Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Bi Furious

Episode Date: July 23, 2020

It's the episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills we've been waiting for. No, not Wilson Philips doing a surprise performance (although that did happen). No, not Brandi finally apologizing... to Adreinne Maloof (although that did happen too). You guys, it's the episode where Brandi finally levels her girl-on-girl accusations against Denise Richards, and no one is more shocked that KYLE RICHARDS. Come join us as we break down this disaster. Don't just listen to the recap, watch us too. Check out the video here: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens
Starting point is 00:00:35 What Guess what happens Hello and welcome to Watcher Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker of the Real Housewives of Kitchen Oil and Kites, cartoon on YouTube, K. Go check it out. And also from the game brain, podcasts, and kite? It's Cartoon on YouTube. Okay, go check it out. And also from the game brain Podcasts of like board games definitely listen to that one and joining me is the wonderful and hilarious Ronnie Karam of those pre-spatulose podcasts. What's up, Ronnie? I ban
Starting point is 00:01:16 We're both wearing dark colors today. We're both wearing Shades of darkness. Oh, and you've got you've got your Rina lips, which are not nice That's a nice orange accent which is funny because I also have an orange accent on my shirt. So while Ronnie gets his mask on, you guys this is worth crap and I'm the man right here because I am watching Ronnie with his Lisa Rina Lips mask that you can get and our crap and store crap and what were the crap and
Starting point is 00:01:57 merch? I can't remember a look anymore. Stop calm, what the hell is wrong with you? And you've never lived, you have not lived until you walked through a whole foods with this sucker on, okay? Did you do that? Did you do that? Oh, yeah. What did people say?
Starting point is 00:02:12 They looked at me, they would look at me like a couple of ladies smile and then they walked like moved over in the aisle and then the guys looked like wow, you know, you're sad. I got a lot of tablets for guys. I have my, be masked, don't be all unmasked, masked coming in and same with my, I also got the Carl one, the one that says,
Starting point is 00:02:34 you look great by the way. This one right here, you look great by the way. Oh, perfect, it looks amazing. Yeah, looks really good, Ben, good job. You look great by the way. You look great by the way. By the way also got and I salute. Oh, that's perfect love that gather font. I have that on my wall I got this one. I think I'm gonna wear this one around the most that's great one and it just says simply It's about Tom. Oh, I you know, I forgot to I'm gonna have to I'm gonna order that one. I forgot to order that one
Starting point is 00:03:02 That's I love this is the most masculine Yeah, it's not I'm very masculine you guys like I'm gonna order that one. I forgot to order that one. That's, I love that. I feel like this is the most masculine. Yeah, it's that's not. I'm very masculine you guys, like I'm a man, so I need to be a man. So this one and, you know, just some people will get it. They'll pick, oh my God. It's about, it's about, it's about, it's about, the people will get it, will really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That's what I love about wearing things that say it's about Tom. Yeah. Because that's what this pandemic is. It's about Tom. And also, I'm in Texas. So everybody talks to you You know, that's not like L.A. Where people just pretend they don't see you because you're fat not you But I'm here everybody's like, hey, what do you do? Who's your mama? Where do you live?
Starting point is 00:03:34 And so I know that a lot of people are gonna be like so who's Tom? Tom tell me about Tom. What's about Tom? Tell me I need to know I Know I definitely have foster relationships in my community. Okay. Yeah. That's what these masks do, guys. People think that masks keep us apart, but they actually bring us together. Totally. And you should be wearing a mask, by the way, everyone. We're not trying to shame anyone, but it's just as like a responsible and
Starting point is 00:03:59 courteous thing to do. So anyway, crap is on demand. Here's something else this Friday. I don't know if you heard, but we are doing a live show, live virtual show. We're doing a recap of Real Housewives of New York, this Friday night. The action begins at 9 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. Pacific. We're going to be doing a pre-show on Instagram live. Our IG is at Watchware Crappens. We'll do that for about 30 minutes. And then we'll start the actual recap in earnest at basically around 6.30 on Crappens on demand on Patreon. So that's another reason why you should sign up for Crappens
Starting point is 00:04:37 on demand, slash Watchware Crappens. And the other thing is that what's really fun about the live shows is that our streaming software allows us to read your comments in real time And we can you know respond to them and put them up on the screen a screen and it's just like really really fun. So go check that out Yeah, and let's do some small business shout outs before we get on with this crazy episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Let's do it. This is Christina. She's got a friend named Randy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And Randy has a small business called So Imperfect by Randy. And that's So SeW. She's a Firewife, a mother of three boys under the age of three. Jesus. I mean, that's a lot. Talk about dealing with constant emergencies in that family. That's a lot of fires to put out, Randy. She creates Polynesian-inspired baby products such as burp cloths, bibs, baby blankets, car seat covers, to name a few.
Starting point is 00:05:37 She created this line because she was inspired by her husband, Samoan culture, and utilizes vibrant colors and prints in her creations. So, find her go to Instagram at sosew underscore imperfect. That's so underscore imperfect. Or on Etsy she's so imperfect by Randy and Randy ends in an eye. Okay, so so perfect by Randy on Etsy. Okay, thanks Randy. Perfect. Okay, here's one from Ashley.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Ashley is trying to break into the world of food, et cetera, and she's starting by food blogging, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So go check out her website, it's called Also, her IG is at milk and merlo. I'm sorry At Milk and Merlot Kitchen. And basically, she just believes that there's no such thing as too much garlic and that there's no day that cannot be made better by a good dose of cheese in a big pour of wine. Of course, if you're unless you're lactose intolerant and an alcoholic, hence milk and Merlot. So she said she also makes excellent cookies and she is local and will deliver.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So the point is this, go help out Ashley as she goes on this journey. Go check it out, Thanks, Ashley. Okay, now today it's a very special episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills because that old, compulsively lying trash box box brandy is back in the picture, and we finally get the plot we've been waiting for.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah, I mean, this is very interesting. I'm a little get to it, but do we think brandy is telling the truth or not? Who knows? But yeah, this is the- I don't know, I could say so. So it's completely lies just because from my recollection she does. And the big storyline that they're trying to push this year is brandy is a lot of things, but she's sure not a liar.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Now, didn't she admit to lying on the reunion when she finally got caught and she said, well, that's my job to make drama. And they were like, oh my god, Brandy, like, it's true. You can't even with you. That's true. I, but oddly enough, I wound up angrier at Kyle. And I'll get to that. Of course.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Oh my God. I'll get to that because the one, like Brandy is doing, Brandy is just being Brandy. Brandy is just being the one that I'm angry at. I'm like spitting at my laptop. I'm sorry, laptop. I'm spitting all over you giving you. It's because I talk about masks.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Yeah, I know. That's why I need a mask just to take my laptop I got more mad at Kyle to because you're right Brandi is just being Brandi and when you watch the National Geographic Channel That's not the time to like be a vegan. You know what I mean like you can't be mad at the lions for like eating the deer Like you just can't because they're they're on the wild that's what they do and then Brandi comes back with her mom I don't feel like sadness going on and it's like you kind of feel for her It's like oh my god. How long is this poor poor, you know, just run down Puma been limping around the fucking Sahara Can you tell how often I watch national G8? I was to go for it. I mean you're like you're like this generation David Attenborough. I love it
Starting point is 00:08:46 You're like, you're like, this generation is David Attenborough. I love it. You're like, Ronnie, I would love just Ronnie for you to be the narrator for Planet Earth 3. All right, so we have like a lion here. She's clearly tired. She doesn't want to be bothered and this antelope comes up. And I'm sorry, antelope. You look like you have a lovely life,
Starting point is 00:09:02 but what are you doing around the lion? Of course, you're gonna, now you're eating. And that's what happened. Learn a lesson you look like you have a lovely life. But what are you doing around the lion? Of course, you're going to, now you're eating. And that's what happens. Why are you doing it? Learn less in Antelope. Learn less in Antelope. Stop lying. Stop lying. You know, don't be a cantelope.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Okay. Be a do-a-loop. Be a cantelope. Do-a-loop. Do-a-loop. Do-a-loop. Do-a-loop is a pop star. Yeah, I watch this.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I was furious while I was watching it But then I would also really liked it because it's so nice to be furious during Beverly Hills again And I just I had so many feelings. I felt sorry for Brandy, but then I was like, oh my god Fucking brand by the end. I'm like fucking brandy. I Still not mad at Randy. I think I'm just I think my rage Calvators has just blossomed into such an all-encompassing thing that I just don't have, I can't hold space for Brandy rage at this moment. I mean, it turned into overnight, as I thought about it, it was less rage than it was while I was watching it.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I really just didn't like how she presented it, but guess what? Well, yes. All in good time. Okay. Okay. Well, I also, by the way, I also wound up being livid at Teddy Malone camp at the very end. So we'll get to that too.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh fuck Teddy. I'm like, angry Kyle's Teddy. That was fuck you Teddy. Shut up Teddy. Okay, fuck off Teddy. Okay. Anyway, Shadow Teddy, there. Set there.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm done, I'm out. Okay, well, what I'm not mad about is how this episode began, which is still Kyle's party, because I forgot that there was actually a cliffhanger, which was basically like Teddy being like, come here, we don't have to hold a pleasantries, okay, I got it, I got it. So that was apparently a cliffhanger. So we're back at Kyle's party, and I love it just opens up with Kyle doing such a Kyle thing
Starting point is 00:10:48 Which is that she's standing with Chris Jenner. Chris Jenner Super famous has a super super super famous daughter and potentially A son-in-law who could be president? Okay, so Chris Jenner is really famous so Probably trying to get Kanye thrown into a mental hospital if you believe You believe Twitter. I mean this world just gets crazy He's like coming get me Chris. I'll be over here waiting for you not to put one of your kids in playboy Wait side note side note. We can't even start this this is this is Beverly Hills. James
Starting point is 00:11:22 This is Bravo important But when I was reading about all the Kanye stuff about how Kim Fred with No, I'm excited look at Ben is I am like you don't see this rock back and forth and you get excited like kids who are traumatized I am I'm rocking, but you don't see that my hand. I'm so excited. Look what my hands are doing. I'll back up so you can see look my hands are like this I'm like playing an invisible miniature accordion. You're married from selling Sunside right now. I'm stable though. I was reading something about, I was reading article about this,
Starting point is 00:11:58 and I linked to a previous thing that, so Kanye did an interview with David Letterman last year. He was talking about mental health and about being bipolar, thing that so Kanye did an interview with David Letterman last year and you know what he said. He was talking about mental health and about being bipolar and he said you know like when you're bipolar and by the way stop me if any of this sounds familiar Ronnie please because when you're bipolar you know it's like you know it's like having a sprained ankle it's like your brain is sprained and you don't just throw someone out if your brain is sprained I was like fucking jacks hailer rip that all off from Kanye West of course Yeah, it's also like the blind leading the blind he did
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, and it was a rip off not only it was a rip off because on Vanderpump rules. He was ripping off What's her buttons? Ariana because Ariana was like one of the press and so he was matched She was using a depressed excuse so he he was going to use the depressed excuse to, but then he couldn't even come up with his own depressed excuse. So he's still coming to the West description of being bipolar. I mean, Jack's wow. Seriously. So this all comes back here. So so here's Kyle. She's standing there. There's Garsell and Sutton and Kyle is there with Chris and she's, do you guys know Chris?
Starting point is 00:13:08 You guys know Chris? I was like, you know what? Shut up Kyle. Of course I know who Chris is and like by you saying that you're elevating your position right? Because you're basically saying like, I know Chris Jenner and I'm going to introduce you to because that's, you know, like of course they know each other because they're part of that weird circle from the 80s But like even Kyle introducing Chris Jenner to Sutton and Garsell really pissed me off
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, that but you know what Sutton can out asshole even Kyle because Sutton is such a new money asshole to and Sutton's like Oh, yes, we met actually in line at the Met Gala Chris is like of course. that's where we met. Of course we did. Of course we did. I just, I like that actually because it was also kind of like putting Kyle back in her place. Cause Kyle, Kyle doesn't get invited to go the Met Gala. She gets invited to go to like the, I don't know, the auto, auto zone Gala. I don't know. The auto zone gala. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:05 The auto zone gala. She would go. Maybe that's where she got that little go card. So then we cut over to Kathy Hilton talking to Rina and Kathy Hilton is just like picking it. Rina's jacket trying to get Linton shit off like she's like, oh, look you look good. How are you? How are you, Rin? And she's like, I'm great. I'm great. I'm fabulous. Great great. Happy. Great. My god cut away and they did. Yeah. And then we go back to Teddy and Camille having this conversation. And Teddy is like, oh Camille, like, I just don't really trust like what you say. And I don't feel like it's genuine.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Just like wave and don't even bother. Like, like like I don't even care if you come to my retreat like I'm just like so chill these days And so keep it moving into me like all right So you just don't even want the compliment Tell you like no need it and came me else like I'm trying to apologize And Teddy's just a little bitch I'm trying to apologize and Teddy's just a little bitch. Yeah, just like that mom in, you know that play about Hamlet, you know, just like her.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So, yeah, so then Denise is basically like, so Camille, do you still feel the same way about us? Like what's up with that? And I was like, oh, well, I mean, basically, I mean, I was really hurt, you know, I don't know if you remember, I had to go to the thrift store and, well, I mean, basically, I mean, I was really hurt, you know, I don't know if you remember, I had to go to the thrift store, and I just, I lashed out, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm sorry. Well, we heard about, Jack, I feel like you were gaslighting me. That's what it was. You were gaslighting me. And then we see the clip of the reunion with, just Camille screaming. That, that right there, gas sliding me,
Starting point is 00:15:46 gas sliding me. And Denise going, why are you so angry? Calm down, which is not gas sliding? Just for, you know, that's term is used a lot in the world right now. And it's certainly used a lot here on this show. That was not it, okay? It's like misusing irony when people are just like,
Starting point is 00:16:03 well that's ironic, no Cam Camille that's not gaslighting Okay, you were angry and she said where are you so angry? Okay, so this is an observation If you want to know about gaslighting just check out seasons Three through forever on real house was a Orange County and just study anything on tamard. That's gaslighting Including sending almost sending Shannon Badoard to the mental hospital. Yeah. Damn it. Literally.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah. So, um, anyway, so Camille is just saying, you know, I was just like very overwhelmed at the time and, you know, I heard people and again, I'm sorry, and I'm, you know, I'm sorry, Teddy, and I know you don't want to really hear this from me, but like, you know, time heals all, you know. I mean, one day you're, when you're in a fight next day your stepmom is Meg Ryan and life is hard So I get it. It's hard for you right now And she's like yeah, whatever time I guess okay hugs like she gets her a hug
Starting point is 00:16:59 And then we cut over to Erica who's chatting with Garsell now. And Erica's like, I don't got a fan. I'm with you in my home town of Gotham and Floyd. Like, Erica's trying so hard to be like fun and light. And she just can't make it through one entire episode with that fake ass happy personality. And it's hilarious. But this is how she starts it out. Yeah. And Garsell's like, oh, yes. And I'm sorry, I won't be able to go to your shoe dazzle event.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Which is too bad. What is a shoe dazzle anyway? Coming to America. Ah, two babies I'm doing, yes. Well, basically pay less, but you pay more. All right, pay more! You can miss it, honey. You can miss it, honey.
Starting point is 00:17:44 They're gonna make a big shoe, like a kite. Glancing at fire, no, no, no, I'm Payball! You can miss it, honey. You can miss it. They're gonna make a big shoe like a kite. Glant your hair for, no, no, no, no, I'm so happy! You know, Teddy was so mad. You know she was like, why is it that Error could say that she doesn't have to come? It's no big deal, but when I do it doesn't work. Hi, I'm Teddy. Hi, Teddy. So then we're over with Teddy,
Starting point is 00:18:01 still talking to Denise after Camille's left. And Denise is like, all right, all right, Freddie. Where do we go? Just Teddy. All right, Louie out. I'm trying to, um, Jon. I'm going to the way down. All right, Jon, where are we going to go from here?
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's like, listen, you know what? Here's where I want to go. Is something's bothering you, then you tell me. You know, that's it. She goes, but I did tell you. She's like, well, great then. We're good. It's like, no, then, we're good. It's like no Teddy.
Starting point is 00:18:25 You're clearly not. What's, let's put a pin in this conversation for the end of the episode, shall we? Yeah, because otherwise, let's just go in circles again with Teddy, you know, going in circles with Teddy. Know what does she lose is so much weight? Ha, ha, ha with Aaron But no, I think that her problem is on with Denise also Yeah, so Aaron problem came as a problem after the problem with Denise. Yeah, it was a part of that exactly so um
Starting point is 00:18:57 So Kim and Brandy see each other and they're like That was a sound of a lot of broken down cars like an erase. It was like a junkyard race. Yeah. And listen, I haven't treated my lungs very well. So if I'm saying you sound your lungs sound exhausted you need some help cake girls yeah yeah and Brandy's like it's hurricane Kim I mean this is Brandy if Kim is a hurricane what is Brandy she a cyclone a tropical depression I'm trying to think of a storm that just comes and spreads lies about you.
Starting point is 00:19:46 She's probably a norr-reaster. She's the perfect storm. Kim and I feel like when Kim and Brandi get together, I feel like we should see what's her face on a CB radio saying, you're heading right into the jaws of the monster. Mary lives with Master Antonio. You know, I believe.
Starting point is 00:20:04 So then Camille is talking to Kyle now because she's leaving and Kyle's like I know it was really hard for you Camille and Camille's like yeah, you know, I mean I was scared at first to do it But Brina I mean Brina did come at me as she did come at me pretty hard Carls like well, you know, it's really always hard the first time you come back Camille Well, you know, it's really always hard the first time you come back, Neil. Just, just, how it is. Yeah, but thank you so much for this opportunity. Yeah, you take a job in here.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Let me just say, ah, it was a great opportunity. It was a great opportunity. It was wonderful part. Really, it had been hard, but, you know, I think in time, like time here's all, and you know, I'm just like so happy. And I'm like, it's not to go back to my man in my blue and that's basically a god. And that's devastating. So, I'm sadding.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I'm never gonna get that last story to write. Commissions. Here comes one right now. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasive. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully
Starting point is 00:21:53 crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder Yeah. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. Amazon music or wonder ya. Hava Nagilo Weber! Jamie, she has no last namey! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess saying, okay! Kelly Barlow! When she goes Barlow, we go Hilo! Higher than Hyras, she's Lauren Perez!
Starting point is 00:22:35 Megan Berg, he can't have a burger without the Berg! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! One day your Rachel's in, the next day you're out. He makes a squee-richy-dee! Shannon Better Than Kyle Richards! The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto!
Starting point is 00:22:58 Let's rev our pistons for Amanda and Kristen! Better Than Tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! Let's give them a kissa, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Oops, she did it again, it's Brittany Montana. Simple as rocket science, it's Dana Eazy. Erica, 500 days of summers.
Starting point is 00:23:20 We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. The Windom beneath our wings, it's Joe Windom. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's Ferrelio, it's Lindsay Ferrelio. Lord is the Lord of the Rings. Mina Kutikutikouji. Give him help, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Shannon out of account in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! So, uh, she leaves. And then, Eileen, we just get a shot of Eileen dancing super awkwardly on the dancing floor, or on the dance floor, which is super Eileen, Yeah she's just sort of doing the sort of dance I would expect I lean to do.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Basically all of our mom's dancing you know a little bit of a hands going a little hands shaking a little bit so we've got a little bit of a rhythm on some of the notes you know. Yeah and then she'll do like a really super awkward like wheelbarrow turn. Yeah, and then still to like a really super awkward like wheelbarrow turn. Yeah, so then Denise and Garsell are like hugging in one part of the party. I don't know why I felt the need to write that down. And then Rina and Sudden are standing there like, where's Denise? Why is Denise? Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:24:39 They are starting to brew something over there in that corner. Yeah, so Denise comes up and meets Michael with Garcell. And Garcell's like, you know, it's really tough for her right now. The women I'm friends with, it's very important to stand up for each other. I think I've been in this situation, you know, where I was alone, and everyone was attacking me, and it was in middle school. Yeah. So then Kyle gets up on stage. and everyone was attacking me and it was in middle school.
Starting point is 00:25:05 Yeah. So then Kyle gets up on stage. Guys, I have an announcement to make. It looks like production on Halloween has been extended so I'm still going to have to have these bangs even if I go to Rome. But by the way, I'm so excited to announce a very good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So at this point, I started to cringe because I suspected it might be Korney Wilson and Wilson Phillips, which I'm fine with. But I was also worried that Kyle was gonna instead bring up someone that she was gonna think was like really cool, like a Jason Miraz or a Gavin DeGroh, or like a very off brand rapper. Like I thought she might bring out like Wiz Khalifa and you're like no
Starting point is 00:25:46 Kyle this doesn't match you no So I was cringey it matches Kyle it matches Kyle soul it's Wilson Philips Okay, and then we get a clip of Karnie Wilson going I love crazy foul mouth mother fucker Yeah, and then Doreet is like, a surprise concert, what a great idea. And then we see a flashback to when they're like, ladies and gentlemen, guess what? We don't have a mild issue.
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's boy George in the curtain falls. And then she's like, That's not Smelly, Finn Smellin'. It's boy! But George! And she's like, That's not Smelly, you can smell it. It's BOOIN! But George! And she's like, wait a second, I already had that idea. I'm like, Doreet, you do not have the market.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Even though Kyle does copy things that she is jealous of, you did not corner the market on surprise guests at functions. Yes. Doreet probably says that when anybody sings, you know. Like the radio comes on, should we? Oh, I suggested boy to do that first. It's funny because I called into Casey Kason 20 years ago and said I wanted to hear Richard Mucks and here he is being played on Coast FM. And look, I know that a lot of people were like sitting around watching this thinking,
Starting point is 00:27:06 God am I cool because I like Wilson Phillips. I mean, what am I cool? Here's your answer. Just watch Kathy Hilton mouthing all the words. And then, you know, re-ask yourself that question. That was like, yes. Free adjust. You know, re-adjust.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yes. Whenever you find yourself lip-syncing along with Kathy Hilton to a song, then you have to re-examine certain things in your life. And I say that out of experience from lip-syncing along with Kathy Hilton to a song, then you have to read exam and certain things in your life. And I say that out of experience from lip syncing along with Kathy Hilton last night. And I was like, oh my God, this song, I love it. I did too. I actually set out loud when they were singing.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I was like, well, I guess they never were really destiny's child. What would I expect them to turn into? Like suddenly, like they're the porn or sisters now, like they're going to be amazing now. No, it's like, they're just over doing the same thing. You know, they're like, you are stuck in those chains. Don't you know?
Starting point is 00:27:51 They have basically just like, I think Wilson Phillips has four songs. Of course they have hold on, but then they also have reliefs to me, which I think is funny. I think it sounds mixed messages. And then. That's true. They did a cover of Daniel. They had a... They had a...
Starting point is 00:28:09 Come on baby, come on, I just got to... No, that's released me. But the most the one they sang last night was like their other big hit. That's not hold on or release me. It's driving me nuts. You know how long looking up Wilson Phillips songs. Hold on. You me. It's driving me nuts. I'm looking up Wilson Phillips songs. Hold on, you're in love. You're in love.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Yeah. The dream is still alive, impulsive. Release me, I was like twins. Good vibration, I was like twins. Okay. You're right, this actually is kind of a kidnapping discography, okay? Release me. Hold on. You're in love with me. You won't see me cry while I'm being tied up.
Starting point is 00:28:53 Oh my god. My dream is still alive. You won't see me cry as such a melodramatic song. But you won't see me cry. It's like you're literally crying as you sing the song. Hold on for one more day they're gonna find me they're gonna find me it's the soundtrack to bloom so so then she probably she probably did a very very intense audition for that I'm so nervous oh my
Starting point is 00:29:21 hand sawed it audition for that. I'm sober. Oh, I mean, here come on. Cheesecake, why use some cheesecake? Anyone? Those mini cheesecakes. When this was airing somebody sent us mini cheesecakes, and I ate both of our boxes. I'm so mad that I never got to have
Starting point is 00:29:37 the corny Wilson cheesecakes. It doesn't last forever. It's a very temporary thing. I'm curious. Carny, if you're out there, could you please send me a mini chocolate cheesecake? Thanks. Yeah, I need two boxes of those cheesecakes and I've been wearing them on my love handles ever since. So thanks, Karney. Ever since then, you've been saying, you just got to release me. Okay, so the point is Brandy is at the bar now just getting shit face
Starting point is 00:30:02 because it's Brandy and it's free liquor and she's like, I don't know, Brandy is at the bar now just getting shit face because it's Brandy and it's free liquor and she's like there I don't who knows Brandy's She's at the bar and Adrian's there and Adrian's like I'm just like pouring everything in there Adrian has this like like Jack a lantern face now, you know, like she literally is her head is nothing but like kidcats and like crackles And so she's I know I was thinking God you and you and Brandy had so many problems and you ended up looking like sisters Seriously, I mean we've all seemed up becomes her so So it's like, ah, why don't we do a celebrate something come on give a drink to your grandma come on booby ah Something come on give a drink to your grandma come on, booby. Ah
Starting point is 00:30:51 And so Denise comes in with Aaron and it's like, ah, this is a fun real. Hi, and Brandy's like welcome to our vagina Fairly makes sense. It doesn't make any sense So then Brandy takes like a entire glass of champagne and just chugs it and they're like and whoa Whoa, what's going on here? Jackpot, jackpot. Sorry, instinct, I just call for jackpot when I get agitated. Brandy gives the cheers to Adrian. She's like, come on Adrian, play old school.
Starting point is 00:31:15 She's like, exactly. And Denise comes in and cheers with them. And Aaron's like, wait, why are you cheering to that? You're not old school. And she's like, all right, come on. Everyone gets in here Come on and Brandy's like alright. Here's another cheers to
Starting point is 00:31:30 Surrogacy and to pretend pretending about babies and then ultimately just loving each other I feel I Feel like you just let yourself off the hook there Brandy I think that's Adrian's job to let you off the hook And Adrian we can't Adrian's probably furious, but her face is stuck in this like rictus like Alright, alright. Let's let's X-Nay on the arrogance. He say alright, alright So Brandy explains Adrian, you know, I said she had a surrogate and she said I was a liar and I run into Adrian all the time and she's always lovely to me And I mean she's always just so lovely and I've never really given her a proper apology
Starting point is 00:32:10 So there you go. It's like is that a part that's your proper apology? Getting shit faces someone else's liquor like Well, no, this is technically her apology she goes I do love you and I'm sorry for what I did and It wasn't my idea. It's like oh, okay Throw it all on Vanderbump again. There we go. Vanderpump made me do it It's a classic it's a classic on this show. Oh And so yeah, Brandy is just like she's she brandy feels like she really needed Adrian to forgive her and she's like I love you. I really do. I really I really do love you
Starting point is 00:32:53 Even though you didn't carry your own child and told your child you did. I love you. I really do Please have anter pump made me if Lisa Vander pump was that manipulative and kick like get anybody to do anything she wanted How does she not have one decent waiter at her restaurant? Yeah. Like she can she can brainwash anybody into anything except waiting tables well. Yeah, if she were so manipulative, she would have us all believing that like wearing magician vests is high fashion. Okay. Well, it did work on Kyle because Kyle's currently in one. Is she real? real well Kyle isn't
Starting point is 00:33:25 She's wearing that glitter jacket and that oh, yeah, you know, you are so right Pointed out for my tie last week and I didn't really look at it because this show has Bulk I'm never really a fashion queen, but this shows really blinded me because Erica every week is like It's just kind of like shut me off. I don't see any of it anymore But I looked this week at Kyle's and I was like wow a pissy bow and a glitter jacket. Yes When where she got that from in your pink lit party. Yeah By the way, we asked on our Instagram you can follow us at watch where crap ends We asked do you feel if that glam is ruining these shows, these glam squats?
Starting point is 00:34:05 Because I was noticing that on Real Housewives of New York when they were in the Berkshires, they don't have glam. They're just like themselves. They're doing their own hair makeup. They're just like, it just feels, it's messy, but it's real. And on Beverly Hills, especially Beverly Hills, but some of the other franchises, they have all these endless scenes of glam. and oh my god, what are you wearing? Awww. And so I asked on Instagram, do you feel like glam squads are like hurting these shows? And we had, I think about 3,500 people said yes and 300 people said no. So Bravo, no one wants to see the glam squads anymore, according to them. Well, look, I mean, they don't have them on New York, but New York, they have personalities.
Starting point is 00:34:49 So what are you gonna do? But the criminals didn't use to have as much. Like, this is something that's happened in the past, like, two or three years. I think that, like, when Erica came with her glam squad, since these women are all so competitive, they now all must have glam squads and have glam moments. And the show has sort of just become that. And I think it's getting in the way of, in a weird way, of like some sort of interactions,
Starting point is 00:35:11 like real interactions they could be having with each other. Just like this one. Yeah, like this one. So, Brandy is stuck alone, because Adrian gets a hell out of there. Can't imagine why. Steve runs the fuck out of there. And so Denise and Aaron are hanging out with Brandy at the bar and Brandy's like, you know, it's co-dependent as you guys are. I'm not co-dependent. He's like, I'll tell you, it's dependent America on Big Pharma, who's just dependent all right remove the code. I'm happy with it No, the point is guys. I just want to be a throttle with you. I want to be a throttle with you
Starting point is 00:35:51 Which is And they're like what what and then Denise is like what is a throttle? What is a throttle? I'm like okay Denise I have been defending you all season and I will continue to defend you Because I do feel like in most these arguments you have been right But please don't try to tell us that you don't know what a throttle is Charlie Sheen is your ex husband Don't say you don't know what a throttle is even if you don't know what a throttle is just like use like
Starting point is 00:36:17 Like just look at the way look at the letters and how it sounds and you could just kind of figure it out Yeah, they're like it's a couple and then she goes, well, like a three some. Yes, it's just another word for three. So so Brandy's like, well, you know, you just look Aaron now. So time where you have the moment to say, right now, we just got married and I love her vagina. And as we know, how this plot turns out later in the episode, basically she's trying to get Aaron to say on record, we don't have an open relationship. I'm sorry, it's just us, right?
Starting point is 00:36:53 So she's trying to get him on record to say that because she's going to be coming after them to get her ass back on the show and she wants that on camera, but he doesn't because Aaron's just kind of dumb and he's also like looking at Brandy like deteriorate right like so why would her cheeks falls off right in front? So she you're saying that she wants Aaron to confirm that they do is meaning that this would come They're not in an open relationship confirm everything that she says it's gonna confirm everything that she says about them Not having an open relationship even though she thought they did that's an interesting theory Yeah, meanwhile while this is, we get a shot outside of Kathy going up to Kyle and saying,
Starting point is 00:37:28 Kyle, it could not have gone any better, Kyle. Oh wait, I just remembered if I had thrown it, it would have been so much better. Oh, that's so good, Kyle, so good. Anyway, I'll be over there. So then we go to dancing. And my bride is just falling down everywhere. She falls over a couch and she falls down on the ground. She's a mess. She's just. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:53 She is like, like, she is not, she's not just falling over. She is just like falling over in ways that are mortifying, just like stumbling, like legs up over her head, you know. Yeah. Like a full disaster. And it's like, lady, you are too old to beat. And I'm not age-shaming. I'm meaning that like if you're over 23, you shouldn't be like, you should know how to handle your alcohol.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I firmly believe that. Yeah, there's so fun. You've had two years of legally doing it, if not a few more before that for when you were in college or in high school. Like, that's enough time to know how much booze you should you can handle. Oh, and we, there's been so much talk on Real Housewives of New York. Like, oh my god, this is serious now. They're all alcoholics. Like, you know, people are freaking out all over. Like, this doesn't even find any more. They're just too serious.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Well, watch this one, okay? The New York ladies look like they're just a fucking T-Time compared to this. Yeah. And then did you also catch Kyle doing some classical A-Lane Benniss moves on the dance floor? I don't know what was happening. There was a lot of arm movement. There was like a blazer that was like adjusting and it was not great. Yeah. So then we're done with the party and we're seeing what everybody's doing today. Yeah. This scene made me gasp. I'm not going to lie because it was Garsell was at her at her new house and Michael, her man is there and Garsell is trying to open a box. We don't even know what it is. And she's like, oh, could you help me open this box, please?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Oh, so he opens it up and it's like a bunch of shock glasses and he just like opens it up. She's like, oh, I didn't look how easy that is for you. And then all the shock glasses just like explode out of shock glasses and he just like opens it up. So though I didn't look how easy that is for you and then all the shock glasses just like explode out of the box and fall everywhere and I literally was like Don't worry. That was all some home good shit in there. I mean I know I know as well as that home goods kitchen We're always talking about like do you only have stupid people over every single thing is labeled. It's like kitchen Glasses people over every single thing is labeled. It's like kitchen, glasses, bone up a tee.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Which I mean, I guess is a little not as on the nose, but. I just like how triggered I am by something like that, because I can imagine you went to the store, you saw it at home, good, oh a bunch of shot glasses, that could be fun. I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna do, I'm gonna open, I'm gonna have a bar area,
Starting point is 00:40:02 I'm gonna build it all around these little shot glasses. This is gonna be fun and I finally get the fire in the box And I have to decide to open it up and this will be wonderful and lovely and then it breaks them all That's too real So Dorit's talking to her Designer oh her closet is it she's a yes. Oh, yeah, so is that where she is? Yeah, she's a good. Oh my god. She's painting the ceiling exactly like Caesars or the Venetian Mall. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:40:30 She's in Boogadappo. She's creating the Boogadappo experience. So Lisa gets a restaurant in Caesars and Doree gets a room in Boogadappo but paints the ceiling like the ceiling in Caesars. Yeah, pretty much. Anybody? Anybody? paints the ceiling like the ceiling and seizures. Yeah, pretty buddy. Anybody.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I'm just like so excited for to see to see the story arc, like, see where it goes. It's very exciting to me. So then Rene is with her gaze and getting glammed up and he's like, we are gonna get fall. And that drama with you. And that fall is going to be a drama. And she's like, Oh, you know fall, I'm talking about what's in it, fall, it's gonna be fall drama. And she's like, oh, you know, I think I was born to track Queen. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Can we please get some cuts of Erica talking about how she's a track queen? Please, all these ladies do is walk around and copy each other. Come on. I know. It's exactly right. So then we were now we're in Erica's
Starting point is 00:41:23 shoodaz dazzle event. And there's like a lady. I'm pretty sure it was Amy from Gallery Girls. She's like, we are entering the world of Erica Jane Holiday Edition. And Mikey's like, let's take a shot and get in the mid-com. I'm bad for a shot. I'm not nice.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Yes. And Erica's like, you know what to get something? You want something more. I'm not nice guys. America's like, you know, once you get something, you want something more. And then you want more. And then you want more. And then you want more. And then you look at me. I moved to New York. Then I got that job at Shakers.
Starting point is 00:41:54 And then I... Then I got married to Tom. Then I got a shoe man. And then I got Chicago. I think there are no limits. I love it when she gets into her her like Tentrika talks mode, you know Let me tell you some about forks and spoons. They are great. You can use them to eat food You can play instruments with the spoons. They are so much. There's no limits no limits to forks and spoons
Starting point is 00:42:21 I noticed she left out her book which we never heard about again Yeah, she left out her book, which we never heard about again. Oh yeah. She left out her book in that long list of accomplishments. So then Rene's, Rene's Teddy there, and they squeal about how he and everybody likes, everybody arrives basically. Yeah, and it's just like, A- like, it's like not the size, it's like shaped like a shoe, it's the size of a bow, and then everyone's like, whoa, oh my
Starting point is 00:42:52 god, I'm so cake, and we're like, it's a cake, baby, it's a cake, how are you, cake, how are you, Kate? How are you? America's like, Everybody, I just want to thank you for watching. So then there's a group photo and of course Kyle stands in the center and then kicks her leg up. Does it look like a standing split basically? Yes. And right now it's like, Okay everybody, I need you to check your schedules
Starting point is 00:43:24 because Eric is doing Broadway. So beforehand I want us to go on a trip, I have a range to trip to Rome, Italy, and Southgate! And then, and this is exciting for Doreep because she's fluent in Italian and she's basically like a... L'essagne à Booka TV, Papa Delay, Mario Mitterball, la... Yeah, I'm hoping we're gonna get a lot of Louis Anne subtitles where she's like trying to talk Italian, but she's really saying like, bathroom down the street, I know!
Starting point is 00:43:58 Yeah, and Kyle starts making jokes about wines and invite the Pope to dinner, but you know that she's in a weird way she kind of... wants that, like I'm like who did who did Kathy have dinner with like the archbishop of of like California or something like who is Kyle trying to one up right now guess what guys we're opening the agency Vatican so oh yeah there's this ceiling, but we can totally redo that. We can totally just paint over it. No one cares about this ceiling over here. It's like, it's got old art, but we can totally redo it.
Starting point is 00:44:31 It's great. It's the agency, Vatican City. So everybody is so excited to go to Rome and to read goes up to the bar to order a drink. Vodka Club 3 Lemon Squeeze Caucasoo! I call that the Bucode Pepeau. So then Denise goes up to Mikey and she's like, well, you must be coming to Rome also, right? And he just smiles like I've been told I'm not allowed to talk to you anymore. Sorry. I'll keep you in quiet.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Sorry. Yeah, I've ever wondered how Erica's, try and have a conversation with Mikey. Okay, yeah, he's like, no, sorry. When the report says no, but I'll be over here. It's just like slides away. Yeah. So then she's Erica's there now. And so Denise goes to Erica's Erica.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Do you have any poll where we can meet the Pope? No, I don't. I do not have any poll with the Pope, honey. Kyle is so jealous that like she wasn't asked that. So then Kyle is over in the corner because now, so Erica and Denise are talking and now Kyle is in the corner And she's like Eric and Denise never spoke at my party not one word. I'm like oh there's Kyle just Sturring the pot again in her own way in her own way
Starting point is 00:45:56 Well, I think so them talking right over there. Thanks for the exposition guys. You're right next to each other Like they're standing like So Denise is talking to Erica still and she's like, you know what look I just wanted to tell you the reason I walked away that day is because I just I wanted to talk You know we talked about this in Santa Barbara already and just because I'm an open woman doesn't mean I'm open to talking about stuff Like that in front of my children Yeah, and Erica's like here's the thing When Eric is like really straight like she's standing up really straight and like kind of pointing her her head down at her
Starting point is 00:46:36 You know because that's what Erica does when she's like being snooty. She's like when Aaron gets involved It becomes something else So Denise goes, all right, well, I'll get to that in a second. Erica goes, okay. And Denise, I just want to clear the air. And Erica's like, you know, anytime we try to discuss it, you're like, I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:46:56 I'm like, she just said, we'll talk about it in a second. She's trying to take care of like this thing first. And then we'll move on to Erin. But what's happened is, as we predicted many weeks ago, is that now the narrative is that Denise just shuts it down and doesn't wanna talk about things. And who started that conversation? That Denise just isn't honest.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Denise doesn't, is an honest, doesn't wanna talk. She doesn't wanna talk. It was Kyle weeks ago. I guess when did that all start? That started with that part, right? That party, right? Yeah. The bar is Justice Party. Wasn't it Justice Party? Kyle's party, I think. It started right away. Yeah, well, that's right, because Kyle was addressing it at Justice Party. But there was something that happened early in the season. I don't even remember anymore,
Starting point is 00:47:40 because Kyle's had like 50 million parties at this point. Yeah, Kyle's starting it. So, but now This Erica does this thing when she fights it makes me crazy where she just looks at the other person speaks really coldly And then she's like, oh, well, that we're gonna talk. Oh really now. Oh, I'll find the now We'll talk about it. I guess and Denise. It's like I feel like you're getting upset now. I just want to talk. Oh Okay, so you want to talk now, but then you don't want to talk about Aaron. Okay Well, every time we discuss it, you're like, I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:48:09 You shut it down. It's like, if you're the one shutting it down, you will want to talk about it. She's like, Lily said, I want to talk about it in a second. Like, let's hold on. Like, let's deal with this thing first. This is why this is how I feel about the three-something, the three-some conversation,
Starting point is 00:48:22 and then we can talk about Aaron. But now you've shut me down, and now our conversation is about me shutting you down, which is not what this is about, you know? So she's like, come on, Erica. She's like, oh, well, why are we even talking about it now, and she's like, cause I, oh, well, what are we doing now? We're talking about it now.
Starting point is 00:48:38 It's like, oh, fucking, Erica. She's like, well, you know, it's difficult. She's having a conversation with these because she shuts you down of the chalines. That's exactly what you're doing. These people just leaving because you're being that you're not letting her talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So Denise is just like, look, I just don't want things to be offered like I awkward. Look, I like you. I have respect for you. And Erica goes, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Erica just being the coldest b-ouch that she can possibly be, I have respect for you and Erica goes, thank you. Erica just being the coldest b-auch that she can possibly be, which is so hilarious for the end of this episode too. You know, there's so many nuggets that pay off by the end of the episode.
Starting point is 00:49:15 It's really true. And then it goes back to Dereet and she is just like, now she has become like ambassador for Rosetta Stone because she's talking about how she doesn't get to speak Italian anymore And you know like she's like people come up to me and say do speak Italian and I say Bunjorn no pizza pie and they're like whoa, we didn't expect you actually speak Italian Why not say pizza and pasta Cause I'm like I know how to say sabata, like the Spanish guy. So then we go over to the great tavern, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, and it's got a dun, dun, dun scene, a score sell and set and have him dinner.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Yeah, it's like actually my two new favorite additions to this cast. And it's kind of funny because I feel like we haven't really seen them interact very much. There have always been a public large group so they're having a one-on-one session and basically suddenly I'm on a vodka freeze run. Now I'm just sticking with wine and Garce I was like oh did you pass out somewhere? I don't know. I don't do that. I'm a lady. Two things I don't do. I don't pass out and I don't collaborate with celebrities. Although I guess you could say this dinner is sort of a collaboration as you are a celebrity. I'm ashamed of myself already. Well, how was the shoe thing the other night?
Starting point is 00:50:37 Oh, we missed you. We missed you. You're never around. She's like, well, it's being a single mother who's got to work all right. So she goes you know I just found out about Rome even. She's like oh I love Rome it's gonna be rain in there. And she's like oh black hair and rain. And she's like oh it's not just black people trust me my kitchen gets hot. Because I was like wait please please tell me you did not just like summon like some like classic like black culture into your experience. Oh yes my kitchen gets very very hot. Check out these edges. Garthels like my baby hair. Garthels like the kitchen to a black person is the back of your back. What? And something's like, oh, baby hair. Yeah. Garsell's like, the kitchen to a black person is the back of your back.
Starting point is 00:51:28 What? And then it's like, honey, I'm from Augusta, Georgia. OK. I know what a kitchen is. Anyway, I have to go. I got my crumpan class. What? It's like, what?
Starting point is 00:51:41 So they're cell orders and my stomach hurts. Because she's like, I'll have mac and cheese in a tuna tartar. What? So they're cell orders and my stomach hurts. Cause she's like, I'll have mac and cheese in a tuna tartare. What? All right. She's been going to Surah too much. So she asks if Sun's gonna be bring glam to Rome and Garsal's like, I mean, I'm a single mom.
Starting point is 00:51:58 I can't bring glam anywhere everywhere I go. And Sun goes, okay, and, okay, and. And she's like, yeah, so I've heard. So you know, the way I was brought up, you don't talk about money, right? But I wanna know, where'd you get your money? Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Did you inherit it? Did you marry money? Were you born with money? Did you rob a bank? I'm just curious, because you don't seem to have any discernible skills, so we know you didn't really earn it on your own. You dress like a peacock and a some kind of any discernible skills, so we know you didn't really earn it on your own.
Starting point is 00:52:29 You dress like a peacock and a some kind of chicken wherever you go, so it couldn't, you know, it couldn't have been a job that you got. And suddenly just keeps making that horrified, you know, she gets her cat eyes on where she's like, hmm, she's just looking mortified, but then she calms down again. Yeah. And she's like, well, I was married and my ex did well. So there's that also it turns out that being a Michelle Forbes lookalike pays quite well. Many people call for it at the audience. I have to say. So she's like, well, how long were you married and set in tells her 17 years in Garso goes, whoa, that's a long time. Wow, that's 17 years. That's almost halfway to when the first coming to America was released. I'm in the sequel.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And you know, Sutton's unnerved by all of this. Yeah. Keeping a good attitude. And Chris says, look, I didn't ask the balance of her savings account, which I would love to know. I would love to know that. So did you lose your virginity to your husband? Just asking some luck questions here. Sun's like, oh, my, her dog's butt with a white bee. Yeah. So there's that. There's that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 And so Rina's there. Rina and Amelia and so Alexia, Kyle's daughter, Kyle and Mauricio's daughter comes over. And you know, she is a, she's gone into the world of real estate. She's been working at the agency. And so she comes over and really is so funny. And really gets like right into her face.
Starting point is 00:54:09 I guess, do you want an iced tea? Want some water? Want an iced tea? And iced tea, anyone? Anyone? Ha ha ha ha ha. Got him, the cool mom. So let's watch some privileged kids get everything in life.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah. Alexia's there because she's working at the agency now. And Amelia is getting her own apartment. And she's just listing, I mean, Amelia is just like, well, we hope we're Beverly Hills because I have major anxiety. I mean, I can't even sleep in this house without freaking out. And I need security. I need a door man.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I mean, I'd like a pretty kitchen. I like marble white. I like pretty refrigerator. Big windows to make me happy because my mood Is easily changed by my surroundings a pool with cabanas like okay too bad room modern contemporary knockground floor Jim I'd like a swing set, but only facing east that would be great What I would you know what I don't want I want carpet tiles, but on the wall They're only on some walls and only up to two feet high anything higher than that gives me anxiety so something like that
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, I'm sick. I can't have shelves. What she say? I can't have fans She's like I want to avoid having racks all over my apartment racks kill my vibe Yeah, I rack to kill my vibe everything she says is about her feelings like I have anxiety so I need this and I have you know That'll freak me out to kill my vibe so I need this so I have, you know, that'll freak me out of kill my vibe. So I need this and I get to press to five this. It's like, oh my God, the world does not give a fuck about your feelings, okay? Can I just explain the hardships you're gonna go anywhere in life
Starting point is 00:55:34 if you're not with your mommy every two seconds? The world doesn't give a fuck if you're triggered and the world doesn't give a fuck if you have anxiety, okay? Man up over there. Yeah, the way you get over that shit is you stick yourself into a studio apartment because you're only like, what, how does she 18? Studio apartment and with a bunch of carpenter bees
Starting point is 00:55:57 that have burrowed their way into the railing and some roaches that occasionally appear and weird neighbors. And you'll get over a lot of shit really quickly. I can speak from experience. Yeah, me too. And Rinda does too. She's like, I did everything on my own.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And that's why I'm successful. And I was like, well, OK. And I guess she's shoe-horning this into my. My kids are doing everything she's alone, because alone, because she has a job. And that's how she's paying for this. I'm like, modeling jobs you get her and a wine partnership you got her.
Starting point is 00:56:26 And I don't know. I say throw her out into the desert. I say throw her out in the world because. I say, make it and afraid it. Okay. Make it and afraid it if you want to raise a good child in today's world. Like I totally supported them bringing Amelia back
Starting point is 00:56:39 from New York. She clearly wasn't ready for like the world of modeling in New York City and all that. But like still, the way that she's, my feeling is that a lot of these anxiety she's feeling by catering to them, they're not going to go away, or you're not going to quell them, they're probably just going to get worse. Put her out there on Gower or Bronson or Van Nes, put her out there on, you know, Gower or Bronson or Van, put her in like Western Avenue,
Starting point is 00:57:08 get her nice little apartment over there. And, uh, drop her up in front of the togos and get out of there. Okay. Speed away. Find a smart and final and get an apartment across the street, drop her off there. You're not the togos, is that still there? Togos. Oh, yeah, I think it's. Oh, Gower Gold is there. Gower Gold is a Gower Gold and just speed away. All right. The Garagolt got looted last month
Starting point is 00:57:29 Went so when when the when things were at the when there was like the looting portion of like the protest There's one part where looters went into the Garagolt and report like Garagolt's Go go singing karaoke at that place. Oh my god. Oh my god. I forgot that the It's gone now is it amiga or something like that? Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that place No, they write they by the way they they looted looters went for righted. So none of the local businesses were effect None of like the mom and pop's just right. It okay But well So that's kind of a messy scene. That's a frustrating scene for
Starting point is 00:58:08 anybody who's ever had a real job. Gotta say. So now we go over to Teddy. And Teddy is she's at home packing for the strip to room with her assistant. And she's like, I think that's everything for that bag. But now, can we even close it? Hi, I'm Teddy, and I'm having a funny scene. God, Teddy's so basic she even does the sitting on your suitcase scene. I'm a Teddy. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Hot mess, express over here, whole. God, would you like to teach one of your children to drive while you're getting your vagina frozen? Any other housewise troops you'd like to go and like to hang that upside down from the ceiling while you close that suitcase daddy. Yeah so So then we go over to Sutton who is like she suddenly has a gay I don't know. I wonder where Sutton finds a gay I feel like Sutton lives in such a weird world that I just don't see her interacting with many people who just aren't other Sutton's.
Starting point is 00:59:10 So like the fact that she somehow caught a gay, maybe she was at like a department store or something. Like, she's like, probably winner of somebody, you know. It's like a whole network, okay. Once you know one gay, what you're connected to one gay, you've got a whole network of games. But this game is Jordan, the one who works at her store.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Oh, there we go. There's the connection. Shopping and stuff. So he's like, oh my God, astounding. Cause he's going through all of her clothes. And she's like, could you pay attention to me? What I'm saying is we're gonna hit the Coliseum, great cafe, Spanish stamps.
Starting point is 00:59:44 He's like, oh my god And the cats just like getting into the bag. I love that. I love any cutaways that's prints prints the cat spelled PRI and T.S. not prints And then we go over to Erica's closet where her assistant Leah is Leah Leah is helping her pack and they put a wig on the dog her assistant Leah is Leah. Leah is helping her pack and they put a wig on the dog. Yeah, they put a wig on the dog. That was my favorite Eric has seen ever. I have to say.
Starting point is 01:00:11 So then Kyle's house dogs everywhere. Her foyer is still pink. Her foyer still pink because they put that sign up for the party. That's I forget what it said. It was like, yeah, because you're not signing. I guess what she's going to do that thing where she's, she, here's my theory. She likes it up because it makes her kind of feel cool and edgy and it's kind of like Erica Jane
Starting point is 01:00:32 and it's kind of like also Lisa Vanderpump's color. It makes her feel cool, but she doesn't want to, but she knows it doesn't match her personality. So she's just gonna pretend like, oh, I keep forgetting to take it down. I'm too lazy to take it down, but so you can at least she actually just like, like oh, I keep forgetting to take it down I'm too lazy to take it down, but secretly she actually just like really likes it happying up Well some odd theory it's odd, but I think it's right
Starting point is 01:00:53 So cows house dog shots just dogs so ten of them over and because they're packing to and Kow's like oh, you know the reason I wanted to do this is for wedding invitations It has nothing to or or baby shower invitations. It has nothing to do with trying to ruin Denise's life because she's more popular than me on this show. Hey, come on in. I've been so busy trying to organize my children's hospital event, which I just had in Christiana was there, and getting ready for Italy, which I'm going to now. Just like, and Teddy is like, ready to pop pop and I haven't begun to organize her shower yet
Starting point is 01:01:27 I'm like that was two months ago and you're a terrible friend You didn't even remember that she was pregnant two months ago. You're terrible terrible terrible terrible I just wanted to be the easiest thing possible is not that I don't care if the people come out I mean not that I don't care like Teddy This is the saddest storyline for you to be dragging around. Seriously, do something, anything. Check the Earth Pink hair now. Teddy and Testimonio, put up with Pink hair now. Come on, guys.
Starting point is 01:01:52 You still suck, Teddy, okay? But also, do you have baby showers for your third child? I thought it was just the first one, really. Yeah, baby showers for every damn kid you have, okay? You stop to go through the nine months and this swollen feet and the loss of more tissue or whatever the hell you have to go through you still got to shit the table in the end You get a shower damn it so I say well I don't I don't know I just I was a woman. I'd get a shower every time I could have gotten pregnant
Starting point is 01:02:19 Okay, yeah, yeah, but and as gay men what do we get nothing nothing you know what the most we're almost as discriminated against as the cis straight white male I'm gonna say I think being a gay male is like the best thing you can be born out. It's great Yeah, except for the like the the undercurrent of homophobia and our culture at large other than that It's only stupid straight people think like that anyway And self-loathing is so Anyway, so Kyle is like she's offering to do the baby shower house of course and So Teddy is like, you know, I just want to be be easy for everyone. And, you know, like, I really like games, but the thing that I hate the most is opening
Starting point is 01:03:08 presents in front of everyone, like, killing me now. And Kyle's like, um, we're definitely doing that because I also have to see what everyone got you and I have to see if I have any good ideas in there. Yeah. So guess what? Not Kyle, not Kyle, not Kyle, not Kyle. Kim just comes, bopping in there. It's just wearing a Brandi Charo ponytail from season five.
Starting point is 01:03:29 It's like a brand. Crazy. It looks fucking crazy. So it looks like a shrunken head. Yeah, looks crazy. So it's crazy, I'm just gonna get a shrunken head. Oh, the shrunken head. Also oddly enough, like an onion.
Starting point is 01:03:45 So she comes in and she's like, yeah, I thought I ran like, brandy's in the car. She's down in the car all mic'd up. No intention of coming up. She has a microphone on just because she's like, really into Radio Shack and putting gadgets on. That's all, okay, that's all. Just get a little near some clothes, Kyle,
Starting point is 01:04:02 because I know you want clothes from a poor person being probably a billionaire by now. You mean my clothes for real, Kyle? It's like, no, you guys are not using Kyle needs to browse something to wear from Kim. Yeah. Yeah. For Kim coming over.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Come on. And there's like a shot, they're all like looking at Kim. And I don't know if you saw this, but even the dog is looking at Kim like, what are you doing here? What is happening? Well, they're letting you back in here. And I'd like to say, I love being psychic, okay? And this is one of the things that the very beginning of the season, I was like, this
Starting point is 01:04:37 is totally going to be a Kyle scene where all of this comes out. Of course. That Kyle's going to have Brandy over and of course here we are with the Kyle. The great Kyle set up of 2020. Exactly. Kyle said, wait Brandy's downstairs. Oh, I feel bad. I feel bad. We shouldn't bite her up. Right? I feel bad. You know, because Kyle, you know, this all happened because of the goodness of Kyle's heart. If Kyle just hadn't felt bad for Brandy, maybe none of this would have come out to the show. Ronnie, maybe none of this would made it like Kyle is just too good. Maybe none of this would have made it.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Kyle is just too good of a person. Look at the trouble it causes. Yeah. Do you know how many Brandis are lost every year when their parents just forget them in the car? Bring her up here. Bring her up here. That's not safe.
Starting point is 01:05:17 So Kim goes downstairs and I can't ran. You want to go upstairs and Brandi fully miked. Fully, this is not an impromptu thing. It's like, okay, well, I guess I'll go upstairs. So, and then- So they go up and Kyle tells us, well, they have a very unique friendship. They were absolute enemies before,
Starting point is 01:05:35 and then we get to see you're a slut pig. I will never like you after everything you did. Yeah, and then Kyle gives us one of the biggest lines of bullshit she's ever given us. She was like, you know, but even when Kim and I weren't getting along, I was always happy knowing that Brandy was a good friend to her. And I think that says a lot about her character. What? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:58 What? And they also showed a clip of the flashback of Kyle coming to Kim when they're fighting and Kim's crying and Kyle bends down and then Brandy comes over like, come on, Kim! And Kyle says, excuse me, you're not wanted here. And she says, neither are you, ask your husband, ask your husband! Because Brandy was always trying to accuse Mauricio of having a fair, all of this, which led to the fairs going into the blogs which they came out magazines which they blamed Vanderpump for telling Brandi to bring
Starting point is 01:06:32 magazines on a trip which she didn't do you know all of this shit but I just am bringing all this up because come on you guys let's not forget that Brandi was trying this whole time to pretend that Maricia or not pretend who knows if she was telling the truth was having an affair on Kyle. And this was a huge thing for Kyle back in the day. And that's going to be very important coming up. Yeah. And I just think it's funny because Kyle and Kim, that whole, that season, I think it was Brandy's last season.
Starting point is 01:06:59 One of the big, one of the big issues that they had was the fact that Kim was letting Brandy come between them. And on top of that, that Kim was on drugs. But that basically, that was a big, big issue that Kim seemed to have more loyalty to Brandy than she did to Kyle. And now she's always so happy that Kim had Brandy always. It says so much about her character. Yeah, when I was completely not speaking to Kim. Yeah, I don't really so much about her character. Yeah, when I was completely not speaking to Kim. Yeah, I don't really say anything about her character.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Yeah. So Kim, is she got a revolts back, I'm 100% good, I'm a boobies, I can't Kim. And so they start, Teddy tells them that they're packing and they're going to Rome and then, and Kyle's like, yeah, we're going to Rome. I mean, there's been some little stuff in the group per usual, you know, but because there was something that happened with Denise and the, you know, the, you know, there was this conversation
Starting point is 01:07:55 about a threesome that came up. I'm not that happened, you know, I just want to say three some right now. Okay, I just want to say that. And then she got mad, you know, she goes, why would she get mad? Charlie, she missed their father. She starts laughing and then he's like, yeah. And she said that I'm a shit talking shitster. You are a shit talking shitster.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You are fast forward very soon. So then, and then Kyle's like, I mean, and then Rina told me that she doesn't even like me. And then, but then she's very nice to me. So like, I don't know. And then Teddy's like, she never says anything. Like, I love how they are furious that Denise seems to be dishonest.
Starting point is 01:08:38 When they're the ones who are always nice to Denise too. And look what you, do you see the scene you're actually filming? Do you see what you're saying behind Denise's back? And you're getting upset that she doesn't what you, do you see the scene you're actually filming? Do you see what you're saying behind Denise's back and you're getting upset that she doesn't like you? Maybe because she picks up on how fake you are. How about that, you know? Yeah. And so that brings us like,
Starting point is 01:08:54 I think she does exactly what you've been doing this whole season, you fuckers. She did, she actually has because everything that Denise said and that car ride back from, I think it was one of Kyle's part, wherever it was when they were in the car and she was like, fact, mess shit. And she was just like, Kyle's stupid.
Starting point is 01:09:10 She says this, she's sort of fake, she surfaced. She had a perfect read on Kyle. And that's why Kyle doesn't like her because she's got her number. Well, and also all this stuff happened before the season, right? Isn't all the stuff that they're accusing me of happened before the season and Brandy told Kim and Kim didn't tell Kyle really and Kyle didn't tell Teddy really and that's
Starting point is 01:09:30 not the reason that they were bringing up three Sims on purpose trying to go to these at that party really, really supposed to believe all this. Come on. Yeah, exactly. So Kim's like, now we begin the great victimhood of Brandy Glendale. That's rich. This is, this is, this is kind of an amazing scene. I will say this, by the way, because you were saying that Brandy is a pathological liar.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I sometimes think that Brandy, and this may be inconsistent with things that I've said in the past, I don't know, people can check me and say. But like, I believe that Brandy is one of these people. I think that she is in the same mold as Kenya, which is funny because they hated each other on celebrity apprentice. But where pathological liar, I feel like to me, it implies an intentionality of lying.
Starting point is 01:10:16 And I feel like Brandi and Kenya and lots of other people on reality TV, they have their own interpretation of reality where they actually think that what they're saying is true. But they, so like, I think we talked about this a lot with the magazine thing with Lisa Vanderpump that we imagined that like Lisa probably made a joke and then brand interpret that as like, she told me to do this and in her mind she's not lying, she just, she, that's her perception of what happened.
Starting point is 01:10:43 And so I think that like, I always get the feeling that Brandy just perceives things in ways that I don't trust, but I don't think that she's an active like, pathological liar. I think she's an active fucking liar. She takes one little thing, which is true. And then she spins it in a way that's complete to mislead everybody and makes it sound like this huge deal.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And they can't really, it's hard for them to argue it because part of it's true. And so an honest person is like, well, I mean, that's not what I meant. It's like, oh, that's not what you meant. But that is lying. That is being a fucking liar. It's misleading people on purpose all the time. She's done it all every single fucking season. She's been on this show. So here she comes, but now she's gonna,
Starting point is 01:11:28 this misleading is gonna take, and I'm sure that the base of this is true, but she's gonna take this and make herself this huge fucking victim now, like, and make her sound, like she's been me too, the me too era, and it's gross, Randy, it's fucking gross, okay? So it can't see. Well, you know, she it's gross Brandy. It's fucking gross, okay? So it feels like, well, you know, Jimmy did something to Brandy.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Was just, I don't wanna say anything. Is he did to her? She did something so bad to Brandy. And Kyle's like, I thought you guys were friends. Yeah. And Brandy's like, but we are friends. And, you know, I mean, I just don't know what we are.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I'm so stressed about this. I mean, you guys, you just need to be careful with her because she's not who she pretends to me. Okay. I'm gonna say that You not her she pretends to me Yeah, like what you see is not what you get. Okay. First of all Teddy She doesn't like you at all at all. She said horrible things about you You're obnoxious. You'll do anything to be in this group. You've lived under your dad's shadow all your life You're really boring. You held a terrible retreat all that stuff all of it. Okay, now just to pause I believe that all that happened. Yes, where's the lie? Okay. Yeah, okay, so this is where and this is also where I
Starting point is 01:12:40 Believe that that happened and I believe this is where also her perception comes in because I can imagine and he's been like, oh god She's awful, you know, she's just and she says like, you know, she's so obnoxious that one like oh She just wants him to screw up and she lived under her dad's shadow like, you know She probably like you know things that are like said sort of like in a way like like you know like there's a difference between It's never it's still not good. You know, it's not definitely not nice to hear, but there's a difference to be being like, oh yeah, she's so obnoxious,
Starting point is 01:13:11 versus like she is obnoxious. There's like, those carry different weights. And I think that brandy has made me sound like that. Brandy and Denise were talking the day after Kyle's party because Brandy said that they hadn't spoken since all of this other stuff happened Between then and this party so they're talking at this party and then the next day they call and like do the after party gossip Right, so Denise thinks Brandy is her friend so she's bitching about all the girls who came for her
Starting point is 01:13:37 Yeah before right. Yeah, so yeah, she's like fuck Teddy so Which I believe she said you know, so Teddy's like and I gave her the opportunity to come clean, like say it to my face, okay? Say it to my face. Shut up, Teddy. So then Kyle, by the way, I just want to say, I just remember where this all started. Remember I said this all started at that. Denise's party. No, it all started with Teddy's retreat and Kyle and Doreen came to fight about glam squad and then Denise basically being like, what's the big deal Kyle? And the moment that she challenged Kyle on that, to be like, what's the big deal Kyle?
Starting point is 01:14:09 That's what she was talking about for her. From that stupid glam squad fight from the retreat. That love that. So then Kyle was like, yeah, and apparently she doesn't like me either. And she's like, well, I mean, she doesn't, and she doesn't like anyone. She doesn't like Rene either.
Starting point is 01:14:21 And she said, Erica's a cool-hearted bitch. But then around you guys, she's like, what do they want to then around you guys she's like what do they want to fight with me I just so understand what they want to fight with me and Teddy's like that's terrible because she acts like she idolizes Erica like she acts like this chill person but you know but she knows what she's doing what is she doing what's the grand plan here yeah what and what is she doing that's any different from what you're actually doing right now like Teddy even says I give her the opportunity to come clean say it to my face Teddy
Starting point is 01:14:49 What are you saying to Denise's face at this moment? What are you saying to Denise's face at the end of this episode Teddy Teddy cows like so she doesn't think she's gonna tell you and this stuff's gonna come out She's like well she thinks she can tell me things because she has stuff on me It's like and then this is where she's like, oh, I need water, I just want some nervous. I'm so nervous, Jeff, water. And then we see Kyle ordering, you know, water and wine in Spanish from her,
Starting point is 01:15:16 like, her maid or whatever. I don't know why we saw that, but I guess, I don't know, it was funny to me. Cause Kyle's roots is fuck, man. Yeah. So Brandy's like our cows like I've never seen Brandy this nervous Normally normally if she's upset it's because you know She'll spill it but call him poor Brandy and Kim's like well, you know I just really speak to the veracity of what she's saying. Wow. Wow. She's so nervous Kim's like well, I'm just saying you what she did to you, Brady is wrong,
Starting point is 01:15:46 Brandy, and she's not your friend, okay, not your friend. So Brandy's like, well, when we met, we ended off right away. And I mean, I just thought she was really cool, you know? Then I saw in April, and I'm not again until your party, and like some shit went down over those nine months was what I'm not gonna talk about, but it was really bad, really, really bad, it was really bad.
Starting point is 01:16:04 You know, cheating, I hate cheating, and you know, I was cheated on, and it's whatever about my books, and you know, it destroyed me, and it destroyed me, and I- Someone said I'm sort of obsessed about it, because 10 years later, I'm still talking about it, and I would never do that to someone else. I had a friend who was dating a married guy, and I said, you're not my friend anymore, okay? Okay, I can't even watch the show cheaters on TV Okay, I can't even watch nature specials because Cheetah sounds too much like a New Jersey person saying cheater And then she put she put me in a situation where I was a cheater and came like ill is the reverse Who's a reverse cheating who's a reverse cheating. Like, hmm.
Starting point is 01:16:43 What? Kim just, just, just stay there and tend to your pony. Kim's still making no sense. And Kyle's like, what do you mean? And Kim's holding her hand, because this is a very traumatic moment for Brandy. And Brandy's like, well, I was out with her. And by the way, who was just with Brand, who was just with Denise laughing and say she wanted to be in a threesome or a threpo with her in her husband.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Dramatized Brandy over here, okay. Brandy's like, well, I was with her in Aaron and, you know, I knew they had an understanding like she could be with girls if she wanted as long as it's not a guy. And they just staring at her because it's Teddy and Kyle who were like, Kyle's like, a Merrill Wanness cigarette. Wow. Wow, dare you, ma'am. You like, a Mero want a cigarette. Wow. Wow, dare you, ma'am. You know, they're like such periods. Yeah. And so I should like, well, so basically, um, you know, Britney, you know, Denise, we like really clicked and we know we we got wasted and we're at that restaurant and
Starting point is 01:17:37 And so we went to the bathroom and she just started making out with me and like I wasn't expecting it, but I was like, okay, cool. That's so I just I went along with it and then like Denise just wanted to hang out all the time she was like let's hang out let's hang out let's hang out she's like obsessed or something like that and then like she then killed like Stephen Weber with his teleno and I was like that's a lot that's a lot Denise. And so she said she was Aaron when they first weighed out Denise wasn't with Aaron at that point which makes no sense because she just said she knew that oh I guess she just means Aaron wasn't there like physically she must mean Aaron wasn't there so then she's like in the napro she invited me to reset in Santa Barbara Did you do my podcast so I was like okay?
Starting point is 01:18:12 I'll go to send that Barbara. I mean I guess went on that sounds fun even though kind of scary But I mean okay, I don't know and so I went and I was gonna get my own room and she said no I'll just get you a roll away and you can stay with us and like her children her middle daughter was there You know the kids were downstairs the kids were there and there was no roll away bit Oh, okay, so this old-time Denise has been grooming you is what you're basically saying on camera that Denise this old time has just been grooming you So she could like sexually assault you in a fucking hotel room brand. Is that what you're saying? You know the first night was normal, but the next night we hooked up and Kyle goes, who's we? I'm like, Kyle, are you listening to the story? Denise and Brandy.
Starting point is 01:18:56 And she's like, Denise and I and Teddy goes, what? Kiss? She's like, everything. I mean, look, I don't want you to judge me, okay? And Kyle's like, I'm not judging you. I mean look I don't want you guys to judge me okay and Cross like I'm not judging you. I'm judging to me Bangs are judging I can't help it if the bangs It's gonna win. Well this movie ever be done filming So Brandi's like why by sexual everyone knows that and I was like I didn't know that I didn't know that either I don't know that you got that's how much you guys even fucking pay attention on this show you didn't know Brandy was by Come on. I mean I
Starting point is 01:19:31 Didn't know that she was like officially by sexual either but I but it's like it's not a surprise because I feel like she has talked about Fully around girls and stuff. I just thought it was more like a A what's it called something in the scale the, the Kinsey scale, whatever it is. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. The point is this though, that the fact that they're sort of shocked, they're like, I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I didn't know. And she's like, but I couldn't, like, you know, and then she said the next morning, well, I couldn't get into it. She says, like we were doing it, but like I just couldn't get into it. I can't feel, yeah. So what does that mean?
Starting point is 01:20:06 You know, it's like everything she's saying. I'm like, come on, Brandy. So you stopped and like, what are you saying? You know, so but I just couldn't get into it. But the next day she said, no matter what, do not tell Aaron, because he'll kill me. And I was like, what the fuck is happening? Yeah. And I'll never, I never want to, I'll never be the other woman. I said, I'll never be the other woman. I said, I'll never be the other woman.
Starting point is 01:20:25 And I would have stopped with Denise if I thought everyone was okay with it. But like, it was going out time. They made it out to them before. So she's like now all like in a tizzy because she felt like she's put into a position where she was the other woman. Which I mean, like, you know, admittedly, that is like,
Starting point is 01:20:41 if that did happen, that's definitely not cool. But also just like, then you can just know like, okay, we'll fuck that bitch. I'm moving on, not gonna hang out with her anymore. It's crazy. Yeah, you're so embarrassed by being thought of as the other woman that you come on national TV and tell everyone you're the other woman.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Like how else would anybody of, you know? And then she's like, but then she kept texting me. She kept texting me to make sure it was kosher. Like she made me feel like I did something wrong. And then Kim was saying that she was tricking me. She texting me to make sure it was kosher like she made me feel like I did something wrong and then Kim Kim was saying that she was tricking me she tricked me right here I mean you were saying she tricked me and Kim's like well, yeah, I mean she never even called her until the night before your charity Yeah, and then meanwhile Kyle is now fully tilted so is she in trouble for not being in contact with her or she Trouble because she's been texting her too much?
Starting point is 01:21:25 Like you too need to get your story straight. Well, that was always by the way that's classic Brandy when she got mad at least a van der Pum for calling her every single day And then Lisa stopped doing it and then she got mad at Lisa for not calling her anymore So that's classic Brandy. I at least I wouldn't be surprised also if Brandy's initial reaction was like well, that's fucked up and fuck her because I'm not another woman And I'm not gonna be friends with her anymore and then Kim and Kyle got into her head I would not be surprised if that's what happened to Cuz Kim's the one saying like she tricked you as she tricked you yeah, she tricked you
Starting point is 01:21:55 I'm like, you know the other night was really hard on bringing the eels real hard to go to that party for bringing Andy and she's like, yeah, I mean I wanted to become Because then now she's calling me and she's telling me She's about you and Erica and I'm like, who is this crazy person? I'm like this crazy person is someone that was led to believe that you were her friend the night before when you were laughing all over her And say you want to be an author and you want to be an authorful And you made her think that you were friends who's tricking who? Yeah, so now so now now the new conspiracy theory is that
Starting point is 01:22:25 so Denise called up and then talked to all this shit and then she said, you know, my private life is really private and I would never tell your secrets. So they believe that basically Denise was talking this shit to make them feel like they're really close and if they are, feel like they're, if Brandy feels like they're really close then Brandy won't say anything out loud.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Yeah, as Teddy's like, yeah, she's trying to make you think that your friend is off-ray. So you won't say anything. Yeah, it's not. They're making it like this big, devious rape, basically, is what it's sounding like to me. And it's making me really uncomfortable. Instead of just saying like, I hooked up with Denise, which probably is true because I act like they would hook up and not even think twice about it. And then Denise the next morning said, don't tell Aaron, by the way, like, I don't even want to deal
Starting point is 01:23:07 with that, you know. And, you know, that put me in an awkward situation and I don't like it. If it was presented that way, it's one thing, you know, but being like, oh my god, I was so scared and that she didn't call me and I was just calling me. It was like, oh my god, and then there wasn't a rule away bad. Like, oh my God, convenient, convenient. Like, come on now. And so then Kim was like, you know what, I'm gonna do some rakey on her later. Okay, and we're gonna take you to a meditation sound bath.
Starting point is 01:23:32 And then we're gonna go to Chuckie Cheese. And then afterwards, we're gonna walk around CVS for a little bit, okay? Make you feel better. This is where Kyle's like, Brandy can be a lot of things. She can be mean, she can be a lot of things. She can be mean She can be a bitch, but I honestly don't think that she's a liar really because we just saw the clip of her
Starting point is 01:23:50 Accusing your husband of having an affair so with Too sure Ronnie too sure that's great on this show She literally lied to get on the show and said she was friends with Cedric and saw him walking in and started walking in with him. And said she was friends with him. When she was, what are you guys talking about Brandy never lies? Can you please? So Kyle is now adjusting her bangs furiously and she's like, you know, I just, I don't think any of us really know Denise at all.
Starting point is 01:24:20 We just don't know her at all, you know. Now this is the gaslight. I mean, this is where the gaslighting happens. Like, Denise is a monster. You know, and this is by the way, you know, now this is the gaslight. I mean, this is where the gaslighting happens Like Denise is a monster. You know, and this is by the way This has been this is gaslighting that has been going on all season long and it's now really paying off So Brandy and Kim leave and Kyle's just there with Ted and Kyle's like I Just I don't know what to say right now. I mean, I can't believe I I'm at such a loss for words Given that I knew that this was all gonna happen right now. I mean, I can't believe I'm at such a loss for words given that I knew that this was all gonna happen right now. I know. I'm Teddy's like, yeah, come on. And now I have to talk
Starting point is 01:24:51 to this chick who blatantly hates me. Teddy, everybody fucking hates you on this show. Okay. Stop it. Kyle. You're only there to be Kyle's weapon. And Kyle's like, well, that's the least of our problems right now. She goes, yeah, but we're also going on a fucking trip with her. So I, so then the screen goes black. I was like, okay, the show's over. But it was 18 hours later. So now we have the girls like they, they just go in Rome. But we just get right to it.
Starting point is 01:25:18 They're in Rome already. The women are in Rome, but Denise and Garsell are still in L.A. Cause they're two hours late, I guess. I don't know what happened. I would have been mad. I don't know the context, but Denise and Garsell are still in LA because they're two hours late, I guess. I don't know what happened. I would have been mad. I don't know the context, but I would have been mad. So they're like going to the airport and they're like excited, they're going to Rome.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And then we see over in Rome, Teddy, Rina, and Kyle are in like a van. And Teddy goes, Rina, I have to have an awkward conversation with you. It's like, no, you don't actually Teddy, you don't. You are the one who's denying being a shister. You're the one who is all about like, so to my face, you're the one who is like, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:54 try adamantly trying to be this person who doesn't metal with things. And you are totally doing this, unless the producers basically grilled her and said you have to have this conversation. There's no reason. You're exactly right, she's a total hypocrite. She's like, well, I need to title till the window.
Starting point is 01:26:07 So Rina can bring this all up and blow this up for me dinner. Yeah. Lane. And then the other card Denise is like, I can't get it. And at least we don't have to be in the car with them. That's best. And then it keeps cutting back to them. Like, well, thank God we're missing all this.
Starting point is 01:26:20 It's like, uh-oh, you're missing this just as the beginning of the end, you know. Yeah. And so Teddy's like, well, Denise said really mean things to Brandy about Kyle and me and you with Erica and Brandy goes, oh, what? What? What? And she's like, yeah, and then she said that things happened between, and Rinna's like, Denise and Brandy, like duh. Yeah. They already all know this. And so, and then we come back to Nuson Garcell, like excited, they're going to Rome, and then it comes back to Rene going, so they fucked!
Starting point is 01:26:50 Ha ha ha ha ha! They fucked! And Carolyn Teddy, you're discovering their faces, like oh my God, oh my sexuality of it all! This, this is a shit show, and it's gonna be a disaster. And I am most mad at Kyle. I'm most mad at Kyle because I feel like she
Starting point is 01:27:11 worked for this whole situation. Well, the shit show, but after yelling at Brandy the whole time, you know, also Denise, you fucking idiot. What are you messing around with Brandy for? You don't know what Brandy is. You don't know who Brandy is. And then you're gonna go sit talk other people to Brandy. You don't know what brandy is you don't know who Brandy is and then you're gonna go shit talk other people to Brandy You don't know she's gonna go tell everybody that and then you go you go
Starting point is 01:27:30 Fool around with Brandy and don't think she's gonna use that against you like what kind of dope are you seriously? Well, I'm not sure a judgment is one of Denise's strong suits based on her Romantic record good point, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But you know what though, still so far, given that they've all done something a little bit wrong, I still think that Denise, I think Denise is in the right so far. Me too, yeah, team Denise, totally.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Yeah, and Garsell. Over here. Wow. Garsell's not really fighting, so she doesn't need a team yet. But right now, I'm just like this fight team. And Sun, I'm team Sun too it's sudden we'll probably do something ridiculous and stupid and probably take the total wrong side in this upcoming war. I still I love sun. I should just daffy daffy lady. Well everybody thank you so much for joining us for Real Housewives
Starting point is 01:28:20 of Beverly Hills. We'll be back tomorrow night with our live show recap of Real Housewives of New York You can find that on crap and zontomand it's gonna be at 6.30 p.m. Pacific time 9.30 p.m. Eastern time on crap and zontomand we'll do a little pre show on Instagram and talk to everybody over there at 6.00 p.m. 9.00 p.m. Eastern so go sign up for crap and zontomand, okay? Go to crap and smurch to get your masks. And I think that's all, okay? That's it everyone. We'll see you tomorrow night. Bye. You can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself
Starting point is 01:29:08 by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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