Watch What Crappens - RHOSLC: Stormy Weather

Episode Date: October 21, 2022

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Real Housewives of Salt Lake City is still in Scottsdale. Whitney has a meeting with her half brother and sister that w...e can't quite understand, Bad Weather officially breaks up, and Jen Shah yells through a bullhorn and gets help packing her hair. This week's bonus episode is a breakdown of the new Real Housewives of New York Reboot cast. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, but people don't know how to do. Kids, what happens when there's so much that happens? Well, hello, and welcome to Watch What Happens, the soothing sounds of all that crap we love to talk about on Yeal Braves. I'm Ronnie, that's Ben over there. Happy!
Starting point is 00:01:00 Hi, Ronnie. Those soothing sounds are beautiful. Ben said hi, Ronnie. Those soothing sounds are beautiful, said hi Ronnie those soothing sounds are beautiful But he did not add himself to the video so you guys didn't hear that part but there could you soothe me You overshoot me. Yeah Hi everyone welcome to the show today. It's another crap and so on to mid-demand. It's a crap and so on to me in video The you can catch on Patreon because you know What's the point of doing Heather gay face if you can't dare other gay affairs So thanks for everybody for joining us on video if you want to go to
Starting point is 00:01:35 Sush watch what crap ends. Hey, it's also where you'll get bonus episodes This week is a big preview of something a lot came out of Robocon so we'll be doing that This week is a big preview of something. A lot came out of Rob O'Conn, so we'll be doing that. Also take a seat. It's our live show on Spotify Live. Go over there every Monday night, 7pm Pacific. Okay, and we'll see you over there. Today though, very big day, Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Looks like that weather is over. It looks like it's over, people There's the this is the end of weather. The weather there's no more weather in the world because they're done. Because one part of the weather is on a hilling journey right now. Yes. Because of the abuse that I went through. Yeah, it's a crazy episode of Salt Lake City. Should we just get right into it? Is there anything that you wanted to discuss first? I'm going to open the Topo Chico to celebrate this. I think you should. I think you should to celebrate Mexican Dynasties, which is no longer with us. Wasn't the lady from there? You've got me all excited, what? No, sorry. Tupacic wasn't the soda dynasty widow of Tupacico from that show.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Either way, I think so, or I could be spreading misinformation. Wonderful, delicious misinformation. Yeah, this episode of Salt Lake City was crazy. I mean, Whitney really, really is reaching at BravoCon. Heather said at a panel that Whitney is the one who reaches the most and this episode I think is the full proof of that. The fact that this friendship is going to be thrown out the window because Heather is not co-signing, salacious gossip that she that she didn't over here at a jazz game. I mean this is
Starting point is 00:03:27 This is next level And Whitney just blatantly lied and said that Meredith told her that Lisa was sleeping with people to was it the sleeping people Sleeping with people for jazz tickets when Meredith didn't't say that, she said she and her Lisa was doing favors to get Rita to Campbell and her after. When you heard that rumor from Angie Harrington at the jazz game, she said Angie told them, and Heather said last week, Heather said she didn't hear Angie say that, and then when he was like,
Starting point is 00:04:01 you did hear it, but then Heather was like, no, because I was sitting with Angie and you were two rows back So there's a lot of No, because then we were going we were all walking together to take shots by the jazz and then that's when she said it She's like I still didn't hear it like what are you gonna do and then Angie and by the way, I believe it I don't believe that Heather heard it necessarily, but I believe Angie said it 100 I believe Angie said it. Yeah, I think he's like Angie is like we'll see Angie more this season, you know, but I remember Angie
Starting point is 00:04:33 Angie's gonna come in here and just throw shit at the wall and I can't wait yeah, but Angie probably said it and then on Twitter Said wow Whitney Thanks for being such a good friend. I feel very betrayed or something. Why would you say that? And Whitney just wrote back, because you lied. Whitney. Whitney does a sing now where she tries to make an angry face,
Starting point is 00:04:57 but only her nose kind of scrunches and then twitches a little. And then she just keeps her mouth open and her whole black shoe. Her mouth is a good point. Yeah. You lied. Sweetie, you died.
Starting point is 00:05:09 You lied. And then Whitney's response, and she responded something. And Whitney said, and this is not the week to come after me. I guess because she was putting her, you know, possible memories of, you know, bad things happened or whatever on there. And I'm like, okay, but you can't say stuff about people on national TV and then say they can't come after you one week.
Starting point is 00:05:31 You know, it's just, you can't do that. I mean, this is kind of like a marriage ending rumor. It's a rumor that that could, you know, affect the kids and everything and then be like, don't come after me. I'm also confused, this is genuine confusion, this is snarky confusion. I need like some clarity on the Whitney storyline. Is Whitney in therapy right now, or like going through this treatment
Starting point is 00:05:59 where she's recovering suppressed memories, or is this her brother is, and her brother is telling her, and then she's reacting to that. Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme Supreme this work with a professional, if he's saying this stuff, and then she is now being like, I'm starting to remember, or this feels big, like, right, or whatever, it feels like this
Starting point is 00:06:31 should be happening with maybe someone who is trained to handle big heavy emotions that are coming out or whatever. So it feels this whole thing going on with what he feels a little. It's not a little journey and he's on a healing journey. But it's a lot of healing different places and her healing journey has not come up with this yet from what the show is told us only what the because I went back and watched to kind of because I was the same as he was like what? So I went back and watch that scene and she was saying her brother had the memory that she was abused. I don't know that she has had it yet or if
Starting point is 00:07:06 it sparked a memory, I'm not really sure what it is. It feels really gross and icky to even talk about it and to be detecting it. Yeah, it feels wonderful. It's a question, because that's what we've been given. What can I say? But either way, obviously, best to you and everything, but the way that they're setting this up is, is they're making it sound like their dad did this, right? Because, who else do they have in common?
Starting point is 00:07:33 Well, I mean, it's, you talk Mormon, so probably a lot of people, but it sounds like they're saying, my dad had them, then he'd left their family, then came to our family, and I hadn't seen them. So it sounds like their connection would just be their dad. So it sounds like she's doing that, or she's saying that about her dad. So that's a pretty big thing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And if it's not your dad, everyone thinks it's your dad. So there needs to start being some kind of clarity soon. If you're gonna make this your main storyline, because otherwise, like he said, it's a little like reckless. And maybe she's trying to not be reckless by not naming names, but then it makes people, and I'm sure people in their real lives name names more, you know.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I just think it's reckless for her emotionally. That's what I'm saying that I don't, and it also feels, to me, it feels strange that she is using this a lot to say, like everything that she seems to be reacting to in this episode, she keeps on going back to, I am finding out that I was abused. I've been abused. This is coming from abuse. And, Maria, the only, I don't, my thing that I am, not questioning, the thing that is concerning me is that she's saying this stuff,
Starting point is 00:08:50 but I want her to be in treatment also. Like, it's like her brother's going to do something and now it's sparking something and now she's using that spark to explain a lot of actions that she is partaking in which may all be well and fine but I also want her to like channel this. It feels like she's not channeling it in the proper way. Yeah whatever's going on TV for you. Yeah. It's like what are you doing? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Why is this on TV? What are you doing to yourself? You know, it's like, well, it's reality TV. And then they come back later and they're like, look what we gave you. It's like, well, okay, I don't really understand. Which is why I'm not on it. Okay. So anyway, so that we start with this fight from last week, they're all dressed in lingerie
Starting point is 00:09:43 for the garbage whore party They're on this little table in what it those Circular walls, you know behind them with the Venetian blinds and Whitney's like and she told us and you were there and Heather's like I did not hear and fuck you for calling me a liar I did not hear and fuck you for calling me a liar! And she's screaming and standing up now, the Whitney stands up and she's like, Thank you, Cogme a liar. But you did lie. We all heard you, I so that liar was just descriptive.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I was like, fuck you! Fuck me, I love to be fucked. So that is like tonight is supposed to be Hot Girls in lingerie, knowing a way that hunks of me. And then we need to decide it to unload all of these rumors about Lisa giving blowies for basketball seats. And now she's dragged me into it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 And I'm a liar in lingerie without a stake to be found. And then it cuts to the stakes on the grill. And it says in memoriam, Arizona's stake 2022 to 2022, which I'm glad they did that because we had one listener who said, was anyone concerned about the fact that they went out there to make stakes and never, never pulled the stakes back, never ate the stakes, the stakes just out there in the grill. It was like, we got a little bit of resolution about what happened to those stakes. They died. So Jen has, I mean, Heather has walked off all past and her walk off. Basically every
Starting point is 00:11:07 time she walks off, she just walks up to the mirror and starts like looking at her makeup and stuff. That's what she's doing now. So Jen follows her and she's like, oh my God, is everything okay? And Heather's like, you know, I mean, she's out there lying about Lisa giving blow jobs for jazz tickets. So the cameras get that again. I just want to make sure we all understand. Blow jobs, Lisa Barlow for tickets. Okay. And she doesn't even know what she's saying.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And then we go back to Whitney crying, Nash. She's like, where Heather didn't know what I was going through because all I do is sit there and listen to her shed. And she never even ah, asked me, ah, how I was doing and this goes straight to my abuse like everyone uses me for what they want. Everyone abuses me, why can't even spread a rumor about blow jobs or jazz tickets without being abused. So then,
Starting point is 00:12:06 intermingent jump you're making there with me. This is where I'm like, you're putting a lot on something that you've heard about from your brother. Not questioning the abuse. I'm just saying, like, I, before she starts, like, focus it. Like, I'm not saying that. I'm just saying, like, you can't, you can't call Heather in abuse.
Starting point is 00:12:25 You know what I mean? It's like, it's like, you're drawing somebody else to abusing a child is really. She's making psychological inferences and she's, she's like saying, oh, well, this all traces back to the abuse I went through, but I'm like, but I want her to be before you start making these dots in a way, like, I want her to go into therapy. But if she's in therapy, then great. I'm just saying, it was just reading really. Well, she's doing some slash counts. So she's like, I'm just saying, if you're mad at somebody, you can't say, this is like my abusers. Like, that's not cool.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And this is not the time to connect to like your horrific childhood. So Whitney is like, I'm starting to realize because of the abuse I suffered as a kid, I never learned to stand up for myself or set boundaries. And now I am able to hold a boundary. Other people struggle with it because they're seeing me show weapon in a way that they weren't expecting. Okay. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm glad you're learning that. Yes. That's not what people are reacting to you. People are reacting to you, accusing them of shit, and then calling them a liar. Okay. That's what they're reacting to. Yeah, you can't accuse your friend who is married of trading blow jobs for the jazz. And then when you ask another friend, print a cosine, and't they said i can't cosine that you can't say this is a this is just like all the abusers of the childhood and like this is like you know you know since you've been abused just taking advantage of the person that you are that's a stretch so you're like you're going through a lot of stuff with me
Starting point is 00:14:03 a lot of stuff it's almost like someone said something horrible about your top. And with me is like, I'm just done eating every one shit. And still you don't realize you left the stakes out on the ground. I know. You don't have to eat shit. There's stakes.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's a beautiful thick that you guys heavily heavily coated in garlic and and herbs and left on the grill. Come on. They're full of flavor So Heather's like I have this like I will not own that shit that never happened I will not do that and then when he does more. I'm really hurt by Heather She's the person who knows me the best who I'm closest to, who I expect to be there in my darkest hour. I'm starting to realize that maybe Heather doesn't give a shit about me. So then Heather is just like, I will not own shit. I didn't do. She just stops like looks in the mirror and calmly like does her eyebrows. And Whitney is mass-slamming tongues on the table
Starting point is 00:15:05 to make a point. And she's like, I am done being a done. Right, you have a hat of a mafia. What a con. Did you still money from people? A fun. Wait, your baby dearer now? I'm going around.
Starting point is 00:15:22 A porn. God, finally, you got that. Yeah. One of those ducks that's really pretty that swims have a ballet about them. Got it. Someone that's used you know a pond store he used thing. Another pond. Oh good. I would never want to watch real unfortunate women. So Heather is like, I have never fought with Whitney like this ever. We've had big disagreements, but she's never looked at me and called me a liar. Ever. That's a pretty big accusation about a stupid thing. And so Heather and Jen returned to the table and Heather's like do not call
Starting point is 00:16:05 me a fucking liar. She says you called me a liar for her since she just no I didn't. I never called you a liar. She says you were there Heather. Which you know, lusts that point. So just start screaming that again. So Heather now stands up and yells right back at her and she goes you are too drunk right now to be cognizant of what's happening Okay, better be real and if you need more validity find more facts when he goes the fact is Angie let's call Angie because Angie told you and I Think it's oh, I don't care who Lisa fuck. I don't care who Meredith fuck. I don't care who you fuck who Jen's fuck I don't care. I want to come together to support our friend who is facing, I'm sorry, Jen. 50 years, the rest of her life.
Starting point is 00:16:51 All she will know are bars. When she goes to Omar's graduation, she will go no further than the bars in front of her face. I'm sorry, Jen. Is this too real for you? I don't care who any once fuck. We're supposed to come together and support our friend who has fucked tons of helpless and now bankrupt elderly people.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And then the horror music is like, and she's like, I'm sorry, 50 years in prison. And guess what this has become about? Is it about Jen becoming old and dying in prison? No, is it about Jen probably having to go on hunger strike and kill herself in prison because she's never going to see her children again? No, is it about Jen having to wear orange her least favorite color for possibly the rest of her life? No, Jen's like, so she has the purpose of this trip is to help her. OK, so get focused the purpose of this trip is to is it's to help her okay?
Starting point is 00:17:47 So get focused and realize what this trip is I like to get focused everyone. Let's get focused Okay, it's time to celebrate Jen so when he goes no you can't focus because you were fucking loaded that night Heather and I'm a fawn I Like that Whitney's defense was that Heather was wasted the night that you heard the rumor, but then she's saying like, I can't feel like you're lying. You should remember that rubbers. Like you just said she was wasted. And you're wasted right now, but we're supposed to take you seriously.
Starting point is 00:18:19 So Whitney's like, well, and she said it. And then Whitney comes up pointing her finger in Heather's face like they're gonna go at it. And then Heather grabs her arm and flings it over her and pushes under her so she can pass. And I'm interested to see the reactions to this, you know, like housewives of islands. Tom Tom Tom, Heather, and she pushed.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah, totally team Heather. Heather pushed Whitney aside. Like she was walking through a curtain to get to a back room or something. It was like, it was just so easy and so swift. It was like, yeah. It was like, just go into a fortune teller's place. She was like a mad lady of an instant shop.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I know. Or she was like opening up a dressing room. You know, it was just so fast and effortless. And then, Heather, yeah, she turns back and she says, you just lost me for fucking ever. You lost me forever. And that was the biggest mistake of your life. And she says, he did not lose me forever, Heather.
Starting point is 00:19:19 She goes, no, you lost me forever. Heather, this isn't, I haven't found anything. And if I found it, I would give it back to you. No. How do I lose you? You're right here. Sure. Yeah, I didn't lose you. No, it was an emotional loss of a friendship.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Oh, it's so frustrating. So Heather's like bitch, bitch, she's telling us, don't come for me, bitch. Like for the first time ever, I'm forging a relationship with Lisa. And the last thing I want to do is just like, lie, like, why would I do that? And then she stops and she looks at herself
Starting point is 00:19:59 and the mirror and starts crimping. You can't, I just love her getting so in rage and then completely dropping it to be like, my mascara, yeah mascara still looks good. It still looks good. So then I thought Lisa was asleep at this point, but she's still kind of like walking around in her pajamas and Jen's walking with her. And again, Jen is in full, kind of like lingerie, leathery stuff, and Lisa's in her pajamas
Starting point is 00:20:20 and Jen's like, I know I'm making really comfortable right now with this like my boobs out and everything. And he's like, no, you're not. I mean, your boobs are like my feet because they're at eye level, but like otherwise it's fine. It's totally fine. So they pass Heather in the hall. And Lisa's like, thank you. They're being my friend. And I appreciate the progress we've made. And where we are. That's what I appreciate. It's where we are. And she's like, you don't have to thank me for being your friend. I mean, I want to be your friend. I'll show up as your friend.
Starting point is 00:20:49 And I'm telling you, as a friend, I've never had a single person tell me about your extra marital affairs or your marriage. And she's like, thank you. Thank you. Jen's like, okay, so let's make it about me. I'm flying to New York tomorrow on a ride. I'm flying. And he's like, that's why we don't have to talk
Starting point is 00:21:07 about this anymore. And there's like, yeah, she's leaving to New York to prepare for the trial of her goddamn life. Like, what's beyond us? Sorry, Jen, you're probably gonna lose it. I mean, you'll be in jail. You'll be in the big house. You'll be with serial murders.
Starting point is 00:21:20 You're never gonna see your family again. I mean, let's be honest. Let's be honest. Sorry, Jen. I mean, soon she's never gonna be able to go to a dinner party where she's not afraid of being shanked by a toothbrush that was filed down. You know what I mean, Jen, where are you crying?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Jen. Heh. So at least think, let me just say, okay, I need to call John. So they kind of just all retire to their rooms for a moment moment at least. So then it's Jen Meredith and Heather. So Jen's like, I have brought a professional in and her name. Next to the stage, she gets a fucking bullhorn. I can't just throw her in prison already.
Starting point is 00:21:59 It's a bullhorn again. Get rid of her. Put her in jail. Crystal Pussy. And so her assistant or her hair person or whatever named, I mean, you know that they found this girl and you talk as her name is jacolly. Jacolies felt like Jake lie. Don't hire people who have lie in their name. Okay. I know. I told Erica that years ago with Laya and look what I know. I know. I know. This is jick jickly. Also, Crystal Pussy, now look, I'm not
Starting point is 00:22:32 straight. So I don't know what straight men look for when they want to play with pussy, but I kind of feel like Crystal Pussy, I imagine something delicate that can break into lots of sharp shards. So anyway, or would hurt like try sticking your penis in that or your vagina on it. No one is like, you know what I need? Something crystal to rub against a vagina. I know. Okay. You might as well do it.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Why crystal? Like that's cheap. You can get that in an incense store. Why are we talking about incense stores today? Get some time. Get a diamond to see if you're going to rub with an inner. You might as well call it like gravel coot or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Like, hi, I'm gravel coot. Safety pin, you know, busy. Safety pin busy. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Okay. Anyway, we have what we have some we have some issues with the branding going on with Jekyllie. Yeah, this is a fun episode, isn't it? We get to talk about abuse issues and things that hurt the joinists. They were really weighing in. Doesn't everyone love it when podcasters weigh in on things that they don't really know about like that? Right.
Starting point is 00:23:42 So then they're trying to laugh and have fun, but you're basically watching someone's minimum wage employee, you know, pop a rass on the ground on all fours. They're they're like, whoa, and others like, yeah, this feels wrong. I mean, does anyone else like a Sarah human resources here? Yeah, and it's actually kind of funny because we did the trailer breakdown for the show and we definitely thought jiggly was Heather and apparently a lot of other people did I already saw memes going around and being like that moment when you when you realize that this wasn't Heather from the trailer because we all were like wow Heather whoa. Heather wishes I mean
Starting point is 00:24:20 this girl could really she's a twerk instructor which is hilarious that there is even such a thing but yeah she can twerk those butt cheeks were like, yes, they were like golf clapping. It's like, girl, you can do that to like the beat of something. So, um, sounds like someone's got a job on Captain Sandy's next boat, huh? Twerk eggs. So then, um, Jen is in her little like tiny orville red and bocker hat in her interview room. And she's like, in the shop squad, you could have wear a lot of hats. My makeup artist is also crispy pussy. She's also twerking instructor. And the marathon is like, huh, I don't think I was built to twerr. Command is definitely not my wheelhouse. I will not be making a rant this month and I'm okay with it.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I would say more of what happened in that scene but it's all gen yelling into a bullhorn and I won't do that to any of you or myself, okay? It's time for commercial. It's time for celebrity beef. You never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the hosts of Wonder e's new podcast, Dis and Tell.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the buildup, why it happened, and the repercussions. What deserves session with these feuds say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
Starting point is 00:26:17 Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or Wonder app. So then the next morning Heather wakes up in a bed that she spilled milk tuts in which is been there girl then recently very very recently. Yeah a lot of milk does and then she's walking around and she finds there's like scraps of paper on her floor so she picks them all up and then she actually arranges them. It was like some like treasure hunt and they come together and they, it's a piece of paper that says,
Starting point is 00:26:55 Heather, no words needed here, bad weather, no matter what, exo exo Whitney. And so yeah, Whitney came into a room and ripped up the card sheet given here. So Heather is outside with Meredith now and joking about how they're dressed. You know Heather's like well I guess I've come to see the emperor now. I mean what is that a fur hat? There that's wearing like a blazer and full living foxes over her shoulders. in full living foxes over her shoulders. To have breakfast.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Why is it raining and the dancer? I don't understand it. It's outrageous. It's out, out, sized. And it's, I'm not even coming up with a thread. I'm just saying all that. So then Heather tells her about waking up to a physical representation of my relationship with Whitney and Meredith.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Like, what's dramatic? Yeah, Meredith's just saying, I'm not really sure what that means, but it's got to be more pleasing to look at than you're bringing through. A physical representation of the relationship with Whitney was that just like a knocked over? Slurpy? I don't really get it. Non-hours earlier, we see Whitney just get out of bed and stare at the camera all her hair is all over the place and she's way stitched. Oh yeah, Heather!
Starting point is 00:28:21 And she gets up and she like drunkenly marches to Heather's room and rips up the note and stare straight in the camera and throws it on the floor Yeah, I like that Whitney when she has her strident moments. They're very much out of like a g-rated Like a spy kids movie because she goes I know how I can get her back and she like marches and it does it Feels very Disney Channel, you know This will make her mad. And Heather's like, yeah, she left that for me to find. Like, I didn't see it last night. I woke up in a pile of milk dots.
Starting point is 00:28:55 That's how my night went. And she asked me how we used to punish Bruxy when he said the Alphorn. We were surrounded with milk dots and man's what he would do next. If he was afraid of the carbs, then we knew we had a beautiful child who's sexual orientation is not a prince the same. So, Jensy is Whitney and she's like, how are you doing this morning, Whitney? And Whitney goes, how I fell shakes her head. Well, you think you can have a talk with Heather today? Because I'm just, I feel incredibly betraying.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So outside married, that's just telling Heather, okay, she's going through a lot of emotional stuff. And Heather's like, yeah, but I love her. Like I would never betray her. What's she talking about? I would never speak ill of her. And so then Whitney is telling Jen that she's gonna see her brother today.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And they're the only ones who understand what she's going through. And she's gonna see her half brother and half sister Curtis and Kelly. Done, done, done. Which is not a morning show, by the way, it sort of sounds like a morning show on like the local Arizona affiliate.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Hey, it's your, hey, it's good morning Arizona with Curtis and Kelly. But it's not. It is like a morning show because when we do see them, Kelly looks like it's a morning show on the 700 Club, you know, the really religious channel. She's got like big, big hair, but kind of rocker in the back. And she's got these big old eyelashes glued on.
Starting point is 00:30:31 She's like, mm-hmm. Every the whole time she looks like she's about to cry on one eye's twitching. She's like, mm-hmm. Clutch in the heart. Clutch in the heart. She definitely looks like she's got to throw it away. She definitely looks like she's about to throw it away, cooking demo. Like, okay, well, here's Curtis with Samantha Parks who has a new cookbook out called appetizers for Jesus. Okay, Curtis.
Starting point is 00:30:51 We're just waiting for one hand to go up in the air. Looks way back and forth like. Mm-hmm. Speak on it. Speak on it. Like a drop he smithed for laughs. So, um, yeah. So, uh, Whitney is saying how she's gonna go see them. And Jen is like, you know, I mean, this is just like a reprieve for a couple of days. And it's like, don't know. And it's like, it's back to reality.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Okay. And I have to get back and immerse in trial preparations. And I just wanted a few days to pretend this wasn't happening. It gives me anxiety because I know what the consequences are. And I know what this means for me and my family. Okay, girls, come on, one last work, one last work, girls. Okay. One last work.
Starting point is 00:31:33 So I'm, I'm, what happened? I'm trying to get the fan on, but I'm not still not understanding. No, it's okay, you can't work. You can't work. Switches work. How these switches? Jen can't pack herself to you guys. She just doesn't have time. So they all have to go help her. Do that. And then Whitney goes to leave to see her half brother and sister. And she's
Starting point is 00:31:57 talking about how she's just trying to connect the dots. Right. So she leaves. And so then we get this Curtis and Kelly show, the Curtis and Kelly show. When he's like, your house is amazing. I wish I was staying at this house. And there's like lots of hugs. Curtis sort of looks like Johnny bananas from the challenge just a little bit. It's like Johnny Banana's and 700 Club hostess are having their morning show. Yeah, he has like kind, he has kind of like motorcycle guy look. He's like a real tight shirt. He's real buff. And then Kelly's like the 700 Club host, you know, she's like, hi, welcome over sister. We are so excited to see what's going on. Hi, but the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba,
Starting point is 00:32:51 That's so funny. I was banging some tongs last night. No, tongs, not tongs. God, we do have to pray a little extra hard for you, don't we? So then she tells us their story. Whitney's like, well, we share the same father and we have different mothers. And I wasn't really close to them
Starting point is 00:33:09 because my dad divorced their mom and then he married my mom. And then he just like focused on our family and totally ditched their family. So like I saw maybe like a handful of times. I'm so grateful they're willing to show up now. Yeah. And Kelly goes, well, I remember when you were born, I got a call saying, you have a little sister and her name is Whitney. And I was like, who is this? You know, you know what I'm saying? You can call me right now. Oh, sorry. I thought you're
Starting point is 00:33:41 going to continue. I thought you were going to say something. So I stopped. I'm trying to, I'm trying to read a Whitney scene and I'm like really with social, well, that's perfect. I never understand what you're saying. I never understand what's coming. So she says, yeah, Justin and I talk about that a lot. I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:33:59 She says, yeah, like you have an older sister that you haven't even met. And Curtis is like, you never met Justin. He's cool. He's cool guy. Yeah, you've ever seen that shot from Whitney's last season with Justin covered in chocolate syrup.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Pretty good, you should check that out, Kelly. So Whitney's like, well, I'm on this massive, filling journey and I just have this huge, gaping wound that I need to close. I feel like you both are the same link to that, and I hate that we didn't have a connection growing up and killing us. Oh, we connected. We connected. We connected. Who taught you how to glue eyelashes onto your eyes? Heavy enough to carry a turtle across the sea? That was me Lord. That was me. We all throw an hand
Starting point is 00:34:52 So criticism's like well, I've always felt like we're a lot alike I mean when I went to Utah before I went on a mission. I spent some time with you there You probably don't remember that but I do and she's like you did You probably don't remember that, but I do. And she's like, you did? And he's like, yeah, you don't remember, huh? She goes, no, I feel things. Like when you say stuff, so I knew you were around because I feel it.
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah. And I talk to Will a lot about different memories I have and do this process. I realized I was being manipulated and used and abused. And I just realized even though our situations are different, the feelings are the same. And so this is where she says that their traumas are all different, but they have this feeling of being let down by this person that we all know and should have been able to trust.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So this is where she's kind of throwing it to their dad, at least some, and I like it. So Curtis is like, well, I think for me, I'm real glad you came over here because I really needed to say this to somebody ever since I came up with at all by myself, but wait for it, it rhymes to make it easier. Okay, it's gonna be easy on your ears.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Heart people, heart people. She's like, whoa, it's like, yeah. So someone's hurting me automatically think you must be hurting. She's like, wow. Her people, skirt people. No, her people, heart people. Her people, her people. No, that doesn't make sense to sense. That doesn't even make sense to sense. Her people, square people. No, that is not even make sense sense. That's not even make sense
Starting point is 00:36:25 is sense. Heard people, square people. No, hurt people, hurt people. Wow, that rhymes. And I got another one for you with there's two sides of the coin and we get to choose which side of the coin to look at. Well, I use Venmo. to look at Whoa, I use Venmo Not well not a literal coin wait hold on If I drop a coin on the ground it says heads, but if I go to the basement look up at it does it become tails? well
Starting point is 00:36:56 We'd have them glass floor for that Well, you have a glass floor So the expression is there's two sides of the coin and if it lands on a glass floor. So the expression is, there's two sides of the coin. And if it lands on the glass floor, you can look on either side if there's a downstairs part. And then Kelly is over there like, this is never gonna make sense to you, never. So you just need to realize that you're free,
Starting point is 00:37:19 you're successful. I mean, I'm assuming I don't really know you, but you're successful, it's not your wound. You can't heal a wound. That's not your wound. And she's like, wow. And basically, thank you for the gift of attitudes, right? Thank you for telling me the truth, because I was worried that abuse would never make sense. Well, actually, I was talking about a Toaster opens in your case. I know they will never make sense to you, but that too. So basically, they give her all this kind of self-helpy advice. And I know this scene is serious, right? And we're laughing about it. So sorry, I guess, but it's also a scene that nothing is really said. And she still,
Starting point is 00:37:59 she leaves there with as much information as she came there with. She still doesn't know anything. I'm so confused by this whole thing. I'm really confused. Yeah, I guess this is where I get a little uneasy because it feels in a weird way. Like they're navigating something very deep and very heavy and very serious through kind of like simple, like almost like meme therapy or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I just kind of want them to talk to professionals, you know? And you don't know these people, you know? Like what are you talking about? And is he the one? Is he the one having therapy and telling her things? Or is it her brother will who's having thing with therapy? Yeah, I'm confused.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And I'm totally willing to have, like I would love it if it's like, oh, it turns out been all these things that you were concerned about. No, she is going to therapy. She's doing all these things. That'd be wonderful. But I'm just, from what we're seeing, I'm kind of like, I'm just confused about how this is all being handled. It feels like it's just, I don't know. I don't know. Then we go to breakfast with Lisa and Heather and Lisa is like, so Jen's leaving soon, you know, I think that Jen had fun, like she had fun, right? And Heather's like, well, it wasn't fun.
Starting point is 00:39:10 There was nothing fun about that. Some meritites are now. And Lisa says that she's awkward, but I still don't know what merit it's royal wise. But after talking to John and having some Doritos and kickats, I realized this needs to be not John. Not John, but John. Not John, but John. John. John. So I'm going to put all this pettibus B.S. aside for a bit. I'm going to be cool. Branch about that. And then it's still raining. And so Heather is saying, oh my God, the heavens are crying because Jen is leaving for 50 to 300 years we will never see son again and actually Jenna won't see son again either because she may not have a window in herself which you will be living in for again 50 to 100 years. And she's like oh my god you guys I'm like a full on anxiety attack and like I have to flood in New York and I'm going by myself
Starting point is 00:40:05 I think we're going to do another block trial and this is like the first time I'm gonna be hearing our side of it Because like we did a trial last week about the prosecution side and I mean I walked out twice I like slammed the nowhere. I was like, you know, no you are and then one of my assistants I could took something out of the courtroom got in trouble for that and I was like you didn't even mean to You didn't even mean to. You didn't even mean to. Yeah, when I asked my lawyer, I was like, okay, can you show me how to twerk? And she's like, I'm a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:40:32 And I was like, yeah, but you gotta wear a lot of hats. So show me how to twerk. And she wouldn't do it. And I was like, I'm leaving. Okay, so I walked right out and I felt someone who would twerk for me, okay? Uh, she's like, uh, Jamie Leake came in and she didn't even say not guilty.
Starting point is 00:40:46 She just said, I was like, where are you when you're found to court? She's using that poor girl to do every job in her life. Yeah. And she's like, you know what, Trini told me she said, don't get Botox. Like, because when I cry, my face doesn't move apparently. Can you believe that? I can't get Botox. This was, this was, that's a big deal. That someone actually told a real housewife that? I can't get Botox. This was, that's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:41:06 That's someone actually told a real housewife that they can no longer get Botox. If they wanna have freedom in their life, but that is, that's, we've never seen that happen before. I know, I hope we get a follow up in like five years. They're like, whoa, what would happen is going to prison to chat with Jen Shaw. And she's just like, she's like a shankam head.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Where she just gets off, they're like, well, I didn't have to go to jail, but had what cause. I have wrinkles. So they talk about how it's so hard for her boys and all of that stuff, which you know, I feel bad for the boys, but not at all for Joe. So like, I don't care. And then, you know, that big car is getting a lot of use today. It comes back to take her. I noticed that. I actually noticed that. They had like footage of the escalade driving up and when he gets at like two seconds later, the escalade comes back and they'll get in. And I was like, wow, it's a lot of escalated pulling up footage today in a short amount of time. So Whitney comes back during this time to say by two and they all decide to help
Starting point is 00:42:15 Jen pack. I guess this is this one they're packing. So yeah, they're packing out. It's air everywhere, right? It's practice for a few months from now. Yeah. So picking Jen's hair up off the floor. Yeah. Well, Jen, we know we won't be able to, you're only gonna have one big pack left after this. So we want to get an all our packing experiences before then. So then she's like, these four women believe it,
Starting point is 00:42:40 they love me and support me. And that's what's important to me. So she leaves good riddance. And then Meredith and Lisa, everyone's crying, right? And then Meredith and Lisa just hug, and they just hug for a really long time. And Heather and Whitney are both watching them,
Starting point is 00:42:57 but they walk up to watch it to where the camera's right between their shoulders, looking over at this long friendship hug. Well, when everything, Jan, Janifrashah has going on, it gives perspective on letting things go and nothing is bigger than what she has going on with this group, except for the fact that Beruksy finally put the square in the square hole. Congratulations to my toddler. So now it's my time and they're going to dinner everybody's gathering in the foyer and Lisa comes in and just like fancy casual
Starting point is 00:43:34 outfit. She has, oh Heather says, hold yourselves up to let's go. So they go to Dirk's Bentley's whiskey row. And which is a supper for Flavor Town. So they, this poor show, I mean, this show just can't fucking win, man. It's never gonna get any kind of respect. Even the real shockingly, the real housewives of Dallas managed to go to like two Michelin star restaurants when they went to Denmark. And this show is like, you're at Whiskey Roe. Scott's the only Arizona Triar Jack and Jack
Starting point is 00:44:17 Daniels chicken pappers. I won't Jeff. Everything is whiskey fried. So Heather's like, okay, what should we toast to guys? And Miranda's got, well, I think they everybody should just pick one worm that's leaning full of them. And so they just look at each other. So Lisa's like, you know what? I love that. Okay, I'll start love that.
Starting point is 00:44:47 I've that just to keep what? I love that. Okay, I'll start. Love. That. Love that. Just to keep it one word. Love that. I would have said dark oak, but that's truly two words. And so then Marath goes. Spee-me-ah. Marath goes, pings. And Heather goes, friendship. And when he goes, honesty. But like she says it in a damning way. Yes, it is it with this face. Honesty, honesty. I don't like honesty. I like to co-star, but then I also want to mention that this is so sad.
Starting point is 00:45:16 They're like the only ones at this at this risky row. And these like two, twenty one year old waitresses come by with like bottle service. And I don't know. someone set off confetti behind them. It was like, yeah, whiskey row party time. And so there's just these four ladies in an empty restaurant with like confetti flittering down. And like, not just a lovin' piece. I was like, it's so sad.
Starting point is 00:45:41 And they bring them a giant bottle of 1942 for shots. And Whitney's like, uh, Heather and I are still not spoken. We're still not good. And just because Heather wants to sweep this under the rug doesn't mean we're good. What happened last night is not over. Oh, we're going there. And I know that I'm not lying. And I know that she hurt me deeply. She police had lying, by the way. It was a full hard K on that line, because I know that too.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. So then they order food, they ordered a hummus. I don't know why it was so funny to me that they ordered a hummus. I don't know why it was so fun, funny to me that they ordered a hummus at Whiskey Row. Like Ronnie, did your, did your, your Lebanese heart like sort of twitch a little bit? Yeah, it's like, can we get some whiskey fried chicken poppers, beef fried beef steak and hummus?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Some of that jerks Bentley hummus. It's a guitar that's been ground up with the heen. So, um, so then Whitney is like, look, photos of me on the set of Curtis and Kelly in the morning. Look everyone. So she's showing photos in Marathas like wow and you guys are Definitely a little late and I mean wow. Oh, by the way Do you guys all know I lived in Scottsdale for a year a little off brand? I know but it's time to try out my Scottsdale story is everyone ready for it It went and he's like you told me your sister had brought a kindness and she's like Yeah, my father used to develop community. It's in the sun about sending so we would spend time here to dry out
Starting point is 00:47:31 her lungs and then he and there was a place called pinnacle pee and I always made my dad wear a tie because I would cut off your die because I was the wild west and he would always do it. Funny thing, he ended up losing his job because he came to a meeting without a tie with. It's just out of my memory, I never really liked dogs that get a little fat. And they said, one happened to your time.
Starting point is 00:47:58 He said, I lost it at pinnacle peak and they said, isn't pinnacle peak the same thing? Why are you saying it twice? He said, no, well, then afterwards I went bottom-nader and he said, this isn't a pinnacle peak, the same thing. Why are you saying that twice? He said, no, well, then afterwards I went to bottom-native, and he said, what's that? He said, well, that's why I lost the other part of my time. And long story short, that was the end of the Sun Belt community development process for my dad.
Starting point is 00:48:18 But I got down. So Heather's like, you know, and you remember that, and there were like a million times you went to dinner. You know, you have to hold those memories because you've really never know what's gonna hit. Like last night, was Whitney gonna hit me? Okay, you know what, I'm gonna go pee. We'll talk about this.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So she goes off to the bathroom and Whitney's mad because Heather, I personally felt like that was not a passive aggressive comment. I thought it was like a normal life. Wow. You never know what's gonna imprint, you know Yeah, and so but Whitney is like I can't believe she would say that like her Ler face is like I just said that I couldn't remember it my childhood, right? Like I just shared that So when he's like well, I'm glad you're having happy memories I'm glad you're having happy memories
Starting point is 00:49:09 Mirrored. I did like all right what mean you've been trying to hint for 20 minutes I can't have one more dirt Bentley's jalapeno popper until I ask you how do you feel about things? How are you and she's like well really really Really, really, her. You guys need to talk, but I suggest you wait until after the dorks Bentley Peking duck or what, and she'll really want to dig into that. When it shocked me, because I needed her in the moment, because I was doing something hard for me, speaking the truth, and for her not to back me up.
Starting point is 00:49:49 In fact, call me a liar. That trusted me. That crushed me. Because she's the one person I never thought would do to me. Because she knows. I'm like, oh my god somebody just finish the sentence. I can't with her. But also like Whitney saying I was doing something that was very hard for me. You were announcing to the world at least a Barlow gave blow jobs for Jazz Take a don't act like you are equating this to the the the terrible things that you're also going through. I think that that's what she is doing because before that she had had her like
Starting point is 00:50:28 You know revelation about the abuse and then she went into the gossip part So I think she's saying Heather should have been supporting her because she did something that was really hard by Bringing up the abuse thing and instead Heather called her a liar for the abuse and varlos stuff and you can't put those two things together. Well, I kind of feel like Whitney is trying to say that right now in her life, she is finally speaking up about things because she's realized that she endured something terrible and never spoke up and now she's speaking. And this was an example of her speaking up in a way that makes her look bad
Starting point is 00:51:07 and instead of supporting her, Heather pushed back. But the thing is this though, is that Whitney has been speaking up about things for the past two seasons on this. Yeah. And that had nothing to do with her having an epiphany about abuse. So it's not questioning the abuse.
Starting point is 00:51:24 It's questioning the motivations about speaking up about stuff because it feels like it's disconnected from the horrible stuff that she's digging up out of her past. So it just all feels like such a hilarious stretch. Like only this show would try to make a rumor about below jobs and Utah Jazz tickets into like an emotional moment of growth. So Heather Richards to the table she's like what I miss and um don't don't don't so when we come back Whitney's like I was just talking about last night, like how? And then Heather starts punching her straw in her drink.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Like she's like really, really, really. Really? My dear, expectantly, right, Jolop hasn't even arrived yet, Whitney. My horoscope whiskey is not even sipped yet. So she's like, well, I was in a very difficult situation, and I needed you for there for me, and then you weren't there for me,
Starting point is 00:52:30 and in fact hurt me very deeply and called me a liar and told me I'm too drunk to remember it. When I know that you know what I was talking about, when I know you heard it, and you're my girl, and then when I needed you, you're not my girl. As Heather goes, I'm unclear what was the tough moment that you needed me on to corroborate a story that you heard.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And by the way, let's not overlook the underlying message of this moment, which is that Whitney is asking for sympathy and support while she's actively's actually trying to destroy Lisa Barlow. But Lisa Barlow is oddly enough in a position where she has to console Whitney because the way that Whitney delivered the rumor about Lisa Barlow didn't go away with what's supposed to. So this is actually how Kevlisa totally goes with it with it so then Heather's like but I didn't know I just
Starting point is 00:53:28 Heather be honest and will you and I have had many conversations about Lisa just absolutely not about blow jobs for court side seats yeah we have no I didn't we never had a conversation about Lisa Barlow go guzzling sperm for a couple of for a couple of folding chairs on the ground. Uh-huh. We have
Starting point is 00:53:53 never talked about the bucockies that Lisa Barlow supposedly had with him entire team of people just to get good seats. And Heather goes, guess what? If someone says something horrible to me and I choose to recuse that and not remember it and not put it into my bank and not pull it out to hurt someone, that's my fucking choice. Just as it was, my choice to order some whiskey, fried, crab, rangoon from Jerspendly's buffet extravaganza.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Okay, that's my choice. But I needed you. And she's like, you did not need me. It's a lie. You did not need me. She's, but I did. She's, why? To say, yeah, I heard that Lisa, you know, like, ate a comp popsicle to sip quartz
Starting point is 00:54:43 sign. What are you talking? And Lisa's like, please stop saying that. Because it's really, really bad. Okay, I'm so sorry. I won't talk about you, you know, your jizz for jazz, you know, hashtag or whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Jizz for jazz. So then, I then I cut some merit at doing that thing where she's sort of like gasped and looks down to us So I had there goes, okay, you didn't need me that is a false idea in your head It was supposed to be a trip for Jen Why are you coming in screaming and crying about Lisa's rumors when their real drama is our good friend It's facing 50 years and an all- all women's prison where she'll be forced to have pillow fights and get naked and get a takeout switch blades and fight other naked women.
Starting point is 00:55:32 That's what happens in women's prisons, I believe. I mean, you want to talk about someone having to trade sex for decent accommodations. Talk to Jen. That's what this weekend's about. Talk to Jen, that's what this weekend's about. Now Whitney is like, now you're using Jen as a escaping goat to win what's going on. Here's these things going on. And she's like, Jen, it's not a scapegoat. You arrange a trip and you wanted to work through all your personal issues
Starting point is 00:55:58 and your friendship with Lisa. You made it all about you. You know, you said it was about Jen and then it's about you. And she's like, no, I didn't. And she goes, oh, the first night was about you. You know, you said it was about Jen and then it's about you. And she's like, no, I didn't. And she goes, oh, the first night was about you. And we're crying about your childhood abuse. That was about you. That wasn't about Jen. I didn't expect that turn.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah. I just, that was the first dinner. That was all about you, not about Jen. And then when he tells us, this is a huge, huge Blow that she isn't supporting me as her friend and supporting me as I'm going through something hard like it It hurts Cut and Lisa's like please stop saying huge and blow and hard None of this is true and Whitney's like get out of my interview None of this is true and Whitney's like get out of my interview Inhertz so how there's like yeah, it was a fun night and we're gonna die on the cross about what I've heard about Lisa and
Starting point is 00:56:54 Meredith says well, I think You need to explain because what resonated to me and Whitney is this isn't about Just me you were anti-situation. Whether someone put you in an assituation or mine, those are your feelings and you need to explain that to have. And then it goes boom, like that made any fucking sense. I know. Heather, what you need to realize is where my pain is coming from is because the one person that was saved to me, you, that is where my pain is coming from is because the one person that was saved to me, you, that
Starting point is 00:57:27 is where my pain is abuse, being taken care of, not having a voice, poor timing, poor delivery because I have something to say, but no one fucking listens to me and I needed you in that moment to that the little that Valada and then Heather says, well, you hurt me too. You came into my room and you ripped shit up, you ripped shit up, knocked shit over. How was that a true seeker? I did not knock stuff over. I just ripped up your card because you hurt me. Well, also, I threw a box of moctites on your head. It's like, well, thank you for that because that was actually sweet. But, you know, the rest of it hurts. And like, how are you supposed to be a true sick girl? You hurt me and we're even. And Whitney's like, well, I'm cleansing a lot of family out
Starting point is 00:58:23 of my life right now anyway. Just the way Lisa Balo is cleansing a lot of gizz out of her here. Okay. Well, why don't you own up to stirring a lot of drama on a trip that was supposed to be about supporting our friend facing real problems and real issues, true secrets. That's not a real thing. And not rumors that she says is not not rumors that she says are not true about her. And Lisa's like, I think at this point, Heather has completely aware that how insensitive she's being to Whitney.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Whitney's going through a lot. Whitney is accusing you. Yeah. Lisa's defending Whitney and Whitney is the one who's like here are the rumors. You gave blow jobs first to a guy for court side seats, then to a guy to get free hot dogs, then to a hot dog to get a bun. It's crazy what you'll do in that arena. So Lisa's like, you know what, Heather, that sensitivity job, but that bad guy. And so Whitney goes, you pushed me into a wall and cold me a liar. And how there's like you are up a river with no paddle. Stop it. Actually, that's rude because
Starting point is 00:59:34 I went up a, I was on a river once as a child. So you're bringing up that, that's rude. I'm healing from rivers. You're not going to put this on me. Every time I talk about feelings, you say, don't talk about feelings. And she goes, you only talk about feelings. You're in charge of the dialos. We get to have, I mean, what if we just want to have a fucking dinner? My haracha is melted. Can someone bring me another horchata? Could I have another whiskey baked?
Starting point is 01:00:05 Schnitzel, thank you. So Whitney is like, okay, we can do that. So then when he says, this conversation isn't going anywhere. And what I'm processing personally is more important than worrying about Heather and I. It's too much for me to talk about right now, even though it's all I've been talking about right now, even though it's all I've been talking about right now. And I always love on this show especially when they're like guys, because Meredith is like, gang, we're lonely. How can we have a moment when out drama? Have you ever had five full minutes?
Starting point is 01:00:36 Do you guys even have anything to talk about if you're not fighting on this show? I don't think so. It's very rare that we see it. So they agree. And then the waitress who obviously doesn't watch the show just brings them a whole bottle of 1942. And they're like, that's definitely not you, it's not. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Ah. And then they're like, okay, we'll have fun now. So then now they go back to the house. And they slice into some cheesecake all the golden girls and Meredith is like hey everyone. I've got gift bags checking out That's say I love half of New York And at least it's like oh my god, I love this. I love this pajamas wonderful love it so I love this, I love this. Pajamas, wonderful, love that.
Starting point is 01:01:25 So Lisa's talk, they're all talking about how Jen was so much fun, even though she's probably going to prison. And then they start talking about the case and Heather's like, well, what's a good outcome? Like, would that be like a quiddle on the first day? Like what even is a good outcome for that? And Meredith is like, well, not the first thing. That's very ambitious. Yeah. Oh, by the way, I misspoke. These have to not say I love half New York. These hats actually had
Starting point is 01:01:58 like an F and then a bubble B and then an I and then it was basically like class of concentration. And when he was trying to figure it out and she's like, F in B I, huh? F in B. It's a B in your eye. Oh, it's a B in your eye. I get it. Ding dong. It's Whitney.
Starting point is 01:02:23 So, um, it was like, well, based on what we're seeing in the news about all the co-defendants pleading, like it makes me terrified. And Lisa's like, I terrified, I'm terrified. And she says, well, yeah, sometimes, but she compartmentalizes, you know. And so, Lisa's like, is it a bad thing when you're the last person to testify?
Starting point is 01:02:43 And Meredith's like, well, yeah, on a a trial because you can always make a plan to own what the problem is when you're talking to the government I'm asking for a deal. You may want to know what you're giving them in return and usually it's information about bingo fish. No one's interested in porking classes and cute little hands, so the Whitney camera understands. So they want to go fishing. How big do they like a grouper? Is that a big size fish for them? And Heather goes, is Jen the big fish? And she says, I don't know, I'm not, I'm down.
Starting point is 01:03:21 So I start talking about stewart and a steward can testify and they say that he actually pled to an extra charge because he already had 70 and Meredith is saying this, of course, and Lisa is like, wait, how do you know all this? And she's like, um, because I rub them. I rub it, it's on the news. And I'm like, oh my God, Jesus, that's hard. It's like Beverly Hills and nobody could read the article in the paper. Seriously, and Heather's like, well, if he's pled guilty knowing he could serve 30 years, I mean, what change is? And Meredith is like, wow, I'll just take me a guilty leader.
Starting point is 01:04:00 They're not going to give you, they're going gonna give you less time because of the ownership of what you did on like Lisa Barlow, not taking ownership of the rant of disgusting one, she said in like closet, she took a plea deal, well that plea would probably sound like slurping at a jazz game. But wait a minute, Stuart taking the plea, that could be good for Chen because that means that he's gonna be admitting guilt and
Starting point is 01:04:33 Everyone just looks at her a merit in the psych Long odds are he's definitely not on her sign But he went to court and she's going to court. So that means they're both going to be in court. And that's where you play tennis. Wait, is Lisa Bada going to be at the trial now? Because she got tickets court side. But then Heather's like, yeah, he's going to against her and could you imagine if she's sitting there and he has to take the witness down? I mean, could you imagine him pleading to things that she's not guilty of? And Meredith is like, well, I can't imagine what she's taking this whole thing to trial and it doesn't have a drug defense.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Showing she's got a good, I mean, what idiot wouldn't go this far with no defense or anything And the conviction rate of a Southern District of New York is extremely high It is 98% which is alarming and concerned Just like her fashion is not good And Meredith is just like mind fucked everybody because she has so much information and nobody understands the things she just said basically. So she's innocent. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And so Lisa is like, I'm going to bad, but I think John had fun. She's probably going to lose this case. It's not a district of New York, but I think she had fun tonight. That was fun. Yeah. Yeah, I think it meant a lot to her. The important thing is, work at people. And that's the ending of the episode.
Starting point is 01:06:13 So bizarre. I cannot believe that this is the feud. It's crazy, but that's like so. Salt Lake City, you know? Really, she's way to mix dark and light guys. Yeah. Alright everybody, well thank you so much for being with us today. Sorry this was in two parts video people, but you know what?
Starting point is 01:06:32 Computers crap and computers crap. We will talk to you tomorrow with a little Vinta house and... Yeah, bye everyone. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh.
Starting point is 01:06:51 She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchles. Aaron McNickles. She don't miss no trickle-ists. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Christian the Piston Anderson.
Starting point is 01:07:09 You're never alone with Lacey Montellan. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Better do what she says is Elva Enriquez. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. We will we will Joanna Rockland you my favorite murder Karen McMurdo. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:07:53 She's a good hobby. It's Lauren Hobgad. We want to hang with Liz Lang the incredible edible Matthew sisters Nancy Ceasen to Sisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. Shate no shrinking violet koo-tar.
Starting point is 01:08:15 We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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