Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast - Tech We'd Like to See Improved!
Episode Date: July 5, 2024This week, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss a few quick news items including Instagram's "Made By AI" tag and a new app that makes the trash can on Mac a little more realistic. Then we bring back th...e "Wish List" segment by ranking the ones you all submitted to us! After that we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a fun one! Links:Â Bananabin app: https://bit.ly/3zx5b56 Instagram Made with AI: https://bit.ly/45UomBU Pixel 9 Google AI Story: https://bit.ly/4eQoPJd Pixel Using iPhone Display: https://bit.ly/4cr7R2N Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:Â https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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I have tried to upload a video from the browser to Twitter
every week for three months.
It doesn't work.
It still doesn't work.
So how do you do it from your phone?
So I airdrop it to my phone and upload it from my phone.
And then I copy and paste whatever I was going to use as a caption from the desktop to the phone.
How does Mr. Beast do it with his full videos?
Honestly, I don't know.
12 people doing it?
I tried in Safari, Chrome, and Arc.
It's just broken as hell.
Have you tried Mozilla?
I have not.
Yo, just saying.
The Firefox love from last episode, fantastic.
Although all of them feel very good about Firefox for probably real reasons,
when mine is just like, I don't want to change, and I don't really know why.
You're just like, I don't know, man, I kind of like it.
What is up, people of the internet?
Welcome back to another episode of the Waveform Podcast.
We're all back. We're your hosts.
I'm Marques.
I'm Andrew.
And I'm David.
All three of us in the same space at the same time.
It's been a minute.
On today's episode, we are bringing back the wish lists.
We've done this previously.
I forgot how many episodes ago we did this,
but we have something that we like a lot,
but want one thing to be different about.
And boy, do we have a lot. Or something that we don't lot, but want one thing to be different about. And boy, do we have a lot.
Or something that we don't like because it needs one thing.
And we got a bunch of suggestions from you guys as well
that we're going to go over
and maybe like rate them a little or rank them.
We'll see.
We'll get there.
But before that, we got a couple of quick hits from news
because there wasn't no news.
We can't just go right into the fun part of the pod.
We got to dissect some of the crazy things
that happened in the news in the week since our last podcast what happened i found a fun little app while reading
the verge that i just thought was funny and wanted to shout out it's called banana bin did any of you
guys see this i did i thought this was so cool it's basically a program that you can put on mac os
where if you're always forget to empty your trash can it's a little
animation where you can set it into three different modes between 10 megabytes one gigabyte or 10
gigabytes and if the trash can reaches that level then these flies start flying around the trash can
on the bottom just to remind you that it's probably time to empty your trash because it's
rotting down there i love this i love that are three, there are names for these modes.
10 megabyte max is janitor mode. You're always cleaning up. You're on top of your stuff.
One gigabyte max. Okay. You're the recycler. You know, you got a bunch of word docs in there,
but don't worry about that. But then you get some big files. Uh, 10 gigabyte max is the garbage hoarder. Oof. Not looking at anybody. Middle school kids bedroom. Yeah. There's a lot of
stuff in your
trash can there's some flies around it i definitely fluctuate between garbage hoarder
and the minimalist that first one 10 gigs in our world of media is probably very easy to have
on your trash i bet all of us at some point in the last month have had more than 10 gigs in our
trash i am both i obsessively empty the trash every day and you
still but it regularly has hundreds of gigs of stuff in it that's why you need to empty it every
day exactly yeah last no two weeks ago i checked my trash and i had well over a terabyte i had
closer to two terabytes than one terabyte That's just taking up space on your drive. Well, not after I hit the empty button.
Two terabytes?
I feel like...
Dude, that's like three seconds of Red Raw.
Yeah, true.
You know what?
I was going to say,
Banana Bin needs something for that
where if it's like a terabyte,
like a tentacle comes out
and starts reaching around,
like, please, God.
Yeah, that's another level wait
there's a weird behavior and i i don't know if it's just mac os but if you have an sd card for
example and you pull a bunch of things off the sd card and delete them they go to the recycling bin
and then you eject the sd card all of that stuff in the recycling bin stays there but becomes
invisible when you eject the card and still takes up space on my drive.
And when I plug the SD card back in,
it says it's empty,
but I can't put anything on it because it's still full
because the stuff that's in my recycling bin
is still taking up space.
Has anybody else had this problem?
It's like linked to it.
It's like linked to it.
And until I empty my trash,
I can't put anything on the drive.
That's really annoying. It's very annoying. I've seen something like empty my trash, I can't put anything on the drive. That's really annoying.
It's very annoying.
I've seen something like that before
and I don't know why,
but also in this article from The Verge about this,
they said like it doesn't work quite well
when you have drives coming in.
I'm assuming because it gets confused
with how that's all working
and not knowing how much is like in there versus,
yeah, I don't know.
But it's a free app i think you have
to like sign up you have to email them right now and they are going to charge a little bit in the
future but i just thought it was funny i'd pay a couple bucks for that yeah i'll continue
obsessively emptying my trash yeah i want to point out that my trash can is currently empty
same no flies here no fly zone was going to say the same thing.
Great minds.
Okay, what is this Instagram AI thing?
Because this has been getting a lot of attention.
Okie dokie.
Here we go.
So, a while ago.
Is this big of a deal?
I think I wrote this down in here, and then I think I had the tab open.
I was like, David, we'll have plenty to say about this. Yeah.
It all starts with Sputnik.
So a number of months ago when Dolly came out
and all of these AI image generators started to get more popular
and Adobe started coming out with Firefly and all this stuff,
a bunch of these platforms started to be like,
oh, we kind of have some sort of responsibility
to show users what is AI and what is not AI.
So Instagram, owned by Meta, who also has an AI image generator and therefore has even
more of a responsibility to somehow tag things as AI, just decided that on Instagram, they
were going to basically look at the metadata of images that were uploaded.
And if there was traces of this was AI generated generated then we're going to tag it as such the
problem is that Adobe in also an effort to tag things as AI because they also
offer an AI image generation platform now puts like all the this kind of metadata inside of exported images
for many different functions in photoshop so in my opinion this should only be added to the
metadata if you like fully generate an image but they're putting them that in the metadata for
generative fill for i don't know resizing for for some reason liquify tool
it's kind of unclear it's kind of unclear like what they added it for all i know is that a number
of my friends who are specifically film photographers have been getting the made with
ai tag stamped on their photos which are you know because they just made basic edits in lightroom because everyone edits
their pictures but they have told me that they didn't even use any of the like new ai features
like generative fill or any of this kind of stuff but for some reason adobe is so hell-bent on
making sure that there's some sort of tag in the metadata that they are still labeling this as made with ai and the instagram tag for an ai
generated image or whatever is just made with ai which obviously causes a ton of confusion
because if you just did some basic color adjustments and edits and then it got tagged
made with ai it's like no the image was not made with ai maybe Maybe there was like... Well, it was. It was made with... You know how it's like includes 100% juice?
Made with apple juice.
It was made with AI, but it wasn't made with AI.
Yeah, it should be like includes some AI edits or something.
Anyway, a lot of people got very pissed at this
because it was basically causing misinformation.
A lot of my photographer friends were like,
I did not make this with AI.
I don't know what you're talking about.
And so Instagram has now swapped out the tag.
Doesn't make it a lot better.
Now it just has a little tag that says AI info.
And then you click on it
and it gives a little description of like,
here's the reasons that we tagged this AI info
and it could have been used with generative fill
or it could have been made as a as a model as an image generation model um yeah so i don't know
they swapped it out it's better than made with ai but it's still pretty frustrating because
again i've had friends that literally just use the crop tool and now it says made with ai and so the
only way to seemingly get around this,
if you're using an Adobe product to edit your photos
is to like take a screenshot of your pictures
and then upload that to Instagram,
which is very frustrating.
Sounds insane to us, but you'd be shocked
how many people do that.
I think it's frustrating,
but like it's erring on the side of caution
because I'd much rather have a lot of people see some photos that aren't
edited with AI and be like maybe there are AI then nothing being labeled at all and then a bunch of
AI created misinformation photos with no warnings at all yeah like I think that's the far more
dangerous thing than being like oh this isn't a real photo yeah i mean it's even worse on facebook
it's worse i would the first thing i saw with this is like this needs to be on facebook because
facebook yeah is just just all ai generated like rage bait right which is surprised surprising to
me that they have this on instagram and not facebook because it's a way worse problem on
facebook it is yeah yeah i it's also like there's a tag, but is there also some
change associated with it? Maybe they won't tell
us, but like if your
Instagram and you've identified an image as
made by AI, do you then
not share it as widely?
Oh. I don't know. I don't know.
I don't think they would probably tell us the answer. Yeah, not sure.
Not sure. But that would be annoying if
you're a photographer who crops their photo and suddenly you're
getting restricted because you cropped it.
And just having a tag that's like, this was made with AI when you've been like sharing
images for years and.
It sucks to have that tag.
I think it sounds like Adobe needs to do a better job at the metadata.
Provided in there.
Because like I, I understand cropping color correction whatever none of that
should ever be anywhere close to ai where's the line that's the hard part because you can't say
you can't say completely made with ai because you can have a photo and then have sections of a photo
that are like ai generated inside erase someone from the background should it say made with ai
this is such a hard yeah i think edited with ai or includes ai elements might be better i guess my only worry with that is is then like
when it is somebody trying to create something majoritively made of ai because it's fake
how do they skirt around that and be like oh well yeah it's just part of it's edited with ai when
really they're the ones trying to cause harm and actually yeah it's a part of it's edited with ai when really they're the ones trying to cause harm and
actually yeah it's a it's complex because like they have they've had content aware fill for a
really long time and now they add a generative fill and most people use generative fill just as
a better version of content aware fill but you can add wholly new elements to the photo if you type
in a description.
But otherwise, it's just a better version
of content-aware fill.
So is content-aware fill not AI,
but generative fill is AI,
even if you don't...
If you use it for the same thing.
Yeah, if you use it for the same thing.
Just fill in some trees behind something you erased.
Yeah, or it's usually getting rid of some dust spots
or something in your film.
I don't know.
But what's
funny is like it seems like they're leaning the cautious way but then like you said not putting
it on facebook yeah where it's being used so much worse it's so much worse which is crazy if you're
going to be cautious be cautious where you need to be cautious i don't just all of this kind of
sucks and it's another thing that sucks for the people
who use things responsibly because of the people who use things not responsibly yeah yep it's
always got to ruin it for the rest of us yeah marquez when you were like where should the line
be and it made me think about this sort of fun fact that uh is if you are an actual historian
please and add more details in the comments because I know this is like,
I'm going to gloss over a lot here.
But there's a lot of really famous pictures
of Abraham Lincoln that are completely doctored.
Like his head superimposed on other people's bodies
because his body was so weird.
And these pictures are like all over history textbooks
and like hanging in the White House and stuff like that.
So even before AI, things have been even before Photoshop or the computer or like, I don't I guess electricity was a thing.
But stuff has been seriously doctored.
I mean, it used to be paintings before that.
And an artist could paint someone however they wanted.
Yeah, this is a true.
What is a photo.
Yeah, well, when Marques said that before,
I was like, quick, quick, move on, move on.
We don't need to get into the photo.
Maybe we can just link the what is a photo episode here
and you can go listen to that part now.
If you have an eight-hour car ride.
I also want to say, I totally,
I'm not trying to say this doesn't suck for photographers.
I just get the both sides of it.
But this sucks when you take a real photo and now it says AI made.
I get it.
Like there's so many, so many things that are just being flooded with AI slop.
Like even Adobe's own, they have this image section where you can like, if you have a
license with Adobe, you can download different stock
images adobe stock is what it's called and now more than half of it is just ai generated images
and they all look like garbage and there's no way to filter it out and they all have really
garbled text that you can't see anything because they had this thing where like you could use adobe
firefly to generate an image and then you could put it on adobe stock and sell it
and then that became like the drop shipping of the 2024 basically i just generated thousands
of images and listed them all for a dollar and people might buy them except they're like 60
dollars jesus yeah i think adobe stock 2 has to be approved don't they you have to like submit it
if they have to be approved then they're not doing a very good job of figuring out what's good and what's not because most of that stuff you literally there are there's
text on it that is illegible or like has random letters and it's really really bad and there's
no way to filter it out so in so many ways like all of this ai stuff is just like clogging the
internet in so many formats and i feel like i don't know that we do need to do that dead internet theory
episode because this is a major part of it yeah yeah in their defense though to play devil's
advocate if i was adobe i would 100 be doing the same thing everything is getting slapped with that
metadata that's over indexed yeah like i'm not taking any chances you're not gonna blame me on
this the other funny thing about it though is like the people who would actually see those tags and care about them are probably the ones who are getting it tagged on them when they're
not using it and then the people who are dumb enough to believe all that are just not seeing
that tag at all so yeah everything sucks everything sucks everything's broken now that we're depressed
speaking of ai changing a lot of stuff. More AI.
Google AI.
What a great segue.
Google AI. So there is a little new exclusive piece from Android Authority.
We'll link it below.
Sort of detailing everything we're expecting with Pixel 9 and Google deciding to umbrella
everything together into a bucket called Google AI that includes some existing
features we've already seen and has some new features that will all probably be announced
alongside Pixel 9 in a couple weeks. I think this makes a lot of sense. I made an entire video
pretty recently called AI as a feature versus AI as a product. This is very much AI as a feature.
We're just giving you a bunch of features on your phone. And so it looks like this.
Basically, circle to search will be inside of Google AI because that's basically what's happening.
It's recognizing the image, searching it and using semantics, figuring out what you're looking for,
giving you results. Great. Super useful. There's a new one, though, called add me. And we're not
really sure how it works but the text says make sure
everyone's included in a group photo which could be as creepy or as regular as you're imagining
right who knows right i was wondering there's there's two ways this could go yeah there's two
ways this could be make sure we're very unclear of what this actually means but google has done
some really creepy stuff in the past with image
editing so the creepier way that this could go is say like you're with your friends somebody has to
take the picture so you'll photoshop me in yeah i got you exactly so no no i don't want the ai tag
on instagram the craziest kind of creepy thing would be if you if you took the photo and it also took a
photo with the front facing camera and then somehow created your body AI creates your body
stitches you in yeah that's probably not going to happen but also I've seen crazier things it's
google I was the defender of the face swap thing um the best shot the best shot face swap is so much better of a name for that that's what's
happening um but like so my guess on this would be like you take a group photo but it sees that
in the gen the groups of photos you took that day in that location had someone else then would it be
like oh this should this person be in included in the? And then squeeze them over. And I defended face swap.
That's weird.
I get what you're saying.
If we're adding whole new people to things, that's my line.
Okay, you're on a hike with five people.
One guy's got the pixel.
He's been taking the group shots of five people over and over again.
And then...
Been there, am I right?
And then at the end of the hike, he takes like three or four pictures where they're actually in it but it's not all six people obviously and google goes ah i can make sure everyone's in
the picture and then just you know morphs together one giant group photo and you're like oh okay now
i have a photo of an image of a moment that never really happened but maybe that's useful because
now we're on the group photo yeah and i'm just picturing like you got photo bombed a couple times
and then they picture like they just add the photo bomber to all your pictures
and you're like, what's going on?
Yeah, it could go wrong.
It could be creepy.
Another option I could see is you're taking a photo with the regular camera
and one of the people in the group photo is like slightly cropped out of it
because you're trying to cram everybody in. Maybe it takes a photo with the wide angle camera and the main camera and then
it magic erasers moves okay or magic edits moves them into the image so that they're all in the
frame that'd be my guess because that could i could actually see that happening i feel like
that i see how that makes sense.
The name add me sounds like we're adding something that's not.
Yeah, add me.
Yeah. Add me.
Yeah, the naming of that.
Add me to the picture.
It's like when someone's taking a picture, they're like, yo, add me to that picture.
Like, literally add me to the picture.
I think it's going to be someone who's completely not in the picture.
What is a photo?
Yeah, I don't know.
I think that's what's happening.
This is so weird.
But yeah, it's in there.
That's under the umbrella of Google AI.
But there are a couple more.
Another one is called screenshots.
And the text reads, find the info you need from your screenshots.
Which, obviously, if you already have screenshots, you can search through them with Google Photos.
But I think a lot of people, like me, take a lot of screenshots just to remember things.
And people have called this, like like the Microsoft recall of Android,
but it's not just constantly looking at what you're doing.
It's only with screenshots you take.
So boarding passes, whatever.
You probably take screenshots
of useful things you need to remember.
This is going to be a nice little tool
to help find the info in those screenshots.
Kind of doesn't seem that different
from what happens in photos, but we'll see.
Yeah, it sounds like the exact same thing. I don't know that people are speculating that they're going to
add like special metadata to the screenshots based on the text and make it easier to index
and search but for some reason you can already do a lot of that semantic searching in google photos
yeah they're so indexed already yeah but i'm very great very curious what that means i just found something on my phone
yesterday i think that archives screenshots after 30 days now and it's the best thing ever which is
good if you never need that information again you never you never need that information again right
i needed screenshot i don't know for a while the only screenshot i want to keep is i take a
screenshot of my home page with the folders up the apps, because if I accidentally mess an app up and then it's gone and then I cannot figure out how I had it set up until I spend like days second nature and trying to click things.
Well, the last one is called Studio and the text reads, you imagine it, Pixel creates it.
and the text reads,
you imagine it, Pixel creates it.
So it kind of sounds like just a straight-up image generation tool built into the Pixel,
kind of like the AI Image Playgrounds app
we just saw Apple add to the iPad and the iPhone,
or it's just the iPad, I guess.
No, I think it's the iPhone, too.
It has a dedicated app on the iPad?
It doesn't have a dedicated app on the iPhone, too?
Maybe not.
I don't know.
But same idea.
You just type a prompt, and it just makes an image for you.
And then TBD, how much creativity it gives you.
Is it a couple set styles?
Is it photorealistic?
Who knows?
But it's just like, hey, we got Dolly and we put it on your phone and now it's called
If it gets something as creepy as the terrified mother from the Apple intelligence event,
I can't believe they shipped that.
That I would be okay with it. My new favorite slash emoji.
The more I look back at that,
the more I'm shocked at that maiden image.
That thing is a wild image.
Wait, can I ask a question that might be dumb
and I probably should have asked
at the start of this conversation?
The Google, when we're saying coming to Google AI,
is this replacing Assistant?
No, I think this is like a new section on your phone
where they're just putting all the AI stuff,
like an AI section.
What are you doing, Google?
What the fuck is all of this?
Also, my normal Assistant now,
every time I do something,
it's just like, do you want to do that with Gemini?
I'm like, I would if you did it together,
but that's like saying, do you want to not use the thing you just did? Do you want to do that with gemini i'm like i would if you did it together but yeah that's
like saying do you want to not use the thing you just did do you want to not use me i don't yeah
it's hard i mean it's hard to package these features i think no it's no this could all be
one thing my favorite thing in here is it says gemini your ai assistant built in but assistant
is lowercase so now i know it has nothing to do with assistant i think we're
getting rid of assistant eventually and it's going to be gemini i think so but this weird
awkward stage of like i'm dating a new girl but still living with my ex of a gemini assistant is
very confusing i agree with that i'm just saying if you're a smartphone company and you have this wide variety of
AI features that kind of have
nothing to do with each other, how do you
inform the user of all of them in
one place without burying them in each app?
I think it's easier to inform
the user than being like, hey, do you know
all these things you like? Well, if you want to use the new stuff,
too bad. You can't
use the old stuff anymore. I'm just sad because Google
has had AI features for literally
forever on the pixel yeah every year they introduce new ai features and they don't need to brand it as
such well i think that's my theory is people just didn't know about them or use them at all and they
built like we know about them we know about circle to search we know about the things like searching
inside of images inside google photos and like all the indexing it does.
But do you think regular people do that on a regular basis?
Probably not.
In this age of AI, Google's kind of trying to shove them all in front of you.
Like, look, here's the AI section where we've cleverly named all of these things so you can like poke around and actually find them useful.
I think that's what they're trying to do here.
I agree with what you're saying about like Gemini and Assistant should be.
So here's, I agree with what you're saying about like gemini and assistant should be so here's
i agree with what you're saying as well but i have a question for you does this now make all those
people who didn't know about it before know about it i think everyone just skips all this again and
i think it's their version of like apple intelligence you know right it's what apple
just did with apple intelligence they've grouped it all together and they don't even have a section
in the settings app where it's like here's all with Apple Intelligence. They've grouped it all together. And they don't even have a section in the Settings app
where it's like, here's all the Apple Intelligence stuff.
They just call it Apple Intelligence
and then just spread them out through apps.
Like, it's writing tools inside of certain things.
It's math notes inside of Calculator.
It's Siri.
But that's why all this inside of Google Assistant,
I think, would make more sense.
I don't think math notes is considered Apple Intelligence.
That's true.
I think a lot of this stuff will be built into gemini and no one will ever find it yeah correct
so they're just putting it at the top in an ai bucket so that people find it i think that is a
good idea ultimately but and all of our parents will just be like update oh cool and never see this this is better
than them never even seeing it true wait i'm maybe misunderstood is this replacing gemini
no this thing oh wait have you seen no it is no okay the screenshot is of a like a i guess what
they're thinking a leak of this menu will look like.
It's just an AI section in the settings
and you open it up and it's like,
here are all of the AI things on your phone.
And at the top, it's like Gemini and Assistant.
And underneath it says circle to search.
Here's what you can see on your screen.
Underneath it says add me.
It's a feature where you can make sure
everyone's in your photo.
So it's just, here are all the AI features.
And you can probably poke into one and try it out,
and it'll give you probably some visual demo of how it works.
This is giving me big vibes of like when I have too many things on my desktop,
so I create a new folder, drag everything into there,
and just call that new desktop.
That's exactly what's happening.
I usually call it sort later and then never get to it.
But if you're a trillion-dollar company, you call it AI.
I guess the question at the real base of this is,
where does this screen appear?
What is this screen?
Is this a thing that pops up when you first start your phone
and you're setting it up?
When you update your phone later, is this going to set up?
Or is this just in the settings somewhere?
I'm guessing it's in the settings and it's at setup.
I think setup makes the most sense.
You know how on Pixel you'll get that redundant notification that pops up every
now and then a persistent notification that's like finish setting up your pixel and you click it and
then it just basically tries to teach you how to use your phone add contacts and you just scroll
just enough so it stops annoying me about it right because it always pops up unless you do
every single thing inside of it yeah so it So it's going to jump in that bucket.
Yeah, probably.
Now that I'm depressed about that image generation studio, I think that we should take it to trivia.
What a segue.
Smooth, like butter.
Like butter.
Question number one.
Banana Bin is one of many useful utility apps for mac os but mac os's
close cousin ios has had more than its fair share of useless apps which of the following
ios apps is real is a fake app the lighter was super. I don't know what you're talking about. And the gun. Number one, this app
is called Blower.
juices your iPhone's speaker
to the point where it can blow out a
small candle.
Nothing more,
nothing less.
App number two,
BOV Turbo.
Mount your phone to the windshield or A-pillar of your car and it will use the gyroscope and accelerometer to monitor your car's performance and display a fake turbo boost gauge.
This does not add boost to your car.
You cannot plug it into your car's computer and monitor real boost. It just has an arbitrary boost value and it will play a sound out of the speaker for turbo lag.
C, cookie clicker.
I'm just going to read this directly from Wikipedia because I think it explains it so much better than I ever could.
The user initially clicks on a big cookie on the screen, earning a single cookie
per click. They can then use their earned cookies to purchase assets such as cursors and other
buildings that automatically produce cookies. Upgrades are also available and can improve the
efficiency of clicks and buildings, among many other mechanics that allow the user to earn more
cookies in different ways.
This is a crypto scam.
The game lacks a conventional ending.
Did Jesse Wu make that?
Yeah, exactly.
Or D, Chromios.
The game lacks an ending.
It's hilarious.
The App Store now allows emulators.
So what better to emulate than Google's smash hit OS for Chromebooks?
That's right.
Now you can use all of your favorite Chrome OS apps and experiences.
Which are just Android apps.
For iOS.
That's it.
Well, we'll be thinking about that one for a while.
We'll have the answers at the end like we usually do.
We'll be right back.
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All right, welcome back. We're in the mood for some wish lists. This is that time of year where
there's about a bunch of tech that's about to come out but we also kind of want a bunch of tech to exist that doesn't right now and we felt like if we put
it out on twitter we could get some more suggestions sorry x it's twitter it's that's my
first one x but called twitter it's twitter it's twitter.com it still brings you to twitter.com
but we asked you guys on twitter and discord if you had more
and boy did you they made a list and they checked it twice it's good stuff so the format of the
wish list basically is x but with y that's basically the whole thing i have a piece of
tech x that would be amazing if it also had y or if it didn't do this or if it was just different
in this one way i kind of just blasted a bunch out on Twitter.
I don't know if we want to start with those.
Well, so what was funny is we did this a few episodes ago.
Actually, it was like three months ago at this point.
But a lot of people really liked it.
Someone on our Discord named Abby was like, can we do this?
Can we send you ideas?
And we were like, oh, that's such a great idea.
So we tweeted it for all of our audience too.
And then Marques is like, no, I've got some some and then you rattled off like 10 different things i've probably
said all these at some point before yeah so let's do yours first and then we'll go to our audience
suggestions okay i want you guys's reactions to if you agree or disagree with these sure i think
you'll probably agree with a lot of them okay the first one i said airpods max but with usb type c
and you can turn them off i mean there's a lot of other ands and has a real case and can fold and isn't 10,000
pounds yeah but like just give me usb c at least fair yeah extremely fair okay yeah uh logitech mx
master 3 but with notched side scrolling can i get an amen amen do you know what i read the other day mx master 3 for lefties
apparently they don't make a lefty version of it true yeah i've never thought of that but
that mouse has been like the only recommendation throughout every single one of these channels in
our studio and all the lefties out there are feeling left out. It's not an ambidextrous mess at all.
It's not.
I just remembered something.
You're a lefty?
And I'm totally calling him out, but I don't know if this is weird or not.
My uncle's lefty, and I remember forever ago going over to his house and using the computer,
and he uses the mouse, which is a righty mouse, upside down.
On the right side. Wait wait what do you mean upside down
you mean like flipped 180 degrees no no like inverted sing him like like i've seen lefties
do that before yeah or with their right hand still right yes with their right hand they tap
it with their palm how does that help the clicking i don't know the way people i've seen is like you
have your hand a little further down the mouse so you're sort of clicking with the meat of your fingers but and then it
flips your fingers so now all of a sudden the left mouse button's on the right but the vice versa i
don't get how that makes but the clickers are on the bottom i don't know i just don't get how you're
still using your less dominant hand though that's weird wait he's he's using his right hand? Yeah, it's his right hand,
but it's an upside-down mouse.
I know plenty of left-handed people
who just use a mouse with their right hand.
I'm sure every mouse is righty.
Not all of them are.
The Magic Mouse is incredible.
It's obviously an ergonomic work of art.
It's actually the only ambidextrous mouse.
Really had to get the space
There are actually a lot of ergonomics.
Getting it right, clearly. Yeah. um anyway that just popped in my head i just not not side scrolling just because
i have this final cut it would be nice can i just say that you tweeted this yesterday yesterday was
it yesterday yeah oh my god you tweeted this yesterday and i literally looked at my mouse
and i scrolled the sides and it didn't scrolled the sides, and it didn't notch.
I had no idea that it didn't do that.
I also did not know that.
That's all I can think about.
Even though I use it every day.
Yeah, I use it all the time.
The regular scroll wheel is not.
It's weird that one doesn't, one doesn't, for sure.
I'm sure it's a space thing, but yeah, I would like that a lot.
Twitter, but with real video tools and analytics.
Twitter but with real video tools and analytics I have tried to upload a video from the browser to Twitter every week for three months it doesn't work it
still doesn't work so how do you do different phone so I airdrop it to my
phone and upload it from my phone dang and then I copy and paste whatever I was
gonna use this caption from the desktop to the phone how does mr. beast do it
with his full videos honestly I, I don't know.
12 people doing it? I tried in Safari,
Chrome, and Arc. It's just broken as hell.
Dang. Have you tried Mozilla?
I have not. Yo, just saying,
the Firefox love from last
episode, fantastic.
Although, all of them feel very
good about Firefox for probably real
reasons, when mine is just like, I don't
want to change, and I don't really know why. You're like i don't know man i kind of like it there's a new
browser that i got tagged in yesterday that they're building i did see that yeah it's like
it doesn't use chromium and it's completely built from the ground up which is kind of interesting
it's an open source browser project we will see yeah anyway uh i have a couple more youtube
abc thumbnail testing,
but pair those thumbnails with titles.
I like that idea.
Thousand percent.
I'm sure it's very complicated,
but to me it's simple.
Titles and thumbnails are paired packaging.
And if I can only ABC test thumbnails,
I need one title that matches all three, which is way harder.
So, yeah.
It can't be that difficult.
I just think it's a very intuitive thing, and I think YouTube knows that that's an intuitive thing, and they're still trying to figure out how to do it.
If I had that feature, I would just add not clickbait to the end of one of the titles.
Just all of them.
I think that's the reason we don't have this feature
how the renaissance changed ai photography not clickbait but only half people get it
so then they can argue about if it's clickbait or not kid work um base iphone but 120 hertz
it's time that's not but that will never have I saw a bunch of people
tweet this at us, yeah.
I mean, that's...
They call it pro motion
and Apple will stubbornly
not allow it to be
on non-pro phones,
but come on, bro.
It's 2024.
Anything called pro
is not going on there.
Slack, but with
working reliable notifications.
Yes, please.
Which I know is impossible.
I get it.
It's not going to happen, but's not gonna happen but because we're trying
to be realistic here i know high in the sky ideas this is crazy it's wild how many slack
notifications i missed because of how bad the notification system is yeah what bro don't you
read slack bro didn't you see my slack person i can't wait to someone pull up ellis's slack right
now it's just white straight down i also think that there's an issue where like if you have a computer open that has slack on it and you don't you often don't get a
notification on your phone because the computer was like oh you saw that and i was like no i was
not at my computer a lot of the other ones are also it's like it shows like three messages in
three different channels and you click it and it goes to just whatever your last channel was open
yeah and then you don't see anything there and then you have to go find them
or you're just like, oh, that was it.
And then scroll away.
And then you're like-
Or sometimes it says you have like three unread messages
in this channel.
So you go to it, you read them
and then you click off the channel
and it still says you have three unread messages
in that channel.
I just want to put this out there, okay?
Because I feel like I am at the tail end
of a lot of Slack-based slander.
I've worked here for almost three years. I have never missed a deadline. I have never missed a meeting. this out there okay because i feel like i am at the tail end of a lot of slack based slander i've
worked here for almost three years i have never missed a deadline i have never missed a meeting
hey i've no no no tag because i am on top of my game okay so what i'm not participating in 35
group chats at once okay i'm here i'm present i'm locked in day in day out baby okay here's
another one that i think uh i don't actually care that much about,
but I think a lot of people do. Tesla, but with CarPlay slash Android Auto.
Every car, but with CarPlay and Android Auto?
Yeah. I mean, a lot of new cars have it, and there's a couple notable ones that don't
that would be more appealing to a lot of people if they did have it.
I think last time I may have said Rivian, but with Android Auto CarPlay.
Rivian's another one.
They're stubbornly against it.
Lucid caved.
They didn't have it, and then they added CarPlay.
I don't think Tesla's going to, but.
I do think that if you add CarPlay or Android Auto, you need to add it elegantly.
Because I'm trying to remember that one car that added.
Lucid had a little window.
So bad.
But I bet it still performs better than the software on the Lucid.
It definitely looks better.
That's crazy to say out loud.
CarPlay in a cropped rectangular window and a trapezoid screen looks better than your native software
that's really depressing that's tough or or then um the mercedes eqs software that looked like it
was running windows media player they all do that i like that the mini cooper baby it had the best
i mean that's a twerking ai dogs there's no better than that the germans really got to figure it out we hit pki years ago what are we doing yeah
last two for me anyway google pixel but with the s24s display specifically the anti-glare
coating on the ultra or yes i would like a high-end pixel with the s24 ultras display
which everything about it the flatness but also the refresh rate and responsiveness the brightness
the anti-reflective coating and it seems seems more durable. I don't have nearly as many visible scratches on this phone
that I feel like I usually have on phones that I've used for this long. I've used this phone
for six months. Sounds not that crazy, but in my world, that's crazy. So this is the best display
on any phone I've ever used. Marques, I have bad news for you. I'm not shy about that.
The Google Pixel 9 is reportedly going to use the same display as the iPhone 16 Pro.
Okay, so I saw this headline.
I think that's also fine.
The iPhones have really good screens, really bright screens, really color accurate,
and maybe a little bit more anti-reflective coating this year
after what Samsung did with the S24.
That turned out to be great.
I also want to note that I opened threads yesterday
and it fed me a post from someone
who had screenshotted your comment to a tweet
saying that you use the S24 Ultra
and they just posted on threads and they said,
MKBHD uses the S24 Ultra.
And it had like 5,000 likes.
And I was like, why is this interesting this is not
interesting breaking youtuber uses one of the most popular phones what i yeah i took it on my
tech man uses tech more more at 11 more at 11 i think a lot of people figured i use a pixel which
every it's like every three months i pull the Pixel back out and I'd stare at it.
And then I'd go back to the
S24 Ultra. Because it doesn't have DeX.
No, it's not about DeX.
It's not about DeX. It's the software, man.
It's close. If I could
do another one, it would be
S24 Ultra,
but with Pixel software.
But we're already so...
There is that pixel
launcher that you can
run on
which gets you
70% of the way there
but it's not quite
the same for me
last but not least
a printer
actually works
it works
the printer industry
would go under
if that was the case
I feel like this is the same.
This is a soccer game.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to get rated.
The second shoe is for the printer industry going under.
Got it.
Is there,
is there an element of like cars get sold,
but really they make their money on maintenance at dealerships.
Is that the same thing? So is it just ink it's basically the mcdonald's um frosty machine
my man thing got it yeah yeah for people that don't well hold on mcflurry machine mcflurry
it's the same machine oh you said you specifically i think it's an ice cream
i rescind the my man okay okay yeah for those that don't know
there was a big conspiracy that ended up being true where mcdonald's frosty sorry mcflurry
machines that was an actual accident uh break constantly and there's a company that just fixes
them that is like basically owned by the same people that make them
and they have this whole industry where
they break on purpose so that they can fund
this other company
tax things and it's a ridiculous
what is the name of the guy on YouTube
Johnny Harris
most popular video about this but I think it's been
covered by a few other
YouTubers I think it's like one of his most popular videos ever yeah they are always broken it's not it's not
just you so what that's as much as i wrote on twitter in the seven seconds that's it that's
like me to come up with those um but we have plenty more from you guys and i think what we
should do is just go through some of the best ones and give our reactions to them.
We have 15 pages.
Of suggestions.
That's why this is going to be a two segment on the pod this week.
So, yeah, I think if anyone wants to find one.
I want to just say what tier I think the product would be if it actually happened.
Tier the product would be?
You have to give the product a tier before and after then?
Okay, yeah, perfect. yeah you have to give the product a tier before and after then okay yeah perfect so we're not
fully tier listing it but we're kind of just seeing what the tiers would change
i'll keep track of the tiers of both oh oh i see what you're saying or we can just do new tier
i don't know the chain i'll just let's just say the ideas let's put the ideas in okay like that's
an s tier idea okay starting at the top this one says from a mirror s pen support on
the cover of the galaxy fold and yeah it's true the galaxy folds s pen only works on the inside
screen mind-blowing so i think it would be nice if it worked on the outside especially because
of how much wait really yeah that's exactly what i said yesterday yeah it would be the outside
screen is very usable as a regular phone but you you can't use the S Pen on it.
Can we pick how we're rating these?
Because like,
to me,
right off the bat,
this feels like an S tier response
because it is something that makes so much sense.
It feels like it's not that crazy of an ask,
but significantly improves the device.
The S24 Ultra S Pen only works on the exterior display,
but it's different because it doesn't have to work with a foldable like plastic oled cover thing so so i feel like if you make a
pen that can all that can work with something that's really fragile it should be able to work
with something that's really not fragile agreed personally i think this is s tier just because
so many of us didn't realize that was even a thing i think that's an s tier i think this is S tier just because so many of us didn't realize that was even a thing.
I think that's an S tier reply. I think this is an S tier reply.
I'm going to go from all over the list here.
Go off, King.
I think this is a really good one.
And this was actually in the comment section of our last wishlist video.
He said, select, copy, and paste in Google Messages or iOS Messages.
You can only copy the entire message or take a screenshot and smart select.
Why? Okay. Yes. messages you can only copy the entire message or take a screenshot and smart select um why okay yes i have i had i had an experience with this issue recently so on android if you do the
multitask thing it then allows you to select any any part of any message by the way wait you're
gonna have to show me that later yeah so if you if you swipe up to the
multitask menu and you swipe over to whatever window you can then hold on any part of any text
and copy any snippet of any text really hold on i have to try this it is great this might be
do it live nope didn't work didn't work for me either
it tried to drop in a smaller window exactly yeah it didn't work for me sam it tried to drop in a smaller window
Samsung's doing multi-window
is that only on Pixel?
because Pixel doesn't do multi-window
what is this?
Samsung does multi-window
it's multi-windowing
well before they added that multi-window thing
you were able to do that
that's weird anyway there's this message i was i've been trying to copy like a tracking number
that jono sent me like two weeks ago and uh in slack you can't just copy like a certain part
of a message you can only copy the entire message yeah and it's really annoying because he wrote a
bunch of stuff beforehand he was like anyway here's the tracking number and i just wanted to copy the track yeah
normally i have to i copy it and then i paste it in the message thing for like sending it and then
i scroll through that and copy the thing i need and then delete all of it in an older version of
android there absolutely used to be a thing where if you multitasked, you could just select any part of any message.
This seems super simple
and one of those things that you'd use all the time.
A tier?
I'll go A tier just because I don't want to go back-to-back S tier,
but like, yeah, this,
I think that's an A tier suggestion.
Pretty good.
Here's one that I feel like they heard Adam talking the other day.
Apple Watch to connect to all my devices, not just iPhone, and be able to work, oh no,
as a remote trackpad for navigating them.
That's why I added that.
Wait, that's not what I thought he was going to say, that you could just connect it to
something else for the initial setup, but a trackpad?
That's S Pro Max.
That's a good
idea like if i'm just sitting on my couch i have apple tv why can't i just like use my watch swipe
around select things yeah yes you can use your t you can use your phone as a cursor on the tv
already yeah so you might as well use your watch as a cursor it's pretty small that's pretty small yeah but if you're swiping left and right yeah i think i feel like that's
pretty also with the crown being able to scroll with the crown oh yeah
now i'm about who said this who said this out the terrence terrence bro
whatever so adam screenshotted this so fast he you responded 58 seconds ago according to the screenshot.
Adam got this in the first minute of it being posted.
Big brain Terrence.
I like it.
I'm creating an S Pro Max here
just for this awesome suggestion.
I'm going to say anything,
but if it doesn't have USB-C,
please put USB-C in it
because there's this new Kodak Super 8 film camera
that uses micro USB and it's $6,000.
And those two things should never, ever, ever be paired together.
That should be a federal crime.
I agree.
The European Union would do it.
I agree.
We're just too baby to make crazy laws like that.
Micro USB.
All right, we have one more before we should take a break.
And I think somebody here will like this one a lot.
iPhone 13 mini, but with good battery.
Pro Max, S Pro Max.
It's purple.
I mean, to be fair, the 13 mini had way better battery than the 12 mini.
It did, but that's relative.
I mean, the 12 mini is just weak.
And the 13 mini was much better but still below average yeah and i
think if it had by some miracle like really good battery like some zenfone 9 type battery it would
be awesome so you know how apple is apparently like using new battery tech to make that like
iphone 17 slim or whatever and everything's gonna have better battery life they should bring back
the iphone mini true and with the silicon this is something that they talked about before like and everything's going to have better battery life, they should bring back the iPhone mini. True.
And with the silicon,
this is something that they talked about before.
Especially with the new iPad that's thinner,
they'd be like,
this new silicon,
because of how efficient it is,
is the reason we were able to make it this thin.
And I think if Apple's able to bring in
obviously more efficient batteries,
but also even more efficient silicon,
they can go,
ah, the 13 mini, 12 mini,
they were ahead of their time. This new silicon, they can go, ah, the 13 mini, 12 mini, they were ahead of their time.
This new silicon, like you could argue
when the MacBook Pros were getting kind of slim and weak
and we're like, it was ahead of its time,
that Intel silicon was not it.
But now we're ready for that again.
We're ready for the mini again.
I saw an Intel MacBook Pro this week
and I forgot how thin they were.
And that just seemed like a bad idea. Especially using
x86. Like why would they do
that? Obviously
they put an i9 processor in that
thing and it had zero cooling.
They said let him cook.
They said let's make a computer that's also
a George Foreman grill.
That thing cooked. That was so
obviously a terrible idea.
They did do that insane yeah
this is twice as thick and it uses a chipset that's way more efficient
man they they really i mean it's no one would buy it it's still a mini phone
yeah i know if you're being real i would buy it but while you guys were mentioning it that
kind of makes me want the old macbook again no the like 12 inch macbook i want the 12 inch macbook with an m
series processor yeah that's what i'm saying and a full screen display in hindsight a lot of apple
products were ahead of their time the trash can mac pro could be a good computer with apple silicon
but they just fried an intel chip in there instead and put a bunch of radio i love that they have
that with intel chip and now that they could fit something in the trash can they still have it in
that monstrosity cheese grater yeah yeah well the trash can they still have it in that monstrosity
cheese grater yeah yeah well the trash can looks a lot better than the cheese grater you know what's
funny the cheese grater doesn't support any gpus but the trash can actually had gpus in it
it's crazy wait that's a great point they didn't have flies buzzing around it
fair okay we'll take a quick break we have way more from you guys after the break but
of course since we're taking that break trivia trivia dude whoo so ellis said earlier that he
had one terabyte of stuff in the trash can of his computer what was in there that's a lot of smarts
but also a lot of data correct marquez that is a lot of
data nice i got a point yeah how much data exactly though how many bytes is in one terabyte
in binary closest delta will get the point oh bytes yes oh god megabytes wait can i have a pen
david you're overthinking this. Like I can already tell.
You don't need to convert bits to bytes because we're asking about terabytes.
Got it.
You should remind them that this was already a trivia question.
Also, this was already a trivia question
and we picked it because we just thought...
Advanced risk machine.
And what is...
Acorn's risk machine.
Acorn, it's a bomb!
Are you happy, James?
We'll be right back.
We'll be.
I am so dreading groceries this week.
Why? You can skip it.
Oh, what? Just like that?
Just like that.
How about dinner with my third cousin?
Skip it.
Prince Fluffy's favorite treats?
Midnight snacks?
My neighbor's nightly saxophone practices?
Uh, nope. You're on your own there.
Could have skipped it.
Should have skipped it.
Skip to the good part and get groceries, meals, and more
delivered right to your door on Skip.
All right, welcome back.
We've got a bunch more of your suggestions
for best possible products to exist,
and we're going to rate them,
and we're going to be as harsh as we possibly can.
Do it.
Meaning we won't give them all s tier because
some of them can't be that amazing but we have a bunch more from twitter and from discord
what have you guys found okay i have one here okay that i'm interested in your guys takes on
because i think we might have varying levels of interest in this physical fingerprint readers on
the back of the phone yep i would like to love it back do you that's just i loved it yeah i guess it's just a
feature but like so take maybe any every take the phone you have right now government mandated
the phone i have right now okay that plus usbc here's everything the phone i have right now the
s24 ultra has the ultrasonic fingerprint reader and it's really good there are phones that have
slow optical fingerprint readers that i would rather have it on the back a pixel being one of them to be honest
i think pixel like put my like the where the g logo usually is on the back give me the fingerprint
reader there yeah that's cool here's my take against it okay i had the pixel 7 i think that
had it under the fingerprint and i liked it at first but it was a little slow so when I got the
Zen phone and it was on the side I was like
I'm gonna like this so much more because it's more physical
it should be faster but I
got so used to my phone just sitting face down
on the table and me just putting my thumb on
it that then my thumb on
the side of the phone got really weird or I would have
to also do my index
finger that now going back to the S24
I love the under display.
Yeah. And I wouldn't want it on the back. Interesting. Yeah. I think I'm full under
display now. The Zen phones was really good. It was on the power button and it was so fast that
if I just picked up the phone with my finger on the power button, it would unlock before I could
see any of my notifications. Sometimes that's a bad thing though right so i developed a thing where i'd pick up my phone with just like the tip of my finger to press the button
so it didn't read so that i could actually see my notifications yeah that's a great point and it
worked yeah yeah yeah i like that but face down on the table you can't press the back of the phone's
fingerprint sensor you can but why would you unlock your phone face down on a table no no not face down face up
oh when it's face up oh that's what i mean oh okay oh yeah you can't unlock it then you double
tap i'm sorry i thought you were like you could unlock it yeah face up you can't that's fair okay
but it so this is like b2 i think i'm i think i back. It's labeled as controversial.
Sort by controversial.
I'm with it because the Pixel 4a had it on the back,
and that was perfect. Best phone of all time.
It was freaking amazing.
I would just take it out of my pocket already unlocked.
I feel like I can't do that with this.
But only if you put your finger in the center.
See, this solves both problems
because you could take it out with your hands on the sides,
and then you could look at your notifications,
or you could put your hand in your pocket with your index finger going yeah and would have a nice little
like ridge so you could identify it in your pocket and just it was smooth so good all right i found
one okay unless you have something wait can we agree this is a b tier i was just gonna say like
i feel like for any non-flagship phones i would want this there because if it's not like the top
of the line under display i would prefer just the fast if it's not like the top of the line under display
i would prefer just the fast the only one that has the top of the line under display though is the
s24 basically yeah there's the s ultra yeah a bunch of oppo ones and i think i'm sure there's
a couple but yeah they have ultrasonic there are others with ultrasonic oh but i thought the
optical ones can get kind of yeah slow And don't work in the rain.
Okay, I found one.
An Apple Watch that can wirelessly charge without the specific Apple Watch charger.
Like a regular wireless charger.
Every watch.
S tier.
S tier.
Yes, please.
It is so annoying that you have to put it on a very specific charger
that sort of like cradles it correctly. And have to bring it everywhere. I will say it is, like I
have the the Garmin watch which also has a proprietary charger which is annoying.
Really annoying. But I will say the Apple watch one to me is a little more
annoying because it's wireless. I should be able to just drop it on a Qi charger.
Yeah. Like if you give me the cable, it's a proprietary cable, whatever, annoying, be better,
but, like, whatever, I'll deal.
But, like, you're so close.
Also, you can charge the AirPods with the MagSafe
and with the Apple Watch charger.
And that is the only product that you can charge with both chargers.
Are you serious?
Yeah, I do it every day.
It's great because I have this dual charger
that has an Apple Watch charger and an iPhone charger on it,
and I put my AirPods on the Apple Watch charger
because I don't use an Apple Watch,
and I put my phone on the Mac.
Most people don't know that.
Ellis has used my charger on my desk,
and I've had the AirPods on it,
and you've taken it off and put your watch on it.
Yeah. Locked in, bro. my charger on my desk and i've had the airpods on it and you've taken it off and put your watch on it yeah well locked in bro but also on day in day out on top of this garmin watch if it's not
going to be wireless do usbc stop giving me this proprietary weights provider it's awful
dang is it just because it's shallower i don't't even know. I don't know why. Does it really use pogo pins too?
There's definitely a reason, but it's annoying.
Being a real outdoor boy with this,
so much gunk gets caught in there
and then I have to fish it out sometimes.
You lose one cable and you're just screwed.
At least it lasts like three weeks.
Does the Galaxy Watch have Qi?
Or does that also have a proprietary charger?
Galaxy Watch.
I think it has Qi.
Let me look it up.
I think it does.
That would be epic.
So I think the reason a lot of these are is just because of the way watch bands work.
Floats the watch and doesn't really let it sit flat.
And they're the smaller ones fit there.
But it would still be nice to be able to somehow make that work
apparently it's based on chi but it's too small of a coil to use regular that's what i kind of
figured the reason like i don't think a regular apple watch could fit on a magsafe charger because
the magsafe coil is way wider than the watch that's fair yeah okay i found a really interesting
one oh do we want to rate this yeah wait what was that I think that it's pretty good, but I also understand the physical limitations
that would not allow this to work.
That's not our problem.
Let's say they sold it.
S tier.
At least A tier.
I would say A tier.
I could be swayed.
I was going to go B, but let's go A.
Let's go A.
I think A.
All right, I have a fun one.
Sharon suggests,
iPod Classic, but updated to 2024 standards.
This would be-
USB-C, Bluetooth, a terabyte of storage.
I'm going to throw in on top of what he said,
give it OLED and an incredible battery
and wireless charging and all that.
And 5G.
And an app store.
I do think that there's kind of this renaissance
of physical hardware devices coming back right now.
I do think that most people at this point in time
do not know how to like load MP3 files onto a device.
That's true.
Like everyone is so...
Everyone's so used to just using streaming
that people are not used to like,
oh, how do I get MP3?
How do you even get MP3 files anymore?
I'd rather have this as like the old, not even iPad Nano, but like the clip just like updated.
Because then if you're just running.
Can I, status unknown, aka Sharon that tweets.
Great suggestion.
Can I propose an alternate thing sure that i saw someone
on uh twitter in reddit someone on reddit someone on reddit uh made this really cool thing where
they put um near god i'm having a brain fart moment i see the thank you wow locked in day in day out and they put nfc chips in all of their
vinyl records and then they put a little uh in the sleeves and then they put a shelf on their
wall and so they put a vinyl record on their turntable and then they put the kate the sleeve
on on the shelf reads the nfc chip and then a projector in sleeve on the shelf, reads the NFC chip,
and then a projector in their wall turns on
and projects all of the metadata for the album
around the vinyl,
like when it came out,
the track listing,
who played on it.
I thought you were going to say...
No, it was a touch designer.
Exactly, I did too.
I was about to be depressed.
I thought you were going to say
they have all the sleeves,
and they just tap their phone to the sleeve
and it starts playing on Spotify.
Streams on Spotify.
No, right.
Oh, they have that too.
Yeah, but I do think if we're trying to get closer to our music,
modern iPod Classic, great idea,
but people who can build innovative home launchers for Spotify,
I think that's what I want
I guess I saw that as more of
offline music listening and
small form factor like running
and stuff like that
I don't think you get anything
out of unless you're
like wrong and you are
like a hi-fi nerd
I said it you're not going to get anything
really out of like
using an ipod classic versus streaming and in my opinion other than having a more intimate
relationship with your music and i think there's cooler ways and i think there's cooler ways to
build those relationships and i do i like this idea and i think that these things are going to
get more popular as products like spotify who have such a grasp on the market
start to push their users out of using it
because it just becomes so expensive
and such a horrible experience.
I think anything we do to increase the emotional value
of our albums is important.
I will say to bring it back to this tweet,
I would use a Zune HD today with modern updated specs.
How would you get the music on it. Ellis has one at his desk.
It's the Sony Walkman.
How would you get the music on it?
I don't know.
But I would have to have another modern updated spec,
which is a store for music where every song is one cent
and I just buy them for whatever.
I don't know.
One cent?
I just like the idea of the Zune HD hardware being updated to being modern
and then using that to play my music i think that is the the logical conclusion
that i come to as well as i think about it and i'm like oh a hardware device dedicated to music
streaming and i'm like okay what would that look like well i need spotify because i love my podcast
all in one place i love made for you playlist all that okay so then now it just becomes a smartphone
ai dj and i already have a good smartphone i do but what if i just had like a chair in an empty
room and a zune hd on a table and some headphones yeah but what if overall this idea is clearly
b tier yeah but what if you could combine that with a revolutionary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod,
and a breakthrough internet communication device?
Are you getting it?
Sharon, I highly recommend you go check out our friends at Retrospect.com who do sell
a iPod Classic modded to 2024 specs.
You can buy this.
Is that Bluetooth? classic modded to 2024 specs you can buy this don't know if that's bluetooth don't know if it
has bluetooth but you can get the bluetooth converter for 15 bucks on amazon usbc is sick
i have a kind of niche one that i think ellis will like a usb switcher with more than four
ports to swap between devices i agree we never found like one with more 3.0 usb 8
four i don't think we usb 3.0 USB 8. Four USB 3.0 ports.
Yeah, that's definitely, I would put this in A tier because this is definitely, although
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
It's the same thing.
I don't understand why the hubs don't have more Thunderbolt pass through.
I don't.
If you understand, please let us know because I don't.
If I could buy a small dock that had like 15 usb ports on it and i could switch between two
computers with a click of a button i would some of it is definitely about power but if you have
a power supply if it's a powered hub yeah if you can plug it in i'm sure most people would do that
to just make it easier to switch between two computers i don't know if you if you can let
us know why please do wow that was so low let so unloved. You guys should tier that one.
You were very into it.
I think A tier.
B tier, A tier.
I would throw that in.
I'd say A tier for the people who are looking for it.
The amount of people who are looking for it are probably D tier.
Yeah, that's a D tier for me.
D tier?
You think that's a bad idea?
It's not that it's a bad idea.
It's that it's such a specific use case. not that it's a bad idea addressable market specific use case yeah it's so
niche it's more niche than s pen on the outside of the fold are you are you kidding when you're
right you're right there's a lot of folds out there all right i have one that's a kind of
interesting one because i'm curious what you guys takes are on this and i think it might be different
from mine uh sarvesish says vision pro but made
of carbon fiber reinforced plastic to reduce mass vision pro but three times as expensive
so here's the thing about the vision pro apple went out of their way to make it as light as
possible and as heavy as possible at the same time hear me out Okay. Do you need to borrow that tinfoil hat?
No, no, no.
This is just all facts.
We've seen the inside of the Vision Pro before,
at least I've seen the inside of the Vision Pro,
and inside of that titanium or whatever,
I guess it's aluminum enclosure,
they have gone to extreme lengths to carve out extra mass,
and all of the inside pieces are like,
the PCB are like mounted on carbon fiber,
like they have carbon fiber inside the headset. Most people don't know this. It's like super,
super light for some reason inside of it, but they are still the only ones that chose to make
a headset with a huge piece of glass on the outside with a metal body and with like screens
facing the outside of you. So it's clearly going to be heavy with all those pieces, but they've gone to extra lengths to make it light.
It's really weird.
So they had all these priorities.
It's really well built.
So I think what Sarvesh suggests
is to take all of the metal
and make it carbon fiber reinforced plastic.
But I still don't think it would be a very light headset.
You would still have a screen
and a bunch of glass on the outside
making it heavier than normal so i think this is like a c tier because it's still it's still going
to be a heavy i mean i think what he wants to accomplish is a lighter vision pro which i think
we can all agree on right yes the cheaper one probably will be lighter if you're saying vision
pro you're still suggesting the screen on the outside and all
these other things i think you can make a lighter vr headset but you're not going to have vision pro
features i think vision pro needs to it not doesn't need to worry about actual weight but
balance of weight and how they could fix that apparently there is a uh padding some company
made some vision pro padding thing that you put on it like the mask and it's really really
really good and that came out like last week and everyone's raving about it right now interesting
yeah they said it solved like all of the headache problems because the like eye whatever it's called
is like too thin yeah the pressure that it puts it moves the pressure away from your cheekbones
which is where all that pressure goes and like gives you a headache. Yeah. No, I, just like everyone else,
I love the idea of a way lighter headset
because Vision Pro is very heavy
and uncomfortable after a long time.
But yeah, that's my, that's my take on that.
It's weird.
The headset itself is so weird.
There's actually a ton of carbon fiber in it already.
It's wild.
How would you rate that?
So I put that as like a C
because it doesn't actually change the things that are bad about the headset.
It's just a cool carbon fiber thing.
Someone said Rabbit R1 if it was good.
S tier.
Or worked or did anything.
F tier.
If it was good, it would be S tier because it's good.
What is good?
Yeah, that's a great question.
A universal find my network that works with ios
and android that's like the dream that's the one that's like government mandated
it's like it's so it we all would love that i wish i don't see how
it's also like they're both i mean the android one has been having major problems obviously but
if it worked correctly then there are enough iphones and android phones that it's not really
an issue that you need to merge both of them i guess what would be cool is if it was the same
network could you use the accessories of the other thing so if i wanted to use an air tag
as an android user yeah would i be able to
use it if they shared networks but i guess i wouldn't need to because there's tile but maybe
just the form factor of one's better well tile doesn't use android's find my device so if it
was like a slim because i bet there's gonna be that motorola uh android find my device tag that
just that just came out yeah there might just be a form factor you like better on the other one. So if it was all intertwined together,
it would kind of ruin the ecosystem a little bit.
The walls would be shaved down a bit,
which is probably the best for all of us.
I mean, yeah, S tier.
I think that would be great.
It's just one that's harder to get there.
Yeah, I don't know.
No, I think it's S it's i feel like there's
already enough of everything you know nah but it's well yeah but so why don't all those things
work together better we have nothing to lose but our chains okay i will say uh on the find my device
on the find my device stuff the fact that google and apple work together because of the air tag
stalking thing so if you have an Android
phone, it will give you a notification if there's an
AirTag following you and you can ring
the AirTag from your Android phone
if you need to find it
because it's following you. That's crazy.
That's like the first time that Apple
has ever let an Android phone do anything
to any of its devices. So we do know it's possible.
Marcus, I see you scrolling in this doc
and I feel like there's one you're going to mention if you don't i'm going to mention it
google tasks but they say bring back natural natural language processing they said they
had it apparently at one point but now they don't if i take this literally google tasks
with natural language processing pretty much here seats here because google tasks is already d tier basically
like when you type in your task if you say like it can pick up times and dates and different things
and help just list it and send notifications based on that without having to be like you
just say like uh but how do you take the trash out uh tomorrow morning and then it will and then you
don't have to then go set the time and date and everything you just type it in and it fills out
the rest of it for the notifications aspect oh yeah which a lot of task apps do have and i remember
david telling us about that david pierce telling me about that and thinking that sounds cool and
i've stuck with google tasks and i do not have that yeah but i would like it interesting but i didn't like the other apps that did have it
so i don't have it well they did integrate didn't they integrate google calendar into google tasks
the other way around oh oh yeah you're right also there was a little update in google keep
my beloved which i've used for many decades,
where if you use it on a foldable, I think I actually have.
I've used Keep since it came out.
It was probably about a decade ago.
Anyway, if you use it on a foldable and you open the phone,
you can have two different Google Keeps next to each other.
Oh, really?
That's my nightmare. Double Keep. Have you seen account Google Keeps next to each other. Oh, really? That's my nightmare.
Have you seen my Google Keep?
It's pretty awesome.
It is where my shopping list lives right now.
That's where Google Home drops it by default.
They haven't let you change that in forever.
I'm surprised they don't put it in Hangouts.
When you ask Google to
add X to
my shopping list, it's had several different places over the
years where it's put that it used to put that in a web portal of just your rabbit hole the rabbit
the google hole as good as that yeah and now it's back to it was google keep it moved it out of
google keep to a web portal now it's back in google keep yeah so i really hate that we are
completely dictated by these tech overlords i want more
control of my life i this made me think of google chat which i didn't even know was a thing chat
it's not g chat or it used to be g chat it used to be g chat then it was hangouts now it's google
chat or just chat yeah it is really terrible yeah really bad we like a friend group of mine who used to use
gchat then hangouts then went to slack then all started hating slack and like
just randomly started messaging and chat now in google nothing about it works whether you're
inside your email browser as like a pop-up or the app is the worst app i've ever used in my life and
google employees
have to use that as their main thing they don't they don't use slack i would rather use google
google chat for everything it's just constantly in the app like scroll to newest messages and you
can see you're at the newest messages and then you click it and it just scrolls up for like three
minutes and then you don't know where you are twitter does that sometimes too it's an incredible
how bad it is.
I cannot believe it.
Wait, so what was the feature that we're talking about?
Is the S tier natural language processing in Google Tasks.
I don't know if I'd consider that natural language processing.
Yeah, natural language processing is just being able to synthesize what you're saying.
Yeah, and then turn it into an action.
And then use it.
I think it counts.
It's a basic thing.
I guess.
It's like if I tell a regular task app,
remind me to take out the trash on Thursday afternoon,
it will just write,
remind me to take out the trash on Thursday afternoon
and make it a task for today.
But if you have natural language processing,
then it will say, remind yeah but you can also say
take out trash i feel like companies have hard-coded like keywords like that in before
to like go straight to action i count that yeah but wouldn't with like wouldn't natural language
processing be like if you're like bruh there's so much trash i should do something about this in
six days that's extreme natural language. Bro.
Then your Apple robot goes and cleans it up for you.
That's us too. That's AI.
That's Apple intelligence? That's AI.
Nobody wants any of this.
I don't know. I kind of don't know.
I don't know if any tech company has shipped a single
product that a single person has wanted
in about five years.
That's not true true as we all say on our apple silicon max apple pencil hover nobody asked erasing things for the back from the background of our photos
it's pretty good yeah i'll give mark has that yeah but it's not it could be better
honda moto compacto nobody asked for that checkmate but people don't know what they Yeah, but it's not. It could be better. Honda Moto Compacto.
Nobody asked for that.
People don't know what they want. The stuff that.
The stuff that's come out that has been like surprisingly awesome, nobody was asking for,
but some companies made it.
You've been in the sun too long?
Just enjoy the tech with us.
Yeah, I'm tan, man.
David's touched too much grass.
He's like, is this tech stuff really worth it?
I was in the mountains. I was like. David's touched too much grass. He's like, is this tech stuff really worth it? I was in the mountains.
I was like, I don't need a phone.
I should just move out of here.
Should we do one more?
Okay, I have a great one.
I think we would end it on.
Wrap it up.
This is S tier for me.
I don't really care what you guys say.
This is S tier.
iPad mini pro.
S tier.
Yes, S tier. S tier with OLED. Highest S tier with the highest s 120 hertz that's pro max this
has got to be s pro max this is that is that's pro max and the um calculator throw in like a
mini apple pencil so that it's not like a huge one you know because the apple pencil is pretty big
apple if you put it on next to i mean even with the
ipad air already in the ipad pro it's it's pretty big so a smaller apple pencil to go with it and
then yeah tan oled 120 hertz give it all the features give it all the cameras all the battery
usbc also ipads and the mini would be best for this with MagSafe.
Yeah, MagSafe.
Because then you could use it like the Google tablet, like the Pixel tablet.
Which seems like a very obvious thing.
Pop it on the HomePod.
Come on.
It would look like a little mushroom.
On the HomePod Mini?
Or no.
Maybe the main set.
Either way.
I was looking up ipads yesterday i've gotten so close
to buying one a few times and i had the ipad mini up and if this was a real thing right now
yeah i've had mini is just i heard there is a refreshed mini coming it's so if it had magsafe
heard that and then i heard it was canceled so now i'm not sure and as the only ipad mini user here
i really want it i'm a theoretical ipad mini user i want to be an ipad mini user so badly but i can't
put myself through it with the existing ipad mini so yeah just hoping also the 11 inch pro is so
good that it's hard to yeah but just give me like a basically like an eight like a nexus nine remember
nexus nine there's also a nexus
nexus seven oh seven was nice too but it had big bezels it did so maybe eight but it had a really
nice soft touch back yeah we're getting off track uh i have yeah i have one i have one more
it's trivia but it's right now, and I'm doing it.
S tier.
F tier, if I get it wrong.
This music right now.
There we go.
I cannot believe I messed up that button press.
That's like the most embarrassing point of my career.
If I get the question right, it's S tier.
If I get it wrong, it's F tier.
All right.
Question number one.
Banana Bin is one of many very useful utility apps for macOS,
but macOS's close cousin iOS has had more than its fair share of completely useless apps.
Which of the following iOS apps is a fake app?
A, Blower.
An app that runs your phone's speaker so hard you can use it to blow out candles.
B. BOV Turbo. Mount your phone to the windshield or A-pillar of your car and it will display a fake boost gauge which reacts to the movements of your car.
It will even lag and play a pshh sound to make it feel all the more real.
C, cookie clicker, and I'm reading from Wikipedia.
The user initially clicks on a big cookie on the screen, earning a single cookie per click.
They can then use their earned cookies to purchase assets such as cursors and other buildings that automatically produce cookies. Upgrades are also available and can
improve the efficiency of clicks and buildings, among many other mechanics that allow the user
to earn cookies in different ways. The game lacks a conventional ending. Or D, Chromios.
The App Store now features emulators, and what better to emulate than Google's smash hit of an operating system, Chrome OS.
That's right.
All of your favorite Chromebook apps and experiences are now available on the iPhone.
How do you spell Chromeos?
You spell it C-R-O-M-I and then capital OS, like Chrome, Chromey, Chrome, iOS.
Oh, Chrome iOS.
Real clever.
All right, guys.
What do we have? who wants to go first i wrote a blower a blower is incorrect
blower is a real app you could download from the app store and it's not even free how does
how you can pay to screw your how does apple allow that
if it's gonna just ruin your speakers don't ask marquez i see you also put blower no i know oh
what that was a joke at the bottom my actual answer was chromeos or whatever you said chromeos
is a fake app i made that one up very. Very good. That's what I said too.
Andrew also put Chromeos.
You thus far cannot run a Chromebook on your iPhone.
I was thinking of it, but I thought Apple would never allow somebody to like blow out
their iPhone speaker.
I do just want to say also to every single member of Gen Z watching this, I am sorry
that you had to just pretend that
Cookie Clicker was fake. I know you all have
Cookie Clicker installed. No, I know
about Cookie Clicker. That's why. Wait, really?
Yeah. That's not an NFT project?
No, no. It's real. It's not just real.
It's like a smash, like huge
hit among kids. Similar to
that banana game on Steam.
Yeah, but this predates that by a while.
Yeah, yeah yeah so we
actually already did question number two because adam fiendishly sprung it on our host during one
of our commercial breaks so we're gonna cut to that footage now but first but quick update on Andrew with 13. David with 13. Oh. And Ellis.
One, two.
Carry the one.
So there's a thousand?
That's what I'm doing.
I'm just...
I'm not even trying.
And we're back.
While Marques and David try to cheat their way into the answer.
It's called mathematics, Adam.
There's a whole... Okay, you know what?
I'm going to cut this for later.
What's a thousand times a thousand?
No, stop.
Wait, what's happening?
I didn't even... Who?
You better hurry up.
You're going to edit this like that?
Yeah, they were trying to answer it now, so I'm just going to get the timer going.
Can I have a timer,
lady? Andrew's spending a lot
of time confused right now. He could just be
getting an answer.
Normally, I'm the brutal one here, but this is
flip him and read.
So, Andrew, what'd you get
off the top is that a trillion a hundred thousand
no david yeah it is i wrote one billion marquez so i think i wrote a trillion
it's a trillion oh frick yeah yeah that's a thousand. If I had more time to do the math.
And I think everything I wrote there is correct.
You can ignore.
That I do not know.
The reason it's 1024 is because there's eight bytes in a bit.
So you do that multiplied by a thousand.
I wasn't going to get that in.
I wrote that there is a terabyte is a thousand gigabytes.
A gigabyte is a thousand megabytes.
A megabyte is a thousand kilobytes.
A kilobyte is a thousand bytes.
Oh, I thought. So then I. Yeah. gigabytes a gigabyte is a thousand megabytes a megabyte is a thousand kilobytes a kilobyte is a thousand bytes oh i thought so then i yeah the the 24 if i understand correctly and i encourage any and all computer scientists to tell me how wrong i am in the comments but the reason it's the 24
is because human brains because of our fingers and toes like to count in a base 10 system otherwise
known as the dewey decimal system that was a joke shut up um
that was a library joke uh but computers because they do not have toes uh are not super into
not yet based does tesla have toes i don't know but they will soon i'm sure uh they counted base
two and you can't get to a thousand evenly if you're doing powers of and you can't get to 1,000 evenly.
If you're doing powers of 2, you can only get to 1024.
And for a long time, this didn't really matter, because what's 24 bits?
But you can't get to 1,000 evenly?
With powers of 2, the closest you can get is 1024.
I think it's 2 to the 12th?
You're thinking of divisible by 2. Yeah, not divisible.
2 to the 3rd is...
You mean just like 1, 1, 1, 1?
No, 2 to the 10th power is 1024.
2 to the 9th power is 512.
So it's 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 times 2.
Those are computer numbers.
Oh, that's what you're saying.
Those are computer numbers.
Oh, that's what you're saying.
And so technically, we measure computer storage in an alternate base two system.
So not terabytes, we would say tebibytes.
So a terabyte is, as Marques said, a trillion bytes.
But there is no hard drive in the world that actually has a terabyte on it. It actually a tebibyte on it and they just oh I see you don't care enough yeah and we're back and Marquez was the only one that got that answer correct so now everyone is tied
at 13 oh this is the closest game we've had in such a long time this is also maybe the trivia
extravaganza should only be worth single point one one point at the end no it's gonna be like 47 points is it
even a trivia if it doesn't render oh my gosh that's so funny wait yeah there's one there's
one point to win at the end we'll call it a trivia extravaganza journey to carry the one
marquez would end this
podcast but he's too busy clicking cookies well hey that's been it for this week clearly there's
gonna be a well there's gonna be way more fun stuff next week like like usual we always have
fun stuff to do uh but of course thanks for suggesting all the stuff that you did this week
on twitter and of course follow us over there if you have more suggestions or if you just want to follow us
to see what else we post.
Okay, that's it.
See you later.
Way From Respiration by Adam Molina and Ellis Roven.
We're partnered with Vox Media Podcast Network
and our introductory music was created by Vane Silk. To be fair, I feel like people that played Zelda are not actually gamers.
Clip that.
No, I love that.
And upload that to the internet straight away with you.
I love Zelda, let me be clear.