Watch What Crappens - RHOC: Sue the Right Thing

Episode Date: December 9, 2021

Real Housewives of Orange County delivers another strong episode as Heather's sushi party descends into chaos. Between drunk Nicole barking "SIT!" repeatedly and Heather trying to shut down t...he cameras, it's a pure joy.Get tix to our live shows: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, joining me today is someone who may have Sue Terry to bro 15 years ago. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:01:13 We'll have to find out. It's Mr. Ronny Kerrim, hi, Ronnie. And I do it again. Hey, these things happen, right? I do it again. I'm just going to sue Terry for the state of my breasts, even though he had nothing to do with it. Yeah, I would have to say that my pecs are botched because of Malamars and that's Terry's fault. So guys, welcome to Watcher Crappens. Today
Starting point is 00:01:37 we are recapping the second episode of Orange County. So good. I really feel like Orange County may be back. But before we get into that, do go to because from there you get access to all the cool things that we do. Next year, which is really just next month, we are going back out on the road, 21 different cities. We're going to be starting in New York, we're ending in Dallas. Over the course of four months, we're going to so many places. We have knock on tour in two years. We are so excited to get back out there. We always have so much fun. We have so much fun seeing you guys laughing and being crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So we want you all to come out and see us so we can see you. But do know that some of the dates are getting really low on tickets like San Francisco and New York and Boston and some other some of that Already sold out. So go to get your tickets and then also from there you can also access links to patreon slash watch or Crappens. We really recommend you do that for the full crappens experience because at various levels you get cool things. You at the bonus episode level, we are recapping, selling sunset, season four on our bonus episodes. You don't want to miss that because that we have,
Starting point is 00:02:53 that's one of our favorite things to recap. And then of course we have crap and it's on demand, where you can actually watch us do the shows, not just listen. And really the main reason why you want to do that is for Bueller, you get the Bueller Camille's in the background. It's really completes the crap in this moment. So check that out slash watch what crap ends. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Well, here we are with real housewives of Orange County episode two of season 16. It's called loose lips and lawsuits. Yeah, and we're back at Heather's party and it's the nobu party, everything is going well. And Heather's just greeting her, she's talking to some guests, she has like a martycae harden type that's there who has a little yellow bob or a blonde bob I should say. And she's like, oh my god, I love that you're blonde again. I don't know who you are, but I love this look for you. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And I love you in Pollock. I know while I was walking in with a crazy sleeves, I'm with Nicole. And they come in and have their like, Oh, hi, hi, hi, hi, Nicole Emily. Hi, hi, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. And Gina's like, Oh, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm. And Emily's like, wow, you know what? Nicole is so nice, but there isn't anything more strange than dumping friends with someone who is pseudom in the past. Yeah, and then Nuella and Dr. Jen are meeting
Starting point is 00:04:17 and or are talking and they've actually met each other before through Bronwyn and Nuella's just being silly. She was like, well, today I got out of bed and I started working on my hair and makeup. That was my day. And Jen clearly does not like her because she goes, well, it's very difficult for me to relate to people who don't work unless they're my husband
Starting point is 00:04:35 because I'm like a working mother and I don't have the option of laying in bed all day. And then Nuela's like, yeah, I can say that Jen and I are pretty much polar opposites. We breathe out. I mean, we both breathe oxygen, so we've got that in common. And then it gets to Newell, just going into the camera with nothing to say. So then all the girls gather together, all the new group, and they're like, hi, hi.
Starting point is 00:05:02 She was like, hi, I'm Gina's like, Hi, I'm Gina, hi, I'm Gina. And then there's like, guys, I have a photographer here, so I'd love to do a group shot, because yes, I even pay photographers to come take pictures at parties. That's how rich I am. Why do you need a group shot of this random nobu party? Okay, this is not like a, like a sorority formal
Starting point is 00:05:22 of some sort, you know? And of course, by the way, we should point out that noella does such a thing that I'd expect noella to do Which is when she meets so much because hi my hugger. Hi my hugger And Shannon's like well hello of Nicole. How are you? And she's like I cannot wait to talk to you Shannon And she goes wow, but this is not the favel oh Nicole right. I'm sorry. No Shannon There's so many white girl names in this. It's like, Jen, Emily, Nicole. Why?
Starting point is 00:05:51 It's a jacket of use. I need to get used to it in my notes. So Shannon's like, wow, wow. This is not the Vavoon, Emily Anderson, I'm at 16 years ago. This can be dressed as the same, but nothing much else. Wow, wow! Wow, how many faces have we gone through, Sims?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Those days, you know, wow! So now the girls are outside and I had those like, okay, Nicole, okay, I want you to come bang the gong. All right, okay, just pick a mallet. Okay, oh, you want to do one, two, okay, I don't think we've ever had a double banger on the gong. Okay, let's hit the gong everyone. And I am shocked when the two of them hit that gong that Shannon did not have like some sort of PTSD
Starting point is 00:06:31 spiral, trauma spiral, heading back to Arizona. Oh, he's the one with the emergency room! That gong, it resonated. How, God, it's like a Philipsonicael for my brain. Oh no! My surprise from that came when Heather goes, I don't think we've ever had, wait for it, a double banger.
Starting point is 00:06:50 And Noella didn't say anything. Like where was Noella? That was your cue, Noella. So then they gong it and then Noella goes, I thought that Moves is a genital area. And I was like, okay, that's she's making up for it. There it is, she's still here. She's still with us people. So Nicole is talking to Shannon, and what's funny is,
Starting point is 00:07:09 because Shannon has now talked shit about Nicole, and she is being so fake. She just has, like, that fake Shannon smile. Like, Shannon has a certain smile that she does when she does not like someone, but wants to see him like she's really cool. She's like, it's hard to do it with our crap is on demand, but just, we all know that.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Well, it's a tight little smile, and she puts her bottom lip on the bottom of her top teeth, if that makes any sense. Which kind of like touches them while she's smiling. And Nicole's like, oh my God, Shannon, I don't know if you remember, but I went to a barbecue at your house, she says, oh my, I remember everything.
Starting point is 00:07:44 She's what I had a boyfriend at the time. Oh, yes, you did, you. I remember, yes, I remember. Yes, and I had a husband at that time. You may remember him. He had the eyes of a cheater, and it turned out to be true. And the calls like, and then Heather said, you were the like, like, hey, you either Jadikin Rock
Starting point is 00:08:04 or Wade and Lyme for Sprinkles, and I'm like, I am both. said you were the like like hey you either jaded kid rock or wait in line for sprinkles and I'm like I am both ha oh my god you wait in line for sprinkles you don't you don't actually get them delivered to your house I don't do that I don't I don't I don't I don't how nice that you can have sprinkles and it does not impact your friend that's that's lucky for you it's very bizarre that Nicole seems to be quite good friends with Heather and Terry when she told me that she sued him, but that was 16 years ago and God only knows what happens in 16 years, apparently quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Wow. Oh well, you know, a lot of things can happen in 16 years. You can have a wonderful marriage that can fall apart because of some slot on the beach who walks with your husband Who like spurn raising all the sun spurn races happen? That's something that can happen in cashier pubs sugary sweet sauces can be developed and tasty that cashier pubs Two tiny little twin girls looking up at you saying go go go and then the next second third crap tops and short shorts saying suck you mom oh yeah oh 16 years
Starting point is 00:09:10 wow 16 years that's that's enough time for you to go to sushi and not get to heal her and then decide that you want to go to sushi and get to heal her wow things can change right David so they're at the buffet now they're a million dollar buffet and Jean and Emily are talking and Gina's like I don't understand. Has Shannon can just talk shit about me and you and this smile in my face like she just did and I genuinely like the rich one Heather Heather I genuinely like have this money. I mean have the have a you know clearly Nicole did not do this. She just couldn't have done it. And Heather, meanwhile, is like, domineering at this buffet. She's like,
Starting point is 00:09:47 okay, can I encourage everyone to grab a bite of food? Okay, take a plate. Yeah, take a plate. It's like, we know Heather. We know how buffets work. You have to put the food on the plate. Okay, you need to do it. Okay, you use four extra chopsticks. I'm a plate. I use that in your hands. Your hands, the things not touch your arms. We get it, Heather.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Well, they're it, Heather. Well, they're just really expensive. I just wanted to make sure all of you can understand it. Sometimes rich plates are a little bit different than pork, but these are not styrofoam. Do not try to throw these into the ocean, okay? Did someone rip the bow off of my sushi? So then, they filed my cake. Also, another thing Heather does,
Starting point is 00:10:27 she goes, okay, everybody, let's move into the next space. Okay, everybody. So let's move into the next space. It's like, uh, it's like a tour. So then, um, so Nicole, uh, like, so Gina and Emily are talking, as you were saying, Jean Emily are talking, like, oh, my go on, this is crazy. I feel so bad. And and like look at a boobs. I mean clearly she didn't do this what these you was saying And so Gina saying all this stuff and Nicole is literally right next to her So Nicole turns around and she enters the conversation, but she's oblivious and I'm like wow your boobs look great And Nicole's like oh, oh my goodness. Thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah, they look really you know They look really nice. Yeah, the whole package looks really nice
Starting point is 00:11:07 You know, I and then she tells us I feel like friends don't typically see the friends husbands and the whole thing feels like To try my Thumb So that Emily just goes and touches Nicole's boob and she's like oh Shane told me I shouldn't do that anymore It's like yeah, he's right and she goes look, look, okay, you can feel mine, feel it. It's not an implant, yeah. And Nicole goes, oh, I've got a whole story. I got a whole story about mine.
Starting point is 00:11:32 She goes, oh, there's a story there. Oh, this is the story. She gets a big long story. Like, oh, really? Oh my god, a story, a long story. I feel like you got lots of stories. Gina, these two are such assholes. Like, listen, I love that they're putting Shannon in this like crazy box because that's
Starting point is 00:11:51 where I like Shannon to be. But Emily and Gina are the worst. Like, really, if you look at, if you just stand back and look at what they're doing, they are such as the fucking worst. They're so mean and Emily is so ham-fisted. You know, she's so ham-handed with the way she's going about this whole thing Like grabbing the woman's boobs so you could talk about implants. I mean, she's getting some subtle tea maybe It's just shameless, especially when Gina has the whole, you know, a sob story about like I would feel
Starting point is 00:12:19 Waterfined if everyone knew except for me and here she is knowing fully the fully the story, the backstory about Nicole, and then acting dumb and sort of like pulling it out of her. It was so obnoxious. And I was like, great, this show is back. This is what I needed. Yes, this is the level of pettingness we need. And she goes, yeah, the fact that Nicole said she has a long story, she does specifically about a boob.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So Nicole's like, yeah, well guys, it took like four and a half years to get where I'm at with my, it's been a boob journey. She's like, oh, and she tells us, was it Terry's fault? We don't know yet. They're just rubbing their hands together so excited for this. And then meanwhile, Noelle and Shannon are talking and Noelle is like, oh, so Tracy, the healer I was seeing and she goes, wait, wait, wait, and Laguna didn't go. I go to her, I go to her, oh my god, oh, oh god, she, wow, wow, we share a healer together.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Wow, Noella is beautiful, I love her outfit. Wow, Tracy, what are the odds? Back in the day, I would have pulled out an outfit like, happened, it's not happening now. Wow. And this whole conversation started because Shannon goes, well, I just don't know why my nose is so runny these days. Oh really? You don't?
Starting point is 00:13:33 So they start talking about Tracy and Shannon loves Noelle because she got a compliment and she knows that this lady goes to Craig Gray Doctors. So she, Shannon's like, that is so funny. And she goes, yeah, well, you know what, angels bring you the right people at the right time. She has, oh, right, right. Okay, she's fearing off here. Just someone, someone come get me.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Mommy, come pick me up from school. She's going, great. Okay. You know what, you know, angels bring you the right people at the right time, but I like to know, angels bring you the right people at the right time, but I like to say that people bring the right angel food at the right time. So, uh, uh, Terry then shows up and tell her he's got like a, like a leather jacket on and everything. He's like, hey, it's Terry DeBrow. And I was like, yay! She does that point thing. She's just, yay!
Starting point is 00:14:20 Husband! Look, it's television zone. Terry DeBro everyone. Terry DeBro! Dad, ease home. Hi Terry. Hi Terry. Her jaw just like unhinges and falls to the ground. Like she's never seen Terry. But it's like Terry's been away at war for 30 years and just came home. Like, wow, Terry! So he comes in and she's like, honey, honey, did you have fun? How was Tinder? And he says, okay, well, great ladies have a good time. I have early surgery. So I know this motorcycle jacket says, Danny Zuko, but guess what?
Starting point is 00:14:54 It's time to get your... Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzzz, Zzz I have surgery, so therefore I logically will be going upstairs and taking this jacket off and getting into something a little bit more comfortable. Okay, ladies. So, Shan was like, I have a toast. Here's to fun, meeting new people and banishing toast because it makes my nose run. So then Heather, Heather goes up to Gina and Gina and Janice. Oh, did you find the bathroom? Did you go to the right one, which is also so obnoxious and like such a such a short amount of time, the implication like I've got so many bathrooms that you may have gone to the improper one. Yeah, then you're also too stupid to know what a bathroom is.
Starting point is 00:15:38 You went to the bathroom, right? Did you? Did you? Right, you didn't pee on the bed. Did you? Okay. Just want to make sure to play to the bathroom. Okay, so, you know, Gina, I really love meeting you. I told my mother about you. I said, mom, I met this girl. She was so impressed with my money.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And Gina's like, yeah, I told my dad, I met a girl from Chapacua. Yeah, Chapacua. And you know, it just is like awesome. New York has gotta be with New Yorkers. And so they're walking together and they're like bonding. And Gina's like, I just feel so guilty being in someone's home and now participating in something
Starting point is 00:16:12 that makes someone look stupid. I'm like, you're on the real house, so I was in Orange County. Anything you do inherently is gonna make someone look stupid and it's probably gonna be you. Yeah, so Heather's like, Gina, what's wrong? You did, did you pee in a planter? Just
Starting point is 00:16:25 tell me the truth. I know it's very confusing to pour people the first time. Check. Look, I write, but Shannon comes in and she's pretended and acting like everything's normal. Like, before I met you, I didn't know anything about you. So I just wanted to face it with all of that. Okay, you know, just sit, sit. What happened? What happened? Show me on this sashimi, we're shaming at you. You're like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, get a job, sashimi, go, get a job. It's like, oh, I didn't realize there was a lady under that sushi.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So then, I was like, okay, let's sit for a second and this is my chair that I will sit in, flashback, call back to Shannon. So, Gina goes, well, I feel uncomfortable because Shannon didn't know if Nicole was the same girl that she knew previously and Prior to that she said that Nicole had Julia Husband, okay, and honestly had the the whole thing is so absurd and we wanted nothing to do with it But Shannon is saying these things and if outside shot it was true and somehow you didn't know it I felt like you look silly saying Nicole's
Starting point is 00:17:25 great and she perhaps did did something and that was not cool to your family. Right. So Gina's falling all over herself for Heather's approval because Heather's got damn money. I mean Gina is just like flapping her arms in the wind and Heather's just looking at her with those big black eyes and nodding like, I'm checking the planter. This girl is really stupid. So then Shannon and Nicole sit with Emily. Okay, and Nicole's already drunk. Nicole is suffering from that first big party for a new real housewife thing
Starting point is 00:17:55 where she just gets too drunk too fast. So she's obviously like out of it, right? So she's like, you know, I have to look at myself in the mirror because I'm uncertain at this point what I eat. And what I like. You know, and then when I was like, oh, let me ask you something, Shannon. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, we go to the same jobs, the same job. My nose is running. Yes. Did you ever, this is running? My nose. Did you ever tell Heather what you knew and Shannon
Starting point is 00:18:22 gets her shut up face and just you are not that that is not okay Emily, there is not okay Well, you know why because Gina's talking to Heather right now Oh, of course I didn't I'm of course I'm not gonna go See I'm not going to hurt her anyone and I told you guys that and you guys could buy ya promise me and You guys, kubaiya promise me. What? What? And it goes like, could you guys tell me what you guys are talking about? And she's like, you know what, Shannon? I did give you my word, but you made it a big thing.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And now it's a thing. Just, well, I need to go talk to my friend. Why do not? What a hurt. And the fact that I have to go to that right now is just something else, Emily. She goes, look, they're talking and I just wanted to give you a heads up. Well this is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Well we made a promise that if this came, if this is the same Nicole, nobody's talking about it
Starting point is 00:19:16 and I'm the dumb shit who that trust people. So then Gina is still going on just like. And I thought you know you should have this information have it because I don't know what Shannon was planning on doing with it or planning on not doing with it You know what Shannon's in game and Shannon goes are you kidding me right now? I don't talk to them right into it just watch I have to talk with you Heather. I don't want anybody in this world And I don't want to hurt anybody in this world And when you kept telling me that Nicole was your friend, I said I said I think I know her
Starting point is 00:19:50 But it can't be that girl because the girl that I knew had told me that she was in a lawsuit with Terry And so that doesn't make much sense to me that they'll be friends I just want her. I just don't want her to hurt anyone. Are you really doing this right now? Are you really doing this right now, Shannon? You baitin' you, you figure it out, you have an icing bow sticking out of your mouth right now, Shannon. I hope you're proud of yourself. And Shannon just throws her hands up like,
Starting point is 00:20:18 woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. Like she's doing that thing with her lips. Woo, woo, woo, woo. I can't believe she would attach a figurative bow to my head that was made of... Nothing but sugar doesn't she know I'm on a figurative diet! Come on, shoes! Here comes one right now! Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday,
Starting point is 00:20:45 parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking, oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong, what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us
Starting point is 00:21:22 as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So then Emily is back at the other little group with the ladies who have joined and she's like, okay, here's what happened. Shannon told everybody that Nicole was suing Terry and blah, blah, blah, so she's going on. She goes, so Shannon told us Nicole, no, not Nicole. Is it Nicole?
Starting point is 00:21:51 Nicole? Yeah, no, Nicole, right. Sorry, white girl, white girl name. So Shannon told us that she knew you from the past Nicole and she told us you had a boob job or something from Terry and it was messed up. So you sued the dubros. Uh, yeah. So then I got back to Gina say like you know, I felt like just tell her she's gonna say she's gonna say it
Starting point is 00:22:11 You know like say it's nothing we can all move on you made it but you made a big the way bigger thing that needs to be you always do that You always do that Shannon. I have a good. And it gets broken quite often by other people, but it is a good heart, and I'm in such a good place, a smaller place, a smaller place that doesn't have a lovely refrigerator like this one. It doesn't have a chandelier, but that's a good place with a refrigerator in the hallway that also doubles as our coat storage.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I love it. I love my good place. So they're just squabbling with each other and Heather gets up and Heather's like, well wait Heather, I want to talk to you. She has to be back. I'll be back. So she walks off and she and Gina's like, you made this a big thing, Shannon. You did it. No, you fucking did it. Man. Which, thank you by the way for doing it. And Shannon's like, 12 hours after promising me. Come on. She's not the sister of the traveling pan
Starting point is 00:23:04 Shannon. I didn't even know Heather when I promised not to say anything. And I didn't even know that It's like 12 hours after promising me, come on! It's not the system that the traveling pan shannon. I didn't even know Heather when I promised not to say anything. And I didn't even know that this pertained to her. And the whole thing is so ridiculous, Shannon. And the fact that you were really trying to put it on me. And the cool, Nowella's, we see that Nowella's just standing behind them like a pink ghost. Just like kind of watching them.
Starting point is 00:23:22 And she's like, excuse me, this is not how you speak. You's like excuse me this is not how you speak your elders this is not how you speak to anybody. So then Gina leaves she didn't brush her head so no else is down the shan and and she's don't ever trust her that's for sure Gina is done Gina is done and she's trying to make a problem and it's not okay. Sorry it sounded like you were gonna say something else. So Gina goes back to the other girls. Gina goes back to the other girls and she's like, I can't, I can't with jamming because it's absurd.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Okay, she's trying to make him like a problem. I mean, it's not a problem. You are literally the one walking around the house screaming about this and pulling Heather aside and causing all of this. It all of this it's you it was you Now I know what you thought I was done because I probably confused you because I basically said Gina's line as Shannon But you know one has to imagine that Shannon was also saying that Gina has done too So Shannon's like well, I want to talk to Heather. I need to talk to Heather
Starting point is 00:24:19 So we go to Heather and she's like by production trying to go upstairs She's no there is no filming unless it's hot in Cleveland Okay, show is over no no no Yeah, Heather's mall house commercial went wrong So now she's gonna try and kick all the cameras out because she can't control everything typical typical ever so she's like yelling at the cameras and saying go leave no We're not doing any of this on the show. So then back with Nicole, or Nicole, she's like,
Starting point is 00:24:48 I made a mistake, okay, I was a young model, and my lawyer's four-screen, they forced me into a lawsuit. And she's like, oh my, gaaaaaam. Literally. So then we are camera down, go away, camera down. That's, that's Lingo, that's, that's working actress Lingo, camera down. So back that's lingo. That's that's working actress lingo camera down So back with Emily Emily's like so you're talking about Harry right are Terry, right?
Starting point is 00:25:10 She's yes with Terry This is and Emily says we'll do how they're no about this and she's no we've never discussed it So them how there's marching upstairs and she's like Terry I'm leaving the show right now. I'm kicking everyone out of my house. It's over, right now! So then, Nuella goes up to Shannikus. Are you shaking? I want to hug you so bad. Shannikus, well, I made a huge mistake. I had too much to drink and I thought I had people that I could trust, and within 12 hours, she was smacking off, okay? It was terrible! Oh, so Jean has no place talking to Heather. Oh, but I mean you just met Heather and now you're the good friend good for you, Jean
Starting point is 00:25:52 Hey Heather, did you know? Who the fuck do you think you are? Jean now? Oh do you think you are? And you know what? You know, I was like it felt like an ambush. Well with the ideas it is it's a totally ambush was like, it felt like an ambush. What the minute is, it is, it's a totally ambush. So Emily is like, well, I just feel like to be friends with her, you should have cleared the air with her first.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Nicole. And Dr. Jenny goes, yeah, I feel like that too. And she tells us, the worst thing you could do is sue your doctor. Okay, because your doctor is there to care for you and you would not be sitting at my house in a dinner table If you did that to me or my husband even if he doesn't wear a shirt. Are you kidding me? Yeah, but I mean it's okay to see your doctor if they fucked up, you know
Starting point is 00:26:34 So Nicole's like well, I get that and I respect it I respect your opinion Emily just so then why didn't you do that then just Heather and I will discuss that on our own. And when I think I need your opinion, I will ask you for your opinion. And right now, we don't need it. I'm like, whoa, this cast came to play. Yeah, Emily goes, okay. I mean, I only brought it up
Starting point is 00:26:59 because Shana made a point. I am very comfortable telling you if I need your opinion and I will ask you. If I need your opinion and I will ask you if I need your opinion I will ask you I like this I'm gonna say it many more times unless someone else can come up with a really good buzzword like stand or Set I'll I'll use sit as well, but for right now if I need your opinion on a buzzword I will ask you you know what don't get in my face and start saying shit to me when I've been your friend for this whole night Like I've been your friend for months for years. I've been your friend for about a good 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:27:35 What I don't even know you I've known you for 20 minutes girl. You were never my friend. You're 20 minutes girl Okay 20 minutes girl okay 20 minutes girl So I am sitting sit sit with that sit this is this is the new if I want your opinion I'll ask for it sit I am sit sitting that but I am sitting now Well, you need to direct your anger towards someone else. Oh my god sit towards someone else. Oh my God. Sit, sit. I'm still sitting. Sit down. You just sit down. So she's like, but she is in the seat.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So how could like she sit more than she's actually sitting because she's like literally sitting in a chair. Sit. So then, but then Nicole said, then she pushes the trigger. She goes, you are stupid. Girl stupid girls set go eat your sushi bitch So when Emily here stupid that is obviously something that she does not like to hear right and she and Nicole's drunk right so she She goes on my god said you are still and she stops herself because like even she knows like oh god I'm about to call this girl stupid right so Emily's like you're gonna call me stupid and she goes
Starting point is 00:28:42 Oh, just sit go eat your sushi girl just sit with your sushi and she goes, oh, just sit. Go eat your sushi girl. Just sit with your sushi. And she goes, and you said they're talking about how you're uneducated and all you've ever been is a mom. And then you're gonna get in my face and call me stupid. Fuck you. I was so happy just because I love angry Emily and she so rarely gives it to us.
Starting point is 00:29:04 So Gina starts pulling Emily away and I'm like, I actually liked you. I thought you were nice, but you know what you are. You're fucking trash is what you already have no education. And you've never had a job so fuck you. Sit. We could like get the fuck out of here. Is there a rolling office chair that we can have her sit in to get out? out of here. Is there a rolling office chair that we can have her sit in to get out?
Starting point is 00:29:30 Skeel left anything. So then Gina's like, you know what? I feel like there's so potential there for you guys to be friends. No, you come with me. You come with me. Yeah, I'm Emily Screamsitter. You're trash and you have no education. You've never had a job. So fuck you. I'm sure it's going to really her to the audience. So Emily drags her off. She's like, you are my friend. You come with me. So Nuella and Shannon are kind of watching this. And Nuella's like, oh my god, Emily and Gina are leaving. So Emily keeps yelling at Gina. She's like, don't you fucking insult me? I didn't do anything. I do anything. And Nicole Mueh was like, that's what you do when you're educated. You act like that. You know what I call that?
Starting point is 00:30:09 I call that someone who goes to a Broadway show. And there's no more tickets left. And they have to lean on that thing at the end, standing room only. You better set. You better set. Yeah, she's so educated. She might have gotten a good grade on her SAT scores, but she didn't get a good, a good, a good grade on her SAT scores, but she didn't get a good She didn't get a good grade on her SIT scores. That's for sure
Starting point is 00:30:33 Queen of sitcom So Emily's like now screaming down the hallway going fuck her that many little bitch who looks exactly like me except I'm the better version of it You're the standing version of it Love I love within orange County house life who's messed with their face to the point of not being recognizable anymore It's like what is she trying to look like me? I know. And it calls like, that was so rude what she said to me. Trash, I mean, come on, sit, sit. So Jen was like, well, she called you trash after the fact.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Because no, this is what I fucking do. I go on a diet and I shut my mouth. What I call it, I like to say that I'm having my top part of my mouth sit on the bottom part of my mouth, okay? So now you're calling your fat great-move Nicole. Oh my god these people She's like all you had to do with sit there, okay? I mean literally all you had to do is sit there And you would have had everybody on your side and now this no ma'am so then outside Everybody on your side and now this no ma'am. So then outside Gina is still with Emily who's Emily still losing them She's like what happened Emily? She goes I'm not gonna fucking take it when someone talks to me like that
Starting point is 00:31:52 She's like, but what happened? I don't know. It's just all the sentries in my face yelling No, you were in a bunch of damn business. You grab someone's boob to get them to tell you all this shit on camera and humiliate them on fucking camera Is what you did and they come on to what you were doing until you go fuck yourself and you did offer up a lot of opinions about a Personal situation that you had nothing to do with so yeah, she did tell you to go fuck yourself and that you you created this mess Emily and like you said before Ronnie. Thank you. Thank you because we really enjoyed this mess So then Heather is like, we just hear Terry, uh, Heather go, Terry, it was a disaster. It was a disaster.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And we go back to Emily. That little bitch turns on me. I want to fuck her up. Where's my car? Where's my car? Maybe it's sifting somewhere, sit. And Emily getting in the car to drive them home when she's like kind of drunk is just so Emily
Starting point is 00:32:46 too because it's so hypocritical after all the DUI lectures to Gina right. So then Noah and Shannon are talking still. And Noah is like, um, I think that's probably time to leave. And she's like, well, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I think I'm going to say here. I'm going to say here. Just then Then I'm gonna stay here with you. And Max, the daughter Max is watching and kind of cracking up because they're so dramatic. And then Nuella turns and she's like, oh, are you Max?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Hi Max, nice to meet you. I'm bisexual too. And then we see a flashback of Nuella telling Heather that she's bisexual. She's like, oh, I'm bisexual. And Heather goes, I have kids that are bisexual. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they're acting like the kids got into an Ivy League school or something, or like
Starting point is 00:33:34 they got a new Nintendo. I got a Nintendo. Yeah, you got to come over and play it. Hmm. So then Gina, outside, it's like, look, we can't leave. I got to go win golden apologize to the rich one Okay, I really like her bags and chance like yeah come on in like we've got to eat I mean we just can't leave That's you handled it very very well, okay? You handled it well. I'm late because I handled it well. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:34:00 I mean I really think the what should have just been stated was guys Nobo is here. Okay, do you really wanna miss out on Nobu? Okay, this isn't just like Javier's catering staff. This is Nobu. I mean, that's all you need to do to shut people up. Like, do you wanna have the good-ass food? This is probably the best catering we've ever seen
Starting point is 00:34:17 on any housewives. Nobu? And then they're gonna walk out on it? No, no way, and not in any, any world. So they go back in and Shannon is still just standing there in the same place and she's alone and she's just kinda standing there. And they pass them and Emily goes, well they're Shannon.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And not sitting. So then Shannon's like, well what happened? And she goes, well I went off under coal. You know what, let's table this, let's table this. I want Gina. You knew exactly what you were doing. And I want to know why you brought this up. Okay, I would like to know this.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Also, I would like to know if there are any more past orders going to be happening or no. Okay. But Gina's like, I'm not speaking about this anymore. Excuse me, you were the one who started all of this. You don't get to say we're going to table it table it like you just blew up the whole fucking party right and Shannon's like but you made a promise I don't want to hurt anybody I don't want I don't want to hurt anybody and Emily's like oh just go outside take it outside
Starting point is 00:35:19 and she then she turns to Shannon and she goes but you know who the real villain is it's Nicole that little mini bitch, cause she did suit Terry, it's all true. So then Heather and Terry come walking down the hallway and Heather's like, do you know where Nicole is? And Terry has this look on his face like, why are you wanna? And the thing is that like, Terry is still wearing
Starting point is 00:35:44 his leather jacket and his whole get up. So we're meant to believe that Terry went upstairs and just stayed in that whole leather jacket outfit. Of course, it's just like, it's like, there's something so hilariously like ready for the cameras about Heather and Terry. Yeah, Terry's always a housewife on the show, right? He's always another housewife. So he was up there like with five people surrounding him
Starting point is 00:36:10 touching up his base or whatever. So Emily is like, you know, I didn't believe you, you know, I thought it was, I just, I didn't think that had me. Oh no, Emily, sorry, not Gina. She's like, I didn't believe you, Shannon. I didn't think it had any credibility that story, but it's all true, it's all true.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So Terry and Heather are doing the arm and arm walk like strung it together. Yeah, it's like they're walking into like a political convention about to accept a nomination. So Terry, Nicole's just now sitting in like a chair in this like isolation room, the interrogation room. We have one of those and he is, are you Nicole Weiss? You sued me.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And Heather is like, why did you not ever tell me that? Were you also on hot and Cleveland because we need to get everything out on the table now? And Nicole's like, how God this is so awful. I'm curious like, how long have you been friends you in Heather? It's like six years. Listen, I worked on you. You had a friends you and Heather it's like six years. Listen I worked on you you had a complication and there's no question about that. You did have a complication she was Terry. You need nothing wrong. I was in my 20s. My attorneys made me do it. And Heather's
Starting point is 00:37:20 giving about sympathetic not like mm-hmm, that was more, that was more Yeah, she's like, I never wanted to say anything, I never, I didn't want to do anything wrong It's like a terrible episode of Law Order, right? So she's like, I didn't want to be in this position Well, let me tell you something, Nicole Wease, who I don't, who, who, whose name I remember Even though I don't remember the lawsuit. Okay Nicole, you dropped it, it went away, it's fine. Okay, but by the way, thanks for dropping it. And then Heather and Terri are both like, And so creepy these days.
Starting point is 00:38:05 They're outbursts of joint laughter over that little joke was so. It was like a wet. It was so diapot. It was crazy. Really well, I was expecting it to cut to Bullwinkle, hanging from a tree in a net. You know, like they just got Bullwinkle.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! So how there's like, listen, doctors get sued. It's no big deal. It was years and years ago. She deserves a second chance.
Starting point is 00:38:34 We all do. Plus, if anyone's gonna give us business, it's gonna be her. Have you seen that face? We might got it. Ah! Ah! Geez. It's like you could throw it a wall and it would stick.
Starting point is 00:38:45 You know, Max used to make that goop slime, whatever. So this is my party. And if you leave, I'll feel bad. So can you please just take a breath for a moment. I don't want you to leave. Although what I will do is cancel the party. Get everyone out instead. It's like, why are you saying that if she leaves,
Starting point is 00:39:04 you'll feel bad. And yet at the same time, you're gonna stop the entire party and then let all this beautiful no-boof food go to waste. Which I guarantee she did not give to the crew. No, of course not. Listen, I don't want you to leave my party. I really need as many people here as possible
Starting point is 00:39:19 to see me end the party because it's Shannon's fault. Okay, come on out. Come on out, it's gonna be great. So Nicole goes, I love you so bad. She's like, I love you, I love you. So then back with the other ladies, and then while I was like, I just feel like there's a lot of hurt feelings
Starting point is 00:39:35 on both sides. Oh God, she's one of those. Fucking no, well, well, Ms. Dring Meen, I'll just tell you this much. We will be fine. We'll be fine. We'll be fine And then Heather is like Gina Shannon. Can I talk to you guys for a second please? So she brings them over to like another balcony and
Starting point is 00:39:58 Gina's like, you know what? I'm really sorry. I'm really really sorry No, that's it Heather just keeps trying to interrupt and Gina won't stop Gina won't like, no, no, no, but I'm so army. I'm so army, like seriously. Like I raised my voice in your home. Listen, I don't care that you raised your voice in my home, but I invited you into my home and now you're shit talking my husband in my home. She was like, no, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I promise. So let me tell you something. People say don't shoot the messenger. Here's what I'm gonna tell you, Gina. Shoot the fucking messenger. I was like, boom. Heather would do that. Heather would literally shoot any messenger. She's like, oh, thank you, Mr. UPS, man.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Now, say your final words. Bam. And she was like, oh, mm-hmm. Just because if it doesn't exist in my world, I don't know about it. Now, only you know, because you told her. And honestly, I think it's a shitty thing that you said anything. I don't think you should have said anything. What you did, Shannon, in this scenario, was shitty.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And Shannon's like, well, like she doesn't even do her lip moving things, she's just like frozen. And she goes, you know what, I'm gonna be a victim right now, and I'm gonna go apparently sadly. And then there's like, oh, Jesus Shannon! And she genicles, Shannon, just admit it, Shannon!
Starting point is 00:41:20 My heart is hurting right now, because I may or may not have been shot apparently. Family does a bullet wound in me that I don't even feel. I like the thing that I feel everything but I must be so numb from the betrayal that I don't feel the bullet wound inside. Oh, you know, it's just ketchup. It's just ketchup. Wasn't a real bullet. So she walks back inside all victim like in Heather's like oh god So she's like well I was looking forward to rekindling a friendship with Heather I never meant that to post and I am living this is fucking unbelievable So inside Heather's hugging Max and the party the Heather goes the party. It's over. It is over
Starting point is 00:42:04 Heather grows the party. It's over. It is over. 24 hours ago all I worried about is make sure Dr. Gent doesn't have restrictive carbs and shaman can't eat eggplant right now. There's just thousands and thousands of dollars of sushi that is gonna go to waste. Why is this party over? I don't understand why this party's over. If everything is fine, if Terry and Heather are fine with Nicole and everything has been settled, settled them. Do you say, I mean, like, I would, if I had bought $10,000 of Nobu sushi, there is not a chance to hell that I'm keeping people out before it gets eaten. I am not wasting that money. It was, I'm like, everyone better. Okay. No one has to talk, but everyone sit down and eat some sushi.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah, Heather's so crazy. She throws a fit in the middle of her party, yells at the cameras, we've stopped upstairs. Terry apparently tells her, you can't just quit. Get your ass back down there. It's your first episode back
Starting point is 00:42:57 and we've talked about those other. So they decided to come turn it around, which they did, and now she's still gonna kick everybody out. Oh, she's such a drama. Any sense. So then she makes this whole speech to the staff because she's just a good, relatable person. Thank you so much for making this. I'm just I'm so sorry that we've never even got to the entrez that you spent a lot of money on and take a lot of pride. And I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:25 And the music in the background is like very sort of like sweet and lovely. And then had to like, walk out the kitchen and there's Shannon and I goes, oh, music just like, Peters, like, just slows down to a block. I noticed that listen, as a cater waiter for many years, she walked out of that kitchen without handing somebody a sack of cash. Okay. So until proven otherwise, she sucks. I have a question.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So from your side as a cater waiter, if this all happened and then the host has said all this, would you have been like, oh, thank God, I can go home. Yeah, because you're still paid a minimum, at least I was. I was always paid a five hour minimum. So if the party lasts less than that, I still get my money. Plus, I'm going to be going home and binging on Nobu while I watch medium reruns. You know, that's true. Sounds like a win. So Heather, so she basically is the Shannon corners her in the hallways. Can I just say one thing with you? I want to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And I hope that someday you'll know my heart, which has been broken many times, by the way. And I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry. And I'll say, I'm sorry over and over and over again. I will continue to say sorry. For another about half an hour, and then I'll probably turn this against you.
Starting point is 00:44:40 You know what really disappoints me about this, Shannon? I thought you and I had a real chance to be friends real friends shenan She's absolutely choose and you just Disappointing And she's like whoa I don't know what else to say. I'm very loyal and trustworthy person No, you're not you can that, but here's the thing. You should have given me a heads up.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Okay, you should have given me a heads up. And Shannon pouts. And she's like, well, you're putting your finger in my face all the time. And I'm, I'm saving here. And she's like, are you seriously telling me? I'm pointing at you when you just tried to explode my world. Shannon, I've done this before and I can do it again. Let's just be done good night.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And so Shannon's like, well fine, I'll just walk slowly to the door with my hands and my pockets to show that I am both confused, remboursful and hurt. Shannon looked like a little girl. Like she was like pounding down the hallway, like basically kicking her toes into the sand that she walked. You know, like, ah!
Starting point is 00:45:47 So then we go to the next day, I guess, we're a couple of days later, and we're back to just like normal beginning of the show, you know, and she is driving her kids around and then gents at the office, like planning some, you know, touch ups for herself. And then Heather is sitting on
Starting point is 00:46:04 what of her balconies in the dumbest swing I've ever seen. It's shaped like a cage and drawn. you know, touch ups for herself. And then Heather is sitting on whatever back and he's in the dumbest swing I've ever seen. It's shaped like a cage and drawn, okay? And she's just swinging back and forth like, oh, hello. I would love to take the space time call in a chair more expensive than any home. You've ever owned Emily, hello.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And Emma's like, oh, I just wanna say thank you for inviting me over to such a beautiful dinner party with so many uneducated people Um, and I just want to invite you to launch with me and Gina so we can just sort of explain things Well, I have so many mixed emotions and I would love to sit down and talk about it with you. Okay, then thanks Heather Thanks Emily. So they hang up. So then Shannon is at home and she facetimes Noella and Noella is just so ready to be on the show. It's so fun. She's like, how are you?
Starting point is 00:46:52 She's just too everything and it cracks me up. Yeah, well especially just because we know her life is about to fall apart. And I'm telling you, you know, Ronnie, when you, like my car has one of those radios, which is very common now where, you know what Ronnie, when you, like, my car has, um, one of those radios, which is very common now where, you know, it, you know, it says, what's playing on the radio, like, it'll be like, this is the artist and this is the song. And then during the commercials, and now actually, it's starting to happen during the songs,
Starting point is 00:47:15 there are like, it shows an ad there instead. So instead of saying what the artist and everything, it'll say, it'll just have an ad. And it's constantly sweet James. And so I constantly feel like I am like in an orange County point like like sweet James is everywhere in my life I feel like and probably in everyone's life here in Los Angeles, which is my way of saying I'm really excited to see no well as sweet James marriage fall apart. So Shannon says, you know yesterday was just it was
Starting point is 00:47:41 just something else. It wasn't just wasn't just something! Something else! And I had to tell you, you were so kind and sweet and supportive of me last night, and I will never call you, Mr. D. Year old, okay, because you're on my side. Yeah, I said, well, so nice to get and you just seem like so much fun. Well, I was trying to go out with the girls and I didn't even make it to dinner. And she tells us, well, I'm not going to deny that I play a part in this and I feel horrible about it, but I clearly should not have said anything to Gina, but I'm being portrayed as someone who hurt with intention and I'm not okay with that.
Starting point is 00:48:31 This was not murder. It was man slaughter. Wait, I didn't die. I didn't slaughter. I mean, quite. It was a felony. That sounds terrible too. I'm not a criminal.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It was trust slaughter and the criminals are Emily and Gina. I'm not a criminal! Hehehehehehehehehe Yes, yes. The jury's out on that one. God, I need to get my mind out of the criminal justice system. All right, Noel, I'll see you later. Tung-tung. Tung-tung. Tung-tung. Tung-tung. So now we go to Heather's house, and she's now with Tariya outside on a balcony.
Starting point is 00:49:19 And he's like, you know, it wasn't the first, you know, when Nicole getting suing me, it wasn't the first time that happened in my practice It won't be the last, but this wasn't this was not even a real thing It never even went anywhere. Like remember when we said hey, thanks for dropping it It never went anywhere and it's almost like a misunderstanding Yeah, I'm they're really trying too hard to make it like what being sued me. It's like, look how fun loving I am over this. And how there's like, well, here's the thing, Terry.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Shannon knows we're friends. So it's already brought up and it's not a for business. That's a, B, it's never been discussed and it's not for business. Or C, Nicole doesn't want her personal business spread around. And it's not for her business. So the only thing I can come up with is it Shannon wanted to hurt us. Well, I mean, why would Shannon Bedora want to hurt us? I mean, that's like a social acid drip.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Maybe Shannon harbors something from the past that we don't know about and then we got like Supercut flashback montage of you know tension between the the bedoars and the bros and and then Shannon's like well Terry said he wants to destroy the bedoars and then he's like wow I want to destroy the bedoars and David's saying you can't destroy the bedoars only I can do that Yeah, you said he wants to take the medours down. He's like what am I gonna take you down for? And then the scene of Shannon being dragged out of that party going you will see the truth! You will all see the truth! So Terry is like you know what I don't have any hate in my heart for her to you, Heather.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I'm just like, no, but next time it's gonna be a dinner for ten. I'll tell you that. And he goes, wait, that was eleven people. God, that was a fabulous party you were throwing. And she's like, yeah, and what sucks about to piss you off is that, you know, I mean, it was expensive. It was no blue ten grand, alcohol five grand, the favors, the decor. I think he came to 36 grand
Starting point is 00:51:25 I guess and he didn't even get to the dinner part of it that is infuriating And that's like and then we hear my new favorite teaser for the rest of the show we just hear Gina's voice So next we go to the Skonet kitchen. So Jen and her husband go to dinner and he's carrying that little chihuahua, which I guess assists this thing and shocking because he's wearing a shirt. Well, this puts, they're at a relatively nice restaurant for Orange County and he's holding a little dog and he's in shorts. I mean, does he get like, you're a restaurant, sir. Come on. Yeah, make an effort, sir.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah. So then he's one of those who's like, is there a dog food menu? Oh, God. Like really? Yeah. And Jen's like, I think you look really sexy even though you're wearing clothes. Oh, my gosh. Gosh, terrible.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Well, when I met Ryan, well, I met Ryan and he was short-lust with a Chihuahua. And then I go home and he's short-lust with a Chihuahua all the time. And although suddenly a gold necklace appeared that we have to get rid of. What I'm trying to say is he has no personality and contributes very little to my life
Starting point is 00:52:40 or probably this television show. So she's like, what did you do today, Ryan? He goes, well, I played some chess and then, you know, some tennis with Valor. She goes, oh, yeah, I saw a video of that. He did a good job. Well, they could do a lot with video editing to make it look like he's fighting better.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Right? Okay. By the way, I just had a thought. I just had a thought. She said that she met Ryan when he was shirtless and with a Chihuahua. And then last week, she said that she met Ryan at a breakfast buffet, which meant that he was shirtless with a Chihuahua in his hands at a breakfast buffet. That is not sanitary
Starting point is 00:53:16 Well welcome to LA. Have you looked around your town? Yeah, exactly Holy Slightly buddy. I just don't want someone walk into a whole food slightly, buddy. I just don't want someone short-list holding a chihuahua over a chaffer. Okay, I don't need various hairs from dog and man intermingling with the, you know, the eggs. The fair, fair. So she, he gets brussel sprouts and she talks about how he's really obsessive. And when she was pregnant, he ate 52 pounds of blueberries
Starting point is 00:53:46 while she was in the hospital eating salads. And she said he's also an avoider and he doesn't like high stress and she thrives under high stress. I'm like, he wants to go to the beach and throw a ball and she just wants to do procedures and get another house and build an empire. I just feel like it's important to reflect
Starting point is 00:54:03 on how many blueberries that is 52 pounds of anything. I think this person may have some things that are undiagnosed. Like that's certifiably, you know, disturbing to take in 52 pounds of blueberries. Right? Yeah, that's a lot. So basically we get to know them a little bit and, you know, it's just a typical like, well, my daughter, you know, the kids want me to be home more, but I work and do resent me because I work, because I work. And what about working moms?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Like, where's the love for working moms? It's kind of like a more palatable Vicki. And so I'm hoping that she goes down a crazy path. Like, wiki. I actually sense that that, I feel like Dr. Jen might just turn into like a sleeper hit. I'm not sure, I don't want to curse it. I probably just did. But also I'm really not looking forward to like yet
Starting point is 00:54:56 another retread of the professional career woman on Bravo who then spend the entire season decided that they want to cut back their hours and stay at home. I mean, I know that's a real life thing, but I also wouldn't mind a story where it's like I'm a professional and I'm just going to continue to kick ass at work. Yeah. So then let's leave them because they're boring me. There's nothing more to discuss. Yeah, they're lame. So then we get an Emily and Shane for another, oh my God, we really love each other a season. And they have like a nice little date night or whatever. And he's like, can I order for you?
Starting point is 00:55:34 I'm going to order you something romantic. She'll have a burger. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. Isn't that funny? I said she'll have a burger.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I mean, I don't know. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to have a burger. I'm going to I can't. Isn't that funny? I said, she'll have a burger. I mean, I don't even know about the energy to rustle up a girl's fashion king of snark guys and many more. That wasn't even one.
Starting point is 00:55:57 So she basically does the whole thing she does at the beginning of all of her seasons when she's like, you know, things with Shane were hard for a while, but now they're going great. So pretty much her typical thing, except she's got the addition of, you know, you're really religious, and maybe it would be good if the kids were religious too, even if I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And he's like, yeah. She's, so how do you believe that, you know, you believe that there's really something after we die? Why do you believe that? He's like, can I read about it? And then I pray about it, and then I pray about it, and it seems true, so." She's like,
Starting point is 00:56:29 "'Well, maybe take the kids to church or something." Yeah, and she's asking if he was like scared to die when he had COVID really bad, and he was in the hospital, and he's like, "'No, stupid." And she's like, "'Oh, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:56:43 What do you think about our daughter? Why don't you get baptized?' She's like, oh, okay, cool. What do you think about our daughter? Why don't you get baptized? It's like, that's cool. Cool, cool, cool. You know, I just want my kids to be happy and religious and stuff. She talks about how she didn't have structure as a kid. So she just, she wants her kids to have structures
Starting point is 00:56:58 that way when they go through trauma, they have something to turn to. And then ultimately, the scene ends with the sun setting. And she goes, did you see the sunset? It was pretty. It was the second prettiest thing in this restaurant. You're being so handsome. She gets it if you could say that without that sense of sarcasm, that would be great. So then we go to Emily and Gina going to a restaurant and they're reading Heather and Gina orders some skinny spicy mongs. And then, um, which I think is better than the, which I think is better than the pink
Starting point is 00:57:31 toga cocktail that Emily ordered in the previous scene, by the way. Oh yeah, what is that? A pink toga. I don't know. Is it like some sort of like Greek, Greek themed cocktail that uses like, oozoo, but also features like, cranberry. I don't know. So Emily, it's like, so we haven't seen you since Heather's party. It's like, yeah, well, I'm nervous to see Heather because I didn't think that was going to happen. Of course, I'm anxious, like I fucked up a party, but I didn't think that was going to happen, you know,'m anxious, like I fucked up a party, but I didn't think that was gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:58:06 You know, Heather's very intimidating. She schooled me out like I was a school girl. Yeah, I love when people start shaming go, well, I didn't know that that Domino effect was gonna happen. So you're playing Domino's. You're playing a big ol' game with Domino's. So Heather arrives and
Starting point is 00:58:31 Gina's and Gina's like, um, you know, I feel terrible. You know, I'm sorry. I'm a jump in person Okay, I feel awful. It was lovely party. You put in such a beautiful effort and the fact that that got messed up I feel being about that. You owe me to be too. I feel about it too, you know I told Shannon take accountability for it like she's your friend. We don't even know you I feel bad about that. You know me too, me too. I feel bad about it too, you know? I told Shannon, take accountability for it. Like she's your friend. We don't even know you. Um, man, you made Nicole Cry and scream at that party. That was you guys who did that.
Starting point is 00:58:57 You assholes, you delicious, wonderful assholes. Okay, well I got a gun here because I see two messengers in front of me that I'm probably gonna shoot. But you know what, you were put in a difficult situation and there was a time and a place to have those conversations. The time is at 8 p.m. The place is the room on the third floor, next to the movie theater, but below the salarium.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Okay, and you know what, maybe that was not great judgement. Cloth. But in hindsight, you know what maybe that was not great judgment But in hindsight, you know what look I totally agree with you because you're rich and by the way Thank you for saying spicy mark that time because now I'm gonna order every single time you're around. Oh my god But you know what like my personal background and why did that is because my husband cheated on me and the day I found out about it like he brought me to the girls home for a barbecue and I didn't know but everybody else knew so then when I got home I found out and I felt so stupid that everyone knew but I didn't know. It's like, oh my god. I just got into chills but that may be because of this poor person heating system in here. Okay, so now you're forgiven because you have a victim's story about it. This was
Starting point is 01:00:09 not cheating. Nobody was cheating on anybody. Like I kind of get what she's saying. I mean, in the housewives world too, Gina was probably thinking Shannon was going to use this as a big thing at the party. It's like the first party. She was going to use it to cause this big fight or whatever. So she was like trying to preempt it But you're also making it so that you were the ones who started the big fight at the party Yeah, also like she's gonna feel humiliated whether it's at the party or after the party so let her enjoy the party in the sushi So right and Gina could just as easily have called up Heather or told Heather During the many times they've been together. She and his have this information almost the whole time.
Starting point is 01:00:46 She could have told her that night if the dinner, she could have told her at the time that she was seeing their house or whatever. Wasn't that after? Yeah. Yeah. She knew. I'm pretty sure she knew at that point. So Heather goes, well, thank you for sharing that with me.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I can understand how triggering that could have been. I felt bad that I should have should have reacted differently. But you know what? The thing is this, I love my family. Sorry, that was me choking up. I'm doing this like, yeah, and that's like why I was like, okay, you know, you need to have whatever reaction you had. And that was totally understandable. And now, you know, you need to have whatever reaction you had and that was totally understandable.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And now, you know, whatever, I know that you believe me and I appreciate that. And she's like, what would happen in my party was confusing and disappointing. I'm just so glad there was an explanation. But here's my question. What was Shannon's goal in this whole thing? What was Shannon's goal? Well, do you think Shannon wanted to make you look bad? Well, I'll tell you this much. I believe that success breeds contempt.
Starting point is 01:01:50 And I am a very successful actress who's been on two things. Okay? So, I don't like to use the J word, but I can't come up with anything else. Jelly? No! Different J word. Jam? No. Jameima? No, that brand is actually canceled now. Um,
Starting point is 01:02:09 Deth? Oh, no. Don't even start with me, all right. But look, here's what I'm gonna tell you the same thing. Reba McIntyre told me when she got that anthrax sent to her in the mail by Delta Burke. Success briefs contempt. Okay, that's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That's all I'm saying. So, Jeanne goes, well, and she's not telling people, she should be telling. She's involving other people. She shouldn't involve. Well, yes, Shannon did that, but you guys took the bait, and you guys were all too happy to be involved and stay involved and heighten the entire situation.
Starting point is 01:02:42 This is very with me from Salt Lake City that also happened this week, where people are like, oh my God, they're trying to manipulate us into making this person look stupid on camera. So we're gonna not let them get to us by making this person look stupid on camera. I'm like, yeah, you buttons in it anyway, just because you saw you were getting manipulated
Starting point is 01:03:02 while you were doing it. You still didn't you idiots Yeah, it's like well, we know we're being manipulated, but we're gonna see it through to show we're good friends And then we're gonna talk about how we were manipulated Yeah, and Emily goes same old Shannon basically and Heather's like a leopard doesn't change its implants and when it does Yeah, so that was that was pretty much the episode. Fantastic episode. It was really great.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Really great opening for the two episodes. Now, that said, I am a little worried because then it's next week at the cryotank. Oh. I know cryotank scares me and we've seen a lot of season start off with a bang and then sort of settle in But I'm very optimistic because I actually do think Heather DeBrow is bringing a good Haudi energy to this you know to this sort of low-rent cast and I think it's gonna be really good Yeah, well everybody thanks so much for being here Go get tickets for crap and Slive over at
Starting point is 01:04:05 coming to a city near you or around you. Guy, and go find our videos this week where Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip and Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, our bonuses are selling sunset. Those are over on Patreon, and we'll see you Monday nights for Tico Seat on the Green Room app.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Thanks everyone, we'll talk to you next time. Bye! Hi, watch what crap ends would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itchels, Danacee, Danadoo. Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss no trickle-ists.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. Wee McLeven, Karen McLeven. She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce.
Starting point is 01:05:01 There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weasler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers!
Starting point is 01:05:23 The incredible edible Matthewsisters! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender! My favorite Murto, Karen McMurto! No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell! Mina Kutikutikouji! Give him hell, Miss Noelle! Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good!
Starting point is 01:05:43 Kristen, the Ruby Rubano! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! We want to hang with Liz Lang! Shannon, out of a can in Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy! Let's take off with Tamla Plane! She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys!
Starting point is 01:06:21 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music, Star, we love you guys! Slash Survey.

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