Watch What Crappens - Welcome to Crappie Lake: Swinger Set

Episode Date: August 4, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* Luann and Sonja open the Feelin Jovani Playground on this week's Welcome to Crappie Lake (S01E05), and Lu turns it into... an opportunity to perform one of her finest monologues. This week's premium bonus is a two part Big Brother cast preview. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've been so much more crap than crap in this world. Hello and welcome to What Would Crappens, a podcast for all that crap we love to talk about. On your brums. I'm Ronnie, hi everybody, welcome to the show, please welcome Ben, hello Ben, how are you? Good, how lovely to see you sitting in front of that playground. Yes, I'm here at the Benton Illinois playground, the brand new one featuring a house and a green slide and children swinging fresh from swing kings, the leader in swing sets and adult sexual situations. Okay, you're making it creepy now.
Starting point is 00:01:01 It wasn't my soap, I think. Everyone, welcome to this show. Today is welcome to Crapie Lake Day, season one, episode five, taking care of business. We are on crap and it's on demand, like we are every day now. So if you would rather watch these videos, it's a Patreon feature,, slash watch out crap ends.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You can watch our videos every day. Those are also on YouTube for free a week late. So you can watch archives over there if you ever board cleaning the house or whatever. Also bonus episodes are over on Patreon. And also we're gonna have a new feature coming for something having to do with our new Instagram live show. We're gonna bring our old show take a seat back,
Starting point is 00:01:41 but we cannot call it take a seat. So we're gonna call it something else. And it's gonna be every other Monday starting at some point. We're not sure when. But we're going to be sure soon. And it's going to be so funny guys. You know how people will really know is if they follow at watch where crap ends and they turn their notifications on for us, they always get notifications about what we're up to and that way you will know when we go live. But also if you have an idea for what our new show should be called just let us know. It's like write a comment somewhere somewhere far. I mean we really loved to take a seat that name.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I thought that was such a cute name. We can't use that. So we were thinking BC did have a seat. Ben's dad always called it sit your ass down, which I like. I like it something close to take a seat. Doesn't have to be. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's something totally different. Maybe something else. Maybe this is fun.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Maybe it's just a crap and life. Maybe it's just, you know, I don't know, something fun and punny and like a fun illusion to something. Like this is where we want creativity to reign supreme. Someone on Instagram suggested this isn't this isn't even my plate. Yeah, it's not much I love it. I loved it. I love that too. Bring on bring on just comment on this post and we'll be looking to see if there are any good suggestions on there. But for now, guess what? We're going to recap this show. This here's so show called Welcome to Crappy Lake.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Crappy Lake. Look, it's two, it's two-dling along. I have to say, I'm actually very impressed with the way they structure this show because I noticed what happens is that they allude to something that doesn't happen for like two more episodes. And I mean that like not facetiously,
Starting point is 00:03:23 like they, there are a lot of different characters, there are a lot of different locales, a lot of things going on on this show. And they plant the seeds early in interesting ways. And so it really feels like there's kind of like a little bit of a tapestry that's being woven. So I'm like really impressed with this show. I'm really surprised. I normally don't like these that kind of half hour comedy focus reality shows. I normally don't like these that kind of half-hour comedy focus reality shows. Well, it is just a to-dealist, right? They start the show off with a to-dealist from the mayor, and now they just go through the to-dealist. But...
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah. And that's an advantage. And I love some good to-dealist for towns. Love them. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't really... The show doesn't make sense. Like, okay, there are these two reality stars come to this town, the mayor gives them some to-do lists, and they do the to-do lists,
Starting point is 00:04:09 and they're doing it for no other reason than just to do it, because the show says they should do it. So it doesn't really make any sense, but given that, I mean, it works surprisingly well. It doesn't need to make sense. You know, everything doesn't need to make sense in You know everything doesn't need to make sense in life. I'm not right So um day 16 now how many days are in the show because didn't they say they're gonna be there five weeks So how many two hundred and seventy four? Yeah two hundred seventy day four days. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:35 Five times seven is thirty five, which means they would have twenty days left So how long is this show? It's just eight shows and fun or is this going to be like 30? It's just going to keep going. I don't know. But you know, I'll enjoy it while it's here. I want to know if they are really there for this whole shoot or they just fly back and forth to New York for, you know, to an arranging like the shooting schedule around their personal schedule. Because it does seem pretty wild that they're doing like a five week shoot in Illinois and they're literally like a five-week shoot in Illinois and they're literally just living in those motel rooms.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, I think they're going back and forth. Although it's a very difficult place to get to and from. It's like fantasy island, whatever the opposite of fantasy island would be. Because you know, they have to take that little prop plane over and stuff. Yeah. And I'm honestly, I really am impressed with the way Luann and Sonia are interacting with people. Like there really is kind of a, it seems like they really are developing relationships
Starting point is 00:05:31 with people in the town and they're getting to know them and they sort of like, it doesn't have the gawking factor that the simple life had where it's like, by gawking, I mean, on behalf of Paris and Nikki where they were like, oh my god, look at these crazy people. You know, it's like they're just kind of like literally just there. Like how do you even pump guys? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:53 So what does a sandwich? Yeah. But part of the reason like we pointed out before is that these two ladies are not paracymacol. They were not known with silver spoons in their mouths. They both were born kind of in small places like this. And I don't know, in my head. I'm making things up in my head.
Starting point is 00:06:10 But for word, I remember they were raised kind of like the people in this town. So it's almost like them, they became rich for a little while. And now they're back on the way back to this town. So it's kind of, to me, it's like two people easing back into the life they'll probably end up leading again, because I mean, look, all you have to do is look at these two shopping with Luan with her 10th statement necklaces made out of construction paper, ones like a popsicle stick shaped into a chain. I mean, I don't know. I was worried, I'm a little worried for them, I have to say.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, but I'm'm just surprised with the ease with which they have in interacting with strangers. And people who are not as well off as they are, et cetera. And so I'm just surprised. I'm like, it's like very endearing. So it starts with, so now we're watching them walking around with buckets around their motel that they're staying in. And Luanne's like, well, hurrah and a cauch, usually have someone that comes to clean
Starting point is 00:07:08 into motel rooms. And they're sick, unfortunately, sick of this town. So they just left. And so Sun and I are stepping it up. We're going to, what does the production call, she'd say? We're going to clean rooms. Really? We're cleaning hotels rooms to save this town.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Like, oh, okay. I'm totally following. So then we see a clip of a caution. We need you to help out. So I'm like, what do you mean? You know, like changing linens, taking out trash, that's her thing. Can we fuck the trash first? Not the human trash, Sonia, literal garbage. Oh, I didn't realize Bethany Frankl was here. So we have to get her out of the motel rooms, taking out the trash. Huh. Put that in the, put that in the follies.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Well, look at this. It's the same room Billy was in. She's like, oh my god, he's texting me every five minutes. He just can't keep his hands off me. Wow. Well, so Billy was here. I hope he didn't leave behind any countess and friends memory. Oh, yeah. God, I've got friends everywhere. Fans, I should say. There's a half-year napal on the nightstand, and you know that's from Sonya's room because
Starting point is 00:08:11 for whatever reason, a Koshbotsonia, an entire basket full of rotten fruit, okay? That old basket looked old, and I guess she just gave one to him on his way. Which is nice. You know? Wow. So nice to them to leave a visual metaphor of our final season on Rooney. And so you just look at the apple. She's like, you're not the only one you left here have feet, mapple. God, I got to draw my armpits. She's like, you know, I don't make my own bed at home unless I have to because you know, like a broker is coming over to Show the house or something like that and even then I do a very lame job because I got professionals to make my bed or
Starting point is 00:08:52 Interns mainly interns. Yeah, so they change a bed and Sony is like, oh Did you know how to change a bed and the way I was like, you're really putting it in so tight? What's your corner Sonya? Oh god, I don't think that bed cover too hard near. There's a lot on the bed cover, Sonya. All right. It's the same reason we don't shake Ramona. Don't disturb the critters. I'm surprised the man was not like,
Starting point is 00:09:18 oh, Sonya, why aren't you doing hospital corners? You know, I wasn't earth, so I am familiar with hospital corners. She is, she's like making the bed perfectly. She's like well if I had a nickel to bounce off to this bed So I'm just like I have a tooth You're fat Oh god, I was you know Billy was asking to bounce a nickel off my vagina I said it's just gonna fall right in there now you get in there too
Starting point is 00:09:41 So weird. I've never seen a tooth come up tails before. Ha, ha, ha, ha. I personally was offended by Sonya's lack of hospital corners, but, you know, I can't expect Sonya to do hospital corner. Are you a hospital corner sort of person when you make your bed? I am now because of below deck. I mean, I learned something from below deck. I never had any idea what that was.
Starting point is 00:10:04 I love it. It's like doing a little taste of origami on your bed, you know? Well, it's really hard to do my bed like that because my bed frames too thick and my mattress is too thick. I'm like getting my hands all the way. I've got like a thick comforter and like a foam thing on my bed. Cause you know, of course,
Starting point is 00:10:20 I've got like a foam thing. Thick foam thing. And then I've got another foam thing on top of the phone thing. I was, oh! Oh, I'm so glad you brought that up because an omission from Amazon Prime Day was I forgot that I'm been very interested in getting one of those phone toppers on a mattress.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Do you like your phone topper? Oh, I have it. Yeah, memory phone, fuck yeah, I've got two of them. I've got two different kinds layered on top of each of them. You got two toppers, two toppers down one mattress plus the mattress cover that's super deep to cover the two mattress toppers and then that's also got a layer of whatever filling. So it's a very very well-fed batch. I may take the plunge because I think I would like a just a just a just a smidge more puffiness on my mattress So they're flinging the mattress are the
Starting point is 00:11:11 Covers and it's getting shit everywhere and Sony was like well I gotta take my allergy medication for the comforter and the ones I call you just dumped over the garbage Sonya Sony keeps knocking over the garbage and then she's having an issue with that apple So she like crams the apple into the garbage is that damn apple and she like knocks over the garbage. And then she's having an issue with that apple. So she like crams the apple into the garbage. She's like, damn apple. And she like knocks over the garbage and the process of cram the apple into it.
Starting point is 00:11:30 It's just like disaster. They're fighting over who needs to pull their sheets to whose side. And Lamanca's, oh my God. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, her smoker's laugh, which I have, by the way, I know it. And she's doing that, like, just a depths of hell. Oh!
Starting point is 00:11:54 So she's laughing, and she's like, look at this. Bedbug killer spray, like ew! Somebody get Bethany Franklin here, we'll surprise, it'll be an ambush. So Sonya's like, you know what? Do we have find bedbugs spray, which I find to be a great prophylactic. I mean, how do you say it? Prophellactic prophylactic prophylactic?
Starting point is 00:12:12 Whatever, just hand it to me. Luan, give it to me. So she starts spraying that comforter or like that cover. And then I was like, not on top. No, you know what? It's like I said to that pirate, not on top. Zzzz. You know what? It's like I said to that pirate not on top So can what does Sony mean?
Starting point is 00:12:32 That's a romantic That the bed bugs spray as a prophylactic. I guess she's saying that it's a turn-off maybe Because it makes you not want to have sex, but wouldn't make you want to have sex because you're killing the bed bugs Isn't a prophylactic like a condom? sex, but wouldn't it make you want to have sex because you're killing the bedbugs? Isn't it prophylactic like a condom? I think, yeah, well, prophylactic, I think, is the umbrella term for things that cause safer sex. Oh, that's why it's prophylactic, because there's no bedbugs accidentally entering during adult activities.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Oh, maybe from, or preventing the spread or occurrence of disease or infection. That's what it means. There we go. So she did use it very well. Yeah. Preventing bed bug disease. I was like, I finished a guy, I just always thought, condoms. Okay, so they're driving mound or big truck.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And the way I was like, oh God, it's so hard going to the shelter. Oh, yeah, they all look like Ramona. No matter what shelter you go to, there's a lot of scrawny little main-gie Ramona's claim they look younger than you while they deny pooping on the floor. Well, you know, I had a dog for 30 years. That's right. The oldest dog known to man.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Its name, that dog's name was Mixy. Yes, Mixy. Remember, Mixy? Good old Mixy. He used to stuff, hump his stuffed animals and stuff his humps. God, I love Mixy. It definitely a dog that existed for 30 years Humping stuffed animal. I wish he was alive. I'd ask for tips
Starting point is 00:13:52 Did Luan Luan did not have a dog for 30 years, okay? That's I know that so did did she just a new dog and Luan just didn't know the other one died She just kept saying hello to mitsy And the man just didn't know the other one died. She just kept saying hello to Mitzi. She was just gonna erase, erase Aston, her beautiful Westie. She's like, I had a dog named Dairy Queen. It's like you're just naming dogs after things outside the window.
Starting point is 00:14:18 No, no, name was Dairy Queen. So they go to the mayor's office and mayor Fred Condrets is there there and he's like, now now the shelter is very important to the community. Now this little fella and this picture was found under a trailer and we adopted him and his name is Osborne Earl Smith Condrits. I was like, how many people is that dog killed? That is a serial killer name. That dog has been featured on more bit.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I'm pretty sure. Wait, was that dog just arrested in Long Island last week? He's 14 pounds and I just love him to death. Go wait, what's his eating plan? Wow, that's what we call dog go away. All right, go away dog. So how old is he about 28 or so? So he's got about 22 years left on his life. My right. Well, certainly with God, if only my sweet dog, dog, Aquafina were still here. Oh, like the comedian, no, like the, the dog, not so comedian of the water. By the way, are they only casting aquafina thing in things now? Is aquafina
Starting point is 00:15:34 in every fucking animated movie? I've never heard of. You saw the duck preview, didn't you? You saw the duck. What the fuck is that movie? What the fuck? Who wants the movie about a duck? Nobody cares about, you know why there's nothing made about it? Well, there was Daffy Duck, but otherwise, there were other ducks too. There were other ducks too. What were their names? Donalds and his neck.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Donalds. Okay. That's good. Duck tails. There are a lot of ducks. I think we all learned that ducks are stupid and nobody want, they're hard to cook correctly. Like nobody wants to see a movie about a duck. I love ducks. I've ducks are some of my favorite birds. I mean, I see a duck. I'm happy. I love it. I have a wooden duck in my bedroom. I love duck.
Starting point is 00:16:13 I don't want to see this movie, but I saw this one of five trailers, I think before the Barbie movie and every single trailer was worse than the next and that and this was in the mix. This movie, okay, the preempt, there next and that and this was in the mix. This movie, okay, the premm, there's a duck movie coming out animated duck movie. I know I'm not the target audience, but I think I think our children deserve better than this, okay? They do. This, the premise of this duck movie is that these ducks migrate in the wrong direction and
Starting point is 00:16:37 they go to the big city. Well, guess what? They're ducks in the city. It's called the big ducks in the city. They go the park. And I just, I'm like, I just don't, I'm like.. They go the park and I just I'm like I just don't I'm like carbohydrates those decks those are smart decks not stupid decks I would like to know why these ducks can't turn around and go back to their pond once they realize they've gone to the city
Starting point is 00:16:54 I'm sure that will be built into the story But I was just watching this as like is this the best we can do and then you have an aquafina It's funny because I I told Dom was like I bet that was Natasha Leoni goes I think it's aquafina and now you said it's funny because I told Dom, I was like, I bet that was Natasha Leoni, because I think it's Aquafina. And now you said it's Aquafina. So I think it's... Oh yeah, it's 100% Aquafina. I know her voice so well now
Starting point is 00:17:09 because she's in every animated movie that's ever made from the time she became famous till the time we die, that's the only voice I'm ever gonna hear. By the way, very funny in them. She's very funny in all of these things. I'm just like, why is she in this? But you know why she is?
Starting point is 00:17:22 Because she's the only thing you remember. I remember sitting through that entire preview and then going, what is she in this? But you know why she is? Because she's the only thing you remember. I remember sitting through that entire preview and then going, what the fuck is this duck movie supposed to be about? Well, I don't even get it. They're like, hey, fly a little duck. And they're like, hey, little duck, if you have to go to that pond, we're gonna leave you.
Starting point is 00:17:35 And then Aqua Fina keeps getting run over my thing. Yeah, that's the part I remember. That was Aqua Fina gets run over. Yeah, it gets run over several times, a very resilient pigeon. Did you get the trailer for Wonka? I did. I need Wonka to have a little more sadistic energy. Willie Wonka was a sadistic fuck. Who's this nice sweet person playing Willie Wonka? I literally said the same thing to my friend. I was like, I saw this trailer. It looks like garbage. Okay, I don't need my Willy Wonka to be like
Starting point is 00:18:05 an uplifting story of magic and whimsy. Willy Wonka was a fucker, and he was crazy and strange and sadistic, and I need my Willy Wonka to be twisted and strange. I don't, that trailer, like it offended me. Actually, it almost offended me as much as the Marvel's trailer.
Starting point is 00:18:24 That one also, I was like, I can't with this. What I don't know what it even has here. I'm not moving, we can't move on yet because I still need to talk about Willy Wonka. Who is that kid playing? Who is that Timothy Shalame? Who's playing young Willy Wonka? It's like the Willy Wonka origin story.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I don't want him. I want Tom Holland. Okay, he can do it. That guy's got the chops to play, you know, sadistic. Okay. I just watched him on an Apple TV show. That kid can do it. That guy's got the chops to play, you know, sadistic, okay? I'm just watching him on an Apple TV show. That guy can do it. This other guy, no, happy Willy Wonka. Also, then he gives people chocolate
Starting point is 00:18:52 and they start flying around and stuff. I don't think that that's the point. I think they have to go to the chocolate factory to see the magic. Or maybe that gets outlawed or something later in the film once he's destroyed all the other chocolate companies or whatever, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Like, you're trying to get me to root for the person that killed M&Ms in this fake world. I'm not gonna root for him. I literally hated every single frame of that trailer. Actually, I mean, say that was the worst trailer. That was worse in the Marvels. It was like, I was like Hollywood is broken. Like, this is like, how are we turning out this shlock?
Starting point is 00:19:26 And then they get mad at us for liking reality TV when like the alternative is watching Wanka. So the Marvels, okay, so it took me a minute to think about that one. That's the one where the teenage girl from the new Disney Marvel one is meeting up with Captain America. Are we just wasting Captain,? No, not Captain Marvel.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Captain every pretty large sin. Pretty large. Pretty large sin. She's like, well, I got out of my room. She's, yeah. I was, I was, I was fitting like a pretty. So it's like, it was something like she controls time. She makes, and she makes things out of energy and light.
Starting point is 00:20:01 And then when I use it, I switched places with her and I was like this is like this this is everything that's wrong with the movies right now. Well said that was a terrible preview too. Was there anything good to see? There was nothing good. There was good though. So, Barby was wonderful. Barby was wonderful and in fact, I don't know if you noticed this but we had a friend who passed away last year and they included her in the Barbie movie in a very, very subtle way. Did you see her Kimberly?
Starting point is 00:20:28 Oh, Kimberly, they say. No, there was that montage of, there's a montage of real women. I saw that and I thought that looks like Kimberly. That was Kimberly? That was Kimberly. Are you kidding me? Yeah, isn't that so sweet?
Starting point is 00:20:42 It's so sweet. It made up all the short trailer. That's not her. That is so up all the sugar in my mouth. That is so crazy. That looks just like Kimberly. And you know, in that movie gets you like kind of misty anyway, especially that part. So I was getting misty and I was like, oh, Kimberly. And then it was her.
Starting point is 00:20:55 That's so cool. That's so cool. Yeah. So that was a very nice moment. So anyway, I'll see we can be nice guys. Yeah, I'd love to never do that again. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Okay, so let's see. Okay, so now they have to go to Franklin County Animal Control. And Sonya sees the sign, she has animal control. That's not sexy. We need a different name. Franklin, county, animals fucking each other and then not taking responsibility for what happens afterwards. How's that? I mean, you know, it's like trouble, but sexy trouble. Beastieality, center of America. Animals fucking.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Can we get a little more subtle, Sonya? We can't put the F word right on the side of the sound, yeah. Doggy style, fuck plaza. No pussy's allowed. A gay animal control center. Put all the giant epinus zone. So they go in and suddenly he's like, hello, you hardworking people. And it's another business in Benton where they've got tie-dye shirts made with their logo. So did Benton just pull it together
Starting point is 00:22:28 and just say, listen guys, we've got TV cameras soon. We need logos and tie-dye at every business. Make it happen. And Kristen's like, I'll do it. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna put everyone in tie-dye. So I remain the best known dressed person in this town. Yeah, she definitely.
Starting point is 00:22:44 She, she, Chris, in the, the, the proprietor of the Mahai tea, the hot, like Cinderella themed Hai tea in town, definitely was like pushing a tie-dye agenda to elevate her own status for a moment. And then, I'm drained. So then, the main lady,
Starting point is 00:22:59 his name is Bobby Overturff. Oh, I love that name. Bobby Overturff. Oh, God, I love it. I just feel like it's, how does she end up here? Shouldn't she be the lady making like lines on the freeway? What, just because her name is Overturf. Yeah, she should be like, I feel like when you have
Starting point is 00:23:18 a descriptive name like that, it goes against nature to do something that's not exactly what your name is. I'm surprised Sonia didn't call her Bobby Ashoturf. So, she's like, okay, hi. What are you ladies looking for today? And I was like, oh, well, we heard that you might need a little help here. And so they, by the way, she keeps calling them you ladies. And she doesn't hold the full time
Starting point is 00:23:45 You ladies. Hi you ladies. So hello you ladies. So what can we help you ladies with today? What do you need here today you ladies? I was like oh damn, Bob is hateful. That's that's hate speech Well, because she knows she's like oh, I can see these the sort of people that are coming here make a lot of jokes about bitches I'm just not in the mood today. Bobby over turf. Put a smile on your hand television. Okay, other Bobby over turf. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I feel like they've really warmed up Bobby over turf. And can I also say Bobby over turf could play my mother in everybody ever makes a biopic. Bobby over turf. I guess I can see that. Yeah. From back into that. Okay. You know, she's just a redhead.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Bobby is like, well, we could always use some help. I don't know from a couple of sluts, but we are overloaded, like that one over there. Don't feel bad about saying that. It's literally true overture. So they are saying, like, you know, Bobby's saying, I'm, I'm, I'm saying how the shelter fills up quickly with dogs. And then it's like, they walk in to see the dog. The dogs are, of course, they're in cages and they're upset and they're barking
Starting point is 00:24:56 and the wands clutching your chest like, this is like the time I played Cincinnati and they boot me off the stage. Sorry, I called to Cleveland. Who's the, how's the ice supposed to know? They walk through and the dogs are just barking and howling and the ones like, no, I said, give me a B that song because they're literally in captivity. Oh, yes, I'll think about that next time. And so, and you're like, I mean these dogs are all in great shape. I mean, they're just also cramped in these little kennels that can't even dry up each
Starting point is 00:25:36 other. And there. So who wants to adopt a dog that looks like it's going to rip your face off, okay? And pop these legs off. And I always ask any time Bethany gets a date. So Bobby's like, all right, well, let's get a dog. We'll show you how to prep a dog. And Luan's like, well, we're here to volunteer. So how much do we get paid for this again? Anybody? So they, of course, they put the cutest dog in the center.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Charlie. Charlie this dog was adorable. Actually, though, Ron, I have to say I went out this morning and I saw just like the perfect dog. And you know, I'm not a dog person, but I saw a dog that I think I may have fallen in love with because it was so cute and like the perfect size and like so well behaved to just sort of sat down in its corner next to its owner. And I actually stuck a photo of it and I'm going to actually present a photo here on
Starting point is 00:26:36 Crapzondamad because it was so cute I had to take a photo. And you know I am not normally the one who does like is like all Gaga about a dog, but I was like I love you know what you're Gaga about well behaves things no matter what they I am But this one was also a cute thing. I think this dog had some shibu in it So I think that that maybe took a lot of a shibu in it. They're so cute here Wait here it's coming up all right on state on there. Do you see this dog? Can you see it? I was like the royal dogs, the queen has. Or a corgi, but it wasn't, it's cut off because there was a chair in front of it, but like it wasn't corgi-ish, but it was so-
Starting point is 00:27:13 It is cute. It is so cute. That is a cute dog as a little fox face. You just want to, yeah, you just want to smush its cheeks in and everything. I was trying to get it to look at me, but I also didn't want to be a creepy person. So it's very well shared. You have to share that kind of dog, like how it's shared. Yeah, it's so cute. It looks like a flesh stuffed animal. It is really cute.
Starting point is 00:27:32 So cute. So anyway, well spotted. Well spotted. So do you want to empty its anal glands? Because that's what Sonia and Lua are about to do. I actually did it. I walked up to it and I said excuse me, sir. I'm just going to empty just a drain drain this dog's anal glands real quickly. But without warning, like
Starting point is 00:27:50 down because I was like, you guys want to empty some anal glands and the man's like, well I'm a nurse, but I haven't had to do that since I was married to Tom. All right. So the guy lifts the dog's tail and just squeezes and it splurts on Lou Ann's face. And Lou Ann squeals literally like someone being plucked out of hell and then dropped back in like, oh, he goes, oh, we didn't like that. Well, I mean, you know, people get hemorrhoids. I guess dogs get anal glands, I don't know, but I know that it may have gone into Lou Ann's mouth, though. And it just cuts to my going, oh, the anales. The anales.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So, some is like, you know, I've got a good idea. Why don't we build a doggy run? It's like, yeah, yes, yes, you should. But unfortunately, Bobby Overturf doesn't really have a budget with her rescue, so they haven't been able to even build a Humble fence for this place, which is so sad that they can't they don't have enough funding to even build a simple dog run Well, it's funny just how Sonya comes in and Sony explains they Sonya explains to them some some explains them she's like So they don't have any room, right? And probably he's like, yeah, we don't have room. I certainly guess, but wouldn't it be great
Starting point is 00:29:06 if they could go outside and run around? And Bobby's like, like a dog run, you ladies? And she's like, yeah, I mean, they're barking because they're not running around. Okay, well, I can show you what we were thinking about already before you came up with that brilliant idea we never thought of, because I do know we're stupid, you fucking you baby.
Starting point is 00:29:24 Seriously, oh, well, do know where I'm stupid. You fucking you, baby. Seriously. Oh, well, you know what, this long, this should be perfect. Because you know, you could have an event and you can show off all the dogs that people come by and we can make like a Santa Fe. You know, we have some plastic chairs, we haven't been using lately. So do they have dogs to Santa Fe?
Starting point is 00:29:39 I think they do. And suddenly it's like, well, I fell in love with that terrier over there, but he seems like a little bit my face off. And Bobby's like, oh, yeah, he's real ferocious, fine defense, but when you get him out, he's fine. They call that cage crazy. Oh, yeah, tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I've been to prison. When anyone would pass my cell, I'd just hold onto the bars, and I would say, give me a pianist. I then throw a balloony sandwich of my face with a mustard packet on the inside talk about cage crazy She's been afraid of swallowing ever since that's why I get more man Speaking of Lakha, you should come to our follies. So Luan said how's three hours later and they're just driving around because they've got nothing to do. And they're really excited because, I feel like every episode they drive by the Derek Queen
Starting point is 00:30:29 and are like, oh, if only we could go to Derek Queen, but this time they actually prepare for it, they've taken their enzymes, they're prepared. And they're like, all right, let's go to Derek Queen. My stomach is ready. And I just love this, this felt like such an authentic moment. Like, we haven't eaten in 10 years.
Starting point is 00:30:48 I mean, you definitely have not had dairy. I mean, you said, fuck it. We're in Illinois. Let's do this. Yes. Have you ever had a binge friend? Yes. I've had a binge friend.
Starting point is 00:30:59 And I've had a binge friend. I've had a couple, but oh my God, some of these binge friends, it is like going to a crack house together, except the crack house is like Arby's and you just get all this food and you just sit there in the car and just binge together. I mean, wow, fun times. What times I've had. So they basically do that.
Starting point is 00:31:19 So Sony has her thumbs and the way I was taking her digestive enzymes and they are literally dancing so excited for this. And suddenly he's like, wow, here we go. It's busy. And it's not, you know, so the way I'm ordering is because, okay, I've been so excited for this. Can we have a plain vanilla cone for me? And a strawberry milkshake for my friend Nancy in the back. Rod Nance. Pretending you've got a whole family to order from. Hold on, let me see what my sister wants. Also, I have a good fries.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And hold on, I got mixing on the phone. I'm sorry, for the bad. Mixies on the phone. Uh, hello, it's like, so, the way I can't use Mixie a second time. Oh, I'm sorry. I've got minaky, Leslie minaky would like a banana split and
Starting point is 00:32:07 FedEx Kinkos requests a night-scream sandwich So then Sonia orders for herself. She's like, okay Well, do you have a soy whipped cream? Just regular and she's like, come on Soniaia, when in Benton, you can't say soy here. She goes, okay. I have a chocolate vanilla soft stir of cone and a chocolate hard dip and also I'm gonna do a banana split with hot fudge.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Not so a cock, just a giant cock, Sonia. Jesus. I approve of all of this, but I also question the logistics of it because this entire show has been about how hot this town is, and they just always put the temperature on screen. And now, they are getting too much ice cream to be consumed in time, I feel. But there are much friends, and a true band friend does not go and hide. They park right in front of the terrier cream, and they sit on the back of the truck together, and they binge.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Yeah, and they just sit there eating, but I just felt like there was like too many cones, but they don't care because by the time they get to their their banana split, which Leuand is so excited, I was hoping you would say it down a split, because I of course I would never order such a thing because it's for the prey of animals, but when you ordered it, well, I mean, I can't help but no, I'm gonna have a few bites of that thing, but it was all melted and they're like, they didn't need to live. So they're sitting on the back of the truck and the one's like, listen, the pigs we took
Starting point is 00:33:33 at the dog shelter, my heart was just sunken. I just felt so down and it's late at it. Yes. And old. Wait. That's for it. It's okay, the man. I'll share my men with you. You don't have to steal them anymore. I'm talking about the dogs, Sonia. They're just so sad. We have to do something. It's so hard, it's something more than that, Sonia.
Starting point is 00:33:55 You know, it's just so hard to be around all those animals that don't have love in their lives. It's like watching people who've never been to Cabaret. it's just, it's not right. It's like Bethany's TikTok and dog form. So much nebimus. Crazy eyes, sort of scary and unvelenting. And yet you can't look away. By the way, Bethany Frankl is doing her whole, we are coming unionized reality stars. And there was an article today that was like, reality stars come out in support of Bethany Frankl.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Bronwyn Windham Burke is in fan of you. I was like, Bronwyn Windham Burke, what union you going to join? Go home. I think there's a difference between reality stars and reality star. Okay, as in you star at one point, but now you're not on a show. So what do you what like what what are you being protected against? No, so um in favor of the reality star union though by the way I am I'm in favor of that protection forever Because they do a lot of things that they actually quoted Leon Lockin Lee and say, yeah, they use you every day.
Starting point is 00:35:05 They've really run that shit in perpetitum. And you've got to listen to every mistake you ever made over and over again, every dumb thing you ever said, every iconic line you ever came up with and made them millions. They use it every goddamn day. And what do I get for it? All right. A free, free facelift every now and then but still, you know, it's goddamn day. And what do I get for it? All right, a free, free facelift every now and then but still. You know, it's not right. It's not right. I mean, like you pay one small
Starting point is 00:35:32 amount of money, you get a million iterations of your face, but you know what? That being said, please drive by an infinity dress. Just pass small sum and you get a million iterations of a dress. Enjoy. So then, uh, Lueh and I don't, don't ya. Go to, I don't know why. Lueh and I, Sonya go shopping. It's Su's time to go shopping at Su's, which they've seen multiple times but haven't gone in yet.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And so they start looking through. This is the weirdest store. It's got Wigs, but it's only got power Mimaw Wigs. It's only Mumeau cut hair. These are wigs for people who wanna look like that lady who used to be the spokesperson for Marshalls. You know, it's like, you know what, I'd like a little haircut that'll give me a sassy attitude
Starting point is 00:36:17 that I'll talk about savings. It's like, they're all short. It's like, no one gets to wear a wig and roleplay as like a long hair to person You know, I was like I'm I'm sorry, but if you're gonna be a different person You know it's gonna be a short-haired person, okay? Have fun. I've got long hair privilege. My name is Sue the place called Sue So you're gonna have hair like Sue, okay? Because guess what does long hair? It's just covering up my real short hair. So
Starting point is 00:36:43 They're all in there. And so I was like, oh my God, look at this. This is on sale for $88. I mean, I think they raised the prices because we're in town. I mean, that happens to me all the time. Bill, people here I'm coming to a city and there's a city-wide,
Starting point is 00:36:56 no mother goes out that says, raise your prices. Sonia Morgan's coming into town. It's squeezing for all the coins she's got. You know what happens? So now you ain't got coins. What are you faking? And Leanne's like, well, to Sonya everything's expensive.
Starting point is 00:37:11 I mean, she had coupons for shoes. Oh, wow. She would have had them in her pocket. So they try on wigs and Sonya tries on a really cheap looking blonde one. And so I come to the baddest bitch on the upper side. And the man takes like a little short one, you know, and Sunny is like,
Starting point is 00:37:29 oh, that really shows off your bone structure. Or you could be Lisa Reena for Halloween. I was thinking more Annie Pots, but that works too. You know, I'd be, I love having a retro wig on and Sunny is like, you know, I'd be rocking that body of Lisa Reena, you know, I'd be rocking that body of Lisa Rina, you know, and you'd never see me again. And so then Lewand suddenly gets a call from Brian.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And he is from, I think, Swing King. So that's what it was called. And he has a huge piece of news for them, which is that after all, turns out they have a playhouse for the playground and it's gonna be ready yesterday. Yeah, Lewand's like, by the way, I don't have a credit card, ladies, but I will be back, I promise. And she's like, really bitch.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I said, yes, I will be back. She's wearing like 10 statement necklaces, her free wig. She's dripping with stuff that she's taken from the store. She's like, by lady. This store, that's clearly hanging on by a thread. And she's like, oh, yes, store that's clearly hanging on by a thread. And she's like, oh, yes, I'll be back with a credit card. Don't you worry, just don't wait up for me though.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Don't wait up, but I will be back at some point. Oh, and she was like, I would never sue you because my name is Sue. And we don't do things that our name's describing this town. So let's see, then they're talking about Craig. So Sonia calls Craig and she's like, Craig, I got good news. And it's like, we got the playground. And she goes, yeah, I mean, we got the playground. Like, we went out there, I was supposed to be in the mind, and he was the only way. And the one's like, I think he has a crush on you, son, yeah. She goes, I don't know. Craig belongs to the town.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Taa! Ha ha ha. We'll never be able to make him settle down. He's a man who just loves his augurs and backhose and think, oh, I guess I am sort of like an augur and a backhoe. So maybe I could beat the town and he could be mine. Who knows? So then we go to Craig Miles Public Works director and Craig's like,
Starting point is 00:39:26 these girls have more energy than anyone I ever met. They just run me ragged. I haven't even had time to change my shirt, but I love it because I'm a work of a haul. I fit right in with those two. I was like, Craig, it is taking you three years and you didn't clear out a playgrams, but playgrams based. Please don't tell me how hard you work. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. me how hard you work. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:47 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. So they drive to this space, and Sonya's, they're driving down the road to the park. And Sonya's like, oh, look at it. It's looking at everyone sprucing up. It's like they know a new playground's coming and look, they're mowing their lawns
Starting point is 00:40:06 They're putting out they're putting out welcome blanket look they're even taking out their shotguns and aiming them at aiming them at us Wow, I this just everyone's doing such wonderful things to welcome us here Wow everything remember how everything was black and white now it's turning color again Amazing all because of our playground so black and white now it's turning color again. This is amazing. All because of our playground. So. What, wasn't there? We don't have time. Yeah, but suddenly,
Starting point is 00:40:32 everything like all the trash is cleaned up out of the yards and kids are, you know, like coming out to check the mail again. The mailboxes are all straight. The house has turned color. Yeah. So, um, some of you was like, you know, I've never done a playground before. I mean, I was married to JP Morgan's grandson,
Starting point is 00:40:48 so we just freaking ordered it. Okay, it comes. You ensure it, and you invite the kids. Stop acting like building a playground is like buying new shoes or something like that. It's not a normal thing for people to buy build playgrounds. She's like, oh yeah, I mean, I was just too wealthy
Starting point is 00:41:04 to do it by myself, but like, you know, normal people build their own playgrounds. She's like, oh yeah, I mean, I've just, I was just too wealthy to do it by myself. But like, you know, normal people build their own playgrounds. So I'm gonna just ordering playgrounds in New York City. But should be a playground there. Do it. I'll ensure it later. So they get there. And the first order of business is that LeWand just backs into a dead end sign, which is a good metaphor for the show also. I mean, I feel like it's, it is a good metaphor. You know, they just see dead ends and they just keep knocking them down and going on, you know, and promising to turn in their credit cards later and they never do.
Starting point is 00:41:36 They just keep going. Yeah, I mean, dead ends are human constructions, right? Oh, human constructs. Yeah. So, um, construction. I you mean constructs? Yeah. So, um, construction. I'm just talking about the construction. Well, so, what do we want to look?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Well, I think the mayor is going to be really happy. And, uh, the guy, the slide guy goes, well, I guess we've got a street sign to fix. That's only like a crag. Crag, what do we do? Crag, look at me, I'm taking your picture, crag. Let's take a selfie with this down sign crag. Come on, crag. Um, so, I'm taking your picture Craig, let's take a selfie with this down sign Craig.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Come on Craig. So when we first came to playground side, it was like a nice patch of grass. And now they paved over it in anticipation of the playground coming in. Now I haven't been to a playground in a long time. Are most playgrounds on cement or like on paved areas, I thought they were like in a gravel pit
Starting point is 00:42:25 or something like that. Or it's not cement, they've put down like some paper. It didn't look like paper that was coming up. I think they didn't put the ground yet. Usually they're put on like, I think these days like on asphalt, but I think they're not asphalt, fake grass. But over there, no, that's a McDonald's playground. Oh, but I think it's just the dirt.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I'm just like having images of children sliding down the slide onto hot asphalt and hurting themselves. Oh, really? I live next door to a playground, and let me tell you. Oh, really? Oh, really? Let me tell you about playground. I'm like, why am I wondering what a playground
Starting point is 00:42:59 looks like? I literally walk past one every single morning on my little walks. And we have very big rocks here in Texas, very sharp. I don't know why they put the sharpest rocks in this playground. These kids slide into sharp rocks. Like how many bloody children are walking around this neighborhood because they put thick rocks in front of the slide.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Like, we don't give a fuck. It's dirt and rocks. That's what you get. I'm looking at pictures of playgrounds right now to see these like me. And if you ever, if you died in mine, as somebody looks to your Google history, you'll regret that when I come back to playgrounds.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Childless playgrounds. When I come back as a Grim Reaper to take you to hell, I'm gonna be like, um, so you realized you were searching children on playgrounds to date before to hell. I'm going to be like, um, so you realized you were searching children on playgrounds today before you died. Was that a great, was that a great decision? Um, I was, that was a creepy version of this. He's to be my playground. Um, anyway, my Google image research, my Google image search of playgrounds showed that almost every single one of them had some sort of ashoturf or gravel
Starting point is 00:44:06 and some even had a wood chip situation which also feels dangerous under them and not asphalt. But now when I think about my childhood, I'm like, I think I probably had some slides that just poured me out onto hot asphalt. That's how I end up. I feel like your childhood was too fancy. I feel like you slid off and you just like fell into a boat,
Starting point is 00:44:24 like a lightly dusted, you know, I don't know, like what's that? Alistair turf. But yeah, something like a light something like a kind of like fell down to like don't head to children. Like you was slide down, you'd like lightly bounce on whatever the floor was. Your mother would be there just to grab her. She bouncing her arms like, Ben, I'm so proud of you. You go just smart little creature. I wish. I wish. I was like around fanciness, but I myself and my family, we were not inherently fancy sadly. I've met you and your family, so I've never been to your house or anything, so I'm not judging you from there But I am telling you that mentally, psychologically and looks wise, you're pretty fancy
Starting point is 00:45:13 Well, I wish I wish I could verify all that I think I think fancy tendencies for sure, but like You have a stack with fancy in the word. I do. You've dedicated your life to call it. But it's no big deal, fancy. Well, but here's the thing, they're running us. Wouldn't a truly fancy person not have fancy in their sub-sack? Don't I just like blow up my spot right there?
Starting point is 00:45:36 No, because you're saying no, it's no big deal and fancy. So I take it like, it's no big deal. It's just like every day fancy, the idea. I'm gonna teach you guys how to do it. If I were truly fancy, I would not be doing a podcast. Oh, I would be coasting off of an inheritance, doing things in Fairfield County, Connecticut. Ah, you know, eating, eating, I don't know, snails,
Starting point is 00:46:04 somewhere. You still be doing it. You have too much talent to just be contained to smell eater. I wish I were a wasp. That's why I do the things I do, because I like aspire to be a wasp, but I'm not a wasp. Well, guess you also have.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Just a Jewish kid. I'm just a Jewish kid from Westchester. Well, yeah, so a hot one. Don't forget. Oh, so Craig. Craig is also not a wasp. And Craig, well, maybe he is. I don't know actually.
Starting point is 00:46:34 So Sonya is like, Craig, what do we do? Craig, let's take a selfie. So the stuff is delivered. The slide people are there. And we see Lee, Mr. Mess, Lee Messerman. Messer Smith. Messer, Matt. Messer Smith. Messer. He's a mess.
Starting point is 00:46:47 He, uh, so we have had like, Barb Leverterf, who is like her last name is all about like, doing things on turf. She's the one who should've taken care of the surfacing of this playground, I'd like to add. We have Sue, who is, doesn't sue people when they steal from her store. And now we have Lee Messer Smith, who is some sort of, he's a messy smith of some sort.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Or he's got meth in his last name, so maybe he's just like a co-cat. Could be. Well, he was very excited. I felt like he was being a little on for the camera if you ask me. Well, he's messy. He's got mess in his name, too. He's like looking to me. He's like, I'm, I'm deliverin' this slide. Hey, sorry, we do not have a, I'm sorry, Sonia Morgan
Starting point is 00:47:30 and Countess Tillis, because you remember when Sonia and Lueanne were like, oh god, tell them our last names. That's later in the episode. Oh, it is. Yeah. God, everything's blending together. Well, we probably met her name. We met her name. It was like, I'm going down
Starting point is 00:47:46 down. I'm a messy mess or smath. I'm going to go me going to sound you know, we have a slide now. We have a slide. He probably had the most annoying campaign boasters for a city council thing like clean up the mess with mess or Smith or like, I won't get dirty even though I'm a mess or smith. And it's all over the place. Be a mess, get a mess or, get a mess or addiction with math.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I am related to depromessing. She was originally a mess or smith. She had to change her from Hollywood. That's all one big sign No, so Sony is like so are you excited and he's like, oh absolutely we've been waiting for this for almost two years and lose that Wow, this is totally Snatched look at this playground. It's so snatched. It has screens solar panels for AC. I mean it really has it all Yeah, you think kids are gonna be in there. No, there are gonna be some It has screens, solar panels for AC. I mean, it really has it all.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah, you think kids are gonna be in there? No, there are gonna be some messy messartons in there. Yeah, methheads will be in there. Less than a week, you're gonna have a pile of shit in there with some empty fucking glass pipes. I'm telling you that. Well, at least those methheads will have a snatched playground to play in. Did I mention it snatched?
Starting point is 00:49:07 I just learned that word and used it incorrectly. So now, Brian Conner, Brian Conner from Swing Kingdom, sorry, I was calling him Swing Kings, it's Swing Kingdom. I used to be in a green there. You ever see that movie eating right? Well, who's based off of me? So she's there and sometimes I'm like, you of me. So she's, he's there. And so I'm like, you know, I love these colors. Green and white. I mean, it's really wonderful.
Starting point is 00:49:30 It really blends in with the lawn and everything that we paved over. And it's just really wonderful. And I know I wore special drawers for this. Yeah, I wanted to, and by drawers, I mean, I wore nothing. I have no, no one to wear on. So I could wear bras for this special children's cake in the park. And Brian's like, okay, guys, I'm going to to wear on. So, second reward, bros, for this special children's cake in the park. And Brian's like, okay, guys, I'm gonna get this going. Okay. So, I'm gonna be like, where's he from? I love those shorts.
Starting point is 00:49:51 It's called Costco. By the way, I need to go there. They have really good fashion. I've worn a lot of, got a lot of Costco clothes, guys. So, Liam, not Liam, Lee, Brian Lee, Lee Messerschmath, whoever, he plays a joke and he locks them into the playground house, which by the way, this is not a good playground. If you can mock children into the playing house, what the?
Starting point is 00:50:14 Kind of sadistic. Fuck is this guy? Listen, I fully expect to see this playground on this equal to Mara B's town, because this really feels like it's something like they found the body. It was a playground. Oh no. Oh no. I mean Sony is like wow the one that's already locked in. Everyone's going to know she built this. Luan, the playground you get locked into when you misbehave. So Craig is like give this city a break for a day. Oh yeah, he's like, oh yeah, give them in there. Keep give the city a break for a day. Mix makes more sense when I say it that way. Triggered. Fish got a swim.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Birds got a fly. That was my first number in prison. This sort of reminds me of prison, but at least prison was a big house. Guy plays house. Me. Up here. Oh my god, get it out before she sings again. They're going to throw another balloon in sandwich in my face. I already feel it. Oh, get me out of here.
Starting point is 00:51:16 So Luanne is driving in the glass-blasting feeling Giovanni, which is hilarious all the time. And Spring was starting in her mouth, which I'm like, oh, that's her ball spray So she really like she's coming from yep, and guys are digging holes and I'll because their company is That's not swing kingdom is building a fence there. That's just We're back at that their company is actually called fence whores. So We're back at that there. Their company is actually called fence whores. So.
Starting point is 00:51:44 So they're doing fences and a guy's like, all right, here's what we heard. You guys want three runs in the bed. And so he's like, oh my God, don't say that right after nuance had dairy queen. She's literally had wins in her bed. It's ready to go over that part. Also, there's this random shot of Sonia watering plants with her iced coffee, which may have questionable results, although apparently
Starting point is 00:52:12 coffee grounds are good for plants apparently. Yeah, that would be good for them, right? I don't know if the coffee itself is good. I think it's sort of acidic. So this guy, they're drilling holes to put the is in everything. And Louis, I'm like, this run cannot happen fast enough for me. So rather than take donations, we decided we would just
Starting point is 00:52:33 pay for it ourselves, which means it'll take another 10 years because we're doing it in installments of $30 a day. Yeah, so they call what we need to do is a few cameos to pay for this, we'll be fine. So Sonya's like, this is Sonya Morgan. Okay. So now they're calling. Where are they calling fence people? Who are they calling the I don't know who they're calling. I think there was this a flashback. It's a flashback of them calling the sign to pay for it, I think. Right. So they're sitting in bed and they're
Starting point is 00:53:01 like, okay, we need to order a fence. is them calling their fence company and Sony's like hello Just Estonia and the man. You don't know who we are. No, it's like to tell my last name She's like good stuff. Okay. This is Sonia Morgan and no end to the steps Oh, you gotta be smooth. You gotta be chill about it. It's just Craig. Hold please, God damn these fucking women won't leave me alone. Well, well, animal shelter, the good news is, we paid for your fences. The bad news is we only paid for a copy of Fence's by August Wilson from Barnes and Noble.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Here it is, enjoy. So now they are helping with the fence. And then when I was like what is this drill and the guy's like it's called Little Beaver. It's just excuse me. It's been a long time since I've heard that. Do you have one called Holland Tenel Beaver? I'll fuck that one. Okay let me use this little beaver. Oh, my boots. Oh, I think I hit a rock. I hit a rock. Wow, I mean, it's not a gold mine.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Ha, ha, ha, ha, put that in the follies, okay? It's not a gold mine. It's not a gold mine, okay? I'll pound to my binaugher, and then I'll say it's not a gold mine. Okay, you got it in there. Great. What just happened here?
Starting point is 00:54:20 And the guy's like, I think you just hit a rock. And she's like, oh, I only like rocks in my drinks. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha hit a rock. And she's like, oh, I only like rocks in my drinks. Oh, yeah. Put that in the follies too. We'll start with the gold mine thing. Follow up with rocks in my drinks. We'll find a third. And there's one guy there who just hates her.
Starting point is 00:54:38 He'd like refuses to smile, so she keeps trying to tell more jokes. And he's like, I fucking hate you. It's like I have to spend it a crap and so. So, Lou he's like, I fucking hate you. It's like God has been to the crap in the show. So, Lou and I'm like, hey, Bobby. So Bobby comes out and she's like, we're gonna do this Saturday, right? You ladies, that's what we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Is that still the plan you ladies on Saturday? I call it you Saturday night. Hi, I'm sorry, I'm the famous person. I should be talking. So I did a little drilling and it was like exercise. You know, my whole body was shaking. You know what I mean? And it was sort of like and it was like exercise. You know, my whole body was shaking. You know what I mean? And it was sort of like, I was having sex.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And Bobby's like, aha, she's, well, you know, you gotta get it where you can. And she goes, yeah, I get mine from chasing dogs because I have a job chasing dogs. I get mine from chasing tail. In the fall is that was the third joke. But that right in there, we're sat no more additions. What a weird conversation as well.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Wow, I was just drilling something. It was like I was getting to. Bobby's like, yeah, I get someone, I run the dogs. I was like, what? Bobby. Cut Bobby. Fire Bobby. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Fire the lady playing my mother and my biopic. She's done. Bobby's done. Just creep to all out. Bring in Francis Fisher. So Lee is a no-goat. That is good cast. Redhead. Redhead. And also just the paythos. I think Francis Fisher would really get the paythos there. So thanks Ben. Good good. Yeah, you're welcome. It's a compliment. It's a high compliment. So, um, Lee, so now it's time for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the playground. So, Lee, Master Smith is like, we've been wanting to make this playground for two years. So, now we're here
Starting point is 00:56:16 at the ribbon cutting and LeWan, they're just in the lunatic. Wow, a ribbon cutting all from my new cabaretia. This was so kind of them. So, Sonia's like, oh, beautiful. Do you love it everybody? Do you love it town? And they love it. And they're hugging everybody. And then Sonia gets really wanted to hammock and it came with the hammock.
Starting point is 00:56:38 And I love we cut to a little chubby girl who's just already in the hammock. She's taken it over. Like, this is totally me at the park. Who puts a hammock in a park? Who's designing these? You put a lockable room and then you put a hammock. This is for children to play, okay?
Starting point is 00:56:53 It's not for little Ronnie's to just sit there and do nothing, all right? It definitely, yeah. So, the way of being back, Sharon, a 24 hour fitness. Like, who does that? The girl is never leaving, okay? So Louis being a bean bag chair in a 24 hour fitness like who does that? The girl is never leaving okay
Starting point is 00:57:10 Well Anyway, I just want to say now that we've assembled all the most important people of Benton Illinois First of all, it is an honor for me to be the most famous person you all have met that is Really so wonderful and as I stand here with these oversized scissors, I just want to say this has really been a dream come true. A dream come true, right? Yup. And the people invented, we worked so hard making a single phone call and getting a phone call back.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Oh God, Lou. And we have kids, web kids of our own. It makes us so proud to work on this project I would just like to say. Oh, my oh pretending he is beside me. Did I ever tell you you're my line? Did I ever tell you I'm my hero? I'm everything I wish I could be. All right, I want to thank Fred. I want to thank his wife, Wilma. I want to thank Craig. Craig, I still don't understand your eye.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Browse, but I'd love to you, Craig, to the people of Beton, to Sue. Please stop calling me for a credit card. I barely wore that wig. To Kristen's... Bethany Frankl. I want to thank Bethany Frankl for stealing my haircut. That was a wonderful moment for me and my hair. To Kristen at the diner on Back Art Dairy.
Starting point is 00:58:41 So you can start putting cheese on my ham sandwiches. Oh, I'd like to thank Akash at the motel who gave us a new mattress after looping. I'm back on Dairy so you can start putting cheese on my ham sandwiches. Oh, I'd like to thank Akash at the motel who gave us a new mattress after Luan said her dairy queen. Malvere the win we were. And most of all, I'd like to thank that nameless gay man who brought us here to have another TV show. It's been a fun time and we've all enjoyed it. And we've really appreciated this season finale.
Starting point is 00:59:04 What there's Five more episodes. Oh I see something like Jesus Christ wrap it up Read a room bitch and it just cuts to the little girl the hammock like Can a bitch hammock and peace around here So we welcome you to your new playground and what else gets to gets to talk to him. We cut the ribbon right out. And I'd like to name it the feeling Giovanni Park. Now do remember that if you are to play on this playground,
Starting point is 00:59:34 you must follow all rules of girl code, girl code. I got it though, scissors. I know when it got to those scissors. This really, really, really went. Thank you, Giov scissors. That's really, by the way. Thank you, Joe Mining. Thank you. I mean, this is the best jungle, this is the best jungle gym money can buy.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I mean, I'm just telling you, look, they got a little swing like the way I wanted. They've got a hobby horse, like I wanted. I mean, who doesn't love a hobby horse? Have you ever gotten fucked on a hobby horse? There's no better way. Craig's like, this is the neighborhood. I grew up in.
Starting point is 01:00:04 So, for me, but bring something back to the neighborhood, just I just touched me. Wow, Craig, touching yourself much, we were the one who got the park. Jesus Christ, Craig, drop the eyebrow pencil. Get out of the camera's way, all right? Craig, will you be reimbursing us for your third apparently that you are taking credit for for this playground get out of here
Starting point is 01:00:27 Hey, listen, Sue were giving Craig some credit on the on the playground. So he's gonna pay my wig my wig bill Send the ones like ooh a tire swing. I'm a I'm a lady the people. I know how to use these. I'll just Insert my dearie right in that giant hole and oh no Oh God. Oh God. I'm like Derinda's emotional state. I'm stuck. I'm stuck And she gets stuck her bunny ask get stuck in the swing and that's where we leave the ladies of welcome to crappy like Yeah, fun times fun hilarious time to get the playground built. I was surprised. So I guess so we show, yeah, just more antics and we'll see what they have to on their task list next week. Well, everybody, thank you so much for being here.
Starting point is 01:01:13 We love being here. Thanks for everybody on YouTube. Hi, thanks for more of my Patreon demand. Hi. Comment what you think our live show should be called, starting next week, the week after, maybe the week after. We literally don't know yet. Okay.
Starting point is 01:01:26 But follow us on at watch what crap ends on Instagram. I'm at Ronnie Kerr. Ben is at Ben Mandelker on Instagram. And we'll be announcing that shit soon. So join us, Wendy. We sure love you guys. Thanks everyone. Bye.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itch-oals! Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss no trickle-os. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Hava Nagila Weber. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, she's always sublime. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen, the piston Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Monteleo. Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Beaches, Beaches. And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper!
Starting point is 01:02:37 Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch! My favorite Murto, Karen McMurtou. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Nancy Cicenticisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music, download the
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