Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: How Many Mucks Do I Give?

Episode Date: July 8, 2022

This week on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Erika yells at Garcelle's 14-year-old son, and Sutton throws a mucky luncheon. Plus, Mauricio scratches his marble counter!See Privacy Policy at... and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Kids, what happens when they're so wild and rapids? What happens when they're so wild and rapids? What happens when they're so wild and rapids? What happens when they're so wild and rapids? What happens when they're so wild and rapids? What happens when they're so wild and rapids?
Starting point is 00:00:50 What happens when they're so wild and rapids? Well, hello and welcome to Watch Rock Rapids! Some podcasts for all that crap we love to talk about on you, bruvs. I'm Ronnie, that's been over there, happy in. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Good, welcome back from a long weekend. A long break we took such a, I mean my skin is shining from how,
Starting point is 00:01:17 how much of a break I had. I mean, I'm so rested, I'm so exfoliated, I'm so moisturized. I mean, I just feel like a new old person. I Know it's fantastic to be like to have that time off because we definitely watched a lot of girls trip in a row right before the break It was like a lot of episodes to recap and those are episodes that are those are Long episodes and they are dense and so after like doing all those episodes It was like oh nice for me or long episodes and they are dense. And so after like doing all those episodes,
Starting point is 00:01:45 it was like, ooh, nice for me. I just had a weekend of playing board games, cooking food, watching love Island. It was just like a great, you know, I just needed those days to unwind. I feel totally, totally ready to seize the podcasting day now. totally, totally ready to, to seize the podcasting day now. So I'm telling Bueller to stop making these noises.
Starting point is 00:02:13 He's just back there licking himself. It sounds so gross. People are going to think I'm pulling a CNN over here. What's that guy? Like, I've been, yeah, I'm not, I'm not too vending out over here. Okay. My tubing is in my underwear. Were my tubing belongs? All right, everybody. Well, welcome to the show today. We're superending out over here. Okay, my tubing is in my underwear. We're my tubing belong.
Starting point is 00:02:28 All right, everybody. Well, welcome to the show today. We're super happy to be here. Now, this is Beverly Hills State. It's crap and it's on demands. We're on vids. So if you want videos, bonus episodes, uh, this week's bonuses do buy because we had to move something to the bonus. So it's Dubai this week. So go check that out. And Girls Trip is here, so that'll be coming. But anyway, the point was good at slash watch at Crappens for bonuses and Crappens on to band. Daniels. Okay. Today Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Now this is a very special day, actually, is a recapper because you guys are pissed, man. The world is very pissed. The online, Twitter or everything, even TikTok, and TikTok, now TikTok, all they do is like dance around, you know? Their piss too over in TikTok. They can do an elbow dance that still be very pissed off
Starting point is 00:03:14 at Eric and Shane, and I love it. I love watching Kyle just get dragged through the mud. And I'm not here to say I told you so. I'm just here to ask, what the fuck show have you guys been watching? It's like you're all suddenly shocked that these people are shallow, idiot monster goblins. Like, where have you been?
Starting point is 00:03:31 I know, I always think that's the funniest thing when people get so outraged. I mean, we get outraged all the time. But when people are like, surprise outraged, like, this person's terrible. It's like, this is the real housewives. They're all supposed to be terrible. That's the name of the game.
Starting point is 00:03:44 My favorite thing also is like, when you wake up and you start piecing together What people are mad about because I got woke up was it Wednesday or Tuesday? I forget which day it was but I saw Kyle says like Kyle RHO BH was trending on Twitter. I was like that's strange because the show hasn't even aired yet Usually she like people from the show trend after it airs So she's already trending, and then I click on the topic, and then people are like,
Starting point is 00:04:09 Kyle's apology. I was like, Kyle's apology, what happened? It's like, momentum. You're like, peace it, like, you go from the end, and you start going back further and further and further. And then finding out that basically Twitter and TikTok and social media just tearing Kyle apart for the stuff that happened in this episode was so hilarious. Just tearing her into her
Starting point is 00:04:35 universe, you have to release a four screen Instagram story to apologize. Which wasn't even an apology. Which goes to just the core of who Kyle is. It's all our fault You know, it's like guys. I've really thought you would know me better by now after 12 years I thought you'd know me better. No. Yeah, I do know you're a fucking asshole. Okay. You're the same That's what you've always been now had her apology said why are you shocked? Okay, that That's all that's what I need from Kyle. I've always been an asshole. Why are you mad about it now? Okay, that's a reaction I can get behind. And that's, and that by the way, that's always been Kyle's MO in Apologies. Since I remember very specifically season one, how she
Starting point is 00:05:19 annoyed me when Camille had a beef with Kyle about saying like why would kid why would anyone care about Kelsey without you? And I remember Camille was like it's just not nice Kyle and then Kyle was saying Camille I would never say that you know that I would never say that like that's her whole thing is I would never Never say that and you should know that it's like well people don't know don't know that Kyle. By the way, I am broadcasting from a cloud today as you can tell from. You are, you're a toilet paper commercial. When you close your image, you're side of the screen there for a second, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:05:54 enveloped in like bright, like I'm a dove commercial over here. Normally I'm encased in shadows. And today, my camera has finally decided to give me light. I love it. You're broadcasting from Heaven today. Yeah. So let's just go from the very beginning today of Beverly Hills. That's a great stuff of you.
Starting point is 00:06:15 The first begin. And then... Okay, random Joseph, the technical engineering program. No, I'm passing. I've already canceled that show. And then, okay, random Joseph and the technical engineering program. No, I'm passing. I've already counseled that show. Joseph, the amazing technical engineering. We'll not be any of that today.
Starting point is 00:06:32 No, Joseph, okay. Care about you and your stupid technical or dream-coke bullshit, okay? If anyone gets credit today, it's Sutton for having a new fur for every single person who came to her home. Okay, no, that was very important. Sutton and the amazing Technicolour murder closet with all the dead things she's gotten there for you to wear. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:51 All right, continue. Jo, Jo, Joseph, here's what you're gonna do. You're gonna stop it. You're gonna stop it right now, Joseph. Stop, stop, stop, stop, Joseph. You know what they say? Stop it, Joseph, you stop it right now. Stop it, Joseph, I really do care.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You better stop without your mother fucker Joseph. Okay. Okay. But the first note I wrote without anything even appearing on the screen was, I'm a girl, I'm a boy. Which of course they put them previously. Erica's phony, I'm an alcoholic,
Starting point is 00:07:22 so you guys all have to forgive me and pretend I'm a nice person next season Storyline, which is not gonna fly man, okay? It's not gonna fly But they did show that and then Sutton's I'm a very good person I'm a very good Berlin so that was a previously's and now we're still at the birthday party right after Diana has told Sutton You need to do it, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Here I am. This woman's tongue is so big it's basically a baby arm coming out of her mouth. It's just point. Did you see it come out? Is it getting bigger? It's her tongue getting bigger. It reminds me of one of those awnings they sell on infomercials where the arm comes out over your porch and then an awning comes.
Starting point is 00:08:04 It's an awning and it's like, look, now you can enjoy your backyard in the shade. Like that's her tongue's like, mm, mm, mm. I'm just waiting for it to like open up and start eating people. Great. We need a new villain. It's in my mouth. And a little Diana had come back. You're willing, huh? You need a new villain? What? What?
Starting point is 00:08:39 He's lying out. He's lying. He's lying out. It's all villain. I'm from pop me up it's like okay little villain not you too you too tiny baby arm villain hi so Erica still doing her drawing things like hey where's the bartender I need my dream hey
Starting point is 00:09:03 hey the real I almost said to read isn not funny. Wow, I got personality now. And she's doing that thing to do read where she's grabbing her head is staring into it. You know, like when people like force kiss, they do that. Yeah, I don't know. That's how you can always tell it's a bad man on the bachelor when they grab your head like that. You're controlling. When? When? That's how Erica's just holding her head. And Erica's just in her creepy like secretary at the Christmas party and her, you know, Cougar dress and her bad terrible rug weave or ponytail thing hanging off the back of her head like just, you know, like, umame, like when MacRame just gets old
Starting point is 00:09:45 and it just starts coming up, it's just like I was just stream, it was like a horror straight. Oh, crazy, dirty. It's got a little bit of planting soil on it from all those plants you tried to hang inside of it to look like the set of threes company. Girl.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, yeah, I'll tell you, Joseph's coat was not MacRame, that's for sure. So, did you imagine he's just some awful hippie, like Jess. Yeah, I'll tell you Joseph's coat was not macromade. That's for sure. So Get your magic just some awful hippie like Sanders so Because that's all you get when you go to farmers markets want to vote for Bernie Sanders? I'm like sir. It's not an election year so Can I please just can you please keep your politics yourself and just give me the
Starting point is 00:10:26 salary with a ton of dirt in it for no reason? That would be great. Can I have this strange pepper that I'm going to put in my fridge in every reason? Let it die. Can I have that oh so fresh kale that's always going to have pieces of sand in it no matter how much I wash it, that sounds great, more gangs. So, and also, you know what the lady who sells dates is always crazy, at the Hollywood Farmer's Market, there's like different ladies. Diana, so many ladies selling dates on this show.
Starting point is 00:10:59 That's true. So now we go back to the fight. So Kyle's, Kyle tells son, son, you can't say someone's soulless. She lost a fucking baby. There's nothing you can say except I'm so sorry. So then something's over and goes, I am so sorry that you lost your baby and your dignity in this moment.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And so then suddenly, Don't touch, don't touch, don't touch me, please, don't touch. And so I'm trying to reach out to you so because I understand you in a way I've lost two babies and I totally understand this and because I'm away You've lost two babies. I've never heard this before What Kyle's track record of listening to people's life stories is so bad And I love that she still doesn't realize like there's so much footage of her never paying attention to her friends. I'm like just roll the nanny
Starting point is 00:11:49 K footage just roll it all over again nanny K what you have a grandmother named nanny K and she's dead. I never heard this before Lisa. Yeah who says this to somebody? Oh you lost baby. Yeah never that or I don't know you say I didn't realize you don't say I never heard that before Yeah, so part of this like you said the memento thing where you're like okay Everyone's piss at Kyle and you're going backwards. This is definitely one of those moments because when I read all that stuff People were pissed. I didn't really watch the clip. So I just figured I'll watch a show, you know So I thought well how bad can it? How people are probably overreacting and then it starts with Kyle saying that to somebody,
Starting point is 00:12:30 who does that? I know. Kyle, and she said, and she doubles down because I was like, I've had two miscarriages and Kyle's like, I never heard this before. And she does it with the Taylor arm. Taylor arm's strong enough hands. She goes, I've never heard this before. I I never heard this before. And she does it with the Taylor arm. Taylor arm strong enough hands. She goes, I've never heard this before.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I've never heard this. I'm like, are you an enoughing somebody's miscarriage store? What the fuck, dude? I think Kyle is just so used to advertising everything in her life that's ever happened to her that she's shocked when other people don't do the same thing. Right, she's just shocked, like, oh my God, that would have been a storyline.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Yeah, she's like, you're on your third season and you're only just now exploiting that. Right, who's your producer? Cause I'm gonna need to see that footage. It's like okay. So she's like, well, I'm sorry, but it's a very personal thing, Kyle. She's, I mean, I love you,
Starting point is 00:13:22 but this seems like total bullshit right now. Wow. Wow. Yeah that's a... That's a... Like I just wouldn't... Like why do you feel... Even if you do feel that, like why do you feel the need to weigh in?
Starting point is 00:13:34 And then in her apology, she was like, no, no, no guys, it's just more like... I was drunk so it came out wrong, but like what I meant was this is supposed... It feels like you're trying to take away from Diana's moment Well, that was not even anything remotely close to what she said in this moment And what is this a school talent show taking away from her moment? What is that? She walked on stage during her solo Get the fuck out of here with that like Do we all need to buy tickets for this moment? What is this? That's not how moments work. People go through things and they have discussions about them and they relate to each other by saying,
Starting point is 00:14:08 oh my god, that happened to me too. Kind of like how you say your robbery happened every other five seconds when you're talking to Duret even though yours was way less traumatizing or whatever, right? Yeah, no, I agree, 100%. So Sun's like, you're being very strange right now. And Kyle goes, I'm not being strange.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I'm being honest. Kyle's favorite, favorite banner to hide behind, honesty. And Kyle's also doing this thing where she keeps grabbing Sutton. She keeps doing that like slut pig grabbing thing where she's always trying to grab Kim or grab whoever. And you just can't do this. I mean, where has Kyle been the past 10 years that Kyle doesn't still doesn't know like
Starting point is 00:14:49 I don't know I don't know if there was ever a time where you'd really grab people like that But there was certainly a time where I bothered people less because I don't remember anybody complaining about it during that time when she Was like man handling Kim or anybody that she fought with really. But damn, keep your fucking old ass hands to themselves, dark crystal, okay? No one needs your hands on them. Yeah, so, um, so, Sun's like, I'm trying to reach her on a human level. Do you want me to be compassionate or not?
Starting point is 00:15:19 And Dan goes, hmm, you called me Solis, honey. Ooh, and then the little mouth comes out says, yeah, that's why you called me so let's do that's both of us Fuck you Diana a you are fucking so this and Let's not forget all the shit Diana said leading up to this look at Diana like how dare you called me so this first And some's like you look at me in the eyes. What she say? You looked at me in the eyes.
Starting point is 00:15:50 You looked at me in the eyes and laughed at me. When I was and she's like, I'm not falling. I'm not falling for this. I'm not falling for it. And she's like, I was saying, I'm sorry. Now, do you want to talk or not? She's, I see you. I see you. I'm from Bosnia and Bosnia. We have eyes, honey. sorry, that you want to talk or not. She's, I see you. I see you.
Starting point is 00:16:05 I'm from Bosnia and Bosnia, we have eyes, honey. And Bosnia, Bosnia, that eyes. I see you with Bosnia, my eyes. Now Sun starts to pivot to her crying, which is always my favorite, because she always has the most dramatic tendency of being crying, 20 civilians crying.
Starting point is 00:16:19 She's like, if you think that this is fake, and this is me, being is me. Be in real. Be in real, and Diana's like, go ahead. And it's like, so if you want to be a motherfucker and make me be fucking real, I'm gonna have that pivot from like the choking up to the mother fucker is like why I love son. Now she's like, totally, she never quite sticks the landing
Starting point is 00:16:43 for when she's gonna be badass and when she's gonna be delicate and when she's gonna be delicate And it's just hilarious to be watching her flail in these moments I think she just has no idea how to act and they keep telling her it's like okay Setting you're acting too much like this so then she comes back and she's too happy And you're like why isn't so happy all of a sudden? They're oh, I'm not supposed to be happy and then she's crying in the middle of you know bread service Like what the fuck is wrong like she doesn't know. She's just going off whatever in the middle of, you know, bread service. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Like, she doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:17:05 She's just going off whatever cues they give her, you know. So Kyle grabs her by the shoulders and puts gets her slut pig finger in the face, you know, that slut pig from game night that came together. She's like, oh, excuse me, excuse me, son, don't talk to her like that. And then she's grabbing both of her arms and holding them and Diana's just laughing
Starting point is 00:17:25 and laughing and playing with her mop water hair. You know, the end of the dirty mop hair that she's got. And um, something like, but you're asking me to be real. Do you want me to be real real people saying mother fucker? And you know, for Kyle, this moment was her basely just like living out her childhood. Like how many times has her mom did her mom grab her by the shoulders and said, you do not say that to your sister Kim. She is fragile and you have to take care of her. So I just gave her mom a southern accent. So, uh, so Diana's like, I didn't ask her to do shit in Bosnia.
Starting point is 00:17:58 We don't ask people to be real. That's how Bosnia do it. And then, and then Diana tells us, she goes, we, how do you say in English? We hit a new low. And I'm not just saying that because I arrived in matching black cross cosplay with my deploy toy. We hit a new low because of satin. So, so, like, yo, you already remained to me right now. And kind of like, nah, no, no, no, grabbing your arms. It's like an episode. It's like a really, you already real mean to me right now? And kind of like, nah, nah, no, no, no. Grabbing your arms, it's like a really sad episode of cops.
Starting point is 00:18:29 I mean, every episode of cops with sad, and it's like, oh no, what are they doing to that poor, frail woman? Because that doesn't look like she's gonna snap into. Every time she's walking up a walk, I'm like, oh my God, I hope there's no gravel. Like, I just hope she doesn't fall because I feel like she's just gonna snap, you know? Like, she means, I just want to center
Starting point is 00:18:48 like that yogurt with bone-building stuff in it. Like, she looks very frail, so crowd's wrapping her and she's like, yeah. And then, um, Sutton starts, starts taking her tears and then flinging them. She starts flicking them everywhere. She is when it comes to miscarriage, it's like, flicking, flicking. It really mean. I mean, you're saying you didn't know I had miscarriage is like, flicking. Like how much?
Starting point is 00:19:13 How you crying, Jesus. I think Kyle goes, why would we know? I mean, would we actually have to listen to what you say? Okay, you know what? She lost a baby. You did not. Maybe years ago, I don't know, but this is recent. I was like, wow Kyle, you're just dismissing her a trauma,
Starting point is 00:19:30 just because basically because she's like, who is the one I'm more likely to get an air meds bag from, I'm gonna choose Diana. That's what that's all about. That's what I'm saying. Now we're not allowed to cry about something unless it's recent, so please go into another monologue about your mother, Kyle, what a saint she was.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Fucking hypocrite. So Satan is telling us, what does that mean? You don't know. That's insinuating that I'm lying. You're breaking my heart and you're disappointed me in our friendship. The camera just gets covered in tears. I know, I love that group.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I didn't notice that, but that's such a power move to fling your tears at someone. So, what would you make me do? What would you do? So, sons like, cow, that is the meanest thing you've ever said to me in my life. I mean, she's looking at me like I'm the devil.
Starting point is 00:20:18 And Diana's like, because at this point, Diana is now also doing this thing where she's leaning off the couch. She's like on to one edge, but then also forward. And she's looking like she's trying to see behind the back of a pillar. So she's like, oh, are you the devil? And I'm like, no, you're my f***ing son. I would do anything to help, honestly. What is happening here?
Starting point is 00:20:41 I would never flick, never flick, never flick. And Diana's just like covering, you know, covering herself with her $250,000 prayers. Commissions, here comes one right now. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court, I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened,
Starting point is 00:21:17 and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling and how much of it is a carefully
Starting point is 00:21:49 crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondering app. And then the image switches and she goes, it's all good, baby, it's all good. It takes time to know people. It takes time to know. That is like the um was it's kind of like a low grade toxic positivity whereas she's like I'm no longer going to engage with you. I'm just gonna say modifying words and I'm gating myself off from you. You will never get beyond this point with me. And like I'm out what it is, it's probably
Starting point is 00:22:45 best not to poke me. I'm like wait, wait, I thought you could say until I figure out what it is, I'm going to keep my distance, but no, until I figure out what's wrong with you, don't mess with me. Okay. Sure. Until I figure out what your brand of crazy is, just don't talk to me. I need to figure you out first.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Right. So, she's like, it takes time and Satan's like, does it? And she is all good. It's good. She is, is it good though? She's like, it's good. I'm telling you, it's all good until I go inside to call you fucking bitch. Okay. And so then Satan sits down and then starts hugging her. The fuck is going on already in this episode.
Starting point is 00:23:22 How are we only five minutes into this? And I'm already confused. Is hail. It doesn't make any sense. Although, and it's also funny The fuck is going on already in this episode. How are we only five minutes into this and I'm already confused as hell? It doesn't make any sense, although, and it's also funny because Diana for as much as she complains about fake people, is acting the most fake in the situation, pretending like she's fine now when she's actually still pretty livid.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So they hug and then Kyle's like, I literally cannot with these two. So she just walks away and she goes the other group of women who are sitting around and she's like, well the two of them are fighting and Garsell is like, he's suddenly crying and Kyle goes, always, as if Kyle does not shed a tear every single episode and go, I just feel bad.
Starting point is 00:24:00 I feel bad. Yeah, there's no window for Kyle to park herself up against and stare outside to cry about Doree's robbery? That was my favorite Kyle moment where she was just sitting at that window crying while she looked out the door, out the window. So, Garce says like, oh, here they come. And says like, well, now I just feel terrible. I mean, I'm just a worse person ever. Crystal's like, did Diana walk out? Oh God, Crystal, fucking. You know, I think it's so cute when Grycell and Sutton do it to each other, but when Crystal does it with Diana,
Starting point is 00:24:32 I'm like, look, you finally are getting the audience on your side, Crystal. It's like, how long has it taken? And this is what you're doing with all of that goodwill, you know? I know. You're just fucking pissing it all away to chase the rich lady out.
Starting point is 00:24:45 It's sad. Yeah, and Asher's like, what's up babe? And she's like, no, I want to go. So then basically those that entire fight, they all leave. Basically, Saden and her gay, what's his name? Joshua. Joshua, she goes, get the fucking, come on.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Oh, I'm just terrible. Bye, everybody. Get the fucking, come on. You're on your own. So then, Joshua's very beleaguered like he, I feel like it's B. Sons gay. It's a very tough position to be in. That is you probably take a lot of berating
Starting point is 00:25:15 and you have to give a lot of assurances. Josh would look so exhausted. He can only do half of his highlights. It looks like he gets through like half of the hair and then he's like, I'm exhausted. I can't do any more. You're like, but sir, this is like more than frosted tips, but also not highlights yet. Please come back and he's like, no, I said no. I tried to be like, Mackie, heck, I tried to be like Dr. John Sessa. This is too much for me. So, um, so then Erica meanwhile says to Garthel, hey Garthel, where's your hot straw?
Starting point is 00:25:47 So she's like over there and they're talking all of her. Yeah, she's like, you know what? I ain't got shit to lose. Why not? Oh God, you do Erica. You do Like keep some shred of dignity, you know, God bless her. Please God bless like help her help all of us Erica needs help. It's disturbing to it's easier when I could just hate somebody But when I see this I'm like oh no she's making it even worse for herself so Doreen's like what get out and get told about it here save him walk you can What? Get out of here! Get out of here! Save him, wonky-can! She's like, hey, guys, sorry, you boy Alva's ha!
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, and she has her leg going. She's doing like a whole, sort of like, vampy thing. And Garth's like, what in the leg lift is happening here? She's like, really, Alva? So Alva comes over, he's like, hello there. And she's like, are you mad? Hey, have your baby mama contact me at my DMs. We can get in three ways.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Ah! What the fuck is wrong with her? So who says that? They say, yes. Doreet, Doreet's like, yeah, he's married with four children. And she's like, yeah, well, have your baby mama contact. Who the fuck do you think you are saying that? First of all, like who are you?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Erica thinks she's got this like, someone said this in a comment that I thought was very perfectly said Erica think she has street cred that she just does not have Yeah, like she needs to stop like going to call someone's like look at me. I'm here Look at me. I'm urban. Oh, yes, it baby mama. Listen you fucking tramp. That is not what you say to somebody Okay, period. You don't say that. And Lonnie love another clip was circulating this week where Lonnie loves like, yeah, Garceau, when we were at your birthday party, Erica Jean was so awkward and she came up to us and she goes, oh yeah, you know, the only people standing up for me right now. And she pointed at their skin. It was like, you people,
Starting point is 00:27:40 you people. It's like you awkward white lady, please go back to pass the demon. You're scaring the, you're scaring the locals. Yeah, it's like they're just like many levels. I mean, it's obviously there's also just the level of like he's married. Any pretty much said I'm married. These sort of drew a line there and it's just a win. But I understand like people, you know, like I understand people make jokes like that, etc. But you got to read the room a little bit. But I think the thing that makes me sort of like go give a little bit of the Sutton look,
Starting point is 00:28:11 like, hmm, is mainly because on this show that group, that inner group, the Fox Force Five, whatever they're called, Fox Four, whatever they are. They are so, I can't think of the right word, but judgmental hypocritical shenanigans about some things so selectively. They're so selective about their sanctumac... Because you know, if it had been someone else, if it had been Sutton doing that, Kyle, like, I can't believe that she would say that. Like, that's crazy. Like, he's married. Did you see what Sutton said? I mean, it's crazy. I mean does she have no boundaries?
Starting point is 00:28:49 I mean She's out of control. So needs to say something to her. You know, they would all be like shocked But then when Erica does it, they're like Isn't she just funny, you know? Yeah So all of her is like, haha. She's yeah, well have your baby contact me on DMs cuz we'll get into three way And grisels like Oliver your mother's calling just Oliver be a man and come sit here We just want to bullshit you for five seconds. Don't wait to read that way. We've had a lot of
Starting point is 00:29:29 bites. Oh, well, well, well, well, I know you think that this is sexy, but this is so fucking sad, Eric. Like you're not gonna be light without within like 30 yards of a school or a church. If you keep this shut up, you're creepy. Okay, get out the Xerox machine, the human resource is lady, okay? It's just a Christmas party. But you know, context is everything. If this were Stonia Morgan,
Starting point is 00:29:53 who has probably done this, I'm sure we've witnessed her do this on Rony countless times, we'd laugh it off for like, oh, that's classic Sonya, you know, and I think she's trying to almost have a Stonia Morgan moment, but I don't know when Stonia does it, it's still inappropriate, but it just is hilarious. But when Erica does it, it's like, oh, you're trying.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You're trying, she's trying on a new persona, you know? So either way, Garsell is. Either way, it's fucking gross, okay? It's gross. Someone get a ratty here. Clean up. Clean up. Clean up on aisle, pat the pus. So Garth's like, I mean, I get it.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Let your hair down, have a good time, but this doesn't feel like that. This feels like, take a moment, reassess your life. What's happening? Where are you going? This is not okay. I think it's one of Erica's most apt lyric ever. My pussy's like a python tick tickin' like a time bomb.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Erica, just read that line over. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Keep it to yourself, Erica, okay? I've also never heard someone's pussy described in such a phallic way to be honest. I think there may be some troubles with all lyrics. No, you think? No, it's like a pattern. All these years later, we're like, wait a minute, those weren't very good lyrics. I apologize that I've not put much brainpower into the thoughts of an Erica Jane song.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So, Oliver, Basie shakes her hand. Like, he's basically like, I'm going to aggressively friend zone you right now by shaking your hand. And I was like, he's sucking me down. Oh, you're so hard. I guess so. So then. That's the thing you could be,
Starting point is 00:31:33 I'm doing Capitius. That's your right, Capitius. Capitius. Please stop. Please stop, Beijing all over. He's like, I do hear you. Are you sure?
Starting point is 00:31:43 Say you got it? Cause I'm Capitius. I am Capitius.'re on Caprici. You got Caprici bills. He's like, yeah, I hear you. So Chris was like, Garsell, um, don't you want to take the flowers from your party? And she's, oh, yeah, sure. So her son, Jacks, he's 14 walks up to Eric is table to get the flowers there. And she's, wait, what are you doing here? Yeah. And he's like, uh, getting the flowers and she's, oh, get the fuck outta here. Get the fuck outta here before you get in trouble. Go. I'm like screams at him. She's screamed and he's
Starting point is 00:32:14 like, oh, okay. And she's like, these women are scored on these teenage boys out of here. Get out. Now, that's, this is to me actually much worse than with the Oliver. The Oliver thing was inappropriate, but she was like trying to be something here. I think vaguely she was, I think she was trying to be kind of like saucy, but like, it's a fortune-year-old kid. If you have an adult yelling at you and you're 14, like, you're not gonna take it the way Erica's gonna take it.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You know, especially because it's like a good kid who wasn't doing anything wrong. And also, who knows what triggers she probably stepped on about being this older white lady yelling at him. And so, I don't think it was that she was being saucy. I think she was pissed off because Garsel just embarrassed her by saying,
Starting point is 00:32:59 come on all of her, your mother. And so when she saw another one of Garsel's son, she was like, oh, get the fuck out of here before you get in trouble. I think it was like misdirected anger towards Garsell towards the kid. That's how I took it. I just took it as her trying to almost do like, say, say, say, sassy gay bar humor, you know, or like just like, just like, sassy like, oh, hey, get the fuck. I took it.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I'm not saying I approve of it, but that's I didn't, I'm not rolling I approve of it, but I didn't, I'm not rolling up my eyes at you. I'm rolling my eyes at Erica. It's true, because that probably is Erica. No, I'm rolling my eyes at Erica, because I think that that is a plausibility. And I just think, you know, Erica, when you have to pay to perform in a gay bar, you're not one of us, okay?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Ha, ha, ha, ha. So yeah, either way, it was, I, whether it was just like failed humor or if it was misdirected anger, she still ultimately is yelling at this kid who is just literally getting flowers. And it's also Garsell's kid. And like the host of the party, the birthday party,
Starting point is 00:33:57 it was just like, what's, what are you doing? What are you doing right now? And look, we've all made jokes about like that kid needs a yelling at. You know, we've all, we have many times of we said, have we joked on this podcast about kids that, you like, that, some kids just need to shut up, some kids need to be all out.
Starting point is 00:34:13 But this kid was literally just picking up like flowers. He literally had a prop in his hand. Like, if there's anything that could make this kid look more innocent and sweet, he was holding flowers for crying, like, get out! Get the fuck out! White flowers! White flowers, which are the sign of friendship.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's like, white roses, you know? It's like, fuck you! Get the fuck out of here! So he, you know, he ran away and it's like, I don't know, I took it from her. It's like, one kid denies you. It's like, you're at the ice cream truck, you know, and you're like the creep who drives the ice cream truck. And you're denied by one kid,
Starting point is 00:34:51 so you just go around flinging like melted popsicles at all the kids' heads, because you're so mad at that one kid. She's just gross, okay. It's like me and traffic. Yeah. It's like me and traffic. It's like me and traffic.
Starting point is 00:35:03 If someone cuts me off, I'm always like, oh damn it. I wish I'd honked at them I'm really should have honked at the minute the next person who does like the smallest thing I was like once that once I think I should have honked and someone then the honk is in me and I have to let it out So someone like puts on their blinker for like half a second I'm like I'm sorry I it was really miss a misdirected honk. It was really for the person coming up So Doreads like oh my god And Erica's just screaming
Starting point is 00:35:32 The kid and so Doreads like well, I know Erica's drunk and joking around But he's got sales soon and he's he says just making me sick to me It's like PK after he tried to kill for the first time. It's just making me sick to me, it's just making me sick to me, it's like PK after he tried to kill for the first time. It's just making me sick to me, it's just making me sick to me, it's just making me sick to me, it's just making me sick to me, it's like PK after he tried to kill for the first time.
Starting point is 00:36:02 It's making me sick to me, it's just making me sick to me, it's like PK one was around to hear him say that word. Because oh, wow, he would have been dragged into four or five episodes of an arc about Jacks. That's a strong word to use about flowers. I know. And Garth sells like, who violated you? And he's like, I just want to get the flowers. And Eric said, what the fuck are you doing? It's a brand these four. I mean, I've got to wear this for this. Yeah. Yeah, it's because he's like, exasperated, you know. But he's like, and then Eric was like, what the fuck are you doing? You're getting the fuck out of here previous voice. Yeah, yeah, it's because he's like exasperated You know, but he's like and then Erica was like what the fuck are you doing here get the fuck out of here I was like damn it. It's getting flowers. I mean well Dorega's he was just getting flowers for his mama and Erica goes Oh bullshit
Starting point is 00:36:38 What does that mean what did you think he was trying to do? God and I didn't, none of it really even made sense. So then Garsell goes back and... It just shows you, it just shows you how much people, how much people take shit off of horrid people just because they're rich. Eric has always been garbage. She's always been pure fucking garbage with no manners and no respect for anybody else.
Starting point is 00:37:00 But she had money in a private plane, so everybody's fine. You can't act like this when you're poor, Erica. You've got a long road to hell. Well, and also, there's privilege that she has, too, because Garcell comes back in, and I'm sure Garcell wants to come in and just yell at her. I feel like Garcell wants to be like, what the fuck are you doing talking to my son like that?
Starting point is 00:37:20 Any mom would want to say. But I feel like Garcell was holding back a little bit. I think she's like aware cameras are on her. And I don't think that, I think that she didn't wanna be an angry black lady, to be honest. And so she came in and was like, Erica, you heard Jackson's feelings,
Starting point is 00:37:36 don't talk to him like that. Like I think that she probably wanted a tear-in because I think any mom would be like, like how the fuck, how dare you talk to my son that way? Who do you think you are at my party? Erica be like, like how the fuck, how dare you talk to my son that way? Who do you think you are at my party? I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:37:49 She's like telling him to get the fuck out. If you're, that's not okay, Eric. She's, Jack's getting here, getting here, Jack's getting here. Oh no, it's now he has to go in for more. No, it's good to you. No, you get up, you stand up and you go to Jack's. She goes,
Starting point is 00:38:03 Jack's, come on babe, come on babe, come on babe. I'm like I'm like how about you stand up Erica and you go over and be like jacks I'm so sorry. I was just like shit talking. I think it landed wrong like that's all you have to say But like I'm so so sorry. You're so sweet. I wasn't I wasn't really being serious in that moment It was my bad jokes like that's that's how you diffuse it and it's all it's all good It's all good at that moment. So what did Erica whisper to Dariit here? Because Garth says like, no, no, good, good night. She's done. Good night. And then Erica whispered something to Dariit. It sounded like, oh, she knew you know she knew. She's pushing it. I think she said, I wrote down
Starting point is 00:38:40 that she is pushing it, which I don't even know what that means. Oh, she's pushing it. Mike, she knew it was a joke. You know she knew or something like that. Probably. So, um, Jack's is like, it's fine, Mom. She goes, no, it's not fine. And it's not okay. And Erica's just like,
Starting point is 00:38:58 and they just ignore her. Erica, the last one at the party on that sad renty couch, with her special drink and her terrible ponytail that doesn't fit right. And her terrible dress and her sad poor people make up. God, it was invigorating, wasn't it? I was just like, yes. And no, it was a big empty room. And what it was literally the last there were the last two people.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So now it's the next day and we're at the offices for the real and Garsell walks into her office and Robair is there. Do we think Robair is like, because his name is spelled R-O-B-E-A-R, do we think it was like his name was supposed to be like French Robert, but like his parents spelled it Robair, like a rowing bear almost. I think it's such a unique name.
Starting point is 00:39:44 The do you think? Or it's like row bear, but he spells it that way because he's a bear, you know? Like, yeah, I was just wondering. So anyway, so she's there and Garsell is like, sort of bossing around about what her looks, what looks she wants, whatever for the show. And then she's like, well, my birthday party was lit. He's like, oh, the dancing. I mean Kyle, mopping the floor, honey. And she goes, with her vagina,
Starting point is 00:40:11 it was fun. But in the car home, Oliver was like, you know, you boys have aged a couple of years and one night, you know, because it was going well in one corner. And then there was the Erica Jane corner. And I didn't appreciate how she spoke to Jacks. You know, she's got to figure out that Med cocktail. Meds, cocktail, Meds, Goddamn. Figure that out. Mm-hmm, no. Yeah, she says she tried to explain to Jacks that she was drunk,
Starting point is 00:40:37 but she wants Erica to apologize to Jacks, which by the way, again, shocking that Erica did not do it in that moment. Like, it's just crazy. Is it? Well, no, in the Erica did not do it in that moment. Like it's just crazy. Is it? Well, no, in the America. It's shocking in the human. Don't you remember it when Mrs. House, when Erica was there,
Starting point is 00:40:53 like, please stop talking about your vagina. The kids are, there's a kids table right there. It's like, I'm a fucking sick three in my all I care. Have your babies mama promise the three. Mrs. is like, their kids right over there And she's like oh yeah, they're probably all having three sons anyway. They're all the math That's true. That's a really good
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's a really good reference point for this so basically Garsell is like she was wasted my birthday party She was wasted in Mexico and I'm sick of her enough Which by the also speaks to Erica. Like there's some people who are wasted, like Erica's been wasted essentially two events this season and people are already sick of it. Like man, like that sucks if you're the person who after only two events, people want to do it intervention for you. Cause some people are wasted all the time and everyone's like, oh yeah they're wasted,
Starting point is 00:41:44 but they're so fun when they're wasted. But they're like, oh, you gotta stop this. Stop it right now. Commissars, here comes one right now. Well, they say that being wasted brings out more of your real personality in Erica's of fucking misery ice queens. So that's what you get more of, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:03 you just get more miserable, louder misery. It's like she's gonna be upstaging Kathy Bates pretty soon with her misery. It's a lot of misery there. So, Robair is like, oh, she was wasted and we just love to see it. And she's like, no, you love to see it. Other people don't love to see that. Okay. She's like, Robair, that was not the prompt I was giving you. He's like, he's like, Robero, that was not the prompt I was giving you. You've been like, he's like gay script. I either agree aggressively or say, or like, you get to that fork in the road and you're like,
Starting point is 00:42:33 hmm, does she want me to like totally be like, yeah, squealing or be like, bitch, no. He's like, Joe's the wrong one. So, so let's go to Hollywood Dojo where Crystal is gonna give Duret a class in Dojo to defend herself in case anything happens again. This crack me up. She needs a class on turning on her damn house alarm, her security alarm, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:56 But that's the first step. Yeah, but this also cracked me up because the Hollywood Dojo, it's at the corner of Sunset and La Brea, which is kind of like a, it's a funky corner. And there's a little foot massage place that I actually enjoy going to. That's right next to the Hollywood dojo, but it is such a grimy, minimal. You have to walk up this staircase
Starting point is 00:43:22 to get up to where the Hollywood dojo is, and it's always just like It's just like full of like shit and like youth condoms. It's like so disgusting And so to know that the read had to like walk through this like walk through the parking lot of a Wendy's and up these disgusting stairs Hello, this is this is so lovely. I'm so glad I I drove all the way from unsigno to Walk up these decrepit stairs for this scene with you, Crystal Thank you so much. I'm there you're trying to retromatize her or unpromatize her like what's happening?
Starting point is 00:43:55 So yeah Hollywood dojo so Which I think also is interesting because the kids were taking self-defense class the day this happened to Doreet. So it's not like Doreet's never seen self-defense. I mean the whole thing, you know, it's Beverly Hills. What are you gonna do? So she's like, well, thank you so much for bringing me here. I'm a big believer in defending yourself. Usually I hit people with my purses, but when they take the purse, I look down at what's me other weapon. Yes, it's an ex-all excellent sandwich. I've had made for PK. It was made by minority actually, but they're very important to my children. There's no weapons. So what else? Me hands! There's me hands. Childra puff girl. That's you I am.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Boom bang bang! You know, it's good to get a brush up on self-defense because patitis my my only education and it was from Ruth Buzzy and Laughin just slapping people over the head So sit on park benches my smack people with my burger I also learned quite a bit from Dorothy's bullnack a good move that I like to do is excuse me Rob But let me head me that newspaper then he has a newspaper not to hit him over the head. So they stretch and talk about her feelings and PK is leaving for London again and that's what happened last time We left for London this happened and you know she's She's basically talking about trauma. She's like listen, I don't know if this makes sense,
Starting point is 00:45:25 but I feel the trauma like PK feels mayonnaise. It's in me blood! At this point. Bring out the trauma and bring out the best. So, um, yeah, basically, she's saying... Give them hair, men! Right for God! you see give him here man right for hot Okay, bye, this is what you do if there's ever another robber in the house I'm screw the hellmins and just throw it but then hold it back real quickly
Starting point is 00:45:58 So you'll hold the jar mayonnaise on their face and then you run for it babe, okay? Hellmins will save the day And if that doesn't work pickles So then we go to your secret Calcio favorite room. Oh god Kyle You know Kyle is gonna try and apologize when she takes somebody to her carb palace. You'll sell Greto Yeah, this is also Kyle has clearly made a deal with these people to get some sort of, she's gonna get a free meal or whatever
Starting point is 00:46:33 because the entire scene, she's like, oh my God, you guys, I don't even know how you make all this delicious pasta, all the time, you guys, this is like amazing. I'm like, okay Kyle, thanks for the advertisement for Ilso Greto or whatever it's called. We'll work for carbs. So Sutton comes to me and she's carrying like this big book and it's her purse and Kyle's like, it's that a book or a bag. Because like when I see books, I'm like, it's a book. I thought you were gonna like read me, right? Because it's like a book. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:02 those are so long. Like who reads those? Like, I understand slang too. Like, read me right because it's like a bug. I mean those are so long like who reads those? Like I understand slang too like read me. I I I'm like my slang is on fleek right now am I right? So then uh, it's like baby mama. Hey can I get a side order of baby mama? Thanks. Okay can you bling out my risotto please? Thanks.
Starting point is 00:47:25 So, yeah, Kyle's like when she looks at it, she's basically like, I don't know whether I should be envious right now or disgusted. Like, is this something I wanna have them resuobind me? So then they are ordering and Kyle, all the sudden Kyle pulls this move, she goes, I'm gonna do the pasta, I'll I'm not. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:47:45 Where does Kyle do a talent accent come from? How long has she been hanging out with to read? Where is this from? Yeah, that's a total Giata right there that she does. I'll have the pasta. Lourna! It's like, okay, Giata. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Pasta norma! Oh, okay. So they have some small talk and has sudden cotton her gates. Yeah, she's like oh, we have it's past inspection because I'm still waiting for the hood and Sorry, then sorry then the food arrives and then this is where Kyle goes Well the waiters are putting it down and she's like start talking to waiters as if this is what she doesn't any restaurant to talk to waiters Why does the food look so delicious here? Delicious here.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You guys, my Kyle, okay. You come with the ranch. Tell me, yeah, Tony down, Kyle, you're rich. So, my big complaint with this was that sudden ordered Nyolki, but they served her risotto. Risotto. What the fuck was that? And it wasn't only a risotto.
Starting point is 00:48:46 It was like risotto and gravy. It was like brown risotto gross. What is this? What is risotto? It was like risotto fell from the roof onto her plate. It was just like, it was risotto. Risotto, she's dropping on my head. Set the musical episode.
Starting point is 00:49:01 I cry, risotto. She just flicking risotto. Oh cry, resent, too. She's just flicking res0d out. Oh, that really hurt me. Hmm. So, Kyle's like, well, I really wanted to talk to you about Garcels' birthday party. And so it's like, here's the thing. You came in halfway.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And Diana and I were having our own strange conversation by ourselves already. And she goes, well, how was that going? She goes, well, not welcome, but that's not the point. The point is it was already going. Yeah. And I wasn't even getting to the part I wanted to discuss with her. And you were quite harsh with me, Kyle.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And she goes, um, when I sat down, you guys were talking about the miscarriages. And she goes, you didn't understand that we were talking about that though. You didn't understand that you, motherfucker, sorry I'm still working out with you. Is it right, man? Is it motherfucker, man?
Starting point is 00:49:50 Okay, I'll save it. Just tell me when it's right to use motherfuckers, I really want to say it. I've been practicing it from the mirror. It was real awkward. I mean, I was sitting there trying to tell Diana that she was faking being sick and she was at the party and I wanted to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's like, said, and you started out this conversation pretty awkwardly So yeah, you're kind of lucky. She didn't hear the first part because it would have been even worse, you know So I was like yeah, but that's why it was confusing to me though because I hadn't heard the first part right because it's not in your fucking business Yeah, and it wasn't then either and that's the point right she goes okay Well, I didn't know so So first of all, I wanna apologize because I don't think you made it up or that anyone would make that up.
Starting point is 00:50:31 She's like, up, made that up. Uh, uh, man, I love this Kyle line because I feel like almost Sutton maybe had forgotten or something so Kyle goes, I'm saying, I don't think that. And I don't want you to ever think that, but maybe you didn't think that.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Good, because I didn't think that. So I don't want you to think that I thought that because I don't think that anymore. And if you think that I think saying, I don't think that, and I don't want you to ever think that. But maybe you didn't think that. Good, because I didn't think that. So I don't want you to think that I thought that, because I don't think that anymore. And if you think that I think that, you're obviously thinking the wrong thing, because I don't think that anymore, and I don't think you think that I think that anymore. But if you do think I think that, then I don't think you think that anymore. So let's not think about that at all. God, you know, my memory is so bad. Let me just go back to this conversation and see what Kyle said.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Wait, you've lost two babies. I've never heard this before. I've never heard this before. I'd love you, but this seems like total bullshit. I don't think that. I don't think that. I'm not being strange. I'm just being honest.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So you're going to say you lost two babies out of the blue. You're going to say that. And we don't know that. Hmm. Yeah, Kyle Carl it's crazy how anybody would have thought that you were saying they were lying about having miscarriages when you said you've had two miscarriages that sounds like kind of bullshit right now crazy smith. So Kyle well Kyle has a really good explanation for Ronnie she goes it was a knee jerk reaction because to be honest I was going off odd behavior on your part. I was Diana when she was talking about Hermes'
Starting point is 00:51:49 carriage. It was like, that happened to me too. So I thought, well, that's convenient timing. So you're basically saying you did think it was fake. That's why you had that knee-jerk reaction. Right. She was using it in an argument, you know, stupid Kyle. I was just saying, like Diana was talking about her miscarriage and Diana's much richer than you. So it's harder to losing a wealthy baby. That's all I was trying to say. That's all I was just like, Kyle, please just stop talking.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Okay. Kyle says, I was relating to her on a very, very deep, visceral level, you know, by saying, Hey, why you saying you're sick, you came to a party, it was such a deep personal level. And then I was like, okay, well, that's why I'm apologizing to you with your encyclopedia purse. Okay. And it's like, and she's, oh my God, you are so hard to have a conversation with. and grow up and I'm like, and she goes, oh my God, you are so hard to have a conversation with. So what Kyle was saying that to somebody else, Kyle who has never let anybody finish his sentence.
Starting point is 00:52:51 So, it's like, because you're trying to apologize, that's what I'm trying to do. Apologize kind of for not really meaning what I said that I didn't say, but I didn't mean that I probably said you're probably just making it all up. So, you don't understand what you were stepping into. Okay, because I was opening with shaming her for saying she had to be on bed rest but come into a party and then I was going to arm her by relating with miscarriages and then I was going to sid swap her by mentioning she made me sit in a different seat on the airplane because that's what this is ultimately about.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Well, I'm sorry if it seemed insensitive, but I'm apologizing. So thank you for letting me try and let me get those words out. I mean, thank you. Finally. Am I right? This faucet is so good. Check, thank you.
Starting point is 00:53:37 This Yokey Zoto is very good motherfucker. Okay. Not now, son. Not now. I'll have to say this silverware, what a great compliment to this resoder, shape, nookie. Wonderful. So, something's like, well thank you,
Starting point is 00:53:53 because you mean a lot to me. And I was like, etch you mean a lot to me too. And I'm a very, very, very, boy, a friend. And a good person. I haven't mentioned that I'm a good person yet, motherfucker, still no. Still no. Still no. So you see where Diane is coming from then because she doesn't know you well and she just sees
Starting point is 00:54:11 these moments of you like blowing up and saying, because whatever I said, I'm wrong and you're right. Like this. Look, I've done this to Diana. And she hugs the wine bucket. She's like, Oh, It's like, hug. You're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:54:25 It's like, sudden, listen, I'm on your side in this fight, but also that was not what was happening there. You're basically like snapping at her justifiably and then somehow you just hugged her. And now she's framing it like, I admitted that I was wrong and that I was being callous and I gave her the hug. She's so desperately asked for I'm like that's not quite what happened, but by all means keep hugging the wine bucket Yeah, I think setin and Diana were both pretty
Starting point is 00:54:54 Gross and wrong in that fight and it makes that fight so much easier to deal with because I'm like I love when everybody's wrong Yeah, it's just so much more helpful to me like there's no moral dilemma. It's like, no, you both suck. You know, so, so then I guess they had a discussion about Kyle manhandling Sutton that they cut from this episode because Kyle goes, are you sure you're not going to think I was punching you? You fucking were punching her. Kyle, okay. You were. And if anybody cuts that footage together, please tag me in it because I would love to see it because it was like, you know, Be this celebrity deathmatch, which I guess all celebrity deathmatch Yeah, she goes she goes yeah, cuz she goes you're such a delicate flower. I'm like Kyle Says the one who goes like jumping out of the third story window if there's a bee in her room. So then the scene actually ends with the waiter coming by and
Starting point is 00:55:50 by and calling going this is so good and then you see they haven't touched their food at all. Two full plates of food. It's an entire meal. Yeah. So let's see. So now we go to Kyle's house. Haven't had enough Kyle? Let's go get some more. So Mauricio brings in Thanksgiving flowers while she's cooking. And he's like, I'm sorry, she's doing a Kim Richards impersonation.
Starting point is 00:56:20 She has a giant bowl, but instead of chicken salad, it's just like croutons, cause she's about to make stuffing. So she just has her hands in there, just like stirring them up, A la her sister. Yeah. And Maurizio's like, oh, these flowers, they look like stuffing. Oh my God, I put it on the table
Starting point is 00:56:36 and it scratched the marble. Who sends things like this? In things that will scratch marble, set up rich person. If you're so rich that you're going to put scratchable sit in your kitchen, then fuck you. You deserve what you get and you better fix that before I buy this place. I'll tell you that right now with your fucking stupid, stupid things and stupid rich houses. I hate that. Don't stain the marble. It's a kitchen counter. You rich fuck. I know. Also, like, I just love the way he pivots from being so happy with the flowers,
Starting point is 00:57:05 and then just being so mad at someone. He's like, oh, look, we got some wonderful flowers here, and then like, oh, who sent something like this? Who sends flowers? It's like, I like the moment that he fucks up. He's ready to yell at someone for the vase. And it turns out the vase is from, it's their own vase that Kyle sent to the floor without the flowers put into. So then Kyle's like, I think that like we, I need to run out and get another smaller turkey by the way. And then at which point she opens recovered because she's cooking. And I don't know if you noticed this. She had three, at least three visible cans of Pam in her in her in her carpet. I'm like, lady, who needs that much Pam at one time? Like, what is she talking up for? She's like, well, you never know when we're going to go back into
Starting point is 00:57:52 lockdown. And I have to grease many, many, many, many pans. It's like why you have three canisters of Pam. Yeah. Well, you know, some people hoard different things. Like when the lockdown happened during COVID everyone came to me because guess who hoarded toilet paper anyway. I have so much toilet. When I moved from LA, I told my neighbor you can have all my toilet paper. That was years ago. Okay. He texted me yesterday and said, I just finished the last toilet paper from your house. I just thought you should do. I was like that with, you know, fake oil. It just wasn't so funny to me do. I was like that with fake oil.
Starting point is 00:58:26 It just was so funny to me. And it was like, it was like on the first shelf, it was like the most easily accessible things. It's like, what is she putting her Pam on? Why is she going through so much Pam that she has to have three on hand at any given moment? Well, you gotta have a welcome gift when Kim comes in the room, you. You know? That's her thing.
Starting point is 00:58:47 She just puts a ribbon on it and goes to people's houses. She's like, I got you a little something. Because you know, Kim is gonna show up like. You said, be wild, be so I brought my own bag. I heard where some pamp. I will say though, I do, I accidentally hoard things when I think I'm out of something and I go this door and I buy it And you have like I come back and I'm like, oh, this is my fourth vinegar
Starting point is 00:59:11 I don't need four bottles of distilled vinegar, but now I have them. Yeah So Kyle's like, well, you know, we might have to get another turkey because now we're a family of eight because of Alex and his mom We're no longer just a family of eight because of Alex and his mom. We're no longer just a party of six anymore. And then we see a clip of this fucking cheeseball, Alex at Ferris with getting married to with a mix between crazy eyes and stupid eyes because you know how stupid people
Starting point is 00:59:37 just lift their eyebrows up when they talk to so they can look like they're thinking about something. Or my eyebrows is just saying, I just got Botox and we look at myself. Oh, they're still lifting. But like, Jeremy, I'm getting a refund on this Botox. They shouldn't be lifting. I don't know that was there.
Starting point is 00:59:51 They're like, yeah. But yeah, I don't trust him. He's gonna cheat on you. So Maurizio's like, oh, well, then we're gonna be called the family of eight and then a family of 12 and then of 16 and then of 22. Why is it only odd numbers? What's with you?
Starting point is 01:00:10 Yeah. Just imagine Camille popping up. 22 and 12. They just are counting. They're just counting. 12. Yeah, 24. And then 28.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Yeah, and then 32 and then we'll stop. We'll stop. It's stop it. So upsetting. So Kyle's like, I just, I feel like I was very fortunate because I grew up with my grandmother living with me and like, Kim and I were always working on TV shows. So my mom would take one of us to the set and my grandmother would take the other one. And so I just grew up very close with my grandma, who is sort of like a servant too. So I really appreciate that part of it.
Starting point is 01:00:45 I just love how she like works in the child star element into her whistful memories of grandma. So Kyle asks Mauricio to stir because their arm is tired and he's like, oh, but I have a bad arm. So just do one thing. And he's like, yeah, but are you supposed to even do it like this? Shouldn't you put more butter in that such as the husband thing, you know, the comment and be like, you're doing this wrong. Lady who cooks literally everything I put in my mouth. But he might be right. It probably doesn't need more butter. She probably sat there
Starting point is 01:01:16 for five minutes spraying the pan in there. He's like, wait a minute. Why is the ozone burning a layer through a hole through our roof? Why are you saying I can't let him match the kitchen for the next 10 minutes? So, so now, meanwhile, now we see like everyone doing different things on Thanksgiving. So Garsell and Crystal are down at the Los Angeles Mission, volunteering. And then we go to the retail house where there's just like a million chafers of very pale vegetables. And then her dad is like, happy Thanksgiving to everyone. And just hear Doreet in the background. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:54 Bore the Lee. Backly. So then over at Christel's, Jeff the brother brother, just still trying to make Jeff the brother happen. So don't care. And then over at Kyle's, Kim's like, I know this, thanks healing. I'm, yeah, pain on the, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, armpits. I don't think you're right now. I got some deodorant on. And then I blacked out and woke up four hours later. But in my notes, it says, Teddy is there trying to pretend she's interesting. So I guess that's true. Yep. Well, we see Kathy. It's like Kathy's first appearance this season. We see Kathy and Rick sitting at the head of table just looking dissatisfied. And then Kyle
Starting point is 01:02:45 does a close-up of like the dessert table. And she's like, it's my sister Kim's fudge. Oh, Kim's fudge. And for some reason made me laugh the idea that Kim has a special fudge. And then she's like, oh, and here's the cake that Teddy pretends she baked. And then just like she moves the camera up to Teddy, who's standing there like, hi, I'm Teddy. Talk about a sad turkey. I know. Enjoy that sugar free gluten free tastes free cake. That Teddy probably brought. Enjoy that free calorie cake.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Yeah. So then it's Diana's house and Rin is there. So it's hold your ears cuz it's basically And Rinna says that Diana's last home that she sold was, she sold her for $87 million, which is literally, that's that is bonkers. So then we're looking at footage because. Well, Tim of that was because she illegally cut down the hedges of her neighbor's house. And then the security guard, the black guy, security guard from the neighbor's house came over and told her not to do that So she called the cops on him and carrying out on him
Starting point is 01:04:08 And went ahead and cut the hedges down anyway so she could get more money for her home and have a view of the ocean Just another Erasus cap She's not leather in her racist cap. Yeah, there you go. She's really one of a kind. Actually, she's not one of them. What's the Bosnian name for Karen? We need to know.
Starting point is 01:04:35 If anybody knows the Bosnian name for Karen, please let us know because I looked it up and they were like, there is no equivalent here. Here we just got people assholes. I was like, I like it. But it's don't need to care. I wish you weren't so much of a Karen because some of the asshole things she does are so assholy. Like I would love it.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Like a loose seal booth. But she's a Karen and I can't get behind that. You know? A loose seal booth. People like loose seal booth or to me like a van der Pump who didn't have the like mean spirit of loose seal booth I, but like that sarcasm. People like that I can get behind because they have like a natural charm to them. Diamet does not. You know, it's like the discussion earlier of like, why is Erica not fun? When Sony is fun,
Starting point is 01:05:18 it's not just the being drunk that makes you fun. There's a certain charm and personality that goes into that. And Diana's just not fun. It's just like, she's just a sad, miserable person who throws her money around and uses it as a weapon, but not in a fun way. Yeah, you feel like Lucille Bluth, even though she's a fictional character, you feel like she's had to live through some shit to get to where she is now. She's had to put up with her husband's bullshit. She had to put up with her children just being obnoxious, wanting everything from her. So now she's just like old and bitter and just wants her merchandise and she doesn't care who she insults.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I'm like good for her, you know. But then Diana, you're just like, no. You don't deserve this. So then, anyway. So she's talking about her, her baby's like one. It's not earned at all, okay? You need to earn your at all. At all, right? So, she's talking about her, her baby's like one. It's not earned atollery. Okay, yes. You need to earn your atollery.
Starting point is 01:06:06 That's a shy guy. So she's talking about her baby's birthday. And Diana does the thing that really annoys me. I'm gonna get this off my chest right now. I can't stand having to pretend to laugh and agree when parents of babies are like, oh, she's a little box thought. She loves this music when it comes on.
Starting point is 01:06:29 She's just dancing. She's gonna be a singer. I just know it. She's so smart. She knows how to put the block on the other block and you'd be like, oh my God, yes. So smart. Oh, she's such a dancer.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Look, it's a baby. A baby bouncing around, because there's some stimulus in the world. Okay, and I'm sick and tired of having to like listen to parents say all this stuff. Like, she really, she gets it, like she can't sing, but I can tell she hears the music. I'm like, you know what? It's a baby. Give it two years. Give it two years. Give it two years. Okay, get over yourself. I don't want to look at footage of your baby moving
Starting point is 01:07:09 because they're sound in the world, okay? Like it's cute, but like please don't make me have to like coosign. This whole thing about, oh, your baby's a genius. Your baby speaks five languages. Your baby speaks Thai. Dana Wilkie, okay, because this is going retroactively 10 years ago to Dana Wilkie, okay? Wow, yeah, you're you're a little Brittany just fucking ate her own boogers, okay, so shut up. So she's like, oh, you can hear this
Starting point is 01:07:38 hummingbird, that's his hummingbird, and we're gonna say, oh, you can. I want to hear it. Cause that's lowest. I can't take every bird in the sky. I know every single bird she's claiming. She better claim all the ugly birds too. Okay, if there's a turkey waddling along, if there's a turkey vulture waddling on the side of the road, you better claim that one too. Yeah, you better say hi to vultures.
Starting point is 01:08:01 You better crack this. Creminate. Yeah, come on. Bring crackles into this. Okay, you can't discriminate. Yeah, come on, bring crackles into this. Okay, you can't just choose the cute ones. By the way, I do have to say that in the week that has passed, baby Ronnie has arrived. Oh, I'm proud about your baby now, hypocrite. Go ahead and bring him back.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Well, I'm not saying that baby Ronnie is like gonna be a dancer. I'm just saying baby Ronnie is here. Like it's okay to announce arrivals. And literally nobody ever said baby Ronnie is gonna be a dancer. I'm just saying baby Ronnie is here. It's okay to announce arrivals. Literally nobody ever said baby Ronnie's gonna be a dancer girl. No one's ever said it. For those who don't know, there's a little hummingbird nest outside my window and the mama hummingbird was sitting on that nest
Starting point is 01:08:39 for a long time and finally baby Ronnie is hatched. But baby Ronnie is so small, I really can't even see baby Ronnie. I can only see vague movement. So, oh wait. So, you're so serious. Thank you. Thank you for giving me a goal, thank you.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So damn. I'm in bad. Diana and Renee talk about how it was harder for Renee because it's the holidays, you know, but thankfully They were in New York as Harry's doing press for a new movie And she's like the show is great. It's really good. It's like just like the pasta and Ilsa Grado I don't get out of here. Get out of here Kyle mother fuck fucker, mother fucker. That's a hummingbird, Seth, and please.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Go to other guards. Strange hummingbird. I can't help but notice that you are a bird, but you're not quite humming, and you call yourself a hummingbird. That's confusing. So, Rinne asks about Garsell's party, and Diana laughs, shrugs, and sticks her tongue out in 97 different drugs.
Starting point is 01:09:47 She's like, I think there's sideways, I don't have to so far. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Please stop. Diana's big move also is that she puts a finger, not really on her temple, but like by her temple, like right by her ear, puts a thumb under her jawbone, like she's making, and then she leans off the sofa. She just leans off the sofa and then talks. Not too bad.
Starting point is 01:10:16 So, so Diana's like, well, the party itself was good but Satan caught me on the way out and does, you know, Satan thing. She makes faces, you know, like bad rest, huh? Bad rest, huh? Shouldn't you be on bad rest? No, why didn't I say how are you feeling? You know, and, um, and, and then she says, Oh, and then she gives me that look. And when I was like, I know that
Starting point is 01:10:44 look, I did a shot of sudden doing her look when she goes, first of all, I don't cancel tables. She gives that evil look where she puts her face down, but her eyeballs come up. No squint. So then she's like, yeah, yeah, I know that look. And Diana's like, and she call me soulless. Oh, wow, you're really jumping.
Starting point is 01:11:05 You're really jumping a lot of that conversation there, Diana. So Diana's just gonna straight up lie. Yeah, and not say anything that she said or did in this conversation. And you know, Rinna's a fucking askisser to whoever's richest, so she's gonna kiss her ass for this first season until she tries to ruin her life next year. And go ahead with this.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Go along with this. And I like that Diana is really trying to, like, she's trying to like make this as awful for her as possible because she's like, oh, she called me Solis and then she called, she told me I was a motherfucker and if you're a foreigner, you translate that. I fucked my mom. So she's gonna be a literalist about mother fucker.
Starting point is 01:11:45 She's been in this country long enough time to know what mother fucker is. I mean, she's like, she's accusing me of incest with my mom less than incest. It's like, okay, yeah. I'm ridiculous. Yes. And you know, she called that security guard
Starting point is 01:11:58 from next door a mother fucker too. You know, she knew that. She's fucking dying on a shut up, dying on a. So she's like, and I say, this is really stupid. And then Kyla's trying to say Diana lost baby. And she was like, well, I had to miscarriage this. And it wasn't like, hey, baby, I understand. I went through two miscarriages as well. That is exactly what it was. She was saying, I understand because I've had two miscarriages. To fuck you, you understand here. And she's like, it was like gambling studio.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And I put them in my miscarriage. And she said, I raise you. Cool. I raise you to miscarriage. And when I was like, that's narcissism. That's just being narcissism. Ha, ha, ha. So basically Diana's like, I think it's a grid up from that.
Starting point is 01:12:44 And she does, she, Diana gets upset because she feels like a son brings her down to her level. Like she gets dragged on to son's level. And Rina goes, well, this is gonna fly with me. If I see that behavior, so basically Rina has pledged her loyalty to Diana in this moment. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:02 And then Diana goes, well, the next trip, they can go to Marshall. I can do that for them. What does that mean? Does that mean? Does that mean? Oh, they can go commercial. That makes more sense.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I was like, is she downing Marshalls now? Because lady, you've made a lot of waves this week. You don't want to fuck with my discount retailers. I know. Okay. The first, first she comes for Instagram, Instagramers. Now she's come up from commercials. So now we got to Kyle.
Starting point is 01:13:33 It's like evening and Kyle's like squeezing Mauricio's pants. And she has, are those purple? And he goes, yeah, I'm doing some color blocking Kyle and she's like color blocking. What are you talking about Mauricio? I mean, I will give Mauricio this. Usually he's not even dressed before guests come. At least he has his clothes on.
Starting point is 01:13:52 So wacky. See how Netflix everyone this summer. So then PK and Tariq come over and Tariq just goes on and on about Kyle's new couches and PK orders a drink for her from Moe and he's like, she wants vodka with soda, three lons until it's cloudy, then take the caucus out.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Never heard caucus before she said it. Now it's all I can think about. At least remove the caucuses from to reach the drink. Caucus out! Got it babe, got it. I will never forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that.
Starting point is 01:14:30 I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that.
Starting point is 01:14:38 I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going to forget the first time I heard her do that. I'm not going we're like, oh, I had a question. Are you going to bring in some throw pillows?
Starting point is 01:14:48 I mean, and I'm not just talking about PK who's coming over to sit down with us. Like, this is sort of, we're lacking some softness here. And then Kyle, of course, this is so Kyle, she goes, well, yeah, I really want to bring in some copper orange, kind of like this Air Maze blanket. Just like, just the way she throws shit in all the time. Oh, you know, like this Air Mets blanket. Okay, lady whose husband is freaking out over a scratch in the marble.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Oh, you're so rich. So she's like, and you're moving right, I don't want you to move. I was almost ready to move right after I had, you were gonna, after I went through what I went through with my robbery and it wasn't even as bad as what you went through. Even though it was really bad. Let's have a clip.
Starting point is 01:15:29 We're like, we're like, we're being robbed. So we get a clip of Kyle saying that she was robbed back then and she goes, you know, I feel comfortable and happy now and I think he will too in time just take things from other people and kind of steal them in your own way and then you'll feel like part of the robber crew. Like that Erica Jane sign in my living room. Or the tiles, the checkered tiles that I stole from Kathy's house. You know, you know, steal style.
Starting point is 01:15:57 That will make you feel good. So then the men sit down and peeking. Oh, I'm so sorry. I have to say to reach, like, well, if anything would keep me here, it's you Kyle. You're not moving because you don't feel safe. You're moving because you do not own that fucking house and everybody knows it. Everybody knows you own that with Mr. Nazarian and his investment team.
Starting point is 01:16:16 And you're just going on there to sell those houses on the real house. So I was a Beverly Hills before you move on to your next rental. Oh, shit. So, uh, so the men come sit down and peekers like, last time I sat here was the night of the home invasion. I just got deja vu. Cork is out. All right, and it was real drama.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And then you added to it by saying I was wearing leggings. Thanks, Carl, by the way. Thanks for that in my time of pain that you made fun of what I was wearing. Thanks so much. Hold on guys. I know look PK and I are similar body types all pants are leggings at this point Okay, just no escaping it so cuz I you guys you guys hold on you guys. Did you? Did you miss what Erica said to Garsell's son to 14 year old to go fuck off? Ha ha ha and she starts laughing. I would just like to go over
Starting point is 01:17:06 Kyle's Instagram apology. Hi guys, I wanted to share some things with you about this week's episode. I've not seen it yet but I've seen the clips floating around online. First let's address my comment to Sutton. When Diana was sharing her story about having a miscarriage I was taken aback because I felt like Seton wasn't letting Diana have her moment to share what she had just recently gone through. I had obviously had a few drinks and didn't express myself clearly and I was disappointed in myself. When I woke up the next morning and realized what happened the night before I realized it maybe Seton was sharing her story with Diana to connect with her in some way. So I
Starting point is 01:17:42 immediately called Setton and apologized, blah, blah, blah. Now, on to the clip where Maurizio Piquet and Duret and I are discussing Ericus behavior, I had not seen what Ericus said to Jacks in person. That's not true. That's not true. Wasn't she right there?
Starting point is 01:17:58 I don't remember she was there or not. I really don't remember. She was standing on the outside when he was telling Garcella about it. And she's like, when I said it's not funny, but it's funny, I meant Erica being drunk was funny. But what she said to Jack's was not, I hope you know me well enough by now
Starting point is 01:18:14 to know I certainly do not condone speaking to children like that. We're all parents. And certainly wouldn't want anyone speaking to our children like that. Okay, just wanted those to go while we listen to Wackhaw actually says in the show, because she's so full of shit.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Yeah, watch someone yell at Porsche and see if she has that same response. I mean, look, if I had a friend who got wasted and yelled at a 14 year old, I honestly, I probably would laugh after the fact, but I'd be laughing at my friend being a disaster and not being laughing like, it's so good to see them let list.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Like that's like the vibe. I'd be laughing like, oh, they were a disaster and not being laughed like it's so good to see them let loose like that that's like the vibe I'd be laughing like oh they were a disaster they were being awful and I'd be like But but if it were but the humor is that they were being terrible not the humor that like They're finally relaxing. They're relaxing and they're yelling at children now It's like no, that's not why I'm laughing. That's not why you should laugh. All right, so to read, it's like, well, I was there. And Kyle says, well, I mean, it's not funny, but it is funny. It is funny.
Starting point is 01:19:12 And Marisa goes, I think that it's great that she did that. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh is like, she's like, I think it's just so great to see this more relaxed side of her. Dree goes, 100%. Oh, about 100%. 100. 100%. 100%. Okay, guys, are you all at 100%? Good. I'm the same page. And Doredie, who earlier in the episode said, it makes me sick to my stomach, because, well, it's why I can give her a major pass. I mean, it's not my child, but she had a few drinks and, gee, she doesn't get like that. I don't think I can even remember it time when she was that loose and free and attempting to have a personality.
Starting point is 01:19:55 Do you like the D.J. Hans during that? She's like, I can't remember a time when she was so free. I don't know that. Wiggy, wiggy. Wiggy, wiggy, wiggy. And cause like, I mean, I can remember in the first few years that I knew Erica, I would think like, what is that? What a war.
Starting point is 01:20:14 So what did you really think? Cause we remember those first few years you knew Erica, ma'am, and you said what you thought pretty clearly. But here she's saying, I just would say, I wish you would loosen up and open up, you know, open and honest, you know, because clearly the Erica that we've known was like holding a lot in and seeing this side open and honest, like even if
Starting point is 01:20:33 for best side, at least it's real and open and honest. And Pika, Pika is like, listen, she's entitled to blow out in my opinion, she's had to deal with me for seven years. And research was like, no question. Who are we talking about again? And he was like, he was a blowout. I mean, she told Garser's young one to fuck off. The next one she tried to bang.
Starting point is 01:20:54 I mean, that's a blowout. All she needed was a can of pringles. And then you have a, that's what you call a knight. Okay. Sounds like a real animal house. What the fuck is wrong with these people? And what's a blowout? I don't know. And it has nothing to do with animal house. What the fuck is wrong with these people? And what's a blowout? I don't know and it has nothing to do with animal house,
Starting point is 01:21:08 by the way. But Eric does need a blowout. Okay, that sad plastic zip lock ponytail does need a blowout. So that seems a lot in the Republic. Yeah, so there are a bunch of assholes. So I'm glad they got that scene in just so we can bunch of assholes. So I'm glad they got that scene in just so we can watch them all deny it. I'm glad they had that scene to be honest
Starting point is 01:21:29 because I feel like this should be the tradition once per season, the fourth and get together. They laugh about some shit and then they have to like apologize at the reunion and be like, we didn't mean it that way, I'm so sorry. I think that's why they were doing it. Like that's their thing now. They're like, aha, we're going to say things about the cost man bus that are insensitive.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Oh, Asshole, so certain now wherever it's sentenced has bossing people around going those are for water. Those are for water. Can I'm trying to say any different accent support people understand me. Did you get it? Or no. Don't make fun of the way I say, water motherfucker. Not that too harsh, too harsh. So she's gonna have this like tea party thing at her, the Parisian tea party or whatever. And you know, basically they're just getting ready.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I just like that Joshua goes, are those gonna be desserts on the coffee, on the cocktail tables? And then it goes, a tss, it's like, ooh, so Joshua sass, that wasn't even sass, they're trying to convince us that Joshua sass here than he is with the, a tss.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Yeah, because then they have a close up of his face and he just looks disgusted like, why are we changing the plan on the dessert again? Is it cocktail tables or the kaitops? Make up a decision. So then Shari goes to Garcell's house and they're doing a little pre-party before the party. And Shari is like, well, your party was amazing.
Starting point is 01:22:59 And she's like, oh, thank you. Well, you know, there was someone crushing on all of her. And Shari's just like, oh, she has Erica. She has, oh, God, I thought you met me. Yes, Erica. Erica was flirting then. That's what you're saying. And then Garcels, like, Garcels, like, I'm just going to ignore that. She's like, and then Jack's good to pick up flowers. And Erica says, some fuck off. Okay. And so I walked back in and I said, you can't talk to my son that way ever again. And so basically Garsell, she wants to talk to Erica about it
Starting point is 01:23:32 but she wants to do it when Erica's sober. So that way she'll really take it in. Yeah, good luck with that. So Sheree is like, oh, so that's happening. I'll take off my earrings. I mean, he's 14, that's inappropriate. And Garsell's like, you know, being drunk is in an excuse It just shows you who you really are and she's like, well cheers to set the bitch straight
Starting point is 01:23:52 Yeah, cheers. So then meanwhile over at Suns plays they're putting out place cards and they're in the backyard It's just reigned and so everything is muddy and she's walking around in her slippers And they I like to add the sound effect so when she walks like this is so mucky this is a mucky mess this you know what mucky almost sounds it's most of the letters of mother fucker let's be honest okay it is mucky out here yeah um so she's mad about the rain and then Rena arrives just looking fucking great like like I'm waiting for Rina to announce her dinner theater show in Florida Like what is she wearing now? She's wearing like a big gigantic out and on circus glasses with purple lenses and then did Rina get an eye job? Is Rina like snorting a little koki koki where she's always trying to hide her eyes? What's happening with Rina?
Starting point is 01:24:43 I mean talk about color blocking. I enjoyed the colors on her. The hair was a little bonkers. Like the hair was interesting. And she was definitely going for this giant look. And she comes with a candle, which is, I guess, the gift of the day. And she's like, I love the smell of this candle.
Starting point is 01:25:00 It's my favorite new candle. Guess what smells like? And flat, hot zone candle. Aren't my favorite new candle. Guess what smells like? And flat. Hot zone candle. Aren't these shoes fabulous? They're for Sauchy. They're terrible. Okay, it's looks terrible. Those are some dry graze shoes. Okay, Rina. So Rina is trying too hard for someone she hates. So then, Saree and Garza basically arrives and Rinne meets Syri, and then Ovi, we meet Ovi, the property manager. Who I love, he's kind of like played by John Loveitz,
Starting point is 01:25:34 which I really like, he's like, he loves some drinks. And then Erica's riding along and she's in her Uber and she's like asking for classical music, and they're like, do you have any radio stations that in mind and she like Clearly doesn't have any because she clearly doesn't listen to classical music So she's like, uh what about What else we point five a Christmas songs instead? So
Starting point is 01:25:57 Is it then the producers like is this your first time like going to Sun's new house. I'm not worried about the house. I'm worried about Gossel. I'm worried about the Haitian mom of a man in the law. So then we see a clip two days earlier and she's in the park with Crystal. And Crystal's like, yeah, well, I think that you told her Sun something like, oh, I told him shut the fuck up. That's what I said.
Starting point is 01:26:21 And we were talking shit. I treated him like adults and they're 16. They're not babies They're all having three sums by now anyway All right, so let's not make it and crystals like actually I think they're 14 She's oh, I thought they were 16. Well, that okay. That's a whole different perspective All right, you can tell 16 year olds to fuck off before a team year They've probably only just done a couple of two something so there so now other people more people are arriving
Starting point is 01:26:47 At the house and Dorita's at the is at the bar. I'd like to have Bavaria with three lemons squeeze really well So they know Erica comes and John love it to like you want some champagne So what are the odds that the candle that Rina gave son was just the candle that that Erica had already given We're not with the same spiel and Rina just recycled it Yeah, no one goes to well apparently somebody goes to the candle store to buy these gifts because they're like the biggest regift in this town, you know. But Rina's like, what are you doing in a like leopard coat? That coach should be mine. She's like, you're gonna have to fight me for it. She's shoot bitch. Ah! Uncivilized.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Ah! A little accent there, a little accent. So then Erica goes up to Garsell and she gives like one of those like very, sort of like slow eye contactee, hello, which means like sort of saying like, I know I fucked up, right? So she's like, hello, how are you? How are you doing? Nice to see you.
Starting point is 01:28:07 And Garsell's just like, hello. At least fake person ever. She's like, hello. Just walk up over, have a drink. You know, Garsell learned that lesson. I'm like, I'm a labeled drain. She goes, yeah, one is good. The one and the.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Good. Yeah, agreed. That's how you should be. Yeah. So then, Erica turns and faces Garsell. is good. One and a good. Yeah, agreed. That's how you should be. Yeah. So then, um, Erica turns and faces Garcell and she's like, boom. But then they don't really say anything. They're like, oh, okay, I guess this confrontation is not happening right now.
Starting point is 01:28:36 So Garcell's like, so who are we waiting for, Kyle? I mean, I guess Diana's not coming. She's sick. She's, oh, she's not. So, I'm like, hey, so fancy. All of you motherfuckers. All right, man. We're gonna get to lunch.
Starting point is 01:28:49 I'm just getting y'all drunk first. And then we get to, I'm just, for the reason. Yeah, yeah. Oh, no, because it was for Erica. I was like, I think they cut to Erica of like drunk. They said they were drunk around her.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Oh, so then she takes them on to the kitchen. She's like, okay, everyone, here's the kitchen. Do not look at that refrigerator. It is just an eye sore, that $3,000 fridge rate. You see the sub-zero's on the barge. It's on the way. But don't look at this motherfucker by fridge a day or okay. So we see shots of the house and stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:20 The floor goes from Pargola to straight up the straight boards for the kitchen. It doesn't look good. They need to rethink this flooring. It doesn't look good. What's Pergola again? I'm looking it up, but isn't Pergola the squares, the wood squares where they want to put, oh, okay. Yeah, Pergola is actually, what am I saying? Pergola is like one of those, it's almost like a, it's like a, it's like a, it's the garden thing, right? It's like a trellis, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah, so I didn't, sorry, everybody. No, I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember what a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part,
Starting point is 01:29:58 a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a part, a partola. Well, I'm not a pergola guy. Hey, hey, he uses pergola for flooring. They do that wrong. So then, yeah, they're eating apps in the kitchen and Sheree is, there's caviar. And she goes, honestly, I'm not a caviar person, but she's like, I'm not a caviar person, but I need some food. And Rina, of course, she's,
Starting point is 01:30:19 I'm not a caviar person either. I'm like, of course you're not, because someone made like a statement about food. And so you have to piggyback, say the exact same thing. Because you know that Eric would be like, actually I like caviar. I like it to you on occasion actually. Now that I think about it, I do like it.
Starting point is 01:30:36 I do like it. So Kyle arrives in a terrible outfit, matching a terrible outfit. She's in like a terrible coat, matching a terrible blouse. And in like a terrible coat match a terrible blouse. And then they go outside and say, wow, I apologize for the mulch. And Rin is like, um, it's muddy. Someone's going to need to carry me because I cannot walk out there in the mud and these shoes. I can't do it. I will do it! Nope!
Starting point is 01:31:06 Rina's like, this is like a symbol for Sutton. You have this beautiful table. Gorgeously set. Sitting in Mucky, Muddy, Muck. Okay, that sunstrike for you right there. Uh uh uh. Okay, old house. Rat infested.
Starting point is 01:31:22 I guess our houses do say a lot about us. So then Rina's like, oh my God, I will not walk. What are not these shoes? Can we get some flip flops? Hey, sad gay, would you go look for some flip? He's a goddammit. So yeah, they have to pull out all these flats and slippers and everything.
Starting point is 01:31:39 And the only one who doesn't get into it is Kyle, who's basically, it's like I spent a lot of time pulling out these shoes, so I'm gonna wear them. So then they are, yeah, they're basically just, they're simply playing in the colds. Now they're all complaining that it's cold. These people are so fucking rude, I can't. So Kyle's like, oh my God, I've never been so happy
Starting point is 01:31:59 about a terrible coach, joys in my life. And when I was like, I'm freezing, I need a cold! So now they all get coats and so she's had John Levitts go in there and dig out all of her fur coats so they each get a different coat. So I was like that's a 1940s fur coat. That is 1952 Elvis's wife never learned her name not Pregido. Pregido, pergola. Pregida. Pergola, Bradley. So let's see.
Starting point is 01:32:30 I'm about to change into flip flops. Okay, so you're still talking about flip flops and percotes. Kyle eats a flower, importantly. She's like, guys, I just ate a flower. I don't even know. Like, if it were an edible flower, then that's not an announcement. And if it were not an edible flower, then why were you eating a flower?
Starting point is 01:32:47 I don't understand this moment for her. Yeah. So, let's see. They asked her where we're going now. They asked him, I'm bored with cool and flip flops. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of crosstalk, you know. They asked her how she's doing. And she's, she starts talking about how she, she's like, she's doing okay, but she's beating herself up,
Starting point is 01:33:07 she doesn't feel comfortable driving because she doesn't really feel, she's scared to be alone even in her car. And so she's like out of control of her emotions, she hasn't taken her kids to the park and forever. And, you know, and Sheree is really nice. She's like really supportive and she's just like, look, it's a small moment in time. Just take care of yourself and, you know, and Sheree is really nice. She's like really supportive and she's just like, look, it's a small moment in time.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Just take care of yourself and you know, you'll be, you'll be good. So Garth's like, sudden, did Diana tell you she wasn't coming? She is, no, she is, and Rinna's like, I talked to her. And then we see a clip of that and Rinna's like, are you okay, Diana? And Diana's in bed.
Starting point is 01:33:42 She's like, Hello. Her face is like right up to the bed. She's like, oh no. Her face is like right up to the camera. She's like, oh no. I thought I was going to die. Yes, my head was fuzzy. And this is different. When doctor tells you, bedrass, and then your body
Starting point is 01:34:00 say, head's the rest. And then your little baby head coming out of your mouth to lick your lips as bed rest. All of us in bed rest at the same time. And Asher said, I have auditioned and I said, no, you're bed rest too. So then it comes back to her. So it goes, well, you know what I call that?
Starting point is 01:34:21 Root. And then we see Rena licking her lips on mad. She's like, oh, we're gonna fight about this. So Garcels like, well, it's re, oh no Garcels says, it's a read not to tell the hostess you're not coming to our party. And Eric goes, oh, well, I text the hostess to say I'm late.
Starting point is 01:34:39 We'll be in that. I said, I'm late. Cause I'm fucking your son right now. And if he never fuck me right, I'm gonna tell I'm fucking your son right now And Sun's like she's like well, I do not like passive aggressive behavior Well, that's the pot called the peckettal black isn't it? See notice how I mean from of your past regression by being passive aggressive myself And Sun falls for it by the way, sudden falls for it.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Because I am never passive aggressive. Like, remember when I told Diana, huh, you said you were on bed, regressive, and I thought, that's confusing. That wasn't past, that was passive aggressive, actually, never mind. That was very passive. Well, she's actually saying, she's actually saying it to her face.
Starting point is 01:35:24 I mean, it's actually saying it to her face. I mean, it's actually, so I don't know. I would describe Sutton as aggressively passive aggressive. That makes sense. She's like, takes it to a new level where it's like, hey, yes, it was passive aggressive, but it's not just passive aggressive. And then aggressively passive aggressive. But then I also love how Rina destroys her own argument, because she's like, that's the pot calling the kettle black, and then suddenly says, I'm never passive aggressive. And then, first of all, Erica goes for another drink.
Starting point is 01:35:53 It's like, and then Rina goes, did you call Diana a motherfucker? And so, Liz, I'm like, well, that's actually aggressive. That isn't passive aggressive in that case, Rina. So, oh, not quite. Busted her on the passive aggressive in that case for that so Not quite busted her on the passive aggressive but that one there. Yeah Yeah, and I love that Ranna is gonna get all holier than now as if she didn't just run Someone off the show every single year and scream with the last one
Starting point is 01:36:21 Sliding gas lining whatever this women are also fucking crazy. Yeah, but that's it That's the end of this real house once it Beverly Hills episode They're all that's not they are all freaking Craig nuts in the muck. Well, thanks everyone Thanks everyone for being here for watching along with us. We always appreciate it We still have so many more episodes coming later this week. We're doing Dubai on our bonus. We have the latest Girls Trip episode and we also have Southern Charm tomorrow. So there's a lot a lot of stuff on Bravo these days and we'll be here for all of it. Bye everybody. Bye.
Starting point is 01:37:00 Watch what crap ends. We'd like to thank its premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelownee! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella! Itchels! Danisee! Danadoo! Aaron McNickalis, she don't miss no trickle-ists! Hava Nagila Weber!
Starting point is 01:37:18 Jamie, she has no less name-y! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Just saying, okay! Kristen the Piston Anderson! Wee McLeven, Karen McLeven! There's no less namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Wee McLeven, Karen McLeven. She's always subliant, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. She's our queen, Marie Levine.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't Salvia. The Bay Area Beaches. Beaches. And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:37:56 She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Hail the cork master, the master of the cork, it's Jennifer Corcoran. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:38:14 No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Paging Paige Mills, Paging Paige Mills. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Better do what she says, it's Elva Enriquez. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watcher Crappens, No Shrink and Violet Couture! We love you guys! dot com slash survey.

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