Watch What Crappens - RHOSLC: Meredith Marks, Ace Attorney

Episode Date: March 8, 2022

On part two of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City season 2 reunion, the rift between Lisa and Meredith seems to grow irreparably wider, especially after Meredith dons her lawyer hat and di...smantles Lisa's claims.Get tix to our live shows: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker, and joining me today is the wonderful and hilarious Ronnie Caram Hi Ronnie. How are you?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Well, hello, Ben. How's it going? Are you recovered from our, our like very fun and exciting trips to the Midwest this weekend? Yeah, I'm recovered. That was such a good time. You know, it's like recovering after a party. So it's like, you wake up like, what are you complaining about? Gives you it. But the truth is it was just a lot of sleeping, and I woke up. Fresh as it daisy. Yeah, me too. I'm like, we had so much fun.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Thank you again to everyone who showed up in St. Paul, Milwaukee, and Chicago. It was like, all three of you guys were amazing audiences. We really had a blast. It was so wonderful. And we saw some familiar faces. It's one of the parks of being back out on the road. And guess what? We're going back out on the road again next week. It's already next week. And this is going to be extra cool because we didn't really connect these dots until basically like a day ago. We are going to be spending Saint Patrick's Day in Philadelphia. Okay. So if you are interested in spending Saint
Starting point is 00:02:01 Patty's Day with us, come to our Philly show. That's gonna be on St. Patrick's Day, which is March 17th, which is also next Thursday. If you miss us there, there are still some tickets left in DC. DC is, I think, very close to selling out. That's gonna be the next night. And then the night after that, we got Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. So Philly, DC, Pittsburgh, those are all happening. Next week, you're running out of time.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Those will be great shows. We will have an update later in the week. I'm sure or maybe early, I don't know when we're going to have it, but we will have an update on what shows will be covering. If you want to know what they are, of course, listen to our little announcements here at the top of the show, but also check our social media. We will have that up as soon as we know because Bravo has a million shows out right now. So many shows, one of the shows that we're going to talk about tonight on Take a Seat, which is on Greenroom, is of course the new Candy and the Gang. So be sure to join us tonight. Greenroom, it's a Spotify app.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You don't have to be a Spotify member, but if you are a Spotify person, it just makes easier. That's going to be tonight at 7 o'clock on the West Coast, 10 o'clock on the East Coast. So we'll talk about Candy and the gang and probably a lot more other things too And we also have some really awesome. I'm actually wearing some of our merch right now You can't see it because it's not crap is on demand today, but go to crap and We're seeing more and more people wearing it at the live show which is super cool. So thank you everyone for for supporting us there. And you tag us.
Starting point is 00:03:26 If you get some merch, tag us in a photo and we'll put you on the old gram. So those are the big announcements. Are there any other big announcements we have, Ronnie? Um, I think that's it. Um, after those cities were going to be at the end of the month into April, we're going to be in Denver, which which is gonna be super fun. And then San Francisco's the next two nights after that sold out and then Detroit. So Detroit Columbus Cleveland, I mean, it's gonna be crazy. So go get your tickets.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Thanks for coming. I don't know. Actually, there is actually something that we should mention. I think we mentioned it last week, but in case we forgot, we were just added to the Moon Tower comedy festival, which is like Moon Tower just for laughs all part of the same big Fun thing that's gonna be in Austin
Starting point is 00:04:09 So that same week that we're gonna be we're finishing out our tour in Dallas, Texas We'll be doing Houston and Dallas at the end of April But we are now adding Austin onto that mix as well because we'll be doing the Moon Tower comedy festival You can buy a pass for the festival or you can just buy for specifically our show, whatever you want, but the festival is crazy. There's so many big comedians there, like people from SNL, like just huge, huge names. So it's probably just worth it to just throw yourself
Starting point is 00:04:36 into all that comedy, but it's super cool that we're part of that and it's gonna be in your hometown, Ronnie. It sure is. Yeah, I'm excited to do that. And, you know, of course, my mom's like, oh my God, my friends have heard of that. You know, so that's exciting.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So everybody, welcome to Real Housewives of Salt Lake City reunion part two. Yeah, wow, whatever union. So let's just dive into it, shall we? The we we started up in the middle of the cliffhanger was that that Lisa had invited Whitney to the Fresh Wolf event even though she had said that Jack and Henry had come up with the guest list and made it seem almost like There were it was like if they didn't have you on that list You were not getting into this fresh wolf event held in an empty barn
Starting point is 00:05:30 Right and Heather was saying oh, I guess they just didn't watch you there Jen. I guess the kids don't like you Jen And Lisa was kind of full of crap too. Of course she at release who was saying oh Because I wanted her to say that I'm a mother and I wanted her to say that I'm a God by the side. Or whatever bullshit she was viewing, but we all know Lisa invited her to talk to Cameron on camera to get dirt on Barry, to use against Mary. I mean, it was so ham-handed,
Starting point is 00:05:59 that hilarious that she even did that. So Lisa is, now we start with Andy going, so jacking in, he did the guess list for your event, right? Why would they invite with me, but not Jen? And Lisa's like, they didn't invite wet night. I invited wet night, which of course goes against everything she's already said. Exactly. She's already like pond off all the responsibility to her sons all season long And so then but then they're like well, but then if you invite a Whitney like what up? What's up with Jen and she goes well? You know what you know when when Jen came to the photo shoot like We got a big things got very heated and then like she called me in the car and then Henry heard
Starting point is 00:06:43 I heard her yelling at me and he's already crying because I was very upset and I love Gen Shaw as controversial as it is. I love this controversial person, this person who's just built on a snowball of controversy. I love her. I love the idea of Henry just curled up in the car like all the way in the corner it gets the seat you know the seat in the door just curling up like, Mom, where are they being some Indian mom? But in his defense, I've almost cried when she's screaming and yelling at people too.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Cause that's not easy. Yeah, it's not an easy trip to take. And Jen doesn't, there's actually not a lot about Jen this episode. So she's really, you know, she poked herself in wherever she can if she finds an opening she'll take it So she's like, well you don't have to add a controversial to love Jen Shaw I mean, it's you know, it's controversial love you too. She does her old classic Like let me spin it and put it on to you now Well actually normally it's let me spin it and put it on to me like how do you think I feel but now she inverts it
Starting point is 00:07:43 It's like well, it's controversial. I love you too. There. Yeah, but you have to add a warning to things like Gen Shaw. You know what I mean? It's like they have to put warnings on spray paint so you'll know that you're going to get high when you're dear. There are just certain things. There's a reason for warnings. Okay, Gen. And you've earned yours, ma'am. So Lisa's like, John, John, John, I've been a great friend to you, John, okay? Okay. And she's like, I mean, Heather doesn't say, I'm sorry, Jen. I love being your friend, but da, da, da, da. She's like, and Heather goes, yeah, well, it is getting me a lot of heat.
Starting point is 00:08:18 You know, they're canceling me, just kidding. I mean, that's what she's basically saying. I'm afraid of getting canceled because I'm friends with you. Yeah, and Lisa's like, listen, I didn't mean it that's what she's basically saying. I'm afraid of getting canceled because I'm friends with you. Yeah, and Lisa's like, listen, I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry if that's how it laundered. So, um, I said that Andy's like, Well, why did you lie to her about your kids doing the guess list for your event? I didn't lie.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I just didn't tell the truth and said a different thing that wasn't the truth. It wasn't a lie. I didn't lie just her, I liked everybody. Doesn't make her feel so tank. Oh gosh, so then we immediately cut to clip of Jack put the gaffers together. It was hence a ban. And she's like, I had a Whitney on
Starting point is 00:08:58 and I had mixed feelings because John thought it was a good idea. And he was just like, keep trying to be friends with her. Keep trying to be friends. So now Lisa is like, quietly, like not really answering this, like why did you not put Jen on? She just is sort of now making it look like
Starting point is 00:09:11 she was being the bigger person by putting Whitney on the list. Right, and Meredith's like, I have one question. I'm so really important at my own launch. When I said jam, not everyone gets in fine, but I'll play function. Then I have your back at that lunch, Lisa Barlow.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Ornidahina! You're honor. Yes, she did. Yes, she did. So funny. Lisa literally turns to Andy and goes, yes. Yes, she did. She did. She did it was literally an episode of Judge Judy And by the way, I have to say I thought Meredith did very well this episode Meredith really I think she kind of destroyed Lisa this episode
Starting point is 00:09:58 I mean Lisa the flounders at reunions it seems but Meredith really came she I mean her lawyer skills were it seems, but Meredith really came, she, I mean, her lawyer skills were, were present. She was like, she's calm when she needs to become, she cries when she needs to cry and she asks, like, questions that are like, you know, like, help her, uh, when her case, she really killed it. I have like, K, you say she's very lawyerly and then go, she cries when she cries, she cries and she needs to be lawyer. Just like every good lawyer. Like if you're on picket fence.
Starting point is 00:10:28 You're on her. If it no, if the glove doesn't fit, you must. Why? She's a picket fence quality. Maybe not like US Supreme Court quality. But like if she were going up against Fivish Finkel, you know, you know, also good wife. You know, five ish was a good wife.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Lawyer as well. Oh, yeah. Oh, reporting pass. They have a lot of great lawyer guests. Seabaker, very hot quality show. Seabest does a good job casting TV lawyers. I have to say, I would love Kathy Baker to be on one of the house.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Oh, you have a thing with Kathy Baker, don't you? I love Kathy Baker. Kathy Baker was also, I'm sure she's been a lawyer and maybe she was a judge on the good wife. I'm sure she's been on the good wife. But what Kathy Baker? Can she sass you one time? Well, you know, I was her waiter one time
Starting point is 00:11:20 and I said, you know, kind of after, not after service but after the, I didn't start with this. This is what I'm saying. So at some point I was like, oh, hey, you know, kind of after, not after service, but after the, I didn't start with this. This is what I'm saying. So at some point I was like, oh, hey, you know, I really love you, I love your work. And she was like, oh, thanks. I looked away. I was like, please Kathy Baker,
Starting point is 00:11:36 let's stop acting like everywhere you go, people are tackling you. Okay, this did not happen to you at a home good. So drop the ass. Oh God, I like that story. I feel like we bring out that story once every three years and it makes me laugh as hard every single time. Kathy Baker giving that to all people. Kathy Baker, like listen, ma'am, you could be easily replaced with Nancy Travis any moment now. Yeah, what's I get it like, you know, as a waiter,
Starting point is 00:12:02 you're not supposed to do that. I get it. But I mean, it's Kathy Baker. What am I get it like you know as a waiter you're not supposed to do that I get it but I mean it's Kathy Baker what am I gonna just pretend I don't love calf I never said it to Marissa Tome or any of those people you know I did it to Laura Lenny happy I did it to Laura Lenny once I brought her Laura Lenny I brought her coffee and I was like by the way because it was 1998 because I was and I was an intern on Conan on late night with Conan Bryan as my first day and I was an intern, Conan, I'm late now with Conan O'Brien, and it was my first day, and I had to bring Laura Lenny,
Starting point is 00:12:28 who was a guest, a coffee, and so I brought her to the coffee, and I said, by the way, I love doing the Truman show, and she's like, thank you so much. So, just goes to show, some actresses are classy. Guess what, Kathy Baker has not been on the good wife that I can tell. So that's, you know, four or a half.
Starting point is 00:12:47 You've been in the Truman show. So anyway, yeah, so it's like a Kathy Bater. But anyway, I love Kathy Baker. I love her. I guess I should rephrase that to my bad Kathy Baker. Okay. Enjoy your freshly made Facacacia bread. And just use. Enjoy your freshly made Facaccia bread and juice.
Starting point is 00:13:13 So Jenny, when he and Heather use Lisa being a master, and if you later, why didn't you stand up for Lisa? And Lisa goes, because nobody does, nobody does, you know, and she Lisa, by the way, is just scrolling through her phone at this point. you know, Lisa by the way is just scrolling through her phone at this point. Andy, I have another important question. Lisa, in 1999, when you tried to return a CD to the Wiz, as in nobody beats the Wiz, and they said, the window of returns has passed and I said actually it's a leap year. We're still in the window Did I have your back at the wins? Did I have your back? She did she did you're on her Andy. She did she did So
Starting point is 00:13:58 Jenny is like well, I didn't really know her and Meredith says, well, you knew about me and I have to make a character assassination on me. You tell her, I'm my character. No. That's so, that's so, sorry, I'm really cracking up. I think the Kathy Baker stuff has now put me in, like the Kathy Baker and his coffee. I'm like, I'm in a different place now
Starting point is 00:14:29 The fact that we have to now do like an hour and murder of Marissa Pristnations in this foundation of gaffy baker is So yeah, just go. Just go. Please go because I'm like I lost got lost So Lisa's like after watching the show, it's when she said that stuff. I didn't tell her anything about show. Mad at the, and she goes, my I did not think you're saying something. I did not accuse you of that.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Okay. But the question is, why didn't you do that? Lisa. I like that, I like that more from Meredith voice and to Andy. So yeah, so he's asking Jenny like why didn't you defend Lisa and Jenny does this like very quiet. I do defend her, which is like no, you don't defend her at all. Well, when they accused her of being a master manipulator,
Starting point is 00:15:26 why didn't you stand up for her? And then we see a clip of Heather and Whitney in the van being like, she's a master manipulator and she's ridiculous and she chained saw it off the head of the person, you know, that's what we heard. And Jenny's just like, mm-hmm. Why the fuck would Lisa have told you anything? Because she's saying she's a master manipulator and she has all the information and she won't
Starting point is 00:15:53 tell me any of the information about this Meredith Dad's memorial service or whatever. Why would she tell you anything? You've been coming for her for two seasons. I love when Heather makes it like, Lisa, why won't you just open up to me? I know. And then come soon used to come for her. Well, because Heather's whole, she has like that warped, like kind of perfect for the real house, so I was mentality of like, I'm gonna come really hard for you because you annoy me, but if you're open to me, then like it's like, it's almost like you're blackmailing, not blackmail me, but if you're open to me, then like it's like it's almost like you're blackmailing, not blackmailing, but basically saying like if you're open with me and you share shit with me,
Starting point is 00:16:29 then I'm gonna be nice to you again. But if not, I'm right for you. It's like information is the pack of cigarettes in jail. Yeah. So Andy's like, Lisa Jennifer from Santa Barbara says, And he's like Lisa Jennifer from Santa Barbara says she got whiplash going upstairs jelly from you going upstairs telling on people to marry and pinning it all on poor innocent Whitney and Whitney's like yeah, you didn't really tell I run what I said. So Lisa goes, well, when I first went downstairs,
Starting point is 00:17:03 she was in the doorway talking to Rob Hart and the very first thing I asked her was Hey, I've seen the text messages and a lot of stuff and like can we talk about that? And she goes why we're good and then I was like then the conversation started and I asked her a lot of questions Like do you like fresh wolf? Do you just your son need any beauty products? You know and answer she smoked pot because in you're not supposed to drink a new drugs. That's a lot of questions. And Heather's laughing. She's like, oh my God, like do you smoke weed?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Well, it sounds like you had a lot of important conversations off camera because Lisa was saying, well, they cut this part out. You know, they cut all Lisa keeps saying that over and over. You know, like there's a whole other show that Lisa's been starring in that nobody has been shooting apparently. And she's like, you know what? Two. That's the only time I said that, two. There's one time with Mary and one time with Meredith. Two, you're on her. Two times I said it. All right, let's talk about the memorial. When you spoke to Meredith on that Tuesday, you said,
Starting point is 00:18:06 I'm sorry to interrupt you, I know you're in the middle of it, and you said, thank you, or something like that. You didn't disagree with her. And Meredith goes, well, she said, I know, that you're with your family, so I thought she knew. I was dropping off my toddler in daycare Bruxy. Why would I answer her my phone and I'm father's memorial? But when I called Meredith to tell her about Sharif she said hold on I just stepped out of
Starting point is 00:18:38 my father's memorial. They're much to cut that part two times only two times and a we all saw it on tape she did not say that and Meredith's like I did not see that one hundred thousand percent I did not see that I was physically and they know my father is buried in Aspan and those are two different locations. If you want to know more about it, I suggest you go back to season two and three of Southern charm and listen to land in an Austin flur about Vail. That's a deep cut for everyone. But you did say that and then that's when I put you on Speaker.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And you know what? I said, oh my god, I feel terrible because I interrupted the memorial because you told me that before you want spaker. And you know what? I said, oh my god, I feel terrible because I interrupted the memorial because you told me that before you want spaker. So like, I'm here. At some point, someone just has to tell Lisa Barlow, you may just be remembering it incorrectly. Because sometimes, you know, sometimes you'd like think you hear something. Sometimes you assume something, so you just hear it. Like it's amazing what the brain will do.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Like you will, if you, in your mind are like, if right now I was like, Ronnie is at Whole Foods and I'm just very convinced Ronnie's at Whole Foods and I'm like, hey Ronnie, we should start the podcast and you were like, okay, I'm ready. In my mind, I would have heard him say, okay, I'm ready, but I'm just at Whole Foods first.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Like, my brain can do that, you know, is this a bad illustration of psychology? No, I mean, I mean, look, the perfect illustration is us with notes on these shows. I never actually write down what's happening. But even by the time I'm typing it, two seconds after it literally happened on TV, it's totally different. So yeah. That's crazy what you act, what you act, what someone says versus what you hear are two different things and it's a very human thing and I just wish that Lisa.
Starting point is 00:20:27 At some point, I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:44 I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm not going to words. I mean, it's crazy what you act. What you act, what someone says versus what you hear are two different things. And it's a very human thing. And I just wish that Lisa, at some point, would stop digging in her heels and just say, you know what, like I must have, I knew you were there for your memorial. I just must have assumed you had said that. And I can't believe, I clearly misheard you.
Starting point is 00:21:01 I can't believe I've created this mountain out of Mulhill and I'm like mortified. Well,'s so flummoxed because she's believing what anybody is telling her to believe and she's done it all season you know like Heather was saying well why aren't you mad at Meredith why aren't you mad at Meredith so then she said wait I am mad at mad at Meredith hasn't been you're right Meredith hasn't been there and they've you know even this night that they're giving Lisa shit about this entire episode, this dinner, the Cinco de Mayo dinner,
Starting point is 00:21:29 where Lisa lost it. I mean, even then they were making Lisa believe that she was doing good, you know, they were like, good for you Lisa, you kicked ass and Heather was saying, this is the most I've ever liked you Lisa. And so to have that all come on TV and now she's the biggest villain ever, she's like, wait a minute. This is the most I've ever liked you Lisa. And so, to have that all come on TV, and now she's the biggest villain ever,
Starting point is 00:21:48 she's like, wait a minute, I thought I was doing good. She's just completely, I guess, Flamick's just the best word I can cut. She's fucked, she's fucked, right? Yeah, well, I think she's just like dug in a hole and she doesn't really know how to dig out of it right now. And so she's just sort of like, she's not even digging deeper.
Starting point is 00:22:05 She's just sort of like doing some weird, like, dance, like she's at Woodstock. She's like, oh my God, I love this song. And she just like has her arms out spinning. Yeah, peanut's dancing is a very good way to say it. So, cause it's the same thing over and over. You know, it's like five seconds of crazy, that's just on a loop.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I was thinking of a different Woodstock, but I like actually both Woodstock. No. You're the one of Woodstock, the word. I'm thinking like Woodstock, the music festival, but I think they both work. I'm thinking Woodstock, the bird from peanuts. Just that peanut, dancing.
Starting point is 00:22:41 That is kind of Salt Lake City's reunion. You know, it is the peanuts just standing in place and doing their crazy dance move and then just doing it over and over for three fucking hours. I mean, nothing could really sum up Lisa Barlow, like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, right? That's that's Lisa Barlow and a little cartoon gif. And Heather's kind of Lucius standing behind it. The stand behind the advice stand.
Starting point is 00:23:06 You know, it's like she's gotten an advice stand where she's charging you five cents for advice, but she's really just trying to make you look stupid the whole fucking time. Uh-huh. Yeah. That's actually very true. Now who's peppermint patty? But now the other thing is that girl who chops watermelon on top chef. Shelfs need respect.
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Starting point is 00:24:12 What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Okay, so Lisa goes, you both heard me say, I feel horrible, I just interrupted her dad's
Starting point is 00:24:40 memorial, because you told me that I'm not lying about that, and Meth is like, no, I didn't, I did not say it. And he goes, and he's like trying to suppress a big smile and laughter as he goes, well, it was a major misunderstanding that led to some horrible brutal interactions that we were very happy to exploit. Yes. And so basically it comes, they just keep fighting the same thing. I did it because you said it to me, you know, it's like, why would you answer it to your father's memorial? You know, that's what I was thinking.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Emeritus says, you know, I know the thing is not true. Because I was in the bath, in a hotel, in the room, not at the house in the room when you go. I mean is just you know she loves about and then she's like and then the second time I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not I'm not lot Meredith Meredith I didn't call you because I feel like it would be better to say it at Say it to everybody at once like all at once where it was but do you know that I love you? Do you know that I love can I touch can I touch how much my I love you can I touch my love for you? I don't know I know I don't want me here excuse She's like okay, we're done.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Okay, we are done. Okay, where's my husband? Where's John Ballow? Where's John Ballow? So they go off and Lisa's now, she's selling her producer. Well, she goes into her trailer and she's selling her producer in the trailer.
Starting point is 00:26:24 On a hot mic again. You guys knew what you were doing when you put that in there, like I was on a rant. Okay, I just think that like what you guys did, but adding that in there, like just gave them all the reason to fucking say like that's who you are, that's what you are, I'm done, I'm done. You let them not write me, you let them not write me and let me tell you something else. If you ever put any more footage of me on a hot mic onto this show, I am leaving right at once, okay? So then who tries to come in and she's like
Starting point is 00:27:00 To the camera guys so then in Heather's trailer Heather's like like, I mean, it's like the Twilight Zone out there. Lisa's like, oh, I had a small outburst where I annihilated my best friend's character and said the most awful things, but we're just gonna move on like it never happened. And then Dre, her business partner, Sarah, and she's like, yeah, I feel bad for Meredith. What is Dre doing there?
Starting point is 00:27:23 I know what is she saying. Is this what a new car earns you? I know exactly. It's the Meredith FaceTime Seth, and he's like, Hey! Yeah, oh my god. Your mask is not running. You don't look like you were crying too hard
Starting point is 00:27:38 or you're too busy staring at Whitney's boobs. God, I love to motorboat her right now. I want to say actual and right now. I want the actual incrank thankfully these feathers that work the hot glue under me cut every single two. And my ease grew on beautiful little tree at the beginning of a fairy tale. So then um Jen meanwhile is in her trailer with Coach and she's like, We were the topic of me doing my, like, we were on the topic of me doing my apology tour and then Meredith get emotional and apologized for the way she treated me and I said like, There were a lot of things going on in her life just like I had a lot of things going on my life, so I guess like again, season one, I'm totally exonerated and then back on set and he's like so baby gorgeous how do you think it's going she's like I think it's going great I can't wait to get
Starting point is 00:28:34 it to moor Andy and he well this afternoon is gonna be rough great is gonna be rough. Cray! Hi! Welcome back on MaddieColin! Okay, guys, there's something about Mary. By show of hands, who's ever gotten coming their bangs? I am!
Starting point is 00:28:59 I am! Also, who here has received me in text Mary? So, everyone except for Jenny, because Mary's not having a bother texting Jenny. So, I'm happy to laugh because everyone's been Jenny. She probably blocked your number. Hey, Meredith, why'd you get a meadx for Mary? Well, that night, Jenny threw a glass at Mary or at the floor near Mary. She was mad that I didn't check in with her after that glass the row. Well, Jenny, everyone seems to be intimidated by Mary.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Why aren't you? And she's like, I'm not intimidated by anybody. I have a really high confrontational tolerance. And if you can't handle it, that is not my problem. You'll be in the hospital with the goddamn broken rib. And so Lisa's like, I'm not afraid of Mary. I'm not afraid of Mary. Yeah, I just wanna make that clear.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And Heather's like, yeah, you know what, Mary doesn't have that, you know?? Mary doesn't have that, you know? Like she doesn't have that confrontational, you know, tolerance like Jenny has. And we've all lunches navigate that. I'm kind of. And Whitney's like, yeah, I finally learned. I learned to say, no, I finally learned.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And Heather's like, oh, yes, you did. But why did no one stand up for Heather? When people body shamed her and said she drank too much, which you know, that was funny. That was the funny times. So Lisa says, well, everything was already so chaotic and Whitney believes that by not going on the private plane, that was her standing up for Heather.
Starting point is 00:30:42 You know, it was like her little protest. So then, uh, Andy asks, okay, so question. So it's a Meredith and Whitney and Jen, you've all been to Mary's church. Is that church a cult? What do you think? Well, I didn't see anything at that church that would leave me to believe it was a cult but what I did see was many people who walk in a beautiful little baby named Brooks into their fold and I'll be forever grateful for their welcoming of my tabler. Well I didn't think it was a cult when I
Starting point is 00:31:19 went but I questioned it now that I don't like Mary anymore. That's for sure, Andy. Jen, every church is a cult to some extent. There, it said it. Which is kind of what I've said, although I do think that Mary, you know, Mary takes it to another level. But, yeah. I have a question,
Starting point is 00:31:43 Andy, if I may interrupt Lisa when we were five years ago we were playing a game with my toddler, Bruxy, where you said, here's the church, here's people and guess what's inside and you said it was Puse and then they said, no, it's people and I said, no, it's Puse. Did I have your back at that moment, please? She did, Andy. She explained to me that there's a church, there's a steeper. You open it up.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Please don't label any of these people, which are actually fingers. Whoops, I did it again. I did it again, Andy. I did it again. I could have humiliated you and told you what the fingers were, people, but I chose not to. So again, I'm a better friend right now. This so, um, Jen's like, yeah, and I mean, it was a Mother's Day tribute only to Mary.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I mean, they were like losing their minds from Mary. They were there only for Mary. I mean, they were like losing their minds from Mary. They were there only from Mary, which is funny. You have like a service that's a Mother's Day tribute for only yourself. Yeah, that's amazing. I mean, yeah, it kind of is, you know. So Andy's like, Whitney, you think the Mary claims to be God. And she says, well, I don't think that she thinks she's a God. It's just like if anyone of us here were god then what would we even be doing here? Because God's like not here. He's someplace else. So there I finally stood up for myself. That's why she doesn't like Joan Osborne. God can't be one of us because he, why would he be on the bus? I don't understand this song. So, it doesn't read, Joan.
Starting point is 00:33:30 So, Jenny is like, Jenny is annoying, because Jenny asked this, why is Mary's church so interesting to everyone here? I'm like, Jenny, why is any of this interesting? Okay, because it's like, I'll tell you why Jenny, I'll tell you why it this interesting? Okay, because it's like, I'll tell you why, Jenny, I'll tell you why it's interesting. Okay, because first of all, it's significantly more interesting
Starting point is 00:33:49 than your fake story line about sister wives. Okay, second of all, I'll tell you why it's interesting because if you guys are just like friends with someone who might casually be a cult leader, that's interesting. That is like, like that's the definition of an interesting piece of information. Yeah. And Heather says, well, it's because Lisa invited Cameron
Starting point is 00:34:10 and made a topic of discussion, shrug. And then we see the clip of Cameron saying, you know, when they want money, they call church meetings, then they beat you down for your money. And Lisa says, and that's why you marked your house. Yeah. So Lisa's like
Starting point is 00:34:26 Camera has nothing to do with this conversation. We can remove them. Okay, we're acting like we didn't know that my harsh church was questionable And Heather was like well because the Mormon church is questionable the Mormon church doesn't even have equal rights for LGBTQ I mean that's true, but Heather again making every single thing about her You know, she's like my storyline is, again, making every single thing about her. You know, she's like, my storyline is questioning the Mormon shirt. Okay, Heather, we know. So, Andy is saying, we've been talking about the Mormon shirts for two years still. So, you know, we'll bash any religion.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Come on, guys. And Heather's like, yeah, you know, and they're a cult too, possibly who knows. So then we move back to Cameron, which is where it was supposed to be, in the first place, Heather, thanks. And Andy's like, Lisa, there was a lot said about Cameron. And she's like, I miss him so much. And they talk about how Cameron passed away of a brain tumor,
Starting point is 00:35:18 and Lisa, which obviously is so sad and so much worse that they're even like bringing Cameron completely into this entire reunion, you know. Yeah. And so Lisa knew him for like five years. So she misses him. And Andy is like, um, then Andy's like, Meredith, why do you think Lisa introduced you to Cameron? Well, I'd like to ask Lisa a question before I answer that. Everyone ready? Lisa, a question before I answer that. Everyone ready? Was Cameron on the board on foster care Utah? At least it's like, Combron was part of Foster's Freeze Utah and they have they they have boards on their floor. So yes, in a way he was part of foster board you talk, care,
Starting point is 00:36:06 in a different order of words. Yes. He was on their board. He was on their gas last. And Whitney's like, uh-uh, he's not a board member. He is a supporter. No, but he was, uh-uh, I-uh, he was in process. He was acting as a board member, but it was the final because I had like three more weeks I'm telling the big game final. No, he was not on their board list and This is so good now who is on a board of foster Carrie top who is it? Yeah, it's such a So it's it's a very I mean, it's, it's a weird argument that they're having about, you know, like, they're basically trying to say, like, least invited Cameron, not because
Starting point is 00:36:52 he's on the board of this thing, but he want, but to get this word out, right? And so, exactly. That's why he's, that's why they're questioning his credentials as being part of foster care. So this is good. So then someone posts, and I don't know who originally posted this. I can't see. I just found it on the internet. So Utah foster care before Cameron Williams life was tragically cut short by cancer, Utah foster care looked forward to bringing his expertise and silicon slopes connection to UFC's board.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Okay. So this is on their website. So I was like, oh, wow. So then Meredith tweets that out. Oh, it was Lisa who tweeted that. Sorry, yeah. So Meredith tweets out. Lisa, I have the original version of this
Starting point is 00:37:40 before you got it. James, after you were caught in your life, I will post a letter if the court will allow and you don't think back your fake avenues. Yeah, this. So what was on Meredith's version? Was it just that there wasn't on the website? Yeah, she just, she said that the original version was all over Twitter already,
Starting point is 00:38:07 and everyone's already seen Matt version. And so after the reunion, Lisa got with Utah foster care and said, change that, you need to change this. Well, that, I have to say, that to me is not a smoking gun because I think it's probably like, if he were, like, if you were in line to join this board and then that process was tragically cut short because he had this illness, you know, it's not surprising that the website did not reflect all that, you know, they probably were like, oh, well, that's too bad.
Starting point is 00:38:38 They didn't, they didn't probably think we should update the website. But then if there's like this controversy, I'm just, it's also not crazy that Lisa would say, you know what, you should give like you should you should give camera to not hear because he was supposed to be your board or whatever. Like it's more like the camera's a mission from the website doesn't necessarily mean that it was a lie. Because it's not crazy. Yeah, well, website. It's not crazy. Right, well, it's not on the website. It's not a crazy thing. Oh, right. I think that she probably did call them and say,
Starting point is 00:39:06 you need to update that because nobody believes me. That's what I also think it would be super weird for Utah foster care to be like, okay, we're gonna lie for Lisa Barlow. Yeah, I don't think they're gonna lie. I actually do believe that he was probably, if the website says he was meant to be a board member, then I believe that.
Starting point is 00:39:25 All right. So they're trying to catch her in like a little wildlife. It's just so, well, yeah, it's just so much. We're going through so many notes here because it's a reunion, right? So it's like trying to juggle it all, like what do I really, actually I believe that.
Starting point is 00:39:41 I believe Ben, okay, I'm on Ben's side right now. It's like 12 angry men, but there's just two of us, all back of the jury, angry believe that. I believe Ben. Okay, I'm on Ben's side right now. It's like 12 angry men, but there's just two of us, you know, all back of the jury. 12 angry sequins. So then Lisa's like, you guys are sick. You guys are sick. I can't believe that. I can't believe that.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Oh my God, did you hear it? They're all sick. They're all going to the hospital. It's like she falls for her own, she mishears her own idioms or metaphors. So then when is the time for a gigantic folder to be pulled out, you know, she pulls out her gigantic poster board sized folder. Yeah. And while she's doing that, Whitney's like, I believe that Cameron was, I believe I was invited to the event to
Starting point is 00:40:19 meet Cameron and spread information to the group because Lisa's brilliant at lighting the fire and I always Fall for it. I'm like I'm just having images of Whitney falling into a fire. Oh, no, it's a fire. I'm falling into it again I can't help it Like every time they go on vacation and Lisa lights a fire Whitney walks right into it. Don't Lisa Don't it she did it to me again. Um, excuse me, your honor. Please stand. I have another question from Lisa.
Starting point is 00:40:54 A link sum. Yes, yes your honor. Then Cameron O'Reilly mourns in his house and give me and give me $300,000. I think I got the numbers. Yes, they're not playing. Yes, they're not. John. Well, he had an expensive house when he passed
Starting point is 00:41:13 and they have footage of it. They have footage of the expensive house and I don't wanna get their numbers wrong, but he did mortgage his house and he did give her money, maybe not $300,000. Maybe more like $5 it's hard to know it's hard to know Which by the way 10% of $300,000 is still $30,000.
Starting point is 00:41:47 That's not insignificant, right? So, well, it's a huge difference. It is a huge difference, but it's also not like, it's not insignificant though. Right, but she's making it sound like, you know, poor Cameron, mortgaged just house, he lost his house by like, he pulled a gorgah or something. Yeah, you know And that's not really what I mean Lisa's foolish it like I love the leases on the show But she's just foolish it and caught over and over and even now she keeps doing this right, you know Her robotic Lisa thing where whenever she's caught she just opens her mouth really wide
Starting point is 00:42:24 Think you guys it looks away looks over to Andy So Mary goes well, you know what you Lisa didn't correct it with the group and let everyone else believe that on Worldwide Television I was believed that on World Wide Television, I'm gonna say hello to our friends and Tanzania. Hello there, welcome to World Wide Television. She'd let me run with it right on Eurovision, Andy. It was the first time on National Television I was ever almost burned alive. That would actually be international television.
Starting point is 00:43:07 World won't be better. It's a little bit, and then Lisa just looks at the camera like, so hot, so hot. Hold on, there's a lady outside my window. I don't know why there's only, oh, and there's a guy. I think they got lost. I was very confused. I'm like, why are these people outside my window? I don't know why there's only, oh, there's a guy. I think they got lost.
Starting point is 00:43:25 I was very confused. I'm like, why are these people outside my window right now? It's very distracted. It's Lisa, Lisa Barla just opening her mouth to really wide and then closing it again. Then opening it, then closing it again. I was really just hoping that we were gonna have like a today's show moment.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I was like, damn it, why is this not crap? It's not demand, people could hold up signs. That's fine, lady, just walk hold up signs. That's fine. Lady just walked through the yard. That's fine. She's lost. So swimming from pool wants to know why Lisa is mad at Whitney for calling to get the story when Lisa is the one who brought Cameron on camera. And Whitney's like, exactly, you think I'm going to believe her after that catering story,
Starting point is 00:44:09 I'm going to get the story from the horse's mouth. Got to witness actually with a horse trying to feed it a carrot. So there's a sugar cube. Andy, that is the truth. Sugar cubes. So Lisa now has her binder fully out and she has these glasses. She has glasses from the far side and there's like white, like, twin glasses. Yeah. She's looking through.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Those are some madman far side glasses. So Lisa is like, I think it was inappropriate to do that. Like, if you want information on Mari, you don't need to go get it that way. You can get it online, which is funny, like that she was, so she's mad at Whitney for going up to Cameron to get information. And she'd rather her just snoop on the internet,
Starting point is 00:45:01 which is, I feel like a little bit less, I don't know, I wouldn't say it's less reliable, but when you've already invited Cameron to your event and had him talk to Meredith to say things, it's like. Right, and she had invited Whitney to that event to talk to Cameron, but she wanted it to be in her controlled environment, you know? So when Whitney went off rogue to try and do it for herself,
Starting point is 00:45:25 it was a problem because of course, Lisa's gonna get caught in a bunch of shit, which she did. Yeah. So, Lisa's like, I have got a tax message and Whitney, ever the conspiracy theorist on the show is like, we don't know if those are real. You could have crafted those. Well, these are on my phone.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And they're disgusting. Josh, I would like to hand over some, I've had a dance. And Heather's partner just comes on and passes the evidence to Andy. You know, she's like the bailiff. She's like the bowl of this episode. Oh, bowl.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Was it bowl? It was bowl, right? Well, it was bowl and Ross. I'm sorry sorry. No, I'm sorry. Her real name was Ross. No, her name was Ross. Yeah. What was my Marsha? Marsha? No, she was the lawyer. I'm talking about the Baylif guy. No, I know, no, but no, no, Ross, no, Markey Post was the lawyer rest in peace. But um, Ross, Ross was the other Baylif. Okay. That was my court for anybody who's like, what the fuck are they talking about?
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's a little TV show in the 80s. It's coming back. They're rebooting it. You know, I don't know that I need that. Most of that. I don't know if I need that, although it does have a groovy theme song. And I have like the full, like, four minute version of it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's great to listen to. Wow. Yeah. Danler or Ken? You can have crafted those and these are like it these aren't from a cracker. They're from my phone. That disgusting. So the bailiff takes the evidence to Andy and Heather's like, um, I mean, why would he have you be his voice? He's gone.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I don't know that he would choose you to be his representative. Okay. So Andy reads the message. I wanted to text you in case people misconstrued the truth. Whitney Rose reached out to me through Angie, and I don't know her at all, and I didn't tell her anything that happened between me and Mary. This is gross. I have to say, this is gross, and I cannot believe they're going here when the man just passed away I know and but they're but they go they go so Heather is like but he did tell Meredith
Starting point is 00:47:31 He told Meredith a lot of horrible horrible things horrible and Jenny is like but that's his decision She didn't make him tell Meredith so wouldn't he goes but he texted me about it And I reached out through text and I decided because what decided because of what Meredith told me at the cooking class, and the fact that I thought it was suspicious that all of a sudden he surfaced at the fresh wolf event, so I knew she met him through N.G. Gee. Why is it Meredith getting any shit for this? Meredith was the one who ended up doing Lisa's dirty work and taking that information to Whitney anyway so that Whitney would run with it. Meredith's not getting any shit over this. You're right.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I think it's because I think Meredith started to do the shit and then I think she realized what she was doing and that's why she decided to like, that's probably why she decided to have like, to change it up, because then they went off to Vail and then she had that scene with Mary where she's like, so I hear you run a cult, and Mary's like, that's ridiculous. That's what I thought, never mind.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Now we'll be best friends, because I feel guilty now. Yeah. So Lisa is, they start squabbling over what Cameron had said to Meredith like it's not all on camera In the first place, right? And so that Whitney's like let me finish and Heather screaming Yeah, he said a lot to Meredith. That's for sure. He said a lot and Lisa like no, I didn't no he didn't and Whitney's like well
Starting point is 00:49:03 I knew that Lisa had met him through Angie. No, I did not. So I got the number from Angie. No, no. And Heather's like, I'll call Angie right now, which was her flex to be like Angie's my friend now, not your friend, right? So then what when he's like, she has a better iPhone than you Lisa Barlow. She has the most expensive iPhone with the most storage.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Like you wish you had Lisa Barlow. So Whitney said, God, my notes are so confusing at this point because they're talking. So like there's so much stuff like whenever they, whenever it's like a reunion show and when one person said, well, you said that they said that I said that those said and then I try to write it down. And I'm like, Whitney said, I don't want to get involved with you. And Lisa, but a few things I heard are weaving are weighing heavily on my heart. And I'd like to hear it from you. And if they are true, we need to know.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Oh, I guess that's that what she sent to Cameron. She sent it to the camera and yeah, saying, are true, we need to know. Oh, I guess that was she sent to him. She sent it to the camera and yeah, saying, I don't want to bother you, but I've heard things that have hurt my head and they also hurt my heart. P.S. Ow. So she literally on fire. I felt sorry. She has tons of text from him And she's like, you can see them here. And he was ready to come out about Mary. And he tells me, even in his texts. And Lisa goes, well, he was on a path for spiritual healing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:34 And Whitney continues that Mary's congregation believes that she is actually God. And later in the season, we see this... We see a lady reading to Mary that she is a facsimile of God, which is like a facs division of God. So Mary thinks that she's like God, but she sounds like this. And if Mary is the facsimile, that makes Robert the cover page. And he told me that he had a relationship with her. And Heather asks if it's sexual and she's like, he did not say that, no.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And he's like, but you think they had an affair. And Heather says, yeah, I mean, not ongoing, but you think they had an affair. And Heather says, yeah, I mean, not ongoing, but I think they had one. This is you guys, this is really low, even for this fucking show. This is terrible. What are you doing? So no, he didn't say he had a sexual relationship with her,
Starting point is 00:51:37 but now you're going to assume that he did on national television. That's gross. But Lisa defense and then goes, no, he was engaged and he hadn't. He was engaged in Dianne. He was engaged in Dianne. I filmed the engagement. I filmed it.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, I did that. And Wendy is like, well, he was young when this happened and he felt like he was taking the advantage of, I wish he was here. Like yeah, we wish he was here because then I mean, he was alive. I love that. It sort of sounds like she's saying she wished he were here to clear this all up. It's like, actually, I wish he were here just that way he could be breathing air, not to necessarily clear up
Starting point is 00:52:12 these rumors, although it would be cool too. Yes, because this sounds like some kind of assaulty allegation, you know? Like, he was taking advantage of, I wish he was here to back up my story God you guys you guys suck you guys suck This is terrible so then Andy asks if there's a support group for members of Mary's church because he's heard that And Lisa's like and Whitney says I hear that people from her congregation
Starting point is 00:52:43 Because they come up to me and they say you have it right with me Literally no one has ever come up to Whitney and said Whitney you have it right. I don't believe it never Never in the history of anything. You got it right Whitney. So So then we it's like okay, let's put this one to bed. Now let's move on. While most housewives don't like being upstage by a younger, cuter version of themselves, I think there's an exception if it's their own offspring.
Starting point is 00:53:14 So now we get a montage of like all the kids being cute and being silly and just being funny, which is mainly like, it's really all about Karlin. I kind of feel bad for the other kids because like Karlin's great and hilarious, but they have to throw in the other kids because the other kids are nice, but it's really about Karlin, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:30 And so, so we see a lot of Karlin and, you know, Jenny says that Karlin's like that all the time and then Andy asks Meredith, so what the late is with Brooks? Well, he's doing great. He is learning capital letters right now, which is great. He's about to move on from the three, those three lines, books that you write into the two line ones. And he's working hard, he's finishing up the... God, why you? Scott from Mastop, Bamanos, to Mastop chicken fingers,
Starting point is 00:54:09 which is more varying proud of him. But, you know, he's going through school and he's also running the company. And finding children to iron his name on the clothes from Ali Baba isn't as amazing. It sounds amazing. He has also picked up an intense interest in aviation. At least that's as far as I can tell when I bring in the spoon of mashed potatoes
Starting point is 00:54:35 and say, here comes the plane. Open up the hangar. And then Andy's face kind of falls and he's like, oh, how's Chloe. Which poor Chloe, you know, no one cares. So he asks if any of the kids gave the ladies fashion advice and leads to say, oh yeah, you know my kids tell me, no, but I think if the house looking like I have a, oh I'm sorry, single woman, you know, like don't leave the house looking like you're gonna die alone like Heather I don't know why keep saying other just keeps coming into my house
Starting point is 00:55:09 The other day they came crawling into my room because they accidentally watched an episode of living single they were horrified Also, I was horrified because I don't remember that being about Heather So Andy has Jen gen how Omar is. And you know, the truth is, hates her more than ever, probably. And he's like, did you ever decorate a locker? And she's like, oh my God, Andy, it turns out he doesn't even have a locker.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Like I would do school to decorate it. And they were like, your son doesn't even have a locker. You did not go to a school to decorate a locker. I'm just come on. And I'm falling for this. And let me tell you something, when this movie, when we get to the end of this movie, guess where all the money's hidden in Omar's locker that he does have. She's just saying he doesn't have a locker, so no one looks. The money.
Starting point is 00:56:05 So Andy's like, Oh, Heather, Luce from Libras says that you're trying to live vicariously through your daughter by telling her to party in college and never wear below jackets. What do you think of that? You know what? I just, it's not that I'm living vicariously. I just, I want my daughter to be wild now, okay? And learn balance now.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Not when you're in your 40s. I wanted to make mistakes. I wanted to make horrible mistakes, horrible, horrible mistakes right now, Andy. And she's saying she wants her to, you know, learn to balance life and fun. And he's like, but you're doing the reverse in your life. And she's like, absolutely, Andy, I just have no balance whatsoever. And then Lisa laughs and goes, oh yeah, yeah, Mike, what the hell? Why do you want such good terms now? This cast, this cast is so crazy. They go for each other and they're like, love you. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:58 you're doing great, Hathar. You're doing great. Well, as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But what happens when you can't tell who's who? So, we're now moving to the next section and this is basically the, like, let's watch Meredith and Lisa, their friendship, like, fully, just, like, whatever, whatever hope was left for it, let's watch that all all just be vanquished right now. Yes, and I just should add it this part because in the last recap we were talking about Heather's DUI and Lisa was accusing her of having a DUI and I said I just researched for hours.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I never found one. Well there was one. We talked about it a little and take a seat last week, but there was one from like 2012. She was pulled over. She refused to take an alcohol, a breathalyzer test, so she was arrested because that's how it works. And it turns out she blew like a .06, which, you know, isn't that bad. And she had amphetamines in her system. And later the charges were dropped. Like she fought the charges and it was later changed to reckless driving. So while she was pulled over and she did have the charges, the charges were changed. So I just thought I should get that in there for accuracy.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Because that's what everybody knows me for. Yeah. It was actually reduced from DUI to a DU BJ, which is driving under a belaro jacket Man, are you wearing a belaro jacket? I'm not gonna answer that. Okay, we're taking it down town So okay, yeah, so yeah, like you said Meredith and Lisa. Yes, so um Jen you told Lisa multiple times that Meredith wasn't a good friend to her. Why? So Jan says, Well, all I'm seeing from Lisa is,
Starting point is 00:58:48 this is my best friend of 10 years. And then she just like with Mary, and then I'm like, seeing that, and I'm seeing that, like making her upset, and I'm seeing there's tension, and it's not being talked about. And Lisa's her,
Starting point is 00:58:58 and I'm not seeing Meredith's side, because she's not talking to me, because she's falsely accusing me of being a bad friend. And I'm like, she's not being a good friend to you. That's what I'm saying, but like, no one's being a good friend to me. There's no locker accusing me of being a bad friend and I'm like she's not being a good friend to you that's what I'm saying but like no one's being a good friend to me there's no locker there's no locker with money and it's weird and Lisa's just like clutching her water bottle and drinking it very angrily like she just keeps putting it up to her mouth to back down again and she's like I've never heard about maradass relationship with Mary actually and then we see
Starting point is 00:59:22 a clip on the sprinter van of Lisa being like, Okay everyone, Meredith and I have to work through some stuff. You know, I don't know how she can say I like kindness, but then defend the person who's the meanest and the so-fuckin' grab. But I was never heard Andy. So Heather's like, you were so upset about the relationship with Mary. Do you call her a piece of shit garbage whore? Heather's just like really like trying to get this good, like, you were so upset about the relationship with Mary, do you call her a piece of shit garbage whore?
Starting point is 00:59:45 Heather's just like really like trying to get this good, that she wants to talk about the hot mic incident as soon as possible. She's so excited to see these two like go at it about it, like, you know, like Andy's gonna clearly bring it up. But Heather's like, can we talk about it now? Who talk about it now? I'm gonna bring it up as many times as I can.
Starting point is 01:00:01 But yeah, why is this a question for Heather? How is this, again, a question for Heather, you know? And Lisa's like, don't put words in my mouth, they're right there, don't put words in my mouth. And Heather's like, it's not worth in your mouth. It was subtitles on a screen. And then we see a clip of that, you know. I have your back, fuck up, that fucking piece of shit,
Starting point is 01:00:20 come it's hard, I fucking hit her. I hate her, she's fucked up in she's my top of the yuck. And Lisa goes, what are my feelings? Was when she said, I'm offended because like every time I try to express my feelings, they're quote unquote offensive. Okay, first of all, I would like to have the attention of the court right now. I know that's not an official legal term,
Starting point is 01:00:43 but I'm gonna introduce that into all. First of all, to the best of my understanding, what triggered that tie raid was us sitting at the table, and you would marry a had an argument, and you got upset that I didn't take your side, and you went into a rage. How could I be offended by your feelings? Okay, well, you're entitled to your feelings. I'm entitled To mine the defense Oh wait a minute wait a minute you've been slowly doing Here's what you've been doing tonight slowly human pointing out situations that you feel you have had her back and that's why you've been pointing out those situations my kids reps your honor you aren't the job
Starting point is 01:01:31 shambles. You're not taking an out. May I ask a question very quickly? May I judge Andy? Okay. Yeah. Lisa, when your back was hurting and I took you to the joint car project because I saw it on TV, specifically in real housewives of Potomac, and your back was fixed and I paid for it all. And then you needed to be escorted to your car so I held you gingerly from behind, so you're back when I get hurt again. Did I literally have your back Lisa? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:02:12 She did your mother. And then they show clips of Meredith asking her all of those questions all over again, like to prove that Andy's a brilliant mastermind that he guessed what she was doing. So then she's like, I'm here with you and Mary started when you called Mary, Fag. Lisa Mout and Lisa's mouth. Pfft. This is huge, open mouth.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah, and she goes and she took off on you as well. And both of you were fissious to each other. Heather's like, excuse me, with the court recognized that they bothissious to each other. Heather's like, excuse me, with the court recognized that they both were horrible to each other. Mm-hmm. If you think I'm gonna get in the middle of that vicious, disgusting,
Starting point is 01:02:56 or a pulse of anorebony, that means you're ending you are out of your mind. And Lisa's like, Well, the argument started with Mary because I was the funny Johnny, because she was the talking Johnny. Now, it's, I think this is also important to mention, by the way, like Mary was quote unquote attacking Jenny. Let's not forget the full context, which is that Mary was actually sitting there quietly. And Whitney was like, Mary, do you like Jenny or whatever?
Starting point is 01:03:27 Like they, they like provoked her. And Mary was like, no, I don't. And then Jenny goes, well, you can leave. So like, I don't, I don't think that Mary was attacking Jenny as much as just like, okay, I guess we're in a fight now because they were the ones who fully provoked that moment. Yes. And Andy's like, well, it seems like a huge barrier in your friendship with Lisa's
Starting point is 01:03:50 friendship will jam and Meredith does her big fake tear because Meredith has a monologue where she's like, in comping, hence the molding, expressing my feeling, oh, oh, it was enough to trigger. Well, nothing could trigger that kind of time, right? I've never spoken to anyone like that nonetheless, someone I profess to be sisters, family, friends for dead, here's never. Well, it seems like a huge barrier in your friendship was Lisa. Lisa's friendship with Jan and Meredith goes, well, even starting at the Shabbat dinner I had, huh?
Starting point is 01:04:32 I need another tissue, please. So then Meredith is now like really sobbing. She's really sobbing hard and she's saying how, basically losing her father was really hard and she feels like she says that Lisa heard her really badly because she called Lisa three days before her dad died and said my father's dying and Lisa never called her back. And then Lisa called back two days later. No, I'm sorry, she didn't call back two days later.
Starting point is 01:05:03 Two days after he died, Meredith had to call Lisa to say that he died. And then she invited Lisa to shabot dinner, and then all that Lisa wanted to do was attack me, about making friends, being friends with Jen. And then it cuts to Jen hiding behind that purple plant that she's wearing, just a curved face, like giving a, like a soap opera look. And Meredith is saying, I just needed a moment to grieve and you let me down. And Lisa's like, oh, I'm definitely called mad at the back. And I was there in that moment.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Just two days after he died. And I called you three days before the girl you he was dying. And you just see Whitney, like numbers flying around Whitney's head. Like the train got to San Francisco in four hours. You're right with me, you got it right with me. It's Marys Followers passing by. It's just like a beautiful mind, that there's only like one digit floating around her. It's SpaghettiOs. It's just random letters.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Just squiggles on emojis. Lisa's like, I checked on you! I always check on you! And then Heather of course is like, well Meredith, my dad had passed away and she texted me and said, I hope your dad is feeling better. So are we all allowed to pile on in this very sad situation? Cause I just did. I just did. After we died, it's the day after he had passed, Amber. And Lisa's like, I didn't know Heather, a, this is not about you. Oh my God, be quiet. And second of all, I think that's nice. How is she? You just proved that Lisa calls to check in on people, actually. I mean, one day after he died, how the fuck is she supposed to know?
Starting point is 01:06:52 You know, she probably got your group text muted, you know? So she probably doesn't know. You're not close with her. And she actually texted you to ask you how your father is doing. So thanks for proving her point, weirdo. And so Lisa is like, I was there for you, Meredith. I was 100% there for you. And Andy just goes, sounds like you weren't.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Well, I'm sorry for being a horrible, horrible human being. Love that. Don't love that, actually. Yeah. Lisa, I thank you for text. I mean, I have things going on. Just could I see that text? I just, I won't show sent you a text. I said I have things going on. Could I see that text? I just I won't show you in a moment. If you're like me, speak.
Starting point is 01:07:32 At least it just goes, whoa, whoa, whoa. Well, I sent you a text and I said, if you love my family, please stand up for it. I mean, a man's pain, I'm suffering, Danley. What you decide is right for you. I will always respect it, but I'm asking for a friend. And I've gone through what no one else should ever go through I am hurting. I love you.
Starting point is 01:07:57 I'm an extreme pain. I feel alone. At least it's like, I always prefer to say. I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I it's like I I Know for things you And I Was that feel I was that feel I was that feel I was that for you are five I and Andy's just gets really calm and he's like, but
Starting point is 01:08:20 She's it's not landing with her you see it's not landing at her. You see, it's not landing. And Lisa goes, well, this landing with me. So Meredith. I'm glad that Lisa's saying this landing with herself. So Lisa's like, that's him. I hear what you're saying about your dad. And I'm sorry, I hear it. You know, there's a lot coming at me right now.
Starting point is 01:08:42 There's a lot of things landing on me. Basically, there's many, many planes landing on me right now. My name has actually been changed to Oh, hair because I've got everything landing on me right now. I'm basically a hub for many airlines. Okay, everything's landing. And she's just so caught up, you know, and like kind of freaking out. And Heather's laughing, Whitney just laughs and then smiles at the audience. Like there's a whole audience there that she's like, Yes, audience. That was for you, Palkymi.
Starting point is 01:09:10 So Andy's like, okay, let me jump ahead, Heather, you ready? Is the moment you've been waiting for. In a season of jaw-dropping moments, this was at the top. Okay, so let me read the transcript. Lisa, you say, Meredith can go fuck herself. I'm done with her because I'm not a fucking whore
Starting point is 01:09:28 and I don't cheat on my husband, her and her dumb family that poses. And by the way, yes, I will be reading this whole thing because you can't, because your husband changes jobs every five minutes. That's a lot, I'm back. That's a lot. And Meredith, did you get through the whole thing? No, I was gonna try.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I thought I would just pass off the other half to you because- Girl, I didn't write that shit down. I had had it. I had it. I mean, we all heard it. We all heard it. I don't even have to do it all over.
Starting point is 01:09:57 But just funny, because Andy reads the whole thing and we see like a triple split screen. And he just like reads it all in this like slow and clinical way where you just, it's just like, the, just the words, the, yeah, there's no, you don't have any of the rage behind it, so you're just, are really focused on the words and how hurtful they are.
Starting point is 01:10:19 It's just like, peace of shit, garbage, or wow or wow. Wow. Yeah. And so Lisa's like, that's a lot. Emeritus wants to say something about it, of course. Well, the content is absurd. I mean, you feel that way about me, that's mine.
Starting point is 01:10:39 It's not, it's not the bad thing. Well, none of it's true. But the venom am hatred. Mmm. That that game wasn't me. I had to stop watching. It took me an hour to get through that it may be sick. It made me sick.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I, I'm tempted to say that we're revolting, but I won't I will merely just say utterly Sick and you wouldn't go when Jan your girlfriend was arrested with federal charges and Needed a friend and called you and called you and called you from the deepest pits of jail I was mom jell's a weird room. Whatever Call you and call you from the deepest pits of jail! Uh, what's mom, Jell? It was a weird room, whatever. You said you didn't return her call because she yelled at you when your kids were in the car and they heard the horrible balance for you, Heather. Horrible things they said about you.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Well, how do you think my toddler felt sitting in his little baby seat trying to have some Gerber baby food when he heard all the things you said about me? And how do you think the rest of the world felt when they heard it on worldwide television? I was packing my stuff by myself. It was a blind rage rap, doesn't count. And Andy's like, yeah, you said a lot. Seems like a truth dump, okay. Do you think she's a whore?
Starting point is 01:12:10 Do you think she's fucked up in New York? And do you ever see the other half that I fucked? I mean, how many halves are fucking people on Broadway? I've played the entire city of New York. Actually, he's fucked people on Broadway. You know what, Andy? I'm really glad you asked that. Like, Meredith, do I think you've slept with 4.2 million people? Bravo. You know what? Andi, I'm really glad you asked that like murder
Starting point is 01:12:25 I think you've slept with 4.2 million people. No, 4.1 maybe So Meredith is saying well, I've only slept with as many people as I have fingers So there you go and Whitney's like oh Since I'm a pot stir since the shoe fits where it Stir since the shoe fits where it? What she said that to everybody else to before that before that I did not I did not I'm sure she's there Goldfish mount So then Whitney Whitney is basically trying to cast the next season. She goes, Meredith, you should call Sarah Jane Warner. Oh my gosh. But you know what? I feel like the fact
Starting point is 01:13:17 that they did not bleep out Sarah Jane Warner's name means that we will see her next season. Sarah Jane, we've already seen her. She's one legend. Who, yes, she's one of the blinds. Oh, I think it was on earlier. She's like one show and Jen, her like new one bedroom house or something. Yeah, I think so. And she was the one, she was one of the ones on the show who was accused of being one of the capital six people. She was.
Starting point is 01:13:41 The January six. Now that I read on reddit So I don't I don't have any any links or anything. That's just the rumors about her Well, I feel like the idea of that's true every friend of on the show I can never remember which bucket to which rumor bucket do they belong on one bucket is they were part of the original cast of Salt Lake City before It was recast one bucket is they stormed the capital and one bucket is basically their children hate them. So I can never remember which bucket anyone is in. Yeah. Oh, and by the way, Angie had said that she was going to send her son's response
Starting point is 01:14:17 to stuff, you know, to rumors that were out there, but she never sent them to us. I never got them in the email. Well, she sent them on Instagram, but I think you had read it. And so, you know, they don't stay up there. Yeah, but there was like, right. So I asked her to send us an email. Did she send it to us on Gmail? I don't know. I mean, we've been traveling. This is this is like our pattern. We say inflammatory stuff about Angie. And then she's like, guys, and then she like corrects us. And then we have a very nice about it, you know. But I don't think she ever actually sent it to the email. So Angie, if you're listening, send it to me. I'll read it.
Starting point is 01:14:51 I still want her to be on the show. I don't understand. I feel like there's so much discussion about Angie, why is she not on the show? So anyway, Lisa goes, well, I have never talked about your march and I'm sorry it was caught on video. I like that she's sorry that it was caught on video. I'm not sorry that she was said it although she says sorry later
Starting point is 01:15:08 A million times she does like she never says sorry, right? Like was where my words horrible? Yes, was I at my breaking point? Yes Was I in the privacy of my own room when I could not take anymore? Yes, am I sorry? 1,000 percent? I cannot say I'm sorry, I'm, but, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Now, of course, by the way, Lisa saying that she was alone in the privacy of her own room is probably gonna come under speculation
Starting point is 01:15:34 because when this all happened, there were a lot of like still shots of being like, look, there's a boom inside there, or like there's a producer. There was a person, yeah, there was a guy in there. So that doesn't mean anything to be honest. Like, not to be a total defender of this, you know, when we hear her, they could very easy just play that over footage of her coming out of a door. So that doesn't
Starting point is 01:15:52 mean anything. But yeah, I think it that I mean, you're in product. You're not alone. You know, you're on TV and you've got a producer in the room and you've got your mic. But she's saying I was in such a blind rage. I didn't even realize the mic was something there personally. Yeah, I do. Yeah, you saw like that reflection in the mirror. I think there was a producer and that maybe there was a boom because she had said earlier on Twitter like that was a boom that caught all of that. But then we see her handing her mic off. So your mic was actually there with you when you were saying get all, so your mic was still not. You think the minute it stops being on your body
Starting point is 01:16:27 that it's turned off, like I'm confused. Maradith, I can't say it enough. How sorry I am that the McRib is done for the year. I am so sorry that I missed that, but big picture. Okay, it took a lot to get there for, took a lot to get there for me emotionally too. Okay, it didn a lot to get there for, it took a lot to get there for me emotionally too. Okay, it didn't just happen that night. It was a buildup of things that I felt devastating. And for the last year, I felt rejected by her. And because like you keep saying,
Starting point is 01:16:56 like you're seeking out a fronchup with John, you're seeking out a fronchup with John. So basically Lisa, Lisa say, like, I'm so sorry I said these terrible things, but by the way, you're the one who made me do it. Because you were mad at me being friends with Jen. And she's like, yeah, but Meredith says, yeah, but you attacked me for being friends with Heather and Whitney. And Masyam for hours and hours on end. And Lisa is like, by the way, I think that happened after I think that was a reaction if I remember correctly to happened after I think that was a reaction. If I remember correctly to to merit a thing mad at Lisa for being friends with Jen, right? Well, I'm sure Lisa has never liked that she's trans with Whitney and Heather, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:36 I think it's probably been a thing since the beginning. And Lisa's like, well, I was trying to make you understand like, why is it okay for you to be friends with with Heather and white man but not me with John and why is it okay for Heather and white man to be friends with John but not me like you can be friends with everyone but I have pyramid us. Yeah, I mean she kind of has a point but Meredith is just saying I don't want to be friends with Jen. She never said you couldn't be friends with Jen. She was saying stop trying to make me be friends with Jen So you point it out. Well Meredith had said like well Meredith was it's a little wish you ask you because Meredith was like you can be friends Whatever you want, but just know that if you're friends with Jen I'm not gonna trust you as much anymore
Starting point is 01:18:17 So she was like yeah be friends with her, but just know that it's gonna affect our friendship Right, which is sort of like not quite the same as being like be friends with whoever you want. There was a parameter on it. But then Jen, of course, like hold on a second, here's what part of the problem. You're delivering from apology. This is coming from me. Jen Shaw, and I'm telling you, you gotta be a little softer. Okay, Lisa, you're really fucking us up. God, Jen, Jen somehow coming across as the best one. I mean, she is good. I know.
Starting point is 01:18:48 You know, got a head to her again. She is good. So Lisa is like, you know, bud, I'm sorry. This is a group setting and I have to say in front of everybody, you know, like I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry. It's out there. I'm sorry. It's out there.
Starting point is 01:19:01 And how they're says, are you sorry? Are you sorry? Are you sorry? You got caught. And she goes, I'm not sorry. I got caught. And Heather goes, I believe you said things like that, but every single one of us, which by the way, that's not a bombshell because I'm sure everyone has talked so much to about everyone on this cast because that's what you do. And so Heather, at least like, no, I'm not, I'm not, I have to have not. And she goes, well, I know you've said it about Jen. I know you've said it about me. I know you've said it about me. I know you've said it about Whitney.
Starting point is 01:19:27 And I feel like you think we're going to crucify you for this one moment. I'm like, I wonder why she thinks she's, why she thinks she's gonna get crucified. Is it because she's being actively crucified as we speak? Mm-hmm, yeah. But this is a lot. This is a lot of, you know, it's a, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:44 I mean, I think she's wrong, but also Heather built it up to be this You know and at that dinner when this happened Heather had been going for Lisa to go for Meredith all day all day She literally made her promise At one point like you're gonna you're gonna talk to Meredith tonight right and that all everything we talked about today So Heather's been like pushing this up and then she was cheering Lisa on when Lisa was losing her fucking mind, the whole night. And now she's like, oh, that was just terrible.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And she says it was like a Scooby-Doo episode where the mask is ripped off, but now we can deal with it. But Scooby-Doo, those people, the mask ripped off, the Scooby-Doo gang didn't just hang out with that person. I'm like, you don't need shooting. You don't know, Ronny. They found a new terrible person every week.
Starting point is 01:20:34 So Lisa is like, you know what, I'm not going to engage with this. I'm just gonna go back to my talking points and such. She's like, when I came to your father, I was 100% there for you by not being there for you, okay? And I talked to you about the memorial and I was there for you. I checked in on you all the time, Meredith. I liked a few things on your Instagram, so that shows I was there for you. And so Andy asked Whitney, he's like, what was it like to see the breakdown of this friendship? Did you feel bad about it? Let's go. No.
Starting point is 01:21:15 Whitney's like, yes, because if they truly had this deep of a friendship, like 10 years, just thrown away in a moment, I think we all saw it coming though. But this was a slow, slow build. I put one brick, then have there put another brick, then I put another brick, then Heather put... I got it! I got it! I'm on fire. So... Ow! Lisa started me on fire!
Starting point is 01:21:36 So, Lisa's like, So why did you tell me Heather, that you don't feel like murderous, my friend after a horse was riding? So Heather's is like, so why did you tell me Heather, that you don't feel like, Meredith's my friend after a hotspot's writing. So Heather's saying that, that Heather's saying everything that you were just saying, Ronnie, was about mending their friendship. That's what you do. Oh, right, right, right,
Starting point is 01:21:54 because they showed this clip of them at the horseback writing where Heather's like, you know, I just feel for you because I really have just noticed that Meredith really isn't ever there for you, you know, and I just feel for you at least because I feel for me too! I could use a little bit more! So Heather's like, uh, listen, you know, if I had said that, if I had said like, you know, I was trying to mend, if I had said like, oh, she's like, it's a sucky friend or whatever,
Starting point is 01:22:20 it would have been on TV, like that would be good TV. And Heather's like, you know, I had never felt for Lisa. Like the reason why she was explaining why all of a sudden she was being nice to Lisa. And she's like, I had never felt for Lisa. I had never had any compassion for her. And you know, I honestly, I don't think that Meredith has shown up for Lisa in the same way.
Starting point is 01:22:40 You know, that like for instance, I blindly show up for this one, Genja, who's been horrible to me horrible and Gen's like uh you don't have to keep on saying horrible absolutely horrible to me also funny because at the beginning when Gen was like you don't have to say you don't have to say you know like despite it being controversial to be Gen's friend I mean Heather never says that and Heather's like well I'm her friend, even though she's been horrible to me. But not controversial, just horrible.
Starting point is 01:23:12 But I think where Heather is right, because Heather was totally, you know, pitting them against each other. She has been since the beginning of the season, you know, but she is right when she's like, Lisa, you can't apologize properly. Like you're totally caught, but you cannot defend the shit that is actually on Gamma, Lisa. And Lisa's like, I'm not defending it, I'm explaining it, because I bet I've got great
Starting point is 01:23:35 fat fat tanias, and that one moment, like everyone's got a crush on me, like what do you buy? Do you have any cut by breasts? Do you have any cut by wrist? Fresh blood. Fresh blood. Fresh blood. Okay. I am being myself right now, and that's the problem.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I'm shutting the fuck down because everyone wants to break me. Oh, the time. I'm done with that. Okay, I'm done with that. And Jen's like, you don't have to be this strong person because the favorite thing on all the house I've shows is to break someone and make them cry and then they tell them and whoever's crying they say you don't have to be strong all the time. You don't have to be
Starting point is 01:24:12 strong all the time cry cry that's all they want. It happens in every one of them it's so funny and Lisa goes I do I do that's what you don't understand One of us are perfect someone that's horrible and sleaze she goes I don't think I'm perfect And I'm so sick of people saying that to me. I am so sick of people saying to me how perfect I am how flawless Everything I do is how I just am so wonderful in so many different ways I am almost an image of perfection. I'm so sick of people telling that to me all the time Can I give you some advice? Oh please give me some advice what In these moments stop talking and reach for a fire extinguisher if you're on fire
Starting point is 01:25:03 Your friend is devastated. Just be quiet. No, fuck that. I mean, you guys are literally accusing. And by the way, I think they're accusing her of real stuff. But she has a right to be pissed off. It's like, just be quiet. If Meredith is saying that she never called or checked on her
Starting point is 01:25:21 and she's saying she did, I mean, that's a pretty big thing. I don't think that she did that. I don't think she checked. I think my favorite thing that would be Ronnie is that we make a very like impassioned argument and then we are like, but I don't believe that argument. I just said, because after a whole season of housewives, things change back and forth so much by the end. I really don't know what to think.
Starting point is 01:25:41 I've got like scrambled egg brains. I actually think that Whitney is correct in the situation. I think that like, I think that like maybe Lisa is not a great listener and she doesn't hear things properly or something. And so she like, or she just doesn't remember correctly. Which I think happens like a lot of these housewives, but no one ever wants to fess up that they may have, you know, remembered something incorrectly. And I think Whitney's correct, Lisa, you're not, this is all looking bad for Lisa, regardless of whether she's in the right,
Starting point is 01:26:10 or she's, it's looking bad, and she just needs to be quiet, and just like regroup and let people blow off their scene and feel like they are being heard. And she's not letting people feel like they're being heard right now. And my therapist always says, the most important things,
Starting point is 01:26:24 you gotta make sure people feel like they're being hurt, okay? Yeah. Um, well, I didn't hear any of that. I'm just kidding. So then, um, so then Andy does the typical thing where he's like, where is this red chip going? And Lisa does her, you know, I'm sorry thing. I hope we can repair it and Meredith says well I just saw there was less than four in hours ago and as you say Lisa I am processing I am
Starting point is 01:27:00 Devils I Hate to throw a 10 year friendship out the window. And Lisa's like, I know, I'm sure you're devastated. I could not fathom someone speaking about me that way. And Lisa's like, well, I caused that devastation. And I take full responsibility of it until in about five minutes when I will actually like maybe walk that back and blame it on someone else.
Starting point is 01:27:27 But then Meredith straightens up and she's like, well, my question is if you did it intentionally mind. And Heather's like, yeah, I mean, why did you take your mic off and then throw it at the audio guy? And she goes, well, you know, when I realized it was on and they're like, bullshit, bullshit. But at the same time, why would she purposely leave the mic on if it kind of ruined her by them putting that on TV? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:27:52 Well, unless the plan was that she just wanted to save these things under the guise of like, you know, like this way she could say, I didn't realize I was attacking you or I don't know. So Andy is like, well I know. But at least people will look into the facts like she's a who who stepped with half of New York City Yeah, she wanted to put it out there. So Andy is like what Meredith What did you mean at the finale when you said that you will expose who everyone slept with and she's like well
Starting point is 01:28:21 They know they are and they know what they've done. And maybe I know and maybe I know about this one and this one about that and that about this and that. And I know what you did last summer. So I'm tired of it. So stop attacking me. Stop weaponizing my feathers death against me. And stop making up rumors like I turned Jan into the FBI. I leave me alone. I need to teach my son how to put a square bag in a square hole. Well, basically, you're threatening everyone is what you're doing. And she goes, well,
Starting point is 01:28:56 I mean, I'm just saying I have information and I can use it against you or I can not use it against you. Well, that's a threat. Pretty much, you know, so. Well, there is some kind of rumor that Mary and Jen were seeing the same guy at the some point. Well, like I said earlier, I haven't dated anyone, emphasis on dated, anyone other than my husband for well over two years. I can't speak for Jen, but one thing I can speak for is my son who wishes to say,
Starting point is 01:29:34 good night, Moon, good night, room, good night, bad, good night stars, etc. So she's like, well, you can speak to Jen about her truth. And Jen goes, yeah, that's not true. And so they start talking about how there's crazy rumors. And of course, Lisa, I mean, Lisa really can't help herself. She goes, yeah, there's so many things, like people say things all the time. I mean, look, I heard that Jen hooked up with Meredith in the steakhouse. I mean, it's just crazy, the things you hear.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Nice getting that one out on National Televisa Lisa. I know. And Meredith just shudds and goes, well, there are tons of stuff. And some has more evidence attached joint than others. And then he goes, okay, we're just gonna leave it there. So they're gonna try and take a break, right? But then Lisa comes and sits next to Meredith again. you know, it's they've cut well supposedly and Lisa asks her if they can talk and she's like
Starting point is 01:30:31 I don't think we can talk on these off camera. We're in the middle of a whole things. I'm camera, okay Yeah, and she's like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I just want to come over do you and say I am No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I just want to come over to you and say, I am beyond sorry. I am sorry. I'm not breaking right now because I'm holding things together because I am beyond sorry. And I did not ever mean to hurt you. And I understand that hurting you so much. I hurt you and Seth and and Brooks and those other two people that are, I think, are your children. Well, I'm family of two children, and also you said things about my home family,
Starting point is 01:31:09 not just me Lisa. And she was, yeah, but it's because somebody told me that you were making fun of my renovation at the time. I'm not ready to upset me. I just know where renovation is. She's like, what when are you saying man, you're a renovation. You said I live in a shitty house. She's like
Starting point is 01:31:29 You said I live in a shitty house. Oh, I didn't talk about your house Well, that's what I was told oh so if you have an ugly house you should rip my character to shreds Okay, wonderful. You know, I'm gonna say to that hashtag revolting hashtag insulting hashtag walking away. I remember it brings us to the end of Salt Lake City and you know it's interesting because Miami which we're about to recap the Miami reunion also has a I heard things that you said about my renovation fight. Wait which one was that that? I watched my Emmys a few days ago. So I have, I literally cannot remember
Starting point is 01:32:08 who had that renovation fight. Well, you're gonna just have to listen to watch with that. That's a good teaser. Watch with Crappens recap. That's a great teaser. You better tune into your own recap later to hear all the back. I better tune into the words on about to say it on my mouth.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Everyone, thank you so much for being here. We love you guys. Go get your tickets for Crapin's live coming very soon to Philly. Yeah. Philly. Other places. I don't have a list right in front of me.
Starting point is 01:32:37 The ones next week are Philly, DC, and Pittsburgh. And I don't think many tickets left for DC, but there's still tickets at Philly and Pittsburgh. And then we have plenty more after that, but those are the ones that are most pressing. Yes, and we'll see you guys on Take a seat tonight, Spotify Green Room app, and go get your merch over at Crappens from Arch,
Starting point is 01:32:55 go get you some Trixi Monaco World Tour T-shirts, and we love you guys, we'll talk to you next time. Bye. Bye. Watch what Crappens would talk to you next time. Bye. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice and King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Courtney's amazing, Shadelle.
Starting point is 01:33:15 She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itchels, Danacee, Danadoo. Aaron McNickless, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Havana Gila Weber. Jamie,'t miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no last name-y! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess saying, okay! Kristen the Piston Anderson!
Starting point is 01:33:34 Wee McLeven, Karen McLeven! She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger! She's our queen, Marie Levine! Let's give a kisser Arino, to Lisa Lino! There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you! The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors?
Starting point is 01:33:55 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD! Always the wiser is Allison Weisler! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:34:16 My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. Mina Kutty Kutty Kutty Kutty. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. Sarah Greenwood only uses her power for good. Kristen the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want a hang with Liz Lang.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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