Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Welcome to Jurassic Dark

Episode Date: June 10, 2022

The "dark" controversy on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills crosses borders as the women head to Mexico for a much needed vacation from their three days of recovery from the last vacation. Plu...s, we say goodbye to the legendary Lois

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I am Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the one and the only Ronnie Karam. Hey Ronnie, how's it going?
Starting point is 00:01:12 Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. How are you there?
Starting point is 00:01:20 How are you, sir? Good. I'm half-mouthed today. So sorry if Spit flies out of my mouth or something. I was at the dentist. I'm starting my month long trip to the dentist. You know, they got to do everything in pieces, so it's gonna be going until the end of June, so. They'll be showing up here with half a face.
Starting point is 00:01:37 A lot of time. Come and gasped up. That'll be good. That's gaslighting. You know, gaslighting is when you get gasped up before podcasts. I'm talking about real housewives of Beverly Hills Storylines. Well, I need the pain medications during this season. Jesus, we're going to talk about the word dark for the rest of our lives.
Starting point is 00:01:56 They're going to be like, Ronnie, that was dark. It's going to be put on my grave. And everyone's going to be like, what was dark? And Chris was going to be like, I'm not telling. Well, yes, obviously today we're talking real housewives of Beverly Hills before we start, just a reminder that this is actually a crap ins on demand episode, which means you can watch it if you support us on Patreon at the crap ins on demand level. If you want to do that, go to slash watch for crap ends. Sign up at that level. You get access to our crap as a demand.
Starting point is 00:02:27 We can watch us. You also get access to our Discord channel, which is really wonderful. And our weekly bonus episodes. This week we just shot the shit. We just talked, we started talking about dentists, woes, and then that turned into discussions of love island and big brother and under the banner of God
Starting point is 00:02:47 having it was just like it was a lot in a really cool way so go check that out and you get to for right now you get to watch us do this episode so let's dive in to Real House House of Brevile Hills before actually another thing before we start. So it is Thursday for those who follow some of my social media every now and then I post that I really enjoy getting a bagel on Thursdays. I call it bagel Thursdays. It's a thing that I just made up for myself. And basically I normally just order the bagel in because I'm too lazy. But today my bagel shop would was like not accepting orders was too busy. So I was like, okay, I'm just order the bagel in because I'm too lazy. But today, my bagel shop was not accepting orders, it was too busy, so I was like, okay, I'm gonna drive there. I was so mad that I had to go drive there.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Well, it was a good thing I did go driving because I drove down Melrose Avenue and I'm there in traffic and I looked to my left and there are Delilah Bell and Lisa Rina taking selfies on the sidewalk. I was like, you know what, this was meant to be. I got a nice little bravo Liberty sighting there. And of course, they were taking selfies.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And it turns out when I looked on their social media, it was because, I'm in a beauty. It's first billboard. It's up on members Avenue. So they were commemorating the moment. And I got to witness them commemorating it. It was very exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Well, little do you know because you never leave your house, but Rina and Delilah Bell are always on Melrose. Getting it. Taking selfies. It's like being excited when you see the Hollywood sign. What else do you think Rina and Delilah Bell do? They stand outside and they take selfies. Well, it's been a big week for me
Starting point is 00:04:22 because I saw Cynthia Bell Bailey at the Beverly Center. And now I've seen Lisa Rina and Doile Bell on the sidewalk. And I'm just excited. I feel like I'm ready for a third one. Let's make it a three-peat. I don't know who it's going to be. I feel like it'll be lame. I feel like it's going to be like Teddy Melon camp at like yogurt land, although she would
Starting point is 00:04:39 never. She would. She would just eat a bite of it and then sit there and hold it and look at everybody else like look at all these people who can't stop themselves. Yeah, I think it's gonna be an unremarkable one like not like it'll be something like like Lisa Wu Hartwell or something. I'm like, oh, how dare you. People aren't really, it'll be like a, it'll be like, yeah, yeah. I don't know. This Lisa Wu, I should say, she's no longer heart well. That's my prediction of my first rival, Carlton.
Starting point is 00:05:11 But Carlton would be great for me. I would love it. If I saw Carlton, that would be very exciting for me. It will be, it will be long behind. Mm-hmm. Okay, let's get into real half swaths of Beverly Hills, shall we? Well, actually, let's start in Ventura. Ventura County, 35 miles north of Malibu. Now, that's 35 miles
Starting point is 00:05:37 north of Malibu. That's a long way Ventura County. I have an, like an uncle by marriage who lived out there. He's like, why don't you come visit me? And I'm like, cause you live in Greece. Yeah, that's far. Yeah, that's far. The counties are far away. That's why there's a whole other housewives for Orange County.
Starting point is 00:05:54 That's the next county over. Okay, and it's so far away that they have to have another housewives for it. Okay, Ventura is a different housewives franchise. I'm sorry, it's too far away for us. I'm sorry. But I would be into the Ventura franchise. I think I would watch that. It would be good because, well, I mean, there's like, there's some, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:15 there's stuff up there. There's, there's, there's an outlet center. There's an outlet center. There's an in-house. Who's got the rules now? There has to be an outlet center. If there's an outlet center, we'll produce a house while I'm saying. It's amazing how little I could come up with on the spot of what's in Ventura County. I know that there's stuff up there.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But Starbucks. She's an olive garden. OK. You can make it work. My old Reagan library. That may be a lot. So let's see. so Range Rover Tiny House. So Garsell has bought a little house in Ventura,
Starting point is 00:06:51 and she's gonna tear it down and make it into a big family home, and she's doing it because she wants to have a place, so when she dies, her friends can be like, that's really cool that she did that. Yeah. Man, having kids, or having kids makes you really go to extremes, I would not do that. So my kids could say that's cool, he did that. I want my kids, if I ever have kids, I want to die and then my kids be like, he did the
Starting point is 00:07:16 dishes once. That's really cool that he did that. Like that's as far as I'm stretching, okay? You're not getting a fucking house in Venturic County. Yeah, of course. I would take a pottery. Get a potterie. I would like take a pottery house in Ventura County. Of course, I would take a pottery. I would like take a pottery and make a few bowls.
Starting point is 00:07:27 I'd be like, oh my God, these are the bowls that that dad made. That's what you get. Okay. I don't know. Well, I've already got those. You know, I've got a lot of parts and crafts pottery bowls and shit. Yeah, I'm like a little.
Starting point is 00:07:39 There's a lot. There's a lot of grandpa made out of, I don't know, plaster from Hobby Lobby or whatever, or Michaels or whatever. So Garcell is really proud to be able to buy a home, which, you know, hell yeah, proud of you. I want the house. I want to be that proud of myself. I want a house of Vittoricaali. Yeah. I want things to. And her sister Shantel is with her. that's really it right what happens. It was a very unremarkable way to start the episode. I think this is the episode where they said this is gonna be kind of a sad episode because it's the one
Starting point is 00:08:14 where Lois dies. So let's just sort of put in kind of like our odds and ends because we know it's gonna be kind of a it's it's not gonna be a high-dram episode. So let's put in, like, Garsell, go walking to the beach with her sister, and Garsell talking about how her sister always laughs on her own jokes. And as if Garsell doesn't, by the way, like every confessional, it's Garsell being like,
Starting point is 00:08:36 the thing with Dorit is, she loves putting her coaster under her glass. Ha, ha, ha, can't get mad at anybody for laughing at themselves because like I've literally been doing that since I came out the womb. But also it's a huge episode because this episode is sponsored by Jurassic Park. Okay. The Little Jurassic Park logo all week has been on the right hand corner of the TV screen and it's so fucking annoying. A, because that movie sucks. This trilogy sucks and we all know it.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Let's stop pretending that just because it's starring the ship I lady from the help and you know, the guy from whatever with red hair from that weird church in LA. It's his name Chris Pratt. Chris Pratt. That it's good. That movie sucks. The first two sec, this one probably will suck. Yes, I will be going to see it, but only because I want to see if Kyle's going to be
Starting point is 00:09:29 in it, because they're making a lot of promises showing that little logo in every single scene. It's like, yeah. Garcels just walking along the beach. I was a new nice to be with my sister. Jurassic Park! My God. Something's about to happen. Maybe the sister's going gonna get eaten or something.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I would not have minded some sort of dinosaur cameo in that scene. I'm not gonna lie. That's you need a little excitement, okay? Yeah, we just put Kyle's hands in there. And you know, and as much as I love Garsell, we've been down this path with her a few too many times. Like who would have thought me, a girl from Haiti,
Starting point is 00:10:07 now can buy a house? I'm like, Garsell, you've been a celebrity for like 20 or 30 years. At this point, like, I'm very happy for you. I think it's wonderful. And I'm honestly, I think that she's one of the best people on the show. But like, it's okay. We can move on from the, like, wow,
Starting point is 00:10:24 a celebrity can buy a house moment, right? Well, it's also the Kyle Richards thing, because our cell has been on, this is our third year, right? And so it's been straight up building houses every year, it's like I'm building a house. It's very Kyle, you know? Kyle does it like every two years,
Starting point is 00:10:41 and she remodels, and it's sadder when it's Kyle, you know, she wasn't like a poor kid in Haiti or anything but she does have to hire Fay every time. So I think Kyle's winning on the depressing scale too. It's sadder with Kyle because it feels like for every renovation or house move that she does, it always feels like a downgrade, so it's always getting worse. It's like actually like plastic surgery. It's like she's chasing the high of the first good one. And now we are in a situation where there's checkerboard floors and pink neon art
Starting point is 00:11:11 and all sorts of crazy stuff going around and very constructive driveway hedging. I feel like we've never really talked about that, but she has all sorts of hedges around her driveway that I feel like are strangling that experience, the driveway experience. I think it's all wrong. How does it look?
Starting point is 00:11:29 I was wondering. Well, it's kind of like a maze or like an obstacle course when Rina runs out of there screaming at somebody to bully them. You know, it's just makes it more fun to watch because she has like jump over her hedges. She's like swinging from a branch.
Starting point is 00:11:42 She's like shining. Yeah. Anyway. So then we swinging from a branch. She's shining. Yeah. So anyway, so then we go to Beverly Hills. Now, this is a fascinating episode, at least in font, okay, because we find out that Beverly Hills is now obsessed with some font. I don't know what it is, but Beastro, Jolie and the next place they go to, Fabra Chimienes are in the same font. And it bothered me, I don't even like the font. Okay, it's like one of those cutesy fonts.
Starting point is 00:12:10 They're on stuff in home goods that says salt, and it's a salt-chaker, is that kind of font? I find that font so condescending. And on top of that, it's classic Beverly Hills style to have a font that's not even in right now because there is an in font. There's this one font. I don't know what it's called, but it's now the font that gets used with everything. It sort of has a serif, roundish letters. I don't know what it's called, but it's the font of the moment. And of course Beverly Hills restaurants don't use it. Of course they're using like a font from 10 years ago because that's so Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And it's also so this show of like, I checked me out, I got this shirt with a brand new font. And it's like the old font, you know, it's like, it's them chasing the new font but the font's already moved on by the time they get to it. Yeah. Yeah, I just don't, the font made me uncomfortable. So Doree shows up for lunch and Erica,
Starting point is 00:13:07 she's going to lunch with Erica. Guys, you know you're desperate. When it's Dariit and Erica, you guys have 10 cast members. Dariit and Erica are appearing off. Those two never have lunch. What the hell are you people trying to pull on me? I know.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And so basically Erica, Erica comes in and she's like, oh, you look lonely. Sorry. Have you been waiting long? Which I felt like was a passive aggressive attack on Teddy when Teddy had to wait for Doree. Be like look Doree can be on Tom Teddy Maybe you're the crazy one So then anyway, here are you calling lonely. You've got a Taco Bell rapper hanging off the corner of your mouth And Doree is like, well, I look lonely, you look poor. Oh, Eric, I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize it was you, Eric! Gee, gee, is that you?
Starting point is 00:13:55 And then the waitress has the audacity to say to the two people who are bringing nationwide cameras, or cameras to project to a nationwide audience. So the restaurants closing in or their kitchen's closing in 15 minutes. So I was like, wow, you're going to rush that people are gonna publicize your your your your poorly-fonded restaurant. Wow, lady. Wow. Yeah, and they're both someone pointed out online that neither one of them knew how to pronounce Niswaw, which I thought was funny I love a nice salty salad. Yes, I'd love a nice so-so That'd be wonderful. Thank you
Starting point is 00:14:34 Nico, Nico salad, please That the same as a new chassis? Yeah, I'll have that please Well, I had therapy, televised therapy. Let me tell you, changed my life. She redid my energies of my valuations. Yeah. And she started to talk, three stories about therapy and what I can do. And then they started talking about lowest and they got like a message from
Starting point is 00:15:02 Rina or FaceTime that they're gonna have to put Lois into hospice and how this is just like really sad and they're talking about like it's just like really sad that this is like the end and like can't imagine having to make that decision. And by the way, are you so excited to go to Mexico? Cause I'm really excited to go to Mexico. Yeah, she's like,
Starting point is 00:15:22 Piquet said we should get away a bit. He said they've taken DNA, put it in a little bit of Vaba. We never know what's gonna come out of it. We're going to a giant chicken ranch in Day Nature finds away So um so basically yeah, they're gonna be they start talking about vacation and Diana is when she says that when she told Diana Diana's like, okay, I would fire up the jet America goes well, it's good to have those kinds of friends and especially someone who don't want to have one Am I right back to free loaders that is? Yeah got my free mother card So in the wrong one, guys, how's it going? Am I right? Back to free load of status. Yeah. Got my free load of cards stand.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Am I going to have to put a big gigantic balls in my mouth at any time during this flight? Stepping up over here. Stepping up. So then we got a Fabricini St. Font. Fabricini's Font Stealer from Jolise. Yeah. Goddamn my mouth. It's like,er from Jolise. God damn my mouth, it's like I don't feel it, but it's itchy.
Starting point is 00:16:30 How do you say that? That means it's coming back, right? The sensation's coming back, right? So you're starting to get tingles and stuff. I guess it's not tingles, it's just straight up itch, but then I touch it and I'm like, that's not where the itch is. It's inside the scanner. Oh, gas lighting, gas lighting.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Your itches gas lighting. Oh, my personal's ever been to the dentist. It's so hard. How could you complain about the dentist after what I've been through? Oh, you know what, you call that chaos theory. Jurassic Park coming to theaters tomorrow. So, anyway, so Kyle and Crystal sit down
Starting point is 00:17:09 for an enjoyable tense lunch. And of course, Kyle starts it off with some bragging, but like in Kyle form, which is that she's trying to act like Chilla bad. And she's like, oh my God, my niece, whose name shall go unnamed, but my niece, whose not named Rome or London, is getting married tomorrow. Oh my God, she looks just like me.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah. My niece, Leris Pilton, is getting married. And I just, I can't believe it. And Chris was like, yeah, I spoke to Catherine. I love that. It was like, I spoke to someone who has a more direct connection to your needs that therefore is more popular. So sorry, this is not going to work on me.
Starting point is 00:17:50 When I was at the 12 year old going to a formal rodeo store to get this outfit, I spoke with Cathy already. What, Chris, do you ever go to a store that caters to adults? What are you wearing? She's wearing like some thing all the way up to here with these big black puffy sleeves. It's so funny because I was, I literally yesterday I went to the motion picture museum
Starting point is 00:18:14 here in LA because my parents were in town, so it's museum time. And they showed this, you know, the very first ever movie of all time is like a bunch of basically ladies leaving a factory in 1895. And they're all wearing up to, all wearing up to your nose collars with big, fluffy shoulders.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And I was like, that looks gonna come back someday. Louis Vuitton really is, would only take about six hours. Kusel's bringing it back. The 1896 factory worker. Like, you go girl. I was in the Lumiere film once, yeah. So when she said, I spoke with Kathy already today, Kyle just swinced like, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And Kyle tells us, oh, you know, it's very difficult for them because I mean, they're famous. So everybody's eyes are on them. It's a lot of pressure. It's a lot. They're so famous. There's so much for it. I just can't wait to show up and have fun because it's my
Starting point is 00:19:06 needs to look like man, I'm invited. Okay, I just can't wait. So then they start to get into a little bit. So crystals like saying how she can I just I'm so sorry before we even get into the scene, I have to complain about something totally not important again. This entire episode is ordering. Okay, I know that the whole thing is like, oh, you know what? How soized fans love watching people order? So let's see what they order. Okay,
Starting point is 00:19:31 I get it. Half of this episode is them ordering. Okay. So just in case any was wondering, they're having a Sonoma salad and a black and salmon be salad and Jurassic Park starts in one day 23 hours and 40 minutes. Okay. Yeah, they're eating triceratops. They're eating, I wish they actually had eaten jello and watched a wobble in their spoons. I mean, they even did that on top chef literally. So, uh-oh. BOOM! C'mere shoes! Here comes one right now! Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity view, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserves session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent tick-tock of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the
Starting point is 00:20:50 Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lover's quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder ya. So, Crystal saying how, you know, she's not used to conflict and this topic is hard for her because she's held it in and didn't want to talk about it and Kyle goes, well, I felt like you brought up something like a year ago and like while trying to defend yourself with Garsell, you threw sudden under the bus, which is something you shouldn't do because like I would never do that to any of my sisters over anything that I harbor for many years, okay? But you threw
Starting point is 00:21:33 sudden under the bus and then you didn't want to fall through it and then like back it up and now you left us with an open-ended question situation that can be interpreted to be way worse than what it really was. Now Ronnie, I've been thinking about this. I've been thinking about this stupid ass argument all week long because I think it's actually, I have been, but I've been having a hard time like untangling where I stand on it because I've been, I see a lot of crystals points.
Starting point is 00:21:56 I obviously took up crystal side a lot last week. I see a lot of crystals points. I see a lot of garcials points. I see everyone's points actually very clearly. But I feel like it's a little bit more, it's trickier than being like, I'm on Crystal Side or Kyle Side. But one thing that I feel like I have gotten clarity on
Starting point is 00:22:12 for myself is that I feel like these women are angrier. I feel like it sounds so mean. Like these women, I don't mean it, it sounds like these women. But I mean that like these specific women on this cast right now. These people say that. That's how it's about.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Kyle Richards. Say you people. You people. Those people. Those people on that show. No, I feel like Kyle doesn't care that crystal through sudden under the bus. I feel like Kyle is more angry that there's information
Starting point is 00:22:44 that she doesn't know about and that Crystal is withholding. And she's saying she's upset that that Crystal's throwing a sudden under the bus and that's mean. But they're all so pissed at Sutton right now. We can't forget, they are, they all are mad at Sutton. And Kyle threw Sutton under the bus like an episode ago about the Duret thing. So it's not about throwing under the bus.
Starting point is 00:23:03 This Kyle's mad because she wants to know something that she doesn't know. That's what I think she's really pissed about. Well, also Kyle is like the T-rex of the show. Please, you will. She is like the king of the housewives of this franchise. And if you're trying to teach a young dinosaur how to eat the heart out of something, it's like don't half to ask your racist allegations. Bring them on. Say what racist shit? It's like, come into it. If you're gonna bring down Sutton, bring down Sutton. Don't just like threaten to push her out of the nest, push
Starting point is 00:23:37 her out of the fucking nest. You know? And do it while you're holding an axe. You know? Who knows, really? I think Kyle's just got absolutely nothing going on in her own life except that the rumors that her husband fucks everything that he wants to when he's not around the cameras. So she's as usual making one little fight. You know, you can pick whoever sides you want on this fight, but the fact is,
Starting point is 00:24:01 who's bringing it up every single episode, every five minutes, as usual? Like do we still need to be talking about this? Crystal already said last week, okay, it was something that was problematic, but it wasn't so bad that we couldn't be friends, we moved past it. Yeah, the end, you know, and said, I don't like that. She said, okay, and then they said, we're going to be friends. And they're like, everybody's like, okay, okay, it's all clear.
Starting point is 00:24:24 And now we have to talk about it for another 10 episodes. Yeah, I do something. So we're always thinking the worst, always thinking the worst. Oh my gosh. And yeah, I mean, again, I think that like Crystal, you know, she was put on the spot by Bargar sell that accusation and she was like, well, she basically should've just said, you know what,
Starting point is 00:24:42 like that's really rude of you to say because honestly, I felt what I felt and, you know, like it was part of a context of a larger conversation that was rubbing me wrong and that's what was, that's what, but it's that she just said, you know what, because she was saying some shit and it was dark. I didn't like it, you know, and now it was like, what did she say? What did she say? What did she say? So maybe she said that part wrong, but honestly, they are, like now they are roasting her
Starting point is 00:25:02 for it. It just seems so over the top. Yes, and she's like, I don't want to talk about it again. So now, Crystal pulls out her mommy, you know, her mom during carpool, when the kids are going crazy thing again. She's like, I'm gonna be very clear about this here. It's what we're not gonna do.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Because what we're not gonna do, where I'm touring this car around, I'm not gonna repeat what she said, Kyle. That's what we're not gonna do. And Kyle's like, then you never should have said it that you never should have said it and she's like Okay, then lesson learned Kyle. She's like it's really terrible what you did. It's really terrible Shut up. It was not that terrible. Okay, it actually was not that terrible. She was defending him She said whoa, she said was like dark, that's all.
Starting point is 00:25:45 It wasn't, what's terrible is that you are trying to turn it into something as if she had like was covering up that sudden head, like join the Ku Klux Klan, and that's not what it was, okay? Well, I think what she did, obviously, wasn't great because she's like, well, what Sutton did, she was even,
Starting point is 00:26:00 basically, it sounded like she said something like, really racist before any of this that they cut and so you know So I get the being annoyed, but this is settled. It's settled. Okay, so Kyle's like, you know, something's not perfect I mean she said some comment about not seeing color and then we see the clip again. Are you that girl? Please tell me you're that girl I really don't see color. I don't see race. I don't do it. Okay, I just don't. And then we come back and Kyle's like
Starting point is 00:26:31 and Crystal corrected her, said and apologized. So I'm confused about what she said. That's just so dark. What did she say? That's so dark. I think your children inside said something dark. So Crystal's like, it's not my place to say the details. He gave your children inside, son said something dark. So Chris was like, it's not my place to say the details. And Kyle's like, but do not see that it's like dangerous to throw something out there
Starting point is 00:26:53 and say it's so dark, but I can't say. And I know a thing about danger, okay, because I had to change my nose for Michael Meyer on a feature film. That was number one a few weeks ago, okay? So to be honest, I think you're gaslighting this situation, which by the way, no, that's not the definition of gaslight. Girl, you still haven't learned what gaslighting is? Bravo has been misusing that term for so many years.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Nobody even fucking knows what gaslighting is anymore. Well, actually, Kyle does a perfect example of it and literally a millisecond later, Chris will go, you think I'm gaslighting? You have to be careful about that. And Kyle goes, oh, are we gonna be dramatic about that? That's gaslighting right there. Where are you yelling at me?
Starting point is 00:27:31 Am I yelling? Oh, why don't you hit me? I'm not gonna hit me. Why don't you hit me? I didn't hit you. So, Chris tells like, listen, I'm not gonna be dramatic. I'm just asking you to give me the benefit of the doubt here. And she's like, well then, I'm gonna ask you
Starting point is 00:27:48 to be more direct and thus passive aggressive then. And she's like, okay, shut up, Kyle. She's like, does that mean that you're gonna be more open to listening to my feelings? Okay, crystal, but you too, crystal, because it's not just your feelings. If you're accusing somebody on camera of saying something super racist, it's not about your feelings, If you're accusing somebody on camera of saying something super racist,
Starting point is 00:28:05 it's not about your feelings, okay? For Christ's sakes. And Kyle's like, well, but then that means you have to hear somebody else's feelings too. And she's like, okay, completely. So I will do anything possible to be more open and direct.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Okay, but you don't have to yell about it. I'm not yelling. You are. You are. The way everybody's looking at us about it. I'm not yelling. You are. You are. The way everybody's looking at us. Look. I mean, next thing you know, you're going to start talking about how much you love that times new Roman font they have over the table. That's not times new Roman Kyle. You just said it was.
Starting point is 00:28:38 You just said it was. And I love that Kyle prepares to like look as good as she can for the actual play to food that comes because they bring the food Have you miss it whenever they give food to Kyle? She does this Like your ma'am here's for black and salad or whatever and she's like She looks at it and then she looks at it. I'm like wow the salad thinks you're pretty Kyle Okay, maybe after that one episode where she was just like staring at that wheel of parmage,
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm like she wants it a hump it. She realized she has to like present herself a little more ladylike before food. Maybe that's my security. Well, she didn't know that in the unseen footage episode they were gonna show her just like sitting in the wedge like sitting in the wheel like it was a hot tub. Uh, so they changed the subject.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Well, first they're really maddened to give each other so proper looks. Like, I'm not bending. I'm not bending either, but I've got puffy sleeves, but you're yelling at me. No, I'm not yelling at you. You are though. So then Kyle's like, are you coming to Mexico?
Starting point is 00:29:43 You're gonna do surf lessons. And she's like, I'll do surf lessons if you do surf lessons. And Kyle says, but what if somebody could see my shark then? She's like, that's highly unlikely Kyle. Really? Because every time someone gets eaten by a shark, they think it's highly unlikely too. I mean, just ask my sister, Kim Richards,
Starting point is 00:30:00 she was in a movie called Sharknater, which admittedly was not the number one movie in the country. I was released in movie theaters, but she knows the thing or two about sharks. The only person to actually get bitten by a shark on Sharknade, though, Kim Richards. Yeah. So now we go through.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Ow! I thought that was Charlie Scheeam, anybody else. I was down out with Star-Arng, and I moved with Shaquille O'Neal. I thought it was Shaq Nego. Oh well. So... Hey girl. No, no.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So... So, now it's like the next day and so Diana shows up at Kyle's house and she goes, Oh, I don't know where I am. It took me an hour and a half to get here. I've never been in car before. I am afraid of car dusts. And Kyle's like, oh my God, did you get lost? No, Kyle, you live 90,000 miles away. Okay? That's what you live in and see now. Why are you pretending like she just got lost from Beverly Hills? That's a difference. There's a difference. Your house is literally the end
Starting point is 00:30:58 of a hedge maze. Okay. It only took her 20 minutes to get to the front of the driveway. Now while we're at it, why is Diana dressed like a Fubri's bottle? Like, why? Why? Why do rich people dress like this? I still feel like it's just a fuck with poor people. Like, you just don't see it's fashionable because you're poor. So, like, this little banter about the directions doesn't even get off the ground because, of course, here comes Bambi with a ball and I don't know, actually I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:31:29 I understand Bambi's gender, I don't want to misgender Bambi. So let's just say Bambi has a ball in their mouth and the dog just comes running and so Kyle has to like lock down a room because the dogs are gonna eat the cheese plate. Kyle, send these dogs somewhere. Please call up Cameron Westcott's shitty dog trainer. Anything, anything, please, these dogs are out of control.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So Diana's like, well, my car has this old navigation system and it drives me around the circle. So I don't know where I was, what I'm doing. All I know is dust. Do you sell things here? Dust. She's like, no, this is not a store. Are you sure? I know it's dust do you sell things here? She's like no, this is not a store. Are you sure it's very Ross dressed for mess? There's a dress for less. I know this is not a Ross
Starting point is 00:32:18 But there's neon sign that says open or close. No, that is art But how come when I walk in it said ding ding Do do you trip to for a bambi there was there was bacon on the floor. Oh, okay Well, this didn't really work with Chris. So let me try it this time Diana. I am so tired from Paris's wedding parasilton You know star of the 2000s. Yeah, it was so nice. It was beautiful. She was so funny and sweet. Like when they said, I do, she went, yaw. So which is so funny because that's like something I actually do privately with my daughter. So it's like, it's almost like she was doing me. It's almost like I was getting married. It's crazy. Yeah. So nice to see somebody imitating their good old
Starting point is 00:32:59 auntie after wedding. I mean, that was so sweet. And then we see a clip of this wedding. Who did Paris help marry? Look, I know that I'm behind. I mean, that was so sweet. And then we see a clip of this wedding. Who did Paris hope, Mary? Look, I know that I'm behind. I did not watch the Paris show or whatever, but who the fuck is that guy? He had like five inches of eyeliner on. And then he was posing more than Paris. They like, they're like, okay, you're now married. And he's like, oh, yes, yes. This is a girl. Who did you marry?
Starting point is 00:33:23 That man is a red flag girl. Carter Rume, he's an American author, entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is most notable for founding M13 Ventures, which already he sounds like that is so evil sounding, M13 Ventures, an angel investment firm, he's married to Socialite Parasolton. Yeah, I guarantee he has an evil skin,
Starting point is 00:33:43 telling you right now. He's the evil. I'm 13 Venturesolton. Yeah, I guarantee he has an evil skin telling you right now. People's key, I'm 13 ventures. No, yeah. So Kyle was like, yeah, I just came home and I couldn't sleep because guess what, I have exciting news. Not only did paras get married, but my oldest daughter got engaged and she didn't want it now to say because it was paris is what,
Starting point is 00:34:01 oh my God, you're so shina right now. You really need to rethink yourself, Kyle, when you're the shina of Beverly Hills. I know, it's literally shino storyline. It's very sad. You know she made the daughter take secret pictures somewhere in that gorgeous wedding. Yes, oh yeah, like sort of like Paris up in the altar
Starting point is 00:34:20 and Paris like holding up the ring. Also Kyle again, humble bragging saying, oh yeah, the wedding, it was actually like very small, like something like 200 people, like Kyle, you know, it shut up. So 200 people are very small, very, very small. So Diana starts talking about, you know, like her baby, she's like, you want to see my baby?
Starting point is 00:34:40 So she's talking about the babies, like, walking around now, like a little drunk and Kyle's like, you know, it's just funny. Now that fairers engage. So she'll be married soon. Just saying, just saying. And that means like she'll be having a baby soon probably. So like in a year, I could be like a Nana or a grandma, like a cool grandma. You know I'm saying, because I'm already a cool aunt to Paris Hilton and Nikki too. Oh, you're going to be a doogie. That's never leaving you. I hope she's doogie.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So they talk about, so Diana says after she gave birth, she just wanted more and more babies and she's like, but you know, after what happened to me, you know what happened to me, right? And she's like, no, did you, did your baby get invited to Paris as wedding?
Starting point is 00:35:20 It's another you didn't, is it a problem? And she actually talks about how she got pregnant when this baby was five months old. But then she went to the doctor and her baby, I mean, it's sad stories. She lost her baby. But how she says it, she goes, they said, put the phone down.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And so I put the phone down. and she said, this baby's dead. I was like, jeez! Time to wow. What the hell kind of dog gets a bedside manner? Do you have like, sure as said, Drake, as your doctor or something like that, or seal a war, be like, jeez, baby's dead. I was like, wow, that is a little intense. Yeah, jeez.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So it's a really sad story and she talks about how, you know, now she's not really sure and Kyle's saying, well, if you have to get, if you're going to get pregnant again, how long do you have to wait? And she's like, well, you know, I want to have, I want to give it a try, but I'm not really sure on this end, how many times when I can do it again.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And Kyle's like, mm-hmm. So when Paris said I do, in search went, yeah! It was so funny. It was so funny. Can you say something to me? I'm gonna try it. I'm not sure if I want to have a baby again.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah! Yeah! It's not funny. Wasn't that funny. That was so funny, Diana. Doesn't it make you feel better now? So they start talking about Mexico and Diana's like,
Starting point is 00:36:51 I don't want to leave baby, but at some point we have to go have some fun. Like, you guys were just out of town two days ago. Why aren't you guys acting like you haven't been out of town in 90 years? I know. You were just in looking to two episodes ago. It takes a village to raise a child and luckily you employ a village.
Starting point is 00:37:09 You're trying literally fine. So they decided to go, she's like, yeah, so Diana's going to go and call a ghost. Yaaas. So then we now have Garsell arriving at a restaurant with Sutton and Sutton shows up. And she goes, oh no, regardless of how it goes, not all, no. Here you go, bitch. I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:33 So they're named Sutton orders a kettle on the rocks and then a side of grapefruit geese and I'll pour that myself, thank you. So then she gets her drink and Garcels just looking at her like, why though? Yeah, the letter Y THO, why though? It me. So, so yeah, Garcels, I was wondering, yes, because I, yeah, sudden started like mixing the drink,
Starting point is 00:38:02 she was like doing, moving ice cubes from one to another and pouring things back. But also what's going on with service? She said a kettle one on the rocks with the side of grapefruit. So they bring her a grapefruit on the rocks with the side of kettle one. So she starts taking out the ice with her chopsticks
Starting point is 00:38:23 and putting it and the other thing. She's like, is this what at Chopsticks are for? This time I'm hilarious. But you know, she could have been like, excuse me. Can I speak with the manager? I'm always expecting her to be more of a Karen than she is. She's like, don't worry, I'll just get out my own ice as difficult as it might be. than she is. You know, she's like,
Starting point is 00:38:41 don't worry, I'll just get out my own ass as difficult as it might be. I think she has current instincts and she controls them for the camera because I think that she, with the Therano cameras, I think she would have actually just sent it back. So,
Starting point is 00:38:55 so Garza was like, whoa, the other night was strange, am I right? And she's like, well, I was trying to pay attention to my store. Well, I'll also try to pay attention to the bombs being dropped. And then the waiter comes over and she's like, ladies, now I can give you menus or we do
Starting point is 00:39:15 a thing where we just choose our favorites. They're like, just do that. How dare you? No, you're not going to serve me your fucking shit that's about to expire in the kitchen, okay? I know what a special is. Ryan, I'm a Cassie skeptic. Yes. No, I will order what I want. How about that? So they talk about the other night and sudden's like, well, I just don't understand it because we talked about it over the summer.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And I remember because Garth says like just tell me what it was please it's making me crazy so she's like well I remember talking about a jacuzzi because I was looking at the window so I was telling her how I was looking at the window and then we see the clip the unseen footage clip where it looks like it's still on this trip that they were on that this all started so she's like my kids they were in the the JQC with three black girls and a Chinese girl and a little red-headed girl. And I thought, this is how it should be. Well, except for the ginger, not really because of her red hair,
Starting point is 00:40:16 but mostly because she was poor. I didn't even know where she came from. So we got her out of there. But all the multicultural children we kept in there. I mean, it was basically like a fruity pebbles jacuzzi It was the nicest thing I ever saw and I said why can't we have fruity pebbles in there for jacuzzi? Well, thankfully I'm so rich that all of my servants went out there and put fruity pebbles in the jacuzzi Both families sued me. So really I don't trust anybody especially the little red-headed girls
Starting point is 00:40:42 They're always looking for a quick buck. I mean, listen, I just based this off of Harriet from It's Small Wanderer, okay? Honestly, once you see that TV show, it's very hard to trust a ginger. Okay, I'm just saying my experience. So that's her flashback, and it's funny because when I was watching it, I was like, wasn't that seen like the next day
Starting point is 00:41:02 when they were trying to talk it out about something, you know, I thought it was weird That that's what they would be referencing and so Garsell's like well, what would crystal find so dark about a bunch of kids being in a pool and Sounds like because I was we were talking about race. I don't know and Garsell's like so what did you say? She's exactly what I told you, you know Exactly what I told you, you know? No way! No way! No way! No way! No way!
Starting point is 00:41:26 No way! I love what Garth Cell does that. No way! That's my favorite Garth Cell reaction. Yeah, and she's like, am I missing something because Sun's season is so light and Crystal's season is so dark. Is there missing pieces in this puzzle? Yeah, and Sun's like, I know, it's very scary. Scares me, it's just as so dark. Is there missing pieces in this puzzle? Oh, yeah, and so I'm like, I know, it's very scary.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Scares me, it's just calling it dark. It scares me. It scares me. Like a hot tub with a ginger in it. Scary stuff. Scary stuff. Ah, commercials. Here comes one right now.
Starting point is 00:42:04 So Garsell's like, well, she's basically like, I just want to move on. And Garsell's like, well it will move on. Once we all know what was said. And then Garsell's like, no, what? Well, what you said there, Crystal found to be so dark. And Son's like, I just told you, she can't be. Can't be. No way. can't be no way. Sir, we go to Medford and Lois has passed away, which is so sad. I mean, you know, Lois. I know. So this is Rene just talking about how her mom had to go to hospice and she passed in
Starting point is 00:42:41 hospice and she had a directive not to give her a feeding tube, no resuscitation, and that was really hard, like making a decision to not keep her alive or whatever. So that's super, super sad and don't really have anything to make fun of there. Shocking. No, it was nice. They were, they probably showed some nice flashbacks and memories of Lois and she really was sharp as a tack, right up, you know, and as far as we could see up until the end, I mean, it's, you know, it was amazing
Starting point is 00:43:12 that she was only 93. I mean, she really had, like, she just had so much, she was just so, you know, with it, you know. So anyway, it was very sad, but it was very lovely. Bravo did a nice tribute and said, said like in memory of, et cetera. And then we go back to Beverly Hills. Jurassic Park in two days. Now they do have a lot of nuts on this channel.
Starting point is 00:43:34 We're just sitting there crying about her mom dies. And then what fades up? Jurassic Park in two days. I was like, wow, can't wait. It's low as in that. Like what the fuck are you people doing? That is so rude. Fuck in two days. I was like, wow, can't wait. Is Lewis in that? Like, what the fuck are you people doing? That is so rude.
Starting point is 00:43:47 You can't hold your Jurassic Park dick-seeking for a dead parents scene for Christ's sake. I know, I'm it's also like, it's like, here we are remembering the life of this lady. And then we're gonna pivot into, hey, let's watch this movie where dinosaurs kill lots of people. Okay. So, so anyway, let's watch this movie where dinosaurs kill lots of people, okay? So, so anyway, everyone's like cleaning,
Starting point is 00:44:08 we see like some, someone's like cleaning hedges, like trimming hedges, and then there's like serious music at Kyle's, and Kyle is getting a facetime from Erica. So we see her, Kyle has her face, I'm up super high, and I'd love that even in a face time where they're talking about something serious like lowest dying Kyle's like so I gotta get my angles she's still gonna get her angles no matter what and what are they talking about I don't know well Kyle who knows so so Kyle's like oh my god I feel so sad for Rina. Of course. And so they talk about that.
Starting point is 00:44:45 And there's still going to Mexico. Woohoo! So then we go to that little private jet part of the airport, which we see a lot on this show. And Rina actually comes. And so they're all hugging her and giving her some love. And Rina's like, you know, I had to be here. My mom would be so mad if I wasn't here
Starting point is 00:45:08 So she's trying to like have fun and get with it and stuff and they're talking about how the kids were there with her when she passed which I was there with my One of my grandmother's my first grandmother that passed I was there and that was mice and so they're like and Dries like I had that moment with my grandmother as well. It's beautiful. It is an aunt. They have that talk. And then Garsell comes and Doreet's like, haven't lived through me own trauma. I know it's nice to be around people. Okay, Doreet, some of us mother just died. Can we stop? Stop every line being about your trauma, please. So they get on the plane and they fly to Mexico and they land. And then sudden, Erica and Crystal are in a car together, which the other cars like
Starting point is 00:45:53 laughing about that, like, of course, the most awkward pairing of people or grouping of people. And then we see in one. So in that car, though, in that sprinter van, Garsell's like, I bet you $5 to read a speaking Spanish in her car and it got such a re going. Laria, condizira, she's like, she's speaking like Italian or something.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And so I'm like, you know, when they speak back to you in English, it's usually a good sign to stop talking in Spanish and the characters saying, and the characters saying, Quanto di embo! The guy goes 20 minutes. Thank you. And she's like 20 minutes, man! Oh, Mute's gracious pain in the butt has so long! And then Erica's like,
Starting point is 00:46:40 I wonder how Diana's doing on the other van. And Garza's like, well, the fact that she Diana's doing and the other van. And Garce, I was like, well, the fact that she flies or people have had her with all those things, I love that. And so then we cut to Leah, Diana's like main stylist, just arriving at the presidential suite and like trying to get it all nice for her and everything. And then there's like, there's like an issue with the closet
Starting point is 00:47:00 because some of Diana's dresses are like too long. So Leah's telling the guy who works at the hotel. Do you guys have like a taller like a taller like hanger bar for this? And he's like, no, there's only one. He goes, hmm, can they make a closet taller? Yeah. So I can need a long hanging place. Okay. We need a taller closet. So she's kind of like Ramona, but with more money. Yeah. Like how Ramona walks in everywhere like you can ditch me, you can do that for me. I need a bigger closet guy. So then everyone arrives at the hotel and one of the guys is like, welcome to Fantasy Island, Jurassic Park opens in two days. And he's like, you're welcome to paradise, which you know, sounds nice.
Starting point is 00:47:45 It looks like a motel eight painted white. I'm not gonna lie. And the exterior is not great. My shirt's great, but they all start getting served to eat drinks. But I see how. And kind of like, why don't I know what that is? I see how, why haven't I had this before?
Starting point is 00:48:04 She probably has been told it like 10 times. She's like, guys, I remember everything, okay. Also, I thought it was interesting that the place was called the Conrad. And I was wondering if that was, it was this a Hilton property, it was a name got for Conrad Hilton. I feel like if it were, then Kyle has said,
Starting point is 00:48:19 oh my God, that's so funny, because my nephew's name is Conrad, that is so funny. He's the brother of Paris, who just got married, three married three day wedding hours at all three days. I wasn't invited. I guess I don't know favorite aunt I guess. I think I heard that somewhere along the way. Do you buy him a chance to have a drink called Paris said yes. Do you have the a drink called the looks exactly like her aunt? Just wondering. It's really good cocktail. So Diana checks it goes into her room and it's like looking it up and down to check everything over.
Starting point is 00:48:49 And she's like, do you think I have enough clothes for like two days? Let me see the view. Only it's like, oh, I had the view brought in for you. Yes, because I'm witch. Very, very, very witch. It's just an LCD screen. They've propped up outside the window.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Like, no, it's a view of an alley. They just have this projection of the beach. So then there's just like, Rina's wiping down her room as usual and Kyle's face-telling Erica about what they're going to wear for dinner. And now it's like, now it's time to get a rive dinner. So the women start showing up and Diana and Sutton are first followed by, I'm sorry, Diana and Crystal,
Starting point is 00:49:26 followed by Son and Rina. And just everyone's like basically sitting down. I don't know why I need to tell every like the exact order that the women arrive to the table. Yeah, Kyle's FaceTiming Erica to see what each other are wearing and Kyle's in her hotel room putting on a pretty thing. And then Eric is on a bit beach with like a hot dog on a tattoo and a bandana and her hair like I'm coming down I'm coming please give me the coordinates give me the coordinates they just make Eric a sleep outside now yeah so Diane
Starting point is 00:49:55 and Crystal so Crystal's like I might be the only one in flats today all but you're told oh so that's fine you're like tall baby because you're so young to young baby tall tall tall baby Yeah, and then so and then like Erica shows up be like oh my god Erica. We love that bag. What a fun bag. That's amazing I like fun bags and I will not Know the camera not what a bug Walks in with anybody thing. I don't know the rest of the layers, I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Man, after all Eric has been through the fact that she would carry around giant balls on purpose. It's like you just people are just used to their habits, you know what I mean? Cause the ball is just like a big bag with a tassel hanging off of it. I was a big ball with a tassel hanging off of it. Now this was a very shocking part of the episode because Erica then orders a spicy margarita with no salt and then Kyle goes, Tompianne.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And then Rina goes, all the Belvedere, little soda, two lemons. I'm like, wow, she really is going through it right now because she didn't even say, you know what, I have that also. That also was like the first time in the history of Beverly Hills that Rina ordered her own cocktail.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I was shocked. So they talk about Rina, Lois and Rina saying that she's loved being famous. She would say, how many likes on that post? I would say, mom, you got 500,000 likes. Ha, ha, ha, cheers to Lois and her 500,000 likes. And they're like, aww. And so, to read, it's like, well, I'm sure it'd be late,
Starting point is 00:51:27 but I had 10 minutes to get ready. They put me on the ground floor. There were 10 people sitting outside. It was very triggering being on the ground floor. I got moved. And then the next room, they had some coffee grounds in the bag. And I said, I can't have coffee grounds either grounds either too much too much. It was a lot Then they order for 10 minutes, okay this this entire episode ordering this episode would be five minutes long without ordering
Starting point is 00:51:56 So they're ordering Jurassic Park is gonna be in two days, which is fascinating. That was fun to learn and Rin is like so's gone for a week. Did I miss anything? Girls That was fun to learn and Rin is like so's gone for a week. Did I miss anything? Girls Girls and they're all just staring at each other like how do we even explain this fight? Because it makes no sense. I know who wants to be the first one So Sun's like well Garsell's like oh nothing at all and Sun goes well you missed my store event and when it goes how'd that go by the way you know Rinno's all the details of course Kyle called her it's like first of all Paris got married I was there on TLDR also oh my god there was this
Starting point is 00:52:37 whole thing and Crystal said this a lot like you know and Rinno's playing dumb like so what did I miss anything good anyone you know we got labeled a racist she hates she hates Satan so much is and Rinna's playing dumb like, so what did I miss? Anything good? Anything good out? Anyone? Anyone got labeled a racist? She hates, she hates setting so much. It cracks me up. Like the Rinna trying to be nice to set in for this five minutes while they're on the same side.
Starting point is 00:52:55 But when the setting says, you missed my story, but she says, I did, I did. Pictures looked fun. Glad I went well, glad. and so everyone's still silent and she's like girls you're awfully quiet today girls And set and crystal are just squinting at each other across the table because setten now We knew coming into the season setten seems so strong and she's not crying in every scene And she hasn't gotten up leaving when somebody starts a fight with her and oh my god something changed in the setting. I said no give it a few episodes she will be crying no one changed us like that you know and this is the episode they break satin down they have told
Starting point is 00:53:34 satin so many times that she's supposed to be furious but now she's furious. Exactly. She's sitting across the table squinting at crystal and Crystal's like kind of squinting disinterestedly back at her. Mm-hmm. And so I was like, I was busy that week so I missed a lot too, but I guess y'all had a conversation without me, perhaps in a jacuzzi. And Crystal's like, well, we did have a conversation with you at your party too because listen, I just don't want to be misconstrued in any way. Everyone is welcome in the jacuzzi. That's all I'm saying. And Kyle's like, are you referring to the dark comic Kyle? What do you think I'm referring to? Now, we all know that my family and me, we have love in our house, and we express love to everyone,
Starting point is 00:54:27 and I want to make that very, very clear. I just don't want untruths to be unspoken. That can be dangerous. Dangerous. And she's like in her lips, thin lips, like when she gets mad, she purses her lips a little and squints. Like she's in full
Starting point is 00:54:45 Set in anger mud, so crystals like okay As you know, I thought uncomfortable we've gone through all of this and you understand right Sutton and she is well That was from last year so why bring it up again? And she's like oh god, they got to her crystals Crystal's just giving me the sick like, oh God, here we go. And now she's been suckered into this. And by the way, the person who brought this up was Garsell.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Let's not forget. The person who brought this up, who took it back to that place was Garsell. Sir Crystal goes, well, it was our first, our very first conversation. I hadn't even gone to talk about the Lion King yet. And the tone was very heavy and uncomfortable. And what you said, it was dark, dark crystal dark.
Starting point is 00:55:30 So now here's where Crystal starts to lose her way, because she really loses her way in this too, if you ask me. She goes, you know what, words are like a horseach. Horseach. There's a horseach, horseach, horseach, horseach. And Crystal goes, what? She goes, like a plot test. Oh no, Erica's, it's a worse act worse act worse act more shock and gross goes what Just like a plot test. Oh, no, Erica's it's a black test and Chris goes I know these are big words I was like, oh yeah, sometimes I forget that crystal's a huge asshole like remember like there were a lot of times last season
Starting point is 00:55:56 I was like, oh big brought on the asshole on and I'm like, oh, yeah, I forgot she's an asshole and I like that I like when there's someone who's just a complete asshole on the show sometimes because that was an asshole thing to say I know these are big words And she's like, oh, we understand big words like yeah, but you guys didn't know what Worshack was so And so they never went silent just looking at crystal like how dare she suggests I don't know what a Roastak is like how dare she suggests I don't know what a bro stack is. How dare she. And so Garsell's like,
Starting point is 00:56:28 listen, we're all smart, we're all educated. I have some big words I can throw at Crystal, but I don't want to use them. I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. So Diana's like, but also Crystal is the youngest in group. And they're like, no she's group. And they're like, no, she's not. And she's like, 38 isn't a baby.
Starting point is 00:56:49 She's got children. She's like, it's about 38 isn't baby. But at 48, I'm bigger boss than when I was 38. 38, I have a little plane. 48, big plane, you know? Think of the little plane people. I thought she said she was a bigger fox now, and now she's growing a whole tail.
Starting point is 00:57:09 I thought she was getting like all, like Caroline Fleming with some sort of strange nature metaphor. I must have missed her that, but either way, I also am surprised that Kyle was not like, so okay, technically you're 38, but like, does that look identical to Paris? I'm kind of Paris was not like, um, so, okay, technically you're 38, but like, does that look identical to Paris? I'm kind of Paris' age, I think, so I think that makes me a little younger. How many of you, that could be 58?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Nobody really knows. I'm not fighting with 20-year-olds on Instagram. Hahaha! So, am I right? So, Diane is like, oh yeah, maybe you're right about the foxing because she's like a decade or two. I grow a hotel in my decade in my 30s. So fucking naive, and it makes me nervous about my friendship with you. And Chris feels like, okay, I understand then. I actually don't think that she was trying to assassinate her character, by the way.
Starting point is 00:58:12 She was explaining, perhaps she went about the wrong way because now me and all the women go nuts, but I think she was explaining why she had that reaction. You know, she was answering our cells question. And in fact, her reluctance to say what Sun said shows she's trying not to assassinate her, but now because they're inferring, since they are all inferring the worst things,
Starting point is 00:58:36 they're actually being really bad friends, because they're inferring that Sun said the worst possible thing. And since they're inferences, therefore our fact for them, that means that her character has been assassinated by their inferences that they don't have to make in the first place, if that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I thought what was so interesting about this was, Sutton has succumbed to peer pressure. So now she's gonna be furious about something, she's not furious about. Like they've convinced her that she should be. So now Sutton is like literally spit and mad, glaring down Crystal. And Crystal's looking at her like, really bitch?
Starting point is 00:59:10 Like I am, she's just like, kind of leaning back looking at her shock. Like I could have said what you said, am I kidding? And now you're yelling at me, and I'm still not gonna say what you said. Even though right now you kinda fucking deserve it. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:27 So, Erica's like, so then Erica of course has to make it about her. Right. So Erica's like, well I'm in awe when I'm here and I'm gonna say in awe of what I'm here and I'm gonna say ladies. And something's like, but I wasn't trying to assassinate your character. And she's, oh, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Erica, you're a fucking husband, Rithoff, orphans, and widows. You spent the fucking money and never acted like you cried. Then you shut up on TV and tried to give him some alibi of mental fucking whatever. Shut up, Erica. You are the villain. In the words of Jagger. Here's the villain. You are the villain in the words of Jagger. Hit the wheel and hit the wheel.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Yeah, gross. That was a different situation. She was just trying to figure out what the hell. Are we going to be in trouble somehow? Is this going to extend to us? And so then, Dorit's like, gee, do you think you exaggerated Crystal made anything up? Gee. Do you think you made something up? Talk about gaslighting, right? So Crystal's like, I'm not making anything up. What I said was things that were
Starting point is 01:00:38 said that were hurtful. And that's it. And I need you to stop denying my experience. And Kyle goes, but you can't try to hurt someone's character. Okay, like what you said in Lakinta, that it was so dark, like she could like get canceled. It was like so horrible. You can't talk about that. You can't talk about it. That is gaslighting.
Starting point is 01:00:56 That's what I'm talking about and you're so dramatic. Okay, why are you gaslighting me? Wow. But I'm not. Why are you gaslighting me? Oh, wow. Uh, but I'm not. Why are you yelling at me? So, um, Crystal is saying to us, if Eric or Rinna said the word dark, no one would question that.
Starting point is 01:01:14 But I say it, and suddenly it's so horrific, you know? And they just see me as someone that can easily attack Judge Poke. Um, and so she's like, well, it was an uncomfortable situation. We talked about it, and that's it. And Eric is like, well, what do you feel that she's accused and you love Sutton? I mean, I don't want anyone else's opinion, just Sutton's just Sutton's and Sutton's like, well, I don't want any insinuation
Starting point is 01:01:36 about my personal character. And Crystal laughs because this is ridiculous. Yeah. This point. Yeah. So everybody just pauses because nobody really wants to say what it is, right? We all know what it is, but everybody is afraid to say the word racism, you know? So Eric, it's like, you just want her to say that she doesn't think you racist. But, and Satan does, well, I mean, right from pretty pebbles, both.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Milk, oatmeal, whole milk. I don't know. Anybody can have any color can eat Pretty pebbles. Bo. Milk. Oh, milk. Home milk. I don't know. Anybody can have any color can eat pretty pebbles. Is that bad? Is that bad? Oh God, even gay people can eat it.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Are we a lot of caught gay people? Pretty still. Is that bad, now? I don't know. Things were different in my day. So, Doreet's like, this isn't about the content of the conversation, which is not what you should be leading with in this argument about the content of the conversation. This isn't about the content of the conversation, which is not what you should be leading with in this argument about the content of the conversation. This isn't about the content. It's about the insinuation. And I was like, that she's racist.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I'm like, you guys are the only ones in like, this is only as far as your imaginations will take you. If you know someone and you believe someone and if someone says she said, like, like she said something but we squash it it's all good it was forgivable enough for me let's move on and you like this person who said it you say okay I trust it I'm gonna leave it alone I'm gonna move forward but that's not what they're doing they're like they're actually more now they're saying that they're not upset about what was said they're more upset that the insinuation that she that she said something really terrible which is insinuation that they're the only ones making right so you have to insinuation that she said something really terrible, which is insinuation
Starting point is 01:03:05 there. The only one's making, right? So you insinuate and that she's racist. And Rin is like, well, this is where it gets dangerous. You're dangling a racist carrot. Do you not dangle racist carrots? Carrots can be racist. Bat carrot. Bat carrot.
Starting point is 01:03:19 And Erica's like, well, you know, if you make an back in simulation, don't say what it is. It gets a lot worse. Like, blah, blah, blah. And so, Eric, later this season, we're in an Erica accused Kathy of being a racist with, like, straight up. Erica's at least going to take her own advice, lip of this. Please, like, someone just like memorialize this word. When you don't say what it is, people are going to fill in the blanks and it's going to be a lot worse.
Starting point is 01:03:45 Ericka Jane, because I feel like that sentence is gonna come back to Haunt her like every episode. And this is so Beverly Hills too, right? That they're like, guess what? Every storyline is gonna be about white ladies insinuating other white ladies or racist all season long. It's like that's their new story thing. So Rina of course is just gonna gas up,
Starting point is 01:04:05 without gasing, not gas lighting. She's gonna gas up, so I'm just gonna say, wow, it's already bad for you, sorry. Man, it's not good. Not good. Not good for you. We should be angry. You should be angry.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Because they want her angry, because Rina is still pissed at son about the whole table thing, and then they're all angry at son about the gun thing. So they want son to get mad and make a fool of herself. So they're happy to just be like, wow, wow, ACLU is calling. They want your head on a, on a, on a stick. Wow, not good for you, not good for you. Sun's like, no, it's not good for me. And I fucking pissed. And now she's doing her,
Starting point is 01:04:42 her squint ad glare across the table and Crystal's just looking at her like an annoyed kid. Like there goes mom again, you know. And she goes, I said, Nettin' Brow, and I said, Nettin' Bad. And that is the trick. That is fuckin' unfair! Not good. This is not good for you, son. Still not good.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Still not bad. So there's, oh, I'm hearing there is a march somewhere Washington DC saying bring down son. Oh, not good Crystal goes I didn't bring it up which I mean yes you did and she goes yes You did and you did it and you have a pattern with this with your friends You make up lies about your friends behind their backs and you need to stop it. And I'm telling you this, because I like you. Like, okay. And then I feel like, well, how do they figure in here?
Starting point is 01:05:32 And as I go, I just know things. So, Sutton, are you gonna say what these people said? No, she's just gonna insinuate things. Are you gonna say? Because you know what people are, you know, because you don't say what it is, people are gonna fill in the blanks and it's gonna be a lot worse, right?
Starting point is 01:05:48 That's what I feel like I just hurt from someone around. But the insinuation is not that a white lady might have said something racist. That's the only insinuation, kind of insinuations that are a problem on this show. Any other insinuation that is. Slime! Any of those insinuations are fine.
Starting point is 01:06:07 So Sutton tells us Beverly Hills is a small town, and I know friends of Crystal, who are no longer her friends, that have warned me. Crystal will make sure she is the best friend to the most powerful girl in the group, and she will do anything she can to get there. I was like, oooh, welcome, congratulations, Beverly Hills. Have you guys not watched your show? I'm not watch Kyle Richards. Have you not watched Lee Serrina?
Starting point is 01:06:31 Oh, so Diana's like, about you're saying the same thing. You've got to say what you're going to say. There's so many not saying things with your people. And suddenly it's like, well, I'm just telling her something out of love. That's an insinuation love thing.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Okay, I'm like, did that, cause I did it with love. And then Rinne goes, I've heard what sudden, talking about, but I've chosen to not necessarily use it. Okay, I've chosen. I won't say what it is, because again, this is an okay insinuation.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Please fucking people. What the, my is an okay in some way. This is fucking peaceful. What the, my God. And what do you know that Sutton is saying? Like is it something else? And what Sutton is saying? This show really does just take your brain and put it through a mashed potato masher. Okay, so then Rinna's like,
Starting point is 01:07:19 so you have heard this is a pattern. Is what you're saying? And Sutton goes, a pattern, a pattern. Still not good for you, but I'm more fast-minded now. Not good, but fast-minded. I do like a pattern carrot. I like a pattern carrot. And Kyle goes, I'm not trying to go back.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Says the one who brings up shit. Every episode that was already settled. And Chris goes, then don't. Go forward and Kyle goes, but as the only other person that was there, I had no choice. But to say, go forward and God goes. But as the only other person that was there, I had no choice, but to say, this is what I witnessed, okay. I'm talking about, of course,
Starting point is 01:07:50 witnessing a wedding in Paris is, it was wonderful. It was so great to be one of the 200 people that was there. So I don't think it's fair what you're saying. And then, I'm sorry, then Crystal tells us, you know, Kyle is using to focus on what serves her and not focusing on what is actually important and might have been hurtful to me or to people of color. So, Crystal's, at this point, you can see Crystal just wants, is just giving up. She's like, can we just move on or go forward?
Starting point is 01:08:13 Can we just do that? And Kyle goes, no, you're on the real housewives of Beverly Hills. They do not move forward, whatever. You will be talking about this for 10 years. Yeah. Yeah. Like, they just put Pantigate to bed last week. Okay, you know It's just not didn't make it air
Starting point is 01:08:30 So crystals like can you move forward and she's like well if you didn't want to say because you think it's way worse And I'm like oh my god go away So Kraus like so she's okay with it. So just say what she said cuz sudden said she's okay if you said what she said So tell us tell us America's like, Well, someone just fucking tell me what was saying for crying out loud, I wanna beat him off him. But by the way, right before this Kyle tells us, I mean, is it possible that I miss something
Starting point is 01:08:58 that upset and triggered Crystal? Of course, I will give her that, but tell us what it is. So I'm like, okay, so then why are you saying like, I was there, I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear anything when you're telling us, well, it's possible I may have missed something. God.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Well, she's telling us that she didn't hear anything that she would consider being so dark. Okay, so then this is what this show does, it does. They take something and then they bore you to tears with it. And then they up the level of confusion to bore and confuse you even more, okay? So then, Rinna says, what was it?
Starting point is 01:09:30 So Sutton says, well, it was about my family and how I raised them to have multicultural friends. And Rinna's like, that's it, she's, yes. We have a pool, we have a jacuzzi, everyone's welcome in it it even fruits and Chinese kids Redhead for if you with but we're still a light hate red heads in my right by the way Jikoozie is Italian for hot tub so that's actually inherently multicultural so you're welcome so it's a hot tub that took us back to a time where it was okay for me to say I don't see color. I mean, that made a movie out of it.
Starting point is 01:10:07 They made a movie out of it. That was my hot tub, very famous movie. John Gooseack was there. It could be a fruit. And a lot from the office. And then other guy who was going to become something but never became something. You know what I'm talking about? Okay, so this is where they confuse us.
Starting point is 01:10:23 This is what I was trying to get to. This is where they confuse us. So K what I was trying to get to. This is where they confuse us. So, Krow tells us, oh, now I get it. Crystal's all confused, and that, my entaho, is not when this conversation took place. It was actually the next day that this took place. Oh, it all makes sense. Because I did hear this story.
Starting point is 01:10:41 I didn't hear it when Crystal said I heard it, but I heard it the next day when Seton said it in private. So I don't think there's anything dark about that. I don't think it then, and I don't think it now. No, it doesn't make sense because Crystal said the reason that she said, you tell me you're the girl who doesn't see color, is because the previous conversation with Seton saying something dark. So now you guys are saying, oh no, that was the next day, which makes all of this not make sense.
Starting point is 01:11:06 You fucking assholes. So now we're gonna be sitting here parsing this for the next month. I can't. But then Garth's all like, well that didn't seem as dark as you made it out to be. And Chris goes, but what's problematic for you? And Garth's like, no. Like what we're taking offense to is that you alluded
Starting point is 01:11:24 to it being really bad. And I could hear her reputation. And so I'mth is like, no. Like what we're taking offense to is that you alluded to it being really bad and I could hurt her reputation. And so I'm like, look, Crystal, as much as I hate her, I like her. Okay, so thanks. Thanks. So finally, I think at this point, Crystal is kind of like, I think she's just sort of like beaten down into submission. She just like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And so I go, no, thanks a lot. A lot. She's like, I'm sorry. Yeah, a lot. no, thanks a lot. A lot. I'm sorry. Yeah. A lot. Thank you. Bad for you. This is bad. Wow. Oh, there it goes.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Oh, God. And then we won't have designers. They can use it as excuses for why you didn't check under reach. It's bad for you. Bad. Yeah, I'm sure Dolce and Cabana are really you know have a really rough moral Code that they follow so
Starting point is 01:12:11 Next week they finally break sudden They're like next week and something like Yeah Pulling your crazy sudden fit and walking off and then of course Erica going hey crystal Setting called you alive last night, baby Shoo Yeah, this is just some weird chess game that the women are playing like they're they're doing something with They're like they're weaponizing Sutton in some way. I think Crystal's caught in the crossfire. I don't know what the outcome is going to be, but it's
Starting point is 01:12:50 going to be sort of interesting to watch. I mean, we'll see, but no Jurassic Park. No Jurassic Park. Yeah, Jurassic Park will be in two days. So next week there will not be reminders to see Jurassic Park. So I hope that you guys see Jurassic Park, okay? Because it's coming out. It's coming out. One day now. One day. It's gonna be terrible. Okay? Directed by the same guy who did the first one and he was terrible and then he made a big bomb and they still invited him to come back to direct the third one. So there you go. You see no quality control. Okay. It wouldn't like my hot tip. I'll tell you that much. All right, everybody. Thanks so much for being here.
Starting point is 01:13:28 We'll talk to you next time. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends. Would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Itchels, Danacee, Danadoo. Aaron McNicolas, she don't miss no trickle-less. Hava-Neggila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Wee McLeven, Karen McLellon.
Starting point is 01:14:00 She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger! She's our queen, Marie Levine! Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino! There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betzy MD.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Always the wiser is Allison Weisler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite murder, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:14:41 No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Paging page mills, paging page mills. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Paging Paige Mills, Paging Paige Mills. Give him help, Miss Noel. She leaves us in stitches, it's Catherine Taylor. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang.
Starting point is 01:15:01 Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamla Plane! She ain't no shrinking Violet Couture! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen to Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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