Watch What Crappens - TopChef: Quest For The Holy Gail

Episode Date: February 26, 2019

Gail's back! Gail's back! Our favorite Canadian "Top Chef" judge returns to enjoy one meal in Kentucky before the finals. Who will advance to Macau? Who will survive Last Chance Kitchen? And ...who will take care of their garden the best? All these questions are answered in our latest recap, which is available now! No Gails were harmed in the recording of this episode. See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts! It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off! Voice only! Launching during Pride, Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap-ins would like to think it's premium sponsors! Just sayin' okay! Watch what crapens would like to think it's premium sponsors! Just saying, okay?
Starting point is 00:00:25 Kristi, why were you dowerty? Asli, Savoni? She don't take nobelone! Aaron, McNickolas! She don't miss no trickle-ists! Megan, the Slayer Taylor! Kelly Barlow! When she goes Barlow, we go high-low!
Starting point is 00:00:37 Megan Berg! You can't have a burger without the burr! Ain't no thing like Allison King! Hot dang! It's Jessica Dang! Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Hannah, God I love that banana. Anderson!
Starting point is 00:00:49 Of a Nagila Weber! Lisa Walland. Now that's what I call wallentainment. The Bay Area Beches, Beches! And our super premium Patreon subscribers. Give them hell, Miss Noel! Very grand. The grand master!
Starting point is 00:01:02 Let's get Racy with Miss Stacy. Shannon out of a cabin Anthony! Incredible edible Matthewsisters! And... Mina Kuchikuchi! Watch what crap is! Watch what crap is! Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap is!
Starting point is 00:01:20 What crap is? What crap is? I have crap! I have crap! Hey everyone, welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Brava that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker from The Real Housewares of Kitchen Island, available on YouTube and joining me as always is a man who I just love so dearly. He is the wonderful and talented and ever so handsome. Ronnie Carrom from The Rose Prick's Bachelor Rose podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I mean, he should be the next bachelor, you know? And he could roast himself. Hi Ronnie. Oh, Ben! How's it going? Hi. Good, how's it going, babe? Great.
Starting point is 00:02:18 I'm mostly recovered from our little trip to Vancouver that was so fun. Thank you to everyone who came to our show. What a great crowd. You guys were awesome. You guys made us feel super loved up there in Canada. Yeah, that was a really good time. We also got to see snow, which was crazy. I dragged Ronnie through said snow, and I felt so bad. You were being such a good sport. I could tell you were so unhappy when I was like, let's, we're going to Tim Hortons. It's only four blocks away and it was like five football fields away
Starting point is 00:02:48 and it was snowing and it was cool. I was just like, I've just learned that you're like my husband. Like, that's just what it is. Like, I don't have a husband, but you're my work husband. And it's like, you want to go see Tim Hortons, you know, it's like, okay, I have to just be down, you know, because if I did everything I wanted to do, we'd do nothing ever. So sometimes I have to like say, like you know, because if I did everything I wanted to do we do nothing ever So sometimes I have to like say you're gonna get your sketches wet and that's just how like There's a bagel at the end of the rainbow. I said to Ronnie. I was like, yeah, let's I want to go to Tim Hortons Cuz we're in Canada and even though it's known. It'll be fine. It's close and you go Okay, and I was like, oh shit. He doesn't want to do it at all. He's he doesn't want to do I'm dragging him right now
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah, but if it's too dramatic, I just say no Yeah, you are good for that if you hit your limit you will say no, but I appreciate you anyway coming with me to Tim Horton I'm what's fun what a delicious bagel. I mean it's just depressing if it's a Dunkin Donuts You know like the world of the Tim Horton was literally sad You know, there was like a girl who's probably 22 on meth outside begging for change. Yeah, polyps But ever they throw it you what are those things? Two knees dollops me Me's maple syrup jars
Starting point is 00:03:56 Yeah, so there was that girl she was really sad and I wanted to help her But I didn't want her to get meth and then I was like oh my god. You're turning into your mother, you know? Yeah but I didn't want her to get mad. And then I was like, oh my god, you're turning into your mother. You know? Yeah. Gonna use that for crack. Well, the real problem was the lack of Uber and Vancouver. That's a real blight on the city, on an otherwise spectacular city.
Starting point is 00:04:12 But we had a great time. And I think one of the reasons why we're talking about Tim Hortons and Eating is, because we're talking about top chef today. We're talking top chef, because Atlanta wasn't on last night, because the El Oscar, Oscaritos. So we're talking top chef.
Starting point is 00:04:26 We're excited to talk about top chef. But before we dive into that, we of course should mention a few things. First of all, we're in DC next week. Sold out. Thank you everyone. We're covering the season premiere of Real House, US and New York City.
Starting point is 00:04:40 If you didn't get the memo, the memo is being redelivered right now. Real House, US and New York City. So get excited. We don't, the South by Southwest tickets have not gone on sale just yet, but they will be going on sale soon. We just emailed our people over there to be like, what's the deal? So hopefully we'll have that coming up soon.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And then we have, we're going directly from South by Southwest directly to Cincinnati, where our late show is sold out. Early show is still, we're doing like a happy hour show, it should be really fun. So there are tickets available for that. So come see us for a happy hour in Cincinnati. We'll have a great, great, great time. And then, of course, we got a million other cities go to for those. But for right now, let's just focus on Cincinnati and give ourselves a big old Cincinnati hug. If that is, is that a thing? Is that a thing? Let's make it a thing. Well, make it a thing since Nadi hugs.
Starting point is 00:05:25 And also T-shirts, those amazing Luan pop art T-shirts that Ryan need to design. People are starting to get them and they look fabulous. Our own Richie are really what's the big wow factor here, guys. Get your Luan leggings. Well, you've got to crappin' Even Luan herself loved them. Well, she liked this because
Starting point is 00:05:47 Richie were at her show or listen to Richie and she was like, Oh, I love the shirt. I love the shirt. It's like me four times, which is how many times I'll be singing today at my two hour show? Huh? Yeah. So that and we are recording this today on the TV party app. So we're live streaming right now. So we see a lot of you guys. Hi And if you want replays of this it's on our patreon. So go over there. Okay, let's stop Fucking trying to self-step and just do recap. Let's just celebrate. Let's just celebrate top chef. How about that? So um, we of course have to start off with Our weekly announcement used to be a once a season.
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's weekly now. We love Gail Simmons. God, we love her so much. She's one of our favorite people on all of Brava. We think she is wonderful and talented and smart and beautiful and just like we would just put her on a pedestal every day if we could. So that being said, our favorite thing to do is we like to pretend that Padma hates scale.
Starting point is 00:06:46 So if you're wondering why we're being so mean to gale, we're not being mean to gale, we just like to pretend that Padma's mean to gale. Yeah. I refuse to apologize anymore, so how about that? Wow. So I've been doing it. Okay, that's fine. I'm not apologizing.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I'm just warning people. I'm warning people. I will. I will no longer warn anybody. Yeah. So this week's episode opens up with everyone like Feeling super shocked and sad because Eddie went away. You know, they always act like someone just got shot in the head on this show
Starting point is 00:07:14 They're like wow Eddie. He was great man. He didn't deserve that. But what can you do? You know? One moment your chef and another moment you're like literally buried in the dirt, you know, one moment you're a chef and another moment you're like literally buried in the dirt, you know? Yeah, poor Eddie. And Kelsey's like, Eddie went home for literally a great dish. And that's just where we're at. No, he didn't. He went home for gelatinous chicken with like weird sauces on it.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yeah, I'm sick of gelatinous chicken, everybody on top chef. Stop it. Yeah, she goes, it's terrifying. I mean, I know I could be easily next at any turn. I'm like, it's not terrifying. It's a competition. She's literally acting like they're like, Padma's gonna come around the corner with an axe.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Okay, like, it's not terrifying. I feel like when Padma is terrifying though, and I think that Padma will come after you with an axe one day. Just let, and she'll like chop you very slowly. Yeah. It'll be art. My knife. Did you run into my knife 10 times?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Susan Chicago by herself. And I like when Tom told when Tom was doing the judging on Eddie, he's like, yeah, you know, Leila, Eddie's dish was pretty boring and you dad was no boring man. This is like very literal. Yeah. Like, you need a knockout, like a literal beat up dish. You know, so speaking of Tom, he walks into their, their, their house.
Starting point is 00:08:34 He's wearing like a little hat and he walks and he's like, Hey, guys, time to wake up. Come wake up. God, no, no more sleeping. You guys, what time is it? The last time I checked it was like 8 AM, like what Like what are you guys like a bunch of mixologists sleeping until noon? What's what's going on here wake up everyone? But you saw this one coming. We're gonna go down to the garden
Starting point is 00:08:55 Yeah, the only one who really saw that coming apparently was Sarah because everyone else just like Buried some tic-tacs and hope they'd grow into I know they just ignored it. But you know that Sarah was probably so annoying about tending to her garden that they all probably didn't tench to their garden because Sarah was being so annoying about it. She's like, yeah guys, yeah, the peppers are really growing. Wow, I'm really happy with them. They're looking real good. I prune. You know, I do gardens all the time. That's my thing. I got a love a garden. I can do a garden like I'm like I'm not
Starting point is 00:09:27 You know we got gardens so you know I got a garden so I'm gonna tend it anybody else money tinge a garden Yeah, anyone like my happy place like I'm only happy when I'm like garden Am I right everyone's like you're really gardening for us, but just gonna stay here on the couch You know that she's the type to walk around breakfast all dirty smelling like soil and being like hey, you read put your stuff alright guys Got some parsnips coming in yeah, they're called Kentucky Parsons. They're actually a special Varietal you know, Varietal. I don't even know how to say the word I'm kind of listening of course Kelsey's reaction to this is of course as expected this morning might be the most shocking top-sif moment of all time
Starting point is 00:10:04 I'm like okay Kelsey Kelsey needs to stop over selling everything including her own food this morning might be the most shocking top shift moment of all time. I'm like, okay, Kelsey, Kelsey needs to stop overselling everything, including her own food. Yeah, exactly. I know. Calm down. So, it's the last quick fire in Kentucky, and I'm very sad because Tom's hosting it, and I love Tom, but I really like Pat Mattel host my quick fires because she's really the
Starting point is 00:10:22 snobbyus during them, you know, which is like walks from table to table and passes really like quick succinct, but like devastating judgment, you know. Did you mean to grow the saddest vegetable I've ever seen? Have you ever heard of a garden? No. Hmm. Chose. Well, it's funny that for the the quick fire in place of Padmata, they got someone named
Starting point is 00:10:44 Wida. Yeah. It's like, hey, she's a really for the quickfire in place of Padma, they got someone named Weeda. Yeah. It's like, hey, she's a really good Weeda. Yeah. So Weeda comes out and she says, big giggly lady. And I immediately like her because she's the type who's like, I'm really into vegetables, but she's also like really into Ben and Jerry's.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And look, I say you have to have a balance because that's how I am too. I eat salad every day. But I also eat tons of cookies and ice cream. And you know, I'm a very happy person. Yeah, exactly. So the big thing with this quick fire is that we're going to be getting our last chance kitchen return E. It's gonna be the last last chance kitchen return E. So we see like
Starting point is 00:11:18 a quick like montage. And I really appreciate it. Oh, excuse me. Getting my coffee delivery here. Thank you. Thank you, sir Thank you. Sorry. I left my ice coffee in the fridge and Don't just dance this way in an app of that room. Yeah, so I had to oh these still here and I had I had to text him. I was like, can you bring me my ice coffee, please? So he came in and did a song and dance I had to text him. I was like, can you bring me my eyes coffee please? So he came in and did a song and dance
Starting point is 00:11:56 So Sarah's like, oh god, we I love we that we invented food and Kentucky said something like that I'm like Sarah poor Sarah like she's really she's really trying to sell Kentucky like no one's moving to Sarah okay. Just get the love. Hey, throw your fucking garden friends. Shut you man. Wow, wow, wow, wow. We're gaining gay, yay, yay, yay, yay. She's married, we're reading the call in the castle of Varsalilus. So the last chance kitchen winner apparently they had
Starting point is 00:12:17 some sort of like hidden Valley wrench competition because there's like a lot of closeups of ranch. Somewhere like Katie got like a lady boner, but the winner was... Cash bar at her wedding. The winner was Michelle, which made me happy because I was worried that Eddie was gonna win. Yeah, Michelle and her little sideways voice.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Yeah, I'm really, really glad to be back guys. So psyched, I'm so psyched to be back here. So the time goes. Well, everyone, last chance kitchen is closed for the season. Sort of like the future of a mixologist. Just closed. Done. Dores shut. Dores shut in every corner. Just, you're just a mixologist now. Okay, great. Please, you have hope. I'm like my son. So there's that. So he's like, well, go on your own garden. And you know, you re put you so, and I'm still trying to figure out what I sowed to rebe a mixologist.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So I guess that phrase, a bad seed is totally correct because I must have so in a bad seed and reach a mixologist. Oh, you know, personally, it happens. It's probably when totally bad seed and you could have just. Oh, you know, personally, it happens. Rather than when totally bad seed and he could have just drowned a girl at school, something like that. It's kind of funny. That's funny because I used to call them the number one seed,
Starting point is 00:13:33 like most likely to become an excellent chef in his father's footsteps, but you know, mixology is it's great. I'm sure. Although I don't know if I call it mixology, if you're just putting some rum and daquery mix together to GF-rod is but hey, you know it's a start first I first I thought he'd be the most likely to succeed now. He's just most likely to sucks You know to go to the seed part so thanks long burden. I used to think he's most likely to succeed and now he's just most likely to Sleep until 2 p.m. I guess huh? Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:03 sleep until 2pm I guess huh? Yeah. So they have to, they have 45 minutes to harvest their garden and make a vegetable bowl with dish and we just like let the vegetable shine. Let the vegetables shine. Let all the leaves be in this blender. We this just happy sitting there giggling and I'm just happy turning whatever she says into a Carly Simon song. Let your hidden valley shine. The time's like to make more interesting the winner wins 10 grand finished by Katie's. If you think first by someone who is a lot more successful, then a mixologist.
Starting point is 00:14:50 First by someone who had some drive and started a company and rose the top and decided to give $10,000 to the show because it's really a big thing for them unlike a mixologist where $10,000 is basically six months paid. And then Sarah of course frags about her garden. She's like, I've kept up with my garden. I pruned it, weed it, got down there. You know, I think a dish is to cook.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I'm ready to go. But I kind of worry for her because that's what she says about everything. You know, she does. She does. I make the best goddamn biscuits. It's the side of the Mississippi. I'll tell you that. Yeah, everything.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Everything she brags about. I was afraid she was gonna turn her garden into a sausage at this point, you know? I got a great sausage. At this point, I'm out of ideas. So I just made a sausage. That's kind of her go-to now also. A sausage just grew out of the ground.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Yeah. So yeah. Yeah, so there's various chatter. Adrian's, Adrian is happy because she has a lot of squash and she's raised on a farm in Connecticut and then Michelle had a garden growing up. There's a lot of squash and she's raised on a farm in Connecticut And then Michelle had a garden growing up There's like a lot of like uninteresting Stories about gardens and planting and things like that that happened
Starting point is 00:15:52 There really is The people's personal stories are getting out of hand at this point because we've learned from food network that part of what they have to do when your chef on TV is like have a personal connection Yeah, so you can't just like Fritos you like free-dose because your Mima died in the last thing she wanted to free-dose. Yeah. So you're a math reason to need a free-dose. And so we're getting that, but they are out of stories. Okay. They've made so many dishes that they're just out of store. Michelle's like, well, I like blankets. So like this is appropriate, because it's like, I guess you call it a bed, right? And I like blankets
Starting point is 00:16:26 So meanwhile they are also still being like totally as pretentious as usual because Justin he's like I'm gonna do a progressive radish tasting menu. I'm like, please stop. Please no. No, no, no, no I will I do not accept a progressive radish I mean you have the radish menu. Please go home like I'm officially fucking done with you Okay, I was done with done with you, okay? I was done with you with your hipster hats, then I was done with you with your hipster beard, then I was done with you with your hipster,
Starting point is 00:16:51 like, ironic long arm pit hair when you were in that hot. I know, thank you for mentioning that. Cause I feel like we never really addressed that. I almost feel like we were trying to take the high road, but now when you mention like a progressive radish chasing menu, I'm sorry, that pit hair, that's on the table now, pun intended. Pun intended, okay. How about a progressive shaving party for your pits,
Starting point is 00:17:13 mainly, eventually I'm fine with. Armpit air in rate, like when it's just out of control, like I don't know, I get that that's how they did in the 70s and you're like trying to be hipster and stuff, but we're not in the 70s, okay? That's it. What central air and short armpit hair. Yeah, it's no it's a straight guy thing Strikas don't think about that stuff So yeah, so they all come inside and they're all cooking and now and Sarah starts talking about how she just like Love summer squash and she loves a beyaldi and
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's just like she's just like jerking off over her zucchini, basically, which is exciting. And it's like- Sarah was the only one who really guarding, and she's like, wow, you can pick a dirt boy. Oh, God. Oh, it's Sarah. I'm the source.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I didn't know I didn't think I heard her say that. So yeah, so then, so Kelsey's gonna do a fried green tomato and Eric is like doing a Spacho and Michelle's like in the corner talking about how I have a lot of respect for that little radish It's a small radish but I have a lot of respect for it and it just gets me so excited to see that radish I mean can't you see Alex out of them? I'm like jumping out of my skin over that little radish Reminds me for my grandma was a gangster and shot somebody That little radish is almost as bad as as my grandmother Who used to have a toward love affair with El Chapo that's all
Starting point is 00:18:41 Meanwhile Adrian's like from my dish. I'm gonna be making a walk through the garden salad. I'm like, why is that making me mad right now? Like, I'm already mad at the progressive radish chasing menu. Like, why are you doing this to me, right? I'm a walk through the garden salad. That's not a salad. That's not a thing. A walk through the garden salad.
Starting point is 00:18:59 A walk through the garden. How about you get your feet out of my salad? That would be great. She's like, you know, it's just a salad where it's like, you know, you're walking through a garden, you pick this thing and this thing and this thing. I'm like, that's called a salad. It's a salad. Yeah. That's called just throwing whatever's around into a fucking dish, which I guess is what
Starting point is 00:19:14 you're supposed to do. But, you know, like, it's the last quick fire in Kentucky and they have to make a salad. That's like the lay missed thing ever. And they're all trying to really make it exciting. I know. And then we've got, what does we even want? Okay, like she doesn't want anything interesting. But we just just like, wow, you really let the vegetable side. That means you cut up a carrot and you put it on a plate with nothing else on it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Like what's the point of even having a cooking show? That's what I say. I'm very angry. It's a Monday. I don't know. I'm very I'm too angry to. I'm angry. I'm angry for no reason and I'm happy about it. I'm happy
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm I think it's like Oscars. I think something about the Oscars got into me today Well, I'm literally mad that I didn't win an Oscar. I'm not even in movies. I don't even make an effort I don't even write anything or do anything like a map that I didn't win I'm like why did Spike Lee win? I should have fun. What about me? What about Ronnie history? I'm I'm honestly still really mad at those three people who won for makeup But like maybe we'll talk about them the bonus episode, honestly still really mad at those three people who won for makeup, but like maybe we'll talk about them in the bonus episode, but they really made me mad. So, so at one point during the cooking, Kelsey grabs like a pot that's like blazing hot.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And she's like, um, somebody loves a boiling hot pot and the handle was hot and I burned myself. And Michelle's like, oh, that was me. I called it out, but I assumed everyone had heard it. They called it. It was the top of my boy. I was yelling like right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like can you hear me? I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I assume everyone could hear this because it's like, I'm not blaming anyone. I'm like, you're specifically blaming it. If you're not blaming anyone, why are you announcing it? There's just like a point of interest for people while they're cooking. I'm just gone. It didn't matter. He did it.
Starting point is 00:20:46 If I lose, it's not anyone's fault but Michelle's. But I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just setting a scene. Did you mean to take a commercial break right now? Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brownleur, we will be your resident
Starting point is 00:21:24 not-so-expert experts. Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown all are, we will be your resident not so expert experts. Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong. What would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. Oh, and then Justin says another thing that's like, I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. It's really, but it's awesome. I know it's like, waiting the fuck out of here. I wrote it on, I wrote what you're doing, it's really bad. It's like, you're doing it. I know it's like, I'm just aggravating the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I wrote it on, I wrote it on also. I wrote it on also. It's like, you know what I did? I, uh, I'm gonna hit it with salt because it brings all the flavors together. I'm like, everyone puts salt on their feet. I know! I wrote the exact same thing that.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I'm like, is this like a brave new technique adding salt? It's like, I'm gonna hit with a R on top chef. Wow, this progressive radish chasing menu is really gonna rave new technique adding salt. It was like, I'm gonna hit with a little r on top chef. Wow, this progressive radish chasing menu is really gonna blow their minds. Yeah, solid actually does. The Justin Cookbook salt. Yeah, he doesn't do that. The fat acid and heat parties just salt.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, so it's a now time for tasting. So Eric does his green tomato and coconut soup and we does like Yeah, it was good. Just it should have been more vegetable forward, which I'm like it's just man of soup. I don't know. I don't know And Tom's like, I don't I don't remember coconut powder Coconut juice or whatever being in the garden. So didn't grow that right don't see any palm trees. No, no coconuts. Yeah whatever, be in the garden. So didn't grow that, right? Don't see any palm trees. Whoa, no, no. Coconut, yeah. Sort of the thing that I think of when I think of my son
Starting point is 00:23:10 trying to make a mix of sort of tropical drink over at TGF Fridays, he's like, that where's the coconut milk? I need to make a peanut colada, and I'm like, that's not even a peanut colada, and I just shake my head and cry a little bit. Yeah, you know what happens? But the aroma of the coconut and mix it all up, huh?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Wow, you lose. So Kelsey said, I'm a Frank Green Tomatoes, because my grandma loved them and put them in the freezer. And we'd have Frank Green Tomatoes. And we just like, wow, good. And Tom's like, oh, the ricotta tasted like toe dirt. They got copied from my teeth, and I want to kill myself. So thanks.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Why do we even come to Kentucky in the first place? So you'd this shit. So Michelle's like. I mean, she thinks anything's edible, right? She'll eat drywall if she needs to. Am I right, everyone? Personally, or as I like to say, I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I'm not that bad. I personally not being edible. Gail loves it. I mean, she thinks anything's edible, right? She'll eat drywall if she needs to. Am I right, everyone?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Personally, or as I like to call it, the vegetable gail puts Hershey's syrup all over. So then Adrian's like, yeah, I served a baby summer squash, tons of vegetables, and Tom's like, like, the acid, and weeza. Weeza is like, yeah, you know what's funny? like the acid and we as like yeah you know what's funny the blossom on the cucumber is better than the cucumber oh it's always a crazy thank you real eyes man what's the deal with the cucumber blossom am I was like, whoa, get it? And then I hate it. And I was like, this is better than the cucumber.
Starting point is 00:24:48 What's the deal? I prefer, I'm fang. Weedah. Next week on Weedah. Seven sign fell, this just. Weedah. And Padma comes sliding in very slowly. His cramer like.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Haha. Weedah. Weedah. Weedah. Are you still the massive your domain, Rita? Not that there's anything wrong with it. Yes, everything's wrong with it. What am I saying? Gale's like the only thing I really like is muffin tops.
Starting point is 00:25:15 People need to come out with a restaurant for just muffin tops. Don't you have enough muffin top, Gale? Gale might have recommend the big salad. No soup for you gal. Oh. So we says like wow, who is she to? Oh, Tom. So Tom tells Sarah.
Starting point is 00:25:37 He's like, well, you know, Sarah gets the blue ribbon for actually taking care of her garden. I mean, that's a nice change guys. And then the music goes like that was like such a sick burn. And then we just like, I really like those cherry tomatoes. They popped. And I was like, wow, for someone who likes vegetables, we didn't see that too many cherry tomatoes. They always pop. I know. That's kind of the thing with them. Yeah. So then Russ and I'm Justin just and gives his radish charred salad, which I guess he moved away from the progressive radish chasing many to any just did this radish thing. And they all really
Starting point is 00:26:12 like it. So now it's time to announce the favorites and the least favorite. So the least favorites Eric, not veg forward Kelsey, not veg forward, Emishelle, the vegetables really take the back seat. Yeah. There was no joke there. I was just stating the facts. Just stating, it's just stating we does point of view. I was drinking coffee, sorry.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I saw it. Since I finished, I was like, oh, he's sipping. He's sipping. So the top were Adrian, Sarah, and Justin, and the winner was Justin, which is very exciting. The progressive radish menu did him well and then Tom is like well guys No, so I'm doing else where the finals are gonna be this year. We're taking you to Macau It happens like wait. We're going to gal. How is that possible? Oh Macau not my cow sorry
Starting point is 00:27:06 And Kelsey's like, oh, fuck not see there, just in. Whoever. So which actually she got right. Yeah, spoiler alert. She was just kidding. Cause Justin's like, I hope I'm making it. I really want to go to him. Cow. She's like, yeah, it's going to be real sad not to see there, just in. It's like, haha, psychic Kelsey.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Fried green psychic tomatoes. So then we see a guy on a horse. Why did I write that down? I don't know. So the Padma, the Padma, Padma is now at the Cane Lens sales pavilion. The world's most prestigious auction house. But she's still with Weeda. Yeah. Shes, for your final elimination competition here in Kentucky, we want you to make a dish that's inspired by your own pedigree. A thank you dish to your mentor, something that would impress them, and show them what you've learned.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And by the way, your mentor has to be a real person, not Mrs. Butterworth, Gail. Sorry Gail, little Debbie was busy. Sorry Debbie, we tried to call Mrs. Fields, but she wasn't available. And so they start talking about who their mentors are and stuff. And I mean, I don't really know who anybody is. I just know their reactions to them. And Justin's like, you know, my guy is my Yoda.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Like he showed me I could be a tough chef, but also a really good person. And I was like, that's why I don't like you. It's that struggle to be a good person when you're just a shithead. Just be a shithead. We can all tell you you're a shithead. It's not like you're hiding that much.
Starting point is 00:28:35 He also called himself an incredible person. He just like declared that he was an incredible person. But my favorite part was that when he does this whole thing about JD as a Yoda, he taught me to be tough and And talking to be an incredible person and just got to pamish because Nice I'm sorry. I wasn't listening Still trying to come up with my next sick gal burn Yeah, and then Kelsey's like well
Starting point is 00:29:00 Gavin is the first chef. I work for it believed and he's coming Bama. I don't know. Kelsey gets on my nerves too and I don't know why. You know Kelsey's done nothing but be kind. Yeah. And complained about her hand and then come up with stupid stories for for dishes. I don't like that she put really hard popcorn, candied popcorn, and I've been out of pudding. I would have killed a bitch. I mean, that's had crowds. Yeah, so I still traumatized. Yeah. And I also, why am I also mad at her? I forgot.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You see that's how many reasons I don't have a biscuit issue. I'm eating her right now. Was it because of her biscuits? Did she do something with biscuits? I feel like she had something with biscuits that she did something with biscuits that pissed you off or her kid. No, I think it, I think it all started when she was like, I'm the only chef here. He's had a child on purpose.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I wouldn't appreciate that. You hate that. Which is probably a total misquote, but I've still like totally mad at her. Like, I don't know. I equate it with like a struggle with planned parenthood. I don't know what it is. I'm mad.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's okay. Live through it. You know, I think this is, I think you're entitled to, listen, if anyone can get mad at a single offhand comment on a reality show and then like bitch about it for seasons to come, it's me. So I totally support you being mad at Kelsey because she said she was the only one who had a child on purpose.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Thanks, man. Yeah, you're welcome. So yeah, so we learned all the, all the, um, the mentors. So Adrian's getting Chris Coons, Kelsey's getting Gavin Case in Michelle's getting Kim Alter, Sarah's getting David Posey and Eric is getting Brian Voltaggio those are the people you get mad that he had a volt brother I was like oh Eric I know I like you Eric who is the other Voltage at Michael Voltage oh yeah so um so that he got so he got the boring one he got the boring Voltage oh of course and And also he stodged at the restaurant, which I know is like a prestigious way to say it,
Starting point is 00:30:47 but it's still working for free. Yeah, it's an internship. Well, I mean, when you're an intern, that's when you need to mentor the most. I guess so. But I say pay your interns. Okay, this child labor. I'm imagining Eric is a child working for now for the fun part. We throw marshmallows like gal. Now for the fun part, we throw Marshmallow's like, Gale. Gale's a small machine. So she's like the winner will receive 10 grand,
Starting point is 00:31:13 furnished by Visit Laxington. And I just like, I'm just like, Frapman says everything, I don't know. She says it with like, she always says it with that smile, like that you didn't see that one coming $10,000 there was furnished by Hidden Valley Ranch everyone yes, yes
Starting point is 00:31:34 I've been to horse auction and I've been to a cow auction, but I've never been to a food option Yeah, so they're they're big thing is that they have to They have $500 to spend at this auction for ingredients and then the rest they get to they get to use to purchase ingredients at Whole Foods. So don't eddie it up people. Okay, so the food starts coming out with the auction here and Sarah's like I need that ham. Oh God, if she had a nickel, I just imagine Sarah walking right before Christmas shopping like I need that Ham like Sarah's the kind of person that you see on the news who they get in fights and grocery stores over like Christmas
Starting point is 00:32:12 Hams. Yeah, she is she definitely would be she would she would probably be a Torah on on on black Sunday a black Friday Black Sunday too, whatever that is I need that ham Sarah's story. Yeah, she just barreling through it. Because you know she pushes through their crowd. You know she's the one who starts pushing people through the door at Walmart. Yes. I wouldn't push you if you were standing there. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So first up is a rabbit. And the auction was like, hey, the rabbit, a rabbit, a rabbit, a rabbit, 85 dollars, 75 dollars, 85 dollars, 85 dollars, 90 dollars, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. And like no one's going for it. Padma's like already very upset about this and no one's like doing the auction properly. No one.
Starting point is 00:32:51 No one wants the rabbit, no one. Okay, Nilo, take this one up to get out. Next, ham, okay. It's like 85 dollars, 85 dollars. And they kept on like buying all this. Like there was like no, I felt like this was gonna be like a whole big thing, but everyone was just sort of like, not competing.
Starting point is 00:33:08 So everyone was really having a lot of fun with it. But I guess he was being annoying during the whole thing. His name is Justin. Okay. He was standing, he was in the back one. Eh, eh, eh, eh. Like okay, Justin, stop. You didn't hear him the whole time the auction was going
Starting point is 00:33:26 They're like I'm not a ham and he's like I I think that was the guy who was working at the auction who every time someone bid for something There was a guy I thought that was Justin. Okay. I'm just gonna pretend it's just so I could still be mad at you Yeah, it feels good. It feels good to have some of the anger It's an anger. I don't need to understand where Missed place anger at the auctioneer assistant who was like calling out the bids. Right. You're like, Justin, what a dick Justin is. Pretending like he works at the auction. Like I always on Justin sitting up there above Pam, like calling out prices. Like, who do you think you are, Justin? It's like, I just kept riding. I hate Justin.
Starting point is 00:34:00 If I hate him, if I hate him, if I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. So of course they lie. Okay, sorry, Justin, I take it back. But I stick to my long armpit hair hatred. So Sarah gets a ham for $85 and Eric gets a wagyu beef thing for $85, I mean, and there was a giant thing of caviar for $95, it was the most benign auction and everything was going for so cheap,
Starting point is 00:34:25 but you know what they did fight over? Fucking radishes. Like the radish comes out and they're like $10, $50, $30, $40, $50 and they were like paying for radishes. And Panna was just, I don't know if you saw Panna, she just started laughing. She just was like watching like these idiots, oh my God, they're auctioning off for a radish.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I didn't write down any auction stuff because it reminds me of the Hunger Games you know. I just want to eat something. I don't want to have to fight for it. Yeah. Yeah. Well it's anyway. So ultimately the big takeaway is the Adrian mind of spending $95 on aparagus. Yeah but then she was the one who needed to buy debt because they didn't have debt because she had to save up her money from whole for whole feeds. Yeah, exactly. Ordinose, you think the auction's expensive? Wait, so you get the whole fees? They're really going to fuck you. So, um, when the our auction's done, Pam is like, chefs, in addition to Tom, we'd, uh, Graham and your mentors, my dear dear friend gale Simmons will be joining us
Starting point is 00:35:26 and Mystery will she be wearing a terrible gale pattern Just kidding mystery soft sorry calm off the plane Kelsey's like is she bringing the baby? It's like probably not apparently infants are scared of carelessly burned hands. KLC. My point me, anyone, not by me anyone. How's that hand doing anyway? So then we go over to Whole Foods and I don't know, people stop at
Starting point is 00:35:59 Whole Foods. I don't know. Sometimes why do we write down this stuff? People are shopping for Whole Foods, staff and And eight five, oh, I'm looking for mushrooms because Chris left some mushrooms and duck, duck, duck, duck. So Kelsey, the big drama here is that Kelsey cannot afford all the clams. So it's time to get like fresh crabs and does the one I break them down. So she just started to get a jumbo lump crab instead.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Clam. Clam. Clams. Kelsey? Because I was. Yes, she got clams. And that's wayward. Can't clams because there's shells crushed up all in them. And also, clam. And all the clam. Far in top chef and buys canned clams. What are you? I'm pretty sure it was crab, Ronnie. I'm pretty sure it was lumped crab,
Starting point is 00:36:49 but she do pick up a can either way. It was canned. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Really intense clam versus crab moment.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I just don't want people to be messaging us outwards like by the way, guys, it was crap. Okay, there you go. Yeah, that was a no-butt. Not yes, that was. Hey, I don't give a fuck moment. Maybe it was a crab clam in a can. I don't know. Maybe it was both things. Maybe a crab met a clam, and then they wanted to make up. Everyone said, no, you can't because you're from one side of town. You're from the other side of town. But they did anyway, and they had a big musical about it, and then they both died. What do I know? The clams and the crabs.
Starting point is 00:37:37 From the producers of West Side Story comes... West Home Story. Crab and Clrab, Crab and Crab, Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and C and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and Crab and C and Crab and Crab mother fucker shut your fucking mouth already. Oh my God that was rude just getting no one said that. Okay, so Kelsey's like one day at at bling I got a chance to cook family meal and so I called my mother immediately because every story has to have something with your mother or your grandmother or your loose top staff. Okay, they learned that. So I called my mother immediately and I said how to make that gumba mama and so she told me and we would sit crab traps And I don't have time for that. So you know, I'm gonna do the can love crab I was like this doesn't I put crab this time there we go and mind there we go see you know what it worked out Self see band sometimes you just have to wait for me to self correct. I you know what I have to be less
Starting point is 00:38:40 It's like in nature when you see a little bird that has high fauna the nest it's like trying to struggling. Don't help it. Let it figure out how to fly on its own. Yeah, because then this mother will never touch it again. I'm really glad we had a resolution on that crap situation. I've heard in the middle of the forest. Thanks. You're a crap bird. The boys are running around yelling just and still running around yelling and Kelsey's like, I literally can not, okay? I am in the middle of the cup.
Starting point is 00:39:10 Justin meanwhile, he's making a quick kimchi. Now I know that a quick kimchi is a thing. It's like a quick pickle and everything, but like a kimchi takes like, it takes like several days to ferment. Like days and days, some people would do it for for like two weeks, like, why are you doing this to yourself Justin?
Starting point is 00:39:26 Why, why, why? I just get mad when people do that on top chef. Normally this takes me two days, but I'm gonna be crazy and do it in two hours. Like, why do you do that? It's stressful for us. It's dumb for you. Why?
Starting point is 00:39:38 Yeah, my mom is still convinced. Like she's a chef, but she won't watch top chef because she's convinced it's fake because when I was making her watch it in season two Tiffany made Yokey in 20 minutes and my mom's like that is absolute bullshit That cannot that's not even possible for that to happen the show is fake I'll never watch it again And that's what I think I always think of my mom's voice ripping through my head when people are like that Takes two days. I'm not gonna do it in two minutes. It's like it's not a goal-oriented thing
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's not like I'm lazy because I can't make it in two minutes because you can't do it in two minutes. It's not a goal-oriented thing. It's not like I'm lazy because I can't make it in two minutes. Because you can't make it in two minutes. She's the top chef truth or that's what she is. Yes. So let's see. Play on Cumbal. Yeah, so Eric, so he, yeah, so. It's a steep respect for the classics.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And also to use pot-grabby things. And also to call when things are too hot on the step. Nothing I blame anyone Miguel. Well, I have to say I got a hand to my mama for giving me this recipe. I mean, I can only hand it to one hand because the other hand is burned, not blaming anyone Michelle, not blaming anyone. Not your fault. So Eric is making a
Starting point is 00:40:47 plantain puree and he has Sarah try it and he's like, is this good? And I would say it needs acid, but I don't know the tradition of your food. For all I know you're just plain Jane, you know, out of your brain, what the hell will I know? Ask Justin, he's heard about salt. All I know is I'm taking this I bear a co ham and I'm grinding it up. Cause who gets to do that? I'll tell you who gets to do that. Someone who pruned her garden.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Well, blue ribbon for me, for me, I got the blue ribbon garden ribbon. Get off the grinder. Oh yeah, I'm finding where you are with Sarah. I don't know. I'm just like in the middle. I'm in the middle of the cooking. To me, the cooking is like one big mishmash of things happening, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Yeah. So then Kale see, yeah, she's talking about her crab. And so she has to dig through all the crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, crab, and a can't crab. Then she has to dig through it and get the shells. And then Michelle's like super panicked and you can tell because she goes, I'm panicked that the salmon is overcooked. That could ruin my whole dish. I see the proteins are going to come out of the salmon. It has almost like the
Starting point is 00:41:55 emotions pouring out of me atop volume. Just screaming. I'm like, get that fucking salmon out of the oven right there. I mean, people were scared. So they get to the Jud- we see the judges being seated and Gail is here and Padma's like, Gail, we're so glad you're back. You've got to thank you, note here from Laura Ashley, the stock and terrible patterns just went up again. Congratulations on the new baby, you must be starving. Although I guess that's you all the time. Am I right everyone? Am I right? Bless her heart. You can take a joke, Gale. Can't you?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Congratulations on having the first baby who is able to eat solids right out of the womb. Shocker, Gale. So everyone, I want to also give a toast to our last meal here in Kentucky. Oh, so sorry gal. I guess you missed the whole season didn't you? Oh well So Michelle's judge is like I know Michelle. She's gonna do great and Padma's like yeah, she's a quiet storm And the judges like yeah, she's just from your show. Yes Quiet storm. Quiet storm sort of like gale going through her pantry looking for a handy snack. Am I right everyone quiet storm? Some of the cell comes out first and she's like I made a low-rested salmon with crispy skin and porridge I want the dish to be feminine but also to show respect to the vegetables And Gal goes the way she described it was exactly how I felt about it. And Pam is just like
Starting point is 00:43:43 indigestion bowel movements what was it gal i like me loop at her that's my opinion uh... girls like no help feminine it felt balanced the bone marrow the citrus what a gorgeous combo and i love that gale comes back with oh jeez throwing my stuff all over the house the gale comes back uh... just like a little spitfire ready to
Starting point is 00:44:06 give every judgment she can. I'll just go. Yeah, I like that Graham and Graham's like, you know, I just thought the Vinnigrette was too rich. I'll tell you what's too rich. Gail coming back for our last competition and thinking that she's still a full-time judge. That's rich. That's rich. Bless her heart. Person with the white glasses. Gail, I'd like to introduce you to our replacement judge for you.
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's a lesbian named Graham. She wears different glasses, depending on the challenge. Isn't that rich? Isn't that rich? It's nice to see someone finally make an effort. Oh, sorry, no offense, Gail. So they, they like tears, obviously. So then Gavin is the next guest judge. And he's like, you know, I say, you know what I tell my
Starting point is 00:44:54 chefs, if you give them nothing, they give you nothing. But if you give them 150%, they're going to give you 150%. I'm like, I'm going to shut up, sir. That's not how reciprocity works. If you give someone 99%, then you give 99% back. How about that cost. I'm like, oh, I should have. Sir, that's not how reciprocity works. If you give someone 99% and you give 99% back, how about that? Don't be like, you get zero back. That's not gonna motivate someone to give you the extra 1% to get to the 100%. Like, that's just not how it works.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Okay, Gavin. So Kelsey serves her gumbo and Pamela goes, good job. And Kelsey's like, thanks. She's like, oh, I guess you didn't hear my sarcasm. Let me try that again. Good job, and Kelsey's like, thanks. Oh, I guess you didn't hear my sarcasm. Let me try that again. Good job. And Gail's like the fiery peppermint's, peppermint's,
Starting point is 00:45:32 it just took me by surprise. Like Gail's way too excited to be here. She's too much, too much fair. A potato can take Gail by surprise. Am I right, everyone? Am I right, bless her heart. So Chris is like, yeah, that crab meat had shells, but it was a nice balance. Kelsey's like, yeah, so then Adrian comes out and why did I say, oh, she has too much on her dish.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And she didn't get to clean. Oh, it's all sloppy. Yeah. And she's like, he likes beautiful plates. And these look like shit. I'm at Barrist Yeah, I also like that since she was serving duck. She told those servers. She's like duck face forward duck face forward Which I just was imagining all the servers coming out doing duck face Like bill from New Jersey So he's like yeah, wish the plate was wiped and she's like damn it So then Tom's like his this is my cell of e like Chris and he's like, yeah, I wish the plate was wiped and she's like, damn it! So then Tom's like, is this a spicy love of you like, Chris? And he's like, no, but it was pretty rough. It was pretty rough. Oh no, Julian.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I know, poor poor Adrian. He's like, I could have beaten it blindfolded and known it was Adrian's blindfolded. Oh, that's like when we play pin the twister on gal so so that Justin's chef is what he told us he was cuz he's like you know here's what I'll say about Justin he is very kind to people we know he's already told he's an amazing person he's an incredible guy. Like me, I taught him how to be incredible. Like me. It's like, oh, shut up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:09 So, so Justin, his, Justin's whole issue is that he's, he finishes too quickly. So we have to put his food onto the heat lamp. And like one side is like a crudo and one side is non-crudo. So it's just like, heat lamp, not a good, not a good look. It's for five minutes under the heat lamp. So he serves his stuff and Padma, she's like, heat lamp, not a good look. It's for five minutes under the heat lamp. So he serves his stuff and Pamela, she's like, just in, what did you make today
Starting point is 00:47:31 and how is this a love letter to your mentor and then she just starts laughing. She's like, I don't know why I say these ridiculous things. I just think it's funny that Gail is here. Look at her, look, look. Yeah, the front monitor chin. Every time someone does something two way, I, you know, I wish look. Yeah, you know. You know, every time someone does something two-way, I, you know, I wish I just did it one way.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Just do one way really well, you know? Well, one good of time, as I always say. Well, that is my aunt and the other side's cold and getting greasy, so, you know, I don't know what to say there. And then, you know, it's like every time I say that someone should do something two-way, it's like, like, why do you think two-way?
Starting point is 00:48:03 It's sort of like my son who's like a mixologist, slash ironic ventriloquist. Like, what is that? Two, no, stick to one. Fail at one thing, not two. Right. So then Volt is there for Eric. And he's like, you know, this guy hasn't worked for me
Starting point is 00:48:20 since 2013, but I guess he stood out. You know, he was fine. And Tom's like, well, you know, you try to emulate people, but this guy's not. He's just sticking to his food. It's very exciting, you know. Last week we had Fufu. Mealoo, what do you want to say about Fufu?
Starting point is 00:48:34 It's like, I'm Dale Tom. Okay. Well, everybody, I'm gonna have to do it. Dale's like, well, you know, I didn't have the Fufu, but my instinct tells me it probably should have been formed into a pot sticker not like that so yeah so yeah times like yeah he's just been sticking to his
Starting point is 00:48:52 food it's exciting it's really exciting I really appreciate him sticking to his food unlike a an ungrateful son who one day wants to be a bass player and then next thing you know he's a mixologist and tomorrow he's probably just gonna be a Pro rack-a-ball player whatever that is am I right everyone am I right? So Padma's like um I've had a lot of air I've had a lot of Voltajia's food on the show And this tastes nothing like his food How was this related at all? That's my self that every day Padma
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah, every day, Padma. Every day. And I was like, well, I just was trying to do deconstruction and then reconstruction. And Tom's like, well, you know, the grants are beautiful, and the meat's beautiful. But there needs to be other elements. I would suggest Fufu, wouldn't you, Nilu? That's Fufu.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Not Nilu. But yes, Fufu would be nice to us. So Tom's like, you know, there needs to be fresh elements. And I just don't think this is a fully realized dish. Sort of like the field of mixology. Like not a fully realized plan. You know, just something like that. So then Sarah's judge or Sarah's mentor is there.
Starting point is 00:50:02 And she's like, well, Sarah was always reading, which was very inspiring. I'm not surprised she made it this far. Reader is great chefs. Sarah made an olive oil poached sea bass, which sounds really good. And Tom's like, you know, in this age of hyper-powerful food and umami bombs, it's great to see something subtle, everything in balance. It's nice subtlety.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And pal, I was like, hear that gal. Settle. Balance. Remember that next time you're shopping at Coles. Balance and subtlety. Blast her heart. And we just like, to see a Kentucky person come back to Kentucky and open a restaurant in Kentucky.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It just shows where we are in this country. I was like, we are getting lucky in Kentucky. It's happening. I don't know what that means, but when she said, all I could take from it, when she's like, that shows you where we are in this country. I'm like, yeah, you could be brilliant and talented and still have to move back in with your parents. Okay, where we are. Let's take care of ourselves America.
Starting point is 00:51:09 So judge people. Yeah, now it's judging and they're like, chefs, there is one clear winner today. Weeda, you look like you're about to be out of breath but could you just say who won and we just like oh my god the winner I'm so happy to say it's Sarah it's Sarah I'm so proud and when you said you were serving us soupies which you server I wrote soupies I don't know what that means. Seabass maybe. No it's like some kind of vegetable something that she used. Purse lane, purse lane, I don't know. Sarah's like, I did it. I'm the last one in Kentucky, and now I get to go to Macau. I've done my state practice. She's like the captain to me.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I know. I feel like I'm the captain. It's very different, but I guess it's just really the captain from Belaide. It is. Well, congratulations, Sarah. And not so bad for someone who uses waffle mix. And Gail's like, each bean, the fresh fish, that perfect const me, I just wanted to slurp
Starting point is 00:52:13 it. You did just slurp it, Gail. Well, exactly. It was embarrassing, Gail. Gail, you still have three stands on your chest, Moyo're slurping, bless her heart. Gels are reason they invented bulbous straws. Just you. There's not much that Gale doesn't want to slurp. To be fair, bless her heart. So then they move over to the worst dishes. Madness like Justin, you've heard us saying that a duo could hurt you.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Why did you let the duo hurt you? Justin, I mean, how many times I have to tell you, a duo could work against you, just like a gal and Nilo. Terrible choices. Nice try, ladies. Pamma just goes over to gal and tries to rip her face off. I know you're under there, Nilo, and look, I'll expose. Ugh, like Padma, you're scratching my chin. Hold on. Oh, wow, it looks like she may have outgrown her mask. Hold on one second, everyone. I'm going to reveal it. Here she is.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Padma, stop it. So next they move on to Adrian, whose plate was a mess. And Tom Tom's like the duck was good, but whoa what an ugly plate and Grimm's like uh, so Hi I'm Graham guy with white glasses. I also say things on this show. They're like hi, Graham He's like so did you only spice one side of your meat? What was that about cuz he said something about spice My experience I'm like when Graham gets something in his car and he just gets so upset about it. No, and she's like, yeah, you caught me there.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And he's like, yeah, I didn't get a lot of spice. We're like, okay, Graham, letting go. So then Kelsey is like, I really wanted to gumbo like I made. Cause one day I got to make family dinner and I said, I'm going to call my mama. Cause mama made gumbo. We used to take crab traps. I called my mom and I cried. It's like we used to take crab traps. I call my mom. Hey, I cried It's like shut up Kelsey, okay. It was good. I'm down. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:10 And then Padmas Padmas like By the way Kelsey I should let you know that Chris got a little shell in his How does that make you feel terrible? I hope right? Terrible terrible to feel terrible this shell., right? Terrible terrible. Do you feel terrible? This shell? Let me grind you again. There was shell. It's not because you burned your hand because you're being foolish. Kelsey. Your dish was beautiful and rich like me. That's all I needed to say.
Starting point is 00:54:36 She was Michelle. How does it feel to be back? Come she'll goes, amazing. I'm a fighter. Really feel great. It's really been a dream for me, so great to be here. Thanks guys. The gal's like, fish was flawless. The skin was crackery. And Grown's like, yeah, that came through and your philosophy of using everything. You know, you can tell there's a real connection to what you're making. Second. Yeah. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:55:07 This is the most exciting thing on the mind. So I can't believe how far out of them right now. So so now it's like, now they're like talking about it. They're they're deliberating. And you know, they're saying that Michelle's was perfectly executed and had good consistency or whatever They'd like a lot of the stuff They thought Eric's grains were really good, but he needed to go. Excuse me deeper They thought Adrian's have a great idea both bad follow through And so ultimately though they had all this discussion. I like Justin's sauce work
Starting point is 00:55:44 But obviously he like mess and more creative than Adrian, but he messed up, etc So they just wish we could bring them all to make gal It's a shame. It's a shame So I think we have our answer Gail you're eliminated. Congratulations you five Congratulations you win the prize of and take Nilew with you. Gail will send you a box from a cow. Make sure it has fried crabs, rice and sauce.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Enjoy. So Pat and it's like, just in sauce work was interesting in a good way, but the fish was so delicate. And we just like, well, he was more creative than that other boring girl. And Gail's like, but this creativity count if the creative stuff isn't good, does it? And so then they've got there. They've got their answer. And then we get Tom some monologue at the end. He's like, you know chef's after 16 seasons I tell you what I get out of this. I see the future of our industry and it's strong Unfortunately, one of you is probably going to decide you like Tito's worth and stakes. So Bob ma
Starting point is 00:57:01 Justin You're terrible. Goodbye. But basically what it was. Justin, you smell like yesterday. Pack your knives and go. Justin, here's a progressive radish idea for you. Follow the radishes out the door.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Bye. He takes it really well, which makes me want to like him, but I just can't. And so then everyone's like super psyched Kelsey doesn't even point out like I was right. I was right I'm psychic. I knew he was gonna leave, but I pointed it out Kelsey. Yes You know, he was gonna leave so well done Yes, and then we see scenes from next week, which is only important because we see Padma bite into something and be like we see Padma bite into something and be like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
Starting point is 00:57:43 and then she goes, if you were trying to burn my palate, you succeeded, you dumb bitch. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Oh, everybody, thank you so much for being here. TV party. Thank you so much for being here. If you want a video replay of this, just go on our Patreon. And don't forget to buy your tickets for our upcoming live shows. Go over to
Starting point is 00:58:16 You can find ticket links, t-shirt links, really hot pictures of us. Yeah. Come on, guys. Super. Oh, and if you want to see the Lou Anster's in action, we made a video and it's on our Instagram page, watch our crap ins. Our one of our listeners, Jessica, she shot a little video of herself dancing around in the leggings and it was so amazing. We just had to put it out there. So thanks,
Starting point is 00:58:37 Jessica, for dancing around. Yeah. So everybody, thanks so much. We sure love you, we will see you next time. Bye! yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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