Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Shaken, Not Stirred

Episode Date: June 3, 2021

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Tahoe trip continues to crumble for Sutton. First she tries to defend her whole "color blind" thing to mediocre effect. And then she finds herself on the ...outside of — but not the butt of — a set of pranks at dinner. It's all a hilarious showcase of her neuroses. Plus, Kathy Hilton continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. Why did Bravo keep her from us all these years?Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's what happens
Starting point is 00:00:31 Who's what happens Who's what happens Watch what happens Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much Who's what happens Who's what happens Who cares what happens when they're so happy? What happens when they're so happy? What happens when they're so happy? Kids, what happens when they're so happy?
Starting point is 00:00:50 What happens when they're so happy? Hello and welcome to Watch For Crappins, a podcast about all their crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker joining me is my favorite. He's my work husband. It's Ronnie Caram. What's going on, Ronnie? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:01:10 How are you? I'm good just recovering from the three martinis. I just chugged before the podcast. Oh, Beverly Hills. Yeah. How are you doing? I'm doing good. I'm actually looking at DoorDash right now. Thinking of what I can eat later. It's not terrible. Like, hello, you're you're at work. Maybe you shouldn't look at DoorDash, but I keep looking at it thinking, wow, maybe there's going to be something else, you know? I keep seeing this pasta plate and this fried chicken plate covered, covered it is chicken fried chicken covered in gravy and all this stuff on here It's like I don't know how to explain it's kind of just my thing to swipe through it's like oh there's a pizza from odd pizza God, I love that place. All right, let's get to work, man
Starting point is 00:01:57 Well, I also'm thinking about what I'm gonna eat after this and this is purely coincidental to yesterday's Roni recap, but I do have some curry. So I think that's going to be my my little lunch for today. I'm excited. So I say good. Yeah, I think just looking through like food to order is my safe space, you know, it's another racially charged episode of housewives. And you know, I think I'm just looking for safety foods. Yeah. Or when it's all over.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Well, let's jump into it. So the episode opens up of Beverly Hills we're talking about with Chris Old basically saying, like, are you that girl? Are you, please tell me you're not that girl who says she doesn't see color. So, Sutton goes, are you serious right with me right girl? Are you, please tell me you're not that girl who says she doesn't see color. So, Sutton goes, are you serious right with me right now?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Are you serious? I really don't see color. I don't see race. I don't do it. I just see in front of me. I see one woman who used to have bangs and one woman who I really don't like her fashion. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I don't even know what race is you are. So, tell me right now, are you that girl? You don't see color. It's like, I really do not see color. I do not. Let me listen, I crashed my first Range Rover because I did not know the color of the light. OK, I saw that there was a light there.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Could not see the color. Crash it right into the middle of the intersection. OK. Do you know how confused I I was the first time I heard the song somewhere over the rainbow I was like what's a rainbow and they're like it's nothing with all those colors I was like oh you mean that that arc of just of of grain is I mean why isn't this called somewhere over that stripe in the sky you know you know You know when I watch sports with people and people I'm like which team is wish and they're like well that the home teams We're in blue and the visiting teams were in green. I'm like how can you tell the difference?
Starting point is 00:03:58 There are literal dogs that could pick out skittles better than me. Okay. I do not see color Taste the rainbow more like taste the generic pattern that could pick out skittles better than me. Okay, I do not see color. Taste the rainbow, more like taste the generic pattern. So then we just get the bravosts. And crystals just like, hmm, she's like rubbing her chin and the thinking man pose like, how exactly do I need to go about this right now? It's like 12.45 at night.
Starting point is 00:04:24 We're on vacation. How far do I need to go about this right now? It's like 12.45 at night. We're on vacation. How far do I need to go with this? So she tells us, listen, I see color because it was part of who I am, you know? And a white person who tells you they don't see color. I mean, that's just brushing it under the rug. And suddenly my question is, why is crystal dress like a little girl Christmas
Starting point is 00:04:42 in her diary? It's freaking me out at this point. Okay. Like, is it Christmas Eve? Why are you dressed like that? There's a lot of strange looks going on with this cast, to be honest. Like, Sun's Geese kissing, you know, across her bosom.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yes. So then, since Sun goes, the word racist is like a virus worse than COVID. And I can't, I can't, I can't even get into this upset. I mean, I can't. I'm like, you know what's worse than the word racism? Racism, that's what's even worse. Yeah, and she's like, you know that Sutton's not dramatic at all
Starting point is 00:05:17 because when she says, I can't. She takes her finger and slits her throat. She's like, I can't do it. I can't do this anymore. It, to even get into this Upsits me and Carl's like, um, that's all I feel too like literally like I've laid in bed at night thinking about my Conversation with Garcelle and something's like, well listen, you were intended to hurt Garcelle as a person not as a rice Yeah, this you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:45 This is for real. So sorry, I can't really upset about this. And I just get emotional. Oh my goodness, I just wanna lay down on this generic gray surface. I don't even know what color it is. I don't even see color of the surface. You know, Shintra's list didn't even make sense to me
Starting point is 00:06:04 because I couldn't tell what color her ribbon was. Okay, I couldn't even see a different colored flower in that film. I honestly, I didn't even realize there was like a difference in film. I thought film has always been this way. I didn't realize. I thought after talkies came around, that was the last big thing that happened in film. No idea. I mean, for the longest time, I thought the best film in color that I'd ever seen was St. Buck Willie.
Starting point is 00:06:30 You know, I just can't deal with this left mouth around. Let me tell you something. I have never been more disappointed than when I bought ticket to Joseph in the amazing tentacle of dream coat. I was like, where is it? Where is this coat that I'm supposed to see? Now, you know, this whole conversation, I was just laughing my ass about my ass on that because I know that it's a serious conversation, but just knowing so many people like some certain being from the South and stuff, you know, saying, I don't see color, that's what
Starting point is 00:07:00 you said for a long time. Like, you're taught to say that to say, like, I'm not race, like, we've all heard that term, right? I don't see color. It's supposed to for a long time. Like you're taught to say that to say, like I'm not race, like we've all heard that term, right? I don't see color. It's supposed to be a good thing. And then people were like, look, you know, saying you don't see color is just like saying you don't see me. It doesn't really help, you know?
Starting point is 00:07:18 And I can only relate it, I mean, I'm loving these, but I'm white, but I can only really relate it to gayness when people say like What do I care? You want to be gay? You want to sleep with a goat? What do I care? It has nothing to do with me, but keep it in your bedroom. I do not want to hear about it And you're like, yeah, but there's still you know little things Even if you don't want to hear about who I'm fucking they there are like little things like, am I allowed to get married? Is my partner going to be allowed to get health insurance
Starting point is 00:07:51 with me? Am I going to be able to leave my partner anything when I die or is his family going to? You know, it's like there's more to it, so maybe you don't want to hear about it or you don't want to see color, but color is a thing that's there and that people actually
Starting point is 00:08:05 see, I'm sorry that that makes you uncomfortable. And so that saying kind of got people learned and we're like, okay, we're not going to say that anymore, right? Well, I feel like it was a saying that was used. I think it's been sort of, it's meaning has changed over the years because I think that like the intention is kind of like in the eyes of the law Like color blindness is what we aspire to right like you should if you're a restaurant You serve a white person and you serve a black person and it's all equal right equal treatment under the law It doesn't like no preferential treatment for one race or another
Starting point is 00:08:42 But I think in terms of interpersonal relationships, some people have kind of like maybe use that as a hiding thing like, no, I couldn't possibly be racist because I see, I don't see even color. And actually what people, what I'm gathering is that people want to be seen for the distinct experiences they go through in their life. And that, that like, you can't be colorblind to the specific racism and discrimination that people go through, but from our laws, from our, from our, our, our institutions, whatever, we want everyone to have a fair shot. So I think that people don't have, have an hour time, like, like, being able to understand that both those concepts can live together.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Right, well it's just something that people used to say and it was a good thing. And now it's not. And people like Sutton didn't get the memo. I'm like, what? What do you, I'm supposed to say that? What are you talking about? And then she tells us, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:40 I'm the girl that doesn't seem color. So what, that's bad, Why, why is that bad? And I mean, I think Crystal really summed it up way better than we did in our five minutes of talking about it. Would she just, when she just said, that sweeping event of the rug, you know? Yeah, exactly. So Crystal's like, listen, race exists.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I'm proud of my race. And you're just thinking of race as I and color and hair I'm not thinking about race. I don't see race, okay? I go to Daytona and what do I say? I said look at that lovely Track they put in for walking. Oh goodness. What a great pedestrian feature. I do not see race I don't even see race is okay. I saw a turtle in a hair And I just thought they were having fun walking in different speeds. I didn't even know that we're competing. Let me tell you something.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I went to the Kentucky Derby and I was like, look at all those hungry horses all going at their own unique paces to get around that lap to get to their food. So Crystal's like, okay, what I'm trying to say is, do you want to know about my culture? Do you want to know about my ancestors? She's, of course I do! And she's like, that's my race. So that's what that is. And then Kyle says, well, I think that when she says
Starting point is 00:10:55 I don't see colors, she means like I see a soul equally. And Chris was like, no, it's not the same. And so she tells us, Chris, don't forget, Chris was also an asshole. She goes, well, I think the generation above me were simply taught to be colorblind and, you know, it's like 20 years older than me, and I guess 12 years older than Crystal, which is hilarious because,
Starting point is 00:11:14 it's not an insane thing that she's only 50, and Crystal's saying she's only like 34, 35. I mean, they're both lying, let's be honest. But it's just funny that like, Crystal is just like trying to create this like 20 years. Oh, well, you know, she's like 30 years older than me. So, you know, her generation, they just got off the penny farthing.
Starting point is 00:11:34 So Crystal's like, well, look, that perspective of the whole, I don't see color. That's just outdated. And Kaga, so it's really quiet, right? And then Kaga tells us, and Penny, for your thoughts. And Crystal's like, you know what? I think we can just agree to disagree here.
Starting point is 00:11:51 But what if we disagree and although, and Kyle's like, yeah, you know what? I don't think you were seeing either. I even though you both have good intentions. So maybe bedtime, I guess we should just go to bed. Maybe we'll agree on bedtime. So now it's the next morning, and Dvree is face timing with her kids. It's like,
Starting point is 00:12:09 Jaggy, look what mommy found and her like is Jaggy. It's a maple leaf that says I love you. Oh, Jaggy! Jaggy, look what I found in my suitcase. It's an accent from Bulgaria. I took it from one of the finest hotels in the region. Also thanks for the leaf loser. Bye. That's so then Kyle Face Times Portia. Portia is like, I'm hungry. I was, there's no cereal.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And she's like, well, Portia have to eat. She's like, I'm having a waffle mom. I was like, okay, she's coming along nicely. Yeah, it just hangs up on her. So then the T whistles as a tea pot that has been brewing at now which whistles. And I heard it all the way for my glorious home in Beverly Hills. So people are gathering for morning time. And um, certain saying that they ended up staying up late in the bear's den. And Garsell's like, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I'll never believe that I used over my eyes. I'm really old man's dripping that sack. Does that work? Like a Tom bitch, like a Tom.
Starting point is 00:13:30 One thing that I love about Garsell is that she's like deeply cranky on this entire episode. I think this entire trip, this is way too much. Like when she signed up, she was thinking, I'm going to be in real house as a Beverly Hills. I got to promote my shit. I get to go on there it'll be fun we can we'll go to parties we'll dress up and now she's like I'm trapped in Tahoe with these bitches for a week without my sleep mask and she's just like cranky the whole episode in a great way well yeah she's like I've had on this trip. I've had to carry my own luggage and Sleep in a room that bears can get into so fuck this trip
Starting point is 00:14:16 So Sutton is like well last night Kathy came into or room with a fan and eight pillows Cuz she's sleeping in the room with Kyle and so we just see a cliff of Kathy walking with her fan and coming into the room going Got my fan. Also, can I just elaborate that when she said Kathy came into my room with a fan and eight pillows, she meant the number eight pillows. She didn't come into the room with a fan and start eating pillows. Well, you never know with those sisters, they're all nuts. So, Satan's like, yo, I'm naked. Well, I just wanted to check on you all. And Carl's like, yeah, and then she gets into my bed. And so I try to go to sleep. And then I hear chip packages rattling. And then you just see Kathy and bed, like with the newspaper out, and he's like,
Starting point is 00:15:06 full lights. And then she's like and then she starts ringing a red bull at 1am and it calls like Kathy are you out of your mind? What is this? A red bull Oh I thought it was just a soft drink Yeah that was a soft drink and she has six newspapers So Kathy I have to go to bed
Starting point is 00:15:24 I go to had early every night So I like well, that's nice for you Kathy is I cannot believe how amazing Kathy is I thought Kathy was just going to be This boring cold lady and she has the life blood of the season So crystal comes in says good morning, and there's like a weird chili pause. And Eric is like, you know what? I don't know what you girls are waiting for, but I'm hungry and I'm eating. Here's what I do this season.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I say I'm hungry and I eat a lot and I say I love Tom a lot. All right, I'm just a normal girl who everybody could relate to. Yeah, exactly. Well, I'm surprised that Crystal didn't fire up one of her classic breakfast in egg with a little bit of jalapeno on it. She's an eater, guys. She is the eater. Fig eaters on this show. So, Brenna announces that they're gonna be taking a bike ride. I'm a railroad. He's a bike of a railroad. And Garsell is like, well, I want to stay in and watch TV.
Starting point is 00:16:25 And they're like, what are you going to watch? What are you going to watch? She's like, probably CNN, you know, and so on. Guys, what's going to happen with this election? In America says, well, Biden and Harris are going to win, and that's going to be the end of it. Yeah. And no other news will break on election day. I can tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:16:45 There will be no other news. It'll just be about Biden and Trump and nothing else, especially not for the world of Roblo. Yeah, I forgot that that happened right then. Huh? Did you see that there's gonna be an Erica Jane documentary on ABC, I think it is? I did.
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's called like the housewife and the hustler. Yeah, it's gonna be great for me. Yeah, so. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh I did it twice and so sudden ask if Trump was imposing his you know what he was really professional He was never horrible to me like what I see now. I mean, Donald Trump fired me twice actually He was like disown it disown it baby But the person I see now I extremely dislike and he has changed. I think it's all gotten to him. I think it has Yeah And she's like you, I never imagined a reality star would become president. Oh, I was my head blowing off. I did not see that coming. I did not.
Starting point is 00:17:59 It's been four years. So why is everybody like Trump just became president? I know. Why are they only asking her about this now? I know. Isn't it crazy that Trump is president? Whoa. Did you hear that Jesse mentioned? I was like actually like the governor of Minnesota. It was a wrestler. It was the governor of Minnesota in 98. Right. Oh, like Schwarzenegger. Actually, that sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I actually still think it's crazy that Schwarzenegger was our governor for a few, for like six years. Yeah. So then Kyle tries to wake up Kathy, but Kathy is dead to the world. And I almost fell asleep because I have that fan, as I mentioned, and I heard my familiar and I almost just fell right over. God damn you're a good fan last year. I love you. So now they're all getting dressed and to read, of course, is wearing Louis Vuitton sweatpants. And suddenly Crystal, they go have a talk and something's like, I don't know why I reacted.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I mean, maybe it's because I took the wrong peel. You know, they said you want to take the red peel of the blue peel. And I'm always like, well, beats me. I hate a pebble. I mean, that's happening. That's a bad thing. That's exactly what happened. I thought I was having a chick lit, turns out it was moxicote. So anyway, I just didn't want you to think that I'm
Starting point is 00:19:11 not sensitive to another race or culture. I'm not that way. But I do like to talk over them. Okay. Now you talk for a little bit before I talk again. And crystals like, look, I believe that you see everybody equally. I do believe that. She goes, of course. You know, what really set me off was when you said, are you that girl who says you don't see color? I mean, that's insulting.
Starting point is 00:19:36 When you said that girl, like that, you know, that's what insulted me. Okay, because you said that girl. I guess it was like, but yeah, but I said that because people say that to me all the time. Like, oh, look at us. We're all friends. I don't see color. She goes, yeah, but the way that you said that girl. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You understand. Yeah, you know, I just have problems like that girl. You know, it's like, it's like, uh, I also struggled with that TV show. New girl. I was like, new girl. I don't like that. I just don't like any adjoity in front of girl. I was like, New Girl, I don't like that. I just don't like any adjective in front of girl. I really, it's what's problem.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Or fuck Marlo Thomas, too, frankly, fuck Marlo Thomas. Okay, I don't care that you married Bill Tom Hue. That does not make you better than me. To me. That's what I was trying to go for. I was like, I was gonna make a that girl reference, but then I was like, was there an actual sitcom called that girl? In my shirt? I was like, let me just pivot to new girl and said and see if I can save it.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So, oh, god. So here we go with said demand. I don't see adjectives. Yeah, certain demanding and apology for being called that girl, but still not offering anything up that she's understood about being colored like. Right. Crystal just size. Like, okay, I'm not, you know what, I'm done with this. So she's size.
Starting point is 00:20:51 So she's like, look, when someone says that they don't see color, a box, you do. A box of crayons has colors in it, right? And when a friend says, oh, you're Asian and I don't see colors. And that's, you know, that's insulting, you's insulting. I see you as white. I can see my other friends as black. You know what I'm saying? Well, I know you're Asian and I know Garsell is black. Okay, but it wasn't very nice to say that girl.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Don't say that girl. Commissions. Here comes one right now. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder e's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity view, from the buildup, why it happened, and
Starting point is 00:21:45 the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully
Starting point is 00:22:17 crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder yeah. So crystal tells like a really heartbreaking story about being the backseat of her dad's car and the guys at the gas station and the guy screamed at her dad to get out the country, you know, just like really vile stuff and the dad got scared and drove off that was never addressed, which is really haunting. And so, Crystal says that like, when you're a person of color, those things happen.
Starting point is 00:22:47 And if you can shed light to someone who might not understand that, maybe you can change that perspective. So, sudden, Sans, well, if I made you feel angry, if I was that girl that made you feel angry, I didn't mean to do, I don't want say I didn't mean to do that, but I didn't mean to do, I just don't want say that anymore. Oh to do that, but I didn't mean to do it. I just don't want to say that anymore. Oh, it's even worse. She goes, if I made you feel angry at me for crying because I was
Starting point is 00:23:10 crying, I didn't mean to do that. It's like, oh my God, certain way to just completely miss. Now you're making yourself the victim because she made you cry. So now you're saying that she was mad at you for her making you cry. I mean, come on. So she's like, we all have our own perspective. You know, listen, when I moved to New York, I was 25 and I was in the elevator with someone and this man literally said to me, he said, he heard my accent and he said, oh, you're from the south. Are you racist? I mean, I have gotten a lot of that crystal. It's just my favorite take. It's my favorite take, the real victim here. So they hug, either way they hug it out,
Starting point is 00:23:55 even though son isn't a hugger, okay? But she's like, I just don't hug strangers, that's it. I just don't hug strangers. So then they pack pack it's time to pack to go for the psych day trip and it's 11 a.m. So Kyle checks on Kathy and she's like, we're gonna go ride our bikes. Kathy, leave me alone. Kathy's so me. And Kyle's my neighbors is having one of my gay neighbors is doing like an annual gay pride march in our neighborhood, which is cute. You know, It's like this little town outside of Austin.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And I would think at first I was like, who's gonna come to that? But the whole everybody on the street shows up with their kids and they all marched around the block with their flags and stuff. And I'm like, I'm not walking. Mike, thanks everybody. I'm just outside my garage.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Like, thanks, yay, yay. I'm like, I ain't doing that, okay? I have gay pride. I do not have strong calf pride. I will be sitting right here. You guys have fun with that. Yeah, exactly. So also Kyle bursting into that room.
Starting point is 00:24:53 She knew exactly that Kathy was asleep and she just wanted to wake her up. It was just a classic Kyle. So they're getting into their van and Crystal says that she's named after Crystal Gale and Crystal Carrington and Garsell I was like, I mean if I were named after two of the widest people I would never claim it So crystals saying how much of a prankster Kathy is and
Starting point is 00:25:19 They're just kind of making small talk right in the van. They're driving along and then Eric he goes, oh Look, it's Gardenerville. That is where the most fugitives live in America. I'm gonna say How do you know that house hunting? Yeah, she goes well, I used to Someone told me that I was like, oh you okay. We'll just forget the first part of that other sentence you were starting. Eric is already planning her run to Gardnerville. So do you want to tell us the answer to your two truths in the lie yet about whether or not, which is the lie that you, that you were a liar
Starting point is 00:25:58 or that you testified against the mob? Which one is it? Yeah. So they get to this railway thing and Sutton's like, half fit. Do we have to beat to do this? And ladies like, well, we had a group of 24 seniors and they did it. And 12 actually got back on the bus back home.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So that's good. You guys will be fine. So so they, they have to end these cars and there's going to be a fast car and a slow car. And suddenly wants to be in the slow car. She's like, listen, I'm a dancer, so I'm coordinated. And then we see a photo of Saden from I don't know, like 1932. What are these photos? It's just like her, like in like this, like it's old-fashioned ballet outfit, you know, dancing for FDR.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, in the town of Deadwood. So then, to read, it's like, this is scary to me. And where's the break? Where's the break? Like, wacky housewives on train cars. And, um, something's the whole... Something's the whole... Something's the whole... Like, we don't have, we don't have things like this down south
Starting point is 00:27:06 I'm just not a fan of hearts roller coasters elevators Skascaipers boats that go like this Colors path paths on the ground I'm like Also, I almost like you're not up high, by the way. We're on the ground. So, uh, Rinna's like, I can't run into a scambay. Basically, this is that for about five minutes.
Starting point is 00:27:38 So then they get back in the vans to leave and Garsell just go straight to bed. She's like, bye. So another van, uh, Rinna's like, wow, you know, this is so fascinating. Cause I was just saying the Harry Harry. I come, I never gonna. Oh, So long ride. It's a long ride and Rina's car. Long ride. So then, uh, Crystal, um, this just asked me. So then Crystal is just asking something. He's still there.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I'm here. Can you hear me? Yeah. No, I can. What happened? I lost you. I lost you for a moment. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I can't sound. Okay, so Crystal is like, she's asking Son about where her parents are from. And, you know, Son says that her mom is from Charleston or dad is from Texas and that her mom is crazy. And Crystal says that her mom is crazy too, but after her dad passed, like she calmed down a lot and he died three years ago from Alzheimer's. And so Son is like, oh wow, my dad committed suicide, but my mom's psychotherapist is a whole thing.
Starting point is 00:28:45 So they basically just like bond over the fact that they both lost fathers. And for a moment, it looks like everything's gonna be great between these two. Yeah. And crystals like yeah, you know, we, you know, your dad died quickly and we watched my dad pass. Very slowly.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Garth's like, hey, I'm away, Karate. What's going on? Garth's like, are we there yet? You guys are currently sharing a trauma porn? Yeah, so then we go, we're back at the house and they're looking around for Kathy and Kathy's like, oh God, guys, just in Swethe Mountain shirt. Listen, I put some drops.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I thought were eye drops, but they were ear drops, which, you know, I tried to put water and ice, but, you know, that was vodka. And then I had vodka in my eye. I mean, my eyes are just terrible. So then I thought, you know, what I'm going to get a Q-tip to kind of get this stuff out, but it was actually a butter knife. So I'm basically blinded out. I just can't say anything.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Oh gosh, Kyle's probably embarrassed about the way I look right now. Don't, she's probably embarrassed, right? She says, Kathy, you spilled coffee on your shirt. Cameras, you want to see this? She's still coffee on her shirt. Just undermining. So the other day, everyone's getting ready for dinner. And it's like, where is dinner?
Starting point is 00:30:05 I swear, if it's another two hour drive to dinner. And Garsell's like, oh, you know, you're like a princess with a pee under a mattress. And Garsell just looks at her like she is. So like she's obviously never heard of this musical. The concept like, why would I pee on my mattress? No, it's not, it's a pee under. So Erica goes, that's a great calling me that girl. And Erica goes, I'm easygoing believe it or not. So this is when Erica is now going to try to, you know, create more of her image.
Starting point is 00:30:39 She goes, yeah, I'm pretty easy. And then I go, you are, you are. And Garsell says, well, you know why I think you are, because you don't give a fuck. That's right. I'm content to let people be who they are, because I like to be myself. It's one of the things I love about Tom the most. He lets me be myself. I'm just myself, Erica Jane, which is actually, as we all know, the alter ego of Erica Gerardi. My life, of course, you don't know anything about because I don't share it just me being myself guys just me being myself also I'm glad that I got in there and I love
Starting point is 00:31:14 Tom so so much love Tom it's gonna be so shocking but I find out that Tom has done this to me I love Tom have I said that I love it. Can't wait to spend more time really. The best part about having an alter ego is that it just lets you be yourself. Am I right, everyone? Am I right? So they start talking about set and slippers because she's wearing these big, huge, first slipper things.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah, and these things. Carol's like, wow, I can't get over those. And she's like, oh, they're from Maxfields. You know, I don't even know what brand they are. You want to breed those Kyle? Breed those out loud. She's like, uh, Vettamans. And we're gonna go, whoa, whoa, those are expensive.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Those are expensive. Yeah, Kyle, of course, is like, I want to get them from my kids. Kyle, always, eyeing people's clothes and bottles and just wants them and to get like five times. She's so competitive. So she wants to get them for the kids. And she's like, I want to get the vitamins, get the vitamins. You know, she's just going to want to be buying something from the vitamin shop by accident.
Starting point is 00:32:17 She's like, I spent $5,000 and just like a creative like vitamin. I noticed that. She's going to be wearing slippers made out of a Vekan A shop by next week. So got Kyle Google saying they're $2,000 and everyone's like, wow, wow. And Crystal goes, actually, I donate things that look like that all the time, which is like, okay. So I guess she's saying that it's like what she would consider junk in her house is what she's donating them.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Andery, it's like, go away. I'm going to lie down now. Like, okay, Gee is good. A bit of air. Thanks. So, um, so they, uh, like Kyle is sitting in a way that like her highlights are showing because of the light. And, um, and Garsell's like, yeah, you seem like you should be a brunette. So then Kyle tells us, Kyle is sitting in a way that like her highlights are showing because of the light and um and Garth's all like yeah you seem like you should be a brunette. So then Kyle tells us Paris
Starting point is 00:33:10 and I and Sophia have my mom's exact same face and bone structure. I mean if you put a brown wig on Paris with some bangs we look a lot alike. Like she might get cast in Halloween by accident if she wears a wig like that you have to be careful wish I had parasairs my stunt double so she could have been hitting the face instead of me that crazy Halloween set I was an Halloween um also no you do not look like Paris the only reason you look anything like Paris now is because you've had like literally 10 facial surgeries. It just should be gamma. Okay. Original face does not look anything like Paris. Please stop with your sleep itself.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So, Garza, oh, by the way, someone commented and they're like, God, Kyle can't do anything right with you guys. You really ate her. Yes, welcome to Watch a Craft of So, Glad you joined. Actually, I'm liking Kyle a lot more this season. So, I have to say, I'm like enjoying him. Kathy is kind of the miracle worker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Just make Kyle palatable. It's so weird. It's like, it's so weird. She's, she's like tuna fishing to Kyle's mayo, right? Like nobody wants to eat tuna fish without mayo. So good job, Kathy. Yeah. It's, it's where I'm like laughing at Kyle's jokes.
Starting point is 00:34:20 I'm like, happy to see her on screen. It's Kathy. It's the Kathy. It is, it is weird. I think I credit Kathy too. So, but also we liked Kyle Moore when Kim was here too. So maybe Kyle, and Kyle, this is probably what Kyle would hate the most in life. Kyle means a co-star. Okay. Well, that's so funny because it's like the total, it's a great callback to her fight with Camille in season one, which was when she said, who cares about Camille without Kelsey? And so maybe Kyle was just projecting the
Starting point is 00:34:48 fact that does anyone care about Kyle without her sisters? Ooh, depth. So Garsell is like, um, well, if Kathy Hilton thinks I look a lot like Kyle, then I must look like Paris Hilton. So she says, you know, I think I told you Kathy. Paris came on the real and she's using her real voice now. So we were like, hey, Paris. And she was like, I was like, wow, that was like, I mean, it's funny what Garsell said, but it was also already kind of passive aggressive passive aggressive
Starting point is 00:35:23 thing to say to someone. She. She was gone for it. I was like, oh, okay. So Kathy just gives this smile. She sort of seeds quietly and goes, well, I think that she's more confident now. She's more at peace. And Karthus goes, well, she used to drive me nuts. I used to see her at fashion shows and parties.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And she was always on her phone. And I always felt like, why are you even here? Ha, ha, ha, ha. I was like,, you know you're talking to her mother, right? That's her mother. Yeah, but Garcell likes doing that. She likes trying to start some shit. So Kathy's like, well, you know why she did that, don't you?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Tell her Kyle, tell her why she did that. She was so uncomfortable because she was always a shy and like, that's just how she would protect herself. Cause she was just so, so shy. Garsel just nods and she goes, wow, then I'm grateful I just said that because I wouldn't have known that. Garsel then gives herself props.
Starting point is 00:36:17 She's like, I'm glad I was just honest and said that cause I wouldn't have known that. Good for me. I'm like, wait, it's like in Garsel. And I also like Kyle announcing this thing about Paris would be on her phone because she was shy. She's like her prop saying it as if like, no one in the history of cell phones has ever done that
Starting point is 00:36:33 when they're at bed at par and they don't want to talk to people. Like, this is not a new concept. Like that's half the reason why you have a cell phone is that way you could bury your face in it and not talk to other people in a social situation. I'm also a Paris Hilton is a model like she's dead right, but Paris Hilton was at that time so obsessed with being in the public high at all time like every opening every any way you could get famous Paris Hilton was here. So to hear them being like it was her crushing insecurity. It was her crushing. crushing insecurity. So crushing society. Okay, guys, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So, Carl's like, well, I'm glad that Garthel and I patched things up before we came on this trip because otherwise, I might be annoyed that she's judging someone else in my family. Which means that she's annoyed that Garthel is judging someone in her family. So then, Kyle says this, she goes, well, it just shows you don't judge someone until you walk in their shoes. So there you go, everyone. Once you walk a mile in Paris, Elton's shoes, you'll have a greater understanding of life. Can't notice someone until you walk a mile in their bangs. Yeah. You can't really know someone until you walk a mile in their vitamins. Give me your fucking slippers, that knew you're off the show.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So Kyle and Taree go to Kathy's room and Kathy's like, what do I even wear to this? What do I even wear? And Kyle's going to be wearing leather and Taree's trying to pick out stuff for Kathy and she pulls up this red for jacket. Kathy, guess you want to laugh? Ask me who's jacket that is. I have no idea. Someone left it in my house. Somewhere like Parasel Nis just shivering. Mom, can I have my jacket back? So then do you shy to ask my mom for my jacket back? I'm just going to text her on my T-Mobile sidekick.
Starting point is 00:38:19 So, um, I love that phone. The T-Mobile sidekick, I missed that phone. I love it. You just shrooop it up. Yeah, I love a phone that, like, it also feels like it could be a spaceship in Independence Day. Like, I feel like sometimes,
Starting point is 00:38:35 Will Smith and Harry Connick Jr. are like, oh, not Harry Connick Jr. He didn't make it. Jeff Goldblum, sorry. RIP, Harry Connick Jr's character. Oh my God, I'm spoiling everything about that movie. I'm just gonna move forward. So Harry really are Harry. Harry Connick Jr. funny turns out was the killer in mayor for me. Stown. So there you go. There's a lot of literally almost like I was like,
Starting point is 00:38:57 I haven't watched that running and then I realized you're joking. He was also the killer and copycat with Sigourney Weaver. I actually could be wrong about that. He literally was in that. Only wrong answers. So Rina is calling Harry about his beard. I don't care. So then everyone's getting ready and Rina and Garcella are the only ones ready.
Starting point is 00:39:18 So they're sitting in the kitchen together and Garcella is like, please don't tell me I'm first. Don't worry. We're on time because we're used to it. So, wow. The weather hot. The weather hot. So pretty, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Wow. Wow. It's just so weathery. Look at it. It's just so. It's stunning. It's stunning. Yeah, it's stunning, really.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Wow. Weather. Amazing how the sun is in the sky for some of the day Sun, but then it's the moon For other parts of the day. The moon oh my god the moon. I love the moon. I love the moon Look at that That beam on the ceiling that's The structural
Starting point is 00:40:02 Oh It's a nice you ever knows how sometimes most chairs have four legs, but sometimes you'll find a stool that only has three legs You ever see that? Did you know there's such a thing? There's a difference between a counterstool and a bar stool? And it was actually a few interest taller. You're right, tall stools. Oh my God, Gorsal. Gorsal, stop.
Starting point is 00:40:34 So Rene tells us. Yeah, our situation isn't going to change overnight. I'm not 100% comfortable in. She's not. So we're just both being polite and cautious. Have you noticed that beam? That beam. I'm not 100% comfortable and she's not so we're just both being polite and cautious. Have you noticed that beam? That beam! So then for people who didn't actually watch the episode and think we're making this up,
Starting point is 00:40:54 they did have a moment where they sort of like were in awe of a beam. So um, well, look at that beam. So, um, how look at that theme. So then we see Kathy trying to put on her own makeup, which was again, to soap dish celebrating 30 years this week with Sally feel trying to put on makeup when she was going through a mental breakdown. So that I really liked. And then I just wrote down Kyle on a hat. That girl, Kyle on a hat and everybody's doing the slow mo walk into a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:41:27 And so the tables are all separated by like a foot because you know, that changes everything during these fucking COVID rules. I swear. So like, wow, look, now you're sitting a foot apart from each other. Everyone's safe here. Everyone is safe here. Okay. So this confuses everybody. Mom is safe here, okay. So this confuses everybody. Rinna's like, where are we so far? Ha ha ha. Well, they have to because of COVID. I down there, ladies.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Where's my homey? Look at that beam. So then Kyle says, look at this table for two, table for two guys and Rin says, I know, talk about odd. I'm like, it's not really that odd, it's a table. It's like a table with two people sitting at it. So odd.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Odd, it's so odd. So Kathy's like, all right, is anybody having red wine? Anybody want red wine? And then we just got to Kathy with a huge martini in front of her. She's like, well, that didn't last long. Yeah, because Kyle goes, Kyle goes, I'm going to have a margarita. What Kyle, I can't hear you.
Starting point is 00:42:30 I can hear you, Kyle. I can hear everything she's saying, but just watch her reaction. I can't hear you, Kyle. Cause speak up, Kyle. Kyle, raise your bangs. Say something, Kyle. And Kathy, why not visit come down here and visit Kathy. Well, swap, come down here and visit Kathy. We'll swap, come down here Kathy.
Starting point is 00:42:47 So they swap for a little while and Kyle tells us that Kathy's never done a girls trip, so she feels really protective. She is a sister version of Happy Wife, Happy Life. And then she goes, Happy Sister, Happy Life. I'm like, well, that's, could you at least try to have some wordplay with that? Could you just try like some sort of rhyme, like happy sister, um, stole your firm, like early worm. I don't know. Um, like no more blisters. So, so Kath is like, ladies, I just want us all to raise our glass. And so thank you, you Tulisa for planning this beautiful weekend. And just remember that the night has just begun.
Starting point is 00:43:32 So they did that. I don't know, I thought that was leading to something else. I was like, why don't I write that down or just like a toast? So then flatbreads arrive and they're like, flatbreads, flatbreads! Flatbreads! It's like a beam made of hot blood. And they're like flabrads, flabrads, flabrads. Flabrads. It's like a beam made of bread. Everybody, I got some storyline in Jack here.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I was the fast food queen. I just love eating. So during college, I got lots of fast food. Well, Tom, who I saw every day, because I love him very much, was bringing home Morton's. Every night, I said, honey, you got to stop. It's like, you know you're about to be sued for fraud and stealing from a bunch of a bunch of widows and orphans. Maybe now's not the time to brag about your husband getting
Starting point is 00:44:13 Morton's every day. Eric, yeah, you got to know this is coming. 100 plus dollar thing. Yeah. So, she put it in that she put it in this way. She said that she was eating fast food, which is cheap, but Thomas bringing home Mortons because Tom's a one-spending the money. You see no, Erica's tricky. Yeah, and and so was doing your own makeup. We've noticed. So Rina, um, she's, she's like, guess what, girls? I'm starting my own lip line. Yeah. Okay. I mean like it should have been the first day I should have launched almost years ago. It should have been I mean I've had this idea for 15 years But I got distracted because it turns out that so many houses have intriguing beams
Starting point is 00:44:55 How can you focus on business when there's such a beautiful beam in the ceiling am I right? But I finally met the right people to do business with and then go ahead and the timing is not the best Not the best just not the best, just when I thought Century 21 would be a great partner. Uh-oh. Yeah, she's basically like, we're wearing masks and I'm selling lipstick. Great.
Starting point is 00:45:18 So Rick calls to check him on Kathy, and then Sutton is trying to tell the other girls what happened with Crystal, but Crystal can't really hear it because she's kind of far away. So, something's like, well, Crystal can't hear, but we had a situation. And me and Kyle, we're talking, and all of a sudden, it became a race conversation.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And I got it set. I got very upset. Do you ever feel, Erica? Do you ever feel like as Southern girls, we always have to defend ourselves and prove that we're not racists. Erica's like, no. She goes grow up with the South. I've seen it.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I heard a lot of racist shit, but personally, I've never felt that because I'm from there that I am racist. So it's like, but the presupposition that I might be racist. And to read so, but does everyone make you feel that way? Sutton! Do you feel like everyone looks at you like you're a racist? And she's like, no, and Dirkus, well to me, because I feel like such a child of the world, I don't look at like everybody from the south. I mean, I've spent so much time abroad in countries such as Italy and Asia and you know I just I can't even mention all the countries I've been to in one
Starting point is 00:46:32 sitting. I mean it'll be easier to talk about the place there. Haven't been. So let's start there. Yes because I'm so world-traveled. I'm not even aware that people from the south are looked at as racist. People from the south are racist. What would you say about Erichwe? The south to me is Chile. I hear about the south and I try ordering buttermilk fried chicken in Bolivia. Talk about confusing. I mean when I'm in Honduras, I think of I think of Georgia as the north. I mean it's also topsy turvy It's certain it's like well, maybe it's just my head. Where is what it is? You've got a very thick accent so it's very clear you're from the south and you know I don't hear that from Erica. You spent the majority of your life in a different place Erica You know, you've been in multicultural places New York City
Starting point is 00:47:28 Los Angeles shakers Pasadena so So it's on it's like well now that's not fair hold on okay I've been in a world that's very multicultural Do I have to show you the time when I dance for the Bolshevik ballet in 1918 right at the end of World War One? That was multicultural. Here's the photo. And Crystal's just laughing because now she's heard this because she hears what they're talking about. So she's just laughing at certain being ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And something's like, well, listen, I have lived in New York. I have lived in London. I have lived in Los Angeles. I have lived in here. Well, I'm not suggesting you haven't, you know, well, I'm not from some Hicktown that I just left three days ago. Okay, I'm not that girl. Well, it's merely pointing out that as a sudden woman, I haven't felt Erica has ever been judged. But sudden, sometimes you can be quick to, you know, I haven't felt Erica has ever been judged, but sudden sometimes you can be quick to, you know, I'm not trying to offend you or anything. And Erica's like, uh, setting, I don't think it's a dig, don't get mad now. And Crystal's like, oh my god, just have a conversation, it'd be normal. Why is everything so intense with you? Cause
Starting point is 00:48:40 sadness just her eyes are flaring and squinting at everybody. She's given her those cat eyes You know, let me tell you something. Okay. I'm from a multicultural background. Okay. Yes. I'm from the south Yes, I'm from Georgia. Okay. Yes. I've been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could run I took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun But I ran out of places and friendly faces Because I had to be free. I've been to paradise, but guess what you know where I've never been to Nebraska, I actually do not want to go there What country is that in
Starting point is 00:49:22 What country is that in? So, Carl's like, what's going on down there and to read it's like, I can't hear you Carl. It's a painful And so Carl goes, what happened down there? You don't have to speak in a terrible accent for to read to recognize what you're saying. It's a distance thing So to read start telling Kyle about the whole conversation and Garstall's like, well, you know, she's very touching, very, you know, things are hitting Sutton a little, a little too hard, you know? And so meanwhile, Kathy has several Marchinis in front of her. And she's just like, leave it here, leave it here. Okay, girls,
Starting point is 00:50:02 I don't know what you're talking about. I don't even know who have you are. But let's do a bottoms up. Shall we do that? By bottoms up, I mean take these little round things in your martini and poke them in your eyes. It'll make them feel better Bottoms up. That's what I always say to Kyle's assistant. Am I right? Get them to the second floor. So Kathy so then said and Kathy is like we're on girl's trip and we're gonna have fun tonight. And anyone that isn't, you can just watch us have fun. Alright everyone, Doree, you wanna jog some martinis? I'm in!
Starting point is 00:50:36 The whole thing, Kathy! The whole thing, Kathy! You are basically beans to me right now. You're beans! You are amazing beans, Kathy! Tell me! So, Erica is shocked when she sees Doreet jogging in Martini.
Starting point is 00:50:50 She is absolutely shocked. You know? So then, Kathy goes, hmm, that's okay. Let's wait a minute. We're going to use some more. Maybe we'll get Lisa to do it too. You know?
Starting point is 00:50:59 And Erica's like, oh my god. Do you know how bad you're going to feel tomorrow Doreet? Do you know how bad you're going to feel? So now we see texting starting Doreet's like Erika did you get to text on your phone like so Eric it does unless she starts texting and Doreet's like Lisa will you have one you know what It's like Lisa, will you have one? You know what? Ha ha ha, you've only got one life to live, baby.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Well, I actually never booked that one. But you know, all these Martinez are like, oh my children, I think I was not on that one either. What was that? Oh yeah, days. So, Kathy's like, anyone else, Erica? Erica, will you have one? I'll share all bottoms up with you.
Starting point is 00:51:44 And Sutton is just mortified watching all these ladies like, gordily these huge martinis. So they all start shugging the martinis and Sutton's horrified. And the producers like, um, you chugged two martinis Kathy's juice. It's just water. I was so disappointed.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I thought this was like one of the, I was like, finally, this is what I've been waiting for with this crew. They are just gonna chug some martinis and have some fun. I was like, yes, this is what I've been waiting for. And I was like, oh, it's just a prank. Oh, yeah. So it's like, did it do 17 minutes earlier.
Starting point is 00:52:22 She's telling ourselves, she's like, let's do one of those games where we have martinis made out of water and we try and get everyone else to drink them. To read, I sent you a text. And so then to read sends the text to Erica. And then Erica sends the text to Rinna. So they're all involved in this hilarious prank. Yeah. And so sudden news, something was up. Like by the end of this dinner, sudden knows something's up, but she doesn't really know what it is. So they're all in the restaurant.
Starting point is 00:52:51 And they're in the van. And so I'm like, I am tired. I am tired. I could tell that it was a joke going on. And I could, you guys are trying to make me into that girl who's not in on the joke. OK, and I will me into that girl who's not in on the joke. Okay, and I will not be that girl who's not in on the joke. Okay. Yeah. And did you hear Crystal when she gets in the van she just goes, I literally like cannot deal. Yes. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:16 it's too much. So something's like, I'm just, I'm not gonna cry. I'll just get freaked out when I'm not in on the joke. She's, oh, so you didn't know that Kathy was drinking water. And then Crystal whispers to Sutton, like she kind of kicks her, or went on her, and whispers to her, and Sutton tells us, Crystal kicks me to let me know that she doesn't want Kathy to know that she's the brunt of the joke. But also it hurts because my legs are very thin.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I don't like when people text under the table. It's not appropriate. So, um, so Garza was like, well, you know, it affected you so much. You just be like, guys, guys, oh, well, no, I'm cranky. Well, I was cranky before, but now I'm cranky. All right. Guess we're just going to come back into this house and stare at the beam again and make small child small talk about it Yeah, so they get home and something like I'm going to bed and Kyle's asking her what's wrong and Christo goes, okay, were you guys texting about Sutton or not?
Starting point is 00:54:19 Hey, you know what? Sometimes you just had enough. Why did you have to say that? Why did you have to say that Garsello? I don't want to do this. I really don't I was just I was feeling left out and there was a practical joke and be honest Why did you have to say that Garsello? I don't wanna do this, I really don't. I was just, I was feeling left out and there was a practical joke and be honest, okay, be honest. It's just stupid, I don't wanna talk about it. Crystal's like, this girl has lost her fucking mind. Yeah, I can't be, it's like, yeah, what is it about her? And Garsello says, you know, there was a joke,
Starting point is 00:54:43 but you know, she didn't have anything to do with it. You kicked me! You kicked me! And Crystal says, I kicked you because I didn't want you to ruin the joke. I mean, you're so uptight! Relax! It's a fucking joke about what are Vodka, dude! It's so crazy! God, fuck her! Relax! So, something like, there was a joke at the table, And I've right who was in on the joke right your hand. So Erica and Rinna raised their hand and something's like, all of you were, but not me. And that is not nice. Chris says, like, OK, listen, the detective figured it out.
Starting point is 00:55:17 All right. But we found out towards the end of dinner that they were playing a joke, thinking they were drinking water and nobody knew, but the other side of the table knew so they were drinking water, but the other side of the table didn't know that they knew that they were drinking water that they didn't know they were drinking. Does that make sense now? No.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Look at that beam. Is that beam drinking water? So then, so then Erica is like, well, I'm just happy that Kathy thought I was drinking a real martini. It's always good to prank the prankster. I'm like, it wasn't even your idea. Yeah. So Crystal tries to explain it now.
Starting point is 00:55:58 So Crystal's explaining it. She's like, we got in the car to talk about her, pumpkin you guys. And then Garsell says that I know you guys were doing it. So I kicked Sutton to say that Kathy wouldn't know because if Kathy didn't know, then she, then we would be doing the prank back to Kathy. And then you lost your mind about it. And something's like, I have never had a friend go kick, kick, kick, don't say anything. Well, okay. You are a ridiculous human being. I know she goes, well, okay, you just had it for the first time.
Starting point is 00:56:26 You're ridiculous. I'm sorry, you're ridiculous. I mean, the fact that sudden is like having this breakdown about it is hilarious. The sudden goes, being told how this ridiculous person wasn't the nicest thing. As a crystal's like, you know what, I'm sorry. Move on, I said I was sorry. Oh, not apology. And Garsell just like whispers to crystal, don't say anything. So Garsell tells us, yeah, you know, Crystal's being hard on set.
Starting point is 00:56:55 But suddenly I didn't hit it off either. And that were great. So, you know, maybe they just need time. But Crystal was like, yeah, that girl's proving that she's the kind of person I thought she was. So you cannot rationalize with irrational people. So Kyle is trying to calm Garsell down. She's like, look at me pay attention.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I'm telling you you're being irrational right now. It's like good night. Good night. Yeah, she just is like, I'm going to bed. So then it goes 45 minutes later. And we hear Crystal on the phone with her friend and she goes, oh my God, we went at it last night and we went at it tonight and she's just like a little bat shit crazy.
Starting point is 00:57:33 It's like sad, it's like sad. So we're like, Sarah's Kyle and Kathy and Seth and they're still hanging out like having late night drinks and Kathy goes, hey, what did you kick Crystal? She said, I did not kick her. She kicked me. Well, I mean, she didn't kick me like it wouldn't that,
Starting point is 00:57:49 you know, she wouldn't that bad. And she's like, well, that's a long way. Wouldn't you up, wasn't she up front and then you were back there like, that's a long way to kick. Some of Kathy doesn't even realize where everybody was sitting in the car. I know.
Starting point is 00:58:04 So then Crystal's still talking to her friends saying, like, well, she's just going after me. I'm like, no, loss for me. Da, da, da, da, da. And then me while Sons like, look at this. Look, it's a coat. And you know what, it's hers. And you know what, I'm going to bring it to her
Starting point is 00:58:16 because this is what girl friends do. They don't kick each other. They bring each other coats. OK, I am going in there. So Crystal's still talking shit. And I'm just imagining, oh God, Sun's gonna hear something. So Sun like approaches the door and goes, Crystal, are you up? Are you up? And then she opens the door and it goes to be continued. And I was like, I don't even know what the clip was saying. The clip on the cliffhanger is. But I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Well, we found out in the previous least minutes. Funny. Yeah, she was naked. She's like, you're coming into my room when I'm naked, which is creepy enough. I'm just like, oh my god. Now I'm that creepy girl. Now I'm that, now I'm that homophobic girl, aren't I? Oh my gosh, let it pretty funny. This was so classic Beverly Hills though.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Like when little, like someone feels left out, but they don't quite know why, and they're happy to fit, but they don't quite know why. Yeah, this was classic. I was actually thinking about how much worse this would have been if Teddy had been there, because Teddy would have had the same thing, but hers would have been like
Starting point is 00:59:25 Guys, I just like don't think it's cool to prank people and like you prank people and now I'm left out and she's her It's just like not cool. It's cool. And like I don't want to like I don't want to make it a thing I don't want to make a thing. I don't want to make a thing and then be like that for the next three episodes Yeah, probably still will be but in a more entertaining way. Yeah, exactly Well, you guys, thank you so much for listening. Oh, we're back tomorrow with the premiere of Family Karma. So we'd love that show. We're going to do a recap of the premiere.
Starting point is 00:59:55 So stay tuned for that. And until then, stay safe and be careful who you kick onto the table. And maybe down a real March martini if that's your thing yeah yeah bye everybody bye watch what crap ends would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Savoni she don't take no baloney she's not just a Sheila she's a Daniella itchels dnc danna do Let's rent some errands with Emily Yarens. Aaron McNickles.
Starting point is 01:00:27 She don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagilo Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, OK. She's a little bit loony. Juni. She's always supplying.
Starting point is 01:00:40 It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Nancy's Season Desisto!
Starting point is 01:01:01 Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! In the Hizzie with Jay Hissy! Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you.
Starting point is 01:01:21 The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender my favorite Merto Karen McMurdo No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell Mina Kutty Kutty Kutty Kutty Give him hell miss Noelle Sarah Greenwood. She only uses her power for good. We're a fan of Michael Lamb Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy!
Starting point is 01:01:51 Let's take off with Tamela Plane! She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to WatcherCrapins Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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