Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Soulless Recycle

Episode Date: October 21, 2022

Rinna blames everything she's ever done on her grief, and the cast debates whether or not the C word is worse than "evil". Pencil us in, won't you! This week's bonus episode is a brekdown of ...the new Real Housewives of New York Reboot cast. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, Watch Right Corruptance, the podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on EO Bra. I'm Ronnie. Hi everybody. That's Ben over there. Hi, Ben. Hi, Ronnie. How's it going? What did you all clean, Shaven, today? I know. I went to the barber yesterday and I was lying there in that seat and I said to my barber, I said, Carmen, I would like a shave. I have my second dad's barber shop shave. Really? You have a barber shop shave? You fancy.
Starting point is 00:01:14 You know why? You fancy. Well, first of all, because I knew we would be recapping real housewives of Beverly Hills today. So I wanted to put on my fanciest face. But mainly I knew I would be going out to dinner last night and I knew my face was just like full of Johnny Depp here. And I said to myself, self, what's gonna happen is
Starting point is 00:01:34 you're gonna wind up putting off like showering and everything into the last minute and then you're not gonna have time to shave and you're gonna look like a caveman at a restaurant. And I said, you're right now, you're at the barber shop, you have someone who's willing to do this for you right now, pamper yourself. And pamper myself I did, and I now have a smooth face like a baby's bottom. Well, it's very fancy and it's a date of pamper yourself because it is Beverly Hills Day. So there will be a lot of rage, You know, I was really pissed off by the
Starting point is 00:02:05 end of last week. I like, I had to take a breath. And so here we are. And I was like, hey, I'm going to start this with the positive attitude. And then these recycling hookers came back on here. And that was erased in about two seconds. But we're still going to have fun with it. Like we have fun all the time. Also on Monday nights for Take a Seat, which is our live show on Spotify Law. So join us for that. That's a super good time. We love talking to you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:32 That 7P and Pacific every Monday night. Also, this is a crap ends on demand video, which is why we can see Ben's clean shaven itself. And if you want on demand videos, go on to slash watch what crap ends. That's also where you'll get our bonus episode. This week, it's going to be got there's so many previews out. It'll probably be a preview of something. I mean, yeah, who knows? There's a lot. There's a lot to my amy. There's real housewives of something
Starting point is 00:03:00 else. There's a below. There's a lot. cast. Roni cast. Yeah, there's a lot. Slotting those. Okay, everyone. Just stay tuned. Yeah, stay tuned. It's gonna be good whatever it is. But Ronnie, I'm so sad to see you there at your house because it was so nice happening here in Los Angeles sitting here, you know, in the same room with you when we podcasted earlier this week, I'm very sad. Yeah, it was really nice being there and singing real life. this week, I'm very sad. Yeah, it was really nice being there and seeing you in real life. I was using all my friends. I was seeing what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:03:28 What you're saying? Whether it's not traumatic, you know, you forget what it's like living in a place without traumatic weather when you're not in one. Okay? No offense. Texas, but Jesus. Um, so that was really great. Food, the friends laughter.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Okay. But, you know, now I'm back with my little fuels. So that's good to do. Passively aggressively facing away from me on the couch because we're recapping them. That's how he rolls. Yeah, literally how he rolls around. So I think without further ado, I think we can jump into this reunion episode. Another one to get the blood boiling, which probably I'm just going to
Starting point is 00:04:06 assume is going to be our final few minutes with Diana Jenkins on Bravo. Thank God. Get rid of her. What a monster. Hate her. Hate her guts. Go away. Okay. So we open where we left off last week, this video Zoom call between Garsell and Diana, you know, and Garsell's like, I don't hate you, Diana. I just want you to leave me alone. I want you to stop posting about me. I don't want you harassing me on social media. I haven't harassed anyone here on social media. And she's like, did you not go and call me evil Vision Lata! You didn't even use pencil to say evil pencil! PENCIL!
Starting point is 00:04:50 I asked for pencil! Pencil! All I want is pencil! I want Asher to write song about pencil and it can be called pencil! Like when I grew up in Bosnia, we don't have pencil. My privilege is I have pencil and so do you. My privilege is that I have pencil sharpener. Do you know I grew up in country with no pencil sharpener when you break your pencil. That is it. It's like you might as well have pen at that point. So the country where pencils are like the most precious thing
Starting point is 00:05:27 in the world. You only get one shot at that pencil, make it last. Not gonna miss my shot. But Lin-Man, well Miranda's gonna have a new musical about pencils coming out. So it's like two sentences long. In the office max where it happened. So Diana is like, so she's like, Max, where it happened. So Diana is like, so she's like, yeah, you call me, she's like, did you not go and call
Starting point is 00:05:49 me Eva? And Garcell said, well, I called you evil because of what you said to her. And Andy, and Andy's like, well, though, was that after a sudden called Diana, a cut fit? No, no, after a sudden call, after Diana called set in the cut fitness. This is how we use it. Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, after you, oh, yeah, sorry, after yes.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Sorry, I wrote, I took these notes, like really in the midst of my shaving high. And so I really can barely remember what I said. You're shaving high. We just changed the entire plot of the season. Soft skin high. But anyway, we said flashback. Was it after you called Sutton to see word?
Starting point is 00:06:29 And so we see that. Yes. And so we see a flashback of this like after show where someone basically relays this to something to to to Garsell. And Garsell goes, oh, well, she was evil that night, you know. Like that's all she said. Well, she was evil that night, you know? Like that's all she said, well, she was evil that night. But that's what Diana does. She takes one little thing and she makes it like, how could you do this? Like, when you said you wanted to see me on fire burn to death and
Starting point is 00:06:55 then spit on me. Oh, I'll go just like, I wouldn't spit on her if she was on fire. Diana, no one's fucking buying this from you Diana. Okay. She becomes, she becomes on fire. Diana, no one's fucking buying this from you, Diana. Okay. She becomes quite literal. She's a very literal lady, you know? So now she's, now we come back and she goes, which is the hush word, sea word or evil? Contents.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Contents is the worst word. Are you fucking kidding me? Is there a TV show called Seaward? No, well, it was. There was actually one called Seaward and it started lower linear, but that was cancer. Okay, so even they didn't say cancer. So yes. I'm like, which word can you say on the radio, Diana? Which word can you say on television without it being bleeped out? I think that is your answer. And someone, I forget who I think it was someone on the watcher crappins, Facebook group,
Starting point is 00:07:46 watcher crappins, live and loving it. I just saw this on my phone. I think it was one of you or it was on Twitter. Someone said the fact that they keep calling it the C word says enough about what they, which word they think is the worst word, right? And the fact that I just actually said it and everybody is literally sitting there with a racing heart right now.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Because we know you actually said the word. That, because we know that they said to show you how much words it is to actually say that word. You freaking idiot, you evil. See, I can say that and everyone's like, mm-hmm. Yeah, evil. Like, I didn't have to make up a new word on watching crap. And we don't have to censor daredevil motorcyclist.
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's not the E word, can evil. And then you get these idiots who are just standing up to do for Diana because she's rich, you know, and he's like, well, wait, you think calling someone evil is harsher than the seaworth and it's like, well, I called myself the seaworth. That's not a big deal. Well, you probably call yourself evil too. I mean, the fact that you call yourself the seaworth is kind of that thing. It's like that. But it's also that thing where you are taking
Starting point is 00:09:05 such a terrible word. The reason why she takes time to call herself the C word is because it's one of those things where you take ownership of a word that is so bad that you do these things to take ownership of it to remove the terableness of it. If it weren't a terrible word, she wouldn't feel the need to try to re-own it.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's like why certain gay people use the F word, why we see it in other communities with other words. You know, so the fact that she's acting like, oh, I just, you know, I call myself that. I mean, like, you can, I don't care if she calls herself that. And that's my, I get it. That's not Rinna's argument anyway, because Rinna doesn't call herself for those reasons.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Rinna calls herself for that reason because Erica wears a necklace that says the seaworth and everyone, including Rina, was like, oh my God, I can't believe the seaworth is on your necklace. That was a whole plot line on real housewives of Beverly Hills. It was. And now she's like, oh, what is no big deal? It's no big deal.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Yeah, because you're up her ass too. You know, and if it was anybody else, it would be a huge Traumatizing storyline for Lisa Rina that she would use against someone all year long and I don't even mind I don't even mind if herness says well, you know, I call myself that and I don't mind the word But I can understand how in the general population It's a worse word than evil, but instead she you know, she says oh, I call myself that. And then Erica goes, well, you know, evil is the, well, she doesn't finish her set and she sort of goes this thing like,
Starting point is 00:10:31 that's pretty bad. That's lots pretty much the words of the young also one. And then Doreka's, how yes, well, even as much as it's much more is with, it's terrible. It's like you too. Like, you know, they're all at the same time like this is what it sounds like to me If it's such a bad word then why are you saying it over and over all of you you know and you're saying the evil so then Diana's like oh so Diane is like also so less motherfucker evil and Garth's talk goes well I did not call you so less and then he's like yeah, thank God you so less And Garth's like you can't even talk to her like why are we even bothering talk to her
Starting point is 00:11:17 I'm The fucking zoom okay, I'm and I'm sorry. You can't just sit there and say need a new villain Here I am and then be like you called me so this you called me evil well Well, what what what what what descriptors did you want as the new villain as if you're gonna play the literal game I'll play the literal game you're our new villain well then you better buck up because no one's gonna say that you're just like a Whole bunch of roses and happiness and sunshine Well wait for her to start crying because that's what they do. You know, it's like once they're cornered, now the tears are going to start.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So Andy's like, Sutton, is there anything you would like to clear up with Diana if she was here today? You could say, right on the Zoom, just do it. She's like, uh, no, no, there's nothing we need to clear up now. I think we're very clear on our non-relationship. Oh my god, the curse words. Is this Eddie Murphy wrong? I brought Bob's soap to wash your mouth out with. Andy, may I restate what I just said, but with some sort of kitty cat filter. So it looks like I got little ears and a nose. No, no, we're just gonna do a cool regular zoom. But that's all. So here come the tears. I'm just really,, that's no one remember Bosnia.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I know this is Diana. In Bosnia we're tough, we deal with real danger. When people say they're gonna murder you, they murder you. We had war, we had crime. It was dangerous, brick buildings fall over. We are tough. And that's like, you're evil. How did you say that to me?
Starting point is 00:13:03 How could you say that to me? How could you say that to me? So Carsel just throws her hands up. And I love that that's the reaction to Diana trying to fake Christ. She just throws her hands up in the air and starts laughing. And she's like, oh, oh, oh, okay. So Sutton said things, but it's always me. It's always me. And so Diana puts her left hand up and goes, I will put my right hand.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I'm putting my right hand. I was like, oh my god, this fucking potato in jewels, I can't. And I like what she said. As if there's any like meaning in that, I'm putting my right hand, look, I am putting it, putting my hands. And I know that nobody in the scoop will ever go after your sweet, hot son, not a chance, not a chance with someone who have your sweet heart son.
Starting point is 00:13:49 I'm like, well, actually someone kind of did already in her name is Erica, so I'm wondering, did you right day But yesterday the day before the reunion I filed a lawsuit so I could say the reunion I filed lawsuit in LA County and we will get to the bottom and we will get truth and justice for jacks. Oh, yeah Okay, I am a go post some more of your, go post some more of your new threatened who start me on fire. People are bossing you night. On Instagram, shut up.
Starting point is 00:14:37 We all have social media Diana. I ain't nobody buying this from you. And he's like, uh, so who's the last seed against? And she's an architect, oh, John Doe. And I was like, yes, it is, uh, John Doe since we don't know who it is. If we can't find John Doe, there's a suspicious squirrel in community park that we think probably we could sue. Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm a, you just call him John until you find one to marry My right girls you find a John until you get to the dough
Starting point is 00:15:19 So yes, so then Andy's like well whose job is that don't cover this and she goes my lawyers are going to be very very busy And the thing is my privilege aside froms is that I have money and I can afford lawyers and I actually get to the bottom of it and maybe even help prevent it from happening to other people. That's right, Diana Jenkins. Finally, the person to end bots. Welcome America. I love it. That's all they really needed in Terminator in the robot war was just one potato with jewels on. It's just bring a stop to everything. So Andy's like, so Garthell, what's your reaction to this?
Starting point is 00:15:48 And she says, um, good for her. I mean, I, I mean, it's cool. I, I would be happy to stop having to use my spam folder. So if she can end spam, that's great. So cool. Just, no one use Alexa ever again when I am done with. Well actually I like Alexa. Can we leave Alexa alone? Siri's a good person. The Roomba love to keep my eye robot.
Starting point is 00:16:15 If we could just stay away from those things. She is going to, Diana's going to wind up suing a Vitamix. So Erica is like, well, I almost want to say her intentions are really good and she wants to find out too. And, you know, I think you guys are just hurt by the whole thing. Her intentions are really good. Yeah, everyone with really good intentions
Starting point is 00:16:37 files a lawsuit the day before they're going to be on TV to brag about filing a lawsuit. Sounds legit. So, Garcelle's like, well, I mean, I'm hurt, but I'm also not putting anything on social media about her. And Andy's like, but what kind of social media, what is that? I mean, she putting that stuff out about you. What is it?
Starting point is 00:16:58 And Garsell, as if they just haven't shown us all of the shit that Garsell, Diana, has been putting on social, right? So Garsell goes, you know what? I just don't want to talk to her anymore. I don't want to inspire any more of this. I'm good. We're good. And since Andy's going to sit here and pretend he's dumb and doesn't understand what this woman's doing, when she goes on social media and bullies me and says that I threaten to start her on fire. So all of her fucking people can come after me. Let's just drop it. Let's just drop it. Yeah. Sand is like, well honestly I'm happy to drop it because I can't stand talking to this woman anymore. So Diana, thank you so much from rallying from your non-sickness to be with us today. Hope you feel better from already probably feeling okay. Well thanks
Starting point is 00:17:43 so much for being on video today, so we can press a button to turn off your endless spewing of absolute trash bullshit, you dumb see word, which I can say, because it's totally non-offensive, as determined by you and your most likely financially and definitely already morally bankrupt flunkies and minions. Bye, bye, Emma! Thank you.
Starting point is 00:18:04 That's all. Yeah. I wish he had said, you know, I really, I would have personally liked Andy to have given some of that attitude he gave to Adrian Maloof, because she was like the first one to not show up at a reunion. I believe when he was like, Adrian Maloof notified us that she wouldn't be showing you up today. And that was her last action as a real housewife. I was like, boom, like she fired her on the air. I would have liked some of that for Diana, you know? Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:18:31 So, it's great time. It's great time. Is it lunch time? It's at lunch. So we go to lunch and then we go to Erica and Rina in her dressing room, in Erica's dressing room. And Erica's like, oh, hi. It'll look great by the way.
Starting point is 00:18:43 It'll look great. It'll look great by the way. You look great. Great. Hey, I look great by the way. Well, they're looking. Yeah. Erica, your voice really dropped a lot. Yeah, it's a big bad both. They're all a big bad car. Yeah, it's carls of important.
Starting point is 00:18:54 So I turned to America, and yeah, you look great by the way. So, Rinna's like, car sale. Wow, how about that? Am I right? How about that? And Erica goes, yeah, she said she thinks that someone on the show. uh... rina's a car sale wow how about that am i right uh... how about that and arica goes yeah she said she thinks it's someone on the show i mean all of our children have been threatened to say yes i thought it was you guys
Starting point is 00:19:14 and ready goes death threats death threats threat okay really really you don't think rina would have been posting death threats her children have received up and down Instagram Twitter, TikTok. She didn't invent a new fucking thing to post that shit. Shut up. Stop minimizing what a black child went through with your bullshit, the both of you. And they act so shocked.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It's like, well, don't forget that Diana was coming for Garsell hard on social media. And then all the bots were like, Diana's the best. We love Diana. She's great, she's from Bosnia. It's like, it looks pretty bad. It looks like it's coming from Diana or her hand. It happened right after Diana was like,
Starting point is 00:19:57 you just, something like you want to play with me, you just wait and see. It was like something like that and then suddenly, it's like, Leigh Diana Long, you drug addict son. What about your drug addict son in Europe? Yeah, it's like literally, like it's not out of,
Starting point is 00:20:11 it's just not crazy for Garcell to think that. And they're acting like Garcell is not only bonkers, but Garcell is actually toxic because Rinna says, you know, because it's sad that she would think that and the division that it causes in the group and the division that it causes in the group. The division that it causes in the group, I mean, what about, so, but what about, what about Diana coming hard for Garsell on these things?
Starting point is 00:20:34 The division in the group, I mean, you're, I mean, these two are not the ones to talk about the division in the group. They're more upset about this quote unquote division in the group than they are about the fact that Garsell is seems to be, and her son seems to be getting spam by this box. Yeah, Derek is like death threats. And for her to say, I thought it was you
Starting point is 00:20:52 gonna have that much of people after us. I'm like, oh, the real victims here. Okay. The real victims are really. And then she's Erica. And then when when Rinna says, you know, it's causing division in the group, Gar know, it's causing division in the group, Garcell's accusations are causing division in the group.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And Erica goes, and that's what the thoughts, what does it on to do. So I'm like, so you're telling me there's someone who hired the bots to try to divide the group up? Like, the group is already divided up. You saw me about this, the Vanderbump. Yeah. Well, that's what Rinna was insinuating online. She was saying sounds like Vanderpump to me all of this not the bots But she was saying all of the um leaks. She's like sounds like
Starting point is 00:21:35 Kathy sounds like Vanderpump. I'm like you're still blaming Vanderpump all these years later Although I do love thinking that Lisa just still gonna share to leer somewhere You know, well swans and rescue animals float around below her just thing like Save out the bots Yeah, it is an ridiculous accusation that's just dividing the group when the group is like clearly has an inside group and an outside group already and It's just a classic case of a basically conspiracy theorist where people, you have two people here believing a more far-fetched thing because
Starting point is 00:22:12 the narrative is more comfortable for them than the simplest answer, which is that probably Diana and if not Diana, are probably one of the one of the shady hangars on that like we already saw with with Erica's publicist what he's done all these all these people the the makeup makeup people the publicists the just the real list of the air there's a world there's a world of people who just like latch on and they will do all sorts of stuff. And so if it didn't come from Diana, I feel very confident that it came from someone in her camp. So then we got a Garsell's dressing room and she's like,
Starting point is 00:22:53 were you guys there for that one to her team? And they're like, yeah, we sure were. And she's like, that was a shit show. I mean, my god. And one of them's like, yeah, I had to walk out of there after that one. And so Sutton comes in and Garth says like, are you wearing wail and socks? Ah, ah, ah, you are.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's like a dog on her socks. Right. So, they're talking about have flammigasting. And Sutton's like, you did great. I know that was hard talking about Jackson. She goes, it was hard. And my investigation will not stop until I find out who bought those bots. Yeah, and Sun is like, and for me, I'm trying to understand what Crystal will say and Garsell
Starting point is 00:23:36 was like, well, I'm glad you guys were able to move on, but how do you feel? I mean, obviously, I knew you weren't a racist, but to have that said in front of everyone and Sun's like, well, I did appreciate that I had all of you my first support. And, you know, we just got to, you know, that was good enough for me. And Garsell's like, yeah, well, we just got to take the little wins, the little wins. Yeah, and I know you're not going to stop fighting for justice, and I will not stop fighting for a non-poor person's refrigerator. Okay, I will have a non-poor person's refrigerator. Okay, I will have a non-poor person's refrigerator.
Starting point is 00:24:08 Stop, stop, stop! It's time for commercial. It's time for a- Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What
Starting point is 00:24:35 does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood, how much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums. Follow this and tell wherever you get your
Starting point is 00:25:10 podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder yeah. Rapins commercial. Then we go to Kyle's. Kyle's room and Kyle and Doreet and Doreet's like, you know I just think Crystal she's struggling to just admit that she may have, and Kyle and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her aunt and her trying to cover a rat. And even Andy said, you said on what what happens on, you know, that it was something worse than all of this. And she also said that she didn't say that. Oh, no, she lied to him about him to him. Would you believe I was able to make such a long sentence out of the words to him? I mean, that's himbellish and isn't it? She himbellish. So Cal goes, this is what happens when you don't tell the truth.
Starting point is 00:26:11 You can't keep your story straight. I'm like, really? Where was this energy last season with, oh, well, it's a funny story. Tom broke his ankle on his nose and he was driving over a cliff and there was, it was a snow storm, but then a tornado came so it was like a snow tornado and his car was in the middle of it he wound up in Kansas and there were munchkins there and they actually drove him all the way back to Pasadena where he fell down another cliff and his car exploded and his legs came up but were
Starting point is 00:26:36 reattached by an army of ants. Yeah, well I know, did I mention you've got to keep your story straight to all times. Oh, did I mention that the burglars tried to play a game of clue before they left me house? Clue, could you imagine? I was miscarlet. Still traumatized. So then we go to Andy and he's like, welcome back. Bees from who want to kill you in your own backyard
Starting point is 00:27:01 says Kyle, I love the new ink on your wrist. What are your tattoos? Well, here's big news everyone. Basic ass Kyle got some basic ass tattooed tattoos on her basic ass body parts. Okay. What I'm guessing in simbity in simbity. I don't know what that is. I'm guessing it's an infinity symbol and like a hashtag and a Fedora. That's my guess. My wrists have grown up always loving hats. So the first tattoo is 18. I thought you was going to say 18 because 18 is like a spiritual number in Judaism, but actually it's because all four of her daughters have 18 and their birthdays.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's what it was. And then they are all Jewish. That's what it was. That's what it was. And then, uh, Well, they are all Jewish. That's actually okay. So, yeah. I mean, like, look, if they are all born on the 18th or something, then sure, that's fine. I think I was gonna say 18 because that was Adele's first album, wasn't it? That's like 18.
Starting point is 00:27:59 18 because that's the age I was when I landed a role on Star Trek, the next generation. I was chief janner, I was cut, but I still go to the conventions. So then Kyle, so then Kyle is like, and this one here, this heart, this heart, it's just a heart, but it means something to me. It means hearts. And oh, at this today, I got this one.
Starting point is 00:28:23 It's a moon and four stars So each star represents my four daughters and the moon represents my twin parasilton who's my twin Yeah, you know, I had to have a talk about it with my family and Moe is thrilled most real thrilled I you know, I hear they're addicting watch out everybody Shut up. Just shut up. She's gonna have like a Mike Tyson phase tattoo next time we see her. Michael Myers made me do it guys. I'm so sorry. And why are you dressed like a disco band-aid
Starting point is 00:28:52 with a backpack on anyway? Who picked that outfit? Yeah, there's like a weird, there's like weird straps. It's like, I feel slightly like a gay harness. It's like you can put it in her arms. But by the way, that photo shoot that she did. It's all it's like a feel slightly like a game harness her arms But by the way that photo shoot that she did hot got a give credit where credits do she looks amazing in the photo shoot more of that Kyle more of that So more faces Kyle get more faces
Starting point is 00:29:19 They look at try to more muscular men, okay? Bring more naked muscular men are at the bottom of her face It's like points down to the index below where you can like see which version this is. So Andy's like, so and how does Kyle set the bar so high while doing the splits so well. And then we get a package of Kyle's journey this season, which turns out was not even it. She did nothing this season. She did fucking nothing. Okay, because like, I don't know all the shit stirring,
Starting point is 00:29:48 which is what she did all season. She started fights with everybody else, but she started proxy wars, but if you're gonna cut all that out, it's literally nothing except great lines from other people. Don't be Kyle. Don't be Kyle. Don't be Kyle.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Don't be Kyle. And he's like, Hey, what did you mean by that? Don't be Kyle. And Garsell's like Don't be Kyle. And he's like, hey, what did you mean by that? Don't be Kyle. And Garsell's like, I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious. Don't be a shitty person who manipulates the truth for your own benefits. And so it's discord in her family and just envies other
Starting point is 00:30:16 people's things and makes her husband by all sorts of items for her just because her friends have them. So I guess it was sort of that. And Eric is like, You know, the map going over board, my cow could do some types, which I used to threaten to do when I owned a boat.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Something else. God, I love standing up there and saying, I'm king of the world. And to eat, I say, Well, but you screamed at me,
Starting point is 00:30:44 don't be coy! And then you tackled me to the ground and tried to pull my tongue out with your bad hands. Yeah, I wish Andy would have confronted Daryl and why she said that Garsell was sort of screaming that when she literally was not. I mean, you want to talk about microaggressive't I laugh still did it today She said and you said don't be cold like nope still not at all how that happened that's not what happened Well from bullay says all this talk about Mo and Doree having an affair with wow I didn't even realize there was talk about Reap and the read Avenue what? There was talk about rape and the rape having a fake what
Starting point is 00:31:37 What it's like you've never heard that Andy really? Yeah, and then so Colin Dread have like very like over the top laughter And Kyle's like oh my god, well people got that because Dread oh PK and Dread's like yes, my god, well, people got that because Doreet, Oh, D.K. and Doreet's like, yes. And then like people were like, yes. And they were like, did you see the way they out? Yes. And then like, they were like holding hands. Yes. And then, you know, then I heard that we were swapping and Doreet's like,
Starting point is 00:31:59 Oh, could you imagine if I had to give up Piquator car so that I would have to sleep with that tall drink of sweetened dust, he which normally I say no to, named Maurizio and my bed, Maurizio, in my bed, in my head, God undead, why am I running? I was having an affair with him for him to him. So then, and let me tell you who did say don't be called. His name is Maurizia. It's the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me. Don't be called.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Don't be called. So hey, we're any of the ladies surprised by PK and Mauricio's choice is a food hook up way that they could hook up someone that wasn't their wives. So we see again that PK chose Erica and Mauricio chose Rina and I mean no one really has first season was all about Erica's vagina. Why would anybody be surprised? Yeah, so no one really has a response that but Erica goes, Oh, so here's what if I may use some of your language and the before PK met the read I had gone to the finals of the World Cup in Berlin and this guy walks up to me and my friend
Starting point is 00:33:17 he goes, Hey, are you two chicks and porn fucking Paul Kim's late now, of course we weren't the World Cup as in fucking ball Kim'sly. Now of course we were at the World Cup as in there was the championship of the best jockstrap that kind of cup. But so I guess it made sense why he would think that but you know and cars like wow what a cute story Erica. Thanks. She's a great Sam being sassy on pink. I sassy three 10 PK it was cute. So then, wait, how does she not tell the story until now, by the way, how has this never come up? This is a weird thing to me. Yeah, it was pretty weird.
Starting point is 00:33:54 I mean, I'm not really sure what the accusation is from her. Like it's just PK was flirting or PK was looking for hookers, like I'm not really sure what it was, but to read was like, thank you. And then that stuff happened this week at Bravo Con or last weekend when they asked, who do you think is the next couple to have trouble? And Eric was like, they came to read. Like March Step and Down the Stage.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And then to read commented like, some people just don't know us. And you never really know who your true friends are until it's publicly asked on the stage. Who's mixed to break up or something. So I guess there's trouble and paradise, but. I just think it's weird that on DeRite's first season, when we sat through Pantigate, and PK was talking about how we saw her vagina and like he was being
Starting point is 00:34:46 really pervy that season. How does Erica just never say, oh yeah, I met this guy once and this is what he said to me, unless she just was that was more of a period of time where she was holding things closer to the chest, which she was doing back then, but it's still just, that's a very, I don't know, something feels fishy about that. I learned a long time ago not to question what Eric is doing. I really don't understand it. And all I know that she's not doing for sure is moisturizing. So I'm just going to stay on that red. So then we go to say fixing her image.
Starting point is 00:35:18 That's something she's also not working on. Or that or that, which moisturizer can help. You see moisturizers back. Moisturizer does a lot. Yeah, okay. But when you, yeah. Okay, so then we got a Garsell segment and hers is like, things that Garsell's gonna get
Starting point is 00:35:33 to buy this season, which I kinda like, you know? But it's like, I deserve this house. I'm so glad that I'm finally getting this house. I deserve this Birkin. I'm so proud. I just love the idea of Garsell in a checkout line anywhere being like, I deserve this galsons. I deserve this.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Well, that's not of this galsons. That's, that is me at a supermarket, except it's more like, you know what, I deserve this peppermint patty right now. I am the name brand sour cream this week. I'm right now. I'm getting my name brand sour cream this week. Getting live, Daisy. Daisy. No, I'm literally got, I went to the dry cleaners yesterday, and I picked up my shirts, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:16 oh, I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna work out. And then there's this amazing ice cream shop next to dry cleaners, and I said, you know what? It is hot out, because here in LA it's like 90 degrees. I said, it's hot out. I deserve some ice cream. I don't deserve anything. I don't deserve any ice cream whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:36:30 If anything, I like, oh, ice cream to someone, you know? But I, you know. I'm struggling to not say that's how everybody gets ice cream bad. It's literally everybody. It's hot out here. Wow. Wow. I'm going to get some ice cream.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Wow, I cannot. You know what? That was my truth. And it wasn't your truth because you literally just didn't say anything true, so. But no, my ice cream does not have to be like your ice cream experience. I wish I still was experience. I would have slapped.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I wish I still was there so I could have slapped you in front of the ice cream place and say, Ben, you always fucking deserve ice cream. You came out of the womb deserving ice cream. You deserve ice cream eating out of a goddamn Birken bag and a beach house of bad ice, okay? And that's the not the lots of one out in Georgia. God, I was proud when those lights went out in Georgia. Okay, so it's a different.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Oh yeah, Garsell segment. So Garsell bought her like taking care, like doing things for herself, buying houses in Berkins. And so Andy's like, so how's it to be? How's it feel to make the brand new? Oh, yeah, I'm a Berkin. And so. And she's like, well, you know, it was uncomfortable for me
Starting point is 00:37:48 to spend that much money on a purse. I let it sit on that dining room table for two days. I mean, it was 13 grand. It's like, I told her, got a pair of some get one. I was like, okay. Okay. Yeah, she's talking about like how uncomfortable it is to dip into that kind of privilege over
Starting point is 00:38:05 her. Yes. And Garsell's like, well, yeah, she'd been a deaf privilege Sunday. You mean, what the fuck? Listen, if Son was going to fly Garsell to Paris, then I would take her up on it. But if she's not, then take the $13,000 Birken bag from the gate down the street. He runs like the Birkin good will. The book, the Birkin good will. So the salvation Birkin or whatever. So Andy's like, who else owns the Birkin? And Erica goes, I'll Birkin's not my thing. Do you mean budget?
Starting point is 00:38:37 My God. That you're seriously. I can't afford a Birkin shut up, Erica. So Andy's like, Garth Sell, your book came out and you wrote an experience with Bill Cosby I hope it was about button got a lot of button pop and this is a very sad Hey, did you get some it Felicia Rashad? God, she's great. Andy, this is a serious story. So Garsell's like, she talks about how she was,
Starting point is 00:39:11 she got a part in the Cosby show and Bill Cosby invited her to his townhouse or whatever and was like, yeah, let's work on your acting. What a pig. And then he gave her like a sip of San Bucca and then she had like that instinct and she just like ran out as fast as she could. So then Rena tries to make it about her because...
Starting point is 00:39:26 HAH! That just gave me chills! So many chills! Almost as many chills as watching Halloween ends! Let's scary movies starring our friend Kyle Richards! JEEEELS! We all got called to Bill Cosby's house! ALL OF US! HAH! HAH! I don't know, I feel like she's this story is trying to create division between us and Bill Cosby's house. All of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I don't know. I feel like she's the story's trying to create division between us and Bill Cosby. Every story Garsell has, Rina's just going to try and take some of that. So I mean, like, so Erica, did you scan the book for mentions of you before you chopped in the trash, Erica? Come on.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And then Erica looks over at Rina. And well, while we see what it was, it was a picture of the book in the trash. And it says, Garsell, even though you weren't following me, I'm sure you'll see this. And it's a book on top of an old dial phone, like office phone on top of a Starbucks. Right. It was, it was a whole thing. So, um, so then, you know, Eric looks over to Rinna and she goes, well, I have to be honest, I'm the one who threw Garsell's book in the trash. I'm the one.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I was like, wow, this is like episode seven of Marabuse Town. Like huge twists, huge, huge twists. So Rinna is like, Garsell and I had a handshake agreement that the kids were off limits. And so, about a year and a half later, she put my daughter Amelia in her book, and my daughter Amelia is only suitable for billboards, not books. So then we see that this is what was written. One dust up came when I simply asked Lisa Rinna, whom I have known for years, if she thought that dancing in her underwear
Starting point is 00:41:05 on social media hadn't effected on her daughter's struggles with food. That was what she wrote. Serena's like, he was not in a positive light. He was a negative light. And that's, that was what I did. That's what I did.
Starting point is 00:41:17 That's right. Negative light. What are you talking about? She was talking about a storyline that happened on the show. That's her right to do. That's her experience. She's talking about you. That's the show. That's her right to do. That's her story line that you fucking started by putting your daughter with an eating disorder on screen and then trying to milk it all season for fucking what am I trying to say?
Starting point is 00:41:38 For fucking good points for you, Raymond. And it was a storyline that you'd already fought and gotten over. She didn't say anything negative about it. She didn't even say eating disorder. She said stool with food. I just cannot stand this old trope that the mere mention or reference of a child is the same as talking shit about a child. And it's also like, you know, when like again, compared to a Garsell son is actively going through, while this is being filmed and probably still going on with bots
Starting point is 00:42:13 that are saying racist things that are saying like, you know, like, you know, your head should be on a sidewalk or whatever, like, foot should be on your neck or whatever. And then she's gonna be like, but you dare to allude to my daughter, passingly in a paragraph of a book that like let's be honest, is not gonna be, this is not gonna be the book
Starting point is 00:42:34 that every single person in America is gonna be reading, you know? She's an idiot and it's just like she did last season. She's using it because she was mad at herself for standing up for Denise. So she made this into a big deal for that and she made the sauce into a big deal for that. You know?
Starting point is 00:42:49 So Andy's like, yeah, but I thought was in the book, what was in the book was just her retelling the story of last year. And Garsell said, yes, I'm retelling the story that happened in Rome. And then she's like, well, I'm really used to be in Garsell's book
Starting point is 00:43:01 and then that can have like, no matter what. It wasn't. It not no matter what you made it Just again you made it a storyline you can make things a storyline and to get mad when people comment on them And then of course they show the clip of that scene again Which means that it's all being brought back. It's all getting much more attention now because of this whole stupidity, right? Which lives which ran a fucking loves
Starting point is 00:43:24 That's what she brought it on in the first place when it's just trying to make herself the victim so she can make someone else the villain because she's the biggest villain on this show And then I saw some clip of Rana answering something at Bravo Con saying you know this season has been so rough It has been brutal. We need a break. It's you've made it brutal like literally all the storylines are you being an asshole? It's you've made it brutal like literally all of the storylines are you being an asshole? Yeah, and then Garcell basically says by the way, so like you read the book and then the next thing I know like Rina's lawyer and Rina's manager were calling like we're calling her up basically We're calling her a team up and then when it goes and then everybody got hot and heated about it I can't because you're a lawyer and your manager were calling Garcell's team. Like, who knows what threatening, who knows what and having all sorts of urgent phone calls
Starting point is 00:44:09 and emails with caps like that's my thing's got heated if this is such a non-issue. So Garcell's like, yeah, and I said, what we can do this and the book doesn't come out for a week. So we came up with a second edition of the book, both written and audio and we took it out. I would have said, fuck you, that's staying in there. No judge is going to get on me for saying something that, what are you threatening? What are you going to sue for?
Starting point is 00:44:32 You mentioned my daughter who was on a national TV show. Get out of here. Well, I also ran the queen of, well, you know what, we got to put this out on the table, we got to talk about things, things are in the country, we We got to talk about things and then she sends her lawyer in her manager so and you know that she knows that she's wrong because she just sick a manager and a lawyer on somebody for bullshit Right, yeah, so she goes and I said okay, and we've moved on. We've moved on. Oh, you've moved on That's nice. Okay. Now you've created a headache for everyone over there because of one stupid sentence that like you have Turn that into such a a battlefield that was unnecessary and now it's like oh, and things got heated things got heated
Starting point is 00:45:14 But we've moved on Wait a minute you Through the book out and what you what did you do? I was in my living room I was eating a pudding pop and thinking this is totally innocent. God, those were different times, don't they? And what did you do? Send the picture to Erica? What is that what happened?
Starting point is 00:45:33 And Rina's like, I sent a video to the group chat. That's what I did. And Garza goes, yeah, well, that's what I heard. And everyone was snickering about it. And Rina goes, I don't know about snickering. I don't know about snickering. No, snickering. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. What snickering? Nope. I don't even know what snickering about it. I don't know about snickering. I don't know about snickering. No, snickering. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:45:46 What snickering? No, I don't even know what snickering is. We don't need snickers in my house. Snickers, they don't satisfy. I don't even say it with three musketeers, because we're not musketeers at all. No, don't talk about my daughter. Don't talk about her daughter. Don't talk about her daughter being a musketeer.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Her daughter is not a musketeer. The two of them together, the two of them together, not snickering. Not, I mean, it's ridiculous. Well, on this whole thing is them doing this together. It's teamwork. One of them sending the picture, the other posting it, you know? Yeah. So Andy's like, wait, so it was a group chat or the car?
Starting point is 00:46:17 So it wasn't here. And she goes, well, there's a separate group chat, obviously. God, it's just so terrible to think about the division that could be so in this very close group. So Erica's like, because settings obviously in it, right, settings in that group chat for her to know about it, that there was snickering and who says snickering, certain. I say that's a certain word. And this cast this is also a Ben word, but I mean, in this cast, that's a,
Starting point is 00:46:43 that's a total setting thing. It's a, it's a very Ben word and it's a very son word. I mean the truth is there's there's only a few chromosomes that separate me from Sun so come on. The the genetic dice just had to go a few like they just had the the Plinco had just had to fall one one slot over and I'm Sun basically. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapence commercial. So, Erica's like, she's like, well, when I saw the cocktail used, I don't have to make myself look bad. You can do it all on your own. She chose to use that piece on an Instagram and the caption was, you know how else you can look bad on your own by not pre-ordering your copy of the book. Oh, come on. Erica the bad ass. Erica's like, I don't give a fuck. And then Garsell posts like a little, you know, a little clip from a promo that Bravo is widely using. And now
Starting point is 00:47:34 Erica is so sensitive about this that she's going to throw her. That's the biggest ourselves biggest line of the season. It's on literally every promo since the beginning of the season. It's Garsell's first one. They won every single week when they're like, the hills of Beverly are not blue. And it's always, it's always that Garsell going, you make yourself look bad. Whatever. Garsell has never had a quotable line on the show, I believe. I think this is Garsell's first big line.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Okay. She's allowed to go into it. You know, and again, hate to point it out, but she didn't have to make you look bad. You did it all on your own. Isn't that amazing? Wow, what a self-fulfilling prophecy. I mean, so then it turns to instead of it being these two teaming up, like team bowling Garsell, the week that her book's coming out, it's like the shittiest thing. Everybody else supports each other's businesses and you have to post about fucking Rina lips
Starting point is 00:48:33 on everything, even though it's most likely some Ali Baba crap with like the lip emoji tattooed on it or sorry Kyle, sorry Kyle. Very surreal. It's printed on it. Everyone supports each other's things, but the week that her book comes out, you guys are tag teaming her on Instagram. So instead of it being about that,
Starting point is 00:48:52 or about Garsal being excluded from the group chat and everything that this little click does together, it becomes about this. Ranna, we had so many questions! Do you recycle? Go on! How many questions do you recycle? Good. Erica, you took a lot of shit for her lack of recycling. Wow, Erica's the real victim of this reunion, guys. So I went and I was like, well, we had a whole redoing
Starting point is 00:49:17 of the recycling out of the Hamlin house. I mean, well, first of all, Harry Hamlin threw that phone in there and then he said, no, I didn't. Then I said, yes, you did. And then I said, yes, you did. And long story short, we never cycle quite. Well, I'm like, no, you don't get environmentalism bonus points for this moment. You guys were still being clickish monsters. Yeah, she's like, isn't that hilarious?
Starting point is 00:49:39 You're not bullying, isn't it? And Erica goes, I'm recycled. I'm ridden to say, yeah, I recycle. Yeah, that wig that you've had on for 40 years. Okay. Watch it. So then, Rinn is like, yeah, Erica, Erica, wow, she really took the run of it this whole time. Poor Erica. I'm gonna have to come about that. And then he's like, yeah. And then Lisa Vanderpump even came for you saying, Garsell should have sent Erica a scratch on sniff books if she could understand it. And Erica goes, yeah, and I said, that's which coming from you, someone who's retzmeth
Starting point is 00:50:17 of garlic, shoddy, and cigarettes. You've had Tom Droidy's balls in your mouth. Like I don't even want to fucking hear it from you, man. Oh, I'm sorry that Lisa Vanderpump just had a lovely meal and a cigarette with a friend I don't like it. It's like oh she's got the breath of someone who just enjoyed some shrimp scampy followed with a lovely side-side Followed with The chicken millenazzy and the chocolate tort. Wow, what a bitch. You gotta love someone who came up in the bottom being criticizing anyone else's breath.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I mean, that's some good shit right there. We all know that if you're gonna make one of someone's breath as pertaining to what they eat, it's tuna salad. You go, you start in a tuna salad place. The booze, you don't go for a shard, nay. You go for some, you say like fireball, you say, schlitz. I mean, come on now. Siga rats, Siga rats is fair. But I mean, honestly, she just painted a story of someone who just had a really wonderful luncheon.
Starting point is 00:51:15 She does. She's like someone who owns a restaurant where they can cook you fancy meals, give you fancy wine, and then you have a lovely capri after, you know? Yeah, then she like went to the back alley of said restaurant and got gossip from her waiters and waitresses. So Andy, so I just have, I literally just wouldn't stop typing. So I'm gonna just move past this Erica hatred and then Kyle's like covering her eyes like, oh my god. So Andy's like, Garthlle, you got a big reaction
Starting point is 00:51:45 when you told the women all of her is working for Lisa Vanderbilt in Vegas. And she goes, yeah, yeah I did. And she goes, well, he's still working there. Here's how it happened. She was having an event for Haiti. And it was the up. We're getting a Zoom call.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I did a fan for Haiti. And you still say you you were to me. Okay, Diana, don't fall for that again. I'm plugged to Zoom, please. How could you say, I hate the letter E. Okay, I love, it's called love E, not hate E. Why would you say that about me? I am going to sue the person who does hate E and then we will find out who that is. And then we will have Justice served.
Starting point is 00:52:25 So Garsell's like, well, I met her at a fundraiser for Haiti. I never met her and I said, hey, hey, lady with a restaurant, my son needs a job. And she said yes. Yeah, and we see a photo of Garsell and Lisa on the red carpet for this event. And Lisa's full on biggest magician outfit. Like, she is literally about to saw someone in half.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Like it's more magician-y than ever before. Like she is, there will be rabbits, there will be handkerchiefs, there will be curtains falling quickly and nothing behind them. Like, like, Vaterpump is about to put on a show everyone. Yeah, so once the last time you saw her, she's a greasantly and when it goes, well, didn't
Starting point is 00:53:06 you just film with that? She's like, just film with that. What what what is the accusation there? Because you know, one can speak to Lee Savander pump because Garse Rina has had her ex communicated from the show. It's like, that's it. Like, it was a can speak to her or you you're going to get Rena coming after you about jars of sauce and shit for the rest of your
Starting point is 00:53:27 life. Yeah, she just says of this accusatory tone as if like she just she just revealed something. Let the jury know she just filmed with Lisa Vander Palm, you know, like they probably had lunch together where they had shrimp scampi and charred. I don't shit about your stupid ass. What do
Starting point is 00:53:43 you care? So the Andy's... Well, what was your reaction to that right now? And she goes, wow, I thought, wow. Wow. Hold on. So we never get anything to add. Have something to add, hold on, please. Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Okay, carry on. I just wanted to get another win in there. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha woman there. So they all take a break, which means that we never get to the bottom of, hey, isn't it really shitty to throw that book in the garbage? Why do you like, you know, everyone, or your event, like it just, it was just fun segment. Meanwhile, meanwhile Garsell sitting there about to cry Right, because they're just laughing and add these laughing with them and then That is hilarious and so sitting there about to cry like what the fuck man
Starting point is 00:54:36 How do I how does she get dragged over the coals for nothing and then they get like padded on the back, acting like they're the funniest comedic duo of all time for throwing someone's book in the trash and then tag teaming them on Instagram during opening week. Fuck you guys, man. So now it's a great time and I agree, by the way, yes, I know I figure. I just had to gross them. No, I realize that's my self-apariate, like gross. It's over, Ronnie. Take a period. Lean back. No, but I realized I
Starting point is 00:55:05 started to move forward, but it was really important for me to be like I 100% coast on that. So, so there is it's a break time and they're sitting there and Andy turns to Rina and Erica goes, wow, that was a major revelation that you know, you took the you took the blame. And Erica goes, I thought and I'm saying this because I think this is a very telling moment. Erica goes, yeah, I'm fucking down, man. And she's he's like, you know, huh? And she goes, you know, I'm saying this because I think this is a very telling moment. Eric goes, yeah, I'm fucking down, man. And she's like, you know, and she goes, you know, I'm just that kind of girl. I mean, if you say, hey, I'm like, it's okay. So I'm like, okay, so what you're saying is you're this sort of person
Starting point is 00:55:36 who will keep your mouth shut if you're told to keep your mouth shut when there's a lot of things to you. If it benefits you, if it benefits you. If there's like, you're down to keep your mouth shut to service. A larger conspiracy. Is that what you're saying there, ma'am? Is that what you're really saying? Because that is what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:55:52 She's basically saying like, like I will keep, listen, my lips are sealed. So, but they were so, so stupid. No, at least Andy did this because running goes, yeah, she took it for that long. I mean, wow. And Andy goes, yeah, but she posted it. So why is she open on it? She's innocent. She's the one who took your shitty post
Starting point is 00:56:12 and made it city or by broadcasting it to the entire world, you know? But how is it in this group of being open and honest that then she's about, she basically is like, yeah, I'll keep the secret to the grave, you know, because that's who I am. I mean, I don't know if she was gonna get as dramatically as that, but she kind of is saying, hey, I'll keep the secret to the grave, you know, because that's who I am. I know she was looking to get as dramatically as that, but she kind of is saying, hey, you know, I'm down,
Starting point is 00:56:30 I'm down like that, like I'll cover for my friend if need be. That's kind of what you're saying, which is the opposite of saying, be open and honest and put it all out there on the table. Well, I don't think that she felt guilty about having a picture of the phone and the trash. I think that she didn't want people to call her out
Starting point is 00:56:45 on having carbs because that trash also had a Starbucks like croissant wrapper in it. So I think when I was like, I don't want to deal with it. That's a lot. You know, I mean, when she took the shit for the recycling, that's when I felt really bad. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, because when I felt really bad.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I was like, none of you were even made from things that'll be recycled at this point anymore. And who is yelling at housewives about recycling? I mean, those ladies are going to die in ruined vegetables where they're buried for the next hundred and something gears. I'm just saying, I'm just saying, Rina was happy. Rina was going to allow Eric to take the fall and Eric was going to allow Rina to take the fall over admittedly a very stupid secret,
Starting point is 00:57:25 but it still was a secret. And that's a direct contradiction for what this group is always bandying on about. I don't know if that's that all right. We're for bandying on about. For always going on about being open, being honest, and here they are, it's a stupid secret. So they're laughing and like,
Starting point is 00:57:42 ha ha ha, yeah, nah, nah, nah, nah, and we got all this shit and this man. And Garsell's just looking like she's going to cry just sitting there watching all of this. Like, well, I guess there's another segment that just went the way of the jackals. So then we get a lowest segment, which I'm not even going to talk about because lowest was adorable. And it's too late to yell at her for raising Lisa Rina to be this way. So I'm just gonna let that one pass because she was a sweet lady.
Starting point is 00:58:11 But it becomes about how Rina is so hard for her, you know, because everything, you know, everything she's had to deal with this season, you were just laughing and taking a picture of Garsell's book in the trash and sending it to the group. You're not sorry for shit, because she starts at, like, I'm sorry, but it was a hard time, everybody. So I just need a pass on this one. Like, no, no, no, no. You're not sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:38 You're trying to get the audience from booing your ass every time you walk into a Starbucks or a Bravo con stage, it's not gonna happen. You're a dick. Yeah. Yeah, a full dick. So Andy asked about the memorial, and you know, to be learned about Lois' last wishes
Starting point is 00:58:55 to have the memorial push back a few months, et cetera, and Rinna talks about finding, you know, some mementos that made her think about Lois like nice moments, et cetera. And then, hey, KF from C says, Lisa, it seems like you were using your mother's death as a scapegoat for your disgusting behavior. What excuse did you have when you were equally
Starting point is 00:59:19 disgusting to Denise, Vanderpump, and Kim? And Rinna's like, well, it's been a confusing time for me. I mean, this all happened in the age of wordle. There's a lot of word puzzles. It's confusing letters are scrambled. Gotta make a word of them. You only get six tries. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:37 It's just been confusing. I'm all over the place. I don't remember myself being all over the place so much. I don't want to escape, Godet. I just want to say, Lois passed away. Lois is dead, and RIP Lois. Okay, so you're not going to have a reason for the Vanderpump to nees and Kim question. Got it. Just like, pour me, pour me, pour me.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Let's ignore that question, Andy. And he does. He's like, okay, well, you're talking to a therapist, right? She's like, sure, Andy, wow to a therapist right? She's like sure and Andy Wow God she's been a real help as she could you please say who it is? So we can all one star her ass on the yelp because I don't think she's doing a very good job Okay, yeah, my needs yeah, so So then Erica saying yeah, Lisa and I talked probably about Liz lowest and how much this affected her and this is hot It's hot and Andy's like did she watch the show then what what what did he make of you?
Starting point is 01:00:31 Renunded like you've had some moments because she never judged me She never said I can't believe you did that one thing. I'll tell you about my mom is that she never did that She never made me feel bad or lesser than she just sort of tried to forget all the terrible things I did on television just smiling about the good times. Well, I know there are a lot of parents listening to this. Spank your children. Okay. If you learn nothing from that answer, spank your children. So then we go to to read, who cares? I'm skipping the segment.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I hate her right now. Right now. There wasn't a Doreet segment. This was the Sutton segment. So it's like, now we're gonna Doreet segment. It was just, she was gonna have the next line, but I'm skipping over it. Oh, I didn't even write that down.
Starting point is 01:01:17 So Andy is like, well, in the balance sheet of Sutton's life, does her clumsiness get added to assets or liabilities? So we see the whole like, Sun this season and Sun done a good job, does do a good job of putting a foot in her mouth all the time. And so Andy's like, well, lucky from box is Sutton acted differently to Dureet's home invasion because of her past. The story of her father committing suicide with a gun is our breaking. Of course, she'd be triggered by that. And Kyle's like, well, you know, I didn't think of that at the time because like, you know, she was just
Starting point is 01:01:52 talking about a fresh designer. So I was like, it was like out of left field. It was like, I mean, I don't know. It was like flip it, you know, and so sudden goes, that was the worst thing I ever said in my life. Motherfucker. And it's truly the worst thing I ever said. Well, the other worst thing I ever said was, hey, do you mind if my son works for your vending machine company? Because then my son went to work for vending machines.
Starting point is 01:02:22 And then when people said, what was your son doing? And I said, he works for Vendon machines. I realized how embarrassing that was. That was pretty bad too. But that was that part also one of the worst things I ever said. Yeah, you know what? Actually, I just thought of a worse thing I said. It was when they re-did my kitchen.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And I said, yeah, I can wait for a giant refrigerator. I can just suffer with this poor person's refrigerator. That was the worst thing I ever said in my life I told myself that not good enough. You want to fuck. So Dread's like, well, gee, I'm glad to hear you say that because I'm sure there are people who went through traumatic events who still wouldn't react the way you did and it was really, really hurtful.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Oh, okay. So one second, like literally five seconds ago, you were patting Rina on the shoulder and Loving how she used to traumatic vent and hurt her event in her life to be a complete asshole the entire season But now you can't use Sutton's father shooting himself She uses an excuse. What the fuck is wrong with these people? How do they get away with this? It's five seconds later I know and And it sounds like well, I can't stand that I said that I Hate that day. I was one of the worst days. Actually, no the worst day was when
Starting point is 01:03:38 It was muddy and we had a luncheon and Joshua did not put down a tarp beforehand. That was the worst day and Joshua did not put down a tarp before hand, that was the worst day. Will it was a hat for let her make? Well, I mean that's why I'm sorry, and it's the worst thing I ever did to anybody. It was a hat for me! I'm still in pain! Okay, well, and I'm still. Sorry for that. And you said that you regret it? I do. Well, that's what I needed. I needed to hear it. That's what I needed.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Shut up to read. Like, your one storyline is tired. I'm exhausted from your robbery. Okay. My one note for that is I need more from the burglar. I need more charisma from the burglar. I'm at tape. You're boring me. Okay. Well, Little Shop from Harers says it's so weird how Kyle gets physical with people. The way she's pushing and bullying on sudden was disgusting. You didn't like it when Brandy shoved you down the steps and then they just throw in a bonus clip of Brandy shoving Kyle down those three steps. Well, I'd also like to point out that happened because Kyle was doing that to her, grabbing her and grabbing her arm and trying to do that turn her around thing.
Starting point is 01:04:44 She deserved that one. And Kyle. So here's Kyle's response. You know, it's so crazy. I just am that kind of person like like when I just was like talking to Garsell, I'll do this. I'll be like grabbing her and she was like, joke with me. Like don't push me.
Starting point is 01:04:57 I'm telling you, I'm just having this joke where like I grab people and then I toss them around back and forth side to side and we just like, I, it's just like an inside joke. Like I totally did that with Jamie Lee, you know, and we just like, I, it's just like an inside joke. Like I totally did that with Jamie Lee, you know? It's just like, well, my thing. But Kyle, I mean, you do always, no wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. Because like she had a bruise on her arm when she got there, and then people said that I gave her that,
Starting point is 01:05:15 which is totally not true. She was, well, it wasn't a bruise that was actually makeup. My point is I wasn't aggressive, okay. And so I'm like, well, you did pull on me quite hard. And then you jumped directly onto Diana's side You didn't even help me at all and and he's like okay even sentence losing the The directions Kyle stop shaking me Kyle stop shaking me. I'm trying to ask you the next question Kyle stop like son. I'm trying to help you here, but I also didn't believe your miscarriages remember that she is oh, yeah, and you did not my miscarriages
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yeah, and so it cost like and I apologize for that and That was making about herself or was it was that something just trying to relate and to make it about to set this all Wait shut up. You're answering someone else's question. There's no more making it about yourself than that, Doreet. Okay. White Bound. Yeah. And Kyle's like, well, I get now that you were trying to relate to her, that's why I call, you know, first thing.
Starting point is 01:06:16 And I said, I'm so bad. I'm so, I feel so bad. I'm so embarrassed. I don't remember everything. And I apologize. And I don't, I don't think you ever would make something like that up Even though you do have a history of making up so many things Stop shaking me motherfucker. I get your point. Okay, apologies
Starting point is 01:06:35 That's why I called you first thing after I got tweets calling me in a soldier in a terrible human being And I'm said I'm sorry that people on Twitter found me to be in the wrong just so embarrassed And I'm sorry that people on Twitter found me to be in the wrong just so embarrassed And so Andy's like whoa Garth tell the sudden doom does sudden make things about herself and Garth Like I mean sometimes And then it cuts to Rina looking at Erica like Cracks cracks in the foundation the truth is coming out foundation the truth is coming out So then their silence and Andy's like so why is something the liability Erica and she's like
Starting point is 01:07:24 Basically, Sutton is doesn't understand I cloud, which is why I sell this down on the group text. He's trying to see the surgery. So, it sounds like, well, I think the same thing can be said about all y'all. And he's like, well, Lisa Rinna, do you think Erica is a liability to you? I mean, you look out for her even more than Garsell for a sudden. And Garsell's like, yeah, I've never ushered a sudden out of a party to protect sudden. That's for sure. And Erica goes, yeah, well, she has. So we're all different, all right? Yeah, but the point is you're attacking her for standing up for her friend, but it's okay when you do it.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Like, Eric exactly. Exactly. Like, does she even hear herself? Like, Eric is going to pull a Teresa Jude ice and end up getting herself in so much more trouble just because she's too stupid to understand what's going on. You know what I mean? And Crystal's only like, words to life. She's like, well, the four of them, they protect each other just as much, if not more,
Starting point is 01:08:18 than what they're saying about the two of them, which, by the way, is true. And then Rinna gives this face like, oh, like, like, that's rich, that's rich. I'm like, you, Erica just admitted that like, Rinne, I trust you out of part. We've seen it, like, why are you giving me the that's rich face? I don't want the, that's rich face. It's so true.
Starting point is 01:08:36 So Garsell's like, they do, they do, they do. I love a three, a three repeater from Garsell. And there's no denials, by the way. It's not like everyone gets up in arms. You don't see call Richards getting, you know, when call Richards feels like something is wrong, she's like, no, you have to be honest about that. You can't just say those things.
Starting point is 01:08:56 You can't just do that. No, Kyle Silent. Kyle doesn't say anything. So, Satan, you knew on what happens live that you were throwing dynamite out about Elton John and she's like, well, I had no idea it was going to explode in such a spoon in the microwave kind of a way, which you know that really does make microwaves explode. Sorry Kyle, like explains the kitchen. I did pay for it now. So I did. And so she's like, it was not meant to hurt Lisa and Harry just humiliating them.
Starting point is 01:09:29 And Andy goes, well, Twitter account called Kathy Hilton's notes said, son, Rina has shown you through her words and actions that she doesn't like you. Why are you going to realize that she's just not your friend? And when it's like, oh, that is not true. Okay, we'll have another question. This one is from a Twitter account called Amelia Gray from Smells Like Poop. Oh, God, sorry, am I allowed to say that?
Starting point is 01:09:54 Right, it says you obviously hate sudden scuts. So lots of questions about it. She's like, what? Hate, I do not hate her. And Andy says, and Sutton, do you believe that she's like well? I'm just not sure why you hate me so much Why do you what do you hate me so much and we're gonna go I don't hate you listen We've had some moments and I know you've had some moments with me. I've had some moments with you
Starting point is 01:10:20 But I don't hate anyone like wow so you're gonna go for the I don't hate anyone. Like wow, so you're going to go for the I don't hate anyone thing. That's yeah. And sounds like, well, you're pretty brutal with me all season. And he goes, yeah, she did seem like you're punching back. I mean, it's well, he did piss me up for sure. He did. And it sounds like what even after weeks after filming on your Instagram, you were coming after me.
Starting point is 01:10:43 You never stopped. And when it goes, well, it was a rough it was a rough season it was a rough season oh and let's say I did yeah what I would I went through it was very rough because of what I went through and first of all you know that Rina is so guilty on this Elton John thing of just being a big fat liar because she doesn't scream and yell about Elton John tickets because she would be having a fucking cow. But now she's making it like, what I don't hate anybody. So here is what they're talking about. Lisa Rinna, this was when, I don't even remember what was going on, but here's the tweet or the Instagram comment. Rinna says, oh yeah, that's right. Sutton worked her ass off to have the money she has. Laughy face.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Takes a gold digger to no one. And hey, more power to her. But however you get your cast just own it, baby. And then Sutton wrote, Now Lisa, you know that I've known my ex since we were kids. Don't be doing this. And then Lisa Rinna wrote, So if he's not paying you monthly, what then you'd be in the same spot as Erica.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Ha, ha, ha, ha. be in the same spot as Erica. Vile. It's pretty gross. So so Rinna's like, yeah, it was a tough season. Lois, Lois, Lois. And I would like to wrap up by saying Lois. And Sun's like, well, just, you know, I don't consider you a friend. I'm just, okay, okay. And she and sounds like, how can I I'm gonna say, okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:05 And she sounds like, how can I? It's like, okay, well, Candy from Grush says, Rinnah's behavior turned sudden at the wine tasting was obnoxious and embarrassing, especially since we just saw her accept some zipology at lunch. Hey, that lunch looked like it was really fun between the two of you guys.
Starting point is 01:12:20 And sounds like, yes, it was. And, you know, Rinnah, I did talk to you a lot, you know, I talked to you a lot when your mom was in hospice. So, you know, when I'm getting yelled at over and over, I mean, does she not remember? I was a good friend, like I was there, like you, you know, I was a dead horse, okay? I was like, I turned into glue.
Starting point is 01:12:39 You were beating a dead horse into glue. So much glue, glue from a horse. This is an obviously understandable analogy for everyone here, correct? I was giving glue to all the horses in LA. That's how that's how bad the horse has gotten beaten. And there's a really long pause and said, because I need an apology. And then, Rinne goes, I'm very, very sorry that I did that. She talks this really deep voice and said, but it's a pattern. And Rinne says, I understand, but I'm talking to you right now.
Starting point is 01:13:10 And I took it out on you. Lois, Lois. Lois, Lois, I'm sorry that Lois, Lois, Lois, anger, sadness about Lois, fear of Lois and Lois, Lois. I hope you accept it, but I know you all know that I'm sorry, Lois, Lois, Lois. And, Rinne, because wait a minute, can I ask something? I don't understand the ineligy about the glue. Uh, they make glue out of horses. It doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Sources are made of glue. It's their hooves, their motherfucking hooves that turned that into glue, you know, then how come when they walk they don't stick to the road? Well, it has to be processed. It's processed in a factory that like a pringle got it sort of, but like imagine that pringle was liquid and that liquid was not potato, but glue. Can PK eat it? Well, I don't know if he should eat it, but technically he can. So yes, got it, got it. Can it take steam? Have you heard of this? Goose glue potato chips. So again, Rinat gets totally off because the question was about this awful calling her a gold digger. A, does she think she's a gold digger?
Starting point is 01:14:27 And B, having that whole apology at lunch that she just pretended never happened. Like why don't, why doesn't Rina actually have to answer any fucking questions? Why? She's smart. I mean, she's smart. She knows how to like sneak on out of them. You got almost in a weird way. You have to give her credit.
Starting point is 01:14:42 So my question isn't even about Rina, it's to Andy. Why doesn't she have to answer anything? Are you not noticing? She's literally answering no questions. Howler. Yeah. So Andy is like, well Lisa, I spoke with you about this many times,
Starting point is 01:14:58 your social media is disastrous. We talked about it. We have no impulse control. You make so much trouble for yourself. You post something and you want about me to delete it. A week or two ago, you posted, oh, I'm never going to post about the housewives again, which is against the contract.
Starting point is 01:15:17 And then you ask me, are you posting about the reunion? What's the comment? Text messages. I mean, wow! Well, there's something about being imp impulsive and I just texted PK Glue and he sent me the picture of a Sunday with glue put on top of it and phenox. As a dopamine rush when you eat a glue Sunday that's dopamine.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's dopamine and air kills. It's a dopamine ha! Yeah dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine. Dopamine. I have a question, Andy. Why are we talking about mean doaps right now? I feel like that's just not the tone we should be having. I mean, it's worse than calling it a dope the C word, didn't it? Really at the end of the day. I don't like using the M word. Mean. Am I going to get bleeped out by saying that? So Andy's like, so you like all the attention?
Starting point is 01:16:09 I do. I love it. I love the attention. And he's like, but even when it's negative, she goes, well, my one is negative. I mean, I like it. It sets off the same receptors. And then Andy's like, well, it gives me anxiety. I mean, you post some things and I'm like, what are you doing? I mean, blaming production for things. Don't you think that's like,
Starting point is 01:16:28 this is your time to apologize to production? Okay, so you're trans. She's like, your production, lowest, lowest, lowest, lowest. Then we see screenshots of what he's talking about and she accused a producer on their show of hiring the bots against Garsell and then telling them off for not giving Lois enough time, which I presume is why the show was re-edited in the past three weeks and then there was some Lois crying added in there.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And he's like, Andy is like, well, why not call someone in production and say, hey, I'm really upset. I'm sure everyone in production is like, thanks, Andy. We don't get called enough from these ladies. And she's like, well, I don't know when I'm doing something when I do it. I mean, I don't even know what to do. I want to express myself, and I express myself, and then I get in trouble.
Starting point is 01:17:13 And she's like, come on, Rana. She goes, I don't know I'm doing anything. Come on, Rana. Well, sometimes you do, because like, oh, and I make my eyes like this. Oh, so you know then. And she's like, listen, I'm in post-save. We all know I'm a working progress.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Hey guys, you hear it every season, at least 10 times. So let me just say I'm a working progress. Ha ha ha. He's, and she's like, I'm gonna get better. And then he goes, well, you know that's in your control. And she's like, I know that. I'm just gonna get better. Just give me a chance.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Give me a chance. And he's like, how about giving up social media? I was like, I tried. I tried. I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I mean, if you can't dance and people can't see it, do any music ever get played? Am I right, Andy? If you're dancing in your living room, but it's not being filmed, will anybody realize that you stole this whole stick from Goldie Haunted the first place? You know what I'm saying, Andy? So Andy's like, you know, and people are saying, from microaggressions to bullying, why
Starting point is 01:18:17 don't you just pause Ranna? She goes, ha, put me on pause! Put me on pause! I don't care! I don't care! So then Andy says, so you also posted if Put me on pause, put me on pause, I don't care. Ha ha ha ha. I don't care. So then Andy says, so you also posted, if we fight with Garsell, we're all called races,
Starting point is 01:18:32 but that's bullshit I want to shut it. And I'll express that stuff, when and how and why I want to and I'm not afraid of any of you, I'll show. That's true, I love that a show. Love that, I was one of some of my greatest work. Thank you, Andy.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Thank you. So Garsell's like, okay, well, sometimes what is said is perceived differently when it comes to us. So therefore, if you're not around a lot of people of color, just how we had our whole thing with the charity, Me and Kyle, sometimes what you say could have an undertone of being racist, it could be considered a micro aggression.
Starting point is 01:19:10 So Crystal jumps in here, which I don't really blame her because she, you know, it's been two years since the girl can't make her point, okay? She's trying really hard to make this one point, but she's still not going to make, but she jumped in instead of Rina having to answer for a fucking Michael aggression again. I like the third time this reunion where Rina gets off scot free and it becomes about something else. I liked what Crystal had to say when she jumped in, but I also was, it was a bummer to me that Garsell's point didn't really get to come to fruition vis-a-vis Rina.
Starting point is 01:19:47 So that being said, Chris was like, well, that's how I felt. I felt my original conversation with Son is how I felt. And I now know that's not her intention, but that was the impact and that was how I felt. And I like Garcell's response because Garcell goes about what? Because Chris tells like piggybacking off the good point that Garcell made to go make another point that Garcell's not with because she was trying to call Sutton racist, right?
Starting point is 01:20:13 Right. So, Kyle's like, well, I think that's a little different though. And Crystal goes, you gotta stop Kyle. You gotta stop. No, actually you have to stop. You have to stop. By the way, I don't know if you agree, if people agree or disagree with Crystal, I think we can all agree that was very fun to stop. No, actually you have to stop. You have to stop. You have to. By the way, I don't know if you agree. If people agree or disagree with Crystal,
Starting point is 01:20:27 I think we can all agree that was very fun to hear her say, you've got to stop Kyle. Yeah. So she's like, yeah, Kyle's like, her tongue's going left and right. Right, it's going crazy. And the crystal's enough. Enough, Kyle.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Enough. Kyle's like, no, you have to stop. You have to stop. You have to stop. And Crystal goes, this is my experience. So, well, actually you said something that didn't exist. Like, okay, Kyle. Kyle, I just, I'm not, I'm just not here to co-sign Kyle
Starting point is 01:20:55 as the, as our reliable witness for whatever happened with Sutton and Crystal. I'm not co-signing Kyle. I'm not. She has a terrible track record of remembering things. And also I kind of feel like as the white lady in that conversation, like if there was a microaggression, it's Kyle is not gonna be necessarily the one
Starting point is 01:21:13 that's gonna pick up on it. And now here's the thing because for this, of course, I don't like Kyle. And so of course I'm on Crystal's side because I love watching her finally yell at Kyle because Kyle is in asshole. But I'm still anti-ristal as far as the whole She did go say oh when when Andy said but she apologized for that thing and you guys work pass it
Starting point is 01:21:33 She did say well she said something way worse before that so she did do that You know, so I can't be on crystal side for that But for this overarching argument right now I'm definitely on Crystal side because it's so fucking funny. So she's like, I was expressing my experience and Carl says, no, you said something that didn't exist. And she goes, it did exist.
Starting point is 01:21:53 And she made a public apology to me, just as you made a public apology to Garsell. She made a public apology to you for something else. And then you said there was something worse, right? Just to keep it even. So Carl goes, well, this wasn't a clean situation like that. And Crystal says, well, it doesn't have to be clean like yours, Kyle. Okay, it's about how you experience it.
Starting point is 01:22:12 She goes, no, calm your tips. Yeah, I think, oh, I thought she said common sense, but I think you're right. I think it was calm, because that makes more sense, like, calm your tips. Yeah, that makes more sense. And then Crystal's like, you don't understand sense, like, hundreds of hits. That makes more sense. And then, Crystal's like,
Starting point is 01:22:25 you don't understand anything Kyle until you experience it enough, which is so true. That is so true. And Kyle goes, I'm telling the truth. And, Crystal goes, but this is my truth. You don't understand it and you never will. And that's who you are. And Kyle's like, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:22:39 It's 100% true. It's so funny. And she's, I love, now this is where I was totally 100% crystal. When she said, you only sat down and said, sorry to Garsell because you didn't want to get in trouble. And that's the truth. Which is, you know, that was the truth. And she goes, that's actually not true.
Starting point is 01:22:57 We had a very nice conversation. And then it goes, well, I think you guys are talking about two different things. You're talking about the experience that you felt and she's talking about the dark comment that was made. So it's two different things. And Tureka, now I have to ask something. Do either of you think that anyone on this stage is glue?
Starting point is 01:23:22 I have a question. That's not what glue is. What people say I'm rather your glue, whatever I say, bounces off me and sticks to you. Are they talking about horses? I'm so confused now. I don't want to get a whole stock to me, it's just forgiven me opinion. I have a question, when you're playing that basketball game horse, are you actually just manufacturing glue? It's all very confusing to me now. If you can ride a horse and horses are glue, can you ride glue? Can cowboys be used in place of glue?
Starting point is 01:23:57 Because you can ride a horse, ride a cow, save a horse and ride a cowboy. I'm confused. But my real question is, are we racist? And if we are, can we still use glue? They're like, my God. So, Garcels like, no, no, I don't know. We don't think anybody's racist or whatever. And, oh, go ahead. No, as you can say, then Erica says, like, well, you know,
Starting point is 01:24:23 the thing is the conversation has changed generationally. I mean, your intentions aren't bad. It's just that things have changed and it's subtle, but the consequences are big. I was like, thanks, Erica, for weighing in with a sentence that has a lot of words and means nothing. Thank you. Well, it means the conversation around racism has changed, but when you call somebody racist,
Starting point is 01:24:44 it can ruin their life. In other words, like, what we're doing that's racist is one thing, but we need time, but to call us out on it can ruin our lives. It's a very eric a thing to say. And with a thing that still drives me nuts about this whole thing, okay? I kind of want to put like the weather or not, there was something dark said to the side. Like I truly believe, and I think we've said this before,
Starting point is 01:25:10 I truly believe that ultimately, you know, when it was brought up initially, Crystal was like, oh yeah, that was a dark conversation. Like Darcell said, you were ready to say, to come down on her heart, and she's like, well, it was a dark conversation, whatever. And then they're like dark, what'd she say? What'd she say?
Starting point is 01:25:26 What'd she say? And then I think that Crystal kind of got walled in, because I think ultimately it was like sudden probably said something tome death, or there was probably a microaggression. She didn't want to go back to that place, because last year, when she said, I felt violated, they harped on it for a week after week after week. And she knew that if she said, oh, this is what sudden said, that then be like, why would you say that? Why would you say that she said that? Why would you say that?
Starting point is 01:25:46 Sutton did she say that? She knew it would just be that, but in like a, in a worse area. And so she's like, I don't wanna go back and talk about it, right? And then they just keep harping on it, harping on it, why don't you say it? Why was so dark? Why don't you say it?
Starting point is 01:25:58 Why don't you say it? So now she does say what it is. It almost feels like whatever she felt was dark, it was like that was it. That was it because they hyped it up so much. And the reason why I'm just sort of bringing this all up again is that if Eric had said, oh, oh, I just had a conversation with the Reatives, it was pretty dark, you know, but I don't want to get into it. They would just move on. But it's not insinuating racism. That's the big difference. Crystal had already
Starting point is 01:26:23 gotten over this thing with Sutton and they said you got over it Why are you still talking about it? And she said well, we had a conversation before that and she said something even worse than that So they're saying well, what is it because this was all about race. So she's making it sound like Sutton said something really racist like you guys just know the kind of racist thing what Sutton said was Really racist and then when ambiastor about it, she goes yeah like you guys just know the kind of racist thing. What Seth and said was really racist. And then when Ambi asked her about it, she goes, yeah, it was worse. And she kept flip-flopping back and forth.
Starting point is 01:26:51 So to me, Crystal dug her own fucking grave on that one. I, well, I just think that, well, first of all, it was Garstall who even unearthed it. Because Crystal wasn't talking about anymore. Whatever it was, I'm just saying, I don't, if Erica had said, the read had said something problematic. And it was pretty dark, just saying I don't, if Erica had said, the Readehead said something problematic and it was pretty dark, but we had, we talked about it. They would leave it alone. At the end of the day, this is sort of like separate from Crystal Dicking her own grave. The point
Starting point is 01:27:16 is that they were not going to be content until they really nailed Crystal to the wall. I think that if you had a similar situation, if Dereet had said something problematic, and Erica or Rina said, oh yeah, he was pretty dark with Dereet said, but we had a conversation, and we sorted it out, and we're good now. I don't think Kyle would ever have this energy for that. That's what my point is.
Starting point is 01:27:40 So then now it's time for the next segment. So he's like, okay, here's what's gonna happen everybody. We're gonna do one more package. We're gonna have a break and then Kathy's coming in fun, fun, fun. And Garth says like, I'm drinking. I don't give a fuck. Come on, let's have a drink. Yeah, so Kathy arrives and you think it's like,
Starting point is 01:28:01 don't, don't, it's inception. Wow, wow, that she gets out of her car and it's like, don, Kathy Hilton. Rhett has pepng herself up. She's like, just have to tell the truth. All I have to do is tell the truth, and that's all there is. Rhett has like pacing back and forth in front of a rust dress for less muttering to herself and pointing at the sky
Starting point is 01:28:38 with a plastered grocery bag over her head. Like, just have to truth. I'm just gonna tell the truth. I still have to do, tell the truth. Just walking back and forth have the truth. I'm just gonna tell the truth. I have to do tovajoo just walking back and forth to the camera. Would you be so nervous if that's, if that was really all you had to do, Rina. But finally we're gonna get some Kathy Hilton in here. Oh yeah. And the previews for next week. I forget what Kathy said. Kathy said something I was like, yeah, Kathy. And I don't remember what it was, but that's where my emotion was. Well, after two hours of Rina, she could pretty much say anything and get the audience cheering for her, you know?
Starting point is 01:29:13 Yeah. Oh, yeah, it was Kathy saying, weren't you the one who was saying, you're right. You're right. I could say the same thing. Yeah, great. Yeah, great. All right, everybody. Well, thank thank you so much for being with us That brings us to the end of Beverly Hills We'll be back next week to finish us off We'll be at take a seat Monday night live 7 p.m. Pacific for you to give us your opinions and we'll be back Tomorrow with some Salt Lake City and the Winter House later this week in a preview of something in our bonus this week So go check out patreon love you guys bye watch what crap ends would like to thank its premium sponsors ain't no thing like Alice and King
Starting point is 01:29:52 Ashley Savoni she don't take no baloney Dana C Dana do she's not just a sheela she's a daniella itchels Aaron McNickalus she don't miss no trickles. Alva Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no less namey! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess saying, okay, she's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Christian the Piston Anderson! You're never alone with Lacey Monteleone. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino!
Starting point is 01:30:21 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burg. Sarah Greenwood she only uses her power for good. The Bay Area Betches Betches and our super premium sponsors, always the wisers Allison Weasler. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betzy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Better do what she says is Elva Enrique's. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We will we will Joanna Rockland you. My favorite Merto. Karen McMurdo. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a good hobby. It's Lauren Hobgad. We want to hang with Liz Lang the incredible edible Matthew sisters Nancy Cicin DeSisto Give him hell miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee. It's Sarah Lemke
Starting point is 01:31:14 Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking violet Coochar We love you guys Drinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Bye.

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