Watch What Crappens - RHONY: Race on Witch Mountain

Episode Date: July 8, 2021

***Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand***The Real Housewives of New York go to Salem to channel their witchy energy, but a fight breaks out when Ramona gets ...sick of talking about race. Who will be burned at the stake? This week's bonus episode is the first part of a two part Big Brother cast breakdown. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watcher Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I'm Ben Mandelker. You can also find me on the Game Brain podcast and joining me is a wonderful and refreshed. Ronnie Caram, what's going on Ronnie? Hi. Hi. How's your trip to Salem going? How's it going with all the witch trials over there? Oh my God, you know, I would feel right at home.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I do know it. I do know it. Hi, everyone. So today we were talking real house. Just your butt away. Ronnie and I are both on camera right now. It's part of crap. It's on demand, which means that if you subscribe to us on Patreon at the $5 level, you can watch us record this podcast, which is really fun. Like you may have just seen Ronnie take a sip out of his beverage just now. Lovely greenish beverage it was. And if you're lucky, you'll see Bueller later on. I have no animals, but I have board games.
Starting point is 00:01:41 You can look at my board game collection. Look, there's Terraforming Mars and there's Twilight and Purian and there's Nerd alert You can also see my brand new stripy shirt because I went to a store and finally got clothes that fit me Now that I've gained 20 pounds in the pandemic, so I'm feeling good about that feels nice Yeah, I got to have clothes that fit. I didn't old Navy trip to this week and used on my old Navy cash, my old Navy credit. I got lots of free stuff and lots of, not so, old Navy always seems like it's free, but then you leave and you're like, how do I spend $400?
Starting point is 00:02:16 And then you come home with just like bags of crap. That's just hideous. I mean, who needs a shirt with watermelon all over it? Do I really have I got that guy who just is gonna wear it now? I'm just gonna wear like Hawaiian shirts. It's like I can't fit anything. So now I'm buying Hawaiian shirts and shit with watermelon's all over.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's okay, I got a shirt with popsicles on it. So, you know, I got, you know what I bought? I bought some slides from Gap and so from the Gap and it was funny because I was picking them out They were cute and the sales lady comes over and goes hmm the ad just ones are better and I was like oh, okay So then I she may be there may be something to it because the color got on my feet my feet are actually green now And second of all so I know the thing that I did yesterday my basically ruined my feet on the peloton I like overused it and now like all the
Starting point is 00:03:06 ligaments in my ankle are like, please don't use me anymore. So I've been, so I took myself for a foot massage and you know on a foot massage they like they grease up your feet so much. There's all this lotion and who knows what else. Did you get a boner? I got five boners over the course of the foot massage. But then on the way home, I was in these sleds, I'm like, I'm wearing my slides. I'm in my slides. And I start walking up a staircase.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And guess what? Lochained up feet and gap slides are not friends. And my feet went flying out of the slides. And I fell face first onto the staircase. I flopped out onto the staircase because I was ejected from my slides. Oh my God. Oh my god And there's a hummingbird right at the window looking in hummingbird has a story too
Starting point is 00:03:48 See it it the hummingbirds like I got new clothes also The hummingbirds like foot massages. I'm alright. Oh my god. I saw this amazing daffodil It's just like a very Gabby hummingbird. Oh my God, I die. I saw a Daisy. It was amazing. Some bitch came by and said, daffodils are better. And I was like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:04:16 did you go to Robert's party at the tulip? Oh, you weren't invited? Oh, sorry. Yeah, we took a few days off, which we like to do around this time in Christmas. And it was nice because we were able to actually still have shows on the day that we were all the days that we were off. But I'm just not a person who's really built for days off, even though I love to take them, they're not good for me. I did a lot of animal swiping through
Starting point is 00:04:40 my Facebook groups, because once you follow the elephant group, now I have like the woodpecker group. Can I tell you would would pick her group? Yeah, there's like a well, it's like strange birds or something. It's called and I don't subscribe to it They just give me all the now I get all the shit on Facebook, right? And so one of them was like woodpeckers and this but I'm terrified of woodpeckers now, okay? Do you know they go and they like beat the shit out of a tree. They make a whole thing enough
Starting point is 00:05:07 and then they put a nut in the hole. Did you know that that's what they're doing this whole time? Oh, I thought they were trying to extract little bugs from the tree. Maybe, but this one, I mean, maybe this is a special hoarder kind of a woodpecker, but he makes holes and then the whole tree is just filled with these little nuts and it just looked terrifying.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And it looked gross and it looked hordery. And then I was like, am I a hoarder? And then I started thinking about like my own food at different problems. So then I got a food addiction book. And so I was like, I'm gonna get the audible version because you know, we love audible over here. So I'm like, I'm gonna get the audible version in this.
Starting point is 00:05:42 So I was like, cooking healthy food in my house, which is disgusting enough. Without listening to this woman, drone on and on and judge me, it's like every fat person she talked about, I was like, that bitch is coming for me. So I was like, all angry because she was talking about some fat lady
Starting point is 00:05:55 who was like a slut in high school to like overcompensate from her fat, mess or whatever. And I was like, you're reading me right now, bitch. I got what's up. I took like literally every thing. Yeah, I had a woodpecker spiral. That's what happened. So today it was a work day and I was, I'm just so glad to be back here is my point. I have. Well, this hummingbird is really distracting me.
Starting point is 00:06:17 It's currently sitting on a branch, just watching us like, when do I get to talk? Like I have things that would pickers. Like you know that hummingbird has knows a woodpecker went on a really bad date with a woodpecker and it's like, let me tell you something girl. Okay, you do not want to mess with woodpeckers. Okay. Um, actually you don't want to mess with woodpecker if you're, if you're a homeowner because they will pick your, your siding. My brother just had to get like all new siding because of woodpeckers
Starting point is 00:06:44 and then his neighbor across the street who also was a crap and slasener. Hey, they also had to get new siding for their woodpeckers. So they, okay, it's officially time to start this recap. I think we've leaned a little bit too heavily into woodpecker bullshit where it's minute seven. Yeah, well, it's still just, it's literally sitting hummingbirds are never I'm not Swapping around like crazy. I'm gonna be just sitting watching us. It's just sitting just sitting there I don't think it's a hummingbird then. I don't think they sit maybe it's an miniature eagle. Yeah Okay, real how elevated it So tell the tell the tell the whatever that bird is I don't think it's a hummingbird but tell it
Starting point is 00:07:23 Tell the whatever that bird is. I don't think it's I'm in bird, but tell it Like we should not gonna treat you with white fragility Ramona, okay? I'm not gonna treat you with white fragility and then imagine it saying back to you. You were strong back bitch The home in birds like you know what I don't talk about this. I don't want to talk about this anymore Okay,, I wasn't gonna bring this up Okay, but our Jay talker with the first millionaire. Okay Okay, so we started Lee's apartment playing with her tiny dog Angel Marie I do not have high hopes for this episode. I don't think that's a very good time. I Agree that it was like starting with that I was like starting with that. I was like, hmm. Actually, I actually enjoy this episode more than I thought I would,
Starting point is 00:08:07 but it was, I was a little concerned. I was like, this is, it was a pretty slow episode. There's something about these episodes when, they're trying to stretch out their content. And this is what happened also. When they went to the Hamptons, they really stretched out the act of getting to the Hamptons. But then, once they're there, there, hopefully shit will pop off.
Starting point is 00:08:27 She starts, Leah's up FaceTiming all the women and she's inviting them all to, she basically wants to get the fuck out of the city because she's going crazy with the COVID, the COVID they can't go too far. So they decided to go to Salem, Massachusetts. Like where the witches come from I'm talking about of course the stage production by based on the role doll book started in Salem, Massachusetts. I love a theater town And then Ramona asked the question. We're all wondering. Are they gonna burn me? me. Are they gonna burn me? I've really got to stop vaping so I can get that register back. I missed that Ramona register. You can get it back. So Lea's like, yeah, I've always wanted to go to Salem and like, I can be like Witchie and like women, all of these women
Starting point is 00:09:19 are like witches. So we're gonna go there and we're gonna have a latex and leather dinner party which is totally What the witches wore back in the 1600s? Latex, though. Latex and leather what what does that have to do with anything? I don't understand that Well, it's just another league of tryhard party, you know, it's like always the tryhard person. He's like latex and Just so they can look hot and they're one stupid leather outfit. No. Yeah. So she's like, I want to do every single thing they would never do. Like, oh my God. So it's going to be a New York Times crossword puzzle party. Great. Sounds great.
Starting point is 00:10:00 They can be watching the McNeil Lairer News Hour on PBS. Is that what this is? Great. Can't wait to watch that. Oh, so they decide to invite Prishan, you know, because she was cast and stuff. And then Lee is like, well, I mean, Prishan, like really knows how to like, let lose and have fun. And then we clip, we cut to the clip of Prishan being like, oh my god, my friend loves a tiny penis. Yeah, she's like, we can talk about Dixon stuff. And then he says, well, maybe a ghost will make love to be my room because I thought that in a movie once. I don't know if I would, why is that sexy?
Starting point is 00:10:38 It seems actually like a total violation. A true violation. A true violation. Like, I get self-conscious enough having sex with a thinner person. Could you imagine just someone who's so thin they're invisible? Yeah, I would be horrified with myself, okay. Also, what's up with ghost haunting so many hotels? Like, they are all about the hotels. I mean, I kind of get it because if you're going to haunt somewhere, would you want some rickety old place in rural Connecticut?
Starting point is 00:11:05 Or would you like to stay at like I'd like a modern service like I would like to think ghosts keep up with it Times just because they're dead doesn't mean they're stuck in time like if they're still wandering the world You know in the modern times I would think that they would want a better house I mean that hotel looks like it smells like Sonya. Yeah, I would haunt Inaigarten's house and I would just sit on our counter with my hand. My ghost head and my ghost hand just watching and just like not even bothering. There's so many gay ghosts in that kitchen. They're all gathering, you know. I'm like, just tell me, I can't even cook anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I can't even cook anymore, but I just want to know everything, how to make this dish. Jeffries are ready haunting that house. I don't know if there's room for more ghosts. So yeah, and also the whole being made love to you by a ghost, that's a real thing that people talk about. Like, oh my God, I got fucked by a ghost. There's all these stories on Reddit about it and stuff. Like ghosts, leave it up to men to be able to figure out a way
Starting point is 00:12:04 to stick their dick in you, but they can't open a door still. You know what I mean? Fucking men ghosts. I feel like if ghosts can go through it, I don't understand some of the rules of ghosts, like what they can go through and what they can pick up. Did it like they choose to go through certain things? I mean, I guess it's actually outlined in the movie ghosts.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Like I guess you have to think about it, right? Then you can enjoy it with it otherwise you go through it and get yelled at by a man on the subway. So I hated that guy. He was so stressful in that movie. I was like, why are you yelling in this very romantic ghost movie? So then the man's like, well, do you know why witches don't wear underwear? So they can get a better grip on the broom. Ha ha!
Starting point is 00:12:46 Oh, we'll put that in the act when it comes back. Little witch humor. So then we go to Ramona having lunch with Bershon, Ramona and her only half of a window on a check caching place, which, you know, those masks, those face shields are very, I think, 2020 in general because at first all the stores had to put up check caching windows like all the way to the ceiling and then they were like, okay, we'll put like half of one up.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Whether versus head is still like coming above the thing. Okay, well, I mean, that might be a tax to make an effort. That might be a Texas thing because they're still up to the ceiling in L.A. I mean, it's so late. I mean, when I went to the when I went to the gap and I had to check out I felt like I was placing a bet at the track, you know, so It like literally feels that way No one Texas. I mean people are just like spitting on each other spitting in each other's eye just because we can That's before the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So, I scored. Yes, Ramona shows up wearing basically a fish tank on her mouth. And she, whoa, tripped. I didn't see that little step. Thank you, Kai. So she sits down to me with Bershon. Ramona looks great in this scene.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I have to say, she looked excellent. She got the, I was gonna say it's the Viva hair, but I actually don't think it's the Viva hair, but she just looks really good her this her surgery was like really in It's like in a great place for this. So she was sitting there with bershon bershon's like hello darling And boy so be crazy friend that I've known for so long. Okay I'm just so surprised how deep your voices even though it becomes so close over the past Two months
Starting point is 00:14:31 You could be a radio announcer okay You could be like the wolf man or Rick D's okay. That'd be so good for you. Okay, so then Just thinking what I had a little bit of furgo, which is why I left that super fun party up in Harlem the other night, okay? And Virshan's like, oh, well, I didn't know if it was Virgo if he just didn't like the event. And he's like, you didn't like the event? You didn't like the event. She's like, whoa, it was just all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Why did you think that I didn't like the event unless you didn't like the event? I like Ramona. It's actively just trying to make Virshan like it. I don't know if event unless you didn't like the event. I like Ramona is actively just trying to make for someone that you don't like it. I'm not saying that, uh-huh. Because you wouldn't ask me if you'd like the event. So you didn't like the event. Could you ask me if I like the event, okay?
Starting point is 00:15:13 And that's not like her. She's like, okay. Well, it was just last minute. Yeah, but why didn't you think I didn't like the event unless you didn't like the event? Did you like the event? Tell me the truth. And she's like, well, it was educational. Well, we do expecting to be educated. Can I take your order? Can I take your order?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Why would you ask me to take my order if I can't take your order? Okay? Are you asking me to take my order? Because you could see how bored Bershon was at the event the other night and you feel bad for her and then now you feel bad for me. Is that why you're asking me later? Okay? then now you feel bad for me. Is that why you're asking me later? Okay. So she's like, were you expecting to be educated? No.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Do you like being educated? She's like, I mean, no. I guess it was just a hard sell. It was a hard sell. It's like, oh my God. Don't hang out with Ramona if you're just gonna be tricked into repeating everything that she says,
Starting point is 00:16:04 because you're gonna be in some deep shit if you do that. Yeah, Prashan's like, well, you know, I think, I think Ebony's Harlem event was logwinded, but I like that she was trying to teach the girls, you know, learn about us, we want to learn about you, you know? And Prashan saying how much you liked everyone, everyone was like, you know what, I'm good with everyone, okay? I'm the kind of person that I don't hold a grudge, okay? No grudge here. Never find a grudge with me, okay? I wouldn't even be mad if you told Ebony how much you hated her event, okay? I wouldn't hold a grudge if he did that to me. You want, I don't hold a grudge. I'm good with everybody, okay? I just, you know, I let things go like a duck on waters back And it sounds like so it's just gonna be easy peasy this trip
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, cuz you know what we're very inclusive. Okay, the only thing is we fight like bitches and hell okay But we make up because we love each other, but you know what I have other friends of the girlfriends But they're just superficial friends who have have me $100 on my birthday. Guy! Yeah, but you don't even really close, okay? Like I have about 50 superficial girlfriends, and we're like, even though they bought me a bag from my birthday, I'm provoked. I would still say that our relationships are superficial, and you know what, even though
Starting point is 00:17:22 I hang out with them more and share with them more, I'm definitely closer with these girls who I don't really like that much, okay? I like that Raman is coming back trying to adjust for Sony's anger last season. Yeah totally. So what, those girlfriends are superficial, not like Sonya. So then we go to Ebony in this long white coat looking amazing. And she's taking Sonia to Philly to meet the matchmaker. Yeah, because apparently Zoom went offline for the day. So they go that they go down there and and they meet they get into a like a
Starting point is 00:18:01 advanced. This is a very vehicle heavy episode, a transport heavy episode. This is the first of three different styles of party van essentially that we see. So it's only place I can film, you know, it's either out of the park and it's probably just fucking gold. Yeah, exactly. So they're going down to Philly and Sonia is like, oh my god, like, can you imagine if Luana Ramona was setting me up? I mean, I mean, you know I really cherish my one-on-one relationships and you know in your alone or two and you don't go out at all Ebony so like I love this we're both introverts. We both married Morgan's we both got a Santa Pay with Nigerian football teams
Starting point is 00:18:38 I love that we're so close like this both partied with John John Both last week was close to Revan. So, just me and you, girl, we're so the same. And everybody's like, oh yeah, I've got to have my alone time, because I need to decompress. And so, and he's like, oh yeah, because you, you, you have such a huge agenda.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I mean, excuse the word, but I was trying to explain to the girl, so you just have a message, you know, and you had that message before the movement ever started. So stop complaining about Ebony's message, everybody. Sorry, Ebony has a message. I don't know. Then they started me on fire and I had to be quiet or I would die. Sonia is doing nothing but inciting. And I love it. She's like trying to stir a fight. She just wants Ebony to yell at Ramona at all times. Exactly. And then we see four days ago Ramona's,
Starting point is 00:19:31 Ramona's like, you know what, Ebony, she's on a mission, okay? You know, I like her for her, okay? I don't need to be educated. I like to be exposed to more things, like coronavirus, so I could learn about it. And I like to learn more things. I like to learn things, but I don't like to be educated.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Okay, does that make sense? Learn without education. Okay? Educationless? Burning, that's it! Um, so some of you are like, yeah, well, even their podcast is about the movement and Ramona says, well, that's her business, okay? You know what?
Starting point is 00:20:02 We're not. Our business. That's it. You have a wrinkle, put some angels on. Guys, sit, don't wanna talk about people's business on the shelf. So then Ebony tells Sonia that Ramona tried to throw her under the bus,
Starting point is 00:20:17 because she's like, well, you know, Ramona said, we all think you're too preachy, and I was like, I don't think Sonia thinks that. And she's like, well, you know, I said it's uncomfortable, and we all have to just do the work. Of course, we're talking about getting into spanks, right? It's just a very uncomfortable, but you gotta do it. And Evan is like, well, but I mean, come on,
Starting point is 00:20:35 I like to have a good time too. I mean, it doesn't always have to be heavy. And she's like, oh, you know what? I just have such a hard time getting my words out with those girls that cut me off. They don't listen to me and Evan is like, oh yeah, Abbinie cuts her off, which I love. You know, every time.
Starting point is 00:20:49 They keep cutting each other out during this conversation. She's like, yeah, they cut out conversation. Like Ramona tried with me, but I made her sit in it. And I said, Ramona, we're not gonna shut this conversation down. You can handle more than you give yourself credit for. And you know what? She took it like a big girl.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And everybody said she's going to be patient with Ramona. And she thinks that she and Ramona are going to be in experiment. And she's going to tell, I feel like I need to like watch this because this is a hot take that I need to get verification for. But I feel like Ebony in her interviews, she does a lot of like closing the draw bridge with her hands. Like if there's a lot of like, it's out and then it's in, you know, no, it's like it's not really mayor, mayor hand, oh yeah, mayor hands is like, it's closed, it's like the
Starting point is 00:21:35 steeple, right? It's just closed. Ebony does like a lot of like Venus fly trap with her hands. I don't know to what end, I don't know the purpose of me putting this out, but it's just an observation to that I feel like now will never not notice. Also, it could also be totally in my mind because I haven't verified this with any visuals.
Starting point is 00:21:51 But I feel like she has Venus flytrap energy with her fingers, right? A little bit of, you know, like, don't say right, because now you're making me answer and I don't know, you know. I want to make you to share the responsibility of this hot day that maybe. I don't know, we can watch that.
Starting point is 00:22:04 This is like totally unnecessary and responsibility of this hot. Maybe. I will not. It's like totally unnecessary and uninteresting hot. Yeah. Like, so I'm loving. I love that the Ramona and Sonia are trying to pit Evony. They're like using Evony as a weapon against each other, right? Because Sonia goes to Evony and says, oh, Ramona only posted a picture of you on Instagram because you're black and she's using you to seem less racist.
Starting point is 00:22:24 So then Evony takes that to Ramona and Ramona is like, no, well, Sonia is sick of you on Instagram because you're black and she's using you to see less racist. So then Ebony takes that to Ramona. And Ramona is like, no, well, Sonja is sick of you preaching to us too. So that's true. It's just like, what the hell? And she falls for it every time. She goes and confronts them every single time about every little thing. And then we see what happens at the end of the episode when that all comes to a head, but we'll get there. So Sony was like, you know what, I didn't say it was bad. I just said it was your mission and your job.
Starting point is 00:22:49 And Ebony's like, look, I just need to get all that stuff out of front because that is who I am. And I know I just met you, but now that I've established my stuff, you know, now we can have all sorts of different conversations, you know? Yeah, I can show that I am lots of fun like watch Ha ha ha ha I just laughed see that was fun And now let's see how the driver feels about this driver
Starting point is 00:23:15 Everything going okay up there. Do you see rain in our future? And now we're just gonna Chuck is coming up next with sports, but first here's a word from our local sponsors. Thanks so much. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and it's commercial. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court.
Starting point is 00:23:39 I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder Woman's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums. Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondering Out. So Philly, bust pulls up and Philly, and they go meet Dev and the matchmaker. Who's from Real World?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Did you know? Dev and Liz from the Real World? Real World? Brooklyn and real world. Oh my god. Wait a second, I have to do some Googling. Yeah, because I watch real world Brooklyn. I was like, God, she looks so familiar and so telegenic.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Wait, Devon, real world, Brooklyn. Like the real world, Brooklyn that had, um, I don't, I don't, why do I not remember her whatsoever from, this is crazy that Sonia is getting match made from a girl who was on the real world, Brooklyn. Oh my God, I don't remember her from this, I mean, it's been a while, but I don't remember her from this cast at all.
Starting point is 00:25:22 By a do remember, chat, ugh, chat was the worst. Okay. Well, so, I'm not telling you from this cast at all. I do remember Chew, Chew was the worst. Okay. Well, so Evan, for telling me that, that's amazing. Yeah, so I'm gonna tell this on Twitter. So thanks, guy who told this on Twitter. Oh, she's looking familiar now. Yep.
Starting point is 00:25:37 There it is. All right, Evan, thanks. Oh, okay, so Devon is like, well, I hope that Ebony warned you. I'm a real straight shooter, Sonya. She's, you know what? I love straight shooters, you know? I mean, especially if they wear condoms, because let's be honest, I really don't want to clean the sheet every night.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I mean, what's the point if you're just going to aim at that way, right? So then, Sonya orders coffee with little neck clams. She says, that goes great with clams, right? I'm eclectic. Okay, put them in the profile. Must like clams and coffee, okay? Together. So, this is what I'm into.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Okay, I do philanthropy. You know, I do cause that are very close to my heart. Animals, all animals, whatever animal it is. Children, sort of the same thing as animals. Am I right, everyone? LGBT and artists, whatever the art is, I support them with philanthropy, just the vulnerable, all vulnerable things. That's what I'm into. Magnets, I love not just magnet
Starting point is 00:26:34 schools, but actual refrigerator magnets. We need more of those. I'm really into those. Oh, and I'm learning recently more about the Black movement, and I also raised money. I'm on the board, actually black movement. And I also raised money. I'm on the board, actually, of our Anne-Morkins Museum, which is great. I'm not at first to Italians. I married American. Oh, God, we were such loners.
Starting point is 00:26:53 We were on a private island. Those things, you know, I don't need a private island anymore. I don't need a private island, but what I do need is to raise some money for that private museum outside of Paris, because that is truly the most philanthropical thing I could do. Sony is a damn lie, okay? Just be honest, don't lie.
Starting point is 00:27:11 That's like, you know, you don't put a really thin picture on a dating profile because then they show up and you have to see that look of like, oh, fuck this on their face. Like, nothing can prepare, we've all been there. I mean, I've been there many times and probably will be again. Anyway, the point is don't lie on those things, Sonya, here's what you need to put. I do nothing. I drink a lot, mix my booze with my pills and I travel from rehab to rehab getting more lip injections because I get caught off in one state and move to another.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Okay. That's what you're doing. I have Instagram. Don't don't don't make this something. It's not man because you're going to find the perfect man. He's like, that sounds amazing. Now, will he be gay? Probably. Well, I said I was into philanthropy. And you know, I've I've tried to reach him, but you know, Phil Anthropy is just very difficult to get to reach. So I'm trying to move on to someone else. Well, I mean to Phil, who's an American guy and I'm into
Starting point is 00:28:03 I mean to fill who's an American guy and I'm into 3p as well who's an Italian so you know philanthropy I'm gonna have to be called about those are my references So Ebony is like listen She tells Devin like don't get don't like make sure he has money. She's like Sonya married the bank Okay, where do you go from there a broke one one, I don't think so. She literally married the bank. So, Sonya's basically like, she likes her time at home. She wants no age parameters.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And Devin's like, I have a guy in mind who has a home in France. Okay, well actually, it's more like he was on real world Paris. I don't know if that's the same thing, but his name is CT and he's really passionate about fist fights. Are you into it? I don't know if that's the same thing, but his name is CT and he's really passionate about fist fights. Are you into it?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Um, he's fun. He's easy going. He's a good dad. His daughter works for his firm. No, no, this is not the one because you know she's going to insist on a prenup because she knows what Sony's after, okay? A daughter who works for your firm is not gonna let Sony anywhere near that money. So next, there, I just saved you some time.
Starting point is 00:29:09 And Sony is like, yeah, Devon asks her about like her thoughts on getting marriage. She's like, you know, I'm like ready right now, but like, you know, I don't believe in waiting forever because I'm, how do you say that, Epony? An ass on a woman. What, how is it? Growing growing asses with grown ass
Starting point is 00:29:28 woman, I'm not one of those And one of those So now all the ladies are getting ready for the trip and they're out there the packing the famous packing segment Let's go to Luann's house who's just, you know, emotionally abusing Molly her poor assistant So well Molly or whatever your name is we're going to a haunted house So I need a good stop hole. Don't put hats on the bed. It's bad luck that you not know that Eat this meat eat this meat. All right, you're out of ketosis We all know that Mcbeth put a hat on the bed before he lost everything. So don't put it on the bed. It's bad luck before showtime.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Then Ramona talking to herself. You know, these Ramona talking to herself seems really are sad, but also amazing, because you know that she really is like this. So, no, what the thing? I don't know. I'm going to be a cat. I I'm gonna be a cat. You know what I need chicken hungry Coco's just sitting there like thank God now I can die in peace while she's in Salem No, I'm gonna learn a spell and keep you from dying, okay magic powers I'm gonna come back with an amethyst rewards its's it's charges especially for you cocoa. You can live at 30 boy. Yeah So then Leo's packing the most boring packer of all them and she's face-time-ing Ebony and Sonia I mean like packing is inherently boring to watch on these shows
Starting point is 00:30:57 But she hurts just even more boring and so she face times Ebony and Sonia who are coming back from Philly and She's like well you guys better start packing because we leave tomorrow. I'm like, no, Leah, they're just going to like show up without any clothes. Of course, they're going to pack. She's like, well, that's going to be a stance. And, you know, I feel like let's do something different. Let's get spiritual. Let's manifest.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You can't be late. It's a fucking ghost. Where are they going to go? Yeah. You know, what are they going to be less dead if you're late? Yeah. So then we go to the tour bus and Lea tells us it's like this massive rock tour bus thing. Yeah. And Lea is like, well, this is my first trip hosting. I'm like, these women are not easy to please. I mean, I'm going to do a rock star style.
Starting point is 00:31:43 They're actually very easy to please in certain ways like you just put out some booze even the sober ones I'll be happy about that like well. I can't drink but I like being in the presence of it. So thank you. Thank you very much So they all come on and they're like oh my god. It's cool like they're all loving it and the way I'm saying oh It's a tour but oh it's this is so I just love this Reminds me of the time I played a sold out crowd and Paramus, New Jersey, right under Jennifer Aiden's mega mansion. Wow, God, I'm this touring.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So all the ladies start arriving. And so I'm just like, wow, this is so you, Luke, what are we gonna be, rowdy girls? What do you call them? Creepy, that's right. And Ebony comes and I don't know, this is one of those housewife scenes where it's just, hi, hi, hi, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:32:33 you're wearing clothes today. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. This is a let's make content. It's coronavirus times. I mean, you couldn't, could only shoot for three weeks. So let's try to make content out of every single thing. So Ramona is like, whoa, nice or V, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:47 This is a crazy bus. Reminds me of those trains where you can sleep on because it's actually beds, you know, beds you can sleep in. When it's funny because beds remind me of sleeping and sleeping reminds me of dreaming, dreaming reminds me of nightmares, nightmares remind me of waking up and making up reminds me of Mario.
Starting point is 00:33:02 When I wake up next to Mario, but then he cheered on me and I was like, whoa, this cheater, he's like a nightmare. And then the cycle begins over and over again. This is a nightmare, I'm waking up. Oh my god, I just miss Avery right now. Okay, sorry, sorry. I want chicken. No, it's like she just goes,
Starting point is 00:33:17 she's just going to, yeah, she's back off the hunting chicken. Oh, and I love that Ramona is so amazing. It has beds that you can sleep in, you know, beds that you can sleep in. As opposed to those beds that have spikes in them, a killing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:32 So then, Lou Ann. And Sonia, Lou Ann's asking Sonia about the matchmaker. And Sonia's like, well, you know, she has one guy in mind. She has one guy in mind. She's going to do a search, you know. She's got her work cut out for me. I mean, you know, me, the LGBT, the people who push those grocery carts so far,
Starting point is 00:33:50 but then the little wheels stop because they've gone past their parameter. You're not really about helping vulnerable people. Sometimes on a Saturday morning, I just go out to a supermarket and I help lift those carts right over that bump. So they can just go on their way and I think of all the things I do.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Oh, wait, I got a text from Devon. She says there's a man named Jonathan Bananas. Oh, I like the sound of that. So they talk about that a little bit. And then, so you're just like, hey, you know what, Lou, I need you to get me one of those. I wrote gummy raptors. So it took me to auto correct vibrators.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I'm right. I need a gummy raptor to masturbate. I mean, if anyone's going to pull that off, it's going to be so nature finds a way. So, um, uh, yeah, she's like, you know, I had one of those stupid ones. Remember the one that was in the chicken? Oh, he's a flashback to the chicken last year.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So now they're just all shopping for vibrators on the bus and they just keep cutting to the bus driver who's like, this dude, who we don't know how much he's taking into this conversation behind him. But they're just driving along and Vershon's like, you know, we're on the same page. The way I like a vibrator. So do you the same page. Luan likes a vibrator. I'm Sony likes a vibrator.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I like a vibrator. So we already click. Yeah. And so then they start talking about Vershon. She talks about how they, her Luan and Sonia all have divorce and common. And Luan's like, oh, well, who do you marry? She's like, a baker. And Luan just gets a look on her face like, hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Sad. How sad for you? How sad? Did a title come with that? What canal did he own? So then Persona told us again about how she got cancer. Like two weeks before her wedding, I was given three months to live, and then she's like, and that she got down her knees and prayed to God that if he kept her around, she was gonna be a warrior for every single person on this earth. And now she's 13 years cancer free, which is great.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And then Leah tells everyone that tonight's dinner, there's gonna be fortune tellers and tattoo artists, and it's gonna be like dinner at Tattoo Shop, which is now like over two in like sucky Leah events, like Burning Man and now this. I'm like, let's can we just keep Leah away from planning events. There's just all sounds incredibly lame and like teenage try hard, right? Leah just always wants to wear a skin-tight outfit, no matter where she is. She just wants to look skin tight outfit. No matter where she is. She just wants to look out on TV, no matter where she is.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Which I get. I feel like the next event is going to be like, so guys, tonight, we're going to go see Sonic Youth and wear Carpenter Dreams. Who is in? So she's telling us about this late text and other party at the touch shop. It's going to be Fortune Tellers,ers to tattoo artists and they're like, oh, is it temporary? It's just a perm on that.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You might notice my double sees that I don't regret at all. Did you notice that tattoo on her wrist? I did notice it. She's not the Chanel Seas. Yeah, everybody goes, you know what? I'm not sure who's gonna get a tattoo and who isn't, but Leah for sure is getting one. I mean, she loves tattoos because she's a trashy bitch, okay? But I don't want it to face my body, okay? I don't
Starting point is 00:37:10 deface, I reface, okay? That's a big difference. I guess it is a difference because I was gonna say, girl, you've got enough plastic to clog an ocean. We're talking about you don't want to deface your body. But I like that. The face of my body by the ocean. Okay. But the deep face. I like the brief face. I'm not the deep face of guy. So now they're at now they're in Salem, which gives them the opportunity to declare about six times. Salem bitch trials, which was very Jennifer Aiden to me. I feel like that's something Jennifer Aiden, which is like yellow over and over and over again. So they get to the hotel and they is like,
Starting point is 00:37:49 oh my God, I love this hotel. It's like a little spooky, but this place is beautiful. I mean, while it's just like this rustic yellow, like yellow walled hotel, that's like a perfectly nice, you know, upper end hotel. I mean, there's literally nothing here that's spooky. I don't see a cobweb. I see full lighting. I see like
Starting point is 00:38:06 Lovely normal people just standing waiting to take your bags. I think there's like flowers. There's a table Try a modern-day motel six Where were we when I Spending a lot of money. I'm staying at the motel six. You can say to fancy hotel if you want you were staying at like the Mary up Do you remember? No, I thought you were talking about it at South by Southwest. Oh, no, that was terrible.
Starting point is 00:38:29 No, we were at one where we did some show where you're like, I'm staying at a Marriott. And I was like, oh, okay. Oh, I know it was Phoenix where I just stayed at like the Hilton or something downtown. And then you were like, that's great. And you stayed at like some motel six by the airport, like miles away.
Starting point is 00:38:46 That scary is my point. That scary. No, scary is when we went to South by Southwest and we were booked in an connollyge in downtown Austin. And the entire place smelled like hardcore mold and there was blood stains on the duvet. That was, and we were like, and fluorescent. There was blood, yeah. Yeah, and there was like stains on the towels and there was blood stains on the duvet. That was, and we were like, and flour. There was blood, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, flour, and there was like stains on the towels, and there was like flour and lighting, and we're like, we have to be here for four days. And then so then we, then we upgrade, quote unquote, upgraded to some random ass hotel outside of town. That was normally would be considered a dump, but like compared to the connollyage,
Starting point is 00:39:21 we're like, ah, luxury. Yeah. So also the employees here, I guess everyone in Salem is like spooky at all times because that's their thing, you know, but they like really, you can't tell if they're really this spooky or like, do you guys just gather there? Like what's the deal? Cause every, every single person there is a little too much, you know, and it doesn't help that they all have to wear masks because they're all wearing like black faces of death masks.
Starting point is 00:39:48 You know, like the purge. I just felt like they look like people who worked in a bank. And I just felt like there was nothing spooky about them. It was just like, it looked like a bunch of bank tellers and then went to the hotel and was like, who wants to pretend to be the motel manager? Okay, I'll do it. So we have Claire.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So Claire, who sort of sounds like Adelaide from Guys and Dolls of Adelaide had like a master's at accent. She's like, she's like, welcome to historic Hawthorne Hotel. I got some champagne here for you, ladies. My name is Claire Caloula, and I'm the general manager of the historic Hawthorne Hotel built in 1925 and it was named after Nathaniel Hothon. He was the author of the House of Seven Gables and the Scarlet Lada. You know what the Wist trial happened here. 20 people were killed, 19 of a Hoth and one was pressed to death. And just let's just all take a moment and notice how fine Ramona is right now
Starting point is 00:40:48 with being educated. Okay, just taking a moment. That's a good point. Just take a moment. Take a moment. Ramona's loving it. I guess the difference is that like the context is like entering a, well, I feel like the context is.
Starting point is 00:41:02 It's a joke. No, but I'm. You mean, but you are right though. You are right. I mean, like, you know, they are just get it. They're sitting there getting a lecture and there's no complaining. So and it's an actual lecture.
Starting point is 00:41:17 So then so they talk about this. But it's a lecture by Claire Caffal. It's a lot of them. Custulu. Claire C them custoloo Claire cumber last name is to Lala high clear to Lala I was clear of all Joe manager I feel like that's just the name you make up you know what's your name Ronnie
Starting point is 00:41:37 what's your last name uh to Lala to Lala Yeah that's why I don't think Claire works there I think Claire the little key in from the nearby friendlies restaurant. She just like closed it down for the last time and then it was like, fuck this, I'm going to pretend to be the general manager. I'm
Starting point is 00:41:54 Claire, Klaala. And this they they pressed a witch to death. They put her in a vice and killed her. She's so they're like, oh my god, all those people were killed here. And she's like, no, no, not here in the hotel just to say them. It's like, okay, you need to separate that from the normal spirit. Yeah, because she was like, because she literally said, hi, I'm Claire Calala. I'm the general manager of this hotel. So the way I say I'molz were held here. And she like points down or something. She's like, they were held here in this ballroom. Back, of course, when the ballroom was across town in a different place.
Starting point is 00:42:36 So they, you know, they look around the hotel, they get the tour. And then they see a spooky pick whose eyeballs move. And, uh, pressions like like this hotel's okay right because in the horror movies the black person always gets killed first. So then Claire gets a safety assert here. So then Claire Kornawa then says so we have June here who's also a priestess and she's gonna give a blessing okay okay? And so then we see June and the Kairan says, June, catering manager slash which. Get a manager slash which. Although I'm sure Ronnie, when you were a cater waiter,
Starting point is 00:43:16 I'm sure you work for many people that you suspected or which is. There's a lot of freaky people with a lot of money. I'll say that for sure. So then she does a blessed June. It's like, okay, I'm gonna do the prayer. All right, so blessing. May the powers of the dark crowd fly with us. May the whisper of the angel be in us.
Starting point is 00:43:40 May the hall of the could be upon us. May someone not get pressed to death today because that shit was depressing and that just happened like a week ago. I didn't even mind guys. I didn't even mind. May the Pearson family always be safe. Sorry, I just I love this is us. And
Starting point is 00:43:58 sometimes I like to extend the prayer to them. It's a great show. May the spirit of the crow like the sternos. That one rhymed. That one rhymed. May the May the May the spirit of the seagull fly to the the buffet. Because we're trying to really push that. We got a great
Starting point is 00:44:21 spirit of your song. Give me some twogs. Give me some taigs. Give me some twigs. What am I supposed to eat to sell it with my hands? May this, may the spirit, may the spirit of the chicken help our actually chicken. We're serving some chickens. So they go look at their bedrooms and Ramona starts screaming through her mask about loving her bed. I'm on my way.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I'm literally out sounds. And she's like, these people know her because they've already come in and hung up all of her clothes. I mean, those are witches. Wow. Can't believe they treated my clothes like the witches they're hanged. So then she's like, Ramona is like so what time is breakfast and Claire's Claire goes Ramona Ramona, whatever you want, whatever you want breakfast you got, sister. So then Ramona of course and goes oh and can I, what a room
Starting point is 00:45:24 service that an extra charge? Room is in court included right the first Ninety free right come on sister. Let's let's let's not take advantage of sister. We got some spooky powers. Okay, so be careful So we're gonna get some us haunted room, but it's a positive kind of hot All right like me. You know, there's gonna be a tug on the foot or something like that. Everyone is like, you know, what? That's gonna be so yeah. Tug some like foot, guy. What an annoying ghost.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Like literally, like not scary just annoying, like just gonna tug on your foot. Is it like a toddler ghost? I mean, that's just annoying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Ghosts need to do better, you know? Yeah, I mean, yeah. Learn how to open a door before you fuck with my feet. That's all I'm saying. Ghost need to do better, you know? Yeah, I mean, yeah. Learn how to open a door before you fuck with my feet.
Starting point is 00:46:07 That's all I can say about ghost. She's stupid. She can't even open a door. Yeah, there was a show on NBC, like in 1989, with Eric Eidl and he was a good ghost. And he lived in this house. It was like a sitcom family, but there was a ghost that lived there too. But this is unrelated to the college, which is a sitcom that she was in with almost the same premise. And I
Starting point is 00:46:26 remember like the ghosts could only be seen by the kid or something. And at one point, like the there were robbers that came through. And there was some sort of like telephone booth. And so then Eric Eidl trapped the robber in the telephone booth and then breathed on it to make condensation and then drew a smiley face in the condensation And the robber was freaked out and I literally thought that was the funniest thing I had ever seen I was like, oh my god a ghost is drawing a smiley face in his breath fog and I like stuck with me to this day Now that's a ghost. That's what a ghost should be doing stupid shit like that. Strong smiley faces in its own breath fog That's great shit.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Yeah, I've never been into ghosts. I mean, Casper, the friendly ghost. Who cares? Just go away. I already got a cat. Well, Casper is so neat. What's talking about a, talk about a child, talk about a ghost child that was, you know, coddled, right?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Like, okay, we get it. We get it. Casper. Yeah, let go of the blanket already, Casper. I know. Okay. So, I'm a news report, Casper. Congratulations. Lewand's in her room, Saging.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'm saying, well, I'm Saging this room. Maybe it'll bring a good ghost. Maybe I'll get lucky during the night or a cool porter will write me a ditty. And all the days, a glimpses talking. We'll look on it. Something's on it. You just see a sock flying to her face.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And mouth shut her up. Bruce Willis is outside trying to get a new bird. Dead Bruce Willis, of course, makes more sense if I explain that part. So then, so then Sonya is packing in her own room because she's not staying in a room with Ramona, but she's shocking. And then we just see a shot of Lewand hair like doing her hair.
Starting point is 00:48:06 She's got hair spray and she does it in the most Lewand way possible, which is you know, she got her head forward and her hair is down. She's like, like, spread, spread, spread, scabbery, spritzing, spritzing, and flip. Oh, that is a star. So Sonya and Lear waiting for everybody into the lobby. And so Lear comes down in her like outfit or sexy outfit.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And so he's like, well, that was an outfit looking for a party. I had something sticky like you. I couldn't get my foot in it, but look at you. I mean, I did do the days, but look at you. Look at your butt. Look at every part of you. Oh my god, girls, look at her butt. Look at her boobs. Look at her wrist. Your wrist aren't covered, but it's still really like your wrist. I'm with the LGBT people who push shopping carts
Starting point is 00:48:52 with wheels stuck and other people who run out of a clean-axe right when they get on the plane. I mean, I've never felt so sorry for someone. Sometimes I get on the plane and if I'm meeting some peanut M&MsMs I offer to the other people in the row. That's just sort of philanthropist I am. So Lia looks by the way, like a trash bag. She literally looks like Michelle Fiverr in Catwoman. But if she Michelle Fiverr had like no skills, like if Serena Lyle or whatever Kyle would ever fell off that building and then crawl back to her apartment, I was like, I'm maybe
Starting point is 00:49:22 coming Catwoman, but then we had no idea what she was doing and just made like a big mess of her apartment. I was like, I may be compin' Catwoman, but then I really had no idea what she was doing and just made like a big mess of her leather. She just tore apart her entire wardrobe for no good reason. That's what Leah looks like. It's almost like the unconventional materials challenge on Project Runway, you know, like we used to make things and you think, that's cool,
Starting point is 00:49:38 but of course, no one would ever wear that. It's like, except for Leah right here. Yeah. So everybody's coming down. And Sonia's like, wow, look at Ebony. She's the how he bury cat woman. I like that she specifies. Yeah. Like, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:49:55 What you talking about? Well, there was a different, hey, at least it wasn't the Anne Hathaway cat woman, am I right? So then, so then you know, that was the, that was back in the day where I was like, you know, that was the, that was back in the day where I was like, you know, and a half way really gets a bad rap.
Starting point is 00:50:08 I don't know when, when that changed and I decided that, and you know, when it changed when I saw an interview and I was like, oh, shut up. And she's one of those very like, well, you know, it really came from inside of me in that role. Like, oh, be quiet.
Starting point is 00:50:22 So I'm talking about the princess diaries that way. So then, so then Ebony is like dancing, you know, and then she starts to kind of twerk up against the column and somebody's like, oh, you can tweak, you can tweak. So then Sonia is obviously like wasted, like she's obviously started her pills or something because she does that thing where she starts straddling Ramon and sex dancing. So know Sony is gonna already be in a place tonight right
Starting point is 00:50:49 so they get back on the bus and head over and they start talking about tattoos and of course Lee is gonna get one and no one else will do and my oh my oh my I was thinking I'm just getting an entire sleeve except on my hand and just make it look like a big microphone because honestly, that's what I'm all about. And then Ebony, Ebony's thinking about it also. But Luanne's just kind of surprised by this whole thing. She's like, are we actually having dinner inside a tattoo salon? So they serve dinner in the tattoo salon? Am I hearing this correctly?
Starting point is 00:51:23 I just want to be prepared for this Sure to be shitty shitty evening. Good dragging me to thank you Oh, so the place is called the black veil and there's a neon sign that says All that's basically Lisa van der Pau if Lisa Vanderpump design they on dimension It's a black version of Lisa Vanderpump house Yes, so they get there and there's like a fortune teller on still and like giving out fortunes and I was like wow He's got some big hands. Oh Wonder Garth could you put your hand up onto the space time screen? and I was like, wow, he's got some big hands. Oh, I wonder.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Garth, could you put your hand up onto the space time screen? I just want to do some comparisons. Now let me ask you something, Mr. Stiltman. What are your thoughts on Lamb Curry? Lamb, lamb, lamb, lamb, curry. Can you hear me up there? These ladies are so horny.
Starting point is 00:52:21 It's hilarious. Because a fortune teller, like you said, he's on Stiltz, but he has like 80s rock curly hair and then he's wearing white contacts. So it's just white eyes and they're kind of cross to it, Louie. And he's like, Oh, it would lovely hands.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I mean, raw. And there's these two, there's a set of twins. And they're like trying to be as creepy as possible. They're wearing those like omnis hats, you know, those wide-rumed Kyle Richards, a couple of episodes hats. And they're just like, giving evil stairs and so on. And you're like, oh, hi, your twins. What are you guys doing?
Starting point is 00:52:55 Like, yeah, as she's like, they're like, well, we're trying to scare you, but I didn't work. I'm not scared. I'm intrigued. Like, all. She says they look cute. I'm like,. I'm intrigued. It's like cool. She says they look cute. I'm like they do. They look like they literally would have been at blockbuster if blockbuster had been open.
Starting point is 00:53:12 They've just been working there. Then they get a chiron underneath it that says Ryan and Matthew, semi-scary twins. So now it is very, very scary spooky place called the black veil sit down because it's so scary and would you care for a lobster mini roll here you go. I'm like oh what a terrifying meal they're having. Well it was terrifying for the lobster. Tell you that much. So, Lewand's like, so, Sonya, tell us about Philly. And she's like, well, Ebony was very chill for whoever is interested. Ebony was very calm. There was nothing of the current conversation of the movement with Ebony.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Ebony was calm, everyone. No lecturing from Ebony, everyone. Like, Sonya, that kind of did Ebony dirty because it kind of really put that right on the spot. You know, I was reading comments online today of everybody like, I am so Ebony, blah, blah, blah. You know, the comments, anybody who reads Bravo blogs reads
Starting point is 00:54:18 and just like rolling my eyes. And I was like, is nobody gonna point out that fucking Sonya started this whole thing? Yeah. Sonya did this whole thing? Yeah. Sonya did this. This is Sonya's fault. Yeah, Ebony said that she, well, Ebony said that she wants to kind of address
Starting point is 00:54:31 and be like, listen ladies, like the reason why I've been talking about this stuff so much is because this is who I am, and I kind of want to just like establish that, and then, you know, then- But now we can move on, right? Right, but she didn't really get to do it in her own way. So, Sonya just kind of drops it in there.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And so Evan is like, but we, we, we talked, girl talk. We talk, whoa, I love girl talk. Okay. What is I like to call it? Me and Avery talk. What is I like to also call it? Me and my sister talk, because Avery is basically my sister, okay.
Starting point is 00:55:00 So yeah, so she's like girl talking. So it's like, oh, don't think about the movement. And Michelle, I'm like, where is that coming from? What's happening? What's happening? Yeah, it's like, what is Sonya going on about? She's like, well, when she came on, you know, she said, when she came on, she wanted to talk about her goals of Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And brashan's like, okay, so what's wrong with that? She's like, nothing, it's just that it got very heavy. Warning to the girls, Warning to the good guy. Very heavy. Right. Some people thought it was heavy. So Ebony is like, well, what I'm basically, Ebony says, I'm getting the sense that they're taking this narrative that I'm really preachy and they're taking
Starting point is 00:55:35 it way too far. So suddenly it goes, well, as Luan pointed out, hearing so much about races, just like, oh, it's just post-traumatic stress in them with the COVID. I mean, Luan can't stand here about anymore. I mean, she pretends like, oh my God, happening this, happening that. Oh, God, ridiculous, how Luanne. Luanne just like, what the fuck, why are you dragging me into this?
Starting point is 00:55:55 She's stirring the cauldron. And so I'm just like, yeah, you know what? But she just wanted us to know who she is and what she's about. And her life's mission is to make a change. And Bryshan's like, okay, just, and that's uncomfortable for some of the girls. My God. And I've been he's like, well, she's like, well, it's so not all that I am.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Okay, I know how to have a good time. Ha ha, see, right there. And Sonya's spot on. Like, since I'm new to the group, I just wanted to make it clear where I fell on that issue. So there's no confusion. So you know, we can key key. It's up. And then Ramon just goes, let's talk about the ride. Okay, let's talk about the ride. Let's have a let's talk about the ride. She's like, no, no, no, we're not going to shut this down Ramona. Okay. And I'm just going to say this one thing. Okay. Because I want a Kiki, I want a girl talk.
Starting point is 00:56:46 However, we can't get to Kiki if I have an outstanding question in my heart and mind if you are aligned with white supremacy. It's like, and then we get the problem. Uh, the way I was like, I was expecting to hear the word cabaret. We're gonna just like list a ghost tray of plates to carry at a restaurant.
Starting point is 00:57:09 You know, she's like, big one arm. I'm going to get one arm. Louis and space is like, you know, Ebony clarifies, you know, which is a good clarification. I think a lot of people need it. She says white supremacy is not Jim Crow South hanging people by newses. In today's America, you're either anti-racist or you're a racist and that's it. So, of course, Lewand, this is Lewand's take, which is of course Lewand's take. Well, I don't know where you got the idea that we might be aligned with white supremacy.
Starting point is 00:57:42 I mean, that's confusing to me. I mean, we've had our conversations. We got through it because of tolerance and communication and talking and my beautiful singing voice here. Let me give you an example. Martin, buy your class. White supremacy is learned. My friends, see?
Starting point is 00:58:02 We're not born. I mean, we all came to the table and said, and it goes, yeah, it's called communication. And Ramona is going, I just want to hear about the matchmaker. I just want to hear about the matchmaker. Okay. And she goes, I don't know what Ebony's coming from. You know what?
Starting point is 00:58:17 None of us have ever given her any hint of what she's trying to accuse us of. Okay, it's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Ridiculous. And yeah, Hanley Mancus, let me talk about all the shit going on in our lives. to accuse us of, okay, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous, ridiculous. And yeah, Hanleman goes, let me talk about all the shit going on in our lives. So we hear you loud and clear, although you could use some more, you know, projection. I guess that's just something you learn when you're on the stage like, I am hit it boys.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I'm on the stage tonight, because I'm a Cabo Raystar. Okay, ghost man, hit it. No, okay, that's fine. So she goes, we hear you loud and clear and Evan, he's like, well, you do. She goes, I do. I'm gonna go, we off to, she goes, well, Pomona, my dear, you know, I really, really care for you. Sorry, I really, really care for you. But I felt like when I came over on Friday, you didn't want to hear what I had to say, okay? You said you don't want to hear about race, creed, or color.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Everyone was like, you've been preaching about it the last three times. You've seen you, okay? Even she said that, okay? Even Prashan said that. It's like, oh my god. Now she's trying to deflect on a Prashan. Prashan's like, oh, let me speak for myself. And LeWan, which she barely gets to do, by the way. So LeWan says, um,
Starting point is 00:59:27 and, and when Sonia Ruta was with us for launch, she also agreed on the same thing. So, huh, and, huh, over there, two hares. And then we see the clip of Sonia saying, yeah, you know, I'm just wondering when she's going to loosen up and LeWan says, well, Sonia likes to play both sides of the coin. So know that about her, which is so true. You know, Sony is doing that thing where she's like trying to, I think we see it a lot where people are like, I'm not racist, I'm not racist. They're racist.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I'm trying to deflect a make her self look like the least racist by calling everybody else out constantly for being racist. And so she's trying to start this fight with all the ladies or whatever. And Sonia's saying, well, I said the movement was awkward, not Ebony, which we were just shown is not true. So then Leah jumps in and she's like, well, I don't think that it has to do with Ebony talking about racism.
Starting point is 01:00:19 It was more about her personality. Like normally when a new woman comes into this group, you get shit on. I mean, I got shit on by Ramonaona and then we see Ramona like, please, stripper get her out of my party. Okay. Yeah. And we see all these other times when everyone shit on Leah and Leah basically says, Ebony is not letting people shit on her and that's the difference. And she goes, you know, you guys have been friends for 13 years and there's never been a black woman in your group at all. And you don't understand the pressure that is on Ebony. Like every single news outlet is talking about this,
Starting point is 01:00:50 et cetera, and I think Leo's right about that as well. I mean, I think that Ebony is in a truly untenable situation. I don't think that she can, she, I think she is sort of, it's a tough, tough situation because if she doesn't speak out, then it seems like she's not taking advantage of an important because if she doesn't speak out, then it seems like she's not taking a van to have an important opportunity if she does speak up,
Starting point is 01:01:08 then it seems like she's being preachy. It really, I think it's kind of damn, damn if you do, damn if you don't. She is. Yeah, not just because they're in Salem, okay? Which is, so then, Ramos, like, you know what, Ebony, no other press, the press can kill you, okay? Because you know what, nothing could be worse
Starting point is 01:01:24 than opening up page six and finding out about Something that your friend said told you the first place. I can kill you the press can kill you okay Shut the fuck up Ramona shut the fuck up. Lea You have no fucking idea what you're talking about Ramona you live in your bubbles You guys and Sunday's yeah Rami don't get defensive just listen. I'm fucking so yeah over there. And Lea's like you're fucking moron. No I'm not a moron okay.
Starting point is 01:01:54 She's like you know what you're much wrong wrong with the world so shut up. You are what's wrong with the world. No you are you absolutely hard trust me trust me. I'm like maybe you guys both are have a Have a, have a, how about all of the above, maybe? You're both the worst. So then, British Shops like, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. But nobody will let this woman talk, right? So Ramona gets up and like starts dancing off
Starting point is 01:02:15 into the gift shop or whatever. Yeah. And he's like, so you want to remain ignorant? You want to walk away, remain as, no, I'm not ignorant. I just don't like to take in anything that resembles education, okay? So just sit down so you can hear what she says and Abin, because you've come a long way Ramona. I mean you've come so long. Just keep listening and the way I'm like girls can
Starting point is 01:02:35 Bashan have the floor, please? So Bashan says here's the thing. Your intention is to let people learn on their own terms and sometimes delivery can come across a little harsh a little Teachy and you have to understand that with these with these women the intent is great, but the delivery is too much Um, I hear you I hear you I receive you I hear you, which is what pissed off people have learned. Yeah, I hear you on our recipes Yes, I read that of you because therapy, you learn to say that said, go fuck yourself, fucking die in a fire, okay, bitch. Yeah, that's a way of saying, I hear you and I receive you. Now you feel good about that. Okay. Now I'm going to say no. And
Starting point is 01:03:16 so Ebony says, I hear that for white women that might not have had to sit in the uncomfortability of these conversations. I know this might feel exhausting to feel like every day it's something else. Um, and she goes, you know, Ramona, you said something about how we don't always want to hear about your cause. And I was like, no, I didn't say that. I said you're too preachy. I said preaching teaching and it rhymed, okay? So why can't you remember what it said. I went to the effort of making it rhyme, okay? That's how you're supposed to learn things pre-G-T-G, there you're welcome. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:51 If we've been talking about food, I would've added in peachy, okay? That wasn't the right time. So Ebony says, Ebony says, well listen Ramona, it's not a cause, it's my existential right to exist as a free liberated person in this country. It's then Ramona pulls this one where she's, but you live in a great life.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Kay, why you can play me? You're living a great life. Oh my God. Go through all the great. It's like, it just, yes, he has really. And it just gets more and more crammed. So Evanie is like, listen, you know, what Ramona is saying is what a lot of people see with me. You know, it's like, listen, you know, what Ramona is saying is what a lot of people see with me.
Starting point is 01:04:25 You know, it's like, I'm talking about Black Lives Matter and I'm talking about Black subordination of life, but I'm seeing, but they're seeing a first class existence in me. She goes, no, I'm saying, I don't see you suffering, okay? Like you say you suffer. I don't see you suffer. Ramona. It's like next time let's try to explain to Ramona what a headache is. I don't see it. What's this? I'm really sorry. Can't be real.
Starting point is 01:04:50 So then Ebony is like, you know, you know, guess what? Ramona singer who I love and I think we're this close to real sister, I can't get there if I have an authentic outstanding question of not, of you, of like, whether or not, of not you being a clansman, but if you're aligned with white supremacy, and basically it comes down to Donald Trump. This is actually what this is all about, it turns out. It's basically like, is Ramona down with Trump for the worst reasons?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Well, this is where it got really interesting for me. Well, firstly, it says, okay, but you have to understand that these ladies here, the words white supremacy, and that's like the worst thing in the world. So maybe you could explain what you mean because that is, you know, that's like an inflammatory way to say it. And she explains it. But all they're hearing is like, oh, I'm a white supremacist now. Oh, really? You know, so now they're going to love the supreme's, but this is too far. And Lou Ann's like, well, I mean, are you talking about us when you say white supremacy?
Starting point is 01:05:50 And Liga, are you talking about Donald Trump? Like to say it. Is that what we're talking about? And Evan, he's like, no, I don't think that everyone who voted for Trump for racist reasons who voted for Trump did so for racist reasons, but there are some people that did. And Lee is like, okay, well, have you supported Trump because there's footage of you standing up for him, you know, it's all over the internet.
Starting point is 01:06:12 So there's footage saying you stood up for him and saying that your mom might vote for him. And she was, but my mom did vote for him. And Louanne's like, well, you're talking on one side and then here you are supporting Trump. It's like, yeah. What are you even talking about me more? I think that's going crazy. I think that basically Ebony wants to have a conversation with Ramona about Trump and
Starting point is 01:06:36 why she voted for Trump, etc. But since Ramona is unwilling to engage about this, especially on camera, I think it's very frustrating for Ebony, because she basically says, listen, if you vote for Trump, because you'd like what he's doing for the tax code for you and your tax bracket, et cetera, expect some pushback, but I can get that, we can have a conversation about that,
Starting point is 01:06:59 we can have a dialogue, but Ramona's not even giving her anything, and I think that she's very frustrated by that, which is what this is, I turned out, that's what this is all about. And so I'm just like, well, who cares if she voted for Trump? And Lee is like, well, Evanne's talking, she cares. And so I'm just like, yeah, but who cares if she voted for Donald Trump? And Bershon jumps in and she's like, guys, this isn't going anywhere. This is going nowhere.
Starting point is 01:07:22 And Evanne's like, I don't think it's going nowhere. And this is the root of the problem, Bershon and, um, Ebony's Ramona just leaves again, right? Yeah. And then Leah, I just like Leah saying, listen, Ramona can't have these conversations. She barely knows the English language. Oh, yeah, tax code. Okay. Sorry. I got a little lost. Yeah. She's like, if English is her first language, you'd never know. And then so Ramona jumps back in. She's, that's playing
Starting point is 01:07:53 a game. I want to play a game. I want a game. I want a game. I want a game. I want to do that weird dance that she does. And Ebony is like, Ramona, you're making yourself look totally insensitive in this moment. As if Ramona has ever cared about that. I like Ebony trying to appeal to Ramona on that level. It has never worked over 13 years. That's not the best way. You're making yourself look other than you are.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And Lee is like, oh my God, I'm cringing. You know what? Ramona should have just stayed in the gift shop, you know? But like coming here and doing her white lady dance, not helping. And she's like Ramona just sit down so we can get through this. And she's, I'm sick of talking about it. And Evan, he's like, well, I'm still black. And Ramona's like, and I'm still white. So sorry for being white, okay? You want me to apologize? Being white, okay? I'm the daughter of an immigrant cake. One mother cake here, it's nothing, sit. A fascinating and irrelevant, but no.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Like, that's a cool story, Ramona, has absolutely nothing to do with what we're talking about. And then to be continued, to be continued in this. Jesus Christ, okay, this does not have to be like this. This is making me fucking crazy. Why can't it just be, she says it and you say, okay. Like why do you have to be like this. This is making me fucking crazy. Why can't it just be, she says it and you say, okay, like why do you have to freak out that someone is talking? It just makes me crazy. I mean, we've obviously they bring up white fragility. If people don't
Starting point is 01:09:14 know what it is, that's it. It shouldn't make you so fucking uncomfortable for somebody else to talk about race. And she didn't even do it this time. I mean, all she did was say she doesn't want to be aligned with people who are aligned with white supremacy, which just means she doesn't want to hang out with racist. That's all she was saying for Christ's sake, but to have a fit and not be able to even discuss it, it's a fucking problem. It's not going to kill you to be uncomfortable for five fucking minutes. My God. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:43 And then, you know, and LeWanne is saying, like, well, these accusations, I didn't hear an accusation. She mentioned the term, doesn't mean it was an accusation, but they all project that. They all automatically, I think they're just like hyper, hyper scared of being canceled. They are sensing that what Ebony is saying, she's gonna turn it on them. They're really paranoid about that.
Starting point is 01:10:05 And so they're acting crazy. And it's, I mean, in some ways, if you look at it from like a far away view, it's kind of hilarious watching how, how scared they all get every single time. Like, oh, what's the premises? You know, it's actually funny from like a, from a far lens, but it's also kind of sad that it can't,
Starting point is 01:10:23 like it really should be, like you said, it shouldn't have to turn it into this whole production, but it's also kind of sad that it really should be, like you said, it shouldn't have to turn it at this whole production, but it's really Ramona who made it the production, because even though Luana was like, it was what, it sort of ended there with her. And Luana was giving looks, and she ended up getting up and walking away too. So Luana just acts like such an asshole at all times that you only focus on Ramona, but it is also Sonya. You know, Sonya gets a huge investment audience from for being so, and you know,
Starting point is 01:10:49 we love Sonya. Sonya has actually I do think that Sonya has been a good ally. I do think so. And so she could be a good ally and and also make her friends look like bad allies. That's totally acceptable. Well, it can exist. Yeah, but it's she's getting off a lot, but she's doing I think she's doing that like I mean, I already said it in this recap. I think she's getting really like oh my god, they're more racist than me. It's
Starting point is 01:11:10 like every chance she gets she's trying to like prove how not racist she is, which is kind of a different kind of it's a different kind of condescending, you know, that gets a little I mean I'm cringing it all three of the regulars at this point basically. But you know, I said a little, I mean, I'm crunching it all three of the regulars at this point, basically. But you know, I agree that Sonia has on them for the most part been pretty good, but I'm getting a little bit like, okay, like, let's stop. First of all, stop trying to get Ebony to come for Ramona for being a racist. It's not because I care about Ramona, but like, stop putting Ebony in that position, you know, it's like running to the teacher and tattletail, the teacher, you know, and tattletailing, you know, to get somebody else in trouble. It's like, ooh, now Ramona's
Starting point is 01:11:48 going to get told, like, Jesus Christ, you know, if she sees that Instagram and she thinks Ramona is using her in that way and she brings it up to Ramona, that's one thing, but like, it just creeps me out. Yeah, man. I think that was not Sonya's self out of trouble. That's what that's the vibe I'm getting from Sonya. I haven't thought about it that way, but I mean, keep my eye open to it. But I do think that it was not Sonya's place
Starting point is 01:12:12 to talk about like, oh, Ebony was so chill. She didn't talk about Black Lives Matter at all. I thought that was a weird note to hit. And I thought like considering that Ebony was in this mindset of like, okay, I kind of want to like fix the vibe between me and these women right now because they think I'm too teaching breachy. I don't think it was up. Sonia, I think maybe thought she was making, creating an opening for Ebony, but Ebony
Starting point is 01:12:39 could have done that on her own and probably in a way that would have been a lot smoother. That wouldn't have caused all this craziness. But that being said, once it was, once we did get to that place, if Ramona had just sat there and listened, it would have been an open and close conversation because even though Luana was making faces, she was still engaging in the conversation. She wasn't scared from it. She was saying, like, but why? And then Epony was explaining and Luana was like hearing. But Ramona being like, let's play a game. She then made it more of like a preachy moment instead of just a bunch of.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Ramona makes it worse every single time. It's like last week when Ebony came to her house and she started freaking out about politics. Like I don't want to talk about politics. And it gets up and leaves the room. And like she just gets so fidgety. Like Jesus Christ, you're not gonna like start on fire if you talk about it. Also have like some, if you're not gonna start on fire if you talk about it.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Also have some, if you're so scared about your politics, you know, like have some faith, not faith, but like stand, stand by your decision on who you voted for at the very least. Like if you can't stand by your decision, if you're afraid to announce your decision in public, then maybe it wasn't a good decision in the first place. No, she just makes it such a big deal that it becomes a big huge deal. Just say, I don't talk about it, that's it. And if she keeps saying, well,
Starting point is 01:13:51 as we said last week, she didn't say anything about who you vote for. She said, don't you think it's my set of woman is in the white house? Say, you know, you're the one making it this big fucking deal. And then you go on the internet the next day and see everybody freaking out. And it's like they're freaking out on Ebony, but Sonya starting it and Ramona is acting like that. Like they're the ones doing it. No one's making Ramona act like that. That is all on Ramona. And that's what you're embarrassing. No, it should have been just like a an interesting discussion. And it turned into it turns into Ebony being forced into being a teacher in that moment
Starting point is 01:14:27 because A, Sonya brought it up and also because since Ramona is being so belligerent, the Ebony has to be like, no, this is what I'm trying to say. And then she enters, she asks, she's forced as anyone would be forced into a teacher role because someone's not listening as supposed to just having a conversation. And the things that Ramona is saying and response are just like you said, the greatest hits and they're the reason these discussions need to be had. Look, if you're one of the people who doesn't need the discussion, great. Good for you.
Starting point is 01:14:55 You know, I've needed it in the past and Ramona definitely does because when you start when a conversation comes light up like this and you find yourself screaming, oh, sorry for being white. Should I apologize for being white? Yeah, that's not the one. You know, someone in my family is an immigrant. You know, like, really, I mean, if you find yourself saying shit like that, then yeah, you probably do need to listen, you know, if you see a lesson and it's annoying, take it any way, you fucking need it. Okay. Jesus Ramona.
Starting point is 01:15:23 you fucking need it. Okay. Jesus Ramona. He's feeling she's not taking too many more lessons in her life. Less it's about interior design and even that I mean, me even, okay. So on that cheery note, another, you know, for as much as people are saying the season's kind of dull for New York, which I don't feel that way, but as much as people are saying it, people certainly are talking about it. Wow. It's a lot of. And it's still like, I'm still laughing out loud in every episode. Yeah. I mean, this whole conversation at the end, I was cringing that I was laughing my ass off. Yeah. Of course, this is remote. Of course, this is what Ramona is doing, you know, and then Sonya sitting over there like, they were complaining that you were preachy.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Yes, I'm like, I'm like, it's like a sitcom, you know? It's like, okay, now make the real Housewives of New York talk about race and just see how they react. And they react to the future. It's going to be a classic season. Yeah, that's what I was thinking about, too. I'm we're going to look back in this,
Starting point is 01:16:22 be like, oh my god, remember when they went to Salem and they talked about race. I'd be like, oh God, remember that scene. Anyway, thank you all for listening. For being part of this, we'd love to hear your thoughts about this. Come, leave a comment on our Instagram, but also since it is, these are our sort of touchy comments, please also be respectful when you're leaving your comment because we don't need people wild and out about stuff
Starting point is 01:16:49 on our Instagram, okay? So still write your comments as if you were talking to people in real life. And that's that tomorrow we are back with some real housewives of Beverly Hills, which should be fun and exciting. And so until then, thanks all for listening and for watching,
Starting point is 01:17:05 and we'll catch you on the next one. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Saboni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila.
Starting point is 01:17:21 She's a Daniela. Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-os. All the Nagila Webber! Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:36 She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Let's give a Kissarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the bug. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan Latas. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 01:17:52 Better than tabooly. It's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser. It's Allison Weisler. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. We will, we will Joanna
Starting point is 01:18:10 Rocklandu. My favorite Murto. Karen McMurto. Kristin the piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Mina Kuchikuchi! Kuchikuchi! Give him hell, Miss Noel. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's get racing with Miss Daisy.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Kuchar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft andins Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music App today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at

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