Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Junk in the Trunk Show

Episode Date: July 9, 2020

After a month off, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills are back... and so are Aaron and Denise. They stormed out of Kyle's party, and when they return for Sutton's trunk show, things don't ...go much better. This is a Crappens on Demand episode, which means you can watch us on camera here: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is
Starting point is 00:00:29 Happens Happens Happens Watch what Kids what happens when there's so what if Happens Who cares Hello and welcome to Watch or Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I'm Ben Mandelker of The Real House, where as of Kitchen Island, there's a new episode up now on YouTube. Go check it out. I'm also one of the co-hosts of the Game Brain podcast. If you like board games, you can also check that one out. And joining me is the wonderful and hilarious man. You may know him as Ronnie Caram, but I know him as Ronnie Caram. It's Ronnie Caram of the Rose Bridge Best Post podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:19 What's up, Ronnie? Sup, brah. Ronnie is wearing a pizza shirt today, which makes me instantly crave pizza. Was it say pizza planet? Yeah. Sup, brah. Ronnie is wearing a pizza shirt today, which makes me instantly crave pizza. Was it say pizza planet? Yeah. Man, what a wonderful planet. I bet things are great. Pizza, pizza planet.
Starting point is 00:01:32 It's fun and space ports. Okay. I can tell this because it's another crap and on demand episode, which means that if you support us at the crap is on demand level on Patreon, then you don't get to just listen to the podcast. You can watch us record it, right here from our home, socially distant,
Starting point is 00:01:47 by a few states. So that's at slash watch what happens. And today we will be recapping Real House with Beverly Hills, which is finally back, very funny episode, I was laughing the entire time. But before we dive into that, let's do some small business shout outs from our listeners who need some love during these coronavirus times where we're all trying to stay inside and be responsible. Do you have a good one, Ronnie?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Let's do it, people. Yes. Oh, I think we already did this one. Did we do go bars? I think we did. You know what I'll find another one. But go check out Go bars. Go check out Go bars. We did. It's just GO. Go bars. I was opening it, but you were saying thank you
Starting point is 00:02:33 for giving a shout out. So there you go. Thank you. We gave another one. We did give them a shout out because you said, I can't believe she got Go bars, like she got that name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:42 So let's switch to This is staff Buffalo. And as people are getting back to work across the nation, staff Buffalo is helping people prepare by offering resume formatting, interview prep, networking workshops, and social media audits. There's a watch what crap and page for you to check this out. It's slash watch-what-crapids.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And they're offering 10% off for our listeners during this COVID time. And indefinitely, Kai, it also includes free interview guides for video, phone, and in-person and free career information in their blogs and vlogs. So go check them out, slash watch dash watch. Watch dash what, dash crap ends. That is a great service. Thank you, staff Buffalo. I think a lot of people will be using you. Here's one, one of our listeners, Gina.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Gina is wonderful. She sent us some of her product actually even before this even began Gina is she runs sans wine company I hope I'm saying that correctly sans is in French but sans s's all-ordinary wine for organic grapes. It's totally awesome. She sent us some six packs of it. My friends and I, we all went to town on them. Anyway, Gina says they produce seven different wines, two whites, three reds, one rosé, and one sparkling rosé. With the wine industry turned upside down because of COVID-19, we're trying to increase our direct to consumer sales to make up for the lost wholesale business. So everyone go check out Sans Wine Company.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Their website is, S-A-N-S-W-I-N-E-C-O, because who doesn't love wine that comes in a six pack? Am I right? It's really good, it's really good. W-I-N-E-C-O-D-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D-C-O-D- Durem that that would have been funny though. Zonya and Luanne watching Grill Housewives of Beverly Hills and it was cracking me up. And there was one with Garcell and Duret watching it didn't watch that one. And then there was one with Erica and Reza. No. Wow. Poor Erica. How did that happen?
Starting point is 00:05:15 I know. Why did Erica do to deserve that? And you know, as long as we're talking about Beverly Hills, it's very sad news to report. If you are looking for Trun Tartar in Los Angeles, there's one less space for you to go to. The LeBlanc has closed, according to Instagram. Oh, the Bible, the Blanca! I will not miss your non-air conditioning.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So fuck off with that. That's why you closed, fuckers, because you left those doors open, where flies come on you, and there's no air conditioning in there, okay? Well, how are those giant giant floral arrangements supposed to survive an air condition? They need their they need their warmth. They need that they need to feel like they're being pressed up against Lisa's bosom. No, I'm sorry, but if you're paying that much money for food in a like Beverly Hills, you better air condition
Starting point is 00:06:01 I need an air conditioner in my butt cheeks like I I want it everywhere, I want it in my pants. I want it between my toes. I want an air conditioner everywhere for that kind of money. RIP, Villa Blanca. We'll see you on the crappies in Memoria Montage at the end of the year. Goodbye. I'm so sorry you were fired for inappropriate things on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Villa Blanca was fired because it said just some really mean things on Twitter. We were over. The Blanca called the police on faith. It was a very extraordinary thing to have. Yeah, it was all the hostess. Well, you never know. Honestly, honestly, you do not know in this world. But I mean, disgusted about Vanderpump rules.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And we can just be disgusted at real housewives of Beverly Hills. Yeah, you know, I had sort of like forgotten where we were in this in the saga of Beverly Hills. And it took me all about three seconds to remember, oh, that's right. Kyle drives me nuts now. And they're all being, they're all mad at Denise because Kyle is now trying to gaslight her and push forward a narrative that Denise is mommy shaming them, which she was absolutely not doing at all. Right. And then she's got her little henchman Teddy. Oh, I'm Teddy, her little henchman.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And just misrepeating things, but incorrectly, she's terrible. She's terrible. But I can see why she's a good weapon because she really does fly the Kyle side on this and just make everything 30 times worse. Yeah weapons of mass accountability. So Shocking all shocking shotgun accountability. So Imagine a teddy missle is just a missile that just like lands in your backyard doesn't even blow up because Hi, I'm Teddy missle. I'm Teddy. I'm a skinny. Yeah, Teddy. Skud is I feel like scud is actually like a pejorative word that you used to describe Teddy. Oh, she's such a scud God, she's such a scud God
Starting point is 00:07:59 Shocked accountability. So anyway, so we're back at Kyle's party, her barbecue, her quote, unquote, barbecue, this very fancy barbecue, which we didn't even notice this last time, then, but Kyle's giving Denise shit for not having her kids there. Kyle didn't have her own fucking kids there. Thank you. No, I didn't. I don't even know how we not even notice that. Kyle's kids aren't even there.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Was poor. Kyle's just a creep who has a party for for kids and doesn't have her own kids there. I mean, Kyle set up this party fully to ensnared Denise. Let's not forget that also. She was like, oh, you don't want to have the kids around. It's fine. I'm going to have a kid party. And then we then we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So so Denise is Denise and Aaron. And by the way, Aaron also, like just because Kyle's being awful, that does not mean that Aaron Aaron is awful too, by the way. Aaron is awful. And you know, Aaron is the problem with guys who work out too much that are really stupid. Nobody needs that stupid of a person coming after them. You can't reason with somebody like that. They're just like It's like coming at you. They don't know what they're talking about. He has no fucking idea what he's talking about. Yeah, he's a monster too. Yeah, I mean Aaron is,
Starting point is 00:09:09 Aaron is like the worst of Los Angeles. He has probably gotten by based on having a great body and probably a big dick if what a Dinesa says is right. And just like, I probably have that, I have Instagram. Yeah, that's true. But I mean, look what he does for a living. He's like six
Starting point is 00:09:25 Denise's hand into like a warm water bath and that's supposed to cure everything and like everything he's talking about is so L.A. You know and and yet he has lives in Malibu in this house with you know celebrity. I mean that's just it's just so yeah. And he's that bouncer that just will not leave you alone. But at least the bouncer stay at the door. He doesn't stay at the door. He just like follows you around like, yeah, yeah, I don't think so. Those are the wrong shoes. You're wearing the wrong shoes. We're the wrong shoes. No wearing a coat. No wearing a jacket. No wearing a jacket. I think that is such a good call. Like he
Starting point is 00:10:00 is like that is such a specific call that you just made, but also so right. Like, so right. Because he clearly was a bouncer. Because I can see, you know what bouncer's do when you go to a club when they ask for your ID. They're like, ID. Like, I can see him doing the ID, ask because ID where he like lets his channel a little bit, goes ID, and then he looks at your ID, and then when he gives it back, you know what
Starting point is 00:10:21 bouncer's love doing? They like acting like they're about to cross the street when they give you your ID back. They like handing your ID back, and then they he gives it back, you know what Balancers love doing? They like acting like they're about to cross the street when they give you your ID back. They like handing your ID back and then they look both ways. Like, yeah, I thought, why do you take that? I've always taken that look as like, I wasn't even looking at it,
Starting point is 00:10:37 I fucking idiot. Like they take your ID and then they don't even look at it and then they just look around. They look like love the bride. They're wasting my time for it. Yeah. There are no cars coming to run you over right now. I like that. Like, thank you for making me happy.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Like, you're begging for them to acknowledge your ID. And then of course, and I'm always trying to be nice. And I was like, thank you, sir. And it was like, yeah, they do like that little knot. And then they click the thing. That's what they love doing also. Oh, clicker. Oh, clicker.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Clicker. And you know that Aaron does all those balancer things. Like, that's his shit Yeah, so this opens with Aaron who's just you know gotten into it with the girls and Denise is like we're all even I don't tell you that much. I've had it and Kyle's going to miss you can't leave the news No, you're pajama, but your pajama robe barbecue wear is silly. Kyle by, well, I don't even know what her, what's her fashion line called again?
Starting point is 00:11:31 Kyle by, I don't know, I'm still, I still wanna fight for Aileen too, because I think she got really fucked over. She really did. I mean, really. So, yeah, so, so. And her parents are like, they're off my Christmas card. Click, click, click.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Click, click. Go back to our, click. ID please, ID please. Okay, you got, yeah. Yeah, so so and her and like they're off my Christmas card click click click I do please I do please you got yeah, yeah, I then So you guys feel good about yourselves all of you do you guys feel good about yourselves? I'm like Aaron do you feel good about yourself being a condescending Prick to these women right now. Yeah, you feel good about yourself And I hate when people ask that question like oh I hope you feel good about yourself. You feel good. Like, yeah, that's why I fucking did it. Okay. Do you go fucking good about it? Well, it's all such a man thing. Okay. So it, this comes up way later in the episode, but I'm, I'm just gonna bring it up now.
Starting point is 00:12:17 The cares we've already been doing this for an hour. Yeah. But you know, there's, this comes up a lot on on Bravo shows, especially comes up on Atlanta a lot and marriage and medicine, but it comes up on this one about, oh, it's a man getting involved in a woman's conversation. And I always am like, I hate that. I think that's such bullshit. Like, to me, that perpetuates,
Starting point is 00:12:36 like underlying things that like, you know, like that, like, I'm not gonna get into it, but I just don't like that way of thinking. But that being said, what I do appreciate is that women do communicate differently than men do. And what I don't like is if women are communicating in their own way, and then a man is just sort of dismissive of it all, and we saw this also on selling sunset
Starting point is 00:13:00 with those twins, the Oppenheim twins, how the woman will be like bickering, and the like, guys, this is just stupid, this is stupid, why are you talking? Like, I hate that, like, that, yeah. That, like, uh, whatever you girls are talking about is like insignificant because you're bickering and you're not communicating in a way that I like to communicate.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Sorry, we're not all bouncers on Sunset Boulevard, Aaron. Yeah, I do not like when the men get into it at all, we differ on that. I hate it, I hate it, but I think you're right. A lot of it is in the delivery. You know, he could just be like, you guys, you're making a big deal out of nothing, whatever, and walked away. But like to sit there and fight and be like, well, come on. What? This is how you're going to use your right to vote. Really? This is how you're going to use that. It just comes across as like,
Starting point is 00:13:42 hate to it. Yeah, it's just it's so condescending. Like the women don't have a, or not like, don't have any, they're not like allowed to talk like that. Because it's like, because Aaron sees it being stupid that then whatever they're saying is they're for stupid. No, no, you're stupid Aaron, you're stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:00 You're stupid. Yeah. So Kyle's like, you know what? Cause Denise walks off and Rinne is chasing her. And Kyle's like, you know what? Because Denise walks off and Rin is chasing her. And Kyle's like, whatever, you know what? She just doesn't want to be honest. That's what I mean. That's Kyle's new thing.
Starting point is 00:14:12 She doesn't want to be honest. Kyle, she's been honest. She's been very forthright this entire time. Yeah. She literally just said, why would I bring my kids around here? And you're mad at her. Yeah. What do you want from her?
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yeah. I mean, I think Kyle's issue is that, apparently all the women's issue is that like, they harp and they harp and they harp and they harp and then finally Denise is like, you know, I don't wanna talk about anymore and her saying I don't wanna talk about anymore, they are conflating that with the idea that she doesn't wanna talk.
Starting point is 00:14:40 They are conflating that with like, she doesn't wanna get to the real like, the core of it more, but on her, on Denise's end, she's just exhausted and does, is like, I don't want to get the core of it. But on her auntie's end, she's just exhausted. It's like, I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's annoying. Well, it's typical with them. They want a full confession of what they're accusing you of,
Starting point is 00:14:53 whether it's true or not, or that's it. You're just lying and you're dishonest and you don't want to talk about it. No, no, no. They will settle for nothing less than a false confession. And also Kyle is also very dishonest in her intentions, right? Because she's very fake. She's very fake in that she's always nice and nice and nice and nice.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And then she's like, well, by the way, I kind of feel like what she says does not portray what her emotional state is always. And so as she's accusing Denise of being dishonest, Kyle is the one who is truly being dishonest, and that's why Denise is like, I don't wanna deal with this, because you're actually,
Starting point is 00:15:31 Kyle is the dishonest one. Yeah, well they can, they can all take a page out of that, out of that one, they're all pretty lame. So, Rina, Rina runs after her in her green zebra dress, and then she's like, I want to talk to you. And then she starts doing this thing where she's like trying to prove that she's not wearing a wig.
Starting point is 00:15:49 So she just keeps like grabbing at her wig. I'm like kind of pulling out. Look at me touching my scalp. Ha ha ha. Where are you leaving? Ha ha ha. I've got a scalp. Ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I've got a scalp. Ha ha ha. So Aaron's calling the driver. He's like, see so can you come pick us up. Thank you. Please try to avoid big farm on the way. Thank you very much. And Rinna is like, I've known Denise a long time. When she has an issue, she hides, she runs. I have real hair. Look, it's true. So to me, she's like, she doesn't have my back when it's like what happened?
Starting point is 00:16:27 I just don't get it. She's like I'm job. I can feel you and Lisa. I don't want to talk about it And then Denise Denise does and they call her out on this later and it's very true like when Denise wants to leave She just starts coming up with reasons Yes, she has to instead of just saying, fuck you, I hate you guys. And I'm leaving. I'm going to go see strippers. Instead of just leaving it at that, she's like, you know what? This guy right here, Aaron, he deals with fucking cancer.
Starting point is 00:16:54 OK? Like this is so fucking stupid. I can't subject Aaron to this. He deals with cancer, Aaron. Look at Aaron. I'm able to deal with cancer now. Look at him. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:17:04 He literally took cancer out of the club. Look at Aaron. I'm able to deal with cancer in me. I'm looking at him. Look at him. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered.
Starting point is 00:17:12 He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered.
Starting point is 00:17:20 He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. He literally answered. Yeah, well that is really great in your brain They didn't let me in because of the right shoes that was that fucking club. I didn't even realize that I just yeah I told you that a long I was so horrified Told you that a long time ago. I love that it's still a good for you Vandall like no one doesn't allow my work Husband into their shitty box wearing flip flops. Oh well, you know
Starting point is 00:17:40 But I can only I can only take you so far Ronnie But but anyway, yeah, I this is where Janice loses it for me because she was like she was on the right side He deals with cancer well if he deals with cancer. She'd have a better bedside manner What does that mean you deals with cancers there for you? She's like he's sensitive he deals with cancer and Renegas you know what? I don't think they know that so He's sensitive. He deals with cancer and Renegas, you know what? I don't think they know that. So We should tell them and then we see this clip of Aaron putting her hand at a machine and his his office or whatever you call it and she's like, oh, so this machine takes away the inflammation
Starting point is 00:18:17 and he's like, yeah, he's up the head to 108 degrees and she's like, whoa, that's crazy. He's at that height and you don't get burnt. He's like, 108. Denise is like, I can't get my hands not burnt off. This is crazy. I feel like 108 degrees is, if we're already at 98 degrees, I feel like it's not that much.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah, it's like doing the dishes in the quorum water. Because isn't it like 212 is boiling? So, yeah, it's like doing the dishes in lukewarm water. Because isn't it like 212 is boiling, so yeah, it was like a it was definitely technology, right? He deals with cancer, okay, and slightly warmer temperatures than you are when you have a good fever, okay? I'm gonna say that in any fight I get in front now on. He deals with cancer, he deals with cancer. So we cut back to the ladies and cows like, I don't like it when the husbands get involved. I'm sorry. That's it. And Garth says, well, I mean, I agree. You know, I see what Denise is saying, but he should have stayed out of it. And then she tells us, you know, Aaron talking
Starting point is 00:19:19 back to the women like that. I mean, either it's chivalrous or it's a bitch move getting into a woman's conversation. So I guess that's where I get why I'm like, this is an old bravo thing. It's a bitch move, right? Like he shouldn't have gone involved because it wasn't really has such like, it just wasn't, it wasn't pertaining to him, but I don't, I actually don't think it's a, I don't like calling it a bitch move. I, I just hate that because it just like, it just perpetuates ideas that like women are like the bane of existence. And if you do something, if you're a man,
Starting point is 00:19:48 you do something that's feminine, that's bad. But that's whatever. That's for a different, you know, that's for a different joint to smoke up. Yeah, save it up, because I'm fine with that. It is a bitch move. And by the way, I'm sure I will say bitch move many times. I'm not saying I'm saying I aspire to
Starting point is 00:20:07 not be like that, but I have for sure said bitch move on this podcast many times. I try not to, because I just think it's ultimately like not helpful to humanity, but there we go. So then at this point, just waking up in the morning is fucking helpful to humanity. Okay. Just humanity is like really at the bottom right now. I think even just getting up and being nice to somebody day was helpful to humanity. So there I did my part. I've done humanity. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Come on, shoes. Here comes one right now. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court, I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Disantel. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserves session with these feuds say about us?
Starting point is 00:21:01 We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice and King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Rapins would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns.
Starting point is 00:21:53 Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Havana Gila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low! Higher than Hi-Rez, she's Lauren Perez! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce!
Starting point is 00:22:17 Wednesday your Rachel's in, the next day your out! He makes a squee-richy-d! Shannon Better Than Kyle Richards! The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto! Let's rev our pistons for Amanda and Kristen!
Starting point is 00:22:36 Better Than Tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! Let's give them a kisser! It's Austin and Marissa! Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Oops, she did it again. It's Brittany Montana. Simple as rocket science. It's Dana Eazy. Erica, 500 days of summers.
Starting point is 00:22:56 We will, we will Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. The Windom Benita wings, it's Joe Windom. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender She's for real. Yo, it's Lindsay Ferralio Lord is the Lord of the Rings Mina koochi koochi give him help miss Noel Shannon out of a cannon Anthony Let's get racing with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys!
Starting point is 00:23:31 So Erica's like, well, if my husband smokes any of my girlfriends, the way that Aaron spoke to us, lovely talking to something! Tom would have been cussed out the moment we laughed there, would be none of that! But of course, I would never happen because he only talks to you guys for about 30 seconds before he goes back upstairs to watch law and order. And I wish the editors had put in the clip of Tom going, go to your room,
Starting point is 00:23:53 Erica. So then who's so respectful of women at all times, go to your room, Erica. So then back out the driveway, Rina is talking with Denise and she's like, hey, no, Denise, this group tends to hold on to things it does. It really does, especially when I keep bringing them up. I guess it does. It holds on to things when I bring them up. Unless I don't remember all of a sudden. Yeah, totally. And Denise is like, well, you know, I think you need to find something else to hang on to because I'm not the one to do this with And we're gonna go, oh, trust me. I know Janice. I know. Don't fuck with Janice. Which I'm about to when I go through You under the bus right now. Two seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So then back and the other in the yard, Kyle's like, you know what? Aaron was like ready to pounce in the yard, Kyle's like, you know what, Aaron was like ready to pounce like a leopard on a rock. I'm like, uh, that was Forest's bangs, McGee. And then she's like, guys, let's go into the tent, at which point I shuttered, because I just, ever since that tent was put there on that lawn, I knew that nothing good could come out of them being in that tent. I was like, that tent exists solely for Kyle to do the splits and other annoying things. And the moment she said, let's go into the tent, I was like, fuck, it's gonna happen. It's happening.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Splits and annoying things were happening in that tent. Yes. And she just got a stripper pole in that tent so she could get Denise all riled up at the kids' party. Like, this whole thing backfired on Kyle, really. Yeah. Well, that may have also just been a proper, was that like a, was that a stripper pole
Starting point is 00:25:24 or was it just like a proper tent load bearing pull I don't know it was brass and people could hang on it. I guess that's pretty enough Yeah, I mean they all immediately used it for that so I don't know so Rina's like Back with Rina to me. She's like I just want to talk to you. She's your friend and he's I'm your friend Back with Renent and he's like I just want to talk to you. It's your friend and he's I'm your friend And she's like I don't want to talk you know, I'm gonna talk to you privately because you hurt my feelings Okay, I don't want to hear there are opinions about it. That's it. America's you know what I need a big stake
Starting point is 00:25:55 That's what I need because yeah, we need a stake in a strip bar. Yeah, so we're gonna go to strip club And get some stake at the strip club And it's like Like how do you see how do you say that it's like, how do you say that? How do you say you're being all high and mighty about a threesome? And then, and if you're, how do you say, I can't, I can't, steak at a strip club, but I can't talk about threesome too much. Okay, I'm gonna go back and tell the girls now,
Starting point is 00:26:21 because we don't let things go. We'll see you in about five episodes. We're still talking about the trip club Completely missing the point as usual. Yes, like she wasn't saying it in front of her kids and their kids friends Okay, exactly she runs back to the house and she's telling her so she's talking to her stuff. She's so fucking weird It's a fucking try-hide sound She's fully camouflaged with cows hedges by the way when she went running back I was like where did Rene go?
Starting point is 00:26:45 She just disappeared into thin air. I was like, is that tree? Oh, that tree is actually Rene running. Yeah, it's like those praying mantises that look the same as the grass. They're just like sticks and they look the same as the grass. So we go into the car with Aaron and Denise. I wrote Caroline. Oh no, car with with Aaron and Denise. I wrote Caroline. Oh no car with
Starting point is 00:27:06 Caroline and then they went back to look at reruns of Caroline in the city. Yeah, it was my favorite show, babe. And Aaron's like, what's wrong? And she just looks at him and he's like, look, I'm sorry. I had to talk. Okay. I can't just let, I just can't let you be beat up. It's really dumb. I thought she was gonna give it to him for speaking up. But she doesn't. It's really dumb. I thought she was going to give it to him for speaking up, but she doesn't. She's like, yeah, Lisa. Yeah. She's like, she's like, even Lisa, I'm not asking her to have my back, but like, like, but if she does have an opinion, like, be honest, be honest. I'm like, I feel like being friends with Denise is probably a little difficult watching this part now. I feel like she is when she gets angry, she gets, it seems like she does get a little unreasonable. I'm still on her side, but she, I think she expects a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:27:52 I think she's totally reasonable to be pissed. I mean, this girl who's supposed to be her friend is like getting her on camera and then being like, what about the hookers? Did you talk about the hookers? When Lisa Rina is known all that history about the hookers for years and years and she knows what Denise had to go through with Charlie and to like try and rubber, Rinna is really gross in this. I don't know, I actually didn't really mind Rinna asking that, but I think Denise saying things like she deals with cancer. He does like, it literally makes no sense. I'm like, I would hate if to be friends with someone who like when things go wrong,
Starting point is 00:28:23 you're gonna throw cancer. Like the cancer card when you're so tenuously attached to it like that I don't know I wouldn't like that. I shouldn't say tenuously because she or her mom did die of cancer So I'm not saying it like that. So I don't want to be disrespectful to that But I'm just saying like that what what she's saying has literally nothing to do with the stupid fight that happened and cause bad yard Yeah, but Rymich Rina's just gross, trying to throw her under and slide with all the other girls. I think it's gross.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So Rina runs right back to the girls, and of course, is right, I'm just, I do them, grabs the drink, sits down and goes, girls, I talked to Denise and Aaron right now. You know where they're going. They're going to get a stake at a strip club. And it sounds like, come on. How that ain't right.
Starting point is 00:29:10 That's, that's, that's almost as bad as finding out a celebrity came out with a fashion lot. No offense, Kyle. If you want to go to dinner in a strip club, then you reply, no, I have other plans. Stakes and strippers. I like that. That's what that's, that's's you know the thing is that's why I like sudden so much because that's actually probably my reaction Which was like you didn't want to come here in the first place you had other plans anyway. I mean sudden would go Nod if she was around Ramona. Oh Yeah, so Erica's like oh
Starting point is 00:29:39 So she's not comfortable bringing the kids but she's comfortable with a strip club was a stack. Oh Yeah, she's not taking your fucking kids to the strip club. What are you idiots, man? Getting scared. I know, I know, seriously. And then Rinne goes, it's ironic. No, it's not ironic. Oh my god, I can't even really.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I want her to stop trying. I'm telling you, that tent. Once I was like, once the show went in that tent, I was like, oh god, it's gonna be nothing good And the only two people who didn't seem to go in the tent at least at first I'm not sure if they wound up there to read and Teddy because they're outside playing cornhole and I was like could there be a more like uninteresting image on TV then Teddy mountain camp playing cornhole. I mean I
Starting point is 00:30:23 Personally have this thing where I actually don't really like Cornhole very much. I know a lot of people love it. I don't like it that much, but also like just the way like a sandbag when you throw it and the way it plops down on that board. The sandbag itself is already so Teddy Malon Camp. It's open. It's like, I learned it. Yeah. You know, Cornhole is so Teddy.
Starting point is 00:30:41 That game is just so Teddy. It's like, fun enough to be basketball basketball not like complicated enough to be golf, you know Just Cornhole I'm teddy I'm teddy like I can imagine Teddy as a bean bag Just like you throw her and then she like lands. She's like, oh I landed Me or Cornhole So car sales only one to see who seems to get this. She's like well you guys that's different I mean if my kids walked in here, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Starting point is 00:31:06 It's about where the kids are, you know? Hello. Exactly. And so then Garstel was like, well, I'm leaving. And then she says something. And I think she's talking about her own kids, right? She goes, well, my kids are never coming to an event again. Nor will I let them because you're horrible mothers.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And Renika's, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Apparently literally did not happen literally not she's never not being passive aggressive at least not yet She's passive aggressive later, which is really funny But she's not really being passive aggressive and she's not trying to make people look like bad parents You are projecting your own insecurities onto the situation Kyle Yeah, and it's like so you think it was intentional and she's like 100% She's trying to put it out there that she's holier than thou and God, yeah, so then Dorita's so then Dorita of course Dorita's
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's so she's so stringed that Dorita's the voice of reason on this show right now. It's just so weird And so she basically is like Goys while she's telling us she's like goys audience goys Personally, I've never felt I've never felt judged by Denise, but in my experience, so is better and stay and work out through experiences no matter how uncomfortable, because then you can move on. It's sort of like moving on from Diabetes 1 to Diabetes 2. You can't do that without talking it out.
Starting point is 00:32:37 And then in the car, Denise is like, well, they just make themselves look bad by acting like that. And Aaron's like, yeah, what they need to do is they need to get up in the morning and they need to look in the mirror. Aaron, what they need to do is they need to get up in the morning and they need to look in the mirror. Aaron, that's all they do is look in the mirror. This is the real house size of Beverly Hills. You need to find a new bone, dude. Seriously, I'm not gonna be,
Starting point is 00:32:57 I also just can't stand his, like his facile, his, I don't even know the word. I'll just leave it with his facile commentary on that you just need to look know the word. I'll just leave it at... with his facile commentary on that, you just have to look in the mirror. Like, what does that really mean? I have to look and like, that to think about themselves. They... they look at themselves and they are like...
Starting point is 00:33:15 they're both like supremely happy with what they see and supremely upset and that's all that you're gonna get out of it. You're not gonna have any sort of like moral... quandary about like, what am I doing to these people? Anthony's like how's it in a fucking idiot? Love her. I love really rising up very quickly in my book. Yeah and Rinna's like you know she hates you. She hates you.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And Erin's like yeah they're toxic. They're just toxic. I'm sorry you had to hear all this driver. Sorry. I hope your kids aren't in the car, are they? Yeah, and Aaron tips in. And Kyle, by the way, is also like, does Denise want to have steak also? Because who wants to have a big steak and then have sex? I'm like, it's quite a Kyle.
Starting point is 00:33:58 We had to sit and watch you like that pasta out of the parmesan wheel last season. Okay, letter at, like we've watched you binge. Let let Denise. Yeah, no one wants to think about you having anal anyway, Kyle. Just quiet. Like who says that? So, Rinna's like, you know, the irony, this is irony.
Starting point is 00:34:17 We're at a kids party. And they're going to a strip club. A stomach really irony, but no. And so that's closer. I guess you're getting closer. And so now finally Kyle gets on the pole. Because actually what we learned is that Kyle has been doing yoga or something. And so she wants to show off all her new acrobatic moves. So she's sort of like pull dancing, semi-s...
Starting point is 00:34:38 Doing her splits but not fully, doing her splits. And my favorite part was, a lot of people are like, running on this pole. Erica goes, why is there a dream catcher on the pole? I'm just like, close on a dream catcher on the stripper pole. Well, what better time to have a dream, you know? Yeah. So basically they all dance,
Starting point is 00:35:02 they all do pole dancing and stuff and then Kyle does an upside down splits and I just thought you know My goal of 2020 was strip club with Denise with steak and what I got in 2020 is Kyle upside down It's right in your legs. I really feel like Denise and Aaron are having the better experience right now for all of us so so now Hey now that we're having fun watching these women, like Galavant around, let's see what sort of fun Antics Teddy is up to. Ultra sound. I'm getting an ultra sound.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I'm getting ultra sound. So Teddy is getting an ultra sound with the whole family. She's like, it's a full house in here, Dr. Goldberg. And they see the baby. She's like, can we hear it? The doctor puts a little thing up to her stomach. Can you just hear? I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Oh, I think the baby kicked. Oh wait, no, the baby's just playing cornhole in there. Never mind.
Starting point is 00:36:13 So then we go over to Grasel. She's being packed by her assistants. Okay, you're having in her assistant and then we go over to Rina who's walking into Seton's store called Sutton Established 1971 which is a lie because it just opened I think she means she was established. She was established then. Yes, suddenly established 1986, not long about my age. So then, yeah, so Rina walks into the car. That is gorgeous son.
Starting point is 00:36:38 With a sleeve in the front. Okay, I gotta put this on. I gotta put this on. I know. And then Rina meets the male version of herself, Jordan, Sutton's store director. He's like, this is stunning. So, I guess, stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning, stunning. So while she's getting dressed, we find out that Sutton is gonna be having a trunk show and we see an invitation and the trunk show is called a night in Capri, which I think is hilarious because... I don't know if it's so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's just so ridiculous. It's so like, exactly, sudden would exactly have that. Like, it's not in Capri. Look, I put lemons. I put lemons on the invitation because we're just gonna be in Capri right now. She's like, I'm having a trunc show to show off some ladies jewelry and I sent a proper invitation. Okay, it's not some weeny. I don't care if you come invitation. Okay, it's a real invitation. And Teddy, let me tell you this, you're welcome
Starting point is 00:37:37 for the invitation. So Renna takes this ball down that she's trying on and I'm sure isn't going to buy and then walks around the streets You know dragging it all around the streets. So I'm sure Sutton loved. Yeah She's like, how are you TMZ bus? How are you? So then the bus does take a picture of her. Yeah, it's funny That and by the way that should happens like that should happen in LA all the time I remember one time walking on Santa Monica Boulevard and Stephen Tyler was driving in a convertible and then a TMZ bus pulled up like right next to him and then people started to take pictures. And I was like, this is weird. But also like so cool for
Starting point is 00:38:13 those tourists. Like that would be the dream to get on with those tourist buses and then you like pull up next to like Stephen Tyler or someone or Rena. They're sort of the same spectrum. They are Carol Ratzwell. No pictures, please. Privacy. So then we go over to Doreet and she is at home with like her team because she's designing her like new closet. And there's a guy there named Drew and his kairan says closet architect which I love I love to think that he was like an assistant but secretly was a architect he's like I appear to be an assistant but I'm a closet architect
Starting point is 00:38:56 closeted architect he's like I love those I'm not gonna say anything about shoes. Sorry girl Mother father I have to tell you something. I have spent the past several years studying Mies van der Rohe and the Corbusier. The Corbusier, so I'm sorry, I'm an architect. Turns out I'm an architect. I'm not a makeup guy. I'm not mom, man. So Dorita is very, Dorita in this scene. Like just when you start liking Dorita, here she comes, Dorita being the biggest asshole possible with her closet scene, which you know she's getting this shit for free. It's like someone from Creighton Barrel coming to bed for her closet for her. Not even good at all. And she's like, how many shoes can we fit in this closet? The guy's like, 20, 226 pairs,
Starting point is 00:39:40 she goes, but how many do I have closet man? And he's like, well, you have 229. She's like, oh, I might have to get rid of a few. I'll do that so I can do that. I'm so happy. It's what I'm doing. He's so foolish. Do you think that we could build a larger closet? Should we call an architect? Well, actually, I'm an...
Starting point is 00:40:00 Never mind, I'm just an assistant. Actually, I'm an- Never mind, I'm just an assistant. Hehehehehe in prison because it's gotta be soon when we discuss bags Is that include takeaway bags from book or to beppo? So then we go over to Kyle who's in the So then we go over to Kyle who's in the car with him. Yeah. And Kim was just doing all this stuff the whole time like pulling up her hair.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's driving the cows. Stop, son. Kyle. She's like auditioning for a Mandy Moore video from the year 2000. She's like, candy. Candy.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Candy. Yeah, my good friend, Vitamin C, me about this awesome video that's gonna shoot ain't so I'm getting ready for it. Fucking Kim. So uh, get crowd goes, okay, you know what, we're taking back ways now so I guess that's what we're doing because there's traffic. Oh, I'm just so nervous about everything. Traffic, traffic.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Oh, I'm so stressed and Kim's like, you know know what I feel like I'm a dignity lamb I was telling Kristi McNichol the other day listen What you gonna do is you get on that you get on the tea cups and you spin around and then for a long time Then walk over to the corn dog castle and that's a real trip right there and see how long you last huh? So traffic delay traffic delay. Oh my god, I just semi-stopped by that policeman. Oh my God, he's gonna pull this over. I haven't had a ticket in so long. What do I do? I'm gonna have to go to court. Oh my God, I'm so nervous about everything. And came and was like, you know what I do? I'd be like, hey officer, I did that on purpose because I wanted to meet you. This is like, by the way, also like a full-on display of
Starting point is 00:42:02 the experiences of getting pulled over when you're a rich white lady in Beverly Hills versus different demographics in this country. So she's basically, yeah, also by the way Kyle's a terrible driver. Let's not, let's also not. She is the one who does the semi-stop as a stop sign. Okay, we've seen them. We've seen her all the time. She's, you know what Kyle is? You know when you get to an intersection, a stop sign intersection, okay? so you stop and then there's a car. There's two cars at the next stop sign, okay? So The it's like that to the right so the first like the way it's supposed to go is the first car Goes then you go and then the second car goes right Kyle is solely the one that like when the first car goes If if she's the second car since she already saw the is solely the one that, like, when the first car goes, if she's the second car,
Starting point is 00:42:46 since she already saw the first car went, she feels like she just has automatic priority where she goes and skips your turn. I guarantee Kyle is a stop sign skipper. Yeah, and then she'd be like, well, I stopped. Everyone could see that I stopped. I did stop.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It was my right of way, because they were moving too. I just, I got confused. I got confused. Yeah, and so the cop, of course, is not after them. He passes them and Kim's like So they Carl tells us it's no secret that they have a complicated relationship and then we get a clip Oh, you're so much fuck it out. I love when they put their grits You were a liar and a fucking alcoholic, Kim.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I would also like to point out that Kyle, she's like, you know, when Kim and I are bad, we are really bad. I believe that appeared to be a coronavirus, a post-coronavirus quarantine interview. And really, I think all the coronavirus interviews on the show really put New York to shame. I mean, New York really is lagging behind on the coronavirus interviews front and Beverly Hills really showed why.
Starting point is 00:43:49 These looks essentially- Yeah, it definitely looks better. Yeah, and the audio was really good too. So yeah, so Kyle's like, she's talking about like, when things are bad, they're really bad, when they're good, you know, that's time we can never get back. I'm like, well, maybe you should think about that. Next time you have a raging feud with your sister over, like, who ate the cheddar cheese? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And so they're talking, they go to the doctor's office because Kim's going to get her boob fixed because basically she says this is the apple logo. It looks like an apple that has a bite taking. I don't know if I can trust this doctor. I can't trust this doctor because his desk. Did you see his desk? No, I wasn't looking at his desk. His desk is vile.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It's basically speaking about Apple. It looks like he took an oval and placed it over to like your 2001, like Apple Towers. And it's like, it's super wide and glassy. And it's just like one of the worst desks I've ever seen. I just don't, if that is your taste for desks, I don't know if I could trust your judgment with my boobs. Well, I wouldn't trust him
Starting point is 00:45:02 because he looks like a Viva's father from Real Housewives. With like a Viva's father from real house Like a little bit of wolf blitzer I wouldn't trust wolf blitzer either no one wants a wolf in their private parts. No one wants your boobs done in the situation room so Kim's like he's like well, you know, I know you had your first press documentation a while ago and subsequent revisions and you've noticed a different look and she's like yeah, the fladed. You're pretty fucking different.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And he goes well, you know, in plants are like cars, okay, you just really need to keep that upkeep. So do they make semi-stops at intersections? Is that what you're saying? No, no, no. So Kyle tells us that Kim had a tumor 10 years ago, and that sent them on a spiral of reminding them of their mother who died of cancer, which obviously is super sad. Yeah. And the doctors, so he's like, Kim, take off your top. So she does, and he's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And he's like, hey, I'm your top. So she does, she's like, oh, yeah, I'm dark. And he's like, hey, I'm gonna bring in my partner too. He's like, all right, she's about the whole fucking blocker, right? Yeah, so Kim's just out there, her boobs are out there. And this doctor comes in, and so Wolf Blitzer's like, okay, so here's the situation room. He's like, okay, so she's had several pair of implants. Okay, obviously she's deflated. She got this divot here.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It looks like there's a tread mark from a tire there. I don't even know what this, there's a grassy mound on one boob. We don't really know. And something is growing on that one. See what I'm saying here? Mm. Mm.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Mm. And the assistant doctor, even when they finish, she just keeps staring at her boobs, which is really weird. Like he's working, I get it, you know, but at the same time, like, okay. I think, stop looking at my boobs now. I think he was trying to not look at Kyle's outfit.
Starting point is 00:46:52 That, I think it was more of a distraction exercise because Kyle's outfit, I mean, Kyle is on a tear this season with her fashion. Her fashion is, you know, it's never like amazing, but it's never really bad, but it's like- It's always been terrible, but this year, it's been a move, it's great. This year is- She was never like amazing, but it's never really bad, but it's like it's always been terrible But this year it's this year is she's wearing like tight jeans But then she's wearing this big puffy sort of like brown jackety thing
Starting point is 00:47:13 And so it was like this she looked like a candy apple with bangs and it was just like it was just like someone Kind needs an intervention. Please please Kyle. Please. Oh, yeah, well don't say intervention in this family. Okay. So then we go to Malibu and Denise. It's Beverly Hills. So hey guys, it's about time. So many they get served a giant wax goes into a cryo tank hangs upside down from a trapeze or teaches their teenager to drive. Yes. Which what we choose. Ho pooh. The spa says teach your teenager to drive. Yes. Which is what we choose. Ho pooh. The spall says, teach your teenager to drive.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Wow. So Aaron makes an illegal U-turn in anticipation of teaching Sammy how to drive, which is great. And so they're in Aaron's small dick pickup truck. It says, huge thing, as if he's about to go, like, you know, off-roading in some quarry in the middle of Montana, but he's actually just on the PCH.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah, he really does have a tiny penis car. It's like a guy. And he's supposed to have a big, I mean, he seems to have a big penis, so I don't understand why he has a tiny penis pickup truck. I don't understand. It's like, it's because it's not just a pickup truck, it's like a pickup truck. That's also like
Starting point is 00:48:27 10 feet off the ground Yes, he's got the huge tires the Raptor. It's called the Raptor You You I don't like that so they drive do you have anything else to say about this because I have nothing I've had my fill of People teaching their children how to drive on these says I I just, I'm over it done clocking out. I just like that Sammy called the pedals because you couldn't, you couldn't quite remember a gas versus break so she called, um, break. I, what, she called one of them hamburger, one of them hot dog.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah, break, break is, uh, hamburger. Yeah, it's, it's, it's their driving at one point and you're like, and I can get a little easy on the hot dog. Please, a little easy on the hot dog. Please a little easy in the hot dog Thanks Not you Aaron I always accept your hot dog not in front of the kids me not in front of the kids So then Renee and Erica go to something called EM skull. Oh, this was amazing Wow, what is that thing? I want that I wanted to
Starting point is 00:49:24 Can you buy couches made out of that? I want my Rumba to my stomach. We'll do the same thing. Let me know, because I will totally try it. So they go this place and there's this, this old ball doctor there, which is important, because so they walk in and the doctor comes in and when he's like, oh, she's kind of play Roxy and Broadway the musical Chicago See I pay right here, baby
Starting point is 00:49:53 She's like well, you know, there's a certainly not a replacement for good old fashioned exercise But in the mix of time in there's a line after dawn a fucking judge There's a lot at the door and I fucking judge you. I don't know what Eric is still doing that thing where she's giving a thousand percent in her interviews, but it doesn't quite make sense. It's like, are you mad? What's going on? I appreciate the energy, but still be so tweaking. I just, I think that's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I would not say that it was a thousand people waiting to judge her. I mean, I mean, just that's ridiculous. No one's judging Erica whatsoever, certainly not the podcast community. So anyway, so Erica does it and she's like, love you. She's like, oh, yeah, yeah. This is warming up.
Starting point is 00:50:45 This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up.
Starting point is 00:50:53 This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up.
Starting point is 00:51:01 This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. This is warming up. Erica didn't just say that. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, yeah, Erica's basically having an orgasm. And so she's like, my next husband is going to be a plastic surgeon. And I was like, uh, yeah, you're her type. I bet you haven't heard that in many years.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I'm sure her type James Cromwell. I know. He's like, that'll be all pig. I love babe. I love him in that movie, babe. Um, so she's like, uh, you are, you love my time. And the producer asked her in a what's your time? And she goes, oh, rich and bald. So now it's time for Rina to get this machine done on her. And, uh, but she wants to do on
Starting point is 00:51:41 her ass. So she like lays down on her stomach and they strap this thing to her butt and she's like, oh wow, and it's just like, her butt is like undulating and throbbing for the rest of the entire season. I'm just like squeezing it together. I'm walking one of those. I know, it looked amazing. It definitely was giving,
Starting point is 00:52:02 it sort of was like jellyfish motions, like a lot of like, like, like, Tense and then like flowing out, like Butt movements, want it. So then they have a deep inside the actress studio conversation guys. So when it's like, let's touch Chicago What's the hardest part for you? And they're like, what's the hardest part for you? And she's like, well, you have to Smot a lot where you're on stage all alone and that was challenging But it was my greatest moment you know when you talk about fame. You're gonna totally totally relate You're gonna relate Erica because it's us. It's us any entire time her butts like
Starting point is 00:52:35 She's like that was my greatest moment in life Meanwhile the smodel like she's talking about is the saddest like D list thirsty ass Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh- So you can see Erica and Rina talking, but the butt pulsating is in the foreground. So like, she's like sharing this deep like from actor to actor, that's me into that's me in performer to performer. And the butt is just like throbbing in our faces the entire time. So then we're at another doctor with Kyle and Kim again,
Starting point is 00:53:22 and now Kim is in bed getting ready for surgery. And of course, Kyle's late, and she comes is in bed getting ready for surgery and of course cows late and she comes in they're like oh hi cows like oh I left it 630 ah it's not about you okay you're such as having surgery damn yeah don't take your go kart next time across the hill so um and the doctor is telling Kim don't worry you know stop worrying the plan is just to remove both implants if there's anything suspicious Well, I don't know if it's suspicious, but I lots of battle opener about three weeks ago. Check for that one. It's something's planking around in there So, yeah, so she goes in and then and you know Kim is nervous and then Kyle is is waiting, and she's nervous, and she's having flashbacks
Starting point is 00:54:07 or traumatic flashbacks to her mom. It was actually very, very sad, and talking about her mom's, her mom was like put on a briefcase, but was like very scared to die and said things like, you know, how she didn't want to leave, and she still had so much to teach Kyle, and she didn't want to miss anything.
Starting point is 00:54:20 It was like, I mean, we hate it on Kyle a lot, but that's like, you know, that's like, that's some real shit that like regardless of who you are, that's like sad. Yeah, it is sad. So then Kim comes out of her surgery and she's like, do I look scary, cow? And Kyle's like, no, not at all.
Starting point is 00:54:38 But you're a little bit. Yeah, we now get like, basically, Kim out of surgery is season two, Kim in season five, Kim. Yeah, how the hell like basic Kim out of surgery is season two Kim and season five came. Yeah, Kim coming out of surgery is the Kim who showed up to Adrian's private plane. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I may look scary, but I can open a bottle of wine now. Look at the doctor found.
Starting point is 00:55:02 She goes, do you talk to Kyle? Yeah, she's like, Kim, I am Kyle. Oh yeah, that's right. You're Kyle. All right. Momma, fat burger. Next up is Garsell's new house.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah, so. Yeah. I mean, so Garsell is moving in. This is not a big Garsell episode. So she's moving in, her assistant's there. Garsell is feeling empowered because she built her own house. And she has a date this week. That's it.
Starting point is 00:55:37 The end of the episode. Yeah, and then she has this had story too about how her dad wasn't around. And he wrote her a letter. And her mom, he wrote it to the mom and the mom didn't give a tour because her mom thought since Garsell hated her dad her mom's like I'm not gonna give a tour but then she misplaced the letter and they lost the letter and the dad died and now Garsell will never know what her dad really felt so that was no it was really sad I hate sad
Starting point is 00:55:59 things can you tell I'm like nothing happened here nothing happened. Let's just keep moving on fast forward Now let's go to Sutton's trunk show The set answer no abandonment. Let's go to a trunk. So the kind of sadness. I love yeah, so feathers walking feather Sutton is walking around in feathers shoes. I mean I was called feather when I was a child that said feather come here We have a new bracelet for you. That's where I got my love bracelets. I love that people like Seton think that they're rich, that which means they're classy, but then they walk around dressed in basically Fredrick's of Hollywood shit all the time, just because it costs a lot of money, you know, so she's walking
Starting point is 00:56:36 around in that and Kyle, you know, the girls start coming up. I mean, sizing up all the jewelry. She, her face is like glued to the jewelry case like this, like praying for a freebie. You know that she's probably like, well, son, you know, I did give you a free pajama pant. So I don't know. I thought maybe I could get that jewelry too for free. Yeah. And she goes, congrats. The stuff is beautiful. And something's like, no, this stuff is amazing. Or my name wouldn't be feather.
Starting point is 00:57:06 And then to read Puzzle Looan, she's talking to the one of the jewelry guys. And she's like, oh, italiana eh? Okay Sarah, Sarah, am I right? I lived in Italy once. There was a young man. I went to college, that's when I was in. Belize and o! And italiana, and... Italiano, Romano, Iroquondo, Texas. You're following me, Italian man.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I was nitpally, I thought it was great, and I thought it spent six or six months or a year there after university, which is what we called in the States, and almost ten years later in an abrogan engagement, I returned to Manhattan, where I started the words, best of time in restaurant, Bougard de Beppo! engagement I returned to Manhattan where I started the words best of time restaurant book on a beppo.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Well, I was in Manhattan and I just happened to meet pick and you switched me off my feet. So then Teddy arrives and Teddy's like, whoa, she's wearing a barber dress from Real House Oz of New York like a wrap dress. And plus her heart. Like it looks like an actually made of wrapping paper. Yeah. Yeah, she's ready to pop. And I mean, I thought she looks pretty, but I definitely was like, we're up to us.
Starting point is 00:58:10 She's going to get in trouble for that. So Teddy is like, it looks really good in your home, Teddy. And Sutton's like, hmm, look at you, Teddy. And then she tells us, well, I'm thinking maybe I can help Teddy with some style choices. Excuse me. I don't know who brought this cornhole set into this party, but that's not what this part is about. Could we please remove this cornhole set? Thank you. And Teddy's like, well, you know, this is what I had, and Dreeke goes, oh, you look great. So, Denise will be coming and Erica shows up and Kyle is like, she's now nervous. Kyle's like, guys, I'm nervous.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I'm nervous about this weekend, you know, and then it turns out that Kyle's having a party. So she goes, my husband and I throw so many parties and at first we're thinking we haven't done a white party in a while And then I was like maybe black and white because the truth is it looks prettier in pictures. I'm like Kyle You truly need to get a life at this point She fills herself every season with anxiety like I hope Farah ween works out well I'm like please Kyle You have like 10 million party planners. It'll be fine
Starting point is 00:59:24 And also we better seek land at some point because I'm starting to worry about glad I think I saw him in the previews. I think we have Glenn. I think we have achieved Glenn Centaurita is looking through the the clothes and shoes. Is this a swim suit? Wasn't it Beverly Beach? So then they gather around they start eating food and Kyle's like oh god, Aaron's coming with Denise She's gonna be nice to us because I'm feeling really uncomfortable. Yeah, Kyle already like already setting the tone. Like she's already gonna like, I mean everyone was already sort of against Aaron anyway, but she's like just sort of making sure like when Aaron comes in here, let's all be mean to him, you know?
Starting point is 00:59:59 Yeah. Tetti's like, oh, I jerked myself in the mirror this morning and I feel all right. Oh, hi, I'm Tetti. I'd hate to argue with that but you should try that again. Okay not to be on air inside or anything. Yeah. So Ericka's like, yeah well there's no reason to come for girls and treats like, I learned that from experience. Trust me. I just want to tell her, listen, when you do, when you let your husband talk like that, it can backfire
Starting point is 01:00:25 more than a family dinner size plate of rigatuni! So Denise and Aaron show up and they can, from the car they can already see the women at a table and Denise is like, oh my god, they're all right at that table already, a bunch of bitches at a table talking about bitch stuff in my rank They don't even know the cancer Aaron passes the address and he's like wow looks great six three nine nine six
Starting point is 01:00:56 numerology Cool, yeah, it's good good New Rollerblades. Let's go all right. We can go in Just checked I don't see big farm anywhere. I do see a guy on roller blades and a crop top going by. I'm not sure if that's a big farm of Scott's, but no, just West Hollywood. All right. We can go in.
Starting point is 01:01:15 But I don't think he's doing numerology, right? I think the numerology is five, but any, you guys can argue with the address. What's the address was six six plus three is 3 is 9, 9 plus 6 is, what, 15, right? No, 9 plus 6 is, yeah, 15. And then, 5 plus 1 is 6, so that it would be 5. It would be 6. But then, I guess, one. I'm dumb.
Starting point is 01:01:39 15 minus 15 minus 6 is 9. Whoa. No, no. No, we're idiots, okay. I think the numerology is 9. Whoa. No, no. We're idiots, okay? I think the numerology is 6. I don't know how numerology works. 6 plus 3 is 9 plus 6 is 15. 1 plus 5 is 6.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Yeah, so the numerology is 6, okay? I'm the only person who semi-pretentists to know how to do this. Let me hear, let me break your mind a little bit more 6 plus 3 is 9 9 minus 1 is 8 1 plus 0 plus 8 is 9 and 1 plus 0 plus 8 is 108 degrees For your hand. Whoa. He deals with cancer So to read like should I go say ha? I'm just a cute kid. So, to read, it's like, should I kiss her?
Starting point is 01:02:25 The Erica's like, oh great idea though, ain't great on boo. So she's like, on June, no Italian, no linguini Mario. So they're, how do you see Hugsies? And Erica's telling the other girl here's a thing it's not that deep but now it's a thing and I'm awkward and Teddy's like oh all of a sudden I have this awkward energy all the sudden I sort of feel like a bean bag that's just hanging right on the rim of the hole but hasn't gone in yet waiting for someone to knock me in but I'm not there like I'm not supposed to be in the hole am I supposed to be in the board like what in, but I'm not there. Like I'm not supposed to be in the hole. Am I supposed to be in the board?
Starting point is 01:03:05 Like what is right now? I'm not even cornhole. I'm corn edge. Okay. Corn edge. Well, when she says she's all the sudden she has awkward energy. The camera stays on here like two seconds too long. It's like all of a sudden you have awkward.
Starting point is 01:03:19 So Denise is like, I love your place. Love your place. Great. Well, it's just beautiful. Satin and Erica, like, here she goes place, love your place. Great way, it's just beautiful, Sutton. And Erica's like, here she goes, here she goes, here she goes. And Denise hug Sutton and Kyle's like, what is happening? I'm like, they're being polite people, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's allowed. I know. And Denise is standing like two feet from the table on Kyle and Erica. But like, yeah. And they sit on these spaces. So Denise walks up and goes, hello girls, as both like, yeah. Like all these spaces. So Denise walks up and goes, hello girls as in like,
Starting point is 01:03:47 which is like the tone is kind of like, hi, I know we have a, we're in a fight sort of, but I'm saying hi, you know? Yeah. And Aaron's like, oh wait, am I the only husband here? And kind of like,
Starting point is 01:04:00 we know what he's here, no mistake, he's here to be her watchdog. No, Denise can, Denise has proven time and time again that she can hold her ground. She does not need Aaron. They are going to dinner afterwards. It like it pans out. It makes sense. So, Kyle's like, well, house everything. I mean, it really felt bad when you left. And Denise goes, well, you left my house. So it's all good, I guess. And thank God you made this point because this was making me crazy
Starting point is 01:04:29 Like why is it okay for you to leave but I can't leave I gotta go to the bathroom All right, that was great when she said well you left mine Kyle's a Cod of the book the thing where she's like like a dog that's get squirted at the face She is because by the way and this is where Kyle is dishonest. When she says, I feel bad because of what happens, you actually don't feel bad. That's the thing. You don't feel bad,
Starting point is 01:04:49 but you're saying you feel bad, which is where your dishonesty comes in, Kyle. Kyle, coil. Yeah, so Dereach is trying to get Aaron out of there, right? So she's like, should we get some tequila maybe for the boys? They can go have some tequila, some place else.
Starting point is 01:05:04 And he's like, all right, yeah, tequila sounds great. And then he just stands there and stare since I'm on his totally awkward. And Carl's like, well, you know, I just, I still want to wait till Denise comes back. I just felt really weird how you left. And I think it's like a really weird to talk. But it's like weird because like she's not here. So that would be weird. And he's like weird.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Okay. Then when she comes back is fine. Yeah, she's like, yeah, for sure. She goes, yeah, for sure. Like Kyle, you said you didn't want to talk about us, don't be upset that he's like, okay, I'll wait. She's like, yeah. So Erica's like, let me, let me do this. I know how to actually do this in a way
Starting point is 01:05:37 that makes sense like a human being. So Aaron, you really let us have it. You told us we're bad people, and we should look in the mirror. So what's up with that? I never called you bad people sick. Well, basically I'm in a basically no no no no. He did not call you bad people You're starting out you're starting off with the fucking miss quote, okay? And he's like well, that's open to interpretation. I never call people bad people. I just observe
Starting point is 01:06:03 Right now the reason why Eric are probably thinks he said that is because Kyle has been twisting it and saying that Denise is mommy shaming and that's and so Kyle has been Weaving that into what they're hearing so now like remove from it. It's sort of like in their heads, right? So so Eric is like well you talk down to us and that's if we're okay with ourselves if we can look in the You know and then are you okay with yourself are you? Yes, I am I'm a mansion in Pasadena and I have a crazy career that's fully bankrolled by my husband who doesn't give it doesn't give a shit if I do this So yeah, I'm pretty okay with it.. He's like okay well you saw that problem and
Starting point is 01:06:46 this is she does another like testimony or thing where she's like can I look my bear in the face yeah I should fucking tie it I fucking can I look at my self of the me oh yeah I can't come see you my me her to through the great five pants. What are you? But Aaron is decent right now. I actually think the way that Erica approached it even even if she was wrong to say or like falsely said that he
Starting point is 01:07:12 Said there were bad people. I actually liked the way that she approached this and the way she confronted it And he is just like a prick basically Yeah, I don't like him talking to the ladies like this. I stick with that. So Dorenda Dorenda Dorenda Sorry, do that once at least Dorenda, I don't think I'm a bad person sorry So I owe about 37 trillion dollars to people that I refuse to pay doesn't make me a bad person alright yeah like Jerry you're a bad person okay I've got the court documents on the public internet okay so so Erica is basically like she's like well I don't I didn't think I have a problem
Starting point is 01:07:59 with out in the mirror or whatever and Aaron's like I didn't ask if you did she's like well you and Sunni away it and he goes yeah it's like kind of belittling I'm like okay well now Teddy jumping in so this is all gonna go left yes now Teddy's jumping you is sinewating you know what you're doing you know and he goes I do spell it out and Erica goes oh man you don't think you were man splined into us you don't think you were hated which by the way she's totally correct and then Aaron's like I just Eric's like I speak direct America's like well
Starting point is 01:08:30 And he goes well great Well if I went into your home and kicked over a table she's I And in the middle this by the way note that Kyle isn't saying anything. Note that Kyle sort of like sort of, you know, she kind of like fomented the anger a little bit. And then she steps back and then everyone else gets in trouble, right? And so when Erica starts like saying these things to, to Aaron, at one point they cut to Kyle
Starting point is 01:08:58 and she does like this triumphant shake of her bangs because like that, like, hmm, bangs are winning, bangs to bangs and the bangs like that. Like, hmm, bangs are winning. Bangs to bangs and the bangs are winning. And Teddy's like, how do you think your tone was with us? And Eric could just keep us going, within kick the table. Like that's her big point.
Starting point is 01:09:15 And he's like, why do you guys nitpick over every little thing? And Teddy goes, well, if you're going to be the moral high ground, and he's like, moral high ground, really moral high ground, she'll, yeah, moral high ground. he's like moral high ground really moral high ground. She's yeah moral high ground What are you guys I just can't ever understand what they're even fighting about their show I know I then Aaron does the classic thing that you say when you don't really know what to say next Because do you really want to go there seriously? Do you you want to do that seriously? And I was like do you want to go there? Do you do you do you?
Starting point is 01:09:45 Hi, I'm Teddy. I want to go there? Do you? Do you? Do you? Do you? Hi, I'm Teddy, I wanna go there. No one wants you there, Teddy. Hahaha. So I'm fine, go there. He's like, I'll go there, like up, down, around, under to the side. I'll go in the back door of there.
Starting point is 01:09:58 That's how much there, I'll go, all right, I'll go there. I've had a lot of experience avoiding big pharma, so I could definitely avoid wherever we're talking about, because I'm gonna go there. I've had a lot of experience avoiding big pharma so I could definitely Avoid Wherever we're talking about because I'm gonna go there. I can't tell I'm re going there re-avoiding there I'm sort of lost in this metaphorical Denise is back now and she's like this is a private place. I mean come on And he's like I'm done with this conversation if you guys want to focus on negative go ahead If you guys want to focus on negative, go ahead. Check out the top negative.
Starting point is 01:10:24 It's just the conversation I'm hearing. It's not negative at all. And then she tells us he's trying to intimidate me. Well, that's not gonna work, honey. What are you gonna take, sweet girl? They go ahead, big boy. And he goes, you keep poking the bear, which is achly, shea, and be like,
Starting point is 01:10:40 is that a veiled threat against Erica? That's sort of not cool. And Kyle's like, well, I mean, we were trying to talk through this thing and then it became like a negative issue with you, try me in and like, and then Denise, you were getting so upset. Like, and like, you guys just got so upset when I started saying that you were mommy shaving us and trying to gas like you. It just is not cool. I didn't get upset, Kyle. I said all I had to say. And Teddy's like, well, if you're're not upset then why are you calling me names and Denise just tilts her head like what what are you talking about and they just stare at her and she says yeah
Starting point is 01:11:11 Like when you said I'm a shit talking shister That's stating facts Yeah, and then we see the clip of this happening where Denise is saying come on I was having a fucking facial with these girls, alright? And Teddy's going, oh she said fucking in front of a kid, that's her critical. And Denise goes, and you, you're a shit talking shitster. Which, shut up, Teddy. That's not name calling. Name calling would be if she was just like, Denise was like, Teddy, Teddy, face of confetti, like that's name calling. Not a good name calling, but it's name calling.
Starting point is 01:11:46 So then this argument gets even dumber if it can possibly go there. So Denise goes, I didn't even know the kid was there, okay? Just, that's my point. What's your point, Teddy? That you're making even less sense. Okay. Well, her point is that like,
Starting point is 01:12:01 well, I guess her point is like, you didn't realize the kids were there because you got caught up and like we got caught up. So when you were mad at us, you got caught up because she didn't see the kids. No, because the kids walked up right behind them where Denise had been telling them my kid, the kids are right there. Please let's not talk about this. And then Denise is telling us in her, in her like home confessional, she's like, I didn't even know Phoenix was in ear shot. and then we just see Aaron's like legs and lower torso just standing. He's like fully
Starting point is 01:12:31 barged in a la Avery and he's like, who's Phoenix? She's like, I don't know. Get out of here. So Aaron, guys, you don't know until you're informed. And Teddy gets, you know what, can you just let us talk to Denise? He is really? Really, okay, really. And he goes, well, as long as the intention is good, proceed and she goes, oh, you'll see, what is that a threat? What is that a threat now? He's threatening us.
Starting point is 01:12:57 Fucking Teddy, God, Teddy is the worst. Out of all of these people, Teddy is by far the worst. Yeah, and then Denise, like this is silly, this is the dumbest thing I ever find something else to find about. And then it just cuts to a random gay at the party, just looking like, oh, can't wait to tell this at least of Anderbump. So Aaron is like ridiculous, so they walk out and to read follows and to try and give her to read. And did you notice?
Starting point is 01:13:22 Did you notice as they were walking out, Aaron goes, don't squish my hand, which I thought was a really funny parallel to the beginning of the episode when he's like, I'm gonna crush your hand, Denise. Yes, because when that happened, it was like, what is he fucking abusing Denise? What the hell's going on? And now I guess we're seeing that whenever Denise wants him to shut the fuck up, she just squeezes his hand really hard
Starting point is 01:13:42 and jerks him away from whatever's happening. Yeah. Cause now it's happening again. You're like, stop squishing my hand. So yeah, so Doriko's after them and she's like, guys, guys, guys. And yeah, a baby. Lafesty short to the upset, oh baby! Why do I, that's what I say. Check, I'm not upset to read, alright.
Starting point is 01:14:07 But how can you say that when you're storming out? Yeah, she's like, we're not storming out, we're walking away in a brisk fashion that reminds you of a storm rolling in very quickly, that's all, but we're not actually storming away, that's it. And then back at the table, she's not being honest. She's not being honest. I mean, just like when she said she never left my house, I mean, be honest.
Starting point is 01:14:29 Okay, just say how you feel. Okay, Carl, she never said she didn't leave your house. Yeah, you're so full. They just lie. They just make up lies. Yeah, at what point did, at what point in the discussion
Starting point is 01:14:39 did Denise say that she wasn't mad? She was definitely still mad, but she's trying to like have some decorum out of public event. And I think what is interesting, what comes out in a moment, a moment later, is that Denise, well, we go back to Dereet. I'm gonna put a pin in the dial thing for a second.
Starting point is 01:14:55 We go back to Dereet, and Dereet's sort of trying to say, every time that Denise, every time you shut down a conversation, say, I don want to talk about it anymore, people don't feel like things are resolved. And Denise is like, well there's nothing else to say. I mean, I don't need friends that do this or whatever. And then we go back to Kyle and Erica and Kyle's like, she's like, Erica, I don't think she's a fan of yours now. I don't give a fly fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I don't give a fuck. And Doreen is trying to give her advice, where she's like, listen, my husband's protective. And I get it, but it's not helpful with these girls. Yeah. And so, Doreen is spas basically like, listen, you know what, you know what, I'm past it, they're not. And you know what, there's, you know, there's paparazzi out here, big farming, the trees, you know, like those people pictures. It's just not my
Starting point is 01:15:55 thing. I don't, yeah. And through it's like, I don't see any paparazzi out here. I don't see the bugs, the shot of bugs. But,- And Denise is coming up with an excuse again to leave. Wait, it's just paparazzi. He deals with cancer, right? I gotta go, gotta. But I do actually think that there's something to that. And this is why I wanted to put a pin-in with Kyle, is that I think Denise has actually been a little traumatized
Starting point is 01:16:18 by her life with Charlie and the paparazzi. And I think that she is a little wary of making big scenes because she knows it's gonna wind up in the tabloids. And I wonder if there is like she has this instinct where things start to get out of control. She just wants to shut it down because she doesn't want to do it.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Like even if it's not reasonable or rational, maybe she doesn't like hurt. She now has developed an instinct where she's like, when things get big, they automatically wind up in the tabloids. Maybe, maybe, just a theory. I don't know. I'm not saying it's justified.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I'm saying I wonder if there's something to that to that. I don't know. Well, I don't blame her for leaving. There are a bunch of assholes. And then they just keep making up lies and spewing them that you can't even argue with. Like she didn't say, you know, she just, she never denied leaving her house and Teddy being like, oh, he's going to abuse me. Like he's threatening me. He never even said what she said. He said, I was ridiculous.
Starting point is 01:17:12 So then back at the table, Kyle's like, well, you know, when she came back, I said, sorry, you know, I said sorry, but she can't talk about it, you know? And it's like, well, what do we do from now on? Do we sequester her? And Kyle's like, well, at this point, we just can't talk to her. So what are we just going to just pretend to be like her and just pretend? And Eric goes, well, maybe we just shouldn't have any conversations with her anymore. Which is kind of my overall fault with this show
Starting point is 01:17:39 is how they ging up like this to just kick people off. You know, it's obviously mouth of her first time. And it just bugs me. It's like, okay, Eric and Kyle have decided you're done. So they're gonna ice you out of filming now, you know? But also like this is fully Kyle's agenda. Like Kyle was the one who said, Kyle was the one who said that you just can't talk to Denise.
Starting point is 01:17:57 You just can't talk to Denise. Like that was, Kyle has been like, has been saying that for several episodes and you say it enough times the power of repetitions You say it enough times that people start to believe it and that's basically what happened because I don't think Denise has shown it all that you can't talk to her or that She's dishonest. I think though that she gets tired of dealing with Kyle's bullshit and she calls call on the bullshit when someone calls Khan her bullshit. She then starts like a whisper campaign against you, right? And this sort of like tries to place herself as the victim to Denise's, like her inability to be truthful and that if Kyle's just trying to speak what's on her mind because she's just trying to be honest that Denise shuts it down and she's reframing
Starting point is 01:18:43 it like that. So that's I think what's happening here. Yeah, there you go. Well everybody, thank you so much for being here. That brings us to the end of this one, Suckos. We will be back tomorrow with some real housewives of New York and be sure to check out our bonus episode this week where we are recapping or we are breaking down the entire trailer for Potomac, which returns next month. Da! All right, everybody, love you.
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