Watch What Crappens - Summer House: Enragement Party

Episode Date: May 9, 2023

On this week's Summer House (S7E13) Danielle loses her mind when she finds out about Carl and Lindsay's engagement. But don't worry guys — she's totally chill about it. Totally.Watch... with Crappens on Demand here: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. This episode is sponsored by Uber1. We've all used Uber for rides, and I love using UberEats for food delivery. Okay, hello. I mean, I kind of live off of it. But have you ever heard about Uber1? Uber1 is a membership that helps you save on Uber and UberEats. With an Uber-1 membership, you get exclusive member perks, like up to 10% off UberEats and a $0 delivery fee on eligible orders. It just makes sense. I'm always getting Uberes.
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Starting point is 00:02:09 What happens What crap What What What Happens when there's so what if Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm Ben Mandelker. Joining me today is the wonderful hilarious and beautiful Mr. Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello, thank you so much. What a lovely, good morning. You're welcome, thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. Today we're recapping a show that's about stupid people
Starting point is 00:02:55 doing stupid things, Summer House, the original Summer House. We recapped Summer House Martha's Vineyard yesterday. So today is Summer House, before we get into that, oh my god. We are like two days away from our big New York show. It's gonna be huge. We're gonna be recapping Real Housewives of New Jersey. It's gonna be so fun. Town Hall. I'll be there. Ronnie will be there. My parents will be there. You know what? There may be some other people there. So you know what? Go to and get your tickets and come join us for this bananza. And then two days later, guess what?
Starting point is 00:03:30 We're going down to D.C. to talk Van and Prompt rules. This is a big week for us. Two enormous shows. We don't want you to be left out. We don't want to have one of those situations where someone says, when you guys are going to come to New York, we have to say, oh, it was last week. You know, just come and tell your friends, bring a friend or come solo, it'll be great.
Starting point is 00:03:48 So that's what I'm really excited to go to New York. I'm so excited, I lived there for 10 years, some of my best friends are there. I always have such a great time in that city, seeing your friends and your family. And like, I'm even putting effort into my packing, which I never do. You know, there's just a row of bunch of t-shirts and a couple pairs of jeans.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'm putting button down shirts in there that I can iron because you know New York's sheet. You can't just like show up everywhere in a t-shirt. And so I'm like what certain you know what shirts can I wear and button up and like should I take extra shoes so I bring a different suitcase? Should I go do some shopping? Who am I gonna see there? What kind of gay people am I gonna see? What neighborhood am I gonna be? Like I'm thinking about all the stuff
Starting point is 00:04:33 that I never think about. I never give a shit about. God, New York, I love you. I can't wait to see you, baby. What happens if we run into Padma Locksby on the street? Wow, welcome to our city, chefs. Please welcome two podcasters who've never won a Michelin star. Ben and Ronnie.
Starting point is 00:04:53 It could happen. One has to drink. It could happen. I can't wait to hear your story about it after. When you go, oh my god, have a story. I saw Padma Locksme. Well, actually, I'm gonna hang out with my friend and she actually lives across street from Padma lock me.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And every time I go over to replace him, I was like, is it today gonna be the day when I see Padma on the street? And guess what? Yeah, it's still not happening yet. Not yet. You know what? Let's put it out there in the universe.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I'm putting it out there. I feel like I wouldn't go up to Padma. You know, we do a podcast about you because she would not know or care. She'd be like, ew. Gross. Oh, a podcast. Is that like having a show on Netflix
Starting point is 00:05:35 that's critically acclaimed by A24, like my dear friend, Alie Wong. No, oh, bless your heart. So let's go to Summer House. So Summer House summer house we have just I know that was a jolt Those are jolt from Padma Classy Padma to this tacky pre-planned. I can't believe these two did their Incasement pictures like we're all fucking idiots and didn't see all these pictures splattered all over people What was Dave Quinn like hiding behind a tumble-leaded bush?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Like, oh wow, look at Lindsay, so surprised by that wall of cameras from People magazine that just happens to be there. So she's just been engaged to... She's just gotten engaged to Carl. She just gathered firewood and gotten engaged. Yeah, that's true. And so she's like, oh my, never gonna start. Like I'd ever get married.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I based on the method I've dated. My girl is like the moon, the beautiful human being, ever liked the sweetest soul. Sorry girls, I'll solve the market now. Oh, what a shame. What a shame, Carl's off the market yet. Right now, what, what a shame. What a shame Carl's off the market yet right now. What a what a bad. I'm just like, oh my god, look at this.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Look at this. So then meanwhile, back at the summer house, everyone's in the kitchen dressed up ready to go for what they think is an elevated bone far pro and Kyle's like, all right, well, we're gonna do a dose. Okay, so at this very moment, Carl is probably down on one knee, not tying his shoe. He's actually probably proposing to Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So we're not gonna go to the beach, we're gonna go to Dockerst to congratulate them. And could there be any more appropriate place for this cast to go than a place called Dockerst? Okay, to Carl Lindsay. Right, and Danielle is doing like freak out face. She's like, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, like being a drama queen, waiting for somebody to just ask her. Right and Danielle's doing like freak out face. She's like
Starting point is 00:07:30 Like being a drama queen waiting for somebody to just ask her Danielle. Are you okay? Just and sounds like wow Lindsay was wearing an epic wedding dress. That's like wow that's like Tare a proposal dress and I would not call that a proposal dress I would call that a bad luck dress because it is in the Charlie Brown pattern. You know, the chevron patterns that Charlie Brown wears, and that guy can't even kick a football without falling on his head.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So I don't see a lot of positive things for this marriage. I see a quick break up. I thought it was like the standard dress you wear when you're supposed to randomly gather firewood for no good reason on a beach. And you don't think they don't have a firewood dress? It's my gathering firewood for no good reason. And I totally must have been just bad to say it all.
Starting point is 00:08:14 So Kyle's like, no, no, I don't think she knew. Let me just say it's all happening. Okay. And Pete goes, oh, is that why he was in the hospital? Oh, it makes so much sense. He realized he's going to be marrying a very old lady that is nerve wrecking. And cause like, yeah, it's going to be fly out of my daddy's that month.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Everyone's kind of like literally wasted every moment of the show this season. At least he used to have some sober moments. I mean, now he's just constantly like, oh, we're a little, little, little.'s just constantly like, oh, we're in the middle. So Danielle begins her, her Odyssey, that this, she's a disaster this episode. She was like, what are you doing? She is a disaster.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I have stood up for Danielle. I have been on Danielle's side through this fight, but she is a disaster and she's like, she is a whole thing. That's so funny, because she's making these huge faces trying to get anybody to ask her. Nobody asks her anything. She's throwing a facial fit, right?
Starting point is 00:09:10 And so when Kyle goes, he's flying up her dad, her stepmom, and Gabbie goes for talkers, and Paige goes, I mean, was there no Applebee's? They could helicopter to, yes, talkers. Of course, where else? So Danielle's like, well, I'm glad Carl included me in the whole thing. I mean, that's real fucking cool. Whatever, it says a lot, doesn't it? It says a lot without saying anything, okay?
Starting point is 00:09:32 And I was about to show up in Dungarees to, I guess, a fucking Gage-M-Party? Are you fucking kidding me? Me and Dungarees at an Gage-M-Party. Thanks a lot. And Paige goes, Fates just goes. That's a Dungaree. Same goes, Jeans, I think. She goes, Paige goes, and Paige cisco's. That's a dungery. Jim goes, jeans I think,
Starting point is 00:09:46 she goes, and Paige goes, is it for the British? Is that British for jeans? Dungeries, like, top of the morning to you and your dungeries,
Starting point is 00:09:55 I guess that's Irish. God save the dungeries. Let me in and I, am I even going to be invited to the wedding? Who knows? This is such bullshit, Kyle. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's why I thought I was going crazy for it. Like, that's what they went crazy for, like, saying they were moving too fast because I said that they were moving too fast. And they just, yeah, because they knew they were getting engaged. Probably in donkeys. Did I use that properly in the set?
Starting point is 00:10:21 Is that the proper usage? Are they expensive? Did they ever go half off? Are they just always cheap? So then, she's like, I'm sorry. That's so fucked up for everything I've fucking done for that fucking relationship. There's, this is like so beyond crazy that me,
Starting point is 00:10:36 someone who's been a vocal critic of this relationship did not get looped in on this engagement. This is fucked up. I've made my entire season about being critical of this relationship. How dare they not tell me about it. So she's wearing jeans that look like diapers while she's having a fit which cracked me up.
Starting point is 00:10:56 She just looks like a baby and jean diapers. So Daniel's like, they are so beyond crazy. Meanwhile, everybody in the house is sitting at the table just staring at her loose from my mouth and it's really awkward. It's fucked up because they can't be happy in this moment. And even though I have been on Danielle's side, this is really fucked up, I think that I was really trying
Starting point is 00:11:19 to think about this. I was like, where am I going to land on this issue? Because you know me, I'm gonna have a take a little bit on this side, a little bit on that side. But I think that she, I understand why she's hurt because this is like a total confirmation that like Carl and Lindsay are like, they are not, they're not caring. And like, I don't think Lindsay had any expectation. Like Lindsay would never reach out to Danielle about this at this point. But Carl did just have this conversation with Danielle where he's like,
Starting point is 00:11:45 y'all, so we're all good. Everything's better than ever was and we're great. Everything's great. But then he doesn't tell her. So I understand why she's hurt by that. But this is not your moment, Danielle. And these emotions that you're feeling, you got to control them. And you just got to, you got to bend on it to the day.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Here's what Bugs mean about her. She's just such a fucking tryhard. First of all, yes, she had that nice conversation with Carl. It didn't end that great. Lindsay was still pissed off after it, which he knows. Also, she said she wanted them to be happy, but she still thought they were moving fast. So how does he know he's going to tell Danielle
Starting point is 00:12:20 and Danielle's not going to throw a fit like she's doing right now, which is Lindsay after the whole thing. Which is exactly what Linda obviously, even though Lindsay obviously knew all this was happening because she made this deal with people magazine to sell the pictures, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. But still, according to the show,
Starting point is 00:12:35 we can't trust that Danielle's not gonna ruin this and be a fucking drama queen and make it all about herself and try and use this as a storyline which she's done all season long. I think that she's doing right now. Well, I think what she ultimately is really upset about is that she has felt like ever since they got together that she's been like a third wheel. They used to be like three amigos.
Starting point is 00:12:56 She's a third wheel and it's been non-adhermentar, feel very insecure. And this is like the ultimate expression of that. And she does not like, she's now facing the utter reality of a new situation, which is fine, I think it's fine to be upset about that, but like, also like, don't make it shitty for everyone else. You know, like, don't make it shitty, like everyone in the house can't even be happy
Starting point is 00:13:19 in this moment for a Carl Lindsey, because everyone knows this is going too fast. Everyone literally knows it, but they could at least be like, oh, cool, fun, and excuse to drink. Now they can't even have an excuse to drink and woohoo. Yeah, I just think she's trying really hard. You went to the girls that you knew that didn't like Lindsay and made that your storyline.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It was like befriending them and kind of going anti-lincey for the season. You made that choice. You're livingriending them and kind of going anti-lensy for the season. You made that choice. You're living in that reality world where you knew what you were damned doing to go versus Lindsay this season. You did it. And now you're trying to be the biggest victim in all of this and act like you've been screwed over so hard and you're not even really crying, so cut the shit. Okay? Later, I think she finally gets some tears at because I see something on a towel that she's using. But this whole part, she's just like,
Starting point is 00:14:08 ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, and nothing's coming out. She's like a child crying in a chile used because they're not getting, you know, an awesome blossom piece or whatever. Well listen, I'm not buying this lady, not buying this. The good news is, the good news is, she's gonna totally get it out now.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So that way when she goes to the engagement party, she can just be happy and present don't worry Ron and I'll be okay so Maya's like uh cuz Danielle's like spiraling over by the on the kitchen island and Maya's like like uh can you help her can you like give her a hug she's standing right next to you look at her she's a disaster. Calls like I'm dry. I'm dry. I'm dry. I'm dry. I'm dry. So then Dan,
Starting point is 00:14:48 Dan deals like yeah it's fucked up, it's fucked up and like honestly like Carl can say anything to me like not even a text message on the side that is fucked up. I will not shout anymore tears for those assholes. And she's wiping her like air tears that aren't there. And then we hear buzzing sound. And Sierra is calling Maya called Sierra. And she's like, bitch, bitch, can you hear me? That's who got engaged.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm not even lying to you. We're all getting dressed to go to their engagement party right now. And Daniel's like, oh, also, do you know what Dunga Rezar? We're a little puzzled right now. Can you look it up on Wikipedia? So, oh, sorry. Yeah, so Danielle is like, she's like,
Starting point is 00:15:29 she's like, now I'm cut out of their entire engagement. I'm like, yeah, but like, you're not supportive of this engagement. So like, you have to like take the consequences. Even though I support you, you have to take the consequences. So then Kyle's like, well, I don't think you're a cut out. It's just that they just didn't want to tell you anything at all. And they wanted to make sure like if we were like a pie, they wanted to maybe take your size of pie out of the pie.
Starting point is 00:15:51 But I don't think you're like cut out or anything. Yeah, let's just say like, you know, you're like, you know how you only need one kidney. You're the one that cut out. Because if you get me that you only need one. You know, like, you cut out. Because if you're a kidney, that you only need one. You know, like when you make a snowflake, and so you could take a piece of paper and you fold it and then you take your scissors
Starting point is 00:16:11 and you cut triangles out, you're not cut out, but you're also not the snowflake. You're basically like a coupon on the back of a cereal box and the cereal starts falling out of the box You're like wait a minute. Where's the coupon? It's not that you were cut out, but
Starting point is 00:16:31 You know what you're like in the cereal box, you know you get the toy and it's like that octopus and you throw it against the wall and sort of like walks down the wall and and Then you take a sister and you cut off all its legs. You're like the legs. You're like cut off so you take a sister and you cut off all the legs, you're like the legs, you're like, cut off. So, no, that's cut off, not cut out. Yeah, it's difference, it's difference.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So Daniel's like, there's nothing left. Cause he's basically like, listen, come on, like get it together, we can salvage this relationship, just be happy for them. And she's like, there's nothing left, there's nothing left, this is the final. Yeah, there is, I'm drinking it right now. This is the final. Yeah, there is. I'm drinking it right now.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Now, the relationship Kyle, not the bottle bottle. He's like, this is the last straw. He's like, oh, drinking it right now. Not the fucking straw in your vodka, Kyle. So Danielle's like, all I can think of is our friendship for the past. However many summers, this is the girl who I've been rooting for especially when it comes to men. and it comes to a flashback, an example of this flashback.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Carl may or may not have fingered me. By the way, it was great. Yeah, she got through finger gate. Guys, she was so supportive during finger gate. That was something. So then Danielle's like, yeah, for years. And she's finally got her prince charming. And I'm not part of that just because I had an opinion that wasn't incredibly supportive or over the moon about them.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Like, not saying the best couple of ever. It breaks my, yeah, if you're not supportive of a couple's relationship and then confront your supposed best friends in front of a group of girls, you know that don't have her best interest in heart, then yeah, you showed her you're not a girls you know that don't have her best interest at heart. Then yeah, you showed her you're not a friend and I wouldn't call your stupid ass either Judas. Okay, at least Judas got some gold. In a garden, right?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Well, you know, it's like, and then like, Oh, it's a different chapter, it's a different chapter. Oh. You're going from like the first very first story ever to the new testament girl, but still Judas didn't get golden in the in the in the garden and that was like they're like, oh, that's how we know Judas Oh, cuz someone kissed Judas on the cheek or someone kissed you to some he kissed him on the cheek Yeah, that's golden enough itself. Someone say human emotion and connection is gold
Starting point is 00:18:44 So Danielle's crying, she's like, yeah, I'm real happy right now. I'm real fucking happy for him. Oh God, go fucking cry about it. It's just sobbing. So she's still fake sobbing. I'm sorry, prove me wrong. Anybody out there who says I'm being too mean, show me tears in this scene right here. I thought it was real. I thought it was real crying. I think she was like crying because she's like I think she's hurt by the reality of her situation, you know and I mean it hurts it sucks. It sucks when you just really know That's people have moved on, but she also like you said you know She contributed to this situation. She probably knows that too, which is probably why she's also crying so
Starting point is 00:19:24 She's just like a mess and she's like too much of it. By the way, she's too much of a mess for right now. Like, it's like, girl, you got to get it together. Like, be angry, be upset, but this is not a sob, a sob worthy moment. I'm sorry. So mine is like, I have to get her on the phone. I'm to get her on the phone and then I was like, I wasn't involved at all. I mean, why, like, why do you keep saying that of course you weren't involved at all? Like you Well, there's nothing that would indicate that you would be. Sierra is a good point because she's like I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:55 me and Paige could be in the worst fight of our life, but if Craig had the audacity to propose and not tell me, I would be disastrous. Well, okay, I get that part, but... Well, and that's why I'm more upset at Carl than Lindsay in this situation. Because Lindsay, I don't think, is obligated. But like Carl, if Carl's gonna have a conversation,
Starting point is 00:20:14 be like, yeah, so I gotta ruin everything. And he's gonna sort of like, do the motions of like, listen, no, I still care about Dan, you Dan, yeah. And I still want us to be three amigas, but then he actually excludes her from the situation. It's like I think Carl's pretty weak. I think Carl's showing himself to be weak on in these. Well, he knows that Lindsey would be pissed.
Starting point is 00:20:33 If Danielle made herself a part of this, he would be pissed. Even if it was in a she would be pissed, even if it was in a very positive way. She's anti Danielle. She hasn't resolved things with Danielle. And if Carl, if Carl is proposing while he's blatantly going against her wishes, that's not really showing your partner during your proposal where you're asking someone to be your partner. True. Although it also could have been a way to bring them back together in a weird way.
Starting point is 00:20:56 It could have been an opportunity for Carl's, so I know that like you and Lindsay are like not saying I'd eye right now, but like at the end of the day, we're still three mirrors and like, it's important for me that you're a part of this. And I think that like Lindsey, you guys would do the- I'm sorry. I'm just saying like the- I'm sorry, I'm so worked up.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I'm just working up. I know I'm worked up to it's stupid. I still think that Danielle is acting like a fool to be honest. But I do think that like- I want him to fix it with Danielle. She wants Danielle to apologize for what's really the problem,
Starting point is 00:21:24 which is going to those... Right. And I'm just in front of all of those girls. That's what I think. Right. I just think that, you know, like, this is a repeated thing with Carl, where he sort of just, like, doesn't do anything in a situation. And then there's, like, consequences. And that's sort of frustrating, too. But this situation ultimately, well, I think Carl would have as the bigger person as someone who claims to be still friends with Danielle,
Starting point is 00:21:51 he probably should have given her more of a heads up. I still think ultimately Danielle is the one who's acting like the most ridiculous in this. And this is ultimately Danielle like not being able to like deal with a situation that was like pretty obviously coming. If you're a hiring, you know what it's like to deal with economic uncertainty. And now more than ever, it's really important to hire the right people faster and more efficiently because you got to keep the overall cost down. And thankfully, there's a hiring partner who's focused on you and your needs, and that is Zippercrooter.
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Starting point is 00:23:02 day. Just go to this exclusive web address to try Zipper Cruder for free that slash crappins. Again, that slash C-R-A-P-P-E-N-S. Zipper Cruder, the smartest way to hire. I'm going to say something scandalous, Ronny. Go on. Plants are meat.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And not only are they meat, they're delicious, especially if they're from impossible foods. They taste like beef. Exactly. Impossible is making meat history this summer. Yeah, they are. Summer of impossible. I am so excited to be spending time, cooking my summer foods, all that good stuff, and guess what, we can use impossible sausages, impossible brats.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I mean, it's gonna be a great summer for impossible foods. Impossible beef is made from plants and 19 grams of protein per serving, and it's better for the planet. And it's meat! Plant meat! Correct! So if you're looking for something to grab for your grill, grab some impossible beef.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Summer of impossible. Start making meat history today, just head over to the meat aisle at your local grocery store. Grab some impossible beef or patties and get grilling. So then inside, everyone's like really somber, except Cory who's doing his like laughing at nothing. Like his jaw on the floor laughter. Well, he must have just looked at a transphobic meme. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:24:26 I was like, someone must have just made a trans joke. You must fucking Corey. Seriously. Yeah, so he's a shithead. I know, so he's disappointing. That was super disappointing to read. And also not shocking at all. Not shocking.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Not shocking at all. Not shocking. Not shocking. So yeah, not shocking. He likes trans-talking at all. Not shocking. So yeah, he's got his stupid mouth. Dig open, it opened dig and everything. And everyone's just sort of like, it's a weird vibe because Danielle is like sobbing, but they also know they're supposed to be celebrating and they also all know they're supposed to be going to this engagement party and they're like, what is going to happen?
Starting point is 00:25:03 And Sam's like, I am alone away by the volume of like Danielle's reaction here because like, I'm excited for them, you know? But like, do I wanna be super verbal about that right now? It's like, not really, because like, do I want this to turn on me? I mean, I'll just be happy for them right over here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:23 In the arms of my future boyfriend, Corey. Ah, we fucked. right over here. Okay. In the arms of my future boyfriend, Corey. Ah, we fucked. So then Chris is like, he's like, well, he's like, I want to come for Danielle, but I think she needs to process and call it like, yeah, I'm not gonna help her out. You know what I'm gonna do?
Starting point is 00:25:37 I'm gonna look Danielle, let me put my arms around you. It's like, Kyle, that's a vodka bottle. Hey, you don't tell me he's Danielle. So Danielle goes in stopping to the bathroom and she's like wiping that's a vodka bottle. Hey, don't tell me he's done, yo. So Danielle goes in sobbing to the bathroom and she's like wiping her non-tier. And she's like, I'm gonna go, but I will not see them or interact with them ever again. This is the end of it.
Starting point is 00:25:56 It's like, then don't go. What's the gitch was not about you? It's not about you. So then we go, we see a seven-year sign. So we're back at Proposal Beach, and Lindsay's like, Oh my god, now I can call you my fiance, baby, I'm only shit, baby, oh my god, we should go celebrate somewhere. And he's like, yeah, everybody's gonna meet us Indokers, Outdokers, so let's go, I'll break the bonfire. Yeah, I'm gonna bring the firewood, because this way, I'm going to the font fire at home
Starting point is 00:26:27 against set our memories on fire. So Karles, my heart is full, but it's for racing right now. My heart is racing. It's actually like wearing a Morpho shirt. It's just like a weighted shirt. So it's just like sweating a little bit more and like just bringing people out of calories. So I really appreciate that. And also, I got my parents from Florida
Starting point is 00:26:45 and I got one of my friends' girlfriends from like her PR days and like Daniel came up from DC and then like, a few of our other close friends and then like also like this Danielle's neighbor and like Danielle's cleaning lady and like the person's just like a random person Danielle's building, I was like, hey, you're in Danielle's building,
Starting point is 00:27:00 why don't you come to this party? I'm gonna let everyone know, yeah. I got wait until like Danielle's mom and brother show out. Well, it's gonna be amazing. They were so happy when I told them. I was like, would you just please be part of those? They're actually gonna be playing the guitar. So that's great.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yeah, I actually joined in Daniel's Zoom meetings because she's a business woman and I kicked her out and then invited everyone who's left on the Zoom to the immigration party. So I'm really looking forward to it. Literally everybody involved in Daniel's app knows about this and they're gonna be there So So Gabby page and Chris are talking and Gabby is like, I'm a did you guys not about that.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And Chris is like, yeah, I mean, I knew he was looking for a ring and Paige goes, I mean, this is nothing against you stupid person. Well, the stupid person was because you're like literally a stupid person, but this part is not against you. Carl's known you for like two months and he told you, but not Danielle. And even if they're fighting, they've been friends for six years. Like you still tell Danielle like, like hey I'm planning this thing. And Paige is so concerned Paige cannot stop smiling through this whole
Starting point is 00:28:12 page fucking loves this and I have to say I love this four page because I know this is making Paige really happy and I give Paige a lot of shit on this show but I'm so glad she's on it. I think she's very funny. And listen, she should get some enjoyment sometimes. I think Paige is hilarious. And I know that she's fucking thrilled right now with this. But you know what, it's also like I am,
Starting point is 00:28:36 like the more people say this, I am like, it does really suck. I mean, Chris knew, Chris knew, and they said Chris knew because he was taking photos, quote unquote, but like, that does suck that Chris gets to find out. And that did it. And you'll be a trade Lindsey period. That's it.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I still think. And you'll be trade her. She does not deserve shit. She does not deserve shit until she apologizes for the betrayal. What she did was not cool. And I would never trust her again. I would never have her around me again.
Starting point is 00:29:03 If your best friend goes to your enemies to talk shit about you, I Never I don't know. I just don't know. I don't know. I don't know. So Either way, Paige is yeah, so so now Danielle's crying to a producer and she's like no, I have to go to an engagement party like this is so messed up and the producer's like well no one's saying you have to go to an engagement party, like this is so messed up. And the producer's like, well, no one's saying you have to go by the way, on British. Hello, hello everyone of some of us on British. My name is Nathan. In case you didn't know I was British, my name is Nathan.
Starting point is 00:29:34 If you want, you can also call me Nathan. That's British for Nathan. I wear dongle masks. Daniel's gonna shut up. Daniel's like, I would never forget myself if I didn't go to anything. And I love that she is throwing a full on Sally field and soap dish moment, backstage.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I'm not going and you tell production I've added. How could you do this to me? Me having to go to a wedding. It's like Danielle, this is summer house and you're literally go to a wedding. It's like Danielle, this is summer house and you're literally dead y'all on summer house. You don't get to running around in a, in a turbine screaming at Tommy, okay? Kathy and the Jimmy is not here for you.
Starting point is 00:30:14 You're literally Danielle. Shut up and get in the van. Meanwhile, we're always like for years like, we like Danielle, we just wish you would do something and now she's doing something like, shut up. So Nathan is like, this is just trying hard. It's just try hard. If she would do something now. She's doing something like shut up. So Nathan is like, this is just trying hard. It's just try her.
Starting point is 00:30:27 If she was doing something that came from a real place, I would get it. I think it is from a real place. I don't know. She made her bed. She jumped on the bed. Mashi is complaining that the bed's messy. Well, that's a separate thing.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I mean, I think that like, yes, yes, she has her messy Sierra bed, but I think it's real. I think this is like, she's, she thinks she's scrambled. So anyway, she's like, I'm gonna, she's like, I can do it. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it, so she's gonna go. And now we finally get to docker.
Starting point is 00:30:57 She's a fucking nutcase, by the way. She's like in the mirror, like, oh, you're a kid, that's, that's, I know, I'm like, it's an engagement party at a place called Dockers. You're going to Dockers. It's the easiest thing for you to do is to go to this. Like, go eat your egg rolls and shut up.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I know. Because you know a place that's called Dockers has egg rolls, but they're filled with mac and cheese or something. Yeah. Like, if the Dockers, they call it a Docker roll, maybe. It's Dockers, they call it a docker role, maybe. It's dockers. So Lindsay's dad is, so like Lindsay's dad is there and her stepmom is there. And like they all, the group arrives and Daniel's like saying hi to them and she's like, you know, she's like put on a smile,
Starting point is 00:31:37 she's being, you know, she's being strong. And then then Daniel starts talking to all of Lindsay's friends. And she just totally unravels. So you just start going from person to person. She's friends. She just totally unravels. She just starts going from person to person. She's like, oh my god, hi Danielle. And Danielle's like, hi. No, hi, Danielle. And Danielle's like, hi.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Have you seen the ring yet? Because I didn't even know this was happening. I mean, she told me absolutely nothing. So that was great. And then right after that to another girl later she's like uh so my summer's not been going great I mean Lindsay and I have not been the best that we can be so yeah I'm like pretty in shock about their entire engagement parties oh and the friends like oh they didn't they didn't they did they just
Starting point is 00:32:17 tell you and she's like yeah Kyle tell me like an hour ago yeah oh yeah hi hi I only learned about this an hour ago hi can, can I gotta can I get a refill on this? Sorry, I only just learned about this engagement party an hour ago. Waiter. Sorry about that So much like would you like a chicken wing roll and she's like oh That would be nice Exhaven no because I wasn't even told about this So like I literally didn't even know that we're gonna be rolls here because like reporter So like I literally didn't even know that we're gonna be roles here because like reporter No, reporter,
Starting point is 00:32:46 reporter, Christina Gibson shows up. She's like, hi, am I, did I miss it? Am I too late? I've just been I booked us on my calendar two weeks ago But I almost missed my flight here anyway. Good to see everyone again. Yeah, I knew about it too So now she's actually talking to Donia. I don't know who the girl was before I was saying was Donia But this is done yet. So Danielle, so did you know who told you? Because I just found out in an hour ago. And Donia's like, well, three days ago, but we had to be here.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Like, we had to travel. And so they had to tell us, right? And pages watch, they're just cuts to page smiling, watching Danielle and rambling. And so Danielle's like, I mean, that's fucked up. I mean, do you even know me? Just, yeah, but Danielle, we had to arrange to be here. Just, I'm calling out bullshit when I see it.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And you know that, Don, yeah. Just, Danielle, we had to fly in. Yeah, but who told you to fly in? Carl? Just, yes. Yeah, but I can tell you in my heart of hearts that I don't feel that I deserve what's going on, but I'm putting on a good face right now.
Starting point is 00:33:45 You don't deserve it. You're literally walking from person to person talking shit. Spiraling, it's amazing. I actually really enjoyed this because it was so cringey. And then Daniel, Daniel is like, uh, Daniel, this is the best day of Lindsay's life in Daniel's. And I'm putting on a good face. I'm like, you're literally putting on a terrible face right now.
Starting point is 00:34:03 This is such a bad look for you. And Daniel is like, you have to, Daniel, you have to put on your good face, I'm like, you're literally putting on a terrible face right now. This is such a bad look for you. And Daniel's like, you have to, Danielle, you have to put on your good face. Just don't do that to me. Don't tell me that. She goes, well, you can't make it all about you right now, Danielle, I'm just, I am not, but I'm telling you because I haven't seen you
Starting point is 00:34:18 and it's not all about me. But look what they did to me on that day. I can't believe they would do this to me. So Maya's like, oh my god, I'm like so worried about Tony all right now. I'm just like, yeah, she's not well. She shouldn't be doing that here. And she's wearing dungarees, which I just found out about.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Gress. I'm learning so much today. So then Danielle is still going on and So Lindsay and Carl come into the parking lot and Carl's like, oh, it all it's like a pack this is crazy and Then they walk in and surprise which of course not a surprise at all So Lindsay just walks in like oh my god God, you guys, like with prayer hands, but showing off her ring.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Oh my God, it's so, so fun. It's the first ever like rotated prayer hands. It's like she's doing prayer hands for someone's sitting right next to her. And it's like honey, she's standing. I'm gonna be in people magazine. I'm in. And she's like sobbing and her dad's hugging her. By the way, where was Aunt Ronda?
Starting point is 00:35:28 Oh, AR. Where's AR? For crying a lot. Where is Aunt Ronda? That's true. We haven't heard from Aunt Ronda. Did she get in the fight with Aunt Ronda last year? Probably. I don't know where the Aunt Ronda is. We didn't get any explanation for an ronda ant ronda. This was not cool, man I feel you know what? Not my a ronda They need to reshoot this episode and have ant ronda doing all of Danielle's lines Yes, it'll make sense. Yes, like ant ronda like Danielle made her own bed But ant ronda literally made Lindsay's bed for years. So Lindsay's like
Starting point is 00:36:01 Thank you. It's like a thousand people here Like I can't believe everyone is here to like gather firewood also and The dad's like, oh my god like wow, this is a ring. I know I said to call like are we broke now? He's like no me. We're gonna do a Marshall's commercial and I was like thanks babe You're not now, but you will be in a couple of years the way you two are going Jesus and I just cuz Doing his big mouth laugh. For this guy there. I was gonna say it says Danielle Soura face and then it cuts to a good vibe sign.
Starting point is 00:36:34 So I love a good edit. So then Chris is now taking a couple of pictures for them and Lindsay's like, oh my God, now I know whether I had to go to the hospital. So then Carl is like, yeah, so hot. Yeah, so she was, he's like telling Kyle about the engagement. He's like, yeah, and then she was like, oh, are we gonna get an hour next week on? And Kyle's like, say yes, say yes, the last planning the better. It drives me on this one.
Starting point is 00:37:02 So Paige is just sitting there on a bench just watching all this going down cracking up to herself and she tells us in her wicker bikini top. She's like a woven woven basket bikini top. I guess it's a chance. Perhaps. Yes, her Tam. That's better. So she's like, um, she wore shoulder pads to the beach. Okay. She knew she was getting proposed to. No one just shows up in shoulder pads to the beach. I feel like a bitch for saying what everyone's thinking, but she curled her hair.
Starting point is 00:37:34 As she should, I'm proud of her. I mean, if you know you're getting engaged, pick out your best possible outfit. Do your hair. Do your nails. Be prepared, girl. Call people. I mean, it honestly sounded like a a like a Ronnie thing to say like She wore shoulder pads to the beach. I was like if I didn't know that was page speaking. I would have thought that was Ronnie
Starting point is 00:37:55 That's a nice issue. She's never been to Lindsay So then Corey is talking to Sam. He's like, oh, well, you're like eating food Well, you're eating food right now. And then like at the same time, you're doing your happy dance. I love when you do that. She's like, really? That's how I like eating fries. And then Gabby says something about an engagement.
Starting point is 00:38:16 So she says something like for your engagement, and he just like chokes and just like runs away. He's like, engagement, what? I'm sorry, I gotta go paint a smiley face on a wall somewhere. So he runs away and He's like, what, engagement, what, sorry, I gotta go paint a smiley face on a wall somewhere. So he runs away and pages like, so, when do you think Corey's gonna say that like he wants to be exclusive with you? You think as if I come up soon and say I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:36 oh, I don't know when he's gonna do that, but like, I'm like really nervous. Like, I'm like nervous to think about like giving it a shot because like, now we're approaching a place where I could get her and it's just like that's when I start to pump the brakes and I start doing NFL style stiff arms, okay, because I'm starting to really care about them. So it's like hard.
Starting point is 00:38:59 But she tells Paige, yes. My pothit is magic. And she's like, oh my god. So then Kyle calls Amanda, who now I'm starting to understand a little bit more why Amanda stayed home. She's like, um, Kyle, I don't want to be there for this. Please do not make me sit through Lindsay's fucking engagement. So he calls Amanda and he's like, oh, I love you.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little, little's like, oh, I love you. Look at what happened. And looks like, hi, I'm wearing gang-yans. And the dogs are like, congratulations. And Amanda's like, I am a really excited and happy and very new guy is Kyle. And then he goes, oh, love you. The man is like, so can we finally
Starting point is 00:39:44 talk about our family feud situation? No, okay, bye. So then Danielle is like, so can we finally talk about our family feud situation? No, okay, bye. So then Danielle is like, she's like, I think I'm doing well. I think I'm doing well. But you're just like, yeah, you're doing very well. For someone who is planning to make a full of themselves a national TV at someone's vacation party, you're really hitting the mark. So back to Kyle and Carl, because I was like, bro, you know, I want them to wheel through a lot less summer, but I don't want you to think that. I'm excited for you, you know? Like, I know you all enough to know is a real deal.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Just like I knew when you showed up to work without your laptop, you've been cooked out for like five days, you know? So like, oh yeah, just to give you a heads up, Danielle's reaction was pretty emotional to this. I was like, oh my God reaction was pretty emotional to this. I was like, oh my god. Why would you not do this?
Starting point is 00:40:27 You were just as fat as Danielle. You are just as fucking fat as that. This is such a dick move. Because he's like, yeah, I just assumed that she would have been in the know and she's just like heard that she was completely left in the dark. Like, why would you do that to Carl?
Starting point is 00:40:38 Like, if, like, this is Carl's engagement when he's so happy, this is now in the back of his mind. It is so rude of Kyle to do this. Like it's literally so obnoxious. Cause for what you, for what it's worth, Danielle may have been really upset in math but she didn't say anything to Lindsay or Carl that she was mad, but Kyle has now done it.
Starting point is 00:40:57 So Carl's like, yeah, well, I, you know, obviously I feel bad that she's like her and like, I didn't want to hurt her. I just wanted to like leave her out in a way that was like to be uplifting for her and like given how like the last two months How like I've gone with like Daniel and Z. I'm like just trying to let them like sort out what they need to sort out And just like hide under a rock and like don't show myself until Lindsay says it's okay Well, I'm not drawn anymore. Let's go watch Lindsay act surprise. It's really funny I'm not drawing anymore. Let's go watch the Lindsay Act surprise. It's really funny. So we go back over so then back home Everyone starts coming home together and
Starting point is 00:41:30 Lexi's like oh my god is that the fire would you picked up? Are you gonna keep it as memory and saying? No, I'm gonna make up fire at it. I'm gonna burn it up. So Page is page is so annoyed that Amanda and Sierra aren't there. I don't think she's mad that they're missing out on a special moment. I think she's just mad that she can't gossip with them in person.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I think it's just like perfect. So, Maya's like, I can't even have that. I'm like, yeah, I hate them right now. So then, we cut to Danielle. It's 11 o'clock six p.m. and Danielle's just walking around going. It's crying. Waiting for somebody to ask her what's wrong and nobody will.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, and Paige, Paige is telling Craig about the engagement party and how Danielle's like really upset that it's like now awkward. And she keeps saying like, this is a fucked up and like you didn't even call me and like she went around asking like everyone when they found out like when they knew like she was like a disaster. It was hilarious. I documented it all on my story and I only posted it to close friends of which she's not one. Oh my God, I hope that doesn't trigger her all over again. If it does, hilarious. So then Dan Y'all comes up the stairs and it looks like she's gonna walk him on page talking about her but
Starting point is 00:42:45 missed opportunity. Yeah, so Corrie's doing pull-ups on a door So then Craig asks Paige how Corrie's doing and he's on the phone and Paige is like oh Him and Sam really like each other. Okay. Bye. Love you. You're boring. So then Maya's giggling with Paige and Danielle comes in and she's like, come on, what are you doing there? Why don't you come over with us? She's like, I don't know why we're laughing so hard right now
Starting point is 00:43:12 because we were just talking about you, which I guess isn't funny, but like it really is. So how are you doing, Danielle? And Danielle's like, not great. I'm not like, okay, get into the bed. Okay. So now everyone's going to sleep and Carl's like not great. My house is like, okay, get into the bed. Ha ha ha. So now everyone's going to sleep and Carl's like, oh man, what a day, what a wild day. And this is like little did I know.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I knew everything. So now it's the morning. Let's not forget to do our routine morning at a bed. I'm gay, bam. Bam. at a band. I'm gay. BAM. BAM. BAM. BAM. BAM.
Starting point is 00:43:48 BAM. BAM. BAM. BAM. To accounting babes, I would walk to the moon and back for you, babe. Hmm. Ha ha ha. Commissions.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Here comes one right now. Hi, I'm Michael Patrick King, host of the official Max Companion Podcast, and just like that, the Riders Room. Each episode members of the Riders Room and I unpacked moments from Season 2, sharing juicy details you can only hear from us. Stream and just like that Season 2, starting June 22nd on Max, and listen to end just like that, the Riders Room on Max or wherever you get your podcasts. So Danielle goes to Sam's room looking for face cream and she's like, oh my God, why is my life so too dischoubled mouse right now? And nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Danielle's really trying and everyone's to sq. dorenger. Of course, we, are we gonna do football today? Ha ha ha ha. Yeah, cause it's the morning, Lindsay's talking baby voice to Karleshling. Man, I am so happy right now, me. He's like, I love you so much, baby. Yeah, yeah, if I could do baby voice, my voice is just too deep.
Starting point is 00:44:59 So like, wow, wow, baby voice, love you too. Ah. So they're gonna have a football day and Lindsay and Carla are in charge. And it's gonna be Vixen's versus Villains. And so they got everybody shirts. And so they all have to wear like their uniform for Flag Football. And Daniel says that she's not gonna bother Lindsay
Starting point is 00:45:22 with this today, because she doesn't wanna make it about her. So then we go to the beach and says that she's not gonna bother Lindsay with this today because she doesn't want to make it about her So then we go to the beach and Car Lindsay's like and beam how does the field work and she's like let's sit down I'm already when didn't you can tell me like I don't already know what happened with them Yeah, well the field of the field I'm just gonna like set up some cones all around and Andreas like removing cones from a stack And he like removes me. Oh my god! How now do you do this?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Ah, straight! He's the strength of knowing that I am back with Alexia! So he sits stand with Lindsay and he's like, oh man, of course, I was one of the most important of my life, your life. My life, our life, because you're like a babe and I'm a babe and together we're like babes. Yeah, and he's like, hey, just head to help. Danielle fills her, that she's not the loop. And I was like, I told her I was ring-shopping,
Starting point is 00:46:15 so she knew that, but I didn't tell any of the girls anything, I'm like, this is our thing, you know? And then Lindsay turns into Kelly Preston from Jerry McGuire and she's like You don't have to get you don't have to feel defense right now or that you need to justify who you told and didn't tell It wasn't about her and the night wasn't about her and all people Danielle should be pretty clear on why she wasn't involved And I'm not gonna tend to entertain this any longer. You're not gonna feel bad about it And you're not gonna apologize. You don't anyone anyone alright. Let's fucking go. I'm ready to play football
Starting point is 00:46:44 She just like oh absolutely You're not gonna apologize. You don't want anyone to anyone. All right, let's fucking go. I'm ready to play football. She just is like, oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah. Oh, God. She is so pissed. I cannot believe she didn't spike a ball right into Danielle's face.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So they play Flag Football and after Cori and Sam are hanging out and sounds like, um, I heard the girls were like, girl growing, yeah. They were growing it right. Cory and Sam are hanging out and sounds like, um, I heard the girls were like, grilling ya. They were grilling it right. And he's like, yeah, you told them to. She goes, no, I didn't. And I'm telling you, is you don't think that I told them to.
Starting point is 00:47:14 But Maya said you liked me. It's so, what about that? Like, oh, what do you think about me? He's like, mm, I have like a kindergarten crush. By the way, if anyone ever says, they have a kindergarten crush on you, just like run away, just get out of that situation as soon as possible, that is fuckboy code.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Okay, get out, get out. Yeah. Oh, that's creepy. So she's like, no, because she told me you like me, she's like, you tell me in your own words, like what you want out of this relationship, and like I'll see what you want you can tell me in the I'll tell you my words and he's like I want to keep Coming on your face like afterwards that's it. Oh my god me too
Starting point is 00:47:57 Wow, and then we get we got some more insight into the troubled soul that is Coriose for some reason it's like really hard for me to talk about my emotions, I like freeze up. And I don't know what to say, like I'm trying to be the cool guy. And I don't want that to happen with Sam and I because I definitely could see this becoming something bigger, like something bigger than just like a summer fling
Starting point is 00:48:20 in the Hamptons. This could be like a Marshall's commercial one day. I mean, look at Carl and Lindsay. It's amazing what they're doing. This could be like a storyline on Summer House. So then we go to a song that's like, I'm sorry, did you try to tell me that I couldn't own it? I've run this thing like my beginning corner is locked and loaded. What? My beginning corner is locked and loaded what my beginning corners locked and loaded I put the pedal to the metal. I don't think you know this next time you threaten me You better think of your opponent and then it's Gabby on a blind date
Starting point is 00:48:56 Gabby fighting what's Gabby fighting somebody? So she meets up with a guy named Matt who is doing like a strong 1988 investment banker haircut. And she's like, um, this is like my first fully blind date. Like I've always stalked them online because like who doesn't? Like we're all normal people, okay. So there's like new territory for me, okay. So strange.
Starting point is 00:49:21 So he goes, where'd you go to college? And she says Trinity and he goes, oh, nice. That was my dog's initial name when I adopted her. Like, oh, wow, you're really laying it on thick bear, huh? And what, what does that mean? Initial name was this like a, is a tryout period. Like we tried Trinity. We decided to go to with the neo ultimately.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah, we went for our own name. Like we didn't keep for our own name. Like we didn't keep the dog's initial name, so have fun on your still in the dog pound name. I know. So she's, oh my god, you have a dog. He's like, I have two. Yeah, you have a dog.
Starting point is 00:49:58 She says, I'm off my family dog. HPP stands for Harry Potter Prescott. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Oh God, he's like, oh That is awesome He's a cheeseball. I thought it first. I was like, oh my god. He's so cute and got sand But no, he's the worst so Gabby's like I think a blank day is like me taking a step of like throwing caution to the wind and like letting the universe do it that wow Gabby you there's your arc it's done for the season you went out on a date and didn't
Starting point is 00:50:34 mess somebody there there's a sign wow and what did she get a guy who's like so what's your favorite fruit okay cuz he's like it's a blind date so I'm just gonna ask random questions because um What's your favorite fruit? Okay, because he's like, it's a blind date, so I'm just gonna ask random questions. Because I would start with cherries and he goes, okay, you wanna do a top 10? She goes, oh, hmm. I can tell she's like, I love the idea of doing top 10s,
Starting point is 00:50:56 but I don't know how I feel about a guy who wants to do a top 10. Yeah, so Wednesday, that's Wednesday. So Amanda's like trying to get her dogs to eat because they like hethers surgery. So they're being really picky. And cause like, yeah, but you had big bulldoin visions and multites as, but then you just ended up babysitting, which is another way of saying, wow,
Starting point is 00:51:17 you were home all weekend and still didn't get your work done. Yeah. So she got some results back from her doctor and her estrogen levels are super low. They're the levels of someone who's postmenopausal. And she finds out that low estrogen can cause things like headaches and depression and fatigue. Trouble concentrating fatigue and a talent for amazing guac. And her I was like, oh my God, it's like a literally you. So she says basically she's gonna go see an endocrinologist,
Starting point is 00:51:50 which is a hormone doctor, and she's like, at least now I know what it is. So I can try to fix it, you know? Yeah, and she feels validated because she felt these things, but she didn't know why, and now she knows why. So now she's feeling good. Okay, so now it's Friday and Hage and Craig are driving
Starting point is 00:52:08 because he's in town and she's like, oh my God, so last weekend vibes, I feel like I get most notoriously drunk on the day-to-day weekend. And she's wearing this V-neck sweater that I absolutely really like. It's like a V-neck sweater from the 80s, like that V-collar, but then it's a bikini top. It's only the collar like cut out and then put on another strip as
Starting point is 00:52:32 kind of a crop top type thing. Yeah, I found it when I was hate browsing for dunga rees and then it turns out I found a gem. So Craig is like, get the dog out. Oh, no, sorry. Craig is like get the dog out of the road. I'm sick. Craig, don't pocket people. He's like, um, she was trying to text a walker dog at the same time.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Like, sorry, that is not what you do. And so they're, they're talking about the plan for the weekend. They're gonna go on a boat on Saturday. And then Corey wants to throw dinner for everyone as like appreciation for letting him come on the show basically. Pun intended. And then Craig is like all the couples now sort of like in different places right because like Carl and then you're about to get married. Yeah, and like go on a journey and then Corey and Sam like I don't know what's going on
Starting point is 00:53:20 but it sounds like they're gonna start dating. Coming on each other. Yeah, yeah, and then me and you are like chilling. Yeah. Are we on a game show again? Well, me and you are like working towards taking our two like life courses and then like blending them into one collective course.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And she's like, um, you sound like an infomercial for courses. I hate courses. I think what I say things to crack, you sound like an infomercial, um, for courses. I hate graces. I think when I say things to crack, like, I like being independent or I don't want to move or use mail or I don't want to get engaged or, oh my God, you're going to be so ugly when you're old. I think it gets very insecure, which like valid, but this is stressing me out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 When I see things like take the butter knife out of the wall, he just gets insecure. So he's just driving a silence and she goes, so you don't want to be put that guy? And he's like, he's not doing anything chaotic. He's just texting on his phone. Great. So another the house. OK, just checking.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Just checking, just checking, going to be a bit people who are texting and walking a dog, but not while texting and walking. And driving something that could kill everyone. Got it. Okay. So they all get to the house and then yell and page or hugging and Robert is there looking happy as always. And Gabby's just like talking about her blindage.
Starting point is 00:54:39 She's like, we went to her stay house, but he's vegetarian. So, and they're like, so what sign is he? And she's like, um, I actually didn't ask what his sign was. Like, oh my God, Gabby, congratulations, you've grown into a new and better person. So then page is like, oh, hello, wow, you look thrilled to see you. So are you here all weekend? And he's like, uh, just tonight. I'm very very busy. Oh, wow. Did Garfield eat your lasagna again because you are definitely giving devise today. You look very unhappy. So then Amanda and Kyle come and Pave's like last weekend vibes.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Basically everyone's coming in. Lindsay's gonna make a pineapple upside down cake. And now that I'm engaged, I have to be domestic. So I's gonna make a pineapple upside down cake And now that I'm engaged, I have to be domestic so I'm gonna make a pineapple up the dog cake which Look like it was just like a box mix that she just put pineapple on top of right Yeah, so then in the kitchen Page is asking Daniels they've heard from the engaged couple and then you're like, um, and, why the fuck would they call you, Daniel? Why? Why didn't why wouldn't you call them and say congratulations you guys? Yeah, congrats. I got I wish I could have been part of this. Yeah. What's up? Yeah, is what do you chance free to be passive aggressive to them? Why you? Yes, come on. So Robert's like, well, I sent them a text and only Lindsay answered but Carl didn't.
Starting point is 00:56:06 So, I'm not too pleased with the tall gentleman. Oh, God, there are a couple. That's shut up. This couple's making me fucking crazy. And you know what, it's also making me crazy to have to be this much on Lindsay and Carl's side because I'm usually only half on their side through a seat. I think in this, yeah, I think in this situation, I'm like 9010, Lindsay and Carl's side because I'm usually only half on their side through a seat. I think in this situation, I'm like 90-10 on Lindsay and Carl's situation.
Starting point is 00:56:29 I do think that, I think Carl is being... No, no, I don't. Please, yeah, I get it. Oh my god. You brought it up. You brought it up. You brought it up. I know, but I just don't want to go into it again because this scene just keeps happening
Starting point is 00:56:44 over and over about Danielle's fucking feelings Well, no what It's because not you just show about humans and humans have feelings So Danielle is like she's like Sorry, it hurt her ears right now. No, I'm fine. It's okay last weekend vibes Last weekend, so Danielle is like, Robert is boiling, because like Robert knows that I'm hurting, and he wants to have my back before he breaks up
Starting point is 00:57:10 with me at the end of the summer. And that is hot. And so Danielle goes, well, does anyone want to do something outside, like maybe an activity? Yes, I would love to talk shit about Lindsay with you outside. Let's go. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:57:24 By the way, did you notice that I dressed exactly like your mini Cooper today? Thank you. My sweater matches your mini Cooper. Should we talk on top of that? Can we go outside? I've got a night duty for us. Let's go outside and burn up all the dungarees. That'd be fun, right?
Starting point is 00:57:37 Those are British jeans. Oh, good. So Lindsey shows up. Let's go look up a bugger. Do I? I don't see any. So Lindsey shows up and she's like Do I? I don't see any. So Lindsay shows up and she's like, she's like, oh my God. Rubbernau is here today too.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Cause like, we're not cooking. We're not cooking. Rubbernau is like, yeah, not cooking. You already conned me into making giant meal for you this season. So like, yeah. Rubbernau. So then Danielle and Paige outside talking. Danielle is saying, I was already mourning yeah, I'm like, oh, Roberto. So then Daniel and Paige outside talking. Daniel's saying, I was already mourning the loss of something
Starting point is 00:58:09 and then Carl does that. It's like not about me, whatever, but that felt so intentional. My big just like, yes. It was intentional. And Paige is like, yeah, I said to Craig, I think Carl's biggest fear is pissing Lindsay's off. Listen, I don't even know Lindsay and my biggest fear is pissing Lindsay off. Listen, I don't even know Lindsay,
Starting point is 00:58:25 and my biggest fear is pissing Lindsay off. I'm about to say. Okay. I'm terrified if she listens to this. I'm gonna, some of the terrible is gonna happen to me. Like, I feel like, I feel like every time I say something supportive about Danielle, I feel like my life is in danger. Okay, no one wants to piss off Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Anybody who's seen this show should fear Lindsay, or pissing Lindsay off, right? So she's like, yeah. And I think that he was probably nervous that if he involved you, she would have been pissed. Which is a great call. I think that's absolutely true. So he already said, like, I really liked Daniel,
Starting point is 00:59:02 but if she's gonna have problems with Lindsay, like Lindsay's my girl, you know? So then the other girls arrive in hug and Lindsay announces again to she's making a pineapple upside down, babe, gang. See Robert, this is what happens when Robert doesn't cook. They get Lindsay a pineapple upside down cake, which ultimately again is not a very upside down cake because the pineapple is like resting on top of it, which makes it a pineapple right side up cake because the pineapple upside down cake, the pineapple goes on the bottom of the pan, right, and then you flip it out, and then it's like embedded inside. So they got a right side up pineapple cake, that
Starting point is 00:59:41 was branded as upside down. And that's what happens when Robert doesn't cook. Applecake that was branded as upside down and that's what happens when Robert doesn't cook So Mara is asking Lindsay how she's feeling about the weekend meaning Danielle and Lindsay's like good. I just want to chill and have fun, but then she tells us I Have a Zora Andrews and then y'all this weekend I spent all of me talking to every single one of my friends who came out last weekend Who told me in need and their conversation so it's Danielle where she complained to them about me getting engaged at So, Carl, are you you acted a fucking fool you made a mind-gauge with that happy same My eyes I'm at you
Starting point is 01:00:25 Not only you're not my best friend anymore. You know my friend I'm gonna get my vibe out of you. Huh? I was just going off. I was just going off. Not only you're not my best friend anymore, you're not my friend. Zemo, Zilch, none. You are like, firewood that I pretend to pick up and that I burn later on. You are dead to me! And meanwhile, she's wearing this necklace
Starting point is 01:00:39 and it says, love, really big. So now Karlin. It seems it's just going off. So now Karlin is just going off. So now Karlin Kyler talking and Karlin was like, well, it's been like a whirlwind wake. Like it's been like amazing. Like, you know, all the love and support, but like dude, like 400 deck messages, like easily.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Like easily. Oh yeah, yeah. Well, that's what we call working. And we're gonna need you to respond to some of those if you wanna like keep your job. No, no, I meant like personal, personally. I'll get to those too. So, Carl's like, oh, I didn't go out, oh, sorry, wrong voice.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I didn't go out of my way and not tell them, y'all, you know what, man, I really didn't. Yeah, if it was worth it. Don't shoot the messenger, but that's kind of how it feels, all right? And so, Carl says that, you know, out of everyone in the house, Danielle and him have been the closest and she's seen him at his worst
Starting point is 01:01:32 and didn't judge him, and he really loves her. But, you know, he also understands that a little separation is okay if there's so much hurt going on. And so he's like, but also like last weekend was like my engagement and like to have to deal with like how I told people is not fair to me. So I was like, I'm just trying to get you to see your side.
Starting point is 01:01:55 So when the time comes and you have that chat, like you're talking to me, the way you're talking to me, it's like I honestly worry that this is like a breaking point in some friendships, you know what I'm saying? He's like, y'all totally got it, y'all. So the cake is finally done. The pineapple upside down pineapple cake. Much hyped cake is done.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And everyone gets dressed for dinner. No, I don't think anyone eats the cake, which is funny. But everyone gets dressed, it goes out for dinner, and now they're at a restaurant, and they're all ordering food and stuff. And Paige is like, so, Lindsay, in the few years you have left in this earth, do you think you're gonna change your name? And she's like, yeah, probably like,
Starting point is 01:02:30 Lindsay, how the hell is the radkey? Something like that? Oh, was that a popular name in World War II? I don't know, I'm just wondering. Oh, I want to try your ring on, God. It's just to know that I'm never gonna wear anything this tacky. It's really something. is this a pair is this a pair cut? Well, I've let it call the shape that everybody hates if you hold it up to your ear You can almost hear the sound of Lindsey's car growing up. Oh, oh, oh, oh I tried on a Mathers three years which is basically in Lindsey's time like 27 here which is basically, I'm Lindsay time, like 27 here. So, that was weird.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And Lindsay's like, I'm not trying on. I really enjoy when people try on my ring. And so Paige shows Craig and Craig's like, Oh, who's that girl? So then Robert pulls Carl aside. John, John, John, and Danielle, not obvious at all. It's like, guys, guys, Robert is pulling a car, a carless side. So I just want to be ready and available
Starting point is 01:03:29 in case it doesn't go as it should. And she's like just sitting there ready to run over there. So Robert's like, bro, hard. So Robert's like, listen, I'm extremely happy for you to, for you and like obviously a lot's happened between Lindsay and Danielle and the biggest thing with me is just like, why didn't you come to her and tell her like for her to be one of the last ones to know?
Starting point is 01:03:52 It's like almost kind of embarrassing for her. Not quite as embarrassing as how she then subsequently acted, but pretty close. Yeah, it's really embarrassing like how this is embarrassing as you'd never been there Robert. Or never. Never. I think you're probably embarrassing or a little more. Like I appreciate you kind of trying to stick up for your girlfriend, but you don't really
Starting point is 01:04:19 know what you're doing. Also thank you for making Carl sit right in front of a notice warning sign. That's a backdrop because you're really laying it on thick. So, I mean, I see that. But like, you see, like, I didn't tell any of the girls in the house. And Rob's like, yeah, but you see that phrase there, you know, that hurts. Because to think of Daniela's just to curl in the house, like, as opposed to Daniela. Like, Daniela has not been just a girl in the house, like as opposed to Danielle. Like Danielle has not been just a girl in the house, Lindsay.
Starting point is 01:04:47 No, she's been a girl who's shooting behind enemy lines, sir. No, she's not. Hey, she's not just a girl in the house. She's a girl who just got to the house because her train was late. It's different, you know? And you know what, Danielle took a glass in the chest
Starting point is 01:05:03 for Lindsay. Danielle was there through the tragedies. What happened last time between the two of you, she was there to pick up the pieces after Lindsay had in it had a hard thing. It's almost like her, Lindsay, finally being happy and finally having a happily ever after, is almost just as happy to Danielle as is to Lindsay. Can't you tell? By the way, that Lindsay Danielle is sobbing over there. She's just as happy to Danielle as his to Lindsay. Can't you tell? By the way, that Lindsay, Danielle is sobbing over there. She's just as happy for you guys. And girls like, oh, who got, oh, I see that, see that, see that. But Danielle has had a lot to say about Lindsay
Starting point is 01:05:37 and his relationship. I'm like, I haven't been as comfortable talking to Danielle about me and Lindsay. And he's like, well, if you don't feel comfortable talking about it, like with their best friend, is that about their relationship or about like, listen, I don't wanna say this, I don't wanna say this, but is it about your relationship?
Starting point is 01:05:53 And like, I don't want this to be what it that's about, but if your reason is that you didn't tell Danielle cause you're uncomfortable cause you guys had a relationship, dude, now you can fuck off. Oh, I didn't take that. At this point, you can fuck off. I took it the Oh, okay. I didn't take it that way. I thought he was. She used to date Carl. Oh, so I took it. What Robert said was that, like,
Starting point is 01:06:16 if you care about Lindsay and Danielle's relationship, you would have made this right, but you made it about you and Danielle's relationship. But I could see that I could have misinterpreted that. Oh, I don't know, maybe I did too. But either way, really either way. Shut up, Robert. Like you've come over, you said your piece. You can't fight a whole battle. You haven't been here for.
Starting point is 01:06:37 All you've heard is whatever Danielle's telling you, Carl's being extremely patient, sitting there getting told off by somebody he barely know, like, why should he have to sit there and listen to Robert's bullshit? You need to like back away now and stop trying to dig deeper. He already told you, you know, he's not as comfortable talking to Danielle this summer because she's had a lot of opinions. The end.
Starting point is 01:07:00 You know, you're not owed a fucking monologue and an apology. Like, what do you expect him to do? Call Danielle over and start groveling. This isn't even about, shut up, Robert. You too, I'm glad you're leaving, Sensor. You've overstayed your welcome. So, Carl's like, well, I haven't been telling Danielle anything about our relationship just because of
Starting point is 01:07:19 the tension between the two of them. And Robert's like, yeah, but I don't want to put a cloud over this engagement that's more of Danielle's but I don't want to put a cloud over this engagement. That's more of Danielle's job, but I want you to to be happy, but like quite frankly, I mean, now you're just two people that got engaged that we knew one time.
Starting point is 01:07:34 It's like, what the hell? That was so fast, cold. So, Carl's like, oh, yeah, that's cold. I don't know, I don't know. I need to take a break for a second. I need to take a break. So, he walks away and Carl's like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:07:47 Are you kidding me? Like, what? All those you kidding? Oh, yeah. So he's just still. And Jamie, of course, is hiding right behind the sign. You know, she pops up right behind the caution sign. She's like, oh my god, what did he say?
Starting point is 01:07:58 Like, what happened? What was the last thing you said that made him walk away? And he's like, it hurt me that we can't be happy for you because we want to be happy for you guys But now you're basically like dead to us, but engaged as dead people really weird So Carl follows Carl out and Carl's like I'm done. Just like a please stop like I don't want the cameras Okay, I'm in the smoking alley. Do you not bring the camera that yeah? No, like I don't want to do with that No fucking cameras fuck Fuck you guys.
Starting point is 01:08:25 Bravo, bravo. You look great by the way. Fucking bravo. Y'all. Fuck you guys. You double flips off the camera and walks off in those white jeans that he has been wearing longer than he's known Lindsay. The real romance here is Carl and those white jeans.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Those should be crying for many reasons. But I'm assuming next week is the season finale, right? Like what else is there? They're in Labor Day. So, but they didn't see a preview that said, actually, almost season finale, but that's because it was too be continued. So, one hopes, one hopes.
Starting point is 01:09:03 But yeah, pretty interesting stuff. I'm really excited to see what people say about this But yeah, Danielle I think was like she could have all those feelings, but like get it together girl at the Like it isn't about oh, it's still not about you, you know Can't wait for next week and the reunions. Until then everyone, we will see hopefully a bunch of you in New York on Thursday and we'll still have more episodes. We got a load of exhaling and dancing queens later this week so buckle up, better cap, and we'll catch you on the internet. Bye.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelowni. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itch-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o She has no last namey. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Kristen the Piston Anderson. She's always subliin', it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. You're never alone with Lacey Montellown.
Starting point is 01:10:14 Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. There ain't no problem that Sarah Salvia can't solve you. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors The incredible edible Matthews sisters Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch
Starting point is 01:10:32 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva Erica, 500 days of summer She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly Don't get salty with Christine Pepper Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. My favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. Give him hell, Miss Noelle.
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