Watch What Crappens - RHONY: Cackling Turkeys

Episode Date: August 7, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Real Housewives of New York gather at Sai's place for a special Brynnsgiving episode. Expect a lot of tears and bare This week's bonus is a two part Big Brother 25 Cast Preview. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Happy New Hi everybody, I'm Ronnie and this has been Next to me Hi Ben. Hi, how's it going? Good, I love your Thanksgiving background for Brent's giving. Yeah, you know, getting into the spirit of friends giving it a size house. Yeah. Welcome to the real housewives of New York recap everybody. Thanks for being here. Thanks for joining us for whoever joins us tonight. I mean, I don't even know when this is earned. We won't shut up today, which we're recording all day, but we started our new live show on Monday night this week called Crabby Hour. Instagram live every other Monday, the first and third Monday of the month, just come chat with us. It's just a Bravo news and goss show. It's very casual. We just sit around and, yeah, so join us for
Starting point is 00:01:16 that. Thanks to everybody who came by. This is a video. You can find our videos on Patreon and the Crabins on demand level. Also our bonus episode, the last was a two-part big brother cast preview, which was super fun as well. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so we're back here with some real housewives of New York going excitingly. How did you feel this episode was? going excitingly. How do you feel this episode was? You went to it, feeling it? It was fine. There's a lot of drama. There's just a lot of drama going on, which I get it. They're real housewives, guys. This was that. There was a lot of sadness. I mean, so far, I'm like, I don't know, I'm just kind of going along for the ride. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:07 So this episode opens up. We're back in Sag Harbor. We're still in the Hamptons. Everyone's waking up in Aaron's house and a brain is in Aaron's bed and Aaron's like, oh my God, what happened last night? And Prince, like, what did I do? Aaron's like, you spent the night last night, girl. Like, you are a forgot who I am.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Is this crazy? We're like basically, pretending like we had socks last night. And then Prince, like, I'm in plan. I was sleeping with Aaron last night, but I didn't have it. But so I had to. And then, um, sigh, uh, sigh comes in. She's like, um, your mama's here. And she's like, So I had to and then Si Si comes in and she's like um your mama's here and she's like my where's Danny?
Starting point is 00:02:49 Is he in the south is in the east is in my time? Yeah, cuz there was like a thing from last is a flashback to last night where brin's like I don't have a bed So I'm gonna get into this crib. I'm like for daddy's in bridge Hampton. Where is he? So now we have errands like still in bed into his crib. I'm like, for daddy's in Bridghampton, where is he? Ah. So now we have Aaron's still in bed. And she's like, I'm gonna go make coffee. And we're like, I need a plan B. And Aaron goes, ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Aaron's like trying to sell every wacky moment. Anything that's remotely funny, Aaron laughs so big to be like, we are hilarious. This is real New Yorkers here. She said she needs a plan B. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, in King of the Hill. Do you ever watch King of the Hill that cartoon? You don't really see that type. Not in like 20 years. And I think it looks like in the trend. Of course I loved it. I was Bobby.
Starting point is 00:03:52 That was music. I was like a little gay Bobby. Well Bobby could have been gay. So then we're in the kitchen and Brynn's talking to signs. She's like, how am I listening? Leave me like that in the middle of the night. Red flag. And so I was like, that's what I do. Love them and leave me like that in the middle of the night red flag.
Starting point is 00:04:05 And so I was like, that's what I do. Love them and leave them. I love some cash on the best side table though. Would you think? That's actually what I charge. And Aaron's like, you guys, you. Wow, our chemistry is undeniable as a cast. So, so I was like, um, I thought you were cooking. I don't smell anything. And everyone's like, oh, you want me to start now? She's like, yeah, okay. Are you gonna make your shikoshuka shikoshuka shikoshuka? Isn't it funny that I still don't know what shakshuka is, guys? Mmm. And she's like, yeah, I wanted you to start cooking like an hour ago so I could eat now. And Jenna's like, um, are you doing the shakshuka thing? Because I can help with
Starting point is 00:04:44 that. And she's like, yeah, you can cut some tomatoes. You haven't cooked anything? What have you done? Okay, you hired some caviar people to come over and bring to the tin shit, and literally that's it. You need to, Erin needs to do better at this one. My last week I was like, okay, the caviar was just supposed to be a snack before dinner,
Starting point is 00:05:01 but you literally don't have anything in the house and didn't have Shuka already prepared. Same on you. Terrible. I know. So Jenna's sliced tomatoes and she has these giant, hugely bejeweled bracelets on and everyone brings like, oh my god, I love that there's like 50,000 on with a jewelry happening right here. She says half a million. Yeah. And she's like, that's the interesting look for the Hamptons. And Jenna's like, have you heard of the movie Breakfast
Starting point is 00:05:31 at Tiffany's? That's like, okay, I don't know. I've never seen Breakfast at Tiffany's. Is that a thing that happens? That people wear jewelry in breakfast? Like that? No. Or is she just saying it's like,
Starting point is 00:05:44 I think it was just a plan. Breakfast time. And then there's like it's like, I think it was just a plan. Breakfast time. And then there's like, I think it was just a plan of words, but brand you're looking pretty poor. You know what I mean? How so I was just supposed to pretend to have wealth, you know? Like we know that you don't or all of you don't.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I'm not just like picking on brands specifically. We know it's like a fake show and stuff, but you're supposed to be like, oh my God, I totally have that bracelet. Love it. You're not supposed to be like, oh my God, I totally have that bracelet. I love it. You're not supposed to be like, I'm at nice half a million dollars at breakfast. What is this? The hamptons?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Yes. It's the very glamorous hamptons where you're supposed to not blink your eyes, someone worrying about much money. Yeah. Exactly. So then, Mewel upstairs jessles in. It was room. And she's like, good morning sunshine.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I'm returning your lotion because I feel like about everything that I didn't borrow, we borrowed because of course anything I do is on behalf of me and my sister friend, Jenna Lyons. And it was like how was your sleep? And she goes, oh you know how when you have kids you always have awake. Waiting for a parvet to do his job. Get them the hell out of your doorway, asking for hugs. It's not my job. Mother. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I'm back. You know what it's like when you have children and you're trying to sleep and you just hear the ceaseless sound of a stool being dragged from the living room into the foyer and whoo brings us to all into the foyer in the fifth place. from the living room into the FOIA and whoo brings us to all into the FOIA in the fifth place. And so we got back to the kitchen where Jenna is helping cook and there's an onion being cooked and she's like I'm dying right now because I'm like super sensitive to onions. I'm crying. I'm like hold on. I'm crying right now. Wow this is, oh, it's like, wow, this is a wacky show.
Starting point is 00:07:26 So then the other people come into the kitchen and it was like, oh, I'll tell you what's going to happen today. Someone's going to try Omaha. Omaha, it's time for me to promote my hot sauce. So she starts pouring out the hot sauce from a jar and bring us that's a sexy ass bottle. Like it's literally, it's literally a jar. It's like, there's nothing sexy.
Starting point is 00:07:53 It's just a jar. But I feel like Bryn is trying so hard at all the time to make, yeah, sexy. I'm okay. I'm sick playing people. I'm like, I'm a hot. Yeah, I'm aots just got me wet. I hope I don't put out the fire in the hotness.
Starting point is 00:08:07 What a fucking hot bottle. I can't even get that fucking fucked that bottle. I fucked that bottle. Is that not a famous? I fucked it, probably. That's such a sexy fucking bottle. So, I'm trying to taste the hot sauce. Actually, she starts, she's like,
Starting point is 00:08:25 and Aaron's like, is that hot? No, Karen. So, Uber tells us, she's like, 2021. I launched it in June, and I get to call. It's an opera favorite thing. And there's entrepreneur, it's like winning an Oscar. I was like, bitches, I made it. And her backstory is basically that she,
Starting point is 00:08:47 when she was modeling, she had to eat steamed fish and steamed vegetable and everything she had was so boring. So she made a hot sauce. That way she can enjoy something. So basically it's a hot sauce, hot sauce for models. So of course, by the way, guess what people put on every flying thing to make it taste better. Sauce. Sauce.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay. It's just a case anybody out there is wondering. I'm like, wow, what an invention. You put things on, playing things to make them taste better. We tell people here about baked potatoes. It's so crazy. So, Jassal's like, this is perfection. This is one of the, I'm not gonna lie.
Starting point is 00:09:23 This is probably one of the top three shakshuka's I've ever had. It's almost like the slicing of the tomatoes, but it's unsurprisingly. It really elevates the entire, who sliced these tomatoes? Who was the genius who sliced these tomatoes?aksuke to X. Eventually better levels. I knew it. I knew it, Jenna. You do everything so perfectly. So they are trying to Shaksuke and Jenna's like, this is really good.
Starting point is 00:09:55 This is like one of the best Shaksuke that I've ever had to say. It's like really good. And Sai is telling us like, what the fuck is Shaksuke? Running eggs into tomato sauce? Yeah, how about you stop being a dick to Shaqshuka? Like, you're bored of an offensive at this point.
Starting point is 00:10:11 You know what I mean? Eat the fucking dinner. Like, you're just like, you're way too enthused about seeming like a full-on ignorant jackass on camera. Not ignorant in the sense of like, that this is a very well-known breakfast dish. That's like also part of like a culture for millions of people and you're like,
Starting point is 00:10:30 what is it? Gross. And Aaron's like, I'm Jacques Suka, isn't Israeli, does, and you'll see it on menus everywhere at brunch in Israel. So I start talking about what everyone's going to do for Thanksgiving and jessels in lunch. She's like my in-laws in town. So, let's start talking about what everyone's going to do for a Thanksgiving and Jettles in large. My in-laws are in town. So, you know, basically sitting on a circular couch and ordering them around to clean things. Spots on walls, etc. etc. Pick up a twin once in a while, mother, god forbid.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Do you ever do anything correctly around here? Followed behind her with a wash cloth. Yes, the thin pavits parents are coming into town, which means of course that they'll be having to bulk order some Oreos because you know their little paws will be in that jar. And I'm going to California. And Aaron's like, I'm going to be in Saikorra, and she says how she normally hosts Thanksgiving, but this year the family actually wants to eat something. So they're gonna go to Abe's mom's house,
Starting point is 00:11:27 which is like 10 minutes away in the Hamptons. And Brynn, Jenna's asking, what is that nice that they live by? She's like, do they drop by? I mean, that wouldn't be good, right? And Jenna Brynn says, yeah, no, oh no. But like, I went to love an overbearing mother and mom. I mean, I wanted a mom and a dad.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And it's why I'm still friends with all of my ex's families. And we hear the friend group in Indiana and her parents were in a round. And so her mom, her mom's mom legally adopted her and her siblings. So her grandma was basically her mom to her. But she doesn't really have parental figure anymore. So Jenna asked her if she fell in love,
Starting point is 00:12:07 like who's a person, she's gonna introduce that guy to. And Brynn's like, my brother. And she's like, so you don't have a paternal figure. And Aaron's like, wow, I knew she had a rough history, but it's just like heartbreaking, because you can really see it's upsetting her. And you know, I mean, I guess the most shocking part is that someone that sad still won't go to catch.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I just like Aaron saying, wow, I've known Bryn had a really rough history, but I didn't realize it was that bad. I'm like, have you ever asked for a question? Because she seems like very eager. And I'm not saying this in a bad way, but she was very eager to sort of like bring this to the table right now. Have you just, you just don't ask questions over your friends like the most basic questions.
Starting point is 00:12:51 All right, she's not a withholder, you know? Yeah, Brinn's not like, this is not, she's not like a big secret keeper. Brinn basically spends the episode like telling everyone the story. And so, which is not, I'm not shaming her for that, but she tells everyone. So the fact that Aaron's like,
Starting point is 00:13:04 oh, I didn't realize it was that bad. It's like, have you, have you ever talked with your friend before? Have you ever asked her any questions about her life? So, Justin's like, so brilliant. You're going to London for a week. And she's like, yeah, I'm going by myself. I mean, I might see Gideon this time.
Starting point is 00:13:21 He was my third fiance. And like, he's the British finance guy. We're like consciously of couples. So I guess, I guess that's what I'll be doing. It's like, well, I listen. You've found three rich dudes to choose from between the holidays. I mean, it's sad that I'm jealous.
Starting point is 00:13:38 I have great parents. Can I trade them? Because I would love to get the end to go visit for Thanksgiving. I'm sick of these lime masses. Okay. Traycha. Brin's like,
Starting point is 00:13:49 getting ants like my third fiance, and I'm not married. Like, obviously I don't have it all figured out. And obviously, if I'd been married, I'd probably have my third divorce my now. So statistically, I'm setting myself up for success because I never want to get a divorce ever in my life.
Starting point is 00:14:03 And Aaron tells us, get the end. I wish she would get him, get with my life. And Aaron tells us, get in. I wish she would get in, get with him. Like, I don't know why, he's like cute. He's like Jewish, he's like a nice Jewish guy. He's like, this person who would like, make sure she's good for you, you know what I'm saying? And brands like, well, I'm not really close to my relatives.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And I really want to family my own badly, you know? I want traditions, I want places to go. So badly, you know, I want traditions. I want places to go. So that's why sometimes I call it my axis and say, what are you doing? You know, it's like band-aids. It's painful. And she's like sharing this and then size like, hey, the way you're eating with that knife is really making me uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I'm sorry, but there is an important story going on right now. I want to talk about the way that Uba's using a knife in her mouth. I know, because Uba is picking up food with her knife. And is that how models are taught to eat to lower calories? What is it? I don't know, but she definitely has the butter knife butter knife in her mouth. And so they're like, okay, look at me. This is crazy. This is called eating hot sauce like crazy person Interesting group of ladies we are eating with knives Sharing childhood drama having shocked you Calate So they pack up and get ready to leave and errands like um jessel
Starting point is 00:15:26 Because jessel's waiting like in the for, like she's just standing there waiting to leave. And Jettel's, everyone else is packing. And they're like, Jettel really cannot wait to get out of here. And it cuts to Jettel going, I literally cannot wait to get out of here. You know, the cartoon with Bugs Bunny or whatever the fuck it is, I don't know, I don't know cartoons and things like that.
Starting point is 00:15:43 What's the one with the woodpecker? That's also like a coyote D in like a Tweety Bird. Some stupid fuck, the road runner, the road runner. I am the road runner. So beep beep, motherfuckers. It's just so sad because it makes pop at the coyote, you know. Uh, so she's like, bye, stupid. So she leaves and then Jenna's like, um, not gonna lie,
Starting point is 00:16:02 I would maybe go on another girls trip. I mean, I would grade it at five. Are we doing letter grades? Okay, if it's a letter grade, I would give it a C, I guess. Come suck. Yeah, no one is impressed. And so I was like, Aaron, you've been amazing. You didn't really feed me very much,
Starting point is 00:16:20 but whatever, whatever. Sarah and I was like, I tried to feed you, but you didn't like to shock Shuka, so not my fault. I'm like, how do you not have even bagels? Have some bagels? I have some chips. Like, don't you have anything in the house?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Literally, she's not asking for much. Like, a bag of bread would have worked. Yeah, I mean, I think size and asshole for like, not being down for a shaksh... It's not that she has to like it, but the fact that she's acting like it's some crazy thing, I think she's an asshole, but like seriously, have some bagels on the side.
Starting point is 00:16:49 So Aaron's like, well, they're like a group of children. That wasn't very relaxing. And so we see Si getting into her car. And she's like, too much if we stop at provisions, girls gotta eat. So then, I also want to point out that the car that gets Brynn is a BMW, which goes, you know, my initials are BMW brin, Marie Whitfield. They're all like, please just
Starting point is 00:17:13 get out of here. Please leave. And it's like another corporate something to say, I feel like, like, oh my god, BMW. This is crazy. That's my a Nash all so like ma'am You were named after a very fancy So let's see here Aaron is now we go back to the city Okay, I have to just take a moment and rate this trip bad trip bad first girls trip This was terrible. I get that we're new. I'm giving this show some grace I'm enjoying it for the most part. I support the change for New York for the most part. We don't even do make a big speech about it every week. I support this for the most part.
Starting point is 00:17:52 It needs some changes, because that was a terrible squirrel trip. That was terrible. And that's what these shows rely on. If these shows suck, what you can really rely on is a girl's trip. Right. Boo!
Starting point is 00:18:03 Boo! Solid boo! That was lame for me. I don't know. I thought the girls trip was as good as all the other scenes in the show. So. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and it's commercial.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I know. Okay. So now let's get back to real life scenes. So we see Aaron in her real life. She's in an apartment there, a bunch of workers around and she does that white lady Spanish we're also familiar with. Oh, come out Asta, Pone La Handles. Okay. Pone La Handles, a car. Yeah, Donde Estar La Handles, Donde, Esther LaSync.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Like what? She's like, yeah, I grew up in the real estate business. I've been both my parents are where in the real estate business. And like, so my father like flips and develops and my mother actually sold three Lincoln Center. No, not the address. She actually sold three different versions of Lincoln Center.
Starting point is 00:19:03 You probably didn't realize that there were three other Lincoln centers and they were all on sale and she sold them all. So, like, kind of come from real estate. Like, yeah, because back when I was little, I colored in the conference room and she would be showing like Tom Clancy or House or like, Gwyneth Haltrow. Gwyneth Haltrow plays and like, then we'd go to the ballet and I'd be
Starting point is 00:19:23 like, what does my jacket smell like vagina? I'm all would be like, don't rude, don't be rude, that was Gwyneth's living room. Yeah, that was my childhood, just like coloring in books next to Brad Pitt and then going to ballet after. So what I'm trying to say is, if you're looking for a group of the real New Yorkers, look no further, okay, hello, I'm the real New York. So then she talks about how she's like growing up with parents in real estate. It was like a natural segue for me to do the same thing. And so by the time I was 19, I got my real estate license. Oh wait, someone's coming to my interview room. Hi, this is television. I have to
Starting point is 00:20:00 do bro. And I just want to point out that my son got his real state license at 17. Okay, thanks very much. You're doing great. You're doing great. And she also joined a Frederick Eklins team three years ago, which I guess is her Bravo connection. So we can thank him for that. God, he's just given us so much, hasn't he?
Starting point is 00:20:21 She's like, and as much as I love the passion that was in construction, I really love design. So I started homegirl. And that's where I designed properties for clients and also like market value. You know, I just wanted to make it as awkward as possible. I just like answering the phone occasionally myself just to show that I'm humble and going, hey, home girl. So, you know, clearly the next stop on this tale of childhood white privilege was creating a business called Home Girl. What, I mean, she's like, she's like,
Starting point is 00:21:00 so basically, I was raised with wealthy parents who were both in real estate, so I decided to go in real estate and they gave me a bunch of leads. So then I was successful in real estate and now I'm successful in real estate. And it's literally the longest monologue we've come so far. It's like a three minute monologue and it is just like, nepotism, nepotism, nepotism, nepotism, met Frederickism, nepotism, met Frederick Eckland, then got Frederick Eckland to get me a job on Bravo Tissup.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I was like, you're really not winning any contests here. And now I can say some words in Spanish to these workers, she's like, this sink doesn't go here. This sink is stainless steel, it's supposed to be porcelain. We need to get rid of this sink when I'm trying to say it's stop the steel supposed to be porcelain. We need to this we need to get rid of this sink Well, I'm trying to say a stop the steel. We need porcelain. Stop the steel. Stop the steel So that's her thing that are people people are coming after her
Starting point is 00:21:56 donating to To like Republican people or what's her thing? I haven't really I haven't because honestly I really can't do it I was sending us these now is like oh great, you know soccer That's her thing. I haven't really had that into the drama. So, yeah, I haven't, because obviously I really can't do it. But someone was sending us things, and I was like, oh, great, you know, shocker. I'm completely shocked. She had to make a statement.
Starting point is 00:22:13 What was her statement? What did she say? I don't know. I think her statement was like, yeah, I grew up around Welfare Road. But like, she basically was like, oh, I donated in 2016, because I was very concerned about Israel, a single issue voter,
Starting point is 00:22:27 and it was a total mistake, shouldn't have done it, but now my name keeps getting associated with it, and like I 100%, don't believe the election was rigged or stolen, yada yada yada, I was, you know, she, that helped, I don't know. And honestly, I really, there's like, I just can't, I just can't be bothered to like look into whether or not Aaron is an insurrectionist.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I can't, I just can't take it on. I almost, I can't, like, I just can't, I don't like. Oh. Okay. Well, I mean, look, here's the thing we've learned about Brava. All this shit comes out without anybody having to do any, like we literally just sit here
Starting point is 00:23:11 and just wait for the shit to start cascading down upon us. So yeah, I'll just wait for that moment in time. Yeah, we'll see. So then we go to Bren who goes to a salon and she starts talking about, she's friends with her stylist, Nadia, and they start talking about, they start talking. What is wrong with me, you guys? I'm trying to read notes and speaking English at the same time.
Starting point is 00:23:37 So she's talking about how she hasn't had a relax room eight years and she wish she could go back in time and not relax it it but she had to when she was little because her grandmother was white and she or Darlene was her name and she was raising three biregial kids and her hair was really big and she's like like really huxibos hair but hotter and so she's talking about how her grandma couldn't figure it out so she would get made fun of all the time. But finally, her grandma had a friend who was like, you have to take these children to the salon and get their hair properly done for fuck's sake. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Yeah, so basically her grandma would drop her off at the beauty salon on Saturdays and leave her there all day long. And that was her exposure to basically black community and specifically black women. And that's where she grew to appreciate the strength, resilience of Black women. And this was, I thought like actually brain's strongest scene because I felt like she was
Starting point is 00:24:32 actually being, she wasn't, I didn't feel like she was being performative. I felt like she was actually just kind of like being honest about, she was just talking, you know. So I really liked the scene and I liked hearing the story. They're really leaning into the drama part. They're like, guys, this is a New York where we're just gonna go into real feelings. I'm like, uh,
Starting point is 00:24:53 well, because like, well, New York has always had the trauma, but it's always like, what? Growing up, my father would throw a chair at me and I would be like, whoa, dad, don't throw a chair at me. So the name of the city met Mirio and he was like, wait what was that? He has. And it has a trauma, but it would always have that stupid music behind it. It would be like my father, my father threw a noodle at my head and it'd be like, don't.
Starting point is 00:25:15 They don't need that. They don't. They don't. Our Bethany. He was like, my father like grabbed my mother by the hand right through across the kitchen floor. And like, I would remember that and then my dad would go to the Reese's and I was like pretty much like crazy to Reese's. Okay, like with bookies, so he's all around and they had done the one time I watched the murder someone,
Starting point is 00:25:29 they actually slid somebody to the back. So anyway, here I am in this drink, a stupid one, we have the drink to get small off to you, please. Tch, tch, tch, tch, tch. So to hear like Ernest's trauma on the show is strange. Yeah. So then we go to Uba's apartment in Columbus Circle and they're like, let's lean into it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Let's have some more drama. So her friend, Kathleen, who's like your supportive friend, but she's that kind of friend who's supporting you, but she's always looking at you like, oh, shut up. She's just got that look on her face. Like everything Uba says, she's like, shut up, Uba. So she comes over and she's her friend and business consultant and Uber's like,
Starting point is 00:26:08 I met Kathleen at a charity event. They were boxing to raise money and I was like, oh my God, she is fearless. She's more than a mentor. She's a very good friend and she can really take some hot sauce. Shoot it, shoot it girl, shoot it. Like a shut up, Uber.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I have to say watching Susan Powder Powder smack Kathleen up against side-the-face during the charity event, the way Kathleen's body would fly out of the ring, tumbling around in three circles into the audience, I thought she was fearless, I need her for my hot sauce brand. Oh, that's such a New York story, too. We met at a charity event where I saw her boxing a famous person. So, Uber is just like, I want to learn from Kathleen and they talk about wanting to take the hot sauce the next level. And she's like, she wants someone to basically hold her hand and show her basically the pitfalls. I don't do that. Do this, don't do that, you know. But she also wants an investor to help expand the hot sauce business faster and all that. She basically wants to... Why do I have so much trouble receiving? I was like, probably because people aren't giving
Starting point is 00:27:15 you anything, I would imagine. Or if you're looking for investors and you're having a problem with that, because you don't want to give your whole company away to a bunch of fucking jackasses who are going to boss you around, which is not a problem receiving, it's a problem with that is because you don't want to give your whole company away to a bunch of fucking jackasses who are going to boss you around, which is not a problem receiving, it's a problem with having things taken from you. That's what I'm getting from the scene. So I hope Kathleen is there to kick some ass while you're looking for public funding. Kathleen's basically like listening to a hot is what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Kathleen's like, we've had this conversation five times already. You need to do this on camera because you're not going to get anywhere unless you have an audience. So that's really the point of this is to be like, hello, America. I have hot sauce. If it don't, it's the best. Yeah, so she is, she is basically looking for, she's looking for investors, right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Sorry, I'm laughing. It's because of Kathleen. It's not that Ubisoft is finding because Ubbers store is like actually, it's more drama. So it's like actually sweet and stuff. And she's a sweet person. But it's just Kathleen's reaction to everything. Okay. So she goes, I want investments to expand Uberhot.
Starting point is 00:28:15 I don't want investment companies to tell me what to do. And Kathleen's like, so what's the problem? And she goes, it's ours raised. If you want business, your uncle helps you or I come from a community culture in Kathleen because you don't have that community anymore. You're on your own now. She goes, yeah. And she goes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And you've done an amazing job of being an amazing woman on your own, but you're not surrounded by family here. Oh, you're crying. I was like, yeah, Kathleen, what the fuck? The woman's like laying her heart. And Kathleen's pulling out a jackhammer and says, jackhammering over her heart. She's like, does this hurt?
Starting point is 00:28:50 Does this hurt what I'm saying? Okay, try getting punched in the face by Joan Van Ark. Okay? That's pain. Are you doing it for charity? Okay. Don't come crying to me until you've taken a signer from Maria Below. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Do you know what it's like to have Suzanne plus shit punch you right in the eye? Don't come crying to me until you've taken a signer from Maria bellow, okay? Do you know what it's like to have Suzanne plus shit punch you right in the eye? Yeah, she did that to me the day before she died My only saving grace that day was Kathy Baker calling in sick Probably would have gone down for good that girls of that girls a mean right hook. You know who has a sick uppercut? Judith Ivy, you better watch out. No, that I believe. Judith Ivy probably has the maternity boxing and she probably has beat Mrs. Sybatty somebody. I wanna see Judith Ivy and Judith Lake go at it.
Starting point is 00:29:36 That'll Judith. So then, Uba is crying. She's okay, back to crying. So Uba is crying and she's like, you know, and I don't have my mom and I'm so alone. And Kathleen's like, but you have so many friends here, Uba. She's just, yeah, but not my mom. And every time I had a problem or if I was stuck somewhere, Kathleen goes, you called her. Oh my God. I love this like grace under fire side character. Kathleen. I need Kathleen to be part of the cast. because I feel like Kathleen would add some spice to this
Starting point is 00:30:09 Where she'd just come in and be like oh just shut up Kathleen is sick of this so we've been talking about how her mom was like the boss and she was great Yada yada and her mom died And and this December of 2012. So I have to imagine when this was filmed, it's coming up on the 10-year anniversary. I think that's sort of what is being implied here. So Uba is just saying, she's crying and sad.
Starting point is 00:30:33 She's basically saying, make sure you're on good terms with your mother's because once they're gone, they're gone. And Cat things like, well, what would she tell you to do? She would say, get the money. Go, you do this. No, no, no. What would she tell you to do if She would say, get the money, go, you do this. No, no, no. What would she tell you to do if you were in a boxing ring with Mona from who's the boss?
Starting point is 00:30:53 Jokdom Batazas. And that's what I did. That would be a twin right now. So then we go to size brownstone. The size hanging out with her has been David and the kid's making his own pizza and stuff. So then they, she size brownstone and size hanging out with her husband David and the kids making his own pizza and stuff. So then they, she's like, so anyways, I was talking to Bryn and she has no family and I felt
Starting point is 00:31:12 bad about it because she's got no one. And I relate to her, you know, like I know what it's like to not have family around. It's only been a few months since my family's gone. So I understand why she just leaves and goes out of town. And she's like, David, she grew up with food stamps. And he's like, yeah, like you. And she's, yeah, so I'm going to do a friend's giving for her. You know, invite the girls. It could be like a, you know, like a friend's giving, you know, we could be thankful. And then I could show Aaron what it's like to feed people,
Starting point is 00:31:37 things with normal names. Yeah, I want to invite brain over to a friend's giving that lacks any sort of warmth or thanksgiving foods whatsoever. It's basically just an excuse to put branches on a table. How about we do that, huh? Mm-hmm. And so they FaceTime brand to tell her this idea. And she's like, we're going to call it friendsgiving.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And Brin's like, stop it! I'll come early and like totally help drink your alcohol. So much fun the best way to avoid my feelings By the way, Brin does not do that she does not come early and she also says she'll come early and help out and play with the kids And she literally does none of those things but Size like yeah, you know We can mask all our feelings with alcohol be so much fun
Starting point is 00:32:22 So Brin is telling us, you know what, like, Si is absolutely like a tough cookie, but I always try to tell Si that she has like a soft spot for me and I always try to hug her, even though she hates hugs, but like, it's like things like this. I'm like, see, you're like sweet, you're like a sweet, thoughtful, sweetie pie, I might just want a scissor.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Did I say that? Ah! So then Si is like, oh yeah, and what was the deal about fucking Jessel? Like she was so cranky. You know what? I learned a lot about that girl. I learned how the giant is on a drought,
Starting point is 00:32:52 and maybe that's what's wrong. Get fucked. David, what do you say about it? You're a man, and he's like, as a man, I have no idea what it's like to have a child let alone too. So maybe you guys should take it easy, honor. Cause you've only got so much energy to give. It's like thank you. Thank you. How is everybody being this cold in this woman? Geez. She's like, David, that was not what you're supposed to say. Like you
Starting point is 00:33:16 really nailed it when you were like, what's the deal with cheese greatest? How do you use these things? I'm a man, but I don't understand how you're actually being so considerate in this moment. Can we take that again from the top? And she's like, aren't you 20, David? And he goes, yeah, but maybe she's exhausted. She has twins. And Brynn's like, um, yeah, I've hung out with her twins. And it's like, I get my birth control. And I just take the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I'm like, wow, I was like, they're everywhere. They are literally everywhere. I know. They're like, yeah, jessles kids are terrible. So David is like, well, you guys can have your friends giving and then they can have their dirty giving or whatever. So now we go over to jessles apartment because we're gonna go back and forth
Starting point is 00:33:56 and jessle is sitting there with Povit and they're just sort of sitting there joylessly playing with their children like. It's so funny. Okay, time with children. We love these children. These children make us so happy. Look at how much joy we have in our lives from these children. It's like Rio, Rio, what do you do that? Why do you go in there? Other one? What's the other one? Rio, Cruz, is it a cruise? Cruz. Another cruise. Rio. God, whichever one you are. God.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Is there someone to take care of you? And she tells us, I'm so excited for the kids to go to preschool. I work from home and so does Poverty. And I've got one twin and I've got one on this leg and he has one twin on the other leg and we're both patting our legs up and down saying what's the point of flying mother in if she's not going to take this goddamn kid. Mother, you're going to die alone in a home. A state sponsored home. If you don't get in here, get these goddamn children off of me. I mean, we have to sing the wheels on the bus and do the actions every five minutes. What's the point of singing this stupid song
Starting point is 00:34:55 if you have no intention to ever put our children on a city bus? It's stupid. So then? It's impossible to get anything done. And then they open their front door and they literally hand the kids off to Mann man. That was the most amazing thing. Like, we don't even get like a chire on the door open and the children just go away. It's like, oh right, let's play
Starting point is 00:35:13 our favorite game. Send the children on the trash shoot. Goodbye. So then they do that couple thing where they're like, let's have a talk while we hold on laptops. So they both have their impossibly thin laptops that they take over and sit on the couch to talk to each other? And they're just both open while they have a conversation. That is like the most New York couple thing to do, isn't it? Yeah, I would say it's also a very LA couple thing to do. So Jussle says, so I signed them up for early decision. Please don't make me say their names
Starting point is 00:35:42 because I really don't remember. So let's just refresh them as them. And Pavico's was Montessori the right decision for them. Of course, of course that is. You can tell you can tell the caliber of people that go to the school. The open house was very elevated. I mean, they had Shakuuturi and wine. Children love Shakuuturi and wine. It's like, yeah, but that was a great experience for the parents, but is it good for the kids? And she tells us, in the beginning of the educational foray
Starting point is 00:36:09 into the world, it's not just what they're learning, it's who they're learning it with. I mean, there's so many famous people in New York City. It's who they're networking with, the parents, it's that's the tone for everything. I'm like, I love the idea of you's like roles networking with each other. I like, oh, at me, I'm the Indian. Oh, people. She just wants to meet famous parents at the PTA meetings. She's so transparent, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And also she feels so trapped and it's so obvious to everybody besides her because everyone else is like, oh my god, what are you trapped? And she's like, no, not at all. I'm just wearing a necklace made out of giant drowning chains. It's like she's got one of her necklace is chains literally this giant. It's a chain made of links. This gigantic that goes around takes up her whole neck. And then today she's wearing just a big solid. She's like the state. It's the most repressive statement necklaces I've ever seen, I guess, which is very real house size of New York. It's very Kansas, Lou Ann. Yeah. So, Povid's like, oh, we're paying for the children to water plants and sweep the floor, need lunch and like take a two hour nap. I don't think we need
Starting point is 00:37:18 that. But that's what they're going to be doing. They're going to be doing that in school anyway. So they might as well do it around Emily Blunt's children. They're going to be doing that in school anyway, so they might as well do it around Emily Blunt's children. Oh, he's like, but they can sweep with poor kids for free. It's like, oh my God, just such a cheap ass. I was also thinking of spending time in the Hamptons. Do we want to rent there or something? Because I was just there with my fabulous sister.
Starting point is 00:37:41 And he's like, so you want to create your girls week with the girls because they have houses there. So now you need a house there. And she's like, no you want to create your girls week with the girls because they have houses there. So now you need a house there. And she's like, no, no, I don't want to recreate any of that. I look hideous. And I don't wear a large. How much is a sacrificial lamb? I mean, it started off with me saying I was cold. But then everyone else said it was cold. I just don't understand why they were so upset with me. And Pav, it's like, well, your turn of voice sometimes has the potential to turn's like, well, your tone of voice sometimes has the potential to turn people off, starting with your husband.
Starting point is 00:38:09 You come off like the wrong way, like if you came off the wrong way, like you always kind of do, you know, sometimes, like all the time, like really, as we speak this moment, it's very off putting. She's like, So what do you mean, like I always do? Pa, you're supposed to support me. He's like, yes, how can I support you when your tone of voice sometimes is not?
Starting point is 00:38:30 What's the right word? Like, are you calling me a bitch? He's like, no, I would never say bitch. Or just a awful person unattractive beast disgusting life partner. I see urchin. unattractive beast, disgusting life partner, traven piece of dust, damnation murdering life bitch.
Starting point is 00:38:53 You're calling me a bitch. She's like kind of calling you bitch. She's like, just call me a bitch. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapence commercial. So then it cuts over to Aaron's apartment and they're like rubber hands on the ceiling that our kids are throwing up there.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And so she's like trying to get them off by basically poking at it with a rod. And so Jenna comes over and Aaron's like, huh, after going to Jenna's apartment in pristine condition with candles and like a beautiful bar on a big island, I have fucking sticky hands all throughout my ceiling. Huh, I want my home to look good because she's just like so judgy. Oh, when have we seen any example of her being judgy?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Literally the most judgy person in your zaren. All we've ever seen is Jenna going out of her way to be nice. There really honestly in my opinion, too nice. Like, I'm like, I need more crazy from this person, you know? Jenna just shows up with gifts. That's all she does. She's an expensive-ass fabulous gift. And then everyone just kind of shits on her.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Everyone. Yeah, and so Aaron's like, said he want coffee, and Jim's like, um, yeah, I want to say, are you dear coffee? And just, isn't this crazy? Like, I have this, like, said he want coffee and just like, um, yeah, I want to say how you do your coffee. And she's, isn't this crazy? Like, I have this like, nipple cop. Isn't that funny? My mother-in-law gave it to me. Yeah, that was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Just like, um, it's a creamer. You can see because there's like a hole in the nipple. Like, how do you drink your coffee out of it? Have you ever used this? Cause you wouldn't be able to fill it up with coffee because it would, there's a hole. It would come out. It comes out of it? Have you ever used this? Cause you would not be able to fill it up with coffee because there's a hole. It would come out. It comes out of the hole.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Do you ever consume like, Jenna's like, yeah, this girl's an idiot. And Aaron's like, um, either the point is I'm like wacky and hilarious. So are you getting that? That that taste. Jenna's like, she clearly doesn't have a lot of experience with boobs or creamers.
Starting point is 00:40:44 So then we see, Jenna's like, I got you a little gift. I stopped by Susie Condi. Why the way, I'm going to say that 10 times in the scene. So I'm hoping like Susie Condi. And I got you a little gift for hosting your house from Susie Condi. And then we see a clip of Jenna and Jessel shopping. And she's like, oh my god, thank you so much for meeting me at Susie Condi's because I really wanted to shop here. So Jessel's like like in a bathroom and her hair is like in a towel.
Starting point is 00:41:09 She's like, I just got out of the shower, but I heard that when you wanted to meet me, I can't Susie Condes. I got here as soon as possible. Love me. And Jessels, like, this is a little out of my brush range. Hopefully one of my children can become Emma Thompson's grandchild's friend. I just owe the Emma's. Emma Blunt, Emma Thompson. Emma. Emma. Emma. Emma's I know. Emma. So anyone who's played Emma in the films, when it brings us back to the Gwyneth actually. Anyone who ever performed in M Butterfly. I don't really play the James Bond films. So is that Judy Dench? I'm not sure. So his name is Emma and Emma. Emma and Emma. So Jenna's like,
Starting point is 00:41:55 yeah, here we are. She was like, Kandi and Jessel's like, yeah, this is a bit out of my price range. And Jenna's like, well, we don't have to actually chop. We can just like hang out here. I just, I mean, I love Susie Condi. Like she's, she's just fucking great. So let's just sit here. Let's sit here on a Susie Condi couch. Just let the way sisters do. Absolutely, gentle ions. So then we cut back to the scene and Aaron goes, oh, thanks. I guess I'll just open this later. No, no, you're not. She just wants to, the story, I'm about to use something that's $1,000. You should fucking open it. Well, what's wrong with this person?
Starting point is 00:42:31 I find Aaron to be extremely rude. I find her to be, she is the worst kind of rude because she's rude and uninteresting. So, Jessal, we then go back to Jessal's house. We're doing a very interesting three-way crosscutting, but one of the crosscuts is in the past. So it's like it is very I'm not right. It's like oh So So Jessal is like so puppet please wake up puppet. I'm trying to explain story to you
Starting point is 00:42:57 I apologize Preferiously to Jenna and I told Jenna these this the other day I said if you have a problem with it I would have loved it if you would have just come to me or call me up or invite me to call for you. You could do it honestly, even if you don't have a problem, you could do those things.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Really, whatever you want, Jenna. And then we see a clip of Jenna being like, okay, so I guess what you're saying is, if you ever do something really then again, I'll just come talk to you about it. Sure, yeah, it's just be like, Jettel, you idiot, you asshole, you insensitive bitch, which is what profit just called me with his eyes the other day multiple times.
Starting point is 00:43:31 She goes, Oh, okay. Thanks for your permission. I got a lot of those comments. You I mean, the thing is she never did have a problem with you to come at you and talk to everyone else did. She was just like Jenna. She finally just said, okay, it didn't feel great because everybody just kept running it into the ground over and over again.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Yeah, everyone's like, that's so rude. That's so rude. That's rude, isn't that rude? And John's like, yeah, I guess it is rude. It's like, Jenna was saying that Jussel was rude. So Jussel's like, I just wish we had this conversation from the beginning because, you know, Erin and Sy involved the entire group.
Starting point is 00:44:03 And I would have expected it to be more, I don't know, adult and Pavica's, are you calling them children? She's, no, Pavica's, but I did call them tackling old hugs, though. Oh, I'm naughty. And he cracks up, which I thought was funny because he can try and find 20 different ways to call her a bitch, all he wants to, but he loves it. You know, he loves that part of her personality. I don't think you could marry somebody like Jessel and not love that part of her personality, you know? That's why she's funny.
Starting point is 00:44:32 She's like, this sucks, I hate everything. He's like, that's hot. So his cragcy- Then we see it. And we see a flashback after she said that she called them cackling old hags. And Jessel goes to Charles Jenner. I didn't appreciate it, everyone got involved.
Starting point is 00:44:47 It was a bunch of crazy cackling hags. Oh. And Tim was like, okay. So now we're back with Aaron and Jena. And Aaron's like, did Jussle say anything about me? Tell me, tell me, I won't say anything. I won't say anything. Just tell me, just tell me she did.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I won't say anything. And she goes,, I won't say anything. I won't say anything. Just tell me, just tell me she did. I won't say anything. And she goes, well, we were sitting at Susie Condi's shopping for Susie Condi's stuff. And she just said that like, I got carried away in these cackling hags. We're ganging up on me or something like that. And everyone's like cackling hags. Oh my god. And then she goes, yeah, I don't really know where they got that.
Starting point is 00:45:29 And then it's just a clip of them sitting at the restaurant, just Jessel and Jenna and all the other girls coming back to the table and Jenna goes, um, yeah, I can hear them cackling. So it's funny that it came from her and then went to Jessel. So Jessel's going to come to kick Jussle when he has. Jussle's like, this cackling hegs remember what you said cackling and I'm saying cackling also. So it just like shoes our friendship is so strong. Um, I went for me. That is classic house wise.
Starting point is 00:45:58 She's just trying to impress the cool and by repeating something that she said. And now she's going to get crucified for it. Well, what was funny was I went out to Twitter because Ronny was trending, and of course all the people who are really loving the show who are just like so over the top, they were like, oh my God, I never would have thought that Jenna Lyons would be the bone carrier of this show.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Oh my God, she is the bone carrier. Oh my God, Jenna Lyons are the bones, Jenna Lyons are the bones. Oh my God, this is the bone carrier. Oh my god, general lines of the bones, general lines of the bones. Oh my god, this is not a bone. This is, this is the most delicate gentle sardine bone, a bone that you can just like literally eat and it's fine. Just a saying that they're tackling hags is so like it is such a stretch to be like this bone carrier. I'm sorry, that is importing way too much drama onto a steeper throwaway comment. And Aaron's like, um, well, uh, you know, we didn't yell at her. We just said sorry and
Starting point is 00:46:53 be nice. And Jen is like, I mean, look, you have children. So you know what it's like. She's, oh, so you're comparing her to a child. Can't wait to tell her that later. So Jen is like, no, I'm just saying like the empathy towards someone when they're struggling, it's all I'm saying, like if I felt ashamed or like I did something wrong, like sometimes it's hard to, you know, stop being mad at myself or like I get weird or like maybe she was just struggling
Starting point is 00:47:19 in that moment and Aaron's like, yeah, I can be empathetic to that. I mean, my mom sold three Lincoln Center. So. She's like, she's just so different than me. I mean, I think she was cared to a lot probably. I'm like, really Aaron, you really want to say that? You literally just had a monologue about how your entire fucking life was handed to you.
Starting point is 00:47:36 I want to sell her a flatter. You know what I'm not. So, Dan's like, I like Jessel. I mean, I know she means well, but she just says things about thinking and doesn't realize how they come off. And I don't think there's a mean bone in her body. I just think that she's trying too hard.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And I think she has some very mean bones in her body, and I can't wait to see what they are. I believe that there's mean bones there. So there's probably good bones too, but I believe there's mean ones. Can't wait to see. Jetta hasn't seen the mean bones because Jussle is only presenting
Starting point is 00:48:03 the best bones possible. Well, she didn't see the mean bones when she was walking around going, I hate this outfit, the mischievous thing ever. What am I fucking Christmas tree? So back to Jussle and Paver and Jussles, like, Oh, the other thing that came up was our sex life. Yeah, that kind of came up because, oh yeah, well, the married with kids tax. Oh, married with kids tax, is that like like when you get married and you send your kids to Montessori so they can network and you have to pay a tax on that?
Starting point is 00:48:31 No, it's like just, you know that sound you made when you met me. She goes, Me? He's like, yeah, he's, oh, yes, I do. Is that what that is? Yeah, just like, look, there's not free time for us to literally have time to do anything but eat and sleep. And she tells us, I mean, hello, why aren't you concerned? Let me tell you, Povit doesn't give a shit what people think. I'm just a little bit more sensitive. And I think that I've just been with this world wind of baby land.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And I realize that now's the time to get back in the bedroom. I mean, apparently if I don't have sex with my husband, people start assuming that I'm just a large and night-gown. What are you trying to purchase things for me in size large? Just like, you know what? We're going to get a hotel room in New York. Have a little staycation and we'll remove the tax on your marriage. We need to get you laid!
Starting point is 00:49:22 Paw it! This duel is in the foyer again. Could you get that please? The kids aren't even here. How did that happen? We're going to get you laid. No mom pops in. I'm getting paid today.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Not you mother, not paid. Get out of here. Seen not heard. So now we got a size brown zone for friends giving. So she has a hot chef named Cone or Cone. And she's like, I'm doing a little friends giving for my friend. Her name is Bryn. And she has a hot chef named Kohn or Kone and she's like, I'm doing a little friends giving for my friend. Her name is Brynn and she doesn't have, doesn't have anyone to spend the holidays with. So I thought it'd be really nice to do something
Starting point is 00:49:52 to set up here and have a good time. You know, he's like, yeah, I know. I'm already here and I've got a friends giving menu. You don't have to explain to me the assignment. You know what? You can make something super special when you brag 20,000 times about how you're just doing it because this person's needy. I know. Every time she says, she can't just be like, I'm having a friend, a friend's giving in honor of my friend. Every single time, she's like, yeah, I'm having a friend's giving for this friend who's got nobody, nothing. So I'm going to do it for you know. It's like a charity case, but thanks giving,
Starting point is 00:50:23 you know, can we have cranberries but calls, like cranberry It's like a charity case, but thanksgiving, you know? Can we have cram berries but calls, like cram berries so it's called like campberries, you know? It's just something like sad berries maybe, you know? Like, maybe when we break the wishbone, we can have a little game called, you know, no wishes for you, Boned, you know? Something like that. Instead of cram berries, we can call it raised by my grandmother berries. So, cut me while I'm just saying size piling on a lot. But I love this. This is already such a cold friend's giving to me because, hey, she's not making anything herself, which I guess is fine.
Starting point is 00:50:58 You can hire a chef. But I feel like size has been really pushing this whole thing of like, listen, you know, you come to my house, I'm going to feed you. This is going to come from the heart. And it's like, oh, I'm going to hire a guy. And then she's like, okay, can you get over the menu? He's like, well, there'll be some fried potato chips and some salmon and some red snapper. I was like, is this friend's giving?
Starting point is 00:51:23 What's going on here? We're like the total. Yeah, this is just a regular dinner. I was like, is this friend's giving? What's going on here? Where's the tote? Yeah, this is just a regular dinner. And I also think it's funny that he's like, we're having fried potato chips. Oh, really? What other kind of what would you serve baked potato chips? And I also like their serving chips again
Starting point is 00:51:39 after everybody was so pissed off about the pringles with the caviar. Here we go. That's true. That's true. That's the chips again. So, I was like, no one's gonna stop in my house. pissed off about the Pringles with the caviar. Here we go. That's true. That's the game. So, as size like, no one's going to stop in my house. Cool.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Aaron Kov, Kov, Kov, Aaron, Aaron Shakashuka Shika. All right. I feed people in my house. So, so Brenner arrives and she's holding a box as she tells like the show for like, I started working out this week at day three, but I can hold a box so she tells like the show for like, I started working out this week, it's day three, but I can hold a box, I can do it. And then Brynn comes in and Si and Brynn are like complimenting each other's outfits.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Like, oh my god, you look great, you're like, oh my god, you look great, turn around, let me see the back, oh my god, this is my back, oh my god, now you turn around, you just need your back, wow. Which by the way, this sort of goes on for about 15 minutes of the show, people walk. Big to house house, and people,
Starting point is 00:52:24 hope's good to stay. It's thrilling. I hope you're loving this, because it goes on for the next 10 minutes the show. People walk to his house and people. I hope it's going to be a great. I hope you're loving this because it goes on for the next 10 minutes. Oh my god, you're like so pretty. Oh my god, you look over heart. We're crazy. Hello, ladies, you're like gold. And you're like gorgeous, you look gorgeous, over heart crazy time. Oh my god, it's like 20 minutes of hellos. So brand it meets the guy, the chef guy, and she's like, I love a man, you can cook, because I can't cook.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Maybe it's way not married. They're like, he is married. She's like, oh, never mind. She just goes up with the bartender, are you married? She's like, actually, I'm just like, fuck. So, yes, and now like more people, it just goes on and on. It's endless. Also, by the way, I hate a formal Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:53:10 So I'm just actually really, I'm most angry at Si for doing a formal Thanksgiving. Like I think Thanksgiving and friends giving, chill, jeans, sweaters, or sweatshirts or whatever. I'm so morally opposed this entire thing. Well, I get like it's house-wise, and like you really glam it up, you know? And I can, you know, I can see getting dressed up, but they're really, I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:31 Bryn is literally an abeded dress. Is that correct? In my memory, it's like a beaded Oscars dress. And she keeps turning around to show the butt line because it goes all the way down to her butt crack. So every time someone comes in, you hear, hey, hello, hello. And then she turns around and say, look at it, look at it every single time girl. Yeah. So this goes on, they get
Starting point is 00:53:54 cocktails, more people show up. Uber is like trying to like a brownie from the caterer because she's lucky that you got to try the brownie. And it just like literally goes on for like 10 minutes of screen time. I think that's it. So I'm fast forwarding here because I can't do this. So Jassal comes over and she's like, Oh, does everyone like my hair?
Starting point is 00:54:13 I did a Kim Kardashian Dolce situation. So Erin, how was your memorial? I didn't realize your grandmother passed. And Erin's like, I mean, it was shitty. That's what it was shitty. She goes, oh, how old was she? She was 94. And she's like, oh, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Okay, well, I didn't know. That's really unfortunate. Hope it went well. Sad. So anyway, ladies, you like my audience? I came from a Kardashian Dolce situation. She just pivoted away from Aaron. And it's like, that was a bit more of a bummer
Starting point is 00:54:47 than I thought it would be. I was hoping she'd be asking me that Montessori. So Aaron's like, the missing chip is what bothers me about Jocelyn. I mean, like, yeah, I had so much fun. Thanks for asking. It was such a great success. And I'd dandy old time.
Starting point is 00:55:04 My grandmother's memorial, thanks so much. Oh God, what. It was such a great success. And a dandy old time, my grandmother's memorial. Thanks so much. Oh God, what are we all supposed to fucking break down about your grandmother? It was polite of her to ask how your fucking memorial went. Get over it. Stop trying to be offended at every single thing. Like, Aaron is exhausting.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Every single thing anybody says, she's like, oh, really? She did. And then she's going to go repeat it to everyone to try and start World War three of she's a try hard And it's not a surprise that she come from Fredrick. I've turned on Aaron this episode Yeah, I was gonna like you because you have like a Jennifer Aniston kind of like cool girl vibe Not buying it you're wrong. Fredrick did us wrong. Yeah, I think that Aaron I think she's a lot more relatable than she is Yeah, I think that Aaron thinks she's a lot more relatable than she is. So now Aaron is telling Jenna and Bryn how weird Jussle is and Aaron's like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:55:51 did you tell her what she called us after the Hamptons Jussle called Si and I, tackling hugs. Can you believe it? I felt a shiver down my spine as I said those words, tackling hugs. I'll say to get, oh, it's, Toby, Toby. I knew it was like, what is it, kaka? And Bryn's like, no, kakla's hugs,
Starting point is 00:56:12 somewhere I never wanna go. I don't wanna be around hugs that are kakla's. I don't think that makes as much sense as it is in your head, but I get it. And Aaron's like, no, kackling hags, you guys. And Jenna goes, I mean, to be fair, we are kind of cackling hags, guys. She's like, we're literally cackling hags.
Starting point is 00:56:33 And I was like, what does it mean? And Jenna's like, you know, it's like laughing. And Aaron goes, Aaron's like, I mean, you know what hags are, you know, like old and washed up, you know, and it goes, what? And then Uba starts to think it has something to do with balls. She's like, also balls hanging there like cackling. Balls hanging cackling balls. Like, no, no, nothing to do balls. And friends, like, um, cackling is a word for laughing, but it's like a derogatory laughing.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And Aaron's a ghost like a witch. And so it was like, what does Hagmin and slang is, I will read it on the Google, to laugh in a loud harsh way, witch cackel. She actually had the word witch. I can stand this word. Come on, Jess, oh girl, the word witch. Now what? Like please. Please.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Now it's turned into witch, the most hideous thing you could ever call somebody. You ladies are in for a ride. So it's like tackling old hags is the worst thing you've ever heard about your set about you. So Jenna's like, I don't think she meant it the way it's getting taken out context. I really don't. Embrane's like, well, see what you mean.
Starting point is 00:57:42 If you're going to say it, mean it. And Aaron's like, yeah, I what you mean, if you're gonna say it, mean it. And Aaron's like, yeah, I'm like, tell me on my cackling hug, like say it to my face. Yeah, okay, you're a cackling hag, Aaron. I'm like, who would say that to somebody's face? Like, we're allowed to talk shit behind people's back. And so Jenna's like, well, obviously, I shared that information,
Starting point is 00:58:02 but I had no desire to turn the pot and the producer goes, then why'd you say it? And she's like, uh, literally, I'm no idea. I love that. I don't know why I did that. It starts cracking up. She goes, that's called a lady brain. After her hanging out with knitwits like this is just hilarious.
Starting point is 00:58:23 I think she's just watching them and being like, okay, this is what they do. They just repeat, go repeat to each other what everybody said the last time you saw that person. And then you just watch everybody argue about it. She seems just like so amused with the whole thing. Yeah. And I love that. I love that. I'm like, I don't know why I said that. Yeah, I'm like, that's a very honest thing. I'm like, I have no idea. So then, Sion Gessel return and they all sit down to eat. And so I was like, I didn't have a run as so I used branches in shit, which, you know what, guess what, even if you had branches at your table, Aaron, maybe I could have eaten those, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:56 Because you didn't feed me. So that's the sure. I could say that much. Try not to get distracted by the street urchin's pressing their face against the window and looking inside my aspirational building penthouse, I should say. By the way, street branches like covered the entire table. I was like, where are you going to put your plates and your dishes and everything? The too many branches, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I hate everything about this friend's giving. Yeah. So Aaron is like, okay, everybody. Well, it's friends giving. So like, thank you to Si for having us over for friends giving. And so that goes, yeah, could you express to us about not having a family, Brent? So here we are. What the fuck kind of thing is that?
Starting point is 00:59:35 Si is mad because Brent's taking her story lunch. Well, okay. So if you wanted to do the poor story line thing, then we're really going to do the poor story line thing because I did the poor story line thing first. Okay. And you stepped on my storyline last week. So then, Brynn starts crying, right? It's like, okay, welcome to Friendsgiving, Brynn grew up with nothing and no family.
Starting point is 00:59:56 Let's start there. She's like, thanks a lot, guys. Thanks a lot. So Brynn starts crying at both at the table and both in the interviews because she doesn't want to talk about it with the producers. But the producers, of course, are experts at this and know how to cook it out. So, first Bryns telling everyone, she's saying, how's she doesn't have family? And the ones, she does have family, but they're like assholes and, you know, it's just
Starting point is 01:00:21 like not an awesome situation that she has with her family. And then in the interview, she's also crying and she is talking about like how she was really hurt and childhood and she's obsessed like really basically the fact that like her parents both just didn't want her that like the people that were supposed to love her didn't love her. Yeah, her mom had the kids as a teenager and her father was older and she only lived with them for the first six months of her life and they were section A and they were poor on welfare and food stamps and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:51 And her dad got into a lot of trouble and she tells the ladies that there was abuse and neglect and there were times where she wasn't picked up for six days and her diaper wasn't changed. And they're all crying. It is a really terrible, really sad scene. It is like to be continued. And I was like, what the fuck? Who's running this show?
Starting point is 01:01:10 Who's gonna be like, oh my God, you guys, I can't wait to tune in to see the rest of that sobbing scene about that seriously. It's also sized girl. Like what the fuck you guys? It's also so exploitative to be like, let me, I'm sharing my trauma, and let's also use my trauma to lure you in for next week.
Starting point is 01:01:30 You know, like, I just thought it was, and they tried to be respectful, like the two of you continued came up quiet, I was like, la la la la, two of you continued, I was like, I was like, this is, this is, first of all, it's not a two of you,
Starting point is 01:01:41 this is not a cliffhanger, second of all, the fact that you're trying to turn her trauma into a cliffhanger is gross, and third of all, it's not as you begin to, this is not a cliffhanger. Second of all, the fact that you're trying to turn her trauma into a cliffhanger is gross. And third of all, there's not third of all. Just two points I have to make. Third of all, I can't wait to see the rest of the stopping scene. It's gonna be a whole week.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Terrible. Every day this week, I'm gonna be like, oh my God, I wonder what else happened to Bren and her childhood? I can't wait to watch. I wonder if they're gonna make her smile. I wonder if she's gonna say it, but now I finally have a family.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I wonder, oh my God. All right, well, that was Real Housewives of New York for the week. That was that. So we'll see how this train keeps on chew chewing down the tracks. In the meantime, come check out these videos over on Patreon bonus episodes, big brother this week.
Starting point is 01:02:27 And who else? Oh, also, I didn't mention yet, but the videos are free on YouTube, the week after they're posted here. So if you don't wanna give us your money, but still wanna watch, go for it. I find it's good to just have these on in the background while I clean. So every once in a while, I can just look up
Starting point is 01:02:40 and see Ben's gorgeous face. And remind myself, it's all worth it in the end. We love you guys, we'll talk to you next time. Bye everyone. Bye. To be continued. Watch what crap ends, would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 01:02:59 She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels! Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamiech-als! Aaron McNickles. She don't miss No Trickles. She's never scary. It's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last name. Havana Gila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Sip some scotch with Jessica Trach. She's a little bit loony. Jeannie, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Pristin the Pistin Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Monteleo. Let's give a Kissarino to Lissalino. Megan Berg.
Starting point is 01:03:29 You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We wanna hang with Liz Lang!
Starting point is 01:04:06 The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto! Give them hell, Miss Noel! Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke! Shannon, out of account in Anthony! Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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