Watch What Crappens - RHONY: Nude, Lewd, and Rude

Episode Date: June 3, 2021

This week's Real Housewives of New York is a disaster filled with curry, nude models, and an uncomfortable clash about education and class. It's hilarious, horrifying, and pretty much we've come to expect from these women.Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch For Crapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, you can also find me on the Game Brain podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:08 And joining me is the one and only Ronnie Karam. What's up Ronnie? Hi Ben. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Hi Ben. Hi Ben. How are you doing? It's me.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Good, how are you doing? I am fabulous. How are you? It's crap, doing? I am fabulous. It's crap. Yeah, I am fabulous. I feel fabulous right now. I mean, I don't feel like I actually I feel terrible, but I feel bad. Why?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Well, because I just, I've just been overeating. And so it's like, it's funny because now. The podcast is just like a weight journal at this point. Okay. That's all we have going on in our life. It's talking about how fat we are at any given moment. I know. And the thing is, sorry, I'm adjusting my mics.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So people hear what sounds like a ghost of Christmas future on the podcast. It's my mic stand being adjusted, clanking around. No, it's so funny now that the world is opening up again, I already start to feel the pressure. I'm now feeling the pressure of like, are people looking at me and thinking, oh wow, he really did gain the 20. You know, I have this on me right now,
Starting point is 00:02:22 and I don't want that. And I was actually like, during the pandemic, I was like, oh yeah, I've definitely gained weight. I sort of was self-deprecating, and I did. And I was like, okay, I'll get to it. But now that I'm like walking out in public, I'm just, I just am all my, like I only have two pairs of shorts I can wear now.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Everything fits so strangely. And I just feel like all eyes are on me, you know? Like to occur himself as referenced in this episode. Oh God. I was telling my friends, she said, when are you gonna come back to town? And I said, well, when I can fit on a plane again, because I've gained like 50 something pound.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Like I've gained a lot of weight. And so I'll think when I can fit on a plane. And she goes, oh, she said, well, don't be paranoid. I said, well, it is LA. And I was feeling paranoid anyway living there. And she said, running, everyone here is fat now. It's amazing. Come back.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I thought that was like the sweetest thing. It's like, that's why we're trying. It's true. It's true. I really try to lean into that that we've all gone through this. But I did get a peloton to combat this. And it's really just that I have not pelotoned for two days in a row.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Like I was like, oh, Memorial Day weekend's done, but I'm gonna get on that bike and work off all that food and I actually haven't done it at all. So I think that is weighing on me. Like this guilt of, oh, you don't have your, like I used to have the pandemic to explain this all the way, but now I just have my own laziness and bad decisions. So just regular life, yeah, regular life.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Speaking of, I don't explain anything and I have no excuses. So there, fat and I love it. I love being fat. Well, I don't love being fat, but I love the road to fat. Well, the road to fat is paved with peanut M&M's girl. And it is, oh, I justM's girl. It's delicious road. Okay. Well, Ronnie, I'm sorry, but you know what? Don't like that word fat. Okay. I don't like seeing F like, you know what? Like if I'm around every her friends don't say the F.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Why are you yelling? Why are you yelling? You're yelling right now. Why? Why are you yelling? So loud. Oh, you're angry. angry, angry, angry, angry. Oh, don't come onto my podcast and tell me I'm not educated. And you cadido, that was Italian, ma'am. Doesn't an educated person know about lamb curry? I don't think so. You probably beef curry, Louver, beef curry. So I welcome to well, certainly be a very interesting recap of the real house wise. Have fun. Well, guess what we're gonna have two episodes in a row this week
Starting point is 00:05:01 about older white ladies, not understanding racial issues. Isn't that fun? Is that a lie? And then the next episode of Beverly Hills, which we have the pleasure of seeing is pretty much a different version of this, okay? So everybody just get comfortable, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, sudden, you know, we left off with that one, sudden, it's like, don't tell me you're that woman who you're that girl who doesn't see color. Are you serious right now? Are you serious? Oh, what a great time for Bravo. That's fantastic. Well, my mom's really like a drunk at the end of the night. We can tell because she does this.
Starting point is 00:05:40 We're on crap and on demand, by the way. So sorry, I'm making a face if you can't see it. But she puts her fingers at the corners of her eyes and like looks through it like a mask, and that's how we know like mom's waist did, you know, and setting does this when she's upset. She like pushes her eyes together like this, like through a hand mask.
Starting point is 00:05:56 She becomes pan's labyrinth. Yes, and her eyes cross. But we'll get to that tomorrow. We'll get to that. We don't get to that. We can'll get to that. You know, today. Today, we got Luann. We got Luann, you know, by the way, so impressed. So impressed that this was not Ramona who did all this.
Starting point is 00:06:15 So impressed that it was Luann and not Ramona. Like I really thought Ramona was, give me the first one, to have a real big problematic scene on Rony, but it was Luann. I guess Ramona didn't have the best night, but yes, this one was Louis on's fault, but Ramona was there like her creepy, you know, cheerleader. No, yeah, Ramona did not get off scoffery. So it's going to it's a big episode that will, you know, and I'm sure a lot of people
Starting point is 00:06:43 are pretty enraged just rightfully so. So let's dive into it. And as Ronnie said, this is crap and on demand, which means that you can actually watch or recap, you can watch Ronnie doing his hand thing. Do the hand thing again, Ronnie, for everyone. There it is. Oh yeah. So you serious? How will you go south? Yeah. So so the episode opens up in a more benign time, which was the night. The Breakfast Tiffany's party. And the women are still talking about sex at the table. And in my mind, I was thinking, why are we even still at this whole sex talk thing? Not realizing how it was going to set up this cringe
Starting point is 00:07:29 where you've seen later in the episode. And so they're all just talking about sex and licking assholes and balls and all the good stuff. And so you're saying, because Leah has just started screaming about, she doesn't like a dick that's shorter than balls like a dick has to be longer than balls and so Nia is like well we're not supposed to look at that anyway we're just supposed to jump on in the dark and Leah's like oh well I mean I'll jump on top for like a few seconds but then I'm like
Starting point is 00:08:01 I'm tired now like he gets mad because I'm like I came I'm like, I'm tired now. Like, he gets mad because I'm like, I came, I'm bad. Which I think is the truest thing she said, because people like Leah, who are always, you know, like, oh yeah, they can buttholes. Yeah, that's what you need. They're really the least sexual. I find. Yeah. I find that the people who talk the most about it are usually the coldest fish in the group. And so this tracks, you know, Leah started this whole sex conversation about how sex positive she is. And she's like, I need 10 seconds of them.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I want them out of my fucking house, okay? Yeah, exactly. So Ramona, who's been in the kitchen trying to avoid all this, comes back to the table and I've been, he's like, you came back at the wrong time. Okay, you know what, fine, I'll go back, okay? You know what, like, you know what, I think that, yeah, doesn't have a lot to talk about except sex. Pretty sad, isn't it, okay?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Wow. And she's doing her heart blink in her head, chatting at the camera when she's like, her, the Ramona, Rage, you know, where's she's like, she's have much talk about. Okay, sex, guy. guys like very very upset. So she comes in to change the topic and she's like do I want my canvas? Okay, it's my very fancy boy
Starting point is 00:09:16 What Sonya got upset the I got upset everyone's getting upset, okay? We've had it we've had two days of people just getting upset. We're referring to, Sonya losing her mind at that dinner over Wells Fargo, Leah losing her mind over literally everything that happens. Yeah, exactly. By the way, do we know if that wine is pronounced camis or is it camo?
Starting point is 00:09:40 Like I feel like there's a party that feels like it's camo because isn't there, isn't that a French writer Look another language I had a literary reference hell But didn't didn't Camu right The stranger I could be wrong. So I'm wondering if that's what the wines. I'm really only emphasizing this because If it is pronounced, you know Camu I would know I'm not educated, so. So just be real like, you want some chemists?
Starting point is 00:10:10 You want some chemists? Delicious. Of course, if it is pronounced chemists, then I'm the one who's the asshole. Guess who's not educated now? Don't you dare come on, my podcast, Roddy. And tell me, I don't have an education. So Heather's like,
Starting point is 00:10:23 Ooh, this sounds like juicy, juicy gossip. Why don't you tell me about this juicy dance? And so, and you're like, oh, then we'll just hear about it next week on your podcast, Heather. Yeah, and Rose, you know what, we're just gonna go fo it, okay. You know what, Ramana pushes buttons
Starting point is 00:10:40 and like, that's her special talent, which is why like me and Sonya like both went psycho with her So I'm just like yeah, she's a button pusher. She pushes buttons She pushes buns at the ATM. It was far go doesn't keep it in the family So now Ramona and Lee are hugging for whatever reason yeah, and everything's like Jesus sees people are fucking nuts And then Sonya says can okay, you take over here? Cause I didn't understand this two packs. So, and he's like, wow, they really did go fight.
Starting point is 00:11:13 It's very, it's very pop, Heather. It's very pop. And Sonia's like, she's a very biggy pop. Like, biggy and tall pop. You're right. You know, so she says that. She says, she goes, it's very biggy pop. And then it cuts to Heather Laffer
Starting point is 00:11:26 Exactly Mama, hello, and so Sonia Sonia doesn't understand what's being said so she goes yes, we can pop we can pop is that I say it pop She's like no pop like two pop sugar so we can pop we can pop off So we can park, we can park off! Pock, look, I'm educated with this stuff. Pock off! It reminds me of the time that Tupac and Biggie were in a fight, and Tupac went right up to Biggie and said, you better step off of the curbser. You know what, it's like that time, it's like that time when Biggie went up to Tupac
Starting point is 00:12:03 and said, you better back off, motherfucker. Oh, Heather, where'd you learn that one? In prison, been there too, honey. I'm about to curb a stomp. That's what's about to happen over here. But stop. So then we're going to say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Leah? Leah? Can I tell you something again? Like again? And again? Again again?? Leah? Can I tell you something again? Like again? And again, again, again, like I'm gonna tell you this again, okay, can I just tell it to you, okay? All right, you know what makes me uncomfortable, huh? Lea's like talking about sex.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yes, okay. Well, you're asking me not to talk about sex, but I'm like sex, positive. Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo. She's like, whoa, she's just sex, positive. asking me not to talk about sex but I'm like sex pausing she's like whoa she's sex pausing she starts squealing I don't really know why I don't understand a lot of what was happening in this episode I just wrote it down but I was like what the fuck are these people even talking about and Leo's like okay boomer and that doesn't make sense there either
Starting point is 00:13:07 Way to be a year late on that one so So then so then so Nga's Luan gets up from the table because she's gonna excuse herself and she's wearing those Chanel earrings and Sonny goes oh Lou your earrings say cha cha cha I love that No, it's sure no Chanel it's a French word, and I don't know, it's a, it's a brand that may be educated people know about, I don't know about you.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Well, you went tonight with the breath, because Tiffany's look at you, Liewa, and she's like, I won, where's my prize? And Romana's like, no fucking caught us, fuck you, guy. And Liewa is going to bed because she's sober, and she doesn't want to be around all these drunkos.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So, that's today. I don't know how long the sobriety lasts because I don't think she's sober by the end of this, but you know what? I'm not sober, please, guy. So she goes to bed. Land, curry, land And Ramona's like, you know what? It's just like maybe I'm weird or something? Hold on, we're having a conversation
Starting point is 00:14:14 Which she does to somebody else To talk to Leah Which, you know, like kind of proves to Leah that she's important now Because now Ramona will stop a conversation with somebody else to have a conversation with Leo So she's like, you know what? Maybe I'm old school or maybe sound brother, but I wasn't brought up to talk about That's like the stick is big the dick is small the stick is medium. I like this stick that girl has a WP, okay? It's a whoop, okay? But if it's called, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:47 Yeah, I don't talk about WOP. I don't talk about WP. I don't talk about H.B. printers, because they're like WP printers. Don't need those. Don't eat whoppers. Don't do any of that, okay? Whatever it's called. You know what I talk about?
Starting point is 00:14:59 My best friend slash daughter Avery, okay? Something wholesome, okay? Well, I have an H.P HP which proves that I'm not a whore I don't even shave my pussy so um just you know I just yeah I just want you to edit yourself okay like you know what you know it like in the fact that just said all this verage right now is huge. Okay, all right. You know what? You're not talking about it sensually, all right? Look, look, look, here's a feather.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Here's a feather. And then Ramona pulls a feather out of nowhere. Like, I don't know where this giant feather was, which he finds a giant feather and then starts stroking herself with it. He goes, you know, you know what this man makes me feel so hot, you know what? He just stroked me, he touched me with a feather.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Look, I have a feather. This is sensual, okay? This is lovely, okay? This is, I would talk about feathers with Eivriokai. And Leo's like, oh my god, she's about to climax. So, and Evany goes, well, I just heard you say you can take big dick Ramona. I mean, did she not say that? No, no, I did not. And I think Evan Ebony saying that because she heard Ramona going huge. It's huge It's huge Talking about the fact that she used all that verbiage as she says
Starting point is 00:16:13 Yes Ebony just heard the huge part and it's saying well, didn't you just say you can take a big dick? You just did just say that and Ramona throws her feathers. She's like, you know what? I fight you and now I don't like you, okay? And she walks off and Evan, he's like, Ramona. Jesus. Yeah, and then Ramona tells us, Ramona gives us a classic Ramona is and she goes,
Starting point is 00:16:35 I didn't think anything about a penis or a big one or nothing, okay? It's like, I'm not okay. You know what? They just talk about body parts because the C and the P and the F and the B and the T I mean so many letters, okay? You know what? I have a problem with that, girlfriend. And you know what? I have a problem with your girlfriend, do you? And now you're doing the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm a very upset. Very, very upset, guys. What if I happen to sex, elegance? Where did it all go, Kai? So remote goes upstairs, which I guess that may have been a breakfast and Tiffany's reference. I don't know. Did you hear she's giving like a big speech on the stairs? Where did it go?
Starting point is 00:17:19 Where did classical, where did elegance go? What the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what the, what Let's go where did Avagas go? What do you want to get back to this now and just go upstairs now? We didn't even point out that this whole party theme is based on a whore. Okay, oh really? I literally don't know what practice is even about. Man, I know. I guess I'm just uneducated.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, not educated. I'm uneducated. You don't call girls. I'm just uneducated. Yeah, not educated. Oh, you don't have your MD and TMC. Ben. Well, that's funny. It was like hooker with a harder gold kind of movie. Yeah, I was like, I heard. Yeah. I saw it a long time ago, but I'm pretty sure she was a hooker. Pretty sure. So I saw in gay college, you know, which is a long time. That's my education. Some old queen showing me movies on TCM for TMC. So morning Heather's like, oh, hi Jack, your voice sounds so low. You sound so pock right now Jack. Talking to her son.
Starting point is 00:18:21 He sounds so pock. And Abani is stretching and Sonia Ramona and Bed with Marley and Ramona is saying, I thought the party actually would well. I don't know why wouldn't we get together? Everyone has to talk about penis as a guy. What is it about the penis? Why are we always talking about the penis? I don't know why we always mention the penis. It's one thing to say, the C word and the D word and the Q word and also the L word
Starting point is 00:18:44 and the M word and also the Z word and the other F word But you know what penis while we always talking about the penis tie So everybody's doing their morning thing Lee and Ebony earned the backyard talking about how it would be nice without the teaky torches and then Sub back to Sonia and Ramona sonia's like yeah, and Ebony hurt thought she heard you say dick so you're upset about that What yet so man Sonia and Ramona. Sonia's like, yeah, and Ebony hurt, thought she heard you say Dix, you're upset about that? You're what? Yes, so man bad after God. So she's like remad. And then Ebony is saying to Leah that she's gonna apologize
Starting point is 00:19:14 to Ramona, even though Ramona's a huge hypocrite, because she was taking thirst trap picks with Leah, the whole night in her bra and panties after being so anti-sacred. Yeah, all that. Yeah, and, he's like, I swear, I thought I heard Ramona say she could take a big dick and I was proud of her and I meant it as a compliment, you know, and then she starts talking about
Starting point is 00:19:35 respectability politics and basically how, like it sucks, like, why can't a woman be into sex and be body and still be just as much of a woman, right? And then Leah's like, I'm just like, so over her saying she's uncomfortable talking about sex and then like 20 minutes later, she's like, a thong dancing around like a stripper. So they're brewing. So they're brewing in anger. Well, I have friends, you know the matten shake.
Starting point is 00:20:02 They're, you know, they're two of my friends. And when I hang out with, they are so gross. Like, they are literally disgusting. It's like, hey, are you guys hungry? For I, I'm gonna eat some ass sugar. You know, like, they're just, really, they're just really vulgar. And I'm the one that's always like,
Starting point is 00:20:17 whoa, it's not a buddy here. Like, we're ordering burritos. Do I need to hear this, right? Oh, you want a sloppy burrito like a sloppy dick bitch. You know like they're really every single thing is like really vulgar with them. Yeah. And I say gross and they just think I'm a prude
Starting point is 00:20:33 and I think they're vulgar and we crack up at each other. I don't understand why this is such a huge fight with people like who cares? I know. You're vulgar she tells you not to be vulgar. So what? Why is it this huge fight? I also think context, you know, has to be considered.
Starting point is 00:20:50 You know, if I'm going to a fancy dinner and be like, Hey, bitch, can you get your vagina out of my way? I'm trying to reach you for the butter. Like that's not classy. I'm sorry, that's just not classy. That's your fancy restaurant. But if I met someone's house, I might say that, you know? Yeah, it all depends.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, I agree that Ramona is totally a hypocrite. And Ramona never has problems with anybody else talking about sex. It's only Leah. But then I also agree that Leah goes way too far all the time just to piss Ramona off. It's like constantly being around somebody who insists on bringing their teenager everywhere.
Starting point is 00:21:24 It's like, I don't think you're this. Keep it at home. You know? It's true, it's not really about, sometimes like, it's not just about vulgarity, it's just like annoying, it's like that one, it's like that teenager who's always like, why don't we ever talk about real shit?
Starting point is 00:21:37 Like this was in the world, we don't even, why don't we ever talk about what's going on in Chad and you're like, There are people that are dying, Kim. I know, it come. I know. It's like literally that. And so sometimes it's just about like, oh, like, okay, we got it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 You know, I don't see this dirty one. I don't think it's, yeah, I don't think it's about sex. The sex talk at all. I think it's just Leah trying to piss Ramona off at all times to start a huge fight, you know? Yeah. So then Ramona is going on about,
Starting point is 00:22:04 you know, Leah started this crap about everyone else and suddenly it's like, well yeah, because she loves the tea, she's gonna get that tea from Heather. And Ramona's like, yeah, you know what? If Heather's gonna hang out with us, she can't do that, okay? We're like on a TV show being viewed by millions of people right now and I want privacy. Commissions. Here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry
Starting point is 00:22:41 that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brownauer, we will be your resident not-so-expert-experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll Absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently?
Starting point is 00:23:05 And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. So, Leah is in her room and she gets a text from her mom that basically her grandma isn't communicating anymore. She's really just slipping away and Leah's like, and I'm realizing in real time
Starting point is 00:23:38 that I'm not going to get another conversation with my grandmother. And then the music literally goes, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do That's true. Four grandmas of the world were locked in. I retract. I retract. Yeah. Because that was my first thought too. I was like, well, and but then I remembered, like with my grandma, you can't go see them. When we went to see my grandma, they had her behind like a one of the check cashing place walls of glass. I'm like, it was a poor thing. Like, if she's just stuck back there crying, I'm like, I just want to love you. We're like, we can't, me mom. We can't. I'm sorry, I'm like laughing. I don't know, I just want to hug you. We're like, we can't, me mom, we can't.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I'm sorry, I'm laughing. I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, it's like I really, it's not something to laugh about. I'm like, what more about the pain and suffering? Well, it's just so sad, you know. You got to laugh on what else are you going to do? So then, you know what,
Starting point is 00:24:46 me most name is Ramona, isn't that nuts? I feel like you've been hiding that from us. I think I told you a long time ago, but anyway, Pat, you don't remember. What else? You're supposed to keep that for yourself. Yeah. Okay, next time.
Starting point is 00:25:02 So Ramona goes down to the basement where Heather is. Where Heather is. It's funny, I was like, oh, it's nighttime and I was like, oh, that's right. She's in the lower level. So, um, that basement really is depressing. And you can, you can do whatever you want, but when there is no sunlight at all, it's like how heavenly grew up. Remember, I'm married to medicine when she's like, and this is where I slept with no
Starting point is 00:25:23 windows and just a sad wall. I was like that, but I will always understand how family now, you know, that's like the saddest shit I've ever heard. Yeah, so Ramona's asking Heather how the night was, how it was for her last night. And she's like, Hey baby, hey baby, wow, I feel like we're a real biggie
Starting point is 00:25:42 pop, a biggie and pop could ever be around long enough to mend their ways. That's what I feel like we're a real biggie pocket biggie and pocket ever be around long enough to mend their ways that's what I feel like right now you know mama anyway it was really nice except for getting attacked I mean talk about being the pocket in this situation am I right I don't know what these things just saying okay yeah you know what your podcasts like maybe don't see those things well mama it was my experience, it was my podcast, and you know, that was my look at my life, mama. Yeah, I think that's my business.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I think that's my business. I'm gonna say, no, you know what, can you promise? Because I don't wanna be in the press, okay? Hold up. Mario's sleeping with the neck, okay, page even say sex, better do something about it bitch. I do not want to be in the press ever again, guy. So Heather's like, yeah, well okay Ramona, you know, I mean, they're with Ramona, more with their hot air and ridiculousness, but I want to see if there's more fun to be had
Starting point is 00:26:44 here. Okay, that's what I'm here for. I brought handy snacks and orange slices. So let's go have some fun, everyone. Come on, motherfuckers. So then, um, so then, um, then that she's like, they're talking about the fact that they will be going over to Luan's house for this like nude new drawing experience. And Ramona says they're talking about the model and Ramona goes, you know what? Maybe he'll be Garth who's naked. He is an adornous tie. Just another example of tall guys winning everything for no reason. I mean, Garth is just like a giant sack of bones with bleach in his hair. I'm sorry Garth is just like a giant sack of bones
Starting point is 00:27:25 with bleach in his hair. I'm sorry. There is nothing great about Garth. He's tall, so what, okay? He's tall privileged, and I'm sick. He's just like a magic eraser with highlights. Yeah, he's like a tied stick. He's a tied stick with highlights.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Yes, and a turtle neck. So now speaking of which, we now go to Lewand's house, and Garth is in the kitchen. And so, Luan walks into her house and sees Garth goes, ha ha! She's just, ha ha ha! There it is. How's that curry going?
Starting point is 00:27:54 I hope you got the lamb. Is this the lamb curry? You've been in your work, you've been in your work, you've been in my work. Do I smell beef? Do I smell chicken? No! I smell lamb! Long curry!
Starting point is 00:28:07 The famous lamb curry, it is finally here. After two episodes, we are finally getting the lamb curry. So the man says, Well, that's gonna be a good day. We've got lamb curry being prepared by Garth. We've made it. We've got a male nude model. I mean, what's better than food and nude?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Am I right? Food and nude specifically curry and nude who's excited for lamb curry? Come on high five I know America's with me on this one, right? Right America and her niece is there in the cool Now is this a niece that was dating Adam when Carol I think so Stole him away because this is juicy stuff here, okay? What if I can't believe she didn't bring it up just to like spiked Carol on camera. I'm like maybe misspell pedophile again. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:28:50 All the good old days. What if what if the niece was dating Garth originally? You know, like I feel like when people click in the hands kitchen, they get stolen away from that niece. Yes. Of course niece is like just want a peaceful day of lamb curry and has never got that. It's like every time I come here over here for lamb curry, it's like just want a peaceful day of lamb curry and has never got it It's like every time I come by y'all we hear from lamb curry so much still in my man
Starting point is 00:29:09 So this lamb curry narrative is really getting pushed because the land's like well Garth the girls are really looking forward to your lamb curry Everyone's excited about the lamb curry. I have not heard lamb curry mentioned on TV as much as I have on real house I was of New York over the past week. I mean, they say it 30 times in this episode alone. So Garth is like, oh, do they have to be prepared for what is it called? Or did you're doing outside with the art in the course like, life drawing honey, me and you are never gonna part. Are we gotta love you, then I'm Curry. Can't wait to marry you. What is that thing you do with paper and pen drawing
Starting point is 00:29:48 Garth, get back to the lamb curry, okay? You know, I'm surrounded by artists in my house, Victoria's an artist, Nicole's an artist, my son's an artist, some might say that Garth is a curry artist who just artistry everywhere. So Ramona and Sonia and Heather are getting ready to leave to go to Luan's house. And Ramona is like, well, you know, what Heather, you look great. Really chic, but we look chic.
Starting point is 00:30:18 We look chic. Okay, maybe because we had too much canvas wine last night, we look really chic. Okay. So then downstairs, Ebony and Leah are getting their hazmat glam in the deprim, like in the garage. Yeah. Just a sad, sad version of Beverly Hills glam, which is already pretty sad on its own. So they're trying to really bring glam to New York. And I have to say, this is what makes me happy is that Ramona, Ramona and the
Starting point is 00:30:45 women now head downstairs. Ramona is like, I think anything makeup done. I mean, it's ridiculous. They can't do that one here and makeup my God. And I was so happy because you know, I've ranted about the prevalence of glam squats on Bravo ever since Erica Jane. And I think it's great that we finally have cast members who are like, this is ridiculous. And not and Kyle does not count because Kyle Because Kyle will still do glam. She just was jealous, and she didn't get to have the glam last season. But I was so happy to see, of course, Ramona,
Starting point is 00:31:13 you know, being finally a voice of reason on Bravo saying, this is ridiculous, you're just going to launch. I know, but then look at the difference in how Ramona looks. Like, look at her breakfast at Tiffany's thing. Like, you know, sometimes, I don't know. I don't know where I fall on that argument. So Ramona's like, what, why don't you hair and makeup the bunch? And then he's like, I just want to look great for you, baby.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Just, you know what? You have 20 minutes. And she's like, no Ramona, I'm going to take 15 or 20 minutes. And she's like, I hear Ramona says it's rude. And she's like, listen Ramona, as a black woman, my hair is different from yours. She goes, I don't care, start earlier, guys. She's like, you know what, I'm, I'm, I'm angry, okay?
Starting point is 00:31:55 I haven't eaten and I'm angry, okay, that's it. You know what, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm angry. I'm happening, it's like 1865 emancipation proclamation. I'm free. And what you're not going to tell me to do is what to do with my time. Yes. Yes. I love that Evany does not give two fucks and she is not scared of anybody from her for
Starting point is 00:32:19 a season. No, she's definitely not. And you know what, Angie and Ramona is like, okay, fine, okay fine I'm just go the car. I just hang that's it fine Yeah, so So then so it's a Ramona Sonia and Heather just leave and now we go over to Luan's house where we meet Kurt The creepy also we have to point out I know I'm so sorry to interrupt your sentence But we also have to point out because this episode is a lot about who's yelling who's yelling? Okay, Romona comes down and Romona is like, oh my god, I'm having a
Starting point is 00:32:51 Starting yelling and he is like, yes, scream. That's for healing. He's like Sorry, don't mean to yell, but He's like, oh my god, stop yelling. Okay, so yes, we're in lose backyard now with the male model who is the ski-viest Fucking guy. I mean, he is just like he's like So vile he needs to be returned to the avis that he was working in He's so creepy. Like it's not, first of all, it's not supposed to be hot, it's art, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:30 But it's really gross when the guy who's like the sex object is like, oh yeah. No, it was damn their pretend you're an adornist, okay? I don't need this from you, Creepo. Yeah, he was being really creepy. So, Louanne,ohan's, yeah. We're here to purve out on you. Your job is to be purved out on.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah, you don't have to purve out on us. You don't have to sell it. You don't have to guild the lily, okay? See, man. This is not a whale show where we sit in the front row to get splashed. Okay, that's right. That's right.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Sit back. That's right. Shaman, or is it K-Moo? Shaman. Shaman. Shaman. Shaman. I bet it is K-Moo.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Okay, I have to look at this. Okay, look at that. You can go ahead and describe this. Okay, well, you look it up. So, Luann is very excited. There's this guy. And she's like, oh, thank you so much for coming. The girls are super excited.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And so then the other women arrive and so on. And it's like, oh, how's Lewand stew? Oh, how's that curry going? So like the curry hype is just building and building. And the wand leads the women into the kitchen and she goes, look, it's the man. It's got your curry concierge, everyone. Did you already say where Lewand says, well, you're going to have to take off more than that. Yeah. It is pronounced K-MIS. Oh, it is. Well, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Oh, I, uh, now I am more educated, everyone. Look, I tried to flex. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to flex with my ass. I tried to. Oh, I, I, now I am more educated, everyone. Look, I tried to flex.
Starting point is 00:35:08 I tried to flex with my reference, which may not have even been a real reference, because I need to verify I have a reference sitting a long time. It was to the stranger. Here's what's on my open tabs right now. Okay. Tofu recipes. Mm-hmm. open tabs right now. Okay. Tofu recipes, cameus wine pronunciation,
Starting point is 00:35:28 and white fragility definition. So that's my day. That's my day in the nutshell. That sort of travels in that past. One thing needs to be with her. So, yeah, so by the way, you know what? I just realized, I was like, who does Kurt sort of vaguely look like?
Starting point is 00:35:46 He looks like Kevin from the really pervy awful season of Blow Deck. I mean, it was a good season, but remember Kevin, the chef, the awful chef. Oh, yeah, that's a cool chef. Yeah, that's actually what Kurt looks like. So, yeah, I'm crying, man. I noticed I said, what? Not who he looks like. What he looks like.
Starting point is 00:36:04 So, they get everyone's notice I said, what? Not who he looks like. What he looks like. So they get everyone's like, you know what, Ebony and Leah fill my house, getting them makeup done. And, well, you know what, Sonia, Sonia's been upset. So I'm hoping the Curry wins her over. Have I mentioned Curry?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Lam Curry, ladies. Nothing cures a broken heart like Lam Curry. Have I mentioned curry lamb curry? Nothing cures a broken heart like lamb curry beef you made me Garth I said lamb curry not beef. Well this whole day is fucked. Sorry So Heather's like wow the way I'm Gorgeous adorable and she's like well. He's my age well. You know, I mean not my age. He's 50 But here's what's so great about him. I mean, he is just the most amazing person. I mean, just deep down his soul. When I call, he picks up the phone.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I mean, there's no games. If I say, hey, you want to have dinner Friday? He comes to dinner on Friday. It's like, wow, you're expectations. I know. Your expectations are so low. When you cross like Ross, you call Ross dress. I know. Your expectations are so loud. When you cross like Ross, you call Ross Dress for less.
Starting point is 00:37:07 You're gonna be in love. You call them and they pick up the phone. Okay. I say hello. He says hello back. It's amazing. I go to the Regency. He's not already there making out with someone.
Starting point is 00:37:17 I mean, it's really just an amazing relationship. Yeah. Oh, he's just great. He's great because he's just there when you need him and he doesn't drink So Leon Ebony show up and everyone's like oh my god She looks so beautiful a Ramona with her passive aggressive. Well, you look like a beauty queen Okay, no one retakes 10 hours for you to do your makeup and So then Ramona quietly says to Ebony, you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:43 I still don't understand why you guys have to get so perfectly quaked, but you know what? It's your prerogative. Kai. Quaked. Yeah, quaked. You know what? I like to drink some camis when I'm getting quaked, okay? So Ebony's like, well, it's only because the weekend is not all the time, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:04 so yeah. And basically it's like Ramona's is not all the time, you know, so yeah. And basically, it's like Ramona's eating now, so she's less personickity about the other women being late. Yes. And so Ebony's pouring some pellic greeno. And Lou Ansa, code, did you have a rough time last night? That's why you're just having pelly today. And she's like, yeah, I don't know if that last shot was a great idea.
Starting point is 00:38:21 And we're going to go, yeah, because you must hurt my words. Okay, you must hurt them. She's like, I'm sorry, darling. I own it at least, okay? Listen, I have SAT words, I have cross words, I have all kinds of words, Roman, I'm sorry. Yeah, so yes, and then Sonia's basically telling Leah, like, don't worry, Ramona was just hungry.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Everything's okay right now. Girls, the car is cooking, and it's gonna be be done shortly, so what do you say with you some painting, okay? Because we don't want to be late for curry, am I right, everyone? Curry. So now a new guy comes into the scene, Alfredo. Okay. And Alfredo is, you know, some guy from under the freeway that places guitar and wears Bob Marley shirts.
Starting point is 00:39:06 We've got him in every town, okay? Yeah. So he comes in and Lewand's like, Here's Alfredo, an amazing friend, in a musician. He writes his own music. Alfredo, let it be, play let it be. It's my favorite of his. Very good work.
Starting point is 00:39:21 He has a wonderful song called, Hey Nude, which I thought would be appropriate for today. Do that one Alfredo, he also invented a pasta, I don't know if you know about that. He's really a man of so many talents. I mean, unfortunately his curry doesn't quite compare to guards, but you know, we can't all be perfect like that. Hey Alfredo, play us that famous song you wrote. Cap Curie Love. That would be great to hear. Alfredo, can you play that song you wrote. Cap Curly Love. That would be great to hear.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Alfredo, can you play that song that brought the globe together? I believe it was called She Are the World, something like that. So we catch a snippet of Sonia's conversation with Plei and she's, I mean, the whole movie, she's going, did he die? Did he die? What about him? Did he die? Which is just basically Sonia talking about going to the movie so it's Ramona, which is hilarious. So I told him this that. I told him this that.
Starting point is 00:40:15 So he is like, oh god, it's a guitar player. And Sonia gets so mad because Liu has said that she's going to hook up Sonia with this guitar player. So she's like, Lou has no idea what I like, no idea. I mean, he's an artist, I'm an artist, I can't be with artists. I mean, I do like French people, but not French artists. You know what? Sometimes Lou fucking astonishes me.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Like, I like a dandy guy with like a texture, maybe a pushette, Navy Blazer, you know, maybe on the weekends, he puts on a niceandy guy with like a texture maybe a pushet native blazer, you know Maybe on the weekends. He puts on a nice bow or something like that puts on a nice lip I don't know something. I'm like Sonya you're describing a very gay man right now So take your head out of Garth fast what So Alfredo this is Sonya Rita Sonya Rita, this is Alfredo and she goes, Unchante. Yeah, and he's like Melo-Feeck.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And she's like, oh my god, did you hear that man who feaks, he's friend. Sonya Rita, and Alfredo, Sonya, it's Alfredo, Alfredo, it's Sonya, it's Alfredo. It's a friend oh It's a Fredo Magnifique magnifique she says magnifique like five times in a row magnifique magnifique Magnifique oh sorry, that's just me speaking one of the three languages. I know So he is like um my heels are falling into the grass also I'm fucking disgusted so I'm gonna walk away down Okay, and Luann's like well, I'm offering Sonia an artist and a guy with the penis. I mean a penis man with an art a guitar
Starting point is 00:41:56 penis he has a penis so you know what hopefully she'll be happy. I mean one more good You have for yeah, so so you know, I'm not into artists at all. I'm sure they happy. I mean, one mortgage you have for yeah, so so you're like, you know, I'm not into artists at all I'm into bankers Specifically from the JP Morgan chase banks I'm not into artists. I'm into bankers. So Ramona's like, you know what? Like Sonia like Zwayan types and the Wands type, you know, if he was the Wands type, the Wands wouldn't offer him to Sonya, okay? It's not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:42:28 And then meanwhile, you just see Kurt stalking around like, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. He's got on camera posture, which is basically everything that I do when I know I'm on camera. So I like try to have my posture, but then I over-correct. And I get like, I get like a sway back, because I like, my spine goes on all these angles, and I put my shoulders back. And I'm like, here I am on camera. I'm totally normal.
Starting point is 00:42:51 This is how I normally stand. And I think I'm standing like perfectly straight, but then every photo I see, like my hands are out like this, like making a trapezoid, you know? I'm like, oh. That's what he's doing. So when I'm lost to start and we're're gonna go, are we picking on me? I'm ready to roll.
Starting point is 00:43:09 So, he's gonna do different poses and stuff and they're all laughing, you know, cause it's a housewife scene, so it's very mature. You know, it's very respect the model kind of a scene. So they're like, yeah, you gotta squat down, baby. And he's there now. He's now in like a towel and He's like flexing his pecs, but he's he's he's pecs keep on bouncing But he's like not an amazing shape, which is fine, but it sort of looks like
Starting point is 00:43:38 It looks like there are there's like Like two chicken cutlets and there's like like a mouse under them trying to get out. They're just sort of like writhing around a little bit, just jiggling, and I'm like, please just stop doing this. This is not the moment. You have not earned peck flexing privilege in this scene yet. I'm sorry to say. And you're also.
Starting point is 00:44:02 He's very like JC Penney dad model know, like JC Penny catalog dad model. Um, so Kurt goes, well, I'm very talented, but one thing I can't do is take this off myself. And so Sonya comes over to help him take off his towel thing and everyone is like, oh my god, holy shit, I I'm gonna hypervaluate okay hypervaluate so then um so so on the on the count of three Sony is gonna yank his towel and he puts his hands up above his head like yeah I'm like oh so creepy he is so creepy so how they're like well I'd be lying if I didn't say there was some hesitation about what I'm gonna be painting here
Starting point is 00:44:49 Look at that motherfucker over there So he takes it off from Ramona goes So they all start drawing and they're supposed to be trying you know him and then they look at Ramona's easel And she's just drawn a penis Ramona all you do is a piece. What's what I see? Okay, it's what I see sorry Emilia is happy that his dick is bigger than his balls because that's her thing this episode and She's like well, I mean it like it wasn't hard, but it wasn't flaccid, it was like an in-between me weeny.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Yeah. So then Ramona, yeah, she's just cute, strong, Dix. Every time he changes position, Ramona just cute, strong, his dick, that's all she draws. That's all she sees. It's just a dick floating in the space. They line all of Ramona's pictures up on the grass at one point, and it's just all Dix.
Starting point is 00:45:44 So funny. So then, and then she gets tired of it. And so she sits down and she's like, you know what? You paint one penis, you paint another, it's like enough already. Okay, I'm done with. Okay. You know, I'm just gonna say I'm gonna enjoy the few too many penises. And so Leah comes to sit with her and, uh, Lou, the ladies are just giving this guy so much shit. Lou, I was like, well, you cold. Yeah, he goes, I don't know, you tell me. Sir, someone throw some curry at his face.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, so let's see here, guitar guy. Okay, so Lee and Ramona are sitting down and Alfredo the guitar guy is playing and Ramona's like whoa You what if this is own music? He's very talented She's very Central okay, good. So good. Yeah, so Sentence
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, yeah, wow. I can't believe this is original music and not from some famous musician Was generic a plank Yeah, oh yeah, so he comes over Like a guy at a restaurant looking for tips, right? So he comes on over Like you know we've all been that restaurant. We start looking away like please bus mr. Busker. Please go away So I really love your music. I really do. It's like, it's like moving to me. It's like, it's like touching me.
Starting point is 00:47:08 It's like touching. It's like touching me. Like, being, it's really like, it's like a beautiful, beautiful song. That's touching me. Okay. And, so, you're like, it's droopy, right?
Starting point is 00:47:21 Is this droopy? I'm like, yeah, little. You know what? I don't stare at him. I just heat or I sound. And so everybody applaud, you know? Um, so Leo's like, I have vertigo. I've got to go. So she goes off. Yeah. And then um, so she goes inside and Ramona goes after her and goes, you know what? If you had severe vert vertical, you would have fallen over, okay? Ramona with a diagnosis So then a son you're showing off her pic and she's like, yeah, listen, I wanted you to your jawline and your hair But then it went south, but you know what you do have a beautiful round sack and by that I mean your ball sack
Starting point is 00:48:01 beautiful round sack. And by that, I mean your ball sack. And he's like, thank you so much. So inside Leah doesn't feel well. And she's like, no one gets it. Like, I'm not lying or being a baby. I just like don't physically feel well. Like my head is pounding. I'm like dizzy and so I'm gonna go.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Which by the way, it's also coronavirus time. So it's not, you never know. So then Ramona sits next to her goes you know what? I know your grandmother is your only one who's only one has been there for you forever and like who loved you unconditionally And that's a huge thing and like I don't want to upset you But like I'm getting you better. I'm better and I know what it's about and like she gets you more than your mom does more than Rob does More than maybe your daughter does maybe your best friend really anyone who will ever know you She knows you the most I'm not upsetting you okay
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah, I don't need to make you cry. I'm making you worse You know what like she's the only one. They just don't mind that you act like a slut with the penis talk You know, it's like your grandma's the only person who really gets. You know, like she's not her way out. You know what I mean? Like you're never going to have another grandma, okay? You know, your grandma is like a bee with a stinger, okay? She only gets one.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And your bee grandma, stunky with love, and now she's going to die. And it's your fault, because you got her stinkin inside of you. Guy, let me be there for you in a way that you're not there for your grandmother right now, okay? I'm sure that no one will ever fill the void so that's something you can think about now for the next 30 seconds or so. I hope I'm not upsetting you. I hope I'm not upsetting you. Hope I'm not upsetting you. Okay. Yeah, and Leah's like, I just, all she needs to do is stop talking right now. So, Ramona, Ramona finally goes away and Epony hugs her and Leah's crying now because Ramona made her start sobbing. Leah's sobbing. Epony's like, girl, you're crying on my past demeanor.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Okay, well, don't worry, that's what dry cleaners are for. Yeah. I loved, I loved Epony's what dry cleaners are for. Yeah. I loved Ebony's Burberry Pashamena by the way, and I loved that she, like, she was not only holding her own during the fight later in the episode, but she was holding her own while wearing this beautiful Pashamena, I was, it really made me happy. So meanwhile, Curtis is still posing outside,
Starting point is 00:50:21 and cause now he's like, he's clob, and now he's like on his side, and Victoria is like trying to draw him on his side. And she's like, I'm trying to get classical realism. A good luck on Real Housewives of New York. Yeah, I'm going for classical realism. And so he goes, well, this is definitely classical and it's very real.
Starting point is 00:50:42 So. And this Sonya, meanwhile, has stopped drawing. She's just taking pictures of the naked guy with her phone now. She's just so funny. So from Mona and Evony and Heather are talking, and we're on the, you know what? Death is harder on the living, guys,
Starting point is 00:50:56 when you're dead, like what do you know? You don't even know you're dead, cause she's dead, okay? And Evony's like, yeah, you know, and for emotional leaning people like Leah, pain can be deafening. And Heather's like, yeah, you know, and for emotional leaning people like Leah, pain can be deafening and Heather's like, yeah, she's losing control in there and Ebony goes, who's gonna tell her? She's enough now and we're gonna go, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:16 She looks up to me like an older sister and she needs affirmations for me. So when I don't give it to her instead I say she has a slump out. She gets very upset. Okay, so I'm gonna be very, very careful. We'll see you now. I'm basically like her new grandmother, okay? I'm a very important person in her life. And if I don't give her the love that she needs,
Starting point is 00:51:41 that she'll never get from a grandmother again, she goes off to Rails, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm digging my invisible triangle Where the call reserved on the plains Oh, curry! Where my weather call reserved on the plains. Ding, ding, ding goes the lamb! All right, girls.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And Ramona's like, well, are we gonna start off? She'll give me a plate, Ramona. I'll serve you. So she goes in, she'll say, boom. Raise the glass. Thank you, Victoria. Thank you, God, you God for this LUM CURRY! This delicious, delicious LUM CURRY! By the way I have to say I loved that pot that that
Starting point is 00:52:33 CURRY was using to cook that curry. Did you notice that it was like a little cauldron on the stove top? I kind of wanted one. So then did you see it? I did not. Oh well go back and look it was a cauldron. It had a lot of, had a lot of character. Say, ball, murder me. So uh, so I'll do that. So Nio's like, what if I did do that? I'm like, I am going to go back and I'm going to steady back.
Starting point is 00:52:56 I think you will. I think you're going to get like a cauldron set. So Sonio's like, I don't know how long this relationship is going to last, but I can see what Luanne is raving about and it's the curry! So anyway girls, listen, I was upstairs and I hear Ramona squealing and Evan is chasing her around and I ran to the staircase to try and listen and Evan is like, well, what was happening was I was apologizing because I used language that she didn't like. Because actually she was talking to me and she was telling me not to talk about sex. Yeah, well, you know, she was a church going Catholic.
Starting point is 00:53:36 We all know this because the devil has actually banned her from hell. This is actually official. So anyway, you know, she was was just I was raised the same way our church going Catholic girl That's why I am Luan Deliceps also known as the choir girl of Eastern Connecticut. Thank you every yes She had a she had a good Catholic education and so these like oh my god. Give me a break You know like Ramona and Christian values. I, this is the woman who lied about giving blood plasma. Thou shalt not lie Ramona. And the one's like, well, look, we, Leah,
Starting point is 00:54:11 we all love to talk about those kinds of things, but there is a cutoff point where it gets to be a bit much. And then he's like, well, yeah, for some people. And Lee is like, yeah, but it's hard to know because there's like hypocrisy about it. Mm-hmm. Meanwhile, by the way, I believe that Michelle, the hospitality assistant was there
Starting point is 00:54:28 because she was, I think it was her standing behind Ramona with a salad bowl and silverware. During, I would say, 85% of the rest of the show. Like, they were fighting and you just, every time they cut to Ramona, you just see a woman holding a bowl with just standing there patiently.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And I kept waiting for her to walk away. I was like, oh, they're just going to fight about this. And this poor woman has to sit here and listen. And for whatever reason, hold a salad, an empty salad bowl. Yeah. It's like, we need something. We need something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:58 Get the hospitality assistant in here with a bowl. Yeah. So Luann's like, well, Leah, you know, there are certain words like the fee word and Leah's like I would never call my vagina curry and She's like well, but you know what it's not the word I'm gonna go yeah, you know what I explained her I said you like I know she's young But like my daughter's young and she doesn't speak that way and then it goes what way she's the way you speak I'm like are you fucking kidding me Ramona?
Starting point is 00:55:28 You know what do you think that's the way your daughter talks all the time when she's not around you? Okay, I'm done. I'm done with that. I'm done So Leah's screaming and yelling and having a fit and getting up and stalking around over nothing and then and then she's like Do not compare me to your daughter. Me and your daughter are nothing alike. I'm also not your daughter, mother. I mean, like it's like, okay, like you're not her daughter, but you're definitely acting way more of her daughter than every ever has. So, so he's like, no, why can't you be yourself? Why can't you be yourself? Okay, you know what, you were dancing around in your thong, flashing your titties to me, okay?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Make up your mind, which one is it, okay? And you, Luan, you're on a high horse. Oh, well, I did use to ride back when I lived in Europe, which is something I did, because I'm very well traveled. So I guess I was on a high, oh, I literally do ride high on a horse. It's just how I ride. It started with my Catholic education in horses.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Catholic horses. Someone's got to fetch the ingredients for the curry. Am I right? Someone get the horse. Mm. And Leah's like, don't even try to explain it to me. I don't need you, Joe. And Ramona's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:56:40 We get along and she throws her friends into it, okay? But she's so presensitive because of Grandma Stinga, okay? And so he's like, just leave her alone Ramona and Ebony's like, guys, this is a lot over a few words. There's a lot of fighting over some words. Right. So then Leah's like outside and she's, she's, cause she's sort of like pacing around.
Starting point is 00:57:01 She's like in the house, she's out of the house, she's out by the, out of the house. She's like, stormed out. Yes, stormed out of this. And she's like in the house, she's out of the house, she's out by the butt. Out of the front. She extorned out. Yes, stormed out of this. And she's like, if I have to hear about her daughter, one more time, I'm going to lose it. I'm like, Leah, we've heard about your grandma for like five weeks straight now.
Starting point is 00:57:14 So like people have things they talk about in their lives, you know, oh my God, am I defending Ramona? I have to stop. I have to like hit the reset. Lea makes it, like that's the thing that's pissing me off. Like, Lea is so exhausting. And she's throwing a fit over the stupidest things It's making you take Ramona's side
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like it's just like kind of a natural thing, which is what's annoying about Leah? So Ramona's telling Ebony. Yeah, we know what Leah came to dinner with my daughter and my daughter's friends and my daughter told me You know what who talks is this way because she was sent the P word the V word the C word. Curry! Mother Wanda is the Curry word am I right? So delicious. She's the L word for lamb.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Lamb Curry please God thank you. Ebony's like but Ramona your daughter is 25. She's yeah but you know what? She's around my daughter Can't she respect me? Just look I said you don't like the words and I'm not gonna use the words if you don't like them and they go Yeah, but Ebony you understand right you understand what we're talking about right? She's well, I mean I understand but you know I won't use those words if you don't like me to but I don't feel like if you use those words, that that means that you're not a classy person. And we're going to go, I didn't say that.
Starting point is 00:58:30 I didn't say that. I did say that. I didn't say that screaming, screaming, pointing, spitting. And also what's interesting here, not to jump ahead too much, but here Ebony is basically saying that class is sort of like within in a certain way, right? That like, you can say these words, they don't make you classless. And it's funny because later on, Luan is basically saying education is more than just school. Like it's going around around the world and whatever it comes sort of like from within. So it's funny that Luan has no tolerance for this argument here,
Starting point is 00:59:08 but then sort of uses kind of the same philosophical underpinnings later on with her really stupid, stupid outlook later on. Oh my God. To get to. So yeah, so Ramona, as you mentioned, which is important to mention Ramona is like screaming yet again, not to be confused with Luan.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah, she was screaming. Yeah, so Leah is screaming. So, Ebony is like, well, I mean, you did say something about being conservative. So, maybe that had something to do with church. Ramona is like, no, I never said that. She's still screaming over and over again. I never said that. Ebony goes, yeah, but I could have sworn that I heard,
Starting point is 00:59:43 lose say something about church. And they go, yeah, but I could have sworn that I heard, lose say something about church. And they go, yeah, but that has nothing to do with class. It has to do with education. And she's like, well, I have more education, frankly, than anybody at this table. I mean, I'm the most educated person in this group. And I think everyone goes, what? Google us?
Starting point is 01:00:00 And she's like, yes, I did. I Google everyone I talk to. Every month it starts all of a sudden squealing and laughing and high-five is happening. She's like, yeah, I did. I Google every while I talk to you. Every month it starts all of a sudden squealing and laughing and high five laughing. She's like, yeah, she's laughing. So by the way, amazingly, she, in her, in talking about how educated she is, she's also reminding me, she actually educated herself
Starting point is 01:00:18 about the people she's with, because she Googled them, right? So she's like, I even know how to make glam curry now. Okay, I Goog Google that shit too. Yeah, actually, Garth posted the recipe online. You lie and you know it. So then, uh, Lewand's like, Oh, so this was where it goes off the rails, because Lewand tries to pretend she's the smartest person in the world. And someone has just, she's made, she feels like Ebony is saying she's not educated,
Starting point is 01:00:48 which she is literally educated. I mean, she's an artist. She's sick. It's not like she's uneducated. She never said the man wasn't. Ebony was not saying that at all, right? But you know, you could just tell how Lou changes that that's how she's hearing it.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Like someone is daring, say, I'm stupid, right? So she's like, she goes, oh, so you think your degree makes you more educated? Yes, Mitch. That's what a degree does. A degree is a symbol of your education. It's a literal certificate. Literally.
Starting point is 01:01:18 I think though that Luan equates education with class, which is funny because she said just a moment ago, when Ebony said, when you say these words, it doesn't make you on classy. And Luan said, it's not about class, it has to do with education, which I actually don't even understand what that means. It means that if you say those words,
Starting point is 01:01:37 it means you're uneducated. Is that what that's supposed to mean? But, I don't know. She's saying, yeah, if you're more educated, you don't speak like trash like that. You don't speak trash. Which is the biggest lie of all, by the way, the biggest, the biggest, biggest lie of all the most trashy shit literally happens in college.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Yeah. And I don't know. I didn't go, but I have porn. So I know exactly what happens there. Listen, very, very educated people can curse all the time and very uneducated people can have the, they don't curse, I don't know. What a world, what a world of possibilities.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Jeez. So we go back, oh go ahead. No, I was going to say, I wonder, and this is, please do not misinterpret this for me giving any sort of defense to LouAnne. I think that LouAnne is actually very defenseless in this, but I wonder if later on, they're talking about Catholic education.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I wonder in some weird way, Luana was thinking like this has to do with Ramona's Catholic education that made her crazy. But if that is what she meant, well it is, it's a huge, but she didn't clarify that because when she just said and it's understanding, it's a huge misunderstanding on the words because the man says,
Starting point is 01:02:48 Ramona's like that because she's a good Catholic girl. She was educated in Catholic school, right? So then Ebony is saying, yeah, but I don't think it's not classy to use words like that. And she's saying, no, it's not classy, it's education. I'm saying like she was educated in this. Right, but by just classy, it's education. I'm saying like she was educated in this. Right, but by just way. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:03:06 But like we can see. Yes. So like we can see. Yes. It's kind of obvious to us, because we have the editing. Like we can see different cameras. We can rewind it, which of course we had to do multiple times because of the slightest bananas.
Starting point is 01:03:20 So I got what she was going for, but she's so defensive that she doesn't understand what Ebony's saying, because Ebony's not wrong in what she's saying either. So, there are no deflates. Well, I did not get it. I did not get it. When I was going for it initially. It wasn't until later on when they brought up Catholic education.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I was like, oh, was she saying that Ramona's bound, like has these reactions, because she had a strict Catholic education. But because she just said education, it just gave a whole new meaning. Right, it's like very loaded, that came with lots of stuff. And so then of course, and of course reality TV is the best place
Starting point is 01:03:55 to have these conversations. Because now I know it goes off the rails. And it doesn't go off the rails because of Abani, it goes off the rails because of Luan. So totally, yeah, totally. Because it's defensive and she's fighting over, she doesn't even know the rails because of happening. It goes off the rails because of Lewand. So, totally, yeah, totally. Cause it's defensive and she's fighting over. She doesn't even know what she's fighting over. And then she changes what she's fighting over
Starting point is 01:04:10 halfway through, because she realizes her ass is wrong. Okay, well, she's that. Well, so either way, so either way, when she says education, it comes off like she's saying when you say those words, the people who say those words are uneducated, that's how her statement comes off. And Ebony's like, in Ebony's mind, I'm sure she's thinking,
Starting point is 01:04:29 I'm the most educated person here, and I say those words, and they do not to track from my education, right? So that's how I check it. Yeah, so she's like, I'm the most educated person here, and the Google thing, right? And so then Lwango's, oh, so you think your degree makes you more educated, which I think you actually already said that part. And so Ebony's
Starting point is 01:04:50 like, she's like, no, it doesn't, the degree doesn't technically make me more educated. Well, that's the stupidest thing I've heard from anyone, say, from someone who said that they're educated. And I've heard that, I've heard statements like that being made in three different languages, which is going to speak in three different languages, which is gonna speak to three different languages because I'm educated, you know what I'm saying? So Leah's like so then Leah comes back fucking Leah just stay gone. Okay, you're so annoying. You go up to deepen for nothing, you've missed everything and now you're coming into like a decent scene with more of your bullshit because you're not getting attention. It's like someone doesn't follow her to the front and try and talk her into coming back
Starting point is 01:05:27 so she has to storm back in to yell some more. Like fuck off already woman. So she comes back and she starts yelling again. And she's like, if you bring up your fucking daughter to me again about sex, she's probably been fucking since she's fucking 14 years old Ramona. And Ramona's just like, oh my god, just stop. And she's like, bullshit.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Very different. She's like, just. My daughter, my daughter, my daughter. Ramona's just like, stop. Don't just be quiet. So Lee is like, this isn't fair. And so Sonya tells us, yeah, she likes getting her rise out of Ramona, but, you know, I get it,
Starting point is 01:06:04 but I don't know that I'd be insulting someone's child. And Lee is like, you know what, last year I was like, ha ha ha, but this year I'm not gonna let you treat me like some raunchy bitch. You're a hoe, you're a hoe, you're a hoe, you're a hoe. Like, no one cares about this fight. They're all just staring at Leo like, yeah, Sonya's sitting there looking at the camera,
Starting point is 01:06:21 giving me like a Jim Halpern, you know, Halpern, Halpern, Halpern. So she, Bethany already do this whole speech. Well, she, like, Bethany, she said, the way she said, you have the biggest slut at the upper west senior. Um, but, uh, either way, I like that, like, the act that as if last year, she just laughed it all off. I'm like, uh, I seem to remember an entire party where you like, who lost your mind because Ramona
Starting point is 01:06:45 was basically sledgehammering you. That's, that's the happy go lucky, just like letting everything, you know, just slide right off her back. So she's screaming hose and Ramona goes, you know what, she's always so offensive and aggressive. She's always so offensive and aggressive, can't with her.
Starting point is 01:07:04 So Leo leaves and then Heather's like, um, guys, I think that there's a big lesson here. Okay, listening, that's what's missing here, listening. And the way it goes, well, I tried to explain it. I think I was pretty clear for an uneducated person who gave you all divine curry. Mephanie says, no one said you're uneducated and Louis, I'm like, where are you yelling? Why? Why are you yelling? She's like, no one said you're uneducated.
Starting point is 01:07:34 You have a nursing degree, which is pretty, and she's like, oh really? Well, you said you're the smartest one in the room. And son, you guess she said must educate in. Sonia is is actually the best ally for Ebony in this scene. Sonia is great. Sonia could barely tolerate everything that's going on, but she's also happens to be the only one close to an ally here. So Sonia is like, yes, she said she's the most educated. And I'm being like, yes, which is a fact.
Starting point is 01:08:00 It is a provable fact. And Sonia, Sonia says, she reminds us, she didn't say she was smarter or prettier or anything, just educated. It's a resume. So then the man goes, well, because by the way, you never insult a cabaret star. I don't think you speak three languages. Let's not go tit for tat on who has an education, because I
Starting point is 01:08:21 don't like that. I'm like, you literally just went tit for tat in the first part of your sentence. Yes. I don't like that. I'm like, you literally just went tit for tat in the first part of your sentence. Yes, I don't think you speak three languages. Let's not go tit for tat. Yeah, and definitely it's like, Leigh Ann, it's a quantifiable fact, okay. She's like, well, I'm saying red.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Education to me is somebody that's well-rounded in so many ways, they're traveled, they speak languages. You know, she's just trying to make us feel like idiots. Give me a break, Louanne, you fucked account. It doesn't make you the best in math. Okay? Like you don't have an actual where your studies degree because you fucked account. You fucked some rich guys, you traveled all over. You were a model, so you traveled all over.
Starting point is 01:08:56 That doesn't make you more educated, okay? Yeah, maybe more traveled, you know? Doesn't make you stupid, either. But we're talking about literal education. Being well-traveled, speaking multiple languages, being well read, that makes you well-traveled by a multilingual and well-read. You know, like, I mean, obviously there's philosophical things like, what is education? Yada, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yes, and I mean, I guess she's saying it doesn't make her an idiot, but no one's calling her an idiot. You know, she's like, you have more. That doesn't make you smarter than me. No, she's not saying it does She's saying she has the most education But it doesn't make her stupid to talk about cock or whatever right so Lewand's like oh Well, well, Evan he tries to take it down, right? She's like look All right, what I'm saying is I don't like you saying that if you speak a certain way, it speaks to your education. It's a girlfriend! You've got it all wrong, girlfriend. Friend, who's a girl? Girlfriend, friend girl? I was talking
Starting point is 01:09:58 about a Catholic education, Catholicism. And then you jumped on me because you're miss education. Well, we got your number now You think you're the smartest girl in the room. Well, guess what? I'm curry Yeah, but Luanne also did this weird thing that you know It's not the most damning thing, but I definitely I think raised an eyebrow where she said well That's what I meant, but you jumped on me because you're a miss educated Ted and I was like There was something about that that
Starting point is 01:10:28 Annunciation that I thought that I didn't understand what was going on with that But it was enough that the entire show stopped for a moment the producers put in like a beat, right? so So then Ebony's like listen I went to UNC Chapel Hill at 16 years old. I completed my degree. I went straight to law school I've been practicing law school. I've been practicing law since I was 23. You can say a lot of things about me, but I have an education.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Well, don't come to my house and say, I'm uneducated. She's like, oh my God. Okay, well, I can leave your house. Lou, I said I had a lot of respect for your nursing degree and your education. She goes, well, I didn't hear that. She says well then clean out your ears. Well you're the one screaming. Look at you screaming. Oh, no, I'm not screaming. Oh my God, I have a loud voice. This is where Ramona is like, I don't like ears. My ears hurt. Bring it down. Ramona who's been screeching and squealing the entire fucking episode and the entire last episode and receiving screeches and squeals the entire episode So Ebony is like you know what your wife fragility is killing me right now. She's know what I have a hearing problem. Okay I've a hear about oh
Starting point is 01:11:35 Why fragility don't go after her race. We didn't go after your race So now we're just like oh this is just we already sensed it was Heading down a bad path and now it's just like, oh, this is just, we already sensed it was heading down a bad path, and now it's just getting worse and worse and worse. I'm not fragile, I do plank's bitch. So we get, yeah, so then it goes crazy. And then just to take a pause here, because I did look up white fragility,
Starting point is 01:11:57 because I mean, I knew what it was kind of, but just reading people arguing online about it, saying, well, she was, Ebony was being racist, because she said white, she brought white into it, and then she said she's fragile. Okay, guys, white fragility is an actual thing. Okay, you're gonna breathe the definition. Just keep all learned.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Guy. It's discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice. Like white people are so in a bubble about it. It's like, well, it's just the past. You're saying, sorry, you know, we're not bad people. Whatever. It's like there's this bubble of not having to deal with it when you're a white person.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Whereas when you are a minority, you deal with it because people are commenting on your shit all the time, right up to your face, or you're having to deal with whatever other issues come along with being a minority, or being different in any way, in America. Okay. So, fragility is defensiveness of white people when confronted with anything to do about race. It's like, oh, now you have to talk about it, and you're the upset one because you have to talk about it. Massive fragility part. It's like, well, other people have to live with it. So God forbid that you have to fucking talk about it once in a while. You know, mm-hmm. Exactly. Very well said. Um, so, you know, people are really upset with people are really upset with these shows. There's like a lot because these storylines are happening on every single show
Starting point is 01:13:31 that finally decided to diversify after 15 years or whatever it's been. And so now people are like, well, that we always have to talk about race. You know, I'm so sick of talking about, I don't want you shows to talk about race. Well, welcome to the fucking world. You know, what do you think these shows take place? And the only reason you haven't had to talk about race this entire time is because of white fragility because there has, you have been in the bubble of not even having to deal with other races until now, which is just ridiculous, really. Yeah. So we can all get the fuck over and listen.
Starting point is 01:14:03 You know what I mean? Like, it doesn't really hurt you to listen for Christ's sake. It's literally the easiest thing. I mean, you know what? Like I'm surprised that Kyle Richards has been sort of the bravo, lately the bravo poster child of someone who heard what Garso had to say.
Starting point is 01:14:19 And was like, okay, cool. As opposed to other people, you know. Now this was, this is an interesting case because race was not overtly mentioned up until this point. So, but still, there are a lot of racial underpinnings to all this stuff that is being said. And the way that they keep saying that Ebony is angry and she's yelling
Starting point is 01:14:44 and they're doing all this stuff. And sort of like the my impression of it is that the white fragility comes from the fact that literally any of the other white women screaming Ramona's fine but when a black woman screams Ramona's like oh my god you're so loud you're so loud and aggressive. Well kind of but Ramona was saying you know she said many times like Leah is just being so aggressive she's so fat she's always yelling like Ramona was saying, you know, she said many times, like, Leah is just being so aggressive. She's so fat. She's always yelling, like Ramona was saying that, and she's always saying that about Leah. Everyone says that about Leah. Like, they don't freak out now every time Leah freaks out, because Leah freaks out every episode. You know what I mean? Or like, Sonya losing her mind and screaming during that episode.
Starting point is 01:15:21 They were like, oh my god, Leon, Luans, like, keep calling her Liam. During that episode they were like oh my god, Leon's like, I keep calling her Liam awkward. So Lewand's like, I've got to go I can't even take this like this is toxic. I can't take this too much screaming and Ramona's like she's gone psycho. So it's like they do comment on it, but when you're in a situation like this like Who doesn't know you don't call a black woman aggressive at this point in time? Ramona singer. Lundla, what? I'm sorry. Casablanca, New York. Honestly, who doesn't know?
Starting point is 01:15:49 Who doesn't know or with everything going on. And even if you don't know and someone tells you to argue with it, it's ridiculous. It's like, don't argue with it, accept it and deal with it and move on. It's not going to ruin your life not to call a black woman aggressive. Okay. Ramona, but you know what? Ramona had a solution. and deal with it and move on, it's not gonna ruin your life, not to call a black woman aggressive, okay? Well, but you know what, the Ramona had a solution. Ramona's like, you know what?
Starting point is 01:16:10 I'm just gonna back up my chair a little bit, so that way it's not so loud for me. Okay, continue. Yeah, I'm gonna back up. So she backs up. I think she comes. And I'm like, don't bring up a race. We wouldn't go after your race.
Starting point is 01:16:22 And Ebony says, I wish you would, please do. And she goes, we wouldn't. And she says, I know you wouldn't. Like I actually know you wouldn't. And then Ramona goes, what is breaks after two with it? It's like ears. Guys, my ears. I actually, yeah, it's my ears. Okay. I actually took it that when Luan said, well, we wouldn't go near it. That was her way of saying, like, we don't want to get canceled. Like, don't worry. I kind of took it as like her little kind of this. They almost felt like a dig, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:54 like almost like she was a victim. That could just be me putting stuff into a situation. Well, no, they've set it on these shows. Like, if you think back to the Beverly Hills The Beverly Hills, yes, if you think back to the Beverly Hills, the Beverly Hills, yes, if you think back to the Beverly Hills reunion, when Andy was saying, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:08 Garsell, people are saying the white ladies are basically scared to come for you because they don't want to be canceled. Remember that whole discussion? And they're like, no, no, we would never, we would never, what, I don't even see color. That was that whole discussion. And then of course, it's a thing on Dallas where Cameron's all upset because she feels never what I don't even see, I don't even see color. That was that whole discussion. And
Starting point is 01:17:25 then of course, it's a thing on Dallas where Cameron's all upset because she feels like Tiffany is trying to make her out to be some racist when they get in an argument, which is going to cancel cam or whatever. Well, cam was been racist too. So there's that there is that whole thing that they've actually discussed openly on the Virginians like, Oh, no, now we have a minority. So what are we going to do about getting canceled? Like can we still fight the same way? I mean, that is something that they've talked about on the shows because nobody is like, it's so silly, but it is
Starting point is 01:17:55 something that they talk about and that they deal with on the shows, because it does happen. It's like if if Ebony is raising her voice or whatever, you know, okay, so do we not fight? It's like, no, it's not that you can't fight. It's like if, if Ebony is raising her voice or whatever, you know, okay, so do we not fight? It's like no, it's not that you can't fight. It's just like these little digs you make at her and then saying, you're being loud, you're being aggressive. Yes, like no one's saying that you can't have
Starting point is 01:18:16 a normal conversation, but can you have a normal conversation without dragging all these little things in there and like poking people in ways that are all the most different ones. Are you be the most... The most different one, I'll say. Could you not be the most cliche person and be like, wow, why are you yelling? Why are you screaming? Wow, wow.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Maybe don't do that. You know? So Ebony is like, she's like, well, we were talking about certain words that Ramona and Loan don't like being used because they deal with reproductive systems. And run a goes, yeah, you know what? Because I don't like people talking about dicks and cut fitnesses at dinner. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Sorry, sorry. And then she said, because of my Catholic education, and Abani goes, she did not say that, oh, well, you were very quick to jump on me very quick. And Abani literally looks at the camera and goes, run the tape back. Run the tape back. She said education. Run the tape back. She literally looks at the camera and goes run the tape back run the tape back She said education run the tape back she literally looks into the camera She's calling roll it back roll the tape So then And
Starting point is 01:19:17 Ebony says I could have sworn I just heard Lucy something about being raised in a church and the laying says well It has nothing to do with class class It has to do with education Yes, I also have to point out a two things one happening goes so look white fragility is when and Ramona's like you're shouting It's like I'm talking over. Yes, and Sony is like letter finish So then Ramona moves back her chair. Okay, so then when Ramona, you said this line, but I just have to clarify how Ramona said it because you're going, you're shouting, you're shouting. And Ramona goes,
Starting point is 01:19:51 yo, what? I don't like Dicks, I don't like P word. And she said, after you went that's okay. So she said, the heaven, did she say that she was dreaming? That was actually the proper interpretation. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:20:03 God, you guys are such hypocrites. You are such fucking hypocrites. And Luan's back to the gas like, why are you getting so angry? Why are you yelling? I'm like literally the person who yelled first was you Luan being like, are you saying that I don't have an education? I speak three languages and I've been to Connecticut. So then, so Ebene is like, oh, so now I'm the angry black woman, Luanne,
Starting point is 01:20:26 and she's, you're calling that yourself. I'm not going there. I'm like, you literally are calling her angry. You did not say black, but you're calling your angry and you're saying it over and over again when she has actually been pretty calm given the situation.
Starting point is 01:20:39 So then Heather, Heather says some nonsense. She goes, you know what, conservative, empower some people and naked, empower other people, guys. That means like, okay, not to cut you off. Okay, I didn't, she took back to this. Oh my God, yeah. I didn't like the way she was trying to explain it.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Yeah, she goes, I didn't like Luan, equating, making the false equivalency between people's education and- Oh yeah, well, you're an angry woman right now. And I never referred to your color. You're a woman, you're a woman. That's what I said too, because you are a woman.
Starting point is 01:21:15 You're a woman, because- In discriminant race, I can't tell, because I can't see race like that. You're a woman who is angry. And Evan is like, well, you don't have to say my race. And she tells us, she's like, well, not five minutes ago. Leah storms off in a mad dash and we don't see her. And no one calls her angry, not one person.
Starting point is 01:21:35 And I simply take a visceral response to something that was deeply personal to me. And now I'm immediately called angry. Tell me it's not about race. Yep, that's exactly the point, right? And Sonya is like, girl doesn't seem angry to me. I mean, she seems to use her words. So then, um, Ramona goes inside and she sits with the Victorian.
Starting point is 01:21:52 She's like, okay, you know what? Youth of the world. Okay, I want to ask you a question. Okay. Normally, I wouldn't ask Bohemians like you, but I'm going to ask you anyway. Okay, because you're what's nearby. Okay. So when you're hanging out at a table with your friends or your mother or your mother who might be your best friend or your mother who might look like a sister because she's so Ageless, do you like to say things like oh, Cork or oh that dick is hard. Whoa. Whoa penis and vagina or oh, Mario really loves me still. Oh things like that. Do you ever see that?
Starting point is 01:22:22 Mario really loves me still. Oh, things like that. Do you ever say that? Cockin' my dates. She's saying that? She's saying cockin' my finn China face. She's saying that funny mother. And Victoria's like, no, not really, but I haven't seen my mom much since she's tried to steal our house
Starting point is 01:22:36 when we had to sue her to get her back. So, we call her a side. You kind of stopped talking to mom ever since she replaced Taco Tuesday with Curry Monday. It's just not the same So then we go to Ebony outside and she's like you don't want to hear me because I'm not free to express my feelings I will leave your property if you want that because I have respect for you. She goes I Think you should go and so need to just go
Starting point is 01:23:01 Yeah, sorry, I just talked to her you. So, someone was like, oh my God. She was, I think you should go, you need to calm down and think about what you said. It was very offensive to us. So she's being totally, I mean, like listen, Luann being condescending, it's kind of her brand. But in the context of this conversation, it's actually like it goes from just being a hilarious
Starting point is 01:23:23 personality flaw to feeling pretty problematic. And Ebony's like, well, I will not silence myself for you, Luan. And you're not going to police my feelings. Okay. You tried to shame this woman. You tried to shame any woman that is sexually free. You used education to do it.
Starting point is 01:23:38 It's trash. It's trash. Yeah. Luan gets that's a good word. She goes, yeah, well, you should be familiar. So she leaves. And then I just Lewand, you know It's the dumbest fight ever. It's like money camp by you class, but it can't buy you a class Okay, Lewand if you're so fucking worried about it go take one go take
Starting point is 01:23:57 Yeah, I mean what now is the problem? You know and in the whole in the whole argument like I don't even agree with what Ebony is saying as far as the trashy talk, and not meaning it's your this or your that, I don't think it's that deep. I think it's like, if this was like a normal fight, I'd be like, Leah talks like trash to make Ramona mad and get a reservoir out of there.
Starting point is 01:24:18 That's it. It doesn't need to be this whole thing, but then it spins out into this whole gross fucking display of behavior by Luan and Ramona too, but mostly Luan. It was Luan because Luan had a few, she had several chances to actually just shut up and listen and be like, oh, I didn't realize that what I was saying. It's like, because that's what it is.
Starting point is 01:24:39 That's what it always is. It's like just shut up and listen. And then stop assuming that this one comment that Ebony made was a personal type. First of all, she just totally misconstrued everything that Ebony had even said. And then she talked over her and talked over her and talked over her.
Starting point is 01:24:58 And this is why people got so upset with Sharon Asper, Osborne a few weeks ago. It's what why people got so mad at Cameron, because it was like the grain of what caused the fight was not like the worst thing in the world. But then when, but the inability to listen to the person who is affected by that and to just then to gaslight them
Starting point is 01:25:21 and say that they're crazy and that they don't know what they're talking about and then to make themselves the victim of it, they're gonna get canceled, they're gonna get canceled and they probably won't get canceled and their life will probably continue and more or less like you're not worried about, you're not worried about saying racially insensitive shit.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Like someone's telling you, you're saying racially insensitive shit. So you're not worried that you just did that. You're more worried that you're being called racist or racially insensitive, which is so it's so missing the point and it's sad. It's sad and ins offensive. And everybody who is out there saying they're sick of seeing this on housewives and they're sick of fucking hearing about it, well guess what, it's a real fucking world, okay?
Starting point is 01:26:02 And that's what's going on. And if you do feel that way, then maybe you should learn that that's kind of the point. Yeah, and I and I hope that also their discussions. It's not gonna hurt you to listen. And it's these are these are hard and they're also very they're tricky discussions to have. And I like every time like we have these discussions, then I start to be like, did I say this right? Did I say that wrong? And it's not me being PC, that, and the reason why I bring this up now is because it's important, like the words that we say matter.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And I know for us, when we talk about this, it's like very serious stuff. And we want people to listen and feel like we have their backs. And it's also, we're also learning on our side as well, but like, you know, these conversations do have to have that happening. I said, planning of stupid shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I say stupid shit every day. I'm corrected all the time. And I just get corrected and we've all worked my life. Like, what are you gonna do? You learn, you know? I mean, I mean, my fragility is okay. You do better, do better. I, listen, I for sure have experienced white fragility
Starting point is 01:27:07 because I'm white and I'm fragile. And you know what, like people have been like, Ben, you said that, like what you said, you didn't realize what he says, stupid. And I'm like, and then I'm like, okay, get over yourself. Get over yourself, like move forward. It was a note, it was a note, you know, you can live. Oh my gosh, well this was a complete clusterfuck.
Starting point is 01:27:26 And Ebony went on Instagram live. Did you see that? I saw that she's taking a break and she deserves one. Yeah, she was like basically, you know, I'm not quoting anything I didn't take any notes on it. I was just watching it in bed. But she's like, this episode,
Starting point is 01:27:41 the next couple of episodes are a lot. And she's like, I'm gonna not be on social media because I have a lot of people who are really supportive of me, but then there's a lot of internet trash talking trolls and I'm not here to listen to your hatred and your bullshit. So, you know, she said, don't go in, don't watch this episode and then come out of it, rooting for somebody and rooting against somebody.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Yeah. Come out of it, come out of it, having listened to it, and figuring out what's going on, because it's not really about, you know, a typical housewives, like, she's wrong, and she's right, and I hate her, I like her. It's more about, you know, just actually thinking about the topics that were there because
Starting point is 01:28:25 some people never have those conversations. You're just not in the situation where maybe you know people that are different from you. You know, you only know people who are just like yourself, you're kind of sheltered. That's not bad, but, you know, just because you're not around it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and that it's not there in the world. And you know what, these are conversations that are going to now tumble out over into social media. They are probably have already started.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And I just hope that people, when they're having these conversations, they can have these conversations as if they're like looking at someone face to face and not be crazy, like, because the internet is so bad for that, because people, you don't get tone, you don't get inflection, and it's one thing for me to say, oh, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 01:29:07 But if someone wrote, get the fuck out of here, it's like, ah, and then it just, it just, then it becomes not about like, you know, people learning and growing and listening. It then becomes about you told me to get the fuck out. And I'm going to say you get the fuck out. And then someone else says you shouldn't have told her to get the fuck out. So like it's really, it, I think Ebony is totally right. It's really about just like trying to listen.
Starting point is 01:29:27 And I know we're two snarky podcasters, but on social media, this even feels weird, honestly. It's like, it just gets weird, it just like on social media, it just gets darker and weirder. And so I just hope that people are
Starting point is 01:29:39 are having those conversations. They can like try to, you know, be listeners. Let me just condescend. Can I condescend? Yeah, I don't want to sit here and like lecture everybody either. You know, that's like not what we're here to do, but just, you know, for the, for the next chapter that we're entering, because this is going to, this was already an hour and a half, and then we've probably got another hour and a half coming up.
Starting point is 01:30:02 It's like, it's just, it's not gonna hurt any of us to just listen for fuck's sake people. Yeah. So that brings us to the end of Watch, Walk, Rapper. What a, by the way, it still was a hilarious episode. Let's not overlook that part. It was a hilarious episode. Only New York, only New York really could take something like this
Starting point is 01:30:20 and we still have fun watching it. Right. Like it was hilarious because just the egos, I mean, everything was so much fun. And Evan is really handling them all really well. I really love how she can just stand up for herself and not be afraid and not back down when she's trying to explain something to them. Even though they won't listen. She just keeps trying. She just keeps trying over and over.
Starting point is 01:30:46 And then we see clips of next week and Louanne apologizes and then she goes, and now you can apologize as well. It's like Louanne, I think you're going up against. This woman is a lawyer. She's been doing this for years. She goes onto Fox News and often has to defend positions
Starting point is 01:31:04 that are not popular on Fox News and you think you're gonna try to like outsmart her about Yeah, no way Luan. No way. God. All right, everybody. Well, thanks for being here. We will talk to you tomorrow. Bye, everyone. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Ashley Savoni. she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-Ols, Dan-O-C, Dan-O-Doo. Let's rent some errands with them a liarons. Aaron McNick-O-Lis, she don't miss no trick-a-lis. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's a little bit loony. Juni. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg.
Starting point is 01:31:55 You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't Salvia. The Bay Area Beaches. Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Nancy season to Cisco. Aseolvia, Cant-Solvia, the Bay Area Beaches, Beaches, and our Super Premium Sponsors. Nancy, Season Desisto! Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. In the Hizzy with Jay Hizzy! Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Always the Wizers, Allison Weasler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:32:37 My favorite, Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kutty Kutty Kutty. Give him hell, Miss Noelle! Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good! We're a fan of Michael Lamb! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony!
Starting point is 01:32:56 Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamela Plane! She ain't no shrinking Violet Kutar! We love you guys! with Tamela Plane. by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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