Watch What Crappens - The TV Clique: Big Brother - Week 7 in Review

Episode Date: August 10, 2013

Ben Mandelker (, Ronnie Karam (, and Matt Whitfield (Yahoo!) convene once again to hash out the past week of Big Brother. The three take on all the pressing Amanda's racism, the double eviction, and everything in between. Come take a listen! See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. This episode of the TV Click Big Brother is brought to you by GoDaddy. Go to and if it's your first time, you can get for $1.99. That's right, $1.99 for a domain name is pretty amazing. Even if you don't even have a website you want to start up now, you might as well lock down that domain before anyone else does.
Starting point is 00:00:39 $1.99, all you have to do is enter in the promo code CRAPPINS. Why CRAPPINS? Don't ask questions. We're giving you a $2 deal here. Just take it. Go to, enter the promo code CRAPPINS at checkout, and enjoy a $2 domain for the next year. Bye-bye. I'm from Trash Talk TV. Say hello, Ronnie. Hi. And obviously, we are joined by the one, the only, the buff and beautiful, which is going to be his new daytime spinoff.
Starting point is 00:01:13 It is Ben Mandelker from B-Side Blog. Hello, hello, hello. You're not going to just wave and not give me some bicep, bitch. I think I will, actually. I'm trying to, I'm trying to I'm trying to heal I am not getting hot I'm not gonna be caught on camera like flexing you know especially there's not anything to flex give you mom goodbye arm are you giving me a bat wing I love okay yeah good little mom flap well if you do want to see Ben posing shirtless,
Starting point is 00:01:47 check him out on Instagram and all of the other social networks. He's at B-side blog. Ronnie is at various accounts, but let's pimp his website right now. People, it is trash talk, You got to go there.
Starting point is 00:01:59 The videos are hilarious. Definitely follow this guy and bookmark his new website. And you can find me at LifeOnTheMList. Other than that, we can also be found on Facebook at forward slash WatchWhatCrapPens so you can look at all of our amazing Bravo stuff there. But tonight we are talking
Starting point is 00:02:16 Big Brother. It was a crazy double eviction. I was looking so forward to it and my heart is broken right now because I fucking hate what went down in the past hour all right so by the way if you have not seen tonight's double eviction and you do not want to be spoiled why the hell are you here are you watching because it's gonna get spoilerific in about 10 seconds yeah it's not a spoiler if it already happens i don't know why people call them
Starting point is 00:02:40 spoilers this was by far this i think may have been one of my favorite live double eviction episodes they've ever done. Really? I totally disagree. I think that the fight was really great but the rest of it was like snooze. You got rid of boring people. Like why weren't they going after stupid Amanda? I mean especially now that she's Hispanic.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I mean you finally got her to be a minority with that damn tanning booth and then you kept her in. What's the point of a racist season if that bitch gets to stay? I do agree with you. I mean, you finally got her to be a minority with that damn tanning booth, and then you kept her in. What's the point of a racist season if that bitch gets to stay? I do agree with you. I mean, the opening was amazing. We'll get there in a second. But Candace's speech right before she was eliminated was out of this world. But after that, I was just really let down by the entire rest of the episode.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Well, I mean, I was let down by the results. But it still was, to me, me very i was totally into it and i did not see what was going to happen um in terms of the the veto ceremony um i was totally i was like just just when i was settling in i was like okay now it's following a rather routine path jesse's gonna get voted out whatever whatever all of a sudden, things got – I was blindsided. I was totally blindsided. I love being blindsided, even if it's with a lame player. Do you guys want to back it up, back it up, back it up and talk a little bit about the week leading into tonight's episode? The week that was. In addition to, you know, the crowning of the HOH and the POV, which we saw, I would like to start off by talking about the disgustingness that is Spencer.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Do you guys know? Oh, yeah. Okay. So explain to everybody what this is because, you know, this year I'm not doing actual written recaps. So I'm kind of reading live feed stuff here and there. I'm not afraid of spoilers, as I usually am during the show. And so I'm hearing all this shit, and I'm realizing how much we miss by not following the feeds. I mean, this Spencer thing is crazy. So update us and tell
Starting point is 00:04:35 us what happened. Well, I will just say this. In addition to not watching the feeds, the other, well, you know what? I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's talk about this. So Spencer, the other well you know what i'm getting ahead of myself let's talk about this so spencer this week um we're not exactly sure if it was him making a joke or if he really is gross but i think it was him making a joke but go on okay so spencer this week essentially made jokes about child pornography and how much he likes to jerk off to like three and four year olds and he whispered this directly into his microphone so by whispering this directly into his microphone we're meant to believe that he was kidding because he knew that he wasn't being i have to interrupt you i'm sorry he whispered it into mccray's microphone when mccray was taking a shower so he's pretending to be like mccray and being like hey i i do this i do that you know so
Starting point is 00:05:21 just it's a subtle difference but okay no No, that actually is a big difference because he was pretending to be McCray and not himself. Anyway, the point is this. He was basically like, this is McCray, y'all can hear me. Yeah, kids. Yeah, I want to do some kids. Yeah, child porn. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:38 But then he just kept going and going. I know that we talk about a lot of crazy topics on this uh on our various podcasts and on our various webcasts and usually nothing is is off limits but i'm gonna go there and say child porn off limits yeah i'm like scared to mention it i'm scared to mention it because you should be because the fucking fbi will be at your house. And that's what happened to Spencer, is that the local police went and investigated him. And they said we saw no evidence of any crime happening.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I mean, I don't think you would really. Could you imagine if you were into kiddie porn and then you just go on to Big Brother and then you just decide to announce it right then and there? That's probably not what's going to happen. Well, look, the thing is, these people are morons. Hello, Spencer and Gina Marie and Aaron are morons. So I don't put anything past these people. Well, I personally enjoy every single time Spencer gets up there. Whenever he's nominated, he goes, I need to thank Union Pacific Rail for being the best company ever.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And I'm like, if only he realized how this company wants to distance themselves from him. company ever and i'm like if only he realized how this company wants to distance themselves from him and the only reason why he has not been fired is uh because i guess there's the collective bargaining agreement which i think has something to do with unions and the fact that you can't just be fired no he'll end up suing the union yeah exactly so the company's like we've done everything we can under this law um and like please go away. Please stop talking. So, okay, look, the point is that he made disturbing, disgusting, vile jokes that really are not jokes. But does this affect him? Because in a way I think that he should be punished and he's not being punished the way I don't feel like other people in the house who are awful are being punished the way Aaron was punished at the beginning. And Aaron deserved all the punishment.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Aaron is like true. I mean, look, I'm not saying anything in Spencer's defense because he's pretty vile as well. But Aaron is a blatant out of the closet, racist bitch. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:38 she deserves everything she gets Spencer. Like the stuff he said outside of this. Yes, we could punish him for there's a lot that he said, actually, that's really horrible said outside of this, yes, we could punish him for it. There's a lot that he said, actually, that's really horrible. But for this particular thing, it's tasteless. It's disgusting. But I don't think you can persecute somebody for making jokes.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Otherwise, we're fucked. You know that, right? Yeah. Right. And I mean, I don't think that that should have made the CBS broadcast. I mean, obviously, the Big Brother fan base, including people like us, were very active on social, and we read ahead, and we follow along, and we know what's going on. It didn't need to make the CBS broadcast. My problem,
Starting point is 00:08:12 though, is that this is also proving, though, that he seems untouchable to me in the producer's eyes, because he has been horrible on this show. And yes, he did tell Amanda to shut up, but that's nothing. He did call Andy derogatory names. He also has been inappropriate, and we still haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I still feel like CBS is putting Aaron on this pedestal as the ultimate racist, which she probably is. But Gina Marie and Spencer, I don't think, and Amanda to a certain extent, are not getting the villain edit that Aaron is getting. Well, Amanda is doing just fine on her own and vilifying herself. She did get her racist moment this week. And I know she's had many more, but, you know, Aaron's had many more that have aired also. And so CBS did sort of, you know, they could have gone away without including the Shaniqua moment in the video, and we'll get to that. But they aired it on purpose, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I agree. Spencer, I don't know why Spencer's getting off. I kind of feel like CBS at this point is like, like well he's getting off because he's got children on the brain that's why he's getting well we knew that wait wait we knew that was coming yeah there's some jokes to be made there and i'm not gonna go down yeah i don't i still i still don't think we should listen the truth here here's i mean i don't know why spencer's totally getting off on this you know without being um totally admonished by cbs on on air but i kind of feel like the producers are like listen if we if we aired every bigoted
Starting point is 00:09:37 thing that these cast members and previous cast members ever said we would have you know like every group every activist group coming at us because everyone just says awful things all the time. And unfortunately, it's also a reality of life, I think, is that people say terrible things all the time. And at a certain point, you have to be like, you know. Before we dive into the specifics of this week, I wanted to ask you guys a question because I saw this pop up on some of the blogs or on other comments on Twitter. Do you guys feel, I mean, this is a show that we love. I have loved it since season two.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I hated season one, but when Dr. Will came to town in season two, I became a huge Big Brother fanatic and I've been a diehard ever since. But my question to you is, with all of this crazy shit that's been going on this season with Spencer, with Aaron, with Amanda, and just the racial inappropriateness that we've seen throughout this season.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Has it ruined this season? I mean, some people say that it's ruined it for them because it used to be a fun, lighthearted show, but to me, it's so incredibly interesting and I just, I'm fascinated more so than ever. I'm with you, Matt. I think, I'm not bored
Starting point is 00:10:42 by it. I mean, one of the things about Big Brother, it's one of those shows where every single season, everyone online is like, this is the worst season ever. This season sucks. Big Brother sucks. I'm boycotting Big Brother. I mean, when Dick was burning people with cigarettes or when I mean, Big Brother is known for having vile human beings in an aquarium. And every year, everybody's up in arms over it. This year, what's interesting to me isn't even that it's racist in the aquarium. And every year, everybody's up in arms over it. This year, what's interesting to me
Starting point is 00:11:06 isn't even that it's racist in the house. It's that the whole fucking world's racist. I mean, it's like everybody just came out of the closet at one time, you know? It's crazy. Like, the Paula Deen thing, and then that MasterChef thing with that horrible woman, Chrissy.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Do you guys watch that show? That big character, Chrissy? What was that? Oh, my God. There's this woman who tells her like it is it's always those idiots you know she's this big she's a big girl and she's mean she's mean to everyone like so they they were having returning customers and she's like that's the kind of girl i beat up in high school or like uh that guy can't win he's just useless at life you know she's one of those
Starting point is 00:11:41 one of those fat people and so like instead of the funny fat people i mean she's just she's just horrible you know i'm a bully with a smile on my face so anyway she uh was caught on twitter saying really racist things like someone went through all of her racist she said the nba is n words bouncing around and she said be careful if you're having sex with a black guy oh wait, wait. It said, be careful. Don't let a black guy have sex on top of you because it probably means he's raping you or something like that. Like, she's horrible. She's a vile human being. So her, this, Paula Deen, Trayvon Martin.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I mean, it's all about racism all the time. So it's just kind of like, I don't know what. If I may be slightly serious for a moment, I mean, the truth is that a lot of people sometimes say that reality TV is a reflection of the culture we live in, etc., etc. And what makes it so compelling is that it reminds of your workplace or whatever situation. And I think in this case, that's what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I don't think you can fault the show because it has racists it because the truth is there's racist in all aspects of our lives and i think it's better to deal with it even if it's in the way that cbs is dealing which is you know just sort of like lightly dealing with it it's better to have that and have the discussion and get the dialogue going i know i sound like one of these like foofy counselors but seriously get the dialogue going rather than act like you know that that doesn't happen or that you can just sort of push it to the sides. Well, I know I hear you. I don't think that we're complaining about that. I'm very proud of. I know you're not. I know you're not. I know I will complain about something inevitably in the next few minutes and maybe point the finger at you. But I'm still incredibly proud of CBS for willing to go there at all.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I mean, look, this is a major corporation. There's a lot on the line. There's advertising dollars. There's millions and millions of dollars invested in this. So the fact that they're even willing to go there and open up those doors and have those conversations has been great. The problem is the racists are winning the goddamn game. Well, that's also like life, unfortunately. You know what? You've got to hand it to racists. winning the goddamn game. Well, that's also like life, unfortunately. You know what? You've got to hand it
Starting point is 00:13:46 to racists. They stick together. I mean, I think that any group of people really sticks together, and I think that that's a problem that women have always had, is that they're one of the only groups. I mean, look, the gays will stick together. I mean, we've been pretty... Only if you're hot.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Only if you're hot. Well, okay. Well, the different factions within gay... Like like fat gays will all stick together. Hot gays will all stick together. Asian gays will all stick. Bears will all stick. Like, you know, factions within the gay community. I heard, by the way, the other day that gay bears that have
Starting point is 00:14:18 white hair are called polar bears. Who knew? You guys, what is a seal? And what is a cub? No way. I know what a cub is. What is a seal? I think a cub is like a young bear
Starting point is 00:14:31 and trying to like growing up to be a bear. What is a seal? There's too many kinds of bears. It's like if you have any kind of body hair, you have to be classified in one of 10 ways. It's ridiculous. I'm feeling kind of serious and I don't really like being serious on this show.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I know. I'm ready to talk about it. So I'm actually going to take a moment and get some vodka. Thanks. I'll be back. All right. While Ronnie gets some social lubrication going, Matt, should we just start going? There's a dog.
Starting point is 00:15:04 There's Bueller. Hey, hey bueller can you hear us everyone oh so while ryan's going welcome you're just joining us welcome to our show bark at the dog the show is now involving us barking at a dog i just barked if somebody if somebody makes a gif of me barking, I'm gonna get really pissed. By the way, now would be a great time to remind people that if you want to get a domain from and you're a new customer, if you use the promo code CRAPPENS, C-R-A-P-P-E-N-S,
Starting point is 00:15:37 you can get your for $1.99, and that's an insane deal. You should get it, even if you don't even have a site you wanna build, if you have name you wanna do, book it now for $2. We, and that's an insane deal. You should get it even if you don't even have a site you want to build. If you have name you want to do, book it now for $2. We took advantage of it. We did. We made
Starting point is 00:15:52 So anyway, so let's go back to Sunday night's episode, and we had the HOH competition, which was the bull in a china shop thing where they're hanging on a log. They were holding on to like a bull on a log rolling around and gina marie won what'd you think about that um i was really pissed because i was you know i i hate gina marie i've hated her for weeks and weeks and when she won i freaked out because i'm still for the life of me i'm still uh team alissa and i'm i'm team jesse and i'm team judd and you know I should probably jump ship because my peeps be losing. But when Gina Marie won HOH, I freaked out because I was like, here we go again. A horrible racist is in power, and my people are in jeopardy. See, I was happy because she's a crazy idiot, and I do like when crazy idiots wind up in power.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Not in real life, but in Big Brother. And I have to say, this week really, you know, it lived up to my expectations. It's another week that we've been robbed because people who are watching the feeds have been talking about what Gina Marie's been doing all week and they have not shown any of that on the feeds.
Starting point is 00:17:00 And it's not fair. Show us! I mean, it's been kind of a boring week, really, the edited show like there's so much that they could have shown well if you look i mean look okay gina marie has supposedly been going around acting like a mob boss which would have been great to see we didn't get to see any of that there was also a moment where they have to write their hoh blog for brilliance she had a breakdown she's like, America's gonna think I'm stupid because I can't spell words.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I don't know. I love Nick because he loved me for who I is and didn't judge me. It's like, bitch, Nick did not love you. He ran from you because of who you are, you dumb bitch. Go ahead, sorry.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I was gonna say, did you guys actually read her actually read her HOH blog? Because it was amazing. She is an idiot. It is a thwart of force. It is Pulitzer, the opposite of Pulitzer. The comments have all been, yeah, it's like, yeah, I won the HOL ball and I've been throwing a
Starting point is 00:18:02 ball and there's a bed. It hot. Sugar town. What are you talking about? Did you guys not love? So the funniest part to me is, okay, so she wins HOH, which sucks,
Starting point is 00:18:17 but then she gets the HOH bedroom and I'm like, please CBS, please put framed photos of Nick everywhere just to fuel her fucking crazy. And guess what? CBS once again delivered. Yeah. You know, I'm actually very – I'm on the side of CBS.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I love – they put the picture there. They have been good. And seeing her crying over that picture and seeing her in her blog talking about like, hey, yo, Nick. Hey, all yous. Every time I put on the blue cap, Nick, it means I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you, Nick. I'm like, this iss. Every time I put on the blue cap, Nick, it means I'm thinking about you. I'm thinking about you, Nick. I'm like, this is amazing. This girl is certifiably insane, and CBS is just fanning the flames.
Starting point is 00:18:51 And that's what we want. As they should. You know, that's the thing. Like, the people that I hate on this show, I would truthfully be upset if they left because they are making it so interesting and so hilarious because they are horrible, dumb fucks. Well, look who we're down to. They're all really extreme. You've got Aaron,
Starting point is 00:19:09 who's like a blatant racist. You've got Amanda, who's just a bull dyke bully from hell. You've got McCray, who's like a horny pizza boy. I mean, Gina Marie is Gina Marie. They're all such huge characters.
Starting point is 00:19:23 You know who I'm kind of switching this week on who I'm liking and who I'm not liking? I really am not liking Helen. I'm rooting for Helen to go down in flames at this point. Me too. I'm actually, I'm up and down with Helen because her fakeness is really bothering me. It's so grating. And when she wouldn't make the big move
Starting point is 00:19:40 against Amanda and she kept on saying, it's just not time, it's not time. I'm like, well, when is it time? But then she tells us, yeah, well, if I get rid of Amanda, that means I'm the big move against Amanda and she kept on saying, it's just not time. It's not time. Like, well, when is it time? But then she tells us, yeah, well, if I get rid of Amanda, that means I'm the big target. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:48 she has the point. Ben and Ben, you make a good point there. That was the only saving grace that Helen has had, because maybe it's all a charade. And she knows that if she's going to be, you know, so over the top and it's driving me insane,
Starting point is 00:20:01 but her game is actually working. And by keeping Amanda, she does keep the pressure off of her, which makes me think, oh, I hate to admit this, but Helen is doing the right thing. However, the one thing – however! However! The one thing that she is – the thing is this, though. Amanda is going to train her wrath on Helen. It's going to happen every week.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Amanda fixates on someone that she hates. She had Howard for two weeks. She has Jesse on the brain right now. It will not be long before she goes after Helen. What Helen should do is get rid of McCray. So you can keep Amanda as the big target, but you can totally, you know, neuter her. No pun intended. You can never neuter Amanda because she already has her balls, McCray's balls, and probably every ex-boyfriend's balls up dangling between her legs.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah, I would say so. The idea of neutering Amanda sounds so good to me. It makes me feel like China's policy is actually good. There are some imports that we should be behind, people. Neuter Amanda. Yeah, I would be. Neuter Amanda. I don't need any of those little fake
Starting point is 00:21:05 titty little bull dykes running around being mean to me. Okay, so I want to get to the POV competition quickly, but we need to talk about, before that, we have to talk about Gina Marie's nomination ceremony, which provided oh so much comedy. Oh, yeah. So she
Starting point is 00:21:21 puts up Candace, and she's like, yo, Candace, I've got to put you up because, you know, there's been, you know, you're like a little bit of a rat. You're like a rat and a tattletale, and hey, all yous, all yous, Candace is on the block. Yeah, Candace, you've got to go on the block because you's a rat, and I don't like how you talk. And that time, one time you was in the kitchen, you was looking for the pancake mix, and I was like, yo, you was looking for the pancake mix and i was like yo who's looking for the pancake mix you know and then you were like hey where the pancake mix how you spell it and i was like and she's like hey nick i got your i got your blue hat on nick i got your blue hat on nick hey nick nick i got a blue hat on for you. I'm thinking of you. I'm thinking of you. And then who is her next nominee?
Starting point is 00:22:14 She also put up Jessie, and that, again, I mean, it just got – Well, we have to back up now a little bit because she said Jessie was a drama queen. So the big thing that really happened on Sunday night's episode is that Jesse and Amanda got into a huge fight. And it all stemmed from Helen winning a barbecue and she got to bring three people. And so she's deciding on who to bring. And Jesse was like, I don't know why I wasn't invited to the barbecue. Like, I've been loyal to her all this time. And she kept on yammering away
Starting point is 00:22:38 about how she couldn't believe she wasn't invited to the barbecue. And then finally Amanda snapped at her. And then when she did, though, then it became this huge fight. And of course was on jesse's side that i have to say well did you i thought jesse kind of defended herself i thought jesse actually held her held held her own quite well and i love how she kept on saying to amanda like you have all the power in this house and i was like i have no power and if you keep on saying this you, like, you have all the power in this house. And I was like, I have no power. And if you keep on saying this, you're going home next week.
Starting point is 00:23:06 It's like, okay, you either have no power or you are going to threaten someone, but you can't do both. Right? I'm returning a tweet to Miss Cleo. I love Miss Cleo. Is Miss Cleo watching right now?
Starting point is 00:23:21 She basically was like, if you don't give me a shout out. Yeah, she's like said Ben looks really sexy. Yeah, she's like, Ben looks so sexy. Is Miss Cleo a miss or a mister? A miss, I think. Well, you never know on Twitter. I mean, who's anybody?
Starting point is 00:23:38 On Twitter, I'm like 20 pounds and 10 years ago. So who knows? People lie on the Twitter, girl. There's a good reason for it. Also, give a little shout-out, as long as we're giving shout-outs, to Joker's Updates for all the people over there who are coming and supporting this show. We appreciate you all. Thank you so much. And your Reality Recaps, our friends at your Reality Recaps.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Yeah, yeah. Oh, that was a fun podcast. So back to this fight with Jesse and Amanda. Amanda was definitely, like, the aggressor in the situation. She's the aggressor in every situation. I know, but Jesse's like, I'm sorry if I acted this way. Like, that's my personality. And Amanda's like, well, it sucks to be you.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah, that girl would rear-end you and then get out of the car and be like, what the hell? Why were you stopped at that stop sign, you fucking idiot? Why the hell would you do that, stupid? Yeah, and I love when she's like, you're going to go home next week with that attitude. And Jesse's like, well, you don't have to threaten me. She's like, I wasn't threatening. Like, who was threatening anyone? Who was threatening anyone?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Like, don't – I hate that. That's a quality that was – Amanda – that side of Amanda came out in spades this week. We'll get to the POV in a second here, but I think that this was like the beginning. Amanda unraveled this week we'll get to the we'll get to the pov in a second here but i think that this was like the beginning amanda unraveled this week completely she lost her shit all season right she lost her shit on jesse and she really didn't have you know much to stand on like there was really it was a real thin like fight that she was trying to back there and then between the pov and her conversations with mccray during the week, it was like, oh, she's done. She's gotta go. Also, Amanda's fight
Starting point is 00:25:10 with Jesse, she's also like, why would I like someone who's coming after my man? I mean, what the hell, slut? Coming after my man? It's like, yeah, we're all fighting over the fucking Little Caesars guy. Okay, shut up. Well, that takes us into the beginning of Wednesday night's episode, where we start us into the beginning of wednesday night's episode
Starting point is 00:25:25 where we did we start to see the crumble of amanda and macranda um because like there was a scene where they're all sitting in the like the hoh room and man mccray jesse walks in sits down nearish mccray and so amanda's like i'm sitting near me i'm sit near me. And McCray's like, no. No, that was too romantic. Amanda's like, McCray, come here! You're right. Get out of here! She's disgusting. She's vile.
Starting point is 00:25:56 So then he refused to. So then she throws a hissy fit and she walks downstairs. Thankfully, she was wearing pants because in the argument on Sunday, she was wearing skimpy underwear, which made no sense whatsoever. And by the way, point to Jesse saying, when Amanda accused Jesse of wanting attention,
Starting point is 00:26:13 point to Jesse for saying, you're the one who's in underwear right now. Yeah, no kidding. It was my favorite thing ever. But I think that Amanda was really smart to wear underwear because have you ever want to fight with cottage cheese? I haven't. And I've tried.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I've tried to fight that fucking thing ever since Weight Watchers started in the seventh grade. I cannot win a fight against a can of Pringles ever. I can't win a fight against a can of Del Monte peaches. So Derek is making fun of me on Facebook because I always say vile. I guess I do say thatile I don't I guess I do say that a lot so disgusting some douchebag by the way I'm sorry I'm gonna say a douchebag
Starting point is 00:26:52 but some douchebag tweeted us early about half an hour ago because I tweeted out in my excitement I said oh my god this episode was amazing whatever so this guy he goes why don't you expand your vocabulary just a little amazing it's amazing your vocab is so tiny. Like, it's amazing you're such an asshole. Who said that? It's a guy who's, like, obsessed with Humphrey Bogart. His name is – okay, his description is Hollywood in Houston. No, you're Houston in Houston.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Bitch! Who are you talking about? Because I hate you. There ain't no Hollywood in Houston. houston houston you know it's hollywood and houston nothing just the billboard of beyonce that says welcome to my hometown it's okay listen it's okay honestly though it actually is okay because i i i trash all these people for using the same word over and over again. So it's okay. I know I use the same words. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah, you know, one good thing about working on the internet is that you really have to get a thick skin because people are so vile. They are so mean. But then I remember I'm so much worse. And plus, there have been a couple times I was transcoding this stupid thing to put on this, one of our shows. And the volume was up, which is always a huge mistake because my self-hatred just rises and then i remember all those shitty comments people have made i'm like they're right i am obnoxious all i do is nasally yell and say the same word over and over again and back out i do have a list like they asked me to spell something all right so on that note why don't we get back to big brother um matt i see that beautiful sunset you've now closed off from us with you've you've brought down your shades matt is matt is bringing the shade to tonight's podcast shady ladies so
Starting point is 00:28:41 okay so mcrae and amanda mcrae so so amanda goes downstairs after mcrae refuses to sit next to her like it was like you know what it sort of reminds me she's sort of like the big whale that eats pinocchio you know that's what it looks like the two of them together she's like you know what i'm not gonna go inside you this time literally i thought you were gonna say she's the big whale that eats all of the trainers at SeaWorld. Too soon? Too soon? Too soon. You know, the only way – that's the way that Amanda climaxes, that McCray has to actually light a fire inside of her until she sneezes.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And then she's like, I'm calm. Pearl's officially clutch. Hi, new viewers. Hi, new viewers. I have got some vitriol in me tonight. I'm playing the role of Matt Whitfield tonight. you mean the villain who thinks he's the victim yes that's matt's new tagline that's if you're on the real housewives matt's gonna be like i i may be a villain but i'm really a victim don't cross me actually actually i actually i'd make it better
Starting point is 00:29:41 than that but yes something along the lines it's okay okay, Matt. You know, I love you. I don't know why I'm coming after you right now. I don't know. I can't stop. I can't stop. No, anyway, let's go after the people who deserve to be come after, Amanda and McCray. So anyway, Amanda goes on this whole thing that's like, why are you sitting next to Jessie? Is she crazy or what?
Starting point is 00:30:04 Or is this exactly what we've been waiting for all season? Girls going to girls. All season. Right. Waiting. Pins and needles. Good. I'm reading Facebook.
Starting point is 00:30:13 It's great. We're saying, were we happy to see Amanda go after Jessie over something so petty? Or was she just being- Yes. I love watching people break down. I love it. I think it's great. This week, somebody was passing around that old clip from season 10.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Well, there were a lot of really good clips from season 10. It actually made me ashamed of this season. But that was like when Remy was on and Jerry, that old man Jerry, the ex-Army guy, and Michelle, who was like the Gina Marie of that season. They were all going apeshit, fighting, fighting, screaming, yelling over something. I don't even understand what the whole fight was. And Jerry just yelling like, yeah, yeah! And then someone else like, shut up,
Starting point is 00:30:54 Jerry, you stupid old man. Just shut up. Shut your mouth. And he's like, yeah, you better shut up. You didn't ever go to high school, idiot. I was like, oh my god, I love this show. I miss this show, and I'm watching it. How does that even happen? So I love watching people unravel, and Amanda is losing her shit. Today,
Starting point is 00:31:10 she actually put on some makeup. She looked like kind of a normal woman, and it worried me. I was like, I hope she didn't get it back together. She needs to just go crazy. She will. She will, because Jessie's still in the house, and obviously, Jessie's the hottest girl in the house. So, clearly, we're close. Oh my god, everyone hates me, because Jessie's still in the house, and obviously Jessie's the hottest girl in the house. So, clearly, McClellan's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Oh my god, everyone hates me because I'm so hot. No offense. Sorry, Melissa. See, the reason you've got to kind of like Amanda no matter what she does or says is because she'll say things like, Jessie, just sit there and look semi-pretty. Yeah, we'll give her this.
Starting point is 00:31:44 As horrible as she is, she gives the best diary room. She does. She does. She is the best of this season, without a doubt. You know who sucks? Andy. I fucking hate him. I'm turning on Andy now because he's on Amanda's side.
Starting point is 00:31:59 And he's a little snitch, and all he does is run around and he does this with his face where he's like, Julie! He's got to put his ears out. I hate him. He's like, I have to. How could you even say I was going to vote you out? Guys!
Starting point is 00:32:18 It's too early. He is like, I mean, he's playing a good game. He's not on anyone's radar. He's aligned with people. He not on anyone's radar he's aligned with people um he's on nobody he's on nobody's radar in life oh he's not he's not he's on he's on some cute little elf's radar maybe some cute little elf's radar he's like a little wood sprite i like andy i like this this is not this performance on big brother is not getting him on the cover of The Advocate. Well, definitely not. Definitely not.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Andy, you better. Maybe for tears. You better. Maybe he'll be on a homemade printed pamphlet like Ginger's Anonymous. Oh my god. You guys.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Hold on. Michelle Wheeler, I think. You guys. Hold on. Michelle Wheeler, I think. Rebecca. I'm sorry. I know your name. Rebecca Wheeler just posted this on our thing. So hold on one second. Google Hangouts.
Starting point is 00:33:15 She posted a picture of Amanda on top of McRae. Yikes. Hold on. Not having sex. I can't see that. Watch out. I can't see it. Oh. Do you see it. Oh!
Starting point is 00:33:27 Do you see it? No. Oh, my God. I just can't. I don't need to see that. No way. Can somebody order some ham for dinner? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Ham is at least edible. Jesus Christ. Stop showing that. Stop showing that. Keep showing it. Keep showing it. That thing looks like a loin with a string tied around it getting ready to marinate.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Oh my god. Oh my. I'm trying to miss. Not better. I can't even conceive. It's like two giant frog legs. Oh my god. I'm just going to leave that up there the whole time.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Thanks, Rebecca. You've finished the rest of the show for us, so thanks. Anyway, I'm having a good time. Yeah, that photo made me extra gay because, ooh. Suddenly Andy's not looking so bad. I'm not even gay anymore. I'm just A now because my boner is completely dead for the rest of eternity. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:34:25 They're doing great things for us Jews. And thongs. And thongs. It's beyond hurting Jews at this point. It's just humanity is in trouble now. This is the anti... What was his name? The thong song. This is like, let me not see your thong.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Cisco. I always want to say C-Lo. This is the, let me not see your thong. Cisco. I always want to say CeeLo. This is the, let me not see your thong. Thong to thong to thong. Yeah, yeah. No thong to thong thong thong. So. Put it away. Miss Cleo is asking, please discuss if you think Amanda earned her spot on All Stars this week.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yes. Yes. Yes, yes. But no. Yes. What was I going to say about Amandaanda being crazy man is a crazy bitch she's awful she's mccray i don't remember you guys talk oh i'm looking at facebook you want to read some stuff on facebook okay sir saying hold on i'm just starting with the last comment
Starting point is 00:35:18 so sorry but who said she's an enigma alissa is an an enigma. Yeah. What is with Alyssa? I heard that she's been bitching all week that she wants to go home. I sadly have to say I'm sorry, but thanks for asking, but I'm doing okay. No offense. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. I sadly have to say that I'm losing it a little bit. No offense. It's too many one pieces losing it a little bit. No offense.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's too many one pieces that make girls look fat. No offense. Thanks. Thanks for asking. No offense. So then today she showed up. Her hair's a different color, right? And it looks like she got work done.
Starting point is 00:35:56 Like, what the hell's going on in that house? She borrowed some of Gina Marie's hair dye, I think. And just, like, injected it into her face. I mean, what the hell, lady? She looks like she just got work done. What is wrong with you people? Don't be hating on her. Hate on the fucking hateable people.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I don't hate her. I'm just confused as to how she's getting surgery in the house. It just seems unfair. She's not getting surgery. Here's the thing. She's had some sort of Botox or filler or whatever, and I think she's gained, like, a little bit of weight, so her face is filling out.
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's making all her filler look... How dare you? You just called her... You just called a woman fat? You just talked about a woman's weight on TV? You are the Slade Smiley of this podcast. She looks like Miss Piggy. She looks like Miss Piggy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I didn't say it. Someone on the internet said it. People have been saying it. I'm just repeating what people are saying. Wrong show. Wrong podcast. No offense, Celeste. No offense.
Starting point is 00:36:49 No offense, but you look fat in the face. I poured vodka and never drank it. Well, it's not too late. My poor vodka. So should we move on to the veto ceremony from Wednesday's show? Yes, please. God, let's get there already. So that's when so many fun things happened. From Wondery, this is Black History for Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey.
Starting point is 00:37:14 And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of black history that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February.
Starting point is 00:37:34 And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some. As a fighter for black rights, she is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th,
Starting point is 00:37:57 or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. Black is beautiful. January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost?
Starting point is 00:38:47 Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now
Starting point is 00:39:02 by joining Wondery Plus. Anyway, so what happened was it was one of these great competitions that they do in the middle of the season when it's like one of those bad Christmas party things. What are you talking about? Oh, Christmas party, the exchange.
Starting point is 00:39:22 The exchange thing. Where you get a gift and then someone can steal it. You're just a jealous Jew right now, the exchange. The white elephant. Where you get a gift and then someone can steal it. You're just a jealous Jew right now. Admit it. I am. I am a jealous Jew. You guys, Jews don't play white elephant? Well, when we go to Christmas parties, we do.
Starting point is 00:39:38 That's because you guys get gifts every day for like a month. No, I get like nothing for Hanukkah. I'd be like, I choose gifts. I'd be like, I trade my pen for Ben's sweater that he got last Tuesday. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:39:55 I trade this thing of gelt for this dreidel. It's like really low-end stuff. I'm going to trade this paper towel for whatever Ben gets tomorrow night I'm gonna trade this quarter pounder with cheese thing that I'm gonna redeem after this podcast
Starting point is 00:40:12 what are you doing with that? are you playing Monopoly fatty? oh my god I love McDonald's Monopoly I can't believe you're sleeveless on a McDonald's day boo that's some that's some powwow you know what that's just really upsetting
Starting point is 00:40:26 ben can be like hot and muscly and actually that's not fair at least you're anorexic right i have to starve to like maybe have like a little bit of definition but ben can fucking eat mcdonald's anytime he wants i did starve i start for like over a month i start for a month and a half i was still fat i mean what the hell listen uh let's let's get back to the veto ceremony here we're not vetoing you we're making ben blush i think whoever whoever can stay thin while they eat whatever they want should be kicked out of the house they should be kicked off this podcast um wait so it was this thing where okay so you you can steal other people's gifts and and Amanda was eliminated early and I don't have attention. So Amanda, oh, she was MVP, uh, the MVP nominee. And she felt, she thought it was Judd. She was like absolutely certain
Starting point is 00:41:16 it was Judd. Okay. Can you say it? Oh, Ronnie, go to hell. And you realize that I know we're not doing watch what crap happens right now but anytime anybody says absolutely i expect one of you to do it like quad from married to medicine just give me that one thing please absolutely not thank you now we can continue so anyway um so during this competition candace because she's such a great game player she turns to judge like well you know amanda thinks you're mvp and you put her up. And then somehow Amanda hears this and then starts going off on Candace. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:41:49 why don't you shut your big fat mouth? And by the way, Amanda is one to talk about big fat mouths. Am I correct? She doesn't have a big fat mouth. How dare you? Now we're at the other hand. She has a obese mouth.
Starting point is 00:42:07 So then the fighting began. And Candace was like, I'm going to be here next week. And I'm going to put you up this week. Day and night I will put you up. And then that's when Amanda said, oh, is this Shaniqua coming out? And I thought. And then she followed it up so is that me being racist oh yeah I'm so racist I guess I'm racist now yeah I guess I'm racist now which is another
Starting point is 00:42:32 another correlation with that master chef hefa who was being racist because in her tweets when she was racist she was she said n words bouncing around and then she hashtagged it that's racist yeah it's racist at least you fucking know it's racist like does that make it not racist to say is that is that like the new now that's to say like oh that's racist i'm racist no i don't know about it but you're so fucking racist it's like people who are horrible saying well like i'm really self-aware and that thinks that then they think that they can get away with anything yeah at least at least at least i know how horrible i am and therefore i'm off the hook exactly i mean and it goes back to that also that like telling it like it is like just because you tell it like
Starting point is 00:43:12 it is does not get you off the hook and in fact like i feel like the marks of a civilized society are people who know when to keep their mouths shut because if everyone said everything that was on their mind all the time we'd be barbarians attacking each other thank god we have the internet to hide us yeah if everyone said what was on their mind all the time, we'd be barbarians attacking each other. Thank God we have the internet to hide us. Yeah, if everyone said what was on their mind at all times, there would be way too many podcasts for us to compete with. Yeah, we'd be out of control. Yeah, we'd be out with real jobs.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I'm sitting in my office. Thanks. I know, but your real job is like, her dress is so ugly and I said, did you see what Catherine Deneuve was wearing at the Screen Actors Guild Awards? You just really did. Ugly. You were trying to be really mean to me right there, but by mentioning Catherine Deneuve,
Starting point is 00:43:57 you just made yourself seem like a 78-year-old lady. That's the most current star I could think of. I actually don't even know who that is. Did you guys see what that little girl from Harry Potter was wearing? Matt, please tell me you were joking when you said you don't know who Catherine Deneuve is. I'm like, let's get serious here for a moment. Yeah, that's embarrassing. I don't know who that is, but that's fine.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Matt. Matt. Born in the 80s. Born in the 80s. fine. Matt. Matt. Born in the 80s. Born in the 80s. I'm sorry, guys. Born in the 80s? You're such a liar. I'm not lying.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Guess what? Pretend you're lying! Pretend you're lying! She's still in current movies, you know. I don't like to go to the French cinema. Well, then what's up with the Gerard Depardieu poster I saw in your apartment? It's because he starred in a movie that played at Studs on Santa Monica Boulevard. Then I would know it.
Starting point is 00:44:50 It's called My Dad Porn Star. We're getting real deep. I'm going real deep with Gerard Depardieu realness. It's called Green Hard, not Green Card. It's called Vogue Exploration. We're doing Gerard Depardieu jokes jokes did we lose all of our followers right andy uh andy oh my god i want your green card andy mcdowell is on some new show on fucking life i mean that chick you just cannot kill her like how is she how is she ever in that how is she on
Starting point is 00:45:21 lifetime lifetime are you listening to this podcast answer me i'm tweeting you right now listen listen if you can survive riding the bus with my sister you can do anything that's like truth that's like going that's that's the worst that can get and it's all uphill from there andy mcdowell good for you good for you and you survived gerard deperdue and riding the bus with my sister and spelling your name with an ie at the end. Bravo. And Michael Keaton. Remember when he thought he was so much better than her? Sorry, Michael Keaton.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Where you at? Hi, Michael Keaton, you there? Voicemail again. No one knows where he is. Okay, we'll get back to Big Brother in one second, but I have a question for you guys. Do you ever sometimes get Nancy Travis and Andy McDowell mixed up a little bit? No. No. Because Nancy Travis has a personality in Jufro.
Starting point is 00:46:05 No. How do they even feel? No, it's the other way around. No, she's like a blonde Nancy Travis. Back in the day, I used to get Nancy Travis confused with Crystal Bernard. That's a real interesting way that some person didn't confuse her with.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Crystal Bernard from Wings? Wait, no, I just lied. No, no, no. I used to get her confused with, who is the lady on Designing Women? Which one? Annie Potts. Annie Potts. Get closer. Can we just hashtag all these names on this podcast? Because I feel like
Starting point is 00:46:37 we'd get hired by TV Land to do something. I want them all to be on our podcast actually. So speaking of Gerard Depardieu, I once saw a movie. We'll be like, so Annie Potts. No, Annie Potts is still semi-wrote. I mean, she still works, right? No, she's not. Nancy Travis.
Starting point is 00:46:50 We could be like, Nancy Travis, what do you think of Big Brother? I mean, I would actually love to hear what she says. And I would like to ask her about the Gerard Depardieu movie that she was in called Bogus, which also starred Haley Joel Osment, who was Nancy Travis. Was that before or after he was a heroin addict? It was before. So the story, I'll tell it real quickly. He's a heroin addict?
Starting point is 00:47:10 He wrapped a... What do you call that? He crashed his car and there was maybe some drugs. I thought it was pot. It was pot. He almost beat me up in a bar one time, Haley Joel Osment. He's this big. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:21 It was funny. This is what I did to him. He came up to me and got in my face and I did this. I was like, all right. why is he in your face because he went to college with my cousin and i was at their graduation or her graduation party and they were like kind of flirting in a corner and so i was taking pictures but not because i care about him like who cares about him i'm taking pictures of my cousin to embarrass her like that she's dating yeah i'd like to fuck with her so he comes over
Starting point is 00:47:45 and he's like yo i really don't appreciate that and uh put it and i was like shut up get out of here hayley joel osment like what the fuck you really think get out get out get out get off the island that does that does you're like i said thanks for the for the back arm for the lower arm that's not i know did you see my did you see my arm shaking was like no but if you're gonna do that you should be like you should like pump it up and then go i know i'll be like wait we have to get back to i'm sorry we have to get back to big brother because we we don't have the same this is not the same as watch where crap ends where people like to listen to us go on tangents we get i beg to differ go ahead go ahead well fine in case, are we talking about Big Brother? Yes, get back to Big Brother.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Go ahead. Talk about Big Brother. Amanda calls Candace Sinequa. Was this... How... I had so many emotions going on. I have something to say, surprisingly.
Starting point is 00:48:43 My problem with this is she was being such a horrible person and such a bully. And I know that people need to play this game properly so that they can advance and so that they can win money. But let's get real. $500,000 after taxes is like $260,000. And most of these people are going to blow it in a casino in one night. So my whole thing is this. Yes, you may put your earnings in jeopardy, but nobody stood up and supported Candace there.
Starting point is 00:49:10 The fact that that little bitch Andy said, the two of you need to calm down. Like, you guys, stop fighting the two of you. It was like, no, somebody needed to point their finger at Amanda and go, you are horrible. McCray needed to, on the spot, go, I am breaking up with you. And nobody had candace's back and it disgusted me beyond belief well they not only don't have her back they're keeping amanda
Starting point is 00:49:31 in on purpose like they're putting her on a pedestal and handing her the game like yeah do you think that makes sense do you think that candace was smart to have turned to judd and say amanda's doing this because yes of course she showed up she she knew that her ass was on the line she had to hope that amanda her ass was on the line she had to hope that amanda you know was going to be potentially that people were going to potentially turn and vote amanda out it was it was a last-ditch effort and why why shouldn't she do that but isn't also candace her own worst enemy there was a time when she was in super tight with ellen um helen and alissa and she she's like a hot, and she has gone off, and she's
Starting point is 00:50:06 isolated herself, or alienated herself from all of her allies. Don't get me wrong, she is not playing, she did not play a smart game, and she really could have done some damage. The problem is, she didn't treat her alliance with Helen and Alyssa properly, and she also didn't really secure
Starting point is 00:50:22 Judd and Andy the way she needed to, and Jesse, and that is a real problem. But at the end of the day, I'm kind of like, that makes me hate Andy even more because Andy is now a puppet for nasty-ass Amanda. Yeah, that's the thing because Andy, in the beginning of the season, we were almost led to believe that he was smart enough to see who the assholes were, but it seems almost like he likes Amanda.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It's like Andy was bullied. Yeah. When you're the little guy in jail, you're going to get raped by the biggest dick there, but at least he's going to protect you. I think that's what Andy's thinking. He's in jail. That's Ronnie's horrible way of me saying
Starting point is 00:50:58 that he was always an outcast in high school and not with the cool kids and in the popular crowd and with the mean ones because he was always being bullied. So now it's his chance to taste the other side. Yeah, he's friends with the bully. It's like Vanderpump Rules where that slut waitress from Azusa was getting beat up by the mean Stassi waitress. And then the second Stassi cried and was nice to her, she's like, oh, good. Stassi's being nice to me.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Like the bitch was kicking you in the gut all year. And you're so, yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. So then, you know what really bothered me? Once Candace was out of the competition, she's standing next to Amanda, and Amanda comes up and being saying things like, why are you such a bitch?
Starting point is 00:51:43 And then Candace is like, I'm a bitch because you're a bitch and then she'd be like why are you still talking i'm like amanda you keep on asking her questions it drove me totally ben i was watching this going like has amanda lost her mind or was she playing a game because at that point i i actually think amanda lost her mind and was starting to believe that candace was actually the one starting the fight and she's continuing the fight am Amanda was the one that was egging her on and then going, I don't know what you're talking about. Who does that? Crazy people do that.
Starting point is 00:52:12 She is crazy. She's not like the kind of person who's just poking you and poking you and then going, what'd I do? Like, at first I thought that's what she was doing, but that conversation that McCrae had with her when he's like, Amanda, shut up. You're ruining our game, you idiot. Just stop it. Stop. She's like, what? I didn't do anything.
Starting point is 00:52:28 They were being mean to me. And he's like, no, you were being mean. She's like, when? What did I say? Like, she couldn't remember. Here's something else. Ms. Cleo's like hurling those questions at us, which I love, but they've been talking about this on the old
Starting point is 00:52:43 internet, too, all week. Do you think erin's adderall is a performance enhancing drug and unfair comp advantage that's been a big thing all week about this adderall that she's been taking adderall and so it makes her automatically smarter than everybody else and i say guess who else takes adderall lindsey lowen sorry that's debunked. Yeah, and Erica from Princesses of Long Island. Like, I'm sorry, she takes Adderall and makes me look like this. That is one performance that is definitely not enhanced. Yeah, I don't think it's... I agree. Maybe it's made her quicker with her racist barbs. Well, I think that Amanda, though, Amanda is 100 percent delusional, which is fun.
Starting point is 00:53:25 You know, it's always fun when there's someone crazy delusional. But I have never I have never rooted more in my life for a breakup. I mean, that's not true. I've rooted for my exes to break up with people and then come back to me. But aside from that, I have never rooted for a breakup more because I just really wanted McCray, who actually does have some sense. I mean, this is his first taste of lady parts, so I know he doesn't want to get rid of that. But at the same time, I just want him to break her heart and shatter her on live TV.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I think, first of all, I think that that's not true. I think that McRae has had his fair share of lady parts. I think he's got a gigantic wiener and some really good weed because he's getting laid. He's got some kind of game. He's one of those guys that's like, he's not a pizza weed because he's getting laid. He's got some kind of game. He's one of those guys that's like,
Starting point is 00:54:07 he's not a pizza boy because he's a loser. He's a pizza boy because he doesn't have to make effort to be anything else. He's getting tang. I don't know where he's getting it from, but he's got the confidence of someone who's getting fucked. Maybe he has an illicit relationship with the Noid.
Starting point is 00:54:23 A little 1988 reference for everyone out there. Okay, you guys, we do need to talk a few game things. I know I'm going to be like the boring nerd one here, but we do need to talk about how the jury is now officially starting. They are moving from seven to nine people in the jury. Julie also couldn't ask a lot of questions to the two evictees tonight because they're going into sequester they are also having the opportunity to possibly come back into the game and i really wanted her to tell
Starting point is 00:54:50 candace that the people that were being mean to her in the house have been fired from their jobs but she can't tell her that and i've just been waiting all season long for julie to be able to drop like a big nasty thing like well bitch you've been fired or oh candace guess what the people that are horrible they're fucked in real life for the rest of time well but it's good though because now it's gonna all come out during the finale show which is what cbs would want would be able to control when the information comes out so they can hype it and promote it and it's going to be an amazing finale show right yes i'm i love when everyone reads twitter i'm not reading twitter i'm just like
Starting point is 00:55:28 i'm reading this thing about i'm shocked i'm shocked because i'm looking at this just can't stop wait we didn't have to talk before we i just i'm sorry i just saw the tweet from chase whitta. Humphrey Bocart, which you were talking about when I took off my headphones. Who is this jerk? Was it to watch what crap ends? It's all of us. It wasn't just to me.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I think that it's me who uses that word all the time. I don't care. I don't like being bullied by some rando on Twitter. That's what Twitter's for. The two of you are freaking out right now because they're like oh matt is off the handle talking shit about people that are actually watching this right now no no i'm not at all like i i'm all about bullying people on twitter i've got like 20 accounts um question so can we talk before we get we have to because
Starting point is 00:56:20 we'll have to move on to the live show soon. Rude. But we have to talk about these punishments that Amanda, Gina Marie, and Candace had. Candace had the clown-a-tard. That was like whatever. Amanda – Wait, wait, wait. I got to stop you for one second. Were you surprised that Judd did not take the veto and that he took the money, meaning Jesse was able to take herself off the block? Not surprised at all because Judd hates doing any moves that are significant.
Starting point is 00:56:48 Like if he has to make an incision, he's like, oh. Including moving his face, Julie. Julie, I don't understand why they voted me out, Julie. I mean, what was going on there, Julie? You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to find a frog. I'm going to eat its legs. You better watch out, frog.
Starting point is 00:57:04 By the way, do you have a memory feed? I'm just catching up on Twitter. I love you, Miss Cleo. I'm on this podcast. You know, Miss Cleo wanted a mention tonight, and she's getting a lot, a lot of mentions. So good for you, Miss Cleo. You made it on. You're famous. She said a lot of dirt. She did. That's how you get on this
Starting point is 00:57:19 little podcast. You bring the dirt. And if you tweet it at us, we will definitely see it, because I actually get another tweet. Yeah, yeah it's clear you got something to say you just tell us on the twitter now we'll read it out loud tweet at what crap ends or b-side blog or trash tweet tv or life on the m list and you might get red on the air um so okay so amanda had to do 50 shades of of tan and that was honestly probably one of the best punishments that ever had and ever ever ever ever it was amazing and i i couldn't help but understand like appreciate the irony of this woman who just made this racially tinged remark about shaniqua now showing up essentially in blackface i mean she has the problem with that ben did you hear what amanda
Starting point is 00:58:03 then later said that was again again, not on camera? No. Ronnie, do you know what I'm talking about? No. I think I read that. Oh, yes. She talked about – yeah, she made reference to – I think that she said something horrible about like, oh, something about now she looks like Candace's mother or – She said something like, oh, look, now I'm a slave.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I look like Candace's mom. Oh, my God. Clutch of pearls. What the hell? And also that little comment that Gina Marie made tonight when Candace was telling her, have fun in your mom's basement, which is so funny that it's true. And Gina Marie's like, yeah, I will have fun in my mom's basement, OK? And, you know, at least my mom loves me, not like yours, because she's adopted. That is the coldest fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And that's not the first time she's said it either. She's a horrible, horrible girl. She reminds me so much of Ashley from Long Island Princesses because Ashley also lives with her parents and makes fun of people like Joey who have issues with their mom. Well, you know what? Gina Marie is a model for the Drink Hanky. That's not a joke. So they are linked in some way. What?
Starting point is 00:59:09 Is that true? If you go on the Drink Hanky website, Gina Marie is one of the models. Nuh-uh. Make it stop. Make it stop. That's awesome. She is connected to those idiots. She is connected.
Starting point is 00:59:20 And you know what? By the way, you can't really, ultimately, you can't go up against Candace because Candace, I believe, has Oprah in her corner wasn't candace on oprah talking about her adopted family or something like that yes but that also makes me kind of not like candace not because she was on oprah specifically but because it's like this reality thing it's like this whole world like reality people have agents you know and they go to auditions to be on reality shows and that's why there's so many different reality people on different shows and i don't know you guys it's supposed to be real it's called reality because it's supposed to be real ronnie ronnie ronnie the next time you play one of these things like for
Starting point is 00:59:59 media day you will realize that craziness happens ben you know this you know this i always forget when i play that goddamn game when i walk in i forget that i'm miked and i forget there's cameras there and i lose my mind the way amanda is losing her mind i am not a horrible racist person but i lose my fucking marbles yeah i think uh the second the second time i was in the big brother house like within 10 minutes like i was aware that I was miked and everything. But things just still slip out. And I was telling our friend Derek, I was telling him about like I was bragging, basically saying that I coined the term Spidey and no one believed me. And then Big Brother totally like made fun of me the rest of the day for it.
Starting point is 01:00:38 They were like in the competitions, they were like, this person thinks they came up with Spidey. Who was that douchebag? And I was like, man. And I was like, I can't believe I said this. Derek on Facebook just said, a Tandemanda looked like Dana Plato and Blackface on that very special episode of Different Strokes.
Starting point is 01:00:59 That's really rude to Dana Plato. Yeah, the ghost of Dana Plato. She's a statue, guys. The ghost of Dana Plato is like, hey. That should be a new Lifetime made for TV. Actually, it should be a Lifetime series. The ghost of Dana Plato. Do you guys think that Dana Plato is playing
Starting point is 01:01:13 Celebrity Ghost Big Brother? Dana Plato would be like the most boring ghost ever. She'd just be taking off her top for money and then blaming Howard Stern for her depression issues. Who do you think should be playing Celebrity Ghost Big Brother right now in Hell or Heaven or wherever they're...
Starting point is 01:01:29 Neither of those exist, so wherever. Is Liza dead yet? She'd be the new Renny. Just kidding, Liza. I know you're not dead, hon. Because Liza is watching this right now. You never know. You never know with her.
Starting point is 01:01:46 This show features a bottle of vodka. Maybe, because imagine George. There's not much on TV tonight. I would put like George Washington, because I would love like George Washington stuck in a ghost house with Dana Plato. That's like the best. Like, hey, George, this is your legacy. Meet Dana Plato.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I hope that Abraham Lincoln lincoln is playing celebrity big brother so that if they ever have a chance for viewer questions i could be like is sally field an asshole in real life tell me the truth and he could be like he could be sucking it's the boniva it's the Boniva that makes her an asshole. I'd be like, so how come you talk like Homer's dad from The Simpsons? And the Civil War! Okay, what else happened on Big Brother? Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Jenna Marie was put in a cone. Loved the cone. She's like, hey, you guys! Can I get a soap? I understand what it's a cone for! cone that was she's like hey you guys can i get a song this thing what is the cold one neck i'm in a cone she's like there's the there's the bicep i've been asking for hey we should get to the live show because we're one hour into our little podcast here so let's talk about this amazing amazing live show pretty much start out with a bang with candace trying to give her her one last goodbye speech and of course typical candace fashion instead of like appealing
Starting point is 01:03:19 to the strategists of which there are none in this house, but appealing to maybe the idea of it, she, instead of saying, hey, look, Amanda's a huge target. Vote out Amanda. This is your chance. She's the only one in a showman. She was like, well, there are these derogatory words said about me. Candace really, Candace, yeah, she is her own worst enemy. That whole
Starting point is 01:03:39 like, Spencer, I heard you were talking about me. Who cares? He's on your side. He's on your side. Like, this was the same thing. She's like, I just want to say, which I love that she had to do in a clown outfit. Yes. I just want to say that there have been some defamatory things said about me
Starting point is 01:03:56 and then Gina Marie's like, what? What? What? What? What? What? What? I can yell. I can yell. Stupid. She can't even fucking talk about what she was talking about. But you guys, you have to admit, this is, what, I can yell. I can yell. Stupid. She can't even fucking talk. Julie Chen. But you guys, you have to admit, this is, what, season 15? We have never seen something like that before, where the person on the couch is then acting like a rabid dog. I mean, obviously, Gina Marie is a fucking dog.
Starting point is 01:04:22 But Julie Chen, like, I'm just surprised that Julie did not expect this. Like, my God, we've seen what's going on all season. Julie could not have. Expect the unexpected. Exactly, Julie. Zing. When's the Zing bot coming back, by the way? Probably this week. It's got to be soon.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Julie, poor Julie. Like, the Chen bot was like, her computer was so overloaded tonight. Like, everything went wrong for her. There was this fight. People were taking long with the answers. She's like, settle down. Everyone, I need everyone to settle down. S settle down settle in settle down lock it in and then like at one point like her cards were messed up when she was trying to just say like well we'll
Starting point is 01:04:52 see you at the jury house she's like well we will see you at the jury house jury house there has not been one line like that spitting ball that mac ball that rainbow ball, that Mac ball, that rainbow ball. She's like, command alt delete. Force quit. Force quit. This application is not responding. So I have questions. Do you guys think that it's awful when somebody like Candice is clearly the favorite to go home, clearly the favorite to go home.
Starting point is 01:05:26 And then you have people like Alyssa and Helen, who are her friends that feel forced to vote with the house and make it unanimous as opposed to putting extra targets on themselves. Like what's your take on that whole thing? I like, you know, as much as boring as it was, like I love double evictions because it's usually shocking and whoever they get out as a, I mean, Judd, I guess was surprising, but it wasn't like shocking and exciting but the thing i love about it is that the people that are remaining left in the house are all time bombs well not mccray but i think
Starting point is 01:05:54 everyone else especially the girls left in the house gina marie's already gone crazy amanda's already kind of gone crazy alissa has shown us that she's a bit crazy she hasn't lost it yet helen no one we haven't seen hel Helen when things aren't going her way yet but I'm sure it's not Ronnie, that is what I pray for at night Helen to get put in an awkward situation so she shows her true fucking horrible colors yes, because that's what these shows are for
Starting point is 01:06:19 the minute it turns against them, they turn into monsters so I think the rest of them are good like Judd, if it had been against him all week, he'd have just been like, well, guys, people don't like me. I don't know why they don't like me, but you know, guys, it ain't true. You can't listen to everything you say, guys, because they didn't know all through, guys. You know what I mean, guys? You know what I mean? I'm like, boring.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Like, I need to see people sobbing and throwing chairs and shit. You know what's wrong with Judd now that you did that? It's like, you know, I have no problem with people with lazy eyes, but he actually has two lazy eyes, so that's a thing, it's like, you know, I have no problem with people with lazy eyes, but he actually has two lazy eyes. So that's the thing. The only thing that can move on his entire face is his eyebrows, guys, and his eyes. It's like he's got Botox his whole life, guys.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Frogs can paralyze your whole face, you guys. And then when they showed his family last week, they were all the same way. His mom's like, yeah, well, Judd, you know, Judd's doing a real good job. This whole restaurant's happening. This whole Golden Corral, we gather here. We're not doing anything. You look like those creepy, like, those things that, like, Chuck E. Cheese, and they, like, turn like robots, and their mouths are flat,
Starting point is 01:07:13 and they just bang against each other. That's Judd's family. I'm sure that one thing they've always got on their dinner table are disposable napkins because you know shit is just dribbling out their mouth all through dinner. And probably wishbone salad dressing not properly properly inserted not in a gravy boat not in a gravy boat inside joke for you guys and if you are wanting to know more about inside jokes like that you need to watch watch what crap and um you know i think it's you know i think it's good that we ultimately got rid of jug because i do think he's kind of boring. And we had this amazing pressure cooker of crazy women.
Starting point is 01:07:48 The more women that are just like – the fewer men that are in there, the crazier these ladies are. Back it up for a second. So do you not think that – This house thing? Well, I was going to talk about – yeah. You talk about it. I just wanted us to mention it briefly. I do hate that when people say, well, I want to go along with the house.
Starting point is 01:08:05 I don't want to ruffle feathers. The person who's actually doing that the most is Erin, actually. Once she's sort of like – she's really afraid of ruffling feathers. Well, Erin's an idiot. Like she's doing everything they want her to do, and she's going to be the first one they kick out when it's – Yeah. And the thing is this. She – okay, she did that last time, but she doesn't have to do it again this time.
Starting point is 01:08:25 And it's like a perfect time. She should have just put up Amanda McRae. And just bitten the bullet and suffered the consequences. I know, but you know what they say about those nice blonde girls. They just do as they're told. It wasn't their fault. Oh, yeah, that Erin. She's just a real go-along, get-along, that one.
Starting point is 01:08:45 It's just a triumph of the will when it comes to Erin. Her problem is, until this week, actually, I thought that she had done a good job of getting off of everyone's radar. But the problem is, now she is winning too many of the competitions. And somebody in the next week or two is definitely going to look at her and say, we're not just putting her up because she's racist and people used to hate her in the next week or two is definitely going to look at her and say, we're not just putting her up because she's racist and people used to hate her in the house. We have to get her out because she is a threat in the competitions.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Right. Well, I think that you get desensitized to things as they go on. It's kind of like the audience. I mean, no one's even talking about Aaron's racism anymore. We're used to it. It's been weeks. We just know where is the race,
Starting point is 01:09:21 the town racist now and it's fine. Now everyone's moved on to Amanda and now we're just used to her. She's a black face all week which doesn't seem to bother anybody and so now we're on to the child rapist spencer it's like we just get used to shit this show's bad for america okay but i did want to take a break to show you renee warsaw posted this picture for us it is gina marie modeling the drink well do you think that we should reach out directly to amanda to have her comment on this to see if gina marie will still be a spokesperson for the drink hanky because i think that we need to get to the bottom of this i wonder i need to know i need to know
Starting point is 01:09:52 right now if amanda supports a horrible racist witch being one of her spokespeople i would never i would never i would never support that or Or neither would my mom, Babs. Absolutely not. I would not support that at all, ever. I wouldn't support that, except I'll say one thing here before I stop talking about this. Black people need their drinks to not sweat all over the place just as much as white people. We're not going to discriminate. Drink sweat all over. All races. Get a drink hanky.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Get a drink hanky. See, Ronnie, if you were actually the spokesperson, I think that the brand would have more success because Gina Marie is not going to help. Well, you're forgetting that Amanda from Princesses is the one that was like posing for the drink hanky with the 9-11 memorial statue that she's still getting crap over on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:10:49 She has a lot of branding problems, okay? She's got a lot in common with that drink hanky. It's been a lightning rod. It's hard to get that off the ground when your spokesmodel is a racist and the photo shoot took place was a desecration of a 9-11 memorial. It's just, that's not the way you launch a product, okay? And a soon-to-be gay husband who drives a
Starting point is 01:11:13 Pontiac convertible. She's like, drink hankies, the number one accessory for people who wear white sheets. Oh wait, that's the Klan? Oh. Oh, wait, that's the clan? Oh. Oh, never mind. No, don't stop. You can't just stop.
Starting point is 01:11:31 No, I couldn't form the joke. It would have just died. It was like a bad... It wasn't like I was going to be restrained. It was just like... Okay, I'm going to reel this back in. Who did you guys want to win the HOH? Drink with me.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Jesse. I wanted Jesse to win as well because i knew that she would put amanda on blast and that was my amanda and mccray up that's what she would have done yep because she would have she would have assured that one of them was going home this week oh you guys pins 360 is telling us on twitter candace was not only the she was not on the oprah winfrey show a show on own helped candace locate her white breath i know op Oprah Winfrey show. A show on OWN helped Candace locate her white brother. I know, Oprah Winfrey would be way too many viewers. We're talking OWN now.
Starting point is 01:12:09 OWN has no viewers except for that Tyler Perry shit. Yeah, I was about to say, Candace was on Tyler Perry's Find My Parents. No, Tyler Perry. He's like, okay, we found your parents. Now the big twist is, everyone has AIDS. And Janet Jackson is wearing a lesbian mullet,
Starting point is 01:12:25 but she's straight. And he only agrees to find the parents if he knows ahead of time that the dad is a muscular black man. So I'm totally on board. Yeah. So Tyler Perry presents Undercover Brothers.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Sorry. Where were we? So Aaron won, on then we had so aaron won and then we had the veto competition which i have to admit i did play candy crush to the veto competition i just sort of like listened because i figured it'd be some silly thing and aaron just sort of was like she just won it right it's just out of nowhere some of my favorites were dropping like flies i was like yes it's gonna be alyssa's time
Starting point is 01:13:03 and she went out immediately. No, if the competition was like, touch your toes and complain about something in a really nasally voice, she'd win. Otherwise, I mean, what's she going to win? But these nails did not fit, so thanks. Aren't you guys, like, obviously at the beginning
Starting point is 01:13:20 of the season, they wanted Alyssa to do so well, and they made her the MVP, and it was just, like, working out so wonderfully for for her aren't you surprised that they haven't created an hoh competition that is really just blatantly yoga yeah i know i'm surprised well yeah they gave judd a frog competition it's like they knew where his ass was going to be going my boobs do not look right in this shirt right um what do you guys i need higher boots what do you guys think not look right in this shirt, right? I need higher bids.
Starting point is 01:13:45 What are you guys thinking about the MVP? What are you doing? What do you guys think about the MVP twist being over? Well, I think that Big Brother and the producers just make this shit up as they go, but I was having a grand old time because Amanda has, you know, that grave has been dug and I wanted to see her jump in it one more time.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Well, everyone's saying on the old Twitter that Amanda, this whole, everybody knows that this is rigged for Amanda because she's friends with Alison Grodner in real life. And so everybody knows that she's going to win. So expect when Amanda does finally go on the block, that will be
Starting point is 01:14:17 when the coup d'etat comes into play. So it's going to be super interesting to see if that stuff actually comes to pass. There is no way they can let Amanda win. They're going to have to interesting to see if that stuff actually comes to pass. There is no way they can let Amanda win. They're going to have to figure out a way so she doesn't win because the Grodner rumors of her being a former CBS employee and being pals
Starting point is 01:14:33 with Allison, that will bring this show to its knees. I doubt it. I mean, she handed it to Jeff when he was on his way out the door because she liked him. She handed it to Dick. Wait, Dick didn't get the door because she liked him. She handed it to Dick. Wait, Dick didn't get the coup d'etat. What did Dick get?
Starting point is 01:14:48 No, America saved him. Like, he was going to get voted out, but then America's player had to vote for the other person, so Dick was saved, even though Eric, as America's player, wanted to vote out Dick. Yeah, that was fucked up. Like, they'll always rig it for who they want. I thought the big twist was going to be that the mvp like the jury members were going to be able to choose mvp that's what i thought was going to be i was like oh that's gonna be really good but then they just retired the entire thing which i think they should have just done it until there weren't enough people left to vote with an mvp i think it makes it so interesting to keep america
Starting point is 01:15:21 in the game and because amanda never would have put up. So I think it's kind of amazing to give America that chance. I think it sucks that they blew it because now it's like whatever Helen wants, Helen the mom, like, oh, you're so talented. Erin, you did the right thing. That was a huge move. You're the new Janelle,
Starting point is 01:15:40 honey. You did so good. I love you. I wish I had a fruit roll-up for you. I wrote a note for your lunch. It says you're special. Shut up, Helen! Ben, how wrong was Helen to compare her to the beloved Janelle? So unbelievably wrong. Like, that was very infuriating.
Starting point is 01:15:59 To hear Helen blow so much air up Aaron's ass was infuriating. If Helen thought that she ever was going to have a strong BB fan base, by comparing Aaron to Janelle, she just lost all hopes of that shit. Absolutely. Yeah, she's going to get in trouble. She's going to get in trouble
Starting point is 01:16:17 at the Big Brother Christmas party because Janelle is not going to put up with that shit. Anyway, so after the veto competition, I'm sorry, so before even the veto competition, Aaron had put up Jesse and shit so anyway so after the veto competition i'm sorry so before even the veto competition aaron had put up jesse and spencer so it's like i was at that point i was like ugh like this is not going to change the game up at all like whatever i'm sort of like bored now but then at the veto comp so the veto ceremony comes aaron has won the veto and i just assumed she'll keep her nominations the same jesse's gonna go home jesse was already like crying she
Starting point is 01:16:44 looked like she was she knew she was going home well you thought that too didn't you yeah i thought she was going home everyone thought she was going home i thought and then erin says almost so quickly you barely missed it she's like okay uh jessie you're off the block and i put up judd and everyone i was just like wait she's oh no she didn't even say i'll put up judge like this person has wronged me and it's what everyone in the house wants and therefore i'm putting up judd i was like since when did judd wrong erin i was so yeah i didn't understand that either why was everybody crying why was gina marie crying was gina marie crying because she just got yelled at by candace and said she lives in her mom's basement was she crying because she likes judd what was going on at the sidebar Did you guys see that awkward kiss that they had?
Starting point is 01:17:25 Oh, yeah. Jesse. Jesse. Well, that's another thing we missed this week that was on the feeds. Aaron trying to slut it up with Judd, right? No. And, of course, you know, people get mad because we talk about the feeds in a completely uneducated manner. So, hopefully, Cleo and TV Fishbowl Media H, and all that, you guys can tell me the truth. But there was something this week about Judd was told by Alyssa to start flirting with Jesse to secure a vote for Alyssa.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Like, some fucked up scheme where they were both talked into flirting with each other, but neither one of them liked each other. So they've been making out all week, Judd and Jesse. But it wasn't because they liked each other. It's other people were like pulling them into a scheme have you guys heard nothing of this i have not but that sounds that sounds like about right it sounds like an alyssa scheme like no i don't want somebody to create a scheme for me to make out like thanks for asking i won't be kissingd, but if you could do it, that would be great. Thanks. She's like, okay, America, listen, here's how you don't get made a victim.
Starting point is 01:18:32 Go make out with Judd, because then go make out with Judd, he'll buy you a two-piece, and it will save you from the embarrassment of wearing a one-piece later. I'm obsessed, Seth. I'm obsessed with this plan.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Thanks for asking. I sadly must stop talking about it because it's a secret. Thanks. No offense. You guys talk because I am going to keep looking at Twitter and hope somebody tells me what the hell's going on. So anyway,
Starting point is 01:19:05 ultimately, Judd has voted out. And they're all... What did you say? Meteor Horad said, what's own? That got me, sorry. So Judd was evicted, though, but again unanimously. It was unanimous,
Starting point is 01:19:24 though. We haven't really had any tight votes this season, have we? We had any five to fours or things like that? I don't think so. It's been a while if it did happen. Maybe at the beginning of the season we had some issues, yeah. Are these people crying because they really are going to miss Judd, or are they all crying because they're going insane? Because I did not understand why that little bitch Andy was like sobbing into Spencer's arm when Spencer called him a lady all season long.
Starting point is 01:19:49 I have no – I don't understand what's going on with any of these people. I thought it was hilarious when Alyssa was like, I'm sorry, but I have to vote out Judd, my best friend. And she like stands up and like her badge is talking to the camera. She's like, I have to do this. And then Gina Marie was bawling too. mean i love when gina marie cries she's like jod jod you spelled that j-i-d-S-D-double-D-I. Done! So I think that brings us to the end of the week.
Starting point is 01:20:32 I think we're done. Well, I have like two quick questions. I have two quick questions. When is the next HOH competition going to take place, and who do we want and or think will win? I want Jesse to to win i still want jesse to win too i want you the only one who's going after amanda properly hoh comp underway so they'll just show us the taped version shut up i need to yeah but i read ahead like i can't
Starting point is 01:20:56 go to bed tonight without knowing who the new hoh is well we'll go on trash talk tv or joker's updates or anywhere that has live feeds or Or the internet. Ms. Cleo and Media Whore Ed are on here right now talking about it. I wasn't asking where to go. I was letting you know that I will be going. Go, go, go. Run, run. Did you guys read this letter that has been circulating today that
Starting point is 01:21:18 that June girl from season four wrote that's so fucking rude. It's all anti-GenBot. And basically calling her a whore for sleeping with a married man let me tell you something about married and going off like she's like i hated you during my season and you knew it and i would always talk shit about you being a whore and she didn't say whore like she was nicer than me slightly but she writes this big diatribe about julie and i'm like julie is called a robot for a reason like there is nothing like she's pretty she seems fine like she reads her cue card correct
Starting point is 01:21:52 maybe 70 she plays she's fine she also plays into the chen bot term now thanks to ben like that's part of the fun with julie and this jew needs to shut the fuck up, and I will tell you why. Because aside from season one, which was a different game completely, season four that she won was the biggest snoozefest piece of shit ever, and she does not deserve to be a Big Brother champion. She does not stand up there with the greats
Starting point is 01:22:18 of all time. She's just trying to get attention? I mean, what the hell is her deal? Of course she does. What does she do right now? Is she like a taquito waitress somewhere? She has something called June Dishes, and she's probably not watching this. That's not a job. That's her Twitter handle, right?
Starting point is 01:22:37 Yeah, so she's got some kind of blog. But I guess I was surprised I didn't watch season four. Sorry, June, but I didn't watch season four, so I don't really know. But she was going off on this whole – I don't really know her either. She was going off on this whole diatribe about you keep having plastic surgery to make yourself look whiter. And I'm like, bitch, she does not look whiter. It's not like she had an eye lift.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Maybe she got her cheeks done, but Asians aren't known for their low cheekbones. What is wrong with this chick? Seriously. I don't know. Do you have – People just want to be relevant. Well, guess what? Her 15 minutes ended like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Well, Twitter, it never ends. Jill Zarin has been tweeting this week that she wishes that Amy Phillips would imitate her. Shut up, Jill Zarin! Yeah, she'll imitate you and stand on a goddamn bread line. I just don't know why. I just got so angry. I don't even know this
Starting point is 01:23:26 June Dishes chick, but all I know is that if you talk shit about my Chen bot, I will fucking knife you. By the way, every single person says that Julie Chen is the best. Including us. I have met her. I've always thought
Starting point is 01:23:41 I don't care. Julie Chen, I think, is very pretty, and I love Big Brother, so I don't care. I, Julie Chen, I think, is very pretty. And I love Big Brother. So I don't care. I would never be like, Julie! Oh, my God, it's Julie Chen! To me, she's like an animatronic. I don't care. Like, who cares?
Starting point is 01:23:53 She's just like a sock puppet to me. I just can't believe that someone would be so offended. Like, what did Julie Chen ever do to anybody ever? She got more famous than June. Well, I guess she did steal someone's husband, according to June. But she got more famous than June. Whatever. Julie Chen can do no wrong.
Starting point is 01:24:12 And Julie, you have three supporters right here. Well, actually, you have two supporters and one person who thinks you're great. I guess. That's my endorsement for Julie juliet you're kind of great i guess why i did want to pet her hair tonight her hair was looking extra i loved her hair tonight i thought her hair looked great she finally had an outfit tonight that was halfway decent like she still messed up on her cue cards i mean there hasn't been one there hasn't been one live episode where she hasn't fumbled some line horribly, but at least the outfit together – the outfit was working for me this week.
Starting point is 01:24:47 I hope that she brings back her, like, safari pantsuit that she wore last year. Nothing was better. Or every now and then she wears her, like, astronaut pants. One time I went to a live show and she was wearing, like, an orange jumpsuit. It was amazing. Like, her fashion choices are the most bonkers things on TV. And there should be a project runway challenge based on some strange pantsuit for Julie Chen to wear with us,
Starting point is 01:25:12 with a statement necklace from Chico that's inspired by Chico's. Oh, yes. Everyone on Twitter is basically agreeing that she's an attention whore, but people still are sticking with that. Yes. Adderall is a performance enhancing drug. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:28 I mean, I think so. I don't think you should be allowed to take any kind of drugs in the big brother house and Adderall is a bullshit drug. Anyway, no one needs Adderall. I mean, give me a fucking break.
Starting point is 01:25:36 ADHD was just made up recently. And that's not like some old disease from the pioneer days. You didn't hear about like cowboys, like who, who paid attention sometimes and then got hyper sometimes. That's the dumbest thing ever. That's what we use as an excuse to drug our brat children because we forgot to
Starting point is 01:25:51 wear a condom in the first place and we can't strangle them or beat them anymore. It's fake just like Pilates and gluten allergies. It's all fake, people. It's all bullshit, you guys. So on that note, why don't we wrap this up, guys? Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Ronnie is at Trash Talk. Just kidding, guys. Trash Tweet TV on Twitter. Matt is Life on the M-List on Twitter and on Instagram. I'm B-Side Blog on Twitter, Instagram, and on Vine. And also, we started a Tumblr. If you go to, you can see all sorts of fun gifts.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I've made a few gifts. Go check out some of the gifts that I've made of Caitlin and Gina Marie and Candice. I've also obviously reblogged things. You can find us at forward slash watch our crappins, which is our Facebook page for our other podcasts. YouTube, to us on youtube you should be subscribing to us forward slash the tv click is anybody watching us acting like crazy people right now
Starting point is 01:26:56 yeah yeah yeah and thank you everybody on facebook these comments have been so effing great all night tonight we have them coming from Facebook and from Twitter. So thank you guys on Twitter. That was a lot of really good information on shit that I miss. And actually, what would be really nice, if one of you guys feels like volunteering, it would be great to get an update the day that we do this show of all the shit that's gone down in the live feeds. And I'm not talking paragraphs of stuff, but bullet points. Like, Gina Marie called someone
Starting point is 01:27:26 a tar baby. And if you do that, you could be... That's not an example. That's probably going to really happen. That's probably happened. Even though there's no more black people in the house, she will still call people tar babies. That's true. Nor could she spell it.
Starting point is 01:27:41 But if we do get some volunteers... We might end up being like a judging panel Nor could she spell it. But if we do get some volunteers, if we do get some volunteers, we might end up being like a judging panel, a la like Randy, Simon, and Paula, and we will pick a new end-of-the-summer intern to be our little helper for an unpaid internship, by the way. An unpaid internship. Aren't they all?
Starting point is 01:28:01 No course credit, and you actually lose some of your education by doing it. Just saying that. You guys, are we going to try doing this East Coast time every week, or is this a special thing? I don't know that we've decided that yet. I don't know. Well, we'll announce that later. Thanks for being here.
Starting point is 01:28:19 slash the TV plate. Come on, y'all. Thanks. We're waiting for you. Y'all. Thanks. We're waiting for you. There you go. Bye. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the Sideshow Network
Starting point is 01:28:41 have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger. Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more. You don't have to wait any longer.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Just go to slash wait for it comedy. There's no need to wait for it anymore. Because it's here. And it's funny. And I love you. A few days ago, Brooke Tudine posted an inspirational quote on her wall that got 17 likes and 3 comments. Thumbs up, Brooke. Geico also wants to make a comment.
Starting point is 01:29:29 In just 15 minutes, you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to Geico. And nothing says inspiration better than saving money. Well, except for those posters that say things like teamwork, excellence, and make it happen. Hashtag keep climbing. Hashtag savings. Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Happens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a
Starting point is 01:30:02 short survey at slash survey.

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