Watch What Crappens - RHONY: Seafood Tower of Terror

Episode Date: July 7, 2020

This episode also avail as video on Crappens On Demand Dorinda drunkenly tells someone off for the ninetieth time this season, this time at Lu's Halloween party. T...hen, we catch up with Married to Medicine LA on their Palm Springs trip. For this week's premium bonus and our video recaps, become a member over at **New merch! We designed lots of new face masks for Bravo lovers available at A portion of sales go to MedShare! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off, voice only. Launching during pride, Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, but these long lines are around me. Kids, what happens, what happens, so much that happens. Well, hello, and welcome to Watch What Crapins. So, podcasting about all that crap. We just love to talk about on the old braves.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I'm Ronnie, that's been over there. Hi, Bing. Hi. How you doing? Good. I was here long week. Oh, it was so good. It was so relaxing. I cooked a lot of food. I watched TV. I played a
Starting point is 00:01:09 lot of Animal Crossing, played my virtual board games. It was really just everything I could have wanted. I looked at my Subaru as it sat dead in the garage. And I thought, someday Subaru I'll resuscitate you. But for right now, you stay dead and I'm going to eat food. Yeah, I watched Hamilton. So that was good. I did that. I felt very patriotic until I watched it and then I was like, I don't know if this is very factually.
Starting point is 00:01:33 I definitely searched slave owners and founding fathers. Let's just put it that way after. I was like, well, this is a lot of watch. A lot of discussion about that this weekend. I'll tell you that much. I didn't see that. I just saw, okay? I'm not the brightest of all on the tree. So I really went in and like I know a lot about history now because I was like wait a second. Everything you know about America comes from Lynn Menwell Miranda. Oh god. You know it all now.
Starting point is 00:02:11 You know it all. Oh, looks under Hamilton. So I watched that. And as I was watching my neighbors were shooting off fireworks. So it was kind of awesome. I was watching that and then watching the fireworks. I had a very murky, murky day. That's a very murkah day. The fireworks started here about a month ago in LA and they have not stopped and on July 4th was truly like the
Starting point is 00:02:37 orgasmic climax because it was it started at around like five, thirty or six when it was still light out. By way fireworks are going off at like two PM here like it doesn't even make sense like why are you you paid money for that firework? Why are you setting it off in daylight fireworks are going off and then it was like the entire evening Was just a constant rumble like it wasn't like a boom boom But what's like that's like where there's a lead step pause I was like But it wasn't like that's like where there's a leaky pause I was like boom boom boom like it was I felt like a war zone and you know I've been living in LA now for coming up on 19 years and you know and you know LA has a very vibrant illegal fireworks scene
Starting point is 00:03:23 as in like they go awful there's like the goes nuts, but this was on a different level this year. It was insane. And there were like, at 2 a.m., there's like, I swear they're going off over my head. And I'm like, I'm like, oh my god. And it just, it makes you so uneasy because like, when there is a proper fireworks, when I say proper, I should really say a, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:47 like an organized legal permitted thing, whatever. It usually has a start time around like nine o'clock and they start, it's like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and then it's done. And you're like, oh, that was fun. But when it's just like random fireworks from who knows where and what direction,
Starting point is 00:04:04 it's just you just never know when you're gonna get started I'm like, I'm just trying to watch Hamilton Yeah, the neighbors across this I went out there finally stuff Like these are like literally right outside my house I mean they were huge it was like a movie you know they were going off right outside my window I thought this is weird so I went out and sure enough the neighbors are out there sitting They have all these little kids, okay, and they're sitting on their lawn in a circle and these, you know, little lawn chairs in a circle.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And they put all the fireworks in a fireworks shooter offer, whatever the fuck you call it, some tube. Yeah. It's like maybe, fingerlooms, maybe six feet away from them. So they're shooting off the, and they're just sitting around watching it. Like they're all gathered around the old radio back in the, vineier days or whatever. I was like, you guys, they're just sitting around watching it like they're all gathered around the old radio back in the vineier days or whatever.
Starting point is 00:04:45 I was like, you guys, they're little fucking kids. And right when I said, I didn't say it like that, I said, yo, or brave. That's how I said it. And which is my Texas way of saying you should have your children taken away from you, you know? Yes. But I said that. And then right when I said that, one of them got loose. The fireworks got loose and started the house next door, started the lawn on fire.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And they're like, oh, oh, well, I was like, that could have been one of your babies. Why don't people have like a reasonable fear of fireworks? The amount of fireworks that we're going off in backyards and streets. That's true. I was raised that you should be afraid of a fireworks because it's an explosive.
Starting point is 00:05:21 And I mean, how many stories do we have to hear people losing their fingers and their hands and their faces and their lives to fireworks It just doesn't make sense to me because it's like I just I find myself asking this over and over again during these times Is it worth it? Is it worth that you set up a firework when you could have just been watching a screen saver and probably had the same effect? I mean or it's just I just don't really see The value and they're loud. They in it. They're loud, they're annoying. They're beautiful and they're fun to look at, but I don't want to be the one
Starting point is 00:05:49 to to paraphrase Hamilton. I don't want to be in the room where it happens. Okay. I don't need to be in the room. I do want to miss my shot. Okay. I do want to miss you. You're getting shot in the face with a fire. How about that? As Ronnie Hamilton said. All right. Well, let's get on with this day, because we've got a lot to cover. We have a lot to discuss. We are going to do this as big. This is a crap on demand video, so you can see us.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Huge. If you go to crap on demand, it's on Patreon. Come on, remember, come on. And also, we're doing Real Housewives of New York today, because it came back and we messed that Thursday, or Thursday. And we are also going to catch up on Mary de Medicine, Los Angeles. Yes, we'll talk about the penultimate episode of that season.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And of course, by the way, we are in a pandemic. So definitely wear a mask and you can get one of our masks because we have really fun, cool masks. So as long as you, if you have to wear a mask, you might as well make it be a fun one. So go to what's our store. You can find out link over at our website. You can also find the link to Patreon over there. Let's do some small business shout out to Ben. Shall we? Yeah, let's do it. Okay, I'm going to start today. This is for Catherine Black. Her name is Cat Black actually.
Starting point is 00:07:08 She has a real estate business. She is a realtor at Remax Center, Realty, Realty in state college Pennsylvania, home depends day. Okay. She's got a picture of herself. Okay, Catherine Black Reelter. Okay, so if you need a Reelter over there, go to cat black. She's great. Great cat black like a like a black cat. Yeah, but the other way around. Yeah, like like Chad Jackson one saying that cat. Okay, I've got one. This is from someone named Bacara who has a voice studio based in Nashville, a small voice studio, but because of quarantine Bacara has been teaching online through Zoom. Bacara has a bachelor's degree in music education and a master's degree in vocal pedagogy and teaches locally at different secondary schools and colleges in the Nashville area. Macar also offers classical, commercial, and musical theater styles of singing.
Starting point is 00:08:09 So if there's anything that really could be well adapted to our Zoom lifestyle these days, it's something like this. So if anyone there has ever wanted to take private voice lessons, but never got around to it, go check out Bacara's website. It's Bacara That's B-A-K-A-R-A-N-H-M-U-S-I-C. and there will be a quarantine special for free vocal consultation. I mean, you guys have to take advantage of this because what you the as long as we're gonna be quarantined, you might as well come out of it with a beautiful singing voice.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And then you surprise everyone. I was like, I never knew you could say like that. I'm like, I always could, but secretly you learn to expand that. Yeah, everyone will be like, wow, you're so much fatter now, but got your voices improved. And then they'll start correlating your weight gain with your voice and then it'll be fun.
Starting point is 00:09:05 It works. It's a great party trick, you know? OK. So anyway, so now here we are with Real Housewives of New York City, second half of the season, episode 12 of season 12. We even get new. We got a lot new. We got new interview sessions where people are now
Starting point is 00:09:23 zooming in their house. Some more successfully than others. And we've got new opening lines. Yeah, I think this is the first time this has ever happened in a real house. I've seasoned it's interesting because with tinsley leaving, they kind of are, it's almost like a weird second season, but it's still the same season that's happening. But yeah we have a new line which made me say by the way because I was I laughed every single time the opening credits are with Dorenda with her previous line in this season where she was like
Starting point is 00:09:57 yell actually like I'm not always right. Oh wait can I show something real quickly which is Hey, Hey, Hey, Belangive Iran. Yeah. Oh, wait, Can I show something real quickly, which is that I did post a new episode of the Real House where there's a kitchen island, so go check that up on YouTube, because it's brand new. Okay, thanks. Um, yeah, so this time, yeah, go watch it. I haven't watched it, so I didn't say anything like, oh, yeah, and it's so good, because
Starting point is 00:10:23 I'm going to be a liar. I'm saving it. You can watch it. I will watch it. Yeah, so Tarenda's line this time is like mint in my mouth. I can be a bit fresh What did you fire your gay hairstylist who came up with this line for you? Terrible like a mint. I think it was was a reference because what's she saying to Tinsley at the at the when they went apple picking she's like yeah like a mint in my mouth you're like a mint you like you like a mint you can mint or something like that you're like a mint you're a piece of gum you're in the orbit you're in the orbit bitch you're in the orbit right you're in the fresh bitch
Starting point is 00:11:02 yeah yeah I tell you who's the extra. And then Sonia continues the sort of candy themed thing, which is, I'm no one's, I'm candy. I'm the whole bowl of sugar, which I feel like I would, I feel like there's like, I feel like we need another polish on that line. Right, it's not quite working for me. First of all, I feel like Armcandy
Starting point is 00:11:27 is better than being a bowl of sugar. Totally. Who wants to be a big bowl of sugar? Nobody. So like it's a big and round. It's like, do I have Armcandy when you can carry around time daily? It's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:11:39 Yeah. She should have said, I'm no one's Armcandy, but I am a snack. Like, that would have been funny. Right, that's cute. Right, that's cute, right? Well, but her original line is, I'm not arm candy. I don't shave my pussy.
Starting point is 00:11:54 That's her original line. So you can't compete with that, just leave it in the trunk. You know what I mean? I have a good take. How about this one? I'm no one's arm candy, but I do like being a bottom sometimes. No, you actually already,
Starting point is 00:12:09 it's chocolatey enough you actually already did that one. Or maybe I'm no one's arm candy. Why'd you do that Ramona? My current favorite son, you're lying after this episode. Why would you do that Ramona? Why'd you do that? Well, she's like flopping chicken into Ramona. Okay. So yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:29 So after her is Ramona. Who's, you know what? Ramona's an awful human being, okay? But God, she sure knows herself. Yeah. She's like, so what if I'm self-bought? Who else would I be both with? Okay, okay. I don't remember her line from earlier in the season, but this was very fun I like that she's already like wrapped up her arc and she's now moving on to something else
Starting point is 00:12:52 Like her initial arc was like I'm a load, I'm gonna be a load, I'm gonna be a load forever, I just need to be a mead, I'm gonna be a best friend And I'm just like who cares? I'm happy, I can be a load, I can be self-footed by it with Avril, Kay I have an awkward kitchen now. Yeah, so then Leah's like, I'll say sorry for what I've done, but never from who I am. Okay. Okay. M-M-O-N-L-L-L-A-F.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I rise above the drama and won't settle for the lower level. Uh, which is good. That's a good reference to when she was talk downstairs. Although I did like, I mean, she previously had, I think, one of the longest taglines in housewives history. It was like, lower the lights, lower the lights, take a seat, the show is about to begin, the exits are here and there. Please be sure to science your cell phones, the show is gonna begin begin. The exits are here and there. Please be sure to silence your cell phones.
Starting point is 00:13:46 The show is going to be good. Be cabaret. Turn your cell phones off inside. Or else you live in a double wide cabaret is the way to be. On the count is swippy. It's like, OK, wrap it up. We have a whole set of good.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Thank you, Zach. 45 seconds of this Just say I sing cabaret and be done with it So we open at a costume store and Leah shopping for a costume for Rob because Rob's gonna come along Yeah, Halloween party to the way and speak Halloween party this year and And Leo's basically trying to figure out what his outfit's going to be. She's like, would you like to be a clown or a priest?
Starting point is 00:14:29 Which feels sort of like being a clown or a priest? Two types of people who'd be horrified by this show, I think. Really, you think clowns would, I think clowns would be like mother. Mother? No, I feel like clowns secretly be like mother. Mother? No, I feel like clowns secretly are probably like very indignant about their art. They'd be like, they think they're clowns, but they have no idea. Yeah, makeup doesn't make the clown a way. My clown is sad, Durinda. So Durinda and Leigh-Anne come to shop with her and Durinda say, you're so mean.
Starting point is 00:15:05 We know Durinda Jesus. Durinda is like that one musical number in the night remember before Christmas, like encapsulated into a human. Whatever that song was, whatever everything's like moving around in the Halloween land. It's like, oh, we know, we know, we know. I can't get through that movie.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I try. It's just everyone's so thin in it. Just. Not the bad guy. Oh, of course. Of course really bad movie. I try it's just everyone's so thin in it just Not the bad guy Oh of course of course the bad guy. He's like a big big fat burlap sack So the man comes in and I said she's turning into bed Oh, no, I met she's turning into Ben. Good morning. Oh no. I met she's turning into Ben, her music director, because she's like,
Starting point is 00:15:47 good morning girls, good morning. How many, listen, I love, I love to smoke, but the way this is, Jesus, you were singing now. So this is when we get our first glimpse at Real House of New York in the time of Corona. So basically, I didn't actually watch this episode until Sunday, because we were taking
Starting point is 00:16:14 humor having a long weekend. But I had heard that the interviews on Roni were pretty hilariously low rent. And I can see why people felt that way because it cuts to Luan in her interview and she sounds like she is literally underwater she's like my good friend my good friend Evan oh my god in york but there's like an echo too yeah it's just like it's like it's just there was one I think it was
Starting point is 00:16:44 Beverly Hills maybe it was I think it was Beverly Hills Maybe it was Lisa Rinnon Beverly Hills one of them a couple years ago We were making fun of because it sounds like they just phoned them in later They're like, okay, just leave us a voicemail with your lot with your opening line And that was this it's like when my dad calls me from the toilet, you know, I'm like, why are you calling me? What I'm not in the toilet. I'm like dad. You're echoing. I can hear you echoing bathroom's echoes I'm going through the toilet. I'm like, Dad, you're echoing. I can hear you echoing. Bathroom's echo. He's like, well, I'm not going through the toilet.
Starting point is 00:17:07 That's what Leigh Wann did, basically. Yeah, and it's funny because, you know, so we've been covering Maritom Edison LA. And for a few weeks now, we've detected that some of their pickup interviews clearly have been filmed at home. But it's like they gave the ladies a green screen or did something and the audio was like, not quite as good., it's like they gave the ladies a green screen or did something and the
Starting point is 00:17:25 audio was like not quite as good, but it's, it's fairly seamless, but here with New York they're just like, okay, just find a corner of your living room and like put the camera at a weird angle and don't bother the microphone and just go. Well listen, I'm just starving. I'll take whatever they give me at this point. Me too. I'm like catching up with my mouth. I don't even care.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Like I'll take whatever you give me. I will sit under the movie seat and wait until someone just drops a piece of popcorn like my dog. I don't care. I'm starving. I will take it. I will say I thought it was better than people making it out. It was shot on a flip phone from like 2002. But I thought it looked a lot better than I was expecting. But it was funny because Luan's audio specifically, everyone else's audio was like, okay, but Luan's audio was just so bad. And I loved it. The cabaret singer has just like no professional audio set up whatsoever. Yeah, like get a carpet. So yeah, do we talk by the way about the fact that she or her roundhouse is Up for sale. Yeah great time to sell just when everybody's looking
Starting point is 00:18:31 like crazy roundhouse Just on the economy's killing it the most Luan good choice. Well, thank God Bethany's Bethany's ex-boyfriend didn't help her get that like $80 million dollar house she wanted, remember? Seriously. Oh, so the WAN is talking to them in the Halloween store and she's looking at this feather headdress thing that Leo's trying on to be a voodoo queen or something and she goes, oh I have a similar thing to that actually, a head thing, but it's bigger. I was like, if you pull out this Diana Ross throw again.
Starting point is 00:19:03 No, please don't. That's where the godly way out, okay? Well, I believe she wore a feather head dress years and years ago. The first time we saw she had any inkling of like wine to sing. Remember like Jill Zaron had some dinner at a restaurant and the wedding came down to staircase,
Starting point is 00:19:19 and be like, I'll be birthday to you, give me fever. Yeah, and then when everybody else started singing with her, she's like, they know my music. Happy birthday to you, give me fever. Yeah, when everybody all started singing with her, she's like, they know my music. So, during this like, that's what, ladies, I was totally remonna-sized by her again yesterday. When you try to tell you the story, okay?
Starting point is 00:19:38 So, she says I'm gonna have a birthday, and I really wanted to come to Larry Scott's to come and help me put together a birthday party. So So you know, and I always forget with Ramona, you know what, you gotta watch her talk but you gotta listen to how she speaks because she has one thing and she walks on two legs but she does not have a mint and her fingers are only three on her hands and six on the other. You gotta keep an eye out, you know what she is saying? You better get another year, okay? You can'm saying? You better get another year. Okay, you can do this. Yeah, this year. Okay, you never know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:20:08 You'll give Ramona's size, which is like getting super sized. You already said something, you say I want a Ramona's size, and they tried to 60 cents extra, and then you saw this as well, you're not. I need you. Like, Dorenda, did somebody just drag Dorenda out of bed by the ankles? And bring her into the scene. Yeah, like Dorenda did somebody just dragged Dorenda out of bed by the ankles
Starting point is 00:20:29 And bring her into the scene what is he even talking about She is still mad about when when Ramona dragged her and Sonia to Larry Scott's place in Long Island to look at party stuff And she's like you ain't he barely spoke with us. I just wanted this there So Larry could take pictures. We asked It was a promo this and a promo that. And it was like, echo, echo, echo. And then the voice came back to Etro, Etro, Etro. I was like, you gotta watch out for that voice. The Mona's voice is not going wrong. She's making it sound like Larry had them doing
Starting point is 00:20:57 like an Annie Leibawit suit, you know? The image really wrapped up full of milk. I'll tell you that, Michelle. I didn't plan on being in the bed. You know what, and Gin, they had me dressed like a cabbage. It's like, that's an gettings, a cake, man. That's a same thing. I had to hold a little baby in the cabbage,
Starting point is 00:21:15 the entire time. I was like, where's the mayonnaise? So yeah, so then she started saying that she's like, no, I got mad. I got mad that like Ramona was using us to get a free party, you know, but at me, I think she thought that we were so stupid that though, which she doesn't even have to acknowledge it. And also a man that she used us to get a free party too, you know?
Starting point is 00:21:37 So, Durinda's testimonial diary room session, yeah, I mean Durinda has a beautiful house, but I don't know who told her that highlighter furniture is. They're like, you know what? Grain neon. That's what you should get for your little love seat thing in there.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Grain neon. Let's get lots of like green velvet textures in the background of this one. That'd be great. And by the way, Lewand's background is hilarious because she's like, buy a bookshelf. And'd be great. And by the way, Lewand's background is hilarious because she's like by a bookshelf. And I think it's a photo of Victoria, but there's this random, like huge photo of Victoria
Starting point is 00:22:12 reclining, but it's very, it's shot very much like an 80s model thing. Oh, I thought that was Lewand. It could have been Lewand, who knows? I think that's who I am. Here's me in my modeling days. I was a nurse and a model. As soon after I was hired to be a hostess,
Starting point is 00:22:27 in Italy, on Italy's favorite show called Future Cabaret Star, starring me. So Durinda's like, my note on Durinda's testimonial is she looks like a spoon in the garbage disposal. Durinda looks so pretty, like, close up in fresh face. And so she's the only person who looks worse in her testimonials, which she actually has time to like sit close up in fresh face. And so she's the only person who looks worse in her testimonials, which actually has time to like sit there and make an effort.
Starting point is 00:22:48 So you've looked, she looks wrecked. The makeup is, Leah does a strange makeup job on herself. Leah looks a little funky. Leah looks totally different, right? She looks like a different person. Like, that makeup was like, oh, I didn't really know what was going on. It is just funny seeing them like left to their own devices having to glam themselves up.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yeah, so Durin, well it's like they say, you know, you're not ugly or just poor. You know, you've heard that saying before, right? I haven't, you know, how it makes sense. Because you don't have all the hair and makeup team. So Durin was like, you know what I did to Sonia, you know what I think she's gonna do? Because her birthday's not in the 19th. It is in the 25th. So, you know, maybe she disinvited you to the cheer like here.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And so she said, you know what I'm gonna do to join birthday party. But no, she's like, no. It's only not here. It's about me. I'm coming up. I'm coming out. By the way, Durin, I don't know where Durin does getting this notion. Ramona's under no obligation to share her birthday with Sonia.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I'm sorry, I don't think that that is. Crazy, and Sonia, you know, never pays for a damn thing ever. Sonia would not be like, oh, let me help plan and let me help pay for things. She would just show up drunk. Exactly, and it's one thing to propose it. If Ramona is, it's one, if they're all out to drinks, and Ramona's like, whoa, what am I gonna do for my birthday this year? Wanna celebrate me?
Starting point is 00:24:06 I wanna do some of my birthday. And Durin just says, why don't you have a joint but there was Sonia? That's when I was like, oh, like, maybe I will, maybe I won't. But at this point, Ramona's already gone down the path of planning.
Starting point is 00:24:16 She's already got this mini Larry Scott. You can't just like, tack on Sonia too. I think that, I think Durin is being totally unreasonable about this. But, you do way. She just wants to come for a woman and now she has nobody left to come out. It's like Ramona said later in the episode. You know what? Now the tin-flue squad?
Starting point is 00:24:33 I think that she does something yellow, guy. Yeah, probably. Well, in the way, and of course, it's always happy to pile on. Like, comes to some bashing where you're much like, oh, such a a narcissist. Oh did she even ask her advice? Like what do you think I should do with the flowers or the decorations? Anything like that? Did she please tell me she did? Did she ask her at least? Did she ask who you would f-marry or kill? I mean she is so self-involved. So so self-involved. Um yeah so, but Edna is just kind of like, like, I get why Dorenda is like mad,
Starting point is 00:25:10 but like, hasn't she known her for like 20 years or so? Like, at that point, like, why'd she surprise? I mean, that's like 20 years at this point, like Ramona should be kicking her out of their friendship house, right? And it's crazy. And then it's like, well, she really needs a chill, but to Jody stuff, I mean, like, she's really Jody with me. And crazy. And Lee is like, well, she really needs a chill, but to Johnny's stuff, like she's really
Starting point is 00:25:26 Johnny with me. And Dorinda's like, oh yeah, she's judgy with all of us. So she's judgy with you. Listen to yourself. You're making this whole scene about her. So she's like, she called me the other day, and she's trying to do this whole tinsley thing with me. Like I had something to do with it on Chicagoolian Chicago. I think that she did actually. Totally. I think I think that
Starting point is 00:25:48 Timzley would have waited it out throughout the end of the season but Durrindo was just being so awful to her. She's probably like why am I what am I doing here? Why am I like sitting around just to get like harassed by this crazy old lady? Yeah I'm rich as fuck and I'm about to be richer. Why am I gonna listen to this lady? Yeah exactly. So then Durrindo is like well you know what? by this crazy old lady. Yeah, I'm rich as fuck and I'm about to be richer. Why am I going to listen to this lady? Yeah, exactly. So then Duranda's like, like, you know what? You know, she's that a freeze up a bed in the book.
Starting point is 00:26:11 She is, maybe I'll have a lease over. You know, just getting no one wants to go around. Oh, at least I didn't even realize you were here all this time. And the man's like, listen, we had drinks with Tinsley. She said, look, my eggs, and then she started crying in ordered eggs, and then she cried again through them on the floor, and then she said her life is over and she left.
Starting point is 00:26:28 So, you know, I just said, best to you, young person. You know what, everyone deserves to be happy. It's just like in the animal kingdom, you know? The tigers don't get along with the rabbits, but it's like it doesn't mean they can't, I'll just scamp her away and be happy, you know? Cause tigers and rabbits didn't happy together,'t all just scamp her away and be happy, you know, good tigers and rabbits They're happy together and the tigers can't for away and then Kyle basket juice someone
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm like, you know what you did you got it back it up Can't have a basket stay away from my tag or you like a rabbit, okay? He likes a rabbit and then they cut back as she's talking about the animal kingdom and she's trying on armor It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapance. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle.
Starting point is 00:27:16 And we're the hosts of Wonder e's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserve session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wonder-Yah. It's commercial. Watch what crap ends, would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itch-o-o-o-o-o-o. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns. Aaron McNickless, she don't miss no trickle-us. Hava Nagilo Weber. Jamie, she has no less namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go Hilo.
Starting point is 00:28:37 Higher than Hyrez, she's Lauren Perez. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. When day your Rachel's in, the next day you're out. He makes us squee-richy-dee. Shannon, better than Kyle Richards. The Bay Area Beaches, Beaches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Nancy, Ceasen Desisto. Let's rev our pistons for Amanda and Kristen. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Let's give them a kiss, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Oops, she did it again, it's Brittany Montana. Simple as rocket science, it's Dana Eazy.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland you. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. The Windom beneath our wings, it's Joe Windom. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's Ferrelio, it's Lindsey Ferrelio. Lordeess, the Lordeess of the Rings. Mina Kuchikuchi!
Starting point is 00:29:43 Give him hell, Miss Noel! Shannon out of a cannon Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Kuchar! We love you guys! I'm gonna take big axes behind her. So the next step, from moment, is going to a restaurant, kay?
Starting point is 00:30:03 And she's like, well, host to say the hi. It's me, Ron. You're what? It going to a restaurant, okay? She's like, well, host to say the heights, me, Romona. You're what? It's been a while, okay? You don't want to take the two at the bar area, okay? Look, just Jesus, could you just come in and just let something happen? God, Romona. So Romona meets up with Rory, the matchmaker,
Starting point is 00:30:22 who we've seen before. Whoa, Rory? Rory set me up Brian. What? Elias? The red scarf guy, okay. And Ramona, this is where we see Ramona doing her interview. And she's in her house, which looks not unlike an Apple store.
Starting point is 00:30:39 It's just like very clean, soulless lines, right? It's like a white, light blue thing. That off-ground, and then those pendant lights on there were like straight 80s. Oh, I don't remember. And then I think Ramona had a pillow like by her lumbar because she was sort of sitting like oddly, she's like, you know what, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:03 You know what, this is how we met warriors civil scenes don't came with my my my I'm I'm Ilius squawk like okay whoa I'm sitting back whoa I'm in the app was waiting for my phone to get updated okay and she's also that friend on FaceTime or like your mom when you're talking your mom on FaceTime and they're holding the FaceTime way below their face yeah Yeah. They're like looking down. You don't really know what she's looking at. She's kind of looking off into the distance. I'm surprised that her interview like didn't go black in the middle of it and say like connection interrupted because she was like looking at a different app on her phone. Well, I'm just doing her interview. Totally. She's like, you know what? I thought
Starting point is 00:31:41 Red Scarf got me so great in so many ways. Like he filled all of my box. What are you know what? I thought Red Skawfgum is so great in so many ways. Like, he filled all of my box. What do you even say? And when they sat down, I just have to mention this because this is so fucking Ramona. She's this type of person in the restaurant who her friend gets there and she's like, you know what? I'm having, and of course, she's having her giant drink with muddled mint and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And Rory is like, I think I'll have to kill it. She goes, oh, okay, let me get the waiter. It's like, guess what the waiter does waiter does walks around and checks on people. How about you just set your ass down and wait for the waiter to come. Okay. That's not hilariously like like that's this sort of observation that comes from someone who used to be a waiter. I think I never would have noticed that. Yeah, it's like your just a table and then they come up to you. Like, excuse me, my friends here.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I'm like, oh, really? I didn't see them. Sorry. Just wasting my time up here. This whole tray of drinks just just jerking off basically. So Roy's like, okay, so because we get a flashback also of Ramona's terrible date from last year. I was like, I don't think he almost was supposed to be monogamous So then Roy is like well Ramona you have to make a decision. Do you want love or money? Just what I want a best friend. Hi. I mean technically I already have one and her name is Eri
Starting point is 00:32:56 She's my daughter, but she's also my best friend. Okay, but I want a best meal friend. Okay, someone make me laugh, okay that I want a best meal friend, okay? Someone make me laugh, okay? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Ronan fire said a Trump fundraiser in the Hamptons over the weekend. Kai, did you see that? That's a wonderful. She's so full of shit, by the way. So you've been following all this stuff. It's been very, very funny. So the girls are coming. Leah especially is coming really hard for Ramona on social. Like you fucking idiots went to Ronan because Ramona is like in Florida.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And then you know, she's going all over the place. So she was taking so much shit for it that she came out and said that she and Avery tested positive for antibodies to coronavirus meaning she probably had it in February or something and just didn't know it and now she's suddenly like immune to it and now the girls are all attacking her and it's glorious because Ramona's so full of crap. I don't't Yeah, and the thing is that Ramona went to a a Trump fundraiser. I mean doesn't matter what fundraiser was But she was at but that guy Joe Farrell who they went to the big house earlier this season that big Hampton's house I had like the bowling alley downstairs. She went to a fundraiser at his house this weekend and then during this like Hey people at the fundraiser had coronavirus or like people were at the fundraiser were wearing
Starting point is 00:34:28 masks. So I think she goes, at Ramona singer, you should get tested. She basically was like, shaming her, which of course I love. I love mask shaming. It's like my favorite thing. But then also, but she basically was kind of like calling out to the world that Ramona was at a Trump fundraiser, which is just like a hilariously petty Twitter moment. Yeah. So she's like, well, you know what? I need a man that has the same worth as me, because men are so intimidated. You know what? One time I went out with a billionaire and he came up to my apartment and he was like, well, what is this like $5 million? You know what? You don't even need a man. So the so sexist and gross. And maybe it was the box of like 500 condoms you had on your...
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. Maybe you saw those and was like, wow, she can still get pregnant. I'm outta here. I'm out. Or maybe it was just Tom Degasino. And he was just looking for a way out of his life because he told her Mona that he was a billionaire.
Starting point is 00:35:22 He's like, you know, you don't really need me around here, so I'm gonna go. And. He's like, you know what, you don't really need me around here. So I'm gonna go. And so she's like, Whoa, how do you think a pregnant guy is gonna feel if that's how Billionaire feels? Very intimidating, okay? I know that my wealth really turns off man, okay? And I think that my wealth that turns off man
Starting point is 00:35:37 is not the fact that I get in their face. It's like, I know, I can pretty much guarantee you that Billionaire or, you know you know $5 air men are probably equally as horrified by you okay you're like bridging the gap. So Ramona is she's on an emotional journey and she's like you know what when I saw my apartment and moved to my new apartment I was feeling very awkward at my life okay and I was thinking that I didn't need a man. But why don't I have a man?
Starting point is 00:36:05 Why don't I have a man? I love a man right now, my new apartment, okay? And then we see a flashback from my very first episode of season when she was at the bar. We'll see him with that bar T-bar. And she's like, she's like, I want a man to hold me, it's a love me, it's a love me, I don't know if I'll ever find that again, okay?
Starting point is 00:36:20 I want to go to a guest, man, I want to go to Europe, Kai, I want to bet Spring, make a man that will to bed, sprint, make it me out there. That will last me okay. Okay. And she keeps pulling her like, bays up into a ponytail and yanking them up for some weird reason. And it was like, that was back when she had like, those three side kicks that lasted for like an episode and a half.
Starting point is 00:36:37 There was like that one lady's like, you know what you need, you need, you don't need another cocktail, that's what I always say. Like, who is this lady? And then the older guy who was there, he's like, you know what they always say about carpets? You put them down and they feel like they can't leave
Starting point is 00:36:51 and then boom, they're hardwood. Who would ever he said? You mean my father's friend? I'm Mr. Bernstein. So, her mom is like, you know what? You just just a number. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me!
Starting point is 00:37:05 And she starts trying to poke her temple, but she misses it. Look at her. Just, you know what? You know, I had this whole redness on, so thought, okay? I sort of was like Michael Langello of my own brain. Okay, I said, you know what? I'm feeling more comfortable in my home. I got myself.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I love myself. I really do. I really like White Anne, okay? And I have great have great girlfriends except the fact that we all hate each other Okay, so you know what you know what I want to meet someone who adds to it. If I don't find it, it's okay Okay, it's okay, you know, yeah, you seem totally fine. That's why you're going on like five days Okay, and no one is worried that Ramona doesn't love herself enough. Okay Yeah, where is like, yeah, happy attracts happy. But I just want to remind you that your life is very empty and you will continue to eat my services. So anyway, thanks so much for this beverage and I'll
Starting point is 00:37:56 see you next. So next up is Sonia with Elise. And now, yeah, now that I was just saying, now that Tim's is gone. They're going to it's like, now at least you're up. This is your big moments. Yeah, well Leo least like the substitute teacher like okay, I'll use to meet you At least this is your moment. Okay, this is your moment like you are the substitute This is your you have to be the substitute teacher that comes in and puts on a video and jokes with the students and everyone's like, you know I love when like Mrs. Mayoli comes in. I was the name of my substitute teacher when I was in high school. Mrs. Mayoli, I think You have to be like her People remember you. She's not
Starting point is 00:38:37 Elise is no Mrs. Mayoli. Okay, spoiler. No, Elise is that Elise is the Spoiler no at least is that at least is the At least is a substitute teacher that comes in and tries to be like the boss tries to be like Michelle Fyfer and Dangerous minds. She's like hey, I'm your tough substitute teacher and the rules are the rules Okay, and I was like At least of gum on her hair crying I once had us I just have to say real quickly that I once had a substitute teacher who was a former nun who then she came in and she's she announced to us that she was a former nun and then
Starting point is 00:39:11 started singing my way. It was the most amazing. No way. Did you know that people get murdered while they sing my way in karaoke? It's not interesting. I've read a news article saying that that's like a thing that people get murdered singing my way. Which you know, of course I sing. My friend sent it to me like, oh, Ronnie, you better watch out.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Well, I never saw that substitute teacher again. So well, there you go. Dead. She's dead. Mrs. Miley, the former none. Sister Miley was sister male. I know I'm just combined on them because we're in one recap. So sister me only is now dead from seeing you my way. I got to text my friend. What's her name? Mrs. Meoli. I don't miss Meoli. Let's be honest. So Sonia and Elise meet up and Sonia's late, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:57 And she's like, oh, I'm best, you're late, Elise. And so Sonia's like, oh, I haven't had food all day. You know what? I just don't like Halloween. I mean, I don't like running around with people. I don't recognize which I can I'm so with her. I've never heard anybody put that so succinctly, but I hate Halloween for that reason. People come up to you You can't tell who they are and then they act like I'm the asshole because I don't recognize them I hate that. And let's face it. It's a holiday that celebrates fake tattoos. I mean, that's just unacceptable and trashy
Starting point is 00:40:28 So at least it's like well, you know, I went to Abercated Aber today I told them I need a video outfit for a woman's party. Oh, well, I don't have to worry about that Romana already got me an outfit to match her. Sorry. Sorry. You were included Sorry, you had to make a trip to Abercadapper yourself. I don't even know what that is, but I sound terrible. Lisa's like no outfit for me, but I'm Elise, everyone's favorite friend. She's like, well, I think she wants to keep you in your place. You know, she's afraid of losing her loved ones, which I love that Elise is now a baby
Starting point is 00:41:02 eater. You know, I know. And she's like, you know what, when Ramona needs emotional support, she calls me Elise. The other day, I got a call from Ramona. I said, hi, Ramona, how you doing? And she said, listen, I'm in the neighborhood I'm thinking of stopping by. And then the call waiting is going off. I answer it. And the doorman saying Ramona's on her way up. I mean, can you even is this a woman? This is the woman who didn't buy me a voodoo outfit.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Can you believe it? She calls. She's downstairs. She says she needs to come up. The elevator's broken. You know what I do? I go downstairs. I literally carry her in my arms.
Starting point is 00:41:43 32 stories up in the staircase. This is what I do for a friend and she can't even get me a voodoo outfit. Not even about even a candy believe. I mean look now that she's feeling stronger and because I don't have a house in the Hamptons a jet a yacht And I can't do plastic surgery on her. She has no need for me anymore. It's like whoa Okay, someone little fire under your butt. They're like okay. There's be more anymore. It's like, whoa, okay. Someone lit a fire under your butt. They're like, okay, I'll lose. Be more interesting. So she's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'll rip. But I'm gonna lose. But I'm gonna lose. How also, how to take you this long and your friendship with Ramona to realize this about her? Like, I feel like being friends with Ramona, you understand her pattern pretty well. So why are you ever surprised?
Starting point is 00:42:23 It's like Leah said, why are you surprised with her? Yeah, exactly. So then Elise tells Sonia that after the haunted house, night, which we saw a couple weeks ago, that all the girls were going out. So they all start getting in a car to go out. And then Elise starts to get in and Ramona says, no, no, no, no, you know what? I'm just going to go out with the girls. Okay. I'm just going to go out with the girls. And then totally backed her off. If you notice that like Elise is a little manly these days, oh wait, I'm thinking about Barbara. I don't know, they're sort of the same person, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:52 So then, I can't help it, okay? I just look at you and I see an electric drill in a wrap dress, okay? It's fine. Basically, Ramona, when it comes to, I think this show, if you're not a full cast member, she is not going to be the time of day. Even if you are her really good friend of 20 years.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Well, she's pissed because I think I mentioned this on the show. I don't know what's real and what's not anymore, sorry. But Ramona, Elise was saying in some interview that she was just there in that first scene when we first saw her and they said, oh, you're funny. And they put a mic on her and they said, you know what? You're great. Keep coming back. So she was never technically hired.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I guess that they just kind of saw her and were like, come back. And then Ramona started getting pissed because she went from being the background chorus girl to now being a friend of on the show. And Ramona was, I guess, trying to stop it. Though, yeah, that's that, that tracks, that tracks. But also, Ramona is like very self-involved. No, it's well, she should be involved with OK. And so then Sony is like, yeah, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:43:52 Ramona just isn't present. And you know, you're like, she wouldn't even let me have my mom I was sent to you 21, which is funny because Alisa's trying to share about her issue. And Sony's making about her issue. And then we see a flashback of Sony being like, Ramona, big news. I'm gonna be in Century 21. I was like, oh wow, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:44:08 You know, I used to know a buyer of theirs, name was Ernie, probably not even alive anymore. It was probably dead. You know, I knew his family also. You know what, I went to a mannequin, I went to Century 21, if I've been in there, I went to the door and there was a really nice door. Okay, I guess I got to know a little bit more about it
Starting point is 00:44:20 than you do. I'm sorry, sorry. I was like, are we still, you served by her, whatever that word is. And she goes, do you know what it is? Ramonavil is filled with one-way streets. That's what it is. If since the city were still around,
Starting point is 00:44:37 I would totally build Ramonavil. Or if I had thought of it, I would have named my island in Animal Crossing Ramonavil, instead of its current name, which is simply just Durinda. Ha ha judge by your animal crossing. So Sonia's really mad now because Ramona, as Sonia put that, you know, Ramona, she's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, it's like shut up Ramona, okay?
Starting point is 00:45:15 You with your fake friends and your fake party. And then we see where Sonia's been interviewing for her stuff and she's basically in front of a dirty fireplace. That's the best sona could come up with. I mean, tape some towels to it, at least. They're like those cartoon Halloween spiders, they come down like when they reach the bomb, they go, thawing, thawing, and they go back up again. So at least in Sonya agree that they're gonna call her out together.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah, and Sony's like, you know how much dirt I have on her that I can hold her live before I have a lot. I just I don't really know what it is, but I have a lot. I'll just say I have a lot. Okay, I have a facialist who knows things. So now Durrinda and Hannah. Oh my god, this scene started off so amazingly. I loved it. So they're like in a windstorm. We come to Durrinda and Hannah. It's like windy and cold And Hannah maybe has like a cold or something like that And you're like yeah, it's worth even that you know, you know, I'm just like mom I'm just a block away. Yeah, that's right
Starting point is 00:46:15 Come on, it's like Durrinda like removes her. She's wearing some sort of like best She like removes it and the Hannah is wearing a like a classic camel skin or camel skin, camel hair, camel hair, whatever you call it. Like, like, like, overcoat, like a fast thing. But she's wearing like a nice, like, sort of burberry-esque kind of jacket or coat. And then, like, Javinda like forces her to put this little vest on over the I live a block away. I live a block away to mother And it was and she's like come on take it home. Yeah, you guys don't you feel better? Don't you feel better? She's like Yeah So they go into a cheeseburger place and Durinda tells the guy you know what I to a cheeseburger place and Durinda tells the guy, you know what I like. A cheeseburger with Swiss cheese, Lailies, Tamello, French onion, you know, Manny, Mexican,
Starting point is 00:47:13 Mexican, Lailies, French, French cheese, about sandwich, Vieningue, Manny, Tamello, Mexican cheese, only motor oil, rainwater, anything, anything that's wet, just put it right on there. Apparently I asked me one time would I have them in the deserted island, and I said, it means merely. Unlike me, something with that sausage, you name it, let's rely. Yeah, I mean, you catch up, man is must a part of every meal and Russian dressing. That's that's a holiday. I'm like, well, you realize that ketchup and mail are Russian
Starting point is 00:47:51 dressing. That's why if you have ketchup and mayonnaise in your meal, you're already there. Yeah, it figures that to render this favorite part of eating is the liquids. Hey, if you want to make a sandwich, make a sandwich. So they start talking about Richard of course and Hannah tells her that she's her hero because she's made such a better life for herself And she's taking care of herself and
Starting point is 00:48:18 Had us like you know you're a better role model now than you've ever been. I'm like, have you seen the first 12 episodes of this season? So, uh, she's like, you know what? It's just, I don't even want to use you a birthday party, Hannah, you're the way silly at this age. Speaking of, Ramona has a coming up, her coming up, I mean, come on. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, yeah, we haven't even been to South Copenhagen, we're just like, Randall's Island. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway. And he had to wait until we could go on a vacation
Starting point is 00:49:10 to Alcatraz. Alcatraz, Aruba, what have you called him? So then we go to Chinatown. We is in Chinatown with Robin Keke because New Yorkers know where the good fit is. I mean, it's not just some like a strep mall Chinese. It's like a Chinatown Chinese. Okay, it doesn't have to be on the upper east side to be good.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Yeah, like when you're from New York, you like know the cool places like Chinatown, like a town with the Chinese things in it. So you sort of like know about it. So we went there, we're going there. Sort of cool. They have these things called menus. I don't know. It's sort of like in the know when you have a menu and so we got those. And that's the end. That's the end. So they go in there and she talks about her mom again, you know, but Rob is still really close with her mother and etc. etc. Yeah. I got bigger fish to fry in this episode.
Starting point is 00:50:06 You take it. Yeah. Basically, she's just talking about her parents and like, she's like, I mean, could you imagine like, trying to Kiki and being like, Kiki being like 17 and saying, like, you can't come home, like, can you imagine? I mean, like, actually, it was like 19 years, like, um, but mom isn't 19 a little bit old to be living with her parents anyway Since you've been moved out anyway, she's like well, yeah, I mean most people are in college at that time
Starting point is 00:50:30 So like well why weren't you in college like did you not get in or something? She's like cakey cakey You got a lot of the story has turned into poor Leah being kicked out of the house And she was just a teenager to being a fucking 19 years old. Give me a break. Come on. Yeah. That is a way too old to be at home. You deserve to kick kicked out.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Also, I want to point out that Rob Boyz looks like he's gonna fall out of his chair. He's always like on the edge of it, like just about to just topple right on out the entire time. And so yeah, then Leah's, then they're just talking about like parent stuff and et cetera, et cetera, and Leah's just like, yeah, I mean, you know, therapists always say like,
Starting point is 00:51:11 you know, most women marry men who are like their fathers. And you're like, ew! That, that thing that's about to fall out of the chair, I'm gonna marry that. That tiny preacher. So three hours until lose party. Leah goes over to Moxie where she's checking in and meet Lewandle of sobs.
Starting point is 00:51:33 Yeah. Because they're getting their makeup done for this party. Yeah. And yeah, because she's going to be, I'm just going to be like a video slot because like I found this like awesome see through mesh jumpsuit. This place like it's kind of for like people who are in the know it's called blooming nails I don't know so I got that so I'm gonna be up in this lot.
Starting point is 00:51:52 One of the stores I revolutionized with Mary to the mob so Lee Lee uh Lee am. Luan is sorry that's a much different show. What the fuck are you doing in a moxie bitch? Sorry Luan uh Luan is supposed to be there but she's at the club in her glitter hat different show. What the fuck you doing, Amoxic bitch? Sorry, Luam. Luam is supposed to be there, but she's at the club. And her glitter hat and her glitter jacket is walking around pretending like she planned this whole party, just hilarious. This is her friend's party, which she has,
Starting point is 00:52:18 he's given her a room to party and get him some publicity. But she's walking around like, Oh, great job over there great job oh oh there's a chef oh traibian say jinyal jinyal oh jinyal jinyal he's like why did she just tell me that I can't tell anybody she fucked a pirate by the way her, her sequin, her sequin, Puffy Hat, drove me nuts, because that was the exact sort of hat I think I talked about the last week where I was complaining about hats like that. And then here comes the way I'm wearing one.
Starting point is 00:52:53 So then the chefs are explaining the menu and the editors put in all these weird visual effects. There's like lightning strikes, but they're busy. It was kind of like the sort of effects you would see and like one of those things where there's a dinosaur that eats cars, you know, those like Robo rallies or whatever they're called. Yeah, you know, what do you call those motor rallies? Not motor rallies.
Starting point is 00:53:16 You know those things where it's like, you're asking the extremely homosexual person. But you surely, you know, it's commercials where it's like someone on a motorcycle is gonna jump over 12 car They just make that they just make me think of getting beat map At that that announcement does sort of sound like the wind You are killed Sunday Sunday Sunday So then she she makes her way up to the makeup studio and she's getting her makeup done with Leah and they're talking about costumes etc. And meanwhile here comes walking up to the event space Ramona with Melissa also known as Missy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:02 God Ramona really is cruising for a breeze, am I? This girl. Yeah. So she shows up and she's like, well, you what? Her party is about food, okay? I looked it up on the internet and well, perfect. You know what?
Starting point is 00:54:15 I thought I'm gonna get this outfit for me and for Sony too, because lately, you know what? I just don't like Sony's costumes. It's a set, sorry, there, set it. I just don't like a costume, say, sad. I was fully prepared for a remodeled to show up in like a black fedora and like a black oven.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Just be like, yeah, I looked up voodoo. And apparently there's a bunch of big bad voodoo daddies out there, okay? And this is what they wear, okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but this is the dress code. She just showed up as Maleficent. She did. Basically, oh no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:46 What's the sleeping beauty? No, no, no, she was more like, no, Maleficent sleeping beauty. She's more like Evil Queen from Snow White, I think. Oh, I'm trying to place the crowns. Snow White Evil Queen. I'm googling things. Queen.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Go ahead, Ben. I don't mean to make you stop. I'm just kidding. No, I'm actually lost in my own talk, because I'm thinking about those. I was like ahead, Ben, I don't mean to make you stop. I'm just kidding. No, I'm actually lost in my own thoughts. I'm thinking about those. I was like, thinking about, I think it was, she was reading more snowlight to me. Either way, I was not getting a huge amount of voodoo from her,
Starting point is 00:55:14 but that makes sense. I would not expect Ramona to be like, really like in touch with, with something that came from Haiti. Yeah. So Ramona, just so everybody knows, Ramona is very religious, guys, okay. She's going around sprinkling her morality.
Starting point is 00:55:30 There's a school that's, there's a big glass cross that's filled with schools and she's like, whoa, it's across me that it's schools? You know what, my priest wouldn't like this. It's that religious, I'm very religious. Okay. Yeah, that's what the priest wouldn't like out of her life. And then she's like, looking at the food, the food of course is all designed to look gross.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And so she's like, whoa, this is disgusting. What is this? This is gross. And she goes, that's a severed head. She's like, gotta be kidding me. That's like dead heads here. Whoa, dead heads everywhere, okay? I'm sorry, it's disgusting. Andy Cohen just shows up. Hey, I heard there were dead heads here
Starting point is 00:56:08 Oh, I love the Gravel dead Ramona so controlling that she even had to recast the John with her own player. They brought so Ron's back this week He's like Oh, yeah Oh, yeah Just like whoa he's a very scared looking baby. Okay. What is that shrunken head? He's like Oh, I thought it was tinsley for a second. Oh, sorry So ceremony calls up Luann and she's like whoa, so how far where are you okay? I'm with Missy Remember Missy remember she did dated your ex husband Tom. Yeah, but Missy and Ron okay I was like dinner's at 8 30 Ramona. I thought that was pretty clear
Starting point is 00:56:50 She is oh you know what I think I changed it for earlier, but I guess no one wanted to Just I had a group text and I said no what let's start early, okay? Because my friend Omar has a table that fabulous restaurant doubt that leave it to Ramona to try and change an entire party's time. She's not the host of so that she can go to another party. And it's it's so Ramona that she like proposes something and then just assumes that everyone agreed with it and it like went through. Like she just says she's like, well come on, go a little earlier because it's great table at Omar's. By the way, she's obsessed with Omar's which I'm assuming is a restaurant or something,
Starting point is 00:57:25 because she matches it every episode. She's like, this is delicious. Can someone pass me some of those cookies? Because I'm gonna go to Omar's. Love Omar's, okay? Omar's. It's Mediterranean cuisine. Is it?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Well, there's also a great table there, okay? It's very exclusive and friend got it. She wants to go to Omar's, okay? She just want to be here anymore, okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My boyfriend and I were going going to see Wicked and that started at 7 p.m. And we wanted an Italian restaurant nearby so we could just walk over so I did some research I was torn but then I went into this place called Omar's where this weird cross Cross-eyed woman sat on my boyfriend's lap and said she loves his meat
Starting point is 00:58:02 Just kidding reading terrible y'all reviews. Okay I went to Omar's and I a woman sat on his my boyfriend's lap and said she loves his meat. Just kidding. Reading terrible y'all reviews. Okay. I went to Omar's and a woman sat on his my boyfriend's lap and said, if I'm not self-involved myself, who would I be involved with? We left. So Sonia comes in and oh no Sonia and he's pick up to Rinda. Rinda gets yeah, Darynda gets into the SUV with the two of them. So Sonia is just shit-faced already. First of all, we hear Sonia before Dorenda even gets in and we just hear like, you these little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little Sonia is wearing the same costume as Ramona, but they could not look any, because Sonia is so wasted that her entire costume looks different.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Like, she, her hair, she's giving me vibes of, like, it's like some Stevie Nicks meets Carol Kane in, like, Princess Bride. It's just like this weird, like, I am a pretty. Yeah, she's just a damn mess. And during this are you buying in a hand of us and she's thinking I was drinking She tells us what do you think I was doing before the party getting lit with my hair naked people There's like a 19 year old and like a 17 year old intern there like 19 year old and like a 17 year old intern. They're like, um, Miss Morgan, can I apply the Rouge now? Miss Morgan, please I'm gonna try and do your lipstick. Don't eat it this time.
Starting point is 00:59:42 He don't touch the Morgan lips. So um, Sonya has already decided that she's gonna yell at Ramona, but she doesn't really remember why at this point So she's just like I'm upset with Ramona. She doesn't feel my pain. She doesn't feel my struggle Struggle is that the struggle to put a towel up on your window? I don't understand I also like the way she described Halloween this time around because you know that last scene is like I hate Halloween And this time she's like, oh yeah god live with my hair and makeup team. I mean if that's what you do it's a national holiday in my group I was like also like if it's a holiday only within your group it's not a national holiday I mean of course it's Halloween but I know just like a me just just taking a task for all their semantics so during this like you know what, Ramona? Here's the pattern with Ramona. She's right here.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And then everyone else has to go around it like that. Everyone else has to go around it like that. And Alisa's like, like the sun? Good one, the moon. I was a substitute teacher in science class once. Now listen, I left with gum in my hair the last time I substitute taught, but it doesn't make me an idiot. Okay. Listen, the children laughed at me because when the slide projectile beeped, I didn't know how to advance the slide.
Starting point is 01:01:00 It was very mortifying, but I learned a lot that day and I have to say. So, so, so Sony is right, a little doll, and she's just beating up the dog going, I'm going to do it like this doll in your ear, Ramona in your ear. Yeah. And then they cut to the driver who's just like, why did I sign up for this? Or why? I'm not getting paid enough for this. for this or why I'm not getting paid enough for this. So now back at the party, Ramona is, who does Ramona say this? Oh my god, you look like you have suicide watch. I don't know who she said that to. I didn't hear that, but basically some of the gays arrive and one is dressed,
Starting point is 01:01:42 he literally is dressed like a like a Disney colonial person, you know, yeah, or right? Like he's got like the powdered wig and like the jacket and everything, but it's like very Disney-fied and so I'm most like, whoa, hey, where'd you get that punch from? That's not real is it? And she like starts touching his stomach and he's like It's all me and she's like, oh, that's his gut. Oh shit. Sorry No one would eat no meat that much food that they would actually have a pot that would be happy to show it off at a party Okay, this one dick is oh, it's real
Starting point is 01:02:19 So then son you finally comes in and say what's this I love a crustacean So then Sonia finally comes in and she's like, What's this? I love a crustacean. This. Yeah. Under the sea. That's where I'll be. Fucking a lobster.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I like a lobster. Under the sea. She goes up to her honor. She goes, So who are you? I don't like secrets. And he's like, I love a secret. And then at Dorenda's like very impressive. Yeah, he says good. He's like a D not a secret And then at d'Arenda's like very impressed that he's good. He's like a d'Arenda setup I mean they took a page out of my book
Starting point is 01:02:50 I'm like no because a d'Arenda setup would have like an inflatable Dracula like popping up from from the corner of the room Yeah flopping around so now put the makeup suite Hi, I'm Kelsey here in here. Hi. Well, Jill and I have been friends for a long time and I've been on a Cabaret tour and she's in love, huh? Or what she thinks is love in any way. Because of my busy Cabaret tour schedule where I'm talking about fucking Mary and killing, I haven't seen my dear friend Jill in a long time.
Starting point is 01:03:26 So we have a whole hand make-up team can I look pretty because I'd love to look like a pretty hooker. Alright, I want to get work. Alright. Leo's just there like who is this lady? Hi, my name is Gary. He's my fiancee. Hi. Hi, my little Gary. He's my fiance. Hi. So then downstairs, Sonia is hitting the doll again. And your air remona and your ear. What are you doing? You can't be scary looking. She goes, Ramona, this is you. Boom, boom, and your air remona.
Starting point is 01:04:01 What are you gonna do to me? Yeah, because there's the thing she's hitting it with is sort of phallax So there's sort of like a sexual nature to it. You know what I'm mad at you Because every time I talk to you bring it back to you and I say I'm doing construction I'm doing construction. I'm doing construction And I and then I say my daughter's gonna college you say my daughter's in college She graduated already Everyone is like okay, you know what?
Starting point is 01:04:35 Very sorry I've ever said anything and dream is like here she comes your apologize I do love you bitch, but you're my, but you're an asshole and then so do you go and you know what? And she points to Elise. You see the substitute teacher in the corner? Why do you do to her? You put her at the end of every table at any event. You don't even talk to her. You ignore her. Look at the way she's staring into space. She's hurt. She's hurt. Why do you do that, Ramona? Why do you do that? And at least it's like I do feel that Everyone's like okay, you know what? Sorry to you. Sorry to you and Alisa goes, you know, you have a lot of kinds of girls
Starting point is 01:05:16 They're the ones that'll knock you down when you're on top They're the ones that kick you when you're down and there's the ones that celebrate you when you're on top and catch you when you fall Which friend am I to you Ramona? I'm like, you know what Elise don't ask a question. Don't want the answer to Which one would that be darling? Well, I would like to I'm asking you I'm asking you which one am I? Which one do you want to be which one am I which one do you want to be? Kai, I'm like, oh, this is the worst argument ever You're the one the god not coming out with us after the Halloween Mace guy Which one do you want to be? Which one am I? Which one do you want to be? Kai? I'm like, oh, this is the worst argument ever.
Starting point is 01:05:45 You're the one? The god not coming out with us after the Halloween maze, Kai? Yeah. So- We're the one that the students throw paper airplanes out of Kai. Uh, Mermona's pissed now, because she's like, Whoa, Elise is just gonna gank up with the other girls, she can be popular. So Mermona just walks off and Elise is like, why are you running away? And send her goes,
Starting point is 01:06:02 Because she has shot in front. They love that word now. And at least it's like why are you running away and send me goes cuz she has shot in front They love that word now Shoggin frog No one's gonna use it right It means that she gets off by walking to other side's tables with German for that So then Ramona goes to Durinda cuz she's got no friends left in this room, right? So she's gonna try with Durinda, which is obviously a bad move. She goes to Durinda and she's like, so you know what Durinda? I think the other day we've really shocked Larry Scott.
Starting point is 01:06:40 And then Durinda's like, yeah, I'm gonna talk about it. He's like, wait And out of the whole group, and don't repeat this because I'm gonna get in trouble, okay? But you and Sonia are the most important to me. Okay, now what are we gonna complain about? She's like, you're not buying it. You look well out, Willie, Danny. I know she's actually a remover. But really, you should've just said, Sonia, let's do the party together, right?
Starting point is 01:07:00 I mean, what's his point? He's silly, 60 women. It's my big opening. I'm coming here You know after another party on another day. I'll call it a worst birthday party day, okay? I'll celebrate Sonya. I'll call it the logic for people with no friends. Okay? I'll call it. Let's invite everyone to accept a lease to it party day I'm gonna say why does she just have her own party? It's like you're silly telling me to get out there. You're telling me to get a free party.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I fell in love with you. I love celebrating my birthday, okay? I love it, okay? No, Turenda always says it's silly that I have a party. It's because she has no one to invite, okay? But I have 80 friends, okay? Because I'm a good friend, right? That's why I have so many friends.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'm a great friend. I mean, look, look, there's my best friend at least crying in, okay, because I'm a good friend right? That's why I have so many friends I'm a great friend. I mean look look there's my best friend Elise crying in the corner cuz I'm such a good friend Okay I pay for my own parties, okay? I'm not so yeah, I'm Ramona. She made her Ramona Your daughter's like you're paying Larry. She goes are you drunk? You drunk? You drunk? Okay? You are you know what? That you're just drugs maybe we can talk about this enough time that Elise isn't invited guys And by way this entire time there's like this poor waiter who standing with this of a tray with like one glass of water or something Right next to him just like waiting for them to please take this beverage so he can move to a different station He's like oh god. Yeah, stupid, stupid women
Starting point is 01:08:25 So she triggered Durinda because you never say you're drunk to Durinda alcoholics hate when you say they're drunk So Durinda that's not forget what happened to Luan in in Colombia. Yeah, and here we go So she's set Durinda off now so she's Drug your drug you been here can get in 30 you whacked out of your mind. You're looking scoundrel You've been here in 730, you whacked out of your mind. You're looking sad, you're taking it, you're not. That's a mother of a waksa. You looking sound ridiculous. Meanwhile, I turned this into golden,
Starting point is 01:08:54 those were like golden Arteko Skeleton costume. You're the name of the dead. You're ridiculous. So then it's 9 o'clock, so Luann and Leah finally arrive. And I was like, oh, well, look, here we are here. We are oh good. Waiter dress like a priest. I'll have a vodka. Please. Oh, that's actually Rob Oh, he looks like he's about to fall over is are you okay? Sir are you okay? Do we have a pillow for this man? Hmm? so Rob Leat Rob goes I feel a small and shit
Starting point is 01:09:23 Leo's like, oh don't worry Rob. They're just all really tall and during this like I write Rob Let's get down to basics. Well, I haven't you two worked out, huh? Somebody I would never ask somebody that but I actually was seriously asking I just be given for one moment I could take the temperature of the room, which is kind of surprising So I pulled it so I pulled it back I pulled it back okay yeah and then Sony sees Louie off from across You started a little early didn't you Sonya oh god
Starting point is 01:10:02 JOOOOO! I'm the one. I'm the one. I'm the one. The Jill Zaryn bell goes off. I'm the one. I'm the one. For whom the Jill tolls. I'm the one.
Starting point is 01:10:20 So, um, Ramona's, um, Ramona's like now really mad at Durrinda. She's like, you know what? Durrinda's behavior, when she's angry, has to stop. Okay, I mean like, but you know what? I'm just gonna suck it up and sit here and I'll leave momentarily for my other friend at, oh my, okay. Oh my, oh my.
Starting point is 01:10:36 So Ramona tells you, you look absolutely stunning. And she's like, well, you gotta dress like this now because who knows how long I'm gonna look like this in my right. So you always gonna be beautiful who knows how long I'm going to look like that? Is it my right? So you always going to be beautiful. Just remember that I'm being really nice to you while everybody else attacks me, okay? Yeah, exactly, right? So now they're all sitting down at the table and
Starting point is 01:10:57 Sonia sits down across from Leon. She's I mean Sonia is like She's she's at that point of drunkenness where she's almost like a potted plant where like when she sits down It's like, you know, like it's just like she just like settled into her seat and like that plant is not moving, right? It's like it's found its corner, right? And so Sonya is like she's like I Like Leah, but she's a fucking weirdo And we like excuse me she goes I mean Leah's like excuse, while you look at his hell, I'll tell you that. I said, I like you, but you're weirdo. I'm weirdo, I'm weirdo.
Starting point is 01:11:33 Leo, Leo, Leo, she's drunk, okay, just don't, just don't, Leo, she's drunk, okay, just don't, just don't, I gotta go to Omar's, okay, just don't, Leo, just don't, don't go over Toss on Leo, okay, I gotta go on, Omar's, okay. So then Leo goes over and puts her face right in Sonia's and Sonia's like, I like you, you're weirdo, I'm weirdo, where art is? Let's be weirdos, hey Pino, what can we just keep it real, Dyn?
Starting point is 01:11:54 Because you just need to keep it real, Dyn girl, right? They was like, can you keep it real, Dyn? She goes, maybe not. She goes, so why do I have to keep it real, then? You have to reel me in. Maybe we can really chether in. And so now they're friends or something? They always have, they're just like staring into each other's eyes.
Starting point is 01:12:14 And Leo's like, yeah, I can speak drunk. I can speak drunk, because I don't know. So I get it, which is actually true. They like, like, it's every time you think the two of them are about to escalate, they somehow like, it's every time you think the two of them are about to escalate, they somehow, like, it somehow gets like... I don't want to say sexual, but there's like, it becomes like, oddly... passionate.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Like, remember they got that if they had to fight in the bathroom and they were fighting and then all of a sudden they were like sort of making out. Yeah. Yeah. So, some of this like, let's not be a divisive. That's being inclusive. And Lee is like, we could be a back and force if we teamed up me and you, which is such a scary thought. And so true as well. We've already seen them throw fire. So so then we see Durinda trying out a alligator. She's like, you
Starting point is 01:13:01 know what? Chicken, you say chicken? He's there. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not not the not the chicken that I buy at the store Huh, except I buy from a very fancy store called not just chicken So then Durinda starts complaining to the way out about Ramona and she's like, yeah, you know, I like I Ramona because I said I was drunk and I don't like that. I mean, she was the one who was whacked out of her mind. I was, she was here a year, an hour earlier. You know, she's a selfish, self-surfing person that always does anything about her saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Well, but I can't believe is she brought Missy. I mean, do I care. Yes, you do care. I wouldn't have brought someone to bother you. And which is hilarious because doesn't she say that she's the one who brought Ramona's trek later on in this scene? Doesn't her end to say that she invited that kid?
Starting point is 01:13:54 Oh yeah, you're right. I'm gonna read that. She did that. That's a hypocrite. So she's like, I wouldn't bring somebody who would have bothered you. Ramona's like, you know what, she doesn't have chinsleys. So I guess now she's gonna attack me.
Starting point is 01:14:06 And so rude, because I'm on my way to Omar's right now, okay? I can't push you to attack me when I have a great table at Omar's waiting for me, okay? Yeah, so Lou Ann tells us she doesn't bother me, but to bring a girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend, and Leah's, or my ex-husband, and Leah's like, shot fire!
Starting point is 01:14:22 No. And we also see a great Tom Flashback where Missy's basically like, so what's that on your fingers? Oh yeah. It's like a dog with a collar. You know, that season was like so amazing. That entire, that's the Tom Saga is just like one of the most amazing things that ever happened to this show.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah. Don't think of the past, don't think of the past. Don't think of the past. Stay in the past. I'm very happy with the present, but sometimes I like to reflect on just how many amazing gems this show has given us. Oh, the real housewives of New York. So Luanne is telling us. Well, the thing with people is they'll disappoint you all the time and
Starting point is 01:15:10 Gary who's Gary? This is one way to keep your calories down. Oh, yeah, Gary is Jill's fiance So she's like the food starting to sharpen Jill's like what's that Gary is that eyeballs? Is that are those eyeballs Gary? like what's that Gary is that eyeballs is that are those eyeballs Gary high eyeballs is jail high so this is where to Rinda sits next to the trick the hot guy that we saw a few episodes ago and said look my man that is really I'm your plate toy I get happy I grab William and I'm I'm you in it. Here's your girl. And Ramona is just ignoring her. It's like, it's just so amazing. They're dynamic.
Starting point is 01:15:50 But she's annoying her in that way, where her posture is straight and her eyes are beating out. Like her costume is actually so perfect at this moment, because it's so fitting that she's just ignoring her. And she is doing the blink, like the high and mighty blink, but she's also wearing this regal regal cape with a high collar, you know. You know what? Sometimes the best thing to do when someone is a shit to you
Starting point is 01:16:11 is just to ignore them, okay? It's like one Thomas, a little girl, okay? I was trying to have fun and Jeldin partsmith said, you know little girl, you're not allowed to have fun, okay? Cause you're stupid little girls, which is ignore her. And this day I can ignore anyone I want, okay? Sorry, sorry, that's just my past. So Lou Ann stands up for a speech and then he goes, Lou Ann!
Starting point is 01:16:32 She's like ding ding ding. Oh, I'm doing the stands up. She's like, ding ding ding. Let me get a consensus from the table. I just got here. I just got here. Okay. I haven't been using 730s like somebody else. She's over here. Okay. You know, you really get a consensus from people because I just got you, I just got you, okay. I haven't been here since I've been 30, like somebody else. Who's over here, okay? You know, you really get a consensus from people because I just got you, okay? And then it cuts to Sonya just chowing on a chicken bone. Oh my god. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:55 And I also just want to point out that right before the speech when Ramona was ignoring D'Ariinda, this was like, you could barely hear it. Like they didn't even bring it up in the audio. I just happened to catch it. It's like it was like in the background of the audio you just hear the Whan say what do you mean there's not enough salt So Dorenda stands up and she's like what do you okay I'm gonna get a consensus What do you guys think of a Frank that when they don't like says when they don't like something
Starting point is 01:17:24 This says you're drunk What do you guys think of a friend that when they don't like says, when they don't like something, this says, you're drunk. When did everybody think of that? So, I knew who I was like chicken and like olives and clams, while you have a mouth says, Ramona, why'd you do that? Why'd you do that Ramona? And me, it goes, I'm drunk and I'm happy.
Starting point is 01:17:43 During this, like,'s that here for an hour And he goes from Mona very bad Ramona very bad It's bad it's weak and it's mean that's some sharpened fluff and that's what you are You shouldn't fly You can happy you say that I live people That's some shawfin' fluffin'. That's what you are. You shaddin' faggot, you're... You get happy when you say that, I live people. Why'd you do that, Ralona? Yeah, why'd you do that? You care about it, Sonia.
Starting point is 01:18:12 You're that nice. Don't do that. And then we just got to Sonia with a humongous, like cartoonish ladle, slopping cheese. She's like, there's like, slop in front of her. Like, Sonia is literally in a different century from the rest of the show at this moment. Like, she is literally in the middle ages, and she's like slop in front of her like Sonya is literally in a different century from the rest of the show at this moment Like she is literally in the middle ages and she's like I'm the second boss love you mr
Starting point is 01:18:31 It's like where is Sonya right now? You're sick. Yeah, don't you that Ramona? Joke us wow. I really miss you girls Yeah, well, I was just gonna say happy Halloween, but I guess she beat me to it Huh, whoever thought that anyone could upset your cab rest are I guess we found out Well, I understand Durinda has had it, but she's taken it to a whole nother level at this point I feel bad for Ramona. I mean Durinda. It's like what a way to prove that you're not a drunk Yeah, like to stand up and act like a total fucking monster typical. Yeah. So Ramona like turns to missing
Starting point is 01:19:06 You know what she's just so angry and you know what? I don't know what she's angry about her life. Obviously you're okay and Joe's like is this how it always is You're walking a room in Dorenda attack someone Which is gonna pay for that one Because Jill said in an interview. Sorry. I don't have, like, I didn't write down where I'm hearing all this stuff. Probably Facebook, gave my news source, but Jill apparently said that she was invited
Starting point is 01:19:32 to the next party or the Berkshire's or something, and then to Rinda said she couldn't come. Uh-oh. So yeah, you're paying for that, that one already. So then Elise comes over to Ramonish, she's like, are you okay? You know I love you Ramona. She's like, fine, fine.
Starting point is 01:19:48 She's like, come on Ramona. I love you Ramona. And Missy goes, you know what? You really just have to lift people up. You know what? I've been feeling a little neglected, but I still love her so much, okay? You look hot, you look hot.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Don't look at me like that. Don't look at me like that don't look at me like that come on Ramona Ramona is like no that Ramona realizes she has all the power so she's like no you know what no at least no like thank you at least but I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not in the mood I'm not've got, I can't, I got an almost receivational tie. Oh, so then Ramona is telling us, she's like, you know what, the way that Elise has been acting lately and then Avery comes into the kitchen behind her and she's like, Mom, stop wasting your life talking about Elise, it's dumb.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yes Avery, I hear you and your friends all the time is always talking about Elise. Well, because it's a nerving. Oh, you can't get enough. It's like an annoying mother. Sshhh. Sshhh. That Avery cameo made all these Zoom interviews so worth it.
Starting point is 01:20:53 For Avery just to come storming into the interview and complaining, Mother, shh. Ah. So then it comes back to Elise. She goes, what can I do, Ramona? What can I do? She's like, I'm good fine guy So
Starting point is 01:21:08 Then Ron is on the Sony now. He's like hey, you know, I have fun. You want to fight and she's like get me a drink I'm Yeah, and then Durinda's trying to carve this page. She's like, I'm sorry to do this to you, John, but I gotta go in here. Okay. And I was like, you know what? Who in there right mind after hearing that horrific speech would give Durinda a knife, okay? So true. And then Leah takes a giant little octopus giant little octopus off the top of the seafood tower is like Rob's like, Leah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, do not fuck with my seafood tower, okay? HAHAHAHA
Starting point is 01:21:54 And the man goes, this is where vodka comes in handy because he's like wiping off the octopus with the alcohol. And- But lia's also is like, she introduces Sonia to Rob, but she's also still holding the octopus. She's like Sonia meet Rob Me cares me kick his dad. This is Rob is it the octopus or is it the guy just like a priest? Which one is it? So Leah's like you guys should hook up and we're gonna say you know what someone put some food on this on of you on up here on I'm going to all of us guy Going to Omar oh my oh my dammit
Starting point is 01:22:33 Rob's like I don't know how my life ends up like this, but here we are And that's pretty much the end of that one everybody Yeah, that was the end that was real housewives in New York pretty It's crazy as usual. They're just like very drunk and unhinged, but I thoroughly enjoy it. Yeah I definitely got a lot of laughs out of it I could do with a little bit less of Durinda just being wasted every single time being toxic to somebody like I enjoy that like maybe every other episode but like every single episode it's like and she had I thought her scene with her daughter was really sweet like I actually thought her like insisting that
Starting point is 01:23:16 her daughter wear her vest was just so lovely and moderately and that's like I I love that Durinda has that side of her too but she really is unhappy in her life at the moment. She is going through shit and it is like, it is really coming out everywhere. And this is where we need someone like Bethany who like can't deal with it, who just says, okay, you know what?
Starting point is 01:23:35 I need to be ridiculous. You're drunk, you're ridiculous, yelling at everyone like, what's wrong with you? Okay, like you gotta get it together. This isn't right, this isn't right. Okay, like you're terrible. You know, no one likes the mayonnaise, so you're behind with that, I have one hate mayonnaise, guess what? And also like this isn't right. Okay, like you're terrible. You know, no one likes the mayonnaise, so you're behind that.
Starting point is 01:23:45 I have one hate mayonnaise, guess what? And also like no one likes your best. I feel bad for Hannah. I wanna give her a hug, because she has to wear your best. And you're being toxic, so get over it, okay, sorry. So since the schedule changed a little bit and we had this one on a Monday, this time as well,
Starting point is 01:24:01 as a Friday, and we took last week off, we have Mary Dometticin LA kind of gets the shaft, sorry, but we haven't covered that whole season just a few. We will be back to do a full recap next week for the season finale. And conveniently nothing really happened on this episode of Mary-Domethison LA, so that made life a lot. That's basically they were still in pump springs. And they did one of those bike things where they like, they peddled in pump springs. Yeah. And they went, pedal, they did one of those bike things
Starting point is 01:24:25 where they, like, they peddled, but also drank. And then, to me, that was like, the actually the funniest moment of the season was when. Yeah, it was the best scene for sure. Yeah, Jasmine. So Jasmine was, again, getting on Kendra's ass, but like, you need to pedal harder, or you need to pedal harder,
Starting point is 01:24:42 and Kendra's like, oh my god, please stop please stop She's like you sent me a photo of that of foe you sent me a photo of foe and like that's not good enough And she's like it's a bitch. It's fun So like now you're harassing me, okay, we need to end up now. I'm saying I think you're right. You're fired. I'm happy I'm fired I'm like, I think you're right. You're fired. I'm happy I'm fired. Yeah, and then they just sort of like they went to dinner and they dressed up and then Jasmine was wearing like her unbrand She because of the whole the whole dinner theme was like where where label and so everyone was wearing like Versace or Other stuff and then and it was Leah's time to plan the party and Lee and Jasmine don't like each other so to be shady with Leah she decided to show up at her own
Starting point is 01:25:30 labor that's how they take that yeah and they aired out some stuff about the gifts the gag gets from last week and then I mean they have to say conversations that they've had the past few weeks like well, here's how I feel about my divorce Well, here's how I feel about getting a job. Well, here's how I feel about getting a job They have those three same conversations and we were out Yeah, and they went to a drag club where they were like they acted as if like America had never seen a drag queen before They're like you know, it's great about drag They are just living out there. They are just out there.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I'm like, okay, yes, we understand right now. And they're shocked that they're in Palm Springs and every wins old. So like, why is everyone here so old? What is happening? And then a Monty does that thing that I feel like girls do at gay clubs where, right, where they're like, oh, it's my bachelor at party
Starting point is 01:26:23 and then they come into a gay club and they, you know, but a mommy takes the mic from the drag queen and she's like I am woman. I'm not only I'm not only fabulous, but it's also I'm a doctor and they're like Yeah, I mean yay. I was like cool Okay, we're waiting for the that's great. So I like to thank my doctor for my tit Cool Yeah, that was pretty much I mean and then there was like one of those singing's were like The husbands get together they would play some pool and then Hobart's like they're like oh Hobart you got a You got to let her you got to let her take that job because it's how she expresses her womanhood, too, or independence.
Starting point is 01:27:10 And it's like one of those like every marriage medicine season from any franchise always has that scene with the, with the husbands they get together and talk about husband stuff. Yeah. Um, and it was my hearing them actually give him good advice because he's like, I mean, I just feel like she doesn't want to be around the baby and that she's just like screw this I don't want to be around the baby so I'm going back to work. Well, guess what? That's her proctiv I don't want to be around the fucking baby either, okay? You guys want to be around the baby? Yeah, switch. Why don't you switch? Yeah, why is that not applied to you? Hope are yes, sir
Starting point is 01:27:42 So that was it and so next week is the season finn all married to medicine. Yeah big season finale so we'll be covering that next Monday and this week we got below deck med, we got settling sunset and we got I think Beverly Hills is back this week and we got on New York. Yeah we will talk to you tomorrow, everybody. Bye. Bye. Bye. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Slash Survey.

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