Watch What Crappens - Summer House Reunion 1: The Shoe Hit the Fan

Episode Date: May 31, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Part One of Summer House's reunion finds Paige simmering, Lindsay defending herself against shoe abuse accusations, and... Kyle continuing his mullet journey. For bonus episodes and video recaps, join Patreon at Tour Dates: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:02:25 The podcast for all that crap! We love to talk about Uniel Brahms. Hi, I'm Ronnie. And with me is the gorgeous, the talented, the handsome Ben Mantelka. Hello Ben. Hey, look right by the way Ronnie. Hey, look right. Why doesn't anybody need support my future? What?
Starting point is 00:02:45 Oh, I must have a support. Okay. Welcome everybody to Summer House reunion day. Just before we get into it, we are still on tour. We're finishing up in June. We're going to a lot of amazing places. Next week we're going to be in San Diego. Why would I close my window with all of our dates on it?
Starting point is 00:03:04 It was just right in front of my face. And I was like, you know what? I need less windows open in my life and I closed it. But next week we're going to be in San Diego, then we're going to be in St. Paul, followed by Chicago and Columbus, then we're going to Boston, and we're going to finish up end of June
Starting point is 00:03:19 at the Foxwoods Casino in Cah, Nettacut. So come, thank you to everybody on YouTube. Hi, hi there. Subscribe. Subscribe down below. Subscribe to our staff button. If you want these video recaps as soon as they come out instead of having to wait a week, you do that by going to slash watch what crappens.
Starting point is 00:03:39 On the crappens on demand level, you also get bonus episodes, access to our discord, lots of other fun stuff, sometimes pre-sales and stuff like that that we do. So thanks to everybody for being members, we love you guys. Okay. So Ben, do you have anything that you would like to talk about today before it gets really serious? I have two things. First, check out my food newsletter, NBD fancy, because as promised last week, I have compiled a list of things you can make or bring to a Vanderpump rules watch party potluck. So I'm giving you that heads up today since the reunions on tomorrow. So you have time to make your thing. So if I used, I came up with some ideas. I also, I also credited Mr. Ronnie Keram, my wonderful co-host
Starting point is 00:04:31 here for one thing and some people on Reddit. I've tried to really credit where credit was due. So go check that out at if you want to see some Vanderpump rules watch party food ideas. But the other thing I need to talk about is that I've decided I'm going to try my very hardest not to plunge myself and therefore the podcast into yet another tire debate over team page, team Lindsay. Oh good. Did it? Who the are they mean girls? Are they not mean girls? Yada, yada, yada. Good luck. I just you know what? I'm on the show with two girls basically fighting the entire time and it's going to be three more weeks. You know, here's what I'd say to you. Buckle up, Cupcake. Okay. What does Captain Lisa say? Buckle up.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Buckle up, better Cup. Better Cupcake. It's nice too. Buckle up, buttercup. Cause we've got three weeks of fighting about this stuff. And you know, I say let's roll in the mind. Let's do it. Let's fool each other's hair.
Starting point is 00:05:37 You're gonna lose that one. Well, you know what, I have to say it was, I was, I thought this was a very funny reunion. I was definitely cracking up. I feel like page, page cracked me up because she did her page does this thing on reunions, where she just makes little comments on the side. Like this is her new thing that she's been, not new, but like the past last year, I think she did it this year,
Starting point is 00:05:59 where like no matter what's being talked about on the side, she's like, yeah, I'm right. Sure. She also does that on the show, she's like, yeah, I'm right. Sure. She also does that on the show. That's pages, that's her personality. Like she's a snickerer, you know? She's a snicker. She's satisfied. Oh yeah, I don't mind a little side snickering, you know?
Starting point is 00:06:15 It does, that's how I communicate as well. Here's my thing with Paige. She comes out in the, she's very gen-aid in this way for anybody who watches Real Housewives of New Jersey, which should be all of us. But she's a little gen-edin in the way that during the season, and I'm gonna exclude this season for Jen, because Jen was wacky the whole time.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But usually Jen will come in the season and act one way. And it's like sometimes crazy, sometimes nice, but calmer, but then she shows up at a reunion and she gets herself so hyped up for the reunions that she's just mean. I mean, she's just like a total villain. Like you need to see her in a fern smoke behind her in a couple of angles at a time.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Like she gets really villainous. And Paige does that too. This is the second reunion in a row where Paige just shows up like, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, I fucking hate him. It's like, where is this? I know that you don't like Lindsey, but like, it's got to be the Craig factor, right? Ever since Craig came into her life, she's a disaster in reunions. I mean, I think that like Paige legitimately was like, I was going to say that for most of this episode, she was losing this reunion, but I think she had a very strong final five minutes
Starting point is 00:07:29 that may have redeemed her. And I think the shoe story, which we'll get to, that was hilarious and it's great. So, but I think- I don't think she had a loser ever reunion. I can't say that I'm always on her side because page, I'm really not on her side very often on this show.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I do find her really funny. And I think she's got a very strong point. I think she's got a very strong technique of arguing where this time I started to see what she was doing. It's like she's going to come in with this strong anti-lensy right out the gate and who gives a fuck whether you question it or not, and then she's gonna prove it the entire time, and she's gonna keep hammering the jury with evidence, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:12 And I think she did a pretty good job, I have to say, while also being funny. So let's see, I mean, what a crack here's that. I mean, I'm sitting here, this whole season, I've been fighting in Lindsay's favor, and I'm gonna probably do that through the reunion as well because I think Lindsay was more right than Danielle, for sure. But in this one, I'm never gonna argue that Lindsay's not vile. I mean, of course, Lindsay's fucking vile.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And of course, Lindsay's a fucking nightmare. That's why she's the star of this show. I mean, say whatever you want about anyone else, but she's not the star. Lindsay is literally the star of this show. I mean, say whatever you want about anyone else, but she's not the star. Lindsay is literally the star of this show. Lindsay is the star. I think the reason why I was saying that page felt like she was losing it was that it was,
Starting point is 00:08:54 and I guess she was losing the age old fight about Issy and main girl because she was snickering off to the side, which doesn't help to sway you from that. And then on top of that, they threw it in her face millions of times that before the season began, they had this lovely luncheon where everything was fine. And Paige said everything was fine and like, clean slate. And then Paige immediately reneged on that. And that was like really damning, I thought, for Paige.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But then, like you said, she then eventually was able to truly present her evidence and then I do feel like the tie turned for page on the first first episode there. So Yeah, it was great. I'm all over the place this whole time. My mind kept changing. I kept getting offended But then I would be on that person's side and then I was offended by this person and offended by that person and Let's just get into it because there's a lot of it. We can always agree on one thing though. Crystal sucks. Chris sucks.
Starting point is 00:09:50 We can agree on that. We can probably agree this was not the strongest season of Summer House. And I'm really glad that they're at reunion time because this is what I need. This season has like parts of it that have sucked the life out of me. So I'm glad we're at reunion time
Starting point is 00:10:05 because reunion is always fun, baby. Okay, so here we are, violins. We see New York City with no traffic. Cause it's so early in the morning and Lindsay's like, I'm nothing on lose because I don't give a fine, and there's literally nothing worse than what my friend did to me in the season. It does not get worse.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I'm not. I guess it does. She wasn't, she, there's a lot worse than what Danielle did to you this season. You're coming in as the villain. You idiot. Lindsey, you have everybody on your side. And you're gonna come in acting like the biggest victim
Starting point is 00:10:41 in a villain. I wouldn't do that. Bad move, especially for a PR person who should know better. I also have to say, it was funny watching these limos pull up and like you said, the violins was like very serious and they were really doing like a succession thing. You know, the succession finale obviously just aired a few nights ago and this felt like this bravo was like, hey, we can do succession too. It was like they're all going to a board meeting
Starting point is 00:11:05 to try to like save Leverboy or something. So I feel the same way about this cast that I feel about the kids on succession, the family on succession. I watch them all fighting and jockeying for this top spot, and I think men if you deserve it. Nope, literally none of you deserve it. You all suck, you're all a bunch of privileged assholes
Starting point is 00:11:25 who have been handed everything. None of you deserve a fucking thing. Yeah. And that's how I hope it ended. So Danielle, then we hear Danielle's voice over where she's like, I needed an entire mental health day when we wrapped. It's like, when you experience death in real time,
Starting point is 00:11:42 like, I don't know if I can go through that again. Wow, Danielle, you needed a day off. I did that. Just like a full time. What does that even mean? It's like if I was there when Elvis died instead of just hearing about it years later. I don't understand what that means experiencing death in real time. But drama noted, you know what I experienced in real time? Great mileage with my key, I'll tell you right. Furthermore, it's been several months now, and like, lends it to her. I'm her, we're all her, and like, it's gonna like take both of them to put their swords down and be like, you look great by the way, but like, listen,
Starting point is 00:12:20 I'm pulling for it, but if I were a betting man in Vegas, I'll put my money here on cream suits being in for next year. Yeah. Yeah, if I'm a betting man in Vegas, I'd say, hey, this might be addiction transfer. What are we talking about? So we get a close-up of a sheep with dramatic music going on. And then we just hear who I think this is the blonde girl Sam. I think it's her. She goes, um, is that a raccoon? Brandy need to do some fundamental training just to be on this show. Okay, just some flashcards just to make sure everyone's on the same.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Come on. Come on. it's like a sheep. Wow. So Paige, then Paige, she's Sam goes, oh, you changed. And Sam doesn't really hear the judgment in that. And she's like, oh yeah, three dresses fell through in the last, in a row. And so I picked this out at like 7 PM last night.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Like what? Yeah, like what? That's crazy. Like who am I right now? Like am I crying right now? Am I crying by these dresses right now? Oh my God, also, Cory and I just like fucked. Yeah, like I had other dresses to wear.
Starting point is 00:13:34 But Cory came all over the arms. So this one, thankfully, was still in the dry cleaner plastic. So I got here. Talk about a dress coming through. So then, Cory, I'm going to come out like, you know, the yellow. Hello. Hello. That was a double, hello, hello, hello, that's what we do on propaganda.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I'm a padmallow. I'm a padmallow. I'm a padmallow. Hi, Shals. Hi, Shals. Hello, hello, Shals. My dear friends, are you coming for me to stand on? On here? This is where you're going. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. that, you know, like listen, if everyone's referring to you as being old, don't show up in the disco ball. You know what I mean? It just makes me think of just my mom and dad fucking in the bowling alley in 1974. I just don't play Harry playing on the music on the radio. It's like rapture. The original Lindsey Hubbard song. The original Lindsey Hubbard song. So, uh, hello, hello.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And no one says either them, because I hate them. So, Lindsey's like, oh, my de, you know, where we're sitting? And they're holding hands, of course, because that's their whole personality guys. There are a couple, and they're coming in united. Yeah. And then, um, they're all, everyone's sitting down, Sam, was like, my personality is this hair? Or is I doing right? And then, Paige was like, I like when my arms look really skinny.
Starting point is 00:15:12 So could you just like, could you just put like a sleeve on it? That's like the color of this couch, and then just draw like a little white line across it. And then I can say, that's bam. Yeah, I really like when my arm is skinny. That's why it came as a flamingo again today. Because if you find an animal that looks right on you, wear it every day with pride, top of the day, Amazon live.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Like, subscribe and prime it. Maybe just like a flower on your neck. She does look like the, she looks like one of the monsters. She looks like a very pretty version of one of the monsters from the last of us because that's a zombie thing on HBO but instead of being ugly zombies, they're like flowers on bees
Starting point is 00:15:54 because they're like biologically, they're made from a fungus so they all look like different kind of horrific flowers and Paige looks like she's just been bitten. And she's like, oh, oh god. I'm becoming a zombie well What what would zombies look cutest in a choker choker? Okay, you heard it here for zombies, okay? Priming the Amazon zombie live it, okay? Well considering that page is literally the last of all those people from Betches that came over in season three
Starting point is 00:16:22 She you know, it's appropriate. I am the last of us. I am the last of us. Hannah and Jordan have been swallowed by the zombie at Quick Lips. Let's see who else is dressed funny. Danielle's dressed. Okay, so Amanda's wearing this like yellow, it's not sequins, but it's like glittery.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It's like soccer. It reminds me of like a soccer uniform fabric and then Danielle grows out and she's wearing like a satire version of it and I was like, oh, you shouldn't be sitting next to someone in a satire version of their dress, but that's so Danielle, isn't it? It's like, I'm gonna sit not in first seat, but next to somebody, uh, with a less, uh, less great version of their dress. She bought it at Sad's Fifth Avenue. So Andy comes out and he's like, hey, and he walks up to Kyle and he goes, well, I brought a pink suit and you're the reason I couldn't wear it. So thanks a lot. I tried to say, hey, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:23 I am the guy guys in charge here and they said but Kyle only has one seat so uh here I am just wearing this piece of shit thanks a lot Kyle. Thanks a lot. Um so he's like welcome welcome to the Zee the Zavin reunion of Zunner Owls. These hamdons housemates have had a season like no other. Sam and Corey fucked a lot and Lindsay got bit by a, or a page got bit by a flower zombie from the last of us and now has a chrysanthemum dead head growing out of her neck. So that's one. That's one.
Starting point is 00:17:56 There've been some new beginnings, on the Magical Endings and a lot of footage of a keyotel you ride. Dropped down that driveway. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. This is the season of the Kio. footage of a keyotel you ride, drive down that driveway. This is the season of the Kia. Let's watch, we welcomed her with open arms and she proved to us that she's got charms. Let's watch footage of the Kia. Everybody.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Babe, we made a bed. Get only a bed. We'll get the bid done to go. Just a car. Why don't people know how to park? Babe, I'm swimming out right now. Let's go to bars. So, we get the key of package.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And then we move on to Clip of Kyle's Tiny Weiner and what a wacky season it was. And it's so sad because the whole season is basically boiled down to Kyle's sad birthday party that wasn't even that great. It's like, wow, Kyle had a tiny cowboy hat on his wiener to show me some retool in as well. Saying that a lot this week, and guess what, I mean, every word of it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It's okay, like we're cultural critics. So Kyle, Andy is like speaking of this set is inspired by your 40th birthday, Kyle, except it's much nicer and way better than a bunch of streamers and a cowboy hat on a dick. Kyle's like, I'm honored, this set's incredible. I'm like, it's a friendly reminder that I'm not over, that I am over there.
Starting point is 00:19:18 And then he goes, you really are not, okay. Hey, by the way, what's the end of the game with that Millet looks ridiculous on you, right? I mean, it's fluffin' in the back there a little bit. the way, what's the end of the game with that and Mollett looks ridiculous on you, right? I mean, just fluff it in the back there a little bit. Oh yeah, that's good. Yeah, so I have some Mollett playing. It looks like shit, it's time to let it go. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:32 It was funny, it was cute. It was time to get a haircut. So Andy's like, okay, well, there's only one opinion that matters, your wife Amanda's just getting literally no one has ever said that, Amanda. Say something nice to Kyle even though your horse probably from screaming at him so much about how to behave before you got here okay you know I would think I get up I really like it like we have dogs now so
Starting point is 00:20:02 all right that's very cool hey Hey, Lindsay and Carl, congratulations on the engagement. I see Lindsay that you just put on a sash that says every kiss begins with K. Thanks for that spawn con right in the middle of this reunion. Oh, you want to try my wing? It's got me trying to steal it. And Gabby's like, oh my god, that is a lie. So Carl's like, yeah, well, like, here's how I feel about Andy. Like, we've been on the show for a while.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So like, to be able to take that final step, I'm like, really proud of Andy. Even though like, it was dramatic. Thanks a lot to Andy, I'm not kidding. But yeah, I was really proud. Because like, you know how hard it is for people to get down on their knee and Someone to marry them Carl literally everyone in the world's married it feels like
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, yeah, you stop acting like you just want to know Bell Price, okay? You got a free ring and Oh, can we talk about the people magazine? Contro Yes, before you do that while you pull that up., I just also want to say one last thing about this comment. Andy literally said congrats on the engagement and Carl's response. We've been on the show for a while, so to be able to take that next step, I'm really proud of it. Even though I thought it was dramatic, it's like, Carl, you clearly practiced this line.
Starting point is 00:21:18 This is not the time to say it. You just say thanks. It was really great. Thanks. Yeah, just say thanks. No one cares. Like, we know you're engaged, Carl. Wow. Wow. Yeah, just say thanks. No one cares like we know you're engaged Carl. Wow Wow, okay people magazine control does that do Dave Quinn's tweet because I saw his tweet
Starting point is 00:21:30 Yeah, so I think it's so funny. I love Dave Quinn bitchly getting into the fray Yeah, do it. So someone says but is page correct was the engagement premeditated and Dave says not at all A rep from the network called and asked people to run a story because Lindsay and Carl were celebrating in a public space Where plenty of people could see them. Bravo word the news would be leaked, likely by those people or by their co-star So I wrote fast. Perhaps Paige doesn't in fact know how people magazine works, but I'm happy to fill her in any time she wants. Ooh. Calm down, Dave Quinn. Nobody's accusing you of any journalistic, you know, malfeasance for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I'm sure that people magazine never has any idea when people are going to get engaged and don't have little Dave Quinn's popping out from behind the bushes as I've accused you of doing last week. And I'm standing by it. If you're hiring, you know what it's like to deal with economic uncertainty. And now more than ever, it's really important to hire the right people faster and more efficiently because you gotta keep the overall cost down.
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Starting point is 00:23:42 Go on. Plants are meat. And not only are they meat, they're delicious, especially if they're from impossible foods. They taste like beef. Exactly. Impossible is making meat history this summer. Yeah, they are. Summer of impossible. I am so excited to be spending time,
Starting point is 00:23:59 cooking my summer foods, all that good stuff, and guess what? We can use impossible sausages, impossible brats. I mean, it's gonna be a great summer for impossible foods. Impossible beef is made from plants and 19 grams of protein per serving, and it's better for the planet. And it's meat! Plant meat! Correct!
Starting point is 00:24:16 So if you're looking for something to grab for your grill, grab some impossible beef. Summer of impossible. Start making meat history today, just head over to the meat aisle at your local grocery store, grab some impossible beef or patties and get grilling. Um, so anyway, that is a very funny conversation. I saw it because I did see that Dave tweeted something that was like, like his page was like, I know how these things work and he's like, do you know how they work?
Starting point is 00:24:43 I was like, oh, Dave is, Dave's going to have to enter the chat. So, after that really good housewives, what was it called? It was called, life's not all diamonds in Rosé, I believe it's what's called, we'll be loved, Dave. So everyone go read his book and then we'll not Twitter. Go buy his book and give him a lot of shit. Subscribe to People Magazine and then only read his articles.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I can subscribe on the screen. Why can People Magazine and only read his articles. Like and subscribe only for you. Why can't subscribe today if they have a point of time? No, we loved it. So Andy is like, I was like, okay, okay, Carl, okay, we got it. You got married. It's not a, it's not a, it does not make you better person. And on that note, Dan, yeah, good easing. You look, I was gonna say great, like a little less great than someone who else looks great and where the nerves at right now, Dan, easy. You look, I was gonna say great, like a little less great than someone else looks great
Starting point is 00:25:26 and where the nerves are right now, Danielle. She's like, whoa, I'm just really happy to see you, Andy. He's like, oh, I don't hear that much. Paige, one of the last time you were in Charleston, did you wear any colors there? He's like, I was in Charleston like two weeks ago. I thought all of them in Hatten could hear me go, I apparently not.
Starting point is 00:25:48 She's like, well, I only dressed Southern charm appropriate on this show, Andy. On that show, I only wear chic politician, wife of the funeral. It's however, though. So Andy's like, okay. Have you noticed that? Because on this show, she wears pastels
Starting point is 00:26:03 and bright beautiful colors all the time. But on that show, she's like, I'll only wear black. I'm in mourning. I'm in mourning of being away from a real city. So Andy's like, hey, Sierra is karma brown on her way today. Please don't answer because the bit wasn't funny the first time around. I can't believe I had voked it a second time around. Sierra, I'd love to congratulate you on the five minutes you were entertaining this season
Starting point is 00:26:26 with Karma Brown, congrats. Maya, welcome to your second reunion. Can I count on you to tell your roomies they talk too much? That was hilarious. Oh, hey, and Sam Gabby and Chris, welcome to your first reunion. Great to have all of you, don't talk. Not your turn yet.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Okay, now I don't think anyone was prepared for the seismic CHES that happened this summer. Emotions are still probably very raw, but hopefully we can dig into everything and destroy it even more. Hmm, so then we see these clips of Danielle not being invited. So Andy's like, so then yeah, what's your intention to die? Other than wearing a sad knockoff dress of Amanda's to show where your new loyalty lies. She goes, I hated seeing Lindsay's face and the way she looked at me, it felt like she was a stranger.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like if it's over, then it'll be over. Okay, not really an intention, just a statement. So you and your all are really one for one year. I was great. Okay, Lindsay, can you do it instead? Lindsay's like, Um, I am intending for an open and ony-go-gummer-save. I feel like over the summer, like we weren't hearing each other
Starting point is 00:27:43 because all I could hear was bap bap bap bap. We're just speaking different languages at the time, so I think hearing each other and having an open dialogue will be essential. Yeah, it's important for me to learn how to communicate with non-bapes. Also she said, I want to be open and honest. And I, that's Kyle Richards speak right there. And I'm worried. I'm worried that my Lindsay love is gonna wear off
Starting point is 00:28:13 because I'm already annoyed twice now, and we've just begun. So Andy says, he starts talking about how like the relationships took turns this summer in ways they never could have predicted. And I think we all know what we're talking about how the relationships took turns this summer in ways they never could have predicted. I think we all know what we're talking about. The colon of Amanda didn't have a single argument this summer. People who's not crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So they all clap. And Andy is like, yeah, Andy basically asked like, what's different. Of course, there was no Amanda goes, well, we didn't have to plan a wedding. That was magical. And then Andy goes, and Kyle didn't cheat. I think Andy hates Kyle's guts. And it's funny. And Kyle's like, oh, I forgot that one.
Starting point is 00:28:55 So he's like, so what changes have we seen in Kyle? And Amanda's like, you mean, aside from the moment, well, I think it's like we adopted dogs, Andy. And like he's been more patient with the dogs and like that's made him more patient with me, Andy. And he's like, are we inching towards fatherhood? Literally because that was a tiny penis app. Oh.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Amanda. Here I come. Amanda, you are a lovely, beautiful, smart woman. You are implying that you are a dog right now. She's like, well, he learned how to be nice to dogs, and now he's nice to me. Amanda, stop that. It's not supposed to go in that order.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Don't do it like that. Just not change it. Change it up. So Andy's like well frozen from and Frozen from Scrambled eggs says Amanda thanks for being so open about fertility not many women are Especially on Bravo where every show has a storyline about fertility Any updates on fertility and she's like um, I have my period Andy, I'm on it today. She came, which is something Kyle
Starting point is 00:30:06 has never said. Um, it's all, but it is something that the L.I. Double R conductors always say, when Daniel gets on board, here she is again. He's coming. Yeah. So she had post birth control syndrome, which is something that happens to a lot of women apparently after you go off birth control apparently, it can go for the six months or a year of no cycles. So that's what she had. So all right, cool. Well, Snickers from Satisfies says, you want to have kids as soon as you got married, so you can be the hot mom that drop off,
Starting point is 00:30:48 but now you say you and Kyle aren't red and even try for kids, so what change in how many years do you have left to be the hot mom? This will matter for contract-ridden gochiasians. And Sam goes, I mean, you're already my hot mom. Oh my God, fuck off. How did nobody throw something at Sam's head? How dare you?
Starting point is 00:31:10 She is so ridiculous. She is, Sam is like, the way she doubts all the, that I don't know if it's Gen Z or Millennial talk, but like, she just uses it nonstop. I feel like everything she said is just taken from a meme. But it's so funny that like Amanda is considered old now at this house.
Starting point is 00:31:30 You know what I mean? That's good too. It feels like Lindsey's always been considered the old, Lindsey and Kyle have always been considered the oldies. But now this new person is looking at Amanda like she's old. The other day I was at a graduation thing because my niece graduated and I heard someone go, oh yeah, it was, it was like an old lady.
Starting point is 00:31:49 And I said, what do you mean an old lady? He's like, my can old lady, she had a baby. I was like, oh. Wow. So let me wait that sound right now. She's like, you're my hot mom. I mean, would you like eight years older than me? Good rose.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Okay. So, um, so then Andy's like, well, I hope you didn't think this is all gonna be nice because we got some rough stuff for you. So I just wanted to dress a blind item that came out to suggest that Kyle, what you did, on Amanda this summer. And Kyle's like, well, according to the internet,
Starting point is 00:32:21 I've had affairs to Sam and Maya and Sierra, Sierra the singer. And so I think the internet is just like a powerful drug, but it's great, because you can also sell a little alcohol on it. So anytime that comes around, it's triggering for Amanda. What is the internet being a powerful drug
Starting point is 00:32:39 have to do with anything? So are you gonna say whether you cheated or not, because you didn't answer that question? Okay, you just stand yelled type question. So Andy's like, whoa, Amanda, you told me on watch what happens live that you like shares books better than bad middlers. Also, the timing of the cheating rumor was convenient, considering what was happening on the show with the lover boy drama. Lindsay did. did, okay, the lover boy drama was Kyle was the one who was out of pocket on that drama because he was the one who went on TV and said Carl was such a cookhead that he left his computer at home and doing all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Kyle was the drama on that, not Carl. So why would Carl come up with a lie to spread to the internet to make himself look better when Kyle was the one looking like an ass. Nobody would try to distract from Kyle looking like an asshole. Well, maybe it was like slightly before then. I don't remember the exact timing of this, but maybe because remember, there was also before the Coke thing came out. There was also like, oh, Carl hasn't been showing up for work and where's Carl and Carl's
Starting point is 00:33:41 yada yada like he wants a raise. But either way, like I don't think Lindsey and Carl do a very good job of acting like they didn't send a blind item because they both are like this. Um, I don't think so. I don't know, I think that Carl says it. Yeah, like I saw something and I sent something but I didn't, I don't know how to use a laptop.
Starting point is 00:34:01 He doesn't use laptops and like, I don't even know, like we don't even have any trusted emails. I'm like, yeah, I don't even know what like emails. So like, I probably didn't like to use a laptop. He doesn't use laptops and like, I don't even know, like, we don't even have any trips, emails, I'm like, yeah, I don't even like, no, well, like email is so, like, I probably didn't like send a blind item. I actually, my eyes work. So like, like, no offense of people who are blind, I just like my eyes work.
Starting point is 00:34:14 So like, the day I did it, this was really guilty sounding, because she says, someone sent it to me and he goes, I sent it to you. She goes, yeah, well, someone sent it to you and you sent it to me. So, I was like, there's no way Kyle had time to have a full blown affair over the summer, okay?
Starting point is 00:34:30 And she told me so that wasn't the question, Lindsay. I was in the question. And she goes, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Well, I don't know how those like, that's how I connected like I certainly didn't do that and you did it leaders. So like, yeah, I definitely didn't do that. So like, clearly didn't. I was like too busy doing leaders. So like, yeah, I definitely didn't do that. So like clearly didn't.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I was like too busy doing other things for myself. Yeah. And he's like, well, the question is that the leak happened while the lover boy drama was happening. And she goes, I don't know. I don't know. You like, I don't know. Yeah, either do I.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Like, like, I don't like. I don't like, I should you like paint by numbers, not like pin to the dots, just like my preferred activities. So like, yeah. Pages like probably because it's not the first time you guys had written in something about someone on the cast. Okay. Do I believe that?
Starting point is 00:35:15 Yes. I believe that Lindsay is in PR. And I believe that she, of course, would know how to do this. Also believe that you all know how to fucking do it. Anybody can write DuMua an email, okay? Anybody. And do I believe that you all fucking do it? Sure do.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I sure fucking do. I don't know that Lindsey and Carl would have done it for this. I don't think the Loverboy drama was that big of a deal. Also, I think if anyone's saying Kyle is having affairs, it's probably people who see Kyle and bars while he's out traveling around for lover boy, getting shit faced every night with fans. So that's my opinion on that one.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Well, let's even rise right at anything in. And Paige is like, oh, really? So you didn't write an article about Namianda's wedding as anonymous sources. Please, you did. You did do that. And she's like, no, I didn't. And it's like, then as you head line,
Starting point is 00:36:04 it's like Craig there was your headlines. It's like Craig Conover was kicked out of Amanda and Kyle's wedding before he could even celebrate the new wonderful relationship of Lindsay and Carl of Forever Couple. Lindsay, who hasn't had her hand on any day in a very long time. So, yes, you did. And you guys were saying that Craig got kicked out of Kyle
Starting point is 00:36:26 on Amanda's wedding, which did not happen, but I know it was you too. Okay, your boyfriend was fall down drunk and belligerent and acting like a total asshole at that wedding, which was reported. Maybe if you don't want that reported, you should stop dating a drunk belligerent asshole, Paige. Okay. Because you're dating him.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And Andy's like, so you think that they sent like a blind to item to doom law? And Carl's like, oh, like we were talking about it, truthfully, like this happened. Like I definitely did not send that in, but like it definitely did happen. And I felt like the reporting about us being in love was very active reporting.
Starting point is 00:37:03 So I really don't think we should be questioning the sources of our journalism. These days, I like that he said, oh, but we're like talking about a real thing that happened. So like Craig's behavior at the wedding. Oh, really? How would you know? You weren't even at the wedding at the end. Well, he was there to see the behavior.
Starting point is 00:37:21 You only, you had to be there through the whole thing or you couldn't talk about it. I mean, what the hell? Is that like you can't have an opinion on the little mermaid unless you sat through the entire two hours and 30 minutes, which was way too many minutes, by the way? Okay, was it a sec, you were gone before Craig
Starting point is 00:37:36 and he goes, oh, whatever it was, Craig's behavior was questionable enough that I heard about it, period. Well, I know those you guys. OK, I know those you guys. And he's like, well, how do you know? Like, you talk to the bloggers? And she's like, 8 o'clock bloggers all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And like, if they think the bloggers don't even tell us, OK, they are liking and subscribing up the wrong tree. So why would the bloggers tell you if they're not friendly with you? Like, if you're not on friendly terms with these bloggers, ma'am, why would they be so casually giving up sources? I don't believe it. And I think you are friendly with bloggers
Starting point is 00:38:09 and you give them stories. Darius said it. You just admitted it. But while I'm on you about that, I would also like to point out that didn't Carl just kind of admit? Yeah, I definitely heard about it. Like, did I draft up an article just for like my own personal newspaper that I share
Starting point is 00:38:23 with my mom because like a few things to do. And she's like the best mom ever. Yes, like was I hacked and was it sent to a time magazine? Perhaps, but I didn't send it in, no. So he's like, I do not, I talk to blinders, I do not DM them, okay. And Lindsay's like, oh my, literally, I never send anything in. Which is a lie.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You're all lies. Okay, all three of you, Carl, Lindsay, and Paige, I don't believe a word out of you. All of you are fucking liars, bear. So Carl's like, well, Paige, like the example, like Paige, Paige has an example that has some credibility from what I understand. And Lindsay's like, it's not a lie.
Starting point is 00:39:02 And Paige just knows, it's not, Lindsay said it's a lie, Paige just knows, it's not a lie, and Carl's like anything else. not a lie. And Paige says no, it's not, Lindsay said it's a lie, Paige says no, it's not a lie. And Karla's like, anything else, she wanna say page. She goes, um, no, but I think I'm good. I have the rest of the day to think of some stuff. Maybe I'll think of some stuff later. Bring out your receipts.
Starting point is 00:39:17 You just suggested, Karla just suggested you had receipts. Bring them, where are the receipts? Okay, I'm sorry to sound like a raw stress for less favorite of mine, but where are your receipts, bring them where are the receipts? Okay, I'm sorry to sound like a raw stress for less favorite of mine, but where are your receipts? I know. Well, Shiv from Roy says, I saw the blind item about you to cheating on Amanda, which I find hard to believe since you guys seem great.
Starting point is 00:39:40 So kind of reminds me of the cheating rumors that Lindsay brought a few years ago that turned out to not be true. And then we see four years ago, Lindsay pulling Kyle aside on his birthday. We get... Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And she's like, okay, I'm sorry. I was like, I just had to get my page. Uh-huh. In there. She's like a backup singer. And so Lindsay's like, I went to a lunch with page in there. She's a Quebec up singer.
Starting point is 00:40:05 And so Lindsay's like, I went to a lunch with a girlfriend and she told me that in April, you were making out with some girl in public all night and like, that's what happens. So just sit with that. And I'm glad that they added this clip in there because everyone else seems to have forgotten that this is how it went down.
Starting point is 00:40:24 She says, so I heard you were making out with some girl in public and then Kyle tells Amanda later, you know, if that happened then I'm an asshole about it. He didn't remember, okay? And then Amanda crying, it did happen. You can't deny it. I don't do shit to you. No, she said, if it happened, you can't deny it. I don't do shit to you. There are no rumors going on about me because I wouldn't even give people the opportunity to question it. So how do we know that it wasn't true? This is like the most fucked up question
Starting point is 00:40:52 and I don't like how it's phrased. It's unfair. He was accused of cheating, of making out with someone in public and he can't remember it. I just don't remember how that storyline resolved itself. I don't remember what they got to with that. They blame Lindsey. They were, they blame, just like they do now. They don't have how that storyline resolved itself. I don't remember where they got to with that. They blame Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:41:05 They were just like they do now. They don't have enough to bring against Lindsay this year, so they're bringing up shit from years and years ago. And they're going to throw that at her all re-union long, which I don't think they're necessarily wrong. Lindsay was an asshole for that, bringing it up on camera. It was like over a year ago. And so Kyle's basically like, well, I think
Starting point is 00:41:25 we're too quick to move on from some things, but I was told from a bunch of people that like this was not a piece of information that Lindsey had learned about just like two days before my birthday and like the way she spun it. Because by the way, you spin a lot of things. Everything. She spins every single thing, including all her Majang pieces. She plays at the old lady's home. She literally spins bottles like she's in a summer party in the fifth grade. Just trying to get somebody to get like she spins a lot. She's like a DJ for like Frankie Apple records. She takes out her teeth and like spins them like a party track. It's like it's not a dreidel.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Can you please put your teeth back in the mouth? It's really hard to use a lifehiller when it's spinning. But Kyle being like, oh really? Well, you know, I think we forgive a lot of stuff, but she brought it up on camera way after she found out about it, which is not cool. You literally just brought up Carl's Coke stuff when he's been sober a year.
Starting point is 00:42:24 You brought it up on camera a year later. Are you really happy with the line? That is true. You jerk. So he's like, well, itch and pages like, and he's like, well, what shook me to the core and made me, made Amanda not able to trust her ever again was you found out you knew before we even got to the house that summer and Amanda's like yeah and a good friend and he's like wait a minute wait a minute you waited to bring it up on camera
Starting point is 00:42:51 and page is like on his birthday weekend straight to the camera. Oh really weren't you guys all just using all of this shit that Austin the dick grab stuff against Lindsay and waiting to bring that up on camera, come on you guys are also full of shit. This is a reality show. And also, Amanda, you don't belong on this show anymore. If you're going to come after someone that's hard for bringing stuff up on camera, like their relationship and shit, that you should be bringing up on camera with your fake ass
Starting point is 00:43:22 pretending everything's okay all the time, even while cheating rumors are going on about your boyfriend. So Kyle's basically like, he's accusing her of timing it and work with the producers, which I feel like they probably all do, cause I'm gonna show, isn't that like how it works? And Lindsay's like, um, they were mutual friends that like saw you and Amanda's like,
Starting point is 00:43:43 well you never said that. Like all of a sudden that's okay. And so yeah, she actually goes, he goes, yeah, and you blew up my birthday weekend with the cheating rumor that has like no confirmation to actually or actual facts to back that up. A, you couldn't deny it. So it seemed like you were pretty guilty because all you had to do was say, no, that's a lie. Second, now you need facts to back things up because Paige didn't have any just now So it seemed like you were pretty guilty because all you had to do was say, no, that's a lie.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Second, now you need facts to back things up because Paige didn't have any just now when she accused Lindsay of calling blogs, were those facts from him? Grits. Yeah, hypocrites. So Lindsay's like, well, we were in a good friendship space and Amanda's like, so then why did you say
Starting point is 00:44:20 you were being a good friend by bringing that up? And she's like, well, I was just like, going down directly. And she's lying by bringing that up and she's like, well, I was just like going down directly and she's lying. Catchy's lying. She's lying. She's liar. Lier is stupid liar. I mean, I was like, on camera, why would you do that to a good friend?
Starting point is 00:44:33 So, so Lynn's like, you mean to tell me that of Carl? She told me. And Amanda, this is Amanda never should have said this. She goes, I would never bring it up to you on camera, which is bullshit. That's like literally the moment that we're all waiting for. So she's like, I would pull you aside privately and give you a heads up on camera. And then we can figure out like how you want to go about it, filming it, producing it. How can we maximize your humiliation in this moment? Because that's something
Starting point is 00:45:03 producing it, how can we maximize your humiliation in this moment? Because that's something horrible to go through. And it's so fucked up that to go through for the first time in front of the whole world, it was awful. Well, a Kyle's cheating is really what's to blame there. I can't ask. Exactly. That's the thing. Like, and also you should be immediately fired for saying, no, we should handle everything
Starting point is 00:45:24 off camera and decide how to deal with it on camera. You fake ass, who wants to watch that? I say fire Amanda, she's dead to me now. You're on a reality show, ma'am. So Lindsay's like, okay, I'm sorry, I brought it up on camera. And Amanda's like, but now we've passed it. And Lindsay's like, I've apologized multiple times.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Like, why are we talking about? It's like, none of us even look the same as those clips. Like we literally look like we're on an Instagram old people filter, compared to the clips they just showed of this storyline. Why are we talking about this? It's time for commercial. It's time. Hi, I'm Michael Patrick King, host of the official Max Companion podcast, and just like
Starting point is 00:46:00 that, the writer's room. Each episode members of the writer's room and I unpacked moments from season two, sharing juicy details you can only hear from us. Stream and just like that season two, starting June 22nd on Max, and listen to and just like that, the writers room on Max, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:46:17 For a crap and it's commercial. Girls like your apologies is shallow. Yeah, he just basically saying that like, he basically chooses her of orchestrating a very purposeful backstab and then spinning it as if she's being a good friend and all that. And he's like, it feels just like, Lindsey's like, great at producing herself.
Starting point is 00:46:40 And Carl's like, y'all, I guess what? You're like pretty good at producing yourself sometimes too. So, huh. And Carl's like, when, well, I guess what? You're like pretty great at producing yourself sometimes too. So, huh. And Carl's like, when have I produced myself, Carl? Like, what have I talked to producers, want events and be like, hey, like, this is what I'm gonna do this summer. And he's like, oh, love for boy. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:46:57 First of all, the producers sit them all down at the beginning of the seat, at least they do one housewives. And I found this out from Dave Quinn's book, actually. Dave Quinn isn't this entire recap. But producers sit the cast down and say, what is your storyline? What are we gonna do?
Starting point is 00:47:12 What are we focusing on this? That's literally how it works. So stop pretending. Also, Kyle and Amanda, who have made every single season about their relationship and then Dick Touchgate, and what a monster Lindsey was in page, who pushed Sierra against Lindsey so hard with the Austin thing and they're all sitting here accusing people of being producers.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You guys are such hypocrites, like, him not. So Carl's like, well, Carl, you're the one who cheated on her. You cheated on her, Carl. You cheated. You look great by the way, I just want to say, but you cheated on her. And Carl's like, oh well but not from that rumor is up but you're the little cheated like period like that's the issue like you made like the fuck up and you don't actually own it and cause like where's our rumor and it was a blind
Starting point is 00:47:55 side on the savage I'm by the way Carl I don't need to be reminded that I cheated like I like you know consume your news you don't own it you literally said you don't remember. Okay. Most of the, you've, you've owned it, I think one time and the other time you don't even remember it. So he's like, it was a blindsided attempt to sabotage my relationship. And Kyle's like, uh, he's just going on whatever, but you're mad at this rumor, but you don't know who sent it into the blogs, and you're taking selfies with like hot girls who come to Loverboy events literally all the time. So, yeah, don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:34 That's sweet. It's weak sauce. And it's like, well, it seems to me that he's trying to, Carl's trying to hold you accountable for what he's saying, and he's like, I mean, how many times do I have to admit it? I guess it was the other way that Carl's trying to hold Lindsay accountable. And he's like, I mean, how many times do I have to like admit it? Or I guess it was the other way that Kyle's trying to hold Lindsey accountable. And he's like, well, he just wants you to admit
Starting point is 00:48:49 that you work production. And she's like, um, I found out a week before I brought a two-kyle and like I also, to be honest, I've like a really hard time going through it. It's like really, really hard for me. But like, thankfully the good people of Pizza Beach, they used to bar me through it. Pizza Beach, your home for beaches and pizza.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh yeah, I'm sure it was really hard. I'm sure. Maddie's like, yeah, so sorry, you struggled with that. Okay, Dick Touchgate, both of you, shut it. So then Andy's like, all right, while Kyle and Amanda were navigating there for summer as a married couple, Gabby and Chris navigated their summer. Oh. I mean, I have a baby now, so I'm already tired,
Starting point is 00:49:33 but this isn't helping. All right, let's get to the backup cast. So, Judy from Judy Town asks, hey, did you really start the summer with the roster Sam? By the way, whoever asked this question, come on now. People, this is like not a crazy thing for people to be dating multiple people. So Sam's like, yes, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I was like dating four guys when the summer started, like most were in your city. And I try not to mix them too much because they're like that, but they're not like all at the house at the same time. Like it's kind of like a wild, like a sex in the city meets a 2023 like romcom. That's a little bit like chicklit, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:50:12 It's just like a craziness. These three are so boring. The segment was like, boom, boom. But my favorite part was that when Maya made some joke like, oh, are they all in different boroughs that way they don't run into each other? And Sam goes, no, because I don't like to travel out
Starting point is 00:50:26 of downtown. And Andy just goes, I had a feeling about that one. Like Andy can't stand to read there. And he asks if Danielle and Chris are gonna date. Not to Danielle's single. I'm like, wow, boring plus boring does not make it not boring. You know what I mean? I know. It's just simple math. Please don't. And they there was like a question about Sierra, like they're asking questions about Sierra
Starting point is 00:50:53 and Chris and and Chris cracks basically, there's like Chris, did you like know what you were doing or whatever, but Chris makes the whole audience let whole group laugh with some, something he says he goes, and they all laugh laugh and my favorite part was that they're all like And then like Carl realizes that it's like a funny moment or it's like Lindsey not just him or something And they're like That was funny. I'm laughing. I'm natural People in cream suits are fun-moving people. That was a funny joke. I was alerted to Yeah, I'm laughing with the rest of the group until I, like, laughing.
Starting point is 00:51:28 It's cool. Ha, ha, ha. So, uh, pantry from full of confrontations said, Maya, do you see that talking about Sam talking too much in the pantry was disrespectful to carbs? Would you have done it somewhere else if you gluttled? And then we see that clip of Sam crying and being like, like my whole life, I like it so much. Should people have like, nobody wants more of me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:55 It's like that's why Costco just gives that little tiny bit to like little gelatinous chickens and not like entire chicken sandwiches. And I've gotta learn. This show is so funny because they're like, hey, Maya, do you think that wasn't like that was not the most delicate way to break this to Sam? Meanwhile, they just literally show for the second time
Starting point is 00:52:16 a montage of Sam speaking so much that everyone's rolling their eyes. Bravo, you guys are bullying Sam way more than anything Maya ever did. Hmm. So Maya's like, I mean, we talked about it, she doesn't care. Okay, so, were you surprised that it feels mean-spirited Sam? And she's like, um, yeah, because I mean, I didn't think it was like me, but it's like, I've heard it before.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And it's like, I'm my biggest insecurity, like, ah. And so she does her home monologue. I'm like, oh my god, I'm playing a people on saint that I need to talk too much. And then it's like a really hurtful army. And I like what she does thing where she's like, she's like, I mean, I've spent my whole life in pursuit of friends and like, what?
Starting point is 00:52:59 See, oh my god, like am I crying right now? I'm like crying, like what? Like what, this tears are like happening right now. Oh my God, this is wild. I would even say, mebable if people wanna take a screenshot right now. This would be your moment, like I'm subscribed to my tears.
Starting point is 00:53:14 What? Yeah, I'm insecure about it. Yes, Andy. So Sam's like, we're good now, but during the season, I saw, you know, the cast's like talking behind my back about it and that sucked. my as like oh That was trying to avoid and that's why I like told you so you could like avoid it not
Starting point is 00:53:32 All right one board so Gabby you had problems connecting with people were you surprised by Sierra's reactions to you and Gabby's like um, I just don't think that you like me and that's fine. But I think that like, there was like a concerted effort on your part to like, draw up a reason to not like me. And Sierra was like, no, it's not that I don't like you. It's just that I don't have personality and that's often confused as dislike. No, but I really like it's fine. Like I just felt like sometimes the way you talk about money,
Starting point is 00:54:05 like you know, you still have your parents' credit cards and I just felt like you were flaunting it and it just rubbed me the wrong way and are we really gonna dedicate an entire segment to this? You know, probably not. Let's just move on. Okay, all right. Everyone.
Starting point is 00:54:22 So Andy's like, well, you know, Maya maybe saw more of who you were in the end. As she just wrote you off. So had that feel, Sierra, how did it feel writing someone off? And she's like, I didn't write her off. She was like, okay, did you feel ridden off, Gaby? And she's like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And he's like, okay, Gaby is no longer on set, okay? I know. She'll be happy. I's like I thought completely written off and he goes, okay, well anyway, moving on. It's like, oh, all right. I guess that's literally writing stage directions. And the reunion continues without Gabby. So he's like, he's saying that Sierra didn't connect with everyone this season, like he's saying that Sierra didn't connect with everyone this season, but who she did connect with was not on his bingo card. How about from Ken New Jersey said you came to the last rumor with so much hatred for
Starting point is 00:55:15 Sierra. Daniel, the last reunion, sorry, not rumor, the last reunion with so much hatred for Sierra, Danielle. And then we see the clip of Danielle from last year saying, did you know that the moment that you threw a glass of wine at me? Because so much time has gone by and I have developed so much hatred for you. I think Danielle needs to work on our emotions a little bit in terms of, like I think that like, she needs to find more positive ways to direct them and recognize emotional impulses, et cetera. I think she needs to do some meditation. She's just a terrible actor.
Starting point is 00:55:53 She doesn't really know how to play it well, but she's trying. Yeah, I don't mind if someone's emotional, but I just feel like her, I just, she has to work on her conduits there. So yeah, now they're sitting next to each other and- Now they're friends, of course, and basically Sierra's like, well, I mean, part of the reason we were mad at each other in the first place was like based on other people's situations,
Starting point is 00:56:21 one, and we see Lindsay all mad. And Daniel's like, yeah, I mean, it really had nothing to do with us. And Sierra's like, yeah, with us directly, it was all hint, hint, who could it be? And I love that Danielle still has people talking for her and kind of like, now she's just being used against Lindsay by Sierra and the other people.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Like Danielle, get your own fucking life, man. Jesus Christ, get your own argument and your own personality. She's always being turned by somebody against somebody else. So Andy's asking Lindsay, basically, like, were you surprised to see it? See that it be him, friends? And Lindsay was not surprised because she knew that like, you know, that once there was a crack in the foundation
Starting point is 00:57:05 of their friendship, that should go to Sierra or something like that. You have things in common, right? You don't like somebody. Hate brings people together. And he's like, so Sierra, you and Danielle are closer and she's like, yeah, she gets my dry cleaning, she brings my grocery orders by occasionally. And I got an incorrect grub hub order one time and she called them and yelled at them for me and then actually went to McDonald's
Starting point is 00:57:28 to pick it up and prod it for me. And it was really nice. I didn't even have to open the door. She just literally left it at the door, so that was cool. So I ended up like, well, were you annoyed that they became close and then she goes, no, not at all. And Paige is like, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Sure. Wait, hold on. Let me give a full page sign. Hey. I'm gonna cross my arms and make the other way. So you can only see my neck flower. Sure. Sure.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So Lindsay's like, well, I am like no ill will or thoughts towards like Sierra and regards to our past. And like, I left our past in the past. And I thought that's where like, we ended this summer together. And I thought like, we were on like really good terms. And like, we ended this summer together. And I thought we were on really good terms. And we ended this summer, but sitting here now, it doesn't feel that way. I'm in Sierra and Paige are doing this really weird thing.
Starting point is 00:58:14 They're sitting first of all so close that they're touching. Like, Paige is kind of leaning on Sierra and they're just both laughing at everything Lindsay says. They're like, right, and like giving each other looks and rolling their eyes. Oh, give me a break you two. So, um, Sierra smiles and nods off to the side and paged as a one shoulder bump like, we're back after seven years as friends. Uh, babe, babe, baby, baby, baby, baby, a lot of babeses, Carla Lindsay went all in on the word babe.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Uh, James Cromwell is still expecting a paycheck. They said babe so much, okay? No one, unfortunately no one was ever there to actually say that'll do. That'll do. So we got a montage of babe. Babe babe babe babe babe babe. One babe. Babe, babe, babe, babe, one babe. Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe. And so Andy is like, Lindsay, he's like,
Starting point is 00:59:14 are you guys nervous to come in as a couple? And Lindsay's like, well, you know, as a couple, you know, as a couple, you're the target. So it's like a breeze for impact. You're the target, the target. You're a couple. So I love this, Lindsay's like, You're the target, the target. I love this Lindsay's brother. I think brother really admitting that she's been coming for Kyle and a man.
Starting point is 00:59:29 Yes. That is like what you say on survivor or big brother. You don't say it when you go to vacation with your friends. Like you become the target because everyone just wants to be you and wants to have like, you know, all your marshals endorsements. And Carl's like, well, like clearly, there's like still some resentment from the past,
Starting point is 00:59:45 which I could understand, yeah. And I think it's like hard when you're in a relationship because everyone has a lot to say, which is new ground for me. And this is like the first serious relationship I've been in in 10 years. So I'm learning a lot about being in a relationship. I'm being in a house.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I'm being with friends. Well, Carl, now do you see why people say maybe take it slower because you're actively saying, hey, I'm learning things as I go. So people just like, hey, don't go so fast because you're learning things right now. Girl. Well, also you're with Lindsay. Yeah. And she's great. She's, she's, she's a little great great. And, and actually Carl even says here, he's like, well, you're not, you're assuming a different way now. And like you're seeing, you're like, you're seeing me a different way. And I was like, hope, I was like, hoping
Starting point is 01:00:26 it would be an appositive and different way versus questioning someone's speed of what we're doing. Like, so you are more concerned with how people are viewing you right now, which also makes me call into question, you know, this relationship, because it sounds like it's being fueled by you wanting to update your entire self image. Well, you know, our question both the couples because Amanda and Kyle, I think,
Starting point is 01:00:49 are doing Amanda admittedly in the beginning was like, well, you don't do that to people on camera. You figure out how you're going to deal with it on camera together, which I think is what her and Kyle do, which is why they're having this great season. And I think that Carl and Lindsay totally try and do that too. And they, it's their relationship has seemed so fucking fake this whole season. And I think that Carl and Lindsay totally try and do that too. And it's their relationship has seemed so fucking fake this whole season. You know, we've been making fun of it the whole time. And it looks very inauthentic. And then there are a cues of it later in the episode of how
Starting point is 01:01:17 they're always fighting them and just being fakers on camera. But I think that they're all savvy enough to be doing that now. And that's why the season's hurt. The season is literally dead because of it, because you guys are all fucking faking it, you know? Yeah, because I think that, I think both of us believe that they're in love with each other. I mean, I believe they are in love,
Starting point is 01:01:37 but what I don't believe is like the super glossy, a lot of ways, love it, all of the things wonderful, because I mean, Carl literally just essentially sat it here, like he's been called a fuck boy for years on end and he has been a fuck boy, Lindsay's like a lunatic, a wonderful lunatic and now they're like, look, we are mature now,
Starting point is 01:01:55 we've grown up, we're grown-ups now and you can see it because we're in a committed relationship and taking that relationship seriously. I believe the truth is what we've seen glimpses of in this season when Lindsay was drunk and she was going off in Carl and in bed and because he wasn't standing up enough to, he wasn't standing up to Danielle enough for her
Starting point is 01:02:15 and that she wouldn't stop and he had to get up and leave the room because she wouldn't just stop coming for him. I believe that Lindsay is really like that all the time and that when she's drunk she just doesn't filter it in front of the camera. She lets it out. So I also believe that Carl, when Carl doesn't get his way, throws t-shirts over the camera,
Starting point is 01:02:33 has a fit, leaves the situation furious and flies off the handle over at things that he shouldn't be flying off the handle and then acts like a complete victim over. Like you're personally crushing his soul because he didn't get because he didn't get his way in that moment I think that all of those parts are true and I think that would be a much more fun couple to watch on television than this phony-ass Kia driving me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me me because I think it's like their free car that they got. Yeah. So, hey, Jerry from God Another Dick Pick from Roman says, you've both known Carl Lindsey for almost a decade. You've seen them in past relationships, all of which have had a level of volatility.
Starting point is 01:03:17 So did that make you nervous about them coming to the house as a couple and Carl's like, well, if any one of my friends were to start dating Lindsay or really any one of my enemies or really anyone in the world, I would be concerned, you know, because it's Lindsay. I mean, listen, Andy, when you see people outside petting a squirrel, you think, well, I mean, that squirrel looks pretty cute,
Starting point is 01:03:41 but it's probably gonna give you tetanus. You guys, you're duty to say something. That squirrel. That squirrels have resting nails with their teeth. We all know that. Maybe it's tetanus with them. Yeah, like in a... Well, that's a fair point. It's a fair point.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Someone's putting a raccoon during the daytime. I'd be like, I've got a shot afterwards, please. Yeah. And so he's like, you know, but when Lindsay is drinking again, and Carl's supposed to be sober and so it's concerned for Carl, you know, and Lindsay's like, that's fair. You know, that's a fair concern. I am a disaster, yes. And she's like, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:04:18 And she like slips from a martini or whatever. So, and I was like, Barnum from and Bailey want to know if anyone else think that Lindsay and Carl's relationship is a circus act. And Gabby's like, no, they're like exactly the same off camera as they are on camera. Excuse me, objection. I think that they're pretty fake sometimes, and I think they got engaged, and for hours later, people magazine article was on. Like, that's premeditated, that's planned. I know how people magazine works. I know Dave Quinn's phone number. Okay, and my flower agrees. So Lindsay's like, what are you talking about? That article came out on
Starting point is 01:04:57 Sunday and she's like, I know how people magazine works and you have to plan it that way. It doesn't just work out to come out on Sunday morning. Also, the producers supposedly have said in interviews that the reason there were images that they got for People Magazine was because they have photographers taking pictures there naturally, because they have to do that for the show anyway.
Starting point is 01:05:19 They do that, yeah. I'm like, I'm talking like, yeah, guys, they do. I can confirm that as someone who has seen press photos before. Yeah, I can go. I agree kind of with Paige on this. I think that they both knew this is a huge engagement. I'm sure Carl got a discount on that ring.
Starting point is 01:05:35 That was like a bachelor scene if I've ever seen one where Carl's like picking out the ring at the jeweler's place, at the brand there. And, you know, I'm sure it was probably as premeditated as most of these things work. I just don't understand Paige's furor over it. I don't understand it, but I think it's hilarious so I welcome it.
Starting point is 01:05:56 So, Carl's like, oh, you're doing the biggest liar on Bravo, Craig, Colin Craig. Yeah, so stop. And she's like, and I have a terrible point. It's true. I agree with you. And so, and Paige's like, and you know what? I love every single thing about that weirdo even if half it's not even true. And I was like, well then she's like got like she keeps going on about this lifestyle and it's just like, it's not cool, okay? Well you guys lie though. You guys lie. That's all you guys do is lie. And Lindsay's like, oh, what are we in lie about,
Starting point is 01:06:25 and spins, come on with some receipts, which again, I am really impressed that Lindsay, I feel like they're trying to activate Lindsay and it's just not working. She's just like these people are ridiculous, you know? And again, she asks for receipts and page has nine. She just says, you spin things, you go into the press and you spend every story. But Carl, I think Carl goes, no, we tell our version of what we experience. I'm like, that's
Starting point is 01:06:50 called spin. So page is like, okay, yeah, but it's also people in the press asking you. It's like when they ask you in the reality show, page just said this to you in a scene. What do you think about it? And you give your opinion on it? I mean, isn't it all considered spin? Yes, it is. But I think I do think that Lindsey and Carl are particularly good at spin too. Like they put a very generous amount of their own personal perspective
Starting point is 01:07:16 on what they answer. So pages like, she's like, I mean, you can't even text anyone on this couch. And Lindsey's like, well, isn't that a lot? Like if this is like a line, like isn't this like a lot of money we And Lindsay's like, well, isn't that a lot? Like, if this is like a line, like, isn't this like a lot of money we'd be spending on a line? This like marriage and everything?
Starting point is 01:07:29 And Peach goes, yeah. And that's why I'm confused because in the interview, you have jobs. Like, so yeah, it is weird. I just, that just like cracked me up because it was like, I was not expecting that to come out like that, Dig. I was like, whoa, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:44 But they're at work, like they're literally at their job right now. They work on a show called Summer House that you're currently filming a scene for. So I thought that was a little weird. Also, Kia, I mean, who else has hired them this year? What should have we seen them honking this year? Don't you all have the same jobs? I think Paige has more of one because she's also got a podcast. It's really successful and goes on tour and stuff. But isn't everyone on this cast just on what a seer is job?
Starting point is 01:08:12 Is she nursing? Well, that's where she works. I don't know if she's actively working. Does she have a job? Because it seems like she's just... Yeah, no, it was definitely like a throwing a rock in a glass house and a glass summer house moment, but it was a funny rock. I liked the rock.
Starting point is 01:08:29 You like it was funny. It may not have it may have been hypocritical rock, but it was a funny rock nonetheless. So Lindsay's like, oh my god. She has yeah, that's why it's weird. And so she brows her eyes. Still with never seats. So Andy's like, so Danielle, do you think it's all put on for the cameras?
Starting point is 01:08:49 And she's like, no, I mean, I just think they want this fairy tale and then they bought into it, you know? And it just like seemed like you wanted to express your love more than anything else and not have like crack show. And Andy's like, well, why would they want crack? I mean, like, yeah, probably they would.
Starting point is 01:09:05 They would want that, you know, did you see any cracks? And she's like, well, there was this moment we went to Montauk as the three Amigos. And we went to see our favorite band. And Lindsay was like, you know, she got, me and Lindsay were doing an art thing. And she got in a fight with Carly Toe and She was very vocal at the table so much that Carl left the table and
Starting point is 01:09:30 Carl expressed that he was worried that when you went back to drinking that this part would be activated again And I just thought it wouldn't happen towards me and I said listen It's gonna happen. We'll get through this together But what ended up happening was you went back to the Hamptons and he went to the city. I was like, took an Uber. Oh, Uber to the city. Oh. And then Andy was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Just to put that in context, taking Uber back from the city from Montauk is an aggressive move.
Starting point is 01:10:00 I mean, that is $400. When you're not working, You don't have a job. That's wild, four hours for two jobless people, okay? Wow. And Andy's like, why wouldn't you mention that on the show, Danielle? And she's like, honestly, I don't wanna put it out there for respect for Lindsay, because I'm a respectful
Starting point is 01:10:19 fucking person, Andy. Okay, I'm a good friend. Thank God. Too much stuff has not being put out there. Oh, no. A couple gotten a fight. That is crazy. Like I thank you everybody for protecting them. Unlike Lindsey, who immediately calls the press about everything. Yep. This is, uh, this is one of the risks of a show that's been on a long time.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Is that cast members start to sell produce the, this was Daniel sell producing to on behalf of Lindsay still like too much stuff is being left left off the show and it should be on the show as well. So Andy is like well see him for watching the show that a lot of your fights happen when you were drinking Lindsay so you can think about that because you're Susan from day, because that's the only Susan I thought of right now. I love LA law. I'm all about your drinking less and partying less, but a couple of times, it really did
Starting point is 01:11:14 feel like you were doing what you wanted to do because you were afraid of upsetting Carl. Do you ever feel like you're walking on eggshells around him? And she says that yeah, like she wants like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like, she'll be like,, right? Well, we're totally different people. Andy, can I ask you a question? How have we all aged 47 years? At the time. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Uh, so, um, the Andy's asking Kyle, if he thinks that Carl is more bothered by Lindsay's drinking than Helen Met. And Kyle's like, uh, he's like, well, I wasn't trying to blow the lid off that thing, but he told me in confidence that it was early in their relationship And it was the first time I saw that. I was gonna be the number one challenge and for subriders Frasuals, you can see it's I'm wasted right now and he just wants to get to be wanted to be sober at the one year of our very badly
Starting point is 01:12:18 As those are gonna learn, you know So they're going to therapy Carl tells us and let me just tell you right now therapy is not going to fix this. You are an addict. You are with somebody. You used to get fucked up with all the time. And now that person is your partner and they're still going out and doing the behaviors that you don't want any part of. This is not looking great for you. Okay, this is not a therapy thing. This is a, you're drinking bothers me and I can't stay with you if you're drinking. Like that's it.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Like how else can you, I don't see how else, you would be able to, I don't see how else I would be able to work past that, you know? Well, maybe that's why Andy turns to Lindsay goes. So, this is gonna be an issue for you. So, Carla Sober and you were not. So Alan on is your friend. Oh my God, I love Elle.
Starting point is 01:13:08 He's like so kind. Like he totally is like a great person to be with. No, it's not a person than the, it's an organization. Well, so like I have like an Excel document that like a friend of mine likes at me and like it's like got a list of Zoom meetings. So just like by looking at that Excel document that like a friend of mine likes at me and like it's like got a listed zoom meetings. So just like by looking at that Excel document, I think I've like already done Alan on. So thanks for the concern. So he's like, well, one thing I gotta say is that she signed up for a relationship with
Starting point is 01:13:37 me. Am I baggage? There's a lot. So, you know, I'm an addict. In fact, I have a problem and now I have a really great friend to work on it. It's like having a sponsor, a drunk sponsor, which you know, sometimes fun, sometimes not. But at least you've got a sponsor, am I right? Every kid's begins with, okay, thank you. I'm like, but it's like the more docs, it's like the more I'm like,
Starting point is 01:14:02 but now do you see why people were concerned with you going too fast? Do you see like there's a lot of stuff you have to iron out just with yourself personally? So anyway, Carl's like, I just won't like to give Lindsey Grace farewell to her to sign up for her haul. So then here's another question, a tide from Pods says, Carl, you have been able to Kyle early on. You were going to propose to Lindsay. Why do you tell him so early? I remember after Kyle starred,
Starting point is 01:14:29 Fingertangie. Fingertangie. You would never trust him with a secret again. Sorry, just bring this up because I want to talk about Fingert gang. Fingert gang. I just want some clips of Amanda and Carl.
Starting point is 01:14:41 And Fingertang me. Oh, Fingert gang, Lindsay. Bro,. Oh, finger bang, Lindsay. Bro, Karol finger bang, Lindsay. Yeah. So basically, Karol still trusts Karol. That's what that's all about. And Amanda says she actually only found out, like basically that morning one car was going off the hamptons
Starting point is 01:15:02 because she was staying back. So he was like, come on, Amanda, you gotta to come out. She's going to get there and engage. I don't believe this. I don't believe this. Do you? I believe it. I believe it because I think Amanda would have gone there. I think she stayed home with the dogs so she didn't have to be at their engagement episode. Oh, that's a good theory. She hates good theory. I think she was like, fuck that. Of course Kyle told her. theory she hates good theory. I think she was like fuck that of course Kyle told her.
Starting point is 01:15:26 So then Lindsay was impressed with the secret being kept and Chris is asked if he was surprised that Carl let him in. And he's like, call me an idiot. I just don't think that's a big deal. Know what I mean? No, I just can't with Chris. I can can't. I think I'll like that. I don't even know why I agreed Chris lines. They just kill everything. So yeah Now Andy moves into this proposal was really good, but Lindsay You did have a dress on with Charlie Brown patterns your eyelashes were, your hair was girl, let me come on, lazy.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Spill some tea, don't go landy, all right? And Paige is rolling her eyes, like, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, house and saying, like, what kind of bonfire are we doing? Is it jeans and D-shirt? Or is it elevated? Is it elevated? What, who says, whoever says, is this an elevated bonfire? Like, elevated, I don't feel like elevated bonfire is a concept that is really like top of mind. So like, I think she fully asked that question, so that way she could act like she was fully naive
Starting point is 01:16:43 about the situation, because no one ever says we're going to a bonfire tonight and someone goes, oh, is this a formal bonfire? Is this elevated tonight? Like, it's never that option. So Andy's like, so page you, you said she was wearing to the shoulder pads to the beach and no one does that. So you knew. I'm page goes, when she asked me if I liked what she was wearing, I mean, that was my tip off. Because in five years, she when she asked me if I liked what she was wearing, I mean, that was my tip off. Because in five years,
Starting point is 01:17:06 she's never asked me any fashion-related questions. Obviously, I mean, look her. Ha, ha, ha, ha. So, and he's like, well, Dan, yeah, you had a very big reaction to the engagement, okay? And despite your films at the time, like, what can you back do you wish you had reacted differently? There's really only one right answer to this question.
Starting point is 01:17:26 She's like, that was the most raw I've ever been on this show. Wow, Danielle. I love that Danielle is like her own Dramadesca award, you know? She's just like her own nominating committee. She's like, I would like to congratulate myself on the honest the season. Thank you. I found out 30 like to congratulate myself on the honest the season. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I found out 30 minutes to an hour before the party and something I thought I should have been a part of. And that was just raw emotion. And so then Andy asked Carl and Z about about everyone's reactions and he also throws in there, you know, because some of them were kind of muting their reactions out of respect to Danielle. So if that makes you a little angrier right now, like feel free to lean into that. And Lindsay's like, yeah, I mean, listen, I wasn't surprised because I was standing next to Danielle when Amanda and Kyle came from their engagement and Amanda's face for that wasn't really excited either. And then Amanda goes, you weren't both giving us weird looks,
Starting point is 01:18:25 but then we see the clip and it was not. Lindsay was screaming happily. And Danielle was looking like giving, you know, page looks. So, um, that's not true, Amanda, Hader. Yeah. Lindsay was actually trying, she even says she's like, yeah, so I'm like, Danielle, I'm just trying to give you a little, don't you a little bone here, like little consistency with your reactions. And she's like, yeah, so I'm like Danielle, I'm just trying to give you a little, don't you a little bone here? Like little consistency with your reactions? And she's like, no, you're saying I hate engagements. She's like, I did not say that. Or that I hate happiness.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Like Danielle, that is not what Lindsey did though, right? Well, yes, but it's also, I do think she was kind of saying, like, well, you know, this is just what she does at engagement So can't take it too personally. Maybe I felt like she was throwing us like a tiny little chicken bone and Danielle Just does not Danielle was given basically a giant opportunity to patch up a very embarrassing Reaction to someone's engagement and she just sort of actually like you said gave herself a drama desk award for it.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So love, you know, listen, you got an OBE. So congrats. So Andy's like, Carl, you said in an interview that all the girls owe Lindsey an apology but thankfully while she's waiting in traffic for that, it's going to be comfortably in her key. Could you elaborate? And Amanda goes, yes, please Carl. And he's like, well, you guys see like some of the commentary that goes on, don't you? And my it's like, speak consistently if you're going to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Be consistent. He's like, well, at the beginning, which I don't know, said it, Maya. So Carl's like, at the beginning of the summer, Lindsay and Paige got together for lunch. And she told me it was healthy. And like you started saying out, you guys were good. And what changed so much? Because there was like so much negativity towards her. And Gabby's like, yeah, I do remember the first weekend. you said Lindsay and I are God. And then like after the first like sign attention between Danielle and Lindsay, you were like, I'm so glad that Danielle is finally seeing the person that Lindsay is, specifically the old person that Lindsay is. And I just was like confused like why you're excited that a friendship was breaking up
Starting point is 01:20:40 and page is like, I was never excited. Because if I were excited excited I would have said, yay, but I didn't say that. I would never be excited for a friendship breaking up. I would only be excited for someone who for seven years has worn terrible outfits on the show to finally get a fashion sense by asking the one person who has dialed this house for an opinion. That's all. But your facial reaction saying different, any page and she's like, I'm speaking now.
Starting point is 01:21:08 She's like, well, your facial reaction speaks differently. And she's like, well, and I stand by my facial reactions because I think at one point, I is a 25 year old new girl. So like on my first summer, where Lindsay didn't speak to me at all.
Starting point is 01:21:21 In fact, screened it me and she's like, that's not true. And then they, the page rolls her ass. She's like, roll the clip. So then we see the clip of, was it Christmas and the light? They're all in red. I forgot what this whole thing was about
Starting point is 01:21:34 and what Lindsay was pissed off about. I don't remember either, but I do remember this was the episode where Lindsay's like, no committees and sick of these committees. So yeah, Lindsay was just basically screaming at them and she's like, If you have a problem, you can front that person directly. This is all very like middle school. But this is also like a fight where they were talking about Lindsay behind her back and she found out and got pissed off about it.
Starting point is 01:21:59 So she's like, you don't tell the entire house, it's very middle school just come to me. And so you were talking shit about Lindsay and she called you out on it and she's the bad guy because she raised her voice. Okay. So then Paige has a monologue and she's like, well, that was a wash. Okay. But then I auto gravitated towards Amanda because she was like the only girl who was nice to me in the house.
Starting point is 01:22:22 And like, I know that you guys had a very different experience than me and all those other girls did. You know, you guys, when she was nice to you, then she was to me or to Sierra or to... She just names every girl. Do you even mention the jewels? She's like, a Hannah to jewels to anyone. And like, do I sit in my bed and gossip with my girlfriends about this shit that goes on like she does to other girls? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I've always or as I sometimes like to say 1000%. I always sat back and watched her fight every other girl and have her own situation with every other girl. That has nothing to do with me, but I was in that position one time. So when they come up to me and then they cry, I say, I get it. I totally get it. I've been there. So she's kind of got me on this one because I kind of agree with Paige on this.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Same. I'm like, this is where I feel like the pivots started to happen for Paige this month. Yeah, I feel like this was a very good argument for her, saying like, yeah, they say I'm a mean girl, but of course I sit in my bed that's full of girls that don't think I'm a mean girl, like I'm a girls girl girl and Lindsay is not a girls girl And so of course when Lindsay's being a dick to all the girls the girls are gonna talk about what a dick Lindsay's being like Yeah, do what's your girlfriend. Yeah, like I get that But she does also actively like hold on and come for Lindsay like she waits and they like come for I mean I feel like they do it all the time
Starting point is 01:23:45 to where it goes past just talking shit with your friends. It comes to like revenge, you know? And that's where I think it's different, but that said, just let her have it. You know what I mean? Like I'm with her. So she's like, I kind of feel like Lindsay sucks the air out of the room.
Starting point is 01:24:00 I'm assuming. I feel like Lindsay's so big and she's sort of brash and she just sucks the air out of the room. I kind of feel like they, this is and she's sort of brash and she just sucks the other man I kind of feel like they this is like all they have and so then they just like builds up and then it comes out like And it just sort of it reads like mean girl, but I think it's really just like shared Bad experiences with Lindsay and listen like I said before I love Lindsay on the show Lindsay is the star of the show You know, but I think think that they just are, they just do not like Lindsay.
Starting point is 01:24:29 So Lindsay's like, oh, so she finishes. So when Danielle finally got what everybody else was seeing, was I happy Danielle started to stand up for herself, absent fucking lootly. And Lindsay's like, um, okay, but then a white lunch, would you squash that? Bing! Brandon and Pate is like, um, because I went on a, she went on a P-R-Ty raid.
Starting point is 01:24:54 Oh, she went, you went on a PR tie raid that I weaponized your miscarriage, which was so false, I sent you flowers. Now what was this weaponizing the miscarriage? I don't remember. It's something that comes up on Facebook a lot. Like I honestly don't remember and I've been too lazy to look into it. And was it because I don't remember where they were they kind of like shaming Lindsey for having gone out like so hard after her miscarriage last season was that what that was? I really don't remember. But it is a thing that pops up on Facebook like or not telling.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Yeah, I don't think what's his buns about it. Jason? Jason or like going on her like she was going on people magazine and Jason didn't know. I mean, I know that's why Jason was upset because he was an interviewer for the people magazine article about it. I mean, I know that's why Jason was upset because he was an interviewed for the People magazine article about it. But I don't remember this whole thing about Paige weaponizing her miscarriage.
Starting point is 01:25:51 And listen, you would think that I would remember that because I know that I love her. I love her. I love her. I love her. Well, either way, she says, she's like, I sent you flowers. But I just mean you would think that I would keep score of that.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yes. And so Paige is like, I mean, I sent you flowers. And she's like, and by the way, the way you treat production, the way you treat fans, even Andy knows your route. He had to yell at you at bravo con for the way you speak to his employees. Now, this is, okay, this is pretty damning, because Andy did not refute. Andy did not say, keep me out of it.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Well, you know, he just was like, he just went like this. He just went, oh, they kind of looked down at his note. He's like, I'm not here. My car! My car! Oh, I love this was hilarious to me. Lindsay, Lindsay berating Andy's employees that he had to yell at her.
Starting point is 01:26:44 And Lindsay's like, um, Andy didn't yell at me at Bravo. And then, and Paige is like, everyone knows how to act towards people and see her. It's like, yeah, you were terrible to people, you're terrible. And Paige was like, you threw a shoe at someone. He-he-11 and George Bush gets hit in the head with the thing. That's what I was thinking. We finally figured out who it was. And it was so monga gal. We saw you throw a shoe in the supreme
Starting point is 01:27:14 firm. But this is so funny because Lindsey, I love that you know, they're always making Lindsey have to be the mean old lady. But this is so Ramona, isn't it? Like of course, Lindsey is going to turn into the Ramona of her time. Of course. And let me say I stick up for Lindsey a lot. I totally believe this 100% that she is a nightmare, that she is a villainous human being, that she is rude to everybody who she considers lower than her, that she demands she yells, I do not doubt that she threw a shoe at somebody, I don't. But it makes me like her more. No bottoming up.
Starting point is 01:27:51 Yeah. I was like, yes, I love these people on Bravo. I know, it's so funny because Paige and Lindsay are going at it and normally I'm like, oh, shut up, Paige, you're just mean. But this one, I'm like, LOL, Paige is being hilarious in this. And she's totally right about Lindsay. But Lindsay's also totally right about Paige being a fucking hypocrite
Starting point is 01:28:11 and a mean girl. But I still like them both, you know? Yeah. So she's like, name the girls on this show, the name one girl on this show that you even talk to, Sans the New Girls, that you've known for like five minutes. And she's like, I texted my own when the dog bit her at a wedding. Tuck. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha and it was like, um, Sierra, I thought like we were in like a totally fine place and like all of a sudden like we shop at the
Starting point is 01:28:45 Rea and we're like, we're like, not and we're just like, because you go any duke press tours. And then she's like, well, I haven't spoken about you guys. And so, and she's like, okay, okay, okay. Dan Yell, when you were friends with Lindsay, did she complain about Paige? And also, did she ever throw a re-bock at your head? This is like yes and yes. And Lindsay goes, yeah, but so did Danielle. Of course she hated Paige and Paige hated her. Of course you're going to go talk, it's like Paige's argument of I sat there and talked to my girlfriends about Lindsay. Of course I did. The same argument here. Of course she did. Tell them, yeah, Paige is an asshole. So page goes, yeah, Danielle sat us down and told her that Lindsey hated us from the get go. And Lindsey says she doesn't have any hatred in her bones. And
Starting point is 01:29:31 Danielle's like, yes, you do. And Lindsey said, if I did, I would treat you the way that you treat me page and page just rolls her eyes. And she goes, girl, I don't even speak to you. Just, no, you speak my, my bank. getting that's the most pathetic fighting I've ever seen, which is a good point by Lindsay, because Paige shows up to the reunion, like she's such a badass, but everything else she does during the season is working behind Lindsay's back
Starting point is 01:29:54 to get other people to hate Lindsay. So the page goes, you're literally nuts, and Krakow goes, yeah, that's a real nice thing for you to say, because you're nuts too. Lindsay goes, I'd rather be nuts than boring. Let me just say to Paige Lindsay and Carl right in this moment, speaking directly to you, you're all right. Great work. You're all right. You're all right. You're really doing it. Is this a three-part reunion? I feel like there's only enough content for
Starting point is 01:30:27 another one more reunion episode. I don't know how to hate it. I don't know what else they have. Page did a really good job of carrying this one, but this next one is just going to be Danielle Fakesaw being, and I don't know how much that can take. So let's just please keep it a two-parter request. I know it's already done. It's not, it has nothing to do with our requests either way, but Bravo, please, please don't do this to us. It was good.
Starting point is 01:30:51 It was good, like, because it's like, I feel like they were not sure I should get the content. Like, they've moved over to the stupid stuff quickly. Chris, Sierra, Gabby, all that stuff. Done. Good episode. Good one more episode, hopefully. And until then, we have a whole bunch of other content
Starting point is 01:31:07 Coming up later this week, so be sure to like and subscribe on our podcast feed and on YouTube and On run tiktok and also an Instagram and on Twitter. So follow us wherever and we'll catch you on the very next episode Bye everybody. Bye. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella.
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Starting point is 01:32:03 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. My favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo.
Starting point is 01:32:23 We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang, the incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentasisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Ray-Rain LaRue. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony!
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Starting point is 01:34:24 What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud. But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums?
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