Watch What Crappens - RHONJ: Oklahoma Sister, Where Art Thou? (with Danny Pellegrino)

Episode Date: November 23, 2018

Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! I got a beautiful feeling a long lost sister is coming Melissa Gorga's way! Yes, "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" have trotted off to ...OOOOOOKLAHOMA where the sprinkle cookies come sweeping down the plain. And even better: we finally get to see some real fractures in the Melissa/Teresa relationship, whose rosy future is as unlikely as a farmer and a cowman being friends. The real breakout of the episode, however, was Jennifer, who proved to be a girl who cain't say no... to being an ASSHOLE. Ben and special guest Danny Pellegrino (filling in for Ronnie) have some strong thoughts about The Chanel Queen of Paramus, and we suspect many a new day may have to come before we change our opinions on her. So jump on your horse and take a trip with us to O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A OKLAHOMA!!! Capiche?? See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap-ins would like to think it's premium sponsors! Christy Wowardyirty, dowirty! Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low. Langenberg, you can't have a burger without the burger! Just saying, okay. No thing like Allison King. Back in the Slay Otaylor!
Starting point is 00:00:39 Anna, God, I love that banana Anderson! Susie, going to the tobin! Hava, Nagila Weber! Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney! Lisa Wallint, now that's what I call Wall Entertainment. Hot dang, it's Jessica Dang! Mina Kuchi Kuchi Kuchi!
Starting point is 00:01:00 And our super premium Patreon subscribers, Kelley Grant, The Grant Master, Shannon out of a cannon Anthony, The incredible edible Matthews sisters, Give them ho, Miss Noel, And Lizzie Drucker, A fun mother f-
Starting point is 00:01:16 Watch what crap bins, Watch what crap bins, Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap bins? Poppins, Poppins, Man, Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so much that happens? Who cares what happens when there's so fun, it's so fun. It's over the long run. It's so fun, it's so fun.
Starting point is 00:01:46 It's so fun, it's so fun. It's so fun, it's so fun. Hey everyone, welcome to Watch or Crap Ins. A podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker, and my usual co-host, Ronnie Karim, is actually not here. Last time I checked, he was headed off to Walmart for a
Starting point is 00:02:05 Black Friday sale and I think he may have been trampled by the hordes. I don't know. We're gonna see if we can find him. But instead we have the wonderful host of everything iconic. It's a great friend of the podcast. Mr. Danny Pellegrino, how's it going? Hi Ben. Oh my God. So I almost misunderstood you. I thought you said Ronny got trampled by a whore on black Friday, but you said the hoards. It could have been. There could have been a whore. Right, but I'm so excited to talk to Jersey. Thank you so much for having me. Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Oh, it was wonderful. I am still downwardly spiraling about all the calories I've taken on.
Starting point is 00:02:48 So how about you? Me too, me too. I mean, I've been watching the Hallmark channel ever since, I mean, frankly, ever since Halloween. But I've just been on the couch, hopped up on trip to fan and loving life. Oh, that's so good. Well, for people who don't know Danny,
Starting point is 00:03:03 everything iconic is wonderful. You can find it pretty much on any podcast platform. You should subscribe to it because that's important for your life and Danny Where can people find you on social media? Thank you Ben at Danny Pellegrino on Twitter and Instagram. That's P-E-L-L-E Yes, or I know right yeslled like the water, but no relation, unfortunately. You know, one of my favorite experiences that happened this year and that I got to share with you is that we went to see Countess and Friends together back in May.
Starting point is 00:03:39 And one of my favorite moments is when the two of us we flanked Luan and for a photo and I said to Luan because I was like drunk whatever. I was like this is Danny Pelligrino because I thought like she might have like seen your pod get you know because the ladies that the ladies celebrities love you. They love you. Oh, you're sweet. And she follows me on Instagram but it's not her running the count. I don't think it's like one of her case. But I'm not sure either who necessarily runs it, but for some reason I thought this was gonna spark a thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:12 So I was like, this is Danny Pellegrino, she's like, oh, of the Pellegrino family. I used to know them in Italy, and you're like, no, no relation to the water. She's like, oh, they were good friends, good friends. I love their water. And I was like looking at two of her because I had a lot to drink that night too.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And I was just like, it couldn't have been better. Like we were just talking about the history of the Pelagrinos and like her knowing the family. I know the Pelagrinos. Yeah. It was like wonderful that she just like wedged in this name dropping moment into our little fan photo. So that was a really exciting experience.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Yeah. But today we're actually here to move a state over from New York. We're going to talk some real housewives of New Jersey. And you actually had Melissa Gorgon your show this week, didn't you? I did on Monday. I had her on. And she was so lovely, like stunning in person.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I actually think she's really beautiful on TV. Yeah. But yeah, she was like so stunning in person. I actually think she's really beautiful on TV. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, she was like so beautiful in person. She was very interesting. I was reading into one of the things she said. She was starting talking about Joe. And normally in every interview I've seen with her, or on TV when I see her talk about Joe,
Starting point is 00:05:19 it's always very complimentary, but she said like her and Joe are going through some things right now. And she said it's been hard, having some are going through some things right now and she said it's been hard because she travels and she wants to work and and we we're talking about like the male female dynamics because you know when they got together it was like a traditional like a setup where it was like he wanted the wife at home and so it was interesting this week watching it where Joe I mean I'll get into it later but Joe Joe talking to his daughter, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:46 and saying he wanted, you know, to her to stay at home or whatever and fulfill that wifely role. And I was, I don't know, I was reading into it. I'm like, I wonder if there's trouble ahead for them. I don't know. I, I, of course, don't want that to happen. I just was, you know, using my crystal ball and imagining. You never know. I just, I saw the photos of you two together and it was just funny to me that like Melissa Gorega was sitting on your couch and like fully like fully made up like like she was dressed like she was about to go on to entertainment tonight which and I but she was on her couch and I just loved that. I was like it's just weird. It's like it's like someone came out of the TV and just sat on your couch and did your podcast with you. I know it's totally bizarre for me
Starting point is 00:06:24 too and I wanted to get Sprinkle Cookies before, but they ended up running early, which never happens. You know, and they're always running late. But I wanted to have Sprinkle Cookies. Oh my God, that's a shame. But it didn't work out. That's a shame. I know.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I would have just thrown them in the garbage like Teresa after she left, but. Yeah. Did you play her hit song on display for her? I played, well, in the episode, I played it like a million times, but not for her. But I did try to convince her. I'm dying and I would love your input on this, but I'm dying for there to be a holiday Bravo Liberty album, like a Bravo Christmas album.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I told her she needs to do a Christmas song. I think Countess needs to do a Countess Christmas song. Yeah. It's like, it needs to happen. I feel like I would play it at every fucking holiday party that I went to. I would fully do that. I would, especially, it seems weird that there's not at least a Countess Christmas song because she's doing Christmas with the Countess in New York City.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And I'm like, you need to have your signature Christmas song. And by the way, I have a, this has nothing to do with Bravo, but this is an opinion that I have that as long, I know that since you're on here, I'm gonna take advantage of you being on the podcast, which is that we have not had a really good new original Christmas song since Mariah. Like, you know, like since all I want for Christmas is you.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I mean, and she's had like, hey, Santa and stuff. But, but there's, and Kelly Clarkson had a song. But, you know, in the 80s, in the 70s and the 80s, there was a constant torrent of like original compositions. And they just sort of stopped. And when I listened to Christmas music now, especially on Coast FM here in Los Angeles, a lot of the Christmas music has turned into
Starting point is 00:08:05 this Michael Booblay stuff that makes me feel like I'm walking through a Critten barrel. And I actually, I want, you know what I'm saying? Like I want some original compositions. So like bring it on, count as Luana and Melissa Gorgas. I mean, Melissa Gorgas got a studio in her basement. Use it. I know, like just give us a one, somebody on Twitter
Starting point is 00:08:24 said there should be like a fella, la, la, la, la, fella la la la, you know, like La La should do a song. Yeah, that would be great. It's like just give us something. Yeah, also while we're here, okay, this is a total aside band and I'm sorry. I'm going to use your platform to spread this message. So you know the song from the live action Grinch, where are you Christmas? The Faith Hills on. Yeah, yes, of course. So that was originally recorded by Mariah Carey. And unfortunately, like there was some like record label troubles or something, but I want
Starting point is 00:08:53 to unearth the Mariah version of that because Mariah wrote that song. Did she really? She wrote, where are you Christmas, which is played on coast all the time now. And it's like, I need that somewhere. Like we need one of Mariah Carey's gaze needs to leak that. What I need to hear it. It's almost like we're asking, where are you original? Where are you, Chris? It's a recurse. I want it so bad. I want it so bad. And I'm using your platform of watch or
Starting point is 00:09:20 crap ends to get the message out. Well, we'll see what sort of strings we can pull. But I love it. I love a christmas song oh my god i know i know well i mean we're officially in crit it's if christmas season has begun today anyway because you know what's black friday so anyway let me ask let me ask you a really quick about the jersey do you miss them filming at christmas time because this season we're not in the holiday season whereas i i don't know if last year what's, but traditionally we've been around the holiday season for Jersey.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't miss it, and I'll tell you why. I think that Jersey hit something of a rut around it. I can never remember the season numbers because it's sort of like a big blur. But somewhere around where Joe was going to draw like Basically, I'm trying to remember the people the the the really shitty season where there were the twins And amber that amber girl and yeah, and everything around there like the show that season or maybe even a season before Basically with like the the last manzo season that weird season and there was the tree checks in season, and there was one after that. Like, the show became mired in this,
Starting point is 00:10:30 this like thing about family. Like, we're family, we stick together, we gotta look out for each other, someone's going to jail, we gotta like help each other. And it was like an episode, after episode about, we're family, and I think that like, not having Christmas things
Starting point is 00:10:45 has been good. I think it's been, we don't have to have as many family scenes, you know? I think you're right. I think you're right. And I'm loving the season so far. I mean, we're a few episodes in and I feel like it feels good.
Starting point is 00:10:58 It does feel good. I think the cast is actually really good. I actually thought last season was great. I thought that was one of Jersey's cast seasons. But people really disliked it. I think part of it is sort of like a hangover from some of the bad seasons that preceded it. And also, a lot of people struggled with SIGGI Flicker. And I won't, I won't, I actually really enjoyed SIGGI on the show, even though she was lost her mind. I thought she was good for the show, but I would not I would never like if someone said I hated Sigi
Starting point is 00:11:25 I wouldn't be like no, no, no, I like I get it. Yeah, I get it. Yeah Yeah, I thought last season was good too. It was a little weirdly edited I thought but otherwise like I thought it was good content and I like I loved Dolores and I think this season feels especially good. Yeah, I mean basically the show has been sort of like rebranding over the past few years moving away from the family thing. It was like I used to be so like, it was, it was, it was, not dominating. It was like, it was all of the, it was like Teresa and Kathy and Rosie, and then yeah, the man's those, and it's like, it was just nothing but like these two big families, and it just, no one cared anymore. So now it's become more about individuals again.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And I think that's really helped it a lot. And I think there were always chasing after season three. Like season three was such a high point. And it was so brilliant. Like that season is so fucking good. And I feel like they were always chasing that magic. And there was no way to, they had moments. They definitely along the way.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Also, like see, it passed season three. Had these amazing highs, but they were always sort of chasing that. They all three. And also, I mean, I always have this theory that the real housewives, every city that they take on, kind of is taking on some sort of stereotype of group, right? So you have orange county, it's like,
Starting point is 00:12:43 Blanc in California, and you have New York, at like blondes in California and you have New York is at least the way it started was more like New York, Jewish, you know Atlanta's black and so when they went to Jersey it was like Italian but they went more for like Italian sopranos like like you know like oh it's the family you don't talk against the family the mob whatever when really they should have mentality yeah but really the the side of Jersey they should have gone for should have been like Jersey short, like, you know, that whole thing, like trashy Jersey. And so mob wives asked.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Yeah, but even just like not even like the more they get involved with the, it's all about family, the less it's like a real housewives show. So I think they finally kind of figured out like, okay, we need to have some tacky people on here. And you know, I just was, I was doing some research and I learned that Danielle Stobb claims that she was in an episode of Sopranos like on one of the season one episode.
Starting point is 00:13:37 She says she was in the, she did a Sopranos thing and I'm like, I tried to look it up, I can't find any perforip, but she says on camera in season one. She's like, oh yeah, I did that Sopranos thing and I'm like, what the fuck it up I can't find any proof of it but she says on camera in season one she's like oh yeah I did that sopranos thing and I'm like what the fuck was that like I need to know I think if someone out there has like season one on in like a box set or something like that could you please scan it for Ted Niel stop because I'm not willing to do that work but I mean someone else does I would be like very happy I I mean, here's the thing with Jersey. Jersey, for a long time, was really one of the most vaunted franchises on Bravo. It was number two to Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It was the one that everyone would talk about. To this day, if you speak to someone who has Peter Dough of Bravo, and you say, do you watch Bravo? Like, oh, I used to watch Jersey, the table flipping. It's like a touch point, flashpoint, something something point. And, you know, it has given us so many amazing colorful characters over the past, like Kim D, Kim G, Missy Kim D and Kim G, which is now. I think Jacqueline was crazy too, like in a, in a great for TV way, like I know people hate a Jacqueline, I really, I think she was great for TV.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I found her to be whimpering,. I found her to be whimpering. Like I found her to be, she wasn't, she was never a protagonist. She was never someone I've rooted for, but she was never someone who was crazy enough that I enjoyed. She just sort of would like, simple and whimper and like, just, I don't know, I just didn't,
Starting point is 00:15:01 I thought her most interesting moments were when she clashed with Ashley And then once Ashley finally grew up and became like a semi normal person then there's just nothing left of Jack I was interested semi-normal. Yeah, but let's talk about this week's episode. Yes Oklahoma Oklahoma, you ha So like such a like let's get you know, Jersey girls to Oklahoma, because that'll be funny. And it actually was, but it felt very set up.
Starting point is 00:15:31 It was. I mean, we'll have you notice that all these real, pretty much every Bravo show now is doing a early season trip, like a little trip, you know? I like it. It gets the drama. It gets everything moving really quickly. I like it too. I mean, Beverly Hills and New York actually have really figured it out,
Starting point is 00:15:46 which is that they go on trips pretty much like multiple times. Like they go on like four trips per season, which is why those franchises tend to be better, but although Beverly Hills, but yeah, I was about to disagree about Beverly Hills, but New York, yeah, they go on a million trips and I like I want them in. The New York girls like I can watch them picking out rooms 10 hours in a row. Like I love just seeing them pick their rooms. I love watching them pack. I could watch Ramona pack for a few hours. I mean New York is just it's New York is ruining
Starting point is 00:16:17 all the other franchises. It's just showing them up. I was like, I don't know about you, but I've been spending ever since New York left the air. I just spent all my time being like, if this were on New York would be like this if this were on New York I mean, it just like nothing can be on Bravo anymore because New York is just on like this I'm rare of five. Sure. It's I do that all the time too. I mean New York's my absolute favorite And it's like I feel like I'm constantly comparing and I can't do that
Starting point is 00:16:39 Mm-hmm But I will do that until the end of time. Yeah, I um I But I will do that until the end of time. Yeah, I, I, I was somewhere, I forget where, somewhere this weekend and someone said, yeah, New York's okay. It's not my favorite. I like, I didn't know it's to do with myself. Okay, but I have a theory about that. What? My theory is that New York runs through storylines so quickly and at such a break next speed that that's why the fans love it so much because there's constantly drama,
Starting point is 00:17:03 but they move forward very quickly. But it's not one of the franchises that you could just sort of have on in the background or miss a week and then catch on. Whereas like Beverly Hills, you can miss a week, you can do your laundry and miss half the episode and still be able to catch on. So I feel like the people who aren't super fans of Bravo who don't watch every single episode, they like the ones like Orange County Beverly Beverly Hills where it's just like, not a whole lot happening,
Starting point is 00:17:26 but they can jump in at any time. They like the feeling it gives them. Yeah, exactly. It's interesting because New York, they do move through store lines very quickly. And yet, I never really feel like they're burning through store lines. I feel like it's all bricks that are going into a wall
Starting point is 00:17:44 or some sort of mosaic like it like because stuff that happens in the beginning of the season will come back, you know, like a little incident like a nutcracker becomes pivotal later on in a way that's not like panting a nutcracker. So like, and I actually enjoy when a series has like a slow burn where there's some petty moment that happens in episode one and by episode 16 it is just escalated and escalated and caused all this crazy drama that you've never anticipated. I do really really enjoy when that happens. But yeah, New York is,
Starting point is 00:18:18 New York is just it's a dense show. It's like the wire for reality TV. It's like Tolstoy or the brother's car. The lady's caram is off or something, you know? You know, it just came to mind when he said he like, a little piece of drama that builds. It reminded me of Orange County years ago. Do you remember when I think it was Shannon took Heather's seat at dinner?
Starting point is 00:18:38 Oh yeah, I love that. It was like that was so good. It was like such a ridiculous fight. Yeah, that was a ridiculous fight. I actually liked Pan-Tigate. I thought Pan-Tigate was a relatable fight that just kept, like, would knock away, but I feel like that's what I like. I like something that won't go away because it just keeps on causing more and more issues. I liked Kate Gate on New Jersey last year. I was like,
Starting point is 00:19:00 oh, I did too. I did too. The Melissa Sige cake fight. I think that the pettier, the drama, the more hilarious it is that it causes so much fighting down the line. Because it happens to all of us. Totally. Yeah, totally. OK, so real househouse of New Jersey, so the ladies have gone off.
Starting point is 00:19:20 We open up. They're all packing for Oklahoma. Everyone's packing. Dolores is with Frank. And she's like, what's Oklahoma like? Where is it? Like, I don't know these things. Like, I don't know. I don't know my kids. Where's Frankie gas Frankie? Like, what's going on? Ben also he has I just want to warn your listeners and you that I'm just gonna be lapping through your questions and my apologies That's fine. I'll do a one-man show. I mean, I'm'm no Ronnie Karam but you know I love him so much. I'll try to jump in too with a couple but I can't do them the way that you guys can but I will do my best. Well listen our
Starting point is 00:19:52 impersonations are shit. Let's let's get that out of the way first. Mine are two mine are two. The few that I do I don't do them as much as you guys but the couple that I try. I like the idea that Laura says no idea where Oklahoma is. That's funny to me. She had no clue. She had no fucking clue. So what do you make of her and her and Frank? Like do you think they will ever get together
Starting point is 00:20:14 or do you think they're completely done for good in terms of romantic pairing? Oh, you know, I can't tell. They're so unorthodox. And I feel like there's a lot of emotional walls there. So I don't know. I think that he would certainly like it. But you know, she's next question. Yeah. Yeah. Next question. Would you have sex with Frank or Frank Jr.? Well, obviously Frank or was it a choice or are you saying? Either one, would you both have both? Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I like I like a mussely guy. I I'm sorry. Even Elder Frank, he has like residual hotness. Elder Frank. He has a residual hotness from when he was in his... You know, it's like, still there. You still see it as sparkling as I. Yeah, absolutely. And I like him. I like him.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Yeah, yeah. And so, what about you? I would junior, I would for sure. Junior for sure. But I know that sparkle that you're talking about. Yeah, you know, it's like when someone's like not hot anymore, but like you remember them for when they were super hot. And I don't even remember him when he was super hot, but I've seen the pictures. So it's like the residual hotness like works for me. Sure. Yeah. So yeah, so it's a lot of stuff. They're all they're all getting ready. They're all packing.
Starting point is 00:21:26 We saw Margaret. She told her guy that she was only taking her bottoms. Yes. So she's only taking her bottoms. I didn't know Gaze were coming on the trip, but that was nice. She was also wearing a shirt that I'm still weak in doing. And I love a housewife in a shirt that has a saying on it.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Do you think that was part of the Macbeth collection? 100%. I think it was 100%. I'm still weak in. I'm still weak in. Have you looked up some of the Macbeth collection? It's like some of those phrases, they're just random words strung together.
Starting point is 00:21:59 I'm down for that. I'm down for it. She loves like a sassy saying that doesn't always make sense with like a giant fur trim. Yeah. And some sequins. I'm still weakening. What are you gonna do? I'm weak. It's like there's a lot going on. My team has just got to face it. I can't. One of my favorite things that she wore was last week. I don't know if you noticed this. When they went to the hatchet throwing place. She wore a flannel shirt, but then she cut out the entire back panel of it and put it in black sequence.
Starting point is 00:22:31 A fashion designer right there, you're talking about it. Yeah, it was like, it was like, Liza Menelli meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Like, the shell was black sequins and then the body was flannel. Total. Which I guess the flannel comes from just like, we'll throw Eddie Vetter in there. Right. Some of Margaret's looks. Also so much Dolores, I mean talking about Dolores, she was wearing that choker throughout the episode. I was like, what is this, it was just an aggressive choker. Yeah. Maybe that's a Jersey thing. I know chokers have had their comeback,
Starting point is 00:23:01 but it was like a very aggressive choker throughout the entire episode. They were doing a lot of costume work in this whole episode. It was like at one point Theresa was in a cowboy outfit and it's like, what's happening? Like, what is going on? Yeah, there was, you know, it's a lot of interesting fashion choices earlier this week on Orange County when they were getting ready for the femme fatale party. I forgot who it was. Was it Emily? It could have been Tamra or it could have been Shannin.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Shannin was wearing this floral top, but then she was midway through trying on some sort of like SNM look. So she had a little leather, what do you call the leather straps? It sort of come across your chest and a little thing in that. like had that over like a little floral blouse. We forgot to mention on our podcast that it was like weird like bondage meets like hundreds of thousands. They did not know what to wear to that fucking femme fatale party yet. I think Shannon ended up going in that long like Crela de Vilco. It was like, what even for a while?
Starting point is 00:24:03 It was like, honestly at first glance, it It was like, honestly, at first glance, it looked like a cow pattern. And I'm not saying she's a cow. It was like, white with black splotches. It reminded me of Anne Hathaway. Do you remember she did that movie with Steve Karell? Get smart. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:17 It reminded me of the poster for some reason. Like, I don't know that that's what Anne Hathaway was wearing. But that's what I thought of when I saw Shannon in that coat. It was like, very not fatale. It was like, but that's what I thought of when I saw Shannon in that coat. It was like very not fatal. It was like, I don't have a core. I don't have a core. It was like, femme comfortable, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:33 It's not my jacket, you fucking bitch. All I want to do is be a femme fatal. Ha! This is the match. I guess it's time for a commercial. There's something like that. I don't know. No, I don't need a commercial. I need a new living room. Okay, Joe, that's what I did. Okay, the match. I guess it's time for a commercial. There's something like that. I don't know. No, I need I don't need a commercial
Starting point is 00:24:45 I need a new living room. Okay, Jo. That's what I did. Okay, classic match Celebrity beef you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court I'm Matt Bella-Sive and I'm Sydney Battle and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast Disantel each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her
Starting point is 00:25:22 laminated eyebrows., it snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondria.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So um, anyway, so Dolores is excited to go to Oklahoma, but she's like, they're all going to think we're mobsters. You know, I think that's what people think though, but just mobsters. You know, there's some of us that are mobsters. I'm like, mm-hmm. Right, they always reference it like Dolores wants people to think that they're mobsters. You know, there's some of us that are mobsters. I'm like, mm-hmm. Right, they always reference it. Like Dolores wants people to think that they're mobsters, but they don't want to pretend like they're denying it,
Starting point is 00:26:12 but then she also wants people to think that she's mobster. Yeah. So before leaving Theresa calls up Joe Gorgah, okay, here's question, Joe Gorgah or Frankie Jr. Oh my God, you know, I'm very attracted to Joe Gorgah or Frankie Jr. Oh my God. You know, I'm very attracted to Joe Gorgah this season. I don't even feel like he looks his best. I feel I'm attracted to him every single season.
Starting point is 00:26:32 He's not even my type, but he looks good all the time, but this season, you know, last week he was wearing this like blue sweater at the Easter dinner or whatever. I've never seen him look better. I like that assault and pepper beard He's got coming in now. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. I'm I'm he has sexy swagger That's why he has he's just like he has full sex appeal and he knows it and he's just very sexy very very Also, I did like a little Instagram deep dive on him earlier today and he is like
Starting point is 00:27:00 Posting a lot of thirst photos on his Instagram and I'm all for it. Oh, I should. His body looks amazing. Yeah, oh, no, he's, yeah, I think Joe Gorgah, he may actually be the sexiest guy in Bravo. He may have dethroned Apollo for me. Which is a big deal. He used to gross me out a little bit, but now I don't know this season, I'm like fully on board. Like I am Danielle Stobb spreading her legs at that super pole like season one or two. Like that's how I feel every time I see Joe Gorka now. It's like oh my god. Yeah. Like sweating. I can't believe it. What do you think about Jennifer's husband?
Starting point is 00:27:32 Because I'll tell you I am Kim Ji at that same super skull flopping around a mepple when I see her around on that pole. You know, I was so funny like for my show when I was going to recap the episode he was introduced and they showed like a flashback photo before they showed him present day. And it's when I'm like writing my notes and I was like writing like, Oh, he's really hot. Jennifer's husband's really hot. And then just as I'm getting to the word hot, they like did a present day. And he was like glaring at her with these evil eyes, like looking like he was literally going to killer. And I was like, okay, never mind, like cross out the word hot. But when they showed the flashback photos of him as a young, young buck, he was
Starting point is 00:28:10 gorgeous. No. Well, it's too bad, huh? So time is a time is a pitch. So Teresa calls up Joe Gorgon and is like, you gotta come, you gotta speak to now, no, no, because like I'm going out of town So you gotta hang out with him and stuffs, you know, it's her voice getting higher too I felt like I when she called me she's like we're going to Oklahoma, but it was like so high pitch It must be all the the protein shakes they have an effect on vocal cords perhaps Yeah, I don't know if I just noticed that or something, but I felt like she's getting higher pitched. Or maybe it's like she's a mix of like either she's only one of two
Starting point is 00:28:50 things. She's only like super high pitched or like super low. Right. Well, she can do that squeaky thing when she gets really excited where she just like, I can't even do it. My voice will not allow it, but like a twink on helium or something like that. Eaky voice. And then it's either that or like countess Luanne after a pack of marbles and a whiskey sour, you know, one of the two. Listen, they've both been to jail. They've seen things. So, um, so Teresa is basically, she's like telling them, like, you got to hang out with dad while I'm out of town, you know, and, and by the way, for some reason, what I thought was really funny was that in her phone, she has Joe Gorgah listed like the contact.
Starting point is 00:29:30 It says, it said Joey brother or Joey, which neither one, she's not sure. I don't know why I thought that was so funny. Joey brother, like, it doesn't even know her voice. I'm not sure who he is, but. So he's saying he's like, I'm busy, I'm busy. I can't hang out with no no. What do you stand on this whole situation
Starting point is 00:29:51 that's festering between them? You know, I think, I think Teresa expects them to be different people. Like Melissa said it later on the episode where she's like, you want me to be a person that I'm not. And I feel like she wants Joey or Joey or Joe brother to be a person that I'm not, and I feel like she wants Joey or Joe brother to be, she wants, she wants him to be her way. And so it's like, I don't think they'll ever live up to what Theresa wants of them.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Neither one, Joe Gorgah or Melissa, I feel like they'll never be what Theresa wants them to be. Yeah, and I think that it's obvious, like plainly obvious to me that Joe Gorgah is mourning in a different way, and like he probably has a really hard time being around his dad, because A, his dad was kind of like a jerk to him all his life, obviously, but also B, like the dad probably reminds him of his mom, and he clearly has issues with that. That's why they went away for a weekend, the anniversary weekend, as Marge later points out,
Starting point is 00:30:45 like, duh, he doesn't want to be around it. Yeah, and also, I think it was fine that they went away for that vacation because it was like a year later and it's like he said people mourn differently. And then we've seen on camera, like the Theresa and Joe's dad mentions the mom all the time, like even at that Easter dinner he starts crying. And so for Joe, who probably isn't as in touch with his emotional center, whatever, to see his dad crying about the mom all the time, that makes him want to cry. We saw Joe Gorgah cry at the Easter dinner.
Starting point is 00:31:13 So probably being around him, it's like, who wants to be around someone that's gonna make him cry all the time. And Joe Gorgah might not be sophisticated enough emotionally to be able to voice that. So instead, he just ign you know, ignores it. And who knows how this grief has, like, has affected No No, like, like No No may just be saying that he may be lashing out of Joe.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Like, that's who know how he could be. Here's, listen, I will always remember No No taunting Joe Gorgah on that first episode of season three, okay? Like, like, a father doesn't just like, yeah, like a father doesn't just like- You're the father! Yeah, like a father doesn't just taunt a son like that. Like that's like years of some weird, terrible dynamic that's built up, and I would not be surprised if it's been unearthed by this tragedy
Starting point is 00:31:56 that they're all going through, so I get it. But what's weird though is that when Teresa calls and tells him you gotta hang out, it's weird to me that, A, he doesn't just say, no, I will, I will. He always has an excuse. And then he complains to Melissa, like, why is she telling me what to do? So there's like this weird, like,
Starting point is 00:32:14 like, I don't wanna be bossed around cause I'm a man vibe going on, you know, which doesn't seem healthy. Right, and I think, I was watching this episode and I felt like there were Teresa was kind of aggressive and her confessional and Melissa too. And in interviews and all over the press, I feel like Teresa and Melissa are saying like, we get along, we'll never go back to that place, but I was watching this episode thinking like, you're both going to watch this season and I bet at the reunion, you're going to hate
Starting point is 00:32:39 each other again. Oh, yeah. It doesn't seem that copacetic to me watching this. Yeah, no, I think, yeah, they are gonna be torn apart, which will be hilarious Like so it might be fine now, but there's no way at the reunion. They're gonna be like hunky-dory No, I agree this is a Saddest hunky-dory before in my life. I don't know where that just came from. This is like the we're talking about Oklahoma So that must what speaking of which so now everyone goes and flies off to Oklahoma
Starting point is 00:33:02 And they get picked up at the airport and Jennifer's already complaining that there's no one there to pack the van for them. So Jennifer, this is like a really nice coming out episode for her. I mean, we met her last week, but this week we got to really see that she's a huge asshole. I really appreciated that. I did too. I'm very excited about Jennifer. I feel like she's going to be a good addition to this. We're so new with her Yeah, I think it was last week when we saw her house with all those those bathrooms and the spine everything I was like this is and then the husband seemed a little off the center to me. Yeah I feel like she's gonna be a good a good addition to this franchise. Yeah, the husband is
Starting point is 00:33:42 Remind of me of like a classic Faye villain, right? Like this or guys like, ooh, I'm going to lock you up and then blow up you in the bomb. Whatever, some like that. I was like, this is weird. Yeah, she. Wait, what did you say? What kind of villain?
Starting point is 00:33:56 A classic Faye villain. Faye, like Faye Resnick. It might F-E-Y. Like, it's sort of like this, you know. Oh, F-E-Y. I'm so stupid. F-E-Y. Okay. A classic fade-done away villain. That's why he really reminded me of. You're talking like a classic villain like Fey Resnick. The one who is a black villain. Yeah. Well, I mean, you know, Fey Resnick is a special kind of villain. But yeah, Jennifer, I think is going to be a villain
Starting point is 00:34:23 for us, which I appreciate because shows always need their villains. And if we don't have a villain, it's harder. And when this, she's, she's going to be a good villain for us. Yeah. And we have Daniela's a villain, villain too. It's like we have good villains for this franchise. Yeah. Exactly. So they get into the car, they get into the van and Melissa is already sensing that Teresa's feeling passive, passive aggressive about this whole situation. No, no, and she knows it's about to come on. So she's just bracing for it. And as are we all, I'm personally very excited for my-
Starting point is 00:35:00 He got me too, I feel like this is good. Yeah, exactly. So on the way to that house, it was so funny. They're like, there's cows. They're so excited to see the cows. They also act like they don't see cows in New Jersey. You can see cows in New Jersey. It's not like an exclusive dog at home.
Starting point is 00:35:18 There's cows. Oh, look, there's the cows. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. There's cows. Oh, my God. Trees is. They get out of the van and it's like the wind is is oh my god oh my god there's a cows oh my god trees is is they get out they get out of the van and it's like the wind is blowing it's like is them tornado commons is the tornado commons I'm like the sky is clear you idiot it's just a little wind so they get in they arrive at
Starting point is 00:35:40 this place this this lady is the lady who's hosting her name is Polly, she's a good friend of Marges. And they, I loved her home. It was very nice. It was cute. And they were also like culture shock by the rusticness of that house. Yeah. Because their houses in Jersey are also like over the top in Gaudi and beautiful in a different way. But it was like watching them all look at Polly's house. It was like that was interesting to me. That was just so, that was more fish out of water than the cows.
Starting point is 00:36:11 They were very confused by the lack of a grand staircase. Like, there were like, there was an animal print. Yeah, there's like stones on the outside. Like the fact that the main door did not have angel wings on it was probably a little disorienting for them. Yes. Yes. So yeah, they get in and they're talking about the cows that they saw. Well, and they're learning about how this is.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Polly's like, well, you know, we have a cattle ranch here. It's for beef cattle cattle not for milk cattle and Teresa's like oh yeah yeah okay because we don't have to do any we don't have to milk any cows that's good because the last thing last time I saw something white come out of was one of those things was like the last time I was with Joe's you know I'm saying you know that was such that was such a roughly delivered joke by Teresa it was just like so tough it was it was like she had it worse by my version of it too I have no but no your version was much better she I felt like Teresa had that joke plan
Starting point is 00:37:14 going in and then just tried to shoehorn it in which we've all done by the way I've done that many times I wish someone had the hard to tell her that you milk lady cows and it's it's like the same as breast milk. Yeah, Trisa, there's a lot she needs to learn. Yeah, we should also mention that Lexi was dragged along on this track. Lexi is like Marge's like random sidekick who appears every few episodes. You know, I had missed Lexi. I had missed the explanation of Lexi going. And so I was caught off guard. All of a sudden she was at Polly Pockets House.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And I was like, what's going on? Why is Lexi here? And I had to like catch up. Did they have a scene where they explain that Lexi was coming? Did I just totally miss that? It was briefly alluded to. I believe Marge at one point was like, all right,
Starting point is 00:38:00 well, Lexi's going to come because we're going to make some hospital guns. So Lexi has to be there. Like, because Joan Rivers can't be there. So Lexi has to be there. Like, because Joan Rivers can't be there. So Lexi has to be there instead. That's when I was reading Margaret's shirt. I wasn't paying any attention. I was just reading who will.
Starting point is 00:38:13 She's gonna have a shirt that says I'm with Lexi in a little arrow to the right. I would help, to be honest, because I was just, I was like, what? Why is Lexi at Polly's house? Like, what's going on? Lexi is fascinating because she has a British accent that has been tainted by Jersey accents. So she's like, sort of like half and half and I can't even impersonator.
Starting point is 00:38:31 She's just like, I think that what we have to do here is go over the end and I'm like, I can't, I can't do it. A little bit like Gina, like a, Gina from Orange County, like a mix of accents. Yeah, yeah, there's a little bit about that. There's a little Gina mix with Caroline Stansbury. Yeah, totally. So it's time to choose beds,
Starting point is 00:38:54 high-level tradition on Bravo. And so because this is a normal house, not a house meant for a cast of real housewives, there's only so many beds. And I like the immediately Lexi gets commissioned to sleep with Polly, which is funny, Lexi and Polly. I know, poor Lexi's just like, go sleep with Polly pocket over in the bedroom. She's like, don't tell me get a choice in the mat. You know what she's like?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Like, no, you sleep with Polly. And basically, there's this luxury camper that's been set up outside that's gonna sleep anyone who does not fit in the house. Look, I would have gone in that camper, that looked nice to me. A hundred percent, like a hundred, I thought the camper actually looked nicer than like Polly's children's bedrooms, to be honest. And Dolores had that whole fucking camper to herself. It's like she didn't have to worry about sharing a bed with anyone.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And here's the thing, like I always think about this, because lately I feel like a lot of these houses trips, they purposely don't have a room for one person, so they have to double up somewhere. And I would be really pissed if I was a cast member on a show that I was filming, and they didn't even give me my own room, and I had to sleep with a naked Margaret.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Like I would be like, what is going on? I'm going to a hotel or something. I know that what you're trying to do, but I'm not doing it. Yeah, well, Erica Jane did that. We said, I saw what happened. That's sort of that. I would have looked like an asshole like Erica Jane did because I would have just been like, I'm not sleeping, especially when I named Jennifer at Jennifer at a sleep with Margaret. And Margaret's like, well, I sleep in the nude and it's like, I would have booked it. Sorry, Margaret.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Well, let me clarify that Jennifer did not have to sleep with the Marge. She chose to because she was like, I'm not gonna sleep in a camper. It's like, and there was an extra bed in that camper. Yeah, and Teresa was also not gonna sleep in a camper because she had heard that there were coyotes or as Pauli says, coyotes. And she's like, I'm not gonna sleep in the other coyotes.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And I wanna sleep in the other coyotes and such. And it's like, there's a coyote. There's a coyote at the, I'm gonna sleep near the coyotes and I wanna sleep near the coyotes and such and it's like there's a coyote There's a coyote at the unlike Teresa there are coyotes in the Northeast you have coyotes around your house you have like three giant German What's German shepherds outside your house? Okay, like they're not gonna like claw their way into your, into your, into your camper like it was like quite a pretty, a pretty comfortably guarded camper. Like I don't think anything was getting in there. But you know what, Dolores just really lucked out. She had that whole thing to herself and it looked like so much space for one person. Oh my god, it looked wonderful. I mean, and she was, she was doing her makeup at the table and she didn't know what anyone looked perfect. I, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:23 when she was doing her makeup, that was a great reveal because prior to that moment, she'd been in a jacket and now the jacket was off and we saw that she had basically found a picnic tablecloth and like draped it around her torso. I was like, this could be my dress for today because what my look is, that's it. Dolores' look is ever evolving. I feel like she looks totally different than she did when she first came on the show. And she's kind of chasing styles a little bit. And I don't feel like she's landed on one yet.
Starting point is 00:41:48 But I feel like when she does, she's going to be a tough to beat. I feel like she hasn't quite gotten there yet. But I feel like once she figures out the style she's after, I think she'll be good. Yeah, she at the end of last season for the reunion, she got some fillers. And I was actually sad about that, because she really had a natural beauty and it did not need to be tampered with at all. So I'm a little sad that her face looks a little like,
Starting point is 00:42:14 ooh, right now it's not crazy, it's just a little like, you know, little hud. And I really worry because I feel like Dolores is chasing those styles and I worry that she'll keep doing more to herself. Like do you remember the same thing happened with Kathy? I felt like Kathy came on and she was very naturally beautiful. She had, you know, it wasn't perfect of course, but then it felt like she was doing, she
Starting point is 00:42:36 started to do too much and I liked Kathy, but I was just, I felt like that was happening with her. Kathy was in over her head. She like stumbled onto this weird chapter of her life that it's still I always remember Kathy's first scene when she was riding a little bike down the street to the supermarket to get groceries and it was like it was like the most pleasant lovely moment that this show has ever seen. I was like look at this lovely person and then her life just got destroyed after that. She rode that bike right into hell. She really did. Next week, I was getting an attic renovated by the third Jonas brother.
Starting point is 00:43:10 I know. Justice for Kathy. I sort of miss Kathy. She was definitely too normal for this show, but you know, I feel bad for Kathy. And also, I keep saying, I want a Rosie appearance. Like, come on, we didn't get one last season. Like, just give me one. I know what I'm going to get one, but you know, Kathy's teaching at a local college. I got a press release about it a rosy appearance. Like, come on, we didn't get one last season. Just give me one. I know what I'm going to get one, but. You know, Kathy's teaching at a local college. I got a press release about it a few weeks ago that she's teaching or she's going to local college. No, she was like doing something about canoleus.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Like she was like doing her course or something, or I don't know. I've ordered her canoleus before and they're delicious. I believe it. I believe that she's a very good cook. And I don't know. We can talk about Kathy another time. Sorry, I actually have a lot of thoughts about her. No, you don't have to apologize.
Starting point is 00:43:52 It's, I know us. We will just start talk. This will be a good five hour podcast because I have a lot of thoughts on Kathy. And like, what could have been, what should have been and could have been with her. We do just like a separate bonus episode sometime or somewhere, just us talking about Kathy for at least three hours. Yeah, we could do that. I would like that.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Okay. But anyway, so Jennifer, so she, she declared that she was absolutely not going to sleep in the camper. And Marge is already bristling at this lady. She's like, okay, not, not so gracious, to lose. She's gracious, Jennifer, you know, Jimmy's still at, Jimmy's still at. Just, yeah, I think so then I am excited about this feud. I feel like they are gonna have some good fireworks come in
Starting point is 00:44:33 between those two Margaret and Jennifer. Oh, I love the early signs of a feud. It's such an exciting moment. It's like the first few snowflakes, you know, in winter, you're like, oh my God, it's gonna be a snow day. So, a little thrown off though, because at the beginning of the episode, it seemed like Jennifer was this label whore,
Starting point is 00:44:49 which we don't know that first year she's not, but then all of a sudden, there was this shift when they went shopping in the town. And Jennifer was like, oh, I'm not spending money on this stuff. It was like, I can't really, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. It's still a label whore.
Starting point is 00:45:02 That doesn't, that actually proves your point more. Because it was like, why would I spend this money on this non-Shanel? Right, something that's not a label. You know what, you're right, Ben, that's why. Yeah, she has, right. Because she doesn't have any style. She just buys brands.
Starting point is 00:45:17 That's what she does. So when someone finds some cool boots in Oklahoma that could make your personal style and there's a a story behind or whatever She doesn't see the value in that. She just sees the value in Chanel and in fact when she starts unpacking her bags in the room with the barge She unpacks four different Chanel clutches or bags. It's like you're in Oklahoma, honey All right, it's a little too much and I don't ever like anyone I know I love when someone's brand loyal But it's like if someone's whole war I don't ever like anyone, I know, I love when someone's brand loyal,
Starting point is 00:45:45 but it's like, if someone's whole wardrobe is one brand, it's like, okay, you're just trying to show off now. It's like, you don't have any style. It's like you're just doing, like you said, the label. Yeah, I actually don't like, I don't have anything with a label, but if I did have anything with a label, I don't want to broadcast it.
Starting point is 00:46:01 I'm modest like that. I'm just a modest gentleman. Yeah, you are Ben. A beautiful modest gentleman. Gentleman. Thank you. So we see Marge talks with Joe, and she starts face-signing with Marge Senior.
Starting point is 00:46:16 You look like Sissa Betrill, who I don't even know who that was. Do you know who that is? Is that a sculpture? Who is it? Sissa Betrill. I didn't catch it, but it sounds like you're saying Sophia Petrillo, but that's not who she said, right? No.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Poor March senior, she really, like, we've seen several people come out of plastic surgery before with faceless, but March senior really had a, that was an intense image. Right. I think she looked the worst that we've seen in a long time. Yes. Like the worst. And it was surgery. March was lying to her.
Starting point is 00:46:44 She's like, you look great. And I was like, no, she doesn't. She looked. She, she it was, it was not, it looked like the, like the Robert and Euro Frankenstein. Yeah. The healing look rough. It was, I was like, then what, we should just wait and let's just skip to the after photo. She was not cooked all the way. Like put her back in the oven. We hit the thermometer and used the pop up a little bit. She was like my friend's giving turkey a little underdone on the bottom there. So then Teresa goes to talk to Dolores in the campers.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Teresa manages to survive the walk from the house to the camper without being torn to pieces by five different coyotes. Right. You know, when I like this Dolores Teresa friendship, I feel like they have each other's backs. And for some reason, I love their dynamic together. Yeah, well, it is very good. And I think that's what they expected.
Starting point is 00:47:41 What's going to happen when Dolores came on the show and then when she attached to SIGI, I think everyone was caught off guard by that. But now she's been, you know, of course corrected and now she's with Teresa and very loyal. And so now there's like one of these things where like people, it's like a crosstalk. Because we have Teresa talking to Dolores and then Melissa talking to Jackie, who's the other new girl who seems fine so far. And they're talking about this whole, you know, Teresa wants Joe, brother Joey to hang out with, with no no and Melissa is saying, Teresa's hang is like, you know, riding Joey hard, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. You know. So wait Ben, do you think that he should hang out with the dad more or do you think he's
Starting point is 00:48:24 doing it enough? I mean, I don't know how much he's doing it. I think that when he when she says you need to call dad I think it's not a good look to say I have so much work. I think he say okay. I'll give him a call It's like as simple as that, you know But what we what I don't know is has he been hanging out with him a lot and the end is Teresa still brow-beating him You know like if that's the case, I could be really frustrating. Yeah. Yeah. So, we find out that, this is when we find out that Joe and Melissa were not around for
Starting point is 00:48:55 the one year anniversary of the death, et cetera, and Teresa had to find out on Instagram. So you know, that was like Cardinal Sin for her. Totally. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but, you know, they're a different kind of family and they have different morals and values and stuff But to me I was thinking you know, it was a year later. I don't know. Do you need to celebrate that as an anniversary? I don't know but you know some people might feel differently. I don't know Yeah, and so now Teresa is starting to shift the blame onto Melissa She's like well, obviously Melissa Melissa booked the trips, you know
Starting point is 00:49:24 Obviously and like if Melissa told Joey to visit dad and stuff, he would do it, you know. So already it's turning into a woman versus woman. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm not, I wasn't expecting any Melissa versus Teresa stuff this season. No. Because I just heard it felt like they kept saying that that's done. But I believe that it's not done, and I believe we're getting more and more and more. Yeah, this is just like, we know when things are fake done. Like we remember Tamran, Gretchen becoming friends, we knew that wasn't gonna last.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Did not last, of course not. So it was only a matter of time before this starts to degrade, you know? Can't full us, Ben. Can't full us. I feel like they were doing that. It was almost like a press push. Like, to degrade, you know? Can't full us, Ben. Can't full us. Never. I feel like they were doing that. It was almost like a press push. Like, oh, there's no more trees than Melissa Drama.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Like, they get along now because they wanted people to come back to the show. Yeah. And I feel like they were purposely kind of hiding it from us. Yeah. But I'm okay for them to fall apart because we're getting to see it happen. We can take sides. That's like a fun part about watching these shows. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And as long as it's not the whole show like I think it's great. As long as there's other feuds going on and there's other storylines happening like I think it's great. And I think we're going to have that because we still have a Dan Yostob situation that's festering and most importantly we have this Marge versus Jennifer thing that's building up and in fact in the next scene the ladies all gather back in the kitchen area and Margaret goes in with a real strong passive aggressive Nege on Jennifer Jennifer's wearing this giant Chanel like see like the Chanel sees Necklace and Marge just goes up to her goes oh
Starting point is 00:51:02 It says that she now think did you have that made it you jewelry store something like that which is such like a That is such hilariously like taking your mind. Yeah She's like nope. Yeah, her dinner. Yeah, like it's basically like this doesn't look real and like Oh, are you tacky enough that you would make a fake Chanel thing at a jewelry store? So it was like a great like multi-layered dig, you know? And March knows what she's doing.
Starting point is 00:51:29 March is a good talker. She knows the game she's playing on this show and I am loving it. Yeah. And so the Jennifer's like, no, I got to sit at the Chanel store. I'm sure you shop there. Yeah. And March just, I'm not that I'm not that I just have to test the Chanel's UI. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Doesn't do much for me, which is one great thing like that's such a great posturing moment, you know. And then she said something about her inner confessional too. Is that when she said the jury's still out? I think she said that about her when it came to choosing the rooms. Right. Yeah, but clearly Marge hates her. Yeah, which is great.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And and honestly for good reason, for good reason. Yeah, which is great and and honestly for good reason for good reason. Yeah Yeah, it's tough to deal with you know what Jennifer reminds me up she reminds me of the sort of person I get stuck talking to it an awful party, you know Yeah, like like I can imagine going to Barns L Park, you know, you're going to Barns L Parks like Friday night thing here in LA It's like a picnic. Okay. She's the sort of person your friend says, oh, we're gonna do like a potluck picnic, come. And you're like, okay, I'll go.
Starting point is 00:52:30 You're not sure if you want to go and up, but you do go. And then you sit down on the blankets, and then you get stuck with this woman, and she has like a kid, and she's like, oh, so do you, she's sort of woman who, like when you say you watch Bravo, she's like, oh, I watch Bravo. I like that guy. What's his name again? I'm like, Andy Cohen. Yeah, I'm like, well, do you really watch Bravo? You don't actually watch me?
Starting point is 00:52:51 Yeah. She reminds me of this girl that I know that I'm not saying Jennifer would do this, but this girl that I know that she looks like would always be wearing a boot like she heard her foot one And then it was like she wore a boot for six years and it was like, every time you'd see her, she'd just be like, in the boot and she'd be complaining about like, she couldn't walk properly and it was like, take off the boot, you're fine. Like, she looks just like Jennifer.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And so every time I see Jennifer, I just like, I'm imagining a boot on her. Yeah, I can imagine her being a boot person. I can also imagine her being the type where it's like, hey, like you're having a good time and she's like, oh, I have to go. Yeah, we have an early morning tomorrow. Gotta take little jack to color me mine.
Starting point is 00:53:35 We're gonna make pottery. You're just like, really? You're gonna go home for that? Yeah, like you don't have to leave for that. You don't need all your energy resources for that. Yeah, you don't have to leave for that. You don't need all your energy resources for that. Yeah, you don't. I think it's 8.30 pm. Like, this is, it's too early.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Like, you've built your whole life around your children. Or is she someone who always says they're busy, but they're not really busy at all? Mm-hmm. It's like they're constantly telling you about how busy they are, but then when it comes down to it, they don't have a lot going on. She's the one who, like, you see at a party and she talks about,
Starting point is 00:54:06 she's like, what's that show that I like? What's that one? This is... This is all of us. Is that what it's called? This is all of us? Like, this is us. She says she likes music, but can't name one artist. And then she gets like...
Starting point is 00:54:22 And then, like, when, like, she's the one who one who puts on like I like it that way by the back she Boys, I think she's being so clever. She's like, oh my god. She's the one who does like I karaoke. She does like She does like something like like during like don't stop believing like something like very obvious and overdone like like, like, like, don't stop believing like something like very obvious and overdone. She thinks it's hilarious. Right. She seems to be a key. She's like karaoke also and you're like, it's not a good karaoke song. Yeah. She says she's on a diet all the time, but she's not really actually doing a diet at any time. You go bowling with her and she knocks over three pins and she puts her hands in the air as if she accomplished something major. She buys her socks online. She puts her hands in the air as if she accomplished something major. She buys her socks online.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And then drags about where she got them, the deal she got. I don't even know what that means. She bought her five, five, five, five socks online. But you know, she's just terrible. She does it. She does it. I know she does. She buys her socks online.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Well, for her kids. She says, you know what I do? I just get the socks online. I just get them online. I order. She shuts down the conversation. You know what I do? I just get them online and she's done.
Starting point is 00:55:33 You should just order them online real quick and easy. She says, yeah, real quick and easy. She brings it up at parties. Like, it's an interesting fact about herself. Right. When you go around in circles and tell us something interesting about yourself, and she's like, it's an interesting fact about herself. Right, when you go around in a circle and it's like, tell us something interesting about yourself. And she's like, well, I'm like, kid sucks online.
Starting point is 00:55:50 She just saw a movie that everyone else saw. I know, like, she was like, have you seen them? You know what I just saw? It was wonderful. I just saw, of course, I can't think of any movie now. I'm like, well, I can't finish my joke. You know what? She, she confuses Marvel and DC.
Starting point is 00:56:10 She, she thinks Batman's part of the Avengers. She refers to like a movie from like eight years ago as a new movie she just saw. She'll be like, Oh, you know, I just saw that movie was so great. Batman begins, you know, that DC marvel. She she doesn't know the difference between Merrill Streep and Helen Hunt. Wow. You're not you're really gonna get make me mad. She doesn't. She doesn't. She's she's like you know my I love that movie. I love that movie that Helen Marens in about fashion. What's it called? A Prada? The Prada's a devil?
Starting point is 00:56:46 Love it. So good. So good. She's the type that you're like, oh my god, Jennifer, I have to show you this show. And she's like, oh my god, I can't wait to watch. Let's do this. And you see, you start to watch it. And then like five minutes and she's falling asleep. You're like, I've got a little. We've built the entire night over me coming over to show you the show. She's the type of person that doesn't know the Da Vinci code was originally a book. She just knows it as the movie. And then when, and then she like, but she discovered the second book for some reason, but didn't know about the first one, the angels one, and she's like, I just read this book.
Starting point is 00:57:22 It's so good. Have you heard about it? It's like, yeah, I was the sequel to the Da Vinci code. She's like, what? I thought that was a movie. That's a book also. She's the type of person that refuses to watch anything with a British lead. She's like, it's just boring. You know what she actually, you know what she really is?
Starting point is 00:57:40 And this is going to be like, this is actually the cut to the core of her truth too much. She's the type that she gets with her friends and they like when it's like a bar when it's like a bomb it's for something and there's like a photo booth or something like that or if they're just at a party or at a bar they put on single ladies and they like do the single ladies dance and like if you like that you should have put a ring on it and then it's laugh because they're like oh my my God. And they're like, this is my jam. Oh, I love her and I hate her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:11 She's too real, actually. She's too real. She's both the best and the worst. She tried to stay up to watch Beyoncé's Coachella performance, but it was hard. She had a lot to do the next morning. She carries around a giant bottle of Purell in her handbag, but never uses it.
Starting point is 00:58:30 But she forces it on other people. It's like, wait, wait, hold on. Let me give you some of this. She has like a very like lopsided Purell agenda. At restaurants, she asks for an extra bread basket, but they never eats anything out of it. Oh my god She really would she really would she would she would just say the waiter comes around
Starting point is 00:58:50 It's like do you need another bread basket and she says yes and then never touches it And then she's the one who like she puts in the order and they say and when they're When the kids food is ready just bring it out because they're hungry and then the waiter goes off and then like two minutes later when he brings like So does she's like and you know when their food's ready just bring it out. He's like yeah, I know I know how it works She's the type of person that thinks she's too cold. I don't like the texture. That's what she says. Yeah, that's exactly what she says Yeah, that's exactly exactly exactly Exactly, wow, I feel like we really got a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:59:27 We know her, we know her too well. We really get to the heart of her. As much as we know her, I wasn't expecting this moment, which was Polly showing off, there's a piano in her living room and someone was like, oh, what's the deal with your piano? And she's like, oh, it's been in my family for generations and generations.
Starting point is 00:59:44 And Jennifer goes, I have a piano. No one really plays it. I just really wanted a white piano in my new house. Oh, it was such a gross moment. This hideous moment. A low point for growth. Yeah. You know, that's the kind of person Jennifer is. As we've learned. First of all, who wants a white piano? I know. I mean, that house, like I really want a deep dive into that house of hers, because we saw like little glimpses of it, but like I need a full like architectural digest spread of it, because I need to make heads or tails of what that house is, because now that we know that she got the white piano, like I just need to see the decor
Starting point is 01:00:19 and you see it all. I know. Did you watch Real Housewives of Melbourne? Yes, oh my god, one of the one of the best housewives there is. Oh, a hundred percent. Are we getting now this white piano thing? It's making me think of petty flur is Jennifer like the American version of pedifler. Oh my god. Who begs to differ? Is she gonna come riding in on a giant moon and serenade her son? I hope so. I not a giant moon and serenade her son. I hope so. I think I have. God, I missed pedifler. I know, it's too bad that she wasn't on the latest season,
Starting point is 01:00:47 which apparently will never air in Bravo flip the bitch. I know. I don't switch the bitch, you're right. I know. Did you, I watched that most recent season, though online and it's wonderful. I haven't watched it yet because we are, we are philosophy is that it has to air on Bravo.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So until it airs a bravo, we're stronger man than I am. Well, hopefully it'll come soon because they said it was going to come on. There was one moment where they said, real house as a Melbourne coming this summer and then it never materialized. You know, if you watch them online, they don't, when they air them in Australia, they don't edit out the curse words. So I actually like, that's what I love. One of the things that I love about Melbourne is that they do that Well, but you'll you have to see this new season. I know I knew anymore, but you have got to watch it's fantastic
Starting point is 01:01:31 I don't know I bravo's not around you. It's like it's I I don't understand but anyway, so probably they say get fucked I get very Fault get the Melbourne. I know that's their favorite thing So anyway, so so then so Jennifer shows up this she has this piano moment. It's just like disgusting I think they're f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f- I have to say, I have a very similar sunset from my backyard. Is that not like not one of the most idiotic phrases someone could ever say? It was so great.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Another just disgusting roast moment from her. Well, it's such a one. Marjana writes, she's such a one-up her. She is, but it's like, she's, the way she says it is like, she purchased the sky. Like a sun says sky. She purchased the sky. Like, oh, I have one of those also.
Starting point is 01:02:26 So there's one thing I learned from the movie Burlesque. It's that it is possible to purchase air rights in the sky, but you cannot purchase the sky. Yeah, I mean, for her to say, I have one of those sunsets also. Like, bitch, you did not control one of those sun sets also like bitch like you did not like control the way the sun Sets by your house and you can't control how red and how bright it is okay the orange color of the Sun You did not not under Jennifer's control like you know, I then she's the kind of person that thinks she's in control of the Sun
Starting point is 01:03:02 This is what a person who thinks she controls astronomy think she's in control of the sun. And this is sort of first that you think she controls astronomy. That's the type of person she is. She can't name a single constellation in the sky, but she thinks she controls the sun. She's the sort of person who thinks that the big bank theory is based off of one of her achievements. She owns a telescope, but has never looked at it. Oh, she probably does have one of those telescopes.
Starting point is 01:03:21 You know, because people have those. She probably has like a giant brown globe somewhere. I bet you. I bet you the husband bought her a star once and gave her the certificate for a holiday and she tells people at parties that he got her a star but she can't find the paperwork for it anywhere. It's probably like the worst star too. It's probably like it's probably one of those stars. You ever look up in the sky and from the corner of your eye, I think I see a star, but then when you look at it, you can't see it, but when you look away, it's there again. She has one of those stars.
Starting point is 01:03:52 That's hers. That's hers. You know a star. You know, has that happened to you? Yeah, that's exactly the one of Jennifer's stars. You can't look at it directly at hides, but then when he look away, it's like, oh, no, I'm here. I'm Jennifer's star.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And you know what, she's the type of person that points to this guy and says, that's hers, but she just points randomly. She's just pointing. And you're like, that's a plain Jennifer. She's a boy that's mine also. That's my plane. So then, I mean, basically, I mean, realistically what she's trying to say is that we have a big wide open view. But I'm sorry, a big wide open view in New Jersey is not the same as a big wide open view in Oklahoma. Because Oklahoma
Starting point is 01:04:28 is like more or less flat, I believe. I've never been. But like based on that image, it was like, you know, I could hear like a harmonica play like a sweet like prairie music, you know, I was like sunset over the prairie, you know, or at least some of the music from Oklahoma. Let me tell you something. There's a whole musical based off of the sweeping life. The landscapes. Yeah, the landscapes of Oklahoma. Being there, pioneer days. There's no musical that's like N-E-W-J-E-R-S-E-Y, New Jersey.! No. Right. So she goes, she goes, so my house is high. It's actually the highest level of all of Paramis, which is like one of the greatest brags of all time.
Starting point is 01:05:14 The highest house in Paramis. Now that we're really good into Jennifer, I really hate her. Now that we're really talking about it, I really hate her. She goes, she's great for the show. She goes, one side sees Manhattan, and then the other side, it just blood red. I'm like, it wasn't designed that way. You weren't like, it was like, okay, we're putting this house
Starting point is 01:05:36 here step way, the sun will be blood red for you every day. Yeah, like that's how they position their home. The highest house in Paramus. Oh, oh, oh, god, I love this show sometimes. I know. So then they went to then they had the dinner and I need to talk about well, are we going to guess that we'll need to talk about now? It's dinner time. Yes. Okay. So they're at this dinner. And first of all, Teresa brings her own food, which is Tough, but then Jackie opened up about her eating disorder, which I thought was so wonderful I thought like I was very impressed by Jackie being so honest and open about it because we've seen other Housewives in the past like sort of touch on it but sort of backtrack a little bit and I felt like Jackie was really like the jewels
Starting point is 01:06:21 And even Bethany too Bethany kind of dipped her toe in by talking about her struggles too. And I feel like some other people have too in the past, but I can't think of who. But it was interesting that Jackie was so upfront about it from her second or third episode. Yeah, it was nice. I liked that. I liked her the way she talked about it.
Starting point is 01:06:43 And she was front about it. And I was bracing the entire time for Teresa to turn this into a moment where she was like, is she saying, I have an eangus orders? Is that what it is? Because I bought my own foods. Is that what it is? But you know what? Teresa didn't even have a chance to do that because Polly popped on in.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Polly Pocket came over with a giant pan of banana pudding. Yeah. I don't know if the editors just cut it that way, but it was like Jackie was just opening about her struggle with how she weighed food and how tough it was. And Polly is like, who wants banana pudding? And like just set it right in front of her.
Starting point is 01:07:18 It's like a whole chip down. Like, I was probably Jennifer wasn't like, we actually grow our own bananas. Yeah, they're designed that way. Is that it right in front of Jackie and I thought really? Polly, I feel it. Yeah, Polly. There was also some discussion about Danielle's job. People were surprised that Danielle wasn't there and Margaret was like, you know, she's crazy. You know, she gets mad that I'm going to lose and she's like, she's a stage 5 clinger. And it's kind of funny to me. I kind of feel like Margaret is like okay Danielle is not a main cast member
Starting point is 01:07:48 I'm not gonna put all my eggs into her I am going to start distancing myself from her and join the rest of the cast Yeah, she was smart to do that and also I love that every time Danielle comes up Dolores is just like in the corner of this Greenbie like I fucking hate her. Yeah, she's a fucking clown, but you know at those Dolores I mean that but Danielle brought a lot of drama last season and I'm actually a. Yeah. She's a fucking clown. But you know what though, the lore, I mean, but Danielle brought a lot of drama last season and I'm actually a little upset that she's not a full fledged cast member or even on this trip.
Starting point is 01:08:11 Like she actually should have been on this trip. She should have been on the trip. You know, I have a theory about her not being a cast member. I feel like she's, we know she's gonna be in this season a lot and apparently we see her wedding and everything like that. But I think they purposely don't want to make her a cast member because I think a lot of casual fans hate Danielle because she is so unlikable
Starting point is 01:08:29 But they need her for the show because she brings the drama Yeah, and so I think Bravo is strategically a little bit and I think they do that with Marlowe too Yeah, Atlanta. I think that I think the problem with Danielle is that she's not on brand for them She's like she's not as wealthy as as they like to have on their shows. Apparently Bravo actually prices out. When you're trying to be a cast member on Bravo, they really check to see how big is your house, how much are you earning, what's for cars do you have.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So Danielle probably doesn't quite the bill. Yeah, but she is great TV. She really is. Love her hitter. She's good TV. Yeah, even if you don't like her, we need these weirdos on the bill. Yeah, but she is great, great TV. She really is. Love her, hit her. She's a TV. Yeah, even if you don't like her, we need these weirdos on the show. It's like, yeah, exactly. And I'm fine.
Starting point is 01:09:11 If that's how bravo needs to do it from now on, because I think it happened quite a bit in Beverly Hills with someone, some of the people that have had like a Taylor arm strong or something where it's like, they become so unlikeable, but they're also moving the storyline forward. Yeah. So it's like, make them a friend of so that like fans aren't begging for them to get off the show because it almost takes like the pressure of them.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Do you know what I'm trying to say? Well, like yeah, yeah. But I also think that like, I mean like sometimes these people are so awful, but then you give them some time. People start to appreciate their value and you like just are dying from to come back. Like I would love nothing more than for Taylor Armstrong to come back as a full cast member on Beverly Hills. I think she was the perfect sort of nutty. I was so happy when Danielle came back to Jersey.
Starting point is 01:09:56 So I'm like, I say make Danielle a cast member. But so far this cast is really good. Also, really smart pushing a fitness storyline for Teresa, because it means she'll be angry the whole season. And that's a good luck. You're so right. Oh my god, you're so right. They need Teresa to get angry. And if they're not going to get her angry on her own, then they need to deprive her of food.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Yeah, exactly. So Melissa, after dinner, is like, you guys, something so weird I have to talk to you about. Do you guys remember Concetta, the psychic, and we see Concetta again. She's like, I'm just a simple girl from Josie who speaks to dead people, obviously she's a little girl. So Melissa went and saw Concetta
Starting point is 01:10:40 because she was really missing her dad. And Concetta was like, do you know Phyllis? Yeah, Phyllis, that's the assista, whatever, or your great aunt. So Melissa was like, she, this woman was saying a lot of accurate things and then she was like, so, as your dad says, you have three sisters is something like that, she's like,
Starting point is 01:10:59 no, I only have two, she's like, well guess what, there's another sister out there. And Melissa's like, whoa, that's funny because my dad wasilanderer and there was a woman who was sobbing uncontrollably at the funeral knowing who it was I bet She had a baby with him. I'm like it's a reach. It is a huge reach I am very excited to hear more about Melissa's family because it's been so Gorgah focused for so long Yeah, that I do feel like excited to move on from that. And you know, I mentioned I'd rewatched some of the older episodes when I
Starting point is 01:11:31 was watching the premiere of season three that Christening. Melissa has a sister name Alisa. Alisa. Alisa. Spell like Alisa. Yeah. Right. I feel like she's a star. And I need to know more about the sisters like why have we tried to get them on. and they have Relationships with like Teresa and some of the other girls. Yeah, I feel like those sisters were around a lot for a moment there And it seemed like they we were gonna head in that direction and then they sort of like went away Which is too bad, but yeah those sisters and their husband they all are like marriage guys in Joe and Yeah, I thought we were gonna head that direction.
Starting point is 01:12:05 It never happened. So, to reach, so I'm sorry, so Melissa starts crying over the idea that she might have another sister, which I don't know, this is all a little crazy. I'm like, you already have two sisters, I don't know, I just felt like she's being bonkers, especially because this is all based off of like a psychic,
Starting point is 01:12:20 what a psychic says, based on then like, there was a lady who was crying like 15 years ago. It's a reach as you said. Yeah, it's a reach. I have funeral in the back of the church or something. So Teresa, I wonder if it's going somewhere, like maybe they have answers of it going somewhere because while what they show us the storyline
Starting point is 01:12:37 unless it's gonna play out later. Well, why does Bravo show any storyline? I mean, I don't know if you watch Shazza Sunset, but we watched a season of Destiny trying to find her dad. And then the end of the day, like, we can't find him. I was like, really? I was very disappointed by Shazza's season. I normally, like, love it.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I normally love it. And it was a bad season. Yeah, it was a bad season. But this season was just another example of a show that relied a little bit too heavily the season on my family. So Teresa starts getting mad because Teresa's like, she's basically like, you know what? You're like crying over like, assist us who's like, like, I don't know what another miss is and like, we don't even know if she's real.
Starting point is 01:13:13 And then my dad is like, you know, our lives and like, she's not making priorities. It's like not right, and stuff. But what was that comparison? It was, I mean, I don't, I think,'s gone down a cuckoo path, but she's allowed to sort of have this weird extension of grief. Yeah, like Melissa can deal with something with her family and not have it related to something in Teresa's family. It's like everything goes back to Teresa's family.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Yeah, it just, it goes back to Teresa, just wanting Melissa to be someone she's not, and she wants to control Melissa and make Melissa be the way she wants her to be. Yeah, she, and by the way, where is Teresa's showing of support to the grief? If she wants, if she wants, listen, if she wants Melissa to be all super, oh, check it on, no super like, oh, check it on, no, no, check it on, no, no.
Starting point is 01:14:08 How about Teresa checks in on Melissa's mom? How about that? Yeah. So I agree. Anyway, I'm glad we clarified that. So the next morning, Teresa goes off jogging and Melissa's face timing, Joe, and you know, talking about the sister situation and I had to give it up for Teresa, because if you ever go on on vacation and tried to work out,
Starting point is 01:14:29 well, no one else does, it's literal hell. It's like, it doesn't happen. The fact that Teresa is able to go on on vacation and not only just eat the broccoli that she packed, which I also don't understand how she packed it, because did she go on the plane with that broccoli? Like, where did the broccoli come from? I actually had a lot of questions about that.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Like, did she pre-cook it and put it on the plane? Did she get the broccoli at a store on the way over? I'm shocked by it, Ben. I don't understand where that broccoli came from. Did she travel with the cooler? I don't know. It would have had to cook it. It didn't look like it wasn't raw broccoli or raw
Starting point is 01:15:05 veggies. It was like cooked steam whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was like it was like cooked. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was like cooked steam. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever. It was cooked whatever Sorry, I keep calling her polypocket, I apologize. But at Polly's house, they had the chef, and I feel like they would have known in advance that they were going to have a chef that night. Yeah. You know, I feel like it would have been on the call sheet or whatever. So why couldn't Theresa just be like, hey, can you make me play in a spare, I guess? Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't think Theresa thinks that far ahead necessarily. But then how did she think far ahead enough to bring her on broccoli? Because one of those trainers is probably like, you better bring your own broccoli, okay? Otherwise, you're gonna drop you. Capiche. Capiche. The trainers scared the shit out of me, Ben.
Starting point is 01:15:55 Like, literal, like I was in tears in fetal position watching, like so terrified of them. So Teresa calls up, and they're like, they were very intense. So Teresa calls up No No, and he's like, oh, Jo is gonna take me out to tomorrow. And so Teresa's big takeaway from it is life. Oh, so that's how I get my brothers to spend more times with my dads.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Just make sure Melissa's not there. Like, what? Right. Why is that where your brain goes? Teresa got so excited that she found with my dad's just make some elices not there. Like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,. So Joe is like, okay, well, I guess I should probably go over there and like, help out, you know? Yeah. Yeah. And he's along with his kids too. So he's probably excited to bring the kids over there so the kids can play with the other kids and then, you know, he has someone else to help out. Yeah. So Teresa's new thing is that Joe only hangs out with No No if Melissa's not around. So every time you say No No, I keep thinking of the new Mariah Carey song from her album costume.
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's called there's a song called a no no. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I know. I know. I know. I know. I know a no no and I know a no no. I know the song. No, no, no. And I know no no no. I know a no no and I know a no no. I know the song no no and I know no no from the show. I'm Italian and we never called our grandparents that. Like I know it's an Italian thing
Starting point is 01:17:32 and we just never did that but most Italians call it the dad, no no and no no. But I never did that. No, I was gonna ask you some Italian questions later on when I talk about Italian culture because I was like I'm Jewish. People often think I was going to ask you some Italian questions later on when I talked about Italian culture because I was like, I'm Jewish. People often think I'm Italian, but I'm Jewish. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:17:50 And not Jewish Italian. I'm just Jewish. Well, I'm here to answer any questions you may have. Well, when the moment comes, I will ask them. So, so now it's the morning. So that these phone calls and they're having breakfast. And Teresa starts going in on Melissa. She basically starts saying this thing.
Starting point is 01:18:12 Like, you know, when you're not around, that's the only time Joe sees No No, okay? That's the only time. Like, when you're not around, he spends more time with him. And Dolores is like, yeah, Joe could be, Joe could spend more time with No No. I mean, it's just sort of like Frank could spend more time not in Florida, but with me helping with tiles. I mean, we're not gonna get back together, but you know, like, you know, it's a lot of things,
Starting point is 01:18:33 but I've trust issues, you only got to spot it and tell me my dog died. So I got mad at the gym, yeah, it's a lot going on. I'm a lot of money else trash. I'm frustrated. Danielle's trash. I mean, what do you want? She always slips that out somehow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:45 Yeah. I like to have Dolores jumped on in right with that choker necklace. She just jumped right on in the middle of Teresa and Melissa. And I feel like Teresa or I feel like Dolores really came far from when she first joined the cast because it was like she inserted herself so perfectly and so quickly. And that wouldn't have happened in Dolores' first season. Well, she's come a long way from the time when she awkwardly tagged along on a man's ovocation and they tried to set her up with someone. Do you remember that? Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I mean, embagally, but yes. I'll never forget it. They were in some tiny cab because Joe and Teresa had like one room cab and up in who knew where, like the Adirondacks or the Cat Skills and they all went up in there and they brought to Louris. So. Never forgot. Just read recently that Dolores and Dina are feuding.
Starting point is 01:19:34 Oh, God. I need more of the answers about all that. You know, I think Dina may have, Dina may have some real issues because she fused with Caroline, she fused with this person, she fused with this person she fused with that person I Think Dean of may be the common denominator here Me I mean like I
Starting point is 01:19:53 Mean I go up and down with Caroline sometimes I got like a little annoyed with Caroline towards the end of her run there Cuz I kind of start to feel like everything that she did she was so deeply entertained by everything that she did and everything that her family did that I was like you know and I'm sick of it. And she kind of had this attitude towards the end of not wanting to be there. And so it was like okay if you don't want to be her don't be here. Yeah. When she was all in like in her early seasons she was all in and she wasn't as self-aware about all of it. I think she was fantastic. She was great. She really had that. She brought that mom sensibility. She was smart. Like I loved Carolina. I thought she was one of the best, but she towards the end, it was like watching her son throw him on a wall.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And I'm just like, and she's like, isn't this great, they're so hilarious, they're not doing anything with their lives. They're maybe working on a car wash, but probably can't do that either. And I was like, I don't know, I just, I lost interest in her. But I thought she's one of them that fell from,
Starting point is 01:20:44 a greatness, surely. But I think Dina fell too. And when Dina came back for that terrible season, I thought she's one of them that fell from greatness. Yeah. But I think Dina fell too. And when Dina came back for that terrible season, first of all, I said that was the season she came back for, but totally. I never was a huge Dina fan either. I don't know if I thought she brought like a ton
Starting point is 01:20:55 to the show. She had the hairless cat and Lexi. I remember there being one scene where like, she confronted Lexi about hoarding like sweets in her drawer, like she had a whole drawer of candy and I really loved that But that I love Lexi and that scene not Dina. Yeah, I I love Dina season one But I think that was a different time on Bravo. I think I think Dina was that was more she was more of a like it was Refreshing seeing someone like that. I think nowadays
Starting point is 01:21:20 Dina wouldn't play as well. She wouldn't she wouldn't be as interesting to us, you know Yeah, I don't know, but I feel like Dina has walls up in a. She wouldn't be as interesting to us. I don't know, but I feel like Dina has walls up in a Bethany Frankel type walls. I think she'd store a person that cuts things out. She cuts people out TV shows, things like that. It's weird though that all these feuds she's had with Caroline and Jacqueline and Dolores, how many feuds can you have?
Starting point is 01:21:46 And I don't know the details. I could have been making that up. I thought I heard that somewhere that Dolores are. I thought I read that somewhere, but of course that's like every Bravo Watcher's mantra is like I thought I read that somewhere. So I don't know. It's like the name of a spinoff podcast.
Starting point is 01:22:00 I thought I read that somewhere. We all, every one of us that's watch is Bravo, it's like you read things or see things and you don't know where it came from. You just assume it to be true until you know otherwise. I know. So Teresa is yelling at Melissa and she's like, I do everything for my parents and Melissa's like, well it's easier for you to do everything because you don't have a husband that you have to cater to at the moment, which was some weird logic that, I mean they pointed out the fact that like, well, actually she should be busier
Starting point is 01:22:26 because she doesn't have someone helping her. But at the same time, I get Melissa's logic, which is that like a Jersey husband is sort of like another kid. Child. So it's like, so it's actually less work. We see them with their husbands. It's like, Joe look like work.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Both Joe's look like work. Yeah. And Melissa's like, you know what, talk to your brother because if you don't tell me, talk to your brother because otherwise he's gonna explode and she's like, then you should make him not a fucking explode. Also that whole scene, I really noticed that
Starting point is 01:22:56 Teresa's a mouth breather, her mouth was a jar the whole time that Melissa was talking. She does not have morning fillers, like her fillers need some time to wake up. And they were like, they were still asleep, so her lips were sort of like flapping in a strange way. And like things were like sort of like, she did not have morning fillers.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Oh my God, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. You know, they just were not ready. They weren't ready for to be on camera yet. They were like, no one had known and given had given them like, hey, we're shooting right now. Because this is all over breakfast. They're also in their eating eggs. Hey Ben, you know what?
Starting point is 01:23:31 Jennifer is the type of person that asks the doctor for fillers that wake up right with her. Yeah. She wants all day fillers. She wants all day. She wants all day. She wants a day to night. She wants a day to make sure.
Starting point is 01:23:43 She makes sure of that when she goes to her, search in her, whatever. Yeah. So Teresa's like, you should control your husband. And Melissa's like, can you control your husband? And then it's like, boom, boom, boom. And Teresa's like, yeah. But I love how like anytime anyone mentions Joju dies,
Starting point is 01:23:57 it's like you're hitting below the belt. When this guy is like a crook who defrauded to a people. I don't understand this weird revisionist history that we're all supposed to sit and act like Joe Judice is a good human being like he literally sent her to prison It was his fault allegedly or apparently or whatever that she had to go away and now she's away And now we're all just acting like oh poor guy. I can't understand this whole thing. Yeah, it drives me nuts to be honest. I can't stand it I don't get it. Yeah, and we're acting like they have such a great marriage and I'm thinking they haven't been together in years and
Starting point is 01:24:34 It's because of him like because of these awful things. He did hiding from her. Yeah, you know And he's gonna get deported on top of everything else Although you know I might understand it. You know, I have my theory on that which is that Donald Trump is gonna give him a pardon because Tree-Su is on the grunt. I guess I got full because that's exactly the sort of thing that would happen like Like you know, I don't think I don't think he should get deported I actually think they should allow him to stay or whatever, but also He just fucked up in a lot of ways. Like he's not a good human being.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Like we shouldn't we shouldn't pity him or we shouldn't, uh, I don't know, empathize with him or whatever. It's like, come on. That's what really bothered me during those, the, that, the dark era of New Jersey, where there was a lot of like poor Joe. It was like, oh, the fam's being torn apart. Oh my God. My husband's going getting torn away.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Oh, the dog is one I'm going to do. I'm like, he is a cro's being torn apart. Oh my God, my husband's going, getting torn away. Oh, the dog is one of my gonna do. I'm like, he is a crook. He is a crook. And a lot of it was Bravo's fault. Like that whole Teresa checks in, special, like the music cues and everything. It was so dramatic. Like he said, it was so dramatic.
Starting point is 01:25:36 And they were trying to make a sympathize with him. Like he's staying home and taking care of the kids and everything. It's like, this is not what we're sitting here and we're trying to make this man sympathetic to the general public. It's like, that's not a good thing at all. I don't know that that was their intention,
Starting point is 01:25:53 but it was what they did. Bravos had a Boenerva Teresa for a few years. And that was at its most Boenerva was then. And again, that's why I'm happy that now we're like, we have other personalities and it's like, okay, it's why I'm happy that now we're like, we have other personalities and it's like, okay, it's not just all about Teresa. And so now the show has become much more palatable.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Much more balanced. Yeah, so they're still fighting about this stuff. It's like can you come to my house, can you come to my house, can you come to all your husband, and Melissa's like, I'm not the one making him explode. Kapiche, which is like the new thing that's used in this.
Starting point is 01:26:22 Everyone's saying Kapiche. Uh-huh. That's an Italian thing. My bad. It's how it used to say Kapiche Yeah, that seems like I didn't I've never heard someone say it in real life I only see it in like TV shows mm-hmm. Yeah, but it's my parents do it Kapiche yeah, they'd be like Kapiche Yeah, so Melissa's finally she's at her breaking point. She's like you know what such a fucking mouth Melissa seems like she's got a more of a backbone this season, doesn't she? It seemed that whole argument and that whole time she was talking to Teresa,
Starting point is 01:26:49 I felt like she seemed more comfortable going after Teresa a little bit. I think so. It's not even that she has more of a backbone. She's more like, it seems like she's not afraid to use it. I think she's been trying to be like the good one, the nice one. And now she's like, I don't really care anymore. Yeah, she's got over it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:06 So Teresa leaves and Marge is like, well, basically, you know, Teresa's project, like, when Teresa's telling you to control your husband, she's projecting, you know, her own frustration that she can't control her husband, which I was like, okay, I like that read. I think that's a good read. Yeah. So now it's like, let's go split up and go do some activities. So Melissa and Jackie go off to go shooting guns and stuff.
Starting point is 01:27:31 And everyone else goes off to go fishing. And I don't know if you noticed this, but Dolores totally brought a Louis Vuitton bag to go fishing. I did not notice that. So you had a Louis Vuitton bag. I did not notice that. Yeah, I did not pay attention to that. I did not pay attention to see if Jennifer brought a little Chanel clutch to Chanel.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I'm sure she did. Because there's no way that they walk out of a house and Dolores has a Louis Vuitton and Jennifer does not turn around to get her Chanel. She had it with her. They can't remember. Maybe didn't pick up on it, but she had it. She's the type of person in the house. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:08 So, basically, Jackie and Melissa, they're like shooting a sniper rifle at an old abandoned house across the road. I didn't like that. I don't know why. I just didn't like seeing them. I'm not like that either. Of course, I just didn't like seeing it. Yeah, I didn't like that either. I'm not like that either. I just didn't like seeing it. Yeah, I didn't like that either. I actually, I, you know, I don't love guns and I don't love like the fetishization about
Starting point is 01:28:34 guns. I think we have a right issue with gun violence in this country. And so I feel like one way that we contribute to this normalcy of like, oh, like guns. It's like, I don't like when it's like, oh my god, this is so fun. We're just shoot guns and be like real like, like this normalcy of like oh like guns is like I don't like when it's like Oh my god, this is so fun. We're gonna shoot guns and be like real like like we're crazy. We're badass I don't like linking being like I'm a badass because I've a gun. I don't like that And but this was on top of that but given that that's like okay. We'll do a scene at a gun range I've seen you know, but this was like a full-on like
Starting point is 01:29:02 It's right out the open. It was just like I don't know it made me I felt really icky watching it And I couldn't really I mean after hearing what you just said like I feel like you put a good Reason behind it, but as I was watching it I couldn't figure out why I was feeling so gross about it But I just knew that I like it was almost like cringing a little bit and there's something about it being on a housewives show where it was like this is Fun like a fun adventure for us. Let's get the girls to do that and a little bit and there's something about it being on a housewives show where it was like this is fun like a fun adventure for us. Let's get the girls to do that and I was like it also didn't even seem like something they would do normally like I don't think Melissa and Jackie would have been like let's go shoot guns. So it was like the producer set it up and and so it was like oh the producer's
Starting point is 01:29:40 out that'd be a funding for women to see other women shoot guns. I know. By the way, I don't feel, if people who have guns, and I'm not opposed to allowing people to have guns, it felt really gross to me. I just don't like the glorification of guns as this, like you need one to be more of a man, or to be a badass. If you have your guns for hunting or whatever, like, have them. It's fine. I'm not even getting into gun control or anything like that, but like, but I'm just like, I don't, it's like, there's just certain things in life that I don't, you know, just the same way I was presented. It was icky. Yeah, like if someone, like, just how it's icky for someone to have think that having a white piano makes them somehow
Starting point is 01:30:22 more posh. It's like, no, I don't like that. And I push back on that. Fucking Jennifer. You know what I'm saying? It's the same thing if someone gets a Mustang, you know, I have a whole thing with muscle cars, which is that I fucking hate them. And that I feel like anyone who drives a muscle car is an asshole. And if you're not an asshole, if you have to be a very nice person who drives a muscle car, you have to know that I'm going to think you're an asshole because it's skilled by association for me. And I'm sorry, that's just the way it is. So like when someone is like, oh, I'm more of like a man, I'm cooler because I got this loud Mustang that is unnecessarily loud in the setting of car alarms. It's like, what does
Starting point is 01:30:56 that prove? What does that do? Nothing. Just an annoyance to everyone else. Well, you know, the thing about Jersey that's interesting is like the male and female dynamics. I mean, this is sort of what we're talking about are are a little bit. They're so traditional, particularly with the people of this cast. I'm not saying all of Jersey, but the people in this cast the male female roles are so Old fashion and so we even saw it again with that scene with Joe and Antonio and Tonya and It's just which is basically next. next yeah that's actually the next scene is Joe with the kids it almost feels like it's 10 year or 10 years late like it almost feels like a scene that would have fit in 10 years ago
Starting point is 01:31:37 but now it almost feels like Really like you guys are still at this point does that make sense yeah and also on top of that It's it's also tiresome because they show this scene like every three episodes on this show like for the past four years It's like oh Joe is home alone with the kids. He has to be the dad It's like I'm a lot of fun. I put that away Antonio oh, it's like oh no the kids are pretty things. Oh no too much. Oh man. I'm overwhelmed kids, you know Joey go get a girlfriend Antonia. Don't ever talk to boys. It's like, yeah, all right. It's like I'm sick of it. It's like it's not interesting. It's not an interesting
Starting point is 01:32:13 commentary on anything right now. No, and it just feels, I feel it felt dated five years ago, but now it just feels like, okay, enough. But what was strong enough? Enough. But what was, what was good about the scene is that Joe was like, you know what, I wake up at 5am every single day I work really hard and you know what, like I'm starting to think that like all this time I thought I was Joe Judys who is like in No No's ear saying that I was being a bad son but I'm trying to realize maybe it's Teresa. So I was like, oh shit. Now how can Teresa not watch that episode and be pissed at Joe? Like you know she's watching that and she might have gone through the whole season and they were cool, but the minute
Starting point is 01:32:50 she's going to see that, like she's going to get pissed. Yeah, I mean, look how mad she was at freaking Kathy Wikilei's mom when she said, well, if you break the law, you're going to go to jail. Like she said, like the most like the most like benign observation and then Theresa basically cut off Kathy and and Rosie. She's because I just heard a Theresa was on a podcast and I heard the interview, it was like a long interview and she was talking about Kathy and how the she'll never
Starting point is 01:33:18 forgive, here we are back to Kathy. Yeah. But she was saying she'll never forgive and the only reason she forgave Joe and Melissa is because Joe's her brother. But I was thinking, well Kathy was saying she'll never forgive in the only reason she'd forgive Joe and Melissa's because Joe's her brother But I was thinking well Kathy was like your blood, but and she seemingly didn't do like that Like what did Kathy do like I don't understand like she said on the interview She said it was like that Melissa and Kathy came on the show behind her back. Yeah, that's the real crux of it
Starting point is 01:33:42 Melissa told me on my show. She said this week that what did she say? That Theresa knew that they were coming on, but she didn't know that they initially auditioned. So they auditioned and then Melissa told Theresa like, Hey, we got, we got the gig, but Theresa didn't know the audition. So Theresa knew when they were eventually hired before they started filming. You know what, Theresa is going, she's real dumb. She's real dumb, obviously she's dumb.
Starting point is 01:34:12 The fact that she would like let something like this get in the way of her family, I mean, it's so stupid. I mean, and like how obnoxious to be like, you know, to be upset that like your cousins are coming on your show. I guess I understand the perspective of like, you're coming onto my show to make me look bad. I'll be mad. But like, that's your like, you made yourself look bad. They weren't out there to attack you. They were just given an opportunity to like, sure, this is fun. Maybe you can make an
Starting point is 01:34:38 argument that Melissa was. But I don't know. I think that's such petty bullshit and to like sever ties with like a family member over that over like this especially this like Self-involved notion is like it's my show, you know Stupid stupid don't don't put family and then like then like not for a kid over Something is like and I think it would have benefited all of them It we wouldn't have gotten as great of TV, but it would have benefited all of them if she, you know, they had a little argument about it and they moved on real quick,
Starting point is 01:35:08 but it just felt like, and that's why I think a lot of people left the show because it felt like four seasons of the same argument. Because no one, no, what I've discovered is that we like a feud. We like watching a feud develop, then we watch the aftermath of the feud, but so we'll be fine for like a season of a feud, like a full-on season of a feud, and then that's
Starting point is 01:35:33 it. We don't want to rehash. That's why, like, on OC, it got really tiresome with Vicki because you had like, that you had a season where things started to fall apart between Vicki and Shannon, and you're like, oh, and then you had a season where they had a falling out, and then they had a season where things started to fall apart between Vicky and Shannon and you're like, oh, and then you had a season where they had a falling out and then they had another season where they're still romantic to each other. It's like you can't do that extra season.
Starting point is 01:35:51 You can have that with you. Too much. Build up to the fall out, a season the fall out, and now we have to move on, okay? You're right, you're right. And New Jersey broke that law. Yeah. The law.
Starting point is 01:36:03 So now everyone has like several of them have gathered on the patio and Jennifer is talking about how she'll never camp. She's never gonna camp and then she's like, and I looked at that camper before, I put my head in it and I'm sorry, I thought this was supposed to be a five star camper. I know, how if I can root? Yeah. I'm fucking her.
Starting point is 01:36:24 And Delores, they showed her being rude in the scene for next week too. And I got, I like, really hate Jennifer now. I know. And Delores has a great way of putting her down. She's like, she gets, you know, she is everything I get accused of being. And I'm not, you know, which is great in front of her too. She said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Well, because, and then, because, um, March was like, um, you know, she disguises being high maintenance by being high maintenance, which I didn't even understand, but I appreciate it. There's this great thing that they all can do in all these franchises, whereas like if it's a new girl, they can be really mean to them to their face. Yeah. And the new girl sort of just take it, you know, because they don't know quite what the boundaries are yet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:58 And so that was going on a lot in this episode with Jennifer. It was like they were being mean to her face. And in a few more episodes are by next season, and she's not gonna take any of it, but right now she'll take it, and it's really funny to watch. Well, then she tries to pivot. She's like, well, you know what,
Starting point is 01:37:11 the campus just won situation, and you can't judge me on based on just one situation. And then she does the smart thing, which is that she starts kissing Teresa's ass. She's like, you know, I do things that are truly humbling, you know, for instance, when Teresa was talking about her dad, that really resonated with me, but she didn't really say why. She wasn't like my dad died or anything. She just was like, it resonated with me. And Teresa's like, ah, you're nice, this is. She doesn't even know me. She doesn't even know me. She sees it.
Starting point is 01:37:41 So, um, so Teresa's, oh, this was gonna ask you about. She's like, in Italian tradition, the year anniversary of a family member's death is the most important year and time to be together. And that's how Joey and I were raised. But I guess when you marry, is someone else, you just go and mold yourself to their ways instead? Is that a thing in Italian culture, Danny? Residential.
Starting point is 01:38:04 I have never, it's not been, I'm not saying it isn't, but it's not been something in my family. Like, we never were raised like that. I don't remember any like super close relatives passing, you know, my grandparents just passed sort of recently. And so I don't remember growing up, it being a thing. And I certainly don't remember it recently being a thing. I should mention my mom's not Italian my dad is but I don't remember it being a thing but that's I'm not saying it's not but you know Well people are Italian and they would like to chime in please please leave a comment on like Facebook or Twitter or something But I
Starting point is 01:38:38 It's interesting when Teresa says that that you know I guess you know when you marry someone else you you just take on their traditions instead, which was a very loaded comment. But it's also like, you can't expect Melissa to come over to your way of life and then you not go a little bit to her way of life. That's what drives that. Teresa is very stubborn. I mean, look at what she's done for her man.
Starting point is 01:39:01 It's like, I think she thinks everyone's supposed to do that. It's like, she literally is sticking with this man who's in prison and is being deported. And she even has said like, if and when he's deported, like they're not getting divorced. And it's like, she is loyal till the end, but very much loyal to a fault. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Yeah. It's like, move on. Yeah, exactly. So, so now they're going into town and Jackie the other new girl we can see that she's she's she's gonna go down a rough path because she starts defending um Melissa, she's just like no, I think that Melissa just felt gangged up on. I think that's just what she meant was ex-winez and Teresa is Not liking it. Teresa does not like when people do this. She's already seeing, you know, enemy in their midst.
Starting point is 01:39:51 And I'm excited for this little feud to take off too. Yeah, and Dolores is also like she's walking on thin ice, Jackie, she's walking on thin ice. Dolores knows. Yeah. So then we have some scene with Marge and Lexi and Polly talking about the hospital heroes thing and because they're going to be designing these like cute hospital gowns for kids which is really a lovely idea. And I'm excited to see it. I like it. I am excited too. Like little kids in sequence. I think it's nice. And they're like, Hey Polly, what
Starting point is 01:40:22 was that great slogan you came up with for the line? And she's like, oh, when you think like a child, magical things happen. I'm like, I've not seen a lot of magic on this cast and they have sort of been my children. Well, isn't that so funny too that this is like, seems out of all the house-wise franchises. Like this idea of this children's line of hospital gowns is so beautiful touching.
Starting point is 01:40:44 I don't think there's a person that you can explain it to who would think it's a bad idea, right? And it's coming from Jersey who's the most, I don't know, brazen, or I don't know what the word I'm looking for is, but it's like out of all the franchises, it's like this is the one coming up with this idea that we haven't seen in 15 years, or however many years of house I've been on,
Starting point is 01:41:02 we haven't seen an idea quite like as beautiful as this. Right. And it's coming from Jersey. Of all places. Yeah. I mean, I certainly, I think the last time New York tried to do something charitable was when Luan went to speak to young women, like the boys
Starting point is 01:41:16 and girls clupper something. And she's like, I don't remember what she said, but she was just like, oh, well, just dress nicely and you'll get the job. And she remember when she talked to all those kids and like the one kid, she's like, just, you know, dress nicely and you'll get the job. And she remember when she talked to all those kids and like the one kid, she's like, what do you guys want to be when you grew up? And the one girl was like, I want to be a mod on. She's like, oh, well, you can lose some weight. And it was like, it was like, it was like, it was, it was actually such an
Starting point is 01:41:37 amazing scene that it's like a hidden gem. Like, there are a lot of famous scenes from the, the, the, the New York Canon, but that scene when you go back, it's like this is so genius Countess Lou Ann, like giving life lessons to these ladies. Oh my god. I know and and that one You're talking about she was talking to someone who was like just out of prison or something like oh And it was like oh my god like We know what we know of Lou Ann now like watching her give advice to you know Convicted felons or or anyone that's been in trouble with the law.
Starting point is 01:42:08 It's like, come on. Yeah. So anyway, so now the girls are at the... Also the charity event. Do you remember when they put the stuff on the jeans? Okay, that's neither here nor there. Do you remember when they put things on jeans? Okay.
Starting point is 01:42:20 I feel like I vaguely remember that. It was like, I think it was at Duranda's house or something. And Bethany got in fight with the drag guys. Yes. Yes. Oh my god. Oh god, that show was just... It's pretty much...
Starting point is 01:42:31 All of it. So now the women are at like, they're at like a shop and they're trying on cowboy boots and everything. And this is where Jennifer's like, someone's like, I'll pay $500, Jennifer's like, $500 for cowboy boots, you know, and she's like, you know, a gas at this and she says, you know, they think that I'm privileged,
Starting point is 01:42:49 but I wouldn't spend $500 on cowboy boots, which is also just makes her look like a huge idiot because it shows that she has like nowhere in this of the craftsmanship that goes into cowboy boots and things like that. Right, right. I know, like cowboy boots are all expensive. Like even, they're, I mean, a good cowboy boot is expensive.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Yeah, there's like a lot of detailing and artistry. It just was so dumb. She's what I'm actually dumb. And then she brags about being cheap. She's like, when I was younger, I would always count my pennies. You know, when we go out to a group dinner and everyone says, put the ball up,
Starting point is 01:43:20 I'd be like, I got a Coke and a salad and that's that. And I get it. Two dollars. Like I get that. And like I get it. $2. Yeah. Like I get that. I've been there myself. I've spent many years like that. But I just feel like, sorry, I just see my microphone. I just kind of feel like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:43:35 She was bragging about it in a way that I feel like most of us have done that in different points in our life when we had to because we didn't have the money or whatever. It's like she's bragging about it 10 years later. It's like she's probably always had the money to do it. Well, it's just like she's almost like she's saying it almost as as if it validates her current spoiled ass, you know. Yeah. It doesn't. It doesn't. It doesn't make you more relatable either. It makes me sad for things I've done in the past. What I've learned, you know what I've learned? You know what I've learned this podcast is then I really hate Jennifer. That's what I'm coming out of this. I really, we started this episode and I think I was on board and I probably if you were to wine this episode,
Starting point is 01:44:13 I was saying, I love Jennifer. Yeah. Not anymore. No, she's terrible. I'm so glad she's on the cast though. So now, so now, you know, Melissa and Marge have like a walk. It's like, windio and Marge, they're just talking about Teresa and Marge thinks that Teresa is just under stress from not having Joe around. And Melissa's whole thing is that she's like, I feel like I'm being tolerated, but I'm not being embraced by Teresa.
Starting point is 01:44:40 And like, I don't know, I thought we'd be more like sisters, blah, blah, blah, blah. And this gets reiterated a few minutes later when Melissa goes into Teresa's room to talk to her and says the same thing. Like I feel like I'm just being tolerated. Which I think is a fair assessment for Melissa. I think that we all sort of just tolerate her. I used to really like her, but I'm sort of like, I wanted to offer something more interesting
Starting point is 01:45:00 these days. I need more from her, you know? The side that you saw on your couch, I want to see that on the show. But I don't even know if that side was something that's like good on a show. Like I thought, you know, she seems like so sweet and everything, but I always found like it was like, I don't know that Melissa would be on the show without Joe, you know, I know she wouldn't be on the show without Joe. And, you know, she's fine. Yeah. I don't know that she's really brought a ton in the early seasons though I think she was more interesting like maybe just cuz I liked on display on display on display
Starting point is 01:45:30 But yeah, she hasn't had anything to do for the past two seasons except like Have her boutique and it just feels it kind of just feels vapid So it's like she's not really bringing much to the table and now she has this thing with assist the possible ghost sister So she's just like there and she's like no, like no matter what I do it's not good enough And I just want to be accepted. I want to be loved like a real sister entries like who gets this shit about that It should tell us Like so much about family or so much
Starting point is 01:46:02 Yeah, so Teresa's like I just want my like, I just want my dad to spend, I just want my brother to spend time with my dad. Do you know, Kopeesh? I was like, oh my God. Kopeesh. Oh my God. We're going to be hearing that a lot this season, Ben. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:46:14 And so Teresa finally tells Melissa, look, you know, I don't want to fight anymore. You know, I'm just, I'm just going to accept you for who you are, which is like such a dismissive way. They both hate each other, but like, let's just move on again. Like, they both clearly hate each other. Like Teresa hates Melissa. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:31 And I don't know that Melissa hates Teresa, but like, Melissa knows that Teresa hates her. Yes. But we're all pretending that they're getting along. And but she doesn't want to be the one who gets accused of reigniting the fight. I think that's what's going on with Melissa right now. I think Melissa would be very happy to be like no fuck you I don't really care about this
Starting point is 01:46:49 But she doesn't want to be the one she doesn't want then to be the one that's racing like see she was always bad See see see you know it was her fault. It was her fault. She did it. Yeah Exactly And that's pretty much based at the episode ends with them agreeing to just like Not talk about it anymore. And look, I said it earlier, but they are going to get into it at the reunion. I don't care. I think this watching these professionals back, I don't think either one of them is nice to the other one. And Teresa said some stuff about Joe Gorga and Joe Gorga and his professionals, which also, by the way, are very up close. I don't know why they're doing.
Starting point is 01:47:21 They are. They are. It makes me wonder if he like shot something with Melissa and they need to crop her out or something. I don't know, but they have been like right up close onto him. Something happened. Sure. He needs to be sure to. It's way too close.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I take off the top and zoom out a little bit so we can see the full body. But they're going to watch it back and they're going to get into it. If they're not already getting into it now off camera. Yeah huge huge So that's the end Danny. Thank you so much for coming on from this black Friday to discuss discussing Jersey This was way longer than I thought it would be but it was so fun every single minute of it Oh my god. I think for having me you know, I could talk to you forever
Starting point is 01:47:59 I love you so much and I love Ronnie too Of course, I saw him last weekend and I didn't see you but now I get to talk to you and I don't get to have Ronnie I need you both in my life I want we will we will do it and hopefully someone has found Ronnie On the floor of the lawn mart and has resurrected him and given him a little Those horse those horse that trampled them the horse stampede So Danny once again everyone go follow Danny on, um, Twitter and especially on Instagram. I mean, that's kind of like your bread and butter, right?
Starting point is 01:48:30 That's like your, that's like your thing is Instagram. And the podcast everyone go listen to everything I connect or subscribe. We do two episodes a week. So one episode is like general pop culture and nostalgia stuff and then one episode is Bravo. And he gets super famous people on it. So like, Danny's is a good one to like, hear like chatter with famous people.
Starting point is 01:48:51 But yes, please listen, I would love it if everyone subscribed and if they like it, that'd be wonderful too. Yes. Thanks for coming on. Thank you, Ben. And everyone will talk to you on Monday. Bye, everyone. Bye, everyone. Bye, everyone.
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