Watch What Crappens - RHOP: The Last Dance

Episode Date: January 5, 2021

It's the final installment of the Real Housewives of Potomac reunion, and it's about as epic as we could imagine. We break down all 90 minutes of it in today's supersized podcast ep. Our Patr...eon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's the crap is Who's the crap is Who's the crap is Watch what crap is Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is Who's the crap is Who cares what happens Kids one happy it's my best so I'll be happy It's a good one You want crap? It's for when you don't need to be happy
Starting point is 00:00:47 Kids one happy it's my best so much that's happy Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins A podcast about all that crap we just love to watch on Bravo I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me is the wonderful and hilarious Ronnie Caram Hey Ronnie what's going on how's your break? Hi Ben! happy new year. Everything's so different Ben. Oh, it's so weird.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Getting back into sewing things after a nice, you know, we had like a week off, which was, oh my God, did I need that week so badly? So badly. It was amazing. It was, it was amazing, but then it led to a two day binge of house washers and all the shows that we had missed. And wow, that's, that was a lot,
Starting point is 00:01:31 there was a lot of Shannon Craig, and this Potomac reunion, wow, intense, intense to the end. I watched this reunion twice because, you know, initially I watched it like last Monday because I was like, I can't wait a week to find out what happens. But then at the same time, I was like, I'm on vacation and I absolutely refused to open up my laptop to take notes on a TV show during vacation.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Like I can't. Like I actually tried as, I tried as best I could to kind of disconnect from just like all podcast, bravo stuff. So I was pretty quiet on social media all week, et cetera. And like I was just slow in terms of responding to emails, et cetera, but I was like, I have to watch Potomac. I have to. And so. Oh, not me.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I needed a break from my break. I mean, I got to, I was like, I'm gonna have to be cut out of this house if I don't do something. And I really wanted to watch Potomac, so I watched it. So, I probably won't know what any of my notes said, because it was actually a few days ago that I watched it. That's a great thing. And I sat there taking notes on it for three damn hours, because it was so long and I had to keep pausing. And I was like, oh, look at that look, just me. I'm gonna rewind
Starting point is 00:02:44 that and watch it ten times and look through it. It was a great, great reunion. It was so good. There was so much to talk about. And we're recapping it today, by the way. So we're gonna, we will be diving into it. It's gonna be, it's a lot to talk about. But before we do that, we're very excited. You know, January, it's award season in Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And watch what happens is no exception. The nominees for the 2021 Crapies Awards have just been released and you can go to our website And there's a big old link there to go to the ballot because you can vote. The categories are open for voting. The ceremony will be held on January 14th. We're gonna to be doing it as a live broadcast virtual show. We will have news about when the tickets go on sale as soon as possible. But you know, everyone's just getting back from the New Year from vacation. And that includes like everything. So, so we're getting everything up and running. But in the meantime, yeah,
Starting point is 00:03:44 definitely go catch your bath. There are some really, really fun nominees. The categories we got Best Bravo Show of the Year. We actually have a new category, Best Non-Bravo Show. But it's one that we covered. So like, selling sunset is on there, great British baking show, etc. We got Best Bravo Liberty, Best Rony moment. Oh, because we have discovered over the years
Starting point is 00:04:05 that Roni kind of dominates. So rather than to give other shows like a moment in the quote unquote spotlight as much as this award ceremony as a spotlight, we have a Best Bravo moment and then we have a special category for Best Roni moment because we know the Roni moments would just dominate the other moments.
Starting point is 00:04:25 And there's just a ton of really fun categories in here, outstanding achievement in business, thirstiest bravo liberty, best friend of, best family member, best off camera influence. There's just lots of good stuff. So go check it out and tell all your friends we want to get like lots of people voting and there's only 10 days to do it. So don't wait and it sounds like an infomercial, but it's really fun. It's really, really fun. We had so much fun putting it together.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, it's going to be a really fun show. We'll have a lot of special guests and surprises, et cetera, even though we're doing this from our homes, but guess what? So we're our guests. So it's all going to work out great, everybody. So find that go to our social media. We'll announce ticket links and all that the second that we get them.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah. I'm just like, I'm sorry, I'm just like getting lost in these nominations because we have a category for best quote and just like looking at these quotes just makes me feel so warm. And in fact, there's a quote from today's episode, sneaking in at the end of the year, Robin Dixon gets nominated for best quote, I am so glad one Dixon is in here right now. Oh yeah, that's true, that's my game. That's okay, that's nothing everyone's saying. Well, we weren't here.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah. And there's also some good Cameron work on the new Dallas episode that previewed last week Which we'll be covering later on the week because you know we just we saw it early with the rest of you whoever has Bravo and demand or whatever fucking Cameron Westcott talking about I haven't seen it yet. That makes me so Wow you are gonna be a trigger viruses get you infected.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Better, what we were. Bad viruses get everything. Smart virus. No, what it is is. Dumb viruses get you infected. Smart viruses get everything. A little rust on my camera in there hilarious but going into the new year happy new year everybody and just remember I've closed the old
Starting point is 00:06:33 Bedore and opened a new one for new years. I got a little sound board So have fun everybody cuz I'm gonna ignore the hell yeah, I'm I'm looking forward forward to it because I was always the soundboard guy over here, but mine was clunky, because I did it through iTunes, and it was not easy. And so now I am happy to have you be our little soundboard dude. Okay, so let's get to real housewives
Starting point is 00:06:57 of Potomac reunion pods. This is a rock. Where Kyle rich of speech trees me. This is a big one, This is a big one. So where we left off was Candace, of course, has just gone crying off the set because she is just so distraught about something. And Andy is being really patronizing and saying,
Starting point is 00:07:22 oh, Monique, I mean mean isn't it a little odd that you're not emotional right now? Like why aren't you upset? You're a woman you should be crying. You have boobies. People with boobies should cry, okay? And she's like yeah, I'm not built like that. And you know Candace is sobbing.
Starting point is 00:07:40 You just see Candace walking off and he's like, but were you not upset? She's like, of course I was upset. Absolutely I was upset. I was very upset. He's like, but were you not upset? She's like, of course I was upset. Absolutely I was upset. I was very upset. He's like, but why didn't you say that you're upset? In tears. I want you to write a very upset.
Starting point is 00:07:52 In tears, you have a... And then Candace is there in her dresser room crying to Chris, who by the way is in like, once again, like still holding on to like the dream of Justin Timberlake 2005, you know, whatever that album was with his little vest. Like he's still holding on to that dream of sexy back, okay? So he's there and she's like, I can't take the lying, the lying, the lying.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I'm like, what is the lying? What lying happened, okay? Like, her lying is, she's saying that Monika's lying because she's saying that the glass being thrown was the impetus for the fight when the glass being thrown was later and that the hair flinged. So she's very, very, very upset. And so upset that she's gonna do a full telenovela
Starting point is 00:08:43 by herself in her dressing herself with a roll of bounty paper towels folded up into time you little man you know the thing is I was I suspect that she was saying the line was about how Monique said that she was had nothing to do whatsoever with the social media posts are going out because that's what she seems to be singularly obsessed with. And at our last episode that we recap this, we talked about how we really felt that Candace seems more upset about the idea that she might be the sort of girl that would get into a fight than the actual fight herself.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And then that just continues this episode because she is really most, seems to be most angry about the fact that there were tweets going out saying they can't just started the fight and like I think the fact that like she feels like Monique's camp put that out there that she started the fight when she didn't and by the way when we look at the tape it's ambiguous at best like Monique maybe barely started it but the truth is Candace was like it's like a a 51, 49 split or whatever, or I don't know what our percentage was last time. But the point is this, Candace needs to take a seat.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, I mean, I think it's Claire Monique started it because she was doing the hair flicking and that. Yeah. And I guess this is the point in this recap where we have to say, Bravo does not condone violence. I'm laughing at it. Bravo does not condone violence. I'm laughing at it. It happens to not condone violence. But it's been hours and hours and hours of Candace crying about this fight.
Starting point is 00:10:15 So that's where we're at. So Monique is like, you know, I did have emotions and Andy's like, really? Tell us this orange cushion because Candace is not here. Please tell this orange cushion what you think. Cause he just, they keep cutting to the orange cushion on Candace's chair while she's storming and he's just gonna film it anyway. He's like, I'm a father now.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Okay, I'm very busy. I've been here 10 hours. Can we just get through this? Pretty much. And so Monique gives us her story, which is that she was triggered by the hand gesture and it took her back to a place that when she was a child, and it really wasn't about Candace, and she just snapped, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:50 and that's what it was about, it was about like a childhood memory that was triggered. Yeah, she was like, I was just a child. I hadn't learned of essential oils yet, and they're like, that's not gonna work. All right, so Candace comes back out, and Andy's like, okay, JJ from Boka has an interesting question. Why is everybody in Boka party on boats right now? I'm trying to go this.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm just kidding, but a lot of gay, a lot of gay Florian. I think we should. I think for short, you know, I'm already saying like on the bonus episode this week, I cannot wait to talk about Gaze Over COVID. This is going to be the most fun thing of all time. You don't know what it is. It's like it'd be great. Jake from Book has a question possibly from a yacht full of shirtless gaze with that mask on. Monique, were you not invited to events by the other women or production? Was production making or kicking you out, icing you out basically? And Robyn's like, well, she said that if they're a group in vents, don't invite me, so it made it easy for us. We didn't have to, which is why I had a monologue about why we were not going to invite her every single event.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I mean, and it worked out well because at every event that we went to, at least one time that night, I would say, I am so glad, Moniquecellules isn't here right now. And Wendy's like, um, I was at a sippincy and I didn't want any applications, Andy. And Andy's like, okay, well, why did it take so long to press charges, Candice? Because it looks like you might have done it out of spy because there wasn't an apology.
Starting point is 00:12:21 And she's like, I did what I did. I loved it. And because I felt. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. Because I felt I had no choice. When I started to see you paint, this narrative on social media. Yep, this is it. This is it right here.
Starting point is 00:12:35 I felt I had no choice when I'm watching you start to paint this narrative that is untrue, that is clearly coming from you using bloggers and whoever else, the media and the media to skew this narrative. So she basically says right here, she escalated this to the courts because she didn't like the narrative that was being painted of her. So that was really what her beef was. Her beef was that like she didn't like
Starting point is 00:12:58 what was going on with her image. Her beef was not like eye-sustained image, eye-sustained like physical trauma, etc. Or mental God can this so then Monia and then of course Monique doesn't really help herself because she's like oh I never reached out to any blogger. I mean look Do not defend yourself in court and she's very smart to have gotten a really good lawyer You know because this is not a case you want to defend yourself like this, because I never reached out to any blogger. I mean, okay, my family was in town and I told my family, and then there was one friend who was there
Starting point is 00:13:33 who I told, so I know who I know who did it. I know the person who has like the entire like crux, the foundation of this entire drama is because her friend Gigi turned on her and started trying to tell rumors about her to everyone in the cast. Then goes and starts running her mouth when she has a friend there. I don't know, I just feel like, like, I wouldn't even say what are you thinking,
Starting point is 00:13:59 but like, are you surprised what this happened? Because I think it's fine to run your mouth with a friend because honestly, there's nothing wrong with saying, like, I got into a fight. And she, you know, in her perception, she thought that Candace swung the glass first or whatever. But like, when she says it here, like, well, there is one friend. And she acts like, oh, that's like, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:14:19 like, she says it in a way as if like, like, that's like, oh, that's like an edge case that maybe that friend could have told someone, you know? Yeah, yeah, she's like, I mean, it still came from my camp, but I didn't do it, but someone had asked it. And Andy's like, gotta move on, come on, we're moving on now. Yeah, we're this calm, really?
Starting point is 00:14:39 And this is him like wanting to get back to, like he's bored right now, but I'm like, why do you want to move on when everything's always good? Every single time, he's like, oh, we've talked about this for 15 minutes already. You know? Well, it's your question, dude. He asks the question and then he gets mad
Starting point is 00:14:57 that people are answering, but he's just not letting Monique have any room here in this entire thing. He starts to be littling her in this one Yeah, that was back. I got I kind of got the feeling that Andy was trying to be on the side of like we're against violence You know, I felt like he was trying to sort of like really nail that home And I think that he kind of like over corrected not to give him any sort of credibility here or any credit here But I kind of get the vibe that he he over corrected a little bit and didn't realize
Starting point is 00:15:31 like really kind of how bad he came off on this. Well, it's a classic housewives mistake, right? Like you go through a season of doing housewives, you read all the tweets while the season is going on and you're like, oh my god, they hate me because I was mean to this person. So now no matter what, in the next season, I'm going to be nice to this person. But then the next season starts and you're being really nice to that person, no matter what, but that person becomes a giant asshole and then the audience turns on them. Are you talking about Lisa right now?
Starting point is 00:16:01 Let's be honest. It's your correcting in the wrong time. I mean it's being filmed in advance in people's ideas and their minds change as they see more and more things unfold. Yeah. So, either way, like, hey, how are you not furious at Karen when Karen said she would have pressed charges. And basically, Monique is like, well, you know, I was upset, but I respected her opinion, and we're grown, and we can say that we don't agree, and we can just move on. So there's that. Yeah, and Andy's like, well,
Starting point is 00:16:36 who thought they're taking legal actions was going to bark? And Robin goes, well, legal actions never crossed my mind, never! Which is so, because Robin and Jizelle have decided okay people were mad that the charges were pressed So we're gonna suddenly be super against that well, I mean they were they were even on the show they were like even They seemed like they were a little surprised that it was escalating to that point. I think they were just there to You know to shame Monique they were, this is a great opportunity for us
Starting point is 00:17:06 to play the high on Mighty Card and just like shame Monique. I didn't get the sense on the show that they were like really, really excited or like really trying to like manipulate Candace into a go for legal action. Maybe I missed something as possible. But I don't remember. I mean, actually technically just now that you say it, I'm like, hmm,
Starting point is 00:17:26 do you sell my, she's all might have like into that. And in fact, she even said she goes like, well, I want to leave election, but I didn't want the consequence to be that she goes to jail. I was like, well, and he's like, so what did you think was going to happen? She's like, I don't know. An ankle bracelet. Yeah, wait a minute. I'm doing the middle of pandemic. Oh, actually, though, this is pre know, an ankle bracelet. Yeah, wait a minute. She's like, I don't know. An ankle bracelet during the middle of the pandemic. Oh, actually, though, this is pre-pandemic, so never mind.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, she's like, I just want a community service. And Candace is like, can I just say that I'm an evil villain for taking her away from her kids? You attacked me. You should have been thinking about your kids. That is. Hopefully, she was thinking about a child, you.
Starting point is 00:18:04 So the other thing is that I, by the way, general note about Jacelle, was it me or did Jacelle seem totally like she, I think she was still reeling from the pastor Holy Horror moment with Monique's binder? Oh, yeah. She got mine. Like after that binder, she was like, I mean, Jacelle was just straight up bindered on this show. It's like that binder came she was. I mean, just, just, just, just straight up bindered on this show. Like, it's like that binder came out and just whacked her in the head.
Starting point is 00:18:28 And she was like an angry bird. You know, like, yeah, just sit there, sitting there with like question marks swirling right her head. She was 100%. She was not like, we've seen Juzal these reunions. And she was down for the, she did,
Starting point is 00:18:43 she could not come up with good responses. She was quiet as hell. She was just like, she, Monique just, I mean, I don't think I've ever seen someone get so destroyed in one, in episode one of her union that by episode three they still couldn't really muster any, you know, stamina to be shady. I think she was just so furious the rest of the time. I think she was furious that they let her bring the binder. I think she was probably pissed off that she wasn't being protected. I think it's probably a bunch of different things.
Starting point is 00:19:18 I think that ultimately she was definitely in her head. She was not present. After that binder moment, she was 100% not present at this reunion. Well, yeah. In my head. In my Jamalah Jamalah Jamalah So Andy's like, so Monique, why would you counter Sue?
Starting point is 00:19:41 When you already admitted to your pastor that Candice didn't deserve it. Okay, why would you countersoo? I mean, come on. I have a basic knowledge of the law from like law and order and judge Judy, but even I know why you would countersoo. Money. Because you don't want to have to pay millions of dollars on GoJail. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:19:59 No, money actually had a good answer, which is I took my attorney's advice. Like, thank you. Just nip it there. And then... And Candice is just going... Her quack alloyer told her to do it. That's why, her quack lawyer! And just else, like, well, the counter-suit was assault,
Starting point is 00:20:14 and Candice did not assault Monique, which we know is a wonderful shit, because we just saw... It is. And Candice goes, so, yeah, I like this. Candice goes, oh, well, there's two cases cancel each other out. And your quack attorney knew that.
Starting point is 00:20:28 That's why he told you to counter Sue. I'm like, so the quack attorney who got her out of a legal bind is, I don't, I think that's actually considered a good attorney. He's a bad lawyer. Yeah, he's a good attorney. Your attorney lost you. Yeah, your attorney cost you time and money because you had no case whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Which you probably knew anyway because you just wanted to say a face. So yeah, that's what I thought too. I was like, actually, I think her attorney won. Yeah, and actually, and then Monique brings up something that I never even thought about, but actually totally, totally matches, or fits with like a larger picture of Candace,
Starting point is 00:21:05 which is that apparently Monique says that Candace's attorney had said that we're gonna sue you for millions and Bravo's gonna capture it all. And I never actively think about Candace as being a gold digger or someone who's out for money, but the truth is that she has been kind of a mouche when it comes to money.
Starting point is 00:21:22 And it doesn't surprise it would not surprise me if this if there actually was like an intent to kind of just scam a you know a few hundred thousand dollars that ammonia from this. Yeah I mean she was looking at a five million dollar house last year. Yeah exactly. Or something. I mean they literally have a huge mansion. Chris is out of work. He's like doing online teaching online classes.
Starting point is 00:21:43 How dare you he's he's doing online catering, sir. Online catering. But the point is this though, I mean, I mean, look, everyone gets their money in different ways. I don't care how you get your money, but like they did just move into a new house and not with Dorothy. And I know Candace is getting money from the show, but like, you know, I didn't think about that.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And I'm not saying that that's why Candace sued Monique. But it did start, it did plan to see to my head like, man, maybe there's a chance they were just like, this is a way for us to get some money. Um, yeah. I mean, look, if I got into it, if someone, if someone started to fight with me, I would probably try and see them shoot also on a floor in a seven 11 on purpose. I know you won't be. Okay. Those how-hose were on the wrong rack. Okay. This is your fault. It also slipped on a floor in a 7-11 on purpose. Those how-hose were on the wrong rack. This is your fault.
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Starting point is 00:23:12 What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So Candice just keeps kind of yelling over her. She's like, Thoth, Thoth.
Starting point is 00:23:36 And Monique says, well, I'm just telling you where her tourney told my tourney. Candice is like, her tourney is a Flanderer and a liar. Oh, okay. So you have a problem with for my address now, add liars as well. Candace, look to your work. Look to your. Yeah, look to the network that you're on and left. So Monika's. Look at all directions. Who knows? The cameraman. So Monika is like, well, my attorney's the top attorney
Starting point is 00:24:06 for criminal defense in DC. And then he goes, Bill Barr, I'm just like laughs at his own joke and like, no one else really even laughs at it. I actually know everyone laughs, and then Monique just stares at him like, I could have gone to jail and you're crying jokes about this. Yeah, like what is Rosanne Barr happy to do with this? And Andy's like, you riddle legal statement
Starting point is 00:24:25 to get against Candace Ashley. Well, is that an easy decision for you? Absolutely, Andy. What? Candace. Candace is still there. Hiping up. In her giant boat.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Let's not forget that this is all happening while she has like just a giant, giant yellow bow on her boobs. Yeah. So Ashley's like, well, considering what live in the balance, yes. And being in the situation with Michael, where someone was trying to paint litigation against us, I knew what painting litigation felt like I can't be. Are we coming out with a new painting game for the real housewives of the film? Painting litigation. Was everybody keeps saying painting litigation?
Starting point is 00:25:01 painting litigation. Was everybody keep saying painting litigation? Uh, so, um, so, is it then Andy's like, well, um, in Portugal, uh, Candace told Ashley that Monique talk should about her, um, did Ashley believe it? And it's like, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, don't commercial. I mean, we all, we all knew like what Ashley's response was going to be, but I guess they had to. We just all needed the emotional release of screaming. Jennifer Aniston doesn't use a Vino, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Oh, I hate that commercial, Jennifer Aniston pretends to be like friends with this random lady from Central Casting. Like she's like, hey Janet. It's like, oh, Louise. Hey Janet. And she's like, my name is Marissa, thank you. She's like, let's face time about a bino.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I love, I love moisture, I ask you. Jennifer Aniston, by the way, is not going to be a presenter on the crappies. I'm sorry, everyone. We just got the news. Yeah, we were going to have her until we saw her COVID Christmas ornament. And then we were like, you're out, Jennifer. Did you have a COVID Christmas ornament of? Yeah, it said something like the year we survived COVID or something like that.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And people are like, that is insensitive, Jennifer, Aniston. Oh gosh. Okay, so we're back and Andy's like, so what did you mean in Candace is like, well, there was an evening where I was with the darby's. And they, oh no, I was with Monique and her husband and they talked crap about the Darby's. Yeah, and Ashley was like, and then it's like, and then Ashley's basically like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:35 ultimately when the time came for Monique to prove her friendship to me, she did. And so, so then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, askingoselle started, then asked Joselle if she was shocked by the statement. And she's like, yes, I didn't think anyone should have gotten involved in that legal issue. Yeah. And Andy says, well, Montana from Cal, well, Cal, Montana thinks that Monique and Ashley must have dirt on each other. And Candace is like, absolutely. Like that's such a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:27:08 You know, like that's called friendship, okay? It's called, you keep my secrets, I keep your secrets. How else are you supposed to do cope together in history? I mean, hello. You can't just go tell like everybody, everything all the time. Do you, I mean like, like, how else would we have wonderful organizations like Nexium if people didn't keep each other secrets and get collateral on each other Am I right am I right? Oh God
Starting point is 00:27:31 So, uh, so yeah Monique's like well apparently no one can have a real relationship with me It must be because of something and Candace is like Accu-ray, Accu-ray And then Ashley goes she's like well even when Monique and I were going through our problems Monique still kept my secrets She never aired my dirty laundry. So I was like oh, so you definitely have to You just said it yeah, and I like that they admit it. So you know, they're like yes. Yes, we do and that's real friendship Okay, you know, you know you murder my husband all murder your husband Before we move on anyone else have anything to say?
Starting point is 00:28:05 Okay, you Monique, what a jugo. So now Monique has her big moment. She's like, all right, I'm gonna try not to cry. Okay, this is not for lazy cryers, okay. My dad put my finger. Wait, I just, oh no, I'm sorry, that was a drop of saffron oil coming off of my eyes, which relieves my feelings of crying.
Starting point is 00:28:25 OK. This is a story called Not for Lazy Triggers. OK. My dad put his finger on my head. It was his way of checking me. It was a bullying measure. And I never realized that that was why. That was something that was such a trigger to me.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And she took me back to that place. A place in my childhood where my dad put his finger on my head. And I couldn't stand up to my dad. And that's when everything happened the way it happened. And what I'm trying to say, Candace is that you look like a middle-aged man. There, I said it. Oh, so I thought the rest of this when she says, okay, look, I apologize. I'm sorry for the pain you're going through and the fact that you still haven't healed
Starting point is 00:29:04 and I hope that you heal and move forward and the fight wasn't about you and nothing you did in that moment warranted that reaction. Now look, as far as apologies go. Yeah, that's good. Did it start with an excuse? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:16 But it also started with a reason, right? Whether you believe it or not. And the end of the apology, I thought was pretty good. I just personally think the whole thing I even liked the little backstory It reminded me of vintage Leon Lackin You know when she'd be like well growing up and the circus or in the in a car-able I would see a tri-bont hand go round around and to this day If I see someone making a swirl and figure with their motion with their finger I got PTSD and I'm sorry. So I like that melodrama.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I was friends with an elephant who hurt his knee. And every day I wanted that elephant to be okay. And he died. So when you got on your knees to propose to me, that's when I stuck his on your head and I said, you listen to me rich you son of a bitch. I'm poking the sorry about that I'm very sorry that you were in the way with your eye when I was about no fit. But truthfully I do think that it was a good apology and it was like you know that like that is technically what Candace has has been asking for and and and so Monique
Starting point is 00:30:27 says I just hope you're able to heal and move forward and then it cuts to Karen doing a lip nod which is that thing where she puckers her lip and then sort of like it's sort of nods with her lips like her head stays still but her lips go up and down like my lips are nodding in agreements. Yes she's the first lip nod and so Andy's like well Candace anything to say to that she's like well Andy and Candace does this little shimmy thing when she thinks she's right like she shimmies her shoulders and sits straight She's like Andy. I can appreciate the childhood trauma and my hand in your face The problem I'm having receiving any remorse is that it has been 365 days, Erdi. Are we a branded whole piece for working? If that what we are, Erdi.
Starting point is 00:31:13 She goes, there were so many things that were said and done after that. That included bragging that she shut me up months ago. I'm like, you know what, though? You tried to do like dead bloggers that have happened since a few months ago, okay? That you totally railed on on social media. Can't do this. There's that too, but also like you also tried to put her in jail. And so like, you know, and then like, I mean, we've always said like that Monique could have squashed this
Starting point is 00:31:44 and that was one of her biggest problems in the season is that she could have, and she should have squashed this really soon. And she keeps on saying, well, then next moment I was like, you know, like, you know, charges were brought up against me, but we saw, there was that group thing where she said she had no remorse or whatever. She could have squashed this, for sure. But she's doing it now. And Candace is just like, you know, she's just, I mean, I don't know. I don't know if it's, like, I understand that's frustrating that, like, oh, now she's doing it while she's on TV. It's so public, etc. But I don't know, I think that like Candace didn't, wasn't Candace the one who had to apologize, oh Candace doesn't apologize, never mind, never mind. Yeah, so we'll get to Candace going on about, you know, just basically how Candace played this wrong
Starting point is 00:32:37 because Candace really was in the right for the first half. I mean, she's been at the right pretty much the whole season. I think her personality just detracts from that I mean she was right in those fights with Monique Monique was coming at her when they were supposed to be friends You know and she's like well, I didn't invite Shasha out of that party to hurt you like I sorry and Monique went She got way too angry about that because Jacelle had her all Riled up about her bringing on Shawshod to supposedly bring her up bring up this rumor and you know it made Monique think that Candace was the
Starting point is 00:33:11 one coming after her this whole time or whatever. I mean I I think that Monique just totally overreacted towards Candace the whole time. And Candace kept saying oh well you know I'm trying not to fight and I would let I'm really sorry if I hurt you and all of that stuff and Monique was just too mad and then it escalated. I agree. I mean, I do think that, you know, later on Candace says like I walked away from every single situation and she did and she was actually a lot better. This season and she did sort of control herself more, which was surprising. But when they came to this fight, Monique started by tussling the hair, but it's just like it's one of those things where Candace is acting as if she had no role whatsoever in
Starting point is 00:33:52 creating this fight. And she did, she did grab those the panels. You can avoid doing it. You can avoid doing it a million times. But then if you do it one time, then all that work is done, you know, like popping off or whatever. I'm like, you don't get credit for all the drinks that you didn't have. You know, if like you're trying, if you're in recovery or if something like that,
Starting point is 00:34:12 you're like, I didn't drink all those days. It's like, yeah, but I just drink. Yeah, and you know what, that you would have, I think I would get a personal credit for that stuff. If she, if she just has made this fight, made this fight seem like it, like a very, very black and white fight. Like it is all, it is all Monique. Monique was this, like, unhinged aggressor and nothing but that. And Candace was just this sweet girl cracking jokes. And that's that. And it, that wasn't that. And, and, and, you know, and, and, and on top of that, that she, again, I have a real issue with the fact that she raised
Starting point is 00:34:49 this to the courts because I just think it's frivolous. And not saying the pain of getting her head slam on the table is frivolous, but I think that ultimately this was a fight that they were like, again, it wasn't as in the earlier in the season we thought it was but now having really looked at it I don't think it was just like like a hundred percent Monique and I just don't think it was something that needed to go to that level and that's what that's where I really kind of lost a lot of respect for Candice in this situation. Well Monique is so Candice is saying you know so much has happened since that fight and now you're apologizing
Starting point is 00:35:26 You know including that you were on Twitter saying well I shut her up a Monique's like well Yeah, but that was in response to it. I did not interrupt you Monique. I did not interrupt you You've interrupted every word this entire time like every sentence you've said something, you know or muttered not even muttered you know, or muttered not even muttered, you know, so Candace is like you have been scratching my face out of pictures on social media You wrote a song about me and I know that was about me and she said it wasn't about me It was about bullying and standing up for yourself It was such an assault on my intelligence on everyone's intelligence up here. You are painting an assault on my intelligence.
Starting point is 00:36:05 And so we find out about the song. It's called drag queen and Monique tells Andy. So now once again, this is where it's like, oh, Monique, I was fine to support you here, but this is not good. So she goes, this is so well, my
Starting point is 00:36:22 therapist wanted me to write Candace letter. And I said, I don't feel comfortable doing that, you know, before, my therapist wanted me to write Candace a letter. And I said, I don't feel comfortable doing that, you know, before my kids, I used to write songs. So, you know, I wrote this song and the title in the hook came later. I'm like, okay, thank you for the behind the music. I'm done with this. When the title, we're going to have to put you on, what was that song, song star, whatever it is on Netflix. Um, I don't know what it is. It's making me cringe. Right, right, therapy. It's therapy, Andy.
Starting point is 00:36:46 It's therapy, okay? And so Candice whips out her phone, and she shimmies, you know, sits up straight. And she's like, I was born ready, but I've never done. Try 10 looks to try the right one. Be careful what you wish, don't you dare hun. Try to warn you, the message wasn't clear hun. I'm a, Monika's just mapping all the words.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Cause she's like totally proud of her. And she's also splinting along. And she's like, so when Candace has a lyric, like try to warn you, see the message wasn't clear-hunt, and Monique's like, because I gave you a warning in the fight, yeah, go on. Yeah, in this song, that's not about you at all. And she's like, I'm a woman of my word,
Starting point is 00:37:34 because I'm fair-hunt. Gave you what you asked for, because I care-hunt. Now you feel me, now you see me, exaggerate the eyes, feeling really pretty. And Monique's like, well, when you're right, you know, Monique wants her to keep going because she loves her song. She's like so excited about this. I think that in general, writing a song about kicking somebody's ass when you're trying to
Starting point is 00:37:59 apologize is not really a good idea. Saying that I think. Saying that it was just for therapy with you're like trying to sell it and then making musical music videos. Yeah, see if it was part of therapy then you write the song and keep it to yourself. Yeah. At the same time,
Starting point is 00:38:17 these lyrics are pretty tame. I think they're pretty tame. I think they're just like, to me it's like a big whatever. But Candice is like, you're bragging. You're bragging about attacking me physically. You're bragging about, you're bragging. And Andy does ask a question that I think is Val.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Where he goes, what part of you thinks that that's going to be well received by her? And she said, well, it's not about her. It's not for her. OK, it's what I needed to say to move forward. OK. And Monique goes, well, when I got into the studio and he goes, are you recording?
Starting point is 00:38:48 Okay, and you settle down. She's being such an asshole all of a sudden. I mean, not all of a sudden. But he's being real. Now he's just getting mean. Like since when do you have such great taste for recording artists, do you watch your channel, sir? Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Because someone please, Kulu Ann, to pop in here really with any of your first moments? Someone was, Monique's like, well, I was recording music before housewives. And Andy goes, it's not great. It doesn't sound great. I mean, if you were sitting here, how would that sound to you? It's not great.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I'm like, well, theoretically, she just said it was for therapy. So like, why are you being so mean to her therapy, even though clearly it's not for her therapy? Yeah. And so she's like, well, I was doing something creative to express my feelings. And if she wants to write a song, then she's free to write a song to you. And he's like, but you never were a bullet. I spurs. And she's like, well, I'm not going to offer some apology over social media. And he's, well, I wouldn't expect it to ever be okay to apologize over so.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I mean, he's been such an asshole. Dude, she just told you by law or like legally, she wasn't allowed to apologize to Candace. Like, what do you want some fake Twitter report? Like, put it on. I mean, I think the thing is that like Monique probably would have been willing ultimately in a relatively timely fashion to apologize to Candace. But once Candace elevated to the courts where there could be like serious life-changing like impacts, I think at that point Monique is the one who's like, I think she should apologize
Starting point is 00:40:20 to me. She made me go through like, jump through all these legal hoops. I think that's what, I think that's where her mind is at. I'm not saying whether or not that's, that's, that's correct or right, but I'm assuming that's where, that's where she went with this. That's probably what. Well, he's telling her, well, that, you know, the legal drama was over by the end of that year.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And Candace is like thrown out by the end of the year, 2019, Andy. And Monique says, well, when things things go legal I'm taking my attorney's advice and Andy goes you know I think that was bad advice. Okay, she got the case this mess so like she's not jail I think it was good advice. So Andy's like so Courtney from possibly another city named after a cow says, um, you got dragged because you were running your mouth. Can you take accountability for how well provoking you can be?
Starting point is 00:41:11 This is our campus really killed me because she gets yes, well, I'm a word smith. Andy, I have to take accountability for an hour. I'm a word smith. I have a smart ass mouth. I'm good at cussing and fussing. I'm a Pulitzer prize for my mother Word painter. I am the Pollock of word painting. Andy, okay So and this is where I actually agreed with her because she's like, you know
Starting point is 00:41:35 You have to take a look at the four truth is before the winery where I'm being provoked I'm being baited, you know, and what did I do? I always walked away. And then by the time we got to the winery, I'm like, well, why were we even still doing this? I was trying to be funny about it. That's the, and then you were, the better someone's expense who was, so this is where she loses me again. She's right, she did walk away from things.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Like when Monique was losing her mind at the, about the fire, the, the, the, the, the, the smores, you know, it was stupid, it was bullshit. But then Candace paints this picture of herself, and this is what she always does. And she accuses, later on she accuses Robin and Giselle of always spinning things. When Candace is the ultimate spinner, she's always like, here she goes, you know, you can see I wasn't even angry, you know, I wasn't, you know, like I was just trying to have fun in the wineries.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Like this is what it is. I'm just trying to have fun. I'm like, no, you guys were all having a nice moment. And then you started being shady and you started bringing stuff up. You started acting obnoxious and you started poking the bear and don't start saying like, oh, I was just being funny. You weren't just being funny. You were actually in your own passive aggressive way,
Starting point is 00:42:45 trying to air your grievances out. Yeah, and she's like, I mean, I wasn't sleeping with your husband, I wasn't taking your money, you know, nothing warranted that. And money's like, oh please, you were doing snake stuff behind my back, give me a break.
Starting point is 00:42:59 And Andy's like, but I assumed you agreed that she was what she was doing behind your back, didn't warrant that. Guys, she just said that. You know, before you started mocking everything that she was apologizing. Yeah. Like, she already said the words,
Starting point is 00:43:13 nothing you did warranted that response, okay? And so she says it again. She's like, I said that and I take responsibility for that. And Candace is like, it doesn't hold up. Yeah, she take responsibility for it now in front of the cameras. All right, let's take a breather, okay? Ah!
Starting point is 00:43:29 So, so now we go backstage and the bros are back there and everything and they're just like, getting ready to go out. And then we come back and now it's time for the Karen Loyalty segment. Like, who is Karen really loyal to? Yes. Okay. So yes, here's the big Karen thing. So by show of hands, who feels Karen was more supportive of Monique? Uh, so more supportive of Candace. Oh, so Candace and Ashley are the only ones who raised their hands, which is weird. And so Mon like, can I add that, you know, I had conversations with Karen after
Starting point is 00:44:09 and she helped me accountable and told me what she thought. And Karen did save what she thought. And Karen was the one you told that girl to call the cops anyway. So they're all rolling their eyes or press charges or whatever. So they all roll their eyes. but they just brought up in the show that Karen was the one who suggested pressing charges and we're getting on her about that. And now they're saying that she never held Monique accountable. It's like you guys make up your mind.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Like make up your mind why you're gonna be so offended at something like that. You can't have it both. So then a viewer asks if like was Candaceace were you mad that Karen said that her position was the most difficult one to be in out of all this and so Candace is like That was a huge part of my frustration Seemed as if she was constantly making what happened about how hard it was about her She made it about her when we all know this is about me as is everything that has happened this season.
Starting point is 00:45:09 It's about me, Candace Cillard. Yeah, and Addy's like, well, you want to respond, Karen. And she's like, well, that one fight down. Went down, Addy, and it broke my heart. And I'm gonna let me press my lips for a second while I hold my chest. Mm. I hold my chest. I love these girls and I saw them when we could flick your hair and that was a start.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So let me be clear, that was the start, but then you plucked her jacket and then I saw the pull of the hair. And then the glass go, it was simultaneous, the glass and the hair pull, the glass and the hair pull. Which at least somebody is telling the truth, because that is what in fact is called on camera. So Candace is like, well, I have to say the sip and see she's asked her if her opinion has changed of anyone and come to find out she's speaking about me and to insinuate, I was like, about what happened with the glass I was holding in my hand. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Which kind of another good point.
Starting point is 00:46:06 She's like, what am I supposed to do? I've got a hand on my head. I'm trying to fight to try and get this person off of me. Okay. Yeah. But you hit that person in the face with the glass. Then you were swinging around a broken glass. I mean, they both, they both were in a situation where like, like, she was swinging her glass because she thought, because she was trying to defend herself from Monique and Monique was holding onto the hair Because she was trying to like basically like keep her down So that way the glass wouldn't hit her. So like they both were kind of just like You know what this is this is a great lesson to everyone fighting is stupid fighting is stupid
Starting point is 00:46:39 So don't get into a fight no one wins if you're on no're on. No one wins and if it's a fight. No one ever wins. Okay. So, um, So she says that for Karen to make her just as capable as the person who attacked me is beyond me and Karen just goes, Oh, Hold on, I'm gonna do something with my lips.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's not the order of events. Does it happen? But okay. Um, did you catch this part when Andy goes? And what's the part about you saying that Monique had a medical condition and you wouldn't judge her?
Starting point is 00:47:09 And Karen goes, well, look, Andy, it's because we had work, you know, Andy, I've apologized for that. You know, I was heated. I'm no doctor. And Wendy goes, you know, she couldn't help herself. She couldn't help herself. Wendy just never stopping. So, so Andy's like, well, I'll talk about the wig launch. Okay. Um, now you said that she wasn't invited.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I didn't lie. I didn't lie. It sounds like you lied. Wait a second. Are you gonna say you invited Monique to the pre-event, not the event? Absolutely. Absolutely, absolutely. Wow, that's exactly correct, Andy, ding-ding-ding. And that's what Canvas is like. Canvas is like, that's why they're friends. They will literally spin anything. And she's like, well, I said what you needed to hear.
Starting point is 00:47:58 And I, withheld info damage. I did, but I knew she was coming. But you know what, I'm never going to say that she's not going gonna come to my vet Nope, you know she worked with me hand in hand great this wigline Andy and can't this is like what a hero I love Karen Pivoting to make this like make make her seem like She is the beleaguered champion of sisterhood during this like
Starting point is 00:48:24 She is the beleaguered champion of sisterhood during this like Damn it! We were a fraction group and I- I with health information, damn it! I did it! I had to do what I had to do to keep us together because that's what a leader does, damn it! And Andy's like, well, uh, the way you ran out of there made you seem kind of guilty. She goes, I hate the word ran, Andy. Because, okay, the way that you slithered out of there. Just, yeah. Really made you seem guilty. And then her answer is the best part of her answer is such,
Starting point is 00:48:55 like, it's such a non-answer bullshit and no one questions her on or challenges her. She goes, well, I left my own party. And you know why? Because I could. It's like, oh, I did add me and Candice is like off brand very off right you know what Candice just shut up I know my god like everything that is said is something back every single thing so and he's like well you said you were on meds because of all of this campus.
Starting point is 00:49:26 You were on a residing medication. Are you still and she's like, she doesn't she doesn't she doesn't she needs her confirms or she nods, but she doesn't actually say whether she is. She just she kind of lets us believe that she is, but we don't know if she actually is, but she has like very, as you said, telling the vales. She's like,
Starting point is 00:49:43 us believe that she is, but we don't know if she actually is, but yeah, she's like very, as you said, telling the Valle, she's like, is there anybody who's not on some kind of antidepressants at this point, like literally in the world? There's probably like 2% of people in the world not on this shit, okay? And including me. So, Candace is like, well, when I when I said you carried a private text message, expressing my disdain for you continuing to make those too culpable for what happened, and I mean Chazelle and Robin. Why would you go to Bravo to get me reprimanded or fired?
Starting point is 00:50:18 How could you? And Karen goes, oh no. I don't know. I thought it was a funny response. And Candace goes, and Candace is like, you said I was being threatening towards you. And Karen goes, you told me to burn and go to internal hell. And what's funny is that Candace, a second ago,
Starting point is 00:50:35 ago had said, why when I sent you a private text message expressing my destiny? OK. And no, you told her to burn in hell. And like, so you want to talk about Spin. She's like, oh, well, Karen's the queen of spin. You sent her a text that said, burn, burn and go to eternal hell. And then you tell us I was expressing my Distan. Oh, shut the fuck up, Candace. Yeah, and Karen's like, well, you weren't being yourself. That's not the girl.
Starting point is 00:51:03 I mean, Karen is the spin-mass because now Karen spins dishes. That's not the Candace that I know. I mean, that's just not who she is. I was concerned because because what you were doing was evil. What was I doing? That was evil. So now they are being totally ridiculous because this fight is so off the rails. Like, Candace calling Karen absolutely evil for that tweet. But then Karen also
Starting point is 00:51:26 being, you know, saying that Candice was unwell and she wanted to get her help. Yes, all ridiculous. Because they're talking about the tweet where Karen said, my heart's saying, get this clip because someone put a clip of Robin smiling at this whole thing. But I spy some gafel green eyes, hashtag the anointed one and her hashtag wingman. Dot, dot, dot. So Karen goes, well, I called to get you help.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I called and asked them, and I remind, and she's talking about Bravo producers, because I called and asked them, and I reminded them that in my contract, they said I had psychological help and my friend Candace would never threaten me and told me to burn any channel hell if she was in her right mind and all I'm trying to do is keep us together damage that's all I want.
Starting point is 00:52:17 We are a family and me. And Candace is like that's not a threat Karen. Okay you don't get to decide everything. You know? Like Candace is like well that's not a threat, Karen. Okay, you don't get to decide everything, you know? Like Candace is like, well, that's not a threat. Well, you know, that's assault. That's not me assaulting you. That's you assaulting.
Starting point is 00:52:32 That's not violent. That's not this. That's not that. It's like, you can't just like define every single action, you know, you get all pissy with her until her to burn an eternal hell on a text message. Like, it's within her rights to say, listen, this lady is going nuts on me, you know, get her help, keep her away from me, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Exactly. So Karen goes, whoa, it's a weapons. Why would I assassinate you like that if I cared about you? I don't believe you. I don't believe you do Karen I'm not her. I try to help you. So now they're just screaming at you. Like the sanctimonious fight.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Like Karen has like, Karen is like finding, like, because Karen is now realizing that her angle on this is that she was being like a mother hen trying to, you know, look out after one of her chicks. And so then, it can't, it's like, you don't care, you don't care. I just got to rob in looking at the camera, like Jim from the office, like,
Starting point is 00:53:33 oh, what are these two talking about? Like this is the most ridiculous thing. So Karen's keeps yelling that she was just trying to help. She was calling for help for Candace. And I was scared for you. And was calling for help for Candace and I was scared for you And was I concerned for myself? Yes, I was I was a lot of shit. It's gone down And yes, we have got to stop daring each other apart and squirt behind our knees Little to the dawn and do I regret calling your boss? No, I don't
Starting point is 00:54:03 She was in the climax of some movie that no one asked to be made. Soapdish, she was basically, you know, in the end of Soapdish. She was Sally Fieldwood. She really was. So then Andy, of course, then Chompton with his little like popsikology thing. And he goes, well, I think what is clear for real, because I see a lot of emotion between the two of you, is that I'm like with the non-recording artists.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I know, bad music, bad music Sally, as I like to call her, is that you really have a genuine friendship and a genuine love for each other that supersedes this show and this forum, which we have to admit is a great forum. Okay, you're welcome. My hope is that the two of you can step away from today and figure out that some way to figure that out and move forward because you wouldn't be getting upset if you didn't genuinely care about each other. I'm like, Andy, I- this is- no one cares. Be quiet. Yeah, and then thank God Wendy's there because she's like I agree Who cares Wendy? I'm sorry. I meant to say I have degree
Starting point is 00:55:11 I've degree with that degree I agree with that I'm for Abby is it sweating here? I forget to put on my degree deodorant So and he's like let's break again and listen. You know, Karen, if you can't apologize to Candice, maybe you can apologize to the orange cushions she's sitting on. Candice, get up. Get up. It's much easier with the orange cushion.
Starting point is 00:55:34 On that note, we're just like a break. So then we see Chris Lumbering through the hallway and he's like, they just, they tried to destroy my family on TV and it's going to get handled today So Candace is like I don't even know how to sit here. Thank God Chris gave me some brown liquor So he gave me something brown and just like what's that? D'ah and
Starting point is 00:56:02 So Chris comes out and he doesn't have a zipper up and it's wacky. Yeah. And then he's like, Hi Chris, hey Ray. And Ray's like, hey Andy,
Starting point is 00:56:12 and he's sort of like slowly lumbars over to his chair. And then if they keep cutting to Andy doing the thing that like I see, always cracks me up. Andy apparently on break, slouches in his chair all the way down and just has his phone in his face like a teenager So Chris comes out and he's like has anyone owned up to this plot against our family
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, and Monique's like no, they're trying to act like we're the ones who came up with this plot and You know everybody's trying to have fun, but Chris is already ready He is So then Andy then there's like this like banter and so They're Ashley is asking if one ever played with Michael Jordan And he did on his rookie season. There's like a photo etc. And then Andy is like, oh Robin Did you ever what you watched last dance? was working season, there was like a photo, et cetera. And then Andy is like, oh Robin, did you watch the last dance, huh?
Starting point is 00:57:07 And she's like, of course we're at basketball! And he's like, hey Chris. He's like, hey Chris. Did you watch that 10-part Michael Jordan thing? It was like the greatest thing I've ever seen. It was like this very, it was hilarious to me because it was Andy trying to bro out with Chris But he wasn't totally sure if the brewing out was gonna be well received so we tried to sort of like
Starting point is 00:57:33 Be chill about what he was saying It was like you see that 10-part Michael Jordan thing And Chris was having none of it. He's like I've been watching fifth filthy lives being told to get some my wife And if we don't get to only get there's gonna be some real mess up on this stage And everyone just kind of cringes and Andy saying okay I guess we can't talk about Scotty Pippet You some my last dance Have to come up. I was only on that last dance question since March when it aired.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Like where do you go Andy? Like eight months later, hey, do you see that thing that aired in March about Michael Jordan? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he gives a basic hello to all the husbands and we find out that Bassett has sold the restaurant, which I didn't know that he even owned that restaurant. I thought he was a manager, but whatever, I'd live your life.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And he's making your work with online catering classes. And he's also become like a, he's actually like really become a huge standout. And I don't know if you know about this, Ronnie. He's actually like really become like one of the leading experts on man spreading because I don't know. He's gotten really good at grabing. I'll tell you that because he does a lot of nudging. And those knees.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I mean, he has a flexible hip. I mean, at that point, like, he just, he looked like a, I don't know what it was. It was just like his knees were about as diametrically opposed as I've ever seen. And I'm like, I feel bad for every single person who's ever had to sit next to you. Vile man spreader. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Yeah, nobody wants to sit next to Bassett on trend. Yeah, I'm given that they actually, a lot of the men were man spreading, but his were just like, he was like, it was like a knee to the left and knee to the left. he was like, it was like, I need to the left and need to. He was like Monique's not for Lazy Mom's poster. Yeah, it was not for Lazy Mom's poster.
Starting point is 00:59:31 He was sitting in that yoga pose. Not for Lazy Beans. Not for Lazy Cares. And yeah, he just kept grabbing his nuts. I'm like, your nuts are right in the camera. I'm bringing sexy back. Can we please not? Oh, so Michael's not here because of a wedding he had in South Carolina. He will be missed lots of untyped strippers for him.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Okay. So, you can unclench your butts. We have never seen cameraman with looser asses than we have at this reunion. So Jacelle, a real star, Jamal, isn't here. And she's like, he is lecturing and me. Like, did you mean painting something with words? Because I would really wish that you stuck here. Yeah, he's like, what is Jamal lecturing?
Starting point is 01:00:22 As far as I can tell, the only professor that's even close to this cast is Wendy. Yeah, and so he's like, well, Robin, we're also bunned Wands, not here. Hi, Eddie. What was your reaction when Wendy said she was gonna do housewives? It's like you really think I have any say in what goes on in my life for Andy.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Pretty much. He also asked Chris about T'Challa and he's like, and he's like, and he's like, Chris, you must really love Monique to get her that bird. No relation to Larry Bird. He's a basketball player. I don't know, sports and stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:56 So Chris is like, he's like, then Chris just winds up saying the bird a lot. He goes, well, I love Monique and I'm not an animal fan, but she wanted the bird and the kids wanted the bird. So I compromised, I got the bird. So we got the bird and that's now we have the bird a lot he goes well I love moody and I'm not an animal fan but she wants it the bird and the kids want it the birds so I'm compromising about the birds we got the bird and that's now we have the bird and then we talk about uh Eddie's family being assholes and cutting them off because he married Wendy and they're super sad about that but hey it's been ten years and then Andy's like, so Ray, you were pretty open with your feelings about Karen. And Ray's like, well, I wasn't trying to be that open and you know, I love her
Starting point is 01:01:33 about where my in love was. I don't really see bass Andy. Would you say that maybe you and Karen are about to have your last dance? Any one? Maybe you and Karen are about to have your last dance anyone anyone And Ray uh, he brings up how you know Karen's famous now and she's making her own money and Rihanna comments on her Insta so she's feeling herself because but she seems like the typos always been feeling yourself and Karen's like Yeah Seems like the typos always been feeling yourself and Karen's like Yeah And what was Ray? What was your reaction here in Karen's as she wants her money back from bailing you out? He goes, oh, I had a great laugh. I was like good luck. It's all gone. Oh, see in Florida Yeah, he's basically like listen. She spent years not paying for anything. She got a stipend
Starting point is 01:02:24 She got credit card bills. She never had to pay and Karen's like, well, she spent years not paying for anything, she got a stipend, she got credit card bills, she never had to pay. And Karen's like, well, I've said I'm spoiled, so... She also raised your children's her. So Andy's like, she's not like some alone, you do. Are you talking about Raven? So Chris, so Chris, how's it feel to be out of Dorothy's house? He's like, it's great. Oh good.
Starting point is 01:02:47 So now you can, when you man spread your knockover of Oz, you know it's your Oz and not your mother-in-law's, right? Yeah. And there's sex is much better in the new house because they have to Chris in every room. Yeah. So excited about that question. So then we move over to the lake house where Chris was imitating his sex life with Monique
Starting point is 01:03:12 with a big giant bottle and he's like, oh it was just having fun, you know, and if anybody was a apologise or offended, I apologise. Yeah, I guess, well, it was a dry moment and I thought let's cut it up and you know you saw the size of the bottle and There's a little bit of truth in every joke. Oh But lately Andy I'm like the house mom. I do so much with the kids I feed them and I do dishes just to take the load off money It's also because yeah It's also called
Starting point is 01:03:45 being a fucking father. I stopped being like a quote unquote, it has mom. It's not like, there's not like a cute sea term for it. It's called like feeding the kids and like cleaning some dishes is called like being a responsible adult. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:02 So Andy's like, well, as you can see, Jacelle has a security card. So ridiculous. And then we see this guy who looks like he is just like trembling like he's like, he sees Chris Samuels and he's like, there's no way I can take this guy. He's like, are you fucking kidding? I thought he was like, I thought I was going after Michael Derby, not this guy. Yeah. Jacelle is fucking ridiculous. I cannot believe it. Of course I can't believe her.
Starting point is 01:04:34 But she is just so ridiculous and she's just sitting there so angry, you know, looking at her nails. And Chris is like, wow, she's really reaching right now. But this is all because of something he said on Instagram live. So we see the clip of Instagram live where Chris is saying, these women are spreading filed rumors about my family.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You're all some dirty tricks. I wish I could Bruce Jenner, I wish I could Bruce Jenner and snap the shit out of y'all right now. You're lucky I'm a man because I will stomp the shit out of you. Not great. Not great. This is not great.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Not great, really? Like, this is problematic on so many different bubbles. Yeah, like many different ones. Like, this episode is like a great example of like a classic Bravo conundrum, which is like the moment that you're rooting for someone, they do something terrible. And you're like, oh, I'm not rooting for you after all.
Starting point is 01:05:24 It's like, just all brings the bodyguard. And you're like, oh, I'm not rooting for you after all. It's like, just all brings the bodyguard. And you're like, that is so ridiculous and patronizing. And like, like, that's so stupid. Then Chris says that, you're like, oh, you're not great either. Yes. My god. Chris is supposed to be my 10 there. And now he's, we're seeing the real Chris.
Starting point is 01:05:42 And it's not nice. Yeah, now you're saying some transphobic shit and this threatening stuff. Now obviously he's not really threatening to beat them up. He's saying he wishes he was a woman so he could beat them up. Yeah, first when I first saw it, I actually thought I was like,
Starting point is 01:05:58 I didn't get the transphobic part of it at first because I was like, I was like, listen, I don't, why is he saying he wishes he could be Bruce Jenner? Bruce Jenner doesn't have a history of domestic abuse. I was like, did he mean Bruce Banner, like the Hulk? And because the Hulk, like, mean that he wishes he could be the Hulk. So that's why I literally thought it first.
Starting point is 01:06:17 But then I was like, oh, I see. He's using a transphobic remark. To then, to go into a massage massage to segue into a massage and his comment. God, I feel so bad for racism. It was totally. I know I actually felt a little left out as a gay person. I was like, well, I know transphobia is in there.
Starting point is 01:06:40 But like, could we add like some homophobia too? We need our turn. Come on. So Robin's like, ohophobia too? We need our turn. Come on. So Robin's like, oh God, there was no plot. And Jacelle says there was no plot. It was disgust, uh, earlier, but they don't have monitors. They don't know. I don't think it didn't look like they did.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And Chris is like, can I have my time to talk? It's like, yeah, you guys, they're trying to shut Chris up because they've already discussed this. He wasn't there. And I think, you know, they're trying to shut Chris up because they've already discussed this. He wasn't there. And I think, you know, the guy granted, he just said some super shitty stuff. But he still gets to have a response. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:12 It's funny because where there was one reunion of something where Andy was like, well, let him talk, let him talk. There was some husband who was doing terrible things. Maybe it was even Potomac, maybe it was Michael Darby. But actually, in this, and there were times I was like, Andy, they don't really have, like, please, Andy. But in this case, I actually felt like Chris was clearly upset and about, you know, he was, this was about his kid. This wasn't about like him, you know, clearing, clearing his name over, you know, grouping anyone. And I was like, okay, let him, like,
Starting point is 01:07:46 let him at least like say what he has to say, and then you guys compounds on him. Yeah. So just like you were threatening women, that is disgusting. And you know, you know, just you just keep repeating it over and over and yelling how there's no plot or this or that. And he goes, well, I don't want to fight with women, so let's just get that straight, you know. Women are simple creatures. They should not be fought with. I don't want to be fighting with someone who should be doing the dishes if I weren't being so kind as to do them for them once. Normally, I would say I don't want to punch down, but actually in my life, that's the only direction I've ever been able to punch.
Starting point is 01:08:26 I'm just very tall. I tried punching up one time and God smacked me on the head and said, stop giving your fist to the heaven. I burned my wrist on the sun. An airplane fell out of the sky. So Andy's like, you know, he said, I love when Andy does this. He like gets his card and he's like, he said, y'all some dirty tricks. I wish I could turn into Bruce Jenner and slap the shit out of y'all. You are lucky I am a man because I will stop the shit out of y'all. You are lucky I am a man because I will stop the shit out of y'all. Hey, let's just show of hands. Who would be upset if Michael Jordan said that?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Anyone? Anyone? So would you say this is your second loudspeaker? And Chris is like, it was disgusting to sell, you're correct, but I was just so angry. It's still no excuse but the only problem I have with Candice and this plot you're bringing to the show is if you were her friend why wouldn't you come to her and say they're plotting on your child is by the way I'm a really good question actually and uh so then they're all like no one's plotting on your child oh we talked about this for half an hour already blah blah blah blah blah blah that's when he's like, this is my moment.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Oh, really? You mean the segment that you just brought up? Oh, okay. So, yeah, he's, Chris today's like, this is my moment. Just let me defend my child. I never went after anyone's child and everyone against, for anyone's marriage or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And then, but then Chris Bassett's chimes up and he's like, but you support me while I went after other people's children. You support people. I'm like, what are you talking about? Like the blogger, the blogger. The blogger who went after my kids he says, oh, give me a break.
Starting point is 01:10:14 The kids that you don't pay child support for. I mean, come on, we all know that I'm like, I'm like, isn't that part of the show? And how is that Chris' fault? Pay your bills. So they get like really heated in this moment, you know, like, because Monique's like, what does this have to do your bills. So they get like really heated in this moment, you know, like, because Monika's like, was this that to do with us?
Starting point is 01:10:26 And they're like, you're the one! So then, so then Chris Samuel steps up out of a seat to be like, okay everyone, this like, everyone shall out or, well you just fired up too. I shouldn't say that he was, he wasn't being abused. He's pissed by Jesus. He's up out of his, he's out of his seat, but it's like, it's not anything crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:44 He's not charging, you know, they're acting like oh my god He's not he's going pause come on you guys pause and so just like he's standing up Wow, you've turned to the car. She's literally and she's she's pointed to her security guard And he's like literal and she's pointed to her security guard and he's like, oh, you just hear that cartoon noise when someone's in a haunted house and their knees are knocking like, he's just like, he's like, you see me? You see him? Yeah, and just how it goes, please have him sit the fuck down and that guy's like, it's Chris. Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Uh, Chazelle sucks. So security just ignores her and stays where the hell he is. And Monique's like Chris down. And he's like, this man is disrespecting my wife and yelling at my wife. And if your man was here, Chazelle, he'd be standing up defending you. So now, so now Candace, now she's talking to Chris and she she's saying this is her reason why she never told Monique her Alleged friend that there was all these women were plotting she goes I want you to hear from me Someone who was attacked yes. We went to dinner
Starting point is 01:11:55 We were sitting there having a conversation about everybody and everyone under the sun and a conversation came up about the rumors that were being spread by Gigi to which I said that sounds stupid because the baby looks just like the father and I didn't say anything to Monique because she hears rumors I hear rumors about every everyone all the time and if I were to run every time I heard something that I thought was delicious we'd be sitting here for three days. It's like, mm-hmm. And Tizago's true facts. I don't know. That rang hollow for me. That rang hollow. I feel like, I feel like, if your friends with Monique and Monique's like, like, former BFF was saying this, saying this shit, I think like, I'm not saying that I would necessarily do it, but given what Candace or her pattern of behavior is,
Starting point is 01:12:47 it like the fact that she didn't tell Monique when Candace is like a little gossiper, gossiper self, okay? She doesn't tell her friend that like, that her ex, well she might have. So here's the thing, she went on Instagram live and did it. It's not like it was some private video where she told everybody that we played it on last week's show where Candice is saying there was a plot,
Starting point is 01:13:10 they went to Andy's baby shower, Giselle brought up that there was a, you know, they wanted to bring it up on the show or whatever and she said it was stupid. So Candice has already said that, which is probably why she's admitting to it now because that was up there. But they said they weren't gonna say anything.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Well, it's not like Monique says later that this has been going on for a while, right? And everyone was just not saying anything. So this is where it gets really good because then Jizelle gets caught and just being a total bullshitter. Yeah. Because he's like, well, I don't Chris is like, I don't believe that. And Andy's like, but he didn't err on the show. None of that erred on the show. And because it was brought up. What do you talk? It was brought up and you guys didn't err it.
Starting point is 01:13:51 And he's like, yeah, but if you all hadn't brought it up on the show tonight, it never would have been brought up. Bullshit. So I love that the production totally called Andy on this. So there's a little more back and forth because Chris is like, no, it was on Instagram live. So let's a little more back and forth because Chris is like no it was on an Instagram live. So let me ask one question. Anybody brought it up on the show? Did you, Robin, you Candace, Jacelle, what about you? And Jacelle, of course, stays totally quiet because she doesn't
Starting point is 01:14:16 know if they're gonna go with the bar. So he's like, yeah, so he's like, Jacelle and she goes, do not fucking talk to me ever. And running, it's like, okay, go back to church with your pastor. And Chris is, woo! Just all this like back and forth. So, Jacelle gets her chance, Mass. So she's like, do not talk to me. Yeah, can I tell it from my perspective? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:37 When I went to your house before we went to Newberg, he said on camera, hey, Jacelle, this baby looks like me, doesn't it? And I was like, what? Why is he saying that? Why? And so we see the clip of Chris laughing and saying, wow, doesn't he look just like me to sound because they knew about this rumor? Right. And they're making a behind the scenes joke at her being like, aha, this Instagram live came out.
Starting point is 01:14:57 That's what doesn't this kid look like me? Isn't that crazy that this Instagram live was saying that there was a plot? That's what she's saying. That's what she's thinking that that he's saying. In my mind, I see that as someone saying, hey, it's my baby. It seems like someone who's proud of their baby. You know, like... Well, that's how it came off when I was watching the show, but seeing it now, I'm like, oh, okay,
Starting point is 01:15:20 he's referring to this Instagram live and making light. I don't know the time you left, yeah. I don't know when Candace did that. But like to me, him saying, doesn't he look like his daddy is such a benign thing? And like maybe there's more meaning to it, but I also think the fact that Jacelle went to the worst place instead of just being like, oh yeah, it does.
Starting point is 01:15:44 You know, because then she goes like, well, who else would he look like? Who else would he look like, Chris? You know, like, oh yeah it does, you know, because then she goes like, well who else would you look like? Who else would you look like Chris? You know, like, and even that, honestly, that sort of response is fine. That's like a joke, you know. But then that she takes that like really, like that comment, that small comment, and then runs with it, because then we see a clip of her going to Robin and saying like, you know, like, because now she says, well, I thought it was part of their personal story. So they're talking about what they're,
Starting point is 01:16:09 I thought they're talking about it. I thought it's part of their personal story. So then eight days later, she goes to Robin and she's like, well, the streets of Potomac are saying the baby's not his, but her trainer is out of the, out of the, out. So yeah, and she's like, so you wanna bring that up on camera because I hadn't said anything about it. And now everybody knows. I'm like, so you want to bring that up on camera because I hadn't said anything about it.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And now everybody knows. I'm like, you fucking liars. Okay, you guys are so terrible. Did you think production was not going to show this? They've been saying this whole time, oh, there's no, there's no plot blah, blah, blah. So now they're basically saying that there's been this rumor, but they had all basically agreed to not say anything or Jacelle was not saying anything, but now that he brought it up,
Starting point is 01:16:46 the moment it's smart asked to her. And now it's like, she's free to say what I'm talking about. Exactly, the moment there was like a hint of an idea that the sand was brought it up, but then it was like, you know, free reign. Although admittedly, we didn't see anything else. So it definitely didn't really go anywhere, or they just seemed like, I guess.
Starting point is 01:17:04 Well, Jacelle was saying he's having a fair He's having a fair she's having an affair. She's having an affair with this trainer She's having an affair that was the only part she left off camera But then immediately brought it up on camera when nothing had happened between her and Monica, right? You know, so she was mad because Chris was saying doesn't this look like mine kind of poking at her But I thought he was being good nature to me. I didn't, I honestly didn't even think it was. Or there wasn't enough evidence to indicate that it was a reference to like the rumors. And so I thought I was like, okay, I've been sort of, you know, of the mindset that like
Starting point is 01:17:37 Monique is the one who kind of brought this to the fore because her with the way she reacted about, Shaw shoving at the party and everything kind of forced it to the fore. Her way she reacted about, Shawshubbing at the party and everything kind of forced it to the fore. Which I do think that she has a role in it, but I think now seeing this, it's like, oh, there was more to it. Monique wasn't just being crazy because she knew that. Yeah, she knew it was all of that.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Because the producers tell them, yeah, the producers tell them, well, just as I said this on camera, you know, what are you gonna do about it? And she knew that it was a rumor, so that's why she was so paranoid about it coming out on camera. And she kept saying the whole season, like, well, I don't like talking about people's marriages.
Starting point is 01:18:12 We need to leave people's families out of fights, you know, and all of that. So, Monique's like, stop talking to her because you're not talking to my husband, Jacelle. And she's like, I wasn't talking to that dude. The only person that brought it up was you. So now they just scream, you know, you brought it that dude the only person that brought it up was you so now they just scream You know you brought it up you know you brought it up the whole time and Chris is like look
Starting point is 01:18:30 I know my baby was plotted on and it's disturbing and I apologized And if you don't want to accept that's on you and she's like oh my god Why is this big mother fucker even here? Which is She's gross, you know she's so gross. So Andy's like, well, by the way, I wouldn't want that brought up about my kid, but you know, we got to move on. We got to move on. What Robin?
Starting point is 01:18:53 What's talking about your mario? So are you guys ever going to get married? And then we have the one and Robin segment and Robin wants a destination wedding. So see you next season at the wedding. Now we're all going to have financial problems. Thanks. I had financial problems and now you will all go into debt to come to my wedding. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:19:17 So they're going to be, they are moving, they're going to build, they're building a house and it's going to, they haven't broken the ground yet, but they're hoping to have it done by May, which is pretty fast. I imagine, but I don't know. And then, embellish is going really well. And Andy's like, yeah, but you didn't think that Karen was a good spokesmodel for your hat. Ah, Karen, gotcha, gotcha, Karen, burnin' hell. Ah.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Oh, so they start talking about her hats. And, you know, there's some like light shade between Karen and Robin about the stupid hats. And it turns out that the hats are so great because they're lined with sand, which are good for your edges or whatever. So Andy's like, so you're saying that silk is good for an edge. She's a wild.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Why wasn't that on the last day? We didn't bring it up on camera, Chris. So then Karen's like, well, I love that. I love that. She's, no, you hate my hat. You threw it on the floor, but then I picked it up. Yeah, we'll see through it on the floor after you kicked her out of your website. So whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:29 So then they start talking about what is this stuff that Michael was hinting to or hinting at about Juan never marrying Robin. And Ashley's like, well, he said that he didn't think that Juan would go through with it because he wasn't, he was just go through with it because he wasn't uh... he was just very comfortable with the relationship was already that's all and they're like uh... anything else nope nope didn't say anything never said a thing that I have no idea any
Starting point is 01:20:57 yeah uh... it seems weird so then the rumors about robin and one so juicy. Why aren't they are? What are those? Like people all leave Robin alone on the show. Well, I was reading on lipstick Galley. You know that website. That's a good. That is a good gossip forum. It's like kind of an old school. It's run by Liz Smith. Cindy Adams. I love hello, lipstick, Galley. If you're out there, I love you. I always go there if I've got, you know, any questions about dirt.
Starting point is 01:21:32 There's just a lady who cland, and of course you never know who she is. This is all probably just rumors, which maybe is why they don't bring it up. But just that one has a girlfriend and he's always had a girlfriend and him and Robin are just pretending to be together for the show And that's why her house is so small because he doesn't even live there and Robin knows the girlfriend and likes her So they've you know according to all these rumors. They're just faking it Even their room or whatever and he has a Which I guess is why I never brought it up before but but I mean, it's weird that the word on the street
Starting point is 01:22:08 has been out there for so long and no one ever really brings that up about them, but I guess they all like really like Juan and Robin is harmless enough, I guess. So Andy starts asking, like, it's such a talk about this engagement, whatever, and Andy asks Chris if he's happy for one. And Chris is just like looking off to the side.
Starting point is 01:22:28 And he's like, he's like, he's like, yeah, I'm happy, but I'm also so over people whizzling through stuff that I'm detouching myself from all the mess. And Rob is like, whoa, Rob and get so mad. She's like, what? He's like, one day my child will be 15 years old and I will be teaching him how to drive and then he will get onto Google And I'll say stop googling while you're driving and then he's gonna say, are you even my father? Sure, I have nothing to do with a plot on your son, sir
Starting point is 01:23:04 But my child will be 15 one day. She's like, oh I'm so glad he's not here right now. I am so glad. I am so glad. One Dixon is not here right now. We've discussed it for two hours and explain the context that they brought up. And just else is going, you brought it up, you brought it up. Ba. And when he says, you ain't talking to my husband, that's why you don't have a man behind you. Which by the way, it's like, it's not like your life is more fulfilled by having a man behind you.
Starting point is 01:23:41 But you know, so then. No, it's way better. Trust me. Just by two plain tickets anyway and put the fucking armrest thing up Works for me. So Chris is like I gotta take a break. I play chess not checkers Okay, and he literally plays the chess so he leaves giant garden sets like they just fit right in between his fingers like they just fit right in between his fingers. So everyone's like, what? Now he's locking off. And Candice is all mad, of course.
Starting point is 01:24:10 Like, this is a lot. This is too much way to match. So then when we come back, Andy's trying to make this segment work with Robin again. He's like, so, Robin, Michael wants to go to a bachelor party in Vegas and say, oh, yeah I don't think I'm gonna go with just the two of them and So Karen you made a comment about one at the wig launch you said Robin should be worried about what one says when he's drinking and
Starting point is 01:24:38 Karen's like, well, I talked to Ray about it I'm you know, I was prepared to come here and say something about that, but we've torn any troubles families enough today about it. I just asked her moving forward to keep raise name out of your mouth a little the dumb squirted behind your knees and a rose petal pathways to the bathtub and he's so rake and fight it. Thank you enough is enough dammit. So then Chris comes back and then they start talking about the fight with Michael when Chris Basset got into a fight with Michael at the engagement and Chris Basset is like, he's like, I don't disrespect women, you know? Michael has a history of disrespecting women and he's not gonna let I'm not gonna let any man disrespect my wife, okay? And and as she's like, a lot of women have said derogatory things about my husband and Candace goes because your husband's a creep and he's disgusting Well, the few times Candace made me laugh
Starting point is 01:25:41 I'm not talking to you. He has defended himself and some people perceive that to be disrespectful. And Bassett's like, well, you and my wife have been out it for years and I've never, ever come to you. And if I had an issue with Michael, I would have gone to him. Well, Michael did come to you. He came right to your face. Well, you're shoulder. But he did come right to you. He didn't go after Canvas. He came right to you. And he goes and he should do it at a separate time and not at a party when I had been drinking. Okay, so there you go. Now you're making rules on how people have to... No, Michael was a total asshole.
Starting point is 01:26:14 Yeah, but the argument isn't that Michael is not a dick. It's that this guy's ridiculous. He got up and pushed Michael across the bar. Period. That's it. Why is it that he gets to say oh no? No, no, no this he should have said something different. Why is it okay now that words are okay to Use as an excuse Michael. He gets physical with somebody is what I was like Yeah, but the whole argument from that side has been that words are never enough to cause physical aggression or physical touch or whatever that words are never enough to cause physical aggression or physical touch or whatever the word is. But now he's like, well, he came at me with words. So of course, it was okay for me to get physical with him.
Starting point is 01:26:52 It's like, come on, you guys are such a fuckingist. That's true. Although, actually, like, Chris didn't, I mean, this is, this feels weird to say, but it's not like Chris was like, brawling. Well, if you really look at it, Chris sort of like, I mean, he pushes him, he pushes him, it's physical. So, if you really look at it, Chris sort of like, I mean, he pushes him. He pushes the mids physical. So, so Chris base, I mean, it's really, I'm not being like over dramatic about it. Like you assaulted Michael.
Starting point is 01:27:12 I'm just saying on display. You did stand up and push him across the bar. So, but we did find out that Chris did call Rob and the next day to apologize for starting a fight and Michael never did, which totally tracks because Michael is, you know, he is scum. Yes. And on that note, Michael was the one getting totally physical with everybody else at night when they were trying to keep him away, kept pushing everybody out of the way. So hey Ray and Eddie, what are your thoughts about it? And Ray's like, well, I'm not a big fan of Michael, so And you know that, so
Starting point is 01:27:50 So Andy's like so you you got in a huge fight with Michael Ashley on camera you Stormed out of there. It was as messy as anything I've ever seen between a couple and then the next day you went on vacation with him And she's like well, you know Andy, I really just had to hear him. And I got a different perspective because this isn't been an easy journey for Michael on this show. And I have to, you know, I have to see his side of it.
Starting point is 01:28:15 Also, I never signed a post-mop and so I'm basically only getting supportive if I stay with that big. So there you go, Andy. What was that about? I got a different perspective. The perspective is that he walked over to Chris and said like a very misogynist thing,
Starting point is 01:28:29 like you have to control your woman, just out of control or whatever. And Chris is like, don't disrespect, don't disrespect my wife. That's the only perspective that matters. So. Yes. And it's also just another year of actually making excuses
Starting point is 01:28:44 for your patients of shit. So, then Chris is saying that he is, Chris, Chris is, both the Chris's hate that this whole big fight happened and Chris Bassett says, I just want my wife back. The woman I married, I only got glimpses of her over the past year, mainly because she's covered our house and posted saying, you are enough. And it's hard to see her through all that mess. But it's just it's not the same person. And I want that back. And if that means not having a relationship with Monique, then that's what it means. And of course, Candace at this point is like double, double over like,
Starting point is 01:29:15 oh, oh, oh, oh, the old man's ruined. And he gives him a chance to say anything else while they're out there and raised like well I need to know the date of your wedding because I have a 25th anniversary coming up and we might have a wedding Also sleep and then Karen starts doing her fake crying She acts like she literally does a cartoon cry like she actually she just won an Oscar She does know thing where she like classed her hands and looks down like I never thought this day would come I never thought what did you say it's not Lala land own damn it Robin's like what this is news to you and Karen just goes on with her fake sob and her
Starting point is 01:30:08 speech about not expecting this for Ray and I was hoping that we'd renew but after the last year I didn't think it was fun and so they got Chris like you know we've had canises big histrionic tears then Karen so now it's time for Chris Amules to step up. Now it's time for Chris to take a swing. I mean, I was proud of him. You know, this is like his first time really going for a big fake round. Yeah. It was really wonderful. He gave it his all, bless you. It's like, you know, I saw new strength in Monique and the main reason she rolled with the rumors was just to protect our son and that's a real woman Okay, as defined by a man and we're already in love, but now it's been a couple of times
Starting point is 01:30:54 I just broke down crying just understanding the strength of my woman. I mean wow She does so many dishes. I just did three and I was like give me a rest, right? Wow, she does so many dishes. I just did three and I was like give me a rest, right? Oh, look, I love you so much, baby. And he's like pretending to cry. And then just I was just going to... Jesus Christ with the fake tears. Give me a fucking brain. They tried to tear down our family, but we got some legit love here. And I've come to the conclusion. I release you of it. I forgive you.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Work people, hurt people. Go get some help. I know. Yeah, he tells Jisal. He goes, I release you. I forgive you. Hurt people, hurt people. Get some help. And I was like, well, okay, you wouldn't be back. I like to have his voice be him. He's just else just sitting there so furious. Or people, or people. He just has this little bubble in his throat. About. And then he and Chris bubble in his throat. About. And then he and Chris broke it out backstage. They're like, we're always gonna be good. Chris Bassets like, yeah, we're always gonna be good
Starting point is 01:31:53 because you're my famous football friend and if we're not friends, I can't brag about it anymore. Yeah. And Chris, you know, Chris Bassett, I mean, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Come nestle into my pinky. There we go So they're fine, so then Candice is like that was crazy So then now all the women are doing their makeup. They have to do it themselves. It appears so they're doing their makeup And then all right, well, that's the end. We got 10 minutes to fill us and ask a bunch of boring questions Hey, Wendy, what did you learn about yourself? Considering you can learn anything else
Starting point is 01:32:46 because you have four degrees. Thank you, Andy. Well, because of my background, sometimes the way in which I orate can be seen as combative. So I wanna make a change and all that. Starting by never using the word orate to say speak. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Blah, blah, blah. Orate. I mean, you're not getting lectures to the women. Uh, half a table. Come on, Wendy. Come on. I really like Wendy.
Starting point is 01:33:11 I can't. And he's like, uh, Rob, I'm speaking of love on board, even asking you this question. So glad no one outed wants supposed to affairs. You put the silken hats in. Can't keep them in the stores. Has that got on board? Just say it fast. It's a journey full circle.
Starting point is 01:33:26 Ashley, thank God that's over. Ashley, you've been through it. You're pregnant with the second child by a loser. First year for you years, it's all you wanted. And now you realize you've got two Michaels. So how's that feel? Hey, Ashley, any lies, you wish to tell yourself on the audience at the same time?
Starting point is 01:33:45 I'm really happy. I'm actually the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. Well, I can say this, Andy. The more you could just pay. Great. So, Jazeal. Jazeal, you know what seems so, so long ago that we started this. But I wonder if there's a phone call you're gonna make to Jamal if you can find him
Starting point is 01:34:06 What do you like to well? We talked in the break guy and he said to your thing. I love you Any looks like Ashley. Yeah, you know the daily ins and outs. No one can tell me what a relationship is Andy it's like but you can tell everyone else all the time. Yeah exactly So did Monique get to say what she wanted to say? She's like, yeah, I got the resolution I needed. I'm happy where I am. And Candace is still carrying around so much hurt, but maybe she can walk out of here
Starting point is 01:34:38 with a little less anxiety. Do you think you can do that Candace? And she's like, I came to this platform for a sister, who'd Andy. I'll just shout out to Candace and not all of us just to get here. I just wanted to get to this point
Starting point is 01:34:53 because I knew I wouldn't be able to bury everything into like God here. And yes, it is so today, but it is also funny. And I'm reminded why I do love the majority of this group. I was like, Karen, a proposal and sometimes renewing the vows can be a kiss of death. And so I don't say that, and he's like, just dies, said it already, Karen. It's like, well, we're not perfect and we've broken each other in so many pieces, and to me, this is a new beginning if we're willing to do it, Jacelle.
Starting point is 01:35:27 I know that anything I say you won't believe. But I look for your happiness first and foremost. Right? No, you don't. It's like in Candace, you've been through a lot. It's all because everyone's stand up one at a time so I can give you my opinion on it. Did anyone tell her to go around the room? It's like, and camera man number three.
Starting point is 01:35:52 We don't know each other well, but I can tell by the way you pan until you've got an eye on you and you're cordially invited to shoot. Our wedding var renewal video. Thank you so much. To the man who came and sang my happy birthday message, I sent everybody for my birthday party. I would like to say thank you. I know you're in pain and let's please stop ripping each other apart in the key of dream. And so the woman at craft services, those those M&M's you serve their vital dammit. We all need them So Andy's like well said and just else just squinting her ass. She's so mad Jezel I mean she has this is by far her worst reason she was just oh Wow, she was really decimated. There's just nothing that she could do.
Starting point is 01:36:45 In the past, she usually has a good, quick comeback for anyone who comes for, you know, and she had nothing this entire, this past two episodes, you know, she couldn't even handle Chris. She couldn't even handle Chris. All she could say was, don't fucking talk to me. Oh, God, I was so funny. What, this is so good.
Starting point is 01:37:03 I want them, I will Monika's already quit, but I want them all back. How about that? That's a hot take. I want them all back, including Monika, because they have such great cast chemistry. Yeah, and it's over. It's done.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Great season, show, really good job. Loved it, glad to see Jizelle finally get her come up and at least in some some way Love it can't wait tonic season can't wait um, and then we will have Real houses of Atlanta is gonna be up probably later today and then we'll have below deck tomorrow And then we'll have Dallas and we got I mean a whole slate of bravo this entire week It's gonna be pure madness, but don't forget to vote in the crappies and follow us on social media to know when the tickets for our live crappies ceremony is are gonna be on sale. Because it's gonna be fun.
Starting point is 01:37:54 Yeah everybody. We love you happy new year guys. Watch what crappins would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryns. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:38:25 Juni! Higher than Hyres, she's Lauren Perez! Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! You don't touch the Nicki Morgan lettuce! He makes us squeezy, Ritchie Dee! There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Beaches Beaches. And our super premium sponsors?
Starting point is 01:38:46 Nancy's Season Desisto! Better than Tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! Let's give them a kiss! It's Austin and Marissa! Somebody get us 10 C-C's of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Erica, 500 days of summers! We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu! The incredible edible Matthew sisters! 500 days of summers. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland you.
Starting point is 01:39:05 The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kuchikuchi. Give him help, Miss Noel. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. And have a meal without the Emily signs. Shannon, out of account in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy.
Starting point is 01:39:27 Let's take off with Tamla Plan. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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