock. That's basically what she's saying so Puffy from chair says Ken, yeah, you tweeted you were disappointed and drew shade about your acting career You said so disappointed by dreams comments. I've always supported her dreams I've never asked her about her acting career scene career when she fell off Oldie encouraged her and praised her. Wow, I'm going for it on revoked.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Wow, but you threw shade. Say her music video was low budget Beyonce. Well, that's the difference, can you? Well, the difference is I'm reshading production. And the whole like whoa, whoa, whoa, is because I mean, I think that you need more than that,
Starting point is 00:44:22 because you are talented, Drew. You are. And Marla's like, gas think that you need more than that because you are talented, Drew. You are. And Marl is like, gas lighting you, just like Ralph. Just like Ralph. Drew is like, well, but I was the creator director of that project. I was the creative director of that project. So when you're shading production, you're shading me. I literally picked my own skates and I also asked people
Starting point is 00:44:47 to wear leggings. So I'm creative director. I take umberage at being called low budget Beyonce, but I'm looking forward to people seeing my new song for my new album called, Renaissance. So, when one comes to see me at Renaissance, it's a nice low budget Beyonce. Beyonce, the whole concert. Okay, so you know how her, one of her poses for Renaissance is her lying down. She's like lying on her side. It's a beautiful photo.
Starting point is 00:45:20 She's naked. But then they'll show different outfits. She's still lying down in that exact same pose, but in a different outfit. And I was like, is this whole show about a fucking nap? Like, did the aunt say, did the aunt say, make a literal show? So we were calling it like, we're like,
Starting point is 00:45:35 I love napassons, yes! Sorry. So Andy is like, so did it upset you that Drew accused you of making up the Latoya situation to get ratings for your movie? And Candy's like, I was very offended. And Drew is like, then why did you say in 2021, if you misread the situation, you were wrong. And Candy's like, well, I was just joking. I mean, I was just trying to be a good friend to you because like I was trying to be like, since we're in a relationship, I was just joking. I mean, I was just trying to be a good friend to you because I was trying to be like, since you were in a relationship,
Starting point is 00:46:06 I wanna be like, well, because you were married and I know why you were going so hard about it. I want, she was basically, Ken just based the saying, I'm giving myself an out, just to call myself wrong because I can see this might be fucking up your relationship right now.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And so, and he's like, well, is there a chance, Ken, that you saw it wrong? And Ken, he's like, no, I definitely saw her. I didn't imagine it. The movie was, by the way, the movie didn't even exist back then, so how are you even telling me
Starting point is 00:46:31 that I'm making up this whole storyline to promote a movie when it already happened? And I'm like, well, I think the point is that you're bringing it up again to help promote the movie, but even that I don't believe either, because that is such a stretch. So, Sana's like, well, the one whose story keeps changing is Latoya's. And Drew's like, those are candy coated lies. Those are candy coated lies. Drew's true with her rehearsed.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Her rehearsed reads coming through as usual. And Drew's like, I was just told to go along with it, because a lot of people are afraid of the queen, Candy Burst, because she has 10 million followers. Oh, okay, so that's the new victim shield. Like, you have less followers, so we have to consider your trauma in having less followers and candy. Be quiet, you made out with some girl, everybody saw it.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Stop your gay panic and stop with your bullshit. Oh my God, my kids are gonna see this. They're also gonna see you putting up with a lot of Ralph's bullshit Which I would I would much rather see your kids see you making out with a girl then dealing with the disrespect of fucking Ralph that fucking monster Hate that guy Ralph and a stupid cardboard cut out of himself Drew is basically like, yeah, so she's basically like, yeah. Like people are afraid of going up against queen candy burrs, so candy is like, well, I saw you,
Starting point is 00:47:55 Kenya saw you, Marlow, did you see her making out with Latoya? And Marlow was like, well, I saw 80% and I changed my answer because Drew was like, oh my kids, my kids, my kids. But then she's like, she's like, but this is what I saw 80% and I changed my answer because Drew was like, oh my kids, my kids, my kids. But then she's like, she's like, but this is what I saw. So she gets her, she puts her face right up on I think Shurite's face. So Drew goes, oh, so we were talking.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You saw us talking. It's true. That was a centimeter away from someone's face. That is not a conversation. And Sonny's like, yeah, you're not, so you didn't see them kiss. And Candy's like, please, you had your arms around each other and then you were this close to each other's like, please, you had your arms around each other
Starting point is 00:48:25 and then you were this close to each other's face. Please, all the time we're sitting here saying, okay, before we get into this part, I just wanna say, I changed my answer because Drew's like my kids, my kids, my kids, I saw them all this close in each other's face. Wait a minute, Marlotte, did you see her or not?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Oh, damn it, I forgot what I was gonna say. Okay, we can get it into this part. This is where, oh, no. It's, I'm afraid everyone's afraid to come after Candy Burr, it's the Queen Bee because she has two million followers. Everybody came for Candy this year. Yeah. Literally everybody came for Candy.
Starting point is 00:48:57 That's true. That article makes no sense. I mean, that argument makes sense. Okay, so then this is where Candy loses me, though. She's saying, all this time, you're sitting here saying that you've been gaslighted by Ralph, but the way you sit here and lie on this chair, I'm thinking for sure now you're the one gaslighting him. Okay, now listen, candy. I get you have some problems with through, but to sit there and take Ralph's side even for a second
Starting point is 00:49:23 over anything is bullshit. And Candy often comes on here and takes the side of the terrible man. And I hate when she does that. Yeah, I don't think that Drew is gaslighting Ralph. I think Drew is a, I think she's a liar for short because she lies about things. Look at drop with Drew. I think that Drew is like a grifter and a liar for short, for sure, but Ralph is the actual gas lighter here. This was, this was not, I also was with you with this one. I was like, no, Candy, that's, that's not right. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Because Ralph is like the gas lighter, okay. And, but she's like, you are a liar. And the truth isn't in you. Oh, it's Sonia who, it's like in case you forgot that Sonia was there. Because it was very easy to forget. She's like, oh yeah, you lied on me last year. Yeah, she says, you lied on me Drew, you lied on me last year. And Andy's like, so Drew, how's your song going? And she goes, wait, wait, hold on, Andy, I just wanna make sure that we're good, Candy.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Really, you were just screaming Candy-coded lies over and over. I know. Look, what are you talking about, you fakeo? So they all start cracking up. And Andy goes, I don't think that you're good. I don't know, what are you talking about? You fake. Oh, so they all start cracking up. And he goes, I don't think that you're good. I know. I think you're not good. I can really want to guarantee you. You're not good. He goes, you just wish her side to railside. You're not good. And Kenny goes, we were all rooting for you. So Andrew's like, she's like, well, my math may not be
Starting point is 00:50:42 mathing. I literally sound like Andy Cohen now, by the way. She's like, you know, because I have the reading in Zrandico and shows up, looking like he just took a, sounding like he just took a hit from a bomb, which is what my COVID chest sounds like right now. So Drew's like, my math may not be mathing, but where did I lie?
Starting point is 00:51:00 I mean, except for the amount of weight I lost, I mean, other than that, I haven't lied on this show. What's the way producers immediately show footage? That's a huge lie. With your whole business is called Drop It With Drew. That's a little fraud, by the way, you could go to jail. And then the producers add, they show footage in 2021 where she goes, I've got a girl before,
Starting point is 00:51:19 and then 20, 23, I've never kissed a woman before. So he asked about the song again and she's like, oh my god, it's amazing. It did 100K in one day and it just got put on BET, which I don't, I don't understand that. Well, I can't wait for everyone to hear my follow up single hazy and love. It of course cozy blankets. All the women who are not in relationships. I can see a corona of light around your head. Paddle board. Paddle board. So break my
Starting point is 00:52:07 inner essence. So Andy's like, and you do realize the staff that everyone goes to Africa now, right? Drew goes, I can go every time. Drew goes, I can own it. That's funny too, because we know you literally can't afford to own anything. You owe $1,000 to your chef. Sandy's like, oh, and Kenya, you also thought Portugal is in Spain!
Starting point is 00:52:32 And she's like, yeah, that was my biggest mistake on this show, Andy. I'm bad at geometry. It's like, okay. All right. And the fact that you say that's your biggest mistake on the show while you're in a 10-year divorce with Mark. All right. And the fact that you say that's your biggest mistake on the show while you're in a 10 year divorce with Mark. I know. So like, come on.
Starting point is 00:52:50 So then Andy's like, Marlow, Matt from Locke wants to know if you're sorry about your treatment of Drew this season, you really need to learn to control your emotions and stop bashing women for their bodies, not everyone can pay to fix them like you. And that's the reason. That's the reason.
Starting point is 00:53:07 That's the reason. And that's the reason. And Drew is like cheering and circling, snapping. And when I was like, everyone on this couch has had something done to their body or their face. I only had LIPO and just LIPO and I've had it three times. And Drew is like, you're so insulting, you're so out of touch, you don't have a touch, you're touchless, you're a touchless person,
Starting point is 00:53:31 no penetration, touchless. It's like, okay, well, I was like, why are we moving into like, kinds of car washes? You are like a premium experience where we will be wax on the undersides. Drew is terrible at this. Like it is, I have to say, Drew is fun to watch because she's so delusional and such a compulsive liar that it's funny watching her set up her life in one way and then completely just going downhill. Like, that is a classic sign of a good housewife.
Starting point is 00:54:06 But God, the reading is just... I mean, it's fundamental. Like, that needs to be a part of it. And I'm sick of settling for less. Like, Drew does have all this other stuff going for her, but these reads are just... You are touchless. Well, also Marla's not so great at it,
Starting point is 00:54:22 because her reads come from gay panic. She's like, oh yeah, you like to touch a lot. You like to tone kiss you like to tone kiss girls and deny it You like tone kissing girls and you were shaped to admit it you kissed a girl and you liked yeah And he's like okay, okay, okay, okay? Well Drew you couldn't give us many details of your divorce and your final interview Are you ready to give us a little bit more information on Ralph joins us later? Can you explain why his head is shaped the way it is? I've wanted to know for three years.
Starting point is 00:54:52 We gotta get to the bottom of this. With a tiny hat put on him when he was a baby and sawed a soft head and then just left on his head for years while his skull actually formed. Was he forced to a conehead convention when he was very, very young? So true, it's like I have children to protect and we're still married and I believe in the secrecy of that. Like the secrecy is not a word. It's
Starting point is 00:55:25 secrecy a word. It's not a word. It's not a word. Don't get it. You know I already looked that up. Secrecy is not a word. I believe in the secrecy of secrecy. But it's the best when it comes from somebody holy. It's like I come from a church family where I sing in church and I believe in secrecy. Yes, I believe in secrecy, which is why I became very, very impassioned about our random pastors, random preachers, marital issues two years ago that I'd nothing to do with anything, but force it onto the show. Profit lot. What was his name?
Starting point is 00:55:57 Profit lot. Profit lot. Oh my God. Yes. Because he may have had an illicit affair with Latoya. We should have known then this was. Yes. That was the harbinger. How do we not know? Like the reboot should have happened right then and there. That was
Starting point is 00:56:08 hilarious. But that was also classic and hilarious. It was hilarious. That was a terrible season on on its own, but God, that part was so funny. That's the same part where she showed up to the she showed up to the party where everybody had to spend a thousand dollars and she brought a mixed tape in a boom box. Yeah, she thought, I mean, she thought it was like a guy gift night, and then it wasn't. So, Sonya's like, well, she goes,
Starting point is 00:56:32 you guys don't think you can mend it, and Drew's like, as of right now, we're just going through the process, and can you say, well, things can change. Like, why are you guys rooting for these two to get back together? Ralph is terrible. Say what you about Drew. Ralph is terrible. Yeah. Yeah. So then we're taught, they go on break and they're
Starting point is 00:56:52 having small talk and trace bragging about getting your shoes for $39 and Marla saying that she started, she just started Pilates and she'll be like, when? Yesterday? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha with the real ass-wise of Atlanta. We are joined by some friends. Welcome, manietta and Gordi, manietta. Did you notice any collusion backstage? Yeah. Manietta's like, maybe, okay, great, manietta, thanks so much for being here. It's not, you've been great. What is, what is the shape of Courtney's?
Starting point is 00:57:42 It's like a whole, it feels like someone's like, it feels like a drunk person trying to make like a kissy. It was awful. I'm sorry, it was awful. Despite what Marlowe later says, it looked like it was like the top, or like the top of a, either a Christmas tree or a wedding cake,
Starting point is 00:57:55 but turned into a dress. It was not good. I didn't like it. So he's like, I go, honey, how are you related? What's his buns? And Courtney's like, I can't see how you related to what's his buns. And Courtney's like, my dance sister is married to Wilson. Cool.
Starting point is 00:58:10 What does that mean? You are not cousins. Yeah. Well, you're like your dad's sister. So your aunt's sister. Your aunt is married to Ralph's uncle. So that's tenuous. Well, they're like cousin-
Starting point is 00:58:27 That's some tenuous cousin, dumb. I actually don't think of that tenuous. I mean, that's literally just like right there where the family tree is like, it's like, aunt and uncle. Like someone's uncle. I don't really understand family trees. It is literally like-
Starting point is 00:58:42 I think it's my problem with being unable to grasp just trees. Well, this is just an interesting tree. But it's based like an ant in an angle or married and a popular tree. It's it's a popular. It's boring. It's a boring it's a boring tree. The most boring tree. Is it there? I don't know which actually don't know what they look like to be honest. Oh really? Well, Google it. You know why you don't know because it actually don't know what they look like to be honest. Oh really? Well, Google it. You know why you don't know? Because it's ass is born. I'm going to look, okay?
Starting point is 00:59:08 Got popular trope, or popular. I don't know how to say it even. I say popular. I'm going to look. I hate them. They're those ones that are shaped like a gigantic elongated traffic cone that just looks like a really cool thing. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:19 They're like trying to be a cypress tree, but they're not. It's like way to go. They're like the Courtney of trees. Like you're not a full fledged cast member. You're a cypress tree, but they're not. It's like way to go. They're like the Courtney of trees. Like you're not a full fledged cast member, you're not cypress. Cause look at a cypress tree. A cypress tree? I've never seen a cypress tree.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Cypress trees are what poplar is. By the way, I have like, I literally have like 10 poplar trees right outside. Wait a minute. I thought these were the same trees. I've always called them poplar trees. Are they the same? Cypress. Our cypress and poplar trees. Are they the same? Cypress.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Are Cypress and Poplar the same? Now we got to get to Cypress versus Poplar. I love doing it versus on Google. Compare a giant Cypress with Lombardy Poplar. They look the same, no. But I hate these kind of trees. These tall, skinny Christmas trees. I think Cypress trees are fatter,
Starting point is 01:00:06 and popular trees are the really super thin. I feel like next to each other. It's like a bunch of thin people trying to block you from sitting at their table, and they all stand right next to each other. It's like we may be thin, but 10 of us can block you from sitting at this table, Ron. So I feel, here's what I feel like.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I feel like Cypress trees are like the naturally skinny ones and poplar trees are not naturally skinny, but they are cut to look like Cypress trees, but they're not Cypress trees and they're like faking it. That's my theory. Let me tell you, in the past five minutes, I have Googled poplar trees and Cypress trees and both of them turned in better performances than both Mannyeta and Courtney the season. What a fucking waste. I also have to say. Oh my god. I've to see how they're pronounced pronounced pronunciation because what of us is saying it wrong and I don't it's Poplar. No, no. Poplar. I'm calling it a poplar. I don't care. Poplar. Poplar.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Oh, a poplar. Did you hear that? No. Oh, we're both wrong. Poplar. Poplar. Oh, with Poplar, did you hear that? No. Oh, we're both wrong. Poplar. Do you want to be Poplar? Poplar. Poplar. Poplar. That's funny.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Because the Poplar are like the Poplar girls standing next to each other, trying to block me from sitting at the table. I feel like Poplar girls. Poplar's not like the last name of like your aunt's friends like also it's not going to Deb Papler the other day you know what she told me best buys closings. Yeah, you know she got a pop a pop smear. She got a pop smear by yeah, she got a papler got a pap smear. Yeah, a dad popular.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah, a dad popular got a pap smear. The pap were following her you know local newspaper we call him the pap's just some kids. She was being followed by the pap were following her, you know, local newspaper we call him the pap's just some kids. She was being followed by the pap's list. Okay, so Andy's like, that's weak. And Courtney's like, they're pants on here. You're asking for it from nice me. And so then Drew's like, you're giving fake cousin to me and Courtney's like, you're talking fake. You're gonna talk about it. I'm gonna talk about it. Everything about you is fake, so let's not start. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. So then Drew is like,
Starting point is 01:02:13 Drew is like, she's like, oh, she's come again so hot. Let's, let me see Courtney catch. So then she, she goes into her bag and she pulls out a plum and it goes, they didn't have peaches for you baby. So she throws a plum. So here you go. And so she throws a plum at her around. I love a stone fruit, yes.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yeah, and Courtney's like there. She goes with the corny props again. Like Drew still, I mean, Courtney has a point here. Drew is terrible with props and she's still doing it. And so Andy picks it up and just eats it. He's like, fuck this job. Finally, something healthy and crowd services. Well, with the help of a life coach, Marlo tried to evolve into Marlo 2.0, but it seemed like I'm more than one occasion. She might have pulled the old Marlo out of the archive.
Starting point is 01:02:58 So we get the Marlo segment. So Andy asks about Scott Lee and they're having fun and they haven't met each other. The kids haven't met each other. And then, um, bake. Yeah. And then there's that too. And then, Flee from Mignon asks, Marlow, you haven't been on a date in four years, but surely you were getting your needs back. Tell us what you were really up to before Scott Lee.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I'm like, what, you want to just masturbation? I mean, what do you want her to say? She's like, you know, Andy, I'm not really into the bedroom or something. I was like, oh, okay. Can it, did you see Kenya? I think we mentioned it last week, but can you reposting that picture that was taken
Starting point is 01:03:36 and it was a shot at Marla's house of her hugging one of the nephews and you see a chairlift in the back going up the stairs. Did you see that? Like her Ted Turner chairlift. Like her lift. Marlow. Marlow's like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:48 When I'm off the clock, I'm just done. Okay. Can a woman just take a damn break? Yeah. So, um, this is Marlow's just a bunch of fake crap. It's like her boyfriend who's fake. Then it was the DMs, which was fake. Then it's like, why is it okay for Kenya's guy to slide
Starting point is 01:04:06 into Marla's DMs, but it's not okay for Roy to slide in, it's not okay for Martel to slide into Kenya's DMs. Yeah, all that good stuff. So then Kenya's like, well, he said it wasn't a date. They took a lunch and he doesn't remember. He said, I don't remember, but I took a lunch and yada, yada, yada, and yada. It's really deeply uninteresting because really who cares about Roy? It really is.
Starting point is 01:04:36 The best part is just that Kenyah kind of lies herself into another corner because, well, first, Marla is like, we talked, we went to Chupa Rika or something. And Kenyra goes, you went to Taco Bell. She goes, no, it was Chupa Rika, which I guess is like a Taco Bell style place. And Keny goes, we know from Marlowe that was in a date, because her dates end when money is left on that dresser. And he's like, okay, but come on,
Starting point is 01:05:00 it had to annoy you that he went out with Marlowe. And she's like, it was a long time, didn't speak to her again. And then Andy said, but then why didn't Roy come on, it had to annoy you that he went out with Marlowe. And she's like, it was a long time. Didn't speak to her again. And then Andy said, but then why didn't Roy come on the show? And Keny says, because he was offended that Marlowe said that she was the one he popped his cherry. And Andy's like, yeah, but that ad didn't come out till after the show was airing. So the show was filmed already.
Starting point is 01:05:22 So why wouldn't Roy come on the film? And then she was like, why wouldn't he come on film earlier? And she's like, because he knew it was said. She said it was in the super cheese. That would probably be on the super cheese. And he's like, but the super cheese doesn't come out until we're done wrapping. And she's like, yeah, but he had heard about what we had talked about. And so then when the super cheese came out, it was a turn off because
Starting point is 01:05:45 he's like a businessman. And so he basically, he has a time machine. If you put the kale together in a certain way and add that right kind of dressing, it can take you into the future. So in the future, he saw the Super Teas and he came back. He said, I'm not going to film. So everybody's just going to show up in life. It's bad enough if you guys didn't show up and do your damn jobs all season. Now you're just going to show up in my it's bad enough you guys didn't show up and do your damn jobs all season Now you're just gonna show up in my about literally everything. Yeah, this is ridiculous now. I will say it's also very funny Well dead paplar from Cape Coral Florida said one of her favorite moments of the season
Starting point is 01:06:19 Was when Marlow did her fashion corner at Gucci brunch She also says does anyone have a good recipe for a hot dish versus getting stale? Well, anyway, can Marlow do a fashion corner for the ladies reunion looks? Um, I have to be the one to break it to you. Wasn't funny then wasn't funny today. Marlow sucks at this and she will never be doing fashion police. Thank you. Joan Revers wasn't having just going,
Starting point is 01:06:48 that's what I gotta, thank you. Joan Revers wasn't having, just going, boop. That's what I gotta say to you. My love's like, kind of like that, don't like that. Like that, I love your boobs. The end. She and she loved Courtney's. Actually, it was like, this is pretty cool. She seems to be giving like, and honest. She wasn't like being super mean to the people she didn't like. But then when she said that, Courtney, I'm living for this, she goes, this is so over the top. I'm here for every bit
Starting point is 01:07:09 of it. It's so amazing. I was like, okay, this is no, I'm not a fashion gay, but even I think Courtney's look is great. I feel like I have confidence in knowing that Courtney's look was crazy. So rumors of sex lies in Marlow's videotape revealed a divided alliance with a collusion or delusion So then we get to Collusion why would Monietta say the word collusion and she's like well I just thought it was weird that Courtney was saying that she would never go against Sharay But she was Sharay's by the way I feel like everyone's forgetting like the narrative has been that Courtney is drew that she would never go against Saray. But she was Saray's, by the way, I feel like everyone's forgetting, like the narrative has been that Courtney is Drew and Ralph's cousin, but she actually came on as Saray's
Starting point is 01:07:52 friend initially and then they found, oh, by the way, isn't it funny that she's cousins with Ralph? So like her Aunt Ray was not with some sort of loyalty to Drew, she was always loyal to Saray. Right. I was swallowing my spit and it was more interesting to what happened in this segment. So basically Mannyetta is accusing them of being in an alliance while she has
Starting point is 01:08:15 done nothing but lick the assholes of her friends this entire season. She's like, yeah, a tattletail done everyone else. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's like Mannyetta. Okay. Sorry. I'm everyone else. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's like, yeah, okay, sorry, I'm slow. I can't believe it. No, both of it. So this shows riding my brain. So basically, it's this whole thing
Starting point is 01:08:33 where I'm on Yadda's trying to explain herself. And then Courtney's like, but what I was saying was this bitch, I was saying it about Latoya. Like this bitch is trying to tell me blah, blah. But then she goes, now she's changing her story for the third time. And she goes, no, I was imitating. I was imitating on the tape. What Drew was saying?
Starting point is 01:08:52 I was, it was an imitation of Drew talking about Latoya. So now she's saying when she said this bitch, which by the way, the fact that the term this bitch in the context, regardless of how it is, the this bitch there, the way she said it on that tape was so not a malicious this bitch. It was so low-wheeled. It was so low-wheeled. Miss bitch. This bitch. It was not like you bitch. It was this bitch. So, but either way, now she's saying she was imitating truth. And so now she keeps on saying it's an imitation and she keeps on referring to it as the imitation. Yeah, so stupid.
Starting point is 01:09:26 You didn't have to apologize for that in the first place. And so then when you had us like, oh, okay, so now you didn't call her, but she goes, you're working for you. We'll see you working for you. We'll see you working for you. It's morning, I'm working for you. The money I was like, oh, okay, noted, got you.
Starting point is 01:09:42 So then Boris from Yeltsons is candy. How did you feel? And Courtney called you ghetto while she ray and Sonya laughed. And Sonya is like, wait, she did not say ghetto. Which she didn't. That's not a great question. Candy's like, we didn't know each other. And obviously if Sonya is talking about me, she's telling me this, but she's also laughing while she's telling. And I know know each other and obviously if so yeah is talking about me is she's telling me this but she's also laughing while she's telling and I know that she didn't stick out for me that's what bothered me this other lady I don't even know I don't care what's on you so yeah so that there was precedent for
Starting point is 01:10:16 this because i'm a couple months prior when drew posted something on instagram that said here flipping on the flip flopper uh... so which was like flipping the hair on Sonya. And Sonya showed that to Candy to be like, this is fucked up and Candy said like, by the way, don't be mad, but that's kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:10:33 That's when Sonya was like, so I thought it was cool that we could laugh at Yadayata, but that's not really the same thing. It's one thing if you say like, this is so obnoxious and someone says, actually, it's kind of funny. Versus someone like, maligning your business and then you laugh along and then to their face, you're like, oh yeah, Courtney was saying this or just acting like you have their back. I mean, I actually don't think that.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Well, Sonia's notorious for that on this show though. She acts like she's your friend and then she takes everything you told her and uses it against you to stir the pot, you know. And that's, she's kind of trying to earn her check, I get it. I don't think she's malicious. She's just suboring. She's maliciously boring. Like, is this-
Starting point is 01:11:12 Well, I think she's being this boring to just torture me? I think she's entitled to laugh in that moment. I think where everyone gets into trouble on these shows is where they start making these declarations of having so and so's back. I mean, look at Salt Lake City last year, everything's about like, but I've got your back.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I'm a writer, die, I'm a writer, die. So then the moment, like the moment you declare this quality that you have, you know, now you have, it's like the perfection test and the moment that you like don't truly have someone's back every second of the night, now you get like raked over the colds at the reunion and that was
Starting point is 01:11:45 Sonia's mistake. She'd never she should have just been like, yeah, whatever. I thought it was funny. I thought what she said was funny. If you want to deal with her, you deal with her. So then, Monietta Corus, leave from Chmene says, how does it feel knowing Marlowe did try to slam a door? Now that you see, of course Marlowe tried to slam the door okay we all know this door slam game oh my god so then they start going through this whole thing and then Manieta's like you guys were like hyena standing up for Marlowe when she clearly did it and she was like well but you were behind her so she slammed the door on you then then you would know. I was trying to keep the peace. So you're calling me a hyena, and that's out of line. And you call me a gas lighter.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I was three people behind. I couldn't even see. So Ray's argument is so twisted, it's hilarious. She's basically saying, like, you can't call me a hyena because you should have known that whatever I said about this door was irrelevant because I didn't have a good vantage point You had the vantage point so you shouldn't have even cared about what I said so therefore you shouldn't call me a hyena It like was so twisted in a logic to exonerate her when she basically butted her head into something that she couldn't see And she made a declaration about something that she knew nothing about but she's like well, it's not my fault
Starting point is 01:13:02 I think that's the best that I could see and about. But she's like, well, it's not my fault. I do that. That's the best that I could see. And then Drew goes, okay. But then after you saw it, how did she feel? She goes, oh, she's signed the door. So then, money had to say, okay, well, I see you, you know, I see you standing up for her and that upset me. And she's like, okay, well, you need to go with your instincts more. That's what that's what I can do. And she goes, okay, note taken. If someone slams a door on your face, you need to have more confidence that they were slamming a door on your face.
Starting point is 01:13:36 You shouldn't have to come to us to verify it. So, okay. So then why was the filming late night in the hotel room, an issue with there on a reality show? The issue is that the cameras went down and they think that they're able to let their hair down and do whatever the fuck they want. Unfortunately, none of these people remember
Starting point is 01:13:55 Bolo from just two seasons ago where they're still talking about the stuff that kept going on after the cameras went down. So Andy's like dumb dumb. And he's like, well, why would you send a footage to Latoya? Which I think is a dumb question. Of course, you can send it to Latoya because Peru is suddenly acting like she didn't make out
Starting point is 01:14:11 with Latoya even though it was stated previously. So she's gonna act like she didn't make out. So she's gonna be like, hey, can you believe this is what Drew is saying about you? So to me, it makes sense. Whether or not it's a nice thing or a good thing to do to send a video behind someone's back That's a whole other issue, but I understand why Marlo did it in that moment. And so
Starting point is 01:14:30 Marlo is like, well, Latoya would be honest and tell me the truth, which is also funny because Latoya has like Always been so pretty. It's changed her story. Latoya will say whatever it takes to get onto TV And she the season that she was on that's all she would do is just like just say shit to try to get onto TV. And the season that she was on, that's all she would do, was just like, just say shit to try to be on TV. Yes. So she says, yeah, she'll be honest. And Andy's like, well, I want to talk about Manietta's bitch video. Why did you take that so personally?
Starting point is 01:14:56 And true. It's like, I didn't do anything to warrant that. And everyone said that she was up there like fighting for her life. Vains are propping out. I mean, it was a lot. I mean, she was like a singing soprano. I mean, she was really, she was really, really going for it. And Courtney's like, keep lying.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Verifiable, unfair, viable fake cousin, verified. Yeah, and then Andy's like, well, Courtney, why did you admit that you called Gordon drew a bitch if you say you did it? And she goes, because she was getting on my nerves, or how? All right, well Blanche from Devoro says, Kedya, can you explain the trip to Birmingham?
Starting point is 01:15:36 I mean, we're on Bravo, not TLC. Why did you subject us to this? It seemed like you were out of the loop regarding every event of your trip. Were you ever planning to record a halftime show in the first place? And they've run yet shim and yet it claimed they were rehearsing for weeks and it even gone down a few times to work with the man. So apparently they had, but I don't know, don't believe it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Um, well, Chuckie, she says, can't even do you even want to be a part of this group because you're always leaving early or you're always leaving early or you're not attending anything? And she's like, listen, I was in a very intense situation with my group, which was very public because it was a spin-off television show being on this channel.
Starting point is 01:16:17 And so I was ready to, you know, I was ready to come into the season, I was ready for the smoke. And it's not that I don't want to be here. I just bit off more than I could chew Andy. And I think this has been, listen, all the cast was on Candy for not being around and not doing anything this season.
Starting point is 01:16:35 I thought this was one of Candy's better seasons. I mean, I love Candy. I mean, I love Candy. She almost beat the crap out of people a couple of times. I thought when she did show up, she fought. She didn't just refuse to argue with anybody. People through shit at her all season. I think she handled it really well.
Starting point is 01:16:52 I think the people who are haters just can't handle that candy can talk her way out of anything because she's not wrong that much. When she's wrong, she just says sorry and then moves on. It was no big deal. I think that in terms of people who don't show up or leave earlier, things like that, Candy is like really not one of the most flak-rant violators of that. I think like Porsche, Kenya, Nini back in the day, I feel like we saw more of that with them.
Starting point is 01:17:17 But you know, but she was, I mean Candy did definitely have some issues with that this season and she's like, yeah, I'd bit up more than I can chew. I mean, that's, what else can you want from her? I mean, that's, that's really, she's like, I'd be up more than I can chew. I mean, that's what else can you want from her? I mean, that's really, she's like, yeah, it was my bad. So then Andy's like, okay, well, Monietta, you told a story about how Drew had a crush on Ty, the lesbian from the past set.
Starting point is 01:17:37 So did that lead you to believe that they'd become involved? And Monietta was like, well, when I saw all the things, I didn't know what to believe. And then that's how I was trying to get in touch with Drew. And once I did it all, it made sense. And Drew was like, yeah, I was just joking when I said that. I mean, we're doing a movie about a lesbian lover. So we're on the set joking.
Starting point is 01:17:53 It was just like a joke. Okay, you know what then fuck this show? Because it actually makes sense what she's saying. But like, so Drew's not having an affair with this chick. Then why are you guys making all of your ads about Drew's lesbian affair and Drew's this and that there's a lot of gay panic, you know On Bravo in general especially this show and that's not cool. Fuck you guys like your season already sucked And so now you're gonna like hype up some fake gay drama to get everybody all up in arms. And now your answer is like,
Starting point is 01:18:26 it was nothing. It's just like an off-handed comment I made. Reboot. Reboot it. This show is basically one giant spinning beach ball at this point. Control, all delete. Yeah. Reboot. So Drew.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Totally in favor. Drew says, oh yeah, I've been in favor for a few years. Drew's like, Courtney doesn't, she's like, Courtney doesn't know anything about me and Ralph. And she just met Ralph yesterday and Ralph and her, he's been coaching her this whole season. A lot of things you said were things that Ralph said. And I'm gonna say this one time, don't you ever, ever,
Starting point is 01:18:59 in your life, speak on my son. And so then now Drew is, oh okay, okay. Now it's all about speaking on your son. Yeah, so now Drew is, oh, okay, okay. Now it's all about speaking on your son. Yeah, so now Drew is pivoted to this because Courtney on her hot mic had said, like, okay, go like adopts. Well, actually, she has a point in this one. I just remembered what was actually said. She said, yeah, she said, like, okay, go adopt this kid so that you can, she can go off and have like her gay romance, whatever she said. So Drew did not like that, obviously. Yeah. And she had a right, too.
Starting point is 01:19:25 I'm sorry if you're saying something snarky. I forgot she was saying she actually did say that stuff. And Courtney's like, I didn't care. I didn't say it off the camera. I knew the cameras were on, whatever. But also Courtney just said, I didn't say anything about your side. That's so many times.
Starting point is 01:19:41 And Drew goes, you are not a real cousin. You're an unverifiable bitch. We're done. We're done. I'm like, yeah, we've been saying you guys are like not real cousins since the beginning because Chimett Courtney found out that the Courtney was related to Ralph and then started acting as a court,
Starting point is 01:19:56 like she was raised with Courtney. She's like, cousin Courtney, cousin Courtney, and we're like, you just met this person. How are you all of a sudden taking your like under your wing? So blindly. I know you can't just met this person, how are you all of a sudden taking your like under your wing? So, so blindly. I know, you can't just run around saying, you can't make cousin Courtney happen.
Starting point is 01:20:10 You were the one trying to make cousin Courtney happen. It was you. It was you. It was you. So that's the cliffhanger is drew saying to Courtney, we're done and I think that speaks to the sadness of the season that that has to be the cliffhanger. Like, will Drew Corny ever be able
Starting point is 01:20:25 to repair their relationship? Don't know, don't care. Don't know, do not care. But guess what? It was a funny hour. It was a funny hour. Despite all those. It was a very funny hour to watch
Starting point is 01:20:36 because all of the nonsense of the season was hard to sit through because it was just such a bullshit. It's all built on lies. No one's really sharing anything and it does suck, but seeing it all put together like this and just edited together was very funny. Also, these women are mostly in their element in a reunion. They're all very quick. They're very funny and they're really charming. I don't know. I have a feeling that this
Starting point is 01:21:01 reboot thing is a lie. I think it's probably the network taking tests, putting different stories out, seeing what the fan reaction is gonna be. I don't know, the numbers are so bad. It still does pretty well. It's bad, it's bad for Atlanta, but it's not bad for Bravo. So there's still nearing a million a week,
Starting point is 01:21:18 which is better than every other housewife, so. I mean, they're doing about, they're still doing more than Orange County from what I'm reading. They're doing about 100 or 200,000 more a week in Orange County. The problem is they used to be the highest rated. So probably. Yeah, like two billion, three billion. They just need, I don't know what the answer is. I don't know if it's like, I'm not always in favor of just wiping this like clean and doing like what they did with Roni. I really liked how what they did with Miami, which is some old, some new, that's also what
Starting point is 01:21:50 Roni did. By the way, Roni did that season five. They wiped, they cleared out a bunch. We've seen it happen before where there's been big, big clearances because we also saw on New Jersey when they had the one season where they changed the whole cast and they're like, oops oops never mind. So who would they keep? Because the old right now and by the way this doesn't mean age old.
Starting point is 01:22:11 It means like old guard the more established. I don't know. I think it's really hard. So it would be Kenya. Kenya has to go. I think Kenya is not in it. I think her heart's not in it. I think Kenya regrettably has to go.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Sheree I feel like. Sheree's been fun. Sheree is always good for the delusion, and she does hold back certain things, but I think you actually can keep Sheree. Candy, I'm so torn on Candy, because I genuinely love Candy. She's one of my all-time favorites.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I do feel like Candy really gives us a lot as a housewife, but I wonder if, I don't know, I feel like Candy really gives us a lot as a housewife, but I wonder if, I don't know, like I don't know, I don't know if I want to watch another season of whatever project that she and Todd have up their sleeves. Yeah, it's an informational, she needs to go. Also, she's the highest pay that I think, by far. I think Drew has to go. I think Drew has never been quite the brand.
Starting point is 01:23:04 She always feels- I feel like they're gonna keep Drew. I feel like they've- Drew has to go. I think Drew has never been quite the brand. Show his feels. I feel like they're gonna keep Drew. I feel like they've- Drew is the Lucian Alicina. Yeah, I think they look at Drew as kind of like the new blood that's working for whatever reason. Sonia's gotta go. I think they're gonna keep her.
Starting point is 01:23:16 I think they're probably gonna keep Sonia and I think they're gonna keep- I think Marla goes back down to the front. You think they'll keep him? So then that's not a reboot. That's just firing Kanye. That's just firing Kanye. That's just firing Kanye. And Candy, I think they're goes back down to Marla. You think they'll keep them. So then that's not a reboot. That's just firing Kenya. That's just firing Kenya.
Starting point is 01:23:25 And Candy, I think they're gonna keep those three as the old and they're gonna get rid of Shurei. They're gonna get rid of Candy and Kenya. I think they're gonna look at the new old guard as Drew, Sonia and Marla. They can't keep Sonia. I have a feeling, I'm not saying they should. This is not my opinion.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Like, oh, this is what they should do. I think this would be terrible, but what I've learned about Real Housewives of Atlanta is whoever's in charge over there is terrible and they're gonna fuck it up. Yeah. And I don't, I just don't, I have zero trust in them. So that's what I'm thinking is gonna happen.
Starting point is 01:23:59 I just wanted to put it on record. I'm saying they're gonna keep Sonia, Marlow, Drew, and recast everybody else. Yeah, maybe like the way that like Adriana was demoted to friend of with Miami, maybe do that with someone, maybe, maybe Candy becomes a friend of, and they can't he wouldn't do that. She would not shrape. There's no way in hell. Can you wouldn't do it? Shrape would. Shrape would. Shrape's done it before. She has been an official friend of, I think that like, yeah, like, why does Miami work so well?
Starting point is 01:24:28 What is so good about, why is that like chemistry so- So long break, first of all. So the old guard who came back were Alexia, who we wanted to an update. I mean, everything had changed in our life. She lost the husband, she lost the business. Her, she had some new guy. She had like a new death, new drama, new marriage. So she had all that. Mary soul was just her sidekick. And she came
Starting point is 01:24:51 back with a new character like I'm a drunk and I'm hilarious. She's a new person. Adriana was a friend of. So she came back lushing. Right. They brought Larsa back. Larsa hadn't been on since season one. She was a completely different person. Larsa was a card-assying clown. So she was kind of new even though she was in OG. And then they had all OGs. I mean, all of that mean that like if we're to pattern it. Okay, so put like, put someone as a friend of role. So let's say Shiree becomes a friend of. So she's in the Adriana role. We have, so the Alexia role is kind of like the, the not so smart person with very strongly held convictions.
Starting point is 01:25:30 You know, like, so someone like that, I think that's- But she's like, also the obvious lead, right? Like she's got a love story line, she's got a death, she's got tragedy, she's got- She has stuff in her life that she wants to share that doesn't feel like. She's, all that stuff is not there to be the star. It's like stuff that's happening in her life.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Like she is and she has this guy in her life. She has stuff happening. It's not like Drew Sadoora, where Drew whips up stuff to be relevant, you know? So there's that. But now the Larsa, does that mean Kim Zolsey actually takes the larsa place? You know, they have the same way the bravo, you know how bravo did they're like, Oh my God, guys, black lives matter
Starting point is 01:26:14 for like a year. And they were like, we're going to put a person of color on every show for one gear. I think it all expired. And then they just went back to being like regular bravo or nothing mattered. And I'm pointing that out because to have the balls to put Kim Zoolciak back on TV with her racist, disgusting ass, would they have the nerves? Yes, they might. They might have the nerve to it because they had they're putting jacks back on. I might have the nerve to it because they had they're putting jacks back on
Starting point is 01:26:49 Surely they're because he's back. They're all back. Yeah, I mean there everyone's putting their All the people who got canceled back. They are putting them literally all on every time Bravo's putting them back. I think that I think that probably sensitivity tour is over They're they're not faking it anymore. So who knows? Yeah, put Kim's olciac back I mean, I think this show could use like a big trash box like Kim Zolciac Doesn't have to be Kim Zolciac, but like a real like they could do Porsche that could be their OGE. I don't think that Porsche they could get rid of everybody and do Porsche Kim Zolciac and Porsche is so good. I feel like they're gonna keep Marlo? They love Marlo and they're giving... They might another hero edit this year.
Starting point is 01:27:27 They might keep Marlo. Because Marlo tries. Like a fucking hero. Marlo tries and I think they appreciate that. She fails. She just fails. So, her reads are bad. Everything about Marlo's just failing.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Yeah, Porsche, I don't know about, I feel like Porsche withholds everything that happened with Simon and everything came out directly I don't know about where I feel like Porsche withholds like everything that happened with you know Simon and everything you know came out directly after the final reunion aired that one year and I'm just like Oh, I don't like that. Yeah, but her so bad her so that came out and she was great on girls trip A wreck. I mean her so that came after that was a wreck. They made her look like a toe I don't think they made her, but they certainly didn't protect her. I mean, she looked like a total asshole on that show.
Starting point is 01:28:08 It was good. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, she was great on Girls Trip. And I thought the Girls Trip season honestly was terrible. And I thought she was really good on it. So I mean, they could do that, but I kind of feel, they could. If they do look at Miami style reboot,
Starting point is 01:28:21 I think they actually could put Porsche back on, but Porsche can't get too big for the show because that's what she did on her final season of it. She already is. Like she posted something like, I would do it for the money. Like they would have to give me a ton of money to do it. But I don't want to. I would be afraid that she would be, she would, she would contrive storylines, you know? Yeah. look, I think that New York has people divided, obviously, right? Like was the scandal, was it right to just remove everybody and switch over? I still don't know the answer to that.
Starting point is 01:28:56 I think it's a good new housewives show on its own. I'm enjoying it. I think that this show could, I think they need to start doing it for a lot more shows. Look, we've talked about term limits for housewives for literally almost 12 years now. And I think that they need term limits. This has been just too long. It's not that I don't like candy. I literally don't want to watch more hair grow on Todd's face or his nuts. I don't care. I'm over it. Kenya is done to me. She does nothing. I wish her the best.
Starting point is 01:29:26 She was great on this show. She's done. It's over. Okay. Next. Yeah, I think Council, everybody get new people. Bring a lot of Jordan back. How about that?
Starting point is 01:29:35 That's what I say. Bring nobody back. Bring nobody back. Stark's fresh. Stark's fresh. Yeah. I don't know. Whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Yeah. If I have to generally say, like, who are are the people whose lives I want to explore more? I'm not gonna say can yeah, I'm not gonna say candy. Honestly, I'm not gonna say Shirei either because I can't say oh This person's got to say because they're so funny Like one of the issues I feel like with the show too is that because so many of the cast members are funny That's not a substitute for interesting always and I and so like once the first few episodes of the cast members are funny. That's not a substitute for interesting always. And so once the first few episodes of the season sort of subside and the interviews are always very funny
Starting point is 01:30:15 and you're always laughing at the shade and everything, but now I need actually something to propel me through the season. And it's like Sonia's sister not gonna cut it. Candy's movie not gonna cut it. Shirei, Shirei, the only thing interesting about Shirei was Martel. And then she wouldn't show Martel,
Starting point is 01:30:33 so then that's not gonna cut it, watching it with a baby. Didn't add in care. So yeah. Yeah, started over. Well, we'll see. We shall have next week's reunion, but you know, all the negativity aside
Starting point is 01:30:45 God, they're so good at these reunions. It was great. Really fun hour. It was really funny on the telly so I you know Once this is my all-time favorite housewives the first seven or eight seasons nine maybe even Were some of my favorite on TV so I believe in you you show. I believe in you. Come back to me. And in the meantime, you guys come back to us. We are skipping below deck down under this week, but we will be back with Salt Lake City. We will be back with Orange County and a bonus episode just catching up on
Starting point is 01:31:17 Bob Mitzfaz, Beyonce's and Tripp Salala. And I like this stuff. We love you guys. Bye. We will you guys! Bye! We will talk to you next time. Bye-bye! Cough-Cough. Feel better, Ben!
Starting point is 01:31:30 Watch what crap ends with Life to Think it's Premium Sponsors! Ain't no thing like Alice and King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela! Itchels! Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists! She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy! Jamie, she has no Daniela. Itch-als! Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. She's never scary, it's the Green Ferry. Jamie, she has no less name-y.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trach. She's a little bit loony. Jeony, she's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Pristin the Piston Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Montellan. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino.
Starting point is 01:32:09 Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:32:44 We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicenticisto. Give them hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of account in Anthony. Let's take off with Tim LePlan. She ain't no shrinking violet koo-tar. We love you guys. a plane.
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