Watch What Crappens - RHOC: Neckless Endangerment

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

We're closing out the 16th season of Real Housewives of Orange County with one last installment of the reunion. This time we're discussing Shannon's neck, Cards Against Humanity, and Dr. Jen'...s fascinating home life.Be sure to watch our recap with Crappens on Demand here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who crap is Who crap is Who crap is Who crap is Watch what crap is Watch what crap is Who crap is
Starting point is 00:00:41 Who crap is Who crap is Who crap Who crap is Who crap is Kids what happens when they're so violent, rapids Who do you want to cry? It's for when you go through the night. Kids what happens when they're so much that happens. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Madelker and joining me today is the one, the only.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Mr. Ronnie Caram, hi Ronnie. How are you doing? Hi, I'm so good. How are you? Oh my God, I am wonderful. It's the end of our work week, which is very exciting. And we are here to talk about the second and final part of the Real Housewives of Orange County, season 16,
Starting point is 00:01:21 reunion, before we dive into it just a quick reminder that this is a crap and on demand episode So if you want to watch us go to slash watch or crap and support us on the crap is on demand level We can watch us and that gets you also all the all sorts of cool stuff It gets you access to our discord server which we haven't mentioned in a while But great online community there on our crap and it's Discord. And then of course our weekly bonus episode, which is always lots and lots of fun. Last week we did two bonus episodes where we did road trips all across Texas. So you get access to those. Those were lots of fun. And I'm sad because I still have my Bucky's treats that I forgot to
Starting point is 00:02:03 bring them down here to snack on. Oh well. So anyway, that's all I have ingested all of the Bucky's treats, okay? Any progress I might have made has been totally crashed by Bucky's. So thanks, Bucky's for ruining yet another summer. Okay. No, thank you.
Starting point is 00:02:20 My setback, but you can get right back on that horse. It'll be okay. God, I don't want to get back on that horse. It'll be okay. God. I don't want to get back on the horse. You know, like, just guess to be a point where I have so much sugar that I just don't care. I'm just like fully in the thralls of it right now. You know, fuck it, who cares?
Starting point is 00:02:35 I like, I can still fit in clothes, so that's it. Yeah, I mean, you're like, listen, you don't have to get back on that horse, get in the car, why not? Take a car instead. There's a reason we don't ride horses anymore. Because they suck to ride. Cars are better.
Starting point is 00:02:47 I'm getting a big, big truck. I'm just going to car my fat ass around in that. OK, so here we are with the Orange County reunion part two. And I was thinking, God, it's so weird. It's a longer season than Jersey. And it's having a shorter reunion than I watch a reunion. And I was like, good choice. Good choice.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Two out of the sets is. It's all I need. I was perfect. We did not need three episodes out of it. I felt like we covered everything I wanted to cover. I thought it was great. You know, maybe we could have had a little bit more time talking about like the drama that was Heather DeBro
Starting point is 00:03:20 putting her in Moose Boosh second on the menu by accident. Like I would have liked, you know, like a little bit deep dive on that, but it's okay. We can kill some of our babies. I needed interviews from the crew on this one. I needed one of those break the fourth wall things where they're like, so has Heather ever physically abused any of you so that they could say,
Starting point is 00:03:40 no, but she did Because that physical abuse claim has really taken all of the eyes off of what Heather actually did do, which was have us fit, shut down production, scream it everybody, put her hands on cameras, moving them, shoving them if you ask me, screaming, saying cameras down, get out, I quit. This is over.
Starting point is 00:04:03 What kind of behavior is that? It's like still disgusting behavior, and everyone is just ignoring it because the stupid Noella exaggerated everything and made it look worse than it was. It was still pretty bad, guys. But it was all worth it in the end, because if that had never happened,
Starting point is 00:04:21 we never would have been able to give sushi to the poor. So it was all worth it. It was all worth it. No boo for the poor. Look at this poor homeless person. He got a slice of wagyu beef. He's like, I work at the Apple store, actually. Oh, you poor thing.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It's like, I'm hosting the show. My name is Andy, but thanks. I'm sorry. Tonight, it concludes Heather's reign of terror on America. Okay. So we come back where we left off last week, which is shadowing how dare you to Gina. And she's like, there are multiple times I have gone above in behind than I would for anyone.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And you have the audacity to say I have no boop boop no friends that is the most egotistical arrogant cool dilapidated fruit marionnated things to say I bury you well you know what's mean spirited watching John telling me I can go fuck myself like how aggressive he was towards me at your home Oh my god no Gina. No, that was not aggressive. That was like you know, like that's what a that is what a Loving partner does when someone has been shitting on the person that you love and Europe the person you love is coming back to you over and over again I'm like well now she said this how and now now she said she doesn't like my shoes.
Starting point is 00:05:46 She said they look like they're from pay less. Well, guess what? I did pay less. That's fine. Well, you know what, fuck this girl. I've heard enough of it. He was, he was not saying it to her face. He did not say it to you. He did not say it to anybody else.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Stop trying to make him abusive. Like, that's crazy. And this is why people like Giannara dangerous. You know you're wrong in the situation, you know you're being an asshole, the whole audience is telling you you're being an asshole. And then your idea is to come to the reunion and call John an abusive person.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Fuck off. Men are allowed to say fuck you about you, okay? It wasn't to you, you were being an asshole. He had to listen to Shannon crying every day about it and he was correct. Fuck you Okay Totally like I don't think you know I believe she was triggered because of her previous relationship, but like I'm sorry John like John was within is right and he was consoling his his girlfriend who he loves who has been mistreated by you Gina all season long
Starting point is 00:06:43 So I can't get out of talking about the accusation that you were mean, which you were, you were a total shithead to Shannon this whole season and to say you're not as ridiculous. And so when you're called out on it, you don't, you don't address how you treated people. You address about their reactions to it. And that's bullshit. It was how you treated people. Don't change the subject. Ma'am, okay.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Right. And then Gina, K, front top. And then Gina literally says, no man that I know would ever act like that. And you could see Shannon. She opens her mouth to say it. And then she just holds it back in because I think we're all thinking it's like you were literally married to that.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Like you did, you did. You just did a giggly scene in an orthodontist office with that man, ma'am. We're like, oh my god, I can't believe we're gonna look so well The whole thing is like just be quiet Gina, you know, I'm good for Shannon for keeping her mouth shut even though she was she did give that look It was like I'll see what's happened. Okay. I mean, should I say it? Should I? I mean, huh? Wow, okay So then I was like well, it was in accumulation.
Starting point is 00:07:46 It was in accumulation of things of me telling him things that hurt me, you know, many things hurt me. And, you know, Andy's like, well, did you tell people that Gina has an inflated ego? And she's like, well, I was told that she thought I was jealous of her, and I'm be, let's see, let me, let's look at her reunion look. I mean, could I ever possibly meet jealous? Have that's like someone took masking tape and just wrapped it around her like she's in a, sleep over. Ha, I'm not jealous.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Oh my God. And Gina's still going off. She's like, well, I'm concerned if that's the way he defends you because no man should ever act like that And you should not allow him to speak like that with your friends and this and that so she's still going off And then they get back to the inflated ego and she's like, well, I'm I'm not jealous So put a pin in it and Andy's like by the way, do you know that put a pin in it? Doesn't mean that she's like, no, you put a pin in things to deflate the things, put a pin in it.
Starting point is 00:08:46 He's like, no, no, that's not. Oh, well, well, obviously, when you're sewing something, if you're making this stuff, then perhaps you put a pin in. So that way, something stays temporarily like that until you finish sewing it. That's what that means, right? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 So he explains to her that it means putting the conversation off until later, like let's put a pin in that. And she's like, oh well, I guess I've learned something. Every day here, thank you. But you know what they were doing? They were laughing at me at the finale party, saying, oh that's a core friend. Well, why haven't I met a core friend? If you have that's a core friend, blah blah blah blah. And Emily's like like we were joking it was just a joke I mean I've been making fun of Gina's hair for four years well you might have been joking but it was true it wasn't a joke you know what I mean and that's the worst excuse to bring up because Gina's
Starting point is 00:09:37 hair has been terrible for four years so you pointing it out might have been funny but it's also true so you saying that it wasn't necessarily true that Shannon really doesn't have any friends, doesn't make sense with your own example, man. Yeah, lawyer. And Shannon's like, listen, don't walk on eggshells with me. Okay, I'm tough. Please do not walk on eggshells. Although, I mean, if you do choose to walk on eggshells,
Starting point is 00:09:58 just try to do it in my foyer because I just treated the floor. So I am pretty tough, but I'm really trying to avoid scrunchies. Thank you. And Andy's like, well, actually, it doesn't seem like you're about to have children. And she's like, well, what I mean is when I get knocked down,
Starting point is 00:10:14 I get back up again to walk to the bed, where I get back down at a higher level on a more comfortable surface. That's what I'm saying, Gabby. I have a cider drink. I have a whiskey drink. I have all sorts of drinks because I get knocked down back. I got it back up again. I'm not gonna keep me down Andy. So let's see. So Emily is like, yeah, so get back up again. You just better be ready for the jobs. Oh Emily, from looking at your face, if any was prepared for jobs, it's you. Okay, jabby.
Starting point is 00:10:48 So then Andy is saying, so where do you in Gina stand? And she's like, well, I mean, I can get along and have fun if she's here. It's not gonna ruin any one's time. That's for sure, but she's here. So look at me, look at my smile and see how genuine it is. Yes, and by the way, Gina says, you know what? I do care about you, Shannon. And if I do
Starting point is 00:11:12 joke on you and it bothers you because you can't take a joke, you know, then like, you know, I'm sorry that you and your one friend have to stew on that. And I can work on that a little bit more. And she's got, yes. And yes and and I appreciate that and on behalf of John I apologize and also on behalf of John I will be drinking some tequila right now okay yeah she said John's not proud of what he said you know he was just trying to be there for me and and he's like well you should be happy to know I'm gonna put up in it and Shannon's like, oh fuck with you, that was funny. Wow, that was a good better joke at my expense. I suppose I was a joke Gina, Gina Arborger of jokes with that joke. I mean, you don't have to walk the
Starting point is 00:12:00 eggshells around me, but you don't have to throw me into the fire for crying a lot. I'm very happy. Now what, your definition of put a pin in it, what is that again? Is that when you are roasting potatoes, right? That's what put it, because the potato was like a pin and the oven, no, that's not the definition either. Okay, I'm gonna work on it. I'm gonna work on it. You wouldn't have to walk around. You wouldn't have to walk on eggshells around me if you didn't keep smashing eggs in my face, leaving eggshells on the floor. Okay, small point, small point. So we can move on.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I'm just a fun person. The small point, I hope your house isn't made of eggshells because people in eggshell houses shouldn't throw other eggs because it would make other eggs, and he could you help me out? It's a lot of wasting eggs. It's a lot of wasting eggs. Just don't walk in. So, well now we're in our segment called Nauwela versus everybody. Oh, there he is. I'd like to rename this segment. Dr. Jen is so boring. We're already on our second Noella segment before we even focus on Dr. Jen.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Okay, let's go. So true. And Jen, I just noticed that Jen's dress has like that feathered boa thing sewed to the underside. Like what is that? It looks like a sofa that was the upholster was coming out. Did you run over Blanche Dubois on your way over?
Starting point is 00:13:24 It was Blanche's name from Golden Girls. Blanche Dubois. Did you run over Blanche Dubois on your way over? It was Blanche's name from Golden Girls. Blanche Dubois. Did you run over the ghost of Blanche Devorow on your way? Like what the fuck? So we see this clip of Noel versus Jen. I heard the worst freak of my life and you are a rude little girl. So Andy's like, so the bad blood between you and Jen was practically Instantaneous Jan what was your first?
Starting point is 00:13:50 Could someone plug in Jan make sure she's powered up? God I don't think that we started off really well when we went to have this party you came off as like very Pretend just to me and I feel like that was an energy that I wanted to clear up. Okay, well she's already gone back down to sleep, okay. Well, well, well, well, that clip back, it was pretty good. You hate Jen almost as much as the audience, Jen. What do you have to say about it?
Starting point is 00:14:22 And well, it's like you're just doing gals and lean at this party I'm trying to make others party enjoyable again And you know, I just wanted to get to the table and eat wagyu and you're like they're throwing the cool under the buzz Firing Emily up and just that's not even true. You just like make things up. You're like a child Like a child that makes things up Burn the burn. You make things up so badly, you're like a child that makes things up so badly. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:14:52 Everyone. Oh my God, you just got gend. Well, Yuri from Eka says, hating Jen for posting a badly lit picture of herself and tagging you. Seems a little bit much. No, Alan, why were you man? And she's like, well, you know, it's like she's acting like we're these close friends.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And she's like, well, no, I like explained to me at the time that some people get paid for posting for medspa's. And no, Ella, I believe it's one of those people. She said it, can't be proven. But she said that she works for medspa's. So then you tagging her in your medspas wasn't good for business. So Heather's like, okay, claw hand interruption, okay, question, why didn't you just untag yourself,
Starting point is 00:15:37 okay, and then I just, I did, and I had actually never untag myself, I am such a narcissist that I literally will never untag myself even unlike a spam My post from Russia, okay, but this time I drew the line. I had to untag myself because it was so Extra creeps and Then Heather's like, well, yeah, I don't think that was malicious Heather shut up. You're not the fucking judge You're not the host shut up. You're not the fucking judge. You're not the host.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Shut up. You don't own this show. Just cry at the over there. So no, well, I was like, well, the dend, she said, thank you to all my clients for me going to her Med Spa. And I'd never been to her Med Spa. And frankly, I'd heard some not great things about her Med Spa.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And it made me feel like I don't wanna be associated with her meds spa and had it's like, how did we not talk about other people's medical practice? No, you don't get to make the rules of what we're gonna talk about and not and don't make me whip out Terry's fucking surgery reviews again from the Yelp cause I'll do it, man.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah, I like how they're saying like, let's not talk about other people's medical practices or in Dr. Jen's case, the lemonade stand version of medicine, whatever that is. It's adorable. Yeah, Heather, you can't talk about doctors. Doctors are too important, but you can just talk about, you know, husband's cheating on each other and trying to make people seem insane. So you can call the psycho the psych the the cards. I can't.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Cart shannon away. Whatever that was that year when she was like, I think she's having a breakdown. We should call someone. We should call someone. Well, squatty from potty says, Heather, explain your problem with Noella. I'm not sure I understand why you hate her so much And how it goes I do not hate Noella I merely want to just throw her in a volcano and have her perish in a highly painful way
Starting point is 00:17:35 But I don't hate her of course, you know from the get go when I barely knew you I mean here I was a very famous actress who'd been on the basic cable comedy, hot and cleave, and here you were a lady who I never met before, and I thought, wow, I can teach my gift to her. And I invited you over to my house, and when I heard that you call me a fake bitch, and by the way, I am not a narcissist, okay? My studio is my studio. Yes, I have photos on my wall of myself,
Starting point is 00:18:02 but Andy, do you have photos of yourself and your studio? He's, yeah, everywhere. And also pictures of various men's dicks, yes. Well, I'm also a narcissist. And I would say that everyone here is probably a narcissist, look, there are cameras, and we're in front of the cameras. I love Andy's theory that anybody in front of a camera
Starting point is 00:18:22 is a narcissist. But also, just because I hate on Heather so much, I have to be fair and say, Heather's right on this. Heather didn't do anything to Noella except so up. Like she was super nice to Noella. She kept trying to include Noella and all this. And no one went around like that woman's a bitch and a fake and a narcissist. So I got up at least say when Heather's right.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And I think in this one, she's right. And she just acted like such an asshole the rest of the season that it overshadows that for me. But she's calling it right. And Noella will not admit one thing. She's like, what? You know you and I don't have your way to say nasty things and make me out to be alive or other guys
Starting point is 00:19:07 Well, you are a liar. That's axiomatic You know it's like huh? Axe body spray? What? Oh my god. Any guy I date the ax is waterbatic. I've really never realized. I mean that really is deep hathah. Waterbatics. realize I mean that really is deep Heather. Order. Yeah. Sporties. I mean, that's just the truth.
Starting point is 00:19:27 The grass is green. The sky is blue. No, well, it's a liar. And Terry got sued multiple times. So no one was like, don't make me say it, Heather. Heather, I'm shaking. Look at me. Look at how I'm shaking. And she's mad at all.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I really just wanted to say you my manicure. This costs so much money, actually. Everyone's like, say what? Everyone's like, Nuala, you dumb dumb. If you're gonna come out with a bombshell, you've gotta set it up first. You can't get right to the part. You can't get to the cliffhanger first.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You can't do the cliffhanger before the setup, Nuala. She's like, ooh. And she's like, well, what the accusations were and Heather's like, fine, go through the accusations. Like, what do I care at this point? And she's like, well, I was on the other line when you called Nicole. She's, but I never called Nicole. I mean, wait a minute, this is, this is so ex-yamatic. Okay, the sky is blue,
Starting point is 00:20:16 the grass is green, the nobu is getting cold, and I'm not on the phone with Nicole. Okay, and Nuel was like, she told me that she was botched and it was a really bad experience by her husband. Now she probably said she was watching botched and as a terrible show, she didn't want to watch it again. That's probably what she really said. Maybe she got a screener of the seven-year itch or something. And the mushrooms, here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life.
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Starting point is 00:21:17 Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts,
Starting point is 00:21:37 you can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So um, she's watching a boss. Yeah, she's watching aosh. She's watching Bosh. Bosh. On Amazon Prime. Your favorite. Bosh. The man never smiles, but he's got such charm.
Starting point is 00:21:55 That's what Nicole said. Um, so... Yes, he said he reviews. Nicole, Nicole reviewing Bh on Amazon Prime. Hi, I'm Nicole Wies and I'm here to review your review of posh on Amazon point. So she said, yeah, she was botched. She had a really bad experience with your husband or a beer, yeah, boob job experience. And she filed a lawsuit and she got a lot of money out of the lawsuit.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And that's what she told me and Heather goes, uh uh, you know what, pause on that. I'm going to, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Reba when she said I'm getting a blonde bob. I said, Reba, pause on that. Get us to go. But a pin in it, if you will. Well done, Shannon. Well done. You did it, Shannon.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Oh, so she's like, you can't just hurdle accusations. Like what you don't understand is when you get a settlement from a medical doctor, it is reported to the California aback. Let me just show you the face that Heather made because I was dying. Heather goes, I said you said the image I have to look. This face that have the deep Pro Max let me say her eyes are somewhat crossed and her tongue is out and her lips are
Starting point is 00:23:11 first it's like all in one thing is so Heather if you ever settle with the doctor you will lose more than just your dignity you will have it placed permanently in the medical board of California logs. That's true. I'm a medical witness. So you're on earth. That is true. And others like there is no hiding a settlement. That is not a thing. Which okay. I mean, I guess legally that would be the truth, but so she just dropped it for fun. So she had a bubbly boob job. She got lawyers and she went after Terry
Starting point is 00:23:51 and then she just dropped it for no reason. Well, she probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, right? I mean, there's a lot of stuff about Nicole makes sense, though, I actually believe Heather on this one. And no, because no, I was like, but there's NDAs in place. What? What NDA is there on a boob job? I don't think there's an NDA in a job. Well, when you settle a case, oftentimes part of the settlement is that you won't, you're not allowed to talk
Starting point is 00:24:14 about the case, right? There's an NDA attached to it, which I think has what she's saying. Yeah. And so how there's like, not with doctors, I'm telling you it because it is a thousand percent, not true. And Andy's like, and if she didn't drop her case and there was a settlement, A, you wouldn't be trying to get her on the show. A nice job with that. Where did she anyway?
Starting point is 00:24:35 And B, Terry would remember her, right? And Heather goes, listen, I know we're wealthy. I just want to put that out there again. But also, don't you think I would remember writing a check like the time I wrote that check for no booth for $60,000 that I pretty much do out or the time I wrote the check for those cabinets that I sent back because I didn't like
Starting point is 00:24:53 the angle of the bevel or the time I wrote a check for the alternate doorbell for the service people. I remember all these things. No, that's the point. You're so rich that you would not remember right, Terry, what do you care about Terry writing checks at work? You know, and I think the whole point that you're that she's making like there was an ascettlement So then if there was an ascettlement was there an illegal settle. I just love all this. I want to see what this is my ground
Starting point is 00:25:17 This is yes, so what happened? I don't believe that she just said. Oh, I'm gonna drop the I'm dropping it for no reason There's no way there had to be something else So no, I'll come back Nicole come back Nicole Well, you literally asked me why I had a tainted opinion and I was listening to my best friend tell me something I understand that but what you're accusing me is of trying to bury something very And bury what? You said I strong armed her. And do what? And do what? And not discussing the lawsuit. But it was discussed.
Starting point is 00:25:54 The damage is done. And there was nothing else to talk about, especially since for some mysterious reason, we never saw Nicole again. Isn't that crazy? How has nobody said what happened in a call? Like how in this discussion is Andy sitting there licking Heather's asshole instead of saying he's like, well yeah, I mean, if there was a lawsuit Heather, I mean, surely you wouldn't have tried to get Nicole on the show as they've Heather really gotten a call on the show. That's bullshit. First of all, if Heather tried
Starting point is 00:26:20 to get anyone on the show, was that Maria Beo lady? And we all know that she did not try and get Nicole on this show. And second, why is it that right after this huge fight, suddenly Nicole's not there anymore? Yeah, we're gonna get tawny. We have our mid season tawny period, which also thankfully went away too. Leaving us with Kenny.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Kenny was our final. Our final version. Kenny is a star. Kenny is a star. Yeah, Kenny is gonna be great on this show. I think they'll make her a housewife next year and she's gonna be really good. I can't eat. Well, I'm sure you did your best
Starting point is 00:26:58 with your hard time due to some everything you got. Other giant lips. Love her. So, Noelle is basically like saying, like, well, you know when I came by and I was talking to your podcast and you were like, turn off the cameras. I don't want to talk about this anymore.
Starting point is 00:27:14 And there's like, well, of course, Noelle, I don't want to talk about I lost you about my husband. I don't want to talk about I lost you that and have it continuously brought up. It's obviously not great. She's willing to switch your sentence on the podcast,
Starting point is 00:27:28 instead of saying that I cancel you. I mean, you're done to me. And why are you like, what is no other even talking about it? At this point, she's got to change what her argument is. Yeah, but she's saying Heather's discussing it now when all she had to say in the beginning was, listen, you heard that she sued us? Yeah, that was a long time ago and it was dropped. I mean, it was no big deal.
Starting point is 00:27:49 But instead, she makes this huge thing, kicks all the cameras out, has a huge fit, and makes this huge story like, kicks everyone out of their home, then screams at Shannon, threatens Shannon's family. Then she does all this, then she has Noella over to her home, her fucking mansion, and makes Noella wait for 45 minutes while she's in the kitchen shooting her fucking home network, Pales, she's up marking, you know, whatever math's 200% and she's making her wait then to go sit in a picture filled with root with pictures of Heather, Heather has all over this room. And then for Heather to shut down production
Starting point is 00:28:25 again, because she didn't like the comment. I mean, Heather's a fucking nightmare. She's, what was this week three that she had Noella in her home to like try and intimidate her? And Noella was like, fuck you. I don't care. And Heather's like, well, I just don't think that we're meant to be friends, which is what she's alluding to when she says, I cancel you and you're dead to back and all in that stuff. I mean, Noella is a whack job too, but it's just a shame that it overshadows how insane Heather acted.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, and so Heather is basically... You can tell it's the end of a season. I'm like so upset. Like I'm ridiculous. At the end of every house live season, I'm like, whoa, I'm gonna lose it! I'm gonna let him just blow off that steam right now. So yeah, there's like, so they start talking about the slam
Starting point is 00:29:14 against the walls thing again. The segues into that. And, and Noah's like, well, I saw you push a camera man. I saw you rage. Now, there's like, you change your story every five seconds, okay? And it didn't happen let's start with that. No one goes you didn't rage. You didn't push it. I'm wrong. Rage. Yes, I did rage. Of course I rage because no one was appreciating the delightful of Moons Bhushes. I had put out for Nobu, okay? So yes, I was raging, but did I push a camera? No, I did not push a camera. And um's like, well, first, NOLA,
Starting point is 00:29:48 you said you saw with your own eyes and then you said you heard it from a friend and she goes, well, but I saw with my own eyes her going crazy, which I think what NOLA did was she saw Heather push that camera, which we all saw it, it's on to show. I think that she saw her gently, okay, I'll give you gently,
Starting point is 00:30:06 put the camera, move it out of her way while she was screaming and turned it into, she's slamming something, that's what it sounds like, right? Like she turned it into this exaggerated, she's slamming people up against walls. But Noelle wanted minute and have this like, I admit to raging. And Andy's like, yeah, by the the way of cameras were rolling and that happened
Starting point is 00:30:27 We definitely would have captured it and shown it okay. You might want to ask faith from Vader pump rules about how we love it to Make our network look as violent as possible because they didn't show any of that Lala holding a knife you know pulling an iPhone faith footage Mm-hmm nor did they show footage of the man's that was getting into a fight in the Dominican Republic. So, um, Heather is like, she's like, you perpetuated this all season long and was like, I didn't know to anybody. And then it's like, well, actually, Heather, I think you were the one who
Starting point is 00:31:00 brought up the slamming situation and asked finish. Cause well, it was based on a game that we were playing and I was reacting to it. It made sense. It's like, you know, when you're a trained actress, you always hear your cues and you say your lines. That's all I was doing. Listen, I didn't get the Syracuse drama school
Starting point is 00:31:17 for nothing, okay Andy? I'm really glad he brought that up to her because she is, it's like a Teresa Giudai's thing where she's the one who brings it up and then screams at you for bringing it up and you're like, you brought it up. I apologize two weeks ago. You're the one making this a bigger storyline than it needs to be. And so he's like, well, I'm just saying you were the one he brought it up, and then it shows Heather's face and she's in like full, you know, button-eyed eyes arched all the way to her hairline rage. She's gonna kill him. Yeah, and he goes, I want to talk about the card game.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Name goes unmentioned, but it reminds with schmarts against papanity, okay? So, uh, Windo from Rocher said, Heather, your daughter's 17. I'm pretty sure she's heard some bad language before, so what's the big deal? So Heather finally admits it, she goes, well, we actually have the game, but like she was opening up in front of all other school friends. I know I was like, well, why would she open it up if she knew what it was? I was like, wow, when Noel gets you with logic, that's pretty bad, Heather. Yeah. Well, I mean, she's heard to see where it and he put only in reference to cater waiters. So, you know, opening that in front of all of her friends, I know I was like, well, I think she should, she should be a good enough parent to say, don't open this
Starting point is 00:32:36 up in front of your Catholic school friends, because I know what it is already. And she's like, no, well, I wasn't standing over her. Okay, and you know what? Don't comment about my parenting. Oh, okay, get her. So we can't comment about your husband's lawsuits. We can't comment about any doctor's business at all because their doctor is God forbid. And now we can't comment on your parenting. It's funny because you talk about Emily's parenting constantly.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Well, okay, no one can call, another thing that's off limits, got it. Read it down on my list, Heather, will not let me allow. Well, I'm not commenting on your parenting. I mean, your calling me basically a sexual predator. So what you're putting out there in the universe is not good.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And then Heather, all of a sudden, who has been all furious about this, because by the way, you're very offended by the word pornography. Oh, so Nuella's crazed, like we wait, how are you gonna try turn this Heather? She's like, I just had to make wrong with pornography. I'm Heather to bro, the sexually liberal parent of children whose sexuality is all over the place.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I love sexual. What the fuck Heather? If pornography is an offensive, then why were you mad that she gave it to your daughter? You make no sense. And they're all like, well, it's not pornography. It's just really, I think Maryam Webster would beg to differ at which point Jennifer Aiden runs on us.
Starting point is 00:33:55 No, it's called, excuse me, Miss Maryam Webster. Get it right, have it to grow. Maryam Webster, the depiction of erotic behavior as in pictures or writing intended to cause sexual excitement. Two, material such as books or a photograph that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement. Three, the depiction of acts in the sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction. So she must be going with three because one and two those cards are not trying to elicit sexual Sexual arousment Heather it's a fun Unless Heather has a fetish with Quiddensa's you know how there's like oh yeah read that card about the Quiddensa again
Starting point is 00:34:37 Quiddensa yes Terry yes Don't think there was anything sexual sexually tantalizing about those cards Stupid so homo from homo houses Emily your your shit's turn asshole Okay, so she talked about her divorce a lot But weren't you too mean to her about talking about her divorce too much and Emily's like listen If jama's party I was trying to let Jan talk about her problems because she, Jen, never had any time to talk. You know another person who got off light on this season because no well I was so over
Starting point is 00:35:12 the top. Jen, Jen never shut the fuck up. Every time Jen came into the room and he said how are you? She's like, my marriage is terrible, my husband doesn't love me, nothing is going right. Every scene with Jen where she speaks it's about how terrible her life is but they only hounded on no wella cuz no wellas you know a cartoon character basically at this point yeah and no I was like well you made it sound like like you
Starting point is 00:35:41 made it sound like she's weeping in a corner why does she say she made it sound like she's weeping in a corner oh because they're making it sound like, like you may sound like she's weeping in a corner. Why does she say she made it sound like she's weeping in a corner? Oh, because they're making it sound like no, well, it was taught was trying to make it about her when Jen's over there weeping in a corner. And Jen goes, I was weeping in the corner. Look, here I am weeping. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Uh, it's me sobbing. Okay, let me reenact this solid field scene from Steel Magnolia's in the grave there. Okay, hold on. You got it. Are you getting it now? This is me waiting. Oh my God. Auto control motion.
Starting point is 00:36:14 So Shannon's like, so Shannon's like, when you said to her, it's all you talk about. I mean, you yelled it. You yelled it, Emily. And then was like, well, it is all you talk about. I mean, you yelled it. You yelled it, Emily, and I'm like, well, it is all she talks about. That and other. So then we go over to Gina. Your friendship with Noel started strong,
Starting point is 00:36:34 but took a turn for the worse. What was it that tore you apart? And what, what would it take to repair things? I think the true answer is Gina just doesn't like being there for being home. I think Gina likes being the one who is people that are there for, right? Because she just did not like this. So Gina's like, well, with me, it's quite a be slow and steady, you know, which is why I'm already living with a guy and six kids that I knew for about two months.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So, you know, I was there the day that she found out everything and I was so excited to cheer up, not in a bad way, alright? But like, I wanted to cheer up and I was like, let's do some fun things today. You know, let's do some fun things. So I had like a bottle of shard and a little cup holders in the van I was driving and then I went to pick her up and I just think it, I jumped in too feely andy, myself from it. It was really hard. Someone else's problems. You know, that girl's divorce really hit me, Andy.
Starting point is 00:37:29 I had to take a step back. Yeah, I don't know if, I mean, it's so basically, you swept in because you wanted to be the hero of the story and then you realized you swept in on crazy, and then you wanted to act like you were the hero. And then you realized you swept in because you wanted to be the hero of the story and then you realized you swept in on crazy and then you wanted to back out. Sounds like you're a great friend. You both like, let Iran in terms of the hope
Starting point is 00:37:54 of having a gal pal and then you left her in the lurch. And even though Noelle is no walk in the park, like you were in for the glory, basically. Now that said, again, just got to insert a little fairness on my own end. But I would have done the same thing. It's like, Gina's like, here we are. I'm going to meet this new cast member.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I'm going to have a new ally get Shannon. You know, and she's thinking she's going to have a fun scene and Noella in every single scene. I was like, you won't believe what he did to me today. Like every single scene was that. So I don't really blame her, but Matt today. Like every single scene was that. So I don't really blame her, but Matt, she sure handled it like an asshole. You didn't need to turn on her and start yelling at her in public, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, it didn't have to be that either. So Nuala's like, I mean, did I become extra paranoid and the anxiety? I mean, I look back and I cringe. Like, who was that person? Hey, can we talk about my new boyfriend and the sex toy company got me? Well, you know what, to fall apart
Starting point is 00:38:50 because you don't know if you're making the right decision for your family or for your mental health. I'm like, I liked it. No, I was kind of admitting that it was her decision because supposedly, as I said last week, she filed first, you know, because she wanted to stay and do the show and her husband wanted to stay in Puerto Rico for tax reasons so when she's like you know and I just had to do it for mental health and
Starting point is 00:39:12 Emily goes she decides and know all this like each and every one of you guys She like sisterhood is like her big buzzword of the day. That's what she says with everything She's like you know When I got my latte Starbucks, Namparista It's the end of the day, it's a sisterhood. I call for you today, and that was the sister when they kept me up So Andy's like so knowing everything you know now Would you do anything differently at the top of the season and she's like
Starting point is 00:39:57 My probably wouldn't have done it if I knew this was coming for you for you. I'm like, oh please no Please of course you have done it five times over. Yeah. So then, how they're just toked her head, the music turns dramatic and head, it's like, because she's not buying any of this. It just kills Heather to have to sit here with Noelle this whole time. I love it. Yeah. So Andy's's like, welcome back. Win from Dex as Heather, you took him to you took Emily and gender a spy and Emily did the best thing ever. She took out a turkey sandwich. Emily. Yeah. Ronnie, I had to win from Dex also.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You did not. Yeah, I was going to do win from Dex too. We both had dirty windows today. That's exact, I looked out my window, and I was like, win from Dex. We are oddly on the same page a lot of the times. It's so weird. It's like, what did you do last night? Oh, I hurt my back getting out of it. Are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:41:01 I just took an ass with for hurting my back. It's weird little things like that that'll cross over. Or we both show up in horizontal stripes. Oh, yeah, there's a lot of weird things. So then we see a clip that I think was cut, probably should have been cut again, Emily loving sandwiches so much that on the private plane, she's changing her tampon on the toilet and Opened so curtain to ask for a turkey sandwich. I mean
Starting point is 00:41:30 She's really loves those sandwiches She's really committed to this storyline. Yeah She's here comes one right now Hey, Dr. Jen, you're the expert. Who you're has had the best work done. And so how to like, well, that's a loaded question, because of course, none of them can really afford good work. Am I right, everyone?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Am I right? So why would you ask Jen that? I know Jen owns a med spa quote unquote. Have you looked at Jen? Jen looks like she's holding water in her cheeks. Like what are you even doing? She looks like a kid who's, you know that your sister's about to blow water all over you
Starting point is 00:42:11 in a pool and she thinks she's being subtle, but she comes up to you like, hmm. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. So she's like, ah, Shannon, you look great. You look very lifted. I said, well, yes, boy, actually. You look very lifted. There's a hot gas boy. Actually, you had a face lift five weeks ago. I was waiting for my friends to lift me up,
Starting point is 00:42:30 but I realized when they couldn't do that, I would just have to turn to surgical methods. And Abby's like, what? That is the total gumsels in room. We see a clip of Vicki at a reunion when Abby's coming in to say hi at the beginning. And she's like, Eddie, I just got a face-shift. He's like, what?
Starting point is 00:42:48 You wanna see my decisions? Come here, come look at him. He's like, no, I don't, I don't not. Come look at him, Eddie. Like, seriously, look at him, I was gutted. I was gutted, Eddie, that's why I look pluffy. Okay, good job, good job. Yeah, Shannon goes, you know, so I have a surgeon called
Starting point is 00:43:03 John and said, I've never cut more skin out of a neck my entire career. And it's funny because David always used to say, I was the biggest pain in the neck, but it turns out it was me who was carrying everything there. Who would have thought? Who would have thought? My reunion prep was a colonoscopy. I'm not even joking.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Well, I love that you're the way that you're going to get ready for a union. It's putting more stuff up your ass. Okay. Stick carrier. So Emily's face is just not moving at all, which cracks me up because she goes, you know what I did? I just worked out. It's like your face is not moving, Emily.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Don't say that you didn't do anything for the reunion. Your face is not even close. Jen is say that you didn't do anything for the reunion. Your face is not even close. Jen is gonna move her face before you do. She's like, what if we're kind of loving these really loving? Gina's like, I've been school sculpting like nobody's business. Oh, Gina, I hate to break it to you, but rubbing an ice cube on your belly
Starting point is 00:44:00 does not count as school sculpting. We're on a bad to add that. So it's in school sculpting. Where Ronnibat to add that? So, it's in cool sculpting the thing that Linda Evangelist had. It was at Linda Evangelist. The model just had that. Linda Evangelist had, like there's a chance that you can get this reaction where it creates like a
Starting point is 00:44:19 like a bar of butter effect, like a permanent bar of butter effect of that. And so she had it and she's like, I am ruined. And then she comes out and a spread in people magazines still looking absolutely gorgeous. And she's like, look at me. I'm a monster. I'm like, okay, Linda of Antley. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I'm sorry. Let's take a butter attached to you now. That does suck. But like, you're not a monster. Like, I figured she was still gorgeous. I'm not surprised at all that that was the twist. Well, I saw in the candy show, the candy's restaurant show. What is it called? What's wrong with me? I watch the show. I love the show. Candy and the gang.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Mac and cheese potatoes too. I love that song. Any song with mac and cheese in it, I'm there for it. But anyway, on candy and the gang, one of the ladies has her own little med spotting and she's like I'm giving you lipo baby and he's like, yeah, we got fat in our relationship And he's like, but isn't it gonna hurt and she says no, I don't have to give you incisions. It's liquid in the new p It out later and I was like, what is that? I'm asking the facial lady about do facial ladies know about that? They do right Wow that how much I mean I always I always turn to candy the gang for all my medical a lady about. Do you face a lady's snow about that? They do, right? Wow. How many times should I always I always turn to candy the gang for all my medical questions.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So I'm well, I'm telling you this, I'm going to be peeing a lot in the next shoot months because I'm just going to go there and say, I don't care, put me on a payment plan. I'll do the dishes in the back. Just get it off of me. Do whatever you have to do. Heat heated up, freeze it up, but I'll update the dishes in the back. Just get it off of me. Do whatever you have to do. Heat it up, freeze it up, but I'll update you later. Okay. Well, after years of navigating the rough waters
Starting point is 00:45:51 of heartbreak and divorce, Dr. Jed is still not having your segment. Shadow Storms is finding out what it means to be smooth sailing. So what's the Shadow Insegment? And Andy's like, wow, well, it seems like you're really, like after everything you've been through, like David cheating on you, David leaving you,
Starting point is 00:46:10 having to be stuck with this new group of friends, Tamra, you were not being, and I do get it, thank you, you can move on. Well, it seems like you're finally embracing being a single mom and a business woman. What advice would you give yourself when you joined the show? And she's like, well, there's life beyond David
Starting point is 00:46:30 and you can succeed on your own, which I should have known. I should have known that. Like you don't have to be stuck to an unsupportive partner who just eats potato chips in your face when you ask them to take out the trash or show any modicum of love for you. And I thought I was trapped in this life
Starting point is 00:46:45 and I accepted. And you know, there's there's more to life than a big house. Sometimes you can find happiness in a small house by the water. Yes, that's left there. I love it, Ambi. I'm so happy. So, Ambi's like, Heather, how is jam and change to you? And Heather's like,, how is Shannon changed to you? And Heather's like, she's got less neck. I mean, you heard her, Andy. What a touching story. Shannon, I am so proud at you. Clients, clients, clients.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Look at you. You're doing amazing, sweetie. And then Andy's like, so do you ever have any sort of relationship with David? Because, well, no, our relationship is non-existent except every now and then he will send a text message, which is just a picture of him and his new wife, Grigid. And they say, take a look at this loser. And I say, a new phone, who was this? Signed Shannon.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And I go, oops, I mean mean sorry, I messed that up. You know, I did receive a text just I think it was last week. Bloop and I look down and it says, dear, I can see you in the bushes. Please leave us alone and get out of our front yard. So I left the backyard. That was a root text. I didn't appreciate that. No, no, I haven't seen him at all all which is funny because you think after an hour of knocking on their door They would open it, but you know they didn't I mean I have a man he came behind a teddy bear in their living room still have not seen them They do not use the living room. I'll tell you them who doesn't live in their living room
Starting point is 00:48:21 I break David what a monster them who doesn't live in their living room. I break David! What a monster! It's funny when I sent complimentary cream cheese stuff Sam and it came back in a box that said palaton and there was a membership to a Spartan race in there. So that was loaded. I was in the stake room. So how there's like wow yeah you don't even run into people. It's weird in a small town like this You know, but you just don't run into people. I just met a chimney sweep in our guest bath. I didn't even know we had a chimney sweep You know, it's funny when you talk about our small town because it's actually our house our house is its own small town
Starting point is 00:48:59 Yes, I mean you just don't see as many people at the Cinebon in your kitchen. I thought you would say. I love it in my mind. Shannon Heather Smallhouse only has a Cinebon in a sabaro. That's like all she had. Maybe a limited to, you know, trying to encourage max. Yeah, but you said that that's a short, but we don't like it. It's down market. So Shannon tells us that Sophie had a really hard time
Starting point is 00:49:28 because she knows she ruined her kids' lives with her bad relationship. But Sophie had a tough time in high school but now that she's out living on her own, she is now in a great relationship. And this boy treats her with nothing but kindness and respect and she said now she knows what relationships are supposed to be like. I've called him. I'm not going to lie. I mean, I do believe him.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Everyone's no less. He also doesn't respond to my DMs. So, um, you've never lived until an 18 year old asked you to get out of the bushes in their lawn. And so that's something that's happened. It's funny how quickly your eldest daughter forgets about you and all your sacrifices when she finds a new man. That's convenient and I'm so happy for her that she's left her mom home alone with two twins who fall asleep at Papa's school. Well, Ginger from Vitus is Shannon. You're in a great relationship with John, but he does tend to avoid discussions of marriage.
Starting point is 00:50:30 So, what's up with this crinkled silk blazer on Guy's Night? Is the funeral Easter pillow? What is going on with John? Oh, well, you know, we do talk about weddings a lot of time. You know, it does come up mainly. I say, do you want to get married? And he says, please pass the tequila. And I say, okay, well, we can get married.
Starting point is 00:50:52 We can have cats and me go to the wedding. And he says, sorry, can't talk right now drinking tequila. And then he puts his fingers in his ears, which is funny, because he's not even holding tequila when he does that. But you know, it's just that's just part of our humor, I guess. Well, do you want to get married again? Our next 98% removal book? Yes, I do.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I do, Andy. My deep pounds of neck skinny said. So then we see a clip of Guy's Night, like the really charisma free Guy night from the show where everyone's giving the guys a Terry everyone. I'm saying everyone. Terry is giving the unmarried people shit about being unmarried. And Travis is like, well, I have a feeling I'll probably be married before John over there is. I've cried everyone. And then somehow this like segues into conversation about, well, it talks about chat and sex life.
Starting point is 00:51:51 It's like, hey, you're having the best sex of your life right now. What's different? When you're happy, it turns out that can extend into the bedroom. So it turns out a real afraticia of mine is cream cheese. Who would have thought so secret to my success, I guess Jal removal So Andy's like the he asked him who's their celebrity home pass and she's like well, I don't think of all passes I'm a knock-a-bits purse. I'm a manogamous person. Is that bad stuff me with some cream cheese? I'll be your sapping. That's what I say. I'm a one-screen cheese. Is that bad stuff me with some cream cheese? I'll be your saffron. That's what I say
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'm a one cream cheese stuffed salmon kind of a girl Andy But Michael's though. I mean I mean cream cheese. I'm a monogamous Monogamy You know, it's yes. If I get any STD Andy, it's gonna be Hepatitis me Magnus first Hepatitis me. Okay. Maga was first. So Emily is like minus jacks from Sondro Van Archer. Which girl you know that Emily has the only good fantasy because she means it the most blood or art.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And that is the only choice, man. That's one of the only times I've ever said that during your time on this show. Good choice. Yeah. Yeah. That's truly like especially considering some of the other choices, because Nual is like, oh my whole past is changing. Which is like, that's fine. But then Heather's like, I don't have a hall pass. I actually, since I own the halls, I'm allowed to walk through them freely. Is that what you're talking about there? Gina has to have a hall
Starting point is 00:53:23 pass though. If she wants to come up to the second floor though, unfortunately. Tons of anarchy, that's what the doctor removed from my neck. It was amazing, I'm glad he did, I feel like I look so good now. Everyone else just keeps going on. Just like Sean Penn. Sean Penn. Sean Penn. Of course he says fucking Sean Penn. She says she engaged with pop culture since 1988.
Starting point is 00:53:49 What the hell Sean Penn? And then Gina's like for me it's Jimmy Fallon. I'm like okay who's gonna say Stalin next? I mean what's going on here? I mean I think she just saying Jimmy Fallon so she can get a proposal because she doesn't want Travis to feel too insecure. It's like I like just funny guys, like funny normal guys. It's totally what I'm here for. So then we see a Jen montage. I can't. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:16 So the Jen montage is what you think it is. It's her husband without a shirt and I'm a tiny dog. Okay. Yeah. And then the montage, the montage, the montage ends and Jen goes, okay. And she's still, Jen, have you learned how to pronounce your husband's name yet?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Well, it's Ryan, but like I say, Ryan, okay. It's like, okay, great, great. There's a problem you're never gonna overcome is refusing to live in your husband's delusion. You're not partners, ma'am, just go. So Andy says, the Jack from EG says, does your husband actually make money
Starting point is 00:55:00 because you made it sound like he didn't make any money, but then at one point you said he didn't make money. What's up with that? Which is another abesculating thing she does to her husband on this show. It's like, my husband, who does nothing? I do everything. I make all the money. It's like forgetting that she told us he has like a full-on business. So she's like, well, he actually does. Like, he does make some money now because like he has this like business and he, you know, he rents like high-end celebrities and he doesn't tell me anything because like I would tell everybody,
Starting point is 00:55:31 but like yeah, it's like a little more equalized now. Again. I mean, I don't want to brag, but like, have you heard of Wesley from Mr. Belvedere? Yeah, kind of a client. Huge deal. Huge deal. And she says that seeing herself on the show Yeah, kind of a client huge deal huge deal and She says that seeing herself on the show helped them it was therapeutic and
Starting point is 00:55:53 She just laughed she's like, I mean, we're both very unhealthy Andy and Andy says Andy goes by the way, yeah, I mean there are some couples who've been on the show credit it for helping them I mean like you know, they've see it's puts a mirror up. It's really helped them I'm like please name a single couple who's been helped by being on the real housewives because I have yet to find that Port that group every couple who has said that is now divorced by the way if my memory serves so or getting divorced Darby and Ashley. So, Jen says, you know, he just didn't want to be on the show because he's not successful talking about relationship
Starting point is 00:56:35 so he doesn't want to look unsuccessful on television. Which makes sense, you know. So Heather's like, well, I spoke to him on the phone about vacation rentals and he was amazing, personable. And my mind he had a shirt on, so I'm assuming he had a shirt on. But then I met a mental person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Yeah, you know, cameras are just a lot for him. They're a lot for him. It's like Sheila Rat, Macintyre, you know, a girl who knows Reba, you know, do we know who Sheila McIntyre? No, cameras are hard for her. She's a sad person, Andy. So I ran into her at the Sinabon, which is funny. And I said, oh my God, do you live in this town?
Starting point is 00:57:15 And she said, no, actually, just on vacation. I thought, wow, good for us. Are you here to see the eighth wonder of the world, the leaking basement wall? That's pretty amazing. And then I said to her, Sheila, it's been wonderful talking with you, but unfortunately more times I talk, that's less time that you're passing on a journey. So get back to it, okay. This may be a small town, but it's not a resort.
Starting point is 00:57:37 My name's Leslie. Get out of here, shoot my back, and tire. I will not take another thank you from you. So Emily goes, you know, I think men in general have a hard time being on TV. I mean, look, look, it took a while for Shane and I'm not just talking about, you know, passing the bar. I mean, actually just getting used to being on TV. It took a very long time.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Oh, yeah, so comfortable now. Yeah. I've been at her for like, no, that Terry, Terry loves the camera. We know, Heather. We know, okay. So hope from less as Jen, your husband loves the dog more than you.
Starting point is 00:58:16 It's hilarious. She's like, well, I said that on camera. I mean, thanks, hope from less, but I know that. I mean, like treat me like you treat the dog. I'll, thanks, hope from less. Um, but I know that. I mean, like, treat me, treat me like you treat the dog. I'll be happy with that. And he's like, wow. Okay. So at Heather's party, Jen said it was love at first. I said, he's still coming around to Jen. How does that make you feel? Oh my god. Oh my god. Can I interrupt? Of course, I can. I can buy and sell all of you guys.
Starting point is 00:58:45 The joke, that was a joke that I used to make about Terry, okay? Because I like to tell jokes, you know, Syracuse. So it was love first sight for him, and I'm still coming around. That's what I always say. It's like, I got it, I got it. You're married to Terry. It's hilarious. Oh god, that was funny.
Starting point is 00:59:03 So funny. Married to poor Terry, good for you. And Andy's like, well how did you feel, Jen? She goes, well, I mean, it hurt, but it's like true, because I haven't really had a smooth relationship. So like, when I saw him at the breakfast buffet, I was like, fuck yeah. Who needs a billionaire at home?
Starting point is 00:59:23 Like that man has nerve enough to be at breakfast without a shirt on, getting a waffle and a pancake, Andy. Fuck yeah, put your Hollandaise all over me. Yeah, I love a bene on my boobs. Am I right, Andy? So then, oh, yeah. Gina's like, you know, that building made sense because like, you know what, your father had just passed away and he was fun and he was light and he, like, you know, that really made sense because like, you know, what your father had just passed away and he was fun
Starting point is 00:59:46 And he was light and he was like giant coke and he's like what you needed in your life at the time Are you saying I was fat because I need a diet coke? No, I'm just saying oh god I jumped in two feet into this commentary. I got to get out. I got to get out. I got to get out Our relationship was like a pimple Andy. It came to a head. I was like, oh my god. Could you go back to not talking? Could you go back to everything like a dog? God. Everything that comes out of your mouth is worse than the thing before. So she's like, you know, he moved out and that helped our relationship. Him leaving really was great because we had some peace in the house and I realized you know then Annie needs somebody to talk to so he's back now and now I'd like
Starting point is 01:00:29 laugh sometimes and I'm like wow maybe I really do want to be in this relationship yeah it's just like sparks somewhere so then now like let's go back to the drip and ask Ben okay, I'm sorry to see your bear prank fizzled. Man, that was an epic fail. Epic fail. But enough about my marriage to David, what are we talking about? So then we get to the choosing room things and Noella saying she deserved the bigger room
Starting point is 01:01:00 because her dad died. So was that fair or were you just playing the dead dad card? No, a lot. She's like, both. It was fair and I was playing the dead dad card because my dad died. And Emily's like, well, I actually thought that we should offer you the room because your dad just died. But like, you don't even give people the chance to be nice. Really? Uh, Shannon's given you plenty of chances to be nice. Still haven't done it. I don't believe that for one second. Yeah, and there's like, I mean, why not give the big room to Shannin? Shannin never gets the big room. And look, she lives literally on a houseboat, right? That thing was a boat.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like a little boat. Shannin emotionally gets divorced every single day. So that was the case. Her neighborhood should just be one master bedroom okay when we shot that scene she had like 95% more neck if anyone needs more pillows it's her well I mean you guys it's not like you guys were being nice to me I mean I would text you guys you wouldn't even respond to my text messages. Maybe that was happening because you were spreading lies. No, well, I was like, well, you were the only one who was obsessed with a lie thing. I had a genuine connection with Gina and genuine connection with Shannon, a genuine connection with Emily, I had a genuine connection with three anonymous vaginas. And Heather's like, but they're here and you lie about me, lady. And so Noelle says, yeah, but and you're so controlling that no one would be friends
Starting point is 01:02:30 with me because they know that you're mad, which is true. I mean, I see that I think it's a thing with Noelle. She's so obnoxious on her own. I could see them not wanting to be friends with her, but I do think that they all turned on her because they wanted to lick Heather's butt, right? That's obvious to everyone at this point, right? I wouldn't say such obvious things, you know. It's okay, it's, it's probably,
Starting point is 01:02:51 it's really not to be obvious. But, sorry, they just are fighting back and forth, like Noel and Heather, and Andy goes, he goes, all right, all right, all right, listen, listen and Heather goes, Andy, I am saying something. And he goes, I am saying something, And he goes, I am saying something. It's just, I apologize. Anyway, the cameras were down, okay?
Starting point is 01:03:09 So let me, Andy's like, okay. Like she just is like, I don't care. I am running this show right now. She's unbearable. So she's like, yeah, after the cameras went down, the final time in Aspen, no, well, it came up and goes, hey, can we start over? And I said, no, it's too late.
Starting point is 01:03:27 No, she also did that while the cameras were on Heather. Okay. And if the cameras went down before she did it, at least she didn't force them to like you. Man. So Andy Heather said Noella was enjoying her karma, which was kicking her when she was down. And Heather's like, that's not fair.
Starting point is 01:03:44 She said it first. What do you five years old? What argument is that? It's literally being screamed at and I'm like being ganged up on. And like, you're screaming that I'm a liar, you're screaming that I'm a liar. And she's like, because you're lying now, well, I've said it a million times tonight, and I'll say it again. I feel horrible for everything you're going through. Okay, I don't wish it on anyone and you said to me it's your karma and I just do it back at you. I unfortunately forgot to say it's your credit karma. So therefore the joke didn't really land as well. How so didn't get paid for that one? So that was terrible, that plug. How's it didn't get paid for that one? So that was terrible, that plug.
Starting point is 01:04:26 But no, it's not the same thing. She said your karma will come get you for what you're doing. And you're the one who said you're already living your karma, which is totally a different thing. So Andy, which her father just died in her husband just dumped her. So not the same.
Starting point is 01:04:42 So Andy's like, everyone, oh, and you, what, everyone's personal. And you, Andy said, you said my dad died too. Let's see. Oh, and you said my dad died too, to Heather, because Heather said, well, my dad, and Heather goes, yeah, but that was earlier. And now, it goes, you just turned viral.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Just viral. Hi, necklace wonder over here would like to say something. I understand where everyone's perspective is coming from and on the second night after the bar, the bear scare fail. Oh, bear scare fail. Yes. Oh, yeah. So Nuala pulled me aside and broke down and hit me. That's been less than a week than her father had passed away. I'm out. Here she is. And I felt for Noella because I've been there before and you sat down, you know, and like everyone comes at you and you sit down on the table and someone just died and it's I believe it was Gina who said it because this was my long way of trying to shame Gina, but I think this was Gina who said should happens and I don't know. There was a death Gina there was a death
Starting point is 01:05:46 Gina, what is someone who's going to go after Gina? Might have been Gina who said that not really sure. I remember they probably didn't finish high school even though they claimed They went to you know what I don't want to get mixed up in this And he's like noella now this is interesting because your dad was a very famous weapon. I remember seeing him on the noobs. And no, it's like, Andy carried the Olympic torch one in a me. Don't Google him, plus the word sexual harassment could have it's not pretty. But otherwise, I mean, a lot of huge things, Andy, very famous. She tells a story about his career taking off when she was born and he moved to LA, but
Starting point is 01:06:29 her mom had just finished law school. So she wanted to start a practice in Palm Springs. And that's what strained the relationship. But then when she signed with the lead at 17 and developed my book in Southeast Asia, which I haven't had time to Google, but I'm gonna say that every time I'm trying to tell to make a point, I'm gonna be like, well, you know, when I was pulling together my book in Southeast Asia,
Starting point is 01:06:55 I would send them things and they would be returned unopened. So. I'm assuming it was her lookbook, not like an actual novel that she was writing, because otherwise if she was writing because otherwise If she's writing us out a novel in Southeast Asia, I'm like very intrigued to read it Guys, it's just like chapter one you guys Chapter two guys
Starting point is 01:07:16 So then I would look at it but noella has had so many names like she has had so many names I was a sink to Bravo docket and they were like, okay, and those ladies are like nice. You know, they're very nice. They're not like, and Nahuila has 10 names. What's up with that? They're like, well, you know, a lot of people change their names.
Starting point is 01:07:34 She's got a lot of names. I mean, it's a lot, so I can't even look it up, you know? Yeah, she might. I believe her latest name might actually just be Ryan. It's so weird. So then Jen, Muella rhyme. Yeah. So Jen, she does this thing where she puts out her hands like a Barbie doll, where her hands just are like forward and just next to each other. And she's like, Nuella, despite our differences, my heart broke when your father passed, I relate deeply,
Starting point is 01:08:03 deeply to that. Oh, you were amazing. And the flowers were gorgeous. It was like a sister. So anyway, they have. They all had. So they all have nice things to say at that moment for Nilella. And then Andy just sort of segues it. He's like, all right, well, let's just talk about the end of the season.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Hey, you all came together for that song. That was amazing. And I swear this was like the first day in two weeks where that song was not in my head. And then they play it like, I do whatever I want, whatever I want. I want with my favorite explanation. Oh, yeah. I'm nonstop.
Starting point is 01:08:43 That's in my head nonstop. And he's like, what did non-stop, that's in my head, non-stop. And he's like, what did Richard Marx think about that? And Heather's like, oh, you know what? Richard Marx and Daisy Fwentess wrote the song. So I just wanted to get that again. I know Richard Marx, okay. Rebo loved it. I think Sheila mentioned that Rebo loved it.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Sorry to send a bomb. I said, the second time, Sheila McIntyre, wow. Richard absolutely loved the song, mainly because it was the first time in two weeks and so I let him out of our basement so he could listen to the song on upstairs. But you know, he loved it. He loved the whole thing, yes.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Ugh, so yeah, I'm sure Richard Marx is gonna love being the guy who wrote that song on real house laws of Orange County because you know, that's his new life, you know, so Gina they were they're all like, oh my god, we're gonna be so embarrassed, but it was so good. It was so great And so then it's time to end we want to end on a positive note So let's say something positive about each other and it's a joke I wrote Heather saying Emily you're a mother That's basically what she does. They're good
Starting point is 01:09:54 Yeah, no one has anything. It's so they go who all these things, you know where Emma's like, you know I didn't know Heather at all and we didn't even run in the same circles and it was just like I didn't know Heather at all and we didn't even run in the same circles and it was just like so positive to be with someone who really put in the effort you get to know me and my husband and children. I was surprised I didn't get to shout and be like, well, I guess I, I guess I was just you know researching a couch. It wasn't you and your family I guess okay. So yeah there was no shock that Emily licked Heather's cornhole for this. Of course she did. It's like yeah and I really want to thank everyone for welcoming me back. It's been interesting and the scenes with my kids were so important to me that even with all the tiny houses I had to step into it all over again. And she's like no
Starting point is 01:10:40 well I hope that if we do if our paths do cross again which they won't because I'm getting you fired from this show I hope you'll get a chance to not only get to know me, but let me get to know you. All right, that's enough cameras down I'm done. We're done. I would love love because we get out of this sisterhood and Jen honestly honestly there were moments when it was almost like a sisterhood, a sister that fight the most okay you have chronic pain and in return you gave us chronic pain and I just want to say thank you for that. Yeah cement in your leg huh and just like I appreciate that you know and I just have to say, Noella, if drama was a drug, you would be a pharmacy. I don't really agree with you ever, but like, I can appreciate your enthusiasm.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Because like, that's the one thing I wasn't born with. So I would like to say something nice about Gina because I want to show that I'm a friend who cares about things and says nice things and I'm not in it for the glory. I want to say Gina, I'm so very proud of you, you know, because the girl that I met four years ago to who you are today, to withstand all that you did through your marriage. And I don't know who was propping you up during those four years. And I don't know who's calling lawyers for you and supporting you and getting you through that tough time. But whoever did did a hell of a job.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Whoever that nameless person is who we shouldn't even bother giving them credit because it's not about giving them credit. It's about you and looking at how far you've gotten. Congratulations you and other people who supported you. Look how far you've gotten with no credit. It really is a testament. Just to make this real and true,
Starting point is 01:12:27 wow, do you sure keep a clean house with six children? I mean, Gina can clean. Wow. And she was like, thank you. I guess I'll throw it right back to you because you're an incredibly resilient woman. I mean, I keep pushing you down and you just get back up, take it back into bed,
Starting point is 01:12:45 take it back into bed, which is a huge thing. And you know, I've never met anyone who can push my buttons that much. And I adore you. And I just want to say thank you so much for bringing me into your core of now five people. I didn't say that. I said, no, none of the core cleans, none of the core cleans. So enjoy finding someone on below deck to core with It's not gonna be a sucker Do you know, thank you for Couching your insult about pushing buttons in what was supposed to be a compliment for me. Thank you so much You're the great thing
Starting point is 01:13:17 So in Heather's like oh, listen, uh, no one said anything nice about Emily. So as Promise Emily You're an amazing mom. It's beautiful. I'm like, wow, no. Okay, that's the most generic predict, as you said, predictable generic, but also like so, it could so not like personalize.
Starting point is 01:13:38 It's like to anybody, you know, it's just that compliment makes me crazy. It's the same thing, Jenga's. Y'all and also your articulation because like, you're articulate. I was like, was that racist? Either way, I was like, we're all half-scented. It's real half-scented with me, you work again.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Where, I'm so sorry I called you articulate. So now we go on to the final toast with, it's like, we got a champagne pineapple toast. Doesn't totally make sense, but we had some leftover budget in our props because it turns out replicating Orange County doesn't cost a lot of money. It's pretty cheap stuff. So anyway, Heather, do you want to lead us in the toast? And Heather goes, okay, could someone hand me the pineapple?
Starting point is 01:14:22 She doesn't even pick up her own pineapple You didn't notice that that funny. She's like, well pineapple Pineapple the toast for pineapple pineapple stamps tall wear a crown be sweet God, this is for poor people. I've never seen an actual entire pineapple.'s not already been cut. This is disgusting. Can we get somebody to get a, that's... Well, I thought it was funny that the fruit that they use for Heather's come back season is a pineapple, like the prickly fruit. Teresa's horny nest drug.
Starting point is 01:14:57 And that was the end of Orange County. That's where it ended. So, well, that's it. And then it ends actually with Heather going, wow. And clapping angrily with no fun with her lips. First looking like Andy Cohen had the nerve to question me today. Cameras down cameras down. Anyway, I personally hope that both Heather and Noelle
Starting point is 01:15:22 will come back next season because I think that they were great foils for each other. I thought Heather was a hilarious, uppity presence, say what you will about her. She, like, she said, she may suck, but she's great on the show, I think. I wouldn't mind if she came back either. I mean, she fills me with the proper amount of rage, but it's all silly rage, you know?
Starting point is 01:15:43 I felt like when she was here before, it was a lot of silly rage too, which I like. She went a little too far with Shannon back in the day, but I mean, listen, I don't like her, but I love the housewives and you need, you need the ones she don't like. I mean, the ones like abuse silly rage. We can't fire the people.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Silly rage. I love silly, unimportant rage, you know? Yeah, so I say bring her back too. Now, and the one silly rage. I love silly, an important rage, you know, yeah. So I say bring her back to now and I know I'm a and Emily, I don't really have fun rage. I just have like you guys are lame like they need to start over. I think they should keep Shannon Heather and Emily bring in Kenny should be on Noella side. I know. Bring in one of Shannon's friends, and then let Heather bring in one of her dumbass,
Starting point is 01:16:28 Maria Below, or one of her other Scotty Rich lady friends. Yeah, I think Gina and Dr. Jen definitely have to go. I think Emily is, Emily is, I think you can keep Emily, but Gina and Dr. Jen are not really bringing in. Although I really enjoyed making fun of Dr. Jen. Like that was kind of a highlight for me. Yeah, that was fun. But to watch it was not, she's not scintillating television.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I don't think Emily's needed. I really don't. I would, I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my-
Starting point is 01:16:57 I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- I would like my- bad feelings. I just think she's the shitster, but the shit she stirs is so lame. I mean,
Starting point is 01:17:06 really, the fights were, I think they need a better shitster if they're going to do it. I think they can do better. I think that like Emily, if they got rid of her, I would not be sad, but I think if they are too afraid of cutting out too many people, like if you had to choose between Gina, Emily and Dr. Jen, Emily's the one I would keep. But otherwise, I would keep them. I would keep them. I would keep them, too, out of those, yeah. Yeah, one of your tasks is to get those, too. Overall.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Yeah, I hope they get rid of three and start over because they've got to learn their lesson. I mean, this was the lowest rated season of all time. So, their Heather Bet didn't necessarily work. I mean, I know. I know that you've blamed the year before, but. I've been the year before. It was a whole, it was not like it was just on for two weeks. Like the ratings didn't go well.
Starting point is 01:17:50 You know, just kept tanking, you know, it's hard. Once you leave a show, it's really hard to come back on board until you feel like there is a, like everyone's watching it too. So like, I got to watch it. And I think that like last season was pretty bad. And I think a lot of people like, you know what, I'm not going to start up this new season now. So, you know, like, it's easy to blame the current cast, but I actually don't blame the current cast. I think it takes like, it takes a few seasons of building back the buzz. And then once the buzz is there, then people will start to come back because people have a lot of options
Starting point is 01:18:22 of shows to watch in general and a lot of things to do. And they got a lot of. They had a lot of Heather buzz. That's the thing. Heather was anchoring this season as the buzz worthy. Oh my God. She's back. They still show those commercials. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Heather standing in her infinity hallway and as a shadow posing going guys, guys, at home. Or whatever, they still show that. Yeah, I think that was a bomb decision, not in a good way. Like a bomb of a decision and it was a bad one. But she's saying that. I think the bomb market decision. I think it's a bomb marketing decision, a marketing decision bomb, but not a casting decision bomb.
Starting point is 01:19:02 I think it was a good casting decision, but they overestimated how much of a lyrish she would be to listeners or our viewers. Well, look, one of my favorite things is when you let a marinated housewife stay because you need your season two bitch flower to bloom. And Noella is going to come in 10 times as crazy. Okay, she's going to come in with this new boyfriend and our Dildo company. I mean, she will send Heather over the edge. So I kinda need to see that
Starting point is 01:19:33 and I also need to see, because you know what a housewife loves to do, spend their off season figuring out how they're gonna take down the people they don't like. I mean, no one uses Google more than a housewife, okay? So I would love to see the ammo that Noelle comes up with to use against Heather next season. So yeah, I mean, I'm looking forward to another season with those three at least. So we'll see.
Starting point is 01:19:54 We will see until then you guys. Thanks so much for listening and for some of you guys for watching along as well. Really great time this season. Um, have a great weekend, we'll be back next week with a whole new slate of shows. Have a great one everyone. Bye! Watch what crap ends, would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Courtney's amazing, Shadel. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itchelso-s. Dan-o-s. Dan-o-do. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-os. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess Sayon, okay. Kristen The Piston Anderson. Wee McLevin. Karen McLevin. She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. She's our queen, Marie Levine.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Beaches. Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Paging Page Mills, Paging Page Mills. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:21:30 She leaves us in stitches, it's Catherine Taylor. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamla Plane!
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