Wednesdays - Ep 26: I don't know how to flirt with uni boys!

Episode Date: October 5, 2021

Heya gang,This week it’s all about your uni dilemmas…and we’ve thrown in a few relationship ones as well for good measure. Uni crushes, boys that are terrible at texting, and the struggles of sp...eaking to cute guys and girls at uni - we’ve got you all covered! The wine this week is a Tragolargo Malvasia rate this wine:Melissa - 3Sophie - 1Sending you all love,S & M x Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Fandu Casino Daily Jackpots. Guaranteed to hit by 11 p.m. with your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Daily Jackpots. A chance to win with every spin and a guaranteed winner by 11 p.m. every day. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600. Or visit Select games only. Guarantee void if platform or game outages occur. Guarantee requires play by at least one customer until jackpot is awarded or 11 p.m. Eastern. Restrictions apply. See full terms at Please play responsibly. Hey guys, it's Sophie here. I'm Melissa. And welcome to our new podcast, Wednesday's We Drink Wine. Hello guys.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Hey guys. So, should we start with the wine yeah confession i basically i'm not drinking from october it's actually still september no she's she's lying she is gonna drink she's just gonna really cut it back no i'm not gonna drink from the whole of october middle of october from like the second weekend but anyway fine we wanted to test out some like alcohol-free wines get me in the mood however i've been traipsing around every shop this morning and little to my dismay much to my much to my dismay doesn't seem to exist right it doesn't literally doesn't exist there's alcohol-free like. There's a lot of alcohol-free beers. Which actually are really nice. My dad has them. My dad has them too.
Starting point is 00:01:27 My dad loves alcohol-free beers. Yeah, they're all, I didn't really know where I was. All my dad drinks. All my dad drinks, he's like, oh my god, how funny. So weird, the blue one. Yes! The blue one, my one,
Starting point is 00:01:38 because it'll be spade. He loves them, he's like, they're better than the red ones. Oh yeah, and he's like, no calories. Yeah, he's like, so healthy. Yeah. He's like, my dad's, oh god, really getting off on top of that. I know, my there's like no calories. Yeah, it's so healthy. It's like, my dad's really getting off on top of that. I know, my dad's like, if he's trying to lose a bit of weight, obviously beer is so fattening, but it gives the lovely
Starting point is 00:01:52 flavour, but he loves it. It's so refreshing. Kind of like kombucha. Yeah, really nice. I had a sip, I was like, this is really refreshing. Guys, I get to Sophie's, and she's like, okay, so I've got some non-alcoholic wine, and she goes to the fridge, and she's like, so this is it, and she's like, okay, so I've got some non-alcoholic wine. She goes to the fridge, and she's like, so this is it, and she's like
Starting point is 00:02:07 so proud of herself, and she pulls it out of the fridge, and like shows me the bottle with this big grin on her face, and I'm like, it says apple juice! Sparkling apple! I mean, really, it's like, yeah, apple juice and carbonated water. What the hell? But it does look like it's in a full-on champagne, like, bottle with a nice, like, the top bit and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I'm absolutely mad at that. Yeah, you were. I would have loved that back in the day. Well, what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to just order it, pre-order it. But we did have this wine, and we wanted to try it because it is French wine. Yeah, so we've had it in stock. Okay, so it is... I'm going to give it a go.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Trogolago Moscatel Malvasia. I'm pretty sure I got that wrong, but we'll put a photo of it so you guys can see it anyway and it's orange wine yeah which is i've never tried orange wine before i've never tried it but my friend um she actually did a wine tasting course sophie and she said i remember i went for dinner with her once and she had an orange wine she said it was her favorite one she stop it yeah okay i've googled it just to find a bit more about it and it says it's obviously it's organic vegan natural which is stunning tips for those boxes and um it's a spanish wine and it the pairing smells really intense this is the pairing right oh no that
Starting point is 00:03:17 smells odd it smells very intense let's have a try it tastes that smells of olives to me i'm gonna put it out there i wonder why it is orange like what they okay let's just taste it really trying to like fig and oranges no fig and olives i can smell prunes like dates like really strong flavors oh gosh no i don't like that at all that honestly tastes like olive brine oh my god it doesn't even taste like wine, does it? That would be olive brine. Yeah, it has. Do you know what I mean? It does have an orangey flavour to it.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I can taste orange. Yeah, orange peel. Yeah. Like really tart. That is vile. No, that's, that honestly to me could be the brine of olives. It doesn't taste like wine at all and it doesn't taste alcoholic to me. Really.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It almost just tastes like Fermented like Apple or something Like Yeah fermented apple Bang on Really Okay right It says on the website
Starting point is 00:04:12 On this like little thing That is the weirdest thing about that It says that it would go lovely With goat's cheese And vegetables and fish I can kind of imagine it going well With goat's cheese Same because with a goat's cheese
Starting point is 00:04:19 You always like to have Something a bit more like Fruity and sweet right Like I always have like A fig with goat's cheese Or like Peaches with goat's cheese or that's like really really it's a bizarre bizarre wine i am gonna drink it it's really alcoholic though for 30 percent 13
Starting point is 00:04:36 percent yeah i wonder if there is oranges in it i wish it would say a little bit more on the bottle organic it says it's an organic white wine how odd interesting i think we should have a little google around after this we're gonna to figure out a little bit about why it's actually orange i can't tell if i like it because it smells like it's gonna taste really strong and then it's actually quite bland like watered down right but we did have ice in it for not that much yeah they fully melted four cubes. That's going to get a very low rating from me later. Anyway, should we crack on? I feel like we could talk about this wine all day. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I like that. Guys, I need you to try that. It tastes like olive rind. What the hell is olive rind? Right, you know the juice that olives come in? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it tastes of. Beer!
Starting point is 00:05:18 It tastes of beer! I used to drink that juice that olives drink. You loved it. You loved it. That tastes like beer. Actually, I have another sip. That tastes like really, really strong beer. It's obviously got like weed to it or something. No it doesn't. No it tastes like It's fermented, that's why. It tastes a bit fermented, yeah. Do you think it's just gone off? Mm-mm. It's not off. How do you not know? It's not corked. I don't think I've ever tried
Starting point is 00:05:40 a corked wine. Oh my god, I had a corked wine recently. Someone bought me a bottle of wine and it honestly tastes like... Someone? It was horrible. What? And the other person could not take it. I was like, this wine is not okay. Like, but, to me, that's corked. No, no, no, corked wine honestly tastes like must.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's honestly not, and it stinks. Like, it's so... That stinks to me. I think that's corked. Yeah, it's not, promise you. That is fucking... It's just strong smelling wine. Excuse my French, but that is not my favourite
Starting point is 00:06:05 right we need to stop slagging off this one and get on with the yeah yeah yeah alright get on with the day
Starting point is 00:06:10 on a lighter note everyone's been talking to you about Married at First Sight yeah me and Soph haven't watched it
Starting point is 00:06:15 have you watched the Australian one well I've watched some of the Australian one I didn't really like it so I'm not really so sure
Starting point is 00:06:20 I know everyone's obsessed with it everyone is talking about it so much and everyone like when I went to film Chelsea and when I went to film Chelsea when we went to
Starting point is 00:06:26 that wilderness place or wherever we went they were obsessed with it really I was like I'm not watching it yeah
Starting point is 00:06:33 how funny yeah they loved it however what I will recommend to you guys is Love on the Spectrum it's like it's about autistic
Starting point is 00:06:41 people who find love and like they're just so wonderful and it's the most heartwarming just so gorgeous it's about autistic people who find love and like they're just so wonderful and it's the most heartwarming just so gorgeous it's so lovely it makes you like
Starting point is 00:06:50 want to say I get tears in my eyes is that what you've been watching recently yeah I've watched a couple no you're re-watching Desperate Housewives
Starting point is 00:06:55 I'm re-watching Desperate Housewives that will take you forever I love a long I'm whizzing through it though it's because it's on in the background
Starting point is 00:07:02 when you're cooking instead of you're not actually watching it yeah god it's so good I on in the background when you're cooking instead of not actually watching watching it got it so good I'm re-watching
Starting point is 00:07:07 an hour long awesome do you remember oh my god yeah yeah it's the best series it's brilliant
Starting point is 00:07:14 it really is I'm quite excited for the Just Like That to come out what's that oh my god the new
Starting point is 00:07:19 Sex and the City stop it that's gonna be fabulous is that a series yeah just like that. Yeah. And it's got the same characters without
Starting point is 00:07:27 Samantha. Yes. I think it would be bloody fantastic because Big's in it like all the old flames. Like that's so big it's going to have to be it. Oh it's going to be fantastic. But that got that friend, what's his name, Willie? He died recently.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I don't know how. Oh yeah, he did. Bless him. And I think he was actually in the new series, so that's actually lovely that he got to be in it. I think he's been in it. Oh my God, I really... I'm sure he filmed some of that. So I'm really excited for that to come out.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Sorry, I've run your name. I've also been re-watching Vampire Diaries. Are we team Damien? Never. Team Stefan. Never watched it. What? Oh my God, no, you're missing out so much.
Starting point is 00:08:02 It's so, so, so good. Have you heard of that? Yeah. I watched else wait hold on revenge yeah with the blonde girl in it yeah yeah yeah i stopped watching it but i watched i remember half watching it and then i realized i got really far along and then i stopped so vampire i did the same thing i got really far along and then i was really doing something where i couldn't watch the next season and then came out. The guy you fancy is the one I fancy. Oh God, everyone fancies Damon. He's sexy baddie. Oh, what's the other one then?
Starting point is 00:08:30 Stefan. Show me Stefan. Oh, team Damon all the way. I like the left guy. You like Stefan? No, Damon. Oh, the one with the pointy nose. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Oh no, stop it. He's absolutely stunning. The one on the left is stunning. Not that one. Oh, so Sophie's team Stefan? I'm Stefan all the way. Damon grosses me out. No, Damon is my vibe.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Damon looks like James Taylor from Made in Chelsea. No, he doesn't look anything like him. He doesn't look like your ex-boyfriend. What? Which one? Stefan, he looks like Justin Bieber and he does not. Wait, who do you think that Damon looks like? What ex-boyfriend? Which one? Stefan, he looks like Justin Bieber and he does not. Wait, who do you think that Damon looks like? What ex-boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Which one? Your recent one. What? He looks nothing like... No, no, no. So. Also, if you watch it, his whole persona... Yeah, but that one looks like Justin Bieber and I like it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Also, Stefan kind of bums me out a bit. Like, if you guys have watched it, you'll know, like, he's a bit wet. Oh, God, I was talking about that. Like, whereas Damon's, like, just a bit, like, a bit of an arsehole. Yeah, like... A bit more nussy sexy like he's the older bad older brother yeah he's stunning we told you guys what nuss means it's like when the boy has like a genetic line you're like can't put my finger on it but
Starting point is 00:09:33 they're just sexual magnetism like what is it called when they say in france she's like they have a is it actually what nurse no no raw sexual magnetism um oh like a twinkle yeah no no a twinkle no no it's just like yeah and just like a nurse i could i freaking don't know what a sex appeal you know they've just got a sex yeah i've just got something going that's what damon's got so i'm really enjoying that right now that's giving me a lot oh my god do you remember when jamie and i used to call each other damon no that was a weird time. God, it sounds like it. Jesus. Okay, we've got some listener messages. Just wanted to say thank you for reading my dilemma the other week.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Thanks so much for the great advice. Love you guys and the podcast. Here's a picture of the dress I finally chose. Oh my gosh. You look so beautiful. I mean, I'm not sure which one you are. Is this the girl that wrote in the dilemma the dilemma about trying to find dress for like 18th or 25th right yeah i do remember this
Starting point is 00:10:31 well i mean you both look bloody stunning the flowery dress oh that is love a bit of an off the shoulder yeah love and we've got some cute little listener messages which is so lovely that you guys just keep us updated like what's going on follow us from there yeah we do feel like we're don't stop doing that okay we have a lot another little listener message all the way from australia hello from australia love your girls podcast it saves me at work every thursday morning so such a fan since mic i'm just listening to the latest ep of the girl who was ostracized by the boyfriend's friendship group and it resonated with me so much. I went through the exact same thing I feel for her.
Starting point is 00:11:10 It ended up being the worst two years of my life. Oh my god. I ended up going to therapy to deal with it. My advice is to her to stay true to herself. They will eventually all come back around and try to be your friend and your boyfriend will see you are nothing but a good person and glad he stood by you you do not have to be sorry for being an honest and good person if the boyfriend finds it too hard to juggle both then it isn't worth being there it may be uncomfortable for a few months but the tension will pass had to share that's a great bit of advice yeah and someone who's i always gone the best yeah you can't go wrong thank you so much i love this yeah if anyone ever has gone through something like melissa and i haven't yeah please write in give us some advice because i think that's really great um so we've got another one
Starting point is 00:11:54 as well hi girls i'm so thankful for the podcast i'm really struggling with my mental health and i've just broken up with my boyfriend after he cheated on me and i couldn't put up with it but feel like i will never find a man now i'm only 23 but i just feel like he was the one and now i'm Oh no. Okay, right. For a start, you're younger than me. Okay, if I can do it, you can do it. And also... Also, if he's cheated on you, like, screw him.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Screw him, never do that. He was not the one. He was not the one if he cheated on you. No. Absolutely not. And if it was going to happen then, it will happen again, is my theory. And also, if it is meant to be, and he has learnt and changes and whatever, give him time to grow.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And, you know, 23 is so young. You're honestly still, basically, a child. I'm very jealous that you're a year younger than me. I'm coming up 25 and you know 23 is so young honestly still basically a child very jealous that you're a year younger than me i'm coming up 25 you know if i can be single at 25 you can be single i think 25 also people find people and get married at 40 like honestly relax he's obviously not the one if he's cheated on you you know his loss screw him yeah and i'm really and i'm so sorry you're feeling anxious mental health is like a horrible thing and everything affects people in different ways yeah i think that make sure you take yourself on lots of walks call your friends it's really good you're speaking to us about it don't keep anything in
Starting point is 00:13:14 totally um but don't let you know sometimes when you're feeling low or anxious you can sort of let that cloud your judgment you probably want just to be comforted and he was probably your comfort blanket yeah so remind yourself that and don't go back because he fucking cheated and no one deserves to be treated like that i totally agree and also i think that we sometimes get ourselves into this like state where we think that we need a man or a partner to like feel complete and like feel like we're not lonely and whatever you are you really really don't like once you learn to be solely by yourself it's the best feeling ever and like i know you probably can't see that now but honestly you'll wake up one day and it will just be that you'll just be like wow yeah it will happen because every cloud has a silver lining in
Starting point is 00:14:02 it it's true and like the good days will come and the bad days will pass you just have to keep that in mind and keep doing everything you can to keep yourself feeling good in these bad times just work on yourself just get through you will get through it and and honestly like the list said a cloud will just lift off you one day and you'll be like oh this is great and i'm so glad yeah okay guys so this week everyone's gone back to uni so we thought we'd do some uni dilemmas freshers all of that shenanigans melissa hasn't been to uni i did yeah and had quite well of a time so you've got two different opinions on this we do okay right let's go for the first dilemma hi girls i have a dilemma for you i'm at uni and i have an issue i literally have zero game with boys i know i am not bad looking and i am a natural extrovert however all the guys i speak to
Starting point is 00:14:57 just end up being friends where am i going wrong clubs are open and parties are up and running again so i have no excuse please ladies help a girl out what are your best moves to find a new guy please keep anonymous melissa this is so for you because i feel like melissa's got got this down no i don't do i well i definitely do i don't know i just feel like you can turn on like a sexy part of yourself like when i'm with guys i just want to be friends i am so platonic it's a joke or i'm like such a gimp yeah i like make myself goofier yeah we are so friends some guys you know what's like a good tip if you constantly look at their lips whilst they're talking it makes them subconsciously think about kissing you yeah it's a psychology thing like all about these like looks and like things that you
Starting point is 00:15:49 say and like the way you look at them i just feel like you've got to really like just get in touch with your sexual feminine self yes that i'm funny unleash the beast unleash the beast i feel like you have got to also feel that yeah don't be too pally with them yeah don't and don't be like too goofy you've you've really gotta just yeah almost be like aloof yeah a little bit mysterious do you know what when I actually really fancy someone I'm really shy oh my god same I'm so shy I'm so shy mute mute I'm a mute no personality yeah yeah I'm yeah. I'm like, hi. I'm almost rude. But it's... Oh my God, I'm so sick. It's never served me badly.
Starting point is 00:16:27 No, neither. So I'm thinking maybe that could be a thing. Whereas if I don't fancy someone, I'm literally like... Hi! Same, same, same. Can't shut me up. Can't shut me up. Same.
Starting point is 00:16:35 How funny. So funny. So maybe that's our secret. Sorry, who are we? The love gurus. Sorry, where's my... Yeah, I know. I'm talking because I've got queues of boys outside.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I definitely don't. Oh that that's it's always worked for me as well that's kind of the only advice because like yeah i mean it depends if you want to go get with someone i've never ever been good at like getting people in a club or having one nice answer that's never been my forte like even if i wanted to have and it just never did yeah because i am too shy so that i can't really help you with but if you fancy someone and kind of want to like get something going i think you know being a bit aloof and whatever yeah i know it's a shame that we have to play a bit of a game because like ultimately you just want to be yourself and it'd be like but you just have to be realistic you just have to
Starting point is 00:17:21 yeah because even me as a girl if a boy is like too keen that's like it's just i'm like oof yeah so at the beginning i'm quite i'm genuinely quite shy and then the more i get to know them and i realize they fancy me i'm actually not shy but i still don't really ever put myself up i just wait for them to come to me because i do think boys like the chase so gross you have to play a bit of a game it's quite sad really but it's just the it's just the way that it all works yeah let's just slate the cast on the table here there's no point in playing games you gotta fucking oh my god someone said to me that like saying hard to get doesn't work it bloody works yeah it does boy even for me like if a boy pies me i'm like say i love you marry me why does that
Starting point is 00:18:00 happen that's really messed up that we think like that. Oh God. Yeah, to be a fag damn it. But yeah, that's my advice. I think just, you know, really unleash the sexual being within yourself and look at the lips whilst they're talking and be a bit of a loo. And feel yourself.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Like, oh God. Yeah, you gotta rate yourself. You have to rate yourself. Yeah, like, manifest the shit. You have to use confidence and then that, like, energy just, like,
Starting point is 00:18:21 sprays onto somebody else and then you just, that's the sexiest thing, being confident, right? That's what everyone says. I so agree. And I agree and i agree and also like have fun with the girls don't like go boy hunting yeah i think boys can smile that from a lot of fandu casino daily jackpots guaranteed to hit by 11 p.m with your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Daily Jackpots. A chance to win with every spin and a guaranteed winner by 11 p.m. every day. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600. Or visit Select games only. Guarantee void if platform or game outages occur. Guarantee requires play by at least one customer until jackpot is awarded or 11 p.m. Eastern.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Restrictions apply. See full terms at Please play responsibly so this is our second dilemma too close to home hi melissa and savi my neighbor and i clearly have some serious chemistry going on oh i like it in the halls oh crikey i get bus flies every time i see him oh my god the best feeling oh my god that's such a great feeling and he'll sometimes come into my room late at night when he's drunk so i know he likes me too rat-a-tat-tat that oh my god i say considering we're on the same corridor and have similar friends
Starting point is 00:19:41 is it too risky to pursue in case things go wrong absolutely no just go for it i really need help on this so please could i get some advice by the way love the podcast and please keep it on okay right lathi just go go for it there is nothing stopping you you're you need you're and you're in danger of friend zoning him if you get any longer because if the chemistry will pass and the fact that you've got butterflies that's a rare old feeling like i that's a really really rare feeling but let me tell you something that this will get to a point if you leave it any longer where it's just it won't ever happen because you're both like we've gone too far now we see each other too much i reckon next time he comes into your room give him a little kiss yeah i reckon i could do something yeah or maybe i may initiate it be like what are you back
Starting point is 00:20:27 yet but you know from your big boozy nights out sorry i'm really getting into character get me back to uni i'm dead maybe i'll go to uni you just get with the boys oh my god no i think you 100 just need to go for it and he's coming into your room also you're only at uni for three years unless you're a doctor like it's not gonna be yeah you gotta make the most of that make the most of it and also you don't live you don't live in the halls for only a year oh yeah so true so quick so if it's awkward like you know it's only bloody year and you're going and also it'll kind of keep it exciting like it always loves it like a lot of it like dry yeah yeah yeah yeah it's funny okay right moving on to the next dilemma because i feel like that one i can really get quite carried
Starting point is 00:21:16 away with that one yeah same i'm really excited i'm excited for you really jealous like you're always gonna like you can't really like stroll about with your spot cream and like not brushing your teeth oh god you gotta look banging all the time like you've got a little bit of makeup on bit of concealer in the morning walking out hello yeah yeah yeah yeah perfume shorts shorts shorts oh this is just how i woke up this morning yeah perfume like seeping out your oh my god okay right next dilemma so i lived with a boy last year in first year we started flirting straight away and eventually slept together once but stayed in each other's beds quite frequently
Starting point is 00:21:52 now second year has just started and he stayed over again saying he'd missed it and he didn't want to leave etc but we don't message too much it's's amazing when we're together, but not when we aren't. Any advice on how to deal with the situation, whether to just let it play out or say how I feel? Thank you so much. God, I... Tricky one with, like, the whole people are good in person
Starting point is 00:22:15 and then show. And also, like, tricky because we're saying play a game, but, like, if I was in your position, I'd kind of think, fuck it. The game's over at this point.
Starting point is 00:22:23 They've slept together, they've been in each other's beds. Yeah, and also, like, at uni, i just don't think like there's that's the good thing about uni like you can move on so quick because there's a lot of fish like you can actually be like it's a big old pond yeah the next week you're getting somebody out i mean i actually had a boyfriend the whole way through uni but my friends i know it's so boring um you know you could like you're going you're clubbing every night it's so fun. But, you know, you could like, you're going, you're clubbing every night. It's so fun.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Like, you're always partying. You're always busy. You're either studying, partying, or with friends the whole time. You're never sat on your own lingering thoughts.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think it's the time to be like, you've now done all of this. You're now, you've sat with him a couple times. There's no point in playing games. I'd probably just be like,
Starting point is 00:23:01 what's going on here? And then, if you like him, be like, because, you know, kind of appreciate it. Some people are just shit on their phones their phones like i wouldn't take that too much to heart and i do think probably i think it's better not texting i don't like the whole texting thing i don't either but loads of
Starting point is 00:23:14 girls really like it it's a very child i think it's a very young thing as you get older really way yeah but sure but then there's nothing to talk about when you actually see each other i so agree and it keeps it a bit more mysterious yeah otherwise it's like you've you've had all the conversation already yeah i agree i personally don't i i wouldn't know what to talk about when i see him yeah but maybe he like literally on a night out doesn't even say you're going out right that could be i am assuming i always think it's like what from what it sounds like is that you need like a bit of commitment from him
Starting point is 00:23:46 like that's what it sounds like a bit of reassurance yeah or like I agree like if he's going on a night out and he's not messaging you like you're out tonight
Starting point is 00:23:53 or whatever that's like kind of rude or if it's like once a week he just comes over and stays in your bed but you don't hear him at all yeah that's a bit annoying
Starting point is 00:24:00 you need like some sort of communication or like commitment going on where he's like okay fine I actually really like you I not seeing me i'm probably not taught but i mean this probably isn't the right advice because it's playing games and whatever but i probably just wouldn't speak to him until and if he comes to you like what's wrong yeah like i'd
Starting point is 00:24:17 leave it until like if he's just like can i come over to him i'd be like no i can't do this again i just feel like no i'm out or i probably just ignore him because and then he'll come to you being like if he really likes you he'll be like what's up like yeah and if he doesn't then you know that he's just using you for sex and that's the harsh reality of it i'm afraid it happens it happens and at your uni so like just look at it like sweet onto the next onto the next you know it's all about don't wallow in it totally agree totally agree sorry if we're being a real harsh bit. Tough life. Because I think that at uni is like
Starting point is 00:24:46 you're so low and you're having the sweetest time, like so. I really need to go to uni, I'm really quite sure. But like, you know what I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:52 they're always with people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How can you be sad when you go home and you're with all your mates in a house? No, you can't. It's impossible to like
Starting point is 00:24:58 feel lonely, right? And also so easy to get over somebody. So easy. You can't do that. Easiest thing ever. Apart from kind of not because imagine you go to all the same clubs but there's a lot of fit but you still wouldn't be like
Starting point is 00:25:11 wallowing in your room as you as you said by yourself listening to that music like oh i love him it wouldn't be like that yeah constantly going out you've got your and also there'd be the excitement of meeting somebody new constantly yeah and just going to fun things like you're always you've always got to get dressed up and like basically you're in big one big fat world of distractions so revel in it go for things push like i reckon it's time to like the three years of your life where you can sort of just be a bit wild really totally agree totally agree okay this is dilemma number four hi girls loving the podcast so I've just started my final year of uni last year was a weird time I think being constantly in the house made me realize that the girls I was living with then nothing against them but
Starting point is 00:26:00 they just weren't the people I wanted to be with so I made a decision to move and now I'm with some lovely girls this year. This has been really good other than the fact that the whole palaver of making that decision caused a big fallout. But nothing huge and now I get so anxious about seeing those girls around. For example, in the pub the other night, they saw me and gave me the coldest looks.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Oh. That's not good. How should I deal with this when I know it's going to happen a lot? P.S. We also share a lot of mutual friends oh unfortunately there's nothing you can do you just have to own your decision and carry on and just be polite and if they're nice girls it will just die down totally there's nothing you can do like you've made your decision and that's obviously it's just hurt their feelings like that's just all it is like i mean you just have
Starting point is 00:26:44 to carry on i always think with things like this the more you speak about it the more fuel you're adding to the fire like if you if you go around telling your friends oh i think i've upset them or i'm worried that i've done something wrong this has happened the more you share that story the more it's going to get spoken about and the longer it will be until it all just gets shut shut down if you act like nothing is wrong and never utter and breathe the word of it they can't really drag it on because they'll end up looking really silly if they're dragging yeah i totally agree i feel like a month will pass there'll be another drama going on
Starting point is 00:27:13 all will be forgotten about i wouldn't worry about it like you made the decision for you and you can't worry about what they're thinking and i think that's a really good brave decision to just like do that and make yourself happy i think that's bloody great yeah and i i really just recommend kill people with kindness yeah and the more you believe that nothing's wrong the more it will turn into reality yeah and like you know ultimately you can just be like well you know i did it for myself like i just realized i wanted to live with other people yeah they can't be like well that's not like there's nothing wrong with that wrong with that it's a choice you're not saying and you you know there's nothing wrong with them i totally agree that helps
Starting point is 00:27:49 now my favorite part of the week single diary no there's nothing to report on guys oh no you've got to have something it's been a boring it's been a boring week. What are you doing this weekend? I have a party all day in the day on Saturday. And then in the evening, a housewarming. Oh, sh... It's a long, long slog. Oh, God. And it's all old school friends. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:18 And there's nobody eligible. Oh, fuck's sake. What about Friday? Oh, no, I'm going shopping with my friend in the afternoon and evening. Quite nice in the evening shop. I'm going for dinner with her and her boyfriend. Who are you third meeting up with? Me and Jamie got really jealous.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh, no. Guys, Sophie and Jamie are my fairy godparents. That's literally what I'm saying. Fairy godparents! They are my fairy godparents. There's no other way to describe it. You are an illegitimate child. I am.
Starting point is 00:28:45 That you genuinely are. Jamie calls for the occasional child. I am. You actually genuinely are. Jamie calls for the occasional catch up of what's going on with boys. I know, yeah. And I'm like, oh, stop. He loves it. He like hangs up on me. He's like, get a cool crash. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:28:55 Get a gossip straight from the source. Yeah, literally. I'm like, oh, off he's gone. My wine of the week is that... Jamie. My wind of the week is that jayme wind my wind of the week i'm afraid sorry 25 26 episodes in i forgot what we're talking um is jamie as you guys know puts the air conditioning on which i do like but then i also like it because i can cuddle him in the bed. Right, yeah, because I'm touching him. Yeah, because otherwise it's too hot, I agree. Too cold. Get off me. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:27 If there's no aircon. But then if I'm, he, Jamie, no, no, he doesn't like that. I'm too hot, he says. So now he puts one of our pillows down the centre of the bed. No, he doesn't. So I can't come near him. And he, like, fully gets annoyed with me. He's like, so, if he were all over my bed, I'm like, that is what being pub, being in a relationship is.
Starting point is 00:29:44 What is she thinking about? Yeah, he's like, no, no, we've got a moat you're in the middle of like in the middle so that's your side that's my side what that's not healthy you need to cuddle yeah i so agree i get like five minutes of cuddle in the morning and evening when he literally does like all right all right or what's up no no hug and roll away oh yeah bros that's literally me guys i'm gonna roll i feel like that's probably quite a common boy thing i mean if it's been on friends it's obviously something i do think like i literally because he'll be on his corner and i'll just hug him so much that i like the whole three quarters of that is just no more so i'm gone i'm just right behind his you're like nestling
Starting point is 00:30:17 that's what i used to do i always used to be like actually the big spoon but obviously much smaller spoon just like yeah yeah yeah just like yeah yeah yeah i'm not leaving yeah yeah yeah i'm not going i've left the back so warm like the front really annoys me i'm like i like being basically i like lying on the chest the chest lies quite nice yeah but only like in the morning i can't bear to sleep like that no no spots on your face oh no i don't think it's ever given me spots i could do a chest like depends on how large i couldn't because when i was at university i was lying actually on my ex-boyfriend now's chest when we first were getting together you gave me spots no and i was like ow i honestly oh my god i know this story genuinely guys i was like god he's muscly
Starting point is 00:31:01 rock hard my jaw is in bits. Oh my God. What the hell? So I sat up. I was like, what the hell is going on? My face hurts so much. Although, obviously,
Starting point is 00:31:11 it wouldn't hurt you. That's so funny. The chest wasn't what hurt me. It could have been the rump. And it wouldn't have hurt you. It's mumps like a really disgusting thing. No. It's like,
Starting point is 00:31:20 it goes around all around you. And you have fucking mumps in my jaw. And I'd like, obviously. I think it makes your lymph node just like really smaller
Starting point is 00:31:27 my face was so fat I had to get a train back to London from Newcastle and I was and actually
Starting point is 00:31:34 with this you know it's like savagely savagely contagious like if you go in the same room with somebody well great
Starting point is 00:31:38 I sped it to the whole of the train I got back to London and I was like I went straight to the doctor I was like my face is really swollen and they were like you've got mumps did they look take one look at you like yeah they were like I went straight to the doctor I was like my face is really swollen and they were like
Starting point is 00:31:45 you've got mumps did they look take one look at you like I've had the jab for it I've had the vaccine measles, mumps and rubella when I was younger what the hell's that about
Starting point is 00:31:51 but you're meant to have like a what's it like a top up or whatever what are they called booster booster when you're a bit older
Starting point is 00:31:59 before you go to uni and stuff I haven't had the booster but mumps is really unusual I mean as in like in your uni it's common but i think now we're older like it's a bit yeah yeah jamie said that he had it at uni as well i think it's just quite harry had it as well i think honestly like so many people i spoke to had it like if you go out clubbing he was like everyone like in the same club like oh no because it's like it's like in the air right it's like an airborne thing it's not i think it's from
Starting point is 00:32:24 gang to someone no it's not you can talk to somebody like this far away and catch it it's like in the air, right? It's like an airborne thing. It's the air. I think it's from getting to someone. No, it's not. You can talk to somebody like this far away and catch it. It's so contagious. Boys, it's really dangerous. Boys, it's worse, yeah. You can meet Ian Butler. Oh, yeah, I've heard that. Anyway, on that pleasant note.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Sorry, guys. Let's rate the wine. Okay, I'm going to give it a three. I'm giving it a two. I think, oh, I actually won. I think that's undrinkable. It tastes like olive. See, if you want to know what it tastes like, olive brine.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I can't believe your friend liked orange was it this one in particular no it was one at Gold the restaurant so I'm sure I'm sure it was lovely
Starting point is 00:32:51 we'll have to go when we go to Gold we'll try one because I do not think that's what all orange wines taste like we'll have to try another one yeah we need to try another one
Starting point is 00:32:59 how do you know it's an orange wine does it say it on there yeah I think no but when you're ordering it I think we should order some wines that are alcohol-free ones.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Yeah. Guys, please keep sending your dilemmas in. We absolutely love them. And also your advice on any dilemmas that you've heard. If you can relate to it or you have any advice yourself, you've been through a similar thing,
Starting point is 00:33:17 we love hearing your advice. Thanks, guys. Bye. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio,
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