Watch What Crappens - Winter House: Simmering Craige

Episode Date: November 4, 2022

Winter House finds Paige slowly losing it as she realizes that she's in a relationship with Craig, and we find out why girls don't like Jess much. Also, the Toms are in the house! This week's... bonus is a trailer breakdown of RHOM season 5. Join Patreon at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Oh, my little friend, you're laughing. You can't swap. Happy, it's not there so much that's happened. Well, hello everybody, and welcome to Watch My Crappies! The podcast for OOOH! That crap we loved to talk about on Yee-O-Broves.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I'm Ronnie, that's been over there, Happy Noons. Hi Ronnie, how are you? I'm good, just giving Bueller a little, but... Um... But scratch? Walked right over. Uh-oh. I'm so excited, Bueller a little but but scratch walked right over Love that so I'm doing good welcome to winter house and day. What are you up to today? Um, you know, I'm just embracing the fact that the weekend is upon us and I'm doing fun things like
Starting point is 00:01:20 shirtless snow angels on my carpet where there's no snow and my shirt is on idiots. That was the best part. The girls are just like idiots. Well everybody, well no. David the house in day. Today is last recap of the week, but hey, the every day. So come back, join us. Join us always.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Listen to the bat catalog. We don't care. Crappin's on demand is a fun place where we do video recaps. This week we did the real housewives of Miami season five trailer and real housewives of Salt Lake City to go check those out. Thanks to everybody who is joined up on Patreon. We really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:01:58 That's slash watch what crappens. Also take a seat comes back this Monday night. That's our live show over on Spotify at 7pm Pacific time. That's when you guys come up, talk to us, tell us your feelings, you talk to each other in the chat. I actually really missed doing it this week. We were off for Halloween and I didn't, didn't love it. I have to be honest, I didn't love being off.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Really? Yeah, I'm excited to come back and talk to you guys. And for today, there's Vinta House, what are your thoughts Ben? Well, Vinta House in, well, first of all, I watched this at like literally like 12.30, admit like midnight, midnight 30. And I was in the throes of food coma.
Starting point is 00:02:41 And so for the last like 10 minutes when I was like taking notes, I was doing a full on not off and I was like no, you're gonna finish this tonight because you don't want to wake up tomorrow morning and have to do 10 minutes of notes. So you're gonna do this. So then the last 10 minutes, like I had that thing where I was falling asleep and my fingers were falling asleep on the keyboard. so all my notes said the same things like. And then like, I almost want to go home, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like words were person writing their words was falling asleep. The point is my memory is going to be a little fuzzy in the last scene because that's really where I started. This is the show.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I'll think about this drug thing because it's winter house. We got drunk and tried to do something at gender. That's what happened. So we begin the silence. Dun dun dun, because we're at the sinners' party. Where Austin has dressed as the Pope to publicly apologize to everybody in just the cutest darn way ever, because he's Austin, so he may be a shithead, but he still wants to get laid when he goes to local bars.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So that's his big move, I think, to get that done. Like, oh my God, aren't I just a kid? Come on. Yeah, this is a damage control. I'm wondering, this was in March, I think it's at the date, it was March 3rd or March 4th, and I'm wondering when Austin's episodes of Summer House were airing, they're probably we're airing. I wonder, did his episodes air in February or did they air in March of this year?
Starting point is 00:04:28 Because if they've already aired, it would make sense why he's coming in on this apology tour on Winterhouse, you know? Yeah, I don't care. I've seen so many folks in the whole movies. I don't even care. It's a multiverse that I just don't care about, you know? Like, it was thinking what Dr. Strane was really doing not me Okay, and I was fine not I know
Starting point is 00:04:48 All right, by the way, I downloaded this app Marvel snap. It's a game that's very popular right now And I'm just thinking why does Bravo not give us a Bravo snap because I would prefer to play a Virtual card game where instead of playing Iron Man and a virtual card game where instead of playing iron man and Dr. Baklava or whatever these characters names are I wanted to be like Retshin Rossi versus Meredith Marx give us that Bravo give us Bravo snap Well, how does the game work with like I have a deck of cards and you have a deck of cards and like our cards have different powers And we play cards simultaneously and then we are like building up values and Like basically you play a certain number of cards in only play cards simultaneously, and then we are building up values. And basically you play a certain number of cards on to the table, and there's three different locations on the table,
Starting point is 00:05:32 and you want to have the higher value. It's basically a game of war. Well, you just have to answer it more than that. No one on Bravo is good at building value, okay? Except Bethany and she. I'm like whoever plays Bethany or Fander Pump wins. You know, or everybody else just loses. Oh, man, but honestly, honestly, like the idea of like having these virtual brawls, I mean, we used to do that action in the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:01 We had like that, that brief window where we had the bravo superfights and it was like a reza but his hand is made up of chris and doti versus these savander problem three cats who would win that fight the time to supervise the point is all your speculations were more all these speculations are more interesting than anything that happened on winter house last night that's the point so aust Austin has just apologized to Sierra and said, am I forgiven? And it was silence. And so now we come back and it's still silence. He goes, well, am I forgiven? And he goes, like, I guess not. And Sierra's like, yeah. And she tells us, I mean, he already apologized to me in Charleston. So to like have a group apology and keep opening this up like town. I'm tired of talking about it already
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, yeah, well, we'll see about that who say say okay, I mean usually I've been on TV long enough to understand what he's doing See, or I don't make me explain it So Jessica's like okay, so here's what I would like to repent. I keep calling Corey the wrong name and pages like all white you column correct Corey goes Craig and so then everyone's like ha ha ha by the Corey really annoying me this episode. He's starting to annoy you because he's annoying me. I need to feel like we're we feeling this, I want to calibrate my annoyance with your annoyance. He's a douchebag who owns a bar gym who walks around in a pearl necklace.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I mean, it is good. Since the second I laid eyes on him, of course. So Rachel, Rachel's big apology is like the other night I turned Cory's shirt into a crop top. I just felt compelled. And then Craig's like, well, I repent for y'alling it, my buddy, and making him feel sad, sorry Luke. And looks like, you know, we're all really all
Starting point is 00:07:52 that get your hands off my nepples, please. Oh, okay. Well, you know, thanks for the communication. I'll just sit over here thinking about making a fire. You're not bad. You don't get to repent because you're not God. So then, like, what's my apology? What about me? He goes, uh, you're welcome for giving to me with me. And she's like, Oh, come on, Craig, I'm sure you could scrum something up. He's like, uh, well, like, we've like,
Starting point is 00:08:17 pushed ourselves through some obstacles. So like, I'm just thankful for us being like like the ear with me. So, um, that's not an apology. Uh, well, I don't really know what to say. So, I know dating is not easy. Huh. Saying it to the people on the back, everyone. Saying it to the people on the back.
Starting point is 00:08:37 That was a joke. So, Kyle goes, uh, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to literally nobody. I have no regrets. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I let Amanda poop in the bathroom before me because I had to deal with that. So I apologize to myself. Oh, so then they all start partying and pageant here in their room and pageant's like, oh my god, he didn't apologize to me for anything And then we see Corey passing by Jess trying to flirt and she's doing a selfie and he goes you look really hot
Starting point is 00:09:13 she goes Thank you, Corey. That was really sweet of you and just keep staring yourself on her phone Corey is really like the combination of awesome and Carl which I think is why I He's really like the combination of awesome and Carl, which I think is why he annoys me, because he does all the Carl things. Well, Carl's thing is, oh, you look great, Bob, boy, you look great, Bob, boy. And of course, the thing is, look really hot, by the way. You actually look really hot. And he just says it at random times, like, she'll be like reaching for a can of tuna.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Like, hey, you want some tuna? Yeah, I'd love some tuna. You look really hot, by the way. That was really hot. Yeah. But he also, but his responses are very often, often in the way his like, his clear style is that aggressive, like, you're stupid.
Starting point is 00:09:56 What are you, you're ridiculous. Did you really just ask me for a can of tuna? You're stupid, you look hot. Yeah, it's kind of the non-traditional good looking people, because they like had to, well, Cory like had to work out a lot for his looks because when you see him as a teenager, it's not like your soap opera kind of look, you know?
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then you've got Austin who's just got the tall thing going for them. So they have to pull in hot girls with these different tactics. So which Cory admits up front or tactics? Which I guess I can at least respect that. But yeah, they do the thing like, I'm going to pretend I'm not interested in the hottest girl here because watch, you're going to fall for me because I'm not interested. And you're like, oh, well, come on, that's not going to work. That's such a sexist thing to even
Starting point is 00:10:39 say, I'm like, I like you because you don't think I'm hot. That's like they know magic. I learned magic. There's like a douchebag club where douchebag gives each other tips and this is what happens. Yeah, exactly. And you know, he found the girl who is the daddy issues and he's just going to exploit them. Yeah. So then Paige sees Craig and she's like, you're not being very nice to me. You're like a little silly for me because I'm an angel. So like, I can't see you anymore. Um, once you joined the dark side,
Starting point is 00:11:12 God said to. Yeah, and then we see them, they're like, it's not like drinking games and stuff, like fun drinking games, and of course, while everyone's having fun. Kyle, don't overdo it Kyle. Okay mom. Craig's like, I love that she can be so sweet on the streets and then like my little freak in the sheaves. And then she shoves the devils that devils spike thing up his butt. She's like, man, Oliver. Yeah. And then we see Sierra and Austin talking and Austin's like, I'm dressed like an idiot. And she's like, oh, not too different from usual. So what do you want to chat about? I'm just, well, we haven't had a chance to sit down and talk.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And she's like, well, I mean, look, like, I don't want to do a lot of back and forth. I mean, I still have a lot of feelings for you, but I also want to have a good time. And I just want this to be cordial and sort of sad too, you know? God damn it, Sierra! Last year was so fun. And then I came to the house and I was just like a ticking time bomb. Like a god shut up, Austin. You don't get to be an asshole to everybody for a year
Starting point is 00:12:27 and then show up and like roll around in your own victim hood. So everybody has to spend this year telling you how great you are. You know? Right. You were a dick. And also nothing says like shady non-ment apology, like dressing up like the Catholic church. By the way, I don't know who suggested that costume to you. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Although if he had come dressed like Merrill Streep's character in doubt, I would
Starting point is 00:12:50 have been down for it. So I made an effort. It might have been late, but I made an effort. I have such goddamn doubts. So, so often it's like I I truly care about you. And then now she's crying. God, if she has to shed another tear about this asshole and she goes, and you are a good person. And I want people to see that. Like, nope, that's the area. And that's not your job to do that. It's his job to make. I see that he's a good person. I just want you to like get into therapy and like merge with these relationships that are important to you. Okay. And he's like, coming back is another chance. I'm not the person I want to be. And I'm not the person I need to be to this group of friends of mine.
Starting point is 00:13:37 So then he starts like whispering stuff to her and he's like, can I get a hug? And she's just stopping destructive Austin. That's all I ask. He goes, message heard. And she's like, and message felt all over my face. God, you have a lot of saliva. So then Jason Farts. And he's like, see G-bombs, guys. Those are C-sheath bombs. And so now Patience here, I'm bad catching up. And so now a page in C.R. and bed catching up. And C.R. is like, I'm like, just stop being this asshole people think you are because you're not an asshole. Yes, he is. What? Yes, he is. What has he done to show you that he's not an asshole? Stop making people better in your head.
Starting point is 00:14:18 I know. Just because he said sweet nothings to you, he was doing that to get in your pants. Those was not that was not evidence of him not being an asshole. And then we crosscut with Sierra defending Austin with him peeing out the door. He opens the door and then just pees on the deck. It's not that he just peed on the ground. He just pees in the snow on the deck that they're all gonna be stepping in.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Such a pig, dude. Go to the banister like a real gentleman. I know. Go three feet. Or just use the bathroom that's actually in the house that's like three feet away from you. But he also just wanted to wag his dick at the camera because that's what he did. Like he angles himself right for the camera. He wouldn't have gotten that head he'd done it over the deck. You know and the wax is weener which does look kind of big but you know what? We should all be so lucky to have that little blur effect every time we whipped out our weener. You know. Yeah. So uh to have that little blur effect every time we whipped out our winners.
Starting point is 00:15:05 Yeah. So jealous of his blur effect. Sierra is like, I mean, he's like super thoughtful and sensitive as he's like full on spraying this entire deck. Like they're all going to, there's going to be PIs there tomorrow morning. So Paige is like, well, did he say something about potentially having a girlfriend soon? And she's like, no. So then we go over to Craig and Corey with Austin, who's closing the door after he just pissed all over, you know, a community area. And
Starting point is 00:15:36 Craig asked if he talked to Sierra and he's like, well, we hadn't talked. And we're just pretending to give us all copacetic. So now we now we talk now we did it Not now we now we fucking did it Craig fucking a sing-work Beat me well upstairs pages like okay, this is the one thing I'm gonna say just kidding I'm gonna say about like 45 more things about this But don't be talking to Austin a lot like be your funny normal self that America has yet to actually see and then just be like a little aloof towards him you know and see how it's like what's aloof mean oh my god I love that funny side of you again oh wait you're serious so Amanda and Collar and bad and and Kyle's wasted and Amanda's like Kyle can you answer me can you answer me can you Kyle, can you answer me? Can you answer me?
Starting point is 00:16:25 Can you answer me? Can you answer me? He just crashes him bad. She could have been a silent. That'll start. Is that what it's called when the silence revealed themselves? They're in zipping. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Oh, I think I was given false information by one of my board game friends. Ben tries to talk about sci-fi. I think if there's a silent in this house, it's Jess for sure. Yeah, because she's like a Lindsay's sialon. She's the Lindsay's sialon for sure. So then we get a shot of Corey changing into his PJs, so we see his naked butt. And you know, he is much more pleasant, well, it's just his butt, I have to say.
Starting point is 00:17:14 So then he goes to talk to Jess and he's like, it's late, she's like, actually, it's early. And he's like, what are these on the table? What are those like buns? Just yeah, we're making sticky buns. He's like, these are crusty as fuck. That's what I'm talking about. Total Austin play right there.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like, are you really gonna neg her over buns? We're sticky buns. And she goes, you're really funny Craig. And he goes, I can't, I can't with this. You call me Craig again. I'm fucking outta here. So he goes to his room, you go onto his iPad and he's not mad at all.
Starting point is 00:17:48 He's just playing a game and she goes, wait, Curry, are you actually mad? Is it cause of the buns? I can remake them. Are you serious? So then he tells us his strategy. He's like, there's a game to be played. Like we're all playing a game.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I grew up with sisters and cousins and they're all older than me. So I didn't invent the game. I learned the game. Like, look at all the other guys and then do the opposite of what they're doing. Luke, Jason, they're good looking guys. Do the opposite of that and you'll get laid way more. Yeah, girls are stupid. I grew up. I saw a girl when I was, I used to, I watched double trouble when I was a kid, so I know about girls. So therefore, I get laid. So then Kyle is in bed going, I'm gonna choose some gum. She's like, Kyle, that's disgusting. So Paige is in bed with Craig now. She's like, um, don't turn off the light. You've got to watch your face. I mean, you've got shit to do Craig and he goes, I don't watch my face. She just goes, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:18:54 What am I doing in this relationship? I'm losing it. I don't know that I can take much more of this. He's going to bed without watching his face. Slowly going crazy. Craig, you're turning me into a sion. Don't you mean sion? No, sion, as if I want to sion everything. I'm a square car that nobody really wants to buy, but somehow every Uber driver has one. I am an experiment by Toyota that lasted through the first administration. Send out some morning and Craig is in bed snoring like a cartoon. Did you catch that? He's like,
Starting point is 00:19:35 I did not, I did not believe that. I felt like that was put in my, I felt like that was, I felt like that was someone in post-production dubbing their voice over because that was so cartoony. It was so cartony. I was like, I'm surprised they didn't, you know, put in a CGI feather blowing on his nose, you know. The curved bubbles come blowing a little bit every time he excels. They should have just put like the Peter and the Wolf theme
Starting point is 00:19:59 in the background that just truly set the scene. So people start to wake up and the kitchen's, you know, the whole house is still a fucking nightmare and guess what guys, the tombs are coming. Don't, don't, don't. So everybody's excited about that. And Jason and Luke are outside making snowballs and collecting them in like a wheelbarrow thing
Starting point is 00:20:19 to play a game. Those two are so cute. What do they have to do everything? They literally do everything. And the kitchen would even be cleaned up, had they not been trying to plan the rest of your losers' day. Yeah, so Craig is like, morning, lovey. It's fun getting his men all this time with you. And just, I know, I haven't gotten sick if you just once. Really? Have you ever gotten annoyed with me? No. And that it cuts her being like,
Starting point is 00:20:46 um, well, I would never in this moment bring up, well, actually, it's kind of like if someone gives you a gift certificate, Tisara, but you already bought everything you want from there, you don't turn it down. Because like, what if there's more stuff that you didn't realize the first time I wrote? So you just go, okay. I'm glad you're having fun with me. Oh my God. I'm gonna fucking kill him. So then we cut to the kitchen and Corey is just like walking around my Corey and just watches him and she's like normally like if I like a guy, I'm like, I want you because like I'm
Starting point is 00:21:18 cute. So if I flirt with a guy, he's mine. I mean, it's almost like too easy, but with Corey, I can't tell if he really doesn't like me or if he's just playing a really good game of chess, but Kudas to him, because it's working. I believe that what she specifically said was, I'm cute and if I flirt with guys, they'll automatically like me. Oh my god, I can't believe other girls don't like you. So crazy. Oh my god, I can't believe other girls don't like you. So crazy. It was such a mystery.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So then a car pulls up and guess who's arriving, not a pair of shoes, but it's Tom's, like the Tom's. Wow, we really needed this, Baba. And he's like, we're gonna have a good attitude, right? Well, he's like, yeah, because we're gonna leave our baggage back home, figuratively cuz we have baggage Don't I miss that up? It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial So they come in and hugs hugs lots of whoa bro. Yeah, it was just like a party
Starting point is 00:22:23 I also fucking amazing bro. It's like a party else a fucking amazing bros like fucking party do you guys led lights anybody or have got some like that some Phillips you in my bag right and shorts goes right up to jacen goes whoa I thought you were Lindsey for second but then I realized you weren't jumping on me like a facehugger for mail and sorry I don't have my glasses. You weren't jumping on me like a facehugger for Malian. Sorry, I don't have my glasses. She's like, um, who are you guys friends with?
Starting point is 00:22:49 And he's like, these guys, oh wow, this house is so nice. By the way, thanks so much for having us. And they're like, don't lie and say it's nice. This is a fucking pigstie. You've already got a fly on your face. And you just walked in. Don't, don't be embarrassed. You should be proud.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Like this looks amazing. Like it's not like, oh my gosh, like how dirty this is. It was like, dude, this was like an epic night and be fucking missed it. So then we see Tom's hand falls new looks and see me came like a cover band rock star. Yes. Robert Goulet in a dance letter. What are you doing? Who?
Starting point is 00:23:27 I love this. I love to. I don't know. For some reason, there's like a weird ass below and like he sort of had moved his Cleodavall here to one side. It was so bizarre. But I was into it in a weird way.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Cleodavall, Cleodavall, Pompedor. What? The hair. His hair is like, his hair is actually like, clear do ball clear do ball pump a door wet be haves like his hair like darling don't say ma you're so lucky that you got to work with Robert Duval
Starting point is 00:23:52 oh I know I have a not Robert Duval Robert Duval as Robert Duval down to she god damn don't don't go she god damn don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don, don't, don't, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, don, donus? And Santa Valls, like, well, we can get Rowdy. And Schwartz goes, yeah, this would be a safe place to crush a beer and slam it on my head.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So then they go on a house tour and everything. And like, within like a second, Santa Valls already found a guitar and starts singing on it. Maybe it's Luke's guitar or something. And in Santa Valls, just like singing a song, and Kyle's just sort of like smiling, sort of lightly laughing,
Starting point is 00:24:46 not really sure what he's supposed to do. Like, is it weird they haven't asked for Love for Boy, and it's been like five minutes? I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Because it's always that when that guy pulls out the guitar. Always, you know? It's like, oh, Jesus, now we have to sit here
Starting point is 00:25:01 with these fake smiles on our head. Remember, Tend that you're too fucking cold sound amazing. So then Kyle and Amanda's room Kyle's like, oh, babe, what's the last thing should I wear? She's like, Kyle, hold on, I have to poop. And then, and then Sierra's face timing. Sierra in her room is face timing page in her room. And Sierra's like, what's the theme of today's activity?
Starting point is 00:25:25 And Paige just goes, Arctic. Which I thought was so fun and a-why, Arctic. Like, I don't want to say anymore, just Arctic. Well, can we just agree to have a theme that's like dope outfit? We're dope outfit. Well, Arctic is my dope outfit, so you're on your own. So everybody gets dressed for their crazy day. And Santa of all is like, I'm going to crazy everybody. I'm going to wear long john PJs and a killed.
Starting point is 00:25:51 That's right, bro. So then they're all doing shots that are poor, that are being held on one of those plastic cake top things. And then Tom whips out his fucking trumpet. I mean, dude, are you here 10 minutes? Like, how long do you have on this show? Put it away, go outside, touch grass. Yeah, it honestly didn't bother me
Starting point is 00:26:12 because I just feel like everything. This entire show is sort of like that crazy pack rat person in Labyrinth, you know, who carries everything on her back. It's just sort of like, this is like the pack. This is the pack on top of that Labyrinth, you know, who carries everything on her back. It's just sort of like, this is like the pack. This is the pack on top of that Labyrinth creature. Just all the shit, like, yeah, just throwing the horn. Like, we're already here.
Starting point is 00:26:32 This is just, just give it, just throw it all at us. I don't care at this point. That's just what we are. That's what we signed up for. So now it's time for their outside winter Gabe thing. And looks like when it comes to winter things, leave it to me. Kay, I grew up in this world. As a kid, I would play these games. And as an adult, we can still play these games just with, you know, less boob touch in and, you know, stuff like that. Also, it hurts a lot more. So I love that Luke acts like he's the only one who's had access to
Starting point is 00:27:02 winter in the entire country. Oh yeah, there's this thing called winter that happens. Yeah, I'm actually lucky that I got to experience it and I can teach you things about it. My child grew up on a ski. Yeah, snowfall, not just a show on AME or AMC or whatever, you know, it's a place where people grow up. You know, snowfall, snowfall, it's a vibe. So guess what? It's the polar bears versus the skull crushers. And they're going to do, it's like they're doing silly games. So they're doing a biatheleon where they have to like drink and then throw snow ball and hit a bucket. Here's my. Celebrity beef. You never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or
Starting point is 00:27:44 trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasive. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Diss and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity feud, from the build-up, why it happened, and the repercussions. What does our obsession with these feud say about us? We're starting off with a pretty messy love triangle between Selena Gomez and Justin and Haley Bieber, a seemingly innocent TikTok of Selena talking about her laminated eyebrows. It's snowballed into a full-blown alleged feud.
Starting point is 00:28:18 But it doesn't seem like fans are letting up anytime soon. Despite both Selena and the Bieber's making public statements denying any bad blood. How much of this is teen jealousy and lovers quarreling, and how much of it is a carefully crafted narrative designed to sell albums? Follow this and tell wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder ya. I'm not typing all this shit out. So like play games, you know, they play games and we'll a lot and drink. And then Paige comes sledding down and knocks into the head first into the flip cup table.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And she's like, this was part of the plan. Run into the table. Everyone's confused. If you win, my prize is a boyfriend that I kind of want to murder. And which he would just notice that I have a feeling inside of me. It's not good right now. Oh my god. What's that? What's that? What's that?
Starting point is 00:29:10 What's that? Dude, I think your girlfriend's unzipping. So Jess is telling Sierra that she just telling Sierra that Corey, like, Corey doesn't seem like super interested, but like now I'm interested in it. And Santa's always trying to pee with his kids. There's like a lot of stuff happening. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Things. So then Kyle and Austin are talking and Kyle's like, yeah, Austin is not using labels because he has a girlfriend. And I'm also like, no, no, no, no, no, no, like I've known him for a minute, you know, talking about what's using labels because he has a girlfriend. And I was just like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like I've known him for a minute, you know, talking about what's her button's flowers. Olivia. And he's like, you know, and we're like,
Starting point is 00:29:51 let's stop like seeing like other people, you know? And she didn't want to have like a relationship because she knows that I'm coming here. And I was like, oh my God, I never had like a conversation just mature with a woman in my entire life. I was fucking insane. So insane. So now it's time to play Capture the Flag, which is notable only because at one point, Craig falls over and hits his knee on a rock and he's like, oh, the rocks are right here.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Oh, there are rocks out here. I'm not playing in this fucking rock field anymore. Oh, that rock hurt me. Yeah. And Craig is definitely the kid that we all, like, knew in school who, like, the moment that things weren't going right, he would then start trying to gaslight everyone playing the game. Like, this game's stupid and everyone doesn't like it because everyone doesn't want to get hit by rocks.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So we should just stop. No one wants to play this game anymore. And he's marching around in a full length fur coat too, which makes it fun. And he's like, ah, I'm fucking rock. So, Kyle's like, yeah, I'm trying to remember back like, was Craig always a little bitch, like drink a hot toddy, do something, only does his bitch in wine. Craig's like, I just fucking got her.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I went face first into a table, I got up and I won the game. I look cheek even though the theme is Arctic. Keep it moving. Craig hit his poor little knee on a rock. Games over. Stupid boy friend. Who would date him? Oh God.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Oh God, it's me. Oh God. What am I crying right now? Am I crying? I'm unzipping. I'm unzipping. So now they go inside and change and the kitchen drain is stopped up. So stuff is coming up the drain and cows like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:31:33 And Tom's like, give me a plunger, bro. I want the vibe to stay fun. You know, like I was a dishwasher at one point. So you know what? But if I start cleaning, then everyone's gonna start planning and like, it's gonna be a vibe. A cleaning vibe. Nope, it's just gonna be you cleaning. So actually you cleaning while paying Craig, Craig, Lai on the couch and Sierra and Amanda had just like gossip.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Sorry. Yeah, nice to see you. Exactly. So then Schwartz, Schwartz, this is sad. Actually Schwartz is telling Kyle that his dad has been in the hospital for like 96 days and he feels really guilty that he can't see his dad more and how this has had a negative impact
Starting point is 00:32:13 on his relationship with Katie, which is really, really sad. But I think like, I am also like, this is super sad and I do believe it's having a negative impact on your relationship with Katie. But the other things that are having negative relationship with Katie is like all the other things that you don't do or don't do, like everything we saw in Banner Pump Rules.
Starting point is 00:32:33 So it's also like taking Tom's side on everything and not right now, you're on a vacation with Tom, which I'm sure she's loving, you know. Yeah. He's like, well, I'm being optimistic, which is a lie. I'm just lying to myself. It's the most stressful I've ever, of the most stressed out I've ever been. So by necessity, I've been my cluster, you know, it's not like all those other times you guys have seen me on TV, where you know, it's just like, last year, last year, you know, now it's just like, like last year, just like cluster, but, you
Starting point is 00:33:04 know, lacking in some ways, much like I have been with Katie. Kind of sorry, Katie. Hope you're having fun. Well, I'm on vacation with Tom. Some of my data card would you? Thanks. This is depressing. So how about I just talk about myself instead. Yeah, I've been in a stress bubble before. You know, we know, but my stress bubble just looks more like, you know, alcohol tea, but you can't appreciate it unless you're from afar. And so like sometimes we're just being able to walk up
Starting point is 00:33:32 and be like, yo, take a break, take a break. Take a break. Luke's here. So really I want to just like be in like a pool of maple syrup. I just want to have to think about stuff and Luke's like, get your bro. Okay, no one else was raised like this
Starting point is 00:33:49 Okay, come outside the white stuff the white stuff that's cold that we were just in Come out there. I'll be there right next to a tree getting ready to tap it. Okay. Yeah, I'll you bro I was gonna tap a tree to make you some my syrup, but then Craig started yelling at me and said I have to wait for the trees Consent. I'm gonna tap that tree so hard it's gonna call itself bring into noise bring into trunk okay I'll see you out there. Oh that was... It's only down the way that Joe. So don't worry everybody, I quit. Bring in the noise, bring in that trunk. So now Amanda, the girls are gathered at the windows watching the guys who are downstairs doing like, shirtless snow angels and, um, like 80s. They just like, what 80s?
Starting point is 00:34:40 So then all the guys finish and they run up and all jump in the hot tub together and looks like, wow guys We battled on the field, but now we can celebrate break bread together put it in a glass dish covered in cheese mannies and some Fritos and you know color color the hot dish, you know Cheers to what could potentially be a very Exciting homo erotic moment for all of us here in this hot tub. Anyone? No? Okay. We'll keep it. We'll keep it PG. Surely someone put enough chlorine in here that we don't all get each other's diseases. Right? Surely someone responsible did that. Right? Right, guys.
Starting point is 00:35:17 So I was like, all right, everyone, what's the craziest thing you've done in a tub? Which by the way, um, I feel like the how crazy can it really get. My taxes. What did you say taxes? Yeah, my taxes. It's the craziest shit you did in the hot tub. My taxes. What are people going to say? They fact. What do you think? They fact. But like, there's like an awesome tautics thing there. Like, you can only get so far. I mean, what's someone I I had sex with a girl in a hot tub. I had sex with two girls on top. I had sex with three girls.
Starting point is 00:35:49 I want someone to say, I designed Heidi Gloom's worm Halloween costume in a hot tub. Well, that's what I want. Those are our hot tub parties. No, those are like the gay ones. So Craig's like, I'm just in turn down, group sex with me. And I was like, yeah, cause like, I didn't know if I was ready to see Craig, I'm just into her damn group sex with me. And I was like, yeah, because I didn't know if I was ready to see Craig have sex.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Sorry. And then SantaVall says, Dune, like Schwarzenegg, we have a pact that we want to go our entire lives without seeing each other's dicks. Which I'm really surprised that is where they are drawing their boundary, you know? Right and Austin's like whoa you haven't seen it you haven't seen Charles Dix Because Austin is now getting confirmation that him and Craig's relationship is normal because he just wants to see Craig Stix so bad, you know, and then we it just turns to all the guys wanting to see each other sticks So then you know, I have to say This should have been a kind of a turn on, not at all.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Really? I think it's because it was Austin who was driving this, this, this dick energy, because we see a flashback of Austin pulling Kyle to the side to look at Kyle's dick. And it would have been just like, I think so much, I think it would have been so much hotter if it was Luke who's doing this. He was like, hey, can I see your day, Klaus? So you might, I'd be like, oh my God, this show. Woo!
Starting point is 00:37:11 But because it's Austin, it's like, oh, you're ruined at Austin. So then they just, they cut to page who's done nothing, you know? She just kind of breezes into the kitchen and goes, wow, it's so clean. Yeah, it's fucking magic. No, that works. That works. So then Rachel and Jason are talking in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And Rachel's like, did you guys make all this food? Oh my God, you guys have it under control. And he's like, huh, by God, is she mean me? And she's like, yeah, wow. In my family, like you're supposed to go to college, get a good education, get married, start having kids. I didn't do any of that. Okay?
Starting point is 00:37:46 Like literally in the end of it. And here I am, meeting this super sweet guy who cooks. So of course, I want to be with him. When I want to be with him. And then she goes, but then I'm like, am I settling? Am I just saying, hey, here's this gorgeous guy who treats me with respect, who only wants to cook food for me and get to know me for me and go at a respectable piece. Am I just settling for that?
Starting point is 00:38:14 Right. And then it cuts to him going, Hey, have you ever had a whole fish? I've ever cooked a whole fish before. Yeah, she's like, Oh my god, I don't want to settle. Please don't let me settle. I don't know. I just, I can't help but feel like there's a perfect man out there and I don't know. I'm just settling for Jason. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:38:34 Jesus is so hot. Well, it's not about hotness, but honestly, he is so hot and that he cooks and he's so nice. And so friendly, I'm like, girl, lock that down. Lock it down. So then Jess is eating something in her room and Rachel's like, oh my God, are you eating? And she goes, yeah, like we literally
Starting point is 00:38:55 haven't eaten all day. So how are you feeling about stuff? And Rachel says, I'm okay. It's hard to infiltrate the girls because they're super close, but not the guys infiltrate the girls because they're like super close, but like not the guys, but the girls, they're like harder to crack because like girls are complicated. I mean, has one girl here asked you if you've ever had a full fish?
Starting point is 00:39:13 Like not mean. And Jessica's like, she's like, yeah, I always get along better with guys and I do with girls like girls. Like when guys make fun of my crusty buns, it's like funny, but when girls do it, it's like mean, you know? Yeah, I mean, the girls are like intimidated by me, you know? And at first, the girls were cool, but like, now I don't know. Like, I really don't know if Paige likes me. Because like, you know, I think it's because I keep calling Cory Craig. Like, I don't know, but like, I'm not
Starting point is 00:39:43 attracted to Craig, okay? I mean, you can pay me enough to see a Cory Craig, like I don't know, but like I'm not attracted to Craig, okay? I mean, you can pay me enough to see a Craig, like I don't want Craig. Jessica, get the fuck over yourself, okay? No one is accusing you of trying to steal Craig with your undeniable gojacity. Yeah, she goes, the guys I kind of attract, I kind of attract guys because of my sex appeal. You don't say. Yeah, I wonder what you're just not your sparkling conversation on leave of all. Jessica's like, yeah, also, notice she goes right towards the guys and she's like, oh my god, the girls just don't like me.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Oh my god, Craig is so gross. I have not the intercreg whatsoever. He is like disgusting. He is like a walking turd and anyone who would date him is so gross, I've not the intercreg whatsoever. He is like disgusting. He is like a walking turd and anyone who would date him is just like sad because they have no standards. Anyway, I don't know why Paige doesn't like me. It page doesn't like me. It's because she's afraid I'm so gorgeous
Starting point is 00:40:38 that her boyfriend's gonna fall in love with me. Well then asshole. So then Luke and Jason are mixing a salad and Jason goes, Jason goes, what kind of salad dressing is that? And he goes, oh, I just put lemon on it and some vinegar and some oil. And Jason goes, wow. Wow. And Craig didn't yell at you for squeezing that lemon. So, Simon must have fucked me. I go, God, Jessica heard us talk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Did you see the weird shot of Austin? Was he like licking a ketchup cap or something or squeezing honey into his mouth? What was that? Did you see that? I don't know. Sometimes when Austin comes on the screen, I just see like a big black bar,
Starting point is 00:41:24 like my brain, I think just kind of edits him out. Yeah, that's good. That's a survival mechanism. Yeah, so dinner, a trauma-bonding. So dinner seating and they're having hot dogs and salad and crackers with some old salmon on top. Yeah, I kind of, when Rachel went into the kitchen and was like very impressed with what was happening in there I kind of thought the meal was gonna be in turn impressive. I mean it was fine Rachel's just sitting there with the whole fish by herself like Thanks for this red snapper So the tom's are like wow thanks for having for having us. What a pleasure. And they all cheers and
Starting point is 00:42:07 Sierra, there's like grilled vegetables on a plate and Sierra goes, what kind of salad is that? And Craig is, I didn't make it. Sierra, just, oh my God, where are you so pissy? Like, don't call me up on my government name like that. What did I do to you? Because you didn't do anything to me. I'm just expressing myself. Well, expressing yourself. Stupid. So, Paige is like, Craig is wearing on me every single day. Like, I'm trying to keep it all in and not address the stress that Craig has already put on the house as I at a level
Starting point is 00:42:42 10. But like, do you know how mentally draining that is? And the fact that I actually paid full price for this outfit, like it's bothering me so much, but I had to admit it, it's terrible. So then Austin's like, all right, we're going to pick up our place and we're going to put them in the wash. Look, everyone's going to do it. Okay, oh wait, we don't have a trash can. What are we going to do? We're a trash can. So then Tom turns on the hot water and puts you start to washing just this and they're, bro, you're putting your hand in that water. That was so much inside that I thought. I thought shorts said, oh, that's hot. You're putting your hands in that water. Like, of course, shorts would be scared of hot water. So that well, he does like a cold hand. There's something weird with shorts. Remember he said
Starting point is 00:43:23 that he likes, he likes a cold hand be that's what he said last season. Tom with sand and balls like really need to jerk off to get some sperm for a baby and I know you like it cold. So I brought you an ice back to jerk off with he's like yeah do you love a cold one? It's odd. So then um I will never forget that by the way. I mean if Tom if Tom Schwartz ever God forbid, the first thing I'm going to think of is God, he loved a cold handy. I don't think I've really picked up on that. He liked a cold handy or at least I didn't stick with me, but now it will. So Rachel brings that shot.
Starting point is 00:43:58 It'll be on tune, dude. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and commercial. Rachel brings out shots, more shots before they go out. And shorts, shorts goes, I just want toxic positivity the rest of the night. So they go out to a bar called auto service. And so let's see, people are drinking some people are drinking cider. And so Sierra comes up and she's like, hey, everybody cheers, cider. And Austin's like, whoa, cider?
Starting point is 00:44:34 She's like, yeah, try it. It's good. And he goes, I was like, who's going to let me taste your cider? Not Sierra. Oh, God. Life is full of so many curveballs, isn't it, Austin? You never know. So then Schwartz and Kral are doing that guiding work guys here in a relationship. And that's all they want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:44:53 But they don't want to hear about the other one. They just want to talk about their own. So guys like, well, I just feel like when we get when we get each other like wasted, like it's so fun. He's like, yeah, oh, this is Swartz by the way. He's like, yeah, so how's it been for your relationship? He's like, I'm in the honeymoon stage, AKA no more wedding to plan. Like, we like love each other, but it's not easy. Yeah, but you guys have like put work into it,
Starting point is 00:45:19 and I've been guilty of not putting work into it lately, because I'm absorbed in my own little world. And like, you can't do that to your partner. He's like, yeah. Oh, great. Glad you asked me about my relationship. So I can listen to you whining about yours for the rest of the night.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah, but for real though, you do have to work at it because if you don't work at your work at your relationship for an extended period of time, it's not going to work out. Like, look at me and Katie. I've never worked at our relationship for an extended period of time. It's not going to work out. Look at me and Katie. I've never worked at our relationship and look at us now. I'm like, where are you right now? He's like, it's hard. It's just a lot to unpack.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And then he tells us, at this point Katie's basically left me. She like formally sat me to how to divorce me. But I haven't admitted it to my friends because I've bottled up emotions. You know, it's not easy. Plus it's not on camera, so I'm not really going to get any puse-say from it. So you know, you got to really wait till that chicken's ready to hatch. And then, you know, Schwartz has kind of annoyed me the past few seasons on Vanderpump rules because I found like his cutesy thing was really tiresome and sad and I have felt like
Starting point is 00:46:23 he's really been a shitty husband to Katie. But I think I'm starting to like him again because he finally showed some self-awareness because he goes, I've been so mediocre. That's the word. I'm like, you know what? Admitting it is half the battle. Congratulations Schwartz, you're on the path of mediocre redemption. Congratulations, Schwartz, you're on the path of mediocre redemption. So then the ladies are talking and Rachel's like, um, Sierra, I feel like, um, Mike, Austin's flirting with you is Austin flirting with you. And Jessica's, um, yeah, like, she's so hot when she gets stressed up, I would flirt with her too. And Sierra goes, oh, wait, you're bisexual. She goes, yeah, but that would never date a girl. That's gross.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And Paige says, okay, well, how many times have you hooked up with a girl? More than 10. More than 10. I wonder why she doesn't get along with girls. She's bisexual. I would never date a girl. This girl's a fucking bus.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And what kind of answer is that? More than 10 10 so Amanda says Okay, well out of all of us who would you hook up with? She's like um Sierra are you not following the thread here? Sierra's home Follow up question If this bar were burning down who would you leave to die? Jules oh my God. I'll make out with you now.
Starting point is 00:47:50 So Sierra's like, okay, well, we should make out then. Fuck the boys, we'll just kiss. I mean, nothing's gonna turn boys on more than like two hot girls kissing in a bar. So Camiera, say kiss and everyone's like, woohoo! So then Jess is like, so who do you think is the most gentle and any type?
Starting point is 00:48:08 And they're like, Jason! And Paige is like, hey, new girl. Remember when we went out the other day and you were like, hey, like you and Jason were like really vibing? And Rachel's like, yeah! And she's like, do you feel that vibe anymore? And Rachel's like, well, I just wanted to be more aggressive. Like, there's the end to me and all the girls are like,
Starting point is 00:48:28 yes, she goes, well, I would never know. I feel friend-zoned. And I'm pages like, yeah, I hate, when the guy's not aggressive enough. She's like, what if he was more aggressive? Would you be into that? Like this show, this show is gonna make everybody crazy. So she's like, you know, I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:48:44 I know, seriously. I'm gonna be all the more of this she's like, you know, I'm too scared. I know, seriously. I'm gonna be all the more of this stuff. Oh, you're right. But there is a happy medium I guess, between Luke and what Jason is doing. I mean, I get it, but it's just like the language is like, well, so then Rachel's like, yeah, I mean, I would be totally open, but like he hasn't asked.
Starting point is 00:49:01 And so it's like it's a confusing, because like I don't like being confused about who's interested in me. You know, like if I don't know's a confusing because like, I don't like being confused about who's interested in me. You know, like if I don't know who's interested in me, I don't know if I'm settling or not. You know, it's really hard being a florist when you come onto the show and you brought all the roses and you want to hand them out
Starting point is 00:49:15 and you can't tell who's actually on the bachelor's at with you. You know what I'm saying? So then Jess and Corey are talking. He's like, you're cute. Just, you have to like slow down to think I'm cute because you go like, oh, passing He's like, you're cute. You have to like slow down to think I'm cute. Because you're like, oh, passing by. Oh, you are cute. I guess. No, I know you're cute. Yeah, well, most guys are into me, but you weren't. So I was like, my God, that's so intriguing.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I can't deal with all these slow people. It's not a game when you guys are telling each other. You know? I think you're hot. I just pretend you're not hot, so you'll think I'm hot. Yeah, but I'm hot, and I know I'm hot, but you're not pretending I'm hot, so it makes me think you're hot. That's what I just said. I know, I want to fuck you.
Starting point is 00:50:00 No. See? Oh my god, I'm so morning now. Do you think they're going to... I feel like Jess is such a lunatic. I think that we're gonna, I think she is now fully being inserted into this whole world. Do we think that she's gonna be on Summer House? I guess we could look that up, but I feel like it would be crazy if they don't have her on Summer House.
Starting point is 00:50:18 She's just the brand of crazy that they love to have. I don't know. Garrett, I'm not psyched. We'll find out. We'll find out. Things like that. We'll see.. I don't know. Garrett, I'm not psyched. We'll find out. Things like that. We'll see. So, I'm gonna tell.
Starting point is 00:50:28 We'll never stop. Everyone thinks I really high. Why doesn't anybody, why doesn't this song like me? I just want her to bring her undeniable sex appeal to the Hamptons. So, Sandevol is now talking to Austin, asking if Austin's in a relationship, and Austin's like, I would say that I am, and Sandevol's like,
Starting point is 00:50:51 dooo, what's her name? Her name is Olivia. I don't know. And I don't know. I don't know. See her dancing on a bar. Yeah, I cut to Sierra. Like bent over on a bar, like squatting,
Starting point is 00:51:03 no, on her hands and knees on a bar like shaking her ass and stuff and Austin starts staring at her while he's talking to John and he starts looking so nervous. He's like looking his lips and looking around and then staring more and then looking around. And Tom's like, so when you come out here, how do you feel about the relationship back home? Like are you free to hook up with other girls? And Austin's like, uh, let's say this, uh, we haven't put the title on it because we're like having fun together. But like, if I grow the balls, like, I definitely will ask you to marry me into your God. She's
Starting point is 00:51:33 hot. Look still staring at Sierra. Yeah. It's a bad sign. Um, and so then there are, they're going to leave sort of pulling people off like the guys are helping the girls off the bar and Jason the girls off the bar and Jason helps Rachel off the bar. And it's like, oh God, is he in to her? I just can't tell. So then now they all head back to the house and Rachel basically turns to Jason and goes,
Starting point is 00:51:56 Jason, do you like me because I can't tell? And he goes, is that a question? I mean, I literally gave you an entire group of her for dinner tonight and everyone else got burgers. She goes, yeah, because you haven't said one word. And he's like, I literally gave you an entire group of Virginia Urgent night and everyone else got burgers. She was, yeah, because you haven't said one word. And he's like, I like you. She goes, okay, now what? And then she goes to the kitchen. He's just like, oh my God, now I'm going to walk through the hallway really slowly and not talk to her again till the end of the night. Yes. I know. I don't know. I'll walk with things around her.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Mike. Yes. I know. I'm going to lock where things around her. So, uh, partying and they're partying. I it looked like the guys that the guys do that thing where they put oil on the floor so they were slipping around and then no, Greg pulls out pepper and starts winding pepper on the floor. And so they all act like
Starting point is 00:52:39 they're sliding all over the pepper. Oh, I thought they were. So my interpretation of this artistic moment was that they had put oil down and we're sliding on the oil and then Craig was just peppering the oil and then paid because that's why Paige was going, guys, we're not marinating the floor. But either way, the one thing we do know is that Craig did have a pepper grinder and was grinding pepper on the floor. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:05 So let's see, what happens after this? Often has like a giant speaker that he's like bubbling on his shoulder and it falls over and onto the floor probably dented the wood flooring, the new wood flooring in Sierra's like, Austin, what the fuck? You're acting like an idiot when I'm trying to show the world that you're really thoughtful and interesting person.
Starting point is 00:53:26 So then Justin Cory are hanging out and he goes into her room and he's like, whoa, your room is gross. And she's like, whatever, it's just a room because it's trashed, you know. And you have a half eaten sandwich on your dresser. And she's like, okay, then go. And he goes, he look hot though. You look hot though. He would be like, hot though. He's like, I can't stand it. I can't stand it because it's so effective. I think that's why I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Because I just see how much success he has with it. And it's so transparent. I feel like it's so transparent. Like you see exactly what he's doing and yet it does work. So now Jason has his arm around Rachel, like a brother and sister and he kisses at her head. I'm like, hmm, she may have a point about his game.
Starting point is 00:54:11 It's not the best. And she grabs his face and she's like, I'm going to bed and then gives him a big kiss. And he's like, whoa. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. I know. Corey and Juss are on the couch now. And he's like, what's your type?
Starting point is 00:54:24 And she's like, I'm you. He goes, good answer. He goes, I like how you did like finger guns for that. That was so hot. She's like, yeah, but I think we should wait though. For what? To fuck. He goes, I don't wanna fuck you.
Starting point is 00:54:38 She's, you don't wanna fuck me. Really? I'm just like used to guides wanting to fuck. And he goes, I've obviously seen all that shit. Look, I've got a Pearl necklace on. I'm enlightened. It's just, you're so difficult. Why can't you be easier? So she's like really into the fact that like, he wants to take it slow, which is bullshit
Starting point is 00:54:59 because next episode we see them on the previous fucking. Well, slower. So we're than they could have been. And so then we go to page and Craig Mike Kram and he's like stumbling into the room and she says, when do you got downstairs, will you bring your soup bowl? Yes. I didn't hear like a thing you just said right now. Just what I said at three times. So I'm not going to state me more. Craig is like, I'm sorry, baby. And he's a one more time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:29 No. No. She's like, I have to resume sighing on my pillow. Yeah. So, um, so now the Tom's are sharing a bed and, uh, Sandub all's like, don't know what you want to watch a movie.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I can put a new one here on my laptop and sports goes Ninja Turtles and Luke is in the next bed over. And he goes, you guys are right. I love it. Hey, question, what do you guys think about lighting fireworks next to a boat? Okay, you will be judged on this answer.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Sounds fun. I gotta hate you guys. So I'm at the collar and bed and cause like, oh my god, Amanda, what the fuck? Those are two massive bookers. And she's picking her nose and trying to wipe them on his arm. And he's like, yeah, and go, oh my god, three books Amanda. I'm gonna throw up. You know, I think they actually may have a healthier relationship than I thought. Well, they do now. We just like arguing over poop and putting
Starting point is 00:56:26 boogers on each other as they go to bed. I feel like that's the foundation of a successful marriage, right? I just heard that. I'm glad you guys finally did it. You guys have been on television now. And we can honestly say, God, more power to you. You did it. It works.
Starting point is 00:56:43 So now it's the morning. And Austin is calling Olivia and he's like, babe, what's wrong? She goes, nothing, I just woke up. Well, I woke up fully clued, jacket on, still I look like, goddamn bet, Bidler right now. She goes, cool. Yeah, we're not too far.
Starting point is 00:57:01 He's in his underwear playing with his dick because he's Austin and he cannot keep his hands off of his dick. He just keeps playing with his dick. So then in the kitchen Rachel's like, what are you doing? Ramen and Jason's like, whatever it takes at this point. Hey, did you have fun last night? Yeah. Yeah. I'm like she made the first move because I'm not a first move kind of guy, but I'm excited to see, is there a relationship? Is there a fling here?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Oh my God, I should say something about ramen, what should I say? It's like, bro, you are making more moves on your ramen than you are on Rachel for crying out loud. So, I had wild dreams last night because it was I and I'm just, I don't even know. I don't think so though. So then shorts is saying, Kyle, I'm not going to rush you guys because this is my house, not my moment. Also I'm afraid of rushing, but we should get on to the slopes.
Starting point is 00:58:04 So they're all changing and everyone's getting dressed. So now here comes a pivotal moment. Luke is doing something to Craig Snowboard, like fixing it or adjusting it or something like that. And Paige is watching and Paige tells us, Craig saw Snowboard that he really liked and I wrapped it and gave it to him, and he loved it for his birthday. And then we find out that his bindings, Craig's bindings didn't fit with the snowboard.
Starting point is 00:58:31 We'd be like, oh baby, I'm gonna wear the boots and the bindings you gave me. And she's like, whatever, like, send the snowboard back. Let me get my money back. I'll never get this man a gift again, never, ever, ever. And I just like wrote that all down, because I'm like, surely this feels like the sort of stupid thing that's like
Starting point is 00:58:48 in the middle of the show that we think we don't have to pay attention to, and it's gonna become the cornerstone of a massive fight. And called it. It does. Yeah. So then we get some more Rachel history. She's like, wow, when I grew up,
Starting point is 00:59:03 I was a belly dancer, a brick player, a faux painter for walls, a grass cutter. I was really into volleyball. I really liked claiming garbage disposal or fridge. You know, sometimes I like cleaning out the fridge. I also liked macrame color by numbers, but I really never like skiing. It's like, wow. Well, make a movie about it. Congratulations. I've never been to me.
Starting point is 00:59:35 So now, I guess they're on the slopes. I think this is when I started to fall asleep. So now they're on the slopes then now the girls are standing around, and they're just talking about last night, and Sierra's asking about Rachel and Jason, and Rachel's like, yeah, I feel like a few shots who's going to mop a little. Like, at one point, he came in like he was going to kiss me,
Starting point is 00:59:55 and then he just sort of moved backwards and ran into a corner and cried. So I feel like that was progress. So then the guys, Craig's like, I want to know if anyone hooked up last night, where it's like, I could have, but like I denied her. Like a denied her. It's like, yeah, it's my game. So then Sierra and Jess are talking.
Starting point is 01:00:17 She's like, yeah, like it was so cute. He was like cuddling me and like misaging me. What's your sexual attention? Yeah, but then he wouldn't have sex with me. He wouldn't, he wouldn't massaging me. What's your sexual attention? Yeah, but then he wouldn't have sex with me. He wouldn't. He wouldn't even kiss me. Like, he'll get me going, but then I'll stop. And then Custocori, like, yeah, I'm doing a different game than the other guy she's used to. She invited me to her room, but her bed was dirty, so I left. Corey, okay, you are not, you're not revolutionizing games.
Starting point is 01:00:45 This is called Hard to Get. That has a name, it's called Hard to Get. I'm correcting, girl. And girl's like, wow, that's an angle. So Jess is like, so basically I'm in love. Kidding, I would never have guessed it's Corey. I mean, it's so crazy. Like the hottest blonde girl on the house
Starting point is 01:01:02 going from like the biggest most muscular bleachy cheaty the guy in the house like who would have thought right yeah who would have thought that I'd be drawn to the guy with the best body who also has a shirt off the most I can't believe it it's like not you guys so elsewhere Amanda notices that page is really quiet, which is funny because Paige is usually pretty quiet. So Paige is like, well, I'm like the type of person where if there's a confrontation, I get anxious and I can't bounce back from it. And Craig is like, is so like, this is how I feel. And I'm seeing it from myself. And I'm like, okay, but like other people have feelings too. Like other people have Zoom calls that they need to do in the middle dinner at the dinner table.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Okay, like I don't understand. Oh my God, you know what you're doing? You're just like repeating everything I said about Kyle. And she said, yeah, well, I woke up this morning and I was like, literally, I wanna go home because this is so uncomfortable. And I'm just like, Paige, come here. I know how it feels because remember when you were giving me so much about Kyle.
Starting point is 01:02:05 You know, like page, it like it kind of eats at you and you get sad and you start questioning things and spiraling like luckily I haven't done anything like by him like a really cute gift that he never uses or anything like that. Oh my god, Pager crying even more. It's just like so much. It's like really ways on me. Like, what am I going to do with that snowboard? I'm too sensitive. I'm just too beautiful and too sensitive and too good at making an ensemble. I can't do this anymore. I have to go. Oh, yes, winterhouse. Well, that brings us to the end of Winterhouse, and…
Starting point is 01:02:47 Yeah, thanks everyone for listening. We'll be back on Monday with some real housewives of Potomac, and of course, take a seat on Spotify Live. So join us there and have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Bye! Bye! Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors! Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Ashley Savoni, she don't take nobelone. Dana C. Dana Duh. She's not just a sheela. She's a daniella. Itchels. Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss no trickleess. Alva Nagila Weber. Jamie, she has no less namey.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. Jess saying, okay. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the piston Anderson. You're never alone with Lacey Montellan. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Sarah Greenwood. She only uses her power for good.
Starting point is 01:03:41 The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Always the wisers, Allison Weisler. Somebody get us 10ccs of Betzy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Better do what she says is Elva Enrique's. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Under your fasteners, it's Aaron Casner. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. We will, we will, Joanna Rocklandu, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. She's a good hobby, it's Lauren Hobgad. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Ceasen Desisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens' ad-free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today.
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