Watch What Crappens - RHONY: Sit Down, You're Rockin' The Vote

Episode Date: June 17, 2021

This week on The Real Housewives of New York, the ladies put on a low-rent pageant, and then later Eboni throws an Election Night 2020 party, leading Sonja to rant about Ramona's performative... allyship. Also, we discuss the latest casting updates coming from The Real Housewives of Orange County. Sign up for Crappens on Demand to watch this episode (including glimpses of Ben's childhood bedroom): Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I just want to apologize because my microphone is crazy in this episode and actually probably, all week, it was probably crazy and only realized it right now. Because I'm traveling and I'm using a different microphone and I didn't realize I was blowing out my audio with every single, every single excited, but excitable moment, including the beginning of
Starting point is 00:01:20 the episode where I say, welcome to Watch a Crappens. So I'm so sorry that that's something in your ears and hopefully it'll be fixed by the end of the week. Thanks. Hello and welcome to Watch Your Crappens. A podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker coming to you straight from my childhood bedroom.
Starting point is 00:01:40 This is a crap is on demand episodes. So if you're watching, you can see, for instance, all the stuff my parents have loaded into here, like an exercise ball and a mat and on demand episode so if you're watching you can see for instance all the stuff my parents have loaded into here like an Exercise ball and I'm and I'm at and other stuff so that's a special bonus and joining me is the one and only Ronnie Karam what's going on? Hi, how are you? I'm good. Thanks. How are you? Good that is an odd room. I think I think I should
Starting point is 00:02:07 Remove myself because I want to ask what that speaker thing is hanging off the walls of the speaker So that is actually that that is actually a light that it's actually dead It's a dead light but when I that was like that was my light growing up Well, so cute lots of so it's sort of facing the way to spotlight that it's aimed at the same right now. Figures you have a spotlight over your bed. And little did they know, little did they know you'd have a cabaret only fans.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Isn't it dope? I've always been in the spotlight. Yeah, we have a spotlight here. This lamp, I don't know where this lamp came from, maybe it was like from my grandma's house, like this bedroom has slowly become more and more cluttered with stuff as it's just become a receptacle over the past 20 years of things for my parents.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So there's just all sorts of stuff in here. And the operating space I have on this desk to podcast from is getting smaller and smaller and smaller. In fact, let me show you guys that I have my microphone is currently balanced on two-board games and a textbook. And it's still not high enough, so I'm going to crouching this entire video like this. Yeah, you're going to do an impersonation of me this entire. How are you running big news in the world of Bravo stepbrokes and series. There is big news. What's oh, the Heather? Okay, well, we'll talk about the Beverly Hills stuff later. Well, the Beverly Hills stuff was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Well, the Beverly Hills documentary that came out about Eric and Jane was pretty good. We'll talk a little bit about that on Beverly Hills. But yes, for Orange County, yes. Miss Fancy Pants is coming back and everybody's happy. Like, do you guys not have a fucking memory of what happened with Fancy Pants on this show? She was a total dick, okay? Yeah, that's why people are happy
Starting point is 00:04:00 because she was like, she brought dick energy, you know. People also love this. Big Dick Energy. Big Dick Energy. Big House, Dick Energy. First of all, I think we're just all excited to truly see the house in a proper way. You know, I don't watch botched because I'm not inherently interested
Starting point is 00:04:16 in terrible plastic surgery and then watching surgery and then watching it be like still botched but like a little less botched. So I don't watch it. So I don't know if their house has been revealed on that or not. It probably has. And I definitely watched some awful, like, teas that they did online a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:32 I'm ready for a proper Bravo reveal of the house. That house exists only to on Bravo to me. And therefore I shall only see it revealed on Bravo. I'll go to a damn mall if I want to see that house. I don't need to see their stupid mall house. Get out of here. I wonder if Claire's boat teeks I wonder if Claire's boat teeks disclosed in their mall house, too, or just the real malls I think I think Heather is I think it's smart for them to bring Heather back because The show has honestly it is really struggled since Heather has left which I hate to say, but it's true
Starting point is 00:05:02 Someone on our discord channel actually made the argument that the show started to decline when Kelly was cast, so that works out well for them as well, because Kelly got fired. Or we assume she got fired. I don't think she walked away, but I think we have to figure it out. Oh, she got fired, yeah, she got fired, yeah. I don't know if it started to go down when Kelly was brought on, but I think when Heather left, that's when we got Lydia and Peggy. Although I've always felt like Lydia was a little underrated, they just chewed on two terrible
Starting point is 00:05:31 seasons. But, you know, I don't agree with that. Andy agrees with that because he said that many times and he tried bringing her back again. I don't agree with that about Lydia. I think she was a good, she was a good fire for sure. I mean, I think I will always respect the fact that she stood up to slay. I really like that. And I just think that she, it was a bad, bad, bad season that
Starting point is 00:05:55 she was on. Like it was really bad. And she, I mean, she didn't help her like, snip snip party thing, didn't, didn't care for it. But, um yeah, so the other news is that so Kelly is gone. Oh, listen, the forecast is gone. Unbelievable. Hypocratical. I'm out of the show. Yeah, she was on her Instagram live the other day, which I only saw because somebody posted it on Facebook, but she was on there and she's like, gosh, you'll never believe it. We've got great news coming. Not today, gosh. Not today, but it's coming. Probably in the next couple of days, great news.
Starting point is 00:06:32 I just can't. I just can't. And so everybody's like, oh god, they're bringing fucking Elizabeth back. But then she didn't get brought back. So I don't know if there was like some last minute refiguring or doing whatever. And also Kelly had a big thing this week. Well, I don't know how big. I thought it was funny. But some girl is on vacation and she posted on juicy scoop Heather McDonald's Facebook. She posted, Hey guy, hey scoopers, I'm doing
Starting point is 00:07:01 my Christian service here, which is, I don't know, a thing they say, I guess. And she said, I'm doing my Christian service here, which is, I don't know, a thing they say, I guess. And she said, I'm posting because I met Kelly Dodd and we're on the beach and she's been so nice to me and Rick is so nice to me and I mean, she's hammered. You know, she's on the beach and she's watching Real Housewives of Orange County videos or something on Instagram and whatever. And she takes a picture and posts a picture so somebody took that picture and then sent it to Kelly or sent it to Rick Leventhal apparently and then Rick showed Kelly. People seriously and then so Kelly goes off in typical Kelly fashion and it's like
Starting point is 00:07:37 fuck you fuck you you called this big a good Christian? I'm trying to be nice to you. No good thing goes'm punished. No! And freaks out on her on her Instagram page. And so then that becomes news. And it's like Kelly, you're casting news is being announced this week. And this is when you do that. So I don't know if they had some refiguring if they're like,
Starting point is 00:07:58 I don't think we could do with Kelly for another year. This is it. This is it. I'm actually a little surprised. I thought Kelly, I thought Kelly wasn't gonna get reupped despite the fact that she has often problematic views these days and she gets into fights online and she, you know, I mean, I'm just shocked because she was the only black cast member on OC. So I just thought problems were more diversity.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Black cast member of this show? But I thought they were working to keep her on because she is still polarizing. She's still has a huge amount of fans and she's Kelly Dodd, you know? But they didn't. Well, and you can't have the little mermaid without Ursula, you know, it just doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And I get, like, if you're gonna, if you're gonna fire people because, you know, their views were controversial and stuff, okay. But you also have to think of entertainment value. And I'm not saying don't fire Kelly Dodd, fire Kelly Dodd with the fucked white care. Like it doesn't affect me. But don't keep Elizabeth and,
Starting point is 00:08:59 not Elizabeth, Emily, Jen, and Emily. You know what, they're puns, bad wig. Don't keep them, they're terrible, they do nothing. Like, we feel for Tina because she's gone through stuff. Okay, I feel she's not entertaining. She has a time house. She does. Emily, like, what are you doing? What are you thinking over there? Yeah, I don't understand. So also Bronwyn was like, uh, Bronwyn, yeah. I was actually surprised about that. I actually, so oddly enough, I, I like Bronwyn. I like Bronwyn.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I think she was a disaster. I thought she was a full-on disaster, but I liked her on the show. Um, I actually thought her first season. Her first season was good. That was the season when, uh, there's all the rumors of the train, the train. That was actually a good season. That was, I think, the last good, the only good season we've had since Heather has been gone, although still a lot of people didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:09:45 I actually think that they should have kept Brahmin and gotten rid of either Emily or Gina or both. I just, Emily and Gina, it's funny because with Emily, I'll watch her scenes and I'll be like, I like Emily and I feel like every season I'm convincing myself that like she's turned the corner and that like, I really like Emily. She's really funny. She's actually a really good housewife. And there's a lot of things about her that are very relatable, that she is funny. And so when you watch, you're like, oh yeah, she's good. But then in the off season, you watch all these far superior franchises and housewives.
Starting point is 00:10:18 And then you use the thought of Emily, you go, I'm not sure about that. Well, if she was the one Emily, right? If she was, by the way, I have a zit on my nose, it's making me crazy, I keep staring at him. If she was the only person who was like kind of boring, but giving funny diary room sessions, which is what she does, like making fun
Starting point is 00:10:40 of the cast behind their back, she's good at that. And I don't hate her. And I think if she was the only one doing that, she would be perfect. But you can't have her and Gina, who that's what Gina does. Like she doesn't really do anything except comment on everybody else. You've got Shannon who's crazy, but she needs, they need more. You can't just, you can't have three terrible people. I mean, hopefully Shannon will react off of Heather. I actually think Heather brings an energy. I like her snooty energy on this show.
Starting point is 00:11:08 The show needs someone snooty. It's sort of like, you know, without her, I think the show has been a little unmoored. I hate to say this, everyone. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. These are hard words to say. But you know, you can't really relish the trashiness if you don't have, you have to sort of, not that, oh wait, not that Heather is trashy too but she thinks she's not and she's
Starting point is 00:11:28 snooty about it so you need to have like a snooty so that way you can see the trashy right like you can't have like you need if otherwise it's just trashiness and a vacuum and if trashiness and a vacuum could be high-end for all we know because there's nothing to compare it to. So we need like that stuff. Right. But why her? Like, why does it have to be a retread? It's like needing dick and going through your phone and getting some old dick and then you go back to that old dick and you're like, why am I back with this old dick?
Starting point is 00:11:54 There are plenty of dick in the Dixie. There's plenty of dick. There's this everywhere. There's, it's like Orange County. There's plenty of trashy, trashy people with too much money like that are crazy. You can go get them. Why are we retraining? You know what?
Starting point is 00:12:07 Because I think that the show has not had a great track record of the past years, of past few years of finding new faces. Well, they find new faces all the time, literally. Literally just on the same people. No, but like they haven't, I think they wanted to go. They want, there's a, they're getting rid of a bunch haven't, I think they wanted to go, they want, there's a they're getting rid of a bunch of people. I think they want to have like one,
Starting point is 00:12:29 one, you know, known entity. Plus also, like we've had, we spent a lot of time in Gina's, like one bedroom, or like it was, her, like it wasn't one bedroom. It was like two bedroom condo. And, you know, like all this talk about, we can't shame her, we can't shame her because she's trying her best
Starting point is 00:12:47 And we're all being so good like you know She's like a mom and she's working hard and we all get that and everything But I think secretly we're all like yeah, but we're also watching the real house of Orange County Can we like see something that's not just like like all the places of Roseanne? Yeah, so this isn't TLC so now I think bravo like, okay, so we respect what's going on in Gina's life But we will also now give you excessive wealth because it's been kind of like me and I'm draining out of the show and not just from Gina It's just kind of become very very suburban and so I think Heather is gives them lots of
Starting point is 00:13:22 Pizzas I don't know, meet new people. That's what I say casting. There's a lot of you making effort. This is boring. This is lame. They have to add new people. They're getting rid of, they're getting rid of,
Starting point is 00:13:32 oh, it's a bug. And you know, in Bronwyn. And so, it's funny. I actually did kind of feel for Bronwyn. Not really Elizabeth so much because she was brand new and stuff. But Bronwyn, nobody's even posting about Bronwyn. It's just all Kelly, Kelly, Kelly got fired, Kelly got fired, and fancy pants is coming back. You don't really see a lot of talk about Bronwyn at all, you know. So, you know, I don't, you know, I just, yeah, I couldn't listen
Starting point is 00:13:57 to her anymore. So I am glad that they fixed that, but I don't know, guys, making effort, get some new crazies. There's gotta be cra- there's gotta be crazies out there, find them. Oh, there will be, listen, Orange County has gone through, people forget, Orange County's been on so long that this is not the first time they've gone through a slump. I feel like they had a strong period when Gretchen first came on for two or three seasons,
Starting point is 00:14:20 they had a strong period, and then kind of like the Alexis Blino era, even though Alexis Blino was hilarious, that was like the Peggy Tannis and everything. That was a few seasons of, it was pretty dull. And then they found Shannon. And then we had like four, like four excellent seasons of Shannon and then Megan Edmonds came on,
Starting point is 00:14:39 but then she got pregnant, became awful and all that stuff. It was four excellent seasons. And then we've had like four, like mediocre seasons. So who knows, maybe the pendulum's gonna swing the other way. I always hold out hope for Orange County. Like literally every year, the trailer comes out and I'm always one over by the trailer.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And I'm always like, yes, it's back. And it's been disappointing. But again, I really like the quote unquote train season. I thought that was a really good season. Well, all these seasons, and that's so true for all the housewives. They're all classics two years later, you know? Like we talk about this a lot with real housewives of New York when it was the Heather Aviva and Carol Radswell season.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And they fired half of that cast. And everybody was like, I will never watch this again. That was terrible. And then you look back on it and you're like, whoa, those were classic seasons. I mean, that season in particular had so many classic moments in it. And you don't really appreciate anything
Starting point is 00:15:35 until it's gone, guys. Just like in life, okay? Just like Heather DeBro herself, okay? And let's never forget that Heather and Shannon got into a fight about a chair at a restaurant, okay? and for that alone, she deserves a literal seat back at the table. I was looking through a lot of clips because we're trying to do a lot more on our Instagram these days.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Plug it, go follow it. So I was looking for like perfect Heather clips with Kelly, you know, so I'm like going through all these clips on your old internet, and I was cracking up. I mean, there were a lot of really funny moments like that cake when she's like, that girl molested my cake and then that drunk girl Sarah's like, I don't know why I don't mind doing that into the cake. To get out my house right now.
Starting point is 00:16:19 You monster. So I think we'll have fun recapping it, but yeah, pretty good news. And don't forget, Heather De to bro coming back means the return of Cloth hands you do not get to tell me what to do Was it Crabhams? I think crab hands. I don't remember why would it be claw? Clothes are crabby these are crabbs. I think we started calling them crabbs.
Starting point is 00:16:46 This is another. I think because I'm thinking of it like the, I'm thinking of like the stuffed animal claw machine that comes down and grab things. I don't know. Tonghands. Should we call them tongs? Tonghands. We could call them clawhands. We called them clawhands, but she basically talks like she's like a little crab. A little pin-dusting.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I need you to leave my house now. Yes. So a mom with a lot of open chips around the house, like little chip clip hands. We're a very precise fly catcher. So by the way, if you want to see our claw hands, slash crab hands, go to, slash watch for crappins, and sign up for crappins on demand. You can
Starting point is 00:17:25 watch all this madness. But for right now let's let's let's enough orange candy. Let's talk about the real the real star of the show the real the real deal here. It's real house was a New York day guys. And so now we're going to pivot here and where we left off. Leah was screaming at Heather for basically because Heather thought that it was crazy that Leo wasn't going to be voting. So Leo was having a meltdown. And so we're back here and Leo has just thrown Heather, I mean, throw, thrown flowers at Heather in the limo.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I'm being like, you're such a fucking, don't go me a bitch. And like stormed out. Yeah. Which on shot so sunset would be an attempted murder charge by the way. So she comes out of the van and stalks inside. She needs to turn it down. She said, you're fucking loser. What a psycho! Like screaming in yellow egg when she is the psycho, obviously. And I love how all the aunties of this show, all the older ladies are like, Oh, that's just, yeah. Just let her blow out some steam. She's in, what's the word for it?
Starting point is 00:18:30 I don't wanna say, it's not furious. It's not, not, not, in a bad mood. What is the word? I believe it starts with an A. I'm sure it will come with me, but she's that kind of one. So, yeah, so what's her button? Heather is just sitting in the bus alone. So she comes back inside to see what's going on and Leah is ranting and raving and she sees her and
Starting point is 00:18:53 she goes, and here she comes. Hello. Like Heather's spying on her. Heather just says, you can't scare me away Leah. I don't care. Okay. I don't care. You can't scare me away, Leah. I don't care. Okay? I don't care. You can't scare me away. Yeah, and Lila, I'm like, well, Victoria and Nicola are waiting for us. And we can't ever let Nicola and Victoria wait. I mean, what if Kurt were to show up and we weren't there? I mean, we have to go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I mean, hey, Leah, what about a valve of silence? How about a valve of silence? Sometimes my audience does that for me at my own show. Why don't you give it a try? And then Lila in the typical housewife's fashion just drops it. She's like, oh, I guess I'm gonna go because it's like this really important to Luan, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:32 I mean, I can't ruin a vent that I'm not at. So, if I'm gonna ruin this entire trip, I better show up for the final event to ruin it. Yeah, exactly. So, you know, Luan feels bad for Heather because she's like, well, you know, it's not about Heather. It's about what Leah's going through, which is a dark, sad moment for her family that she is choosing to ignore so that way she can participate in a five person pageant on TV.
Starting point is 00:20:01 All right, girls, let's go. Yeah. So they start to board the bus again and Heather is doing that thing we all do when we don't want to like scream or yell or cry and just starts like swiping through her phone with a big smile on her face like just getting through some really really important yummy tummy tacks okay. So she's doing that and Leah starts again. They're all on there now. She's okay. Now I just want to know what I said about you because I want to know if I'm overreacting to this.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And the evidence is like, oh no, no, no, I misspoke. I thought Heather was basically saying that it was irresponsible for an able-bodied person not to vote. Did you say that? She goes, well, no, I never used the word irresponsible. Who cares what word you use? It's true what you said. And everybody says that to their friend who's like, I'm not going to vote. You say you have to vote. That's what we do
Starting point is 00:20:57 in this country. Even if you don't like it, you go fucking vote. You think I like to fucking vote? No, I think there are a bunch of morons too, but I still have to do it. Yeah. And when I said I didn't want to vote one time, you guys all yelled at me on this show. So I know. I know you're not going to argue with me now, because I've been a Leah. Yeah. And you just do it. You do it because even if you don't like the candidates, I'm sure there's one thing that at least one of them is for that you're down for. so at least vote for that. Well, yeah, and even if you don't want to vote, you can't be mad that someone's telling you. You should vote, that you're responsible. It's like a normal thing to say. She's acting like
Starting point is 00:21:35 Heather killed her child or something. I know. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. Here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brownal are,
Starting point is 00:22:06 we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:22:27 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts, you can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app. So, there, you know, Heather's like, well, I didn't use the word irresponsible. And Ebony's like, did I own that. I own that. My bad. So, Leah says, well, the last thing I need right now is for anybody to talk to me about politics.
Starting point is 00:22:52 My grandmother's trying. That is what I'm thinking about. My grandmother is dying. How dare you? Like, listen, I think it's incredibly sad. Incredibly sad and tragic that her grandma's dying, but also like, why are you here then? Why are you on this trip right now? You should be with your, like, I'm not going to say you should be with your family, you should do what you want, but also like, but you're seeing all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:16 Like if you're going to, if it's clearly weighing on you, so just go be with your family right now. So it's starting fights and dragging your dying grandmother into it. Okay, she's got enough going on without being dragged into your crap. You know, her grandmother's like on her deathbed going through her Instagram people pressing her out. Like, yeah. Leah's being a bitch. You know what?
Starting point is 00:23:37 So you just mentioned you again. Leaver alone for Christ's sake. So Leah's basically like, you know, she's like, I'm sure I came from a good place and I apologize for losing it. And how they're just like, I understand, Mama, I have a lot of compassion for you over it. A lot.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And we're going to leave it at that. And she's sort of like looks down at her knees with that look that says, and we're going to discuss your report card tomorrow. You know, like, yes, we dropped this fight and we'll fight about your grades later. Yeah, there's no lower disc coming from Heather than I have compassion for you. Like that is like, oh, out. So Sonia's like, you know what? Here's how I think about it.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Sometimes you just got a vent. You don't need to rhyme a reasons and your girlfriend should stand by you. No, yeah. Well, of course you think that lady who just waved a knife at somebody and screamed your head off in the middle of a restaurant two days ago over Wells Fargo accounts. Yeah, exactly. Of course, you're kind of that. Someone's just got a vent. I'm like, she's like, I mean, operating on like 5,000 BTUs, so near because she is
Starting point is 00:24:42 venting a lot. So they get to this, they get to the place and they meet Hank as the MC and he's Luanne's friend and he's like, is the Fredric face? What? Is the Frederick face now the new thing that got gay guys are getting in plastic surgery? Who goes to the filler and says, make me look like Frederick Ecclid? Okay. Stop it. Stop it, sir. I had a dream. I had a dream last night that Josh Altman left a million dollar listing LA because he decided to move to Massachusetts. I don't know, it's such a specific dream. And I was like, oh,
Starting point is 00:25:17 that's funny. Like I don't know why such an odd zillow dream. It was like, he, well, I wasn't interacting with him. It was just like a Thing and I was like wow I never would have thought that he'd given up that TV show to move to mass true sits But I guess that's where he's from but he's not from there. I don't think so like It's a very very specific gossipy dream False gossipy dreams like, low voltage gossip. Like the worst pain in the world. I thought that moved to the top of the top of the stream ever. Somebody moved.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Not even an interesting fanfic. Like, it's not even like, oh, the WAN was my teacher growing up. It's not that. It's like, oh, did you hear about Josh Altman? He moved to Massachusetts. I love told you, one of my worst nightmares is where I'm just walking around all night aimlessly like that's like the most boring nightmare ever Okay, so we get to this Frederick face place and everybody at Nicole in Victoria are there and Luans made sashes for everybody for their 1970s beauty pageant
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yes, you know what? Do it sashes cover my cleavage I want to show my cleavage guy worked hard on this saddest cover in my cleavage. I want to show my cleavage tie. I worked hard on this cleavage tie. My cleavage looks good. Okay, I'm sorry. You know what? Reminds me? Why don't you guess what? Reminds me this one time.
Starting point is 00:26:33 What? Girl tie. And I was walking around. I was wearing a lovely little dress. And my father's friend, Geraldine Pasismith, came up to me and said, you look ugly. You should just wear a burlap sack from now on, because why even show anything? And you know what, for many years that's all I wore, it's a burlap sack. And then I met my prince Chombing and he
Starting point is 00:26:53 kissed me on the lips, his name was Mario, and since then I always show off my cleavage Kai, sorry, I'm sorry, but that's the truth, that's the story of my cleavage. The legs covered. So I left caught my breath. Okay. And so, a Frederick face is like live in in color. So we're starting the, the pageant. And it's the Miss New York pageant and all the girls,
Starting point is 00:27:21 well, one of these girls is gonna be chosen for Miss New York. So, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, myths, Monit does a very Ramona modeling, you know, when she walks out she's very like Achilles page ages by Ramona tie Like she's on shoulder and neck voguing as she walks down. I call that the the sparrow Or the parakeet little bird just looking around and then
Starting point is 00:28:07 Cecilia is miss Uppery side and the one is miss Sag Harbor and Ebony is miss City Hall Which is technically a specific building not a neighborhood. That's fine and The saying just saying hi sorry sorry for the maven real estate Okay, and then Heather is miss Upper West and Leah is Miss Downtown. So these ladies have been working tirelessly on their special talents. Let's see Miss Sagan Harbor and the man has her baton and if you know the audience is basically the man.
Starting point is 00:28:41 So they're cheering a lot. I'm not really sure what's happening with that baton though, are you? I think she was just doing this. She's going back and forth. She's like, and then well she had a really good move at the end where she sort of brought it forward and backwards. She's like, well I'm sorry. I would hate if any executives at the Macy's Day Thanksgiving parade were watching. I hope they're not looking for a grand marshal. I mean just dropping hints. I mean, who am I just some small unknown cabaret legend? Hit it boys.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Devastate, Devastate, Devastate, Twirl, Twirl, Twirl, Devastate, thank you. But I mean, did she even have any twirls? I just saw this like she had to, she had been handled for Devastating, which is that where things go about 180 degrees, then you rotate it backwards, and you're then are like, mom, mom, mom, look. So then Miss City, oh no, we've already done that. Why did I write? OK, I'm on the wrong part of my notes. OK, so then Sonia is just taking off her clothes
Starting point is 00:29:38 because that's Sonia. And I was actually surprised that she didn't turn that into her special talent. I thought she was going to give up mimeing and just going for like get naked But instead she's changing into her mime thing so she can come on and support Ramona guy Yeah, so then Ramona comes out to talk with Hank the announcer and he's like all right lady things where you from she's Well, you know what my talent is that you anything. It's very impressed with my arms.
Starting point is 00:30:05 In fact, so are all 50 of my special girlfriends. They all love my arms. That's why they got me a nice bag because they want some to hang from my beautiful arms, okay? So I'm gonna show everyone what it's like or why my arms so good, okay? And then she proceeds to do push ups. Well, she's lifting weights, she's lifting those little. Yeah, she's, she lifts weights, she lifts those raw stress for less weights that we see for $5. And then just keeps going and then she gets down on the ground
Starting point is 00:30:40 to start string push ups and keeps doing them. She does 40. I haven't been this impressed as Jack Palin's did them on the Oscars and Leah says I have no idea how this woman does it I mean Ramona basically consists of Rosé and muscle you what I'm a little I hate to say it girls you know what I'm kind of ageless tag and sometimes my best friends are shorter every night. We sit together and we do push-up contest. That's always a total tag.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. So then Leah is doing Hula Hoops on her arms. That's her talent. And the Wands being very supportive to you now. She's like, you can do it, have faith. Just have faith. I believe in you. And I was like, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:25 Now it's not only a grandma who believes in you. The way I'm pretending to, okay? Otherwise, you have nobody. And nothing, nobody who invites you. Guy. Leah, you're doing a great job with those rule hoops. I mean, will you be made into an iconic gift? They get spread far and wide across the internet.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Probably not. But good job. they get spread far and wide across the internet, probably not. But good job. So Heather comes out and her, her talent is cheering. And she does that be aggressive, be aggressive thing. And Lee and Ebony are behind her and they just go, what is that even from? Like Leah, it's kind of a standard cheer thing. Sorry, sorry you were raised in a city.
Starting point is 00:32:11 And Ebony's like, I think she just made that up. She was on YouTube looking for things. They not have cheerleaders, but listen, I ditched every game in school and even I know be aggressive, okay? So then Ebony comes out to do spoken word. Yes. And she's like, the black woman has had to have I know be aggressive, okay? So then Ebony comes out to do spoken word, of course. And she's like, the black woman has had to have
Starting point is 00:32:29 a greater lens on society than any other group. And we've had to understand white men, white women, we've had to understand ourselves. And when black women win victories, all of society benefits. And they're like, yay, all right back to tell me Yeah, I was like okay I mean like that wasn't stupid They're like that wasn't stupid so rethink and one is like whoa this is beauty patch okay
Starting point is 00:32:56 This process but we just you know we have fun one time guy Oh, do we get to use spoken word? Okay, great. The Hamptons woman is one of the strongest women in Long Island. She has to go to grocery stores that are fancy and spend extra money and then go to wine tastings at night. It's a lot for one woman, but she gets it done. Thank you, this has been my spoken word, Guy.
Starting point is 00:33:23 You know what? The Hamptons woman has to deal with finding out about things on page 6. People complaining about the level and then the help not doing what you want when you ask them to do it, guys. Thank you. The Hamptons woman has to deal with a life of luxury and that can be hard because if you go to Berkshires it's just not as nice and the Hamptons woman has to get an air conditioner for unacquired conditions, housing, and Berkshires and then some times you have to catch a flight down
Starting point is 00:33:55 to Mara's Lago. It's a hard time but that's what the Hamptons woman does. She gets it all done. Okay, thank you. So then Sonia comes out in Mimes and of course in typical Sonia fashion. It's she's playing charades Stereocases and elevators so in you a staircase is an elevator and glass boxes Elevator's zone just dear cases and elevators and glass boxes They're guessing and so it's Mary and then she like takes her you know the thing She was the hatred that she was using to pull out of her hands She was gonna learn that magic trick and instead she just starts like pumping it out of her vage and they guess Mary fuck kill yeah, and then So now it's time for the sun you're for a talent and of course she's pulling stuff out of her badge.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I mean this show, you've got to give it credit for consistency. So then, second runner up is Miss City Hall, Ebony. First winner up is Miss Sag Harbor and Luangus, it's so rigged. It's so rigged. This is bullshit. Wink, wink, and then the winner is Leah. And at first I was like, how did Leah, I can't even believe I even cared, but I was like, how did Leah win this?
Starting point is 00:35:15 And Luangos was like, well, it is rigged. I told Hank, let's give Leah Windnike, because God knows she has nothing but loss in her sad life. She needed it, but also be number two. Make sure I am the runner. Thank you very much. Thank you. And I'll also be sure to announce a national television that I did rig it. So she can't even take the credit for the rig.
Starting point is 00:35:39 So Leo's speech is done? No, I was going to try to make some connection to the election. It was great all along. So anyway, because it's election episode of Ty, you're trying to make topical humor. You know what? This is the burden of the Hamptons. I wanted to thank you very much for hearing my spoken word. So Leah gives a speech and she's like, I just want to take time out to like own my bad actions a few times this weekend, but like, I want to thank my friends for like getting me through it. I think so.
Starting point is 00:36:15 No apologies. No, no apologies. Okay. That's an interesting choice. Okay. So now we should talk about this stuff that's been happening this week on social with these crazy outswives of New York.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I don't know. So this is new to me. Okay, so after last week's authentic, or you're so articulate to comment. And then Heather left the room and then Ebony was like, that was my question to you by the way, and they laughed or whatever.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So online, Heather was my co-aggression tube, by the way, and they laughed or whatever. So online, Heather was writing on Instagram or whatever, and someone commented and said, Ebony is really a race-bater, and you were totally nice in that conversation. And blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And Heather wrote back, she commented, I agree with you. And blah, blah, blah, blah. So that went crazy. It was all over the place. And people were like, fuck, Heather agree with you. And blah, blah, blah, blah. So that went crazy. It was all over the place and people were like, fuck Heather, including me. And fuck her was wrong with you. Like, how do
Starting point is 00:37:13 you act one way on TV? And then you call her, you, you agree with somebody who's calling her a race spader or whatever on Instagram. It's bullshit. And I'm just bringing it up because Heather was on watch what happens live last night Which you know, I guess they gave her her chance to speak out and so she was on there and She claims that it was an accidental response to a different comment and that it wasn't that at all And I've talked to Ebony and we had a great conversation about it and everything's great. We had a very learning conversation. You know what?
Starting point is 00:37:48 It was a very learning conversation. It was a teachable moment. And Andy just kept going, teachable moments. We have so many teachable moments in here. God, we're so great. So I watched the first two minutes of Watcher Happens and they talked about the articulate comment and she said she talked to Ebony over the weekend about it and he's like, yeah, it could be a really
Starting point is 00:38:08 good teachable moment. So did they they basically said the same thing again? Oh, Andy said our ticket are teachable moments 30 times. He was like very excited that neat real housewives of New York is now teach a moment? Did you take that down? Sorry, I lost just a few minutes. Ronny lost something down there. Oh, there's a spiller. He's revealing Bueller. There's Bueller just watching. I lost spring in my pen.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And what's life if you can't like click and pen over and over? I hate when the spring in a pen gets out. It's like, I do too. It's like, I had a hamster growing up and like every now and then a hamster I had hamsters growing up and like every
Starting point is 00:38:45 no one that a hamster would escape the cage and you have to like stop and like they'll like go into like a emergency lockdown to find the hamster and like I feel like that's what happens when a spring gets out of a pen it's like everyone stopped as you with them because when you have when spring isn't in the pen it's a very depressing experience it's like you press the thing also you're you're welcome you're welcome for those I think I now do a weekly mon I know I'm sorry I have problems Okay, so yes, he said teachable moments a million times and when it came to question
Starting point is 00:39:16 You know that show whenever they try and do something serious it cracks me up because it's like hey Who's moves you think are better other guests is not Heather. Okay great. Heather What about your racism this week? Let's talk about that Hey, who has a bigger penis other guest is not Heather your racist America hates you Well, you have to say that Did oh How did Did her didn't seem like she was just coming up with a story to cover her ass or didn't
Starting point is 00:39:47 feel like she really was like, it's in total Heather mode where you don't really know because she says everything like this. You know, she's like, Andy, that was, it was a mistake. I was replying to comments so fast. It was the wrong comment I replied to. I deleted it immediately, it was done and over, I've spoken with Ebony about it, we had a great discussion about it, God I learned, learned so much, and so that was fine Andy.
Starting point is 00:40:15 And then she scrunches her nose and he's like, okay, and you know, then keeps coming back. I do oppose a mistake because I I feel like I mean Heather is When she made that articulate comment last week. It was just like I could it was just like oh Heather Why cuz I do feel like she is well intentioned But like I'm like I'm just sort of like hoping that she can sort of like land like land the plane a little bit So I think I did read that that she wrote that on on Instagram. I that I was like, Oh, Heather, what? Why? What's going on with you? So I'm hoping because I was actually really, I actually was happy this week. We're about to get into it, but I was happy this week when she actually told Ebony, by the way, what I said was wrong. I was like, oh my goodness, that means that
Starting point is 00:41:01 she either, either someone said, by the way, one of the producers said, Heather, you need to apologize for this. Or she was like doing some research on her own that night after everything She that means that she either either someone said by the way one the producers said either you need to Apologize for this or she was like doing some research on her own that night after everything that happened I don't know what it was, but I was like oh, that's cool that she apologized. Oh Yeah, I'm in it and did Andy's like okay now that we've played the pin the penis on the million dollar listing, Capsma! Let's, let's, let Heather, Heather, I know you prepared a speech today. I know you've been, go ahead, Heather. Take your turn. I just got finished, punching Ryan Sirhant in the arm, 30 times for fun. Just so I could keep rubbing his arm and saying,
Starting point is 00:41:37 well, sorry, that punched you too hard, buddy! Which was really a game. Uh, so then Heather pulls out a piece of paper and she's like um Hi, I am so proud To understand that not everybody says what they mean all the time and we can work through things together As long as we learn and we're educated and we educate each other. There's no problem. You fall down You get up you learn words you change my talk it's great thank you yeah pretty much and Mandy's like oh thank you teacher moment okay we're gonna play a new game called with this a
Starting point is 00:42:19 teachable moment or a dick of my sir and, I was like I Hey Ryan, what do you think about Josh Altman moving to bed moving to Massachusetts? So Okay, so it's the next morning and the women are all packing and Sonya spills some coffee and Ramona's trying to start her fireplace and it like won't light so she's doing this thing with her hand She does this every now in general, but she's doing her this thing with her hand where she's almost like saying like come on What's wrong with you fire? But she starts going like this? She's it's almost like if I can describe it It's like she's about to pluck an apple, but then she keeps swirling her hand. It's almost like she actually has a she's swirling
Starting point is 00:43:02 um Red wine in a glass violently. She's like, come on. Why don't light? I think Ramona is not waving her hand at it. It's not going to respond. Why doesn't anyone on this cast know how to light a fire? Remember when Luann almost burnt off her face when she tried to light a fire? It's true. So speaking of Luann, Luann, it's breakfast time and Luann's like like Ramona. Did you see what I brought you back? Ramona, I got you I'm a French. So don't do that one Garth stuff Garth stuff that one with lamb curry for me
Starting point is 00:43:39 My parents are like why has been yelling the lamb in his bedroom right now? I know your mom's gonna bring you some fucking lamina. I know, that's how I stopped myself. I was like, oh, like my parents are gonna bring me lamb curry now. Yeah, so, um, Liu basically there like, wow, Leah laughed, Leah laughed and Pomona goes, yeah, you know what, she didn't even bother texting me, which is fine because I really am feeling new Pomona right now. Guy. So I don't even care, even though she didn't text me back.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Guy. So this woman opens up her house to people and then doesn't get texts back when they leave. But that's just the burden of the Hampton's woman. Thank you. Thank you. So they look at the text that's group text, and she's basically Ramona throws down the phone
Starting point is 00:44:24 and goes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Mona and Luana are just like really sad. They're like, I actually, normally I would make fun of anytime Luana and goes, but in this case, I actually believed it was genuine. And so they're just sort of sitting there. Really? Ramona was going, was making squealing noises and squeezing her eyes really tight, but she couldn't get them to cry. She's like, for one second, I was, of course I was making fun of it in my head, but for one second in a public venue such as our podcast, I was like, I am going to be human and I am going to show the world. Not me a girl. I'm a sit head
Starting point is 00:45:09 Not me. I'm a shit head mouth care. I'm under such a faker Well, guess what the the show didn't think so you the show also made fun of her because it was like very serious And he was like bum bum bum and they just sort of sit sat there in silence and they just was they were just sort of like reflecting And just like sitting there and then Rapona just like picks up her phone and goes, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Question mark. Question mark. I have the question mark.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Yeah, you know, I don't know if you want to say that because it's going to make her feel really bad. Okay, you know what? Here's what I'm gonna say. I, I, don't, I should say sorry guy for losing the only person that ever can't about you stupid, everyone else hates you dumb dumb. Should I do that? It's like no, no Ramona, no, no.
Starting point is 00:46:02 You know what? How about this one? I'm sorry that there's nobody alive that likes you guy Whoa, just in there's what whoa Yeah, I'm so sorry for the grief you must be feeling it must be like the grief I felt when you left my house without texting Hi. Lou says, this is why Ramona singer is not my emergency contact. There is no emergency from Mona singer can make better. So then everyone's coming downstairs and, um, and the lands telling the girls that Leo's grandma passed away and
Starting point is 00:46:41 everything and everybody is like, yeah, I faced time with her. And she, she wasn't hysterical. And, you and you know Leo was was feeling like really regretful and and then he said listen I said I'm not a rabbi or preacher or a cabaret star continue But you know it. I don't think that God makes mistakes and I think the fact that your last memory of your grandmother is fun and loving is and not talk You know, I think that's that your last memory of your grandmother is fun and loving and not talking. I think that's good. And Ebony's like, am I a bad person for not going down there? That's what she was saying. And then she feels bad because she's about her grandmother.
Starting point is 00:47:16 And then she's not good. I don't know. Anybody who thinks that God doesn't make mistakes hasn't been to a food court lately. That's all I'll say. So then Ebony brings out kind of a Melissa Gorgas storyline, but it feels like it has a little bit more legs in that a woman named Ashley said that she was her sister. And basically she tells a story, well, it has more legs in that there's actual,
Starting point is 00:47:42 you know, tangible humans involved. Not just. Yeah, she didn't just hear from a psychic that she probably had a sister somewhere. And that there was like maybe a lady out of funeral 20 years ago. So, anyway, so she just, she doesn't, Ebony doesn't really have a relationship with her. She doesn't even know if this guy can't, is her dad. And she doesn't, she doesn't know if she wants to explore it, but she spoke with this woman Ashley. And apparently there was a picture of Ebony on this Ashley's grandmother's mantle
Starting point is 00:48:09 for her whole childhood and all that. So that seems like it'll be the beginning of a storyline for her. You know it's Melissa Gorgah. You know it's Melissa Gorgah riding her, riding her on Instagram. So Ebony is talking about that, and you know, maybe she has a sister or whatever and the way I'm like, well look at that Ebony let down her walls. I mean Ebony just let down her walls right now, and we are so close now
Starting point is 00:48:37 I just feel so close to her And Heather's like um Okay, I would like to say something to Ebony, and I'd like to share it with the group. I've written it down. I hope you don't mind. Um, sometimes in life, okay? We are learning how rhetoric works, okay? And I have learned that rhetoric can be harmful. And so, um, when I came into your room, I was trying to tell you you were eloquent, but the rhetoric
Starting point is 00:49:08 I used was incorrect, and I said you were articulate, which, you know, I understand that the rhetoric was different for articulate and eloquent, and I would like to apologize to you for that. Which good call, by the way, Heather. Good call. That you think that's something that happened when you when you go to bed and you like like Charlie Brown, like I go to bed and I think of all the stupid things I did that day. Do you think that's what happened? Like she's laying a bed and she's like, did I just tell Ebony that she's articulate?
Starting point is 00:49:39 Mama's. Now I'm going to have to count mama's to go to sleep I mean I would not say it's out of the realm of possibilities that either maybe she talked to her husband And he was like, you know, you can't say that or maybe she just was doing research Maybe like after everything that happened she's like I got to like do some research or whatever like I kind of I can see Heather being someone like that And so I don't know but I was I was again. I was I was impressed I thought it was just gonna be this thing. I think the producers are like I think the producers are like Hi, we brought you on to water down the blatant Stupid things coming out of Ramona Sonya and, and Louis on the mouth this season. You can't say that. Together. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Just like, oh gosh. That's my guess. The fight to guess what happened. And then they showed that clip though, just again from last week. She was, by the way, you're very articulate. And she like walks out smiling so proud of herself. Just like how proud she is. It's just so, it's so cringey, but it's so, you know, from just a head on the face,
Starting point is 00:50:49 you know, perspective, it is so hilarious. Not hilarious to receive it, I'm sure. But, yeah, I've been on the receiving end of that. But just purely from a, what are you thinking perspective? It's just like, it was like the most, it was like the most on the nose version of that micro aggression right yes yes after coming out you know being the one going against it the whole time just to end it like that so then you know
Starting point is 00:51:14 so then while she starts this whole thing she's like I would like to share this with the group I'm gonna go oh my god I feel like you're about to preach and I don't want to be preach to you. Okay. So I'm like listen, just shut up and listen. So she says all that and Evan is like, look, I know that that wasn't malicious. You know, you said articulate is what you said and it upset me because my stereotype, you know, the stereotype is that black people can't speak the King's English and the and Luan goes like Ramona. Yeah. Sorry, I had to. It was good.
Starting point is 00:51:48 It was good. That was a good one, Luan. Also, I just love that they will just do that. They just are so savage to each other. Like any moment, you just don't know where it's going to happen. It was like a serious moment where Ebony was like talking about this. And just turns it into something to go after Ramona.
Starting point is 00:52:04 So then, you know, Ebony says that she's actually been pleasantly surprised that there have been so many opportunities to connect with these women. And Ramona is like, you know what, I love that we're communicating and like you're teaching us some things. And Ebony says, yeah, you're using a word because yeah, like teaching white fragility. Yeah. I love Ramona. You know what?
Starting point is 00:52:22 I learned that white fragility isn't about bone health, okay? Get me! I win! It's a struggle of the Hampton Slating! The Hampton Slating is very fragile, okay? It's kind of a slashing, you can spring your ankle very easily, okay? I'm so worried, it's scary. So then, now we're back to the city after all this.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And we see everyone doing different things. Ebeneen's recording her podcast. Luanne's with her assistant Molly, brushing, making her brush a rug. Leah is. Leah's just a weird scene, wasn't it? Her assistance on the ground, on her knees with a pet hair brush,
Starting point is 00:53:00 brushing the IKEA lamb rug. Whatever, all that thing is. Yeah. So then Leah and her sister Sarah, sorry. Oh yeah, her daughter. Yeah. All of them. I'm getting lost because I was like,
Starting point is 00:53:16 who's kiss, but that's cure. It was an autocorrect. So Leah and her daughter are getting ready for the funeral and Sarah comes and they're crying and stuff. And Sarah goes, oh my god. And the word thing is I hate my outfit. I look like a whore. And we was like, yeah, you do actually.
Starting point is 00:53:31 And then we go over to Sonia who is bossing around her assistant Emma, not intern but assistant. And then she's like, yeah, take these down, put these on the stairs. That means I have to go down. I have to go down. And then she like picks up an envelope and she goes, oh, another envelope. un-un-un-un-un recycled envelope. I mean, why would- why would people buy envelopes? You can just cross this out and use it. Like, sorry, you recycle your envelopes. Is that a thing that people do? Sonya has- Sonya poor, I mean, Sony didn't have hot water until last season.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Okay. I mean, nothing would give me less confidence in receiving an envelope that has already opened up and just tape his tape. I'm like, okay, I'm right in the middle of her. It's like sensitive materials. So Ramona goes to a bakery and she's like, hi, hi to me. Ramona's saying, okay, I'm here to meet somebody. He looks like a little elf that lives in a tree and gives children cookies, okay? Where's
Starting point is 00:54:31 it? Oh, he's in the back. His name is Michael Wobble and he's a real estate agent because I know Michael's socially do Sonya Morgan, but don't tell her that's because otherwise she'll get jealous. So she sits down with this guy and she says you know what You kind of know me, but you don't know me. I'm very driven woman And it's that that's like one reasons why One of one one reasons why I want to be affiliated with Douglas element. Okay And he's like well, you know what? I really like the work, but also I'm driven a lot.
Starting point is 00:55:05 A guy, my help. Drift my help. What do you think I walked here? Come on. And so, and so then he's like, yeah, and you know, you fix up your own house and everything's you know, a lot of people don't have the vision, but I have the vision, okay. Some people, like my vision, so they're called perl vision, okay. I've got the vision
Starting point is 00:55:25 Okay, it was been very business oriented. Okay, I've had my own company. I have my own skincare I did my own PinoGregeo at HSN jewelry. I once got an LLB catalog. I Once I want to touch my wallet. I'm very business oriented. Okay, I Know or any of those businesses still around by the way, I way, I don't know if you want to be listening this resume right now. I don't know if now's the time, okay? People have Google. So, he's like, well, you know, real estate is competitive.
Starting point is 00:55:54 It's work. And she's like, well, you know what? Hold on, show you competitive. She just gets down on the ground and starts doing 40 push ups. Get that. She's okay. She goes, I'm a very competitive person. And then she puts her straw in her mouth and does her like flirt thing which is This means I want to drink okay, why don't you get in here?
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yeah, I know I'm in a natural real estate and if I can make money doing that money's my a Fraggige real estate and if I can make money doing that, money's my Afro-D-G-Y-I-O-K-I! So he's like, well, you know, it's a lot. Just, yeah, you do 70-hour course, then they have a test to give you, and then if I want my license in Barra-Bago, I've got to go there, and if I want my license in Aspen, which is way better than other plates, I'm gonna go there. You know what, you have to have a good sponsor Michael's good broke guy and the spot is chim from welcome So he's like okay, so crazy lady here's what you have to know it's 2020 so we've updated some of the terms, you know, so like you can't call it the master bedroom You have to call it the primary bedroom, you know the primary bedroom primary bedroom where the help doesn't sleep.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Okay, look at that, learning, okay? What do you call the servants quarters? The servants bedroom now? Is that what you call it? It's called like politically correct or like socially aware, or both. I don't know, I'm fragile white. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:20 It's a customer service representative bedroom, guy. Hospitality assistance quartersas guy. Yeah, and so he's like yeah, you can't say his or her baths We say main bathroom one main bathroom two now it's much Hits now it's like a homopoop room, okay? It's not the shower. It's a gay spray. Okay Gay bathhouse. We call this the gay bathhouse? How is he using that one? So that's the locker room, okay? That.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yes, and you know, for instance, if the building is near the park, you can't say this is just steps the park because what if you can't walk just, oh, oh yeah, this month told me that's for invulence. Oh my god. He goes, oh no. He's like, oh you know what? I shouldn't say that. Okay, that's the captain A. Haps. A V. That's what he wanted me to say.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Can I learn it? Oh, he's like, can I have a pickaxe of Ty? He's like, handy cap. She goes, I don't play golf. Guy, what do you want me to say? Okay, I'm not gonna have to play golf, too. It's chop his heart. I don't work taps on my hands.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Okay, I don't work taps on my hands. He goes, well, work caps on my hands He goes well if you're in a wheelchair You're not stepping to the park or taking to step class. You know what they should really change that No, of course you're not stepping enough course you're not stepping into the park with a wheelchair You're sad in your home alone like no no no no no Ramona So Ramona's like you know what what? It's a different world today. And you know me, I'm unfiltered. So I have to be really careful and watch my peas and cues and homosexuals, okay?
Starting point is 00:58:53 He's like, in the meantime, let's do some open houses. So Douglas element is one of the places on million dollar listing. So if you never know know we've already had a Cali Benzumon moment So I guess I guess our next next stop singer Singer up here maybe the sound sunset Hi, up in high brother. Guess what I sold an amazing house
Starting point is 00:59:18 But I sold to my daughter Ivory so I guess there's no commission. Okay, cuz it was on the house The house is on the house get it like you're fired Yeah, so now let's go over to infinity boxing club with Ebony and Leah and Martin So Ebony comes to yeah, Martin so Ebony's gonna come learn out of box And she's like before I box. I'm gonna check on my girl real quick. Let's talk about the wake. Let's talk about that. Yeah, so, it was like, well, that was a beautiful ceremony and I just don't know what my family looks like
Starting point is 00:59:52 without a grandmother. I'm like, I don't know what I'm gonna do now. And all my decisions, I'm gonna be decisions that my grandma will be proud of once, once they happen to us. So then, yeah, so then Sonia comes in and she's so excited to see Martin She like runs up in hugs and she's like I knew I was gonna meet you one day. I saw you on Instagram Yeah, and so they hug and he's like, oh yeah, you can save me from these lunatics
Starting point is 01:00:19 So Leo's like There's like well everybody and I are Virgos and a lot of problems, all of us and like, it's a joint effort to help Sonia and make sure Louanna or Mona don't like, step all over her all the time. So they're still doing this thing where they want to set her up and proper up and all that stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:34 So, Sonia gets into the ring with Martin and we see them boxing and she's very tentative at first. She's like, watch this, watch this, jab jab, bop bop jab, big a cross- jab look cross cross
Starting point is 01:00:45 Cross jambaboy he sort of talks a little bit like Elmer Fudd, you know like if Elmer Fudd had suffered many blows to the head Which he Elmer Fudd kind of inherently has a little bit, you know Jem jim jim bim bim bim bim jim jim bim bim bim Cross cross cross jim jim jim oh a cross cross j, jib jib, cross's giving you a hard time? Ramona, what does Luke call you? What do they call you? Stupid slut! Oh yeah, what if I called you a stupid slut?
Starting point is 01:01:32 That's only how hard you'd hit. To yeah! What else do they do? They call me a hooker. Mm-hmm, come on, hotter. What if I told you I went to Bank of America? She's like pummeling her autograph. Blood's flying
Starting point is 01:01:51 So she's So then now it's now it's election day, election day. And so, Leah and, Leah and Martin, we were getting clips of everyone on their phones. And so Leah and Martin are together. And Leah is like, we are exercising our right to, and then he said, vote for Dim's Dale,
Starting point is 01:02:19 which I felt like was a reference that I didn't get. No, Tinsdale, Tinsley. Oh, Tinsdale. Because that's how he started on the, thatsely. Oh tinstale. Because that's how he started on the, that's right. He loves his tinstale. So he was saying, vote for tinstale. I would love to, I would love to vote for tinsely for president. Oh, the motion process. So does time. Welcome to this date of the Union. If we don't make up with Russia, I'm dying alone! Yellow and I am giving an inauguration speech.
Starting point is 01:02:52 What are you gonna do about it, Lewan? Unnusurable, unfucking miserable, NATO. I would love a whiny, whiny, whiny, president. How funny would that be if every conference is a president? Oh it's all a new way. Go stop. Just Dale just Dale taking the press conference is like all right I've got an opening for a question from you USA today is
Starting point is 01:03:27 we going to continue all Russian sanctions and our Iranians now tinsley will not be getting married because she just doesn't know how to behave herself thank god for tarnitio was anybody else nobody else Anybody else? Nobody else. Dun dun dun dun. Breaking news. This just in the present United States will be descending in a hoop at the New York circus. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. This marks the first time standing president
Starting point is 01:03:55 has actually sat in a hoop at the circus. Dun dun dun dun. Ha ha ha ha ha. Woo. Is the one thing I'll bring Pelosi and McConnell together is just like exiting in a table with Tinsley. If I'd like, we got to do something about this. I can't sit this day in London. I'm going to go with our president. Oh, you guys!
Starting point is 01:04:16 They're all trying to get reservations in AOC. Okay, so we see little clips of everybody going to vote, you know, and then we go to Ebeneer's apartment, whose Ebeneer is going to be throwing an election party. Which is, you know, I don't care what show it is, I think it's a very bad idea for real housewives to go to voting parties. Just not think it's a good idea. Okay. Let me tell you something, I went to one voting party. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I went, it was party. It was 2016. I normally just watch elections at home alone. And then my friends were like, come to this restaurant. We're all watching. We're all watching. And then I was like, no, I'm going to watch alone. And then things didn't go so well for my side. So I was like, I think I should be around people.
Starting point is 01:05:00 So then I went to this restaurant, because there was still was hope for Hillary at that point. And then just very, very slowly, the hope to finish. And let me tell you something, you know what's worse than having your hope dashed, hoping you're having your hope dashed while you're like out and about. It's like there were no Oreos nearby, there was no ice cream. Yeah. I don't know. No more election parties for me.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Yeah, you can't just masturbate and fall asleep on a booth. I know. Like your farts switched to HGTV. I'm pretend that's not happening. for me. Yeah, you can't just masturbate and fall asleep on a booth. You're fucked. Switch to HGTV. Pretend it's not happening. So Evanie's there and Carrie James or little dog, of course, is there. And Natalie, her friend Natalie shows up and Evanie's like, I don't care who you guys are supporting. Let's just enjoy this moment of democracy. And then Leah comes and announces Sarah's coming. And Leah comes with a tutu on the back of her pants,
Starting point is 01:05:52 which I'm not really sure what that's. It was a mo, yeah. And then she brings her dog, Angel Marie. So we have Angel Marie and Curie James. He's very formal. I do think American Idol contestants, that's what it sounded like to me. And so then, oh, knock, knock, knock, special guest.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Hey, it's John F. Kennedy, one of our iconic presidents. Happy birthday to you, Mr. President. Happy birthday to you. Lined, doesn't even have to know the rest of this song? I never quite finish it. I feel like she's just doing that to kind of trigger Carol Radswell at home, you know. Yes. So even though that was JJ. So let's see here. Where I was looking up Carrie James. That's what I was doing in case anybody thinks I just totally checked out. I was. Okay, so let's I was doing in case anybody thinks I just totally checked out
Starting point is 01:06:45 I was okay, so let's see here. I think it's strange. Sorry, it's a dog's I just wrote down This is the scene where Ben is gonna be the most triggered all season. Oh, because it's just people with untrained dogs behaving badly Which you hate I hate that I do not like I Don't like undisciplined dog energy. I actually would have gone so nuts that party because I hate watching dogs eat shit off of the table. Like that's, it drives me nuts because I feel like I'm the only one who cares and I'm the only one being like, get down, get down. Like because it's always the only one that's like, oh yeah, oh, oh, get that. Like what Leo is doing, I was like, no, angel, no. I'm like, don't, she doesn't speak English.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Go and shoot her off. Like it drives me nuts. That like, that like, frenetic energy, like running around and like going after the, just, it's like toddlers and little dogs. Or big dogs, it doesn't matter the size of the dog. But undisplained dogs drive me nuts in a social situation. Like, absolutely crazy. Yeah, so this scene was built for you. Yeah, so then they start talking about Ramona and how Ramona is not there. And Leah says she's planning on being gone because she's like worried about New York, like, you know, going crazy over the election. Like protesting
Starting point is 01:08:10 Sylvia's like um even if there were riots I'm pretty sure she'd be safe She lives in a high-rise luxury dormant building like so do I I think we're good Did you say Sylvia that's Leah who said that but I thought I said Sylvia No, I think you said Sylvia was like I said that too Your friend Sylvia I love her my friend Syl might have said that well, I mean if the word I'm pretty sure she would actually say that too Yeah, so let's see so the way I'm like oh that dog that dog it's on the table that dog the dog That dog like the man's countess starts kicking in. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:48 And then she goes, well, thank God the dog didn't have a torch. Like, well, the dog takes after her mother, but thank God the dog didn't have a torch. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, you just wait. You just wait. That dog will have a torch soon enough. Oh, yeah. So, Ebony is like, oh my God, she's so aggressive.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Why is she so aggressive? And then her friend says, yeah, just like her mama, and they all laugh and laugh. And the way I'm like, well, I'd get aggressive over guac too. Oh, the dog is so amazing. I'm trying to have fun. I'm trying to be calm about this, but it's really disheartening.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Did that dog just say Giovanni? So then, so Ebony is like the way ladies tomorrow we're gonna have a party. It's gonna be a night in Harlem with Ebony K Williams and friends and let me go, oh, sorry I just had to laugh. I mean, I mean as we all know, I mean, I mean, I'm dancing there's counters in France and pretty much it ends there. I don't think there's anyone else who has the, and friends thing. It's kind of my thing. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:09:46 Anyone? Yeah, yeah Do you have any pictures where you're posting where you're posing in front of the poster that you're on in front of a real Okay, I'm actually joining no So Evany tells them that she lived on Harlem for six years and it's the soul of black intelligence, yeah, and she's like, and you're gonna be introduced that tomorrow. And Angel's eating food off the table,
Starting point is 01:10:15 so the wind can't even listen. She's just like, oh, dog, table, dog, table, dog, table, dog. I thought I got through this once, no, well, got out of puberty. So then So then there's a ring at the doorbell. Oh, that must be sonia Rita So here comes Sonia all dressed up. She's how I read To match my shoes. I'm like, oh good catch their Sonia
Starting point is 01:10:39 She almost were I was like bragging about wearing red. She was in pink wasn't she? She, you know, she had a pink red undies. Oh, oh, oh, her underwear. I was like, she had like a little pink Jackie O thing going on. So, yeah, so they, yeah, she lifted up her butt and Natalie's just like, okay, Kathleen's experience with all these women is hilarious. She's like, I'm gonna happy. Happily experienced with all these women is hilarious. She's like, I'm gonna get up now. At one point, my son just starts going crazy. She's like, I'm gonna get up and walk up over here. And you can't do that,
Starting point is 01:11:13 because son, you will just follow you. Yep. So then there's like beautiful beef presented as an order. And so I was like, oh, is this sirloin? I think it's like, I don't serve my guest sirloin. It's full a, okay, it's full a, which actually made me even more angry that the dog was just sort of eating this fancy filet on setter. Like, hello, it's full a, not sirloin. So then, Ebony's dog is now on the table eating. And so she flames Leah's dog for teaching her and like being the bad influence
Starting point is 01:11:45 and stuff. So then Sony's like, oh, tomorrow, that's going to be brought up loose alley. You know, she loves that cotton club. That's all I really know. Glob trotters. I think that's all. Yeah, I think that's that's Columbia's Columbia up there. Yeah. That's that's that's Columbia's Columbia up there I think that's about it there. Yeah That's a thing so um Harlem Knights to move with Eddie Murphy. Oh, that's that's one. Yeah godfather of godfather of We know all about it. Oh, we know all about it. Oh Asteroots or many women marriage the same guy guy that's here. I'm not Harlem So so he's like well, I'm not gonna wear a gown or anything I'm just gonna wear a little simple black dress and that's like why not?
Starting point is 01:12:35 It's like just a little black dress mad band. That's it and sir goes oh my god I'm glad that you guys are like talking about this because Leah was texting me the day that I'm glad that you guys are like talking about this because Leah was texting me today that I'm supposed to wear Satan glitter. And like I didn't know what that meant. Like Satan glitter, I was gonna go like, get little horns in a glitter crown or something. And he's like, I was saying sequence, it was an auto correct.
Starting point is 01:12:59 And Leah goes, thank God because showing up as the white devil to Harlem might be a little problematic. Might have not landed. Don't worry, we still have Ramona on the cast. So whatever Sarah does will surely be trumped by Ramona. So then speaking of which Ramona calls in, she faces time, she's like, hi, how are you? How is your party going?
Starting point is 01:13:20 I'm safe and sound in the Hamptons, okay? Please send water and food if you get a chance okay so then um Ebony is like uh well look hey Ramona look out look how Sonia came to my house and she puts like the the camera on Sonia and Ramona what the fuck wearing okay like you know Ebony this is maybe not the best way to prop up Sonia is pointing out what she wore and then forcing Ramona to look at it like that. And Sun is like, oh yeah Ramona won't go to a political event. Okay, if she's single issue, what's good for Ramona? Sorry, not sorry!
Starting point is 01:13:56 Yeah, so then, so then, yeah, they're talking about how, like, Ramona is gonna come to the cotton club because she's like, you know what, based on what I'm seeing on the news, I think it's gonna be safe, okay? I think it's gonna be safe for me to come into the city. Okay, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna drive in a tank just to be sure,
Starting point is 01:14:18 but I think I can make it, okay? So, so then Sony is just like mad now at Ramona because she feels like Ramona has total double standards with her friends Well Sarah's like Sarah says Ramona has a lot of double standards I mean, I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is like she's a total hypocrite. I mean, it's not okay to say and Loran's like, well She does have her moments. I mean, she's not a dog on the table, but And she can be rude so Sona is now in drugs. Okay, let me speak my truth. Okay, I need to speak let me speak my truth
Starting point is 01:14:52 I'm an intuitive girl, okay, and I found it very manipulative because my girl Ramona is the master room manipulation And she put she posted I'm always up for meeting new girls. she posted picture of you, Ebony, and guess what? I would not post a new friend ever. I don't like it. I don't like posting a new friend. And so Ebony obviously knows what this is, what she's getting to. So she's like, so well, why do you think she did it? She's in the way I was, well, I think she's saying she posted a picture with an agenda. I like to post a picture with a schedule of Tour dates because I have a tour. Anyway, go see my website for details And Sony's like I don't like wearing causes as an arm band I don't do that and she posted a picture of her other new friend, but Sean, he was also black.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Like, Sonia is screaming and yelling and wasted. And Natalie's just looking at her like, who the hell is this person? Yeah. Like, I've seen this on TV. And this is way worse in person, you know? And this is like, guess she's like, you know, who's never been on her Instagram?
Starting point is 01:16:02 Me. Me. So they're basically all Cluck so I've been saying are you telling me that Ramona is posting pictures rapid fire of black women in her life to counter A narrative that she's racist and then all of them go. Yeah, yeah, obviously They're so happy to like literally like, what is really so cool? Yeah, yeah. So I've been, he's like, God, well, I feel goalable because I mean, I thought she was just being really nice, you know, I mean,
Starting point is 01:16:32 I really believed it. And so he's like, Oh, don't get your hair up on your back. I mean, she is my girlfriend. And I don't like people who say, say I support LGBT. I don't like it on their back. Why is it on your back? Get it out your bag. Yeah, let's just, it doesn't like it on their back Your back get it out your bag Yeah, what she says doesn't like people who were because she was saying she doesn't like people wear causes like handbags And she's like and I don't like people who put like that do the I support the LGBT thing
Starting point is 01:16:55 But then they throw the hand back and then eminence like so you don't you don't like performative Allyship I She says it like a joke. Never do it, love it, love it, listen, love it, listen. That's what I think. I love Ramona fucking singer, but don't keep post a fucking picture,
Starting point is 01:17:15 fucking ghost like what? Shut up unless you're living it, feeling it, breathing it, fucking it, going down on it, and serving it brown ice cubes. Don't you dare say it.'s and he's like uh we did want Sonya to gain some confidence but I think we created a monster yeah Sonya this is this is a lot I mean like I don't even know that what she's saying about Ramona is wrong this
Starting point is 01:17:41 does sound total Ramona but is it also weird that she would post a picture during filming of the new cast mate that she's, I don't know. I think it's a lot to be. I don't think Sonia's necessarily wrong. I think we all know, right? We all know, right? So it's just, I think like, I don't know. I've in her own drunken like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:18:08 I've in her own drunken way, I, you know, I don't think she was, it's like, it was just funny that, I just think it was just really funny that they just are all acknowledging that Ramona has racist tendencies and they're just like, yeah, she does, she does. And they're just like, oh my God. Oh my God. So, Sonia's like, oh, she does. She does. And then she's like, oh my God. She does. So, um, Sonya's like, um, oh please don't excuse yourself
Starting point is 01:18:29 because Natalie has gotten up because Sonya is just yelling and screaming and being crazy. And she's like, I like Ramona's finger okay, but she just, she does do that. And Ebony asks the other girl. She's like, is Sony okay? And the one that's, it's because she's drinking.
Starting point is 01:18:43 That's why. This is what's happening. Yeah, she's starting. That's why, this is what's happening. Yeah, she's starting, she's starting, remember that one, so classic. So Lue, Lue, I'm like, well, I gotta leave. This is gonna give me too much anxiety. And of course, I'm not talking about Sonya being wasted. I'm talking about the dog that's urinating on the flay.
Starting point is 01:18:57 So, Audi 5000. So then, Ebenez, like, well, so Sonya, you Ramon and Luean are like blood sisters. Yeah, we don't write our and you know I did someone this circle. It's something that Ramona punch a lights out cuz I'm not a punch now, okay? So and Ebony is like well, don't punch my lights out Well, listen she's a master manipulator and she thought posting on her page or make her look good and and then she's she starts monologuing and going on and on. Yeah, you see it's just it's like an hour later. 18 hours later. Biden has officially been elected like a month later. Yeah, cut. You know, they just got sex with guys and cut she shit from our relationships
Starting point is 01:19:47 That's one thing she does that I don't like cut, you know, this guy I'm dating as a boat Lobster roll it's a lobster roll so finally goes like we're gonna go We're gonna go whatever excitement we felt about this election has been ruined now, so we're just gonna leave and So whatever excitement we felt about this election has been ruined now, so we're just going to leave. And then Ebony gives Sonya like leftover lobster meat. And Sony goes, you know, I had a great time. I was worried that this party was going to be stiff and preachy. I was like, it was preachy.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And you were the one who was preaching. You were being the preachers of everyone. Oh my God. Good God. Not necessarily wrong. So, nonetheless. Yeah. So more and some more crinching on real
Starting point is 01:20:25 housewives of New York. So thanks. Keep it consistent guys. We're working on great work. Geez. So there we go. And next week looks like Ramona. You know, it's like whatever you think of how everybody's doing so far, however, this is going to end or whatever. We all know the season ends with Ramona eating a shit pie. We all know it. We're just waiting to see it unfold and it looks like it starts next week. So it's like we'll be doing.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Ramona is going to learn truly about white fragility next week. So that'll be really fun for all of us to watch. So until then, tomorrow we are back with Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, where we are gonna talk about thewives of Beverly Hills, where we are going to talk about the Half-Rove and the Half-Rove and all that good stuff. And that will also be Crappens on Demand. So be sure to tune in for that. That's again slash watch or crappens. It's not about the crappens on demand level.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Kristen the Piston Anderson! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce. There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Beaches Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Better than tabooly, it's Annie and Julie. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Always the wiser is Allison Weasler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:22:43 My favorite murder,, Karen McMerto. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kuchikuchi Kuchikuchi. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily sides. Shannon, out of account in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to WatcherCrapins Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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