Watch What Crappens - RHOD: Shame and Shamans

Episode Date: March 11, 2021

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Brandi cries for herself again in this week's Real Housewives of Dallas, and D'Andra brings a Shaman in to check's extensions. Find our premium bonus episodes at**We designed lots of face masks for Bravo lovers available at A portion of sales go to MedShare!Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I've got a cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker cracker Well hello and welcome to Watch What Crafts! Some podcasts for all that crap we just left talk about. On your props, Kay!
Starting point is 00:00:49 I'm Ronnie Caram and over there is the thinned, talented, the gorgeous, well manicured, the lovely smelling Mr. Ben Maddleker. Hot bin? Hi, what's going on? How are you? Hi everyone, welcome to the show today is real housewives Dallas Day. So we're very excited for that.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Ben is on a standing desk. Maybe I should have just my camera because, you know, it's okay being bigger than you, but like being also shorter than you, we're getting, yeah, twins thing. Like your Arnold's, I'm Danny DeVito, you know, I love, I would be Danny DeVito in my heart any day of the week, okay, I would love your heart Danny DeVito, but you're not my goals. I am, I'm coming to you from a severe low angle
Starting point is 00:01:36 because this is crap and it's on demand. And so it is a standing desk, but my, but as a result, my laptop is sort of at naval height. So you're getting like a full on, like looking up at BenVee right now, which is really, really flattering. So we're gonna try to remedy that in the future days. Last week when we did this,
Starting point is 00:01:54 I put my standing desk really super high, but then I was like a kid, like a little kid at a table with my shoulders for like above like my torso. Like Lily Tom Lennon. That incredible shrinking woman movie where everything's just bigger than her so she looks really little guys I've been to Universal Studios. Okay. Yeah, you know I'm a movie's a man guy if you want to watch this by the way go to slash watch or crap ins and sign up for crap
Starting point is 00:02:18 It's on demand where you can do all sorts of fun things like Like watch our recaps as we record them, can also listen to our bonus episodes, this week's bonus episode. It's gonna be a big one. We're gonna talk about Princess, let's just say Princess Diana, but I mean, you know, the whole Meghan Markle and Harry thing, and then on top of that,
Starting point is 00:02:39 we're gonna talk about Juan Division. So this is like a big time thing, because I watched all of WandaVision yesterday. Oh, you did? I told you that, right? Oh wow. I watched all. Well, because we're gonna watch it.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So I just sat and I watched WandaVision and I have thoughts. So that's gonna be on our bonus episode. And also another plug. If you're on Clubhouse, which is like a pretty new platform, we've been sort of experimenting a little bit. I, it's just like this, it's this social,
Starting point is 00:03:07 another social media platform where people like talk. And you like, it's like you're browsing through various quote unquote TED talks. And it's actually really fun. And last night, I did one where the topic of the room was just what are you making for dinner tonight? Because I didn't know what I was gonna have for dinner. I thought maybe I'll talk about recipes or whatever
Starting point is 00:03:24 with people. And none other than Miss Margaret Joseph's crash the room and came in. And she's like, all right, this is what I'm gonna, I'm a basic bitch. Okay, I just make chicken vegetables. That's what I like to do. And actually, it's not that I went and got pasta. And we talked and she talked all about her iced coffee regimen. She talked about how she makes it, why she makes it. We got all
Starting point is 00:03:46 into talking about Cold Brew amongst many other topics. And then some of our listeners came in and they talked about air friars. The point is this, follow us on Clubhouse. That's really, yeah, we're both on there. Just search our names. We're both on there. Maybe I'll go on there later. It's got to be watching Bosch. I mean, literally, there are so many seasons of Bosch. I had no idea when I started that stupid show. I don't even like to show. Okay. I don't even like it I just said that because it's something I can swipe through my phone and it's on and I'm on season four of Bosch I'm like like Mark with Joseph's would say I'm gonna blow my brain set Okay, I can't I can't with the Bosch. I mean, okay. He's so grumpy
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah, but I get that there's murder's bash, but I'm the better things to do than just be rude everybody. Can't you be a polite murderous solver? That's my question. So, so like, what's the big deal? So like, so like, you're a pay-up, but you had an H at the end, you're like a boss pair, then you had an H like, congratulations. Actually, before we move on to Real House, I will mention another clubhouse related thing that happened on Friday, which was hilarious, which is that a lot of our other friends in this Bravo commentary universe
Starting point is 00:04:51 have are also out there. And Dave Quinn from People magazine does a thing every Friday where he talks, he does like a Bravo State of the Union. So I went, I just was like, I was like, I was reading through some cookbooks, so I was like, I'll see, I'm gonna see what's going on in Dave's state of the union So I went in there So Durrindo was in his room she cra so she crashed his room
Starting point is 00:05:16 Oh girl that's when you that's when you hear Ronnie has exited I would be running I would be literally running for the hills. Terrible. Well, that was, well, so here's the thing. The way that the app works is that when you enter a room, you're sort of in the quote unquote audience. Like imagine that you're actually at a talk, right? And you're sitting in the audience. And there's people on, there's a moderator,
Starting point is 00:05:36 and there's people on stage, and they're talking. You're just sitting in the audience, you know? Yeah. So I come in because I just want to hear what Dorenda has to say. And so there's about six or seven people up there, you know, we got like the Kate Casey's and all that, you know, our whole, the usual crew, that's the multiple Kate Casey's.
Starting point is 00:05:51 You can actually copy yourself on Clubhouse and just be all of the Kate Casey's were there. There were five Kate Casey's. There are as many Kate Casey's as there are Kate Casey children, okay? They were like seven Kate Casey's. Yeah. So D'Aria comes on and Dave's like, oh my God, Darynda, what a surprise.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Well, you know so and so this is, you know, there's KC, there's so and so and so and so and so and so. So she's like, oh yes, hi, I love all these people. Hi, hi, hi, Dary. Oh yes, I love him. Oh, he's wonderful. Hi, so they're talking and so Dave sees me in the audience.
Starting point is 00:06:22 So Dave pulls me up as onto quote unquote the stage. So it's like, I was like, because I was like, oh shit, I think I'm gonna lay low with Dorenda because I love Dorenda, but I'm just gonna lay low because you know with us the crap ends, you know. So I'm like, I'm gonna lay low.
Starting point is 00:06:36 So then he pulls me up. I'm like, that's fine. It's cool. I'll be up here on the stage. I'm just gonna chat and listen. So I'm sitting there and I literally have an ionigart and cookbook in my hand and I'm just like leaping through it, just looking at recipes.
Starting point is 00:06:47 But listening to Dharinda, she talks about who knows why. It's like really fun. And then all of a sudden Dave is like, we also have Ben here from Watcher Crappens. Ben, Dharinda, do you know Ben? You know, watcher Crappens and she goes, oh yeah, you guys say a lot of mean things about me. I was like, oh.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Oh. Oh. Oh. So I was like, I was like, oh. Oh. So I was like, I was like, what? I was like, Dorenda, I am an unabashed, I'm a huge fan, I'm a huge huge fan. And if I did say anything, like it must have been misinterpreted because-
Starting point is 00:07:16 Oh yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure. You mean drunk, get rid of her. And then on Watch What Happens Live with Andy said, who should get fired? Dorenda or Ram Ramona we're like Durinda Wait That may have happened
Starting point is 00:07:34 It doesn't mean that we don't love her Hard truths so she was like So she was like already like yeah you say mean things about me and I said no no no I said listen Durinda I don't have a question, I said listen, Durinda. I don't have a question. I'm just sitting here, leaving through my Inaigarten cookbook, just basking in all things Durinda.
Starting point is 00:07:50 She was, oh yeah, Inaigun. And then all of a sudden, we started talking about recipes, the common denominator. And she totally softened up. It was like really warm. She was really warm. And then I feel like I won her over until I asked her about what she thought
Starting point is 00:08:02 about Ramona Singer's protocols. Because when I think she just answered that question for yourself. Like she had that vibe like you're trying to get me into treble, aren't you? So that was right. That's what he had to have. He had to have a guide. He didn't try to throw me into the bus.
Starting point is 00:08:17 You better break it up, clubhouse. But you know what? She posted a thing on her Instagram about making soda bread and and By me bringing up Ina Gartan's goes, oh, you know what's a good recipe? Do you like soda bread? There's a great soda bread recipe guy. I got to make it so I kind of feel like I influenced her Instagram content You did you deserve a tag damn it That's the story everyone so that's that's a very long, but I felt like those were good, Bravo related discussions.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, those are really good. I did nothing. I watched Bosch. That's it. So you watch Bosch. You're like, I watched Bosch. Then he went nose of a good Bosch clubhouse room from like three years ago. You should just start up a room. Bosch talk.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Bosch talk. Season Talk. Bosch Talk, season four. Like, not only Bosch Talk, but Bosch Talk from like four years ago, you know, like, undercover Bosch. Oh, Bosch. Let's do a Bosch deep dive, you know, they do that. It's like, let's rewatch Bosch. Yeah, like the West Wing thing, the West Wing daily or weekly or whatever, which is very good, by the way. Okay, let's get into this.
Starting point is 00:09:28 This is real housewives of Dallas episode 509. The doctor is out. The doctor is out. Wait, can I just also say happy birthday to my mom today? Oh, happy birthday. Thank you, Carol. She's a very nice favorite. Yeah, I tell her I love her.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That's it. I wasn't gonna, she's not the type that would want like a whole thing. I just wanted to, she's probably not even listening by the way. Yeah. I was gonna say does your mom listen? Cause my mom sure is shit doesn't think God.
Starting point is 00:10:00 God, you want to talk about getting called out for talking shit. Yeah, good you Okay, so here we are We just we're still in Austin Texas guy Yes, and Brandy has just done her whole you know what I feel really uncomfortable around you Tiffany I'm you know, I mean it's like I got in trouble for being racist against Asian and for Asian. How do you think that makes me feel?
Starting point is 00:10:30 You know, I will, I, um, I was actually thinking about this, you know, a lot this week. And another thing that annoyed me is that, you know, I think that brandy on a certain level, you know, when you have feelings, you're entitled to your feelings. I understand why she feels like she feels like, what can I say, right? But don't put that on Tiffany, put that on your therapist. Talk to your therapist about that, like why you feel like you can't be yourself
Starting point is 00:10:52 and then explore what is yourself and what is your authentic self. And like, but don't put that on Tiffany. Tiffany doesn't, like, you're all you're doing is making her just feel awkward and feel like she's the problem and making her feel like the, like reminding her that she's not a white lady like everyone else, right? That she's like the other, you know, so like I
Starting point is 00:11:10 Just stupid if you're stupid Brandi tell it's your massage therapist that you went to get your your wellness center Healing from for being racist. Yeah so we open with well Tiffany going well, what do you think about me? And Brandy's just like, and you know, this show really does do people dirty. I'm not a Brandy family never have been, but they really do her dirty because Brandy, just the way Brandy looks, because it looks like she's just kind of like squint and then shakes her head. And it looks like it's going to be bad. Like Brandy's going to tell her off.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And I'm sure all week people have been like, fuck you! Yeah, they left, they sort of like left Brandi hanging for a week because then she's like, well, I think they're an amazing person. And I just wanted to talk to you about it because I've been working on myself and I want to grow from the mistakes that made and I want to thrive in this life.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And you know that I have. And I just feel like I'm holding back a little bit. And I don't know if you feel the same way about me. It's a brandy. Yes, good. We want you to grow from your mistakes. We want you to learn, you know, but again, like, like honey, you're running around with a blow-up sex doll with a big dildo attached to it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 No one is feeling like you're holding back. You know what I mean? Like no one in this moment is like, you know what I need from Brandy? More energy, okay? So Tiffany's saying. Yeah, what exactly? What are the things that we are not seeing? What are we not getting from Brandy?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Because I feel like we are getting a lot. I mean Tiffany even shot her pants, which is like one of your favorite things in the world is poop and farts. Yes. Okay. Like, Tiffany couldn't have done something more to make you like her than she did and you're still being an asshole. And Tiffany's also, Tiffany has not spent
Starting point is 00:12:48 the entire season saying, brandy, that's racist, that's actually problematic, brandy, that she's not doing that. Like if you one thing, every episode if she were doing that, I can imagine Brandy being like, I feel like I can't say anything, which still may not actually even be right to say, I'm not saying it's worth it,
Starting point is 00:13:03 but at least like, there would like make some logic as to why she would say that, but like Tiffany's not even doing that. She's not even being like, I was thinking how funny that. Right, I was thinking how funny it is, how different this is from Southern Charm, which just ended its season,
Starting point is 00:13:16 where you've got Leva chasing Catherine around, the whole season trying to get her to confront this stuff and never did, and then the yellow Leva at the end of the season, for being mean to Catherine, for trying to make her to confront this stuff and never did. And then the yellow lava at the end of the season for being mean to Catherine for trying to make her talk about it. And then this one, we've got Brandy chasing around everyone, trying to talk about it constantly all the time.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Like, I just feel like both ends of the spectrum. Yeah, I just feel like Brandy should have just, if she really was so pressed about this, she should have been like, hey, Tiffany, I just wanna pull you aside. I just wanna do a brandy should just if she really was so pressed about this you should have been like hey Tiffany I just want to pull you aside. I just want to do a check-in like want to make sure I mean I wouldn't even do it to be honest, but like if she was gonna do anything how about you check in on her feelings first
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm not even I'm just trying to think no She spent the whole episode trying to vilify Tiffany and start fights with her, you know, by accusing her of the whole, like you're accusing me of giving drugs out to people, which was just completely addolated, which is so crazy. She's trying to make her look like a total asshole.
Starting point is 00:14:16 So it's not like she feels uncomfortable. It's like, I've tried to fight with you on TV and that didn't work. So now I'm just gonna be at the victim. So that now I'll get a scene with you. I don't know what she's doing, but it's not it's not coming from a good place. Not right. I feel like it never is. So Brandy's like, you know, well, that's good because I really want Oh, well Tiffany answers her. She's well, she tells us first. She's like, if she sees me and it reminds her of the video and the mistake she made, that's on her. I cannot change the fact that I'm
Starting point is 00:14:45 agent, okay? If that makes you uncomfortable, that is your problem. So Brandy's like, well, I want nothing more than our friendship and to experience this crazy life together. But I want to be important because it's really important. I want to be honest because it's important, especially in this day and age age everything going on in the world It's like Yes with everything going on in the world and you're still Putting this poor boy. I know Okay, you're bullshit on Instagram come on. They're okay. Honestly is it's one thing to be honest
Starting point is 00:15:18 It's it's also another to have like tacked and be thoughtful right like if I said literally every single thing That I thought about every single person when I encountered them, yes, I'm being honest, but I'm also being an asshole, okay? I hate people saying I'm just being honest. I'm not here for your honesty. When I say how is your day, I don't want you to fucking tell me how your day is.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I want you to say it's great, how is your day, okay? Don't waste my time. Don't put all of your shit on me, okay? With your honesty, like, well, you know, my husband's a't put all of your shit on me, okay, with your honesty. Like, well, you know, my husband's a jerk. He's emotionally abusing me, my kids hate me, and have gained five pounds. I don't care, okay, I don't let you hear it.
Starting point is 00:15:52 You're just somebody I'm passing in the grocery store parking lot, okay? Stop taking up my time, you social fucking vampire. Lie like everybody else, okay? It's called being polite. I think that, I just think that's like what I said last week. I think that Tiffany just doesn't find Brandy funny and Brandy feels rejected by her and has assumes
Starting point is 00:16:09 it's because of the racism, but it's just because she's not funny. And the thing is that what is funny is that Tiffany spends this episode talking about how she wants to fit in and she feel like issues about, you know, fitting in with friends. When she has all the power,
Starting point is 00:16:22 she's the one who doesn't think someone's funny, which is like when you don't think someone's funny, that like, to the person trying to be funny, like that you've basically destroyed them, like that is the most powerful thing you can do, is just not laugh at their jokes. Yeah. So Chiffney is like, well, I wish you just give me the chance
Starting point is 00:16:38 to be your friend and have fun with you, because I think you would realize I'm a good person and I can be fun. I mean, maybe not as fun as Carrie. But you know, and then it puts you know, now Tiffany's taking it like, oh, well now you don't think I'm a good person and I don't forgive you and no one thinks I'm fun with this group basically. You know, because I can't even make a joke without you accusing me of accusing you of being Pablo Escobar and I't fucking do anything. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's like Brandi needs her to chase her around and say, you're not a racist. You know, and get on a stage and tell everybody how Brandi's so not a racist. It's just getting worse and worse. And the Onus is also put on Tiffany to lighten the mood at the table. She's the one who has to crack a joke
Starting point is 00:17:21 about like, carrier, whatever. Well, it really should not be Tiffany who has to do this. Like, carrier whatever when it really should not be Tiffany who asked you to do this Like like it's just it's absolutely ridiculous the position. Yeah, she's been put into so care I'm like no never never as funny as me. Okay. This is the situation. I want it's also hold hands And I want us to be unified as a group and jump into the lake because that's what groups do okay Like groups I into the lake, because that's what groups do. Okay. I want that to happen. It's jumping to a lake like groups. I am so sick of Kerry just holding on to these things
Starting point is 00:17:51 from 25 years ago in her life. Like, like just trying to resurrect them. Like, we're going to party like it's 1999 or we're going to party like I'm 21. Ooh, we're going to be crazy. We're going to jump into blank. It's like, come on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we, why are we jumping to a pool together or a lake in search of unity, they're just kind of like grasping for something that's not there. Because I think if you already have the unity, you don't have to be like, remember that time when we very deliberately for cameras jumped into a body of water and infanticous, it does not pund you. And Tiffany's like, I don't like bodies of water. I think that that has been made very clear. Then we see the clip of Carrie going,
Starting point is 00:18:48 I think funny. Pushing her in the pool. What's the equivalent if you're a mermaid? Do you just get like, it's basically paralyzing you. It's like taking away your legs. Like, when you're a mermaid, what can you get knocked into? Like, it's like, all your legs Like when you're a mermaid, what can you get knocked into like? I want everyone to hold hands that we're gonna jump into
Starting point is 00:19:10 More of the substance that we're already in it's like be quiet carry mermaid You mean a mermaid who's in the water. I thought you meant a mermaid who is on land And then she throws you in the water. It's like oh the prince would never marry you now because you're half of a fish throws you in the water. It's like, oh, the prince would never marry you now because we're half of a fish. No, I mean more like, you know, sad mermaids that are trying to like feel like they're alive by jumping into pools, but they're already in the water. So do they just like, I don't know, but, you know, I'm sure this so these shows just keep going forever. We might one day get a mermaid version of this you never know. We're just gonna. We're just gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna.
Starting point is 00:19:46 We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna.
Starting point is 00:19:54 We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not gonna. We're not leave the city I was born in and I really just wanted to marry a prince but I never thought I was war with it. Alright, we have a mermaid named Mary. You have actually married King Triton who's also your grandfather. You know what, it's really funny because the shaman that was on today's show used to comb
Starting point is 00:20:21 my hair with a fork or I'm just from Galee, Julian. Okay, so Tiffany does not want to go in the water, but she feels like she has to because it's Carrie's birthday and she doesn't want to be the one who's like, I don't want to do that because that's always how she is And so she doesn't want to but Carrie's like, come on here going to go and cameras like I'm wearing two thousand dollars Soundals so I'll take them off. Oh, oh really Cameron because you were just pissed off that this girl was bragging about her toylets So let's have more about your $2,000. He's fucking hip and crits on this. Oh my god The total toilet. We're always going to come back to that
Starting point is 00:21:14 So Cameron's like Carrie's idea is extremely fabulous and even though I'm very afraid of what can be under my feet and how dark it is and how muddy it is and my crutches are in the lake, dundar. But anyway, sounds more fubulous than sitting at this tubble. Yeah, this is austin. There could be liberals in that water. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But at least for not at the table. Keep austin word. And so she is wearing a bathing suit already under because I know Curry so well. That's I think so sad. So sad that you just have to wear bathing suit around a friend because you just never got this. She's gonna shove you into something. I don't want that. I don't want that out of my friends. So you think I used to explode watermelon. What was that comic's name? Gallagher?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, it's like it's Gallagher's birthday. I guess we should wear some hefty bags as our outfit. Yeah, like nobody wants to be that guy's friend. Why am I bringing up Gallagher? God, I'm really aging myself. Okay, listen, I'm way too old. I'm way too young to be bringing up Gallagher anyway, okay, just to doubt.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Peter Gallagher, of course, as well as Gallagher. And as well on the Yosef. Or even him, it's like, you know what, you better wear one of those haircuts, mock things, you don't get as eye brows all over you every time you go to dinner with him. That's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Peter Gallagher, either. You never know when he's gonna resurrect Sandy Cohen or talk or sing some song from guys and dolls, which he was in. We have the cast recording at home. So Cameron, so anyway, so they all jump into the lake and they're all in there and then Tiffany, like they're in there and then Tiffany just has like
Starting point is 00:23:00 wiping the water off her face. She goes, eels. I think she, I guess she thought she touched an eel or something like that. She's just like eels, eels. Yeah. She's like, this is disgusting. I see a lamp. Bye.
Starting point is 00:23:14 So she gets out of the water and now she's mad and they don't really understand why, but she's like, so my dress is ruined and I'm just going to show her now. I've had it. I'm about done with your bitches. Goodbye So she just starts walking in and they're like, oh What happened to you and the tea? Disguised So yeah, so she's like um the moment my body hit the cold water
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm like 52.0 has been here all weekend and she's trying to be a good sport, and guess what, it's still not good enough. Which I 100% get. That was actually such a real moment for me, because I've totally, you know, we've all been in those situations, we're hanging out, people are just not connecting,
Starting point is 00:23:58 but you just sort of, you just have to hang out with them because of X, Y, and Z. And if you're like, you're just kind of playing a version of yourself, and eventually you're just so exhaust and I'm like, I can't do this anymore. So I loved it. I loved that she just went back into that room, especially because she'd been microaggressed earlier.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, I don't do that. I just, I stay if I want and then I don't, if I don't, I don't have a thing, but I get where she's coming from. And also, Cameron has had no problem having to stick up her ass for five years now like Or four years now because would she come on season two right? Yeah, season two or three anyway Cameron's had to stick up her ass forever and people just accept you when you're that way, you know your friend Get used to it. It's like Ben doesn't want to stay up to four in the morning doing drugs in a bathroom
Starting point is 00:24:43 Okay, I have to accept that. Yeah No, I I that's that's something that I've been working on with me. It just like except that sometimes like I just want to Leigh Ronnie can mop himself up, you know, it's not responsible It's not my responsibility to peel Ronnie off of the floor. Hope he makes it to the airport, you know Like that's what friendship is. It really is. Okay, so Karen's like, there's a situation. And Randy's like, maybe she's upset with me,
Starting point is 00:25:14 which is like maybe, or maybe she's exhausted from the whole situation, but thanks for making about you again, Brad. Yes, of course, yes. So Karen's like, where is she? Where is she? Camer's like, let's all go to her room and make sure she's okay because I think she's really upset, which is why she left everyone, which is why we should now all go to her room.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Okay, yeah. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap-ins commercial. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday's parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident
Starting point is 00:26:02 not-so-expert-experts. and Kurt Brown all are, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us
Starting point is 00:26:23 as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So Brandy and, uh, like Deandra. So Denver goes, Brandy goes up to Deandra and she's like, do you think I was picking on her today? I said, well, I understand it. I just need you to know that she was very excited about her friendship with you. And I think she was one side. That's what I think. The line's out of my heart. Hey, she realized why my trying to be friends with this crazy ginger right here.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Right? You know what I'm saying? So then, um, so then yes, they are all sort of like, they start to migrate in her room and she's just kind of like So then, yes, they are all sort of like, they start to migrate in her room. And she's just kind of like, she looks like she's just taking a shower, whatever, she's packing up, or getting ready to go to bed. And they're all there,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and they're all kind of like quietly cuing at her. Like there's like a lot of quiet, cuing crosstalk, you know? And they're like, Cameron's like, did the conversation with Brandy hurt you? Did it hurt you? Did you want to show us? Did it hurt you did you want to show us did it hurt you Come on
Starting point is 00:27:39 So Tiffany's like I'm just tired you guys. And they're like, are you crying? Are you crying? I think you're crying. She's crying, she's crying. She's crying. She's crying. And she's like, I'm just tired. And it's tired. OK, I'm just crying. You're a fucking. And the chiefs of fall face down on the bed crying.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Oh my god. And the sevens are like, where are you crying? Where are you crying? She's crying. She's crying right now? They're all going She goes at one point she goes she goes caring. I'm sorry I just wanted to be so much more fun And then carries like you were fun and they're like you were so fun
Starting point is 00:28:33 You were fun You're so funny band really fun. Yeah, Stephanie. You're so fun. You're so fun Stephanie I'm a customer Andy and she's just got a dead face and she goes, I had fun. Tiffany's like, I just didn't want to disappoint you. Just go out and find you, Barney. I'm just tired. And she's like, okay, we can respect if you want to go to bed. Come on, everybody. So they start leaving and the girls are talking about it like in a different part of the house now It's definitely like yeah, and you know what like it's like really scary to go in the water when like you can't swim so It kind of is I guess and then
Starting point is 00:29:18 Cameron's like in camera goes. I think she tried to be strong But and then carriages and drops and goes well it wasn't that deep by the way. I think she tried to be strong, but... And then Carrie just interrupts her, goes, Well, it wasn't that deep, by the way. I think she can't swim. It's a lake, she doesn't know how deep it is. She just got microaggressed for her race. And then you just like forced her to face probably one of her deepest fears, which is swimming.
Starting point is 00:29:37 You know. So, Dandrid Tiffany, you're talking and Dandrid's like, You okay? She's like, no, I am robot Tiffany. I do not have feelings. I will fix everything does anybody me robot Tiffany right now So Cameron's telling the girls she's like you know what Tiffany just needs to put her walls down You know, it's like moving into new house. You just have to tick down some walls It's like moving into new house. You just have to tick down some walls. So there's room for all your sparkle dogs to run around free
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, I know what it's like to be new in this group. She just needs to learn to be vulnerable Get slapped in the face with giant dildos and not say anything about it It takes time As Stephanie's like, yeah, but we also have to be a little easier on her because she's trying to fit in and she's struggling Because she's like really hard on herself. And Brandy goes, I feel like I heard her feelings, right? Like, you think Brandy? You think? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And Stephanie says, well, if I really think about it, she's like probably gotten at least one thing from every one of us every day that she's been here, which is true. So then Dan, back to Dan Dren Tiffany. Dan Dren Tiffany. Dan Dren was like, say, what's the real reason you're upset? And she says, well, this is the first time I've been away from my family. And I have a meeting with my supervisor about how many shifts
Starting point is 00:30:53 I'm going to work and I'm tired. And like, you know, now the girls are going to be like, she's a spoiled sport because she doesn't like getting eaten by yields. Yeah, she's afraid they're gonna accuse her of rooting the whole night and Tiffany's like, no matter how hard I try, I just want to be light, you know, and my whole life is like trying to earn
Starting point is 00:31:16 external validation because inside I feel worthless. Like, did you tell your parents, did your parents tell you you were worthless and the injury goes, well, it was a little bit different she really said my mom doesn't really say I'm worthless she just says I'm just like worth shit which is different from being worthless yeah but did they tell you you're only as good as your future earning potential or how high your grades were no but I was told higher my hair the closer to Jesus but were you told like you're only as good as your
Starting point is 00:31:42 ice skating rankings were I think'm back to ask a pain. All right. Well, are you told you're only as good as how much money you spend on people? Of course, I've been on the 700 club. You think that's true? I don't know much about ice skating, but you know a lot about snow. If you know what I'm saying, huh? And Dan just like, yeah, I didn't have that pressure because everyone just
Starting point is 00:32:04 knew I wasn't gonna achieve as much as you girls. They start laughing. And she's like, well, I just don't want the girls saying, like, I don't have floster shit. We all these are shit. I mean, you did literally, but you know what? You found it and it was in your pants.
Starting point is 00:32:18 And that's good. Okay. Yeah, you know, it is kind of funny seeing this tension of Tiffany trying to be a herrobatics self of always being good on a show where you are pushed to have these breakdowns and to have bad behavior. And I don't think she realizes that if by her spoiling the weekend is exactly what she's supposed to do.
Starting point is 00:32:42 That's what you're supposed to do. Like you already had your you're supposed to do. That's what you're supposed to do. Like you already had your first walkoff in your first season. You left a vacation, okay? You won. Yeah. I really hope she walks off the set at the reunion. That'll be such a special moment for her. Her first reunion walkoff.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah, I hope that she really does have that bitch flower bloom in the second season, which we already see on the show. Give it. The bitch flower on the bravo shows for men and women really takes two seasons for that to bloom. So I would think it was, I would love it if she came back next year, it's just a horror show. I guarantee she will be and I guarantee the audience is going to turn on her. I'm telling you that right now.
Starting point is 00:33:19 And there's already a happy part of the audience that is against her, which is surprising to me because I don't see anything that she's done But Sashama Diaz always well I cast a few talk to Sashama Diaz You much she'll say someone hates everyone, you know, but I see a lot of pushback and I'm like what is she even done? That's so bad and I love calling everybody out on terrible shit that they've done on these shows And I don't really see anything so it'll be interesting to see but anyway in the morning They're all packing and getting ready to go and They're hanging out on the patio and it carries like well Tiffany
Starting point is 00:33:50 Oh, she left she left Constantra tells him that Tiffany packed up and got the hell out of Dodge Yeah, and carries like oh this morning we could have had closure and everything we couldn't have talked like it would not have been closure You would have been like oh good Before we leave let's jump in the leg You know what we're making fear better. I'm so sorry. We didn't make you fear welcome. I Spocket challenge Feel particularly nice, cubes. I'm trying to fit in.
Starting point is 00:34:26 So, Kary's like, well, I thought, you know, jumping in the lake, it's unified. Okay, it's unified. That's a situation. That is a unified situation. And then there's like, well, what happened last night thing? And Brianny says, well, I just feel like I've been walking on eggshells around her and then finally like I felt you know I was gonna open up after I accused her of making me out to be a drug pusher and then blamed her for my racism guilt because of how she was born I mean What did I do? How come we be friends if we're not honest?
Starting point is 00:35:02 Uh, so Deandra's like yeah, I don't think she understood that very well. I mean, I don't understand it. Yeah. And so they basically, they kind of all, well, Deandra says that there's not going to be any resolution until Brandy forgives herself because as long as Brandy has this guilty conscience, she's going to be filled with all this shame or whatever. And you can only fix yourself. Tiff me, can't fix you. Your husband can't fix you, your kid can't fix you, banging jars of clay on a great camp can't fix you. Well it fixed me but that's another story. Let's just say that when that tour was over they changed their names to
Starting point is 00:35:34 jugs of clay. Okay! You are the only thing that can fix you. There is nothing else that can fix you except perhaps having access to your family trust. Maybe just that that that that will fix you, except perhaps having access to your family trust. Maybe just that, that will fix you. That will help, right? Mother. So, Dan, Dan Dratels her in a nicer way. You know, she's like, well, you have to be okay in your own mind and body and whatever
Starting point is 00:35:57 brandy. You can't expect anybody else to do that for you. And Brandy's holding a glass of champagne and she just looks at Dan Drat. And we're at commercial. Yeah, so now we come back, little machine pops of things going on around the town, we see Cameron's house and her son comes in in a football uniform and she's like, you look like you've got boobies. And then Olivia and Carrie are, my mom says the same thing to me constantly. That's what I say to myself right now.
Starting point is 00:36:29 So... So, Olivia and Carrie are talking about the trip. And Carrie's like, oh, it was a lot. It was a lot. We did a thing called chicken shitter. No, shit, bingo. Chicken bingo, bingo shitter. Bingo, bingo feces. What what what is it again?
Starting point is 00:36:47 I love you all I know is it shit on my number I win. She's like Great so Brandi is she's telling her kids. I'm gonna put on your chore list It came to feed and water the dog. It's the dogs not a plant by their idiot throw a pan at her head to feed and water the dog. Like, it's the dog's not a plant by their idiot. It's like to a pan at her head. And then we go to Tiffany's house. She's just taking everything out of her suitcase and wiping every little thing down
Starting point is 00:37:12 and cleaning all of her shoes and stuff. Right, which is, as nothing to do with the trip, she just likes doing that. Like, clearly that's like her, and she's like, oh my god, I've got 15 minutes. Let's wipe down some stuff. Yeah. I'm gonna walk down a shoe.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Tiffany's making herself feel better by engaging in her hobbies, wiping everything down in the suitcase. Uh, so, um, uh, she's with Daniel and, and like, oh my God, you probably totally allowed the kids to break all the rules. Didn't you? And it's like, you, you let them, I scream before, you let them eat ice cream before dinner and let them stay up late and not brush their teeth and told them it was okay to get bees in school oh my god breaking all the rules. I know I'm sure they then rest your teeth take a shower do any homework all weekend. I was like don't judge me be do not judge me okay. I know seriously. She says Daniel is not the Daniel you are not the Tiger and once the opposite of a time I'm out of my scene de amber
Starting point is 00:38:14 Or talking about glass tiger oh yeah, no great band Fucking tired cast the line came to that camp What about the eels hey Tiffany call back to the eels. So the husband a Daniel is like, well, I'm just shocked that you're home so early. What happened? It's like, well, I mean, I took up my home. That's how I missed that's how much I missed you. Just kidding. I mean, like, I just felt like it would serve my own sanity to remove myself from all that toxicity. I didn't tell them I was leaving. I just knocked out the back door like a coward. Hmm. So then we go over to Brandy and Brian for really uplifting scene. You know, whenever Brandy and Brian get together on camera, it's always going to be just like fireworks.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Spirox. So, they have some small talk about. We jumped in the lake. Oh, it was a cold. It was actually perfect. And it was one of the most fun trips I've ever had. It was so fun. Really, really fun. Was it fun, babe? It was so fun.
Starting point is 00:39:17 It was cool. Yeah. It was cool. The only thing is that Tiffany really struggled with opening up and letting people in after I used her of pushing drugs and also being making me uncomfortable. She was really like put up a lot of walls, you know. Yeah, you know what you should do. You should ask her babe if maybe she just wants to do something alone with you babe.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah, but like I still think she's really boring. So I don't think I'm gonna do that. I'm like, oh, thanks, Brad. There we are. Yeah, there we are. There it is. So you really know shit. Yeah, you give no sense about being friends with those
Starting point is 00:39:54 spreads. You are really, you really suck lady, okay? Yeah. So then we go to Tiffany and she's like, Well, I, it was probably my bad, but my dinner, like I thought everyone thought it would be great if we jumped into a lake. And I did, but like dinner, like I thought everyone thought it would be great if we jumped into a lake and I did, but then I hit the water and I like had this moment and it's not my proudest moment, but like I feel like I just keep trying and
Starting point is 00:40:14 trying to make them like me and I do the lake, I do the games and it's just not enough for them. Yeah. By the way, this is also really exciting to know that like in all those melodramatic movies where people You know Go into the water and then they have some sort of you know metamorphosis or they have like they have like this Very religious moment in the water and then they emerge as a new person It's great to see that it happens in real life like I always just thought it was a huge huge
Starting point is 00:40:42 Like that shows I was tired some have to sit through. Yeah. Well, not really baptism. Just more like, well, that's really, you know, it's like comes from right? Because baptism, you get baptized that you go under the water and then you come out and you're like new or whatever. That's true. That's true. And I totally respect those, you know, baptismal experience. I just feel like in movies, they kind of like make it about like every single thing. Like how many movies have we watched where there's like a faux
Starting point is 00:41:07 baptism where someone's like, I'm going to lie naked in this water right now. And now I realize everything that I want in life. And it's like, wow, it actually happened with Tiffany. Exciting. Except what she didn't like. Like she was baptized to realize, fuck this. I'm anal and I'm staying anal and that's it.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah. So Brandy's like, well, I was just shocked that she left in the morning and didn't even say bye. Yeah, I was so I can't believe she was the ultimate. She felt I can't believe she felt the need to get away, get away from the people who are being massively toxic to her. Yeah. Saying goodbye. That's the big thing. She didn't say goodbye toxic to her. Yeah. That's saying goodbye. That's the big thing. She didn't say goodbye. She has young kids.
Starting point is 00:41:48 She's a doctor. Try to put yourself in her shoes and then maybe take them off before you go inside to talk about it. I mean, she is the only new girl this year, you know, so it's like definitely going to be hard. Yeah. And she goes, now I'm really feeling guilty. I don't know if I'll ever be able to talk to her
Starting point is 00:42:06 again, because I feel so guilty around her. And I don't know if that's I should probably tell you that I always feel really guilty around her. That'll probably make it better, huh? Yeah. Well, it takes time, babe. You know, what is a good idea to read the letter you wrote yourself right now on camera. Okay. So while they get the letter, we go back to Tiffany and she's like, you know, I just feel like I'm coming up short, like they know each other and they're close and like, I'm like the new kid
Starting point is 00:42:34 and it just feels like school. I mean, my family was poor and so every time my family moved, like at a job, we moved to the next nice neighborhood and we learned that she went to four elementary schools, three middle schools and three high schools, which is actually crazy. I was a new kid in 10th grade in my high school.
Starting point is 00:42:51 I don't know if you were you ever like a new kid in school? Always. I moved schools like every year, every other year, but because of me, it was my thing. I was like, I'm leaving. I was like, everyone's me and me. I am leaving and I'm leaving. There's schools while, mother. I went to like every school in town. I was like a's me and I am leaving and I'm leaving their school as well mother. I went to like every school in town
Starting point is 00:43:07 I was like a little fucker. Yeah, I think that I can imagine that if you are if you've gone if you've gone If you're the new kid, you're probably gonna have one of two reactions. You're either gonna be a Roni or a Ben Right, I imagine Ronnie you like arrived at the new school the top hat and came like hello everyone Everyone in the lunch room. you're editing but has arrived. Where's my friend? Kind of, but that also got my ass kicked a lot. Yeah. Whereas I sat like I would like, I remember my first week, 10th grade at my new high school.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And I was reading, for some reason this sticks with me. I was reading the book sphere by Michael Greighton and I would sit at the lunch table. Oh yeah, that was not me. That was not me girl. I was reading the Daniel Seals on the Mary Higgins Clarks. I would just sit there and, you know, but then it was like, you see in those like PSA is where someone came up and said,
Starting point is 00:43:55 hey, you want to sit with us? I was like, oh my gosh, yes, please. But there, but I don't know if you felt this, but I remember that that first like six to nine months in school, you know, you're like Trying to kind of like find the people that you connect with for me was a long process of like Just hanging out with people because they were the ones who wanted to hang out with you But you didn't necessarily connect with them and it's kind of a lonely feeling when that happens You get that when you move to a new city or you move to places
Starting point is 00:44:22 And so if you have to have that feeling over and over again, I imagine that really does create like a complex in your life, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what's funny though with hair like relating that to just how I grew up is I would look for all the fabulous funny girls and then go hang out with them. And then I would hold my books like a girl, you know, like in front of me with my arms crossed in front of me. And I would just hang out with all the popular girls. And
Starting point is 00:44:47 or not even popular, but just all the funny girls, basically. Because those were the people that would like me smarting off about every little thing, you know. But yeah, it is hard. I don't even know where I'm going with that. But yeah, I can see how it would be fine too. I love it when you're a Trapper Keeper story. Every time you talk about Trapper Keepers, how you just hold like this. Oh yeah., I got my I got beat up so bad And then I was like, you know what? I'm gonna try a different way to hold them because this is not how men should hold their trapper keepers apparently because I'm black guy So instead I'll try holding it like this and I would hold it like the guys would hold it to the side it hurt
Starting point is 00:45:20 I just don't have arm strength that ever did sorry Well, fuck the guy who gave you a black eye. That's not cool. Oh, I'm sure he's paying for it. I'm sure he's paying gas somewhere that little fucker. One day. Get him in that newscaster that also like Had a rival with your mom or something get them together Beverly Dudley. Oh rivalry with your mom or something. Get them together. Beverly deadly. Okay. Fucking Beverly deadly. Still in that soul Beverly deadly. Okay. So, um, let's see. So Brandy is like, yeah, yeah, you know, this is all about me. Okay. So she brings out her letter that she wrote herself in wellness therapy or whatever spot she was at. And she's like, you know, I wrote a letter to myself to read six
Starting point is 00:46:09 months after my treatment to check in to see if I'm really a better person now. And so she starts reading the letter and I just cannot with this, you know, and we got, we got actually a letter of our own from a reader who is talking about how insensitive we are to people talking about suicide and this and that. No, no, no, no, that's not what's going on here. This is Brandy making a fucking mistake and when she made the mistake she didn't say, hey guys, I made a mistake. She said, ha ha, that was funny and if you can't take it, you're an idiot and she tweeted at SNL to hire her for her brilliant Asian character and then went off to a spa and is now saying that she went off to some sort of racist rehab.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And then she's doing all this suicide and bullshit to get sympathy instead of just dealing with the fucking consequences that are coming her way. So please don't tell me I'm being so insensitive. I would never be insensitive to suicidal thoughts or ideations. I've had to deal with a lot of that myself and my family. That's not where this is. This is calling someone out for being a fake piece of crap, okay? And trying to make you get on her side by writing letters like this to herself and the reading among camera.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I am blinded, man. I mean, I don't know. I don't know, like, the, I don't know where the line is in terms of like, is she making this up for getting sympathy or, you know, like if she's saying that to me, if she's saying she was having suicidal thoughts, which is why she had to check herself into rehab, I respect that fully, but that has nothing to do
Starting point is 00:47:37 with the current issue of how, like, what she said to Tiffany and- Right, I'm sure what she was going through getting canceled and all of that stuff. I'm sure that is really hard. I'm not taking that away or saying she wasn't depressed or anything else. What I'm saying is this is not the feel bad
Starting point is 00:47:51 for Brandy moment, okay? This is the Brandy making herself the victim so she doesn't have to deal with the consequences of her own actions. Yes. And I'm not into that, okay? No, not into it at all. I'm not gonna buy.
Starting point is 00:48:03 But you know what I'm into? A letter from yourself. a letter from the past you know I'm mad cuz I'm like Roddy are you holding your phone against your chest like a trapper keeper right now? What what have what what regression is this? What have we what have we dug up? What have we dug up that is, what have we dug up? What have we dug up? That is how I get mad now. I go, and I start flicking through my phone, like Ramona Singer, like crazily,
Starting point is 00:48:31 not even looking at anything. Whoa. I feel like you have written down this letter word for word. I wrote down, not necessarily word for word, so why don't you try it? I tried to, but then it's so long, you know, it's so fucking long, but it's basically like, I am writing this letter. Hi me. It's me. I am writing this letter to myself coming out of a deep dark version of myself. I promised you forgiv myself. I promised you practice love and empathy. Believe in myself, I am not a burden. I have been fighting for acceptance, but now I know that acceptance
Starting point is 00:49:12 is inside myself. I can't thank my family enough. I stopped with, you know, I've been fighting for acceptance because literally what you're doing and what you continue to do is other people and not accept them. So you can take that letter and shove it up your cornhole, ma'am. Okay. And then I thought when she started singing, Celine Dion, that was weird too. She read this all in a white D-shirt dress. She's wearing a backwrested Tuxedo. She read this all enough white D-shirt dress Just we're gonna back where's Tuxedo
Starting point is 00:49:57 Just saying I wish I had that kind of brain that could just like call upon lyrics immediately I never can and so I can't like I can only give you For all the and then the rest is on the listeners I can only give you for all the and then the rest is on the listeners. You guys have to call the girls who held me through the trapper keeper. In my arms, my mom who said a happy bees to boys who pushed me with the arm. So let the blue pads on my head. So lay the blue pads on my head through all the blow-up Tars with penises. Kwanne!
Starting point is 00:50:33 No matter where I am, it's because you love me. Me? That's me. Because you love me a on me love brandy so um now we go over to carry an Olivia driving someplace and uh carry's like you need to get a job a job where they have black hair not purple hair you crazy person
Starting point is 00:51:02 oh you want to jump in the pool with the car you want to jump mom dry Mom you're driving into a ditch mother So they go over to Stephanie's house carries taking Olivia over to Stephanie's because Stephanie has had problems with depression and suicidal thought sheet attempted suicide as a kid and and suicidal thoughts. She attempted suicide as a kid. And so they want to talk, they want Stephanie to talk to Olivia to just give somebody to talk to about it. Yeah. So they have a talk. It's actually I think a really lovely scene where Stephanie is, you know, she's talking about, you know, just at first
Starting point is 00:51:41 fall, she, she, she compliments or whatever the word, not compliments, but she basically is like, good for you for going to your mom when you felt like you were in trouble, like some people never do that. So she says that, which is really sweet. And then she talks about how, you know, she, you know, tried to OD on her sister's pills one day after a bad relationship. And she talked about how it changed her parents. And now that as she, because her parents were
Starting point is 00:52:07 in thin, sort of like nervous, like for Stephanie going forward. And she's now that she's a parent. She respects how hard it is for a parent to go through that. It was a very, I thought a very emotional Rossian that I really appreciated. I think it was really good. Yeah. And Olivia is talking about how, and when she had problems in school, her mom, one time a
Starting point is 00:52:30 boy was bullying her at school and her mother just got out of the car and went up to the boy with her big old sunglasses. And this happened in my life as well. I don't know why so much of this is going back to our own life today, but my mother did that as well. She went up to a boy on the, on the, my grand was like, you listen here, you little fucker. If you ever deal with him again, you will deal with me. Like, just like let him have it to the point where the lady at the school, you know, the lady watching us all get picked up
Starting point is 00:52:58 or whatever was like, okay, okay. Yeah. Thank you, my grandma. Thank you, Mrs. Karen. You can go now. My grandma, my family, did that on behalf of my uncle Michael. She apparently, like some bully, like took my uncle Michael's bicycle. My grandma Sally was, you don't mess with grandma Sally, okay. She was from the lower east side of New York at a time when that was not a hipster time,
Starting point is 00:53:23 okay. And she, like, it was not a hipster, hipster time. Okay, and she was like, the progressive era basically. And she apparently walked up to this kid who took the, who's like, you give that bicycle by like grandma Sally. You got on grandma Sally's bad side. I mean, imagine like Sophia Petrilo times 30. And you're like, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Serious, serious. My mom was like, anyone's gonna bully my kid. It's me. You're welcome. Serious serious my mom was like anyone's gonna bully my kid is me Now get in the car man boobs So now we get close-ups of dogs and hats put that trapper keeper down Does my son hold a trapper keeper like a little girl? Yes, he does, but that is my burden. Okay, that is my territory to believe. Not yours. Yeah. Okay, so dogs and hats, because we're in Dallas, which is a fun callback, you know, to the shows, dogs and hats episode. Dogs and hats. So here comes Mama D.
Starting point is 00:54:20 We have not seen enough Mama D this season. So she comes by just hey, Fanny Which I don't know if she was talking to the dog or the cleaning lady I just kind of feel like I kind of feel like anyone who's not deandre. She's like hey, Fanny has a going Fanny doing great work, Fanny. I don't give a rib but Just a just a general name she gives to strangers name she gives to strangers. Hi, baby. How you doing? Where's Miss Sandra? Hey, what are you doing, girl friend?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Now, there's something I wanted to give to you, Sandra. And she's like, oh, for the past, thank you, mother. Thank you, thank you, mother. And she tells us, at this moment, I'm cash poor, so my mom is being a little more generous with the trust. Yeah. And, and, and, and my mom is like, I mean, she want to send a dog to school.
Starting point is 00:55:04 That's $3,000. Okay, I'll take care of it. And then I, to send a dog to school, that's $3,000. So, okay, I'll take care of it. And then I want to go do this, that's $1,000. Every week it's something, it's always something. And then Diaz was like, I mean, mother's not really making it rain, but at least I got to keep my housekeeper. Am I she throwing thousands of dollars
Starting point is 00:55:17 at you for all this, not making it rain? You don't need rain right now. So Diaz asked her about the trip, and she said, well, the house was maize mother. I mean, they're wrong. It was acres, but we went board and went, uh, Bowden, we did hoolah hoops. Now, remember how good I was at hoolah hoops mother. Huey Lewis in the news was never more impressed than the girl with the hoolah hoot.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Do you remember that mother? She goes, well, you used to be. I mean, we all know he wrote that song, hip to be square about your literal hips that were very square. I mean, you could just hold up a hula hoop just by standing there. What happened to you, D'andra? Well, I don't know if I can't do it anymore because of my big butt. No, because I have big butt and I can still do it and I fix them to be 80 years old, D'andra. Okay, you know, I was just big with power is with you. Listen, I was just telling Fanny. Let's go do some hulhoops. I'm nearly 80 years old I want to do a hula hoop one rotation for every year. I've been on these very earth
Starting point is 00:56:11 Okay, and I did it five times in a row that is 80 times five which is 400 hulhoops Could you do math like that Deandra? Of course you can't because if you could you wouldn't be broke right now The dandruff tells her that the was mice and it was a good vacation, but of course it was drama and at the end They did this jump of the lake thing and Tiffany started bawling and dandruff's never seen Tiffany cry And she's feeling really isolated with the other girls and he's like well. She has a very stressful position Fanny singing a drug mother Sorry, you've been demoted a fan. He's since you can't do your hulu hoop and anymore Why do the guys hate you the hulu hoop camp?
Starting point is 00:56:49 To become another hulu hoop and I even are 50 dollars pistol wise So of course the Andrew does the thing of what we all have stressful lives mother and she goes not like that She goes when you're responsible for saving other people's lives, that's what you call stress. Well, I tried to tell that to the girls, but they said we all have pressure and stress. Most of those girls don't even work. I mean, do not sit here and try to tell me that when you are working outside of job like that. Now, like when she counts with her pinky, like she, she's like, when you have a job like No less man. There's no less, you know, you have a lot more stress about Sitting at home and shopping and buying Barbie clothes. I'm sorry. That is called jealous See honey, you have to understand dandra. Okay. I've been through so much at my age and people are jealous of me
Starting point is 00:57:41 You know what I say? That's what I say. You know what? I don't even pay attention to the chat fan and get out of here, you jealous witch. All right, take your jealous broom with you too. You know what I say? Do I ever say that I give a so-nup? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I say I give a rip. I don't give a rip. About this right now. I don't give a rip. Well, anyone says about me because of Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea. Fanny, jealous, Deandra, jealous, Jeremy, jealous. That's we out there. That oak tree, jealous. Well, one of the interesting things about mother is she just goes straight to their jealous. No, hey, you want to talk about our problems? It's just flat out your jealous. I can remember
Starting point is 00:58:22 being a baby and coming out and just crying because I wanted milk and she called me jealous and put me on the ground just left me in the ring. Yeah. So then Deandra says, Tiffany's terrible at being vulnerable. And so is my mother, but in order to have great friends,
Starting point is 00:58:35 you have to let yourself be vulnerable. So what I'm trying to say is my mother has no friends. Sorry mother. By the way, I hate this. I hate this thing. I mean, of course vulnerability is good, but like everything that Mama D is saying is 100% correct.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Tiffany is in truly one of the most stressful spheres in society at the moment. A pandemic, she's in a hospital, in a pandemic, as all of our frontline workers are and it's like it is so stressful. People are people doctors medical workers are committing suicide because it's so stressful and that's that is that is a fact and And on top of that we're also cresting in a wave of of Asian violence, which is or you know anti-Asian violence Which is also horrific. I mean and Tiffany is at this crossroads
Starting point is 00:59:27 at a very stressful time in society, in life, and here's the address saying, she just needs to be more vulnerable to have better friends. I'm like, how about the friends give her some more grace and some empathy? How about that? I just got something for you. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Oh, yeah. Oh, what is there? Medical results. You are, oh. Oh, what is there medical results? You are oh my god. I'm so sorry. You've tested positive Delosie, all right you are You are Jealous So danta tells us she's got a little activity coming for the girls
Starting point is 01:00:01 She's like shaman that shaman I've been working with okay I've been meeting with this we're gonna have meeting and we're gonna call it medicine Monday the activity coming for the girls. She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, She's like, The clown music starts playing The clown music starts playing The and it just shows these faces like I believe in shampoo not shame hands
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah, and the mom of the is like shaman hmm, so So mom of these like deans were comes up with some strange things, but that's her business I mean if it makes her happy and helps her in her life. That's okay. I'm happy to keep paying money for these ridiculous things That list of people jealous of me. I'll tell to keep paying money for these ridiculous things that have people jealous of me I'll tell you one thing that dandruff she's gonna use a maraca to clear her chalkress or she's gonna use a maraca While she sits there and eats Mexican food. I pay for either way the bills on me. I suppose all right jealous This just like the time she came home from fucking the band mr. Mr Okay, she came home and she said
Starting point is 01:01:05 Mother take these broken wings and I said you take your own broken wings you jealous how that's what I said I said it and you know what it taught her something taught her to be strong Um, so do you know janders like getting the big feather and doing the Shrap, Shrap, Shrap, Shrap, Shrap, Shrap, Shrap From the you know the little morocco thing and she's trying to get something out of D and D's just like, you were a damn shame. You know what I like to call you to my friends? My most expensive mistake. All right, I have fun with that Maraka, you idiot. You know what I call you to my friends? Horseshoe, because you know, like when you put a, when you put a whole hoop on it just falls down as if you're playing and the industry in the maraca and decals it would drive me crazy if I had to listen to that
Starting point is 01:01:49 the maraca no your voice don't call me ever again text only jellis jenny alright family could you get this microphone off me undone haha uh so then we get Tiffany arriving to carry his house and her scrubs So then we get Tiffany arriving to Carrie's house and her scrubs. Yeah. And she takes off her shoes when she walks in and Carrie's like, I definitely don't agree with Tiffany leaving early and not telling us what's going on. And then we meet our second Kiko of Bravo.
Starting point is 01:02:20 It's Kiko the parrot. Yeah. Kiko the parrot. Yeah, Kiko the bird. And then lead also knows does not know how to make a Las Vegas dinner. Kiko, Kiko her fifth child and Carried like, you know, I don't agree with her about if it were me, I would appreciate someone reaching out to me So I did because unity and situation. Okay, get on my hands situation and Tiffany's like, oh my god How cute. I want a bird and then the bird gets on her shoulder And she's like, oh, I cannot see what the bird is doing
Starting point is 01:02:50 So does he do does your bird poop everywhere? How does that work? So yes, but we're thinking of getting him little diapers She's like, oh, okay, and I think the bird just shamed me for my grades. I don't know how that happened, so what's gonna happen to me? So Kerry's like, she's like, they go outside, he's, oh, you didn't have to take off your shoes. And she's like, no, no, no, no, you didn't want those, she's walking through your house. And she tells us that there was a medical study where someone looked at 100 shoe bottoms
Starting point is 01:03:21 or something and they found fecal matter and something called like, Closterium, Deficile, whatever whatever which is some terrible thing whatever and then care but they care it tells us No, no, no, keep your shoes on. I don't want to think he feeds around here So that's yes on fecal matter. Is that what I'm hearing from Carrie? Well, I think it's funny that her house is so different. You know, Tiffany's telling us like she's worried about poop on the bottom of her shoes or whatever.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And then Carrie makes a poop making machine right next to her face. You know, yeah, yeah, exactly. So she's like, oh, I have a bottle in the fridge for you and I forgot it. My mother would kill me if she knew I came up empty handed. And she's like, oh God, you know, it's's so funny the things we do for my childhood, right? Okay. I mean, that's like general manners, but I ain't taking a wine everywhere I go either. And Tiffany's like, well, no matter how hard you
Starting point is 01:04:16 try not to be your mother, you know, you just sometimes become her. Yeah. So with that being said, um, how is your heart your grades carry? She's like, ah So Tiffany's like she's like well, you know what? I wanted to bond with the girls and as soon as I was in the water and the water splash I mean I was like this is not my authentic self like my authentic self wouldn't would have had the guts to say to my friend I don't want to jump in the lake, you know and cares like, but Did you have fun? Did you have fun? And she's like, yeah, yeah, I was just like that last dinner, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:51 I just sort of, you know, I spun myself into a vicious circle, you know, because I was my progress. Yeah, but you know her saying those things, that's her issues. That's not your issues. Yeah, but it did hurt my feelings. Okay, but you know, she has to work through her own thing, you know, but you left without saying goodbye. And I feel completely disrespected because at least you could do is you could have done, you know, you could have come to the room and
Starting point is 01:05:15 say, huh, hi, I gotta go unity by, you know, you could have given a unity by and given me time to fill up a tub and shove your head down into it to say goodbye to you. You know that's the least you could do to do the least the least you could do is say, hey, Kerry, thank you for the great weekend. Let's go jump into the lake. Have a good bye leg jump. Okay, that's the least you could have done. And she's, she's like, well, I mean, it wasn't meant to to be personal insulting. It was more about me than you guys She's yeah, but Tiffany you had to know we'd all be wondering and you knew it was rude and you knew it wasn't okay So why why did you do it? It's like that's like Yeah, I felt like I was partying like it was 1998 and not 1999 and just did not feel the same
Starting point is 01:06:04 So I mean yeah that party was very 1999 the day after, which would be 2000 actually. Yeah, it was very, it was, well, I mean, technically, all of 1999, there's still 365 days, but you know, I think we're really talking about New Year's Eve, right? So I assume that we were, well, actually in my culture, we have a different New Year's Eve, right? So I assume that we were well actually in my culture we have a different New Year's. Oh God. That's a lot to do. That's so much
Starting point is 01:06:32 that's so much messageation. Situation. Well, partially I was embarrassed by my outburst and I was worried if I stayed we were gonna hash the whole thing out all the way home on the bus, which is so correct I mean, she's absolutely correct and she said she wanted to avoid it, you know, and that's how that's a conflict resolution She understands and carry kind of last and she's like, oh, I'm not to deal with it She's like, yeah, like me and my mom don't talk. We just pretend nothing happened, you know, and that's that's where we are Which she's brought up her mother, I think and that's where we are, which she's brought up her mother, I think, literally 10 times today,
Starting point is 01:07:06 and in every single episode. And as someone who has had those issues, I get it, but girl, we too old for that. You need to just... But this is kind of Dallas's brand, now that I think about it. Dallas's brand is prop comedy and mommy issues. Mommy issues.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Like every single season, so many mommy issues. I mean, like the problem issues as well, which I'm not even joking about, but that is like a common theme on this show. So Tiffany is like, she's like, listen, I am not good with the feelings. Okay. Why do you think I chose a medical specialty where my patients are asleep? Like they couldn't tell me their feelings even if they wanted to. And I love it.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I love it. And she says, I definitely need to be better love it. I love it. And she says I definitely need to be better about it, but it's hard. And she's just, oh, I believe me. I know, you know, I'm trying to be softer and I'm trying to change. And I could tell you a lot of it is how I grew up or whatever, but I've lost a lot of friends because of that. And maybe you need to learn, you need to learn to do some different things too. And she's like, oh, yeah, for sure. She goes, open up more. Yeah, you know, okay, you'd be softer and then I'll open up more. And I actually don't think I've ever liked carrying more than this scene. And I
Starting point is 01:08:12 actually thought that too. It was a good scene for her and it was good for Tiffany. And I think that any other housewife would have dealt with this very differently. When you've got someone like, you know you're wrong. So why did you do that shit? It would have been like, well, screw you. My feelings were hurt. You guys were wrong. It would have been this whole thing, you know, because it came off very in your face, you know, but that's just how Kerry can get.
Starting point is 01:08:36 You know, she's like very cut and dry. And this could have gone really, really left. And it didn't. I was like, well done. I thought this was one of the curious more likable scenes. And then Tiffany says, you know what, if we were to spend a day in each other's shoes, we'd be more compassionate and there'd be a lot more dead people at the hospital.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're giving me, why don't we have fun? Let's put all the patients in the pool. Ah. And if I wore your shoes, they would be at the front door right now, just saying.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Ha, ha, ha. So now some ducks. We see ducks, which may be happy, and they even quack. Like, wha, wha, wha. Which, you know, that quack is not incidental. Someone said, let's make sure that duck quacks in the B-roll footage. And then we see Cameron getting glammed up,
Starting point is 01:09:23 and her makeup artist has a mask with like like lipstick on it Like kiss lipstick on it, which for some reason like drove me absolutely nuts and Court calls up and she's like Hey babe, I'm getting all glammed up getting ready for dangerous Shaman of fat. Okay. I don't know what a shaman does But like wasn't a shaman like the star of the Jefferson's. Am I wrong? Shaman Humsley?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Is that a kind of noodle? I'm not into it. I don't like it. What if they pass around weird herbs like Rosemary and time and Margaram, cilantro? Or we're going to all. And he's like, well, song is not a psychedelic babe. in time and Mardrum, cilantro. Mmm. Mmm. Or we're gonna all And he's like, well, it's not just like a delic babe.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I mean, if they say let's just do some ayahuasca, maybe you could pass on that. It's like, mmm. I'll say, you know what, or I don't do that. I don't do Tabasco's too hot for me. I have a simple palate. So then Brandy's with her kids in her bedroom. And she's like, this is Andrews medicine Monday.
Starting point is 01:10:28 I'm gonna support her, but you know, I'm gonna be praying the whole time. Look, I'm gonna take my statue of Jesus. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Well, mother it seems really disrespectful to everyone there to have a have a Jesus statue or you can be a Karen It's our calling her Karen So then over at the Andrus house, and just like well, I had to order dinner because it's gotta be vegetarian And I told everyone what you not drink before coming white and share okay, but I cannot force so much share things Okay, now I can for someone to give me okay now I can't force someone to give me things But we'll talk about that another day am I right brother?
Starting point is 01:11:09 And Jeremy's like well, this is why I've fallen in love with you again, Deandra because you've given up so many things That's so hot. This is why I can't stop putting my penis in your vagina every day America I can't stop putting my penis in your vagina every day. America. Yeah, he's also refalling in love with you because he's getting a weekly check now. Thank you. Yeah, exactly. Passes.
Starting point is 01:11:34 So Jeremy says, my friend's always like, wow, you guys touch each other so much. And then Deandra tries to like be funny about it, but she kind of misses the, well, it's not that she's not funny, but her metaphor is kind of a skew and she's like yeah, you know He's a boy and boys like balls, you know, and I got a lot of balls on my body nothing but balls I got balls here. I got balls here. I'm just a woman with balls Are you that right? You mean don't you love my balls?
Starting point is 01:11:59 Jeremy's like And I got a penis I have a penis. Well balls like penises. I got a penis I'm really talking about my arm come on the shit it's long like a penis. I got a penis I have a penis what balls like penises I got a penis well I'm really talking about my arm come on the shit it's long like a penis I'm a metaphor metaphor I got penis and balls that Jeremy loves so he's like should I go start putting up the vase it's okay I'll swing the herbs around you know burn the herbs and swing them around the room and mom mom mom chicken feet chicken feet mom mom Chicken did you what the hell is wrong?
Starting point is 01:12:29 I know Did you he's supposed to be something around all sorts of other cultures, too? I know Did you notice this? I feel like this is something that like is so me to notice But I'm hoping you sought to did you notice the andras tea towel in her kitchen? That was like hanging off the fridge of the stove. No, what is Did you notice Deandra's tea towel in her kitchen? That was like hanging off the fridge of the stove. No, what does it say? She had a tea towel that said bone juror on it,
Starting point is 01:12:51 but it was like separated. So like the top line said bon, and the bottom line said juror. And I was like, that is so Deandra to have a tea towel that says bon juror. Mother, bon juror. That was someone spelled it right, bon juror. And that's like, I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one.
Starting point is 01:13:14 I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. I'm not a big one. Oh, we're I guess. So let's see. So he's like, just please pull the blinds because you know, you guys are gonna be walking around here and capes and having incense and neighbors are gonna call the police babe. So then we're in Stephanie and Brandy's car on their way
Starting point is 01:13:39 and Brandy's saying, I am so excited to be a part of the Andrus journey today. And Stephanie's like, I'm excited too, because the guy that's doing it, Darren, he's due my extensions for three years. I was like, there it is. We knew we knew something was up. Of course, the shaman also like did extensions. And then the producers are so shady. I have to say, the production team behind Dallas
Starting point is 01:14:05 has just been on point for four years. And it's for moments like this, because they do side by side photos of Darren. And on the left side is a photo that says like Salon Darren or whatever. And the right side is Shaman Darren. And it shows like a series of photos. And it's just like Darren being so cheesy
Starting point is 01:14:23 as like a hair salon. Like head shots, you know, like cheap shots. Like one of them looks like like, SIG-free to Roy, you know, it's like, I bet like him as a shaman. It was like a Ben Stiller character. It was absolutely, it was just so shady. It was so shady other producers.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Well, this was another cheat night on Watcher Happens Live where they don't tell you to watch what happens live. They just put it into Dallas so to look like Watcher Happens Live where they don't tell you it's Watch Your Happens Live, they just put it into Dallas so it'll look like Watch Your Happens Live has better ratings. And so you know it looks like it's gonna be an hour and a half episode so it kept playing and I was just sitting there finishing cut notes and Andy comes on and he's like, well these two got past their points of contention but only one of us got a shaman who does hair extensions I think that's one of his better his better intros. I was cracking
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah, they really it's amazing how they can craft those rhymes. It's like you grown But then you have to be like I kind of respect it. So those cracking So yeah Stephanie just talking about that. How long is this? We're at an hour 13 already. What have we been doing? Well, we've been doing.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I mean, it's okay. I've been having a hard time. Well, I had a whole story about Clubhouse. I talked about Dorenda. No, it's okay. I'm having fun. I was just like, what do I do? I wonder what time it is.
Starting point is 01:15:40 We got mad about, you know, anti-Asian violence. We've got a, we've done everything. We've done everything. We've done everything. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that's a work of stuff. Oh, no. So Brandy is like, I just dropped the mic and woke up.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Have you talked to Tiffany? I feel guilty because I put a lot of pressure on her when I said, yeah, when you tried to hurt Asian women, this made me feel uncomfortable when you did that. Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I get it girl, you know, yeah, because I wanted her to be herself. And I'm like mad at myself because I didn't give her the opportunity to be myself. And then I got home and then Brian had my letter. And it hit me all at once. Like, I don't know why. Like I felt so embarrassed. Like I felt so embarrassed. I didn't forgive myself,
Starting point is 01:16:26 but then I pulled Tiffany into it. I feel like she felt attacked from by me. I was hurtful, and I just want to understand why she felt that. I get it, girl. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love your extensions. Oh, thank you. That on Poo. Yeah, that's Part Part it So now we're back at Deandra's and Madison Monday
Starting point is 01:16:58 Madison Monday featuring non-Landlock and but she introduces the segment. So a featuring non-Lian Lachon but she introduces the segment. So Deandra comes over and Deandra brings Jeanette, his assistant, and he's like, oh my God, Deandra, we just recorded this on Saturday. You have to listen and he starts playing from his iPhone. These incantations, they're like, ah! It's like, we're dance music incantations with a voice filter.
Starting point is 01:17:27 I was like, money can't power you. Spiritualism is earned. Oh Spiritualism is earned She's say LaShacra she's say LaShaman so What does that mean? What does that mean? I hope I hope those lyrics are bay payfold stop arguing Um, she's like you know what I can give you the exact meaning which is Oh no, he's looking at it. He actually doesn't know the exact meaning off the top of his head. He has to look at it off. He's like, okay, means indescribable wisdom and connected to
Starting point is 01:18:16 this source. And this is my true identity. That's what that means. Oh, God. By the way, I do not like it in general when someone Like if we if someone's come over to my place or we have just sat down and someone says oh my god Wait listen to what I just recorded Like don't you don't even if you even if you're carrying underwood singing a beautiful song about Jesus I don't even want to hear it like that's not how you that's not how you start a social engagement with me Oh wait, you got to hear what I just recorded. Like literally do it all the time.
Starting point is 01:18:46 I literally do it all the time. I guess I'm just triggered because I've been in situations with- No, it- No, it- I've just been in situations where people have somehow thrust really weird like shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, but it's so thirsty. It's like you're the extension guy who's now the shaman guy and you're gonna come over and it's not good enough that you've been given guest spot after guest spot. Now you're gonna try and sell your shitty, you know, Whole Foods music to us.
Starting point is 01:19:17 Like, yeah, you just won't be happy. I mean, you're making enough money to have a fucking assistant. How many shaman's have assistants? Give me a fucking break, sir. Okay. He's acting whole foods, but we know he sprouts. Let's be honest. Yes. He's son harvest. The El Paso place we had with like the really creepy bins of grains. I also Stephanie tells us at some point either before this or afterwards, but she says at one point that when he was doing her hair, he would talk about going to Peru, et cetera, and on these sort of spiritual missions.
Starting point is 01:19:51 If I swear to God, if someone was talking my ear off about that every single time I got my hair done, not that I have my hair to get done, I'd be like, no, thank you. I don't like anyone talking to me. Well, I'm just like, at my barber, bless her heart. Man, she just talks about Cam Trails in the sky.
Starting point is 01:20:06 And I'm like, oh, please, Cam Trails. Yes. Well, he's a multi-talented man being, can't hit and clean your hair, hit and clean your insides. He's a butt bleaching degree away from a perfect traffic. So, everyone, so people are arriving, Carrie and Cameron and Jen, Jen, laugh on the party.
Starting point is 01:20:28 She shows up and Cameron's like, Shaman, what is that big thing around your neck? He's like, well, it's a big old crystal. Big old crystal. I actually had ordered a CD of Billy Crystal's greatest hits and they sent me this crystal and I said, you know what, how about I just be a Shaman instead? And that's my origin story
Starting point is 01:20:46 That was on script. Um, I'm a little concerned I'm gonna get bring walls by this shaman like what if I go home and I say Curve I have to buy every single thing online from this shaman with your credit card That would be shamanizing so credit card. That would be shamanizing. So he's like, well, it's a very special piece. And I only bring it on special occasions. I'm just like, can I touch it? I want to touch it too. I want to touch it too. He's like, actually, you're not supposed to touch it. Okay. You're not supposed to. It's a very special, it's a very special quest doll.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Yeah, we'll have to consult your gravel driveway where you plucked it out of. You can zoom in to them. I'm not David Bowie, okay? It's like a little like crystal. Oh. So yeah, he's just like spinning it on his fingers and like leading Jennifer Connelly astray. So, he's just like spinning it on his fingers and like leading Jennifer Connelly astray.
Starting point is 01:21:45 So he's like today, we're gonna get fresh bangs and we're gonna get lost in the garden. Okay. Today, we're gonna go to the bog of eternal stench. So anyway, so Tiffany is, soandra tells Tiffany that that Darren also does hair and Tiffany just starts cracking up. She's like, your shaman also puts in hair extensions. And so then there's a lot of crosstalk and Cameron's like, well then we get Cameron, you know, who hates people bragging, you know, it's really bad to brag about toilet skies. So Cameron's like, oh my god, girls, here's a picture of my new monogrammed, raw girls,
Starting point is 01:22:32 you know? And Tiffany's like, well, is that going to fit into your new house? You're like, oh, that's the thing. I don't know. I mean, am I leaving? Am I not leaving? Am I my new furniture? Am I not my new furniture? That's what I deal with every day.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Do you know how stressful it is to think about if I'm going to buy another monogrammed rug from my potential new house? That is stress that I don't think even Tiffany can understand. That's my life every day. Yeah. So Brandy and Stephanie come and everybody's Huggie-Huggie and everybody's just, you know, being nice, because no one has talked since the weekend or at least Tiffany hasn't talked to everybody, right? So she's just being nice to everyone and then it just stay, the camera just stays on her while Brandy like says, hi, and then passes her
Starting point is 01:23:23 and like they kind of back, you know, say hi and then passes her and they kind of back say hi to everybody and Tiffany's just standing there awkwardly. Yeah. And she's basically like, now I'm the one who feels awkward because of what you said. Now I'm the one who's uncomfortable. So Tiffany hands out these candles to everyone that are red, current, and black rose scented. The camera's like, that that supposed to put you to sleep It's like she's a as these y'all it is. That's that's kind of her thing
Starting point is 01:23:48 So yeah, she made her brand like what's it called pro pro-pop? Propopal or like whatever the medication is is what she named her candle brand and she's like That's the point. It's a post on like, you know, can I like that that's the joke. I punch you to sleep. And they're like, oh, thanks. Cool. So then Brandy is like, Tiffany, I would like to talk to you privately if that's OK. I feel like I owe that to you. And I do want to have a little talk with you.
Starting point is 01:24:18 If that's OK. And then just like to be continued. Yeah, oh god. So here we go again. It's another episode that ends with Like what's make you feel really uncomfortable when you're just trying to have fun in the group situation? Okay, yeah pretty much pretty much. So that's how that ends. That was a really fun episode At least talk about it was a blast. We had a fun time. I hope everyone enjoyed it as well. And we are going to be back.
Starting point is 01:24:50 What's today? Today's Wednesday. So we're back tomorrow with some real housewives and new jurors. Yeah. Which should also be fun. And check out our bonus, which we're going to be recording pretty soon. If you want to hear our thoughts on this royal interview and wand division So that will also be a big one too everyone have a great day and thanks for watching and listening
Starting point is 01:25:15 Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Savoni. She don't take no baloney like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchles. Let's rent some errands with Emily Erions. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickles. All the Nagila Webber. Jamie, she has no less name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Just saying okay. She's a little bit loony. Juni.
Starting point is 01:25:45 She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Higher than Hi-Res. She's Lauren Perez. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. Patricia Murdoch, she votes.
Starting point is 01:25:58 The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Nancy Ceasandesisto. Better than tab premium sponsors. Nancy, season to Cisco. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler. Let's give a Makissa, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy and D.
Starting point is 01:26:17 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland you. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Cappsie well. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Mina Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's get racing with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today.
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