Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 103: Saint Francis Dam Failure

Episode Date: May 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 think I think everything's running then yes yes well there's your problem it's a podcast about engineering disasters it has slides I'm Justin Rosniak the person who's talking right now okay go I am Alice Gordel Kelly I'm the first one who's talking now my pronouns are she and her you didn't say pronouns I forgot the pronouns yeah that's because I that's because I've I've decided to get into a new grift yeah I'm gonna become I'm I'm I'm very supportive of only the trans people I know and I hate the rest of them you already know my pronouns so that's why I don't give a shit that's reasonable
Starting point is 00:00:41 Liam you didn't say it I didn't know him to go yeah Liam hi I'm Liam Anderson my pronouns are he him no no I my grift is a lot easier this is one where I come over to Roz's house with a knife and I say put the money in the bag and he says okay I thought your grift was trying to get sponsored by by snooze they won't respond to my you know that their marketing team have been like missing the easiest like exactly like you like I don't even I don't even use snooze anymore so it's kind of like what's the point but like I used to and I love that affection yeah I we're we're here to encourage everyone to take up tobacco
Starting point is 00:01:29 products yeah yeah yeah I will say in case you hear me screaming at any point during tonight's recording sure the Stanley Cup playoffs has started and my beloved Boston Bruins are in game one against the hated and despised Carolina hurricane this is this is hockey right not to be like sport no hockey this is okay right gotcha this is the one of two sports I meaningly give a shit about I think I get scored on nope nope it went high fuck you buddy excellent so you will get live live hockey commentary hmm Ed Mubarak at time of recording by the way congratulations you did it yeah I did I made it through a whole month of
Starting point is 00:02:16 fasting there you go yeah well what do you see on the screen in front of you are the remnants of a dam oh no are we about to see another mysterious act of God's love maybe God first we have to do the god damn news so if any of you remember that Amazon warehouse that fell down last year in the turn in a tornado yeah well they made them all like they made them stay in there was like that text you know that went around turns out Amazon's not gonna be penalized for it at all oh crime is legal yeah this saw this this collapse killed six workers in Edwardsville Illinois in December last
Starting point is 00:03:09 year a lot of them were contract delivery drivers who didn't know any of the procedures right then that's not an accident because I yeah I mean yeah this is social murder but yeah I should point out that crime is illegal but only if you're poor yeah so the social murder is the legal kind if you if you and yeah no I go down on dude I mean you kill six people for like you know the proceeds of a tail out of a store and they'll execute you but you kill six people for like marginally increased returns on some packages that are gonna get destroyed in a fucking tornado anyway and no consequences you aren't even we don't
Starting point is 00:03:53 even know the names of any of the people whose decisions led to this yes that's right the cabs killed some people over some Pokemon cards a couple days ago right yeah didn't they didn't they like standard I think yeah innocent bystander sprayed sort of the whole parking lot with gunfire missed the person who is allegedly shoplifting and just killed someone else that's that's law enforcement that's great law enforcement that's great law enforcement folks but yeah Amazon isn't gonna have any responsibility for this and I mean these these tilt up style warehouses are very prone to this kind of collapse
Starting point is 00:04:31 that's why they're they have big tornado shelters inside the warehouse because they assume in the tornado the warehouse is gonna get obliterated but apparently and they build a load of these in like tornado prone states because all of those places are very economically deprived and when Amazon comes in there's like in exchange for merely a shitload of tax incentives and killing six of your citizens metaphorical and literal pounds of flesh yes we will we will prop up single-handedly your economy in a way that gives everybody like long-term workplace injuries Russell Walmart in the 90s yeah yeah so
Starting point is 00:05:06 same shit different day fantastic yeah country yeah well and this is gonna keep happening in the next one might be worse so they still have like civil liability right they're not they're just not facing any criminal liability from this so let me reread the article here I have to figure someone's gonna try and say labor department has ordered Amazon to review how it responds to severe weather events following an investigation into a deadly warehouse collapse I want to review review Jeff Bezos and make sure he has a nice time well we will simply take him out into the
Starting point is 00:05:46 that him and then through the street I'm not that levying a citation with fines or other penalties it won't even be finding them yeah she can't do it and I know that like that's a pathetic sentence I just said given the cost of six lives but just like what's even the fucking point of any you want to do the gesture anymore like the empty gesture that's like you have to pay something that is like negligible to you yeah no I bet they'll be facing some kind of civil penalties in an unrelated court case yeah exactly well the government's not gonna do anything though they're gonna
Starting point is 00:06:34 have to prosecute that themselves time to give time to give the workers the power like you said you would it's fucking sucks it fucking sucks it sucks extremely bad but we also got to go to India for our second item of the goddamn news so real tire fire now visible from deli we're gonna talk about a place called the balsua landfill in deli which has now been on fire for I think six seven consecutive days maybe it's too long fantastic this is like deli is a very large city it's still I believe a growing city it's a very dense city and as such it generates a lot of trash this landfill it was it was planned to be
Starting point is 00:07:27 closed over 10 years ago up until when it caught fire the city was still dumping two and a half thousand tons of waste a day in there that is that is an incredible number I will say that what you may also know you may have seen that map of surface temperatures in the Indian subcontinent right now yeah India's like prone to heat waves even prior to like anthropogenic climate change but then we did a shit ton of anthropogenic climate change so right now temperatures in deli like over 43 degrees Celsius which is like 110 Fahrenheit which is enough to just spontaneously ignite the methane that
Starting point is 00:08:12 that landfill generates which then caught fire and it has been burning since it may just be unextinguishable well you know everyone deserves their own little Centrelia yeah and also also you should be aware that like this is not a situation where there's any kind of like sort of standoff distance between this and where people live like a lot of people who work like work on the landfill informally and therefore live next to it and the smoke from this stuff no good like you want to breathe no no no I probably don't want to breathe that no it's not really a situation where you can just leave either so no to share
Starting point is 00:08:57 zoning the shares zoning your way out of this one unfortunately no no I'm afraid not no everything is terrible hey but I will say this I will say this the deli central government did impose a 50,000 rupee fine on the municipal corporation in charge of this which is 50,000 rupees more than yes but it's 50,000 rupees more than Amazon got fine so sure you know it's a more functional government in a sense 50,000 rupees is not a lot of rupees no that's like a hundred bucks yourself if you if you if you if you want a horrifying detail from this I see here in one of the stories about this gyan Saravasco a child resource center for
Starting point is 00:09:44 children of rag pickers living near the landfill site has been closed for a week due to envelopment by thick smoke oh my god so I would I would expect like the word like all those weird Indian words for large numbers to be coming up here for the fine not 50,000 it's actually I'm like it was it was 50 locks 50 locks okay yeah what a lock is yeah yeah I never remember what the hell these things actually are that's five by a it's oh no that's euro why did it go to euro it's it's it's a hundred thousand locks to USD and what a gig the Google give me five million euro equals no so five hundred thousand rupees in in
Starting point is 00:10:30 dollars current price at six thousand five hundred dollars okay so it's not like all right so it's one it's one gaming computer in these prices yeah okay well yeah if you people wanted a pallet cleanser go fuck yourself yeah we don't have one but about a dozen Xbox yeah well that's fun yeah that's the news everything's bad the news all right I was gonna put a second photo in here and I forgot it we can look at some more heat maps yeah matters so I thought what we need to do for context here is we need to talk about southern California another place that will shortly be uninhabitable due to climate change no no
Starting point is 00:11:18 no Alice you're silly girl no it's gonna sink into the sea well to put the wildfires out so that's fine yes thank god we're surrounded by water so it's it's mostly fairly arid but you might not notice that if you go there because we've done so much alteration to the environment there are four man yeah just dumped the entire Colorado river into various like olive groves and like other places that are like maintained by very skilled workers who are paid nothing yes yes so most of California is somewhere between arid semi arid to a desert right and the way the climate works basically is that there are dry
Starting point is 00:12:08 months and rainy months and during the rainy months all the clouds come in from the Pacific Ocean they hit the Sierra Nevada's and then they just piss out all the water which is then so yeah I remember reading that on the like water cycle the clouds take their dicks out yeah just like like at the the urinals of the Phillies game just start going California nature's urinal trough so that's a sketch hmm over the over the summer all that snow it melts and then it goes into like rivers and crap and then it goes out to the ocean then it goes into like rivers and crap yeah are you drunk what no I'm not
Starting point is 00:12:56 actually oh I wish I was I just didn't write very many notes for this so I'm improvising it's fine California is like almost as artificial creation as Las Vegas in a lot of ways please dump a little the Jewish people in our many contributions to society yeah the Jewish homeland California no the Jewish Las Vegas made the desert Jewish mob yeah well the Los Angeles water system is a lot more complicated than the Las Vegas one yeah Las Vegas one is a hope which is what we're gonna talk about now okay Las Vegas so I like me do you want to go below the level of the top the point where they're finding bodies in
Starting point is 00:13:35 it apparently yeah absolutely yeah so Alice in order to upset Roz do you want to just go wildly off topic with me for like five to ten I would love to go wildly off topic with you let's go the fucking Kane scored right no it's not great you did I mean it's not great yeah it's bad I say great in a sarcastic sense okay so you're covering all your options no signal of a goal no signal go on wave it off there's so much of the whole like western half of the United States who's the sort of climate whose water supply whose agriculture even it's just totally unsustainable oh I mean it's not sustainable part yeah not even in
Starting point is 00:14:24 like the medium term I mean like start worrying about coming up quick yeah she's coming up quick yeah what she get past that hundredth meridian things get pretty dry pretty quick yeah luckily it's only home to like tens of well hundreds of millions of people so far yeah yeah no it's like 60 million I think well the west as a whole then okay like even if you just do the west coast then oh I was way wrong it's only 40 million huh and like that's all fifth largest economy in the world or something like that right now what I want to talk about Roz what do you hate it's a long list it's a lot it's a long list
Starting point is 00:15:08 yeah I don't even know what I I don't even know what to say I try not to keep things that I hate too forward in my mind that's healthy so you see I mean the exact opposite of you yeah Roz is is perpetually at a state of sort of Zen like perfect brain right anyway back on topic Alice how could you get us off topic like that sorry sorry so the so that what we now call California especially Southern California originally the land of the Tongma and Chumash tribes right and they were I think they did a little bit of agriculture down there not too much I mean you were generally pretty well off back then but
Starting point is 00:15:52 in the 1700s of course the Spanish came whoa and the Spanish what a bunch of missions and presidios and Pueblos in there you know they subjugated and enslaved the natives they did all the normal stuff Spanish were a little bit now you're like about it then Americans were yeah but you'll still get like a trad cat guy on Twitter who's like but they taught them all to read the expugated versions of the Bible so it's fine right so so so one of these missions on the mission trail was Nuestra Señora de porción color de los Angeles right yes a lady of porción color of the angels I'm not sure the
Starting point is 00:16:36 porción color is but it is in there it has something to do with pigs I bet yeah a lady of the pig pen of the angels yes no it's because our lady the angels got that pork lady of the angels yeah Mary just with that thickie boy oh fantastic thank you like so it's not gonna be happy that I made that joke they um so there was there was a change of political power California was briefly part of Mexico then we do the Mexican Mexican American War and California is then under American control oh somewhere in between there was also a native rebellion by the Chumash who managed to kick
Starting point is 00:17:26 out both the Mexicans and the Spaniards but only for like a little bit all of these guys are like designing shitloads of cool weird flags that are now you can still go and see them or copies of them in various California like historical museums oh yeah most notably the one with the fucked up bear that says California Republic that they you know improved into the current state flag but there's a bunch of these yeah look like I drew him yeah yeah there's one there's one that was like a sort of like enlightenment age spiritually sort of like Mexican revolution against the Mexican government which had like a
Starting point is 00:18:04 tricolor with like Libertad on now I think it looks cool so the Southern Pacific and the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe they reached Los Angeles in the 1880s they're thinking it's gonna be a big port it doesn't really become a big port but then in 1892 all were discovered oh that's a shame oh yeah so so suddenly everyone wants to come everyone's gonna come to Southern California get that oil right and get that hand and eat avocado toast and whatever other soup yeah but if you want to get rich in avocado toast if you want to get rich in a gold rush or a silver rush or an oil rush what you want to do sell shovels
Starting point is 00:18:48 sell shovels or sell railroad tickets or water so there was a big influx of people right and Los Angeles had been getting this water from the Los Angeles River right and if you ever seen the Los Angeles River I mean today you know it's covered in concrete and you race hot rods towards a hole that's only wide enough for one car through it right yeah I people think it's like this trick or until there's a storm and then everybody who's like just down there dies yes but the other thing is it is basically a trickle and they didn't have the concrete lining back then surprisingly so a lot of that went into the ground mmm well so
Starting point is 00:19:32 concrete wasn't invented until 1997 19 BC yeah and then it was yeah because of calling back to a previous joke it's just a totally lost art yeah yeah it's weird how we haven't built a new curb since 1985 yes so that there's a you know the Los Angeles River went over like a really broad floodplain you can see in this early photograph down here and you had you know that's a creek that's not even a fucking river yeah and it's like it's like really tiny but it has a huge car like places too too too small for you yeah what if we build some urban sprawl over this oh we're gonna yeah we're gonna chimi changers at 5 a.m. rather than like sit by this bucolic river a lot of the a lot of the groundwater or the river lost a lot of
Starting point is 00:20:28 its flow to groundwater by the time it reached the ocean just 54 miles from its source or 50 miles and it was getting a little small it disputed as to whether it could or could not actually serve the entire city right but certain people wanted more water in the Los Angeles area right yeah this has been a recurring plot of Los Angeles sort of local governance you should see the Chinatown with Jack Nicholson for a great example oh great movie or read Cadillac Desert which I'm almost done with I don't know I don't know so the city was gonna have to look over the mountains to find more water was either that will become like a gulf petro state and develop desalinization plants in the 19 well 1890s well you'd need like 1890s nuclear power to do that that would be pretty
Starting point is 00:21:26 sick though yeah yeah also uh just unrelated to this but we should Jared leto anyway go on um all right to like the beeps in this episode are gonna be quite something yeah I I obviously Alice I love you very dearly you're one of my best friends love you too Roz Roz is my greatest friend and I derive so much so much joy from simply annoying him because he always takes the bait when I do but I'm just like following him around like a mosquito like hey hey this is really annoying all right anyway I like this thing called the Owens Valley looks like shit it didn't use to oh I kind of like it actually hmm so it's just east of the
Starting point is 00:22:30 southern end of the San Joaquin Valley California right so just make up the same valley god it's over here on the other side of the mountains back in the day this like fucking I don't see this now yellowstone or like mule woods or some shit like that of your words is fucking sick called the switzerland of california Jesus it's like when you go to like the highlands of scotland and you're like oh this is starkly beautiful and it's just no you're looking at something that has been badly terraformed to make it worse yes yes um see also all of the eastern united states oh yeah ask about american chestnuts right great great planes yeah so in the Owens Valley was the Owens River right note I say was yeah I'm gonna say it I assume it
Starting point is 00:23:25 got me'd late yeah so the thing about communism right is that it's very bad for the environment because it destroyed the as of sea yeah that's what I was thinking of thank you this would not that would not be a comparable thing in capitalism before the soviet union existed certainly no hey it's justin in post-production bad news for my co-hosts who I will now embarrass it's the aral sea not the sea as of that the soviet union drained for irrigation they they must got as of on the mind for some reason or another anyway back to the show so this was um uh this was uh uh so the Owens River was fed by you know melt water off the sierras and the Owens River drained uselessly into the Owens lake where it evaporated love a useless lake that incidentally I assume just
Starting point is 00:24:21 goes back and waters all of the uh various switzerland yeah it also uh also was a major major stop-off point for migrating ducks and stuff like that oh well fuck those fuck those geese so they had some agriculture out there there's some irrigation farming in the north of the valley there was cattle ranching in the south of the valley right but they were all developing like swiss american psychosis they're all like talking to each other and fucking remonch and shit everything's timbered for some reason they got they got like some kind of weird uh minaret band going whatever they've met a muslim person they're all voting svp yeah they have a strange town town meeting which is extremely democratic except no women are allowed yeah women women can't vote
Starting point is 00:25:11 even less than they can vote in the rest of the united states so this is true yes um let me have this guy named william moholland right is this for whom moholland drive yes there we go yes thank you yeah um so william moholland was an engineer who was self taught he was from belfast oh the best kind of engineer yeah they worked as a seaman on uh atlantic crossings as well as uh eventually worked on the great lakes when he came to los angeles he quickly found himself as the deputy zaniero right what does that mean so the zaniero is a guy who manages the zanya all right dude i speak one language like don't do it real well you gotta have to dumb it down for me a zanya is a water irrigation trench oh yes of course how did i not know yeah forget the the zanya is a delicious pasta
Starting point is 00:26:11 dish no that's that's uh that's la that's a that's a please please not belittle the italian being ross with the zanya which of course being a feminine word would be referred to as lasagna oh fucking no dude again i speak oh a feminine trench yeah try to try to get one of those installed plus that feminine trench wide open it is weird how much of like uh city like governance was still run on his spanner phone lines like this late into they should still bring big white supremacy it's a good name what is what is zaniero a zaniero yeah yeah absolutely yeah if you were i forgot that jay was h and not a y okay easy yeah it's a zaniero right you're doing better than i would have ross i don't speak spanish no we're not gonna we're gonna get m a back on to like yeah do all
Starting point is 00:27:07 of the spanish this word for me i was once uh and uh that person will know who if if they still listen to the show i was once in mississippi with a friend of mine uh seeing the old miss um oh fuck fresno state game which old miss won something like 76 to 13 and uh we were going back to the car to drive back to philly and there are these two drunk girls sort of arguing and uh the ones that see the come on play and then like the southern accent we turn to each other and he goes can you like talk into this microphone for like five to seven minutes that's all i need that's all i need really and now that everyone knows what things i like again uh please direct your thirst traps to ross once again so okay so he was the deputy zaniero of the los angeles
Starting point is 00:28:00 city water company um which was eventually municipalized um and anglophonized yeah into the los angeles water department where he found himself as superintendent right it's not as cool as zaniero no but he is moving nowhere near school yeah um so he saw some opportunity here though but now he had all this power and he also had the ear of the mayor right because oh no between the water superintendent and the mayor in my robert robert was his villain arc yeah hotly disputed as who had more power um but they're both my robert moses villain arc yeah but we need more water in los angeles which they probably didn't why not divert the owens river to los angeles all you need is 233 miles of aqueduct yeah i mean think think like a roman
Starting point is 00:29:01 it's easy you just diver uh you just build a big aqueduct diverse a river into it and everything's fine yeah easy peasy except you don't know what happened to any of the rest of the areas of please do not yeah italy around around don't ask what happened to lasium at all yeah or uh or or or eventual irrigation failures from uh too much mineral buildup you know stuff like that we said don't worry about it the fact that much like a sort of a dark souls game they just ended up with a shitload of poison swamps outside of rome that's kind of cool though oh that was a little the brackish swamps where everybody fucking got malaria and like everyone who writes about them is like this is a death sentence to even go in here the only people who go in here are criminals and
Starting point is 00:29:44 the most desperate people and uh in the entire empire those brackish swamps you know the pontine marshes i think they're cool think about how well they repel invaders though yeah actually not very well because rome fell down because you're on the wrong side oh that'll do it i would suck dude that would be a hell of a way to die um so they were gonna do 233 miles of aqueduct right um and so moholland and mayor frederick eden hatched a plan um feel like i never liked when anyone hatches a plan no yeah kind of scheme los angeles was a growing city they need more water but moholland drastically overstated the problem in order to get the infrastructure built and built really quickly awesome classic doom
Starting point is 00:30:31 saying we're all we're all gonna die of thirst any second now if i can't build this shit yesterday but in the meantime he also assured the farmers of the owens valley that the city would only be taking the excess from the lake preserving their lives and livelihoods which was a complete fabrication designed mainly to to throw off the farmers but also to throw off the bureau of reclamation which is the big federal dam building agency that did irrigation projects because the bureau of reclamation wanted to do a dam up there as well right and and moholland was like no we gotta get this first um they're gonna take our water so you can't have it yeah county and city power grab over like various rural people who don't matter and of course the federal government who is very easy
Starting point is 00:31:21 to outwit all the time this is true uh actually this is i mean this is a whole this is this is a whole thing the whole plot here i mean you gotta go like read catalac desert on this one because the bureau of reclamation was actually very good at getting very bad projects built and a lot of them and this is one of the ones they didn't get so they built this los angeles aqueduct right sure i i see here at the very top mono lake select that gives you mono and we have to give no alice it's because they drained stereo lake the good news though is that dolby atmos lake is still around and kicking that was actually part of the extension from the original los angeles aqueduct goes up the mono lake and they had to
Starting point is 00:32:10 build the aqueduct through an active volcano wow no thanks is that like we need some more so that gives you mono yeah so this is one of those projects that has a lot of statistics right 233 miles of aqueducts 24 mile of open online canal 37 miles of lined open canal 97 miles of covered concrete conduit 43 mile of concrete tunnels 12 mile of steel siphons 120 miles of railroad track two hydroelectric plants three cement plants 170 miles of power lines 240 miles of telephone run 500 miles of roads oh yeah new rome jesus yeah and i built it all in a day with guys with hammers and teams of mules incredible built we used to be a proper country yeah it used to be used to be used to be a country of mulleteers yeah so
Starting point is 00:33:09 a broken bed on a halifax pier yeah barrett's mulleteers doing the like mexican-american war yeah now the plan here theoretically was to provide the city with water but moholland's real plan is we're gonna irrigate the san fernando valley just outside of los angeles right um you know they're just gonna take the water they're gonna dump it in the san fernando valley it goes in the aquifer you can pump it back up at your leisure right sure and then best of all no evaporation right ah interesting but the way they outwitted the bureau of reclamation meant that they couldn't legally use the water outside the city limits what yeah oh i i see where this is going yeah because i've often asked myself why is it that los angeles is like this
Starting point is 00:34:04 oven spiral where it just has like it expands beyond on reason geographically is this one of those cases like we see in phoenix of just the city expanding and expanding and expanding yeah they just started legal reasons to get the water access yeah they annexed uh the entire san fernando valley um and people who had connections with like the mayor's office and the water uh department um they just bought up a whole shitload of land that was suddenly now extremely valuable because you had all this free irrigation from this enormous shitty aqueduct project that didn't really need to be built right what once again one of the uh one of the only video games in history fall out new vegas understand a lot more about sort of california
Starting point is 00:34:54 politics and what california is as a sort of like great beast shambling towards best laham in the form of the new california republic than a lot of people like uh give it credit for so you ever that i had to play new vegas do you have any rules though okay so you just have to modify until it's good it'll take you like i take you like two to three months tops i like i like new vegas i like 76 too and people you know i i've always thought that the criticism of 76 whether or not anyone wants to admit it had a lot more to do with how they announced it than anything about the game itself i'm not going to play for that 76 because like i'm not going to play a multiplayer game i'm no i'm not that social of a person thank you you have
Starting point is 00:35:40 a podcast alice talked to two dudes for yeah it's fine fine go on rice yeah but i wouldn't be like hey do you want to play fallout 76 with me that's rude i'd ask you i mean if you asked me i might do it but like i don't know i want to like fuck around to my own it's like a video game so the greatest multiplayer video game of all time railroads online yeah okay um the day they make cities skylines too with a multiplayer component and you're just sitting there doing your perfect little urbanism and i just run a three a freeway through john john john john and john's house uh and ruin your entire shit then i'll get into multiplayer games you're a monster so you know meantime right you got these farmers in the owens valley and they were like los angeles is going to
Starting point is 00:36:35 take all her water yeah and they were right they were right yeah um so once once they started really buying up water rights up there and a lot of people wouldn't sell um you had this organized contingents of farmers who started going down to the aqueduct and they started blowing it up oh hell yeah all of these stuff guys who have like dynamite and presumably because they're swiss hallbirds you could just buy dynamite at the store and then you could buy a shitload of municipal infrastructure cocaine eye drops a fully automatic machine gun dynamite uh did some arsenic for the roads it was it was i won't say it was a better time in american history but it was a more um unpredictable time in american history for better or worse absolutely
Starting point is 00:37:27 man it's it's important to you know to recognize uh when you need to kill the co kingos absolutely so they they were really pissed off because number one they thought that this water was going to los angeles for like people to like for like drinking water for like you know municipal use and what it was actually being used for was irrigation right yeah competing with you yeah they took their beautiful vibrant valley right um and they just took all the water and moved it somewhere else to turn their beautiful shitty desert into a beautiful vibrant farming valley right um yeah they just literally like they took the biome out from under you yeah they took our bio um so so yeah and these these fields that they were irrigated were primarily owned by a
Starting point is 00:38:24 bunch of well-connected monopolists no what just the fact that you get to decide where this water is going allows you the easiest possible method of insider trading at a time when that's barely even illegal it all goes to a field owned by a little family company called southern pacific railroad just a mom and pop operation yeah pop is called neelius yes yeah it all goes to uh uh it was think it was also uh um pacific electric owned a bunch of the fields as well they started developing that shit pretty early on so how that works so you're real sort of gangster capitalism like this is this is purely a like rackets hearing yeah so um now they the california water wars went on for a good amount of time but by 1928 sorry sorry sorry the first california
Starting point is 00:39:21 wars yeah yeah that's a good point let me just lay that marker down right now yeah i think that's important so they um they went out for a while but eventually the the big inyo county bank in bishop um went completely bankrupt because they had been uh fundraising for the farmers who were blowing shit up um terrorist financial institution they were doing a whole bunch of embezzlement on the same at the same time well listen nobody's perfect so when the bank when the bank went under basically everyone in owens valley went under with it because we didn't have the fdic yet oh i have a i have a little i have a little sniffle so i'm gonna take my uh my coughs you're up laced with heroin and i'm gonna have a good ass wednesday night you can still have this experience
Starting point is 00:40:25 if you get into crypto it's exactly this is a lack of any sort of protection yeah so you can have your apes sold out from under you to los angeles county and the king goes wow i i had so much water rights attached to my apes i don't know oh my oh my walls are gone please help all my acre feet gone um so after this the farmers weren't able to hold out for very long they all wound up having to sell out to los angeles some of them held out until the 30s and they got really good deals most of the people who sold that before uh were like this is hopeless and they sold out for much less than they were worth right and you get to have that sort of like late 20s early 30s grapes of wrath california experience yeah how many of those fucking okies weren't even okies they were
Starting point is 00:41:20 just from like california switzerland one wonders various various spots that were being drained yeah um by 1928 los angeles had 90 percent of the water rights in the owens valley that's a colony meaningfully that is a colony that's basically a colony yeah nearly the entire owens river was flowing into los angeles right and this is you know this is a huge undertaking because not only that this aqueduct is mostly gravity fed but you you have also a point where it just you have to pump it over the mountains right and then it comes back down it's like a crazy system um so yeah the owens valley dried up into a desert uh owens lake dried up entirely um and of course that was a highly saline lake right uh and and the the salt and the
Starting point is 00:42:16 minerals down at the bottom are actually extremely toxic so it's now like the largest source of particulate pollution in the united states jesus christ yeah but uh you know this project was incredibly successful for certain well-connected people in los angeles right oh it always is been yeah and the wheels of time keep on turning baby yeah i think for the first 10 years of the project that um the city of los angeles didn't actually take a single drop of water out of the aqueduct it all went through irrigation so it's all going to orange groves you know yeah yeah hi it's justin uh so this is a commercial for the podcast that you're already listening to people are annoyed by these so let me get to the point we have this thing called patreon right the
Starting point is 00:43:13 deal is you give us two bucks a month and we give you an extra episode once a month uh sometimes it's a little inconsistent but you know it's two bucks you get what you pay for um it also gets you our full back catalog of bonus episodes so you can learn about exciting topics like guns pickup trucks or pickup trucks with guns on them the money we raise through patreon goes to making sure that the only ad you hear on this podcast is this one anyway that's something to consider if you have two bucks to spare each month uh join at patreon.com forward slash w-t-y-p pod do it if you want or don't it's your decision and we respect that back to the show uh it also allowed mo hullin to gain almost single-handed control over the water supply in
Starting point is 00:44:10 los angeles because it was such a successful project and furthermore he was doing this through a municipal agency i love i love to live in sort of los angeles and go drive down harkonnen boulevard named after the city fathers he was since he was doing this through a uh municipal agency he and his engineers were exempt from all state safety regulations yep yep yep my new some bullshit was coming yeah there was um it's got like one or two bodies a month just float down this fucking aqueduct robert moses throat goat mode mm-hmm big slope good with the bad i assume there's some good here i don't know well yeah the modern city of los angeles you can do it just show for like 105 episodes you know there's no good that's gonna come of any of
Starting point is 00:45:00 this you can you can you can you can drive 15 minutes to go and pay like 50 for a cocktail it's true oh you're using a maro in all your cocktails so is everybody fucking else you could i'm so tired of fucking amaro just be rude to you i am so tired of amaro okay it's not that fucking good you could you could get harassed by the la pd for walking anywhere you could um build a tent you could build a tent sissy that's that's cool you could do that you could win uh stanley cups even though you know in your city gives a shit about hockey uh you can have two professional football teams even though no one in your city gives a shit about football yeah fucking dodgers you could go to in and out burger you could you could have you could
Starting point is 00:45:44 you could have silver lake and you could generate people with the weirdest twister accounts in the world you could do that you could i mean listen that's no it's all right no you could live in a bungalow you you could work in hollywood in the industry and they call it the industry because of how important it is do they really you yeah they call it the industry i'm gonna kill myself you could um you could uh get stuck in traffic for a long time yeah yeah you could do that why did you say that hopefully los angeles california sorry sorry let me get my news real on los angeles california burn it's a it's a great place to to to to mootie well yeah nature's planned paradise yeah so william moholland and frederick eden had a pretty good
Starting point is 00:46:38 relationship when they were watering and super intended and mayor respectively right but eden decided at some point he's gonna step down and he retired to a ranch okay it was a ranch where moholland wanted to create a reservoir what that's such a fucking like last act's twist in the sort of like yeah modern western movies like he can't even fucking retire in peace without the guy trying to flood his fucking farm well so and and and there was a lot of water coming to the city at this point the city was again not really using any of the water from the aqueduct so some was like too much water yeah but moholland wanted to create a reservoir to have some uh storage in case there was a drought or if these damn california never shut up shut off the aqueduct right
Starting point is 00:47:33 so eden and a couple other ranchers they wanted a exorbitant price for their ranches eden wanted i believe one million dollars right well do you remember what year this was sort of in like the 1890s 1900s right it's 1928 or so uh no this is a million dollars 1924 okay uh 1928 remains actually dollars today uh multiplied by about 16 so you're on about 16 million dollars right yeah gotta feel that cocaine goes uh yeah have it somehow well moholland disagreed with the price he thought they were extorting the city um you know so moholland kept pressuring eden to sell for lower and eden kept holding out this was a back and forth that went on for a couple years until moholland and eden no longer would speak to each other
Starting point is 00:48:26 right um wow moholland realized yeah moholland realized he wasn't gonna get the land for the price he wanted so he settled for another reservoir site the san francisquito valley right i say here yeah yes uh oh that's the that's the name on the no i won't ruin it yeah so the intention had been to build a small reservoir at this site right but rapid land development meant in moholland's mind we need a bigger one right um and the st francis dam was only the second one to be built by the bureau of water works and supply all the engineering was done in house the reservoir was gonna hold 32 000 acre feet of water um what the fuck is an acre foot yeah so an acre foot is one foot of water spread over one acre huh okay that's a weird-ass unit of measurement
Starting point is 00:49:25 yeah that is a standard unit of measurement for water uh resource development in the united states that's so weird as shit ross you understand that right yes so they're just gonna like they're gonna fill up the the san francisquito can yes and then they're gonna dam it with this st francis dam and it's gonna fill right actually they're gonna dam it first and then fill it but you have the idea okay you can't do one without doing the other one first well you just get a guy to like hold all of the water back by force of will and then you build the dam while he's doing that yeah just put up a top put up a top it's fine you know we got this we got this guy in from israel his name is moses um he's not he's not cheap but uh i hear he does good work okay it gets results
Starting point is 00:50:15 yeah as long as he doesn't go near any rocks yeah hey we built this uh this cool golden bull to celebrate all of your hard work on this project moses oh don't do that don't do that so on paper this looks like a really good site um is a relatively narrow valley right um which could hold back a pretty big reservoir for the size of the structure sure uh like what a you know it's not like you're damning the colorado river here the sort of thing which is impossible and which will never be done right yeah um so with the other reservoir on eden's land being unbuilt moholland decided the easiest thing would be to add 10 feet to the top of the stand to make up the difference right yes you get a higher reservoir exactly you get more acre feet this
Starting point is 00:51:12 is me fucking with the sort of hydroelectric dam and city skylines yeah um all of the water feels like really lumpy it takes ages for the physics simulation to settle because the dam went up without any fanfare so as to avoid angering of the owens valley farmers who might be trying to trying to sabotage the project just right you open this shit and it just gets dynamited immediately immediately yeah farm liberation front when it was when it was done it was 182 feet tall it impounded a full 38 000 acre feet of water um and it was something you would call a gravity dam right it has a curved shape to it but that curve doesn't have any structural strength this thing is holding back the water by the sheer mass of the uh of the dam right you're fine
Starting point is 00:52:05 motherfucker when you back that mass up thank you thank you alice i'm just here for the yes yep yeah well ross ross has no appreciation for bad early 2000s pop so if i were singing steely dan though i think you just get mad at me this is true i hate that they've smashed a spill water on the front side of the dam so we'll get to that uh okay they're called spillways yeah mm i have no idea if that's why they're called spillways or not that's not a spillway yeah that's what i was making a joke okay fine that's fine i was gonna fuck myself all right they started filling the reservoir um and it was largely without incident right um you know there was an acceptable amount of seepage around the dam
Starting point is 00:53:01 was uh sort of the idea you know it had there was some seepage but it was like okay this is expected whatever right well ask me about my friday nights yeah there were a couple cracks in the structure again well within tolerances right by may of 1927 it was within three feet of capacity right the dam was functioning the hydroelectric turbines were running the water was impounded but in the may of 1927 that was also the height of the water wars right um that's when farmers dynamited the large the first the first water the first water wars um that was when farmers dynamited a few large sections of the aqueduct right the dam had to fulfill its function to provide irrigation water during a disruption right again none of this is municipal water
Starting point is 00:53:56 at this point we're very little of it right none of this is strictly needed by anyone no this is this is needed to make like cheap cheap orange groves yes so over the summer the reservoir was drawn down significantly as farmers you know kept the aqueduct dynamited over and over again and anyone who came in to repair it they were just like get the hell out of here that rules yeah big fat you know sitting around a truck with some shotguns you know are you lost hey would you like to buy some would you like to buy some oranges be are you lost well they were defeated financially of course after the inyo county bank collapsed in august of 28 you know it's they that that bank again a bankrupted everyone in inyo county
Starting point is 00:54:50 um so then they started filling the reservoir back up again after they um after they started repairing the aqueduct right but the small leaks from before were now getting bigger by march of 1928 the reservoir was full and the leaks were concerning right do we do we know when this photo was taken is this a small leak we're looking at here a big leak i am pretty sure this was one of the small leaks that both all of us are probably fine okay um but uh this sort of calico cut pants of dams here yeah um so one leak in the wing dike which is over here that same yeah yeah i i can't yeah we're not allowed to me when i get my pilots license thank you all night yeah off right listen we're talking about we're not doing a hate crime
Starting point is 00:55:53 ross we're not doing a hate crime ross we're not doing this ross it's what it's called i know i know yeah yeah so there's been a leak in it it had been just discharging about 10 cubic feet of water per second for a month at this point i hate when my diet gets wet i was gonna say i hate i hate when my diet gets discharged but well yeah no definitely my diet has a concerning discharge is it blood or is it poop let's find out then another another leak was discovered on march 12 1928 by dam keeper tony harnish fager i forgot that everybody in california was fucking german at this point this is this is the only kind of mass immigration i oppose was when the united states just started importing germans and became no sign normal he's german
Starting point is 00:56:50 but his name is italian oh yeah tony harnish fager yeah i mean that's the most swiss thing that is pretty swiss yeah yeah so this one tony thought this one was pretty concerning right hey don't we got a big week in the night sorry the other the other leaks run clear this one was brown and muddy and the flow was inconsistent you wouldn't want a brown and muddy discharge no no probably see your gynecologist about that yeah indicated indicated possible erosion right sure that could be a scenario where the water was coming around the abutments of the dam and then eroding it slowly and then and then uh you know that's not a good situation no for a dam to be you have you have earth moving which you don't want it to do
Starting point is 00:57:46 exactly so harnish fager called bullholland and he bullholland an assistant chief engineer and general manager harvey van norman drove out to the dam and took a look at it i want to point out here that on the second mention you have had a typo and you call him van normals which i'm good i much prefer very dry yeah harvey harvey van normals not into any exotic sex crimes this is van normals actually so bullholland took a look at the leak and he was like this is not good but it doesn't need to be fixed immediately you know start drawing up plans to fix it like tomorrow or something right um he said the water was probably discolored from contact with the uh freshly graded access road right oh one of these up here sure yeah exactly um he's like okay we need
Starting point is 00:58:44 to address the problem but it's not indicative of imminent catastrophic failure right um so bullholland and van normal returned home to los angeles and harnish fager went to his family's house which was just a quarter mile below the dam right oh this guy's i don't have a house at a minute i don't like that that's how we express the sort of relative location of his house i also think that there was one situation where i i didn't quite figure out how this one worked but the dam did spring a very tiny leak early on that was um predicted um they actually just ran a pipe from the leak directly through his house like his water supply fuck that rules here you guys here's your water delivery all right cmi all right it's free um
Starting point is 00:59:36 anyway all right yeah so two and a half minutes before midnight on that same day the damn catastrophically failed oh wow it really did didn't yeah yeah just shout out to the guy who built that one sort of like gap tooth section of dam because that fucking stayed up they referred to this as the tombstone oh um that's a courage check yes so um yeah there are no eyewitness accounts because they all got got yes everyone everyone got everyone got got pretty hard uh they only figured out the timing by when a transformer exploded at a nearby substation after a voltage drop oh because there was a hydroelectric power station too right yeah there was essentially no
Starting point is 01:00:25 warning right uh the st france's reservoir was now on the move all 38 000 acre feet whatever the fuck that is yes is now heading downstream um all right so 140 feet of water slammed into tony harsh veggers harnish veggers house killing him and his family instantly i mean at least they probably didn't know about it like at least that happened in the middle of the night it is dead he's don't wake up fine i guess it then proceeded here to this uh nice you know handsome building this is powerhouse two oh that is handsome and this is powerhouse two afterwards oh uh i killed 64 out of 67 workers and their families who live nearby it also cut power to los angeles where the fuck were the other three i have no idea maybe they're like at the top working on
Starting point is 01:01:20 the pipes or something oh true oh you'd hate that you know it's the most thrilling moment of your life and the worst and the last i probably hate being in the powerhouse more i'm gonna be honest with you um so power was cut to all of los angeles and then the people working in the substation they managed to restore it but then the flood destroyed the transmission lines downstream a little bit while so the power went out again i like how it's it's on a timescale where it's just sort of like slow enough to be like fuck you um moholland and van normen arrived at the scene of disaster at 2 30 in the morning and they saw there's no reservoir anymore and the dam was gone oh just like did we leave it here dude where's my reservoir it was here this morning
Starting point is 01:02:22 you have to imagine looking at this and imagining some swiss motherfucker with a load of dynamite has blown up my dam right again that was one of the first that was one of the first theories actually that makes sense um the contents of the reservoir continued their march towards the sea uh picking up the town looks like sherman yeah yeah they they picked up the town no less devastation they picked up a southern california edison work camp they picked up the towns of buckhorn filmore santhapala and then dumped it all in the pacific ocean uh the town of minstrelary shit jesus having traveled about 54 miles over five and a half hours that is terrifyingly slow is the main thing like five and a half hours you think that might have been enough time to like get some people out of
Starting point is 01:03:12 the way but nope nope not enough by the end of it by the time it got to about filmore uh they had there was a significant evacuation effort um you know but there was uh again this was like uh you know a sudden catastrophic flood of the likes of which no one could ever have seen before so i think the the total death toll was somewhere around 431 people uh wow yeah it's actually less than i would have expected i figured yeah yeah i would have expected way more they also didn't find a lot of the bodies right so it could be higher than that yeah the last body confirmed to be a victim of the disaster was found in the fifties wow and i think the last body suspected to be a victim of the disaster was found in 1994 jesus it's got shaken up to the the top by an
Starting point is 01:04:07 earthquake or whatever i found they found like bodies that were like 50 feet under silt um fuck that shit yeah no thanks not good not good not a great situation to be in no i would not enjoy being under 50 feet of silt no that's my personal opinion and a lot of these people i guess i imagine just ended up in the pacific oh yeah and then they just got ate by a shark or something crabs crabs big crabs sharks yeah well that's i don't like that no you don't um i think i'd rather be eaten by crabs than be under 50 feet of silt like i mean i'll take the 50 i i'm i'm dead it doesn't matter it's like it's true still though you know if i if i get a say in what my dead ass skeleton is uh i'm going with like eaten by crabs over that to be honest well then you get to be a
Starting point is 01:04:57 cool skeleton well that's true yeah they can pick all the like me off of me and i'm just a cool skeleton yeah yeah exactly and then some turf's gonna be like oh they're gonna tell that you are like uh biologically male from your dead ass skeleton okay fine well i'm still dead and you're still an asshole digging digging down like through 50 feet of silt just to misgender me you gotta you gotta at some point i guess appreciate the chutzpah but yeah yeah no so that's commitment i mean really if you're gonna misgender me at any time after i'm dead is probably like my favorite one there you go so yeah um so that what why did this happen though all of all so all it was left of the dam was this big concrete concrete chunk that was uh standing there just
Starting point is 01:05:50 called it the tombstone and i had to demolish it later because too many tourists were coming to take pictures of it um yeah i do that i do that i definitely do that yeah it's my big 1920s camera with like the you know the the thing you have to hold up that does the flash flash bulb yeah flash bulb but one of the problems with this disaster is that at the time we didn't necessarily have the science necessary to determine what was a good damn site and what wasn't right um soil mechanics was sort of in its infancy right yeah as opposed to now when it's kind of in like difficult teenagers yeah exactly i mean you know i when i took soil soil mechanics in college most of the stuff in the textbooks was from like the 90s um you know i most of modern soil mechanics is
Starting point is 01:06:40 fairly recently developed um you know but we're actually unsure even to this day exactly what caused the dam to come down i'm just a um poor construction poor well so the construction was good the foundations were not um we wouldn't have had the knowledge of you wouldn't have the knowledge at the time to determine if the rock was as unstable or porous as it was right and well hulland for his part he took all the blame and seemed as baffled as anyone else as to why the dam failed i mean that's that's a great american right there it's like uh yeah a terrible thing has happened i am baffled i have no clue what has happened i don't know what is happening at any time i'm yelling at me god i am i am honest to historical processes that are beyond my or
Starting point is 01:07:33 anyone's understanding or control that's when you really want to invoke historical materialism is when being criminally prosecuted really in a way you should prosecute society yes have you guys heard of social murder but god you know way society itself is a prison yeah i said yeah therefore i i'm i'm not yeah i don't know i i just realized no the defendant can't demand house arrest trial by combat trial by combat yeah um well the subsequent inquiry cleared mo hulland of any criminal penalties but his career was ruined right yeah so he retired everyone we could still do that yeah they sort of they retired him on december 1st 1928 but they kept them on as a consultant but what we do know is the regulations this disaster spawned right civil engineering came
Starting point is 01:08:40 under state purview after this right big government getting breathing down the neck of the humble engineer yeah you can't be a recreational dam designer anymore you have to go to college um the california department of public works was given authority overall non federal dams in the state of california the federal government could still do whatever the fucking wanted because that's how the federal government works yeah um and in 1929 they created the state board of registration for civil engineers so the days of unrestricted unregulated engineering were over at least below the federal level yeah the army corps of engineers can still do whatever the fuck it wants uh to this day to this day yeah yeah everybody else has to get
Starting point is 01:09:33 like a crimper or whatever yeah and the bureau of reclamation as well but they don't do so much anymore um now we have to go to nerd school to learn how to put two bricks on top of each other fuck off um st francis dam was not rebuilt and the nearly identical weed canyon dam had its reservoir weed canyon weed canyons that's weed with an eye it had its reservoir partially drained and the concrete face covered in dirt and that still stands today as the moholland dam holding back hollywood that holds back hollywood reservoir that that's whole adding insult to injury to name it after the guy i feel oh he's got that he's got uh moholland drive moholland drive moholland tunnel if you're not really paying attention moholland drive with the with the scene
Starting point is 01:10:30 you know the one i'm talking about absolutely yeah well what did we learn what did we learn there was another interesting thing i was gonna say and i forgot what it was at a boy yeah california is a devouring monster so too is los angeles the most californian part of california fuck you san francisco you're not as important as you think you are likewise the do not respect los angeles yeah i do not respect los angeles or its residents that's right that's right wait doesn't your friend of the show you're a no-one living l.a friend of the show yeah no uh yeah no go fuck yourself specifically and uh you you really like if the government says that you need to know what you're doing to be a professional engineer they don't know what they're talking about
Starting point is 01:11:21 we're entering an era of unprecedented libertarianism in public life and i think it's time now more than ever to bring back the amateur engineer of course just just build some public works just fuck around see what happened what's the worst that can happen feeling it's not a crime i say as my bridge it's it's listen listen drowning a bunch of people that they were gonna fucking drown anyway eventually because of climate change did you also watch the dropout alice you live you live in california a place with now 365 wildfire days a year and you're gonna complain to me about drowning in a drought fuck off you don't cry because you got what you wanted all right like oh my god this thing really epitomizes the silicon valley mindset of move fast and break things yeah absolutely
Starting point is 01:12:11 they finished it pretty fast and it broke the water also really embodied that mindset so this is true yeah it was moving i was only going about 18 miles an hour that's never move slow and break things which is really more of my ethos also yep yep like scuttle and break slowly tossing shit out of my nose yeah slowly roll down here the break thanks ruins cast went it's still zero zero there's 805 left in the second incredible key any any any fights does anyone have their uh the dentistry rearrange yeah all right let's put a bow on this bitch now we would say we're on this broadcast called safety third but i ain't spending any time on it because in the meantime every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north
Starting point is 01:13:09 queensam what i did i did the thing again that's um that's that is um that is a north queensam mp bob casser there excuse me thank you the word the worst thing is he was talking about gay marriage right and he was talking about how he wasn't opposed to it when he said it is this really like a weird change of time where he goes listen like a thousand blossoms bloom but i ain't spending any more time on it because every three months a person is torn to pieces that is priorities in order i i love australia it's the best country in the world i it's got so much happening you know what you know what happens in florida they pay too much attention to gay marriage and people get eaten by crocodiles
Starting point is 01:14:13 all the time absolutely all this like fucking uh did uh critical race theory uh like trans kids bullshit you're really yeah you're neglecting you're neglecting the crocodile threat ronda scientist that's what you're doing florida is the one that has crocodiles and alligators right you're neglecting two it's like a two front war two separate very large lizards everglades baby yeah two entire species of huge man-eating lizards and you're here talking about trans bathrooms yeah god get your priorities straight irresponsible irresponsible sorry yeah very bad governance i should have the florida air national guard try to like bomb them from sessons or something bear patrol yeah for alligators yeah yeah it turns out bear maze doesn't work on gator so good
Starting point is 01:15:03 and i other lessons i learned while i lost my hand well cool hook though there you go you do get a cool hook um hello alice liam ross and guest it's wrong no no guest yeah i've been listening to your wonderful podcast in episode one and i want to submit the best personal experience i have for a safety third how yes it's a computer safety story oh which is a little different from the others but i hope it's still suitable for the segment it is fine ever including it everybody works on computers it's fine yeah that's the only job anymore is going on the computer yes they're going on the computer have an email job oh my god i was like i was really i i was coming out of a funk over the weekend and i was like i just really
Starting point is 01:15:56 don't want to go on a computer today and then i had to be on a computer the whole day you're so pretty and i love you so much thank you thank you um it's very rewarding for us to go on the computer this is the main thing yeah this is how i socially socially and financially yes i'll start with some background information my father worked as a database administrator for a french company that sold private jets the company french company the company blank not important was headquartered in paris but had several office and manufacturing locations in united states where i'm located at these locations the operating managers are usually french employees trying to bolster their resume there's got accents on the ease here because
Starting point is 01:16:46 it's french right sure um yeah otherwise i'd say resume right um and they were known for being especially carefree and incompetent that's the best management structure we've just installed this like dipshit from from niece yeah and on self view perfect he doesn't know anything except sexual harassment also shut up i like the french fortunately it's my greatest shame well my father worked there he noticed a few concerning red flags about the company's information security like other departments creating and using insecure databases that it did not know about an easily guessable passwords being used for shared computers and accounts oh boy okay however he did not realize how bad it was the company suffered a small ransomware
Starting point is 01:17:41 attack that did not affect critical operations but was big enough to be annoying and embarrassing ransomware as a concept is so fucking funny to me it's really funny yeah just like yeah you're too bad at being on the computer now you have to give me all your money yes it's that's great it's my favorite it's the funniest form of crime it's really funny but also don't do it to us because we don't do that we are terribly going on the computer on the other hand what are they gonna fucking hold hostage what data do we hold we have i guess the the videos themselves yeah we upload those like this you could download those with a youtube extension we don't care yeah i guess you could make a pirate feed of the bonus episodes of which i'm sure there's already
Starting point is 01:18:27 several floating around yeah all right i mean it's just a youtube playlist yeah we don't care that much just give out the link it's not hard to probably just ask us with like a sob story and we'll probably give it to you or you can just tell me oh i'm a patron uh can i have the playlist and i just say sure especially yeah we don't check that at all anyway here's instructions for how to socially engineer us into being too bad thanks hey justin justin what's what's your mom's maiden name why and uh what's yeah what's uh also uh what'd you go to high school uh he went to this is also true i have i actually have a social security number right in front of me it's true
Starting point is 01:19:23 dmv alice will work something out just the most easily defrauded podcast which is a tough that's a tough competition too this is true yes we're idiots please be nice to us the company's leadership told everyone they would take this as a lesson to strengthen their information security and cyber attack preparedness to accomplish this they of course did nothing i'm hearing lemasse is in my head my dad of course took this chance to leave the company probably smart bud yeah that's probably a bad sign if you're like it security guys like now is a good time for me to see uh several months later the company was attacked by a well-known ransomware gang my dad and each of his dependents including me got a letter indicating that our
Starting point is 01:20:10 private information had been compromised including our social security numbers my dad contacted his former co-workers and got more details about the incident apparently the vulnerability that the gang exploited was one of the aforementioned managers the manager in question had set the password to their work laptop as a word in the company's name falcon and two numbers it's a death so falcon fuck jesus of course of course it is because the fucking french okay yeah yeah right that's so falcon not only this they had a raw text file on their desktop with many important passwords to the company's systems no passwords dot txt yeah secret do not look the attackers were able to use this to completely
Starting point is 01:21:03 infiltrate the company they very professionally copied all the secure databases and completely disposed of them along with all software backups the method they use that meant even with the company's hardware backups much of the database infrastructure would have to be rebuilt from scratch in layman's turn the company was very very fucked they did not pay the demanded millions of dollars in bitcoin yeah i mean just go just go to like surge deso's wikipedia page and look at the guy and tell me if you think he's a guy who even knows what bitcoin is a little loaner's disposed to pay a ransom to anyone i i mean millions of dollars in bitcoin could be anywhere between one bitcoin and 100 million yeah you just wait for the thing to crash exactly yeah hold on a second we'll get
Starting point is 01:21:53 it to you i gotta wait for my computer to finish mining it i thought you were actually in the process of mining for some reason so why all the uploads take so long is because you're running a bitcoin mining rig and use that for some reason who would do that so all the data was leaked including all of the personal information of about 2,500 employees and their dependents each of these victims was compensated with a whopping 12 months of free identity protection services from a third party company nice yeah i mean that's worth it right yeah they were able to restore the affected systems eventually and the company's leadership was sure to tell the media that they would take this as a lesson to strengthen their information security and cyber attack
Starting point is 01:22:45 preparedness wink wink that's not yeah of course no i hope this story was enjoyable and served as a good reminder to never trust corporations thank you all for the laughs and entertainment oh thank you yes so yeah don't have passwords that don't go on computer don't do any of this shit yeah don't go on the computer don't go on the computer just just just do call us a fighter jet give me give me a fighter jet and then also uh employ an IT security guy or possibly an entire team of IT security guys i know they're weird i know they're like oh they might end up wearing thigh socks at the office but just let them let them do all the shit do everything that they tell you to do and then never think about it make it their problem um once once you've done that all
Starting point is 01:23:35 you have to do is wait for the butlery and jihad yeah that's right which i for what i'm stoked for um hell yeah well what do we learned uh site selection is really important as it turns out yes uh have access to science that you don't have yet yeah have you have you considered doing that do the research tree idiots yeah do the research rush soil dynamics yeah uh well our next episode is on the boston molasses disaster anyway commercials before we go subscribe to the fucking youtube channel because i listen we're like two-thirds of the way to me getting a plaque and i really want a youtube plaque so just go ahead and do that now you understand you have to share it right no yeah but that's fine okay we can we can like share custody of the plaque
Starting point is 01:24:29 it'll like we bankrupt the entire podcast sending it so yes yes the uh sisterhood of the traveling plaque yeah that's right that's a good ass book it's a good ass movie too honestly hmm uh i've been made me read it and i did that's two nothing carol lyanna they scored two goals in two minutes and ten seconds i hate it here i hate it here well rip the Bruins yeah subscribe to the boston Bruins yeah subscribe to uh lion's life by donkeys 10 000 losses sorry about man king uh subscribe to trashy just subscribe to kill james bond yes and subscribe to franklin and then join me as we uh berate and and ultimately uh what we're gonna do is i'm going to tell everyone we're roselips uh and then we're gonna all go to his house and we're gonna get the
Starting point is 01:25:23 new episode of franklin together yeah he's keeping the episodes of franklin in his house that's what they're gonna ransom wear us for all right it's a podcast bye everyone don't don't yeah remember we have business to discuss i love when i have business to discuss it'll be quick i promise

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