Watch What Crappens - RHOBH: Your Goose is Cooked (by Kyle Allegedly)

Episode Date: August 19, 2021

It's Christmas on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, which means it's time to stuff Erika's stockings with some cold hard coal. The girls gather for Kyle to pretend she's a cook now and for Su...tton to serve her best dish, grilled puss. This week's bonus is a shot by shot breakdown of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City trailer. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. But when people want to turn around, kids will happen so much that happens. Well, hello. Welcome to Watch What Corruptions. The podcast for all that crap we just love to talk about on Yol bronze. I'm Ronnie, Ronnie Karam. Guess who's with me?
Starting point is 00:00:59 He's handsome. He's tall. His name is Ben Mandelker, happy and... Hi Ronnie, what's up? How are you? I'm doing so well Thank you for calling me handsome or as Kair would say Or as Kair would say I feel bad I feel bad Hi, Ben everybody welcome to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills days a couple of things Kair one is we were on the morbid podcast. We love that podcast. It's a murder show. Okay, it's all about crimes and murders. And we did it this week. We talked about murder ballads with, um, yeah, hashtalena had so much fun. Go subscribe to morbid. And
Starting point is 00:01:39 we did a crap and it's on demand this week for Real Housewives of Potomac. Crappings on demand are video recaps. We also did one for Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. We did a preview of the trailer. So you can watch that video as well as listen to the bonus. Just go sign up at slash watch what crap ends. Yeah, it's a lot of good stuff. A lot of good content in the extended crap in universe. So, um, today we're talking Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Uh, this has been a, this has been a big funny week on Bravo. Lots of, a mo, a lot of emotions are raw and strong on Bravo. So it was great for us to end our crap in the week with Beverly Hills because this episode was hilarious. This is, uh, watching the women hype up Sutton to confront Erica and then have and how the way they all just completely backed away and let Sutton just like stay out there to dry. Wow, that was classic Beverly Hills. What a great counterpoint to New York, right?
Starting point is 00:02:40 With New York is the show where you do one thing wrong and they're just like they're cursing each other out, you know, and here the way they tiptoe around confrontation is such a hilarious juxtaposition. It's also classic because it happens all the time on the show. This is the Munchhausen storyline where Rina brought up Yolanda having Munchhausen or a custer of having Munchausen on national TV and Kyle and Vanderpump were like, oh, and she's like, you manipulated me into doing that. And that was her big ridiculous storyline for that season was Lisa Vanderpump manipulating her into bringing up Munchausen and then made this whole thing of how Lisa Vanderpump is a big manipulator the whole time and totally got herself out of any trouble from a chosen which is I mean because classic Rina and this is just classic Beverly Hills. I mean it's so funny how something can cycle like this at 11 years and we're still coming back to the old classic manipulation. I know it's fun to see Beverly Hills have a season that has a real strong heartbeat in
Starting point is 00:03:47 it too. Like, it's people are loving, excuse me, are people are loving this season because there's something big and real happening and it's really just, it's just so fun to watch these ladies and how, just how deeply fake they are. It's also fun to see Garsell just not give a fuck. I mean Garsell Clearly hate the majority of this cast. I think that she was so disappointed in them after what happened to Nice I think that she just saw them all for the the fake the fakers that they are and but she was like
Starting point is 00:04:19 That being said a paycheck is a paycheck and visibility is good So I'm gonna come in here, but I don't give a fuck about anything this one. She does not give a fuck. No, I don't care. She doesn't give a fuck. I mean, for all of these years, that Erica's been traipsing around with her. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The one that truly does not give a fuck is Carsel. She doesn't, and she tried to give a fuck, and then Erica bit her head off two weeks ago and now she's like, okay, fine I was actually a real friend to you not not a fake person like these so who the fuck cares? I don't care Yeah, you just got the wrong person on your side dumbass Erica Yep, so let's go to it shower. We're it's Christmas summer all Angeles Yes, and we're at the Sutton summit at the retail. So she's like, I have questions.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I left yesterday very concerned. And then I started thinking, well, my alarms went off and red flags started flying everywhere. And then I was like, Kyle, stop decorating this house. It's my house now. It's not yours, just the landlord. That's all Kyle. And I talked to him in the tourney.
Starting point is 00:05:24 And I said, do you know Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU in real life because that is one, both SB. Also, what are we getting ourselves into here? Lord your ma'am and Doreet's like, I knew Benson in real life. He was good friends with me, mom. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:05:43 She's like, I am not sure how much I want to be around my friend, note that I did say my friend during this time. And I'm not being a fair with a friend, I'm just being, I would say in a changing temperature, changing location friend, perhaps is what I'd call myself. I'm protecting myself and I don't want my name in an article that's associated with this. It's like, Sutton, I need to break it to you, but you're literally on a cast of a television show with this person. There will be articles about you, especially because you're having the scene right now. Right. And to prove her point, she starts drawing a big U in the air with her finger.
Starting point is 00:06:21 You know, her hand motions are hilarious. So, Rinna's like, oh, wow, that's me. If anybody didn't notice, that was me sighing. I just said, whoa, wow, wow. I'm like, well, it's associated with taking money. Any of it. And Kyle's like, well, you mean our association to Erica? And Garth says, yeah, I mean, who would
Starting point is 00:06:45 want to be associated with? No, no, no, your association with microwaves. She doesn't want that in an appress. Of course, you idiot. Garthos like, who would want to be associated with it? It's like, well, this sounds terrible. I know. And we're going to go, but how does that affect you? People are like, you, she's friends with that person. I mean, come on. Yeah, people don't care who you're associated. It's like me being associated with Scott Dessick, right? Who's dating my daughter?
Starting point is 00:07:15 Who cares about associations? Right, look, Scott Dessick. I'm on the boards of museums, ballet companies. I just wanna stay clean. Okay, I do not wanna be involved. Okay, I do not want to be involved. Well, I don't care. I don't care. I do not care. I don't care. I don't care. When you sit at a board meeting for the cracker jack corporation, that means business and you do not mess around with that, okay? Listen, this is not the kind of nutcracker I want to discuss this Christmas.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Okay. Listen, I was on the board of trustees for Kudos snack bars, okay? And that was all ruined because of my ex-husband. I'm just saying I'm sensitive to these things. And suddenly, like, look, Ruth made off his zero friends. People don't like cheaters and buyers and stealers. They just don't like them. And now, suddenly, really is that asshole of a person who the second their friend goes through something is like, I don't want to be involved with that, you know, like she is kind of coming off that way. But in this situation,
Starting point is 00:08:21 kind of with her. She's being a truly terrible friend right now, but I think we're all like, your instincts are probably correct in this one. You should, you're, you're, you're, we support you on this. We can find you other friends. Right, she's being a terrible friend, but how true do you have to be to somebody
Starting point is 00:08:40 if you have any inkling that they're stealing from orphans and widows at the same time? Like how much allegiance do you need to pledge to that, right? Well, I mean, they're all being, they're all under this pressure to be true to Erica and and prop up Erica when the truth is that Erica has really not been true to them. I mean, for whatever the motivation, whether it was, whether it came from a, like a crafty place or not, like, her credit, Erica's credibility is totally shot right now. You know, she said, she kept on saying the marriage was great.
Starting point is 00:09:10 The marriage was great. This is wonderful. Oh, we just got into this. Like, everything, like, you can't, you don't, whether, whether she was doing it to protect herself, you know, in a situation where she was in a deeply unhappy marriage, it's just, you don't know what's true with her anymore. And I think that, I think that sudden has a right
Starting point is 00:09:26 to feel a little concerned about that. Yeah, so Rinna's like, but why the if she's innocent? She's like, well, then I'm eating Kroppa. All day long, Kroppa, I'll eat it. And so that's a lot of calories. Rinna's like, what the fuck are you thinking about your reputation here?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Your friends hurting and going through something pretty major. And you're thinking about your reputation here. Your friends hurting and going through something pretty major and you're thinking about your reputation. Come on. So sentence like well right now I am way more important than Erica Gerardi is. To me. I am more important. To me. Everyone goes well it's very honest. I'm just saying, I am very important to me. Okay, listen, when I was asked to be on the board of directors for sunfish, those little boats, those sunfish boats, the people that make them, okay? That was important to me.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And that's all I'm saying. I don't wanna lose that. And Rina tells us, Princesses, where are you about the reputations? Ah, Queens, don't. And then she tells us, Princesses, where are you about the reputations? Ah! Queens, don't. And then she likes. Which make a part to escape for that one.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Yeah, really. Lord to sick, I know Lord to sick! Ha ha ha ha ha! Well, it's over in this, oh, so Kyle says, well I called a lawyer to explain because I didn't read the whole LA Times article.
Starting point is 00:10:42 It was too long. God, it was not illegal, it was literally an article. She's like, too many paragraphs. I would rather read the whole LA Times article. It was too long. God, it was not illegal, Breeze. It was literally an article. She's like, too many paragraphs. I would rather pay a lawyer than read it. And also, I like that Kyle really, Kyle and Rina working tandem as we know.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And so Kyle's like, so you're not worried about legalities, you're worried about your reputation. I just want to get that straight. And something's like both. So Kyle's like, yeah, I got a lawyer. And Trico's, I too received advice from a solicitier named Piquet and the Honorable Boy George. Shumph Boy said, Erika's guilty of stealing my ponytail.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Look, clinker up! I'm not going to say who I got legal advice from, but needless to say, I was informed that Erica will be facing a karma chameleon. Well, I don't want our support of Erica to be interpreted as support from some of the, ah, a treetious thing that has been doomed. Doreet, you are so bright, you are so bright. Saying that with not on my 2020 Bingo card, half of door reach. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:11:56 So then Doreet says, when you read in the LA Times about the victims, children, orphans and widows, orphans and widows, your heart just breaks and you think, my goodness, I can't stand behind that. I need you called boy George. So I read that one of the lawyers from his law firm left, because his wife told the partner, honey, something's off. And Garcelle goes, stop. Yeah, I mean, she left 10 years ago. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:12:26 But you know what? That's just a huge red flag for me. Oh yeah. And the sun and the moon left to, and the sun and the sun. And the sun and the moon left. He wants me to do this. He wants me to do this. He wants me to do this.
Starting point is 00:12:39 Garso's good. Not a dizzic. So Garso says, well, do you feel like you've been told the truth? And Sun says no. And Kyle says, do you not believe Erica? You know, Kyle just wants to get these things on films that way they can be used against Sun at the region, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:52 She's just getting her testimony. She's like, so you're saying Erica lied, right? And Sun's like, well, I do think that she has lied to us. And Rene goes, you do? Did you just say that Eric alive? Yes, I do. And I think it started with the whole three years ago, head injury that was a broken ankle, but then it was a head injury. And Kyle's like, well, okay, being told he had a broken ankle and then hearing this later is a little weird. Okay, I'll give you
Starting point is 00:13:20 that. Yeah, Drico's, Yes, there were some discrepancies. So, Crystal is like, yeah, because that's, you know, it seemed like, okay, yeah, everything started three years ago. But then when you read the article, that actually a lot of the stuff started happening years before, it had nothing to do with the accident three years ago. Right, and Crystal's like, yeah, it didn't just start three years ago.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So, it's like, I don't buy the whole three-year package. And Crystal says, yeah,'s like, yeah, it didn't just start three years ago. And the Sun's like, I don't buy the whole three-year package. And Crystal says, yeah, you know, look, since we've been home, I'm all right there with you. You know, that information was prior, so it's not congruent to the information we got. I don't know what that means, but I'm with you as well. And so to reach, like, Erica said, there was a decline. And the article suggests it's been going on longer than she said. And you think, my goodness, I've known this person for so long, and I have no idea this is going on. She don't know what to believe. And Sun says, she's like, well, 10 years ago is when it's hard to be found out
Starting point is 00:14:28 that he was not paying the settlement money and then Dorees says and Erica is suggesting that three years ago there was a pivotal accident that changed everything. Hold on I'm writing that I'm texting this to boy George so he gets all the information he can guide us appropriately. Correct. That changes everything. So Sutton's like, well then, his attorneys are now saying that he's mentally incapable the past three years. Oh, well, Erica, he's seen the same thing, the lawyers have been saying, but yet there's evidence to show. Well, Sutton is food feeding Doreet, and Doreet's eyes are getting so big
Starting point is 00:15:06 like she's coming up with all of this, you know, like she's solving a mystery. It's so funny. But yet the evidence, she goes, well, here's what I think. I think they've talked. Whoa! Gersal.
Starting point is 00:15:19 Gersal's explanations through the scene of the best. And Doreet has two jokes. Every time Trump's lawyers. And Sutton tells us, through the scene of the best and drink us huge every kind of noise and sundaels us easy to coincidence the Erica and Tom's attorneys have the same story I'm just saying 2 plus 2 equals 4 and I'm not even good at math I'm like listen 2 plus 2 equals 4 is not a high level math problem anyway son just like let me tell you something
Starting point is 00:15:43 1 plus 1 equals two. And I don't even have a PhD in math if you know what I'm saying. Listen, I'm having a hard time being her friend because this speaks to character and hold on, paint on, paint off, paint on, paint off integrity. Well, the hand motion really made that one work. So then Rina just grabs her chest and goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, right to look at that right. I don't want my name and the paper about this. Do you think the other board members of build a bear will take this bear it lightly? I do not think so. I mean, there's no proof not to believe her at this point. And Kyle says, well, I don't believe she knew those things, but if she did, she's not going to just say, yes, I did. I did know everything. I love Rina saying that she doesn't believe there's no reason.
Starting point is 00:16:46 There's not enough to prove that she didn't know. Therefore, I'm going to believe her after last year when she just totally railroaded Nisoff the show. Right. I know Brandy Glantville's word is stronger than actual court cases. Multiple, multiple court cases and court documents. So Rina said, let me ask court cases and court documents. So, Rinna said, let me ask you a question, girls. Did you believe Denise last year? Did you really believe that she was telling the truth in your heart of hearts? And, Carl's like, well, I think
Starting point is 00:17:14 she was just trying to save her marriage. And then Rinna gives us her monologue. She's like, well, I'm gonna get so much shit because I didn't have my friend Denise's back. But I'm supporting my friend. And yes, I don't give a shit whether you like me or not. If I thought Erica was full of shit, I'd say the same thing to her as I said to Denise. Yeah, she's basically like, I didn't know what was going on there. I need to find out. So I mean, you know, it is sort of hard to argue that where she's like,
Starting point is 00:17:42 well, I think Denise is full of shit. I don't think Erica is full of shit. I mean, what can you say to that? But, and I'm glad it was addressed, by the way, so that's the thing that we keep on asking, which is like, how do you give this treatment to Erica after what you did Denise, right? So Doreet says, well, there cannot be a blind support because I've, just because I've known her for five years. And I'm telling you everything
Starting point is 00:18:05 I believed about Erika's life is the diametrical opposite of what I've learned. And Garcell goes, oh my god! I just need to compile all of Garcell's reactions because they're hilarious. And her he goes, well, she didn't portray anything, but that they had a hippie marriage. She said he was the one that was there for the little people. And then we see a clip of Tom last year saying,
Starting point is 00:18:34 it doesn't matter if they've got $500 or a million dollars, you do what's right. America's like, that's right, that's my Tom, that's my Tom. Tom misappropriated at least $5 million of orphans and weirdos money. This is sickening to me, I hurt. And Rinne just drops her head and goes, ah, I like shakes her head.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Like just getting it very on camera that she doesn't agree with any of this. And so it's like, okay, well excuse me, I have nits here, three pages. Okay, here we go, in 2010, $10 million. The burn victim got $1 million, and then the family filed, and on the last year is Erica Girardi. And Carl's like, what do they think that money is? Do they think it's hidden? She goes, girls, they spent the like what what do they think that money is do they think it's hidden she goes girls
Starting point is 00:19:25 They spent the money. What do you think they buried it somewhere? So Kyle goes did Erica know about these things or not? Well, I don't think ignorance is an excuse when she when she's so smart You got to choose are you gonna be smart? Are you gonna keep on being blissful? You gotta choose. Are you gonna be smart? Are you gonna keep on being blissful? Oof! I'm ready now. She's like, oh, yeah. I'm so sorry. It's like you gotta choose. Are you gonna be smart? Are you gonna be blissful? To be honest, that whole mistress thing, that is beneath any of us. And also, I don't like the deflection. Oh, I see what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I can't wait to use this against you later. I'm just saying that's you'll keep going. And she's like, oh, look, there's a mistress over here. Don't look at me because you're a mistress. And I was like, wow, this is very scary stuff you guys. Almost as scary as getting a shoe thrown at my head in Halloween, which is where I know Jimmy Lee Curtis from. Who might be dropping by later? It's quite some minutes. So guys, at the beginning, she said that people disappear and you learn who your friends are. And I said, well, I'm here for the good and the bad. I'm not just here for the good times. Do you have to do to your house? Yeah, she's like, listen, if you lost all your, I'm here, if you lost, if you're, yes, I'm here, if you lost your money,
Starting point is 00:20:40 I'm here, if your husband cheated on you, I'm here, if you're getting a divorce, because who else is going to spread the gossip right But if there's any connection I need to know that because that's gonna change how like gossip about it, okay? Yeah, Carl's like I mean if it's this and Chris will go thin fuck you, right? She goes yeah, you know, I need to know what because this is a very different story So to read it's like well, I need to be thinking of my girlfriend my family So to read it's like, well, I need to be thinking of my sin for my family Because we have nothing but a stellar reputation, ask the belasio or anyone who says bikinis
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah, and Carl says I want a flat-out asker. Did you know the money was what the money you got was meant for the victims? I'm gonna flat-out ask her Yes, the only way to make it clear is to ask those questions, which we shall. Oh, yeah, it's going to be hard. It's going to be hard. Let's do it at your Christmas party. Yeah, yeah, there's just like, we're going to ask hard, hard questions and so to be because so next time we see you be at the Christmas party, right? I love that there like we're going to just, we're going to get the ball.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It's going to be cold and brutal. Oh, we're at the Christmas party, right? I love that fair. Like we're gonna just, we're gonna get the ball. It's gonna be cold and brutal. Oh, we're at the Christmas party too. Cool, great. Let's roast that goose at Christmas guys. Kyle says, yeah, you know what we need to say? That it's time to get real right now, Erica. And then Rinne goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, Kyle says, the fact that Erica is coming over for a holiday dinner and we're all going
Starting point is 00:22:07 to ask these hard questions is making me feel terrible. I feel like the Grinch that's about to steal Erica's Christmas. I'm like, what about the Grinch that stole the literal money from the victims? How about that? Yeah. So then we go over to Garsell's Christmas family dinner and I was like, love you, really only care about confronting Erica, but have fun the same, okay?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, I'll be over here resting my finger on the fast forward button lady. Yeah, there's really not much to say in this. She overhooks her turkey and she's like, oh, they'll never know, they're kids. And she's made a whole bunch of Haitian food and her son Oliver and his wife are there with their kids. And it's a lot of talk about how Oliver's come so far because he had, you know, the divorce
Starting point is 00:22:48 was hard on him and he fell into a life of drugs and alcohol or whatever. But he's really turned it around. Now it's like a family man. Yeah. So then we go to Doreet's house and Doreet's getting all clamped up and she calls Kyle who's getting clamped up. So I come up with my big bouts of beautiful. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:23:07 And so she calls Kyle and Kyle's like, just get here. She's like, oh my God, you like these airings? I love your airings. I'm like, oh the airings, airings. And Kyle goes, guess what? Teddy's coming tonight. Oh, I'm excited to see him. Teddy rose to belt.
Starting point is 00:23:23 What's a president? Hahaha. No, Teddy. Oh, yes, Teddy from see him. Titi Roosevelt. What's the president? No, Titi. Oh, yes, Titi from the Vyland UK. I love seeing reality stars from my home town shows. No, Titi. Oh, the little stuffed bear that curses. I love him. Titi. Titi. I'm watching that on a loop. I'm not lost. You're bringing us lingerie. Just come over, Doree. All right, girl. So, um, yeah, so, uh, Doreet's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'm actually excited to see her. I mean, we'll play her without going on. That she's pregnant and maybe she'll approach a personality Maybe TV can pour Erica so badly that Erica So it's falling asleep and just spills out the truth of it Yes, so now it's time for Christmas dinner and Kyle's Walking with it around the caterers and everything and she's like, oh guys I don't want you to make it seem like I like like you guys cooked okay cuz I did this you guys are just helping me based okay
Starting point is 00:24:32 You know they're just like this fucking Color Richard and they threw it for 12 hours then they throw up a kai Ram that says Kyle chef Which is all areas? So Kyle talks about what a cook she is now I can't wait for Kyle to try and compete with her own nieces cooking show on Netflix because you know that what that's about which is hilarious. So Carl talks about what a cook she is now. I can't wait for Carl to try and compete with her own niece's cooking show on Netflix because you know what that's about, right?
Starting point is 00:24:50 That has to be what this is about. Yeah, yeah, because she is pushing this food thing a lot. So she's like, even though I'm a Juno, I still celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. And when it comes to Christmas dinner, I don't let anybody touch my food. If somebody wants to add an extra pinch of salt, they may get their finger chopped off. And then it's like they just cut to like a staff of six people, come to the food for everyone.
Starting point is 00:25:13 So Garsell is first to arrive and she, you know, just walks around talking about how gorgeous everything is. Yeah, she does. And talking about how my So Christmas decorations are and stuff. And Kyle's like, yeah, in my family, we were obsessed with Christmas. One year, my uncle rented a santa suit, and then we were all staying together. And so we started banging on every cabin, and he scared the shit out of me. I mean, banging. Who thought that was a good idea? You know, it was Kim, just like, Oh my God, this isn't funny anymore. Well, it turns out it was actually, I'm talking to you on the set of Halloween, and my mom just said it was Christmas, so I would stop crying for the camera.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Like, oh, okay. By the way, we talked about the door, and it was a guy with a knife. Santa was really threatening. He actually tried to kill Jamie Lee Curtis, so I don't know what's up with that. By the way, one of my favorite hobbies is to make fun of Kyle's foyer and we talk a lot about the pink neon artwork in the foyer that drives me absolutely nuts but this episode we got a wider shot and we got a we got to see a little bit more of the foyer. Did you notice? We got to see a little bit more of the foyer. Did you notice that right next to the door,
Starting point is 00:26:26 there is an oversized book that's just open on a little easel or a stand. Just, it's like one of those giant books, you see it like, Toshin or something. You're like, who buys these books? It's Kyle. Kyle bought the giant book. That's the size of coffin, that's open.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And it's like some artist, I'm sure that she has no idea who it is. Yeah, we're fake. You never know. It could have been fake. It was probably fake. I mean, it was like, oh, here's a giant book. I think it'll look really cute in your corner. And she's like, Erica have one. Yes, she does. Okay, I want one too. Bigger. It needs to be bigger. Get it bigger than Erica's. Also, I have to add that we need a little fey in our lives. Why has fey not been around? I know. It needs to be at the center. Yeah, we get sh add that we need a little fey in our lives. Why has fey not been around? I know. Fey needs to be at this dinner.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah, we get shetty. I don't need Teddy. I mean, fey. Fey. I mean, we got we got a fey mention, but we need fey. We need proper fey. I need fey to be here to drop the information that Kyle dropped because that's what fey does. Okay, fey comes in and she's really nasty to whoever Kyle wants her to be nasty to. Come on, people. Yeah, exactly. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap-ins commercial.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there.
Starting point is 00:28:05 We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad- free on the Amazon music or Wondery app.
Starting point is 00:28:29 So um, then there, so there's, Garsell is just standing there in this crazy for you're looking at the Christmas Chaches and Kyle is just pontificating. She's like, I just love the tradition of it. And there's like a close up of this, this train in the gingerbread house, which for some reason just made me laugh out loud. I don't know what it was, Ronnie. It's a very standard thing, or just like a gingerbread thing with a landscape, with
Starting point is 00:28:53 a train going through it. But just, I think I start laughing thinking about Kyle's thought process of like, you know what I want? A little train. I want to locomotive, because into a gingerbread mountain side. I feel like that was like two weeks of Maurizio, high as fuck sitting there with like some ice cream, some cram crackers and PK.
Starting point is 00:29:13 It's like a bro. Yeah, look at it, look at the dren go. Yeah, yeah, it's just like two two motherfuckers. We're gonna fuck up San Antonio, bro. Hey, bro, go ahead andro. He was known as like weeks of Kyle scouring hemacres limmer catalogs comparing other trains that she's looked up online.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Like she did a Google search for celebrities who have gingerbread trains just to see what they are. Just to get it just right. She's got the San Abro blood train for sure. So Garsell's like is everybody coming? And she's like, well, Erica didn't say she was canceling.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So it's hard because we care about her. But you know, you want to ask her flat out. Well, I mean, when you ask someone if they're cheating, do you say, yes, right away? You know, we need to ask more. Yes. And also, Garsell greed can bring out the worst in people too, right? and also Garsell greed can bring out the worst in people too right? Speaking of which, here comes Teddy and she'd like walks the door.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Anybody home? Hi, I'm Teddy, like the most Teddy entrance of all. Right. I'm baby, Blum free. Give me a drink. Hi, I'm Teddy. And the producer asks Garsell, so what's your deal with Teddy and Garcell goes, I don't know. She's kind of annoying for no reason. It's like a little... M-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A and she goes, oh God sitting music, which was really weird
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like suddenly they switched to like oh For to read and of course how many trees does it take to open a door? Can't open the damn door and she's like does this work? Open the door Hello boy hi to read again's Doree again. Another question. Do you know anything about doors? How they work?
Starting point is 00:31:30 Do you push them? Do you pull them? Do you slide them? Just give me a call back as soon as possible because I'm stuck at one. Thank you so much. So Kyle has to open it for her because she's a dumb dumb.
Starting point is 00:31:40 She's like, it's just a door to read. And Kathy comes in, dressed like a 10-year year old going to church. Kathy really does have some odd fashion choices. This is crazy. She really does. And she effortlessly opens the door by the way. She's like, yeah, she's like,
Starting point is 00:31:54 I'm just can't be a lady. God, it's like trying to put 10 pounds into a five pound bag. Am I right? They're like, huh? She's like, well, you know, I'm just trying to get things together. You know, I'm ready to have a gorilla. Right? I'm ready to have a gorilla and so the producer says so to have a gorilla, what does that mean? Oh Just being dramatic, you know, it's like I'm gonna have a gorilla. I'm gonna. I'm gonna have a horse or a barrel of chickens, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:32:20 And then they cut to a clip of Kim going that's my chicken. It's my chicken. Give me some chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Yeah, I mean. This is what happens if you show Kathy Hilton too much Simpson's merchandise, but enough time has passed. She's like, Kawa flungered lady. How was that say? Don't have a don't have a gorilla man. Hmm, so Jereet's like, Tiddy, the situation you're dealt with with the children is amazing, Tiddy. And we see that she was at Tiddy's earlier that day, and her new child, Dove, had a helmet on.
Starting point is 00:32:58 And I'm surprised Jereet did me a Q-sister if stealing her storyline, because Jereet was another helmet parent. Oh, yeah. So then Crystal shows up and she's like, is my girl here and she goes and hugs Teddy and I was like, oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that. Yeah, that's why I've kind of been holding on. I mean, I've actually really enjoyed Crystal this whole season, but at first I was a little kind of holding off because she was supposedly on the phone with Teddy during that whole Garsell coming I'm not Garsell Sutton coming into the bedroom thing and In the cabin the blacks were all saying oh she was on the phone with Teddy and then Teddy was like oh my god girl
Starting point is 00:33:39 You totally you were not on the phone with me in that scene But you had been on the phone with me a lot during that trip, right, girl? And I was like, ew, she's a Teddy person. Ew. I know it's shocking. It's shocking. So, um, Teddy is like, I've known this girl for 10 years. And I've never seen her in makeup. Hi, I'm Teddy.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Oh, and they're all shocked because Crystal looks just so done up and beautiful. And Carstle is like, wow, I have to take this in. And they start talking about her boobs because she never puts her boobs out and stuff and to read because you've got boobs, baby. And then Sun shows up. Sun shows up and Kyle is like, oh, Teddy's here and Sun goes, oh, I know, I'm so excited. I'm deeply unexcited. Hi, Teddy. And then Kyle, sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Go ahead, go ahead. And then Kyle, this is another classic Kyle thing. Kyle goes, five, six, seven, eight, oh, oh, so we're only missing Erica. Like, of course, I love what she says, stuff like that. Like, you know we're only missing Erica. Like of course, I love when she says stuff like that. Like you know you're only missing Erica. You know how many people are here. I love when she announces that to really just like put it out there.
Starting point is 00:34:52 I guess Erica's not here guys. I wonder where Erica is. Guess we're just missing Erica, huh? So poor Erica, the only person to have to drive herself drives up and is like, the front seat of her car like here I go with these bitches. So we're gonna say guys, we have to drive herself, drives up and it's like, the front seat of her car, like, here I go with these bitches. So, Rinna's like, guys, we have to remember, innocent until proven guilty, and thus Brandy Grant glamvilla accuses you of something, okay? It's gonna take a long time. She can't just answer questions, cuz it's illegal. Just remember, innocent until proven guilty,
Starting point is 00:35:23 until you find something that makes you think there might be people to incocaing in a bathroom, innocent until proven guilty. So, um, so she's, yeah, she's like, it's gonna take a long time. So, Erica enters and she's like, oh, hey guys, and she's super solid. Because I don't know about you, Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:35:42 I know you're more of the conspiracy theorists of the two of us, But I feel like you'll probably co-sign this with me that we're gonna assume that Rina called Erica and told her What was it gonna go down right like that's of course? Yes, of course. Yeah, are you proud of me that I did a conspiracy theory? Yeah, of course, so don't don't minimize and be, yeah, it was the easiest conspiracy theory of all time. Okay. I think he's gonna call her. She's like her best friend. Of course she's gonna call and go, guess what happened?
Starting point is 00:36:12 We need to take him down. Yeah. So it's like clear that Rina told her. And then Rina probably went and told Doreet and Kyle that she told her. So that's why they like totally backed off because it's like in big brother You know when there's gonna be this big move to upset like a huge, you know to blind side someone And then someone tells the person they're gonna blind side and then the the alliance has to like you know Take it all back and pretend like they're never gonna do in the first place. It's like that, but in real housewives form
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yeah, so Erica comes in full victim mode. She's like that but in real housewives form Yeah, so Erica comes in full victim mode like ha And we're like how could you get in the ear girl? You're so small I couldn't open the door Erica, where did you learn about doors from I just I have never seen one before my life I didn't even know how to open it, but you just open it right up just like that. You're so intelligent. They're so different in you They're so different in you. Oh. They're all so, right now there's like in peak fakeness right now
Starting point is 00:37:12 because they all know they're gonna confront her and they're also nervous. And so their normal fakery is just like at a different level and it is hilarious to watch. Yes, and they're all just kissing her ass too. Like this isn't me. This isn't me, Erica. This is not me, it's not my fault. So ass too. Like, this isn't me. This isn't me, Erica. This is not me.
Starting point is 00:37:25 It's not my fault. So Erica's, oh, look at my outfit. I just put it together and I liked it because I don't have a glam squad. And my tiny little house. I couldn't even fit actually. I tried to get my key in the kitchen and me lost the leg just trying to get my ass. Well, I'm about to hear, ladies.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'm here. And then she sees Taty and it's like like, oh wow, so good to see you. So then she sits down and she's like, I'll have that coke. She like says coke in this really weird way. And then in the corner of Suns with Garcell and she's like, kick, kick,
Starting point is 00:38:01 I say Coca-Cola. And Garcell's like, I know, I do too.Cola and Carousel's like, I know I do too. You do, you do. I just like that there's like bonding over saying Coca-Cola and therefore the implication that Erica just says Coke might mean that she is totally guilty. Yeah, she's trash and she needs to go to prison. So Kyle, I was like, thank you so much, Erica, for being here.
Starting point is 00:38:21 She's like, oh my god, you're kidding me. Thanks for having me. I'm a little radio active these days. And Chris Seltzerns around and looks right at her and then turns back around and goes, yeah. Well, I think it's great you're doing radio appearances. I think everyone should be active on the radio personally. People say they don't listen to the radio anymore, but guess what? Bo's still making a killing. He's very radioactive. You hear him all the time on the stations.
Starting point is 00:38:52 So they start sitting down for dinner and Sutton comes up to Erica and gives her a big fake double kiss. She's like, hello. I'm on boards about ice and museums. And they tell each other that they look great. And then Erica goes, they're all kind of sitting around the living room or whatever. And someone's like, here, Erica, have a seat.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And just, I don't have to sit. I don't have to. It's like Erica, sit down. Now that I live in a little shack, I'm used to sitting in dust, dust is my pillow now. So I'll just sit here on the floor, don't mind me. When I want to sit in my tiny apartment, I just lean back. That's pretty much all I can do, isn't it? Sometimes, sometimes things get so tough in my tiny little shack that I have to go outside
Starting point is 00:39:41 and turn off the pools he'd in and make sure my range room was locked up and then I come inside and I see on a little napkin that I call my chair. God laugh is hard. So, Sutton and Garsell are still whispering to each other. She's like, Garsell, did you say hello to her? She's, well, she winked at me, but it wasn't really a hello.
Starting point is 00:39:59 But did you say hello? Because you might want to say, hey, she's, no, because that's going to be awkward. I'm not listening to you. It sounds like I get nervous to talk to her. I get nervous to say Coca-Cola instead of Coke in front of her. Are you nervous? No, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's awkward, but I'm not afraid. So you'll say Coca-Cola. Do you promise? Because I'll say Coca-Cola. If you say Coca-Cola, do not betray me and say Coke. I swear to God. If you even say Pepsi, I think our friendship might be over our salt. If you order an ass tea behind a mom back, I swear to Jesus above. So because like
Starting point is 00:40:37 guys, I did a full Christmas dinner for you. I cooked. I did all of this. Come on, everybody. Get some food. Kathy just like loads up a huge plate. She's like, Kathy, are you on the diet? Yeah. And Kyle's like, okay, guys, go into the dining room and grab your plate. I did place cards. Suddenly I did place cards. You'll be very happy. Oh, look, I put you right next to Erica. I did place cards. Okay, it's a whole Christmas dinner. Yeah. I just like that Kathy is rich enough to eat whatever the fuck she wants Like that is true wealth on this show, you know, we've seen a lot of wealth that we think is true wealth
Starting point is 00:41:13 But this is true wealth when you just eat whatever the fuck, you know, well, I also yeah, well, I also say I like that She's so so wealthy and yet she also pounces on a free meal Yeah, that's how rich people stay rich. So Kyle's like, yeah, going on about her cooking and then she's with Erica and the line getting food. And she goes, I just wanna say Erica, I really appreciate you being here. She's like, oh, well, thanks for supporting me.
Starting point is 00:41:42 You don't have to thank her over and over. She's on the show. Yes. Thanks for coming to work today, Erica. What's like for support, Mika? And she goes, yeah, remember when I said, I'm not just here for the good times. I meant that.
Starting point is 00:41:55 She's, oh, you're a solid friend, Kau. So if something terrible were to happen tonight, and you were to think that I was a fair weather friend, I just want to remind you now that I'm actually a good friend. So enjoy it Bon Appetit. I remember when I said I'm not here just for the good times that was when I thought you were rich. So I might maybe be trying you a little bit right now, but I'm also not gonna be betraying you because maybe this is all a lie and you still will be rich later. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:42:25 You know whenever I say I'm not just here for the good times, it's actually a oblique reference to a time when Kim went to the wrong audition in the 70s. I'll tell you, but they're not appreciated right now. That's a con. Well, you know what we need to do, Erica? We need to make good times, okay? Because this food is good times. I cooked it. I cooked it. So she walks off and goes awkward spice. His crowd still on her naming things after spice girls face. And buster.
Starting point is 00:42:52 And being well, and I'll tell you where, what, where Rina is in life. She's at that place in life where she's just making a small, small talk and pattern about the food. She's like, it's so tender. Wow, Kyle, it's like Christmas, Christmas on a plate. It's gorgeous. It's so tender. Christmas, tender, it's so tender. Because then they go back to like the tender thing, like a few more times the episode, like, it's so tender, Kyle. It's so tender, Kyle. It's like that thing where they don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:43:18 How was this some waste? Do you inject it with the needle, Kyle? Kyle's like, well, this is Beverly Hills, but no one gets it. Like, of course they do. Yeah. So they're like, okay. Yeah, so do you think it's like, I didn't have room on my plate, friend, and else. So come on, Doree, you didn't get stuffing or mashed potatoes, which I totally mean. I don't have any room cow. Basically, this turkey feels like Erika in her new home.
Starting point is 00:43:42 There's new where else? You know, we spend so much time talking about cage-free chickens, but when can we get a cage-free Erika Girardi? Am I right? So yeah, and by the way, in the middle of this Kyle then does another one of these faux pity moments where she says, Erika seems so low and beaten down and to see her like that, just makes me feel bad because I want to be able to support her, but I want to be able to support her with their clear conscious as well.
Starting point is 00:44:13 I feel bad. Kyle always pre-loads the I feel bads before then she set someone up for humiliation. Always. Totally. So she's like, here, here everybody, I want to say happy holidays and an extra special. Thank you to Erica for showing up to work today. Erica, I hope 2021, oh, helping's better than 2020. Is that what you were going to say? Yeah, you still got it. Health and happiness to everyone except, oh, who says that? Kathy? Oh, yeah, Kathy.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So I, well, I just want to say, health and happiness to everyone except that girl that I don't know over there who ever brought her. Dormat, what's her name? Or is that Betty? I don't know. So I was like, well, my die went to my doctor
Starting point is 00:45:00 and he said, I'm healthy, so at least it's that. And so now Kyle starts circling in. So so she goes do you think that it's like a dream sometimes any wake up and you're like oh god it wasn't a dream but you're alive so you're like thank god he didn't kill me then you realize wait a second I'm talking about the wrong franchise wrong horror movie do you ever wake up and think oh my, I'm so lucky to know Michael land in. Do you ever wake up and say, oh my god, I thought those bangs were a dreamer than you look in the mirror and you still have them and you say, God darn it Michael Myers.
Starting point is 00:45:36 So Erica says, oh, it's all happening in real time and she's just exhausted. Well, you must be blindsided day to day, Irka. And, Irka's like, yeah, and there's more covered. It's far from done. I feel it! I feel that, Irka. I feel like we're just getting started. Well, thanks. Is that supposed to make her feel better? I know.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I know. Like me, when I put my hand on the door knob, I feel like we're just getting started. But were you really behind Saturday? Or are you really because I mean go ahead, ask this question that I was not warned that you were going to ask at all. Well no, it just feels like you can get information before it hits the press, right? Well, I don't have access to lawsuits before they hit the press because I barely have
Starting point is 00:46:27 electricity. I just have a little hamster in the corner on a wheel and sometimes hook them up to a live open and get a little flicker for five seconds a day. So I mean, I really don't know anything. Can't even get the ham radio to work. And she's like, well, I don't have access to lawsuits before they hit the press. No. Well, I think that it was when the LA Times article came out when you left and it seemed like, hmm, I know that I'm just on the boards about Lays and museums and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:46:59 but she must know about this, right? Because we all read it and the timeline was just a little confusing for me. And Crystal decides to help her out a little bit cause well my biggest question was that it was about time that would happen three years ago and things started happening with Tom before three years. So that was my question. And Eric is like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I know what I've seen in the last three and a half, almost four years. Look, I just had another year to it. So that will save me a little bit more. So I don't know. I have no idea. And Sun says, well, the burn victim thing was 10 years ago. Well, that was just being recently litigated. So that doesn't count. Okay. Yeah, but that was, but that was January 2020. See, I did read the whole article everyone. It was like a weird pivot from somewhere she was trying to make light of something and it like just was strange. Right. Um, also, yes, and the last time you were asked about that litigation was, I'll watch what happens live.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And now you're pretending you don't know that you've ever heard, I mean, give me a break with this. So then, Erica goes, um, and I'm not answering anyone's questions. And she's like, no one is trying to pry. And I totally understand where you're coming from, Erica. And Chris says like, not what you said the other night.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Where, as my mother's friend, Naracata once said, give me a break, a short could use it. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Well, you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha And then we see a clip of Doreet going to miss a prep heated at least two million dollars from all of them and we just Sickening to me So Garsell tells us well, I don't remember Doreet being proud of supported when we all had our sister circle moment the other day Which I like also
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah, a little throw to quad Quad I don't yeah Yeah, a little throw to quad. Quad. Yeah. So Jerry's like, first of all, let me explain, boys, that we all met the other day. It was a meeting called, Sutton's meeting of things, it's Sutton thinks that only Sutton has to say. Yeah. Jerry was real quick to then throw a son under the bus the moment that like any grief start going her way And so Erica then just starts staring
Starting point is 00:49:28 Oh, I'm so sudden says well the reason I wanted to talk to everyone is to see Everyone stood on this. Oh, so it's a committee. Do we support Erica? Or do we not well? Thank you for acknowledging that I am on a committee. Thank you so much I've worked very hard to get on that committee. Now here, not at all. Not at all, here. And so Erica's doing that monotone thing in the diary room where she's like,
Starting point is 00:49:55 you guys decided on what questions to ask me and what holes there were the L.T.I.L.A.D.I.B. story and what you've heard around. Down. What is it? A grand jury? What the fuck is this shit? It's called a reality show and you knew what you're signing up for. So sudden says, well, I don't think you had anything to do with what his law firm was doing. I had no access to that and I don't think you do. I just was making sure we address the allegations and the LA Times article. Yeah, I want to make sure that we have as much knowledge.
Starting point is 00:50:30 It's not we actually. I was a person in that meeting going, oh, you guys might remember me, you cut my chest a couple of times. So not we. And kind of goes, yeah, Satan, you took a very different stance than the rest of us. And Sutton's like, wait a minute. Rinna is like, Sutton sitting here, but she left her spine at home. She says, Rinna, who has been kissing Erika's ass for years and years and avoiding going
Starting point is 00:51:00 into any of this stuff, right? Right. So Rinna, you need to say what happened on Saturday night if she walked through that door, you said. I'll tell her exactly, be real, Satan, be real. So I was like, okay, Lisa, I'm doing that right now, but she's going through a lot of talking- Yes, she is. Yes, and so I talked to her in a, in a tourney and I was like, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:51:27 And I was like, oh, you talked to an attorney about me. Of course I did. And everyone's just sitting there quietly. And so Garcell, I was like, I don't think she's the only one who did that. And so of course, Eric is like, so who here got an illegal opinion? And I was just like raising their hands, like even the chefs inside are like, I did, I did too. The drivers.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Someone just a random person knocks on the door and just says, I actually got one as well. A leaf blower passes outside, just raising his hand. I got one as well. My God. Porsche, Porsche comes through, I got one. Carlton comes by, I actually got one. He he he he. Camille comes from under the table. Porsche comes through I got one Carlton comes by I actually got one
Starting point is 00:52:10 Can be else comes from under the table ask my lawyer about it Yeah, she has a lawyer and He basically told her that Another trouble, but it's probably be okay because you are gonna show anymore So you'll probably get a suck if you're live In my Love people happy devastating You'll probably get a second of your life. I'm not a bad one. Yeah, I'm not a bad one. You'll be very happy. Devastating. So, I'm sad I ain't.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I can't find that. I never remember that. I don't know. I'm sad I'm okay. So, Erica's like, well, who else? And we're like, we're the last book to my husband. Who's the same color as the said listed who we're. So I think he counts.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And Erica just shakes her head. Who's the same color as the Solicitor Wig, so I think he counts. And Erica just shakes her head because what do they say? Well, he said by no means are we legally in trouble this time. Clearly, you understand that you that we are dragged into this whether you whether we like it or not. And Garso goes we're nervous and Garso says, well, I asked phase husband, who's a lawyer, congrats, Fay. Can we just take a moment to congratulate Fay? Because that is amazing. Okay, to break it down. And he said that it's very likely
Starting point is 00:53:13 that Erica had no idea what was going. Kyle, you are such a fucking snake. You are such a snake. And that is not what you just said the other day. Yes. Yeah, the other day it was well if she's not being honest We did you get the bottom of it now. She's like so I This blah blah blah blah. I burdened someone else because I wasn't willing to read six more paragraphs and he says you're okay
Starting point is 00:53:37 So yeah, and she goes well, that's true. I didn't know anything Well, I just want to make sure that I'm protecting myself Protecting yourself how darling how are you involved in any of this? This is true, I didn't know what a thing. Well, I just want to make sure that I am protected myself. Protecting yourself, how? Darling, how are you involved in any of this? Funny how quickly we fall into like Vanderbump colloquialisms when we're against a wall. A-Iracle?
Starting point is 00:53:58 So something's like, well, I wasn't involved. And Kyle says, well, just be more clear about what you said. So please. So it's just so it's so hilariously cruel. Like it's just so they're just are hanging around to dry. So Garsell, her only help is like, well, tell me or I guess Sun says, well, tell me what you want me to be a little bit more clear about Kyle. I was just, well, you were worried about your reputation.
Starting point is 00:54:22 She was worried about her reputation. Fair weather friend is a word is a word that was mentioned at some point. So then, son, say, well, of course, Erica goes, now wait a second, and son goes, listen, that's between me. Okay, that's not your problem. Listen, that's an issue between me and me. Okay. Who says that's an issue between me? And Erica goes, You guys are really not afraid of me? No, we are not afraid, that's not the point. Oh really? Well, I'm not sure you don't believe that
Starting point is 00:54:51 Erica's not involved, Satan. Okay, man. And so I go to put that for $20 million elephant in the room. And I say that as someone who's on the boat of Ringling, Ringling brothers and bottom of the Bailey Services. As someone who approved the opera version of Dumb-O, on the boat of Ringling brothers and sisters. As someone who approved the opera version of Dumbo, I would like to say, this is yet another $20 million elephant in the room. I'm feeling a little nervous. So hold on, let me catch some flies with my fingers.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Okay. As some as someone who was influential in the creation of the element elephant cracker and animal crackers. This is a big question. Now why is the paper saying that 20 million went into your LLC and then there's just silence and Erica stairs at the table like how the fuck am I supposed to answer that right because she can't really answer that. She can't and that's like the crux. Right, the thing. Yeah, I mean she can't really answer that. She can't answer that. That's like the crux. Right, the thing. Yeah, I mean, she can. The crux of the issue. Right, and the other thing is also, she is literally facing a federal law case, you know, soon.
Starting point is 00:55:53 So she actually cannot say anything on this TV show, right? Cause it will be, it's gonna fuck her over. And she, and they know that too. And she's staring there like, these fucking, like I can't believe she wants, she's got like, oh sure, I'm just gonna implicate myself on national TV before a federal case even happens. You can see how fresh, like I was so pissed off, Erica is.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And I mean, I kind of get it to be honest. I mean, I get it too, but at the same time, you're using the show to set up Tom's alibi. Exactly, right. So, and your own, you're like using the show to set up Tom's alibi. Exactly right. Good point. And your own, you're like using the show to make yourself like innocent. So you can't, you know, you can't have it both ways.
Starting point is 00:56:31 So Kyle's like, well, the question is, did you know any of this? Well, what do you think Kyle? Well, as your friend, I don't think that you did. No, I did not. Well, everyone's saying like, do you know where that was coming from, that money? Like, was it alone? Was it over time?
Starting point is 00:56:49 And she's like, well, that is another question as well, that we will not cover. So, Garsell tells us that she thinks that the, her answer seems very surfaced. She goes, no, I don't feel like she's angry at Tom. I mean, yes, you love him, but he's being implicated on something really terrible, and I understand Horton betrayed, but I haven't seen anger toward him. I need Perry Mason. And you know what, Garcell makes an excellent point,
Starting point is 00:57:13 because there is no sense from Erica that she's, you know, like this fucker put me in this position, there are people who are real victims here, and like, you know, like this is horrific. So I think I really like what Garsell is on to. Well, yeah, and it's true because she first started with the whole Thomas O'Mine to mean. He's so controlling and everything that's eight, you know, she started with that. But then when that,
Starting point is 00:57:38 when the, she talked to the lawyers or whatever, basically, the story changed that Tom has just been in mental decline or everything. Then it's become like this softer version where She talked to the lawyers or whatever, basically. The story changed that Tom has just been in mental decline or everything. Then it's become like this softer version where Tom was calling her all day, begging for her back. I mean, at first she was saying, you know, once you leave Tom, that's it. There's no coming back from that.
Starting point is 00:57:56 He'll never speak to me again. She did that whole thing, you know, he's so mean. So he's just done with her, but then he's calling her every day. I mean, there's just so much succent and succinct goes, well look I have several LLCs and if that money did go in there it seems like you would notice that or question that so and she goes well I was kept away from the bucks. Oh even with your own LLC. I mean that would make me insane. Yes and it did make me insane. Yes, it did make me insane.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Well, you know, you read these headlines and it's hard to digest. Like I said, orphans and widows, it makes you feel sick like a door. Like Kyle's dinner. But you know, orphans and widows would probably taste better than Kyle's mashed potatoes. I'm alright guys. It's like Kyle, it's like Kyle interrupting you on an airplane. Just terrible, terrible terrible terrible. So Eric is... Well, one of the lawyers said, where's the money? And I said, talk to Tom about it.
Starting point is 00:59:01 I mean, I found out we had $50 80 million dollars in cash. It's gone. We did. Well, that wasn't the LA Times article that you so thoroughly read, Sutton. Just what I'm sorry. I read it. Oh, no, no, you don't have to be. You know, I have to be sorry. The point is, no one knows the answer. But I don't know. Now, I don't know if you notice this. At this point, coconut music came out. You know, we talk about coconut music. Coconut music, it's origins are really on the survivor where like when someone's doing something stupid
Starting point is 00:59:34 on the survivor, usually pertaining to coconuts, there's this music that's like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And then it gets used often on Real House of New York when Ramona is usually trying to make people feel bad for her when she's like crying or something It's like boom boom boom and here I know I noticed they brought some coconut music But they didn't want a fully committed coconut eating it up. So it was like suspicious coconut music is like To me that was a sign that the preaches did not believe Erika.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Non-committal coconut music. She's guilty. That's why they're suspicious. So everyone's silent while the coconut music is going on. And Vrinik goes, Where does 80 million dollars go? Wow! Explain that to me.
Starting point is 01:00:22 That's a question that only time does see it. Well, I'd like to say that most people here whose names don't rhyme with Morton believe in your innocence. She's like, well, I haven't been accused of anything. Well, right. I just think it's a matter of what you knew and if you were complicit it's not about being accused But you know you get attached. Yeah, you know what those words are complicit and accused those words aren't cool You know well, no, it's not cool. It's not cool. It's not cool to read. It's not cool to hear
Starting point is 01:01:02 And it's not nice to repeat it because you know it's not true. I'll tell you another word that's not nice to hear or repeat. Coke. It's called Coca-Cola, I'm gonna say. So Doreet's like, well I certainly didn't think so. So Sun is saying that she's feeling very disappointed in Doreet because she thought they were some pataco, but that Doreet really softened and she's like, well, maybe she has a week backbones.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Now Teddy speaks up, but she goes, everybody's making about them when it's not about them, which is funny because I seem to remember Lucy Lucy, Apple, Lucy gate and Teddy and text messages and all of that bullshit, right? So she's like, a big portion of people at this table have had lawsuits and it has nothing to do with anybody else unless it's directly affecting them. We don't know none of us know until someone tells us something else I have to believe he's the asshole and you didn't know hi I'm Teddy. Okay well another another tough one. Have you had any kind of discussions? Just with it. Yeah, and yet me discussions with attorneys about the story.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Can I go, yeah, how to navigate? Yeah, how to navigate. And Erica takes another really long pause and she's like, no. Boys, boys, boys. I'm sorry, but these are different questions and we started out with. These are very different questions that we agreed to. Which is such bullshit. It is such bullshit. Dury is the one who said we have to ask hard questions. And so Dury, it's sudden goes, well, these questions are honest like Lisa wants me to be.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Which I thought was a great little, you know, aside. And Kathy goes, it's nosy. And Garsell says, well, to read has a lot to say when Erica's not around, but now that Erica is around, it's a 180 and it's like, no, I support you. And so Garsell goes, I'm going to be 100 as usual. Now I don't know if you knew or not, but here's what I know. My sister had a kidney transplant and it went wrong. And she had a lawyer and she's very innocent.
Starting point is 01:03:11 And she's saying, no, the money's just taking a long time. So if what Tom did is true, then fuck Tom. It was like, yes, thank you Garcell, thank you. And then I don't know if you caught this it cuts a Kyle and her eyes are bulging And they just are going left and right like you know, feeling the cat clocks like oh Who's I do I take this sounds like something I should cosine? But I don't want to be a fair with a friend. Oh no So Garsell goes because I know personally what it feels like when someone is waiting for their money So Erica takes a moment and she's like, well, what is being alleged in that lawsuit
Starting point is 01:03:51 is terrible and he will have to pay for his part in that if that's what happened. Now I think the part that's happened to Tom here is that he's not mentally capable and he's in sole control of his firm and I think it got away from him and I think we're dealing with a man who is diminished capacity in control and not doing the right thing. Which if that didn't say enough about what fucking side she's on. That's Yes. That's terrible. That's terrible. It's, okay, so we see where you're coming from. You're still going to set your husband up. It's not, I have to go to trial, right?
Starting point is 01:04:29 Well, when she said, when she said what's being alleged in a lawsuit is terrible and he'll have to pay for it if that's what happened, reminded me of like every corporation like Walmart or something where one of their products is, you know, central into some disaster and they, and they give some sort of corporate statement of our thoughts and prayers or with the victims and what happened is truly terrible, but we have to launch an investigation to see if we're at fault.
Starting point is 01:04:53 It's like, no, you are at fault. It was like a Walmart truck that exploded and killed someone. You know, it's like, you know, it's Walmart to drag you into a hypothetical. Oh, yeah, for innocent Walmart over there. So she's like, cause if he stole the money, I'd like to know where it is. And that's the truth. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Well, that's not really the answer that you shouldn't be giving. Like, you need advice. You shouldn't be saying I wanna know where it is. First of all, you're trying to stop the victims from getting the money. You're trying to block the victims from getting the money. You're trying to block the money Come on. Yeah, so then to read to read this performative Exist If I didn't love and care about you, there's not really a situation as the ones that love and care about you
Starting point is 01:05:37 You know our friend is in a hurricane and that's what we say, you know It's like pk when he goes to the snack bar, we all get dragged in, you know? Yeah, I love and care about you too, Erica. And gross. I love you too. I love you too. I love you too, Erica. And gross.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Sounds like what is it a competition who likes her the most? Who knows her the most and longer? And so Rin is like, well, we want you to be okay, Erica. And gross. So it goes, yeah, some support you more because they know new longer apparently, but the victims are the most important thing here. You'll always be okay. And Erica goes, the victims need to be taken care of. As in, we need to hire someone to shut them up. Am I right, everyone? And they need to have cement blocks tied to the ankles and taking for a swim in a river. As right, then I need to touch base with my old favorite customers and who has and Jersey, whatever that place is called.
Starting point is 01:06:31 And Garso goes, yes, well they're the most important thing. Yes, well that's what everyone's saying. Just, well I haven't heard it. Yeah, it was great. Everyone else cheer in their house. It's like, I'm I feel like everyone did and our good goes From home and to read says I said a lot of it on Saturdays. Don't you remember when I said Widows and orphans Yeah, we all said it a lot on Saturday remember when I sat there quietly and but you hang yourself
Starting point is 01:07:00 That was good and they're both going, Erica, we believed you the whole time. And Kathy's like, well, first it's the victims and their families. Yes, 100. Listen, I'm not worried about me. I'm lasted all of this. Okay. Those people are owed their money, which is why I've tried to set up injunctions from my things from being taken because they should be considered gifts from my own Spam We just have to be patient and see what this man actually did So Garsell's like do you think we'll ever know and Kathy goes hmm. They'll get to it They'll get to it. We're talking about gravity, right? We'll understand why the apple falls from the tree right what we're talking about Why did George Clooney die so soon in that film? I'll never get it.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Some will figure it out don't you worry ladies. So Erica goes, I do not expect anyone to hold my hand. I appreciate the support. I have a long road ahead of me and thank God I have a brand new range rover because I'm so poor. Those who want to be be my friend are thank you and those who it's too much for you Then you feel more comfortable being away from me. I certainly respect that and by respect that I mean I'm gonna be a cold bitch to you for the rest of the season. Thank you everyone and good night So the producer is like well, you've been so strong so far. She's like well, I don't love it strong I'm just trying to put one foot from above her. So to eat like, I just hope that God gives you the strength and courage to go through it.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And please God will they be there sooner than later? As my mom's dear friend Florence Jotston from the Jefferson said, you're moving on up, you're moving on up to the east side, Erika. Oh you there, God. It's me. Duret. Please help Erika. Calcus. Well, I feel bad. I just feel bad that I feel bad that there were questions and counting us. It's good practice. Yeah. I love Kyle saying I feel bad that there were questions and counting us. It's good practice. Yeah. I love Kyle saying I feel bad that there were questions. As if she didn't know, that was exactly what was going
Starting point is 01:09:09 to be happening tonight. And then she goes, this dinner is so awkward. I'm looking for an a checked button. Much like most people did with all my audition tapes. God, I miss Baydemax. So now the woman moved over to another room for dessert. I remember, and I was like, Ha ha ha, Erica, I can see how tired you are.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Just like my daughter, when she finishes that long drive to Scott's exact house. Ha ha ha ha, Scott, does it? Come a pass this as far. Ha ha ha. So then, uh, Sutton goes to Duret and she's like, So Duret, did you throw me under the bus a little bit tonight because you had the same feelings as me, but then tonight everyone's like,
Starting point is 01:09:54 no, we didn't have those feelings. It was just you Sutton and she's like, I don't think that I did. I don't know how I could throw you under the bus when I can barely open a door. Am I right? So, yeah, sons like well, but you you have the same feelings as me, right? 100% I'm 100% certain that I have 5% of the feelings that you have
Starting point is 01:10:20 So she's like, well, I just got set up so that was fun Everybody seemed to just abandon ship. I mean, these girls, they got me. And so Erica's like, bye! So she leaves and Sutton is like, wait, Erica, hold on. I have a praisee prayers for you. It's a praisee prayers.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Hold on. There are probably a couple of glasses that you can clink, clink together. Hold on, just one sec. From one Georgia girl to another, let me give you this Okay, it's a dossier with all the documents Can you look through that and give me some answers Cause I'm still so confused about your entire case
Starting point is 01:10:55 Thank you So Erica tells us you really know what people are made of What trouble is a rob? You could smell the cowards a mile away I don't know if the rats are leaving the ship or if the ship is leaving the rats. You're the one who left in the middle of the night. Ma-am.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. What a truly insane episode. It's just hilarious. Oh my God. Poor sudden had to learn. I can't believe this is the same season where that I can't believe I'm in the same season where earlier, I was like, fuck, sudden. And now it's like, oh, poor sudden, just learned the hard way. What it's like to be with these women. But she did, she did. Yep. And that's how housewives get to you every single time. Especially this show, right? Wow. They really, they really did a number. It was hilarious to watch.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah, well, welcome back Beverly Hills. Everybody, thank you so much for being here. Go check out our crap on Sondtomand videos of Real Housewives of Potomac, Real Housewives of Salt Lake, Satee, if you're not signed up on our Instagram, or following our Instagram, go follow it. We're doing a lot of fun stuff over there.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Um, and we will be back next week with another round of Recaps. That is right. Bye everyone. Bye! Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila. She's a danieion. Itchles. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-us.
Starting point is 01:12:25 All the Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the burger.
Starting point is 01:12:38 You're not going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce.
Starting point is 01:12:52 The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weasler. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs.
Starting point is 01:13:13 We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Mina Kuchikuchi!
Starting point is 01:13:34 Give him hell, Miss Noel! Shannon out of a can in Anthony! Let's get racing with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking violet kuchar! We love you guys! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. completing a short survey at slash survey.

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