Watch What Crappens - RHOD: PTSDildo

Episode Date: November 9, 2017

You should never bully someone with a sex toy. This is the takeaway from part 1 of the Real Housewives of Dallas reunion. Come learn more lessons with our recap See for pr...ivacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ranchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. To talk to other crapens listeners about the shows as they air, come over to slash watch what crap ends. And to follow us on social media, go to to find all our social media links. And for our bonus episodes and all of our extras, come over and be a premium member over at
Starting point is 00:01:15 slash watch what crap ends. That's slash watch what crap ends. Hey everyone, welcome to watch what crap ends. A podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. slosh, watch what crap ends. wonderful he is it's Ronnie Carrham from and the Rosepricks Bachelor podcast what's up Ronnie hello hello we got our Chris Samuel's voices on is it me you're looking for quite possibly so it is a Wednesday it is hump day and there could be no better way to celebrate hump day than to dive into part one of the reunion of Real Housewives of Dallas, which was spectacular. Well, I mean, we could be humpin'. It is called hump day, but since we don't do that
Starting point is 00:02:17 on the show, we will stick with Dallas and stay in. Yeah, I guess you do have a point. But before we do that, we want to give a shout out to one of our listeners. She goes by Ponyms Mama on Instagram because She sent us a whole bunch of gorillas pickle pickles from Baston, I believe. I believe that her I think it's her husband's pickle company. I could have that wrong. Maybe brother. I'm sorry What you have to know is that those gorillo's pickles were delish oh my god I had one
Starting point is 00:02:48 at one in the morning last night yeah you don't need to know which family member made the pickles but I will tell you they made them very very well I mean gourmet pickles who knew yeah I had garlic and fresh dill pickles I've been having them all week actually yeah Yeah, we had, they were like garlicky, pickle-y goodness, little spicy. And then she also sent like, cause she sent like three different varieties. They're like a ton of pickles.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Literally, I'm in a new apartment and the only thing in my fridge right now are pickles. And I'm not referring to the intern. And she said the little pickle chips. And those were delicious too. I mean, is there anything that grillos pickles those were delicious to I mean is there anything That grillo's pickles can't pickle. I mean I just can't So guys get Rillo and get your pickles from grillo's okay. Yeah, this is our ILLOS
Starting point is 00:03:39 This this isn't even like an advertisement like like they didn't pay us or anything They just sent she just sent it because she likes us But we are you know we get a exaddled. We get ecstatic. We get exaddled over just a good pickle. Give us a good pickle. I can be paid in pickles. I can be paid in pickles and chocolate, not together. I can be one over by pickles. I'm a very easy man.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Okay, very simple man. I'm one over by a lot of culinary things to be honest. Like give me a pickle, give me some cream barbecue, give me some chocolate, give me some sushi, give me a party game. I mean, I don't eat board games, but like they fulfill me in the same way that all those foods do, you know, I'm just I'm simple. I'm a simple man. The Shows of Sunset infuriate me more than any other show on Bravo. But I forgive them every year because they end with a giant tray of food or a table full of food and they feature food in every episode.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And you know what? That's all I really need. I'll watch your show forever. To paraphrase Alanna's more set. And all I really want is a pickle, something I can eat at one in the morning That was a I think I have I think I would have actually I think I actually would have been a fan of hers had that been a real song That that kind of music speaks to me. I Want you to know that I'm pickling something I want you to know it's gonna be salty and
Starting point is 00:05:08 garlicy. I'm a pickle I'm a liar I'm a something. I know that's not her but I've always thought it was her. It's part of the 90s like it's it's part of the 90s mill year like I will remember pickles. We pickles remember me Sexy J sexy J. Okay, so let's get on to this reunion and Speaking of goals. Yeah, everything is bigger in Texas and then we get some backstage shots and carries like I'm ready To mind up everything in my head I'm ready to mind dump everything in my head. She'll be a pretty small mind dump. And then you have Leanne speaking at Pickle,
Starting point is 00:05:48 she's like, what's funny about a Dildo? It's not even Pickle. Cameron's like, that's creepy. It's good Dildo. I also like that Andy says everything's bigger. He's like, tonight everything's bigger in Texas. I'm like, you're shooting in New York. But anyway, I digress.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Lehan also says, if I look like a big S-line, maybe I won't have to act like one. I think that should be her next tagline. Yeah. So we come out onto the reunion stage where the lighting is uniquely terrible and they're sitting on these just hideously green couches. I mean, they really, they do whatever they can to really throw a few curveballs at these ladies.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah, they're like, hey, everybody, hate this show. Don't watch it. You can't see anybody's body or makeup jobs. Please don't watch this show. Also, on the way to the stage, Brandy goes, is someone calls me trashy? I'll beat their ass. is someone calls me trashy, I'll beat their ass. Wait a fight, the rumors, babe. Also, I feel like something happened to Carrie's chin. And I mention this because we always say we don't like to pick apart, you know, if someone looks necessarily, but if someone keeps doing surgeries to themselves, we might occasionally be like,
Starting point is 00:07:06 listen, stop, carry, stop. I mean, I don't know if this is from surgery or not, but like her chin was doing some weird, it was like an added side dimple to it. My God. Yeah, it's not criticizing someone's looks, it's criticizing medical art. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:21 That is an artistic endeavor that we approve of and that, you know, it needs to be judged critiqued. Yeah, exactly. I'm saying this with caution, knowing that later on, I'm going to make fun of Andy Goettend asking about boobs. I understand hypocrisy that might be quietly flowing throughout the potty. I get it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 I get it. Andy's like, hi living, hi shoes, hi f hi, fives, hi, uh, hi mountains, hi, decibel ladies, hi ladies. I was like, okay, uh, he's like, hi, Leanne, you're engaged. Now, do you remember when Leanne got engaged and she told Rich, let's not tell everybody because the minute you say you're engaged, I say, wins the date. Yeah. So, of course, Andy's first question is, wow, wins the big day. She also brings that ring up like a like
Starting point is 00:08:11 she's like the like in T2, she's like the T1000 or T3000, whatever. Wait, remember when Robert Patrick was like running after the police car in his hands, and it's like these giant blades like blacking on the back of the police car. She's like, hmm, bring it right here. Don't get killed by these two hearts. Yeah, I'm a togetherist one. You know, I was gonna say, it's sort of funny that I started off with like a really sort of shallow comment about Carrie's chin
Starting point is 00:08:40 because I was going to compliment Andy for starting the reunion without asking them about their boobs and plastic surgery because he was like asking questions about themselves. He's like, hi, Deandra. Did you sell that dress? Highly in, you got engaged. Hi Cameron, did you have a tequito? You know, I was like, wow Andy, really moving up in the world.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And I like how we get them to say- Oh, how far he fell. He's like, well, I just moved that section over. Yeah, and he's like, and the funny thing is he's saying, hi, everyone, like, he's like, hi, you're like, hi, Stephanie, hi, Andy, hi, Carrie, hi, Andy, hi, hi, Hi, Andy, hi, Andy, hi, Cameron, hi, there's like, hi, Brandy, hi, I was like, really?
Starting point is 00:09:21 You can't even have enthusiasm to be in the episode. Hi. I'm like really you can't even have enthusiasm to be in the episode So he's like hey any baby news Brandy? Apparently I'm pre-menopausal so I might be going through menopause before Leanne Great So Andy broken hearts to busted boobs girls just want to have fun So we get a montage of girls having fun and doing things like running round sticks in the beach and I think that was pretty much it right
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, I mean it was like it was sexual chocolate fun. You know, it's the way the reason I'm so start off nice. Like, oh my God, the fun times that we've had. And the S's camera around here, like how the pink dog food is going. And she's like, it's going really good so far. Dogs seem to love it. Oh my God. You know, except for the fact that they're like vomiting, pink puddles everywhere, but you know.
Starting point is 00:10:23 They love that, they don't want to digest. Unfortunately, dogs don't know how to type yet. So they can't leave positive Amazon reviews. But hopefully in the future, when evolution keeps going, they'll learn, and you'll all see that they really love that. Yeah, dumb dogs can't leave positive reviews. Smart dogs leave positive reviews. Get it, pause, P-A-W, it's a word play. Um, the brandy does it, and then it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:56 brandy, can you do that bird call thing? And she's like, and they cut the camera's face. She's like, wow. Although admittedly so is I. I mean,, that's that is a good bird call. But it's just funny seeing Cameron having her mind blown by the bird call. There's a lot more party tricks where that comes from like I'm sure there are you were a cheerleader. So Andy's like the peep sisters haven't spoken for months. Hadn't spoken for months. Let's watch the clip.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop. That's all I think of with these girls. They basically relive their whole feud about when they weren't talking and then they finally had to break through and then there's like the Leanne and two phase they kind of like wedged into this segment. So when it comes out of the pack of the clip package, Stephanie is like, Randy, I love you and everything, but that was a proper blog and like we had to write that and like, like if you actually read it, you would see I said that it was a slow, it was like watching a car rack and slow motion because
Starting point is 00:12:00 I was talking about our husbands because they were drunk and they should have put party together. Yeah, like our ex. It wasn't even about us. Yeah, it was like a slow motion car accident with our husbands, not us. Like, I mean, I don't even get it because you're like my sister. Why didn't that come up in the show then? Brandy didn't speak to her over something so stupid that she totally misinterpreted. Well, it's weird. And then Brandy is like, well, I admitted I was jealous of your friendship with Carrie. I was excluded. And I take ownership for being immature. I didn't know how to communicate. Okay. It's funny that Brandy is cool with taking ownership now. But then later in the episode, she's not so cool that ownership isn't everything. You own it and then you change.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Carrie. Yeah, for example, like I took ownership of that house I didn't want and now I'm changing it to be what I want and I'm still going to own it but it's not going to be offensive to everybody, right? Like, and it's not an amars anymore. What does Heidi think? So then, so yeah, brand you're talking about how she's basically jealous of Carrie and you know
Starting point is 00:13:10 She's just being really super super petty and then brand and then it was like how did Brandy? This made me laugh But Brandy is like how did I'm sorry. I'm not like use your words band use your words You're on a podcast how did Brandy feel when Stephanie said that she took on too many of Brandy's problems Last year and Stephanie's like um listen, it's just me like I wasn't saying anything about it's not Brandy's fault It's just me it's a problem. I take on other people's problems and then Brandy's like yeah Like she was the first person that I called when my kids were kicked out of school. And she looks to, she was a Stephanie and something just goes, I love you. She's crying. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:13:56 Also, a shout out to the mailman who was limping the other day, like my toe hurts now. So, like, I just can't stop taking him on, Andy. And Andy's like, you guys are so sweet. So anyway, Stephanie tweeted that the costume two face spoke more about Leance character than her own. What are your thoughts, Stephanie? And she's like, that costume was like bullying, okay? Like, that was like bully two face.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And both faces were bullies, okay? Oh, it was not bullying It was obnoxious, but it was not bullying. It was rude to do that to the host Although to be honest, it was a very good costume. It really was But it was I mean it was rude, but it was not bullying. Okay. You know what bullying is in my mind is like A group of people or even just like a person who every single day torments you and like makes your life hell and you are like don't want to be like you don't even want to be present. Just like you you want to crop in a ball you want to race home to school or whatever that's like bullying.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Showing up in a costume that's rude that's just rude. There's a difference between being rude and bullying. No, but you just described like it's bullying. I was in a ball but my hamster did eat too much that day and he had a stomach ache and he was rolled up in the ball So it could have been that I mean, I don't know. I'm in the empath So Leanne's like well, I find that funny that you're so bullied because I remember when the trailer dropped I've got it written down on the note card that you tweeted. It was a great costume And she's like well, I actually, that was meaning that meant for the hot dog costume because that was really good. Okay. And remember, like I also,
Starting point is 00:15:30 I also said that you were really pretty. And she's like, that was condescending. And then we see the clip. And she's like, she's never looked pretty in her life as me. Yeah. When she dressed like me, she's never looked pretty in her life. So then stuff, and he's like, well, I just try to be funny. And then Cameron goes, did you think of flashing bacteria was funny? Oh my God, I know what that was. I know what that was very serious, but I don't know, one or two of our listeners,
Starting point is 00:15:57 even were like, I actually got flashing bacteria this summer. And it's very, we know it's very, very serious, but it's one of those things where it's like in the context of real housewives, it's like very funny if that makes sense. Especially when it's very serious. We know it's very, very serious, but it's one of those things where it's like in the context of real housewives, it's like very funny if that makes sense. Especially when it's a good. Especially when it's in a housewives fight. We don't want anyone to die.
Starting point is 00:16:12 We don't want anyone to die. We don't want anyone to have a permanent damage and like it sucks. It sucks throwing antibiotics on a drip for six months. But it was funny at the time. And also to be fair, we did Teesley Ann about it too, because when we went out with her here in LA, it was the day of this episode that we've seen that episode.
Starting point is 00:16:31 And we're like, oh my god, Leanne, flesh eating bacteria. It's like shut up, it was serious. I could have died. Yeah, and we're going to die. Look at the pus. So then, I'm sorry. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions.
Starting point is 00:17:04 What deserves session with these these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder ya. Yeah, so they show the clip of a bit. Well, basically, Stephanie is like, I didn't say I didn't care. And then Cameron's like, you said, I don't care. Yeah, and has a flesh eating bacteria. And I'm like, these lines that are coming out of this episode are brilliant. The fact that this is, this is like a statement in an argument on this show proves that Dallas season two is legendary.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Well, my friend, they lean sent me that clip last night and I hadn't seen it yet of Cameron talking about the pink dog food and Andy questioning her like so the poop was coming out pink and she's like, um, yeah. So we had to add some brown, but you know the dogs of it. And he's like, you know that dogs are colorblind, right? Like they can't see pink. And she's like, yes, but the mothers who buy it are not colorblind. That's like the most hilarious segment only on this
Starting point is 00:18:36 channel would you see that. It's like the most serious news questioning ever. Cameron was just like full of golden nuggets. I know people can't stand her, but for those of us who just see her as pure comedy Oh, she delivered like every five minutes on this show So funny so then so then go back to that this costume So it's like Sandra. What do you think she's like? Well, I was not happy with that costume at all You know what? You know what the boss bitch and me would have been like I would kick you out I've been like she get right out on that. I would be like, she'd get right out on that door. You go, you leave this house right now, you get into your muscle cart and
Starting point is 00:19:09 you drive back to a Verizon and you start working there, Leigh-Anne, because I will not have you here. Not on the this house. Uh-uh. Can you hear me now, Keaton? Can you hear me now? The best part about Keaton working in Verizon's or it's like in prank them all day long. And Leigh-Anne's like, what? I was just being funny, which is like hilarious. I love how Leanne's just trying to back out of everything. She's like, I owe her an apology, okay? But I would have said, let's sit down in another room, because that's so housewives. Let's go to another room and sit down and talk about it, because I'm a problem solver.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Yeah. And Andy's like, well, didn't you just create the problem? I also, I love, I love when Leanne Bullshitz, when she's like, if Stephanie had shown up in that same costume, what would Leanne have done? Well, I would have very calmly said, let's go into another room and talk about what's going on that you felt the need to dress up beautifully like me. I'm like, yeah, Leon, I don't think you would have like a tactored sandpaper and stabbed her with a toothpick.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I would have broken a bottle and held it up to her throat, but I would have just been kiddin'. I just wanna know what's going on. That's all. I'm a problem solver. So Stephanie's like, you, you know, it's wrong, Leanne. Okay. Like that took like premeditation to buy the costume and like get the wig and like do all that stuff and like come up with the name for it.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Like that's premeditation. I watched on order like, and uh, Leanne's like, well, we both said vicious things. Yeah, which was my favorite defense. It was rude, but we both did rude things. And then everyone's like, huh? And then Leah, you know, I feel like, you know, every reunion now, I mean, it's only been her second reunion, but the Leon trots out some great line of defense. She's like, you know, Andy, I have PTSD for my childhood. I remember seeing the... The Ferris Wheel go round and round and round and I thought, Well, it ever stopped, Andy, oh, it was traumatic. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night thinking I'm drowning from trying to
Starting point is 00:21:14 bother that apple. My mouth is just grinded and grinded against an apple. It's not there, Andy. Do you know what that's like? It's like, but did you threaten to murder somebody with a bottle? It's the apples, Andy! Andy, one time I went on the trombon, and it was going forward and forward and forward, then it stopped, and it went backwards, and no one had warned me! The trombon, Andy, the trombon! I always wanted to go on that scrambler, always, and finally I went on it, and it scrambled
Starting point is 00:21:43 all right, it scrambled my emotions. I'm still not okay Andy Andy won't tell my way on the swings and I thought it'd be like a swing set swing back and forth forward backwards It went round in a circle Andy. I'll never forget the Disney's the Disney's I fell it felt world went sideways and My mama put me on one of those horses. Ghost in the circle coming up and down. And I waved to the world and said, hello, hello. And I got back around to mama, but mama wasn't there. Squamble! Andy, do you know how many times I tried to climb that rope ladder?
Starting point is 00:22:18 Now it gets so close to the end, only to have the rope ladder twisted! Drop me off on the cushion! Oh, M.G. Cotton candy? It It's not cotton and it's not candy. It's hot sugar. It's good to bust out the yold ever at summer house. Trauma music aka a dodger for strings. Now, you know that I have learned to appreciate the old bring out a emotional sickness to defend yourself at a house-wise reunion. I mean, it's a tactic that's been used for years, guys.
Starting point is 00:22:55 The thing is, you have to have some backstory. You can't just be like, suddenly, well, PTSD. No, this is your second season. You can't be deciding now you have PTSD too late childhood PTSD and then she's like it's not an excuse I'm just saying a person with PTSD reacts differently than a normal person you know a normal person reacts by having an emotional response a PTSD child reacts but busting out the sand paper and a PTSD person reacts, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop kidding. You're gonna dance. All right, Deandra, you are going to dance and dance and dance until this gets onto
Starting point is 00:23:47 America's home videos, okay? Uh-huh. Cut to deep pinching Deandra's back while they're on the 700 club to get her lines right. Cut to deep. I'm not putting this up, Deandra. Deandra, I am going to put bass in under chief even when you go to bed because you will always be smiling. Always be smiling.
Starting point is 00:24:04 A, B, S. I am going to put bass in on your teeth even when you go to bed because you will always be smiling always be smiling a BS Sorry, I had to open my window. I'm getting stuffy. I think from all this carnival talk Oh, it's my pee. It's my PTSD from getting through five minutes of a housewives reunion, Andy Were you able to actually hear the music I was playing in the background sometimes? I don't know Yes, okay, it was my reminder that summer house is coming back soon I know and you know ever it's not gonna house is coming back soon. I know. And you know, Everett's not going to be on it this season. I don't think so. That's why it's important to be able to get our Everett trauma moments in where we can. Yeah, we miss you already, Everett.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Oh, is that a spoiler? I don't think you need PTSD for this, Leanne. I think you just say, Carrie has been a bitch to me. I've been a bitch to Carrie. We hate each other's guts. Stephanie always uses her side and tries to make me look crazy. And I was friends with Brandy, who had been hurt by Stephanie also. So I was sticking up for my friend by me being mean to her enemies. Okay, I'm a housewife. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:57 And so Stephanie's like, you know, Leanne, every time you do something wrong and we call you on it, you always like go to your childhood and be like, oh, what's your childhood, it's your childhood. And then I was like, yeah, but I own my actions, okay? I own it, I am present in my actions. Unlike my mother, do my childhood. Listen, my mother also owns my childhood. I made her admit it at the shrink. So then Brandy goes into sort of an interesting space
Starting point is 00:25:24 because she's like, you know, last year when my brother was going, my brother had PTSD and, you know, we almost lost him and you were silent. You were silent. And then Lehan's like, well, I chose not to disclose it. I merely disclosed Rich had it, but I want to save mine for right now. That's what the PTSD does. Hey, you ever heard of HIPAA?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Uh, so, Randy's like, and now surprise, you have it too. And Leigh-Anne goes, watch yourself. Because be careful. And he's like, what's that a threat? It was a threat she's threatening me. She's bullying. You're bullying. She's like it's bullying to talk down to people with PTSD. Your brother has PTSD. Don't talk down to people with PTSD. And the camera's like nodding her head like, yes. I never talk down to people named Peter who live in San Diego. PTSD. Pete. P-C-A-S-D. Oh. I think that I think that Peter branch of San Diego should always be given respect.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Peter S-D. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Por favor. So next question. And we just could not stop loving animals. So then brandy starts crying about how she almost lost her brother and she's like, she's crying and she's like, looks to Leanne and she's like,
Starting point is 00:26:51 who are you, Elanne goes, someone who cares about people with PTSD. Oh, what? It was so hilariously perfect and like so self-serving and it was just like perfectly leo ed I was like, I just had to give a standing ovation in my living room, even though I really didn't. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:11 So both of them, Brandi trying to make it sound like she's still sobbing over her brother's PTSD and Leanne's like ruining her life. I mean, these two are ridiculous. Well, I believe that Brandi was going through something with her brother, but I just love that how I just love the way Leanne can turn it around. Like, I'm just someone who cares about people who have got PTSD like I do for my childhood, which I had stopped exploiting my brother.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Oh, we shot a brother. It's like okay, you know, the thing is about PTSD is that, I feel like every morning I have PTSD when I have to get out of my deliciously gorgeous Caspar mattress. Yes, and it's not the getting up. It's not the sleeping that gave you PTSD is the getting up the TARD. Yeah, the sleeping was like anti-trauma.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's what I mean. That's what I thought. Yeah. It's like nighttime, Ben is a broken little bird. And I'm not always there because I'm very busy clipping restaurant flowers. So instead, I've given my broken bird a wonderful nest of Casper mattress, which he curls up in to heal himself.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And in the morning, he's not a broken bird. He's a bird, and then he has to leave his net and he's rebroken Ronnie who are you Just a guy who cares about people who sleep comfortably on a cast per mattress. That's me doing you doing Leanne I guess I'm just someone who cares about people with PTSD. They don't have a Casper mattress. I'm just a girl standing in front of a guy asking him to love her childhood PTSD and put her down on a Casper mattress. Okay. Listen here an in-house team of engineers has been thousands of hours developing the Casper. It combines
Starting point is 00:29:03 supported memory phones and a springy comfort layer for a sleep surface that's got just the right sink, just the right bass, and just a little snow out. Plus, it's breathable design keeps you cool all mine. And they don't even use L-22, which is good because Jackie hit it all. Casper offers free delivery and free returns with a hundred night risk free trial. If you don't love it, they'll pick it up and refund you everything, but don't do that because that's bullying. Real customers, as said the mattress, is like sleeping on brioche.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And like being cradled by the tinkling of baby laughter in the moon light. Casper makes a premium mattress and sells it online for a fraction of what it would cost in a store. The Casper mattress combines supportive memory phones and a springy comfort layer to contour your body and to keep you cool. See that's all I said. I never said that the doctor would kill you on an operating table.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Okay, I never said. Now listen up, okay. There are business works by continuously developing their mattress using feedback of nearly half a million customers, some of whom have childhood PTSD. It's available in the US, Canada, and now the UK. Considering we spend one third of our lives on a mattress It's available in the US, Canada, and now the UK. Considering we spent one-third of our lives on a mattress or even more if you're carrying,
Starting point is 00:30:31 it's so important to truly sleep on a mattress before committing. That's why Casper gets you 100 nights to try it out. All right, you know what, mother? Okay, you're going to get $50 towards any mattress purchased by visiting slash crap ins and using the promo code crap ins okay that's slash crap ins password I mean code crap ins and guess what terms and conditions apply mother terms and conditions apply stop watching that tube TV mother it's a term and condition situation okay I'll say what's the terms in conditions oh my god I think doing Dallas ads for Casper or like some of my favorite things to do I
Starting point is 00:31:11 think we did one last week if I remember and it was just so fun yeah really Casper ads are the most fun yeah they really well I mean all ads are fun but Casper ads are really fun. And by the way, people you really should get one, because I've got one, and it is awesome. I slept, can I tell you something? I did sleep like a baby last night. I was like, don't let me go, sweet Caspar.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Hold me Caspar! So tiny Caspar, tiny Caspar, help John's new version of that song. So now it's time for everyone to really gather around for a very special moment in Bravo history, which is Cameron's very first ever segment on a Real Housewives reunion. I'm for real. I don't try to take life seriously. Why do we want to turn on the news and know what's going on? Actual Cameron quote. My favorite thing is actually what you want to know things you. She goes there are so many horrible things going on in our world. Why do I want to turn on the news and know what's going on? If we can just pretend that we live in this bubble, it makes everything easier.
Starting point is 00:32:30 This is verbay. He's like, uh, is the bubble pink? Like he doesn't even know what to say at this point. He's like, is it a pink bubble? And she's like, well, no, not the entire bubble because Quarket's mad if there's too much pink. Like he says pink is contagious. I almost found it refreshing because over the past year there's been so much talk about. We have to get out of our bubbles. It was kind of nice to hear someone with wild, just wildly commit to actually bubbling up. I was like, okay, well, you know what? She's not gonna hide from it. I appreciate it. Smart Blons, read the news. Dumblons are everything.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Dum bubbles get popped. Smart bubbles are pink. I love that Kelly from Kalamazoo or whoever asked if she was a performance artist. Because she really does have some strong neck moves. She, it is, I mean, it is almost at the level of performance art. And so after she says this thing about the bubble and like everything will be easier if we all were in our own bubbles, Brandy is like, hey, see? Like you should've been in a page and after all. And then Cameron immediately switches from like, pink bubble to like, oh, it's okay for
Starting point is 00:33:44 you to judge me, but I can't judge you, so yeah, I get it. Yeah, because you said I would be in a pageant with no talent because you're judgmental, but I can't judge you. Okay, okay, whatever. I guess there's only one judge on a bench at a time, which I only know from turning on the TV for one second,
Starting point is 00:34:03 because normally I pretend it's not there. I guess blowing bubbles isn't a talent anymore. Okay So this is when Andy asked well, you know what if dogs were color blind and what's going on? And she's like why feed your dogs brown stink when you can be sparkly pink Please tell me that's not the tagline. I have a feeling it is So he's telling me that's not the tagline. I have a feeling it is Oh, and also when she's agreeing with Andy. She's like a hundred percent Andy But here's the thing women see pink So good. So then they show another little clip package and they're talking about what an a whole brandy is and she's like she's like, I have not seen any social grace from her yet.
Starting point is 00:34:49 And then the awkward gift and trashy trashy. I love it. I love their feud. I think it was a great, great feud because it was filled with so many great, past aggressive moments. It was just like watching, you know, it was like a masterpiece. I felt like I
Starting point is 00:35:06 was watching Bravo artist set work. Yes, it was not only going after Brandy for a petty manner things, but it was also stopping her victim storyline of her trip to see her grandma. Yeah, it's a double whammy, you know, you got to appreciate your players people. Exactly. So brand, you know, it's like, well, brandy, tormenting, Cameron, and like, how Cameron has to lighten up, and then here's another verbatim, Cameron quote, just because I don't want to play with your sex toys doesn't mean I'm judging you. Hate the center, or hate the sex sex toy not the center right girls. I like the question. Be a Trist from Bajaji wants to know how do you look down at your how do you look down
Starting point is 00:35:55 at your nose at Brandy and she's like how do I look down my nose like how and Brandy goes we have problems big bird but she goes oh, oh, okay, well, if I'm Big Bird, then you're Oscar the Grouch and a trash can. Yes, I did get that from my daughter, and it's a good one, and I'm not ashamed. Okay. Okay. Calling someone Big Bird, that's so offensive, Brandy.
Starting point is 00:36:21 It is, it's a, she's an asshole. Why don't I think that's funny, when I can think so much else is funny? I don't know, I mean, I think, I mean, the Big Bird thing is like, I think maybe the first time I came up, I think I did chuckle because there is a Big Bird quality tour, but I don't think it's the most offensive thing, but I also don't think it's the funniest thing. I just feel like, I feel like we can do better with our insults. I feel like insults that are like tailor-made to be said in front of your daughters
Starting point is 00:36:49 just aren't the most effective insults. Yeah, and Cameron, you should watch more movies because you could have called Brandy Chucky this whole time. You've been missing out. And I also feel like Cameron's come back could have been so good, but she just sort of like overdid it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Because she should have been like, if I'm Big Bird, then you're Oscar the Grouch. But then the fact that she said, who lives in a garbage can? Oh, well we get that. Yeah, she needed like a little more like, you're like Oscar the Grouch in a trash can in Plano. Like it needed just a little something else. Plano the Grouch.
Starting point is 00:37:22 It's really should have been like, if I'm Big Bird you're Stuffa Lothagus. Because that's a little bit more insulting. How dare you snuffle up a guess as the hero of that entire fucking show. She should have been like if I'm Big Bird your Gonzo which admittedly is like a little like crossing the the Muppet universe a little bit but I think it will work. Your alf. That's Alph. That's like going to random. It's like going to random puppets. Just why not. You know, why not? They're both like humans living both of those puppets. So why not just go directly to Alph. So Brandy's like, it was a joke. Yeah, it was a mean joke because she's tall and kind of big birdie. So that was a dick joke
Starting point is 00:38:03 and you said it a hundred times why you were slapping her with a dildo. So you're an asshole. And you know what, and camp. Oh, sorry, go ahead. I was gonna say Cameron makes a good point. You know, Cameron first did see as she is. I feel like when she gets mad,
Starting point is 00:38:16 when she gets angry, like sort of like the real Cameron comes out and you know, she, I think she actually makes a good point which is like, you have to joke, but like you use your jokes to attack people. And I feel like it's not like the most, like, it's not like a bombshell observation, but to brand, it's like brand new refuses to acknowledge that that's true, you know?
Starting point is 00:38:37 And brand is like, well, you use your zip code to be better than everyone else. And then they show the clip, and honestly, they show this clip of Cameron saying, maybe she just feels sort of insecure because I'm in Dallas and she's the outskirts, which honestly, the way I interpret that is not Cameron like smearing brandy's reputation or trying to insult her.
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's just trying to be like, well, I don't know. Like she doesn't seem to like me. Maybe this is it. Maybe she has a weird inferiority complex. I don't know. You know, because she's inferior. Like I disagree with you because I think she is being snotty, but she's like this girl's snotty to me.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And I'm going to be snotty to her. And I think she is snotty. You know, all those people are snotty about the plane those that could think. But if Brandy, you know, all those pretty small. Smoddy about the plane knows it could think. But if Brandy, you know, Brandy can't say she doesn't care. She's like, I don't give a shit with these rich ladies say, I own a place in Dallas. Yes, my horse is live in Dallas. Okay, well, I thought you didn't care. So exactly. So I guess that's my point. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:38 wait, hold on one second. There's someone at the door. Oh my God, do that. Sorry, the door situation has been resolved. What I was just gonna say is that, yeah, Cameron is snotty for sure. Like that's just a given. But I don't, like, there's a difference between having sort of like passive snotiness and being like, ugh, she's just like miserable
Starting point is 00:40:01 because she lives in that zip code. You know, like that would have been more aggressive. I really think that Cameron was just sort of saying something that had like inherent snottiness, but not like malicious snottiness. And Brandy is projecting. And even later on when Cameron kept on saying, you're deflecting.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I think she actually meant you're projecting because I think it was, I think Brandy was kind of like, I think it struck a nerve because she feels some sort of way, she may not be jealous of people living in Dallas, but she may be sick of people judging her and she just projected this whole thing, this insecurity that she has onto this situation. Does that make sense? Yeah, it does.
Starting point is 00:40:37 I mean, also, Cameron was saying that behind her back, so that's not fair that it got to her face. At least you didn't say it to your face. Yeah, I mean, I think Cameron's pretty snotty. Most of the stuff that Cameron is accused of, I think she's not fair that it got to her face At least you didn't say it to your face. Yeah, I mean, I think Cameron's pretty snotty most of the stuff that Cameron is accused of I think she's guilty of but I don't care. I like it. I think it's good Yeah, and then Andy's and then I think it was Andy or Brandy was like But Cameron you you did call Brandy trashy because you know Cameron saying like I wasn't being I wasn't looking down on her Like what you did call her trashy and she's like
Starting point is 00:41:04 You chase me down a beach with a dildo. Are you kidding me? Yeah, of course you're trashy You kidding me right now and then she said it's how you act not where you live Unless you're acting like that in Plano, which is okay because you live in Plano But if you're acting like that in Dallas where I live, it's not okay. Is that making sense? Can I now jump on the bullying train? That's bullying. I felt like I was bullying. Domblans get bullied, smart blondes get everything.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And Stephanie's like, I never, or Stephanie or Brandy was like, we never chased you. And Andy's like, you chased her, like we saw it. I only watched five minutes of an episode at a time, but you did chase her, I saw. And Camer was like, that is the brow and disgusting. And you should never bully somebody with a sex toy. Hey.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Best line of the reunion I died. So many amazing, amazing, amazing lines. Oh, it was great. So then this is when Andy was like, so like, what is Dallas Society? What is this Dallas Society thing? And Cameron's like, you know, I always say, I'm not from Paris.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Therefore, I'm not part of Paris's society. It's just logic. It's like, okay. It's logical, okay? And Brandy's like my horse is living Dallas I have a house in Dallas and blah blah blah. She's like horses aren't in society Okay, they're just horses and I mean it's like it's just societies what she means and Cameron's like Why do I have to keep explaining this I explained it already and it was like one time and And he's like cuz it came up over and over and she's like, I know, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:50 so good. As she told her head to the side, I'm going back into nightmare before Christmas mode. So now we go into mean husband's mode. Uh, Leon's like, your husband is mean. Remember when he sent me that mean tweet, she's like, um, my husband has never tweeted to you. Okay. Like he can't even find his phone because it's on the nightstand and he's walking in circles because he's wearing two left socks. The nightstand's on the right and he's walking to the left and it's just a problem. Okay. He goes, no, he didn't. And Leanga's, what about when he said, I know a fake ring and a fake boob when I see one and carry's like oh yeah, that was tiny Yeah, now last year at the reunion carry came ready to sob do you remember? Oh last she was she was sobbing like crazy because that was when um
Starting point is 00:43:38 Leanne was implying or blatantly saying that carry was a mist marks mistress and broke up a family and Carrie was like, I can't believe you would say that. Like she came out of nowhere with this gigantic, torched song moment. Yeah, she came out with this crazy personality that was crying and so big to me, which was brand new. So I was waiting for it this year and she didn't do it. And I want her to do it.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I miss that reunion. Cari. I like that. There's still another hour. There's still another hour. She's feisty carry this year because she's a woman fun for her man. Yeah, that's true. I mean, fighting for Mark. Who do you even root for? So then it goes back to Cameron and Brandy and talk about like boundaries and like like it was sort of like what's the deal because you guys made up at that restaurant and Brandy you're still being mean to Cameron and Brandy is like a camera basically is like listen she's you know as long as she respects my boundaries everything is gonna be fine like I'm fine with that just respect my boundaries, everything is gonna be fine. Like, I'm fine with that, just respect my boundaries. And then Andy's like, now, I heard that Brandy that you brought sexual chocolate to New York
Starting point is 00:44:51 and you were gonna bring it to the reunion, but you didn't add a respect for Cameron. And she's like, yes, that is true. I'm like, what a hero. What a hero. He's like, I heard from my text when I texted you and told you to bring sexual chocolate. So he's like, yeah, I have respect.
Starting point is 00:45:07 And he goes, whoa, you didn't bring the dildo. That's so nice. Okay, so next up is dandra. Yeah. And what you don't understand is the financial end of the business. This business is yours, psych. Please tell me this is not all we're getting from Deandra and D because the Deandra second was all of 30 seconds long. I was like, yeah, mama D she seems scary. Yeah, she's real scary. Well, that's great. Great meeting you Deandra. Oh, by the way, also everyone wants to fuck your husband. Has he cheated yet from the extra Twitter attention? She's like, no, but one time I went to the bathroom at the fair, which I mean, honestly was disgusting,
Starting point is 00:45:48 and I'll be that side in Africa, okay? That was disgusting. And I came out and there were these girls all over Jeremy, but whatever. I mean, it's totally fun. And he's like, well, you have your own money. They thought he was alcohol. They were all trying to give him massages.
Starting point is 00:46:04 And he's like, does D control your purse strings? And she goes, no, of course not. Well, with the business. And does she control the trusts? She's like, well, yes, well, there's G-Trust. Went from the oil and gas, and then the other one. The emotional one. The emotional one.
Starting point is 00:46:21 She controls the emotional trusts. I'm still waiting for Keaton to bring that back. He turned out to keep them. I'm on the gave me was just a key to one of those novelty safes he get from FAO shorts. Oh yeah and Keaton's great. He's working in a Verizon store just trying to figure stuff out. You know what we're just on a different wavelength. Personally, I'm on GSM and he is on. What is the other one? The phone thing, so there's like GSM and then Verizon's. I forgot.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Basically, I'm on a GSM and he's on a gravity wavelength. You know, gravity waves are that thing that we think are there, but we aren't really sure. And now we sort of been proven because of two black holes, crash into each other and a distant galaxy, but let me hear like a little blip somewhere in France underground. Yeah, that's his wavelength. I'm basically an iPhone on 4G,
Starting point is 00:47:12 and he's an iPhone on really bad Wi-Fi that only works if he's in his room, okay? Basically, he's the most mobile, and I'm like, any other brand. You know what he is? He's like cricket wireless. You know, he is he's like cricket wireless You know that brand that no one actually has but you see them everywhere Which is I remember the Verizon store of course can be on cricket at the Verizon store You can get your act you don't roll your eyes at me
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'm gonna put them in this bowl and roll them in the bowl, but then I'm not not my not be a heart That was my favorite part Do not roll your eyes at me. I will pluck them right out of your head and have on these sticks. They can roll around in the bowl, but they're not going to roll around at me. So next up is Leanne. And he's like, Leanne is one Texan you don't want to mess with. I'm like, okay, that saying is for littering. Okay, don't mess with that. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Leanne is being accused of enough. But that's what she's there for. That is what Leanne, we would not have had a second season if it were not for Leanne. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And I don't like this reading on Twitter when she's like, well, I won't be in season three or whatever she's saying. You'd better take that back, ma'am. Please. She will be on season three. She will be. So the professional, I think this was the therapist you said the therapist moment. Yes, you need coping skills Because you need to say things like okay before the things like I'm going to kill her with a resty knife
Starting point is 00:48:40 Whatever the advice was You should be know the therapist is like behind Whatever the advice was you should be know that therapist is like behind Bulletproof glass like that's one thing we don't see and then at the end of every session They have a dead man walking scene where they both touch their fingers to the glass and The therapist prays for Leanne. Yeah, I like to think of this taking place in the check-catching place It's not a Western Union So then we get some evil lian clips throwing a glass.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah, or, you know, you better watch it. Or whatever. And so Andy's right. Your breath smells like dog shit. And you're going to breathe it right up. You're gonna lick it right up. Mother fucker. So Andy's like Annabelle from the Adirondacks wants to know who thinks Leanne has been helped with anger management and no one raises their hand. And Cameron's like to be fair, I can't really vote because I don't watch the news.
Starting point is 00:49:37 And you know what? Like I'm not just voting party lines. There I said it. We have a brandy. I'm not registered to vote in this room. My district is back in Texas. I will not cheat. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:56 So Andy's like, well, we just saw you smash a glass and get into someone's personal space. Was that justified? And Leanne's like, no, but I did throw it behind me. I didn't throw it at them. I threw it behind me. And he's like, do you want to clarify the police report?
Starting point is 00:50:11 She goes, no, because there isn't one, which we've seen it. So I'm not sure if she's saying people made it up, like if it was photoshopped. Well, yeah, well, she said, I mean, there's a police report, but she's basically saying, it was a false police report. So she's basically saying it was a false Police report so she's saying that's why there isn't one so she's not trying to kill someone with sandpaper and then talk about like the hands thing
Starting point is 00:50:33 She said listen, I said they're just hands you can take that as a threat, but I could also bake a pie with those hands Pod, does it want to pie and want a pop made a poison potholes hands. Potholes, they don't want to and want to make a poison. These hands also make waffles. What's the big deal or waffles evil now? You know what these hands do? They make a lovely sandcastle at the beach. Look at that beautiful. Oh gosh, over that wave, I'm
Starting point is 00:50:57 gonna punch that wave. These hands also put lotion on orphans. Anybody this these hands do everything good, ain't bad. I don't like the denied denied denied defense in a housewives show. I think it should just be, yes, I'm angry. They know I have anger issues. I did not actually make anybody bleed, which I've deserved an award for. And they're pitches and they were me to me and they all turned on me.
Starting point is 00:51:25 So I agree. I agree. Well she land as they deny the nine to nine sudden ownership sudden ownership. Let's move on. That's what she does. So brandy starts talking about how she felt uncomfortable driving land to surgery because you know I lost you babe. You lost me.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I lost you. No, no. I lost you. You're a band. You don't hear me. Okay. Now you. Oh, I lost your bed. You don't hear me? Okay, now you oh, I don't know what happened there. Oh, well, I was saying that basically Brandi starts talking about how she felt uncomfortable driving Leon to surgery
Starting point is 00:51:58 Because Leon was back to crazy in the car. She's like I didn't feel safe Yeah, I thought I going to wreck Brian's car. You were screaming and yelling and you called Carrie. And Danielle's like, look, what I'm getting from this is I think it's your mouth, not your hands that are the problem. Okay, it's the vernacular. I'd like to think if Leanne was screaming in the car, we would have seen that. I feel like the Leanne car. That's like the Leanne version of a truck. It's like, oh, are you talking about me?
Starting point is 00:52:34 I didn't run it over. I just went through the stop sign. So Andy was like, so Leanne, how do you explain threatening to hurt three people in two years? So Leanne's like, well, so okay. so Marie, I said I'm gonna cut, I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna get you out of my life. Yes, okay, so there was Marie, yes, I did threaten to slit her neck and just like put her blood all over the floor and do like a ritual sacrifice. Fine, yes, I did say, I own that, I own that.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I own it. I mean, I rented it to own it because it took me a while to finally own it But I did own it and it's now in my house. Thank you Jennifer Leather And it brought these like no because you also broke dishes and like you were also saying and she's like it's oh the recording I suppose this is recorded Which of course it is because Carrie whipped out her iPhone like Blair Witch last year and followed her around it was like oh my god you guys can you believe this blah blah blah I held a knife up to Marie's neck old news
Starting point is 00:53:33 moving on so they're like she's like let me tell you something I've a work with my therapist and this is what she says turns out I let the hurt child in me make choices when I go into defense mode it let the hurt child in me make choices when I go into defense mode. It's the hurt child, the PTSD child. I'd say to defend the PTSD children inside me. Now that I'm an adult, I need to learn new ways. Look at that, I'm an adult.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So there's more of this, like your mouth gets you in trouble so my mouth gets me in trouble, but just my mouth, not my hands, They're just hands, but they work well So does my mouth works while well. It's just a habit anger's a habit like chewing your nails You know I'm picking at your scabs You know same thing so then Andy goes all right, let's switch gears ladies How many of you have had your boobs done? I was like, oh, she's like, where did this come from?
Starting point is 00:54:29 Be, of course it came from somewhere. I was like, we made it 39 minutes into the reunion and here come the boob questions. But I will say to be fair, we always ding Andy for the boob question. This one sort of had a reason because there was a boob segment. So he gets a light a light pass. But that being said when he asks everyone to raise their hands for who had their boobs done, Brandy does like a quick thing, you know, because she was like
Starting point is 00:54:56 embarrassed. And they're like, come on, come on, Brandy, that's a yes. And she had to like raise her hands. But I was like, you know, she's embarrassed bear. Like why should she have to raise her hand? I don't know. I just feel like. Yeah, I liked MJ's answer when she's like, I will not answer that question. It is humiliating and people are mean to be on Instagram. So yeah. But the reason why Andy I was hilarious, it was hilarious that we went from. I don't want to jeopardize the safety of myself or my loved ones too. Who's that big job? Yeah, it was such a strange turn. But to be fair, the reason why he was asking was not just because he was being pervy.
Starting point is 00:55:33 He was asking because Leanne had a boob job this season. And it's like, who would have thought a little routine boob maintenance would cause such big drama? And then we saw the entire clip package of Leanne going in for surgery and how like Brandy was Brandy had said that it was a vagina doctor because that's what Carrey told her and Carrey had told Brandy that Brandy's doctor had killed someone on the thing on the table and Leanne was like that's not right and then they got into a fight and they were yelling at you know the whole thing., they went through the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:56:05 And then they've changed their story too. Well, first, it really is. First, Kerry was like, look, I want to be real. Okay, Leon, I texted you the morning after the surgery. I said, you flowers. I mean, like, I get it, but like, I feel like I keep getting shit on. Okay, like, I'm just shit on all the time.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Like, flowers, texts. I mean, what the hell? Um, and then, uh, they're gonna get a train. By the way, she is getting shit on to be fair. She is kind of like from all ends of the season. I'm not going to take that from her. She is. And I actually like Carrie. I know a lot of people don't, but I actually like her. I think she's good on the show. But she's getting shit on by Stephanie and Brandy constantly. And it just bugs me. I feel like her and Leanne should be like, look, we were both immature.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Leanne, I know you're insane and probably hate me and always well and I will always hate you. But we will be a good team and we could own this show. We'd be hilarious together. You know, they would be a good duo. Sometimes you got to think of the people before yourselves guys. I never, what I hope does not happen, I don't want Leanne and Deandra to ever break up, because I think they're a really good duo also. I think Deandra knows how to handle Leanne, and it's a really likable duo, so I hope they don't have a feud or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:57:15 But, I will say this about this whole stupid boob fight, was that it sort of shows why the season was so good because it was kind of about all sorts of like criss-crossing interlocking relationships and like loyalty switching back and forth and it's something that brings in several characters and it was like even though it was like a silly fight the fact that it was confusing means that it was confusing because it involved lots of different people and that's a really good fight It's like Atlanta last season when there was a whole candy Porsche, Shiree, Fadre.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Who said that? Yeah, remember that whole, it was a tangle of like, I said this and it winds up, it just like balloons. That's, I think that's the sign of a good season when you have like a really I think that's the sign of a good season when you have like a really Convluded fight and it's also because one person starts writing everybody out to everybody because that's what this was too It's like Brandy taking everybody's private Diss is and repeating them to everybody like no matter what side she was on which made it so funny because they always fall for it You know, yeah, so Carrie Bayes. She like, I got to take up my medical professional hat sometimes, put on my friendship hat.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And she's like, listen, I never said that Brandy's doctor would kill anyone. And Brandy is like, yeah, actually, she kind of just sort of said it generally that like, all of them, which is kind of funny that like Carrie said they all killed someone. But I think apparently what she said was, I don't even know what Carrie said. Well, this is Brandi just changing her story. But basically, yeah, the thing is, she changed the story. And talking about any of the doctors I listed, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:50 I took it, I interpreted it like Real Hospital as a Orange County as the doctor I was going with, but maybe she met something else. And Kerry's like, it was two years ago anyway. And if there was an issue, why is it coming up now? And Brandi's like, well, the only reason I said it was to put it in context of where Kerry was coming from. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Now that's just amazing. Because this became a whole big fight because of something you said incorrectly. And then you're like, oh, actually, she really said it this way. I'm like, um, you realize how much shit you caused. And thank you. And thank you. And no one calls her on it. By the way, maybe they do in the next one, but nobody calls her on it this whole
Starting point is 00:59:29 time, which is crazy. And Andy's like, okay, I'm bored. So let's go back to Leanne being violent on the behind the door. Yeah. Behind the doctor door. And Leanne's like, look, between the Xanax, you know, the, the, uh, the corony PTSD pills are take. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I do not recall having sex with that woman. I don't know. And she's like, yeah, but, um, like, she stormed over. Oh, she, she was ranting and braving, but I snaked and stormed over to me. And I held my breath because I was so scared. And she was spitting in my face. And it was the most uncomfortable moment I've ever had in my life. I believe that. I actually believe that. She says the most uncomfortable private moment she's had with a friend or something like that. If you've got, if you've got Leanne coming at you,
Starting point is 01:00:14 like just naked and high and talking and foaming at the mouth and threatening to talk, talking about her fists and mark getting blown at the roundup. That's uncomfortable I give I give Brandy that a hundred percent Oh, and they're like all I was high on Xanax. I mean, I don't know. I'm saying Xanax is like an umbrella I don't even know what it was Pena Celen adville Cody remember, but what I do remember is maybe she said something to me that made me say things It's something that I like she was trying to maybe she was giving me like my line or whatever. Yeah, because Leanne said in her blog that,
Starting point is 01:00:48 apparently that Brandi was baiting her. And they're like, Leanne, you don't even remember what happened. She's like, well, if you notice, she was real quiet. So I think when she was quiet, she was like, baiting me, like making like, come on, come on more, more gestures. And they're like, or she was just like terrified and didn't know what to do and Andy is like
Starting point is 01:01:07 Actually, we check with production and Brady didn't say anything. It was all you. She's like, well I guess it was me. I was falling out of control moving on. I own it And Stephanie's like well, that's the thing. It's like when you think you're in private That's when you really get mean and you really threaten to like dismember people and it's like you think it's okay because it's a private and it's scary because that's how you are in private and it's like if that's how you are in private like what do you like in private you know what I mean and I'm never been more scared than when I watch Leanne watch private Benjamin that motherfucker Gold Han, I will rip her limb from limb and turn her into sparkle dog food And Brandy says well
Starting point is 01:01:49 When I take his annex I go to sleep and when you take one you go crazy So I don't know what that's about and she's like well different people reacts to different things differently, okay? I own it Also, I did not if Brandy eats like a piece of macaroni, she falls asleep. She's barely awake on the show. Her eyes are taped open right now, okay? And so they start saying, well, what kind of drugs were they that you wouldn't remember?
Starting point is 01:02:16 And she's like, I'm just using Xanax technically. I don't know what the drug was. It could have been anything, okay? And like his name is Dr. Hello or whatever like what the hell do I'm the true Doctor true. I'm sure whatever he gave me was truthful. Okay, I learned under doctor curves She's like well it makes sense to me that I would say no knives just hands. I mean at least I put down the knives I was gonna bake a pie. I mean, I was going to beg a pie. I was going to beg a pie for Dr. Troop.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Pulling a waffle out of a toaster, so shoot me. Carried, it's like, well, what's your end game here? And she goes, well, your end game is for me not to be in this group. Checkmate. We all like, no, no, Leanne. We don't want to get you off the show, not at all. It's definitely like, you did that to yourself. So of course they want to get her off the show. And of course they're teaming up against her.
Starting point is 01:03:12 The thing is you can't stick up for Leanne and stuff like this because she does the same thing. Like she fell for the brandy thing. Yeah. And Brandy at this point, I have no faith in like, no, she's going to betray anybody at any time. And Leanne fell for it because she needed a friend but she also told her really bad stuff about the
Starting point is 01:03:29 other girls. Which is so well the thing is Leanne is earnest to a fault not earnest but she she overshare she you know she's just she can't get out of her own way that's what it is and you know that's kind of what makes her amazing. She's just like a walking disaster on this show. And I feel like she is misunderstood. Don't get me wrong. When she says things about like the PTSD child her death, it's just like all like it's such bullshit. It's like, oh my god, that's like classic season one, Leon, classic, Leon. But you know, Kerian Brandy and Leon, they are, they really, I feel like they really misinterpret basic things, you know, because they're saying how Leanne essentially gave them
Starting point is 01:04:08 ultimatums, it's either me or her, or her, or her, or her. You have to be either friends with her or not friends with her. And Leanne's like, no, when I was saying those things, I was saying, you have to make a choice in your life. What do you want to continue being friends with this person or not? It's not an ultimatum. And I actually think that sounds like a pretty fair assessment and I think that they misconstrued what she was saying there.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I don't think they misconstrued it. I think they're just trying to use it against her because she said openly, you know, she's not, she never tries to hide what she's saying. She'll say whatever she's saying. And she said, I'm afraid that you're going to be nice to her and now you guys are going to be mean to me again, you know. So please don't be mean to me. And then of course it turns right around be mean to me again, you know, so please don't be mean to me And then of course it turns right around
Starting point is 01:04:46 Being mean to her again. So Leanne is now doing like that now it's like the introspection moment She's like, oh, I just I use my words poorly and make bad choices like I want to kill those girls in other couch See that was bad use of words gosh, Leanne gosh don't do that anymore. I have to control my words My my hurt child is using the wrong words. He needs better words And my child is a he that's strange the little Italy little alien inside of me has PTSD But I made her a blanket to cut a lean a blanket of vernacular I have learned okay, and the angels like people still don't feel safe around you Leon you got get better words This is ridiculous, but they're just words they are bad words and steph is like um you shattered a glass at the white party
Starting point is 01:05:31 Like away from everyone else away from everyone else, which I know you mentioned earlier But it's really like yeah hilarious that lion's like I know I shot a gun But I shot someone who wasn't on the cast. It was okay. And Brandy's like, this is bullshit. You know, people need to get over your behavior because you say you own it. Like that's bullshit. You just make excuses and apologies and they don't amount to shit.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Okay, everything you've done has been making an excuse for what you've done because either you were hurt Or you were sad because of some tragedy in your life or your grandma's meeting to you so shut up Yeah, and I like that Leon said that because she's like well, how come it's okay for For her to be mean what what was she saying? So basically brand is like you about making these apologies and they don't amount to shit And you're just like really nasty and like you just keep Apologizing and it's just really nasty and she's like well, that's funny because you know when you were
Starting point is 01:06:31 Tormenting Cameron she thought you were really nasty and you're like well, I apologize so Yeah, and she's like well. Yeah, so I thought you were nasty, but I guess that's okay chasing her with the dildo And she's like wow that was that was being funny nasty, but I guess that's okay, chasing her with the dildo. And she's like, well, that was, that was being funny. We were on a girl's trip, so. Right. Which makes no sense. And the camera was like,
Starting point is 01:06:51 you don't even know what she was on you guys. Like, maybe it was Zanax, maybe it was like a tranquilizer, maybe it was like something they used in like a world war. Like, we don't even know what she was on. Like, let it go. She could have been on napalm. So, Leanne's like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:07:10 I own it. And it's not a cut about to own it. Alright, I'm done. So then they're like, alright well, let's bring out Mark and then they're like, oh so Mark is a guest, he didn't tell us and then our husbands were not invited. This is fucked up, which is not that big of a deal, but whatever. So Lann's like, I remember doing my walk off.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Yeah, she's like, it's a close set. I thought, you know, Rich is here too. He's just sitting at home with Stony penis, I guess. If that's OK to say. And he's like, well, he's a guest. So, well, I'm walking off. Why would I stay here? It's everyone's side and against me. Yeah. And Sandra goes, yeah, he's a guest. So, well, I'm walking off. Why would I stay here? It's everyone's side and against me.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah. And Sandra goes, yeah, it was a close ant. And here he goes, you know what, ladies? My husband deserves to sit on this couch and speak his mind. He was accused of getting his dick sucked right after that party where he almost went after dressing models. He's like, no one told my husband he'd be trash trashed this year and so then we just see as the episode ends
Starting point is 01:08:08 Leanne's a walking up like someone get a big security gocks on all dangerous and then just anything It's over you hear some voice. I think with the andra. I couldn't really tell go don't worry mark. You're safe No, that was Leanne she goes don't worry mark. You're safe She's like looking for a trolley to beat the shit out of before she comes back in. Well, she's in trouble now because Leanne did say that stuff and her defense to Mark was just like lies. So she's kind of in trouble, but at the same time, I think she
Starting point is 01:08:40 could just say, look, you guys try and make me look crazy all the time. And I was, my feelings were hurt. So there. Yeah. I thought this was a great reunion episode because I get the impression they're not dragging this out to three reunion episodes, even though I'd be very for that. I get the sense they'll be only two installments.
Starting point is 01:09:01 So as a result, it was really just kind of like not a lot of like bullshit filler. Like everything was like it was just really strong. Although, again, I do feel the Deandra segment was criminally short, but and I don't know why D was not there. I mean, D had to be there. I mean, Andy himself said he was obsessed with D. But you never know what he's gonna say is everything D says is like, well, you wake up in the morning. You see the sun. You say hello saying Doge you bring me moon? It's like always like some saying hard day hard night good day hard to hard night good morning She's like here Andy. I brought you something in a very chic tub. I don't do those tubes But you know what I always say if life gives you lamins You better send those over to hot dog on a stick and they'll make you some crest lemonade. I love it with that crushed ice. No one makes lemonade better hot dog on a stick.
Starting point is 01:09:54 When life gives you lemons, you have to receive because that is a business expanse. Okay, Deandra and until you can run those funds properly, you cannot get this key. So that was basically it for this episode. I don't believe we have a listener spotlight chewed up for this week's story. If there is one of them, we didn't see it. We are like bonkers. We're still recovering from our sandwiches going over. So hopefully we'll have a listener spotlight for next week. This was a great, great reunion and Ronnie, it's always a joy to have a good stuff with you. Yeah, you guys, and remember, it's not nice to bully people with dildos.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah. Yeah, it's true. Bye, everybody. Bye. Hey, prime members, you can listen to WatcherCrapins, Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Freeer Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast.
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