Watch What Crappens - RHOSLC: Zion Lyin'

Episode Date: January 25, 2022

The madness continues on The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City as Jen and Meredith continue to quarrel at their house in Zion. But nothing prepares us for Meredith's early morning explosion a...t breakfast.For those of you who can't make the 2022 Golden Crappies Awards in-person this year, experience it live digitally from the comfort of your own home at, this episode is a Crappens on Demand episode, which means you can watch us here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music,
Starting point is 00:00:18 or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is watch what crap is who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is What happens What What Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me as usual is the wonderful and hilarious and talented and Gorgeous Ronnie Carram Hi Ron My apologies you're hearing an echo that's my fault there there should be no more echo say it again
Starting point is 00:01:16 Say hello oh god I removed your echo 10 years in we are still making the mistakes so So you guys hi, hi Ronnie, how you doing today? I'm good. Thanks. How are you doing? Just getting ready to travel the brown and packing and spray painting the crappies. I've gold fingers have been biting my nails with gold. So I hope I didn't poison myself. I'm just getting stuff writing. I'm so excited to travel around. I know it's happening this week. It all starts this week on Thursday. Thursday night is the golden crappies. It's our 10 year anniversary. We got a lot planned. As Ronnie just said, he spray painted
Starting point is 00:01:55 some some actual golden crappie trophies that we're gonna be giving out. And it's gonna be an amazing time. You can actually still get some tickets for Town Hall in New York City. If you can't join us in person, then Moment House has got you covered. We're doing a digital experience, a worldwide digital experience. So it doesn't matter where you are in the world.
Starting point is 00:02:15 You can actually watch. So whatever you're doing on Thursday night, cancel it and grab a seat by whatever monitor you're using. And watch us, it truly is gonna be an amazing time. We have lots of special guests and surprises lined up. We're really excited for all of that. And then just two days later, we're going to New Jersey. And in New Jersey, we are going to be doing
Starting point is 00:02:38 the Posh Fashion Show. The episode is actually Country Clubed from season two, although Ronnie, we're gonna go, we're gonna do a little bit before Country Club 2, right, for continuity, right? Isn't it gonna, we're gonna sort of start up actually the episode before a little bit? Yes, well yes, because I mean, it's crazy. I haven't watched Country Clubed in years. I didn't remember half the shit that went down this season or how crazy Dan Yell is,
Starting point is 00:03:03 Antareso, really. I mean, no old animals as they would say on that show and so yeah I mean if we just started right with episode 10 it just starts with screaming and yelling and you know chases so we have to kind of give some and plus I've been all of Jersey season one and season two up to that point this weekend so you know I've got a lot of fresh thoughts So basically the first half of the show is just listening to me rant and rave about Danielle Okay, that's basically it and Ashley and Jacqueline
Starting point is 00:03:33 Ashley so anyway the point is this Go to season two check out the last bit of episode eight and then watch all of episode nine That is what we're recovering and then okay So then in Boston our plan was to cover the real house wise of Orange County But Orange County it actually is not on this week So be the reason why it's not on is because Vanderpump rules is doing a two-part reunion Part one is gonna be having normal time But part two is when Orange County normally is so we're gonna do part two of Vanderpump rules in Boston
Starting point is 00:04:03 Which will actually be really fun because Vanderpump rules has some of our favorite imperson going to do part two of Vanampump rules in Boston, which will actually be really fun because Vanampump rules Has some of our favorite impersonations to do and so we always have fun with it And I think we've actually done it in Boston before also so it's like a it's a good a good place for that so If you're listening at home and wondering where is that recap it will be coming up on Sunday So that's all the news about our our shows this week a lot of cool stuff and then next week is Atlanta Nashville and Orlando so go to watch to get tickets. For moment house, I didn't even say if you want to see us virtually, go to
Starting point is 00:04:34 slash WC to watch us digitally. And if you want to watch us right now, guess what? This is crappens on demand. And I'm broadcasting from my childhood home again. Ronnie, do you see that air conditioner behind me? I do, RIP air conditioner. They better get that shit fixed by the next time you come in summer
Starting point is 00:04:50 because that's not gonna be cute. No, the air conditioner is actually alive and well, but it's covered in a garbage bag right now. It looks like it's in an air conditioner body bag. It's like Laura Palmer, the Laura Palmer of air conditioners. But it was, every time I always complain about how cold and drafty it is in here.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And so we taped up a garbage bag over the Eric conditioner and guess what, it fixed it. So, wow, that's funny. Oh, parents house. I know. Also, tonight is Take a Seat, which is our show on Spotify Greenroom. So just get the green room out for that. We love doing that show. We talk to you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:24 You talk to us. you talk to each other. We talk about current Bravo stuff. We don't do straight up recaps. This week, it's a juicy, okay? I mean, Bravo, all the controversy coming out on Bravo the past year or two has been insane. You know, it's not really fun talking about racism and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's not like, hey, come join our comedy show. But man, some shit has gone down with this show. So like, city, Jenny from Salt Lake City, a bunch of Facebook posts came out last week. They were unearthed. I mean, I don't know how you unearthed Facebook posts. They're sitting right fucking there, people. But somebody posted a bunch of her,
Starting point is 00:06:00 I think someone from Reddit actually, so thanks a shawl. Someone posted a bunch of her, you know, anti-blogs. Anti-blogs basically racist ass posts. And so Bravo has been going, really not, Bravo has not been doing anything, but the Bravo community has just been going nuts over it, understandably. And so we're going to talk about that. We'll go over the post tonight. We'll all let you get your feelings out.
Starting point is 00:06:26 We'll get ours out. Yeah, it'll be a good event session for all of us. But by the way, I mean, but suffice to say, like fuck Jenny. Yeah, fuck Jenny. But just open this by saying fuck Jenny. Okay, fuck Jenny. And there's also like a Lisa Rina black fishing moment that was happening over, I mean, it's just,
Starting point is 00:06:47 what's going on? What's happening? What's there in HR Bravo? What's going on? Okay, that's my question. Is there an HR, does HR have a computer? Well, you got into all of that. Yeah, it's a whole lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Which by the way, we kind of were warned about by Jenny's niece, like at the top of the season. Her niece said, like, by the way we kind of were warned about by Jenny's niece like at the top of the season her niece said like by the way My aunt is terrible and we're like oh Whatever and then well you should have listened always listen to the niece So anyway today we are talking about Salt Lake City and okay, so let's putting the Jenny stuff aside Which we'll talk about tonight. Well, my God Salt Lake City. Oh, my every single week. I mean, it was just like, it's just been so, so off the rails.
Starting point is 00:07:30 I mean, this is, this is arguably this might wind up being a top five season of all time for the real housewives. Yeah, it's absolutely nuts. And reading people's react, because of course, the first thing I did was go to Twitter after this shit and just sat there for two and a half hours scrolling through and reading all the tweets and stuff about this show and people's divided opinions are so nuts. I mean, it really shows how spoiled we are as as Bravo lovers when you can read comments like this is so boring. I'm so bored. You know, like I'm so bored of the fight and it's not the majority obviously. It's just, you know, there's gonna be good bad tweets
Starting point is 00:08:08 about everything and everyone. But when I come across those, I'm like, who are you, what kind are you from? And what did they entertain you with there? Because this is stellar. Yeah, I like don't understand how this episode could be boring. I mean, every episode is just one is crazier than the next. I mean, the first half of the season was like very entertaining,
Starting point is 00:08:29 but it was sort of like going normally. But once Jen got arrested, well, the wheels have just come off this thing in such a good way. It is just, I'm like, I'm at that point of the season. You know, it's a good season when you get to like episode 17 or so, which is where we're at. And when they, they, they, they're about to show what's going to happen next week. And you start to brace and you say to yourself episode 17 or so, which is where we're at. And when they, they, they, they're about to show what's gonna happen next week. And you start to brace and you say to yourself, oh my god, please don't say next week as a season finale.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You have that moment. You're like, please just say next week on the Real House, as a Salt Lake City, not on the season finale of the Salt Real House, as a Salt Lake City. Yeah, that's gonna be a rough time. Well, and then the coming next week's. You know what, we're even gonna do a little recap of the coming next week's, but we're gonna do that at the live show in Boston, okay? Because Boston is Salt Lake City night.
Starting point is 00:09:13 So we've gotta talk about Salt Lake City, but we can't talk about the episode before airs. So we're gonna talk a little bit about the next episode at Boston as well with Vanderpump rule. So just wait for that, because that's gonna be, I mean, even the coming next weeks are amazing. They're amazing.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I've rewound them. And then Lisa Barlow was on Watch What Happens Live, which by the way, all week, she's been like, Oh, just wait, we're gonna address the Jenny, the Jenny rumors, we're gonna address them on Watch What Happens Live. I love that, baby, watch us. And so everybody turns on Watch What Happens Live to see them that baby gorgeous. And so everybody turns on what's what happens live
Starting point is 00:09:46 to see them really address this. And they don't. It's just like a fun like. But the race is, she, her friend is a racist and you know, he's got a nice face. It's, but you know, all she said was, I don't condone that. I don't love that.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Okay, next question. It's like you guys can't set people up for this big like confrontation. Let's confront the issues. And then that's all you give us. I mean, yeah. Yeah. By the way, also whoever leaked this, next time if you're going to leak something like this, do it before the reunion. Okay, thanks. Thanks. No kidding. Like, come on now. Like just timing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's timing. But I have to say this did seem like perfect timing because certain things that were said during the show really just added to the whole journey experience, which we'll get to as they happen. So we're in a villa in Cyan, which isn't really a villa. I mean, it's just like a huge house in Cyan. And we're in the middle of a Jen screenfest, you know, this whole season has been like a murder show when the murderer gets caught and then
Starting point is 00:10:53 they start sobbing and talking about what a fucking victim they are, but it happens every episode with Jen. And it's so funny watching Jen try to adjust with, like, adjust to people buying or not buying her manipulations, like a fucking toddler sobbing, and then when that doesn't work, she changes to victim. And then when that doesn't work, she changes to yelling. And then when that doesn't work,
Starting point is 00:11:14 she changes to just being, I mean, it's nuts. Like, the change is just like flash, and she's totally different. And then when all that doesn't work, she just blames it on Jenny. That's her new go-to-thing. Wow, did you hear there was an explosion in a warehouse? Jenny was the one who told me about warehouse in the first place. It's like, what? So we're in the middle of a crazy fight, by the way,
Starting point is 00:11:39 because Meredith and Jen are screaming at each other from last episode. Jen has just basically gotten into Meredith's face We're like that double finger like like like it's like two fingers coming to land at JFK and she's like If I find out that you would anything to with me going to jail I'm gonna oh wait coffee delivery. Oh, thanks dad. Thank you. It's not a coffee. It's a package delivery I love that right writing the middle of my Gen John model. I'm like, if you had anything to do with it, oh hi dad, hi, how are you? So yeah, Jen is and they're at dinner during the backyard or the front yard. I get
Starting point is 00:12:15 the driveway having dinner and Meredith is sitting down and Jen does that thing where she comes right over her which is you, you know, to like body blocker or whatever, screaming in her face, putting her fingers in her face. And Meredith goes, get. I don't mind if she needs to, right now, yeah. And so Jen does go back to her chair.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And Meredith, you know, they're screaming about who's more aggressive. And Meredith is like, I didn't get out of my chair, did I? And Jen's like, oh, but you can scream at me, but you're finger in my face, and it gives me a bit. She didn't scream at you or put her finger in your face, okay? Literally none of those things. None of those things.
Starting point is 00:12:52 You're not so. You're not so in your butt so, okay? So basically Meredith is like, by jam, but I will disengage, sweetie. You traumatized us for two years and right. So she gets up with her blanket and goes the door. I was like, right. And then she's doing this thing where she's so above it, so she starts, like she just starts cackling in the back.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She does. The Meredith cackels were coming out tonight. The Meredith accents. Meredith had 20 accents tonight too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Some people had accents. Yeah. Yeah. So she's like, I know, sing, you're in the jam. You've commented on his terrorized and not been finnkined for almost three years. Goodbye. But Meredith does that thing where she walks off,
Starting point is 00:13:35 opens the door and closes it, but then opens it more to listen. Like she doesn't really walk off. And so Jen is yelling at her. Oh, yeah, well, you, you, you, you have to live. Yeah, you're a 10 lives. You have fake life. Like what is she, so she's better than a cat?
Starting point is 00:14:28 Like you know how like there's some people that you know that when they get wasted, their makeup just disappears and their hair just gets messy. And I'm like, you were just sitting here at the table. Like you weren't like dancing or anything. Where did all, how did this all happen? But somehow like the drunk and it's just changes. They're like visual state.
Starting point is 00:14:42 That's pretty much Whitney. And she's like, we'll just sitting there. And then Meredith is just at the door laughing. She's like, oh there's a blue clock. I mean, it's so weird. Yeah, it's just the door pops open and Meredith's head comes out. She's like, it's moon, it's moon.
Starting point is 00:14:59 It's moon. It's, oh god, I would love a Meredith Marks to boot clock. So then Jen's like, you can't play with the marriage cuz I really Just like yes, okay, I'll pull up the text. Okay. I'll pull up on the shit really jam How could you pull up the text if you didn't send the text? Jen is my question But it's her instinct even like it's her the text? Jen, it's my question.
Starting point is 00:15:25 But Jen does think even though it's her instinctive, it's her instinctive yes, yes, and it's like, I'm going to store. It's the arguments you are argument. Yes, yeah, I'm going to store. No, I'm going to the store. I said, okay. So now Jen's, you are argument comes on,
Starting point is 00:15:41 and then the clown music comes. Yes. But it's not the regular clown music. It's like, you know know I love when they whip out some Peter and the wolf and this time they're giving us the oboe which I don't know what animal was the oboe but it's hilarious it's like boom boom boom boom boom
Starting point is 00:15:57 boom boom boom boom and Heather goes you know this whole trip started with the van ride from hell, which Mary and Meredith conveniently missed once again, which led to the double dinner table of hers, which then we get a flashback of Meredith saying, I'm not revolting like you. And then Heather goes, which then led to a beautiful display of storming outs and storming
Starting point is 00:16:21 backs. So now Meredith is at another part of the door. You know, now she's like hanging like a mistletoe from the door. She's like, Dan, all I have is the link me alone, and you can't even do math. So, I'm not nothing to you, Meredith! I'm not like, what?
Starting point is 00:16:40 I was like, you want me to talk, but honey, I'm trying to be calm. I mean, you just came, you, but honey, I'm trying to be calm. I mean, just came up going. Because I'm hurt. Why would you bring up all this stuff? Why would you say a private investigator on this? And Maritath. And then Maritath completely calm now, Gus. I'm telling the truth, Jam.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm like, don't, don't, don't. And then, Jendels. She was like, it goes, because she does like a head swivel But Jen doesn't really know what to do. She doesn't know how to sort of like you are that I'm telling the truth So then Meredith is like I said that an investigator told me with 90% certainty that he thought it was you He also said with 90% certainty that we'd have high humidity tomorrow There I said it. I hired Alroker to look into you. Fine. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:17:28 And right when I was thinking, please give me a hand flex. She went, that was it. That was it. She says, I didn't see you, dinner. I said, I don't know if you, dinner, but percentile says you, dinner. I mean, if it were the family few, my family water one points on that one. Yeah, 100 people. One of the top five traumas that Jan Shaw has committed against my family
Starting point is 00:17:57 and 90 of those people. And the trauma was you sending text messages for their win So now Jen is beat again, right? She has nothing. She's just yelled at this person for no reason and gotten in her face, right? So does she say I'm sorry ever reacted? Nope. She just turns her anger to Jenny and starts screaming at Jenny She's like hey, what hey, you know what you're the one you told me about this? You brought it up. You did this. You did this to me. That's why I brought it up to Meredith because you told me what are you doing? And then Jenny's like I brought it up because I brought it up in veil because because it was brought up in veil I never said you did anything. So Jenny's like no, I was merely gossiping. I wasn't saying I wasn't saying that this happened. I mean, I I don't think that Jenny is really the one to blame in this situation, but I do.
Starting point is 00:18:52 You do. Jenny for everything right now. I mean, traffic's bad. Yes, but I'm just saying in this situation, you know, it's just funny because I think that Jen sees where the power is in the show and she's like, fuck Well, this view doesn't work me out. So let me just like pile on Jenny so I can repair my situation with Meredith because there's no future for Jenny on this show I actually, you know the general fuck you to Jenny aside I actually disagree with you. This is totally her. She does go Taddle Tail to people and then she acts like Why am I in trouble? Well because you Taddle Tail to people and then she acts like, why am I in trouble?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Well, because you Taddle Tail. But Jen is still, you know, it's like Brooke says later, like, who cares? Jen is still the one who allegedly did all of this. Like, Jen is making it so everybody else is screaming at each other so they're not concentrating on her crimes. She's making it everyone else's crimes. Yeah, Jeny said that, but she didn't do it maliciously, and Meredith did say that she hired a private investigator against you, and she should have, and you fucking deserved all of it. So what are you screaming about? You don't get to scream and cry.
Starting point is 00:19:53 You're not in the position to scream or cry, ma'am. Yeah, so Jenny has this whole spiel about like, did Meredith put a spell on Jenner or something? I mean, she earned the whole private investigator shit on me. It's like I did something, and what kind of spell did she put on because I want that spell out. Change my mindset about Mary. Okay, well, Jenny, I have to say her,
Starting point is 00:20:13 you know, her interview work has just always been terrible. And just now it feels even more annoying. It's like, oh man, you do terrible interviews and your racist. God. So then, It's like, oh man, you do terrible interviews and your racist God. So then Jen is like, oh, she brought it up to me and that's why I brought it up to you. Now that she's like, so basically Jen is deflecting it. She's basically, she's kind of backpedaling with Meredith because now she's going to try to repair things with Meredith and make Jenny the outcast. Right. And Meredith's like,
Starting point is 00:20:41 Jen, please, stop yelling. And then Jen does. And then Meredith points at her now. She's like, Jam, please, how? Yowing. And then Jen does. And then Meredith points at her now. She's like, I can't be kind to you. And you have note been kind to me. It's my one accent word that you're gonna get. She did that, I mean. She did that a few times. I was like, where did that Canadian accent
Starting point is 00:21:03 come from? No, it's, gonna do that. Comments, here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown-Oller, we will be your resident
Starting point is 00:21:35 not-so-expert-expert. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk
Starting point is 00:21:57 about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon music or Wondery app And so Jen is like no, I do have no oh really you're just yelling at me and you said very Massey things you think I didn't hear But she says that in an English accent she's so weird because you're yelling at me and you said some pretty nasty things. Did you think I didn't care? Then why didn't you come on the bus?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Why do you consistently make me feel like this? I talked to Brooks. I talked to you in Seth. What else did I do? And we get a horn bleep, which is another funny orchestral thing they do this episode. They just keep going and she's crying yelling you know about you didn't come on the bus so what was I supposed to think what else did I do and Meredith's like Chan Chan there's a lot more and I'd kind of have some of us so long. There's a lot more, and I'm kind enough of a soul
Starting point is 00:23:06 to bring in a lot, because it's not gonna end well. And Whitney's like, you know what? She tells us. I think I know what Meredith is talking about. Meredith thinks Chan hooked up with a man that Meredith was seeing when she was seterated from SEP. Um, can we start over just that one line? man that Meredith was seeing when she was sathorated from step. Can we start over just that one line? I almost had it.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So then, so then we see like a rewind like one month earlier, and Whitney, we see Whitney unveil saying, I heard that she actually was the one who had a relationship with the guy she gas-lighted you with. She says that to Meredith. Right. Why was that cut? I like that they're just holding it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 They're like, we'll need this later in the season. The gen of rest is going to get boring. We're going to need to move on to the Gen-Shaw Marital Affair. Extra Marital Affair. In this clip, Whitney is saying, so apparently Jen last year was accusing Meredith of having an affair, but now Whitney is saying that she's hearing that Jen was the one actually stripping that guy and just using it against Meredith was weird. So Meredith said in that clip, I do know that she has done some rrrr question-able things to take a turn up on every single one of my
Starting point is 00:24:28 yeah so then Whitney is like but of course I don't get a clear answer because Manif is the queen of skimming over a question she doesn't want to answer yeah yeah because none of it's your fucking business Whitney little troublemaker you started all of this. Yeah, okay? And nobody owes you answers to your questions, okay? And so Whitney is yelling But the fact that you were not on the van today or on the van to feel makes it look like you had something to do with the fact that Jen was addicted. It's like that is literally no. No, you are a moron.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You are a moron. There is nothing about that. I would never think that, oh, that's, that means like she's not here. Therefore, she's working with the feds. What? And Meredith is like, oh my God. Okay, great. Okay, it's a fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I have to laugh. Let me do it again. That's a joke. That's what you all believe. Goodbye. Backwards hand flick.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Goodbye. These are my friends. Goodbye. Goodbye. I'm out. That's a These are not mine for him. Good bye, good bye. Good bye. I'm out. That's a joke. Has evidence by this. Here we are.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That was a laugh for a joke. Still laughing. Oh my God. I'm out. So she's like, goodbye. So she walks off again. Meredith is just the queen of the walkoff today. So funny.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And Whitney is just going, no, but I said that I believe in my whetnag. But now, oh god, now I have to chase Meredith. Oh god. Chicago probably has beyond. I'm going to go call the FBI. Yeah. So Whitney goes after her.
Starting point is 00:26:21 And she's like, I'm done. I'm done. These aren't my friends. Okay, I am done. Just that that was what was talked about in the van. So talk to me. So, Martha goes, yeah, I'm out. I'm out. That's our revolting accusation.
Starting point is 00:26:38 And I just want you to know the two things you need to take away from this conversation is the work revolting and I'm out. Because I'm going to say those words over and over again as much as possible revolting I'm out. And Whitney's like, but it's not an accusation. Yes, it fucking is Whitney and you were the one who made it and nobody's admitting that it was Whitney who started all of this. Nobody. They're just like letting Whitney fucking get away with it. Whitney who's trying to get everybody in trouble the whole season. Everybody's just like, but Whitney skate. Like Like do you guys not remember this is all fucking Whitney? And now Whitney's trying to bring Meredith back and saying it's not an accusation, but not admitting
Starting point is 00:27:12 that she didn't say it. Miss like oh, we just have to be honest with each other. So yeah, it was an accusatory insinuation. I mean, okay. Okay. Very strong suggestion. Yeah. So Meredith is like, I have nothing to do with the F. Yeah, okay, so now Whitney is holding Meredith's shoulder Meredith is swinging her head back and forth just giving Whitney each of her cheeks She's like My little thing with me I want me I can't I can't cuz she won't push Whitney off a purpose She doesn't want to look at her. Yeah, she's like I am done. I'm disgusted Which is a reaction you get when you see something that's for a vaulting and Whitney I'm finished
Starting point is 00:27:55 This is this is it you give me some space so I can do a a backward hand snatch at the air come on Give me a little bit of space otherwise I'm gonna hit your face. I don't want to do flances. Not the answer And Whitney's like but I am saying it because no one else has the guts to say it and Meredith Well, thank you. I appreciate what you're saying Women and Whitney starts jumping up and down and whining. She goes, I don't know what to believe. I want to hear your sign She's trying to use lots of believe you, I don't know what to believe. You're the one who made up the shit in the first place. Yeah, she's using lots of language of life,
Starting point is 00:28:29 but I want to hear from you. I want to hear your side. At least I was the one who was up front about it. She's saying all these things that make that sound virtuous, that sound like she actually wants to know things on a deeper level, but no. She's just trying to cover her tracks and be agasop and just
Starting point is 00:28:46 to search it up. Right, so Mount Mary is there. And Whitney's like, why weren't you and her on the bus today? And Mary goes, you can't say things like that to somebody. Like, you just, you don't say things like that. She goes, but then why weren't you on the bus? And Mary's like you so you think that she's the reason for her indictment. So then yeah because you're because Jen is a monster and you and Heather are using her as a ballistic missile against your enemies you absolute ding dong. That's why nobody wants to fucking
Starting point is 00:29:18 go on the best with you. So outside Lisa's like Jen Jen I don't know what you're going through. Thank you so much for being there for me today. Listen, I can't bother them what you're going through and I'm sure it's awful and nervous hiding and stressful and I'm nervous for you and your family, which is why I recommend Fresh Wolf, Daly, Detoxification, it really helps with stress and I don't want it anymore to it. Okay, and I don't want to be a part of it, but there was a lot of stuff sort of mal, and I was just processing it all. And Meredith was far, far upset with me. I love that. And by the way, Jen is now perfectly calm. And then she gives Lisa the point. It's like, thank you for being there, Lisa. Thanks for being there. Like they made her promise
Starting point is 00:29:58 on the bus that she would stand up to Meredith. You know, so then, um, Jen's like, well, why would she upset with you? And she's like she was upset with me because she said something like she felt like I was not that far 100 and just like oh, okay, well was she there for you? 100% Lisa right now was she there for you against you? I mean, we even talked about it this point. And Lisa's like, oh wait a second. This could be a vulnerable moment for me. So she's like, I couldn't use that little bit more.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I couldn't use that little bit more. I couldn't use that little bit more. I couldn't, I couldn't. What's she there for you? Yes or no? I just had little, I, I could use a little bit more. It's like me when I order a regular size instead of super size, I could use a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I love when Lisa tries to fake cry And she just sounds like Santa trying to pass a big ol poopoo. She's just like Then I screaming say yes or no say yes or no Lisa say yes or no which again I don't even know what Jen's talking about anymore so now Meredith and Whitney are back to Meredith and Whitney talking now Meredith is inexplicably back and she's going neither not my friends I'll see that and Whitney goes okay yeah that's what you should say go out and say that's why you weren't on the bus and she's like I will she's the nerve. So then Lisa's like for me I have been trying very hard to and then she doesn't I don't want you to hear anything
Starting point is 00:31:33 about Lisa cannot get a crying scene out she has been trying for three episodes now and nobody will let her do it. So Meredith is like I'm just saying if you guys think that I'm feeding avanars, when we out, I'll tell you what I'm feeding. Must stop bananas from my little talented toddler proxy. He put the square through the square hole at last and it was a big moment, okay? So listen, it's fucking insane that I'm feeding Evan as the FBI and I feel like every time I'm around you guys, I'm being attacked and I have been nothing but honest with everybody and I would not feed information on somebody I don't have information to feed at this point. And I'm like yeah but that's what they're telling me.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I'm like, hi Jen, Jesus. So then Meredith basically tells us I I'm like, I think the FBI is a little smarter than Gen Shaw. Like they can find Gen Shaw, right? Yeah. So then Gen is telling us she has another, another nonsensical diary room. She's like, everyone is trying to cover their own asses, because I feel like everyone's been saying mean horrible things about me. But then when Gen Shaw shows up and everyone's like backtracking Like oh shit Jen's still here. I thought she was in Breaker's island like no surprise. I'm still here. I'm still here You know what ladies I'm I'm out. I'm out. Okay. I'm out. I have a good night enjoy this This is bullshit. I'm out. I'll see you in about 30 more seconds. Okay. I'm out. I'm out. I have a good night. Enjoy this. This is bullshit. I'm out. I'll see you in about 30 more seconds. Okay. I'm out. I'm out
Starting point is 00:33:08 So yeah, she leaves again and Jen and Jen goes Jenny She starts yelling good Jenny again and then Jenny's like what she just clarified it What do you mad at and she's like then why don't you go apologize to her for backing it up? She's like how did I fuck it up? Don't chuckle Mary. I didn't say anything about you because Mary's like, I'm going to court. Mary's having a great time. She's just like sort of lingering in the background
Starting point is 00:33:32 without like a play of the food and stuff. So Jen is like, Mary actually has my back right now. Oh, okay. I guess, and I'm trying to be your friend. That's what Jeny says. And then we get a, and Jen's like, but you told me she said, oh, this shit about me. And Jenny's like, I'll listen.
Starting point is 00:33:50 I told you everything I heard. And Lisa pipes in, like, guys, guys, here's what I'm saying. Meredith knows a lot of shit. And that's it. I mean, Lisa, now what are you doing? So now Jenny walks off, which is like poor Jenny. You can't, I know that you're new,
Starting point is 00:34:07 but you can't just have a walk off now. There's already been nine walkoffs granted. Eight of them were by the same person, but still, it's very ineffective for you to walk off, right? And so Lisa's like, you know what, it's not that it was anything to hurt you or anything else, you know? And then Jen picks up a box and throws it at Lisa.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And she's like, you can give that to your friend, Jenny. I'm out. And now Jen walks off. I mean, and that's how crazy this episode is and the season is, is that the box throwing doesn't even like we didn't even know that be a box throwing. And normally on like another on Beverly Hills, it would be like, you'd be getting at the season would be, someone throwing a box of tissues across the table and then have say six months earlier. And the entire season would be building up to the moment
Starting point is 00:34:51 when Lisa Renathro's box of tissues, but here is just like, just another little piece of flavor. So Jen goes inside and Lisa goes, you know what, Jen and Jen goes, get the fuck out of my face, I'm so sick of you're making noise, I didn't lie, I didn't lie, you're fucking liar Lisa. You know what, Jen, you my face. I'm so sick of your fucking lies. I didn't lie. I didn't lie. You're fucking liar, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:35:06 You know what, Jen? You know what? I'm gonna let you go, because I'm not chasing you, because I'm so specrying right now. Go out your fucking liar! So she goes upstairs and Lisa goes, you're not healthy. And then Meredith is in her room on the phone with Brooks.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And she's like, I'm just, I'm sorry, I dropped. This was funny to me because the first thing we hear her say is like, this is like crazy, Tana. So I assume she's just talking to Seth. And then when he find out that it's Brooks, I was like, what? You're talking to Brooks about this? Yeah, of course. You're going to talk to your drama queen son about it.
Starting point is 00:35:41 You're not going to talk to Seth. Seth would be like, did Whitney show a tit? Tell me if did you take me picture of Whitney's boobs, do it. Of course you call Brooks. Yeah, so she's like, this is crazy, he's telling us, but are you like mentally okay, mom? Well, I'm not in a very good space, but I'm okay. Hold on, let me see if I can still grab the air. Yeah, I'm not in a very good space, but I'm okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Let me see if I can still grab the air. Yeah, I can do it. I'm okay. I'm okay. But everyone is saying, I turn jam and moving off. And he's like, what if you did turn her in and then he gets a fog. She was still allegedly the one defrauding people. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:24 I mean, I've never said thank you before to Brooks Marx, but thank you for being the actual voice of reason. Now please put down your glue gun and your hobby lobby feathers because you're making your mother look like a total asshole. Yeah. And she's like, well, I didn't. I didn't turn her in, and she was, you know what? This, I'm done. I'm done. You know me, you know me. I'm just, I'm done. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:36:51 So he's like, you know what? I feel bad for all the husbands who sent them on the stupid trip. Not because they wasted their money, but because they were wearing teavis when they did it. So bad for them. So then outside Lisa comes back out fuming and she's like, oh my God, she's calling me a liar but an idol.
Starting point is 00:37:09 And Heather's like, Jenny went is not to serve this. Where is Jenny? And Mary's like, Jenny, Mary's like Jenny, ran. So you don't even see what Jenny just did. So, okay, you know what? I'm gonna walk off now. I'm gonna walk off now.
Starting point is 00:37:24 By walking off. Yeah, so, you know what? I'm gonna walk off now. I'm gonna walk off now. Bye, I'm walking off. Yeah, so, yeah, when you're like, the key is she has enough information on Jen that she knows something. I'm like, all she knows is that Jen, okay, here's what Meredith knows. Meredith knows that Jen is no longer allowed in Louis Vuitton. She knows that Jen's employee tried to steal something from her store and she knows that Jen has been sending fake text messages
Starting point is 00:37:52 to terrorize Brooks, Marx. She's not know about some sort of crazy mail fraud ring that's happening across several different states across the country. She does not know that much. I'm sorry, she does not. I'm Mary's like, yeah, but if you know that and you're a friend, you just shut your mouth. And when he's like, yeah, but I'm the only one willing to tell her the truth. Really? I believe that when you go admit
Starting point is 00:38:16 that you were the one who started all this shit until then be quiet. So Lisa's like, I'm not going to assume responsibility for their relationship. That's what's happening. And Heather said, no, no, I don't think that's what happened. Like, John is questioning her relationship with you because I told her to and Meredith is questioning her relationship. You know what, I really forgot.
Starting point is 00:38:36 But you know what, I think Mary, maybe both of them, I forgot what we're talking about. This is a lot. This is a lot. We've started a lot of shit here. I'm questioning my relationship with both of them That's what I'm doing. It's a witness like you two. Hey look Heather and Lisa You two are on the same team and power mint my Spirituality worked and power and rent and Lisa's like there are no teams. Okay. We're all friends. Okay. We're all in the same happy male together
Starting point is 00:39:04 Okay, we're all friends. Okay, we're all in the same happy meal together Now the team is us and she's like smiling crazily now cuz Whitney, you know I'm gonna go off on Whitney any of me. It's her plan. It's like come to fruition She's like the dumbest super villain of her. She's just saying they're smiling, you know because now it's just her and Heather alone at the table after sending everybody into like crazy town, right? And so Lisa walks off all pissed looking for Jenny and Heather's like, am I allowed to go home now? Like she had nothing to do with any of this. And then Whitney's like, yeah, I think I just need to sit in silence for a moment and
Starting point is 00:39:40 bask. We're ambassadors for our own life. So then Meredith's upstairs still saying, these are not my friends. I need to wipe the whole circle out. Bottom line. But I love that show. No, not the circle on Netflix, just my friend's circles.
Starting point is 00:40:00 You can still wipe that, my little baby binky-billy. You know, wipe out the whole circle. You're lucky that Whitney didn't hear that. She tell everybody you were fucking cereal killer. so Brooks is talking to Jen and he's like maybe you can reassess and I'm Jen sneaks in and she's kind of listening at the door but then shows her face and she's like anyway, honey Jenna standing here. I love you very much. Just know that there's a brokenness I'm feeling will never ever be healed
Starting point is 00:40:30 Talk soon Good night moon good night dresser gonna you got it from here Brooks, right? Okay, God So then Meredith just stairs a Jen and Jen's like can we just like talk without And Meredith just stares at Jen and Jen's like, can we just talk without any founs? I know she knows. She's like a little girl with a blankie, you know, like just coming in a mom's room because she had a nightmare. She's like, well, without any founs and people interjecting, then I call the FBI on you. No, I did not do that.
Starting point is 00:41:03 And Jen says, well, I didn't think you did, but wanted to ask you did you know what was gonna go down that day? This is my innocent baby crying And she's like, oh How cool I know what was gonna go down that day that day. I was like, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm not that bad, I'm just with you. I am an immense amount of feathers and my escorting compassion for you. I don't want to see your family go through that. Mary's now there, you know, just kind of stand and get the door watching them. And Jen tells us, you know, I want to believe Meredith because I do believe Meredith. Like, I didn't believe she would do this, but, you know, like, if she truly had anything to do with calling the Feds,
Starting point is 00:42:10 that's completely disgusting. Because not only are the allegations false, you're talking about something that would hurt my family for a year. Jen, no one can call the Feds and ruin your life unless you were doing something that they could tell them about. So please stop blaming the entire world for your family being ruined, lady. I also just don't think that like if Meredith were gonna call the feds and like rat out Jen that she'll still keep filming with her. I think I would keep a pretty low profile. So Meredith is like, okay, I know, because Jen's not like, So, um, Meredith is like, okay, I'm- cuz Judd's not like- Hahahaha!
Starting point is 00:42:44 Where's like, okay, I know, I'm- I'm your hysterical, please, please, please, okay. Let me give you a hug. Ah, alright, it's not the same without the feathers, but it'll be the best that I can do. Alright, let me give you a hug. It's another ugly. And since Fakes' sobbing- I can't take any more! Yeah, because the people you robbed literally have zero now. Okay, there's no more to take lady
Starting point is 00:43:12 And yes now they're all like best friends hugging and Mary's like well, maybe they could be friends again like five years or like maybe four maybe four years Yeah, Jan is like is today the first day we got here? We have three more days to go. So it's like. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. So you're like, oh, OK, well, you know, the night they got stuff out, the night ended peacefully.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And now they can just enjoy a lovely rest of their vacation. So now it's the next morning. And everyone's waking up and people are in bed, checking their phone, milling about the kitchen, and then Meredith comes running into the kitchen in like this red satin pajamas, or like silk, shiny, red shiny pajamas and sunglasses, and the camera crew, she's storming so fast,
Starting point is 00:44:02 they don't have time to get the camera crew out of the shot And she just starts storming through which goes oh you know you can spew eyes about me all day and night But do not bring my sister into it What you not bring my father or my sister into one? She's like pointing and circling her fingers like sparklers at Seth's first July 4th Just making boobs over and over again at everybody and she's she tells us last night Lisa came in the morning which of course of course why didn't anybody why wasn't anybody on Lisa duty last night? Because you all knew she was gonna pull this shit, right?
Starting point is 00:44:43 So Lisa went in there and said that the women were spent all this like another accent word for all of the women were spat your lady that I have lied about my father's memorial because I didn't want to get on the bus with everybody because I was the one who turned jam and the thing happened. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm just like, my family is off limit. Is that clear? Is that clear? You're yelling at a pot holder. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:45:13 It's the pot holder or a human holder. Whatever it is, I want to make sure every single appliance and utensil in this kitchen knows that my family is off limits. And she was yelling this at Jenny specifically, right? And so because Jenny was yelling at the whole house, but Jenny was the only one in there. And she's like, here's my clear. And Jenny's like, whatever, like not even paying attention, you know, she's just going about making her coffee and Meredith goes, keep spewing lines and go ahead, go ahead. I will be circling my
Starting point is 00:45:46 fingers upstairs. I'll call the CIA while I'm at it, both the government agency and the culinary program in Bikip City, New York, okay? So Heather's in bed hearing this, like, oh my god, what's happening? And Whitney comes in with like a whole pot of coffee and She's like who's she yelling at when he's like she's yelling it as I'll to come into the kitchen and talk And I just made eye contact with her and tiptoed out And there's like I don't want to I don't want to deal with this yet. And so Merr, it's like you guys can Imagine me all you want but I'm leaving. I have fun I'm I'm in one second. You know you're gonna get you want, but I'm leaving. I have fun. I'm, I'm, I'm, in one second, you know what you're gonna get?
Starting point is 00:46:28 You're gonna get, I am out. Not there yet. I'm just that I'm leaving. But I'll be getting, I'm out very soon, okay? So in Jen's, Nick's into Whitney and Heather's room, and she's got her like Louis Vuitton hat, big sunglasses, and they all get in bed listening to this yelling, and Heather's got a box of sugar babies the real breakfast of champions and they just
Starting point is 00:46:48 hide under the covers and giggle yeah I'm just you know what maybe I need to go upstairs and call this young and some bomb I'm sorry I'm sorry and so now they're all like hiding under the blankets and Heather's like Jan she already hates you so you go and you go fight first you go in there fight fight first Jan's like, Jan, she already hates you. So you go fight first. You go in there fight first. Jan's like, no, she likes me now. They're like, what? She's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I don't know how to explain it. I think I dreamed it. So then Meredith and Lisa, Lisa comes into Meredith's room. And Meredith's screaming, I'm done. I'm finished. I am done. Now this is my 13th walkoff of the show.
Starting point is 00:47:23 You just, I'm gonna parachute off the American fucking airlines That's how much I'm gonna walk out today like she's losing it and Lisa's like better that what happened And she goes out well, I woke up to reality that's what happened my father's memorial was fake and That's why I said I couldn't go and she's like, oh wait Lisa, I mean wait, Mary, there's nobody said that. Nobody said that. My father died so I couldn't go in a fucking sprinter. Riiing. No, nobody said it was a fake memorial.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Nobody said that. And she's just screaming, my family is off on mat. And then so Mary and Heather, no, Whitney Heather and Jen are all in the hallway in sunglasses. Just like listening. Just on halfway listening to everything. And Whitney's like, I'm gonna go to the kitchen. And Meredith is still telling us this is insanity.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And Lisa's like, what can I do to make this better? What can I do to secret soft stuff? Just tell me what I can do. I'm upset. Please, Lisa, I don't want to yell at you. I don't want to yell and scream. I'm very close to being like your favorite vending machine when you've gone to it too much. I'm out. I'm out. We're a podman. I am disgusting. I'm a woman now. And Lisa's like, but nobody said it was a fake, my barrio.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Well, that's not what you said last night, Lisa. She's like, but Lisa, but Maradat, everything contacts the way you weren't on the van on the first trip. Okay, so even in that context, if you're telling her what actually happened, they were speculating if it was real or not. They were.
Starting point is 00:49:04 So if you said that, it was still the truth. And she's saying, ah, nothing to do with that. You know, what is she doing right now? It's unbelievable. You know what? I think that what happened was there were like two conversations. There was like a conversation where we're like, hey, what goes into a McNugget? Is it real chicken?
Starting point is 00:49:20 No, it's fake. And the other one was, hey, I wonder if Meredith is being real about going to a memorial right now, and she conflated the fake chicken with the real memorial and her fake memorial. I think that's what happened. Um, so Lisa's like, why can't we just talk about that? Meredith goes, listen, because last night I said I wasn't ready to talk and people can't polking me, chalking me and bingo, and you're doing everything, all right. And Mary is, Mary's in the kitchen. She's like in her brooks mark sweat suit, you know, like totally teen Meredith. And she says, oh, I'll
Starting point is 00:49:54 take up, take up, you know what? I'm gonna eggs. I'm gonna take food. I'm gonna take, you know, food. So Mary comes in and she's like, brought food, food for you. And yeah, because Whitney is like, I'm gonna make huevos rancheros tomorrow. I'm like, no one cares Whitney, no one cares. So Lisa's like, hey, Mara, can I finish with Mara to the first hack on? Just for a few minutes, please, please. I'm Mara, she's like,
Starting point is 00:50:18 I'm Mara just stands there eating her eggs because they both said we don't want eggs we can't eat. And Mara, that's like that I appreciate it. So she's like, please, Mar give us a please. I get a marriage of stance there and the clown music starts flying and she just stands there kind of eating their eggs. She's like, okay. She's like this very, very, very slowly. Okay, listen, now, yeah, she turns, she turns and then she walks really slowly to the door and then she just stands in the doorway with her back to that eating her eggs. Like, does this count? My back is the room.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Not the room. So at least like, hey, do you have hostility's horse? She's like, yes, because I feel like you've been hostile towards me and it's making me angry. If I'm honest, you want to see me do the circular boob motions with my fingers. It's like, well Meredith, are you kidding me right now? Are you kidding me right now? I think you've had growing hostility for me since the end of last summer, if I'm being honest.
Starting point is 00:51:19 And Lisa tells us, oh yeah, I'm right now. I've been her punching bag since one, the Shabbat, don't I? When Lisa was trying to make Merida th make up with Jen, okay, so Lisa, sorry, but that one is you trying to force her to be with somebody that she hates and has reason to hate, okay, that's your fault. So then Lisa's like, too ice fishing. Oh yeah, when you were trying to force her again to have a fight with Jen on camera, okay, that's your fault. I can't listen fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a fan of you, I'm not a and forced her to talk to Jet. All those examples are you making light of Jen's actions and telling her she should get over it. So you're wrong. It's true.
Starting point is 00:52:07 So Meredith is like, I feel like every time we talk, it turns into a household situation. And you know, I'm getting angry in a way that's not nice. It's just, Meredith, I am fuming, man. I'm so pleased. Let me cool down right now. Wow. So Heather and Jen have been listening this whole time
Starting point is 00:52:28 and they're like, oh my god, they're done. So they start sliding on their socks down the hallway. Yeah. And then in the kitchen, Jen is like, okay, you guys were listening. So what did I miss Heather? Just tell me. And Heather's like, well, I guess Lisa went to Meredith
Starting point is 00:52:42 and told her we were speculating on the party bus that the memorial for her dad was fake. And when he tells us, here we go, it can be so far though, trying to get ahead of the story to cover your tracks. It's like, which is what Whitney does, by the way, also. So Jenny is like, I didn't think we said it was fake. I think we said, is it true? Which is, thanks for that distinction, Jenny. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Like you questioned, you still questioned whether or not she was at her dad's memorial. I mean, it's so thank you. And it was you who did it by the way, Jenny. Yeah, it was you who did it again. So Heather's like, Mary just goes, well, first Jenny says, I mean, yeah. I'm sorry guys, I got lost in my notes
Starting point is 00:53:25 a little bit. She says, yeah, we didn't know, we didn't say it was fake. We just said, is it true? And then Mary goes, no. And Heather says, so Jenny talks and you're just mad that Jenny talked. And she goes, I just can't, I can't do her. No. Yeah. Jenny is like, I can't talk. And Heather goes, it seems like you're completely dismissing her. Mary goes, I don't, I don't even want to talk to her. And Heather goes, why? Just because I can't talk and Heather goes, it seems like you're completely dismissing her, and Mary goes, I don't even want to talk to her. And Heather goes, why? She goes, because I don't Heather. She goes, but that's not acceptable.
Starting point is 00:53:51 It is for me, and it will be, and you will accept it. I mean, Heather, you have to accept it, because I don't even. And Heather's like, but I thought you wanted to be peaceful. She goes, I want to talk about what matters. I know, I know. She goes, I care about what matters. And she goes, well, well, Jenny matters. She's not to me, not to me. I mean, Mary,
Starting point is 00:54:10 it's funny. Mary is so cruel. And she, I mean, I will say, I mean, she is, um, she really does know how to draw a boundary for herself. That's for sure. I'm okay. I think she's like, I don't like her. They're like, Jenny matters. She's like, she doesn't matter to me. Jenny's like, okay, I don't matter. I just thought all the matters talk was very funny during her black lives matter week I was like, oh my god. Did they release this on purpose? Did they just say, hey wait? We've got that episode where everybody talks about whose life matters For a good solid two minutes. Can we just wait to reveal all this Jenny stuff until then? Okay, great, good meeting everybody. I think a week ago, we'd all been like, oh my god, Mary Cosby is so cruel.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Cause I mean, here she is leading a religious congregation and she says that a human being doesn't matter. But this week we're all like, yeah, Mary, he's good for her. So then Jenny is like, Mary thinks I'm an upper class and Mary thinks she's upper class and I'm down here so she's treating me like one of her workers at home, like, you don't matter, well fuck you. If you don't want to listen, get the hell out. It's just settled down, Jenny. Just so extra in her diary rooms.
Starting point is 00:55:15 So Meredith comes in with sunglasses and her head is shaking, you know, and they're like, do you want some food? I don't have an appetite, really. So I want to know who was speculating that I formulae it on Memorial for my... Ah! Um, so I didn't have to go on the van, because that was a most absurd piece of turd. Sad statement, I've ever had. What's actually I have a third rhyme. I'm kind of wrong. I'm really getting my hang of it. Wow, after all this time I did accidentally kind of do a lyric there.
Starting point is 00:55:56 So I was just like, so please clarify, because I need to know who my friends are and aren't. So when he goes, it's a speculation that you wouldn't, but if you did, that's fucked up. She was like, well, I didn't. So that, like, it's so intense. And then Lisa goes, can we just go to slot canyon and be one with mother earth? And then just like that, one with mother earth and then just like that all of this basically just ends. Yeah, Heather's like your husband's asked me to show you a good time and that's what we're gonna do and someone said but it's Meredith can I go? She goes if she wants to stay friends with me she's gone off we're gonna have an amazing time it's mothers.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Yeah, I'm like I think she made it pretty clear she doesn't want to be friends with any of you guys so she's well we all she's we all have to show up and be kind and be vulnerable with each other and like enjoy what we're doing here. And no more lines in the sand guys. That's what we're in this situation. So then it's just like chill. And Meredith says, you know what, I'm very upset, Lisa, but I am here. My husband Seth sent me and this is a mother's day, yeah. So I will let this on girls and we can move forward and join as we can. So then Heather announces that she's found Lisa's nail, because one of Lisa's pop-on nails popped off. And it was in, it was in Meredith's room.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And then, you know, everybody basically gets ready and goes to East Zion and they meet Robert and Micah for some off-roadin' guys. So then they hop and buggy's and they're like driving around and buggy's. I was so relieved that we did not have the scene where they're driving their own Buggies And then you have the one buggy that's going crazy like the least of underpump buggy Where I say look at me being wild and then the one buggy that's slow
Starting point is 00:57:54 We just got in the buggy's just went and then they They they get into harnesses because they're gonna go down into a slot canyon and they're hiking and then they're like going down into a canyon Like really it's just like nothing's really happening. It's just like fun, scenery, joking, woohooing, etc. and you know Lisa says, if you get lost just look for the Louis Vuitton dread. And how they're just they're getting they're repelling or something. So they're all getting harnesses and how they're like, I lied about my weight on the intake forms. It's like it'd be okay.
Starting point is 00:58:27 So she's meant it's like, well, I mean, Canyon's gorgeous. Unfortunately, no one is cutting anyone's rope while they're repelling. Yeah. It couldn't help it had to laugh. And then Lisa is doing her phony baloney like everything so great for it She's like that is amazing I don't know that's a little reza, but there is something like
Starting point is 00:58:59 Like there's some weird like cross between reza andessa and Pee Wee Herman that she does, which she's like, now, fainted. And happyness, yeah. So Mary's just like struggling with all the repelling, and it's just funny because like, you're cutting back and forth between what is, how she is struggling, and then her experience, how she details her experience of it. She's like, yeah, this is an area grew up in, you know, growing up in Utah, like, I love this. This is, I'm just like, so in the moment,
Starting point is 00:59:25 and I'm totally like, zoned in, and I'm just really right there, and you just see her be like, like, don't like, repelling exactly how you expect Mary M Cosby to repel. And then she gets to the bottom and it goes, so then she's like, you know, I mean, I grew up in Utah, so this feels clenching,
Starting point is 00:59:43 but you know what? I don't need to see how there's nipples. I really, you know what, I grew up in Utah, so this feels clenching, but you know what? I don't need to see Heather's nipples. I really, you know what, I don't need to see them. And they just show a close-up of Heather's headlights. Yeah, and she's like, cover it up. They have covers, they have covers. So they go back to the buggies, and I was nighttime. And they're all back in the nose.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So now basically, yeah, the rest of this is just like funny games, funny games, like they go back to the house, they decide to have club night at the house. So so they all get dressed up and they all get fancy and they're all laughing and they just had the best bonding day. And of course, Jen, who is just, you know, allegedly stolen from all these seniors and has to move her family into a small house still has a full glam team Yeah on staff for her ridiculousness and Jenny made a reservation for dinner, but they were too late So they have a little buffet at home Mm-hmm and
Starting point is 01:00:36 They're just so now they're all just like eating dinner and everything and Meredith goes So did everyone saying their favorite part of the day, yeah. And then Lisa's like, all of it, all of it. Well, I'd liked the experience of the 60 to 65 foot repelling. And I love taking all the pictures with everyone. It was fun. It's like, what? And yeah. And Jenny's like, what is going on with her? Whatever she's taking upstairs, give me some because this is crazy. I think the biggest controversy at this dinner was Heather having the fucking nerve to arrive
Starting point is 01:01:12 and pick up a piece of bread and go, oh, is this Facaccia? Oh, no. Is it a Chabata? How dare you? I mean, I thought we were on the same team, and you don't know the difference between a Chabata and a Facaccia. I can't.
Starting point is 01:01:26 You are no longer sitting at this table, ma'am. There are no teams. There are no teams. Okay, we're all in this together. So then Lisa goes, we are all mothers and we are all ambassadors and we are all gluten. Hey, to you three, I'm sorry about what happened this morning like my intention when I went into my room was not to upset her It was just to create some distance between me and the rest of you, okay? And I'm sorry that it came out that way, but there was no fake word ever used ever Might be like thanks because that was an interesting way to wake up and I'm used to Justin's hairy butt crack in my face so that's saying something and Lisa's like oh I didn't mean to say anything about your grandma okay okay yeah we're on the same page I'm the same team I'm a thing I'm a. I want to invite you all to my Vita event.
Starting point is 01:02:25 And Mary's like, when? Tonight? Ah, yeah, I think you'll all appreciate the fashion and the modern take on the 80s, okay? Cause some of us never really left there, right? So Whitney's like, we're finally and getting invited to a Nailita. No, V, start from the top. We're finally getting invited to Vita
Starting point is 01:02:46 from Shaza Sunset's house. Wait, what are we doing? And Lisa's like, oh, you then can't invite it down. You then can't invite it to an about last time? Lisa, and Vita's like, no, you never invited me anywhere. Can you please send me a style guide? So I know what to wear. Whitney, you're asking for style guides from this cast.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Don't you remember what they just did to you at a cooking class? And then Jen enters and she has maracas. The maracas just never go away because they did go from door to door being like tonight's club Zion and they had the maracas. So then Mary's like, Jenny, I just, I wanna apologize for you today for saying you don't matter.
Starting point is 01:03:25 I mean, for me, I just shut the door on opening new people in my life and I don't mean a person could have been anyone. I would be a bitch to anyone. Yeah, who's so weird. She's like, just hate new people. Thanks. And Jenny's like, then Jenny tells us, well, look, I have anger issues. And for a year, I went into anger management because when I, I three shit at my husband
Starting point is 01:03:46 and I was throwing so much stuff that I broke his ribs. And then I was like, maybe I need to control my anger. Ha ha. So now you're a fucking domestic violence. You're a user. You're a fucking abuser too. Oh my God. What a week.
Starting point is 01:04:03 I mean, I'm like, Jenny, you know that like this is the season two stuff. You're letting it out too early. No kidding. I mean, with, with is such cold climate as they have in Utah, the bitch flowers should not be blooming this early. Like, what the hell? Is this an already bloomed flower? You guys just got it home depot.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Like, what the hell is going on with Jenny? You abuse your fucking husband to the point he got broken ribs. Oh my God. Is it too late to add a fuck you to Jenny? What the hell? I hate to see what she'll do to sister wife. So then, so anyway, Jenny's cycle, thank you. And then everyone, they're like,
Starting point is 01:04:39 don't want dinner, start gonna go downstairs to club Zion's. They go down there, of course, there's a stripper pole, and they're just like dancing and partying and how there's really upset because she's like the only time I go to the club is if there's men there. So if there's no man, like what's even the point? And they're just sort of like having lots of fun.
Starting point is 01:04:56 It's basically like one of those very sad parties that they have in Belodeck when they want to turn like the galley into a club and they put up a bunch of balloons and there's like five people dancing. That's what this was. Yeah, then they get bikinis and go in the pool and show boobies and hug each other and kiss each other. It's like a woohoo kind of a night. So then in the morning Meredith is in bed with Lisa, they wake up and they Whitney wakes up in bed with Jen in the same room. Yeah. And they're like, what the hell happened last night? What happened? And Jen Shaw just has a big lash on her chest.
Starting point is 01:05:32 They're like, oh my god, Jen's lashes are crawling around the bed. Yeah, they were everywhere. I mean, this is actually my favorite side of Jen Shaw when she's not being a lunatic. Yeah, lunatic victim. When she's just actually just like she has a big smile on her face and she's not being a lunatic victim, when she's just actually just like, she has a big smile on her face and she's just like having a really fun time. There's actually something,
Starting point is 01:05:51 I can actually see that being something kind of infectious to be around. She looks like she's so fun when she's being like normal, which is so rare. So Meredith sees Lisa out in the foyer or something So Meredith sees Lisa out there out in the foyer or something and she's like, oh, why didn't she just say with me? Oh, she sees Jenny. She's like, why don't she stay with me?
Starting point is 01:06:13 You went to bed. And Jenny's like, well, I was dead tired. And I don't know why I just, guys, I really want you guys to know. Yeah, at the end, nothing really happens. They just, they go into the kitchen. They're all laughing. They're all laughing. The heroes finally she finally made her way, those rents. Yeah, they're all on the kitchen. They're laughing and cracking up and Lisa goes to the fridge and milk falls out. No,
Starting point is 01:06:33 if that's why you don't let Lisa around to appliances like Lisa are the is that a giant bag of Kit Kat? She's like, gosh, breakfast. What? Um, but basically they're just having a really good time and laughing together. And it's really sad because, you know, the stuff with Jen, I mean, Jen will probably most likely go to prison, right, from what everybody's reading. Mary left the show, she quit. And then Jenny, they can't keep. I mean, I can't see under what circumstances they would keep that asshole.
Starting point is 01:07:02 So yeah, she's like finally, yeah. And she's, Jenny does not brought enough anyway. So I feel like she was already kind of a little bit on the chopping block because I don't think that Jenny has been that interesting all season. She's had some moments, but then this stuff comes out and it's like, okay,
Starting point is 01:07:17 there's not like, you know, there's, she's, my feeling is they're going to reduce her to like, she'll be a friend of next season and then she'll be like Nicole on Orange County. She'll be a friend of that just goes away. Yeah, because they're already shooting season three, so she's already in season three. But they're not giving her the cutter out of everything, you know, treatment. Of course, you know, this was a group trip, so we don't maybe they just couldn't, but
Starting point is 01:07:44 you know, I, it's sad because you see an episode like this and they are so fun to watch. You know, we don't recap as much because there's not much going on, but they are so fun to watch. You're having a good time. It's like, oh, they finally jelled. I don't think I remember them honestly having this good of a time together in the whole series. And now it's has to change again, you know? Yeah. Damn it. Well, I mean, it's crazy is they finally gel. So in my mind, I was bracing for,
Starting point is 01:08:09 okay, now next week it's a season finale because they passed up everything. But next week it's like, nope, they're just back to yelling at each other and Lisa being locking herself in a bathroom and being like, fuck, Meredith Marks. So I mean, the madness is just gonna continue. Fuck Meredith Marks, what a whore.
Starting point is 01:08:25 She's fucked half of New York. Ooh, you zonks! Zion oinks. Thank you guys so much for listening. Hopefully we'll see a whole bunch of you guys on Thursday in New York City. And the rest of you we'll see online at MomentHouse go to slash Watch What Crappens.
Starting point is 01:08:41 And we will be back later with our recap, I will tomorrow with our recap of Summer House. Bye everyone. Bye watch what crap ends would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchels. Dana C. Dana Dew. Aaron McNickus. She don't miss no trickle-us. Hava Nagila Weber. Jamie.
Starting point is 01:09:09 She has no last name-y. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess Sayon. Okay. Kristen The Piston Anderson. Wee McLevin. Karen McLevin. She's always supplying.
Starting point is 01:09:20 It's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the burger. She's our queen, Marie Levine. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches, Betches and our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10ccs of Bet CMD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:09:45 She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers! The incredible edible Matthews sisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Mina Kuchi Kuchi Kuchikuchi Kuchikuchi!
Starting point is 01:10:06 Give him help, Miss Noelle. Sarah Greenwood only uses her power for good! Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. We want to hang with Liz Lang! Shannon, out of account in Anthony! Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamla Plane.
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