Watch What Crappens - Shahs: Tommy Does Some Landscaping

Episode Date: March 25, 2020

The moment we've been sort of waiting for is finally here: Tommy terrorizes planters! Thank goodness for Ring door cams, which have provided the pièce de resistance for this week's episode... of Shahs: Tommy hurling various pieces of pottery and one very unlucky cactus across Reza's backyard. He makes a bigger mess than a toppled stack of naked Jenga blocks. Tensions are boiling over for sure, and to make matters worse, Destiney lost a package in Arizona! VOY VOY VOY VOY VOY. See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. I'm gonna watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch you watch Hello and welcome to WatcherCrapins a podcast but all that crap on Bravo that we just love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker of the Real House Wares of Kitchen Island. It's a cartoon on YouTube so go check that out. And joining me is a hilarious man.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's Ronnie Carrom from the Rose Prick's Bachelor Rose podcast. What's up Ronnie? Wah-bam! How are you doing today? Good, what's up? Oh you know, just you know, just weathering the storm as I hope everyone else is. In case you did not hear my rant on our real housewives of Atlanta episode, God stop lecturing people. No, just stop lecturing them.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I'm providing a public service. Stay inside, but I'm not ranting today. I'm just saying, but stay inside. So that being said, while you were staying inside, you know, last week we did our bonus episode where we recapped Love is Blind, we decided to make that a free episode. So that is actually on the Watcher Crappens feed.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So if you subscribe to us, you already have it. If not, go check out our feed. We have our Love is Blind recap is up. So go check that out, it's free for everyone. We did record an additional bonus episode where we caught up with Family Karma, which we love, and below Dex Sailing Yacht, and also the Project Runway finale. So that's available on Patreon, watch our crap and slash watch our crap ends. so that's that. And in case you missed it, it couldn't figure it out. Our April shows are postponed.
Starting point is 00:02:29 So if you're planning to see us in April, we will have updates on the new dates as soon as all this mess clears up. Your tickets will be honored. And if you can't make the new dates, then you can get refunds at your point of purchase. That is all the news. Whoa, all the big news.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Well, yeah, if you guys want to watch any of these recaps, we have a bunch of crap and so on to man videos that love is blind is available on crap and so on to man. That's a Patreon thing. And this week's bonus is going to be all about the new Netflix show, The Tiger King. Yeah. So we're still just cranking them out over here. So if you need something to listen to, well, hi, I found us.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So anyway, today we are talking about Shah's Assan set, which is really, really got my blood boiling. Uh, I'm really feeling a lot of things and this episode picks up truly where the last one left off. Last we saw was Sara was having a gloomy pool party and MJ and Resa got into a huge fight where he yelled out over balcony over to like broadcast this entire party basically the reason why our uterus exploded is because you had ten abortions The reason why our uterus exploded is because you had ten abortions Which is pretty vile and I would actually say it's extremely vile and then he stormed off and then found a producer's binder and Through it down the road and the paper scattered everywhere. So now
Starting point is 00:04:03 We're catching up with Resa as he stomps down the street trying to get to his Uber and he's having flashback memories of all the things that MJ said You fucking liars, bitch! You gonna comment me like that! Scramming up the producers. And then Reza, the ever-the-victim, of course, is like, I didn't want to believe that while MJ was on bed rest, she was plotting and planning against me, but now I know it's true. How do you know it's true, Millie Vanille? What are you talking about? Like there's little easy. Raza, honey.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah. Your husband is, you guys apparently fuck around on each other, which is fine. You have an open relationship. You're trying to keep secret, whatever. But your husband totally got caught. He's sending dirty shitty fucking messages to people. And instead of getting mad at your husband,
Starting point is 00:04:44 you're mad at everyone who talked about it. Sorry, but you are the worst on this show and you fucking deserve every little bit you're getting. And it's really funny that you're trying to make this all about MJ or Destiny or Ali or anyone else who's around, but it's your fucking husband. If you don't want your husband sending dick pics, that's what we view in him. Yeah, exactly. And you're and now like resas stomping down the hillside.
Starting point is 00:05:06 And Adam is falling behind with his little book bag. Like, hold on, hold on. He was not saying that, but that's what his body language is saying. But it's just, it's so Adam. It's exactly what we talked about last week, you know? Like, he's like become the little kid in this relationship. And he's got, he's like, got his, like, mom, it's like like he was at the pool, he was at the public pool, something around with his friends and he wasn't ready when mom came to pick him up and now mom said, Adam, you get over here right now and you get into
Starting point is 00:05:34 your shorts, we're leaving right now, we're already late, we're already late to pick up your father from the train. Plus this heart didn't even have time to fix this come over, walking down like a wet, bald round rat. So then back at the party, Mike's like, what the fuck happened, MJ? What the fuck happened? And she's like, he came over here. He said I had 10 abortions. And then we see the clip.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Because of course MJ is just, she's various. I wouldn't say just like Raza, but MJ is no angel either. Right. So she's like, I have no idea. Just came over here and said I had 10 abortions. So we get a clip inserted of you cheated on him. He cheated on you. Go back to your stupid cheating husband. Yeah. And then Resa again screaming, you had 10 abortions. And then they cut to a close-up of a gaze face who's at the party. He's like, I guess like all of our faces. He's like, mouth is wide open in a kind of laugh, but he's like, oh my god, why am I laughing at this?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah. No, no, don't laugh at this. Exactly. So MJ, then she reiterates to my, he came over here and said, you're 50 years old in a hospital, dime, because you had 10 abortions and then Mike goes, and you threw water at him, though, no? And then then he said those things and she goes, Oh my God. Okay, that makes it okay. That makes it okay. Never mind. Sorry, Mike. And he's like, No, no, it doesn't make it okay. But when I persuade that guy to come down the talk to you, it's to talk to you. It's not to get, you know, water thrown in his face.
Starting point is 00:06:57 You know, and she's like, uh, with his face exploding with blood. Hello, by he was upset. He's just a man. You know, like, Resa did not go down those stairs to talk to MJ. It was not like Resa came in peace. He stomped down. And admittedly, she was on 11 at that point because he came down and she was already just like coming at him.
Starting point is 00:07:18 But there was no sense of reconciliation happening with Resa. And no matter how much he tries to, like, revise that later on I mean like if I had seen like that spark it would have been good, but no so Basically so MJ says like like bitch, you know He's upset because he decided to believe Ali instead of his friend of 30 years who has always protected him which is also kind of funny because
Starting point is 00:07:44 I would not say MJ has always protected him, which is also kind of funny because I would not say MD is always protected, Ressa. No, I wouldn't say she's always protected. I mean, they're both ridiculous. Yeah, but Ressa definitely is the worst in this situation and really in every situation. Yeah, so Mike's like, well, Ali a few weeks ago, he's just catching everybody up who's like, hey, we're suddenly stuck at home Friday night. What is this? Exactly. What is that? That's exactly what that was. So Mike's like, well, Ali, a few weeks ago, approached Destiny about text messages from Adam and soon after, all hell broke loose. Okay, that's some amending history. How about a couple months ago, Adam kept sending his
Starting point is 00:08:24 dick to people who didn't want it. And then Ali complained about it. And then instead of Destiny calling and telling Reza that this rumor, not rumor, because they keep saying rumor, it's not a rumor, it happened. It's acknowledged that it happened. Destiny came and stuck her nose in it on camera. So why is she totally off the hook? Well because what happened was Ali tells Destiny at lunch that Adam
Starting point is 00:08:46 is keep sending texts over and over again. And this is by the way, after Resa had like put the kebash on allegedly put the kebash on the relationship. So on top of that, he's also getting, continuing to get these text messages. Tells Destiny, Destiny tells Mike that this is happening and she's concerned. So Mike and Destiny sit down and say,
Starting point is 00:09:03 hey, just so you know your your husband is sending had like naked genka and is sending dick pics. Resa confronts Adam and then starts doing this outward campaign of like rather than rather than focus on the fact that I have issues with my marriage, I'm going to destruct everyone around me instead. I'm going to distract, destruct and distract. So he takes, so he goes out to launch with Ali and Destiny to be like, what are these texts? Ali tells Resa what's going on. Resa comes hard at
Starting point is 00:09:30 Ali, throws water in Ali's face after, after basically not, not really hearing what Ali has to say. So he throws water to Ali's face. Destiny is like, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy. Resa decides that Destiny did not stand up for him enough at that launch. So then Residus size, he's just going to ignore and cut Destiny out of his life and destroy her. She's so hurt by her that she comes groveling back. He takes, because she grovels enough, he then decides that she is loyal.
Starting point is 00:09:58 And then she is off the hook because Residus decided that she is off the hook. And now all attention that we put on MJ, because now Destiny is saying that MJ sat them down and said we have to air this shit out about Adam on camera. So now Adam is convinced and now Resa is convinced that MJ plotted this whole thing to break up their marriage. Meanwhile, she's lying in a hospital bed nearly at that store because she had to have this emergency surgery. So that is the situation. Yeah, there you go. So that is the situation.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Yeah, there you go. So, Mike's like, well, MJ had a difficult birth. And I think that MJ heard the rumor and she spread the rumor, but I don't think she started the rumor. Guess what? No, it was started the rumor. It's not a rumor. Yeah. Okay. It's facts, which we saw kind of when Ali threw the papers at Resah with all of the copies of the text. So, okay, stop saying it's a rumor. It is not a rumor. Yeah. So Mike's like, you know, the sick thing about our group, other than probably all the sicknesses you actually have, is that we know dark things about each other, and we share them with other people. Well, yeah, Mike. I'm sure you're the first one
Starting point is 00:10:59 who wishes that that didn't happen. Yeah. Maybe you guys shouldn't be friends anymore. Have you guys considered that? So MJ is like, I never said anything. I never said anything in my ex like, you literally just, because she's saying, I never said anything towards Res, I never said anything. He's like, you literally just did.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And we see a flashback of her saying again, go back to your stupid husband, cheat on each other, go to bath houses, like you always do. Yeah, and then believe this one, pointing at destiny, and destiny's like, this one. And Mike said, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:32 the fact that you knew something and you didn't bring it to rest his attention and Empty goes, rest a new about it too. The fact that you guys are all talking about this has nothing to do with me. Yeah. Basically saying,
Starting point is 00:11:42 Adam's not the dick pics, the guy he's not the dick pics to, talked about it. What do you want from me? And she's like, the fact that Reza has had some troubled marriage waters is not a secret to anybody. And then we see the clip of the reunion where Reza is saying, I was telling Adam I went into force. And then cut back to MJ MJ and she's like, yeah, that shits all because of Adam. So talk to your husband. Yeah, she says it's you know, she and she tells us you know what, it's easier to blame me than to for Resa to look at himself or his
Starting point is 00:12:15 husband. So then she calls up Tommy and she's like, Hey, Tommy, so this is what happened. Okay, Resa said that the reason why this all happens because I had ten abortions Yeah, yeah, yeah, and Mike starts losing his money. He's like Nakon Nakon, which means like don't do that. Why are you doing this? And he was like what the fuck are you doing? This is not how you elevate your brand right now And probably this like she's telling her man what Reza said to her That's when she's doing.
Starting point is 00:12:45 I mean, personally, I would suggest that Tommy take Reza to lunch and discuss it over a very blantuna sandwich, but not just at Marmalade. But by the way, Paulina, this is, Paulina was actually correct. I can't believe I was agreeing with her, but it's like, why is MJ not allowed to tell her her husband that a douchebag just, you know, aired out this thing about her having 10 abortions at a party. Of course she can't tell her husband.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I mean, how dare they? Yeah, Mike's like, well, if he comes here, it's gonna get messy. And then who's fault is that? Yeah, exactly. Reza said it, you know? So MJ goes, you know what? You should just go to Temple and pray for Raza. So then 24 hours later, the scene we've all been seeing on, you know, social media for
Starting point is 00:13:37 the past, I guess, ever since summer. Yes. It's 24 hours later. And there's a little broken cactus on the ground. Wow. Really? This is it so now a reza is like three broken plants give me a break Reza went on Instagram after this happened it was like he goes to the ground with the with the damage No, no, I'm sorry. No, he didn't that was three plants now. Was it right? No, of course not No, but fuck you reza and I agree with Tommy. You're're lucky it wasn't your fucking knees. Yeah. So Reza is like, well, Adam and I are sitting having brunch with my mother, my poor
Starting point is 00:14:11 sweet mother, we're just two happy people in love with my mother at brunch. Innocent people, innocent as can be, and then all of a sudden, my ring notification went off, and by that I mean my dribble ring, because I had lost my wedding ring a long time ago, because our relationship is basically in shambles. And then we see a clip, the ring clip of, I wrote Nima throwing patio furniture around, which is actually kind of funny. Yeah, I'm gonna leave that in my notes, just in case aliens, you know, find this one day and play my everything on Nima.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They're so confused. Yeah. That in my notes just in case aliens, you know, find this one day, play my everything on the map. And they're so confused. Yeah. So Tommy is back there like, I'm gonna throw a cactus, huh? Hey, you know what? I'm gonna throw out. What is this? A fight just stupid fucking player.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And I'm just gonna have a scene. And throws a few plants and then leaves. It was basically so perfect. Considering that at the beginning of the season, we're like, their backyard looks like shit. And so they finally got their backyard in order, and Tommy comes by and destroys it. It's perfect.
Starting point is 00:15:09 And the music, it's like the ID channel. Mmm. Not the ID channel. Mmm. And then Resa is walking around his backyard as if like, Hurricane Katrina came through. Okay, it's like, um, okay, so there's a cactus, where there's like a cactus out of its pot,
Starting point is 00:15:26 and there's a broken, like a shitty planter that should have been broken anyway, because it was stupid. And they're walking around, like they just suffered a natural disaster. Like FEMA should be coming through. Well, Resa goes inside and Adam's sitting there, he goes, there was a long time, honey.
Starting point is 00:15:42 He's like, yeah, when we were in the car on the way to brunch and he called I didn't realize he was on his way here and then he tells us Tommy called me in his state of rage and he said, Raza, you motherfucker, I'm going to kill you and I thought Okay, low-class trash and I hung up and Raza is Doing his like big victim thing like he's making his big victim eyes. We're just like blinking really slowly. And he's in his terrible plastic grease jacket.
Starting point is 00:16:12 With his long sleeves. Stupid sleeves, ass wiping sleeves. Oh god, I hate him, I hate him. And Adam's like, I kind of don't feel safe. And you know what? Normally, I would say, you know I understand that. Someone came to the house with a bat and since we weren't there he just vandalized the house. So I kind of, normally I would be like, I get that. But in this case I'm like, you know what, you guys started this.
Starting point is 00:16:37 You guys started this and now you're like, it doesn't justify what Tommy did, but I'm not gonna like feel bad for you right now. Also, how many strangers of you lighten your house? Adam? Yeah. There you go, James. So MJ's in a blue jumpsuit. Uh, well, MJ's, I have to say, one thing that never disappoints is MJ's fashion. I mean, wow.
Starting point is 00:17:01 So I think I'm going to do this big blue jumpsuit to the Fratelli Cafe To meet Neeman Mike for lunch. Yeah, Neeman's like look at you always got the fly jumpsuit on Well, we really have to do is lean into this look and really make it your trademark, okay? So MJ is there and and she's like, you know what it this sucks because this is the time of my life When I should feel love I should be feeling supported and celebrating and then this is happening and like Part of that yes is definitely like, whoa is me? But there is also something there I actually do think that there is some truth to that I mean she had this baby no one visited her her best friend of 30 years has like
Starting point is 00:17:43 whipped up a can't like a this like frenzy against her and instead of like feeling like she's just like this moment that she's been looking forward to for so many years that she's surrounded by all the love and support of her friends. She's now in this mess. That does suck. He's like well I didn't think it would get to this point, MJ. Throwing water in his face. Wow. And she's like, um, oh, yeah, because water. Oh, no, that's so awful.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Like, let's just forget that Resa just did this a couple of weeks ago, too. Yes. Exactly. Let's just all forget. So he was like, but that's a violation of personal space. And she's like, he wasn't a bathing suit. Yeah. And you know, the Resa point about that he just did that isn't really important point because of Reza
Starting point is 00:18:27 Is gonna say like well she threw water in my face and it was like it was so wrong and that's why it's better No, it's like but you just did that to Ali and what did Ali do when he got water in his face? He's he actually just sort of sat there and had composure and he and he controlled himself and almost, like, you didn't, you never, it's like, you were able to justify why through modernism. I was so angry at that moment that, like, you were able to see why that was acceptable for you in that moment.
Starting point is 00:18:57 But now all of a sudden MJ does it to you and you're allowed to spout off this shoot about abortions and tell. Yeah. So he was like, well, who would have, because he cuz he's like the Tommy thing is he has a proper reaction He's like, what would say that's a proper reaction the al-cactus god art So it might come to her he's like, he's like, hey, hey, hey, you know, my friends are causing me a lot of anxiety Okay, so then we cut back to Resan Adam and he's like what was she thinking to set her criminal
Starting point is 00:19:25 Thug husband? What is he supposed to scare us? Herd us? He's like, well, you look a little scared. I'm just saying he was scared. Yeah, Adam's like, I'm so glad we weren't here, honey. Like, we will not be intimidated. We have a temporary restraining order on everything until court hearing on June 14th. Adam's like, and just in case he decides to violate that, I am sleeping with a
Starting point is 00:19:50 jenga block under my pillow and I will throw it at his face. So then back to MJ, she's like, Oh God, how am I even a part of this? I mean, was like, Oh, can I ask you because I consider you a sister? Did you know that he was going to go with her? Mike's like, of course he did, bro. Of course. Like, what does she think is going to little league practice with his back? Yeah. By the way, I'm starting up a new stand-up comedy career to support my building career, which by the way, I'm here not helping that building right now.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I am not doing the building. So MJ is like Tommy has to protect his wife and son. And after someone says horrific things about his wife and then takes the social, do you really expect a man to lay down? So before we even get into what Resa said on IG, I will say this, this is now where I start to also give some of the business
Starting point is 00:20:38 to Tommy because Tommy has every right to be absolutely furious, but to actively like get into a car Drive over to their place with a bat. That's like not cool That is like really like he is allowed to have a reaction if you were at that party He would have probably thrown a punch for sure, but like now to actually to like to brave LA traffic Shows a level of commitment that is very scary and that was not cool. Well yeah of course my god you can't just hit people you don't like yeah exactly as we learn from Daniel's job right like
Starting point is 00:21:17 you just I we cannot condone violence Danielle. Stan Yell. C'mere shoes, here comes one right now. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Browneau,
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Starting point is 00:22:09 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. music or Wendry app. Watch with Jessica Trotch. Let's run some errands with Emily R.N. You're the Wyndham beneath our wings. Joe Wyndham. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters. Aaron McNickalus.
Starting point is 00:22:53 She don't miss no trickle-ists. Kelly Barlow, when she goes Barlow, we go high-low. Megan Burke, you can't have a burger without the bird. Ain't no thing like Alson King. He makes us squee-r-ch-e-d. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Hannah! Hannah loves that banana!
Starting point is 00:23:08 Anderson! Higher than Iris, it's Lauren Perez! Avonigila Weber! One day your Rachel's in! And the next day, you're out! The Bay Area Betches! Betches! And our super premium Patreon subscribers!
Starting point is 00:23:21 Let's take off with Tamala Plane! Nope, she did it again! It's Brittany Montana! Lisa Wallent. Now that's what I call Wallentainment. Give them hell, Miss Noel! Always ready for Nicole Paseretti! Better than Tabooly, it's Annie and Julie! Mortis, the Lord is of the Rings. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva!
Starting point is 00:23:39 We like her more than a smidge, it's Kelly Cartlid. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Dan Yela! Etch-o! Is a frog's ass watertight. She's not just a she-la, she's a Danielle. Hedgehog! Is a frog's ass watertight? It's Rosen's Sadie. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. Yes, we should, with Carrie Bridgewood. Nancy C. Centicisto.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Simple as rocket science, it's Dana Easey. Kelly's Tom, the Stunnastah. Somebody get us 10 C.C.s of Betsy M.D. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy! Shannon out of a can in Anthony! Incredible edible Matthewsisters! Mina Kuchikuchi! And, G8no Shrink and Violet Kuchar!
Starting point is 00:24:16 We love you guys! Oh, so MJ's like, uh, MJ tells us that Resu went to Instagram of all places like where else is he gonna go? So he he gives some big post. It's like five. I was started to type it down. I wrote it down I wrote it all down, but then you see that it's five pages long. Yeah, I was like, oh god I wrote down just the part the part I could see it's not actually not too bad He basically says when you're evil and plotting against your best friend of 30 years Make sure not to leave receipts and plain sight. The fact is, someone that I loved cared for and supported allowed fame to get to her head,
Starting point is 00:24:51 and she came for me while she was quote unquote, dying, and in ICU. Luckily her health care, her health scare passed quickly, and she was out and about going to the opening of an envelope. Um, I don't see where the receipts are in that. She literally said, she was dying and you put it in quotes. Like, she was an ICU. What, wait, why are you trying to make, well, I don't see what he was trying to say with that.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Mm-hmm. She was faking it. She was trying to, she was trying to garner sympathy, by pretending she was having some difficult pregnancy or whatever. This guy's just such a disgusting pain. He always has been a disgusting pain. So I guess the way he supports it is that he then,
Starting point is 00:25:29 so he in the actual post, he has text messages from Tommy describing what's going on with MJ. And as far as I can tell, the text messages look like she's going through a horrific experience, right? Yeah, well, all the text messages that Reza posted, yeah, you know, that they're mad about him posting all the medical stuff. So what the fuck is wrong with him? So she's like, well, he posted a rant of all our private texts and my personal history that Tommy confided in him. And you know, that just fan the flame. And so Nina's Nina. Nina goes like, but the bad is the car, the zipper.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Nina's like, I wouldn't expect someone to ever go to someone's house with a bat. So you think that's okay? And she's like, I never said it's okay. He's like, oh bad, oh bad. She's like, oh my god, he messed up some plants, calm down. That's literally what MJ said.
Starting point is 00:26:23 He's like, literally like, he messed up some plants. So what? That's literally what MJ said. He's like literally like, he messed up some plants, so what? And Mike's like, I thought MJ would be apologetic. Instead, she's defensive, which really doesn't impact me at all because I'm doing nothing with my life. But I just thought I'd share that. And he was like, you need a concline, a new dual apologize for what Tommy did. Cause that is a game changer.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah? Vegetarian or something. Yeah. That is what I'm saying Cause that is a game changer. Yeah. Vegetarianism. Yeah. That is what I'm saying. It's a game changer. So Mike's like, you're making us choose. She's like, you know what? Choose him.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I don't care. Like my life will not be impacted if I lose Mike's you had as a friend. Like now I can eat chocolate croissants. Yeah. And Neem is like, no, this is like the worst parents. And she's like, um, are you suggesting I talk to Resa because I would rather poke my eyes out? Yeah. And Neema's like, she's wrong. It was violent period.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, he's like, only a part of it. Yeah. Yeah, she's like, I'm done with Resa. Okay. I'll clear the air, but I've had enough of this. Bye. Pick up the tab. I'll get the next one. See ya. The first time that's ever been explicitly declared on Bravo, because we've seen so many people
Starting point is 00:27:25 Storm out of lunches and no one has ever offered to get the next one. I think just for that alone. They should be on MJ's side Yeah So next up we get Gigi going to see her lawyer to Sa. Yeah So Shalom finally signed the divorce papers out of nowhere He just finally divorced or signed the divorce papers. So it's all exciting. Except there's some weird loophole where if Shalom feels like there was fraud or there was lying or disinformation, he could rescind the signing, so GG is still in the the trouble zone. So basically, Tussis, like just leave him alone, because she, like, two seconds pretty much CGG, like halfway done posting an Instagram post saying, like, I'm done with that fucker.
Starting point is 00:28:10 She's like, don't, don't, don't do that. You know? Yeah, yeah. She's like, don't, don't make a mad. And she's just like, what does that mean exactly? Yeah. Don't be, yeah, don't do that. So, she's just like, well, I don't want him to know
Starting point is 00:28:24 I'm pregnant As she's shooting her so and about to post on Instagram that she's pregnant. Yeah, I know she will the second she's pregnant So she's like well now this part was fishy because Gigi's like what do you mean don't piss him off and Att used to tell us her well for example He could say that there was some kind of fraud or some things that happened that weren't disclosed to him. Yeah. What is that? I'm imagining if like the grounds of a... I don't know, but I'm assuming that there were some sort of like things that were negotiated about and like some sort of terms and if he feels like she wasn't disclosing all this and some sort of information that may have allowed him to get a more advantageous outcome that he would say that there was fraud and that it should, like, this is like, it's a null.
Starting point is 00:29:16 The thing that he signed is null because he signed something that was based off of not the full picture. I don't know. That's what I got from it. I just wonder what she what specifically she's talking about because maybe she's I feel like Gigi is the luckiest cast member this year because all of this Reza and MJ fighting has really taken the spotlight off of what monster Gigi is like it really has Gigi is just this like innocent little little munchkin right now and everybody's like oh my god Gigi's just this like innocent little little munchkin right now. Everybody's
Starting point is 00:29:45 like, oh my god, Gigi's getting pregnant. Like she's totally off the hook for everything ever. She's literally on a different show. She's just doing a show with her mom and, uh, yeah, asman and they're just hanging out, like, plucking things out of her giant candy bowls and eating pineapples. Yeah. So she's like, well, you know, I told you I'm using an anonymous sperm donor and like I look at the picture and I'm like, you know, I like his nose because I had to get my cut off and then he has to have like small lips because my lips are injected.
Starting point is 00:30:16 So I'm like, you know those, those traits. You know that like your Cosmic surgery is not genetically passed down, right? GG. Yeah, that's what she's saying. She's trying to find a man with a small nose You know that like your cosmic surgery is not genetically passed down right GG Yeah, that's what she's saying. She's trying to find a man with a small nose So her son doesn't get a big nose because she had to have it cut off Yeah, like well listen as long as your as long as your child has the same Well that you went to to get all of your plastic surgery your parents money. Yeah, I think they'll be fine
Starting point is 00:30:44 We'll be fine. She's basically like, and he's so nice. He wrote a letter to the child being like, dear child, I hope your life is full of wonderful things. You must have an amazing mom. Maybe someday I'll get to meet her and remarry her signed Shalom. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:31:03 So then destiny shows up and are fucking turban at a hookah restaurant. Okay, hey, your turban. Hey, hookah place is I hate who I'm a last very destiny. But though the one thing that got me through this is knowing that it was shot across the street from a Michaels. I was like, I know exactly where that place is. It's across from Michaels. I know it because when I try to leave Michaels, I see the hookah place while I'm sitting
Starting point is 00:31:23 in the waiting for the light to turn. So she tries to make me like her by ordering fries and a Moscow mule, but I can't. You're still on my goddamn nerves. Yeah. So Nima walks in and she's just in boy boy overdrive. She's like, Vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy, vy's actually boy-boying over Sam. I was like, really? You're doing the big boy-boy for Sam when you've got like friends who are, you know, restraining orders against each other and you're giving Sam the big boy-boy? Yeah, that you started, the way So she's like yeah She wants me to stop dating her brother, but I was like I'm an independent woman So and he was like oh gosh, she must not like you at all
Starting point is 00:32:33 So have you been seeing him since Vegas? I need to get my script right for when I cause shit with her Since I have no life to depend on for the show Yeah, and so yeah does he's like yeah, we're still like talking even though like Sarah's being Sarah's being a Total heater Anyway, I've got my event in Arizona and I'm not inviting Sarah to it because I guess she's doing some sort of at this point We I don't really know what it is, but something in Arizona and the guys are going to it But everyone's invited except for Sarah and MJ So yeah, which is extra shitty because Sara invited her to a shooting day. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:07 Even though she hates her and Destiny's gonna try and keep her off the show. Sorry, Destiny Nope, so she's like I notice this because I looked up her it's called liquid sweets, right? Because she says she's having a liquid sweets event and I was like, what is that so basically? Sugar water, you know, it's like that's having a liquid sweets event and I was like, what is that? So basically sugar water You know, it's like that's a thing actually so she I looked it up She's got a couple thousand followers on there. It's her party planning business or event planning business and her one of her taglines is like fun and flirty and so in this scene She's like Sam and I are still talking as long as it's fun and flirty
Starting point is 00:33:45 I'm gonna like you are so fucking phony Oh, you know, like really you're using your fucking shitty business tagline for this fake relationship You're so you're phony get the fuck off to you. You know that even doing here. You don't even know anybody Nobody even likes you on this show. Go home. You know that her company does those shitty stepping repeats I think you're with me one time didn't we one time? company does those shitty stepping repeats. I think you're with me one time. Didn't we one time? When we at like Cabo Cantina on sunset and then someone drove us somewhere and so we got onto this car across the street, they apart across the street and it was at the sunset Trocodero. There was some sort of event that was happening and they had like the world's
Starting point is 00:34:18 smallest step-and-repeat. I think it was like smaller than the one that we got for that one L.A. show that we did and they set up a step-and-repeat and this little red carpet outside the sunset trocadero. And the car that we were getting into was parked right there. So like literally our car was parked on the red carpet for this, whatever this event was. Like literally it was like randos going down this red carpet. And we, and it was like people walking down the red carpet and then like us walking on the red carpet to get to the car. I was like that is what a Destiny event would be. Doing the red setting up a red carpet next to like a random, you know, mid-Auths Toyota.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah, pretty much. There's Destiny in the nutshell. Yeah. So then Gigi is ordering there's Destiny in the nutshell. Yeah. So then Gigi is ordering fast food because she's wacky guys. Yeah. And then we go to MJ's house. Yeah. And she's dressing her baby and stuff
Starting point is 00:35:16 and Craig comes over with a mullet and some very sparkly. And a jogging course. And it's very like a unicorn bang. You know, unicorns always seem to have like a very intense scoopy bang. Yeah. He has that.
Starting point is 00:35:32 He has a unicorn bang. A unicorn bang. So he comes over with like a unicorn bang mullet and he's like, didn't want to ring the doorbell because I didn't want to wake the baby, but here's the baby. Oh my god. I brought collagen water. I brought some healthy drinks. didn't want to ring the doorbell because I didn't want to wake the baby but here's the baby. Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:35:50 I brought collagen water, I brought some healthy drinks, I brought dirt smoothies, they're actually made of dirt that is pureed with mud. Also I brought toenail shots and also some liquid fat that has been turned into a jelly that you can put on top of your stapler English muffin. Oh Adam wanted me to, oh never mind, he didn't, it's just his deck. I'm sorry, I'll reply to that later. If you were played Jenga, I'm trying to learn the rules, apparently, there's some sort of game night tonight. So then over at Mike's place, Mike is doing a big bagel setup So then over at Mike's place, Mike is doing a big bagel setup because he needs bigger boobs. And Destiny comes over and basically Mike tells us that here we go. Res is pulling together a meeting and he's making Mike Catering, of course. Like, dude at your house, my house has been traumatized enough.
Starting point is 00:36:42 So he's forcing a meeting, a cast meeting basically where everybody has to agree to not film with MJ or he's going to get them kicked off the show. Yeah. Which is basically what it does every season with somebody. And Mike even knows it and he still goes through that he goes, I love Reza, but he also has a really good way of rallying his troops. It's always like, you want to be on my team or their team. Like, that's what he does.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And like, so why are you, why are you allowing him to his team? Because they think that the rest is the show, you know, as they'll do whatever he wants. Oh, so Craig back with Craig, he's like, oh my god, you're breast still weak when you hear the baby cry. Mine too. It's really weird. Such an impact. I, I have sympathy breast leaking.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Yeah. So everybody starts showing up to Mike's house. And Reza gives us some more victim monologue. He's like, not having your best friend to say loss that is unimaginable. So I need all the love and support I can get right now as I try to get my best friend kicked off this show for good Yeah, don't talk to me about not having your best friend She was in the hospital. She gave birth to a baby and you didn't even show up
Starting point is 00:37:52 And now you're gonna talk about how you lost your best friend And you weren't even there for her with a baby and after a surgery I mean, come on. This is you starting into a candidate for a shut up mountain Here you here you Listen, I can never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever have anything to do with MJ or Tommy. First she sent her little game minion to destroy my marriage and then she sent her thaw cosband to what comment rough me up.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I mean the only one who's destroying the marriage right now is Adam and Reza right? Like the game the quote of a game minion is not just is not there to destroy the marriage right now is Adam and Reza, right? Like the game, the quote of the gay minion is not just is not there to destroy the marriage. The gay minion is like, please someone tell Adam to stop sending me pictures of his dick. I'm not into it. I don't want it. And on top of that, Reza already told me that he wants nothing to do with me, but then he keeps sending me dickpicks. It's really annoying. That's not him trying to destroy the marriage. That's him trying to like get texts to stop. Speaking of Indians, Neema pipes up. He's like, Mike and I went to meet with her and we held nothing back, bro. We held nothing back. We told her point blank that Tommy's actions
Starting point is 00:38:59 were unacceptable. Rets is like, did she show any remorse? Not a bit. I did say that something was a game changer though. That was really great to say that. Yeah. So, um, yeah, Mike's like, they acted like savages, but you can't flush away yours a friendship over a disagreement, okay? Because if they're fighting, I mean, how am I going to ask them both for money if I can only ask one of them for money? That's not going to ask them both for money if I can only ask one of them for money? That's not going to work out for me.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And then Sarah comes over. What the fuck are you even doing here? You don't even know these people. Yeah. Sarah here. Get rid of her. Send her in a car with destiny. Something. What are Kelly asked every time she came home? So she's brought a candle.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Thanks for that thoughtful gift, Sarah. So she's like, where's going to sit? And Ressa's like, listen, I want to apologize to you profusely for acting like an animal. I am so sorry about your party. And then we see a flashback again of Ressa throwing the bind during Adam's wedding. Honey. And Sarah's like, um, you don't have to apologize. Who invited Maris anyway?
Starting point is 00:40:08 Oh, really? He's someone who came in screaming and yelling at that party, not her. Yeah. So he asked us so full of shit. There's such ass kissers. It's hard to watch this. Well, I did a PowerPoint projection, and I thought that by bringing two friends together, the expensive party that would work out, and that was wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:28 But I thought that a 30 year friendship, that they would have a little tiff and it'll smooth over, but apparently my projections were wrong. It was not the game changer we were expecting. We were not able to flatten the curve on their situation and this is where we're at now. Hey look, I'm a cast member on a show with zero life to film and the producers make me do things and I do them so I can keep my job. Okay. So then Reza of all people goes,
Starting point is 00:40:51 you're being flippant about my feelings. Oh, really Reza? Suddenly you're feeling you can't be flippant about Reza's feelings when we have like seven seasons of you doing that to every single one of your classmates. Yeah, and Russ is like, well, I wish I'd not gone downstairs on disclosed her medical history because it had nothing to do with our argument. And then cut back to Craig.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And he's like, MJ, your dad came to me in my sleep again. What? What? Okay, why is that the plotline? Is anybody used to have a lunch at Shams? Why is Shams visiting Craig instead of M. James? Shams stop visiting people while they're trying to sleep. Craig has bangs to iron.
Starting point is 00:41:35 Shams is literally trying to go to work out in from heaven. He's like, hey, Craig. Can I just get like a new routine for a peer thanks? He's like, he said that he really wants you to address your situation with Reza. She's like, oh Jesus Christ Leave me alone Oh gosh, so then they start to stretch and stuff and then meanwhile back at Mike's house Paulina joins the big Reza summit and Reza is talking to everyone about the the restraining order and
Starting point is 00:42:05 he's like Tommy has stay a hundred yards away from our home our cars us and whatever Jenga set Adam is set up in the backyard. Will there be Joe consequences for him? He's like yes and just like, this is really hit the fan. Stop crying, starter. Okay, you started this. You. Yeah. So it's like, please do not try to mend or help our relationship.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Any of you, I don't want to be any friends with anyone who is friends with her. I don't want to see pictures of her. I don't want her to see pictures of my life or know anything about me. Yeah, it says the guy who totally divulged her medical history. Yeah. So he's, so then it's like, well, Res, I'd be able to go to the terror zone for this exciting destiny weekend. He's like, unfortunately, I will not be able to go to Arizona.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I will be taking Adam to Hawaii for his birthday. I promised him we could jump into the ball pit, but I think he thinks it's something else. So then later we're still at Mike's house, but it's like a different time now. And someone's ringing the door in his neema, Mike's like, hey, I'm all stuck up on Girl Scout cookies, bro. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Got him, Got him. And then Sherman comes in. He's like, hey guys. So I brought a giant bag and they're like, come on. He's like, this is like 101. You never check a bag. And if you're just taking Southwest to a city. Sorry, bro.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I just have to have all my stuff. So I look awesome and fly tonight. Mike's like, this is our guys weekend. I can't wait to get away with serving the Nima unless face it. Destiny's one of the guys. Nope, nope, no she's not. She's definitely not. And also, by the way, they're all going to see MMA. It's like, oh, could it be more awful? Could it just, I mean, it's just one thing after another. Well, it's Destiny's big MMA event. Yeah, who's partnered with it. So they're like they're like putting their bags in the car and you must like you guys
Starting point is 00:44:11 Vacation Neema is a complete liability watch out. It's gonna be a game changer I'm gonna couple of Rosé than me and I get wild dude. I will talk about myself in ways you can't even imagine and it'll be so exciting So then we go to Phoenix and Destiny's getting her makeup on and she's like, oh my god What are the fucking odds if they for they lost my fucking package my whole fucking package with my shirt and my Top's and my oh my god She's trying to be like so extra entertaining and it's it's hard. Now here's my question. What's Sarah thinking? Okay her assistant Sarah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 That's the only person I care. Oh I think her name was Rose Rose Rose Rose. Yeah. Yeah. What does Rose think? Rose is basically like here. I mean I just give you a giant shot to kill us so you'll shut up. So she does that. She does that. And then we see Nima and Shervin and Mike walking through, I think it was Sky Harbor Airport like, yeah, we're in our zone. But we find out that they got kicked off a plane. And that basically, like one of them was like saving seats for them because of Southwest and then a guy saw them saving seats And was like this is you know that they got into a fight Neema explained it on his Instagram the base of the guy started yelling at them for saving seats
Starting point is 00:45:34 And then started using racial epithets and then Southwest because Southwest has a great track record with this they kicked off Neema Sherman and Mike Even though it was the other guy being racist. But to be fair, they probably were so much cologne that it was really for the safety of everyone on board. Oh, God. So then they're like, well, this is not like this is the first time that happened and we get a clip of their Israel trip when they're all interrogated and stuff. And Mike's like, well, we got the worst behind us getting kicked off the plane, getting arrested. And though we have Destiny's event, never mind, okay. Yeah, we don't have the worst behind us.
Starting point is 00:46:12 So Neema's like, guys, I think we have enough time for a cocktail before dinner and enough time to see Shervin strike out at least with three girls before bedtime. Vacation Neema's here, everyone. Vacation Neema. or bedtime. Vacation Nemo's here, everyone. Vacation Nemo. And Tess and he's like, oh my God, I'm so drunk, you guys. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:32 And Mike, she says she's drunk because she's had all these things that she's all stressed out, all these things to do today. So we see her drinking. But Mike thinks that she's really drunk because she has guilt about the Resen MJ situation. Mike, I don't think so. I think she's a little bit too self-involved
Starting point is 00:46:48 to be stressed about that situation. Yeah, I mean, she's the only girl cast member on this trip and it's all about her. I doubt she's worried about anything else right now, you know? Did you notice? She was psyched. Did you also notice that when Nima, when they walked in, and Nima went up to the reception,
Starting point is 00:47:01 she just goes, ah, hi, we have three comped rooms under Justin E. Rose. That's like, you could just say you've got three rooms. Not like, hi everyone, we have three comped rooms, we have comped rooms here. Oh, I thought he was kidding, like she's paying for him. Ha ha. Oh, my bad.
Starting point is 00:47:19 Like a dad, he'll take the check. I thought the entire episode I was like, oh, I'm surprised that Destiny has a thrown in their faces that she bought their rooms. No, that's totally dad humor. If ever you're confused about anything that Nima is saying, just think of it as your dad saying. You're right. I take it back. I resend the shade. Check you guys get ready for the fanciest thing. We're having steak dinner in this casino in Phoenix. It's gonna be... We're gonna be wild tonight. We're having steak dinner in this casino in Phoenix. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:47:46 We're gonna be wild tonight. We're gonna have our big steak dinner at 630 p.m Yeah A steakhouse in a casino with fluorescent lighting. I'm going all out boys So then we go over to MJ's house and Vita comes over. We're back on We're back on, we're back on iPhone cam. So Vita comes over and she has officially retired from Bloomingdale's, which means she is no longer terrorizing people at the Century City Mall as they walk by. And yeah, she promised a retire when the baby came and she did it. And now they're stuck
Starting point is 00:48:23 with Vita. Great promise. Great promise, guys. That baby's going to be playing ping pong before it says so. That's true. So MJ is basically really bummed that she didn't get invited to the Arizona trip. Because she and Destiny were really close and Destiny was talking to MJ about it for months and months and months and then it comes and she doesn't get the invite. Yeah and MJ is like you know the she knows that the moment she has to face me the truth is gonna come out and once it does she's gonna look like a big big big big big big big big big big big balloon liar. Yeah and Venus just like fuck him she's basically like you should be with your precious baby one day that your friend one one day that your enemy. with your precious baby. One day that your friend one day that your enemy.
Starting point is 00:49:10 When she came in, I'm just like, Oh, sorry, mom, I need to put on some blush and she goes and some chapstick. Or someone. So Gigi's condo with her friend, they're sitting around with the mom waiting to hear if she's pregnant. And guess what? She's pregnant. Whoa. So then back in Phoenix, Mike goes to Serven and Nemo's room and he's like, Oh my God, is this your room, Serven?
Starting point is 00:49:35 No wonder it smells like Freck on the Y. I was like, wait a second, that's our joke, Mike. Stop it. So Mike is like, it's so weird to be on this vacation trip, but not have MJ or Resa. These are like my friends. This is so weird right now. Wow. So MJ calls up Mike and she's just feeling bad that she's missing out on all the fun
Starting point is 00:49:56 time. It just doesn't, it doesn't feel good for her, you know. And she felt like the guys were really attacking her and giving her the third degree at the cafe. And he was like, she crying. Looks like listen, I'm sorry, you're upset, but this just isn't a little feud. Okay, each person has a responsibility that they have to take. And I don't know why Destiny would lie or that Ali who is your friend or why they
Starting point is 00:50:17 would lie. But and she's like, um, I'm because I said that she was the one who told them to do it. And she's like, um, I'm not trying to bob or weave my way out of this Okay, Tommy was storming out of here. Do you think I want that? And then they show a clip of MJ telling Tommy what Ressa said like somehow implicating her. Yeah, I didn't like that She told Tommy. Well, who cares? She's allowed to tell her she's allowed to tell Tommy what was said That's does not make her Lady Macbeth. Yeah, so she's like, I'm not in charge of my husband's behavior. And Mike's a quote about your own behavior.
Starting point is 00:50:52 You have taken no responsibility. You've taken responsibility for nothing my love, nothing my love. Oh, I hate what Mike does that. Yeah. It's like, hey honey. Hey, Terence, can you get me some more asked? And she's basically like, yes, I'm aware that Ali wanted to talk to Resa about this issue, which to me did not exceed Tripp Jenga, you know? By the way, did you also notice that Mike has MJ listed in his phone as MJ Shaz. It's a little odd to me that he has her listed classified by the TV show that he's on as opposed to Mercedes Javide or something like that.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah, because we've been friends for so long. Yeah, I was like, wait, what? So he's like, oh, that's something up MJ, don't worry about it. So then we go to dinner at this beautiful steak place. And it's like clown music. I know there's like a football, there's a strange football in the middle of the table. And that's some he thinks that she's won at this point, right? Yeah, she's like, here I am.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I've got this whole cast trip is about me. Everything's going to go great. She's trying to be as wacky as possible. Yeah. So Mike starts telling Destiny what MJ said on the phone. And and he was like, she was crying. She was actually crying. It was a game changer for me a total game changer
Starting point is 00:52:05 The intention was there. Okay, the intention was there and Destiny's like um she tells us M.C. Sure knew for sure New what was that from the beginning? and Ali specifically told me the M.J. told him to do this like well who told you to do it? Yeah, like Destiny so fucking shady so she's like, well, who told you to do it? Yeah. Like, Destiny's so fucking shady. So she's like, well, on one hand, I'm happy you're telling me, but like, on the other hand, it hurts me, because she's not owning up to it.
Starting point is 00:52:32 She starts her fucking crocodile tears. Yeah, exactly. And she's like, she literally put me in a situation, and made it seem like I was lying when I wasn't. And Mike's like, please be honest. Please be honest. What do I have to lose? You know, and she starts serving with my hero in this one.
Starting point is 00:52:48 He's like, he's like, why are you upset? The bear is directed him to come tell you. She's like, no, it's not just one thing that hurts me. He's like, okay, then can we move on to the next thing? Yeah. And so she gets mad because Mike said, be honest. And the guy's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, because now Destiny's having a fit. You know, she said what do I have to lose? I was like your show your friendship with Reza, which obviously freaked you down out because no one would shoot with you
Starting point is 00:53:15 She was afraid of Reza Yeah, and she's like you guys are drinking the fucking Kool-Aid and servants like you have to own your mother fucking keep too All right, all these rumors traveling around that Rezis has been cheating, and then you proliferate that by bringing it to Mike instead of Rezis fucking ear. Mm-hmm. Exactly. And so, uh, and that seems like, I have been nothing but fucking there for everyone, Voidboy, and on top of that, I have been shit on constantly, Voidboyboy. Please don't bullshit. Voidboy and on top of that I have been shit on constantly avoid by void
Starting point is 00:53:49 Please don't bullshit. First of all, I don't need that bullshit And I'm gonna tell you what and then she starts screaming and slamming the table. Yeah, I've got a mother fucking Oh really weird all those tears go Yeah, I'm just like you can't get out of this so you're just gonna scream and yell now It's like the bra School of Avoiding. Too flacked. Yeah, like you have a business to deal with and why did you bring this TV show along? She goes, no, no matter what, at the end of my journey,
Starting point is 00:54:12 I know where I'm going. And Sherman's like, I have a bottle service in hell. Come see me there. I'm like, of course, Sherman would even get bottle service in hell, of course. And she's like, I can't believe what you're saying to me. He goes, yeah, because you're saying what you're saying doesn't mean dick.
Starting point is 00:54:25 All right. And he slams the table back at her. And then the poor restaurant manager is like standing outside trying to like break it up. But he's like, okay, they're calm again. Oh, they're slamming the table again. All right, they're calm. Oh, the blue hairs are scandalized out there. Neema's like, well, at least she knows she's caught.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Because if she's truly innocent, why are you acting so guilty? like, well, at least she knows she's caught. Because if she's truly innocent, why are you acting so guilty? And she screams at Shervin that he's a disgusting piece of shit. And blah, blah, blah, and then walks away, of course. And that's that. So, not really in Saka.
Starting point is 00:54:57 Yep. So now we go back to Tommy, Tommy and MJ are at home with the baby. And he's like, I have no regrets. So they put the baby They put the baby down or whatever. So MJ is talking about how You know, she's like Tommy stood up for me and now he's going now. He's going to have legal consequences and they start talking about the whole Like the whole incident that happened Yeah, and she's like the babe, like here we are.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Now it's your chance on camera to say you regret it. I don't regret it! I'm fucking in that! But then he start sobbing because it was like the worst day in his life and he lost his mother. And then now he almost lost her and he's traumatized. Well, he also says, you know what? Broke a plan. I wanted to break his legs. He's lucky. I'm like, please don't say that on camera.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Reza will 100% use that. He's, I was scared if we'd been there. He would have killed us. He said he wanted to break our legs. Yeah, Tommy's not the brightest bulb on the tree, but he is my favorite. He goes, you own the woods that leave your mouth. Okay, you can't just talk like that to people. Otherwise, some of my coming break your legs.
Starting point is 00:56:03 What happened? Gain straight, ran, putt ridiculous. I'm like perpendicular. Okay. I'm not there to play Tommy's six or naked, Jenga bro. I'm there to kick some ass. Yeah, I'm not helping yourself.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah. Cut. Re-suit. Yeah, but that when he does talk about like, it's like, it was gut wrenching. Like Tommy will do this. There'll be just a typical normal Tommy scene, and then he will just like drive a knife into your heart.
Starting point is 00:56:30 He's like, they told me it was gonna be the best not of my life. The minute you hold your kid, wait, wait, wait, and it was the fucking worst night of my life, and I can't get out of my head. And I was like, why am I tearing up? Where did this come from? What happened?
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah. But it also goes to show you, this is why it makes me so mad what Reza is talking about. But these are people who are going through real, real anxiety and hurt and fear. And this was supposed to be an amazing thing. It's not like they're just saying it for attention. Tommy has been traumatized by this experience.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And Reza is, they're just saying it for attention. Tommy has been traumatized by this experience and Reza is, is they're going to this and Reza is calling up MJ while she's like recovering and being like, did you just do you try to add these pictures or whatever it is so inconsiderate while these people are like going through it and that you can't put that aside for one second and just be there for your friend and to say, you know, I'm gonna deal with this later or you know what this is too petty or maybe just give her the benefit of the doubt because she's your friend it's just it's so vile it's so reza that's so reza coming to disney reza be obsessed anyway now that I'm all fired up, hey, that was the end of that. So we'll see where it goes.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Probably no work good. In the meantime, go check out our bonus episodes and stuff on slash watchwork crap ends. Hey, go follow us on Instagram at watchworkrabbons. And we're going to be back with our next episode to discuss Vanderprop rules. Ooh, life after the wedding. So we'll be back with Vanderpump rules. Ooh, life after the wedding. So we'll be back with Vanderpump rules on Wednesday. Until then, stay safe, be safe, be considerate.
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