Watch What Crappens - RHOM: Against All Todds

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

It's a very intense showdown between Todd and oh well you know Peter on this week's Real Housewives of Miami. TL;DR: Peter's terrible. But the show is excellent!For those of you who can't mak...e the 2022 Golden Crappies Awards in-person this year, experience it live digitally from the comfort of your own home at tix to our live shows: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo and Peacock 2 that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today, fresh from milking a goat in Martina, never to love us backyard.
Starting point is 00:01:12 It's Ronnie Keram. How are you Ronnie? Well, how you doing today? Good. It was a little awkward milking that goat. My mouth is still dirty, but you know what? I'll try anything once. I thought the foot massage was the strangest part.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I don't know if the hooves really feel the same way our feet feel, but you know, you do you. Well, you know, getting a foot massage from a goat was kind of uncomfortable. Hi everyone, we're here talking about Real House as a Miami today, it's episode four, which is a big, oh well, you know, Peter episode.
Starting point is 00:01:46 And before we jump into that, time is running out to get your tickets to the Golden Crappies. There are not many live show tickets left, but we do have a digital experience where we'll be streaming the show to your living room through Mom and House. So if you want to get tickets either live or digitally, you can go to and get those tickets. And of course, we're going to like a bajillion other places this winter and spring.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We're probably coming to a city near you. So go to watchcraftens, this shows, I'm just gonna tell you the shows that are happening after the craft, because the immediate shows, we have New Jersey sold app, but we have Boston, there's still some tickets for that one, that'll be great show, that's at the Woolbert Theater,
Starting point is 00:02:27 which is like a legendary theater. We are also going to Nashville, Atlanta, and Orlando the following week. So if you are gonna be in the area, there may be a special guest at one of those shows, who knows, okay? Who? Not Ramona, by the way, I'm sorry,
Starting point is 00:02:43 I have a Ramona voice. It's not Ramona. Ramona thing is not coming to our shows. But definitely come, watch our You can get the tickets. And we will see you on the road. Yes, go get them, because we're also doing San Diego and LA in February. Oh my God, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Lots, so many things in February. It's crazy. Deeply excited about the LA one, because it's going to be our first, like, you know, non-Crappy's LA show in years, and it's at a really cool theater in downtown LA, and it's just going to be great because, you know, like, this is my home base now, and I'm just excited to have all my friends, my LA friends come and see the show. So it's going to be really special. I'm going to try, I'm definitely going to try to get some local people local cool people to come not cool
Starting point is 00:03:26 Like celebrities on it like not the cool people gonna come guys Like try to get a special guest We got the hostess at the Montreal she's so cool Bring some cool people guys, okay, I know like you guys are gonna show up, but we're gonna get some cool people to Welcome to the crappies. So what do you think of heated towels? Cool or not cool? I could not have made myself or our shows on more obnoxious in that moment. Oh, here we are with Real Housewives of Miami episode 405 Family Therapy.
Starting point is 00:04:06 Yeah, this was an intense episode. It started off the first half was sort of like whatever and then I go it gets really intense But we open up with Julia. She's milking a goat at the farm of Martina and Marchina comes out with her coffee mug which she seems to always have say Challenging diva is being challenging today. She's like oh, I need some milk for my coffee. Hey diva is being challenging today and she's like oh I need some milk for my coffee hey demon some fresh goat milk reminds me of how I milked Chris ever for every last point in every match that she lost that. Hey Chris ever do you have any more pride that I can milk from you or if I drive you out. So Julius, could you please hold God? I will get milk if you hold God. Please, I will give you foot massage.
Starting point is 00:04:54 She's like, do you know how many foot massages you've given me in 13 years? But you have no problem touching her filthy out of utters. That's right I'm talking to you, Dima. Do you know how much my feet ache after 25 years of stomping on Chris Everett? I consider myself to be flirt. Martina accepts flirtiness. She accepts me for me because she knows at the end of the day she has the best house and I'm coming home with her. So at my birthday party, there were tensions with Adriana and Gerdy and Gerdy has big personality and Adriana is Latin so she has cut way to talk.
Starting point is 00:05:37 On boobs, she's sexy, she has cleavage, cats with cleavage boobs. Well thanks a lot, I don't have cat cleavage, cats with cleavage boobs. But Gurdie is fireball, so it's a cat and a fireball together make catball on fire. Well, I thought I was going to block candles on my birthday cake, instead my birthday party went boom in flames. Adriana has said to her that it's very fiery and I love her for that but Gordy too much on the attack that night with fire. I just didn't want to end sentence with that fire reference. It's my thing right now. There was a
Starting point is 00:06:18 stray cat that did catch on fire and then the party is so that's what's really dramatic. Accidents happen. Accidents happen in to loom party. To boom, we call it to boom a fire. So I was like, you know what? I guarantee you, and Adriana just need to kiss and make up and fall in love with each other and give each other a photo massage. It'll be okay. Get on fire. So then we go with Gertie and Hubs on a private date. And God, this woman really does not ever shut the fuck up. And he doesn't seem to mind, like, you can't tell because you can put any personality you
Starting point is 00:06:57 want on a boring person. You know, it's like they just show up and cacky and you're like, well, either they're, you know, porn don't know any better, or they're just like super rich and this is fashion for you. You can do whatever you want. They're so boring is my point. So he seems to like it, which good for her. She found one.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I need to find one of those. Because she's very much like, oh, did you know my recipe through? I mean, all right, like, let's have a seat. I mean, remember when we were dating in 10th grade, it was in 11th grade, you saw opening your hair in my weave and I thought, if you put your hair in my weave, you're gonna have like, this is like a husband to have for life. I mean, like, he's like, everything.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Like, let's order something. I wanna, I wanna cocktail, he wants a cocktail, I wanna have food, there's plates, there's, oh, there's a tablecloth on this table, I love this, there's a restaurant for walls, a ceiling, a roof, also a floor, and a front door. This is very exciting. She is, that's her whole,
Starting point is 00:07:38 that she's almost literally quoted, okay? That was what she did. So, she's like, cheers, honey, to us. I like us, I like us. You know what that's to a cheers for us? I like us. And he goes, all right, well, you better like us. Oh, you know why?
Starting point is 00:08:26 My serve and a lot of things a lot of things to think about a lot of things to order and a lot of things I want to eat right now and we're in a restaurant and end of conversation Yeah, and she's like they were so grossed like to down my pain because you know my brother died My the Haiti earthquake and it was so saddened so like for them to down that like it made me like oh don't touch me because that's not classy Yeah, and he goes well don, don't worry about that. Keep doing what you're doing. That's how you got your success in life, which is probably the line he has to say no matter what.
Starting point is 00:08:51 It's like, oh, well, Russell, guess what? They lost our mail, our mail is lost again. This is what you got, the US, UPS, USPS, this is what you get. You know what, somewhere else you got your mail, your mail arrives, you know, they have like air France, air mail, air mail from our friends. France, French mail, mail you get in France, but you don't get in the US, he's like, don't worry about that. Keep what you're doing, doing what you're
Starting point is 00:09:08 doing, and that's how you got your success in life. Thank you for understanding me. So then we go over to Maddie Sol and Steve, her boyfriend, and she's really writing this cock thing that she's got. She's like, all right, we in her, I need an emergency cocky. Oh, God, hold on. Adriana is calling me. Adriana, please tell me tobs with you. Where are you guys? We're having cocks. Guess what? Steve loves cocks. Don't you, Steve? God, we are in the cocks. Steve's like to the waiter. I'm so sorry, she really thinks this is funny. Some Marisol's like, I've been on a million days with Alexia and Todd, and he has the same personality as I do.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I said it all the time, I know I am marrying Todd. You wanna marry me? Todd is me with a dick. I'm like, there's literally nothing that you and Todd are similar about with your personalities. He is like, he is so sat in Ireland and he's like, fights you sat in Ireland and you're like literally about to fall asleep on a escalator.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah. She's like, I'm going to go wavestand if you're, oh, because Alex, you, yeah, sorry. Well, she goes, I had a break. How far away are you? How many minutes? She goes, a lot. So come on. We're going to get wasted and waving for you.
Starting point is 00:10:24 We're keeping gray goose in business. Am I right? No. So then we get some weird cut of them just getting more and more wasted as they wait. Yeah, I'm getting lit right now, I'm lit. So 45 minutes later, which is actually not too bad on housewives time, Alexian Todd come in and mess up,
Starting point is 00:10:44 I was like, oh my god, you're killing me. Look, there I am, hey Todd, where's your lollipop? I thought you were gonna have a lollipop today cause you're basically me, am I right me? And Alexia's like, oh my god, both of our men are in suits. How connected are we right now? He's like, I dress nicer, huh?
Starting point is 00:11:01 I put on a tuxedo next time. Yeah, look at you, God. Whoa, what am I gonna hold the Oscars? Geez. So what's going on with your badge, Lorraine? Are you gonna have, do you want that? Hanky, punky, you know, niggas. What is Hanky, punky?
Starting point is 00:11:17 What is this Hanky, punky? That's me being edgy, because I'm edgy. I'm a gay icon, and I say things like Hanky, punky, and seted penis. And Todd's like, just surprise him. What the fuck do we care? Just surprise him. Make it fun.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And he's like, oh, you know, if it's going to be hanky, punky, he likes to watch. So do it in front of him because it's going to be joint. I should not say joint in front of Todd. Never mind. So, so Lexi is like, well, we're having a really hard time finding a location and Todd says, yeah, you know, it's super complicated because of the vid, all right, like everyone who wants to get married
Starting point is 00:11:55 for a year and a half now suddenly wants to do it. I'm like, whatever, if I have to get married on a Wednesday and lunch, squeeze me in, put the fuck to Ikea. Like, you know what, like, I don't know, sign me up for a wedding on a Wednesday in the middle of Lake Tahoe for crying out loud. I know no one does that for real, but like for crying out loud, I'll do that. So, I like to see us like, she's like, well, oh well,
Starting point is 00:12:13 you know, weddings, I may be dragging my feet subconsciously because I'm really hoping that Todd and oh well, you know, Peter will speak soon or I don't think this wedding will happen. Yeah. So then we go over to Larza Pipins house. And Adriana is coming over for tutorial on how to use the only van. Yeah. And so, so Adriana comes over and then Kiki comes over to, she brings her daughter who's like in a two-two. And Larza is like, sir, did you guys wind up downloading OnlyThans? And I was just like, not yet, but I'm gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And Kiki's like, oh yeah, I'm gonna try to do that now. Kiki doesn't wanna download OnlyThans. Kiki's like, I'm a working model. I don't have to do this shit. I know Kiki's horrified. She's there with her baby for a OnlyThans tutorial.
Starting point is 00:12:59 What the hell? It's tough being the new girl. So, Adrian is like, so your house is for sale, right? Be free like a bird, be free like a bird, right? And she's like, well, I mean, I do want to get divorced. It's just like, I'm not in a rush to do it, you know what I mean? And Adriana tells us about her only fans. She's like, I'm thinking of opening only fans
Starting point is 00:13:23 because you can make $10,000 a day and you don't have to let anyone fuck you. I'm in. So now we go into only fans who want to one with Larsa. So she's like, so I think Kiki will do well on only fans because she's beautiful in a model. But Adriana's social media, I mean, it's not what only fans want to see. It's like a picture of like Adriana at a museum, like smiling and waving. Yeah, just like regular tourist looking clothes, you know, like casual clothes. And Lars is like, you know what, like for me,
Starting point is 00:13:58 I do like different pictures at like different prices. Oh, you can set your own price. For my feet, I'm gonna charge $200. Most is like, I would maybe do $5. It's like rule number one was, the more sex you are, the more money you'll make. Rule number two was, Adria and his feet are $5.
Starting point is 00:14:18 And in Lausica, and your caption has to be a killer. So rule number three is killer. Caption equals jackpot. She's like You know a caption like feet they are on legs. That'll do really well These feet were made to walk on your back or my feet woke up missing you or Those toes are longing for your love or how about this one?
Starting point is 00:14:47 These toes need some serious sucking. Okay. Okay. You need to just quit while you're ahead. Your regular shoe box greetings machine. So then she does a post that you like a group photo. She goes, hanging out with my pastiesies Adriana's about to start an only fans And then a producer is like so what is your daughter Sophia know about only fans?
Starting point is 00:15:11 She's oh well You know she's like things that it's like oh just an adult site where you post bikini pics And I think that my kids think it's that it's only for moms So it's like you know, I mean it's like not so raunchy that like my kids can't see it. My kids have done to take my photos. I'm like, your kids know exactly what only fans are, is and if you think that your kids think it's only a mommy's side, then you're surely mistaken.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yes. Um, I'm sure that's horrifying for your kids. Sorry, okay. If my mom said, if I knew my mom was doing an only fans macranteed, what would that even be like? She'd be like, excuse me. your kids. Sorry, okay. If my mom said, if I knew my mom was doing an only fans now granted, what would that even be like? She'd be like, excuse me, are you paying attention to this only fans or not? Do you be like yelling at people during her only fans? If my mom didn't only fans, it would be because she wants to teach people about Judaism.
Starting point is 00:15:59 She'd be like, so one of the things that makes Jury is an interesting thing is that he's even a Torah. So then we go over to Nicole with her mom. Is it Sarell? Is that you say? Yes, Sarell, who I certainly maintain looks like married from selling Sunset's future. I really do believe this. And so they were hanging out, they're doing cheers. And Serella is gonna be moving close to Grayson. Grayson is Nicole's son.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So Serella is moving closer to his school. And Nicole's like, do you remember when I was that small and she's like, oh yes, remember when you had those curls? She's like, when was the last time that they started talking about their dad, her dad. She's like, when was the last time, then they started talking about their dad, her dad. She's like, when was the last time you talked to your dad? She's like, like two weeks ago, she's like, why, why, actually that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I like it, that's pretty good for an estranged father. I thought it was a good one. Nine years ago, she's like, oh, I did just exchange an Instagram message with him, so. Right. And she's like, well, I did just exchange an Instagram message with him. So, right. And she's like, well, I don't have anything to talk to him about. Like, he missed a big part of my life. It's not like he came out of prison like,
Starting point is 00:17:13 hey, it's my family. I'm here for so many years. He came out like, where my hose at? Like, he's 65 years old. When is he gonna grow up and stop dating 25 year olds? It's gross. So, yeah, he's been out of jail actually for about 15 years. And despite everything that like, despite how terrible he was as a husband, Sarell is still there for him. And because she doesn't want
Starting point is 00:17:36 to hold on to resentment. And she's like, listen to me. He's your dad. And he would like to be involved in your life, not just once or twice a year, okay? And it goes like, well, I can get them dinner reservations all the best restaurants. And so yeah, she's like, he's only, he's only, he only wants to be close with me so I can get him dinner reservations, basically. This guy sounds like a real piece of shit, okay? And I believe that if your parent is a piece of shit and they treat you like that and just use you and then like, where's your apology, you know? Like I don't think that there's any rule
Starting point is 00:18:07 that says you have to take that shit. That makes me crazy. Yeah, well I think that, but they're thinking about, they ultimately would have kept saying to us that it's our thing about Grayson and letting Grayson have a relationship with his grandfather.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Because I can imagine too, like Nicole maybe pissed as hell as her dad, but then you know, like she probably doesn't want her son to grow It's being like I never knew what it was like to have a grandfather Because he was kept from me Yeah Yeah, I get it, but that already makes me mad because I've seen the previews for the next episode I'm like, oh my god fuck this guy, but I love Sarelle by the way
Starting point is 00:18:42 I love her and I love that when she cries, she taps her nose, because at one point Nicole is like, you know, when Da'Gwon away, he was a financial disaster and you had to pick up all the pieces and Serelle just taps her nose three times, she goes, like, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. You're gonna make me cry. Tap, tap, tap, tap.
Starting point is 00:18:58 She's like, it's like she's trying to hit her off button, her cry off button and she can't quite do it. Yeah, or like when you double, yeah, like double tapping your pad to turn something on and off. Like, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Well, it's like that thing when you, you can't remember if something is like a double click or a single click, so then you do the double click,
Starting point is 00:19:16 but then it turns out it was only a single click, so you turn it from like on to off, you like, or when you put two fingers, and then you're like, oh God, now I have that other menu. Get off my screen. Oh my God, the worst is when you have two fingers and then you're like, Oh God, now I have that other menu. Get off my screen. Oh my God, the worst is when you have a thumb resting on the mouse pad, you don't realize when you click on something you've actually right-collected.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And you're like, wait, I know. Guys, mouse drama, am I right? So basically the mom's like, listen, I don't see the bad in people, only the good. And he wants to be involved in your life. So call him, are you gonna call him? And she's like, I don't know the bad in people, only the good. And he wants to be involved in your life. So call him, are you gonna call him? And she's like, I don't know, mama. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:50 So then we go to Adriana and she is driving, she's riding along with her boyfriend, Jacob, who once again is really trying to make the blazer with no shirt thing happen. He's really pushing hard for this. So they're driving and then the producer, we cut to the producer talking to Adriana and saying, I think Jacob is so hot. He's hot as hell. It's hard to resist. You know, my four month rule, when I met someone, I date them for
Starting point is 00:20:15 four months with no sex. So it's hard because I'm, I'm horny with hot boyfriend and we totally have real relationship. And then it shows them driving and it says Jacob, six weeks from having sex. Yeah. And the producer's like, do you guys share pictures? And she's like, we do share pictures, but not dick pics. I don't know how big he is. If that's what you want. And the producer's like, damn. I love the producers on this. It's just like,, shelly is dick Celebrity beef you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court
Starting point is 00:21:03 I'm Matt Bellasife and I'm Sydney battle and we're the hosts of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows, it snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondria. So, they go to the car dealership and their dealers guess-dong! No one fights like that, no one fights like that, no one drives and no one, not like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, like that, I don't realize that his name was Gaston. That's so the name of someone who sells offer marrows in Miami. And it's also someone who's just not in the right town. Because there is no one in this show who's walking down the street, reading books, saying hello to everybody. No, definitely not.
Starting point is 00:22:17 So they're looking at these vintage offer marrows and everything. And I'm going to say, I'm going to say, I'm going to say, in this show who's walking down the street, reading books, saying hello to everybody. You know what I mean? Definitely not. So they're looking at these vintage alpha maras and everything and there's Gaston points out one that's named Julia and Adria and I was like, oh my gosh, my best friend is named Julia.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And then at that moment, Julia shows up in her like paintball SUV that I still don't, I still don't totally understand. And then I don't know if you noticed this. So this vintage car shop, it has a parking lot as it is want to do as most businesses do. There's a parking lot and cars are parked in parking spaces. And Julia just drives her SUV up into this parking lot
Starting point is 00:23:00 and just gets out and just leaves it right in the middle. She just pins in like five cars. But is it cars that are being sold? Because sometimes you see that in a parking lot. Like you just park your car in the middle. No, this is not someone who was trying to find, she just drove in and then just got out of her car and just left her car right in the middle of the parking lot.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Oh my, excuse me, cars have to back up. Well, I think I was too busy staring at the show room because all the cars were on like little elevator things so they could land the wall. And I was like, oh my god, this is where Lisa got her gloves and idea. And the cars all look so tiny. And then they showed the Alfa Romero.
Starting point is 00:23:37 If they said it was, it was like a 1985 Alfa Romero. And it said $20,000. Maybe I read that wrong, maybe it said $200,000 or maybe there's a typo, but I also kind of felt like, this is not a major flex for a house I've showed to be like, hey, it's a car for $20,000. I'm like, oh no, it had to be more than that.
Starting point is 00:23:56 It had to be $200,000, right? Cause I was like, yeah. I was like, I was like, listen, I don't wanna be like that, but should I go look at them right now? Well. Well actually figure based on stock 1985 alpha Romero spider Velocche valued at $13,000. So maybe that was real. She's overpaying then according to this. Oh, by the way, this is episode five. I said it was episode four. I'm going to look right now because I really This is actually not bothering me because I thought that was it was episode four. I'm going to look right now because I really, this is actually not bothering me because I thought that was totally crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:27 That, that like, it was only $20,000. Yeah. $20,000. 1985, Alpha Romeo Spider. Let me see here. No, I'm looking at this in my location. I'm actually playing this scene quietly on my browser in the background, waiting for, waiting for you.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Who are, I'm looking at Alphaero's, $7,900. Yeah, so this isn't a flex, but it's Adriana, you know. So, she's like, Julia comes in and she's just kind of up and downing Jacob. And she's like, oh, you are not cold Jacob? We jacket with no shirt. And he's like, no, hey, I'm gonna go walk over here so you guys can do your girly talk.
Starting point is 00:25:08 And so Adriama's like, well, I need advice actually from both of you because one of you can like, be on that side and the one of you can be on that side. Like three some. I'm so sick of this. Like, I'm so sick of this, this flirty storyline because it's We've seen other shows where there really is some sort of like poly
Starting point is 00:25:36 Open relationship something other but this is not it. They're just like getting off of the with the suggestion of it So it's just seems like pointless and Adriana is like being friends with Julia has helped me open up the possibilities of exploration when it comes to love and sexuality and parking and parking lots because so far with man I haven't had much luck. I'm like I would like to hear what the men say also about the like the no kidding. Have you think they fail? Frederick is probably like in a padded room somewhere just going I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm going, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, so they start talking about the party and Julie is like, well, Gertie left in ball of fire because she felt like she didn't finish her story. She felt like she pulled out story and someone liked match to it.
Starting point is 00:26:17 All of fire. I kept ball of fire. Okay. And I was just like, well, we didn't finish our story. Martina's calling me out and I'm trying to explain to Martina why her wife gave me a foot massage and she wouldn't stop talking over us. Plus then, Kat on fire came and crawled into my lap. It was very upsetting.
Starting point is 00:26:37 So then they show the clip of that. Gritty just not able to shut up trying to get her in trouble for the foot massage thing, which as a reminder, was retaliation for Adriana who started the whole thing with, uh, I don't like how you decorated the party. I'm going to redo the bar. Yeah. So Adriana says that she's going to forgive and forget. And she'll be like, that's why I adore you. I'm like, well, it's telling you find out that she does not forgive and forget after all. Well, she does not forgive and forget. She doesn't either of those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So then she ultimately buys this alpha a mirror that she has had her dad had when she was a kid. And then we go over to a Gerrana's apartment actually. I'm sorry, Alexia's a part. God, this insane penthouse, every time it comes on, I'm like, wow, and that's not a penthouse. It's not even the top floor. I think it's like wow. Wow, what is it's not a penthouse, it's not even the top floor. I think it's just a story.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Wow, what is the top house, what is the penthouse like? Yeah. It's just so big and but also very cold and it always feels like it's not quite the right temperature in there, you know? Yeah, you can't be heat or cool in a place like that. So Alexia is talking about how she wants him to do something with her mom, ring shop, I guess with her mom, because her mom is really not doing well. And she's talking about how the mom's been sleeping all day.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And she's at the point where she has to go make sure she's even waking up, you know. And I was like, ah, she's going to go get the ring. I get her tea. And I get her ring. I guarantee you, I guarantee you. Yeah, because Alexia wants to go get by this ring and he's like, why do you need a ring? He's like, you already have a ring. And she's like, oh well, you know, ring shopping,
Starting point is 00:28:18 like that's just like my engagement ring, but you need the final one too, you know? So he's like, okay, okay, well guess what? I had a good conversation with your, with your schmuck of a sun today, huh? It was went pretty well. I mean, the dipshit actually got three words out of his mouth for the first time ever, the stupid fuck face, huh?
Starting point is 00:28:34 I could hear him shaking his head violently back and forth as we talked. This sounded like this. I mean, the kids start. Alright, there's some things coming on there. It wasn't such a bad conversation considering I was dealing with the mouth breathing the end at all, you know what I'm saying? And she's like, well, I'm sure they can hash it out
Starting point is 00:28:53 or don't, you know, I don't, if they don't, this wedding will not happen. It is what it is, it is what it is. And she's like, thank you so much for making the call. I really appreciate it. I'm so happy and she sits on his lap. And he's like, that's all I took. I would have called him last week.
Starting point is 00:29:08 So then we go to Lisa and Larsa at lunch. And Lisa's like, Larsa, and you know, I didn't know how I felt about her long ago. You know, she puts up a super tall wall up with people, but she is not fake at all, except for her boobs. And maybe some other things. I don't know why I'm on the show. I don't really have for anything. And why is Larissa? Larissa literally just talks about taking pictures.
Starting point is 00:29:35 That's all she's done. It's episode five. And all she's talked about is different pictures she's gonna take. She's like, then I have only fans, but then also like in Instagram moment in front of pink balloons. So yeah, there's really nothing going on there, right? She's on only fans and she's debating whether or not she wants to sell her house. I don't know why. I think she's only a full-fledged
Starting point is 00:29:58 cast member because, um, heard that Kardashian connection, like the celebrity connection. Um, that's the only reason why. Because Adriana is not a full-time cast member and she has way more storylines going on than Lisa and Larsa do. Yeah. Well, I'm wondering if it's because Adriana is not like super rich. Maybe. You know?
Starting point is 00:30:19 Maybe it was that. So Lisa is like, well, you know, I was I really respect the only fancy thing She was yeah, because we're at a certain age like we should be doing what we want I mean, that's what you're here like to learn about living your dreams Sure So then basically Lisa is saying that she wants she wants to be she wants to do something She doesn't just want to be that mom goes off and go shopping, even though as far as we can tell, that's what she is. And she basically, she says that, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:50 Lenny assumes that I don't do anything all day, but being a mom is the hardest job in the world. And you know, he can really be the party please, because I get so excited, I have one drink, and then I'm like, ah! But, you know, he does let me do whatever I want. So that may be by way optimistic, Ronnie, that maybe we're gonna lead into a,
Starting point is 00:31:06 at least some might have a drinking problem storyline, which is always fun. Oh, you know, yeah, they didn't even detect that. I'm just still on the Lenny Hates his wife's storyline. There's that too. And Lertz is like, but you're lucky, because like Scotty didn't like let me do other things.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I'm like, if I did do other things, he wasn't supportive. I was like, babe you're lucky because like Scotty didn't like let me do other things. I'm like, if I did do other things, he wasn't supportive. I was like, babe, you know what? I wonder if anybody would jerk off to my feet online and he said gross. I mean, what kind of husband is like that? I really hurt me. I was doing everything for my kids for years and he just wasn't there. I'm like, because he was playing basketball, but that's fine So
Starting point is 00:31:48 Then we go over to Nicole and her husband Anthony. I'm sorry her boyfriend Anthony and they go to a restaurant and Anthony's wearing like hideous blue shoes that really bothered just bothered me It's like you're wearing those because they're expensive not because they look good. So He's ordering some charred octopus and he's being like, so your octopus is at like charred? Cause I'd like a chart. So when you make it, you can just make sure it's charred.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I really wanna make sure it's charred. You know the way it was like, you fucking baboon, of course it's charred. We're a restaurant, we're serving you chart octopus. It says charred octopus on the menu. Yeah, can you make sure it's like really charred? Like I like a charred. I'mred? And Nicole, yeah, Nicole's like Anthony and I are foodies. We share that passion together.
Starting point is 00:32:31 He's like Ed chicken, I'm much chicken to you and some snapper also the cheese. You guys like, oh, the Saganaki. Yeah, he's like, yeah. And then she's like, that's too much, baby, because sorry, I'm fat. What do you want from me? And she's like, that's too much, baby, because sorry, I'm fat. What do you want from me? Hahaha. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Fat them. Richest bug. So she starts talking about Adriana and she's like, you know, like, she's gonna bring your artwork over with Martina, which I think is really nice. And she was telling me, you know, I've done art shows for 600 people, but you would think that she'd have been a little more successful at doing Martinez. I mean, you were annoyed you couldn't get vodka. And then that dynamic with Julia and Adriana, like, it's odd that they were
Starting point is 00:33:13 doing like foot rub things. And I just, I don't know. It's like, yeah, the girls make it seem very normal. Oh, good. My chicken and red snapper noctopus have arrived. Great. Bunch of weirdos. Thanks for my 19 on trades. It's like they don't even know how to act like a civilized human being. Oh great, my tower of five octopuses is here. Yeah. So she starts talking about how her mom wants her to see her dad to reconnect.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And she's like, you know, he missed my kinsa. I like, I couldn't even have it because like, you know, like there was no money. I'm certainly not having a kinsa. But Gray is too. And you know, you make it a point to build memories with him. And I think that's like so nice. And he's like, yeah, but I didn't grow up with my dad either.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And so I want to have a relationship with my kid. Um, hello, uh, man, I just want to interrupt to interrupt your, the kitchen is going to be closing soon. Like, it's 530. Yes, no, but you two are so boring that we're just going to close the restaurant permanently. I know. Thank you. I was reading those lines and my eyes started to cross. I was like, why did I write this twice? Yeah, they're boring. So then we go over to Alexia and she's in her kitchen serving herself fine. She's like I'm serving myself fine And I was like good for you. Hey you no blocking no one wants to hear it. Sorry not the dog the dog have your wine Hey, so we got intends to work how about that? She was oh well, I wish I could have the interns at my at bootie bar He goes well, I'll be your intern. How much do you pay? I guess just oh, we have to pay our interns She goes yeah, I can do of course you do
Starting point is 00:34:52 Frankie comes in because I want money mom. He's like Frankie Frankie working for free. Look at that So then Peter shows up and oh well, you know Peter we're talking wedding. So like you ready to talk wedding He's like oh yeah, and it's like yeah Peter. We're talking. I'm gonna have Peter we're talking wedding so like you're ready to talk wedding he's like oh Yeah, and it's like yeah Peter we're talking. I'm gonna have a we're gonna have a wedding where we're gonna get We're gonna get married in the hot sun okay 7 o'clock at night and the men are gonna wear tuxedos and the woman They get the dress formal and allikens, huh He's like are you gonna do it like all this stuff like a flower girl and like the whole nine yards? Are you valentine?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Ha ha ha ha, ha. No, no, I'm not. Oh, well, you know, I know Lisa San Logan is going to be the ring bearer. Frankie is so sweet. He's like, oh my God, beautiful. Oh yeah, and he says to her, and there's gonna be the flower ring thing.
Starting point is 00:35:40 And so, and, and like she said, she's not having bridesmaids because she wants it to be all about her. Yeah, and Todd just starts laughing. Um, uh, he's like, all right, you guys enjoy yourself. So he walks, just, he, oh no, he doesn't walk off. So, so Lexi is like, well, Peter's birthday. He's the day before our wedding day.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And he's like, well, we was, we were gonna get married on your day, but we figured she didn't want that as to birthday present. Ha, ha, ha, I'm ridin' ya. Ha, ha, ha. Hey, I think he just wants to get to the kitchen, huh? Ha ha. So then Alexian, Frankie, walk away leaving just Todd
Starting point is 00:36:11 and Peter in the living room and Todd is like, and then there were two, huh? Although only one of us got a job. So it's sort of like only one of us is a boy, right? Just gonna rub that in there, so walk with Lee there. So listen, I know the last time we were together There wasn't incidents. I may have said that you're a loser and you're like your father You're gonna go nowhere in life and you're a piece of shit and this will be proven true in about six months when you get arrested
Starting point is 00:36:37 For domestic abuse of your girlfriend. Oh fucking Peter would have grossed pig. We have not mentioned this No, we haven't talked about it. We haven't talked about the show since it happened. Have we? I don't I think this actually happened even after we finished recording last week, but yeah, fucking pig was arrested. Fucking pig. And no shocker at all. Yes, everything Todd says came
Starting point is 00:37:00 true right away in the scene. So his of Peter's like, it didn't end on the right note. Because yeah, it didn't, but you know what? I hope you understand where it came from. Cause you go out with Frankie, you guys want a party and then I got to pick up the pieces and that ain't right. That's not right. And he's like, yeah, but it's like a full time job, you know?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Like you go out and then Frankie falls on the floor. Like I had to wipe his freaking ass and shave him. So yeah, and Todd's like, like well he wants you to pick him up and take you to basketball that's what he wants you to do and unfortunately what happened happened but he's not a regular 24 year old guy and that's just not the case and so yeah but I know what happened like I know the situation all right and know it and then like fucking sex and then we caught you this was actually such a deeply sweet moment. It cuts to Alexia standing watching him and then Frankie comes up behind Alexia and just like takes her arm in this comforting way that was actually such a like tender, beautiful moment. I almost got choked up when I watched it. I was like, oh my god, that is so sweet. Like, like sweet, sweet, Frankie.
Starting point is 00:37:59 So, I know he's so sweet. I wish this conversation wasn't happening right in front of Frankie. I mean, Jesus. I know. And what was sort of interesting about the scene or maybe a little challenging was that it felt like they were talking about things that we didn't have the full context of. Like we know that there was a situation where Peter gave a joint to Frankie and he smoked up and then he had to go into the hospital. We know that happened, but I had to sort of like piece together things as this went along.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And did you find that that was this case for you as well? Well, they're still trying to protect him, right? Because they're not saying everything, like Todd's saying things in here that we haven't heard about yet. Yeah, exactly. And it's making it sound like there's some kind of abuse or something weird is happening. because Todd's like, you
Starting point is 00:38:46 know, you want him to do certain things because I don't want him to do things. I do things because he wants to do it. Like, I don't know what the hell Franky's even doing the past couple of months because I haven't even talked to my mom because you like you because I like the fight with you. And then he starts crying, which is every fucking asshole. That's what they do when they're in a confrontation, make themselves a victim, we all know. So he's like, why would no one
Starting point is 00:39:09 as brother wants to play basketball? Like, it's like, how do you not know that Frank wants to play basketball? And Todd's like, okay, you mad, cause I called you names, but I think it's justified. Did I get upset, shrug? Get the unrightated, right? When I see him laying on the ground with paramedics on him,
Starting point is 00:39:24 that's not okay. And Peter's like's like crying and he says and at some point someone needs to speak up over here and then Alexia runs into comfort Peter like no Alexia no like someone is finally parenting this fucking kid finally right and so Alexia's like we have to be strong for Frankie oh well you know Frankie we have to be strong for him and Frankie just like walks in and Peter's like Don't cry. I love you mom. You know, it's easier to say I'll go fucking I'll go fucking oops It's a lot more than that and I was like well, it's a stat man And he's like and Frankie's like I want to play basketball and it's like basketball We're going to play basketball. She's like trying to sort of she's trying to like make it like it's gonna be great guys
Starting point is 00:40:02 We're all gonna play basketball, which is starting to turn into like a Tennessee Williams play at this moment. And so then she's like, well, but you know, he was listening to everything you were saying, but it's tough to be on the person's shoe and Todd's like, Alexia, you say this all the time, and I had nothing but respect for it, but is it 10 or 11 years?
Starting point is 00:40:20 At some point, you guys are gonna have to get, you just have to get real help, okay? And to say that, it's so hard to go play basketball. Well, it should be a lot harder to give them a joint. And Peter just immediately, the tear stop, and he's like furious, because his tears didn't work, right? Like this guy does not give a shit, okay? He knows your crocodile tears, and he's not gonna fall for it.
Starting point is 00:40:39 So there's silence for a minute, and he goes, yeah, that's what you shouldn't do. Because if he doesn't have time for basketball, he doesn't have time for a joint. Which he goes, yeah, that's what you shouldn't do. Because if he doesn't have time for basketball, he doesn't have time for a joint. And the conversation is that Frankie had a terrible accident and it requires a lot and we weren't able to assume that. So you're right, maybe we do need help. He goes, not maybe, you need help, you do need help.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. And by the way, so at this point, I think that what is being stated is that that that Peter is like, Frank, you need to get out of the house, right? Actually, I should say this is what I sort of started to do. So the course is conversation that Frankie is just sitting around the house doing nothing. And he needs to get out of the house. And Peter should be taking him out of the house to be doing things with Frankie to like,
Starting point is 00:41:18 you know, engage and whatever with him and stimulate him. Instead, Peter's not even taking him to the go basketball. The only thing Peter does is go and get Frankie and parties with Frankie, which is probably whatever with him and stimulate him. Instead, Peter's not even taking him to the go basketball. The only thing Peter does is go and he gets Frankie and parties with Frankie, which is probably not what Frankie needs. That's what I was saying. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:32 He's just like bringing Frankie, party, and that's what it sounds like. He's saying, like, just because. That's not the time that this happened, right? Right. He's saying just because the kid got brain damage and had a terrible accident, doesn't mean he's dead. Like, you don't just like, you know, he can't just
Starting point is 00:41:46 wake up and do nothing. Like he has to have some kind, you have to support him in having some kind of life and learning to live a life, right? Because that's supporting him. It's not just being like, oh, you know, he's sick and we're the victims kind of thing. It's kind of what I'm getting from him. Commissures, here comes one right now. So now Alexey and Peter are both going after Todd, right? So, uh, like, Peter shrugs him, at him off and Todd's like, you guys have not done anything to make it better for him. And Alexey is like,
Starting point is 00:42:19 Todd, be careful with your words because we have. He goes, okay, well, what about getting him stoned is good for him. And she's like, we're not talking about that. Yeah, you are. That's what this conversation is. This conversation isn't just to tell Peter, oh, poor you, you've had bad things happen in your life.
Starting point is 00:42:34 So you can just get away with whatever the fuck you want to. Yeah. And I was like, getting him stoned where he's coming home and black and blues and vomiting. And I was like, well, you're only seeing the negative. He's like, no, what you're seeing is denial. No, you're only seeing the negative You guys want to attack me and if you take if you take a guy out and you get him stoned and then Peter's like oh You're talking about a smoking pot thought we're not attacking you
Starting point is 00:42:59 So I have to just take back something I said because earlier I said it sounds like there's some kind of abuse or something The reason I said that was because I thought Todd said this kid is coming home with black and blues meaning bruises I didn't think but now that you said it it sounds like he's saying cops right? Is he saying bruises or cops like I was I thought as bruises, but I didn't take it as abuse I talk I took it as like he's like falling over or something and like, he's taking him out, getting him wasted. Yeah, okay. So then Alexi is like, when are you gonna get over that?
Starting point is 00:43:34 And he's like, he was vomiting in my house, all right? He's coming home with black and blues. He's vomiting all over. And she goes, when are you gonna get over it? He's like, no, you're not over it. You're not doing anything to help him. Tell me what you're doing. She's, if we do everything, that's what we do. Everything. And he goes, tell me, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:48 What do you do? Oh, well, you know, sometimes when us magazine comes in, we do it together. So, I guess I'm a point is proven. It's like, no, like, yeah. And so she gets pissed and she's like, what do you do? What are you doing? And he goes, he's not my son. And she's like, what the hell? And he lives here. Again, can we not have Frankie sitting right fucking here? I mean, my God, you're sitting right there. And it is, I actually really feel like I do, um, side with Todd on this and his frustration. But I'm also like, don't say he's not my son when he's supposed to be joined. He's, you're, I feel like at this point, you shouldn't be saying things like that
Starting point is 00:44:26 in front of this group that could easily misinterpret that. And so it's like, it doesn't matter. Like, if you're so concerned and you should take some accountability and responsibility and do something. And he's like, and look what happened when I did, when I said he shouldn't get him stoned.
Starting point is 00:44:43 And then you know what, then you guys tell me I'm a bad guy Check I'm just trying to get you to understand him before judging. He's like, oh, yeah, you're in an abler Is what's happening here? She goes okay? Well, if that's what you want to call me. He goes up you're in an abler She's like well, I'm a mother. Yeah, so I'm probably an enabler. Yeah, it was it was a clear cut case Of enabling it was amazing actually that someone actually finally said this and so yeah, like Alexia I've lived with Frankie now for four years. He wakes up in the morning. He he plays on his iPhone. Tell me tell me He goes, oh well, you know what the same way that you had probably those interns in your office
Starting point is 00:45:20 Why haven't you taken Frank into your office? Well, I took your other son and look at that worked out for me, huh? Zing. And Peter's just giving him a dirty look. And he goes, I mean, to say that we don't do anything like my mother had no fucking life for like how long? And she's like, oh, it's true. I had no life. You didn't see. You only see the past few years. And he's like, Alexia, the conversation was, your oldest son, who uses too much much marijuana drug him. Okay, many times. Many times. It's not just the one time. And he's like, what the fuck are you saying, man?
Starting point is 00:45:51 Haha. Did you drug him? Did you drug him? Oh, well, no, don't, don't, don't. She was, you know, well, you know, can't keep him, bring up the past. And what happened before? Because we're not going to be able to move forward.
Starting point is 00:46:02 And Todd's like, I said, as a big brother who he looks up to, there's fun things you can do with these guys. Basketball! How many times do I gotta say basketball? Your friends with Larissa Freakin' Pippin' basketball! And Peter's like, you're acting like it just don't want a relationship with Frankie. He's like, I didn't say that. I guess, yeah, but you're making it seem like that. Like, you drugged Frankie. You did this, you did that because yeah, but you're making it seem like that like you drug Frankie
Starting point is 00:46:25 You did this you did that like you want to shave his armpits you want to shave his ass? You want to shave his dick? Oh, yeah, it sounds like you're you're really enjoying being around your brother It's like I'm an asshole. You don't have to manscape him Like okay wiping the ass. I got it you you know, having to, you know, keep, like, clean him, I got it, but the shaving, the armpits and the dick, you, that's voluntary on your point part. Yeah, this may be going a little far. So Todd's like, listen, I'm the one who wakes up
Starting point is 00:46:57 in the middle of the night because they had a fight. I got to get up in the middle of the night because he vomited in someone's car. He goes, ooh, that's all you can say. You can only say what you went through. He goes, I mean, what the fuck, Peter? Yes. That's what this conversation is.
Starting point is 00:47:10 How your actions affect people. Yes. Exactly. And then Ty goes, do you know he's disabled? And Peter goes, if you say that one more time, I'm gonna beat you up. And he goes, do it, do it. I'll punch you back.
Starting point is 00:47:22 That's the difference. And Alexi is like, Peter and Ty, for me, stop. And he goes, no, no it, do it. I'll put you back. That's the difference. And Alexi is like, Peter and Todd, for me, stop. And he goes, now, now, not for you. You know why? Because this is your fault. She goes, no, it's not. And he goes, it is your fault.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Because you know what he does to him and you allow it to happen. Which, I mean, I don't, ding, ding, ding. There were just deans going off in my house. I don't even know where they were coming from. But it was like deans And Peter is like you're so full of shit, bro And likes he does he does nothing so you need to stop. Okay. This is very delicate Oh, but you know Peter it's very delicate and Peter goes you know what he said and tigers
Starting point is 00:47:58 What did I say that you're a loser? Okay, yeah, then you're gonna wind up in jail. Yeah, which by the way Two things that happened this week. Yes. And Peter's like, you don't even understand what we've been through and Alexia's talking at the same time, you know, she's like, you don't get it, you don't get it, Todd, and he goes, oh my God, so you two are on a team.
Starting point is 00:48:16 You know what, you need therapy. And he's like, are you listening to this? And he's like, this is incredible. I mean, look at you two. Because they're both like screaming at him at the same time. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And he's like, this is incredible. I mean, look at you two. Because they're both like screaming at him at the same time. Like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And he's like, this is incredible. I mean, you two, look at you.
Starting point is 00:48:29 You don't think you need therapy. I mean, Jesus Christ. And then I do the whole thing, like, oh, and you're Mr. Perfect and he's like, no, I'm not perfect. I like that he's just like screaming a very sensible solution to them. Like you just can't do the other person.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You have to be so sensible. It's so funny, because he's just like seriously you two. Like he's not emotionally affected at all, and then Peter tries to the big guns, you know. He's like, that night, and then he starts shaking his head violently too. It's a weirdest thing. So he's like, that night you said every insecurity,
Starting point is 00:48:56 you could have possibly said it me, and then he's clapping like every insecurity, like he's making any sense. And he goes, you brought up my dad in prison You brought up my step-dad you disrespected my mom in front of me my brother Tad goes and look what happens for you For that you said you stopped letting your brother smoke pot. So I'm glad I said it. I'm glad I said it It's like oh Peter's like oh shit
Starting point is 00:49:21 Tell for that one he's like but it wasn't for that and does, like, oh shit, tell him for that one. He's like, but he wants him for that. And Alexie is like, we cannot talk like this. I want you to look at the whole picture and say something positive too. He's like, well, and tell you guys take ownership of this and say possibly, just possibly, somebody can help you get a little bit better at this. He's stuck, okay.
Starting point is 00:49:38 She goes, well, oh, I want him to get better. He goes, you know what, if you want him to be better, you have to be better first, okay? And you know what they said, what they'll tell you on a plane, if you lose pressure, put the mask on yourself first. Okay, and Alexia, I do have to tell you, when you put that mask on,
Starting point is 00:49:50 you have to put it on over your face, not like a party hat. I have been meaning to remind you of that. Yeah, well, one time they told me that they don't have peanuts, and I kicked the guy on the nuts and fucking deserved it. Well, he was just being nice, you know. He was just trying to recommend that they have been up next time.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Listen, you're not putting your mask on first. We're stuck. All right, you know what? We need to get this together and Lexi's like, oh well, you know, we can't shelter her anymore. And Peter even Peter is like, yeah, we should figure this out. You know what?
Starting point is 00:50:20 We want what's best. I apologize if the delivery is unsexy. Let's have a group hug. And then they're're group hugging. I'm like, wait, what? It was the weirdest thing that they scream and yell and cry and then none of those tactics work and he just stays calm and he's like, you need help. That's it They're like, yeah, you know what? We probably do need help. Thanks, man He was like he was amazingly on, on, on, what, not on, on swear. He was unwavering in, in his stance,
Starting point is 00:50:52 and he just kind of like weathered the storm because it was intense. Like, he was saying things that like, could do permanent damage to a relationship. And, but, like you said, it was ultimately they were just lashing out because they're, they're way of doing things was being threatened and he just was solid and And then they were like okay
Starting point is 00:51:11 Yeah, cuz they're using their emotions, but they're trying to play all these emotional arguments, right? Yeah, he does this because of this and he does this because of this and he's like it doesn't matter The why the fact is you're giving your brother drugs and he has brain problems. You can't do this shit. Like obviously you guys aren't capable and you need fucking help. It's not about how much pain you went through
Starting point is 00:51:33 and it's not disregarding any of that, but you gotta get your shit together. You know, I really liked it. I liked it too, it was like a good, tough love moment. And it was good to see like a real family thing like that and to even at the end be like, oh, it's gonna be okay, you know, like a family that can fight like that and be like,
Starting point is 00:51:52 okay, let's do better together. Hugs. It was really impressive and it was intense. It was a real moment. That was a real, real moment. So that was great. Good job, good job everyone. So that said, fuck you, Peter. Okay. Still fuck you
Starting point is 00:52:07 Peter. Piece of shit, Peter. I mean, he really is. He really is a loser. So oh, well, you know Peter though. So anyone. Anyway, guys, thanks so much for listening. We'll be back with some Vanderpump rules later this week and some Orange County and go to to get to get to our live shows and also January 27th, we are streaming their crappies on moment house, so be sure to buy a ticket to that if you can't make it to New York City. Thanks everyone for listening, talk to you later. Bye!
Starting point is 00:52:37 Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelownies. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella Itch-Ols Dan-O-C Dan-O-Doo Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber Jamie she has no less name-y
Starting point is 00:52:57 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. We McLevin. Karen McLevin. She's always sublying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! There ain't no problem that Sarah's solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betz-yMD. Always the wisers, Allison Weasler!
Starting point is 00:53:27 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Mina Kuchikuchi Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy!
Starting point is 00:54:06 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music Download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen and add free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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