Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Lick My Aspen

Episode Date: September 2, 2022

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills finally heads to Aspen for its much hyped major cast trip of the season. Predictably, the first night culminates in the group ganging up on Sutton and calling her a cut fitness. Great work, team!Catch this recap on video with Crappens on Demand here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the one. And only hilarious and wonderful Mr. Roddy Karam, hi, Ronnie, how are you? Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Hi. It is a crap is not a mandate, which means you don't have to just listen to us. You can watch us by going to slash watch our crap ins and if you support us on the crap is not a man level, that's where you get to watch us. And you also get access to our weekly bonus episode. We have decided to switch things up a little bit this week.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Our bonus episode this week will be the Real Housewives of Dubai Reunion Part One because we decided that for one of our main episodes this week, which we'll have that later on our feed, we're going to do a trailer breakdown of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. And we felt like we wanted to do that on our main feed. That will also be crap and is on demand. So you'll be able to watch the trailer with us as we comment on it. We do a shop by shop breakdown. We have a lot of them when we do those. So that's something to look further to also BT Dubs. On Monday, it's Labor Day here in America for international friends. So we're taking the day off. So all our recaps will be starting on Tuesday next week.
Starting point is 00:02:13 So winter is crappin' and Atlanta, all those things will be on Tuesday because we're taking the day off. It's vacation time. And I think we're gonna be adding real girlfriends in Paris to the lineup next week. So check it out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We're ready for that. That looks real funny. And we have to watch that. Listen, we don't often get to talk about the zoomers in the world, okay? We get the boomers. Yeah. So we're excited to mock some zoom. A bird.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So you're two aunties coming at your auntie and your uncle coming at you to mock the kids of Brodo. I know. I feel like we haven't gotten a chance to truly do this since the heyday of gallery girls and princesses long Island. So, this will be, I mean technically summer house has some of them, but it's not the same as you just know that girlfriends and parrots are just gonna be absolutely ridiculous. So I'm actually so excited for it. So that's what's on the schedule for next week. But today, real ass was at Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Wow, what a, it's been off the air for two weeks. So much has happened. Wow. OK, so the show goes off the air. Last, we loved to go off the air, but it was a rerun last week. And obviously, everybody's thinking, okay, they're re-editing, right? Because this is the big Aspen trip. So we're wondering, well, what are they going to re-edit?
Starting point is 00:03:32 I mean, who are they going to give a sync edit to? And I was really worried watching this that Renna was about to get a sync edit because Renna on her Instagram, which we're not blocked from. So thanks, said something like, I got stuck on blocked, and I forgot what I was gonna say. Wait, oh yeah, she was saying, well, I only got one week, one week of grieving on this show. That's all they would put in about me.
Starting point is 00:03:58 One week of grief. And thanks a lot, something like that, like complaining. And so this week they gave her like a whole five-minute Scene of grief and stuff which you know is sad But I mean it is sad, but it's like okay. Was that a request thing? And I was like if this is gonna be edited down to be like poor Villains I'm gonna be pissed okay. I'm gonna pissed. And then the second half of the show began. I know, it's...
Starting point is 00:04:27 They did not do that. If they gave anybody a good edit in the first half, they were like, screw it. The second half, you're all going down. I know, people have, I mean, ever since last week, when Botgate descended upon us, wherein several bots besieged Garsell's son, which was still just one of the most disgusting
Starting point is 00:04:45 thing that's ever come out of the Bravo universe. People have been really feeling like this show has entered the toxic zone. Ala, Roni, Ala, I'm assuming Dallas also. I mean, the show has been in the toxic zone for a while. I just think it's actually more of the stuff that's happening outside of Beverly Hills on social media that is actually the most toxic, which is making the show see more toxic than it might actually be because I mean, you had the bot thing. And then this week, Diana Jenkins sent out cease and desist letters to like our friend,
Starting point is 00:05:23 our friend Lara and Carrie at sex Unique podcast, as well as many other like Jezebel, but also just like random Instagram accounts. I'm like, man, I'm sorry, that's, I mean, I'm just, this is not how you do it, okay? Like you don't go after, if you are this super, super wealthy woman, you don't just go after random Instagrammers. I mean, it just, it's so, it's just like disgusting. Like, it just, like, what a vile, what a vile piece of shit she is, honestly. Yeah, Diane, it's a huge piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:05:58 So anybody doubting that, just watch. Yeah, just watch, because it's all in the episode. It really is. So yeah, yeah, it's definitely all the social media stuff. Because if you watch a show, it's like what's going on that's really that bad. You know, it's not really that bad. It's fairly light. Yeah, it's fairly light.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I mean, until today. Well, it's been fairly light fights and then social media has been nuts. And Rina has been a huge part of that. I mean, she started out to see some social media with that whole, you know, Instagrammer guy who was claiming to work for her and then she posted his stuff and then she was blaming Kathy and then she, they all said it was a lie and then she was like, I mean, it's been so completely local this whole season, but it's all on on social. I mean, if you don't really follow this stuff on Instagram or whatever, then how would you know?
Starting point is 00:06:46 So yeah. But the show still is like maintaining its tried and true like base level toxicity, which is that like the Fox Force 5 get together and basically just try to get someone off the show, right? Like Zeeway actually, I mean, Zeeway, you know, Zeeway, the comedian, she tweeted out something like, this is exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I mean, it's not, she's not the first person to say this, but she just said it today and so it's like top of mind about like, of course, you know, they did it to Vanderpom, they did it to Denise, they're trying to do it to Sutton. It's like every single season, this is like the vibe of the show is like, let's all get together and Even when we're having fun Kylie Richards will just come in and just make it toxic be like oh by the way
Starting point is 00:07:34 What remember that thing that you said? I feel like you really have to speak up and then they all dog pile on one person And it's just it's gross But what is better about this season? I think than the normal seasons is that they're showing them doing it. Yeah. Whereas in the other seasons, they make it like, what? They're not possibly doing this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:55 This is just all Vanderpump selling stories. And I mean, isn't it convenient that it's in Vanderpump's voice, though all the wording and this story and blah, blah, blah. I mean, Denise, the whole thing with Denise, like Denise, why are you so angry? Why are you sending cease and desist? Whereas this year, they're really showing them and they're showing them unravel.
Starting point is 00:08:14 And I think it's because you have Garsell and Sutton, who are like, fuck you guys. I mean, especially Garsell. Because Sutton does backtrack and cries and like tries to become friends. I was just joking, which we'll get to later, but she tries to win the approval of the other housewives. Grystal does not give a file, you know, and they're both calling them out on their bullshit
Starting point is 00:08:36 and you see them start to unravel. And that's what makes it really fascinating. I mean, this one watching Kyle just lose her damn mind was hilarious. We don't get to see that very often on this show. Kyle's very good at after season one. Kyle has been very good at hiding her tracks and pretending she's a really good person, even though we know on this show that she is not and have been telling you for years, she's been very good at covering her tracks.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Not this year, not this year, man. Yeah, they're giving her the shit that she deserves because I've always said season one Kyle was the best version of Kyle where she just sort of let this Kyle scat all over the trail this year. Okay, I think that I think that sudden and Garsell that is a combo that is not going to back down from this group. I think that they have found their imagine in a very surprising alliance. So anyway, let's start it. So also, if you want to hear more discussion about the social media stuff, we didn't really do too much of it on the main show, but on Take a seat, we talked about it this week. So just go to Spotify and look up Take a seat. Yeah, and join us on Monday.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And Take a seat will not be on this week, by the way, because the Labor Day. So there's that too. Yeah. So anyway, so let's get into this episode. So it starts four days before the big Aspen trip. I mean this Aspen trip has been hyped up to no end and we see Doreet cuddling a dog in a car. She's driving along with Kyle and Earl I don't need to hear Doreet doing dog talk. Okay Doreet's human talk is annoying enough but Doreet doing dog talk, okay? Doreet's human talk is annoying enough, but Doreet with a dog You sound like Julia child in a fucking garbage disposal shit Just like Julia child beatboxing
Starting point is 00:10:23 So then, by the way, I also have to say for our crap and on demand watchers, my AC has gone out and we're in a brutal heat wave in Los Angeles right now. So if I get exceptionally shiny over the course of this, I apologize, but let's just, you know, we'll just, we'll just, I just have, I'm gonna be shiny. So anyway, so Dorita's like, just... I'm gonna be shiny. So anyway, so Dorida's like, just like,
Starting point is 00:10:46 Coil, it was really wild last night, Coil. Interesting and wild, a little bit all over the place, Coil. It was wild, it was crazy, it wasn't seen, it wasn't magical. It was dystopian, sodium-free, laxidase, are you gonna listen to me, Kyle? You're gonna say something, you'll have to keep coming up with that, I'm free. Lexi, days ago, are you gonna listen to me, Kyle? You're gonna say something, you'll have to keep coming up with that. It's Kyle.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Because Kyle, of course, as Kyle does, pays no attention. Kyle's like, oh my god, look at my hair. Look at my hair from last night. Dread sometimes sounds like she's about to launch into, like, a long, forgotten, Mary Poppin' song, right? She's like, it was wild and crazy and in duber, but in strange and funky and happy and all the things Chloe's I don't know I'm doing a very bad job. That's a grump. They dumped this super-cali-fragileist
Starting point is 00:11:34 expedalodosis The music chimes in so Anyway Kyle tells us that um After Rina's party we went to the polo lounge and our husbands met us and we continued to party and be over served and when are we going to learn our lesson guys were just like wacky and fun. Well, isn't that the statement for the season? When are we going to learn our lesson? Also, this is very Kyle to use this term we just
Starting point is 00:12:01 continue to be over served. You know, Kyle putting the blame on somebody else for her drunk ass. I hate the term over-served. I hate that term. You served your damn self, you drank it. Stop blaming everybody else for your ass being drunk. It's a very Kyle term. Yeah, and now Doreet's like,
Starting point is 00:12:18 but I do feel, gee, if I can say so myself, Frenna's having some extreme reactions. They're not very, how I can say so myself, Phrin is having some extreme reactions. They're not very, how would you say, chic? So not having dealt with the mother's passing, and now I think it's all a, I build up. And by the way, we get a lot of doing her water flick,
Starting point is 00:12:35 you know, with her hand when she does this. You know, this is a crap is on the man. She sort of flicks her fingers, like she's flicking water in someone's face. She did a lot last season when she told Gar Garcès, like, little jabs. I'm getting a lot of little jabs from you, jabs. And I felt like her, like, finger flicking was really strong this episode. Yeah, basically, if you did it on your, like, track pad, it would show you all of the open
Starting point is 00:12:58 apps, which she does. She's like, so she's like, I don't know if it's because she was vandeserved, you know, I'm not sure, but Extreme reactions coil and cows like yeah, she was yelling at your house And that's when I first noticed it and then she went from one extreme to the next and I thought you yeah You two were real fucking doctor fills over there. Okay. I love that they're noticing the subtleties of Rinna's excling reactions finally. I know. But also notice the way they don't, like, quote unquote,
Starting point is 00:13:33 attack Rinna for her, like, her wild and often inappropriate reactions, the way they would, like, Garsell or something about something small. Like, Garsell, you know, Sutton would say that she, you know, doesn't like the way a certain fabric feels and then Kyle would be like, so Sutton the other day you were saying you don't like the way this fabric feels. I just am like wondering because I feel like you used to like that fabric so I just want you to be honest with us. They'll put her on blast for anything, but for Rina, no, not, they'll just let her be,
Starting point is 00:14:02 you know, crazy right now. Yeah. So Kyle's like, you know, I mean, I get it because I was, you know, physically ill for two years when my mom passed, but I mean, Rinna's extreme reactions are only to Sutton. So that's weird. And then Kyle tells us, you know, with Rinna, everybody just really needs to reserve judgment. I mean, here's Kyle just apologizing for everybody. Yes. All episode long.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Benefit of the day. Except for the one who's like bullied by every single person on here. I mean, crazy. So then Kyle's, so to reach, like, well, I don't want little stop, stop to feel like it's a parallel on at the same time, though. She needs to make a point better. I'm gonna stop, I'm gonna suggest. She's start exclamatory sentences with the word, shee!
Starting point is 00:14:54 By the way, she needs to make her points better. Well last episode, then they show a clip of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, of, not being the most like, glib. And they show from last episode where she starts trying to make a point and then she stops herself, she'll hold on. Let me, let me think about a better way to say this. And Erica, if I remember, interrupts her at that point and then we get sidetracked into Erica and Garsell. Like, well, if you wanted to make her points,
Starting point is 00:15:18 give her the space and the time to make her points, don't interrupt her and then make her feel like she's got to get it all in and one quick sound bite. I'm really unwanted on it. I'm like angry. I'm just like, I think everybody who watches the show is on one today. I mean, this was just a cluster of fun. So Kyle's like, you know, sometimes, sudden says too much and sometimes she causes the
Starting point is 00:15:40 drama. You know, sometimes she's scared to speak up and rock the boat and I mean, Sutton really makes it difficult. Really, really difficult. It's not the five people coming for Sutton. It's Sutton who makes it difficult. It was so Daryl's like, well, sometimes I think she needs helpful advice and support. Just another thing coming at her isn't going to help, you know. And so, Kras, like, yeah, we need to really help her. We need to help her. Let's see how that turns out, everybody. Also, have you noticed that to read the women on this show are the
Starting point is 00:16:12 biggest copycats? Okay, Kyle is the worst offender. She, if she sees a sweater you're liking, she will, if she, if she, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, if she sees a sweater, you're wearing that she likes, she will have that sweater, possibly is her flooring. I mean, I don't know. She's crazy person. Rina copies everybody, you know, obviously. Doreet, did you notice Doreet is now looking like Diana?
Starting point is 00:16:33 She's like, well, she needs advice and support. But she's like, I'm both her entire trust. She's going to do it wrong. I'll tell you what needs a season and desist from Diana her tongue. So, yeah, now I got hung all over my room. Okay, so Garza. I know, so I need a paper towel when we record this show. I know.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So now we go over to Garza's house, speaking of Diana, and Diana shows up, and Garza goes, Bosnia! She's like, oh, we miss Bosnia! Bosnia is here! I'm modified. Look at this. This is back to Fond. I'm wearing jumpsuit back to Fond. Modified.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Yeah, she comes in just laughing at everything. She's just a miscarefree person, guys. Yeah. Okay. The one who was calling Carcell difficult to know and stand off his last week, this week, is like, look at me back with stress so so so so so how much did you drink last night and she's like well I didn't want to stop so I took too far I took so far yeah actually that's how I look at this is how I am and Garsell tells us this is not a Diana fail it's a team Diana fail I mean where's her party to say that jumpsuit is on backwards at which point?
Starting point is 00:17:51 I'm sure I'm like oh wait hold on a second. There's a message here from Christine one two three four five that says Diana Looks great. Shut up. Oh, and here's one from Robert five six three two six nine Diana's a goddess shut up. Oh wait, here's one. This one is from Rolando 5977 Diana looks good frontways or backways. Well, Roddy. I never knew she had so many supporters So they're talking about how Diana posted terrible pictures of everybody on Instagram wasted with their eyes closed and she's like I posted terrible pictures of everybody on Instagram wasted with their eyes closed and she's like oh All I how did I catch Kyle like not counting to I'm so Modified that was the first good thing. I'm just on all season. I'd like to say that picture of Kyle or And she's just cracking up and Garsell's like well listen
Starting point is 00:18:44 I Know everyone says, well, you know, we want to get to know you outside of Sutton. So here we are. Get to know me. What do you want to know? The fireplace is electric. The butterfly is crystal. What else can I give you? Yeah. And yeah, Garcell's basically saying, like, you know, things start out rocky with Diana, but she's hoping that she can find the soft side of Diana, which I'm like, oh, that's sweet of Garsell to sort of compare Diana to an advertising jingle for Sears in the 90s that get to know the softer side of Diana.
Starting point is 00:19:20 So because she is sort of like Sears, just sort of like in our lives somehow, but does anyone really enjoy it? Or like is anyone like a fan of Sears anymore? Has Sears ever been inside of the store? I mean, really? So, Diana's like, oh yeah, because if Sultan was here, none of these would happen. None of what would happen. You wouldn't laugh about putting your clothes on backwards
Starting point is 00:19:50 and lick your face 30 times in two minutes like a cat that crawled through a fence made at a lunch. Oh, what wouldn't happen, Diana? What's so crazy about what's happening right now? And she's like, you know, even now I'm backing away from her to see who she really is. Like, is she malicious person? Or is she just, you know, even now I'm backing away from her to see who she really is. Like, is she malicious person or is she just, you know, I'm waiting for you to add some adjectives because I'm a little bit
Starting point is 00:20:12 shy. And you have to come up the adjective yourself. Wow. So good. Okay. I'll go misunderstood. I was going to say malicious again, but okay. The dot, that, that implied malicious again, but okay. The dot dot dot imply malicious again. So double malicious. It was dot dot dot imply malicious or cut fitness. You decide. I don't know. I haven't decided. I don't know which way to go. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest
Starting point is 00:20:56 and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown all are, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently?
Starting point is 00:21:19 And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. And Diane is like, oh, but I'm excited for Aspen. It's my happy place. And she's like, but why are you staying in a hotel?
Starting point is 00:21:47 I mean, surely Kyle's tiny little wood smelly house with bunk beds. Sounds fun, doesn't it? And she's like, oh, it's for the best. Because I need to know the environment I'm going and what to expect. It's served me well. It is served me well. She's like, you know, I mean, you're going to think I'm going and what to expect. It's served me well. It is served me well. She's like, you know what I mean? You're going to think I'm so weird,
Starting point is 00:22:09 but I send in Ghostbusters to cleanse the energy. I'm like, you know, those are just made cleaning dust. That's not the actual Ghostbusters. Dust is little ghosts. So, Ghostbusters, is that why your face is always covered in slime? Who are you gonna call? Cut fitness busters. That's how it goes. What? It's Harold Remus working your done like what the hell? So, Greg says like, oh, so you do an exercise system. She's like
Starting point is 00:22:41 the cleanse energy. Huge facelift. Yeah. And she's like, I do believe certain things carry energy. So I do bring in experienced energy cleansers. I just wanted to say I do one more time in this phrase. And then we see a clip of Diana's vacation rental in Maui. And the cleansers are like, don, boom, boom, boom, boom, clans, clans, clans. The people who take advantage of rich idiots, it's astounding to me. And I always use to think like, God, those people are such like leeches.
Starting point is 00:23:16 But now after seeing Diane, I'm like, you know, a good take her money. She's an idiot. You deserve it. You figured out a way that you could con this idiot into throwing money at you. You got yourself a free trip to whichever location you're going to.
Starting point is 00:23:31 God bless, God goes busters. God bless. Yeah. And she's like, I want to go around the world and take them everywhere. And they can cleanse the world with me. Gersel's like, God, I thought I was a flake. Mm-hmm. world with me. Garsell's like, God, I thought I was a flake. So, um, uh, so Garsell's like,
Starting point is 00:23:50 you know, Garsell just has a whole thing of like, oh, I mean, I like crystals. Uh, who do I think she's crazy? Absolutely. Do I want to try it? Absolutely. So, um, yeah, Diana's just laughing. Oh, were you ready for this? Oh my goodness. Oh, I'm so crazy and fun loving. So then we go over to Rinna's house, which is not a crazy fun loving place today because Lois, it's the lowest scene and it's really sad. It is. And I have nothing to make fun of in the slow scene.
Starting point is 00:24:22 So I'm skipping it. Say whatever you'd like. Yeah, I know. It was actually actually a nice it was a nice moment. I mean it was It was I did not feel like it was performative by Lisa. I thought it was a nice moment It was a sad moment and you know RIP Lois. So now we go over to Mauricio playing He's like playing a little putt putt in the backyard. They, did you, I feel like we've seen it, but we have seen it before. I don't remember if it really struck me before maybe it has, maybe I'm about to have an
Starting point is 00:24:55 identical rant as I did a year ago. But like on his putting green, there's like a giant dollhouse. It's almost like a replica of their house. That's on the putting green. Did you notice that? No. It's just there. I was like, is this a dollhouse? Is this a dollhouse? It's like the sort of thing you only see in the car. That's where Kim is.
Starting point is 00:25:16 You know? Kim's out there. Would you say? Kim's out there. She's just coming to the window going, Agileast. You know Kim's out there. She's just coming to the window going, Ego East. You know Kim's out there. Thank you for getting my house back out.
Starting point is 00:25:31 This strange. Anyway, so he's Mauricio's putting and Kyle's trying to put also, of course, she can't get the ball into the hole. Her totally wild dog is running around with whatever toy, not listening to Kyle. It's just like a typical backyard day and the Richard's household.
Starting point is 00:25:46 And I and Mauricio have this obsession with backyard braggery. Yeah. I mean, notice that? It's really weird. Kyle, when they moved into this house, Kyle got the Lisa Vanderpump wish version of the swing, the pink swing. And then she had a scene where she wanted to speedwalk around
Starting point is 00:26:06 her backyard because it's so big. And now they're like, look, we can go up here. It's like the great. I mean, we know you're rich. I get it. I've just never seen somebody so proud of backyard space. I mean, these two are really backyard braggers. Yeah. They are, I agree. I kind of feel like every time we go there backyard They're just trying to show off something else that put up there. So Kyle is also it's really weird I mean I hate outside. I just don't understand people are like yeah, like do you remember that show? I think it's on HGTV where it's like the two bro kind of guys. I think they're gay, but there's a lot of rows Wasn't that Bravo the backyard? Backyard I yeah, I saw one those, but then there's another one on,
Starting point is 00:26:47 one of them does it inside and one of them does the outside. Some HGTV thing. And I just hate the one who does the outside. Just because he does the, I'm like gross. Like you spend all day somewhere I hate. Like I have no interest in you. Was it the backyard against? No.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So it doesn't really matter. Don't watch it. It's horrible. It's about to be outside. So I can't watch survivor. I cannot watch survivor. Survivor go inside. Play cards. You know what I mean? There are better games. Listen, I'm with you. My favorite thing was when it would rain and recess had to be inside at school. Like I get to draw.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah. That was the best. So, they're doing like wacky has been wife things. So he's like, oh, you really need to focus on the boss. Like, oh my god, I know what to do, bow. And so she's like, but we're going to ask Ben, so let's talk about that. Did you hear from the playing people? Is the playing ready?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Oh, using a private plane for personal business sounds familiar Which by the way congrats to Erica Jane one of her 9,000 lawsuits she won really? Yeah, uh two of Tom I think it was co-counsel of Tom's were suing Erica saying that she knew this whole time that Tom was using that money when he wasn't supposed to and the judge found that no, that there's no proof of that. So EJ Global is still named in the suit, but Erica's not. So I don't know how that works. But you know, congrats Erica.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Congrats on the biggest news of your year coming out on the same day. Is he going, I only give a fuck about myself fuck the victim yeah great great great development you got to love the timing of that like finally Erica has something positive to post on her Instagram the same day I would not say that Erica Jane is really known for timing, unfortunately, and that goes for so many different aspects. So Ask anybody who's ever had a musical instrument around it or tried to play a click track even. So they're just talking about getting the like calls like you have the plane ready, which I feel like was also just cause way of flexing that they have a plane
Starting point is 00:29:03 or have access to a plan. And I'm really just gonna come along on the trip because he's like, oh yeah, there's no way I'm gonna let you guys all go go to I spend with these beautiful snow conditions. So I'm gonna come along too. And all such. Good. Can you walk storm because I'm afraid of bears at night. Like Kyle always like a new phobia. Although I think a bear phobia is like a totally solid phobia, but I just feel like I feel like Kyle would be afraid of- It's not a phobia, it's a reasonable fear.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I feel like Kyle though would like use that in like a totally non like applicable situation. Like could you go to Costco today? I just, I'm afraid of bears. Like Kyle doesn't really work that way. And I like that Mauricio's like, oh yeah, there's amazing ski conditions. You know, he means Diana's gonna be there. He's like, I'm coming. That lady's got the best blow of anybody I know, okay? Fill the plane up, it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:29:59 It's business, it's business. So Kyle's like, yeah, you know, growing up, Kyle's Mauricio's family had a home in Aspen. What? Aren't we supposed to believe that Mauricio was cooking beans in a can over a trash fire until you met him and helped make him rich and whatever. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:30:20 What's this new story? Yeah, no, like exactly. I always, I thought I was always, I always felt like Mauricio clearly seemed like he was from a very wealthy family. And so I thought it was interesting that she was saying that they were like scraping together pennies when they were younger. Also, by the way, this entire moment, I was like, why do we need to have the backstory of why Kyle used to go to veil, but now goes to Aspen. She's like, well, you know, when we first are dating, we used to always go to veil because his family had a home there,
Starting point is 00:30:46 but then we just fell in love with Aspen. So finally, in 2019, we bought our first home there. I'm like, thanks for the backstory on why you changed ski mounts. This is really enriched the entire show in our experience of watching it. But isn't Vail Myster than Aspen? Or is Aspen Myster than Vail? I think it's important to know this answer,
Starting point is 00:31:04 but I feel like we've learned on Bravo the answer and I just can't remember. This has been a low key debate on Bravo. I believe wasn't it? This was something that has reared. It's ugly had both with Ramona singer, Awen Austin and Landon, right? Didn't Austin and Landon have a whole scene where she's like, I love family, she's like, are you insane right now? It's ASPEN not VAL! Yeah, I'm not really sure, but I would guess that that's why she changed cities. It's like we're richer now But I don't know I thought bit fail was the nicer one who knows I mean he's like oh, yeah, you know this rental home. I got you. It's like one of my favorite homes in us Ben yeah guys like oh my god. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:44 I just like one of my favorite homes in Aspen. Yeah, Kyle's like, oh my God, yeah, by the way, I saw that link you said from the agency. Thank you so much, Marisa. Yeah. Another season, another plug of an agency property to find out. So PK and to reach our packing, well, she's packing and he's just sitting there watching,
Starting point is 00:32:02 you know, as PK does. And she's like, so eerie, a Renault Khalrid Khalz. And then I'm at your house with such a Gosselle. What's a face and ooze of buns? And Diana got her own hotel room. So PK's like,
Starting point is 00:32:17 so you're not staying with Khaled babe. She's like, no, gee, because Khalz only three bedrooms, but truthfully, certainly an eerie Khalz are not great, and we have to have two separate houses, but I'm fine, I'm cool, I'm totally not upset about this at all. I will not at any point go up to Kyle and say,
Starting point is 00:32:34 you're always putting me in different houses, Coil. What's up with that Coil? What a flick, what a flick? Why do I have a feeling that Dorit's the only one that that's seen this house and knows she doesn't want to stay there? I think it's like, why would I want to stay next to the laundry room in a boom bit? I'll be trusting those rental. I think you were totally correct. I didn't even think about that because when we do see the house, I couldn't tell...
Starting point is 00:33:01 Was it a duplex? Was it like a shared wall with another house? I couldn't tell, it kind of looked that way. And I feel like Dereet would not like that at all. It looked like it once they were inside. Yeah, from the exterior, it sort of had like, from the exterior, it was like this one big house, but it was like split down the middle in terms of like the exterior,
Starting point is 00:33:22 in terms of like one side, was painted one way. I'm just confused, because this house is busted, okay? I know that things are really expensive there, but this house is bullshit. That kitchen is small. There's not enough bedrooms. I didn't like it. Of course, it was put up right next to that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I mean, on screen right next to that amazing right now. I mean, the rental is amazing. Well, and also like this is, where do they, on Orange County, did did they they went to Aspen also right? Wasn't there a trip to Aspen not to veil right they went to Aspen they say that they went skiing well They weren't to it was the I did not have sex with the Not that trip. I mean the most recent trip where they they went to Colorado It was a Heather Debr pro trip. I believe they flew on hether to pros plane. And the point is that they also had an amazing house there.
Starting point is 00:34:11 The other women on this have an amazing house. So Kyle's house just sort of looks janky on Bravo. Sorry to say. It does. It does. It looks sad, but I loved. I like to think of Vanderpump sitting on her couch like, hmm, wow. Rose had a big house. I know. She done a little. So, um, PK's like, well, um, are you sure you're going to be all right with the anxiety? And she's like, I'm going to go through emotions if I've got them. I want to know how to process them. And so she's talking about, you know, being triggered, being away from home, and he's going to be in London again. And is he going to fly there to save her if she's upset? And he's like, oh, like I did in Mexico. Great cold. That was great getting a call from you in Mexico. She's like, thanks a lot, big game. Yeah. Oh, this couple so romantic. Can I call you in the middle of the night? If I reach for my water and it turns out still cold
Starting point is 00:35:06 because I'm using jammily courtesy's very chic, hot cold word, water cup, g, technology. So back with Mo and Kyle. Kyle's like, yeah, you know, Doreet's still nervous. And she was nervous in Lakita, but now she's gonna stay at the rental house. I mean, isn't that gonna make her more nervous? I mean...
Starting point is 00:35:27 Yeah, and Kyle and Mercer, well, well, you know, hopefully she'll be more kind. I'm just gonna say anything so I can get back to actually like using my golf clubs. So Kyle's like, I'm being this is so stupid. I mean, this is like girl stuff, like both Garsell and Sutton, Unvolved Erica. It's like silly. Guys don't do that, except for when guys do do that. But I can tell you, when a woman does it, there's a reason. It sends a message.
Starting point is 00:35:53 I'm like, I hate to tell you Kyle. Everyone does it. Okay, everyone does it. Guys do it too, and everyone's doing it to send a message, okay? Yeah, the message is, I don't like it. So what's your point? I know. And so crowd's like, well, I didn't even know myself on follow me until Rimmit told
Starting point is 00:36:10 me. And I had a nose chop at that point. So it was like super uncool. And it was so ridiculously stupid at this age that we're even acting like this. But if they unfollow you, I mean, that's a statement. That is a statement. You're like, Kyle found something. Kyle got a bone. She's bringing the bone. So now we go to, now it's like, we're inching even closer to Aspen, but every scene feels like it's the day before. I always expect the next thing that I could be taking off.
Starting point is 00:36:37 But we go through like 25 minutes of packing on this show. So now we have Crystal packing with Miss Lucy. And Miss Lucy's like, you have too much clothes. And she's clothes and she's like um she's like no I just need more bags Miss Lucy wacky scene come on we're doing a wacky packing scene Miss Lucy. So then uh certain is with Joshua and she's like um I made to get this winter coat in the bag and it's very big and he's like you're gonna need a whole suitcase just for that silver Jacket. I mean, what is it the flatable mattress? She's like, okay, well, you know what see if you can make this winter a really small volume I'm gonna fuck her assistant. Okay, do it right now. So he like squeeze it together and
Starting point is 00:37:23 Then he puts it into the bag and like deflates into most of the bag and like what are we gonna do? It's the big drama and Suns live right now. So Shari and Garsell are face timing about packing and Garsell's like I mean this disco party. I was hot. Let me tell you I was hot about Erica. I don't want anything to do with her or to talk to her. She could be on fire and I do not have water for her. And she's like, you're kind of at least spent on her. Come on. Garsell's like, no. So then now it's one day before aspens. We're still not. So now it it's like, all these people were packing two days before aspens. That seems pretty extreme.
Starting point is 00:38:07 So now it's one day before aspens. And now Crystal's FaceTiming with Garsell at 11.45 am. We get like this timestamp, even though I don't think we get any more timestamps or the timestamps if we do get them are totally irrelevant. So Crystal's like, are you excited for asppen and Garcell just sort of shrugs? Like, hmm, did you see my last scene? And crystal asked her, did you read TMZ? Oh my God, TMZ was all about Erica. And she's like, I mean, hello, we're talking about it on the show. We talk about pop culture. And she's like, oh my God, I wonder if you can get out
Starting point is 00:38:43 of that? Because that's like kind of awkward talking about your friends. I mean, what if all 14 of them stop calling you back? Sorry, am I projecting? And by the way, for people who for some reason or not did not hear anything about this controversy, we get the headline that says, Erica Jane refuses to hand over $750,000 diamond earrings after trustee learns that Tom Durerty bought them with client money. So Crystal's like, I mean, that's like a lot of money. That would pay a lot of victims. Like those earrings were paid from the company.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Like, that needs to go back, period. Yeah. And, you know, she's like, I mean, we're not going to talk about it. I get it. But like, of course, we know it pops up on our phones. So everybody knows. And she says, yeah, one thing I learned about Eric a last year is if she wants to share, she will.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But she doesn't like to share. So don't push it. Money or information. But by the way, if you like another, we see a clip of, oh, sorry. Oh, go ahead. I was gonna say it's another example of like, they respect Erica's boundaries, this group,
Starting point is 00:39:43 but like Sutton, they're just like, they're afraid of her. Yeah. That's the only reason they respect those boundaries are scared shitless of her. I don't know why, but so you're going to say there's a clip of something. Oh, just of the reunion where Crystal's like, I mean, I guess what people would just say is that, you know, like, where's your anger towards Tom? Like, you've got so much anger towards everyone else. Narika's like, oh really? Busy man, I ain't gonna throw you now.
Starting point is 00:40:11 No, you're more a cartoony villain, not really angry though, but you know, try. So now everyone's at the private plane and then Erica's like doing some weird like boozy monologue which is like everyone knows Aspen is for the elite Okay, it's beautiful. It's quaint. It's luxurious. It's everything the people who've It's where they want to be. I'm an oven to ask but a million times Like oh she gets the dirtiest look she's so bitter. I love it. I love it
Starting point is 00:40:52 She's scowling. I was like okay. I Also just love like that they love that she's still black brags about that. It was your own plane It was for company use you You were using it illegally. And who paid for that? All right. Like Erica's like she has no fucking sense. So then Kyle's like, well, my husband is here and he's used to all girls because our house is all girls. Yeah, we know Kyle. We fucking know you've been on the show. 10 million years girl. My husband who I've had married to for 26 years is here guys We were on the not you ever see the not it's a catalog so that the my husband is here and let me tell you
Starting point is 00:41:33 He lives with a bunch of people who would unfollow each other on Instagram Speaking of rich so and then but just in case there's still like Kyle the college is just a sort of like, Announce her all the great things in her life. So guys, My niece, Nikki, Nikki Hilton, you may know of her. Yeah. So she texted me. She said, oh my god Dropping my mom off at the airport to try to make a connection is like leaving an infant on the curb Isn't that hilarious? And then I texted Paris, but she didn't respond back, which is funny because we're basically twins. So maybe sure you knew what I was texting her. I don't know, a twin sense. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:42:18 And I was like, I have so much planned for this week. It's going to be great, but tonight we're just going to roast certain. Okay, everybody, so come to my house, okay. So then we get to ask Ben and they're driving and crystals like, oh my God, look at those houses on the side of the road, those are like 10 mil at least. And Garso goes on the road. So only person with that he says, like who's gonna pay $10 million to live on a free way? And then they, like, they drop off Diana at her hotel and then the Kyle group is out of
Starting point is 00:42:55 her house. They're walking up into her house and Kyle goes, guys, don't fall in the black ice guys. Don't fall in the black ice. I'm like, Kyle, it's just called ice. When it's daytime, it's called ice. It's black ice at night. I'm just, no, isn't black ice?
Starting point is 00:43:09 Like when it's like super frozen, it's like there's frozen ice under the snow ice. My understanding is that when you're driving at night, and it looks like it's a normal road, but it's actually icy, but you can't talk, because it's nice. Therefore it's called black ice. Well, I don't think it has to be night.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I think it's a black eye. Look at this. I just know from like traffic people going, oh my god, watch out for the black eyes. That's terrible. I think it's like super frozen eyes that's under the mist and the snow. And so people don't see it. And then boom.
Starting point is 00:43:37 So black eyes, sometimes called clear eyes, is a thin coating of glaze on a surface, especially on roads. The ice itself is not black, but visually transparent, allowing the often black road below to be seen through it. So I guess there's no conclusive evidence of whether Kyle really was wrong or not, but I'm really glad that I took the podcast to this place. You're welcome, everyone. Me too.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I feel like we're all leaving still my understanding what black ice really is. Well, it's more like we're leaving not understanding whether or not Kyle had black ice on her walkway. So then they go on a tour of Kyle's house and everyone's like, cute, precious, which I don't think are words that you want to hear. And you're giving people a tour of your house. Oh, adorable. One little nice can live in here, but they're all saying like,
Starting point is 00:44:25 cute. And then we go to the rental house, which is like amazing. What is this? Okay. It's amazing. There's an elevator and a person who works there named Jenny.
Starting point is 00:44:36 He's like, hi, I'm Jenny. Welcome to the non-city house of the episode. I know. She goes, this is literally the Aspen house, okay? Like, this is as good Aspen House, okay? This is as good of a house and Aspen as Kyle's is as bad of a house. Am I, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:44:51 It's like this house has custom woodwork from Europe. Kyle's house has some home depot fake stones that are glued onto the walls. Well, you're gonna like this. You don't have bunk beds here, we have bunk rooms. Room that are literally stacked on top of other rooms to take a lot out to get to them. Also, custom would work from Europe.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Oh, fuck off. You can't find wood. You're in the mountains. I know. You're literally in a city named after a tree. You're literally nasty. It's a tree, everyone. So anyway, meanwhile, Colin, Eric, Kyle is mortified because her Christmas lights are
Starting point is 00:45:29 still up, so she's yanking them down off of her railings. And Eric is like, it's fine, Kyle. She's like, no, it's not. We have to be better than the other Kyle. It's not. We gotta take them down. Now. Other Kyle's five beds downstairs alone.
Starting point is 00:45:44 There's an entertainment room, a wine cellar, and we're in this like Kyle. This is so cute, I can't stand it because it keeps cutting back and forth to like glamour and Kyle, which was cracking the up. So then private chef at the other house, okay, as Mauricio like struggles to bring in booze to their house, we see the private chef at the other house. And then Kathy arrives at Kyle's house and Kathy's like,
Starting point is 00:46:10 whoa, you look very cozy, cute and petite. Has everybody already used all of the poor adjectives? Are there any left? Yeah, she shows up. She's like, I've had three hours of sleep in four days. Like, okay, Kathy, whatever. And when I was like, Kathy, we gotta get you into bed. So they basically, Kathy's just like,
Starting point is 00:46:32 she's holding a pillow and she's in slippers and Kyle is mortified. She's like, Kathy, you went to the airport like that. Like in those shoes, what if people recognize you? She's like, they don't. She's like, yes, they will. She's like, I wear a mask. She's like, I wear a mask. She's like, but people can still tell
Starting point is 00:46:47 because I did tip off TMZ, my sisters at the airport wearing slippers and they may have gotten some unflattering shots of you. It's, they can't tell. It's a Richard Nixon mask actually. People just had me money. It's kind of funny. And the producer's like,
Starting point is 00:47:01 so why hasn't Kathy ever been to your house in Aspen Kyle? And she's like, so why isn't Kathy ever been to your house in Aspen Kyle? And she's like, um, you know, mostly taste and money. Um, but, you know, I'm sure she's supportive. We've never really invited her though. I mean, she can afford a hotel. Okay, she can afford a hotel. So Kyle gives Kathy the bunk bed room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:19 I mean, seriously, and you wonder why she turns against you all the time? Who does that? Yeah, she tries to sell it. Like, actually, Alexia says this is the most comfortable room. She always chooses this. So yeah, it's Alexia approved. Kathy's like, whatever. So let's see here.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Can? Who's can? I don't know. Oh, Kathy. So now they're in the kitchen, they're talking about skiing. And Kathy's like, oh no, I'm going to ski. My knee bothers me. It gets bad because of my ear because I can't really hear. And so when I hear people whizzing past me, even though I can't hear, but now I hear people whizzing, which is kind of a slight noise, but I hear it. And I get nervous. So I start skiing really fast but now I hear people whizzing, which is kind of a slight noise, but I hear
Starting point is 00:48:05 it, and I get nervous. So I start skiing really fast, and then I put my poles out like this, like wings, so people don't come near me. I scare people, don't I, Kyle? Don't I scare people? Yeah, you're doing a starfish. You're speeding at people with weapons, very sharp weapons, Kyle. Yeah, she's enough I have toithing a little bit, I will.
Starting point is 00:48:26 It's great. So now Diana is getting dressed by Leah, her assistant, and she's like, I'll beat the first two of me. I'm high maintenance. You know, I'm very happy to be staying in the hotel. I'm protecting them from me. She's liking your lips and just being generally awful. Yeah. So then, Garcell, everybody from Garcell's house goes over to Kyle's house for the night. So, Rina, of course, is like, Doreen!
Starting point is 00:48:56 Ah, he's here. It's like, wow, Rina's really losing steam. Yeah. What's her heart? Doreen is here. Ah! Altitude sickness. Ah, altitude sickness. Ah, ah, ah, ah, but some batteries in a rim.
Starting point is 00:49:10 It doesn't have enough oxygen in her lungs. Just yet she hasn't acclimated to the, to the altitudes. So then Diana shows up. She's like, it's so cold that side. I already had a nose bleed. I bet you did. I'm surprised you didn't do anything. So Mauricio's, yeah, I'll bet you did. Unsupported. So Maurizio's.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Yeah, I'll bet you had a fucking nosebleed. So Maurizio's spraying down the grill and cooking with his cowboy hat and fog is coming out of his mouth. He's like, God, I don't delete people from Instagram. I don't need a goat. I'm a man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I'm a man. He definitely dressed up like the Marlboro man for this moment. He's like, he's out there like, yeah, we're gonna barbecue in 60-Greet Fahrenheit. I'm like, okay, well, that's dedication to the craft. So he's barbecuing, food's coming in, crystals like, crystals like, can I help in like a real way?
Starting point is 00:50:02 Which I thought was like a really funny thing that she said, because it sort of implied how you know like everyone else and it was like, what can I do to help? Okay, I moved to Placemar, okay, you're all set. All right. And Baricio is such a guy in control of the grill, right? He goes, I don't need anything, but she goes, yeah, I mean, I think your husband needs some tables.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And he goes, no, I just need a place to put stuff. She goes, like, tables. And then Kathy is like, um, the corn will get has been need some tables and he goes no I just need a place to put stuff she goes like tables and then Kathy is like um the corn we can't we grill the corn just throw it on the grill and they're like no we're gonna boil it and she goes but can't we grill it what why don't we just grill it and he's like well we can do that but you'll have to eat the corn 20 minutes after the food comes out so I mean do what you goes, oh, do we have utensils here? Carl, which steak should I take? She's like, I don't have a fuck what's taking me, Kathy.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Well, we're some butter for the corn. We're the napkins. And they're like, Kathy is the most demanding guest. We've ever had, you need fucking forks. It's different. You need forks, dinner, napkins, and butter, Kyle. Okay. Yeah. And by the way, it's not unreasonable to be like,
Starting point is 00:51:05 can we while we throw the corn on the grill? And by the way, you know, even if the corn takes 20 minutes, there'll still be plenty of food on everyone's plate, okay? Because no one's having more than a nibble, okay? So, yeah, they're trying to make Kathy look like this crazy person for wanting grilled corn and then she's like, the corn's not cooked. Mm.
Starting point is 00:51:23 So, Kyle's like, I know she's not easy, but for us to be together Means a lot we've come so far and then we see a clip of them crying at the reunion and Kyle's like we've yeah She's she's I mean better on corn. Okay, Mrs. Gates Okay So they're gonna like hey guys look what I found in my room look what I found in my room It's like a wigi board. I'm like so does cut like we know that Rino just brought that But I like the implication that there's just like a random wigi board hanging out in the guest room Like amongst all the western paraphernalia. There's also wigi board that she just happened to find so you know
Starting point is 00:52:02 Kyle's always up there like Charlotte Ray Do you remember I skate do you remember roller skating with me? Can you take the good, but not take the bad? We just like, no. So yeah, I just needed that to spell out. G. Oh, oh, B. B. I can't. I don't want to spell it all. Goodbye, Kyle. So, like, well, my God, Charlotte race actually speaking through the Weedra board.
Starting point is 00:52:38 She's like, wait a second. Does anyone out there? What W H A T W A? Is this saying what you're talking about Willis? Now that's just crazy. So anyway, they're all going to do Ouija. Which I say, I hope the ghosts have a good legal team because if you say the wrong thing goes, you're going to get a season to cis from Diana. I'm just talking to that right now.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I'm sewing Ouija. I'm sewing the ghosts. I'm sewing the girls. I'm not there's enough. I'm sending season to cis for all these lies. The girls are telling about me. Hey, ask the Ouija what I did for Haiti. Maybe Ouija sends bots not me So Kyle's like oh my god, we're gonna play we ja and Tion is like I watch I'll watch and throughout the occasional seawater and Eric is like this So they're like okay, so what should we ask the ghost and Kyle's like um Can we ask the ghosts if we'll be able to work out our issue and have a good time on this trip? And then we're gonna just slice it to no.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Yeah, and she's like, okay, next question, will yourself find a soulmate and Kathy goes, will who? And then they're like, okay, we'll start with a boring question. So they like that it moves to a W and Shree is like, W, Garsell, we share a W. Garsell's like, yeah, we've already discussed this many times. We have to we have to find something else for you to talk about Shree. We know you were worried married to Will Smith once, okay?
Starting point is 00:54:24 You're going to need to come up with something other than being married to Will Smith once, okay? You're gonna need to come up with something other than being married to Will Smith once, selling fake purses on the internet and asking for money on Instagram for blessings. Okay, Stony, we're gonna need to work a little harder. So Kyle is, get her fingers on the Ouija and she's like, why? Deep car self follow Erica on Instagram, Mr. Drummond. And Erica's Instagram, Mr. Drummond and Erica's like really a game come on Kyle We can talk about anything other than who follows and follows people. I'm not 12 I'm not 13. You know, I'm not 14. You know, about 15. I'm not 11. I'm not 10
Starting point is 00:54:57 I'm not two. I didn't make poo poo in my diaper. I didn't just get old enough to vote Who gives you shit about them? I forgot to space. I don't even fucking old enough to vote. Who gives you shit about enough to go to space? I don't even fucking know the rules. How about Batman? The point is that Conrad Bane is busy up and have any doesn't have time to answer questions about Instagram. So... And Greta goes, uh, I unfollowed her because she called me a liar and Erica just nods. She's, yeah, well, I said that you were lying when you said that you cared about, but which is not at all what you said. And Gersel's like, oh, no, not about that. You said I was trying to bring the narrative that you were drinking when you were actually controlling the narrative, I mean. She's like, well, you also repeated it up to
Starting point is 00:55:39 delete. And when she didn't jump on it, you got mad at her. And then when you repeated to Kyle, she said, I don't think so. I'm like, so she was just like, gabbing about shit that she saw that you guys all saw, which is like what everyone does, which is what the show is based off of. Like, I cannot deal. I hate this thing like, you were talking behind my back.
Starting point is 00:55:57 It's like literally that's what this show is. Also, why does Kyle think that spirits have time to answer questions about Instagram? I mean, like the spirits are there, like waiting to be like, I have a message from your great, great grandfather. That's fine, but can you also explain why she stopped following her on Instagram? I can't, I actually don't know what Instagram is,
Starting point is 00:56:18 that was after I died, but I have a message from your grandfather though, like I said. Mm, sorry, is there another ghost there that can help thanks? Hmm. It's like a count does not exist. I just got it followed by God on the wechat. This wechat board just gave me a 504 error for error. So we see two weeks earlier, Kyle taddling to Erica about Gersel. And Erica's like, but you were repeating it.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Yeah, Erica, she was describing what she was seeing, which is you showing up fall down drunk and belligerent to every cast of including and saying, is she okay? That's good. If you don't want people to do that, don't show it, drunk and belligerent. Steven. And that also includes you cursing out her son, her 14 year old son, Okay, that's good. If you don't want people to do that, don't show it from obliterance, do it.
Starting point is 00:57:05 And that also includes you cursing out her son, her 14 year old son, who really has gone through way too much this season. And then Kyle, and by the way, why is it like not cool that Garsel was talking about Erica, but then when Kyle was talking to you about Garsel, that's fair game. Doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Does not make sense. I just want to say on take a seat this week, we were saying who is guilty of hiring the bots to go after Garcell's son? And wrong answer is only, right? Because I mean, mostly people think it's Nihanna and Eric and Rana and those guys. So we were saying wrong answer is only,
Starting point is 00:57:43 and somebody said, I think it was Jacks from Vanderpump rules just to try to get the name Jacks to try to get some problems so funny. That was the wrong answers were wonderful and I think we have to do that more often. So then Eric, I said, you're overrepeating it. You're repeating it, yeah? And she's like, and I repeated it to you. She goes, oh, and she's, when we had drinks, remember? I mean, so we see a clips of that and Erica's saying, oh, I wasn't, I wasn't tipsy, guys, I was black, that was black, I was medicine, I was taking medicine with drinks, I learned to, and had medicine, I was taking medicine with drinks, so I learned to, that, that, that, that.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And Grysal, we're back now, and Grysal's like, calling the allire was a stretch. I was hurt, I was emotional, and I did something about it. I unfollowed her, and that's it. And Kathy's like, can I say something? Okay, look, to call someone a liar, I hate that. There are three things, Three things I hate. To call someone a liar, a thief, a pedophile.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I'm like, what? Cut to count just the land texting, Kathy. I'm sorry I called you a pedophile. Come to my dinner party. I'm just out there. Yeah. You know, a liar, liar a thief a bear trainer I just it's just unfair, but of course Kathy would stand up for that because like her bestie was my dad
Starting point is 00:59:11 That's clearly where that came from so Garsell's like, you know what error can I we don't have to be friends Or cuz like that's fine. We don't have to be friends. It's not all come by y'all Garsell's like I'm good with that my two too. So now Kyle is, Oh, and then, no, then we get that, which I love when they do this. So, Erica's like, okay, if I don't have to be friends. Great. It doesn't have to be coup by yacht.
Starting point is 00:59:37 I'm good with that. I'm good with that too. So, so, so, so to start singing big spedger at this point. It's like. Yeah, so Kyle now realizes like they couldn't get Garcell because she was just like, here's my answer. No problem. Yeah. I didn't follow the bitch because I hate her.
Starting point is 01:00:00 That's why now what? And Kyle's like, uh, but remember last year when you made a point to follow unfollow me and Rina Oh, yeah, you and Rina who were fucking horrible to her last year. What are you not connecting here Kyle? Yeah So Kathie's like, well, but you had your reasons I get that but you know Oh, sorry. This is Kyle said it of course got to you wouldn't say this cause okay Well, Garsell you had your reasons. I get that. But today, Sutton said it was a joke, but with who? Because earlier on the plane, when they confronted Sutton about it, she said, oh, handfather,
Starting point is 01:00:32 that was just a joke. So now, no, no, not they confronted it. Kyle, Kyle. Oh, so I see that you and Fallen, Sutton's like, it was a joke. It was just a little joke. Oh, really? And now here, Kyle is. Kyle's like, what was the joke?
Starting point is 01:00:45 But with who? And Garsell goes, between us, because you know what probably happened was they were probably talking and they're like, that fucking bitch, Erica. And Garsell's like, you know what? I'm gonna unfollow her. And you know, the side of us probably like, you know, I'm gonna do it too.
Starting point is 01:00:56 And they do it and they laugh, you know, which would be not unlike something that you can imagine Kyle doing with anyone of the Fox Force 5. Like, that was the tone of it, I guarantee. So Kyle's like, so you guys get together and said, I think that's funny, I'm going to unfollow Erica. I just don't get it. I don't understand why you would do that. Now, this is Kyle who earlier made a whole big thing
Starting point is 01:01:22 about how immature this was and how silly and how at R.A. age we shouldn't care about this. And this is her literally turning this scene about it and trying to shame them about the thing that she allegedly doesn't care about. Also, the episode where she says that they should really try hard to who's certain because she's really getting it from all sides. Yeah. Right. So Doreet and also, we have to point out Kyle is getting mad at this point. She's not just like, well, but why would you unfollow? Kyle's like, you guys got together and you laughed and you want Followed her? I just don't get that. And Doreet's like, I mean, I don't know what's going on with Kyle.
Starting point is 01:01:55 We all have freebieDeeTvites, but I do think that there's a bit of stirring going on right now, right to you. Yeah, she has Kyle stirring our cauldron with those pantomimes. Staring going on right now, rapid too. Yeah, she has Kyle Sturner, called her with those pantomimes. I mean, it's like a, it's like a, that, it's like a family size be getting in meatballs in her going on over there.
Starting point is 01:02:15 It's like a bakery kitchenie, you know, those giant ones that sit on the ground. So, Teresa, like, yeah, something's going on with Kyle and Kathy's like, but guys, by the way, guess what? Nobody cares. We don't take yourself to be so important. I mean, you're not that important. And she's like, that's what I think. And Kyle screams. She's like, it's not what's important. It's intent behind it. I get now that you're upset, okay? She explained it, so it's done, but it's set and saying it's a joke, when it's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:02:46 I'm sorry to raise my voice. I'm sorry to raise my voice. I just got used to yelling when I was on the set of Halloween and being pursued by Michael Myers. Okay, it's hard to get out of character when you're a working actress, okay? And the sentence like, well, she called me a CU next Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:03:05 So, which was last year, but okay. And Kyle's like, okay, well, so then it's because of that. And just say that. She goes, one day, we never cared that she called me a CU next Tuesday. Did you? And Kyle's like, it's not about that. It's that, it's not about the show.
Starting point is 01:03:19 That's my plan. Are you kidding? What are you doing? She says stop playing the victim. When she's actually trying to turn Erica into the victim of some sort of unfollowing conspiracy. Are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna, of who unfollowed who to see who Kyle stood up for. Because the point is this is that she is coming down Garsell and son for unfollowing Erica. And if Erica unfollowed one of them first, Kyle would not say a peep.
Starting point is 01:03:55 No, she's coming down because she wants the sudden to be open and honest. She's like, I'm talking about being open and honest in the group. And that's where I start losing respect right there. Because if you're not being open and honest, then I'm bored. I can't even do this. I can't even do this if people aren't going to be open and honest. She gets up and starts walking out and then everybody's kind of over talking each other and being like, Kyle, what's wrong? I'm not dealing with lies
Starting point is 01:04:19 and bullshit. Oh God, there's Kyle who's suddenly morally having a moral crisis over an Instagram. That she's not even partlier. That she's not has nothing to do with her account. The Erica doesn't care about it. And I also feel like a really bad, like I think the worst thing you could say to someone saying, she called me a cut fitness is to say stop playing the victim. Well, hey, that's what she said when she said I've had miscarriages too. I've had twocarriages to. Yeah, I've
Starting point is 01:04:45 had two miscarriages. She was like, it's not about you, Satan. And we don't even know about that. So, Satan's like, oh my God, it's Instagram. Like, oh my God, I'm gonna say, it's not about Instagram. Oh, it's about what's beneath Instagram. You know what? Instagram is hurt and Instagram is upset and you're being defensive right now. You know what? Instagram is losing market share to TikTok and Instagram is just taking a moment to grief and it's gonna have fuel all the emotions Good and bad and you have to allow Instagram to feel it. You have to understand Instagram right now So sons like by the way, I haven't heard y'all say won't think to me about her calling me I'll see you next Tuesday and run as like
Starting point is 01:05:35 But why would we need to why would we need to which is very funny that they they have everything to say about anything That Sutton says but now Erika says something about Sutton, she said, why would we need to? And then this were Diana Chomsen. But the whole fight is about standing up for Erika for being unfollowed. So they're totally, they are yelling at Sutton for unfollowing and then saying, why would we need to stand up for you?
Starting point is 01:05:59 Like, it's crazy. By the way, for Sutton to demure and say, oh, I did it as a joke, I'm sorry. That is not to me the biggest Infection of of honesty or dishonesty. Okay. She at that moment she was saying I don't want to make a stink about this I don't want to make this into a big deal So I'm not gonna be like oh, I unfollowed her because I think she's a total fucking bitch I'm just gonna brush it off so that way we can have fun and now they are I'm just gonna brush it off so that we can have fun and now they are grilling her
Starting point is 01:06:31 Holding her so accountable for brushing it off to try to have actually a fun time on this trip. It's absolutely ridiculous So when Sutton says I haven't heard one word from y'all about her call me a cut thickness and Diana goes about you not one doll. America heals. Maaah! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and Garsell's like, that's not okay, Diana, that's not okay that you said that, you know, and Garsell tells... And Diana keeps laughing and by the way, Diana's like, you know, I certainly like wiping her nose and Eric just keeps on. And Garsell tells us she hates that word and you never use that word, especially from another woman. And some's like, well, I'm having a very difficult time because, and Garsell goes because nobody's standing up for you. She goes, no, no, it's not that.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And then Diana goes, well, not everyone should be best friend. It wasn't civilized. Sorry. But it's the same time. I can't stand her. So I always try to keep physical space. But, you know, how actually do you like, let let's say there's a bunch of women in the group You know and like you who I don't like very much, but you know like
Starting point is 01:07:53 Your best friend I don't like you know Garsell like I try to like you but I don't like her dying at how many times does one person have to apologize? Yeah, I mean she's pulling a Arena, right? Where Arena says, okay, where could Satan and then the second they're in a group setting? They just go at real. Just starts going for her again. It's so old, you guys. Grow the fuck up. Also, when Diana does, like, even fake apologize,
Starting point is 01:08:17 saying that wasn't very civilized, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Erica goes, what are you talking about? As if to say, like, no, it was good that you called her the C, we were basically. And so, yeah, so Diana's like, you know, I As if to say, no, it's good that you called it the C. We were basically. And so, yeah, so Diana's like, you know, I watch things. I observe things.
Starting point is 01:08:30 And just the way she does things, it's like, it's like that we're slithering. It's very slithery. Yeah, it's very slithery. I'm a little slithery. I'm a little slithery. I'm a little slithery. I'm a little slithery. I'm a little slithery.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I'm a little slithery. I'm a little slithery. So Kyle goes, let's talk like she's in the room guys. Suddenly Kyle is gonna defend her, which is so ridiculous. And Gersel's like, yeah, you know, this is hard and nobody wants to hear this. It's just a babe. What do you want me to say? You want me to go on behind her backs?
Starting point is 01:08:57 You want me to hide it? And she's like, she's a human being, she has feelings. And then it goes, oh, that's the thing. Does she have a feeling? Does she? Does she? Does she? Because she came after me when I was fucking bleeding. She did not come after you while you were fucking bleeding.
Starting point is 01:09:10 No, she did not. You sent a shitty text that day on the group text that was shitty to her friends saying, you were so bad and bedridden and this and that. And then you show up at the party walking through going, oh, no one's here, it's dead. Being a total bitch on wheels, shut up. And stop using your miscarriage as some sort of a weapon
Starting point is 01:09:29 and a victim shroud to let you act however you want. It's crazy, you're learning housewives from the wrong book, okay. You need to get out of the R section. I mean, yeah, I agree with every single thing that you said. I will say though, I mean, during that confrontation, Sutton was 100% passive aggressor. I'm not gonna say that Sut, I mean, during that confrontation, sudden was 100% passive arrest. I'm not gonna say that sudden was an angel during that,
Starting point is 01:09:49 but ultimately they did talk it out. Sudden was like, I apologize, like I came in really hot, and there was like in front of everyone, and the fact that she was, but this is also the, sudden started that, but this was also the conversation where they acted like sudden was lying about her. I agree, no, it was. I was trying to use it, right?
Starting point is 01:10:09 No, no, I agree. I agree, 100%. I'm just saying, like, Sutton wasn't totally innocent, but she also did apologize for her partner and she did ultimately realize, and Diane accepted it and they had what seemed to be like a pretty, like, a good conversation at Kyle's house, probably because of Jamie Lee Curtis.
Starting point is 01:10:25 And now here's Diana just going right back to it, just the way Rina went right back to it. And then they went to lunch. And she apologized again, and they thought they were good until Diana went for her again in public. And then they went to lunch again, and they thought they were good until Diana went for her.
Starting point is 01:10:40 So then, so old. So then, so she's saying this stuff, and Kyle goes goes to sudden you can speak up and defend yourself by the way Which is like like a cow's just like Thanks, I'm stupid so we can pile on so Diana's like there's no defending. It's unforgivable I got out of my fucking deathbed to come to Garsel's dust field birthday party and she shamed me It's unforgivable especially since she had two miscaliages that she hid from everybody and I'm the first one to heal it. And so if it's such a hot thing for her to talk about
Starting point is 01:11:11 and then why don't you understand that it's a hot thing to talk about. So I'm sorry, but she knew what she was doing. I was like, this logic doesn't matter. I was like a hard thing to talk about. You have not stopped talking about it. You have not fucking stopped talking about it. You've talked about it in every scene you've been on. You've talked about it on. You won't shut up about it. You have not fucking stopped talking about it. You've talked about it in every scene
Starting point is 01:11:25 you've been on, you've talked about it on Instagram, you won't shut up about it because you're taking it and you're using it. It's not cool. Yeah, she was trying to actually connect with you. So, um, yeah, Crystal's basically like, yeah, none of certain topologies are you thinking that matter? I mean, like those at some point you can only defend yourself so much before you just have to stop, you know, so then Diana's like I'm gonna be a super cut of setting up I'm apologizing a million times, you know Which is kind of the Ramona of apologies. It's like okay. Well, I'm very sorry. Okay You know what I'm saying? I'm gonna get me in trouble. Okay. Okay. Just bikes. Hi so
Starting point is 01:12:03 Diana's like goodbye on going You're going. How are you the accrued party here? I know. She just literally called a sudden the seawird ganged up with Erica bullied her. So she the sun's like, does this thing with her head? She's like, all right, go back to her hotel. She can leave. She can leave. So Garcella surprised because she felt like after the conversation that she had with Diana at her house that Diana was going to give her a chance. But now she's realizing that Diana, what she says and how she acts are two totally different
Starting point is 01:12:33 things. And it's certain it's crying and she's like, I'm not being dramatic, you guys. I'm just, I've had enough. I've had enough. And Carl tells us, well, you know, people speak their minds in this group and Diana's being real, you know Some people will say she's being mean, but she's being open and honest. Oh my god. So does it? So you're on Diana's side even after this because at least it was on Deal with it. It was the comfortness here
Starting point is 01:13:02 and deal with it. It was the cup fitness here. Oh, it's a deal. And then like something's just like sobbing in the corner, just sobbing and I'm just like, yeah, it's just like just an arrogant Diana or just laughing and then Diana's leaving like she's the big victim here. What a couple of assholes.
Starting point is 01:13:17 What a group of assholes. Oh my God. And just to see it so blatantly put out there that this is what they do every single time and it's not working this time You know, you do not have people on your side people see you. You're all fucking full of shit and Diana especially I mean it looks like This isn't even like a deep prediction because it looks like it's pretty obvious that Rin has gone Deleting all the bravo stuff from her Instagram and I'm following blocking everybody and all of that and then you've got Diana They can't bring Diana back. So you know
Starting point is 01:13:49 Lord Clems this show it me this show you guys are full of absolute shit I hate watching some of these people now and I love this show I actually really love Beverly Hills, but Diana's trash Diana is pure garbage get rid of her as a human as a castmate Get rid of her this show needs to, as a cast mate, get rid of her. This show needs to just like sit on ice for a little bit, like just give it a longer break than it normally does. And still gets great ratings, which is why this really won't happen. But like they need to like put it on ice for a little bit. They need to clean house. I think you get rid of Rina. I think you get rid of Erica. I think you get rid of Diana Diana. Thank you. You keep Garsell. You keep son. I mean, I regrettably I think you have to keep Kyle because she gets us so angry. You sort of have but she gets us angry in like a
Starting point is 01:14:37 like in a you're such a fucking just potster, you know, like you sort of have to have that presence on there Even though like well, we've got the you know, what I like about that is you've got Settling Marcel who are not playing the reindeer games, right? So if you get rid of Lisa, don't mind as a non-factor, you know, in general, but get rid of her, get rid of Vrina, that's two more cheerleaders taken away and we already see Kyle losing her damn mind at this point, especially this episode. So you take away those losing her damn mind at this point, especially this episode. So you take away those, then you've got Doreet who's very easily changed. You know, Doreet sitting on that fence right now, but I don't think that Doreet is, you know, we saw what she did to Vanderpump who got her on the show. So I would love to see them just slowly keep chipping away at Kyle because it's Kyle's turn. Yeah. It is Kyle's turn. I don't want Kyle to leave now. I want Kyle to have a season where she has to take it from every side. Get some Kyle. I think it's just like you have to get
Starting point is 01:15:29 rid of Erica just you know I've I've always said she doesn't have like a real personality. It feels like it feels like she just adopts a personality that she thinks is like the appropriate one for the show. We don't we don't see anything of her life beyond her assistance. And she has, she ushered in the era of excessive glam on Bravo, especially on this show. And Rina has decided like, Rina is like, is like a Erica super fan, which is great in real life.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Be it, be it like she's your friend, she's your friend. But like Rina is just sort of like a lap dog. And she had, Rina sort of like lost her way in trying to be like Erica. I say get rid of both of them because they're not bringing anything like interesting to the show.
Starting point is 01:16:10 They're just bringing something annoying to the show. And I think yeah, you build in some new people. There's enough crazy asses in Beverly Hills. They could repopulate the show without a problem. And I think it would still work. but you keep Garsell, you keep son, you keep Kyle, you keep to read and then build out from there and see what happens. We'll see time will tell, but man, and it also makes sense why they're
Starting point is 01:16:36 making this aspen, all these aspen pre plays because, you know, this whole season has been rena trying to deflect from Aspen, putting everything on everybody else, saying all this stuff that Kathy supposedly does, which we'll see what comes up. But now we're starting to see where this deflection is really coming from. I mean, the next week clips with Erica,
Starting point is 01:16:57 you know, with Crystal saying, you know, I mean, you should give that diamond, does diamond earrings back in Erica going, why? So you could be a good person. Is that why you think that? I don't care about anybody but myself. And just being totally vile.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I mean, now we see why the deflection. Yes, exactly. Interesting. I'm, I'm, I get enraged by it, but you know, I still really like watching the show and glad it's on. Yeah, I mean, I enjoy watching it. But I just, I think it's the, the, the social media world around it has become really toxic at their own doing. And I think that Bravo doesn't like that.
Starting point is 01:17:36 We saw after season four of New York Bravo changed that up. We saw again, obviously the late, the last season of York, Bravo literally, I mean, just buried their, their golden egg with that, broke their golden egg, killed their broken egg. That whatever you want to say about their golden, ate their gold, they destroyed their golden egg because they were like a two toxic. So I think Beverly Hills got to be careful.
Starting point is 01:18:00 So anyway, we'll probably talk about this a million more times. They renamed their golden egg. Yeah, they re, they rebrandrand their golden egg and officially segregated it. So that'll be interesting. Anyway, that brings us to the end of Real Housewives of Bubble of Hoot. We'll be back later this week with a Salt Lake City trailer breakdown and Southern charm. And remember, we're off on Monday, so our normal Monday recaps,
Starting point is 01:18:23 including Winter's Crap, and we'll be out on Tuesday. Bye everyone. I Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-o-s.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Dana-C. Dana-do. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Aaron McNickolas, she don't miss no trickleess. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino!
Starting point is 01:19:06 There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches, Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. Always the wisers, Allison Weasler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Erica, 500 days of summer. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke.
Starting point is 01:19:27 The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Hail the cork master, the master of the cork, it's Jennifer Corcoran. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Paging Page Mills, Paging Page Mills. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Better do what she says. It's Elvin Reckon. Can't have a meal without
Starting point is 01:19:51 the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture. We love you guys. She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture! We love you guys! by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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