Watch What Crappens - RHONY, Part 2: Cheese & Khakis

Episode Date: July 18, 2023

It's part two of our Real Housewives of New York season 14 premiere recap (S14E01). The cheese feud reaches its climax amidst Jenna's khaki party. Plus further grumblings about a restaurant... that SHALL NOT BE NAMED (Catch).Watch the recap here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What happens What happens What happens Watch what What happens
Starting point is 00:00:21 What happens when there's so much that crap is Who cares what What happens Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Madelker and joining me today is Mr. Ronny Karam. Before we dive into it, this is part two of our Roni recap. It was originally one big recording. We split it in half to make it easier to listen to, to manage, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:00:53 So if you're coming in and you're like, wait, where's part one? It should be in your podcast feed or just check it out. All our episodes are on Go ahead and subscribe on whatever platform you're listening to. If you haven't subscribed already,
Starting point is 00:01:08 it's that way you have all these episodes in one place on your system wherever it is. And that's basically it. And all the usual stuff we recorded is on video. Check it out on video on slash watchocrap is to get early access to that video a week before it's on YouTube. And then after that, after seven days, it will go up on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:27 So that's all the good stuff. Now let's get back into part two of the episode. Okay, so what's next? Next is Jussles Apartments. Now we're actually seeing the apartment that we're talking about so much and everything is white. And Jussles is Jussles dragging a stool into the living room because she has decided. She has staged this apartment for filming and something's been put out of place.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So she's like, I don't know how this stool keeps going up here, but the kids keep moving all of our furniture. This cannot be. Povit. Povit. When you see fingerprints on tablesovit, when you see, when you see fingerprints on tables and stuff, can you just clean it up?
Starting point is 00:02:08 It accumulates. We're on television now. Yeah, and her mom's like, every time we see something, we clean it, Jassal. She's like, then how come nothing looks clean? And she's like, my mom is visiting from London and helping with the kids. She goes, even if it's clean to us, it's not clean to you, Jettel.
Starting point is 00:02:26 She's like, I mean, she's an angel, but I tell her something and she gets upset. She says, then do it yourself, Jettel. Well, I would if I had 15 million hands, but I need you. It takes both of my hands to carry this flower that's sitting on top of my shoulder right at the minute. Maybe if I had another set of hands to move the stool that was moved to the 4A instead of the living room, maybe I could do more work. And parvets like maybe you should tell the kids to clean up.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Just you can tell your kids to clean parvets. All right. Anyway, I moved to New York City from London fresh out of college. I wanted to be in the fashion industry so that way I could meet people in the fashion and publicity world So and she says people say but there's London but that London has fashion. Why don't you say in London and I say Wait for it Because London's not New York So I said Pave, Pave, are you planning on just sitting there at the kitchen table with your laptop right
Starting point is 00:03:27 in front of my large plate of green moss balls? Do those moss balls look like they were waiting for a Pavet to come sit behind them with this geeky little sunglasses and stupid little windows top? Get out of here! I met Pavet seven years ago and just how I met Bryn to the world of fashion and publicity. I met Povat in the world of idiots and husbands. We have friends, best friends in fact. I knew every little thing about him, then I fixed him and then I married him.
Starting point is 00:03:58 She has all these weird columns all over the house, okay? And I know that New York like apartments come with columns sometimes, but these are like Donald Trump columns. And she's got those little stupid marble artifacts that are screwed into the wall to be little shelf columns, but they don't have anything on them. She's such a fucking weirdo.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I don't get what's going on in here. She's so ice cold, and I just love how icy she is to everything. And I just love the way she barks at her husband. Puppet. Puppet. Puppet. Puppet. You got to admit, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:04:33 You just sit there at your computer. Puppet, don't use that desk for work. The desk is not for work. The desk is for display. Go to your little corner in the bedroom for work. So there's a knock at the door. And then of course it's someone famous. So there's a knock at the door and then of course it's someone famous. So she's like, hello, and Jenna's like, wow, this house
Starting point is 00:04:58 is this really pretty in here, huh? Oh, why the place you've got here? Is that a round cat? It's a round couch in a round room? That's something. Oh, quite a place you've got here. Is that a round cats, a round couch, and a round room? That's something. Oh, I've hurt my shoulder on this. This is a column screwed into a wall. This is a marble artifact of some sort. Something. So, just... A kitchen in. Yeah, all right. That's a kitchen in a bedroom and an office. So cool. Here's a person who looks terrified of you. Is this, this is your husband, his name is Povit, this is Povit, oh wow, so nice to meet you, Povit, I've heard so many curious things about you. Jessal's like, oh yes, yes, it takes me,
Starting point is 00:05:33 it takes a lot for me to say nice things about Povit. It takes quite a bit. She goes, wow, she's saying that this marriage is going really well, huh? Oh my God, I love you. What do you, like straight out of one of my J. Crew days? Get over here, mother. Get, oh, is this your mother?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Get over here, hug me. God, yes, I'd love a white cotton long casual shirt. Yes, I will marry you. I fucking will. You know, what I like most about Jussel is there's sort of like an innocence. Yeah, there's an innocence. What am I talking about?
Starting point is 00:06:06 That there's a lock, lack of innocence. There's a sad icy cold veneer there. And she seems very real. She's not jaded like I am. I'm like, what are you talking about? She is literally, she seems so beat down by life. Like for years of trying to be the perfect Jussel. And she's such a liar too.
Starting point is 00:06:22 She doesn't think she's real at all because they have a big jar of double stuffed Oreos and she's like, wow, what are those like big Oreos? And she's, oh yes, you should have some dinner. Please allow us to give you some Oreos, double stuffed. Please take a look. Can I take a picture of you eating one of my double stuffed? Can I? Can I tag you in it? Will you retweet it? Regram it? I don't care. Tick-tock, share it when you tick-tock, do anything. please, I'll beg you. And she's like, can I ask you a question? When was the last time these were eating? Am I bad for all for asking that? Take you think she's got a fake Oreo jar? Yes, yes, that she does, because you can pack, you know when someone has a fake Oreo jar
Starting point is 00:06:59 versus a real one, okay? And you know, like earlier that day, Justin was like, Povit, Jenna Lyons is coming over, she dressed Michelle Obama, she's very influential, we have to get her something quirky, quirky and fun that she put a little fingers into. What's about Oreo, Kasta? Well, I don't know, quiet Povit, you don't get to say in this. It was rhetorical, Povit, close your mouth. So, Jenna's just laughing and she's like, well, if there are sweets, all eat them. Sweet cheese and coffee. I'm quirky.
Starting point is 00:07:31 So then she's loving the mom and Jettel's like, oh, I love that you and mother are best friends already. Damn mother, fucking up stage by mother yet again. No excuse me. You better hope that we don't come near any stairs any time soon, you awful woman. No excuse me. I hope that we don't come near any stairs any times soon. You're awful woman. No excuse me, but I watch myself in between you two for this hungry pug with Jessil. Jessil loves a pomm too. Don't we all just love mom? Can we pavette? Pavette could you get in here and take a picture of me and mom together? No, we don't have enough
Starting point is 00:08:01 pictures of us. Pavette, you're too close. You, too close. Oh, Povitz just knocked over the Oreos I'll be the other children Who let the children out tell us here she can't see the children use the long lens Povitz stand in the hallway darling with the long lens All right, no one means your fun I just moved this all back into the living room Povitz So oh Jenna's like oh my god, what are you 20? How do you have a child? It's like, what are you 57?
Starting point is 00:08:31 That's all just like, god damn mother, I hate you, don't like mother. Mother, will you go check on the kids, please? I left Povit by himself with him so I could spend some QT with my Jenna. My Jenna L lion's best friends with just a tank. So tough, I was like, well the fashion industry is very small and we've rubbed shoulders
Starting point is 00:08:53 before but you know it's really hard to get to know somebody until someone forces them onto a cast with you and makes them film at your house. And then you have to buy them double stuffed warriors to keep their attention. I'm really excited to get to know her. Oh, yes, we rubbed shoulders so many times. Well, it wasn't so much rubbing shoulders, more me tapping on her shoulders saying, hello, mislimes, would you like to be friends? She just never quite saw me until now.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So they're talking about Jenna having a girl's night in. Well Jess is like so excited about girl's night out. She's like, girl's night in. Conor, I'm stupid, but did I say out? Steven, girls night in. Why did Povid distract me at that moment? I knew I should have finished reading the invitation. And then they show Jenna doing a video invite but it's she's quirky so she's doing like the love actually thing where she's just got cards with stuff written on them and she's like, I would love you to come to my house for a girl's night in.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Because to me, you're like the most amazing person of all time. I'm quirky. Such a genius. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, she really needs to need a separate car for period. That's how quirky she is. Called Besties, Pinky Link.
Starting point is 00:10:02 This is PawVet's link. This is PawVet's fault I wouldn't have finished watching the video and seen the last word was in. Girls night in, but Poverty distracted me and I stopped the video early. It's not my fault. So Jenna says, one thing that we do at J-Crew was kind of amazing with it like on every Friday.
Starting point is 00:10:19 We do a color or a theme and so it'd be like, Kacky and then people would like, we're Kacky and then they'd like, or but and then people would like, we're khaki and then they'd like, or but they wouldn't just like, we're khaki, they would like, have sequins and like feathers and it was just like, it was just like, so wonderful and everyone loved it. You know everyone at J. Crew was like,
Starting point is 00:10:35 oh god, it's fucking khaki day again. Yeah, especially when they're on minimum wage workers who are forced to go buy new outfits for one day of the week. You know. So she's like, well, I started J. Crew in 1990 and I was an assistant and I would just like sit out in the hallway. And then I left J. Crew in 2017 and then I was a president
Starting point is 00:10:58 of J. Crew and group at that time. So hold on, I'll just wait for it. I'll just wait for it. Anybody else sitting in here to applaud? Jess was like, I heard your thoughts. I heard your thoughts. Congratulations. I love J. Cruz so much. Such a wonderful place. You did great work with it. Great job. Great job. It might be part of your jessil crew. I will. So, Jen is like, yeah, so it was like, honestly, like, Obama's gave me so much hope.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Like when? Literally, that was her slogan, Jenna. Okay, they gave everybody hope. Wasn't that what it is? Like hope. That was like all this, all this, like, you gotta get it off the, right off the baseball hat. It was like hope.
Starting point is 00:11:42 But, I almost did just a voice. Well, I was digestible as well. I do well also with you Jenna. Well, when she came out on the J Lennon show wearing head to toe J crew, I was just I felt so proud except for the fact that was the J Lennon show and anytime someone wears something that you're like part of, it's just like validating. It's like why I make clothes. It just feels really Really powerful. Wow, Jessal, are you giving me a foot massage? Thank you And Jessal's like, oh my god, I would love to work for you. It sounds so fun And she's like, oh yeah, well, maybe you should ask the people who worked for me I don't think they thought it was very fun. I
Starting point is 00:12:21 Would find it fun. I'd find it as fun as a jar for the Oreos and Justice like what would they they're probably like that bitch. I'm sorry. I said bitch I don't know how to say that What to say that? Put that word into my head this morning. I wouldn't send it if it weren't for Barbids So Jen's like Um, I just is like okay. What if he's coming to your party? She has, well, you obviously, Uba, hopefully your mom, gotta love her boss. She's a boss.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Um, I know Sives back in town, then Aaron, and I know we haven't really had a quiet night for a long time, and she's like, oh really? You think it's gonna be quiet the year? She has, well, a j-soat, quite a j-soat. I would like to say, like, the nights, like, as far as nightcodes, I'd like to have, like, a cackingso, quite a j-so. I would like to say it like the nights of like as far as mic-coats. I'd like to have like a cacky night. Personality-wise, sound level-wise cacky. Damn it, I should have known it would be quiet adjacent, quiet adjacent, not quiet night.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Justly as stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, j-so. So j-so's like, oh, that's right, cheese gate. Do not have cheese at your party, channel. It's going to rough as so many feathers And Jenna's like, huh, are you kidding me? We're having cheese. We're having fondue. Oh Well, then we should hold dress up like mice. I swear to God get it Jenna My little Jenna get it because my seed cheese cheese I knew it a puppet a toilet puppet said do the mice joke and I said I don't want to do it
Starting point is 00:13:45 He said do the mice joke and I did the mice joke. It's not landing at all stupid super super puppet So then we go to Aaron's apartment in Trabbeca and we see an annie or somebody and we find out It's gonna be the housekeeper. She's like hey Aaron Sanjana terrified Tess Andy is smiling with terror in her eyes. Well, yeah, because listen up, but when she has to ask, she's like, hi, Aaron, should I start cooking the beans now?
Starting point is 00:14:11 My love to cook the beans? Okay, are we on good bean timing now? We're bad bean timing. Am I gonna get beat for the beans this time, Aaron? Okay, come, I just cook beans. But. So then we have like a, people slowly wafting in from Aaron's family.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So first comes Kelly and Aaron is like, oh my God, Kelly, fellow boss bitch. I'm so stressed from the kids. Like I need a shot right now, because that's why I'm a real New Yorker in Tribeca who needs a shot. She's also got a pollock type painting to show that she's like not a stick up her ass kind of person, but I feel like that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:14:49 I feel like Paul's a real thing. She's a real New Yorker. She just represents real New York having just like, you know, art, that's worth millions of dollars on her wall. That's like just what real New Yorkers are like. Yeah. So she's like, yeah, I think most people are saying that raising kids in New York is crazy, but like the trick to parenting is just to find a way for the kids to like, leave you the fuck alone. That's why you buy million toys and you have arts and crafts.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And like, I mean, now that I get my kids not to talk to me for a couple of hours, am all right? You fucking put Sandy in front of them and make them watch beans cook. I'm sure you probably do it. I was raised in a similar way. I approve. I just have the kids make the beans. So now Regla, her mother-in-law shows up.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Regla's like, oh, I've got the shoot for the stupid show again. Okay, here I am. And then we have Daniel, who's her brother. And then I think they, the version that we watch, I think, at the wrong Kyron, because David's size husband, but I'm assuming that's Kelly's husband, shows up, and then Aaron's father,
Starting point is 00:15:52 just, there's like Thanksgiving Day parade. And then, it really is so tough. I'm like, oh my God, Bobby Kahniball's performing this year. I feel like I'm like Savannah Guthrie. Do we like and here comes Kelly's husband David David Merit met Kelly in 2017 and they have been together ever since. It is like well. Doesn't the dad look like Bobby Connaval? Sorry for not his name. Yes. So then we go to Aaron. Aaron's like, yeah, growing up in an Israeli family, like we cook a lot. She's like an I will. And girl,
Starting point is 00:16:32 she's like, I'm too cool for this. Like, I'm too cool to even be talking to you right now about those, but where is Raleigh? And me and my sister, like, we joke that we hang out in kitchens and bathrooms, like that's literally the only place we hang out, because we're a very close family. It's all about cooking and cooking, you know what I'm saying? So, Abys, like, that's what I thought would just say I hang out in bathrooms.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I mean, no, it's kind of weird. So then Abys or Husband, and he walks in looking exhausted, and he's like, oh, I'm stressed from the kids. It's like I'm at Jettles House, am I right? Aaron's like, What you're like so chill then? Why don't you just chill then? I'm stupid. Like me. It's like I'm at Jussles house, am I right? Aaron's like, What's your like so chill then? Why don't you just chill then?
Starting point is 00:17:07 It's too bad. Look at me saying the word chill. Just like one of the people. Chill like that Pollock back there. That's a God that painting stresses me out every time I look at it. Just chill. Chill like Pollock.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Just chill like Sandy does. Instead of making beans all the time. I'm more the beans are ready. The beans are ready. You're fired. I do not want beans right now. God you should have had those beans. That was a dream. That was a dream. That was a dream. That was a dream. The beans are ready. You're fired. I do not want beans right now. God, you should have had those beans better. That was a trap.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You should have known Sandy, no beans on Friday. Sandy, fucking terrible bean timer, fucking loser, Sandy. Yeah, she was like, Becca. Try. So try Sandy. That's like a chain of competing neighborhood in Manhattan. Yeah, someday those two neighbors are gonna work together called Tri-Heat. So Aaron's like, wow, so, oh wow, you're gonna drink wine out of a coffee cup.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's great. So now you choose to drink out of a coffee cup. This guy, I mean, he drinks liquids out of inappropriate glasses. That's like his thing, I guess. I'm great. Glad I married you. Oh my god. So when my husband and I got married, I was just shy of 25.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And even though we were both young, we were like ready. Because like a 25 year old New Yorker is like, I don't know, 35 year old Kentucky girl maybe. I was like, did a great job being a ambassador for New York City, Aaron. Also, that makes no sense. Like the stereotype as a Kentucky girl would be ready to get married at like 17, right? Exactly. She literally got it wrong. She's done. Yeah. She's done. Also, like, can I
Starting point is 00:18:38 just say I love her snottiness and I love that she thinks she's better than everybody else with her poly-knock off? I love it. I can help it. I have to say over the course of this recap, I've been enjoying this episode so much more, going on, finding all the humorant. When I was watching, I was like, these people are so deeply uninteresting. But now, now as we talk through it and dig in, I'm like, wait a second, this is hilarious. Yeah, I think it is too. It's sometimes, especially I think with new shows, we're just, it's focused on typing. Like for us, we're just typing, typing, typing.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And then later when we actually read what we typed down, it's like, oh, but I forgot that. I actually noticed this. This is a rare show that I actually watched first just to watch it, because I was so excited. And I was like, in the beginning, I was excited because I saw the cheese fight. I was like, oh my god, I love a petty cheese fight. And then by the end of the episode, I was like, oh the beginning I was excited because I saw the cheese fight. I was like, oh my god, I love a petty cheese fight. And then by the end of the episode I was like,
Starting point is 00:19:27 oh no, this is terrible. But now that we're actually like digging in, I'm realizing this is hilarious. Yeah, that's good. Okay, so then more family comes off the elevator. It's a huge family. She's got three kids. Laila, Laila, and...
Starting point is 00:19:42 Oh, no, Laila. They're all named Laila. Laila, Laila, Laila. Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, Laila, We have Layla, Bow and Bayla. Okay, wait a minute, could you pick it? Layla, Layla, Bow, Bayla, Bow, Nan, I'm fine, I'm for Bayla. Here's my cousin's fee, five in my email. Okay, Bayla. Layla, Layla, Layla, Layla, Layla, Layla, Layla. You're a children Layla.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Layla, Layla, Layla, Layla. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila Laila So her story is, yeah, so like I met my husband and then we were like hugging up at his house because like that's what we do, we're fucking New Yorkers, okay. So like we were hugging up at his house and then I like looked behind his bed and there were like multiple and not even kidding, multiple songs, like so many songs. I was like what's up with the thongs, bro? But guess what? I liked it, because I also hooked up with people, and I was like, guess what?
Starting point is 00:21:11 You're not the only fucking New Yorker here, okay? I'm from New York, too. Bam! Hold on one second, I'm gonna call my husband. Hey, husband, guess what? I just broke the internet with that story. Okay, talk to you later, bye. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, bye. Such a good story. So yeah, the kids want, yeah, levy, levy or levy or levy, I don't know, levy, leila, and Elijah. The
Starting point is 00:21:33 basic, the children know it as and errands like a bani are like such good friends like we like to have sex and that's why I have so many kids. We like to have sex and like that's why I'm so many kids we like to have sex divorced by season two that's what I'm gonna say and the dad says such a dad thing he's like I just want to tell you guys I'm so happy for you the the most important thing is just stick together and then we see that one of the smallest kids walking around with his undies pulled down and he's like I have poop and they're like hilarious and she's just like um Sandy Wow, oh Sandy really concentrating on those beans, okay? Clean up on aisle poop wise Sandy are you Watching old antipods movies in your room again. Come on. Do you know what the kid?
Starting point is 00:22:18 Sandy how many times can I fire one Sandy today? Am I right? Fuck over there more on sandy. She just points out her child than left. So now we go to Uba's apartment. By the way, okay, I feel like Uba has a lot of upside, but people are also being like, Uba is iconic and I'm sorry, I just don't feel like Uba's done enough to be iconic. So far in this first episode,
Starting point is 00:22:37 but I'm open to her being iconic. I think she's future iconic, but like I can't get fully behind you but until she does more, because this is her scene, she's like, I am so not a fan of parties and then she's like trying on looks. And like that's it. That was like a bit of a sin.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I mean, she just brings such a good charisma. She's just positivity. So, you know, we are the most interesting group in all of New York City. Yeah. You mean that one, you know, you mean that person like convincing you to do it. She's like the person standing outside the comedy club, going know, you need that person like I'm convincing you to convince you to do it. She's like the person standing outside the comedy club.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Gorg comedy comedy comedy. Basically a public comedy. Yeah, she's getting you to come into real hot size of New York and then you find out there's like a two drink minimum, et cetera. I like I'm telling you, I like her. I think she obviously, she seems like very sweet and bubbly and fun and she's gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:23:30 I'm just saying, people are excited. And I'm like, just, I need her to have a strong scene, you know? Yeah, people are really falling all over themselves. I think, I will say Bravo has done itself some favors in the past few years as far as learning to embrace Social media when in the past I think they would be like, ew, you talk about us gross You can never go on a podcast anybody from this show I think they used to have that old mentality and now they're like let's have a season premiere and invite all of the
Starting point is 00:24:00 bloggers and Instagram. I mean not us not us you know they like got a lot of the big they got a lot of the big people who should have been there They got a lot of good people to go but I think they inviting all those people They're gonna they automatically are have like a better opinion of your show right cuz they were there and they met the people on the show So I like this is amazing go but it's like on it like maybe at the party The boo boo was like oh you are darling Like oh my god I'm gonna, oh my God, Uba's literally I'm gah, gah, gah, gah, gah. Which I would be that person.
Starting point is 00:24:27 I would be that person. Like 100 be like, you got Uba, but I'm just saying, I'm just saying, I'm not there yet, but I'm sure I will be by episode two. I'm just saying, I need more from Uba. We've literally talked more about Uba, than Uba has said in this show. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:42 We've had more airtime for Uba than she had on the show. So, my God, a size, it's the getting ready scene. Wait, because this is still. I want to start interrupting. I'm still housewives. I'm sorry to interrupt, because everyone's getting ready, but we go to Jussles' house first, and Jussles is going through a closet,
Starting point is 00:24:58 and she's like, I don't know, the theme is black and khaki. I mean, not even, I don't even own anything that's khaki. I'm like, have you looked at your wardrobe? You see the wardrobe, it's all khaki. She's like, I just didn't know what to do. Chessel, pick literally like blindfold yourself and put anything off the rack there and it will be khaki. That's so true, and Pavits like,
Starting point is 00:25:19 oh, what is this? Why don't you just wear this? I mean, you're gonna wear this. Where does your boob go in that? Where's the rest of the dress? It's like shut up, Pavett. All right, you know what, now dresses work. You got damn idiot.
Starting point is 00:25:29 All right, go back to the Mossballs. We're clear, the living room's clear. Get outta here. Go check to see if that stool's been moved out of the living room again, okay? So we got a size. And we meet size husband, David. And David looks really familiar, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:25:44 Does he? Does he do? he? Does he? What's he from? He's just like generic white guy from New York City, I guess. Like he does. Do you think we just all know him? Size. Husband.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I think it's AI. They're like, we inside have a husband. Okay, enter the prompt. White guy from Brooklyn. Who's like David Craig. It manages their house. I don't wanna watch an ad over this. Okay, God, I'm sorry I Googled anything for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Okay, David Craig, the pair married in private ceremony on June 16th, David manages their busy Brooklyn household so that she can run the digital empire she's forged. Oh yeah, she did say that he retired at one point, right? So yeah, so so you know so size David David's like life he where are you in the bathroom he's like can I come in well isn't this your house too of course you can come in David I'm so sorry I don't know why I'm looking up David I need to give it up I feel like I know David I know from something I'm giving it up now so yeah she's like uh isn't this your house?
Starting point is 00:26:47 And she goes, I don't know what you're doing. What are you going on again? I'm married a raccoon. What did I marry a raccoon? What does she have? I make a point. She said something like, how do I look? And I don't know, I guess maybe she has something
Starting point is 00:26:59 under her eyes because he's like, I married a raccoon. I was like, oh. So, so, so, so I was like, yeah, David and I have so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so and they're going, wow, she really got herself a hot one. Speaking of which, I would love to be on the show Hot Ones. Call me. So, I was like, you know, I, so by the way, David, guess what? I found out there's a little bit of drama between Aaron and Brynn.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Apparently Brynn and Aaron were having lunch and Aaron said something about me, like how I've been to our house and I basically insulted her cheese plate that she gave to us. And so Aaron was like, oh, that's why she distanced herself from me because I didn't like her cheese. And he's like, because you're a bitch about cheese, but you love cheese. So, and I didn't even say it, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And he's like, okay, well, that's the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. Okay, we'll get used to being the husband of a real husband. I know. It's only gonna go down to the iceberg. Tip of the cheeseburg. So Aaron does the thing where she calls jessles so they talk whether they're getting ready and jess was like finally some real advice go Puppet was trying to tell me to wear overalls Disgusting well, he's not helping me in any sort of way. That's what I'm trying to say. What a disgusting human being, Povits.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Jenner Lime. Oh, he's been this household and he was mortifying. Aaron's like, oh, hi, Povit. I miss you, Povit. My God, it was so great last time I came over and I got to rest my drink on your forehead the entire time. That was amazing.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah, he's good for some things. Listen, get out, Povit, go. So Aaron's like, well, I just don't know what to wear. Like, what's the vibe? Can you help me? And Aaron's like, am I supposed to wear khaki? Like, black? Like, what am I supposed to do? I'm like, but it's lucky.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Yeah, like literally just wear khaki and black. I think you got it. You can't play dumb and stupid at the same time. One-hand Aaron wants to be like the most cultured in New York or ever and on the other She's taking people to catch and pretending not to know what khaki is like I don't really get what she's going for Sandy, do you have anything from that safari you went to? No, okay. I don't like Well, I know that everything Jenna does, we like this, me and Jenna. Jen, I call her.
Starting point is 00:29:26 Or nah, sometimes I'll say, hey, nah, you know, you know, because she doesn't like to go. It's like that Rihanna song, you know, it's like, hey, nah, nah, what's your name? I actually sing that to Jenna. I'm like, that was actually not enough. It's right. So, you know, everything she does, ever since I've known her, which has been for a long time shoulder to shoulder to shoulder, so I, but since I've known her, everything she does, ever since I've known her, which has been for a long time, shoulder to shoulder, rubbing shoulders wise.
Starting point is 00:29:46 But since I've known her, everything she does is sort of coordinated, you know? And then Brynn's like, I mean, I think she was done with J. Crill. Why are we doing Kaki for that? And they're all just like talking about Kaki and Jessel, Jessel says, Terran, I love that.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Brynn has such an attitude about everything. And like Kaki, like why don't you just call it Kachi, okay? Cause it's like two down the six. The rhyme's with Kaki on Parabas. So, Jessel is like, well I was with Brynn the other day, oh no, Jessel, I was with Brynn the other day, and so I was there too,
Starting point is 00:30:22 and there was a weird man masturbating almost cement, nobody said anything about it which I thought was really weird. And then did you tell brim that so I got upset about the fact that you served cheese or something to that effect? It was something like that. Anyway and right before that, Aaron's like drinking a glass of wine. I love that you're drinking wine. PANIT, give me some wine. The cool girls are drinking wine on it to be a boss fish too. Anyway, anyway, so did you hear about this cheese situation?
Starting point is 00:30:54 I'm Aaron's like, are you joking? No, that is so obnoxious that Brynn did this. It's what I'm saying. You know what, the whole catch thing, okay? Like she literally makes things up. Like that is, I'm not pissed now, like I'm pissed. She's like, oh, well, you know, I don't know what happened, but there's another version of this,
Starting point is 00:31:16 where you said, sigh was rude, and then you were rolling her, ah, you were rolling your eyes, it had a cheese board. Oh, so she is now making bullshit up because I was telling her that as like a passing joke and to like go back and be like, oh, she says your cheese platter is bad. Like what the fuck? Are you drinking grape juice right there?
Starting point is 00:31:39 No, it's wine! Oh, this. It's wine with alcohol in it. Dig you. Okay, well now she's making shit up because I was like seeing that in passing so whatever. She's, you know what, I really want you guys to hash it out because the most important thing is that I have time with Jen, you know, or not. One of the two.
Starting point is 00:32:01 She's never called me in. Sometimes you feel like a J. sometimes you feel like a nut. You know what I'm saying when you're like this with someone. You know when you are a jesterlanda jennad that makes you both a bit of a j-cruve. You know what I'm saying? So, Aaron's like, just like, well you should hash it out. And Aaron's like, well, she can apologize. And then we can hash it out. And then we can put that on the board. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 So then we go over to Jenna's apartment. And there's like music, but it's weird echo-y music. Not really sure what's happening in this scene. And she says her friend, Seth Brandon, her closest closest friend and her chef, but he's clearly her employee, right? What was your read? Yeah, any friend vibes. She's like, please don't hurt me. Okay. I'm growing it like you told me to please do not hurt me. Not even with your tongue, not even just a little tongue lashing. Please don't do that. She has like, she has a lot of friend employees, I think, just based on that other show.
Starting point is 00:33:06 She has sort of like, friend vibes, all her employees, you know. So her goddaughter violet is there, and violet refuses to walk pop by the dog because it's pouring out. So this is where pop by will poop all over the floor. And goddaughter is also doing dishes, which I really like that somebody actually made
Starting point is 00:33:26 Gemma Lions, their Godmother to their child. Like who would do that? They didn't want their child in constant servitude, because you know that that's what's gonna happen for the rest of this kid's life. Well, it was like a jessil type who was like, oh my god, I'm gonna make Gemma Lions the Godmother and then like she'll get to go to Fashion Week,
Starting point is 00:33:43 she'll get to travel on the private plane, she'll go to her upstairs house, and Jenna's like, okay kid, you're on Dish's duty and walk the dog with the diarrhea, the coffee diarrhea. So, and she's like, well, I'm excited to have the girl's over, but I'm nervous, truthfully. Because after what happened, leaving my job, after what happened with leaving my job to me
Starting point is 00:34:05 It was more important to like spend time with my son back it and I just really haven't had people over that much You know, yes, I did say my name son is back at and my son's name is back at which is a very famous writer Just let that sink in why look around the room and squint one eye Just like hold on I'm making a little appointment at downtown. City services didn't change. Okay, real you shall now be known as Fitzgerald. So, Jettles like. Steel, my daughter's steel.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Damn, you're steel. This isn't really counting a packet conversation. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it.
Starting point is 00:35:00 I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. I'm not gonna be a fan of it. So there's gonna be a lot of cheese here. So now- And Brandon's like, try the fondue, try the fondue. She's like, is there more meat? There's more meat. Yes, yes, yes, look at you more meat.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Like poor Brandon looks terrified. So then Aaron, who's Aaron? Aaron, she's like the real New Yorker from- Oh, right, right, right, right, sorry. Yeah, for a sec. So she's telling us, she's like, Jenna's my new friend. Most people on this group think Jenna Alliance
Starting point is 00:35:29 is a total enigma because she does weird quirky things. Like, she doesn't like Dil. But hold on, wait for it. She loves parsley. I mean, she loves olives, but not black olives. I mean, what? Can we get Ubin here for a second? We are a crazy, interesting group like
Starting point is 00:35:48 like hitting Dill, but like it partially, we are so interesting. They're gonna study us in the future darling. We are the most interesting. Dill. What is our no-dill? Oh, it's just, uh, it's like, was this the Jenna Lions pitch? Like guys, we've got to get Jenna Lions on the show. She's such an oddball.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Okay. She doesn't like Dill, but she does like Parsley. Yeah, so weird. So weird. Good luck, um, good luck garnishing her plates for her. So, so they go on this house tour. By the way, Aaron showed up empty handed. How do you do that?
Starting point is 00:36:28 How do you show empty handed Jenna Lyons' house on the first episode of New York? Come on, go to the bodega and pick up a... You could have at least brought her like a tupperware of beans. You know what I mean? Sandy went to all that fucking trouble. Do you not have like an extra bottle of wine in your household?
Starting point is 00:36:42 I mean, have the reason why you get, like wine is like one of those things that sort of gets passed around, you know? Like, of course we drink it. But it's also one of those things people, we give you wine and then you take the wine and you give it to someone else. Yeah, that's always city wine.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's always just like wine with a fun name that you saw on the store. That's like, crazy girl. You know what? I'm getting that wine. It's like armpits. J. Crane. Oh my god, what a waggy name.
Starting point is 00:37:06 So, cacky. Cacky wine. So they go on a house tour and Jenna Amina Aaron's like, oh my God, it's the infamous shoe closet and Jenna's like, yeah, I'm insane. Like I'm aware, I worked in fashion for 20 years. And like I like them because they have meaning to me. Some Jenna lions.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah. You know, I have like a 300, I guess I would say 80 pairs of shoes, but then I got rid of some, but then I bought some more, so I don't really know. So on errands like wow, this isn't just an apartment, this is a pad Jenna. She's like really? What's the difference between a part and a pad?
Starting point is 00:37:42 She's like, I'll tell you, a pad means you don't have small children. Am I right? Lucky. And then you can just like have Dylan not parsley all you want in here. So Aaron talks about the flow of the apartment because she says it's kind of a weird flow because like the closets have the bedroom and the bedroom is have the apartment. So I can't re-sell this. Good luck luck bitch. Anyway, let's try this cheese. So Jenna's like, yeah, I just have to be the appropriate choice of those grow.
Starting point is 00:38:14 So she tried some cheese and Aaron actually takes the corner of the cheese. Now I read and read it thread, which of course I'm in right after this show to see what people thought. And someone said, I can't, of course Aaron is the type to take the corner piece of the cheese. I suppose that's the weirdest thing to do. And well, maybe it's Facebook, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:38:34 but someone's like, that is the weirdest thing to do at a cheese party is to take the edge of the cheese like that. The first part of the triangle, like the sort of it. I guess. Why is that rude? Like someone has to do it. I don't know, but I love that I know that now because I can ask Nadi about it in the future
Starting point is 00:38:50 and I had literally no idea. I've never heard that before. Oh, I have violated that rule of etiquette many, many times. I'm like, geez. I'm pretty stupid. I thought that I'm looking like all good. Like I'm just gonna take the tap, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:04 Like I'm really showing some restraint. I don't know if there's a rule about taking the tip of the cheese, but honestly, if you're the only one there, I think you gotta take the tip of the cheese. You gotta wait for Jenna, or is Jenna gonna have to serve you? I don't know. I think the tip of the cheese is for the guests,
Starting point is 00:39:22 and Aaron is the guest. Yeah. So I agree. I'm not gonna get on on the cheese tip thing about I just liked it in the cheese drama Oh, wow that is now this show we know so much about cheese manners now So Jenna is like a long way to say jostle comes okay, so then we see everybody's arriving basically and just like oh my god So then we see everybody's arriving basically. And just was like, oh my God, nah, love the bracelet. It's like a weapon gear. And Aaron, you know, that's to Aaron, sorry. I'm being nice to Aaron, even though I'm not really
Starting point is 00:39:55 above her yet, but I'm more equal. I mean, the presence of Jenna, so I have to make a think I'm a nice person, so, oh my God. Rin, very cool bangles. Those are like weapons, girl. And Aaron's like, yeah, I may have to fuck up a bitch tonight. Because I'm a real New Yorker. Interpreter.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I'm a real New Yorker on Real House. I was a New Yorker, so watch out everybody. Yeah, I'm gonna fuck up a bitch with my bangles. Yeah. Commissions. Here comes one right now. fuck up a bitch with my bangles yeah so then Sia shows up and everyone's wearing black and so Jenna's just laughing that everyone's wearing black and Jenna's like I mean everyone thinks of Kaki as like a chino it's not like Kaki is a color it's not Kaki's Kaki's a color it's a color Kaki Kaki is a color, it's not khaki's. khaki's a color, it's a khaki. khaki is a color khaki's a colors.
Starting point is 00:40:47 khaki is like, okay, Jenna, you know this is what she does at night khaki's a colors khaki's a colors. But she also does it on purpose by having a khaki party so that people who don't understand that show up in black. You know, she's a little bit distressed. Guy, yeah, so she can be, she can have her teaching moment or she's like, guy, is that. It's a little bit of a test. Yeah. So she can be she can have her teaching moment or she's like, guy, is that in Cache? Is that color? So then, um, Sy, Sy is big housewives, Sy and she's like, there's so much cheese here at Jenna's house. It's everywhere. It's on the counter.
Starting point is 00:41:17 It's on the table. There's Fondue. There's regular cheese. Hey, Aaron, could you bring out your magnifying glass to watch me eat cheese? Is that weird? Maybe you could get a magnifying glass so you could judge my cheese. Because I eat it. I like cheese, so you're magnifying glass because I'm also very small and you can't. You can't see me eat it easily. Ah.
Starting point is 00:41:40 So someone asked about where brain is and Aaron's like, well, otherwise she's late. And they're like, why? What's going on? She's, Jenna, of course, she started who spread this in the first place. It's like, oh, no, no, I'm sorry. I almost know. Like, oh, damn it, Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I'm getting Jessa and Jenna messed up. And now I'm stuttering because we've been through this. Jenna and Jessa, yeah. Jenna says is something going on. And Aaron's like, yeah, I haven't seen her since that night. And then two days later, she posted pictures of you guys at Sipriani's. Yeah, she said she was going home like a real New Yorker would, but she wound up with you at Cassas Tchipriani, like a fake New Yorker.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, I'm a fake New Yorker because I can't even pronounce Chipriani right. I think it's Sipriani. That's okay. Also, is there Chipriani and Cassas Tchipriani? I think there's just Chipriani's. There's Chipriani and Cassas Tchipriani. Is there Cipriani and Costa Cipriani? I think there's just Cipriani. Is Cipriani and Costa Cipriani. Cipriani. Well, I know this because I looked them up.
Starting point is 00:42:30 That's great. Is it like Moza and then like Moza Pizza Cafe where there's like an expensive version but then there's like a cheaper version? Moza Pizza Cafe. What do they call the Moza Small Moza? Pizza. Yeah. But I think it's just like another version of the brand.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I discovered Costa Chipriani when I was trying to find out what the C-word restaurant was, but then the internet. So I stumbled upon Costa Chipriani, but I didn't do the research as to what it actually was. And then, so that's the interesting story there. So, um, so Aaron's like, yeah, so by the way, it wasn't cool if you either, by the way, to like, you can just tell us if you're like, if you're going out, you don't want to go to catch, you can just tell us. And so I was like, okay, well, I did bail on you. Yes, I totally accepting that, totally bailed on you. I just,
Starting point is 00:43:19 I didn't want to go to catch, plus being caught, someone caught me at my home. People were rolling in my townhouse. Like, how could I even leave that? I was playing out of show for them. I lied, I lied confession time. I lied about it, okay? I lied to you about it. I didn't want to go to catch. So, hold on, wait for a second. Wait for my hand is raised.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Confession, okay. I know I have a right to an attorney, everything else. I waved the right. I confess. I was like, okay, we got it. So, she's like, okay, well, I like you because you'll admit it, but she's not cool. And I, I like you because you're like a young man, but like, she's not cool, and I'm gonna get her, fuck her.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'm turned off by her. And Jessica goes, I think that's even worse. That's worse what she what Brind did. And right to everyone, am I saying the right thing at this moment? So there's nothing worse than being turned off by somebody, right, Povey? L-O.S. stupid
Starting point is 00:44:13 So I have him on FaceTime just so I could get at him. She just keeps him on her phone at all times to relate He's just waiting on hold to be be rated So Brin shows up to the Oh Sorry, I lost my voice from screaming last night Wow, sorry, I lost my voice from screaming last night. I've been knowing I got to see the answers was so fakely all my stuff. Yeah, wow. I'm so scared.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I'm scared. I'm scared, Bum-Bum. I think I'm in trouble. I'm scared, like, now. Erin hangs on a lot of things very seriously. And the only thing that helping me is I don't think Aaron will commit a crime in Gen Alliance home. I know what I'm about to get spanked. Bad me, bad girl.
Starting point is 00:44:58 So they do like a double kiss and Aaron's like, I'm not going to get into it with a brand today because I'm gonna just give it some time. I'm gonna eat some cheese, and then I'm gonna fuck her up. People love that line apparently, because on Twitter everyone's like, quoting, I'm gonna eat some cheese, and then I'm gonna fuck her up. I got it! It's boss bitch-mooch. She's a real boss bitch.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You need to cheese them. Fucking her up with those bangles, his weapons. Boss bitch move she's a real boss bitch eating the cheese and fucking you're up with those bangles his weapons So Jen hands out Jenna hands out nah as she's known to some of us And she's like okay guys small talk is my kryptonite so we're gonna play a game Okay, like oh and she tells us I don't really know everyone in the group equally well, so this is mine get out of jail free card with everybody. So, brim starts, I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:45:52 I'm like, am you gonna create your ideal pornography a lot without a picture? Oh, Uba was like, halal, like you wanna do halal, poor, like eating halalal or what is that? No eating halal. I was like when Aaron goes, halal porn? Like with someone says halal porn?
Starting point is 00:46:14 What is that? So for inside, I wouldn't love to see general lines of porn. It would be some moody. I live porn where it's like a massage, like it's like too far. You know, I love that. Every time I get a massage,
Starting point is 00:46:31 I'm like, maybe it'll happen today. I put my butt up and they're like, man, this is the fourth season. I need to know where Brynn's getting her money. Where is Brynn getting her money? Why don't they told us what Brynn does? I know, I don't really understand what Brynn does. And when I looked it up, it's like communications
Starting point is 00:46:47 in fashion or something like that. What is that? What do you do? What are you doing? I'm telling you, sexual massages that the four seasons and like turning down catch. I'm telling you, this is the exact same catholic up as Dubai, it's like she is the Sarah
Starting point is 00:47:01 where it's like she sort of does things but like she's, but like what does she really do? Where'd she get her money, you know? What's going on? It's on power, man. That was the Sarah thing, right? It's like, oh my God, here's what I do. I am, I have a master's degree in, what was her thing?
Starting point is 00:47:16 She's like, I got a degree and they're like, that's an honorary degree. I'm just like, I am a doctor of like women, supporting women. So then they're talking about like who's submissive and bad and Si and Uba talk about being submissive and Aaron's like, I'm gonna go,
Starting point is 00:47:31 yeah, this bet's just like a starfish. She's so submissive. Just like, wow. So Aaron's like, well, my husband doesn't get turned on unless I come. So like he doesn't want to come unless I come. Okay, so everyone clear about when I come. So like he doesn't want to come unless I come. Okay, so there's everyone clear about when I come versus when he comes, because that's when I come.
Starting point is 00:47:49 He comes after I come. Everyone clear on the coming schedule. And Brent's like, yeah, I'm then mowing you right now for every minute that you talk. Cause this is really hot. And Aaron's like, yeah, I know I'm saying a lot. So Brent's like, this is Aaron, I like you. Cause like when she drinks, it's really hot. I'm like, yeah, I know I'm saying a lot. So Brynn's like, that's the Erin I like. Cause like when she drinks, she's fine.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Like she's me sober. Maybe it's having kids saying, don't tell me that. I'll never have kids. So then Jenna, she is doing a lot. She's, you know, but I'm like, I like a little effort. I don't know. She's, I think, she seems very like made for TV.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Like there's no, I don't know. So Jenna starts talking about being in a lesbian relationship how everyone gets taken care of, you know, because everyone knows what they're doing. And so like in a male and female relationship, there's like a different dynamic, but with women, everyone knows what it is. And Brin's like, oh my God, I love Gage guys.
Starting point is 00:48:44 She was like that for Gage guys. I'm just like that for gay guys. That's not like that for gay guys, do you think? That's not like the kind of gay where you can just be like, oh, everyone gets taken care. Being gay is like a race. It's like, okay, I'm coming. No, I'm coming. Okay, are you coming?
Starting point is 00:48:56 No, I'm not coming. Are you coming? No, I'm coming. I'm coming. Damn it, do not come right now. Oh my God, it just came. I just came. Oh, I'm not one of my supposed to.
Starting point is 00:49:04 No, really, I'm here to support you coming now. No, I can't come now. Yes, you can. No, now you don't even have a bone, and you're just staring at me with a bone. I can't come now. You can do it. Oh god, for you being passive aggressive with me,
Starting point is 00:49:15 I'm not gonna come now. I think it's harder for gay men because there is literally physical evidence of whether or not you are turned on on slash have come. Whereas like, you know, and I feel like that does add some sort of like weird pressure to be like, ooh, like if we don't come at the same time, then like then one of us just sitting here.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I know, kind of, you know, I've found myself jealous of Lesbian so many times in my life, this is one of those times. Lesbian's just have a risk of existence than gay men do. Let's be honest, they just, yeah, they have like lovely dinner parties and there's like not terrible to each other. Well, this has been fun. Hi, Quet. So life,
Starting point is 00:49:59 gayness and life. So, uh, Jenna's like, yeah, okay, so she talks about sex. So now it's Jessal's turn. So she's like, yeah, okay, so she talks about sex, so now it's Jessal's turn. So she's like, all right, my turn. Jenna, nah, all right, my questions for you. All right, if you could say that you're addicted to something, what would you be addicted to? Shopping, porn, alcohol, Jesser, or arguing. Bringert. D-R-L-E-B-F above it's not your question
Starting point is 00:50:25 brin shut up it's for my nah sorry shut up female parvete sorry sorry janna sorry that we had to be interrupted in this moment of bonding for us which we had to answer that then ubers like well I'm not addicted to any of that you know what I've addicted to? banana and we're like oh oh, yeah, we love the deck. No, actual banana. And it's like, are we talking about like banana banana?
Starting point is 00:50:50 Jenna's like, you better not be talking about banana republic. I'll tell you that much, not in this household. And she's like, banana should be the national flag of Somalia. We love banana darling. I eat five, six bananas a day. You know what we call banana in in Somalia Boss bitch Oh, that's so funny. You know what I call banana. I just call them Nah. That's why I come oh So the nickname Nas are you taking? Crink And then Aaron goes um banana banana constipates you banana constipates you
Starting point is 00:51:23 I've literally never heard that in my life, nor experienced that, Aaron has some issues. No, it doesn't const, but now you have bananas when bananas keep everything together, but it doesn't constipate. Bananas are part of the brand. The brat diet, but they're not, I don't know if they're known for a constipation
Starting point is 00:51:41 or known for cohesiveness. Yeah, I've never heard that. So by the way, did we ever hear what Jenna's addiction is? No, because everyone kept talking. Jess says like, what is your addiction? Monty shopping. Or was that Jenna who said shopping? And I just wrote it down on it.
Starting point is 00:51:57 There may have been. I think about it's probably my notes. Jess is like, my addiction. Why don't we do this for a living? I suck at it. I can't fucking take notes. I can't follow along. I don't know the difference between a living? I suck at it. I can't fucking take notes. I can't follow along. I don't know the difference between
Starting point is 00:52:06 Ejena and Ejesa. Ejesa. Well, if it makes you feel any better, literally nothing important happened here. They're talking, they are talking somehow, all at once about shopping, bananas and diarrhea. Because it was like size five to six bananas a day and Size like oh Side with another great one goes. Oh, well, you needed a banana the day you had diarrhea
Starting point is 00:52:32 It's like thanks like thanks for thanks for outing the diarrhea moment, so yeah, I'm brilliant like Yeah, I had diarrhea the mouth and the bite and they were like no You had the diarrhea the most because I had a cheese platter and you decided to tell some stupid story and so I was like, yeah, that was an asshole move. I'm gonna say it, that was an asshole move. And they were like, what was an asshole move? Serving cheese?
Starting point is 00:52:56 She was like, no, what'd you said about me and the cheese? It's just, but it wasn't true. That's the thing. I didn't say anything about the cheese. Yeah, everyone goes, I, she was lying. I didn't say that and Brynn, Brynn, tell Sai. I mean, so I was going to meet you at Casa, like Chip Rihanna and Aaron goes,
Starting point is 00:53:11 oh, your favorite place. What's your problem with the catch? I'm gonna go, um, it's not 2012. He's my problem. And Aaron goes, it's not 2012. Who the fuck cares where we go? We were trying to be together. Doesn't matter where we are, then you go to lunch and sign, you start talking shit about me.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah, and if you didn't care where you were, you would have gone to PF Chinks. You wouldn't have had to catch. Exactly true. So then, Brim's like, I didn't talk, shit. I just said, yes, you get. Well, she said that she distanced herself because I went to her house and I said something about the cheese and I said, this is what we're all eating. And then like I said, that's weird or something about cheese. And for it's like, no, I said you said what's this?
Starting point is 00:53:54 And then Aaron, you said like it's cheese. And Aaron goes, I never said that. Okay, I'm a real New Yorker. I would never say that. I would say sandy kick this woman out of my house. That's what I would say. So it was like, I can't said that, okay, I'm a real New Yorker, I would never say that, I would say Sandy, kick this woman out of my house, that's what I would say. So it was like, I can't believe that they're arguing about cheese when we're such a wild and wack and interesting group of women get into it,
Starting point is 00:54:14 but we're in New York, okay, there's a lot of rats here because you know, cheese, it's not a one-to-one correlation rats and cheese, better mice and cheese, but you know what I'm saying. Yeah, we're fighting over cheese cheese. Well, you know the one thing I'll always say about rats in New York. At least they're not tourists Okay, Aaron. So then Brynn's like you came in like She's lies and she's oh really not she's and that's weird. That's what you did. She's not true. None of that's true. So then Jim is trying to eat fondue and, Jen says, I can't believe they're talking about cheese.
Starting point is 00:54:53 I mean, who wants to drop the conversation about sex and talk about cheese? I'm like, Jenna, you better get used to this because honestly, the cheese conversation is much more compelling about the sex conversation. It's truly, so they're all laughing now, because it is really stupid, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:10 So, you know, it's like this is the stupidest thing ever. And Brent's like, but you did say it. And she's, but you're embellishing it. She's, and Jenna's like, guys, guys, it's like past the point, like it's fine. But I mean, it's basically like, chinos. It's like, this conversation is like catch, okay? It's so over.
Starting point is 00:55:29 So Aaron pulls Branch, like, okay, we're gonna talk privately one-on-one. So they go to like, they walk down throughout the house to have a talk. They go into like Jenna's bedroom, which I thought was a little strange. And Brin's like, I know, I thought they were walking to a balcony or something, but just to go walk in
Starting point is 00:55:47 and sit on somebody's bed, feels weird. That would not be a lot of a tonic. I mean, we all remember that. It is New York, though. New York, you only have so many options of places to go sit. I know. So Brynn's like, she's like very anime
Starting point is 00:56:00 and I'm about taking me back there and like, not doing what, like not doing what Abe does to her, like, but having a different way with me. Like it's not gonna be as fun. And we should be a real big girl, right now, pink girl. So Aaron's like, come on, what do you think I'm going to do punch you in the face? Are you like afraid of me? And she goes, I'm the bitch, I'm half Irish, I'm not a friend.
Starting point is 00:56:24 So they go to the hall to the bedroom and brins like, oh my God, this closet makes everything better. Wait, focus, you're gonna die, you're gonna die. What is that, look at that clam holding. Oh my God. So they sit down the bed and brins like, I was thinking like this is how I go. It all makes sense. I get murdered in generalized bedroom.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Huh. So she was, oh my god, there's titties on the pillows. Oh my god, I love that. I love that. I love that. Aaron's like, I am offended not by the cheese. I wasn't mad. I wasn't mad about the cheese.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And Brind's like, um, in actuality, I don't even think there's an issue with us and Aaron's like Well, I just like yeah, you don't you're the one starting all this shit. Well, I don't think there's a ratio So I just don't like the wishy washy thing green And I feel like you decided who you're gonna align yourself with and then you got like weird with me and like you did you know it You know you like weird with me and like you did, you know it, you know you got weird with me. So this is something else I really like about Aaron. This, that line I thought was great
Starting point is 00:57:29 because it just distilled exactly what happened. It didn't like over-dramatize, it didn't hint at something. She's like, you decided to align with other people and decided you didn't like me anymore and then got snotty and ditched me to go to some other fucking restaurant and then texted the group, text about it
Starting point is 00:57:44 to make me look stupid wouldn't you know and she's like okay I did 100% she doesn't say why she chose not to align with her anymore she's just like well you know like I She said distinctively I never said that and she's very I just like subscribe to what she was saying about it Yeah, but the point is that you brought this whole thing up and tried to start trauma in the first place. Aaron's later though. When Size says to like and subscribe, she doesn't mean literally subscribe to her words coming up her mouth.
Starting point is 00:58:15 So Aaron's like, so you subscribe and friends like, I'm thinking personally. And Aaron's like, but that's how you made it. And then they just hug and everything's fine. Like, let's move that side. Yeah, she's like, it is personal when you decide to turn against me. She's like, okay, let's just hug then. She's like, okay, I mean, I guess we'll just hug then.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Fine. So I realize it's like not about like, it's not about like the restaurant. It's not about the cheese. It's about like, you know, she just wants to spend quality time together. I realize that now. And Aaron says, you know, it's just like so hard to stay in Madapran because she's like fun and sweet and she shares her strange massage fantasies
Starting point is 00:58:51 at the four seasons and just makes you, she's bubbly enough to make you forget, you know? Yeah, so they make up. And then, Brent's like, when you shake up, I'm like, I'm pretty, but we like can't each other's eyes. And Aaron's like, okay, that's where
Starting point is 00:59:04 someone for shoes at. So they start putting on okay, that's where some of her shoes are. So they start putting on her clothes and they sit on a chair and it breaks, but we find out it's not broken. It's just, they really have a chair bottom. Yeah. So it's a pillow. So we're a choice.
Starting point is 00:59:16 And although I bet Jenna, like, literally sits in it like that. Like she's like, her butt's like on the floor, but her feet are like through the chair. And it's a relaxing squat for her. You know, it's just like how she keeps in shape. It's just how I like to sit, you know, me too.
Starting point is 00:59:29 That's exactly how I love to sit. Nah. You call me a banana. So, Brynn, they returned to group and Brynn's like, I'm done. It's fucking stupid. I'm so angry right now. I'm like, oh my god, what happened? There's a fight.
Starting point is 00:59:42 There's so angry at each other. And Brynn's like, well, do me a fan and that should be a working chair. So she's like, in your wall, we're fuck that girl. So then Aaron breaks it by coming out laughing, right? They're like, what's that kidding with us? That little bitch. And she's like, when I realized they were wearing my clothes,
Starting point is 01:00:02 that's fine. But then I saw them start to go to each other and hug. No. One of them was wearing sequins and one of them was wearing... Was it fancy? Lace. Lace. Because when they were in the closet, they put on Jenna's clothes, which is also kind of crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:16 And so then they hug and then they get connected. And Jenna's like, oh my god. Like, I'm just more worried about this shirt. Oh, it's Valentino. That's okay. It's fine. It's fine. It's just, you're just not more worried about this. Oh, it's Valentino. That's okay. It's fine. It's fine. You're just not as wealthy as I am.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And just, no, please stop doing that to my shirts. Yeah. She goes, oh, and on top of it, Bren has the top on backwards. The zipper doesn't go in the front. My love, the zipper goes in the back. Okay. And so I was like, um, does anybody like cheese?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Or is that weird? Am I the only person who likes cheese? I love cheese. What, what, what, um, does anybody like cheese or is that weird? Am I the only person who likes cheese? I love cheese What what what what and that's where that's where the episode ends so Yeah, it was definitely fun to recap it more fun than I was expecting um well I again, I didn't we'll see we'll see where this where it goes from here All right everybody well Thank you so much for being with us, thank you for being on demand.
Starting point is 01:01:05 And we will talk to you next time, okay? Bye everyone! Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelone! She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela! Itch-o-s! Aaron McNickless, she don't miss no trickle-s! Havana-Gilla Weber! She's a Daniela. Itch-o-ru! The Bay Area Beaches Beaches!
Starting point is 01:01:53 And our super premium sponsors? The incredible edible Matthews sisters! Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Erica, 500 days of summer. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Can't have a meal without the Emily side. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neil. We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar.
Starting point is 01:02:39 We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music. you guys.

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