Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Qualm Springs

Episode Date: July 22, 2021

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills head to Palm Springs, where Kyle Richards pretends she's famous for lasagna and Er...ika starts spinning new stories that are starting to show cracks. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. I'm not a fan of this one. Well, hello.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And welcome to WatchaCrapins and the podcast for all that crap we just love to talk about on your own problems. I'm Ronnie. Hi. Guess he's with me. He's thin. He's hot. He's sweet.
Starting point is 00:00:56 He's talented. Fun and funny. His name is Ben Mandelker. Hi, Ben. Hi, Ronnie. Hi, how are you? Good. How are you doing, honey?
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm doing great. So excited to talk some Beverly Hills today me too. What a fun episode of Beverly Hills You look adorable today. You look adorable, Ronnie. I do why I don't know what it is I think it's because you're wearing this like America this America t-shirt. I don't know. I just look so cute Oh, it's Texas. I don't know you just look so cute today. It was Texas. I don't know. You just look so cute today. It was like a $2 shirt. So I was like, I'll take that. Now I have some Texas pride. Yeah, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Thank you so much for being here with us on Real Housewives of Bevel of Hills Day. You can catch this on demand if you prefer watching your week caps. We do a couple of week this week. We're doing Beverly Hills and New York both on video. So high people watching us, taking our noses and eating our boogers. Thanks for being here. If you want to join up, that's also where you get our bonus episode. So go over to slash watch what crappens.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Okay, sign up. And it's going to look all weird, like a different levels for different things. Just choose your level. And when you're signing up, choose the cap amount that you are willing to spend a month. You can give us a million dollars. We'll take it. Okay. We will. But you can also give us one dollar. Okay. We don't care. Just if you want to for extras go over there. Go to our Instagram, go to our Twitter, do whatever you want. Okay. That's all I got for you today. Yeah. And Chad, how are our people in the Discord community? It's like the truly, it's such a chill vibe over there. It's great.
Starting point is 00:02:27 So hi to everyone there who is chatting about Bravo. Go join them. If you're a Patreon member, you might actually have access to the Discord server already. You may not realize it. So go check that out, okay, and all the details of that are on Patreon. Okay, so let's get into some Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:02:46 This is still COVID time, so we are taking, you know, sad vacations. This time is to Kyle's place in Palm Springs. Yeah, but this was actually really funny. Like I was laughing a lot during this episode. Mainly just watching Kyle Knockover Spice Jarves. Like that was like somehow deeply satisfying to me. Just watching Kyle Knockover Spice Jarves. I was was like somehow deeply satisfying to me. He was just watching Kyle Knockover Spice Jarves.
Starting point is 00:03:06 I was like, this is, this is like the truth. I feel like this is the truth. I always knew about Kyle that in the kitchen, she just knocks over so many Spice Jarves. And now I was like, I always suspected it. And now I see it. And I never knew I suspected it until I saw it. And then I was like, yes, this is what I've always
Starting point is 00:03:24 thought about Kylevager. She knocks over spice jars. Um, I am triggered by knocking things over because I always knock everything over. Today I was trying to take something out of the fridge and I knocked over kind of beans that I hit open and just put up back in the fridge, took some beans out and then put them back in the fridge, which of course, and then when I put them back in the fridge, I said, you know, the second you put those back in the fridge without a covering or something, you're going to knock that shit all over the floor.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And I was like, who cares? I'm not native yet. And what's the first thing I do next time I open the fridge, I knock the beans all over the floor. Okay. Listen, did I tell you how last week, I probably shouldn't mention this on our below deck recap, I have last week, I took a ladle of boiling hot bubbling boiling hot pasta water and ladle it onto my hand. We all make mistakes.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Kyle, it's just one of us guys. I also was one of us. I was like, that's the thing. It's watching her knock over those spice jars. I was like, I knew she would do that. But then it was also then this like second wave of realization. Oh God, I think I'm color Richards. It's a terrible realization.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Don't go that far. Can I? I can't grow bangs. I'll ask you, I'm just not very concentrated today. So I'm like, hey, I want to ask you about a commercial I saw, Ben. I'll ask you later. Okay, so here we are.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's vacation day. We, so here we are. We're it's vacation day. We're getting the packing thing. And Rina listen, Rina has used all of Harry Hamlin screen time because you know Harry Amlin will only come on this show five minutes a year. And he did a lot last time. Like he made some bubble night side. So he's done. So now she's just back to shooting with her dog. Like yeah, well, you've got a cone.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Hey Rocky, Rocky Road in a cone. We're happy back. We're thinking this outfit. What do you think of this Rocky? He's a dog, but he's so pretty back. Poor dog has a cone and bandages around his little paws. I don't know what happened to this dog. And he's like, how are you not well? Okay, I'm gonna leave you. Bye. Bye dog. Then we're over with Doreet and Jacker is helping her pack because you know,
Starting point is 00:05:40 the sun's on the show. We're very good with helping packing, we're learning that from Bravo. So, Jagger's like, Mommy, I knew our only goal named for two days. Why are you packing for the staff? And she's like, I've only dressed in home clothes for two weeks, Jagger. I'm really ready to dress in something sparkler, something fun, something painted with her V, and dropped off the back of a pickup truck on the way to China town
Starting point is 00:06:06 Speaking of speaking of speaking This little girl has brought me something. This girl. How'd you keep getting into me? Oh Working thanks. Yeah, Phoenix Phoenix brings some looks to choose and also her assistant Ashley is there Ashley looks like she's auditioning to be um an anchor woman on the local news because she her face is beat is real beat. So then we go to sudden who's on the phone with Kyle and Kyle's like, oh, it's so nice here in Lakinta. I can't wait for you guys all to get here and sometimes well, I'm stressed out because I have impacted all like I'm staring at an empty suitcase right now. Well, we should be casual, but you know, the girls, they'll probably be wearing ball gowns.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And she says Erica and Garsell and Crystal are all staying at a hotel because Erica needs privacy. She's struggling. Okay. Kyle knows because she has talked to her. And this is why you don't talk to Kyle about things because the second you leave Kyle, then Kyle calls some hooker and is like, guess what?
Starting point is 00:07:09 I saw Erica sobbing. She was sobbing. It was not like her. That's exactly why Kyle showed up last week for their hike that didn't go really any way. They hiked to like a stomach. My kind of hike. Yeah, you just sit down on the bench.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's why Kyle was there. Because Kyle loves being the gatekeeper to whoever's going to the emotional shit right she loves being the one who can then tell everyone else she's going through a lot Oh, you should have seen her sobbing right because that elevates her position right because she has access this like primary access to this emotional Madness that's happening and then she can go tell everyone what's going on. This is why Kyle doesn't work at the top of the pyramid, she can't handle being at the top. She needs to be at least like second from the top. So in case you can tell everyone below her what's happening at the top, that's her role in life.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Yeah, so she's struggling and certain's like, oh, I know, I texted her. It's like, both then how do you know she's struggling? You just sent a text. It's not the same thing. Don't try and compete in the conversation Olympics, Satan. Okay, sending a text is not the same. It's almost hiking with somebody.
Starting point is 00:08:14 She sent me an emoji that was like, so I know she's going through it. So Kyle's like, yeah, sobbing. Sobbing, I tell you, stop. If you saw what I saw the other day, that's so dramatic. If you had only seen what I had seen, she was sobbing, bereft. She stepped on a lizard and said, there, now you don't have to experience that this painful world, the way I see it lizard. She was out of control painful.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Mm, so, Kyle's like, listen, listen, do you want to just come stare at my four walls all day? And she's like, I'm leaving your four walls to stare at your other four walls, Karyl. So that's right, they're about my house. So then we go over to Eric's Clubhouse. Was it always called Eric's Clubhouse? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:09:03 She was trying to do some sort of like final episode of cheers or like Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's like, Erica's Clubhouse. Maybe. She was trying to do some sort of like final episode of Cheers or like Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's like we're moving out. It's goodbye. Like sorry, we're closed. And so this was sort of supposed to be vaguely sentimental, but I really wasn't feeling it. So basically,
Starting point is 00:09:17 well they're acting like they've been shooting there for a decade every other scene. Yeah, this is not the front end. They're trying to, they're like, member, member. Oh, the good times we had here in its like last week, Sutton came over and looked at dresses. Remember? Oh, yes, I saw, I saw, I, I, this was where the reveal happened
Starting point is 00:09:41 for my avatar. Oh, those precious memories. So they're walking around. And so they found someone to take over the lease. And so, oh, look, the glam room. It's back to being a bedroom. Now I can see it as a bedroom, again, instead of a glam room. I'm like, wow, what a stretch.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And then we have, here's a flashback of, remember the good times, the glam room? And it's like, they haul hauled Kyle into the glam room and then they turn on, it's like, very bright, aggressive lighting on Kyle, which you know is a nightmare for her, so it was sort of funny. Well, they're turning all the makeup lights on and like the TV lights and stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And she's like, wow, you must be pretty because this is a lot of light. We all know, bright light makes you look better. Look at me darling. I look like Garland when this thing's not on this ring light thing. When it's not on, I'm like, ahhhh. Ahhhh.
Starting point is 00:10:32 A lot of bright, white light is good for everybody. So, Ericka's like, since I've left, I haven't received one doubt from Tom Gerard. I just spot whatever, well, thanks. Well, no one thinks he's giving you many. They think you already took 20 million of it. Actually, okay. Just to be clear.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And she's like, well, it can be challenging. It's horrible. Yeah. And then we see a flashback of her living the, basically a modern day, five of the mouse, as she's like, all right, glam team. Now that we're here in my town a little shack and handcock park We'll just have to use this giant kitchen island as the home base for our glam. I know it's not much But it'll have to do
Starting point is 00:11:18 Please help yourself to a to a beverage from my sub zero for trainer from my sub-zero for Twitter. Yeah, I'm an Erickus. She tells us, I can take care of myself. People forget that. They want to forget it. I'm like, we don't forget it. We saw you at Shakey's last season. Wasn't that the last vacation they went there?
Starting point is 00:11:35 So you go and Erick. But also, like, it's also funny because later on the episode, she has this whole thing like, where am I gonna go? Where am I gonna go? But now she's like, I can take care of myself. I'm like, okay, so it's, yeah. Can't play stupid and smart.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Can't play stupid and smart. Yeah, she is trying to still figure out her story. You know, we've had a lot of time to go through the documents and all the stuff by now, all the stuff that's out by now. But this is when it's all unraveling and she still isn't really sure what the story is gonna be. So she keeps changing it like five times in an episode. She hasn't really stuck with anything yet.
Starting point is 00:12:07 So we'll see how that turns out. She should have done her whole story. I'm sorry, I just cut you off, but like, her whole story should just, she should have been like the blue cantile thing, which is like, my husband was cheating on me. He was mean to me. And now he's getting me into this fucking mess.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So I said, guess what? I'm taking $3 million and I'm starting a new life in Hancock Park and this is woman impairment. And I would have been like, good for you, good for you. And then because you know, like that would have been like a very like up with, you know, up with me, out of, out of the thumb of Tom, but you're right. I think the narrative she is kind of figuring out like, is this an impairment? Is this a independence narrative? Is this a, oh, I'm stuck in the web of Tom's
Starting point is 00:12:52 litigation narrative? I think she's kind of figuring all that out. Yeah, she's writing as she goes, okay? So she looks around the place and she tells us, we squeezed all the blood out of that man. I mean this apartment. And then we see memories. This is the memory thing where they're like, wow, remember when to read were long ponytail here? Ah, remember I was standing right there when we got a sparklifth delivery once. Wow, that was great. Everything comes to a man. And it looks like she's even leaving her pink,
Starting point is 00:13:27 pretty mess sign behind her pretty mess light, which you know that Kyle's gonna get her ass straight to that estate sale. She really will. Hey, Raka, I saved it for you. Yeah, no, it just was just, it was so funny. It was like, there were really treating it, like it was the end of some era that all of America
Starting point is 00:13:47 went through together. It was the end of Family Ties. It was just like, no, it was just the end of a loft that we saw every now and then that seemed sort of strange in the first place. Yeah. So then we go to Kyle's looking to house and she gets a call and we get the call. Hello! And it's Garsell and Garsell's like, well don't you look good. You're feeling better, huh, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:14:16 She's like, I'm just happy to be alive. I see you're not coming till tomorrow, huh? And she's like, I have to shoot the real Kyle. I have a job, Kyle. Okay, can I know what you want to do? Give me the tour, give me the FaceTime tour, and I'll pretend like I've never seen a nice house before. Okay. So she's like, okay, here it is. Look at all this. And there's like a giant piano.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Does anyone in that family play piano? Do we know? Maybe more than nicest pianos do not play the piano. Yeah, I've learned that from these shows. They just have a giant ass piano right in the middle. I guess it's like, in just in case your Launda Foster comes back and it's like ladies and gentlemen, Andrea Bocelli. I got piano for him! I got piano! You just have to be rich enough to have the desire to play a piano, right?
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah. So Kyle gives her a little tour and then she tells us her yearly, I've been coming to the desert ever since I was a baby. You know, the second we'd hit those windmills, the whole sky just the energy just shifts here. I'm like, yeah, the windmills probably feel the same way. Kyle comes through and they look at the energy just change and bombsprings. My turbines aren't working anymore. Birds just start flying into the turbines. She's a real voice of the American West. So, um, yeah, and then she's like saying how she comes, we can't
Starting point is 00:15:34 hear everyone weekends on holidays on Easter, which basically means that we can queue up that scene from season one when they're out there. That they're in Palm, Palm Springs and Springs. And little Sophia is like pulling a piece off a big chocolate Easter bunny. And then Kim goes in and breaks off another piece and Kyle goes, can you word grab that piece? Which is funny because you just know that that was so like such a loaded comment. Like they've probably had so many fights about Kim taking that piece of chocolate off the bunny every single year.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah, like Kim always gets the like the face because you know Kim's gonna just go for the craziest part like I mean that bunny's face off. No, but it just got bangs. Why do you have to ruin the fucking face of the body, Kim? So there. So then Rina comes in and this is the Rina yes Entrance that Rina has ever run it. Okay. She's like Waving her arms screaming kicking her legs in the air
Starting point is 00:16:39 She's screaming some more doing jumping jacks rolling Doing a handstand like what the hell she literally was one of those things in front of the car dealership just wheeled in like yeah so by the way my friend Eva today for some reason I'm like mentioning her every week on this podcast now, but she was at Starbucks this morning and she said Lisa Rena went in right before her and she said that Rena was wearing a mask and that she only recognized her because of her hair. So that's the benefits of having iconic hair is that you'll get recognized no matter what even if you have a mask on. But then do we even have proof that that was Rena? Well, I'm sure like I'm sure you've heard something like,
Starting point is 00:17:26 hello, hello, hello. We have a coffee ready for Harry Hamlin, Harry. We have a coffee ready for my daughter's dating Scott Disick. My daughter's dating Scott Disick, everyone. Yes, totally. Where's my notes? I switch screens for a second. Then all hell broke loose over here. Well, while you find them, so Rina comes in
Starting point is 00:17:52 and Kyle's like, okay, Rina, so I put you right behind you. Go right behind you. You're right behind you. Put you in the casita and Rina goes, I love that. Who casita? She told me where to go. I love that. Ooh, who could she tell? Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Who could she tell? She told me where to go. I said do I go, and my mind I was saying they're gonna left it right. And she told me. She told me. Cool. Which means she reads here.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So they have, and Kyle looks around the house and she goes, oh, honey, which could mean like this place looks like shit or wow, look at you with the house or who really owns this, you know, I don't know what it means. But I was like, oh, we're going to do so we're going to do some remodeling. I mean, we've been saying that for years, but we really are going to do it this time. That that was exactly the Duret tone was like this is lovely in theory, but it's also like shades of brown on brown on brown on brown. I know. The last time this house made me sense
Starting point is 00:18:52 Boy George actually had a career. I do something with these floors. It was very real house. So I was in Salt Lake City. They love a brown decor in there. So then Kathy shows up. This is a great episode for Kathy. Just like a huge amount of Kathy content. I feel like that's the big headline here. And then Doreet's like, you know the other girls are staying at La Quinta. It's a great hotel. It's almost as wonderful as all the hotels.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I stayed at while I was traveling the world becoming a citizen of the globe. So Kyle has the girl staying at the hotel and she didn't want to mix set and then crystal together because you just never know what's gonna happen. And then we see your ugly mother pants. And Kathy comes in in full on Paris Hilton heart sunglasses. And she's like, oh my god Kyle, I've never driven two hours alone. I've gone somewhere alone for two hours.
Starting point is 00:19:47 My knees hurt. Kyle, they hurt Kyle. I just, it would be funny if we actually saw the car she was driving was just like that vander, vander wolf, vander hall thing that Kyle took shopping. Just Kathy held in like some tiny little vehicle with her knees up to her chin. And be like, my knees hurt. Um, she just doesn't know how to like slide back this the seat. like sometime a little vehicle with her knees up to her chin. And be like, my knees hurt. She just doesn't know how to like slide back the seat.
Starting point is 00:20:12 She's sitting cross like it and just like has like little things. Because you know she has panels. She has buttons. Yeah, she's like, this is how people drive. So she, they talk about how wacky it is that she doesn't know how to drive. And she's like, is there a man here that can help with luggage because this is a Coyle and she's like sorry. It's not the Waldorf Astoria, Kathy Oh, it's the Waldorf Astoria. No, not the Waldorf Astoria Astoria
Starting point is 00:20:36 So then Crystal and Sutton show up and then and Kyle has like set up a fan for Kathy, but I think we all saw I Know I'm sure you saw that even though it was a fan, it was not the right brand of fan, right? We knew it was not going to work. Not like that. No, this was a, this was a home goods fan. You know, those like stylish little fans in the lamp section that don't do shit, okay? It was one of those.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And then you have to like go get a new one because there's no way to clean them. Yes, I've bought that fan many times and it makes no noise, okay? Unless you've got like a loose screw and then it goes clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, because it's a metal fan. So yeah, it's a wrong kind of fan. Nice try. He did not get that for her. And then when Sutton drives up, they're like, Oh my God, we love your Bentley set. And then she's like, I was eating chips in it. And I was like, I know. Like, basically like fucking a stranger, okay? Eating chips in her new car.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Did she have a driver also because the read had a driver, but did suddenly have one also because she got out of the passenger side of her own car. So I wonder if she had a driver. For some reason that like captivated me. Either way, Crystal comes in and she's like, last time I saw a sudden person,
Starting point is 00:21:43 it was probably her biggest meltdown, but since then she's's expected to chat and say, hi, so I think things are getting better. And, you know, I'm just happy to be at a hotel with a locked door. Yeah. So they're in the kitchen together, setting in crystal and setting, like, you look nice. Show me your beep. Show me. Yeah. Yeah, what are you doin'? And then Kyle goes, oh my God, I didn't even start the lasagna. What is wrong with me? Oh my God, my ADD is off the charts. Because Kyle suddenly remembered that she wants to push this storyline that she cooks food, something that we
Starting point is 00:22:20 haven't revisited since Tahoe when she burned all the salmon. Yeah, I'm guessing Kyle's gonna try a cookbook or some shit Yeah, so then really yeah, she's gonna have to do every single Vanderpump thing until the end of time I'm waiting for some kind of rescue some kind of animal thing that she's gonna do. Yeah, so Rina's like oh check on Erica Hi Erica, are you there? You're not there. It's me Lisa right now. I'm saying it could see.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Got all my holes. Okay, everybody. I've talked to Erica, but she hasn't talked to me back yet. Okay. Okay. So Erica had a session with Tom today, like a legal session of some sort and re-doreate read about it. And basically she tells them all that the government froze the assets because it was determined that at least $2 million was used inappropriately. And Kyle's like,
Starting point is 00:23:17 Kyle does that gasp as if she hadn't read this first thing in the morning. Right. Exactly. Like her Google alert isn't like Erica Jane, Erica Gerardi, Jane Gerardi, Jane Gerardi, Jane, Jane. If you had seen what I saw on that judge's face, you would not believe it because you saw it. I saw it. So Kathy comes in with some weird huge face. She's just got her head. It's a candle. Oh, she's like, at the candle. She's, she's nipping the candle. Um, so then Rina's like, wow, when they free is your account, oh, does that mean that you can't touch your money? Yes, Rina, that's what it means. What does Rina pretending she doesn't know
Starting point is 00:23:58 with anything financial means? Like last week when she was like what how do you even launder money it's paper have a question when they freeze your account does that mean that Scott does it can't touch the money also because he's dating my daughter she can launder her money do you think she can launder Scott to say? He smells. He smells. So they're like, yes, that's what it means, Rina, you dodo bird. And to read goes, imagine not being able to take your own money out of your own account. No, it's not your own money when your assets are frozen. It's because you didn't pay people. That makes it their money.
Starting point is 00:24:44 You dodo bird. and she got and then I also thought yes You can't imagine that to read but she cut she recovered. She's like, ah it happened to me once when peak had a lawsuit against him And so Doreet still doing her whole like nothing's ever hardly anything's ever happened to us I mean peak I owed some money one time to somebody from someplace about something before I was even born. But that was so... So... ...that Pekini guy back. Have you paid that Pekini guy back yet?
Starting point is 00:25:12 That's my question. Yeah, I was about to say the same thing, which is that she's basically like, oh, but it was so small. I mean, this doesn't even compare to what's happened in here. It's so small and trivial. Maybe it's like it was an argument over a purchase of tick tax. So then they're talking about the lawyers asking for a medical evaluation of Tom and they're
Starting point is 00:25:30 talking about how Tom is held in contempt of court and they're just talking about this article, Mimal Erika's like getting out of a car at the Likin to hotel and Rina is saying the most disturbing part is that two million dollars that was supposed to go to the orphans and the victims of the plane crash didn't go to them. I don't know, it's even more disturbing. Scott, Jessica is dating Amelia. How are you dealing with that news?
Starting point is 00:26:00 Ha ha ha ha. The outside, Erica's dog, Thiago's just pooping. And she's like, I'm great now, I've got to clean that news. Then outside Erica's dog Tiago's just pooping and she's like, I'm great now I've got to clean that up. Let's go. So then we go back to the ladies and Kathy's like, well, I'll tell you this much, you can't believe everything you read. Okay. This could all be a gigantic, gigantic lie. And Crystal's like, yeah, I'm still on that side too. And crystal tells us, listen, $2 million seems like a lot of money, but to someone who's rich as fuck like Tom Gerardi, it's not very much. And he could just write a check and make that
Starting point is 00:26:34 all go away. So I'm not really sure what's going on. That's a good point, by the way. That's a really good point. So I know they're talking about Tom being mentally incompetent and everything and Which see here they go right before Tom comes up with his mental incompetency hogwash Erica brought it up the last time they shot, you know for the first time like Tom's losing it And here we go with his mental incompetency defense, which you know look. I'm sure he's 82 I mean listen I'm 45 and I just knocked a can of beans out. My dad's 68 you know I'm not completely saying that is out. I was about to start telling my dad's horrible
Starting point is 00:27:12 stuff which is terrible. Um, I like to edit. But um yeah it's not out of the realm of possibility but the timing is a little suspect guys. So we're gonna, out then calls up Erica. I was like, hi! Where it calls? I have the casino. I haven't. She showed me where it is. Get yourself over here, Missy. Get yourself over! Guys, I've talked to Erica. I've talked to Erica. I've talked to her. So then Kathy tells them guys today is the eclipse and it has not happened in 600 years and crystal goes I hate that stuff and Eclipses things that haven't happened in a long time. What is it that you're not liking here?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Crystal's just not liking moons being covered by sons or some shit. I don't know So then to read is like she facetimes Jackie and she's like, you know, I've always encouraged communication between me and my kids, but maybe there should be less communication in honesty. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Like I don't understand. I think they haven't really found anything for Doreet to do this season. And I don't know what this is. That's because Jagger complained. He said, you're lucky. You get to stand Palm Swings. I have to stand Bowing House. And she's like, oh, we've expressed communication, but now I don't think it's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Little complain, and Jane. And then Kathy is talking about the eclipse, still because she's Kathy. And she goes, come on, guys, let's see, eclipse. Didn't you notice it was getting windy today? Does Kathy think that the wind is blowing the moon over this time? That's yeah, I think that's what it is. It's a clip-driven wind.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap-and-scoomer show. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday's parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:29:49 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So then, um, Ethan Kyle's a cleaning-ing eggplant. And she's like, I feel very uncomfortable washing this eggplant. I like a cucumber. I like a nice size cucumber. I wonder what Scott does it has. He's sending my daughter. Well, so, set him in Crystal or Oprah
Starting point is 00:30:09 by the mini fridge being nice to each other, giving each other elbow bumps, because they can't hug. And Kyle sees him and she's like, that's all fun and games until you return a jacket. So Kyle's asking, did we get chopped onions anybody? And Kathy's like, you don't put onions And I don't know how I make my lasagna. She's like I don't want to need to my lasagna
Starting point is 00:30:31 And Kyle goes I'm famous for my lasagna Who just like after 13 seasons is the first summer hearing about it or however many seasons this is I'm famous guys I'm famous. There are two things. I'm three things I'm famous for. Being a little house in the prairie, being in Halloween, okay, four things. Also, my salmon and my lasagna, guys. My lasagna is the only lasagna that has bangs, okay? This is very special to me.
Starting point is 00:31:00 So, Kathy says, and why have I never had your lasagna? It's like, because you weren't talking to me for too many years. I mean, we see clips of all the years that Kathy wasn't talking to Kyle. It's like 2017. Kyle is doing American women. 2018.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Things are going so great, Andy. 2019. God, she really hates little else on the prairie, Abby. 2020. 2020, Kyle pilots her new lasagna recipe and immediately declares at her most famous thing ever You missed the cat that you missed it. I call it lasagna on the prairie I invented it when I was on break with George Clooney during ER It's funny to think because here I have this famous lasagna and when I was a kid on Little House in the Prairie,
Starting point is 00:31:47 I ate food also. So it's just funny the parallels in life, you know. Where do you want to talk about lasagna? It's not your story. I know. I go into a book of the Pepo monologue. And Kyle is, by the way, Kyle is still doing that thing, though, where even though Shane Kathy are, like, they are back to being sisters again, she's still is sort of like doing these confessional moments where she's implying she's sort of like,
Starting point is 00:32:16 guilty Kathy for icing her out. She's like, you know, it just, it seems like a shame to think about all the holidays that we spent apart and the lasagna as we could have had. It just a shame just a shame I'm like okay Kyle you're we see what you're doing you're trying to get we all we all love Kathy so if you're gonna try to turn us against Kathy it's not gonna work okay we're on team Kathy on this one so Erica drives up and the music is dramatic now and it's like very sad it's like like look, Erica's getting out of a car. She's like, look at me, I'm getting out of a car, poorly. And she comes up and then Rinna answers the door and
Starting point is 00:32:52 she's like, ah, she literally arches her back. She must have full back arch. her hands fully sanded. It was like she's about to be beamed into outer space. I'm so proud of you that you're here. It's my sad, that's my sad inhale. And so then all the girls come over and hug her and there's no music or anything. It's just everyone's just gathered around her and Eric is crying. And they're big sacrifice. They're big sacrificial hugs too because the whole thing is they're not supposed to be hugging because it's coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:33:31 But like Rina's like fucking up going in for a hug and then then to read comes up to give her hug. Rina goes, I hugged you. I went right in for a hug. I went and go to it. Go to it. I did it. I did it.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Just being so over the top about the hugging. And then Erica starts doing this finger sniff cry. Like, yes, did I get poop on the finger? She's doing this. Yeah, their finger. It's the weirdest thing. I'm not sure what it, maybe it's like to stop snott. I guess it would be to stop snott, right? But she doesn't, because there's still snott coming down everywhere. But there was like the biggest controversy on the internet this week was Erica seen last week when she was sobbing. And they're like, wait a minute, how come she wears sunglasses indoors? But then if she has a crying scene, she doesn't wear sunglasses outdoors. And then they were like, and look at her mascara. She never wears mascara that's not waterproof. And now she's got mascara straining better. I love this storyline
Starting point is 00:34:28 on the show. It's killing me. I'm loving all the conversation. I literally read thousands of comments this week about mascara and I've learned a lot about it. And Camille grammar weighed in and she was like, well, we went, we should we filmed together in the Bahamas and Yeah, we filmed together in the Bahamas. Yeah, and then, you know, she also wore mascara on the outside. She did a lot of smudge in the Bahamas. And so, you know, I think she's a big fat stupid lie face. She did a lie face. It's so upsetting.
Starting point is 00:34:57 But it's true. Did you come here to send out a tweet that was like, in the Bahamas, her makeup did not, was not affected by the water. And now all of a sudden, it's like all over her face. So that was, yeah, that was a, uh, in the Bahamas, her makeup did not, was not affected by the water. And now all of a sudden, it's like all over her face. So that was, yeah, that was a big smoking gun for a lot of people. I mean, it's a, it's a fair argument, you know, and then, and then one, yeah, I mean, I didn't even think of that.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And then, uh, one of the comments I read said, she's got something on her finger that she smells and makes her tear up. And I was like, is that such a thing? And then so I'm seeing this, her sniffing her finger. And I'm like, is that a real thing that she asked so I'm seeing this, her sniffing her finger. And I'm like, is that a real thing? Does she ask something on her finger? I mean, that's what that does. That does done to me, you guys.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I do remember, I feel like it was in high school. It was like, oh, put this stuff on your finger. It was supposed to be for like how to cry in a, I like on stage. It was like, there was something that you were supposed to sniff. And I don't know if Eric has done that. That seems like a really.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I know it seems like a stretch. I know I'm not like, I'm just saying I read it, you know, and what was the other thing? Here's the thing about fake crime. Why would she need to fake crime? I mean, I know that maybe she's got some, some issues, you know, with being cold or whatever, but she no matter what's real and what's fake, she is losing a shit ton of money.
Starting point is 00:36:05 I mean, she would think of anything that can make her cry for real. It would be that, you know? No, I mean, she's still like in the crosshairs of a federal case like that, that's real, that's a real thing that is terrifying, but it was funny because she was so melodramatic and I can't honestly even make fun of her for it because this is what I want from all my housewives are super melodramatic moments. And just her coming in just like,
Starting point is 00:36:29 oh, finger on my nose, cry. And just like, oh. It was so over the top. And it was honestly like, Leanne Lockin levels of melodrama. Like this was, she was like, how can I, how can I milk this? Let me watch some old Dallas episodes and learn from Lea Hadlock and because it was, it
Starting point is 00:36:49 was at that level. Yeah. And so she's like, everything I wake up and there's something to an end gun. It's all bad news all the time. I forget how beautiful this home is. The read how do you feel? It's just hilarious, because we know that that's gonna be in the last two seconds. She's like, fine, I'm sorry, I hope you're fine. Let me tell you, that's the least I'm concerned. So, anyone?
Starting point is 00:37:16 We're gonna talk about me again now. Yeah, it was really like, so you just had a very scary battle with COVID-19. The virus that is plaguing the entire globe and you thought, for a moment, you might have died. Okay, so you're okay, okay, great. Now let's talk back to me again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:34 So Rinne tells us, you know, you look at Eric and you think, wow, she's set for life, which I don't think anybody looked at Erica and thought, wow, she's set for life. I didn't think anybody looked at Erica and thought, wow, she set for life. I didn't. I looked at Erica and thought, wow, she set for possibly another couple of years. Didn't you? Just because I actually never thought about it, to be honest, I never thought like, wow, she set for life. I just thought she's.
Starting point is 00:37:57 I think this, I guess, I don't know. So Kathy's like, wow, there, there she is. Hello, Dorit, you look beautiful. I'm so glad you could make it. So Eric is like, well, that's rough today. I'll say the least. I mean what happened today in court. I'll just say it out loud. Feel free to jump in. Were you there? Were you at court? She goes, no, was in Chicago and why was it in Chicago? Because it's a federal case.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And so this is a this is a well, Tom, this episode in general is like the first hint we get of the lady, some satin, I guess, me like, hmm, you know, Tom, I always wanted them to come see me in Chicago, but I was not planning to be seen in Chicago if that makes sense. So then Kathy says, like, probably something that gets said a lot in certain circles in Beverly Hills. Have you talked to Robert Shapiro? It's very good. Oh, I know Bob.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Well, I know Bob. And Kathy's like, oh, well, you know him, but we're like family. You know, we absolutely love him because he was the one who helped get the murderer of one of our dear friends off the hook. He's a great man. Remember someone's like, hey, do you know, hey, do you want to call one of OJ's lawyers? That's, you know, you got to, you got to reevaluate your life. We were all so sad when OJ killed one of our dear, dear friends, but God, we love his legal team.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Mm-hmm. So let me see. So Sutton's like, Sutton asks if she's talking to Tom and she's like, absolutely not. What I left, I left, and that's it, and that's hard, because you know he's struggling, struggling in some ways I'm relieved because his attorney feels that he's not mentally well. And this is something that I have said.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Like you said it last week. Yeah. Why are we acting like you've been saying this the whole time, like something's wrong with Tom. You said it last week. Okay. Like two days before this was claimed in court. Did you ever realize that Erica and Tom's marriage lasted longer than Ramona and Marios? Wow. Feels weird, right?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Doesn't feel like it doesn't. That feels weird. So, um, uh, yeah. So yeah, she's saying this stuff about how he's not meant to live well and I tried to tell people and I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried. I'm just, I'm getting dragged into all of this right now. I'm just getting dragged into it. And so then she, now her story is, you know, what I was, what I was seeing and experiencing
Starting point is 00:40:39 and hearing with Tom, I was right about it this whole time. Tom was changing. And, you know, this was over a long period of time. Tom was changing. And you know, this was over a long period of time. And when you're slowly watching someone in Ravel, that's a really hard thing to do. So now she's making it that she left kind of because of that, because she says later, and he got really mean and stuff. But now it's like, she needs to be careful how she's changing all these narratives, because now you're saying like, oh, he was getting sick and he was getting mental problem So I left him which doesn't really help you either. I think she has credibility issues right now because
Starting point is 00:41:12 She did spend so much time talking about how great their marriage was and how like people don't understand it but it works and yada yada yada and We even see later on which we'll get into about this car accident and which actually was on the show. And it was just at the time downplayed it was just like a little fender bender and you broke his ankle and it turns out it's this whole big thing.
Starting point is 00:41:33 And so like the fact that it's like, oh by the way, everything you've always thought you knew about our relationship because I never really let you into my life. Now I'm actually gonna tell you the truth and this is what it really is. So everything that you thought was sort of wrong and again like I said last week I do truly believe that no there are people who are in relationships that are bad and
Starting point is 00:41:54 They don't know how to get out of them and they do lie to the world around them because Maybe it's some way of trying to like convince themselves that everything is good I feel like it is a relationship. complicated like that, so I get that. But I still think that ultimately, she has a credibility issue now. And so that's why whenever she says all these things we're kind of like, I don't know, like maybe it's the truth that seems convincing,
Starting point is 00:42:17 but maybe not because guess what? She just spent five years saying her marriage was one thing and now she's saying, oh, by the way, it wasn't that at all. So like how are we supposed to know what to believe from her? Even if even if that line came from a understandable place. Yeah, so then to read of course take so ver. She's like when PK went through his legal woos I was dragged. My name was smeared and that was not part of it at all. I mean, not only did I, I was like bikinis. I just wrote bikinis, pay for your bikinis. Who would have thought that there'd be such a, such a to-do over me not paying for some person's yogurt? Because that's really all it was. About $5 worth.
Starting point is 00:42:56 It was so small, small, small insignificant. Anyway, back onto your story, Erika. So Erika's like, yeah, this guy's been in business since I was before I was born in 71. They're not accusing you of, oh my god, it's like every week. This is going to be the next 20 weeks of our lives, by the way. So I don't need to go into it again. Okay, so to reach, like, yeah, I don't think he married Eric up for her accounting skills. Right. So Kathy says, well, marriage is based in trust, you know, my husband comes in and says,
Starting point is 00:43:24 here, sign at the bottom of these 50 papers Let me what am I supposed to do go over every little thing? I just sign him because I trust him. Yeah, you're supposed to read it You're supposed to read the contracts that you sign because God knows what Rick helped us doing, you know I don't know if he's a bad person or not, but he's a gazillionaire So there's has to be something to read the papers that you signed. Yes, read them. What's like I say, marriage is built in trust. You marry a guy and you get a trust. That's how it works. So Erica's like, yeah, and when you enter into a marriage like I did, the power balance is just so out of what stop complaining about the power balance. You married someone. You
Starting point is 00:44:01 married a gazillionaire when you were a waitress at a state place. Okay. And so Erica's like, well, first I'm a bimbo gold digger, trophy wife. And now all of a sudden, I'm a financial mastermind who planned everything, which I don't think is the accusation that you're a mastermind plan. I think your point remains though, which is that like the power balance of that relationship, yes, I believe that that's true, that that is the situation. But the situation you actually willingly walked into and were part of, because maybe you'd love the guy at a certain point, but also it was clear that he was treating you badly for several years.
Starting point is 00:44:44 And you were in it because, you know, like I mean, it was like a deal with the devil, right? So it's kind of like, you made this deal with the devil, so that's what happens. Unfortunately. So Erica's like, when you're on for half, you're half, you know, they're okay, and they're just doing it to fuck with you.
Starting point is 00:44:59 It's like, no, they're doing it because there's 20, tens of millions of dollars. We're in bad's level. They're're doing it because there's 20, there's millions, tens of millions of dollars. We're in bezel. They're not doing it to fuck with you. They're trying to get their money. Businesses under your name that you signed for. That's why they're doing, they're not doing it to fuck with you. So Kyle is in the kitchen cooking and she's like, wow, I mean, she said he won't even listen
Starting point is 00:45:20 to her, you know, I mean, it's almost like a dad daughter. Like, you know, he would say, excuse me, I'm talking. And then they showed this clip of that time where he was saying something to Vanderpump and then Erica's like, yeah, no shit. And goes, excuse me, Erica, I'm talking. Yeah, that was rough, but she also just jumped in with a big no shit in the middle of a sentence. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:42 This shows making me crazy. This show's going to put me under. I switch slides every two seconds. I think it was a rough moment. That was, uh, if it's a one off, it's no big deal. But if that's like the, the constant dynamic, it's not all the time. I'm sure it's all sure he was like that constant. Well, it's also, yeah, I mean, it's also funny because in the previews for next week, and I think she even said it. At some point, she says like, get broke and old and watch your friends disappear.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And it's like, oh, so you're mad at your friends for disappearing when you don't have money. But why did you stick with Tom all that time? You know what I'm saying? Like why, like, you stay with Tom because even though the relationship had sort of like, run its course, he was funding your career, giving you an amazing lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:46:27 I mean, I'm not making your nestles in that. You want to lose your eye for the money. Yeah, you want to lose your husband, let him lose his money, you know? Yeah, just saying that like it's like, she's getting mad at other people because she feels like now that she doesn't have any money, they're not hanging out anymore. But it's like you were in it for the money to though
Starting point is 00:46:48 Yeah, so then Kyle is saying how he was so controlling and then back to the lady's sentence like well has your house And it's like well, we got a little tree. We put some guy on the Back to her back to her making it sound like she lives in the slums of London well well we're a little negotiation with the power company that said that give us two hours of electricity on christmas eve just because we could sell it right and i got candle and i put out a little piece of cheese for the mouse in the wall
Starting point is 00:47:20 that gets to be a nice not Christmas yeah and certain side well my bad shot himself two days before Christmas. You wanna talk sucky? Like, oh my God. So I'm like, she's like, I need to be, she's like, I need to one up this so badly. I've been waiting to.
Starting point is 00:47:37 God. And Erica goes, oh yeah, what did your mom say about that? She was, oh, she was pissed. And then we see a scene from last year that we didn't really see, right? Was this un-sing footage? Because I don't remember meeting the Reba. Reba. So she's, she's saying, mama, I just wish you came to my opening. I mean, don't you miss dad? Don't you miss him? I mean, even the logo is done and it's riding mother. And Reba's like, you can't expect me to feel about him like you do. It was my marriage and riding mother. And Reba's like, you can't expect me to feel about him
Starting point is 00:48:05 like you do. It was my marriage and my relationship. And it was different than your son. And she goes, but he would be nice to know that you miss him. She goes, I don't miss him. I don't miss him. I mean, it was one of the greatest Tennessee Williams plays that never made it to stage, basically, is something soft. Yeah. It's also Tennessee Williams. And Erica goes, well, that's more tragic than my story. I mean, I guess it just all sucks, doesn't it? And she's like, yeah, but look, the point is, I'm here. I am here. I have persevered. And regular Cynthia Rivo. Yeah. And so then we go to Kathy and Kyle cooking. And Kyle is talking about how she's always going to be the baby sister
Starting point is 00:48:52 because Kathy is just standing over her, telling her she's doing everything wrong. Like, don't do it across to it this way. You're doing it wrong, Kyle. Kyle, I bet you're one of those people whose chair goes all the way back in their car. You're doing it wrong, Kyle. You're probably one of those people that drives their own car. You're doing it wrong, Kyle. What is this? Basil.
Starting point is 00:49:12 No, it's a riggingo. Do you want to put some in the sauce? No, I was the only one who was surprised, like, Kathy knew the difference between basil and a riggingo. I'm always so surprised when she knows sort of like normal things, like things that involve cooking that I feel like she doesn't do, you know, like even her talking about how it's like bread. I'm like, do you know what bread is Kathy? Yeah, she doesn't have to do it to boss somebody. You have to know it at least enough to boss somebody around to do it. Right. Yeah. So then she finds some stale bread that Mauricio had left out like last week when they were at the house. that Mauricio had left out like last week when they were at the house. And Kathy is like trying to cut it because she wants to serve this rock hard sale bread. And Kyle's like, Kathy, you can't serve that. It is so hard. And Kathy just starts like clacking them together like little castenettes or something. She's like, and like, you know, Kyle's like cracking up and everything. And Kathy's
Starting point is 00:50:02 like, it's always so good to laugh, but she still puts the stale ass bread out in the basket for the ladies But she knew no one's no one's gonna actually ever eat even if it was the freshest bread in the world. No one's gonna touch it Yeah, so Kyle said she guess I'm going through all this work, but nobody's if you're gonna eat this So then Rina comes out in her Maxine from shoe box greetings at a holiday party jumpsuit like that. Yeah, gold glitter jumpsuit thing and Erica's like Why not you gotta wear this shit somewhere Sometimes I like to pretend I'm in posi-tano. Yes So then we see Kathy trying to take her suitcase upstairs and she's just like going one step at a time stopping
Starting point is 00:50:44 Then literally going one step at a time, stopping, then lifting it and going one step at a time, stop. Oh, and by the way, it's an enormous staircase. It's like super wide. It's like this huge staircase. She's like, oh, I'm getting hot. Oh, oh dear, she's like on the third step. Oh. And Daryl, it's like, you can't lift that cup,
Starting point is 00:51:03 and let me do it. So she does it for her and Kathy's like kind of doing that thing where you're touching the suitcase so you can pretend you're helping. Like, look, look at me. I've got my hands on the Ouija board too. The spirits are coming through me too. I've got it, Kathy. And she is normally, I'd let anyone else carry their own, but she's Kathy. She's way richer than anyone here. She's like, if I want to get invited on to Kathy's yacht,
Starting point is 00:51:27 I am going to haul up the suitcase. And then she even goes so far as to fan her down. She's like, because of course Kathy has her proper fan and to reach us like, picks it up and Kathy just like holds herself out there like she's getting a spray tan and to reach us take the fan and she's like, there you go. There you go. Cool down. go cool down in a cafe cool down So then Erica goes outside with Rina and she looks at the table and she goes wow a lemon for a paperweight. Oh look That's a golf course Yeah, and look it's a hot tub. It's a hot tub. We're just like fellman Louise
Starting point is 00:52:03 Remember how fellman Louise could go around just pointing at things and saying what they are. I love that movie. I'm just there always. I was always I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, no, you go. They're always calling themselves Thelman Louise on Erica's birthday. Renna posted. Hi, happy birthday, Thelma. And I was like, you know how that movie ended right? That movie was about them running from the law until they die at the end. Also, I actually never saw Thelma and Louise, but don't they also kill someone in the beginning?
Starting point is 00:52:32 Yeah. Brad Pitt. Yeah. Also, like, if you're trying to prove your innocence on TV, like don't equate yourself to being like, okay, all right, okay, instead of them, Louise, body and Clyde. But I'm surprised Rina has not like pitched just like her version of I spy. She's like, I spy, something green. A tree? Yes. Just for her getting excited about seeing things. And so Erica tells the story about the pool. She's like oh, they're
Starting point is 00:53:06 pool is eating well, I turned on my pool at our house and you know, I never saw the bill, but it was on all the time. 20 years never used it, but then this new house I turned the pool on for a couple of days and I saw the bill and I Immediately turned it off. Yeah, it's hard when you're, you know, when you're living in a tiny, tiny little shack with a heated pool. I actually like this. I like this is the side of Eric. I'm really enjoying of her learning what things cost. That's fun to me. So then now the moment that I made me so happy, Kyle knocking over all her spice jars.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Oh my God, Kathy. It's like spice jars falling everywhere. And Kathy's like, what are you doing? And why do you laugh at everything? You laugh at everything. Kathy. She's like things are toppling everywhere. Kathy's like, do you have a dustbuster? She's like, what toppling everywhere. Kathy's like, do you have a dust buster?
Starting point is 00:54:06 She's like, what is this 1975, Gabby? And then she drops, then there's glass everywhere, you know. So Kathy takes the barbecue scrubber and starts like scrubbing the floor. To what end, I'm not sure where, but she starts. She's like, I guess maybe she thinks that she can scrub the glass into the tile or something. By the way, like, I don't like Kyle shaming dustbusters because I totally wanna get a dustbuster. I have one.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Well, it's not a dustbuster brand, dustbusters. That's a real tongue twist, right, Nate? Dustbusters, dustbusters, dustbusters. Who you gonna call? Dustbusters. So I have like a vacuum that you unhook it and you can have a little different attachments. I walk around with that thing everywhere. Yeah, I actually have a, I have a, I actually have
Starting point is 00:54:50 three different vacuums randomly that I've sort of collected over the years. Um, and one of them is a stick vacuum that has, um, you can remove like the core of it and it becomes a dustbuster. And I love it. But now it's like losing its charge a lot. So I kind of want to get like a proper like dust buster dust. But like one that's like whole purpose of life is not. Yeah, I want something that's like not just like something that lives inside a stick vacuum. I want it to be a whole like it's whole purpose
Starting point is 00:55:19 is to be a dust buster. That's what I want. A single purpose, a single purpose appliance. Sounds great. Great idea. I wish I thought of this on Amazon Prime Day. Yeah. He later. Well, maybe you can wait a year. So Eric is like, I like to sleep, which you know, it's huge, huge information with you watch Erica for a few years. Sweet things under the rug, if you will. So then Kyle dropped something else.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And then it's time for Luzon, and Kathy's like, oh, I'm telling you, Carl, this is Moshe right now. And she's like, um, it's Moshe because it just came out of the oven, Kathy, but it's Moshe. It just came out of the oven, Gabby. And then, and the table is like a very normal table setting as in like, what everyone would do at home if they didn't have guests And she's like, this is the most unattractive table I've ever done. Kyle's plans to do some sort of like lifestyle entertaining with Kyle Richards book as backfiring it just backfire so amazingly like no like a like a shitty-ass table setting People calling her lasagna messy knocking over spices, she doesn't have the chopped onions
Starting point is 00:56:25 for whatever she's gonna use the chopped onions for. It's just great to watch her big plans fall apart. And then on top of everything else, like her biggest nightmare is this. Her daughter, Texter, and says, Drake follows Lisa Rina up your game. Like that is the nightmare for Kyle. And Rina's like, wow, I didn't even know he was following me.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I mean, his name is champagne papi Oh It's poppy oh no poppy champagne poppy poppy poppy right? How are you champagne papi? So Kathy's like wow guys guess what? It's an eclipse night. And this has not happened in 600 years. Have you seen the wind? That wind is going to put it right over the moon. And I was like, yeah, it's a new moon. So let's just get rid of toxic energy and man of fast.
Starting point is 00:57:18 And they all she goes, I have a candle. And so we're going to put that toxic energy there and blow it out. She just pushes it right at Erica. They just push it Don't plug her toxic energy onto my table by the way Like like blow it away from the table Get some toxic energy girl. Yeah, I said Erica's just like well, I'll do whatever it takes if it means blowing out of candle What Lord knows I blow it enough things to get ahead in life. So she give me a prayer circle, a ludicrous eclipse, anything, just not confession.
Starting point is 00:57:47 All right, that's where I draw the line. I'm not confessing shit. Good. To quote Michael Bluth in a rest development, you've got to sometimes think about the words you say. Do you have a hear, do you just play a tape recorder and listen back the words you say? I know what you meant.
Starting point is 00:58:04 So Eric goes like, you guys, you know, thanks for being my friends. I appreciate you being kind word. And I know that we'll eventually talk about this stuff. And Kyle goes, oh, yeah. Can I ask? Can I ask me what happens with Erica Jane? As someone who seen you sob, I'd really like to know this.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Thank you. Well, it's an expensive business. And I let go of my office. I turned the like to know this. Thank you. Yeah. Well, it's an expensive business. And I let go of my office. I turned the key to the key. Cliff Clawin was sitting right there with one final beer, the tear sliding back place. And then someone tried to come in and I said, sorry, we're closed.
Starting point is 00:58:42 How did she miss the opportunity to say it when she said, well, it's an expensive business? How do you miss the opportunity to say when she said, well, it's an expensive business. How do you miss the opportunity to say it's expensive to be me? Well, she's slipping. Who would have thought? Erica. You turned the key. That was a big moment for you.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Big huge huge woman, Erica. And crowd's like, I'm so just to get this straight. Now you're going to be solely responsible for yourself. Why does she need to cry again? Could you leave her alone? It's like Carl is so desperate to just get this woman to sob every scene she's on. Carl just breaks that like semantical in cards. Okay, this one is from Feyr, from Beverly Hills, and she asks, so you're not gonna have any help from him going forward?
Starting point is 00:59:27 No. All right. Thanks. Okay. Help. So you're not just poor. You're going to be poor, poor. Wait, we need to have a clarification. When we say no help, meaning no help from him, or you're not going to have a household staff, we just need to clarify that.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Not only above, thank you. So to read, it well already, yes, you not to have spasms support. And Kathy says, the richest men in the world take back the jewelry. Yeah, that's how cheap they are. Yeah. And um, sounds like, well, maybe he just like, maybe with everything going on, he'll just like, you know, want to do the divorce and get, you know, sort of like get it over with that way He can focus on the main thing. It's like Sutton In what world is Tom Gerardi going to cut the ties with someone who could share the liability of these losses There's no way he's gonna let this divorce and right now. He's gonna try to pin so much on to Erica. It's crazy
Starting point is 01:00:20 She's like, well, I don't Erica says I don't even know if there's anything to get and Carl says meaning now this means Um, you're extremely poor like he doesn't have anything left and she says well, they froze everything Kyle I'm like, he should turn in his bar card and stop practicing if yes, but it's time. He's that well It's gotta stop So are you saying he has a drinking problem? He goes to a bar so much they gave him a card. Is that what you're saying? No, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:00:48 It's how you practice law. Oh, got it. Got it. Think. Do you want to go in the back room and maybe cry privately for me? And I can tell everyone about it. No, Kyle. We only did that.
Starting point is 01:00:57 So Erica tells us that Tom's, you know, biggest thing in life is best identity was being a lawyer that's all he cared about. And the last few years when she noticed him declining that he held on even tighter. And he was afraid and he was mad and he was really mean. Mean as far. And she says before, before that happened, he'd be like, honey, let me explain. Let me explain this to you. And then all of a sudden it became, I'm talking, Erica. I was like, okay, but now you're saying that he's been sweet to you and kind to you,
Starting point is 01:01:30 this whole marriage, until he started a mental decline. And that's when he became mean. And then you left him right when he came down with, you know, so signs of Alzheimer's. Yeah. And that, like, what are you trying to portray here? You're not winning either of these scenarios. Yes, and that I'm talking Erica clip was from like four or five years ago So it's like it's been some time
Starting point is 01:01:52 This is why again she has credibility issues and we're like I don't know things just sometimes don't add up You know like I you know me. I'm always trying to give like not always other certain people But like sometimes I'm trying to give people a benefit of the doubt. Like, maybe she had a hard time leaving this relationship, but I don't know. So then Crystal talks about how her dad had Alzheimer's, which is very, very sad. And then Kyle starts saying something,
Starting point is 01:02:19 which I believe Kyle knew this entire story, but she wants to put it out on air. So she goes, oh, in Erica, like, he couldn't even drive to work for a long time right because he had a car accident right didn't you have a car accident where he only broke his ankle and that's the only thing that happened to America isn't that right Erica? And something's like so that's when you started seeing this stuff going down right with his mental decline and Kyle goes oh I just got that. Oh so Erica's like yeah well I told you all he got the car accident but I didn't Oh, I just got that. Oh.
Starting point is 01:02:45 So Erica's like, yeah, well, I told you all he got the car accident, but I didn't tell you the rest. They're like, don't, don't, don't. And then we see a clip of Erica telling Kyle, yeah, he got the car accident. He's fine. He's fine. I mean, there was an accident, but he's fine. Well, it's big.
Starting point is 01:03:03 It's baby on the planet now. Ha, ha, ha, ha. And then Kyle saying, Well, it's big as baby in the planet now. And then Kyle sang out and it never came up again. And she, she says, yeah, he crashed and broke his ankle right. She's, well, he was unconscious for 12 hours, but no one knows that part. I found him. And they're like, what? And Rinna says, wow, well, it's unbelievable because at that time I thought, he's gonna be fine, but this this is so different. So she says he had a head injury, He had his head incapacitated people, head and g head injury,
Starting point is 01:03:36 he broke his shoulder and then he drove off a cliff, and then he ran over his toe, then he swallowed a linseed on accident, started himself on fire, and then fell that a car, fell that a cliff. He wound up in a strange place with a checkerboard floor on red curtains, and a tree was talking to him, and a little man came up to him, and saw how the singing backwards. And next he got to know he came back and was holding the log and I said well you're big job and he said my name's Bob now. It's like Erica you're doing Twin Beaks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:11 So there's something's like wow geez that's a lot Erica and he's like yeah he was well here's what happened okay he was down the hill and it's a road down from our house a switch back you know what that is? All right. So follow my fingers, a guy somehow this man is lived there 30 years plus and he drives up behind the house. He takes a turn, but ends up here. Then he tumbles out of the car. He's tumbling, tumbling, tumbling. It's sudden tells us the story is confusing. So was he thrown out of the car? Was he not thrown out of the car? Was the car totalled? What is going on? And then we cut back to Erica going, all right, out of the car. The cars all fired. They're the big bird blue oil, but grabbed him by the ear and lifted him up a cliff. And I thought, great, he's fine. He's back up the cliff. Thanks big bird. Then he's hit by an
Starting point is 01:04:57 Amazon delivery truck, falls back down the hill, tumbles and tumbles down till he hits the bumper of the car, bounces off of that, into the next neighborhood, where his head makes a basket and the kids basket ball hoop. And I said, you got two points, Tom, you got two points, Tom. And for 12 hours, I had no idea where he was until I was climbed up to that big old castle on the top of the hill, and there he was, and his hands were replaced with scissors, and I couldn't believe it, and I knew I would what a bed would have to be swapped out Tom of Gerradi hands
Starting point is 01:05:33 The good news is he's been on my glam team ever since didn't you like my new asymmetric hairstyle? Okay, so everyone's kind of trying to follow this but like what the fuck and so she then she switches again She she adds like a backrode herself. Yeah, she enters a new element, which is he finally calls her and she says And they're all shocked and Doree gives her most like She gives the look at she Doree gives the look that she gives PK when he he finds her secret stash of potato chips PK the no potato chips that you cannot sniff out The first time PK held a held a stock of celery It was the look that
Starting point is 01:06:22 This is the look that she's wearing. First on the celery. I'm not even gonna add onto that. So she shocked and everyone's so shocked. Now this is the time, in case anybody's like trying to get this timeline in with real life, what was happening. So this was the time when Erica was being accused of this whole thing being ashamed.
Starting point is 01:06:40 This divorce being ashamed to hide assets. So Erica came back and said, no, it's not a sham. Here's proof. He was cheating on me with this slut, this judge slut. Yeah. And she posted all these screenshots of this affair that Tom has been having. But then people were like, uh, that's from 2011.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Like, you can see the... I don't know if you could see the timestamp on the taxor. There was something at the time that was proof of these taxes like Erica This is like from a long time ago. She's trying to make it sound recent and so she took those down Almost immediately. So that's that's where this is coming from this defense Yeah, I just am laughing because the way she described this whole thing with the road and the switchback and the top of the hill and everything It really is like those old movies, right, where there's some, it's like, or like death
Starting point is 01:07:28 becomes her, but the death becomes her's playing off those trips where there's like someone driving on like a, on some windy road and the brakes go out and someone crashes, it just feels very cinematic like that, et cetera. So anyway, if it was something, if it was something that I would believe, or I would take his truth, it wouldn't be so crazy. And all over the place, it would just be, yeah, he got, the wreck was worse than I said, he actually hit his head and got a head injury. And, you know, it was sad. But in fact, then he went around the thing and down a hill, he was in a clad for wandering the dance of for 30 days. Like Jesus, so I hear. And man,
Starting point is 01:08:06 and then he wound up at like, at like his father-in-law's house and did a shot of whiskey, did five shots of whiskey because he was so rattled by the car accident. And then like, so what, okay, so what, so what, okay. It's bad when you're pulling like a story
Starting point is 01:08:19 that sounds like it could come from Georgia Dice. Yeah. But yeah, it is weird. I didn't understand like he was knocked out for 12 hours, but then like she found him with no one, like weren't people wondering where he was for 12 hours? Or like how do you survive being knocked out? I'm so confused by the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I'm just following. I'm just trying to follow it as everything she's trying to enter onto the public record, right? So Tom's been mentally declining. Tom's car accident was way worse and he got ahead entry. Yeah. And in case you think this is a sham, he was also cheating on me. It's like a bunch of stuff she's trying to keep up with in real time as there she is. It's what it sounds like to me because you know, my ass was back there reading every single thing when this was happening around Christmas time. I was just like in bed loving every
Starting point is 01:09:02 second of it, like a sicko. And I get what a vulture, I sound like I get it. But you know what? I am who I am. That's it. So anyway, so Rinna says, no idea what I've been going through. No idea what I've been living through. And Kyle's like, well, you know, it's not the first time I've heard that for sure. Kyle, you're Kyle has never been so happy to say something. She's not the first of my friends. She's been wanting to say that she's heard that Tom has been cheating on the record on the show for years. And she was she jumped at the ability to say that she was so excited. It's not the first time I heard that. Well, I don't think she was saying she heard him cheating. She was saying she's it's not the first time she's heard that some old man has some hot wife. And he's the one who's cheating. You was saying she's it's not the first time she's heard that some old man
Starting point is 01:09:45 has some hot wife and he's the one who's cheating, you know, that's what I think that she'd heard talk rumors about Tom and I think that she'd kept her mouth quiet because she, I mean, she jumped in with that line so excitedly to be like, oh, good, we can finally talk about this. Thank God. Yeah. And Kyle's like, well, you know, I don't get it. You have a trophy wife, treat her like a trophy. And Erica says, well, I haven cause like well you know, I don't get it you have a trophy wife treat her like a trophy and Ericka says well, I haven't gone through his phone or his papers or anything But after Yolanda divorced David I opened up that phone and I said okay And there it was all the evidence text messages pictures. I feel like it was years long years long
Starting point is 01:10:23 and I knew it was a lot because he was sloppy. I mean, there was a text message saying, hey, I'm shooting a movie up in Northern California. Why don't you stay with me? We can have sex. Just don't tell Aaron. How about that, right? So Kyle's like, well, why didn't you leave? And she says, where am I going? Where am I going? And Kathy's like, yeah, well, that's the way she was made to feel. Like she couldn't go anywhere without him.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And she said, yeah, he told me straight up, this is my house, so where am I going? Mm-hmm. This was a, you'll only love David a long time ago. It was a long time ago. And again, like I've said a million times, people sometimes they don't get our relationships as quickly as they should.
Starting point is 01:11:14 But I don't know, I believe that there was probably a part of it that she was afraid that if she left, it would become a media circus and she didn't want media circus because she was trying to have her career. I mean, she was still in it. I mean, all signs pointed that she was in it
Starting point is 01:11:29 still despite the fact that he was cheating, despite the fact that he was treating her like shit, she stayed partially because it was her career. She stayed for that stuff, right? And now it's actually bit her in the ass way worse than if she had just left four or five years ago. Yeah, and Carl's like, well, I can speak to your character because you're a good person. I mean, listen, I best friends with Fey Resnick. If anyone can speak to someone's character,
Starting point is 01:11:56 it's me. Yeah. And, and let me tell you something about character. Okay. The person who defended And let me tell you something about character, okay? The person who defended the person who killed Faye Resnick's best friend is a dear friend of mine, okay? So I know about character. Yeah, so then Eric is like, well, thank you everyone. I will be okay, but I'm just not okay right now. And so it's like, who wants pink cake cake? Who wants pink cake cake? Who wants pink cake cake? Who wants
Starting point is 01:12:25 that? Pink cake cake? The most important question they ever said. Pink cake cake. She's like, I cannot deal with all this, this chatter right now. She's like, that switchback was too much for me. So then they all start Kyle, then races into hug error. I'm like, I love you. And then Rina is like, I love you too. And Sutton, basically says this divorce is like part horror movie, part film, and it's a movie. I wouldn't want a stone role. And that's for sure. So Rinna is like, well, listen, I'm measuring my days in who has COVID, how's Eric at doing? And it's my daughter still dating Scott Dissick. Oh my god, I haven't said his name enough
Starting point is 01:13:06 So let me tell you this funny anecdote To happen this morning in my kitchen Harry Amlin who's also very famous Harry Amlin married to him He comes in and he says hey, how did Scott does it getting to our family? Oh, God so good to know that we're all going through traumas at the same time. Oh, gosh. And so they basically, Kyle's like, oh, so she still was Scott, huh? She's like, yes, Scott, Scott, I'm not sure of the level though. I think it's more of a friendship.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah, a friendship. And Erica goes, yeah, right. And she starts doing the blow job. Yeah. The blow job base. And that's actually where it ends. A friendship and Erica goes yeah right she starts doing the blowjob And that's actually where it ends so The the mystery continues to unravel and then we get the midseason trailer which actually looks great I'm not gonna worry. That was the best part of the episode I think the first time in the history of Bravo that the midseason Beverly Hills trailer actually look better than the midseason New York trailer shocking. I think that one looked pretty good too. That one looks good to me.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Listen, you know, I'm a New York apologist. I have not given up on the season. I still am enjoying New York, but I was not totally blown away by the New York midseason trailer, but I don't have to be because I'm just I'm entertained by those ladies, even if they do nothing. But the Beverly Hills trailer looks awesome. And I'm this it's so exciting toem, tamed by those ladies, even if they do nothing. But the Beverly Hills trailer looks awesome, and I'm, it's so exciting to have a really fun app, fun season of Beverly Hills going on, right? Yeah. All right, everybody, thanks so much for being with us.
Starting point is 01:14:34 We will talk to you next time. Bye, everyone. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Suboney, she don't take no baloney. Dana C, Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-us. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's always supplying.
Starting point is 01:15:06 It's Kelly Ryan. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the bug. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Always the wiser. It's Allison Weisler. Somebody get us 10 cc's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We will, we will. Joanna Rocklandu. My favorite Murto. Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender the incredible edible Matthew sisters No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. She's cheese on a bagel. It's Megan Ragle Mina kuchi kuchi kuchi give him hell miss Noelle Shannon out of a cannon Anthony Let's get racing with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.
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