Well There‘s Your Problem - Episode 104: Sinking of the S.S. El Faro

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

boat Buffalo Community Fridge: https://www.buffalocommunityfridges.com/ BCF Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/bflocommunityfridge Other charities: https://allmylinks.com/paldron Tom on Twitter: ...https://twitter.com/tohickontpain Ten Thousand Losses: https://lmndrsn.podbean.com/ Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod/ Our Merch: https://www.solidaritysuperstore.com/wtypp Send us stuff! our address: Well There's Your Podcasting Company PO Box 40178 Philadelphia, PA 19106 DO NOT SEND US LETTER BOMBS thanks in advance in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Justin in post-production, um, already, yes, uh, no, don't worry, we didn't screw up the episode already. Um, I'm here at the request of my friend, Roshin, to promote a few charities working in the neighborhood of last week's mass shooting at Topps Supermarket in Buffalo, New York. Um, now Topps remains closed at the time of recording, so the neighborhood is a temporary food desert, right? So supporting charities like Buffalo Community Fridge is more important than ever. Um, there's a Venmo link for them in the description, but of course, if you live in
Starting point is 00:00:41 the area, you can donate food directly as well. There's also a link tree to a few Black Run charities operating in that same area, Buffalo, also in the description. All right, time to get on with the podcast. It's a podcast. It's a podcast. We couldn't, we couldn't do the one that I wanted to do on time because all of the sources were in French, which is not a real language.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yes. Grow up. Yes, I'm French. French. No, ridiculous. Uh, so we're very sorry we're doing this instead. Are there, are there animations on these slides? Oh yes, there are.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh, fantastic. Okay. This is, this is a whole new, a whole new frontier has opened up for us. We finally, finally after a hundred and something episodes figured out that we're using a visual medium. Yes. And there's, there's opportunities for visual comedy. Hello and welcome to, well, there's your problem.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's a podcast about engineering disasters with slides. I'm Justin Rosniak. I'm the person talking right now. My pronouns are he and him. Okay, go. I am Alice Gordwell Kelly. I'm the person who is talking now. My pronouns are she and her.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yay, Liam. Uh, fuck. We had to replace, Liam, Liam Anderson has been replaced, has been killed. I'm afraid. Just taken off the board. Compromise to a permanent end and replaced with an actual Philadelphia, someone who has the accent. So, uh, we're going to have lots of opportunities to talk about water and, and, uh, related
Starting point is 00:02:26 things. Yes. Uh, my name's Tom. Um, you might know me from 10,000 losses or not. And my pronouns are he and just filling in temporarily while Liam is in, uh, uh, an undisclosed location. As I told Hawaii, as I told Liam via text, I said, uh, I cannot fill your shoes. Well, one, cause he's bigger, like taller than me, uh, uh, two, uh, but I can't fill
Starting point is 00:02:53 empty air with slurs. So, um, you can't fill his shoes because his shoes are in Hawaii colonizing. It's true. It's true. Yeah. He told me that he's not packing. He's just going to buy everything when he gets there, which is really the smart thing to do, especially with your guys as a Patriot money.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yeah. He just, he just filled all of his, uh, luggage with like various invasive species, plants, things of this nature. He's, and once he gets there, he's just going to like throw them all out onto the ground and buy new stuff. Exactly. You open the suitcase and it's just squirrels. There's just, there's just tons of uncured, uh, meats, even worse, cats, just loads of
Starting point is 00:03:30 cats, cats. Yeah. A bunch of like unexpected fruit and vegetables. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, uh, maybe, maybe like some Asian carp, zebra mussels. Yeah. Shit.
Starting point is 00:03:43 You guys better watch your hands to handle a nose. You might get cut. Yeah. Just like, is there just like pulling out a bag of mussels? Yeah. Oh yeah. You should, you should click so the animation can start. It appeared.
Starting point is 00:04:01 There you go. All right. Today, we're going to, we're going to talk about a boat and this happy hurricane. Yeah. Tropical storm happiness. Yes. But first we have to do the goddamn news. All right, we're going to, I'm going to turn you all to prop comics for your next live
Starting point is 00:04:36 show. Smashing a big boat model with a sledgehammer on the road. Um, our first, our first item of news is happened. The thing happened. The electoral map we made for Jeb became true. Pennsylvania elected the big sheets guy, uh, as the nominee for democratic senator from Pennsylvania. Move over.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Twinks. Yeah. Guy season. Yeah. Well, this is the thing they ran. The guy running against him was Conor Lamb. Right. He was text book at like sort of center right Democrat, right?
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yes. I guess like Santorum style Democrat before he actually switched parties, but yeah, absolutely like formed out of a fucking like mold for, you know, center right, dumbass Democrat politicians. The guy who like sits you down and talks to you like a child about all the stuff that you can't have. Yes. And he got so many endorsements, like just, just like, just like a whole like novel worth of endorsements from every single democratic affiliated group you could think of.
Starting point is 00:05:50 And then, and then Fetterman beat him in every single county. I mean, it's just, it's brutal. I'm so happy. I mean, like part of the things that as far as I can tell Conor Lamb's like ardent supporters, like not donors, but like actual people were all the kind of like K high of people. There was this, there were screenshots going around of one of his canvases who like, you know, text people to be like, hey, you're going to vote for Conor getting into an argument with somebody who said he was going to vote for Fetterman.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah. Really sort of like unwise move to find yourself doing and I mean, I mean, one of the things they were really trying to hold against him was an incident back when he was mayor of Braddock, where he he pointed a gun at a black man because he mistook him for someone who had just perpetrated a crime, right? Yeah. A black jogger. And anyway, that guy came out and said, yeah, it was a mistake.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I voted for Fetterman. It's like, on the one hand, you're like pages and pages of endorsements for lamb and your Fetterman endorsement is guy he held at gunpoint. Yes. Yeah. That's one. That was enough for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Exactly. This has been a kind of a good night for progressives and primaries like a lot of a lot of like big endorsed names, a lot of sort of like weirdly a lot of crypto funded, a lot of a pack sort of like Israel lobby guys got absolutely washed. And so, you know, the voters maybe want a democratic party that's going to do something. Oh, also, I should point out about shocking John Fetterman. He also is like not well, like physically he had a stroke. He had a stroke.
Starting point is 00:07:44 He on the on election day, he was having a pacemaker fitted. He was in surgery and from his surgical bed, one every county in Pennsylvania. Connor Lamb pulled some strings. I got the heart attack. No, it hit him, but the dosage, yeah, it's going to be that much higher. You got to hit him with like five or six of those like tranquilizer darts. Yeah, you got to dose that out for the guy's size. He's six foot nine.
Starting point is 00:08:14 He also tried for a headshot, which turns out doesn't work. That's not a heart attack. There's like bystanders like behind him, like they all got Havana syndrome just from like being with him. Fifteen to four radius. Oh, fuck. Well, I mean, now now the sort of liners from all of these people who were, of course, vote blue no matter who, when it was their guy is, A, I'm not going to vote for him.
Starting point is 00:08:44 B, congratulations. You just lost the general. You're going to lose to a Republican now. So we shall see. Yeah. To Dr. Oz, I don't know how the fuck is that guy. I never even thought he had been the fucking Pennsylvania before. Like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:09:02 I loved I loved the attack had on Dr. Oz that was like, you know, while such and such a candidate who's running against him served our country, Dr. Oz served in the Turkish army. Fuck, yes. Get his ass. Well, well, we were defending the Kurds and upholding the principles of democratic centralism.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Dr. Oz was in prison. I'm delusional. Dr. Oz is going to if he gets elected, he's going to reveal the location of Gulen. He's going to have Pennsylvania extradited back to fucking Turkey. Yeah, he's a crypto Kamalist. The Turk does lust for Harrisburg. I mean, that's a fact.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I mean, I mean, it's a pretty nice dome. They got a big dome. They got a big dome. Yeah. That's about it, though. Yeah. And in the farm show with the big butter sculpture. Oh, yeah. And then a guy who won a Republican primary for governor is like a weird
Starting point is 00:10:10 Christian dominionist guy. That's fun. Yeah. I mean, this is like not to not to equivocate the two, but it's nice that we're getting some like honest polarization instead of the thing where all of these guys would just panda to the exact same views and then be like, oh, no, but actually I'm nice and I'm respectable. You know, right? Yeah. I really liked our Weimar politics that we have right now.
Starting point is 00:10:32 There's no sort of like, you know, bad precedent that's going to happen. No, no, of course. Everything's going to be fine. It's going to be fine. Don't worry about it. Yeah. Yeah. And and then Paul Prescott lost in my my neighborhood, which not great. You know, a good state senator guy, but he lost to the incumbent guy. Oh, well, you get 40 percent of the vote, which is pretty good.
Starting point is 00:10:52 This is true. Yeah. Against a guy who was endorsed by everyone again. Yeah. I the I've been enjoying watching the Democratic City Committee, you know, take a take a numerous L's over the past couple of years. I hope it continues in other news. Oh, man. Now we got a downer. Remember how we did the Grenfell episode?
Starting point is 00:11:20 And you put a little sticker on there that was like vote labor to, you know, prevent this kind of thing. Yeah. Well, well, well, well, well, yeah. We got this is because of because of because of Jeremiah Krobnan's intense personal antisemitism. We did not win. And so not only is this like not going to be properly like concluded this investigation, but it's also going to happen again. It's going to fucking happen again, because they watered down the
Starting point is 00:11:50 the final like inquests result, which is like, oh, you have to have more exits. You have to have better fire alarms. You have to have an evacuation plan. Yeah. You have arrangements for disabled people to leave the building. Yeah. And now we do. Now you don't you don't have to do that. No, that's impossible. Just have them sort of sit in the staircase.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Yeah. And this is this has been in limbo for five years. So it's it's taken that long to just sort of be starved to death, essentially. And now it's just we're waiting for the next one. Well, why I suggest that the citizens of Tower Hamlet's just recruit geysers, a geyser brigade to I mean, I would say that the London Fire Brigade is very close to a brigade of geysers. I remember listening to your episode and you guys playing it and and getting cheers at the guy.
Starting point is 00:12:45 But oh, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. Every London Firefighter is like this. It's why they rule. I'm not allowed to do that voice on 10,000. By the way, it makes me mad. Don't you dare do that. Don't you fucking. Very, very, very well unionized, by the way.
Starting point is 00:13:08 We're not quite at the level of like France having firefighters fight the police, but we're getting there. The French Communist Party Fire Brigade. Yeah. Yeah, that fucking sucks. It does. Yeah, that good. But, you know, that's kind of a keeping with the theme of today, of not giving a shit.
Starting point is 00:13:27 So the theme. Fuck, yes, one episode and you're giving us themes and you're giving us like slide effects. Yeah, I'm being like reformed here and I don't like it. I don't care at all. You want a job? No, absolutely not. We've got to get Liam to call in from Hawaii, like fucking Flavor Flav.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Liam knows where I live. That's a point of my house. He's recorded in this very room, which I just realized I have my gun behind me. This is fine. This is normal. There was supposed to be a bit there like about me like, oh, showing you my gun. But all right.
Starting point is 00:14:13 You just prepped with the Federman and used to go in the other direction. It's fine. In case Liam doesn't get on the flight and he's like, I'm not fucking losing this, Petra. It's 10 KLs, 50 dollars a month. Although, hopefully you join our Petra and Petra.com slash 10,000 losses. Yeah, do that. Yeah, the thing about Castle Doctor and people don't notice
Starting point is 00:14:32 that it applies to podcasts, too. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm holding both of you hostage to come on and do bonus episodes for us. Love to, yeah. I'm terrified by the sight of a gun. I'm speechless. Yeah, your trigger joined. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah, yeah. Just like voters. Yeah, he's done ads. I mean, the lesson, the lesson from Federman's win here is very clear. Hold more of the voters at gunpoint personally. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. They'll respect you more. Listen, listen.
Starting point is 00:15:05 If Edgar Allan Poe had fucking listened to those guys and not refused to vote multiple times, he wouldn't be dead. So Jeremy Corbyn's mistake was not personally like holding up a bunch of voters at gunpoint and walking them to the polling booths. I mean, exactly, you know, it wasn't getting his. I don't know what gun license you can get. Like his like single break action shotgun. And all I'm going to do voter surgery.
Starting point is 00:15:30 All right, or whatever the fuck you call it. Surgery won round a double up bucket of time. That's why Jeremy Corbyn. Yeah, that's what he sounds like. Yeah. Well, that was the goddamn news. So so Tom is provided for us a curriculum today. Oh, God, we have learning outcomes.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Oh, oh, yes. But we got to do this. We have to do the Pennsylvania Department of Education standards first. So we're going to make sure this isn't a kid friendly. I hate to be in some comic sands, too. I love putting these in my slides for my students because none of them understand any of this shit. I don't think I do.
Starting point is 00:16:21 I have a fucking certification and you don't feel happy and in value in evaluating the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural and economic development throughout world history. Evaluate the role groups, individuals from Pennsylvania played in the social, political, cultural, economic development in the US and the world. And Brice, why don't you read the last one there? So about evaluate the interpretation of historical events and sources considering the use of fact versus opinion.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Oh, we're going to be blurring that line and cause and effect relationships. Oh, yeah, I can't I can't talk fact versus opinion anymore. I'm not allowed to teach critical race theory. No, well, I think I think I don't know. Are we I don't know that that racism contributed to this accident. I mean, maybe it did. Here's the thing, right? It's it's a structure.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Therefore, structural racism. Solvius, right? And there's a superstructure and the base. Yeah. And boats, ships have superstructures as well. What if what if the boat sank because it had too many fucking genders? Oh, the boy of the boat decided that you want to go. I don't know if the boat actually identified as a shipwreck.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Huh? What if what is that? Welcome to the right wing. Well, that's your problem. It's the exact same like idea, but the jokes are a lot worse. And it's just engineering next slide. Let's see how the animation works out this. That it's not the whole part. There we go. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:18:01 OK, what are we doing here? All right, so here's our learning outcome. Make sure I click again, though, just to yeah. That's us. That's us for learning. OK, we're going to use the teachings of anime Karl Marx here. Yeah, yes. So the students will explain the role capitalism played in the sinking of the steamship El Faro by applying historical materialism
Starting point is 00:18:35 to the events building to the disaster. All right, that's what I'm I'm ready to learn. I've got my little notebook here. I've got my my pen. I'm good. Yeah. Have you put your thinking cap on? Are you sitting, Chris Cross, applesauce? I'm getting getting mad, getting mad that I can't say. We'll believe.
Starting point is 00:18:58 We'll believe. I haven't said any actionable threats yet, so you should probably believe it. Yeah. Yeah. Native American style, first nation style. You're doing a sense of style acknowledgement. Yes. Yeah, because no one in Europe ever fucking sat like that. That's cultural appropriation right there.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah. The never mind. No, what is what is boats? Yeah, cook again. We got a we have a fun illustration. I didn't I didn't know you were allowed to layer PowerPoint effects like this, and I hate finding it out this way. Or anyway, I hope I'm not sitting at present.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Yeah, you're giving us some dangerous ideas here. No, I do the slides the way I do them for a reason. What is what is a boat? A boat, a boat is a lot of things. It's it's a method of transport, of freight, an acronym of passengers. It stands for but bust out another thousand. It's Boat Humor. It's a difference between between a boat and a ship.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Sixty five feet. OK, yeah, that's that's a Coast Guard version of it. But you can see all the relevant parts of a boat in this image. You got the mouth, the teeth. Yeah, you've got the giant, terrifying mouth. I was going to leave that to the end for comedic effect. No, no, no, I like to like to step on the joke. You got that you got his eyeballs.
Starting point is 00:20:48 You got it's a it's a you feeler. What was the name of that? This is this is that a roe roe fairy. Was it the S.S. LaVonia? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's that it sank because its mouth stayed open. Yeah, it was so we're still in the surface. Oh, my God, did I just happen? They have mouths now.
Starting point is 00:21:11 But a submarine is a boat. So so answer me that. Yeah, well, the Polish submarines can't keep their mouth shut. That's what I'm saying. So, incidentally, there were five poles aboard the the boat. But we'll get to that. Yeah. So what is boat?
Starting point is 00:21:30 Boat is a vessel that transverses the the water. And this is technically a ship with boat sounds funnier. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Why is it a steam ship? It's like fucking are they throwing coal into bunkers on this thing? No, worse, bunker fuel. Yeah, Jesus. OK.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Why isn't it an oil ship? Why isn't the why isn't it the OS of El Faro? Is it runs on steam? Yeah. OK. And if it if it's driven directly, it's like M.V. It's the shootstaffel El Faro. The Ukrainian shootstaffel El Faro Division, the little known Ukrainian.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Listen, they're just big fans of like Eastern spirituality. All right. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the SS El Faro, that was like the Alexandrian Egyptian division of that's those. You know those pictures? There's honky boat guys that were the Egyptian police. But what? That was them. I don't I don't have a big mental
Starting point is 00:22:28 relatives of like honky boat guys. There was a there was a couple like a year or two ago. There was like Egyptian guys who were like oiled up, like just hunks. Oh, they were just that was this in the military parade. Yeah, it was OK. So I remember this. An Egyptian man lives in my basement and he told me.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Consensually. Yeah, yes, yes, yes. Yes, I built. I know the landlord. Yeah, no, I built him a pyramid down here. There he loves it. Well, yeah, I was a cop against it. Everything.
Starting point is 00:23:07 So I asked him, I said, I said, I said, so what was going on? He's like, I'm not going to do the Egyptian accent, even though I can. He said that they're trying to beat now. Oh, they just want to show off how strong they are in Manly. I was like, oh, is that what it was? Sure. Yeah. Like, yeah, no, like dead serious. Like I went there.
Starting point is 00:23:26 That's what they were trying to do. This is the same man. I walked home or not walked home. I came home from work, walked in the door and I heard like like Chopin's funeral march and I I'm like, hey, what are you watching down there? And it was Sadat's wife's funeral. And he's just there. And he's just watching it like like like no commentary or anything.
Starting point is 00:23:48 It was like, like, like, like, yeah, just why would there be commentary? John Menden narrating the funeral. Yeah. Well, if you know anything about Sadat, boom, he's very applicable. A twitch, let's play of Sadat's wife's funeral. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's he's got he's got an apartment in Egypt that CC built in El Alamein. And I'm just like, why would you?
Starting point is 00:24:22 Partments in El Alamein probably like unexploded ordnance and shit. But that's, yeah. You know, so that's the Egyptian guy lives in my basement. Yeah, and that's what a boat is. Yes, a boat is an Egyptian guy. Boat is an Egyptian guy who lives in your base. Yes. You're going to look at a picture of an old man.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Yes. Yes. I'm very imposing there. Who is this guy? This is. Oh, fuck. What's up? I'm my brother in Christ. You put him in the fucking slide. Why partially wrote the slide?
Starting point is 00:24:58 OK, so so. Which one of you is responsible for this fucking old guy? Well, his last name is Jones. It's like a fucking narrow is it down? OK, if you listen to those guys in keeping. But Walter Walter Jones, I think. Wesley Jones, Wesley Jones, Senator Wesley Jones.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah, he's just. Washington. OK. Wesley, Levesi Jones, or Levesi people. People used to have like way cooler, weird middle names. You know, guys, guys love to be called Wesley. That's true. Well, I used to live in a neighborhood
Starting point is 00:25:40 of Philly called Mount Airy. We had Levesi Lane, so or Livesey Lane. It was nice. Fuck. All right. Back from Wikipedia. Yeah. So. Jones Act, I sure hope you do. Jones Act, I hardly hardly know her. She jones on my act until I regulate shipping to Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:26:05 So all of you, I'm sure, are familiar with Cabbage. I don't need to do any vocabulary there. Cabbage, a.k.a. the Coast wise trade. So the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. I'm not going to do the Coast Guard IMSEP training here where we look at the US code and all the real proportions regarding maritime regulation. No, but it requires the the Beastie Boys song, Cabotage.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Cabotage. So it requires that all goods transported by water. That's right, water. Water. Yes. Yeah. She did. I like the like Andrew Tate thing where he like pronounces it a different way every sentence. And my favorite of those is Wotur. Oh, all right. So I'll just.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Well, you tell me an accent. I can do it with. All right, I'll just do. I'll do Delco, Dave. It requires that all goods transported by water between US ports be carried on ships that have been control it in the United States and fly US flag are owned by US citizens. Air crew by US citizens. A US permanent residence. So like your classic like protectionism thing.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Yeah, yes. Yeah. So. So, yeah. US flag ships have to have US flag or trade between the between the United States. Like if you're trading bananas from the Port of Wilmington to the Port of Philadelphia, you have to have American Merchant Marines doing that, who happen to be Union. Nice. Employees. So it's it's the opinion of this podcast that this is a good.
Starting point is 00:27:39 I'm assuming. Yes. Depending on who you ask, people will tell you, this is why we don't have inland waterway shipping. It fucking sucks. It's bad for the environment. It's a fuck you shot up. Yeah, if you can't have it because you have to guarantee labor rights, then you don't deserve it. But on the other hand, if you're only way of guaranteeing labor rights
Starting point is 00:28:00 is to be like everybody has to be American, that's kind of fucked up. We're going to have an app called water with no E. It's going to be a gig economy for Merchant Marines. Yeah, I'm sure this is already a thing. That's a way to like really sort of streamline the process of accidentally trading on the commodities market and then having three barges of coal show up at your office.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Yeah. Yeah, we're having a barge run over a duck boat. Yeah. Yeah, that. All right. Yeah. So the Jones Act, Puerto Rico is part of the United States allegedly. Yeah. And so that means that shipping to Puerto Rico requires the Jones Act. So you apply the Jones Act applies to that.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So if you are sending, say, cars and goods from Jacksonville, Florida to San Juan, Puerto Rico, you have to have a. American flagship with American crew. So it's got to be better for like mariners, but it's also going to make everything more expensive, right? Yeah, one would assume. And the one that the few times that that there's criticism is that
Starting point is 00:29:17 that it prevents like relief from flowing quickly, which. We have a Navy, so I think. Yeah, I just don't want to use it on Puerto Rico because of racism. Yeah. Yeah. So I was in Puerto Rico, like right before the covid thing happened. And El Junque, the national like forest there, was still closed. At the part that the forest was closed because of the effects of Hurricane Maria washed away the parking lot. So I had not been fixed.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And then, yeah, so American government doesn't give a shit about Puerto Rico. I still think about Trump like making free throws of toilet paper to that crowd. That's that. It's just pretty funny. One of the one of the few things that belongs in that account of like crazy ass moments in American political history, you know. Well, I was a student teacher at the time, and I got into an argument with a ninth grader about if Puerto Rican
Starting point is 00:30:16 is part of the United States. Well, if you get an argument, the student usually means you lost everybody. But I just like, look, I don't even have to look this up. Like, I know this because of my degree. So you're done. Like if you answer me back, I'm sending you a principal's office. So, yeah, nice argumentum ad principalium. Yeah, I usually don't do that.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I usually just the goal is to clown them within within the ethics guidelines. Yeah, defeat them with facts and facts and logic. Yes, exactly. Yeah, or just mock them in a way that won't get you in trouble. Right. Actually, kids respect that, believe it or not. If you're an aspiring teacher, don't say that on your evaluation. When you're doing something to make fun of the kids. I mean, to land some dunks on some kids.
Starting point is 00:31:10 I'm just walking to the classroom. It's like, you know, it's like eighth graders. Like, huh, what's up guys? I just got laid this morning. How about you, bitches? Look at that. Like you're over there. Don't get on a kid has to be like so easy, because you can just hit him with anything
Starting point is 00:31:23 and it'll trigger like a lifelong insecurity. You can be like, hey, nice backpack idiot. And that kid's going to think about backpacks with for the rest of his fucking life. When you've described Alice's Catholic school. Yes. Yeah. I see this is the thing and I could go into a classroom and a kid be like, well, you're fat or you have rolls on your back of your neck.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And I'd be like, well, listen, listen, bud, at the end of the day, I'm the one who control the grade book so you can fail. I'm going to go home. I'm going to get paid. And then also I'm going to fuck my wife. And I'm not going to answer the calls in the weekend because I'm in a fucking union, bitch. So like.
Starting point is 00:32:09 So at least for now, unless Mastery Anno becomes a fucking governor, I'll be I'll be moving to England or something. Yeah. Yeah. Just don't tell him at the interview that you want to dunk on the kids. Yeah. Well, I would figure that British schools would like that. So if like I applied to like some sort of public school in England, the thing is it's not that it would get you like weeded out as there would be uncompetitive because British kids are too easy to make fun of.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah. Also, like, isn't that like the the way that what are the what are the what are the kids that get the bully? The other kids called prefects. Yeah. Yeah. That's their job. Yeah. Yeah. You keep the prefects in line. Who prefects the prefects? Is this Harry Potter?
Starting point is 00:32:57 One time I was coming home from school, I had these big round glasses and I was cold, so I wore a big scarf. Someone called me Harry Potter and it's lived in my head for like two decades. So, yeah, no, you just make a killing over here. Yeah. See the 13 years of Catholic school I went through have just made me hardened and and immune to insult. But I also hate myself. So that's the other part.
Starting point is 00:33:25 There you go. It works. Yes. OK, I've gone to the next slide. God, it looks like shit. I know all boats look like shit as soon as they've been in the in the water for like five minutes, but it really looks like shit, except on the Great Lakes. Yeah, because that's freshwater. Yeah, you don't get the like the everything rust sort of the fucking like
Starting point is 00:33:48 bilge and whatever. And Fitzgerald looks really nice, too. Nothing. So this is the SSL Faro, but it wasn't built as that, right? No, it was names like once every six months for legal tax reasons and shit. Right. Exactly. This was built at a sun shipbuilding in dry dock, which is now the location of Harris Casino and racetrack in Chester, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Co union. Yeah. Dup. Man, all of our all of our shipyards aren't anything now. Like this is just wasteland, which is not great. Well, I mean, I wouldn't count the the shipyard to Belfast is yours. No, I'm talking about Glasgow specifically. Well, which which we do have one of yours in Philadelphia, the Marshaloo. But yeah, I speak to the Godfather part, too.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Yeah. The Sunship Building and Dry Dock Company was a subsidiary of the Sun Oil Company. Huh. Oh, yeah. And they would they built ships for for with to for which to transfer oil. Well, and they also they also built the Glomar Explorer, which is the one project to Zorian. Yeah, I don't want the CIA wanted to use to steal that Russian submarine. Some real.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Can I confirm or deny that information? Sorry, the the underwater exploration ship that Howard used bankrolled for reasons that we can't go around to harvesting manganese. Yeah. Oh, the best developments. Well, where do you think your manganese comes from? You know, you consume all this manganese, you never think to give give any thanks to the divers who go down there
Starting point is 00:35:34 and pry it off of the seafloor. So this was it was built as the SS Puerto Rico in 1975 for Navierres de Puerto Rico Steamship Company. Oh, good job. Yeah. It was it was 701 feet long, 94 feet in beam. That's how wide it is in a 42 foot draft. That's how deep it is. I believe when it was built, it was mostly a breakable ship.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Right. That's my understanding. You put stuff on and like crates and pallets, and then you take it apart and then pull it off with big hooks. Yeah, and about a third of it disappears on. Yeah, you learn new leather jackets. Yeah, that's how you create good union jobs. Yeah, it's right. It's true. You don't even have to pay them that much because they make it up in.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Larsen me. Yeah. That's that's my favorite like fun fact of World War Two is that like the guys this like this this is totally like tangentially related, but it makes sense in my brain, like how the guys who the Steve that the the army, Steve Dores, I guess, got all the good cigarettes. And so the guys had to smoke, I guess, the tobacco equivalent of Mids in the Ardennes. Sheld. Oh, that's never left to dock.
Starting point is 00:37:00 There's a little bag in New York. We got to do Port Chicago explosion at some point. That's going to be it. It's going to be interesting to talk about World War Two sort of break bulk cargoes. So this ship was purchased by Tote Maritime in 1993. It was renamed the Northern Lights, and it served the anchorage to the coma route to come in Washington. And something to keep in mind, too, is that the captain of this boat
Starting point is 00:37:30 had got like cut his teeth on the ship in Alaska. So he kind of knew the vessel a bit because of that. That will do it. But in like a very different climate to the recovery and not know it in the biblical way. Yeah. No. Yeah. He fucked he fucked every inch of the ship. He fucked this boat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:50 I mean, yeah, yeah, he did. So around the same time, it was lengthened by 90 feet. They put a section in the middle and ship extension surgery. They use it to send supplies over to Iraq in Gulf War Two. Yeah. A bunch of those like a bootleg Bart Simpson t-shirts. They sent Nate's conics box. Yeah. Yeah, all of all of Nate's shit from from Gulf War Two
Starting point is 00:38:23 isn't still on a dock in like Sharjo or wherever because of this boat. Yeah, his collection of Backstreet Boys. And his Sony Discman. It was it was refitted in 2005 to carry containers and because everything's a box now. Oh, OK. So the containers are on the deck. The truck trailers are in the bottom. Technically, it was a row row ship at this point.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Oh, OK. From from the stern, right? Because there's no bow doors. I think they come in through the side. Actually, yeah, it comes through the side. And that will be of critical importance. That's fucking weird. That's a weird arrangement. That's a weird way of doing that.
Starting point is 00:39:06 That's one way of putting it. Yes. No ships of this class exist anymore for a reason. And then, Tom, you put in the stuff about the major refit here. All right, yeah. So they refitted in 2005, like you said, they assigned it to the Jacksonville Puerto Rico route and they renamed it the SS El Faro, which means the lighthouse. So it was a major refit. Done through something called the alternative compliance program.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So when you refit a ship, you're supposed to have it like reapproved by the Coast Guard. But the Coast Guard has a nice public-private partnership. It's like a loophole program called the regulatory the regulatory capture program. Where this alternative compliance program is fine. We'll we'll see about that. Nothing bad could ever happen to this. So they the addition of 4875 long tons. It this conversion to a row row also meant that they had to
Starting point is 00:40:13 change the configuration of the decks. They had to add ramps. They had these things on the side to let you drive in and out. The couple of slides we actually the next slide, you actually see it. But the alternate compliance program, which was done through the American Bureau of Ships, which is a they call the Classification Society. So they look at ships and they go, oh, that's a ship. But they're the ones who issue something called the Certificate of Inspection.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And they determined that it did not require a new certificate of inspection. It didn't require them to like do all new buoyancy tests, all this like crazy, you know, regulatory shit to make sure it was safe or how many people could carry. It was basically like this ship is the same as it was before. And the Coast Guard would have had the option of reviewing this and they declined to do so. So they did not require a new certificate of inspection. It was rubber stamped through.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Now, if you can get away with this in the United States, I hate to think what the inspections are like in a country that's a flag of convenience. Jesus, the Mongolian merchant marine inspection process. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I love to get to poor at Ulaanbaatar. You know, you just fits Corral, though, the ship all the way across China. I was reaching for the same joke, but I fucked up the movie. So I was going to say Aguirre, Wrath of God, which would have made any fucking sense.
Starting point is 00:41:49 You didn't know which which which clean brothel yurts and which are the dirty ones that will rob you of your pay. No insult to Mongolia. All right, I'm sure some of the yurts are very clean. No insult, by the way. Yes. Tangri is cool with Mongolia. You fucked up China, which had it coming out in like a thousand years of Mongolian history to be like the Crusader Kings, I think.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Was it was it the Yuan that they fucked up? They had it coming and you lost it. They lost that. Well, the Manchu were the first. I was like the Yuan that the Mongols first destroyed. I'm not my my degrees in American history. You have to identify the roles of Pennsylvanians played in the overthrow of the Southern Song dynasty.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah, they were. Well, you know, Genghis Khan had a multicultural empire and he had some Pennsylvanians. Who advised them on cheesesteaks and football teams? Yeah, because normally, like any other empire would have killed them as barbarians, but he like would incorporate their local customs. Yeah, yes, they know how to make they make Shufai pie. And tomato pies and butter cake.
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah. So here's if I'm wrong, what I'm seeing here. These are new additions to the ship, which seemed to primarily be composed of cutting holes in the side of ships. All of them. Yes, boats and holes. Well, while this was convenient for the cat for Captain Davison to fuck the boat. Yeah, it also created some interesting new scenarios for disaster.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Spoiler alert again. So you have the bulwark there, which is where you drove the the row row is roll on roll off. So that's where you drove your cars in. Sure. Right. And you have a supply blister, which is a weird ass fucking name. Like come up with a better name like supply. Torrigan supply.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Yeah. Yeah. Supply greebling. It is fucking is greebling. Supply space engineers. I got to fit something in here. Yeah, tetrahedron. Yes. Yeah. So the supply blister was to because it was a row row vessel.
Starting point is 00:44:14 The second deck. Was was set aside for driving cars into. And one of the things that cars have is exhaust. So in order to prevent crew from dying of asphyxiation, you needed some sort of fresh air supply for that deck. And this is this the supply system. So the air comes in through the forward supply and out through the through the exhaust. OK, OK.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Do we see any problems with this air goes out? Well, I see some problems in that the events are on the side rather than on the top. So yeah, interesting, interesting. That's an interesting observation. You know, it's funny that the Coast Guard or the American Bureau of Ships didn't see that. But yeah, the thing is, I'm more qualified to be a Coast Guard officer. You might get like a nice.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Who inspected this. You get a nice breeze on a cargo deck for when you're working down there, you know, you cool off. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I almost I almost put on my dress blues for this episode. This is too much uniform. Do we count as like a political event for that for those purposes? Oh, I'm putting this in as public affairs hours.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Although the Coast Guard does not look good. Yeah. So so Starboard side of El Faro here. And yeah, so that's that's the cargo hole. This is the new configuration. How many of these how many of these fucking holes are there down down each side? Do we know a ton? That's a good question that I don't I see. I see three supply of blisters down each side on the previous photo.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So if we take that as read, you're talking about what fucking 12 12 events, plus another three ball walk. So 15 new holes each side. Yep. OK, I have a degree in history in that math. So I'll take your word for it. I have I have like a third of a law degree. Don't don't test my numbers on this, because they will be wrong. I do have to I do know math, but I've been sick all day.
Starting point is 00:46:29 So my brain's not working. You had the vapors. Yeah. And reclining on the veranda. Wasting drinking up drinking up porch. Minjula. Yes. Yeah. I guess we can go to the next slide. It's really need to get down to the shore and take the ozone.
Starting point is 00:46:47 So so here we have the boat. Looks looks good as hell. Looks very normal. Yeah. Yeah. So that's the configuration there. You can see you could see it. You could see where the people are. You can see where the cars are. The green is the cargo containers.
Starting point is 00:47:06 There are multiple configurations. You have two two hold X of vehicle storage. Yeah. And you have the. I don't know if you notice about Puerto Rico, Alice. There is literally no public transportation. Ah, I see. OK. That's not true. They installed a metro in San Juan about five years ago.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Oh, oh, you're right. You're right. I got the trainer. I know it's a great place to get wrapped. So but other than that, you got you got to have a car. So this is this is of three decks. So this is this is all going to be like individual cars rather than like tractor trailers or whatever. Because in my right in my head, I was like,
Starting point is 00:47:46 if you only have three bulkheads on each side, how the fuck are you turning around like a tractor trailer and that to fit it in? That does seem like the second deck is for trailer storage here. Ah, OK. Yeah. I guess it could be all the things I've seen have cars, but I could be wrong. I believe I believe this one also carried tractor trailers. It would make sense because, you know, Puerto Rico being the United States means they have all the same tractor trailer regulations.
Starting point is 00:48:15 So this would be one of the few cases where it makes sense to transport tractor trailers like that. Well, it's funny, all the road signs are in like the same familiar colors, but they're in Spanish. And I'm like, I don't understand what Puerto means. We're you know, yeah. Get get get rich.
Starting point is 00:48:34 What? San Juan Viejo. What is that? Or San Juan Viejo. What is that? Puerto Rico is really just Spanish for Port Richmond. There's not in the Polish people, though. That's what the ship was delivering. Actually, it was a bunch of screen doors.
Starting point is 00:49:00 There was a there was a bunch of Polish guys that go down to see a Crangayeros, the St. Tierce or St. Tiersay game. Got a Serenco lunch in that Serenco South. I miss I miss that weird bookstore on Richmond Ave that was right next to Serenco. So RIP, that bookstore. Yeah, RIP Serenco as well.
Starting point is 00:49:23 And pretty much everything on that street closed. My God, gentrification. You know, I think it was really Polish people used to live here. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, they still do. But yeah, it was the Wadeans as well. But, you know, they're really just poles who use the modernizer language. It's sort of sort of restarting various wars of settlement
Starting point is 00:49:45 on the sort of the East and Frontier River wards. Yeah. Yeah. Considering that Port Richmond has a Polish church and a Lithuanian church, yes, they can't get along. The boat looks like shit. I'll say that. Yeah. Yeah. Shipboat. Shipboat, no fans, L plus ratio, plus no bitches.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Oh, El Storm. OK. All right. The area where they added the 90 feet is right here in the number two a hold. You see this two a three. That's just the second amendment. Holders where they keep the guns. Yes, you're not allowed to have in in Puerto Rico because they do the drug crime is really bad.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Isn't this a great country? Don't we manage things so well? Yes. So that's the boat. But we got to talk about something else. Yeah. Weather. Yeah. Yeah. I hate when there's weather. I like weather. I do like that being on the East Coast of the United States
Starting point is 00:50:46 that you you Alice have to suffer the our storms when they cross the Atlantic. Yeah. Much much tenuous though. It's it's it's poetic since the Appalachians are really the same as the Highlands of Scotland. Look at this. They were formed in the same. We get the same pissing rain, which is always like, you know, nice.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I feel a real sense of continuity. And so it's all it's yesterday or two days ago's episode. The thunderstorm knocked out my Internet in the middle of it. Yeah. Oh, Jesus, Chris. At least it was insane. Caster fucking up this at that time through. Yeah. As as only Justin knows, when he logs into Zen, Caster sees eight different versions
Starting point is 00:51:30 of the same 10,000 losses. So this is a hurricane and the Atlantic Ocean is known for these. It's also called a tropical cyclone and hurricanes. You do not want to be in them if you're in a boat. Now, you want to be in one of the cool like NOAA planes or whatever. Yes, you want to be in a hurricane, Hunter?
Starting point is 00:51:53 You want to be flying through that shit, taking cool ass pictures where you are not facing big waves and the storm, the the it's a big, low pressure system. It's a heat engine. So hot water from the from the ocean is a driving factor in us. Good, we're making this one worse through climate change as well. We never catch any breaks where we're like, yes,
Starting point is 00:52:18 climate change makes all of this shit worse. But incidentally, this nice little side benefit happens. That never fucking happens. It's always shit. Have you considered the Northwest Passage? Oh, OK, OK. That's a one fringe benefit as we respect the legacy of Stan Rogers. Hey, his death is the reason you can't smoke in the fucking air.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Bathroom plants will get will get to that. Yeah, a fact I remind remind my wife of every time we fly. So so this hurricane, this is a this is a thanks. Thank you, Wikipedia, for this image. That's a hurricane. You have wind blowing in heat going up, cold air going out and a lot of a lot of rain, a lot of wind.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Generally, a bad time is known for large waves, high winds and killing stupid people. It's like unpredictable waves, too, right? Like you get waves from like weird directions and shit, too. Huh? Yeah, it fucks with it fucks with the swell. So if like your swell is like going one direction and the hurricane is going counter, there's different different parts of like a tropical storm, too. So it's like that the northeast quadrant is like the most dangerous
Starting point is 00:53:32 because you have the direction, the winds blowing in like it is like all sorts of like crazy shit and hurricane is just it's just cultural appropriation from a native word. It's a tropical cycle and the same that you have in any other part of the world. Except for the South Atlantic, although that's changing because of climate change as well. Yeah. So so there's no reason why we would have hurricanes involved
Starting point is 00:53:54 with this with this podcast today. No reason whatsoever. OK, great. Right. Yeah. That was just me adding something for fun. Yeah. OK. We had a sort of a faint, a deceitful slide. All right. So it is just cars. You just there's a car. Some cars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Someone in someone in Vieca, so whatever or wherever needs the new BMW. It's got to get that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I got to got to get a nice car to drive to Luquillo and go to the the actually genuinely nice beach there. I like I like how they've put the the tape on to stop you from like scratching up any of the most vulnerable bits like you open a door and it hits another door or whatever. So it's protected against paint chips.
Starting point is 00:54:37 But not not so much against anything else. Yeah. So so this this boat was in was in Jacksonville loading up cars. This is the second deck with the cars. They were loading up containers on the top. And these are how the cars are lashed together. Apparently, the crew was not happy with the how the stevedores. Tighten them.
Starting point is 00:54:57 So this is this is the El Junque, which is the sister ship of the El Faro. So, you know, if the crew felt that the stevedores didn't tighten them enough, could we imagine class that any issues coming from this? You're kind of like abstract enough. You've got like a free surface effects, but the liquid is cars. My understanding is also these cars are supposed to be tied down individually rather than all being tied down to one big chain. Well, somebody read the NTSB summary.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah, I see a little bit of research. Yes, we've actually done as you've turned these cars into a reaction ferry. Yeah. Yeah, that it's it's how you gain momentum from side to side. You just go back and forth. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the the free car effect, as you said. So so, as we said, the the ship was getting loaded up in the beautiful city of Jacksonville, Florida.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Go Jaguars, I guess. Yes, I guess they cut neck folds to fuck them. I just I was just lucky to guess the right animal, you know. Yeah, I just don't understand why the birds won't try and get Nick Foles back. Well, I they just jail on her's kid. He does. He's not a lunch pail guy. He I just want Nick Foles, but just just he's got a big dick. And I'm sorry, I won't curse again on the air.
Starting point is 00:56:33 That's for the 10,000 that the 10,000 losses listeners who starved of content. Yes, yes. So yeah, that's that's so they're loading they're loading the the the ship up. The ship also doesn't. So Tote Maritime doesn't have something called a port captain, which is like a trained mariner who supervises the loading of the vessel while in port.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Tote Maritime doesn't really have any supervision whatsoever or anything. So but yeah, so there's no call saves money. I put this stuff in the boat, I'm going to lunch. I mean, yeah, title is a load master, but go off, I guess. Yeah, I'm a load master, all right. OK, I guess. I guess we could go to the next slide. Turning rods and my grad assistant.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Oh, the tables have turned. Yeah, how the turn tables. OK, so. The the yellow here is the typical route that the El Faro and the El Yunke would make on their way to San Juan. Nice straight line. Nice straight line rumb line, as some would say. Now.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Previous voyage, the El Faro had diverted because of Tropical Storm Erika. Hmm. I guess putting putting putting putting T.S. in front of a woman's name like that's cultural appropriation. Yeah, this I just I hear Tropical Storm Erika. I hear like a Danish woman. So different kind of chaser for storms.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah, yeah, she really likes storm. And she. All right, now I'm going to start start doxing Danish woman, I know. Following is a list of Danish women. Yeah, they really like dark haired Irish men. So women love to Danish women love to be named Erika, Mary and Irish men. OK, hi, hi, Erika. Getting increasingly close to the podcast is just directly to one person.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yes. So the green the green there or the or the lower route, if you're colorblind, is the route that the boat took during Tropical Storm Erika. So they had diverted before because of storms. This was not an unfamiliar. And the the the red one there, which doesn't go all the way to San Juan. Because because they stopped off early. Yeah, yeah, they just stay with the Bahamas.
Starting point is 00:59:11 And they my dad's farm in the Bahamas, they went upstate and they're just playing and having fun on. Yeah, can we overlay the Bermuda triangle over this just for fun? Oh, yeah, this is in the Bermuda triangle. This is conspiracy theories. Hell, yes. Yes. So the the final final voyage, nothing bad happens on this. I don't know why it says that.
Starting point is 00:59:36 So so that's that's the route they diverted. So they leave Jacksonville on the 29th of September with 33 on board. Five of them are Polish and the rest are American. Yeah. The five Poles were there. They were reconfiguring this boat to go back up to Alaska. And so they were coming on board to do that. They the company totes was putting together two LNG
Starting point is 01:00:01 boats to to replace the LUNK and the El Faro and return and return these vessels to Alaska in service. But they leave they leave Jacksonville on the 29th and they have cargo and cars of Puerto Rico. What year is this? Two thousand and yeah, God, you can edit. Let's leave all of this in. They go in the El Faro, not the El Faro.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Now, the 15 Spanish Egyptian Monarch. Yes. What if a Spanish guy was Egyptian? Yeah. All right. So watching the like telemundo version of Sadaat's wife's funeral. Yes, but it's a battle. Gigante, I don't know. El Miujera, Dale Sadaat, my Spanish is really bad.
Starting point is 01:01:02 El Miujera de Sadaat, a more day. I'm going to go to town here. Sto triste. Because Marita de Sadaat is more or whatever. Dead is an Italian word or something. Oh, no. We just be out, Sherry. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:30 We're going to get to the slide where I correct all of Ross's pronunciation on the Coastal Concordia episode. Yeah, I have a list. Yeah. Where the fuck is this? All right. Jesus Christ. I have a tab open that Jesus fucking Christ. This is the same shit that happens to 10,000 losses. I'm blaming Liam 10,000 problems.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah, 10,000. I got 10,000 problems. But I can't steam one. I don't know. Sure. I should have shown it seemed like it currently is a problem. Yeah, yeah. We recorded this on like a day's notice, by the way. This is true.
Starting point is 01:02:09 Which I wasn't even sure if you were serious rise. I thought you were fucking with me. I'm like, all right. And then you DM me. I was like, OK, I guess this is it. So what are we trying to do? We're trying to do this podcast. We are the slides are loading.
Starting point is 01:02:21 OK, here we go. OK, all right. So the Elf hour leaves Jacksonville on the 29th of September, as we mentioned. And there is a tropical storm churning out in the Atlantic. Yeah, I see. I see it goes off of the typical like golden route here. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So it leaves it. It does not sail the the straight road into Valinor into the undying lands. No, I mean, I guess it kind of does, in a way. In a more profound way. Yeah, so they cast off one of the things that the Elf arrow also had was a broken and the mometer, a wind vane.
Starting point is 01:03:02 The wind vane wasn't working right. OK, right. Oh, fuck's a wind vane not work right. Well, yeah, it's just like a thing that is shaped like a chicken. You put on top of that. Yes, but I'm talking about. Which is one of the Polish guys tried to cook the chicken. And now now the anonymity is there was a cargo container full of roosters
Starting point is 01:03:22 for Puerto Rico, because if you know anything about Puerto Rico, they fucking love roosters. I got a cargo container full of knives. Incidentally, they're also not related. Don't ask any questions. I grew up in a part of Philly that has a lot of like Puerto Rican people living there and they fucking love roosters. So shouts out to Freddie and Tony's
Starting point is 01:03:42 the second Allegheny, their food is amazing. So anyway. So the boat leaves. The captain was aware of the weather and plan and they kind of had an idea. We're going to we're going to stay south of the storm. It's going to stay out to sea. So so. Let's let's go and talk about some weather.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Yeah, because it doesn't go like south in the like this to the green roots that would have taken too fucking long, right? No, no, it would have taken too long and capitalism demands efficiency in all aspects. So the guy the guy in the ex needs is BMW. Yeah, exactly. The people in Ponce need things to ward off the ghosts that places home of the shit and roosters and knives and things of this nature.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Yeah, this is humanitarian mission. Yes, maternity. Baseball aside, famous famous pitcher, Satchel Page pitched one game in Ponce and then saw a ghost in the outfield and was like, fuck it, I'm never going to Puerto Rico again. All right. So so yeah, it's the Bruehara city, the the which city. But anyway, back back to this back to the I can.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I'm imagining the YouTube comments like, oh, my God, the sky won't stop diverting into sparks. I'm here for the engineering. I'm wearing I'm wearing a blue Oxford shirt, but with a pocket protector sitting here in the Boeing factory. Yeah, I just want to learn about engineering disasters. I'm really upset. Well, I mean, if you're sitting there in the Boeing factory
Starting point is 01:05:14 and you want to learn about engineering disasters, you can ask your manager. Yes, but I just look at the way, though. Yeah, go down to the shop floor. Go check out the V-22s. All right. So this is this is a screenshot of something called Bon Voyage Systems and it sounds cherry. No, yeah, very cherry. And this is a private weather company.
Starting point is 01:05:37 So I'm going to let you guys on in a secret. The National Weather Service, which is the vision of the National Ocean of Gravity at the Spirit Administration, NOAA, does all the weather in this country and every every product, like AccuWeather or the the Apple on your on your iPhone is derived from the shit that NOAA does. Yeah, of course. Yes. Right. And famously, the guy who founded AccuWeather
Starting point is 01:06:02 is keeps trying to make it illegal for the National Weather Service to give weather forecasts for free. I was I was going to say that he even though his product relies entirely on their product, right? Yeah, but it's like turbo tax for weather. You know, true. Yes. Yeah. And yeah, so just as turbo tax makes you fucks up your return. So does AccuWeather fuck up your forecast?
Starting point is 01:06:26 And so Banvo Yacht software, it looks pretty. It's like a graphical depiction of the weather. If you've ever read a weather service forecast discussion, it's very heavy on the terminology. Don't you have to, like, learn all of that shit before they let you drive a boat, though? Oh, yes. In fact, they do. Good. That's that's good. So I when we were in the group chat, I said, there's a kind of old man.
Starting point is 01:06:51 There's a kind of guy promoted to his level of incompetence, who looks bewildered and confused when you question something that he has decided. And you have to wait for his brain to reboot. I don't know if anyone knows what the fuck I'm talking about, but I'm literally imagining a person I know his face. You can say, Justin, it's fine. I think I was going to I was going to say Liam. Yeah, Liam was going to say me.
Starting point is 01:07:20 No, hold on. My brain's rebooting. I was going to name I was going to name some Coast Guard names, but I don't want to fuck anybody over. There's some coasties to listen to this. Pick a different service. Name some like army names, you know? Yeah. It's a matter of madness. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Got his ass. Yeah. Yeah, fucking rack him. All right. Shotgun sound effect. So. Let's just let's just steal all the sound effects from come town and put them up for us. We're canceled. And so. So Captain David, get the staff
Starting point is 01:08:02 rush sound board in here. Yeah. Yeah. Hell, hell, yeah. All right. Nice. Yeah. All right. Now that all right. So this is what the Bon Voyage software looks like. The thing about Bon Voyage software is that they took the NOAA forecast, took six hours to make it pretty
Starting point is 01:08:25 and then send it off to ships. So every time you got a forecast from Bon Voyage, it was a couple of hours out of date. But isn't the whole point of like the reason why you get the weather shit is because it's extremely time limited. I weather is pretty slowly six hours is like nothing. This college education over here trying to outsmart.
Starting point is 01:08:48 A hard working union officers. That's true. I am trying. I am trying to like, you know, talk down the bridge crew. Yeah. Yeah. So so they made it pretty. Also, it was six hours behind if it didn't accidentally upload an outdated forecast like it did on the 30th of September.
Starting point is 01:09:05 So it was 12 hours behind. So so. Captain Davidson, he looked at that. He was like, oh, this is really nice. And I'm going to just go. I like this. This is the one that's right. This is this is weird, right?
Starting point is 01:09:20 Because like you wouldn't think of of seafaring as a particularly I like my presentations done this way, sort of job. Right. And yet. Yeah. And he was a guy who got like remarked, like good remarks, but then like early in his career and then started getting like he doesn't. He doesn't really interact with anybody.
Starting point is 01:09:43 He doesn't listen to his bridge. He doesn't really go out, ever go out in the deck. So like he started becoming like stuck in his ways. Like I said, he's promoted to the level of his incompetence. Like this is this is this is where he starts to fall apart because it's one thing for like an extra tropical low out and like the Bering Sea, which can be more modeled more efficiently, I guess.
Starting point is 01:10:07 But a tropical storm and this particular tropical storm, tropical storm Joaquin was a bitch to to forecast because it did all sorts of like one of those like loopy loop shits and all that stuff. Right. Yeah, it rolls in, it comes back, it rolls back in. Yeah, it literally crossed its own track on its own its way up towards Ireland. So that is really annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:33 So I guess, yeah, we could do the next slide. All right. All right. So he's working off this one thing that's twelve hours behind because it's pretty. And this is the up to date one. So this is what a NOAA forecast looks like on a sat sea terminal, which is a computer terminal on the bridge that comes from satellite communications. So it's got all sorts of Latin longs on this shit. But you as a captain, what sort of resources do you have?
Starting point is 01:11:00 You got a big map and you got a pair of compasses and a ruler and you can draw all of this shit on there and it either looks really cool while you're doing that or you can ask another person to do it for you. Yeah, like someone underneath you who also has the training. Yeah, you can have someone else do it for you, which would probably take if you gave you that map, but you give me 15 minutes, I could do it. And I don't even I'm not even a fucking license mariner. Like it's not hard to plot shit on the chart.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Yeah, plus it also looks cool. You get to like lean to the thing and look all like smart. You're in like an air of concentration. You know, you have like a little tiny model of the ship that you push with a big stick. You're doing like you're doing like different voices from the hunt for Red October just to yourself. Something's in here. Don't react well to bullets.
Starting point is 01:11:49 I am doing bad ass. I can't do it. One pain only if we surrender here, here we can buy many blue gene. The big breasted American life. Nicole, my cousin. But by the way, if you if you've ever heard somebody on the radio from a not American license ship, that's what they all said. Like getting on Channel 16, like, like,
Starting point is 01:12:17 we are here to talk to American down on the sucoblat. My hunt for Red October drops big sum of bitch. But so the captain didn't want to look at the set. See, there was too many words, too many numbers, and it bond voyage software had never steered him wrong before. OK. And we get the impression that the captain just Captain Davidson was like, no, this shit is that this is the this is the future of forecasting.
Starting point is 01:12:46 This is where it's at. The way of the future. Yeah, it never steered him wrong. So that was the thing he liked. But like without understanding the shit that went on behind the scenes. Mm hmm. Several. So when the 30th of September, several emergency forecasters sent to the ship, if I said, say, if you read the not NLRB report,
Starting point is 01:13:10 the NSTB report, the NSB report being in a union to do shit for these guys. And they were all union except for the except for the poll. Yeah, bleep that slurp. I'm allowed to say I'm an Polish. Yeah, my grandma was born in Warsaw. Look, look, you got a Polish guy on the podcast. I'm not offended.
Starting point is 01:13:33 There was there's a company five minutes from the school I went to called Pollock shipping, Incorporated. They only have screen doors, please don't cancel me. All right, so. So he went to bed on the 30th of September. He sure it all was well show. Yeah, and it all was well. Actually, this is the end of the pocket.
Starting point is 01:13:57 So it's good. It's a successful voyage. Yeah. So next slide. Well, there's there's some waves. All right, doesn't look very good. All right. So my understanding is the buzz supposed to be above the water.
Starting point is 01:14:12 Yes. Yes. That's commonly how how things go. It's fine. So long as it comes back up again, right? So things get shit real quick on this journey. Hi, it's Justin. So this is a commercial for the podcast that you're already listening to.
Starting point is 01:14:38 People are annoyed by these. So let me get to the point. We have this thing called Patreon, right? The deal is you give us two bucks a month and we give you an extra episode once a month. Sometimes it's a little inconsistent, but, you know, it's two bucks. You get what you pay for.
Starting point is 01:14:55 It also gets you our full back catalog of bonus episodes so you can learn about exciting topics like guns, pickup trucks, or pickup trucks with guns on them. The money we raise through Patreon goes to making sure that the only ad you hear on this podcast is this one. Anyway, that's something to consider if you have two bucks to spare each month.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Join at patreon.com forward slash WTYP pod. Do it if you want. Or don't. It's your decision and we respect that. Back to the show. And on so September 30th, that's nighttime. Early morning, October 1st, things start to go downhill very fast.
Starting point is 01:15:48 And when we get to the part where we look at the fucking map, you will see why. So early October 1st, they start to encounter some heavy seas. And they call the captain on the radio, captain's sleeping. And they're like, all right, so listen, we listen to all. And all this time, like the mates are like, listen, I watched the weather channel on my satellite thing.
Starting point is 01:16:11 My app is telling me this, like they're constantly telling the captain, hey, maybe we should duck into another channel. And there's even a conversation between the captain of the El Faro and the captain, the El Yunke, which is doing like the reverse journey, talking about how they're taking the old Bahama channel safe away from now Hurricane Joaquin. Is this some like what in an aircraft will be crew resource management
Starting point is 01:16:35 ship where everybody's too deferential? And they're like, instead of being like, you're going to get us all killed. They're like, actually, maybe, I think. Yeah, sir, they're being like, sir, sir, reply guys. Yeah, simps. Yeah, the one of the things too, that if you read the book, I think it's Into the Raging Sea by let me get the author's name, Rachel, Rachel Slade, very, very good book
Starting point is 01:17:01 that kind of gets into the human side of things. The NTSB report doesn't. She talks about how the second mate, who was who was a woman, felt intimidated by the captain and the captain kind of was like hitting on her. And Jesus, I shouldn't do that. Yeah. So. She and she was like fresh out of like she was pretty young and pretty, like, you know, had all the latest training and stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:17:27 And every mate was being ignored by the captain. So the captain told them when he was called early in the morning, said, just run it. Just. Fuck it, no, J. Yeah, yeah, we're doing it live. And we're going to be what he was convinced because that Bon Voyage software, which may I remind you, was 12 hours behind.
Starting point is 01:17:48 And it was three days earlier, right? Two days earlier. OK. Yeah. So which which not only was behind, but, you know, they made a mistake. They didn't realize that this thing was turning into a full and fucking hurricane. Category three, rapidly intensifying hurricane, went from a tropical storm to a category three in like two days. So and they are literally chugging course into the middle of it. And during this time, the waves are getting higher and higher.
Starting point is 01:18:19 It's dark out. They really can't see the autopilot alarm keeps going off. Like you're off course, you're off course, because it's really hard to keep see when 25 foot waves are and you have green green water over the bow. Can't be pleasant for like your mariners either. Like, yeah, no, even if you're used to it, you're like being thrown around and shit. This is what we call upset, upset stomach territory in the in the biz. So, yeah, tummy ache time.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Yeah, it's a bad case of like, I'm going to fucking die disease because your tummy hurts a little bit. So as as as the ship literally starts going into the storm and not south of it, as was predicted, it starts to slow down. And one of the things is with ships is you can kind of if you go into waves at an angle of like 15 to 45 degrees, you can sort of keep shit OK. If you're going into the waves, but that requires that you have enough propulsion to make it through the wave.
Starting point is 01:19:22 You're not like hitting the crest of the wave and getting pushed back. We're going really deep headfirst into the into the the trough. But the ship begins to slow as it as it faces these really complicated, like fucking sea keeping fluid dynamic shit. Oh, yeah, just got to go fast. Got to go fast. Yeah. All right. So next slide, I guess. All right. So let's take a look at a diagram here.
Starting point is 01:19:50 So free car wash. Yeah. Free car wash. So one of the things that starts to get noticed early in the morning on October 1st is a list. So it starts to begin to be a starboard list, which is the right side of the boat, if you're facing the bow. And yeah, so this happens while the captain's asleep, by the way. When is this motherfucker awake? Oh, he slept like a fucking baby.
Starting point is 01:20:17 He and he had a reputation of being a guy who spent his time on the bridge. And he would tell like, I'll be available, I'll be available. And he just went to bed. Yeah, he's just a snoozy boy. You know, he's got a big, a big cop. So he had to speak to me in my dreams by way of astral projection. Yes. So so we're talking.
Starting point is 01:20:40 We are kind of at midnight ish. And there starts to be some listing going on. The there were some scuttles, which is like a like a valve that allows water, the flow that weren't properly dogged or closed. But that's one issue. The other issue is that the second deck, because of those those those gates that allowed you to drive on, allowed water to ingress onto the second deck. And because this wasn't designed the right way, this is a refit.
Starting point is 01:21:14 The water would slosh around. They would have to build up to a certain volume to like drain. Oh, yeah. So it wouldn't naturally drain below a certain amount. So you have all this free surface effect going on. So it allows the boat to slosh around the water to slosh around the boat, making the cars wet. And when the cars are slippery, they start moving around.
Starting point is 01:21:37 They ask if the cars are creepy or wet. Yeah, my car is very wet right now. Yeah, so let's let's let's go to the next slide, because some things start to happen. So the list starts to happen. They keep calling to the captain. They're like, hey, hey, listen, shit's going on. And we we run into an issue here that has something to do with that gets the boat equivalent of deferred maintenance.
Starting point is 01:22:10 OK, where where the they're not maintaining anything on this vessel properly. The the those vents are that that were the for the air are rusted through. Right. The oil is consistently low underfilled. And this is all in the ship's log. So the ship is having more and more in the list. And by four a.m. the captain is woken up and he returns to the bridge. And they're like, what the fuck are we going to do? We got to figure out what's going on with this list.
Starting point is 01:22:42 I see I see on the right hand diagram point C here, where it lists hard enough that an underfilled tank of oil just doesn't like suck anymore. Yes, loss of suction. That's where things go from suck to blow. This this is fine, right? What do you need oil for? So. Yeah, there's no reason. So the captain makes a bunch of decisions.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Well, he does he downloads his his favorite software update for Bon Voyage. I have to update my apps. It's like, are you having a Bon Voyage? So and he looks at his Bon Voyage app, which is very out of date. Like he downloads it. He downloads it like a couple, like a half hour before the next update comes out. So he's way out of date on it. And then he hears this like no, a broadcast.
Starting point is 01:23:34 And it's like, well, I don't understand it. I'm getting conflicting information because he thinks by on Bon Voyage is up to date. He thinks that this shit is right. So he hears the latest from Noah and he goes, well, what? I don't understand, but there's a surely, surely there's got to be like one of these sources is more authoritative than the other one, because one of them is the fucking government and the other one lives on your phone.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Well, the other one is makes a pretty thing that dumb guy can understand. If you if you've met both guys, you can pass that master's license and still be a fucking idiot. So I've met enough in my day. So. So he thinks that there are conflicting reports. What he just doesn't understand is that he had no training that the BVS software was based on no reports six hours prior. Yes, he doesn't understand this.
Starting point is 01:24:33 That is not reading the terms and conditions. Well, also, his company provides like no training. So Tote Maritime and Tote Maritime says the captain is the master of the vessel. They don't have anyone ashore to kind of be like. So a lot of times they'll have companies will have a captain ashore who's available on call whenever something happens. Some guy like grizzle old motherfucker who's been through everything. The guy who like talks the plane down an airplane kind of job.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Yeah, the Barry, the Barry piss of boats. Yeah, he he tells you like he's been through everything. And he tells him he's there to kind of guide you. He's a guy who's been on board before he knows what's going on. A bit cool job, I think. Yeah, a guy who knows everything. Yes. And and tells you to keep calm and all that shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:22 He's calling back to Tote Maritime and trying to reach a qualified individual. And he does the mistake of saying we've had an incident. But, you know, all right. Well, we haven't had the incident yet, so I don't want to get ahead. I was about to say, you know, you got to put him on hold. Yeah, press one if you're currently sinking, press two if you're about to sink. And he just got, you know, he just got out of bed. He's still wearing like the sleeping cap and the slippers.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Yeah, he's got like a single candle on a little saucer. Yeah, maybe he's got like the captain's like oak and acorns. Oak leaves and acorns on it. Yeah. Yeah. Sleepy time. Don't talk to you before I had my coffee. It's got a big like novelty mug. Yeah. So, yeah. So by five a.m.
Starting point is 01:26:12 There's this is where we have the conflicting reports, you know, happening. And the list is starting to get noticeable. And how do you fix a list? How do you fix a list? Well, they start. Turning into the wind and pumping water into the port tanks to counteract the starboard list. So they're hoping that the wind will do like a wind, what's called wind
Starting point is 01:26:36 heal and push the boat up so that way you're riding a little better in the waves. All right, let's do the next slide. And this isn't an emergency itself yet, right? No, no, it's not an emergency yet. It's an emergency yet, but the situation is not good. He's still not. He still has not put two and two together. That holy shit, I am sailing into the fucking eye wall.
Starting point is 01:27:01 He has not put that together yet. I'm just I'm just obsessed with the various diagrams. You've got 32 inches of lube oils right here. Yeah. Yeah. So you don't want to lose your lube oil. Yeah, you don't want to lose the suction on the lube oil. Yeah. Yeah. So so they figure out right that called dry jacking.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Yeah. All right, never mind. So. So they figure out that now all the skulls are closed and they spend this time just sending able semen around to dry jack the scuttles. We need a bunch of guys to run around and panic and do a bunch of shit. That doesn't make sense. They're doing a great British pastime.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Yeah. They're dogging the scuttles. See that corridor with all those doors on each side. We need you to run in and out of those doors. We're going to need the two of you to carry this one wide plank through a narrow doorway. Yes. Hey, get get this bucket. See that? See, you know, frame, frame 23 alpha that is in free communication with the sea.
Starting point is 01:28:11 There's like sharks and shit floating in there. Yeah, go go dog that scuttle. Go secure that. So by the time they figure out that like water was making ingress, so water was allowed to get in the deck to the scuttles weren't dog properly. And it was too late, right? There's already water on board. The cars begin to loosen and they start moving around
Starting point is 01:28:34 and slam into the water pipe for the fire pump. Oh, so now you don't have a fire is the thing. No, we're not worried about a fire on this on this disaster. No, no, if anything, it's like too much, not on fire. Yeah, yeah, there should be more fire. Yeah. The starboard list begins to get worse and by so by zero five four four, so five forty four a.m.
Starting point is 01:29:01 That's when the the boat's doing the wind, the starboard and the wind he'll start to counteract the list. But something happens and this is and this is this is a generally considered a bad thing at six fourteen a.m. The boat loses propulsion and steerage. Oh, well, that's an emergency. Yeah, because of the port list, the underfilled oil vessel, as you can see, loss of suction, it loses.
Starting point is 01:29:28 It's almost yeah, no more loopholes. So like so like they were pumping water into the port side tanks to counteract the list. Yes. Now now all that water is in that tank. Yes, but in addition, the water on the deck above has shifted to that side as well. Yes, free surface effect. So now they've they have the problem but too much. Yeah, and the port list happens to be the list that the oil tank couldn't handle. Yeah, the one that it doesn't like.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Is this fucking written down anyway? There isn't a manual that tells you there was no fucking manual. There's no they could not recover a desert like a damaged control manual from this vessel. So every time something bad happens, they don't know what to do. So they send an able seaman go down into the fucking bowels of the ship and the engineers are like running around in fucking like chest high water. Like, yeah, we're trying to get the fucking boiler going again, boss. And these these these engines, these huge engines, they need the the loopholes.
Starting point is 01:30:36 Yes, a lot and constantly, otherwise they just die. Right. Yeah, don't do dry jacking very well. The friction shuts off the the engine automatically. They still have the turbines for power. So that's how we're able to still like they're they're able to talk to each other. The phones still work. All the electronics are still working, but propulsion is gone. It's dead in the water.
Starting point is 01:30:56 Yeah, it seems to be much more literally that. Yeah. So next slide. So here we have a comparison on the left is the the the course of the El Faro. Wow, really, just like it was like t boned by it. Yeah, they literally they literally drove this fucking boat into the fucking center of the storm. That's that's hard to do. Yes, because it's not that big.
Starting point is 01:31:22 It was like 30 not when 30 nautical mile wind field. So for Hurricane Strength wind. So if you're out of that, any of these boats could handle a tropical storm winds like they're like it could handle Alaska. They could handle that. It's hard to sink a boat, right? They want to stay up. Yeah, it's unlike it's the opposite of a helicopter.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Yeah. Yeah. So my god, if they if they had stayed the original course, they would have missed it. Well, well, if they stayed the original course, they would have been in the actual worst part of the storm. Oh, but if they had, say, made for the Crooked Island Passage or made for any of the many other passages, they would have. What if they just, like, stopped, like. Yeah, yeah, they would have if they could have ducked behind many
Starting point is 01:32:10 any of these various keys in the the Cape, not the Cape, the Bahamas. So if you look at the map of the right world, all those like light blue colors are the Bahamas get really shallow. So it makes it fucking hard to navigate. The Grand Bahama Bank is notorious. It's lost many, many, many boats over the years. But you could have ducked in any of these little spots as long as you don't go into the tongue of the ocean, which is
Starting point is 01:32:37 if you see between New Providence and Andros Island, that little like it kind of looks like you can't like try. If this boat could not have transited through Grand Bahama Bank, like there's no way it would have been able to. It would have grounded in very shallow water. But they could at least it's not going to sink if that happens. Well, yeah, they, yeah, certain parts you could walk to shore. Let's go down and push. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:02 They could have ducked behind some of these islands have gotten in there early. Rumkey, San Salvador Islands, the Bahama, the Bahamanians know how to name a name, a town, name an island. Everything's like Isaac town or, you know, shit like that. Boat settlement, you know, shit like that. So this is all the shit's going on. So let's let's go to the next one.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Oh, Faro's final manoeuvres. Oh, boy. All right. These guys are in the fucking like worst part of the question. A question. Is any of this recoverable at this point? Like, is there anything they could have done that would have not fucked them? Not lose propulsion. Oh, OK. Wow.
Starting point is 01:33:48 They might. And during this, during this time, there are there's communication going on. The captain is calling back home to tote in and like through the through maritime radio telephone. And the operators, he's like, we've had a navigation incident and the operators like, what's the name of your vessel, honey? He's like, SSL Faro, how do you spell it? And he's like, can you just get me someone who's a QI,
Starting point is 01:34:22 which means qualified individual? Like, can you just get me someone who fucking knows what I'm talking about? He's trying to go. He's calling toad. He's calling back to the maritime company as opposed to calling the fucking Coast Guard. Hey, hey, hey, hey, this is the SSL Faro. We have lost propulsion in the middle of fucking arcade.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Here's the thing. You set up said rescue. Right. Two things. Thing one, in between this and disbelieving the NOAA, this is just like a libertarian. You know, he just doesn't. He refuses to make a fucking decision. I'm so bad at this, captain. He doesn't make a fucking decision.
Starting point is 01:35:02 So the second thing. Second thing, yeah, so if he had gotten on the radio and gone made a made a made a this is the SSL Faro send everything. Right. Yeah. Aside from giving a bunch of Coast Guard guys their best possible day as they attempt to work out how to do the fucking Lego play set hurricane rescue thing is that like, practically, could they have fucking done anything by this point?
Starting point is 01:35:29 So so they would have they would have called a they would have been like, you know, they would have talked to the command center, right? And the command center guys are going to talk and then they're going to talk to the boat station or like they would probably try to like like you send the cut like you ask a cutter to send their shit into the fucking middle of a hurricane, a cutter captain is going to laugh at you. Imagine shocks. Imagine shock shocks his response to this.
Starting point is 01:35:53 He would have been like, oh, fuck, no. Yeah, I'm not fucking doing that. Not doing that. Yeah. Yeah. So so, you know, no, you're not sending your fucking ass into a hurricane. Jesus Christ. This is why we have warnings. We say that's it.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Don't go in there. The hurricane hunter aircraft that was flying over was like, warning, there is a hurricane. You are in a hurricane area. If you can hear this, get the fuck out. And the captain and the one mate were on the record of saying, wow. Oh, shit. Yeah. Oh, not good. Not good.
Starting point is 01:36:33 This is this is the time where you have to like push the captain off the boat and no one invests it. This is where crew resource management says you you hit him with a pipe or something. You're you're the look at me. I I'm the captain now. Yeah. So we have the portless.
Starting point is 01:36:52 The portless shuts the engine off. They secure the scuttle. He goes and downloads his fucking BVS software. He literally does. He he downloads it again in between. So maybe I should turn it off and turn it on again. Let me let me check if they've upgrade updated my Minecraft map. So one last tweet.
Starting point is 01:37:17 Yeah, I'm generating. I'm generating my dwarf fortress world. I have it all and I got to go check my computer. So at six oh nine, he he downloads the the available BVS software file, which was only updated to the NHS advisories as current as of two fifth or twenty two fifty three the day before. So Jesus.
Starting point is 01:37:42 And then four minutes later, he's like, we just lost a plant when they lose their oil. That's when they're dropping wet lube oils. Why? What? Why does he need the BVS at this point? He could just look out the window and see the fucking I will. At what point in the in the full NTSB report, they're like, it is now a nautical twilight,
Starting point is 01:38:05 which had conditions permitted. They would have been able to see what the fuck was going on outside. But you're in the middle of fucking hurricane. It must have been like an incredibly fucking terrifying experience. I just imagine the Polish guys like, oh, shit, fuck. Fuck, why did I leave the dance? Shit, fuck.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I should have stayed on the fucking ball. I should have I should have repaired toilets in England. That should have driven the truck. Oh, I I'm thinking of your truck simulator right now. They're getting they're getting one last ETS run in. Yeah. Trying to like attach the steering wheel to my desk. It's like sliding back and forth.
Starting point is 01:38:51 I would have taken Barry Piss yelling at me for not speaking English over this. So like he is the hurricane. It is your door at the fucking bout. So I guess a bulkhead. Wait, which allows the free service. Yes. So so shit. Jesus Christ, these guys.
Starting point is 01:39:19 So now they are what they say underway, but not making way. That is the classification of this vessel. In the hands of an angry God. Yes. Yes, exactly. Underway, but not making way. And as you can see on the diagram, the portless, all this shit. Why don't we go?
Starting point is 01:39:40 Why don't we go to the next slide because shit's fucked. So we have we have this more sort of the final arrows. This is enlarged from the detail below. So six, 13, we lost suction by and just I just want you to look at this timeline. Right. He's he's so he had talked to Tote Maritime. Tote Maritime calls the Coast Guard because he said we shit like we had a
Starting point is 01:40:08 maritime incident, we had a navigation incident. The Coast Guard goes, well, we're not doing rescue operations right now, because according to the information that you gave me, we're not in the rescue phase. Yeah, it's not like we're not doing anything because it's not an emergency and there's a hurricane on. We have gotten no no mayday. We have experienced a hurricane involved incident within the confines of our maritime vessel.
Starting point is 01:40:34 I mean, I appreciate that by this point, it doesn't make a difference. Like if if you had, we would have like come and felt bad for you. Yeah. We would have had like a compassing voice on the phone as you died. Yeah, yeah. I remember to my a priest. I mean, well, my communications class, Coast Guard communications class, they they talked about how they prefer female voices on the radio
Starting point is 01:40:58 because they're more comforting. It's like, oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. And yeah. Doing voice therapy, so I can join the Coast Guard. I'm trying. I'm on the radio trying to comfort this doomed vessel.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Like, oh, fuck is this guy? Oh, well, honey, you sound you guys got yourselves no regular. Because if you've ever talked to the Coast Guard on the radio, that's the all that it's all they sound like. It's just Southern guys. Is like, could I get a female Coast Guard operator place? And I'm just like, you know what? Die then.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Well, honey, you are entitled to burial at sea, which at this point is in about 15 minutes. I've always depended upon the kindness of strangers. So so that we have the boat, the the free car effect is now in effect. Yeah. Yeah. And the cars are bouncing back and forth like fucking ping-pong balls on the second deck.
Starting point is 01:42:00 They rupture the fire main. This entire. So this is 714. They have activated the big free car wash. Right. The free car wash is happening. Free car wash or lots of salt. Yes. It's just like a Northeast winner. This is what we call in the business, free communication with the sea.
Starting point is 01:42:23 Well, everyone likes free communication, like a Reddit guy or whatever. You know, Elon Musk. Yeah. Free communication with the sea means that your boat is not going to be a boat for much longer. And the entire time this is happening is I hate this captain. I'm glad he's dead.
Starting point is 01:42:48 I wish the rest of the crew lived and he died because at you see at seven twenty seven, he rings a general alarm this entire time. He's like, well, well, I don't think we're at Mayday yet. Right now, we can write it out. Yeah, we type out the type out the email, but don't hit sent. He did. Yeah, just yeah, he actually fucking did that. Compose the second mate is like typing her friends back home.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Hope we make it out. Love you all. If I don't see you like that, the people are like, I'm getting my exposure suit ready. The other mates on the bridge are like, but where the fuck are the life jackets? The Polis guys are like huddled. I guess they're counting the sausages that are left. What are they doing the rosary?
Starting point is 01:43:38 They got their their their images of Joe jump all the second security. And life jacket made entirely of pictures of the pope. Yeah. How deep how deep can the ocean get? The Baltic only gets like what five feet deep. So it's going to walk. Yeah. So so should I install that screen door? They're refitting.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Hey, it keeps it keeps shark out. Shark out in Russian. So as you can see on here. Between seven fourteen and seven twenty seven a.m. The general alarm rings. Seven twenty seven a.m. Two minutes later, the captain's like a bandit ship, I guess. Yeah, but I guess should he have done this
Starting point is 01:44:33 when he lost propulsion, OK, which what time was that? Six thirty an hour and ten minutes earlier. Yeah. So that's when you it's when you say general alarm, prepare to abandon ship, get your stations, get to your divisions. We're going to abandon ship and get the fuck off this goddamn boat if it starts to sink. But they don't do that seven. So seven twenty nine a.m.
Starting point is 01:44:55 Abandon ship seven thirty nine a.m. Last contact. With the ship. There's there's I believe fucking bridge audio of this. Yes, because nothing is fucking sacrosanct anymore. And and he's and the captain is talking to an able seaman. Go and we're not you're not going to die. We're getting off this boat.
Starting point is 01:45:17 We're going to live. Don't like like, come on, we're getting off. We're getting off and then and that's it. Like that's how it's like a fucking movie. That's how it fucking ends. Jesus, that's gone poorly. It has gone poorly. That is the that's what that when you're filing.
Starting point is 01:45:37 Well, they don't use missile anymore in the name of the system when you're firing your cell report, the checkbox. Things went things did not go poorly. Things went poorly. Things went poorly. He didn't even fucking like he was able to keep up the denial of what was happening to him for a fucking hour. He literally died denying he was dying.
Starting point is 01:45:55 Yeah, his last action was to lie to a guy. You're not going to die. We're making it out of here. I mean, I guess at that point, if you if you're just not, I kind of respect sparing the guy's feelings. But Jesus, I mean, having a never say die attitude is fucking admirable. But he he not not when you are. When you caused it.
Starting point is 01:46:19 Yeah, no, I mean, you fucking said you were taking it. You were counting you were counting sheep, sleeping easy, dreaming about all the fucking pina coladas you're going to have in old San Juan when you got there. Well, well, yeah, just we're going to run it out. We're going to run it out. Well, literally every fucking person underneath you is like, hey, shit's fucked, Cap.
Starting point is 01:46:42 We really they're saying it's going to be a bad one. You said, wow, remember when we said, wow, together when the hurricane on over and told us to go away? So I don't respect the government. Don't try it on me. Yeah, well, he only he only trust private private corporations. That's why Bon Voyage software. That's why he called the company before the coast guard.
Starting point is 01:47:05 Yeah, he did. He asked for permission to divert on the way back in an earlier phone call. He's like, I'm going to divert to old Bahama Channel. And then the company calls back goes, you're the captain. It's up to you. So it's not even like they were like working him too hard and they were like micromanaging him around the thing. Well, we're going to get to his relationship.
Starting point is 01:47:24 OK, OK, but yeah, but let's go to the next slide. So yeah, I can't see anymore. Yeah, Alice, I don't know what your what your knowledge of the hurricane says. Very little, assuming you're but you could see goes 13 imagery. So that's a that's a a NOAA satellite. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 01:47:45 And you see where it says final location of the SS El Faro seven. Yeah, I know that it's it's in there. Yeah, generally speaking, you would not want a thing to be in there. How wide is this thing like five, six hundred miles? Uh, well, the hurricane strength winds, I believe if I pull up the fucking NTSB report, I accidentally closed. Is it's it was not a particularly wide storm. They went into the bullseye.
Starting point is 01:48:16 They tried to avoid the bullseye and ended up going into it. So so look at the look at the. The circle and look where you think the hot eye of the hurricane would be. I see, sure. You know, yeah, the little sort of depression center there where where it's nice and calm. So if you just ride that out for a couple of hours under water,
Starting point is 01:48:38 then you'll be in the calm bit and then you'll be fine. And then you'll be back in the eye wall. Well, actually, there's a calm bit just about ten feet under the water. Yeah, that's that's where all the it's all the fucking fish hang out. Yeah. Ew, OK, avoid that. Yeah. So, well, you know, we don't have the fish guy or the anarchist on so we can be real.
Starting point is 01:48:58 Now, that's a good point. So so it's going to be like, yeah, maybe they should have had like an autonomous collective doing the weather instead. Yeah, exactly. Government kids. Yeah, government can't tell me what to do. I really want like a no trade. I don't trade on me sign, but like with a fucking sinking ship on it.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Welcome to the Chas weather station. And it's just one of those like weather. Let's fucking bring that one up. Yeah. Yeah. That that's that fucking Texas tower, shit. Sea land is that that's the way. Anyway, so so what's the worst class? What's the worst part of a hurricane?
Starting point is 01:49:39 It's the eye wall. It's a bit. On the eye wall. Yeah. Oh, so that's where that fucking ship is. Right. And I probably don't want to be there. Without propulsion. No, I'd avoid that. If you had to jump overboard in the emergency, do you think you'd be OK?
Starting point is 01:49:53 Yeah, I just went out. Max. I just go like 10, 10, you know, centimeters under and hold my breath for a bit. Exactly. Wait for it to pass. How about it? You know, those cool orange lightboats that slide out the back? Love those.
Starting point is 01:50:06 You'd be able to ride out in that in that kind of lifeboat. Yeah, of course. I got my like icon of jump all the second. Yeah, you're in it like this like like secure lifeboat thing. It's it's sealed all ends. Let's take a look at the lifeboat. Next slide. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:50:22 Oh, it was a Titanic lifeboat. It wasn't one of those cool orange ones. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So no foul propeller, bent propeller blade, damage support and starboard sights. I'm amazed they were able to find this. Yeah. They weren't able even to get most of them off.
Starting point is 01:50:42 The pictures from underwater show many of them still attached. They found one of the bodies they found. They found an immersion suit like three days later that was bloated. And the quote, the quote was undistinguishable, unable to identify gender or age. That's how decomposed that body was. Yeah. So this is like the real shit, right?
Starting point is 01:51:10 Yeah. I guess, Brad, you're going to have to go in and post and say the time. Is it they're going to get mad that we didn't say at seven thirty nine hours? Yeah. Yeah. Seven twenty five or seven thirty nine a.m. on October 1st. Turns out, eternal father, not strong enough to save. So it's meant to save you like you're a mortal soul, not the rest of you. The rest of you can be a bloated lump of indeterminate age or gender, which same.
Starting point is 01:51:43 It's like it's like the joke about the guy stranded on the desert island and he waits for God to save him. And then send you a helicopter, send you a helicopter. I sent you twenty five weather reports. Send you a hurricane hunter plane yelling at you. Yeah. All right. Nothing I can do now wash my hands of it. Yeah, you idiot.
Starting point is 01:52:08 So hurricane working. I do want to I do want to pull off the. So it was a category three, one hundred and fifty five mile power sustained winds. Not not a particularly. I think all the fatalities from this hurricane were from with these guys, with these guys, Jesus, maybe one, one, one who wasn't. Like I said, the storm wasn't particularly wide. I want to say something like a 30 to 40 not windfield of hurricane strength wind.
Starting point is 01:52:38 Most most hurricanes aren't insanely. You know, big. I mean, that's it's just not common. Well, for now, yeah. Yeah, I mean, you got, you know, when they come up these coasts, it's like, well, most if you're if you're even if you're like right on the coast, probably going to live. Yeah. Yeah. I survived a tropical storm.
Starting point is 01:53:04 Isaias in Ocean Ocean City, New Jersey. And I watched the guy trying to take his kid to the beach. As soon as that's not a good idea, I should I should have put the video in as soon as the rain stopped. The waves were still 30 feet breaking. I'm sure he's bringing his kid with his fucking like little boogie board. You're going to get sandblasted. Like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 01:53:30 So. Yeah. When that, when that, when the the the last recorded position, the wind speed was 100, 117 knots. And the center of the of the storm was 21 nautical miles south of the position. You could swim 21 nautical miles. It's fine. Yeah. That's it's like crossing the channel, which people do all the time.
Starting point is 01:53:55 Yeah, it's only. Yeah, it's only it's only a point. Do that in the motion. It's minutes, minutes of latitude. Yeah. So, yeah. So shit was fucked. They lost contact and they start sending out
Starting point is 01:54:10 search and rescue. Coast Guard goes out. They're sending hurricane hunters out at first, because there's really no way to send anyone into that area safely. But they said that the hurricane hunter aircraft that they diverted was literally flying a thousand feet above sea level. Jesus. Oh, my God. 100 mile per hour wind is getting like smacked around with enough force
Starting point is 01:54:33 that you just like, yeah. Yeah. So it takes it takes several months for them to find the find the wreckage. And if you go to the next slide, it's when they finally find it on the 1st of January, 2015. Yeah, some guy named Juan P. has like written his name.
Starting point is 01:54:54 I think it's 11th of 11th of November. I guess. Yeah, I could be wrong. You can cut that out, whatever. You get mad at me in the YouTube comments. Fuck you. So that's that's a transom there, 15,000 feet below the ocean. Yeah, yeah. It took them three trips to find the voyage data recorder, which had
Starting point is 01:55:16 we they've reconstructed much of the of the conversation on the bridge during the last the last moments. Yeah, the captain like lying to the kid and stuff. Yeah, yeah, literally, if I if I pull it up, right, the last the last words recorded were I believe that lie. But if you give me one second, I'll pull it up. It's weird how like you read enough transcripts of like cockpit voice recorders, shit like this.
Starting point is 01:55:43 A lot of people like when it's serious enough, don't swear as much as you'd expect them to. You kind of expect that people are, you know, going to be like, ah, shit, ah, fuck. And like some of them are, but no, not all of them. I don't want my state to be fine. Twenty thousand five, twenty thousand dollars. Yeah, for every square.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Where is it? There's the accident narrative here. I fucking read the hundred fifty pages of this fucking report. But where where is it? Where is it? So much. I'm just going to go around you by searching Al Farah last words. The captain's AB yelled going down.
Starting point is 01:56:19 The captain said you're not going down. Come on, the AB said he'd need a ladder. The captain said told him they didn't have either at the AB said. I'm gone or I'm a goner. The captain yelled, no, you're not. A low frequency rumble was heard that continued to end of the recording. The captain yelled the AB's named and yelled. It's time to come this way.
Starting point is 01:56:36 The recording ended. Oh, boy. Hey, that. Yeah. The understanding is that the the port list became so uncontrollable that the vessel began the flood. Oh, no, I forgot. This is from a different. This is from like this a different part of the same bridge recorder. OK, so.
Starting point is 01:57:01 OK, so this is a three hundred, right? So this is well before they're even into like danger, but they're in like a foul sea, right? They're not in the shit. Yeah. Oh, three hundred forty five seconds sound similar to clacking or tapping on the steel deck. Oh, three hundred forty seven seconds. Second mate, Rutrow, spoken in Scooby-Doo voice.
Starting point is 01:57:25 Yeah. That's yeah, I mean, and they're they're in denial. They're like the captain when the captain comes to the bridge, he's like, this is every day in Alaska. Typical one your day in Alaska. Yeah. This motherfucker in tropical cyclones. Yeah, this motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:57:42 I just I know exactly how he's standing when he's saying that I know his fucking thumbs are hooked. I hate this fucking guy. No, this captain. It's it's he literally in denial until his last words. And they spend they spend precious time trying to solve the problem instead of just fucking getting rid of the band and ship. And guess what?
Starting point is 01:58:05 If they had a band even in the hour before that they lost for false and they had a band and ship. Then those those boats would have they would have been fucked anyway. In it, they they there are what we'll get to the opportunities they had to turn around the many, many. You know, but he had people running around from from six to seven o'clock that day trying to solve the problem, trying to get the engines back start.
Starting point is 01:58:33 The propulsion back started trying to figure out where water was going to one one place to the other. And it's like, dude, have you ever dealt with anything ever? Like there's no manual. There's nothing like this is this is like a fair weather sailor who's never really encountered like anything serious before and just being completely out of his death depth. Well, also that too.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Yeah, that too. Yeah, let's look at the next one. So this is the Port Lifeboat, which didn't make it off during the second search mission. So this is what the Port Lifeboat looks like. They couldn't get it off the davit. Have we heard that problem before? Yeah, no. I mean, I guess when you only have one woman aboard,
Starting point is 01:59:16 it's easier to do the like women and children thing. I like how they say the reflective tape on the gunnels is is illuminated. Cool. I guess you have your sole last date. You're fucking that that's. Well, the tape still works. Yeah, they just required to be on your life jacket. You have to have so many square inches of sole last tape. So, you know, good, good, good thing that they didn't fuck up there.
Starting point is 01:59:39 It might not have been able to find it when it was still attached to the ship. Next slide is another picture from the same mission, because they couldn't find the voyage data recorder at the first two missions. So here's that they had to get fucking Paul, Paul Allen's boat to help. Here's here's the bridge and deck looking aft. There's a lot of damage, you know,
Starting point is 02:00:13 I don't like that the whole window frame was like canted on several days. Yeah, and it's hard to determine what of this is from the, you know, the the 15 was it. So like the three mile journey down. Right. Yeah. A lot of the containers were that there's some very interesting, like interesting pictures of containers just crushed. Like, like just like a lot of roosters just reduced to like a soup like a Modena.
Starting point is 02:00:43 Oh, yeah, we beat the cyclotron. It's called it's called it's called Neptune. Your roosters have been crushed into a cube. She's a perfectly cubicle rooster. Yeah, we have we have Boyan, Boyan, the French are happy. Let's look at the next slide. So Jesus, it's like it was here with a fucking torpedo. Yeah. So there's a couple of different
Starting point is 02:01:09 one of the conspiracy theories is there was a rogue wave. The modeling is that I don't I don't think in that area, the wave would be especially rogue. No. Yeah. Inside the fucking hurricane. The general consensus is like a second shooter. The portless got so bad that those vents got flooded. And once those vents got flooded, it was fucked. But we'll we'll take a look at that slide when we get to it.
Starting point is 02:01:35 But here's a fracture in the starboard side. And look how tiny those containers are like compared to the to the whole vessel. Yeah. And they they. They really fucked this, huh? Yeah. So immediately after the recovery operation, you know, we go to the what the fuck happened. Hmm. Right. So let's go to the next slide. Oh, here we go. Personal flotation device. This one fucks with me the most.
Starting point is 02:02:11 Because that's all that that to me tells you that someone was that's outside. Like they don't store that outside. Someone was trying to get off the boat and that got wrapped up in it. Like I think it may. Yeah. They don't they don't show you the pictures of the bodies. I would imagine they probably found them. They never do. But, you know, you know, I mean, that that depth. And for that long, you're like bones anyway, right?
Starting point is 02:02:35 Like, so this is by August the next year. Yeah, you've you've been eaten by crabs. Yes. Fifteen thousand deeper than the Titanic. You've been eaten by like dark fish. We don't even know what the horrible horrors of the depth. Yeah. Yeah. Now they've got a taste for human blood. Thanks to you. Nameless things that know the roots of the world.
Starting point is 02:02:58 Yeah. And now they now they know what people taste like. So thank you. Well, the thing is they have a taste for human blood. But if they come to the surface, they explode. So yeah, well, OK. Not a huge deal. And they don't really have a taste for human blood, because when you get sunk that far down, you know, just like oils or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. You're just you're just like a sieve of meat in a taste for wet marinara.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Yes. So, yeah, this one really fucks with me, though. This is the third mission. That's the third mission. They find the voice data recorder, which is where we have all the shit. And that next next is the investigation. So now we can go to the next one. So they were all union guys, right?
Starting point is 02:03:45 They were union men, except for the polls, because they were they were kind of just tagging along for that. I forget what they called. They called them something crew. Supernumerary or something. Supernumerary. Yeah. And they weren't passengers. They left they left the 33 chairs blank. And I this is where I highly suggest the NTSB doesn't report.
Starting point is 02:04:05 Doesn't get into the human side of thing as much where you have to go read that Rachel Slate book. She really talks about the family side of things and how fucking bullshit the investigations were. Toad pushes pushes the blame on the captain and says, this is this is the captain's fault. The captain's a master. The captain makes all the decisions. And the captain did fuck up.
Starting point is 02:04:28 But there was no supervision. Right. The captain had been not fired, but but had been issued two cautions previously, resigned his position and then was rehired two months later. Oh boy. He was criticized in reports for being what they what they called a bridge captain, not being a not being a kind of guy like, you know, because like if the captain, a good captain walks around the deck, he goes and says hi to the guys down in engineering.
Starting point is 02:04:56 And you go tour the ship, you get a walk in, you know. Yeah, you say you say hi to the guys. Yeah, and this guy doesn't because he's asleep. Yeah, yeah, he's got his sleepy time. T. Well, one of the issues one of the issues that came up in the report was the second mate was taking Nyquil Jesus to sleep. And they and one of that was they were trying to blame her
Starting point is 02:05:23 and say, well, she was taking Nyquil. Therefore, she wasn't fit for duty, but she was cleared in the investigation. They didn't and they didn't train him about any of the navigation software, right? Like there was no training for that. There was no training on the loading of the. So there really wasn't like any supervision of the loading of the vessel. The mates were there, but they were overworked. They were on these like really crazy schedules that
Starting point is 02:05:50 could have been violating union rules. The. So people were tired, they were overworked. This vessel was not properly maintained. There was a lot of like deferred maintenance on it. You know, the ship was rusting all over. It was a rust bucket. And when they interviewed a lot of the the NTSB stuff relies on evidence of like the second, the previous second mate.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Is the second mate that was on, it was like, I think her first. Positioned like it was like she was in two months. Yeah. So. It's typical capitalist shit. So the maintenance publication manager, the team, right? Like it was all just just do what you do. Like the mat that the seat, the C-suite people, you know, I'm going to have to do a Liam here show the right.
Starting point is 02:06:37 So every single C-suite member of Tote now and then should be. You mentioned something about the the workload that Tote were putting on them to like, what was the sort of like expectation in terms of like timings and stuff? And they wanted shit to be, they didn't want to divert because the margins on this run were very low because of labor costs being high
Starting point is 02:07:02 and because they were all union crew. So this is where like the Jones Act comes in. So some of the criticism, well, if we didn't have the Jones Act, they wouldn't have had dispensers of crews, which is because they never they wouldn't want to cut costs otherwise. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they never they know what's the captain was still American. Like what's the fucking if the same captain, but the crew was
Starting point is 02:07:22 a bunch of Filipino guys, they still would have been fucked. Although maybe the Filipinos would have been smart enough to fucking throw him off his ass off the boat. That's true. Turn it around. The Manila mafia does not fuck around. But yeah, the Coast Guard fucked up on oversight, right?
Starting point is 02:07:41 So they did they did not fully investigate this whole like, you know, alternate certification, shit, just alternative compliance. And one of the one of the recommendations from the NTSB was like, hey, you got to fix your shit, guys. This this is this is not a and they try very hard not to go after like companies and stuff. But if you read the conclusions, the NTSB, it's like written in as much as we can do without I'm going to get fired by whoever
Starting point is 02:08:08 totodate to pull it. Yeah, yeah, I'm just I'm just going to write the names and addresses of their board of directors here and this final part, this appendix of the report. And then, you know, you can just do whatever you want with that information. Email a couple copies to the families. You know, see what happens. Yeah, International Friends Day. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:30 So let's go to the next slide. I just want to show where the captain did fucked up. So each of these bullet, each of these points with writing is an opportunity for them to have turned around. So these are all the decision points that captain could have could have. Pulled off ramps. Right. Yeah. First course change. The exchange between the El Yonk and the El Faro with the El Yonk is like,
Starting point is 02:08:53 oh, shit, you should put the fuck you guys doing. You should probably duck in the Providence Channel. The Coast Guard warnings, the Cyclone advisory, the course change. The captain last on the bridge. He goes, takes his chamomile tea. It's a really early night, 7 57 p.m. I was about to say, yeah, he got he got his nine hours in. Yeah, he got up at four in the morning.
Starting point is 02:09:17 Yeah, he got a solid night's sleep. He was probably feeling great. Meanwhile, the crews were doing like six on six off. Yeah. Yeah, there's there's there's call on the call back home suggesting the route trying to call the captain to tell him the route change. Like they could have ducked, they literally could have ducked in and they went to the last fucking minute and drove right in.
Starting point is 02:09:40 The captain never listened to his crew. He was he died believing this Bon Voyage software confused. Like, I'm getting conflicting reports. It's like, no, you weren't. You were getting out of date reports. I'm getting conflicting reports. On the one hand, the the the forecast looks fine. On the other hand, I'm being killed. I wonder I wonder at what point the the shift happened.
Starting point is 02:10:02 I guess we'll never know between not understanding what's happening to you and understanding, but feeling the need to like lie to yourself about it. I really do wonder when that was. I wonder if it like he realized that when he was on the bridge and he got woken up from his little nappy time. He was like, oh, man, like this is going to brazen this out. I guess this is not Alaska anymore. Yeah, like at least after four a.m.
Starting point is 02:10:27 So he maybe had a minimum maximum three hours of like. I think I think I think he didn't. I think he only realized it when he called the the bandage ship. That's my personal opinion. But he it was like some like imagine someone like you have like real software and then you have your iPhone app telling you the weather and you are going to trust the iPhone app, like the little weather app on your phone. Going, oh, it's going to be sunny tomorrow.
Starting point is 02:10:55 Like it's going to smiling. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like, like no, no chance of anything bad happening whatsoever because the pretty software told me nothing bad would happen. I just a man who who died as he lived loving charts. Yes. Well, no, he liked he liked charts that came off a computer, but he didn't like them if they were done by hand.
Starting point is 02:11:19 Yeah. Yeah. Whomst among us? It's really didn't like pencils and marker pens. Yeah. He didn't like using the like the little compass. Yeah. Caliper because he like actually stabbed the stuff a couple of times. It's hard to do it on the chart table when the boats rock and roll.
Starting point is 02:11:33 That'll do it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, at least it's not pitching yet. You know, Jesus Christ. So I'd like it. I'd like to say this like there you go. There's the passive aggressive NTSB significant opportunities for decision making. Such like what can we learn from this fucking idiot? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:54 Don't do not don't just take your boat. Yeah, to a hurricane. Don't take the boat in a hurricane. It directly into the path of its eye. Yeah. Again, very difficult to achieve. And this guy blunders into it. You you have to hit a target.
Starting point is 02:12:11 Yeah, you have you have to aim for it and he managed to do it. All right. So let's look at what actually doomed the vessel. Probably a little water in it. Yeah. So the water you oh, Jesus, that's that's I'm getting my I'm getting my engineering degree off of this shit. Yeah. It's your British fucking taxes for work at work.
Starting point is 02:12:35 Oh, we're all fucking water in it. This is the very pissed standing there on the hurricane. I was I'm sure you have a bad try. Fucking out of water. I've never been in the eye wall of a hurricane. Imagine it might be quite inconvenient. Just doing this every time. Milo has implanted Kevin Bridges into my head.
Starting point is 02:13:03 It's going to do with the Irish Irish guys. I Jesus Christ, there's a fucking lower water. Oh, fuck. Jesus. Megora, Jesus, very Joseph Gage. This sort of shaking hands me for like pictures of jump all the second. Yeah. Oh, I'm going to have to get the fucking powerful on the line.
Starting point is 02:13:24 I lost the exit there, whatever. It's all right. So the ventilation supply trunk, those little blisters. It turns out that the boat had enough of a list. It started pouring and then dumps. Full sure it just dumps water into the bottom immediately. Yeah. And and the more water
Starting point is 02:13:44 and it was high up when they dog the the compartments that the the top was water. The second deck was watertight enough to to have it top heavy. So. Oh, boy. So and so you could see you could see that there, like on the left hand side. And once that moment are moved enough, you were fucked like there was no work that you the the point of no return
Starting point is 02:14:13 and they just flooded in. And so I know hindsight is twenty twenty. Right. And like it's easy to do this diagram when you've got all of the cool green water on there. But at some point during this, there was a plan of this in this view, albeit not tilted, that showed that and that showed the perforated permeable floor deck floor and someone looked at it and went, yeah, it's fine.
Starting point is 02:14:39 Yeah. So when they had that boat refit it and they're like, oh, we're adding these ventilation things to make it a row row. Yeah, we don't have to do a new stability diagram on this. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. That is just imagine that this floor is totally solid. Yeah. For regulatory purposes, a spherical row row ship. Yeah. Yeah. Gravity is exactly 10 meters per second square.
Starting point is 02:15:10 All right. So you've heard of Swiss cheese theory and risk management where like all the holes line up. Yeah. This this is you took the block of Swiss cheese and shot a gun at it and made your own hole all the way through. We're going to come up with a cool name for that theory. Swiss Swiss gun theory. Forgotten weapons theory.
Starting point is 02:15:41 Shooting a mandible through a one pound block is of a emin taller theory. Forging your own way through every single fucking possible safety measure. Yeah. And we're laughing at this, but there's like fucking people. Horrible human consequences as ever. As I have two fears in my life. One is getting stuck in a cave when water is rising. Yeah. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:16:18 Yeah. So listen to that episode. The second is being thrown into the middle of the ocean during a raging storm. And that if you stayed on the boat, you could combine both of those. Yeah. And and who knows how many of those guys met their fate that way? Yeah. I mean, all of them, one or the other, I feel like. Some of them didn't make it off. But because they did found they found the merchant suits.
Starting point is 02:16:46 Oh, yeah, jackets. They did they did find one body, but they the weather was too bad. They couldn't recover it. Like they lost a little data marker buoy they throw down. And yeah. So. So let's let's let's go to the next slide. What did we learn? What did we learn today, kids?
Starting point is 02:17:07 All right. So click click again. So so what do we what do we learn today? Kids, a mutiny as early as possible. Yes, mutiny, nearly mutiny often. You know, it's good. Be like the other Baham Bahamanians have your own pirate. I mean, having a rigid structure of rank is both a benefit and hazards. It make your boat more rigid.
Starting point is 02:17:39 Yeah. Don't drive your boat into a hurricane. Directly into a hurricane. Directly. Yeah. Defiance of all data telling you otherwise. Try and miss the hurricane. Try and go around computers. Once again, our bad. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:57 Trust the government more than private companies. Do the Butlerian jihad. Yes. The bureaucracy is good, actually. As long as it's not captured. The thing about the Butlerian jihad is it's better to get it over with earlier because it only gets harder as the technology gets more advanced.
Starting point is 02:18:16 Doing the Butlerian jihad with a spinning wheel, way easier. Yeah. Or before we have like AI. And then you still have Zensuni and Zenshia somehow. Yes. The divide, the divide never, never ends. So that's right. The captain made shitty calls. They didn't do any risk management.
Starting point is 02:18:36 The life boats were appropriate for the 1920s. The boat itself sucked. It was not designed to go in a hurricane. It was designed for Alaska. Then it was refitted and was it changed? There was literally like no oversight by anybody. Is there a lifeboat built that could have survived those those seas? The orange, the orange one that is like the fun slide.
Starting point is 02:19:04 Yeah. Oh, yeah, those ones. Yeah. Yeah. You just you just open it up and they pour you out at the end and you're fine. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's like scrambled eggs on the inside. Yeah. But yeah, I think it's fine. Yeah, that was one of the recommendations was of the it was like, can we not grandfather old
Starting point is 02:19:24 shit in like with life, life boats? But didn't we learn this lesson? No. Like how many times we have to tell you this old man? Like Jesus Christ. Yeah. And and capitalism is bad. Yeah, a ball of capitalism. So so applying dialectal materialism. This this is a capitalism's fault.
Starting point is 02:19:46 Yes, that's true. Wow. So it's simple as that's what you like to say. That's how dialectical materialism works. Love love boats. Hey, capitalism, simple as yes. It's all right. Well, we was segment on this podcast called Safety Third. I think about that sloppy wet. Hey, hey, that's the name of my my transfer fever to map that I have
Starting point is 02:20:13 to update for the new for the new update, which I probably won't ever do. That's nice. Hey, transfer fever, the game that I should play since the new update probably never will. Yes, I thought that it was kind of underwhelming personally. Too much work to like modify all the shit. So it's a cohesive thing instead of a random jumble of vehicles. And then it doesn't work because you've modded it too much.
Starting point is 02:20:35 Yeah, they just they just die. You know, if they could do multiplayer on that game, it'd be so much better. But, you know, because it's just like single player and it's kind of boring. Just watching the trains go back and forth, you know. No, that's what I like. That's my shit. That's the shit to me. Take take the open TTD and just put it put it 3D graphics on it. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:20:57 Howdy, W. T. Y. P. Trio and guest. Maybe kind of guess is more to the is temporary part of the trip. I didn't think of that. Yeah, yeah, we outwitted you once again, idiot. Fucking moron. It is your favorite shit. It is your favorite neighborhood electrician, the one from the I story.
Starting point is 02:21:18 Oh, no, no, I told that one like like I like it was like a friend of mine. I was like, oh, yeah, I heard about this guy, my friend. He like almost guys, I take it out like shit. That's that's one of the like favorite fringe benefits of this podcast is you get like war stories from work that you didn't do. Yes. Hey, hey, hold on. Hold on. Before we get started, where's my safety third? Good question.
Starting point is 02:21:43 All right. Yeah. There, Mike, you go. They I have a cautionary tale that maybe you'll get some enjoyment out of at my expense. Our story starts out on a shitty Thursday afternoon, working on an addition to a freezer warehouse. Me and my journeyman. Here's my journeyman and I had. No, what be me and my journeyman?
Starting point is 02:22:09 My journeyman and I is the affectation. Me and my journeyman had been. Had been fighting. So what had happened? What happened was what's I'm an English teacher, so we can we can work on this. Yes. Yeah, let's I mean, I'm not being a prescriptivist. They're probably both fine. But we need that we need to be able to break out our clauses here a little bit.
Starting point is 02:22:31 Yeah, let's let's start diagramming this sentence. All right. So yeah, my journeyman. Me and my journeyman is the subject. Had been been is the. Verb. Yeah. It's the auxiliary verb indicating that it's had been fighting. So it's so it's present imperfect. OK, OK, right.
Starting point is 02:22:55 And all right, glad we're all on the same page here. Had been fighting all day. And that night, my buddies invited me out for drinks, which I gladly accepted. Now, this sentence has got a shit ton more complicated. Yeah, I need a bigger blackboard here. This is this is a Tolkien sense. Yeah. Needless to say, Thursday night turned into Friday morning. And I still hadn't made it to bed.
Starting point is 02:23:19 And I for sure wasn't entirely sober. Reasonable. I woke up in two hours later with one of the worst hangovers I've had in recent memory and still had to drive 45 minutes to work since I live in Bumfuck, nowhere. I mean, you're not even hung over. You're just still drunk. I had to drive home. I remember driving home like in New Jersey to Philly one time
Starting point is 02:23:44 for 40 months with a hangover. It's not fun. It's not good. Yeah. Yeah. I made my daily stop at a local gas station for my healthy breakfast of nicotine and caffeine. Yeah, breakfast of champions, which I then used to wash down my Adderall because that's how construction goes sometimes and my brain is bad. Oh, that that that caffeine and Adderall synergy.
Starting point is 02:24:06 Yeah, that if you don't have mania, that's how you get it. This morning was something special, though. So I grabbed one of the new on the market bang energy drinks. Since I that's the one for guys who fuck. Since I heard they were twice as strong as the normal ones. Winding up this big fucking Casapult pointed at myself. Double fuck. Come flavored.
Starting point is 02:24:43 I mean, I see it's got creatine in there, so probably. Fast forward to the job site. We're got the fantastic news that I'll be working on the rooftop. Chiller units, these units are alcohol, Adderall, caffeine, sleep deprivation, pouring, pouring, creatine and cum. The perfect mixture for working at height. Yeah, that's a that's actually that's actually a refrigerant. Yeah, they started using that after they got rid of the fucking
Starting point is 02:25:17 the shit that is free on the CFCs. Yeah. Yeah. These are the CFC in this case stands for cum flavor cum. These these filler units. It wasn't the pineapple flavored energy drink. Which you buy it when you're like, honey, I want to try something different. Blasting out through the ozone line. Oh, no, there's the International Space Station.
Starting point is 02:25:57 That's how Skylab got that fucking solar panel room through is because of the CFCs. That's what they were with the wet workshop model for Skylab. We're a serious podcast. Oh, fuck. These units are mounted in a special room on the roof with a great floor. So the freezing air they produce can sink down into the massive room below.
Starting point is 02:26:41 Uh-huh. Sure. Yeah, since this is an expansion, the only rooftop at rooftop access is through the old mechanical area. And it's haunted. Yeah, so the journey goes as follows. A 200 yard. It's a cum ghost. A two.
Starting point is 02:26:58 I mean, that's what you think active plasma is. Come on, it's a good point. Yeah, a 200 yard walk to the electrical room to get to the ladder. Climb said 55 foot ladder to the roof. Walk 300 yards over to the chiller room. Mm hmm. Oh, and did I mention that there are no ladders or stairs installed to help you get under and over the spaghetti nightmare of massive coolant lines?
Starting point is 02:27:21 I've read that spaghetti marinara. And various other things for maintenance past. Since I was just a third year apprentice at the time, I had to carry all my journeyman's tools and my own all together, probably about 70 pounds of stuff. Needless fucking assault course. Yeah. Needless to say, my stomach wasn't doing so hard by the time I made it. Well, I mean, between the fucking Adderall of nicotine and caffeine
Starting point is 02:27:49 and the marching and the climbing and the carrying a shitload of heavy stuff, you're having an experience last had by a guy invading France in 1940. Yes, you just start seeing Erica out of nowhere. Yeah, the black. You just see a black sun in the sky. I don't remember the sun used to look like that. Weird shit, especially, especially with the absolute nuke. I delivered to it a little over an hour before.
Starting point is 02:28:15 All right. So did he shit in the corner? I shit so hard that I broke the sound barrier. Now make two counties over. I have. That's impressive. You know, I think you're a medal for that. I think for some reason, this guy's Australian. He may not be, though. I don't know why that's in my head.
Starting point is 02:28:43 And I was like, the counties are big. They took a new little shit in your fucking pipes. Rack off, rack off me. New rookie, rookie, rookie, I have no problem with heights. I had been rock climbing for quite some time by that point. I was normally unfazed by them. When I got into that room, shut the door behind me and look down.
Starting point is 02:29:03 A spiraling void stared back at me. Oh, fuck, it's Nietzsche collapse from the nausea. And I went down to my hands and knees. Then my stomach crunched the vomit and I noticed the spiraling black dots below me. Our people just starting their Friday morning. Oh, no. If one of those dots stopped moving.
Starting point is 02:29:26 Yeah, I willed myself back up to my feet and tried the door. It was locked. Here I am, 55 feet from the floor about to vomit on like six people. You wouldn't even fucking know what happened to you. Like if I if I was coming into work and I was hit by like Trady vomit from 50 feet up
Starting point is 02:29:52 from the fucking ceiling with no warning. You got to you got to I would I would like will myself to die rather than try and figure out what had just happened to me. Bang energy, bang energy, fucking vomit. Just get get hit with like blue raspberry. A hundred yards away. Smell it coming for the split second before it hits you like a sniper. You hear the COD sound.
Starting point is 02:30:20 Then the door behind me opens and it's my journeyman. And I instantly vomit in his shoes. Fucking had it coming. Now, the lesson learned here is this, don't go to work hungover if you don't absolutely have to. It's dangerous to drive while still kind of fucked up. And I regret it to this day. Plus being drunk at work while fun is dangerous for everyone around you.
Starting point is 02:30:49 Oh, fuck. Just in shoes. Yeah. And as never as for my journeyman shoes, I didn't feel bad at all. Technically, it was all his fault anyway for being a giant cunt the day before. That's right. Yeah, there you go. That's right. Rack off me, cunt.
Starting point is 02:31:09 Yeah, I'll rock off my fucking cunt. The attached picture is some pipe work I did on the job. Kind of shows you how high the ceiling is. I unfortunately didn't get any pictures from the chiller room itself. Seeing as how I wanted to forget that place as soon as possible. That's that's an incredible fucking story. Yeah, I love it. Oh, man.
Starting point is 02:31:31 That, yeah, don't don't go to work. I don't go to work and we're finally doing anti-work shit. It's off the basis of this. If you go to work, you might throw up on somebody from like three floors up. It's true. I I I've never taught hangover. There's an asterisk with me saying that. It I can imagine it being the worst, absolutely possible hell being in front of high school as well.
Starting point is 02:31:55 Hangover. So yeah, fuck that shit. We had a. We had a teacher at my high school that did that occasionally. That's a different story with some with some buying energy. It's a matter of at North Catholic, which RIP, fuck you, Justin Macaulay, for closing it. They we had a teacher called Mr. Fitts, who had a time you're a nice Irish boy.
Starting point is 02:32:19 No, I was Mr. Fitts. I'm a nice Irish boy. Anyway, make sure you never drink Protestant whiskey as he was like to be fed a bush mules of shit. I mean, I mean, Jerry says not that much better. But as he was closing the fucking drawer, like, you know, that he was looking at way too intently, like we had a flask in there. So. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:38 Oh, our school just openly, they had a liquor cabinet in the teacher's lounge. Those are the days. These days, because of political correctness, you know, I can't even bring a beer to school. I asked, I said, can I bring those Budweiser zeroes to have literally zero alcohol? And they said, no, because it's beer, it's still a bad example. Yeah, bullshit, bullshit. I'm going to put it, I'm going to put it in a cup and you wouldn't be able to know.
Starting point is 02:33:07 Yeah, I joined my bread soda. Yeah. Yeah, breathalyze me. See what happens. Well, that was safety third. Yeah. Shake hands for danger. Our next episode is on the Boston Molasses disaster. Does anyone have any commercials before we go?
Starting point is 02:33:26 Ten K losses. And yes, listen, 1000 losses. Listen to 10,000 losses, which this week I'm missing a Liam. So I'm going to put out a bonus episode of rock one. You always get a replacement, Liam. Yeah, that's what we did today. That's that's hard to do. For my podcast, so but you two are both beyond for bonus episodes.
Starting point is 02:33:52 Get it. Get it here now. It's long. Yeah. No way to back out of it now. This is true. Yes, I will say this. I will do a bonus episode. I will use the word sport. Spore. I already have used it.
Starting point is 02:34:06 I used it like the last episode. So yeah. Yeah, so it's a Philly sports podcast, but we're kind of starting to branch out a little bit to just discussing the intersection. Yeah, with with there's no slides, but we do curse a lot and we have fun. So come so come do that. Yeah, do that. Subscribe to all of my shit, too.
Starting point is 02:34:29 Yes, Justin. Do you got other shit going on? Probably I assume my current one is being sick. Yeah, yeah. Having the vapors. Yes, subscribe. Subscribe to Justin being sick. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:43 I'm realizing I'm paying ten dollars a month to be on this podcast. Yeah. Yeah, it's a metro. It's also a two drink minimum. Yeah. Oh, I I I took care of that. Yeah, that's that's good. Thanks so much for coming on. Yeah, genuinely a lifesaver. Yeah, thanks.
Starting point is 02:35:01 Thank you for doing all the work on the slides. Yes. Yeah. Including the effects. I was teaching. Yeah, so hopefully this doesn't go down when the reddit where they where they do this, they have like a tier maker. So hopefully this is an S tier episode. Yeah, I I I've seen those posts.
Starting point is 02:35:21 And you know what? I looked at and I was like, I don't need this kind of judgment in my life. Yeah, I don't have a look at the posts. I never look never go on Reddit. When they talk about you, Roz, I want to punch them all. Good. Excellent. Well, bye, everyone.
Starting point is 02:35:39 Yeah, bye, everyone. Bye.

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