Watch What Crappens - RHONY: ShabBat Out of Hell

Episode Date: August 19, 2021

We didn't think Ramona could get worse, and then she did. It's the second part of the Black Shabbat dinner, and Ramona takes time between her tenth drink and eating dinner in the kitchen to ...offend every single group she can think of. Then Sonja pees in the driveway on her way out. This week's bonus is a shot by shot breakdown of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City trailer. Find all of our premium bonus episodes at Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, but people are running around. Kids, what happens when there's so much that happens? Well, hello, and welcome to Watch What Corruptions. The podcast for all that crap we just love to talk about on Yeo Brahms, everybody. I'm Ronnie, and that's being over there, hi, Ben.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Hey Ronnie, what's up? Hey, Doom Baby. I'm doing so well. Are you getting any sort of delay with me? We were having some tech issues right before this started is it do I sound crisp and clear and alert? You sound just fine. Bam. Oh good. I'm very handsome. Oh You stop that stop that Ronnie everybody welcome to well nothing great, okay? Because got some very bad news
Starting point is 00:01:26 in the Bravo universe yesterday. Oh, thank God. Oh my God. Oh my God. It's almost gonna report on it. Oh my goodness. We got some late breaking news from the world of Bravo.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And who is coming to the podium, Ronnie? It looks like we're in a press conference. Who's coming to the podium Ronnie? It looks like we're in a press conference. Who's who's coming to podium? Oh my god, I think that that's Liam locking coming up Wow, Liam. Liam. Oh Mugle Hello, I It's me the end for Simmons
Starting point is 00:01:58 Liam do you have anything to say about real housewives of Dallas being well, they're not calling it canceled. They're saying that it was put on pause. But you know what? I don't believe that. I think it was canceled. And do you have anything to say about that? And do you think it was your fault? Well, thank you to the slut in the front row there who's wearing some sort of ill-befitting costume here at this press conference, I just have to say that it breaks my heart to see the show that I carried for four seasons. How, sir. Be killed. Oh, sir.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Okay, great. Well, thanks a lot for everything you did for start to bring this show down. Mother. I'm just sorry that Deandra was not able to maintain the quality of the show without me because if it weren't for me and my hands and sure they're just hands but they work quite well to craft the most magnificent show of all time and without me, without me it has died. It has died and for that I am sorry and blame my mother. Oh my god, look, someone else is coming to the podium. Oh my god. Who is it? Who is it?
Starting point is 00:03:08 It looks like it's Cameron Westcott Oh Hi, Cameron Westcott. This is um this is Ben from watch or crap ends. I was wondering um Do you think that maybe um your Some of you the tweets of you and your family contributed to the demise of this series? Well, girl. First of all, I want to say that I have not been consult.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Okay, I'm still here. I still have my same table at the glue and I'm gonna be there So if anyone wants to try and make me separate from my formula because of cool then and make us sit in different pulses Then you better think twice or my husband will go on Twitter and call you with drunk and say you're not fit to be a waiter at the country club anymore Okay, I have a question. This is Diane Sawyer from ABC News and my question is I don't know you Do you feel like you're with a victim of white racism? You know people are allowed to be racist against white rich people right now and I think it's very very Unfurr. Okay. We're the only people that you're still allowed to be resuscitated. Go's canceled every other entrepreneurial endeavor she's ever embarked on.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Thank you very much. And I will tell you something else. Dan for thinks she can get up. You know, when I first tried to cancel Dan from when she was two years old and took a mallemar out of my purse and then hidden the trunk of the car. You know, I thought that little girl was lost. They had social services over at my house saying, where is your daughter? No one could find her for days until I started roasting hot dogs. And she crawled back out of there and suddenly she was found.
Starting point is 00:05:14 You know, that is the first day I almost canceled, Dandra. And I will tell you this much when she came crying to me. And said, mama, my show has been canceled. I said, I don't give a dog. Right, Vander. Um, now, D, I think that your son and lies coming to the podium. Yeah, damn right. He is. And I'm just here to say that, uh, to commemorate real house of Dallas wrapping up five seasons, D. And you're gonna fuck in front of everyone.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Oh, sorry Jeremy, that's kind of gross. Please clear the stage because we need to make way for Brandy and Stephanie. Brandy and Stephanie. Hey, Brandy and Stephanie is me, Andy Collin. I just wanted to say, hey, do you think that your bloody mouths are the reason that people didn't want to watch this young anymore? I love parties. I love parties. Yeah, I love poop. Poof is funny. I think it's funny. You know what? You can cancel shows, but you know what you can't cancel. Friendship What if I'm friends? I'm always there. I love you. I love you girl. I love you so much girl? I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I love you so much girl. I love you girl. I love you. I have something to say about this. So do I. This is a situation. I would like to say I don't appreciate being fired when the show wasn't even coming back. That's like being fired from a mall that's been closed already
Starting point is 00:06:48 That's not fair to me. I would like to take that off of my LinkedIn From now on or my LinkedIn says is situation jewellery design and you're a snake These never would have happened if I wasn't put in the back seat of the car and the undress car and now Never would have happened if I wasn't put in the back seat of the car and the undress car and now Because I am so furious. I shall pour salsa all over Bravo television I would like to sing something please Yes Tiffany Tiffany. Yes Tiffany God. Okay, please please say something Tiffany
Starting point is 00:07:27 I just want to say that because of you, fuckers, I gave up a cushy job at the hospital and lost respect to my peers for what I thought would be several seasons of theme on Bravo and because of you bitches, I've lost it all. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Oh my God, that's the racist. She's right there. Right there. Wow, okay, that's the end of the press conference. Wow, so Real Housewives of Dallas is out of here, eh? Yeah, guys, I have to say I'm bummed.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I am actually bummed about this. I know that we are sort of in the minority of Bravo viewers. We have really enjoyed Dallas all along. And there have been a lot of people who are like, meh, or they say it's boring, a lot of people celebrated the demise of this show. Honestly, I like this show. I'm sad. I'm actually really sad that it's gone. You know, we know it had a rocky season. Again, I think we're in the minority in that we both enjoyed this past season. I don't know if our position as recappers affects how we view certain shows,
Starting point is 00:08:29 but I'm actually like, I think this is a bummer. Yeah, it's a bummer, but you know what the bigger bummer is, is that Cameron Westcott is an idiot and is probably the reason the show is a dead joke. I think so. Because beyond even the shooting of the show, just the idiocy that was going on on Twitter where Cameron's husband was attacking Tiffany
Starting point is 00:08:48 and calling her a drunk and adding the hospital, trying to get her fired and then sharp the brother was in it too, just torturing this woman on Twitter. You know, you people are fucking disgusting and you did this camera in Westcott, okay? And I always enjoyed you on that show and tell you became like two problematic to even deal with in that reunion, which was pathetic and shame on you. But shame on you, this is your fault. I totally 100% blame Cameron for this.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I actually do too, because the thing is the ratings were not good enough to justify these kind of antics off camera. I actually, you know, she was totally problematic in that reunion, but that wasn't the breaking point. It was really all those tweets. The tweets were really gross. And the thing is, even though Cameron was being totally problematic in that reunion, I was looking forward to seeing how this was going to play out on the show.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And I wanted to see her be confronted with that more, and really put her, like grill her on the show in the next season, right? I was, I mean, I was deeply disappointed with her on the reunion, you know, because we've, you know, I've been a big camera in Westcuff, and I think she's so ridiculous. But the thing is, the off camera stuff, the tweets were really terrible. And I think that was it because the ratings are just not good enough to say, like, like, the ratings are low and it's like, and on top of that, now there's this whole problematic Twitter storm that's happening.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Just get rid of it. I know that's probably what Bravo was thinking, but that being said, there's a lot of great stuff in Dallas. Dr. Tiffany Moon is fantastic. I think Deandra and D are endlessly compelling. I like Stephanie. I think that she's not the most compelling real housewife, but I think she serves a nice sweet role.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I'd be fine to get rid of Brandi, Carrie, and sadly, well not sadly anymore, but if you'd asked me last year, I would say sadly, you know, get rid of Cameron and rebuild from there. But I would have kept it around a little bit longer. Well, according to reports, it looks like they were trying out new people.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They had hired like three new people and were filming, you know, doing test shots with them and stuff and they just weren't working out while. So they, they just said, well, we'll just give it some time. But you know, to Bravo, that means you're canceled. I mean, but then there is hope because Real House was a Miami, got the same treatment. They were never told they were canceled.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And it's like how many years later and they're being brought back on peacock. So you never know. But there have also been rumors that they're filming other shows in Texas. So I'm not sure if there's, I mean, there have been rumors going around Austin for years that they're shooting, but I feel like we would know for sure if they were because a bunch of damn gossip surrounding here, like everywhere. So I feel like we would know for sure if they were because a bunch of damn gossip surrounding here like everywhere. So I feel like we would know for sure, but.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I think also the success of Salt Lake City oddly enough, kind of probably precipitated as well because even though Salt Lake City and Dallas are two totally different cities and cultures, they kind of are both like, you know, that there's something that feels similar about them and Salt Lake City is really kind of like, you know, blowing
Starting point is 00:11:51 up right now. So maybe that contributed to it. Also, don't forget that when after they cleaned house on Real House House of New York, after season four, Real House House of New York was off the air for an entire year. It was gone and people thought it was canceled. So, you know, there is hope, but based on the way these cast members have been posting on social media, like, oh, it's the end of a chapter, da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It pretty much looks done and dusted. So, you know, you know, and some people have been real haters, which is their right, I mean, it's Bravo TV. I mean, how do you not watch Bravo TV and not enjoy a nice, hater moment? But people are like, well, was there even a good moment on this show? And there were great moments.
Starting point is 00:12:32 And I have to say season two of Dallas is one of the all time greats. It will always be great. We will always have it. I enjoyed season three as well. But season two was magnificent. And I will always have to thank Dallas for giving us that. Yeah, well, see you, Dallas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Dallas, Melulator. Y'all, I guess they're going my dillard jokes. Well, and then we can transit. No, Ronnie, you can always have your dillard jokes. So we go from Dallas to Real House, was in New York. And now people, there's a radar online story, which I do not believe for one second.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And I believe it was planted by I don't know who. Jill Zaren, you know there's a 100% Jill Zaren calling fucking Page Six every day trying to get shit going on. You know it is. Yeah saying that that that real housewives of New York is indefinitely suspended. I mean I even be coming back real housewives of New York is coming back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:24 People I know people people are really leaning into the backlash of this season, that's fine, do it. Like, listen, we all have our things that we love and we hate, you know? But it is still operating. Real housewives of New York is having a not so great season for real housewives of New York, but it is having pretty great season
Starting point is 00:13:40 for like compared to any other show, you know? So I think- Well, it's just the ratings are in the toilet. Well, they're really bad. Well, I think they were, I think when they fired D'Arinda, that was a huge tactical mistake. I think people were really unhappy about that. And so people came into the season, especially being like,
Starting point is 00:13:56 how is this show gonna be good without D'Arinda? So people came in, I think actually not wanting to accept it. And it was like, it was definitely uneven in the beginning. I think it's actually stable as quite a it. And it was like, it was definitely uneven in the beginning. I think it's actually stable. That's quite a bit. But it was uneven in the beginning. You know, the COVID has messed everything up. And people are like, see, it's bad without Dharinda. And they don't like this. And then there's people who don't like Ebony and there's people who don't like Ramona right now. And there's all this stuff. So the ratings obviously are down. But I don't know. I don't think it's going on.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Speaking of Dharinda and her crazy ass. Okay. This is another thing that happened today, or yesterday rather, with a real size of New York and Durinda. So Durinda's book came out. Make it nice. And I made it nice, whatever. And so she posted in Blue Stone Manor, she posted, I guess she was like sitting on a couch or something.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Look, it seemed like from my memory, of course I have the comments, but not the picture here. She was just like looking at the fireplace and there was a big peacock in front of her. And she said, well, the day is finally come. Me and Richie have written a book. I'm so proud of us and everything we've accomplished. Lililililil need my buck right okay, so this girl comments does Richard come with the Airbnb rental? Because the way the picture is set up it looks like she's saying me and Richard the bird right because it's a picture
Starting point is 00:15:24 set up it looks like she's saying me and Richard the bird right cuz it's a picture of the bird right I think the girl is thinking oh my god is Richard this Richard is beautiful is he gonna be in the airbnb rental I don't think she met your dead husband okay but maybe she did you know what do I know but that's how I took it so during the comments and kind it best and then another comment right under that you clever right Wow, and then she goes let's let's plat Sick let's plat this idiot mean mean idiot. Let's play it. Yeah. My dead husband is coming you good now And then someone says oh, I think she meant the peacock Oh, no, and she says, Nope,
Starting point is 00:16:11 Durin is as nope. And someone said, yeah, agreed. And then the original commenter says, Oh my God, Oh my God, Durin, this is totally period. I totally forgot your husband's name was Richard, I love the peacock. Oh my God, I'm so sorry. No, nothing but love, I miss you on the show and then Durinda wrote apologize for your disrespect to my husband Don't mention his name. Oh my god. This is Wow, you know, um Durinda Durinda message just last week and Because she she just wants to send us her book and because she just wants to send us her book. But we didn't know.
Starting point is 00:16:45 We just, our inbox said four messages from Durinda Medley. And honestly, we were terrified. I don't know if we were so scared. And we're like, uh-oh. Is she, what did, what did she listen to? What is she gonna yell at us about? Because as I've mentioned on the show before,
Starting point is 00:17:00 I did have that moment where she kind of like yelled at me on the club house and from everyone out of, and I was like, I was like I was like and I wasn't even trying to talk to her I was sort of forced into the situation where I had to talk to her so I was like oh god Durrinda's coming for blood but instead I was like hey I'd like to send you my book with your dress. Thank God. Thank God. Yeah so Durrinda seems to still you know be Durrinda so we'll see because the rumors are that she's coming back, because Andy, when she was
Starting point is 00:17:28 on Watch What Happens Live, Andy was saying, oh, how do you feel about your pause here? And so everyone's saying, oh, well, that obviously means she's coming back. But then there's been another show shooting. It's kind of all the canceled housewives. And it's D'Arinda and a bunch of other housewives who have been fired living in a house, not to be mistaken with the other housewives spin off, which is like a housewives vacation show, which, you know, Ramona and Carl Richardson are on.
Starting point is 00:17:54 And so to anyone, you know, writing Bravo and saying, Bravo, we are not accepting this and then Bravo's gonna fire Ramona and everyone's gonna think they did something. Well, they already had this footage when they hired Ramona for this. They did. Ramona is a monster.
Starting point is 00:18:09 She's always been a monster. She's been problematic for years. We know all this. But so for me, I'm like, she is a villain. She does terrible things. And one of the great parts of these shows is that we watch these people and they're terrible. And the show knows they're terrible. Like, that's what the whole like Bravo wink concept is, is that we watch these people and they're terrible. And the show knows they're terrible. Like that's what the whole like Bravo wink concept is
Starting point is 00:18:28 is that we're watching them. And like they get their asses handed to them at the reunion, they get their asses handed to them on the internet. That's part of the show. And you know, I mean, that's my take on it. And I understand that my perspective could be different from other people who are impacted in different ways.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I totally accept that from you. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I got to pull away from that one a little just because this is bad. I mean, Ramona, like there's one thing just being a horrible human being, which of course we all know she is and being problematic, which we all know she is, to just like completely sitting at a table of black people and spewing the shit that was coming out of her mouth. Yeah, and they're like blaming a black nurse for her. I mean, we'll get into it because obviously, this is the New York recap.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So I know we're 20 minutes in, but eventually we'll get to that. But I don't know. I don't think there's really any coming back from this. Like it's getting to the point where I'm like, okay, bye then, bye. And I've never said that with her. I've always found it funny, but I was, even I was like, cringing under the table.
Starting point is 00:19:28 So I was cringing. I was cringing. I was totally, I was cringing, but I was like, I was like, this is, but this is, this is why I watch, or these, like, are these moments of like, I cannot believe this person is so diluted that they think that they could say these things and it's actually gonna be a form of connection with someone. Like that's, I'm like, I cannot believe it.
Starting point is 00:19:51 And that to me has always been an appeal about real housewives of New York. But like I said, you know, I'm, you know, there's a lot of people shoes I haven't walked in, right? So I'm not taking that away from anyone else. Yeah, okay, well let's get started. Hey, this episode is called Bitching and Ramoning. Pretty good lady, perfect.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah, so we are still at Black Shabbat, which right away I was horrified that we were even back here. I was like, okay, this needs to end. Nothing good can possibly come of this, this needs to end. There's nothing good can possibly come of this, just make it end. Yeah. It was already pretty terrible. And I was like, well, we're always gonna remember Black Shabbat.
Starting point is 00:20:35 I'll say that much. So, Ebony is, she's just, you know, I think she's still on the phone in the living room talking to Leah, saying how like, Sonya understands everything, Luann gets everything, but Ramona just does not get it. And then we see Ramona, she's in the kitchen because when we last saw her, she had gotten up from the table and moved in the kitchen because she's so hungry.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Despite having snacked all the way on the trip and also having ordered, she's now saying that she's starving. So she's in the kitchen, she's like, you know what, I need food. I was running with my accountant and I do business, but real estate, and I didn't have time to eat, okay? I really didn't eat, you know, I've been here for two hours,
Starting point is 00:21:15 and there's all these prayers and stuff, and I was just like delicious, but I need food, okay? Sorry, I'm sorry, I need food. You know, what can I say? Sometimes there's no food to put my mouth and then my fuck goes in my mouth. Okay. And then we cut back to Evony and Leon the phone.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And Evony's like, listen, I'm trying to be diplomatic here. Evony is like, Ramona just has like a really low IQ. So I'm back to Ramona. She's like, you know what? We're fustering the host. You know what? Is the host? Is the host this?
Starting point is 00:21:44 You know, it used to be waiter or waitress and now it's just waiter. You know? We're fustering the host. You know what? Is the host? Is the hostess? You know, it used to be waiter or waitress, and now it's just waiter, you know, because singular sex. You know what? So confusing. Her, she, them, is Archie of them? I don't know. Jokehead was definitely a weak kind of a guy.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Am I allowed to say guy? Seriously, things have changed in this world. Okay. You know what? I look like a baby just learned to drive, but I'm actually older and it's all very confusing, catering person. Okay? I'm just starving, all right? This poor chef is just standing there, just thinking to herself,
Starting point is 00:22:13 how much longer do I have to listen to this crazy lady talk? I need to get back to plating the entrees. Why is she talking to me? We're only slapping at herself and literally slapping her leg. You know, she's like, she's like a plate full of suck attached in front of her that she's like nibbling at, you know, the chef is like, oh my god, this is mortifying because there's more to this entree, but all America is seeing as the suck attached and they're probably judging me that I'm
Starting point is 00:22:37 just serving suck attached for Shabbat. This is terrible. And so, uh, Ebony hangs up with the, I guess, back to the table and she's telling us, oh my god, I bring her to a beautiful home with beautiful people, with beautiful food and drinks, and all you have to do is shut up. Okay, all you have to do is shut up. So then Ramona, I mean, Luan, Luan's always walking around looking for something. I'm not sure what's up with the way, but ever since the beginning of the show, this is what Leigh Wann best. So she's walking around looking for her. Where's my purse? It's shaped like a Tony award.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Anyone? Does anyone see it? Anyone? So then she walks through the kitchen looking for her purse. And you just hear Ramona saying, oh, so you know what? This is like, this was like feta, but better, huh? But you didn't add too much of it. But then you wrote the belt papers, which are great.
Starting point is 00:23:20 She's like doing like a full anberl dissection of this plate, you know, on, like worst, worst Shabbat caterers of America. So Luan's like, what are you doing? She's like, well, you know what, they start to press the press the press the press the press, it's gonna be in hours, so I came in here to eat and Luan's like, what the hell is wrong with you?
Starting point is 00:23:39 So then Luan just goes back to the table and goes, well, Ramona's in the kitchen eating. Huh, you know, Luan, who's now Ramona's best friend is of course first want to throw under the bus. Yeah, and Evan is like, oh just let her eat. And Archie says, is she that hungry? She's a grown-up. I mean, she is a grown-up.
Starting point is 00:24:00 And Evanie tells Lou, well thank you for making the effort, Lou. Shik, are you kidding me? I'm having a great time. It's better than a show, not mine, of course. Mine is actually written. So it actually takes a little bit more skill than this. But this is wonderful. It's like living art.
Starting point is 00:24:16 So Ebony says, well, I feel very misunderstood. I mean, tonight wasn't even about black people. She's like, I wasn't even, she's basically like, hello, I wasn't even being she's basically like, uh, hello, this, I wasn't even being the quote unquote lecturer that you used me up. Okay, it wasn't even about black people. And so Archie says, well, this is supposed to be about human values that we all have. Well, when Ramona's hungry, the human values go out the window. Am I right? Ben, write that down, put that in the show. Okay. Because this shows better be better than Blacks about, Shabbat. Okay, Ben? Ben?
Starting point is 00:24:46 Human value? So Ramona returns to the table on Ebony. He's like, you okay, baby. She's like, you know what? I don't know. He's the thing. I think I have him melt down, okay? Listen, I hadn't eaten all day.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Guy! Yeah, and Ebony's like, well, you were hungry. No, I was hungry, okay. So at this point, Archie's just like, fuck, well you were hungry. No, I was hungry, okay. So at this point Archie's just like, fuck, like fuck does bitch. Like she had this whole thing planned for the cameras where she was gonna really be able to promote Shabbat for all of America.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Now she's just like, okay, you know what? I'm just gonna make a blessing of the wine, okay? And so I was, how can we do it over to Keela? Can we do it over to Keela? And you know, Archie is just like, you know, so she does the prayer really quickly and Sonya starts pouring herself a cocktail. And Ramona now is very concerned. She's, you know what, Sonya's been drinking non-stop,
Starting point is 00:25:34 she's got here on the bus, yeah, I was like, oh, she said no food. And so this isn't gonna be pretty. I'm like, the reason why it's not gonna be pretty is because of your Ramona, you're the one who's making it not pretty. Yeah, but she's right about Sonya too. And Sonya is also making it not pretty. But Ramona is being so terrible that she's standing up every terrible thing that Sony is doing this season.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So Sonya is actually pretty lucky. Ramona is like a human shield, you know, because Sonya gets away with everything. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. Celebrity beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud,
Starting point is 00:26:24 from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber. A seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:27:00 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder ya. So the food comes and so me is like, I have to go pee. So she gets up and then everybody starts eating the holla bread and Archie's like, um, Ebony, Ebony, to me, I have to Archie over here. You okay? You okay? Put you like to look at one of my stuffed animals in the cage. Well that makes you feel better. And Evan is like listen, I just wanted my friends to see what we do, you know, and maybe Ramona's outburst was accurate because everyone doesn't get what we do, Archie. And Ramona goes, uh-uh, you know what? I do this with my friend, okay? I bought my friends at Jewish. You know what? I went to Hebrew school. I got converted, okay? I came out with this
Starting point is 00:27:43 wreck. I went for the husband and left with the deacup. You know what? He made great doctors at the temple You know what? I used to never like sign felt but now I like sign felt because I'm converted around juice Okay, so then Evan has like well I would never think that you're anti-Semitic But the reason why this is black Shabbat is because there's a special bond between you know Blacks and you but between Black and you Yeah, yeah, yeah fabulous get it well Blacks and Jews just like how it is born between Italians and Scots and other white people right and everybody's like no It's just we don't it's not to alienate Italians or Scottish. It's just no I get it
Starting point is 00:28:20 I get it. It's like how me and Evie have a special bond, okay? Because other people have special bonds, but they're not like me and Evie because it's almost like a mother daughter bond But it's also like a sister sister bond to okay She would say sister sister Come see what so then Evan, he's like oh well Ramona. Thank you for revisiting this because Ramona seems to have like kind of calmed down It's trying to be nice even though she's still completely fucking rude she's at least trying right yeah so Archie's like well I hate to pull us back to my dropper keeper but I've got some
Starting point is 00:28:52 prayers to get there I'm gonna go course course Archie it's Shabbat dinner okay yeah all of a sudden Ramona's like all into it so Archie goes okay guys well so Shabbat is really the, you know, the perfect time to do soul searching. And for so many people, it's hard to share their heart. So, why don't you show me your heart? Archie, what are you soul searching? Show me your heart. By the way, one thing I will never do is show my heart to Ramona Singer. The most terrifying thing is Ramona Singer asking to see your heart. Yeah, she's like, what's in it? You know what? You know what? I don't want to breathe now,
Starting point is 00:29:26 okay? I want conversation now. And Archie says, well, I just wanted to share it. No, no, conversation. And everything's like Ramona, you're not running shit here, okay? So poor Archie, now she's been told she can't read. She's like going through pages like, okay, let's get to page 20, page 20. Here I have something, it's written by Lisa Rina. It's called Question of the Week. Okay, we're gonna have some questions. And so he's like, okay, well, here I found a question for myself. What makes my heart beat? Okay, well, more one-on-one relationships. First of all, I mean that. You know, because I'm not talking with my girlfriends. I'm talking about my philanthropy.
Starting point is 00:30:10 My soul, my soul is philanthropy. You know what? I am not into this $1,200 ticket bullshit. You want a ticket? Pay me with your soul. We raised real money for real causes. There are a lot of people don't care about okay real cases real law Judge Judy am I right everyone?
Starting point is 00:30:31 So now she's yelling for no reason and Ramona is doing talking talking hand gestures. Yes. Yes. Oh my god. She talks so much right her eye roll So really that she does her eye roll and like head shake of a Sonia's crazy. Kai. So she's like, you know, Sonya, but she has too much to drink as Diabria of the mouth, which is like Diabria of the butt, but it's totally gross in public. Kai, and you know what, she just doesn't let anyone talk. It's no way.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I never had Diabria of the mouth because I put my foot in my mouth and the foot stops the Diabria from getting out. Ooooooh! Ooooooh! So then- The junior side, you don't even cover the wine, so it's donated. And sometimes we had 1200-dollar bottles. She's really obsessed with it in every 1200 this episode. Madonna was after G-string, under my couch, after John John's birthday, and you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:22 I donated it to an orphan in the project. She worked proudly every day as a uniform. Thanks, progress. That is progress. She is so near to us just at that point where she gets drunk and she just wants to talk about accomplishments in her life to I guess probably boost herself up. So she's just gonna bring anything into it.
Starting point is 00:31:44 They could have been talking about, I mean, they were talking about like one-on-one relationships. Somehow she just started talking about these charitable things she does. So Ramona's, she's going on and on, she's getting the Cross-Dizal montage, which is Brava's way of saying, look at this talker, right?
Starting point is 00:31:58 So Ramona's like, okay, okay, you know what? Who has the next question? Duane, next, Duane, Duane, next. She's, she's, she's, she's, excuse me, me, you jealous bitch. She's just like, I'm not jealous. Why do you cut me off? Why did... And then Sonia has this amazing Lifetime Television monologue. Why don't you share what you're doing on a daily basis because this woman is on the ground.
Starting point is 00:32:16 She's helping people to come out of prison and get a home. What are you doing on a daily basis to help me? So don't shut me up. Don't you ever shush me on my work to faith and give it back to passion never shush me please give me some boundaries and do something for others and stop social climbing social fucking climbing for what? another yacht another plane another dress another cruelty I was like oh my god it doesn't make sense but just it was so impassioned and wonderful. Wow. Whenever she and she's
Starting point is 00:32:48 read in the face screaming and pounding the table, going nuts, and she's slipping back into her old life again, you know, like all the money that she lost from her husband, which we're supposed to believe that Sonia misses the love of her life. When obviously she just misses being rich as fuck, because nobody else here has had a plane or a yacht or a The other stuff right yeah, so she walks off on that and Archie's like Ebony and Ebony is just holding her wine glass to her mouth and looking straight ahead like she's I
Starting point is 00:33:17 Never joined this show It's actually like and this is the one that's on my side, you know? Yeah, that was actually my favorite ebony moment of the entire season, the way she just was held all in that glass. I mean, like, what have I done? This is all been a huge mistake. I was like, welcome, ebony, you're now, you've now finally made it onto the cast. She's, she's like, she's been beat down by the craziness of these women. and now she's realized the madness around her. So Sony has this big Impassioned speech Ramona just goes wow she's lost a mind scary It's the news behind her and she hears her and she goes oh, yeah, I lost my mind. Why don't you find point
Starting point is 00:34:00 That wasn't the bad comeback actually why don't you find one that was good so Archie's just like then Ramona makes this face and it was exactly Trump's. Yes it was. Oh my god, you're so right. And I was going to make a meme, but somebody beat me to it. But it is crazy how close it was to that face that Trump makes for his like, and there's a Jeff of him doing it. So Ebony's like, look, guys, she just needs to cool off.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Okay. You know what? And I know that this is nuts, but we really do need to continue. So then Lewand goes to follow Sonia into the kitchen. And it's like Sonia said, well, Lewand, I raised money for AIDS awareness. You know, she's not doing hard work. She sits here at dinner. She's just wrapped in. She doesn't do work and feel other people.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I love Sonia being so mad that Ramona is a social climber. When Sonia is the one, Sonia, you married a Morgan for crying out loud, you know. So, um, Lewans like, well, Sonia, Sonia Rita, for some reason I don't think we're gonna change her tonight. So, then we go back to the table at Ebony's like, okay, let's do timeout on the white people for tonight. Let's go to the black people. And I was like, oh, we're gonna segregate now. Oh my god, and then the girl was like, we've been segregating. You know what, I'm both, I'm white and black.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I go both ways because she's wearing black and white. She's like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. So somehow, somehow, it's this thing where Ramona is just like teetering way too close to the edge of the big cringe moment. And I keep thinking, it seems like every time she's gonna have the big cringe moment, she somehow saves it for now.
Starting point is 00:35:45 For now. So, but at this point I'm like, it just seems like she's already made an ass out of herself. She comes back to the table and seems to realize that and kind of calm down. And so you think, okay, so now she's making segregation jokes, but at least she's trying. I mean, this is the sickness of being a fan of the show, right?
Starting point is 00:36:04 We're like, well, that's good for Ramona. You know, she's just making segregation, Jess. I mean, this is so sick. So then, you know, she's doing her butt, her black, I'm wide-a-go, both ways. And so the guys like, okay, so we're gonna now hear from Lanara. So Lanara's like, okay, my question is,
Starting point is 00:36:20 when did I feel that my life was meaningful? Well, I gave birth to a 29-weeker. Wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What? You gave birth early? You know, what? That's supposed to be like 40 weeks. You gave birth 29 weeks. Oh my God, girl.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Oh my God. And Lodora's like, yeah, me and my son almost, like, whoa, oh my God, are you serious? Are you serious right now? Oh my God, oh my God, okay. It's like that very performative listening, or it's like the Ramona is not about you. So, she's listening as loudly as possible,
Starting point is 00:36:59 just to just so everybody will say, look, wow, Ramona's listening. Yes. But she won't even let this poor lady talk. So Ladara's like, well, we got bad medical treatment as many black people do. And then Archie interrupts her. And she's like, wait, wait,
Starting point is 00:37:12 do you think that the bad treatment you got was because you were black? And she's, yeah, I know that it's because I was black. Just why? And she says, well, I had fibroids. And I had a fibroid that was degenerating, and they knew that, but they didn't think I was being honest about how much pain I was in. Instead, they just thought that I was addicted to drugs, and they treated me as if I was asking
Starting point is 00:37:35 for pain medicine for five days, and they were acting like I was trying to hurt myself and my baby, and I was in so much pain that induced my labor and so Which is just so much right I mean that is just fucking horrifying. It's horrifying So a million stories right that that unfortunate follow that it's terrible So then Ramona goes whoa, so how would a white woman be treated differently? And everyone starts acting like Ramona is like the lead of a family member on family feud.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I was like, good question. Good one. Good one Ramona. They're all cheering like waiting for her thing to come up on the big board. They're like, good one Ramona. Everyone's like so proud that she did not ruin the moment. So Lenara says, well, should that have been you,
Starting point is 00:38:21 you would have gotten the pain medicine during the time frame during which you needed it so that this never would have happened. It's like, okay, good. So remember before what I said about how Ramona, like just before you thought it was going to be a big cringe moment, Ramona sort of writes the ship, this is when Ramona says, you know, be fun. Let's take a barrel down the side of Niagara Falls, okay, we're going off the ledge. So Ramona now, this is the moment, and this is the moment that I think a lot of people
Starting point is 00:38:48 are not ever going to come back from, and I totally, totally understand that. She goes, well, let me tell you something. I gave birth to my daughter, and I had mejic pain, and I had a nurse, and she was black. And you just cut to Luan's face, did you catch this? Luan's face. She's like, oh my god, I cannot be seen on camera with you so many, she is like horrified. Rightfully so, her eyes are bulging, her jaw is dropped
Starting point is 00:39:13 and she's like, oh, and just like watching Lou Ann's mortification, I was like, it was both simultaneously hilarious looking at Lou Ann, but also like, oh no, oh no, this is not good. Fucking, fucking Ramona. So she goes, you know, my nurse was black And then said I'm having pain and she said oh, no, you're not and I was screaming fuck you and I mean the pain killers You know what and I mean I didn't have a second baby because of the pain The art felt then and I was a white woman, okay? The doctor didn't believe me, the nurse didn't
Starting point is 00:39:46 believe me. Oh my god. Ramona. Oh my god. Well everyone now. It's proven. The medical system treats all racist terribly. That's that's what Ramona is trying to say. No Ramona. No, no, no Ramona. And don't and this whole thing she's trying to blame not having a second baby on this nurse. That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. I mean, this is just insanely stupid. Honestly, I can't I can't even believe this could come out of her mouth. And I can believe. I mean, wow. And so I actually can't unfortunately. It's like, oh, oh, really? So the medical people were mean to you. Well well a black person was mean to me when I wanted medicine like what? What no, she did all lives matter to like her pregnancy I like like the pain that she suffered and so I mean Sonya's like, but that's not how it usually goes
Starting point is 00:40:37 That's what she's saying. That's not how she usually goes. No, I'm just saying I had pain. I had pain And so the nurse like well, I hear you and so she's right for me. I'm gonna start raising her hand She goes yeah, you know what happens to white people too. That's what I'm saying and the way it's like oh my god Run away train How do I like the mood? What would you say if I grew up watching the Wonder Years? What are the lyrics that song anyway? So Archie's like, oh, Lennora, I think you are the most graceful person. And Anthony goes, yeah, most people would have cast Ramona out when she asked that.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Well, you know what? I'm sorry. I'd like to ask questions to Sam. Okay. It's like I can always have the same, Stephanie. Sam, I miss you, Alex, you're back. Yeah. And so, Ebony is like, Ebony is seething, but she's not gonna let it show, right? Well, she doesn't wanna like lose her temper, but you can see she is mortified and seething,
Starting point is 00:41:37 justifiably so. And she goes, well, it comes across, Archie, hold on. I need to speak on this. Ramona, what Ramona doesn't realize, and I think I have a high tolerance for Ramona's inquisition. At some point, the questioning feels adversarial. I was like, well, that's my personality.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Like, I feel like that's not something I want to claim for my personality. Like, if someone said, oh, Ben, you know, like, the thing is that when you talk, you just sound like a huge asshole, and I go, well, that's just my personality. Like, that's not a good thing. That's not something you want to own necessarily.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Right. Or if people say, you know what, I was just telling the truth. So your true sucks, okay? And so does your fucking personality? Yeah, your personality sucks. So excuse, it's a reason, okay? Then change your fucking personality, it sucks.
Starting point is 00:42:23 So Ebony is like, yeah, I understand that But I want you to understand because I do care about you Ramona. It's just you what I question people like a boy Okay, learn to the temple guy And Ebony's like well, I just don't want you to look unlike your spirit, okay? So when you question this woman about her experience, I mean shock that's why She grabs her sinuses and start she's like I'm in trouble again, so I'm gonna act compassionate Objection sustain cuz I'm a boy a boy and shot Matt look okay, so then
Starting point is 00:43:02 Ebony is like you know, I believe in Ramona, but I'm also running out of patience. I'm like, well, welcome to being a real house while I was in New York, viewer, right? So I probably everyone else in Ramona's life. So Ramona just, then Ramona just stands up and goes, okay, so I'll be closing this up soon, you know? And I'm just like, no, we're not closing it up. You can get an Uber.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Like, you know, it's nine o'clock, and I've been here for hours, and I'm tired, and I wanna go home and go to sleep, can I? And then it's just nobody that doesn't wanna be here should be here. She's like, I'm tired, I said, can I? She's like, well, you should go home. So on top of Ramona being deeply problematic,
Starting point is 00:43:39 she's also just being an extremely rude guest, although that was already established. So Ebony is, she's like, well, if you don't want to be here and listen to the spiritual work being done, then get the fuck out. I mean, she said the remote walks after the kitchen to the production. And she's like, Nathan, I'm tired. Get me a hotdog. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I mean, oh, I just made this hotdog. What changed your name? Okay. You need to get a better name. Your name makes me hungry Nathan, okay? He's like oh, I got to leave then maybe I will call you and who but she do it Do it Nathan supposed to be good old and reliable okay, you're not so then So now Ebony is apologizing to Archie
Starting point is 00:44:19 She's like and the way I'm just turned bitch because I am so Sorry that you have not been able to hear me sing tonight. There just isn't enough time. I'll give you tickets to my next show. We're playing the Crab Shack down at the Jersey Shore later this evening or this week. Come see me. Oh my god, so Ramona's soul in the back going, give me up, give me an uber, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:41 You know what? I wasn't tired, I'd say, but I'm tired. That's it. And he's like, okay, we'll book you an uber Romona. I was like, okay, good. Because even this one, I put this three or four hours. I mean weddings don't even last three or four hours. Okay. And now Ramona is like now she says she says the real basically the reason why she's leaving. She's like, you know what? If I wasn't tired, I would stay another hour, but you know what? I'm tired. I know what I have to listen to my body I would stay another hour, but you know what? I'm tired. I know what I have to listen to my body So so now she's just like honoring her temple So then she tells us it was already it was did you say this part? It was already an hour and a half drive to get there
Starting point is 00:45:14 Did you just you just said that right? So either way so she's like you know what okay? So she comes back to the table and she's like I got an uber guy You know what? I was gonna get a hot dog I actually told them to order me a hot dog to ride home and everybody's like okay Well, these you came and tried Ramona. So thanks for that. She goes oh, but first I want to tell you the question I wanted to answer okay because the question I was gonna answer about myself I want to say that I'd like to be more filtered because sometimes it's safe things that people don't like. Okay. It's like just before I told the chef that I really don't like Hebrew national hot dogs and I felt bad because
Starting point is 00:45:54 Bob, okay, I really like Naked's more. So she goes if I she says you know, you know, it's just like you know, I want to be less unfiltered, okay. I want to be less unfiltered. I'm like it it's called being filtered in Ramona. And she goes, I sometimes speak without thinking, okay? And I didn't mean to insult anyone tonight. And I know I did. And I'm sometimes, I'm like a two year old, okay? I'm trying to better, okay?
Starting point is 00:46:16 I'm trying to change. And I still want to still be honest and say how I feel. But sometimes I don't think about how other people's feelings, and I don't take on what they're seeing before jumping with what I'm feeling and thinking Okay, like Ramona. I listen as much as I appreciate any Ramona monologue because it's usually self-serving and idiotic. You've been making this monologue for years and years and you're in your 60s now. If you don't know how to start filtering yourself, you're never gonna learn. Right. And so Archie's like, well, have you always been like that Ramona, even when you were a kid? Oh my God, when I was a kid, I was worse. So because yeah, she's a lot better now, believe it or not. And so everybody starts laughing. And the way I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:46:58 you know, Ramona's come a long way. And I thought we'd exhausted that pad behavior, but I guess not. And then we get the Ramona Montage. Being a Montage. Being a Montage. The Ramona just being a horrible, horrible human being. It's truly an amazing montage. It's like you watch it and it's just, it's like, it's amazing that any human being could act like this in polite society or even in polite society.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And it was like just what, it was 45 seconds of bliss for me. I was like, this is just the most amazing thing I've ever seen just this horrific behavior on display. So Ebony is like well, we want to acknowledge that you have the self-awareness to say that Ramona And I'm going to continue that as an apology to the nurse Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, sorry, my apology was so unfiltered before. I'm trying to filter my apologies marks. Like no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Apologies should be unfiltered. So then Sonya gets up and she's like, oh, Ramona, I apologize for leaving it on you, but family tests that, I mean, rich is like the candidates. You think they always got long Let me tell you they didn't and so she's like hugging her and then she's like putting her finger up her butt or something And everyone's like oh my god, I'm like wow. I'm really grossed out right now
Starting point is 00:48:16 And so everybody's just looking at them like oh Jesus these two so so and he's like yeah, that's just Ramona She eats and she's done and Ramona's off. So then Ebony goes, well, she was hungry. Then she was a cut fitness. Then she ate and she was less of a cut fitness, but still a cut fitness. Well, that's Ramona, everybody. We're never gonna forget this, this black Shabbat. I'll tell you that much. So now it's a new day, thankfully. And we're at Ramona's apartment. And Ramona's just alone in her kitchen saying no Every no cocoa. I'm home alone. Good thing I like myself. Okay Thank God I have this house booby trapped in case any burgers try to
Starting point is 00:48:57 Whoa, I just tried after shape for the first time whoa Ding dong. Oh, yeah, that was rigged to electricity. Kiteberg Black? It's me! Let me in! You invited me over. Whoa, did you think there was a house having a cocktail party because I attached a whole bunch of life-sides cutouts of eerie onto train tracks and running around with a light with shining? Ha? The wind? No! Oh. Mmm, so the wind comes in and then falls through a trap Whoa the wana looks like I got you with a pink can now there's blood coming out of the air and you're knocked out in the
Starting point is 00:49:34 Floor whoa she's not breathing what a hilarious booby trap oh God so Luana's like well, I don't even think Ramona has a clue that she was so rude. I'm just, I'm not here to pour gasoline on the fire. I'm just, I'm just here to help her stand back up. So Ramona's like, well, you know what? As soon as Sonya went nuts on me, blacked out! Blacked out! Seri! She started saying really disgusting things, okay? It was taking away from the disgusting things that I was saying. And I think she's really talking about herself, you know what?
Starting point is 00:50:08 Because I think that she's projecting, all right? Okay? You're like watching a train wreck. And I feel like she's on a train. She's going to crash. And there's nothing we can do, okay? And she tells us, Sonya has no regard for people's feelings, people's property, and frankly,
Starting point is 00:50:27 herself, God, frankly, sounds like a hot dog. Nathan, get me a Uber to eat, please. You know what, the thing is, you have to feel like, oh God, you got to love Ramona, just deflecting, keeping the attention on somebody else and not her. Deflecting and projecting, to be honest, right? Like, here, be like, oh my God, she has no, she doesn't care about other people and their property and the things that they do.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Like that's literally your describing herself, right? So, Luanne was like, she's like, well, let me give you my opinion. It was so rude. I mean, here I thought I was the one who experienced the rudest thing of all, which is you bitches coming into my dressing room, five minutes before curtain. I mean, that was pretty rude.
Starting point is 00:51:07 I think we could all agree, but this really took it. Listen, I was Sally Struthestorping, okay? Saw a dream! No, I'm like, I know about Romani. You have to reel it in. I said, I was starving! They put out those little appetizers, I mean, and then you eat in the kitchen, in the kitchen, Ramona. So, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:26 I had a little corn. There was a little corn thing on the plate. Yes. I went to the kitchen for a diet coke, and you had a plate of food. So don't give me that little bit of corn thing. I know. I know. And then she goes, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:41 To be honest, the man, I had too much to drink. Okay. I'll admit it. And you know, you've done things when you've been drinking you might remember, okay? producers played the scene for being arrested. No, no, no, no, I'm calling all the flashback scenes here And we're not doing mine. Don't attack me for the mistakes that I've made. That's tone deaf period, okay? Oh, you're singing. No, not my singing your references Don't throw it on me now and attack me for my past. Okay, you're singing? No, not my singing, your references. Don't throw a dog me now and attack me from my past. Okay, you know what? I don't have to apologize to you, the man.
Starting point is 00:52:11 He's like, no, you don't. Well, I already apologize to Ebony. Well, I'm just looking for you to be more aware. I am, gay. I said I'm sorry, I drank and I was trying and I was starving. It's like, okay, Ramona, it was nine o'clock. I mean, Ramona, come on. You go dancing past nine o'clock. Just, no, I don't. I didn't go dance.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I don't go dance, okay? And not even this week. Just not this week, Ramona. Come on. Yeah, I love that. She's like, no, I don't even, not anymore. I don't stand past nine anymore. I mean, not in the past week.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I know what. Honestly, this past week, I've been in bed every night at 9 30, okay. And so, I was like, well, if she's not hungry, she's dizzy. She's not dizzy. She's tired. And it's one excuse after another. Why is she excuses herself from typically up in these parties? I like to put it out there. Ramona is the racist, not me. Ramona, Ramona. But one thing that's learned, Luian, we have to tell you this. She gets her little powdery voice. She's like, one thing that's learned, I am never ever.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Can I drink on an empty stomach, guy? She's like, oh, God, Ramona. She goes, huh, you're funny. Steve a bitch. So now we go over to Sonya's townhouse where she's bossing around Emma and she has an intern in Christie and Ebony comes over and Christie's like really excited to meet Ebony. She's like super, super excited.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And Sony's like, oh god, I'm so sorry for losing my mind at dinner the other day. Oh my goodness. What a crazy night, am I right? And then we also, by the way, are seeing many shots of Marley just eating prosciutto off the shark-o-dory tray that's been put out of that. Over and over. Keeps coming up and getting a piece and then going away, and then coming up and getting another piece and going away. So Sun is like, well, I don't think last night went how Ebony planned, but you know,
Starting point is 00:54:05 Evany has this quality where she can discuss things with you in a non-accusatory manner, which I appreciate. So Evany is like trying to basically explain to Sonya, like, listen, I'm glad we went to Martin and I'm glad he told you to stick up for yourself because you were not letting people run over you. But maybe we can, you know, reel that back here. There needs to be some middle ground there, right? Yeah. I mean, she's like, listen, you're not, I love that you're not letting other people tell your story, but I want you and Ramona to do that over lunch or dinner. Okay. Don't snap,
Starting point is 00:54:41 you know. But, you know, the good news news is that missions Sonya stand up for yourself has been totally successful, right? so So then she's like also another thing. I think I may have to cuss you I'll curse you out Did you know that you peed and Archie's driveway last night? Now this is the part Ronnie where most people would be like oh my god. I did oh my god That's ridiculous. She was like yes, I did in the back of the bus. Yes, yes, yes. Like in the bus. She's like, yes, she told you that's great.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And so we see the clip of Sunday going, I have to pee. And she just gets off the bus and walks right to the back and just pees all over the driveway. She pulls up her dress and opens her. Doesn't even squat, just like blows it out. So she goes, oh yeah, I pee, I've done things like that before. Yeah, just, well, you know, it's not my proudest moment being in the behind the van, but if I'd gone in the restroom,
Starting point is 00:55:33 Luana would have left without me. Luana's pretty cold, but she's not like, well, so I need to read this being. I guess you better get out of here, huh? Good luck, Mitch. Oh, God. So, um, Ebony is like, okay, so there's not gonna be any accountability for that. So let's move back to Ramona.
Starting point is 00:55:52 He's like, well, I did talk to Ramona. She called to apologize. But, you know, it's so weird because everything was designed to make you guys comfortable. And she was just a shit show. I mean, you were at least partly great. Yeah, okay. I was 85 good. Well, then to fan, then the van. Yeah. And then finally, Marley just starts pumping up in his arm and we can see it's continued to regret her entire choice to ever be a cast member on this TV show. So then now we have
Starting point is 00:56:20 Luann going back to that Alpine restaurant. Didn't they go there earlier this season, this little Alpine spot in the city. Does it matter? I'm not sure, but I noticed it. I don't know. I probably because Luann, Luann probably gets free appetizers. There is something for shooting there because she always acts like it's the most exciting place she's ever been.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Look at us. We could be in Switzerland. Where's it's like I'm back in good job. So she's there in a Selena sweater. Last week you said that all she wears is Giovanni, but now she only has Giovanni's leaves because she's wearing a Selena something. And just the idea of Luan wearing a Selena top
Starting point is 00:56:56 in any room for was simultaneously puzzling to me and hilarious. Beni, Beni, Beni, Beni, Beni. Beni. Beni, Beni, Beni, bany, bambam! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I could fall in line, line. Ha ha ha ha ha! So she's face timing with Leah, and Leah's like,
Starting point is 00:57:18 oh my god, I'm starting to fall apart. Uh-huh, I'm going crazy because I'm like stuck in my house. It's like socks. I'm just like, well, you're almost there, darling. Now listen, I'm meeting with because I'm like stuck in my house. It's like sucks. I'm sick. Well, you're almost there darling Now listen, I'm meeting with the Fortune Society ladies. Evanine Ramona are coming I don't even know where Sony is first of all stop the scene. Why would you invite Ramona to this? I mean, is this just now target practice on minorities? We just like bringing in Ramona to fucking torture people. I think this is this is Lewand's game plan is she knows that Ramona is just gonna say the worst things and She just is gonna she just wants Ramona get fired. I think I think this whole thing that she didn't Ramona our friends now
Starting point is 00:57:57 It's all a lie. She wants Ramona fired So she's gonna put Ramona in as many situations where she could possibly get canceled Oh my God. So then we got it. We cut to Sonia's house and Sonia's talking to her interns. And she's like, well, I planced it. And then it turned into poop soup. And you know, when it turns into poop soup and it goes on the floor, then you're in trouble.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh my God. So then Ebony, I know your favorite. Your favorite Ronnie. Oh my God. So then Ebony, I know your favorite. Ah. Your favorite Ronnie. So now Ebony shows up and she's saying hi to Leah on FaceTime. And Leah's like, no, I, I know. I thought it'd be nice to be isolated for two weeks, but now I have fall mal.
Starting point is 00:58:38 So, so there's just Leah's asking where Ramona and Sonya are. And the way I go, well, you know what? Sonia Rita couldn't come tonight and I just don't know why and then it cuts back to Sonia and she goes, well, you know If you leave the water the poop disintegrates I mean, why would you pay for someone to plunge a toilet when you and snake it when you just let it disintegrate? So everyone who's interested in ever air being Sonia's Tannows just know that those toilets may have some disintegrating poop in them at the moment. Oh
Starting point is 00:59:06 My god, no wonder she can't sell this place Like you can't even call a plumber to unclog the poop that are probably a hundred years old Jesus woman So they're back at the restaurant Ramona shows up and the way I'm like, oh well look who look who came in the door You so allocate Ramona. I said like, yeah, you know what? I'm looking at me. I'm so glad to be here. Okay. You're what the winner.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I have to say I had so much fun doing that music video. Okay. You know, I know I didn't want to do it a few years ago, but I really should have, because it was fine. Yeah. Which was a great dig at that. And so, and so then she's like, guess what? I said Sonia, text, I said Sonia, do you remember all those nasty comments you made it to me at Black Shabbat? You really heard
Starting point is 00:59:52 my feelings terribly, okay? And so now, the one's like, okay, well now I see why Sonia hasn't shown up. She doesn't want to deal with this. So Leah is like, I'm going to dinner with Kinky right now, even though I'm supposed to be quarantined. Got-bye! So, she tells us like the last thing I want to hear is from Mona Gassiding Sonia. So, I'm out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:15 So, she hangs up. And then the film, The Fortune Society, comes in. The ladies from The Fortune Society. Who you may remember we saw when the Wann took them for a spa day. That's right. Spada from Luan. So, you know, they're talking about the women are sharing their experiences, sharing their experiences going to jail and substance abuse, et cetera. And there's a woman named Christina there and she's they're asking me like what happened to Christina and she says that she was based at the wrong place the wrong time.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And she was outside of building and someone got shot. And she was there. And she ultimately was convicted of conspiracy because of the system. Everyone's, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay, grassy. No, okay, listen here. You know what? Conspiracy from a legal point of view. Objection of sustain, I'm a Jewish lawyer. It's when you have knowledge of it, okay? And you didn't have knowledge of it, okay? It's only when you're a whiff. Ramona, are you trying to teach this person
Starting point is 01:01:18 what she was accused of? She wins, she knows what she went to jail for, Ramona. And we also have an actual lawyer at the table You don't have to do you don't have to do Ebony's job here, okay? So Christina's like well two weeks later like but I never reported anything whether there's news articles or whatever Either way, so Christina says that she's sitting she's goes to Riker's Island and there was a glitch in the system and Her court date was gonna her court it was like in 20 90 90 90 90 90 so she's sitting around there for like in rikers without a court date. No no no no no no no no no
Starting point is 01:01:53 this can't happen this can't happen no that's impossible in the way I was like Ramona Ramona I said no okay no you know what I really have to pay attention to this, okay? So they have no court day and they're making you stay forever. She was supposed to be within 90 days. Yeah, but you know what? You didn't murder anybody, okay? You what? We have to change the law.
Starting point is 01:02:17 You just don't like the law. And it's like Ramona just keeps looking like she's gonna tip over and say the worst thing ever. And then she's like, no, but I'm being compassionate. Okay. She's like overcompensating. She's like someone told her, by the way, you said some fucked up shit at Black Shabbat, so you better fix it. So now she's like, overcom say, whoa, we have to change the entire system now. Whoa. So Christina is like, well, I didn't have a lot of options. And so Monaco's, but a lot of people see murders.
Starting point is 01:02:46 They don't talk about it. I mean, it's part of life, right? You go to the store, you buy something for every, you see a murder, you don't talk about the murder, you go home and you wait for your best friend's last daughter to come home and not tell her about the murder you saw, okay? Yeah, you know what, it's just some murder.
Starting point is 01:03:02 You know what, if everybody talked about it at episodes of Law and Order, It would be about five minutes long. Okay. So, it's like, well, unfortunately the system sucks. And so I settled. I settled for three and a half years. And, um, then another lady tells her story about just being on drugs and she went to prison and she got out and she knew she wasn't ready to be out the real world and so she relapsed and she really had to hit rock bottom and Ebony's like oh so that was your rock bottom and she's like yes I said to myself this can't be my life just oh my god can I ask you
Starting point is 01:03:40 something if you have a friend and you see her go down a rabbit hole to rock bottom. Oh god. Oh god. Just asking okay you know what I'm not mentioning any NONIONA names okay I'm mentioning NONIONA names okay. What would you do if your friend more can let's say her name is was hitting rock So then one of the ladies they're basically like you know you just have to like try your best and like it But I have to come from them and one of the ladies says you know let them know the door is always open So then the wang this is lulan trying to trying to connect she goes well I mean that's the problem. I mean you say to this you say to that it's like hey you left with a guy you left the caviar I mean I'd be mortified.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I love that these are the examples of all the terrible things that that Sonya did. She left the caviar behind. You know those women are like, oh, okay. Right. I'll tell you rock bottom. Now, did you know that you were hitting rock bottom because you woke up and you saw drugs on the table and you realized that you left your caviar someplace? Is that rock bottom? Because it left your caviar someplace.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Is that rock bottom? Because it was great caviar. I'll tell you that much. So, um, so then Ramona, then Ramona, Ramona has then this self-serving thing where she goes, she tells us, yes, you know what? Yes, Sonia pizza upon me. And yes, she furbly abuses me and yes, she makes up lives about me, but I'm not going to give up on her and I don't want her in rock bottom. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:05:08 You are. Like, yes, she's a terrible, terrible friend and she's abused me terribly, but I believe in her. It's just so hilariously too faced. Oh my God. So then they're like, well, you know, she has to want to do it.
Starting point is 01:05:24 And maybe it sounds like she's got some trauma there that she hasn't spoken about maybe. And Ramona's like, whoa, you know what, he's been 10 years, can't, can't, okay. And Ebony's like, yeah, but you know, you can't save her, like, look Ramona, I don't like the way you acted at Shabbat, but it's not fair to put Sonia on you, right?
Starting point is 01:05:44 She's like, your behavior was terrible, but still, she's trying to get that in there. And so she's like, you know, I was supposed to be gone two hours, but I cannot leave these women. I was supposed to be doing an interview, but fuck them. And me and Ramona, I mean Ramona and I are night and day, but we are aligned, aren't we Ramona? And lose face is like, what?
Starting point is 01:06:03 I know. Ramona's like, yeah, I never met someone I bonded with so fast and and Evan is like yeah, Luanne Don't you see the similarities? Well, I'm in your body types your shoe size. No, no, it's also a might like listen to the lean You don't see it because you're not that mind depth as we are okay I'm not mind depth. What is that? I don't know what mind depth is. Well, you know what? It's a brain thing. Okay. It's like a mind thing that we have together. I'm sorry. Okay. I love when Luann plays the role of Dorothy's born act.
Starting point is 01:06:40 When she just like, uh, what is a mind depth idiot? She's just looking out over the audience like. So Evan is like, yeah, Ramona, you know, I always want to be mad at you, but I just can't just, you know, what? Thank you for the black shaback, okay? She's how I love you Ramona. Thanks for coming and being a hot mess.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Yeah. What was that? I don't know, I don't know. So now, So it's insane. It is one of the most app in sane episodes. There's ever been a fish. I totally agree. Like I like it was absolutely, absolutely bonkers. But I was like, I mean, I again, I was like alternating between being horrified and laughing out loud. It was just like this crazy mix. It was truly, truly insane. So now, here's one scene that wasn't insane. Leah's house. Oh, God. Here are come Kiki and Rob. So when
Starting point is 01:07:34 Kiki and Rob show up, you know, it's going to be, that's when he can go to the bathroom. Some real exciting stuff. Yeah. So basically, Leah is still doing, first of all, Leah's wearing a sweatshirt that says, I elevate this shit, that she had made it like, I don't know, cafe press or something. It's like a really thick, uncomfortable looking sweatshirt with her own tagline on it, right? And so she, they're talking about private schools now, they have to interview. And so Leah's like doing your streetwear thing and trying to be all badass and anti-social climbing and anti-illidism while she's doing this private school shit
Starting point is 01:08:07 at the same time. I know, that's what, I like her being concerned. They don't want, they're worried about sending cured private school because it's so elitist. I know, how much does marriage and mob clothing cost? By the way, it doesn't, I don't think it's the cheapest, right? And we're gonna talk about elitism. So, yeah, basically, Leah
Starting point is 01:08:26 talks about having to, Leah, while simultaneously talking about the elitism of private schools, then talks about how she had to hire someone to help her navigate the educational process. So yeah, that's elitist. So then we go over to Ebene's and her friend Natalie comes over and it's time to do the genetic detective review! It's Linda! Linda's back and I've got some great news. We've narrowed it down to three candidates who could possibly be your father, their all brothers, one is old, one's a little older and one's super old.
Starting point is 01:08:58 So let's play, who's your dad? It's one Pierce Bros name. I'm not being up. You're right, go like him. So, so basically, yeah, she narrows it down to three and she has one that she believes is the dad. And she basically, she says that the guy that she thinks is the leading candidate is alive and has two daughters.
Starting point is 01:09:22 And so Ebony starts to cry because she not only did she not think she had a dad, but she just never really thought that she had siblings. So she starts to, she's like sobbing. And ultimately the episode ends with her saying that she just kind of wants to sit in this news for a moment and bask in this truth. And in the new year, she's gonna reach out, which means this is the end of the storyline
Starting point is 01:09:43 and we're never gonna see what the dad is. I was like, oh, I want to see the reunion. Yeah, speaking of, I mean, I don't know if the rumors are true, but we had mentioned the article saying that this show is gonna go on the hiatus too, and that they're not even gonna have a reunion, and I don't know that I believe that, but they haven't done a reunion yet,
Starting point is 01:10:01 and this is episode, let me see here. This is episode 15. So that's all good. There's a lot of rumors swirling that there's this huge rift because I guess Ebony, like there's a rip between Ebony and the cast and Ebony has been saying stuff about the show. I have not followed any of it. To be honest, I've just been reading these rumors. And as a result, there's like the stalemate and they're scrambling to save the season. Although,
Starting point is 01:10:28 like you said, it's episode 15, there's not much left. Oh, I'm sorry. My laptop just got very, very loud. And so there's all this talk, but I can't imagine that there's really that much of a rift with Ebony and Bravo because she was a co-host on Bravo Chatroom last night. If there was a real issue, they wouldn't put her on there. I wouldn't think. I have no idea what's going on. Yeah, I don't need her. But, you know, we need a reunion for the season.
Starting point is 01:10:53 We'll get one. We'll get one. Don't forget that Shaw's last season. Remember Shaw's had a reunion that was like a month after the show wrapped. We had that. I mean, that was also due to COVID, you know, Atlanta's reunion last year was also delayed a few weeks. So it's going to happen. Um, you know, I, you know, I's reunion last year was also delayed a few weeks. So it's going to happen. Um, you know, I, you know, I, I, I'm just this person.
Starting point is 01:11:09 You guys all know from listening all these years that, you know, when I, there's something that I love, I just like to clutch onto it and be optimistic about it and be like, no, no, no, it's great. And I'm just like, whole, you know, I have faith in New York guys. I have faith. Yeah. Well, time will tell everybody. In the meantime, that was mentally exhausting.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I know, are you okay? Also, yeah, but also really fun laughing about it with you. You gotta laugh at these things. I'm sorry, you gotta laugh at these shows. Oh my God. They're so ridiculous. They are a showcase for awful behavior. And for sure, the awful behavior goes too far sometimes and everyone has their different lines
Starting point is 01:11:48 And I totally think that everyone is just like you know if someone says that was too much for me and she should be gone You know what like I'm not gonna fight you on that, but you know, I think this show is bunkers Well, everyone, I mean, thank you so much for being here with us. We will be back tomorrow with some real housewives of Beverly Hills. And later today, we will be posting our Crappens on demand video recap of the real housewives of Salt Lake City season two trailer, guys, which is bonkers. So if you want video recaps, just head over to, sign up for the Cra ins on demand level and we do one or two weeks usually too.
Starting point is 01:12:28 And this week was Real Housewives of Potomac and Real Housewives is Salt Lake City Guy. Thank you so much for being here and we will talk to you next time. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ins would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh.
Starting point is 01:12:51 She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-ists. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less name-y.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Zip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Just saying okay. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. He can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters. The Bay Area Betches.
Starting point is 01:13:19 And our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly. It's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides.
Starting point is 01:13:40 We will, we will Joanna Rockland, you. My favorite Murto, Karen McMerto. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender, the incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Nina Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's get racingacy with Miss Daisy! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast.
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