Watch What Crappens - Top Chef: War Games

Episode Date: April 26, 2022

It's time for Top Chef Restaurant Wars. There's fresh bread, a salad fight, and all the Padma disappointment our little hearts could handle. Find all of our premium bonuses and video recaps a...t See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride! Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cupi from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Corrupted! Some podcasts for all that crap we just left to talk about on Yeal Braves.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm Ronnie, Ronnie Kerrum, and here I am with Ben, Ben Madelker, hello, Ben! Hi Ronnie, how are you doing today? Good, welcome to your show. Oh, thank welcome to your show Ronnie, don't be a silly ed. It's our show, your show, Ronnie. Don't be a silly ed It's our show our show all together today. We do not plug the tour because we finished we just finished our hunky-dory tour 21 cities cross America finished in Texas last week It was so much fun. I had a great time. Thank you to everybody who came out supported us in that Thank you to everybody supporting us in this just listening. Thank you to everybody who came out and supported us in that. Thank you to everybody supporting us in this,
Starting point is 00:01:26 just listening. Thank you to everybody. You know what, for Pinky, you. Okay. Pinky with us. It was a wonderful experience, you know, sitting there at the end of the Dallas show. We both kind of just sat there for a beat.
Starting point is 00:01:37 You guys were so warm to us, but just reflecting on the tour, which was rigorous, fun, amazing. It was just like, you know, it was hard work, but it was so worth it. And then also just reflecting on 10 years, you know, I couldn't have picked a better person to spend 10 years with it to be my work husband.
Starting point is 00:01:57 And I'm very grateful. And I do think that like the accidental poetic nature of it starting in New York, my home state, ending in Texas and your home state, we had the crappies was this big crazy thing. We had this crazy road trip across Texas for the finale. It was just really special. It was really wonderful and you know, I was very, I was just like I was touched by the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And I also appreciated the the breadsticks that we got immediately afterwards too. That was nice touch. I can't just read it. And Dallas. You know, I love that Texas has become a place where you can get cauliflower cheese steak. I mean, you know, things move fast. I know there's a lot of things to work on in this country,
Starting point is 00:02:35 but you know, a lot of things happen very quickly because I never would have happened when I was growing up. You know, and I was like, God, we've come so far as a country. As a state, as a country. But yeah, it was come so far as a country. And state is a country. But yeah, it was a really great time, thanks to everybody for being with us. And we'll be back to regular episodes
Starting point is 00:02:52 for a little bit here until we start again. The fall. Yeah, regular schedule, regular episode, regular schedule. It's been great. Also, congrats to Deep Elm, the neighborhood in Dallas for apparently being populated with nothing but men with gigantic booties who I was insane. I was like, what is happening in this little neighborhood? Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:03:10 A lot of squats being done in deep elm, okay, deep squats. Deep squats. Do you, Elm is a synonym for squats apparently? Deep Elbom, like that. And some deep squats you guys were doing. And thank you by the way to Dr. Tiffany Moon, who came and graced us with a final toast for the descent off our tour. That was really awesome. She was so nice and her candles actually smell, we've had some really good candle luck on this trip. I have to say, I had a rant a few months ago about candles,
Starting point is 00:03:41 but honestly, we've had some killer candles. And you've been given nothing but candle since. Yes. What's what happens? We've got a good six or seven candles on this one. Yeah. So thanks again, everybody. Really great time.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Let's get into top chef because it was huge. It was a huge thing, but I just want to remind that we do have one thing to remind you that tonight is take a seat. And that's going to be on at 10 o'clock on the East Coast, 7 o'clock on the West Coast. No longer green room, it has been rebranded into Spotify live. So yeah, come join us. We always have a fun time. Don't know what we're going to talk about just yet, but oh wait, there was something big
Starting point is 00:04:18 that happened last week. Something something big happened last week. Well supposedly Faith is going to sue L La for some old Vanderpump rules, gosh. Oh, Ash and Michael Tarpie. Yeah, there's plenty of stuff to talk about tonight. Yeah, there's, yeah, there'll be tons of stuff to talk about. So here we are with restaurant wars, top chef, big episode every year. This year, I like that they did away with the design of restaurant in five minutes. Wait a minute. This isn't like a real restaurant, which they've somehow gotten away with doing for 18 years without anybody calling
Starting point is 00:04:52 absolute bullshit on that. Wait a minute. Restaurant signs aren't made out of post-apordant felt. What the heck? This looks like Galeskins and Yara dress. Yeah, they just stuck to the basics, which is just forcing them to make a lot of food and then being really personicity about service, which is probably deserved to be honest. So because- It's crazy when you get service from central casting and they've never waited tables before. How bad they are.
Starting point is 00:05:20 It is crazy. You know what, I have to say, this episode had me like seeing red. I actually texted you from the plane because I was watching it on the plane and I texted you from the plane. I was so angry and I just wrote in all caps. I hate Big Dum Jackson. That's all episode. It's restaurant work. It could have been called what the fuck is Jackson doing worse. Okay, because it was like driving me insane.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Big dumb Jackson, you know? Sometimes you can just call him right away. That is definitely a big dumb Jackson. It's the easiest nickname to come up with. Didn't take a lot of time, you know? Just call him like you see him people, because it totally, and I feel like all my predictions about Jackson came true. He's gonna do his like, oh my, I can't taste anything when he's doing well because it makes him look like a better chef. You know, like, oh, look how good I am when I still can't taste or smell. But then the second he sucks,
Starting point is 00:06:13 he's gonna whip out the guys, I couldn't smell this whole time. So people would be so amazed that he could cook in the first place. And he did it. He did it. I mean, human beings are like, wait, gain on things to give their predictable, their predict. We are predictable creatures.
Starting point is 00:06:30 We're getting on Thanksgiving. Very predictable. But it's true though, you did call it. You were calling it like, you know, I was sort of like, oh, that's interesting. That sucks that he can't taste. But you're like, no, he's going to use it. He's going to weaponize it. And he did. He did tonight. And I was actually so glad but you're like, no, he's gonna use it. He's gonna weaponize it. And he did. He did tonight. And I was actually so glad that no one, like no one, like let him have that weaponized moment. Everyone was actually kind of like pissed at him. You know, I was like, good, good, feel it.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Have your face turn red or feel that redness. Yeah, because I feel like on any other show, any other reality type show, people would have been like, what? Oh my god, that would have like been your big, you know, victim story before the Olympics, because you know, you can't be in the Olympics unless something horrible has happened to you, right? You're a happy, well-adjusted person. I'm sorry, you cannot run this year in the Olympics, okay? Like they have to have a 15 15 minute clip package about how miserable everything about you like and how you survived it
Starting point is 00:07:26 You know, so I think in his mind we this I can't taste or smell anything because of COVID He was gonna get to use COVID and taste buds in his big Olympics victim story and Any other show would have been like oh my god. You're so amazing. You're so brave. You are so brave And this shows all people just out of prison, you know, it's about chess. So they're like, see you in the back alley, you fuck, you know? Yeah, they're not impressed. And I have to say Top Chef has struggled the season
Starting point is 00:07:58 to find the typical stories of, yeah, man, I was so hot, I was on drugs. And I was like, I was literally waking up in the gutter. And food saved me. Like we're not getting the food saved me from drugs thing. We're not getting, you know, we haven't had a win story about bacon lending a hand to pull someone out out of a puddle in the oven.
Starting point is 00:08:18 We haven't. We haven't gotten the old classic, well my baby's, you know, four years old and I'm doing this for her, I'm doing this for my baby, I just miss her so much. And that cough in my home that just really would cheer for me because it reminded me of what I'm doing this for and I just want to tell my kids, never give up, you can achieve your dreams. We're not getting that bullshit also. We're just the best thing we've gotten is that Luke is dyslexic. I think they're really trying to find their, their, their, their tortured storylines and, um, you know, I don't know, Monique,
Starting point is 00:08:49 Tart's the Faye Bess, that was okay, but that wasn't us, you know, that wasn't a tortured storyline. It wasn't a storyline. Well, it was her torture storyline. What was her as I forgot her? Hers was like, I've been in the middle of the pack and I own a place called Tart's the Faye Bess. There's no storyline. That's the point. There she no storyline, that's the point.
Starting point is 00:09:05 There she has no backstory, that's of interest. Yeah, I didn't think so. I was like, wow, did I get rid of the story to Fibas? In my life. No, I just wanted to say Tarts the Fibas one more time. I just wanted to make sure that. Well, there was also, I was just thinking she should know what to do.
Starting point is 00:09:19 She should own a whore house. I mean, I think that's like the best name for a whore house. Tarts the Fibas. Oh, that's like the best name for a warehouse. I'm sorry. Oh, that's also not forget the first lady who had a UTI. Oh, right. It's the caterer. The caterer with the glasses. The caterer with the glasses and the UTI. Who can forget that?
Starting point is 00:09:40 And see, it goes to show you they don't need that because it's been such a good season. I mean, we've been loving the season. Love it. Always. So tonight is restaurant war. So we start where last time they cut off the last episode like, wait a minute, you think you're just going to go home and get some terror, terror, so asleep?
Starting point is 00:10:00 No, not so fast. Chris Pratt with red hair, which really wasn't explained in the storyline at all, which I should've asked to want it back. But I couldn't remember his name. The point is, we're doing another challenge. It's called restaurant wars. Chitties versus Applebee. Skull Blooming onion. You know, it's actually so fine that you said that because I was actually thinking quite a bit this weekend.
Starting point is 00:10:24 What if one season a team was like, guys I was actually thinking quite a bit this weekend. What if one season a team was like, guys, let's just do a fast casual concept? Like what if they just do something that's not a high end thing? It's just like full on burgers, fries, grilled cheeses, things like that. Would that be allowed?
Starting point is 00:10:40 Would like Padma lose her mind? Or would they be like, yeah, this is great. Good foods, good food. It doesn't matter. It has to be high up as long as good. As long as you know, the basics, you know. So, well, Tom's just constantly throwing curveballs this season.
Starting point is 00:10:52 He didn't freak out with the okra. There have been a few curveballs where Tom, you're like, do not serve Tom peas. And Tom's like, you know, what I love peas. I just woke up this morning and a froggy was in my mind. You know, I said black guy not black I don't really care Bees I love bees. Who are you even? Yeah, but you're throwing a lot of those curveballs
Starting point is 00:11:12 But didn't they do kind of one of those fast food? Didn't you go to one with Michelle Collins where you guys were like ordering off the board? We went to that was that was top chef masters with James Oslin, my favorite, my favorite, like, uppity Top Chef Judge, where he's like, mm, this is delicious. So it reminds me of what you do after you go see a matinee of lame is, am I right? And then Gal Green would be like, well, I once fucked the person who wrote lame is,
Starting point is 00:11:43 and I'll tell you, I would fuck them three more times if Matt I could have another sorbet like this. I'll tell you what turned, Gianvaz Gianna on in the end, my Easter bomb at hat that I wore to a random, she was dating her. She loved an Easter hat that lady. But that was a,
Starting point is 00:11:59 that was Top Chef Master, yeah, Gale loved, she loved a bucket hat. She was on top of the bucket hat, like trends of that. Like Easter. She would wear like silk hats out. That was her thing. I'm Gale Green.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I like hats. What are we eating today? Hats, I hope not. Because I'm wearing one on my hand, right? I got this one in San Trope when I was doing it with Gertrude Stein, if you know what I'm saying. So anyway, that challenge was that, yeah, the top chef masters had to take over a fast-food restaurant and we had to eat their version of fast food.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Most of it was actually pretty terrible. But anyway, the point is, it's restaurant wars. And so, as the chefs had to the kitchen, of course, we get the equivalent of the scene in Armageddon where the astronauts bored the kitchen. Of course, we get a like the equivalent of the scene in Armageddon, where the astronauts board the spaceship. They're all like slow mo getting into there. BMW XL 56 Gale Simmons is. And so have fun from one of the most feared challenges helping Gale get on a jeans. Also, it's restaurant wars. Have fun, stupid spy. Also, it's restaurant wars. Have fun, stupid, spy! Yeah, so they drive to this place.
Starting point is 00:13:12 And while we're driving to that place, the people are reflecting and Buddha is like, you know, it's so funny to me because, you know, me, you, you know, Jackson, you, me and Evelyn have always been on the top and then all of a sudden I was in the bottom Isn't that funny that I was in the bottom? Ha ha ha ha And that hilarious haha haha Buddha, you know, they they make a big deal in this episode that Buddha has studied every chef That's ever come through top chef. He's watched every moment of top chef He knows every challenge they've ever done what they made who, who sucked, who didn't suck, what worked, what didn't work. And today he's really going for his on-buda and I've got an on-screen personality, so all I do can be a top chef member who goes on to a mint of Jean-Pienes because he's very
Starting point is 00:13:57 like guy-fiery. I don't know if it's guy-fiery or guy-fiery and I watch his show every day, so that does you where my brain's at. But he's going for this thing today where he's like, orot, guys, he's what we're gonna do today. Bada boom, bada bing, bada bamb. Who are you? Who are you right now, sir?
Starting point is 00:14:18 What have you been studying? So, um, they go in somewhere and there is bread there. There's like, they decide to make a lot of, oh no, Padma says there's going to be a lot of people. And he goes, that's a load of bread, literally. It's like, you are, you're just a laugh riot. I hope someone's standing off stage with a contract for you because whatever you're doing is working for me.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I love you, Bina! Yeah, so the chefs all, they arrive at this place that has this like central staircase that goes in two different directions and at the top of it, it's Padma and Tiffany. And Padma's like, hi chefs, welcome to staircase wars. Oh, restaurant wars, but also staircase wars because after I say this, Tiffany
Starting point is 00:15:00 are gonna walk down a different staircase and whoever gets to the bottom first has to feed Gerber, baby food to Gail for a whole weekend. Well, we hope you enjoy cooking for nobody who's physically disabled, that's for sure, because they can't eat here, okay? What are you gonna do? Just slide them down the rail.
Starting point is 00:15:18 That's all I could think of the whole time. I was like, can anybody? Like, this is a very, like, wow, hope you have healthy knees. Cause I would not go to this restaurant. Non like, wow, hope you have healthy knees. Cause I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:36 I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. I would not go to this restaurant. Hard boiled egg from Gail, the one that keeps under her pillow specifically. She's on a diet. I don't think we've ever had Gail use something healthy like that. Like, there's candy in here. Hard boiled eggs from steamed carrots. So not only will you have to search the, search, not only will you have to serve the judges that account her, you'll have to serve her whole, downiner full of people from a counter. Isn't that hilarious? Now, grab a knife to pour in music from the arts. Music's like, damn it, damn it. I guess I think they're just reaching deep for their
Starting point is 00:16:19 like Texas sounds. I think so. Yeah, they're just like they bought the sound pack for $400 and they've only used two tracks and they're like, we're gonna do an old fashioned school yard pick gales last sorry instinct sorry gale and all chubby people let's get in line so Nick I choose Ali Wong oh do I not get a choice okay fine I know who'd pick me, everybody famous. I choose my dear friend, Lita Wath, of course. I choose me. Batman like has this moment to like feel herself. So Nick and Jay are the team pickers. They're not really the team captains like in normal years,
Starting point is 00:17:22 but they're the team pickers. So Nick picks Ashley and Domara because they have Southern roots and guess who's picked last. I mean, it's like, it's so sad. No, it's so sad. You know, it's like obvious, but also still sad. You know, sad. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It was great. It was a great like, it's been so wonderful watching his ego get slowly ground to a pulp over the season because in the beginning he's like, yeah, I work in the best restaurant in the world and then last week it's like, people think that like I can cook everything but I can't cook everything and now he's just like hunched over and said, like, please pick me, please, please. No, my, your last, please don't be salty. At least, at least don't be in salty is your food. Oh, wait, your food is just crying in the corner. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:13 The first time I've asked that, please don't be salty. Am I right? I'd have loved by way, Padma loves when there's one person left because here he is, this guy, just feeling so shitty about himself and she has this big grin on her face. She goes, well, I guess that means you're going over to James team Luke, because you're last. You're the last person there.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Luke will be cooking from inside the locker that I pitched him into. We'll see how he's doing later. James not. James actually happy that Luke is on our team because she doesn't really click with Buddha, which which I didn't realize, but oh yeah, yeah, she said after the last episode. Yeah, Buddha was a shithead who just stand over her being like, so does this stuff really go together? I want to see you still gonna do that one. Oh look at you, Matt on the plate. You sure you want it to look like that? She's like, fuck off!
Starting point is 00:19:05 Yeah. How you decide to run your restaurant is completely up to you. I'll take a guess. Shitty A and shitty B because we both know they'll be crap. Am I right? Okay. But today, you'll start conceptualizing your restaurants and planning your menus.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Each team will have time to meet with a designer from Aztec Events Intense, which is also where Gail found her dreads for this evening. And the matching poncho! Tomorrow you'll have five hours to set up and train your service. And the winning team will take home 40,000... I don't know, 40,000 French fries, surely not 40,000 dollars. That's nothing. What is that ballet? You know, I was talking to my dear friend,
Starting point is 00:19:49 Michiko Kakutan, he formed a book at her The New York Times, and I said, can you believe what people do for $40,000? It's like, I mean, it's like crabs in a bucket, am I right? So next team is booted tomorrow and Ashley. And heck, of course, he's on his own team and booted like listen I want to do front of house because here's the thing I want to work around you guys alright I'll do first front of house and I'll do the first course and he
Starting point is 00:20:18 tells us that he is studied restaurant wars and he's like and I know that front of house goes home alone but I'm in it to win it. Book me a one way to flavor tan, bada bing bada bang, boom, boom, bam, boot is he? And then, Demar is like, you know, so my idea is that we all have strong mothers. And so with the Southern theme, why don't we call our restaurant matriarch? And then Ashley goes, yes, but MATRIAC, matriarch, without the age. Just like every mother loves, their child just misspelling things.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I, yeah. You're leaving the last H off for savings. I don't know, what is the H? Why, why? Why? Why, why? It's so frustrating. It's like, it's like grinder, but it's not even a, it's like, at least you kept all
Starting point is 00:21:10 the vowels. In honor of our mothers, let's spell the name of our restaurant incorrectly on purpose. We'll leave the last age off for, hey. For having. Think the age after Having. Yeah, that was weird. And Dermars whole thing of like, we all have strong mothers. Okay, Dermar, what's going on at home?
Starting point is 00:21:35 I was starting to worry about Dermar because everything he says is somehow related back to the women in his home. He's like, I was raised by women. I'm not fucking with women. Does anybody else want to describe my dish that we're cooking for women? I don't want to mansplain it. It's like, okay, Demar, what's happening at home?
Starting point is 00:21:53 Hey, how about we call our restaurant Delores Clayburn? How about we call our restaurant? You can shut up back there, or I'm gonna beat you with this wooden spoon. How about we call it fade on a way. Why are hangers but without the RS at the end. I wasn't just going to ask for a wire hunger with no eat. Wow. Why hangy.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Mmm delicious. Wow. Looks just like Gals closet in here. So many wire hangers. Just needs more sweatpants on them though. But these wire hangers aren't sagging. So then so now we go over to Jay's team and already I get mad because we hear Jackson go, I have an idea Southeast Asian and I'm like, you're immediately, my first instinct was, you're trying to set up Evelyn, aren't you? You're gonna like try to like put this into like the Evelyn area and then know what, she's the only one who can cook Southeast Asian and then you're gonna pin it all in Evelyn.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I was like, you're gamifying this. I see what you're doing. Oh, I didn't, you know, I don't like Jackson. I didn't see that, now that you said it, I see it, but I didn't see that. Now that you said it, I didn't see it. But I didn't see that. I saw it as him just being like, fuck it. This girl wins everything. She'll win this for us.
Starting point is 00:23:11 I'm not doing shit today. Oh, it could be that too. Well, it's like, well, either like she'll win it for us or she'll go home. Either way, he's fine. Cause they all defer to Evelyn this whole time. They're just like, whatever you want, Evelyn. Hey, Evelyn, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:23:24 You're the one who wins of the time, you know? So she's like, wait a minute, you know, just like whatever you want, everything. Hey, Evan, what do you think? You're the one who wins of the time, you know? So she's like, wait a minute, you do. And he goes, yeah. And we can call it no name, but NEM, NEM, like the sausage. What? Like, no, I have the name, Pony, you go with no name. Like, why don't you go with like, you're gonna name something after sausage, but then say, no, NEM.
Starting point is 00:23:44 It's like no hamburgers. McDonald's. The new McDonald's rebrand. No burger. No. This is the only restaurant worst name that was worse than this. Could you do meberch when it was?
Starting point is 00:23:55 The only thing that was worse. Spacias, my daddy runs an airplane with spacias on top of it. No, it was one of the Voltagios. They paired up with someone who had like, I was like, I think like I'm Mike maybe. I don. No, it was one of the Voltageos. They paired up with someone who had, it was like, I think that guy Mike maybe, I don't know who it was, but someone who had like a re in his name.
Starting point is 00:24:11 So they named their restaurant ReVolt, because they're like revolting. But like, it's like, you know that the word revolt, like revolt is also like, not a word you want to associate with your food. Right, it's fully apprehensive. I always remember food. Right. It's fully. I forgot. Do I always remember that? Yeah, we'll call it revolt.
Starting point is 00:24:28 What was Kevin's the spice place when he's like, spouses came from slavery. Yay. You don't like the guy in the South Stone. It was called I want my soda and I want it now. It was called I want my soda and I want it now It was called Please put on your mask before you put mine on but in this case put mine on first Hey anybody else here got wings I do there's the actual wings of the plane my daddy
Starting point is 00:25:00 I was just playing Daddy says that if we crash it's because you're too fat passenger in 22 J Anybody confused that was Kevin from Kevin Colesby. Yeah, it's probably Yeah, I like his dad owned an airline or was like a pilot and talked about his line. Yeah, he's like I know the world because my daddy was pilot I'm going So anyway Jackson's telling you know, he's like trying to build Evelyn up, but you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:27 There is something fishy about it. There's also something just so like fake dad about Jackson, like maybe he probably is a dad. You know, I'm not saying he's faking it, but there is something like that fake dad. The first time. The reality. Yes, it is like,
Starting point is 00:25:41 Hey kids, we're here to celebrate Evelyn Southeast Asian. Well, Oh, that anybody want to sit in the front? Come on. You get more air conditioner coolers up there. Who's it going to be? It's just real
Starting point is 00:25:55 Crapie and weird today. You're a rock star Evelyn. So I'm going to do the front of the house. Everybody okay with that? It's just your dad. I have like a vision of just being suckered into like going to Jackson's house in the summer. And it's like a very nice suburban house
Starting point is 00:26:12 on a nice suburban tract of land. And you go there and he's in like, you know, his cargo shorts and some like golf polo and he has annoying IPAs and he's like, you want to see the back? You want to see this grill that I got and you're like, not really, really, because I don't get aroused by seeing other people's grills. But you do it and then you make small talk and then he talks about like, you know, like the treatments they did for their grass. And you're like, why am I even here?
Starting point is 00:26:37 That organic stuff just doesn't work in my rhyme. It just doesn't work. Yeah, it's one bunch of organic. Alright, it just doesn't work. Yeah, this one buts are organic. Come on, wait! It's time for commercial. It's time for... Celebrity Beef, you never know if you're just gonna end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court.
Starting point is 00:26:56 I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle, and we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud.
Starting point is 00:27:28 But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can lace an ad free on the Amazon music or wonder yeah. But that crap is commercial. So then, um, anyway, so Jackson, Jackson volunteers to do front of house and then Luke is me
Starting point is 00:27:59 while this is the first episode, I've pretty much hated Luke all season. This is the first episode where I actually had a huge amount of sympathy for Luke. This is the first episode, I've pretty much hated Luke all season. This is the first episode where I actually had a huge amount of sympathy for Luke. This is the first time I was like, God, I feel bad for this guy because he's like a, a guy's, I'm, I'm not familiar with Southeast Asian and they just ignore him and Jackson goes, you're not familiar with anything. You have not had one. There's been nothing that has been. There's been no challenge that you've been like, you know what? I'm going to take on the day with this one. You're confused by everything, sir. And Jackson is like, yeah, but you're familiar with bold flavors.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Actually, he literally is not. He does not salt anything. He has like the least bold flavored stuff. He literally like scrapes C fungus off of rocks for his dishes, okay? I mean, I guess it's a bowl is ballsy, I guess. But also Jackson, Southeast Asian isn't just like, you know what? You don't know Southeast Asian. Just substitute it with
Starting point is 00:28:50 bold, okay? Yeah. Can we get some Southeast Asian checks mix, a bold party mix flavor? Just show my point. It was a huge, I think it was a huge mistake and I think that later, at some point Evelyn talked about how we don't have any Gulf state representation of Houston so far. And that's what it should have been. If they're going to defer to Evelyn, it should have been that the theme is that she's the local here, and we're going to follow her lead in terms of using really very Gulf state kind of foods. But not Southeast Asian.
Starting point is 00:29:26 She's the one who really knows that cuisine. Not even, I think that like Jackson was making an assumption about Jay. He's like, oh, well, she's Asian, so she'll know Southeast Asian cuisine, but first of all, she's from Korea, which is totally different. And second of all, she even says,
Starting point is 00:29:37 I actually don't even cook that. Yeah, I don't know why they're letting Jackson decide everything. It makes me crazy when the more Grigareous person always shows up and just bosses everybody around you know totally because they have the bigger personality so In fact, I heard that everyone suggested that. Sorry. What is right here? It was right here that Evelyn suggested highlighting Skulf coast stuff. Yeah. Yeah, seafood basically because she's trying to bring it back She's like, okay, so Southeast, how about just see food? Yeah, yeah, a lot of that this season. So we go over to Buddha and
Starting point is 00:30:11 he's like, he's what I'm doing for the first school snakes and brids. That was like he's in trouble. That's that's trouble right there. Same. And he kept on trying to elevate it by saying, I'm going to see an array of snakes. He kept on saying, says array, like every five minutes on the show going forward, he's like, well, I'll be making in array of snacks. No, if you say snacks, the array is implied, because snacks is plural. That's an array. I just want to make sure everybody is going to
Starting point is 00:30:43 and put their credit card information in, because if you'd like to buy in a Ray of snakes, we do not take credit cards on the plane. Dang it! That's my daddy's free pain in! Daddy put me put him in care, or six, and celebrate six in a lip lock bag so I can handle him anytime I want! So actually it's like, well, I mean whatever feels like you, like her reaction to snacks and bread was kind of what mine was to. It's like, okay, you do you.
Starting point is 00:31:12 So Demartix dessert, which worried me as well, because desserts always trouble some in restaurant wars. And Ashley's like, you know, I want to do some raw meat and some gumbo. I was like, you just want people stomachs to hurt. I was like, well, those things. Gumbo and raw meat can go really, really wrong in a short amount of time, short amount of cook time. And it often does on this show. And then Nick wants to do, he's gonna do a beef course,
Starting point is 00:31:38 but he's really amped to do some sort of ox tail marmalade. So I was like, interesting. If you can shape that into state of Mississippi, I will be very impressed. I don't know. I don't know how, but... Lady ox tail marmalade coming soon to... Chuck to for this! Lady ox tail marmalade. So then, back over Jackson's stupid team. It's not the team's not stupid,
Starting point is 00:32:01 but they just get an umbrella effective stupidity because he's there. And so he is then still continuing to just sort of dominate with stupid ideas. So he goes, let's do family style. It's just like so much easier to execute. So you are like, no, this is not the family style moment. And Luke is, in fact, Luke is like, well, actually family style. What isn't that the thing that messed up the last year? Isn't that
Starting point is 00:32:25 the family style ruined them? And then everyone's like, oh, no, but that's because it wasn't cohesive, but we'll make ours cohesive because I'll cook something south these Asian and then you guys will all cook something that's southeast Asian-esque, but you have no idea what you're doing. Yeah, family style is a terrible idea. So she decides she's gonna do a panic hurry and Jay's gonna do some spring rolls but Crudo, kind of Crudo spring rolls. And Jack's is like, well, it's called No NEM. So how about we do some pork meatballs,
Starting point is 00:32:57 you know, NEM sausages. Let me come on guys, it's cause it's called that. You know how I named the restaurant that, just so I could build my dish around the name with the restaurant that I came up with? Yeah. That's what I thought of also, that he basically thought of this idea last night
Starting point is 00:33:09 and just like shoehorned his idea into this whole thing and didn't give anyone else a chance to speak up. And then Luke is like, well, I was gonna make a smoked fishbone sauce, at which point I'm like, maybe this is a good thing. They were going down the station. Maybe we don't need Luke's smoked fishbone delicacies.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Yeah, I'm not sure what Noma's ever doing really. So Jackson is going to do dessert, which he got praised for last week, so he's just going to go for it again. I cannot believe it wasn't a little chocolate cake. I thought he was just gonna do the same thing again. Yeah, I thought so too. And so, Jack's, well, he's left with dessert. He doesn't really offer to do it, but I think he thought, because he was front of the house and he came up with the sausage thing
Starting point is 00:33:56 that he didn't have to do anything. But they're like, well, you need to do dessert though. And it really goes, you know, it's gonna free up your time to do other stuff. And he doesn't look very happy about it. But I think he was happy. I think he thought he was gonna escape by. He was just gonna make a fucking cookie and then spend the rest of the time, you know, walking
Starting point is 00:34:14 around the front of the house with a goofy smile on his face. I feel like he was actually trying to, I feel like he was trying to hide in this challenge. Not to too much, not put his neck out there so he'd get in trouble. He was just going to sort of like make a little something at the end that wouldn't was going to be nice but not bad enough to send him home. He was just going to like get off harm's way and let everyone else fail. Well, so weird though is that that hasn't been his personality. I mean, he's tried so many really until his chocolate cake. I have to say
Starting point is 00:34:46 the judges jerked off all over that cake last week, but that was the tiny piece of chocolate cake. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. The Jurassic Park challenge. Yeah. The man, the man, the chocolate cake, but he made a raspberry bloody hand print and everybody acted like they'd never seen it, even though they just had like in the past two seasons, they literally saw that same thing, but also acted like this chocolate cake. They're like, oh my god, chocolate cake, Jackson, you're really breaking the boundaries. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Well, either way, I don't remember, was this the place, this the time also where he suggested that they served the courses to, to it a time, was that later? Because either, oh, it's later, but either way, that also infuriated me. So now they go off to, everyone's gonna go pick up some, they're gonna pick out their day core. And Ashley is talking about how she works in Asheville, North Carolina,
Starting point is 00:35:34 and even though she's on the James Beard list, I mean, who isn't like this water bottle next to me, is on the James Beard list, but she is saying how like people, you know, where she cooks sort of find her food unapproachable and stuff and too spicy, and she just wants to be herself. So she's gonna show up and she's gonna do it today,
Starting point is 00:35:54 which is like nice, but she says that literally every episode. She's always like, today, I'm gonna cook my food at last. I'm like, okay, Ashley. Yeah. What was I gonna say about this food spicy, oh James Beard List. Yeah. So I was confused about that. Like, I'm on the James Beard List.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Did you win a James Beard or did she own a list to maybe be on, to maybe be nominated for a James Beard? What's the James Beard List? That's probably like a finalist. It's like the Eastern Appalachian North Carolina region, finalists of rising new chefs who have moderately spicy food list of 2021. Who also like combos. No name. They're they're designers like,
Starting point is 00:36:45 I'm a designer, I have pink hair, and glasses from the 50s. So, here's some questions. When people comment here, restaurant, what do you want them to feel? Oh my God, rent some tables, put some fucking chairs in there, pinky. Okay, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:37:01 You have two set, you have like two minutes to do this. Yeah, and Evelyn's like, well, we want, you sets, you have like two minutes to do this. Yeah, and Evelyn's like, well, we want, you know, tropicals and florals and we want to be very bright and Jackson is like, yeah But because this is like not fine dining. It's more like a fun atmosphere I'm like, sir, you're going to show up later in a blazer. So don't tell me about fun atmosphere. It's okay Yeah, this is top chef, okay. Yeah, we're not going to do like a Bahama Bahama Bucks. Okay. Yeah. So Chuck E. Cheese type plays. So then we get our BMW commercial of the episode where Noma, you know, they're trying to make it natural as possible. But you know, Noma waves his foot under the car and gets out some paper towels
Starting point is 00:37:42 to wipe the seaweed off the windshield. You know, it's nice, subtle commercial. Oh, and so this is where Jackson tells like his team, like, so I was thinking we should send out courses one at two at the same time, and then courses three at four at the same time, which literally, it's like, it doesn't make any sense. I don't understand the point of doing that. I think, I guess because they're doing family style,
Starting point is 00:38:05 they want to have that feeling of plates on the table. But if you're gonna do it like that, then do it like that. Do a big old thing. But you know what's restaurant wars. There's nothing revolutionary about sending to it a time. That doesn't move the needle, push the needle on any sort of culinary front.
Starting point is 00:38:21 So you're just being stupid. So why? He didn't get his way? That's why. He didn't get his way with family style. So now he's gonna try and have his way anyway. It's like, no, it's not family style. That's not how it's being done, sir, okay? So is it family, it's not family style?
Starting point is 00:38:39 Well, it's like family style, ask because it's all being served from the same plate. And then this is where I was like, I was like really pretty sure that Jackson was going to be putting like throwing Evelyn onto the bus because he goes, so are we all on the same page that Evelyn's basically are executive chef guys, right? Am I right? Am I right?
Starting point is 00:38:54 I'm like, oh, this is exactly what happens. Like, he comes in with all these like blustery, stupid ideas. And then he's like, but Evelyn's our leader, right? Right, right. So even so now when if they get into trouble He can just abdicate whatever responsibility had because he says, oh, but Evolence are a leader, you know I was like I was like I'm on to you. I'm on to you. So they did have family south So he's come up with the theme of the restaurant the name of the restaurant the main dish of the restaurant the way that they serve Everything on the restaurant, but then wants to make sure Evolence gonna take the fall very good. Yeah, I see that
Starting point is 00:39:24 I see that of me you proud of me? This is like very Ronnie conspiracy theory. I'm going with you, right? Yeah, and I'm disappointed in myself for not thinking that poorly. I think this whole time I've been expecting him to be so much worse that I've been angrily surprised. I was gonna say pleasantly surprised, but I'm not pleasant.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Like it's not a pleasant surprise because I want someone that I think is gonna be aass, to be a total jackass. And he's been fine really this whole time until this one. This is the one where I was like, he needs to be, he needs to die like somehow. Like they need to push him off of something, they need to like leave the bathtub running and throw a radio into it. I don't care. Something needs to happen because he's making me crazy in this one. Totally. So then we have another BMW commercial,
Starting point is 00:40:10 where Buddha is in the BMW and then Demar calls up and he's and Buddha's like, hold on one second, Demar, you're a little too loud, and then he does like this finger motion in front of the radio and the radio turns itself down. Like look at that very natural way that I'll just kiss the spill on this radio with my finger. Yeah, that's all well and good
Starting point is 00:40:33 unless you're a person who talks in the car with your hands. I know. Good luck calling someone crazy and not having your radio go turn up to like 60 decibels. Text, fam. No way, leave. It said Ben's an asshole. Text, bam. No way, believe it said Ben's an asshole. Text, bam, Ben is an asshole. No.
Starting point is 00:40:51 Stop that. I don't want to have to, by the way, I don't want to have to be doing Harry Potter spells to make my radio work. Like if you can, like, if, this is, I fucking hate this kind of thing. Because you have a radio, what it does is if you take your finger and you spin your finger in a circle, the volume will go down.
Starting point is 00:41:10 How is that any easier than literally putting your finger on a knob and rotating it? You're rotating, you're just rotating the air. Like I don't understand if anything you know that's going to be more buggy than just a knob. This is just like technology to show off some engineers' wet dream, okay? But this is not any more useful or helpful than just turning a knob. Yes, I agree. I have weird knobs in my car.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Like the volume is a thing that's kind of by the armrest. So if I ever want to be a dog hair off the armrest, it like changes the track and the volume. And I'm like, great. So now I have to go back to my Bravo docket. Fast forward through the whole and the volume. And I'm like, great. And now I have to go back to my Bravo docket. Fast forward through the whole fucking thing again. Okay, so this conversation also got on my nerves because DeMar is with Ashley in a car they call Buddha.
Starting point is 00:41:56 And DeMar is like, so we're thinking of doing a bitter lettuce salad. And Buddha's like instead of gumbo, and he's like, no, instead of the tartar. And actually, he's like, yeah, I'm thinking bitter lettuce and buttermilk pearls and a citrus vinaigrette. Instead of tartar, you're going to serve a salad at restaurant where it's, oh god, go home again. You were saved. You were brought back from the dead and you're going to serve a bitter lettuce salad. I can't with you. I didn't hear Gorgonzola in that and
Starting point is 00:42:26 Citrus vinaigrette. You better put some candied pecans and some Gorgonzola and a lot of chunks of bread on that thing. Wow, congratulations. It's almost as good as the local pizza rear. So then Buddha goes, is there itch? And she goes, well, I thought you're gonna be way more excited than that and he goes, well, whatever I've learned from his competition is that they don't like that shit. Uh, not for nothing. My name is Buddha and I've been at the top for every single channel. Even last season I was at the top. It was really weird. I wasn't even on the show, but somehow I still made it into the final three. So I don't know. Yeah, he's like, it's restaurant wars and actually it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:02 okay, well then if we have tartar fine, I mean, but it doesn't need to happen. And but it goes, yeah, you can like, I don't know, but the salad on top of the tartar if you want to. All right. Was this you know idea you got when you were eliminated? Because I was probably too busy doing the competition to think about these sort of ideas. That what happened initially.
Starting point is 00:43:24 And actually it's like, look, Buddha is very smart and he studied every chef who's been through this, but this is my course So I'm gonna do what I believe which she was wise to give that up, you know, yeah, like I get it You don't want someone boss to give around, but you've gone home already Never Buddha isn't really bossy. I don't feel, I mean, he was showing a little bit of that with Jay, but it wasn't out of control. It was like your plate looks like a goddamn mess, you know? What made me want to find the paper towel. Yeah, Buddha's earned his bossiness though.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Okay, like Jackson is not. Jackson made deep fried queso and he still has not earned my respect after that experience, even with a chocolate cake with a handprint on it, okay. But Buddha has, like, different times, I've been like, oh, fuck, and Buddha, and then he does something amazing.
Starting point is 00:44:13 And I'm like, you know what, I give myself over to Buddha. I feel like even though he had a very literal interpretation of, for instance, the lady from the lady challenge, you know, he's like, choose a pilot who flaws and figure eights, so I made a figure eight of m challenge, you know, he's like, she's a pilot who flaws and figure eights, so I made a figure eight of Moose, you know? I think he's earned. I think he's earned his ability to say,
Starting point is 00:44:31 aw, I don't think that's great. You're slay? I just like the way of handling the conflict. It was just very like, no, people hate fucking butter, let us know, figure out a way to do Tartar at the end, you know, she's like, wait a second, but, you know, it ended up saving her life. Because if she came out with the salad, this episode would have got a whole lot
Starting point is 00:44:53 differently than it did. Gal would have flipped the table into a mouth. It's actually a challenge. She has. You always have to let me finish my sentence. Yes. You always have to let me finish my sentence. You don't know how important part of C++ are. So prepositions.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So then anyway, yeah, this, there's a lot of talk about the Citrus Sal, but ultimately it's gonna be like a tartar with salad. And then they're doing some more shopping and more and more and more. And there's some drama with the ox tail because Nick is making ox tail. Giving an Oscar speech, it was cracking me up.
Starting point is 00:45:34 They didn't have ox tail and Nick goes, with that ox tail, my dish would not exist. I was like, you didn't win anything. Can you get a fucking speech? You can play him off somebody, please. Like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Also, this episode was super sized,
Starting point is 00:45:52 and I understand it's a restaurant war, so it has to be super sized, but also we don't need to, like, we didn't really need to live in the five minute drama of, there's no cocktails, there's no cocktails. We found the ox tails. Just, we could edit that out. We can get right to the outside. You know how many ox tails, there's no ox tails. We found the ox tails. Just, we can edit that out. We can get right to the ox tails.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You know how many ox without, you know, stumpy ass asses, there are right now. There's so many grateful ox out there. I'm like, wow, still got your tail. Me too. God, we're gonna have a good weekend. Don't think about Monday. They're gonna need to restock.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Hahaha. So, I was thinking just that, Ronnie. Right. So then they just grow the locks for their tales. So they go crap and matriarch is like, M-A-T-R-I-A-R-C, Maddie Mitch, Maddie Mitch. I don't know what I just felt, but they don't either-R-I-A-R-C, Maddie Meach, Maddie Mech. I don't know what I just felt, but they don't either. So that's fun of it. They're prepping and then, and Luke is like,
Starting point is 00:46:52 guys, I'm going straight into breaking down all the cabbage, which I think is like such a top chef, like declaration to make, like, guys, gotta break down the cabbage right now, which would be funny if he was actually just like emotionally breaking down the cabbage, like, oh, so you think you're like lettuce, guess what? No one thinks you're as cool.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Oh, there was a fat in the 80s, but guess what, those were fucking dolls, not you, okay? You're gonna be broken down by me. You really wanna break down lettuce? Have it co-host with me for a while. Hey, you really wanna break down lettuce? Give it its own spin-off called Top Chef Just Deserts. Am I right? Wow, butter lettuce. You know, so many people say,
Starting point is 00:47:29 does this lettuce come from butter? And I said, no, it's just a hot lettuce high school. We used to say, oh no, but her. And that just became my name. Hey, cabbage. Love your record breaking success with your album from the mid-aut. Oh wait, that was Adele. You did nothing. Hey Cabbage! Love your record breaking success with your album from the mid-Aught. Oh wait, that was Adele! You did nothing! Wow Rocket lettuce!
Starting point is 00:47:52 Way to rename yourself just because no one liked your old name. Wow, Frise, you look just like my least favorite hairstyle. So let's see here, so everybody's cooking and cooking and cooking. I'm going to kind of go so much cooking here. There's a lot. Oh wait, wait, wait, let me let me interrupt to say that over at me, truck Buddha has this announcement. For the first course, I'm making quite an array of Southern
Starting point is 00:48:20 solid appetizers. Gates, forgot what kind of collection of snacks it is, it's quite an array, continue. We should have called this restaurant array without the Y. Quicker than an array of light, am I right? So let's see here. Buddha is doing table, he's telling people how he wants the table set up, but he's doing it in the most controlling way.
Starting point is 00:48:48 He's literally standing where he wants the table and then he's putting his out his arms real wide. He's like, look this. I was like, okay, Buddha, move it. They know how to unfold tables. Okay. Jacks, and then Jacks, and meanwhile, I've been, I've been doing front house for the past year and a half
Starting point is 00:49:04 of my restaurant. My restaurant's a little I have been, I mean, I've been doing front house for the past like year and a half of my restaurant like my restaurant's like a little over year old and I've run front of house for about 90% of its life Padmas like wow congratulations. I've been sitting next to a house for like 95% of this show's life You know what I'm saying, Gail When Gail sits around my house, she really sits around the house for my right Gail She really sits around the house of my right game Meanwhile Jackson is like the most oh and I was later. Sorry. I'm keep getting I'm mixing up all my things here But there's I keep on thinking things are here and there but whatever, but I know I got it so then we go to judges table and so
Starting point is 00:49:41 Evelyn is talking to Noma. Okay, so Noma's like Evelyn, can I kind of help you with your curry? Because I really don't have a point of reference for this kind of food. And she's like, okay, here's what I'm going to do. And tells them really fast and his eyes are just like, Homer Simpson blinking like. Yeah. Why basically he wants to know how to cook this food so he can take ownership of his dish even though he doesn't know what he's gonna And he's pretty much given up at this point It's basically relegated down to bus boy and also makes you realize like what in retrospect as we talk about this
Starting point is 00:50:20 Why was he Not front of house since he had the least amount of experience Jackson actually if I remember correctly was in the tops when he did He made some sort of fathom for like the night market challenge So actually I actually think that he should have been on a dessert that could have had a Southeast Asian flair to it And he could have been front of house sort of Jackson and meanwhile Jackson He's making his dessert and he's like hey, do you guys want to taste this and they taste it and they're like um It tastes kind of bland. He's like, oh yeah, I forgot the sugar like fuck you Jackson forgetting the sugar in your dessert and he like laughs as if it's hilarious. No $40,000 on the line
Starting point is 00:50:53 You can't remember put the sugar in your cookie. He does that John the ground laugh worth like I didn't put sugar He's laughing so open mouth and spiddly. I mean everything he does today He's laughing so open mouth and spiddly. I mean everything he does today Is offensive really he's so offensive. Yeah, he can't win this show and he cannot win with me like he's there's nothing he's winning today I'm sure he's a very lovely person, but honestly, you know, it's one thing. It's one thing when I you know I forgot I have made cookies before I have forgotten the sugar. It can happen, but I was not on top chef. I was just in my kitchen, okay I forgot in the sugar, it can happen, but I was not on top chef, I was just in my kitchen, okay? Low-shut. He's just like, he doesn't even wanna be making that,
Starting point is 00:51:28 you know, he's just out too much. It's time for commercial, it's time for a crap-ins-commercial. So, Jackson's like, well, I hope that everybody can execute my dessert, because I'll be setting up 10 tables out there to you today. I don't wanna hear about it, you know? Like, you guys, all you have be setting up 10 tables out there to you today. I don't want to hear about it. You know, like you guys, all you have to do is unfold tables this year. That's literally all you have to do.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Yeah. And then remember how Jackson was showing them how to put the seats and he was like doing squats to be like, one person gets it here and one person gets it here. Petro, I mean, nuts. We don't have to do squat work. We know how setting is. We know what sitting looks like. So he's making a shortbread cookie
Starting point is 00:52:09 and we know it's gonna be a disaster because I keep saying, I'm gonna check the cookie. I'm gonna check the shortbread or whatever. And then, Tamara had a mistake on his carrot cake because the oven was only like a hundred degrees or something. So he's changed it.
Starting point is 00:52:24 He's not gonna do a semi semi-frato of coconut. He's going to make a coconut ice cream. And Buddha is rolling his bread rolls. Wait, can I say something? Wait, I have to say something here. Now, I really like to mar. I really like to mar a lot. The issue was that because the cake was cooking too low,
Starting point is 00:52:42 it put the timeline back. And he needs the cake to get cool enough that they can put the semi-friddle on it and the semi-friddle will cool down and you know, like, set. But because the cake is taking too long, you won't have time to do that. So he has to come up with a different topping and he's like, wow, I feel like the weakest link. I just, I don't know, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I'm going to put on this, this carrot cake. I'm like tomorrow. Frosting. Make frosting tomorrow. It's okay. Like a little bit easiest fix. I mean, as it
Starting point is 00:53:12 works out, as it turns out, it worked out really well. But I was actually like, if there's no semi-frato, there's nothing that could possibly ever go on top of a carrot cake. It's like frosting. Cream cheese frosting. It works. Yeah. So cream cheese frosting, uh, frosting. That's right. Um, so wow That's what got gale got married with That's what gale shapes her legs with We would know that gale's married except she just keeps eating her frosting. I'm a right girl So
Starting point is 00:53:41 now they go Now we're back at the house and Buddha calls home and his mom is there. And he's like, you know, there's a sign in restaurants, would you send it out to your mother? And everything we put out there is going to have to answer that question. Okay, thanks. So let's see, the people start coming to the restaurant. Okay, thanks. So let's see, the people come, the people start coming to the restaurant. Okay, these restaurants. So the, the names are stupid enough for the restaurant, right?
Starting point is 00:54:12 But then how they wrote the restaurants out. So, mem, no accent over the oh, mem with a long accent over the E. I'm like, really? I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Well, I think that's probably how it's felt, like in, like Vietnamese, in the Vietnamese alphabet. Oh, is it? No, yeah, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Yeah, I was like, come on, guys. But before we get the people showing up because there was, oh, there was a bunch of stuff which we can mainly skip over, but the really essential thing that happens on the day two of the cooking is that while they're cooking at one point, first of all, here's one thing that I hated. Jackson saying, hey everyone, how are all your peaches looking?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Peachy? Shut up Jackson, you don't get to make that joke, you forgot the sugar in your cookies. Second of all, at one point, so Noma is trying to make his shit. And Noma, like he doesn't even trust his own, he doesn't trust his own, like instincts anymore because his seasoning has been criticized so much. So he says, I can't tell, like, is, how does this taste guys? And Jackson, who all season long,
Starting point is 00:55:21 has said that he can't taste, goes over taste, Noma's thing and goes, Mmm, this is a little too salty. What the hell are you doing? First of all, don't ever tell Noma his stuff as too salty. That is a blessing if you get them to make something too salty. Second of all, you can't taste. What are you doing? But don't you think this kind of goes with what you're saying about him trying to throw everybody like fuck everybody else up? 100%.. I think there's something, there's some sabotage going. Because then in his interview, he's like, well, you know, I mean, now I'm starting to
Starting point is 00:55:53 get taste back, but all I can taste is salt. So it's pretty awkward. He makes no sense. I still think his tasting and smelling thing is bullshit. I'm not believing one second of it, especially after today. Yeah. So then the other team has matriarch period because it's not spelt right and then they added a period after. So I can't.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So like end of sentence matriarch. Sorry, we literally the age, but the sentence ended. Are you missing a dot, dot, eight question mark? So the judges come and Kale looks like she's going on a first date from like a Christian singles website. It's like very conservative, but she's like, but I'm showing a triangle of shoulders. That's right. Take it. Take it out.
Starting point is 00:56:43 People don't think that blues. And they, of course, the judges arrive, arrive by walking down that crazy staircase and gals like, wow, this is very cool. Oh yes, I know. Yeah, this is very exciting. This is the first time Gale has actually walked down the staircase instead of rolling. Congratulations, Gale. Can't wait to see you on the way up. So, um, uh, Pat, Pat Padma orders her wine so earnestly. Do you like what you like, wine? She's saying, I'll have.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Shoot that of PenoGridio, please. Ha ha ha ha. And Gale will have just some talented layers. Can you make that for her? Thank you. Can you melt down some frost strings and bring them to gal? That would be great You know, I like this is nice full restaurant and the guy who's with them is hunter Lewis Who's the editor of editor-in-chief of food and wine magazine? He's like, well, we haven't seen too many white
Starting point is 00:57:39 Tablecloth lately in the food world and panagos. Well, it doesn't feel stuffy. I mean, it's not like the time gal wore a pussy Boat of Dave and Buster's. Wow, talk about stuffy. When things the producers have learned on this show, whether Tim White Table Class of Trendy or not, Gammie's in Appkin. Married everybody. By the way, also strangely, on matriarch, they had all the chairs facing the kitchen, like it was iron chef. I thought that was a strange touch. I don't think I would have,
Starting point is 00:58:08 if I'm going to a restaurant, I'm not, I don't need that. I would like to face my friends. People, I mean, they're on TV. I don't know. I think they thought they would like it or whatever. And Tom's like, well, you know, I like that everyone can see me giving them this look.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink. I like that everyone can see me giving them this look Link So it's time to serve an array of snacks to the judges So the food is coming out and Gal goes look at that flower kind of hardgale. It's all the way down your esophagus at this point Thanks for joining us Hunter. You know, I love your name Hunter if Snickers bars had four legs You'd be really busy around our little game eater here. My right gal. Gels like eating up rows. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Kids from a rose more like a digestion from a rose, am I right? Mm hmm. Well, you really don't know love until you're being digested. My right rose. So Buddha comes out with his bread, which is very pretty. It looks like a turned out great. Parker has little white bread, smothered in butter. You know, it looked amazing. It really did.
Starting point is 00:59:17 And crab tarts with oyster come max sauce. Yes, it was, no, it's not even right. Yeah, it was Parker house rolls with ham butter gal Relax yourself and smoked fish and crab tarts with oyster and come back sauce, which is like I think it's a thing so They it's a really awkward Lisa could dress that sauce It's a sauce that's trying very hard to be on TV We sometimes call it the Nilo sauce and hunter's like It's a sauce that's trying very hard to be on TV. We sometimes call it the Nilo sauce.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And Hunter's like, Tom, I mean, is someone who's made a lot of Parker house rolls and Tom's like, Well, I have. Hunter, wow, you know my music. Well, you know, this is very good bread. Very, very, very good. I have to say this is some of the,
Starting point is 01:00:03 gotta help I get a carrot cake made with oakwood a day. You know, that's what good. I have to say, this is some of the, gotta help, I gotta care cake made with Oakwood today. You know, that's what I hope I get. Yeah, and Pammins like, wow, that fried oyster, finally, crispy and juicy. You never thought it would be so hard to do, but it's only been six weeks that people fail to be fried oyster before we finally got a good one, am I right?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Sorry, Tarte, fail base. So fail base. Alright, sorry, Tarte fell bass. So, so, so, food is like welcome to make reak. Well, I didn't want to finish the word there. And Ashley is trying to speed it along the kitchen, but tomorrow is doing the tartar and he's, you know, doing the full tweezer treatment to try and make it look perfect. And Tom's like, something is definitely wrong in that kitchen. It's taking a very, very long time. They have had six minutes to cook.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Things should be up by now. And they're just like waiting and Gail's like, all right, I'm just going to eat some more bread. By the way, that was one of Gail's wedding vows. Just you all know, so precious. Take us back to that time. Now it's not the time for New Year's resolution scale This is not good
Starting point is 01:01:11 Waiting so long So Buddha's like well, I'll really need these tall tall tall tall And ask you say wow these guests are looking right at us. I mean Tom Doesn't take his eyes off me and it just cuts to Tom like, what? Look at her. She's probably terrified right now.
Starting point is 01:01:30 You know what I'm gonna do? Blink. Blink. Blink. What? I haven't stared at someone working this hard for this long and forever. I mean, you know, my son, he just,
Starting point is 01:01:41 it's basically just pour some tonic water into a glass with a little bit of vodka and he's done. This is a whole five minutes to put something together. And Gail's like, I mean, I can't tell if they're losing it or not. Well, it's like I tell you every day when I can't tell if you're losing it. Just keep not trying, Gail. So Sakai Samin is first and they've made that into a tartar with buttermilk pearls for Ashley's grandmother and Gales like oh my god baby pearls. I love baby pearls
Starting point is 01:02:17 Tom goes yeah, well they don't do much. Well, I mean stop saying that right to Gales face you sitting right there Tom I mean, stop saying that right to Gail's face. She's sitting right there, Tom. And everybody's really liking it, but there's flavors of peaches and cream in this, which kind of confused me, I guess. I don't know, there was peaches and a few things, right? And this team. It was, yeah, this was flavors of peaches and cream,
Starting point is 01:02:43 which is maybe not what I always want with my salmon tartar, but I'm weird under that I actually don't like peaches, so there's that too. I kind of feel like this dish was not a success, but they sort of edited it to be more successful than it was because they wanted to have a very, like, up with Ashley moment later on. But, yeah, they were, I mean, I think the fact that Tom was like,
Starting point is 01:03:05 yeah, the buttermilk pearls, they don't do much. I mean, you might as well just call them buttermilk mixologists, am I right? All right. Maybe they told the judges this was going to be a salad. And they're like, wow, well, this might salad. So, you know what? Let's, you know, take home the BMW right now. Just take it out. So then over at No-Nem, J is Evelyn's doing a really good job. Like everyone's kind of agreeing that Evelyn's doing a good job. She's getting everything out, she's staying calm.
Starting point is 01:03:34 Everything seems to be really under control. You know, the side does say matriarch with a period at the end, but you know, she can't do everything. So far, it seems like things are going surprisingly nicely over there. So now we come back to the other team to, Matrix, and Ashley is playing her gumbo. Her gumbo is her herbs with red rice and seasoning meat. And so Padma has it and she's like,
Starting point is 01:04:00 she's like, look at shows how much I love it. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, She made it how arduously she cut those carrots how have the attention to detail that you've been okay gal Another about the about the the Fudgey-to-Wale cake you just bought from Carvelle just eat the damn thing So now the food is coming out more quickly and Tom's happy and Buddha serves next 26 spice strip strip steak Which is lightly barbecued with potatoes and ox tail marmalade. And hunters like, I mean, sour cream, chives and potatoes.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yes, please. Wow, it's like you videotaped Gail's wedding and memorized the whole thing, stalker. Gail's like, I love the ox tail marmalade. Well, that's obvious you're wearing it on your head for crying out loud. You not know what a hat is. The only thing that would make this better is college degree and bone marrow. Bone marrow.
Starting point is 01:05:14 An appreciation of your father's sacrifices. I think that would make this better. And Pat McGale has such a weird serious response because he just decides when to be serious on random lines. So he's like, what would make this better as bone marrow? And she says, you don't need it, Tom. He's like, uh, Gell says, well, it's not about meat, it's about desire. Keep it in your pants, Gell.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I'm a weird dramatic moment for bone marrow. Well, it's like what I told David Chang about his latest food special. We don't need it. You've already done 35 of them for crying out loud. I was scrolling through. I was scrolling, I'm sorry, I'm changing positions in my chair, which of course sounds like me moving house, but I saw, I was scrolling through Instagram and Pat and I had one where she's breaking off the piece of bread.
Starting point is 01:06:03 And you know how, you don't hear the sound at first You have to like click the sound thing. Yes, so I clicked it and she's like Seriously Like we couldn't make this shit up For charity look at me breaking a piece of bread. Sorry this bread was harmed during the making of this Maria cancita breaking a piece of bread. Sorry, this bread was hot during the making of this. Maria, can she do a Lanzo? Just you just saying celebrity names. So uncutable shortbread over a Jackson's restaurant.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Oh God, people are trying to cut into it and it's flying off the plate. And Jackson's like, I've got an idea. We're gonna have them eat it with their hands. Okay, so we don't have that problem. How about you make, how about you don't overcook your shortbread? Because shortbread should not be difficult to cut like that. It should crumble apart.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Have you never had a freaking Danish sugar cookie? Okay, it's like a crumble. It's a crumble machine. So they make them eat with their hands, right? And they show a cowboy who's just eating this shortbread. And he got the full on cowboy hat and everything and he goes, well, that was an adventure. I was like, wow, wow. You really, uh, you've really tested it with this cowboy. He's over, he's over with his handheld shortbread.
Starting point is 01:07:18 He's like, listen, I once had to got a bunch of cows from Oklahoma down to Texas. Like I literally lived the storyline of City Slickers, but this was the true adventure here. Cookie with some stuff on it. So over at the other restaurant, Jemara serving his mother's carrot cake with coconut and candy ginger. And Padden was like,
Starting point is 01:07:39 I love this. So carity-right. I love a. So carity-right. I love a carot caramel. So carity. The most carity thing I ever had in my entire life. Super carity. I love carrots. I'm Pob, the Lakshmi on behalf of the Carot Council of America. David Chang, Jonathan Waxman, Anthony Boydane. That's all I had had to say anybody else want to take over and Borel the jute Davis Barbara Streisand
Starting point is 01:08:12 and ranking So Tom don's like John Manoff Tom's like this is the most restaurant-y of restaurant experiences we've ever had here on Top Chef, Baudinil. And Hunter's like, with just 36 hours, I'd love to see what they do with a week! It'd be shitty, I'll tell you that much. Don't get used to it, Hunter. Well, we've just finished dinner, so now for Gales After Dinner motto. Let's do it all over again.
Starting point is 01:08:42 So they go into no name. And there are some already some issues between Evelyn and Luke because Luke, they're basically like Luke just fire up like 20 fish. That's another Jackson thing like just just batch cook your fish two hours ahead of time will warm them up. You know, so Luke is like no I'm not going to have a fish just sit here for 20 minutes. So the judges walk in and I love when Padma does this so This is so silly, you know, there's these are two fake restaurants and Padma walks up to the host and he goes hi
Starting point is 01:09:16 Do you have a reservation if it locks me? like Padma It's not a real restaurant. There's not this is not on open table, okay? And you're also the judge of the show. Just walk in. She also everyone pronounces her name wrong, I think, because she's like, hi, do you have a reservation for Lakshmi? Which I never hear anybody pronounce it that way, but she does, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:39 I guess that's what's important. It's her damn name, you know? But it reminds me of Barbara Streisand, because it's like Barbara Streisand's birthday or whatever, because you know, the Gays are going everywhere. Like this is the Facebook day that the Gays are just going. The past couple of weeks, it was like,
Starting point is 01:09:53 how could they treat lives of like that? If the Oscars, I'll never forget Gaga. But I didn't watch the Oscars, so I didn't know what that was. So the new thing on the Gays things is Happy Birthday, Barbara. And Barbara, um, happy birthday, Barbara. And uh, Barbara is someone put a quote of Barbara. She's like, well, finally, I contacted the people over at Apple, you know, the phone people. And they've decided to have Siri pronounce
Starting point is 01:10:16 my name properly for the first time ever. Barbara, Strysan. Yeah, like what the Strysan is try sound sound not zanned Strysan Barbara's try Sam Judy J Judy she's going down the Judy J hole, you know, yeah So the judges walk into no name after Padma apparently there was a reservation for her so that was good So oh I'm not I'm not on oh imagine if they said I'm sorry. We actually don't have a reservation was good. Oh, I'm not, I'm not on, oh, imagine if they said,
Starting point is 01:10:45 I'm sorry, we actually don't have a reservation for you. Oh, okay, but I guess I'll just go somewhere else. I'm sorry, man, we have a party for an alley-wong. If she doesn't show up. Oh, that's my friend. That's my friend. Oh, it says only VIPs, your name's not on here. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Oh, was it, maybe my stage name, Shmad Maloptzmi? I'm sorry, you must have that, Ali Wong. All right, I'm just gonna give a con, I'm just gonna give my good friend, Ali Wong. Sorry, the number has been disconnected. Wait a minute. Ali Wong's all mad that Badma was nice to DeWanda last week. I said I only laughed at one of her jokes, Hallie, not all of them. So someone is complimenting Jack's, Jack Big Dum Jackson on being good at front of the
Starting point is 01:11:41 house. And he's like, well, just wanted you everything to sing for everybody. Oh, he does that huge, like overly laughing, which I know that he's spitting and everybody's face at the same time. Yeah. So it looks like he's killing it. Yeah, but he is not because he's like literally
Starting point is 01:11:58 he's talking to a table. The judges are walking in and someone at the table literally says to him, go greet the judges, stop talking to us, go greet the judges, and he goes to them and he goes, all right, all right, like I said, like he's like discounting them, like, no, I got this under control. It was like both so stupid of him and also so condescending to the people who are giving him like really smart advice because we have seen restaurant wars for like nearly 20 years now and it's always an issue
Starting point is 01:12:29 when the judges are not greeted and he's like, it's all right, I got this, I got this, like no you don't Jackson. Yeah, it is like working in a real restaurant where the whole thing, it doesn't matter how much you lick
Starting point is 01:12:40 those corn holes of the rich people, okay, or how fine the dining is, or how delicious the food is, or where the fish was fresh caught from. If the hostess is rude, that's it. Like the whole night, everybody's gonna leave like what they would rude to us over there, you know? I'm so, that's how you would restaurant
Starting point is 01:12:58 every position is important as the one before it, and nobody believes it, but it's true, you know? So he's weird about it. And they've also left flowers on the table with little notes that say welcome judges. And Tom's like, that's cheesy. Okay, that's cheesy. You know what, if you're going to leave a piece of paper here for me, I'd rather it not be a GED. Okay, I'd rather be a college degree. That would be great. Oh, I'm eating my a college degree. That would be great. Oh, I'm eating my's, well, put in one of those little machines
Starting point is 01:13:27 that you can play works cramples on. Because it's like we're just sitting in some shitty bar that my son works at right now. Wait, wait, he's filled out the card. It says, Tom, please accept this complimentary mixologist who I've sent over just for your table. That's it. He's going on.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Gail, stop eating your keynote card. Gale just has her little procedure mouth. Gale, you will say remember your numbers. Not eat them. It's a Galim. They get sitting down and just dipping something and just dipping a quinoa card and a ketchup. It was just a table. What am I supposed to do with it? Oh god, now she's licking the video poker screen.
Starting point is 01:14:16 So, uh, you know what I mean? A little human interaction. Okay. Well, call Tarts by for best. Okay, sir, this is a restaurant you fucking weird out. So they're sitting there, by the way, and Jackson is going all around the table, all around the restaurant, but not to them.
Starting point is 01:14:34 They're a waitress, this lady who probably is the one who wrote down welcome judges in like, sort of not great handwriting, with strange kerning and like the welcome by the way, the welcome was like Floating up to the top of the note and then the judges was like extended like oddly wide kerning to the side of the note It was like it was terrible and so this lady Who's just like a waitress is like you know, she's like welcome to know a name
Starting point is 01:14:58 I mean look there's nothing wrong with the waitress saying this but these are VIPs you get the matrix You get the guy in the blaze to say this, not the, not the, which is the correct answer. Right, yeah, it's the Craigslist waiter and she has to come over. And of course, the cast doesn't have to wear a mask, but she does, you know, it's like one of those like super fair rules. So she comes over and when you're not wearing a mask, but somebody else's suddenly you're like, what? What are you saying? I can't hear you? You've got a mask on sleeping. You know, when we all have masks on, it's like we can all understand each other,
Starting point is 01:15:31 but when one person has it on, you're like, and that's what it was like with her, because she's like, how are welcome to go. Welcome to go. Tonight we're having family stuff, and she's trying to laugh, but it's just the whole poor thing.
Starting point is 01:15:42 It was just really awkward. I can't hear her. She's got poor on front of her face. Well that's a lot of pressure for the staff. I mean a waiter having to say hi welcome to a table disgusting. I mean that's just not fair this poor lady literally a poor lady having to address a table of famous people. I mean, that's a lot of pressure. No wonder she only looked at Gail in the eye, am I right?
Starting point is 01:16:12 So Tom's like, so Jackson, come here, so Jackson's like, oh my god. And Tom's like, oh, whose idea was this stupid note? You know what? Let me tell you something, if you come greet people, you don't need to give them a greeting note. So, you know, protect. Yeah. And Jackson goes, well, it was supposed to be fun and clever for everyone. I'm like, there was just what we're, tell me where the cleverness comes in. Tell me what part of it is clever and we can go from there. And please tell me from the back seat of a car
Starting point is 01:16:42 sobbing like you just got kicked off the bachelor because you need to go home immediately. Immediately. Just end restaurant wars right there. Okay. Welcome judges. So, first we get, you know, this is where I get super classy because so much starts happening at once. I wrote, now we get the crispy ball thing. Pony puri. So they like the Pany Perri and Gail. So Gail is actually very personically because of the service because Gail is actually like me. Like I've become Gail in this scene where she's like, well, the surface is like, I mean, no one's even talking to, I mean, is someone going to talk to us or can we just eat it? I mean, she's like very fussy because like, of course, they know how to eat it.
Starting point is 01:17:21 But she's like upset that Jackson didn't come over and say, this is how you eat it, this is what it is, which is also kind of bullshit that people made this food also, because he's not even selling it, nor is he describing it to show the hard work that went into it because there is something to be said about doing a hard sale on the...
Starting point is 01:17:41 If you say this is some steak, people are like, okay nice, if you say, is some steak. You're like, okay, nice. If you say, oh, this is a dry, our dry, aged eggs have for 48 hours in a walker. And then we actually put it out onto a highway. And it got special Texas on roasted it, put seaweed on top of it, threw it off the building, caught it, tossed it five more times, and put it on your plate. People will be like, that was a lot of work. This tastes delicious.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yes, everything needs to be presented like Erica's about to be arrested, you know. So the door to the house is making it. You know, panning puri is judged by liquid. And this is not liquid in here. Okay, but I do like the summer roll. And he was like, yeah, it's like a cross between a summer roll and to ceviche The sauce really brought it to life. It doesn't count when you pull her. She's out of your purse
Starting point is 01:18:35 Gail your kool-aad is not part of the ceviche stop eating it so Someone says you know, I'm really missing Jackson, like why it's probably gal. She's like, why isn't he over here? Oh, can everything missing Jackson a little bit? And Jackson tells us, my goal is to touch every table, but not hover. Yeah, well, that's fine, but the judge's table, you know, and he goes, he goes, I want to show the servers that I'm willing to work hard to support them. Well, guess what, it's not called top server, okay?
Starting point is 01:19:09 It's called top server. So they don't really work here. It's a one-night-get-cater waiters don't care. They don't care. Why don't you support your team that's leaving away in the kitchen over there? He's trying to get cred from the waiters. Oh gosh, come on.
Starting point is 01:19:22 I think he was trying not to look like a kiss ass or something like there's a frightful thing where he didn't wanna look like a kiss ass. So Evelyn hears the judges, right? Cause they're basically in the kitchen. They're sitting at a counter, staring right at the kitchen and Padma, you know, Padma subtle. Gosh, it was Sherby and I,
Starting point is 01:19:39 I've had a six foot seven moron standing over here. It's a mouth wide open, spitting all over my face describing things. Jackson did not come once and welcome us. He didn't see anything. We just had to walk right in here and just figure out ourselves. Oh, it's sort of like you at the dress barn sale. Bunch-eyed, rubbery eggs in my right anger.
Starting point is 01:20:01 So, God, if you've heard Gal asked for burnt umber, then you've known you know you're in trouble. So Evelyn is like, I can hear them and it's not good. You need to go out there and know what's like, I mean, come on, smooth the judges table. Come on, do it. So Jackson does, he goes out and he's like, I just don't want to hover and Paddle goes, but that's professional. So bring it on, hover. And Gail's like, I'm just very confused. And Jackson, cause would you like me to bring you
Starting point is 01:20:31 another plate, Gail? Excuse me. She's confused. Cause you haven't told her what the fuck is going on. And you just got lettuce without anything on it sitting on a plate. What the fuck is she supposed to think? I know, exactly. And especially because there's two courses that are coming at once, they don't know if they're, they interact, they have to do any, like, if, how it's supposed to work. So Gail's like, um, just, so how do we, how do we eat this? Oh, Gail, just do what you always do. Take the plate, put it to your lips and just swallow. Not the plate, though. You're the first person I've ever met that can actually digest porcelain.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Oh my God, Gale, you really do look good with lettuce on your head. See what you've done, Jackson. So Luke is serving up a curry black cod with coconut rice. And then we also get the, the nem sausage that is that they all made. And it's so annoying, I think Jackson says this because it's a choose your own adventure for the lettuce wrap. I suggest a little bit of everything.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Don't bring, just say put it all in there. Don't say it's a choose your own adventure. This is a lot of choose your own adventure. No choose your own adventure includes lettuce to begin with. Like there's not one in the history of the world. So it's like, hmm, which choose your own adventure? Do I want to read? The one where they go to the Bermuda Triangle? The one where they go to like an Aztec jungle or the one where they make a lettuce cup?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Oh. So let's see here. So they eat and Jackson's like, oh, and this dessert is meant to be eaten with your hands. Well, even a broken clock is right twice today. Am I right, Gail? Finally, she's doing it right. Gail, I just have to say this, while you're actually in fashion eating with your hands,
Starting point is 01:22:12 it is an honor to be at a restaurant in public with you. Pfft. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Nah. So then they are eating, they're also trying Noma's curry, and they think it's just like sweet. And guess what? It needs more salt. So then they are eating, they're also trying Noma's curry, and they think it's just sweet. And guess what?
Starting point is 01:22:27 It needs more salt. And for the first time ever, I actually don't blame Noma on this one because Big Dum Jackson went up to him and said, it's too salty. You need to slow down with the salt. So I felt bad for him in that case. And then, I don't know, Ma, for it. I mean, what can I do?
Starting point is 01:22:44 I need you to see, he's a chef. Like a chef needs to be able to tell, salt is the most basic part of it, you know? And look, it's the part that's most messed up, I think, a lot to you by any of us. But he needs to know his own, like he needs to know. But like Jackson, if you have someone, if you've been sort of like fucking up on the seasoning and now you don't even trust your own instincts and then someone who's been doing well tells you, oh, this is too salty, you're probably gonna defer to them a bit and I think that like, I think this is a Jackson,
Starting point is 01:23:15 I think Jackson fucked him over, I really do. And then Gale is, Gale gets snarky. She's like, you know what, it was like a Thai curry that spent a lot of time in Copenhagen. Wow, Gail. That was funny. Look at you talking like us now. I know Tom was like, well, that was quite a mom-took. You just made Gail? Jeez, let the woman live her life people So now it's time for judges table. Wait, what do they like? Do they like any easy? Well, no, they, well, then they say, they didn't like the dessert.
Starting point is 01:23:49 It was boring basically. And Tom's like, well, it was no carrot cake, which is basically what I'm, I'm gonna write a card to put on the next family dinner right in front of my son's plate. It's gonna just say, you're no carrot cake. And by the way, they still had to like, coax jacks and even do a spiel about his
Starting point is 01:24:05 dessert. Like he was like, and here's your dessert. And like, uh, can you tell us what the dessert is? He's like, uh, it's cookie. I mean, it was, it was so bizarre. Like, don't volunteer to do front of house. If you're going to be intimidated to, to present to the judges, you know? Yeah. So judges table. So Ashley is so determined in this one. Because you know, they always come into Judges table trying to look badass. Yes. And Ashley is the first one to open the doors. And she just like, swings both doors open and marches in.
Starting point is 01:24:37 I was like, yes, Ashley's coming to take on the prize today. I know. She really did just go right through there. And then Jackson Mimal is is like this was absolutely the hardest challenge We've done so far. I'm like you made a cookie You want to run a dining room. I can't with him Well, I think both restaurants did a great job of putting out delicious food Yeah, it was a very very successful matriarcha
Starting point is 01:25:02 Please stay here. No name you can step to the side and then all stare at Jackson who ruined it for you. Matriarch, stay here. No net cover your shoulders. No name. You can step to the side. So congrats. Matriarch, without an age wins. How did you decide on your roles? That was a plan, where planned words because you served as delicious packer roles. And Buddha's like, you know, I put my hand up for that. Oh, and also I just love the front of the house. I've got to say. And Tom's like, well, great job. You know, I mean, it seemed like it was in the planning for maybe, I don't know, eight months, you know, how long does it normally take?
Starting point is 01:25:45 Oh, I mean, what a novel idea that you actually like planned something out, like you actually sat down and thought about like, this is what I want to do. I mean, I mean, certainly I've never seen that really in the world of exology, that's for sure. That's for sure. So Tom asks, would you have any if anyone questioned his bread and Gail just looks like, don't you ever question bread?
Starting point is 01:26:11 Okay, and Padma's like, yeah, this is the best bread I've ever had on top, shall? It was the Lena Weith of bread. So good, so talented and so my friend. And so that Tom is like, yeah, your percoroles were one day and they were just as good as anything I've ever served in 40 years of working in the business. Will you be my son?
Starting point is 01:26:36 I would like you to be my new son. When they talk about Nick Steak and Hunter's like, well, you know, steak and potatoes is basic, but you took it to a mother level. Just keep striving, Gail. One day someone will say that to you. Ha ha ha ha ha. And Tom then, and Tom said, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:54 you're leaving out the best part, the ox tail of Marmalade. Well, and Pamela goes, I love your ox tail of Marmalade. I love it so much. I want to give its own special on Hulu, and we could walk around in cities and be like who made up cows We feel cows from
Starting point is 01:27:14 Demar She'd like turns to demar. She's like because they're about to talk about the caracage goes demar Gal goes I actually am not a big caracake fan really because it's all of your math still. Well, you know, I celebrate my birthday with carrot cake. What? I feel like I don't know. I don't know. There's something so weird about carrot cake to me too because it's a controversial cake, you know? Carrot cake is controversial. If carrot cake is somewhere,
Starting point is 01:27:48 someone either says, I love carrot cake, I'm a loving carrot cake kind of, I'm a loving any cake kind of a person. No cake left behind, it's how I live. But a lot of people are like, you carrot cake grows. Like some people just, yeah. I mean, I just don't like it.
Starting point is 01:28:04 It's like the cilantro of cakes. I mean, I feel like when I was a kid, I just don't like it. It's like the cilantro of cakes. I mean, I feel like when I was a kid, I didn't like it because it was like carrots was a vegetable and then I realized it was like the most delicious cake of all time. I feel like there's, I feel like it's a 75% yay for carrot cake and 25% nay. I don't feel like it's as divisive as cilantro.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Now, as cilantro cake, that would be divisive. I would only do that too. Carrot cake is controversial, okay? You don't have to believe it. It is. Okay, that's it. It's the end. Thank you for coming.
Starting point is 01:28:36 You've got 140,000 dollars. Get the fuck out. Stop trying to drum up a storyline about carrot cakes. Okay, we all like it. There's no drama. Stop trying to get a divorce of a carrot cake. So, um, Tom's like, you know, I had a lear. Okay. No, it got. Sorry. No. Oh, no. I had nothing to say. No, I was gonna say the same thing as you. So you do it. Oh, you know, Leah, sorry, I was talking like Padma for a second.
Starting point is 01:29:05 Nice try and famous person. Well, I know Leah Chase was one of the matriarchs for gumbo, and she's smiling right now. You know, Leah Chase has been more episodes on this season than she ever was in life. So, you know, congratulations to her. Like, Leah's went, Leah, they should just give Leah Chase the award for this season. And you know what? I'd be right behind it because I love her food. Of course. And I love her bank.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Anyway, Padden, I mean, Ashley, you expedited a woman led kitchen and you made the salmon. You made the gumbo. Why did you choose the salmon? And I'm going to say this in a way that makes you feel just a twinge of shame at your finally good moment on this show? Well, I was going to go with better lettuce. We're just going to bleep that out later, okay? Because you're a hero of this story.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Ashley, you win. There was only one chef who was instrumental in this win and her name is Ashley, even though I already said you won, I'm going to pretend that we're still waiting to hear the winner is Ashley you've already said three times it was Ashley even though you didn't manage to use any grains of paradise which I have many of you still won now Tom try to make her cry give it your best shot okay well, I know Leah Chase was one of the matriarchs with a full H sitting on your shoulder to knee and she's smiling down at you. So if you want to cry, no, but your chance, Jay, you can also cry.
Starting point is 01:30:35 We're going to cut to you a few times because you actually had a relationship with Leah Chase, do you want to cry as well? Does anyone want to cry? Then tears, anyone, tears. Leah Chase, I'm watching you on Heaven cam. You've got cilantro and your teeth. That's the thing about gumbole herb. My ride.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Also, rest in peace. Monique from Taras de Fabes. She's looking at brushelters too. So Ashley is happy and she's like, this is the first time I haven't watered down my food. And now I'm proving something. Step to the side. So now, no name steps forward. With the four charts of FABES, please step forward. Your restaurant was poo poo in a diaper and a paper strut and all day drink. Welcome to the Luzeline steepings. I also just love the way Padma says it to.
Starting point is 01:31:25 She goes, team no name. Your restaurant was our least favorite of the day as if there was like five other restaurants. So we went to five other restaurants that aren't even in the competition. And we distilled decide they were better than your shit hole. So how did you decide to deserve?
Starting point is 01:31:44 How did you decide to serve two courses? It once and Jackson's like, well, it don't on me that the dishes look small. So I thought if we just give you more food, listen, only one of us here is named Gail. What logic was this that he was talking about? It dawned on me that two bites felt really small. I mean, where have you been all season? I mean, that's what they, I mean, look at Padma. Do you think she wants to have large bites?
Starting point is 01:32:11 She wants small bites. Yeah, I mean, they're having 90,000 courses tonight. They need just a small courses or fine jacks in. And Tom's like, why were you weird coming over to talk to us? And he's like, well, I wanted to treat you like I treat everyone, which isn't true because he was really nice to everyone else. And because he certainly was. Evelyn, I think you know the prairie part of it. Are you excited that you think I'm just
Starting point is 01:32:36 going to compliment you? Guess what? It's called Panny Prairie and Panny is the hindward for water. And that's a crucial element. You don't have any water, but if you'd like to cry, your tears will be accepted into your little fried shell. And then we had this summer roll from Jay. You just says everything like she's about to kill somebody. But hunters, you blew us away with your sauces. And that leads us to the cabbage and the fish curry. Now I may be mistaken, but that cabbage still seemed like it had a little bit of emotional resolve left in it. Did you
Starting point is 01:33:12 break it down properly? I'm getting a spam, so I'm just hearing spam. I open them and I just start pressing buttons. I heard button sounds. It's my new way to try to, I get them to stop calling me. Not working, but hey, I have fun making music. You're getting a bill for $900 now. Because you press yes. If you would like to donate $900 to the Gayle Academy, press two. If you'd like, this is part of my life, me calling.
Starting point is 01:33:43 If you'd like to is part of my life, me calling. If you'd like to donate a very important cause, including people like David Chang, Jonathan Waxman, Anthony Boyd, dang. Brice Dallas, someone. A question voters across the country are deliberating right now. Why does Chris Pat have bread here now? I just can't am I right? Rob Gronkowski.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Okay, so they love Jays. They love the next one. Oh yeah, Luke's didn't have any salt, right, which I'm sure you said. Yes, no salt. And Tiffany's like, did you guys try this? I mean, didn't you think it needed salt and Jackson says well I thought it was over seasoned I mean listen don't just don't say anything at least try to save yourself at this point like everything that went wrong he's like
Starting point is 01:34:38 yeah that was my idea oh I thought it was over if everyone's saying if that all the judges are saying this was under seasoned, and you don't have to chime in and say, I thought it was over season, Jackson. It's not. Yeah. Well, who spread idea was it to possibly disappoint us with this sausage dish? I won't tell you if I'm happy or mad about yet. So it's Evelyn and Jackson.
Starting point is 01:35:01 And who made the sauce? So Jay did it. Which goes, well, this was a very successful course, much like my first season of Taste the Nation. The sausage, the seasoning, it was a beautiful sauce. Wow, Jay, you really do know your way around to condiment. Am I right? Hunter, editor in chief of Food and Wine magazine. You want to go sign this with me? Watch out, Maddie queen, 11 years in the row. Sorry, girl.
Starting point is 01:35:27 There's a new condiment cleaning down. So then, Gail's like, you know, I thought the shortbread was good, but uninspired. Oh, like your hair, Gail. Hmm, and Tom's just like, you suck. I hope you all die. Hate your food, okay? Now, please go away. And Pat and I was like, you suck. I hope you all die. Hate your food. Okay. Now please go away. And Pat and I was like, go think of being better.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Okay, judges, let's just talk amongst ourselves. Yes. Pat and goes, we have a very hard decision to make. Just kidding. That's pretty obvious. Am I right, everyone? So in the stew room, there's dramatic music playing at Jackson's nervous.
Starting point is 01:36:03 He's clasping his hand and breathing heavily all everybody. And he's like, so guys, there's something I need to share with you that I've been hiding. I was like, oh my God, he's been planning this all season for the second that he sucked. And it is not the right time. It's just so sad. It's like watching a real housewives waste an argument that you know they've been planning for a year and they just blow it. Yeah, he's like, guys, I got COVID about three and a half weeks before we start filming and my taste and smell went away and it hasn't really come back. And I'm kind of doing this all blind. And they just all look at him like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Evelyn just like rolls her eyes and he's like, I just didn't want to tell you all
Starting point is 01:36:49 because it would be like a weakness. And Evelyn, it's like yesterday we were tasting everything and we kept tasting it and tasting it and you had no problem giving your opinion and of course, Noma was like, you said my fish was too salty, so you're gonna have to live with that because you're not going to come today.
Starting point is 01:37:07 I'm going home. Yeah, and you know what? If you go home, you fucking go home because you still don't know how to salt food. I'm sorry you're depressed. Okay, I'm sorry you've got depression issues. I do too, I get it. You still don't know how to salt your food.
Starting point is 01:37:19 That is unforgivable. Go home, get out. So back at the deliberations, Padma's like, you know, it's such a shame because this team gave us some delicious food. Just kidding, it was all shit. Mm-hmm. Well, it was family style and we all know that just
Starting point is 01:37:36 because most of the family is successful and delicious doesn't mean that the sun's always gonna be and that was a mistake. You know, all these years I thought family style is just serving plates on big food on big plates that everyone shares, but it turns out family style is when you have a lot of good food and then you recommend some more good food to come after it and then that food instead decides to go to a different table and then you still have to pay for that table. And Hunter's like, I just don't think there was a leader here.
Starting point is 01:38:04 And Tom goes, yes, there was stupid. It was Evelyn. That was the leader. And Pat was like, well, she was the executive chef and she did make that delicious curry. And she goes like, well, um, all of those wishy, washy, terrible decisions as far as we can tell, mostly by the big six foot five guy just nodding and saying, yes, that was my decision. Seems like all those decisions came from Big Dum Jackson. Well Jackson was also responsible for the non-existent front of house.
Starting point is 01:38:33 And the dessert. You know I'll tell you one person who's not going anywhere. It's Jay, queen of continents, the catch of countessess am I right everyone? Tom's like well quite frankly it should be Luke I mean you can fault Jackson for making bad decisions But at least he made some decisions what did Luke do like Luke didn't do anything I'm not even sure Luke's in there has anybody snapped a finger in front of Luke's face As Luke ever said one word who the fuck is Luke? Why is Luke Slouching more every every day? His hands are practically dragging on the floor at this point
Starting point is 01:39:08 Can can't get someone someone get Luke a weighted blanket because I can't with him get rid of him Tom's just still triggered by Luke. I am your father. Am I right? So Tiffany's like yeah, I was originally thinking thinking Jackson, but your right Luke didn't do shit. So then in the kitchen, Luke's like, oh, don't worry Jackson, you're safe. And again, you can be as angry as you want. Learn to solve your food. Fuck. Yeah, it's true, but Jackson really should be going home because he just like destroyed this team.
Starting point is 01:39:42 So now it's like, okay, the chef has to be going home tonight. He wants me, my son, disappoints me like my son. And he's just really not that great. And yet I'm still going to send him a check at the end of this competition. Pum-up. Jackson, I'm not even going to pretend to be Tariy-I tonight. Please pack your knives if you even, please pack your spooks and go stupid things. Please pack your stupid handwritten note that you didn't even write.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Glad us, you're craftless. Please pack your eaters with your hands and go. No knives. Please pack your grains of not paradise and go. And Tom's like, wow, you took a lot on. And somehow you made it all less than mediocre. So we'll see you in lots of unskits and bonbon. And Jackson made me so mad because I don't think he really
Starting point is 01:40:34 thinks he messed up. And in fact, his ego started to come out because he goes, you know, I've learned that like everyone, sometimes I make the wrong decision at Bites with the Ass. And I basically was on the top every single round and then, you know, the time I was on the bottom, I got eliminated. So in his mind, he's like, I'm awesome.
Starting point is 01:40:52 I just had this one off moment. It's like, no, because we always will remember what you did to Keso. That will always come back, okay? So he just thinks he's the shit. And putting the meat under the grill on a meat challenge. We're no friends. No, that was. We know that that was the meat. No, that was a no, that was Jonathan.
Starting point is 01:41:07 I thought. Oh, no, no, it was. What if you're right. He was the one who couldn't find it when Jonathan. Oh, my gosh. I'm glad you saved that. Top chef purist would have been like, how dare you, sir? But you know, though, in retrospect, you know, Jackson, a better chef probably would have looked everywhere. All right. Or they would have been able to sniff it out.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Everybody, thank you so much for joining us for top chef for orange. Yeah, what a fun time. We'll be back with Summer House and blood-excelling yacht later this week. So keep an ear out for it. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Courtney's amazing, Shadel. Dana C. Dana Dew.
Starting point is 01:41:56 She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Sip't miss no trickle-us. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie. She has no less name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying okay. Wee McLeven.
Starting point is 01:42:11 Karen McLelland. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the piston Anderson. Let's give a kiss arena to Lisa Lino. She's our queen Marie Levine. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the burger.
Starting point is 01:42:26 The Bay Area Beaches Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler. Somebody get us 10 C C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She leaves us in stitches, it's Catherine Taylor. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides.
Starting point is 01:42:48 We will, we will. Joanna Rockland, you. My favorite Merto. Karen McMurdo. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsiwell. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle.
Starting point is 01:43:08 Nancy C. C. C. C. Sto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Paging Paige Mills, Paging Paige Mills. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Take off with Tamla Plane.
Starting point is 01:43:38 short survey at slash survey.

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